ii i i i Hi I > SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOLUME 58, NUMBER 2 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE GEOLOGY AND MINERALOGY OF TIN BY FRANK L. HESS and EVA HESS (PUBLICATION 1987^) ; ;Vj ^ CITY OF WASHINGTON PUBLISHED BY THE SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION 1912 Borfc (g'afftwore (p BALTIMORE, MD., U. S. A. CONTENTS PAGE Introduction 1 List of journals and other publications to which reference is made, with abbreviations used 3 I. Bibliography arranged by countries: Africa 19 Alabama 21 Alaska N 21 Argentine Republic 25 Asia 25 Australia 26 Austria -. 28 Banka 29 Billiton 34 Bolivia 36 Burmah 45 California 48 Canada 50 Cape Colony 51 Carolina, North and South 52 Ceylon 54 Chili 55 China 55 Colorado 57 Congo 57 East Indies 58 England 61 Europe 84 Finland 84 France 85 French Guiana 89 Georgia 89 Germany 89 Greenland 96 Honduras 97 Idaho 97 India 97 Ireland 98 Italy 100 iii iv CONTENTS PAGE Japan 103 Kamerun 104 Korea 104 Laos 104 Madagascar 105 Maine 105 Malay Peninsula 106 Massachusetts 118 Mexico 119 Michigan 123 Missouri 123 Montana 123 Nevada 123 Newfoundland 123 New Guinea 124 New Hampshire 124 New Jersey 124 New South Wales 124 New Zealand 132 Nigeria 132 North America .' 133 Northern Territory 133 Norway 134 Perak 134 Persia 134 Peru 134 Philippine Islands 135 Portugal 135 Queensland 136 Russia 144 Santo Domingo 145 Scotland 145 Siam ; 145 Siberia 146 South America 148 South Australia 148 South Dakota 148 Spain 155 Swaziland 158 Sweden 160 Tasmania 160 Texas 174 Transvaal and Rhodesia 175 United States 179 Victoria 183 Virginia .186 CONTENTS V PAGE Washington 187 Western Australia 187 Wyoming 190 II. General Bibliography 191 III. History ^ 203 IV. Metallurgy and Chemistry * 209 V. Mineralogy 226 VI. Mining and Milling 234 VII. Statistics 237 Index (prepared by Lancaster D. Burling) 241 INTRODUCTION Some years ago when one of the authors of this work was engaged in looking up authorities upon tin deposits, no list of the papers on even such noted occurrences as those of Great Britain, Germany, or the Malay Peninsula was to be found, while it required much effort and continued search to find what had been written upon Bolivia and the lesser known localities. No monographic work covered the field, for many discoveries and great developments had taken place since the appearance of the only compre- hensive book, E. Eeyer's " Zinn," in 1880, and his bibliographic references were often indefinite and far from complete. There seemed to be real need for an extensive bibliography, and during five years one or both authors have been engaged a considerable part of the time in the col- lection and digestion of material for such a publication. Since the work was begun Sydney Fawns' " Tin Deposits of the World " has appeared, but the list of authorities given is not extensive. Owing to the circumstances under which the work was done the notes upon the papers listed do not consistently follow one plan. Little attempt has been made to digest works in foreign languages. Of those in English, some are digested, some have the contents noted, and, in a few cases, where it conveys a good idea of the matter treated, only the title is given. In digesting articles upon the geology of tin deposits it has been aimed to give, where possible, (a) the country rocks, (b) age, (c) origin of the deposits, (d) accompanying minerals, (e) economic importance, and (f) other details of value. When desiring to consult the literature of tin deposits it is believed that as a rule persons will wish to know about the tin-bearing veins, dikes, or placers of a particular country or district, and in the arrange- ment of this bibliography the works are, where possible, placed under the names of the countries in which are located the tin deposits of which they treat. The names of the countries follow each other in alphabetic order, and under each heading names of authors are in similar order. SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS, VOL. 58, No. 2 2 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 58 Anonymous articles are listed under "Anon." which takes its place in the alphabetic sequence. Where more than one article occurs under " Anon." they are arranged chronologically. Where deposits in a number of countries are treated in one article, the title is placed under the heading " General." Works treating preponderantly of the extraction, handling, and re- duction of tin ores are placed under " Mining and Milling " and " Metallurgy." The lists given under these subjects are not published with the idea that they are complete and no effort has been made to make them so, but as important articles were met, it seemed best to note them, in the hope that even an incomplete list might be of use to many persons who desire only a certain amount of general knowledge upon the subject. The lists may serve, also, as a nucleus for some who w^ish to pursue the subject further. Headings other than " General " and names of countries form a second alphabetic list which follows the list of countries. In the geological portion of the bibliography it is believed that no im- portant paper upon tin appearing up to the middle of 1908 has been omitted. Following this prefatory note will be found the abbreviations used for journals referred to in the work. The bibliography is classified as follows: I, By Countries; II, General; III, History; IV, Metallurgy and Chemistry; V, Mineralogy; VI, Mining and Milling; VII, Statis- tics. It is thought that the exhaustive index prepared by Mr. Lancaster D. Burling will supplement the arrangement of articles under countries and make the finding of particular papers comparatively easy. FRANK L. HESS. EVA HESS. LIST OF JOURNALS AND OTHER PUBLICATIONS TO WHICH REFERENCE IS MADE, WITH ABBREVIATIONS USED Abh. math. phys. Classe kon. bay. Abhandlungen der mathematisch- Akad. Wiss. physikalischen Classe der koniglich bayerische Akademie der Wissen- schaften, Miinchen. Actes Soc. sci. Chili Actes de la Societe scientifique du Chili, Santiago. Amer. Chem. Journ American Chemical Journal, Balti- more. Amer. Geol American Geologist, Minneapolis. In- corporated in 1906 with Economic Geology, Lancaster, Pa. Amer. Inst. Mg. Eng American Institute of Mining Engi- neers, New York. Transactions of the American Insti- tute of Mining Engineers, New York. Bulletin of the American Institute of Mining Engineers, New York. Bi-monthly Bulletin of the American Institute of Mining Engineers, New York. Amer. Journ. Sci. Arts American Journal of Science and Arts, New Haven. American Journal of Science after Vol. 19, 1880. Amer. Journ. Mg. Mill. Oilb. Geol. American Journal of Mining, Milling, Min. Met. Oilboring, Geology, Mineralogy, Met- allurgy, New York. In 1866 title changed to Engineering and Mining Journal, New York. Amer. Mf r. Iron World American Manufacturer and Iron World, Pittsburg. Amer. Mg. Rev American Mining Review (now Min- ing Review), Los Angeles. Amer. Philos. Soc Proceedings of the American Philo- sophical Society, Philadelphia. Ann. Brit! Geol Annals of British Geology. By J. F. Blake, London. Ann. Chem. Pharm Annalen der Chemie und Pharmacie, Heidelberg. 4 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 58 Ann. Chim. Phys Annales de Chimie et de Physique, Paris. Ann. Ge"n. Civ Annales du G4nie Civil, Paris. Ann. Indust. nat. tr Annales de 1'Industrie nationale et etrangere, Paris. Ann. Mines Annales des Mines, Paris. Ann. New York Acad. Sci Annals of New York Academy of Sciences, New York. Ann. Philos. Mag. Chein. Min. Mech. Annals of Philosophy or Magazine of Nat. Hist. Agr. Arts. Chemistry, Mineralogy, Mechanics, Natural History, Agriculture and the Arts, London. Ann. Philos.. ., Annals of Philosophy, London. Ann. Physik. Chem Annalen der Physik und Chemie, by Julius C. Poggendorff, Leipzig. Ann. Progr. Rep. Geol. Surv. West- Annual Progress Report of the Geo- ern Australia. logical Survey of Western Australia, Perth. Ann. Rep. Board Reg. Smithsonian Annual Report of the Board of Re- Institution, gents of the Smithsonian Institu- tion, Washington, D. C. Ann. Rep. California State Min Annual Report of the California State Mineralogist, Sacramento. Ann. Rep. Dep. Mines, New South Annual Report Department of Mines, Wales. New South Wales, Sydney. Ann. Rep. Dir. U. S. Geol. Surv Annual Report of the Director of the United States Geological Survey, Washington, D. C. Ann. Rep. Geol. Surv. Canada Annual Report of the Geological Sur- vey of Canada, Ottawa. Ann. Rep. Geol. Surv. Texas Annual Report of the Geological Sur- vey of Texas, Austin. Ann. Rep. Roy. Cornwall Polyt. Soc. . . Annual Report of the Royal Cornwall Polytechnic Society, Falmouth. Ann. Rep. Roy. Inst. Cornwall Annual Report of the Royal Institu- tion of Cornwall, Truro. Ann. Rep. School Mines Zeehan Annual Report of the School of Mines Zeehan, Zeehan, Tasmania. Ann. Rep. Seer. Mines Water Supply. . Annual Report of the Secretary for Mines and Water Supply, Melbourne. Ann. Rep. Trans. Plymouth Inst. Annual Report and Transactions of Devon and Cornwall Nat. Hist. Soc. the Plymouth Institution and Devon and Cornwall Natural History Society, Plymouth. Ann. Rep. Under-Secretary for Mines, Annual Report of the Under-Secretary Queensland. for Mines, Queensland, Brisbane. NO. 2 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TIN HESS 5 Ann. Sci. Nat Annales des Sciences Naturelles, Paris. Ann. Soc. geol. Belg Annales de la Socie"te ge"ologique de Belgique, Li6ge. Ann. Voy Annales des Voyages, etc., Paris. Title changes: Nouvelles Annales des Voyages et des Sciences Geographi- que, Paris. Arch. Bergb. Hiitt Archiv fur Bergbau und Hiittenwesen. By C. J. B. Karsten, Breslau und Berlin. Title changes: Archiv fur Mineralogie, Geognosie, Bergbau und Hiittenkunde. Arch. Miner. Geogn. Bergb. Hiitt Archiv fur Mineralogie, Geognosie, Bergbau und Hiittenkunde. By C. J. B. Karsten und H. v. Dechen, Berlin. See also Arch. Bergb. Hiitt. Arch. Miss. sci. litt Archives des Missions scientifiques et litteraires, Paris. Atti R. Accad. Lincei. (Trans, or Atti della Reale Accademia dei Lincei Mem.) (Transunti or Memorie), Roma. Ausland Das Ausland, Stuttgart und Miinchen. Austr. Ass. Adv. Sci Australasian Association for the Ad- vancement of Science, Sydney. Austr. Mg. Eng. Rev Australian Mining and Engineering Review, Melbourne and Sydney. Austr. Mg. Stand Australian Mining Standard, Sydney and Melbourne. Berg. Hiitt. Zeit Berg- und hiittenmannische Zeitung, Leipzig. Bi-mo. Bull. Amer. Inst. Mg. Eng Bi-monthly Bulletin of the American Institute of Mining Engineers, New York. Bol. Com. Mapa Geol. Espana Boletin de la Comision del Mapa Geologico de Espana, Madrid. Bol. Inst. Geol. Mexico Boletin del Institute Geologico de Mexico, Mexico. Bol. Min. Indust. Constr Boletin de Minas Industria y Construc- ciones, Lima. Bol. R. Com. geol. Italia Bollettino Reale Comitato geologico d'ltalia, Roma. Bol. Seer. Pom Boletin de la Secretarla de Fomento, Mexico. Bol. Soc. esp. Hist. Nat Boletin de la Sociedad espanola de Historia Natural, Madrid. Bol. Soc. Ing Boletin de la Sociedad de Ingenieros, Lima, Peru. SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 58 Bol. Soc. Nac. Min Boletin de la Sociedad Nacional Mi- nerfa, Lima. British Columbia Mg. Rec British Columbia Mining Record, Victoria. Brit. Mfr. Indust British Manufacturing Industries. Edited by G. Phillips Beven, London. Bull. Imp. Inst. Great Britain Bulletin of the Imperial Institute of Great Britain, London. Bull. Inst. Mg. Met T Bulletin of the Institution of Mining and Metallurgy, London. Bull. Geol. Surv. Alabama Bulletin of the Geological Survey of Alabama, Montgomery. Bull. Mines Indust. or Bulletin des Mines et de 1'Industrie de 1'or, Tomsk. Bull. North Carolina Geol. Surv North Carolina Geological Survey, Bul- letin, Raleigh. Bull. Soc. beige Ge"ol. Pal. Hydr Bulletin de la Societe beige de Geologic de Paleontologie & d'Hydrologie, Bruxelles. Bull. Soc. frang. Min Bulletin de la Societe frangaise de Mineralogie, Paris. Bull. Soc. G6ogr Bulletin de la Societe de Geographic, Paris. Bull. Soc. geol. Belgique Bulletin de la Societe geologique de Belgique, Liege. Bull. Soc. ge"ol. France Bulletin de la SociSte" geologique de France, Paris. Bull. Soc. Hist. nat. Toulouse Bulletin de la Societe d'Histoire natu- relle de Toulouse, Toulouse. Bull. Soc. Indust. min Bulletin de la Societe de 1'Industrie minerale, Saint-Etienne. Bull. Soc. sci. me"d. Quest Bulletin Socie'te' scientifique et medi- cale de 1'Ouest, Rennes. Bull. South Dakota Geol. Surv South Dakota Geological Survey Bul- letin, Vermillion. Bull. U. S. Geol. Geogr. Surv. Terr Bulletin of the United States Geologi- cal and Geographical Survey of the Territories, F. V. Hayden, U. S. Geologist-in-charge, Washington, D. C. Bull. Western Australia Geol. Surv Western Australia Geological Survey Bulletin, Perth. Calcutta Journ. Nat. Hist Calcutta Journal of Natural History, by McClelland, Calcutta. California Journ. Techn California Journal of Technology, Berkeley. Can. Mg. Rev The Canadian Mining Review, Mont- real. NO. 2 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TIN HESS 7 Chem. Abs Chemical Abstracts, Easton, Pa. Chem. Engr The Chemical Engineer, Chicago. Chem. Gaz Chemical Gazette, London. Chem. News Chemical News, London. Coll. Guard Colliery Guardian, London. Cienc. Indust Ciencia e Industrias, Buenos Aires. C. R. Acad. Sci Comptes Rendus de 1'Academle des Sciences, Paris. Dep. Mines Geol. Surv., New South Department of Mines, Geological Sur- Wales. vey of New South Wales, Sydney. Dublin Univers. Mag Dublin University Magazine, Dublin. Echo des Mines Echo des Mines, Saint Etienne. Econ. Geol Economic Geology with which is in- corporated the American Geologist, Lancaster, Pa. Edinburgh New Philos. Journ Edinburgh New Philosophical Journal, Edinburgh. Electr. Eng Electrical Engineer, New York. Engineer The Engineer, London. Engineering Engineering, London. Eng. Mag Engineering Magazine, New York and London. Eng. Mg. Journ Engineering and Mining Journal, New York. See American Journal of Mining, Milling, Oilboring, Geology, Mineralogy, Metallurgy. Eng. News Amer. Railw. Journ Engineering News and American Rail- way Journal, New York. Erl. geol. Specialkarte Kon. Sachsen . Erlauterungen zur geologischen Spe- cialkarte des Konigreichs Sachsen, Leipzig. Geol. Centr. Geologisches Centralblatt, Leipzig. Geol. For. Stockholm Forh Geologiska Foreningens i Stockholm 'Forhandlingar, Stockholm. Geol. Mag ; Geological Magazine, London. Geol. Minas Geologia y Minas, Buenos Aires. Title changed in 1909 to Ciencia 6 Indus- trias. Geol. Rec The Geological Record. Edited by Wm. Whitaker, London. Ges. Nat. Freunde Berlin Mag. neuest. Der Gesellschaft naturforschender Entd. Ges. Nat. Freunde zu Berlin Magazin fur die neuesten Entdeckungen in der Ge- sammten Naturkunde, Berlin. Glean. Sci Gleanings in Science, Calcutta. V 8 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 58 Gliick. Berg, hiitt. Zeit. Nied. Westph. Gliickauf; Berg- und hiittenmannische Zeitung fiir den Niederrhein und Westphalen, Essen (Ruhr.). Illustration L'lllustration, Journal universel, Paris. Imp. Inst. Tech. Rep. and Sci. Papers. Imperial Institute Technical Report and Scientific Papers, London. Ind. Eng Indian Engineering, Calcutta. Indust. Iron Industries and Iron, London. Form- erly Iron, the Journal of Science, Metals and Manufactures, London. Institut L'Institut Journal des sciences et des Societes savantes en France et a I'Stranger, Paris. Iron Iron. The Journal of Science, Metals and Manufactures. Continued from 1893 as Industries and Iron, a Journal for the Engineering, Elec- trical, Chemical and Metallurgical Trades, London. Iron Age Iron Age, New York. Jaarb. Mijnw. Ned. Oost-Indie Jaarboek van het Mijnwezen in Neder- landsch Oost-Indie, Amsterdam. Jahrb. Berg. Hiitt. Kon. Sachsen Jahrbuch fiir das Berg- und Hiitten- wesen im Konigreiche Sachsen, Frei- berg. Jahrb. k. k. geol. Reichs Jahrbuch der kaiserlich-koniglichen geologischen Reichsanstalt, Wien. Jahrb. Min. Geogn. Geol. Petr Jahrbuch fiir Mineralogie, Geognosie, Geologic und Petrefactenkunde; von Leonhard Heidelberg. Far later series see Neues Jarbuch fiir Min- eralogie, Stuttgart. Jahr. Chem Jahresbericht iiber die Fortschritte der Chemie und verwandter Theile anderer Wissenschaften, Giessen. Jern-Kont. Ann Jern-Kontorets Annaler, Stockholm. Journ. Appl. Sci Journal of Applied Science, London. Journ. Asiat. Soc. Bengal Journal of the Asiatic Society of Ben- gal, Calcutta. Journ. Bath West England Soc Journal of Bath and the West of Eng- land Society (and Southern Coun- ties Association for the Encourage- ment of Agriculture, Arts, Manufac- ture and Commerce), Bath. NO. 2 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TIN HESS 9 Journ. Chem. Met. Min. Soc. South Journal of the Chemical, Metallurgical Africa. and Mineralogical Society of South Africa, Johannesburg. Journ. Chem. Soc. London Journal of the Chemical Society of London. Formerly Quarterly Jour- nal of the Chemical Society. Jour. College Sci. Imp. Univers. Journal of the College of Science of the Tokyo. Imperial University, Tokyo. Journ. Elisha Mitchell Sci. Soc Journal of the Elisha Mitchell Scien- tific Society, Raleigh. Journ. Franklin Inst Journal of the Franklin Institute, Philadelphia. Journ. Geol Journal of Geology, Chicago. Journ. Geol. Soc. Dublin Journal of the Geological Society of Dublin, Dublin. Journ. Indian Arch. East Asia Journal of the Indian Archipelago and Eastern Asia, Singapore. Journ. Mines Journal des Mines, Paris. Journ. Nat. Philos. Chem. Arts Journal of Natural Philosophy, Chem- istry and the Arts, London. Journ. Pharm Journal de Pharmacie (et des Sciences accessoires contenant le Bulletin des Travaux de la Societe de Pharmacie de Paris), Paris. Journ. prakt. Chem Journal fur praktische Chemie. Otto Linne Erdmann, Leipzig. Journ. Print. Pap. Parl. Tasmania. . . . Journal and Printed Papers of the Parliament of Tasmania, Hobart. Journ. Proc. Roy. Soc., New South Journal and Proceedings of the Royal Wales. Society of New South Wales, Sydney. Journ. Roy. Geol. Soc. Ireland Journal of the Royal Geological So- ciety of Ireland. London, Dublin and Edinburgh. Journ. Roy. Inst. Cornwall Journal of the Royal Institution of Cornwall, Truro. Journ. Soc. Arts Journal of the Society of Arts, Lon- don. Journ. Straits Branch Roy. Asiatic Journal of the Straits Branch of the Soc. Royal Asiatic Society, Singapore. Kon. Nat. Tijdschr. Ned.-Indie Koninklijk Natuurkundig Tijdschrift van Nederlandsch-Indie, Batavia. Kon. Schwed. Akad. Wiss. Abh. Nat. Koniglich Schwedische Akademie der Haush. Mech. Wissenschaften. Abhandlungen aus der Naturlehre, Haushaltungskunst und Mechanik, Leipzig. La Nature La Nature, Paris. 10 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 58 London, Edinburgh, Dublin Philos. London, Edinburgh and Dublin Phil- Mag. Journ. Sci. osophical Magazine and Journal of Science, London. London and Edinburgh Philos. Mag. London and Edinburgh Philosophical Journ. Sci. Magazine and Journal of Science, London. " Lotos " Zeitschr. Nat " Lotos," Zeitschrif t f iir Naturwissen- schaften, Prag. Mech. Eng The Mechanical Engineer, London. Mech. Mag Mechanics' Magazine, London. Medd. Gronl Meddelelser om Gronland, Kj0benhavn. Mem. descr. Carta Geol. Italia Memorie descrittive della Carta Geolo- gica d'ltalia, Roma. Mem. Com. Mapa Geol. Espana Memoria de la Comision del Mapa Geo- logico de Espana, Madrid. Mem. Geol. Surv. Great Britain Memoirs of the Geological Survey of Great Britain, London. Mem. Geol. Surv. New South Wales Memoirs of the Geological Survey New South Wales, Sydney. Mem. Geol. Surv. Summ. Progr. Memoirs of the Geological Survey. Geol. Surv. United Kingdom and Summary of Progress of the Geo- Mus. Pract. Geol. logical Survey of the United King- dom and Museum of Practical Geology, London. Mem. Soc. Sci. Nat. Arch. Creuse Memoires de la Sociele des Sciences Naturelles et Archeologiques de la Creuse, Gueret. M6tallurgie La Metallurgie, Paris. Mex. Mg. Journ Mexican Mining Journal, Mexico. Mg. Aim Mining Almanack, London. Mg. Ass. Inst. Cornwall Mining Association and Institute of Cornwall, Truro. Report and Pro- ceedings of Miners' Association and Institute of Cornwall, Truro. Transactions of the Mining Associa- tion and Institute of Cornwall, Cam- borne. Mg. Journ. Railw. Comm. Gaz Mining Journal, Railway and Commer- cial Gazette, London. Mg. Mag Mining Magazine, New York. Mg. Mag Mining Magazine, London. Mg. Rec., British Columbia British Columbia Mining Record, Vic- toria. Mg. Rep Mining Reporter, Denver, Colo. Mg. Rev Mining Review, Los Angeles. See also American Mining Review. NO. 2 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TIN HESS 11 Mg. Sci Mining Science, Denver. Mg. Sci. Press Mining and Scientific Press, San Francisco. Mg. Smelt. Mag. Mo. Rev. Pract. London Mining and Smelting Maga- Mg. Quarry. Met. zine, a Monthly Review of Practical Mining, Quarrying, and Metallurgy, etc., H. C. Salmon, editor. Mg. World Mining World, Chicago. Mg. World Eng. Rec Mining World and Engineering Record, London. Mines and Min Mines and Minerals, Scranton, Pa. Min. Ind Mineral Industry, New York and London. Min. Mag. Journ. Min. Soc Mineralogical Magazine and Journal of the Mineralogical Society, London. Min. Mitth Mineralogische Mittheilungen, von G. Tschermak, Wien. Min. Proc. Inst. Civ. Eng Minutes of Proceedings of the Insti- tution of Civil Engineers, London. Mg. Rep Mining Reporter, Denver. Min. Res. U. S. Geol. Sur Mineral Resources of United States, published annually by the U. S. Geological Survey, since 1883. Min. Surv. Ceylon Adm. Rep Mineralogical Survey, Ceylon, Admin- istration Reports, Colombo. Mitth. Jahrb. kon. ung. geol. Anst. . . .Mittheilungen aus dem Jahrbuche der koniglich ungarischen geologischen Anstalt, Budapest. Mitth. k. k. Techn. Gewerbe-Museums Mittheilungen des kaiserlich-koniglich- in Wien. en Technologischen Gewerbe-Muse- ums in Wien. Monatsb. deutsch. geol. Ges Monatsberichte der deutschen geolo- gische Gesellschaft, Berlin. Monogr. U. S. Geol. Surv Monographs of the United States Geo- logical Survey, Washington, D. C. Mo. Bull. Int. Bur. Amer. Repub Monthly Bulletin of the International Bureau of American Republics, Washington, D. C. Nat. Hist. Journ. School Rep .Natural History Journal and School Reporter, York. Nature Nature, London. Neues Jahrb. Min. Neues Jahrbuch f ur Mineralogie, Stutt- gart. For earlier series see Jahr- buch fur Mineralogie, Geognosie, Geologic und Petrefactenkunde; von Leonhard, Heidelberg. 12 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 58 North Carolina Geol. Surv. Bull North Carolina Geological Survey, Bulletin, Raleigh. Northwest Mg. Journ Northwest Mining Journal, Seattle. Not. Indian Archipelago Adj. Countr. .Notices of the Indian Archipelago and Adjacent Countries. By J. H. Moor, Singapore. Nouv. Ann. Voy. Sci. ge"ogr Nouvelles Annales des Voyages et des Sciences geographiques, Paris. For- merly Annales des Voyages, Paris. Oest. Zeitschr. Berg. Hiitt Oesterreichische Zeitschrift fur Berg- und Hiittenwesen, Wien. Pap. Proc. Roy. Soc. Tasmania Papers and Proceedings of the Royal Society of Tasmania, Hobart. Pap. Proc. Roy. Soc. Van Diemen's Papers and Proceedings of the Royal Land. Society of Van Diemen's Land, Tas- mania. Parl. Pap Parliamentary Papers, London. Perak Gov. Gaz Perak Government Gazette, Kuala Lumpur, Federated Malay States. Perak Mus. Notes Perak Museum Notes, Taiping. Petermanns Mitth Dr. A. Petermanns Mittheilungen aus Justus Perthes' Geographischer Anstalt, Gotha. Philos. Mag The Philosophical Magazine, London. Philos. Trans. Roy. Soc. London. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, London. Polyt. Centr Polytechnische Centralhalle, Leipzig. Polyt. Journ Polytechnische Journal, Dingier, Stutt- gart. Pop. Sci. Mo Popular Science Monthly, New York. Proc. Amer. Mg. Cong Proceeding of the American Mining Congress, Denver. Proc. Amer. Philos. Soc Proceedings of the American Philo- sophical Society, Philadelphia. Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist Proceedings of the Boston Society Natural History, Boston. Proc. Chem. Met. Soc. South Africa... The Proceedings of the Chemical and Metallurgical Society of South Africa, Johannesburg. Title changed with Vol. 3, May, 1902, to Proceed- ings of the Chemical, Metallurgical and Mining Society of South Africa. Proc. Chem. Met. Min. Soc. South The Proceedings of the Chemical Met- Africa. allurgical and Mining Society of South Africa, Johannesburg. NO. 2 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TIN HESS 13 Proc. Colorado Sci. Soc Proceedings of the Colorado Scientific Society, Denver. Proc. Geol. Soc. London Proceedings of the Geological Society of London, London. Proc. Geol. Ass Proceedings of the Geologists' Asso- ciation, London. Proc. Inst. Civ. Eng Proceedings Institution of Civil Engi- neers, London. Proc. Inst. Mech. Eng Proceedings of the Institution of Me- chanical Engineers, Birmingham. Proc. Liverpool Geol. Soc Proceedings of Liverpool Geological Society, Liverpool. Proc. Linn. Soc. New South Wales Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales, Sydney. Proc. Roy. Soc. London Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, London. Prog. Min. Ind. Tasmania The progress of the Mineral Industry of Tasmania, Hobart. Prog. Rep. Geol. Surv. Victoria Progress Report Geological Survey of Victoria, Melbourne. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. London Quarterly Journal of Geological So- ciety of London, London. Quart. Mg. Rev ' Quarterly Mining Review, London. Queensland Gov. Mg. Journ Queensland Government Mining Jour- nal, Brisbane. Rec. Geol. Surv. India Records of the Geological Survey of India, Calcutta. Rec. Geol. Surv. New South Wales Records of Geological Survey of New South Wales, Sydney. Rec. Geol. Surv. South Victoria Records of Geological Survey, South Victoria, Melbourne. Rec. Mines South Australia Record of the Mines of South Aus- tralia, Adelaide. Rep. Brit. Ass. Adv. Sci Report of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, Lon- don. Rep. California State Mg. Bur Report of California State Mining Bureau, Sacramento. Rep. Dep. Min. Western Australia Report of the Department of Mines of Western Australia, Perth. Rep. Insp. Mines Reports of the Inspectors of Mines to Her Majesty's Secretary of State, London. Rep. Proc., Min. Ass. Cornwall and Report and Proceedings of Miners' Devon. Association of Cornwall and Devon, Truro. Now Mining Association and Institute of Cornwall, Falmouth. 14 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 58 Rep. Roy. Inst. Cornwall Report of the Royal Institution of Cornwall, Truro. Rep. Roy. Cornwall Polyt. Soc Report on the Royal Cornwall Poly- technic Society, Falmouth. Rep. Rugby School Nat. Hist. Soc Report of the Rugby School Natural History Society, Rugby. Report Secretary of the Immigration Commission, to the Finance Minister of the Province, No. 119, Buenos Aires. Rep. Seer. Mines Tasmania Report of the Secretary for Mines, Tasmania, Hobart. Rep. South African Ass. Adv. Sci Report of the South African Associa- tion for the Advancement of Science, Cape Town. Rev. Min Revista Minera, Madrid. Rev. Univ. Mines Met. Trav. Publ. Revue Universelle des Mines, de la Sci. Arts Appl. Indust. Metallurgie, des Travaux Publics, des Sciences et des Arts Appliquees a 1'Industrie, Liege and Paris. School Mines Quart School of Mines Quarterly, New York. Science Science, New York. Sci. Amer. Suppl Scientific American Supplement, New York. Sci. Proc. Roy. Dublin Soc Scientific Proceedings of the Royal Dublin Society, Dublin. Sel. Rec. Bengal Gov Selections from the Records of the Ben- gal Government, Calcutta. Sel. Rec. Gov. India Selections from the Records of the Government of India, Public Works Department, Calcutta. Sitz. Ron. bayer. Akad. Wiss Sitzungsberichte der Koniglich bayer- ischen Akademie der Wisserischaf- ten, Miinchen. Sitz. Nat. Ges Sitzungsberichte der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft, Leipzig. Sitz. Abh. Nat. Ges. " Isis." Sitzungsberichte und Abhandlungen der Naturwissenschaftlichen Ge- sellschaft " Isis," Dresden. South African Mg. Journ South African Mining Journal, Jo- hannesburg. South African Mg. Rev South African Mining Review. South African Mines South African Mines, Johannesburg. South Dakota Geol. Surv. Bull South Dakota Geological Survey Bul- letin, Vermillion. Spec. Pub. U. S. Geol. Surv Special Publication United States Geo- logical Survey, Washington, D. C. NO. 2 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TIN HESS ' 15 Special Report Department of Mines, Melbourne, Victoria. Summ. Progr. Geol. Surv. United Summary of Progress of the Geological Kingdom. Survey of the United Kingdom, London. Summ. Rep. Geol. Surv. Dep. Canada. Summary Report of the Geological Survey Department of Canada, Ot- tawa. Tasch. ges. Min Taschenbuch fur die gesammte Min- eralogie. Dr. Karl Leonhard, Frank- furt-am-Main. Zeitschrift fiir Min- eralogie, Dr. Karl Leonhard, Heidel- berg. Tasm. Parl. Pap Tasmanian Parliamentary Papers, Ho- bart. Techn. Quart Technology Quarterly, Boston. Tijdschr. Ned. Ind Tijdschrift voor Nederlandsch Indie; door van Hoevell, etc., Batavia. Times Eng. Suppl. London Times Engineering Supplement, Lon- don. Trans. Amer. Inst. Mg. Eng ...Transactions of the American Insti- tute, of Mining Engineers, New York. (General.) Trans. Austr. Inst. Mg. Eng Transactions of the Australian Insti- tute of Mining Engineers, Melbourne. Trans. Cornwall and Devon Min. Ass. Transactions Cornwall and Devon Miners' Association, Camborne. Trans. Devonshire Ass. Adv. Sci. Lit. Transactions of the Devonshire Asso- Art. ciation for the Advancement of Sci- ence, Literature and Art, Plymouth. Trans. Dublin Soc Transactions of the Dublin Society, Dublin. Trans. Fed. Inst. Mg. Eng Transactions of the Federated Insti- tution of Mining Engineers, New- castle-upon-Tyne, and London. Trans. Geol. Soc. Glasgow Transactions of the Geological Society of Glasgow, Glasgow. Trans. Geol. Soc. London Transactions of the Geological Society of London, London. Trans. Geol. Soc. South Africa Transactions of the Geological Society of South Africa, Johannesburg. Trans. Inst. Mg. Eng Transactions of the Institution of Min- ing Engineers, London and New- castle-upon-Tyne. See also Transac- tions of the Federated Institution Mining Engineers. Trans. Inst. Mg. Met Transactions of the Institution of Min- ing and Metallurgy, London. 16 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 58 Trans. Manchester Geol. Soc Transactions of the Manchester Geo- logical Society, Manchester. Trans. Mg. Ass. Inst. Cornwall Transactions of the Mining Associa- tion and Institute of Cornwall, Cam- borne. Trans. North of England Inst. Mg. Transactions of the North of England Mech. Eng. Institute of Mining and Mechanical Engineers, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Trans. New York Acad. Sci Transactions of the New York Acad- emy of Sciences, New York. Trans. Proc. Roy. Soc. New South Transactions and Proceedings of the Wales. Royal Society of New South Wales, Sydney. Trans. Roy. Geol. Soc. Cornwall Transactions of the Royal Geological Society of Cornwall, Penzance. Transvaal Mines Dep. Rep. Geol. Surv. Transvaal Mines Department, Report of the Geological Survey, Pretoria. Trav. Sci. Univ. Rennes Travaux Scientifiques de I'Universite de Rennes, Rennes. U. S. Geol. Surv United States Geological Survey, Washington, D. C. For publications of, see Ann. Rep. Dir. U. S. Geol. Surv.; Monogr. \j. S. Geol. Surv.; U. S. Geoi. Surv. Prof. Pap.; U. S. Geol. Surv. Bull.; U. S. Geol. Surv. Min. Res. U. S. Cal. Year; Spec. Publ. U. S. Geol. Surv. U. S. Geol. Surv. Bull United States Geological Survey Bulle- tin, Washington, D. C. U. S. Geol. Surv. Min. Res. U. S. Cal. United States Geological Survey, Min- Year. eral Resources of the United States. Calendar Year, Washington, D. C. U. S. Geol. Surv. Prof. Pap United States Geological Survey, Pro- fessional Paper, Washington, D. C. Verb. k. k. geol. Reichs Verhandlungen der kaiserlich-konig- lichen geologischen Reichsanstalt, Wien. Verb. nat. Ver. preuss. Rheinl. Westph . Verhandlungen des naturhistorischen Vereins der preussischen Rheinlande, und Westphalens, und des Regier- ungs-Bezirks Osnabriick. Bonn. Verb. russ. kais. min. Ges Verhandlungen der russisch-kaiser- lichen mineralogischen Gesellschaft, St. Petersburg. Vid. Medd. nat. Foren. Kj0benhavn Videnskabelige Meddelelser fra den naturhistoriske Forening i Kj0ben- havn. Kj0benhavn. NO. 2 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TIN HESS < 17 | Virginias The Virginias, Staunton, Va. Western Australia Geol. Surv. Bull.. .Western Australia Geological Survey Bulletin, Perth. Zeitschr. Anorg. Chem Zeitschrift fur Anorganische Chemie, Miinchen und Leipzig. Zeitschr. Berg. Hiitt. Sal. preuss. Sta. .Zeitschrift fur das Berg- Hiitten- und Salinenwesen in dem preussischen Staate, Berlin. Zeitschr. deutsch. geol. Ges Zeitschrift der deutschen geologischen Gesellschaft, Berlin. Zeitschr. Kryst. Min Zeitschrift fur Krystallographie und Mineralogie, Leipzig. Zeitschr. Min Zeitschrift f iir Mineralogie, by K. C. von Leonhard, Prankfurt-am-Main. Zeitschr. prakt. Geol Zeitschrift f iir praktische Geologic, Berlin. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE GEOLOGY AND MINERALOGY OF TIN 1 BY FRANK L. HESS AND EVA HESS I. BIBLIOGRAPHY ARRANGED BY COUNTRIES AFRICA 1. BECK, R. Einige Bemerkungen iiber afrikanische Erzlagerstatten. Zeitschr. prakt. Geol., Vol. 14, 1906, Berlin, pp. 205-208. 2 figs, of rock sections. The tin deposits of South Africa are treated. 2. GIBSON, WALCOT. The geology of Africa in relation to its mineral wealth. Trans. Fed. Inst. Mg. Eng., Vol. 12, 1896-97, Newcastle-upon-Tyne and London, p. 307. Tin merely mentioned as reported in metamorphic areas of South Africa. 2a. JOHNSON, J. P. The ore deposits of South Africa. Part 1, Base metals. 1908, London, pp. 30-37. Describes briefly the Rooiberg, Weynek, Doornhoek, Potgietersrust, Welbeloond, Embabaan, and Langerwacht tin deposits. 3. LAUNAY, L. DE. Les richesses minerales de 1'Afrique. 1903, Paris, pp. 158-160. Tin is found on the Benoue, an affluent of the Niger. In the French Congo it is found in the Crystal Mountains, on the Oubanghi and Ouelle Makua, also at Massinga (or Massinda) north of the village of Agapata in the upper basin of the Banghi in a region of Archaean rocks and granite with copper. In the northeast part of Swaziland near the frontier of the Transvaal, tin has been known for a long time. Deposits at Embabaan only are promising. Though tin veins are present, only the alluvials have been worked. There has been the following production: Year 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 Tons 143 250 240 70 53 According to Dr. Molengraaff the region is one of mica, talc, chlorite, and amphibolite schists with some quartzites carrying magnetite, similar to the forma-, tion at Hospital Hill, Johannesburg. The cassiterite is found, not in the quartz, but in the pegmatite cutting the schists. Louis, HENRY. See No. 1340. 3a. RECKNAGEL, R. On the origin of the South African tin deposits. Trans. Geol. Soc. South Africa, Vol. 12, 1909, Johannesburg, pp. 168-202. Review: South African Mg. Journ., Vol. 7, pt. 2, 1909, Johannesburg, pp. 69-70, 111-112. 1 It is believed that no important paper upon the geology or mineralogy of tin appearing up to the middle of 1908 has been omitted from this bibliography. 19 20 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 58 AFRICA (Continued) Holds that the pneumatolytic theory of tin deposits is untenable and attempts to explain the South African deposits on the hypothesis that they are formed by magmatic differentiation or by the combined action of magmatic differentiation and lateral secretion. The South African deposits are individually briefly reviewed. 3b. RUMBOLD, WM. R. The South African tin deposits. Bi-mo. Bull. Amer. Inst. Mg. Eng. No. 22, 1908, New York, pp. 601-607, figs. 5. Trans. Amer. Inst. Mg. Eng., Vol. 39, 1909, New York, pp. 783-789. Describes the Cape Town (Kuils River), Bushveld and Swaziland (Oshoek and Forbes Reef) tin deposits as they appeared in 1904. At Kuils River crystallized pinkish-gray cassiterite occurs with wolframite in a 5-foot quartz vein cutting granite. Placers have been formed from the vein. At Bushveld cassiterite occurs with quartz in decomposed granite. The Oshoek deposits are stanniferous hornblende pegmatites and placers derived from them. The pegmatites carry garnet, monazite, euxenite, seschynite, and large isolated crystals of cassiterite. In the Forbes Reef deposits cassiterite occurs in an aplite dike and in thin veins cutting schists which carry cinnabar, gold, scheelite, bismuth, monazite, euxenite, aeschynite, copper and iron pyrites, pyrrhotite, margarite and tourmaline. Crystals from the veins when scratched, sometimes fly to pieces like Rupert's drops. The description shows a marked resemblance between some of the South African deposits and some of those near Hill City, South Dakota, STOKES, RAU>H S. G. See No. 730. 3c. VOIT, F. W. Uebersicht liber die nutzbaren. Lagerstatten Siidafrikas. Zeitschr. prakt. Gcol., Vol. 16, 1908, Berlin, pp. 191-216. A geological study of the economically valuable mineral deposits of South Africa, including gold, diamonds, copper, graphite, tin, monazite, iron ores, magnesite, asbestos, etc. 3d. WESTON, E. M. Tin mining and ore dressing in South Africa. Eng. Mg. Journ., Vol. 89, 1910, New York, pp. 411-413, 470-472, 573-574, pis. 8, cross sections 5, maps 2. At Embabaan, Swaziland, tin occurs in " the older granite " cutting Archaean beds composed of mica, chlorite and talc schists, with some amphibolite and quartzite. The granite shows dioritic phases. Where tin is most plentiful quartz is almost absent in the granite. The coarsest cassiterite occurs in the granite with pegmatite containing blue, white, or yellow quartz. Some cassiterite crystals appear monoclinic and, where twinned, orthorhombic. Pieces of cassiterite weighing ^4 to % pound are not uncommon and masses of 8 pounds occur. Ilmenite, mostly in fine grains, corundum, monazite, aeschynite, and euxenite in crystals as large as those of the tin ore are found in the debris and in the pegmatite with the cassiterite. Deposits in decomposed granite and pegmatite are worth up to $1.25 per yard; residual concentrations and alluvial deposits of great irregularity as to distribution of values, are worked. The fields are not as large as those of Australia or the Malay Peninsula. Suction dredges may prove profitable. Labor is cheap, material high. Between 1600 and 1700 tons of tin ore have been produced, at a profit of 33 5s. 7d. per ton. Second article describes mode of sluicing. Corundum and monazite are picked from the coarser concentrates. Third article describes the Waterberg deposits, 100 miles north of Pretoria. Tin occurs in sandstone, granite, felsites and shales near contacts. In the northern part of the field the tin is in irregular impregnations in granite; in the southern part it is in pipes. At Zwartkloof decomposed granite carrying about 2s. worth of tin per cubic yard will be hydraulicked. Gives a description of the milling process at the Zaaiplaats and Rooiberg mines. See also Cape Colony, Congo, Kamerun, Nigeria, Swaziland, Transvaal, Madagascar. NO. 2 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TIN HESS 21 ALABAMA 4. ANONYMOUS. Tin in Alabama. Eng. Mg. Journ., Vol. 34, 1882, New York, p. 309. A communication in which the writer is very hopeful of tin in paying quantities in Alabama. 5. BENEDICT, WM. DE L. Tin in Alabama. Min. Ind. for 1892, Vol. 1, 1893, New York, pp. 450-457. Tin is found near Ashland, Clay County. The ore occurs both in lodes and as stream tin, and is reported to exist in considerable quantities. Metal produced from the ore seems to have been a mixture of iron and tin. Work began at the Broad Arrow mines March 1, 1883, but operations do not seem to have been successful, for in July of same year work was stopped. 6. PHILLIPS, WM. B. Occurrence of tin. Bull. 3, Geol. Surv. Alabama, 1892, Montgomery, pp. 27-30. Author describes his visit and examination of the tin of Ooosa County, Alabama. Crystals sent to A. R. Ledoux & Co., New York, assayed 78.19 per cent tin. ALASKA 7. ADAIR, JAMES B. Tin deposits of the York region, Alaska, and what development shows for the season of 1905. Northwest Mg. Journ., Vol. 1, No. 3, 1906, Seattle, pp. 3-5. U. S. Geol. Surv. reports on the York tin region for 1904 are quoted and from these the results of the development during the season of 1905, are given. 8. ANONYMOUS. Tin in Alaska. Min. Ind. for 1901, Vol. 10, 1902, New York and London, p. 638. Buhner Creek and Anikovik River are mentioned as localities where tin has been found. In the first locality stream tin has been concentrated on the bed rock with small amounts of magnetite, limonite, pyrite, fluorite, garnet, and gold. 9. . Tin mining in Alaska. Eng. Mg. Journ., Vol. 76, 1903, New York, pp. 879-880, 150 words. Brief mention of the discovery of tin in the Lost River district. 10. . Alaskan tin production. British Columbia Mg. R-ec., Vol. XI, No. 12, December, 1904, Victoria, p. 434, 300 words. " Prospects of the industry discussed." 11. . Tin in Alaska. Eng. Mg. Journ., Vol. 80, 1905, New York, p. 198, 150 words. The discovery of tin on Seward Peninsula is very briefly mentioned. 12. . Alaska. Mg. World, Vol. 26, 1907, Chicago, p. 154. The tin outlook in Alaska, which author seems to think good, is discussed. 12a. . Tin in Alaska. Mg. Sci., Vol. 59, 1909, Denver, p. 428. General. 12b. . Mining in United States during 1908. Eng. Mg. Journ., Vol. 87, 1909, New York, pp. 101-102. Brief description of manner of occurrence of Alaskan tin. 22 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 58 ALASKA (Continued) 12c. . Tin deposits of Alaska. Mg. Journ., Railw. Comm. Gaz., Vol. 85, 1909, London, pp. 607-608. Describes the manner in which tin occurs at Ears Mountain, Buck Creek, Cape Mountain and Lost River. ANONYMOUS. See T . 13. BEALES, R. L. Tin in Alaska. Mg. Sci. Press, Vol. 89, 1904, San Francisco, pp. 395-396, illus. 3, 1050 words. Describes the occurrence of tin on Seward Peninsula; on Cape Prince of Wales, Buck Creek, and Lost River. Describes present method of working. 14. BELL, ROBERT M. Tin ledges in Alaska. Eng. Mg. Journ., Vol. 76, 1903, New York, p. 820, 750 words. Describes the discovery of ledges containing tin ore in the vicinity of Port Clarence, Alaska. 15. . Tin in Alaska. Mg. Sci. Press, Vol. 87, 1908, San Francisco, p. 351. Describes the occurrence of tin deposits. Since 1899 placer gold has been found in nearly all the streams of Seward Peninsula and miners in the west end of the peninsula have been finding stream tin in greater or less quantities in the concentrates. In July, 1903, a party of prospectors discovered and located a tin- bearing ledge on Lost River, 20 miles west of Teller, which promises to carry good value. 16. BELL, R. N. Tin in Alaska. Mines and Man., Vol. 24, 1904, Scranton, p. 328. Reprint: Austr. Mg. Stand., Vol. 31, 1904, Sydney and Melbourne, p. 424. An account of the tin deposits on Cassiterite Creek, a branch of Lost River, Seward Peninsula. 17. BROOKS, A. H. A new occurrence of cassiterite in Alaska. Science, Vol. 13, 1901, p. 593. Also published in U. S. Geol. Surv. Min. Res. U. S. for 1900 (1901), Washington, pp. 267-271. U. S. Geol. Surv. Bull., 213, 1903, Washington, D. C., pp. 92-93. Reconnaissances in the Cape Nome and Norton Bay regions, Alaska, in 1900. Special publication U. S. Geol. Surv., 1901, Washington, D. C., pp. 136-137. Extract: Mg. Sci. Press, Vol. 82, 1901, San Francisco, p. 203. Extract: Mg. Journ. Railw. Comm. Gaz., Vol. 72, 19C2, London, p. 1375. Announces the discovery of stream tin in considerable quantities on Buhner Creek, which enters the Anikovik River from the west about three miles from Bering Sea. A sample of concentrates in one of sluice boxes was examined and yielded the following minerals: cassiterite, magnetite, ilmenite, limonite, pyrite, flourite, garnets and gold. Determination of percentage by weight: tinstone 90 per cent, magnetite 5 per cent, other minerals 5 per cent. 18. . Alaska. Eng. Mg. Journ., Vol. 79, 1905, New York, pp. 16-18. An article in which the mineral wealth of Alaska is discussed. Tin is mentioned as having been found in the York region, on Lost River, Cape Mountain, and Ears Mountain, " all of which shows that there is a legitimate field for the tin prospector." 19. COLLIER, ARTHUR J. A reconnaissance of the northwestern portion of Seward Peninsula, Alaska. U. S. Geol. Surv. Prof. Pap. 2, 1902, Washington, D. C., pp. 49-51. Short description of stream tin and the topography of the country, with theories as to the origin of the stream tin. NO. 2 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TIN HESS 23 ALASKA (Continued) 20. . Tin in t;he York region, Alaska. Eng. Mg. Journ., Vol. 76, 1903, New York, pp. 999-1000, pi. 1, map. Gives results of a trip made to investigate the mineral resources of this region. One tin ledge was found, also other minerals of value. 21. . Tin deposits of the York region, Alaska. U. S. Geol. Surv. Bull., 225, 1901, Washington, D. C., pp. 154-167, map 1. Extract: Mg. Journ. Railw. Comm. Gaz., Vol. 75, 1904, London, p. 506. Describes the general geology of the York region and the occurrence and character of stream and lode tin deposits. 22. . Tin deposits of the York region, Alaska. U. S. Geol. Surv. Bull. 229, 1904, Washington, D. C., pp. 61, pis. 7, maps 2, figs. 2. Digest: Mg. Mag., Vol. 10, 1904, New York, pp. 131-132. Abstract: Mg. Sci. Press, Vol. 89, 1904, San Francisco, pp. 106, 125, 142. Abstract: Neues Jahrb. Min., 1905, II [Ref.], Stuttgart, pp. 179-181. Description of placers of Buck Creek and lodes of Lost River and Cape Mountain, Seward Peninsula, Alaska, with references to reported occurrences at other places. Gives a short resume of the occurrence of tin in other parts of the world. An elaboration of the article in Bull. 225 (No. 21). 23. . Recent development of Alaskan tin deposits. U. S. Geol. Surv., Bull. 259, 1905, Washington, D. C., pp. 120-127. Describes the lode and placer deposits of Seward Peninsula, Alaska. Stream tin in the Fairbanks and Dawson regions is mentioned. 24. COURTIS, W. M. Tin in Alaska. Eng. Mg. Journ., Vol. 73, 1902, New York, p. 143. A communication describing tin placers 12 miles northeast of York. 25. FAY, ALBERT HILL. Geology and mining of the tin deposits of Cape Prince of Wales, Alaska. Bi-mo. Bull. Amer. Inst. Mg. Eng., 1907, New York, pp. 769-787, figs. 11, 4 of which are plates. Abstract: Min. Sci. Press, Vol. 95, 1907, San Francisco, pp. 144-146, figs. 3. General description of area; climate; vegetation; geology; tin deposits, which he does not consider payable at time of examination; a description of his methods of sampling and fire assaying with KCN. Mining incomplete account of work done; economic conditions with table of prices of provisions. Bibliography of 13 articles on tin at end. FAWNS, SYDNEY. See No. 1320. 26. HESS, FRANK L. The York tin region. U. S. Geol. Surv. Bull. 284, 1906, Washington, D. C., pp. 145-157, fig. 1. Editorial on same: Mg. World, Vol. 24, 1906, Chicago, p. 658. Abstract: Iron Age, May 31, 1906, New York. Digest: Mines and Min., Vol. 27, 1906, Scranton, p. 158. Epitome of geology, mineralogy and mining development of the tin deposits of Seward Peninsula, Alaska, to the close of the season of 1905. 27. . The York tin region of Alaska. Eng. Mag., Vol. 32, 1906, New York and London, pp. 352-369, pis. 7, fig. 1. Practically the Bame article as " The York tin region " in U. S. Geol. Surv. Bull. 284, 1906, Washington, D. C., pp. 145-157, fig. 1. 28. HILL, J. H. Tin deposits of the York region, Alaska. Northwest Mg. Journ., Vol. 1, No. 4, 1906, Seattle, pp. 1-2. General article. 24 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 58 ALASKA (Continued) 28a. . York tin mines. Northwest Mg. Journ., Vol. 7, 1909, Seattle, p. 79. " A short historical review of the prospecting and development of the placer tin deposits of Seward Peninsula, Alaska." 28b. JACOBS, E. Alaskan Mineral Exhibit at A.-Y.-P. exposition. Eng. Mg. Journ., Vol. 88, 1909, New York, p. 409. The exhibit of tin ores, placer and lode, is believed to be the largest purely American production ever made on this continent. Quotes Adolph Knopf as saying that up to close of 1908, the total production of the Seward peninsula tin region was 160 tons of cassiterite concentrates, all of which except a few tons from lode deposits, came from the placers of Buck Creek. 29. KNOPF, ADOLPH. The Seward Peninsula tin deposits. U. S. Geol. Surv. Bull. 315, 1908, Washington, D. C., pp. 17. " This paper summarizes the result of the geologic investigations which have been carried on in the Seward Peninsula since the close of 1906. The known Alaskan tin deposits that are of a character sufficiently encouraging to warrant prospecting, are limited to the extreme western part of Seward Peninsula, and are embraced in an area of about 400 square miles." 29a. . Geology of the Seward Peninsula tin deposits, Alaska. U. S. Geol. Surv., Bull. 358, 1908, Washington, D. C., pp. 71, pis. 9. (Including map of western end of Seward Peninsula) and figs. 7. Describes the geology and mineralogy of the tin deposits of Seward Peninsula, Alaska; mining operations and development; and two new tin-boron minerals, hulseite and paigeite. 29b. - . Some features of the Alaskan tin deposits. Econ. Geol., Vol. 4, 1909, Lancaster, pp. 214-223. Abstract: Mg. World, Vol. 30, 1909, Chicago, pp. 969-971. Describes especially the occurrences of tin minerals at Ears Mountain and Lost River, and the occurrence of two new magnesian 'iron-tin-boron minerals, hulseite and paigeite at Ears Mountain. Stannite occurs at Lost River in an argentiferous vein. Metasomatic replacement has taken place with little regard to the nature of the country rock. 30. NEWLAND, D. H. Tin. Min. Ind. for 1902, Vol. 11, 1903, New York and London, p. 587. Buck and Fillery creeks mentioned as containing alluvial tin. In the latter locality, the wash is about 16 inches in depth, and carries about 8 pounds of 60 per cent cassiterite to the cubic yard. 31. - . Alaska tin. Min. Ind. for 1903, Vol. 12, 1904, New York and London, pp. 326-327. The discovery of lode tin in the Lost River district, about 30 (sic) miles east of Cape Prince of Wales, reported. It occurs in a dike of granite intersecting lime- stone. The description of tin ore and its occurrence is taken from A. J. Collier's report, U. S. Geol. Surv. Bull. 225, 1904, Washington, D. C., pp. 154-167. OHLY, J. See No. 1215. 32. PAVLOV, A. W. Ueber die primaren Zinnlagerstatten in Alaska. Bull. Mines Indust. or, No. 2, Bd. 2, 1905, Tomsk, map 1. Written in Russian. This description is based on A. J. Collier's articles. 33. RICKABD, EDGAR. Tin deposits of the York region, Alaska. Eng. Mg. Journ., Vol. 75, 1903, New York, pp. 30-31. Describes the geology of the region and occurrence of tin. NO. 2 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TIN HESS 25 ALASKA (Continued) 34. T . Die Entdeckung von Zinnerzlagern in Alaska. Berg. Hiitt. Zeit., Vol. 60, 1901, Leipzig-, p. 434. Digest: Geol. Centr., Vol. 3, 1903, Leipzig-, p. 522. " Auftreten von Giingen, die Schiefern aufsetzen und enthalten: Magneteisenstein, Titaneisenerz, Brauneisenerz, Schwefelkies, Flusspath, Granat, Gold und vor allem Zinnstein, der dem Gewichte nach 95 per cent der Gangmasse ausmacht. O. v. Linstow." Evidently taken from Brooks. See reference No. 17. 35. WALCOTT, C. D. Discovery of tin near York, Seward Peninsula. 25th Ann. Rep. Dir. U. S. Geol. Survey., 1903-1904, Washington, D. C., pp. 79. ARGENTINE REPUBLIC 36. ANONYMOUS. Tin in Argentina. Echo des Mines, Dec. 30, 1907, St. Etienne. Translated in Mg. Journ. Railw. Oomm. Gaz. Vol. 83, 1908, London, p. 6. Tin has recently been re-discovered in various parts of Argentina. Deposits were formerly exploited by Jesuits, who obtained tin from the outcrops of the veins for bell metal. Cassiterite occurs in small crystals in granulite near Tinogasta (Catamarca), at the village of Mazan. In La Rioja Province, close to the Catamarca frontier, a company is at work with 100 miners on a stockwerk of small veins occurring in altered granulite dikes. Surface ore gave 7 per cent tin, but in depth the per cent fell to 1 and l 1 /^. Mining is cheap and easy; the country is fairly watered, well wooded and fertile. 37. CASTRO, MARIANO SALAS. Mining in the Province of Salta. Rep. Seer, of the Immigration Commission, to the Finance Minister of the Province. No. 119. Published in Spanish, English and German, Buenos Aires, [no date], pp. 1-16, map 1. Tin, gold, silver, coppper and lead deposits reported in departments of Chicoana and La Poma, Province of Salta, Argentine Republic. Bismuth was worked in 1889 in a ravine called Agamillos. Vein said to be six and a half feet wide and forty-four yards deep. 38. HOSKOLD, H. D. Report upon the mines, mining, metallurgy and mining laws, etc., etc., of the Argentine Republic. Natl. Sect. Mining and Geology, 1904, Buenos Aires, pp. 142-143. States that cassiterite was found some years since near Tinogasta, Catamarca. After a few tons were mined the vein pinched out. Stream tin had recently been found in a small stream at Mazan, northeast of Chilecito, 6 miles from the frontier line of Catamarca. ASIA 39. FISCHER, H. Ueber Zinnerze, Aventuringlas und griinen Aventurinquarz aus Asien, sowie iiber Krokydolithquarz aus Griechenland. Neues Jahrb. Min., 1882, II, Stuttgart, pp. 90-92. 40. HERMANN, [?]. Native tin. Journ. prakt. Chem., Vol. 33, Leipzig, p. 300. Abstract: Amer. Journ. Sci. Arts, ser. 2, Vol. 2, 1846, New Haven, p. 415. " According to Hermann, native tin occurs in the gold washings of the Ural (Central Asia) in small gray metallic grains containing also some lead." See also under Burmah, Ceylon, China, East Indies, India, Japan, Laos, Malay Peninsula, Siam, Persia, Philippine Islands. 26 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 58 AUSTRALIA 41. ANONYMOUS. More Australian tin. Iron, Vol. 5, 1875, London, p. 551. Digest from Geol. Rec., for 1875, London, p. 147. " Records the discovery of a sample of stream tin ore, weighing about 10 pounds, intermingled with % ounce of rough reef gold, at the foot of Mount Pilot, New South Wales. The geological formation consists of superficial deposits of granite." 42. - . . Australian tin at the Philadelphia Exhibition. Eng. Mg. Journ., Vol. 22, 1876, New York, pp. 72-73, 87. An account of the development and description of the deposits of the tin producing districts. 43. . Tin in Australia. Min. Ind. .for 1899, Vol. 8, 1900, New York and London, pp. 620-621. Description of alluvial tin deposits on northern coast of New South Wales. Her- berton field, Queensland, produced about $1,000,000 worth of stream tin from 1883 to 1894 and nearly $5,000,000 worth of lode tin. Discovery of lode tin reported at Sebastopol, Victoria. 44. . The Planet tin mines. Austr. Mg. Stand. April 5, 1900, Sydney and Melbourne. Not available to the authors. 45. . Tin in Australia. Min. Ind. for 1901, Vol. 10, 1902, New York and London, pp. 639-641. New South Wales, Northern territory, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania and Western Australia tin deposits briefly treated. 46. . Australian tin and tin mining. Mg. Journ. Railw. Comm. Gaz., Vol. 72, 1902, London, p. 225. Tin deposits are scattered widely over Australia, there being more than 120 known tin localities in New South Wales alone. Tin was discovered in 1851, but not until 1872 were mining operations begun. Native tin has been found in New South Wales. A brief description of occurrences on a number of creeks, and amount of tin mined and exported. See also BECK, RICHARD. See No. 1299. 47. BENEDICT, WM. DE L. Tin in Australia. Min. Ind. for 1892, Vol. 1, 1893, New York and London, pp. 442-445. General survey of the tin deposits of Australia, including New South Wales, Queensland, Victoria, Western Australia and Tasmania. The tin bearing granite of Australia appears to be closely allied to that of other countries, and has been described as exactly corresponding to that of Cornwall. 48. COGHLAN, T. A. Tin. A statistical account of the seven colonies of Australasia, 1899-1900. 1900, Sydney, pp. 569-572, map 1. DAUBREE, A. See No. 1314. DIEST, P. H. VAN. See No. 1478. NO. 2 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TIN HESS 27 AUSTRALIA (Continued) 49. E , C. The Australian tin mines. Mg. Journ. Railw. Comm. Gaz., Vol. 44, 1874, London, pp. 396, 507, 643, 751, 833, 973, 1057, 1281, 1394; Vol. 45, 1875, pp. 71, 287. Mostly statistics of tin production. 50. ENGLISH, A. G. On Australian and Tasmanian tin. Mg. Journ. Railw. Comm. Gaz., Vol. 45, 1875, London, p. 19. Stream tin has been worked in the neighborhood of Ovens, Victoria, for many years in conjunction with gold, also near Albany. Deposits light, would scarcely pay if not accompanied by gold. Stream tin has been found in creeks and rivers in Gippsland. Country is unexplored as yet; cannot predict as to lodes. In the Inverel district of New South Wales, considerable deposits of tin have been worked with varying success. In Queensland, at Stanthorpe, is the largest and most promising deposit of tin. Chief deposit of Tasmania is at Mount Bischoff, 35 miles from Emu Bay, on northwest coast, a mountain 3000 feet above sea level, evidently of volcanic origin, surface stone is composed of decayed granite, porphyry, and quartzose rock, through which tin is disseminated. Wash dirt varies from 3 to 40 feet deep. No overburden beyond a foot or two. Purely lode tin. Probably deposited by some volcanic action. Near the mountain pieces of lode weighing from 1 pound to \Vz cwt. are found; not water worn, and very pure. Assays from 70 to 73 per cent. FAWNS, SYDNEY. See No. 1320. FUCHS, E., and LAUNAY L. DE. See No. 1323. 51. JOHNSON, J. C. F. Getting gold. A practical treatise for prospectors, miners, and students. 1897, Philadelphia and London, pp. 32-33, 600 words. Short description of the occurrence of tin ore. Confined to Australian examples. LOCK, C. G. WARNFOBD. See No. 1338. Louis, HENRY. See No. 1340. 52. MANCE, F. S. Eastern States of Australia. Eng. Mg. Journ., Vol. 81, 1906, New York, p. 36. Reviews tin mining in Queensland, New South Wales and Tasmania, during 1905. 53. MEUNIEB, STANISLAS. Sources minerales de TAustralasie (Minerals detain de formation actuelle). Bull. Soc. beige Geol. Pal. Hydr., Vol. 5, 1891, Bruxelles, pp. 8-11. 54. NEWLAND, D. H. Tin in Australia. Min. Ind. for 1903, Vol. 12, 1904, New York and London, pp. 327-329. Output and value of tin product during 1903. 55. NEWTON, E. WILTON. The metalliferous minerals of Australia. 59th Ann. Rep. Roy. Cornwall Polyt. Soc., 1891, Falmouth, pp. 117-131. Treats of the mineral resources of South Australia, New South Wales, Victoria, Queensland, Western Australia, Tasmania and New Zealand, including tin. PHILLIPS, J. A., and Louis, H. See No. 1350. 56. PLUMMER, JOHN. Australian tin and tin mining. Iron Age, Feb. 6, 1902, New York, p. 9, 900 words. Treats of the location of the deposits, and the extent to which they have been worked. 2 28 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 58 AUSTRALIA (Continued) 57. REYER, EDUARD. Zinn in Australian und Tasmanien. Oest. Zeitschr. Berg. Hiitt., Vol. 28, 1880, Wien, pp. 47-49, 61-63, 74-76, 85-87. . See No. 1354. 58. ROBERTSON, J. R. M. The bismuth and tin deposits of Australia. Trans. Geol. Soc. Glasgow, pt. 1, Vol. 7, 1881-1884, Glasgow, pp. 126-127, 133-142, map. An account of the origin of the alluvial tin of Australia. 59. STEPHEN, D. Australian and Tasmanian tin ore. Mg. Journ. Railw. Comm. Gaz., Vol. 49, 1879, London, p. 191. Gives tin statistics for years 1877 and 1878, showing a decrease of production. THIBAULT, P. J. See No. 1578. 60. TREGAY, W. Australian and Tasmanian tin. Mg. Journ. Railw. Comm. Gaz., Vol. 48, 1878, London, p. 212. 61. VALE, STEPHEN S. Australian tin deposits. Trans. Mg. Ass. Inst. Cornwall, Vol. 1, 1887, Camborne, pp. 30-44, map. General description. WEEKS, JOSEPH D. See No. 1372. 62. WOLFF, G. Australisches Zinn. Berg. Hlitt. Zeit., Vol. 34, 1875, Leipzig, pp. 2-3, 12-14, 24-26, 29-30. % Hit einer Plan-Skizze auf Taf. 1. Abstract: Oest. Zeitschr. Berg. Hiitt., Vol. 23, 1875, Wien, pp. 287-288. 63. WOODS, J. E. T. Tin in Australia. Mg. Journ. Railw. Comm. Gaz., Vol. 49, 1879, London, p. 225. Extracts from two letters in which author states that he thinks Australian tin, aside from Mount Bischoff, is oi little value. See under New South Wales, Northern Territory, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria, Western Australia. AUSTRIA 64. ANONYMOUS. Tin in Bohemia. Mg. World, Vol. 26, 1907, Chicago, p. 509. A brief notice of the re-opening of an old tin mine in Bohemia, about 15 miles from Carlsbad. The lodes contain wolframite as well as tin. The new operators are erecting a 100-ton mill, which will be equipped with a magnetic separator and other appliances for recovering both the tin and wolframite. CHARLETON, ARTHUR' G. See No. 1310. 65. GOTTA, B. VON. Ueber die Zinnerzlagerstatten von Graupen in Bohmeii. Berg. Hiitt. Zeit., Vol. 23, 1864, Leipzig, pp. 117-118. DAUBREE, A. See No. 1314. 66. FUCHS, E., ami LAUNAY, L. DE. Traits des gites mineraux et me"talliferes. Vol. 2, 1893, Paris, pp. 127-136. Treats of tin in Saxony and Bohemia. NO. 2 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TIN HESS 29 AUSTRIA (Continued) GRODDECK, ALBERT. See No. 549. 67. HALLWICII, H. Geschichte der Bergstadt Graupen in Bohmen. 1868, Prag. Schiller, Ph., and Lewald, P. The "occurrence of tin ore at Graupen and Upper Graupen, and the manner of mining in ancient and modern times. JARS, G. See No. 416. 68. JOKELY, JOH. Das Erzgebirge im Leitmeritzer Kreise in Bohmen. Jahrb. k. k. geol. Reichs., Vol. 9, 1858, Wien, pp. 549-574, geol. map 1. 1. Zinnerze. 2. Zinnerz giinge im grauen Gneiss. 3. Zinncrz gange im Felsit- porphyr. 4. Zinnerz im Greisen. 69. LAUBE, GUSTAV C. Mittheilungen iiber die Erzlagerstatten von Graupen in Bohmen. Jahrb. k. k. geol. Reichs., Vol. 14, 18G4, Wien, pp. 159-178, fig. 1. LEWALD, P. See reference No. 67. 70. NEWLAND, D. H. Tin in Austria. Min. Ind. for 1903, Vol. 12, 1904, New York and London, p. 329. Tin production for 1903 was 34 metric tons valued at $21,918. 71. NOWICKI, CONSTANTIN VON. Das Vorkommen des Zinnsteins bei Schlagg- enwald und Schonefeld. " Lotos," Zeitschr. Nat., Vol. 7, 1857, Prag, pp. 106-112. PHILLIPS, J. A., and Louis, H. See No. 1350. SCHILLER, PH. See No. 67. SCHULTZ, . See No. 573. 72. VOGELSANG, . Berg- und hiittenmannische Mitteilungen iiber Bohmen. Zeitschr. Berg. Hiitt. Sal. preuss. Sta., Vol. 10, 1862, Berlin, pp. B-164-165. Describes the mining and smelting of tin in Schlaggenwald Bohemia. See also Bohemia, Saxony, etc. BANKA 73. AKKERINGA, J. E. Rapport van het distrikt Blinjoe, eiland Bangka. Jaarb. Mijnw. Ned. Oost-Indie, 1863 (1872), I, Amsterdam, pp. 41-148, I kaart en vijf bijlagen. See No. 110. 74. ANONYMOUS. The tin mines of Banca. Mg. Journ. Railw. Comm. Gaz., Vol. 19, 1849, London, p. 178. Amer. Journ. Sci. Arts, eer. 2, Vol. 8, 1849, New Haven, pp. 291-292. Brief history of early tin mining in Banca, and mining methods used at time of writing. 75. . Exploitation du mineral d'etain a Banca. Rev. Univ. Mines Met. Trav. Publ. Sci. Arts Appl. Indust., ser. 1, Vols. 23, 24, 1868, Liege and Paris, pp. 411-412. 30 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. BANKA (Continued) The Banca tin mines. Iron Age, Vol. 35, 1885, New York, p. 31. Description of deposits and manner of working them by the Chinese. 77. . The best deposits of tin. Mg. Sci. Press, Vol. 66, 1893, San Francisco, p. 52. The stanniferous deposits of Banca and Billiton are said to be the best tin deposits in the world. An analysis of Banca metal gave: Tin 99.961 per cent Iron 00.019 per cent Lead 00.14 per cent Copper 00.006 per cent There are 200 mines worked in Banca by private companies, while Vz of that number are exploited by the Dutch Government. Mines of Billiton are in possession of a private concern, which pays a royalty to the government of 3 per cent of annual yield. 78. . Wetten, Gouvernements-Besluiten en Bepalingen betreffende net Mijnwezen in Nederlandsch-Indie. Jaarb. Mijnw. Ned. Oost-Indie, 1894, Tech. and Admin., Amsterdam, pp. 211-239, Treats of the methods of tin mining in Banka. 79. - . Tin in Banka. Min. Ind. for 1897, Vol. 6, 1898, New York and London, p. 640. Verbeek (Zeitschr. prakt. Geol., 1897, Berlin, p. 428) is authority for the statement that the duration of the tin deposits of Banka and Billiton is limited. Up to the time of writing, Banka had produced 7,000,000 piculs of tin, and the existing supply amounted to only about 3,000,000. 80. - . Tin in Banka. Min. Ind. for 1899, Vol. 8, 1900, New York and London, p. 621. Mines have been under government control since 1832. Output in 1897 was 9307, raising to 10,220 tons in the succeeding year. 81. . Toepassing van graafwerktuigen bij de tinwinniug op Banka. 1907, Batavia, pis. 13. Not available to the authors. 82. BECK, R. Die Zinnerzlagerstatten von Banka und Billiton. Zeitschr. prakt. Geol., 1898, Berlin, pp. 121-127. Review of R. Verbeek, Geologische Beschrijving van Bangka en Billiton. Jaarb. Mijnw. Ned. Oost-Indie, 1897, Amsterdam. Beck's article digested: Neues Jahrb. Min., 1899, II, Stuttgart, pp. 266-267. 83. BENEDICT, WM. DE L. Tin in East Indies. Min. Ind. for 1892, Vol. 1, 1893, New York and London, pp. 445-446. Occurrence of tin in island of Banca and Billiton described. Production from islands from 1880 to 1892 given. 84. BOERS, R. J. Over het gebruik van krachtinstallaties tot grondverzet bij de tinontginning op het eiland Banka. (On the application of 'power machinery for the working of tin ground in the island of Banka.) Jaarb. Mijnw. Ned. Oost-Indie, Vol. 32, 1903, Batavia, pp. 190-218. With 3 Append., illus. 7, and pis. 5. 85. BREDEMEYER, W. Tin mining in Banca. Mg. Sci. Press, Vol. 25, 1872, San Francisco, p. 21. Digest: Oest. Zeitschr. Berg. Hiitt, Vol. 21, 1873, Wien, p. 76. NO. 2 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TIN HESS 31 BANKA (Continued) 86. CORDES, J. H. Rapport van het distrikt Pangkal-Pinang, eiland Bangka. Jaarb. Mijnw. Ned. Oost-Indie, 1876 (1878), I, Amsterdam, pp. 89-126. Met eene kaart en twee bijlagen. 87. . Rapport over het onderzoek naar het delfstoffelijk productief vermogen van het distrikt Koba eiland Bangka. Jaarb. Mijnw. Ned. Oost-Indie, 1883 (1885), I, Tech. and Admin., Amsterdam, pp. 67-115. Met eene kaart en twee bijlagen. 88. CEETIEB, H. Tinhoudend metaal, tinslak en tinertszand van het zeestrand bij Soengei Liat, district Muntok, residentie Banka. Jaarb. Mijnw. Ned. Oost-Indie, 1888, Weten. Ged., Amsterdam, pp. 113. 89. CEOOCKEWIT, J. H. Scheikundig onderzoek van tinerts, afkomstig v. h. eiland Banka. 1853, Batavia, pp. 14. Not available to the authors. . See No. 1473. 90. DIEST, P. H. VAN. Inleiding tot de geognostische mijnbouwkundige rap- porten der distrikten van Bangka. Jaarb. Mijnw. Ned. Oost-Indie, 1872, I, Amsterdam, pp. 3-40. 91. . Rapport van het distrikt Soengeileat, eiland Bangka. Jaarb. Mijnw. Ned. Oost-Indie, 1862 (1872), II, pp. 3-71. 1 kaart en vijf bijlagen. 92. . Rapport van het distrikt Merawang, eiland Bangka. Jaarb. Mijnw. Ned. Oost-Indie, 1864 (1873), I, Amsterdam, pp. 3-75. Met eene kaart. 93. . Verslag der onderzoekingen aan den heuvel Sambong Giri, eiland Bangka. Jaarb. Mijnw. Ned Oost-Indie, 1873, I, Amsterdam, pp. 187-193. Met eene kaart en twee platen. 94. . Banca and its streams works. Translated from Dutch by Foster, O. Le Neve, 1867, Truro. Not available to the authors. 95. DIJK, P. VAN. Uitkomsten der waarnemingen omtrent eenige onderdeelen der Chineesche ontginningswijze van het tinerts op Bangka, getrokken uit officieele nota's van het jaar 1878 en medegedeeld. Jaarb. Mijnw. Ned. Oost-Indi6, 1879, II, Amsterdam, pp. 55-91. 96. . Berekening van de verhounding tusschen de grens van ontgin- baarheid der tinertsafzettingen op Bangka en het loon van den Chinee- schen mijnwerker (tinprijs, inkoopprijs). Bepaling van beiden, zoo- danig dat de te behalen winst op de tinontginning een maximum zij. Jaarb. Mijnw. Ned. Oost-Indie, 1882, II, Amsterdam, pp. 349-366. . See No. 1480. 97. DOREX, J. Vrijmoedige beschouwingen tegen het afstaan van de tin- mijnen op Banka aan departiculiere Industrie. 1850, Gravenhage. Not available to the authors. 32 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 58 BANKA (Continued) 98. EVERWIJN, R. Verslag van een onderzoek naar tinaders in het distrikt Djeboes, eiland Bangka. Jaarb. Mijnw. Ned. Oost-Indie, 1873, I, Amsterdam, pp. 151-155. Met twee kaartjes. 99. FBAENKEL, S. Bijdrage tot de kennis der tinmijnen van Banka. 1843, Batavia. Not available to the authors. FOSTER, C. LE NEVE. See No. 94. FUCHS, E., and LAUNAY, L. DE. See No. 1323. 100. GODEFROY, W. Eene verbeterde steekboor (kogelklep-steenboor) voor het onderzoek op tinerts op Bangka. Jaarb. Mijnw. Ned. Cost-Indie", 1884, II, Tech., Amsterdam, pp. 324-333. 101. GROOT, C. DE. Rapport over de tin-slakken (tra), welke op Bangka 'onbenuttigd worden weggeworpen. Jaarb. Mijnw. Ned. Oost-Indie, 1854 (1878), II, Amsterdam, pp. 29-98. 102. HOOZE, J. A. Graphische voorstelling der productie, veilingsprijzen en geldswaarde van Bangka-tin. Jaarb. Mijnw. Ned. Oost-Indie, 1881 (1882), II, Tech., Amsterdam, pp. 83-87. Met 2 ataten en 2 graphische voorstellingen. 103. HORSFIELD, THOMAS. Mineralogical description of the island of Banca. Journ. Indian Arch. East. Asia, Vol. 3, No. 7, 1848, Singapore, p. 398. Review: Amer. Journ. Sci. Arts, 2d sen, Vol. 7, 1849, New Haven, pp. 86-101. 104. HUGUENIN, J. A. Rapport van het district Toboali, eiland Bangka. Jaarb. Mijnw. Ned. Oost-Indie, 1869 (1877), I, Amsterdam, pp. 81-186. Met eene kaart en vier bijlagen. 105. JONGH, D. DE. Over het voorkomen van tinertsaders op het eiland Bangka. Jaarb. Mijnw. Ned. Oost-Indie, 1883 (1884), II, Tech., Amsterdam, pp. 306-317. Soengei-Liat. Pangkal-Pinang. Merawang. 106. . Over het voorkomen van goud en tinerts op en langs de oostkust van het district Merawang, eiland Bangka. Jaarb. Mijnw. Ned. Oost-Indie, 1883 (1885), II, Amsterdam, pp. 161-175. Met twee kaarten. (a) Over het voorkomen van goud op Bangka in het algemeen. (b) De geologische gesteldheid der kuststreek van Merawang tusschen Tandjong Antoe en de monding der Merawang-rivier. (c) Het voorkomen van stofgoud en tinerts op de riffen en in de langs het strand gelegene valleitjes. 107. . Vervolg op het rapport over het jaar 1883 betreffende het voorkomen van tinader-ertsen op Bangka. Jaarb. Mijnw. Ned Oost-Indie, 1884 (1885), II, Amsterdam, pp. 176-181. (a) District Soengei-Liat. (b) District Pangkal-Pinang. (c) District Merawang. 108. . Over de uitkomsten der tin-winning op Banka gedurende de ontginnings jaren 1882-83 tot en met 1899-1900 met zes staten en eenige graphische voorstellingen. Jaarb. Mijnw. Ned. Oost-Indie, 1900, Amsterdam, pp. 51-93. NO. 2 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TIN HESS 33 BANKA (Continued) 109. LANCE. Het eiland Banka en szyne angelegenheder. Hertzogenbosch. 1850, p. 59 ff. Describes the tin deposits of Banka. Not available to the authors. 110. MENTEN, J. H. Het boren en het boormateriaal op Bangka. Jaarb. Mijnw. Ned. Oost- Indie, 1873 (1874), II, Amsterdam, pp. 163-189. Drie platen: Hoofdstuk I. Eenige algemeene beschouwingen over het opsporen van stroomtinerts- gronden. II. Beschrijving van het boormateriaal, zooals dit werd ontworpen door wijlen den Mijningenieur J. E. Akkeringa. III. Wijze waarop het boormateriaal bij de onderzoekingen wordt gebruikt. IV. Verbeteringen welke het boormateriaal later heeft ondergaan. MULDER, [?]. See No. 1538. 111. OUDEMANS, A. C., JR. Over verontreiniging van Banka-Tin. Jaarb. Mijnw. Xed. Oost-Indie, I, Tech. en Admin., 1890, Amsterdam, pp. XXIV- XLIV. 112. POSEWITZ, TH. Die Zinninseln im indischen Oceane. I. Geologie von Bangka. Mitth. Jahrb. kon. ung. geol. Anst., Vol. 7, 1885, Budapest, pp. 153-182. II. Das ZinnerzYorkommen und die Zinngewinmmg in Bangka. Ibid. Vol. 8, 1886, pp. 55-106. Reviewed by A. Stelzner: Neues Jahrb. Min. 1887, II, Stuttgart, pp. 107-110. 113. RAFFLES, THOS. S. On the tin of 'the island of Banka. Trans. Roy. Geol. Soc. Cornwall, Vol. 3, 1827, Penzance, pp. 247-255. Short history of production of tin in Banka, ruling prices, brief description of placers, distribution of tin in the island and market conditions. 114. RENAUD, G. P. A. Rapport van het district Soengeiselan, eiland Bangka. Jaarb. Mijnw. Ned. Oost-Indie, 1780 (1874), I, Amsterdam, pp. 3-81. Met eene kaart en twee bijlagen. Hoofdstuk I. Vermelding van de wijze waarop de overzichskaart werd vervaardigd. II. Beschrijving van de natuurlijke gesteldheid van het terrein. III. Geologische en mineralogische beschrijving. IV. Beschrijving van de tinertsvoerende valleien en den loop der ontginning. V. Algemeene blik op het productief vermogen van het district. 115. . Overzicht der tinproductie van eenige mijnen in het district Pangkal-Pinang, eiland Bangka. Jaarb. Mijnw. Ned. Oost Indie, 1880, II, Amsterdam, 81-82. 115a. . Overzicht der tinproductie van eenige mijnen en het district Soengeiselan, eiland Bangka. Jaarb. Mijnw. Ned. Oost-Indie, 1880, II, Amsterdam, pp. 77-80. 116. - . Over de Chineesche ontginningswijze van tinerts op het eiland Bangka en de eventueele toepassing daarop van Europeesche werk- tuigen. Jaarb. Mijnw. Ned. Oost-Indie, 1882 (1884), I, Tech. en Admin., Amsterdam, pp. 5-121. Hoofdstuk I. Administratieve regelingen volgens welke de betaling der mijmverkers geschiedt. II. De gevolgde methode van ontginning der tingronden en hare onderdeelen. (a) Grondverzet. (b) Bemaling. (c) Ertswasschen. (d) Smeltkosten. (e) Tin en rij'stkruien. III. Bepaling van het dagloon van den Chineeschen mijnwerker. 34 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 58 BANKA (Continued) 117. REYER, EDUARD. Banka und Bilitong. Oest. Zeitschr. Berg. HUtt., Vol. 27, 1879, Wien, pp. 384-385, 395-397, 407-409. Extract: Iron Age, Vol. 24, Nov. 20, 1879, New York, p. 3. " Concise, though well-detailed notice of the nature and condition of tin-mining in Banka and Billiton, with geological sketch map of the northeast district of the former island, and full references to former observers and writers on these worka and the structure of the islands." . See No. 1354. SCHUUBMAN, J. A. See No. 1415. 118. VAT* DER WYCK, 0. H. The occurrence of tin ore in the islands of Banca and Billiton. 17th Ann. Rep. Dir. U. S. Geol. Surv. 1895-96, pt. 3, 1896, Washington, D. C., pp. 227-242. Conditions of occurrence, method of mining and smelting tin ore on the islands of Banca and Billiton. 119. VERBEEK, R. D. M. Ueber die Zinnerzlagerstatten von Bangka und Billiton. Zeitschr. prakt. Geol., 1899, Berlin, pp. 134-136. Digest: Neues Jahrb. Min., 1901, I (Ref.), Stuttgart, pp. 422-423. Verbeek's first article on this subject appeared in Jaarb. Mijnw. Ned. Oost- Indie, Vol. 26, 1897, and was reviewed by Beck in Zeitschr. prakt. Geol., 1898, Berlin, pp. 121-127. . See No. 136. 120. VLAANDEREN, C. L*. Scheikundig onderzoek van Bangka-tin. Jaarb. Mijriw. Ned. Oost-Indie, 1874 (1875), I, Amsterdam, 233-235. WEEKS, JOSEPH D. See No. 1372. See also Billiton and General. BILLITON 121. AKKERINGA, J. E. Verslag van een onderzoek naar tinertsaders op het eiland Billiton. .Jaarb. Mijnw. Ned. Oost-Indie, 1873, II, Amsterdam, pp. 3-72. Written in 1860. Met drie kaarten en een plaatje. Hoofdstuk I. Beschrijving der kaarten. II. De ontginbaarheid der tinaders. " III. Eenige opmerkingen omtrent geognosie, adererts en alluvialen tinerts. 122. ANONYMOUS. Notiz iiber das Vorkommen von Zinn auf dr Insel Billiton [in der Nahe der Insel Banka]. Berg. Hfitt. Zeit., Vol. 12, 1853, Leipzig, p. 609. 123. . Billiton tin mines. Eng. Mg. Journ. Vol. 26, 1878, New York, p. 294. Tin mines in four districts: Mangar (most important), Boeding, Tandjang- Padan, Dindang. Percentage of pure tin is 40 to 70 per cent. Since 1854 produced 1000 pieuls for first year, and for the 20 years after 62,000 pieuls. NO. 2 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TIN HESS 35 BILLITON (Continued) 124. . Verslag van net Mijnwezen in Nederlandsch Oost-Indie over het jaar 1880-1. Jaarb. Mijnw. Ned. Oost-Indie, 1882, II, Tech., Amsterdam, pp. 116-132. Tinontginningen. a. Ontginning van Gouvernementswege. b. Billiton-Maatschappij. 125. . Verslag van het Mijnwezen in Nederlandsch Indie over het jaar 1881-2. Jaarb. Mijnw. Ned. Oost-Indie, 183, II, Tech., Amsterdam, pp. 147-157. Tinontginningen. a. Ontginning van Gouvernementswege. b. Particuliere ontginningen. Billiton. 126. . Verslag van het Mijnwezen in Nederlandsch Indie over het jaar 1882-3. Jaarb. Mijnw. Ned. Oost-Indie, 1884, II, Tech,, Amsterdam, pp. 347-358. Tinontginningen. a. Ontginning van Gouvernementswege. b. Particuliere ontginningen. Billiton. c. Concessie-aanvragen. 126a. . Tin mining in the island of Billiton. A general sketch. G. Kolff & Co., Batavia (Dutch East Indies), 1908, pp. 31. Treats of the political, topographic, geological, and commercial aspects of Billiton, Dutch East Indies, and its tin mining industry. Describes in excellent manner the methods of working the deposits (from the commercial side rather than the mechanical) and handling the Chinese. Besides tin, iron is the only commercial mineral found in quantity. There are small quantities of tungsten, gold, lead, and copper. Probably the most intimate English account of tin deposits and mining on Billiton Island. BECK, R. See No. 82. 127. CRETIEB, H. Tinhoudend zand van Billiton. Indische Gids, 1881, II. Not available to the authors. 128. DIEST, P. H. VAN. Bijdrage tot de geschiedenis van Billiton, gedurende de eerste 15 jaren onzer vestiging aldaar, bepaaldelijk met het oog op het reeds te dien tijde bekend zijn van het voorkomen van tinerts aldaar. Jaarb. Mijnw. Ned. Oost-Indie, 1874, II, Amsterdam, pp. 193-240. 129. FEERIEB, . Exploitation de 1'etain a Billiton. Rev. Univ. Mines Met. Trav. Publ. Sci. Arts Appl. Indust. Ser. 2, Vol. 9, 1881, Liege and Paris, pp. 458-460. (Extract.) FUCHS, B., and LAUNAY L. DE. See No. 1323. 130. GROOT, C. DE. Die Insel Billiton durchforscht nach Zinnerz. Kon. Nat. Tijdschr. Ned. -Indie, Jahr. 3, Lief. 2 u. 3, 1852, Batavia, p. 133, maps 2. Not available to the authors. 131. . Tinader op Billiton. Ron: Nat. Tijdschr. Ned. -Indie, 1870, Batavia. Not available to the authors. 3G SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 58 BILLITON (Continued) 132. . Herinneringen aan Blitong. 1887, Gravenhage. Tinerts, pp. 168-228, sketch 1. Review: Neues Jahrb. Min., 1888, II (Ref.), Stuttgart, pp. 424-425. 1. Tinerts afgezet in het vastgesteente, p. 168. 2. Tinerts dat onvervoerd is blijven liggen op de plaats waar het door verweering van het vastgesteente, waarin het gelegerd was, daaruit werd losgemaakt, p. 189. 3. Laagvorming afgezetten stromtinertsgrond, p. 199. 4. Stroomtinerts, p. 208. 5. Mineralen, welke met het stroomtinerts in den ertsgrond worden aangetroffen, p. 218. 133. MAIEB, P. J., and LAUDON, J. Jets omtrent het voorkomen van tin op het eiland Billiton. Ron. Nat. Tijdschr. Ned. -Indie, 1854, Batavia. Not available to the authors. 134. POSEWITZ, TH. Die geologisch-montanistischen Verhaltnisse der Insel Billiton. Petermann's Mitth., Vol. S3, 1887, Gotha, pp. 1C8-116. Map. History of the discovery of tin ore in Billiton, geology of the island, the occurrence and mining of tin, statistics of production. 135. RANT, H. F. E. Verslag van de bevinding en de vobruitzichten der aderontgimiing nabij den berg Tadjouw op het eiland Billiton. Jaarb. Mijnw. Ned. Oost-Indie, 1873, II, Amsterdam, pp. 73-91. REYEB, EDUAED. See No. 117. 136. VERBEEK, R. D. M. Geologische beschrijving van Bangka en Billiton. Jaarb. Mijnw. Ned. Oost-Indie, 1897, Tech. Admin, en Weten. Ged., Amsterdam, pp. 1-220. Met 4 kaartjes, 2 bijlagen, en 4 platen. Reviewed by Beck in Zeitschr. prakt. Geol., 1898, Berlin, pp. 121-127. Beck's article digested: Neues Jahrb. Min., 1899, II [Ref.], Stuttgart, pp. 266-267. Largely devoted to the manner of occurrence of tin in the islands. . See No. 119. WEEKS, JOSEPH D. See No. 1372. See also " General." BOLIVIA. 137. ANONYMOUS. Tin mine in South America. M*. Mag. No. 1, Vol. 1, 1853, New York, pp. 210-212. Extract from " New York Courier " without date. A non-technical and rather careless description of a tin mine at Onero (Oruro ?) probably in Bolivia. Output said to have been 3000 tons per year. 137a. . Zinnvorkommen in Siidamerika. Oest. Zeitschr. Berg. Hfitt. Vol. 8, 1860, Wien, pp. 48-49. Brief mention of the very rich tin ore to be found in Bolivia, but location is such that the mining of it has not been very practicable. 138. - . Tin in Bolivia. Min. Ind. for 1895, Vol. 4, 1896, New York and London, p. 571. Tin production while small, showing a steady increase, and in 1895 production was much larger than ever before. NO. 2 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TIN HESS 37 BOLIVIA (Continued) 139. . Bolivian tin and the supply of the United States. Eng. Mg. Journ., Vol. 66, 1898, New York, p. 632. Editorial in which is discussed the development of the tin plate industry in United States, and the increasing block tin importation. Why we do not import more raw material from Bolivia is also discussed. 140. - . L'etain en Bolivie. Illustration, Vol. 116, 1900, Paris, p. 410. Review: Berg. Htitt. Zeit., Vol. 60, 1901, Leipzig, p. 268. 141. . Tin in Bolivia. Min. Ind. for 1900, Vol. 9, 1901, New York and London, p. 689. Tin is mined in the departments of Oruro, Potosi, La Paz and Coehabamba, of which Oruro is much the most important, containing within its borders 25 out of a total of 37 mines of the whole country. 141a. . Tin in Bolivia. Min. Ind. for 1901, Vol. 10, 1902, New York and London, p. 641. Most important tin mining district is that of Huanuni, where tin ore occurs in numerous veins and lodes, traversing the granite country rock. 142. . Tin in Bolivia. Eng. Mg. Journ., Vol. 73, 1902, New York, p. 218. Answer to correspondent asking about Bolivia tin deposits. Gives recent production and some other data. 143. - . Tin in Bolivia. Mo. Bull. Int. Bur. Amer. Repub., Jan.-June, 1902, Washington, D. C., pp. 588-590. In the Huanuni district in Bolivia on the mountain of Pozoconi, many of the tin veins run into tin pyrites at from 100 to 200 feet in depth. " Solid tinstone of variable width up to 2 feet." One vein at the CTialla and Apacheta mines, 10 miles south of Huanuni is 25 to 30 feet wide, averaging 20 per cent tin. The vein is composed of grains of SnO 2 in an argillaceous rock. The Arecayo mine of the Oruro district, has lodes from 1 to 3 feet wide and has considerable masses of solid ore, averaging more than 40 per cent tin. 144. . A new tin mine, Bolivia. Mg. Journ., Railw. Comm. Gaz., Vol. 74, 1903, London, p. 525. Situated 57 miles south of Tupiza, anciently worked in a small way for silver. In 1901 opened as tin mine. Striking in an easterly and westerly direction, lodes cut decomposed clay, slate and shale. Principal lode over 800 feet in length, with an average width of 2 feet. With the rudest dressing machinery, about 23 tons of black tin of 55 per cent to 62 per cent is produced monthly. 145. . Tin mining in Bolivia. Eng. Mg. Journ., Vol. 80, 1905, New York, p. 698. Brief summary of report of the British Foreign Office. Since rise in price of tin, the famous silver mines of Oruro have depended for their prosperity more on their tin output than silver production. Bolivia now one of the largest producers of tin in the world. Total shipments in 1904 from Oruro district amounted to equivalent of 8000 tons of metallic tin, in 1903 the output was about one-half as large. 146. . Tin mining in "Bolivia. Eng. Mg. Journ., Vol. 81, 1906, New York, p. 1137. Tin deposits of La Blanca, San Jose" and Quinsachata are briefly described, giving output, etc. 38 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 58 BOLIVIA (Continued) 147. . Railway and mining development in Bolivia. Eng. Mg. Journ., Vol. 82, 1906, New York, p. 2, map of S. Bolivia. " Tin mines of the country are undoubtedly destined to become one of the world's chief sources of supply. Already the Bolivians aspire to the premier place in tin production. The conditions under which this metal is found show wide differences, but it is found throughout a large area, and is undoubtedly abundant." 148. - . Tin in Bolivia. Eng. Mg. Journ., Vol. 82, 1906, New York, p. 631. The prevalent idea that tin ore is superficial in Bolivia, only time will prove or disprove. If there is no notable increase for some time in the output of Bolivian tin, it will not be through want of ore in lodes, but through scarcity of labor. 148a. . Produccion de estano en 1906 y 1907. Geol. Minas, Vol. 2, 1907-1908, Buenos Aires, p. 630. Gives Bolivian production of tin for years 1906 and 1907. 148b. - . The mining industries of Bolivia. Journ. Soc. Arts, Vol. 57, 1909, London, pp. 721-722. Reprint: Mg. World, Vol. 31, 1909, Chicago, p. 923. Treats of the Bolivian tin output, market, machinery used, etc. 148c. . The tin mines of Huanuni and Uncia, Bolivia. Mg 1 . Journ. Railw. Comm. Gaz., Vol. 87, 1909, London, p. 125. Abstract from " El Comercio " (UyWi, Bolivia). Gives brief notes regarding output and improvements in the various mines of Huanuni and Uncia. 148d. - . Tin Mining in Bolivia. Eng. Mg. Journ., Vol. 88, 1909, New York, p. 1284. Extract from undesignated British consular report, giving the total production of barilla during 1908 as follows: Potosi, 18,139 tons; Oruro, 9620 tons; La Paz, 2C08 tons; Cochabamba, 170 tons. Total, 29,937. 148e. . La produccion de estano en Bolivia. Cienc. Indust., Vol. 3, 1909, Buenos Aires, p. 209. 148f. - . Bolivia in 1909. Mg. Journ. Railw. Comm. Gaz., Vol. 88, 1910, London, p. 136. Short account of the tin output for 1909, showing an increase over the production of 1908. 149. ARZRUNI, A. Ueber einige Mineralien aus Bolivia. Zeitschr. Kryst. Min., Vol. 9, 1884, Leipzig, pp. 73-77. Review: Neues Jahrb. Min., 1886, I (Ref.), Stuttgart, pp. 198-199. 150. BAIXIVIAN, M. V., and SAAVEDKA, BAUTISTA. El estano en Bolivia. Mono- grafias de la industria minera, No. 3. Oficina nacional de immigraci6n, estadistica, etc., 1900, La Paz, pp. 133. 151. BARBA, ALVARO ALONSO. Arte de los Metales. Madrid, 1630, chap. 32. Ref. from Frochot, L'etain in Bolivie, Ann. Mines, ser. 9, Vol. 19, 1901, Paris, p. 187. " (Test encore aujourd'hui une autorite en matiere de mines, et ses indications sur la geographie miniere de la Bolivie ont 6t6 tres rarement reconnues inexactes." Not available to the authors. NO. 2 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TIN HESS 39 BOLIVIA (Continued) A translation was published in London in 1740, entitled: " A collection of scarce and valuable treatises upon metals, mines and minerals Being a translation from the learned Albaro Alonso Barba, director of the mines at Potosi in the Spanish West Indies, and the observations of several ingenious persons of our own country, founded on many years experience." Tin, chap. 32, pp. 107-110. BECK, RICHARD. See No. 1299. 152. BENEDICT, WM. DE L. Tin in Bolivia. Min. Ind. for 1892, Vol. 1, 1893, New York and London, pp. 450-451. Tin at Potosi is found in large quantities in silver bearing veins. At Chorolque, bismuth and tin are found close together in distinct veins. A few deposits of alluvial or stream tin have been discovered, but only one that is of any importance. 152a. BERKEY, CHARLES P. See Rumbold, William R. Origin of Bolivian tin deposits. Descriptions of microscopic sections of Bolivian tin ores and rocks. 153. BRADLEY, D. H., JR. Mining in Bolivia. Mg. Mag., Vol. 11, No. 1, 1905, New York, pp. 41-48, 9 illus. As a tin producing country, Bolivia is second to Malay Peninsula. With the exception of that from Potosi, bar tin, the product of Bolivia is second in quality to none. Deposits rich, output increasing. Tin will undoubtedly be found in many other parts of Bolivia. Bolivian mines offer immense opportunities for investments paying 25 per cent premium within 3 or 4 years. 153a. BROWN, GILMOUR E. Present position of Bolivian tin mines. Mg. Journ. Railw. Comm. Gaz., Vol. 85, 1909, London, p. 399. Extract: Mg. World, Vol. 36, 1909, Chicago, p. 829. A few notes on the cost of mining and smelting, and the names of a few of the principal mines operating in Bolivia. 154. CONWAY, SIR MARTIN. Climbing and exploration in the Bolivian Andes. New York, 1901, pp. 291-299. The tin mines of Huaina Potosi are treated from a literary rather than geological standpoint. Veins from 3 meters to 10 meters wide occur in " porphyry," slate and trachyte. D'AcHiARDi, ANTONIO. See No. 1313. DAVIES, D. C. See No. 1317. 155. EMMONS, S. F. Geological distribution of the useful minerals. Trans. Amer. Inst. Mg. Eng., Vol. 22, 1894, New York, p. 72. " In Bolivia where tin ore forms an important part of the mineral product, it occurs in andesitic or trachytic rocks of Cretaceous or Tertiary age, is associated with sulphides of silver, copper, lead, zinc and iron and without the usual accompaniment of tourmaline, topaz, fluorspar or apatite.'.' 155a. ENDTER, AUGUSTO. The tin mines of Llallagua, near Oruro, Bolivia. Mg. Journ. Railw. Comm. Gaz., Vol. 86, 1909, London, pp. 52-53. Abstracted from " Compafifa EstaQffera de Llallagua. Tercera Memoria del Direc- torio y Balance Jeneral al 31 de Diciembre de 1908." Santiago de Chile, 1909, 36 pages with five folding plates. Treats of the geology, vein structure and mining methods, also announces and describes a newly found pocket of rich ore. 40 SMITHSONIAN MISCKI.I.AX HOTS COLLECTIONS VOL. 58 BOLIVIA (Continued) 155b. EVERDINO, . Unterlagen zu einer bergmannischen Lagerstattenbegu- tachtung in bolivianischen Zinnerzbezirk. Gliick. Berg. liUtt. Zeit. Isied. Westph., 45 Jahr., 19CO, Essen, pp. 1325-1335. 156. FAWNS, SYDNEY. Tin deposits of the world. Mg. Journ. Railw. Comm. Gaz., 1905, London. Deposits of Bolivia, pp. 112-124. Small outline map. No new material. Taken from Pasle.v's, Chas. S., " The tin mines of Bolivia." Trans. Inst. Mg. Met.. Vol. 7, 1898-1899, London, pp. 70-90, 95; Roberts, Malcolm, " Thorloque iin mines," op. cit., Vol. 9, 1900-1901; and Min. Ind., New York and London, 1903. 157. FORBES, DAVID. Researches on the mineralogy of South America. London, Edinburgh, Dublin, Philos. Mag. Journ. Sci., ser. 4, Vol. 29, 1865, pp. 133-136; Vol. 30, 1865, London, pp. 139-142. First article treats of the occurrence of tin ore in Bolivia; second article describes the different kinds of tin ore of Bolivia. FRENZEL, A. See No. 1611. Describes cylindrite from Bolivia. 158. FROCHOT, MAURICE. L'etain en Bolivie. Ann. Mines, ser. 9, Vol. 19, 1901, pp. 186-222. Extract: Bol. Min. Indust. Constr., Ano 18, Nos. 7, 8, 1902, Lima, Peru, pp. 51-53, 59-62. Digest: Trans. Inst. Mg. Eng., Vol. 23, 1901-1902, London and Newcastle-upon-Tyne, pp. 715-718. Geol. Centr., Vol. I, 1901, Leipzig, p. 707. 35 tin mines at work; cost of production very heavy; no such deposits known in Peru or Chili; Oruro district largest producer; geological conditions extremely varied; Huanuni mine credited with two-thirds of output of State; situated in a sort of stockwork in Mount Posconi, 10,500 feet high; in most cases Sn0 2 gives way to stanniferous pyrites at depth of 130'-160', one vein is filled with pure tinstone to a depth of 650' or more; 9 miles south are mines of Challa and Apacheta where is a vein 25 to 30 feet thick which in parts can be dug with a spade (where pyritiferous). Many " veneros " in this neighborhood not well worked. Fifty miles north of Oruro is Colquiri, where the Spaniards used to work silver ores but neglected tin, as usual. Tin veins close at hand are still untouched. In the mountains of Tres Cruces, (20,000' alt.) the Sayaquiri vein is 25 feet thick. Ore rather poor, associated with iron pyrites and wolframite, but some crystalline ore runs 70 per cent tin. Avicaya mines are productive and rock is compact porphyry. In the department of La Paz, the mines of Milluni, Huayna Potosi and Chocaltaya are all on one ore belt 12 miles in length. Veins, appear to be of very recent origin, for the}' occur near fossiliferous gypsum-bearing beds and red clays which have been faulted by disturbances that raised the neighboring Andes. Are in slates of Silurian or pre-Silurian age. Many veins not worked. Bolivian tin ores are not connected with plutonic granite, but appear to be connected genetically with thermal springs, which hold metallic sulphides in solution and were the outcome of Cretaceous and Tertiary volcanic eruptions. 159. FUCHS, B., et LAUNAY, L. DE. Traite" des gites mineraux et metalliferes. Vol. 2, 1893, Paris, pp. 107-158. Brief note upon the occurrence of tin in Bolivia. 160. GAUTIER, FERDINAND. ^Observation sur la formation des filons detain. Actes Soc. sci. Chili, Vol. 5, 1895, Santiago, pp. 82-84. Theories on deposition of tin veins near Chorolque, Bolivia. NO. 2 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TIN HESS 41 BOLIVIA (Continued) GMEHLING, ANDREAS. See No. 1497. 161. HARBISON, G. Tin in Bolivia. Diplomatic and Consular reports (Bolivia). Trade of Bolivia for the years 1904-1905, No. 3600, Ann. ser. 1906, London, p. 4. Mentions tin mining as principal industry. 161a. LIGHT, JOHN. El estano boliviano y la iniciativa chilena. Geol. Minas, Vol. 1, 19C6-1907, Buenos Aires, pp. 392-397. Taken from " La Lei," Santiago, Chile. General article upon tin, particularly of Bolivia. Louis, HENRY. See No. 1340. 162. MINCHIN, J. B. Tin mines in Bolivia. Eng. Mg. Journ., Vol. 51, 1891, New York, pp. 586-587. Good description of various tin mines of Bolivia, associated ores, manner of working, difficulties of transportation. Most important deposits are situated among the mountain ranges bordering the table-land to the east and northeast of Oruro and Lake Poopo, and are scattered over some 500 square miles. General country rock is shale, more or less highly inclined and contorted from eruptions of trachytic porphyry; the tin veins occur in the latter. 163. MINCHIN, J. B. Mineral resources of Bolivia. Iron, Vol. 37, No. 962, 1891, London, p. 536. 164. . The mineral resources of Bolivia. (Tin mines.) Engineering, Vol. 51, 1891, London, p. 453. Tin-bearing country extends along eastern border of Bolivian table-land from lake Titicaca to near the Argentine boundary. At Potosi and Oruro tin is asso- ciated with ores of silver, in other places, found alone or mixed with iron oxide and earthy matter. Country rock is shale, inclined and contorted from eruptions of trachytic porphyry; the tin veins occur in the latter rock. Mode of occurrence varies even in one group of mines. Country lacks adequate mining machinery. 165. . Tin in Bolivia. Mo. Bull. Int. Bur. Amer. Repub., No. 55, 1892. Revised to July 1, 1893, Washington, D. C., pp. 74-78. Short, general, . descriptive article, probably taken from his " Tin mines in Bolivia," Eng. Mg. Journ., Vol. 51, 1891, New York, pp. 586-587. 166. . Notes on tin mining in Bolivia. Eng. Mg. Journ., Vol. 75, 1903, New York, p. 31. Reprint with additions: Mo. Bull. Int. Bur. Amer. Repub., 1904, Washington, D. C., pp. 107-116. Mines are briefly described. Tin ore occurs chiefly at La Paz on the north, Oruro in the middle, Chorolque on the south and Potosi on the east. Huanuni is richest tin district. Transportation by pack mules, llamas and wagons. ' The best tin is said to come from Berenguela, 45 miles east of Oruro. Mines were formerly worked for silver. Some of the tin ore is very hard to handle on account of the large amount of antimony and other sulphides. Tin mining develops as transportation becomes easier. 350 tons barilla (concentrates) estimated to give 210 tons of bar tin. Output of barilla for 1902: 1901: La Paz 9,536 met. quin 10,780 Oruro 96,981 " " 100,206 Chorolque 13,365 " " 39,175 Potosi 56,201 " " Total 176,083 219,159 42 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 58 BOLIVIA (Continued) *167. . Tin in Bolivia. Min. Ind. for 1902, Vol. 11, 1003, New York and London, pp. 588-590. General description of tin deposits of Bolivia, methods of working, grade of ore, production, etc. 168. . Tin production in Bolivia. Eng. Mg. Journ., Vol. 77, 1904, New York, p. 244. Production of tin from mines in the neighborhood of Oruro. Description of the individual mines. 169. . Bolivian tin mines. Mg. Journ. Railw. Comm. Gaz., Vol. 79, 1906, London, p. 361, 450 words. Reprint: Eng. Mg. Journ., Vol. 81, 1906, New York, p. 810. A letter dated Oruro, Bolivia, Jan. 26, 1906, giving a short general description of the Bolivian tin mining industry. 170. NEWLAND, D. H. Production of Bolivian mines for 1903. Min. Ind., Vol. 12, 1904, New York and London, pp. 329-330. Mines in vicinity of Oruro briefly treated. 171. OCHSENIUS, C. Die Silber-Zinnerz-Lagerstatten Bolivias. Zeitschr. deutsch. geol. Ges., Vol. 49, 1897, Berlin, pp. 693-695. 17 la. OLAECHEA, T. El estano en Bolivia. Bol. Min. Indust. Constr., No. 7, ano, 18, 1902, Lima, pp. 51-53 and No. 8, pp. 59-62. " From an interesting article by Frochot, printed in " Annales des Mines," we extract the points which may be the most directly useful to national [i. e. Peruvian] mining; although the metal referred to has only been known to exist in the department of Puno, it will not be strange if some day, owing to the mineral wealth of the Peruvian soil, tin may be found as a result of new explorations, in conditions where it can be conveniently worked." Then follow extracts from Frochot's article. 172. PASLEY, CHAS. S. The tin mines of Bolivia. Trans. Inst. Mg. Met., Vol. 7, 1898-1899, London, pp. 77-90, 95. Digest: Min. Ind. for 1898, Vol. 7, 1899, New York and London, pp. 707-718. Abstract: Coll. Guard., Vol. 77, 1899, London, p. 18. Fawns, Sydney. Tin deposits of the world, pp. 112 et al. Tin mines in East Cordilleras. Rocks Silurian graywacke, slate, shales, and sandstone, cut by granite and later " porphyritic rocks." Trachyte in south. Formerly worked at Huanuni by Spaniards down to 1000 feet carrying ore out on their backs, two trips a day, 75 pounds per trip. Many rich veins from 1 foot to 30 feet wide and carrying up to 50 per cent tin. Mines located at from 13,000 feet to 15,000 feet altitude. Freights high. Fuel scarce. Tourmaline found with ores. Much antimony, pyrite, bismuth, and arsenic, with some silver, copper, and gold. PEABCE, R. See No. 1630. 172a. PENA, ALFONSO DE LA. La explotacion de minerales de estano en Bolivia. Geol. Minas, Vol. 2, 1907-1908, Buenos Aires, pp. 336-339. 173. PENBEBTHY, JOHN. Tin mining in Bolivia. Eng. Mg. Journ., Vol. 82, 1906, New York, p. 458. Deposits of Bolivia are both lode and alluvial. Principal centers of production are Chorolque, Potosi, Uncia and Huanuni. The transportation to shipping points NO. 2 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TIN HESS 43 BOLIVIA (Continued) depends upon rainfall, since absence of grass paralyzes transport which is carried on by mules and llamas. The labor problem is one of great difficulty. With present price of tin, all mines are worked to limit; but it is improbable that there will be an increase in production in the near future owing to the excessive difficulties here encountered. 174. . Tin mining in Bolivia. Amer. Mg. Rev., November 7, 1908, Los, Angeles, p. 1, pi. 1. Abstract of paper read beofre Roy. Cornwall Polyt. Soc. of England. Briefly describes the tin mines and mining conditions existing in Bolivia. . See No. 467. PENFIELD, S. L. See No. 1631. PHILLIPS, J. A., and Louis H. See No. 1350. 175. PREUMONT, G. The Bolivian tin mining industries and railways. Mg. Journ. Railw. Comm. Gaz., Vol. 83, 1908, London, pp. 5-6, 65-66. Bolivia presents after the Malayan States the most interesting field for tin mining. Since ore occurs mostly in lodes, it has, in many respects an advantage over those countries depending on alluvial grounds, which are rapidly becoming depleted. Most of the mines are comparatively yet in virgin ground. The possibility of the output increasing rapidly, is largely dependent on better and cheaper methods of transportation. Hence the outlook for railway development is treated at length. 17G. . Northern tin fields of Bolivia. Mg. Journ. Railw. Comm. Gaz., Vol. 83, 1908, London, pp. 160, 249, 314. Gives location, geographic and climatic description of country in which tin deposits occur. The tin-bearing lodes seem to bear no direct relation to the granite core of the mountains, but occur in quartzite on their western flanks. This quartzite is neither very continuous nor very wide, but all areas of it have been found to be stanniferous. The tin fields of Milluni, Quimsa Cruz, Araca and Ichoca occur in such areas. Describes in detail the Huaina-Potosi, Milluni, Araca, Quimsa Cruz, and Santa Vela Cruz fields. PRIOR, G. T. See No. 1636. Describes teallite. 177. PUNNETT, H. MACAULEY. The tin deposits of Bolivia. Mg. Journ. Railw. Comm. Gaz., Vol. 33, 1863, London, pp. 403, 443, 479, 498, 554. Enumeration and description of principal tin districts of Bolivia and modes of working mines, crushing and washing of ores. ROLKER, CHAS. M. See No. 1357. 178. ROBERTS, MALCOLM. Chorolque tin mines and alluvial deposits, Bolivia. Trans. Inst. Mg. Met., Vol. 9, 1900-1901, London, pp. 372-376. Geography, geology, mineralogy; description of the mines and their working, also a description of the alluvial deposits. 179 1 Notes on Chorolque tin mines and alluvial deposits, Bolivia. Trans. Inst. Mg. Met., Vol. 12, 1902-1903, London, pp. 404-405. Additions to paper in Trans. Inst. Mg. Met., Vol. 9, 1900-1901, London, pp. 372-376, giving further details of the geology. 180. ROMANA, EDUARDO A. L. DE. Una inspecion de los yacimientos de estaiio de Bolivia y una exploracion por el mismo metal en el Peru. Boletin Cuerpo de Ingenieros de Minas del Peru No. 57, 1908, Lima, pp. 99, figs. 26, maps 2.. 44 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 58 BOLIVIA (Continued) Abstract: Mg.. Journ. Railw. Comm. Gaz., Vol. 84, 1908, London, pp. 37-38, 91-92. Reviews the uses and production of tin to p. 31; describes Bolivian deposits and their production to p. 68. The remainder of the bulletin describes investigations in the provinces of Huancane and Chucuito, department of Preno. Tin was found at but one place in Peru, on the mountain Calvario in Vilque Chico, where it occurs with lead. 180a. RUMBOLD, WILLIAM R. Origin of the Bolivian tin deposits. Econ. Geol., Vol. 4, 1909, Lancaster, pp. 321-364, map, figs. 31. Abstract: Mg. World, Vol. 31, 1909, Chicago, pp. 1063-1066. Map. The tin ore occurs in Devonian quartzite and quartzite-schist and in quartz porphyry cutting these. The Concordia lode is in a breccia in a fissure, part of which is occupied by quartz porphyry. Besides cassiterite, the lode carries siderite, tourmaline, sphalerite, and pyrite. The Elisa and Coya lodes as exposed where worked, are similar to the Concordia. The Monte Blanco mine, besides having lodes, has schistose quartzite, carrying cassiterite and tourmaline between the laminae. The Barrosa Cota Mine works white quartz veins, carrying pyrite, magnetite, and tourmaline, with cassiterite which in some places takes the form of wood tin. The San Roque and La Boliviania mines work the " Gallofa " lode, which carries iron oxide and pyrite, arsenical pyrite, chlorite, and tourmaline. There is no igneous rock exposed in the mine. At La Unificada Mine, Negro Pabellon, the lode carries cassiterite with iron oxide, quartz and barite. Wolframite occurs in veins and pockets of the quartz porphyry. in the Cataracagua lode at Huanuni, the writer thinks the cassiterite may have been deposited later than iron oxides. Little sulphide has been encountered along the lode. The Morococala mines are in ah inlier of quartzite schist in andesite. A great flow of andesite covers much of the tin-bearing rocks and many of the tin mines are located around the edge of the andesite which, however, has no relation to the origin of the tin ores. The Antequera, Totoral, and Avicaya mines at Chualla Grande are on impregnation lodes in quartzite and carry cassiterite, quartz, tourmaline, iron pyrite, and less chalcopyrite. In most of the Llallagua and Uncia veins, there is little impregnation but the walls are slickensided. The average width of the veins is about 2 feet. They carry much iron oxide in the upper portions; below that, sulphides of iron, bismuth, arsenic, antimony, a little silver, and traces of gold. There is no stannite. The writer considers these to be the richest tin mines in Bolivia and probably in the world. The San Jose 1 lode is 2 metres wide and carries 20 per cent tin. The San Salvadora lode is 2 feet wide and is said to carry 25 per cent tin in dense sulphides. It also contains values in bismuth and silver. He claims that with proper handling, the barilla could be made as clean as the tin concentrates from the Malay Peninsula and cleaner than those from Cornwall. Descriptions of numerous microscopic sections by Charles P. Berkey are quoted. SPENCER, L. J. See No. 1641. 181. STEINMAN, G. Ueber die Zinnerzlagerstatten Bolivias. Monatsber. deutsch. geol. Ges., No. 1, 1907, Berlin, pp. 7-9. Translation: Mg. Journ. Railw. Comm. Gaz., VoL 81, 1907, London, pp. 453-454. Translation: Informaciones y Memorias, Boletin de la Sociedad de Ingenieros, Vol. 9, 1907, Lima, pp. 133-136. Gives geological data on the tin deposits of Bolivia, additional to that published by Stelzner. NO. 2 'BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TIN HESS 45 BOLIVIA (Continued) 182. STELZNER, ALFRED W. Zinnerzlagerstatten von Bolivia. Zeitschr. deutsch. geol. Ges., Vol. 44, 1892, Berlin, pp. 531-533. Also, Zeitschr. prakt. Geol., 1893, Berlin, pp. 81-82. Digest: Min. Mag. Journ. Min. Soc., Vol. 10, 1893, London, pp. 261-262. Digest: Neues Jahrb. Min., 1893, II (Ref.), Stuttgart, p. 81. " Tin ores in South American Cordilleras are restricted to a zone extending from the 15th to the 21st degree of latitude. In paragenesis and mode of occurrence they offer a remarkable contrast to the tin ores of other countries. The ore is seldom in crystals but usually crypto-crystalline, kidney-shaped, or compact. The usual tourmaline, topaz, fluorite, apatite, etc., are almost entirely absent. Instead of these the tin ore is accompanied by stannite and other sulphides. Frequently the tin is restricted to the upper portin of a vein, its place being taken lower down by argentiferous fahlerz, pyrite, and (locally) galena and sine blende. In its geological occurrence, the tin ore is remarkable, occurring in association, not with granite, but with trachytes and andesites referred to a late Cretaceous or early Tertiary age." 183. . Die Silber-Zinnerzlagerstatten Bolivias. Zeitschr. deutsch. geol. Ges., Vol. 49, 1897, Berlin, pp. 51-142, map and bibliography. Ein Beitrag zur Naturgeschichte des Zinnerzes. Review: Neues Jahrb. Min., 1891, I (Ref.), Stuttgart, pp. 481-483. . See No. 1642. 184. WENDT, A. F. The Potosf, Bolivia, silver-district. Trans. Amer. Inet. Mg. Eng., Vol. 19, 1891, New York, pp. 90-91. " An almost constant accompaniment of the silver ores of Potosf, and of a great many of the silver ores of the plateau of Bolivia, is binoxide of tin, in the shape of gray or yellow oxide. Some of the silver veins are very rich in the oxide of tin, notably so the Tajo-polo and the Veta Estafio, which was named after its contents of tin." The country rock is rhyolite. BURMAH 185. ANONYMOUS. Maliwan tin mines [Mergui district]. Ind. Eng. July 20, 1889, Calcutta, pi. 1. Reprint: Eng. Mg. Journ., Vol. 48, 1889, New York, p. 182. Digest: Proc. Inst. Civ. Eng., Vol. 98, pt. 4, 1889, London, pp. 468-469. Description of the almost deserted tin mines of Mergui, near Renaung. Veins of tin-sand are found at the surface, mined in open workings by shallow pits from 10 to 12 feet deep. Sand is raised by ladders from the mines and washed. Two smelting furnaces are situated at Maliwan. Output per day is 15 to 16 blocks of tin of 106 pounds each, bringing about Rs. 60 at Penang. 186. . Tin in Burmah. Min. Ind. for 1900, Vol. 9, 1901, New York and London, p. 639. 187. . Tin in Burma. Mg. World, Vol. 24, 1906, Chicago, p. 96. Tin occurs in alluvial deposits all along the water courses, covering an area nearly 200 miles in length, by an average breadth of 40 miles. At Maliwan both vein and alluvial tin mining is carried on. 46 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 58 BURMAH (Continued) 188. Foss, K. MACKENZIE. The occurrence of tin and gold in Lower Burma. Mg. Journ. Railw. Coinm. Gaz., Vol. 76, 1904, London, pp. 505-506. Describes an alluvial tin deposit at Henzai. Assayed 73 per cent tin; one particular assay went 48 ounces of gold to ton, and 50 per cent metallic tin. Deposit contains considerable copper and wolframite. Worked by natives in crude manner. Some 28 miles inland from Mergui tin, coal and gold found. Mr. T. W. H. Hughes reported favorably on these deposits. 189. FBYAB, MARK. Burma. Indian Economist, 1872, Calcutta, pp. 445-459. Not available to the authors. 190. GRUNDY, JAMES. Mineral production of India. Trans. Manchester Geol. Soc., Vol. 28, 1902-1904 (1905), Manchester, p. 14. Tin is mentioned as occurring in Lower Burma. Relatively of small economic importance. Trade is trifling. Practically all the tin mined is used in India. 191. HELFER, J. W. Letter on tin, iron, etc., from Tenasserim. Journ. Asiat. Soc. Bengal, Vol. 7, 1838, Calcutta, p. 171. Expresses himself as " greatly satisfied " with tin mines of Tenasserim district. " They are very rich and very extensive." 192. HOLLAND, T. H. Tin ore in Burma. Rec. Geol. Surv. India, Vol. 31, 1904, Calcutta, p. 43. Note on discovery of a tin-bearing greisen in Tenasserim. 193. HUGHES, T. W. H. Tin-mining in Mergui District. Rec. Geol. Surv. India, Vol. 22, pt. 3, 1889, Calcutta, pp. 188-208. Sketch map 1. Partly reprinted in Sydney Fawns', " Tin deposits of the world," pp. 39-41. Has but little hope for lode mining. Stream tin is generally distributed through the gravels. Jungle thick so that exploration is difficult. Mines worked by Chinese, and ore is smelted at the mines. List of mines given. 194. . Report on the prospecting operations, Mergui district. Rec. Geol. Surv. India, Vol. 26, 1891-1892 (1893), Calcutta, pp. 40-53. Confirms previous reports that tin deposits are large and accessible enough to be worked profitably under economical management. Geology of country gives reason to hope that both north and east of country prospected, other paying tin deposits may be found. 195. KING, WILL. Tin in Tenasserim. Rec. Geol. Surv. India, Annual Report for 1888, Vol. 22, pt. 1, 1889, Calcutta, p. 11; for 1889, Vol. 23, pt. 1, 1890, Calcutta, p. 8; for 1890, Vol. 24, pt. 1, 1891, Cal- cutta, pp. 9-10; for 1891, Vol. 25, pt. 1, 1892, Calcutta, p. 8; for 1892, Vol. 26, pt. 1, 1893, Calcutta, p. 4. Outlines progress in opening up this new district. 196. LEMON, CHAS. and TREMENHEERE, G. B. Reports on the tin of Province of Mergui, in Tenasserim, in the northern part of the Malayan Penin- sula. Trans. Roy. Geol. Soc. Cornwall, VoL 6, 1846, Penzance, pp. 68-75. Description ' of the occurrences of stream tin in Mergui. States that cassiterite is also found in granite dikes which cut sandstone. Both forms of deposits said to be large, especially those of stream tin. NO. 2 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TIN HESS 47 BURMAH (Continued) 197. LOCK, C. G. WARNFORD. Tin in Burmah. Economic Mining-, 1895, New York, p. 623. " Burmah is the great source of Indian tin supplies. In the Teriasserim division, tinstone is very plentiful, every stream bod near Maliwun in Mergui yielding the metal when washed. Dr. Oldham states main source of all the Tenasserim tin is the granite range separating province from Siam, where it exists as an essential ingredient of the mass of rock." 198. OLDHAM, T. Remarks on papers and reports relative to the discovery of tin and other ores in the Tenasserim provinces. Sel. Rec. Bengal Gov., Vol. 6, 3852, Calcutta, pp. 33-44. Also: Papers on the geology and minerals of British Burmah, 1882, Calcutta, pp. 366-375. Not available to the authors. 199. . Notes on the coal-fields and tinstone deposits of the Tenasserim provinces. Sel. Rec. Gov. India, Vol. 10, 1856, Calcutta, pp. 31-67. Also: Papers on the geology and minerals of British Burmah, 1882, Calcutta, pp. 375-406. Not available to the authors. REYER, EDUARD. See No. 1354. 200. ROYLE, . On the tin mines of Tenasserim province. London, Edinburgh, Dublin Philos. Mag. Journ. Sci., ser. 3, Vol. 24, 1844, London, pp. 63-65. In 1837 tin was discovered near Lake Loadut, about 110 miles north-northeast of Maulmain, and in 1840 the country north of the Pakchan River was reported to be the richest stanniferous district within the Tenasserim provinces. Ore is found in the debris of primitive rocks, and the range is said to be a continuation of the Siamese tin district of Rinowng. In an hour and a half 11,889 grains of tin were collected in the vicinity of the coal mines on Great Tenasserim River. 201. SNOW, A. B. Tin mining in Lower Burma. Mg. Journ. Railw. Comm. Gaz., Vol. 78, 1905, London, p. 247. Describes alluvial tin-bearing ground as covering an area nearly 200 miles long with an average breadth of about 40 miles along the water courses. At Maliwun both lode and alluvial mining is carried on. Veins are from 1 inch to 6 feet wide. Mining is done in most primitive manner by natives. Climatic conditions are favorable. 202. THEOBALD, W. Metalliferous resources of British Burmah. Rec. Geol. Surv. India, Vol. 6, pt. 4, 1873, Calcutta, pp. 91-93. " Beyond some workings near Malee-wan on the Pakchan River, the ore is nowhere sj'stematically worked on a large scale within British territory. South of the Pakchan stream the richness of the tin washings is derived from the degradation of a stanniferous granite, in which the tinstone occurs as one of the integral constituents of the rock." 203. TREMENHEERE, G. B. Report on the tin of the Province of Mergui. Journ. Asiat. Soc. Bengal, Vol. 10, 1841, Calcutta, pp. 845-851. Additions to report, Vol. 11, 1842, Calcutta, pp. 24, 280. Also, Calcutta Journ. Nat. Hist., Vol. 3, 1843, Calcutta, pp. 47-54. , Sci. Rec. Bengal Gov., Vol. 6, 1852, Calcutta, pp. 5-11; papers on the geology and minerals of British Burmah, 1882, pp. 350-356. Not available to the authors. IS SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 58 BURMAH (Continued) 204. - . Second report on the tin of Mergui. Journ. Asiat. Soc. Bengal, Vol. 11, 1842, Calcutta, pp. 839-851. Gives more complete description of the tin-bearing ground and of the methods of working, than in earlier report. 205. - . Report of a visit to the Pakchan River, and some tin localities in the southern portion of the Tenasserim provinces. Journ. Asiat. Soc. Bengal, Vol. 12, 1843, Calcutta, pp. 528-534, map. Malewan is only spot in Province where people have located for the purpose of collecting tin. Do not work veins, stream tin alone is collected. Not possible to work except in rainy season, at which time one man can extract four rupees worth of tin per day. Mining done by Chinese. Country rock is granite. 206. - . Report, etc., with information concerning the price of tin ore of Mergui. Journ. Asiat. Soc. Bengal, Vol. 14, 1845, Calcutta, pp. 329-332. 207. WABTH, H. Burmah tin deposits. Eng. Mg. Journ., Vol. 54, 1892, New York, p. 449. Reprint: Min. Ind. for 1892, Vol. 1, 1893, New York and London, p. 450. The tin deposits are of two kinds: 1st. Tin gravels found in all or most of the valleys. Gravels are a mixture of quartz, garnet, black tourmaline and gray cassiterite. 2d. Tin-bearing deposits in original eruptive rock, which is weathered so that it is possible to wash out grains of whitish cassiterite which it contains. The yield from deposits of second class near Malewan was only 0.04 per cent of impure wash tin. CALIFORNIA 208. ANONYMOUS. Sur les mines d'or, d'argent et d'etain recemment decou- vertes dan les environs de Los Angeles [Cal.]. Ann. Mines, ser. 6, Vol. 16, 1869, Paris, pp. 599-600. 209. . California tin. Mg. Sci. Press, Vol. 64, 1892, San Francisco, p. 261. Announcement of the first shipment of pig tin from Temescal, Cal., to New York, which consisted of 22,000 pounds, the output of two weeks. Said to be equal to Straits Settlement tin. 210. - . The California tin mines. Eng. Mg. Journ., Vol. 53, 1892, New York, p. 49. Short account of progress of San Jacinto tin mine during 1891. Outlook bright. Tin raised for 1891 placed at 123,366 pounds having a gross value of $24,673. 211. . Tin in California. Mg. Sci. Press, Vol. 82, 1901, San Francisco, p. 209. " The metal from Bishop Creek, Inyo Co., Cal., is tin." (Given to show possible tin-bearing locality.) 212. BENEDICT, WILLIAM, DE L. The San Jacinto (Cal.) tin mines. Eng. Mg. Journ., Vol. 50, 1890, New York, pp. 450-453. Editorial on same, p. 447. Briefly reviews the unsuccessful attempts made to exploit tin mines in the United States, and the history of the San Jacinto deposits, the metal in which was long thought to be silver. Compares the deposits with those of Cornwall, and gives an epitome of the several reports upon the deposits from which he decides that the deposits should be developed before extensive works are erected. NO. 2 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TIN HESS 49 CALIFORNIA (Continued) 213. . Tin in California. Min. Ind. for 1892, Vol. 1, 1893, New York and London, pp. 452-453 Descriptive, historical, statistical. 269,000 pounds pig tin produced to the time of closing 1 down in September, 1892. 214. BLAKE, WILLIAM P. Occurrence of tin [wood tin] in California, Idaho and Montana. 2d Rep. State Mineralogist, California, 1880-1882 (1882), Sacramento, appendix, pp. 216-218. California: Tin specimens found in Feather River, Plumas Co. Montana: Stream tin occurs in many streams of the granitic region of the Bitter Root Mts. ; in some localities in sufficient quantities to justify the hope that wash- ing for this ore may be profitable. The many points at which this ore is found in Montana and Idaho indicate that it has a wide and general distribution in the granite region of the Northwest. 215. FAIRBANKS, HAROLD W. Geology of the Temescal tin district. llth Rep. Cal. State Mg. Bureau, 1893, Sacramento, pp. 111-118. Describes the geologic features of the region and the system of tin veins. 216. . The tin deposits at Temescal, Southern California. Amer. Journ. Sci., ser. 4, Vol. 4, 1897, New Haven, pp. 39-42. Also, Mg. Sci. Press, Vol. 75, 1897, San Francisco, p. 362. Digests: Neues Jahrb. Min., 1899, I (Ref.), Stuttgart, pp. 23-24, 86-87. Geological description of the district, and of the occurrence of tin. 217. GARRISON, F. LYNVVOOD. Tin in the United States. Eng. Mg. Journ., Vol. 78, 1904, New York, p. 830. The Temescal tin mine is described. 218. HANKS, H. G. Cassiterite. 4th Rep. California State Mg. Bureau, 1884, Sacramento, pp. 115-123. Gives a short general dissertation upon the occurrence of tin; describes its ores; gives a list of the alloys of tin and their uses; enumerates the principal localities where tin is found; and describes the Temescal mines. 219. JACKSON [J. R. (?)]. Sur la decouverte de 'minerals d'etain en Cali- fornie. (Extraits d'une lettre.) C. R. Acad. Sci., Vol. 50, 1860, Paris, pp. 105-106. 220. KNIGHT, ENOCH. Temescal tin mines. Eng. Mg. Journ., Vol. 53, 1892, New York, p. 276, pi. 3. At writing (end of year 1891), Temescal tin mines (San Jacinto) have produced the first and only American tin ever sent to the market. Description and reports of mine given. OHLY, J. See No. 1215.- 221. ROESSLER, . New California tin mine. Eng. Mg. Journ., Vol. 8, 1869, New York, p. 371. Editorial on same, p. 377. Announces the discovery of tin near San Jacinto, California. Brief review of California tin mining. 222. WEST, H. E. Tin in California. Eng. Mg. Journ., Vol. 79, 1905, New York, pp. 852-853. History, occurrence, and milling and metallurgy of the Temescal mines. 50 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 58 CALIFORNIA (Continued) 223. WHITNEY, J. D. Tin in Temescal range. Geol. Surv. of California. (Geology), Vol. 1, 1865, Philadelphia, pp. 180-181. Synopsis of the field work from 1860-1864. During 1860-1861 the Temescal range was a scene of great excitement on the subject of tin. Description of the ore and its occurrence given. CANADA 224. ANONYMOUS. Discovery of tin in Canada. Mg. Journ. Railw. Comm. Gaz., Vol. 81, 1907, London, p. 305. Also, Can. Mg. Rev., Vol. 28, 1907, Montreal, pp. 39-40. Reports discovery of tin near New Ross, Lunenburg County, Nova Scotia. Only slight development, and economic value is unknown. Tin is found in small quantities in numerous other localities in Canada. States that tin has been discovered in Laurentian rocks in Greenland. 225. BETTS, A. G. Electrolytic lead-refining. Trans. Amer. Inst. Mg. Eng., Vol. 34, 1903, New York, pp. 180. Tin is found in electrolytically refined lead at Trail, B. C., to the extent of 0.02 per cent. A number of analyses given show from 0.0012 to 0.0140 per cent of tin. Small amounts of Cu, Bi, As, Sb, Ag, Au, Fe and Zn are found in the bullion. 226. BROCK, R. W. Tin in British Columbia. Summ. Rep. Geol. Surv. Dep. Canada for 1902 (1903), Ottawa, p. 130. " Tin is reported to have been found near Long Lake, British Columbia, but no information could be obtained regarding the exact locality. It is quite possible that traces may occur in connection with the intrusions of granite rock in that part of the district. But no alterations of these rocks were observed, such as take place where tin occurs in commercial quantities." (Whole ref.) 227. FAIRIBAUI/T, E. RODOLPHE. Lunenberg County, Nova Scotia. Summ. Rep. Geol. Surv. Dep. Canada for 1907 (1908), Ottawa, pp. 80-82. Tin oxide was found in sand at Tangier in 1868, and later at Shelbourne, Raw- don and Country Harbour in drift. On the Reeves claim at New Ross, tin is found in a pegmatite dike containing large quartz crystals, and is accompanied by scheelite, wolframite, and amblygonite. In the granites near New Ross, besides the minerals named there have been found monazite, one of th" columbite minerals, durangite, lepidolite, hiibnerite, molybdenite,' zinc blende, beryl, apatite, tourmaline, fluorite, pyrolusite, manganite, limonite, hematite, magnetite, siderite, bismuthinite, argentiferous galena, copper, iron pyrites, and arsenical pyrites. Quartz crystals reach 27 inches long and 10 inches thick. The amount of tin so far shown seems to be insignificant. Traces of tin were found in pegmatite 6 miles south of Reeves claim. Bismuthinite and molybdenite were found in a dike of quartz and aplite 1 mile south of New Rosa corner. Tungsten and rare-earth ores were found 1 mile east of New Ross corner. (See Report for 1906, p. 91.) 228. HOFFMAN, G. C. Cassiterite, var. wood-tin. Ann. Rep. Geol. Surv. Canada, n. s., Vol. 12, 1899 [1902], Ottawa, pp. 16 R-17 R. Small pebbles of wood-tin found in all tributaries of the Klondike River, most frequently in Bonanza and Hunter creeks. 229. INGALLS, WALTER RENTON; ARGALL, PHILIP; and GARDE, A. C. Report of the commission appointed to investigate the zinc resources of British Columbia and the conditions affecting their exploitation. Mines Branch, 1906, Ottawa, pp. 15-16. NO. 2 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TIN HESS : 51 CANADA (Continued) Tin has been shown to occur to the extent of 0.17 per cent in zinc ore from the Payne mill, near Sandon, Slocan district, B. C., and traces of tin are reported in lead at the Trail smelter, the ore of which is supposed to have come from the Slocan district. 230. OSANN, A. Oxide of tin. Ann. Rep. Geol. Surv. Canada, n. s., Vol. 12, 1899 (1902), Ottawa, pp. 72o-73o. A very small quantity of cassiterite was found in graphitic gneiss derived from limestone, at Graphite City in the Ottawa Valley, Canada. Proved by this test: "It was dissolved in a borax bead colored slightly blue by copper monoxide; the bead assumed a ruby color or became opaque, resembling red sealing wax." Occurs with rutile, augite, quartz, titanite, pyrite. 231. WOLF, A. G. The Betts process at Trail, British Columbia. A thesis submitted to the Colorado State School of Mines for the degree of E. M. Read before West. Assn. Tech. Chem. and Met., April, 1907. Mines and Min., Aug., 1907, Scranton, pp. 11-15. Mg. World, August 31, 1907, Chicago, pp. 355-356; September 14, 1907, Chicago, pp. 438-439. States that the refined lead made contains .301 per cent of tin, with small quantities of Ag, As, Sb and Fe. 232. YOUNG, G. A. The tin-bearing locality at New Ross, N. S. Summ. Rep. Geol. Surv. Dept. of Canada for 1907 (1908), Ottawa, p. 77. Gives geologic description of the tin bearing area near New Ross. CAPE COLONY 233. ANONYMOUS. The Kuils River tin field. Mg. World, Vol. 25, 1906, Chicago, p. 213. Large extent of alluvial ground; estimated that there is in sight ten million dol- lars worth of ore. Even the overburden is highly payable. Abundance of water. Country rock mainly granite mostly of fine structure, in places passing into syenite, belonging to the Cape system. Hills are traversed in a north and south direction by bands of greisen, with closely associated quartz lodes dipping to the east. 233a. . Kuils River tin mines. Mg. Journ. Railw. Comm. Gaz., Vol. 82, 1907, London, p. 212. Taken from " The Cape Argus," July 22, 1907. A newspaper description of the tin placers on the Kuils River, 13 miles from Cape Town. States that much of the cassiterite is in very fine particles and that the tailings are being worked. 233b. . The tin deposits of Cape Peninsula. South African Mg. Rev., December, 1908, Johannesburg, pp. 2. Not available to the authors. 233c. . Tin mining in the Cape Peninsula. South African Mg. Journ., Vol. 7, pt. 2, 1909, Johannesburg, p. 221. Treats of new developments and promising outlook, with comments on Kuils River deposits. See No. 1047. 234. GRIFFITHS, HARRY D. Notes on tin mining in Cape Colony. Journ. Chem. Met. Min. Soc. South Africa, Vol. 8, 1907-1908, Johannesburg, pp. 167- 181, figs. 6, illus. 2. 52 SMITHSONIAN MISCKI.LAN KOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 58 CAPE COLONY (Continued) Abstract: Mg. Journ. Railw. Comm. Gaz., Vol. 83, 1908, London, pp. 119-120. Describes Kuils River tin deposits which are located some l? 1 /^ miles southeast of Capetown in hills composed of gray granite, coarsely porphyritic in structure with large quantity of biotite. Ore occurs both as lode and alluvial. Methods and cost of working given. 234a. . New methods of concentrating alluvial tin. Mg. Journ. Railw. Comm. Gaz., Vol. 84, 1908, London, p. 56. " Describes the new methods introduced at the Kuils River tin mines, Cape Colony, which consist in effecting a coarse concentration by means of a rotary pan similar to that used in diamond washing, and then cleaning the rough concentrates in a hydraulic separator to the grade required." 235. KEYZER, S. S. Tin in Cape Colony. Mg. Journ. Railw. Comm. Gaz., Vol. 80, 1906, London, p. 8. Description of lode and alluvial deposits occurring in Cape Colony, between Kuils River and Stellenbosch. 235a. WAGNER, P. A. Notes on the tin deposits in the vicinity of Capetown. Trans. Geol. Soc. South Africa, Vol. 12, 1909, Johannesburg, pp. 102-111, pi. 1 and figs. 2. Describes the lode tin deposits at Langverwacht, Hazendal, Welbeloond, Papkuils- fontein, and Hoogekrall and detrital deposits at Langverwacht (Kuils River). The first two occur in quartz veins in white granite dikes cutting granite. The veins carry cassiterite, wolframite, molybdenite, arsenopyrite, pyrite and a little tourmaline. The other three are quartz veins cutting slates, and are accompanied by much more tourmaline, arsenopyrite and pyrite. At Papkuilsfontein an assay from one vein showed: Sn = 12.9 per cent. Bi = 0.27 " Cu = trace. As = 21.78 " Au = 2 dwts. 3 gr. per ton. Ag = 1 oz. 12 dwts. per ton. Cassiterite impregnates the country rock, more or less, at all the places. Fluorite and topaz are absent and no other fluorine-bearing minerals are noted. NORTH AND SOUTH CAROLINA 236. ANONYMOUS. Tin in North and South Carolina. Mg. Sci. Press, Vol. 86, 19C3, San Francisco, p. 300. New tin veins have been discovered which give more promise than those formerly known. Manner of occurrence described. Ore strongly resembles the greisen of some of the Black Hills tin mines, although usually more decomposed. 237. . Tin ore in North Carolina. Mg. World, Vol. 21, 1904, Chicago, pp. 174-173, photos 3, sketches 2. Treated under the heads: geology of the deposits; development work; description of veins; equipment; history of development. 238. - . Tin in South Carolina. Mg. Rep., Vol. 50, 1904, Denver, pp. 65-66. Notice of the discovery of tin in South Carolina on the Ross place. 239. . Tin in the Carolinas. Eng. Mg. Journ., Vol. 82, 1906, New York, p. 823. " Tin is present in exceedingly irregular pegmatite dikes, as cassiterite, which occurs only as an original constituent of the pegmatite. This mineral is not evenly distributed through the dikes, but is- generally segregated or concentrated along certain lines." Unimportant. NO. 2 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TIN HESS 53 NORTH AND SOUTH CAROLINA (Continued) 239a. BALL, S. MAYS. Tin deposits of the Carolinas. Eng. Mg. Journ., Vol. 87, 1909, New York, pp. 1139-1140. Gives brief history of the tin discovery, descriptions of the Ross Mine and other deposits and account of the tin produced in the Carolinas. 240. BENEDICT, WM. DE L. Tin in North Carolina. Min. Ind. for 1892, Vol. 1, 1893, New York and London, p. 455. King's Mountain tin deposit treated. The climate 'of district is very favorable to the disintegration of the rocks, as a result the small gullies running down sides of ledge contain much stream -tin in places. Doubtful if ore can be mined at a profit. 241. DABNEY, CHAS. W. Note on cassiterite from King's Mountain, North Carolina, February, 1884, Raleigh, N. C., 2 page pamphlet. Also, Journ. Elisha Mitchell Sci. Soc., 1884, Raleigh, pp. 79-81; Geol. North Caro- lina, Vol. 2, 1888, Raleigh, pp. 347-349. Brief outline of the discovery and author's examination of the tin deposits at King's Mountain. Two assays are given, one showing 74.41 per cent, the other 65.21 per cent tin. 242. FURMAN, JOHN H. The tin deposits of North Carolina. Trans. New York Acad. Sci., Vol. 8, 1889, New York, pp. 136-145, pis. 2, figs. 5. Discussion, pp. 145-131. Location and history of the discovery of the deposits are given with a description of the geology of the occurrences. 242a. . The King's Mountain tin region. The King's Mountain Herald. Vol. 3, Aug. 3, 1905. States that cassiterite was discovered at King's Mountain by Robert Claywell in 1883. Describes the geology of the region, the efforts to mine tin, and the reasons for failure. 243. GARRISON, F. LYNWOOD. Tin in the United States. Eng. Mg. Journ., Vol. 78, 1904, New York, p. 831. The tin deposits of the Carolinas are treated among other deposits of the United States. 244. GENTH, FREDERICK A. The minerals of North Carolina. U. S. Geol. Surv. Bull. 74, Washington, D. C., 1891, p. 33. Cassiterite found in 1882 near King's Mountain. Short description and partial analysis given. 245. GRATON, L. C. The Carolina tin belt. U. S. Geol. Surv. Bull. 260, 1904, Washington, D. C., 190.5, pp. 188-196. Digest: Mg. Mag., Vol. 11, 1905, New York, p. 477. Abstract: Iron Age, Vol. 75, II, 1905, New York, p. 1519. Development has not yet been sufficient to allow much valuable generalization or prediction regarding these deposits. The Carolina tin belt however, appears to offer a promising field for exploration. " The tin ore occurs in pegmatite dikes which cut across amphibolites and meta- morphosed sediments. There are two varieties of pegmatite. One composed almost exclusively of quartz and microcline, appears to carry no tin. The' other, which is tin bearing, is characterized by muscovite in various forms, and plagioclase feld- spar, when any feldspar is present. Author believes the pegmatites are of igneous origin, and that the cassiterite is a primary constituent. What caused the segrega- tion of tin ore in certain parts of the dike is not known." H. Ries. 246. . Reconnaissance of some gold and tin deposits of the southern Appalachians. U. S. Geol. Surv. Bull. 293, 1906, Washington, D. C., pp. 31-57. Extract: Mg. World, Vol. 25,- 1906, Chicago, p. 634. 54 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 58 NORTH AND SOUTH CAROLINA (Continued) History of tin mining in the Carolinas; geology of tin belt; mining developments; economic importance of tin deposits. Practically the same article as that in Bull. 260. 247. HESS, FRANK L. The Carolina tin deposits. Eng. Mag., Vol. 32, 1906, New York and London, pp. 10-20, plates 4, map 1. General geology of the region, with detailed description of the mines and a short discussion of their probable future, which he considers an unsolved question. Be- lieves cassiterite to be an original constituent of the pegmatite dikes in which it occurs. 248. LEDOUX, ALBERT R. Tin in North Carolina. Eng. Mg. Journ., Vol. 48, 1889, New York, pp. 521-522. About 2100 words. Describes King's Mountain tin deposits, method of working and probable future. 249. See No. 254a. 250. PHILLIPS, W. B. Tin in North Carolina. Eng. Mg. Journ., Vol. 43, 1887, New York, p. 111. Short discussion on the probability of finding tin in paying quantities in North Carolina. 251. PRATT, JOSEPH HYDE. Carolina tin belt. Min. Res. U. S., 1903, U. S. Geol. Surv., 1904, Washington, D. C., pp. 337-344. Geographic location; geology; mineralogical and chemical character of ore; pro- duction of tin from Carolina belt. An epitome of Pratt and Sterrett's " The tin deposits of the Carolinas." See No. 252. 252. PRATT, JOSEPH HYDE, and STERRETT, DOUGLASS B. The tin deposits of the Carolinas. North Carolina Geol. Surv. Bull. No. 19, 1904, Raleigh, pp. 64, figs. 8. Short abstract: Amer. Journ. Sci., ser. 4, Vol. 20, 1905, New Haven, p. 75. Introduction; geographical location; geology; mineralogical and chemical char- acter of the ore; associated minerals of the cassiterite; percentage of cassiterite in the veins; development work. Besides a description of the Carolina ores, a brief resume is given of the other deposits of the world. 253. SLOAN, EARL. Mineral Resources of South Carolina. Rep. Proc. 7th Ann. Session, Amer. Min. Cong., Portland, Oregon, 1904, pp. 134-17. Brief account of the discovery of the Ross tin mine, near Gaffney, with descrip- tion of the vein as shown by work to date. STERRETT, DOUGLASS B. See No. 252. 254. ULKE, TITUS. The occurrence of tin ore at King's Mountain, North Carolina, and near Vesuvius, Virginia. Min. Res. U. S. for 1893, U. S. Geol. Surv., 1894, Washington, D. C., pp. 178-182. Describes the character of the country rock of the two localities and the manner of occurrence of the tin ore. 254a. VAN NESS, W. W., JR. Tin in North Carolina. Eng. Mg. Journ., Vol. 44, 1887, New York, p. 344. Short description of discovery and workings at King's Mountain. CEYLON 255. COOMARASWAMY, ANANDA K. Minerals containing rare elements, and associated minerals. Min. Surv., Ceylon Adm. Rep., 1904 (1905), Colombo, p. E. 10. NO. 2 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TIN HESS 55 CEYLON (Continued) Note stating that cassiterite had been identified in a specimen of " nambu " from Niriella, near Ratnapura. 256. . Report on the occurrence of cassiterite (oxide of tin) in Ceylon. May, 1905, Colombo. 2 page pamphlet. About 450 words. Digest: Neues Jahrb. Min., 1906, Stuttgart, I (Ref.), p. 166. Small amount of stream tin found in gem washing at Niriella (Palle Pattuwa, Nawadun Korale, Sabaragamuwa). Of no commercial importance. Ilmenite occurs with it. Gives analysis. 257. COOMARASWAMY, A. K., and PARSONS, JAMES. Cassiterite. Min. Surv., Ceylon Adm. Rep., 1905 (1906), Colombo, pp. E. 9-10. Report of investigation of stream tin at Niriella, Induwehena, near Dela, and in Kuruwita. None of the deposits are of economic importance. The cassiterite is supposed to come from the surrounding granite. Zircon, rutile, ilmenite, etc., are found with the cassiterite. 258. DUNSTAN, WYNDHAM R. Report on cassiterite from Ceylon. 1905, Colombo. About 150 words. Published with article on cassiterite by Coom- araswamy, Mineralogical Survey of Ceylon. Pamphlet of 2 pages. ANALYSIS OF STREAM TIN FROM NIRIELLA. Stannic oxide 94.00 Ferric oxide 0.86 Manganous oxide 0.03 Lime 0.50 Insoluble residue, chiefly niobic and tantalic oxides 4.64 Equivalent to metallic tin 74.09 per cent. 259. PARSONS, JAMES. Additional report on an occurrence of cassiterite in Ceylon. 1905, Colombo. About 375 words published in pamphlet with article by Coomaras- wamy. Small occurrence of cassiterite (stream tin) in gravels at Noragala. Occurs with sapphire, topaz, and large quantities of zircon. CHILI FOULLON, H. See No. 1322. 259a. GOTTING, A. Die Erzgange zu Punitaqui in Chile, mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Zinnober fiihrenden Lagerstatten. Zeit. prakt. Geo'l., 1894, Berlin, pp. 224-230. Cassiterite occurs in a diabase in which are also deposits of cinnabar, siderite, copper minerals and gold. The tin is apparently not in commercial quantity. Hornblende granite occurs not far away. 260. MORICKE, W. Erzgange zu Punitaqui in Chile. Zeitschr. prakt. Geol., 1894, Berlin, pp. 282-283. Discusses the occurrence of tin mentioned by A. Gotting. See No. 259a. CHINA 261. ANONYMOUS. Zinn-Gruben von Johor in China. Nouv. Ann. Voy. Soi. geogr., 1827, Paris, p. 418. Extract: Tasch. ges. Min., 1828, Bd. 1, Frankfurt-am-Main, p. 47. Original article not available to the authors. Describes the alluvial deposit of tin near the town Gongong. 56 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 58 CHINA (Continued) 262. . Tin mines in southwestern China. Eng. Mg. Journ., Vol. 46, 1888, New York, p. 152. Notes on a trip by Mr. F. S. A. Bourne, British Consular Agent at Chung King, quoted as stating that more than 1000 men are said to be employed in Southern Yunnan, Kuochinchang, in the tin mines of the region. 263. . The mineral resources of China. Mg. Journ. Railw. Comm. Gaz., Vol. 67, 1897, London, p. 915. Richest tin mines are located in department of Lingngau-fu, southeastern portion of Yunnan, whence the metal comes in shape of small truncated pyramids weighing about 2 catties each. 264. . Tin in China. Min. Ind. for 1898, 'Vol. 7, 1899, New York and London, p. 711. According to a report of the French Commercial Mission, the province of Yun- nan now exports annually 2500 metric tons of tin. This is obtained from alluvial deposits at Kotchiou, 20 miles from Moung-tse. 265. . Tin mining in Indo-China. Eng. Mg. Journ., Vol. 80, 1905, New York, p. 829, 200 words. Tin has been obtained in the province of Yunnan for many years, most of it never reaching the outside world. More recently, alluvial deposits have been opened in the vicnity of Cao-Bang, in the north of Tonkin. 266. . Tin production in China. Eng. Mg. Journ., Vol. 81, 1906, New York, p. 1238. Note stating that China has long been a producer of tin for domestic consumption, although there is little information on the subject. Amount exported in 1904 was 50,043 piculs, valued at 478,082. BECK, RICHARD. See No. 1299. BROWNE, FRANK. See No. 1458. 266a. COLLINS, W. F. Tin production in Yunnan, China. Bull. Inst. Mg. Met., Dec. 5, 1909, London, 3500 words, illus. 5. Abstract: Mg. Journ. Railw. Comm. Gaz., Vol. 88, 1910, London, pp. 195-196, illus. Review: Eng. Mg. Journ., Vol. 89, 1910, New York, p. 781. Treats of the occurrence and nature of the mines and ore; mining and concentration; mining laws and customs; dressing and smelting. D'AcHiARDi, ANTONIO. See No. 1313. 267. GROSIER, JEAN BAPTISTE GABRIEL ALEXANDER. A general description of China. 1795, London, p. 400, English Edition. Mentions that " iron, lead and tin mines must be very common, since these metals are sold at a low rate throughout the whole empire." 268. LECLERE, A. Etude ge"ologique et miniere des provinces chinoises voisines du Tonkin. Ann. Mines, ser. 9, Vol. 20, 1901, Paris, pp. 345-348, 439-440, 474-476. Digest and translation: Trans. Inst. Mg. Eng., Vol. 25, 1902-1903, London and Newcastle-upon-Tyne (1904), p. 823. Tin occurs at Tomuko, Tsementong, Kotiou, and Malaken, in province of Yunnan. Some of the tinstone occurs in veins in Triassic limestones, but there are also secondary ore bodies, from the decomposition of the limestones and veins. Worked open-cast. " At Malaken the red clay veins worked for tinstone are proving more and more barren of that ore, while the proportion of copper in the infilling increases." The stuff thrown on the wasteheaps is really rich copper oxide. NO. 2 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TIN HESS 57 CHINA (Continued) 269. PANSNEE, HOFRATH. Beitrage zu einem Handbuche der Mineralogie des chinesischen Reichs. Tasch. ges. Min., Vol. 12, II, 1818, Frankfurt-am-Main, pp. 415-416. Treats briefly of tin and its occurence in China. 269a. WILLIS, BAILEY. Mineral resources of China. Eco'n. Geol., Vol. 3, 1908, Lancaster, p. 129. At present mining and smelting of tin are the most important industrial devel- opments of Yunnan. Metal occurs in veins, no alluvial deposits. Occurs always in red clay, contained sometimes in fissures of limestone, sometimes in the neighbor- ing accumulations of soils. Resources of district in tin cannot easily be estimated. Deposits liable to run out suddenly. Difficult to define probable depth. Production limited by small amount of available water. COLORADO 270. EMMONS, S. F. Geology and mining industry of Leadville, Colo. Monogr. U. S. Geol. Surv., Vol. 12, 1886, Washington, D. C., p. 377. " Tin, indium and cadmium have been detected in furnace products." 271. STEVENS, R. P. On the San Juan Mountains of Colorado. Trans. New York Acad. Sci., Vol. 5, 1886, New York, p. 128. States that tin has been found in Colorado. Gives no locality or authority. CONGO 272. BABRAT, MAURICE. Sur la geologic du Congo Frangais.' Ann. Mines, ser. 9, Vol. 7, 1895, Paris, p. 459. " On soupQonne depuis longtemps la presence de 1'Stain dans le massif cristallin qui apparait sur la c6te occidentale d'Afrique, et M. Mizon a r6cemment attire 1'atten- tion sur 1'etain de la Benoue 1 , qui est 1'objet d'un trafic considerable. Dans notre colonie, on n'a encore signalg que des traces de cassit6rite dans les monts de Cris- tal." Whole reference. 273. BUTTGENBACH, H. L/avenir industriel de 1'etat inde"pendant du Congo, Rev. Univ. Mines, Met. Trav. Publ. Sci. Arts Appl. Indust., ser. 4, Vol. 14, 1906, Liege and Paris, pp. 140-141, map and fig. Taken from No. 274. 274. . L'avenir industriel du Katanga. 1906, Brussels, p. 21, 120 words. Twenty thousand tonnes of tin said to be in sight in alluvial deposits, a short distance from navigable waters of the Lualaba. 275. . La cassite"rite du Katanga. Ann. Soc. geol. Belg., Vol. 33, 1906, Liege, pp. M49-M52, figs. 2. Digest translation: Trans. Inst. Mg. Eng., Vol. 33, 1908, London and Newcastle- upon-Tyne, pp. 722-723. Cassiterite occurs in nearly vertical lodes at the junction of a massif of pegmatoid granite with tourmaline quartzites, mica schists, etc. Gold and copper deposits occur not far away. Stanniferous area is rugged and veins sometimes crop out in the ravines, but are usually hidden by debris containing cassiterite pebbles up to several pounds in .weight, which are frequently well crystallized. 58 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 58 CONGO (Continued) 276. FARRELL, JOHN R. The copper and tin deposits of Katanga. Enjr. Mg. Journ., Vol. 85, 1908, New York, pp. 747-753, maps 2, illus. Remarkable deposits in the Congo are being developed, and will be largely pro- ductive when railway communication is available. The tin belt extends for a hun- dred miles in a northeast and southwest direction from the Lualaba to the Lufira rivers just north of a range of granite hills. Cassiterite has been found as alluvial wash in a number of places. Wash consists of angular fragments of pinkish quartz mixed with tourmaline, tourmaline schists and schorl rock. Cassiterite contains from 63.5 to 65 per cent tin, unmixed with other metals. 277. FAWNS, SYDNEY. Tin deposits of the world. London, 1905. Deposits of the Congo Free State, pp. 144-146. Tin has been found both in alluvial drift and in ledges on the. Tanganyika Con- cessions in the Congo Free State about lat. 10 20' S., long. 25 13' E., and at in- tervals for 60 miles northwest along the valley of the Lualaba River. Most important discovery at the Busanga Tin Mine, three-quarters of a mile from the junction of the Lufupa and Lualaba rivers. Cassiterite occurs in quartz veins too poor to work. It is also found scattered through the residual alluvium and in the stream gravels. 278. LACROIX, ALFRED. Mine"ralogie de la France et de ses colonies. Vol. 3, 1901, Paris, p. 231. Briefly states that tin has been found in the Congo region. 279. STANIER, X. The geology of the Congo. Guide de la Section de 1'Etat Ind'e'pendant du Congo a 1'Exposition Bmxelles- Tervueren, 1897, p. 269. Trans. Fed. Inst. Mg. Eng., Vol. 15, 1898, Newcastle-upon-Tyne and London, p. 496. " Commanders Van Gele and Roget have noticed the existence of stanniferous rocks on' the Ubangi and Uelle [Djabbir], and they have also mentioned the pres- ence of objects made from this metal in the hands of the natives. This fact would seem to indicate the presence of workable deposits, and deserves further study, for it is known that tin is a metal very easily extracted, and that its value is suffi- ciently high for it to support high rates of transport." EAST INDIES 280. ANONYMOUS. Tin in Singkep. Min. Ind. for 1897, Vol. 6, 1898, New York and London, p. 641. A paragraph stating that Singkep tin is to be smelted and sold as Straits tin. 281. BENEDICT, WM. DE L. Tin in Sumatra. Min. Ind. for 1892, Vol. 1, 1893, New York and London, pp. 449-450. Tin district described. In comparing the richness of the alluvial deposits of Sumatra with those of Banca it is stated that former yields at the rate of 0.348 Ibs. of tin per cubic meter excavated, as against a yield of from 3 to 4% Ibs. in the latter. A number of assays given. 282. CRAWFURD, JOHN. History of the Indian Archipelago, etc. 1820, Edinburgh, Vols. 1 and 3. Tin: Indigenous to the Archipelago, Vol. 1, p. 182; seldom used by natives in its pure state, Vol. 1, pp. 191-192; where found, Vol. 3, p. 450; history of mining, Vol. 3, p. 452; parallel between the mines of Banca and Cornwall, Vol. 3, p. 464; price and quantity exported, Vol. 3, p. 466; general reflections on the tin trade, Vol. 3, p. 466. -NO. 2 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TIN HESS 59 EAST INDIES (Continued) 283. CRETIER, H. Bijdragen uit het scheikundig laboratorium ven het hoofd- bureau van het Mijnwezen in Nederlandsch-Indie te Batavia. Jaarb. Mijnw. Ned. Oost-Indie, No. 15, 1881, II, Amsterdam, pp. 240-247. Tinhouded zand van Billiton. 284. DACH, ROBERT. Ueber das Vorkommen und den Abbau von Zinnseifen auf der Insel Karimon. Berg. Hiitt. Zeit., Vol. 22, 1863, Leipzig, pp. 337-338. Brief digest: Neues Jahrb. Min., 1864, Stuttgart, p. 365. 285. DIEST, P. H. VAN. Begrooting van het kapitaal benoodigd voor het in ontginning brengen van tinert bevattende terreinen op het eiland Sinkep, en der voordeelen welke van die ontginning mogen worden verwacht. Jaarb. Mijnw. Ned. Oost-Indie, 1872, II, Amsterdam, pp. 127-152. 286. . Verslag der onderzoekingen aan den heuvel Salinta. Jaarb. Mijnw. Ned. Oost-Indie, 1873, II, Amsterdam, pp. 145-149. Met eene kaart. 286a. DOORMAN, W. H. C. Die Gewinnung des Zinns in den niederlandisch- ostindischen Kolonien. Gliick. Berg, hiitt. Zeit. Nied. Wesph. ; 45 Jahr., 1909, Essen, pp. S44-S46. 287. EVERWYN, R. Forschung nach Zinnerzen in den Landschaften Sukan- dana, Simpang und Matam [westliche Abtheilung von Borneo] und nach Antimonerzen auf den Karimatainseln. Kon. Nat. Tijdschr. Ned. -Indie, n. s., Theil 6, 1855, Batavia, S. 58. Not available to the authors. 288. . Forschung nach Zinnerzen in der Landschaft Kandawangan [Siidwestspitze von Borneo]. Kon. Nat. Tijdschr. Ned. -Indie, n. s., Theil 9, 1856, Batavia, S. 449. Not available to the authors. 289. EVERWIJN, R. Verslag van een onderzoek naar tinerts, op eenige eilanden behoorende tot de residentie Riouw. Jaarb. Mijnw. Ned. Oost-Indie, 1872, II, Amsterdam, pp. 73-126. Met eene kaart en drie bijlagen. 290. . Verslag van eene onderzoekingsreis in het rijk van Siak. Jaarb. Mijnw. Ned. Oost-Indie, 1874, I, Amsterdam, pp. 83-155. Chap 2, Geological sketch of country visited; Chap 3, Report on alluvial deposits of Kampar River district. An appendix is added which contains list of the mines worked in Siak. 291. . Overzicht van de mijnbouwkundige onderzoekingen, welke tot nu toe door den dienst van het raijnwezen in de wester-afdeeling van Borneo werden verricht. Jaarb. Mijnw. Ned. Oost-Indie, 1879, I, Amsterdam, pp. 58-82. Investigation of the tin deposits of Soekadana, Simpang, Matan and Palo. D'AcHiARDi, ANTONIO. See No. 1313. FAWNS, SYDNEY. See No. 1320. 3 60 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 58 EAST INDIES (Continued) 292. FENNEMA, R. Onderzoek naar tinerts in het gebied der Boven Banjoe- assin, residentie Palembang, naar aanleiding van een valsch bericht van een inlandsch hoofd, uitgevoerd door den opziener der 2 e klasse P. J. Tant. Jaarb. Mijnw. Ned. Oost -Indie, 1878, II, Amsterdam, pp. 233-235. 293. . Topographische en geologische beschrijving van het noordelijk gedeelte van het gouvernement Sumatra's Westkust. Jaarb. Mijnw. Ned. Oost-Indie, 1887, II, Amsterdam, Weten., pp. 248-249. FUCHS, E., and LAUNAY, L. DE. See No. 1323. 294. HAMILTON, ALEXANDER. A new account of the East Indies. 1727, Edinburgh, Vol. 2, pp. 75, 121. States that Perak produces more tin than any other district of India. Selangor and Parcelore are also large producers of tin. Gives an account of the discovery of tin in Sumatra. 295. HOCHSTETTEE, FERDINAND: Zinn in den niederlandisch-ostindischen Inseln. Jahrb. k. k. geol. Reichs., Vol. 9, 1858, Wien, pp. 284-286. Review: Zeitsohr. Berg. Hiitt. Sal., preuss. Sta., Vol. 8, I860, Berlin, pp. XXII- XXIII. 296. KOPERBERG, M. Geologische en mijnbouwkundige onderzoekingen in de residentie Menado gedurende het jaar 1901 (Celebes). Jaarb. Mijnw. Ned. Oost-Indie, Vol. 31, 1902, Amsterdam, pp. 147-165. PI. 4 (topogr. maps). LOCK, C. G. WARNFORD. See No. 1338. 297. MENTEN, J. H. Verslag van een onderzoek naar tinerts op het eiland Singkep. Jaarb. Mijnw. Ned. Oost-Indie, 1876 (1877), II, Amsterdam, pp. 145-177. Met twee kaarten. 298. NEEB, E. A. Verslag omtrent het onderzoek naar tinert-safzettingen in een gedeelte van Midden-Sumatra. Jaarb. Mijnw. Ned. Oost-Indie, Vol. 31, 1902, Amsterdam, pp. 113-145, pis. 1-3, geol. map. 299. NEWBOLD, T. J. Account of Sungie Ujong, one of the states of the interior of Malacca. Moor's Indian Archipelago, 1837, pp. 77(a)-S4(a). Brief outline of the tin mining conditions under Dutch occupation. Description of the miners, Malays and Chinese, their methods of mining, smelting, etc. Geo- logical description of tin-bearing country. Quantity produced in Malayan Peninsula and Banca. 300. POSEWITZ, TH. Das Zinnerzvorkornmen auf den Inseln des Riouw- Lingga-Archipels. Petermann's Mitth., Vol. 33, 1887, Gotha, pp. 366-368. 301. . Zinnerz auf den Inseln Sumatra, Flores and Borneo. Ausland, No. 34, 18S8, Stuttgart und MUnchen, pp. 672-674. NO. 2 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TIN HESS 61 EAST INDIES (Continued) 302. . Borneo. Entdeckungsreisen und Untersuchungen. Gegenwar- tiger Stand der geologischen Kenntnisse. Verbreitung der -nutzbaren Mineralien. 1889, Berlin, pp. 344-345. Describes the tin deposits of the island of Borneo. 303. REYER, EDUARD. Zinn in Birma, Siam und Malakka. Oest. Zeitschr. Berg. Hiitt., Vol. 27, 1879, Wien, pp. 563-564, 575-576, sketch map 1. 304. . Die Zinnerzlagerstatten von Perak, Malacca, und ihre Aus- beutung. Berg. Hiitt. Zeit., Vol. 47, 1888, Leipzig, pp. 181-183. . See No. 1354. 305. ROLKER, CHARLES M. The alluvial tin deposits of Siak, Sumatra. Trans. Amer. Inst. Mg. Eng., Vol. 20, 1891, New York, pp. 50-84. Digest: Report on Mineral Industries in the United States at the Eleventh Census, 1890, Washington, D. C., 1892, pp. 257-264. Reviews briefly the history of tin mining in the East Indies, prefatory to a de- scription of the physical characteristics, rivers, climate, geology, distribution of tin, accompanying minerals, costs of mining, labor supply, tools and customs ot the district of Siak, Sumatra. Gives present exports of tin from East Indies. 306. SCHNEIDER, C. F. A. Geologische Uebersicht tiber den hollandisch- ostindischen Archipel. Jahrb. k. k. geol. Reichs., Vol. 26, 1876, Wien, pp. 122, 134. 307. TENISON-WOODS, J. E. The geology of Malaysia, Southern China, etc. Nature, Vol. 33, 1886, London, p. 232. States that he saw tin ore brought from the Kinebetungen River, Borneo, by D. D. Daly, private secretary of the governor. 308. WILDMAN, (Consul). Tin in Java, Eng. Mg. Journ., Vol. 55, 1893, New York, p. 231. States that a Dutch company has erected works and a smelter at Singkep to test the tin ores discovered at that place. Reports discovery of tin at Jahor. Original article not available to the authors. See under Banka, Billiton, New Guinea. ENGLAND 309. ABBOTT, GEORGE, JR. An essay on the mines of England; their importance as a source of national wealth and as a channel for the advantageous employment of private capital. 1833, London, pp. 227. 310. ANONYMOUS. Tin mines. The whole history of the tin works in Corn- wall, beginning with their manner of working in the times of the Saxons. Harleian manuscript, No. 6380. Not available to the authors. Reference made from Boase, G. C., and Courtney, W. P., Bibliotheca Cornubiensis, Vol. 3, 1882, London, p. 1020. 63 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 58 ENGLAND (Continued) 311. . Etwas iiber den Zinn- und Kupferbergbau in Kornwallis. Aus Briefen eines reisenden Deutschen vom October, 1783. Aus der hand- schrift. Johann Bernouilli's Sammlung Kur/er Reisebeschreibungen, Jahrgang 1784, Vol. 13, Berlin, pp. 363-374. Not available to the authors. 312. . Some observations on the mines of Cornwall and Devon, describ- ing the art of training a load, the art and manner of digging the ore and the way of dressing and of blowing tin. Philos. Trans. Roy. Soc. London, abridged, Vol. 1, 1809, London, pp. 565-574. First published in Vol. 6, 1671, pp. 2096-2113. The working of tin veins (" loads ") and the dressing and smelting of the ore. 313. . On the mining district of Redruth. Quart. Mg. Rev., No. 6, 1832, London, pp. 201-225. History of the mining and a description of the geology of the district. 314. . Tincroft. Mg. Journ. Railw. Comm. Gaz., Vol. 1, 1835, London, pp. 87, 108. A history and description of the various lodes and working of the Tincroft mine. 314a. . Cornwall and mines. Dublin University Magazine, Vol. 58 (July), 1861, Dublin, pp. 32-45. A popular description of tin mining in Cornwall. 315. ANONYMOUS [SALMON, H. C. (?)]. The St. Ives and Levant tin-mining district, Cornwall. Mg. Smelt. Mag., Mo. Rev. Pract. Mg. Quarry. \L-t., Vol. 3, 1863, London, p. 138. Not available to the authors. 316. ANONYMOUS. The system of selling tin ore in Cornwall. Mg. Smelt. Mag. Mo. Rev. Pract. Mg. Quarry. Met., Vol.* 5, 1864, London, pp. 6-11, 132-135. 317. . Cornish tin-mining. Great Vor district. Mg. Journ. Railw. Comm. Gaz., Vol. 55, 1885, London, p. 987. Discusses present mining conditions with special reference to the future of the Great Vor district. 318. . Working low grade tin ores. Mg. Sci. Press, Vol. 65, 1892, San Francisco, p. 187. The tin at Wheal Prosper, Cornwall, is doubtless the lowest grade of any in the world, yet is being worked with profit. Ore runs 3 pounds black tin per ton of ore, or about 0.13 per cent. Prof. C. Le Neve Foster gives following reasons: 1. Rock soft and friable, easily stamped. 2. Tin in large grains, hence fine stamping is not necessary. 3. The light specific gravity of substances mixed with tin, make separation by water easy. 4. There is water power at command. 319. . Tin mining. Mg. Sci. Press, Vol. 67, 1893, San Francisco, p. 356. Some curious statements about tin mining in Cornwall, taken from " Symon's Gazetteer " of Cornwall. NO. 2 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TIN HESS 63 ENGLAND (Continued) 320. . Cornish tin mining in photograph. Eng. Mg. Journ., Vol. 58, 1894, New York, pp. 130, 154, 178, 202, 226, 298. Eighteen excellent photos showing mines, and methods of working, probably taken by J. C. Burrows. See 467. 321. . Tin mining in Cornwall. Mg. Journ. Railw. Comm. Gaz., Vol. 64, 1894, London, p. 928. Discovery of important tin deposits at the Park of Mines, near St. Columb. Country rock is entirely clay slate. Granite occurs within three-quarters of a mile of mine. Ore occurs in massive and crystallized form, in many small lodes. 322. . Tin in England. Min. Ind. for 1897, Vol. 6, 1898, New York and London, pp. 640-641. Improvements and economies of Dolcoath mine. The mine shows increased quantity of ore as well as profits. 323. . Tin in Great Britain. Min. Ind. for 1898, Vol. 7, 1899, New York and London, p. 711. Abstract of report of directors for Dolcoath mine for half year ending June 30, 1898. 324. . Tin in Great Britain. Min. Ind. for 1899, Vol. 8, 1900, New York and London, p. 621. Treats briefly of Dolcoath mine. Statistics of production given. 325. . Cornish tin mining, Engineer, Vol. 90, 1900, London, p. 172. Considers reasons why this industry has not revived with the rise in the price of tin. 326. . Tin in United Kingdom. Min. Ind. for 1900, Vol. 9, 1901, New York and London, p. 640. Report of Dolcoath mine during first half of 1900. 327. . Report of Dolcoath mine. Min. Ind. for 1901, Vol. 10, 1902, New York and London, pp. 642-643. Statistics of output from 1897 to 1901 given. 328. . Tin mining in Cornwall. Eng. Mg. Journ., Vol. 74, 1902, New York, p. 335. Rather unpromising outlook. One company paid dividends in 1900 but 1901 used profits in bettering plant. Ore 43.5 pounds of black tin per long ton of ore. Another is losing money with 27 pound ore. 329. . The tin mining industry of Cornwall. Sci. Amer. Suppl., Vol. 63, 1907, New York, pp. 26189-26191, photos 8. Mining conditions in Cornwall, difficulties to be overcome, and the improvements being made. Writer claims there are yet several million tons of ore awaiting development. 329a. . Cornish tin mining. Eng. Mg. Journ., Vol. 86, 1908, New York, p. 181. A discussion of the costs of tin mining in Cornwall and reasons for loss at some mines. 329b. . Cornish mining in 1908. Mg. Journ. Railw. Comm. Gaz., Vol. 85, 1909, London, pp. 12-14. " A brief account of the commercial conditions, together with tables of output and value of the ore mined in the different districts." 64 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 58 ENGLAND (Continued) 329c. . The tin alluvials of Restronguet Mg. Journ. Railw. Comm. Gaz., Vol. 85, 1909, London, pp. 175-176. States, and gives reason for, the belief that tin alluvials of Cornwall are neither exhausted nor too poor to be profitably worked. 329d. . British Empire's tin output. Mg. Journ. Railw. Conun. Gaz., Vol. 85, 1909, London, p. 384. " Statistics showing output of tin, from 1893-1907 in tonnage and value. These statistics cover the United Kingdom and all the English colonies." 329e. . Cornwall and Devon. Mg. Journ. Railw. Comm. Gaz., Vol. 88, 1910, London, pp. 12-13. Gives mining conditions especially as to output in the various mines of Cornwall and Devon for year 1909. 329f. . Cornish tin alluvials. Mg. Journ. Railw. Comm. Gaz., VoL 88, 1910, London, p. 533. Treats briefly of the possibility of alluvial tin mining in Cornwall. 329g. . Camborne, Cornwall. Mg. Sci. Press, Vol. 100, 1910, San Francisco, pp. 433-434. Discusses the condition of South Crofty, Cam Brea, Tincroft, Dolcoath, and Wheal Vor mines. . See No. 1278. 330. AEGALL, WM. On the occurrence of wood-tin ore in the Wheal Metal lode at Wheal Vor in Breage. Journ. Roy. Inst. Cornwall, Vol. 4, No. 15, 1874, Truro, pp. 255-256. Description of the wood-tin found and condition under which it occurred. 331. BALDAUF, MARTIN. Bergmannische Reisebriefe aus England. Oest. Zeitschr. Berg. Hiitt., Vol. 56, 1908, Wien, pp. 17-21, figs. 9. " Describing the geology, and the methods of mining and dressing the ores at the Redruth, Dolcoath and East Pool mines." 331a. BAT.L, LIONEL C. The Dolcoath. Queensland Gov. Mg. Journ., Vol. 10, 1900, Brisbane, pp. 58-61, illus. The first of a series of articles on mining and milling in Cornwall, to allow a comparison of methods used there with those in Queensland. 331b. . Some Cornish mines and treatment works. Queensland Gov. Mg. Journ., Vol. 10, 1909, Brisbane, pp. 108-112, illus. Describes the mining and milling methods, with short account of the geology of Botallack and Wheal Bassett mines also method of treatment of tin ores at South Crofty and Forth Ledden mills. 331c. . Cornish mining. Queensland Gov. Mg. Journ., Vol. 10, 1909, Brisbane, p. 274, illus. Briefly describes Cornish mining methods. 332. BARNETT, A. K. Observations on the elvan courses, greenstones and sandstones of Cornwall, with remarks on their associated minerals. Rep. Proc. Min. Ass. Cornwall and Devon, 1873-1874, Falmouth, pp. 69-94, figs. 4. Some of the elvans or rhyolitic dikes carry tin. NO. 2 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TItf HESS 65 ENGLAND (Continued) 333. BARROW, GEORGE. The high-level platforms of Bodmin moor, and their relation to the deposits of stream tin and wolfram. Mg. Journ. Railw. Comm. Gaz., Vol. 83, 1908, London, p. 361. Discussion, p. 384. Describes three platforms; first, marine, of Pliocene age, at 450 feet above sea, second at 750 feet seen about Camelford, and at foot of Delabole Hill, third at a little less than 1000 feet, first recognized on Davidstow Moor. Superficial deposits which bear tin above 750 feet platform differ very much in places from those below. Here ancient wash is preserved, perhaps protected, from denudation which has destroyed them below this level. The deposits are not so concentrated as the stream-sorted material below. Deposits have been worked in the past, but on account of difficulty of separating wolframite, were abandoned. Since that difficulty has been removed, the industry is reviving, and the wolframite is more valuable than the tin ore. 334. BARTLETT, THOMAS. A treatise on British mining; with a digest of the cost book system, stannerie and general mining laws. 1850, London, pp. 112. BATTEN, JOHN,' JR. See No. 1377. 335. BAWDEN, S. Dislocation of lodes and strata. Rep. Proc. Min. Ass., Cornwall and Devon, 1866, Falmouth, p. 29. Not available to the authors. BECK, RICHARD. See No. 1299. 336. BENEDICT, WM. DE L. Cornwall. Min. Ind. for 1892, Vol. 1, 1893, New York and London, pp. 439-442. Early history of tin mining in Cornwall. Statistics of production from 1742 to 1891 given. Geology of Cornwall tin veins described. 337. BENNETTS, GEO. Tin lodes on Dartmoor. Mg. Journ. Railw. Comm. Gae., Vol. 56, 1886, London, p. 963. 338. BENNETS, SAMUEL. The mining district of St. Agnes. Trans. Mg. Ass. Inst. Cornwall, Vol. 1, 1887, Camborne, pp. 18-27, discussion, pp. 27-29, pi. 1. Treats of the peculiarities of tin and other veins of the district, from a geological point of view. 339. BERGER, J. F. Observations on the physical structure of Devonshire and Cornwall. Trans. Geol. Soc. London, Vol. 1, 1811, London, pp. 93-184. Treated under heads : Tin forming one of the integrant parts of granite; p. 120. Stream tin, where met with in Cornwall; p. 162. Course of veins in Cornwall; pp. 163-166. Estimate of the number of mines of Cornwall, of the different kinds of ore they contain and of their relative ages; pp. 167-175. Of the different matrices accompanying the mineral deposits in Cornwall and Devonshire; pp. 173-181. 340. BLACK, A. and C. Black's guide to the Duchy of Cornwall, 12th ed. 1883," Edinburgh, pp. 49-54. A short description of Carclaze tin mine is given on p. 49, and a narrative explanation of tin mining and the handling of tin ores follows. 66 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 58 ENGLAND (Continued) 341. BLAKE, WM. P. The Dolcoath tin mine, Cornwall. Eng. Mg. Journ., Vol. 54, 1892, New York, p. 414. Reprint, Sci. Amer. Suppl., Vol. 34, 1892, New York, pp. 14082-14083. Short general article. 342. BOASE, G. C., and COURTNEY, W. P. Bibliotheca Cornubiensis, 3 vols. 1874-1882, London. Contains a large number of references to Cornwall and Devonshire tin mines, to their geology, customs, laws, history, etc. 343. BOASE, HENRY S. On the tin-ore of Botallack and Levant. Trans. Roy. Geol. Soc. Cornwall, Vol. 2, 1822, Penzance, .pp. 383-403. Examination of the tin-ore found in some of the St. Just mines; method of dress- ing it preparatory to smelting; explanation of method of separating the tin and copper from ores of these mines; the result of some experiments on the ore by which it was hoped to find an improved process for separating the copper. 344. . Contributions towards a knowledge of the geology of Cornwall. Trans. Roy. Geol. Soc. Cornwall, Vol. 4, 1838, Penzance, pp. 166-474, pis. 3, 4. Description of the geology of Cornwall, with " numerous innovations," and deductions with which author has endeavored to disprove some accepted geological doctrines. The tin veins of Cornwall treated. 345. BONNARD, A. H. Note sur le gisement, 1'exploitation et le traitement de retain dans le Duche-de Cornouailles. Journ. Mines, No. 84, Vol. 14, 1803, Paris, pp. 443-454. " The author more particularly describes Polgooth mine, Carclaze mine and Pen- towan stream work, near St. Austell, from personal observations." 346. BORLASE, WM. COPELAND. Natural history of Cornwall. 1758, Oxford. Not available to the authors. . See Nos. 1381, 1382, and 1383. 347. BORLASE, REV. WM. COPELAND, and ROSEWARNE, H. Extract of letters giving an account of a specimen of native tin found in Cornwall. Philos. Trans. Roy. Soc. London, Vol. 12, 1769, London, p. 597-598. BROWN, A. SELWYN. See No. 1308. 348. BRUNNICH, MORTEN THRAXE. Beschreibung zweyer Zinnerze. Ron. Schwed. Akad. Wiss. Abh. Nat. Haush. Mech., Vol. 40, 1778 (Pub. 1783), Leipzig, pp. 307-310. Treats of tin ores of Cornwall. 349. BULLER, JOHN. An account of the Parish of St. Just. 1842, Penzance. , Not available to the authors. BURNARD, ROBERT. See No. 1384. 350. Busz, K. Mittheilungen iiber den Granit des Dartmoor Forest in Devon- shire, England, und einige seiner Contactgesteine. Neues Jahrb. Min., Beilage-Band 13, 1899, Stuttgart, pp. 90-139, pi. 1, fig. 1. Page 100: Hornfels consists of light colored mica, quartz and tourmaline. Innumer- able grains of cassiterite occur through it. Isolated by HF and metallic tin obtained. Describes also a garnet-datolite hornfels and a hedenbergite hornfels with accessory garnet, datolite, axinite, and quartz. NO. 2 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TIN HESS 67 ENGLAND (Continued) CABCANAGUES, . See No. 1651. 351. CAREW, RICHARD. Survey of Cornwall. 1811, London, pp. 25-60. The first edition of this work was issued in 1602. Description of stream works arid lode-mines; names of mines: ; mode of working; ore dressing; sharing black tin; tin coinage (paying tribute in metal); commercial practices; and courts. 352. CARNE, JOSEPH. An account of the Relistian tin mine. Philos. Trans. Roy. Soc. London, 1807, London, pp. 293-295. Journ. Nat. Philos., Chem. Arts, ser. 2, Vol. 20, 1808, London, p. 24. Short description of pebbles of chlorite schist cemented by crystallized tin, which occurred in this mine. 353. . On the relative age of the veins of Cornwall. Trans. Roy. Geol. Soc. Cornwall, Vol. 2, 1822, Penzance, pp. 49-128, pis. 1, 2. The tin veins, among other metalliferous veins, are treated with regard to their age in relation to the country rocks. 354. . On the mineral productions, and the geology of the parish of St. Just. Trans. Roy. Geol. Soc. Cornwall, Vol. 2, 1822, Penzance, pp. 290-358. Map of Parish of St. Just. Treated under heads: The tin of the parish described, pp. 292-294; description of veins, pp. 321-323; tin floors, pp. 326-331; the stream works of Parish, pp. 331-333; tin mines, pp. 339-344; ancient modes of mining, pp. 345-350; ancient history of the ." Cassiterides," pp. 354-358. 355. . A description of the stream-work at Drift Moor, near Penzance. Trans. Roy. Geol. Soc. Cornwall, Vol. 4, 1838, Penzance, pp. 47-56. Antiquity of diggings and proof of the deluge. 356. . An account of the discovery of some varieties of tin-ore in a vein, which have been considered peculiar to streams, with remarks on diluvial tin in general. Trans. Roy. Geol. Soc. Cornwall, Vol. 4, 1838, Penzance, pp. 95-112. Describes wood tin, toadseye tin, and sparable-tin found in Garth mine, or East Wheal Cock. 356a. . Statistics of the tin mines in Cornwall, and of the consumption of tin in Qreat Britain. Journ. Statis. Soc., London, Vol. 2, 1839, London, pp. 260-268. Gives a brief history of tin smelting, the exports, imports and prices of tin from 1750 to 1837. 357. . Pseudomorphous minerals of Cornwall. Trans. Roy. Geol. Soc. Cornwall, Vol. 6, 1846, Penzance, pp. 29-30. Crystals of feldspar and quartz wholly or partially replaced by SnC>2. 358. CHAPLIN, G. P. Cornish methods of mine timbering. Trans. Fed. Inst. Mg. Eng., Vol. 13, 1897, Newcastle-upon-Tyne and London, pp. 200-210, pi. 11. Some data about timbering. New Dolcoath shaft vertical and IS 1 /^ feet in diameter. It is bricked and expects to cut the lode at 2500 feet depth. The rocks of the mine are generally solid and need little timbering, but timbers 2 feet square and 30 feet long are sometimes used. 68 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 58 ENGLAND (Continued) CHAPMAN, E. J. See No. 1597. 359. CODRINGTOX, T. On some submerged rock-valleys in South Wales, Devon and Cornwall. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. London, Vol. 54, 1898, London, pp. 269-278. Treats of the stream tin deposits of Cornwall. 360. COLENSO, JOHN W. A description of Happy-Union tin stream work at Pentuan. Trans. Roy. Geol. Soc. Cornwall, Vol. 4, 1838, Penzance, pp. 29-39. Overburden 53 feet. Tin from finest sand to large pieces of 200 pounds. Averages about .9 of 1 per cent of the gravel. 361. COLLINS, J. H. A handbook to the mineralogy of Cornwall and Devon. With instruction for their discrimination, and copious tables of localities. 1871, Truro, pp. 108, pis. 10. 362. . Note on a portion of the incrusted surface of a block of " Jews' Tin." Journ. Roy. Inst. Cornwall, Vol. 4, 1872, Truro, pp. 83-84. Abstract: Chem. News, Vol. 25, 1872, London, p. 271. Analysis of the crust which covered a part of a block of " Jews' Tin," and which appeared to be chiefly peroxide of tin, probably formed by the slow oxidation of the outer surface of the block of metallic tin. 363. . Note on the rocks and Goonbarrow mines near St. Austell. Rep. Proc. Min. Ass. Cornwall and Devon, 1872-1873, Truro, pp. 66-69, figs. 2. Description of the occurrence of tin at Goonbarrow mines. 364. . On the mining district of Cornwall and West Devon. Proc. Inst. Mech. Eng., 1873, Birmingham, pp. 89-106. Discussion pp. 107-118. pis. 22-36. Treated under the heads: Mineral lodes; tin and copper mines; quantities and values of the ores. 365. . Note on the occurrence of stanniferous deer horns in the tin gravels of Cornwall. Trans. Roy. Geol. Soc. Cornwall, Vol. 10, 1887, Penzance, pp. 98-100. Abstract: Amer. Journ. Sci. ser. 3, Vol. 22, 1881, New Haven, pp. 81-82, 175 words. Description of deer horns which have been partly replaced by percolating stannif- erous solutions. In some parts, the original horn structure is almost entirely preserved or reproduced in oxide of tin. (Note: J. B. Scrivenor in a later examination of similar horns found the tin to be mechanically deposited and not a replacement. See 726b.) 366. . On the geology of Cornwall. Proc. Geol. Ass., Vol. 10, 1889, London, pp. 101-111. Treated under heads: Mineral lodes, stockworks; tin stream work; lode workings. 367. . On the origin and development of ore deposits in the west of England. Journ. Roy. Inst. Cornwall, Truro. Chaps. I and II, Vol. 10, 1891, pp. 109-149, figs. 13. Chap. Ill, Vol. 11, 1893, pp. 111-184, figs. 16. Chap. Ill, Vol. ll', 1893, pp. 327-377. Chaps. Ill and IV, Vol. 12, 1896, pp. 49-75. Chap. V, Vol. 13, 1899, pp. 283-312. NO. 2 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TIN HESS 69 ENGLAND (Continued) Chap. I, Vol. 10, Formation of structural planes in rock masses. Chap. II, Vol. 10, The mechanical phenomena of faulting. Chap. Ill, Vols. 11 and 12, Rock-change as affecting the formation of ore deposits. Chap. IV, Vol. 12, The formation and natural concentration of dctrital deposits. Chap. V, Vol. 13, The relative ages of the ore deposits of the west of England. The tin deposits of England are treated in this series of articles, along with other metalliferous veins. 368. . Cornish mines and Cornish miners. 65th Ann. Rep. Roy. Cornwall Polyt. Soc., Vol. 65, 1897, Falmouth, pp. 64-96. Journ. Soc. Arts, Vol. 47, 1899, London, pp. 359-376. Treated under heads: Antiquity of mining; the valley gravels; submarine tin gravels; the "Old Men"; copper and other minerals; deep mining; pumping machinery; winding apparatus; ore dressing; boring machines; the great extent of mining operations; tin; the first great collapse; the revival; the culmination; product of some leading mines; the future' of Cornish mining. 369. . The precious metals in the west of England. Journ. Roy. Inst. Cornwall, Vol. 16, pt. 1, 1904, Truro, pp. 103-119. Article treats of the gold and silver of the West of England. Stream tin at Treloy frequently had mixed with it grains of gold, mostly about the size of wheat grains, sometimes as large as peas. . See Nos. 1385 and 1598 (Cornish tinstones). 370. COMBES, CHAS. Memoire sur 1'exploitation des mines des comte's de Cornwall et de Devon. Ann. Mines, ser. 3, Vol. 5, 1834, Paris, pp. 109-144. 370a. CONRAN, R. H. Tin mining in Cornwall. Austr. Mg. Eng.,Rev., Vol. 1, 1909, Sydney and Melbourne, pp. 279-232, illus. Abstract: Mg. World, Vol. 31, 1909, Chicago, pp. 549-551, illus. Brief history of early mining and geological description of the country with more detailed account of mining methods. 371. COTTA, BERNARD VON. A treatise on ore deposits. Translated by F. Prime, 1870, New York, pp. 406-427. Summary of the ore deposits of Cornwall. 372. COUCH, R. Q. Notice of the occurrence of the horns and bones of several species of deer in the tin works of Cornwall. Trans. Roy. Geol. Soc. Cornwall, Vol. 7, 1865, Penzance, pp. 185-191. The author, describing a certain specimen, says, " the whole horn had undergone a change into tin ore." But thinks that possibly this may not imply solution of the tinstone. D'ACHIARDI, ANTONIO. See No. 1313. 373. DAHLBLOM, TH. Ueber die Cornwaller -Zinngruben. Jern-Kont. Ann. 1890, Stockholm, p. 334. Review: Berg. Hutt. Zeit., Vol. 50, 1891, Leipzig, p. 290. DAUBREE, A. See No. 1314. DAVEY, STEPHEN. See No. 1603. 70 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 58 ENGLAND (Continued) 374. DAVIES, ALFRED T. The phenomena of heaves or faults in the mineral veins of St. Agnes, Cornwall. Rep. Proc. Min. Ass. Cornwall and Devon, for 1879 (1880), Truro, pp. 12-33, figs. 21. Discussion of vein or lode formation, with a number of practical rules and diagrams for the guidance of miners showing how to follow the continuation of veins which have been faulted or heaved. Applies to the tin veins of the district. DAVIES, D. C. See No. 1317. 375. DAVY, SIR HUMPHRY. Hints on the geology of Cornwall. Trans. Roy. Geol. Soc. Cornwall, Vol. I, 1818, Penzance, pp. 38-50. Notes on the occurrence of tin in Cornwall. DECHEN, H. VON. See No. 545. 376. DE LA BECHE, HENRY T. Report on the geology of Cornwall, Devon and West Somerset. Mem. Geol. Surv. Great Britain, 1839, London, pp. 1-648, maps and plates. 376a. DEW, J. H. W. Cornish tin alluvials. Mg. Journ. Railw. Comm. Gaz. Vol. 88, 1910, London, pp. 599-600. Correspondence concerning tin bearing gravels in Cornwall. DIETZSCH, P. See No. 1479. 377. DREW, S. History of Cornwall. 1824. Not available to the authors. 378. DUFRENOY, P. A., and BEAUMONT, ELIE DE. Notice sur le gisement, Fexploitation et le traitement des minerals d'etain et de cuivre du Cornouailles. Ann. Mines, Vol. 9, 1824, Paris, pp. 827-908, Vol. 10, pp. 331-366, 401-426; Vol. 11, pp. 207-254. Reprint: Arch. Bergb. Hiitt. Vol. 13, 1826, Berlin, pp. 60-185. Reviews: Zeitschr. Min., 1826, IT, Frankfurt-am-Main, pp. 427-439. Ann. Sci. Nat., Vol. 7, 1826, Paris, pp. 195-243. EDMONDS, RICHARD. See No. 1389. 379. ENGLISH, HENRY. A compendium of useful information relating to the companies formed for working British mines, containing copies of the prospectuses, amount of capital, number of shares, names of directors, etc., with general observations on their progress, detailing their opera- tions, mines in their possession and original information. 1826, London, pp. 124. FAWNS, SYDNEY. See No. 1320. FERGUSON, HENRY T. See No. 1654. 379a. FEUVRE, P. A. Cornish Mining. Times Eng. Suppl., Vol. 1, 1905, London, pp. 250, 273, 274, and 309-310. ' Discusses briefly economic conditions of tin mining in Cornwall. Quotes Robert Hunt to the effect that the tin lodes down to 600 feet in depth average 3.97 feet wide, and below that 3.36 feet, and Henry Louis as saying that the average tin content is 2 per cent* In the second article dues and royalties and their effect upon Cornish tin mining are discussed. The third article treats of working costs. NO. 2 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TIN HESS 71 ENGLAND (Continued) 380. FLETT, J. S. On some brecciated stanniferous veinstones from Cornwall. Mem. Geol. Surv. Great Britain, for 1902 (1903), London, pp. 154-159. Microscopic examination of tin-bearing 1 veinstones from following mines: Dolcoath, Wheal Basset, South Crofty, Carn Brea, Wheal Kitty and West Kitty. Essential constituents of these tin ores are quartz, tourmaline, chlorite and cassiterite. Fluorspar, pale micas, iron oxides, copper pyrites, kaolin (?) are present also, but not universally, occasionally there are pieces of altered feldspar and fragments of granite or slate. 381. FOSTER, C. LE NEVE. Notes on the Rosewarne mine. Trans. Cornwall and Devon Min. Ass., 1866, Camborne, p. 26. Not available to the authors. 382. . Report on the inspection of metalliferous mines in Cornwall, Devonshire and a part of Somersetshire for the year ended 31st De- cember, 1873. Rep. Insp. Mines for 1873 (1874), London. Parl. Pap., Vol. 13, 1874, London, pp. 295-321. Gives statistics regarding mines of district. 383. . The tin deposits of East Wheal Lovell. Trans. Roy. Geol. Soc. Cornwall, Vol. 9, 1875, Penzance, pp. 167-176, pis. 1-4. Two mines are included in the East Wheal Lovell namely, Tregonebris and Flat- work. In this article the tin deposit and the peculiarities of the latter mine are. treated. 384. . On a deposit of tin at Park of Mines. Rep. Proc. Min. Ass. Cornwall and Devon for 1875 (1876), Falmouth, pp, 22-26, figs. 5. Abstract: Rep. Brit. Ass. Adv. Sci., Vol. 45, 1876, London, p. 64. (Note and abs.) Digest: Geol. Rec. for 1876, London, p. 12. The tin-ore occurs as lenticular layers generally one or two inches thick, between the planes of bedding of the killas. The layers appear to be the off-shoots from north and south veins. 385. . On the Great Flat Lode of Redruth and Camborne and some other tin deposits formed by the alteration of granite. Quart. Journ. Geol.' Soc. London, Vol. 34, 1878, London, pp. 640-653, figs. 10, pis. 30. Plan and section of tin mines on Great Flat Lode. Abstract: Rep. Brit. Ass. Adv. Sci., 1877, London, p. 71. It is worked for three and one-half miles, and consists of a leader or true fissure vein only a few inches wide carrying tin and copper ores; a lode from 4 to 15 feet wide on one or both sides of the leader, mostly of tourmaline rock, carrying 1 to 3 per cent of tin; a capel of only slightly stanniferous tourmaline rock separates the lode from the slate or granite. There is an absence of wall or plane of separation between the lode and capel or the capel and granite. Thinks the lode and capel are altered granite, and that most of the lodes in Cornwall are of similar origin. 386. . On some tin stockworks in Cornwall. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. London, Vol. 34, 1878, London, pp. 654-659, figs. 3. Abstract: Rep. Brit. Ass. Adv. Sci., 1877, London, p. 70. Stockworks occur in killas (slate), granite and elvan (granite porphyry dikes). Gives a list pf the stockworks occurring in each rock. 387. Fox, CHAS. On a deposit of tin in Wendron. Rep. Proc. Min. Ass. Cornwall and Devon, 1868, Truro, p. 35. Not available to the authors. SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 58 ENGLAND (Continued) 388. Fox, ROBERT WERE. On mineral veins. 4th Ann. Rep. Roy. Cornwall Polyt. Soc., 1836-1838, Falmouth, pp. 81-141, figs. 1-21, colored. General description of tin and copper veins in Cornwall. Says that where tin and copper occur in the same vein, they are inclined to occur on opposite sides of the vein. Lodes said to be more productive when nearly vertical. 389. FRECHEVILLE, R. J. Notes on great main lode of Dolcoath, Cook's Kitchen, Tincroft, and Cam Brea mines. Trans. Roy. Geol. Soc. Cornwall, Vol. 10, 1887, Penzance, pp. 146-156, colored plates 2, showing 1 cross section of mines. General description of tin-bearing veins in these mines, with figures of production and remarks as to the probable continuance of the vein. 390. . The results obtained by the Cornish system of tin-ore dressing. Trans. Mg. Ass. Inst. Cornwall, Vol. 1, 1887, Camborne, pp. 96-104. Reprinted in Eng. Mg. Journ., Vol. 40, 1885, New York, pp. 416-417. An examination into the actual loss of black tin experienced in dressing. 391. FUCHS, E., et LAUNAY, L. DE. Traite des gites mineraux et metalliferes. Vol. 2, 1893, Paris, pp. 112-127. Maps, figs, and bibliography. Tin deposits of Cornwall treated. 392. GARBY, JOHN. A catalog of minerals found in Cornwall with their localities. Trans. Roy. Geol. Soc. Cornwall, Vol. 7, 1865, Penzance, p. 85. Cassiterite, wood-tin, siliceous oxide and tin-pyrites given, the latter two unim- portant. GBEG, R. P. and LETTSOM, W. G. See No. 1614. 393. GREGOR, WM. Observations on a. remarkable change which metallic tin undergoes under peculiar circumstances, and on its partial conversion into a muriate of tin. Trans. Roy. Geol. Soc. Cornwall, Vol. 1, 1818, Penzance, pp. 51-59. " Some observations on a remarkable change which metallic tin undergoes that has long lain under the surface of the earth and on its partial conversion into a muriate." 394. HANCOCK, RICHARD. On the mineral deposits of Old Wheal Vor mine, Breage. 38th Ann. Rep. Roy. Cornwall Polyt. Soc., 1870, Falmouth, pp. 101-102. This mine is situated in a basin of killas, between two granite hills and has produced more than 3,000,000 worth of tin and copper. 395. HAWKINS, C. Observations on gold found in the tin stream works of Cornwall. Trans. Roy. Geol. Soc. Cornwall, Vol. 1, 1818, Penzance, pp. 235-236. Notes that gold was frequently found with stream tin in a moor near the church of the parish of Ladock. . See No. 1395. 396. HAWKINS, JOHN. On submarine mines. Trans. Roy. Geol. Soc. Cornwall, Vol. 1, 1818, Penzance, pp. 127-142. An account of the early working of Huel Wherry tin mine, near Penzance. It was about 720 feet out from shore, barely uncovered at lowest tides, 19 feet under water at highest. Very rich ore. In dike 18' broad, 16' very rich. SnO 2 one of the constituent parts of the porphyry, so that it was called " stannified granite." 70,000 pounds of ore removed. NO. 2 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TIN HESS 73 ENGLAND (Continued) 397. . On some remarkable phenomena attending the lodes of Pol- gooth tin mine. Trans. Roy. Geol. Soc. Cornwall, Vol. 1, 1818, Penzance, pp. 143-153, pi. 5. Description of the tin veins of Polgoolh mine, which were observed by author or on which data were communicated to him, in 1791, by Capt. Phillips, director of mine, data being gathered as the working of mine opened it up. 398. . On the stratified deposits of tinstone, called tin-floors, and on the diffusion of tinstone through the mass of some primitive rocks. Trans. Roy. Geol. Soc. Cornwall, Vol. 2, 1822, Penzance, pp. 29-48. A description of the Cornwall tin deposits known as tin-floors is given, also an account of the form of deposit known in Germany as " stockworks " and methods used by Germans in working such deposits. 399. . Observations on the alluvial strata at Forth, Sandrycock and Pentuan. Trans. Roy. Geol. Soc. Cornwall, Vol. 2, 1822, Penzance, pp. 285-289. A paper in which the writer gives his views explanatory of alluvlals of Forth and Sandrycock. Believes in deposition by a flood. See No. 1396. HEADDEN, WM. P. See No. 1617. 400. HELMHACKER, R. Allgemeines iiber das Zinnerzvorkommen in Corn- wallis, nebst einigen speciellen Beispielen. Oest. Zeitschr. Berg. Hiitt., Vol. 27, 1879, Wien, pp. 427-429, 443-445, 458-460, 466-470, 473-475, 490-492, 500-503, 509-511, 524-527, 537-538, illus. 401. HENTY, G. M. On the occurrence of wood-tin at the great Wheal Vor mines. Rep. Proc. Min. Ass. Cornwall and Devon, 1867, Falmouth, p. 55. 402. KENWOOD, GEORGE. Observations on certain tin stream works in the county of Cornwall. Mg. Journ. Railw. Comm. Gaz., Vol. 22, 1852, London, pp. 607, 629; Vol. 23, 1853, p. 12. A series of three articles entitled the " Carnon," " Nancothan," and the " Bog," respectively treat of stream 'tin deposits, their situation, appearance, production, antiquities discovered in the course of working, animal and fossil remains, and methods of working. Theories as to the probable sources from which these great deposits were derived. Briefly treats of the character, superstitions and peculiarities of the Cornish miner. 403. . Four lectures on geology and mining. 1855, London. (1) An introductory lecture, pp. 23; (2) Observations on certain tin stream works in the county of Cornwall, pp. 27; (3) On the metalliferous veins or lodes of Devon and Cornwall, and the methods of mining them, pp. 23; (4) On the manipulation of the ores of Devon and Cornwall, to render them marketable, pp. 21. 404. KENWOOD, W(ILLIAM) J(ORY). Deposits of stream tin ore in Cornwall with remarks on the theory -of that formation. Trans. Roy. Geol. Soc. Cornwall, Vol. 4, 1838, Penzance, pp. 57-69. Overburden 14 to 53 feet. Gravel containing SnOa, 4 to 18 feet, on granite bottom. Believes in diluvial deposition. 74 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 58 ENGLAND (Continued) 405. . On the metalliferous deposits of Cornwall and Devon. Trans. Roy. Geol. Soc. Cornwall, Vol. 5, 1843, Penzance. Treats of the quantity of tin mined in Cornwall and Devon; the form, displace- ment, and segregations of ore in the veins; the characteristics of tin veins in granite, slate and elvan; stream tin, wood tin and ordinary lode tin; and the minerals associated with cassiterite in the different country rocks. 406. . On a remarkable deposit of tin-ore at the Providence mines near St. Ives, Cornwall. Trans.' Roy. Geol. Soc. Cornwall, Vol. 7, 1865, Penzance, pp. 179-184. London, Edinburgh, Dublin Philos. Mag. Journ. Sci., ser. 4, Vol. 4, 1852, London, pp. 538-541. The Providence mines, in the parish of Lelant, comprise mines formerly known as Wheal Speed, Wheal Laity, Wheal Comfort and Wheal Providence. Observations on the eastern workings in the slate and on the western within the granite forma- tion, have already appeared in Trans. Roy. Geol. Soc. Cornwall, Vol. 5, Penzance, pp. 16-20. The intermediate tract now described is wholly granite. 407. . Observations on the metalliferous deposits of Cornwall. Journ. Roy. Inst. Cornwall, Vol. 4, 1871-1873, Truro, pp. ix-xxxix. Reprinted with alterations and additions in Rep. Proc. Min. Ass. Cornwall and Devon, 1872-1873, Truro, pp. 1-20. General description of veins of Cornwall, including tin-veins. 408. . On the detrital tin ore of Cornwall. Journ. Roy. last. Cornwall, Vol. 4, 1871-1873, Truro, pp. 191-254. Read, May 16, 1873. Abstracts: Geol. Mag. 1873, London, pp. 317-319; 1874, pp. 177-178. Abstract translated by Zeiller, Ann. Mines, 7th ser. Vol. 6, 1874, Paris, pp. 114-130. Contains summary of observations made at intervals during 45 years. Four districts treated : 1. From Land's End to the eastern sources of Hayle River. 2. Included between the Camborne, Crowan, Wendron and Constantine granite, and the eastern tribu- taries of Restronguet, a creek of Falmouth. 3. Bounded on west by Truro River and the Gannel, on east by Fowey and lower part of the Camel. 4. From eastern part of third district to Tamar. . See Nos. 1327 and 1656. 409. HILL, J. B. Mining in southern district (Cornwall and Devon). Sumrn. Progr. Geol. Surv, United Kingdom for 1902 (1903), London, pp. 38-40. Although areas surveyed have been extensive mining districts, few mines are still active. Tin streaming in original sense of the term, is practically a thing of the past. Mines operated with modern machinery. Last few years the debris from mine burrows have been put under stamps, more especially those mines originally worked for copper. 410. . The plutonic and other intrusive rocks of W. Cornwall in their relation to the mineral ores. Trans. Roy. Geol. Soc. Cornwall, Vol. 12, 1905, Penzance, pp. 546-615. Tin always found in minute quantities in lithia micas, and except in lepidolite, copper also. Favors first deposition by ascending meteoric waters. 411. HILL, J. B., and MACALISTER, D. A. Geology of Falmouth and Truro and of the mining district of Camborne and Redruth. Mem. Geol. Surv. Great Britain, 1906, London, pp. 113-314, figs. G4. Extracts: Min. World, May 11, 1907, p. 598; May 18, 1907, p. 626; June 1, 1907, p. 691. Geology of districts is treated with particulars relating to the mines. NO. 2 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TIN HESS 75 ENGLAND (Continued) 412. HUNT, ROBERT. A notice of the copper and tin raised in Cornwall. Mem. Geol. Surv. Great Britain, Vol. 1, 1546, London, pp. 510-519. Several tables given showing average production of various mines of Cornwall. Short early history of copper and tin production. 413. . The economic geology of Devonshire and Cornwall in 1868. Journ. Bath West England Soc., n. s., Vol. 16, 1868, Bath, pp. 75-78. Treats briefly of the early history of tin, tin trade from 1858 to 1868, and manner of working the mines at the time of writing. 414. . On the mineral production of Cornwall and Devon. Rep. Proc. Min. Ass. Cornwall and Devon, 1869, Truro, pp. 5-11. Not available to the authors. 415. . British mining. 1884, London, pp. 1-944, illus. 230. A treatise on the history, discovery, practical development and future prospects of metalliferous mines, including tin mines, in the United Kingdom. SeeNos. 1397, 1688. HUTCHIN, H. W. Notes on tin dressing. See No. 1507a. HUTCHINSON, A. See No. 1620. JAMES, HENRY. See No. 1398. 416. JARS, G. Voyages Metallurigique. Vol. 3, 1781, Paris, pp. 154-223. Sur les mines d'etain des hautes montagnes de la Saxe, celles de la Boh&me, et de la province de Cornouaille en Angleterre, annees 1757 et 1765. 417. K , W. Die Bergwerke von Devonshire und Cornwall. Berg. Htitt. Zeit., Vol. 38, 1879, Leipzig, pp. 374-375. 418. KERL, BRUNO. Gewinnung von Zinnstein und Chinathon in der Car- clacegrube bei St. Austel in Cornwall. Berg. Hiitt. Zeit. Vol. 21, 1862, Leipzig, pp. 82-83. 419. . Zinngewinnung in Cornwall. Berg. Hiitt. Zeit., Vol. 21, 1862, Leipzig, pp. 144-148. Treated under the heads: Ore occurrences; preparation of the tin ore; metallurgy of tin. 420. KITTO, BENEDICT. On mineral veins. 37th Ann. Rep. Roy. Cornwall Polyt. Soc., 1869, Falmouth, pp. 48-52. Treats of one of the oldest mines in Cornwall, the Great Work Mine, which is situated partly, in the parish of Breage and partly in Germoe. The three principal lodes, Great Work, Wheal Breage and South Wheal Breage are described. 421. KUDERNATSCH, JOSEPH. Ueber die Gewinnung und Darstellung des Zinnes, insbesondere in England. Jahrb. k. k. geol. Reichs., Vol. 3, 1852, Wien, pp. 173-175. Also. Berg. Iliitt. Zeit., Vol. 12 (n. f. 7), 1853, Leipzig, pp. 162-164. LE GRICE, C. V. See No. 1518. i 76 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 58 ? ENGLAND (Continued) 422. LEIFCHILD, JOHN R. Cornwall, its mines and miners, with sketches of scenery. Designed as a popular introduction to metallic mines. 1855, London, pp. 303. A readable popular account of the scenery and mines of Cornwall, including both alluvial and lode tin mines, with a short summary of foreign tin mines known at the time. Contains a general account of the geology of the Cornish tin mines, including the faulting. It also covers, in a general way, the manner of operating the mines and metallurgical processes used. Gives cost of operating, production and wages. 422a. LINGTON, T. Dolcoath copper and tin mine, Cornwall. Mg. World, Vol. 32, 1910, Chicago, p. 107. Treated geologically, also gives figures showing ore raised, outlay and profit. LEWIS, GEORGE RANDALL. See No. 1402. 423. LOBLEY, J. LOGAN. Two days in a mining district. Prbc. Geol. Ass., Vol. 2, 1873, London, pp. 45-60. Copper and tin mining district of East Cornwall is described. List of Cornish metallic minerals given. " All the Cornish tin is procured from the peroxide, for although tin pyrites or cupreous sulphuret of tin does occur in Cornwall, it is rare and not used for the production of metal." 42.4. LOCK, C. G. WARNFORD. Economic Mining, 1S95, New York, pp. 622-623. Treats of Cornish tin. Louis, HENRY. See No. 1340. LOWER, T. See 489a. 425. MACALISTER, DONALD A. Vertical distribution of the commercially valuable ores in the Camborne lodes. Summ. Progr. Geol. Surv. United Kingdom for 1903 (1904), London, pp. 26-28. 426. . A cross section and some notes on the tin and copper deposits of Camborne, with special reference to the limits of productive ore ground. Trans. Roy. Geol. Soc. Cornwall, Vol. 12, 1905, Penzance, pp. 773-795, figs. 5. 427. . Geological aspect of the lodes of Cornwall. Econ. Geol., Vol. 3, 1908, Lancaster, pp. 363-380. Geol. map. Gives a short historical summary of the Cornish mines and their yield from early times. He then treats the general geology, the lodes, their structure and relations to the granite. The pneumatolytic and metasomatic action of vein forming solutions is treated with regard to granite, slate and greenstone. The genesis of the ores is ascribed to the solutions from .a cooling granitic magma. The alluvial tin deposits are briefly described. . See Nos. 449, 1659. 428. MACLAREN, J. MALCOLM. The occurrence of gold in Great Britain and Ireland. Trans. Inst. Mg. Eng., Vol. 25, 1903, London and Newcastle-upon-Tyne, pp. 438-439, 440, 494. XO. 2 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TIN HESS 77 ENGLAND (Continued) The occurrence of gold in the tin placers of Cornwall is described. 3% pounds of tin ore gotten from 150 pounds of gravel in Goldmine River, County Wicklow, Ireland. All wood-tin. Accompanied by magnetite, ilmenite, hematite, iron-pyrites, galena, wolframite, molybdenite, gold, copper-pyrites and oxides of manganese. Cassiterite was in grains up to */ 2 inch in diameter. MACLEAN, JOHN. See No. 1403. 429. Maps of the Geological Survey of Great Britain. Show tin-bearing veins and placers. Published previous to 1869. 430. MAETIN, JOSEPH S. The position and prospects of Cornish mining. Coll. Guard., Vol. 77, 1899, London, p. 943. Notes from the author's annual report on the southwestern district for 1898. Urges that the mines be more properly equipped and wisely managed. 431. MAYNABD, JOHN. Remarks on two cross-sections through Cam Brea Hill and the neighboring mines. Rep. Proc. Min. Ass. Cornwall and Devon, 1873-1874, Falmouth, pp. 43-54; pis. 8. Sections through the principal tin mines and the intervening country. 432. MEBRET, C. A relation of the tinn mines and working of tinn in the county of Cornwall. Philos. Trans. Roy. Soc. London, No. 138, Vol. 12, 1678, London, pp. 949-952. Philos. Trans, abridged, Vol. 2, 1809, pp. 424-426. Description of the manner of occurrence of tin ore, and brief account of methods of smelting. 433. MOISSENET, LEON. Du mineral d'etain dans le Cornwall. Ann. Mines, ser. 5, Vol. 14, 1858, Paris, pp. 77-276. Brief abstract in Neues Jahrb. Min., 1860, Stuttgart, p. 360. Sketch of Cornwall; description of tin veins and associated minerals; description of the working of the mines and economic results. 434. . Etude sur les filons du Cornwall et du Devonshire. C. R. Acad. Sci., Vol. 55, 1862, Paris, pp. 759-762. Ann. Mines, ser. 6, Vol. 3, 1863, Paris, pp. 161-171. Mg. Smelt. Mag., Mo. Rev. Pract. Mg. Quarry. Met., Vol. 3, 1863, London, pp. 20-23 and Vol. 4, 1864, p. 25. 435. MOISSENET, L. L. Observations on the rich parts of the lodes of Corn- wall. Translated by J. H. Collins, 1877, London. Not available to the authors. MYBICK, C. M. See No. 1541. 436. NEWLAND, D. H. Tin in United Kingdom. Min. Ind. for 1902, Vol. 11, 1903, New York and London, p. 595. Review of tin industry in Cornwall during 1902. 437. . Tin in Cornwall. Min. Ind. for 1903, Vol. 12, 1904, New York and London, pp. 332-333. Review of tin mining in Cornwall during 1903. 78 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 58 ENGLAND (Continued) 438. OXLAND, R. The mineral resources of Devon and Cornwall. Ann. Rep. Trans. Plymouth Inst., Devon and Cornwall Nat. Hist. Soc., Vol. 5, 1873-1874 (1874), Plymouth, pp. 48-5-493. Not available to the authors. At time of writing article, there was a great depression in Cornish tin and copper mining on account of market conditions. The article is an inquiry into the possibility of reviving the mining industries. 439. PARIS, JOHN AYRTON. A guide to Mount's Bay and the Land's End. 1824, London, 2d Ed. Contains many semi-scientific allusions to the tin mines of Cornwall, with points concerning their history, origin of names, etc. PEARCE, GILBERT B. See No. 1407. 440. PEARCE, RICHARD. Notes on the occurrence of cobalt in connection with the tin ores of Cornwall. Journ. Roy. Inst. Cornwall, No. 13, Vol. 4, 1872, Truro, pp. 81-83. Author found an appreciable quantity of cobalt in a sample of dressed tin ore (black tin) from Dolcoath mine. Analysis of " hard-head " showed 4.40 per cent cobalt and 16.25 per cent tin. Concludes that cobalt might be extracted profitably from " hard-head " and at same time afford a means for recovery of large portion of tin which was then lost. 441. . The anniversary address of the president. Trans. Roy. Geol. Soc. Cornwall, Vol. 13, pt. 2, 1906, Penzance, pp. 97-112. Discussion of Cornwall's mineral resources and their future. . See No. 1629. PENBERTHY, JOHN. See No. 467. 442. PHILLIPS, J. ARTHUR. The rocks of the mining districts of Cornwall, and their relation to metalliferous deposits. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. London, Vol. 31, 1875, London, pp. 319-345, pi. 16. Gives a description both from macroscopic and microscopic examination of the rocks in which mineral deposits occur in Cornwall, with analyses of a number of them. Also discusses the mineral deposits including tin. See No. 1632. PHILLIPS, J. A., and Louis, H. See No. 1350. 443. PHILLIPS, WM. On the veins of Cornwall. Trans. Geol. Soc. London, Vol. 2, 1814, London, pp. 110-160. History and description of veins of Cornwall, including the Tincroft mine. PHILLIPS, WILLIAM. See No. 1633. PLINIUS, CAIUS. See No. 1408. POLWHELE, R. See No. 1409. 444. PRYCE, WILLIAM. Mineralogia Cornubiensis. A treatise on minerals, mines and mining: Containing the theory and natural history of strata, fissures and lodes, with the methods of discovering and working of tin, copper and lead mines, and of cleansing and metallizing their products, NO. 2 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TIN HESS 79 ENGLAND (Continued) showing each particular processing for dressing, assaying and smelting of ores, to which is added an explanation of the terms and idioms of miners. 1778, London, pis. 7, tables 2, portrait of author, pp. 331. Extract: Journ. Mines, No. 3, Vol. 1, 1795, Paris, pp. 91-126. 445. PUNNETT, H. MACAULAY. On some peculiar deposits of tin in St. Aubyn and Grylls mine. Trans. Roy. Geol. Soc. Cornwall, Vol. 7, 1865, Penzance, pp. 379-380. A brief inquiry into the nature of the contents of peculiar shoots of tin ore. The ore is said to be different in chemical character from the tin ore in the main lode. RAMMELSBERG, C. See No. 1637. 446. RANCE, CHAS. E. DE. On the relative age of some valleys in the north and south of England, and of the various and post-glacial deposits occurring in them. Proc. Geol. Ass. London, Vol. 4, 1876, London, p. 250. Thinks stream tin deposits of South England are nearly synchronous with the West Lancashire post-glacial marine beds. Points out that there has been no glaciation in this region. 447. RASHLEIGH, P. An account of the alluvial deposition at Sandrycock. Trans. Roy. Geol. Soc. Cornwall, Vol. 2, 1822, Penzance, pp. 281-284. Drawn up in 1792, communicated by J. Hawkins in 1819. " Tin ground and loose stones of all sorts " from one foot to 6 feet thick overlain by 35 feet overburden. RAY, JOHN. See No. 1554. 448. REID, CLEMENT, and FLETT, J. S. The geology of the Land's End district. Explanation of sheets 351 and 358, with contributions by Wilkinson, B. S. N., Dixon, E. E. L., Pollard, W. and a mining appendix by MacAllister, D. A.. Mem. Geol. Surv. Great Britain, 1907, London, p. 158, figs. 35, pis. 6. Geology of district and mines, and their output of tin since 1852. 449. REID, CLEMENT, and SCBIVENOR, J. B. The geology of the country near Newquay. Mem. Geol. Surv. Great Britain, 1906, London, pp. 72-80, and pp. 91-106, with map and figs. Gives estimates of the amount of tin produced. Former work for stream-tin, now long ceased. Describe briefly the mines now working near St. Agnes, and some of those that are abandoned. Describe the microscopic appearance of the tin lodes. Also describe the geology of the lodes at Cligga head. D. A. McAllister gives notes on the particular mines, their ores and geology on pp. 91-106, with figs. . See No. 1638. 450. REYER, E. Zinn. 1881, Berlin, pp. 102-156, figs. 3. Treats under heads: Geologische Btschreibung ; die Erzgange; Geschichte der Zinn- produkzion und des Zinnhandels von Cornwall. 450a. RICKARD, THOMAS. Fifty years in Cornwall. Mg. Sci. Press, Vol. ICO, 1910, San Francisco, pp. 795-797. 80 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 58 ENGLAND (Continued) Reviews the improvements in technical methods and appliances in Cornwall mining, and concludes that this improvement has not been inadequately translated into economic results. 451. ROWE, T. P., and FOSTER, C. LE NEVE. Observations on Balleswidden mine. Trans. Roy. Geol. Soc. Cornwall, Vol. 10, 1887, Penzance, pp. 10-17. Short description of Balleswidden mine, situated about 1 mile from village of St. Just-in-Penwith, which was abandoned in 1873. During the 36 years that the mine was worked, more than 12,000 tons of black tin were sold, valued at 452. RUDLEB, F. W. Handbook to minerals of the British Islands. 1905, London. Cassiterite and its associates, pp. 5-32. Treats not only of cassiterite and stannite, with their accompanying minerals, but of the origin, form and other characteristics of the veins in which they are found. 453. SALMON, ARTHUR L*. Cornwall. 1903, London, pp. 16-21. A short general description of tin-mining in Cornwall, adapted to the needs of tourists not ' particularly interested in the subject. 454. SALMON, H. C. The mines and mining operations of Cornwall. Mg. Smelt. Mag. Ma. Rev. Pract. Mg. Quarry. Met., Vol. 5, 1864, pp. 257, 328. Not available to the authors. SAUNDERS, C. D. See No. 1414. SCRIVENOR, J. B., and REID, CLEMENT. See No. 1638. 455. SIMMONS, WM. The metallic ores of Cornwall. Proc. Liverpool Geol. Soc., Vol. 3, 1878, Liverpool, pp. 28-35. Brief description of occurrences of the ores of tin, copper, iron and lead. 456. SKEWES, EDWARD. Red river tin stream, Cornwall. Eng. Mg. Journ., Vol. 74, 1902, New York, pp. 178-180, figs. 5. Abstract: Min. Ind. for 1902, Vol. 11, 1903, New York and London, p. 653. An article discussing the mode of operation of the Cornish tin mines, the loss of tin, etc. SMITH, GEORGE. See No. 1418. 457. SMYTH, WARINGTON W. Metallic mining {tin mines). Brit. Mfr. Indust, Vol. 2, 1876, London, pp. 26-30. Treats of the occurrence of copper and tin in certain districts of England. SOLLY, R. H. See No. 1640. SPARGO, T. See No. 1699. 458. STELZNER, A. W. Das Zinnerzvorkommen auf der Grube East Wheal Lovell in Cornwall. Mitth. Verh. Bergmann. Vereins zu Freiberg. Sitzg., Vol. 2, Nov. 1876. Digest: Neues Jahrb. Min., 1877, Stuttgart, pp. 416-417. Berg. Hiltt. Zeit., Vol. 35, 1876, Leipzig, pp. 417-419. Based on " The tin deposits of East Wheal Lovell " by C. Le Neve Foster, published in Trans. Roy. Geol. Soc. Cornwall, Vol. 9, 1875, Penzance, pp. 167-176. First reference not available to the authors. NO. 2 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TIN HESS 81 ENGLAND (Continued) 459. STEPHENS, FRANCIS J. Abstract of essay on the " Mineral resources of Falmouth." 54th Ann. Rep. Roy. Cornwall Polyt. Soc., 1886, Falmouth, p. 193. Tin is mentioned as occurring at Pennance mine, Falmouth. 460. STEPHENS, F. J. The ancient tin mining districts of Cornwall. 72d Ann. Rep. Roy. Cornwall Polyt. Soc., 1904, Falmouth, pp. 101-114. Notes on the geology, minerals and mines of Levant, St. Ives and Zennor. 461. STEPHENS, HUGH. Remarks on the mineral phenomena of Huel Rose in the parish of Sithney. Rep. Proc. Min. Ass. Cornwall and Devon, 1871 (1872), Truro, pp. 47-49. 462. SYMONS, BKENTON. Treatise on the geology of Cornwall. 1884, Penzance. Not available to the authors. 463. SYMONS, R. On Carclaze tin -and china clay pit. Journ. Roy. Inst. Cornwall, Vol. 6, 1881, Truro, pp. 140-143, map 1. Describes in a general way Carclaze mine which yielded 10 to 12 tons of tin ore per year from small veins in a decomposed granite (growan). Had for many years produced large quantities of china clay and workings covered over 15 acres. 464. TAYLOR, CHAS. D. Description of the tin stream works in Restronguet Creek near Truro. Proc. Inst. Mech. Eng. for 1873, Birmingham, pp. 155-166, pis. 58-59. Discussion 162-166. Extracts: Bull. Soc. Indust. min., ser. 2, Vol. 4, 1875, Saint Etienne, pp. 678-680. Berg. Hiitt. Zeit, Vol. 35, 1876, Leipzig, pp. 443-444. Description of methods used in recovering " a valuable deposit of stream tin which is found under the water in Restronguet Creek, and lies on the rock beneath the mud and silt that form the bottom of the creek." TAYLOR, J. See No. 1663. TAYLOR, JOHN. See Nos. 1419, 1576. THIOLLIER, M. A. See No. 1579. 465. THOMAS, CHAS. Remarks on mining in Cornwall and Devon. 22d Ann. Rep. Roy. Cornwall Polyt. Soc.' 1854, Falmouth, pp. 28-35. Treats of the geological and mineralogical character of the rocks that have been found most productive of metallic ores. 466. THOMAS, C. Mining fields of the West, Cornwall and Devon. 1867. Not available to the authors. 467. THOMAS, HERBERT. Cornish mining interviews. Underground scenes by J. C. Burrows. 1896, Camborne, pp. 351. Treats of tin mining in a popular way, and contains an interview with Capt. John Penberthy on " Bolivia as a tin-producing country and its probable effect on Cornwall " (pp. 1-8). The illustrations are good and have been widely reprinted. See 320 and 475. 82 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 58 ENGLAND (Continued) 468. . The mineralogical constitution of the finer material of the Bunter pebble-bed in the west of England. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. London, Vol. 58, 1902, London, p. 623. Paragraph on cassiterite " Difficult to distinguish from rutile, but it occurs in small quantity in the heavy residues from some of these sands. Seem to be two modes of occurrence: (I) in pale-yellow, well-shaped crystals, and (II) in more or less rounded brownish grains." 469. THOMAS, JOSIAH. Description of the operations at Dolcoath mine. Journ. Roy. Inst. Cornwall, Vol. 3, No. 11, 1870, Truro, pp. 191-197. An account of the mine, and manner of working it. Author states that at time of writing he believes " we are working to a greater depth, and raising a larger quantity of tin, as well as making greater profits, than any other tin mine in the world. " The mine has been producing of late about 87 tons of black tin per month, or 1060 tons per year." 470. . Description of Dolcoath main lode, illustrated by transverse section, and specimens from the lode and country. Rep. Proc. Min. Ass. Cornwall and Devon, for 1882 (1883), Truro, pp. 13-15. Dolcoath is the deepest metalliferous mine in Cornwall. The granite has become softer, and the tin lodes larger and more productive with depth; mine shows no sign of decay. 471. THOMAS, R. Report on a survey of the mining district of Cornwall, from Chasewater to Camborne. 1819, London. I Not available- to the authors. 472. THOMAS, R. A. Notes on Cornish mines in 1896. 64th Ann. Rep. Roy. Cornwall Polyt. Soc., 1896, Falmouth, pp. 89-94. Discussion of the decreased tin output of Cornwall, and of means for its increase. THOMAS, R. ABTHUB. See No. 1666. 473. THOMAS, RICHARD A. Some observations on the " Great Flat Lode " in Wheal Uny mine, near Redruth. 64th Ann. Rep. Roy. Cornwall Polyt. Soc., 1886, Falmouth, pp. 184-188. 1500 words. Calls Great Flat Lode a " true fissure vein," but says it reaches 72 feet (12 fathoms) in width with a small amount of tin distributed evenly through it. Dip varies. Slickensides occur where vein narrows. Many " cross-courses " break up the vein. Generally dips to the west. Occasionally rich enough to work 30 feet wide. Copper ores in upper part of vein and some chalcopyrite below. 474. THOMAS, WM. Excursion to Cornwall. Proc. Geol. Ass,, Vol. 10, 1887, London, pp. 196-215, figs. 7. Mentions a few general points about Carclaze, Cam Brea and other tin mines. 475. THOMAS, WM., and BURROWS, J. C. 'Mongst mines and miners, under- ground scenes by flashlight. 1883, London and Camborne, pp. 32, pis. 26. Colored section of Dolcoath main lode, 62% fathoms per inch. Written in popular style. The plates are excellent. See 467. 476. TREDINNICK, R. Tin and tin mining. Mg. Journ. Railw. Comm. Gaz., Vol. 46, 1876, London, p. 1388. General article giving amount of ore raised and profits derived from some of the Cornwall mines. XO. 2 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TIN HESS 83 ENGLAND (Continued) 477. TREGASKIS, JAMES. Remarks on the geology of Cornwall and Devon in connection with the deposits of metallic ores and on the bearing of productive lodes. (Two lectures.) 1857, Redruth. Not available to the authors. 478. TWEEDY, W. M. Notices of minerals of uncommon occurrence recently found in Cornwall. 21st Ann. Rep. Roy. Inst. Cornwall, 1841 (1842), Truro, pp. 38-39. Among other minerals which author mentions as uncommon are wood-tin and detached crystals of tinstone and sandstone in the form of crystals of feldspar. 479. . A description of the Lode at Wheal Coates Mine, in which the pseudomorphous crystals of tin occurred. 27th Ann. Rep. Roy. Inst. Cornwall, 1845, Truro, pp. 20-24. Mineralogical and geological description of the tin deposits at Wheal Coates, with detailed descriptions of individual pseudomorphs of cassiterite after feldspar. TYLOR, A. See No. 1420. 480. UNWIN, GEORGE. Letters, remarks, etc., with a view to open an extensive trade in the article of tin from the county of Cornwall to India, Persia and China. 1790, London. Not available to the authors. 481. USSHEK, W. A. E., and MACALISTER, D. A. Summary of progress of the geological survey of the United Kingdom. Mem. Geol. Surv. Great Britain for 1903 (1904), London, pp. 22-23, 26-28. Report on the progress of tin mining in Cornwall for year 1903. 481a. VIVIAN, JOSEPH. Reminiscence of mining in Cornwall. Mg. Sci. Press, Vol. 100, 1910, San Francisco, pp. 743-745, map. Treats of the early history of copper and tin mining in Cornwall. 482. WAIT, P. W. The tin mines of Cornwall. Mg. Journ. Railw. Comm. Gaz. Vol. 54, 1884, London, p. 1423. Report of a lecture delivered before the Menai Society. Begins with the early history of tin in Cornwall, tracing it down to the present time. Gives description of principal mines. Treats of tin itself, the manner of occurrences and working. The Cornish miner, his habits, characteristics and mining methods, with the dif- ficulties encountered. Popular. 482a. WALKER, EDWARD. The Red River, Cornwall. Mg. Sci. Press, Vol. 97, 1908, San Francisco, p. 849. Map of Cornwall. An account of the trouble caused in the Red River due to the tailings from the tin mines. WARNER, RICHARD. See No. 1421. 483. WATSON, J. Y. A compendium of British mining, with statistical notices of the principal mines in Cornwall; to which is added .... a glossary of the terms and usages of mining. London, 1843. Mg. Journ. Railw. Comm. Gaz., Vol. 21, 1851, London, pp. 3, 22, 27, 39, 50, 62. Treated under heads: General features of a mine; on the nature of veins; the nature of lodes; the system of Cornish mining; on " bounding." Reprinted with revisions and corrections up to 1851. 84 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 58 ENGLAND (Continued) 484. WEBB, , and GEACH, . History and progress of mining in the Caradon and Liskeard district. Not available to the authors. WEEKS, JOSEPH D. See No. 1372. 485. WEST, H. B. Cornish tin mining. Mg-. Sci. Press, Vol. 94, 1907, San Francisco, pp. 179-181, 213-214. 486. WHITE, W. T. The south or main tin lode of Wheal Peevor. Trans. Min. Ass. Inst. Cornwall, Vol. 1, 1887, Camborne, pp. 81-84. A description of a tin lode with its faulting. At one place the throw is 75 fathoms. 487. WILLIAMS, ARCHIBALD. The romance of mining. The tin mines of Cornwall. London and Philadelphia, 1905, pp. 258-273. A popular and fairly accurate account of tin mining in Cornwall. 488. WILLIAMS, JOHN. Account of some remarkable disturbances in the veins of the mine called Huel Peever, in Cornwall. Trans. Geol. Soc. London, Vol. 4, 1817, London, pp. 139-145. Huel Peever contains numerous examples of almost every species of interrup- tion known to Cornwall veins. Its tin vein was so heaved by other veins that it was not again discovered for forty years. Describes the disturbed condition of the veins. 489. WILLIAMS, R. H. Occurrence of tin in the St. Austell district. Mg. Joum. Railw. Comm. Gaz., Vol. 80, 1906, London, pp. 276-277, 1200 words. " A review of this district in Cornwall, England, describing the geological structure." 489a. WOODWARD, J(OHN). A catalogue of English native fossils in the col- lection of J. Woodward, M. D. 1728, London, 3 vols., bound together. Vol. I, pp. 198-206. Vol. Ill, pp. 40-41. In the first reference 30 specimens of Cornish tin ores are briefly described with short, quaint descriptions, written by T. Lower, of most of the mines from which they came. In the third volume, which treats of foreign specimens, 18 specimens of tin ore from Saxony and Bohemia are noted. WORTH, R. N. See Nos. 1425, 1426, 1427. 490. ZIRKEL, FERDINAND. Bergmannische Mittheilungen iiber Cornwall. Zeitschr. Berg. Hiitt. Sal. preuss. Sta., Vol. 9, 1861, Berlin, pp. B 242-261, figs. 4. Treated under the heads: Ore in Cornwall, dressing, metallurgy and production. EUROPE ROLKER, CHAS. M. See No. 1357. See under Austria (Bohemia), England (Cornwall and Devonshire), France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Norway, Portugal, Russia, Scotland, Spain, Sweden. FINLAND See under Russia. NO. 2 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TIN HESS 85 FRANCE 491. ANONYMOUS. Appergu de 1'extraction et du commerce des substances minerales en Prance avant la Revolution. Journ. Mines, Vol. 1, No. 1, 1794-1795, Paris, pp. 72-73. Notes a report by M. Schreiber on the finding of bits of metallic tin in Pieux, Manche, France. 492. . Ueber die Auffindung des Zinns in Frankreich. Tasch. ges. Min. fur 1815, Vol. 9, II, Frankfort-am-Main, pp. 560-562. Brief account of the discovery of tin veins in France in 1809. 493. . Tin mines in France. Mg. Journ. Railw. Comm. Gaz. Vol. 1, 1835, London, p. 53. Tin was not known to exist in France until 1809, and it was not until 1817 that a deposit was discovered. This was found by a marine officer, and Dufrfinoy was sent to examine it. The tin ore occurs at the junction of granite and. slate and the country bears a marked resemblance to Cornwall. 494. . Tin in Montebras, France. Min. Ind. for 1899, Vol. 8, 1900, New York and London, p. 621. Deposits of tin at Montebras are at contact of granite and feldspathic porphyry. Ore said to average 4 per cent, which would be above the grade of other European deposits. 495. . Tin in France. Min. Ind. for 1901, Vol. 10, 1902, New York and London, pp. 637-646. Small veins carrying cassiterite are known to occur near Vaulry and have been worked from time to time. Recently a company, the Societe des Mines de Vaulry et Cieux, secured a concession of alluvial ground near by, and some ore is being produced. 496. . The mines of Montebras. Mg. Journ. Railw. Comm. Gaz. Vol. 84, 1908, London, p. 3. A very general description of the developments, dressing plants, and tin deposits at Montebras in central France. Antimony, amblygonite and montebrasite occur with tin ore said to average 2 per cent cassiterite. 497. AUDIBERT, E. Sur le gite d'etain oxyde de Maupas, Morbihan. Ann. Mines, ser. 4, Vol. 7, 1845, Paris, pp. 181-186. Review in Neues Jahrb. Min. 1847, Stuttgart, pp. 358-360. Description of tin veins of Maupas, France. 498. BAUDOT, F. Les mines d'etain de la Villeder (Morbihan). Bull. Soe. Indust. min., ser. 3, Vol. 1, Livre 1, 1887, Saint Etienne, pp. 151-187. Treats of the situation and size of the concession; history of the discovery of the veins and their former working by the Romans, and other attempts at working the veins. Describes the working of alluvial deposits of the locality, and geology. States that pyrite, mispickel, sphalerite, galena, quartz, emerald, muscovite and plogopite micas, gilbertite, tourmaline, topaz and feldspar are found with the cassiterite, all of which are described at some length, as are the veins. Much space is given to a description of the working of the mine, its machinery, etc. BECK, RICHARD. See No. 1299. 499. BLAVIER, ED., and LORIEUX, T. Sur un gite d'etain nouvellement decouvert, a la Villeder (Morbihan). Ann. Mines, ser. 3, Vol. 6, 1834, Paris, pp. 381-388. 86 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 58 FRANCE (Continued) 500. BURTHE, M. P. L. Note sur les travaux de recherche executes a Meymac, (S. France). Ann. Mines, ser. 9, Vol. 12, 1897, Paris, pp. 5-31. Extract: Zeitschr. prakt. Geol., 1897, Berlin, pp. 418-420. Deposit not important from commercial standpoint, but, geologically, has attracted attention because of peculiarities. The deposit is described in detail. 501. COTTA, BERNARD VON. A treatise on ore deposits. Translated by F. Prime, Jr., 1870, New York, pp. 380-384. Treats of tin deposits of Brittany. 502. CRESSAC, C. DE. Die Entdeckung des Zinns in Frankreich. Gee. Nat Freunde Berlin Mag. neust. entd. ges. Nat., Vol. 4, 1810, Borlin, pp. 239-240. 503. CRESSAC, C. DE. Notice sur la dScouverte de retain en France. Journ. Mines, No. 198, Vol. 33, 1813, Paris, pp. 435-452. (1) Reconnaissance et indication d'un second gisement d'f-tain dans le departement de la Haute-Vienne. (2) Tradnction littrale de 1'indication du gisement d'etain reconnu par le mineur saxon Schnor de Schn6eberg. (3) Reconnaissance et indication d'un troisieme gisement dY-tain dans le dt'parte- ment de la Haute-Vienne. D , C. H. See No. 1386. D'AcHiARDi, ANTONIO. See No. 1313. 504. DAUBREE, AUGUSTE. Note sur le kaolin de La Lizolle et d'Echassieres, departement de 1'Allier, et sur 1'existence de mineral d'etain qui y a 6te" exploite & une gpoque extremement reculee. C. R. Acad. Sci., Vol. 68, 1869, Paris, 'pp. 1135-1139. . See Nos. 1314 and 1316. DAVIES, D. C. See No. 1317. 505. DAVY, L. Sur 1'anciennete probable de 1'exploitation de 1'etain, en Bretagne. C. R. Acad. Sci., Vol. 125, 1897, Paris, pp. 337-339. Abstract: LCbesconte, P., Bull. Soc. sci. med. Quest, Vol. 7, 1896, Rennes, pp. ,51-53. Found slag with small grains of crystalline tin near old excavations. Con- sidered to be product of ancient smelting. Found veins near by containing tin. Veins cut upper Silurian metamorphic rocks. They consist of quartz with musco- vite, cassiterite, tourmaline, etc. Cassiterite where vein is most micaceous. Thinks work was done by Gauls before Roman conquest. Location: between Abbaretz and Vay in Lower Loire. 506. DUFRENOY, P. A. Sur le plateau central de la France, et particuliere- ment sur les terrains secondaires qui recouvrent les pentes meridio- nales du massif primitif qui le compose. Ann. Mines, ser. 2, Vol. 3, 1828, Paris, pp. 55-57. Short account of the occuirence of tin in granite and gneiss in France. NO. 2 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TIN HESS 87 FRANCE (Continued) 507. DUFRENOY, PIERRE ARMAND, et JUNCKER. Rapport sur les recherches et les essais de la mine d'etain de Piriac, departement de la Loire Infgrieure. Ann. Mines, Vol. 4, 1819, Paris, pp. 21-58. (See No. 513.) 508. DUROCIIER, M. J. Observations sur les depots stanniferes de la Bretagne et sur les metaux pre"cieux qu'ils renferment. C. R. Acad. Sci., Vol. 32. 1851, Paris, pp. 902-904, Vol. 45, 1857, pp. 522-525. Digest: Neues Jahrb. Min., 1852, Stuttgart, pp. 498-499. 509. FUCIIS, E., et LAUNAY, L. DE. Traite des gites mineraux et me"talli- fres. Vol. 2, 1893, Paris, pp. 101-158. A general article upon the tin deposits of the world with an especially good description of the French tin deposits at La Villeder, Montebras, CreUse, Vaulry, Cieux, Colettes (Allier), Chanteloube and St. Leonard. Gives general geology and list of accompanying minerals at each place. 510. GOUVENAIN, C. A. DE. Sur la dissemination de retain et sur la presence du cobalt et de diverses autres substances dans les kaolins des Colettes et d'Echassieres situes dans le departement de 1'Allier. C. R. Acad. Sci., Vol. 78, 1874, Paris, pp. 1032-1034. 511. GUEDRAS, MARCEL. Sur la presence de 1'etain dans le departement de la Loze"re. C. R. Acad. Sci., Vol. 138, 1904, Paris, p. 1121. Digests: Trans. Inst. Mg. Eng., Vol. 27, 1903-1904 (1905), London and Newcastle- upon-Tyne, p. 629. Mg. Journ. Railw. Comm. Gaz., Vol. 75, 1904, London, p. 574. Neues Jahrb. Min., 1906, I (Ref.), Stuttgart, p. 332. Though department of Lozere is rich in metalliferous veins, tin ore has not hitherto been recorded there. Author discovered a vein close to Great Monastier fault, in parish of Barjac. Country rock is mica schist, vein dips 60, and is 7% feet thick at outcrop. The gangue consists chiefly of barytes and quartz; between these is a thin band of cassiterite barely 1 inch thick with which are closely associated pyrolusite and wolframite. 512. HERSART, CH. Sur une nouvelle decouverte de mineral d'etain dans le d^partement de la Loire-Inferieure. Journ. Mines, Vol. 35, No. 208, 1814, Paris, pp. 293-308. 513. JUNCKER, , et DUFRENOY, P. A. Rapport sur les recherches et les essais de la mine d'etain de Piriac, departement de la Loire Inferieure. Ann. Mines, Vol. 4, 1819, Paris, pp. 21-58. Review: Tasch. ges. Min. 1824, Vol. 18, III, 1824, Frankfurt-am-Main, pp. 676-678. (See No. 507.) 514. KERFORNE, F. Decouverte d'un gisement d'etain et de wolfram dans rille-et-Vilaine. Bull. Soc. sci. med. Quest., Vol. 11, 1903, Rennes, pp. 448-449. Trav. Sci. Univ. Rennes, Vol. 2, 1903, Rennes, pp. 380-381. Digest: Neues Jahrb. Min., 1905, II (Ref.), Stuttgart, p. 369. 515. KERNDT, C. H. THDR. Ueber die neueren Zinngruben zu Piriac. Polyt. Centr., 1858, Leipzig, pp. 86, 106, 168. Not available to the authors. 88 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 58 FRANCE (Continued) 516. LACROIX, A. Mineralogie de le France et de ses colonies. Description physique et chemique des mineraux. Etude des conditions geologiques de leurs gisements. 1901, Paris. Cassiterite. Tome 3, pp. 217-235. Crystallization and general description of cassiterite, pp. 217-220. In granites, Bretagne (Loire Inferieure), Plateau Central, p. 221. In quartz veins, pp. 221-231: Bretagne, pp. 223-227. Finistere, p. 223. Morbihan, pp. 223-227. Loire Inferieure, p. 227. Anjou, pp. 227-231. Maine-et-Loire, p. 227. Grouse, pp. 228-229. Correze (Meymac), pp. 229-230. Haute-Vienne, pp. 230-231. Charente, p. 231. Puy-de-D6me, p. 231. Allier, p. 231. Maures, Congo (10 words), Madagascar, Tonkin, p. 231. In veins with sulphides, Indochine (Laos), pp. 231-233. Alluvial deposits, pp. 233-235. Bretagne (Morbihan & Loire Inferieure), pp. 234-235. Plateau Central (Haute-Vienne & Creuse), p. 235. An excellent article treating cassiterite from the mineralogical standpoint. 517. LASSALLE, TH. Mines d'etain en France. Metallurgie, Vol. 31, 1900, Paris, pp. 343, 345. Tin deposits of Montebras are on contact of granite and feldspathic porphyry. Ore said to average 4 per cent, which would be above the grade of other European deposits. 518. LAUNAY, L. DE. Une mine de lithine en France. La Nature, 2d ser., No. 1464, Vol. 29, 1901, Paris, pp. 43-44. Digest: Geol. Centr., Vol. 1, 1901, Leipzig, p. 707. " Le gisement d'etain de Montebras clejd exploit^ par les anciens gaulois, fournit surtout maintenant de 1'amblygonite (phosphate d'alumine et fluorure double de soude et de lithine) qui est utilisee pour la preparation des sels de lithine. Cette substance est accompagnfie d'apatite et de plusieurs min6raux rares, tels que le niobium, la wavellite, 1'urane, etc." L. Pervinquiere. 519. LIMUR (le comte), DE. La mine d'etain de la Villeder. Bull. Soc. Hist. at. Toulouse, Vol. 16, 1882, Toulouse, pp. 247-261. 520. LODIN, . Note sur la constitution des gites stanniferes de la Villeder (Morbihan). Bull. Soc. geol. France, ser. 3, Vol. 12, 1884, Paris, pp. 645-666, map 1, figs. 3. Review: Neues Jahrb. Min., 1885, II (Ref.), Stuttgart, pp. 58-59. 521. . Etude sur les gites metalliferes de Pontgibaud (France). Ann. Mines, ser. 9, Vol. 1, 1892, Paris, pp. 471-472. Louis, HENRY. See No. 1340. 522. MALLARD, ERNEST. Note sur un filon d'etain oxydg situ6 pres du village de Montebras, commune de Soumans (Creuse). Mem. Soc. Sci. nat. arch. Creuse, Vol. 3, 1862, Gueret, pp. 161-167. Old excavations supposed to be ancient earthworks found to be over tin mines, to exploit which the work was done. Veins are in granite carrying black mica. 523. . Note sur les gisements stanniferes du Limousin et de la Marche, et sur quelques anciennes fouilles qui paraissent s'y rattacher. Ann. Mines, ser. 6. Vol. 10, 1866, Paris, pp. 321-352. Extrait par 1'auteur, C. R. Acad. Sci., Vol. 62, 1866, Paris, pp. 223-225. Tin ores were discovered at Vaulry (Creuse) in 1812 and exploited by the government but given up in the *6C's. Veins carried much columbite wolframite, mispickel, iron-arsenate, native copper, black oxide of copper, molybdenite, uranium- phosphate, fluorite, calcium phosphate, and barite. NO. 2 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TIN HESS 89 FRANCE (Continued) 524. MAZADE, . Titan und Zirkonerde mit Molybdan, Zinn, Tungstein, Tantal, Cerium, Yttrium, Glycium, Nickel und Kobalt in den Mineral- Wassern von Neyrac. [Ardeche]. Institut, Vol. 20, 1852, Paris, p. 198. Not available to the authors. PATTISON, S. R. See No. 1406. PHILLIPS, J. A., and Louis, H. See No. 1350. 525. SENEZ, L. Des mines d'etain frangais. (Etr. de 1'Union bretonne.) 1856, Nantes. Not available to the authors. 526. SIMONIN, L. Sur les mines d'etain de la Villeder (Morbihan). Bull. Soc. g6ol. France, ser. 2, Vol. 23, 1866, Paris, pp. 371-373. SIMONIN, L. See No. 1416. FRENCH GUIANA 527. DAMOTJB, A. Note sur la presence du platine et de l'e"tain metallique dans les terrains auriferes de la Guyane. C. R. Acad. Sci., Vol. 52, 1861, Paris, pp. 688-690. Reports metallic tin in a small specimen (2 grams) from the Approuague River, French Guiana. GEORGIA ROLKER, CHAS. M. See No. 1357. U. S. Eleventh Census, 1890. See No. 1221. GERMANY 528. ANONYMOUS. Zinngewinnung zu Altenberg in sachsischen Erzgebirge. Eisenzeitung, No. 24, 1888. Treats of the occurrence, mining, ore dressing and smelting of tin of Altenberg. Not available to the authors. 529. BECK, RICHARD. Einige Beobachtungen im Gebiete der Altenberg-Zinn- walder Zinnerzlagerstatten. Zeitschr. prakt. Geol., 1896, Berlin, p. 148. 530. . Ueber die Erzlagerstatten von Schwartzenberg im sachsischen Erzgebirge. Zeitschr. Deutsch. geol. Ges., Vol. 52, 1900, Protok., Berlin, pp. 58-60. Digest- Trans. Inst. Mg. Eng., Vol. 22, 1901-1002 (1903), London and Newcastle- upon-Tyne, p. 700. Near Schwarzenberg, in the Western Erzgebirge a dome of augen-gneiss forms the basement-rock which is mantled by mica-schist; on the north conformably overlain by phyllites but faulted against them on the south. All broken through by granite-dikes. In the altered schists occur two concentric ore belts intimately associated with crystalline limestone, dolomite and skarn (sahlite-actinolite-rock). Magnetite occurs in regular beds or inter-stratified with the limestone. Red and brown hematite beds are altered from magnetite. Other ores are in two dis- 90 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 58 GERMANY (Continued) tinct groups: (1) pyrite-blende group, including iron-pyrite, zinc-blende, argentif- erous galena and copper pyrite with some arsenical and magnetic pyrites, more rarely polybasite and native silver; (2) the stanniferous group, including tinstune in columnar crystals, molybdenite, specular-iron ore, etc. The pyritic and stanniferous ores were the last constituents deposited from the siliceous solutions. 531. . Die Erzlagerstatten. Erl. geol. Specialkarte Kon. Sachses, 1003, Leipzig, pp. 40-57. Digest: Trans. Inst. Mg. Eng., Vol. 27, 1905, London and Newcnstlc-upon-Tyne, p. 639. The Graupen tin deposits are described. . See No. 1299. 532. BEUST, , VON. Ueber die Zinnerzlagerstatten von Schlaggenwalde. Berg. HUtt. Zeit., Vol. 27, 1868, Leipzig, pp. 3-4. 533. BLODE, GOTTLOB VON. Versuch einer Theorie iiber die Bildung des Geyer'schen Stockwerkes. Tasch. ges. Min., Vol. 10, I, 1816, Frankfurt-am-Main, pp. 1-32. Not available to the authors. 534. BONNABD, A. H. DE. Essai geognostique sur 1'Erzgebirge ou sur les Montagnes metallif6res de la Saxe. Journ. Mines, Vol. 38, 1815, Paris, pp. 261-318, 330-382, 415-452. Also Tasch. ges. Min., Vol. 16, 1822, Frankfurt-am-Main, pp. 94-136, 508-538. Treats of the Saxon tin mines. 535. BKEITHATJPT, A. Die Paragenesis der Mineralien. Freiberg,* 1849. Said to treat of tin deposits of Germany. Not available to the authors. BROWN, A. SELWYN. See Nos. 1307 and 1308. CHABLETON, ARTHUR G. See No. 1310. 536. CHARPENTIER, J. F. W. Mineralogische geographic der Thursachsischen Lande. 1778, Leipzig, geol. map, wood cuts 7. Contains many references to the tin deposits at Altenberg and other places in Saxony. 537. GOTTA, BERNARD VON. Das Altenberger Zinnstockwerk. Berg. Hiitt. Zeit., Vol. 19, 1860, Leipzig, pp. 1-2. 538. . Mineralien der Freiberger Erzgange. Berg. Htttt. Zeit., Vol. 19, 1860, Leipzig, pp. 301-305. Gives a list of the tin and other minerals of the Freiberg ore deposits. 539. . Altenberg Zwittergestein Festschrift zum hundertjahrigen Jubilaum der Konigl. Sachs. Bergakademie zu Freiberg. 1866, Dresden, p. 156. (Not seen.) Digest : Trans. Roy. Geol. Soc. Cornwall, Vol. 9, Penzance, p. 175. - " Prof, von Cotta proves that there is a gradual passage from fine grained reddish granite to the almost compact black stanniferous Zwittergestein. The Zwitter- gestein is an altered granite which has lost about 3 per cent of silica and 2 per cent of potash and has taken up 4 per cent of ferrous oxide, and l /z per cent of stannic oxide." C. Le Neve Foster. NO. 2 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TIN HESS 91 GERMANY (Continued) 540. . A treatise on ore deposits. Trans, by F. Prime, 1870, New York. Treats of Altenberg tin stockwerk, pp. 106-109; tin deposits of Zinnwald, pp. 109-110; tin deposits of Graupen and Poebel, pp. Ill; tin deposits of Marienberg, pp. 114-115; tin deposits of Ehrenfriedersdorf and Geyer, p. 115; tin deposits of District of Johann- georgenstadt and Eibenstock, pp. 123-124. 541. . Die Geologic der Gegenwart. 1872, Leipzig, pp. 154-159. Describes the tin deposits of Germany, and more briefly the principal ones of other parts of the world. D'AcniARDi, ANTONIO. See No. 1313. 542. DALMEB, KARL. Der Altenberg-Graupener Zinnerzlagerstattendistrict. Zeitschr. prakt. Geol., 1894, Berlin, pp. 313-322, with text figs. Digest: Trans. Fed. Inst. Mg. Eng., Vol. 10, 1895-1896, Newcastle-upon-Tyne and London, pp. 588-589. In district north of Teplitz, Archaean rocks of the Erzgebirge are cut by quartz- porphyry, granite porphyry, and albite-granite intruded along fault lines. Tin closely connected with granite, which is youngest, but there are broad zones of impregnation around the granite, and these are the most important. Believes in pneumatolytic deposition. Seams contain chiefly quartz and lithia-mica with which are tinstone, wolframite and fluorspar, topaz being rarer. Chlorine shown to occur in the micas of Zinnwald, Graupen and Altenberg. Thinks chlorine played important part in the formation of the deposits. Stanniferous lodes near the " impregnation zones " contain galena, arsenical and copper pyrites and malachite. Tin lodes of Graupen district said to pass gradually southeastwardly into pyrite- veins. Believes blende-bearing lead ores to be also in causal connection with granitic intrusion, but that the conditions that originated them, acted further away than those of the tin veins. 543. DALMEB, K. Gange der Zinnerz- und kiesigblendigen Bleierzformation im Schneeberger Kobaltfelde. Zeitschr. prakt. Geol., 1895, Berlin, pp. 228-229. 544. . Die Brzlager von Schwarzenberg im Erzgebirge. Zeitschr. prakt. Geol., 1897, Berlin, pp. 265-272. DAUBREE, A. See No. 1314. DAGIES, D. C. See No. 1317. 545. DECHEN, H. VON. Die Bildung der Gange. Verh. nat. Ver. preuss. Rheinl. Westph., Vol. 7, 1850, Bonn., pp. 161-175. Also, Neues Jahrb. Min., 1851, Stuttgart, pp. 210-220. Tin deposits of Germany and England described. FAWNS, SYDNEY. See No. 1320. 546. FKEIESLEBEN, J. C. Das Kies-, Eisen- und Zinnsteinlager bei Breitenbrunn. Geognostische Arbeiten, Vol. ' 5, pp. 47ff. Extract: Tasch. ges. Min., 1820, Vol. 14, II, Frankfurt-am-Main, 1820, pp. 428-434. Not available to the authors. 547. . Beitrage zur Geschichte, Statistik und Literatur des Sachsischen Erzbergbaues. 1848, Freiberg. Not available to the authors. 4 92 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 58 GERMANY (Continued) FUCHS, E., and LAUNAY, L. DE. See No. 1323. GATZSCHMANN, M. F. See No. 1391. 548. GMELIN, J. F. Beytrage zur Geschichte des deutschen Bergbaues. 1783, Halle. Not available to the authors. 549. GRODDECK, ALBERT. Traite des gites metalliferes. Translated from the German by H. Kuss. 1884, Paris, pp. 242-251. Describes tin stockworks at Altenberg, Geyer, and Zinnwald, Saxony: and tin veins at Schalaggenwald and Graupen, Bohemia. Brief references to tin deposits are made at a number of other places in the book. 550. HALLWICH, H. Das Zinnerz-Vorkommen zu Graupen und Obergraupen und Art und Weise des Bergbaues daselbst in alter und neuer Zeit. Oest. Zeitschr. Berg. Hiitt., Vol. 16, 1868, Wien, pp. 150-151, first article. Extract from Dr. Hallwich's " Geschichte der Bergstadt Graupen." JARS, G. See No. 416. 551. KLIPSTEIN, A. Altenberger Zinnstocks. Neues Jahrb. Min., Vol. 1, 1830, Stuttgart, pp. 256-261. LAMPADIUS, W. A. See No. 1516. 551a. LEPSIUS, RICHARD. Geologic von Deutschland und den angrenzenden gebieten. Vol. 1, 1903, Leipzig, p. 66 et seq. The tin deposits of the Erzgebirge are briefly treated. Louis, HENRY. See No. 1340. 552. MANES [ ]. Me"moire sur les mines d'etain de Saxe. Ann. Mines, Vol. 8, 1823, Paris, pp. 499-594, 837-886; Vol. 9, 1824, pp. 281-304, 463-476, 625-656. Not available to the authors. 553. MANN, O. Zur Kenntniss erzgebirgischer Zinnerzlagerstatten. Sitz. Abh. Nat. Ges. " Isis," 1904, Dresden, pp. 61-73, figs. 2, geol. map. 554. MIKLUCHO-MACLAY, M. VON. Rutil und Zinnstein im Greifensteiner Granit. (Ehrenfriedersdorf.) Neues Jahrb. Min., 1885, II, Stuttgart, pp. 88-90. Occurrence of cassiterite as original rock making constituent: with rutile in lithia mica of " Greifenstein." 555. MULLER, HERMANN. Ueber die Bildung der Zinnstockwerke im ostlichen Erzgebirge. Berg. Hiitt. Zeit., Vol. 24, 1865, Leipzig, pp. 178-180. Neues Jahrb. Min., 1865, Stuttgart, pp. 866-868. 556. . Beitragen zur geognostischen Kenntniss des Erzgebirges. Vol. 2, 1867, Freiberg, Extract; Neues Jahrb. Min., 1867, Stuttgart, pp. 616-619. Not available to the authors. NO. 2 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TIN HESS 93 GERMANY (Continued) 557. . Ueber die Erzlagerstatten in der Umgegend von Berggiesshubel. Erl. geol. Specialkarte Ron. Sachsen, 1890, Leipzig, p. 55. Gange der Zinnerzformation. 558. . Die Erzgange des Annaberger Bergrevieres. Erl. geol. Specialkarte Kon. Sachsen, 1894, Leipzig. Zinnherghau in den Annaberger Revieren, pp. 32-36. Gange der Zinnerz-Formation, pp. 67-71. 559. . Die Erzgange des Freiberger Bergrevieres. Erl. geol. Specialkarte Kon. Sachsen, 1901, Leipzig, pp. 129-141. Treated under heads: Zinnerz und Kupfererz fiihrende Gange; Zinnstockwerk bei Seiffen; Zinnseifenablagerungen bei Seiffen; Zinnerz fiihrende bei Freiberg; Zinn- seifen in der Gegend von Freiberg und Dorfhain. 560. MILLER, H., und RICHTER [ ]. Ueber das Vorkommen von Zinn in der Zinkblende der Freiberger Erzgangfe. Berg. Htitt. Zeit., 1851, Leipzig, pp. 353-356. NOWICKI, CONSTANTIN VON. See No. 71. 561. OPPE, H. V. Die Zinn- und Eisenerz-Gange der Eibenstocker Granitpartie und deren Umgebung inner halb der Bergamtsrefiere Johanngeorgen- stadt und Schneeberg. In Gotta (B.) Gang-studien, Vol. 2, Freiberg, 1854, pp. 133-195. Digest: Neues Jahrb. Min., 1853, Stuttgart, pp. 725-726. PHILLIPS, J. A., and Louis, H. See No. 1350. RAMMELSBERG, C. See No. 1637. 562. REUSS, A. E. Die Umgebungen von Teplitz und Bilin, in Beziehung auf ihre geognostischen Verhaltnisse. Prag und Teplitz, 1840. Der Zinngange bei Graupen, p. 4 ; ueber das Zinnwalder Stockwerk und die Zinngange im Seegrunde, pp. 40-51. 563. REYER, EDUARD. Ueber die erzfuhrenden Tieferuptionen von Zinnwald- Altenberg und iiber den Zinnbergbau in diesem Gebiete. Jahrb. k. k. geol. Reichs., Vol. 29, 1879, Wien, pp. 1-60, figs. 4. Digest: Oest. Zeitschr. Berg. Hiitt., Vol. 27, 1879, Wein, pp. 494-495. 564. . Tektonik der granitergusse von Neudeck und Karlsbad, und Geschichte des Zinnbergbaues im Erzgebirge. Jahrb. k. k. geol. Reichs., Vol. 29, pt. 3, 1879, Wien, pp. 405-461. " This memoir is divided into: 1. A study of the relations of the granite and schists. 2. A discrimination of the various local kinds of granite, as being necessary for a knowledge of the nature and origin of the granite masses; with both earlier descriptions of the several granites and the author's own researches. 3. The history of the most important tin-bearing rocks and tin works of the districts. These chapters are illustrated with several wood cuts, among which is a plan of the country between Carlsbad, Ebenstock and Schwarzenberg. " 94 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 58 GERMANY (Continued) 565. . The history of tin mining in Bohemia and Saxony. Iron Age, Vol. 24, Dec. 18, 1879, New York, p. 5. Probably an abstract from Jahrb. k. k. geol. Reichs., Vol. 29, 1879, Wien, pp. 405-461. 566. . Beitrage zur Geschichte des Zinnbergbaues in Bohmen und Sachsen. Oest. Zeitschr. Berg. Hiitt., Vol. 28, 1880, Wien, pp. 349-350, 366-367, 374-377, 388-390, 399-400, 414-415, 422-424. 567. . Zinn. 1881, Berlin, pp. 6-101, figs. 7. I. Geologic von Zinnwald und Altenberg. II. Geschichte des Zinnbergbaues von Graupe'n, Zinnwald und Altenberg. III. Flatten, Erenfriedersdorf, Geier. IV. Sch'lack- enwald. V. ICronik des Zinnbergbaues in Bomen und Sachsen. ROSENBUSCH, H. See No. 1639. 568. RUCKER, ANTON. Beitrag zur Kenntniss des Zinnerzvorkommens bei Schlaggenwald. Jahrb. k. k. geol. Reichs., Vol. 14, pt. 3, 1864, Wien, pp. 311-324. Digest: Neues Jahrb. Min., 1864, Stuttgart, p. 362. 569. SANDBERGEB, F. Ueber die Bildung von Erzgangen mittelst Auslaugung des Nebengesteins. Zeitschr. deutsch. geol. Ges., Vol. 32, 1880, Berlin, pp. 350-370. SCHERTEL, A., and STELZNER, A. W. See No. 1643. 570. SCHMIDT, ALBERT. Die Frage nach dem Ursprung des Zinns in der vorhistorischen Zinnbronze und das Fichtelgebirge. ^ Montan. Ztg. Oest. Ungarn., Vol. 7, No. 19, 1900, Graz, pp. 479-482. Not available to the authors. 571. . Das Vorkommen von Zinnstein im Fichtelgebirge und dessen Gewinning im Mittelalter. Zeitschr. Berg. Hiitt. Sal. preuss. Sta., Vol. 54, 1906, Berlin, pp. 377-382. Hit 11 text fig. Abstract: Geol. Centr., Vol. 9, 1907, Leipzig, p. 297. The Fichtelgebirge played a considerable role in the earlier historic and in pre- historic time as a source of tin. The tin bearing rocks appear in exactly the same relations and with the same paragenesis as in the cases of better known sources of tin. Most of the former mining operations were confined to the working of placers. At the villages Schonlind and Weissenhaid, six tin lodes were uncovered. There appears to have been a further vein-like occurrence which is shown by float ore at Seehause in the Schneebergkette. The prospect of again carrying on placer mining is very slight. Translation of R. Bartling's digest. 572. SCHRODER, M. Ueber Zinnerzgange des Eibenstocker Granitgebietes und die Entstehung derselben. Sitz. Nat. Ges., 1883, Leipzig, p. 70ff. Review: Neues Jahrb. Min., 1887, Stuttgart, I [Ref.], p. 268. 573. SCHULTZ, . Bemerkungen auf einer bergmannischen Reise durch Sachsen und einer Theil von Bohmen. Arch. Bergb. Hiitt., Vol. 2, 1820, Breslau und Berlin, pp. b!40-b!42. Treats of tin deposits of Saxony. NO. 2 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TIN HESS 95 GERMANY (Continued) 573a. SINGEWALO, J. T., JR. The Erzgebirge tin deposits. Econ. Geol., Vol. 5, 1910, Lancaster, pp. 166-177, 265-272, figs. 2. (geol. maps) and 1 plate. The tin deposits are grouped around two belts of granite cutting across the Erzgebirge, between Saxony and Bohemia. Around the eastern belt are the tin mines of Sadisberg, Altenberg, Zinnwald, and Graupen, and around the western are those of Schneeberg, Annaberg, Joachimstahl, etc. At Sadisdorf a stockwork of veinlets has made zwitter of the granite the feld- spars having been replaced by topaz and quartz. Cassiterite, fluorspar, pyrite, arseno- pyrite, chalcopyrite, chalcocite and cuprite have been impregnated in the granite. An eighteen-foot quartz vein carrying fluorspar, wolframite, molybdenite, and zinn- waldite cuts the granite. At Altenberg is a similar zwitter which extends down- ward about 700 feet. It carries an average of about 0.3 per cent tin and 0.002 per cent of bismuth. At Zinnwald quartz veins 1% to 2 feet thick carrying cassiterite and wolframite (which is more important), with zinnwaldite, are worked. At Graupen the Luxer vein, now worked, contains white quartz which in places gives way to coarsely crystalline orthoclase and albite and to fluorspar. Cassiterite, lithium mica, wolframite, chalcopyrite, and galena are the other vein minerals. At Geyer zwitter bands are mined. At the Leier Mine north of Geyer a greisen dike 3 feet wide, locally carrying 1 per cent tin, and tin-bearing veins are worked. The ores carry nearly 30 per cent of iron and arsenic. At Sauberg, tin veins occur in gneissic mica schist. No granite has been encountered. There are five groups which consist of 3 to 15 parallel veins each, 1 to 3 feet apart, and from 2 to 10 inches wide. They carry much arsenopyrite and some wolframite. At one place they are faulted by a silver cobalt vein. The deposits on the Austrian side are not described. 574. STELZNER, A. W. Beitrage zur geognostischen Kenntniss des Erzgebirges. Vol. 1, 1865, Freiberg, pp. 3-58. Abstract: Die Granite von Geyer und Ehrenfriedersdorf sowie die Zinnerzlager- statten von Geyer. Neues Jahrb. Min., 1865, pp. 863-866; 1866, Stuttgart, pp. 229-230. 575. . Beitrage zur Entstehung der Freiberger Bleierz- und der erzgebirgischen Zinnerzgange. Zeitschr. prakt. Geol., 1896, Berlin, pp. 377-412. Digest: Neues Jahrb. Min., 1898, II (Min), Stuttgart, pp. 72-74. Thinks ore deposits due to ascending waters. No rutile present in deposits. STELZNER, A. W., and SCHERTEL, A. See No. 1643. 576. STERNBERGER, KARL. Die ararischen Bergbau-Unternehmungen im boh- mischen Erzgebirge. Oest. Zeitschr. Berg. Hiitt., Vol. 5, 1857, Wien, pp. 62-63. 577. TELKIN (Vice-Consul). Tin mining in Saxony. Mg. Journ. Railw. Comm. Gaz., Vol. 81, 1907, London, p. 624. Notes a revival of Erzgebirge mines, which flourished in 16th and 17th centuries, " but began to be abandoned when the South American deposits were discovered." 578. VIEBIG, W. Die Silber-Wismutgange von Johanngeorgenstadt im Erzge- birge. Zeitschr. prakt. Geol., Vol. 13, 1905, Berlin, pp. 95-96. 578a. WEINSCHENK, ERNST. Die Kieslagerstatte im Silberberg bei Bodenmais. Abh. Math. Phys. Classe Kon. Bay. Akad. Wiss., Vol. 21, MUnchen, 1901, pp. 349-410. 96 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 58 GERMANY (Continued) Digest Translation: Trans. Inst. Mg. Eng., Vol. 22, 1901-2 (1903), London and Ncwcastle-upon-Tyne, p. 694. " Among other interesting minerals from this locality are graphite, tinstone, tourmaline, garnet, etc." GREENLAND 579. ALLEN, THO. Memorandums respecting some minerals from Greenland. Ann. Philos., 1813, London, p. 107. Tin is briefly mentioned as being found among other minerals in Greenland. 580. ANONYMOUS. Half hours in the far north. Dodd, Mead and Co., New York, p. 145. " We were happy enough to obtain a few minerals, some specimens of rough garnets, allanite, tantalite, molybdenite, etc., with copper, tin, and iron ores in small quantities (near Frederikshaabs, Greenland)." 581. BOGGILD, 0. B. Mineralogia Groenlandica. Medd. Gronl., Vol. 32, 1905, Kjjfoenhavn, pp. 89-91. Mentions the finding of cassiterite in Greenland. 582. FLINK, GUST. Berattelse om en mineralogisk resa i Syd-Gronland som- maren 1897. Medd. Gronl. 14ndon, pp. 394, 401, 411. Tin is briefly mentioned as occurring in small quantities in India. IRELAND 599. ANONYMOUS. Tin ore and gold In Wicklow, Ireland. Amer. Journ. Sci. Arts, ser. 2, Vol. 11, 1851; New Haven, p. 232. Gives following analysis of tin ore made by W. Mallet: " Peroxyde of tin 95.26 Peroxyde of iion 2.41 Silica 0.84 98.51 " FAWNS, SYDNEY. See No. 1320. XO. 2 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TIN HESS 99 IRELAND (Continued) 600. FITTOX, WILLIAM. Notice respecting the geological structure of the vicin- ity of Dublin; with an account of some rare minerals found in Ireland. Trans. Geol. Soc. London, Vol. 1, 1811, London, p. 270. Tinstone found in the gold mines of Wicklow. 601. KINAHAN, G. H. On the mode of occurrence and the winning of gold in Ireland. Sci. Proc. Roy. Dublin Soc., n. s., Vol. 3, 1883, Dublin, p. 272. Tinstone crystals are mentioned as occurring with the gold at Ballinvally. Found also in Monaglogh and Coolbawn. 602. . Economic geology of Ireland. Journ. Roy. Geol. Soc. Ireland, Vol. 18 (Vol. 8, new series), 1889, Dublin, pp. 11, 17, 79, 82, 86, 121, 122. A collection of papers appearing in the Sci. Proc. Roy. Dublin Soc., from March 1886 onward. Three counties in which tin is said to be found: 1. County Dublin, Dalkey, at Kingstown with lead and zinc in granite. Only place in Ireland that it is known in a lode. Rumored at Kilcrohane (Sheep Head) County Cork, but not authenticated. 2. County Kerry, Lough Leane, Killarney. Questionably. 3. County Wicklow, Goldmine River, Woodenbridge, in gravels with gold and mag- netic sand. Suggests possibility of finding tin lodes at last place. 603. . Notes on mining in Ireland. Trans. Inst. Mg. Eng., Vol. 26, 1908, London and Newcastle-upon-Tyne, pp. 279-280, 286. Tin ore in the Ovoca district, County Wicklow, has not been found in place. Thinks it may occur in copper-bearing veins in the district and that copper may give way to tin in depth. Treats shortly of old bronze, showing that tin was known in Ireland long ago. Only localities where tin is known are Dalkey, County Dublin, and the Goldmine Valley, County Wicklow. Said to have been found near the lakes of Killarney, County Kerry. H. J. Seymour is quoted as crediting minute crystals of cassiterite to the Mourne Mountains. 604. MACLAREN, J. MALCOLM. The occurrence of gold in Great Britain and Ireland. Trans. Inst. Mg. Eng. Vol. 25, 1902-1903, Xewcastle-upon-Tyne and London, p. 494. States that in the Croghan Kinshelagh area, County Wicklow, Ireland, " the black sand is composed mainly of magnetite, ilmenite, hematite and iron pyrite, but cassiterite, galena, wolframite, molybdenite, gold, copper-pyrite and oxides of man- ganese also occur in the sand. The late Mr. W. Mallet records having obtained from a washing of 150 pounds, no less than 3% pounds of stream tin, in all sizes from small grains up to pebbles ^ inch in diameter and of the variety known as wood-tin." 605. MALLET, W. On the minerals of the auriferous district of Wicklow. Journ. Geol. Soc. Dublin, Vol. 4, 1848, Dublin, pp. 272-273. Abstract: London, Edinburgh, Dublin Philos. Mag. Journ. Sci., Vol. 37, 1850, London, pp. 393-394. Brief abstract: Amer. Journ. Sci. Arts, 2d ser. Vol. 11, 1851, New Haven, p. 232. Tin in County Wicklow, Ireland, " Should this mineral be found in the mass of sand in a quantity at all approaching that in which it existed in the specimen examined, it would probably richly repay the labor and expense of collection and smelting. The fact of the existence of tinstone in such considerable quantity in these auriferous streams, would seem to indicate the probable existence somewhere in the surrounding district of masses of ore, and possibly forming the continuation of those vast deposits of Cornwall." 100 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 58 IRELAND (Continued) 606. SEYMOUR, H. J. On the occurrence of cassiterite in the tertiary granite of the Mourne Mts., County Down. Sci. Proc. Roy. Dublin, Soc., Vol. 9, 1902, Dublin, p. 583, 584. This occurrence of cassiterite in an undoubted Tertiary granite is of great interest, as tending to show the comparatively recent origin of some mineral lodes. First record of the occurrence of tin in Ireland dates from 1796. 607. SMITH, AQUILA. On Irish tin ore. London, Edinburgh, Dublin Philos. Mag. Journ. Sci., ser. 3, Vol. 18, 1841, London, pp. 134-136. Tin ore is said to have been found in Wicklow County about 1796, in some gold mines. Messrs. Mills, King and Weaver, published in Trans. Dublin Soc., Vol. 2, 1801, Dublin, p. 147, an announcement of the occurrence of tinstone crystals associated with the gold in Croghan Mts. in Wicklow County. This is first announcement of the existence of tin in Ireland. The author in examining some washed sand from the gold works in Wicklow County, found small particles of " native tin oxide." 608. WEAVER, THOMAS. Memoir on the geological relations of the east of Ireland. Trans. Geol. Soc. London, Vol. 5, 1821, London, p. 135. Mentions " tinstone " as having been found in granite, and stream tin at Croghan Kinshela, County Wicklow. 609. . On Irish tin ore. London, Edinburgh, Dublin Philos. Mag. Journ. Sci., ser. 3, Vol. 19, 1841, London, pp. 27-31. Mr. Weaver reviews the paper on Irish tin ore by Aquila Smith, printed in Philos. Mag., Vol. 18, 1841, London, pp. 134-136. Mentions that tin, contrary to Mr. Smith's assertion, is found in three distinct localities in Ireland, two in the county of Wicklow, and one in county of Dublin. ITALY 610. ANONYMOUS. A tin mine in Tuscany. Journ. Appl. Sci., Vol. 7, 1876, London, p. 56. Notes the discovery of a vein of cassiterite near Campiglia, Tuscany. The vein is about 4 inches wide, between limonite and a Lias limestone. Believed to be the first time tin has been found unconnected with granite. 611. . The discovery of tin ore in Italy and its relation to the bronze manufacture of the ancients. Iron, Vol. 14, 1879, London, pp. 166-167, 322-324. 612. BECO, JEAN, and THONARD, LEON. L/industrie minerale en Italic depuis 1860 jusqu'en 1880. Rev. Univ. Mines Met. Trav. Publ. Sci. Arts Appl. Indust. ser. 2, Vol. 14, 1883, Paris and Lige, p. 115. The oxide of tin was discovered in Tuscany in 1876. 613. BERGEAT, ALFRED. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Erzlagerstatten von Campiglia Marittima (Toscana) insbesondere des Zinnsteinvorkommen dortselbst. Neues Jahrb. Min., Vol. 1, 1901, Stuttgart, pp. 135-156, text figs. 2, pi. 7. Review: Zeitschr. prakt. Geol. 1901, Berlin, pp. 422-423. Digest: Trans. Inst. Mg. Eng., Vol. 22, 1901-1902, London and Newcastle-upon- Tyne, pp. 705-706. NO. 2 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TIN HESS lOi ITALY (Continued) These stanniferous deposits differ from all others known, for they do not appear to be associated with eruptives, but occur in limestone with hematite. Campiglia is 12^ miles from Massa Marittima, 18 miles from Elba and about same distance from borax-producing localities of Larderello and Castelnuovo. Ore deposits extend in belt of over 3 miles from Monte Valerio to Monte Calvi. 1*4 miles southwest of town are tin ores, 2 miles northwest are sulphide-ores argentiferous-galena, pale and dark zinc- blende, pyrite and chalcopyrite. Ores intimately associated with cordierite-bearing quartz trachyte, epidote, chlorite, ilvaite, manganiferous pyroxene, quartz, and fluorspar, separated from tin-deposits by Marmi valley. These ores are eruptive and metasomatic. No tin in them. Tin deposits are on Monte Valerio and Monte Funi- acchio. Country-rock gray or pinkish marble, probably Middle Lias, overlain by variegated Upper Lias slates, with quartz nodules. No eruptives to be seen here. Tin ore in limonite in fissures in slates and very irregular metasomatic masses in limestone. Thinks ores are not of secondary concentration and are not a stanniferous gossan. Gangue is calcite and kaolin. None of ordinary accompanying minerals of tin. Copper ores of Boceheggiano and Massa Marittima are stanniferous. 614. BLANCHARD, FRD. Sur la de"couverte de la cassite"rite a Campiglia Marittima. Atti R. Accad. Lincei (Mem.), ser. 2, Vol. 3, 1875-1876 (1876), Roma, pp. 93-94. 615. . Sulla scoperta della cassiterite a Campiglia Marittima. Bol. R. Com. geol. Italia, Vol. 7, 1876, Rome, pp. 52-54. Digest: Geol. Rec. for 1876, London, p. 194. At Cento Camerelle, on west side of Monte Fumacchio, a small tin-vein occurs, accompanied by limonite. Has east-westerly direction, with underlay to south. Country rock is Lower Lias limestone. 616. . Sulla miniere di stagno in Campiglia. Atti R. Accad. Lincei (Trans.), ser. 3, Vol. 2, 1877-1878 (1878), Rome, pp. 186-191. 617. BRAUN, MAX. Zinnstein in Italien. Neues Jahrb. Min., 1877, Stuttgart, pp. 498-499. A communication describing Italian tin deposits. BROWN, A. SELWYN. See Nos. 1307 and 1308. 618. CAILLAUX, ALF. Note sur la decouverte de mineral d'etain en Toscane. Bull. Soc. Geol. France, ser. 3, Vol. 4, 1875-1876 (1876), Paris, pp. 293-295. Geologically, an important discovery on account of its rather unusual occurrence. Two analyses were made of this tin by Hallway of London: Oxyde detain 75.18 92.40 de fer 4.00 3.49 Carbonate de chaux 19.64 3.34 Plomb et bismuth traces 0.00 Matieres indeterminees . . 1.18 0.77 Total 100.00 100.00 Etain metallique 58.90 72.00 619. CHARLON, E. Note sur la decouverte de retain oxyde en Toscane. Ann. Mines, ser. 7, Vol. 9, 1876, Paris, pp. 119-122. 620. CHURCH, A. H. La scoperta del minerale di stagno in Italia, e sua relazione colla lavorazione del bronze presso gli antichi. Bol. R. Com. geol. Italia, Vol. 10, 1879, Rome, pp. 382-394, 545-556. 102 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 58 ITALY (Continued) 621. D'AciiiARDi, ANTONIO. Entdeckung des Zinnstcins in Campiglia Marit- tima. Xeues Jahrb. Min., 1876, Stuttgart, p. 285. Digest: Geol. Rec. for 1876, London, p. 222. " Notes on the diecovery of cassiterite, with brown iron ore, in the Cento Camcr- elle, where the Romans and perhaps the Etruscans, had important mines. The tin- stone contains 72.45 per cent tin." . See No. 1313. 622. DALMEB, KARL. Zinnerzfagerstatten. Zeitschr. prakt. Geol. 1894, Berlin, p. 400. Additions made to a communication by Herr Gurlt concerning the occurrence of tin in Campiglia. 623. ERNST, C. VON. Die Montanindustrie Italiens. Oest. Zeitschr. Berg. Hfitt., Vol. 31, 1883, Wien, p. 597. Brief account of localities, and manner of occurrence of tin in Italy, also production from 1876 to 3880 inclusive. FAWNS, SYDNEY. See No. 1320. FUCHS, E., and LAUNAY, L. DE. See No. 1323. 624. GURLT, A. Zinn-Vorkommen im Kalkstein von Cava del Fumacchio bei Campiglia, Toscana. Zeitschr. prakt. Geol. 1894, Berlin, pp. 324-326. Remarks on this article by Karl Dalmer, p. 400. 625. HERTER, PAUL, and RATH, G. VON. Zinnstein von Campiglia. Zeitschr. deutsch. geol. Ges., Vol. 29, 1877, Berlin, pp. 194-196. 626. LANGER, J. H. Zinnsteinvorkommen in Toscana. Oest. Zeitschr. Berg. Hfltt., Vol. 24, 1876, Wien, p. 52. 627. LOTTI, B. Sulla genesi dei giacimenti metalliferi di Campiglia Marit- timi in Toscana. Bol. R. Com. geol. Italia, Vol. 31, 1900, Rome, pp. 327-337, sections 2. Digest Trans.: Trans. Inst. Mg. Eng., Vol. 22, 1901-1902, London and Xewcastle-upon- Tyne, pp. 704-745. Quartz-trachytes, some of them bearing tourmaline, and tourmaline-granite cut gray and white limestones of lower Liassic. Metalliferous deposits in more direct contact with trachyte than with granite. At Campo Alle Buche at the contact of the granite and gray limestone are masses of hematite, limonite, carbonate of lead and traces of cassiterite. At Mor.te Valerio are notable deposits of tin with the iron ore in the white Lower Lias limestone. At the Cento Camerelle tin and iron ores occur in the red Middle Lias limestone and continue into Lower Lias. Are in a horizontal vein with tin ore in lower part of ore-body. Trachyte changes to pyroxenite with epidote and garnet in contact with limestone country-rock. Ore deposits same age as intru- sives, post-Eocene, not later than upper Miocene. The sulphides are probably the outcome of infiltration of siliceous metalliferous solutions, possibly (after Vogt and De Launay) from magmatic segregation. Iron and cassiterite come from oxidation of sulphides. Cassiterite probably carried from granite by alkaline carbonate solutions with carbonate of iron which was later decomposed into oxide. 628. PHILLIPS, J. A., and Louis, HENRY. A treatise on ore deposits. 1896, London, pp. 476-477. In Italy tin was found in connection with hematite, near Campiglia Marittima, in 1875. In Lower Lias limestone in fissures in connection with hematite. 70 tonnes of ore produced up to 1894, but none during that year. NO. 2 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TIN HESS 103 JAPAN 629. ANONYMOUS. Les Mines du Japon. Bureau des Mines, 1900, Paris, pp. 294-297. Tin occurs in tertiary tuffs, with galena and pyrite at Taniyama. Ore said to carry 10 per cent of tin. 630. . Outlines of the geology of Japan. Imp. Geol. Surv. Japan, 1902, Tokyo, pp. 183-184. Kiura mine, situated in Bungo province was discovered many hundred years ago, and wns once prosperous. At present ore is almost exhausted. Tin ore occurs in cavities in limestone. Taniyama mine was discovered in 1655, was most productive between 1848-1860, annually yielding from 120,000 to 130,000 kin of tin. Ore occurs in veins. Stream tin is found in vicinity of Takayama and Hirukawa. -. See No. 1672. BECK, RICHARD. See No. 1299. D'AciiiARDi, ANTONIO. See No. 1313. FAWNS; SYDNEY. See No. 1320. 631. GODFREY, J. G. H. On the geology of Japan. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. London, Vol. 34, 1878, London, pp. 542-555, 100 words. Tin ore occurs only in small quantities. Found in province of Bungo and Satsuma (Taniyama). Estimate of total production per annum is TYz tons. 632. JIMBO, KOTORA. Notes on the minerals of Japan. Journ. College Sri. Imp. Univ. Tokyo, Vol. 11, 1899, Tokyo, pp. 224, 231. Describes specimens of cassiterite from Mino, Satsuma, Bungo and Hitachi provinces. Brief. 633. MUNROE, HENRY S. The mineral wealth of Japan. Trans. Amer. Inst. Mg. Eng., Vol. 5, 1877, Easton, Pa., pp. 297-299. Reprint: Eng. Mg. Journ., Vol. 22, 1876, New York, p. 427. Translated from the English by Leon Thonard, in Rev Univ. Mines, M6t. Trav. Publ. Sci. Arts Appl. Indust., s?er. 2, Vol. 2, 1877, Paris and Liege, pp. 273-275. Tin is found in but three of the thirty-five ken of Japan, so far as author knows, only in veins. Nearly all tin produced comes from Taniyama mine. There are, here, 21 distinct veins of tin averaging 1% feet in in thickness, but varying from a few inches to four feet. The ore is cassiterite, found in almost microscopic crystals scattered through a gangue of quartz. Method of treating the ore is given. 634. REIN, J. J. The industries of Japan. English translation, 1389, London, p. 303. Merely a note. ,Little tin in Japan; on island of Kinshin and Tani-yama in Satsuma; and in Ohira-tetsu-san, in Bungo. These localities are in the southern end of Japan. ROLKER, CHAS. M. See No. 1357. 635. WADA, TSUNASHIRO. The mining industry of Japan during years 1867- 1892. Mining Bureau Dept. Agriculture and Commerce, 1893, Tokyo, pp. 1, 300. Tin has been mined since the end of the 7th century. Production in 1890, from Taniyama, 791 piculs. 104 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 58 JAPAN (Continued) 636. - . Minerals of Japan. Translated by T. Ogawa, 1904, Tokyo, pp. 50-51. Cassiterite sometimes occurs in fluviatile deposits, as in the provinces of Mino and Bungo, and sometimes in rocks as in the provinces of Satsuma, Hitachi, Suo and Hyuga. It occurs usually in small quantities, and the mineral is worked only in Satsuma and Hyuga. KAMERUN 637. ANONYMOUS. Tin deposits in Kamerun. Mg. Journ. Railw. Comm. Gaz., Vol. 76, 1904, London, p. 405, 150 words. Digest from Mg. Mag., Vol. 10, 1904, New York, p. 336. " Brief confirmation of the truth of important discoveries of pure tin in British, French and German possessions in Northern Nigeria." 638. . Kamerun tin deposit. . Zeitschr. prakt. Geol., Vol. 12, 1904, Berlin, pp. 427-428. Paragraph stating that tin has been found in Kamerun along the British Nigerian boundary, and that two companies had acquired mining rights. 639. MACCO, A. Die nutzbaren Bodenschatze der deutschen Schntzgebiete. Zeitschr. prakt. Geol., Vol. 11, 1903, Berlin, pp. 28-33, 193-202, map. Digest: Trans Inst. Mg. Eng., Vol. 24, 1902-1903 [1904], London and Newcastle-upon- Tyne, p. 712. " Tin ore certainly occurs in that area [Kameroons] but how and where the natives work it is as yet unknown." FAWNS, SYDNEY. See No. 1320. KOREA 640. OPPERT, ERNEST. A forbidden land: Voyages to the Corea. 1880, London, pp. 171-172. Briefly mentions that quicksilver, lead and tin are found in province of Hoang-hai. LAOS 641. ANONYMOUS. L'etain au Laos. M6tallurgie, Vol. 32, 1901, Paris, pp. 891, 893. 642. . L'etain au Laos. La Nature, Vol. 32, I, Dec. 26, 1903 (1904), Paris, pp. 58-59. Short general article giving the location, general geology and mineral associations, of the tin deposits of Laos, and the manner of working. 643. GASCUEL, L. Gisements stanniferes au Laos Frangais. Ann. Mines, ser. 10, Vol. 8, 1905, mem., Paris, pp. 321-332, fig., sketch map. Digest: Geol. Centr. Vol. 7, 1905-1906, Leipzig, p. 683. La valle du Nam-Pat&ne montre un synclinal de grs argileux, flanquS de part et d'autre par des calcaires. Les grs pafaissent d'ftge tertiaire. Ces grds renferment d'importants dgpfits de limonite, parfois tr&s mangane'sifel-e; 1'oxyde d'etain y est en outre repandu ft P6tat de fine division. L. Pervinquiere. 644. LACROIX, ALFRED. Sur les gisernents stanniferes de Hin-boun (Laos). Bull. Soc. franc. Min., Vol. 24, 1901, Paris, pp. 422-425. Digest Translation: Trans. Inst. Mg. Eng., Vol. 25, 1902-1903, London and Xew- castle-upon Tyne, p. 826. NO. 2 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TIN HESS 105 LAOS (Continued) Mine located in Province of Kammun, Laos, in a small tributary valley of the Hin- bun River. At present worked by French, has long been worked by natives. Ore occurs in limestone, no eruptives. Not in place, but little water worn. None of the ordinary minerals accompanying tin are present. Cassiterite often resembles " needle ore " of Cornwall. Cassiterite supposed to be a primary constituent of a sulphide gossan, as at Carnpiglia, Italy. 645. PELATAN, L. Les richesses minerales des colonies franchises (Asie Prangaise). Rev. Univ. Mines, Met. Trav. Publ. Sci. Arts Appl. Indust., ser. 3, Vol. 54, 1901, Liege and Paris, pp. 247-249. MADAGASCAR 646. BOUSE, JOHNO. Madagascar mineral and other resources. California Journ. Tech., Vol. 4, No. 2, 1904, Berkeley, p. 61. Copper and tin ores are mined in a small way. So far these ore deposits do not seem very extensive or rich. Some tin is exported. 647. DUNSTAN, WYNDHAM R. Tinstone from Madagascar. Bull. Imp. Inst., Great Britain, Vol. 3, No. 1, 1905, London, p. 41. The analysis of a specimen from Antananarivo gave 77.5 per cent metallic tin, but it is scarcely to be expected that when mined on a large scale such a high content of metallic tin will be maintained. LACROIX, ALFRED. See No. 516. 648. PELATAN, L. Les richesses minerales des colonies franchises (Mada- gascar). Rev. Univ. Mines, Met. Trav. Publ. Sci. Arts Appl. Indust., ser. 3, Vol. 52, 1900, Paris and Liege, pp. 294-295. Tin has long been* known to exist in region of Ambatofangehana, and recently tin has been found in the southern part of the district of Ambohimanga. MAINE 649. HITCHCOCK, C. H. State Geol. of Maine. Letter to D. W. Hendrickson. In prospectus bound in Mining Pamphlets, Vol. 69, U. S. Geol. Surv. Library. (Letter dated Aug. 8, 1865.) States that tin ore at Mt. Mica, Paris, Maine, is in "a very coarse granite, in a finer granite, and this cuts a coarse mica schist, the oldest rocks in Oxford Co." " Largest known cut tourmaline in the world came from this hill, and is valued at 300. It is owned by Prof. C. U. Shepard of Amherst College." A crystal of cassiterite exceeding 5 pounds in weight had been taken out. Thinks the deposit and the one at Mt. Rubelite, in Hebron, worth exploring. 650. . Reputed tin discovery in Maine. Eng. Mg. Journ., Vol. 30, 1880, New York, p. 173. Quoted: Mg. Sci. Press, Vol. 41, 1880, San Francisco, p. 194. Short article recording a recent discovery of tin ore at Winslow, Maine. The inclosing rock is described as a mica slate, adjacent to which is a hard quartzite band. Author states that mineralogical, geological, and physical features are identical with those common to the stanniferous districts of Europe. 106 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 58 MAINE' (Continued) 651. HUNT, T. STERRY. Remarks on an occurrence of tin ore at Winslow, Maine. Trans. Amor. Inst. Mg. Eng., Vol. 1, 1871-1873, New York, pp. 373-375. Remarks by Prof. Silliman and R. W. Raymond. Tin veins an inch or two in thickness, traverse an impure gray micaceous lime- stone. Gangue consists of purple fluorspar, and silvery white mica with quartz, through which the cassiterite associated with mispickel, is disseminated in small crystalline masses. 652. . Discovery of tin ore and emery at Winslow, Me. Eng. Mg. Journ., Vol. 30, 1880, New York, p. 218. Short communication regarding discovery of tin at Winslow, Me. 653. JACKSON, C. T. Sur les mines de cuivre du lac Superieur et sur un nouveau gisement detain dans 1'Etat du Maine. (Extract d'une Lettre.) C. R. Acad. Sci., Vol. 60, 1869, Paris, pp. 1082-1083. 654. . Tin ore at Winslow, Me. Proa Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., Vol. 12, 1869, Boston, p. 267. An account of discoverj- of tin at Winslow. Rock in which veins exist is a com- pact mica slate or gneiss, and the vein matter consists of purple fluorspar, silvery radiated mica in hexagonal prisms, and quartz. MALAY PENINSULA 655. ANONYMOUS. Geology and mineralogy of the Malay Peninsula. Mg. Journ. Railw. Comm. Gaz., Vol. 18, 1848, London, p. 197. Amer. Journ. Sci. Arts, ser. 2, Vol. 6, 1848, New Haven, pp. 129-132. 656. . Tin in the Malay Peninsula. Eng. Mg. Journ., Vol. 47, 1889, New York, p. 48. Short review of a report of Belgian Consul-General. 657. . The production of tin in the Malay Peninsula. Journ. Soc. Arts, Vol. 41, 1893, London, pp. 421-422. Statistics of production for 1891. Description of Chinese methods of mining. 658. . The Perak tin mines. Eng. Mg. Journ., Vol. 56, 1893, New York, pp. 268-269, ill us. 1, figs. 6. Abstract from " London Engineer " describing the Chinese method of working tin mines. The mines are not profitable when worked by expensive western methods. 659. . Mining in the Malay Peninsula. Mg. Journ. Railw. Comm. Gaz., Vol. 66, 1896, London, pp. 277, 308-309. Editorials. Description of Peninsula, geology and minerals. Tin and gold the only metals in deposits of commercial importance. Tin deposits mostly alluvial, bedrock is Raojin, or rarely, shale or limestone, upon which is the stanniferous gravel from a few inches to 80 feet thick. A little lode mining is being carried on in Kuantan; in Pahang and at Bundi, in Tringganu. At Kuchai, in Selangor, also at Sungei Rin in Jelebu leaders and veinlets of tin ore have been .found in a " greisen " similar to occur- rences in Saxony and Bohemia. Thinks discovery of veins may have great future results. NO. 2 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TIX HESS 107 MALAY PENINSULA (Continued) 660. . Tin mining in Perak. Mg. Sci. Press, Vol. 76, 1898, San Francisco, p. 61. Extract from report of the Commissioner of Lands and Mines of Perak, giving min- ing conditions, output, prices, etc., for 1896. 661. . The Malay tin industry. Iron Age, Vol. 62, II, Dec. 8, 1898, New York, pp. 17-18. Shows that federated Malay States will continue to be by far the largest tin pro- ducing country in the world; describes deposits, mining, etc. 662. . Tin of Straits Settlements. Min. Ind. for 1898, Vol. 7, 1899, New York and London, p. 711. See No. 1287. 663. . Tin in the Malay Peninsula. Min. Ind. for 1900, Vol. 9, 1901, New York and London, pp. 639-640. While river dredging for tin has not been seriously attempted, applications for water rights to follow this method of mining are being made. Progress has been made in the development of lodes, especially in district of Kuantan, Pahang. 664. . Tin supplies. Engineering, Vol. 72, No. 1872, November 15,. 1901, London, pp. 684-685, 1300 words. " Editorial on the tin supply in the Malay States, based on information given in the last annual government report and claiming that there is no cause for anxiety con- cerning the future supply." Not available to the authors. 665. . Tin mining in Malaya. Austr. Mg. Stand., Vol. 20, Dec. 26, 1901, Sydney and Melbourne. Serial. 1st part. " Discusses the tin deposits in the Malay Peninsula, and the future outlook as a tin-producing region." Vol. 21, 1902, p. 47, 2d part. Outlines advantages to be gained by the use of water power as a mining agent in Malaya. Describes the deep lead and lode mining. First article hot available to the authors. 666. . Tin in Malay Peninsula. Min. Ind. for 1901, Vol. 10, 1902, New York and London, pp. 641-642. 667. . Mining in the Malay Peninsula. Mg. Journ. Railw. Comm. Gaz.. Vol. 72, 1902, London, p. 754. A statement of the production and a brief description of the tin deposits of four of the Federated Malay States: Perak, Selangor, Negri Sembilan and Pahang. 668. . Malayan tin mining. Austr. Mg. Stand., Vol. 30, 1903, Sydney and Melbourne, p. 665. Reprint from " Straits Echo." A Chinaman has applied ground-sluicing to placer tin mining and it is described as a novelty. 669. . Malay mining; the tin duty. Mg. Journ. Railw. Comm. Gaz., Vol. 76, 1904, London, p. 233, 420 words. Digest: Mg. Mag. Vol. 10, 1904, New York, p. 336. Extract from the " Malay Mail," incorporating protest of miners' association against high advalorem duty on exportation of tin. Statistics of production and costs are included. 670. . The Tambum tin mine, Perak. Mg. Journ. Railw. Comm. Gaz., Vol. 76, 1904, London, p. 626. Mine situated 5 miles from Ipoh; owned by Mr. Leong Fee; turns out 140 piculs of ore per day. Net profits for Sept. 1904, $60,000. 108 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 58 MALAY PENINSULA (Continued) 671. . Production de 1'etain dans les Etats federe"s malais. Mvtallurgie, Vol. 35, 1904, Paris, p. 1493. 672. . The Straits tin mines. Eng. Mg. Journ., Vol. 80, 1905, New York, pp. 831-832. Brief summary of Senior Warden of Mines' report. Output in 1904, 856,238 piculs. Perak continues the premier producer of tin in Federated Malay States. Brief accounts of progress in various mining districts. 673. . Monazite tin ore in Federated Malay States. Selangor Government Gazette, Sept. 14, 1906. Review: Eng. Mg. Journ., Vol. 82, 1906, New York, p. 918. Contains a report on a specimen of washed alluvial tin ore from the land worked by the Sempam Tin Mining Co., Pahang. The ore consisted principally of a mixture of cassiterite, ilmenite and monazite. An analysis of the ore is given. Original article not available to the authors. 674. - . See No. 673. Quoted in Mg. Journ. Railw. Comm. Gaz., Vol. 80, 1906, London, p. 475. 675. . Tin production in the far East. Eng. Mg. Journ., Vol. 82, 1906, New York, p. 963. Treats mostly of the labor troubles in connection with mining in the Malay States and Dutch East Indies. Average output of tin in Malay States for 1905 was 4.09 piculs (534 pounds) per coolie. 676. . Tin dredging on the foreshore in the Malay Peninsula. Mg. Journ. Railw. Comm. Gaz., Vol. 83, 1908, London, p. 237. Description of the tin dredging operations in Tongkah Harbor, Siam. 676a. . Tongkah Harbor Tin Dredging Co. Austr. Mg. Eng. Rev., Vol. 1, 1909, Melbourne, pp. 277-278. Illus. Editorial on same. Austr. Mg. Eng. Rev., Vol. 1, 1909, Melbourne, pp. 347-348. Very brief description of the tin bearing area of Tongkah Harbor, located on Puket Island, a Siamese possession on west side of Malay peninsula. Also describes work now being done by the dredging company. 676b. . Tin ores from the Federated Malay States. Bull. Imp. Inst., Vol. 6, 1908, London, pp. 155-157. Describes placer tin samples containing corundum, rutile and a small amount of rare earths, besides tin. Lode stuff carried Co, Zn and As. 676c. . Tin mining in Malaya. Eng. Mg. Journ., Vol. 88, 1909, New York, p. 929. 676d. . Tin mining in the Federated Malay States. Austr. Mg. Stand., Vol. 43, 1910, Sydney and Melbourne, pp. 169-170, illus. 1. Deals with mining and treatment methods. 677. BALFOUR, JOHN F. Tin in the Malay Peninsula". Journ. Soc. Arts, Vol. 55, 1907, London, pp. 605-507. Treats of the general features of the peninsula, geology, and tin deposits. The tin is considered under: Lode mining, impregnations (contact deposits and stockworks) and alluvial deposits, as to the manner of occurrence and method of working. 678. BECKER, H. M. Mining in the Malay Peninsula. Trans. Inst. Mg. Met., Vol. 1, 1892-1893, London, pp. 78-107, discussion, pp. 131-141. Treated under heads: The tin formation; the Malay gold-bearing formation; the Chinese system of mining; the character of the alluvial; modern methods vs. Chinese; pumping methods; the machinery employed; general conclusions; prospects of the Malayan tin fields. NO. 2 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TIN HESS 109 MALAY PENINSULA (Continued) BECK, RICHARD. See No. 1299. 679. BENEDICT, WM. DE L. Tin in the Malayan region. Min. Ind. for 1892, Vol. 1, 1893, New York and London, pp. 446-450. Perak produces two-thirds of tin production of the Straits, and one-third of tKat of the world. Description of Perak deposits, methods of mining. Tin deposits of Island of Sumatra treated. Assays given. BROWN, A. SELWYN. See Nos. 1307 and 1308. 680. CLIFFORD, HUGH. Tin in Malaya. Austr. Mg. Stand., Vol. 29, 1903, Sydney and Melbourne, p. 259. Extract of a lecture delivered before the Royal Colonial Institute, Dec. 9, 1902. Deals with tin resources of the Malay States. 681. COLLETT, OCTAVE J. A. L'Etain. Etude minere et politique sur les Etats federe"s malais. 1903, Brussels, p. 196, map 1, and plates. On tin in the Malay Peninsula. Divided into six parts: (1) Geography. (2) His- tory. (3) Geology. (4) Methods of mining tin. (5) Methods of mining and smelting tin. (6) Legislation regarding tin. Production, prices, etc. Geology. General structure of the country. Popular explanation of formation of placers from veins. Very little description of the veins or of the placers themselves. Cassiterite ac- companied by grains of quartz, hematite, fluorite, pj'rite, tourmaline and feldspar. 681a. CORNUBIAN. Lode mining in the Malay States. Mg. Journ. Railw. Comm. Gaz., Vol. 84, 1908, London, p. 622. Letter in which a correspondent states that the lode mines of Pahang are among the big tin mines of the world, and gives figures to support his statement. 682. CRAMER, CARL. Das Zinnerz und seine Gewinnung auf der Halbinsel Malacca. Oest. Zeitschr. Berg. Hiitt., Vol. 42, 1894, Wien, pp. 543-545, pi. 20. Digest translation: Trans. Fed. Inst. Mg. Eng., Vol. 10, 1895-1896, Newcastle-upon- Tyne and London, p. 589. Thickness of ore-bearing deposit (karang) up to 3*4 feet. Overburden up to 33 feet, average 6% to 10 feet. Tin ore in karang varies up to 15 per cent, may be barren. Pays with as little as 0.5 per cent. French company tried to dredge in river Muar, but failed. Impurities: iron, wolframite, ilmenite. 77.15 pounds tin per head per month average production. 683. CROOCKEWIT, H. Tin mines of Malacca. Journ. Ind. Arch. East. Asia, Vol. 8, 1854, Singapore, pp. 112-133. Translated from Tijdschr. Ned. Ind., Nov. 1851, Batavia. Not available to the authors. D'ACHIARDI, ANTONIO. See No. 1313. DAVIES, D. C. See No. 1317. 684. DE LA CROIX, J. ERRINGTON. Some account of the mining districts of Lower Perak. Journ. Straits Branch Roy. Asiatic Soc., June 1881, Singapore, pp. 1-10, section 1. The region of Lower Prak comprises numerous mining districts, which can be placed under following heads: 1. Sungei Kinta District. 2. Sungei Batang Padang District. 3. Sungei Bidor District. The geology of these districts is given, the 110 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 58 MALAY PENINSULA (Continued) occurrence of tin ore, and the manner of mining by Chinese and Malays. Author believes the mining in all of the districts is in its infancy, and with better roads, .and the clearing of streams, rendering transportation easier, many of the deposits now neglected could be worked with profit. There is at least 7,680 acres of actual alluvial ground, which under ordinary circumstances, will afford work to 25,000 miners for the next hundred years. 685. . Les mines d'etain de Perak. Arch. Miss. sci. litt., ser. 3, Vol. 9, 1882, Paris, pp. 1-78. Digests: Nature, Vol. 28, 1883, London, pp. 202-203; Sci. Amer. Suppl., Vol. 16, 1883, New York, pp. 6368-6869. Memoir result of seven months exploration in the Malay State of Perak. Perak, although only 95 by 50 miles in dimensions, having an area of less than 5000 square miles, has long been known as a tin producing country, but only since the influx of Chinese has it been of first rate importance. Mines worked at present, chiefly alluvial, water-courses being filled w r ith sand and gravel deposits to a depth of 20 or 30 feet, resting upon a floor of pure china clay, apparently derived from decomposition of the granitic rocks. Geological description necessarily imperfect, owing to the dense tropical vegetation which covers the entire country. Author has been able to estab- lish the presence of numerous quartz veins traversing the granite which is coarsely porphyritic in the center and largely charged with tourmaline at the edges of the masses, reproducing the conditions to be found in the northwestern tin districts of Cornwall. Ore very pure, free from wolframite, arsenic, etc., which is troublesome to the Cornish miner. No vein mines have yet been opened. Methods of working, very primitive. Great improvement of mining conditions under British rule. 686. . Le royaume de Pe"rak. Bull. Soc. Geogr., ser. 7, Vol. 4, 1883, Paris, pp. 333-354. Describes the country in general, economic conditions, mines and miners. 687. DERRICK, W..H. Notes on lode tin mining in the Malay Peninsula. Trans. Inst. Mg. Met., Vol. 7, 1898-1899, London, pp. 12-16. Discussion, pp. 16-19. Abstract: Eng. Mg. Journ., Vol. 68, 1899, New York, pp. 784-785. Description and cost of working the mines of Kuantan, Pahang, the principal lode mine of the Federated Malay States. These mines, so report says, were worked 100 years. The open cast system was the only one adopted by the old miners. Under native management (at least within recent years) the mines were not a financial success. Good outlook for increased output under European management. 688. DOYLE, PATRICK. Tin mining in Larut. Mg. Journ. Railw. Comm. Gaz., Vol. 48, 1878, London, pp. 1191, 1219, 1247. Reprinted in book form, 1879, London and New York. A series of three articles giving a brief historical summary of Larut, a subsidiary district of Perak; description of the geological features of the country, and mineral- ogical productions. Describes miners (Chinese), modes of living, prosperity, manner of mining and its difficulties. 689. . On some tin deposits of the Mayalan Peninsula. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. London, Vol. 35, 1879, London, pp. 229-232. " " All the ore worked up to the present time has been found in the alluvium derived from the mountain ranges; that is, in mining language, in stream works. The ore has been traced up to veins in the rock, but these have not hitherto been worked. The tin beds are composed of the debris of granitic rocks mixed with the ore." 690. DIJK, P. VAN. Tinontginning in het district Larut Perak, Gouverne- ment Straits Settlements. Jaarb. Mijnw. Ned. Oost-Indie, 1883, II, Gemengde, Tech., Amsterdam, pp. 115-116. NO. 2 BIBLIOGRAPHY OP TIN HESS 111 MALAY PENINSULA (Continued) 691. DYKES, F. J. B. Tin mining in Malaya. Austr. Mg. Stand., Vol. 32, 1904, Sydney and Melbourne, p. 137. Extract from Senior Warden of Mines' report for 1903. Statistics of population employed in tin mining, output per annum, earnings of laborer, etc. Tronoh and Tambum are mentioned as the two richest mines in Malaya. Brief history of Tambum. 692. . Report of the administration of the mines department, and on the mining industry for the year 1903. Perak Gov. Gaz, Suppl., Vol. 17, No. 22, 1904, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 1-11. Treats of tin mining and the output. 693. . Federated Malay States. Report on the administration of the mines department and on the mining industry for the year 1904. [Tin and gold.] Perak Gov. Gaz. Suppl., July 14, 1905, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 1-9. ELLIS, THOS. F., and McKiixop, JOHN. See No. 1530. 694. FAWNS, SYDNEY. Tin lode mining in Tringganu. Mg. Journ. Railw. Comm. Gaz., Vol. 76, 1904, London, p. 377. Abstract: Lakes, Arthur, Min. Rep., Vol. 50, 1904, Denver, p. 500. " Describes the mode of occurrence and work done up to present time in this part of the Malay Peninsula." -. See No. 1320. 694a. FLOWER-ELLIS, T. A brief account of the Malay tin industry. Proc. Chem. Met. Soc. South Africa, Vol. 2, February, 1897-September, 1899, Johan- nesburg, pp. 5-18. Treats of the geology of the Malay Peninsula, properties of cassiterite, methods of mining, richness of deposits, purification of the ores, Chinese method of smelting tin ores, European method of smelting tin ores, refining the rough metal, tests for quality of tin, Swaziland tin fields. 695. HAMPTON, J. H. The tin deposits of the Straits. Iron Age, Vol. 38, 1886, New York, p. 1. Description of the country, the tin deposits, the Chinese methods of mining and smelting, and output from 1876-1884. 696. . Tin deposits of the State of Perak, Straits Settlement. Trans. Min. Ass. Inst. Cornwall, Vol. 1, 1887, Camborne, pp. 143-152. Map. A short descriptive article. 697. . On the occurrence of tin. Trans. Geol. Soc. South Africa, Vol. 4, 1899, Johannesburg, pp. 37-40. Malay Peninsula tin deposits were first visited by author in 1882. The contour of country and existence of forests made geological observations difficult. Stanniferous gravels extend over a very large area. Tin was raised by Chinese as long ago as 1793. Lode tin is attracting attention in State of Pahang. HUGHES, T. W. H. See No. 1507. 698. HUME, W. J. P., and DYKES, F. J. B. Report of proceedings of the min- ing conference held at Ipoh, Perak, Federated Malay States, Sept. 23 to Oct. 6, 1901. 1902, Taiping, pp. 1-64, pi. 5, fol. LAKES, ARTHUR. See No. 694. 112 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 58 MALAY PENINSULA (Continued) 699. LOCK, C. G. WARNFORD. Tin mining and milling in Tringganu. Mg. Mag., Vol. 13, No. 4, 1906, New York, pp. 290-294, pis. 7. 1400 words. Short general description of tin mining conditions in northeastern Malay States. No productive mines in granite, but some in overlying slates. Tin veins often have no quartz in them, being solid cassiterite. No fluorite or tourmaline. Much monazite and xenotime with some zircon and ilmenite in the stream gravels. 700. . Tin in Tringganu. Mg. Journ. Railw. Comm. Gaz., Vol. 79, 1906, London, p. 182. Gives outline of geography and geology of Tringganu, and describes both the lode and alluvial deposits of the State. The veins are mostly in shales overlying granite. For original article see No. 699. 701. . Mining in Malaya for gold and tin. 1908, London, Not available to the authors. 702. Louis, HENRY. Tin in the Malayan region. Min. Ind. for 1895, Vol. 4, 1896, New York and London, pp. 571-573. Digest of article from Mining Journal Railway and Commercial Gazette. See No. 1340. 703. . Die Zinnseifen der Halbinsel Malakka. Zeitschr. prakt. Geol., 1896, Berlin, pp. 233-234. Taken from " Western Daily Mercury," March, 1895. See No. 1340. 704. Low, JAMES. Observations on the geological appearances and general features of portions of the Malayan Peninsula and of the countries lying betwixt it and 18 N. lat., pp. 128-162. Book not available to authors, but a brief digest is found in Glean. Sci., Vol. 1, 1829, Calcutta, pp. 223-224. Tin-bearing ground extends in a continuous line from the southern extremity of Peninsula to about 15 N. lat. No mines discovered beyond this. Mines are pits of from twelve to twenty feet deep. Ore generally in round or oblong masses, with well-defined crystals, in matrix of quartz, or bedded in masses resembling half decomposed granite. Brief description of metallurgical processes used. 704a. MARKS, E. SEABORN. Mining in the Malay States. Mg. Sci. Press, Vol. 98, 1909, San Francisco, pp. 31-36, illus. " A description of the climatic conditions of the country and the method of mining and concentrating tin ore." MCKILLOP, JOHN, and ELLIS, THOS. F. See No. 1530. 705. MEUNIER, STANISLAS. Examen chimique d'eaux mine'rales provenant de Malaisie mineral detain de formation actuelle. C. R. Acad. Sci., Vol. 110, 1890, Paris, pp. 1083-1085. Author " found 0.5 per cent of SnO, in an opaline deposit, resembling geyserite, from a thermal spring in Selangor." See No. 726b. 705a. MILES, EDWARD T. Notes on Tongkah tin dredging. Austr. Mg. Stand., Vol. 42, 1909, Sydney and Melbourne, p. 60. Describes the deposits of tin and difficulties experienced in dredging in. Harbor, situated on northeast side of Tongkah Island (Junk Ceylon). NO. 2 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TIN HESS 113 MALAY PENINSULA (Continued) 706. MORGAN, J. DE. Note sur la geologie et sur miniere du royaume de Perak et des pays voisins. Ann. Mines, ser. 8, Vol. 9, 1886, Paris, pp. 368-442, pis. 8, 9, 10. Discusses the geography, the geology and the tin mines of Perak. Also treats the main workings individually, the manner of exploitation, metallurgy, the Chinese companies, the mining laws and the statistics. 707. Moss, E. W. Observations on the distribution and economic value of tin ores in the Malay Peninsula. Rep. Rugby School Nat. Hist. Soc. for 1890 (1891), Rugby, pp. 17-21, map. Digest from Ann. Brit. Geol., 1891, London, p. 377. " A general notice of the stream tin of Banca and the vein tin of Perak." 708. NEWLAND, D. H. Tin in Malay States. Min. Ind. for 1903, Vol. 12, 1904, New York and London, pp. 330-331. Short article dealing with the Malayan tin trade during 1903. 709. NOTES, H. HERBERT. Tin deep leads in Selangor. Mg. Journ. Railw. Comm. Gaz., Vol. 79, 1906, London, p. 690. Reprint: Eng. Mg. Journ., Vol. 82, 1906, New York, p. 1. Gives a description of the alluvial tin deposits of the Serendah Valley, Selangor. The writer states that these once famous fields have been practically abandoned by the Chinese. They leave as soon as the shallow and easily worked deposits near exhaustion. Believes Europeans will have to take up the work in the deep deposits. 710. OSBECK, PETEE. A voyage to China and the East Indies. 1771, London, Vol. 1, p. 244 (English edition); p. 204 (German edition). Briefly mentions that " tin comes in small pieces from Pegu and Jahor." 711. OWEN, FRANK. Mining in Perak. Trans. Inst. Mg. Met., Vol. 6, 1897-1898, London, pp. 51-87. Abstract: Min. Ind. for 1897, Vol. 6, 1898, New York and London, pp. 641-644. Extract: " Chinese tin smelting," Coll. Guard., Vol. 74, 1897, London, p. 931. Area, population, statistics, manner of mining, etc. Describes the Chinese system of smelting tin in a blast furnace. 712. . A review of the tin industry of the Malay Peninsula (up to the end of 1889). Min. Ind. for 1900, Vol. 9, 1901, New York and London, pp. 646-656, map 1. Describes the occurrence of tin ore in the Malay Peninsula, the general geology of the country, and the prices obtained for tin. Also treats of the mining conditions and the future prospects of the industry. 713. PARKES, CHAS. R. Surface tin mining in the Malay Archipelago. Proc. Inst. Civ. Eng., Vol. 115, pt. I, 1894, London, pp. 352-354. Abridged. Malay alluvial tin deposits are briefly described, and methods of mining are given in considerable detail. 714. PENROSE, R. A., JR. Tin deposits of the Malay Peninsula, with special reference to those of the Kinta districts. Journ. Geol., Vol. 11, 1903, Chicago, pp. 135-154, figs. 9, pis. 4. Digest: Zeitschr. prakt. Geol., Vol. 11, 1903, Berlin, pp. 278-279. Neues Jahrb. Min., 1905, I (Ref.), Stuttgart, p. 100. Abstracts: Min. Ind. for 1902, Vol. 11, 1903, New York and London, pp. 590-593; Eng. Mg. Journ., Vol. 75, 1903, New York, pp. 926-928, map, illus. 3. 114 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 58 MALAY PENINSULA (Continued) The geographical position of the Malay tin regions is given and the general geology of the Malay Peninsula. The Kinta district is then taken up, its location described, and the occurrence and nature of alluvial tin ores of the district are treated. The accompanying minerals are also noted. The occurrence of tin ore in the rocks, the origin of the deposits and the commercial features are discussed. PHILLIPS, J. A., and Louis, H. See No. 1350. 715. PIKE, E. R. Mining in Perak, Straits Settlements. Trans. Mg. Ass. Inst. Cornwall, Vol. 3, 1892, Camborne, pp. 194-201, discussion pp. 201-206. Gives a brief general description of Perak, the location of the tin-placers and the mining methods of the Chinese. Also describes the Kinta tin lodes and Malayan tin- smelting practice. 716. PLACE, JOHN. Tin mining in the Malay States. Engineering, Vol. 82, 1906, London, pp. 281-284, pi. 1. A very general article giving a description of the country and trade conditions, with short descriptions of mines and smelting. Prophesies further development and increase of output. 717. RATHBORNE, AMBROSE B. Camping and tramping in Malaya, fifteen years' pioneering in the native States of the Malay Peninsula. 1898, London, pp. 117-166, 333-334. Pages 117-166: General description of mines (wholly untechnical), labor, social, economic conditions, fuel supply, roads, etc. 333-334, geology: " Upheaval of the granite"; "more violent" between 3 and 6" than between 1 and 3. Limestone occurs in the northern half of, the country. Near Thaiping, borings show country to have recently sunk over a hundred feet. Old cannon found at Larut 30 feet below surface in tin mine. Stone implements frequently found, but no mammalian bones in the gravels. A hoard of Portuguese coins of the 15th century was dug up at Kintu. 718. RITTER, CARL. Die Erdkunde. Vol. 5 (Die indische Welt), 1835, Berlin, pp. 77-79, 246. Treats of the tin of the Malayan Peninsula. 719. ROLKER, CHARLES M. The tins of Banca and Billiton. Eng. Mg. Journ., Vol. 28, 1879, New York, p. 338. An abstract from an article by E. Reyer. See No. 117. See No. 1357. 720. Ross, D. Notice of some tin ore from the coast of Tenasserim. Glean. Sci., Vol. 1, 1829, Calcutta, pp. 143-144. Description of some stream tin from Chanda, half way between Mergui and Tavoy. 721. RUMBOLD, WM. R. The tin deposits of the Kinta Valley, Federated Malay States. Amer. Inst. Mg. Eng., Vol. 37, 1906, New York, pp. 879-889, figs. 1-4. Reprint: Mg. Journ., Vol. 80, 1906, p. 460. General description of Kinta Valley; alluvial tin deposits; lode deposits; (a) those in granite, (b) those in limestone; origin of the deposits. States that this district is probably, at the present time, the richest alluvial tin district in the world. NO. 2 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TIN HESS 115 MALAY PENINSULA (Continued) 722. SAUNDEBS, W. T. Tin mining in the Straits Settlement. Trans. Inst. Mg. Eng., pt. 4, Vol. 27, 1904, London and Newcastle-upon-Tyne, pp. 343-350. Digest: Mg. Mag., Vol. 11, No. 1, 1905, New York, p. 71. Reprint: Mg. Journ. Railw. Comm. Gaz., Vol. 75, 1904, London, p. 661. About 60 per cent of the world's supply of tin comes from Straits Settlement. In the past most of it has been obtained from alluvial deposits, and while the placers appear to be unfailing, much attention is now given to lode mining. Alluvial mining is carried on largely on the west side of the Peninsula, while lode mining is confined to east side. 723. SCRIVENOR, J. B. A preliminary report on the geology of the neighbor- hood of Taiping, Perak. Perak Gov. Gaz., Suppl., Vol. 17, No. 3, January 15, 1904, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 1-14, 13,000 words. Part I. Physical features, igneous rocks, sedimentary rocks, alluvial deposits, faults and mineral lodes, weathering 1 . Part II. Geological history, mining prospects. 724. . Federated Malay States. Geologist's Report for 1904 (Tin). Perak Gov. Gaz. Suppl., July 14, 1905, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 7. The material in this article appears in the same author's " Geologist's Report of Progress," September, 1903- January, 1907. See No. 726. Not available to the authors. 725. . Alluvial and lode tin in Malaya. Mg. Journ. Railw. Comm. Gaz., Vol. 78, 1905, London, pp. 273, 2400 words. " From the annual report of the Federated Malay States. Describes three mines of detrital tin associated with limestone, gives information of the tin lodes, and briefly discusses the origin of the deposits." 726. . Geologist's report of progress, Sept., 1903-Jan., 1907. Federated Malay States Government Press, Kuala Lumpur, 1907, pp. 1-44, sketch map 1. Reprint: Mg. Journ. Railw. Comm. Gaz., Vol. 81, 1907, London, pp. 781-782, 793, 843-844, 866-867. A summary of work done embracing that published in the Perak Government Gazette except report on geology of Sarawak. First 18 pages deal with structural geology. Describes tin lodes of Kuantan (Sungei Lembing); Bundi, Kemaman; Machi tin field; mines in the Main Range, including the Telom district, Tras, Ben- tong, Gunong Gapis, Bukit Frascr and neighboring places; Chin Chin and Tanjong Serai, Malacca; stockworks at Bruseh and Tanjong Malim; tin ore in limestone at Changkat Pari, Ayer Dangsang, Siak and Jesophat's Valley; alluvial mines of Tronoh and Sungei Besi, Perak. 726a. . Geologist's annual report for 1908. Federated Malay States, Kuala Lumpur, 1909, pp. 2-7. The Ayer Dangsang pipe changed at a depth of 170 feet to a vein 5 to 6 feet thick with the same mineral association abundant sulphides in a calcite matrix, with fluorite and a little quartz. In the Lahat pipe the original calcite and sulphides were dissolved and after a partial concentration the pipe was recemented with cal- cite from the limestone walls. Scheelite with abundant tourmaline, a little pyrite, traces of copper and arsenic, occur in a quartz vein at Salak North, Perak. Scheelite occurs in a number of Pahang tin mines. Cassiteri'te occurs with tremolite in a pipe at Lahat. Describes a stockwork of minute veins which is a type of many deposits in the Kledang Range. 116 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 58 MALAY PENINSULA (Continued) Some of the alluvial tin ore contains metallic copper in fine sharp crystals. Small seams of lignite standing vertically, occur in the tin gravels. Leaching of the underlying limestone has let the gravels down until they are, in places, on edge, and have been covered over by horizontal beds. 726b. . The origin of tin deposits. 1909, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 11. Also, Mg. Journ. Railw. Comm. Gaz., Vol. 85, 1909; London, pp. 307, 340. Reviews the commonly accepted theories concerning the deposition of tin minerals. He doubts the analysis of Meunier showing tin oxide in siliceous sinter from Ayer Panas (see No. 705), and states that his examination of deer-horns similar to those supposed by J. H. Collins to have been partly replaced by SnOo, showed no tin. Numerous tin deposits of the Malay Peninsula are in limestone or clay-slate, but granite is supposed to be close at hand in each place. At Bundi, in Kemaman, a tin deposit in which the SnC>2 is in small yellow needles, carries no tourmaline, but there is some axinite. Most of the deposits are veins, large or small, but there are a few tin-bearing pegmatites in the Malay Peninsula. Shows that in many places in the Malay Peninsula, especially in the limestone region, there is very little tourmaline, but generally much fluorspar with the tin deposits. He believes fluorine to be more important than boron in the genesis of tin minerals. There is also much arsenopyrite in the limestone, more than when the deposits are in granite. 727. SLACK, W. E. Malay tin mines. Handbook giving particulars of mining companies working in the Malay Federated States. 1907 (?), London. Not available to the authors. 728. STEPHENS, F. J. Mineral features of Pahang, Malay Peninsula. Trans. Inst. Mg. Met., Vol. 9, 1900-1901, London, pp. 419-424. Describes the physical conditions under which mining must be carried on, trans- portation facilities and economic details; the geology of the country; the vein systems; the workings of individual companies; tin and gold ores, and their richness. 729. STOKES, RALPH, S. G. A series of articles on Malay tin fields. Mg. World, Vol. 25, 1906, Chicago. Illustrated. 1. Industrial position of Malay tin fields. Sept. 1, 1906, pp. 234-235. 2. Geology of Malay tin fields. Sept. 8, 1906, pp. 262-263. 3. Malay tin fields. Oct. 6, 1906, pp. 424-425. 4. Geology and treatment of tin in the Malay fields. Nov. 10, 1906, pp. 572-573. 730. . Mines and minerals of the British Empire. Being a descrip- tion of the historical, physical and industrial features of the principal centers of mineral production in the British Dominions beyond the 1908, London, pp. 65-75 and others, with a number of plates. The Malay States tin fields are treated in chapters 6 and 7. A review of the world's sources of tin supply is given, after which he discusses the labor available, the pro- duction of tin in the different states; taxation and other heavy charges of the government; the geology, and the different classes of deposits, both in place and alluvial. Chapter 7 is devoted to methods of mining and a description of the alluvial mines. A chapter is devoted to the Mt. Bischoff tin mine, Tasmania, and another to the northeastern tin fields of that Province. The tin deposits of New South Wales, Transvaal, Cape Colony and Northern Nigeria receive passing mention. XO. 2 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TIN HESS 117 MALAY PENINSULA (Continued) 731. SWETTENHAM, FRANK. About Perak. Published by " Straits Times." 1893, Singapore. Book not available to the authors. 732. SWETTENHAM, F(BANK) A. Annual report of the State of Perak for the year 1893. Taiping, Perak, pp. 53. Progress of tin mining in Perak, and information con- cerning output. 733. TAYLOR, WILLIAM. Tin mining in the Federated Malay States. Eng. Mg. Journ. Vol. 82, 1906, New York, p. 529. Short extract from Ann. Rep. for 1905. Figures given, showing output from various mines. " The acting Senior Warden sees no cause for alarm in the decreased output, and is of the opinion that no evidence is forthcoming to show that the stanniferous deposits of the country are nearing exhaustion." 734. TENISON-WOODS, J. E. Geology of the Malayan Peninsula. Nature, Vol. 30, 1884, London, p. 76. Notes caves in limestone with deposits of " tin sand," which are 1000 feet above the plain; now exposed in precipices and reached by steps cut in the rock. Show extent of erosion. 735. . Physical geography of the Malayan Peninsula. Nature, Vol. 31, 1884, London, pp. 152-154. " The tin deposit? hitherto found are all stream tin, no lodes have yet been worked .... Though tin has been worked for centuries, only a comparatively small portion of the country has been worked out or worked at all. I consider that the deposits in Perak are practically inexhaustible." 736. . Explorations in Pahang. Nature, Vol. 33, 1885, London, p. 32. Refers to a peculiar coinage of tin " shaped for the most part like an old fashioned square ink-stand." Short reference to tin-bearing gravels. 737. . Report on the geology and physical geography of the State of Perak. Proc. Linn. Soc. New South Wales, Vol. 9, 1885, Sydney, pp. 1176, 1186, 1189, 1190, 1192, 1203. Tin mines at Thaiping, Assam Kumbang, Kamunting, Salak, Pappan, Poussin, Lahat, Coping, Tecca, Kampar River, Kuala Diepang, Bindings and Selama are described. 738. TREACHER, W. H. Mining tin. Perak Gov. Gaz. Suppl., Vol. 17, No. 22, 1904, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 1-9. Report for 1903. 3 charts showing output of tin and iron ore pp. 40-43. Reprinted: Board of Trade Journal, Vol. 66, 1904, p. 17. Description of labor conditions and supply, manner of working, wages, contracts, etc., and mode of operating mines. 739. TREMENHEERE, H. SEYMOUR. Tin in Tenasserim. Mg. Journ. Railw. Comm. Gaz., Vol. 40, 1870, London, p. 919. Extract of address delivered before Royal Geological Society of Cornwall. The matter is largely the same as that in the report of his brother, Geo. Borlase Tremen- heere, on the " Tin of the Province of Mergui in Tenasserim, in the northern part of the Malay Peninsula." Besides the stream tin found along the banks of the creeks, there is a rich vein of tin 3 feet wide in the side of an isolated hill, about eleven miles from Mergui. The hill consists almost entirely of decomposed granite. Crystals of cassiterite occur thickly imbedded in pure kaolin. 118 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 58 MALAY PENINSULA (Continued) 740. VERCOE, CHAS. Tin deposits in the Malay Peninsula. Mg. Journ. Railw. Comm. Gaz., Vol. 50, 1880, London, p. 904. Brief description of the mines near Malacca, at Qualla Lumpor and Laroot, and of methods used by Chinese in working- them. 741. VERCOE, H. B. Tin deposits of the Straits. Mg. Journ. Railw. Comm. Gaz., Vol. 56, 1886, London, p. 1277. Treats briefly of alluvial deposits of Muntaha District of Johore, expresses a belief that tin lodes exist in the surrounding hills, which would prove very productive. 742. VIATOR. A trip to the Johore River (tin mines). Not. Indian Archipelago Adj. Countr., 1837, Singapore, pp. 265-266, map. Popular article. Visited tin mines at village of Gongong, which were formerly worked by followers of the Sultan. Smelting furnace now in ruins. Ore about 12 feet under surface, in a stratum of coarse " quarry sand," mixed with white clay. Did not seem to be very productive mines. Country very unhealthful. 743. W . Der Zinnhandel der malayische Halbinsel. Oest. Zeitschr. Berg. Hiitt., Vol. 51, Wien, 1903, p. 645. 744. WRAY, LEONARD, JR. Tin in the Straits of Malacca and Tenasserim. Mg. Journ. Railw. Comm. Gaz., Vol. 44, 1874, London, p. 378. Extract from his lecture " The Settlement on the Straits of Malacca," delivered before Royal Colonial Institute, March 24, 1874. Discussion as to whether the early Phoenicians first got their tin in India or Cornwall. 745. . Physical geography of the Malayan Peninsula. Nature, Vol. 31, 1885, London, p. '459. A communication correcting what he considers to be errors in an article by J. E. Tenison- Woods in " Nature," Vol. 31, pp. 152-154, 1884. Bears upon the geology of the tin deposits. 746. . Alluvial tin prospecting: including tables for checking the accuracy of bore holes, and for estimating the amount, richness and value of the ore obtained from them. Perak Mus. Notes, No. 2, 1893, Taiping, pp. 1-114. 747. . Some account of the tin mines and the mining industry of Perak. Perak Mus. Notes, No. 3, 1894, Taiping, pp. 1-24, table 1, pis. 4, 5, giving diagrams. The first three chapters of a continued article upon tin in Perak, the other num- bers of which are not available to the authors. In this installment the history and statistics of the Malayan tin trade, the geology of the deposits, a description of old mines, and native uses of tin are given. MASSACHUSETTS 748. HITCHCOCK, ED. Tin in Massachusetts. Amer. Journ. Sci. Arts, ser. 1, Vol. 16, 1829, New Haven, pp. 188-191. Brief review: Jahrb. Min. Geogn. Geol. Petr., 1830, Heidelberg, pp. 316-317. Letter written to editor of Amer. J.ourn. Sci. Arts. Writer sent specimen from Goshen, Mass., of what he thought to be first tin found in the United States. 749. HITCHCOCK, EDWARD. Report on the geology of Massachusetts examined under the direction of the Governor of that state during the years 1830-1831. Amer. Journ. Sci. Arts, ser. 1, Vol. 22, 1832, New Haven, pp. 62-63. Tin at Goshen described. NO. 2 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TIN HESS 119 MASSACHUSETTS (Continued) 750. TESCHEMACHER, J. E. Description of the oxide of tin found at the tour- maline locality, Chesterfield, Mass. Report Association American Geologists and Naturalists, 1840-1842 (1843), Boston, pp. 296-297. A. A. Hayes, to whom a portion was submitted for examination, says: " From these experiments it appears that the mineral is a nearly pure oxide of tin, its hard- ness and closeness of texture, as indicated by its high lustre, exceed those of any specimen I ever examined." MEXICO 751. AGUILERA, JOSE G. Bosquejo geologico de Mexico. Bol. Inst. Geol. Mexico, Nos. 4, 5, 6, 1897, Mexico, pp. 234-235. A note in which he states that tin ore occurs in small veins in rhyolite, accom- panied by hematite, topaz, and durangite. Rhyolites of Upper Tertiary age. 752. . Catalogos sistematico y geografico de las especies mineralo- gicas de la Republica Mexicana. Bol. Inst. Geol. Mexico, No. 11, 1898, Mexico, pp. 83-84. Tin is found in the following states: Aguas Calientes, Guanajuato, Jalisco, Queretaro, Sonora, Durango, Hidalgo, Puebla, San Luis Potosi, Zacatecas. 753. . Geographical and geological distribution of the mineral de- posits of Mexico (tin). Trans. Amer. Inst., Mg. Eng., Vol. 32, 1902, New York, pp. 506-507. " The tin deposits of Mexico are of two classes: Those of the Tertiary, and the alluvial placers of the Quarternary In Mexico the characteristic association of minerals and rocks is, so we might say, that of the latest tin-veins of the Tertiary, in which are found crystallized hematite, topaz and in some cases wolframite and durangite. The associated rocks are Pliocene rhyolites and rhyolitic tufa." 754. ALLEN, D. K. Tin in Baja California, Mexico. Mg. Journ. Railw. Comm. Gaz., Vol. 54, 1884, London, p. 3194. Gives an account of a piece of cassiterite weighing 314 pounds broken from ledge, brought in by Indians, source unknown. Another vein said to give 18 to 38 per cent tin from picked samples. Pay streak 2 to 4 feet wide. Found in same range or belt 'with same formation as that of the Temescal (Cal.), tin mines. 755. ANONYMOUS. Tin deposits of Mexico. Mg. Journ. Railw. Comm. Gaz., Vol. 54, 1884, London, p. 1412. Deposits occur at small town of Coneto, about 90 miles northwest of Durango. Ore is principally red and black cassiterite of extreme purity, found both in veins and placers. " Sulphuret of tin," similar to that of Cornwall has been found in one part of the mountains, while arseniate of tin, also very finely divided red ophite of tin, are found in many veins. 756. . Tin deposits of Durango, Mexico. Eng. Mg. Journ., Vol. 48, 1S89 ? New York, p. 80. Describes briefly the tin deposits near Coneto, Durango. 757. . Mines in the State of Guerrero, Mexico. , Mg. Journ. Railw. Comm. Gaz., Vol. 76, 1904, London, p. 556. Extract from Bull. Official Ministerio de Fomento. In describing the mines in the district of Taxco, tin is mentioned as occurring at Acamistla and Coapango. SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 58 MEXICO (Continued) 758. . Tin in Mexico. Eng. Mg. Journ., Vol. 80, 1905, New York, pp. 519-520, 1500 words. " The tin properties now under development are 5 in number: La Esperanza, Tinnit, La Santa (sic) Francisco, La Minita and Los Dos Amigos. The tin at La Hsperanza occurs in threads or stringers in the vein. When development work was started on property, the first stringer discovered was only 1-64 inch thick, but in uncovering the vein, stringers ranging from *4 to % inch thick were encountered and about 800 pounds of tin ore running 75 per cent tin was taken out. An assay across the vein runs from 2 to 4 per cent tin, while the ore as sorted by natives runs from 55 to 65 per cent and by concentration it can be brought up to 75 or 85 per cent tin. 759. . Mexico's first tin ingot. Mo. Bull. Int. Bur. Amer. Repub., Vol. 21, Sept. 1905, Washington, D. C., p. 802. States that although stream tin has been produced in Mexico for many years, the first ingot of lode tin has only recently been smelted. Gives a few details of a tin deposit at Aguas Calientes. 760. - . Tin in Mexico. Mg. World, Vol. 25, 1906, Chicago, p. 301. " The tin-bearing area extends from south of Aguas Calientes to north of Duran?o on the eastern side of the Sierra Madre range. The localities are widely separated and according to reports, quite different in geology and ore occurrence." 761. BARCENA, MARIANO. Tratado de geologia elementos aplicables la agri- cultura, & la ingenieria a la industria. Bol. Seer. Fom. 1886, Mexico, p. 146. Tin occurs in veins in Mesa de los Caballos in Zacatecas, and in alluvium in Lagos and other localities. 762. BARRIGA, MANUEL DIAZ. Mining in Mexico. Mg. Journ. Railw. Comm. Gaz., Vol. 77, 1905, London, p. 631. Tin bearing ground is found in many portions of the Republic, but the deposits of the Coneto region in Durango are the most important. Occur in calcareous trachite. Concentrated ores, mostly in form of oxides, yield from 35 to 75 per cent of metal. BECK, RICHARD. See No. 1299. 763. BENEDICT, WM. DE L. Tin in Mexico. Min. Ind. for 1892, Vol. 1, 1893, New York, pp. 451-452. " Tinstone has been found in Mexico at numerous widely separated localities. None of the deposits have been systematically or extensively exploited except those of Durango, where the ore is found to occur in small but frequently very rich pockets in ill-defined veins in trachite-porphyry, which is the common country rock." 764. BERGEMANN, C. Zinnstein von Xeres in Mexico. Neues Jahrb. Min. 1857, Stuttgart, p. 395. Gives an analysis of tin ore from Xeres, Mexico. 765. BRETHERTON, H. G. The tin deposits of Mexico. Mg. World, Vol. 27, 1907, Chicago, pp. 685-686. " Notes on the history and present standing of the tin deposits which are situated in and about the border region between the states of Jalisco and Aguas Calientes." 766. BROMLY, A. H. Tin mining and smelting at Santa Barbara, Guanajuato, Mexico. Trans. Amer. Inst. Mg. Eng., Vol. 36, 1906, New York, pp. 227-233, figs. 2. Mg. Journ. Railw. Comm. Gaz., Vol. 78, 1905, London, pp. 121, 139. NO. 2 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TIN HESS 121 MEXICO (Continued) Describes deposits and method of producing ore. Ore formation is of an " unusual nature consisting of cracks in the rhyolite which have been filled with clay." These clay stringers carry a mixed mineralization, particularly in the form of iron and tin oxide. Deposits not considered of commercial value. Data showing results from smelting various classes of ore given. Methods of treat- ment of the ore are described. 767. CHANDLER, C. P. On tin ore at Durango in Mexico. Amer. Journ. Sci. Arts, 2d ser., Vol. 39, 1865, New Haven, p. 349. The cassiterite is in form of wood-tin and is accompanied by topaz. Gives crucible assay. 768. COLLINS, J. H. Specimens of tinstones from Durango. Journ. Roy. Inst. Cornwall, Vol. 13, pt. 1, 1895-1898, Truro, p. 129, about 150 words. Describes specimens of tin ore from Durango, Mexico. 769. DEL MAR, ALEX. History of the precious metals. 2d edition, revised. 1902, New York, p. 206. States Cortes reported that " chisel-shaped " tin money was used in Mexico, and that specimens are in the " Paris collection." 770. FAWNS, SYDNEY. Tin deposits of the world. Published by the Mining Journal, 1905, London. Tin deposits of Mexico, pp. 154- 157, 1300 words. Compilation from Ingalls' "Tin deposits of Durango, Mex."; Louis' "Production of tin"; and Nevius' "The Sain Alto tin deposits." 771. GENTH, F. A. On the occurrence of tin ores in Mexico. Proc. Amer. Philos. Soc. Vol. 24, 1887, Philadelphia, pp. 23-35. Description of specimens of tin ore from Sierra de Catalan, State of Durango, Mexico. Small crystals of hematite are replaced by cassiterite. Also mentions wood tin and other forms from various Mexican localities, which contain much iron and arsenic. Quotes from Wm. Sernmons, concerning a deposit of Sn0 2 upon bismuthinite. 772. GROSE, JOSEPH. Tin discovery in Mexico. Mg. Journ. Railw. Comm. Gaz., Vol. 43, 1873, London, p. 863. Alluvial tin ore washed down from the mountains is found scattered over an area of several square miles, 250 miles southwest of the city of Mexico. 773. HALSE, ED. The occurrence of tin ore at Sain Alto, Zacatecas, with reference to similar deposits in San Luis Potosi and Durango, Mexico. Trans. Amer. Inst. Mg. Eng., Vol. 29, 1900, New York, pp. 502-511, figs. 1-6. Abstract: Eng. Mg. Journ., Vol. 68, 1899, New York, p. 428. Describes occurrences of tin ore in other localities than Durango, and compares them with the latter. Description of tin smelting at Las Cuevas. 774. HANKS, HENRY G. On the occurrence of durangite in the tin-bearing region of Durango, Mexico. Amer. Journ. Sci. Arts, ser. 3, Vol. 12, 1876, New Haven, pp. 274-275. Description of the tin deposits of Durango. Durangite is found only in the " Bar- ranca " tin mine, eighteen miles northwest from Coneto, State of Durango. 775. HUMBOLDT, ALEXANDER DE. Essai politique sur le royaume de la Nouvelle- Espagne. 1811, Paris, Vol. 3, pp. 203, 299, 306-307; Vol. 4, pp. 105-106, 194-195. Extract: Arch. Bergb. Hiitt., Vol. 17, 1828, Breslau and Berlin, pp. 358-359. Extract by A. J. M. Brochant, Notice sur les Mines du Mexique. Journ. Mines, Vol. 30, 1811, Paris, p. 104. Briefly treats of tin occurrences in Mexico. 122 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 58 MEXICO (Continued) 776. INGALLS, WALTER RENTON. Tin deposits of Durango, Mexico. Eng. Mg. Journ., Vol. 59, 1895, New York, p. 293. This paper is based on a study of mines of Mexico in 1892. Deposits at Potrillos and Cacflria are dscrihed. A table of 10 analyses made by Dr. Genth on Mexican tin ore half from Potrillos, remainder from Cacaria is given. 777. . The tin deposits of Durango, Mexico. Trans. Amer. Inst. Mg. Eng., Vol. 25, 1896, New York, pp. 146-163, map 1, figs. 2. Treats of early tin mining in Mexico, and especially of the physical characteristics, geology, and occurrence of tin at Potrillos, Cacaria and Cerro de Iglesia do los Remedios, tin regions of Durango. Discussion by C. W. Kempton, pp. 997-998. (See No. 779.) Additional notes, Vol. 27, 1897, pp. 428-429. 778. . Notes on the tin deposits of Mexico. Trans. Amer. Inst. Mg. Eng., Vol. 27, 1897, New York, pp. 428-429. Some additional notes on tin localities in Mexico, mentioned in paper " Tin deposits of Durango " in Trans. Amer. Inst. Mg. Eng., Vol. 25, New York, p. 146. KEMP, JAS. P. See No. 1213. 779. KEMPTON, C. W. The tin deposits of Durango, Mexico. Trans. Amer. Inst. Mg. Eng., Vol. 25, 1896, New York, pp. 997-998. In discussion of paper on satne subject by W. R. Ingalls (No. 777), mentions an occurrence of tin placers at Sain Alto, Zacatecas, Mexico. LOCK, C. G. WARNFORD. See No. 1338. Louis, HENRY. See No. 1340. 780. MANZANO, JESUS P. The mineral zone of Santa Maria del Rio, San Luis Potosi, Mexico. Trans. Amer. Inst. Mg. Eng., Vol. 32, 1901, New York, pp. 481-482. Description of tin ores and occurrences, and output of several mines. Deposits generally small. Country poorly forested. 781. NEVIUS, J. NELSON. The Sain Alto tin deposits (Mexico). Eng. Mg. Journ., Vol. 75, 1903, New York, p. 929, fig. showing tin smelter. Digest: Geol. Centr., Vol. 5, 1904, Leipzig, p. 437. The cassiterite occurs in rhyolite, associated with chalcedony. As the rock weathers the cassiterite nodules are washed out and concentrated in the ravines where they are collected. The method of smelting the ores is also described. H. Ries. 782. NEWLAND, D. H. Tin in Mexico. Min. Ind. for 1903, Vol. 12, 1904, New York and London, pp. 331-332. Sain Alto deposits described. Output amounts to a few tons a year. Grade of ore as smelted is about 40 per cent metallic tin. PIRSSON, L. V. See No. 1635. PRATT, JOSEPH HYDE, and STERRETT, DOUGLASS B. See No. 252. 783. RICHTHOFEN, P. Ueber das Alter der goldfiihrenden Gange und der von ihnen durchsetzten Gesteine. Zeitschr. deutsch. geol. Ges., Vol. 21, 1869, Berlin, p. 737. A foot note describes the tin ore at Durango. ROLKER, CHAS. M. See No. 1357. 784. WILSON, GEO. Tin and petroleum in Mexico. Eng. Mg. Journ., Vol. 34, 1882, New York, p. 280. NO. 2 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TIN HESS 123 MEXICO (Continued) Tin in veins and alluvial. One tract of over 200 square miles, hastily prospected, shows stream tin in every water course, yielding by washing, from 5 to 20 per cent tin ore. Can be worked by hydraulicking at small cost. Vein tin yields from 60 to 70 per cent metallic tin; very free from injurious impurities. Country granite. MICHIGAN 785. STEVENS, HOKACE J. Tin in Michigan. Mg. Journ. Railw. Comm. Gaz., Vol. 76, 1904, London, p. 233. Sketch of desultory attempts at tin mining in United States, with brief mention of recent discoveries of deposits in Keeweenaw County, Michigan. (These " discoveries " proved false.) MISSOURI 786. DUNSTAN, R. W. Discovery of tin in Missouri. Mg. Journ., Railw. Comm. Gaz., Vol. 37, 1867, London, pp. 699, 731. A letter giving very encouraging outlook for the tin in Missouri, 100 miles south of St. Louis, in a mountainous district of granite, trap and porphyritic rock. States that lodes run nearly north and south. Tin also occurs in alluvial floors, decomposed granite and black sand. 787. GENTH, P. A. Tin ore in the United States. U. S. Railroad and Mg. Journ., May 4, 1870, Philadelphia. Reprint: Eng. Mg. Journ., Vol. 9, 1870, New York, p. 322. Mg. Journ. Railw. Comm. Gaz., Vol. 40, 1870, London, pp. 486-487. Extract: Ann. Mines, ser. 6, Vol. 17, 1870, Paris, pp. 572-575. Treats briefly of the tin deposits in the United States. Tells of the pretended dis- covery of tin in Missouri and the resulting excitement; gives analysis of supposed tin ore sent from Madison County, Mo., and states that traces of tin were found in one specimen; also gives analyses of two concentrates from San Jacinto, Cal. WHEELER, H. A. hee No. 1423. MONTANA HANKS, H. G. See No. 218. 787a. RAYMOND, ROSSITER W. Statistics of mines and mining in the states and territories west of the Rocky Mountains. Fourth annual report of Rossiter W. Raymond, United States Commissioner of Min- ing 1 Statistics [for the year 1871], Washington, D. C., 1873, pp. 288-289. *' A Mr. Hall has several bars of tin, weighing a couple of pounds each, reduced by himself from ore picked from the gravel at the adjacent bar [Big Prickly Pear Creek]. The ore is very pure, and similar to the float tin found in Durango, Mexico. Some prospecting has been done for the ledge that this ore is evidently derived from, but so far without success." Entire reference. NEVADA 788. HOFFMAN, W. J. On the mineralogy of Nevada. Bull. U. S. Geol. Geogr. Surv. Terr., Vol. 4, 1878, Washington, D. C., p. 734. The only locality in Nevada where stream tin occurs is at the Tuscarora placer mines where small crystals are occasionally found. NEWFOUNDLAND 789. MILNE, J. Notes on the physical features and mineralogy of New Found- land. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. London, Vol. 30, 1874, London, p. 745. States that tin is found in New Foundland, but whether in paying quantities is not yet determined. 5 124 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 58 NEW GUINEA 790. ANONYMOUS. Tin on Ferguson Island. Eng. Mg. Journ., Vol. 75, 19C3, New York, p. 623. Rich tin lodes and gravel have been recently discovered on Ferguson Island on the northeast coast of New Guinea. No details given. NEW HAMPSHIRE 791. JACKSON, CHARLES T. Description of the tin veins of Jackson, N. H. Report Association American Geologists and Naturalists, 1840-1842 (1843), Boston, pp. 316-321, figs. 2. Describes the occurrence of small tin-bearing veins near Jackson and the minerals associated with the tin and discusses the origin of the veins. 792. . Final report on the geology and mineralogy of the State of New Hampshire, with contributions toward the improvement of agri- culture and metallurgy. 1844, Concord, N. H., pp. 139-145, figs. 2. Review: Amer. Journ. Sci. Arts, ser. 1, Vol. 49, 1845, New Haven, p. 84. Tin ore at Jackson, N. H. Description of tin veins, crystallization, association. Short translation from Daubre on description and theory of tin veins. With the tin occurs arsenic pyrites, black sulphuret of copper (rare), carbonate of copper, native copper, tungstate of manganese and iron (rare), black tourmaline and quartz. NEW JERSEY 793. LESLEY, J. P. The iron manufacturers' guide to the furnaces, forges and rolling mills of the United States, with discussions of iron as a chemical element, an American ore, and a manufactured article, in commerce and in history. 1859, New York and London, p. 428. Trace of tin (.18 per cent SnO 2 ) found in " garnet rock," about 1% miles northeast of Andover, New Jersey. 794. SCHNABEL, GAEL. Handbook of Metallurgy. Translated by Louis, Henry, 1898, London, Vol. 2, p. 3. " Tin has only been found by Eliot and Storer in American zinc from New Jersey, and English zinc made by Vivian & Co., of Swansea." NEW SOUTH WALES 795. ADAMS, ROBERT. Mining in New South Wales. Mg. Journ. Railw. Comm. Gaz., Vol. 43, 1873, London, p. 1009. Working only alluvial deposits. Not more than one-tenth of mines are paying, owing to poor management. 796. A , R. D. Tin mining in Australia. Mg. Journ. Railw. Comm. Gaz., Vol. 49, 1879, London, pp. 909-910. Description of the tin mining at Vegetable Creek, New South Wales. 797. ANDREWS, E. C. The geology of the New England Plateau, with special reference to the granites of northern New England. Rec. Geol. Surv. New South Wales, pt. 1; Vol. 7, pt. 4, 1904, pp. 281-300, pis. 55-56. Parts 2 and 3, Vol. 8; pt. 2, 1906, pp. 108-152, pi. 20. Parts 4 and 5, Vol. 8, pt. 3, 1907, pp. 196-250, pi. 39. NO. 2 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TIN HESS 125 NEW SOUTH WALES (Continued) Part 1 describes the physiography; part 2, the general geology; part 3 treats of the genesis of the ore deposits; part 4, of the petrology, and part 5 contains additional notes on the ore deposits. Permo-carboniferous slates were intruded by granite accompanied by pegmatite, eurite, micrographic dikes and quartz veins and masses. Many of the younger accompanying rocks carry tin, tungsten, and bismuth minerals, molybdenite, mona- zite, gold and allied minerals. Most of the New England ore deposits are considered to have been formed by magmatic segregations, in which are included those formed from heated gases or waters. The ores are arranged peripherally around acid granite massifs. The Gulf tin deposits occur as pipes formed at the intersection of fissures some of which are of very irregular form. The deposits contain arsenical pyrites, tourmaline, fluorspar, beryl, monazite, bismuth, and wolframite. At Kingsgate, pipes 18 inches to 40 feet in diameter carry molybdenite in masses up to one ton in weight, bismuth, bismuthinite, and bismuth carbonate, and at Tabletop, Timbarra, pipes carry gold in sufficient quantity to pay for working, but at neither place are they tin bearing. The pipes are all formed through replacement of the granite by solutions following very small cracks. At Tingha tin occurs in "a eurite vein," pegmatite and pipes, with chalcedony, and quartz; in the Emerald mines at Emma- ville, in quartz veins with white mica, emeralds, and fluorspar cutting carboniferous (?) slates; at Giant's Den, in quartz veins with tourmaline, topaz, and chalcopyrite, cutting greisen; at Pheasant Creek with wolframite, in greisen and "mica rock"; in the Inverell District with abundant topaz, in greisen; at Deepwater with wolfram- ite and iron pyrites in greisen; at Wilson'g Downfall with huge quartz crystals and platy wolframite in greisen and granite; at Bald Nob in fissure veins; at Silent Grove in a granular quartz vein with bismuth and galena. At Howell stannite occurs in the Conrad and King Conrad reefs with argentiferous galena and sphalerite. 798. ANONYMOUS. The discovery of tin in New South Wales. Mg. Journ. Railw. Comm. Gaz., Vol. 42, 1872, London, pp. 45, 398. 799. . More Australian tin. Iron, Vol. 5, n. a. 1875, London, p. 551. A very brief description of some stream tin from foot of Mount Pilot, New South Wales. The region is described geologically. 800. . Tin in New South Wales. Min. Ind. for 1900, Vol. 9, 1901, New York and London, pp. 636-637. Brief epitome of the tin mining conditions in New South Wales. Tin production of State from 1872 to 1899 inclusive amounted in value to 6,390,484. The lodes have scarcely been touched. Principal lode mine is the Oetery in the Emmaville district. 801. . Tin in New South Wales. Min. Ind. for 1901, Vol. 10, 1902, New York and London, p. 639. Very brief general remarks about tin deposits in New South Wales. 802. . Tin and tin mining in New South Wales. Journ. Soc. Arts, Vol. 50, 1902, London, pp. 285-286. * Brief history of tin discovery in New South Wales; localities and manner of occurrence ; production. 803. . Tin in New South Wales. Journ. Franklin Inst., Vol. 161, 1906, Philadelphia, p. 384. A note. " At Tingha, Inverell district, there are fifteen or sixteen dredges working for tin, all doing well. Reported that they have work for six to ten years ahead of them." 126 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 58 NEW SOUTH WALES (Continued) 804. . Beach mining in New South Wales. Queensland, Gov. Mg. Journ., Vol. 8, 1907, Brisbane, p. 175. Refers to report on beach mining in Queensland, made by L. C. Ball in 1905, and states that under similar conditions to those he described a French company intends to work the 13 miles of beach, from one mile south of Evans or Little River, at the mouth of Richmond River, running northerly to McAuley's Lead. " The sands are said to contain gold, platinum, tin, monazite, and other minerals," but the richness is not known. 805. . Beach mining in New South Wales. Queensland Gov. Mg. Journ., Vol. 8, 1907, Brisbane, p. 275. The Byron Bay correspondent of the " Town & Country Journal," under date 8th May, writes: A new mining plant has been set up at Broken Head, on the northern end of Seven-mile Beach, that was formerly very rich in gold, tin and platinum. A Sydney syndicate has just completed a plant, to treat the black sands for six or more kinds of minerals, which have a good market value. All previous work along this foreshore was confined to the recovery of gold and tin. It has now been found that minerals of equal value exist in the concentrates. Other parties are also working the beach sands. 806. BEER, ADOLF. Geschichte des Welthandels. 1864, Vienna, pp. 210-211. Short notice of the tin production in New South Wales and Queensland. 807. BENEDICT, WM. DE L. Tin in New South Wales. Min. Ind. for 1892, Vol. 1, 1893, New York, p. 443. Principal alluvial deposits in New South Wales are situated about 400 miles north of Sydney, on western slope of the great dividing range. Alluvial deposits said to be practically exhausted. Tin has been found in veins in the Emmaville district, the principal one being the Oetery mine. BROWN, A. SELWYN. See Nos. 1307 and 1308. 808. CARD, GEORGE W. Minerals of economic value, New South Wales (tin). Handbook to the Mining and Geological Museum, Sydney, 1902, Sydney, pp. 66-67, 113-115. General description of tin ore and its manner of occurrence, with a list of tin specimens in the museum at Sydney. 809. CARNE, J. E. The auriferous beach sands of the Esk River and Jerusa- lem Creek, in the parish of Esk County, Richmond, New South Wales. Rec. Geol. Surv. New South Wales., Vol. 5, 1898, Sydney, pp. 71-86. A number of assays of the sands are given, nearly all showing presence of tin. The possible sources of the gold, platinum and tinstone in the sands are: (1) The underlying Siluro-Devonian rocks which contain poor quartz reefs. (2) The Clarence coal measures. (3) Drifts under basalt, known to occur and to be slightly auriferous. (4) The basalt, doubtfully gold bearing. (5) The draining channels from New England 810. CLARKE, W. B. Leading article on mining containing a prognostication of the discovery of tin in New South Wales. April 16, 1849, Sydney Morning Herald. Not available to the authors. NO. 2 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TIN HESS 127 NEW SOUTH WALES (Continued) 811. . Mines and mineral statistics of New South Wales. May 7, 1853, p. 71. In author's report to the Colonial Secretary, he drew attention for the first time to the probable occurrence of extensive deposits of tin ore. He then stated that " wolfram and oxide of tin with tourmaline, occur near Dundee and in Paradise Creek, and it is probable that this ore of tin is plentifully distributed in the alluvial of other tracts as I have found it amidst the spinelle, rubies, oriental emeralds, sapphires, and other gems of the detritus from granite." 812. . Researches in the Southern gold fields of New South Wales, 1860. Tin, pp. 109, 12S. 813. . Anniversary Address. Trans. Proc. Roy. Soc. New South Wales, for 1873 (1874), Sydney, pp. 1-39. Address contains notes on tin in New South Wales. 814. . Remarks on the sedimentary formations of New South Wales, etc. Edition 3, 1875, Sydney, pp. 61, vertical sections. Digest: Geol. Rec. for 1875, London, p. 148. Tin mines of New South Wales and Queensland occur in Devonian rocks. 815. COGLAN, T. A. The wealth and progress of New South Wales for 1886- 1887. Sydney, 1887, pp. 82-84. Ibid., for 1890-1891 (1891), pp. 84-86. Ibid., for 1894 (1896), pp. 210-212. Ibid., for 1805-1896, Vol. 2, 1897, pp. 493-1023. 816. CONDEB, HARTWELL. The occurrence of stannite in Australasia. Austr. Mg. Stand., Vol. 40, 1908, Sydney and Melbourne, p. 577. Gives a description of stannite and mentions localities in which it has been found. States that it occurs in considerable quantity in the Conrad mines, New South Wales, and the Oonah Mine (Zeehan) and at Heemskirk, Tasmania. In the Conrad mine stannite occurs in a quartz vein cutting granite and is accompanied by argentiferous galena, zinc blende, chalcopyrite and arsenical pyrites. Cassiterite occurs in the granite, but rarely if ever in the vein. At Oonah stannite occurs with bismuthinite, wolframite, galena, pyrite, and zinc blende in a vein between quartzite and graphitic schist, and closely connected with galena deposits. Stannite at both places is argentif- erous. Discusses difficulties of treatment. 816a. COTTON, LEO A. The tin deposits of New England, New South Wales. Part 1, Proc. Linn. Soc. New South Wales, Vol. 34, 1910, Sydney, pp. 733-781, pis. 59-62, figs. 13, geol. map. Describes the country rocks in detail, the distribution of the lodes, their direction and causes of trend. The deposits are divided into eleven classes which do not appear to be very distinctive. The veins under the different classes are described and com- parisons made with occurrences in other countries. 817. Cox, HERBERT S. Tin deposits of New South Wales. Journ. Proc. Roy. Soc. New South Wales, for 1886, Vol. 20, 1887, Sydney, pp. 93-112, figs. 7. General description of both lode and alluvial deposits with geology of district. Accompanying minerals are wolframite, copper pyrites, arsenical pyrites, fluorspar (not in large quantities), tourmaline, fluorine bearing micas, and topaz; at Gulf mine, near Bendemeer, beryl forms a rock in which cassiterite is impregnated. In the Inverell district, diamonds, sapphires and zircons occur with stream tin. Cassiterite is iridescent at Silverton. 128 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 58 NEW SOUTH WALES (Continued) DAVIES, D. C. See No. 1317. 818. DAVID, T. W. Edgeworth. Geology of the Vegetable Creek tin-mining field, New England District, New South Wales. Dep. Mines Geol. Surv., New South Wales, No. 1, 1887, Sydney, pp. x and 169, figs. 12, and map. Review: Amer. Geol., Vol. 1, 1888, Minneapolis, p. 122. Gives a history of tin-mining in New South Wales; physiography, meteorology; geology; mineralogy, etc. Much of the country is covered by basalt up to 300 feet thick, averaging 200 feet. In places, stanniferous stream gravels covered by the basalt have to be crushed before the tin can be obtained. Siluro-Devonian sediments are intruded by quartz felsite dikes and granite, probably of Permian age. The tin deposits are associated with this granite. The stanniferous gravels both exposed and lava-covered are described in detail. Some of the stream tin is only 1/70 of an inch in diameter but shows sharp crystal edges. Sapphire, topaz, zircon, spinel, garnet, magnetite and ilmenite are found in the placers. Gold is also found in small quantities. Ninety veins and stockworks are described. Quartz is found in 69 veins; chlorite in 29; feldspar in 20; mica and arsenopyrite each in 8; pyrite and fluorspar, each in 4; tourmaline and wolframite, each in 3; zinc blende, galena, chalcopyrite, bismuth, molybdenite, vesuvianite and stilbite, each in 2; hematite, p3Trhotite, manganese, scheelite and beryl, each in one vein. The veins range up to 3 feet in thickness. Gold, silver, lead and copper occur in veins of the neighborhood. Silver is in commercial quantity. 819. DEPARTMENT of Mines, New South Wales, Annual Reports from 1875. Sydney. Since 1875, the Department of Mines of New South Wales has issued annual reports upon mines and minerals of the State, with the statistics of production and progress of the industry as shown by reports from the wardens of the various districts, mine inspectors and geologists. FAWNS, SYDNEY. See No. 1320. 820. GENTH, F. A. Contributions to mineralogy. Proc. Amer. Philos. Soc. Vol. 23, 1886, Philadelphia, pp. 30-31. Treats of some specimens of tin ore and their associated minerals from Aberfoil and Sam rivers, New South Wales. 821. GOWER, GEORGE H. Report on the Vegetable Creek tin field. Ann. Rep. Dep. Min. New South Wales, for 1874, Sydney, pp. 63-70. (With plan of the dressing machinery designed by W. H. Wesley.) 822. . New England and Clarence district. Vegetable Creek division. Ann. Rep. Dep. Mines New South Wales for 1876 (1877), Sydney, pp. 110-114, pis. 2, Giving progress of each mine of the district with total yield from 1872-1876; also a description of new machinery used for washing gravel for tin. 823. . Report on the New England and Clarence Mining District. Ann. Rep. Dep. Min. New South Wales, for 1878, Sydney, pp. 126-130 (with a sketch plan of the Vegetable Creek mining district, showing the approximate position of the creeks, and the localities of the principal mines working for stream tin under basaltic formation, and of the tin lodes. Scale: 4 miles to 1 inch). NO. 2 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TIN HESS 129 NEW SOUTH WALES (Continued) 824. . Report on the condition and prospects of the Vegetable Creek tin mining district for the year 1879. Ann. Rep. Dep. Min. New South Wales for 1879 (1880), Sydney, pp. 149-156. (With plan and section of Messrs. Wesley Bros, workings, two plans of machinery, and a table showing total yield of tin ore from the Vegetable Creek tin mining district.) 825. JAQUET, J. B. Tin bearing dykes (?) of Euriowie and Waukeroo. Geol. of the Broken Hill Lode and Barrier Ranges Mineral Fields, New South Wales, Mem. Geol. No. 5, 1894, Sydney, pp. 128-131, pi. 1. After general description of the ore and accompanying rocks, the following subjects are treated: Analogous occurrence of tin in Dakota; Huel Byjerkerno mine; Mount Euriowie mine; Badjerican mine; Calorla (Euriowie Tin-mining Co.); Barrier Bischoff mine; Thistle mine. 826. KJEBULF, TH., and BROGGER, W. C. Zinnsteinvorkommniss aus New South Wales. Neues Jahrb. Min., 1879, Stuttgart, pp. 566-567. 827. LIVERSIDGE, A(RCHIBALD). The minerals of New South Wales. Trans. Proc. Roy. Soc. New South Wales, Vol. 9, 1876, Sydney, pp. 177-179. Description of tinstone; its occurrence in veins and alluvial deposits, and the localities where found. 828. . Minerals of New South Wales. 1st edition, 1876, Sydney, pp. 25-27. 2d edition, 1882, Sydney, pp. 39-41. 3d edition, 1888, Sydney, pp. 76-84. Treats of: Tin (chemical composition, appearance, specific gravity of ores); tin deposits; localities. 829. . Map of the minerals of New South Wales. 1888, Sydney, pp. 3-32. Min. map. An alphabetical list of mineral localities, including the tin deposits of the state. 830. . On some New South Wales and other minerals. Journ. Proc. Roy. Soc. New South Wales, Vol. 29, 1895, Sydney, pp. 323-324. Analyses of some cassiterite crystals from Elsmore mine, Ittverell, New South Wales. Louis, HENRY. See No. 1340. 831. MINGAYE, JOHN C. H. Notes on the occurrence of platinum, gold and tin in the beach sands in the Richmond River district, New South Wales. Journ. Proc. Roy. Soc. New South Wales, Vol. 26, 1892, Sydney, pp. 368-370. Sand from the Richmond River district was examined and a few of the results obtained given. Tin was present in all the samples, but percentage was not determined in every case. 832. NEWLAND, D. H. Tin in New South Wales. Min. Ind. for 1902, Vol. 11, 1903, New York and London, p. 593, 250 words. Gives the tin output of New South Wales during 1902 and reviews conditions of mining. 833. . Tin in New South Wales. Min. Ind. for 1903, Vol. 12, 1904, New York and London, pp. 327-328. Gives the tin output of New South Wales during 1903 and notes that there was a marked increase in the use of dredges, the recovery by this means amounting to 244 long tons. Considerable abandoned ground has been worked profitably, owing to the increased price obtained for tin and to improved methods. 130 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 58 4 NEW SOUTH WALES (Continued) PHILLIPS, J. A., and Louis, H. See No. 1350. 834. PITTMAN, E(DWARD) F. Tin deposits of New South Wales. Published by the Government, giving a full description of the mines and methods of working. 1899. Not available to the authors. 835. . The mineral resources of New South Wales. Geol. Surv. New South Wales, 1901, Sydney, pp. 130-150, pis. 3, figs. 4. Tin: History of development, occurrence and places where mined. Largety a digest of T. W. E. Davids' " Geology of the Vegetable Creek Tin-mining Field." 836. PLUMMER, JOHN. Tin mining in New South Wales. Eng. Mg. Journ., Vol. 73, 1902, New York, p. 212. General description of tin deposits of New South Wales and a more detailed account of Vegetable Creek tin field, the leading one of the State. 837. . Mining in New South Wales. Mg. Journ. Railw. Comm. Gaz., Vol. 76, 1904, London, p. 375. Dredgers for tin not properly equipped for saving tin ore. 838. REID, G. H. An essay on New South Wales, the mother colony of the Australias. 1876, Sydney, pp. 72-73. A very brief sketch of the tin industry at that date. Tin production from 1872- 1875 given. REYEB, EDUARD. See No. 1354. 839. SLEE, W. H. J. Mineral deposits, etc., in New South Wales. Report of Mining Conference, New South Wales, 1896, p. 6. Not available to the authors. 840. STEPHEN, G. MILNER. Discovery of tin in New South Wales. Mg. Journ. Railw. Comm. Gaz., Vol. 42, 1872, London, pp. 45, 398. Also, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. London, Vol. 28, 1872, London, p. 42. Announcement by letter of great deposit of tin ore in district of New England. The tin ore is said to be in " pepitas crystals, and beds of conglomerate, especially in micaceous granite more or less decomposed." STOKES, RALPH S. G. See No. 730. 841. STONIER, G. A. Report on tin-bearing country in the county of Bourke. Mg. Journ. Railw. Comm. Gaz., for 1889 [1880], London, pp. 234-235. 842. TAYLOR, N. Report on the property of the Pheasant Creek tin syndicate, New England. New South Wales Leg. Ass. Papers, 1883-1884, 796-A, pp. 20-21. Not available to the authors. 843. THIBAULT, P. J. Tin mining in New South Wales. Austr. Mg. Stand., Vol. 33, 1905, Sydney and Melbourne, pp. 444-445, 465-466. Serial. " A summary review covering the period from 1900 to 1904 inclusive." 844. . Tingha tin dredging industry, New South Wales. Austr. Mg. Stand., Vol. 38, 1907, Sydney and Melbourne, pp. 128, 148-149, 174-175, 197-198, 222-223, 246-247, 265-266, 292. Illustrated. NO. 2 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TIN HESS 131 i NEW SOUTH WALES (Continued) Gives methods of dredging and results obtained by following companies: Melbourne Cope's Creek Tin Sluicing Co., Tingha Consolidated Tin Mines, Elsmore Tin Sluicing Co., The Tingha Tin Dredging Co., Cope's Creek Central Tin Dredging Co., The Amalgamated Tin Dredging Co., Cope's Creek Dredging Co. See No. 1644. 844a. TKENCHARD, H. G. Recovery of tin from alluvial deposits. Austr. Mg. Stand., Vol. 41, 1909, Sydney and Melbourne, pp. 37-38. " Notes on the stream sluicing plants at Tingha, New South Wales, for recovering tin from the abandoned workings and leads too poor for hand treatment." 845. ULRICH, G. H. P. Observations on some of the recent tin ore discoveries in New England, New South Wales. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. London, Vol. 29, 1873, London, pp. 5-11, figs. 2. Abstracts: Mg. Journ. Railw. Comm. Gaz., Vol. 42, 1872, London, p. 1105; Geol. Mag., Vol. 9, 1872, London, pp. 569-571. District described is in northern part of colony of New South Wales, almost immediately adjoining tin region of Queensland. 846. Changed to 578a. 847a. WILKINSON, C. S. Report on the discovery of tin and other metals in the Burra Burra district, between the Bogan and Lochan rivers. Queenslander, Vol. 12, 1876. Not available to the authors. 847b. . Report on tin bearing country, New England. New South Wales Leg. Ass. Papers, 1872, 181- A (Folio, Sydney, 1873. By authority), p. 10, pis. Not available to the authors. 847c. . Report on tin bearing country, district of Inverell. Enclosing Rev. W. B. Clarke's report on Geological Surveys, May 7, 1853, pp. 11, New South Wales Leg. Ass. Papers, 1872-1873, 176- A (Folio, Sydney, 1873. By authority). Not available to the authors. 847d. . Tin deposits of New South Wales. Iron, Vol. 3, 1874, London, pp. 267, 296, 325. 847e. . Tin deposits of New South Wales. Mg. Journ. Railw. Comm. Gaz., Vol. 44, 1874, London, p. 200. 847f. . Report of Progress (Vegetable Creek tin fields). Ann. Rep. Dept. Min. New South Wales for 1883 [1884], Sydney, pp. 148-152. 847g. . Report on mineral reserves, Molong district. (Gumble tin lodes.) Ann. Rep. Dept. Mines New South Wales, for 1886 [1887], Sydney, p. 132. 847h. . Report on tin lodes near Poolamacca, in the Silverton dis- trict, New South Wales. Ann. Rep. Dept. Mines New South Wales, for 1887 [1888], Sydney, pp. 141-144. 848. . Report on the Mount Euriowie tin properties, New South Wales, 1887. Not available to the authors. 132 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 58 NEW SOUTH WALES (Continued) 849. WILKINSON, C. S., and DAVID, T. W. E. Geological map showing the principal stanniferous leads in the Tingha and Elsmore districts, 1895. Scale, 80 chains to 1 in. Not available to the authors. 850. WOOD, HABRIE M. Tin. Min. Products of New South Wales, 1882, Sydney, p. 27, Ibid., 1887, p. 34. Brief very general articles upon the occurrence and production of tin in New South Wales. NEW ZEALAND 851. ANONYMOUS. Tin on Stewart Island (N. Z.). Austr. Mg. Stand., Vol. 18, 1900, Sydney and Melbourne, p. 310. A note stating that tin exists on Stewart Island in vein and alluvial deposits. The latter are worked in a small way at Half Moon Bay. The deposits are not extensive. 852. BELL, JAMES M. The salient features of the economic geology of New Zealand. Econ. Geol., Vol. 1, 1906, Lancaster, p. 750. " Cassiterite has been found in the form of ' stream tin ' in some of the streams amid the rugged hills of Stewart Island, and has been reported to occur actually in granite." Whole Reference. 853. BINNS, GEORGE J. Mining in New Zealand. Trans. Fed. Inst. Mg. Eng., Vol. 4, 1892-1893, Newcastle-upon-Tyne and London, p. 67. Tin ore has been known for some years in auriferous conglomerates at the base of the coal measures at Lankey's Creek, Reefton, Milford and Dusky sounds on the west coast of Otago. In 1888 tin ore was found in gravels, and in situ " associated with gneissic granitoid rocks " in the Remarkable Mountains, Stewart Island. Deposits small, climate wet. In April, 1892, stream tin was found in the gold wash at Humphrey's Gulley, near Hokitika, on the west coast of the South Island. FAWNS, SYDNEY. See No. 1320. 854. LAUNAY, L. DE. Les richesses mine"rales de la Nouvelle-Ze"lande. Ann. Mines, ser. 9, Vol. 5, 1894, Paris, pp. 549-550. 855. McKAY, ALEXANDER. On the geology of Stewart Island and the tin de- posits of Port Pegasus district. Reports of Geological Explorations during 1888-89, New Zealand Geological Survey, Publication No. 20, Wellington, 1890, pp. 74-86. Sketch map of tin fields of Pegasus Dist, figs. 6. Stream tin was found in shallow gravels with gold, but was not rich enough to work except with the gold. It averaged less than 1 ounce of stream tin to the " tin- dishful " (sic). In the Tin Range on Port Pegasus tin occurs in " quartz rock " 6 inches to 1 foot thick, with " mica rock " above and below. More wolframite than cassiterite is carried by the " quartz rock." Granular topaz, gahnite, sphalerite with " blue faces," and pyrites, accompany the cassiterite. NIGERIA 856. ANONYMOUS. Alluvial tinstone deposits of Northern Nigeria. Bull. Imp. Inst. Great Britain, Vol. 5, No. 2, 1907, London, pp. 179-183. Extract: Mg. World, Vol. 27, 1907, Chicago, p. 562. Description of alluvial tin deposits along the River Delime, tributary to Lake Tchad, 220 miles northeast of Lokoja. In highest land of Northern Nigeria. Country NO. 2 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TIN. HESS 133 NIGERIA (Continued) rock is gneiss cut by basalt, dolerite and pegmatite dikes. No tin ore is found in place. Metallic tii\ reported as native, is always near native furnaces. An analysis of a specimen of stream tin is given showing about 67 per cent SnOo. Ilmenite and some monazite and zircon occur with the stream tin. Gives an account of the native method of working stream tin. The Niger Co. in 1905 produced one ton of " black tin " per day. 857. DUNSTAN, WYNDHAM R. Tin ore from the Bautshi tin fields, Northern Nigeria. Imp. Inst. Tech. Rep. and Sci. Papers, London, 1903, p. 53. Same, Bull. Imp. Inst. Great Britain, Vol. 1, 1903, London, p. 21. Chemical examination of a tin specimen weighing 1 pound which came from a depth of 6 feet from the surface of a plain lying to the north of a range of hills about 70 miles southwest of Bautshi in Northern Nigeria. Analysis showed 81.30 per cent tin dioxide. Extent of deposit not known. 858. . Report on a series of mineral and vegetable products from Northern Nigeria. Colonial Reports (Miscellaneous), No. 26, 1904, London, pp. 17-18. Tin ore from the Tilde area about 15 miles southwest of Badika, also gravel carrying tin, from the River Gimpu, three miles west of Tilde, are analyzed and described. 859. . Reports on the mineral survey of Southern Nigeria for 1903- 1904 and 1904-1905. Colonial Reports (Miscellaneous), No. 33, 1906, London, pp. 22-29. Extract: Mg. Journ. Railw. Comm. Gaz., Vol. 78, 1906, London, p. 546. Digest: Eng. Mg. Journ., Vol. SI, 1906, New York, p. 992. Describes alluvial tin occurences of Uwet and Akwa-Ibama districts. Only the latter contained tin deposits rich enough to warrant working, but these are described as poor in comparison with other alluvial deposits. Associated with columbite, garnet, ilrnenite and tourmaline, with a small amount of quartz and occasionally magnetite. Conclusions drawn from examination are not of a definite character. 860. NicoLAus, R. C. Tin -deposits of Northern Nigeria. In tin deposits of the world, by Sydney Fawns. 1905, London, pp. 139-141. Written Dec. 1904. Found in the Naraguta and Shere Hills, outliers of the Gura Mountains In the - Badiko district, Province of Bauchi, 600 miles northeast of Lokoja, situated at the confluence of the Niger and Benue rivers. Occurs as coarse and fine stream tin along the Cimpy or Kogin-Delume (" river tin "). Hills of granite with intrusions of diabase and porphyry. Near river is a contact with coarse gray gneiss. Tin thought to come from stockworks in granite. Metallic tin in nodules about the size of a bean, thinly coated with Sn02, is found 15 feet below the surface of the gravels. Gravels said to average 36.66 pounds stream tin per ton. Smelted with charcoal in small local furnaces. The product is 99.40 tin. NORTH AMERICA See under Canada, Greenland, Mexico, Santo Domingo, United States and separate States. NORTHERN TERRITORY 861. ANONYMOUS. Tin at Port Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia. Mg. Sci. Press, Vol. 89, 1904, San Francisco, p. 273. A shipment of tin ore from Port Darwin is said to have carried 75 per cent tin and worth about 80 per ton, it is said this was taken from an area of ground not covering 25 yards (square), depth 4 feet. Open cut work; is below an outcrop of quartz thickly studded with tin ore. 134 SMITHSONIAN .MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 58 NORTHERN TERRITORY (Continued) 861a. PLAYFORD, E. C. Tin in Australia. Mg. Journ. Railw. Comm. Gaz., Vol. 85, 1909, Lorifion, p. 577. Notice of same. Eng. Min. Journ., Vol. 87, 1909, New York, p. 1272. Gives an account of, and outlook for a new discovery of alluvial tin at a place bearing the native name of Warra, close to Pine Creek, Northern Territory. Tin ore is black, with a little brown, ruby, amber and wood tin. Country rock consists of a gray granite and sandstone, with a little, quartz. Small amount of monazite has been found with tin. 862. TATE, RALPH. Report on the Northern Territory. Geol. Surv. South Australia, No. 63, 1882, Adelaide, p. 4, map. Two alluvial deposits have been located, along one of the tributaries of McKinlay River, and the head waters of a stream near Mt. Wells. The deposits are of compara- tively little importance. Neither of these deposits of tinstone seemed to be associated with granite. 863. TENISON-WOOD, J. E. Report on the geology and mineralogy of North- ern Territory. Geol. Surv. South Australia, No. 122, 1886, Adelaide, p. 7. Ore occurs in the form of reef tin. Is abundant and rich. Spread over wide area. Metalliferous country resembles that of Cornwall. " The Northern Territory may be emphatically pronounced to be a tin country." NORWAY BROGGEB, W. C. See No. 1596. PERAK See Malay Peninsula PERSIA 864. HENNECKE, LUDWIG. Die Bodenschatze Persiens. Zeitschr. Berg. Hiitt. Sal. preuss, Sta., Vol. 47, 1899, Berlin, pp. 272-274. Digest trans: Trans. Inst. Mg. Eng., Vol. 18, 1899-1900, London and Newcastle-upon- Tyne, p. 509. " Rich occurrences have been certified in many parts of Persia, of mercury, copper, tin, and antimony-ores, realgar, native sulphur, brown iron ore, manganese and cobalt-ores, kaolin, borax and alum." 865. MACTEAB, JAS. Some notes on Persian mining and metallurgy. Trans. Inst. Mg. Met., Vol. 3, 1894-95, London, pp. 2-3. . Quotes from a letter of Dr. Riach to Lord Palmerston in 1837 concerning a supposedly very large deposit of tin ore on Anngert Creek near the village of Juwaa, 60 miles northeast of Tabriz, but when visited in 1893 or 1894 by Mactear, nothing was known of the tin. PERU 866. ANONYMOUS. Nuevos yacimientos de estano y bismuto en el Peru. Bol. Soc. Nac. Min., No. 87, 1905, Lima, pp. 103-105. Extract: Mo. Bull. Int. Bur. Amer. Repub., Vol. 21, July, 1905, Washington, D. C., p. 131. Until recently tin ores were considered rare in Peru, the only deposits known to exist being those described by Prof. Raimondi in the district of Moho, Province of Huancane", Dept. of Puno. Mineral veins and veinlets containing tin were afterwards described by Carlos Posth as existing in quartz in the Pataoca and Accaobina spurs of the Andes in the Vilque district. Tin is now known to be widely distributed in Peru. Some specimens from Province of CajatambO;, were rich in metallic tin. NO. 2 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF . TIN HESS 135 PERU (Continued) 867. LARROUY, . L'industrie miniere au Perou en 1900. Ann. Mines, ser. 9, Vol. 20, 1901, Paris, p. 510. Extract of report by author. Tin ore is rare in Peru and no veins that would pay for working have been found; there is however, a vein of no importance at Huancane, Puno. 868. Changed to 171a. 869. POSTH, C. Estado actual de la mineria en el Depto. de Puno. Bol. Min. Indust. Constr., Ano 10, No. 8, 1894, Lima, p. 63. Notes the finding of stanniferous quartz veins in the Pataoca and Accoabina Moun- tains. Vilque district, Puno Department. 870. RAIMONDI, A. Minerales del Peru. 1878, Lima, pp. 168-170. A French translation was made by Martinet, J. B. H., " Mingraux du P6rou." 1878, Paris, pp. 187-189. Digest: Zeitschr. Kryst. Min., Vol. 6, 1882, Leipzig, p. 632. Amorphous cassiterite is found in small quantities in Moho district, HuancanS province. Describes a new mineral plumbostannite, a sulphide of lead, tin and antimony, discovered in same district. Occurs with zinc blende and quartz. PHILIPPINE ISLANDS 871. McCASKEY, H. D. Stream tin in Negros. Philippine Min. Ind., a separate from Min. Res. of the United States, 1905, Wash- ington, D. C., pp. 12-13. Reported that " large tin deposits of stream tin occur in Negros " but no details are given. [This report was later found to be erroneous. Authors.] PORTUGAL 872. ANONYMOUS. Tin mines in Sandinha, Portugal. Mg. Journ. Railw. Comm. Gaz., Vol. 80, 1906, London, p. 495. Brief note. Mines situated near Goes. Deposits included in old Cambrian schists, near granite. Quartz veins are impregnated with cassiterite and small quantities of pyrite and mispickel. See No. 1027. BECK, RICHARD. See No. 1299. 873. BBEIDENBACH, TH. Die Zinnerzlagerstatten Portugals. Gliick. Berg, hiitt. Zeit. Nied. Westph., 1893, Essen, pp. 1032, lOoO. Digest: Neues Jahrb. Min., 1894, II (Ref.), Stuttgart, pp. 429-430. BROWN, A. SELWYN. See Nos. 1307 and 1308. CALDER6N, D. SALVADOR. See No. 1029. D'ACHIARDI, ANTONIO. See No. 1313. 874. ESCHWEGE, W. VON. Bemerkungen iiber den Bergbau und Hiittenbetrieb in Portugal. Arch. Miner. Geogn. Bergb. Hiitt., Vol. 8, 1835, Berlin, pp. 221-222, 224. PAWNS, SYDNEY. See No. 1320. FUCHS, B., and LAUNAY, L. DE. See No. 1323. 136 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 58 PORTUGAL (Continued) 875. HEALE, JOSH. Tin in Portugal. Mg. Journ. Railw. Comm. Gaz., Vol. 44, 1874, London, p. 343. Report on the tin mines of Sao Martinho and Montesinhos in the Province of Tras os Monies. Louis, HENRY. See No. 1340. PHILLIPS, J. A., and Louis, HENBY. See No. 1350. QUEENSLAND 876. ANONYMOUS. Vulcan tin mine, Irvinebank, Queensland. Austr. Mg. Stand., Vol. 11, 1896, Sydney and Melbourne, p. 524. Digest: Trans. Fed. Inst. Mg. Eng., Vol. 10, 1S95, Newcastle-upon-Tyne and London, p. 590. Describes the Vulcan mine and states that it is the most productive tin mine in North Queensland. .877. . Mining in Queensland (gold, silver, tin, copper, coal and other minerals). The Queenslander, Vol. 51, March 27, 1897, Brisbane, p. 2. Not available to the authors. 878. . Tin in Queensland. Min. Ind. for 1900, Vol. 9, 1901, New York and London, p. 637. A short general review of conditions in the tin fields of Queensland during 1900. 879. . Tin in Queensland. Min. Ind. for 1901, Vol. 10, 1902, New York and London, pp. 639-640. Brief review of tin mining conditions during 1901. 880. . Queensland tin mining. Austr. Mg. Stand., Vol. 30, 1903, Sydney and Melbourne, p. 801. Particulars of a new find of rich tin ore in the neighborhood of Reid's Creek, Queensland, taken from " Wild River Times," Q. 881. . Tin mining in north Queensland. Mg. Journ. Railw. Comm. Gaz., Vol. 75, 1904, London, p. 602. Outlook for tin in Herberton district very encouraging. The Lancelot lode, in Silver Valley, 10 miles southwest of Herberton, has an average width of 2 feet, and has been exploited to a depth of 250 feet. Average per cent of tin in the ore is from 12 to 13 per cent. Concentrates contain 60 per cent metallic tin, 5 per cent bismuth and 5 per cent copper. Outputs from 1899 to 1903 of New South Wales and Queens- land given. 882. . Tin mining in Queensland. Mg. Jouvn. Railw. Comm. Gaz., Vol. 76, 1904, London, p. 113. Gives present conditions in tin mining and the production in the Herberton district. 883. . Dredging for tin at Stanthorpe. Queensland Gov. Mg. Journ., March 15, 1904, Brisbane, p. 103. " Shows Brisbane dredging plant." Not available to the authors. 884. . Queensland tin supply. Austr. Mg. Stand., Vol. 31, 1904, Sydney and Melbourne, p. 809. " Information concerning the output, which shows a marked increase." NO. 2 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TIN HESS 137 QUEENSLAND (Continued) 885. . The Vulcan tin mine, North Queensland. Eng. Mg. Journ., Vol. 82, 1906, New York, p. 155. Vulcan mine, Herberton district, North Queensland, has recently developed into one of the most important lode tin mines of the world. It surpasses, as producer and dividend payer, even the famous Mt. Bischoff mine. During 1905, production was at the rate of 130 tons of black tin per month. Description of mine is from report by Walter E. Cameron, Asst. Geol. of the Queensland mines department. 886. BABINGTON, ARTHUR. Herberton tin field. Austr. Mg. Stand., Vol. 10, 1899, Sydney and Melbourne, pp. 88-89, 129. " Information concerning these deposits in North Queensland, and their workings." 887. BAIN, W. H. The Tate tin mines. Austr. Mg. Stand., May 28, 1896, Sydney and Melbourne. " Description of the largest and most important of the stream tin mining properties now being worked in North Queensland." Not available to the authors. 888. BALL, LIONEL C. Crow's Nest tin deposits. Queensland Gov. Mg. Journ., Oct. 15, 1903, Brisbane. " Report on the geology and workings of tin deposits in Queensland." Not available to the authors. 889. . Notes on tin, copper and silver in the Stanthorpe District. Geol. Surv. Queensland, Pub. 191, 1904, Brisbane, pp. 9-21, pis. 1-8, plan and elevation 1. Also, Queensland Gov. Mg. Journ., July 15, 1904, 1st part. Brisbane. Notes on tin mining in the Stanthorpe district treat of pan- washing and cradling; ground sluicing; dredgers, and lode tin mining. 890. . Progress Report, 1904. Ann. Rep. Under-Secretary for Mines, Queensland, for the year 1904 (1905), Brisbane, pp. 155. "On the 7th January, I left Brisbane to investigate a discovery of tinstone on Brovina Creek, in the Gayndah district. Small quantities of the mineral were found to occur in one branch of the creek, but the prospects were not encouraging, and it is believed that work has now ceased." (Whole reference.) 891. . Gold, platinum, tinstone and monazite in the beach sands on the South Coast (Queensland). Geol. Surv. Rep., Queensland, Pub. No. 198, 1905, Brisbane, pp. 1-19, figs., pis. 1, 2. " At intervals along the Currumbin-Coolangatta Beach, the sands contain payable tin, accompanied by gold. The concentrates, however, assay very much lower than was expected, and the assays show that the work thus far done for tin has been at a loss, either owing to local poverty of the ground or to the escape of tinstone with the tailings. Nevertheless, the hope is entertained that the ground may yet be proved sufficiently rich for dredging." 891a. . King of the Ranges tin mine, Watsonville, N. Q. Queensland Gov. Mg. Journ., Vol. 10, 1909, Brisbane, pp. 228-232, illus. 891b. . Irvinebank Company's treatment works. Queensland Gov. Mg. Journ., Vol. 10, 1909, Brisbane, pp. 329-330, illus. Description of methods used for crushing, concentrating and smelting of tin ores at Irvinebank. BEER, ADOLF. See No. 806. BROWN, A. SELWYN. See Nos. 1307 and 1308. 138 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 58 QUEENSLAND (Continued) 892. CAMERON W( ALTER) E. Report on the Stannary Hills tin deposits. Queensland Gov. Mg. Journ., Vol. 1, 1900, Brisbane, pp. 190-191. Not available to the authors. 893. . Report on the Kangaroo Hills mineral fields, Queensland. Geol. Surv. Rep. Queensland, Pub. No. 167, 1901, Brisbane, pp. 1-11, pis. 8, geol. map 1. 894. . Report on the Cardigan (Queensland) Tin-Syndicate's Prop- erties, Thompson's Creek, and the Coolgarra Federal Corporation Limited, Leases, Herberton Mineral District, North Queensland. Geol. Surv. Rep. Queensland, Pub., No. 165, 1901, Brisbane, pp. 1-4. " The above syndicate has acquired a number of abandoned tin properties formerly worked for tin by the prospectors of the Herberton field. The object of this syndi- cate is to develop and work these leases in a more systematic manner than was possi- ble with the methods available to small parties of working miners." Each piece of leased property is described. 895. . The Herberton tin field. Geol. Surv. Rep. Queensland, Pub. No. 192, 1904, Brisbane, pp. 1-29, pi. 1 (geol. map.) Digest: Mg. Journ. Railw. Comm. Gaz., Vol. 76, 1904, London, p. 359. Describes the topography of the area, the geology and mining methods used. A short history of the region is given and the following districts are described: Herber- ton, Watsonville, Irvinebank, Eureka Creek, Koorboora, Newellton and Coolgarra. The Smith's Creek mine and the lodes on California Creek and Reid's Creek are also described. 896. . The Annan River tin field, Cooktown District. Gteol. Surv. Rep. Queensland, Pub., No. 210, 1907, Brisbane, pp. 27, map 1, pis. 14. Also, Queensland Gov. Mg. Journ., November, 1906, Brisbane. Abstract: Mg. World, Vol. 26, 1907, Chicago, p. 7. Tin occurs on Mt. Amos, Mt. Leswell, and at the Lion's Den in granite much altered and tourmalinised along joints. From these the alluvial deposits along the Annan River and its tributaries have been formed. Gives general description of claims. 897. CLELAND, W. LAUDEB. Tin dressing at Stannary Hills, North Queens- land. Trans. Austr. Inst. Mg. Eng., Vol. 12, 1907, Melbourne, pp. 154-164, pi. 1, figs. 2. Description of the mills and some of the principal machinery, also methods employed in dressing of tin ore. 898. CLOTTEN, E. Die Zinn- und Wolfram- Vorkommen von Nord-Queensland. Min. Mitth., n. f., Vol. 24, 1905, Wien, pp. 137-139. Digest: Neues Jahrb. Min., 1906, II (Ref.), Stuttgart, pp. 26-27. Alluvial tin was first discovered in Herberton district, North Queensland, " some- time ago," and afterwards rich deposits were found on Wild River. Older alluvial deposits were later discovered in the Herberton lowland, at Watsonville, Irvinebank, and still later, very rich and extensive tin ore deposits were found in Silver Valley near Herberton. The ores of these deposits contain on an average, 4 per cent of bismuth, 3 to 8 per cent of copper and considerable tungsten. The tin-bearing terri- tory has now been shown to extend over an area of 12,000 square miles. 899. CUSACK, W. G. KELLEY. Ravenswood fields. Ann. Rep. Under-Secretary for Mines, Queensland, for year 1904 (1905), Brisbane, p. 95. A short description of the tin camps on Running Creek is given, but nothing is said about the geology. NO. 2 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TIN HESS 139 QUEENSLAND (Continued) D'AcHiARDi, ANTONIO. See No. 1313. 900. DAINTREE, R. Tin in Queensland. Mg. Journ. Railw. Comm. Gaz., Vol. 42, 1872, London, pp. 680-690. Also, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. London, Vol. 28, 1872, London, pp. 301-302. At time of writing, discoveries were limited to drainage area of the upper part of the Severn River. These are swampy beds, intersected by numerous broad bars of granite. The alluvial beds vary in thickness from 3 to 20 feet. Outlook very encouraging; the greatest difficulty to overcome will be the swampy character of the ground, especially during the rainy season. DAVIES, D. C. See No. 1317. 901. DOWEL, W. S. The Herberton tin field. Austr. Mg. Stand., Nov. 17, 1898, Sydney and Melbourne. Serial. " Information concerning these lode tin deposits in Queensland." Not available to the authors. 902. DUNSTAN, B. Tin in Queensland. Ann. Rep. Under-Secretary for Mines, Queensland, for 1904 (1905), Brisbane, p. 149. The Lancelot Tin Mine at Silver Valley is described, and the general geology of the region is given. 9-03. . Monazite in Queensland. Geol. Surv. Rep. Queensland, Pub. No. 196, 1905, Brisbane, p. 11. Brief mention of cassiterite, found in the beach sands at the mouth of the Tweed River, with monazite. A concentrated sample yielded 54 per cent of tin. 904. . Stanhills tin fields, Queensland. Geol. Surv. Rep., Queensland, Pub. No. 211, 1907, Brisbane, pp. 21, maps 2, pis. 3. Country rock is altered granite, aplite and quartz-felsite. Cassiterite occurs in irregular masses of chlorite and quartz in granite; in quartz veins cutting quartz- felsite; in chlorite veins in quartz-felsite, granite and aplite; chlorite and greisen veins in granite. There are limited tin placers, and the Desert sandstone is tin- bearing, though in what way is not explained. The total yield is small. 905. . Stanhills tin fields. Geol. Surv. Rep., Queensland, Pub. No. 211, 1907, pp. 21. Queensland Gov. Mg. Journ., Vol. 9, 1908, Brisbane, pp. 285-288, map 1, pis. 3. Discusses the geology, the mines, the alluvial deposits and prospects of the Stan- hills district, Queensland. Cassiterite occurs in altered granite, or in close connection with granite, with much chlorite. Galena, zinc blende, chalcopyrite, and graphite occur with the tin. Alluvial deposits occur in the neighborhood around the head of Ten-mile Creek. 906. EDUNGER, W. Einige Bemerkungen iiber die Zinnerzlagerstatten des Herberton distrikts in Queensland. Zeitschr. prakt. Geol., Vol. 16, 1908, Berlin, pp. 275-279 and 340-343. I. Die primaren Lagerstatten, pp. 275-279. A description of the lode occurrences. II. Die Zinnseifen, pp. 340-343. Description of elluvial, alluvial, and fossil (" deep leads ") placers. FAWNS, SYDNEY. See No. 1320. 907. FKYAB, WM. The mineral resources of the colony of Queensland. Trans. Fed. Inst. Mg. Eng., Vol. .13, 1896-1897, Newcastle-upon-Tyne and London, pp. 358-359. Enumerates places where tin is found, but gives little more about tin deposits. 140 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 58 QUEENSLAND (Continued) 908. GREGORY, T. F. Tin in Queensland. Journ. Soc. Arts, Vol. 20, 1872, London, pp. 853-8.54. A communication from the Secretary of State for the Colonies to the Council in which he describes the stanniferous country geologically and gives its extent. 909. . A report on the tin discoveries in Queensland. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. London, Vol. 29, 1873, London, pp. 1-5. Abstract: Mg. Journ. Railw. Comm. Gaz., Vol. 42, 1872, London, p. 1105. Abstract: Geol. Mag., 1872, London, p. 569. Tin ore discovered in district situated about the head waters of Severn River and its tributaries, comprising area of about 550 square miles. District is described as an elevated granite tableland intersected by ranges of abrupt hills, some 3000 feet above sea. Richest deposits are found in beds of streams and in the alluvial flats along their banks. 910. HALDANE, A. C. Ann. Rep. Under-Secretary for Mines, Queensland, for 1897 (1898;, Brisbane, pp. 102-105. Progress in mining in the Herberton tin mining district is described. 911. . Herberton (Walsh and Tinnaroo) fields. Ann. Rep. of the Under-Secretary for Mines, Queensland, for 1904 (1905), Brisbane, pp. 68-71. 912. HORSLEY, SYDNEY. Report upon the Kangaroo Hills and Star River mineral fields. Ann. Rep. Under-Secretary for Mines, Queensland, 1904 (1905), Brisbane, p. 110. 913. HUME, W. C. Report on the Queensland tin fields. 1874, pp. 31. Not available to the authors. 914. JACK, ROBT. L. Report on the Wild River tin mines. Geol. Surv. Rep., North Queensland, Pub. No. 9, 1881, Brisbane, pp. 8-10, map 1. Reconnaissance report upon the tin mines in the vicinity of Wild River. 915. -> . On the Stanthorpe tin mining district. Geol. Surv. Rep., Queensland, Pub. No. 12, 1882, Brisbane, pp. 1-2. " As it will be necessary for me to return to the district and make a survey of the field, I confine myself, in the meantime, to putting on record in general terms, the -conclusions to which I have been led, and my strong faith in the probability of discovering payable deposits of ore in the rocks from which the vast stream deposits were originally derived." 916. . On the tin mines of Herberton, Western and Thompson's Creek districts and the silver mines of the Dry River. Geol. Surv. Rep., Queensland, Pub. No. 13, 1883, Brisbane, pp. 3-32, with geol. maps 2 and 6 plates of sections. Abstract: Eng. Mg. Journ. Vol. 37, 1884, New York, p. 353. The intimate connection of the tin deposits with metamorphosed igneous rocks is shown. The claims in the various districts are treated separately. 917. . On the tin mines near Cooktown. Geol. Surv. Rep., Queensland, Pub. No. G6, 1891, Brisbane, pp. 1-9. Geol. map and 2 sheet plans. Describes the mines of the region in detail. NO. 2 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TIN HESS 141 QUEENSLAND (Continued) 918. . The Kangaroo Hills silver and tin mines. Gcol. Surv. Rep., Queensland, Pub. No. 82, 1892, Brisbane, pp. 1-11, map 1. Describes the tin mines in the central area of the Kangaroo Hills, the unnamed lodes, the Mount Brown silver and tin mines and a group of mines near Running River crossing. LOCK, C. G. WABNFORD. See No. 1338. Louis, HENRY. See No. 1340. 919. MACDONALD, A. R. Ann. Rep. Under-Sccretary for Mines, Queensland, for 1895 (1896), Brisbane, pp. 124-126. The progress of tin mining in the -Herberton District during 1895 is epitomized. 920. . Ann. Rep. Under-Secretary for Mines, Queensland, for 1899 (1900), Brisbane, pp. 13-14. Reports on Herberton, Kangaroo Hills, Cooktown, Stanthorpe, Ravenswood, Palmer and Port Douglas districts. Herberton yield was largest for year. The reports are devoted to economic progress more than to geology. 921. . Ann. Rep. Under-Secretary for Min^s, Queensland, for 1900 (1901), Brisbane, . pp. 15-16. The reports of the wardens of the different mining districts, showing progress in tin mining are summarized. 922. Ann. Rep. Under-Secretary for Mines, Queensland, for 1904 (1905), Brisbane, pp. 8-10, 16-17. General review of tin mining throughout the Province during the year with statistics. The volume contains beside, descriptions by their respective commissioners of work done in the various districts. 923. . Tin mining in Queensland. Queensland Gov. Mg. Journ., Apr. 15, 1905, Brisbane. " Reviewing the condition of tin mining in Queensland." Not available to the authors. 924. . Under Secretary for Mines, The Queensland Mining Industry, Review of the year 1906. Queensland Gov. Mg. Journ., Vol. 8, 1907, Brisbane, pp. 111-113. An advance copy of the Annual Report, summarizing economic conditions in the tin mining districts. 925. MACLAREN, J. M. Report on Stannary Hills tin mines, Eureka Creek, Watsonville district (North Queensland). Geol. Surv. Rep., North Queensland, Pub. No. 146, 1900, Brisbane, pp. 1-2. Describes the geology, ores and working of the tin mines in the Stannary Hills. 926. MAITLAND, A. GIBB. On the Coolgarra tin mines and surrrounding dis- trict. Geol. Surv. Rep., Queensland, Pub. No. 72, 1891, pp. 1-5. With geol. map and plans. The geological features and the mines of the district are described. 142 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 58 QUEENSLAND (Continued) 927. MUNDAY, JOHN. Notes on tin mining in and around Herberton, North Queensland. Austr. Ass. Adv. Sci. Vol. 6, 1895, Sydney, pp. 375-381. Map 1. Reprint: Mg. Journ. Railw. Comm. Gaz., Vol. 66, 1896, London, pp. 990-991. Abstract: Eng. Mg. Journ., Vol. 59, 1895, New York, pp. 556-557. Tin is found both in massive and stratified rocks. Lode mining has been extended from Herberton as a center westward to Watsonville, Irvinebank, Eureka Creek and Koorboora, southwest to Coolgarra, Glenlinedale and California Creek. Alluvial ore occurs from Herberton to the Tate River and Fossilbrook, a distance of 80 miles. In the neighborhood of Herberton, the tin bearing rock is mostly porphyry at the out- crop, but of a granitoid structure in depth; hornblende is in places a constituent. Quotes R. L. Jack in describing tin bearing veins as metamorphosed dikes, probably originally diorite, now mainly of quartzose chlorite and quartzose serpentine. In depth veins develop more quartz. Ore is cassiterite, mostly in lenticular deposits, reaching a length of 40 and 50 feet, and in depth from a few inches to several hundred feet. Yield ranges from 5 to 40 per cent oxide. Wolframite, fluorspar, galena and molyb- denite occasionally accompany the tin. Alluvial tin is derived from open gullies and gravels now covered by lava. Ilmenite and gem stones sometimes accompany ore. 928. NEWLAND, D. H. Tin in Queensland. v Min. Ind. for 1902, Vol. 11, 1903, New York and London, p. 593. Brief summary of tin mining conditions in Queensland. 929. NEWMAN, G. H. Kangaroo Hills mineral field. Ann. Rep. Under-Secretary for Mines, Queensland, for 1904 (1905), Brisbane, pp. 82-84. The progress of tin mining in the Kangaroo Hills district during 1904 is summarized. 929a. NICHOLAS, C. E. Stannary Hills mines, N. Q. Queensland Gov. Mg. Journ., Vol. 10, 1909, Brisbane, pp. 552-554. Hlus. Reports for six months, April, 19D9, to September, 1909. PHILLIPS, J. A., and Louis, H. See No. 1350. REYER, EDUARD. See No. 1354. ROLKEB, CHAS. M. See No. 1357. 930. RUSSELL, MURRAY. Report on the Walsh and Tinaroo mineral field and Hodgkinson gold field. Ann. Rep. Under-Secretary for Mines, Queensland, for 1904 (1905), Brisbane, pp. 111-115. 931. SELLHEIM, P. P. Report of mining industry of Queensland for year 1895. 1896, Brisbane, pp. 32-34. Treats briefly the tin of Herberton and surrounding districts. 932. . Ann. Rep. Under-Secretary for Mines, Queensland, for 1896 (1897), Brisbane, pp. 102-104. Reviews tin mining during 1896 and shows that there was some reduction in the output. 933. SHORT, C. H. Stanthorpe and Pikedale fields. Ann. Rep. Under-Secretary for Mines, Queensland, for 1904 (1905), Brisbane, pp. 100-101. Notes on the mining progress of the Stanthorpe and Pikedale tin mining fields during 1904. NO. 2 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TIN HESS 143 QUEENSLAND (Continued) 934. SKERTCHLY, SYDNEY B. J. Report on the deep (tin) lead at Herberton. Geol. Surv. Rep., Queensland, Pub. No. 115, 1896, Brisbane, pp. 1-15, pis. 1-5. (Map, 1 inch=40 chains.) Discussion of geological conditions, history, and description of tin workings. 935. . Tin mines of Watsonville, and various tin, silver, copper and gold mines at Herberton, Montalbion, Irvinebank, Muldiva, Calcifer, Chillagoe, California Creek, Tate River, etc.; also geological notes on Myola, on the recovery of the lost lodes and on the copper plant. Geol. Surv. Rep., Queensland, Pub. No. 119, 1897, Brisbane, pp. 64, pis. 18, figs. 37. Describes various mines of the Watsonville district, with geology of the surrounding country. Gives statistics of the region. Notes tin ore that is phosphorescent when heated. Considers the tin mines of the region unsurpassed. 936. . On the geology of the country round Stanthorpe and Warwick, South Queensland, with special reference to the tin and gold fields, and the silver deposits. Geol. Surv. fcep., Queensland, Pub. No. 120, 1898, Brisbane, pp. 98, pis. 3, maps 2 and text figs. Gives a general article on tin showing distribution; output; percentage in ores of famous mines; table giving associated rocks, mineral, etc.; output; origin; minerals containing traces of tin. Thinks tin was deposited from solution. Detailed descrip- tion of mines. 937. STAINES, ARTHUR. Port Douglas district. Ann. Rep. Under-Secretary for Mines, Queensland, for 1904 (1905), Brisbane, p. 87. Report of mining progress in the Port Douglas tin mining fields during 1904. 938. STERLING, JAMES. Monograph on the geology and mining features of Silver Valley, Herberton, North Queensland, Australia. Two parts, 1905, Hamburg. Part I, pp. 41, 5 pp. geologic maps and sections, text figs. Part II, pp. 16, 1 p. of 35 figs. Part I deals with the geology and veins of a portion of the country adjacent to Dry River. Describes veins carrying silver, lead, tungsten, copper, bismuth and tin. Considers the mineral deposits of deep-seated origin. Part II deals with the microscopic characters of the rocks. 939. WEEDON, TIIORNHILL. Queensland, past and present. An epitome of its resources and development. 1898, Brisbane, pp. 252-253. Tin is found on the Pascoe River, at Bloomfield, on Palmer River, the Barren Waters, at Herberton including Irvinebank, on the Star River and at Stanthorpe. Mineral first discovered at Stanthorpe in 1872. Production and export value for each year from 1872 to 1896 given. Queensland is third amongst the seven colonies as a tin-producing district coming after New South Wales and Tasmania. 940. WILLIAM, J. VIVIAN. Tin production in Queensland. Mg. Journ. Railw. Comm. Gaz., Vol. 47, 1877, London, p. 601. Describes the mineral resources along Hopkinson and Palmer rivers, Queensland, and possible effect the tin deposits might have on the Cornwall tin trade. 940a. WILLIAMS, G. W. Tin mining and milling in North Queensland. Eng. Mg. Journ., Vol. 87, 1909, New York, pp. 1092-1094. Treats of mining conditions, describing operations of various companies of North Queensland. 144 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 58 RUSSIA 941. ANONYMOUS. Russische Bergwerksverhaltnisse. Berg. Hfitt. Zeit., Vol. 52, 1893, Leipzig, p. 328. Gives the tin production of Russia, also the amount imported for years 1888, 1889, 1890. 942. . Tin in Russia. Mg. Journ. Railw. Comm. Gaz., Vol. 81, 1907, London, p. 219. Translation from " Viestnik Frnansoff." The tin situation in Russia is serious, since the closing of the Pitkaranta tin smelter. Russia imported in 1904, 301,000 poods. Pitkaranta deposits are of little value. Recommends attention to deposits on Onon River, Trunsbaikal region, where the tin outlook is encouraging. BORGSTROM, L. H. See No. 1594. COTTA, BERNARD VON. See No. 1312. 943. FIEDLER, K. G. Ueber die alten Zinnstein-Gruben am Onon in Dauurien (Ononsky Priski Olowennoi Sawod). Arch. Miner. Geogn. Bergb. Hiitt., Vol. 12, 1839, Berlin, pp. 178-188. Digest: Neues Jahrb. Min., 1841, Stuttgart, p. 714. Tin deposits are located 87 " werst " from the junction of Onon and Ingoda rivers. Tin occurs in segregations in granite dikes cutting hornblende schists. Wolframite occurs with ore in some places. GADOLIN, S. A. See No. 1612. 94-1. GURNET, H. P. Notes on the geology of Finland. Trans. Fed. Inst. Mg. Eng., Vol. 15, 1898, Newcastle-upcn-Tyne and London, pp. 147, 152. Mentions the deposits of tin at Pitkaranta, on the northeastern shore of Lake Ladoga. Production is small. 945. HERMANN, R. Untersuchungen russischer Mineralien. Ueber das Vor- kommen von gediegenem Zinn in den Ural'schen Goldseifen. Journ. prakt. Chern., B. 33, 1S44, Leipzig, p. 300. 946. KEPPEN, A. DE. Apergu general sur 1'industrie mine'rale de la Russie. Ann. Mines, ser. 9, Vol. 5, 1894, Paris, pp. 233-234. Treats very briefly of tin in Finland. KOULIBINE, S. See Nbs. 1690, 1691 and 1692. 947. KRUSCH, P. Ueber sicht iiber die nutzbaren Lagerstatten Russlands. Zeitschr. prakt. Geol., 1897, Berlin, p. 277. States that lode tin is found at Pitkaranta, Finland, and that stream tin is found along the Onon River, Siberia. Louis, HENRY. See No. 1340. 948. NORDENSKIOLD, A. E. Beitrag zu Finnlands mineralogie. [Trans.] Ann. Physik. Chem., Vol. 101, 1857, Leipzig, pp. 625-642. Brief digest, Neues Jahrb. Min. 1858, Stuttgart, p. 467. Tin of Pitkaranta treated. See No. 1628a. PHILLIPS, J. A., and Louis, H. See No. 1350. NO. 2 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TIN HESS 145 RUSSIA (Continued) 949. Puscir, GEO. G. Kupfer- und Zinnerz-Bau am Ladoga-See; Geognosie Finnlands und von Petersburg. Neues Jahrb. Min., 1836, Stuttgart, pp. 197-199. A communication written Dec. 1835, giving an account of the tin occurrences in Finland. 950. ScHouLTz-AscHERADEN, G. VON. Die Kupfer- und Zinnerz-Lagerstatte zu Pitkaranta in Finnland. Berg. Hiitt. Zcit., Vol. 35, 1876, Leipzig, pp. 280-281. Mit. fig. 8 u. 9 auf Taf. 13. 951. STRUVE, H. VON. Tin in Russia. Neues Jahrb. Min., 1834, Stuttgart, p. 398. The announcement of a discovery of tin ore at PitkSiranta, communicated in a letter by H. von Struve. 952. TORNEBOHM, A. E. Om Pitkaranta malmfalt och dess omgifningar. Geol. For. Stockholm Forh., Vol. 13, 1891, Stockholm, pp. 324-325, map 1. Description of the tin of Pitkaranta, Finland. 953. TRUSTEDT, OTTO. Die Erzlagerstatten von Pitkaranta am Ladoga-See. Bull. Com. Geol. de Finland, No. 19, 1907, Helsingfors, pp. 333, with geol. map 1, pis. 19 and text figures 80. Pp. 140-151, and others. Reviewed by Knopf, Adolph, Econ. Geol., Vol. 3, 1908, Lancaster, pp. 540-542. " This monographic report of ore deposits of Pitkaranta, is interesting from three standpoints: As a study of contact, metamorphism ; as an investigation of pre- Cambrian ore-deposits in highly metamorphic rocks, and as an 'application of magnetometry to the location and computation of iron-ore reserves. " Briefly, Pitkaranta is characterized as an iron-ore district locally rich in copper and tin ores. The latter deposits are quite fully treated." SANTO DOMINGO 954. GARSTON. E. M. DE. Mineral Resources of the Dominican Republic. Mg. Journ. Railw. Comm. Gaz., Vol. 83, 1908, London, p. 682. States that " Tin deposits are said to exist in Seybo and in the Higuei, Province of Seybo." Quoted from a British Consular Report. SCOTLAND FAWNS, SYDNEY. See No. 1320. 955. PLETT, J. S., and CLO'UGH, C. T. Tinstone in Scotland. Mem. Geol. Surv., Summ. Progr. Geol. Surv. United Kingdom and Mus. Pract. Geol. for 1903 (1904), London, pp. 2, 59-60. First recorded occurrence of tinstone in Scotland. Occurs with magnetite. No indication that it occurs in any quantity. SIAM 956. ANONYMOUS. A note on mining in Siam. A reprint from the copyright publications of the Royal Commission for the Louisiana Purchase Exposition. Published by Mining Department of Siam, 1904, pp. 3-4. Gives a list of the districts in which alluvial tin is mined, and states that the possibilities of tin mining in Siam are large. 146 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 58 SIAM (Continued) 957. . Mining in Siam. Eng. Mg. Journ., Vol. 79, 1905, New York, p. 190. Probably taken from the Siamese Louisiana Purchase Exposition Publication. See No. 960. Tin is the only metal, the working of which is of any importance in Siam. Deposits of importance are derived from, and lie adjacent to, the great granitic range which forms the boundary between central Siam and Tenasserim, and the backbone of the Malay Peninsula. 958. . Tin mining in Siam. Echo des Mines, April 29, 1907. Quoted in Mg. Journ Railw. Comm. Gaz., Vol. 81, 1907, London, p. 593. Tin mined principally in the provinces of Puket and Kedah. Annual production about 5000 tons. Vast district yet unexplored, which probably contains considerable mineral wealth. 959. BLEWETT, JASPER. Tin mining in the Straits Settlement. Eng. Mg. Journ., Vol. 22, 1876, New York, p. 156. An account of the tin mining on Junk-Seylon or Salanga, an island on the coast of Lower Siam. 960. CABTEB, A. CECIL. Editor. The kingdom of Siam. Published by the Ministry of Agriculture for Louisiana Purchase Exposition, 1904, New York, pp. 241-243, 500 words. Small amounts of tin are found in the valley of the Nam Sak River. Tin placers are worked in the following provinces: East Coast Ratburi, Bangtaphan Langsuan, Chaija, Bandon, Lakon, Jalar, Rangeh, Rahman, Kelantan, Tringanu. West Coast- Era, Renong, Takupar, Panga, Takuatung, Puket, Trang, Stul, Perlis, Kedah. Annual production about 5000 long tons, valued at $3,000,000. Puket Island on the West Coast is the most important field. Most promising for future developments are Kedah Rahman, Jalar, Takuatung and Renong. Work mostly in hands of Chinese. One American, one English, and one Dutch firm at work. There is an enormous field for the expansion of the tin-mining industry in the Siamese possessions in the Malay Peninsula, D'ACHIARDI, ANTONIO. See No. 1313. FAWNS, SYDNEY. See No. 1320. 961. FISCHER, H. Ueber siamesische Mineralien. Neues Jahrb. Min., 1882, H, Stuttgart, p. 196. Tin is the most important mineral of Siam. Alluvial tin is found in provinces of Xalang, Xaija, Xumphon, Rapri and Pak-Phrek. REYER, EDUARD. See No. 1354. 962. SCOTT, H. G. A note on mining in Siam. Mg. Journ. Railw. Comm. Gaz., Vol. 76, 1904, London, p. 185. Practically the same as No. 960 from which it seems to be largely taken. See also Laos. SIBERIA 963. ANONYMOUS. Tin in Siberia. Min. Ind. for 1900, Vol. 9, 1901, New York and London, p. 640. Notes recent discoveries of tin on the Onon River. NO. 2 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TIN HESS 147 SIBERIA (Continued) 964. . Zinnerzlager in Ost-Sibirien. Zeitschr. prakt. Geol., 1901, Berlin, p. 245. Brief digest: Eng. Mg. Journ., Vol. 71, 1901, New York, p. 240, taken from " Engineering," London. Notice of the deposits of tin in Province Transbaikalien, near Onon River and tributaries. Its situation is fortunate, being easy of transportation, and nearness to the forest facilitates working. D'ACHIABDI, ANTONIO. See No. 1313. PAWNS, SYDNEY. See No. 1320. 965. FONIAKOFF, ANTONIN. The gold deposits of Siberia. Trans. Fed. Inst. Mg. Eng., Vol. 7, 1894, Newcastle-upon-Tyne and London, pp 447, 466, 479. For more than a century and a half in the Transbaikal, silver, gold, lead, iron, copper, mercury and tin have been worked. 966. . Les richesses minieres de la Siberie. Rev. Univ. Mines Met. Trav. Publ. Sci. Arts Appl. Indust, ser. 3, Vol. 29, 1895, Liege and Paris, p. 129. 967. GLASSES, E. Note sur les richesses minSrales de la Siberie et sur 1'etat actuel de leur exploitation. Ann. Mines, ser. 9, Vol. 18, 1900, Paris, p. 53, maps. Mentions that tin is found in the valley of the Onon. 968. HERMANN, R. Sur 1'etain natif. Extrait: Journ. prakt. Chem., Vol. 33, 1844, Leipzig, p. 300. Ann. Mines, ser. 4, Vol. 8, 1845, Paris, p. 660. M. Hermann indique la presence de 1'etain natif avec Tor, dans les lavages d'or de la Siberie. II s'y trouve sous la forme de petits grains: metalliques gris qui sont de 1'etain allie d'un peu de plomb. Ces grains sont du reste peu abondants. [Whole extract.] JEBEMEJEV, P. See No. 1622. 969. KEPPEN, A. Mineral wealth of Siberia. Industries of Russia, Vol. 4, 1893, St. Petersburg, pp. 30-31. (For the World's Columbian Exposition at Chicago. Trans, by J. M. Crawford.) Reprint: Mg. Journ. Railw. Comm. Gaz., Vol. 65, 1895, London, p. 243. Deposits of tin are known only in Finland and Baikal province of Siberia. Produc- tion under 20 tons. Since yearly demand of Russia is over 100,000 poods, internal production is utterly insufficient for home consumption. 970. KOEZOUKHINE, J. A. Gisements de minerals d'etain sur la Riviere Onon. Bull. No. 4, Soc. Ing. Mines, 1899, St. Petersburg, pp. 22-35. Digest: Trans. Inst. Mg. Eng., Vol. 17, 1900, London and Newcastle-upon-Tyne, pp. 642-646. " With the exception of Pitkaranta, where the production of tin is insignificant, the only Russian deposits of cassiterite are in the territory of the Transbaikal, on the River Onon and its affluents." 971. REONTOVSKI, . Les gisements miniers de la Siberie. (Bulletin) Rev. Univ. Min. Met. Trav. Publ. Sci. Arts Appl. Indust., ser. 4, Vol. 12, 1905, Paris and Liege, p. 204. Les gisements de cassiterite sont connus dans la vallee de la Riviere Onon, en Transbaicalie. Leur exploitation exige une preparation mecanique importante. 148 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 58 SOUTH AMERICA See under Argentine Republic, Bolivia, -Chili, French Guiana, Peru. SOUTH AUSTRALIA 972. ANONYMOUS. Tin in South Australia. Min. Ind. for 1900, Vol. 9, 1901, New York and London, pp. 637-638. Discovery of tin ore near Erea Dam, in quartz vein, reported. Prospects seem encouraging. 973. BEOWN, H. Y. L. Report on the Koetong tin field, Wodonga district. Reports of the Mining Surveyors and Registrars, 1873, (App. A.), Melbourne, p. 42. Quoted in Mg. Journ. Raihv. Comm. Gaz., Vol. 43, 1873, London, p. 1220. Tin-field comprises large area between Murray and Mitta-mitta rivers. Bed rock is granite of various kinds, mostly coarse with black and white mica in large plates. Deposit varies from few inches to 2 or 3 feet thick. Wash dirt made up of boulders and angular fragments of granite and quartz. Ore is disseminated all through wash, and also in layers, but more plentiful on or near bed rock. No lodes of workable size found. Lists of principal claims given. 974. . Report on the gold discovery at Tarcoola, the Enterprise Mine, the Earea Dam tin find and the Mount Gunson copper mine. Rec. Mines, South Australia, 1900, Adelaide, p. 6. The tin discovery is situated !*/& miles south of Earea Dam, on a mud lake where the surface sand and loam have been eroded, and expose granite, diorite and other hornblendic rocks containing quartz. A dishful of the alluvial soil over the tin vein outcrop yielded 1 pound, 10 ounces of tin; on being smelted, it gave 1 pound tin or 90 per cent. Prospectors have sunk in the quartz veins, but would probably meet with more success in prospecting for alluvial tin. FAWNS, SYDNEY. See No. 1320. SOUTH DAKOTA 975. ANONYMOUS. The Black Hills of Dakota. [Tin ore.] Eng. Mg. Journ., Vol. 36, 1883, New York, p. 111. A communication from one who had visited the mines. 976. . Tin in the Black Hills. Eng. Mg. Journ., Vol. 38, 1884, New York, p. 358. Editorial: Brief review of the effect of Prof. Chas. A. Schaeffer's paper, " Note on tantalite and other minerals accompanying the tin ore in the Black Hills." Trans. Amer. Inst. Mg. Eng., Vol. 13, 1884-1885, New York, pp. 231-233. 977. . An immense tin deposit. Mg. Sci. Press, Vol. 48, 1884, San Francisco, p. 34. A very enthusiastic and exaggerated account of a recent tin discovery in the Black Hills. Statements are made that discovery will " revolutionize the trade." " Deposits are so vast as to be able to supply the whole world for centuries." 978. - . The tin mines of Dakota. Eng. Mg. Journ. Vol. 42, 1886, New York, pp. 325-326. Editorial on the outlook of the Dakota tin mines. NO. 2 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TIN HESS 149 SOUTH DAKOTA (Continued) 979. . The waning probabilities of finding paying mines in Dakota. Eng. Mg Journ., Vol. 48, 1889, New York, p. 312. About 500 words. Editorial on the effort of Harney Peak Tin-mining Co., to boom their mines. The company has induced many English, and are now endeavoring to induce the French to invest in stock. 980. . Nigger Hill tin district (South Dakota). Eng. Mg. Journ., Vol. 50, 1890, New York, p. 555. Short account of the finding of stream tin in the placer gold; excitement aroused; forming of companies; working of deposits. 981. . The Harney Peak tin deposits. Mg. Journ. Railw. Comm. Gaz., Vol. 62, 1892, London, pp. 1210-1215. Illus. General description of the property, when and how tin was discovered in the Black Hills, the opinions of experts, present position of the properties and their possible future. 982. . The Harney Peak tin mines. Mg. Journ. Railw. Comm. Gaz., Vol. 62, 1892, London, p. 1357. Extract from " Hill City Tin Miner," of Nov. 18, 1892, detailing the working of the new mill. 983. . The tin ore concentrating plant at Harney Peak, South Dakota. Eng. Mg. Journ., Vol. 54, 1892, New York, pp. 102-104. Reprint: Ann. Rep. Seer. Min. Wat. Supp. of Victoria for 1892 (1893), Melbourne, p. 52. Two pages devoted to plans of Harney Peak tin ore concentrating mill. Article describes methods used and results obtained. 984. . Tin at Nigger Hill, South Dakota. Mg. Sci. Press, Vol. 89, 1904, San Francisco, p. 19. The Tinton Co., on Nigger Hill, Lawrence Co., South Dakota, has the distinction of being the only concern in America at present, crushing and concentrating tin ore. Ore occurs in large dikes of coarse granite, similar to that in Harney Peak region. 985. . Tin in United States. Mg. Sci. Press, Vol. 89, 1904, San Francisco, p. 385. Illus. The Nigger Hill-Bear Gulch region on the South Dakota- Wyoming line has received much encouragement in the development of the industry. The Tinton Tin Co., has been operating a small concentrating plant. Cassiterite occurs in dikes of granite of very coarse crystallization. 986. . South Dakota. Mg. World, Vol. 22, 1905, Chicago, pp. 412-413. A stamp mill and tin concentrating plant which have been erected will treat tin and gold ore taken from a shaft 500 feet deep which has been sunk on the old Gertie property. 987. . Tin in Dakota. Eng. Mg. Journ., Vol. 79, 1905, New York, p. 469. Brief account of recent discovery of tin ore at Tinton, Lawrence Co., S. D. 987a. . Tin mining in South Dakota. Eng. Mg. Journ., Vol. 88, 1909, New York, p. 828. Short description of tin mill of Tinton Milling Co., Tinton, S. D. 988. BAILEY, GILBERT E., and RIOTTE, E. N. Harney Peak Tin Mining, Milling and Manufacturing Company. 1886, New York, pp. 77. Reports on the property of the company. 150 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 58 SOUTH DAKOTA (Continued) BECK, RICHARD. See No. 1299. 989. BENEDICT, WAI. DE L. Prof. Vincent's estimates of possible profits of the Harney Peak tin mines (Dakota). Eng. Mg. Journ., Vol. 48, 1889, New York, pp. 358-359. A brief review and criticism of Prof. Vincent's report on the mine. 990. . Tin in South Dakota. Min. Ind. for 1892, Vol. 1, 1893, New York and London, pp. 453-455. Short account of the discovery of tin and the early history of development. 991. BLAKE, W(ILLIAM) P. The discovery of tinstone in the Black Hills of Dakota. Eng. Mg. Journ., Vol. 36, 1883, New York, pp. 145, 163-164, 344; Vol. 38, August 2, 1884, p. 69. Summary: Amer. Journ. Sci., ser. 3, Vol. 26, 1883, New Haven, p. 235. Same material in Min. Res. U. S. for 1883-1884, U. S. Geol. Surv., Washington, D. C., pp. 592-640. Reviews occurrence of tin in U. S. Special description of Black Hills occurrence. Notes on foreign occurrences. A good paper. 992. . Tin ore of the Etta mine, Dakota. Eng. Mg. Journ., Vol. 38, 1884, New York, p. 69. An addition to author's article of September of year before. The accompanying minerals are named and briefly described. 993. . Columbite and tantalite with the tin ore of the Black Hills. Eng. Mg. Journ., Vol. 38, 1884, New York, p. 376. Interesting communication explaining the difficulty occasioned by Prof. Schaeffer's analysis of a sample sent to him for examination. It was not sent as tin ore, but as a specimen to be analyzed, the nature of which the superintendent wished to know. It was analyzed as tantalite and from this went abroad the report that there was no tin ore, but tantalite, in the Black Hills. 994. . Tin ore in the Black Hills, Dakota. Min. Res. of U. S. 1883-1884, U. S. Geol. Surv., 1885, Washington, D. C., pp. 602-613. Treated under following subjects: The discovery of tin at the Etta mine; geological horizon; development work at the Etta mine; concentric structure of the Etta vein; varieties of ore at the Etta claim; greisen rock carrying tinstone; percentage of tin in the greisen; Bob Ingersoll claim; western slope of Harney range; tin discovered at Dogtown; area of the tin region; stream tin in Dakota. An excellent account of the geology and development of the Black Hills tin district. 995. . Tin ore veins in the Black Hills of Dakota. Trans. Amer. Inst. Mg. Eng., Vol. 13, 1885, New York, pp. 691-696. Digest: Oest. Zeitschr. Berg. Hiitt., Vol. 33, 1885, Wien, p. 302. Treated under: Structure of the Etta vein; percentage of black tin in the ore; minerals associated with the tin ore; extent of the tin region; contemporaneous origin of the ore and rock. 996. . Tantalite and columbite in the Black Hills of Dakota. Trans. Amer. Inst. Mg. Eng., Vol. 13, 1885, New York, pp. 696-697. " There are two localities where the mineral (tantalite or columbite) is found in the same dike or vein as the cassiterite: (1) at the Etta mine; (2) at the Bob Ingersoll claim." Gives observations upon the occurrence of the minerals with the tin ore. States that one mass of columbite or tantalite from the Ingersoll claim weighed approxi- mately, 2000 pounds. (Digest by Cleophas C. O'Harra.) NO. 2 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TIN HESS 151 SOUTH DAKOTA (Continued) 997. . Cassiterite, spodumene and beryl in the Black Hills, Dakota. Amer. Journ. Sci., Vol. 26, 1883, New Haven, p. 235. Brief review: Neues Jahrb. Min., 1885, II (Ref.), Stuttgart, p. 4. A short description of the manner in which tin ore occurs in the Black Hills. 998. CARPENTER, FRANKLIN R. Tin in the Black Hills. Preliminary Report Dakota School of Mines, upon the Geology, Mineral Resources and Mills of the Black Hills of Dakota, 1888, Rapid City, pp. 133-166, figs. 2. The paper is divided into two parts: 1. Relating to the Black Hills tin. 2. Relating to the subject of tin generally. The occurrence of tin in the Black Hills, including its geology, extent and mode of treatment, also information compiled from the works of others that may be of benefit to the mining prospector and mining companies preparing to work deposits. A number of assays are given. 999. . Ore deposits of the Black Hills of Dakota. Trans. Amer. Inst. Mg. Eng., Vol. 17, 1889, New York, pp. 570-598, colored map, fig. 1. Practically same thing in Min. Res. U. S. for 1888, U. S. Geol. Surv. 1890, Wash- ington, D. C., pp. 149-156. General statement of occurrence of tin ore. Mentions presence of mineral autunite. Says that when all three constituents of granite are present no tin is found. Any two get tin. Mentions galena, graphite, barite, ilmenite as accompanying minerals. Thinks both granite and tin are deposited by solutions. Says tin has been found near veins in the country rock. Not very reliable paper. L. C. Graton. 1000. . Tin in the Black Hills. In Pa-Ha-Sa-Poh, or the Black Hills of South Dakota, by Rosen, Peter, 1895, St. Louis, pp. 636-645. Gives an account of the discovery, the occurrence and character of the veins and the accompanying minerals, and likens the veins to those of Zinnwald. 1001. . Tin in the Black Hills, South Dakota. Mg. World, Vol. 25, 1906, Chicago, pp. 600-601. Sketch showing formation of the Black Hills' tin deposits. The writer believes with increased price of tin and improvements in mining ma- chinery, that tin mining in Black Hills will yet be an industry that will rank second to gold mining of that section. CARPENTER, F. R., and HEADDEN, W. P. See No. 1466. 1002. CHANCE, H. M. Resources of the Black Hills and Big Horn Country, Wyoming. Trans. Amer. Inst. Mg. Eng., Vol. 19, 1891, New York, pp. 49-58. Read New York meeting September, 3890. Gives result of an examination made in 1887-1888 of the country lying between the Black Hills and Big Horn Mountains. Refers briefly to the structure, resources and scenery of the Hills. Thinks there will be a considerable output of tin from the southern hills, especially from about Custer City. 1003. CLAYPOLE, E. W. Tin islands of the northwest. Amer. Geol., Vol. 9, 1892, Minneapolis, pp. 228-236. Detailed account of geologic history of Black Hills with only short space devoted to tin. Thinks granite masses are segregated veins, since they conform with the schists. 1004. DAY, DAVID T. Tin. Min. Res. U. S. for 1887, U. S. Geol. Surv., 1888, Washington, D. C., pp. 134-137. 152 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS' VOL. 58 SOUTH DAKOTA (Continued) A review of work done and tin mines opened in the Black Hills, Dakota. " Cleve- land " mine was selected for heaviest operations. Hoisting plant and suitable build- ings have been erected. Three tons of stream tin and 250 pounds of metallic tin have been shipped. 1005. . Dakota tin mines. Min. Res. U. S. for 1888, U. S. Geol. Surv., 1890, Washington, D. C., pp. 144-156. Review: Neues Jahrb. Min., 1891, II (Ref.), Stuttgart, 237-238. Present outlook reported as very encouraging. Character of veins; analyses of cassiterite from veins; percentage of black tin in the rock; treatment of the ore; yield of metallic tin. 1006. EMMENS, STEPHEN H. Tin in South Dakota, Eng. News Amer. Railw. Journ., Vol. 2S, 1S92, New York, pp. 208-309. Author gives what seems to be a careful and apparently unprejudiced statement concerning the South Dakota tin. 1007. GARRISON, F. LYNWOOD. Tin in the Black Hills. Eng. Mg. Journ., 'Vol. 78, 1904, New York, p. 830. Review of work done. Geology of the district. 1008. HEADDEN, WM. P. Notes upon the history of the discovery and occur- rence of tin ores in the Black Hills of South Dakota. Proc. Colorado Sci. Soc., Vol. 3, 1890, Denver, pp. 347-350. A good article upon the general geology of the deposits. Thinks there are two kinds of deposits: (1) original in the granites; (2) secondary in quartz veins. Says the granite (i. e. pegmatite) is pre-Cambrian. " States that the earliest identification of tin from the Black Hills was in 1876 by Mr. Richard Pearce of Denver, Colo., who detected cassiterite as stream tin in gold dust from the Northern Hills. The second discovery was made on Elk Gulch, southern section, in April, 1877. The material from the latter place was assayed by Theo. Vosburg, but the true nature of the bullion was first recognized by Mr. Fred J. Cross. Dates of various other discoveries and re.marks on the general geology of the region are also given." (Digest by Cleophas C. O'Harra.) -. See No. 1616. 1009. HESS, FRANK L. Tin, tungsten and tantalum deposits of South Dakota. U. S. Geol. Surv. Bull., 380, 1909, Washington, D. C., pp. 131-163, text fig. 1. Abstract: Mg. World, Vol. 31, 1909, Chicago, pp. 457-460. Cassiterite occurs in the southern Black Hills in pegmatite dikes and in quartz veins. The quartz veins also carry important amounts of wolframite which some- times forms beautiful intergrowths with light colored cassiterite. Many other minerals occur in the pegmatites with the cassiterite, including spodumene, ambly- gonite, lepidolite, apatite, tantalite, columbite, pyrite, arsenopyrite, chalcopyrite, tourmaline, etc., but there is little or no fluorite, topaz, or axinite. The dikes which carry most tin are the finer-grained and carry the least number of accessory minerals. The quartz veins are probably a later phase of the same intrusions which formed the pegmatites, and the two grade into each other. In the northern Black Hills, at Tinton, tin occurs in pegmatites, similar to those in the southern Hills, but with fewer accessory minerals. HOFMAN, HEINRICH O. See No. 1506. 1010. IRVING, JOHN DUER. Economic resources of the Northern Black Hills. U. S. Geol. Surv., Prof. Paper No. 26, 1904, Washington, D. C., pp. 95-97. NO. 2 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TIN HESS 153 SOUTH DAKOTA (Continued) Gives a short history of the discovery of tin in the Black Hills and the efforts to mine it. States that cassiterite occurs at Nigger Hill in Cambrian pegmatitic granite which is an inclusion in Tertiary acid porphyry. Columbite, tantalite, tour- maline, and wolframite 'accompany the cassiterite. The cassiterite is irregularly dis- tributed through the granite, nnd may possibly be mined on a small scale at a profit. ' Says topaz accompanies stream tin in the creeks of the area. 1011. . The ore deposits of the Northern Black Hills. Mg. Rep. Vol. 50, 1904, Denver, pp. 430-431. Some tin occurs in the Algonkian schists. " The tin ore also occurs in placers as stream gravels, derived from disintegration of the country rock containing tin. The cassiterite in these gravels is but little rounded and differs in its black color from the reddish brown type of stream tin." See No. 1010. 1012. M , H. Tin mines in the Black Hills of Dakota. Mg. Journ. Railw. Comm. Gaz., Vol. 61, 1891, London, p. 694. Extracts from report of English Consul at Chicago. Speaks of tin outlook as very encouraging from various reports of experts. Describes deposits chief of which are found in Custer and Pennington counties, as veins, varying from a foot to more than 300 feet in width, and in length from a few yards to 5 miles. . Outcrops are from a few feet to 150 feet above surface. Abundant fuel at hand. 1013. MORSE, ARTHUR J. The Harney Peak tin mines. Eng. Mg. Journ. Vol. 58, 1894, New York, p. 463. Summarj' of surface developments. Says surface indications are not borne out in depth. Describes and gives illustration of pinching out of " greisen " band, and says quartz veins de the same. 1014. O'HARRA, CLEOPHAS C. The mineral wealth of the Black Hills (South Dakota). Tin. South Dakota, Geol. Surv. Bull. No. 3, Mineral Resources of South Dakota, 1902, Vermillion, pp. 62-67. Gives a general sketch of the geology of the Black Hills and describes the occur- rence of the minerals. ROSEN, PETER. See No. 1000. 1015. S(TORMS?), W. H. Bear Gulch tin district, South Dakota. Mg. Sci. Press, Vol. 86, 1903, San Francisco, pp. 198-199. This district is of unusual interest, as in it occur both mines of gold and tin. The gold miners 'were greatly hampered in their sluicing, by the abundant occurrence of black sand and small pebbles of high specific gravity which filled riffles and caused loss of gold. About 1880 it was discovered that this sand at least part of it, was cassiterite. Other minerals of economic importance in this district are, wolframite and columbite-tantalite. 1016. SADTLER, B. Gold and tin in Northwestern Black Hills. Mg. World, Vol. 25, 1906, Chicago, pp. 520-522, sections 5. Editorial on same: Ibid., p. 517. Treats of gold and tin bearing districts in Crook Co., Wyoming, and Lawrence Co., South Dakota. " The district shows proper geologic conditions being identical with the historic Deadwood district, with addition of a large belt of tin veins. It is admirably located as regards wood, water and all necessary supplies, as well as being within the reach of railroads. It has exposed and partly developed large bodies of gold and tin ore in vein, and large and quickly available Amounts of the same metals in placers, all of pay grade. Incidental to the extraction of the above metals, mica and tungsten form a probable source of income." 154 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 58 SOUTH DAKOTA (Continued) 1017. SCHAEFFEB, OKAS. A. Note on tantalite and other minerals, accom- panying the tin ore in the Black Hills. Trans. Amer. Inst. Mg. Eng., Vol. 13, 1884-1885, New York, pp. 231-233. The analysis of some ore from Etta mine which at first seemed like tin ore, but proved to be tantalite. This report caused a great stir among mining men, thinking Prof. Schaeffer intended to show that the supposed tin ore was tantalite. Such was not the case. The specimen sent for examination was not sent as tin ore, but as an unknown ore which proved to be the above-named mineral. 1018. SIMMONS, JESSE. Review of South Dakota mining conditions. Mg. Rep., Vol. 50, 1904, Denver, p. 63, photos 3, 2700 words. " Illustrated description of the Black Hills gold and tin mines. Gives monthly tonnage, treatment and value of the different ores." 1019. . Tin mining, metallurgy and geology, Black Hills. Mg. Rev., May 25, 1906, Los Angeles. Not available to the authors. 1019a. . Tin in the Black Hills of South Dakota. Mg. World, Vol. 30, 1909, Chicago, pp. 925-926, sketch 1. Extract: Mg. Journ. Railw. Comm. Gaz., Vol. 85, 1909, London, p. 703. " A short historical review of tin mining in the Black Hills, with notes on the geology of the district and the operations of the Harney Peak Company." 1020. STBUTHEBS, JOSEPH, and PRATT, JOSEPH HYDE. Tin in South Dakota and Wyoming. Min. Res. for 1903, U. S. Geol. Surv., 1904, Washington, D. C., pp. 335-336. A new district has been worked for past two years, located partly in Lawrence Co., South Dakota, and partly in Crook Co., Wyoming. Caseiterite occurs in peg- matite greisen or altered granite, and is generally in the form of coarse granules, although large masses of fine grains of the mineral are found between the schist and porphyry. Ore has averaged 1 per cent of metallic tin, and concentrates have ranged from 62.5 to 65 per cent of metallic tin. 1021. THOMAS, JOSIAH, with notes by J. S. CHILDS. The Harney Peak tin deposits. Eng. Mg. Journ., Vol. 54, 1892, New York, pp. 512-514, 536. Reprint: Mg. Journ. Railw. Comm. Gaz., VoL 62, 1892, London, pp. 1182-1183. Editorial: pp. 1190-1191. Lodes occur in slate and schists surrounding Harney Peak, which is of granite. In almost all instances lodes or ledges are either vertical or dipping away from the granite. Lodes small but continuous, being from 1 to 3 feet wide composed princi- pally of quartz. Gives description of various workings. No theory as to origin of deposits. Ore will yield 40 pounds of black tin per ton, giving 73 per cent metallic tin. 1022. THURLOW, LORD. The Harney Peak tin properties. Mg. Journ. Railw. Comm. Gaz., Vol. 62, 1892, London, p. 907. Extracts from a report made after visiting deposits, the object of which was to ascertain the amount of development done, inspect machinery, ascertain probable date at which tin production on a commercial scale might begin. Report does not give geographical or geological description. 1023. TODD, J. E. Geology of South Dakota. Tin. South Dakota Geol. Surv. Bull No. 1, a Preliminary Report on the Geology of South Dakota, '1895, Sioux Falls, pp. 149-150, pis. 5, figs. 2, map 1. Analyses of tin ore from veins contains 74.5 to 76.7 per cent tin which is higher than that from other prominent localities. NO. 2 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TIN HESS 155 SOUTH DAKOTA (Continued) 1024. ULKE, TITUS. A contribution to the geology of Dakota tin mines. Eng. Mg. Journ., Vol. 53, 1892, New York, p. 547. Thinks granitic dikes are of igneous origin but says they show little metamorphos- ing action on the schists. Mentions apatite, triplite, heterosite, triphylite, almandite, wolframite, beryl, sphalerite, cuprocassiterite, graphite. Calls attention to absence of fluorine minerals, hornblende, molybdenite, etc. Tin segregated in pockets or zones with intervening barren places. L. C. Graton. . See No. 1646. 1025. VINCENT, M. C. The tin deposits of Dakota. Mg. Journ. Railw. Comm. Gaz., Vol. 58, 1888, London, pp. 971-972. Extracts from a report on the Black Hills deposits. Tin occurs in granite in two distinct forms or types, " 1st of the approximately circular or columnar form, where the granite mass stands almost vertical, and 2d, those filling a long narrow, longi- tudinal rent or fissure." 83 assays of black tin made by author averaged 74.31 per cent metallic tin. Absence of iron, lead, arsenic, and zinc. Description of mines. Author believes that mines will prove productive. SPAIN 1026. ANONYMOUS. L'industrie minerale de 1'Espagne en 1893. Rev. Univ. Mines Met. Trav. Publ. Sci. Arts Appl. Indust., ser. 3, Vol. 26, 1894, Paris and Li6ge, p. 236. The provinces of Orense, Pontevedra and CbruHa are mentioned as tin producing, while that of Salamanca has ceased since 1894 on account of heavy taxation. 1027. . Tin in Spain and Portugal. Min. Ind. for 1897, Vol. 6, 1898, New York and London, p. 641. According to report of U. S. Consul at Corunna, tin ore has been worked con- siderably in Galicia during late years. There is a wide tin-bearing belt, which runs from Zamora through a corner of Portugal, through the Province of Orense and from there through Santiago up to the coast, nearly 250 miles. BECK, RICHARD. See No. 1299. 1028. BORLASE, WILLIAM COPELAND. Tin mining in Spain, past and present. London (1898), pp. 40, illus. 10, map 1. Gives a historical sketch and generalized account of tin mining in Spain, with a few references to Portugal. Geology is lightly skimmed. Thinks there is a large quantity of ore in Spain carrying 2 1 /& per cent tin. BROWN, A. SELWYN. See Nos. 1307 and 1308. 1029. CALDERON, D. SALVADOR. La cassiterite y los filones estanniferos de nuestra Peninsula. Bol. Soc. esp. Hist. Nat., Vol. 1, 1901, Madrid, pp. 231-240. Digest: Geol. Centr., Vol. 2, 1902, Leipzig, p. 357. L'auteur donne la bibliographie concernant les filons stannifferes depuis 1847 a 1900, et examine les regions' stanniferes de la Peninsule, qui se groupent en une region principale situe dans la Galice et passe en Portugal, et en gisements fipars, de peu d'importance. Choffat. 1030. CALVERT, ALBERT F. Impressions of Spain. 1903 (?) London. Reviewed: Austr. Mg. Stand., Vol. 31, 1904, Sydney and Melbourne, p. 87. Tin is mentioned as among the resources of Spain, yet " considerably untouched." Not available to the authors. 6 156 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 58 SPAIN (Continued) 1031. COQUEBEBT, Cii. MSmoire sur les mines d'Espagne. Journ. Mines, No. 29, Vol. 5, 1796-1797, Paris, p. 407. 1031a. CORNIDE, JOSEPH D. Memoria sobre las Minas de Galicia y otras pro- ducciones del reyno mineral dirigada al Sr. D. Miguel Bauuelos, su Intendente General. The work is a folio MS. of 18 pages, in the Biblioteca de la Real Academia de la Historia, Madrid. Noted by W. C. Borlase in Tin Mining in Spain, Past and Present (1898), page 37. 1031b. DE COBTAZAE, DANIEL. Datos Geologico. Mineros de la Provincias de Zamora y Orense. Bol. Com. Mapa Geol. EspaSa, Vol. 1, 1874, Madrid, pp. 6, 14. D'AcHiARDi, ANTONIO. See No. 1313. FAWNS, SYDNEY. See No. 1320. FUCHS, E., and LAUNAY, L. DE. See No. 1323. 1032. GARcfA, MANUEL. Nota acerca de algunos filones estanniferos de la Provincia de Salamanca. Bol. Com. Mapa Geol. EspaBa, Vol. 3, 1876, Madrid, pp. 91-95. 1033. GARLAND, JOSEPH. On certain tin deposits in Galicia, Spain. 56th Ann. Rep. Roy. Cornwall Polyt. Soc. 1888, Falmouth, pp. 54-57, figs. 3. No systematic mining or quarrying has been attempted on these tin deposits. The work has been carried on mainly by agricultural laborers and women and children. The ore occurs in a strata of soil, clay, decomposed shale, sand and pebbles. The soft character of this tin ground would admit of cheap working, the only essential dressing machinery being perhaps washing and sizing trommels and automatic jigs. There can be no doubt that these tin deposits would pay to work on a considerable scale. 1034. GIL Y MAESTRE, AMALIO. Descripcion, fisica, geologica y minera de la Provincia de Salamanca. Mem. Com. Mapa Geol. Espafia, 1880, Madrid, pp. 255-261. At Martinamor veins are in gneiss, at other places they are in Silurian slates, more or less dark, gray, greenish, brown, blue. Veins are principally quartz, carrying tourmaline, wolframite, some arsenopyrite and copper sulphide. Veins running in different directions are without noticeable difference in mineralization. Some greisen dikes carry up to 9 per cent tin. One vein at Terubiaa gave 25 kilos per cubic metre of 40 per cent tin ore. This vein is 1600 metres long. Some 60 per cent ore was obtained. 1035. HARMONY, JULIO. The mines of Galicia. U. S. Consular Reports, No. 197, Vol. 53, Feb. 1897, Washington, D. C., p. 812. (House of Representatives' Document No. 164, pt. 3, 54th Congress, 2d Session.) 1035a. LA ESCOSURA, Luis DE. Descripcion de las minas de la Provincia de Zamora, 1846. Not available to the authors. LOCK, C. G. WARNFORD. See No. 1338. Louis, HENRY. See No. 1340. NO. 2 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TIN HESS 157 SPAIN (Continued) 1036. LOZANO, R. SANCHEZ. Nota referente a varies yacimientos de estafia de la provincia de Pontevedra. Bol. Com. Mapa Geol. EspaBa, Vol. 28, 1907, Madrid, pp. 14-25. 1037. MALLADA, L. Explicacion del mapa geologico de Espana. Mem. Com. Mapa Geol. EspaSa, Vol. 1, 1895, Madrid, pp. 173-174, 545-547. 1038. MASSABT, ALFRED. Gisements metalliferes du district de Carthagene (Espagne). Ann. Soc. geol. Belg., Vol. 2, 1875, Liege, pp. 58-107, colored plate 1. Wood tin is found in small veins in a schist. The veins lie in the planes of schist- osity at the San Isidore, Marinera and Superior segunda mines. In the last, the vein is in lenticular spongy masses of quartz with some barytes and galena. 1039. PACHECO, HERNANDEZ E. Los filones estanniferos de Caceres y su com- paracion con los de otras regiones. Bol. Soc. esp. Hist. Nat., Vol. 2, 1902, Madrid, pp. 72-81. Digest: Geol. Centr. Vol. 3, 1903, Leipzig, p. 73. L'auteur decrit quelques petits filons de cassiterite recemment d6couverts dans los schistes siluriens de la Montana de Caceres, ft 5 kilom. de cette capitale. La cassit- grite en cristaux simples ou macl&s (bee d'6tain) est incluse dans un quartz lait, accompagne'e d'un fmorure aluminique hydrat6 que 1'auteur rapporte ft la flufillite. Dans les bords des filons il y a une z6ne constitute par des lamelles de nacrite et souvent d'une bande blanche ou veodatre de lithomarge qui forme la gangue. Un fllon est constitute seulement par du quartz et phosphorite. Ces la premiere fois que la fluellite est mentionnee en masse considerable. Ces filons different de tous les autres filons stannifdres connus en Espagne, etant depourvus de roches ruptives dans leur voisinage. D'apr6s 1'auteur ces filons de Caceres doivent 6tre envisaygs comme alumineux plutOt que comme stanniferes. S. Calderon. PHILLIPS, J. A., and Louis, H. See No. 1350. 1040. PILZ, R. Die Erzlagerstatten von Cartagena in Spanier. Zeitschr. prakt. Geol., Jahr. 16, 1908, Berlin, pp. 177-190, figs. 31-37. The principal ore deposits carry argentiferous galena, zinc blende, and pyrite, with secondary cassiterite and limonite; others carry cassiterite and barite. The cassiterite is thought to be secondary after stannite. 1041. PUIG Y LARRAZ, D. GABRIEL. Descripcion fisica y geologica de la Pro- vincia de Zamora. Mem. Com. Mapa Geol. EspaCa, 1883, Madrid, pp. 411-437. Tin occurs generally in quartz, sometimes in granite or granulite. Is also found in alluvial deposits. Occurs rather widely. Found in zone of contact of crystalline schists and granite rocks, and is also found in both rocks. Much tourmaline. Some chalcopyrite, cut by veins of lead-antimony sulphides Rarely found far from eruptives. Veins usually 25 to 50 centimetres wide, rarely 1 metre wide. 1042. SCHUBARTH, E. L. Ueber das Vorkommen von Zinn in Spanien. Ann. Physik. Chem., Vol. 86, 1852, Leipzig, p. 600. Digest: Neues Jahrb. Min., 1853, Stuttgart, p. 460. 1043. SCHULZ, GUILLAUME, and PAILLETTE, ADRIEN. Notice sur une pyrite stannifere (ballesterosite) et sur quelques gisements d'etain en Espagne. Bull. Soc. geol. France, eer. 2, Vol. 7, 1850, Paris, pp. 16-25. Abstracts: Neues Jahrb. Min., 1850, Stuttgart, p. 710 and 1851, p. 350; Berg. Htttt. Zeit, Vol. 10, 1851, Leipzig, p. 352. 158 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 58 SPAIN (Continued) 1043a. SCHULZ, DON GUILLERMO. Descripcion geognostica de Reino de Galicia, acompaiiada de un mapa petrographico de esta pais. 1835, Madrid, pp. 52, pis. 2. Abstract: Bull. Soc. geol. France, t. 4, 1S35, Paris, pp. 416-418. The original is not available to the writers. The abstract which is in the form of a letter written to the Society G4ologique de France gives a sketch of the geology of the tin -bearing part of northwestern Spain. 1044. THOMAS, CHARLES. Some Spanish tin deposits. Trans. Mg. Ass. Inst. Cornwall, Vol. 2, 18S8-1889, Camborne, pp. 66-70. Short description of stream tin placers near Ribadavia, Province of Orense, in Galicia. SWAZILAND 1045. ANONYMOUS. Tin in South Africa. Min. Ind. for 1896, Vol. 5, 1897, New York and London, p. 528. Extract from communication of S. Ryan. Describes geology of tin district of Swazi- land. 1046. . Tin in Swaziland. Min. Ind. for 1897, Vol. 6, 1898, New York and London, p. 644. According to British Consular Report No. 1996, Annual series, the Ryan Tin Com- pany did a good deal of work in 1896, and in the first six months produced upward of 260 tons of black tin. Machinery has been erected. Great drawback to working tin and coal deposits of territory is lack of transportation facilities. 1047. . Tin in South Africa. Austr. Mg. Stand., Vol. 29, 1903, Sydney and Melbourne, p. 699. " ' S. A. Mines ' considers that it is not improbable that South Africa may in the near future, become one of the important tin producing countries of the world." Description of deposits in Swaziland, near Embabaan, and new discoveries in Cape Colony, most important of which has been made on Kuil's River. 1047a. . Alluvial tin in Swaziland. South African Mg. Journ., Vol. 7, pt. 2, 1909, Johannesburg, pp. 115-116. Notes from Annual report of the manager of Swaziland Tin, Ltd., which, describing various creeks on which alluvial tin occurs, points out new fields for prospecting, and explains a scheme for hydraulicking or sluicing all the hill creeks. BECK, RICHARD. See No. 1299. 1048. HAHN, P. D. Presidential address. Rep. South African Ass. Adv. Sci. 1903, Cape Town, p. 43. " Another interesting problem for research for the student of mineral chemistry is furnished at the tin ore deposits at Embabaan in Swaziland. Together with tin ore occur at this locality extraordinarily rare and most interesting minerals, such as aeschynite, euxenite, fergusonite and monazite." 1049. HAMPTON, J. H. On the occurrence of tin. Trans. Geol. Soc. South Africa, Vol. 4, 1899, Johannesburg, pp. 37-40. The tin deposits of Malay Peninsula, Mt. Bischoff and Swaziland, near Embickel- weni are treated in a brief manner. The author visited Swaziland in 1889-1890, and at that time received the impression from appearance of the country that tin existed in lode or alluvial form. NO. 2 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TIN HESS 159 SWAZILAND (Continued) 1050. JORISSEN, E. Notes on some intrusive granites in the Transvaal, the Orange River colony and in Swaziland. Trans. Geol. Soc. South Africa, Vol. 7, 1905, Johannesburg, p. 158. Read Decem- ber 12, 1904. In East Swaziland near Embabaan, cassiterite occurs in gneiss at the contact of a narrow vein of pegmatite. Much biotite present. LOCK, C. G. WABNFORD. See No. 1338. 1051. LYBURN, JOHN. Mining and minerals in the Transvaal and Swaziland. Sci. Proc. Roy. Dublin Soc., n. s., Vol. 9, 1899-1902, Dublin, p. 20. " Alluvial cassiterite occurs in the Embabaan, Swaziland. The mother lode has not yet been discovered." 1052. MOLENGRAAFF, G. A. F. Tinstone in Swaziland. Report of the State geologist of the South African Republic for the year 1897. Trans. Geol. Soc. South Africa, Vol. 4, pt. 6, 1898, Johannesburg, pp. 141-144. Abstract: Zeitschr. prakt. Geol., Vol. 8, 1900, Berlin, pp. 146-147. Digest: Neues Jahrb. Min., 1900, I (Ref.), Stuttgart, pp. 263-265. The Ryan tin works near Embabaan in the northeast part of Swaziland, are the only important deposits of the country. Sn0 2 occurs in pegmatite dikes cutting granite near the contact of the latter with various schists, and in placers derived from the dikes, accompanied by corundum, monazite, magnetite, etc. Crystals of cassiterite are so distorted as to appear monoclinic. Does not think the outlook good for very large placers. 1053. NEWLAND, D. H. Tin in 'South Africa. Min. Ind. for 1903, Vol. 12, 1904, New York and London, p. 332. Discovery of lode tin in the Transvaal was reported in August, 1903. Principal formation is granite, which is overlain in places by schistose rocks, and the tin- bearing veins occur near the contact. Three lodes have been discovered. 1054. PRIOR, G. L. Minerals from Swaziland: niobates and titanates of the rare earths, chemically allied to euxenite and fergusonite; cassiterite, monazite, etc. The " Aeschynite from Hittero." Min. Mag. Journ. Min. Soc., Vol. 12, 1899, London, pp. 96-101. Digest: Neues Jahrb. Min., 1901, I (Ref.), Stuttgart, p. 31. 1055. RYAN, . Swaziland tin fields. Proc. Chem. Met. Soc. South Africa, Vol. 2, 1897, Johannesburg, pp. 16-18. Tin fields along Embabaan River on eastern slope of Drakensberg Mountains, 15 miles from Transvaal border were discovered by Mr. Ryan in 1891. Geology: " Granite boss flanked by metamorphic rocks intersected by elvan dykes, diorite and rhyolite." From January, 1894, to June, 1896, exported about 600 tons of ore. Deposits mostly alluvial, average thickness of beds 4 1 /& feet, though on Lower Embabaan and Usutu rivers, beds of considerable thickness are being found. 1056. SMUTS, . Report on the trade, commerce and general condition of Swaziland. British Consular Rep., No. 1996, 1897, London, p. 3. The Ryan Tin Company has done a good deal of work during 1896. First 6 months, by sluicing process, upwards of 260 tons of tin were produced, valued at about 45 sterling per ton. During latter half of year, about 20,000 tons of tin- bearing gravel was exposed. Tin reefs have been discovered, and further prospecting is being undertaken. 160 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 58 SWEDEN DAVIES, D. C. See No. 1317. TASMANIA 1057. ANONYMOUS. Report on Mount Bischoff tin mines, Tasmania, with topographical sketch map. 1874, Launceston, Svo., pp. 5. Not available to the authors. '1058. . Tin from Tasmania. Iron, Vol. 6, n. s., 1875, London, p. 42. Announcing the first shipment of tin to England. Assayed 99.96 pure tin, superior to Australian tin. Shipment for the year probably not over 300 tons. 1059. . Tasmanian tin. Iron, Vol. 6, n. s., 1875, London, p. 711. A short review of a report by Mr. Newman, on the Mount Bisohoff, Cummings and Henry, Stanhope and Waratah mines. 1060. . Tin fields of Tasmania. Mg. World, Eng. Rec., Vol. 14, 1878, London, p. 649. Not available to the authors. 1061. . The greatest tin mine in the Southern Hemisphere. Austr. Mg. Stand. September, 1896, Sydney and Melbourne. Description, with illustration, of the Mount Bischoff Mine, Tasmania. Not available to the authors. 1062. . Tin in Tasmania. Min. Ind. for 1898, Vol. 7, 1899, New York and London, p. 712. Mt. Bischoff continued to be largest producer. Tin ore is also found in the Ringa- rooma Valley at Branxholm, Derby, Moorina, Pioneer and Mt. Cameron, where the Brothers' Home, Briseis, Brothers' Home No. 1, Arba and Annuz mines are situated. The east coast deposits have been proved to be extensive, and a discovery of tin ore on the Great Mussel Roe River has recently been reported. 1063. . Mt. Bischoff tin mine. Mg. Sci. Press, Vol. 81, 1900, San Francisco, p. 431. Note stating Mt. Bischoff tin mine contains perhaps most remarkable tin deposit in the world. Average grade of ore is 3 per cent. The concentrates average about 70 per cent tin, yielding an average of 68 per cent in smelting. 1064. . Tin in Tasmania. Min. Ind. for 1899, Vol. 8, 1900, New York and London, pp. 622-623. The working expenses of Mt. Bischoff mine given. Gives a short account of the Briseis mine. A new discovery of tin at Renison Bell mine at North Dundas, on the west coast is reported. Tin was found in schist near Mt. Lyell. 1065. . Tin in Tasmania. Min. Ind. for 1900, Vol. 9, 1901, New York and London, pp. 638. Tasmania is largest producer of tin in Australia, output for 1899 amounting to 3281 long tons of ore, valued at 270,864. A large part of the ore is obtained from alluvial deposits, the lodes, except at Mt. Bischoff mine, have received little attention. NO. 2 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TIN HESS 161 TASMANIA (Continued) 1066. . Tin mining in Tasmania. Autr. Mg. Stand., Vol. 20, August 15, 1901, Sydney and Melbourne. " Describes the alluvial deposits at Mt. Bischoff." Not available to the authors. 1067. . Tin in Tasmania. Min. Ind. for 1901, Vol. 10, 1902, New York and London, p. 640. The output of tin ore was less in 1901 than in the preceding year. This unexpected result being due principally to the poorer quality of the ore raised from the Mt. Bischoff mines, the most productive in the State. 1068. . Heemskirk (T.), tin find. Austr. Mg. Stand., Vol. 21, 1902, Sydney and Melbourne, p. 665. An account of a " rich find of lode tin on the Orient farm," about nine miles froro Zeehan T. Outlook is said to be good. 1069. . Tin in Tasmania. Min. Ind. for 1902, Vol. 2, 1903, New York and London, p. 594. Mt. Bischoff Tin Mining Company in the last six months of the fiscal year crushed 50,044 tons of stone for a yield of 636 tons of concentrates. The cost of mining, crushing and dressing was 5s. 7d. per ton. During year the company earned profits of 62,612 and. distributed dividends of 54,000. 1070. . The Pioneer tin mine, Tasmania. Austr. Mg. Stand., Vol. 29, 1903, Sydney and Melbourne, pp. 13-15, 49-50. Serial. Illus. Description of the deposits of northeast Tasmania, with some details of the history and difficulties in working (from a financial standpoint), and methods and machinery used. 1071. . Northeast Dundas [Tasmania] tin. Austr. Mg. Stand., Vol. 31, 1904, Sydney and Melbourne, pp. 810-811, 1300 words. " Describes the deposits of this district, and work done in developing." 1072. . Mining in Tasmania. Mg. Journ. Railw. Comm. Gaz., Vol. 76, 1904, London, p. 27, 1000 words. Digest from Mg. Mag., Vol. 10, 1904, New York, p. 154. " Recent news of the condition of Tasmanian mines; gold, tin and copper, with estimates of reserves at Mount Lyell." 1073. . Tasmania tin fields. Min. Ind. for 1904, Vol. 13, 1905, New York and London, pp. 392-393. " The cassiterite of Mt. Bischoff is associated with topaz, both crystalline and amorphous, in large dikes of an acidic porphyritic rock penetrating slate and sand- stone. The topaz has replaced feldspar, the rock containing no alkali, and consisting practically of quartz and topaz. It is comparable to the Saxon ' sneckenstein,' a topaz quartz-porphyry. ' ' Gives a re'sume' of tin mining in Tasmania during 1904. BECK, RICHARD. See No. 1299. 1074. BENEDICT, WM. DE L. Tin in Tasmania. Min. Ind. for 1892, Vol. 1, 1893, New York, pp. 444-445. " Tin ore was found in Tasmania at an early date in the history of the colony, but it was not until 1872 that the great Mt. Bischoff property was discovered The tin is found in what is termed euritic porphyry and the most productive portions of the deposit are situated close to the porphyry and slate." The next district in importance is Ringarooma. The deposits at this place appear to be the bed of an ancient river running nearly north and south and are covered by a crust of basalt. 162 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 58 TASMANIA (Continued) 1075. BONWICK, JAMES. Tasmanian tin. Mg. Journ. Railw. Comm. Gaz., Vol. 44, 1874, London, p. 331. Brief description of the lode and alluvial tin deposits at Mount Bischoff. BROWN, A. SELWYN. See Nos. 1307 and 1308. 1076. CLARK, DONALD. Tasmanian mining and metallurgy. Austr. Mg. Stand., Vol. 29, from March 12 to April 16, 1908, Sydney and Mel- bourne, pp. 362-363, 398-400, 432-435, 462-463, 496-498, 528-530. A series of articles which deal with tin mining and smelting in Tasmania. 1076a. . Australian mining and metallurgy. 1904, Melbourne, Sydney and Perth, pp. 185-228, pis. 7, figs. 13. Describes the geology, mining methods and milling methods at the Mt. Bischoff, Anchor, Cornwall, and Maynes tin mines. All are located in Tasmania. 1077. COGHLAN, T. A. Tin. A statistical account of Australia and New Zealand, 1903-1904, p. 934. 1078. CONDER, HARTWELL. Tin mining in Tasmania. Mg. Journ. Railw. Comm. Gaz., Vol. 78, 1905, London, p. 350, 1800 words. Reviews briefly the history, and describes present conditions of tin mining in Tasmania. 1078a. . Stanley River tin field/ Austr. Mg. Stand., Vol. 41, 1909, Sydney and Melbourne, p. 637, map 1. The Stanley River tin field is 20 miles north of Zeehan, Tasmania, on the west 'coast. A road has just been finished which makes it accessible. Country rocks are quartzites and clay-stones cut by porphjTitic granite. Porphyritic feldspars in many places have been replaced by green tourmaline and this, in turn, partly replaced by SnOg. One tourmaline-quartz lode 16 feet wide carries 2 per cent tin. Boulders in river are probably worth working. Wolframite and monazite form impurities in the stream tin. Notes the occurrence of pyrrhotite carrying a " small proportion of Cu and Ni." Map gives geology, claims and owners. Gives some objections to the government's system of renting claims. 1079. COUNSEL, E. A., Surveyor General. Sketch map, general geological features of Tasmania. Government Printing Department, January, 1898, Hobart. Lithograph, hachured. 1 inch=15 miles. Geological features in colors. Gold, tin, silver and lead, b'smuth, antimony, copper, iron, and coal deposits shown by characters. D'AcHiARDi, ANTONIO. See No. 1313. 1080. DAVEY, JOHN. Mount Bischoff tin mines. Rep. Proc. Min. Ass. Cornwall and Devon, for 1881 (1882), Truro, pp. 8-10. Extract from a letter dated May, 1881. Geographical description of the tin-bearing country; manner of occurrence and working; percentage of yield; loss of ore in dressing. DAVIES, D. C. See No. 1317. 1081. DIJK, P. VAN. Tinontginning in Tasmanie. Jaarb. Mijnw. Ned. Oost-Indie, 1882, II, Amsterdam, pp. 91-101. 1082. . Tinontginning in Tasmanie. Jaarb. Mijnw. Ned. Oost-Indie, 1883, II, Amsterdam, pp. 109-114. NO. 2 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TIN HESS 163 TASMANIA (Continued) ENGLISH, A. G. See No. 50. 1083. FAWNS, SYDNEY. Notes on the Mount Bischoff tin mine. Trans. Inst. Mg. Met., Vol. 14, 1905, London, pp. 221-228. Discussion, pp. 229-243. Contributed remarks, pp. 244-249. Abstracts: Mg. Journ. Railw. Comm. Gaz., Vol. 77,' 1905, London, p. 62. Eng. Mg. Journ., Vol. 79, 1905, New York, pp. 470-471. Digest: Min. Mag., Vol. 11, 1905, New York, pp. 355-357. Gives short history of mine; says tin occurs in veins and replacement deposits in topaz porphyry. Briefly describes the Queen and North Valley lodes, Don and Stan- hope sections, the White, Brown, Slaughter-yard, and Alluvial North faces. Gives a list of minerals and rocks occurring with the deposits. Most of the paper is devoted to the working system and costs. 1084. . Mount Bischoff and Dolcoath. Mg. Journ. Railw. Comm. Gaz., Vol. 77, 1905, London, p. 297. A letter comparing some of the modes of working. See No. 1320. 1085. FIRCKS, F. W. VON. Die Zinnerzlagerstatten des Mt. Bischoff in Tas- manien. Zeitschr. deutsch. geol. Ges., Vol. 51, 1899, Berlin, pp. 431-434, pis. 27-28. Digest: Neues Jahrb. Min., 1901, I (Ref.), Stuttgart, pp. 423-425. 1086. GOULD, CHAS. A note upon a recent discovery of tin ore in Tasmania. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. London, Vol. 31, 1875, London, pp. 109-110. Digest: Geol. Rec. for 1875, London, p. 242. " Ore is not ' stream tin ' in true sense of the word; but the disintegration of veins and strings running through the porphyritic rock, of which the mount is com- posed, gives rise to a shallow surface-drift from which the tin-ore is procured. Lodes in adjacent slaty rocks contain antimony and zinc blende." (Mt. Bischoff.) 1087. GRANT, H. Tasmanian tin deposits. Austr. Mg. Stand., November 17, 1898, Sydney and Melbourne. " The history of the tin mining on the Blue Tier formations." Not available to the authors. 1088. . The Blue Tier [Tasmania] tin dykes. Austr. Mg. Stand., Vol. 17, 1900, Sydney, p. 151. " Information concerning this important discovery and the working of the deposits." 1089. . Tasmanian tin fields. (I) The Blue Tier, East Coast, The Moon and Lottah claims. (II) The Echo Mine. Austr. Mg. Stand., Vol. 18, 1900, Sydney, pp. 277-278, 551-552. Description of Blue Tier and Echo mines on the East Coast; their possibilities, difficulties encountered and outlook. 1090. . Mining in Eastern Tasmania. Austr. Mg. Stand. Vol. 19, 1901, Sydney and Melbourne, pp. 667-668, 3500 words. " An account of the tin mining, the deposits and their development." 1091. . Brookstead tin field. Austr. Mg. Stand., Vol. 35, 1906, Sydney and Melbourne, 2000 words. " A review of the development of the Brookstead lode, in northeastern Tasmania, showing the richness of the field, and the importance of thorough prospecting." 164: SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 58 TASMANIA (Continued) 1092. GREGORY, J. W. The geological plans of some Australian mining fields. Science Progress, No. 1, 1906, London, pp. 117-13G. Describes among others the Mt. Bischoff mine, the character of the ore in the dif- ferent faces, and the metamorphism of the rocks. 1093. GRODDECK, A. VON. Zur Kenntniss der Zinnerzlagerstatte des Mount Bischoff in Tasrnanien. Zeitschr. deutsch. geol. Ges., Vol. 36, 1884, Berlin, pp. 642-652. Translated by Thureau, G. in Pap. Proc. Roy. Soc. Tasmania, for 1885 [1886], Hobart, pp. 3S8-394. Reviewed: Neues Jahrb. Min., 1885, II (Ref.), Stuttgart, pp. 91-92. Continuation of original article, Zeitschr. deutsch. geol. Ges., Vol. 38, 1886, Berlin, pp. 370-375. Translated by Wolfhagen in Pap. Proc. Roy. Soc. Tasmania for 1886 [1887], Hobart, pp. 189-193. Continuation of original article. Zeitschr. deutsch. geol. Ges., Vol. 39, 1887, Berlin, pp. 78-87. Reviewed in Neues Jahrb. Min., 1888, 1 (Ref.) Stuttgart, pp. 86-87. 1094. HAMPTON, J. On the occurrence of tin. Trans. Geol. Soc. South Africa, Vol. 4, 1899, Johannesburg, pp. 37-40. The tin mine at Mt. Bischoff, discovered 1872, was visited by author in 1883. Tin bearing rock was 100 feet wide. Largest tin deposit yet discovered. It is at con- siderable elevation from the sea, where neither pumping nor hauling machinery are required. 1095. HARCOURT-SMITH, J. Report on the Shepherd and Murphy's tin mine, Bell Mount. Rep. Seer. Min., Tasmania, for 1896-1897 (1897), Hobart, pp. Iv-lvi. This property is situated 22 miles southwest from Sheffield, at an elevation of about 2000 feet above eea level. Lodes 1 to 6 are described, and the work done, with results obtained. The company will attempt to separate tungsten and bismuth as well as the tin contents. See also No. 1148. 1095a. . The mineral industry of Tasmania. See Tasmania, Govern- ment Geologist, No. 1134. 1096. HUNT, JOHN. Mount Bischoff tin mines, Tasmania. Mg. Journ. Railw. Comm. Gaz., Vol. 44, 1874, London, p. 207. Very general; unimportant. 1097. . On mining in Tasmania. Mg. Journ. Railw. Comm. Gaz., Vol. 45, 1875, London, pp. 539-54Q Thinks the deposit of tin at Mount Bischoff is not of volcanic origin. Believes the greater part of alluvial tin is derived from decomposition of granitic rocks. 1098. IRELAND, MARK. A method of timbering at the Mt. Rex tin mine, Ben Lomond, Tasmania. Trans. Austr. Inst. Mg. Eng., Vol. 10, 1905, Melbourne, pp. 263-264. Short article giving method of timbering which is of such a character that no blasting, however heavy, can injure it. 1099. JOHNSTON, R. W. Geology of Tasmania. 1888, Hobart, pp. 22-29. 'Description of tin lodes, mode of occurrence, distribution, discovery and derivation. Age of superficial gravels discussed. KO. 2 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TIN HESS 165 TASMANIA (Continued) 1100. KAYSER, II. W. F. Tin mining in Tasmania. Trans. Fed. Inst. Mg-. Eng., Vol. 13, 1897, London and Nevvcastle-upon-Tyne, pp. 570-582, pi. 24, map (1 inch =1125 feet). Abstract: Jnd. and Iron, June 11, 1897, London. A review of the mining- industry of Tasmania. Discovery, difficulties and results of early tin mining. The writer was connected with Mt. Bischoff Mining- Company more than 21 years, and that mine is treated at some length. 1101. . The Mount Bischoff tin mining company, registered. Ann. Rep. School Mines Zeehan, Tasmania, for 1905, pp. 96-98, pis. 2. Gives very briefly a history of the mine, its geology and method of working. Also description of milling- plant, and the profits paid. 1102. KAYSER, H. W., and PROVIS, RICHARD. Mt. Bischoff tin mine, Tasmania. Proc. Inst. Civ. Eng., Vol. 123, 1896, London, pp. 377-387, figs. 8. Abridged. Ore in large veins averages 2 to 3 per cent cassiterite. Cost of mining and deliver- ing ore to dressing works is 3s. 2^d. or 80 cents per ton of 2240 pounds. Cost of dressing is Is. l%d., or say 27 cents per ton, about 6000 long tons of material being treated per month. First grade concentrates average 70.5 per cent tin. Second grade concentrates average 65 per cent tin; does not pay to dress cleaner than this. 1103. KLOCKMANN, F. Ueber den Antheil von Groddeck's an der Deutung der Zinnerzlagerstatte des Mt. Bischoff. Zeitschr. deutsch geol. Ges., Vol. 52, 1900, Berlin, pp. 167-168. Digest: Neues Jahr. Min., 19C3, I (Ref.), Stuttgart, p. 91. Digest: Geol. Centr. Vol. I, 1901, Leipzig 1 , p. 228. W. von Fricks ausserte in einem Aufsatze iiber die Zinnerzlagerstatten des Mt. Bischoff in Tasmanien (Zeitschr. deutsch. geol. Ges., Vol. 51, 1899, Berlin, p. 431), dass v. Groddeck die Zinnfuhrenden Gesteine dieses Berges fur ursprtinglich und nicht fiir pseudomorph erklart habe. Verf. weist dagegen aus zwei Nachtragen v. Groddeck's, Arbeiten, die v. Fricks anscheinend iibersehen hat, nach, dass v. Gr. bereits sich mit aller Bestinmtheit fiir die pseudomorphe Entstehung der Erzlager- statten des Mt. Bischoff ausgesprochen hat. LATTA, GEO. J. See No. 1517. 1104. LEWIS, JAMES B. The New Brothers' Home No. 1 Tin Mining Com- pany, Derby. Rep. Seer, for Mines, Tasmania, 1902-1903 (1903), Hobart, pp. XCIX-CII, pis. 2. Abstract: Eng. Mg. Journ., Vol. 75, 1903, New York, pp. 815-816. A description of the manner in which overburden is removed. 1105. . The Anchor tin mine, Tasmania. Eng. Mg. Journ., Vol. 81, 1906, New York, p. 1249. A communication giving a brief analysis of working cost for low grade tin ore. They are working profitably on a yield of 5 pounds black tin per ton, or 3.5 pounds metallic tin. 1106. . Tin mining in Tasmania. Eng. Mg. Journ., Vol. 85, 1908, New York, pp. 485-489; pis. 3, map 1. Commercial conditions at the Mount Bischoff, Heemskirk, Brookstead, Avoca, Briseis and Pioneer mines are described. Gives a few notes upon dredging for tin in Tasmania, and refers to tin mining operations in the Gladstone District. The article has evidently been edited and abridged, not altogether to its advantage. LOCK, C. G. WARNFOKD. See No. 1338. 16G SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 58 TASMANIA (Continued) Louis, HENRY. See No. 1340. . See No. 1525. 1107. MEREDITH, C. Verbal remarks on specimens of tin ore from Mount Bischoff, Tasmania. Pap. Proc. Roy. Soc. Tasmania [monthly notices June], 1873 [1874], Hobart, p. 21. Not available to the authors. 1107a. MILLEN, J. D. Mount Bischoff tin mining company, Tasmania. Austr. Mg. Stand., Vol. 41, Nos. 1C61, 1062, 1900, Sydney and Melbourne, pp. 264, 293-294. Illus. (In section of Electrical Record, Vol; 19.) " A description of the hydro-electric power plant, its equipment and opiration." . See No. 1535. 1108. MONTGOMERY, ALEX. The Blue Tier tin field. Geol. Surv. Rep. Tasmania, November, 1889, Hobart. Not available to the authors. 1109. . The tin mines at the Blue Tier, county of Dorset. Geol. Surv. Rep. Tasmania, January, 1903, Hobart. Not available to the authors. 1110. MONTGOMERY, ALEXANDER. The mineral resources of Tasmania. 1894, IJobart, pp. 3-28. Tasmania is the third largest tin producer in the world, the value of tin ore raised being greater than all the other minerals of Tasmania put together. The tin deposits may be grouped as : (1) Alluvial. (2) Lodes or veins. (3) Impregnations or stock- works. The veins occur in districts which are composed almost entirely of granite or of sedimentary rocks penetrated by quartz-porphyry dikes. Vein or lode mining has not yet been very successful in Tasmania. Stockworks or impregnations of tin ore, found in several localities are likely to be of very great importance. Mt. Bischoff mine shows a curious combination of all the different types of tin deposits. 1111. . The mineral industry of Tasmania. Eng. Mg. Journ., Vol. 57, 1894, New York, p. 389. Good general description of tin deposits. Principal alluvial workings in northeast part of Tasmania, along Ringarooma and George's rivers and their tributaries. Deposits of different ages, miocene to recent. Some of older drifts covered by basalt and worked by underground mining, but most is obtained from shallow workings by ground sluicing. The ore which has been easily worked is about all taken out. Hydraulicking larger and poorer deposits. Thinks they will last for a century. 1112. . Report on the progress of the mineral fields in the neighbor- hood of Zeehan, viz.: Mackintosh River, Mount Black, Mount Read, Mount Dundas, Mount Zeehan, Stanley River and Mount Heemskirk. Rep. Seer. Min. Journ. and Printed Papers of the Parliament of Tasmania. Vol. 33, 1895, Hobart, pp. VH-LJ. Not available to the authors. 1113. . The useful minerals of Tasmania. Trans. Austr. Inst. Mg. Eng., Vol. 3, 1895, Adelaide, pp. 224-229. The tin deposits of Tasmania are classed as alluvial, fissure lodes and stock- works, and impregnations. Examples of these types may be found at different mines, while at Mt. Bischoff the deposit is unusual, presenting almost all of these known types. The ore is practically confined to the granite regions and their immediate vicinity. NO. 2 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TIN HESS 167 TASMANIA (Continued) 1114. MOOEE, T. On the occurrence of tin, zinc, silver, and traces of gold in the killas of St. Paul's Plains. Pap. Proc. Roy. Soc. Van Diemen's Land, Vol. 2, pt. 3, 1854, Tasmania, p. 490. 1115. MUFFORD, J. Tasmanian tin fields. Mg. Journ. Railw. Comm. Gaz., Vol. 47, 1877, London, pp. 1383, 1411, 1439; Vol. 48, 1878, pp. 19, 48, 183. A series of six articles, describing the country surrounding the tin-bearing districts, the deposits, methods of working and output. The output of Mount Bischoff from 1873-1877, giyen. 1116. . The tin mines of Tasmania. Mg. Journ. Railw. Comm. Gaz., Vol. 48, 1878, London, p. 483. Extract of paper read before Mining Institute of Cornwall, 1878, with discussion. Gives output of Tasmania for first half of 1878 and estimates whole output for the year. All derived from alluvial washings. Gives descriptions of the tin bearing districts. Believes Tasmanian mines have reached their highest production. 1117. NEWMAN ( ). Tasmanian tin. Iron, Vol. 6, 1875, London, p. 711. Extract of a report by author on the Mount Bischoff tin mines. 1118. PETTERD, W. P. Minerals of Tasmania. Cassiterite. Pap. Proc. Roy. Soc. Tasmania, 1893 [1894], Hobart, pp. 20-23. / Describes the different varieties of cassiterite found in Tasmania, where found and the principal tin-producing localities. Gives the production to close of 1892. 1119, . Catalogue of the minerals of Tasmania. 1896, Launceeton. Stannite occurs in considerable quantity in the Silver Queen mine at Zeehan, asso- ciated with galena, copper, and iron pyrites. The stannite is gold and silver bearing. 1120. . The minerals of Tasmania. Pap. Proc. Roy. Soc., Tasmania for 1900-1901 (1902), Hobart, pp. 75-84. A short article reviewing the mineralogy of the island in a concise manner. 1121. . Notes on Tasmanian minerals. Rep. Seer. Min. for 1903, Tasmania, 1904, Hobart, pp. 74-75. Abstract: Mg. Journ. Railw. Comm. Gaz., Vol. 76, 1904, London, p. 475. Description of unusual tin specimens from several Tasmanian mines. PHILLIPS, J. A., and Louis, H. See No. 1350. 1121a. PLUMMER, JOHN. Australia's premier tin mine. Mg. Sci. Press, Vol. 100, 1910, San Francisco, p. 820. Brief account of the dividends paid by Mount Bischoff tm mine, and the outlook for future productiveness. 1122. RANFT, THEOD. Der Zinnbergbau am Bischoffsberge, Tasmania. Berg. Hiitt. Zeit., Vol. 48, 1889, Leipzig, pp. 351-353. Brief digest: Neues Jahrb. Min., 1891, II [Ref.], Stuttgart, p. 295. Short historical notices upon the growth of mining at Mt. Bischoff, the tin-ore occurrences of which have become better known through von Groddeck, also a sketch of the geological relations and technical operations. 168 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 58 TASMANIA (Continued) 1123. RATH, M. J. VON. Eine topographisch-montanistische Karte des Mount Bischoff auf Tasmanien. Verb. Nat. Ver. preuss. Rheinl. Westph. (Sitzungsberichte), Vol. 35, 1S78, Bonn, p. 7. 1124. REPORT of the Secretary for Mines, Tasmania. Hobart. Contains reports of the mining industry, progress and development work. Issued annually for the preceding fiscal year. REYEE, EDUAED. See Nos. 87 and 1354. 1125. RICKARD, EDGAR. The Briseis tin lead at Derby, Tasmania. Eng. Mg. Journ., Vol. 75, 1903, New York, pp. 119-120. Sketch plan. Describes placer cassiterite occurring in the gravel of a river 100 feet below the present streams. It is capped by basalt. Worked by a modification of the hydraulic system. 1126. RITCHIE, W. Tin in Tasmania. Mg. Journ. Railw. Comm. Gaz., Vol. 43, 1873, London, p. 1109. Extract frcm letter. . Description of tin deposits of Mount Bischoff. Some pieces of tin ore were of such size that a man could not lift them. Both lode and alluvial tin ore of much richness occur. Great natural facilities for the working of mine. ROLKEB. CHAS. M. See No. 1357. 1127. ROWE, CAPT. JAMES. Tin mining in Tasmania. Trans. Mg. Ass. Inst. Cornwall, Vol. 1, 1887, Camborne, pp. 153-163, map. Also, Berg. Hiitt. Zeit., Vol. 47, 1888, Leipzig, pp. 183-185. First discovery of importance at Mount Bischoff in 1872, by Chas. Smith in a deposit " of a highly ferruginous nature, consisting of oxide of iron, decomposed porphyry and tin ore." Cut 1000 feet wide and 100 feet deep gave 3 per cent ore. Two other districts. Mt. Bischoff is in northwest portion, the " West Coast " region is just southwest of it, and the Northeast District is in the northeast part of the island. " West Coast " not paying. Deposits in northeast in both recent and old river beds partly covered by basalt. Gravel up to 170 feet deep in places, carrying about three-fourths per cent of ore worked by hydraulicking. 1128. SANDEMAN, J. J. The mineral resources of Tasmania. Trans. North of England Inst. Mg. Mech. Eng., Vol. 49, 1901, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, pp. 32-37, illus. Reprint: Trans. Inst. Mg. Eng., Vol. 18, 1899-1900, London, pp. 32-37. The tin production of Tasmania holds, according to writer, the first place among the Australian colonies. Up to end of 1897, it produced 80,000 tons of tin, valued at 6,500,000; of this Mt. Bischoff contributed about 2,700,000. This mine is worked in three open faces or quarries: The Brown Face, the Slaughter Face and the White face. Descriptions of these quarries are given. The Blue Tier district is described as having intrusive dj'kes of stanniferous granite. The mines have suffered from poor management. There is every evidence that they should yield good paying ores, with modern appliances and good management. 1129. SHAW, A. Tin of Mount Bischoff, Blue Tier, and River Ringarooma. Rep. Mines Dept., for 1883-1884, H. A. Paper, No. 70, 1884. Not available to the authors. 1130. SHAW, B. Tin of Mount Bischoff, Mount Heemskirk, Blue Tier, Moorina, and Gladstone. Rep. Mines Dept., 1884-1885, H. A. Paper, No. 58, 1885. Not available to the authors. NO. 2 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TIN HESS 169 TASMANIA (Continued) 1131. SOWDEN, C. To the Tasmanian tin mines. Nat. Hist. Journ. School Rep., Vol. 17, 1893, York, pp. 6-8. Digest from Ann. Brit. Geol., 1893, London, p. 347. " A description of the works at Mount Bischoff." STEPHENS, D. See No. 59. 1132. STOKES, RALPH (S. G.). The Tasmanian tin industry. Mg. World, Vol. 26, 1907, Chicago, pp. 718-719, 776-777, 806-807. A series of illustrated articles giving a general review of the tin industry of Tas- mania. Not much geology is given. 1133. . Mount Bischoff tin mine, Tasmania. Mg. World, Vol. 27, 1907, Chicago, pp. 55-58. Illus. General article giving account of the decreased output of Mt. Bischoff tin mine, owing to the working- out of the Brown Face; also a description of the working of a new electric plant. . See No. 729. 1134. TASMANIA. Government geologist. The mineral industry of Tasmania. Published quarterly, Compiled by: Harcourt-Smith, J., from 1897 through March, 1899. Wallace, W. II., from June, 1899-. (From June, 1899 to December 31, 1901, not available to the authors.) Twelvetrees, W. H., from December, 1901. 1135. THUREAU, G. Report on the Ben Lomond tin deposits. On the St. Paul's River tin deposits, Tasm. Parl. Pap. No. 108, 1881, Hobart, pp. 4, plans. 1136. . The Blue Tier Mining District. Geol. Surv. Rep., Tasmania, 1886, Hobart. Not available to the authors. TEEGAY, W. See No. 60. 1137. TWELVETREES, W. H. Report on some tin mines in the St. Paul's River valley near Avoca. Rep. Seer, for Mines, for 1899-1900, Tasmania, 1900, Hobart, pp. XIV-XXVII, pis. 3. Describes the Roy's Hill tin mine as being in Permo-carboniferous " wash and conglomerate " 20 feet thick and overlain by Jura-Trias sandstone. Beneath the deposit is a quartz-mica-tourmaline rock with some kaolin, from which the tin has been derived. Both are worked. Gives an exposition of the theory of pneumatolytic deposition, and advises further prospecting. The St. Paul's mines were at this time idle. They are in much silicified and tourmalinized granite. The cassiterite is well crystallized and often of amber or ruby color. 1138. . Report on the Arba extended tin sections at Bran'xholm. Rep. Seer, for Mines for 1899-1900, Tasmania, 1900, Hobart, pp. XLI-XLIII. Prospects are that the tin mines (placer) will be small. The gravel occurs in pockets in a granite which contains considerable tourmaline and many quartz veins. Some gold is found with the tin. 1139. . Preliminary report on the deep lead or infra-basaltic stannif- erous gravels of the Ringarooma valley near Derby. Rep. Seer, for Mines, for 1899-1900, Tasmania, 1900, Hobart, pp. CVII-CXXVII, sketch maps 2. Tries to trace the old valley of the Ringarooma River under basalt by which it is covered. The river and tributary streams are known to have flowed through stannif- erous granite so that it is supposed the gravels may pay for working. Where denuded both tin and gold have been obtained from the gravel. 170 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 58 TASMANIA (Continued) 1140. . Report on the mineral fields between Waratah and Corinna. Rep. Seer, for Mines for 1899-1900, Tasmania, 1900, Hobart, pp. CXL-CCVII, plans 2. Review: Austr. Mg. Stand., Vol. 18, 1900, Sydney and Melbourne, pp. 592-593. Mt. Bischoff tin mine [pp. CL-CLVI], rises 500 feet above the Waratah plateau. The first discovery of tin ore was made by James Smith in 1871. The mine has been dividend-paying continuously since 1878; total dividends paid to date being 1,674,000; total tin ore to date, 57,358 tons; value 3,316,528. The geology of the deposit is treated. Webster's Workings [pp. CLVI-CLVII] and Ten-mile tin claim at White River Bridge [pp. CLVII-CLIX] are alluvial tin claims. 1141. . Report on the tin mines of Blue Tier, county of Dorset. Geol. Surv., Tasmania, 1901, Hobart, pp. 33, figs. 9. Also in Rep. Seer. Mines, Tasmania, 1901-1902, Hobart, pp. 90-123. Supposing only that the tinstone continues a very little below already proved depths, there is sufficient tin bearing rock to keep several mines going for a good many years. If it descends indefinitely, there is enough stone for generations. If the dyke theory is correct, there is no reason why it should not persist to great depth. If the floor theory is the right one, it will still descend to any required depth. The development of the mines appears to be governed by the water power available. With adequate water supply, the district would undoubtedly be a busy tin-producing center. It is a productive district as it is, but its production is intermittent, being dependent upon rainfall. Author holds high hopes of a future for the Tier. The mines of the district are described individually. 1142. . The Bell Mount Mining Field. Journ. Print. Pap. Parl., Tasmania, Vol. 45, 1901, Hobart, pp. 57-60. Not available to the authors. 1143. . Report on the tin-bearing capabilities of the Gladstone district. Journ. Print. Pap. Parl., Tasmania, Vol. 45, 1901, Hobart, pp. 72-83, geol. map 1. Also in Rep. Seer, for Mines, Tasmania, 1901, Hobart, pp. 232-267, plan. Digest: Geol. Centr., Vol. 2, 1902, Leipzig, p. 581. The tin ore occurs principally in gravels spread far and wide over the surface of the country. The changes in level of the land since Tertiary times and their effect on the tin deposits, as also that of lava streams, is described. Topaz, sometimes very fine, and sapphires occur in the drift. Geo. W. Card. 1144. . Report on the coal field of Llandaff, the Denison and Douglas rivers, on the deposits of tin ore on Schouten Main, and on out-crops of quartz near Buckland. Rep. Seer, for Mines, for 1901-1902, Tasmania, 1902, Hobart, pp. 52-62, sketch maps 2. " Schouten Main is the name used for that part of the mainland which is at the head of Freycinct's Peninsula, and consists of granite, with the exception of some Silurian metamorphic sandstone on the crest and east slope of the hill overlooking Bluestone Bay." It is estimated that 150 tons of alluvial tin ore ha.s been mined it is possible that large lodes exist in the granite, that have eluded discovery, but the author would give different sources for it: 1. Small quartz veins enclosing coarse tin. 2. Greisenised bands of granite containing small quantities of ore. 1145. . Report on mineral fields between Waratah and Long Plains. Geol. surv., Tasmania, 1903, Hobart, pp. 38. Badger tin mines, pp. 35-37. Situated 5 miles from Waratah. Tin occurs in kaolinized and silicifled porphyritic granite. Samples assayed 7.77 to 9.2 per cent metallic tin. Some alluvial tin. Little work done. NO. 2 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TIN HESS 171 TASMANIA (Continued) 1146. . Report on the Renison Bell tin field. Geol. Surv., Tasmania, 1906, Hobart, pp. 12. Renison Bell tin mine, the chief mine of the Dundas tin-bearing belt, is situated at the northern end of the area. At present worked by optionees, producing ore by sluicing; are driving underground to intersect a large pyrrhotite lode a hundred feet below its exposure in a railway cutting. District is undeveloped. Present price of tin is acting as a stimulus that will lead to working lodes. 1147. . Geological report on Cox's Bight tin field. Geol. Surv., Tasmania, 1906, Hobart," pp. 18, geologic map 1. A little known field on the south coast of Tasmania, 36 miles by water from Recherche, and three or four days walk overland. A biotite granite boss of Devonian age, 1% miles in diameter, intruded through quartzite and schist is intersected by veins carrying cassiterite and accessory molybdenite. Tin found here in early '90's, and about 120 tons taken out to 1906. Gives individual descriptions of several claims. Yield, 1 pound to IVz pounds per cubic yard, generally nearer the smaller figure. Gravel 6 feet and more thick. Field restricted. 1148. . Report on the Bell Mount and Middlesex district (Tasmania). Geol. Surv., Tasmania, 1907, Hobart, pp. 1-30. At Shepherd & Murphy mine, on Bismuth Creek, a tin-tungsten-bismuth vein occurs in a wollastonite-epidote rock, evidently altered limestone. Vesuvianite, diopside and garnet also occur. Granite or quartz-porphyry supposed to exist close at hand. Topaz occurs in the vein with quartz. The vein cuts Middle Silurian rocks. Also mentions quartz bismuth-tungsten veins at All Nations mine; tin-bearing stockworks in granite and quartz-porphyry, at All Nations and Dolcoath mines; alluvial deposits of gold, tin and tungsten and veins carrying pyrite, galena, molybdenite, " cupriferous quartz," gold and silver occur in the same district. Spodumene is found in one of the veins. 1148a. . The mineral industry of Tasmania. See No. 1134. 1149. TWELVETREES, W. H., and PETTEBD, W. F. On the topaz quartz porphyry or stanniferous elvan dykes of Mount Bischoff. Pap. Proc. Roy. Soc., Tasmania, 1897 (1898), Hobart, pp. 119-128, pi. 1. The dikes of Mt. Bischoff are granitic and both feldspar and quartz have been more or less replaced by topaz and to a lesser degree, cassiterite, so that the latter mineral is also secondary. 1149a. TWELVETREES, W. H., and WARD, L. KEITH. Geological examination of of the Zeehan field. Geol. Surv., Tasmania, Bull. No. 7, 1909, Hobart, pp. 25. (Preliminary statement.) Extract: Mg. Journ. Railw. Comm. Gaz., Vol. 87, 1909, London, pp. 532-534. Treated under heads: Introduction; nature of the examination; its scope and method; forecast of the forthcoming report; preliminary statement of the results of the geological examination. 1150. ULRICH, G. H. F. A report on Mount Bischoff tin mines, Tasmania, with topographical sketch map. 1874, Launceston, pp. 5. Not available to the authors. 1151. . Ueber die Zinnmine am Mt. Bischoff in Tasmanien. Neues Jahrb. Min., 1877, Stuttgart, pp. 494-497. 1152. WADDINGTON, H. Tin; its future. Mg. Journ. Railw. Comm. Gaz., Vol. 49, 1879, London, p. 1310. Extracts from a report by H. W. F. Kayser on the Bischoff tin mines. 172 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 58 TASMANIA (Continued) 1152a. WALLACE, W. H. The mineral industry of Tasmania. See No. 1134. 1153. WALLER, G. A. Report on the mining districts of the Scamander River and St. Helens. Rep. Seer, for Mines, 1900-1901, Tasmania, 1901, Hobart, pp. 268-301. Alluvial deposits of tin at the Scamander River and at St. Helens. A description of the following mines is given: The Scamander Tin and Gold Co.; the mines at St. Helens; Royal Ruby Tin Mining Co.; Fern Tree Creek; Saxelby Creek; Thureau's Deep Lead Tin Mining Co.; Fenton's Mine; the Upper Ruby; the Rose Tin Co., Ltd. 1154. . Tin mining at St. Helens, Tasmania. Austr. Mg. Stand., Vol. 20, October 17, 24, 31, 1901, Sydney and Melbourne. Serial, 3 parts, 4000 words. " Describes the deposits and various workings." Not available to the authors. 1155. . Report on the tin mining district of Ben Lomond. Journ. Print. Pap. Parl. Tasmania, Vol. 45, 1901, Hobart, pp. 95-107, geol. sketch map 1, figs. 3. Also in Rep. Seer, for Mines, Tasmania, 1900-1901, Hobart, pp. 302-342. Digest: Geol. Centr., Vol. 2, 1902, Leipzig, pp. 580-581. Tin occurs in silicified and pegmatitic portions of Devonian granite, which breaks through Silurian slates, sandstones, etc. Considers tin to be of pneumatolitic origin. Accompanied by tourmaline, beryl, fluorspar, chlorite, argentiferous-galena, zinc blende, chalcopyrite, arsenopyrite and pyrite, wolframite, and probably gold. In one occurrence, considers tin in a fine grained granitic rock to be original. Some veins in neighborhood carry considerable quantities of wolframite. Describes different mines and gives rainfall. 1156. . Tin ore deposits of Mount Heemskirk. Geol. Surv., Tasmania, 1902, Hobart, pp. 46, pis. 4. Review: Austr. Mg. Stand., Vol. 28, 1902, Sydney and Melbourne, pp. 441, 586. Five miles from coast between Trial and Granville harbors. Geology of the district described. Four kinds of veins carry Sn0 2 viz. : Quartz-tourmaline veins, pinitoid (decomposed feldspar) veins, greisen veins, and pyritic veins. Tin occurs in nodules of quartz and tourmaline, sometimes hollow, generally in aplite segregations, but sometimes in the granite. Green tourmaline more apt to occur with tin than black tourmaline. Much of tin in residual gravel in gray colored nuggets with granular . center covered by thin concentric layers, frequently layers are radiating. Residual gravel 1 foot to 3 feet deep, gave 7.7 per cent cassiterite. Extent unknown. Some rich veins carry up to 39 per cent tin. Tin ore spreads out from veins into sandstone, parallel to bedding. Treats nineteen tin localities of district. Thinks region has good future. 1157. . Report on the tin-ore deposits of North Dundas. Rep. Seer, for Mines, 1901-1902, Tasmania, 1902, Hobart, pp. 139-158, pis. 1, 2, plan and section, Renison Bell mine. Most of the deposits of tin ore are located in the center of the northeast Dundas District. Most of the ore consists of dense iron-pyrites and pyrrhotite, with small grains of tin oxide embedded in it. Following mines are described: 1. Penzance Tin Mining Co. 2. Mount Lyell Copper Estate Co. 3. Cornwall Tin Mining Co. 4. Renison Bell Prospecting and Mining Co. 1158. . Report on the prospects of the Stanley River tin field. Geol. Surv., Tasmania, January, 194, Hobart, pp. 1-19, map 1. On Stanley River, a tributary of the Pieman, West Tasmania. Field five miles long. Rocks, granite, porphyry and aplites, in southern part " older Silu- rian metamorphic sandstones and claystones." Tin of pneumatolitic origin. Feldspar NO. 2 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TIN HESS 173 TASMANIA (Continued) replaced by tin, tourmaline and quartz. Tin lodes consist of a zone of replaced granite (quartz tourmaline), with usually a central seam or fissure filled with tourma- line and tin, which may vary from a few inches to many feet in width. Pyrites and monazite occur in some veins. The small amount of work done has not only shown the presence of rich alluvial tin, but has afforded evidence of the presence of rich lode tin. 1158a. WARD, L. KEITH. The tin field of North Dundas. Geol. Surv., Tasmania, Bull. No. G, 1909, Hobart, pp. 166. Locality map, pis. 5. Extract: Mg. Journ. Railw. Comm. Gaz., Vol. 86, 1909, London, pp. 232-233. Treated under heads: Introduction; previous literature on the field; physiography; general geology; economic geology; history of mining on the field; the mining properties. 1159. WELLINGTON, WM. Notice on Mount Bischoff, Tasmania. Trans. Roy. Geol. Soc. Cornwall, Vol. 9, 1875, Penzance, pp. 161-162. Author thinks tin of Mt. Bischoff is the result of volcanic eruptions, Mt. Bischoff being an extinct volcano. First deposit, of about 6 feet, is composed of small detached pieces of porphyry, granite and tin disseminated through it. Second eruption is more granite, in shape of large boulders and not so much tin. Last eruption appears to have been more violent sending up large masses of granite and the greatest quantity of tin. 1160. WICKHAM, F. D. The tin products of Mount Bischoff, Tasmania. Mg. Journ. Railw. Comm. Gaz., Vol. 44, 1874, London, p. 396. 1161. . The tin mines of Tasmania. Mg. Journ. Railw. Comm. Gaz., Vol. 48, 1878, London, p. 483. 1161a. WILLIAMS, GERARD W. Notes on the Zeehan mining field, Tasmania. Eng. Ms. Journ., Vol. 89, 1910, New York, pp. 713-715, diagrams 2. 1162. WILSON, A. P. Minerals and mining in Tasmania. Trans. Fed. Inst. Mg. Eng., Vol. 7, 1893-1894, Newcastle-upon-Tyne and London, 1894, pp. 277-278. Also, Trans. North of England Inst. Mg. Mech. Eng., Vol. 43, 1894, Newcastle-upon- Tyne, p. 385. Short account of Mt. Bischoff tin mining. Other districts mentioned as important are: Ringarooma, Branxholme, George's Bay and Blue Tier. Author thinks Tasmania is destined to occupy a more prominent place as a tin producing district. Further examination will doubtless bring to light massive lodes of tinstone which have been the source of the great alluvial deposits of the island. 1163. WINTLE, S. H. Stanniferous deposits of Tasmania. Trans. Proc. Roy. Soc. New South Wales, for 1875, Vol. 9, 1876, Sydney, pp. 87-94, fig. 1. Extract: Mg. Journ. Railw. Comm. Gaz., Vol. 45, 1875, London, pp. 1095-1096. Mount Bischoff tin deposits in eurite porphyry thrust through Paleozoic rocks, " clay-slate, altered sandstone, limestone, conglomerate and quartzose rock." Limestones carry argentiferous galena, tin- and iron-pyrites and bismuth. All covered by basalt. Mount Bischoff 3500 feet altitude. Tin ore occurs as veins and lodes in porphyry. Description of tin ore occurrence at Mt. Ramsay. 1164. . Notes on the mineral resources of Tasmania. Eng. Mg. Journ., Vol. 28, July 19, 1897, New York, pp. 38-39. An outline of the geological and commercial features of the island, including the tin resources. 174 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 58 TEXAS 1164a. CHAUVENET, REGIS. Franklin mountain tin prospects. Mines and Min., Vol. 30, 1910, Scranton, pp. 529-531, figs. 3. Treats of the locality, extent, and geology of the deposits, also nature of ores in the Franklin Mountains, near El Paso, Texas. 1165. COMSTOCK, THEO. B. Report on the geology and mineral resources of the central region of Texas. 1st Ann. Rep. Geol. Surv. Texas, 1889 (1890), Austin, p. 345. Author was unable, in a critical examination of more than 8000 specimens from various parts of the districts, to detect presence of tin. 1166. . Tin in Central Texas. 2d Ann. Rep. Geol. Surv. Texas, 1890 (1891), Austin, pp. 595-602, figs. 68-69. Discussion of the situation, with cuts showing the geological conditions in the Llano region where tin ore is said to have been found, character of ore and mode of occurrence. Uncertainty of discovering the mineral in commercial quantities. 1167. . Tin in central Texas. Eng. Mg. Journ., Vol. 51, 1891, New York, pp. 117-118. Mr. Comstock, as a member of the Geol. Surv. of Texas, tells of his discovery of tin, the manner of its occurrence, and the localities. Did not find any extensive deposits. P. 229. An addition to above article 'made by correspondent [G. A. F.], in which he says two discoveries of tin in the State have been overlooked. P. 281. Mr. C. answers correspondent. 1168. . Occurrence of tin in central Texas. Amer. Journ. Sci., Vol. 41, 1891. New Haven, p. 251. States that a few crystals of cassiterite have been found in Mason and Llano counties, but not in commercial quantity. 1168a. DINSMORE, CHAS. A. Development of a Texas tin mine. Mg. World, Vol. 31, 1909, Chicago, p. 1120. The tin prospect now being developed is on Mount Franklin, 16^ miles from El Paso. The deposit is in a ternary granite, composed of a pink or reddish orthoclase feldspar, quartz and mica; it is intersected in many places by veins of fine-grained granite and pegmatite. This is overlain by rhyolite. The tin-bearing area contains " true fissure veins of quartz carrying cassiterite," and of zones of impregnations in the neighboring granite. The cassiterite occurs disseminated through the quartz and in masses, many of which are pure enough for smelting. Associated minerals are uncommon, and so far consist of hematite, pyrite, pyrrhotite, tourmaline, topaz, fluorite, garnet and hornblende. Tungsten, gold, silver and copper have also been found in small quantities on the property. The cassiterite is often found in very beautiful twin crystals, varying in color from white to dark brown. 1169. DUMBLE, E. T. Tin. 2d Ann. Rep. Geol. Surv. Texas, 1890 (1891), Austin, p. LXIX. Found in connection with lead ores in Trans-Pecos, Texas. Dr. Comstock and party found pieces of cassiterite in Burnet and Mason counties. 1169a. LAKES, ARTHUR. A tin mine in the United States. Mg. Sci., Vol. 61, 1910, Denver, pp. 346-348. Description of tin prospect in Franklin Mountains, 10 miles north of El Paso, Texas. Regis Chauvenet's article "Franklin Mountain tin prospects" in Mines and Min., Vol. 30, No. 9, 1910, Scranton, pp. 529-531 is quoted in full. NO. 2 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TIN HESS 175 TEXAS (Continued) PAVLOV, ALEXANDER W. See No. 1216. 1170. RICHARDSON, G. B. Tin in the Franklin Mountains, Texas. U. S. Geol. Surv. Bull. 285, 1906, Washington, D. C., pp. 146-149, fig. 1. Description of the El Paso tin deposits, first described by Weed in U. S. Geol. Surv. Bull. 178, 1901. Gives a general description of the topography and geology of the Franklin Mountains, and a partial analysis of the tin bearing granite. The tin deposits are close to faults. Found little new development. States that water can be obtained in the mesa east of the mountains. 1171. STEEERUWITZ, W. H. VON. Report on the geological and mineral resources of Trans-Pecos, Texas. 2d Ann. Rep. Geol. Surv. Texas, 1890 (1891), Austin. Mentions finding traces of tin in West Texas ores. 1172. WEED, WALTER H. The El Paso tin deposits (Texas). U. S. Geol. Surv. Bull. 178, 1901, Washington, D. C., pp. 1-15, pi. 1, figs. 1-4. Digest: Neues Jahrb. Min., 1902, II (Ref.), Stuttgart, p. 342. Reprinted, U. S. Geol. Surv. Bull. 213, 1903, pp. 99-102. Describes briefly the geological structure and formation of the Franklin Mountains. Thinks the veins are similar to those of Cornwall, and that the ores are formed largely by replacement. Notes the absence of topaz and presence of wolframite. TRANSVAAL AND RHODESIA 1173. ANONYMOUS. Discovery of tin in the Transvaal. California Journ. Tech., Vol. 2, No. 3, 1903, Berkeley, p. 53. Quotes from the " British South African Export Gazette," of September 4, 1903, that three tin-bearing lodes have been discovered in the Transvaal. 1174. . Gold and tin in northern Rhodesia. Austr. Mg. Stand., Vol. 32, 1904, Sydney and Melbourne, p. 373. Taken from South African Mines, reports a deposit of stream tin on west bank of Lualaba. 1175. . Tin discoveries in the Bushveld. Journ. Soc. Arts, Vol. 52, 1904, London, pp. 736-737. A summary of particulars respecting the discovery of tin in the Bushveld, near Pretoria, taken from the " African Review." 1176. . Tin in the Transvaal. Mg. Sci. Press, Vol. 89, 1904, San Francisco, p. 295, 250 words. (Probably from Hall, A. L., No. 1181.) Digest: Mg. Mag., Vol. 10, New York, p. 442. " Notes on the occurrence of this metal in several different places in the Transvaal." 1177. . Tin in the Transvaal. Mg. World, Vol. 24, 1906, Chicago, p. 774. States that the first output of tin in the Transvaal has recently been declared. Tin lodes in various forms have been traced over a considerable area. Other tin areas in the neighborhood are being discovered from time to time. 1178. . Failure of tin mine at Vlaklaagte, South Africa. Eng. Mg. Journ., Vol. 82, 1906, New York, p. 180. It was expected that this mine would prove one of the world's greatest deposits. Unless things improve considerably, the tin mine at Vlaklaagte cannot run much longer. Up to date the total amount of material won is roughly 25% long tons cassiterite equal to 17.85 tons or 1.75 per cent metallic tin, from 1020 tons treated. 176 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 58 1178a. 1178b. 1178c. 1178d. 1178e. 1178f. 1178g. 1178h. 11781. 1178J. 1178k. TRANSVAAL AND RHODESIA (Continued) . Potgietersrust tin fields. South African Mg. Journ., May 23, 1908, Johannesburg, pp. iy 2 . Not available to the authors. . The Groenfontein tin plant. South African Mg. Journ., July 4, 1908, Johannesburg, p. %. " Describes methods for the recovery of tin in the Potgietersrust field, and also new plant which is to be built." Not available to the authors. . Base metals in the Transvaal. Eng. Mg. Journ., Vol. 88, 1909, New York, p. 250. Briefly describes tin producing districts of the Transvaal. . Tin deposits of the Transvaal. Eng. Mg. Journ., Vol. 88, 1909, New York, p. 778. Describee the manner of occurrence in the various fields. . Zaaiplaats tin mines. South African Mg. Journ., Vol. 7, pt. 1 (Feb. 13), 1909, Johannesburg. Jllus. " Describes the plant and workings, going into the geology of the deposits.'* Not available to the authors. . Notes on the tin fields. South African Mg. Journ., Vol. 7, pt. 1, 1909, Johannesburg, p. 109, illus. Describes some occurrences and operation on Groenvlei. . Transvaal tin: establishment of an industry. South African Mg. Journ., Vol. 7, pt. 1, 1909, Johannesburg, p. 145. Gives encouraging reports from the Waterberg, also an account of activity at Rooiberg and Weynek. . Waterberg tin mines. South African Mg. Journ., Vol. 7, pt. 1, 1909, Johannesburg, p. 407. Very encouraging outlook for tin-mining becoming a great industry in this colony. Describes activity at Zaaiplaats property geological features, extension of plant, scarcity of labor, etc. . The government tin report. South African Mg. Journ., Vol. 7, pt. 1, 1909, Johannesburg, No. 338, pp. 719-721, pi. 1. Deals with the tin industry of the Waterberg field, which is treated under heads: General geological structure; the tin rocks; the tin limits; investigation in depth; the shale- felsite deposits; the Rooiberg quartzites. . The Transvaal tin industry to-day. South African Mg. Journ., Vol. 7, pt. 2, 1909, Johannesburg, pp. 253-254. Treated under heads: Some monthly reports; the Groenfontein profits; alleged secondary enrichment at Rooibarg; prospects at Doornhoek. . Tin in Rhodesia: the beginning of an industry. South African Mg. Journ., Vol. 7, pt. 2, No. 350, 1909, Johannesburg, p. 279, 400 words. Probably reference to same occurrence in Mines & Min., Vol. 30, 1909, p. 11 quoted from U. S. Consular report. Note on the discovery of tin at Rusapi on the Salisbury-Beira line. NO. 2 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TIN HESS 177 TRANSVAAL AND RHODESIA (Continued) 1179. DAVEY, T. G. Trans-Zambesian mining. Mg. Journ. Railw. Comm. Gaz., Vol. 73, 1903, London, p. 158. " In many instances the granite and porphyries, which I traversed, show promising indications of the presence of tin." Whole reference. 1180. GRIFFITH, H. D. Largest tin producing fields in the world. South African Mines, December 3, 1904, Johannesburg, 2000 words. " Abstract of a report on the Bushveld tin properties; character of deposits, results of development, and estimate of costs." 1181. HALL, A. L. The geological survey of the northeastern portions of the Pretoria district, including the tin fields. Transvaal Mines Department, Report Geological Survey for 1904 (1905), Pretoria, pp. 37-44, pis. 15, 22, map 1. The larger part of the article is devoted to the general geology of the district. A coarse red granite at Bushveld (Enkeldoorn), 42 miles northeast of Pretoria, ia apparently the youngest of the rock's except diabase, and is intrusive in a felsite. Finer grained portions, probably a later phase, carry the cassiterite in microscopic grains. One lode is about 12 feet wid at the surface, and is said to carry 1.5 per cent tin. The Vlaklaagte deposits are 12 miles further northeast. Here cassiterite is rather evenly distributed through a gray granite cutting the coarse red granite. Cassiterite crystals are % inch and less long. Topaz and mica also occur, and the author supposes the deposit to be due to pneumatolytic action. 1182. . Geological notes on the Bushveld tin fields and surrounding area. Trans. Geol. Soc. South Africa, Vol. 8, 1905, Johannesburg, pp. 47-55, pis. 9, 10, [geol. map and section of vein]. Practically the same article as No. 1181. 1183. JOHNSON, J. B. The tin, molybdenum and lead occurrences near Pot- gietersrust. Trans. Geol. Soc. South Africa, Vol. 10, 1908, Johannesburg, pp. 115-119. The tin deposits occur between the Magalakwin and Sterk rivers. A quartz vein carries coarsely crystalline cassiterite, which is sparsely distributed in fine crystals through the granite for a width of 40 yards. Fluorite is an accompaniment in both vein and granite. Peculiar round pipes in the granite also carry cassiterite. Other minerals with the cassiterite are molybdenite, pyrite, chalcopyrite, arsenopyrite, galena, copper, tourmaline and a greenish mica. Attributes tin, molybdenum and lead deposits to pneumatolytic metasomatism. 1183a. KYNASTON, H. Cassiterite deposits of the Waterberg. South African Mg. Journ., Nov. 21, Dec. 12, 1008, Johannesburg. See 1183b. 11831). . Report on a preliminary examination of the cassiterite de- posits of Zaaiplaats, and some of the neighboring farms of the Water- berg district. Transvaal Mines Dep., Rep. Geol. Surv. for 1907 (1908), Pretoria, pp. 91-102, figs. 5-7. Reprint: South African Mg. Journ., Nov. 21, and Dec. 12, 1908, Johannesburg. Deposits at Zaaiplaats, Groenfontein and Roodepoort are described. The cassiterite occurs in the red (Bushveld) granite in pipes and chutes. The former are cylindrical bodies of altered granite impregnated with ore and sometimes surrounded with a selvage of tourmaline, fluorspar, copper and arsenic pyrites, specular iron ore, blende, galena, stibnite, wolframite, and molybdenite. 178 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 58 TRANSVAAL AND RHODESIA (Continued) 1183c. LAWN, . South African tin mines. South African Mg. Journ., Vol. 7, pt. 2, 1910, Johannesburg, p. 660. Extracts from report of Consulting Engineer Lawn of the Doornhoek mine of South African Tin Mines Company, Ltd., Transvaal. He reports very promising outlook. 1184. MERENSKT, H. Neue Zinnerzvorkommen in Transvaal. Zeitschr. prakt. Geol., Vol. 12, 1904, Berlin, pp. 409-411, 1000 words. Digests: Neues Jahrb. Min., 1906, II (Ref.), Stuttgart, p. 228. Geol. Centr., Vol. 7, 1905-1906, Leipzig, pp. 328-329. Mg. Mag., Vol. 11, 1905, New York, p. 369. South African Mines, Vol. 2, 1904, Johannesburg, p. 512. The new occurrence is in Enkeldoorn district, 40 miles northeast of Pretoria. The ore could be readily concentrated and smelted where found, water and coal being close at hand. Prospecting is now under way. 1184a. . The rocks belonging to the area of the Bushveld granite complex, in which tin may be expected, with descriptions of the de- posits actually found. (Read March 16, 1908.) Trans. Geol. Soc. South Africa, Vol. 11, 1908, Johannesburg, pp. 25-42. Discusses the general theory of tin deposition, the rocks surrounding the South African deposits, and their relative ages. He then takes up the tin deposits and discusses them and their accessory minerals and also other veins which seem to have close relations to the tin veins. Treats the Rooiberg, Warmbaths, Nylstroom and Pot- gietersrust districts. Believes the tin ore was deposited largely from thermal solutions. 1185. . Potgietersrust tin fields. South African Mines, May 23, 1908, Johannesburg. " Treats of output to date, geology of district, failure of government scheme and success of private producer." Not available to the authors. 1185a. MILLS-DAVIES, J. E. The Transvaal tin industry. South African Mg. Journ., Vol. 7, pt. 1, 1909, Johannesburg, pp. 463-465, 493-494, 547-548, 575-576, 605-606. Illus. A series of five articles. I. Treats of tin mining at Nylstroom. II. Treats of Potgietersrust district. III. Treats of Warmbaths district, describing especially the Rooiberg mine, and ancient Rooiberg workings. IV. Continues description of Rooiberg mines, extent of lodes, ore chutes and values. V. Describes Rooiberg dressing plant. Yield to date. New discoveries in Rooiberg district are described in Vol. 7, pt. 2, 1910, p. 495. 1186. PRAAGH, L. V. The Transvaal and its mines. London and Johannesburg (1907), pp. 631-633. States that cassiterite occurs along the Transvaal-Swaziland border on the water- sheds of Steynsdorp Creek and Black Umbelosi and Little Usutu rivers in pegmatite accompanying gneissoid and schistose rocks. In September, 1906, the mines of this area were idle, owing to paucity of ore. Gives history of discovery of Bushveld (Vlaklaagte) deposits. Tin ore on the Enkeldoorns farm in this area is in thin quartz veins cutting a coarse red granite and in the rock between the veins. Describes the unsuccessful working of these mines. Refers to several other prospects in the Great Red Granite Laccolite. 1186a. RECKNAGEL, R. On some mineral deposits in the Rooiberg district. Trans. Geol. Soc. South Africa, 1909, Johannesburg, pp. 83-106, pis. 6-16. Read July 20, 1908. Abstract: Mg. Journ. Railw. Comm. Gaz., Vol. 84, 1908, London, p. 778. NO. 2 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TIN HESS 179 TRANSVAAL AND RHODESIA (Continued) Describes the geology of the country in the neighborhood of Rooiberg, 40 miles west of Warmbaths. Tin occurs in granite, in irregular pockets, as veins in sediments and replacement deposits in quartzite. In one group of replacement deposits cassite- rite occurs with cobaltite, scheelite, cupro-scheelite, wolframite, and tourmaline. Nickel deposits are possibly connected with the tin deposits. The tin deposits were worked long ago as shown by old pits, slag-dumps, etc., but by whom is unknown. 1187. SIMMEESBACH, W. Die neuen Entdeckungen von Zinnerzlagerstatten in Transvaal. Zeitschr. Berg. Hiitt. Sal. preuss. Sta., Vol. 53, 1905, Berlin, pp. 245-248. Digest: Geol. Centr., Vol. 7, 1905-1906, Leipzig, p. 521. " Im roten Granit 35-50 engl. Meilen nordostlich von Pratoria setzen die Zinnerz- g&nge in einem llm machtigen bisweilen sich teilenden Hauptgange und 8 kleineren parallel verlaufenden Nebengangen auf." K. Keilhack. 1188. STEWART, D. S. S. The mineral wealth of Zoutpansberg: the Murchison Range gold-belt. Trans. Inst. Mg. Eng., Vol. 17, 1898-1899, London and Newcastle-upon-Tyne, p. 424. " Tin occurs as stream tin at the Great Letaba River and also in veins in the granite which contains large orthoclase crystals." Whole reference. 1189. SWINBURNE, U. P. Government tin prospecting in Transvaal. Mg. Journ. Railw. Comm. Gaz., Vol. 83, 1908, London, p. 7. Extract from Government Gazette, November 29, 1907. Deposits located ai Zaaiplaats, 22 miles northwest of Potgietersrust. Ore occurs in: (a* more or less iso- lated ore chutes or chimneys in the red granite, (b) pegmatites and coarse granite con- taining large tin crystals, (c) alluvial or shed tin, probably derived from the rocks referred to in (b). 1189a. . The economic aspect of Waterberg tin field. South African Mg. Journ., Vol. 7, pt. 1, Nos. 337, 338, 1909, Johannesburg, pp. 695-699, 719-721. Describes various mines and reviews their prospects. UNITED STATES 1190. ANONYMOUS. Tin in America. Mg. Journ. Railw. Comm. Gaz., Vol. 58, 1888, London, p. 384. An enthusiastic outlook for American tin. 1191. -. Our tin mines. Eng. Mg. Journ., Vol. 54, 1892, New York, p. 98. Editorial. Treats of tin mining in the United States. 1192. WHS; Tin mining in United States. Mg. Sci. Press, Vol. 82, 1901, San Francisco, p. 143, illus. 2. Tin deposits of Southern California and South Dakota are recorded as only deposits in United States which might be made paying. Both are described, with brief history of South Dakota tin boom, and unsatisfactory results. 1193. . Tin in United States. Mg. Sci. Press, Vol. 87, 1903, San Francisco, p. 117. Brief outline of tin developments in United States. Deposits of York, Alaska, are most promising, because unproven. The stone occurs there in abundance, though the veins have not been explored. 180 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 58 UNITED STATES (Continued) 1194. . Tin in United States. Mg. Sci. Press, Vol. 87, 1903, San Francisco, p. 282. Editorial. Giving brief outline of the tin mining industry of United States. 1195. . The production of tin in 1903. Mg. Rep., Vol. 50, 1904, Denver, p. 632, 700 words. Editorial. Short review of tin deposits in United States and their outlook. 1196. **J_i_ Tin in United States. Mg. Sci. Press, Vol. 89, 1904, San Francisco, p. 385. Rather general and brief review of tin deposits of the Carolinas; Black Hills of South Dakota; Southern California and Alaska. 1197. . Development of American tin deposits. Iron Age, December 8, 1904, New York, 1800 words. Review of the tin industry taken from the United States Geological Survey reports. 1198. . The search for tin. Mg. Rep., Vol. 51, 1905, Denver, pp. 624-625, 1500 words. " Gives a summary of places in the United States where tin ore is known to have been found, with a brief description of the mode of occurrence and means for determ- ining the mineral." 1199. . Tin mining in United States. Eng. Mg. Journ., Vol. 81, 1906, New York, pp. 474-475. Editorial on the prospect of profitably mining low grade tin ore in the United States. BECK, RICHARD. See No. 1299. 1200. BENEDICT, WM. DE L. Min. Ind. -for 1892, Vol. 1, 1893, New York, pp. 452-457. Tin deposits of California, South Dakota, North Carolina, Virginia and Alabama treated. 1201. BLAKE, WM. P. Occurrence of tin ore (wood-tin) in California, Idaho and Montana. Mg. Sci. Press, Vol. 45, 1882, San Francisco, p. 89. Stream tin has been found in the alluvions of the middle fork of the Feather River about 3 miles above Big Bar, in Plumas County, California. " The many points at which the ore has been found in Montana and Idaho indicate that this important ore has a wide and general distribution in the granitic region of the northwest, particularly in the Rocky Mountains at the headwaters of the Missouri and in the western drainage, including the streams flowing from the Bitter Root range, especially in the Snake and the Salmon and their affluents." 1202. . Ores of tin. Min. Res., U. S. Geol. Surv., 1883-1884, Washington, D. C., pp. 592-640. Contains chapters on: Ores of tin; origin of tin ore; tin ore in the New England States; tin ore localities in the Middle and Southern States; tin ore in the Black Hills of Dakota, in Wyoming, Idaho and Montana; tin ore in California; foreign sources of tin; physical properties of tin; alloys of tin; the tin plate industry and prices, exports, etc. D'AcHiARDi, ANTONIO. See No. 1313. NO. 2 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TIN HESS 181 UNITED STATES (Continued) 1203. DAY, DAVID T. Tin. Min. Res. U. S. for 1891, U. S. Geol. Surv., 1893, Washington, D. C., pp. 164-166. Treats of the development of the tin mines of United States during 1891. 1203a. . Tin. Mineral Industries of the United States. Eleventh Census. Census Office, 1892, Washington, D. C., pp. 249-265. Treats of the occurrence of tin in Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Maine, Virginia, North Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Texas, California and South Dakota. The condi- tions of occurrence in the Black Hills is treated at some length, development work done, and a list of claims given. Also treats of the foreign production of tin. 1204. DOUGLAS, JAS. Summary of American improvements and inventions in ore crushing and concentration, and in the metallurgy of copper, lead, gold, silver, nickle, aluminum, zinc, mercury, antimony and tin. Trans. Amer. Inst. Mg. Eng., Vol. 22, 1894, New York, p. 343. " Tin is widely diffused from Maine to Alabama in Appalachian Range, exploited from Dakota to California, but the mining of it so far has nowhere been sufficiently remunerative to create a smelting industry." 1205. EMMENS, STEPHEN H. American tin mines. Eng. News Amer. Railw. Journ., Vol. 28, 1892, New York, pp. 484-486. Abstract of reports of J. Thomas and Lord Thurlow on Harney tin mines. Also brief review and prospects of the tin deposits in North Carolina, California and Virginia. 1206. EMMONS, S. F. Geological distribution of useful metals in United States. Trans. Amer. Inst. Mg. Eng., Vol. 22, 1893, New York, pp. 71-72. Describes the geological occurrence in different parts of the United States of iron, manganese, nickel, tin, copper, lead, zinc, quicksilver, gold and silver, and gives a summary of conclusions concerning the genesis of their minerals. FAWNS, SYDNEY. See No. 1320. FUCHS, E., and LAUNAY, L. DE. See No. 1323. 1207. GARRISON, F. LYNWOOD. Tin in the United States. Eng. Mg. Journ., Vol. 78, 1904, New York, pp. 830-832. Reprint: Min. Ind. for 1904, Vol. 13, 1905, New York and London, pp. 400-405. Brief review of history of discoveries of tin in this country. Summary of occur- rence in Black Hills, at Temescal, York River, Virginia, North and South Carolina. Compares United States deposits with those in different parts of the world. Gives average yield from some principal producers elsewhere. Short sketches of occurrence in Bolivia and Malay Archipelago. 1208. HEADDEN, W. P. Mineralogical notes, No. III. Proc. Colorado Sci. Soc., Vol. 8, 1906, Denver, pp. 167-173. Pp. 167-168 give an analysis of cassiterite (credited to " Mecklenberg, N. C.," but probably from further west or south in the tin belt), which contains SnO 2 95.18, FeO, 1.11 and Ta 2 O 5 3.82. Sp. gr. 6.7671. Pp. 169-170: Cassiterite which he thinks resulted from the decomposition of stannite, from the Etta mine, South Dakota, gave Sn0 2 94.36, Ta 2 5 2.42, Fe 2 O 3 1.80, SiO 2 1.00. Analyses of cassiterite from Herbert's Placer and the Sammelias claim No. 3, Pennington County, South Dakota, showed only iron and SiO 2 as impurities. 1209. HESS, FRANK L. Tin. Min. Res. U. S. for 1905, U. S. Geol. Surv., 1906, Washington, D. C., pp. 445-451. 182 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 58 UNITED STATES (Continued) 1210. . Tin. Min. Res. U. S. for 1906, U. S. Geol. Surv., 1907, Washington, D. C., pp. 548-549. The production of tin in the United States during the year is reviewed and esti- mates made of the world's production. 1211. - . Tin. Min. Res. U. S. for 1907, Geol. Surv. 1908, Washington, D. C., pt. 1, pp. 725-729. Reviews briefly the production of tin in the United States, imports, market con- ditions and prices. Gives an estimate of the world's production and the amount recovered in the United States from secondary sources. Similar articles were published in the volumes for 1908 and 1909. 1212. KEMP, J. F. Zinn in den Vereinigten Staaten von Nord-Amerika. Zeitschr. prakt. Geol., 1896, Berlin, p. 233. Brief paragraph stating different localities where tin has been found in the United States. 1213. KEMP, JAS. F. The ore deposits of the United States and Canada. 3d Edition, New York, 1900, pp. 441-444, fig. 1. Bibliography. Edition of 1893: pp. 273-274. Edition of 1895: pp. 324-325. General description of tin. Short account of deposits in Black Hills, Montana, Idaho, California, Virginia, North Carolina, Alabama, Maine, New Hampshire and Texas. The tin of Mexico is also briefly treated. 1214. LEONHABD, GUSTAV. Topographische Mineralogie der Vereinigten Staaten von Nord-Amerika. Neues Jahrb. Min., 1849, Stuttgart, p. 836. Tin is mentioned as occurring at Goshen, Massachusetts; Jackson, New Hampshire; and in Virginia. LOCK, C. G. WARNFORD. See No. 1338. Louis, HENRY. See No. 1340. 1215. OHLY, J. Tin and its occurrence, mineralogy and metallurgy. Mg. Rep., Vol. 48, 1903, Denver, pp. 487-488, 509-510. Serial. 1st article describes the characteristics of tin and its occurrence in the United States and Alaska. 2d article gives brief history of Temescal (Cal.), ore deposits. Notes foreign localities where mostly produced, describes the ores of tin, and treats of the metal- lurgy of tin. 1216. PAVLOV, ALEXANDER W. Ueber einige neue Zinnlagerstatten der Verein- igten Staaten von Amerika. Bull. Mines Ind. or, Nos. 19 and 20, Tomsk, 1904, text figs. 2. (Russian.) Short description of tin deposits of El Paso (Texas) and Alaska (York Region). (Geol. Centr. Vol. 6, 1905, Leipzig, p. 200.) PHILLIPS, J. A., and Louis, H. See No. 1350. 1217. PRATT, J. H. Tin. Min. Res. U. S. Geol. Surv., 1904 (1905), Washington, D. C., pp. 377-380. Reviews briefly the production of tin in the United States and in other portions of the world. XO. 2 ' BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TIN HESS 183 UNITED STATES (Continued) 1218. R , N. Zinn in der Vereinigten Staaten. Zeitschr. prakt. Geol., 1893, Berlin, pp. 170-171. Brief notice of tin in South Dakota, California, Virginia. Outlook for tin pro- duction in United States not very bright. 1219. RAYMOND, R. W. Occurrence of tin in the United States. Trans. Amer. Inst. Mg. Eng., Vol. I, 1871-1873, Philadelphia, pp. 374-375. Remarks following a paper by T. S. Hunt on tin in Maine, in which the ore from other states is discussed. ROLKEB, CHAS. M. See No. 1357. 1220. STRUTHEES, JOSEPH, and PKATT, J. H. Tin. Min. Res. U. S. for 1903 (1904), Washington, D. C., pp. 335-349. Digest: Neues Jahrb. Min., 1906, II, Stuttgart [Ref.], p. 169. Tin of South Dakota and Wyoming briefly treated. The Carolina tin belt, its geological location, geology of district, and mineralogical and chemical character of ore, with production, treated by J. H. Pratt. 1221. See No. 1203a. WEEKS, JOSEPH D. See No. 1372. See also t Alabama, Alaska, California, Carolinas, Colorado, Georgia, Idaho, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, Missouri, Montana, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, South Dakota, Texas, Virginia, Wash- ington, Wyoming. VICTORIA 1222. ANNUAL Reports of the Secretary for Mines and Water Supply. From 1899, Melbourne, Victoria. Give statistics of production and amount exported and imported annually. 1223. ANONYMOUS. Tin in Australia. Min. Ind. for 18P8, Vol. 7, 1899, New York and London, p. 710. Tin-bearing gravel 6 to 8 feet deep found near Beenah, Gippsland, Victoria. Plenty of water. 1224. BRACHE, J. Report on gold and tin mining at Eldorado, Victoria. 1872, Melbourne, Not available to the authors. D'AcHiARDi, ANTONIO. See No. 1313. DAVIES, D. C. See No. 1317. 1225. EDDY, WILLIAM. Special report on the Victoria stream tin deposits. Mg. Journ. Railw. Comm. Gaz., Vol. 45, 1875, London, p. 1223. The deposits on Latrobe River, South Gippsland, are from 6 to 30 feet below the surface, and from 6 inches to 3 fee thick all over the flat valley which is from 500 to 1000 feet across. Average assay of concentrates is 65 per cent SnO 2 . From deepest parts of flat, sufficient gold exists to pay working expenses. River affords abundant water and power, and there is plenty of timber. FAWNS. SYDNEY. See No. 1320. 184 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 58 VICTORIA (Continued) 1226. GREGORY, J. W. The Mount Cudgewa tin field. Geol. Surv. Victoria Bull. No. 22, 1907, Melbourne, pp. 1-4. A preliminary report on recently discovered tin lodes of the Cudgewa district, in Benambra. Alluvial tin has unquestionably wide distribution in some parts of north- east Victoria, but attempts to work the tin-bearing lodes have hitherto failed. The tin-bearing veins of the district occur mostly in the granitic rocks, close to the contact with the schists, but sometimes in the schists. 1227. HERMAN, H. Report on mining at Mitta-Mitta, Eskdale, Tallandoon, and Mt. Elmo. Special Report Department Mines, 1898, Melbourne, Victoria, pp. 5-6. Brief article on the geology of the surrounding country and the tin deposits of the districts. 1228. . Report on alleged tin and gold discovery at Falls Creek, near Bruthen. Records of Geological Survey Victoria, Vol. 1, pt. 1, 1902, Melbourne, pp. 70-71, sketch locality plan 1. Writer visited locality and found nothing done by way of development work since 1880, until two months before his visit, so little real information could be obtained. Discoverers claim 10 pounds tin obtained on Foggy Creek, and good prospects of tin found in most of gullies tried, also in loam on the slopes of the hills. 1229. KITSON, A. E. The economic minerals and rocks of Victoria. Special Report Department of Mines, 1906, Melbourne, Victoria, p. 520. Tin is the second mineral of importance in Victoria, gold occupying the first place. It occurs as Idties: 1. Thin veins [stockworks] ramifying granitic and porphyritic rocks. 2. Dykes of coarsely crystalline rocks [pegmatite and greisen]. 3. Quartz reefs traversing granitic and porphyritic rocks. As alluvial or stream tin, it is found in the sands and gravels of streams, which have worn down rocks containing tin. Principal occurrences of the lode tin are at Mt. Cudgewa, Mt. Wills, Pilot Range, and Eskdale in the northeastern district, and Mt. Singapore on Wilsons Promontory, Southern Gippsland. Stream tin is found in the northeast district, Southern Gippsland, Eastern Gipps- land, Western Gippsland, Upper Yarra and other districts. 1230. MURRAY, REGINALD A. F. Report on the geology and mineral resources of Southwest Gippsland. Rep. Prog. Geol. Surv. Victoria, 1876, Melbourne, p. 171. No payable tin workings in this district have been mapped. The largest quantity yet obtained was in two small tributaries of the Franklin River. As the deposits are narrow, and do not occupy any considerable length of the creeks, remunerative tin workings are hardly to be hoped for. 1231. MURRAY, R. A. F. Report on the Mt. Wills tin field. Reports and Statistics of Mines Department for Quarter ended March 31, 1890, Mel- bourne, Victoria, pp. 15-17, 2 sheets of underground survey of mines, Ballarat East. Digest: Neues Jahrb. Min., 1891, II, Stuttgart, p. 100. 1232. NEWBERY, J. COSMO. Laboratory report of tin ore. Rep. Prog. Geol. Surv. Victoria, No. 11, 1875, Melbourne, p. 129. Brief examination of cassiterite from Franklin, Corner Inlet, and Upper Murray. NO. 2 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TIN HESS 185 VICTORIA (Continued) 1233. NICHOLAS, WM. Localities of minerals which occur in Victoria. Rep. Prog. Geol. Surv. Victoria, No. 3, 1876, Melbourne, p. 287. The most important districts where tin is to be found are: 1. Lode tin, Beechworth. 2. Stream tin, Beechworth, Berwick, Bright, Burrowa Creek, Cudgewa Creek, Dry Forest Creek, La Trobe River, Mt. Fatigue, Murray River [upper]. PHILLIPS, J. A., and Louis, H. See No. 1350. REYEE, EDUABD. See No. 1354. ROLKER, CHAS. M. See No. 1357. 1234. ROSALES, HY. Report on Mt. Wills as a gold field and tin field respect- ively. Special Report Department Mines, Melbourne, Victoria, 1897, p. 5. 1235. SKENE, A. J., and SMYTH, R. B. Report on the physical character and resources of Gippsland. 1874, Melbourne, pp. 3-65, with map and geol. sect. " Black oxyd of tin " has been found in basin of River La Trobe, near Mt. Fatigue. Nearly all areas occupied by granite, yield some tin ore. Up to this time little has been done in Gippsland toward mining tin ore. 1236. SMYTH, R. BROUGH. The manner of occurrence of tin ore on the Upper Murray River. Rep^. Prog. Geol. Surv. Victoria, No. 1, 1874, Melbourne, pp. 5-7. In all granitic tracts, " black oxyd of tin " is found in the beds of the creeks and gullies. Mr. H. Y. L. Brown, of Geological Survey of West Australia, examined the district and gives facts concerning the tin deposits. 1237. - . Tin in Victoria. Rep. Prog. Geol. Surv. Victoria, 1875, Melbourne, pp. 41, 42, 45. Author predicts that rich veins of tin ore will be found in the basin of the Mitta- Mitta and the Cudgewa. Tin ore is found in southwestern and northwestern parts of Gippsland. 1238. STIRLING, JAMES. Report on the tin lodes at Wombat Creek. Department of Mines, Victoria, Report of Mining Registrars for quarter ended March 31, 1889, Melbourne, pp. 65-67, hachured map 1, pis. 3, figs. 4. Veins are on a ridge between Mt Wills Creek [tributary of Big River], and Wom- bat and Nine Mile creeks, tributary to Mitta River. Tin found in creeks and bench gravels with bismuth and gold. Some lodes were found by government party. The country rock is slate and feldspathic sandstones, of Upper Silurian age, converted into nodular schists and sandstones and highly inclined. Cut by pegmatitite and aplite masses. Tin occurs in pegmatites as stockworks. " Granulitic " lodes traverse the slates. At places there is much tourmaline in the pegmatite. Some granite dikes [ternary] near by are younger than Silurian; thought probably to be Devonian. [No proof given.] Small amount of alluvial tin in Wombat valley, probably indicates that veins have- not been exposed long to erosion, and will grow better in depth. Several large diorite dikes have cut the sediments and metamorphosed them. " When the lode or vein intersects certain felsitic sandstones and nodular schists, and the lode is mainly greisen, it is rich in tin, and when the small grains of white feldspar, partly converted into kaolinite are present as additional ingredients, schorl is more abundant." Cassiterite is said to be evenly distributed through some of the lodes. Lodes 1 to 5 feet wide carry 2.9 per cent to 20 per cent tin. Accompanying minerals: tourmaline, wolfram and plumose muscovite in large plates. 386 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 58 VIRGINIA 1239. BENEDICT, WM. DE L. Tin in Virginia. Min. Ind. for 1892, Vol. I, 1893, New York, pp. 455-456. Tin known to exist in Virginia about ten years. Found on Irish Creek, Rockbridge County. Ore found in veins in granite. Three veins thus far discovered. Develop- ments consist of open cut extending about 60 feet into face of hill, and a tunnel which penetrates some 40 feet further. Mill has been erected, and experimental tests of ore were made. 1st test: 90 tons assayed 3.44 per cent metallic tin; concentrates from vhich assayed 43.44 per cent tin. 2d test: 75 tons assayed 3.28 per cent tin, concentrates showing 40.40 per cent tin. 3d test: 125 tons ore, assayed 3.26 per cent tin, concentrates gave 45.07 per cent tin. 1240. BROWN, W. G. On cassiterite from Irish Creek, Rockbridge Co., Virginia. Amer. Chem. Journ., Vol. 6, 1885J Baltimore, pp. 185-187. The veins have not been prospected to more than 20 feet in depth, and are much weathered. The cassiterite is brown, from waxy to dark, and the faces are generally dull. Wolframite, arsenopyrite, quartz and mica accompany the cassiterite. Gives a description of crystals and an analysis which shows nearly 0.3 per cent Ta 2 O 5 . 1241. CAMPBELL, HARRY D. Tin ore (cassiterite) in the Blue Ridge in Virginia. The Virginias, Vol. 4, 1883, Staunton, p. 151. Abstract: Amer. Journ. Sci. Arts, ser. 3, Vol. 27, 1884, New Haven, p. 411. Note on the discovery of tin in eastern corner of Rockbridge County. Cassiterite occurs in quartz veins. Incomplete analysis given. 1242. CROOKES and ROEHRIG. Tinstone, cassiterite. The Virginias, Vol. 4, 1883, Staunton, p. 169. Extract from Crookes & Roehrig's Metallurgy. Short general article. GARRISON, P. LYNWOOD. See No. 1207. 1243. MCCREATH, A. S., and PLATT, FRANKLIN. Description of locality of tin ore, Rockbridge Co., Virginia. The Virginias, Vol. 4, 1883, Staunton, pp. 150-151. Not sufficient prospecting had been done to give a good idea of the veins. They occur in crystallines beneath Potsdam No. 1. The ore taken out probably averaged 31.60 per cent tin. 1244. ROBERTSON, W. B. On Virginia tin mines. Mg. Journ. Railw. Comm. Gaz., Vol. 54, 1884, London, pp. 1221-1222. Deposits are in high ridges on both sides of Irish Creek, in Rockbridge County. Ore occurs in the form of a " pure and rich cassiterite " permeating quartz veins and mica slate to a width of 40 feet or more. Many crystals are also found. Gives description of the tin veins and outcrops of the district. 1245. ULKE, TITUS. Cash Mine, near Vesuvius, Virginia. Min. Res. U. S. Geol. Surv., 1893 (1894), Washington, D. C., pp. 178-182. Development of property hindered by years of litigation. In writer's judgment Cash property warrants development. Mill, said to have cost $50,000, was erected on property several years ago, and about 290 tons of rock, averaging about 3.3 per cent metallic tin were tested. Mineral association and geological occurrence of tin here more closely resembles that of Cornwall than that of any other known tin locality in United States. NO. 2 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TIN HESS 187 VIRGINIA (Continued) 1246. WATSON, THOS. L. Mineral resources of Virginia. The Virginia Jamestown Exposition Commission. 1907, Lynchburg, pp. 567-578. Gives the location, a short history of the working, and a brief description of the geology of the Irish Creek tin-bearing locality. Most of the article is a transcript of a commercial report upon the region by Major Hotchkiss. Mentions that the occur- rence of cassiterite has been reported at Nellys Ford, Nelson County, and at Capron Springs. Gives a bibliography. 1247. WHITEHEAD, EDGAR. The tin ore of Virginia. The Virginias, Vol. 5, 1884, Staunton, p. 38. Reprinted from " The Advance " (no date), Lynchburg, Va. A letter dated January 22, 1884, to the " American Artizan," Chicago, in which the Martha Cash tin properties are described. States that there are five known veins, which he thinks will supply the United States with tin. Gives a number of assays of both tin ore and mispickel from the same veins. The latter carried gold and silver up to $255 per ton. 1248. WINSLOW, ARTHUR. Tin ore in Virginia. Eng. Mg. Journ., Vol. 40, 1885, New York, p. 320, sketch maps 3. Abstract: The Virginias, Vol. 6, 1885, Staunton, p. 168. Location western slope of Blue Ridge Mountains, in eastern edge of Rockbridge County. Description of veins fissure veins, traversing the granite in all directions. Present developments not sufficient to permit estimate of value nor a prediction as to future of deposits. WASHINGTON 1249. ANONYMOUS. Tin in Washington. Mg. World, Vol. 26, 1907, Chicago, p. 784, 325 words. Short account of discovery of tin ore, May 1906, near Spokane, Washington, close to border of Idaho, with brief notes upon the geology and development. 1250. COLLIER, ARTHUR J. Tin ore at Spokane, Wash. IT. S. Geol. Surv. Bull. 340, 1908, Washington, D. C., pp. 295-305. Cassiterite occurs in an elevation known as Silver Hill half an hour's ride from Spokane on an electric road. Cassiterite is in pegmatite accompanied by sillimanite, andalusite and tourmaline. Wolframite and scheelite occur in granite in the same hill. WESTERN AUSTRALIA 1251. ANONYMOUS. Tin mines in West Australia. Mg. Sci. Press, Vol. 70, 1895, San Francisco, p. 39. A short account of mining operations in the tin fields at Greenbushes, West Australia. 1252. . Greenbushes tin field. Austr. Mg. Stand., Vol. 17, 1900, Sydney, pp. 247-248. " Information concerning the situation and the character of these deposits, which are known to contain certain deleterious impurities, difficult to eliminate." 1253. . Tin of Western Australia. Min. Ind. for 1900, Vol. 9, 1901, New York and London, pp. 638-639. Mining operations were active during 1900, at Greenbushes. The district is described geologically. About 400 tons of ore were treated at local smelting works during 1900. Specimens of rock from the Cornwall mine assayed 1.79 per cent Sn. 188 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 58 WESTERN AUSTRALIA (Continued) 1254. . Tin in Western Australia. Min. Ind. for 1901, Vol. 10, 1902, New York and London, p. 641. Total quantity of black tin mined during 1901 amounted to 734 tons, valued at 40,000. 1255. . Die Zinnproduction Westaustraliens. Zeitschr. prakt. Geol., 1902, Berlin, pp. 209-210. Taken from " The British Australasian," 1899, p. 330. 1256. . Tin in West Australia. Eng. Mg. Journ., Vol. 80, 1905, New York, p. 1071. Tin ore has been mined for several years on the Greenbushes and Pilbarra mining fields, West Australia. Output of these fields is about 200 tons per annum. Mentions recent discoveries of tin in the Wodgina district, and thinks it possible that within the next few years West Australia will become an important tin producer. Wodgina district described. 1257. KBUSCH, P. Die Tellurerze Westaustraliens. Zeitschr. prakt. Geol., Vol. 9, 1901, Berlin, pp. 211-217. Digest translation in Trans. Inst. Mg. Eng., Vol. 22, 1901-1902, London and New- castle-upon-Tyne, pp. 731-733. " Quartz porphyry dikes, also occur bearing tinstone with tourmaline and titanite; and the weathering of these dikes has given rise to the Greenbushes stream tin workings." 1258. . Beitrag zur Kenntniss der nutzbaren Lagerstatten Westaus- traliens. Zeitschr. prakt. Geol., Vol. 11, 1903> Berlin, pp. 378-385, figs. 2. Digest: Neues Jahrb. Min., 1904, II [Ref.], Stuttgart, p. 242. Author states that cassiterite occurs: I. Sparsely in granite. II. In greisen cutting amphibolite. Wolfram bearing minerals are rare and there are apparently no lithia micas. Ill, IV. In alluvial and disintegrated deposits along with muscovite, tourmaline, quartz, garnet, wolframite, tantalum and columbium minerals. Thinks veins occupy cooling cracks in granite, and that the cassiterite is of pneu- matolytic origin though some water is present. 1259. LAPAGE, HERBEKT. Gold and other mineral resources of Western Aus- tralia. Trans. Fed. Inst. Mg. Eng., Vol. 7, 1894, London and Newcastle-upon-Tyne, p. 510. " In 1888, Mr. Stinton found some stream tin near Bridgetown on the Blackwood River, which led to rich deposits, extending over about 100 square miles. The tin fields are likely to produce great wealth, if properly worked." 1260. MAITLAND, A. GIBB. Notes on the Greenbushes tin field. Ann. Progr. Rep. Geol. Surv. Western Australia for 1899 (1900), Perth, pp. 7-8 and 15-20, geologic map 1. Description of claims and geology of Dumpling Gully, Cowan Brook, Bunbury Gully, and adjoining land. The country rock is granite, sometimes gneissoid and containing much tourmaline, largely covered, up to 20 feet thick, with a residual conglomerate. Cassiterite occurs in both alluvial and residual deposits. 1261. . The mineral wealth of Western Australia. Western Australian Geol. Surv. Bull. No. 4, 1900, Perth, pp. 84-90. Introduction treating of tin deposits in general. Exports of tin ore from Greenbushes and Pilbarra, given. Production of tin through- out Western Australia also given. NO. 2 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TIN HESS 189 WESTERN AUSTRALIA (Continued) 1262. . Preliminary report on the geological features and mineral resources of the Pilbara gold field. Western Australia Geol. Surv. Bull. No. 15, 1904, Perth. Digest: Mg. Mag., Vol. 11, 1905, New York, p. 369. The tin deposits so far worked are all of detrital origin and have yielded con- siderable quantities of ore. The ores examined seem to be free from the deleterious constituents which are known to occur in the Greenbushes tinfield. 1263. . Report on the Wodgina tin field. Rep. Dept. Mines for 1905 Western Australia, 19C6, Perth, pp. 126-140. Digest: Eng. Mg. Journ., Vol. 80, 1905, New York, p. 1071. . Output of Greenbushes and Pilbara fields about 200 tons of tin per annum. In the new Wodgina field, tin always occurs in granite and pegmatite dikes. In pegmatite dikes tin generally occurs along the sides, though sometimes through the mass. Veins are accompanied by mica and tourmaline. 1264. MAITLAND, A. GIBB, and JACKSON, C. F. V. The mineral production of Western Australia up to the end of 1903. Western Australia Geol. Surv. Bull. No. 16, 1904, Perth, pp. 56-60. Brief introduction treating tin deposits in general, followed by a detailed descrip- tion of the Greenbushes and Marble Bar (Pilbara) districts. 1265. MULHOLLAND, C. A. The Greenbushes tin field, Western Australia. Austr. Mg. Stand., Vol. 29, 1903, Sydney and Melbourne, pp. 159-160, 192. Serial. " Begins a description of an interesting field from a scientific point of view, the variety of the deposits and. the metallurgical problems to be solved." Second article treats of mineralogical details in connection with deposits at Green- bushes. 1266. NEWLAND, D. H. Tin in Western Australia. Min. Ind. for 1902, Vol. 11, 1903, New York and London, p. 595. Output of tin ore in 1902 was 620 long tons valued at 39,783 as compared with 734 tons valued at 40,000 in 1901. Greenbushes alluvial ore carries 40 to 73 per cent tin and is associated with tantalite. Tin dressing plant has been erected in the district by the government as an aid to the mining industry. 1267. SIMPSON, EDWARD S. Report of the mineralogist and assayer (gold, tin, cobalt). Annual Progress Report, Geological Survey of Western Australia for 1899 (1900), Perth, pp. 52-54. Gives notes upon tin ore from Greenbushes field; assays of dressed ore ran from 22.6 to 71.3 per cent, averaging 53.8 per cent. The reason why some apparently well-dressed ore ran so low was found to be on account of the presence of stibiotantalite. Gives analysis. Notes presence of fine particles of native tin, also zircon, garnet, topaz, and tourmaline. 1268. . Cassiterite (tinstone). Minerals of economic value. Western Australia Geol. Surv. Bull. No. 19, 1905, Perth, pp. 53-54. General account of the properties and characteristics of cassiterite; its mode of occurrence and of troublesome accompanying minerals. Also a few words about stannite. 1269. SIMPSON, EDWARD S., and GIBSON, CHAS. G. The distribution and oc- currence of the baser metals in Western Australia. Western Australia Geol. Surv. Bull. 30, 1907, Perth, pp. 49-76 with map showing distribution. A compilation of the information upon the various tin claims in each district of the State, with history, geologic conditions, and production. 190 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 58 WESTERN AUSTRALIA (Continued) 1270. "STANNIFER." The Greenbushes tin fields (Western Australia). Austr. Mg. Stand., Vol. 18, 1900, Sydney and Melbourne, p. 811. Describes country geologically and geographically, and gives an account of both stream and lode deposits, the prospects of which he considers are good. 1271. TALBOT, . Wodgina tin field. Rep. Dep. Mines for 1905, Western Australia, 1906, Perth, pp. 126-128, sketch map 1. Wodgina is at headwaters of western branch of the Turner River, and within limits of the Pilbara goldfield, about 74 miles from Port Hedland. District bids fair to rise to importance as tin and tantalite producer. 1272. WOODWABD, H. P. Coal and tin in West Australia. Geol. Mag., n. s., Vpl. 6, 1889, London, p. 432. Thinks discoveries of tin at Bridgetown seems to indicate the biggest thing of the kind that has ever been found. One shaft 18 feet deep will average all the way down about 4 or 5 pounds to the pan. Tin found at surface in sand over area of about 100 square miles. 1273. WOODWARD, HARRY P. Greenbushes tin field (with special reference to the deep leads). Western Australia Geol. Surv. Bull. 32, 1908, Perth, pp. 1-75, maps 3, pis. 3. A general description of the district and its mineralogy with detailed descriptions of claims. WOOLNOUGH, W. G. See No. 1649. WYOMING ANONYMOUS. See No. 985. 1274. AUGHEY, SAMUEL. Minerals of Wyoming territory. Annual Report of the Territorial Geologist, 1886, Laramie, p. 111. Tin occurs near Rawhide Buttes in minute quantities, also in small quantities in Silver Crown district. 1275. BENEDICT, WM. DE L. Tin in Wyoming. Min. Ind. for 1892, Vol. I, 1893, New York, p. 454. Area of tin-bearing rocks extends to granite district west and south of Custer City, South Dakota, throughout Nigger Hill district, and into Wyoming. CHANCE, H. M. See No. 1002. 1276. RICKETTS, Louis D. Tin in Wyoming. Annual Report of the Territorial Geologist Wyoming, 1890, Cheyenne, pp. 74-75. The tin described in this report is in the Black Hills, Crook County. The cassite- rite occurs in imperfect crystals [rare], granules, and grains scattered through dikes of quartz, feldspar and mica, which cut the granite country rock. Samples yielded from 2 to 6 per cent metallic tin, and those samples showing no tin minerals from 2 to 4 per cent. Stream tin in fine particles has been found in all gulches that cut the granite dikes. SADTLEB, B. See No. 1016. II. GENERAL BIBLIOGRAPHY 1277. AGBICOLA, GEORGIUS (pen name of George Bauer). Bergwerck buch: darinn nicht allain alle empte' instrument gezeug und alles so zu diesem handel gehorig mit figurem vorgebildet und klarlich be- schriben. 1580, Frankfort-am-Mayn. General treatise on mining and smelting, in which the working of tin ores is mentioned in a number of places. 1278. ANONYMOUS. Notes on tin. Journ. Soc. Arts, Vol. 1, 1853, London, p. 550. Briefly treats of bronze articles of Assyria; the Great Polgooth tin mine of Cornwall; metallurgy of tin and the recent discovery of tin at St. Ives, Cornwall. General article. 1279. - . The position of tin. The Iron Monger, September 4, 1880, London. Reprint: Eng. Mg. Journ., Vol. 30, 1880, New York, p. 205. Tin of the great mining centers discussed and compared. 1280. - . Tin. Mg. Sci. Press, Vol. 45, 1882, San Francisco, p. 152. Tin ore and how it appears. Some plain directions to enable the prospector to dis- tinguish that ore. Character of the rocks in which tin ore is generally found. 1281. . Tin. Eleventh census U. S. 1890, Min. Industries, 1892, Washington, D. C., pp. 249-265. Tin of Virginia, North Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Texas, South Dakota and- Cali- fornia treated. The tin deposits of the world are discussed in a general manner. 1282. . Tin. Min. Ind. for 1893., Vol. 2, 1894, New York, pp. 607-614. A general article treating of general conditions. 1283. -. Tin. Min. Ind. for 1894, Vol. 3, 1895, New York and London, pp. 521-528. A general article, prices, statistics, etc. 1284. . Tin. Min. Ind. for 1895, Vol. 4, 1896, New York and London, pp. 569-578. General prices; the situation in Bolivia, Singkep, Malay Peninsula and Tasmania is reviewed. 1285. . Tin. Min. Ind. for 1896, Vol. 5, 1897, New York and London, pp. 523-532. General article upon the tin production of the world and the general situation of tin mining. A full page (528) is devoted to South Africa. 1286. . Tin. Min. Ind. for 1897, Vol. 6, 1898, New York and London, pp. 637-648. Banka, Bolivia, England, Singkep, Spain, Portugal, Straits Settlements, Swaziland and Tasmania are treated briefly. 191 192 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 58 GENERAL BIBLIOGRAPHY (Continued) 1287. . Tin. Min. Ind. for 1898, Vol. 7, 1899, New York and London, pp. 707-716. General, markets, statistics. Tin resources of Australia, Bolivia, China, Congo, Great Britain, Straits Settle- ments and Tasmania briefly treated. 1288. . The occurrence of tin. Mg. Sci. Press, Vol. 79, 1899, San Francisco, p. 749. Short general review of tin, localities where found, average yearly output, per- centage of output from various countries, manner of occurrence, associated rocks, and kinds of deposits. 1289. - . Tin. Min. Ind. for 1899, Vol. 8, 1900, New York and London, pp. 618-628. Short remarks on the tin-deposits and production of Australia, Banka, France (Montebras) Great Britain and Tasmania. 1290. . Tin. Min. Ind. for 1900, Vol. 9, 1901, New York and London, pp. 635-646. General article; statistics, short articles on Australasian colonies (New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia and Western Australia), Bolivia, Burmah, Malay Penin- sula, Russia (Siberia), and United Kingdom; tin markets; progress of technology (metallurgy, tinning, effect of tin on canned meats, chemical analysis, electrolytic deposition). 1291. . Sources of tin supply. Engineer, Vol. 91, 1901, London, p. 6, 1700 words. " Discusses the position of tin in the market, and the need of readjusting the balance. Reviews the principal supplies and conditions affecting the output." 1292. . Tin. Min. Ind. for 1901, Vol. 10, 1902, New York and London, pp. 637-646. Imports, supplies, production; Alaska, New South Wales, Northern Territory, Queens- land, South Australia, Tasmania, Western Australia, Bolivia, France. Malay Peninsula, United Kingdom; tin markets in 1901. 1293. . The sparse distribution of tin. ' Mg. Sci. Press, Vol. 85, 1902, San Francisco, pp. 51-52. Considered most sparingly distributed metal in common use. Workable deposits of gold cover 1,500,000 square miles, while tin deposits cover less than 125,000 square miles. Gold is, or has been obtained in nearly every country in the world, while tin comes from not more than a dozen different districts. 1294. . Tin. New Volumes of the Encyclopaedia Britannica, 10th Edition, Vol. 33, 1902, London, pp. 346-347. " Primary deposits of tin are in or closely connected with granite or acid eruptive rocks of the same type, associated with tourmaline, fluorspar, topaz, wolfram and arsenical pyrites, and the invariable gangue being quartz." Bolivia is the only exception, " where the tin ore occurs intimately associated with silver ores, bismuth, ores and various sulphides, whilst the gangue includes barytes and certain carbonates." Over % of the world's tin is from secondary alluvial deposits. Cornwall and Bolivia deposits all in veins. Small portion of that yielded by Australia from veins. Methods of smelting. 1295. . Tin in 1902. Eng. Mg. Journ., Vol. 75, 1903, New York, pp. 29-30. Good general review of the year. NO. 2 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TIN HESS 193 1296. 1297. 1298. 1298a. 1298b. 1298c. 1298d. GENERAL BIBLIOGRAPHY (Continued) -. Tin. Mg. World, Vol. 20, 1904, Chicago, p. 21. A page of random paragraphs on tin. . The tin position. Mg. Journ. Raihv. Comm. Gaz., Vol. 76, 1904, London, p. 595. " An editorial reviewing trade conditions and the probable effect of recent dis- coveries." . Tin. Min. Ind. for 1904, Vol. 13, 1905, New York and London, pp. 391-400. Tin mining in United States: Carolinas, South Dakota. Tin mining in foreign countries: Australia, Bolivia,, Cornwall, Dutch East Indies, Germany, Malay States. Tin Markets. The origin of tin. Mg. Sci., Vol. 59, 1909, Denver, p. 227, about 190 words. Tin. Mg. Sci., Vol. 59. 1909, Denver, pp. 401-402. Rather general, reviewing the various localities in United States in which tin has been found, closing with brief account of tin in Cornwall. Review of mining in foreign countries. Eng. Mg. Journ., Vol. 87, 1909, New York, p. 125. Brief review of tin mining at Mount Bischoff and in Derby districts, Tasmania; New South Wales; Queensland and Northern Territory. World's production of tin. Mg. World, Vol. 32, 1910, Chicago, p. 140. Statistics showing world's tin production and average prices. 1298e. - . Short answers to some problems in economic geology. Mg. Sci., Vol. 61, 1910, Denver, p. 517. Answering the questions: How does tin ore occur; what does it look like; how may it be recognized in the field? A general article. BAUER, GEORGE. See No. 1277. 1299. BECK, RICHARD. 1901, Berlin. Lehre von den Erzlagerstatten. . Nature of ore deposits. Translated and revised by Walter H. Weed, Vols. 2, 1905, New York. Contains descriptions of the occurrence and method of mining tin ore, both in alluvial and lode deposits in various parts of the world, and discusses the origin of tin ore. 1300. BECK, R. On the relation between ore veins and pegmatites. Trans. Geol. Soc. South Africa, Vol. 8, 1905 (1906), Johannesburg, pp. 147-150. States that tin veins at Zinnwald, Graupen, on the island of Elba, the Etta mine (South Dakota), and Embabaan, South Africa, are pegmatite dikes. Translated from English by G. Berg in Zeitschr. prakt. Geol., Vol. 14, 1906, Berlin, pp. 71-73. 1301. BENEDICT, W. DE L. Tin. Min. Ind. for 1892, Vol. 1, 1893, New York, pp. 439-462. Treats of tin in Cornwall, Australia, East Indies, Malay Peninsula, Bolivia, Mexico and the United States, and the markets during 1902. 194 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 58 GENERAL BIBLIOGRAPHY (Continued) 1302. BERGMAN [ ]. Suite de la traduction d'un chapitre de la geographic physique. Journ. Mines, Vol. 3, No. 16, 1795-1796, Paris, pp. 31-32. Translated by Guichelin, A. Short general article on the tin veins of Europe. 1303. BERZELIUS, . Sur la presence detain et de cuivre dans les sources sortaht d'un terrain volcanique. C. R, Acad. Sci., Vol. 9, 1839, Paris, pp. 164-165. 1304. BETTANY, G. Papers on the tin trade. Western Morning News, 1866. Not available to the authors. BETTS, ANSON G. See No. 1451. . 1305. BOEBHAAVE, H. A new method of chemistry; including the history, theory, and practice of the art. 1753, London. (Two volumes.) Translated from the Latin by Peter Shaw. Vol. 1 contains a description of tin and its characteristics; form in which found; metallurgy, and uses, among which medicinal use is mentioned, pp. 98-100. Vol. 2 treats of the chemistry of tin in a brief way, pp. 300-301. 1306. BBANNEB, JOHN C., and NEWSOM, JOHN F. Syllabus of a course of lect- ures on economic geology. Stanford University, 1900. Outline of a general article on the economic geology of tin deposits, pp. 88-91 and 262. 1307. BROWN, A. SELWYN. The occurrence of tin. Austr. Mg. Stand., Vol. 16, 1899, Sydney and Melbourne, pp. 369, 385-386, 404-405. Serial. Describes the tin deposits in various parts of the world and some of their more prominent features. 1308. . A review of the world's tin-mining industries. Eng. Mag., Vol. 34, 1907, New York and London, pp. 325-333. " Shows how tin deposits are now exploited only in a restricted area and analyzes the steadily growing demand for the metal. The known tin deposits of the world are then reviewed with the idea of determining where and how the increased demand for tin is to be met." 1309. CAMPAGNE, EMILE MATHIEU. Les mines, or, argent, fer, cuivre, plomb, 4tain, zinc, mercure et platine. 1883, Paris. Not available to the authors. 1310. CHARLETON, ARTHUR G. Tin: describing the chief methods of mining, dressing and smelting it abroad. With notes upon arsenic, bismuth and wolfram. 1884, London and New York, pp. 83, pis, 14. Briefly describes the geology of the tin deposits of Altenberg and Zinnwald, Saxony, and Abertham, Bohemia, but gives more attention to methods of mining, dressing and smelting. NO. 2 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TIN HESS 195 GENERAL BIBLIOGRAPHY (Continued) 1311. CLARKE, FRANK W. The data of geochemistry. U. S. Geol. Surv. Bull. 330, 1908, Washington, D. C., pp. 591-595. Treats the principal known minerals of tin; the artificial production of cassiterite; the solubility of cassiterite; rocks in which tin ores occur; and the associated minerals. Many bibliographic references. 1312. GOTTA, BERNARD VON. A treatise on ore deposits. Translated from 2d German Edition by F. Prime, 1870, New York, pp. 553. Treats of tin deposits; modes of occurrence; relation of the rocks to the ore deposits; distribution of ores in deposits; tin of Germany, France, Cornwall and Finland. 1313. D'AcHiARDi, ANTONIO. I metalli loro minerali e miniere. Vol. II, 1883, Milan, pp. 522-559. Gives a general treatment of tin as a metal and then of its minerals, cassiterite and stannite, and accompanying minerals. Gives descriptions of deposits in Italy, Great Britain, France, Spain, Portugal, Germany, Austria, Siberia, China, Japan, India, Siam, Malay Peninsula, East Indies, Queensland, Victoria, Tasmania, Bolivia and the United States followed by generalizations upon the deposits. 1314. DAUBREE, A. Memoire sur le gisement, la constitution, et 1'origine des amas de minerai d'etain. Ann. Mines, 3d ser., Vol. 20, 1841, Paris, pp. 65-112. Extrait par 1'auteur, C. R. Acad. Sci., Vol. 12, 1841, Paris, pp. 886-890. Extrait: Bull. Soc. Geol. France, 1st ser., Vol. 12, 1841, Paris, pp. 393-401. Also, Edinburgh, New Philos. Journ., Vol. 32, 1842, Edinburgh, pp. 154-159. Translation, Mg. Journ. Railw. Cornm. Gaz., Vol. 12, 1842, London, pp. 9-10. " In the above memoir Daubree describes the mode of occurrence of tin ore in certain stockvvorks in Saxony, Bohemia, Cornwall and France. He shows that, after quartz, the minerals most frequently accompanying tin ore are compounds containing fluorine, principally fluosilicates (lepidolite, topaz), sometimes fluophosphates (apatite) and fluorides (fluorspar). The element boron (tourmaline, axinite) is often abundant. The other elements most commonty met with are tungsten, molybdenum, phosphorus, arsenic and iron. Daubr6e draws the conclusion that the tin ore, fluorine com- pounds, and borosilicates owe their origin to the same set of reactions. He supposes that the tin, tungsten, molybdenum, boron, phosphorus, and some of the silicon came up through fissures from some deep seated source as fluorides. Finally, Daubr6e suggests that the present condition of the stockworks, which consist of quartz, tin ore, silicates, fluosilicates and borosilicates, resulted from the reactions of these fluorides, probably in the presence of water, on the enclosing rocks." C. Le Neve Foster. 1315. . Ueber Zusammensetzung und Entstehung der Zinnerzlager- statten, (From Dufrgnoy's report to the Paris Academy, 1841.) Institut Vol. 9, 1841, Paris, pp. 365-366. Abstract: Neues Jahrb. Min., 1842, Stuttgart, p. 609-610. General discussion as to the manner in which tin occurs in different deposits of the world. 1316. . Etudes synthetiques de gSologie experimentale. 1879, Paris, pp. 24, 37, 67-68, 113, 594. Treats of tin oxide in veins, the artificial production of tin oxide, its presence in kaolin in Allier, occurrence of tin in Central France, the occurrence of tin in an altered lead in Bourbonne, also the presence of tin in meteorites. 19G SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 58 GENERAL BIBLIOGRAPHY (Continued) 1317. DAVIES, D. C. A treatise on metalliferous minerals and mining. Published by Crosby Lockwood & Co., 1880, London, pp. 162-186, figs. 64-78. Treated under heads: General description; modes of occurrence; alluvial mining in Banca, in the Malay Peninsula; tin ore deposits of Bohemia and Saxony; France and Sweden; tin in the British Isles, importance and antiquity of the industry; tin of Bolivia, Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria and Tasmania. 1318. DAY, DAVID T. Tin. Min. Res. U. S. for 1885, U. S. Geol. SUIT., 1886, Washington, D. C., pp. 370-385. Treats of American and foreign tin resources and production in a very general way. 1319. . Tin. Min. Res. U. S. for 1889 and 1890, U. S. Geol. Surv., 1892, Washington, D. C., pp. 119-123. Brief review of developments made during 1890 in California, South Dakota and Virginia. Census statistics. 1320. FAWNS, SYDNEY. Tin deposits of the world. Published by Mg. Journ., Railw. Comm. Gaz., 1905, London, pp. 1-9 and 1-204. Reviewed by Hess, Frank L. : Econ. Geol., Vol. 1, 1906, Lancaster, pp. 500-502. Chap. 1. The common forms of stanniferous minerals and the early history of tin mining, p. 1-7. Chap. 2. Description of tin deposits, pp. 7-18. Chap. 3. Alluvial tin deposits of the Malay Peninsula, pp. 18-31. Chap. 4. Alluvial tin deposits of Banca, Billiton, Siak, Sumatra, Siam, and British Burma, pp. 31-45. Chap. 5. Alluvial tin mining, pp. 45-56. Chap. 6. Tin lode deposits in the Malay Peninsula, pp. 56-68. Chap. 7. Tin deposits of New South Wales, pp. 68-83. Chap. 8. Tin deposits of Queensland, pp. 83-90. Chap. 9. Tin deposits of Tasmania, pp. 90-105. Chap. 10. Tin deposits of Western Australia, Northern Territory of South Australia, New Zealand and Victoria, pp. 105-112, Chap. 11. Tin deposits of Bolivia, pp. 112-125. Chap. 12. Tin deposits of Cornwall, pp. 125-139. Chap. 13. Tin deposits of Northern Nigeria, Transvaal, Swaziland and Congo Free State, Japan, Greenland, Finland, China, Korea, Siberia, pp. 139-149. Chap. 14. Tin deposits of Central Europe, Spain, Portugal, France, Italy, Scotland, Ireland, Mexico, United States and Alaska, pp. 149-165. Chap. 15. Mount Bischoff tin mine, pp. 165-175. Chap. 16. The Dolcoath tin mine, pp. 175-186. Chap. 17. Tin crushing and dressing machinery, pp. 186-199. Chap. 18. Dredging for tin, pp. 199-207. Chap. 19. Methods of tin assaying, pp. 207-224. Chap. 20. Statistics of tin production, pp. 224-233. Bibliography of 54 articles, pp. 233-236. The most complete compilation on the subject to date, but contains many inac- curacies. 1321. FEUCHTW ANGER, LEWIS. Tin and its applications. Iron, Vol. 5, n. s., 1875, London, p. 179. General article, treating briefly; early history of tin, its properties, its manner and form of occurrence, uses, localities, where found, metallurgy and chemistry. 1322. FOUIXON, H. Ueber Zinnerze und gediegenen Wismuth. Verh. k. k. geol. Reichs., No. 7, 1884, Wien, pp. 144-148. An account of the occurrence of tin in Zinnwald, New South Wales, Tasmania, Chile, Bolivia and Cornwall. NO. 2 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TIN HESS 197 GENERAL BIBLIOGRAPHY (Continued) 1323. FUCHS, E., and DE LAUNAY, L. Trait6 des gltes mine'raux et m6talli- f&res. Vol. 2, 1893, Paris, pp. 101-158. Treats of the uses and statistics of tin, tin veins and general geology; tin of Corn- wall, Germany, France, Spain and Portugal, Italy, Bolivia, Malay Peninsula, Banka and Billiton and Australia. 1323a. GOOD, T. The world's tin supply. Ca^sier's Magazine, Vol. 34, 1908, New York, pp. 483-487. By arguing from wrong and insufficient data, concludes that there is no danger of the world's tin supply giving out in the near future. 1324. GRAHAM, WALTER. Tin, tin plate and tin alloys. Brit. Mfr. Indust, Vol. 1, 1876, pp. 155-172. Treats subject under following heads: Early history of Cornwall tin; discovery of tin in Misina and Bohemia; properties of tin; description of tin ore and its occurrence; reduction of ore; refining; uses of tin in manufactures; tin-plate working; tin alloys; uses in the arts. 1325. GRAY, JOHN W. Some notes concerning tin. Mg. Sci. Press, Vol. 88, 1904, San Francisco, pp. 197-198, 2000 words. Concerning the location of the tin deposits of the world, method of extraction, the distribution and production of the metal. 1326. GUENTHER, RICHARD. Tin production of the world. Monthly Consular Reports, State Department, March, 1905, Washington, D. C., p. 32. Quotes " German returns " giving production of 1903 as 93,093 tons. (Kind of tons not stated.) Refers to " considerable deposits " in South Dakota, Wyoming, South Carolina and North Carolina. 1327. KENWOOD, WM. J. Observations on metallife'rous deposits. Trans. Roy. Geol. Soc. Cornwall, Vol. 8, 1871, Penzance. Treats of tin as an occasional constituent of rocks; of the derivation of stream tin, and why it is superior to lode tin in purity; extraction of tin ore by different classes of labor; the association of stream tin with gold in Wicklow and Banca, and with gold and platinum in Australia; of Roman remains in partially worked stream beds; and of the association of tin with fluorine. 1328. HESS, FRANK L. Review of " Tin deposits of the world," by Sydney Fawns. Econ. Geol., Vol. 1, 1906, Lancaster, pp. 500-502. 1329. HESS, FRANK L*., and GRATON, L. C. The occurrence and distribution of tin. Contributions to Economic Geology, 1904, U. S. Geol. Surv. Bull. 260, Washington, D. C., pp. 161-188. Digest in Mg. Mag., Vol. 11, 1905, New York, p. 559. A short compilation of data upon most of the known occurrences of tin, with a bibliography of ninety-two works. 1330. HOPKINS, EVAN. On the superficial production of gold, oxide of tin, etc., or alluvial metalliferous deposits. H. English's Min. Almanac, 1849, pp. 192-197. Not available to the authors. 198 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 58 GENERAL BIBLIOGRAPHY (Continued) 1331. HUNT, T. S. Remarks on the occurrence of tin ore at Winslow, Me. Trans. Amor. Inst. Mg. Eng., Vol. 1, 1871-1873, New York, pp. 373-374. Remarks by Prof. Silliman and R. W. Raymond, pp. 374-375. Besides Winslow, Paris and Hebron are mentioned as having tin deposits. In the discussion, a very brief and general review of tin deposits is given to afford comparison with the deposits under discussion. 1332. INGALLS, W. R. Tin. Min. Ind. for 1905, Vol. 14, 1906, New York and London, pp. 534-556. Treats of the tin deposits of the world. 1333. JARS, GABRIEL. Voyages metallurgiques. 3 Vols., 1774-1781, Lyon. Not available to the authors. 1334. KALB, COURTNAY DE. Relation of tin to trap dikes. Eng. Mg. Journ., Vol. 45, 1888, New York, p. 435. States that he has never heard of tin in greisen or granitic rocks, but always in quartz veins close to basaltic dikes. States that small amounts of cassiterite have been found in Haywood and Henderson counties, North Carolina. 1334a. LAKES, ARTHUR. Tin. History, use. Mg. World, Vol. 30, 1909, Chicago, pp. 1170-1171. 1 fig. " The geology and mineralogy, history, uses and sources of tin are treated. The object of this article is to familiarize the reader with tin mining." 1335. LAPPARENT, A. DE. Traite" de geologic. 1883, Paris, pp. 1172-1177, fig. 1. Treats in a general way tin deposits in Saxony, Bohemia, Cornwall, France, East Indies, Australia, China, Mexico and Italy. 1336. LEIBIUS, ADOLPH. Remarks on tin ore and what may appear like it. Trans. Roy. Soc. New South Wales, Vol. 6, 1872 (1873), Sydney, pp. 73-74. Description of minerals that may be mistaken for tin ore, and ways of differentiat- ing them. 1337. LINDGREN, WALDEMAR. Metasomatic processes in fissure-veins. Trans. Amer. Inst. Mg. Eng., Vol. 30, 1900 (1901), New York, pp. 619-626. Topaz-cassiterite veins. Altenberg and Zinnwald, Saxony, Mt. Bischoff, Tasmania. Same paper also published with Posepny's " Genesis of Ore Deposits," pp. 640-545 (2d Ed.). Uses these tin deposits as examples of metasomatism. 1338. LOCK, C. G. WARNFORD. Economic mining. 1895, New York, pp. 622-635, fig. 1. Tin mining districts treated, rocks in which tin occurs described, yield, method of working, profit. Cornish tin districts, Spain, India, Dutch East Indies, Tasmania, Australia, Queensland, New South Wales, Mexico, Bolivia, South Africa. Treatment of ores. Commerce. 1339. Loos, D. DE. Tin. 1888, Haarlem. Not available to the authors. 1340. Louis, HENRY. The production of tin. Mg. Journ. Railw. Comm. Gaz., Vol. 60, 1899, London. A series of articles. Pp. 516, 547. On tin in general; history, mode of occurrences, manner of working. Pp. 581, 611. Cornwall. P. 643. Central Europe, Iberian Peninsula, Finland, remainder of Europe, Africa. NO. 2 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TIN HESS 199 GENERAL BIBLIOGRAPHY (Continued) P. 676. Asia, Malay Peninsula. P. 707. Shipments of tin from Straits Settlement, production of tin returned as metal in Federated Malay States. P. 736. Malay Archipelago, remainder of Asia. P. 771. Australia, New South Wales, Tasmania, Queensland. P. 804. Mexico; United States, South America; world's production. Extract: Zeitschr. prakt. Geol., 1899, Berlin, pp. 287-293. Reprinted in pamphlet form, 1899. A good synopsis of the mining, history, distribution, occurrence and production of tin throughout the world. 1341. MACALISTER, DONALD A. Tin and tourmaline. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. London, Vol. 59, 1903, London, pp. 53-54. Abstracts: Neues Jahrb. Min., 1905, I (Ref.), Stuttgart, p. 101. Geol. Mag. n. s., decade 4, Vol. 10, 1903, London, p. 46. Abstract of paper read before the society. Cassiterite rarely occurs without tourmaline, although the latter is found without the former. A discussion as to causes of deposition of the oxide of tin follows. 1342. MAJENDIE, ASHUKST. Contributions towards a knowledge of the geo- logical history of wood-tin. Trans. Roy. Geol. Soc. Cornwall, Vol. 1, 1818, London, pp. 237-239. Short description of wood-tin and its manner of occurrence. Ascribes it to vein formation. 1343. MASSART, ALFRED. Minerales de estano en los terrenes secundarios. Rev. Min., ser. B, Vol. 2, 1876, Madrid, p. 87. 1344. MERRILL, GEO. P. Our sources of tin. Sci. Amer. Suppl., No. 830, Vol. 32, 18QJ, New York, pp. 13257-13258. " World's supply of tin amounts to some 50,000 and odd tons annually, of which nearly one-half comes from Malayan Peninsula and adjacent islands, 1/6 from Corn- wall, 1/9 from Australia and the remainder from scattering sources, including Saxony and Bohemia, Finland, Spain, Tasmania, Bolivia and Mexico. United States has until recently produced very little." 1345. MEYERS, . Konversations-Lexikon, Vol. 17. 1897, Leipzig and Wien, pp. 1038-1040. General article on tin. 1346. NEWLAND, D. H. Tin. Min. Ind. for 1902, Vol. 11, 1903, New York and London, pp. 584-597. Review of tin deposits in general: United States, Alaska, Bolivia (by J. B. Minchin), Malay States, New South Wales, Queensland, Tasmania, United Kingdom, Western Australia; general remarks regarding tin markets. 1347. . Tin. Min. Ind. for 1903, Vol. 12, 1904, New York and London, pp. 325-339. Treats tin production in Alaska, Australia, Austria, Bolivia, Germany, Malay States, Mexico, South Africa, and the United Kingdom. Reviews the New York and London tin markets during 1903, and the progress of technology. 1348. NICHOLLS, ., DR. Some further observations towards composing a natural history of mines and metals. Philos. Trans. Roy. Soc. London, No. 403, Vol. 35, 1728, London, p. 408. Abridged Ed. Vol. 7, 1809, pp. 249-250. A general article describing the crystals of cassiterite and the manner in which the ore occurs. 200 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 58 GENERAL BIBLIOGRAPHY (Continued) 1349. PHILLIPS, J. ARTHUR. Ore deposits. 1884, London, pp. 109, 230, 301, 310, 317, 353, 375, 382, 398, 435, 443-445, 473, 481, 491, 505, 565, 610, 621. The tin deposits of the world are treated in a general way under the headings of the different countries. 1350. PHILLIPS, J. ARTHUR, and Louis, HENRY. A treatise on ore deposits. 1896, London. Tin deposits in the following countries treated: Australia, Austria, England, France, Finland, Germany, Hungary, India, Italy, Malaysia, New South Wales, Portugal, Queensland, Russia, South America, Spain, Tasmania, United States and Victoria. In. this 2d Edition Phillips' original work is rewritten and enlarged by Henry Louis. 1351. POSEPNEY, FRANZ. The genesis of ore deposits. Published with other papers on ore deposits by the Amer. Inst. Mg. Eng., 1902, New York (2d Ed.). Cornwall pp. 139-140; placer deposits pp. 158-160. Quotes tin deposits to draw general conclusions concerning the deposition of ores. PRATT, JOSEPH HYDE, and STERRETT, DOUGLASS. See No. 252. 1352. PRYCE, WM. Mineralogia Cornubiensis: a treatise on minerals, mines and mining to which is added an explanation of the terms and idioms of mines. 1778, London, folio, pp. 331, pis. 7, portrait of author, tables 2. 1353. REILLY, . Sur les gisements de retain, au point de vue geologique. C. R. Acad. Sci., Vol. 104, 1887, Paris, pp. 600-602. 1354. REYER, EDUARD. Zinn. Eine geologisch-montanistisch-historische Mono- graphic. 1881, Berlin, pp. 248, bibliography. Resum6 of the geological, mineralogical and metallurgical conditions in, as well as the history of different tin producing regions. 1355. . Geologic des Zinnes. Oest. Zeitschr. Berg. HUtt. Vol. 29, 1881, Wien, pp. 9-11, 24-27, 33-34, sketches 4. 1. Die Waschen. 2. Zinnbergbaue. 3. Die Genesis dee Zinnerzes. 1356. RICHTER, KARL. Zink, Zinn und Blei. 1883, Wien, Pest, Leipzig. The characteristics and working of these metals, their relations to each other and to other metals. 1357. ROLKER, CHARLES M. The production of tin in various parts of the world. 16th Ann. Rep., Dir. U. S. Geol. Surv., 1894-1895, pt. 3, 1895, Washington, D. C., pp. 458-538. Review of the tin mines of the world. Includes statistics and notes on the occurrence of tin in Maine, Virginia, North Carolina, Alabama, Texas, South Dakota, and California. NO. 2 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TIN HESS 201 GENERAL BIBLIOGRAPHY (Continued) 1358. SANDBERGER, F. Ueber das Vorkommen des Zinn in Silicaten. Sitz. Kon. bayer. Akad. Wiss., Vol. 8, 1878, Miinchen, pp. 136-139. Digest: Neues Jahrb. Min., 1878, Stuttgart, pp. 748-749. 1359. SCHULTZ, F. W. Solder, its production and application with a brief history of tin and lead. Unpaged. About 23 pages including Chapters III to VI are devoted to tin. A brief history of the use of tin, a summary of its production, and a somewhat inaccurate description of the localities producing it, are given. 1360. SEDGWICK, ADAM. Remarks on the structure of large mineral masses, and especially on the chemical changes produced in the aggregation of stratified rocks during different periods after their deposition. Trans. Geol. Soc. London, Vol. 3, 1829, London, p. 483. States that besides occurring along joints tin deposits occur as segregations from granite. Short paragraph. 1361. SEXTON, A. HUMBOLT. Notes on tin. Mech. Eng., Vol. 21, 1908, London, pp. 43-46, 99-101, 175-177, 239-240, illus. Serial. First part. " The present number considers its physical and chemical properties, uses, value; tin minerals and ores, their distribution," etc. Second part. Mining and ore dressing. " The methods of working alluvial tin de- posits are described and then the methods of concentrating tin ore are outlined. Notes regarding crushing, magnetic separation, and wet concentration given." Third part. Smelting. " Discusses different methods of smelting tin. Reverbera- tory method as used in Cornwall and Singapore described; also shaft furnace smelt- ing and Chinese methods." Fourth part. Refining. " Discusses the refining of the metal and the process used in Cornwall." 1362. SMYTH, WARINGTON. Address of the president. Trans. Roy. Geol. Soc. Cornwall, Vol. 10, 1887, Penzance, pp. XVII-XX. Treats of tin occurrence, mining and production of Queensland, New South Wales, Banca, Billiton and the East Indies in a very brief way. 1363. STEVENS, CHAS. Tin; history and production. Austr. Mg. Stand., Vol. 28, 1902, Sydney and Melbourne, pp. 543-544, 580, 2700 words. " Reviews the history of this mineral, giving the sources of supply, the formation of the lodes, etc." 1364. STRUTHERS, JOSEPH, and PRATT, JOSEPH HYDE. The production of tin in 1903. Min. Res. U. S. for 1903, U. S. Geol. Surv., 1904, Washington, D. C., pp. 335-349. Treats briefly of the Black Hills deposits; the Alaskan deposits (taken from A. J. Collier's Bull. 229, U. S. Geol. Surv.); the Carolina tin belt; the market conditions, especially in the United States; and the world's production. 1365. TASSIN, WIRT. Descriptive catalogue of the collections of gems in the U. S. National Museum. Ann. Rep. Board Reg. Smithsonian Institution, 1902, Washington, D. C., p. 494. Cassiterite is described. 202 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 58 GENERAL BIBLIOGRAPHY (Continued) 1366. URE'S Dictionary of Arts, manufactures and mines. 7th Ed., Vol. 3, 1878, London, pp. 998-1000, figs. 12. General article on tin. Description of minerals, localities where found, method of treatment of ore. 1367. VAN HISE, CHARLES RICHARD. A treatise on metamorphism. Monogr. U. S. Geol. Surv., Vol. 47, Washington, D. C., pp. 1053-1055, 1058, 1127-1128. Treats of the processes of deposition of tin ores. 1368. VOGT, J. H. L. Ueber die durch pneumatolytische Processe an Granit gebundenen Mineral-Neubildungen. Zeitschr. prakt. Geol., 1894, Berlin, pp. 458-465. Exposition of the author's and others' views upon the deposition of tin and other minerals connected with granite intrusions. 1369. . Zinnstein-Gang gruppe. Zeitschr. prakt. Geol., 1895, Berlin, pp. 145-156, figs. 5. Most of the tin deposits of the world are treated. A general, genetic discussion ia given. 1370. . Problems in the geology of ore deposits. Trans. Amer. Inst. Mg. Eng., Vol. 31, 1902, New York, pp. 134-136. Also in Genesis of Ore Deposits, Amer. Inst. Mg. Eng., pp. 639 and 657 (2d Ed.). Cassiterite and apatite veins. Points out that the former are always connected with acid igneous rocks, while ths apatite veins are connected with gabbro. 1371. WALKEB, CHAS. H. Hints to aid the identification of stream tin. Mg. Sci. Press, Vol. 90, 1905, San Francisco, pp. 188-189. " Several tests that may be used by the miner are given: most common colors are black, brown, red and yellow. A sapphire will easily scratch the smooth surface of a pebble or crystal of stream tin, but a quartz crystal will only make a scratch when a heavy pressure is applied Extremely hard, very heavy, unmetallic appearance, uninteresting, and unsuggestive of value." 1372. WEEKS, JOSEPH D. Tin. Its history, production and statistics. Amer. Mfr. Iron World (Tin-plate Suppl.), Vol. 50, 1892, Pittsburg, pp. 11-33. Illus. Gives a history of tin; describes tin ores; their occurrence; deposits of Cornwall, with short notes upon other deposits of the world; methods of mining, smelting and refining; and gives statistics of production. Also treats of the tin plate industry, defines technical terms and describes machinery used. III. HISTORY 1373. ANONYMOUS. Tin trade of the seventeenth century. Mg. Journ. Railw. Comm. Gaz.. VoL 19, 1849, London, p. 400. . See Nos. 310 and 611. 1374. APPLETON, W. S. The earliest American coin. American Journal of Numismatics, Vol. 5, 1870, Boston, pp. 25-27, fig. 1. Short description and illustration of the anchor shaped piece of tin used by the Aztecs as money. 1375. BAPST, GERMAIN. Les me"taux dans 1'antiquite" et ail moyen age. L'etain. 1883, Paris. Not available to the authors. 1376. . Etudes sur 1'etain, dans 1'antiquite" et au moyen ,age. 1884, Paris. Not available to the authors. 1377. BATTEN, JOHN. The stannaries act, 1869, with notes. 1873, London. Not available to the authors. 1378. BAUDOT, F. Histoire, conditions geologiques et principaux usages de l'6tain. Bull. Soc. Indust. min., ser. 3, Vol. 1, livre 1, 1887, Saint Et'ienne, pp. 335-343. 1379. BERTHELOT, P. M4taux et min6raux provenant de 1'antique Chalde"e. Sur les origines de retain dans le monde ancien. C. R. Acad. Sci., Vol. 104, 1887, Paris, pp. 265-271. 1380. BIBLE. Numbers 31: 22. Tin found among spoils of Midianites in days of Moses. Ezekiel 27: 12. Tin is mentioned as abundant in Phoenicia in early ages, and as a current commodity of commerce at Tyre, although not produced there. 1381. BORLASE, WILLIAM COPELAND. Observations on the ancient and present state of the island of Scilly, and their importance to the trade of Great Britain. 1756, Oxford, pp. 72-78. Discusses the question of where the Phoenicians got their tin. Historical. 1382. . Antiquities, historical and monumental of the county of Corn- wall, etc. 1769, London (2d Ed.), pp. 29-30. Treats very briefly of the early Grecian and Phoenician tin trade. 1383. . Historical sketch of the tin trade in Cornwall, from the earliest period to the present day. 1874, Plymouth, pp. 7-72. Illus. 203 204 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 58 HISTORY (Continued) 1384. BUBNABD, ROBERT. Antiquity of mining in Dartmoor. Ann. Rep. Trans. Plymouth Inst., Devon and Cornwall Nat. Hist. Soc., Vol. 11, 1890-1894 (1894), Plymouth, pp. 85-112, figs. 5. From an examination of evidence to be found in Cornwall, and also from early writers, the author reaches the conclusion that the " probable antiquity of the Bronze Age in Britain is from three to four thousand years, and the consequent production of tin in Devon and Cornwall must be as old." A number of old documents dealing with the laws and customs of the Stannaries in Devon are reprinted. CHURCH, A. H. See No. 620. 1385. COLLINS, J. H. Seven centuries of tin production in the west of Eng- land. Read March, 1891. Trans. Mg. Ass. Inst. Cornwall, Vol. 3, 1892, Camborne, pp. 173-184, discussion, pp. 184-193. Historically interesting. Review of English tin production from early records. 1386. D , C. H. The "Cornwall" of France; ancient tin works. Mg. Journ. Railw. Comm. Gaz., Vol. 36, 1866, London, p. 210. A brief review of the writings of M. Simonin and M. Mallard on the subject of the working of the ancient tin mines at Limousin and La Marche, thought to have been worked by the Gauls. 1387. DAVY, L. Sur 1'anciennete" probable de 1'exploitation de 1'etain, en Bretagne. C. R. Acad. Sci., Vol. 125, 1897, Paris., pp. 337-339. 1388. DUFRENE, HECTOR. Etude sur 1'histoire de la production et du com- merce de I'Stain. 'Ann. Gen. Civ., Vol. 9, 1880, Paris, pp. 649-681, 798-826. Not available to the authors. 1389. EDMONDS, RICHARD. On the Phoenician tin trade in Cornwall, with re- marks on the great irruption of the sea in the eleventh century, sand- hillocks, " raised beaches," the causeway between Marazion and St. Michael's Mount; and the origin of the names Marazion, Market Jew, Iktin and Britain. Ann. Rep. Trans. Plymouth Inst. Devon and Cornwall Nat. Hist. Soc., Vol. 3, 1868, Plymouth, pp. 17-37. Historical. 1390. FLOWER, PHILIP WM. A history of the trade in tin; a short description of tin mining and metallurgy; a history of the origin and process of the tin plate trade, and a description of the ancient and modern proc- ess of manufacturing tin plates. Extracts from " Boston Herald," Sci. Amer. Suppl., Vol. 32, 1891, New York, pp. 13280-13281. 1391. GATZSCHMANN, M. F. Beitrage zur Geschichte des Freiberger Zinnberg- baues. Berg. Hiitt. Zeit., Vol. 3, 1844, Leipzig, pp. 3-8, 63-68, 125-131, 164-171, 232-243. 1392. GEORGE, R. D. Mining and use of metals by the ancient Egyptians. Pop. Sci. Mo., Vol. 67, 1905, New York, pp. 696-697. Mentions a bronze article found dating back to Papi, a Pharaoh of the sixth dynasty, about 2500 B. C. NO. 2 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TIN HESS 205 HISTORY (Continued) 1393. GREATHEAD, SAMUEL. On the knowledge and commerce of tin among ancient nations. Trans. Roy. Geol. Soc. Cornwall, Vol. 2, 1822, Penzance, pp. 359-365. Article tracing the use of tin among the ancient nations, and also drawing con- clusions as to where it was mined. 1394. HANKS, HENRY G. Tin. Ann. Rep. California State Min. 1880 (1881), Sacramento, pp. 31-32. Short history of the discovery of the tin deposits of the world. Tin is mentioned as occurring in " veins of rich tin ore " in San Bernardino County, California. 1395. HAWKINS, C. Observations on the tin trade of the ancients, in Cornwall and on the " Ictis " of Diodorus Siculus. 1811, London. Historically interesting. 1396. HAWKINS, JOHN. On the state of our tin mines at different periods, until the commencement of the 18th century. Trans. Roy Geol. Soc. Cornwall, Vol. 4, 1838, Penzance, pp. 70-94. A historical recount of the tin mines of England beginning with the period of the Romans. 1397. HUNT, ROBT. Tin mining in Cornwall and its traditions. Good Words, 1867, London, pp. 126-131. Historical, treating of the traditions and early history of Cornish tin mining. HUNT, ROBERT. See Nos. 412 and 413. 1398. JAMES, HENRY. Note on the block of tin dredged up in Falmouth harbor. 45th Ann. Rep. Roy. Inst. Cornwall, 1863, Truro, pp. 29-33, pis. 4. Considering the peculiar form of this block of tin, its weight and the place where it was dredged up, it appears to throw light upon the still vexed question of the locality of the Ictis of Diodorous. Quotations from passages of Diodorous, relative to tin trade of Britain. 1399. . On ancient Phoenician tin trade. Mg. Journ. Railw. Comm. Gaz., Vol. 34, 1864, London, p. 65. Abstract of address delivered at Southampton Polytechnic Institution. 1400. KENDRICK, JOHN. Phoenicia. 1855, London, pp. 212-223. Treats of the early Phoanician tin trade with Britain and speculates as to the Cassiterides. 1401. LEWIS, GEORGE CORNEWALL. An historical survey of the astronomy of the ancients. 1862, London, pp. 450-457. Quotes many of the ancient writers on Phoenician trade, and comes to the conclusion that tin was supplied in early times to nations in the east of the Mediterranean by the overland route across Gaul, and that the Pho3nician ships got it at the mouth of the Rhone, without sailing as far as Britain. Some tin may have been obtained from Gades. 1402. LEWIS, GEORGE RANDALL. The Stannaries: A study of the English tin miner. 1908, Boston, pp. 299, Bibl. " The author aims to give, on the basis of the available printed and manuscript sources, an account of English tin mining and miners from the twelfth to the eighteenth centuries." 206 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 58 HISTORY (Continued) Louis, HENRY. See No. 1340. 1403. MACLEAN, JOHN. Stannary roll 34th, Edward I (1305-1306) with intro- ductory remarks thereon, and on other similar rolls. Journ. Roy. Inst. Cornwall, Vol. 3, No. 12, 1871, Truro, pp. 238-241. Remarks on same, pp. XXVI-XXVII. Extracts from MSS. showing the magnitude of tin mining in Cornwall during the fourteenth century. 1404. . The tin trade of Cornwall in the reigns of Elizabeth and James compared with that of Edward I. Journ. Roy. Inst. Cornwall, Vol. 4, 1874, Truro, pp. 187-190. Brief account of tin " coined " between years 1306-1607. 1405. NAPIER, CHAS. R. G. On the localities from whence the gold and tin of the ancients were derived. Rep. Brit. Ass. Adv. Sci., 45th meeting 1875, Bristol, pt. 2, 1876, London, p. 177 (Aba.). Tin was known, at least 1500 years B. C. Britain, Brazil and Sumatra mentioned as tin supplying countries for ancients. 1406. PATTISON, S. R. On ancient and modern tin-works in France. Journ. Roy. Tnst. Cornwall, Vol. 2, October, 1867, Truro, pp. 343-345. Author arrives at following conclusions, some as historical facts, the rest as proba- bilities: (1) At one epoch the provinces of Limousin arifl Marche possessed at Montebras and Vaulry important tin mines. (2) Similar works were probably attempted throughout these two Provinces, which accounts for. the numerous remains of open works now visible. (3) Gold, which is found at Vaulry, and traces of gold at St. Leonard, had proba- bly been sought for by the old miners in these works, (4) The silence of history, and the open character of the works, justify him in attributing them to the Gauls. 1407. PEABCE, GILBERT B. Blocks of tin found in Powey Harbour. Journ. Roy. Inst. Cornwall, Vol. 15,. pt. 2, 1903, Truro, pp. 345-346. Brief account of four blocks of tin, very rough castings. As they bore no mark or coinage stamp, the writer infers that they probably belong to a time previous to the institution cf the coinage law. 1408. PLINIUS, CAIUS. Natural History. Bohns Classical Library. Trans, by John Bostock & H. T. Riley, 1887, London. Book 4, chap. 30, Vol. 1, p. 352. Timaens, the historian said to mention that " white lead " is found on the island of Mictis 6 days' sail from Britannia. Book 7, chap. 57, Vol. 2, p. 225. Midacritus was the first who brought tin from the island called Cassiteris. Book 34, chap. 47, Vol. 6, pp. 212-215. Greeks brought " white lead " from Lusitania and Gallaecia. P. 213. " White lead was held in estimation even in the days of the Trojan war, a fact that is attested by Homer, who calls it ' cassiteros.' " 1409. POLWHELE, R. The history of Cornwall. Vols. 7, 1816, London. Not available to the authors. NO. 2 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TIN HESS 207 t HISTORY (Continued) 1410. RAWLINSON, GEORGE. Phoenicia. 1898, New York and London, pp. 66-67, 69-70. Gives an account of the planting of colonies in Andalusia, Spain; led there by riches of country, among which gold, silver, quicksilver, tin, lead, copper and iron are mentioned as occurring in the mountains in which the ancient Baetis and tribu- taries rise. They also planted colonies on the Scilly islands, attracted by mineral wealth, and from there they exported tin and lead to Greece and Asia. 1411. REYER, . Tin, and its history. Mg. Journ. Railw. Comm. Gaz., Vol. 49, 1879, London, p. 1299. Historical sketch of tin beginning with 1800 B. C. down to 1873, A. D., when Tasmanian stream tin became known. 1412. REYER, EDTJARD. Allgemeine Geschichte des Zinnes. Oest. Zeitschr. Berg. Hiitt. Vol. 28, 1880, Wien, pp. 499-501, 514-516. Translated by Symons, B. in 1881. Trans. Mg. Ass. Inst. Cornwall, Vol. 4, 1893, pp. 138-150. Review: Eng. Mg. Journ., Vol. 31, 1881, New York, pp. 313-314. Digest: Ann. Brit. Geol. 1893, London, p. 280. " The name ' tin ' is of Gallic origin, being derived from ' ostean,' Cornish 'stean.' It is estimated that in 1881 the production of tin in the various parts of the world was: Australia, 10',000 to 15,000 tons; England, 10,000; Straits of Malacca, etc., 10,000; Banca and Billiton, 7000 to 9000; Tasmania, 3000 to 5000; and China, 5000 tons." 1413. RHYS, JOHN. Early Britain, Celtic Britain. 1904, London, pp. 44, 46, 48, 204, 287. Gives account of early tin trade, history of Cassiterides, location, etc. 1414. SAUNDERS, C. D. The ancient Cornish tin trade. 83d Ann. Rep. Roy. Cornwall Polyt. Soc., 1865, Falmouth, pp. 42-45. A discussion as to whether the Phoenicians carried on their tin trade as a maritime one, i. e. through the Pillars of Hercules, or as a land trade through Gaul to Mediterranean Sea. SCHMIDT, ALBERT. See Nos. 570 and 571. 1415. SCHUURMAN, J. A. Historische schets van de tinwinning op Banka. Jaarb. Mijnw. Ned. Oost-Indie, 1898, II, Tech. and Admin. Amsterdam, pp. 1-112. 1416. SIMONIN, L. Sur 1'ancienne exploitation des mines d'etain de la Bretagne. C. R. Acad. Sci., Vol. 62, 1866, Paris, pp. 346-347. 1417. SMIRKE, EDWARD. Tin trade between Britain and Alexandria in the 17th century. Journ. Roy. Inst. Cornwall, Vol. 2, 1867, Truro, pp. 283-291. 1418. SMITH, GEORGE. The Cassiterides: an inquiry into the commercial operations of the Phoenicians in Western Europe, with particular reference to the British tin trade. 1863, London, pp. 154. Believes that tin was obtained from Cornwall as early as the period between 1200 and 1500 B. C., and that tin did not come from Malay Peninsula during these early times. 1419. TAYLOR, JOHN. Sketch of the history of mining in Devon and Cornwall. Philos. Mag. Vol. 5, 1800, London, pp. 357-365. 208 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 58 HISTORY (Continued) 1420. TYLOR, A. Is Iktis in Cornwall, and did iron and copper precede tin? Mg. Journ. Railw. Comm. Gaz., Vol. 53, 1883, London, p. 1395, sketch maps 4. Historical. States that pure iron was used in Egypt B. C. 3124, and argues that since iron was a necessity for production of copper, and tin was of no use without copper, iron and copper must have been known first. WAIT, F. W. See No. 482. 1421. WARNER, RICHARD. A tour through Cornwall (with an account of the mines). 1809, Bath and London, pp. 245-282. Gives a sketch of the early history of tin, and in a brief way, the geology of tin deposits of Cornwall. WEEKS, JOSEPH D. See No. 1372. 1422. WERNER, . JLe plus ancien de tous les metaux. Journ. Mines No. 18, Vol. 3, 1795 et 1796, Paris, pp. 90-96. 1423. WHEELER, H. A. Tin mining in the Ozarks. A bit of history. Eng. Mg. Journ., Vol. 77, 1904, New York, p. 323. Describes attempt to mine tin at Tin Mountain, some 10 miles south of Frederick- town, about 130 miles south of St. Louis, Mo., where there was no tin. Exposes the methods used. Account of a clever fraud. 1424. WINER, . Die Metalle und Mineralien hie den alten Egyptiern. Berg. HUtt. Zeit., Vol. 40, 1881, Leipzig, p. 467. Tin is mentioned among the metals used by the ancient Egyptians. 1425. WORTH, R. N. Historical notes concerning the progress of mining skill in Devon and Cornwall. 40th Ann. Rep. Roy. Cornwall Polyt. Soc., 1872, Falmouth, pp. 63-121. From a historical point of view the author treats of the discovery, methods and progress of early mining, including tools, machinery and power; dressing, smelting and sale of tin and copper, with short discussion of the early miner. 1426. . The antiquity of mining in the west of England. 42d Ann. Rep. Trans. Plymouth Inst. >evon and Cornwall Nat. Hist. Soc., 1873-1871 (1874), Plymouth, pp. 120-140. Conclusions reached are: " First. That the historical evidence of the antiquity of western mining takes it back at least 2300 years. " Second. That the inferential evidence carries it nearly 2000 years further, and possibly doubles the first-named period. " Third. That the geological evidence would antedate the commencement of mining, and consequently the use of metals, to a time when the mammoth either still existed in the west of England, or had not long disappeared; and when the general level of Devon and Cornwall was at least 30 feet higher than it is now. Taking Sir Charles Lyell's estimate of the rate of crust motion at 2% feet in a century, fully 2000 years would thus be covered by the gradual process of subsidence and whilst we cannot tell when it ended, nor perhaps accurately estimate the chronological value of later changes, we know from St. Michael's Mount that it must have ceased certainly 2000 years ago; whilst other reasons appear to indicate a much more remote antiquity." 1427. . The ancient stannary of Ashburton. Trans. Devonshire Ass. Adv. Sci. Lit. Art, Vol. 8, 1876, Plymouth, pp. 311-322. Digest: Geol. Rec. for 1876, London, p. 332. " An historical account of the stannaries of Devonshire with special reference to that of Ashburton, from the year 1197; statistics as to the produce of tin in county, and note of the minerals found." IV. METALLURGY AND CHEMISTRY 1428. AARON, C. H. Assaying of tin ores. Assaying, pts. II and III, 1900, San Francisco, pp. 127-128. Short account of methods used in assaying tin ore. AGRICOLA, GEORGIUS. See No. 1277. 1429. ALLARD, . Crystallization of tin. Ann. Indust. nat. etr., April, 1820, Paris. Translated and abstracted by Editor Amer. Journ. Sci. Arts, 1st ser., Vol. 17, 1830, New Haven, pp. 206-208. A method of producing " moire" metallique " on tin plate by the application of acids and heat. 1430. ALLEN, ALFRED H. On metastannic acid and the detection and estimation of tin. Chem. News, Vol. 25, 1872, London, pp. 170-171. Abstract of paper read before the Chemical Society, March 7, 1872. Finds that matastannic acid is much more soluble in acids than had been supposed by Fresenius and others, and that ordinary stannic sulphate is formed by treatment with hot H 2 S0 4 . Uses this reaction in the estimation of tin in alloys. 1431. ALLEN, J. F. On the alloys of tin, zinc, lead and other metals with manganese. Rep. Brit. Ass. Adv. Sci. 40th meeting, September, 1870, Liverpool, pt. 2, 1871, London, pp. 50-51. [Abs.] Makes manganese-copper alloy from the oxides, then adds tin or other metal, forming an alloy that can be rolled or cast for bearings, etc. 1432. ANONYMOUS. Improved method of estimating tin. Mg. Journ. Railw. Comm. Gaz., Vol. 20, 1850, London, p. 489. " Hitherto in chemical analysis tin has always been estimated in the form of stan- nic acid (peroxide of tin) The new method depends on the facility with which protochloride of tin withdraws chlorine from bodies capable of furnish- ing it." 1433. . Properties of the alloys of copper and tin. Iron Age, Vol. 24, 1879, Dec. 4, New York, p. 15; Dec. 11, pp. 9, 11; Dec. 18, p. 3. Gives results of torsional, compressive and transverse stress tests; analyses and specific gravities; and a comparion of the ductilities of various bronzes. 1434. . Disintegration of tin. Mg. Sci. Press, Vol. 44, 1882, San Francisco, p. 275. Short discussion of the cause of the disintegration of tin from cold. Theory advanced that it is due to crystallization, possibly to dimorphism. 1435. . Recovering tin from scrap tin. Mg. Sci. Press, Vol. 49, 1884, San Francisco, p. 51. Describes a process of tin recovery by oxidizing the tin on tin scrap in heated air. Copied. Original place of publication unknown to authors. 209 210 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 58 1436. 1437. 1438. 1439. 1440. 1441. 1442. 1442a. 1442b. METALLURGY AND CHEMISTRY (Continued) . Mercurialized tin. Eng. Mg. Journ., Vol. 45, 1888, New York, p. 217. Note from " Chemical Journal," of Nuremberg stating persons working in a smelt- ing establishment were poisoned by tin containing 1.3 per cent Hg. . Assais des minerals d'etain par la voie seche. Me"tallurgie, Vol. 28, 1897, Paris, pp. 331-333. . Recovering tin from scrap. Eng. Mg. Journ., Vol. 76, 1903, New York, p. 58, about 150 words. Plants for the recovery of metallic tin are being operated in Germany [seven], Austria [one], England [one], Germany is drawing supplies for tin recovery plants from England, France and Switzerland. . British patent, 736, 924 of 1903. Eng. Mg. Journ., Vol. 76, 1903, New York, p. 360. Electrolytic method of recovering tin from scrap. . Electrolytic production of tin. Queensland Gov. Mg. Journ., November, 1904, Brisbane. " Description of German patent for obtaining tin from any substance containing the metal." Not available to the authors. . Electrolytic methods of treating tin scrap. Engineer, Vol. 98, 1904, London, pp. 5-6, 2500 words. Details of all processes which have been tried industrially; cost of operating, and the future of industry. . Recovery of tin from old cans. Eng. Mg. Journ., Vol. 79, 1905, New York, p. 428, 500 words. " Tin cans are put in 2 per cent solution of SnCl 2 , which dissolves tin forming SnCl. Then electrolysed, tin falling in crystals .1875 in. long and solution again containing SnCl 2 is pumped back. Carried on at 70 F. Known as Bergse process and used at Copenhagen, Denmark, works. . Wet method for the assay of tin in ores, etc. South African Mg. Journ., May 2, 1908, Johannesburg, p. %. " Gives a simple and reliable process ,for the determination of tin in tin ores by the wet method." . Detinning industry. Iron and Coal Tr. Rev., Vol. 78, 1909, London, p. 415, fig. 2. " A review of the detinning industry with notes on chlorine detinning and' also a ehort note on the Goldschmidt company." . See No. 1294. 1443. BALLING, CARL. Manuel pratique Tart de 1'assayeur. 1881, Paris, pp. 488-500. Methods of assaying tin ores. 1444. BANNISTEB? C. 0. On the assay of auriferous tinstone. Trans. Inst. Mg. Met., Vol. 15, 1905-1906, London, pp. 513-519. Discussion pp. 520-523. Givea results obtained in assaying stream-tin for gold by scoriflcation, crucible assay, a wet method, concentration of the gold in a part of the tin, and by the collection of the gold in the whole of the tin. Considers the crucible method to be the best. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TIN HESS 211 METALLURGY AND CHEMISTRY (Continued) 1445. BECHAMP, A., and SAINTPIERRE, C. Recherches sur la separation [par voie humide] de 1'or et du platine, d'avec retain et 1'antimoine. C. R. Acad. Sci., Vol. 52, 1861, Paris, pp. 757-759. 1446. BERGEMANN, C. Mineral-Analysen. Zinnstein von Xeres in Mexico. Neues Jahrb. Min., 1857, Stuttgart, p. 395. 1447. BERGLUND, EMIL. Neue Methode zur qualitativen Scheidung von Zinn, Antimon und Arsen. Berichte deutsche Chemische Gesdlschaft, Vol. 17, I, 1884, Berlin, pp. 95-98. Digest: Amer. Chem. Journ., Vol. 7, 1885-1886 (1886), Baltimore, p. 133. 1447a. BERINGER, J. J. Wet assay of tin ores. Mg. Mag., Vol. 1, 1909, London, pp. 231-232. Discussion by Pearce, Richard, ibid., pp. 307-308. 1448. BERTHELOT, . Action de 1'oxygene sur les chlorures acides et composes analogues: Stain, silicium, bore. C. R. Acad. Sci., Vol. 86, 1878, Paris, pp. 920-926. 1449. BERTIIIER, P. Analyse d'un e"tain allie. Ann. Mines, 3d ser., Vol. 11, 1837, Paris, pp. 513-514. 1450. . Analyse d'un etain allie. [Extrait.] Ann. Mines, 3d ser., Vol. 19, 1841, Paris, pp. 702-703. 1450a. BETTEL, W. Assaying tin ores. South African Mg. Journ., September 12, 1908, Johannesburg, pp. iy 2 . " Discusses the various methods for the assay of tin and compares the merits of the Cornish wet and dry methods." 1451. BETTS, ANSON G. Electrolytic lead refining. [Tin in refined lead.] Trans. Amer. Inst. Mg. Eng., Vol. 34, 1903, New York, p. 180. Tin has been found in electrolytically refined lead at Trail, B. C., to the extent of O.C2 per cent. No difficulty is experienced in removing this from the lead by poling before casting. 1452. BILLINGS, G. H. The properties of iron alloyed with other metals. Trans. Amer. Inst. Mg. Eng., Vol. 5, 1877, New York, p. 450. Reprint: Eng. Mg. Journ., Vol. 23, 1877, New York, pp. 394-395. Results of experiments made by combining a small per cent of tin with iron. Of all metals alloyed with iron, experiments point to the fact that tin has the most hurtful effect. 1453. BOHNE, E. Vererbeitung der Schlacken vom Zinnerzschmelzen vermit- telst verdiinnter Schwefelsaure. Berg. Hiitt. Zeit., Vol. 57, 1898, Leipzig, pp. 203-204. Digest: Proc. Inst. Civ. Eng., Vol. 133, 1898, London, pp. 452-453. " The final slags produced in smelting of tin ores in the reverberatory furnace cannot, as a rule, be brought to lower content of tin than about 4 per cent, which in works smelting ten tons of ore daily, represents a loss of 3 cwt. to 4 cwt. of metallic tin. Author finds that this may be recovered to a great extent by decomposing the slag with sulphuric acid, when the iron and tin are dissolved, giving a solution from which the latter metal may be recovered by electrolysis." 1454. BOUCARD, A. Dosage de 1'etain dans les minerals. Rev. Univ. Mines Met. Trav. Publ. Sci. Arts Appl. Indust., sem. 2, Vol. 8, 1860, Liege and Paris, pp. 482-483. 212 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 58 METALLURGY AND CHEMISTRY (Continued) 1455. . Recherches sur la separation par voie humide de Tor et du platine d'avec retain et 1'antimoine. Rev. Univ. Mines Mt. Trav. Publ. Sci. Arts Appl. Indust., sem. 2, Vol. 10, 1861, pp. 171-173. 1455a. BRACKENBURY, C. Notes on tin dressing. Bull. Inst. Mg. Met., 52, Jan. 14, 1909, London. " Contributed remarks in which the author gives a series of experiments showing a great variation between vanning assays and chemical assays of tin ore." 1456. BRANDENBURG, H., WETLAND, A., and KEMPEN, A. R. British patent, 16,- 377 of 1903. Eng. Mg. Journ., Vol. 76, 1903, New York, p. 630. " Tin extraction from dross. The use of a mixture of sulphuric and hydrochloric acids for extracting tin from dross and slags, the whole of the tin being thus extracted in soluble form without being thrown down as oxide." 1457. BROOKS, CECIL J. .Quantitative estimation of tin. Eng. Mg. Journ., Vol. 61, 1896, New York, p. 494. A brief record of experiments made to ascertain the cause of the low results which are often obtained in the determination of tin. 1458. BROWNE, FRANK. Chinese tin. Chem. News, Vol. 95, 1907, London, pp. 3, 4. Abstract by W. S. Landis in Chem. Abs., No. 5, Vol. 1, March 5, 1907, Easton, p. 549. Description of a Chinese method of smelting tin. 1459. BUNSEN, R. Unterscheidung und Trennung des Arseniks von Antimon und Zinn. Ann. Chem. Pharm., Vol. 106, 1858, Heidelberg, p. 3. 1460. CAHOURS, A. Recherches sur les radicaux organo-me'tallique. C. R. Acad. Sci., Vol. 48, 1859, Paris, pp. 833-837. Action des alliages d'etain et de sodium sur les ethers iodhydriques des diffrentes series alcooliques. 1461. CAHOURS, A., and DEMARQAY, E. Sur les stannpropyles et les isostann- propyles. C. R. Acad. Sci., Vol. 88, 1879, Paris, pp. 11124117. 1462. . Sur les radicaux organome'talliques de retain. Stannbutyles et stannamyles. C. R. Acad. Sci., Vol. 89, 1879, Paris, pp. 68-73. 1463. CAHOURS, A., and RICHE, A. Recherches sur le stannethyle, nouveau radical organique renfermant de retain. C. R. Acad. Sci., Vol. 35, 1852, Paris, pp. 91-95. Abstract in Amer. Journ. Sci. Arts, 2d ser., Vol. 14, 1852, New Haven, p. 421. Description of and mode of making an organic tin compound to whose radical the authors give the name " stannethyl." 1464. . Recherches sur un nouveau radical organique refermant de retain, le stanmethyle. C. R, Acad. Sci., Vol. 36, 1853, Paris, pp. 1001-1004. NO. 2 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TIN HESS 213 METALLURGY AND CHEMISTRY (Continued) 1465. CAPITAINE, H. De 1'action de 1'etain, de 1'arsenic, de 1'antimoine et du soufre sur les chlorures de mercure. Ann. Mines, ser. 3, Vol. 17, 1840, Paris, pp. 441-445. Extrait: Journ. Pharm., Vol. 25, 1839, Paris, p. 50. 1466. CARPENTER, F. R., and HEADDEN, W. P. Note on the influence of colum- bite upon the tin assay. Trans. Anier. Inst. Mg. Eng., Vol. 17, 1889, New York, pp. 633-636. Discussion by Blake, W. P., ibid., pp. 785-787. The results of assays made upon tin ores from the Black Hills are given: conclude that the presence of columbite is injurious, and that the buttons owe their increase in weight to impurities derived from it. CHARLETON, ARTHUR G. See No. 1310. CLARK, DONALD. See No. 1076. 1467. CLARKE, P. W. On a new method of separating tin from arsenic, anti- mony and molybdenum. Chem. News, Vol. 21, 1870, London, p. 124. Amer. Journ. Sci. Arts, ser. 2, Vol. 49, 1870, New Haven, pp. 48-51. Reviewed by Koninck, L. L. dc. Rev. Univ. Mines, Met. Trav. Publ. Sci. Arts Appl. Indust., ser. 1, Vol. 29, 1871, Liege and Paris, p. 151. (See No. 1477.) 1468. COLLINS, HENRY F. On adobe and other cheap and makeshift furnaces. Trans. Inst. Mg. Met., Vol. 12, 1902-1903, London, p. 425. Reference to furnaces and slags at some large old tin mines at Bundi, Federated Malay States. 1469. COLLINS, J. H. On the assay of tin and on the solubility of cassiterite. Trans. Inst. Mg. Met., Vol. 13, 1905, London, pp. 485-486, remarks, p. 487. Reprint: Austr. Mg. Stand., Vol. 32, 1904, Sydney and Melbourne, p. 174. Abstract: Eng. Mg. Journ., Vol. 77, 1904, New York, p. 928. Believes vanning to be the best mine test, and reduction by fusion of Sn0 2 with KCN a good assay. Finds that finely powdered Sn0 2 may be largely dissolved by H 2 SO 4 and zinc, and with HC1. 1470. . The use of the impact screen in tin dressing. Mg. Mag., June, 1906, New York, p. 521. Abstract: Journ. Chem. Met. Min. Soc. South Africa, Vol. 7, 1906, Johannesburg, pp. 54-55. 1471. COWPER, COLES S. Electrolytic refining of tin and treatment of tin ores. Electr. Eng., Vol. 22, 1898, New York, pp. 81-82. Digest: Min. Proc. Inst. Civ. Eng., Vol. 136, pt. II, 1898-1899 (1899), London, p. 442. Description of various methods tried from time to time for the electrolytic refining of tin, and also for the recovery of tin from its ores. The process of Glaus, which consists in using an electrolyte of stannate of sodium or sulpho-stannate of sodium, is given as one of the most successful methods. 1472. CRAMER, JOHN ANDREW. Elements of the art of assaying metals. Trans- lated from the Latin. Illustrated with copper plates. 1741, London. The titles of the chapters dealing with tin are: 1. Tin, pp. 3, 19-20. 214 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 58 4 METALLURGY AND CHEMISTRY (Continued) 2. Precipitation of silver out of tin, by scorification, pp. 228-230. 3. The reduction of tin ore in a close vessel, pp. 334-335. 4. The reduction of tin ore, extempore, pp. 335-336. 5. To reduce tin ore by a stratification with coals, pp. 336-337. 1473. CROOCKEWIT, J. H. Over de wijze van uitsmelting (herleiding) van den tinerts door de Chineezen op Banka. 1852, Batavia, pp. 37. Not available to the authors. 1474. DE KONINCH, L. L., and LECRENIER, A. Separation qualitative de 1'or et du platine d'avec 1'arsenic, 1'antimonie et 1'etain. Rev. Univ. Mines Mt. Trav. Publ. Sci. Arts Appl. Indust., ser. 3, Vol. 2, 1888, Liege and Paris, pp. 98-99. 1475. DELACHANAL, B., and MERMET, A. Sur un compose" de platine, d'etain et d'oxyg&ne, analogue au pourpre de Cassius. C. R. Acad. Sci., Vol. 81, 1875, Paris, pp. 370-371. 1476. DELVAUX DE FENFFE, A. Purification de 1'etain et emploi du tungstene pour 1'amelioration de 1'acier et de la fonte de fer. Rev. Univ. Mines Met. Trav. Publ. Sci. Arts Appl. Indust., sem. 1, Vol. 7, 1860, LiCge and Paris, pp. 81-86. 1477. DEWEY, FRED P. On Clarke's method for the separation of tin from arsenic and antimony. Amer. Chem. Journ., Vol. 1, 1879-1880 (1880), Baltimore, pp. 244-251. See No. 1467. 1478. DIEST, P. H. VAN. Het tinsmelten op Bangka. Jaarb. Mijnw. Ned. Cost-Indie', 1872, I, Amsterdam, pp. 217-253. Twee platen en twee bijlagen. Abstract: Berg. Hiitt. Zeit., Vol. 32, 1873, Leipzig, pp. 423-424. Bijlage I, Bevattende het rapport der Commissie tot het uitvoeren van vergelijkende smeltproeven, ingesteld bij gouvernementsbesluit, dd. 2 Mei 1866. Bijlage H, Beschrijving van de inrichting, den bouw en het gebruik van den nieuwen of vierkanten smeltoven voor Bangka. 1479. DIETZSCH, F. The treatment of tin-wolfram-copper ores at the Glitters United Mines. Trans. Inst. Mg. Met., Vol. 15, 1906, London, pp. 2-28, discussion, pp. 29-61, figs. 5. A detailed account of new methods used in reopening and working the old Clitters mine, near Gunnislake in East Cornwall. 1480. DiJK, P. VAN. Omsmelting en zuivering van drie parti jen Banka-tin aan het Koloniaal Etablissement te Amsterdam. Jaarb. Mijnw. Ned. Oost-Indie. 1890, Amsterdam, I, Tech. en Admin, pp. III-XXIII, Verslag, waarbij twee platen. 1481. DOUGLAS, J. C. The cry of tin. Mg. Sci. Press, Vol. 43, 1881, San Francisco, p. 99. The sound emitted by tin when bent, is not peculiar to tin and can be imitated with other metals of a crystalline structure. Heated rolled zinc emits a " cry " like tin, only fainter. Cast zinc, if pinched between the .teeth or plier emits the sound distinctly. This cry, alone or in conjunction with a microphone, becomes an indicator of the crystalline texture of metal beams and their fitness for certain classes of work. The original place of publication is unknown to the authors. NO. 2 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TIN HESS 215 METALLURGY AND CHEMISTRY (Continued) 1482. DUSSAUCE, . Metallurgy of tin. Amer. Journ. Mg. Mill. Oilb. Geol. Min. Met., Vol. 4, 1867, New York, pp. 354-355, 371, 386-387. Describes the ores of tin, localities where found, preparations for smelting, and smelting and refining processes. Serial. First three articles only available to the authors. 1483. DYKES, F. J. B. Analysing of tin slag. Perak Gov. Gaz., Vol. 17, No. 26, July 15, 1904, Supplement, Kuala Lumpur, Malay Peninsula, p. 1. Ten analyses of slags from slag heaps at native furnaces gave from 2.32 per cent to 8.4 per cent tin. 1483a. EDWARDS, C. P. Assay of tin. South African Mg. Journ., November 7, 1903, Johannesburg, p. %. " A description of the method used, with special reference to adapting the scheme to different ores." 1484. EGLESTON, T. The law of fatigue and refreshment of metals. Effect of vibration on tin. Trans. Amer. Mg. Eng., Vol. 8, 1879-1880, New York, pp. 400-401. Tin is apparently an exceptional metal in its behavior under vibration, although enough data could net be obtained to prove the law or the exception. ELLIS, THOS. F., and McKiLLor, JOHN. See No. 1530. 1485. ELSNER, L. Moyen de separer 1'arsenic de retain. Ann. Mines, ser. 3, Vol. 19, 1841, Paris, p. 529. Extract from Ann. Chem. Pharm., Vol. 32, Heidelberg. 1486. . Ueber die Trennung des Goldes und Platins von Zinn und Arsenik. Journ. prakt. Chem., Vol. 35, 1845, Leipzig, pp. 310-312. 1487. ENGEL, R. Sur les acides stanniques. C. R. Acad. Sci., Vol. 125, 1897, Paris, pp. 651-654. 1488. . Sur 1'action de 1'etain azotique sur 1'etain. C. R. Acad. Sci., Vol. 125, 1897, Paris, pp. 709-711. FLOWER, P. W. See No. 1390. 1489. FLOWER-ELMS, T. J. A brief account of the Malay tin industry. Proc. Chem. Met. Soc. South Africa, Vol. 2, 1897, Johannesburg, pp. 5-18, fig. 1. Reprint: Mg. Journ. Railw. Comm. Gaz., Vol. 67, 1897, London, pp. 532, 592-593. Peninsula is described as a " huge ridge of granite and porphyry, with occasional tracts of overlying and highly distorted sandstone, slate, schists and limestones, the lower ground being filled in with alluvial beds of clay, sand and gravel." Ore is associated with granite, both in lode and alluvial deposits. Richest pay gravel rests on the lowest clay bed, usually an impure kaolin. Methods of obtaining valuation of tin-bearing ground, Chinese method of mining, methods of smelting used by both Chinese and Europeans, tests for quantity of tin given. 1490. FOULLON, H. VON. Ueber Krystallisirtes Zinn. Jahrb. k. k. geol. Reichs., Vol. 34, 1884, Wien, pp. 367-384, mit 2 Holzschn. u. 1 Taf. Review: Neues Jahrb. Min., 1885, II (Ref.), Stuttgart, pp. 266-268. 216 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 58 METALLURGY AND CHEMISTRY (Continued) 1491. FBANGKEN, V. Determination de retain. Rev. Univ. Mines Met. Trav. Publ. Sci. Arts Appl. Indust., ser. 2, Vol. 11, 1882, Li6ge and Paris, p. 503. 1492. FBITZCHE, P. Sur im ph6nom&ne de rupture produit au milieu de blocs d'e"tain sous 1'action d'un froid intense. C. R. Acad. Sci., Vol. 67, 1868. Paris, pp. 1106-1107. 1493. FEAENKEL, A., and FASAL, J. Estimation of tin in salts of tin. Chem. News, Vol. 78, 1898, London, pp. 100-101. Mitth. k. k. Techn. Gewerbe-Museums in Wien, Vol. 7, 1907, Wien, p. 227. Extract: Rev. Univ. Mines M6t. Trav. Publ. Sci. Arts Appl. Indust., ser. 3, Vol. 44, 1898, Liege and Paris, pp. 301-302. Digest: Eng. Mjr. Journ., Vol. 66, 1898, New York, p. 333. "The authors have worked out a method for the estimation of tin which consists in precipitating this metal on aluminum dissolving the two metals in hydrochloric acid, and titrating the stannous chloride thus formed by means of iodine or bichro- mate of potassium." 1494. GAULTIER DE CLAUBRY, H. F. Dosage de 1'etain par volumes. C. R. Acad. Sci., Vol. 22, 1846, Paris> pp. 61-862; Vol. 23, 1846, pp. 101-103. Extrait par 1'auteur. 1495. GAY-LUSSAC, Louis J. Sur la separation de Tantimome d'avec 1'etain. Ann. Chim. Phys., Vol. 46, 1831, Paris, p. 222. Ann. Physik. Chem., Vol. 21, 1831, Leipzig, pp. 589-590. Extrait: Ann. Mines, ser. 3, Vol. 2, 1832, Paris, pp. 329-330. Extract. Amer. Journ. Sci. Arts, ser. 1, Vol. 27, 1835, New Haven, p. 197. 1496.' GEBARDIN, A. (?). Note sur le bichlorure d'etain consid^re" comme un dissolvant. C. R. Acad. Sci., Vol. 51, 1860, Paris, p. 1097. 1497. GMEHLING, ANDREAS. Metallurgische Beitrage aus Bolivia. Oest. Zeitschr. Berg. Htitt, Vol. 38, 1890, Wien, pp. 269-273, 281-286, .294-298, pis. 13, H. 1497a. GOLDSCHMIDT, K. Recovery of tin from tin-plate waste. Oest. Zeitschr. Berg. Hiitt, 1909, Wien, p. 103. Digest translation in Min. Proc. Inst. Civ. Eng., Vol. 177, pt. 3, 1909, London, pp. 358-359. Describes the removal of tin from tin scrap, including tin cans, by the dry chlorine process. Estimates 75,000 tons of scrap are treated in Germany each year, and about 25,000 tons in the rest of Europe, making 1500 tons of tin and tin-salts. In America 60,000 tons, giving 3000 to 3500 tons tin or 3% per cent of the world's product. Goldschmidt handles 50,000 tons in Germany. 1498. GREGOB, W. Observations ori a remarkable change which metallic tin undergoes, under peculiar circumstances, and on Its partial con- version into a muriate of tin. Trans. Roy. Geol. Soc. Cornwall, Vol. 1, 1818, Pcnzance, pp. 51-59. Description of metallic tin changed to chloride of tin, presumably through weather- ing in air near the sea. HALSE, ED. Bee No. 773. NO. 2 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TIN HESS 217 METALLURGY AND CHEMISTRY (Continued) 1499. HAUY, . Substances M6talliques. Journ. Mines, Vol. 5, No. 30, 1796, Paris, pp. 457-466. 1500. HAWKINS, JOHN. On a process of refining tin. Trans. Roy. Geol. Soc. Cornwall, Vol. 1, 1818, Penzance, pp. 201-211. A proposal to purify tin by allowing impurities to settle from liquid mass. 1501. HAYES, AUGUSTUS A. On the action of metallic tin on solutions of muriate of tin. Amer. Journ. Sci. Arts, ser. 1, Vol. 38, 1840, New Haven, pp. 408-410. 1502. HEADDEN, WM. P. Formation of the alloys of tin and iron with de- scription of some new alloys. Proc. Colorado Sci. Soc., Vol. 4, 1891, Denver, pp. 81-122. Abstract: Amer. Journ. Sci. Arts, ser. 2, Vol. 44, 1892, New. Haven, pp. 464-468. 1503. HENZ, F. Beitrag zur Kenntniss Trennung von Antimon und Zinn mittels Oxalsaure. Zeitschr. Anorg. Chem., Vol. 37, 1903, Miinchen and Leipzig, pp. 39-58. Based upon Dr. Clarke's article, No. 1467. 1504. HEYCOCK, C. T., and NEVILLE, F. H. On the constitution of copper-tin alloys. Proc. Roy. Soc. London, Vol. 69, 1902, London, pp. 320-329. Conclusions reached from a number of experiments on alloys of tin and copper. 1505. HICKS, JAMES. Treatment of slime tin. Trans. Mg. Ass. Inst. Cornwall, Vol. 4, 1893-1895, Camborne. pp. 111-137, illus. 4. Read at Camborne, December 20, 1892. Short review: Mg. Sci. Press, Vol. 66, 1893, San Francisco, p. 244. Showing waste of mines under management at that time and ways of saving slime tin ore. 1505a. HIORTDAHL, F. H. Sur la forme cristalline des combinaisons des stannme'thyles et leurs homologues. C. R. Acad. Sci., Vol. 88, 1879, Paris, pp. 584-586. 1506. HOFMAN, HEINRICII O. The dry assay of tin ores. Trans. Amer. Inst. Mg. Eng., Vol. 18, 1889-1890, New York, pp. 3-54. Also, Techn. Quart., Vol. 3, 1890, Boston, pp. 112-143, 261-280. Describes a series of experiments with the tin ores of the Black Hills to ascertain the best method of assay. 1506a. HOHAGEN, GEOEG. Assay of tin ores. Eng. Mg. Journ., Vol. 85, 1908, New York, p. 422. Short article on methods used in assaying tin ores. 1507. HUGHES, T. W. H. Notes on tin smelting in the Malay Peninsula. Rec. Geol. Surv. India, Vol. 22, pt. 4, 1889, Calcutta, pp. 235-236. Notes on the use of the native or Tonka type of furnace, and more especially upon the English furnace at Singapore. 1507a. HUTCHIN, H. W. Notes on tin dressing. Trans. Inst. Mg. Met., Vol. 18, 1908-1909, London, pp. 69-107. Review: Eng. Mg. Journ., Vol. 87, 1909, New York, pp. 651-652. Describes a series of investigations on tin ore dressing performed at South Crofty mine, Cornwall. The work covers in particular the preparation of concentrates for the calciner. The paper is discussed by various members and author's reply given. 218 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 58 METALLURGY AND CHEMISTRY (Continued) 1507b. . Tin dressing. Mg. Mag., Vol. 2, 1910, New York, pp. 295-296. 1508. JOLYET, F., and CAHOUBS, A. Recherches sur 1'action physiologique des stanne"thyles et des stanmethyles. C. R. Acad. Sci., Vol. 68, 1869, Paris, pp. 1276-1280. 1509. KENNGOTT, A. Ueber die alkalische Reaction einiger Minerale. Neues Jahrb. Min., 1867, Stuttgart, pp. 437-438. 1510. KERL, BRUNO. The Assayer's Manual. An abridged treatise on the docimastic examination of ores, and furnace and other artificial products. Translated from the German by W. T. Brannt, 1883, London, pp. 214-224. Treats of the determination of tinstone by washing; and by both fire and wet assays. 1511. KERSHAW, JOHN B. C. Progress in electrochemistry and electrometal- lurgy in 1902. Min. Ind. for 1902, Vol. 11, 1903, New York and London, p. 235, 300 words. The electroyltic method of stripping tin from tin scrap and waste appears to be extending. The consumption of tin scrap in Germany alone is said to reach 30,000 tons per annum. 1511a. . Electro-Metallurgy. D. Van Nostrand Co., 1908, New York, pp. 256-268. Treats of the electric separation of tin from tin scrap. 1512. KERSTEN, C. M. Ueber die chemische Zusammensetzung mehrerer Sorten ungereinigten, so wie gereinigten Abgangszinnes von Altenberg und zweier Zinnsorten aus Peru. Arch. Min. geogn. Bergb. Hiitt., Vol. 22, 1848, Breslau and Berlin, pp. 662-690. 1513. KLAPROTH, MARTIN H. Analytical essays toward promoting chemical knowledge of mineral substances. [Translated from German.] 1801, London, pp. 515-531. 1. Chemical examination of the native oxyd of tin. a. Experiments in a dry way. I. Assays in charcoal-crucibles. II. Habitudes of tinstone, when exposed to heat in a crucible made of clay. b. Experiments in a humid way. 2. Chemical examination of the native sulphuret of tin. Samples of tin ore from Cornwall and Germany were used in these analyses. 1514. KUNZEL, C. Ueber die Verarbeitung von Weissblechabfallen. Berg. Htitt. Zeit., Vol. 33, 1874, Leipzig, pp. 57-60. 1515. LAMPADIUS, W. A. De 1'essai et de 1'analyse des minerals d'etain. Ann. Mines, Vol. 3, 1818, Paris, pp. 203-208. 1516. . Versuche mit einem Quarzzuschlage bei dem Verschmelzen der Zinnerze zu Altenberg. Arch. Bergb. HUtt, Vol. 14, 1827, Breslau and Berlin, pp. 296-298. 1517. LATTA, GEO. J. The smelting of tin ore at the Mount Bischoff tin smelting works, Launceston. Rep. Seer. Mines for 1899-1900, Tasmania, 1900, Hobart, pp. 91-92. Gives the amount and kind of tin ores smelted during first half of 1899, the method of smelting used, proper mixtures of ores, and charges. NO. 2 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TIN HESS 219 METALLURGY AND CHEMISTRY (Continued) 1518. LE GRICE, C. V. Notice of an ancient smelting place for tin, generally called a Jew's House, lately discovered on the estate of Trereife, near Penzance. Trans. Roy. Geol. Soc. Cornwall, Vol. 6, 1846, Penzance, pp. 43-46. Early mode of smelting tin by filling a small excavation with sticks piled cross-wise, filling interstices with SnO 2 and setting afire. Called " Jews' House " because Jews first worked tin in England. Tin smelted in blast furnaces until early in 19th century. 1519. LEVOL, A. Method de separation quantitative de retain d'avec 1'anti- moine. Ann. Chem. Phys., ser. 3, Vol. 13, 1845, Paris, pp. 125-127. Extracts: Ann. Mines, ser. 4, Vol. 8, 1845, Paris, pp. 200-201. Amer. Journ. Sci. Arts, ser. 2, Vol. 1, 1846, New Haven, p. 107. Journ. prakt. Chem., Vol. 35, 1845, Leipzig, p. 179. Reviewed by Eisner, L., in Journ. prakt. Chem., Vol. 35, 1845, Leipzig, pp. 313-314. 1520. . De 1'essai du mineral d'etain. Ann. Chim. Phys., ser. 3, Vol. 49, 1857, Paris, pp. 87-91. 1521. . Note sur la sonorite de I'Stain. Ann. Chim. Phys., ser. 3, Vol. 56, 1859, Paris, pp. 110-111. 1521a. LEVY, D. M., and EWEN, D. Waste products of smelting The Besse- merising of hardhead. Bull. Inst. Mg. Met., May 13, 1909, pp. 9. Gives results of a research to determine, (1) whether a bessemerizing process lends itself to the profitable recovery of values from hardhead and other tin smelting products, and (2) the rate of oxidation and elimination of the constituents of hard- head. 1522. LEWY, B. Sur quelques combinaisons nouvelles du perchlorure d'etain. C. R. Acad. Sci., Vol. 21, 1845, Paris, pp. 369-374. 1523. Louis, HENRY. The metallurgy of tin. Min. Ind. for 1896, Vol. 5, 1897, New York and London, pp. 533-588, figs. 30. Review: Berg. Hiitt. Zeit., Vol. 56, 1897, Leipzig, pp. 449-453. 1. Smelting in the fehaft furnace: Ca) old Cornish process; (b) the German process; (c) Chinese method of tin smelting; (d) treatment of the slag. 2. Tin smelting in the reverberatory furnace. 1524. . Notes on the metallurgy of tin during 1897. Min. Ind. for 1897, Vol. 6, 1898, New York and London, p. 648. 1525. . Tin smelting at the Mt. Bischoff works, Launceston, Tasmania. Min. Ind. for 1897, Vol. 6, 1898, New York and London, pp. 649-650. Reprint: Berg. Hutt. Zeit., Vol. 58, 1899, Leipzig, pp. 174-175. Short article giving plan of tin smelting furnace. 1526. . Notes on the metallurgy of tin. Min. Ind. for 1898, Vol. 7, 1899, New York and London, pp. 716-717, fig. 1. 1527. . Notes on the metallurgy of tin. Min. Ind. for 1899, Vol. 8, 1900, New York and London, pp. 629-631. Gives a review of the progress of the metallurgy of tin during 1899. ] 528. LOWIG, . New organic radicals, containing tin. Journ. prakt. Chem., Vol. 57, Leipzig, p. 385. Extract: Amer. Journ. Sci. Arts, ser. 2, Vol. 16, 1853, New Haven, pp. 116-118. " Lb'wig has communicated the results of an elaborate investigation of the products resulting from the action of iodide of ethyl upon alloys of tin and sodium." 220 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 58 \ METALLURGY AND CHEMISTRY (Continued) 1529. MACKENZIE, GEO. L. Determination of tin in tailings and slimes. Trans. Inst. Mg. Met., Vol. 13, 1903-1904, London, pp. 87-92, discussion and remarks, pp. 92-101, fig. 1. Abstract: Eng. Mg. Journ., Vol. 77, 1904, New York, pp. 928-929. Discusses: Cleaning the ore; reduction of stannic oxide to tin; solution of the reduced tin: (a) precipitation as stannic sulphide, (b) conversion of the stannic sulphide to oxide. 1530. McKiLLOP, JOHN, and ELLIS, TIIOS. F. Tin smelting at Pulo Brani, Singapore. Proc. Inst. Civ. -Eng., Vol. 125, pt. 3, 1896, London, pp. 145-162, discussion, pp. 163- 174, correspondence, pp. 174-181, figs. 8. Review: Mg. Sci. Press, Vol. 72, 1896, San Francisco, p. 484. Review: Berg. Htitt. Zeit, Vol. 57, 1898, Leipzig, p. 164. Treated under headings: General arrangement of the works; buying and handling ores; preparation of impure ores; system of labor in mixing charges; smelting fur- naces; metallurgical processes; marketable tin; loss of tin; consumption of iron; consumption of culm; consumption of fuel; future improvements. 1531. MALLETT, J. W. Analysis of tin pyrites. Amer. Journ. Sci. Arts, ser. 2, Vol. 17, 1854, New Haven, pp. 33-35. < 1531a. MEADE, RICHARD K. The valuation of engineering alloys. Chem. Engr., Vol. 7, 1908, pp. 235-243, Vol. 8, 1908, Chicago, pp. 45-50, 110-115. Treats of the composition and uses and methods of analysis of the babbitt metal alloys. 1532. MENE, CH. Me"moire sur un nouveau mode de dosage de 1'etain. C. R. Acad. Sci., Vol. 31, 1850, Paris, pp. 82-84. Extrait: Ann. Mines, ser. 4, Vol. 19, 1851, Paris, pp. 399-400. Brief digest: Berg. Htitt. Zeit., Vol. 10, 1851, Leipzig, p. 256. 1533. MENGIN, U. Separation et dosage de 1'etain et de 1'antimoine dans un alliage. C. R. Acad. Sci., Vol. 119, 1894, Paris, pp. 224-226. 1534. MENNICHE, H. British patent, 17,616 of 1902. Eng. Mg. Journ., Vol. 76, 1903, New York, p. 284. " Tin ore treatment. A process for recovering silver, lead, bismuth, tungsten and copper from tin ores by roasting, grinding, moistening with water and then immers- ing in a bath of molten sodium bisulphate, all the metals but tin being transformed into sulphates, which can be removed." 1535. MILLEN, J. D. Tin smelting at Launceston, Tasmania. Eng. Mg. Journ., Vol. 82, 1906, New York, p. 1135. Abstract from the annual report of the Zeehan School of Mines and Metallurgy. Method of smelting Mt. Bischoff tin. 1536. MOISSENET, L. Du dosage de 1'Stain dans les minerals de ce me"tal. C. R. Acad. Sci., Vol. 51, 1860, Paris, pp. 206-207. Extrait par 1'auteur. 1537. MOODY, S. E. Hydrolysis of salts of iron, chromium, tin, cobalt, nickel and zinc in the presence of iodides and iodates. Amer. Journ. Sci. ser. 4, Vol. 22, 1906, New Haven, pp. 178-180. NO. 2 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TIN HESS 221 METALLURGY AND CHEMISTRY (Continued) 1538. MULDER [ ]. Ueber das Banka-Zinn. Chem. Gaz., 1849, London, No. 165. Twenty specimens, mostly from different tin mines in Banka were examined, and found to contain only a trace of foreign metals. One analysis was: Iron C.019 Copper 0.006 Lead 0.014 Pure tin 99.961 1539. MULLER, J. A. The analysis of tin ores. Chem. News, Vol. 85, 1902, London, pp. 147-148. 1540. MUSCULUS, P. Des hydrates stanniques. C. R. Acad. Sci., Vol. 65, 1867, Paris, pp. 961-963. 1541. MYRICK, C. M. Tin concentration in Cornwall. Mg. Soi. Press, Vol. 86, 19CS, San Francisco, p. 167, illus. 2. Methods of tin concentration, improvements and results. NEVIUS, J. NELSON, See No. 781. 1542. NORTH, OLIVER. The practical assayer. 1874, London. Assay of tin, pp. 106-116. 1543. ORDWAY, JOHN M. On some soluble basic salts of tin. Amer. Journ. Sci. Arts, ser. 2, Vol. 23, 1857, New Haven, pp. 220-223. 1544. OVERMAN, FREDERICK. Practical mineralogy, assaying and mining. 1882, Philadelphia. Description of tin, pp. 68-69. Assay of tin ore, pp. 169-171. 1545. PARRY, L*. Assay of tin and antimony. 1906, London, pp. 3-49, 2d Ed. Describes various methods of tin assaying. 1545a. '. Note on the eutectic alloy of lead and tin. Mg. Journ. Railw. Comm. Gaz., Vol. 87, 1909, London, pp. 420-421. 1545b. . The assay of tin ore. Mg. Journ. Railw. Comm. Gaz., Vol. 86, 1909, London, pp. 421-424. Copied: Mg. Sci., Vol. 60, 1909, Denver, pp. 370-373. 1546. PEARCE, RICHARD. On the application of chemistry to the dressing of tin ores. Mech. Mag., Vol. 6, n. s., 1861, London, p. 339. 1547. . Description of the process for the separation of copper, iron and other heavy impurities from tin ore. 36th Ann. Rep. Roy. Cornwall Polyt. Soc,, 1868, Falmouth, pp. 23-25. Method proposed is to subject impure tin to the combined action of steam and air in conjunction with a little dilute acid. 1548. PEETZ, LE. Scheidung von Zinn und Blei aus Zinn-Blei-Legierungen. Metallurgie, August 22, 1904, Paris, pp. 9. Brief digest: Mg. Mag., Vol. 10, 1904, p. 439. " One chemical and one electroyltic method of separating lead and tin in lead-tin alloys are given in considerable detail." 222 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 58 METALLURGY AND CHEMISTRY (Continued) 1549. FERRET, AUGUSTE. Zinc, etain, nickel, cobalt. 1903, Paris. Petite Encyclopedic de chimie industrielle pratique. Not available to the authors. 1550. PERSONNE, J. MSmoire sur les combinaisons de 1'iode et de 1'etain. C. R. Acad. Sci., Vol. 54, 1862, Paris, pp. 216-220. PIKE, E. R. See No. 715. 1551. PLATTE, GABRIEL. A discovery of subterranean treasure, viz., all man- ner of mines and minerals, etc. 1792, Philadelphia, pp. 9-10. Operation of tin refining. " And as for refining of it, I am sure it cannot be done by any artifice." 1552. PLATTNER, C. A. Die Darstellung von Zinn- und Antimonblei auf den Konigl. Sachs. Freiberger Hiittenwerken. Jahrb. Berg. Hiitt. Ron. Sachsen., 1883, Freiberg, pp. 1-18. 1553. RAWSON, S. G. The qualitative separation of arsenic, antimony and tin. Chemical News, Vol. 75, 1897, London, p. 221. Reprinted: Eng. Mg. Journ., Vol. 63, 1897, New York, p. 545. Arsenic and antimony are precipitated from a mixture of oxalic and hydrochloric acids by hydrogen sulphide. Hydrides of arsenic and antimony are passed through a silver nitrate solution, and the antimonide of silver filtered out. 1554. RAY, JOHN. A collection of English words not generally used. With an account of the preparing and refining such metals and minerals as are found in England. 1768, London, 4th Ed. The preparing and smelting or blowing of tin in Cornwall, pp. 131-134. REYER, EDUARD. See No. 1354. 1555. RICHARDS, JOSEPH. Utilization of the wastes from the use of white metal. Journ. Franklin Inst., Vol. 151, 1901, Philadelphia, pp. 446-447. Also. Mg. Sci. Press, Vol.' 82, 1901, San Francisco, p. 293. Methods used by writer in removing tin from tin scrap, saving both tin and iron. 1556. RICHARDS, ROBERT H. Block tin resulting from distillation of a tin amalgam. Trans. Amer. Inst. Mg. Eng., Vol. 11, 1882-1883, New York, pp. 235-236. 1557. RIEFFEL, . Me"moire sur les combinaisons chimiques du cuivre avec retain, et sur leurs melanges entre elles, constituant les alliages non chimiques de ces deux metaux. C. R. Acad. Sci., Vol. 37, 1853, Paris, pp. 456-453. ROSCOE, H. E. See No. 1568. 1558. ROSE, H. Ueber die Trennung des Zinns vom Antimon. Ann. Physik. Chem., Vol. 71, 1847, Leipzig, pp. 301-304. Extract: Ann. Mines, ser. 4, Vol. 15, 1849, Paris, pp. 129-130. NO. 2 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TIN HESS 223 METALLURGY AND CHEMISTRY (Continued) 1559. . Ueber eine neue quantitative Bestimmung des Arseniks, Anti- mons und Zinn. Journ. prakt. Chem., Vol. 44, 1848, Leipzig, pp. 117-118, Ann. Physik. Chem., Vol. 73, 1848, Leipzig, pp. 582-585. 1560. Rows, LEONARD. Some chemical methods of treating ores. 66th Ann. Rep. Roy. Cornwall, Polyt. Soc.. 1898, Falmouth, pp. 102-103. Methods and difficulties of extracting tin from its associated minerals. 1561. SALET, G. Sur les spectres de 1'etain et de ses composes. C. R. Acad. Sci., Vol. 73, 1871, Paris, pp. 862-863. 1562. SALMON, . Art du potier d'etain, 1788. Not available to the authors. 1563. SANDALL, S. A. Preparation of protoxide of tin. London and Edinburgh Philos. Mag. Journ. Sci., Vol. 12, 1838, London, p. 216. Extract: Ann. Mines, ser. 3, Vol. 15, 1839, Paris, pp. 435-436. Makes tin protoxide by heating the protochloride with sodium carbonate. 1564. SCHEURER-KESTNER, A. Sur les produits de 1'oxydation du protochlorure d'etain et la dissolution de quelques oxydes dans le bichlorure. C. R. Acad. Sci., Vol. 50, 1860, Paris, pp. 50-54. 1565. . Action I'oxyg&ne sur le protochlorure d'etain. Dosage de retain par le permanganate de potasse. C. R. Acad. Sci., Vol. 52, 1861, Paris, pp. 531-533. 1566. SCHULTZE, B. A new method of recovering tin from tin-plate scrap. Polyt. Journ., Vol. 276, 1890, Stuttgart, p. 279. Digest: Proc. Inst. Civ. Eng., Vol. 102, pt. 4, 1890, London, pp. 400-401. Description of the process of stripping tin plate with acid ferric sulphate, acid stannic sulphate, dilute sulphuric acid or dilute hydrochloric acid. 1567. SCHUNCK, ED. Process for the use of tin-plate scrap in the manufacture of malleable iron. Chem. Gaz., 1849, London; Amer. Journ. Sci. Arts, ser. 2, Vol. 9, 1850, New Haven, p. 279. A patent issued to Ed. Schunck covers the stripping of tin plate scrap by an alkaline persulphuret; the recovery of the tin by the evaporation of the solution and the smelting of the residue; also the treatment of the iron by washing, packing in sheet iron cylinders, heating to welding heat .and hammering. 1568. SCHUNCK, E., SMITH, R. A., and ROSCOE, H. E. On the recent progress and present condition of manufacturing chemistry in the South Lan- cashire district. Rep. Brit. Ass. Adv. Sci., 31st meeting, Manchester, September, 1861, pt. 1, London, p. 119. The manufacture of compounds of tin-chlorides and stannate of soda briefly treated. SEXTON, A. HUMBOLT. See No. 1361. 1569. SLAGLE, ROBEBT L. The double halides of tin with aniline and the toluidines. Amer. Chem. Journ., Vol. 20, 1898, Baltimore, pp. 633-646. 224: SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 58 METALLURGY AND CHEMISTRY (Continued) 1570. SLATER, W. Alliages de zinc, d'etain et de plomb. Rev. Univ. Mines Met. Trav. Publ. ScL Arts Appl. Indust., sem. 2, Vol. 5, 1859, Liege and Paris, p. 187. From " Chemical Gazette," 1858, London. 1571. SMITH, J. LAWRENCE. Analysis of alloys of tin and antimony. Amer. Journ. Sci. Arts, ser. 1, Vol. 49, 1845, New Haven, p. 206. Translation and abstract from " Chemical Gazette," August, 1844, London, p. 347. Giving Chevalier and Lassaigne's method. 1572. . Separation of tin from antimony. Amer. Journ. Sci. Arts, ser. 2, Vol. 1, 1846, New Haven, p.* 107. Extract from Levol, A., Ann. Chim. Phys., January, 1845, Paris. 1573. SMITH, OBERIJN. Nails from tin scrap. Trans. Amer. Ingt. Mg. Eng., Vol. 17, 1889, New York, pp. 495-498. Method of making good quality of nails, at one operation, directly from tin scrap. SMITH, R. A. See No. 1568. 1574. STRENG, A. Ueber einige mikroskopisch-chemische Reaktion. Neues Jahrb. Min., 1888, II, Stuttgart, pp. 142-146. The testing of tin is treated. 1575. TALBOTT, J. H. On the quantitative separation of tin and tungsten. Amer. Journ. Sci. Arts, ser. 2, Vol. 50, 1870, New Haven, pp. 246-247. Separation depending upon reduction of stannic oxide by potassic cyanide, while tungstic trioxide is unaffected. 1576. TAYLOR, JOHN. On the smelting of tin ores in Cornwall and Devonshire. Trans. Geol. Soc. London, Vol. 5, 1821, London, pp. 358-368. Describes the smelting of " mine tin " in reverberatory furnaces and of " stream tin " in shaft-furnaces. The " block tin " of commerce is obtained from " mine tin " while " grain tin," a purer article, is obtained from " stream tin." 1576a. TERRELL, S. L. The final stages of tin and wolfram dressing. Mg. Journ. Railw. Comm. Gaz., Vol. 83, 1908, London, p. 714, fig. 1. Deals with the final treatment of tin and tungsten after concentration and takes up calcining and acid treatment. 1577. THIBAULT, P. J. The metallurgical treatment of complex tin sulphides. Trans. Austr. Inst. Mg. Eng., Vol. 8, pt. 2, 1902, Melbourne, pp.' 155-163. 1578. . The metallurgy of tin. 1907, London, pp. 250. . First appeared as a series of articles under the above heading in Austr. Mg. Stand., in 1907, Sydney and Melbourne. Treats of the various branches of the metallurgy of tin, especially as practiced in Australia; methods of assaying tin ores and furnace products; the working of placer deposits by dredging and sluicing, and the reduction of ore. 1579. THIOLLIER, M. A. Visite aux mines et fonderies d'etain de Cornwall. Bull. Soc. Indust. min., Vol. 14, 2d ser., 1885, Saint Etienne, pp. 575-587. Also, Berg. Hiitt. Zeit., Vol. 45, 1886, Leipzig, pp. 360-363. Treated under heads: Reduction of mineral, treatment of slag left after first operation, refining of metal. 1580. THOMAS, V. Action du peroxyde d'azote sur les sels halogene's detain. C. R. Acad. Sci.. Vol. 122, 1896, Paris, pp. 32-35. NO. 2 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TIN HESS '225 METALLURGY AND CHEMISTRY (Continued) 1580a. VAN OSDKL, EDGAR B. Determination of tin and antimony. Eng. Mg. Journ., Vol. 87, 1900, New York, p. 850. Gives a method which has proved satisfactory in the analysis of alloys such as type metal or of solutions containing only tin and antimony. 1581. VIGNON, LEO. Sur retain. O. R. Acad. Sci., Vol. 107, 1888, Paris, pp. 734-737. Discussion of the precipitation of tin from tin-chloride, and of the easy oxidiza- bility of the reduced metal. 1582. . Sur 1'oxydabilite et le de"capage de 1'etain. C. R. Acad. Sci., Vol. 108, 1889, Paris, pp. 96-98. 1583. WELLS, J. S. C. New method for the analysis of tin-ores, and for the separation of copper and cadmium. School Minos Quart., Vol. 12, 1891, New York, pp. 295-296; Vol. 14, 1893, p. 156. Reprint: Eng. Mg. Journ., Vol. 77, 1904, New York, p. 957. Description of assay by reduction of cassiterite with HC1 and metallic zinc. Note emphasizes fact that with some ores a piece of platinum must be used to effect complete reduction. 1583a. WESTON, E. M. See No. 3d. 1584. WIBTZ, L. British patent, 20,496 of 1902. Eng. Mg. Journ., Vol. 76, 1903, New York, p. 362. Recovering tin and zinc from scrap. " Dissolves the tin in hydrochloric acid and then immerses galvanized iron scrap in the solution of chloride of tin, the tin thus being precipitated and recoverable, while the zinc goes into solution as chloride." 1585. WITMER, LUTHER PERREE. The electrolytic determination of tin and its separation from antimony with a rotating anode. 1906, Lancaster, Pa., pp. 3-19. 1586. WORSEY, JAS. W. Recovery of tin from tinplate clippings. Mg. Sci. Press, Vol. 83, 1901, San Francisco, p. 121. Describes processes of stripping tin scrap with hydrochloric acid and with sodium sulphate, sulphuric acid and sulphur dichloride. 1587. WRIGHT, C. R. ADLER. On certain ternary alloys. Proc. Roy. Soc. London, Vol. 45, 1889, London, pp. 461-481. Alloys of lead, tin, and zinc, Vol. 48, 1891, pp. 25-32. Mixtures of lead, zinc, and tin at higher temperatures, Vol. 49, 1891, pp. 158-163. Alloys of bismuth, zinc, and tin. A study showing the solubility of the metals in each other, and the mixtures ami variations of the alloys upon cooling. " V. MINERALOGY 1588. ADGER, J. B. Analysis of an anomalous variety of stannite (tin pyrites) from Cornwall. Chem. News, Vol. 25, 3872, London, p. 259. Analysis of a specimen of stannite showing some peculiarities. 1589. ANONYMOUS. A new tin mineral. Trans. Fed. Inst. Mg. Eng., Vol. 21, 1900-1901, Newcastle-upon-Tyne and London, p. 590. New tin mineral called stokesite discovered in Cornwall. Colorless, conchoidal fracture, formula, H 4 CaSnSi 3 O u . . See Nos. 673 and 674. 1590. AEZRUNI, A. Kiinstlicher Kassiterit. , Zeitschr. Kryst. Min., Vol. 25, 1896, Leipzig, pp. 467-470. " Cassiterite has been repeatedly observed as a furnace product, formed by the direct oxidation of tin." An occurrence of this kind is described by the author. 1591. BAUER, MAX. Zinnstein. Lehrbuch der Mineralogie, 1904, Stuttgart, pp. 556-558, figs. 3. General description of tin ore as it occurs in different localities. Composition and crystalline form. 1592. BECKE, F. Ueber die Krystallform des Zinnsteins. Min. Mitth., 1877, Wien, pp. 243-260. Digest: Neues Jahrb. Min., 1878, Stuttgart, pp. 76-78. 1593. BERNHARDI, . Bestimmung der Krystallisation einiger mineralischen Substanzen. Tasch. ges. Min., 1807, Vol. 3, 1809, Frankfurt-am-Main, pp. 76-86. On the crystal form of tin. 1594. BORGSTROM, L. H. Ueber Kassiterit von Pitkaranta. Zeitschr. Kryst. Min., Vol. 40, 1905, Leipzig, pp. 1-12, pi. 1. Description of cassiterite crystals from Pitkaranta, Finland. 1595. BOURGEOIS, LEON. Sur la presence de la cassiterite dans les scories de la fonte du bronze et sur une nouvelle me"thode de reproduction de cette espece min6rale. Bull. Soc. franc. Min., Vol. 11, 1888, Paris, pp. 58-61. 1596. BROGGER, W. C. Die Mineralien der Syenitpegmatitgange der sudnor- wegischen Augit- und Nephelinsyenite. Geol. F5r. Stockholm Forh., Vol. 9, 1887, Stockholm, p. 255. Also, Zeitschr. Kryst. Min., Vol. 16, 1890, Leipzig, p. 61. Nordenskioldine, a very rare borate of calcium and tin, is described. Interesting because it directly connects tin and boron. Composition: CaSnB 2 O 6 . Mentioned as occurring on the island Ar8. 226 NO. 2 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TIN HESS 227 MINERALOGY (Continued) 1597. CHAPMAN, E. J. Tinstone pseudomorphs. London, Edinburgh, Dublin Philos., Mag. Journ. Sci., ser. 4, Vol. 6, 18.53, London, p. 121. A paragraph upon the composition of pseudomorphs of cassiterite after feldspar twins. They carried 43.6 and 55.46 per cent of metallic tin. 1598. COLLINS, J. H. On some Cornish tinstones and tin capels. Min. Mag. Journ. Min. Soc., 1st paper, No. 17, Vol. 4, April, 1880, London, pp. 1-20; 2d paper, No. 18, Vol. 4, September, 1880, London, pp. 103-116; 3d paper, No. 24, Vol. 5, April, 1883, London, pp. 121-130. Vol. 4 contains 12 plates, 5 of which are colored. A description of Cornish tin-ores, and the minerals accompanying the cassiterite. 1599. CEONSTEDT, AXEL F. Mineralogy. Translated from Swedish with anno- tations, and an additional treatise on the blow-pipe by Gustav von Engestrom. 2d Ed. Vol. 2, 1788, London, pp. 618-643. Tin is treated under heads: Its properties; native tin; calciform ores of tin; calci- form tin ores crystallized; tin grains, calces of tin, mixed with metals; aurum musivum; observations on tin. 1600. DANA, J. D. A system of mineralogy. 1892, New York. (6th Ed.). Mineralogical descriptions are given as follows: Cassiterite, pp. 234-236; norden- skioldine, p. 875; stannite, p. 83. An analysis is quoted from Leuchtenberg which shows the presence of tin in olivine found in a meteorite (p. 453) and a number of analyses showing the presence ot tin in tantalite and columbite are given on pp. 732-733. 1601. DAUBREE, A. Sur la production artificielle de quelques especes mine"rales cristallines particulierement de 1'oxyde d'etain, de 1'oxyde de titane et du quartz. Observations sur 1'origin des filons titaniferes des Alpes. Ann. Mines, 4th ser., Vol. 16, 1849, Paris, pp. 129-141. Extrait par auteur, C. R. Acad. Sci., Vol. 29, 1849, Paris, pp. 227-229. Extract: Bull. Soc. Geol. France, 2d ser., Vol. 7, 1849, Paris, pp. 267-276. Report: C. R. Acad. Sci., Vol. 30, 1850, Paris, pp. 383-387. Extract: Neues Jahrb. Min., 1849, Stuttgart, pp. 712-715. Abstract: Amer. Journ. Sci. Arts, 2d ser., Vol. 9, 1850, New Haven, pp. 120-121. The first part of this memoir gives the results of experiments made by Daubree, with a view of imitating the processes by which Nature may have acted in forming minerals. Instead of using fluorides, which are not so easily- prepared, Daubree generally employed chlorides. From the great analogy of fluorides with chlorides he considers that the results obtained with the latter may be safely supposed to occur with the former. The first experiment consisted in passing a current of stannic chloride and a current of steam into a red-hot porcelain tube. Double decomposition took place, and crystals of stannic oxide were deposited on the sides of the tube. The crystals were found to belong to the rhombic system, which shows that stannic oxide, like titanic oxide, is dimorphous. The temperature of the end of the tube, where the crystals were deposited did not exceed 572 F. (300 C.), or, in other words was rather less than the melting point of lead. Titanic chloride, treated in the same way, gave crystals of brookite; whilst a deposit of vitreous and in part crystallized quartz was obtained from chloride of silica and steanl C. Le Neve Foster. 228 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 58 MINERALOGY (Continued) 1602. . Recherches sur la production artificielle des mineraux de la famille des silicates et des aluminates, par la reaction des vapeurs sur les roches. C. R. Acad. Sci., Vol. 39, 1854, Paris, pp. 135-140. Cassiterite artificially prepared by passing the vapor of stannic chloride over heated lime. . See No. 1314. DAVEY, RICHABD. See No. 1603. 1603. DAVEY, STEPHEN. Notice of pseudomorphous crystals of oxide of tin, found in Huel Coates mine, in St. Agnes in the year 1828. Trans, Roy. Geol. Soc. Cornwall, Vol. 4, 1838, Penzance, pp. 484-485. A short description of pseudomorphs after feldspar. Crystals in many stages of replacement were found. Boase and Courtney (Bibliotheca Cornubiensis, Vol. 1, 1874, London, p. 106), state that this paper is really by Richard Davey, which is the name given in the index of the book in which the article occurs. 1604. DEVILLE, H. SAINT-CLAIRE. De la reproduction de 1'etain oxyde et du rutile. C. R. Acad. Sci., Vol. 53, 1861, Paris, pp. 161-164. The crystallized oxide of tin obtained " by heating the amorphous oxide in a slow current of hydrochloric acid gas and again by a repetition of Daubr6e's first process." 1605. DEVILLE, SAINT-CLAIRE H., and CARON, H. Sur un nouveau mode de production a l'e"tat cristallise d'un certain nombre d'especes chimiques et mine'ralogiques. C. R, Acad. Sci., Vol. 46, 1858, Paris, p. 768. " The crystallized oxide of tin was obtained when stannic fluoride and boric oxide were heated together to whiteness." No details. 1606. DITTE, A. Sur quelques combinaisons du bioxyde d'etain. C. R, Acad. Sci., Vol. 104, 1887, Paris, pp. 172-175. PAWNS, SYDNEY. See No. 1320. 1607. FIELD, FREDERICK. On a specimen of tin ore hitherto undescribed. Rep. Brit. Ass. Adv. Sci., Vol. 34, Bath, 1864, London, 1865, p. 27. (Notes and abstracts.) Description of two specimens of " slime tin," a variety of " toad's-eye wood-tin (sic)." 1608. FOSTER, C. LE NEVE. On the place and mode of occurrence of the mineral Andrewsite. Trans. Roy. Geol. Soc. Cornwall, Vol. 9, 1875, Penzance, pp. 163-164. A hydrous iron-copper-phosphate occurring with tin ore at the West Phoenix Mine, Liskeard, Cornwall. 1609. FOULLON, H. Ueber krystallisirtes Zinn. Jahrb. k. k. geol. Reichs., Vol. 34, 1884, Wien, pp. 367-384, wood cuts 2, pi. of figs. 1. Abstract: Min. Mag. Journ. Min. Soc., Vol. 6, 1885, London, p. 148. Found that crystals of tin obtained from the molten metal were of rhombic form, generally twinned. Such crystals may also be obtained by electrolytic deposition. NO. 2 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TIN HESS 229 MINERALOGY (Continued) 1610. FOUQUE, F., and LEVY, MICHEL. Synthese des mine'raux et des roches. G. Masson, Ed., 1882, Paris, pp. 389-391. Treats of the making of artificial cassiterite. 1611. FRENZEL, A. Ueber den Kylindrit. Neues Jahrb. Min., 1893, II, Stuttgart, pp. 125-128. Description of a rare tin mineral, occurring in Bolivia. Composition, Pb 3 FeSn 4 Sb.,S 14 . (Cylindrite.) 1612. GADOLIN, S. A. Beobachtungen iiber einige mineralien aus Pitkaeranta in Finnland. j Verb. Russ. Kais. min. Ges., 1855-1856 (1856), St. Petersburg, pp. 184-196. jf Descriptions of cassiterite crj'stals. r GENTH, F. A. See No. 820. 1613. GRANGER, A. Sur un sulfophosphure d'etain cristallise". C. R. Acad. Sci., Vol. 122, 1896, Paris, pp. 322-323. 1614. GREG, R. P., and LETTSOM, W. G. Mineralogy of Great Britain and Ireland. 1858, London, pp. 355-361. Also, Neues Jahrb. Min., 1859, Stuttgart, pp. 186-189. 1. Oxide. Cassiterite: a. Forms of crystals, b. Analyses, c. Localities, d. Descrip- tion of varieties, i. e. wood-tin, etc. 2. Sulphide in combination. Stannine. 1615. HAUY, . Suite de 1'extrait du " Traite de Mineralogie." Journ. Mines, Vol. 6, 1797, Paris, pp. 575-582. 1616. HEADDEN, WM. P. Stannite and some of its alteration products from the Black Hills. Amer. Journ. Soi., er. 3, Vol. 45, 1893, New Haven, pp. 105-110. Discusses analyses of his own and of Titus Ulke's of stannite alterations from the Peerless and Etta mines. He thinks that some of these alteration products may be soluble in water and this may explain the origin of the tin in various pseudomorphs. 1617. . Some products found in the hearth of an old furnace upon the dismantling of the Trethellen tin works, Truro, Cornwall. Proc. Colorado Sci. Soc., Vol. 6, 1897, Denver, pp. 74-85. Abstract: Amer. Journ. Sci., sen 4, Vol. 5, 1898, New Haven, pp. 93-96. Author describes /' wood-tin " (cassiterite) and compounds of arsenic, sulphur, iron, etc., formed in an old Cornwall furnace. He believes them sublimation products but Pearce believes them to be from slow cooling of magma. . See No. 1208. ^ HERMAN, R. See No. 968. ; J 1618. CHANGED to 1505a. ! ; r 1619. HUNT, ROBERT. Researches on the influence of. magnetism and voltaic electricity, on crystallization, and other conditions of matter. Mem. Geol. Surv. Great Britain, Vol. 1, 1846, Lond.on, p>p. 443. Muriate of tin and iodide of tin briefly treated. 230 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 58 MINERALOGY (Continued) 1620. HUTCHINSON, A. Ueber Stokesite ein neues Zinnmineral von Cornwall. Zeitschr. Kryst. Min., Vol. 34, 1901, Leipzig, pp. 345-352, text fig. Digest: Trans. Fed. Inst. Mg. Eng., Vol. 21, 1903, Newcastle-upon-Tyne and London, p. 590. New tin mineral called stokesite, discovered in Cornwall. Colorless, conchoidal fracture. H 4 CaSnSi 3 O u . The mineral may be regarded as a tetrasilicate of tin and calcium. 1621. JAMESON, ROBERT. Mineralogy. 3d Ed. Vol. 3, 1820, Edinburgh, pp. 155-169. Tin ore is treated under: External characters; chemical characters; constituent parts; geognostic situation; geographic situation; uses; observations. 1622. JEBEMEJEV, P. Krystalle des Zinnsteins aus Transbaikalien. Verh. russ. kais. min. Ges., 2d sen, Vol. 11, St. Petersburg, pp. 273-280. [Russian.] 1623. . Krystalle von Zinnstein aus einigen goldfiihrenden Sanden der Region des Jenissei. Verh. russ. kais. min. Ges., 2d ser., Vol. 23, 1887, St. Petersburg, pp. 269-284. Digests: Neues Jahrb. Min., 1890, I (Ref.), Stuttgart, p. 16; Bibl. gol de la Russie, par Nikitin, St. Petersburg, 1887 (1888), p. 79. 1624. KOHLMANN, W. Beobachtungen am Zinnstein. Zeitschr. Kryst. Min., 1895, Vol. 24, Leipzig, pp. 350-365. Compares many measurements of cassiterite crystals. LACROIX, A. See No. 516. 1625. LAUNAY, Louis DE. Formation des gites mStalliferes ou me'tallogenie. 1905, Paris, pp. 129-130. Brief summary in which he gives the ages of the tin deposits of the world. LETTSOM, W. G., and GREG, R. P. See No. 1614. 1626. MATHER, W. "W. Contributions to chemical science. Amer. Journ. Sci. Arts, 1st ser., Vol. 27, 1835, New Haven, pp. 254-255. Describes crystals of metallic tin formed from a saturated solution of tin chloride. 1627. MILLER, W. H. On the forms of the crystals of tin. London, Edinburgh, Dublin Philos. Mag. Journ. Sci., Vol. 22, 1843, London, pp. 263-265. Measurements of metallic tin crystals formed by electrolytic action. 1628. NOGGERATH, J. J. Gegcnden von Zinnwald und Altenberg. Jenaische Lit. Zeit., 1823, p. 370. Review: Zeitschr. Min. fttr 1825, Bd. I, Frankfurt-am-Main, pp. 558-563. 1628a. NORDENSKIOLD, A. E. Beskrifning ofver de i Finland funna min- eralier. 1855, Helsingfors, p. 162, 2d Ed., 1863, p. 26. Quoted in Dana's " System of Mineralogy " (6th Ed. 19C9), p. 236. Describes ainalite, a cassiterite containing Sn0 2 88.95, Ta 2 O 5 8.78, Fe,O 3 2.04 CuO 0.78=100.55 from Pennikoja in Somero, Finland, with tantalite and beryl in albite. 1629. PEARCE, RICHARD. Siliceous oxide of tin after quartz and allophane found in Cornwall. 44th Ann. Rop. Roy. Inst. Cornwall, 1862, pt. 1, Truro, pp. 19-20. vailable to the authors. NO. 2 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TIN HESS 231 MINERALOGY (Continued) 1630. . Notes on the occurrence of pseudomorphs of oxide of tin after some unknown mineral from Bolivia. Trans. Roy. Geol. Soc. Cornwall, Vol. 13, 1906, pt. 2, Penzance, pp. 150-152. Notice of oassiterite crystals that are apparently pseumomorphs, possibly after sulpho-stannites, as they are accompanied by what seem to be alteration products. 1631. PENFIELD, S. L. On canfieldite, a new sulphostannate of silver from Bolivia. Amer. Journ. Sci., Vol. 47, 1894, New Haven, pp. 451-454. Gives description and analysis of a sulphostannate of silver, containing germanium. Formula: 4Ag 2 S(Sn,Ge)S r 1632. PHILLIPS, J. ARTHUR. On the structure and composition of certain pseudomorphic crystals having the form of orthoclase. Journ. Chem. Soc., Vol. 28, II, 1875, London, pp. 684-687. Abstracts: Jahr. Chem. fiir 1875, Vol. 28, 1877, Giessen, p. 1249; Ann. Mines, eer. 7, Vol. 13, 1878, Paris, p. 516. Results of the examination of some cassiterite crystals from St. Agnes mine. 1633. PHILLIPS, W. A description of the oxyde of tin, the production of Corn- wall; of the primitive crystal and its modifications, including an attempt to ascertain with precision, the admeasurement of the angles, by means of the reflecting goniometer of Dr. Wollaston: to which is added, a series of crystalline forms and varieties. Trans. Geol. Soc. London, Vol. 2, 1814, London, pp. 336-376, figures. Review Tasch. ges. Min., Vol. 12, II, 1818, Frankfurt-am-Main, pp. 543-544. The title is a fair digest of the article, which is a classic upon the subject. 1634. PHILLIPS, WILLIAM. On the measurements, by the reflecting goniometer, of certain primitive crystals; with observations on the methods of obtaining them by mechanical division along the natural joints of crystals. Trans. Geol. Soc. London, Vol. 4, 1817, London, pp. 241-263; oxide of tin, pp. 244-246; about 500 words. Gives method of cleaving cassiterite crystals by first heating them, so that faces parallel to all the sides of the common prism, its diagonals and faces of the primi- tive octohedron may be measured. 1635. PIRSSON, L. V. Mineralogical notes. Amer. Journ. Sci., ser. 3, Vol. 42, 1891, New Haven, p. 407. Description of crystals of hematite inclosing cassiterite, from Mina del Diablo, Durango, Mexico. 1636. PRIOR, G. T. On teallite, a new sulphostannite of lead from Bolivia; and its relations to franckeite and cylindrite. Min. Mag. Journ. Min. Soc., Vol. 14, 1907, London, pp. 21-27. " The new mineral occurs in thin graphite-like folia embedded in glistening kaolin, upon a dark grey matrix impregnated with iron-pyrites; on one specimen it is asso- ciated with a little wurtzite in thin plates, and on the other with a little galena." It is much like the other two minerals in physical character, but differs chemically, containing no antimony, only lead, tin and sulphur. Composition PbSnS 2 . RAIMONDI, A. See No. 870. Describes plumbostannite, a sulphide of lead, tin and antimony. 232 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 58 MINERALOGY (Continued) 1637. RAMMELSBERG, C. Ueber die chemische Zusammensetzung des Zinn- kieses. Ann. Physik. Chem., Vol. 88, 18-53, Leipzig, pp. 603-608. Digest: Neues Jahrb. Min., 1855, Stuttgart, pp. 72-73. Gives a number of analyses of stannite from Zinnwald and Cornwall. 1638. REID, CLEMENT, and SCRIVENOR, J. B. The geology of the country near Newquay. Mem. Geol. Surv. Great Britain, 1906, London, p. 39. The so-called pseudomorphs of cassiterile after feldspar are really a replacement of that mineral by an aggregation of cassiterite, quartz and muscovite. 1639. ROSENBUSCH, H. Microscopical physiography of the rock-making min- erals. Translation and abridgement by Jos. P. Iddings, 1889, New York, pp. 151-152. Microscopical -optical properties. Only one unquestioned occurrence noted of cas- siterite occurring as a microscopical rock-making mineral, where it occurs with rutile as inclusions in the lithia-mica of the granite of Greifenstein. SCHERTEL, A., and STELZNER, A. W. See No. 1643. SCBIVENOR, J. B., and REID, CLEMENT. See No. 1638. 1640. SOLLY, R. H. Cassiterite, " sparable tin," from Cornwall. Mg. Mag., Vol. 9, No. 43, 1891, New York, pp. 199-208, figs. 3. Brief digest: Neues Jahrb. Min., 1892, II (Min.), Stuttgart, p. 15. Descriptions of the tin crystals of various mines of Cornwall. 1641. SPENCER, L. J. Crystallized stannite from Bolivia. Min. Mag. Journ. Min. Soc., Vol. 13, 1901, London, pp. 54-65, pi. 1. Read Novem- ber 14, 1899. Reprint: Zeitschr. Kryst. Min., Vol. 35, 1902, Leipzig, pp. 468-469, pi. 12, figs. 3-7. Reviews the literature upon the crystallization of stannite, and shows from measure- ment of specimens from Bolivia that the mineral crystallizes in the scalcnohedral- tetragonal system. Crystals 1-1.5 mm. across and had the composition Cu_FeSnS 4 . Reviews specimens from Oruro, Potosi, and Tatasi, Bolivia, and from Cornwall. 1642. STELZNER, A. W. Ueber Franckeit, ein neues Erz aus Bolivia. Neues Jahrb. Min., 1893, II, Stuttgart, pp. 114-124. Composition, Pb B FeSn 3 Sb 2 S 14 . 1643. STELZNER, A. W., and SCHERTEL, A. Ueber den Zinngehalt und iiber die chemische Zusammeusetzung der schwarzen Zinkblende von Frei- berg. Jahrb. Berg. Hlitt. K6n. Sachsen, 1886, Freiberg, pp. 52-70, pi. of figs. 1. 1644. THIBAULT, P. J. Conradite. A new mineral compound of tin. Austr. Mg. Stand., Vol. 33, 1905, Sydney and Melbourne, pp. 124-125. Discovered by author at the Conrad Mines, Howell, New South Wales, in 1902. Composition, 7SnO2+Fe 2 O 3 , being a compound of stannic and ferric oxides containing: Tin, 68.44 per cent, iron 9.2 per cent, oxygen 22.32 per cent. Absolutely insoluble in nitric, hydrochloric, sulphuric and hydrofluoric acids and aqua regia. Specific gravity about 6.2; not attracted by the magnet. 1645. TRECHMANN, C. O. On a probably dimorphous form of tin; and on some crystals found associated with it. Min. Mag. Journ. Min. Soc., Vol. 3, 1879, London, pp. 186-192. Two forms of crystals apparently obtained by electrolytic and d'r> methods of manufacture of metallic tin crystals. NO. 2 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TIN HESS 233 MINERALOGY (Continued) TWEEDY, W. M. See No. 478. Pseudomorphs after feldspar. 1646. ULKE, TITUS. A new tin mineral in the Black Hills. Trans. Amer. Inst. Mg. Eng., Vol. 21, 1893, New York, pp. 240-241. Mr. Ulke has named this new tin mineral " Cuprocassiterite." " Cuprocassiterite is a light-yellowish to malachite-green mineral of an earthy fracture, dull glance, and, in the Etta mine, found with cassiterite filling cavities in a compact quartz gangue. Hardness, 3, specific gravity, nearly 5, streak, white." Analysis: 62 per cent Sn, 13 per cent Cu, and 6 per cent H 2 0, with traces of iron and silica. 1647. VLAANDEREN, C. L. Bepaling van de hoeveelheid tinoxyde in tinerts aanwezig. Jaarb. Mijmv. Ned. Oost-Indie, 1872, I, Amsterdam, pp. 269-273. 1648. VOGT, J. H. L. Kiinstliche Bildung von Kassiterit durch einen ein- fachen Oxydationsprocess ohne Gegenwart von sogenannten " agents mine'ralisateurs." Zeitschr. Kryst. Min., Vol. 31, 1899, Berlin, pp. 279-280. 1649. WOOLNOUGH, W. G. Symmetrically distorted crystals from Western Australia. Journ. Proc. Roy. Soc. New South Wales, Vol. 35, 1901, Sydney, pp. 332-335, pi. 1. Crystals of cassiterite from Pilbarra, West Australia, are so distorted as to appear monoclinic. Intergrown with monazite which the author thinks may have caused the distortion. See Molengraaff, G. A. F. (No. 1052) for similar crystals from Swaziland, also, Lacroix, A. (No. 516) for like distorted crystals from France. VI. MINING AND MILLING 1650. ANONYMOUS. The losses in dressing Cornish tin ores. Eng. Mg. Journ., Vol. 55, 1893, New York, p. 295. Brief description of improved methods and results gained. . See No. 312. 1651. CARCANAGUES, . Memoire sur la preparation mecanique du mineral d'etain dans le Cornwall. Ann. Mines, ser. 7, Vol. 14, 1878, Paris, pp. 209-239. CHABLETON, ARTHUR G. See No. 1310. 1652. COLLINS, J. H. On the use of the impact screen in tin dressing. Trans. Inst. Mg. Met., Vol. 15, 1905-1906, London, pp. 524-525. Mg. Journ. Railw. Comm. Gaz., Vol. 79, 1906, London, p. 511. The author reports that the impact screen is for the first time, as far as is known, being used for tin dressing at Wheal Kitty mine, and with very satisfactory results. 1653. COMMANS, ROBERT E. The concentration and sizing of crushed minerals. Proc. Inst. Civ. Eng., Vol. 116, 1894, London, pp. 3-66. Discussion and corre- spondence pp. 67-113, figs. 50. An account of methods and apparatus used in treatment of ores including tin ores, to render them marketable. FAWNS, SYDNEY. See No. 1320. 1654. FERGUSON, HENRY T. On the mechanical appliances used for dressing tin and copper ores in Cornwall. Proc. Inst. Mech. Eng., 1873, London, pp. 119-137. Discussion, pp. 137-152. Treated under the heads: Tin dressing, stamping, buddling, calcining, treatment of slimes, pulverizing. 1655. FRECHEVILLE, R. J. The results obtained by the Cornish system of dressing tin ore, with observations thereon. Trans. Mg. Ass. Inst. Cornwall, Vol. 1, 1887, Camborne, pp. 93-104. Reprint: Eng. Mg. Journ., Vol. 40, 1885, New York, pp. 416-417. A paper discussing the amount of tin saved at the mines, the amount caught by the stream works, and amount finally lost. 1656. KENWOOD, W. J. On the manipulation to which the ores of tin and copper are subjected in the central mining district of Cornwall. Trans. Roy. Geol. Soc. Cornwall, Vol. 4, 1838, Penzance, pp. 145-165. Description of stamps, buddies, kieves, etc., used. Also roasting furnace and jigs. 1657. HICKS, JAMES. Treatment of slime tin. Trans. Mg. Ass. Inst. Cornwall, Vol. 4, 1893-1895, Camborne, pp. 111-123. Discussion, pp. 123-137, figs. 4. Read December 20, 1892. " The increasing importance of the careful treatment of slime tin arises from the fact that as our mines increase in depth the tin in the stone becomes finer in grain." Mentions the fact that ore is being crushed finer than formerly, and discusses the loss of slimes in the Red River and the recovery by streamers. 234 NO. 2 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TIN HESS 235 MINING AND MILLING (Continued) 1658. KUNHARDT, WHEATON B. The practice of ore dressing in Europe. School Mines Quart., 1884, New York, pp. 103-104. Describes calcining, to fissure tough rock, as practiced in tin districts of Saxon Erzgebirge; and roasting, to decompose arsenopyrite in tin ore. 1659. MACALISTEB, DONALD A. Notes on ore dressing in Cornwall. Summ. Progr. Geol. Surv. United Kingdom for 1904 (1905), London, pp. 153-163, fig. 1. Present high price of tin makes it probable that some abandoned mines could be profitably worked by modern methods. In early days lodes were worked for only one of the metalliferous minerals, rest thrown to waste. Can be made to cover cost of mining and dressing if it carries only a little under 1 per cent (22.4 pounds per ton) of " black tin " which generally contains over 90 per cent cassiterite and yields on smelting about 65 per cent of metallic tin. , 1660. PEARCE, RICHARD. Losses in vanning tin ores. Mg. Journ. Railw. Comm. Gaz., Vol. 77, 1904, London, pp. 116-117. Gives results of experiments in vanning material containing a known amount of cassiterite. . See Nos. 1546 and 1547. 1661. PHILLIPS, JOHN. Improvements in dressing of tin. Mg. Journ. Railw. Comm. Gaz., Vol. 15, 1845, London, p. 184, fig. 1. Explanation of diagram of improved furnace for calcining tin ore. SEXTON, A. HUMBOLT. See No. 1361. 1662. SKEWES, EDWARD. Magnetic separation of tin and wolfram at Gunnis- lake Glitters. Eng. Mg. Journ., Vol. 76, 1903, New York, pp. 424-425, 700 words. After crushing and separating the concentrates are calcined and then run through the magnetic separator. One magnet picks up the iron oxide made from pyrites, and a second picks out the wolframite. Tin ore sold ranks as best in Cornwall. Yield of tin 0.378 per cent, wolframite 0.72 per cent. 1663. TAYLOR, J. On the economy of the mines of Cornwall and Devon. Trans. Geol. Soc. London, Vol. 2, 1814, London, pp. 309-327. A general treatise upon the business methods of mines in Cornwall and Devon, including operations of the tin mines. 1664. TERRELL, S. L. The final stages of tin and wolfram dressing. Mg. Journ. Railw. Comm. Gaz., Vol. 83, 1908, London, pp. 714-715, figs. 2. " Deals with tin and wolfram after concentration, considering fine and rough con- centrates." 1665. THOMAS, CHAS. Tin dressing. . 50th Ann. Rep. Roy. Cornwall Polyt. Soc., 1882, Falmouth, pp. 182-186. Discussion pp. 186-193. Treats of methods and improvements that will reduce the waste of tin resulting from dressing. 1666. THOMAS, R. ARTHUR. On crushing and concentrating at Dolcoath mine, Cornwall. Trans. Inst. Mg. Met., Vol. 7, 1899, London, pp. 175-180. Discussion, pp. 180-190. A general description of the treatment of tin ore at the mine; crushing and con- centration, roasting and reconcentration, w'ith accounts of experiments. 236 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 58 MINING AND MILLING (Continued) 1667. TBEGAY, W. All about tin; an enquiry. Mg. Journ. Railw. Comm. Gaz., Vol. 50, 1880, London, pp. 49, 76, 105, 190, 221. Treats of tin dressing. 1668. WILLIAMS, R. H. Tin dressing and Williams's buddle. Mg. Journ. Railw. Comm. Gaz., Vol. 47, 1877, London, pp. 487-488, 684-685, 796. Description of, and results obtained with Williams's buddle. VII. STATISTICS 1669. ANONYMOUS. Statistics on tin in Cornwall, etc. Trans. Roy. Geol. Soc. Cornwall, Penzance, Vol. 1, 1818, pp. 250-251. Vol. 2, 1822, pp. 424-427. Vol. 3, 1827, pp. 339-341. Vol. 4, 1838, p. 491. Vol. 6, 1846, p. 358. Vol. 7, 1865, p. 112. Vol. 8, 1871, pp. 442, 443, 444, 446, 447, 448, 452-453, 472, and table 14, Vol. 10, 1887, pp. 153-155. 1670. . La situation de 1'^tain. Metallurgie, Vol. 32, 1901, Paris, pp. 1013, 1015. Gives statistics of important tin producing countries from 1885 through 1899. 1671. . Supplement to government gazette of Western Australia, No. 66. M. S. No. 61, Perth, November 25, 1904, pp. 2963-2969. General return of ore and minerals, other than gold, showing the quantity pro- duced and the value thereof during 1904 and previous years. The statistics of tin production are published annually in this form. 1672. . Japan in the beginning of the 20th century. Published by Imperial Japanese Commission to Louisiana Purchase Exposition, 1904, pp. 293, 321. Gives the output of tin by years from 1892 to 1902, inclusive. 1673. . Return showing the quantity and value of tin exported from Tasmania from 1880 through 1904, compiled from customs returns only, and tin ore produced during 1905. Rep. Seer. Mines, Tasmania, for 1905 (1906), Hobart, p. XVII. 1674. . Billiton and Banca tin. Mg. World, Vol. 24, 1906, Chicago, p. 778. Giving the Banca tin production from 1881 to 1906 (25 years) as 184,349 long tons. During last ten years from 1896 to 3906 Billiton produced 46,938 long tons. 1675. . Tin from the Malay Peninsula. Mo. Bull. Int. Bur. Amer. Repub., Vol. 23, November, 1906, Washington, D. C., pp. 1179-1180. As the sliding scale of prices for Bolivian tin is regulated by the quotations for the Straits Settlements product, a report on the subject by United States Consul General, D. F. Wilber is given. 1676. ANNUAL Report, Department of Mines, New South Wales, from 1875. Sydney. Gives statistical and other information about the tin output of New South Wales. 1677. COGHLAN, T. A. A statistical account of the seven colonies of Aus- tralasia. 1892, Sydney, pp. 142-145. Tin of New South Wales, Tasmania, Queensland and Victoria described briefly. Production for 1890 given. Fluctuations in the price of tin. 237 238 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 58 STATISTICS (Continued) 1678. - .A statistical account of the seven colonies of Australasia. 1899-1900. 1900, Sydney, pp. 1-836, map 1. Includes tin production in Australia. 1679. . Tin. A statistical account of Australasia and New Zealand, 1903-1904. Sydney, pp. 933-936. New South Wales, p. 934; Western Australia, p. 935; Victoria, p. 935; South Australia, p. 935; Queensland, p. 935; Tasmania, p. 934. 1680. COLLINS, J. H. Seven centuries of tin production in the west of England. Trans. Mg. Ass. Inst. Cornwall, Vol. 3, 1892, Camborne, pp. 173-193. " Estimates the total produce of metallic tin in the West country between 1201 and 1800 A. D. to be 875,900 tons, from which it may be reckoned that 711,990 tons were yielded between 1201 and 1750 A. D., from both Cornwall and Devon. Of 283,000 tons of tin yielded between 1201 and 1600 A. D., 75,000 were derived from tin stream gravels; and of 573,800 tons yielded between 1601 and 1800 A. D., 473,000 tons were derived from tin stream gravels." 1681. EARL OF MOUNT EDGCUMBE. Production of tin in Cornwall. Journ. Roy. Inst. Cornwall, Vol. 8, 1886, Truro, pp. 8-9. The tin produced in Cornwall from 1873-1883 given. 1682. EHEENWEBTH, J. VON. Production an Zinn in den Jahren 1881 bis 1890. Oest. Zeitschr. Berg. Hiitt. Vol. 41, 1893, Wien, p. 220. Statistics showing the tin production of the world for the years 1881 to 1890. 1683. ENGINEERING and Mining Journal. Since Vol. 17, 1874, New York. Annually collects statistics of the world's tin production. 1684. ESTADISTICA Minera Espana. Annual, Madrid. Tables showing production of tin producing provinces of Spain. 1685. GREAT Britain. Home Office. London. Title varies: 1882, Mineral statistics of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland. 1883, Mines and minerals. Summaries of the reports of the inspectors of mines. . . . and mineral statistics of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland. 1884-1887, Mines and minerals. Mining and mineral statistics of the United King- dom of Great Britain and Ireland. 1888-1894, Mines and minerals. Mineral statistics of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland with the Isle of Man. . . . 1895-1896, Mines and quarries. Mineral statistics of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland with the Isle of Man. 1897, Mines and quarries: General report and statistics Issued in four parts': Pt. I. District statistics. Pt. II. Labor. Pt. HI. Output. Pt. IV. Colonial and foreign statistics. General statistics of tin. 1686. There is no reference bearing this number. 1687. HUNT, ROBERT. On the present state of tin production and the tin trade. Rep. Proc. Min. Ass. Cornwall and Devon, for 1874 (1875), Truro, pp. 35-40. NO. 2 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TIN HESS 239 STATISTICS (Continued) Gives number of productive tin mines, quantity of ore produced, and average price per ton, of the Cornwall mines from 1864-1873; also production and price of foreign tin for same years. 1688. . Mineral statistics of the United Kingdom from 1853 through 1880. London. 1689. JAARBOEK van het Mijnwezen in Nederlandsch Oost-Indie, from 1872, Amsterdam to 1899. Batavia since 1900. Publishes statistics of tin produced in East Indies. 1690. KOULIBINE, S. La production miniere et me"tallurgique de la Russie en 1885 (Bulletin). Rev. Univ. Mines, M6t. Trav. Publ. Sci. Arts Appl. Indust., ser. 3, Vol. 4, 1888, Paris and Li6ge, p. 88. (Extrait d'un rapport de M. Koulibine.) Etain Une seule usine, situee dans le gouvernement de Wyborg, s'est occupfie du traitement de retain. Elle n'a produit que 14,087 kg. de m6tal raffing. (Whole reference.) 1691. . La production minerale et metallurgique de la Russie en 1887. Rev. Univ. Mines M6t. Trav. Publ. Sci. Arts Appl. Indust., ser. 3, Vol. 11, 1890, Paris and Liege, p. 314. (Extrait du rapport de M. Koulibine.) 10* 351 d' Stain ont 6t6 retirees du traite- ment de 1738*, de minerals fi. 1'usine de Pitkaranta (Finland). (Whole reference.) 1692. . Tableau de 1'industrie mine"rale de la Russie en 1888-1889. Rev. Univ. Mines Met. Trav. Publ. Sci. Arts Appl. Indust., ser. 3, Vol. 16, 1891, Ligge and Paris, p. 214. Tin production in Pitkaranta (Finland); 1888, 1.186 poods; 1889, .721 pood. 1693. MACALISTEB, DONALD A. Total quantity of tin, copper and other min- erals produced in Cornwall, particularly with regard to the quantities raised from each parish. Summ. Progr. Geol. Surv. Great Britain for 1906 (1907), London, pp. 132-139. 1694. METALLGESELLSCHAFT. Comparative statistics of lead, copper, tin, silver, nickel, aluminum and quicksilver, from 7th year, 1890-1899. Frankfort-on-the-Main. Publishes estimates of the world's production and consumption of tin. 1695. REPORT on Mineral Industries in the United States at the eleventh census, 1890. 1892, Washington, D. C., p. 249. For 1889, California, South Dakota, Virginia. 1696. MINERAL Industry. Vol. I, 1892, New York; New York and London since Vol. 3, 1895. Publishes annual articles on the production of tin throughout the world. 1697. MINERAL Statistics of Victoria, 1873-1877 to 1885-1888, also Reports and Statistics since 1890-1891. Melbourne. 240 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 58 STATISTICS (Continued) 1698. PLUMMER, JOHN. Australian mineral production and export. Mg. World, Vol. 25, 1906, Chicago, p. 430. Statistics of tin production during 1904 and 1905. ROLKEB, CHAS. M. See No. 1357. 1699. SPARGO, T. Statistics and observations on the mines of Cornwall and Devon. 1864, London. Not available to the authors. ' See Tasmania, Government geologist No. 1134. 1700. TBASENSTEB, PAUL. Revue economique et statistique. Rev. Univ. Mines Met. Trav. Publ. Sci. Arts Appl. Indust., ser. 2, Vol. 13, 1883, Paris and Ligge, p. 480. Estimates the tin production of the world during 1879, 1880 and 1881. VICTORIA. See No. 1222. WATSON, J. Y. See No. 483. WEEKS, JOSEPH D. See No. 1372. 1701. WHITNEY, J. D. The metallic wealth of the United States. 1854, Philadelphia, p. 510. Abstract: Zeitschr. Berg. Hiitt. Sal. preuss. Sta., Vol. 2, 1854, Berlin, p. CXXXII. Table giving the mineral production of the world for the year 1854. INDEX [Prepared by Lancaster D. Burling.] Reference Number A , R. D 796 Aaron, C. H.. 1428 Abbaretz, see France, Lower Loire. Abbott, George, Jr 309 Aberfoil River, see New South Wales. Adair, James B 7 Adams, Robert ... 795 Acamistla, see Mexico, Guerrero. Adger, J. B 1588 Aeschynite, see Association of tin with. Africa: Beck on tin deposits in southern Africa 1 Gibson on tin in metamorphic areas of southern Africa 2 Louis on tin in.. 1340 Recknagel on the origin of the South African tin deposits 3a Volt on the economically valuable mineral deposits of South Africa. 3c See also Cape Colony, French Kongo, Kamerun, Kongo, Madagascar, Nigeria, Pretoria, Swaziland, Transvaal, South Africa. Agricola, Georgius 1277 Aguas Calientes, see Mexico. Aguilera, Jose G 751, 752, 753 Ainalite, Nordenskiold on in Finland 1628a Akkeringa, J. E 73, 121 Akwa-Ibama district, see Nigeria. Alabama, tin in ' 4, 1281 Benedict on tin in 1200, 1301 Benedict on the Broad Arrow Mine near Ashland, Clay County.... 5 Broad , Arrow Mine 5 Coosa County, tin in 6 Day on tin in 1203a Kemp on tin in 1213 Phillips on tin in Coosa County 6 Rolker on tin in 1357 See also United States. Alaska, tin in 7, 12a, 12b, 1196, 1292 Adair on tin deposits of the York region 7 Anikovik River, tin on Beales on tin in Seward Peninsula 13 241 242 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 58 Alaska Continued. Bell on tin on Cassiterite Creek, a branch of Lost River ........... 16 Bell on tin near Port Clarence ................................... 14 Bell on tin in Seward Peninsula and on Lost River ................ 15 Brooks on reconnaissances in the Cape Nome and Norton Bay regions ..................................................... 17 Brooks on tin on Buhner Creek ................................... 17 Brooks on tin localities in ........................................ 18 Buck Creek, occurrence of tin on .................... 12c, 13, 22, 28b, 30 Buhner Creek, tin on .......................................... 8, 17, 24 Cape Mountain, occurrence of tin in ......................... 12c, 18, 22 Cape Nome region, reconnaissance of ............................. 17 Cape Prince of Wales, tin on ..................................... 13, 25 Collier on tin in, see No. 1364. Collier on tin in Seward Peninsula ............................... 19, 23 Collier on tin in the York region .............................. 20, 21, 22 Courtis on tin placers 12 miles northeast of York .................. 24 Ears Mountain, occurrence of tin in ......................... 12c, 18, 29b Fairbanks region, tin in ......................................... 23 Fawns on tin in .................................................. 1320 Fay on area, climate, vegetation, geology, tin deposits, mining, economic conditions, and prices of provisions in ............... 25 Fay on tin deposits of Cape Prince of Wales ...................... 25 Fillery Creek, tin on ............................................. 30 Garrison on tin on York River ................................... 1207 Hess on tin deposits of York region, Seward Peninsula ............. 26, 27 Hill on history of the York tin mines, Seward Peninsula. . ......... 28a Hill on tin deposits of the York region ............................ 28 Jacobs on the mineral exhibit at the Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Ex- position .................................................... 28b Knopf on production of tin in Seward Peninsula through 1908 ..... 28b Knopf on tin deposits of Seward Peninsula ...................... 29, 29a Knopf on tin minerals of Alaska ............. .* ..................... 29b Lost River, occurrence of tin on ................................ 12c, 29b Lost River region, tin in .......................... 9, 13, 15, 16, 18, 22, 31 Newland on tin in .......................................... 1346, 1347 Newland on tin on Buck and Fillery Creeks ...................... 30 Newland on tin in Lost River district ............................. 31 Norton Bay region, reconnaissance of ............................. 17 Ohly on tin in ........................ ........................... 1215 Pavlov on tin in ................................................. 32 Pavlov on tin in York region ..................................... 1216 Port Clarence, tin near ......................... '. ................ 14 Rickard on tin deposits of the York region ......................... 33 Seward Peninsula, tin in ................................... 7-31, 33, 35 Seward Peninsula, York tin mines, history of ..................... 28a NO. 2 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TIN HESS 243 Alaska Continued. Reference Number Seward Peninsula, see also York, Cape Nome, Norton Bay, Cape Prince of Wales, Port Clarence, and Lost River regions. Struthers and Pratt on tin in 1364 T on tin in 34 Walcott on discovery of tin near York 35 York, tin 12 miles northeast of 24 York region, tin in 7, 8, 17, 18, 20, 21, 22, 24, 26, 27, 28, 33, 35, 1193, 1216 York River, tin on 1207 Albany, see Victoria. Albite, see Association of tin with. Alexandria, Smirke on tin trade between Britain and 1417 Allanite, see Association of tin with. Allard 1429 Allen, Alfred H 1430 Allen, D. K 754 Allen, J. F 1431 Allen, Tho 579 Allier, see France. Allophane: tin oxide after quartz and allophane in Cornwall 1629 Alloys, Wright on (a general article) 1587 Alloys of tin: Allen on alloy with copper and manganese 1431 Allen on estimation of tin in 1430 Analysis of 1433, 1449, 1450, 1531a, 1571, 1580a Babbitt metal, composition, uses, and analyses 1531a Berthier on analysis of 1449, 1450 Billings on properties of iron alloyed with tin and other metals 1452 Blake on 1202 Cahours on alloys of tin and sodium 1460 Graham on 1324 Hanks on the alloys of tin and their uses 218 Headden on the formation of the alloys of tin and iron, with descrip- tion of some new alloys 1502 Heycock and Neville on the constitution of copper-tin alloys 1504 Meade on composition, uses, and analysis of babbitt metal alloys. . .1531a Mengin on separation of tin and antimony in 1533 Parry on eutectic alloy of lead and tin 1545a Peetz on separation of tin and lead in tin-lead alloys 1548 Plattner on alloys of lead with tin and antimony 1552 Properties of the alloys of copper and tin 1433 Rieffel on the alloys of copper and tin 1557 Schultz on production and application of solder 1359 Slater on alloys of zinc, tin, and lead 1570 Smith ( J. L.) , on analysis of 1571 244 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 58 Alloys of tin Continued. Solder, its production and application ............................. 1359 Specific gravities of ............................................. 1433 Stress tests of ................................................... 1433 Van Osdel on analysis of alloys of tin and antimony ............... 1580a With antimony .......... ............................ 1533, 1552, 1580a With bismuth ................................................... 1587 With copper ..................................... 1431, 1433, 1504, 1557 With iron .................................................. 1452, 1502 With lead ...... .. . ...... ........ ......... 1545a, 1548, 1552, 1570, 1587 With manganese ............................. . .................. 1431 With sodium .............. . ..................................... 1460 With zinc .................................................. 1570, 1587 Wright on alloys of lead, tin, and zinc at low and high temperatures, and on alloys of bismuth, zinc, and tin ..... ................... 1587 Almandite, see Association of tin with. Altenberg, see Saxony. Alum, Hennecke on occurrence in Persia ____ .......................... 864 Aluminum, Douglas on metallurgy of ....... .......................... 1204 Precipitation of tin on, in estimation of tin in salts of tin .......... 1493 World statistics, 1890 to date .................................... 1694 Amalgam, distillation of tin amalgam ................................. 1556 Ambatofangehana, see Madagascar. Amblygonite, see Association of tin with. Ambohimanga, see Madagascar. Amherst, see Burmah. Anaberg Revieren, see Saxony. Analyses of tin ................................................. 1290, 1432 Adger on stannite from Cornwall ................................. 1588 Banka ........................... .............................. 77 Bergemann on tin from Xeres, Mexico ......................... 764, 1446 Berthier on analysis of a tin alloy .......................... 1449, 1450 Betts on ........................................................ 225 Brown on cassiterite from Rockbridge County, Virginia ........... 1240 Caillaux on tin from Tuscany ................................... 618 California ...................................................... 787 Campbell on cassiterite from Rockbridge County, Virginia ........ 1241 Ceylon ---- . ................................................... 258 Collins on the crust of a block of " Jews' tin " .................... 362 Cornwall ................................................... 442, 1588 Dana on tin in tantalite, columbite, and in meteoric olivine ........ 1600 Day on cassiterite in Black Hills, South Dakota ................. 1005 Dunstan on tin from Madagascar ............................... 647 Dunstan on tin from northern Nigeria ........................... 857,858 Dunstan on stream tin from Ceylon .............................. 258 NO. 2 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TIN HESS 245 Analyses of tin Continued. Reference Number Dykes on analyzing tin slags 1483 Genth on cassiterite near Kings Mountain, North Carolina 244 Genth on two concentrates from San Jacinto, California 787 Headden on tantalum in tin from South Dakota and the Carolinas. . 1208 Headden on tapiolite from South Dakota 1208 Ingalls on ten analyses of Mexican tin ore 776 Lampadius on analyzing the minerals of tin 1515 Liversidge on tin from Elsmore mine, Inverell, New South Wales. . 830 Madagascar 647 Malay Peninsula, Pahang 674 Mallett on analysis of tin pyrites 1531 Meade on analysis of babbitt metal alloys 1531a Mexico 776 Mexico, Xeres 764, 1446 Muller on analysis of tin ores 1539 Newberry on cassiterite from Victoria 1232 New South Wales, Elsmore mine 830 Nigeria, stream tin from 856, 857 North Carolina .244, 1208 Peru, Cajatambo, ores from 866 Phillips on rocks in which mineral deposits occur in Cornwall 442 Schaeffer on tantalite from the Black Hills, South Dakota 1017 Simpson on tin in Western Australia 1267 South Carolina 1208 South Dakota 1005, 1017, 1023, 1208 Todd on tin ore from South Dakota 1023 Tuscany 618 Van Osdel on analysis of alloys of tin and antimony 1580a Victoria 1232 Virginia 1240, 1241 Wells on analysis of tin ores 1583 Western Australia 1267 See also Chemistry of tin, and assays of tin. See references Nos. 1428-1587. Anchor mine, see Tasmania. Andalusite, see Association of tin with. Andover, see New Jersey. Andrews, E. C 797 Andrewsite, Foster on place and mode of occurrence of 1608 Anikovik River, see Alaska. Anjou, see France. Annan River, see Queensland. Antananarivo, see Madagascar. Antequera mine, see Bolivia. 246 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 58 Antimony: M. Action on chlorides of mercury 1465 Alloys of, analysis 1571 Alloys of lead and 1552 Alloys of tin and 1533, 1552, 1580a Assay of 1545 Association of tin with 166, 172, 180a, 225, 496, 1086 Bechamp and Saintpierre on separation of gold and platinum from tin and antimony 1445 Berglund on the qualitative separation of tin, antimony, and arsenic. 1447 Boucard on separation of gold and platinum from tin and antimony. 1455 Bunsen on the separation of arsenic from antimony and tin 1459 Capitaine on action of tin, arsenic, antimony, and sulphur on the chlorides of mercury , 1465 Clarke on separating tin from arsenic, antimony, and molybdenum. 1467 de Koninch and Lecrenier on the qualitative separation of gold and platinum from arsenic, antimony, and tin 1474 Dewey on Clarke's method of separating tin from arsenic and antimony 1477 Douglas on metallurgy of 1204 Gay-Lussac on the separation of tin from 1495 Hennecke on occurrence in Persia 864 Henz on separation of antimony and tin 1503 Levol on quantitative separation of tin and 1519 Mengin on separation from tin in alloys 1533 Metallurgy of 1204 Parry on assay of 1545 Persia 864 Plattner on alloys with lead and tin at Freiberg, Saxony 1552 Rawson on qualitative separation of arsenic, antimony, and tin... 1553 Rose on quantitative determination of tin, arsenic, and antimony. . . 1559 Rose on separation of tin and 1558 Separation from gold, platinum, and tin 1445, 1455 Separation from gold, platinum, tin and arsenic 1474 Separation from tin 1495, 1503, 1519, 1558, 1572 Separation from tin in alloys 1533, 1552 Separation from tin and arsenic 1447, 1459, 1477, 1553, 1559 Separation from tin, arsenic, and molybdenum 1467 Smith (J. L.) on analysis of alloys of 1571 Smith ( J. L.) on separation of tin from 1572 Tasmania 1079 Van Osdel on analysis of alloys of tin and 1580a Witmer on the separation of tin from 1585 Apacheta mine, see Bolivia. Apatite, association of tin with 227, 1009, 1314 Vogt on occurrence of 1370 NO. 2 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TIN HESS 247 . Reference Number Appleton, W. S 1374 Approuague River, see French Guiana. Araca, see Bolivia. Arba mine, see Tasmania. Arecayo mine, see Bolivia. Argall, Wm 330 Argentiferous galena, see Association of tin with. Argentina: Castro on tin, gold, silver, copper, lead, and bismuth deposits in province of Salta 37 Catamarca, Tinogasta, tin near 38 Hoskold on mines, mining, metallurgy, and mining laws, etc., of . . . 38 Hoskold on tin near Tinogasta and at Mazan 38 La Rioja, tin in 36 Mazan, tin at 38 Mines, mining, metallurgy, and mining laws of 38 Salta, Chicoana, mineral deposits at 37 Salta, La Poma district, mineral deposits of the 37 See also South America. Arksut, see Greenland: Evigtok. Arsenic: Action on chlorides of mercury 1465 Association of tin with 172, 180a, 225, 227, 573a, 1025(7), 1314 Berglund on the qualitative separation of tin, antimony, and arsenic. 1447 Bunsen on the separation of arsenic from antimony and tin 1459 Capitaine on action of tin, arsenic, antimony, and sulphur on the chlorides of mercury 1465 Charleton on 1310 Clarke on separating tin from arsenic, antimony, and molybdenum . . 1467 Cornwall 1617 de Koninch and Lecrenier on the qualitative separation of gold and platinum from arsenic, antimony, and tin 1474 Dewey on Clarke's method of separating tin from arsenic and antimony 1477 Eisner on separation from tin 1485 Eisner on the separation of gold and platinum from tin and arsenic. 1486 Headden on compounds of, in an old Cornwall furnace 1617 Rawson on qualitative separation of arsenic, antimony, and tin 1553 Rose on the quantitative determination of tin, arsenic, and antimony. 1559 Separation from gold, platinum, and tin. 1486 Separation from gold, platinum, tin, and antimony 1474 Separation from tin 1485 Separation from tin and antimony 1447, 1459, 1477, 1553, 1559 Separation from tin, antimony, and molybdenum 1467 Arsenical pyrites, see Association of tin with. 248 SMITHSOXIAX MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 58 Reference Number Arsenopyrite, decomposed by roasting 1658 See 'Association of tin with. Arsuk (Arsut) Fjord, see Greenland. Arzruni, A 149, 1590 Asbestos, Voit on deposits of, in South Africa 3c Ashburton, see Devon. Asia: Fischer on tin, Venturine glass, and Venturine quartz in 39 Herman on tin in Uralsk, Central Asia 40 Louis on tin in 1340 Uralsk, tin in .' 40 See also Burma, Ceylon, China, East Indies, India, Japan, Korea, Malay Peninsula, Manchuria, Persia, Philippine Islands, Siam, Siberia, Straits Settlements. Assam Kumbang, see Malay Peninsula, Perak. Assaying of tin: Aaron on methods used in 1428, 1437 Alabama 6 Alaska 25 Balling on methods used in 1443 Bannister on assaying stream tin for gold 1444 Benedict on assays of tin in Malayan Region 679 Benedict on assays of tin in Sumatra 281 Benedict on tin in Virginia 1239 Beringer on wet methods 1447a Bettel on methods used in, comparing Cornish wet and dry methods. .1450a Cape Colony 235a Carne on beach sands, New South Wales 809 Carpenter on tin in the Black Hills 998 Carpenter and Headden on the influence of columbite on the 1466 Chandler on crucible assay of tin from Durango, Mexico 767 Collins on 1469 Cornwall 1450a Cowper on methods used in 1471 Cramer on 1572 Crucible method 1444 Dabney on assays of cassiterite from Kings Mountain, North Carolina 241 Dry method 1450a, 1506 Edwards on methods used in 1483a Fawns on methods used in 1320 Fay on fire assaying with KCN in Alaska 25 Hofman on dry assay of tin ores in the Black Hills 1506 Hohagen on methods used in 1506a Kerl on fire and wet assays of tin 1510 NO. 2 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TIN HESS 249 Assaying of tin Continued. Reference .Number Klaproth on assays of tin in charcoal and clay crucibles 1513 Lampadius on assaying the minerals of tin 1515 Levol on 1520 Malayan region 679 Methods used in... 1320, 1428, 1437, 1443, 1444, 1471, 1483a, 1506a, 1515, 1578 See Dry and wet methods. Mexico, Durango 767 New South Wales 809 North on 1542 North Carolina 241 Overman on 1544 Parry on 1545, 1545b Pearce on wet method , 1447a Phillips on tin crystals from Coosa County, Alabama 6 Pryce on 444 Scorification 1444 Simpson on ore from Greenbushes field, Western Australia 1267 South Dakota 998, 1025, 1506 Sumatra 281 Tasmania 1058, 1145 Thibault on methods of assaying tin ores and furnace products. . . . 1578 Twelvetrees on tin from Tasmania 1145 Vincent on 83 assays from South Dakota 1025 Virginia H 1239, 1247 Wagner on tin ore from Papkuilsfontein, Cape Colony. 235a Wells on 1583 Western Australia, Greenbushes 1253 Wet method of 1442a, 1444, 1447a, 1450a, 1510 Whitehead on assays of tin and mispickel from Virginia 1247 See also Analyses of tin, chemistry of tin, metallurgy of tin. See references Nos. 1428-1587. Association of tin with: Aeschynite 3b, 3d, 1048, 1054 Albite 573a Allanite 580 (?) Almandite 1024 Amblygonite 227, 496, 1009 Andalusite 1250 Antimony 166, 172, 180a, 225, 496, 1086 See also Stibnite and stibiotantalite. Apatite 227, 1009, 1314 Argentiferous galena 816, 1040, 1155, 1163 Arsenic, see also Arsenopyrite. .172, 180a, 225, 227, 235a, 573a, 1025(7), 1314 Arsenical pyrites, see Arsenopyrite. 250 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 58 Association of tin with Continued. Arsenopyrite, see also Arsenic ---- ISOa, 235a, 498, 523, 542, 573a, 586, 651, 726b, 792, 797, 816, 817, 872, 1009, 1034, 1155, 1183, 1183b, 1240, 1247, 1294 Augite ......................................................... 230 Autunite ....................................................... 999 Axinite ......................................... 726b, 1009, 1024, 1314 Barite .................................. 180a, 523, 999, 1038, 1040, 1294 Barium sulphate, see Barite. Beryl .................................... 227, 797, 817, 997, 1024, 1155 Beryllium in mineral waters ................. . ................... 524 Biotite ......................................................... 1050 Bismuth.. 3b, 172, 180a, 225, 227, 235a, 573a, 797, 881, 898, 938, 1095, 1148, 1163, 1294 Bismuthinite ................................................... 816 Blende .................................................... 586, 1183b Boron ..................................................... 726b, 1314 Cadmium ...................................................... 270 Calcium phosphate ............................................. 523 Carbonates ..................................................... 1294 Cerium in mineral waters ....................................... 524 Chalcedony ..................................................... 797 Chalcocite ...................................................... 573a Chalcopyrite .............. 180a, 573a, 797, 816, 905, 1009, 1041, 1155, 1183 Chlorine ........................................................ 1327 Chlorite ....................................... 180a, 380, 904, 905, 1155 Cinnabar ...................................... ' .............. 3b, 259a Cobalt in mineral waters ......................................... 524 Cobaltite ....................................................... 1186b Columbite ............................ 227, 523, 859, 996, 1009, 1010, 1015 Columbium minerals ............................................ 1258 Copper ...... 3, 172, 188, 225, 227, 235a, 259a, 388, 410, 523, 586, 726a, 792, 881, 898, 938, 1119, 1168a, 1183, 1183b Copper carbonate ................................................ 792 Copper oxide ........................................ . .......... 523 Copper pyrites .......................... 3b, 380, 428, 542, 604, 817, 1183b Copper sulphides ....................... ..................... 155, 1034 Copper sulphuret ................................................ 792 Corundum ................................................... 3d, 1052 Cryolite ........................................................ 586 Cupriferous quartz .............................................. 1148 Cuprite ......................................................... 573a Cuprocassiterite ................................................. 1024 Cuproscheelite .................................................. 1186b Diamonds ...................................................... 817 Diopside ................. . 1148 NO. 2 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TIN HESS 251 Association of tin with Continued. Reference Number Durangite 227, 751, 753, 774 Earthy matter 164 Emerald ? 498, 797 Epidote 1148 Euxenite 3b, 3d, 1048, 1054 Feldspar 498, 586, 681 Fergusonite 1048, 1054 Fluorine 1314 Fluorite 8, 17, 227, 235a, 380, 523, 542, 573a, 586, 651, 654, 681, 726a, 726b, 797, 817, 927, 1009, 1155, 1168a, 1183, 1183b, 1294, 1314 Fluorspar, see Fluorite. Gadolinite 587, 591 Galena, see also Lead 428, 498, 542, 573a, 586, 604, 629, 797, 816, 905, 999, 1038, 1119, 1148, 1155, 1163, 1183, 1183b, 1636 Garnet 3b, 8, 17, 34, 207, 580(?), 859, 1148, 1168a, 1258, 1267 Gem minerals ( in general) 256, 259, 817, 927 Gilbertite 498 Glycium (beryllium) in mineral waters 524 Gold..3b, 8, 17, 34, 40, 41, 50, 172, 180a, 188, 235a, 259a, 369, 395, 428, 58Gb, 599, 600, 601, 602, 604, 607, 797, 804, 831, 891, 1138, 1139, 1148, 1155, 1168a, 1327, 1444 Graphite 905, 999, 1024 Hematite, see also Specularite 428, 604, 613, 627, 628, 681, 751, 753, 1168a, 1635 Heterosite 1024 Hornblende 1024, 1168a Hiibnerite 227 Ilmenite 3d, 17, 256, 257, 428, 604, 673, 699, 856, 859, 927, 999 Indium 270 Iron 5, 225, 573a, 586, 682, 1025(7), 1314 Iron arsenate 523 Iron oxide 164, 180a, 258, 380 Iron pyrites, see Pyrite and pyrrhotite. Iron sulphides, see also Pyrite 155, 180a Kaolin 380(7), 739, 1137 Lead, see also Galena 40, 180, 227, 229, 428, 602, 938(7), 1025(7), 1451 Lead carbonate 627 Lead sulphides 155 Lepidolite 227, 593, 1009, 1314 Lime 258 Limonite 8, 17, 34, 227, 610, 613, 615, 621, 627, 643, 1040 Lithia mica 542, 554, 573a, 1258(7) Magnetite 8, 17, 34, 180a, 227, 428, 604, 859, 955, 1052 Malachite 542 Manganese oxides, see Pyrolusite 258, 428, 604 252 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 58 Association of tin with Continued. Manganite ...................................................... 227 Margarite ...................................................... 3b Mica ____ 245, 350, 380, 498, 505, 542, 554, 573a, 651, 654, 797, 817, 1016, 1137, 1181, 1183, 1238, 1240, 1258(7), 1263 Mispickel, see Arsenopyrite. Molybdenite.... 227, 235a, 428, 523, 530, 573a, 580(7), 586, 604, 797, 927, 1024, 1147, 1148, 1183, 1183b Molybdenum ......... . . f ........................................ 1314 Molybdenum in mineral waters .................................. 524 Monazite ____ 3b, 3d, 227, 673, 699, 797, 804, 856, 861a, 891, 903, 1048, 1052, 1054, 1078a, 1158 Montebrasite .............................................. ..... 496 Muscovite ........................... 245, 498, 505, 1238 (plumose), 1258 Nickel in mineral waters ........................................ 524 Niobic oxide, see Columbium. Niobium, see Columbium. Orthoclase .................... ...... ........................... 573a Other minerals ____ 29b, 252, 255, 305, 405, 433, 452, 509, 538, 642, 714, 791, 792, 797, 820, 936, 976, 992, 995, 996, 1000, 1017, 1083, 1184a, 1245, 1268, 1311, 1313, 1598 Phlogopite ..................................................... 498 Phosphorus .............................................. . ..... 1314 Plagloclase feldspar .............................................. 245 Platinum ........................................... 804, 831, 891, 1327 Pyrite ____ 3b, 8, 17, 34, 158, 172, 180a, 227, 230, 235a, 428, 498, 573a, 604, 629, 681, 797, 816, 872, 1009, 1040, 1119, 1148, 1155, 1157, 1158, 1163, 1168a, 1183 See also Iron sulphides. Pyrolusite, see also Manganese oxides ........................... 227, 511 Quartz ____ 3b, 3d, 180a, 207, 227, 230, 234a, 350, 380, 498, 505, 542, 573a, 586, 651, 654, 681, 726a, 797, 859, 870, 904, 1073, 1137, 1148, 1156, 1158, 1240, 1258, 1294, 1314 Rutile .............................................. 230, 257, 554, 1639 Sapphire ................................................ 259, 817, 1143 Scheelite .......................................... 3b, 227, 1186b, 1250 Siderite .......................................... 180a, 227, 259a, 586 Sillimanite ..................................................... 1250 Silver.... 144, 145, 152, 155, 164, 166, 171, 172, 180a, 184, 225, 235a, 938(7), 1148, 1168a, 1294 Silver ores, see Silver. Silver sulphides, see Silver. " Sparry iron," see Siderite. Specularite, see also Hematite ................................ 530, 1183b Sphalerite ......... 155, 180a, 229, 498, 816, 870, 905, 1024, 1040, 1086, 1155 Spodumene ............................................. 997, 1009, 1148 NO. 2 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TIN HESS 253 Association of tin with Continued. Stannite ....................................................... 182 Stibiotantalite .................................................. 1267 Stibnite ........................................................ 1183b Sulphides ................................................ 166, 182 1294 Tantalic oxide .................................................. 258 Tantalite ................. 580 ( ?) , 586, 976, 993, 996, 1009, 1010, 1015, 1017 Tantalum ..................... ............................. 1208, 1258 Tantalum in mineral waters ...................................... 524 Titanite .................................................. 34, 230, 1257 Titanium, see also Rutile and titanite ............................. 682 Titanium in mineral waters ...................................... ' 524 Topaz ____ 235a, 259, 498, 542, 573a, 751, 753, 767, 797, 817, 1009, 1010, 1073, 1143, 1148, 1149, 1168a, 1172, 1181, 1267, 1294, 1337 Tourmaline ____ 3b, 172, 180a, 207, 227, 235a, 350, 380, 385, 498, 505, 587, 591, 649, 681, 726b, 750, 792, 797, 811, 817, 859, 1010, 1034, 1041, 1137, 1155, 1156. 1158, 1168a, 1183, 1183b, 1186b, 1238, 1257, 1258, 1263, 1267, 1294, 1314, 1341 Tremolite ...................................................... 726a Triphyllite ..................................................... 1024 Tripolite .......... ............................................. 1024 Tungsten ..................... 797, 898, 938, 1016, 1095, 1148, 1168a, 1314 See also Hiibnerite, scheelite, and wolframite. Tungsten in mineral waters .............. . ....................... 524 Uranium ...................................................... 518 ( ?) Uranium phosphate ............................................. 523 Vesuvianite ............. ' ....................................... 1148 White mica ....................... .............................. 797 Wolfram, see Wolframite. Wolframite ____ 3b, 64, 158, 188, 227, 235a, 333, 428, 511, 523, 542, 573a, 604, 682, 753, 792, 797, 811, 816, 817, 927, 943, 1009, 1010, 1015, 1024, 1034, 1078a, 1155, 1172, 1183b, 1186b, 1238, 1240, 1250, 1258, 1294, 1662, 1664 Wollastonlte .................................................... 1148 Wurtzite ..... .................................................. 1636 Xenotime ...................................................... 699 Yttrium in mineral waters ....................................... 524 Zinc, see. also Sphalerite .................... 225, 227, 602(7), 1025(?) Zinc blende, see Sphalerite. Zinc sulphides, see Sphalerite. Zinnwaldite .................................................... 573a Zircon ................................. 257, 259, 586, 699, 817, 856, 1267 Zircon in mineral waters ........................................ 524 Assyria, bronze articles in ........................................... 1278 Audibert, E ......................................................... 497 Aughey, Samuel .................................. . .................. 1274 254 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 58 Reference Number Augite, see Association of tin with. Australasia: Coghlan on a statistical account of 1677, 1678, 1679 Coghlan on tin in the seven colonies of 48 Meunier on tin deposits of 53 See also Australia. Australia, tin in 1223, 1287, 1289, 1298 Beck on tin deposits in 1299 Benedict on correspondence of tin bearing granite in, to that of Cornwall 47 Coghlan on tin in 1077 E on tin production, 1874-1875.'. . . 49 Earl of Mount Edgcumbe on tin produced in 1883 1681 English on Australian and Tasmanian tin 50 Fawns on tin deposits of 1320 Fuchs and de Launay on tin deposits of 1323 Gregory on tfn in 1092 Kenwood on association of tin with gold and platinum in 1327 Johnson on tin in 51 de Lapparent on tin in 1335 de Launay (Fuchs and) on tin in 1323 Lock on tin deposits of 1338 Louis on tin deposits of 1340 Louis (Phillips and) on tin deposits of 1350 Mance on tin mining in Eastern States during 1905 52 Newland on tin in 1347 Newland on tin production in 1903 54 Newton on the metalliferous minerals of, including tin 55 Phillips and Louis on tin deposits of 1350 Plummer on tin deposits of 56 Plummer on tin production in 1904 and 1905 1698 Reyer on tin in 57 Robertson on bismuth and tin in 58 Stephen on tin production, 1877-1878 59 Thibault on metallurgy of tin in 1578 Trasenster on statistics of tin in, 1879-1881 1700 Tregay on tin in 60 Vale on tin in 61 Weeks on tin in 1372 Wolff on tin in 62 Woods on tin in 63 See also Australasia, New South Wales, Northern Territory, Queens- land, South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria, and Western Aus- tralia. NO. 2 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TIN HESS 255 Austria: Charleton on tin in ................. ............................. 1310 D'Achiardi on tin deposits of .................................... 1313 Groddeck on tin in .............................................. 549 Jars on tin in ................................................... 416 Newland on tin in. . * ............................................ 1347 Newland on tin production of .................................... 70 Phillips and Louis on tin in ...................................... 1350 Plants for recovery of scrap tin in ................................ 1438 Schultz on tin in ................................................ 573 See also Bohemia. Autunite, see Association of tin with. Avicaya mine, see Bolivia. Axinite, see Association of tin with. Ayer Dangsang, see Malay Peninsula. Ayer Panas, see Malay Peninsula. Aztecs, tin used for coins by ......................................... 1374 B Babbitt metal, Meade on composition, uses, and analysis of alloys of ____ 1531a Babington, Arthur ................................................... 886 Badger mines, see Tasmania. Badjerican mine, see New South Wales. Baikal region, see Siberia. Bailey, Gilbert E., and Riotte, E. N. .................................. 988 Bain, W. H .......................................................... 887 Baja California, see Mexico. Baldauf, Martin ..................................................... 331 Bald Nob, see New South Wales. Balf our, John F ......... . ____ ........................................ 677 Ball, Lionel C. ................ 331a, 331b, 331c, 888, 889, 890, 891, 891a, 891b Ball, S. Mays ........................................................ 239a Ball, V ........................................................... 589, 590 Ballesterosite, Schulz and Paillette on, in Spain ....................... 1043 Balling, Carl ........................................................ 1443 Ballivian, M. V., and Saavedra, Bautista .............................. 150 Bandon, see Siam. Banghi, see French Congo, Ubanghi. Bangtaphan, Langsuan, see Siam. Banka, tin in .................................................... 1286, 1289 Akkeringa on tin in the Blinjoe district .......................... 73 Beck on tin deposits of .......................................... 82 Benedict on tin deposits of .................................... 83, 1301 Blinjoe district, tin in ........................................... 73 Boers on use of power machinery in working tin ground in ........ 84 256 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 58 Banka-Continued. Bredemeyer on tin mining in ..................................... 85 Cordes on tin in the Koba district ................................ 87 Cordes on tin in the Pangkal-Pinang district ...................... 86 Cretier on tin near Soengei Liat in the district of Muntok .......... 88 Croockewit on tin in ......................... * ................. 89, 1473 DaubrSe on tin in Germany . ..................................... 1314 Davies on alluvial mining in ..................................... 1317 Diest on tin in .................................. . ......... 90, 94, 1478 Diest on tin in the Merawang district ............................. 92 Diest on tin in the Sambong-Giri ................................. 93 Diest on tin in the Soengei Liat district .......................... 91 Dijk on tin in .................................................. 95, 96 Di jk on tin smelting in ........................................... 14SO Djeboes district, tin in ..... ...................................... 98 Doorman on tin in the Dutch East Indies ......................... 286a Doren on tin in .............. ... ................................ 97 Earl of Mount Edgcumbe on tin produced in 1883 .................. 1681 Everwijn on tin in the Djeboes district ........................... 98 Pawns on tin in ................................................ 1320 Fraenkel on tin in .............................................. 99 Fuchs and de Launay on tin in ............................... : . . . 1323 Godef roy on tin in .............................................. 100 Groot on tin in ................................................. 101 Kenwood on association of tin with gold in ....................... 1327 Hooze on tin in ................................................. 102 Horsfield on a mineralogical description of ......................... 103 Huguenin on tin in the Toboali district ........................... 104 de Jongh on tin in ............................................... 108 de Jongh on tin in the Merawang district ......................... 106 de Jongh on tin in the Soengei Liat, Pangkal-Pinang, and Merawang districts ................................................. 105, 107 Koba district, tin in ............................................. 87 Lange on tin in .......................... ............... . ........ 109 de Launay (Fuchs and) on tin in ................................ 1323 Menten on tin in ................................................ 110 Merawang district, tin in ............ . ................. 92, 105, 106, 107 Mulder on analyses of tin from .................................. 1538 Muntok district, tin near Soengei Liat ............................ 88 Oudemans on tin in .............................................. Ill Pangkal-Pinang district, tin in .......................... 86, 105, 107, 115 Posewitz on tin in .............................................. 112 Pvaffles on history of production, prices, placers, distribution, and market conditions of tin in .................................. 113 Renaud on tin in ......... ....................................... 116 Renaud on tin in the Pangkal-Pinang district ...................... 115 Renaud on tin in the Soengeiselan district ......................... 114 NO. 2 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TIN HESS 257 Banka Continued. Reference Number Reyer on tin in 1354 Reyer on tin mining in, writers on, and structure of the island 117 Rolker on tin in 719 Sambong Giri, tin in 93 Schuurman on history of tin mining in 1415 Smyth on tin in 1362 Soengei Liat district, tin in 88, 91, 105, 107 Soengeiselan district, tin in 114 Toboali district, tin in 104 Trasenster on statistics of tin in, 1879-1891 1700 Van der Wyck on tin in 118 Verbeek on occurrence of tin in 136 Vlaanderen on tin in 120 Weeks on tin in 1372 See also East Indies. Bannister, C. 1444 Bapst, Germain 1375, 1376 Barba, Alvaro Alonso 151 Barcena, Mariano 761 Barite, see Association of tin with. Barjac, see France, Loze"re. Barnett, A. K 332 Barrat, Maurice 272 Barren Waters, see Queensland. Barrier Bischoff mine, see New South Wales. Barrier Ranges field, see New South Wales. Barriga, Manuel Diaz 762 Barrosa Cota mine, see Bolivia. Barrow, George 333 Bartlett, Thomas 334 Bastar, see India. Batavia, see Java. Batten, John, Jr 1377 Bauchi, see Nigeria. Baudot, F 498, 1378 Bauer, George 1277 Bauer, Max 1591 Bautshi tin fields, see Nigeria. Bawden, S 335 Bear Gulch district, see South Dakota. Beaumont, Elie de (Dufre"noy, P. A. and) 378 Beales, R. L 13 Be"champ, A., and Saintpierre, C 1445 Becher, H. M 678 Beck, Richard .1, 82, 529, 530, 531, 1299, 1300 Becke, F 1592 258 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 58 Reference Number Beco, Jean, and Thonard, Le"on 612 Beechworth, see Victoria. Beenah, see Victoria: Gippsland. Beer, Adolph 806 Bell, James M 852 Bell, R. N 16 Bell, Robert M 14, 15 Bell Mount, see Tasmania. Bendemeer, see New South Wales. Benedict, William de L 5, 47, 83, 152, 212, 213, 240, 281, 336, 679, 763, 807, 989, 990, 1074, 1200, 1239, 1275, 1301 Bengal, see India. Ben Lomond, see Tasmania. Bennetts, Geo 337 Bennetts, Samuel : 338 Benoue, see Nigeria, Benue. Benst, von 532 Bentong, see Malay Peninsula, Telom. Benue River, see Nigeria. Berenguela, see Bolivia. Bergeat, Alfred 613 Bergemann, C 764, 1446 Berger, J. F 339 Berggiesshubel, see Saxony. Berglund, Emil 1447 Bergman 1302 Bergse process for recovering tin from scrap 1442 Bernhardi 1593 Berthelot, P 1379, 1448 Berthier, P 1449, 1450 Berwick, see Victoria. Beryl, see Association of tin with. Berz61ius 1303 Bettany, G 1304 Bettel, W 1450a Betts, A(nson) G 225, 1451 Bible 1380 Bibliographies: Benedict on an epitome of the reports upon the San Jacinto, Cali- fornia, tin mines 212 Clarke on " The data of geochemistry " 1311 Fawns on 1320 Fay ( 13 articles on Alaska) 25 Fuchs and de Launay on Bolivia, etc 159 Hess and Graton on occurrences of tin. . . 1329 NO. 2 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TIN HEJSS 259 Bibliographies Continued. Reference Number Oldham on papers and reports on tin and other ores in Tenasserim, Burmah 198 Reyer on observers and writers on geology of Banka and Billiton. . . 117 Stelzner on Bolivia 183 Ward on North Dundas field, Tasmania 1158a Watson on mineral resources of Virginia 1246 Big Horn country, see Wyoming. Big Prickly Pear Creek, see Montana. Bilin, see Bohemia. Billings, G. H 1452 Billiton, tin in 77, 79, 126a Akkringa (Akkeringa), on tin in 121 Beck on tin deposits of 82 Benedict on tin deposits of 83, 1301 Boeding district, tin in 123 Cretier on tin in 127, 283 Diest on tin in 128 Dindang district, tin in 123 Doorman on tin in Dutch East Indies 286a Earl of Mount Edgcumbe on tin produced in 1883 1681 Fawns on tin in 1320 Ferrier on tin in 129 Fuchs and de Launay on tin in 1323 Groot on tin in 130, 131, 132 Landon (Maier and) on tin in 133 de Launay (Fuchs and) on tin in 1323 Maier and Landon on tin in 133 Mangar district, tin in 123 Posewitz on discovery of tin in, geology of, occurrence and mining of tin in, and production of tin in the island of 134 Rant on tin in Tadjouw Mountain 135 Reyer on tin in 1354 Reyer on tin mining in, writers on, and structure of the island 117 Rolker on tin in 719 Smyth on tin in 1362 Tadjouw Mountain, tin in 135 Tandjang-Padan district, tin in 123 Trasenster on statistics of tin in, 1879-1881 1700 Van der Wyck on tin in 118 Verbeek on occurrence of tin in 136 Weeks on tin in 1372 See also East Indies. Binns, George J 853 Binoxide of tin, Wendt on occurrence with ores of silver near Potosi, Bolivia 184 Biotite, see Association of tin with. 260 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 58 Reference Number Bischoff (Mount) tin mines, see Tasmania. Bishop Creek, see California, Inyo County. Bitter Root Mountains, see Montana. Bitter Root Range, see Idaho. Bismuth: Alloys with zinc and tin 1587 Andrews on deposits at Kingsgate, New South Wales 797 Argentina, Salta 37 Association of tin with 3b, 172, 180a, 225, 227, 573a, 797, 881, 898, 938, 1095, 1148, 1163; 1294 Australia 58 Benedict on occurrence at Chorolque, Bolivia 152 Bohemia, Erzgebirge 578 Bolivia, Chorolque 152 Castro on working of, in Salta, Argentina 37 Charleton on 1310 Foullon on 1322 Menniche on separation of, from tin ores 1534 New South Wales 797 Queensland 881 Robertson on deposits of, in Australia 58 Saxony, Erzgebirge 578 Separation from tin 1534 Tasmania 1079, 1095, 1148 Twelvetrees on deposits in Tasmania 1148 Viebig on deposits of, in the Erzgebirge of Germany 578 Bismuthinite, see Association of tin with. Bitter Root Mountains, see Idaho and Montana. Black, A 340 Black Hills, see South Dakota and Wyoming. Black Umbelosi River, see Transvaal. Blake, William P .214, 341, 991, 992-997, 1201, 1202 Blanchard, Fred 614, 615, 616 Blanford, W. T. (Medlicott, H. B. and) 595 Blavier, Ed., and Lorieux, T 499 Blende, see Association of tin with. Blewett, Jasper 959 Blinjoe district, see Banka. Block tin: Preparation of, in Cornwall and Devon 1576 Resulting from distillation of tin amalgam 1556 Blode, Gottlob von 533 Bloomfield, see Queensland. Blue Ridge, see Virginia. Blue Tier, see Tasmania. Boase, G. C., and Courtney, W. P. . . 342 NO. 2 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TIN HESS 261 Reference Number Boase, Henry S - 343, 344 Bob Ingersoll claim, see South Dakota. Boceheggiano, see Italy, Tuscany. Bodenmais, see New South Wales, Silberberg. Bodmin Moor, see Cornwall. Boeding district, see Billiton. Boerhaave, H 1305 Boers, R. J 84 Bog, see Cornwall. Boggild, O. B 581 Bohemia: Albertham, tin deposits of 1310 Beck on tin in Graupen 1300 Benst on tin in Schlaggenwald 532 Bilin, tin near 562 Carlsbad, tin mine near 64 Charleton on tin deposits of Abertham 1310 Cotta on tin in Graupen 65 Cotta on tin in Graupen and Poebel 540 Dalmer on the Altenberg-Graupen tin district 542 Daubree on tin in 1314 Davies .on tin deposits of 1317 Erzgebirge, discrimination of granites in 564 Origin of tin deposits of 575 Silver-bismuth deposits in 578 Fuchs and de Launay on tin in 66 Graham on tin in 1324 Groddeck on tin in Graupen and Schlaggenwald. 549 Graupen, tin at . . .65, 67, 69, 540, 542, 549, 550, 562, 567, 1300 Graupen, Luxer vein at 573a Hallwich on tin in Graupen 67, 550 Jars on tin in 416 Joachimsthal, tin mine at 573a Jokeley on tin " im Leitmeritzer Kreise " 68 Karlsbad, geology of 564 de Lapparent on tin in 1335 Laube on tin at Graupen 69 de Launay (Fuchs and) on tin in 66 Neudeck, geology of 564 Nowicki on tin at Schlaggenwald and Schonefeld 71 Flatten, tin in 567 Poebel, tin in 540 Reuss on tin near Teplitz, Bilin, and Graupen 562 Reyer on discrimination of granites in the Brzgebirge 564 Reyer on geology of Neudeck and Karlsbad 564 Reyer on tin in Graupen, Flatten, and Schlaggenwald 567 262 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 58 Bohemia Continued. Reyer on tin mining in .................................... 565, 566, 567 Rucker on tin in Schlaggenwald ................................. 568 Schlaggenwald, tin at ......................... 71, 72, 532, 549, 567, 568 Schonef eld, tin at ............................................... 71 Singewald on tin deposits in the Erzgebirge. .... .................. 573a Teplitz, tin near ........................................ ........ 562 Upper Graupen, tin at .......................................... 67, 550 Vogelsang on mining and smelting of tin at Schlaggenwald ......... 72 Woodward on tin ore specimens from ............................. 489a See also Austria and Europe. Bohne, E ............................................................ 1453 Bolivia, tin in ...................... 1284, 1286, 1287, 1290, 1292, 1294, 1298 Antequera tin mine ............................................. 180a Apacheta mine, tin in ......... . ............................... 143, 158 Araca, tin at .................................................... 176 Arecayo mine, tin in ............................... . ............ 143 Arzruni on several minerals from ................................ 149 Avicaya mine ............................................... 158, 180a Ballivian and Saavedra on tin in .................... ............. 150 Barba on tin in ................................................. 151 Barrosa Cota mine, tin in ........................................ 180a Beck on tin in ............................................ . ..... 1299 Benedict on tin at Potosi and Chorolque .......................... 152 Berenguela, tin from ............................................ 166 Berkey on microscopic sections of tin ores and rocks from ..... 152a, 180a Bradley on tin in ................................................ 153 Cataracaqua lode, tin in ......................................... 180a Challa mine, tin in ........................................... 143, 158 Chocaltaya mine, tin in ....................................... 158, 160 Chorolque, tin at ................................. 152, 166, 173, 178, 179 Chualla Grande, tin mines at ........ ; ............................ 180a Cochabamba department, tin in .................................. 141 Colquiri, tin at ................................................. 158 Concordia lode, tin in ........................................... 180a Conway on tin mines of Huaina Potosi ........................... 154 Coya lode, tin in ............ : ................................... 180a D'Achiardi on tin in ............................................. 1313 Davies on tin in ................................................ 1317 Elisa lode, tin in ................................................ 180a Emmons on occurrence of tin in .................................. 155 Endter on tin mines of Llallagua, near Oruro ..................... 155a Everding on tin in .............................................. 155b Exportation of tin to United States discussed ............ ......... 139 Fawns on tin in.. .......................................... 156, 1320 Forbes on occurrence and kinds of tin ores in ...................... 157 Foullon on tin in.. . 1322 NO. 2 BIBLIOGRAPHY OP TIN HESS 2G3 Bolivia Continued. Reference Number Frenzel on cylindrite from 1611 Frochot on tin in 158 Fuchs and de Launay on tin in 159, 1323 Gallofa lode, tin in 180a Garrison on tin in 1207 Gautier on deposition of tin near Chorolque 160 Gmehling on metallurgy of tin in 1497 Harrison on tin in 161 Huaina Potosi, see Juaina Potosi. Huanuni, see Juanuni. Ichoca, tin at 176 Juaina Potosi, tin mines of 154, 158, 176 Juanuni district, tin in 141a, 143, 148c, 158, 166, 172, 173, 180 La Blanca, tin deposits of 146 La Bolivinia mine, tin in t 180a LaPaz department, tin in 141, 154, 158, 166 de Launay (Fuchs and) on tin in 159, 1323 La Unificada mine, tin in 180a Light on tin deposits of 161a Llallagua, near Oruro, tin mines of 155a Llallagua vein, tin in 180a Lock on tin in 1338 Louis on tin in 1340 Louis (Phillips and) on tin in 1350 Minchin on tin in 163, 164, 165, 166, 168, 169, 1346 Minchin on mines, ores, mining, production, and transportation of tin in 162, 167 Milluni mine, tin in. 158, 176 Mining and railway development in 147 Monte Blanco mine 180a Morococala tin mines 180a Mount Poscovi, tin on 158 Negro Pabellon, tin at 180a Newland on tin in 170, 1347 Ochsenius on tin in 171 Olaechea on tin in ... 171a Oruro, tin at 137, 155a, 162, 164, 166, 170, 1641 Oruro department, tin in 137, 141, 143, 145, 158, 162, 164, 166, 170 Pasley on tin mines in the East Cordilleras 172 Pearce on tin in 1630 Pena on tin deposits of 172a Penberthy on tin in 174, 467 Penberthy on tin mines and transportation problems in . i 173 Penfield on tin in 1631 Phillips and Louis on tin in 1350 Poopo Lake, tin near 162 264: SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 58 Bolivia Continued. Potosi, tin at .................................... 152, 164, 166, 173, 1641 Potosi department, tin in ............. 141, 144, 152, 154, 164, 166, 173, 184 Pozoconi mountain, tin on ....................................... 143 Preumont on tin in. ............................................ 176 Preumont on tin mining and transportation problems in ........... 175 Prices of tin in, affected by quotations on product of Straits Settlements ................................................ 1675 Prior on teallite in .............................................. 1636 Punnett on tin deposits of ....................................... 177 Quimsa Cruz, tin at ............................................. 176 Quinsachata, tin in ...................................... . ....... 146 Railway and mining development in .............................. 147 Roberts on geology of country near Chorolque, and on the tin mines and alluvial deposits ......................................... 179 Roberts on tin in the Chorolque district ........................... 178 Rolker on tin in ................................................ 1357 Romana on tin in ................................................ 180 Rumbold on origin of tin deposits in ............................. 180a Saavedra (Ballivian and) on tin in ............................... 150 San Jose, tin deposits of ......................................... 146 San Jose lode, tin in ............................................. 180a San Roque mine, tin in .......................................... 180a San Salvadora lode, tin in. ...................................... 180a Santa Vela Cruz, tin at .......................................... 176 Spencer on stannite from Oruro, Potosi, and Tatasi ................ 1641 Steinman on the geology of the tin deposits of ..................... 181 Stelzner on occurrence of tin in ................................ 182, 183 Stelzner on franckeite from ..................................... 1642 Tajo-polo, tin at ................................................. 184 Tatasi, stannite from ............................................ 1641 Totoral mine .................................................... 180a Tres Cruces, tin in the Sayaquiri vein in the mountains of ......... 158 Tupiza, tin mine 57 miles south of ................................ 144 Uncia, production and improvements in tin mining ................ 148c Uncia, tin at ................................................. 173, 180a Veta Estano, tin at ...... ' ........................................ 184 Wendt on tin in Potosi district ................................... 184 See also South America. Bombay, see India. Bonnard, A. H .................................................... 345, 534 Bonwick, James ____ . ............................................... 1075 Borax, Hennecke on occurrence in Persia ............................. 864 Borgstrom, L. H ..................................................... 1594 Borlase, Wm. Copeland ......................... 846, 1028, 1381, 1382, 1383 Borlase, Wm. Copeland, and Rosewarne, H ............................ 347 NO. 2 BIBLIOGRAPHY OP TIN HESS 265 Born GO I Reference Number Everwijn on tin in Sukadana and Matan 291 Everwyn on tin in Kandawangan 288 Everwyn on tin in Matan 287, 291 Kandawangan, tin in 288 Kinebetungen River, tin from 307 Matam (Matan), tin in , 287, 291 Posewitz on tin in 301, 302 Sukadana, tin in 287, 291 Tenison-Woods on tin from the Kinebetungen River 307 See also East Indies. Boron, Berthelot on the action of oxygen on the compounds of tin, sili- con, and boron 1448 See Association of tin with. Botallack, see England. Boucard, A .< . . 1454, 1455 Bourgeois, Leon 1595 Bourke County, see New South Wales. Bouse, Johno 646 Boven Banjoe field, see Sumatra, Palembang. BrachS, J 1224 Brackenbury, C 1455a Bradley, D. H., Jr 153 Brandenburg, H., Weyland A., and Kempen, A. R 1456 Branner, John C., and Newsom, John F 1306 Branxholm, see Tasmania. Braun, Max 617 Brazil, source of tin used by ancients . . 1405 Breage, see Cornwall. Bredemeyer, W 85 Breidenbach, Th 873 Breitenbrun, see Germany. Breithaupt, A 535 Bretherton, H. G 765 Bridgetown, see Western Australia. Bright, see Victoria. Briseis mine, see Tasmania. British Columbia, Brock on tin near Long Lake 226 Ingalls on tin from the Payne mill, near Sandon, Slocan district 229 Ingalls, Argall, and Garde on zinc from, containing tin 229 Long Lake, tin near 226 Slocan district, tin from the Payne mill, near Sandon 229 Britain: Origin of name 1389 Phoenician tin trade with 1389, 1400, 1414, 1418 Smirke on tin trade between Alexandria and 1417 Source of tin used by ancients 1405 26G SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 58 Reference Number Brittany, see France. Broad Arrow mine, see Alabama. Brock, R. W 226 Brogger, W. C 1596 Brogger, W. C. (Kjerulf, Th., and) 826 Broken Head, see New South Wales. Broken Hill lode, see New South Wales. Bromley, A. H 766 Bronzes, ductilities of the various bronzes compared 1433 Brookite, Daubree on artificial production of 1601 Brooks, A. H 17, 18 Brooks, Cecil J 1457 Brookstead tin field, see Tasmania. Brothers' Home mine, see Tasmania. Brown, A. Selwyn 1307, 1308 Brown, Gilmour E 153a Brown, H. Y. L 973, 974 Brown, W. G 1240 Browne, Frank 1458 Brunnich, Morten Thrane 348 Bruseh, see Malay Peninsula. Bruthen, see Victoria- Buck Creek, see Alaska. Buddie (Williams) described, etc 1668 Buddling of tin ore in Cornwall 1654, 1656 Buhner Creek, see Alaska. Bukit, see Malay Peninsula, Telom. Buller, John 349 Bunde, see Malay Peninsula. Bungo, see Japan. Bunsen, R 1459 Bunter pebble bed, cassiterite in, in west of England 468 Burmah, tin in 188, 190, 588, 1290 Amherst, tin at 597 Fawns on tin in '. 1320 Foss on tin and gold in Lower Burmah 188 Fryar on tin in 189 Grundy on tin in 190 Heifer on tin and iron in Tenasserim district 191 Henzai, tin at 188 Holland on tin in Tenasserim district 192 Hughes on tin in the Mergui district 193, 194 King on tin in the Tenasserim district 195 Lemon and Tremenheere on tin in Mergui and Tenasserim. 196 Lock on tin in Mergui and Tenasserim 197 Maliwan, tin in 185, 187, 197, 201, 202, 205, 207, 590 NO. 2 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TIN HESS 267 Burmah Continued. Reference Number Medlicott on tin in Tenasserim 595 Mergui district, mines in listed 193 Mergui district, tin in 185, 188, 193, 194, 196, 197, 203, 204, 206, 597, 739 Oldham on coal fields and tinstone deposits in Tenasserim 199 Oldham on tin in the Tenasserim district 198, 199 Reyer on tin in 303, 1354 Royle on tin in Tenasserim 200 Rudra on tin at Amherst, Tavoy, and Mergui 597 Snow on tin at Maliwun 201 Tavoy, tin at 597 Tenasserim district: Coal in 199, 200 Iron in 191 Tin in.... 191, 192, 195, 196, 197, 198, 199, 200, 205, 589, 590, 595, 744 Chanda, tin from 720 Lake Loadut 200 Pakchan River 200, 202, 205 Tremenheere on tin in Tenasserim 739 Wray on tin in Malacca and Tenasserim 744 Theobald on the metalliferous resources of 202 Theobald on tin near the Pakchan River 202 Tremenheere on tin in the Mergui district 203, 204, 206 Tremenheere on tin in the Tenasserim provinces 205 Tremenheere (Lemon and) on tin in Mergui and Tenasserim 196 Warth on tin deposits of 207 See also Malay Peninsula and Asia. Burnard, Robert 1384 Burnet County, see Texas. Burra Burra district, see New South Wales. Burrowa Creek, see Victoria. Burrows, J. C. (Thomas, Win., and) 475 Burthe, M. P. L 500 Busanga mine, see Kongo, Katanga. Bushveld, see Transvaal. Business methods, Taylor on, in mines of Cornwall and Devon 1663 Buttgenbach, H 273, 274, 275 Busz, K 350 C Cacaria, see Mexico, Durango. Caceres, see Spain. Cadiz, see Spain. (Gades in Latin.) Cadmium, Wells on separation of copper from 1583 See Association of tin with. Cahours, A 1460 Cahours, A. ( Jolyet, P., and) 1508 268 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 58 Reference Number Cahours, A., and Demargay, E 1461, 1462 Cahours, A., and Riche, A 1463, 1464 Caillaux, Alf 618 Cajatambo, see Peru. Calcifer, see Queensland. Calcining of tin ore: Cornwall 1654 Erzgebirge of Saxony 1658 Phillips on improved furnace for 1661^ Calcium phosphate, see Association of tin with. Calderon, D. Salvador 1029 California, tin in 1192, 1196, 1281 Benedict on tin in 213, 1200, 1301 Benedict on the San Jacinto tin mines 212 Blake on tin in 1202 Blake on tin on Feather River, Plumas County 214, 1201 Day on tin in 1203a, 1319 Emmens on tin in , 1205 Fairbanks on geology of Temescal district, and the occurrence of the system of tin veins 215, 216 Garrison on the Temescal tin mine 217, 1207 Hanks on tin in San Bernardino County 1394 Hanks on the Temescal mines 218 Inyo County, tin on Bishop Creek 211 Jackson on tin in 219 Kemp on tin in 1213 Knight on the Temescal mines ( San Jacinto) 220 Los Angeles, tin, gold, and silver near 208 Ohly on tin at Temescal 1215 Plumas County, tin on middle fork of Feather River 214, 1201 R on tin in 1218 Roessler on tin near San Jacinto : 221 Rolker on tin in 1357 San Bernardino County, tin in 1394 San Jacinto mines, tin in 210, 212, 220, 221 Temescal, tin at 1207, 1215 Temescal district, tin in 209, 215, 216, 217, 218, 220, 222, 223 West on the Temescal tin mines 222 Whitney on tin in the Temescal district 223 See also United States. California Creek, see Queensland. Calorla mine, see New South Wales. Calvert, Albert F 1030 Calvi, see Italy, Tuscany, Monte Calvi. Camborne, see Cornwall. Cambrian pegmatitic granite, cassiterite in 1010 NO. 2 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TIN HESS 269 Reference Number Cameron, Walter E 892-896 Campagne, Emile Mathieu 1309 Campbell, Harry D 1241 Campiglia, see Italy, Tuscany. Campiglia Marittima, see Italy, Tuscany. Campo Alle Buche, see Italy, Tuscany. Canada: Betts on tin inrefined lead 225 Kemp on tin in 1213 Wolf on tin in refined lead 231 See also British Columbia, Greenland, Nova Scotia, Quebec, Yukon. Canfieldite, Penfield on a new sulphostannate of silver from Bolivia 1631 Canned meats, effect of tin on 1290 Cao-Bang, see China, Yunnan. Cape Colony: Cape Peninsula, tin deposits of 233a, 233b, 233c Griffiths on new method of concentrating alluvial tin at Kuils River, 234a Griffiths on tin in the Kuils River field 234 Hazendal tin deposits 235a Hoogekrall tin deposits 235a Johnson on tin at Welbeloond and Langerwacht. 2a Keyzer on tin between the Kuils River and Stellenbosch 235 Kuils River tin field 3b, 233, 233a, 233c, 234, 234a, 235, 235a, 1047 Langerwacht tin deposit 2a, 235a Papkuilsfontein tin deposits 235a Rumbold on Kuils River tin deposits 3b Stokes on tin in 730 Wagner on the tin deposits of 235a Welbeloond tin deposit 2a, 235a See also Africa and South Africa. Cape Mountain, see Alaska. Cape Nome, see Alaska. Cape Prince of Wales, see Alaska. Capitaine, H 1465 Capron Springs, see Virginia. Caradon, see Cornwall. Carbonates, see Association of tin with. Carcanagues 1651 Carclaze mine, see Cornwall. Card, George W 808 Carew, Richard 351 Carlsbad, see Bohemia. Cam Brea mine, see Cornwall. Came, J. E 809 Came, Joseph 352, 353, 354, 355, 356, 357 Carngn, see Cornwall, 270 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 58 Reference Number Carolinas, Struthers and Pratt on tin in 1220 See North and South Carolina, and United States. Caron, H. (Deville, Saint-Claire, H., and) 1605 Carpenter, F. R 998-1001 Carpenter, F. R., and Headden, W. P 1466 Cartagena, see Spain. Carter, A. Cecil 960 Carthagene, see Spain. , Cassiterides: Rhys on history of 1413 Smith on history of 1418 Cassiteris, Plinius on tin from island called * 1408 Cassiterite : Artificial production of 1311, 1602, 1610, 1648 Arzruni on cassiterite as a furnace product 1590 Borgstrom on cassiterite from Pitkaranta, Finland 1594 Bourgeois on occurrence and formation of 1595 Carne on pseudomorphs after feldspar and quartz 357 Chapman on pseudomorphs after feldspar twins 1597 Chemistry, see Chemistry of tin. Clarke on artificial production of 1311 Crystallization, see Crystallization of tin. Cornwall 1617, 1640 Dana on 1600 Daubre"e on artificial production of . . 1602 Davey on pseudomorphs after feldspar in Huel Coates mine, St. Agnes, Cornwall 1603 Finland, Pitkaranta 1594, 1612 Fouque" and Le"vy on artificial production of 1610 France 516 Furnace product 1590 Gadolin on cassiterite crystals from Pitkaranta, Finland 1612 Genth on pseudomorphs after hematite 771 Gregg and Lettsom on form, analyses, occurrence, and varieties of. . 1614 Headden on, in an old Cornwall furnace 1617 Irving on occurrence and association at Nigger Hill, Black Hills, South Dakota 1010 Kohlman on measurements of crystals of 1624 Lacroix on distorted crystals from France 516 Mexico, Durango , 1635 Mineralogy, see Mineralogy of tin. Molengraaff on distorted crystals from Swaziland 1052 Occurrence, see Occurrence of tin. Origin, see Origin of tin. Pearce on pseudomorphs of, after sulpho-stannites 1630 Petterd on varieties in Tasmania 1118, 1121 NO. 2 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TIN HESS 271 Cassiterite Continued. Reference Number Phillips on cleaving cassiterite crystals so that the angles may be measured 1634 Phillips on crystallization of 1633, 1634 Phillips on pseudomorphs after orthoclase 1632 Pilz on cassiterite secondary after stannite. Pirsson on hematite enclosing cassiterite at Durango, Mexico 1635 Pseudomorphs 357, 478, 479, 771, 1078a, 1149, 1597, 1603, 1616, 1630, 1632, 1638 Reid and Scrivener on pseudomorphs after feldspar 1638 Replacing tourmaline which had replaced feldspar in Tasmania 1078a Rosenbusch on association with rutile as rock making mineral in the granite of Greifenstein 1639 Solly on tin crystals in the various mines of Cornwall 1640 Swaziland 1052 Tasmania 1078a, 1118, 1121, 1149 Tweedy on pseudomorphs after feldspar 478, 479 Twelvetrees and Petterd on feldspar and quartz replaced by, at Mt. Bischoff, Tasmania 1149 Vogt on - the artificial production of 1648 Western Australia, Pilbarra (distorted crystals) 1649 Woolnough on distorted crystals from Pilbarra, Western Australia.. 1649 Castro, Mariano Salas 37 Cataracagua lode, see Bolivia. Celebes: Koperberg on tin in Menado 296 See also East Indies. Cento Camerelle, see Italy, Tuscany. Central Asia, see Asia. Cerium, see Association of tin with. Cerro de Iglesia de los Remedies, see Mexico, Durango. Ceylon: Coomaraswamy on tin from Niriella, near Ratnapura 255, 256 Coomaraswamy and Parsons on tin at Niriella, Induwehena, near Dela, and in Kuruwita 257 Dela, tin near 257 Dunstan on tin at Niriella 258 Induwehena, tin at 257 Kuruwita, tin at 257 Niriella, near Ratnapura, tin from 255, 256, 257, 258 Niriella (Palle Patuwa, Nowadun Korale, Sabaragamuwa) , tin at... 256 Noragala, stream tin at 259 Parsons on tin at Noragala 259 Parsons (Coomaraswamy and) on tin in 257 Chaija, see Siam. Chalcedony, see Association of tin with. Chalcocite, see Association of tin with. 272 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 58 Reference Number Chalcopyrite, see Association of tin with. Chaldeans, Berthelot on metals and minerals used by 1379 Challa mine, see Bolivia. Chance, H. M 1002 Chanda, see Burmah, Tennaserim. Chandler, C. F 767 Changkat Pari, see Malay Peninsula. Chanteloube, see France. Chaplin, G. P 358 Chapman, E. J 1597 Charcoal crucibles, assays of tin in 1513 Charente, see France. Charleton, Arthur G 1310 Charlon, E 619 Charpentier, J. F. W 536 Chasewater, see Cornwall. Chauvenet, Regis 1164a Chaya, see Siam. Chemistry, Boerhaave on history, theory, and practice of 1305 Chemistry of tin: Allen on metastannic acid and stannic sulphate 1430 Analysis 1446, 1515, 1531, 1538, 1539, 1583, 1616 See also Analyses of tin. Be"champ and Saintpierre on separation of gold and platinum from tin and antimony 1445 Bergemann on analysis of tin from Xeres, Mexico 1446 Berglund on the qualitative separation of tin, antimony, and arsenic, 1447 Berthelot on the action of oxygen on the compounds of tin, silicon, and boron 1448 Boerhaave on 1305 Boucard on 1454 Boucard on separation of gold and platinum from tin and antimony, 1455 Brooks on the quantitative estimation of tin 1457 Bunsen on the separation of arsenic from antimony and tin 1459 Cahours on organic tin compounds 1460 Cahours and Demargay on organic tin compounds 1461, 1462 Cahours and Riche on organic tin compounds 1463, 1464 Capitaine on the action of tin, arsenic, antimony, and sulphur on the chlorides of mercury 1465 Clarke on the separation of tin from arsenic, antimony, and molyb- denum 1467 (see also 1477) Collins on the solubility of cassiterite 1469 Cramer on precipitation of silver out of tin 1472 de Koninch and Lecrenier on the qualitative separation of gold and platinum from arsenic, antimony, and tin 1474 NO. 2 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TIN HESS 273 Chemistry of tin Continued. Delachanal and Mermet on a compound of tin, platinum, and oxygen. 1475 Dewey on Clarke's method of separating tin from arsenic and anti- mony ...................................................... 1477 Dykes on analyses of slags ....................................... 1483 Eisner on separation of arsenic and tin ........................... 1485 Eisner on separation of gold and platinum from tin and arsenic ____ 1486 Engel on the action of tin nitrate upon tin ........................ 1488 Engel on stannic acid ............................................ 1487 Estimation .................................. 1457, 1491, 1493, 1574, 1585 Feuchtwanger on ................................................ 1321 Praenkel and Fasal on estimation of tin in salts of tin ............. 1493 Frangken on the determination of tin ............................. 1491 Gaultier de Claubry on ........................................... 1494 Gay-Lussac on the separation of antimony and tin ................. 1495 Gerardin on the bichloride of tin as a solvent ..................... 1496 Granger on a crystallized sulphophosphide of tin .................. 1613 Greg and Lettsom on analyses of cassiterite ...................... 1614 Gregor on weathering of metallic tin to the chloride of tin ........ 1498 Hayes on the action of metallic tin on solutions of muriate of tin. . . 1501 Headden on analyses of stannite and its alteration products ........ 1616 Henz on separation of antimony and tin ........ .................. 1503 Jameson on ..................................................... 1621 Jolyet and Cahours on the physiologic action of stannethyl and stannmethyl ................................................ 1508 Kenngott on the alkaline reactions of several minerals ............. 1509 Kersten on tin at Altenberg and in Peru ....... ................... 1512 Klaproth on chemical examination of oxide and sulphuret of tin ____ 1513 Lampadius on analyzing the minerals of tin ...................... 1515 Levol on the quantitative separation of tin and antimony .......... ' 1519 Lewy on some new combinations of the perchloride of tin .......... 1522 Lowig on new organic radicals containing tin ..................... 1528 Mallett on analysis of tin pyrites .................................. 1531 Mene on ............................................. , .......... 1332 Mengin on the separation of tin and antimony in an alloy .......... 1533 Menniche on recovering silver, lead, bismuth, tungsten, and copper from tin ores ............................................... 1534 Moissenet on ......................... ........................... 1536 Moody on hydrolysis of salts of tin in presence of iodides and iodates. 1537 Mulder on analyses of Banka tin ................................. 1538 Muller on the analysis of tin ores ................................. 1539 Musculus on stannic hydrate ..................................... 1540 Ordway on some soluble basic salts of tin ......................... 1543 Pearce on application of chemistry to dressing of tin ores .......... 1546 Personne on the combinations of iodine and tin .................... 1550 Plattner on alloys of lead with tin and antimony ................... 1552 274 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 58 Chemistry of tin Continued. Rawson on the qualitative separation of arsenic, antimony, and tin. . 1553 Rieffel on chemical combinations of copper and tin, and on their alloys ....................................................... 1557 Rose on the quantitative separation of tin, arsenic, and antimony. . . 1559 Rose on the separation of tin and antimony ........................ 1558 Salet on the spectrum of tin .................................... 1561 Sandall on preparing the protoxide of tin ......................... 1563 Scheurer-Kestner on the action of oxygen on the protochloride of tin and on the combination of tin with permanganate of potassium. . 1565 Scheurer-Kestner on the behavior of some chlorides of tin ..... 1564, 1565 Schunck, Smith, and Roscoe on manufacture of tin chloride com- pounds and stannate of soda in the South Lancashire district, England ................................. ................... 1568 Separation ---- 1445, 1447, 1455, 1459, 1467, 1472, 1474, 1477, 1485, 1486, 1495, 1503, 1519, 1533, 1534, 1553, 1558, 1559, 1572, 1575, 1581, 1585 Slagle on the double halides of tin with aniline and the toluidines. . 1569 Smith (J. L.) on the separation of tin and antimony ............... 1572 , Streng on a microscopical-chemical reaction for the testing of tin. . . 1574 Talbott on the quantitative separation of tin and tungsten ......... 1575 Thomas on the action of the peroxide of nitrogen on the halogen salts of tin .................................................. 1580 Vignon on the precipitation of tin from tin-chloride ............... 1581 Vignon on the easy oxidation of the reduced metal ............ 1581, 1582 Wells on the analysis of tin ores ................................. 1583 Witmer on the electrolytic determination of tin and its separation from antimony .............................................. 1585 See also Analyses of tin, metallurgy of tin, assays of tin^ origin of tin. See references Nos. 1428-1587. Chesterfield, see Massachusetts. Chicoana, see Argentina, Salta. Chili, Foullon on tin in .............................................. 1322 Getting on tin at Punitaqui ...................................... 259a Light on tin, deposits of .......................................... 161a Moricke on tin at Punitaqui ...................................... 260 See also South America. Chillagoe, see Queensland. China, tin in ........................................................ 1287 Beck on tin in .................................................. 1299 Browne on tin in ................................................ 1458 Collins on occurrence, mining, and metallurgy of tin, and the mining laws and customs in Yunnan ................................. 266a D'Achiardi on tin in ............................................. 1313 Fawns on tin in ................................................. 1320 Gongong, tin near ................................... 261 (see also 742) Grosier on iron, lead, and tin in ......... . . ........ 267 NO. 2 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TIN HESS 275 China Continued. ' Keference Number Kuochinchang, tin in 262 de Lapparent on tin in 1335 Leclere on tin and copper in Yunnan 268 Mineral resources of 263 Pansner on tin in 269 Willis on tin deposits in Yun-nan 269a Yunnan: Tin deposits, mining laws, and customs in 266a Tin in 262 Cao-Bang, in the north of Tonkin, tin near 265 Kotchiou, tin at 264 Kotiou, tin at 268 Lingngau-f u, tin in 263 Malaken, tin at 268 Tomuko, tin at 268 Tsementong, tin at 268 See also Indo-China and Asia. China clay, Symons on production at Carclaze, Cornwall 463 Chin chin, see Malay Peninsula, Malacca. Chinese method of smelting tin, see Smelting of tin. Chlorine, see Association of tin with. Chlorite, see Association of tin with. Chocaltaya mine, see Bolivia. Chorolque, see Bolivia. Chota Nagpur, see India. Christianshaabs, see Greenland. Chromium, Moody on hydrolysis of salts of, in presence of iodides and iodates 1537 Chualla Grande, see Bolivia. Church, A. H 620 Cieux, see France. Cinnabar, see Association of tin with. Clarence district, see New South Wales. Clark, Donald 1076, 1076a Clarke, Frank W 1311, 1467 Clarke, W. B.. 810, 811, 812, 813, 814 Clay crucibles, behavior of tin in 1513 Claypole, E. W 1003 Cleland, W. Lauder 897 Cleveland mine, see South Dakota, Black Hills. Clifford, Hugh . 680 Cligga Head, see Cornwall. Glitters tin mine, see Cornwall. Clough, C. T. (Flett, J. S., and) 955 276 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 58 Reference Number Clotten, E 898 Coal: Burmah, Mergui 188 Burmah, Tenasserim 199 Clarke on coal in New South Wales 813 Foss on presence of, 28 miles from Mergui, Burmah 188 New South Wales 813 Oldham on coal and tin deposits of Tenasserim, Burmah 199 Queensland 877 Swaziland 1046 Tasmania 1079, 1144 Twelvetrees on deposits in Tasmania 1144 Western Australia 1272 Woodward on deposits in Western Australia 1272 Coapanga, see Mexico, Guerrero. Cobalt, see Association of tin with. Cobaltite, see Association of tin with. Cochabamba, see Boliva. Codrington, T 359 Coghlan, T. A 48, 815, 1077, 1677, 1678, 1679 Coinage (tribute) of tin: Carew on, in England 351 Maclean on, in England 1404 Pearce on, in England 1407 Coins, tin: Malay Peninsula, Pahang, ancient coin discovered in 736 Mexico, chisel-shaped money used in 769 Use by Aztecs 1374 Colenso, John W 360 Cooks Kitchen, see Cornwall. Cooktown, see Queensland. Coolangatta (Currumbin-) Beach, see Queensland. Collett, Octave J. A 681 Collettes, see France, Allier. Collier, Arthur J 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 1250 Collins, Henry F ; 1468 Collins, J. H 361, 362, 363, 364, 365, 366, 367, 368, 369, 768, 1385, 1469, 1470, 1598, 1652, 1680 Collins, W. F 266a Colorado, Emmons on tin at Leadville 270 Leadville, tin at 270 San Juan Mountains, tin in 271 Stevens on tin in the San Juan Mountains 271 See also United States. Colquiri, see Bolivia. NO. 2 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TIN HESS 277 Columbite: Reference Number Dana on tin in 1600 Influence of, upon tin assaying 1466 See Association of tin with. Columbium, see Association of tin with. Combes, Charles 370 Commans, Robert E 1653 Comstock, T. B 1165-1168 Concentrating plant, South Dakota, Harney Peak 983 Concordia lode, see Bolivia. Conder, Hartwell 816, 1078, 1078a Coneto, see Mexico. Congo, see Kongo. Conrad mines, see New South Wales, Howell. Conradite, Thibault on a new compound of stannic and ferric oxides from the Conrad mines, Howell, New South Wales 1644 Conway, Sir Martin 154 Coolbawn, see Ireland. Coolgara district, see Queensland. Coomaraswamy, Ananda K 255, 256. See also 258 and 259 Coomaraswamy, A. K., and Parsons, James 257 Copper: Alloys of, with tin 1433, 1504, 1557 Argentina, Salta 37 Associated with tin, see Association of tin with. Ball on in Stanthorpe district, Queensland 889 Beck on occurrence at Schwarzenberg, Germany 530 Berzelius on occurrence of 1303 Billiton 126a Boase on separation of copper and tin from ores in Cornwall 343 Bolivia 155, 172 Bouse on ores in Madagascar 646 Burmah 188 Buttgenbach on presence in Katanga 275 Campagne on mines of 1309 Castro on, in Salta, Argentina 37 China 268 Collins on copper mines of Cornwall and Devon 364 Collins on copper and other minerals of Cornwall 368 Cornwall 343, 364, 368, 378, 388, 412, 422a, 426, 455, 473, 481a, 1425, 1479, 1656 Devon 364, 1425 Dietzsch on treatment of tin-wolfram-copper ores in Cornwall 1479 Douglas on metallurgy of 1204 . Dressing of 1425, 1654 Dufrenoy and Beaumont on copper in Cornwall 378 Emmons on occurrence in United States and genesis of minerals of. . 1206 78 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 58 Copper Continued. England ........................................................ 457 Farrell on deposits of in Katanga ................................ 276 Ferguson on dressing of ......................................... 1654 Finland .................................................... 950, 953a Foniakoff on deposits in Siberia .................................. 965 Fox on tin and copper veins in Cornwall .......................... 388 France, Vaulry .................................................. 523 Great Britain .................................................. 444 Greenland ..................................................... 580 Germany, Schwartzenberg ............. .......................... 530 Hennecke on occurrence in Persia ................................ 864 Henwood on manipulation of, in central mining district of Cornwall. 1656 Hunt on copper production of Cornwall ........................... 412 India, Bengal .................................................. 596 Ireland, Wicklow ................................................ 603 Jackson on the copper mines of the Lake Superior region .......... 653 Kinahan on tin in copper bearing veins in Wicklow, Ireland ........ 603 Kongo. . ............. ................................... ........ 3 Kongo, Katanga .............................................. 275, 276 Lake Superior region ............................................ 653 de Launay on occurrence in the French Kongo ..................... 3 Lington on the Dolcoath copper and tin mine ............... ....... 422a MacAlister on productive ore ground at Camborne, Cornwall ....... 426 Madagascar .................................................... 646 Menniche on separation of, from tin ores ......................... 1534 Metallurgy .................................... 343, 444, 1204, 1425, 1479 Mining of .................................................. 1425, 1656 Gates on copper and tin deposits of Bengal, India ................. 596 Occurrence of ................................................... 1303 Origin of minerals of ............................................ 1206 Pearce on separation from tin ore ................................ 1547 Persia ................... ....................................... 864 Pilz on deposits in Cartagena, Spain .............................. 1040 Pryce on mining and metallurgy of in Great Britain ............... 444 Queensland ...................................... 877, 881, 889, 932, 935 Rieffel on chemical combinations of tin and copper, and on their alloys ...................................................... 1557 Schoultz-Ascheraden on deposits in Finland ....................... 950 Sellheim on Herberton district, Queensland ....................... 932 Separation from cadmium ....................................... 1583 Separation from tin ores . . ............................. ...... 1534, 1547 Siberia .......................... .- .............................. 965 Simmons on occurrence of ores in Cornwall ..................... '. . 455 Skertchly on deposits in Queensland ..... .. ........................ 935 Smelting of ...... ............................................... 1425 Smyth on occurrence in England ................................. 457 NO. 2 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TIN HESS 279 Copper Continued. Reference Number South Africa 3 C Spain, Cartagena 1040 Sulphides of, associated w;th tin in Bohemia 155 Tasmania 1072, 1079 Tasmania, condition of mines, 1904 1072 Thomas on copper ores near Redruth, Cornwall 473 Triistedt on copper ore deposits at Pitkaranta, Finland 953a Tylor on earliest production of iron, copper, and tin 1420 United States 1206 Vivian on history of copper mining in Cornwall 481a Voit on deposits of, in South Africa 3c Wells on separation of cadmium from 1583 World statistics since 1890 1694 Worth on mining, dressing, smelting, and sale of, in Devon and Corn- wall (historical) 1425 Copper alloys: Analyses of 1433 Heycock and Neville on copper and tin alloys 1504 Properties of the alloys of copper and tin 1433 Specific gravities of 1433 Stress tes'ts of 1433 Copper carbonate, see Association of tin with. Copper oxide, see Association of tin with. Copper pyrite, see Association of tin with. Copper sulphides, see Association of tin with. Copper sulphuret, see Association of tin with. Coquebert, Ch 1031 Cordes, J. H 86, 87 Cork, see Ireland. Corner Inlet, see Victoria. Cornish miners (tin): Collins on 268 Kenwood on character of, etc 402 Leifchild on 422 Wait on habits, characteristics, and mining methods 482 Cornubian 681a Cornwall, tin in 1294, 1298, 1298b Adger on analysis of an anomalous specimen of stannite from 1588 Anonymous, see also W. K. Argall on tin at Wheal Vor in Breage 330 Baldauf on Redruth, Dolcoath, and East Pool mines 331 Ball on comparison of mining and milling methods with those of Queensland 331a Ball on tin mining and milling at Botallack, Wheal Bassett, South Crofty, and Forth Ledden 331b Ball on mining methods in 331c 280 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 58 Cornwall Continued. Barnett on elvan courses, greenstones, and sandstones of Corn- wall, and their associated minerals ............................ 332 Barrow on high-level terraces of Bodmin Moor, and their relation to tin and wolfram deposits .................................... 333 Beaumont (Dufrenoy and) on tin in .............................. 378 Benedict on correspondence of tin bearing granite in Australia to that of ...................................................... 47 Benedict on tin in ........................................... 336, 1301 Bennetts on tin in St. Agnes district .............................. 338 Berger on the physical structure and mines of .................... 339 Bettel on wet and dry methods of assaying in .................... 1450a Black on Carclaze tin mine ....................................... 340 Blake on the Dolcoath mine ..................................... 341 Boase on tin in .................................... . ............ 344 Boase on tin of Botallack and Levant ............................ 343 Boase and Courtney on tin mining in ................. . ........... 342 Bog tin deposit ................................................. 402 Bonnard on tin in the Polgooth, Carclaze, and Pentowan mines ---- 345 Borlase on antiquities of ......................................... 1382 Borlase on history of tin trade in . . . ............................. 1383 Borlase on tin in ........................................ '. ....... 346 Borlase and Rosewarne on tin in ................................. 347 Botallack, geology and tin of .................................. 331b, 343 Breage, tin in ................................................... 420 Brunnich on tin in .............................................. 348 Buller on tin at St. Just ......................................... 349 Burnard on the antiquity of mining in ............................ 1384 Burrows (Thomas and) on the Dolcoath mine ..................... 475 Camborne, tin at .............................. 329g, 385, 411, 425, 426 Camborne to Chasewater, survey from ............................ 471 Caradon and Liskeard district, mining in ......................... 484 Carcanagues on dressing of tin ores in ............................ 1651 Carclaze tin mine ...................... . ......... 340, 345, 418, 463, 474 Carew on tin in ................................................. 351 Cam Brea tin mine ....... ........................... 329g, 380, 389, 474 Cam Brea Hill, section through ................................. 431 Game on the relative age of the metalliferous veins of ............ 353 Carne on tin in ................................................. 357 Came on tin at Drift Moor near Penzance ........................ 355 Carne on tin at St. Just .......................................... 353 Carnon tin deposit .............................................. 402 Chaplin on mine timbering, especially in the Dolcoath mine ........ 358 Chasewater to Camborne, survey from ............................ 471 'Glitters mine, treatment of tin- wolf ram-copper ores at ............. 1479 Cligga Head, tin lodes at ........................................ 449 Codrington on tin in ............................................. 359 NO. 2 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TIN HESS 281 Cornwall Continued. Reference Number Colenso on Happy Union mine at Pentuan 360 Collins on Cornish tinstones and tin capels 1598 Collins on Goonbarrow mine near St. Austell 363 Collins on history of tin production in 1385 Collins on origin and development of ore deposits in 367 Collins on stanniferous deer horns in 365 See also on this subject 372 and 726b. Collins on tin in 361, 364, 366, 368 Collins on tin production, 1201-1800 1680 Col-lins on use of impact screen at Wheal Kitty 1652 Combes on tin in 370 Cooks Kitchen, tin at 389 Gotta on tin in 371, 1312 Couch on stanniferous deer horns in 372 Courtney (Boase and) on tin mining in 342 Dahlblom on tin in 373 Daubree on tin in 1314 Davey on pseudomorphous tin oxide after feldspar in Huel Coates mine, St. ' Agnes 1603 Davies on phenomena of heaves and faults in mineral veins in 374 Davies on tin veins at St. Agnes 374, 1603 Davy on tin in 375 Day on tin in 1318 Deer horns (stanniferous) 365, 372, 726b De La Beche on tin in 376 Dew on tin in 376a Dietzsch on treatment of tin-wolfram-copper ores at the Glitters United Mines 1479 Dolcoath mine, tin in 322, 323, 324, 326, 327, 329g, 331, 341, 358, 380, 389, 422a, 440, 469, 470, 475, 1084, 1320, 1666 Drew on tin in 377 Drift Moor near Penzance, tin at 355 Dufrenoy and Beaumont on tin in 378 Earl of Mount Edgcumbe on tin production, 1873-1883 1681 East Wheal Lovell, tin in 383, 458 Edmonds on Phoenician tin trade with 1389 Falmouth, tin near 411, 459, 1398 Fawns on the Dolcoath mine 1084, 1320 Ferguson on dressing of tin and copper ores in 1654 Flett on brecciated stanniferous vein stones in 380 Flett on Dolcoath, Wheal Basset, South Crofty, Carn Brea, Wheal Kitty, and West Kitty mines 380 Flett (Reid and) on tin in the Lands End district 448 Foster on andrewsite at the West Phoenix mine, Liskeard 1608 Foster on the Great Flat Lode at Redruth and Camborne 385 Foster on tin in 382, 386 282 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 58 Cornwall Continued. Foster on tin at East Wheal Lovell ............................... 383 Foster on tin at Park of Mines ................................... 384 Foullon on tin in ............................................... 1322 Fowey Harbor, tin in ............................................ 1407 Fox on tin and copper veins in ................................... 388 Frecheville on results obtained by Cornish system of dressing tin ores .................................................... 390, 1655 Frecheville on tin at Dolcoath, Cooks Kitchen, Tincroft, and Carn Brea ....................................................... 389 Fuchs and de Launay on tin in. . /. ............................... 391 Garby on a catalog of the minerals found in ...................... 392 Geach (Webb and) on the Caradon and Liskeard district ........... 484 Germoe, tin in .................................................. 420 Goonbarrow mine near St. Austell ............................... 363 Graham on early history of tin in ................................ 1324 Great Vor district, tin in .................................... ..... 317 Great Work mine, tin in ......................................... 420 Gunnisriake, tin near ............................................ 1479 Hancock on Old Wheal Vor ....................................... 394 Hawkins on ancient tin trade in .................................. 1395 Hawkins on gold in stream tin in Ladock ......................... 395 Hawkins on Huel W T herry mine, near Penzance. .; ................. 396 Hawkins on origin of alluvial strata of ....................... .... 399 Hawkins on Polgooth mine ...................................... 397 Hawkins on tin in .............................................. 398 Headden on the Trethellen tin works, Truro ...................... 1617 Helmhacker on tin in ........................................... 400 Henty on Wheal Vor mines ...................................... 401 Kenwood on Carnon, Nancothan, and Bog deposits ................ 402 Kenwood on manipulation of tin and copper ores in ................ 1656 Kenwood on metalliferous veins and ores of .................... 403, 405 Kenwood on Providence mines near St. Ives ....................... 406 Kenwood on stream tin deposits of ............................... 402 Kenwood on tin in ........................................ 404, 407, 408 Hicks on treatment of slime tin in ............................... 1657 Hill on tin in ................................................. 409, 410 Hill and MacAlister on tin in Falmouth, Truro, Redruth, and Cam- borne ...................................................... 411 Huel Peever mine, tin in ........................................ 488 Huel Wherry mine, tin in ........................................ 396 Hunt on history of tin mining in ................................. 1397 Hunt on production of tin and copper in .......................... 412 Hunt on tin mines, ore produced, and prices, 1864-1873 ............. 1687 Hutchin on tin dressing at South Crofty mine .................... 1507a Hutchinson on stokesite, a new mineral from ..................... 1620 NO. 2 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TIN HESS 283 Cornwall Continued. Reference Number James on tin in Falmouth Harbor 1398 Jars on tin in 416 K , W., on tin in 417 Kerl on tin in 419 Kerl on tin in Carclaze near St. Austell 418 Kitto on Great Work mine, in Breage and Germoe 420 Klaproth on chemical examination of tin ore from 1513 Ladock, gold in stream tin in 395 Lands End district, tin in 448 de Lapparent on tin in 1335 de Launay ( Fuchs and ) on tin in 391 Le Grice on tin on Trereife, near Penzance 1518 Leifchild on mines in 422 Levant, tin in 343, 460 Levant (St. Ives and) district, tin in 315, 460 Lington on the Dolcoath copper and tin mine 422a Liskeard (Caradon and) district, mining in 484 Liskeard, West Phoenix mine, andrewsite at 1608 Lobley on tin in 423 Lobley on tin and copper mining in east 423 Lock on tin in 424, 1338 Louis on Cornish process of smelting tin 1523 Louis on tin in 1340 MacAlister on tin in 427, 1659 MacAlister on production of tin, copper, etc., in 1693 MacAlister on productive tin and copper deposits of Camborne 426 MacAlister on vertical distribution of ores in Camborne lodes 425 MacAlister (Ussher and) on tin mining in 481 Maclaren on gold and tin in 428 Maclean on tin mining during 14th century 1403 Maclean on history of tin trade in 1404 Martin on tin mining in 430 Maynard on section through Carn Brea Hill 431 Merret on tin in 432 Moissenet on tin in 433, 434, 435 M/rick on tin concentration in 1541 Nancothan tin deposit 402 Newland on tin industry in 436, 437 Newquay, cassiterite pseudomorphs at 1638 Newquay, geology of country near 449, 1638 Oxland on possibility of reviving mining industries of 438 Paris on tin in 439 Park of Mines, near St. Columb, tin at the 321, 384 Pearce on cobalt with tin in Dolcoath mine 440 Pearce on oxide of tin after quartz and allophane in 1629 10 284 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 58 Cornwall Continued. Reference Number Pearce on tin in 441 Pearce on tin in Fowey Harbor 1407 Pemberthy on tin in, see No. 467. Pennance mine, near Falmouth 459 Pentowan mine, tin in 345 Pentuan, alluvial strata at 399 Pentuan, Happy Union mine, tin in 360 Penzance, " Jew's House " at Trereife near 1518 Penzance, tin near 355, 396, 1518 Phillips ( J. A.) on St. Agnes mine 1632 Phillips ( J. A.) on tin in 442 Phillips (Wm.) on tin in 1633 Phillips (Wm.) on the Tincroft mine 443 Pho3nician tin trade with 1389, 1400, 1414, 1418 Polgooth mine, tin in 345, 397, 1278 Polwhele on history of 1409 Porth Ledden Mills, treatment of tin ores at 331b Posepny on tin in 1351 Providence mines, tin in 406 Pryce on the milling and metallurgy of tin, copper, and lead in. ... 444 Rammelsberg on analyses of stannite from 1637 Rashleigh on alluvial deposits of 447 Ray on tin smelting in 1554 Red River, effect of tin tailings on 482a Red River, loss of slime tin in 1657 Redruth, tin in. 313, 331, 385, 411, 473 Reid and Flett on tin in the Lands End district 448 Reid and Scrivenor on geology of country near Newquay 449, 1638 Restronguet, alluvial tin at 329c Restronguet Creek, tin on 464 Reyer on tin in 450 Rickard on improvement in mining methods in 450a Rosewarne (Borlase and) on tin in 347 St. Agnes district, tin in 338, 374, 449, 1603 St. Agnes district, Huel Coates mine, pseudomorphous tin oxide after feldspar in 1603 St. Austell, tin mines near 363, 418 St. Ives, discovery of tin at 1278 St. Ives, tin near 406 St. Ives and Levant district, tin in 315, 460, 1278 St. Just, tin at 349, 353, 354 Salmon ( ?) on the St. Ives and Levant district 315 Salmon (A. L.) on tin in 453 Salmon (H. C.) on tin in 454 Saunders on ancient tin trade with Phoenicians. . . 1414 NO. 2 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TIN HESS 285 Cornwall Continued. Reference Number Scrivenor (Reid and) on geology of country near Newquay 449, 1638 Sexton on smelting and refining of tin in 1361 Simmons on occurrence of tin, copper, iron, and lead ores in 455 Skewes on magnetic separation of tin and wolfram at Gunnislake Glitters 1662 Skewes on tin mining in 456 Smith on Pho3nician trade with, and on antiquity of tin mining in. . 1418 Solly on tin crystals of various mines of 1 1640 South Crofty mine 329g, 380 South Crofty mine, tin dressing at 331b, 1507a South Wheal Breage mine, tin in 420 Spargo on statistics of tin in t . 1699 Stelzner on tin in East Wheal Lovell 458 Stephens on mines of Levant, St. Ives, and Zennor 460 Stephens on the Pennance mine near Palmouth 459 Spencer on stannite from 1641 Symons on Carclaze tin mine 463 Symons on geology of 462 Symons on tin and china clay at Carclaze 463 Taylor (C. D.) on tin on Restronguet Creek near Truro 464 Taylor ( J.) on business methods in tin mines of 1663 Taylor ( J.) on history of tin mining in 1419 Taylor ( J.) on tin smelting in 1576 Thiollier on metallurgy of ores in 1579 Thomas (C.) on mining in 465, 466 Thomas ( H. ) on tin in 467 Thomas ( J.) on Dolcoath mine 469, 470 Thomas (R.) on survey from Chasewater to Camborne 471 Thomas (R. A.) on tin output of 472 Thomas (R. Arthur) on Dolcoath mine 1666 Thomas (Richard A.) on Wheal Uny, near Redruth 473 Thomas (Wm.) on Carclaze and Cam Brea mines 474 Thomas and Burrows on the Dolcoath mine 475 Tincroft mine, tin at 314, 329g, 389, 443 Trasenster on statistics of tin in, 1879-1881 1700 Tredinnick on tin in 476 Tregaskis on tin in 477 Trereife, near Penzance, " Jew's House " at 1518 Trereif e, tin on 1518 Trethellen tin works, Truro 1617 Truro, tin near 411, 464, 1617 Tweedy on minerals in 478 Tylor on tin in 1420 Unwin on exportation of tin from 480 Ussher and MacAlister on tin mining in 481 Vivian on history of copper and tin mining in 481a 286 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 58 Cornwall Continued. Wait on tin mines of ............................................ 482 Walker on effect of tin tailings on Red River ..................... 482a Warner on tin in ................................................ 1421 Watson on system of mining and statistics of tin in ................ 483 Webb and Geach on the Caradon and Liskeard district ............ 484 Weeks on tin deposits of ........................................ 1372 West on tin mining in ........................................... 485 'West Kitty mine ................................................ 380 Wheal Bassett, geology of ........................................ 331b Wheal Bassett, tin in ............................................ 380 Wheal Breage, tin in ............................................ . 420 Wheal Kitty, use of impact screen at .............................. 1652 Wheal Kitty, tin in .............................................. 380 Wheal Prosper, tin at ........................................... 318 Wheal Uny, near Redruth, Great Flat Lode in ..................... 473 Wheal Vor, tin in .................................... 329g, 330, 394, 401 Williams (A.) on tin mines of .................................... 487 Williams ( J.) on the Huel Peever mine ................ ........... 488 Williams (R. H.) on tin in St. Austell district .................... 489 Woodward on tin ore specimens from ............................. 489a Worth on antiquity of tin mining in .............................. 1421 Worth on mining, dressing, smelting, and sale of tin and copper in. . 1425 Worth on tin in ................................................. 1426 Zennor, tin in ................................................... 460 Zirkel on tin in ................................................. 490 See also England. Correze (Meymac), see France. Corufia, see Spain. Corundum, see Association of tin with. Cotta, Bernard von ................... 65, 371, 501, 537, 538, 539, 540, 541, 1312 Cotton, Leo A ....................................................... 816a Couch, R. Q ......................................................... 372 Counsel, E. A ........................................................ 1079 Country Harbor, see Nova Scotia, Lunenberg County. Courtis, W. M ....................................................... 24 Courtney, W. P. (Boase, G. C., and) .................................. 342 Cowper, Coles S ----- .................................................. 1471 Cox, Herbert S ....................................................... 817 Coxs Bight, see Tasmania. Coya lode, see Bolivia, Cramer, Carl ................................ ........................ 682 Cramer, John Andrew ............................................... 1472 Crawfurd, John ..................................................... 282 de Cressac, C ...................................................... 502, 503 Cretaceous, tin ore in ............................................. 155, 182 Crettier, H.. ... ..................................... 88, 127, 283 NO. 2 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TIN HESS 287 Reference Number Creuse, see France. Cristal Mountains, see French Kongo, Crystal Mountains. Croaghan Mountains, see Ireland, Wicklow. Croghan Kinshelagh, see Ireland, Wicklow. Cronstedt, Axel F 1599 Croockewit, H 683 Croockewit, J. H 89, 1473 Crook County, see Wyoming. Crookes and Roehrig 1242 Crows Nest deposits, see Queensland. Cryolite, see Association of tin with. Crystal Mountains, see French Kongo. Crystallization of tin and tin compounds: Allard on, metal 1429 Bauer on, cassiterite 1591 Becke on, cassiterite 1592 Bernhardi on, metal 1593 Cronstedt on, cassiterite 1599 Disintegration of tin upon crystallization 1434 Foullon on, metal 1609 Foullon on crystallized tin 1490 Greg and Lettsom on, cassiterite 1614 Hiortdahl on, stannmethyles 1505a Jackson on, cassiterite 792 Jermejev on crystals of tinstone from Transbaikalia 1622 Kohlman on measurements of cassiterite crystals 1624 Lacroix on distorted cassiterite crystals from France 516 Miller on measurements of crystals of metallic tin 1627 Mohlengraaf on distorted cassiterite crystals from Swaziland 1052 Phillips on the oxide of tin 1633 Phillips on the cleaving of cassiterite crystals so that the ang-les may be measured 1634 Pirsson on crystals of hematite enclosing cassiterite 1635 Spencer on crystallized stannite from Bolivia 1641 Trechmann on two forms of crystals obtained in manufacture of metallic tin crystals 1645 Woolnough on distorted cassiterite crystals from Pilbarra, Western Australia 1649 See also Mineralogy of tin. Cudgewa district, see Victoria. Cummings mine, see Tasmania. Cupriferous quartz, see Association of tin with. Cuprite, see Association of tin with. Cuprocassiterite : Ulke on a new tin mineral in the Black Hills 1646 See Association of tin with. 288 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 58 Reference Number Cuproscheelite, see Association of tin with. Currumbin-Coolangatta, see Queensland. Cussack, W. G. Kelley 899 Custer City, see South Dakota. Cylindrite: Frenzel on a rare tin ore from Bolivia 1611 Prior on relations of teallite to 1636 D D , C. H 1386 Dabney, Chas. W 241 Dach, Robert 284 D'Achiardi, Antonio 621, 1313 Dahlblom, Th 373 Daintree, R 900 Dakota, Jaquet on tin in 825 See also South Dakota. Dalkey, see Ireland, Dublin. Dalmer, Karl 542, 543, 544, 622 Damour, A 527 Dana, J. D 1600 Dartmoor, see Devon. DaubrSe, A 504, 1314, 1315, 1316, 1340, 1601, 1602 Davey, John 1080 Davey, Sir Humphrey 375 Davey, Stephen 1603 Davey, T. G 1179 David,. T. W. Edgeworth 818 Davies, Alfred T 374 Davies, D. C 1317 Davy,- L 505, 1387 Dawson region, see Yukon. Day, David T 1004, 1005, 1203, 1203a, 1318, 1319 Dechen, H. von 545 Deepwater, see New South Wales. Deer horns, replaced by oxide of tin in Cornwall 365, 372 Deer horns, Scrivenor on absence of tin in those stated to have been re- placed by SnO 2 726b de Kalb, Courtnay 1334 de Koninch, L. L., and Lecrenier, A 1474 Dela, see Ceylon. De La Beche, Henry T 376 Delachanal, B., and Mermet, A 1475 De La Croix, J. Errington 684, 685, 686 de Lapparent, A. 1335 de Launay, L ..3, 518, 854, 1625 NO. 2 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TIN- HESS 289 Reference Number de Launay, L. (Fuchs, E., and) 66, 159, 509, 1323 Delime River, see Nigeria. de Limur (le Comte) . 519 Del Mar, Alex 769 de Loos, D 1339 Delume (Kogin-) River, see Nigeria. Delvaux de Fenffe, A 1476 Demargay, E. (Cahours, A., and) 1461, 1462 Denmark, Bergse process used at Copenhagen for recovery of scrap tin, 1442 Derby, see Tasmania. Derrick, W. H 687 Deville, H. Saint-Claire 1604 Deville, Saint-Claire H., and Caron, H 1605 Devon, tin in 312 Anonymous, see also W. K. Ashburton, stannary of 1427 Bennetts on tin in Dartmoor 337 Berger on the physical structure and mines of * 339 Boase and Courtney on tin mining in 342 Burnard on Stannaries in, and on the antiquity of mining in 1384 Busz on hornfels, garnet-datolite hornfels, and hedenbergite hornfels in Dartmoor 350 Collins on history of tin production in 1385 Collins on origin and development of ore deposits in 367 Collins on tin in 361, 364 Collins on tin production, 1201-1800 1680 Combes on tin in 370 Courtney (Boase and) on tin mining in 342 Dartmoor, tin in 337, 350 De La Beche on tin in 376 Foster on tin in 382 Kenwood on the metalliferous veins and ores of . . . 403, 405 Hill on tin in 409 Hunt on tin in 413, 414 K , W., on tin in 417 Moissenet on tin in 434 Oxland on possibility of reviving mining industries of 438 Spargo on statistics of tin in 1699 Stannaries, laws and customs of the . . 1384 Taylor on business methods in tin mines of 1663 Taylor on history of tin mining in 1419 Taylor on tin smelting in 1576 Thomas (C.) on mining in 465, 466 Tregaskis on tin in 477 Worth on antiquity of tin mining in 1426 Worth on mining, dressing, smelting, and sale of tin and copper in. . 1425 290 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 58 Devon, tin in Continued. Worth on stannary of Ashburton ................................. 1427 See also England. Devonian, tin mines of New South Wales and Queensland occur in the. . 814 Tin in, in Bolivia ................................................ 180a Twelvetrees on tin veins in a granite boss of Devonian age in Tasmania ........................................... . ...... 1147 Waller on tin in granite of Devonian age cutting Silurian sediments, 1155 Dew, J. H. W ......................... .............................. 376a Dewey, Fred P ....................................................... 1477 Diamonds, Voit on deposits of in South Africa ......................... 3c See Association of tin with. Diest, P. H. van ......................... 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 128, 285, 286, 1478 Dietzscb, F .......................................................... 1479 Dijk, P. van ..................................... 95, 96, 690, 1081, 1082, 1480 Dindang district, see Billiton. Dindings, see Malay Peninsula, Perak. Dinsmore, Chas. A ................................................... 1168a Diopsrde, see Association of tin with. Ditte, A ............................................................. 1606 Djeboes district, see Banka. Dogtown, see South Dakota. Dolcoath mine, see Cornwall. Dominican Republic, see Santo Domingo. Doormann, W. H. C .................................................. 286a Doornhoek, see Transvaal. Doren, J ............................................................ 97 Dorfhain, see Germany. Dorset County, see Tasmania. Douglas, J. C ...................................................... .. 1481 Douglas, Jas ---- ..... \. . ., ............................................ 1204 Dowel, W. S ......................................................... 901 Doyle, P ............................................................. 689 Doyle, Patrick ........ ........................ . .................... 688 Dredging, Fawns on methods used in dredging for tin .................. 1320 Dressing of tin ore: Baldauf on methods in Cornwall .................................. 331 Ball, comparison of Cornish methods with those of Queensland ...... 331a On Cornish methods ......... . ............................... 331b Boase on method in Cornwall ..................................... 343 Bolivia ........................................................ 177 Brackenbury on ................................................. 1455a Carcanagues on, in Cornwall ...................................... 1651 Carew on methods in Cornwall ................................... 351 Charleton on ................................................... 1310 Cleland on methods at Stannary Hills, Queensland ................. 897 Collins on methods in Cornwall . . 368 NO. 2 . BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TIN HESS 291 Dressing of tin ore Continued. Reference Number Collins on use of impact screen in 1470 Cornwall 312, 331, 331a, 331b, 343, 351, 368, 390, 403, 419, 490, 1425, 1650, 1651, 1654, 1655, 1656, 1659, 1666 Commans on concentration and sizing of crushed minerals 1653 Davey on losses in at Mount Bischoff, Tasmania 1080 Devon 312, 403, 1425 Pawns on tin crushing and dressing machinery 1320 Ferguson on, in Cornwall f 1654 France, Montebras, ore dressing plants in 496 Frecheville on losses of black tin in Cornish system of 390 Frecheville on results obtained by the Cornish system of 1655 Germany, Altenberg 528 Gower on machinery used in Vegetable Creek tin field, New South Wales t 821, 822, 824 Kenwood on, in central mining district of Cornwall 1656 Kenwood on methods in Cornwall and Devon 403 Hutchin on 1507a, 1507b Kerl on methods in Cornwall 419 Losses in dressing Cornish ores 1650, 1655 MacAlister on, in Cornwall 1659 Malay Peninsula 676c, 704a Menniche on separation of silver, lead, bismuth, tungsten, and copper from tin ores 1534 Mills-Davies on plant at Kooiberg, Transvaal 1185a New South Wales, Vegetable Creek district 821, 822, 824 Pearce on application of chemistry to 1546 Phillips on improvements in 1661 Pryce on 444 Purnett on methods in Bolivia 177, Queensland 331a, 897 Rowe on chemical methods of treating ores 1560 Sexton on 1361 South Africa 3d South Dakota, Black Hills 983, 986 Tasmania 1080 Terrell on final stages in 1576a Terrell on the final stages of tin and wolfram dressing 1664 Thomas (Chas.) on reducing waste resulting from 1665 Thomas (R. A.) on treatment of tin ore at Dolcoath mine, Cornwall, 1666 Transvaal 1185a Tregay on 1667 Weston on methods in South Africa 3d Worth on methods in Cornwall and Devon (historical) 1425 Zirkel on methods in Cornwall 490 See also Metallurgy of tin, milling of tin, refining of tin, and smelt- ing of tin. See references Nos. 1428-1587 and 1650-1668. 292 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS . VOL. 58 Reference Number Drew, S 377 Drift Moor, see Cornwall. Dry Forest Creek, see Victoria. Dry River, see Queensland. Dublin, see Ireland. Duf ren6, Hector 1388 Duf r6noy, P. A 506 Dufrgnoy, P. A. (Juncker and) 513 Duf r6noy, P. A., and Beaumont, Elie de 378 Duf renoy, P. A., and Juncker 507 Dumble, E. T 1169 Dundee, see New South Wales. Dunstan, B 902-905 Dunstan, R. W. . 786 Dunstan, Wyndham R. 258, 647, 857, 858, 859 Durangite: Hanks on occurrence of, in Durango, Mexico 774 See Association of tin with. Durango, see Mexico. Durocher, M. J 508 Dussance 1482 Dutch East Indies, tin in 675, 1298 Day on tin in 1318 Doorman on tin in 286a Lock on tin in 1338 See also Banka, Billiton, Borneo, Celebes, East Indies, Java, and Sumatra. Dykes, F. J. B 691, 692, 693, 1483 Dykes, F. J. B. (Hume, W. J. P., and) 698 E , C.i 49 Ears Mountain, see Alaska. Earl of Mount Edgcumbe 1681 East Indies: Crawf urd on tin in 282 Cretier on tin in Java, Billiton, and the Dutch East Indies 283 D'Achiardi on tin in 1313 D'Achiardi on tin on Karimon Island 284 Diest on tin in Salinta 286 Diest on tin in Singkep Island 285 Doorman on tin in the Dutch East Indies 286a Everwijn on tin at Sukadana, Simpang, Matan, and Palo 291 Everwyn on tin in the Riouw Islands 289 NO. 2 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TIN HESS 293 East Indies Continued. Reference Number Everwyn on tin in Sukadana, Simpang, Matan (Borneo), and Karimata 287 Fawns on tin in 1320 Flores, tin in 301 Fuchs and de Launay on tin in ...... 1323 Hochstetter on tin in 295 Karimata, tin in 287 Karimon Island, tin in ; . . . 284 de Lapparent on tin in 1335 de Launay ( Fuchs and ) on tin in 1323 Lock on tin in . 1338 Menten on tin in Singkep 29-7 Palo, tin in 291 Posewitz on tin in the Riouw-Linga Archipelago 300 Posewitz on tin in Sumatra, Borneo, and Flores 301 Reyer on tin in 1354 Riouw Islands, tin in 289 Riouw-Linga Archipelago, tin in 300 Salinta, tin in 286 Schneider on tin in 306 Singkep Island, tin in 280, 285, 297, 308, 1284 Smyth' on tin in. 1362 Wildman on tin in Singkep 308 See also Banka, Billiton, Borneo, Burmah, Celebes, Dutch* East Indies, Java, Siam, Straits Settlements, and Sumatra. East Pool mine, see England. East Wheal Lovell, see Cornwall. Echassieres, see France, Allier. Echo mine, see Tasmania. Eddy, William 1225 Edlinger, W. 906 Edmonds, Richard 1389 Edwards, C. P ; 1483a Egleston, T ' 1484 Egypt, George on bronze article found in 1392 Winer on the metals and minerals of the ancient Egyptians 1424 Egyptians, George on mining and use of metals by 1392 Ehrenfriedersdorf, see Saxony. Ehrenwerth, J. von 1682 Eibenstock, see Saxony. Elba, see Italy, Tuscany. Eldorado, see Victoria. Electrolytic deposition of tin .... 1290 Elisa lode, see Bolivia. Elk Gulch, see South Dakota, Black Hills. 294 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 58 Reference Number Ellis, Thos. P. (McKillop, John, and) 1530 El Paso, see Texas. El Paso tin deposits, see Texas. Elsmore mine, see New South Wales, Inverell. Eisner, L 1485, 1486 Embabaan, see Swaziland. Embickelweni, see Swaziland. Emerald, see Association of tin with. Emerald mines, see New South Wales, Emmaville. Emmaville district, see New South Wales. Emmens, Stephen H 1006, 1205 Emmons, S. P 155, 270, 1206 Endter, Augusto 155a Engel, R 1487, 1488 England : Abbott on tin in 309 Baldauf on Redruth, Dolcoath, and East Pool mines 331 Bartlett on British mining 334 Batten on tin in 1377 Bawden on dislocation of lodes and strata in 335 Beck on tin in 1299 Boase on tin of Botallack 343 Botallack, tin of 343 Brown on tin in 1307, 1308 Bunter pebble bed, cassiterite in 468 Burrows (Thomas and) on tin in 475 Came on tin in 356 Game on the Relistian mine 352 Chapman on tin in 1597 Collins on history of tin production in 1385 Collins on " Jew's tin " in 362 Collins on tin in 367, 369, 1385 Collins on tin and gold at Treloy 369 D'Achiardi on tin in 1313 Davies on tin in 1317 Dechen on tin in 545 De La Beche on tin in Cornwall, Devon, and Somerset 376 Dixon on tin in, see No. 448. East Pool mine, tin in 331 Edmons on causeway between Marazion and St. Michael's Mount, etc., 1389 English on British mining companies. 379 English on tin mines of * 379 Falmouth Harbor, block of tin dredged in 1398 Foster on the Rosewarne mine 381 Foster on tin in Cornwall, Devon, and Somerset 382 Fowey Harbor, blocks of tin dredged from 1407 NO. 2 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TIN HESS 295 England Continued. Reference Number Fox on tin in Wendron 387 Geological Survey maps showing tin deposits 429 Greg and Lettsom on tin in 1614 Gregor on muriate of tin from 393 . Hawkins on alluvial strata at Forth, Sandrycock, and Pentuan 399 Hawkins on history of tin mines in 1396 Kenwood on tin in 1327 Hunt on mines of 415 } 1688 James on block of tin dredged in Palmouth Harbor 1398 Jars on tin in 416 Kudernatsch on tin in 421 Lancashire, condition of manufacturing chemistry in 1568 Lettsom (Greg and) on tin in 1614 Lewis on history of tin mining in 1402 Louis (Phillips and) on tin in 1350 MacAlister on tin in, see Nos. 448 and 449. Pearce on blocks of tin dredged in Fowey Harbor 1407 Phillips and Louis on tin in 1350 Plinius on tin in 1408 Pollard on tin in, see No. 448. Forth, alluvial strata at 399 Pryce on minerals, mines, and mining of 444 de Ranee on stream tin in 446 Relistian tin mine 352 Rhys on early tin trade of 1413 Rosewarne mine 381 Rudler on minerals in British Isles 452 Sandrycock, alluvial strata at 399 Schnabel on tin in zinc from 794 Schunck, Smith, and Roscoe on condition of manufacturing chemistry in South Lancashire district 1568 Smyth on occurrence of copper and tin in 457 Thomas on cassiterite in Bunter pebble bed in west of 468 Thomas and Burrows on tin in 475 Treloy, tin and gold at 369 Watson on British mining 483 Wendron, tin in 387 Wilkinson on tin in, see No. 448. Woodward on a catalogue of fossils from 489a Worth on antiquity of tin mining in 1426 See also Cornwall, Devon, Europe, Great Britain, and Somerset. English, A.' G 50 English, Henry 379 Enkeldoorn, see Transvaal. Enterprise mine, see South Australia. 296 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 58 Reference Number Epidote, see Association of tin with. Erea Dam, see South Australia. Ernst, C. von 623 Erzgebirge, see Saxony. Eschwege, W. von 874 Eskdale, see Victoria, northeastern district. Esk River, see New South Wales, Richmond County. Etta mine, see South Dakota. Eureka Creek district, see Queensland. Euriowie, see New South Wales. Europe, Bergman on tin veins of 1302 Louis on tin in 1340 Rolker on tin in 1357 8ee Austria, Bohemia, Cornwall, Devon, England, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Norway, Portugal, Russia, Saxony, Scotland, Siberia, Spain, Sweden. Euxinite, see Association of tin with. Evans or Little River, see New South Wales. Everding 155b Everwijn, R 98, 289, 290, 291 Everwyn, R 287, 288 Evigtok, see Greenland. Ewen, D. (Levy, D. M., and) 1521a Exportation of tin: China, 1904 266 Indian Archipelago 282 Sumatra, Siak district 305 Victoria, 1899 to date 1222 F Fairbanks, Harold W 215, 216 Fairbanks region, see Alaska. Fairibault, E. Rodolphe 227 Falls Church, see Victoria. Falmouth, see Cornwall and England. Farrell, John R 276 Fasal, J. (Fraenkel, A., and) 1493 Fatigue of metals, Egleston on fatigue and refreshment of tin 1484 Fawns, Sydney. 156, 277, 694, 770, 1083, 1084, 1320 Fay, Albert Hill , 25 Feather River, see California, Plumas County. Feldspar: Associated with tin 498, 586, 681 Cassiterite pseudomorphs after 357, 478, 479, 1603, 1638 Reid and Scrivenor on cassiterite pseudomorphs after 1638 NO. 2 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TIN HESS 297 Feldspar Continued. Reference Number Replaced by SnO 2 in Cornwall 357 Replaced in turn by tourmaline and SnO 2 in Tasmania 1078a Tweedy on cassiterite pseudomorphs after 478, 479 See also Association of tin with. Pennema, R 292, 293 Ferguson, Henry T 1654 Ferguson Island, see New Guinea. Fergusonite, see Association of tin with. Fermor, L. Leigh 590a Ferrier 129 Feuchtwanger, Lewis 1321 Fichtelgebirge, see Germany. Fiedler, K. G 943 Field, Frederick 1607 Fillery Creek, see Alaska. Financial side of tin: Abbott on the mines of England 309 Banka, 1827 113 Bettany on the tin trade, 1866 1304 Burmah, Mergui district, 1845 206 Burmah, Mergui district, 1889 185 Cornwall: Coinage of tin and commercial practices of 351 Cost of operating, production, and wages 422 Financial outlook, 1900-1901 328 Profits derived from mines in 476 System of selling ore in 316 England, cost book system in , 334 England, mining companies in 379 General 1291 Indian Archipelago, 1820 282 London tiri market in 1902 and 1903 1346, 1347 Malay Peninsula, 1900 712 Malay Peninsula, 1903 681 Malay Peninsula, industrial position of tin fields of 729 Newland on New York and London tin markets in 1902 and 1903, 1346, 1347 New York tin markets in 1902 and 1903 1346, 1347 Perak, 1896 660 Perak, economic conditions 686 Perak, Tambun mine, profits, 1904 670 Struthers and Pratt on market conditions in the United States in 1903 1364 Tasmania, commercial conditions in 1106 Tasmania, Mt. Bischoff, costs of mining in 1083, 1102, 1105 298 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 58 Financial side of tin Continued. Reference Number Tasmania, Mt. Bischoff, dividends 1121a United States, imports, market conditions, and prices of tin in 1907. . 1211 United States, market condition in 1903 1364 United States, tin plate industry, prices, exports, etc 1202 Finistere, see France. Finland: Borgstrom on tin at Pitkaranta 1594 Cotta on tin in 1312 Fawns on tin in 1320 Gadolin on tin at Pitkaranta 1612 Gurney on tin at Pitkaranta, near Lake Ladoga 944 Keppen on tin in 946, 969 Koulibine on tin production of Pitkaranta, 1887-1889 1691, 1692 Krusch on tin at Pitkaranta 947 Ladoga (Lake) tin near 949 Louis on tin in 1340 Nordenskiold on tin in 948, 1628a Phillips and Louis on tin in 1350 Pitkaranta, iron, copper, and tin ores at 953 Pitkaranta, tin at 942, 944, 947, 948, 950, 951, 952, 953 Pusch on tin near Lake Ladoga and elsewhere in Finland 949 Schoultz-Ascheraden on tin at Pitkaranta 950 Somero, ainalite from Pennikja in 1628a Struve on tin at Pitkaranta 951 Tornebohm on tin at Pitkaranta 952 Triistedt on iron, copper, and tin ores at Pitkaranta 953 Triistedt on tin at Pitkaranta 953 See Russia and Europe. Fircks, F. W. von.' 1085 Fischer, H 39, 961 Fitton, William 600 Flett, J. S ; 380 Flett, J. S. (Reid, Clement, and) 448 Flett, J. S., and Clough, C. T 955 Flink, Gust 582 Flores Island, see East Indies. Flower, Phillip Wm 1390 Flower-Ellis, T. J 1489 Fluorine, see Association of tin with. Fluorite, see Association of tin with. Fluorspar, see Association of tin with. Foniakoff , Antonin 965, 966 Forbes, David 157 Forbes Reef, see Swaziland. Foss, K. Mackenzie 188 Fossilbrook, see Queensland. NO. 2 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TIN HESS #99 Reference Number Foster, C. Le Neve 381, 382, 383, 384, 385, 386, 1608 Foster, C. Le Neve (Rowe, T. P., and) 451 Foullon, H 1322 Foullon, H. von 1490, 1609 Fouque", F., and Le"vy, Michel 1610 Fowey Harbor, see Cornwall. Fox, Charles 337 Fox, Robert Were 388 Fraenkel, A., and Fasal, J 1493 Fraenkel, S 99 France: Allier, tin in 516, 1316 Allier, Colettes, tin at 509, 510 Allier, Echassieres, tin at 510 Allier, Lizolle and Echassieres, tin with kaolin at 504 An jou, tin at 516 Audibert on tin veins of Maupas, Morbihan 497 Baudot on tin at Villeder, Morbihan 498 Beck on tin in 1299 Blavier and Lorieux on tin at Villeder, Morbihan. 499 Bourbonne, tin in an altered lead at 1316 Brittany: History of tin trade in 1416 Tin deposits of 501, 508, 516 Burthe on tin at Meymac 500 Chanteloube, tin at 509 Charente, tin in 516 Cieux, tin at 509 Correze (Meymac), tin in. 516 Cotta on tin in 1312 Cotta on tin deposits of Brittany 501 Cressac on tin in 502, 503 Creuse, tin in 509, 516, 522 D , C. H., on ancient tin mines of Limousin and La Marche 1386 D'Achiardi on tin in 1313 Daubree on occurrence of tin ore in 1314 Daubree on tin in an altered lead at Bourbonne 1316 Daubree on tin oxide in kaolin in Allier. 1316 Davies on tin deposits of 1317 Davy on tin between Abbaretz and Vay in Lower Loire 505 Dufrenoy on tin in 506 Dufrenoy on tin at Piriac, Lower Loire 507 Dufrenoy ( Juncker and) on tin at Piriac, Lower Loire 513 Durocher on tin in Brittany 508 Fawns on tin in.. . 1320 300 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 58 France-Continued. Finist&re, tin in ................................................. 516 Fuchs and de Launay on tin in ................................... 1323 Fuchs and de Launay on tin at Villeder, Montebras, Creuse, Vaulry, Cieux, Colettes (Allier), Chanteloube, and St. Leonard ......... 509 Guedras on tin in Barjac, Loze"re ................................. 511 Haute-Vienne, tin in ............................................ 516 Haute-Vienne, St. Leonard, gold at ......... ..... : ................ 1406 Haute-Vienne, St. Leonard, tin at ................................. 509 Hersart on tin in Lower Loire .................................... 512 Ille-et-Vilaine, tin in ............................................. 514 Juncker and Dufrenoy on tin at Piriac, Lower Loire .............. 513 Kerforne on tin at Ille-et-Vilaine ................................. 514 Kerndt on tin at Piriac, Lower Loire ............................. 515 Lacroix on tin in France and her colonies ........................ 516 La Marche, tin deposits of ............................... 523, 1386, 1406 de Lapparent on tin in .......................................... 1335 Lassalle on tin in Montebras .................................... . 517 de Launay on lithine and rare minerals in Montebras .............. 518 de Launay (Fuchs and) on tin in ................................ 1323 Limousin, tin in ................................................ 523 Limousin, working of ancient tin mines in .................... 1386, 1406 de Limur on tin in Villeder ....................................... 519 Lodin on tin in Pontgibaud, Puy-de-Dome ......................... 521 Lodin on tin in Villeder ....... .................................. 520 Louis on tin in ................................................. 1340 Louis (Phillips and) on tin in .................................... 1350 Lower Loire, tin in .................... ........................ 512, 516 Lower Loire, Abbaretz and Vay, tin between ...................... 505 Lower Loire, Piriac, tin at .......... . ..................... 507, 513, 515 LozSre Barjac, tin in ............................................ 511 Maine-et-Loire, tin in ............................................ 516 Mallard on tin at Montebras ........ ............................. 522 Mallard on tin deposits of Limousin, La Marche, and Vaulry ........ 523 Mallard on ancient tin mines of Limousin and La Marche .......... 1386 Manche, Pieux, tin at ................. , .......................... 491 Maures, tin in ................................................... 516 Mazade on the minerals in the mineral waters of Neyrac ........... 524 Meymac, tin at ................................................ 500, 516 Montebras, tin in ................. 494, 496, 509, 517, 518, 522, 1289, 1406 Morbihan, tin in .............................................. 497, 516 Morbihan, Maupas, tin in ....................... .- ................ 497 Morbihan, Villeder, tin at ................... 498, 499, 509, 519, 520, 526 Neyrac, tin at ................................................... 524 Pattison on ancient tin mines of Limousin and La Marche .......... 1406 Phillips and Louis on tin in ...................................... 1350 Puy-de-Dome, tin in ............................................ 516 NO. 2 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TIN HESS 301 France Continued. Reference Number Puy-de-Dome, Pontgibaud, tin at 521 Senez on tin in 525 Simonin on ancient tin mines of Limousin and La Marche 1386 Simonin on history of tin trade in Brittany 1416 Simonin on tin in Villeder 526 Vaulry, gold at 1406 Vaulry, tin near 495, 509, 523, 1406 See also Europe. Franckeite, Prior on relations of teallite to 1636 Stelzner on, from Bolivia 1642 Frangken, V 1491 Franklin, see Victoria. Franklin Mountains, see Texas. Fraser, see Malay Peninsula, Telom. Frecheville, R. J. 389, 390, 1655 Frederikshaabs, see Greenland. Freiberg, see Germany. Freiesleben, J. C 546, 547 French Guiana, Approuague River, tin from 527 Damour on tin on the Approuague River 527 See also South America. French Kongo: Barrat on tin in the Crystal Mountains 272 Crystal Mountains, tin in the . 3, 272 de Launay on tin in 3 " Massinga or Massinda " (Masinde?) north of "Agapota" in the basin of the " Banghi " (Ubangi?) , tin at 3 Stanier on tin on the Ubangi and Welle (Djabbir) 279 Ubangi, tin on the 3, 279 Welle (Djabbir), tin on the 279 Welle Makwa, tin on the 3 See also Kongo and Africa. Frenzel, A '. 1611 Fritzche, P 1492 Frochot, Maurice 158 Fryar, Mark 189 Fryar, Wm 907 Fuchs, E 391 Fuchs, E., and de Launay, L 66, 159, 509, 1323 Fumachhio, see Italy, Tuscany, Monte Fumachhio. Furman, John H 242, 242a Furnaces, Collins on adobe and other cheap 1468 Lesley on furnaces, forges, and rolling mills of the United States . . . 793 Used in roasting tin and copper ores in Cornwall 1656 See also Metallurgy of tin. 302 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 58 G Reference Number Gades (Cadiz), Lewis on tin in 1401 Gadolin, S. A 1612 Gadolinite, see Association of tin with. Galaecia, see Spain. Galena, see Association of tin with. Galicia, see Spain. Gallofa lode, see Bolivia. Garby, John 392 Garcia, Manuel 1032 Garhval, see India. Garland, Joseph 1033 Garnet, see Association of tin with. Garrison, F. Lynwood 217, 243, 1007, 1207 Garston, E. M. de 954 Gascuel, L 643 Gatzschmann, M. F 1391' Gauls, ancient mines believed to have been worked by 1386, 1406 Gaultier de Claubry, H. F 1494 Gautier, Ferdinand 160 Gay-Lussac, Louis J 1495 Gayndah district, see Queensland. Gem minerals, see Association of tin with. Genth, Frederick A 244, 771, 787, 820 George, R. D 1392 Georges Bay, sec Tasmania. Georges River, see Tasmania. Georgia, tin in 1281 Day on tin in 1203a Rolker on tin in 1357 Gerardin, A.? 1496 Germanium, in canfieldite 1631 Germany, tin in .' 1298 Beck on tin in 531, 1299 Blode on tin in 533 Bodenmais, tin in Silberberg near 578a Breitenbrun, tin near 546 Breithaupt on tin in 535 Brown on tin in 1307, 1308 Cotta on tin deposits of 541, 1312 D'Achiardi on tin in 1313 Dalmer on tin and lead ores in the cobalt field of Schneeberg 543 Davies on tin in 1317 Dechen on tin deposits of 545 Dorf hain, tin near 559 Fawns on tin in.. . 1320 NO. 2 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TIN HESS 303 Germany Continued. Reference Number Fichtelgebirge, tin in the 570, 571 Freiesleben on the pyrites, iron, and tin deposits near Breitenbrunn 546 Fuchs and de Laimay on tin in 1323 Gatzschmann on tin in 1391 Gmelin on geology of 548 Greifenstein, cassiterite as rock making mineral in granite of 1639 Jars on tin in *. 416 Klaproth on chemical examination of tin ore from 1513 Lampadius on tin in 1516 de Launay (Fuchs and) on tin in 1323 Louis on tin in 1340 Louis on German process of smelting tin 1523 Louis (Phillips and) on tin in 1350 Newland on tin in 1347 Nowicki on tin in 71 Phillips and Louis on tin in 1350 Sandberger on the origin of tin deposits of 569 Schertel (Stelzner and) on tin in 1643 Schmidt on tin in the Fichtelgebirge 570, 571 Scrap tin recovered and used in 1438, 1497a, 1511 Seegrunde, tin in 562 Seiffen, tin near 559 Silberberg, tin in 578a Stelzner and Schertel on tin in 1643 Weinschenk on tin in Silberberg near Bodenmais 578a See also Saxony and Europe. Germo, see Cornwall. Gertie property, see South Dakota. Geyer, see Saxony. Giants Den, see New South Wales. Gibson, Walcott 2 Giesecke, K. L 583 Gilbertite, see Association of tin with. Gil y Maestre, Amalio 1034 Gimpu River, see Nigeria. Gimpy River, see Nigeria. Gippsland, see Victoria. Glenlinedale, see Queensland. Gladstone district, see Tasmania. Glasser, E 967 Glycium, see Association of tin with. Gmehlin, J. F 548 Gmehling, Andreas 1497 Godefroy, W 100 Godfrey, J. G. H 631 Godhavn district, see Greenland. 304 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 58 Andrews on deposits at Table Top, Timbarra, New South Wales. . . . 797 Argentina, Salta ........................................... ...... 37 Associated with tin, see Association of tin with. Bannister on assaying stream tin for .............................. 1444 Bechamp and Saintpierre on separation of gold and platinum from tin and antimony ............................................ 1445 Becher on gold bearing formations of the Malay Peninsula ......... 678 Billiton ........................................................ 126a Bolivia ......................................................... 172 Boucard on separation of gold and platinum from tin and antimony. 1455 Brache on mining at Eldorado, Victoria ........................... 1224 Brown on discovery of, in South Australia ....................... 974 Burmah ........................................................ 188 Buttgenbach on gold deposits near tin veins in Katanga ........... 275 California, near Los Angeles ..................................... 208 Campagne on mines of ........................................... 1309 Carne on source of gold and tin in beach sands of New South Wales. . 809 Castro on gold deposits in Salta, Argentina ....................... 37 Clarke on researches in gold fields of New South Wales ............ 812 Collins on occurrence with tin in west of England ................. 369 Cornwall, in placers with tin .......... ______ ..................... 395, 428 de Koninch and Lecrenier on the qualitative separation of gold and platinum from arsenic, antimony, and tin. ., ................ ____ 1474 Distribution of .................................................. 1293 Douglas on metallurgy of ........................................ 1204 Eddy on placer deposits in South Gippsland, Victoria, carrying both gold and tin ................................................ 1225 Eisner on the separation of gold and platinum from tin and arsenic. 1486 Emm'ons on occurrence in United States and genesis of minerals of. 1206 England, with stream tin ......................................... 369 English on deposits of tin and gold near Ovens, Victoria ............ 50 Foniakoff on deposits in Siberia .................................. 965 Hawkins on presence in tin stream works of Cornwall ............. 395 Hawkins on superficial production of ............................. 1330 Herman on occurrence near Bruthen, Victoria .................... 1228 Hermann on tin in gold washings of the Ural (Central Asia) ....... 40 Ireland .................................................. 428, 601, 602 Ireland, Wicklow ............. . ....................... 599, 600, 605, 607 Johnson on " getting gold " ...................................... 51 Kinahan on occurrence and mining of, in Ireland ....... ... ....... 601, 602 Kitson on deposits in Victoria .................................... 1229 Kongo, Katanga, gold and tin deposits close together .............. 275 Lapage on deposits in Western Australia .......................... 1259 Maclaren on gold and tin in Cornwall and Ireland ................. 428 Malay Peninsula ...................................... 659, 678, 693, 728 NO. 2 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TIN HESS 305 Gold Continued. Reference Number Malay Peninsula, auriferous gravels in 659 Malay Peninsula, report for 1904 693 Mallet on tin in auriferous gravels in Wicklow, Ireland 605 Metallurgy of 1204 Mexico, age of deposits 783 Mingaye on occurrence in beach sands in New South Wales 831 Mining of 51, 601, 602 Moore on occurrence with tin in killas of St. Pauls Plains, Tasmania. 1114 Napier on sources of gold used by ancients 1405 New South Wales, in beach sands with tin 797, 804, 805, 809, 812, 831 Origin of minerals of 1206 Queensland 877, 935, 936 Rhodesia 1174 Richthofen on the age of the gold bearing deposits of Mexico 783 Rosales on deposits of Mt. Wills, Victoria 1234 S. (W. H.) on cassiterite in gold placers of Bear Gulch, South Dakota. 1015 Sadtler on deposits in the Black Hills, South Dakota 1016 Separation from platinum, tin, and antimony 1445, 1455 Separation from platinum, tin, arsenic, and antimony 1474, 1486 Siberia ....... 965 Simmons on deposits in Black Hills, South Dakota 1018 Simpson on deposits in Western Australia *. 1267 Skertchly on deposits in Queensland 935, 936 Smith on tin in gold works in Wicklow County, Ireland 607 South Africa 3c South Australia 974 South Dakota 980, 1015, 1016, 1018 South Dakota, Nigger Hill district, cassiterite in gold placers 980 Stephens on tin and gold ores of Pahang, Malay Peninsula 728 Tasmania 1072, 1079, 1114 Tasmania, condition of mines in 1904 1072 United States 1206 Ural (Central Asia), tin said to occur in gold placers 40 Victoria, cassiterite in gold placers 50, 1224, 1225, 1228, 1229, 1234 Voit on deposits of, in South Africa 3c Western Australia .1259, 1267 Goldmine River, see Ireland. . Goldschmidt, K 1497a Gongong, see China and Malay Peninsula. .Good, T 1323a Goonbarrow mine, see Cornwall. Goping, see Malay Peninsula, Perak. Goshen, see Massachusetts. Getting, A 259a 306 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 58 Reference Number Gould, Chas 1086 de Gouvenain, C. A 510 Gower, George H 821, 822, 823, 824 Graham, Walter 1324 Grain tin, preparation of in Cornwall and Devon 1576 Granger, A 1613 Grant, H 1087-1091 Graphite, Voit on deposits of, in South Africa 3c See Association of tin with. Graphite City, see Quebec. Graton, L. C 245, 246 Graupen, see Bohemia. Gray, John W 1325 Great Britain, tin in 1287, 1289, 1290, 1292 Hunt on mineral statistics, 1853-1906 1688 Newland on tin in 1346, 1347 See also England, Ireland, Scotland, and Europe. Greathead, Samuel 1393 Great Mussel Roe River, see Tasmania. Great Vor district, see Cornwall. Great Work mine, see Cornwall. Greece, Borlase on early tin trade of 1382 Greece, Fischer on crocidolite quartz in 39 Greenbushes, see Western Australia. Greenland, tin in 580 Tin in Laurentian rocks of 224 Allen on minerals in 579 . Arsuk (Arsut) Fjord, tin on 583, 584 Boggild on tin in 581 Christianshaabs district, tin in 583 Evigtok near Arksut, tin at 586 Fawns on tin in 1320 Flink on tin in southern part 582 Frederikshaabs, minerals near 580, 583 Giesecke on tin in the Christianshaabs, Frederickshaabs, and God- havn districts , 583 Godhavn district, tin at Itivdliarsuk 583 Hoff on tin at Ivikaet on Arsut Fjord 584 Ivikaet on Arsut Fjord, tin at 584 Rink on the people and products of 535 Tayler on tin at Evigtok near Arksut 586 Greg, R. P., and Lettsom, W. G 1614 Gregor, William 393, 1498 Gregory, J. W 1092, 1226 NO. 2 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TIN HESS 307 Reference Number Gregory, T. P 908, 909 Greifenstein, see Germany. Griffith, H. D 1180 Griffiths, Harry D 234, 234a Groddeck, Albert 549, 1093 Groenfontein, see Transvaal. Groenvlei, see Transvaal. Groot, C. de 101, 130, 131, 132 Grose, Joseph 772 Grosier, J. B. G. A 267 Grundy, James 190 Guanajuato, see Mexico. Guedras, Marcel 511 Guenther, Richard 1326 Guerrero, see Mexico. Gulfmine, see New South Wales, Bendemeer. Gumbel lodes, see New South Wales, Molong district. Gunnislake, see Cornwall. Gunong Gapis, see Malay Peninsula, Telom. Gurlt, A 624 Gurney, H. P 944 H Hahn, P. D 1048 Haldane, A. C 910, 911 Half Moon Bay, see New Zealand, Stewart Island. Hall, A. L 1181, 1182 Hallwich, H f 67, 550 Halse, Ed 773 Hamilton, Alexander 294 Hampton, J. H. 695, 696, 697, 1049, 1094 Hancock, Richard ' 394 Hanks, H. G *. 218, 774, 1394 Happy Union mine, see Cornwall, Pentuan. Harcourt-Smith, J 1095, 1095a Hardhead, Levy and Ewen on the bessemerizing of 1521a Harmony, Julio. '. 1035 Harney Peak mine, see South Dakota. Harney Range, see South Dakota. Harrison, G 161 Haute-Vienne, see France. Haiiy 1499, 1615 Hawkins, C 395, 1395 Hawkins, John 396, 397, 398, 399, 1396, 1500 308 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 58 Reference Number Hayes, Augustus A 1501 Hazaribagh, see India, Chota Nagpur. Headden, Wm. P 1008, 1208, 1502, 1616, 1617 Headden, W. P. (Carpenter, P. R., and) 1466 Heale, Josh 875 Heemskirk, see Tasmania. Heifer, J. W 191 Helmhacker, R 400 Hematite: Beck on occurrence at Schwartzenberg (Germany) 530 Pirsson on cassiterite crystals in crystals of 1635 Replaced by cassiterite in Durango, Mexico 771 See Association of tin with. Hennecke, Ludwig 864 Henry mine, see Tasmania. Henty, G. M 401 Kenwood, George 402, 403 Kenwood, W. J 404, 405, 406, 407, 408, 1327, 1656 Henz, P 1503 Henzai, see Burmah. Herberton district, see Queensland. Herman, H 1227, 1228 Herman, R 945, 968 Hermann 40 Hersart, Ch 512 Herter, Paul, and Rath, G. von 625 Hess, Frank L 26, 27, 247, 1009, 1209-1211, 1328, 1329 Heterosite, see Association of tin with. Heycock, C. T., and Neville, P. JI 1504 Hicks, James 1505, 1657 Hidalgo, see Mexico. Higuei, see Santo Domingo. Hill, J. B * 409, 410 Hill, J. B., and MacAlister, D. A : 411 Hill, J. H 28 Hin-boun, see Siam, Laos. Hiortdahl, P. H 1505a Hirukawa, see Japan. History of tin: Alaska 28a Baudot on 1378 Baudot on mines of Villeder, Morbihan, France 498 Banka 1415 Banka, history of mining methods 74 Bapst on antiquity of tin 1375, 1376 NO. 2 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TIN HESS 309 History of tin Continued. Reference Number Batten on the stannaries act 1377 Benedict on tin in California 213 Benedict on tin in South Dakota 990 Benedict on tin in Tasmania 1074 Benedict on tin mining in Cornwall 336 Berthelot on minerals and metals of the ancient Chaldeans 1379 Bible on tin 1380 Billiton . 134 Boase and Courtney on tin mining in Cornwall and Devon 342 Bohemia 67, 565, 566, 567 ' Borlase on early Grecian and Phoenician tin trade 1382 Borlase on source of Phoenician tin 1381 Borlase on tin in Cornwall 1382, 1383 Borlase on tin mining in Spain, past and present 1028 Bretherton on tin deposits of Mexico 765 Burnard on the antiquity of the Bronze age in Britain and on the laws and customs of the stannaries in Devon 1384 California 222 Cameron on the Herberton district, Queensland 895 Carne on history, ancient methods of mining, and antiquity of dig- gings in Cornwall 354, 355 Chaldeans, tin among the 1379 Collett on tin in Malay Peninsula 681 Collins on Cornish mines and miners 368 Collins on tin production in England 1385 Conder on tin mining in Tasmania 1078 Conran on tin mining in Cornwall 370a Cornish names, origin of 439 Cornwall 336, 342, 354, 355, 368, 370a, 412, 413, 427, 439, 450a, 481a, 482, 484, 1382, 1383, 1389, 1395, 1397, 1409, 1419, 1421, 1425, 1426, 1427 Cornwall, Redruth district 313 Cornwall tin mining 310 Crawfurd on the Indian Archipelago 282 D , C. H., on tin in France 1386 Davies on antiquity of tin mining 1317 Davy on the antiquity of tin in Great Britain 1387 Devon 342, 413, 1384, 1419, 1425, 1426, 1427 Dufrene" on the production and commerce of tin 1388 East Indies 305 Edmonds on Phoenician tin trade with Cornwall 1389 Egyptians, tin among the . .1392, 1424 England 415, 1384, 1385, 1387, 1395, 1396, 1402, 1403, 1404, 1407, 1413, 1417 Fawns on.. . 1320 310 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 58 History of tin Continued. Feuchtwanger on ................................................ 1321 Flower on the tin plate trade .................................... 1390 France ........................................... 498, 1386, 1406, 1416 Freiesleben on the mines of Germany ............................ 547 Furman on discovery of tin in North Carolina .................. 242, 242a Garrison on tin in the United States .............................. 1207 Gatzschman on tin mining at Freiberg, Saxony ................... 1391 George on mining and use of metals by Egyptians ................. 1392 Germany ........................................ 547, 550, 564, 570, 571 Grant on Tasmanian tin deposits ................................. 1086 Greathead on sources and uses of tin among ancients .............. ' 1393 Grecians, tin among the ......................................... 1382 Hallwich on mining at Graupen and Upper Graupen, Bohemia ____ 67, 550 Hamilton on discovery of tin in Sumatra ......................... 294 . Hanks on discovery of tin ........................................ 1394 Hawkins on ancient tin trade in Cornwall ........................ 1395 On tin mines of England ................................. 1395, 1396 Headden on discovery of tin in Black Hills, South Dakota ......... 1008 Hill on York tin mines, Seward Peninsula, Alaska .............. ... 28a Hunt on British mining ......................................... 415 On tin trade in Cornwall and Devon .......................... 413 On tin and copper production in Cornwall ........ ............ 412 On traditions and history of Cornish tin mining .............. 1397 Indian Archipelago .............................................. 282 Ireland ......................................................... 603 Italy, discovery of tin, and antiquity of bronze in .................. 611 James on the Ictis of Diodorus ....... . ........................... 1398 On Phoenician tin trade ...................................... 1399 Kayser on tin mining in Tasmania ............................... 1100 Kenrick on Phoenician tin trade .................................. 1400 Kinahan on antiquity of tin in Ireland ........................... 603 Lakes on history, uses, and sources of tin. . . . ..................... 1334a Lewis on the English tin miner ...... ............................ 1402 Lewis on sources of Phoenician tin ................................ 1401 Louis on ........................................................ 1340 MacAlister on Cornish mines ..................................... 427 Maclean on the stannary roll .................................... 1403 Maclean on tin coined in England between 1305 and 1607 .......... 1404 Malay Peninsula .............................................. 681, 747 Mexico ......................................................... 765 Missouri ........................................................ 1423 New South Wales, discovery of tin in ........................... 798, 802 North Carolina ............................................... 237, 242 Napier on sources of ancient tin .................................. 1405 Paris on origin of Cornish names, etc ............................. 439 NO. 2 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TIN HESS 311 History of tin Continued. Reference Number Pattison on antiquity of tin in France 1406 Pearce on ancient tin blocks found in Fowey Harbor 1407 Phoenicians 744, 1381, 1382, 1389, 1399, 1400, 1401, 1410, 1414, 1418 Plinius on ancient tin 1408 Polwhele on tin in Cornwall 1409 Posewitz on discovery of tin in Billiton 134 Praagh on discovery of tin in Transvaal 1186 Queensland 895, 934 Ranft on Mt. Bischoff mine, Tasmania 1122 Rawlinson on Phoenician tin trade 1410 Reyer on. / 1412 On different tin regions 1354 On the tin-bearing rocks and tin works in the Erzgebirge, Germany 564 On tin between 1800 B. C. and A. D. 1873 1411 On tin mining in Bohemia and Saxony 565, 566 Rhys on early Britain, Celtic Britain 1413 Rickard on " Fifty years in Cornwall " 450a Rolker on tin mining in the East Indies 305 Saunders on sources of Phoenician tin 1414 Saxony 565, 566, 567, 1391 Schmidt on tin in the Fichtelgebirge. 570, 571 Schultz on history of the use of tin 1359 Schuurman on tin in Banka 1415 Simmons on tin in the Black Hills 1019a Simonin on tin mines in Brittany 1416 Skertchly on the Herberton district, Queensland 934 Smirke on tin trade between Britain and Alexandria in 17th century, 1417 Smith on source of early Phoenician tin 1418 South Dakota > 990, 1008, 1019a, 1192 Spain ! 1028 Stevens on 1363 Sumatra 294 Tasmania 1074, 1078, 1086, 1100, 1122, 1158a Taylor on " Iktis " and on copper, iron, and tin 1420 Taylor on mining in Cornwall and Devon 1419 Transvaal 1186 United States 1207 Vivian on tin and copper mining in Cornwall. 481a Wait on history of tin in Cornwall 482 Ward on tin field of North Dundas, Tasmania 1158a Warner on tin in Cornwall 1421 Webb and Geach on Caradon and Liskeard district of Cornwall 484 Weeks on 1372 Werner on the most ancient metal 1422 312 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 58 History of tin Continued. West on Temescal mines, California .............................. 222 Wheeler on tin mining fraud in Missouri ......................... 1423 Winer on metals and minerals of ancient Egypt ................... 1424 Worth on tin mining in Cornwall and Devon ............ 1425, 1426, 1427 Wray on Malayan tin trade ...................................... 747 On source of early Phoenician tin ............................. 744 See references Nos. 1373-1427. Hitachi, see Japan. Hitchcock, C. H ................................................... 649, 650 Hitchcock, Edward .................................................. 749 Hoang-hai, see Korea. Hochstetter, Ferdinand ............................................ 294, 295 Hoff, Th ............................................................. 584 Hoffman, G. C ......... .............................................. 228 Hoffman, W. J ....................................................... 788 Hofman, Heinrich ................................................. 1506 Hohagen, Georg ...................................................... 1506a Holland, T. H ..................................................... 192, 591 Honduras, Montis on tin in .......................................... 586a Hoogekrall, see Cape Colony. Hooze, J. A .................. . ...................... ................. 102 Hopkins, Evan ...................................................... 1330 Hopkinson River, see Queensland. Hornblende, see Association of tin with. Horsfield, Thomas ................................................... 103 Horsley, Sydney ..................................................... 912 Hosainpura, see India, Palanpur. Hoskold, H. D ....................................................... 38 Howell, see New South Wales. Huaina, see Bolivia, Juaina Potosi. Huancane, see Peru, Puno. Huanuna, see Bolivia, Juanuni district. Huanuni, see Bolivia, Juanuni district. Huaina, see Bolivia, Juaina Potosi. Huayna, see Bolivia, Juaina Potosi. Hiibnerite, see Association of tin with. Huel Bijjerkerno mine, see New South Wales. Huel Peever mines, see Cornwall. Huel Wherry mine, see Cornwall. Hughes, T. W. H ............................................ 193, 194, 1507 Hughes Creek, see Idaho. Huguenin, J. A ...................................................... 104 Hulseite, Knopf on a new magnesian iron-tin boron mineral .......... 29a, 29b Humbolt, Alexander de .............................................. 775 Hume, W. C ......................................................... 913 Hume, W. J. P., and Dykes, F. J. B .............. 698 NO. 2 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TIN HESS 313 Reference Number Hungary, Phillips and Louis on tin in 1350 Hunt, John 1096, 1097 Hunt, Robert 412, 413, 414, 415, 1397, 1619, 1687, 1688 Hunt, T. Sterry 651, 652, 1331 Huoyna, see Bolivia, Juaina Potosi. Hutchin, H. W , 1507a, 1507b Hutchinson, A 1620 Hyuga, see Japan. I Iberian Peninsula, Louis on tin in 1340 Ichoca, see Bolivia. Ictis of Diodorus Siculus, Hawkins on the 1395 James on the 1398 Tylor on the 1420 Idaho, Bitter Root Mountains, tin in drainage from 214, 1201 Blake on tin in streams flowing from Bitter Root Range 214, 1201 Blake on tin in 1202 Kemp on tin in 1213 Lindgren on wood tin on Hughes Creek 586b See also United States. Iktin, origin of name 1389 Ilmenite, see Association of tin with. Impact screen, used at Wheal Kitty, Cornwall 1652 Importation of tin: Russia, 1888-1890 941 Russia, 1904 942 Victoria, 1899 to date 1222 India: Ball on tin in 589 Bastar, tin in '. 597 Bengal, tin in 596, 597 Bombay, tin in ; 597 Chota Nagpur, tin in. 588, 592, 593, 595, 596, 597 Hazaribagh district, tin in 588, 593, 595 Nurgo or Nurunga (Narungo) , tin at 592, 596 Pihra, tin at 592, 593 Simratari, tin at 592, 593 D'Achiardi on tin in 1313 Fermor on the manganese ore deposits of 590a Garhval, tin in 598 Holland on tin at Hosainpura in Palanpur 591 King on tin from several places in Chota Nagpur 592 Kumaon, tin in 598 Lock on tin in 1338 Louis (Phillips and) on tin in 1350 314 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 58 India Continued. Mallet on tin in .............................................. -. . . 594 Mallet on tin in Hazaribagh, Pihra, and Simratari .................. 593 Martaban, tin in ................................................ 595 Medlicott on tin in Hazaribagh and Martaban ..................... 595 Gates on tin at Narungo, near Baragunda, Bengal .................. 596 Palanpur, Hosainpura, tin at .................................. 587, 591 Phillips and Louis on tin in. ... .............................. .... 1350 Rudra on tin in Bengal, Chota Nagpur, Bombay, and Bastar ........ 597 Stephens on tin in Kumaon and Garhval .......................... 598 See also Burmah and Asia. Indium, see Association of tin with. Indo China, tin in .......................... .. ........................ 265 Indo China, see also Malay Peninsula, Siam, and Laos. Induwehena, see Ceylon. Ingalls, Walter Renton .............................. 229, 776, 777, 778, 1332 Ingoda River, see Siberia. Inverell district, see New South Wales. Inyo County, see California, Iodide of tin, Hunt on influence of magnetism and voltaic electricity on crystallization of ................................................ 1619 Iodine, Personne on the combination of tin and ........................ 1550 Ireland, Mark ....................................................... 1098 Ireland: Ballinvally, tin at .............................................. . 601 Coolbawn, tin in ................................................ 601 Cork, Kilcrohane (Sheep Head), tin at ........................... 602 Croaghan Mountains, tin in ...................................... 607 Dublin, geology near ...................................... 600, 602, 609 Dalkey at Kingstown, lode tin at ........................... 602, 603 Fawns on tin in ................................................. 1320 Fitton on geology near Dublin and on tin at Wicklow .............. 600 Goldmine River, tin on ........................................... 428 Kenwood on tin and gold in Wicklow ................ ............. 1327 Hunt on mineral statistics, 1853-1906 ............................. 1688 Kerry, Killarney, tin at ....................................... 602, 603 Kerry, Lough Leane, tin at ....................................... 602 Kinahan on tin at Ballinvally, Monaglogh, and Coolbawn ........... 601 On tin in Dublin, Kerry, Cork, and Wicklow ................ 602, 603 Maclaren on tin in Wicklow ..................................... 604 On gold and tin on Goldmine River, Wicklow County ........... 428 Mallet on tin in Wicklow .................. ...................... 605 Monaglogh, tin in ............................................... 601 Mourne Mountains, tin in ...................................... 603, 606 Seymour on tin in the Mourne Mountains ......................... 606 NO. 2 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TIN HESS 315 Ireland Continued. Reference Number Smith on tin in the Croaghan Mountains, Wicklow 607 Weaver on tin at Croghan Kinshela, Wicklow , 608 On tin in Dublin and Wicklow 609 Wicklow, tin in 599, 600, 602, 603, 604, 605, 607, 608, 609, 1327 Croaghan Mountains, tin in 607 Croghan Kinshelagh area, tin in 604, 608 Goldmine River, Woodenbridge, tin in 602, 603 Ovoca district, tin in 603 See also Great Britain and Europe. Irish Creek, see Virginia, Rockbridge County. Iron: Alloys with tin and other metals 1452, 1502 As an element, an ore, in manufacture, in commerce, and in history. 793 Associated with tin, see Association of tin with iron and the different iron minerals. Billings on alloys with tin and other metals 1452 Billiton .' 126a Bolivia 155 Burmah, Tenasserim. . 191 Campagne on mines of 1309 China 267 Commerce of 793 Cornwall 455, 1617 Earliest production of. 1420 Egypt (B.C. 3124) ... 1420 Emmons on occurrence in United States and genesis of minerals of. .~l206 Finland, Pitkaranta 953a Foniakoff on deposits in Siberia 965 Friesleben on deposits near Breitenbrunn, Germany 546 Furnaces, forges, and rolling mills of the United States 793 Germany, Breitenbrunn , 546 Greenland 580 Grosier on, in China , 267 Headden on alloys of tin and iron, etc 1502 Headden on iron compounds in an old Cornwall furnace 1617 Heifer on iron in Tenasserim district of Burmah 191 Hennecke on occurrence in Persia 864 History of 793 Hydrolysis of salts of, in presence of iodides and iodates 1537 Lesley on furnaces, forges, and rolling mills of the United States 793 Manufacture of 793 Mines of 1309 Moody on hydrolysis of salts of, in presence of iodides and iodates. 1537 Pilz on deposits in Cartagena, Spain 1040 11 316 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 58 Iron-Continued. Pearce on separation from tin ore ................................ 1547 Persia .......................................................... 864 Separation from tin ore .......................................... 1547 Siberia ......................................................... 965 Simmons on occurrence of ores of, in Cornwall ..................... 455 South Africa .................................................... 3c Spain, Cartagena ................................................ 1040 Sulphides of, associated with tin in Bolivia ....................... 155 Tasmania ....................................................... 1079 Tylor on earliest production of iron, copper, and tin ............... 1420 Triistedt on iron ore deposits at Pitkaranta, Finland ............ .. . 953a United States ................................................... 793 Voit on deposits of in South Africa ............................... 3c Iron arsenate, see Association of tin with. Iron oxide, see Association of tin with. Iron pyrite, see Association of tin with. Iron sulphides, see Association of tin with. Irvinebank, see Queensland. Irving, J. D ..................................................... 1010, 1011 Italy: Beco and Thonard on tin in Tuscany ............................. 612 Berget on tin in Campiglia Marittima, Tuscany ................... 613 Blanchard on tin in Campiglia Marittima, Tuscany .......... 614, 615, 616 Braun on tin in ................................................. 617 Brown on tin in ........... .................................. 1307, 1308 Caillaux on tin in Tuscany ...................................... 618 Charlon on tin in Tuscany ....................................... 619 Church on tin in ................................................ 620 D'Achiardi on tin in ............................................ 1313 On tin in Campiglia Marittima, Tuscany ...................... 621 Dalmer on tin in Campiglia, Tuscany ............................ 622 Ernst on tin in ................................................. 623 Fawns on tin in ................................................. 1320 Fuchs and de Launay on tin in ................................. 1323 Gurlt on tin on Monte Fumachhio near Campiglia, Tuscany ......... 624 Herter and Rath on tin in Campiglia ............................. 625 Langer on tin in Tuscany ........................................ 626 de Lapparent on tin in ........................................... 1335 de Launay (Fuchs and) on tin in ................................ 1323 Lotti on tin in Campiglia, Tuscany ............................... 627 Phillips on tin in Campiglia Marittima, Tuscany .................. 628 Phillips and Louis on tin in ..................................... 1350 Rath (Herter and) on tin in Campiglia, Tuscany .................. 625 Thonard (Beco and) on tin in Tuscany ....... 612 NO. 2 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TIN HESS 317 Italy Continued. Tuscany, tin in ........... , .......................... 612, 618, 626, 627a Beck on tin on Elba ........................................ 1300 Boceheggiano, tin in copper ores of ........................... 613 Campo Alle Buche, tin at .................................... 627 Campiglia, tin near. .610, 613, 614, 615, 616, 621, 622, 624, 625, 627, 628 Cento Camerelle, tin in the ............................ 615, 621, 627 Elba, tin on ................................................. 1300 Massa Marittima, tin in copper ores of ........................ 613 Monte Calvi, tin near ....................................... 613 Monte Fumachhio, tin on .............................. 613, 615, 624 Monte Valerio, tin on ............................ ........ 613, 627 See also Europe. Itivdliarsuk, see Greenland, Godhavn district. Ivikaet, see Greenland. J Jack, Robt. L ...................................................... 914-918 Jackson, Ch. T ............................................ 653, 654, 791, 792 Jackson [J. R.?] .................................................... 219 Jackson, see New Hampshire. Jacobs, E ........................................................... 28b Jaquet, J. B ......................................................... 825 Jahor, see Malay Peninsula, Johore. Jalar, see Siam. Jalisco, see Mexico. James, Henry ................................................... 1398, 1399 Jameson, Robert ............... . ....................... , ............ 1621 Japan, tin in .................... ................................ 629, 1672 Beck on tin in ................................................. 1299 Bungo, tin in ........................................... 631, 632, 636 Kiura mine, tin in the ........................................ 630 Ohira-tetsu-san, tin in ....................................... 634 D'Achiardi on tin in ............................................. 1313 Fawns on tin in ................................................ 1320 Godfrey on tin in Bungo and Taniyama, Satsuma ................. 631 Hirukawa, stream tin near ....................................... 630 Hitachi, tin in ..................... . ........... , .............. 632, 636 Hyuga, tin in .................................................... 636 Jimbo on tin in Mino, Satsuma, Bungo, and Hitachi ............... 632 Kinshin Island, tin on ........................................... 634 Munroe on tin in, espcially Taniyama mine ...................... 633 Mino, tin in ......... ......................................... 632, 636 Rein on tin in Satsuma and Bungo ............................... 634 Rolker on tin in.. . 1357 318 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 58 Japan-Continued. Satsuma, tin in ....................... , ....................... 632, 636 Taniyama, tin in ................................ 631, 633, 634, 635 Suo, tin in ............................. ......................... 636 Takayama, stream tin near ...................................... 630 Wada on tin industry, 1867-1892 ..... ............................. 635 See also Asia. Jars, G .......................................................... 416, 1333 Java, Cretier on tin at Batavia ....................................... 283 See also East Indies. Jelebu, see Malay Peninsula. Jenisei region, see Siberia. Jeremejev, P .................................................... 1622, 1623 Jerusalem Creek, see New South Wales, Richmond County. " Jew's House," Le Grice on at Trereife, near Penzance, Cornwall ...... 1518 Jigs used in manipulation of tin and copper ores in Cornwall ......... 1656 Jimbo, Kotora ....................................................... 632 Joachimsthal, see Bohemia. Johanngeorgenstadt, see Saxony. Johnson, J. B ....................................................... 1183 Johnson, J. C. P ..................................................... 51 Johnson, J. P ........................................................ 2a Johnston, R. W ...................................................... 1099 Johore, see Malay Peninsula. Jokely, Job ....... . .................................................. 68 Jolyet, F., and Cahours, A ............................................ 1508 de Jongh, D ................................................... 105, 106, 107 de Jongh, H. D ................... .................................. 108 Jorissen, E. . . .................................................... ... 1050 Josephats Valley, see Malay Peninsula. Juaina Potosi, see Bolivia. Juanuni district, see Bolivia. Juncker (Dufrgnoy, P. A., and) .................... ' .................. 507 Juncker and Duf r6noy, P. A .......................................... 513 Junk-Ceylon, see Siam. Juwaa, see Persia. K K - , W. ............................... . ..................... 417 de Kalb, Courtnay ................................................... 1334 Kamerun: Tin in ..................... . .......... . ....................... 637, 638 Fawns on tin in .................... . ...... * ..................... 1320 Macco on tin in ................................................. 639 See also Africa. Kammun, see Siam, Laos. NO. 2 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TIN HESS 319 Reference Number Kampar River, see Malay Peninsula, Perak. Kamunting, see Malay Peninsula, Perak. Kandawangan, see Borneo. Kangaroo Hills, see Queensland. Kaolin: Hennecke on occurrence in Persia 864 See Association of tin with. Karimata, see East Indies. Karimon Island, see East Indies. Karlsbad, see Bohemia. Katanga, see Kongo. Kayser, H. W., and Provis, Richard 1102 Kayser, H. W. F 1100, 1101 Kedah, see Siam. Kelantan, see Siam. Kemaman, see Malay Peninsula. Kemp, Jas. F 1212, 1213 Kempen, A. R. (Brandenburg, H., Weyland, A., and) 1456 Kempton, C. W 779 Kendrick, John 1400 Kenngott, A 1509 de Keppen, A 946, 969 Kerforne, F 514 Kerl, Bruno 418, 419, 1510 Kerndt, C. H. Thdr 515 Kerry, see Ireland. Kershaw, John B. C 1511, 1511a Kersten, C. M 1512 Keweenaw County, see Michigan. Keyzer, S. S 235 Kieves, used in Cornwall 1656 Kilcrohane (Sheep Head), see Ireland, Cork. Killarney, see Ireland, Kerry. Kinahan, G. H 601, 602, 603 Kinebetungen River, see Borneo. King, W , . . 592 King, Will 195 King Conrad, see New South Wales, Howell. King of the Ranges, see Queensland, Watsonville. Kingsgate, see New South Wales. Kings Mountain, see North Carolina. Kingston, see Ireland, Dublin. Kinshin Island, see Japan. Kinta, see Malay Peninsula. Kitson, A. E... . 1229 320 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 58 Reference Number Kitto, Benedict 420 Kiura mine, see Japan, Bungo. Kjerulf, Th., and Brogger, W. C 826 Klaproth. Martin H 1513 Kledang Range, see Malay Peninsula. Klipstein, A 551 Klockmann, F 1103 Klondike River, see Yukon. Knight, Enoch 220 Knopf, Adolph 29, 29a, 29b Koba district, see Banka. Koetong, see South Australia. Kogin-Delume River, see Nigeria, Gimpy River. Kohlmann, W , 1624 Kongo, tin in 1287 Buttgenbach on tin in 273 On tin in Katanga 274, 275 Farrell on copper and tin in Katanga 276 Fawns on tin in 1320 On tin in Katanga 277 Katanga, tin in 274, 275, 276, 277 Busanga mine, tin in , . 277 Copper and tin in 276 Lualaba River, tin near 274, 276, 277 Lufira River, tin near 276 Lacroix on tin in 278, 516 See also French Kongo and Africa. de Koninch, L. L., and Lecrenier, A 1474 Koorboora district, see Queensland. Koperberg, M 296 Korea: Fawns on tin in 1320 Oppert on tin in Hoang-hai 640 See also Asia. Korzoukhine, J. A 970 Kotchiou, see China, Yunnan. Kotiou see China, Yunnan. Koulibine, S 1690, 1691, 1692 Kra (West Coast), see Siam. Krusch, P 947, 1257, 1258 Kuala Diepang, see Malay Peninsula, Perak. Kuala Lumpur, see Malay Peninsula. Kuantan, see Malay Peninsula, Pahang. Kuchai, see Malay Peninsula, Selangor. Kuils River, see Cape Colony. Kumaon, see India. NO. 2 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TIN HESS 321 Reference Number Kundernatsch, Joseph 421 Kunhardt, Wheaton B 1658 Kiinzel, C 1514 Kuochinchang, see China. Kuruwita, see Ceylon. Kynaston, H 1183a, 1183b L La Blanca, see Bolivia. La Bolivinia mine, see Bolivia. Lacroix, A 278, 516, 644 Ladock, see Cornwall. Lagos, see Mexico. Lahat, see Malay Peninsula, Perak. Lake Loadut, see Burmah, Tenasserim. Lakes, Arthur 1169a, 1334a Lakon, see Siam. Lampadius, W. A 1515, 1516 Landon, J. (Maier, P. J., and) 133 Lands End district, see Cornwall. Lange 109 Langer, J. H.. 626 Laos, see Siam. Lapage, Herbert 1259 LaPaz, see Bolivia. La Poma district, see Argentina, Salta. de Lapparent, A 1335 Laroot, see Malay Peninsula, Larut. Larrouy , 867 Larut, see Malay Peninsula. Las Cuevas, see Mexico. Lassalle, Th 517 Latrobe Rivet, see Victoria, Gippsland. Latta, Geo. J 1517 Laube, Gustav C 69 de Launay, Li 3, 518, 854, 1625 de Launay, L. (Fuchs, E., and) 66, 159, 509, 1323 Launceston, see Tasmania. La Unificada mine, see Bolivia. Lawn 1183c Lawrence. County, see South Dakota. Lead: Allen on alloy with copper and manganese 1431 Alloys with copper and manganese 1431 Alloys with tin 1545a, 1548, 1552 322 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 58 Lead-Continued. Alloys with antimony ....... .... ..... ------------------ ................. 1552 Alloys with zinc and tin .................................... 1570, 1587 Associated with tin, see Association of tin with. Argentina, Salta ................................................ 37 Betts on completely removing tin in process of refining lead ........ 1451 Billiton ........................................................ 126a Bohemia, Graupen ............................................... 542 Bolivia ......................................................... 155 Campagne on mines of ........................................... 1309 Castro on, in Salta, Argentina ............ .* ...................... 37 China ................... ......... .............. ................ 267 Composition of refined lead ...................................... 231 Cornwall ....................................................... 455 Dalmer on origin of ores in Altenberg-Graupen district of Saxony and Bohemia ............................................... 542 Dalmer on presence in cobalt district of Schneeberg, Saxony ....... 543 Douglas on metallurgy of ........................................ 1204 Dumble on tin in lead ores in Texas .............................. 1169 Emmons on occurrence in United States and genesis of minerals of. 1206 Foniakoff on deposits in Siberia .................................. 965 Great Britain .................................... ............... 444 Grosier on, in China. . ........................................... 267 Hermann on lead in metallic tin in gold washings of the Ural (Central Asia) ............ . . .......... ......... .............. 40 Ireland ........................................................ 602 Johnson on origin of deposits in South Africa ..................... 1183 Kinahan on, in Ireland .......................................... 602 Korea, Hoang-hai ............................................... 640 Menniche on separation of from tin ores . ......................... 1534 Metallurgy ................................. . . .............. 444, 1204 Oppert on, in Hoang-hai, Korea ................................... 640 Origin of minerals of ................ ...... ..... ..... ............. 1206 Origin of ores ............................................ 542, 575, 1183 Parry on the eutectic alloy of tin and ...... ______ ................... 1545a Peetz on separation of tin and lead in tin-lead alloys .............. 1548 Pilz on deposits in Cartagena, Spain ....................... ' ....... 1040 Plattner on alloys of tin and antimony with lead at Freiberg, Saxony. 1552 Pryce on mining and metallurgy of in Great Britain .............. 444 Richter on characteristics and working, and on relations with zinc and tin ....... ............. .......... ....................... 1356 Saxony: Altenberg .................. ................................ 542 Freiberg ................................................ 575, 1552 Schneeberg ................................................. 543 Schultz on production and application of solder.. . 1359 NO. 2 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TIN HESS 323 Lead Continued. Separation from tin ......................................... 1534, 1548 Siberia ........................................................ 965 Simmons on occurrence of ores of, in Cornwall ................... 455 Slater on alloys of zinc, tin, and lead ............................ 1570 Solder .............. ........................................... 1359 South Africa .................................................... 1183 Spain, Cartagena ................................................ 1040 Stelzner on origin of ores at Freiberg, Saxony ..................... 575 Sulphides of, associated with tin in Bolivia ........................ 155 Tasmania ...................................................... 1079 Texas .......................................................... 1169 United States ................................................... 1206 Ural (Central Asia) , with metallic tin ............................ 40 Wolf on composition of refined lead ............. _____ ............... 231 World statistics since 1890 ..... ............... ................... 1694 Wright on alloys of zinc, lead, and tin at low and high temepratures . 1587 Lead carbonate, see Association of tin with. Lead sulphide, see Association of tin with. Leadville, see Colorado. Leane, see Ireland, Kerry, Lough Leane. Leclere, A ....... ....... ________________ ............. .................. ...... 268 Lecrenier, A. (de Koninch, L. L., and) ................................ 1474 Ledoux, Albert R ...... ....... __________ ......... ......................... 248 Le Grice, C. V ____ , .................................................. 1518 Leibius, Adolph. ________ . . ..... ... ...... ...... . . ..... ...... ..... ................. 1336 Leier mine, see Saxony. Leifchild, John R .................................................... 422 Lemon, Chas., and Tremenheere, G. B. . ..... _________ ..... .. . . ......... ..... 196 Leonhard, Gustav ................................................... 1214 Lepidolite, see. Association of tin with. Lepsius, Richard ........................ .* ........................... 551a Lesley, J. P ......................................................... 793 Lettsom, W. G. (Greg, R. P., and) .................................... 1614 Levant, see Cornwall. Levol, A.. ... ........... , ........................................ 1519-1521 Levy, D. M., and Ewen, D ........................................... 1521a Levy, Michel (Fouque, F., and) ...... ....... ...... .................... 1610 Lewy, B ............................................................. 1522 Lewis, George Cornewall ............................................. 1401 Lewis, George Randall. ....... . ____________ .......... _____ ................. 1402 Lewis, James B ............................................ 1104, 1105, 1106 Lias, tin at contact between tourmaline granite and linestones of Lias age in Tuscany. ................................. 610, 613, 615, 627, 628 Limonite, see Association of tin with. Limousin, see France. 324 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 58 Reference Number de Limur (le Comte) 519 Lindgren, Waldemar 586b, 1337 Lingngan-fu, see China, Yunnan. Lington, T 422a Lions Den, see Queensland. Liskeard, see Cornwall. Lithia mica, see Association of tin with. Little Usutu River, see Transvaal. Liversidge, Archibald 827, 828, 829, 830 Lizolle, see France, Allier. Llallagua vein, see Bolivia. Llano County, see Texas. Loadut (Lake), see Burmah, Tenasserim district. Lobley, J. Logan 423 Lock, C. G. Warnford 197, 424, 699, 700, 701, 1338 Lodin 520, 521 Loire Inferieure, see France, Lower Loire. de Loos, D 1339 Los Angeles, see California. Lost River, see Alaska. Lotti, B 627 Lough Leane, see Ireland, Kerry. Louis, Henry 702, 703, 1340, 1523-1527 Louis, H. (Phillips, J. A., and) 628, 1350 Low, James 704 Lower, T., see No. 489a. Lower Loire, see France. Lowig 1528 Lozere, see France. Lozano, R. Sanchez 1036 Lualaba, see Rhodesia. Lualaba River, see Kongo, Katanga. Lufira River, see Kongo, Katanga. Lunenberg County, see Nova Scotia. Lusitania, Plinius on " white lead " from 1408 Luxer, see Bohemia, Graupen. Lyburn, John 1051 M M , H 1012 MacAlister, Donald A 426, 427, 449, 1341, 1659, 1693 MacAlister, D. A. (Hill, J. B., and) 411 MacAlister, D. A. (Ussher, W. A. E., and) 481 Macco, A 639 Macdonald, A. R 919-923, 924 Machi, see Malay Peninsula. NO. 2 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TIN HESS 325 Reference Number Mackenzie, Geo. L 1529 Mackintosh River, see Tasmania. Maclaren, J. Malcolm 428, 604, 925 Maclean, John 1403, 1404 Mactear, Jas 865 Madagascar, Ambatof angehana, tin in 648 Ambohimanga, tin in 648 Antananarivo, tin from 647 Bouse on the mineral and other resources of 646 Dunstan on tin from Antananarivo 647 Lacroix on tin in 516 Pelatan on tin near Ambatof angehana and in Ambohimanga 648 Madison County, see Missouri. Magnesite, Voit on deposits of in South Africa 3c Magnetite : Beck on occurrence at Schwartzenberg, Germany 530 See Association of tin with. Maier, P. J., and Laudon, J 133 Maine : Day on tin in 1203a Hebron, tin at 1331 Hitchcock on tin at Winslow .* 650 On tin at Mt. Mica and Mt. Rubellite 649 Hunt on tin- in 651, 652 On tin ore at Winslow, Paris, and Hebron 1331 Jackson on tin in 653 On tin at Winslow 654 Kemp on tin in 1213 Mount Mica, tin in 649 Mount Rubellite, tin in 649 Paris, tin at 1331 Rolker on tin in 1357 Winslow, tin at 650, 651, 652, 654, 1331 See also United States. Maine-et-Loire, see Prance. Maitland, A. Gibb 926, 1260-1264 Majendie, Ashurst 1342 Malacca, see Malay Peninsula. Malachite, see Association of tin with. Malaken, see China, Yunnan. Malay Archipelago, Garrison on tin in 1207 Louis on tin in 1340 Malay Peninsula, tin in 676a, 1284, 1290, 1292, 1298 Ayer Dangsang, tin and other minerals at 726, 726a Ayer Panas, tin in siliceous sinter from 726b 326 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 58 Malay Peninsula Continued. Half our on tin in ................................................ 677 Becher on tin mining in ......................................... 678 Beck on tin in .................................................. 1299 Benedict on tin in ............................................... 1301 On tin in Perak ............................................. 679 Brown on tin in ............................................ 1307, 1308 Bruseh, tin at ................................................... 726 Bundi, adobe furnaces and slags from old tin mines at ............ 1468 Tin in .............................................. 659, 726, 726b Changkat Pari, tin at ............................................ 726 Clifford on tin in ____ ._ ........................................... 680 Collett on tin in ..... * ........................................... 681 Collins on adobe furnaces and slags from old tin mines at Bundi. . . 1468 Cornubian on lode mines of Pahang .............................. 681a Cramer on tin in Malacca ...................... . ................. 682 Croockewit on tin in Malacca .................................... 683 D'Achiardi on tin in ............................................. 1313 Davies on tin in ................................................. 1317 De La Croix on tin in Perak ............................... 684, 685, 686 Derrick on tin mines of Kuantan, Pahang ........................ 687 Dijk on tin in Larut ............................................. 690 Doyle on tin in ....... '. ..................................... _____ 689 On tin mining in Larut ..................................... 688 Dykes on tin in ........................................ ....... 691, 693 Dykes on tin in Perak ........................................... 692 (Hume and) on tin in Perak ................................ 698 Ellis (McKillop and) on tin in Pulo Brani, Singapore ............. 1530 Fawns on tin in ................................................. 1320 On tin in Tringganu ........................................ 694 Flower-Ellis on geology of, occurrence of tin ore in, valuation of tin in, and mining and smelting of tin in ...................... 1489 On the Malay tin industry ................................... 694a Fuchs and de Launay on tin in ................................... 1323 Gongong, tin at .................................... 742, see also No. 261 Hamilton on tin in Perak, Selangor, and Parcelore ................ 294 Hampton on tin in ............................................. 697 On tin in Perak ............................................. 696 On tin in Straits Settlements ................................ 695 Hughes on tin smelting and furnaces in Singapore ................ 1507 Hume and Dykes on tin in Perak .......................... ...... 698 Jelebu, Sungei Riu, tin at ...................................... 659 Johore, tin in .............. .............................. 308, 710, 742 Muntaha, tin deposits of ..................................... 741 Josephats Valley, tin in .......................................... 726 Kledang Range, mineral veins in the. . . 726a NO. 2 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TIN HESS 327 Malay Peninsula Continued. ,, Kemaman, tin in ............................................ 726, 726b Kinta districts, tin in ................................. 714, 715, 717, 721 Kuala Lumpur, tin at ..................................... . ..... 740 Lakes on tin in ................................................. 694 Laroot, see Larut. Larut, tin at ..................................................... 740 Tin mining in ........................................ 688, 690, 717 de Launay (Fuchs and) on tin in ................................. 1323 Lock on tin in ......... . ........................................ 701 On tin in Tringganu ........................... ........... 699, 700 Louis on tin in .............................................. 702, 1340 On tin in Malacca .................... ...................... 703 Louis (Phillips and) on tin in .................................. 1350 Low on tin in countries lying between Malay Peninsula and 18 North Latitude ____ .......................................... 704 Machi tin field .................................................. 726 Malacca, tin in ............ ........... 299, 303, 304, 682, 683, 703, 740, 744 (Chin Chin and Tanjong Serai) , tin in ........................ 726 Earl of Mount Edgcumbe on tin produced in 1883 ............. 1681 Sungie Ujong ............................................... 299 Marks on tin mining in .......................................... 704a McKillop and Ellis on tin smelting in Pulo Brani, Singapore ........ 1530 Meunier on tin in Selangor ...................................... 705 Miles on dredging in Tongkah harbor ............................ 705a Morgan on tin in Perak ......................................... 706 Moss on tin in Perak ............................................ 707 Negri Sembilan, tin in ........................................ ; . 667 Newbold on tin in Sunjie Ujong in the interior of Malacca ........ 299 Newland on tin in ...................................... 708, 1346, 1347 Noyes on tin in Serendah Valley, Selangor ........................ 709 Osbeck on tin from Pegu and Jahor ............................... 710 Owen on tin in ...................................... ........... 712 Owen on tin in Perak ...................................... ...... 711 Pahang, lode mines of ............................ ,. .............. 681a Scheelite in tin deposits at .................... ' ............... 726a Pahang, tin in .................. 659, 663, 667, 673, 674, 687, 697, 728, 736 Kuantan, tin at ............................. * ......... 659, 663, 687 Kuantan (Sungei Lembing), tin of ........................... 726 Parcelore, tin in ........... ...... . ............................... 294 Parkes on tin mining in ...................... ................... 713 Pegu, tin from .................................................. 710 Penrose on tin in the Kinta districts ............... ......... . ---- 714 Perak, tin in ____ 294, 304, 658, 660, 667, 670, 679, 684, 685, 686, 691, 692, 696, 698, 706, 707, 711, 715, 731, 732, 735, 737, 747 Assam Kumbang, tin at ............................ . ......... 737 328 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 58 Malay Peninsula: Perak Continued. Bindings, tin at ............................................. 737 Goping, tin at ............................................... 737 Kampar River, tin at ..................................... ... 737 Kamunting, tin at .......................................... 737 Kuala Diepang, tin at ....................................... 737 Lahat, cassiterite with tremOlite at ........................... 726a Lahat, tin at ................................................ 737 Miners, their mode of living, prosperity, etc ................. 686, 688 Pappan, tin at .............................................. 737 Poussin, tin at .............................................. 737 Salak, scheelite deposits at ................................... 726a Salak, tin at ................................................ 737 Selama, tin at ............................................... 737 Sungei Batang Padang district, tin in ........................ 684 Sungei Besi, tin of .......................................... 726 Sungei BIdor district, tin in ................................. 684 Sungei Kinta district, tin in .................................. 684 Taiping, tin near .......................................... 723, 737 Tambun mine ............................................. 670, 691 Tecca, tin at ................................................ 737 Thaiping, see Taiping. Tronoh, tin of ............................................ 691, 726 Phillips and Louis on tin in ...................................... 1350 Pike on tin in Kinta and Perak .................................. 715 Place on tin in .................................................. 716 Qualla Lumpor, see Kuala Lumpur. Rathborne on labor, mines, roads, fuels, economic conditions, etc., in. 717 Reyer on tin in Malacca ....................................... 303, 304 On tin in Perak ............................................. 304 Ritter on tin in ................................................. 718 Rolker on tin in ................................................ 1357 Rumbold on tin deposits of Kinta Valley .......................... 721 Saunders on tin in Straits Settlements ........................... 722 Scrivenor on origin of tin deposits, with special reference to those of Malay Peninsula ...................................... 726b On tin in ---- ; ............................. .......... 724, 725, 726 On tin near Taiping, Perak .................................. 723 Selangor, tin in .................................. 294, 659, 667, 705, 709 Kuchai, tin at ............... ................................ 659 Serendah Valley, tin in ...................................... 709 Meunier on tin oxide in geyserite (?) in ..................... 705 Sexton on smelting methods at Singapore ................ 1361, 1507, 1530 Singapore, McKillop and Ellis on tin smelting at Pulo Brani ....... 1530 Sexton ( on smelting methods at .................... 1361, 1507, 1530 Slack on a handbook of the mining companies in .................. 727 Slack on tin in ........ ...... 727 NO. 2 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TIN HESS 329 Malay Peninsula Continued. ' Reference Number Stephens on tin at Pahang 728 Stokes on tin in 729 Stokes on tin in British Empire 730 Subsidence in of recent date 717 Swettenham on tin in Perak 731, 732 Tanjong Malim, tin at 726 Taylor on tin in ' 733 Telom district (Tras, Bentong, Gunong Gapis, Bukit, and Eraser).. 726 Tenison-Woods on tin in 734, 735 On tin in Pahang 736 On tin in Perak 735, 737 Tonghah Harbor, dredging for tin in 676, 676a, 705a Tonka type of furnace used in 1507 Treacher on tin in 738 Tringganu, tin in 659, 694, 699, 700, 960 Vercoe on tin near Malacca, at Kuala Lumpur, and Larut 740 On tin at Muntaha, Johore 741 Viator on tin at Gongong, Johore River 742 W on tin in 743 Wray on tin in 745, 746 On tin in Malacca and Tenasserim 744 On tin in Perak 747 Wildman on tin in Johore 308 See also Asia, Burmah, East Indies, Siam, Straits Settlements, and Sumatra. Maleewoon, see Burmah, Maliwan. Maliwan, see Burmah. Mallada, L 1037 Mallard, Ernest 522, 523 Mallet, F. R 593, 594 Mallet, W 605 Mallett, J. W 1531 Mance, P. S 52 Manche, see France. Manes 552 Manganese, Allen on alloys of tin and 1431 Emmons on occurrence in United States and genesis of minerals of. . 1206 Fermor on the ores of in India 590a Hennecke on occurrence in Persia 864 Manganese oxides, see Association of tin with. Manganite, see Association of tin with. Mangar district, see Billiton. Mann, O 553 Mantebras, see France, Montebras. Manzano, Jesus P 780 330 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 58 Reference Number Marble Bar, see Western Australia. Marche, see France, La Marche. Margarite, see Association of tin with. Marienberg, see Saxony. Marinera mine, see Spain, Carthagene. Marks, E. Seaborn 704a Martaban, see India. Martin, Joseph S 430 Martinamor, see Spain, Salamanca. Masinde, see French Kongo. Mason County, see Texas. Massachusetts : Chesterfield, tin at the tourmaline locality at 750 Day on tin in 1203a Goshen, tin from k 748, 749, 1214 Hitchcock on tin from Goshen 748, 749 Leonhard on tin at Goshen 1214 Teschemacher on tin at Chesterfield ; 750 Massa Marittima, see Italy, Tuscany. Massart, Alfred 1038, 1343 Massinda, see French Kongo. Massinga, see French Kongo. Matam, see Borneo, Matan. Matan, see Borneo. Matther, W. W 1626 Maupas, see France, Morbihan. Maures, see France. Maynard, John . . , 431 Mazade 524 Mazane, see Argentina. McAuleys Lead, see New South Wales. McCaskey, H. D.. , , 871 McCoy, Alexander. ... ....... 855 McCreath, A. S., and Platt, Franklin 1243 McKillop, John, and Ellis, Thos. F... 1530 McKinlay River, see Northern Territory. Mecklenburg County, see South Carolina. Medicine, Boerhaave on medicinal use of tin 1305 Medlicott, H. B., and Blanford, W. T 595 Menado, see Celebes. Mene, Ch 1532 Mengin, U 1533 Menniche, H . .. .. ..,..,,... 1534 Menten, J. H 110, 297 Merawang district, see Banka. NO. 2 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TIN HESS 331 Mercury: Reference Number Campagne on mines of 1309 Capitaine on action of tin, arsenic, antimony, and sulphur on the chlorides of. 1465 Douglas on metallurgy of. 1204 Foniakoff on deposits in Siberia 965 Hennecke on occurrence in Persia 864 Poisoning produced by tin containing 1.3 per cent of 1436 Meredith, C 1107 Merensky, H 1184, 1185 Mergui district, see Burmah. Mermet, A. (Delachanal, B., and) 1475 Merret, C ..... 432 Merrill, Geo. P 1344 Mesa de los Caballos, see Mexico, Zacatecas. Metallurgy of tin 1278, 1290 Argentina 38 Australia 1578 Ball on treatment of tin ores at Irvinebank, Queensland 891b Betts on electrolytic lead refining 225 Boerhaave on 1305 British Columbia, Trail 231 California 222 China ..... , 266a Clark on methods ,in Tasmania 1076 Collins on methods in Yunnan, China 266a Cornwall 419, 422, 490, 1579 Dietzsch on treatment of tin-wolfram-capper ores 1479 Douglas on American improvements and inventions 1204 Douglas on ore crushing, concentration, and metallurgy of tin, etc. . 1204 Fawns on 1320 Feuchtwanger on. . . . 1321 Kershaw on .... 1511a Flower on history of '. 1390 Gmehling on in Bolivia 1497 Graham in 1324 Halse on . 773 Hoskold on in Argentina 38 Japan 633 Kerl on methods in Cornwall 419 Leifchild on methods in Cornwall 422 Louis on 1523, 1524, 1526, 1527 Low on practices in Malay Peninsula and vicinity 704 Malay Peninsula 676c, 704, 706 McKillop and .Ellis on at Pulo Brani, Singapore 1530 Menniche on recovering silver, lead, bismuth, tungsten, and copper from tin ores . 1534 332 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 58 Metallurgy of tin Continued. Morgan on methods in Malay Peninsula .......................... 706 Mulholland on the Greenbushes tin field, Western Australia ........ 1265 Munroe on method at Taniyama, Japan ........................... 633 Nevius on ...................................................... 781 Ohly on ......................................................... 1215 Pearce on separation of copper, iron, etc., from tin ore ............. 1547 Perret on ................. .' ....... .............................. 1549 Pike on ......................................................... 715 Pryce on ........................................................ 444 Queensland ..................................................... 891b Reyer on ........................................................ 1354 Rowe on chemical methods of treating ores ........................ 1560 Schnabel, Handbook of metallurgy ............................... 794 Sexton on ....................................................... 1361 Simmons on methods in Black Hills .............................. 1019 Singapore ...................................................... 1530 South Dakota ................................................... 1019 Tasmania ...................................................... 1076 Thibault on the metallurgy of complex tin sulphides ............... 1577 On the metallurgy of tin in Australia ........................ 1578 Thiollier on methods in Cornwall ................................ 1579 United States ................ ................................... 1215 Ure's dictionary on .............................................. 1366 West on Temescal mines, California ............................. 222 Western Australia ........ .................... ................... 1265 Wolf on the Betts process at Trail, British Columbia ............... 231 Zirkel on methods in Cornwall ........ ........................... 490 See also Assaying of tin, chemistry of tin, dressing of tin, milling of tin, refining of tin, and smelting of tin. See references Nos. 1428-1587. Metals, Haiiy on metallic substances ................................. 1499 Metamorphism, Van Hise on ......................................... 1367 Metasomatism in tin veins, Lindgren on ........... ................... 1337 Meteorites, Daubre"e on tin in ........................................ 1316 Tin in olivine found in .................... ....................... 1600 Meunier, Stanislas ................................. ................ 53, 705 Mexico: Aguas Calientes, tin in .................................. 752, 759, 765 Aguilera on tin in ...................................... . . .751, 752, 753 Allen on tin in Baja California .................. ................. 754 Baja California, tin in ........................................... 754 Barcena on tin in Zacatecas and Lagos .................... . ...... 761 Barriga on tin at Coneto in Durango ............................. 762 Beck on tin in .............................................. 1299, 1300 Benedict on tin in ............................................... 1301 On tin in Durango, etc ........... 763 NO. 2 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TIN HESS 333 Mexico Continued. Reference Number Bergemann on analyses of tin from Xeres 1446 On tin in Xeres 764 Bretherton on tin in Jalisco and Aguas Calientes 765 Bromly on tin at Santa Barbara, Guanajuato 766 Chandler on tin in Durango 767 Collins on tin in Durango 768 Coneto, tin at 755, 756, 762, 774 Del Mar on tin in 769 Durango, tin in.... 752, 755, 756, 762, 763, 767, 768, 770, 771, 773, 774, 776, 779, 783, 1635 Cacaria, tin at 776, 777 Cerro de Iglesia de los Remedios, tin at 777 Mina del Diablo, hematite enclosing cassiterite at 1635 Potrillos, tin at 776, 777 Sierra de Catalan, tin from 771 Fawns on tin in 1320 Fawns on tin in Durango and Sain Alto 770 Genth on tin from Sierra de Catalan, Durango 771 Grose on tin in 772 Guanajuato, tin in 752, 766 Santa Barbara, tin at 766 Guerrero, tin in 757 Acamistla, tin at 757 Coapango, tin at 757 Taxco, tin in 757 Halse on tin in San Luis Potosi, Durango, Sain Alto, and Zacatecas. . 773 Halse on tin smelting at Las Cuevas 773 Hanks on tin near Coneto, Durango 774 Hidalgo, tin in 752 Humboldt on tin in 775 Ingalls on tin in Durango 776, 777, 778 Jalisco, tin in 752, 765 Kemp on tin in 1213 Kempton on tin in Durango and Zacatecas 779 La Esperanza, tin at 758 Lagos, tin in 761 La Minita, tin at 758 de Lapparent on tin in 1335 Las Cuevas, tin smelting at 773 La Santa Francisco, tin at 758 Lock on tin in 1338 Los Dos Amigos, tin at 758 Louis on tin in 1340 Manzano on tin in San Luis Potosi 780 Nevius on tin at Sain Alto.. 781 334 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 58 Mexico Continued. Newland on tin in .............................................. 1347 Newland on tin at Sain Alto ..................... ................ 782 Pirsson on hematite enclosing cassiterite at Durango .............. 1635 Pratt and Sterrett on tin in ...................................... 252 Puebla, tin in. . .................................................. 752 Queretaro, tin in ................................................ 752 Richthofen on the age of the gold bearing deposits at Durango ...... 783 Rolker on tin in ................................................. 1357 Sain Alto, tin in .................................. 770, 773, 779, 781, 782 San Luis Potosi, tin in .................................... 752, 773, 780 Santa Maria del Rio, tin of ...................................... 780 Sonora, tin in ................................................... 752 Sterrett (Pratt and) on tin in ................................... 252 Tinnit, tin at ................................................... 758 Wilson on tin and petroleum in ................................... 784 Xeres, analysis of tin from ...................................... 1446 Tin in ...................................................... 764 Zacatecas, tin in ...................................... 752, 761, 773, 779 Mesa de los Caballos, tin in .................................. 761 Meyers ............................................................. 1345 Meymac, see France. Mica, Sadtler on deposits in the Black Hills, South Dakota ............. 1016 See Association of tin with. Michigan: Keweenaw County, tin in . ....................................... 785 Stevens on tin in Keweenaw County .............................. 785 See also United States. Mictis, Plinius on " white lead " on the island of ............. . ........ 1408 Middlesex district, see Tasmania. Midianites, tin among spoils of ...................................... 1380 Miklucho, Maclay M. von ........................................ .... 554 Miles, Edward T ..................................................... 705a Millen, J. D ............................ . ....................... 1107a, 1535 Miller, W. H ........................................................ 1627 Milling of tin: Queensland .................................................... : 940a South Dakota ................................................... 987a See Dressing of tin ore. Mills-Davis, J. E ..................................................... 1185a Milluni mine, see Bolivia. Milne, J ............................................................. 789 Mina del Diablo, see Mexico, Durango. Minchin, J. B ............................ 162, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167, 168, 169 Mineral Industry ......................................... , J696 NO. 2 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TIN HESS 335 Reference Number Mineralogy of tin 673, 674 Bauer on 1591 Blake on the ores of tin 1202 Cronstedt on 1599 Dana on 1600 Davey on 1603 Daubree on 1314 Fawns on 1320 Feuchtwanger on 1321 France . 516 Genth on 820 Hauy on. 1615 Headden on 1208 Herman on 968 Jameson on 1621 Japan 632 Jermejev on crystals of tinstone from the Jenisei Region 1623 On crystals of tinstone from Transbaikalia 1622 Jimbo on cassiterite crystals from Japan 632 Lacroix on 516 Lacroix on cassiterite in France 516 de Launay on 1625 Leibius on the differentiation of the minerals of tin. 1336 Liversidge on tin in New South Wales 828 Lock on 1338 Mather on artificial production of crystals of metallic tin 1626 Mulholland on the Greenbushes tin field, Western Australia 1265 New South Wales 828 Newland on 1347 Nicholls on crystals of cassiterite 1348 North Carolina 251, 252 Ohly on ores of tin in the United States 1215 Petterd on the minerals of Tasmania 1118, 1119, 1120, 1121 Phillips on 1633 Pratt on the Carolina tin belt 251 Pratt and Sterrett on the Carolina tin belt 252 Reyer on 1354 Rosenbusch on microscopic-optical properties of cassiterite 1639 Sexton on 1361 Siberia 1623 Simpson on properties and occurrence of cassiterite and stannite 1268 South Carolina 251, 252 Tasmania 1118, 1119, 1120, 1121 Tassin on cassiterite 1365 Transbaikalia 1622 336 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 58 Mineralogy of tin Continued. United States .................................................... 1215 Vlaanderen on .................................................. 1647 Walker on identification of stream tin ............................ 1371 Western Australia ............................. .................. 1265 See also crystallization of tin, occurrence of tin, origin of tin, and minerals of tin. See references Nos. 1588-1649. Minerals of tin ..... . ................................................ 755 Clarke on ....................................................... 1311 D'Achiardi on ................................................... 1313 Leibius on differentiation of ..................................... 1336 Massart on ...................................................... 1343 Sexton on ....................................................... 1361 Ure's Dictionary on .............................................. 1366 See Association of tin. See the separate minerals of tin ainalite, andrewsite, canfieldite, cassiterite, conradite, cuprocassiterite, cylindrite, franckeite, hulseite, native tin, nordenskib'ldine, paigeite, plumbostannite, stannite, stokesite, teallite. See also Slime tin, sparable tin, toad's-eye tin, and wood-tin. Mingaye, John C. H .................................................. 831 Mining of tin: Agricola on ..................................................... 1277 Argentina ...................................................... 38 Austria ............................................. . ........... 67 Baldauf on methods in Cornwall .................................. 331 Balfour on methods in Malay Peninsula .......................... 677 Ball on Cornish methods .................................... 331b, 331c Ball on methods in Cornwall compared with those in Queensland. . . 331a Ball on methods in Stanthorpe district, Queensland ................ 889 Baudot on methods in Morbihan, France .......................... 498 Banka .................................... 74, 76, 77, 78, 84, 116, 117, 118 Banka, royalty paid to Government by tin mines ................. 77 Becher on methods and machinery in Malay Peninsula ............ 678 Billiton .................................................. 117, 118, 134 Billiton, methods of working from commercial side ................ 126a Boers on power machinery for working tin ground in Banka ....... 84 Bohemia ....................................................... 72 Bolivia ........................................ 153a, 155a, 162, 167, 177 Bolivia, improvements in mining methods ......................... 148c Bolivia, machinery used ....................................... 148b Brown on costs in Bolivia .............................. .......... 153a Burmah ........................................................ 204 Burmah, Mergui district ......................................... 185 Cape Colony ................................ 1 ................ 234, 234a NO. 2 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TIN HESS 337 Mining of tin Continued. Carew on methods in Cornwall ................................... 351 Charleton on methods used in .................................... 1310 China .......................................................... 266a Chinese method in Banka ...................................... 7G, 116 Clark on Tasmanian methods .................................... 1076 Cleland on methods at Stannary Hills, Queensland ................. 897 Collett on methods in Malay Peninsula ........................... 681 Collins on Cornish mines and miners ............................. 368 On methods in Yunnan, China ............................... 266a Conran on tin mining in Cornwall ................................ 370a Cornwall ____ 312, 329a, 329b, 331a, 331b, 331c, 351, 368, 370, 403, 413, 422, 433, 450a, 456, 1084, 1425, 1479 Methods illustrated by photographs ........................... 320 Working of low grade tin ores in ............................. 318 Davies on . . ..... ................................................ 1317 Devon ................ . ............................. 312, 403, 413, 1425 Dietzsch on reopening and working of Clitters mine, Cornwall ...... 1479 Doyle on methods in Larut, Perak ................................ 688 East Indies, mining of tin and labor troubles in .................. 675 Endter on methods in Bolivia .................................... 155a Fawns on ....................................................... 1320 On methods at Mount Bischoff and at Dolcoath ................ 1084 On methods and costs at Mount Bischoff, Tasmania ............ 1083 Flower on history of ................... ......................... 1390 Flower-Ellis on Chinese methods in Malay Peninsula .............. 1489 On methods in Malay Peninsula .............................. 694a France ......................................................... 498 Germany, Altenberg deposits ..................................... 528 Gray on .................. ...................................... 1325 Great Britain .................................................... 444 Griffiths on methods and costs in Cape Colony .................... 234 Griffiths on mining in Cape Colony ................................ 234a Hallwich on ancient and modern methods in Austria ....... . ...... 67 Hampton on Chinese methods in Malay Peninsula ................. 695 Kenwood on methods used in ..................................... 1327 Hen wood on methods in Cornwall and Devon ..................... 403 Hoskold on in Argentina ........................................ 38 Hunt on methods in Cornwall and Devon in 1868 ................. 413 Kayser and Provis on costs at Mount Bischoff, Tasmania ........... 1102 Laos ........................................................... 642 Ledoux on methods and future of tin mining in North Carolina ---- 248 Leifchild on methods in Cornwall ................ ................ 422 Lewis on costs at Anchor mine, Tasmania ......................... 1105 On removing overburden at Derby, Tasmania ................. 1104 On tin mining in Tasmania .................................. 1106 38 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 58 Mining of tin Continued. Lock on yield, methods used, and profits .......................... 1338 Louis on ........................................................ 1340 Maclaren on methods at Stannary Hills, Queensland ............... 925 Malacca .... ................... .................................. 299 Malay Peninsula ____ 665, 676, 676b, 676c, 677, 678, 681, 694a, 695, 704a, 706, 713, 728, 730, 740, 1489 Chinese methods ........... 657, 658, 668, 678, 688, 695, 706, 715, 740 Labor troubles in ............................................ 675 Marks on methods in Malay Peninsula ........................... 704a Miller on new hydro-electric power plant at Mt. Bischoff, Tasmania. .1107a Mining terms explained ...................................... 1352, 1372 Moissenet on methods in Cornwall ............................... 433 Morgan on methods in Malay Peninsula .......................... 706 Mufford on methods in Tasmania ................................. 1115 Minchin on methods in Bolivia ____ , . . ..... .................... 162, 167 Newbold on Malay and Chinese methods in Malacca ............... 299 New South Wales ...................... .................. 834, 844, 844a North Carolina. , ................................................ 248 Parkes on methods in Malay Archipelago. ........................ 713 Perak ........................ . ......................... 688, 715, 738 Pike on Chinese methods in Perak ................................ 715 Pittman on mines and mining methods in New South Wales ........ 834 Posewitz on methods in Billiton .................................. 134 Pryce on methods in Great Britain ............................... 444 Pryce on minerals, mines, mining, and mining terms and idioms ---- 1352 Punnett on methods in Bolivia ................................... 177 Queensland . . ..... ............... . . ...... ....... ____ 331a, 889, 897, 925 Queensland, Stanthorpe, dredging plant at ........................ 883 Reyer on nature and condition of mining in Banka and Billiton. . . . 117 Richter on ......... ....... . ____ , , . ....... , ____ .................. 1356 Rickard on improvements in methods in Cornwall ................. 450a Rolker on costs, labor, and tools in Siak district, Sumatra .......... 305 Sexton on ....................................................... 1361 Siam, dredging operations in Tongkah Harbor .................... 676 Simmons on tin mining in the Black Hills, South Dakota .......... 1019 Skewes on, in Cornwall .......................................... 456 Smyth on ............ . . ------ ........... ......................... 1362 South Dakota ....... ..................... . ..................... . 1019 Sowden on works at Mount Bischoff, Tasmania .................... 1131 Stephens on tin mining at Pahang, Malay Peninsula ............... 728 Stokes on methods in Malay Peninsula ...................... . ..... 730 Stokes on new electric plant at Mount Bischoff, Tasmania ....... ... 1133 Sumatra ...... ................................................. 305 Tasmania ---- 1076, 1083, 1084, 1102, 1104, 1105, 1106, 1107a, 1115, 1131, 1133 Methods of working, expenses, and profits ........... 1064, 1069, 1070 NO. 2 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TIN HESS 339 Mining of tin Continued. Thibault on dredging methods and results in New South Wales ..... 844 Treacher on. labor, wages, contracts, and mining methods in Perak, 738 Tremenheere on methods in Mergui district, Burmah ............. 204 Trenchard on sluicing plants at Tingha, New South Wales ......... 844a Van der Wyck on methods in Banka and Billiton ........... ....... 118 Vercoe on Chinese methods in Malay Peninsula ................... 740 Vogelsang on methods in Schlaggenwald, Bohemia ................ 72 Weeks on methods, machinery, and technical terms ............... 1372 Worth on tools and methods in Devon and Cornwall (historical)... 1425 See references Nos. 1650-1658. Mining laws: Bartlett on British mining laws .......... . ....................... 334 Boase and Courtney on British mining laws ...................... 342 Carew on court practices in Cornwall ............................. 351 China, Yunnan ......... ^ ........................................ 266a Legislation regarding tin in Malay Peninsula ................... 681, 706 Mining terms explained ..................... . ........................ 444 Glossary of . i ................................................... 483 Pryce on ........................................................ 1352 Weeks on. ....... ..... ..... .... .................. ............... 1372 Mino, see Japan. Misina, Graham on tin in ....... . .................................... 1324 Mispickel, Whitehead on assays of, from Virginia ................ ..... 1247 See Association of tin with. Missouri, Dunstan on tin in .......................................... 786 Genth on tin in Madison County. ...... ........ . .................. 787 Madison County, tin in ........ ....... ........................... 787 Ozarks, tin mining fraud in ...................................... 1423 Wheeler on attempted tin mining in ... ---- .... ................... 1423 See also United States. Missouri River, see Montana. Mitta Mitta, see Victoria. Mitta River Valley, see Victoria. Mohlengraaff, G. A. F ................................................ 1052 Moho district, see Peru, Puno. Moissenet, L ......................................................... 1536 Moissenet, Leon ........................................... .. ...... 433, 434 Moissenet, L. L ...................................................... 435 Molong district, see New South Wales. Molybdenite, Andrews on deposits at Kingsgate, New South Wales ...... 797 See Association of tin with. Molybdenum, Clarke on separating tin from arsenic, antimony, and molybdenum ................................................... 1467 Monaglogh, see Ireland. 540 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 58 Reference Number Monazite, distortion of cassiterite crystals caused by 1649 Voit on deposits of in South Africa 3c See Association of tin with. Montalbion, see Queensland. Montana, Bitter Root Mountains, tin in 214 Blake on tin in 1202 Blake on tin in the headwaters of the Missouri 1201 Blake on tin in the Bitter Root Mountains 214 Kemp on tin in 1213 Missouri River, tin in headwaters of 1201 Raymond on stream tin on Big Prickly Pear Creek 787a See also United States. Monte Blanco mine, see Bolivia. Montebras, see France. Montebrasite, see Association of tin with. Monte Calvi, see Italy, Tuscany. Monte Fumachhio, see Italy, Tuscany. Montesinhos, see Portugal. Monte Valerio, see Italy, Tuscany. Montgomery, Alex 1108-1113 de Montis, B 586a Moody, S. E 1537 Moore, T.. 1114 Moorina, see Tasmania. Morbihan, see France. Morgan, J 706 Moricke, W 260 Morococala mine, see Bolivia. Morse, Arthur J 1013 Moss, E. W 707 Mount Amos, see Queensland. Bischoff, see Tasmania. Black, see Tasmania. Brown, see Queensland. Calvario, see Peru. Cameron, see Tasmania. Cudgewa, see Victoria, Cudgewa district. Dundas, see Tasmania. Elmo, see Victoria. Euriowie, see New South Wales. Fatique, see Victoria. Gunson mine, see South Australia. Leswell, see Queensland. Lyell, see Tasmania. Mica, see Maine. Pilot, see New South Wales. NO. 2 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TIN HESS 341 Mount Amos Continued. Reference WuinDcr Poscovi, see Bolivia. Ramsay, see Tasmania. Read, see Tasmania. Rex, see Tasmania, Ben Lomond. Rubellite, see Maine. Singapore, see Victoria. Wells, see Northern Territory. Wills Creek, see Victoria. Mourne Mountains, see Ireland. Mufford, J 1115, 1116 Mulder ( ?) 1538 Muldiva, see Queensland. Mulholland, C. A 1265 Miuller, H., and Richter 560 Miiller, Hermann 555, 556, 557, 558, 559 Muller, J. A 1539 Munday, John 927 Munroe, Henry S 633 Muntaha, see Malay Peninsula, Johore. Muntok district, see Banka. Murray, Reginald A. P 1230, 1231 Murray (Upper), see Victoria, Upper Murray. Muriate of tin, Gregor on formation through long burying of metallic tin, 393 Hunt on influence of magnetism and voltaic electricity on crystal- lization of 1619 Muscovite, see Association of tin with. Musculus, F 1540 Myola, see Queensland. Myrick, C. M 1541 N Nails, made from tin scrap 1573 Nam-Patene, see Siam, Laos. Nam Sak River, see Siam. Nancothan, see Cornwall. Napier, Chas. R. G 1405 Narungo, see India, Chota Nagpur. Native tin, 347, 527, 856, 860 Nederlandsch Indie, see Dutch Indies. Neeb, E. A 298 Negri Sembilan, see Malay Peninsula. Negro Pabellon, see Bolivia. Nellys Ford, see Virginia, Nelson County. Nelson County, see Virginia. Neudeck, see Bohemia. 342 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 58 Reference Number Nevada, Hoffman on tin in Tuscarora placer mines 788 See also United States. Neville, F. H. (Heycock, C. T., and) 1504 Nevius, J. Nelson 781 Newbery, J. Cosmo 1232 Newbold, T. J 299 Newellton district, see Queensland. New England plateau, see New South Wales. New England States, Blake on tin in 1202 See also Australia. Newfoundland, Milne on tin in 789 New Guinea, Ferguson Island, tin on 790 New Hampshire, Day on tin in 1203a Jackson, tin at 791, 792, 1214 Kemp on tin in , 1213 Leonhard on tin at Jackson 1214 See also United States. New Jersey, Andover, tin near 793 Lesley on tin near Andover 793 Schnabel on tin in zinc from 794 See also United States. Newland, D. H 30, 31, 54, 70, 170, 436, 437, 708, 782, 832, 833, 928, 1053, 1266, 1346, 1347 Newman 1117 Newman, G. H 929 Newquay, see Cornwall. New Ross, see Nova Scotia, Lunenberg County. Newsom, John F. (Branner, J. C., and) 1306 New South Wales, tin in 41, 43, 45, 46, 1290, 1292, 1298c A , R. D., on tin mining in Vegetable Creek district 796 Aberfoil River, tin on 820 Adams on tin in. .'. 795 Andrews on tin in the New England plateau 797 Badjerican mine, tin in 825 Bald Nob, tin at 797 Barrier Bischoff mine, tin in 825 Barrier Ranges field, tin in 825 Beer on tin in 806 Bendemeer, Gulf mine, tin in 817 Benedict on tin deposits of 47, 1301 Benedict on Oetery mine in Emmaville district 807 Bourke County, tin in 841 Brogger (Kjerulf and) on tin in 826 Broken Head, beach mining at 805 NO. 2 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TIN - HESS 343 New South Wales Continued. Broken Hill Lode, tin in ......................... ............... 825 Brown on tin in ............................................ 1307, 1308 Burra Burra district, tin in ..................................... 847a Calorla mine, tin in ............................................. 825 Card on minerals of economic value in ..................... ' ...... 808 Carne on beach sand of the Esk River and Jerusalem Creek, Rich- mond County ................................................ 809 Clarence district, tin in ....................................... 822, 823 Clarke on tin in ..................................... 810, 811, 812, 813 Clark on tin mines in the Devonian of ............................ 814 Coglan on tin in ....................................... 815, 1677, 1679 Conder on the Conrad tin mines .................................. 816 Cotton on the tin deposits of New England ..... . . . ............... 816a Cox on tin near Bendemeer, in Inverell district, and at Silverton ____ 817 David on the Vegetable Creek field, New England district .......... 818 Davies on tin in ...... ........................................... 1317 Day on tin in ................................................... 1318 Deepwater, tin at ............................................... 797 Department of mines on tin in ................................... 819 Dundee, tin near ................................................ 811 Emmaville district ........................................ 797, 800, 807 Emmaville district, Emerald mines, tin in ..... ................... 797 English on tin in the Inverell district ............................ 50 Euriowie, tin at ................................................. 825 Evans on Little River to McAuley's Lead, beach mining from ...... 804 Fawns on tin in ................................................. 1320 Foullon on tin in ................................................ 1322 Genth on tin from Aberfoil and Sam Rivers ...................... 820 Giants Den, tin at .............................................. 797 Gower on the Vegetable Creek field .................... 821, 822, 823, 824 Howell, Conrad mines, conradite from ............................ 1644 Conrad mines, tin in ................................. ...... . . 816 Huel Byjerkerno mine, tin in .................................... 825 Inverell district, tin in ....................... 50, 797, 803, 817, 844, 847c Elsmore mine, tin in ...................................... 830, 849 Jaquet on tin in Euriowie and Waukeroo ......................... 825 Kjerulf and Brogger on tin in .............. ...................... 826 Liversidge on tin in ....................................... 827, 828, 829 Liversidge on Elsmore mine, Inverell ............................ 830 Lock on tin in ................................. , ................ 1338 Louis on tin in .................................................. 1340 Louis (Phillips and) on tin in ........... ......................... 1350 Mance on tin mining in 1905 ..................................... 52 McAuleys Lead to Evans or Little River, beach mining from ........ 804 Mingaye on tin in the Richmond River district ..... ............... 831 344 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 58 New South Wales Continued. Molong district, Gumbel lodes, tin in ............................. 847g Mount Euriowie, tin in ....................................... 825?, 848 Mount Pilot, tin at foot of ...................................... 41, 799 New England district, tin in ............. 797, 816a, 818, 822, 840, 842, 845 Newland on tin in ........ '. .............................. 832, 833, 1346 Newton on metalliferous minerals of ............................. 55 Paradise Creek, tin in ........................................... 811 Pheasant Creek, tin at .......................................... 797 Phillips and Louis on tin in ...................................... 1350 Pittman on tin in ............................................. 834, 835 Plummer on tin in .............................................. 837 On tin in Vegetable Creek field .............................. 836 Reid on tin in .................................................. 838 Reyer on tin in ................................................. 1354 Richmond County, Jerusalem Creek, beach sand of ................ 809 Esk River, beach sand of ............................. : ...... 809 Richmond River, beach mining at mouth of .................... 804, 831 Sam River, tin on ............................................... 820 Silverton, tin at ................................................. 817 Silverton district, Poolamacca, tin near .......................... 847h Silent Grove, tin at .............................................. 797 Slee on tin in ................................................... 839 Smyth on tin in .............................................. 1362 Stephen on tin in New England district ........................... 840 Stokes on tin in ....................................... . ......... 730 Stonier on tin in Bourke County .................................. 841 Taylor on tin in the New England district ........................ 842 Thibault on tin in ................................... ............. 843 On conradite from the Conrad mines, at Howell ............... 1644 On tin dredging in Tingha ......... , ......................... 844 Thistle mine, tin in ............................................. 825 Timbarra, Table Top, gold at .................................... 797 Tingha, stream sluicing plants at ................................ 844a Tin dredging at ........................................... 803, 844 Tingha district, map showing tin in ............................... 849 Trenchard on stream sluicing plants at Tingha ............. . ...... 844a Ulrich on tin in New England district ............................ 845 Vegetable Creek district, tin in ____ 796, 818, 821, 822, 823, 824, 835, 83G, 847f Waukeroo, tin in ................................................ 825 Weinschenk on tin in Silberberg near Bodenmais ................. 846 Wilkinson on tin in .................................... 847b, 847d, 847e On tin in the Burra Burra district ........................... 847a On tin in the Inverell district ............................... 847c On tin in the Molong district ................................ 847g XO. 2 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TIN HESS 345 New South Wales: Wilkinson Continued. On the Mount Euriowie tin properties ...... . ................. 848 On tin in the Silverton district ................................ 847h On tin in the Tingha and Elsmore districts ................... 849 On tin in the Vegetable Creek district ......................... 847f Wilson's Downfall, tin at ........................................ 797 Wood on tin in ............................................... 850 See also Australia. Newton, E. Wilton ................................................... 55 New Zealand: Bell on tin on Stewart Island .................................... 852 Binns on tin on west coast of Otago and South Island .............. 853 Coghlan on tin in ............................................... 1077 Fawns on tin in ................................................. 1320 Half Moon Bay, tin at ....... . ................................... 851 de Launay on tin in ............................................. 854 McKay on tin in the Port Pegasus district and on Stewart Island. . . 855 Newton on metalliferous minerals of ............................. 55 Otago, tin at Laukeys Creek. Reefton, Milford, and Dusky Sounds on west coast of ...................... ....................... 853 Port Pegasus district, tin in ..................................... 855 Remarkable Mountains, tin in .................................... 853 South Island, tin at Humphreys Gulley near Hokitika .............. 853 Stewart Island, tin on ................................ 851, 852, 853, 855 Neyrac, see France. Nicholas, C. E ...................................................... 929a Nicholas, Wm .......... ............................................. 1233 Nicholls, Dr .............................. ........................... 1348 Nickel, Emmons on occurrence in United States and genesis of min- erals of .................. .................................. 1206 Douglas on metallurgy of ............................ ............ 1204 Moody on hydrolysis of salts of, in presence of iodides and iodates. . 1537 Ferret on metallurgy of ............... * .......................... 1549 World statistics since 1890 ....................................... 1694 See Association of tin with. Nicolaus, R. C ........................................................ 860 Nigeria, tin in .................................................... 637, 638 Akwa-Ibama district, tin in ...................................... 859 Bauchi, tin in Badiko district .................................... 860 Bautshi tin fields ................................................ 857 Benue River, tin on the .......................................... 3 de Launay on tin on the Benue River ............................ 3 Delime River, tributary to Lake Tchad, tin on .................... 856 Dunstan on the Bautshi tin fields ................................. 857 On tin from the Tilde area and the River Gimpu .............. 858 On tin in the Uwet and Akwa-Ibama districts. . 859 346 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 58 Nigeria Continued. Fawns on tin in . .. .' .............................................. 1320 Gimpu River, tin on ............................................. 858 Gimpy or Kogin-Delume River, tin on the ......................... 860 Kogin-Delume River, see Gimpy River. Nicolaus on tin in the Badiko district, Bauchi, and on the Gimpy or Kogin-Delume River ...................................... 860 Stokes on tin in ................................................ 730 Tilde area, tin in ............................ .................... 858 Uwet district, tin in ............................................. 859 See also Africa. Nigger Hill district, see South Dakota. Nine Mile Creek, see Victoria, Mitta River Valley. Niobium, de Launay on occurrence in France .......................... 518 ' See Association of tin with. Niriella, see Ceylon. Noggerath, J. J ...................................................... 1628 Noragala, see Ceylon. Nordenskiold, A. E ................ . ............................. 948, 1628a Nordenskioldine, Brogger on a rare borate of calcium and tin .......... 1596 Dan on .......................................................... 1600 North, Oliver ........................................................ 1542 North America, see Alaska, Canada, Greenland, Mexico, Newfoundland, Santo Domingo, United States, etc. North Carolina, tin in ..................................... 1196, 1281, 1298 Benedict on tin in ...................................... 240, 1200, 1301 Dabney on Kings Mountain tin deposit ........................... 241 Day on tin in ............... ................................... 1203a Emmens on tin in ................................. .............. 1205 Furman on tin in . ........................................... 242, 242a Garrison on tin in .......... ................................. 243, 1207 Genth on .tin at Kings Mountain and on other minerals in .......... 244 Graton on tin in .............................................. 245, 246 Guenther on tin in .............................................. 1326 Headden on tin in Mecklenburg County. ......................... 1208 Hess on tin In .................................................. 247 Kalb on cassiterite in Hay wood and Henderson counties ........... 1334 Kemp on tin in .................................................. 1213 Kings Mountain tin deposit ........ 240, 241, 242a, 244, 247, 248, 254, 254a Ledoux on tin at Kings Mountain ................................ 248 Mecklenburg County, analysis of cassiterite supposed to be from ____ 1208 Phillips on tin in .............................................. 250 Pratt on tin in .................................................. 251 Pratt and Sterrett on tin in ...................................... 252 Rolker on tin in ................................................ 1357 Struthers and Pratt 6n tin in ............ . 1364 NO. 2 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TIN HESS 347 North Carolina Continued. Ulke on tin at Kings Mountain .................................. 254 Van Ness on tin at Kings Mountain .............................. 254a See also Carolinas and United States. North Dundas, see Tasmania. Northeastern district, see Victoria. Northern Hills, see South Dakota, Black .Hills. Northern Territory, tin in .................................. 45, 1292, 1298c Fawns on tin in ................................................. 1320 Playford on tin at Warra ........................................ 861a Port Darwin, tin at ............................................. 861 Tate on tin near Mt. Wells and on a tributary of McKinlay River. . . 862 Warra, tin at ................................................... 861a Wood on tin in .................................................. 863 See also Australia. Norton Bay, see Alaska. Norway, Brogger on the minerals of the syenite pegmatite ............. 1596 Brogger on tin in Aro ........................................... 1596 See also Europe. Nova Scotia, Fairibault on tin in Lunenberg County ................... 227 Lunenberg County, tin at New Ross. . ...................... 224, 227, 232 Lunenberg County, tin at Tangier, Shelbourne, Rawdon, Country Harbour, and New Ross ..................................... 227 Young on geology of country near New Ross ...................... 232 See also Canada. Nowicki, Constantin von ................... .......................... 71 Noyes, H. Herbert ................................................... 709 Nurgo, see India, Chota Nagpur. Nurunga, see Narungo. Nylstroom, see Transvaal. Gates, Robert ....................................................... 596 Occurrence of tin ........................... ......... 1280, 1288, 1293, 1294 Alaska ....................................... 8, 12c, 17, 2>1, 29a, 29b, 31 Andrews on the tin deposits of New England, New South Wales ____ 797 Argall on wood tin in Breage, Cornwall ........................... 330 Argentina ... ................................................... 36 Argentina, Tinogasta, in granulite ................. . .............. 36 Balfour on tin in Malay Peninsula ................................ 677 Banka ............................... '. ....................... 118, 136 Bauer on ....................................................... 1591 Beck on ____ .................................................... 1299 Beck on the mineral deposits of Schwartzenberg ................... 530 Benedict on tin and bismuth in closely associated but distinct veins at Chorolque, Bolivia ........................................ 152 12 348 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 58 Occurrence of tin Continued. Bergeat on the tin deposits of Tuscany ............................ 613 Berger on matrices accompanying mineral deposits of Cornwall and Devon .......... . .......................................... 339 Berzelius on .................................................... 1303 Billiton .................................................. 118, 134, 136 Blake on tin ore in the Black Hills, South Dakota ................. 994 Boerhaave on ................................................... 1305 Bohemia .................................................... 542, 573a Bolivia ........................ 141a, 143, 144, 152, 154, 155, 157, 158, 172 Branner and Newsom on ........................................ 1306 Brooks on occurrence of cassiterite in Alaska ...................... 17 Brown on ....................................................... 1307 Burmah ..................................................... 196, 202 Busz on cassiterite in hornfels in Devon .......................... 350 Buttgenbach on cassiterite-bearing lodes in Katanga ............... 275 California ............................................ 214, 215, 222, 223 Campagne on the mines of tin .................................... 1309 Canada, Ottawa Valley ........................................... 230 Cape Colony ................................................... 3b, 234 Card on occurrence of tin ore .................................... 808 Carne on chlorite schist pebbles cemented by crystallized tin in Relistian mine, Cornwall ..................................... 352 Carolinas, pegmatite dikes with cassiterite as original constituent.. 239 Carpenter on tin in the Black Hills, South Dakota .............. 998, 999 China ..................................................... 266a, 269a Collier on tin in granite dike intersecting limestone in Alaska ..... 21, 31 Collins on tin in west of England ................................. 367 On tin in Yunnan, China ..................................... 266a Comstock on tin in Texas ....................................... 1166 Conder on the Stanley River tin field, Tasmania .................. 1078a Conway on tin veins in porphyry, slate, and trachyte in Bolivia ..... 154 Cornwall ........................... 330, 339, 352, 384, 427, 433, 442, 455 Cotta on ... ; .................................................... 1312 Cotton on the tin deposits of New England, New South Wales ...... 816a Cox on lode and alluvial deposits in New South Wales ............. 817 Dalmer on the tin deposits of the Altenberg-Graupen district of Germany . . ................................................. 542 Daubr4e on ............................................ 1314, 1315, 1316 David on tin deposits of the Vegetable Creek field, New South Wales, 818 Davies on ....................................................... 1317 De La Croix on tin in Perak ..................................... 685 Devon ....................................................... 339, 350 Dinsmore on tin in Franklin Mountains, Texas ................... 1168a Dunstan on tin deposits of Stannary Hills, Queensland ............ 904 Dussauce on ...... . 1482 NO. 2 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TIN HESS 349 Occurrence of tin Continued. Reference Number Emmons on occurrence in the United States 1206 Emmons on tin ore in andesitic or trachytic rocks of Cretaceous or Tertiary age in Bolivia 155 England 367, 452 English on tin in decayed granite, porphyry, and quartzose rock at Mt. Bischoff, Tasmania 50 Fairbanks on system of tin veins in Temescal district, California, 215, 216 Fawns on 1320 Feuchtwanger on 1321 Finland 953a Forbes on occurrence of tin ore in Bolivia 157 Foster on tin ore as lenticular layers between bedding planes of killas in Cornwall 384 France 522 France, Montebras, at contact of granite and feldspathic porphyry, 494, 517 Frochot on the grading of Sn0 2 into tin pyrites at depth in Bolivia, 158 Germany 530, 542, 573a Germany, Altenberg deposits : 528 Grading of SnO 2 into tin pyrites at depth in Bolivia 143 Graton on cassiterite as a primary constituent of pegmatite dikes in Carolina tin belt. 245, 246 Greg and Lettsom on 1614 Griffiths on tin in porphyritic granite in Cape Colony 234 Hanks on 218 Hess on cassiterite as an original mineral in pegmatite 247 Hess and Graton on 1329 Italy 613, 627 Jameson on 1621 Johnston on Tasmanian tin deposits 1099 Jokely on tin in gneiss, f elsite, porphyry, and greisen 68 Kalb on 1334 Kitson on deposits in Victoria 1229 Knopf on tin minerals in Alaska 29a, 29b Kongo 3, 275 Krusch on tin deposits of Western Australia 1258 Lacroix on cassiterite at Hin-boun, Laos 644 Laos 644 de Launay on cassiterite in pegmatite cutting mica, talc, chlorite, and amphibolite schists at Embabaan, Swaziland 3 de Launay on tin with copper in region of Archaean rocks and granite in the French Kongo 3 Lemon and Tremenheere on cassiterite in granite dikes cutting sandstone in Mergui, Burmah 196 Lock on rocks in which tin occurs 1338 Lotti on the tin deposits of Tuscany 627 350 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 58 Occurrence of tin Continued. Louis on ........................................................ 1340 MacAlister on tin lodes of Cornwall .............................. 427 Malay Peninsula .............................................. 677, 714 Mallard on tin veins in granite carrying black mica in Montebras, France ..................................................... 522 Massart on tin ores in Spain ..................................... 1038 Minchin on tin veins in trachytic porphyry ..................... 162, 164 Moissenet on tin veins of Cornwall ................................ 433 Montgomery on Tasmanian tin deposits ...................... 1110, 1113 Munday on tin ores of Herberton district, Queensland ............. 927 Newland on tin in granite dike intersecting limestone near Lost River, Alaska ............................................... 31 New South Wales .................................... 797, 816a, 817, 818 Nicholls on ..................................................... 1348 North Carolina .................................. 239, 245, 246, 247, 1220 Occurrence, appearance, and detection of tin in the field ........... 1298e O'Harra on minerals of the Black Hills, South Dakota ............. 1014 Ohly on tin in the United States .................................. 1215 Osann on cassiterite in graphitic gneiss derived from limestone in the Ottawa Valley, Canada ................................... 230 Pacheco on tin ores in Spain ..................................... 1039 Pasley on tin veins in granite and later " porphyritic rocks " trachytic in the south of Bolivia ............................ 172 Penrose on tin deposits of Malay Peninsula ........................ 714 Perak ......................................................... 686 Phillips on the rocks of Cornwall in which mineral deposits occur. . 442 Pilz on ......................................................... 1040 Posewitz on occurrence in Billiton ................................ 134 Preumont on tin bearing lodes in quartzite ........................ 176 Puig y Larraz on tin in Zamora, Spain ............................ 1041 Queensland .................................................. 904, 927 Recknagel on the tin deposits in the Rooiberg district, Transvaal, 1186a, 1186b Reilly on ....................................................... 1353 Rudler on occurrence of cassiterite and stannite in Great Britain. . . 452 Rumbold on tin deposits of Cape Colony, Transvaal, and Swaziland. . 3b Sandberger on occurrence in silicates ............................. 1358 Saxony ..................................................... 542, 573a Sexton on ....................................................... 1361 Simmons on tin ores in Cornwall ................................ 455 Singewald on tin deposits in the Erzgebirge of Saxony and Bohemia. 573a Smyth on ....................................................... 1362 South Carolina ................................. 239, 245, 246, 247, 1220 South Dakota ................... 994, 997, 998, 999, 1009, 1014, 1020, 1221 Spain ................................................ 1038, 1039, 1041 NO. 2 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TIN HESS 351 Occurrence of tin Continued. Reference Number Stelzner on tin grading into argentiferous fahlerz, pyrites, and locally galena and zinc blende at depth in Bolivia 182 Stelzner on tin ore in trachytes or andesites of Cretaceous or early Tertiary age in Bolivia 182 Stirling on tin deposits of Victoria 1238 Struthers and Pratt on tin in North and South Carolina 1220 Struthers and Pratt on tin in South Dakota and Wyoming 1020 Swaziland 3, 3b, 3d Swinburne on tin in the Transvaal 1189 Tasmania 50, 1078a, 1099, 1110, 1113, 1155, 1156, 1158 Texas 1166, 1168a Theobald on tinstone as one of the integral constituents of a stannif- erous granite south of Pakchan, Burmah 202 Transvaal 3d, 1178d, 1186a, 1186b, 1189 Trustedt on iron, copper, and tin deposits at Pitkaranta, Finland. .. 953a Tuscany 613, 627 Ulke on deposits at Kings Mountain, North Carolina, and Vesuvius, Virginia 254 United States .1206, 1215 Van der Wyck on occurrence in Banka and Billiton 118 Verbeek on occurrence of tin in Banka and Billiton 136 Victoria 1229, 1238 Virginia 254 Waller on tin in Tasmania 1155, 1156, 1158 Warth on cassiterite in weathered eruptive rock 207 Weeks on 1372 West on Temescal mines, California 222 Western Australia 1258 Weston on tin deposits of Swaziland and Transvaal 3d Whitney on Temescal mines, California 223 Willis on tin in Yunnan, China 269a Wyoming 1020 Ochsenius, C 171 Oetery mine, see New South Wales, Emmaville district. O'Harra, Cleophus C 1014 Ohira-tetsu-san, see Japan, Bungo. Ohly, J 1215 Olaechea, T I71a Oldham, T 198, 199 Olivine, tin in olivine found in meteorite 1600 Onon River, see Siberia. Oonah mine, see Tasmania. Oppe, H. V 561 Oppert, Ernest 640 Orange River Colony, Jorissen on intrusive granites in 1050 352 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 58 Reference Number Ordway, John M 1543 Orense, see Spain. Orient farm, see Tasmania. Origin of tin 1298a Alaska 19 Andrews on the tin and wolfram deposits of New England, New South Wales 797 Australia 58 Beck on 1299 Beck on the mineral deposits of Schwartzenberg 530 Beck on relation between ore veins and pegmatites 1300 Bergeat on the tin deposits of Tuscany 613 Berthelot on 1379 Blake on tin ores of the Black Hills, South Dakota 995 Blake on the ores of tin . 1202 Bohemia 542 Bolivia 158, 160, 180a, 182 Branner and Newsom on 1306 Breithaupt on the paragenesis of minerals 535 Carne on the source of the tin in beach sands of New South Wales. . 809 Carne on stream tin in Cornwall 356 Collier on stream tin in Alaska 19 Collins on, in the west of England 367 Cornwall 356, 385, 399, 402, 404, 410, 427 Cotta on 1312 Cotta on gradual passage from granite to stanniferous zwitterge- stein in Germany 539 Cotton on the tin deposits of New England, New South Wales 816a Dalmer on the tin deposits of the Altenberg-Graupen district, Germany 542 Daubree on 1314, 1315, 1316 David on the tin deposits of the Vegetable Creek field, New South Wales 818 Emmons on 1206 England 367, 452 Fawns on 1320 Finland 953a Foster on tin deposits of Cornwall 385 Frochot on tin deposits of Bolivia 158 Gautier on tin deposits near Chorolque, Bolivia 160 Germany 530, 539, 542, 575 Graton on tin deposits of the Carolina tin belt 245, 246 Hall on tin deposits of Pretoria 1181, 1182 Hawkins on origin of alluvial strata in Cornwall 399 Headden on tin in the Black Hills, South Dakota 1008 NO. 2 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TIN HESS 353 Origin of tin Continued. Kenwood on derivation of stream tin ............................. 1327 On the stream tin deposits of Cornwall ..................... 402, 404 Hess on the Carolina tin deposits ................................. 247 On tin in South Dakota ...................................... 1009 Hill on tin deposits of Cornwall .................................. 410 Hopkins on alluvial tin deposits .................................. 1330 Hunt on Mt. Bischoff tin deposits ................................. 1097 Italy ............................................ ............ 613, 627 Jackson on the tin bearing veins of Jackson, New Hampshire, 791, 792 Johnson on tin deposits in South Africa ........................... 1183 Krusch on tin deposits of Western Australia ...................... 1258 Lacroix on cassiterite at Hin-boun, Laos .......................... 644 Laos ........................................................... 644 Lindgren on metasomatic processes in fissure veins ................ 1337 Lotti on the tin deposits of Tuscany .............................. 627 MacAlister on tin and tourmaline .................. ............. 1341 On tin lodes of Cornwall ................................... 427 Majendie on wood tin ........................................... 1342 Malay Peninsula ..................................... 714, 721, 725, 726b Merensky on tin deposits of Transvaal ............................ 1184a New Hampshire ............................................... 791, 792 New South Wales .................................... 797, 809, 816a, 818 North Carolina ........................................... 245, 246, 247 Penrose on alluvial and lode tin in Malay Peninsula* ............... 714 Posepny on the genesis of ore deposits ............................ 1351 Pretoria ----- ................................................ 1181, 1182 Recknagel on the tin deposits of the Rooiberg district, Transvaal, 1186a, 1186b Recknagel on the tin deposits of South Africa ..................... 3a Reyer on ---- ...... ........ ...... ................................ 1355 Richter on the relations between tin, lead, and zinc ............... 1356 Robertson on stream tin in Australia ............................. 58 Rudler on tin deposits of Great Britain ..................... ..... 452 Rumbold on origin of Bolivian tin deposits ....................... 180a On tin deposits of Malay Peninsula .......................... 721 Saxony ................. ................................. 530, 542, 575 Scrivenor on tin deposits of Malay Peninsula ................... 725, 726b Sedgwick on .................................................... 1360 South Africa ................................................. 3a, 1183 South Carolina ........................................... 245, 246, 247 South Dakota ..................................... 995, 1008, 1009, 1024 Stelzner on tin deposits of Bolivia ................................ 182 Stelzner on tin deposits of the Erzgebirge of Germany ............. 575 Stevens on ...................................................... 1363 Stirling on tin deposits of Victoria ............................... 1238 354 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 58 Origin of tin Continued. Tasmania ........................ 1097, 1137, 1141, 1155, 1156, 1158, 1159 Texas .......................................................... 1172 Transvaal ............................... 1181, 1182, 1184a, 1186a, 1186b Triistedt on the iron, copper, and tin deposits at Pitkaranta, Finland, 953a Tuscany .................................. . .................. 613, 627 Twelvetrees on tin mines of Tasmania ....................... 1137, 1141 Ulke on tin ores of South Dakota ................................ 1024 United States ................................................... 1206 Van Hise on .................................................... 1367 Victoria ........................................................ 1238 Vogt on ............................................... 1368, 1369, 1370 Waller on tin in Tasmania ............................. 1155, 1156, 1158 Weed on tin deposits at El Paso, Texas ........................... 1172 Wellington on Mt. Bischoff mine, Tasmania. . ...................... 1159 Western Australia ............................................... 1258 See also Association of tin and Minerals of tin. Orthoclase, Phillips on pseudomorphs of cassiterite after ............... 1632 See Association of tin with. Ormuz mine, see Tasmania. Oruro, see Bolivia. Osann, A ............................................................ 230 Osbeck, Peter ....................................................... 710 Oshoek, see Swaziland. Otago, see New Zealand. Oubanghi, see French Kongo, Ubangi. Oudemans, Jr., A. C. . . r . .............................................. Ill Ouelle Makua, see French Kongo, Welle Makwa. Overman, Frederick .................................................. 1544 Ovoca district, see Ireland, Wicklow. Owen, Frank ..................................................... 711, 712 Oxland, R ........................................................... 438 P Pacheco, Hernandez E ............................................... 1039 Pahang, see Malay Peninsula. Paigeite, Knopf on a new magnesian iron-tin boron mineral .......... 29a, 29b Paillette, Adrien ( Schulz, Guillaume, and) ............................ 1043 Pakchan River, see Burmah, Tenasserim district. Pak-Phrek, see Siam. Palanpur, see India. Palmer district, see Queensland. Palmer River, see Queensland. Palo, see East Indies. Palembang, see Sumatra. Panga, see Siam. NO. 2 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TIN HESS 355 Reference Number Pangkal-Pinang district, see Banka. Pansner, Hof rath 269 Papkuilsfontein, see Cape Colony. Pappan, see Malay Peninsula, Perak. Papua, see New Guinea. Paradise Creek, see New South Wales. Parcelore, see Malay Peninsula. Paris, John Ayrton 439 Parkes, Chas. R 713 Park of Mines, see Cornwall. Parry, L 1545, 1545a, 1545b Parsons, James 259 Parsons, James (Coomaraswamy, A. K., and) 257 Pascoe River, see Queensland. Pasley, Charles S 172 Pattison, S. R 1406 Pavlov, A. W 32, 1216 Payne Mill, see British Columbia, Slocan district. Pearce, Gilbert B 1407 Pearce, Richard 440, 441, 1447a, 1546, 1547, 1629, 1630, 1660 Peetz, L 1548 Pegu, see Malay Peninsula. Pelatan, L 645, 648 Pemberthy, John 174 Pefia, Alphonso de la 172a Penberthy, John 173, 467 Penfield, S. L 1631 Pennance mine, see Cornwall. Pennington County, see South Dakota, Black Hills. . Penrose, R. A., Jr 714 Pentowan mine, see Cornwall. Pentuan, see Cornwall. Penzance, see Cornwall. Perak, see Malay Peninsula. Perils, see Siam. Permo-carboniferous, Twelvetrees on tin in, in Tasmania 1137 Perrett, Auguste 1549 Persia, Hennecke on tin in 864 Mactear on tin near Juwaa, 60 miles northeast of Tabriz 865 See also Asia. Personne, J 1550 Peru: Cajatambo, west of Cerro de Pasco, tin at 866 Earl of Mount Edgcumbe on tin produced in 1883 1681 356 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 58 Peru Continued. Kersten on tin in ................................................ 1512 Larrouy on tin near Huancane, Puno ............................. 867 Mount Calvario, tin on ........................................... 180 Olaechea on tin in Puno ......................................... 171a Posth on tin in the Vilque district, Puno .......................... 869 Puno, tin in ........................... .......... 171a, 866, 867, 869, 870 Huancane, tin near ................................... 866, 867, 870 Mono district, tin in ...................................... 866, 870 Vilque district, tin in ..................................... 866, 869 Raimondi on tin in the Moho district, Puno ....................... 870 Romana on tin on Mount Calvario in Vilque Chico ................. 180 Vilque Chico, tin in ............................................. 180 See also South America. Petterd, W. F .................................................... 1118-1121 (Twelvetrees, W. H., and) ....................................... 1149 Pheasant Creek, see New South Wales. Philippine Islands, McCaskey on reported tin in Negros ............... 871 See United States. Phillips, J. A., and Louis, H.. ...................... . .............. 628, 1350 Phillips, J. Arthur .......................................... 442, 1349, 1632 Phillips, John ....................................................... 1661 Phillips, Wm ............................................... 443, 1633, 1634 Phillips, Wm. B .................................................... 6, 250 Phlogopite, see Association of tin with. Phoenicia: Borlase on early tin trade of ................................ 1381, 1382 Edmonds on tin trade with Cornwall ......................... ---- 1389 James, on ancient tin trade of ................................... 1399 Kenrick on early tin trade with Britain ........................... 1400 Lewis on sources of tin used in .................................... 1401 Rawlinson on Phoenician colonies in Andalusia, Spain, and in the Scilly Islands .............................................. 1410 Saunders on route traversed in tin trade with Britain ............. . 1414 Sources of tin used in ........................................ 744, 1401 Tin trade of ................ 1380, 1382, 1389, 1399, 1400, 1401, 1414, 1418 Wray on source of tin used in ..................................... 744 Phosphorus, see Association of tin with. Pieux, see France, Manche. Pihra, see India, Chota Nagpur. Pike, E. R ........................................................... 715 Pikedale field, see Queensland. Pilbarra, see Western Australia. Pilot Range, see Victoria. Pilz, R .............................................................. 1040 Pioneer, see Tasmania. NO. 2 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TIN HESS 357 Reference Number Piriac, see France, Lower Loire. Pirsson, L. V 1635 Pitkaranta, see Finland. Pittman, Edward F 834, 835 Place, John 716 Placer deposits, dredging and sluicing of 1578 Plagioclase, see Association of tin with. Platinum: Associated with tin, see Association of tin with. Bechamp and Saintpierre on separation of gold and platinum from tin and antimony 1445 Boucard on separation of gold and platinum from tin and antimony, 1455 Campagne on mines of 1309 Game on source of platinum in beach sands of New South Wales. . . 809 Compound of tin, oxygen, and platinum 1475 de Koninch and Lecrenier on the qualitative separation of gold and platinum from arsenic, antimony, and tin 1474 Delachanal and Merniet on a compound of tin, platinum, and oxygen. 1475 Eisner on the separation of gold and platinum from tin and arsenic. . 1486 Mingaye on occurrence in beach sands of New South Wales 831 New South Wales 809 Separation from gold, tin, and antimony .' 1445, 1455 Separation from gold, tin, antimony, and arsenic 1474 Separation from gold, tin, and arsenic 1486 Used to effect complete reduction of tin 1583 Platt, Franklin (McCreath, A. S., and) 1243 Platte, Gabriel 1551 Flatten, see Bohemia. Plattner, C. A 1552 Playford, E. C 861a Plinius, Cains 1408 Pliocene terraces in Cornwall containing deposits of tin and wolfram. .. 333 Plumas County, see California. Plumbostannite, Raimondi on the new mineral 870 Plummer, John 56, 836, 837, 1121a, 1698 Plumose muscovite, see Association of tin with. Poebel, see Bohemia. Polgooth mine, see Cornwall. Polwhele, R 1409 Pontevedra, see Spain. Pontgibaud, see France, Puy-de-Dome. Poolamacca, see New South Wales, Silverton district. Poopo Lake, see Bolivia. Port Clarence, see Alaska. Port Darwin, see Northern Territory. Port Douglas district, see Queensland. 358 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 58 Reference Number Forth, see England. Forth Ledden Mills, see Cornwall. Port Pegasus district, see New Zealand. Portugal, tin in 1027, 1286 D'Achiardi on tin in 1313 Beck on tin in 1299, 1300 Breidenbach on tin in 873 Brown on tin in 1307, 1308 Calderon on tin in 1029 Eschwege on tin in 874 Fawns on tin in 1320 Fuchs and de Launay on tin in 1323 Heale on tin mines of Sao Martinho and Montesinhos in Tras os Monies 875 de Launay (Fuchs and) on tin in 1323 Louis on tin in 1340 Louis (Phillips and) on tin in 1350 Montesinhos, tin in 875 Phillips and Louis on tin in 1350 Sandinha, tin near Goes in 872 Sao Martinho, tin in 875 Tras os Montes, tin in 875 See also Europe. Poscovi, see Bolivia. Posepny, Franz 1351 Posewitz, Th 112, 134, 300, 301, 302 Posth, C 869 Potgietersrust, see Transvaal. Potosi, see Bolivia. Potrillos, see Mexico, Durango. Pozoconi Mountain, see Bolivia. Poussin, see Malay Peninsula, Perak. Praagh, L. V 1186 Pratt, Joseph Hyde 251, 1217 Pratt, J. H. ( Struthers, Joseph, and) 1020, 1220, 1364 Pratt, Joseph Hyde, and Sterrett, Douglas B 252 Pretoria, see Transvaal. Preumont, G 175, 176 Prior, G. L 1054 Prior, G. T 1636 Production of tin: Africa, 1903 1347 Alabama, 1894 1357 Alaska, 1901 1292 Alaska, 1903 1347 Alaska, Seward Peninsula, through 1908 28b NO. 2 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TIN HESS 359 Production of tin Continued. Reference Number Australasia, 1890 1677 1899-1900 48 Australia, 1874-1875 49 1877-1878 59 1881 1412 1883 1681 1891 1344 1903 54, 1347 1903-1904 1679 1904 and 1905 1698 Austria, 1903 70, 1347 Banka, history, prices, etc 113 1880-1892 83 1881 1412 1881-1906 1674 1883 1681 1887 1362 To 1897 79 1897-1898 80 Billiton 134 1854-1874 123 1880-1892 83 1881 1412 1883 1681 1887 1362 1896-1906 1674 To 1897 79 Bohemia, 1891 1344 Bolivia, 138, 142, 146, 167, 168, 180 1883 1681 1891 1344 1897-1909 148g 1901 1292 1901-1902 166 1903 170, 1347 1906 and 1907 148a 1908 148d 1909 148b, 148c, 148e, 148f Near Tupiza 144 Oruro, 1903-1904 145 Burmah, Mergui district, 1889 185 Tenasserim, 1889-1893 * 195 California, 1889 1695 To 1892 213 1894 1357 San Jacinto mine, 1891, giving gross value 210 360 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 58 Production of tin Continued. China, 1881 ...................................................... 1412 Cornwall, 1201-1800 ............................................. 1680 14th Century ................................................ 1403 1742-1891 ................................................... 336 1818-1887 ................................................... 1669 1843 ....................................................... 483 1858-1868 ................................................... 413 1861 ....................................................... 490 1864 ........................................................ 1699 1864-1873 ................................................... 1687 1869 ....................................................... 414 1873-1883 ............ . ...................................... 1681 1891 .......................... ............................. 1344 To 1906 ..................................................... 1693 To 1908 ...................................... ; ............. 427 1908 output and value ....................................... 329b 1909 . . . ! ................................................... 329e Average production of mines, 1846 ............................ 412 Balleswidden mine, 1837-1873 ................................. 451 Dolcoath mine, 1870 .......................................... 469 1897-1901 ............................................... 327 1898 ............. . ...................................... 323 1900 ................................................ 324, 326 General notes on 1887 ........................................ 389 Huel Wherry, to 1818 ........................................ 396 Lands End, 1852-1907 ...... . ................................. 448 Method of increasing output ................................. 472 Old Wheal Vor to 1870 ....................................... 394 Devon, 1201-1800 ................................................ 1680 1858-1868 ................................................... 413 1864 ....................................................... 1699 1869 ........................................................ 414 1909 ....................................................... 329e East Indies, 1872 to date ......................................... 1689 1887 .............................................. ......... 1362 England, 1881 ................................................... 1412 7 centuries to 1892 ..................................... ...... 1385 1853-1906 ................................................... 1688 1882-1897 ................................................... 1685 1893-1907 ........................ \ ......................... 329d 1901 ....................................................... 1292 1902 ....................................................... 436 1903 .................................................... 437> 1347 NO. 2 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TIN HESS 361 Production of tin Continued. Finland, 1891 .................................................... 1344 Pitkaranta, 1887-1889 ................................... 1691, 1692 France, 1901 ..................................................... 1292 Gray on ......................................................... 1325 Germany, 1903 ................................................... 1347 Scrap tin .............................................. 1497a, 1511 Great Britain, see England. India, 1904 ................................. ..................... 588 Italy, 1876-1880 ................................................. 623 Japan, 1892-1902 ................................................ 1672 Bungo province, Kiura mine, 1848-1860 ........................ 630 Bungo and Satsuma, estimate, 1878 ........................... 631 Taniyama, 1890 .............................................. 635 Maine, 1894 ..................................................... 1357 Malacca, 1881 ................................................... 1412 1883 ....................................................... 1681 Malay Peninsula, 1876-1884 ....................................... 695 1886 .................................... ................... 706 1891 .................................................... 657, 1344 1900 ........................................................ 666 1901 .................................................... 666, 1292 1902 ............. . ....................................... 667, 708 1903 ............................................ 681, 692, 708, 1347 1904 ................................................ 671, 691, 693 1905 ........................................................ 672 1906 ..................................................... 675, 733 1908 ........................................................ 730 Perak, 1896 ................................................. 660 Quotations for tin product of ................................. 1675 Straits Settlements, 1896-1897 ................................ 662 1899 .................................................... 1340 Malay states, see Malay Peninsula. Mexico, 1891 .................................................... 1344 1903 ........................................................ 1347 San Luis Potosi, 1901 ............ ............................ 780 New South Wales, 1864 .......................................... 806 1872-1875 ................................................... 838 1875-1906 ..................... .............................. 1676 1875 to date ................................................. 819 1885 ....................................................... 818 1886-1887, 1890-1891, 1894, 1895-1896 .......................... 815 1887 . . . .................................................... 1362 1890 ........................................................ 1677 1900-1904 ................................................... 843 1901 . . 1292 362 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 58 Production of tin: New South Wales Continued. Reference Number 1902 832 1903-1904 1679 Vegetable Creek, 1872-1876 822 To 1879 824 North Carolina 251, 252 1894 1357 1903 1220 Northern Territory, 1901 1292 Perak, 1893 732 1894 747 Tambun mine, 1904 670 Queensland, 1864 806 1872-1896 939 1887 1362 1890 1677 1898 936 1899 920 1900 921 1901 1292 1903-1904 1679 1904 922 1904 937 1904 884, 922, 937 Herberton district, 1895 919 1895-1896 932 1904 882 Vulcan mine, 1906 885 Herberton field, 1883-1894. 43 Kangaroo Hills, 1904 929 Pikedale, 1904 933 Stanthorpe, 1904 933 Russia, 1888-1890 941 1885-1889 1690, 1691, 1692 Saxony, 1891 1344 Scrap tin 1497a South Australia, 1901 1292 1903-1904 1679 South Carolina 251, 252 1903 1220 South Dakota, 1889 1695 1894 1357 1904 1018 Spain, 1891 1344 1896 to date 1684 Straits Settlements, see Malay Peninsula. NO. 2 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TIN HESS 363 Production of tin Continued. Reference Number Swaziland, Ryan Tin Co., 1896 1046, 1056 Tasmania, 1875 1058 1877-1878 59 1878 1116 1880-1905 1673 1881 1412 1890 1G77 1891 1344 To 1892 1118 1896-1897 1124 Through 1897 1128 1899 1065 1900-1901 1067 1901 1292 1903-1904 1077, 1679 Mount Bischoff, 1873-1877 1115 To 1900 1140 1903 1069 Transvaal, Rooiberg, to 1909 1185a Tuscany, to 1894 628 United States, 1890 1319 1904 1217 1905-1907 1209, 1210, 1211 Scrap tin 1497a Victoria, 1873-1877, 1885-1888, and 1890 to date 1697 1890 1677 1899 to date 1222 1903-1904 1679 Western Australia 1671 1900 1261 1901. 1254, 1255, 1266, 1292 1902 1266 To 1903 1264 1903-1904 1679 1904 1671 1907 1269 World, 1854 1701 1864-1873 1687 1874 to date '. . . . 1683 1879-1881 1700 To 1880 1388 1881-1890 1682 1885-1899 1670 1890 to date 1694 1891 . . 1344 364 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 58 Production of tin: World Continued. 1892 ....................... .'...' ............................ 1372 1892 to date ............................................ x ..... 1696 1894 ........................................................ 1283 1897 ....................................................... 1285 1898 ........................................................ 1287 1899 ........................................................ 1340 1900 ........................................................ 1290 1903 ................................................... 1326, 1364 1904 ........................................................ 1217 1905 ....................................................... 1320 1905-1907 ........................................ 1209, 1210, 1211 1910 ....................................................... 1298d See references Nos. 1669-1707. Prospecting, Wray on tables for checking accuracy of bore holes in allu- vial tin prospecting .............................................. 746 Providence mines, see Cornwall. Provis, Richard (Kayser, H. W., and) ................................ 1102 Pryce, William ................................................... 444, 1352 Pseudomorphs, cassiterite after feldspar ........ 478, 479, 1597, 1603, 1632, 1638 Cassiterite after sulpho-stannites ................................. 1630 Headden on cause of tin pseudomorphs in the Black Hills, South Dakota ..................................................... 1616 Pueblo, see Mexico. Puig y Larraz, D. Gabriel ............................................ 1041 Puket, see Siam. Punitaqui, see Chili. Punnett, H. Macaulay ........................ .................... 177, 445 Puno, see Peru. Pusch, Geo. G ....................................................... 949 Puy-de-Dome, see France. Pyrite, see Association of tin with. Pyrite-blende ores, Beck on occurrence at Schwartzenberg, Germany ____ 530 Dalmer on origin of in the Altenberg-Graupen district of Germany. . 542 Pyrolusite, see Association of tin with. Pyrrhotite, see Association of tin with. Qualla Lumpor, see Malay Peninsula, Kuala Lumpur. Quartz, DaubrSe on artificial production of 1601 Replaced by SnO 2 in Cornwall 357 Tin oxide after quartz and allophane in Cornwall 1629 See Association of tin with. Quebec, Osann on tin at Graphite City in the Ottawa Valley 230 NO. 2 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TIN HESS 365 Reference Number Queensland, tin in 45, 1290, 1292, 1298c Annan River tin field 896 Babington on the Herberton tin field 886 Bain on the Tate tin mines 887 Ball on a comparison of mining and milling methods with those of Cornwall 331 a On Crows Nest tin deposits 888 On the King of the Ranges mine at Watsonville 891a On tin along the Currumbin-Coolangatta beach 891 On tin in the Gayndah district 890 On tin in the Stanthorpe district 889 On treatment of tin ores at Irvinebank 891b Barren Waters, tin at 939 Beer on tin in 806 Benedict on tin deposits of 47, 1301 Bloomfield, tin at 939 Brown on tin in 1307, 1308 Calcifer, tin at 935 California Creek, tin on 895, 927, 935 Cameron on the Annan River tin field, Cooktown district 896 On the Herberton field 895 On tin in the Kangaroo Hills 893 On Stannary Hills tin deposits 892 On tin on Thompsons Creek and in the Herberton district 894 Chillagoe, tin at 935 Clarke on tin mines in the Devonian of 814 Cleveland on tin dressing at Stannary Hills 897 Clotten on tin in Herberton district, on Wild River, at Watsonville, Irvinebank, and in Silver Valley 898 Coghlan on tin in , 1677, 1679 Cooktown district, tin in 896, 917, 920 Coolgarra district, tin in 895, 926, 927 Crows Nest tin deposits 888 Currumbin-Coolangatta Beach, tin on 891 Cusack on Running Creek camp, Ravenswood fields 899 D'Achiardi on tin in 1313 Daintree on tin on Severn River 900 Davies on tin in 1317 Day on tin in 1318 Dowel on tin in the Herberton district 901 Dry River, silver mines on 916 Dunstan on Lancelot mine in Silver Valley 902 On Stannhills tin fields 904, 905 On tin with monazite at mouth of Tweed River 903 Edlinger on the Herberton district 906 366 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 58 Queensland Continued. English on tin at Stanthorpe ..................................... 50 Eureka Creek district, tin in ............................... 895, 925, 927 Fawns on tin in ................................................. 1320 Fossilbrook, tin on .............................................. 927 Fryar on tin in .................................................. 907 Gayndah district, tin in .......................................... 890 Glenlinedale, tin at .............................................. 927 Gregory on tin in ............................................... 908 On tin on Severn River ....................................... 909 Haldane on the Herberton district .............................. 910, 911 On the Walsh and Tinaroo field ............................. 911 Herberton district, tin in ____ 43, 876, 878, 881, 882, 885, 886, 894, 895, 898, 901, 906, 910, 911, 916, 919, 920, 927, 931, 932, 934, 935, 938, 939 Silver Valley, Lancelot lode in ................... 881, 898, 902, 938 Vulcan mine .............................................. 876, 885 Hopkinson River, tin on ......................................... 940 Horsley on tin in the Kangaroo Hills and Star River fields ......... 912 Hume on tin in ................................................. 913 Irvinebank district, tin in .................... 876, 895, 898, 927, 935, 939 Treatment of tin ores in ...................................... 891b Jack on silver mines on Dry River ............................... 916 On tin near Cooktown ....................................... 917 On tin in Herberton, Western, and Thompsons Creek districts. . 916 On tin in the Kangaroo Hills, at Mount Brown, and on Running River .................................................. 918 On tin in Stanthorpe district ................................. 915 On Wild River tin mines .................................... 914 Kangaroo Hills, tin in the ........ ' ................ 893, 912, 918, 920, 929 King of the Ranges mine _____ .................................... 891a Koorboora district, tin in ...................................... 895, 927 Lions Den, tin in ................................................ 896 Lock on tin in .................................................. 1338 Louis on tin in .................................................. 1340 Louis (Phillips and) on tin in ................................... 1350e Macdonald on tin in .................................. 921, 922, 923, 924 On Herberton, Kangaroo Hills, Cooktown, Stanthorpe, Ravens- wood, Palmer, and Port Douglas tin districts ............. 920 Maclaren on Stannary Hills, Eureka Creek, and Watsonville districts. 925 Maitland on the Coolgarra tin mines ............................. 926 Mance on tin mining during 1905 ................................ 52 Montalbion, tin at ............................................... 935 Mount Amos, tin on ............................................. 896 Mount Brown, tin at ............................................. 918 Mount Leswell, tin on ........................................... 896 Muldiva, tin at.. 935 NO. 2 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TIN HESS 367 Queensland Continued. Reference Number Munday on tin mining in and around Herberton 927 Myola, geological notes on 935 Newellton district, tin in 895 Newland on tin in 928, 1346 Newman on Kangaroo Hills mineral field 929 Newton on metalliferous minerals of 55 Nicholas on Stannary Hills mines 929a Palmer district, tin in 920, 939 Palmer River, tin on 940 Pascoe River, tin on 939 Phillips and Louis on tin in 1350 ^ikedale field, tin in 933 Port Douglas district, tin in 920, 937 Ravenswood district, tin in 920 Tin on Running River 899 Reids Creek, tin near 880, 895 Reyer on tin in 1354 Rolker on tin in 1357 Running River, tin on 899, 918 Russell on Walsh and Tinaroo mineral field 930 Sellheim on tin of Herberton and other districts 931, 932 Severn River, tin on 900, 909 Short on Stanthorpe and Pikedale fields 933 Skertchly on geology near Stanthorpe and Warwick 936 On Herberton tin lead ... 934 On tin mines at Watsonville, Herberton, Montalbion, Irvine- bank, etc 935 Smiths Creek mine, tin in 895 Smyth on tin in 1362 Staines on Port Douglas district 937 Stannary Hills, report, 1909 929a Tin deposits 892, 897, 925 Stannhills tin fields 904, 905 Stanthorpe, tin at 50, 883, 889, 915, 920, 933, 936, 939 Star River field, tin in 912, 939 Sterling on geology and mining in Silver Valley, Herberton 938 Tate tin mines 887 Tate River, tin on 927, 935 Thompsons Creek, tin on 894, 916 Tinaroo (Walsh and) field, tin in 911, 930 Tweed River, tin at mouth of 903 Walsh and Tinaroo field, tin in 911, 930 Warwick, geology near 936 Watsonville district, tin in 895, 898, 925, 927, 935 King of the Ranges mine 891a 368 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 58 Queensland Continued. Weedon on tin on the Pascoe River, at Bloomfield, at Palmer, Barren Waters, Herberton, Irvinebank, Star River, and Stanthorpe ..... 939 Western district, tin in ........................................... 916 Wild River, tin on ............................................ 898, 914 William on tin along Hopkinson and Palmer rivers ................ 940 Williams on tin mining and milling in ........................... 940a See also Australia. Queretaro, see Mexico. Quicksilver, Emmons on occurrence in United States and genesis of minerals of ................................................ 1206 Oppert on in Hoang-hai, Korea ................................... 640 World statistics since 1890 ............ . ....... .................... 1694 See Cinnabar under " Association of tin with." Quimsa Cruz, see Bolivia. Quinsachata, see Bolivia. R R , N ...................................................... 1218 Raffles, Thos. S ...................................................... 113 Rahman, see Siam. Raimondi, A .................................................... 870, 1636a Rammelsberg, C ...................................................... 1637 de Ranee, Charles E .................................................. 446 Ranft, Theod ....................................................... 1122 Rangeh, see Siam. Rant, H. F. E ........................................................ 135 Rapri, see Siam. Rashleigh, P .................... . .................................... 447 Rath, G. von (Hertel, Paul, and) ..................................... 625 Rath, M. J. von ..................................................... 1123 Rathborne, Ambrose B ............................................... 717 Ratburi (East Coast), see Siam. Ravenswood fields, see Queensland. Rawdon, see Nova Scotia, Lunenberg County. Rawhide Buttes, see Wyoming. Rawlinson, George ................................................... 1410 Rawson, S. G ............................................ . ........... 1553 Ray, John ..... ........................................... . .......... 1554 Raymond, R. W ............................. . ................... 787a, 1219 Realgar, Hennecke on occurrence in Persia ............................ 864 Recknagel ..................... ........................ . ............ 1186a Recknagel, R ---- .................................................... 1186b Red River, see Cornwall. Redruth, see Cornwall. NO. 2 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TIN HESS 369 Refining of tin: Reference Number Cowper on electrolytic methods 1471 Delvaux de Penffe on 1476 Dussauce on 1482 Graham on 1324 Hawkins on 1500 Platte on 1551 Sexton on methods in Cornwall 1361 Thiollier on refining of tin in Cornwall 1579 Weeks on 1372 Reid, Clement, and Flett, J. S 448 Reid, Clement, and Scrivenor, J. B 449, 1638 Reid, J. H 838 Reids Creek, see Queensland. Reilly, 1353 Rein, J. J 634 Relistian mine, see. England. Remarkable Mountains, see New Zealand. Renaud, G. P. A 114, 115, 116 Renison Bell, see Tasmania. Renong, see Siam. Reontovski 971 Resources of tin, see Supply of tin. Restronguet Creek, see Cornwall. Reuss, A. E 562 Reyer 1411 Reyer, E 57, 117, 303, 304, 450, 563, 564, 565, 566, 567, 1354, 1355, 1412 Rhodesia, see Transvaal. Rhys, John 1413 Ribadavia, see Spain, Orense. Richards, Joseph 1555 Richards, Robert H 1556 Richardson, G. B 1170 Riche, A. (Cahours, A., and) 1463, 1464 Richmond County, see New South Wales. Richmond River, see New South Wales. Richter, Karl 1356 Richter (Muller, H., and) .- 560 Richthofen, F 783 Rickard, Edgar 33, 1125 Rickard, Thomas 450a Ricketts, Louis D 1276 Rieffel 1557 Hingarooma Valley, see Tasmania. Rink, Henry 585 Riotte, E. N. (Bailey, Gilbert E., and) 988 Riouw Islands, see East Indies. 370 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 58 Reference Number Riouw-Linga Archipelago, see East Indies. Ritchie, W 1126 Ritter, Carl 718 Roberts, Malcolm 178, 179 Robertson, J. R. M .' 58 Robertson, W. B 1244 Rockbridge County, see Virginia. Roehrig (Crookes and) 1242 Roessler 221 Rolker, Chas. M 305, 719, 1357 Roman tin workings, Kenwood on 1327 de Romana, Edwardo A. L 180 Roodepoort, see Transvaal. Rooiberg, see Transvaal. Resales, Hy 1234 Roscoe, H. E. ( Schenck, E., Smith, R. A., and) 1568 Rose, H 1558, 1559 Rosenbusch, H 1639 Rosewarne, H. (Borlase, Wm. Copeland, and) 347 Rosewarne mine, see England. Ross, D 720 Ross mine, see South Carolina. Rowe, Capt. James 1127 Rowe, Leonard 1560 Rowe, T. P., and Foster, C. LeNeve 451 Royle 200 Riicker, Anton 568 Rudler, P. W 452 Rudra, Sarat C 597 Rumbold, Wm. R '. 3b, 180a, 721 Running River, see Queensland. Rupert's drops, crystals behaving like 3b Rusapi, see Transvaal, Rhodesia. Russell, Murray 930 Russia, tin in 941-942 Cotta on tin in *. 1312 Hermann on tin in the Urals 945 Koulibine on mineral production in 1885, 1887, and 1888-1889. . .1690,. 1691, 1692 Phillips and Louis on tin in 1350 Urals, tin in 945 Wyborg, tin in 1690 See also Finland, Siberia, and Europe. Rutile, Deville on the artificial production of 1604 See Association of tin with. Ryan 1055 Ryan tin works, see Swaziland, Embabaan. NO. 2 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TIN HESS 371 S Reference Number S , W. H 1015 Saavedra, Bautista (Ballivian, M. V., and) 150 Sadisberg, see Saxony. Sadisdorf, see Saxony. Sadtler, B 1016 Sain Alto, see Mexico. St. Agnes district, see Cornwall. St. Austell, see Cornwall. St. Helens district, see Tasmania. St. Ives, see Cornwall. St. Just, see Cornwall. St. Leonard, see France, Haute Vienne. St. Pauls Plains, see Tasmania. St. Pauls River, see Tasmania. Saintpierre, C. (Bechamp, A., and) 1445 Salak, see Malay Peninsula, Perak. Salamanca, see Spain. Salet, G 1561 Salinta, see East Indies. Salmon 1562 Salmon, Arthur L. . , 453 Salmon, H. C 454 Sambong Giri, see Banka. Sampling, methods at Cape Prince of Wales, Alaska 25 Sam River, see New South Wales. Sandall, S. A 1563 Sandberger, F 569, 1358 Sandeman, J. J 1128 Sandinha, see Portugal. Sandrycock, see England. San Isidoro mine, see Spain, Carthagene. San Jacinto, see California. San Jose, see Bolivia. San Juan Mountains, see Colorado. San Luis Potosi, see Mexico. San Roque mine, see Bolivia. San Salvadora lode, see Bolivia. Santa Barbara, see Mexico, Guanajuato. Santa Maria del Rio, see Mexico, San Luis Potosi. Santa Vela Cruz, see Bolivia. Santiago, see Spain. Santo Domingo, Garston on tin in Seybo and in the Higuei 954 Sao Martinho, see Portugal. Sapphire, see Association of tin with. Satsuma, see Japan. 372 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 58 Reference Number Sauberg, sec Saxony. Saunders, C. D 1414 Saunders, W. T 722 Saxony, tin in 534, 536, 552, 573, 577, 1310, 1314, 1639 Altenberg, geology of the region near 1628 Smelting of tin at 1516 Tin at 512, 528, 529, 536, 537, 539, 540, 542, 549, 551, 563, 567, 573a, 1310, 1337 Annaberg, tin mine at 573a Anaberg Revieren, tin deposits of 558 Beck on tin at Altenberg 529 On tin near Schwarzenberg 530 On tin in Zinnwald 1300 Berggiesshiibel, tin near . 557 Bonnard on tin in the Erzgebirge 534 Charleton on tin deposits of Altenberg and Zinnwald 1310 Charpentier on tin deposits at Altenberg and elsewhere in Saxony. . 536 Cotta on tin at Altenberg 537, 539 On tin at Altenberg, Zinnwald, Marienberg, Ehrenfriedersdorf, Geyer, Johanngeorgenstadt, and Eibenstock. . : 540 On Freiberg ore deposits 538 Dalmer on tin in Altenberg-Graupen district 542 On tin in Schneeberg 543 On tin at Schwarzenberg in the Erzgebirge 544 Daubre"e on tin in Saxony 1314 Davies on tin deposits of 1317 Ehrenfriedersdorf, tin in 540, 554, 567, 574 Eibenstock, tin in 540, 561, 564, 572 Erzgebirge, calcining of tin ore in 1658 Discrimination of granites in 564 Origin of tin deposits of 575 Silver-bismuth deposits in 578 Tin in 528, 529, 530, 534, 544, 547, 551a, 553, 555, 556, 564, 574, 575, 576, 577, 578 Foullon on tin in Zinnwald 1322 Freiberg, ore deposits of 538, 559, 560, 575 Friesleben on the Erzgebirge 547 Fuchs and de Launay on tin in , 66 Gatzschmann on the history of tin mining in Freiberg 1391 Geyer, tin in 540, 549, 567, 574 Leier mine 573a Groddeck on tin at Altenberg,' Geyer, and Zinnwald 549 Johanngeorgenstadt, tin in .540, 561, 578 Kersten on tin at Altenberg 1512 Klipstein on tin at Altenberg 551 NO. 2 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TIN HESS 373 Saxony Continued. Reference Number Kunhardt on the calcining of tin ore in the Erzgebirge 1658 Lampadius on smelting of tin at Altenberg 1516 de Lapparent on tin in 1335 de Launay (Fuchs and) on tin in 66 Lepsius on tin in the Erzgebirge 551a Lindgren on tin deposits at Altenberg and Zinnwald 1337 Manes on tin in 552 Mann on tin in the Erzgebirge 553 Marienberg, tin in 540 Miklucho-Maclay on tin at Ehrenfriedersdorf 554 Miiller on tin deposits of the Anaberg Revieren 558 On tin near Berggiesshubel 557 On tin in the Erzgebirge 555, 556 On tin deposits of the Freiberg Revieren 559 Miiller and Richter on tin in the zinc-blende deposits of Freiberg! 560 Noggerath on the regions of Zinnwald and Altenberg 1628 Oppe on tin in Eibenstock, Johanngeorgenstadt, and Schneeberg. . . . 561 Rammelsberg on analyses of stannite from Zinnwald 1637 Reuss on tin in Zinnwald 562 Reyer on the discrimination of the granites in the Erzgebirge 564 On the geology of Eibenstock, Schwarzenberg, and the Erzge- birge 564 On tin mining in 565, 566, 567 On tin in Zinnwald and Altenberg 563 On tin in Zinnwald, Altenberg, Ehrenfriedersdorf, and Geyer.. 567 Richter (Miiller and) on tin in Freiberg 560 Rosenbusch on tin in 1639 Sadisberg, tin mine at 573a Sadisdorf, tin mine at 573a Sauberg, tin mine at 573a Schneeberg, tin in. 543, 561, 573a Schroder on tin in Eibenstock 572 Schultz on tin deposits of 573 Schwarzenberg, tin at 530, 544, 564 Singewald on tin deposits in the Erzgebirge 573a Stelzner on the origin of the lead deposits of Freiberg and the tin deposits of the Erzgebirge 575 On tin in Ehrenfriedersdorf, Geyer, and the Erzgebirge 574 On tin in Freiberg and the Erzgebirge 575 Stelzner and Schertel on zinc-blende from Freiberg 1643 Sternberger on tin in the Erzgebirge 576 Telkin on tin mining in the Erzgebirge 577 Viebig on the silver-bismuth deposits in Johanngeorgenstadt, in the Erzgebirge 578 Woodward on tin ore specimens from 489a 374 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 58 Saxony Continued. Zinnwald, analyses of stannite from .............................. 1637 Geology of the region around ................................. 1628 Tin in ............. 540, 549, 562, 563, 567, 573a, 1300, 1310, 1322, 1337 See also Europe and Germany. Scamander River, see Tasmania. Schaeffer, Chas. A ................................................... 1017 Scheelite, Scrivenor on deposits in the tin bearing districts of Salak and Pahang, Malay Peninsula ..................................... 726a See Association of tin with. Schertel, A. ( Stelzner, A. W., and) ................................... 1643 Scheurer-Kestner, A ............................................. 1564, 1565 Schlackenwald, see Bohemia, Schlaggenwald. Schlaggenwald, see Bohemia. Schmidt, Albert ................................................... 570, 571 Schnabel, Carl ....................................................... 794 Schneeberg, see Saxony. Schneider, C. F. A ................................................... 306 Schonefeld, see Bohemia. Schoultz-Ascheraden, G. von .......................................... 950 Schouten Main, see Tasmania. Schroder, M .......................................................... 572 Schubarth, E. L ................................ ..................... 1042 Schultz ...... . ........... .......................................... 573 Schultz, F. W .............. .......................................... 1359 Schulz, Guillaume, and Paillette, Adrien .............................. 1043 Schultze, B .......................................................... 1566 Schunck, Ed ......................................................... 1567 Schunck, E., Smith, R. A., and Roscoe, H. E ............................ 1568 Schuurman, J. A. . : ................................................. 1415 Schwarzenberg, see Saxony. Scilly Islands, tin and lead exported to Greece and Asia ................ 1410 Borlase on ancient and present state of ........................... 1381 Plinius on tin from ............... . ..... ......................... 1408 Rawlinson on Phrenician colonies in .............................. 1410 Scotland, Fawns on tin in ............................................ 1320 Flett and Clough on tin in ....................................... 955 See also Great Britain and Europe. Scott, H. G .......................................................... 962 Scrap tin: Bergse process for recovery of .................................... 1442 Denmark, Copenhagen ........................................... 1442 England ........................................................ 1438 Germany ............................................ 1438, 1497a, 1511 Goldschmidt on recovery of tin from .............................. 1497a Iron in ............. . 1555 NO. 2 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TIN HESS 375 Scrap tin Continued. Reference Number Kershaw on electrolytic method of stripping tin from 1511, 1511a Malleable iron, used in manufacture of 1567 Nails made from 1573 Plants for the recovery of, located 1438 Recovery of 1435, 1438, 1439, 1440, 1441, 1442b At Copenhagen by Bergse process 1442 By electrolytic methods 1439, 1440, 1441 In England 1438 Richards on saving tin and iron in 1555 Schultze on recovering tin from tin plate scrap 1566 Schunck on recovering tin from tin plate scrap 1567 Smith (O.) on making nails from 1573 Wirtz on recovery of tin and zinc from 1584 Worsey on recovery of tin from 1586 Zinc in 1584 Scrivenor, J. B 723, 724, 725, 726, 726a, 726b Scrivenor, J. B. (Reid, Clement, and) 449, 1638 Sebastopol, see Victoria. Sedgwick, Adam 1360 Seegrunde, see Germany. Seiffen, see Germany. Selama, see Malay Peninsula, Perak. Selangor, see Malay Peninsula. Sellheim, P. F 931, 932 Senez, L 525 Serendah Valley, see Malay Peninsula, Selangor. Severn River, see Queensland. Seward Peninsula, see Alaska. Sexton, A. Humbolt 1361 Seybo, see Santo Domingo. Seymour, H. J 606 Shaw, A 1129 Shaw, B 1130 Shelbourne, see Nova Scotia, Lunenberg County. Shepherd and Murphy's mine, see Tasmania, Bell Mount. Short, C. H 933 Siak, see Sumatra. Siam, tin in 956-958 Bandon, tin in 960 Bangtaphan Langsuan, tin in 960 Blewett on tin on Junk-Ceylon or Salanga Island 959 Carter on tin in 960 Chaija, tin in 960. See also Xaija D'Achiardi on tin in 1313 Fawns on tin in.. . 1320 376 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 58 Siam Continued. Fischer on tin in ............. ................................... 961 Gascuel on tin in Nam-Patene, Laos ............................... 643 Jalar, tin in ..................................................... 960 Junk-Ceylon, tin on ............................................. 959 Keclah, tin in ................................................. 958, 960 Kelantan, tin in ................................................. 960 Kra (West Coast), tin in ........................................ 960 Lacroix on tin in Hin-boun, Laos ................................. 644 Lakon, tin in ................................................... 960 Laos, tin in .......................................... 516, 641, 642, 645 Hin-boun, tin at ............................................. 644 Kammun, tin in ............................................. 644 Nam-Patene, tin in .......................................... 643 Nam Sak River, tin in ............................. .............. 960 Pak-Phrek, tin in ................................................ 961 Panga, tin in .................................................... 960 Pelatan on tin in Laos ........................................... 645 Perils, tin in .................................................... 960 Puket, tin in ............................................. 958, 960, 962 Rahman, tin in .................................................. 960 Rangeh, tin in ........................................... . ...... 960 Rapri, tin in .................................................... 961 Ratburi (East Coast), tin in ..................................... 960 Renqng, tin in .................................................. 960 Reyer on tin in .............................................. 303, 1354 Salanga, tin on .................................................. 959 Scott on tin in .................................................. 962 Stul, tin in ...................................................... 960 Takuatung, tin in ............................................... 960 Takupar, tin in .................................................. 960 Trang, tin in .................................................... 960 Xaija, tin fn ...................................... 961. See also Chaija Xalang, tin in ................................................... 961 Xumphon, tin in ................................................ 961 See also Malay Peninsula and Asia. Siberia, tin in ....................................................... 1290 Baikal region, tin in ............................................. 969 D'Achiardi on tin in ............................................. 1313 Fawns on tin in ................................................. 1320 Fiedler on tin at the junction of the Onon and Ingoda rivers ........ 943 Foniakoff on tin in ............................................... 966 On tin in the Transbaikal .................................... 965 Glasser on tin on the Onon River ................................. 967 Hermann on tin in .............................................. 968 Ingoda River, tin on ............................................. 943 NO. 2 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TIN HESS 377 Siberia Continued. Reference Number Jeremejev on crystals of tinstone from the Jenisei region 1623 On tin in Transbaikal region 1622 Jenisei region, tinstone from the 1623 Korzoukhine on tin on the Onon River 976 Krusch on tin on the Onon River 947 Onon River, tin on 963, 964, 967, 970, 971 Reontovski on tin on the Onon River 971 Transbaikal, tin in 965, 970, 971 Transbaikal region, tin in 942 Yenisei, see Jenisei. See also Russia and Asia. Siderite, see Association of tin with. Sierra de Catalan, see Mexico, Durango. Silberberg, see Germany. Silent Grove, see New South Wales. Silicon, Berthelot on the action of oxygen on the compounds of tin, silicon, and boron 1448 Sillimanite, see Association of tin with. Silurian, tin in slate of Silurian age in Spain 1034, 1039 Tin ore in dikes cutting Silurian strata 158, 172 Stirling on tin in pegmatites cutting rocks of Upper Silurian age. . 1238 Twelvetrees on tin veins cutting rocks of Middle Silurian age in Tasmania 1148 Waller on tin in Devonian granite cutting sediments of Silurian age. . 1155 Silver: Argentina, Salta 37 Associated with tin, see Association of tin with. Ball on in Stanthorpe district, Queensland 889 . Beck on occurrence at Schwartzenberg, Germany 530 Bohemia, Erzgebirge 578 Bolivia , 144, 145, 152, 155, 164, 166, 171, 172 California, near Los Angeles 208 Campagne on mines of 1309 Castro on, in Salta, Argentina 37 Collins on presence in west of England 369 Cramer on precipitation of, out of tin 1472 Douglas on metallurgy of 1204 Emmons on occurrence in United States and genesis of minerals of. . 1206 England 369 Foniakoff on deposits in Siberia 965 Germany, Schwartzenberg 530 Jack on Kangaroo Hills mines, Queensland 918 Menniche on separation of, from tin ores 1534 Metallurgy of. 1204 Moore on occurrence with tin in killas of St. Pauls Plains, Tasmania. 1114 378 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 58 _ , , Reference Silver Continued. Number Origin of minerals of 1206 Precipitation of, from tin 1472 Queensland 877, 889, 918, 932, 935, 936 Saxony, Erzgebirge 578 Sellheim on Herberton district, Queensland 932 Separation from tin 1472, 1534 Siberia 965 Skertchly on deposits in Queensland 935, 939 Sulphides of associated with tin in Bolivia 155 Tasmania 1079, 1114 United States 1206 Viebig on'deposits of, in the Erzgebirge, Saxony 578 World statistics since 1890 1694 Silver ores, see Association of tin with. Silver sulphides, see Association of tin with. Silver Crown district, see Wyoming. Silver Hill, see Washington. . Silver Queen mine, see Tasmania, Zeehan. Silverton district, see New South Wales. Silver Valley, see Queensland, Herberton district. Simmersbach, W 1187 Simmons, Jesse 1018, 1019, 1019a Simmons, Wm 455 Simonin, L, 526, 1416 Simpang, see Sumatra. Simpson, Edward S 1267-1269 Simratari, see India, Chota Nagur. Singapore, see Malay Peninsula. Singewald, J. T., Jr 573a Singkap Island, see East Indies, Singkep. Singkep, see East Indies. Skene, A. J., and Smyth, R. B 1235 Skertchly, Sydney B. J 934, 935, 936 Skewes, Edward 456, 1662 Slack, W. E 727 Slags, Bohne on recovery of tin from 1453 Brandenburg, Weyland, and Kempen on recovery of tin from 1456 Dykes on analyses of tin slags 1483 Thiollier on treatment of tin slags in Cornwall , 1579 Slagle, Robert L 1569 Slater, W 1570 Slee, W. H. J 839 Slimes (tin), Mackenzie on determination of tin in 1529 Hicks on methods of saving 1505 Treatment of, in Cornwall 1654, 1657 Slime tin (a variety of wood tin), Field on two specimens of 1607 XO. 2 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TIN HESS Reference Number Sloan, Earl 253 Slocan district, see British Columbia. Smelting of tin 1294 Agricola on 1277 Banka 118, 1473, 1478, 1480 Billiton 118 Boase on methods in Cornwall 343 Bohemia 72 Bohne on recovery of tin from slags produced in 1453 Bolivia 153a Bromley on methods and results with various tin ores at Santa Bar- bara, Mexico 766 Brown on costs in Bolivia 153a Browne on Chinese method 1458 Charleton on methods used in 1310 Chinese methods 299, 694a, 711, 1458, 1473, 1489, 1523 Clark on methods in Tasmania 1076 Collett on methods in Malay Peninsula 681 Cornwall 312, 343, 432, 1361, 1425, 1518, 1554, 1576 Croockewit on Chinese methods in Banka 1473 Devon ' 312, 1425, 1576 Diest on methods in Banka 1478 Dijk on tin smelting in Banka 1480 Dussauce on 1482 Flower-Ellis on Chinese and European methods in Malay Peninsula, 694a, 1489 Germany, Altenberg deposits 528 Graham on 1324 Halse on methods at Los Cuevas, Mexico 773 Hampton on methods in Malay Peninsula 695 Hughes on tin smelting in the Malay Peninsula 1507 Latta on tin smelting at Mt. Bischoff, Tasmania 1517 Le Grice on " Jew's House " at Trereife, near Penzance, Cornwall . . 1518 Levy and Ewen on waste products of 1521a Louis on smelting in shaft and reverberatory furnaces 1523 Malacca 299 Malay Peninsula 681, 694a, 695, 716, 1489, 1507 McKillop and Ellis on tin smelting at Pulo Brani, Singapore 1530 Merret on methods in Cornwall 432 Mexico. , 766, 773, 781 Nevius on methods at Sain Alto, Mexico 781 Newbold on Malay and Chinese methods in Malacca 299 Owen on Chinese methods in Perak 711 Perak 711, 715 Pike on methods in Perak 715 Place on methods in Malay Peninsula 716 13 380 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 58 Smelting of tin Continued. Pryce on ........................................................ 444 Ray on tin smelting in Cornwall ................................. 1554 Sexton on reverberatory methods in Cornwall and Singapore ....... 1361 Singapore .................................................. 1361, 1530 Tasmania ................. . ................................ 1076, 1517 Taylor on smelting of tin ores in Cornwall and Devon .............. 1576 Van der Wyck on methods in Banka and Billiton .................. 118 Vogelsang on methods in Schlaggenwald, Bohemia ................. 72 Weeks on ....................................................... 1372 Worth on smelting and sale of tin and copper in Devon and Corn- wall (historical) ............................................ 1425 See also Assays of tin, dressing of tin, metallurgy of tin, refining of tin. See references Nos. 1428-1587. Smirke, Edward .................................................... 1417 Smith, Aquila ....................................................... 607 Smith, George ...................................................... 1418 Smith, J. Lawrence ............................................. 1571, 1572 Smith, Oberlin ...................................................... 1573 Smith, R. A., and Roscoe, H. E. (Schenck, E., and) .................... 1568 Smiths Creek mine, see Queensland. Smyth, R. Brough ............. ........... ....................... 1236, 1237 Smyth, R. B. (Skene, A. J., and) ..................................... 1235 Smyth, Warington W ............................................. 457, 1362 Snow, A. B .......................................................... 201 Soekadana, see Borneo, Sukadana. Soengei Liat district, see Banka. Soengeiselan district, see Banka. Solder, Schultz on production and application of ....................... 1359 Solly, R. H .......................................................... 1640 Somero, see Finland. Somerset, De La Beche on tin in ..................................... 376 Foster on tin in ................................................. 382 See also England. Sonora, see Mexico. South Africa, tin in ........................................ 1045, 1047, 1285 Lock on tin in .................................................. 1338 Newland on tin in ............................................... 1347 See also Africa, Cape Colony, Rhodesia, Swaziland, Transvaal, etc. South America, Benedict on tin in .......................... . . . . ...... 1301 Louis on tin in .................................................. 1340 Phillips and Louis on tin in ...................................... 1350 See also Argentina, Bolivia, Chili, French Guiana, and Peru. South Australia, tin in ....................................... 45, 1290, 1292 Brown on gold at Tarcoola, Enterprise mine, and the Earea Dam tin find.. 974 NO. 2 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TIN HESS 381 South Australia Continued. Reference Number Brown on the Koetong tin field, Wodonga district 973 Coghlan on tin in 1679 Enterprise mine, gold at : 974 Erea Dam, tin near 972, 974 Fawns on tin in northwest territory 1320 Koetong tin field 973 Mount Gunson mine, gold and copper at 974 Newton on metalliferous minerals of 55 Tarcoola, gold at 974 Wodonga district, tin in 973 See also Australia. South Carolina, tin in 1196, 1298 Ball (S. M.) on the Ross mine 239a Garrison on tin in 243, 1207 Graton on tin in 245, 246 Guenther on tin in 1326 Hess on tin in 247 Pratt on tin in. . . 251 Pratt and Sterrett on tin in 252 Ross mine, tin in 238, 239a, 253 Sloan on the Ross mine 253 Struthers and Pratt on tin in 1364 See also Carolinas and United States. South Dakota, tin in 1192, 1196, 1281 Bailey and'Riotte on Harney Peak Tin Company 988 Bear Gulch district, tin in 1015 Beck on tin in ' 1299 On Etta mine 1300 Benedict on tin in 990, 1200, 1301 Benedict on tin near Custer City and in the Nigger Hill district. . . . 1275 Benedict on Harney Peak tin mines 989 Black Hills, assays of tin ores from 1466 Tantalite and tin in 976, 993, 996, 1009, 1017 Tin in 975, 976, 977, 979, 981, 982, 983, 991, 992, 1004, 1007, 1008, 1012, 1013, 1014, 1025, 1196, 1202, 1203a, 1207, 1208, 1213, 1318, 1364, 1466, 1506, 1616, 1646 Cleveland mine, tin in 1004 Custer County, tin in 1012 Elk Gulch, tin in 1008 Harney Peak 1019a Northern Hills, tin in 1008, 1011 Peerless mine 1616 Pennington County, tin in 1012 Tinton, tin at 985, 987, 987a, 1009 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 58 South Dakota Continued. Blake on the Geology of the Black Hills tin district .............. 994 Blake on tantallite and columbite in the Black Hills ............ 993, 996 Blake on tin in Black Hills ....... ...... 991, 993, 994, 995, 996, 997, 1202 Blake on Etta mine .................................... 992, 994^995, 996 Bob Ingersoll claim, tin on ............................... 994, 996, 1009 Carpenter on tin in Black Hills .................... 998, 999, 1000, 1001 Carpenter and Headden on assays of tin ore from the Black Hills. . . 1466 Chance on tin in the Black Hills ................................. 1002 Childs on tin in Harney Peak district ............................. 1021 Claypole on tin in the Black Hills ................................ 1003 Custer City, tin west and south of .............................. 1275 Day on tin in the Black Hills ................... . . .1005, 1203a, 1318, 1319 On tin in Cleveland mine, Black Hills ........................ 1004 Dogtown, tin at ................................................. 994 Emmens on tin in . ." ............................................. 1006 Etta mine ...................... 922, 994-996, 1009, 1017, 1300, 1616, 1646 Garrison on tin in the Black Hills ............................ 1007, 1207 Gertie property ................................ t ............. 986, 1009 Guenther on tin in .......................................... ..... 1326 Harney Peak mine .................. 979, 981, 982, 983, 988, 989, 1205 Harney Peak tin district ............................... 1013, 1021, 1022 Harney Range, tin in ............................................ 994 Headden on tin and tantalum in the Black Hills ................... 1208 Headden on the Peerless and Etta tin mines, Black Hills ........... 1616 Headden (Carpenter and) on tin in Black Hills ......... : ......... 1466 Hess on tin, tungsten, and tantalum in ........................ '. . . 1009 Hofman on tin in Black Hills .................................... 1506 Irving on tin in Nigger Hill region ............................... 1010 Irving on tin in the northern Black Hills ...................... 1010, 1011 Kemp on tin in Black Hills .................................. ____ 1213 Lawrence County, tin in. .*. ................................. 1016, 1020 M , H., on tin in the Black Hills ........................ 1012 Morse on the Harney Peak tin mines ............................. 1013 Nigger Hill district, tin in ...................... 980, 984, 985, 1010, 1275 O'Harra on tin in the Black Hills ................................. 1014 Pratt (Struthers and) on tin in northwestern Black Hills .......... 1020 R - on tin in ........................................... 1218 Rolker on tin in ................................................. 1357 Rosen on tin in .................................................. 1000 Riotte (Bailey and) on Harney Peak Tin Company ................ 988 S - , W. H., on tin in Bear Gulch district ................... 1015 Sadtler on tin in the northwestern Black Hills ..................... 1016 Schaeffer on tin in Etta mine, Black Hills ......................... 1017 Simmons on tin in Black Hills ............................... 1018, 1019 Struthers and Pratt on tin in Black Hills ..................... 1020, 1364 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TIN HESS 383 South Dakota Continued. Reference Number Thomas on tin in Harney Peak district 1021 Todd on tin in 1023 Thurlow on tin in Harney Peak district 1022 Ulke on tin in 1024 On Etta mine 1646 Vincent on tin in the Black Hills 1025 See also Dakota, Wyoming, and United States. South Crofty mine, see Cornwall. South Island, see New Zealand. South Wheal Breage mine, see Cornwall. Sowden, C 1131 Spain, tin in 1286 Andalusia, gold, silver, quicksilver, tin, lead, copper, and iron in 1410 Beck on tin in 1299, 1300 Borlase on tin in 1028 Brown on tin in 1307, 1308 Caceres, tin in ; 1039 Cadiz, Lewis on tin in 1401 Calderon on tin in Galice and Portugal 1029 Calvert on tin in 1030 Cartagena, tin in 1040 Carthagene district, Marinera mine, tin in 1038 San Isidore mine, tin in 1038 Superior Segunda mine, tin in 1038 Coquebert on tin in 1031 Corufia, tin in 1026 D'Achiardi on tin in 1313 Fawns on tin in 1320 Fuchs and de Launay on tin in 1323 Galaecia, Plinius on " white lead " from . . 1408 Galicia, tin in 1027, 1029, 1033, 1035 Garcia on tin in Salamanca 1032 Garland on tin in Galicia 1033 Gil y Maestre on tin in Salamanca 1034 Harmony on tin in Galicia 1035 de Launay (Fuchs and) on tin in 1323 Lock on tin in 1338 Louis on tin in 1340 Louis (Phillips and) on tin in 1350 Lozano on tin in Pontevedra , 1036 Mallada on tin in * 1037 Massart on tin in the " district de Carthagene " 1038 Orense, tin in 1026, 1027, 1044 Ribadavia, tin near 1044 Pacheco on tin in Caceres.. ... 1039 384 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 58 Spain Continued. Paillette (Schulz and) on tin in .................................. 1043 Phillips and Louis on tin in ..................................... 1350 Pilz on tin in Cartagena ......................................... 1040 Pontevedra, tin in ........................................... 1026, 1036 Puig y Larraz on tin in Zamora ................................... 1041 Rawlinson on Phoenician colonies in Andalusia ................... 1410 Salamanca, tin in ........................................... 1026, 1032 Martinamor, tin at .......................................... 1034 Terubias, tin at ............................................. 1034 Santiago, tin at ................................................. 1027 Schubarth on tin in ............................................. 1042 Schulz and Paillette on tin in .......... .......................... 1043 Thomas on tin near Ribadavia, Orense ................. .......... 1044 Zamora, tin at .............................................. 1027, 1041 See also Europe. " Sparable tin " in Cornwall .......................................... 1640 Spargo, T ............................................................ 1699 Sparry iron, see Association of tin with. Spectrum of tin, Salet on ............................................ 1561 Specular iron ore, see Association of tin with. Spencer, L. J ........................................................ 1641 Sphalerite, see Association of tin with. Spodumene, see Association of tin with. Spokane, see Washington. Staines, Arthur ...................................................... 937 Stamping of tin ore in Cornwall ................................. 1654, 1656 Stanhope, see Tasmania. Stanley River, see Tasmania. Stannaries ........................................... 1377, 1384, 1402, 1403 Stannaries act, Batten on ............................................ 1377 Stannary Hills, see Queensland. Stannhills, see Queensland. Stannic oxide, Daubree on artificial production of ...................... 1601 " Stannif er " on the Greenbushes tin fields ............................ 1270 Stannine, see Stannite. Stannite: Adger on analysis of an anomalous variety from Cornwall .......... 1588 Associated with tin, see Association of tin with. Conder on occurrence in Australasia .............................. 816 Dana on ....................................................... 1600 Greg and Lettsom on stanntne .................................. 1614 Headden on alteration products of in the Black Hills, South Dakota. . 1616 Mallett on analysis of ............................................ 1531 Petterd on gold and silver bearing stannite in Tasmania ........... 1119 Rammelsberg on analyses of from Zinnwald and Cornwall ......... 1637 Simpson, reference to ................................ ..... 1268 NO. 2 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TIN HESS 385 Stannite Continued. Reference JS umber Spencer on crystals from Bolivia 1641 Stannine, see Greg and Lettsom under Stannite. Stanthorpe, see Queensland. Star River field, see Queensland. Statistics 1669-1701 See also Production. Steinman, G 181 Stelzner, A. W 182, 183, 458, 574, 575, 1642 Stelzner, A. W., and Schertel, A 1643 Stephen, D 59 Stephen, G. Milner 840 Stephens, Francis J 459, 460, 598, 728 Stephens, Hugh 461 Sterling, James 938 Sternberger, Karl 576 Sterrett, Douglass B. (Pratt, J. H., and) 252 Stevens, Chas 1363 Stevens, Horace J 785 Stevens, R. P 271 Stewart, D. S. S 1188 Stewart Island, see New Zealand. Steynsdorp Creek, see Transvaal. Stibiotantalite, Simpson on presence in Greenbushes field, Western Australia 1267 See Association of tin with. Stibnite, see Association of tin with. Stirling, James .! 1238 Stockworks, German method of working 398 Stokes, Ralph (S. G.) 729, 730, 1132, 1133 Stokesite, described. 1589 Stokesite, Hutchinson on a new mineral from Cornwall 1620 Stonier, G. A 841 S(torms?), W. H 1015 Straits Settlements, tin in 695, 1286, 1287 Day on tin in 1318 Louis on tin in 1340 Quotations on tin product of 1675 See also Malay Peninsula and Asia. Streeruwitz, W. H. von 1171 Streng, -A 1574 Struthers, Joseph, and Pratt, Joseph Hyde 1020, 1220, 1364 Struve, H. von 951 Stul, see Siam. Submarine mines, Hawkins on those of Cornwall 396 Sukadana, see Borneo. Sukandana, see Borneo, Sukadana. ' 386 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 58 Reference Number Sulphides, see Association of tin with. Sulphur, Capitaine on action of tin, arsenic, antimony, and sulphur on the chloride of mercury 1465 Headden o"n compounds of, in an old Cornwall tin furnace 1617 Hennecke on occurrence in Persia 864 Sumatra: Benedict on tin in 281, 679, 1301 Fawns on tin in. .- 1320 On tin in Siak 1320 Fennema on tin in , 293 On tin in the Boven Ban joe field of Palembang 292 Everwyn on tin in Simpang 287, 291 On tin in Siak 290 Hamilton on tin in 294 Neeb on tin in 298 Palembang, Boven Banjoe tin field 292 Posewitz on tin in 301 Rolker on tin in Siak 305 Scrivenor on tin in Siak 726 Siak, tin in 290, 305, 726, 1320 Simpang, tin in 287, 291 Source of tin used by ancients 1405 See also East Indies. Sungei Batang Padang, see Malay Peninsula, Perak. Sungei Besi, see Malay Peninsula, Perak. Sungei Bidor, see Malay Peninsula, Perak. Sungei Kinta, see Malay Peninsula, Perak. Sungei Lembing, see Malay Peninsula, Kuantan. Sungei Riu, see Malay Peninsula, Jelebu. Sungei Ujong, see Malay Peninsula, Malacca. Suo, see Japan. Superior segunda mine, see Spain, Carthagene. Supply of tin (amount available for future mining) : Banka, 1897 79 Billiton, 1897 , 79 Cape Colony, 1906 233 Cornwall, 1873 364 1897 368 1906 441 1907 H . . 329 Devon, 1873 364 Great Britain, 1884 415 Kongo, 1906 273, 274 Malay Peninsula, 1900 712 1901 665 NO. 2 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TIN HESS 387 Supply Of tin Continued. Reference Number New South Wales, Inverell district, Tingja, 1906 803 Perak, 1881 684 Tasmania, Mount Bischoff, 1910 1121a Mount Lyell, 1904 '. . 1072 World, 1908 1323a Sources of supply, 1902 1363 Supply and demand, 1907 1308 Sources of supply 730 Swaziland, tin in 1045-1047, 1047a, 1286 Beck on tin near Embabaan 1299, 1300 Drakensberg mountains, tin in 1055 Embabaan, geology of region arounti 3 Tin near 2a, 3, 3d, 1047, 1048, 1050, 1051, 1052, 1055, 1300 Ryan tin works 1046, 1052, 1056 Embickelweni, tin near 1049 Flower-Ellis on tin fields in ' 694a Forbes Reef tin deposits 3b Halm on tin at Embabaan 1048 Hampton on tin near Embickelweni 1049 Johnson on tin at Embabaan 2a Jorissen on tin near Embabaan 1050 Lock on tin in 1338 de Launay on tin at Embabaan 3 Lyburn on tin near Embabaan 1051 Molengraaff on distorted cassiterite crystals from Embabaan 1052 On geology of region around Embabaan 1052 Newland on tin in 1053 Oshoek tin deposits 3b Prior on tin in ; 1054 Rumbold on Oshoek and Forbes Reef tin deposits 3b Ryan on tin in 1055. See also 1045 Smuts on tin in 1056 Transvaal border, tin along "1186 Usutu River, tin on 1055 Weston on tin mining and dressing at Embabaan 3d See also Africa and South Africa. Sweden, Davies on tin in 1317 See also Europe. Swettenham, Frank 731 Swettenham, Frank A 732 Swinburne, U. P 1189 Swinburne, W. P '. H89a Symons, Brenton 462 Symons, R 463 388 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 58 /p Reference Number T . 34 Table Top, see New South Wales, Timbarra. Tacljouw Mountain, see Billiton. Tailings, effect on Red River, Cornwall 482a Mackenzie on determination of tin in ] 529 Taiping, see Malay Peninsula. Tajo-polo, see Bolivia. Takayama, see Japan. Takuatung, see Siam. Takupar, see Siam. Talbot 1271 Talbott, J. H '. 1575 Tallandoon, see Victoria. Tambun mine, see Malay Peninsula, Perak. Tandjang-Padan district, see Billiton. Tangier, see Nova Scotia, Lunenberg County. Taniyama, see Japan, Satsuma. Tanjong Malim, see Malay Peninsula. Tanjong Serai, see Malay Peninsula, Malacca. Tantalite, Dana on tin in 1600 Schaeffer on analysis of, from the Black Hills, South Dakota 1017 See Association of tin with. Tantalum, Hess on deposits in South Dakota 1009 See Association of tin with. Tapiolite, Headden on analysis of from Black Hills, South Dakota 1208 Tarcoola, see South Australia. Tasmania, tin in 45, 1058, 1060, 1284, 1286, 1287, 1289, 1292 Anchor mine 1076a, 1105 Arba mine, tin in 1062, 1138 Avoca mine, tin in .' 1106 Tin on St. Pauls River near 1137 Badger tin mines 1145 Beck on tin in 1299, 1300 Bell Mount field, tin in 1142 Shepherd and Murphy's mine 1095, 1148 Benedict on tin in 1301 On tin deposits of 47 Ben Lomond, Mt. Rex mine 1098 Tin deposit at 1135, 1155 Blue Tier district, tin in 1141, 1162 Blue Tier mine, tin in 1087, 1088, 1089, 1108, 1109, 1128, 1129, 1130, 1136 Bonwick on tin at Mount Bischoff 1075 Branxholm, tin at 1062, 1138, 1162 Briseis mine, tin in 1062, 1064, 1106, 1125 NO. 2 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TIN HESS 389 Tasmania Continued. Reference Number Brookstead tin field 1091, 1106 Brothers' Home mine, tin in 1062, 1104 Brown on tin in 1307, 1308 Clark on tin in 1076, 1076a Coghlan on tin in 1077, 1677, 1679 Conder on tin in 1078 On Stanley River tin field '. 1078a On tin in the Oonah mine (Zeehan) and at Heemskirk 816 Cornwall mine, tin in 1076a Counsel on tin in 1079 Coxs Bight tin field 1147 Cummings mine 1059 D'Achiardi on tin in 1313 Davey on Mount Bischoff tin mines 1080 Davies on tin in 1317 Day on tin in 1318 Derby, tin at 1062, 1104, 1125, 1139, 1298c Dijk on tin in 1081, 1082 Dorset County, tin in 1109, 1141 Echo mine, tin in 1089 English on tin at Mount Bischoff 50 Fawns on tin in 1320 On Mount Bischoff mine 1083, 1084, 1320 Fircks on Mount Bischoff mine 1085 Foullon on tin in 1322 Georges Bay tin field 1162 Georges River, tin on 1111 Gladstone district, tin in 1106, 1130, 1143 Gould on tin in 1086 Government geologist's report on 1134 Grant on the Brookstead tin field 1091 On tin in eastern Tasmania 1090 On tin in the Echo mine 1089 On tin mining in the Blue Tier formations 1087, 1088, 1089 Great Mussel Roe River, tin on 1062 Gregory on the Mount Bischoff and other mines 1092 Groddeck on Mount Bischoff mine 1093 Hampton on Mount Bischoff mine 1049, 1094 Harcourt-Smith on tin in 1134 On tin at Bell Mount 1095 Heemskirk, tin at 816 Henry mine 1059 Hunt on Mount Bischoff tin mines 1096, 1097 Ireland on timbering at Ben Lomond 1098 Johnston on tin in . . 1099 390 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 58 Tasmania Continued. Kayser on the Mount Bischoff mine ..................... 1100, 1101, 1152 Kayser and Provis on Mount Bischoff mine ........................ 1102 Klockman on Mount Bischoff mine ................................ 1103 Latta on smelting of tin ore at Mount Bischoff, Launceston .......... 1517 Launceston, tin smelting works at ...................... 1517, 1525, 1535 Lewis on the Anchor mine ...................................... 1105 On Brothers' Home Mining Company at Derby ................ 1104 On the Gladstone district and other mines ................... 1106 Lindgren on Mount Bischoff mine ................................. 1337 Lock on tin in .................................................. 1338 Lottah claim ................................................... 1089 Louis on smelting of tin at Mount Bischoff, Launceston ............. 1525 On tin in ................................................... 1340 Louis (Phillips and) on tin in ................................... 1350 Mackintosh River, tin on ......................................... 1112 Mance on tin mining in 1905 ..................................... 52 Maynes mine ............................. . .................... 1076a Meredith on tin from Mount Bischoff ............................. 1107 Middlesex district, tin in ........................................ 1148 Millen on hydroelectric power plant at Mount Bischoff ............. 1107a On smelting of tin at Mount Bischoff, Launceston ............... 1535 Montgomery on tin in.' ................................ 1110, 1111, 1113 On Blue Tier tin field ................................... 1108, 1109 On mineral fields near Zeehan ............................... 1112 Moon claim ........... , ......................................... 1089 Moore on tin in killas of St. Pauls Plains .......................... 1114 Moorina, tin at ............................................. 1062, 1130 Mount Bischoff mine.. 50, 63, 730, 1049, 1057, 1059, 1061, 1062, 1063, 1064, 1065, 1066, 1067, 1069, 1073, 1074, 1075, 1076a, 1080, 1083, 1084, 1085, 1092, 1093, 1094, 1096, 1097, 1100, 1101, 1102, 1103, 1106, 1107, 1110, 1113, 1115, 1117, 1122, 1123, 1126, 1127, 1128, 1129, 1130, 1131, 1133, 1140, 1149, 1150, 1151, 1152, 1159, 1160, 1162, 1163, 1298c, 1320, 1337, 1517, 1525, 1535 Dividends and future of .................................. 1121a Hydroelectric power plant at ................................ 1107a Mount Black, tin on ............................................. 1112 Mount Cameron, tin at .......................................... 1062 Mount Dundas, tin on ............................................ 1112 Mount Heemskirk field ...................... 1068, 1106, 1112, 1130, 1156 Mount Lyell, tin near ...................................... 1064, 1072 Mount Ramsay, tin on ........................................... 1163 Mount Read, tin on .............................................. 1112 Mount Zeehan, tin on ........................................... 1112 Mufford on Mount Bischoff mine .................................. 1115 On tin mines in. . . 1116 NO. 2 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TIN HESS 391 Tasmania Continued. Reference Number Newland on tin in 1346 Newman on Mount Bischoff mine 1117 On tin in 1059 Newton on mineral resources of 55 North Dundas, tin in 1064, 1071, 1157, 1158a Oonah mine (Zeehan) , tin in 816 Orient farm, tin on 1068 Ormuz mine, tin in 1062 Petterd on tin in 1118, 1120, 1121 On tin in Silver Queen mine, at Zeehan 1119 Petterd (Twelvetrees and) on Mount Bischoff dikes 1149 Phillips and Louis on tin in 1350 Pioneer, tin at 1062, 1070, 1106 Plummer on dividends paid by and future of Mount Bischoff mine. . .1121a Provis (Kayser and) on Mount Bischoff mine 1102 Ranft on Mount Bischoff mine 1122 Rath on Mount Bischoff mine 1123 Rowe on Mount Bischoff mine 1127 Renison Bell mine, tin in 1064, 1146 Report of the Secretary for Mines 1124 Reyer on stream tin from 1411 On tin in 57, 1354 Rickard on tin in Briseis mine, at Derby : 1125 Ringarooma Valley, tin in 1062, 1074, 1111, 1129, 1139, 1162 Ritchie on Mount Bischoff tin mine 1126 Rolker on tin in 1357 Rowe on Mount Bischoff tin mine 1127 St. Helens district, tin in 1153, 1154 St. Pauls Plains, tin in killas of 1114 St. Pauls River tin deposit 1135, 1137 Sandeman on Mount Bischoff mine and Blue Tier district 1128 Scamander River district, tin in 1153 Schouten Main, tin ore on 1144 Shaw on Mount Bischoff, Blue Tier, Ringarooma, Gladstone, etc., tin fields 1129, 1130 Snowden on Mount Bischoff mine 1131 Stanhope mine 1059 Stanley River tin field, tin in 1078a, 1112, 1158 Stephen on tin production, 1877-1878 59 Stokes on Mount Bischoff mine 729, 730, 1132, 1133 Thureau on Ben Lomond and St. Pauls River tin deposits 1135 On Blue Tier district . 1136 Tregay on tin in 60 ,392 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 58 Tasmania Continued. Twelvetrees on Arba mine at Branxholm .......................... 1138 On Badger tin mines ........................................ 1145 On Bell Mount field .......................................... 1142 On Bell Mount, Middlesex district ............................ 1148 On Blue Tier district ........................................ 1141 On Coxs Bight tin field ....................................... 1147 On Gladstone district ........................................ 1143 On mineral fields between Waratah and Corinna ............... 1140 On Renison Bell tin field .................................... 1146 On tin in .......................................... ......... 1134 On tin in Ringarooma Valley near Derby ...................... 1139 On tin on St. Pauls River near Avoca ........................ 1137 On tin ore on Schouten Main .................................. 1144 Twelvetrees and Petterd on Mount Bischoff dikes .................. 1149 Twelvetrees and Ward on the Zeehan mining field ................. 1149a Ulrich on Mount Bischoff tin mine ............................ 1150, 1151 Waddington on Mount Bischoff tin mine ........................... 1152 Wallace on tin in ................................................ 1134 Waller on Stanley River tin field ................................. 1158 On tin deposits of North Dundas ....................... . ..... 1157 On tin in Ben Lomond district ............................... 1155 On tin in Mount Heemskirk district .......................... 1156 On tin in Scamander River and St. Helens districts ........... 1153 On tin in St. Helens district .................................. 1154 Waratah mine ...... ....................................... 1059, 1140 Ward on North Dundas tin field .................................. 1158a Webster's workings, alluvial tin at ............................... 1140 Wellington on Mount Bischoff mine ............................... 1159 White River Bridge, alluvial tin at Ten Mile claim ................. 1140 Wickham on Mount Bischoff mine ................................ 1160 On tin in ................................................... 1161 Williams on the Zeehan mining field ........ . .................... 1161a Wilson on Mount Bischoff, Ringarooma, Branxholm, Georges Bay, and Blue Tier fields .......................................... 1162 Wintle on tin in ................................................. 1164 On Mount Bischoff mine and tin at Mount Ramsay .............. 1163 Zeehan, mineral fields near ...................................... 1112 Mining field in ........................................ 1149a, 1161a Silver Queen mine, stannite in ............................... 1119 See also Australia. Tassin, Wirt ................................................... '. ____ 1365 Tatasi, see Bolivia. Tate, Ralph ......................................................... 862 Tate mines, see Queensland. Tate River, see Queensland. Tavoy, see Burmah. NO. 2 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TIN HESS 393 Reference Number Taxco, see Mexico, Guerrero. Tayler, J. W 586 Taylor, Charles D 464 Taylor J ; 1663 Taylor, John 1419, 1576 Taylor, N 842 Taylor, William v 733 Teallite, Prior on a new sulphostannite of lead from Bolivia 1636 Tecca, see Malay Peninsula, Perak. Telkin 577 Telom, see Malay Peninsula. Temescal district, see California. Tenasserim, see Burmah. Tenison-Woods, J. E 307, 734, 735, 736, 737, 863 Teplitz, see Bohemia. Terrell, S. L 1576a, 1664 Tertiary: Tin in 155, 182 Tin in rhyolites of Tertiary age 751 Tin with galena and pyrite in Tertiary tuffs. 629 Gascuel on tin in rocks of Tertiary age in Laos 643 Lotti on tin deposits in Tertiary intrusives in Tuscany 627 Seymour on cassiterite in Tertiary granite in Mourne Mountains, Ireland . . 606 Terubias, see Spain, Salamanca. Teschemacher, J. E 750 Texas, tin in . 1281 Burnet County, tin in 1169 Chauvenet on tin in the Franklin Mountains 1164a Comstock on tin in central. 1165, 1166, 1167, 1168 Day on tin in . . , 1203a Bumble on tin in Trans-Pecos 1169 El Paso tin deposits 1170, 1172, 1216 Franklin Mountains, tin in. . . 1164a, 1169a, 1170, 1172 Kemp on tin in 1213 Lakes on tin prospect in Franklin Mountains 1169a Llano County, tin in... 1168 Mason County, tin in 1168, 1169 Pavlov on tin deposits of El Paso 1216 Richardson on tin in the Franklin Mountains 1170 Rolker on tin in 1357 Streeruwitz on tin in West Texas ores 1171 Trans-Pecos, tin in 1169 Weed on tin in Franklin Mountains 1172 See United States. Thaiping, see Malay Peninsula, Perak. 394: SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 58 Reference Number Theobald, W ; 202 Thomas, C 466 Thomas, Chas 465, 1044, 1665 Thomas, Herbert '. 467 Thomas, Herbert H 468 Thomas, Josiah 469, 470, 1021 Thomas, R 471 Thomas, R. A 472 Thomas, R. Arthur 1666 Thomas, Richard A 473 Thomas, V 1580 Thomas, Wm 474 Thomas, Wm., and Burrow, J. C 475 Thompsons Creek, see Queensland. Thibault, P. J 843, 844, 1577, 1578, 1644 Thiollier, M. A 1579 Thistle mine, see New South Wales. Thonard, L6on (Beco, Jean, and) 612 Thureau, G '. 1135, 1136 Thurlow, Lord 1022 Tilde area, see Nigeria. Timbarra, see New South Wales. Timbering, Chaplin on methods in Cornwall 358 Ireland on method at Ben Lomond, Tasmania 1098 See also Mining of tin. Tin: Ages of the tin deposits of the world 1625 Artificial production of crystals of metallic tin 1626, 1645 Cry of 1521 Cry of, similar, in other metals 1481 Derivation of name 1412 Dimorphous form produced in manufacture of metallic tin crystals. . 1645 Effect of intense cold on 1492 de Launay on the ages of the tin deposits of the world 1625 Separation of tungsten 1575 Separation from arsenic, antimony, etc 1445, 1447, 1455, 1459, 1465, 1467, 1474, 1477, 1485, 1486, 1495, 1503, 1553, 1558, 1559, 1572, 1585 See alloys of tin, analyses of tin, assaying of tin, assays of tin, asso- ciation of tin with, chemistry of tin, crystallization of tin, dress- ing of tin, exportation of tin, financial side of tin, history of tin, importation of tin, metallurgy of tin, milling of tin, mineralogy of tin, minerals of tin, mining of tin, occurrence of tin, origin of tin, production of tin, refining of tin, scrap tin, smelting of tin, supply of tin (amount available for future mining), uses of tin, and the various minerals of tin. NO. 2 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TIN HESS 395 Reference M umber Tinaroo, see Walsh and Tinaroo, under Queensland. Tin bioxide, Ditte on some combinations of 1606 Tincroft mine, see Cornwall. Tingha district, see New South Wales. Tinogasta, see Argentina, Catamarca. Tin ore, phosphorescent when heated 935 Tin oxide, after quartz and allophane in Cornwall 1629 Daubree on artificial production of ' 1316 Deville on artificial production of 1604, 1605 See also " Tin bioxide." Tin plate: Allan on production of " moire metallique " on 1429 Flower on history of origin and process of tin plate trade 1390 Graham on 1324 Kiinzel on 1514 United States, industry in ' 1202 See Scrap tin. Tin pyrites, see Stannite. Tinton, see South Dakota, Black Hills. Titanite, see Association of tin with. Titanium, Daubree on artificial production of 1601 See Association of tin with. Toad's eye tin 356 " Toad's eye wood tin," Field on a variety of 1607 Toboali district, see Banka. Todd, J. E 1023 Tomuko, see China, Yunnan. Tongka Harbor, see Malay Peninsula. Tonkin, Lacroix on tin in 516 Topaz, see Association of tin with. Tornebohm, A. E 952 Totoral mine, see Bolivia. Tourmaline, MacAlister on origin of tin and 1341 See Association of tin with. Trang, see Slam. Transbaikal region, see Siberia. Trans-Pecos, see Texas. Transvaal, tin in 1173, 1176, 1177 Black Umbelosi River, tin on watershed of 1186 Bushveld near Pretoria, tin in the 1175, 1180, 1181, 1182, 1186 Bushveld tin deposits 3b Davey on Trans-Zambesian mining 1179 Doornhoek, tin at 2a, 1178J, 1183c Enkeldoorn district, tin in 1180, 1184, 1186 Fawns on tin in.. . 1320 396 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. -58 Transvaal Continued. Griffith on the Bushveld properties .............................. 1180 Groenvlei tin fields ........................................ 1178f, 1183a Groenfontein tin plant .................................... 1178b, 1178J Hall on tin near Pretoria and Vlaklaagte ..................... 1181, 1182 Johnson on tin near Potgietersrust ............................... 1183 On the Rooiberg, Weynek, Dornhoek, and Potgietersrust tin deposits ................................................ 2a Jorissen on intrusive granites in ................................. 1050 Kynaston on tin deposits of Zaaiplaats in the Waterberg district. . .1183b Lawn on the Doornhoek mine .................................... 1183c Little Usutu River, tin on watershed of ........................... 1186 Lualaba, tin on ................................................. 1174 Lyburn on minerals in ........................................... 1051 Merensky on tin in Enkeldoorn district ........................... 1184 On Potgietersrust tin fields ................................... 1185 On tin deposits of Rooiberg, Warmbad, Nylstroom, and Potgie- tersrust ................................................ 1184a Mills-Davies on tin deposits of .................................... 1185a Newland on tin in ............................................... 1053 Nylstroom, tin mining at .................................. 1184a, 1185a Occurrence in various districts of ............................... 1178d Potgietersrust, tin near ................................ 1183, 1185, 1189 Tin district ........................... 2a, 1178a, 1178b, 1184a, 1185a Praagh on tin along Transvaal-Swaziland border and in Vlaklaagte and Enkeldoorn districts ..................................... 1186 Pretoria district, tin in ................... ____ 1175, 1180, 1181, 1182, 1187 Recknagel on the two deposits in the Rooiberg district .............. 1186a Rhodesia, Rusapi, discovery of tin at ............................. 1178k Roodepoort tin deposit ........................................... 1183b Rooiberg, tin at .................. ____ 2a, 1178g, 1178i, 1178J, 1185a, 1186a Rooiberg tin deposits ......................................... 3d, 1184a Rumbold on Bushveld tin deposits ............................... 3b Simmersbach on tin in Pretoria district ........................... 1187 Stewart on tin on the Great Letaba River, Zoutpansberg ........... 1188 Steynsdorp Creek, tin on watershed of ............................ 1186 Stokes on tin in ................................................. 730 Swaziland border, tin along ...................................... 1186 Swinburne on tin at Zaaiplaats near Potgietersrust ............... 1189 On Waterberg tin field . . . .................................... 1189a Tin producing districts of. ....................................... 1178c Vlaklaagte, tin mine at .......................... 1178, 1181, 1182, 1186 Warmbad tin district ...................................... 1184a, 1185a Waterberg, tin at ................................... 1178g, 1178h, 1178i Tin deposits ................................ 3d, 1183a, 1183b, 1189a Weston on tin mining and dressing at Waterberg, Zaaiplaats, and Rooiberg ............................. ____ 3d NO. 2 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TIN HESS 397 Transvaal Continued. . - Reference Number Weynek, tin at 2a, 1178g Zaaiplaats tin deposits 3d, 1178e, 1178h, 1183a, 1183b Zoutpansberg, tin on the Great Letaba River in 1188 Zwartkloof tin deposit 3d See also Africa, Pretoria, and South Africa. Tras, see Malay Peninsula, Telom. Trasenster, Paul 1700 Tras os Montes, see Portugal. Treacher, W. H 738 Trechmann, C. 1645 Tredinnick, R 476 Tregaskis, James 477 Tregay, W 60, 1667 Treloy, see England. Tremenheere, G. B 203, 205, 206 Tremenheere, G. B. (Lemon, Chas., and) 196 Tremenheere, G. H 204 Tremenheere, H. Seymour 739 Tremolite, see Association of tin with. Trenchard, H. G 844a Trengganu, see Malay Peninsula, Tringganu. Trereife, see Cornwall. Tres Cruces, see Bolivia. Trethellen tin works, see Cornwall. Triassic, tin in veins in limestones of the 268 Tringanu, see Malay Peninsula, Tringganu. Tringganu, see Malay Peninsula. Triphyllite, see Association of tin with. Tripolite, see Association of tin with. Trojan war, Plinius on estimation of " white lead " during 1408 Tronoh, see Malay Peninsula, Perak. Truro, see Cornwall. Triistedt, Otto 953 Tsementong, see China, Yunnan. Tungstate of manganese and iron, see Association of tin with wolframite. Tungsten : Associated with tin, see Association of tin with. Billiton 126a Delvaux de Fenffe on use in iron and steel 1476 Fairibault on occurrence of, with tin in Nova Scotia 227 Hess on deposits of, with tin in South Dakota 1009 Menniche on separation of, from tin ores 1534 Nova Scotia 227 Sadtler on deposits of, with tin in the Black Hills, South Dakota 1016 Separation from tin 1534, 1575 398 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 58 Tungsten Continued. , South Dakota .............................................. 1009, 1016 Talbott on the quantitative separation of tin and .................. 1575 Tasmania .................................................. 1095, 1148 Twelvetrees on deposits in tin bearing region, Tasmania ........... 1148 Used with iron .................................................. 1476 Tuscany, see Italy. Tuscarora mines, see Nevada. Tupiza, see Bolivia. Tweed River, see Queensland. Tweedy, W. M ........................ . ............................ 478, 479 Twelvetrees, W. H ..... 1137, 1138, 1139, 1140, 1141, 1142, 1143, 1144, 1145, 1146, 1147, 1148, 1148a Twelvetrees, W. H., and Petterd, W. F ................................. 1149 Twelvetrees, W. H., and Ward, L. Keith ............................. 1149a Tylor, A ............................................................. 1420 Tyre, tin a current commodity of commerce in ........................ 1380 U Ubangi, see French Kongo. Uelle, see French Kongo, Welle. Ulke, Titus ............................ 254, 1024, 1245, 1646. See also 1616 Ulrich, G. H. F .............................................. 845, 1150, 1151 Uncia vein, see Bolivia. United Kingdom, see Great Britain, England, etc. United States, tin in.... 1190, 1191, 1192, 1193, 1194, 1195, 1196, 1197, 1198, 1199, 1298b Beck on tin in ............................................... 1299, 1300 Benedict on tin in ............................................... 1200 Blake on tin in ............................................. 1201, 1202 Census report on tin in .......................................... 1221 Day on tin in ................................................... 1203 D'Achiardi on tin in ............................................ 1313 Douglas on tin in ............................................ ... 1204 Emmens on tin in ............................................... 1205 Emmons on geological distribution of tin in ....................... 1206 Fawns on tin in ................................................. 1320 Fuchs and de Launay on tin in ...................... ............. 1323 Garrison on tin in ............................................... 1207 Hess on tin in ......................................... 1209, 1210, 1211 Importation of tin from Bolivia discussed .................. . ...... 139 Kemp on tin in ......................................... ____ 1212, 1213 de Launay (Fuchs and) on tin in ................................. 1323 Leonhard on tin in .............................................. 1214 Lesley on furnaces, forges, and rolling mills for iron in ............ 793 N"0. 2 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TIN HESS 399 United States Continued. Roference Number Lock on tin in 1338 Louis on tin in 1340 Newland on tin in 1346 Ohly on tin in 1215 Phillips and Louis on tin in 1350 Pratt on tin in 1217 R 1 N. f on tin in 1218 Raymond on tin in ; 1219 Rolker on tin in 1357 Scrap tin recovered in 1497a Struthers and Pratt on tin in 1220 Weeks on tin in 1372 Whitney on statistics of mineral production of 1701 See also Alabama, California, Colorado, Idaho, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, Missouri, Montana, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, North Carolina, Philippines, South Carolina, South Dakota, Texas, Virginia, Washington, and Wyoming. Unwin, George 480 Upper Graupen, see Bohemia. Upper Murray, see Victoria. Upper Yarra, see Victoria. Urals, see Russia. Uralsk, see Asia. Uranium, de Launay on occurrence with tin in France 518 See Association of tin with. Uranium phosphate, see Association of tin with. Ure's Dictionary. 1366 Uses of tin: Appleton on earliest American coin 1374 Baudot on 1378 Boerhaave on ". 1305 Coating inside of copper utensils in India 588 Feuchtwanger on 1321 Fuchs and de Launay on 1323 Graham on 1324 Jameson on 1621 Lakes on 1334a Perak, native uses 747 Salmon on 1562 Schultz on , 1359 Sexton on 1361 Ussher, W. A. E., and MacAlister, D. A 481 Uwet district, see Nigeria. 400 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 58 V Reference Number Vale, Stephen S 61 Valeric, see Italy, Tuscany, Monte Valeric. Van der Wyck, O. H 118 Van Hise, Charles Richard 1367 Vanning, Collins on its value as a mine test for tin ore 1469 Pearce on losses in 1660 Van Ness, W. W., Jr 254a Van Osdel, Edgar B 1580a Vaulry, see France, Creuse. Vay, see France, Lower Loire. Vegetable Creek, see New South Wales. Verbeek, R. D. M 119, 136 Vercoe, Chas 740 Vercoe, H. B 741 Vesuvianite, see Association of tin with. Vesuvius, see Virginia. Veta Estano, see Bolivia. Viator 742 Victoria: Albany, stream tin near 50 Beechworth, tin at 1233 Benambra, Cudgewa district, tin in 1226 Benedict on tin deposits of ' 41, 1301 Berwick, tin at 1233 Brach6 on tin at Eldorado 1224 Bright, tin at 1233 Bruthen, tin at Falls Church, near - ; 1228 Burrowa Creek, tin on 1233 Corner Inlet, tin from 1232 Coghlan on tin in 1677, 1679 Cudgewa district, tin in 1226, 1229, 1233, 1237 D'Achiardi on tin in - 1313 Davies on tin in 1317 Dry Forest Creek, tin on 1233 Eddy on tin on the Latrobe River, South Gippsland 1225 Eldorado, tin mining at 1224 English on tin near Ovens and Albany and in Gippsland 50 Eskdale, tin at 1227, 1229 Falls Church, near Bruthen, tin at 1228 Fawns on tin in 1320 Franklin, tin from 1232 Gippsland, tin in 50, 1229, 1237 Beenah, tin near 1223 Franklin River, tin on 1230 Latrobe River, tin on 1225, 1233, 1235 Mount Singapore on Wilsons Promontory 1229 NO. 2 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TIN HESS 401 Victoria Continued. Reference Number Gregory on the Mount Cudgewa tin. . . 1226 Herman on tin at Falls Church, near Bruthen 1228 On tin at Mitta Mitta, Eskdale, Tallandoon, and Mt. Elmo 1227 Kitson on tin in 1229 Louis (Phillips and) on tin in 1350 Mitta Mitta River, tin on 1227, 1237 Mitta River Valley, tin on Wombat and Nine Mile creeks 1238 Mount Elmo, tin at 1227 Mount Fatique, tin on 1233, 1235 Mount Singapore, tin at . . 1229 Mount Wills, tin at 1229, 1231, 1234 Mount Wills Creek, tin near 1238 Murray on the Mount Wills tin field 1231 On tin in southwest Gippsland 1230 Murray, see Upper Murray. Newbery on tin from Franklin, Corner Inlet, and Upper Murray 1232 Newton on metalliferous minerals of 55 Nicholas on tin at various localities in 1233 Northeastern district, Mount Cudgewa, tin at 1229 Eskdale, tin in 1227, 1229, 1231, 1234 Pilot Range, tin in 1229 Mount Wills, tin at 1229, 1231, 1234 See also Mount Wills Creek. Phillips and Louis on tin in 1350 Pilot Range, tin in 1229 Reyer on tin in 1354 Rolker on tin in 1357 Resales on the Mount Wills tin field 1234 Sebastopol, discovery of tin at 43 Secretary for Mines and Water Supply, Annual Reports 1899 to date. . 1222 Skene and Smyth on tin on the Latrobe River and Mount Fatique. . . 1235 Smyth on tin on the Upper Murray River 1236 Smyth (Skene and) on tin on the Latrobe River and Mount Fatique. . 1235 Stirling on tin lodes at Wombat Creek 1238 Tallandoon, tin at 1227 Upper Murray, tin from 1232, 1233 Upper Murra,y River, tin on 1236 Upper Yarra, tin in 1229 Wombat Creek, tin lodes at 1238 Yarra, see Upper Yarra. See also Australia. Viebig, W 578 Vignon, Leo 1581, 1582 Villeder, see France, Morbihan. Vilque Chico, see Peru. 402 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 58 Reference Number Vilque district, see Peru, Puno. Vincent, M. C 1025 Virginia, tin in 1281 Benedict on tin in 1200, 1301 On tin on Irish Creek, Rockbridge County 1239 Blue Ridge, tin in 1241, 1248 Brown on tin on Irish Creek, Rockbridge County 1240 Campbell on tin in the Blue Ridge, Rockbridge County 1241 Capron Springs, tin at 1246 Crookes and Roehrig on tin in 1242 Day on tin in 1203a, 1319 On tin in Rockbridge County 1318 Emmens on tin in 1205 Garrison on tin in 1207 Kemp on tin in 1213 Leonhard on tin in 1214 McCreath and Platt on tin in Rockbridge County 1243 Nelson County, tin at Nellys Ford 1246 R , on tin in 1218 Robertson on tin on Irish Creek, Rockbridge County 1244 Rockbridge County, tin in 1239, 1240, 1241, 1243, 1244, 1248, 1318 Ulke on Cash mine, near Vesuvius 254, 1245 Vesuvius, Cash mine near 254, 1245, 1246, 1248 Watson on Irish Creek tin locality, Rockbridge County 1246 Winslow on tin in the Blue Ridge, Rockbridge County 1248 See also United States. Vivian, Joseph 481a Vlaanderen, C. L 120, 1647 Vlaklaagte, see Transvaal. Vogelsang 72 Vogt, J. H. L 1368, 1369, 1370, 1648 Voit, F. W 3c Vulcan mine, see Queensland, Herberton district. W Wada, Tsunashiro 635, 636 Waddington, H 1152 Wagner, P. A 235a Wait, F. W 482 Walcott, C. D 35 Walker, Chas. H 1371 Walker, Edward 482a Waller, G. A 1153, 1154-1158 Walsh and Tinaroo field, see Queensland. ^0. 2 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TIN HESS 403 Reference Number Waratah, see Tasmania. Ward, L. Keith 115 8a Ward, L. Keith ( Twelvetrees, W. H., and) 1149a Warmbad, see Transvaal. Warmbaths, see Transvaal, Warmbad. Warner, Richard 1421 Warth, H 207 Washington, Collier on tin at Silver Hill, near Spokane 1250 Silver Hill, tin at 1250 Spokane, tin near 1249, 1250 See also United States. Waterberg, see Transvaal. Watson, J. Y 483 Watson, Thos. L 1246 Watsonville, see Queensland. Waukeroo, see New South Wales. Wavellite, de Launay on occurrence in France 518 Weaver, Thomas 608, 609 Webb and Geach 484 Webster's workings, see Tasmania. Weed, Walter H 1172 Weedon, Thornhill 939 Weeks, Joseph D 1372 Weinschenk, Ernst 578a Welbeloond, see Cape Colony. Welle Makwa, see French Kongo. Wellington, Wm 1159 Wells, J. S. C 1583 Wendron, see England. Wendt, A. F * 184 Werner 1422 West, H. E. 222, 485 Western Australia: Tin in 45, 1254, 1255, 1290, 1292 Benedict on tin deposits of 47, 1301 Bridgetown, tin near 1259, 1271 Coghlan on tin in 1679 Gibson ( Simpson and ) on tin in 1269 Greenbushes, tin mines at 1251, 1252, 1253, 1256, 1257, 1260, 1261, 1263, 1264, 1265, 1266, 1267, 1270, 1273 Jackson (Maitland and) on the Greenbushes and Marble Bar (Pil- bara) districts 1264 Krusch on Greenbushes tin workings 1257 On occurrence of tin in 1258 Laplage on tin near Bridgetown on the Blackwood River 1259 404 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 58 Western Australia Continued. Maitland on the Greenbushes tin field ............................. 1260 On the Greenbushes and Pilbara tin fields ..................... 1261 On the Pilbara tin field ...................................... 1262 On the Wodgina tin field ..................................... 1263 Maitland and Jackson on the Greenbushes and Marble Bar (Pilbara) districts ................... : ................................ 1264 Marble Bar (Pilbara) district, tin in .............................. 1264 Mulholland on the Greenbushes tin field .......................... 1265 Newland on output of tin in 1902 and on Greenbushes tin field ...... 1266 On tin in ................................................... 1346 Newton on metalliferous minerals of ............................. 55 Pilbarra, distorted cassiterite crystals from ....................... 1649 Pilbarra field, tin in ................ 1256, 1261, 1262, 1263, 1264, 1271 Simpson on occurrence of cassiterite and stannite ................. 1268 On tin ore from Greenbushes field ........... . ................ 1267 Simpson and Gibson on tin in ................................... 1269 " Stannifer " on Greenbushes tin field .......... .................. 1270 Talbot on Wodgina tin field ...................................... 1271 Wodgina district, tin in ................................ 1256, 1263, 1271 Woodward on Greenbushes tin field ............................... 1273 On tin near Bridgetown ...................................... 1272 Woolnough on distorted cassiterite crystals from Pilbarra .......... 1649 On tin from Pilbarra ........................................ 1649 See also Australia. Western district, see Queensland. West Kitty mine, see Cornwall. Weston, E. M ..................................................... 3d, 1583a West Phoenix mine, see Cornwall, Liskeard. Weyland, A., and Kempen, A. R. (Brandenburg, H., and) .............. 1456 Weynek, see Transvaal. Wheal Basset, see Cornwall. Wheal Breage, see Cornwall. Wheal Comfort, see Cornwall, Providence mines. Wheal Kitty, see Cornwall. Wheal Laity, see Cornwall, Providence mines. Wheal Lovell, see East Wheal Lovell. Wheal Prosper, see Cornwall. Wheal Providence, see Cornwall, Providence mines. Wheal Speed, see Cornwall, Providence mines. Wheal Uny, see Cornwall. Wheal Vor, see Cornwall. Wheeler, H. A ....................................................... 1423 White, W. T ......................................................... 486 Whitehead, Edgar ................................................... 1247 White River Bridge, see Tasmania. NO. 2 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TIN HESS 405 Reference Number Whitney, J. D 223, 1701 Wicksham, P. D 11GO, 1161 Wicklow, see Ireland. Wilber, D. F., see No. 1675. Wildman 308 Wild River, see Queensland. Wilkinson, C. S 847a-h, 848 Wilkinson, C. S., and David, T. W. E 849 William, J. Vivian 940 Williams, Archibald 487 Williams, G. W 940a Williams, Gerard W 1161a Williams, John 488 Williams, R. H 489, 1668 Williams buddle, Williams on 1668 Willis, Bailey 269a Wilson, A. P 1162 Wilson, Geo 784 Wilson's Downfall, see New South Wales. Winer 1424 Winslow, Arthur 1248 Winslow, see Maine. Wintle, S. H 1163, 1164 Wirtz, L 1584 Witmer, Luther Ferree 1585 Wodgina district, see Western Australia. Wodonga district, see South Australia. Wolf, A. G 231 Wolff, G 62 Wolfram, see wolframite. . Wolframite: Andrews on origin of deposits in New South Wales 797 Associated with tin, see Association of tin with. Barrow on relation of high level terraces of Bodmin Moor to deposits of stream tin and 333 Bohemia 64 Charleton on 1310 Clotten on occurrence with tin ore in Queensland 898 Cornwall 1479, 1662 Cornwall, Bodmin Moor 333 Dietzsch on treatment of tin-wolfram-copper ores in Cornwall 1479 Dressing of tin ores containing 1576a, 1664 France, with tin ore at Ille-et-Vilaine 514 Kerforne on presence with tin ore at Ille-et-Vilaine, France 514 406 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 58 Wolframite-^Continued. Magnetic separator for separating cassiterite and wolframite in Bohemia .................................................... 64 Malacca, with tin ore in placers . ................................. 682 Metallurgy of ................................................... 1479 New South Wales, accompanying tin ore .......................... 797 Origin of deposits ............................................... 797 Queensland, accompanying tin ore ................................ 898 Storms (?) on deposits at Bear Gulch, in tin and gold placers, South Dakota ..................................................... 1015 Separation from tin ............................................. 1662 Skewes on magnetic separation from tin in Cornwall ............... 1662 South Dakota ................................................... 1015 Terrell on final stages in dressing of ........................ 1576a, 1664 See also Association of tin with. Wollastonite, see Association of tin with. Wood, Harrie M ..................................................... 850 Wood-tin, Argall on, in Wheal Vor .................................... 330 Barrosa Cota mine, Bolivia ...................................... 180a Greg and Lettsom on ............................................ 1614 Headden on, in an old Cornwall furnace ........................... 1G17 Hoffman on, in Klondike River tributaries ........................ 228 Majendie on occurrence of ....................................... 1342 Pearce on, in an old Cornwall furnace ............................. 1617 See also .............. 182, 356, 392, 401, 428, 478, 767, 768, 771, 861a, 1156 Woodward, H. P ................................................ 1272, 1273 Woodward, John .................................................... 489a Woods, J. E. T ....................................................... 63 Woolnough, W. G ..... . .............................................. 1649 Worsey, Jas. P ...................................................... 1586 Worth.-R. N ............................................... 1425, 1426, 1427 Wray, LeonaVd, Jr ........................................ 744, 745, 746, 747 Wright, C. R. Adler ................................................. 1587 Wurtzite, see Association of tin with. Wyborg, see Russia. Wyoming: Aughey on tin near Rawhide Buttes and in Silver Crown district . . . 1274 Benedict on tin in ............................................... 1275 Big Horn country, tin in .......................................... 1002 Blake on tin in ................................................. 1202 Chance on tin in the Big Horn country .......................... 1002 Crook County, tin in ........................................ 1016, 1020 Crook County, tin in Black Hills in .............................. 1276 Day on tin in the Nigger Hill district ............................ 1318 Guenther on tin in .............................................. 1326 Nigger Hill district, tin in ...... . 1318 NO. 2 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF TIN IIESS 407 Wyoming Continued. Rawhide Buttds, tin near ........................................ 1274 Ricketts on tin in Black Hills, Crook County ...................... 1276 Sadtler on tin in Crook County ................................... 1016 Silver Crown district, tin in ..................................... 1274 Struthers and Pratt on tin in ................................... 1220 See also United States and South Dakota. X Xaija, see Siam. Xalang, see Siam. Xamphon, see Siam. Xenotime, see Association of tin with. Xeres, see Mexico. Y Yarra, see Victoria, Upper Yarra. Yenisei, see Jenisei. York region, see Alaska. Young, G. A ......................................................... 232 Yttrium, see Association of tin with. Yukon, Dawson region, stream tin in .................................. 23 Hoffman on tin in all the tributaries of the Klondike River ....... 228 Yunnan, see China. . Z Zaaiplaats, see Transvaal. Zacatecas, see Mexico. Zamora, see Spain. Zeehan, see Tasmania. Zennor, see Cornwall. Zinc: Allen on alloy with copper and manganese ................ , ....... 1431 Alloys with bismuth and tin ..................................... 1587 With copper and manganese ................................. 1431 With lead and tin ........................................... 1587 Associated with tin, see Association of tin with. Beck on occurrence at Schwarzenberg, Germany ................... 530 Bolivia .............................. . .......................... 155 British Columbia ................................................ 229 Campagne on mines of .............. ............................. 1309 Cry of as indication of fitness of certain beams .................. 1481 Douglas on metallurgy of ........................................ 1204 Emmons on occurrence in United States and genesis of minerals of. . 1206 Germany, Freiberg .............................................. 560 Germany, Schwartzenberg ............................... ' ........ 530 Hydrolysis of salts of, in presence of iodides and iodates .......... 1537 408 SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS VOL. 58 Zinc-Continued. Ingalls, Argall, and Garde on zinc resources of British Columbia, and their exploitation ....................................... 229 Ireland ........................................................ 602 Kinahan on In Ireland ........................................... 602 Metallurgy of ............................................... 1204, 1549 Moody on hydrolysis of salts of, in presence of iodides and iodates. . 1537 Moore on occurrence with tin in killas of St. Pauls Plains, Tasmania. 1114 Origin of minerals of ............................................ 1206 Perret on metallurgy of .......................................... 1549 Pilz on deposits in Cartagena, Spain .............................. 1040 Recovery from scrap tin ......................................... 1584 Richter on characteristics and working, and on relations with tin and lead .................................................... 1356 Saxony, Freiberg ................................................ 560 Slater on alloys of zinc, tin, and lead .............................. 1570 Spain, Cartagena ...................................... L ......... 1040 Sulphides of associated with tin in Bolivia ........................ 155 Tasmania ...................... . ............................... 1114 United States ................................................... 1206 Wirtz on recovery from scrap tin ................................. 1584 Wright on alloys of lead, tin, and zinc and bismuth, zinc, and tin. . . 1587 Zinc-blende, Miiller and Richter on tin in at Freiberg, Germany ......... 560 See Association of tin with. Zinc sulphides, see Association of tin with. Zinnwald, see Saxony. Zinnwaldite, see Association of tin with. Zircon, see Association of tin with. Zirkel, Ferdinand .................................................... 490 Zoutpansberg, see Transvaal. Zwartkloof, see Transvaal. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY BERKELEY Return to desk from which borrowed. This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. jRAR MINER HEC 1 7 AL TECHNOLOGY LI LD 21-100m-9,'48(B399sl6)476 104281 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY