LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SAN DIEGO ^^- THE RECORDS OF THE TOWN OF CAMBRIDGE (FORMERLY NEWTOWNE) MASSACHUSETTS 1630-1703 THE RECORDS OF THE TOWN MEETINGS, AND OF THE SELECTMEN, COMPRISING ALL OF THE FIRST VOLUME OF RECORDS, AND BEING VOLUME II. OF THE PRINTED RECORDS OF THE TOWN PRINTED BY ORDER OF THE CITY COUNCIL UNDER THE DIRECTION OF THE CITY CLERK CAMBRIDGE, 1901 UNIVERSITY PRESS JOHN WILSON AND SON CAMBRIDGE, U. S. A. PREFACE THIS volume is the second printed book of the Old Records of Cambridge, and, as stated concisely on the title-page, contains " the records of the Town Meetings, and of the Selectmen, comprising all of the first volume of Records." The period of time covered is from 1630 to 1703. The general plan and scope of the " Proprietors' Records " the first printed book of the Old Records has been fol- lowed even to the mechanical features. It has been the intention to present in this volume all and the same information which a perusal of the manuscript would present to the reader. No attempt has been made to modern- ize the text, or to make corrections of any description. From page i to page 354 the book is a reproduction of the original, except the introduction of the title, paging, and explanatory marks and foot-notes. Throughout this volume the dates of the entries do not appear consecutively in all cases, but the dates are published in the exact order in which they appear in the originals. It has not been deemed advisable to place them in consecutive order, except when such order was in agreement with the original text. IV PREFACE The figures at the top of the pages indicate the paging of the transcript. The heavy figures enclosed in brackets repre- sent the paging of the original book in its present condition. The title " Town Records " has been used, in the belief that the appearance of the book would be thereby improved. Brackets enclosing a blank space, thus, [ ], signify that something is missing from, or illegible in the original. Carets, A, show that a letter or letters in a word are missing. Whenever a star, *, appears on a page it refers to a foot-note on that page. The task of preparing the index and reading the proofs has been a severe one, due to the worn condition of many of the pages of the original manuscript, and has compelled the great- est care in the translation of the text, that no unseemly errors might creep in. The proofs have all been read by Miss Sarah S. Jacobs, and have been examined by reference to the original pages, to in- sure correctness. As the copy was also prepared by Miss Jacobs, it will be seen that no small part of the work has fallen upon her. That she was well fitted to perform the task must be evident from her successful effort in the issue of the " Proprietors' Records," published in 1896. An attempt has been made to produce a complete index, and the forty or more pages devoted to this purpose indicate its thoroughness. As a frontispiece to this volume, there is printed a map of Cambridge as existing in 1635. This map is, of course, lacking PREFACE V in absolute accuracy, as there are extant few plans or maps which are available for use in preparing a positive reproduc- tion. The compiler, Mr. Charles D. Elliot, now a resident of Somerville, Mass., has, however, taken advantage of the best obtainable data, and even a cursory examination will show its value in determining certain localities which otherwise might be difficult to understand. This plan, too, has the indorsement of Hon. Charles H. Saunders, ex-Mayor of Cambridge, who has given much thought and intelligent investigation to the earliest periods of local history. It must be understood, however, that the map is in no sense an official one, and that it is published merely as an aid to a more complete understanding of many references throughout the text. It will be noted that marginal annotations occur on several pages, and, lest it might be assumed that these were penned by the original clerks, it is deemed proper to say, that an examination of the manuscript will show that nearly all of the annotations are the handiwork of more modern scribes. This is proven by the modern method of spelling, as well as the arrangement of the annotations and marks in the manuscripts. It might not be amiss to state that, in a large number of cases where names are appended to reports, etc., the names are , probably original signatures in the manuscript, as in the case of the report of John Watson and Abraham Holman, under date of 8th of June, 1685, in the matter of an investigation into the condition of the highway leading to Concord. (See folio VI PREFACE 276.) The antiquarian might discern something of value in this fact. With this volume, there are published nine reproductions of pages in the original record. These pages have been selected so as to show in each case, except one, the signature of the Town Clerk for the time being. The single exception is in the case of William Spencer (1632-1635), whose name does not appear on the page which has been copied. It was difficult to find any page in the record of those earlier years which was sufficiently well preserved to be reproduced, the one selected being probably the most desirable. For a verification of the dates of service of the several clerks, the compiler is indebted to Mr. William W. Dodge of this City, who gave freely of his experience and time in a close examina- tion of the chirography to establish with some degree of posi- tiveness the names of the recording officers. The compiler desires also to record the able assistance of Mr. William H. Whitney of this City, who has given valuable information with reference to some of the ancient boundary marks. EDWARD J. BRANDON, City Clerk. CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS. Otommontoealtfj of MIDDLESEX, SS. CAMBRIDGE, JULY 20, 1901. I, Edward J. Brandon, clerk of the City of Cambridge, hereby certify that the following, beginning with page I, and ending with page 354, is a true and correct copy of the Records, known as the Town Records of the Town of Cambridge (formerly Newtowne), now in the custody of the City Clerk except that the title, paging, and explanatory marks and notes have been added in the printed volume. EDWARD J. BRANDON, City Clerk. Subscribed and sworn to, Before me DAVID T. DICKINSON, Justice of the Peace. Town Records d [ ] 10 [ ] I IO [ ] 6 oo [ ] 7 10 [ ] 5 oo [ ] 3 oo [ ] 2 oo [ ] aboue a year i 10 [ ] aboue a yeare ould oo 08 swine aboue a yeare 01 oo [ ] aboue a yeare 2 oo [ ] male 20 d pr. heade [ ] for eftate to be made I th 4 th of y e 6 th mo. [ ] prfons y r leauy to be payde yearly in y e to be yearly chofen to end fmall Caufes 2. Cunftables 5: Townfmen one to feal leather one to be [ ] meafures, furveyour of high wayes. &c. ] 138 poles [ ] ] feilds 1 68 ac fubdevided fwamp C TOWN RECORDS s ]: : 10 o ] - 04 8 ] 01 6 ] 01 3 ] 08 ] 08 ] 02 o ] 03 25 o d 3 d ] fome is 3: ii : 5. [ ] [ ] 7i 5 The perfls of land by y e Farmes [ land. 10 s pr acr. acr. pr acr. at 20 s at 105 at 20$ at io.y The Towne [ Newtowne Inhabitants then Tho = Dudly Efqr mr Symon Bradftreet mr Edmond Lockwood mr Daniell Patrike John Poole William Spencer John Kirman Symon Sackett TOWN RECORDS 3 The names of offenders agst the orders [ ] Knox of Watertowne for felling 20 poul and clapbords for mrs Glouer. was not apointed by his ageflt for [ ] Goodman Kinfbury of watertowne for encroching [ ] bounds of this town [ ] the line was run. Iracundia et argentum mutant mores [ ] Anger and mony chang manners & [ ] Ri; oldam Died the 9 th (dec.f 1655 [ ] and buried the 2O th of the Same m? A bout y e meeting-houfe fines [ ] Stone 2. daies cariadge [ ] A lip Cooke 3 daies cariadge [ ] 05 [ ] Crackbone I day from weft feild wayes [ ] [ ] miller I : day from hence watch 10 [ ] Okes 2. daies and one harf [ ] 5 Josepth miller mow on load gunpowder 2 oo Wm man. High wayes 5 williame : Town (4 daies. High wayes I Andrew Stevenson one day 4 6 219 5 7.S 5 An Agreement by the Inhabitants of [ ] Towne aboute paleing in the necke of [ ] Impr. that Euery one who hath anny part the A on mall hereafter kepe the fame in good and fuficient repaire and if it happen to have ann A defect he (hall mend the fame wthin three da/\ after notice giuen or else pay x* a rodd [ ] euery rodd fo repaired for him. ffurther it is Agreed that the fd Impaled gr A (halbe Deuided accord- ing to euery mans p A tion in the fd pales ffurther it is Agreed if anny man mail [ ] to fell his part of Impaled ground he (ha A ffirst tender the fale thereof to the Towne [ ] Interested who (hall either giue him the [ ] he hath bin at or else to haue liberty to fell it [ ] whome he Cann. 4 TOWN RECORDS The 24 th of December 1632. Ann Agreement made by A Gennerall Conf A for a mounthly meeting. Impr that Euery perfson under fubfcribed mall [ ] Every fecond Monday in Every mounth wthin [ ] meetinghoufe In the After- noone wthin half [ ] ouer after the ringing of the bell and that euery [ ] that make not his perfonall apearannce there [ ] continews ther wthout leaue from [ ] vntill the meeting bee Ended mail for [ ] default xii? and if it be not paid [ ] meeting then to dobl it and foe vntill [ ] Tho' Dudly John Haynes and others. The 7 th of January 1632 Its. ordred that noe perfon whatfoeue A [ ] anny houfe in the Bounds of the Towne [ ] leaue from the maiorpart ffurther it is Agreed by a joynt Confent th A [ ] Towne mall not bee Inlarged vntill all [ ] places bee filled wth houfes ffurther it is Agreed that all the hou A [ ] the bounds of the Towne fhalbee Co A [ ] flate or board and not wth thach ffurther It is ordered that all h A [ ] Range eevn and Hand Juft fix [ ] owne ground from the ftreet. ffurther it is ordred that whofoeueX [ ] A lott in the Towne and dooth not [ ] build vppon it wthin six mounths [ ] his lott to whomfoevr will imp A ffurther It is ordred that if [ ] child or feruant mall [ ] com- mon gate [ ] [ ] laft of October [ ] Comon Pales deuided as ffollo John Haynes Efqr 70 Rodd Steben Hart 8 Rod Thomas Dudly Efqr. 40 Rodd William Wadfwth 7 mr. Symon Bradftreet 20 Rodd George Steele 6 John Beniamen 50 Rodd Richard Goodman 6 John Talcott 36 Rodd John Bridg 6 TOWN RECORDS Mathew Allen 45 Rod Symon Saket William Weftwood 30 Rod Richard Butler James Omfted 25 Rod Cap : Patrike Daniell Denifon 25 Rod Richard web Samuell Dudly 25 Rod John Mafters Andrew Warner 20 Rod Antho: Colby William Goodwine 20 Rod John Clark John White 15 Rod Nath. Richards John Steele 14 Rod Richard Lord Edward Stebinge 12 Rod Abraham Morrill William Spencer 12 Rod William Kelfe Thomas Hofmer 10 rod Jonath Bofwth' William Lewis 10 rod Tho: Spencer Hester Muffe 10 rod Garrad Hadon Jofeph Readinge 2 Rod Edward Elmer Thomas Heate 2 Rod Jeremy Addams The $ Auguft 1633 Lotts Granted for Cowyardes. Samuell Dudly i Acker William Wadfwth Daniell Denifon Acker John Mafters John Beniamen I Ackr Nath : Richads A iam Peintre I Acker John Clark [ ] Omfted i Acker Capt Patrk A illiam Weftwood i Ackr Symo Sakt William Goodwine 3 Roods Will Kelfe John White 3 Roods Richad Goodn John Steele 3 Roods Tho Spencer William Spencer 3 Roods Jonah: Bof worth George Steele ackr Jer: Addams William lewis 1 Q 1^ t" . > < I l\ 1 Tho: Hofmer Hefter Mufe ackr John Prat Edward Stebinge i akr Steph Hart akr. 6 6 5 5 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 akr iakr i roode I akr iakr I roode 3 Roods i rood i rood I rood 3 Roods akr TOWN RECORDS The 2 d of September 1633 [ ] A dered that whofoeuer hath anny tree [ ] Croffe A high A way and dooth not re A it wthin 7 dayes or whofsoever fhal A ter ffell anny tree and let it lye croff [ ] A way one day fhall fforfeit the tree. [ ] A th of October 1633 [ ] whofoeuer maketh an A [ ] [ ] hall pay to the [ ] be Deui A A [2] The 4 th of November 1633 Lotts for Cowyards granted John Haynes Efqr i Ackr Richard Lord i [ ] Andrew Warner i Acker mr Hopkins [ ] Mathew Allen i Acker mr Thomas Hooker i Acker mr Samuell Ston i Acker The 2 d of December 1633 It is ordered that noe perfon whatfoeuer fhall fell Anny Tree neer the Towne [ ] wthin the path wch goeth ffrom Wattertow A to Charles towne vppon the fforfeiture of ffiue (hillings for euery tre soe ffeled It is ffurther ordered that all the fyer W A wch lyeth not onn anny mans A fhalbee A mon to every Inhabetant : It is ffurther ordered that whofoeuer hath anny Timber lyeing vppon anny mans lott he fhall ffetch it away before the midle of March next or elfe fforfeit his Tymber Agreed wth mr Symon Bradflreet to make a fuficient Cartway alonge by his pales and keepe it in repaire 7 years and is to haue x* for the fame Granted Tho Dudly Efqr i rood whear his h A Cockes flood TOWN RECORDS 7 The 5 th of January 1633. Granted mr. Tho. Hooker 5 ackers in [ ] to mr Samuell Stonn 4 Ackrs in th A more to mr Hooker 3 ackrs in the [ ] to mr Samuell Ston 2 Ackrs in fhip [ ] Granted John Haynes Efqr soe much [ ] by his Cowyard as Ihalbee sett out by mr [ ] and John Taylcott Sould Andrew Warner that Corner [ ] fwampe ground by the ould feild for fo A fliillings The 2 d off ffebruary 1633 It is Agreed that the planting ground in [ ] necke of land flialbe thufe deuided. John Haynes Efqr one Ackr and halfe John Taylcott 2 Ackrs John : W A [ ] Andrew Warner 3 Ackrs Wil A [ ] Mathew Allen 2 Ackrs Mr [ ] Hefter Mufe 2 Ackrs Jam A [ ] Stephen Hart 2 Ackrs Will A [ ] Thomas Hofmer 3 Ackrs Edw A [ ] George Steele 2 Ackrs for wch ground they are to m A [ ] paleinge for euery Ack A [ ] rayld six foote aboue ground [ ] before the I Aprill next or pa A [ ] The 2 d of March 1633 Granted William Spencer the fwampe on the other fide the Creeke Granted William Lewis the fwampe by the fhipp marfli Granted John Beniamen all the grownd betwen John Mafters his grownd and Antho Couldbyes prouided that the windmill hill mail be referued for the Towns vfe and a Cartway of two Rods wyde vnto the fame Granted William Lewis the vfe of the Comon ground between the fwampe and the flfeild lane vntell they (hall defier it The 7 th - Aprell 1634. Granted John Pratt two Ackrs by the ould burieing place wthout the Comon Pales 8 TOWN RECORDS It is ordered that Euery one whoe hath anny part in the Comon Pales fhall fet vpe aftake at the begining of thr pales wth ther mark vpon it and what foever paleing is Judged infuficient by thofe wch are Apointed to vew the fame the owners are after notice giuen to fend wthin one ower after to med the fame and not to ceafe vntell it bee ffinimed vpon the forfeture of v* arod to anny one that fhall mend it for them The 5 th of May 1634 Granted mr Stonn a Garden plot by the meeting house The 2 d June 1634 Its ordered that the Conftable fhall pay James Omfted x* for makeing the hyeway by William Butlers pales The 7 th July 1634. [ ] ordered that John Beniamen Daniell A fon William Spencer Richard Butler fh A [ ] the bounds of mr Atterton Houghes grant The 4 th of Auguft 1634 [ ] is ordered that whatfoever tree is now [ ] [ ] bounds of the Towne and is not JA [ ] [ ] the firft of March next It [ ] [ ] anny man to vfe them or [ ] A ny tree and let it ly abo A [ ] [ ] for anny man to [ ] [3] It is ordered that whoefoever fhall ffa A [ ] Tree for Boards Clapboards or fframes of hou A [ ] fell them out of the Towne fhall fforfeit for euery [ ] foe fould xx* Granted Symon Williard one the weft fide the River one hundrd Ackers granted John Bridge there 75 Ackrs granted Tymothy Tomlins there 10 Ackrs granted Bollard Dauis there 25 Ackrs -f^^^^ RECORD MADE BY WILLIAM SPENCER, TOWN CLERK, 1632-1635 (See Folio 9) TOWN RECORDS 9 Lots Granted in Weftend To John Taylcott 3 Ackrs To Richard Webb the vpland beyond John mafters To John Clarke 2 Ackrs To Guy Bambrige I Ackr. To Georg Stockine | Ackr To Tho : Scott 5 Ackrs To Tho : Judd 4 Ackrs To John Barnard . 5 Ackrs To Jofeph Eafon . 2 Ackrs To Seth Grant . 2 Ackrs To Chrifto : Kene 3 Ackrs To Jonatha A Bofeworth 2 Ackrs To John Maynard 5 Ackrs To Samuell Greenhill 8 Ackrs To Edward Elmer 3 Ackrs To John Gibfon . 6 Ackrs To Nath: Elly. 6 Ackrs To Nicho: Clarke one roode To John Prince 2 Ackrs Lotts Granted In Weftend ffeild To John Arnold 5 Ackrs To Will Man 3 A A To William Peintree 10 Ackrs To Edmo Hunt 3 A A To Tymo : Standly . 6 Ackrs To Robt Day 3 Ac A To James Ensigne 4 Ackrs To Garrd Haddon [ ] To Tho ffilher 5 Ackrs To Will Kelfy 3 A A To Humphry Wincett 4 Ackrs To Edmond Gearner 4 Ackrs To Tho. Beale- 3 Ackrs To John Hopkins 4 Ackrs Granted Jofeph Mygate by the Pyne fwa A fower Ackers ffurther it is ordered that whofoeuer fca A [ ] anny Hay in the Creeke and dooth not cle A agayne fhall pay for euery fuch fait v*. The prime of Septembr 1634 It is Ordered that the Ground lyeinge beet A the Planting feild and Charls town P A fhalbee meafuerd and deuided to thofe wch [ ] vfe for it to keep cattell in and that Capta P A fhall haue one Ackr of it and John Mafters [ ] Granted John Beniamen the Marfh between [ ] windmill hill and the Creeke next to it. fifurther it is ordered that Georg St A [ ] William Spencer fhall measuer out al A [ ] A ranted by the Towne and have III d the Ac A [ ] [ ] fame 10 TOWN RECORDS Lots Granted one the weft fide the River Michaell Spencer 4 Ackrs Garrad Spencer 4 Ackrs Stephen Poaft 12 Ackrs Samuell Wackman 12 Ackrs The 4 tt of Oaob r 1634 Itt is Ordered that Every one whoe hath anny timbr lyeing vppon Anny mans lott fhall cutt it offe before the ffirft of December next or else forfett the faid timber to thofe wch oweth the lotts The 3 rd of November 1634. James Olmfted is Choffen Counftable for the yeare followinge and tell a new be Chofen in his Roome and prefently fowrne John White is Choffen furveior to feethe highways and Itreete kept cleane and in repair for the yeare followeinge It is ordered that Every Inhabetant in the Towne lhall keepe the ftreet Cleane from wood and all other things againft his owne Ground and whoefoever fhall haue anny thinge lye in the ftreet above one daye after the next meetinge day fhall forfeit v* for every fuch default The ffirft of December 1634 Lotts. Granted In Weftend ffeild To Daniell Dennifon 6 Ackrs To John Steele 2 Ackrs To William Andrews 5 Ackrs To Thomas Scott 3 Ackrs To mrs Chefter 4 Ackrs To Bartholmew Green 6 Ackrs To Samuell Greene 4 Ackrs Granted William Spencer that Corner of Ground by Jofeph Myats between the Swamps to bee fett out by John Haynes Efqr The $** of January 1634 It is ordered that whoefoever hath anny lott Granted by the Towne and fhall not Improve the fame then it is to returne to the Towne or if hee fhall Improue the fame he fhall firft offer it vnto the Towne If they refus to giue him what charges he hath bin att then to haue liberty to fell it to whom he Cann TOWN RECORDS II Granted John Taylcott 5 Ackrs of marlh A und lyeing next to John Beniamens an A [ ] to haue noe part of the other ground f A woorke- ing Cattell Itt is ordered that whofoever fhall [ ] keepe anny Swine vppon anny m A A rownd fhall forfeit xx* for eve A A h default. [4] Lotts Granted behind the Pyne S A To John Pratt 5 Ackrs To John Prince 2 Ackrs To Antho Couldbey 3 Ackrs To Nicholas Clarke 3 Ackrs To mr Pratt 4 Ackrs To Guy Bambrige 4 Ackrs To Samuell Whithead 2 Ackrs To Nath : Hancocke 2 Ackrs To Georg Stockine 4 Ackrs To Daniell Abott 3 Ackrs To James Efigne I rood To John Hopkins I rood To Humphry Vincent i rood To Tymo : Stanly I rood Itt is ordered that there fhalbe noe moore Lotts Granted one this fide the River out of the Cow Comon to anny perfon whatfoever The 3 d of ffebruary 1634 Att A Gennerall Meeting of the whole Towne Itt was Agreed vppon by a Joynt Confent that 7 menn fhould bee Choffen to doe the whole buffines of the Towne and soe to Continew vntell the ffirft Monday in November next and vntell new be Choffen in their Room foe ther was then Elected and Choffen John Haynes Efqr mr Symon Bradftreet John Taylcott William Weftwood John White. William Wadfwoorth James Olmfted Conftable Itt is further Ordered by a Joynt Confent [ ] whatfoever thefe Townfmen thufe Choffe A fhall doe In the Compas of ther tymefha ftand in as full force as if the whole To A did the fame either for makeing of new orders or alteringe of ould ones 12 TOWN RECORDS ffurther it is ordered that whatsoever per A they fhall fend for to help in anny buffn A and he fhall refus to Come they fhall hau A power to lay a fine vppon him and to gath A [ ] ffurther it is ordered that they fhall haue O A to attent vppon them to Imploy aboute an A buffines at a publik Charge ffurther Itt is ordered that they fhall me A every firft Monday in a Mounth at [ ] in the After Noone accordinge to the former [ ] Alfoe ther was then Choffen to Joyne [ ] James Olmfted Conftable John Beniamen Daniell Denifon Andrew Warner William Spencer wch 5 acordinge to the order of Cour A [ ] furvey the Towne lands and enter [ ] a book Apointed for that purpofe Itt is further ordered that thefe 5 m A meet every firft Monday in the [ ] at the Conftables houfe in the [ ] A t the Ringing of the bell Aprill 21 th 1635 * Granted mr Hooker fiue Ackrs of Meadow Grownd in the mead next Wattertowne weire * Granted mr Stonn two Ackrs in the fame meaddowe * Granted mr Goodwine two Ackers in the fame meadowe Granted mr Hooker thirty Ackrs of fait marfh one the fouth fid Charls River Granted mr Stonn twenty Ackers of fait marfh in the fame marlh both wch to lye next the Lot of Thomas Dudly Efqr Pond meadow Att A Gennerall Meeting of the whole Towne the 20 th August 1635. Itt was ordered that William Spencer and Georg Steele fhould meafuer all the meaddow ground undeuided belonging to the New- towne : and when it is Meafuered and deuided to euery man his propor- cion they are to : meafuer every mans feuerally and Caufe flakes to bee * Across these entries a pen was subsequently drawn. TOWN RECORDS ! 3 fett at each end and to haue three pence the Acker for the fame and whofoever fhall not pay for meafueringe wthin one yeare then the ground to returne to them for meafueringe ffurther it is ordered that the fame fhalbee deuided acordinge to every mans seuerall proporcion herevnder written vntell it bee all difpoffed off viz Tho Hooker o Ackrs Nathaniell Richards i Ackr Tho Beale I Sam Stonn o Thomas ffifsher I Abra Morrill I Will Goodwine 3 Sam : Greenhill 2 Tho' Heate i Capt Patrik 2 Tymo Standly i^ Sy. Saket i James Olmfted 5 Jams Enfigne i\ Joh Maynad i A Beniamen 5 John Barnard i Tho Jud i William Andrews 2\ William Kelfy i Jo Gibfon i A athew Allen 6 Richard Goodman I Tho Scott 4 A hn Tailcott 5^ Antho' Couldby i John Prat i^ A uy Bambrig i^ Tho. Spencer i Jo: Hopkins \\ A ohn Steele 2 : Richard Lord I Ed Gerner i A illiam Pentry 6. Tho. Hofmer 5 Sam Dudly 4 A ohn Matters: \\ Sam Green \ Hefter Mufe \\ A ndrew Warner 5 John Prince \ Hmp Vincent I [ ] White 2\ Edw : winihep | Jer Adams \ Robt Day | A liam Lewis 2 Garrd Hadon \ Nath Elly i [ ] Wadfworth 2\ Jofeph Reding \ Georg Stockin i A phen Hart 2 Nath. Hancok \ John Arnold i A rd Webb 2 Edmo Hunt \ Ed Elmer \ [ ] Steele i William Jones |- Jo: Mygate I [ ] Stebing \\ William Man Will Butler 4 Jona Bofwth \ A m Spencer 2\ Jo : Eafon \ [ ] Butler \ [ ] Auftin \ Chr Kene \ [ ] Daniell Abot \ [5] Novembr the 23 th - 1635 Att A Gennerall Meeting of the whole [ ] ther was then Choffen to order buflines of the whole Towne for the year following and vntell new bee Choffen in their Rooms mr Roger Harlackenden William Spencer 14 TOWN RECORDS Andrew Warner Jofeph Cooke John Bridg Clement Chapline Nicho: Danforth Tho: Hofmer William Andrews wch nyne men are to haue the power of the whole Towne as thofe formerly Choffen hadd as may Apear in tl\e orders made the 3 ffebruary 1634 ffurther ther was Choffen and fworne William Andrews Conftable for the year followinge and vntill anew be Choffen ffurther ther was then Choffen for the year followin A Barnabas Lambfon : to be furveior of the High-wayes Itt is further Ordered that the Towne booke fhalbee at William Spencers house The 7 th of Decembr 1635 Present Nicho Danforth Jofeph Cooke Itt is Ordered that the mounth A meeting every firft Monday F Will Andrews Tho Hofsmer Will Spencer Acording to the firft order fhair [ ] and whofoeuer Apears nott W A half an ower after the Ringing of the [ ] fhall pay for the firft day vi d and [ ] day xii d and foe to dobl it every day [ ] a Juft excufe fuch as may give fatis A to the reft of the Company. It is further ordered that ther fhalbee a fufici A bridg made downe to low watter mark one this fid the Riuer and a broad ladder one the farther fide the Riuer for conv A Landinge and mr Chapline mr Danforth and mr Cooke to fee it made It is further ordered that the High way by mr Bu A fhalbee mended as alfoe the high way [ ] Clay pitts and anny two of the Townfmen [ ] haue power to Apoint men to doe the fame [ ] the Charge of the Towne TOWN RECORDS 15 It is further Ordered that whoefoever h A [ ] Ground between the pyne Swamps [ ] fence it Inn before the firft of Aprell [ ] and whofoeuer fhall faile of foe do A fhall pay doble to anny one that will doe [ ] fame or forfeit his Ground An Agreement by thofe wch owe the ground [ ] Pyne Swamps that the fence fhalbee [ ] foote high aboue ground and that mr Bambrigg and William Spencer to vew [ ] fence whether it be fuffi- cient or not [ ] if it be found not fufficient [ ] not mend it wthin three days a A [ ] [ ] The 4 th January 1635 A fent It is Ordered that John Hopkins fhall haue the A C : Chaplin 4 Ackrs of ground by the pyne fwampe wch A icho Danforth mr Prat mould have had JosCooke i t i s further orderd that Will Towne fhall Will Andrews haue the twQ Ackrs there wch Samuell Whit . Andr warner , - . , , , . To Bridge heade mould haue had Tho Hofmer It ls further Ordered that Edward winfhapp W : Spencer. fhal haue 2 Ackrs ther of that Nicho Clarke mould hauehad It is further ordered that James Hofmer fhall haue 2 Ackrs ther prouided he buy a houfe in the Towne ore elfe to Returne againe to the Towne Granted Tymothy Standly half an Acker moore ther to his garden plott It is further ordered that the burryinge place fhalbee palled in: wherof John Taylcot is to doe 2 Rodd Georg Steele 3 Rod and Agate Thomas Hofmer 3 Rod Mathew Allen I Rodd and Andrew warner apointed to get the Remainder done at A publik Charge & he is to haue in' A Rodd It is further ordered that mr Jofeph Cooke fhall keep the flferry and haue apenny over and Ahalfe penny one le<5luer daies Granted Thomas Hayward about 2 Acks wthin weflend ffeild gate beyond the Clay pits It is ffurther ordered that there fhalbee a foote bridg made over the Creeke at the end of Spring flreet and a Cafway and Thomas Hofmer and William Spencer to fee it done at a publik Charge 1 6 TOWN RECORDS It is ffurthcr ordered that ther fhalbee a doble Rayle fett vpp from the pyne fwampe fence to weftend feild fence for the Milch Cowes to lyein one nights and that noe other Cattell whatsoever to goe ther ethr fwine goats mares or thelike It is further ordered that the Remaynder of the Ground betwen William Weftwoods and Jofeph Mygats pales to be fenced in for draft Cattell to be putt in Reckoned wth John Beniamen for his Conftables Charge and he oweth Just xx* Reed the 8 th January of mr Beniamen xx* [6] The 8 th February 1635 present Granted Tho Beale A lott in the Towne Ch a ap*mT de Granted mr Green liberty to feed his Cattell mr Danforth Two myles abou Wattertowne Weire this next An ^Warner fomer prouided he dooth not lett them hurt Jo. Bridge the Moweing ground {further it is the intent Tho*Hofmer of the Towne that he flla11 not moue there W. Spencer vnles heerafter the Towne fee Caufe to giue him leaue It is further ordered that the ground lyeinge between Charls Towne path and the Comon Pales foremerly aponted to be meafurd as alfo the Remaynder by watertowne fhalbee thufe deui A To John Haynes Efqr 9 Ackrs To Tho Dudly Efqr 6 Ackrs To mr Symon Bradftreet 5 Ackrs To mr Mathew Allen 5 Ackrs To mr Sam Dudly 3 Ackrs To Tho. Hofmer 5 Ackrs To Will Weflwood 5 Ackrs To William Peintrey 5 Ackrs To Andrew Warner 4 Ackrs To John White 2 Ackrs To William Wadf worth 3 Ackrs TOWN RECORDS 17 To James Homfted 5 Ackrs To Tho. Scott 3 Ackrs To William Lewis 2 Ackrs To Stephen Hart 2 Ackrs To mr Will Goodwine 2 Ackrs To mr Tho Hooker 3 Ackrs To mr Dan : Denifon 3 Ackrs Itt is further ordered that ther fhalbee A [ ] Rayle from William Weftwoods Cowe [ ] to Jofeph Mygats Pales before the [ ] of May next by thofe well haue this la A granted them propor- tionable to ther Ac A and thofe wch are then behinde wth ther fen A fhall forfeit ther grownd to the Towne Itt is further ordered that this ground fhalbe I A preued to noe other vfe but to keepe Catt A Inn and whofoever lhall Improue it to ann A other vfe fhall forfeit ther grownd Itt is further ordered that whofoetier fhall her A fett vpp anny houfe in the bounds of the Towne It fhall not bee accounted as a ho A to haue the accomodacons of the Towne [ ] anny preuelidge of the Towne vnless t A Towne give liberty to fett vpe the fame Itt is further ordered that whofoeuer hath or h A after fhall haue anny grownd lyeing in [ ] Bownds of the Towne and fhall defier t A lett or fell the fame he fhall not Lett or f A the fame to anny one who eis An I A betant in the Towne or Wilbee wthi A Twelue Monthes after vppon the forfei A of all fuch land vnto the Towne the m A is land wthout A houfe Granted William Blunfeld fix Ackrs on t A South fid of the River Agreed wth Andrew Warner and John [ ] to fett vp A doble Rayle from Weflend [ ] to the Pyne Swampe for the Cowes [ ] kept in nights and to haue xvi d [ ] [ ] be done before the midle ofA A Itt is further ordered that ther fhalbee one Acker Rayld Inn wth doble Rayle for the Dry Cattell to lye In. Anights and John Bridg and will Spencer to hier men to doe the fame Agreed wth mr Chapline that his man fhall kepe the Goats and to haue three halfepence aweek for one goate and apenny aweek for Wethers or kids to begine next Monday. i8 TOWN RECORDS It is further ordered that the furueior for the high Wayes fhall fee the ftreets kept Cleane acording to the order of the Towne. The Names of Thofe men whoe haue houfes in the Towne at this prefent as onely are to be accented as houfes of the Towne In the Towne John Haynes Efqr Gov r 6 moore in the Towne Tho Dudly Efqr 6 mr Roger Harlackenden 3 mr. Tho : Hooker 4 mr Comfort Starr 3 James Olmfted 4 Clement Chapline 3 Robt Bradifh 2 George Steele I Edward Stebing I Tymo Stanly 2 Jonnas Auftine I Tho. ffifher I mr Peter Buckly 5 Abrah Morrill I Tho Beale I Raph Hudfon 2 A ohn Pratt 2 William Spencer 2 Tho Spencer i Barnab Lambfon 2 John Arnold i Tho. Wells i John Woolcott i James Enfigne 2 Daniel Patrike 2 Richard Lord i A mph Vincent i John Santly i Mathew Allen 5 William Andrews 2 Richard Beats Tho Heywarde Will ffrench John Ringe Nath Richards Widdow Sackett Symon Willard In Cowyard Rowe Nicho Danforth mr Symon Bradflreet In Weflend Raph Hudfon William Spencer Nicho Roberts Tho Hofmer Symon Crofbey John Beniamen John Mafters John Talcott John Clarke John Bridge Guy Bambrige Richard Champnes Tho Judd Robert Day Edmond Hunt mr Willia A Wetherall John Maynard TOWN RECORDS A r Tho Shepard A hn Hopkins [ ] Mari^tt A ill Towne A ath Hancocke A niel Abbott A ter Muffe ] Wadfvvorth ] Lewis ] Readinge ] Befbeth ] A rnin g John Gibfon i John Champnes I Garrad Haddon i Antho Couldbey [ ] William Mann i William Joanes i Jofiah Cobbett [ ] by the Pyne fwampe Jofeph Mygate 2 On the fouth fide the River Richard Girlinge William Wetherall (sold to Mr Benjamin & by him to Edm Angier) Gilbert Crackbone Walter Nicholes Will Addams By the ffrefh Pond. Richard Parke (wch are now) Widow Grenne [7] The ffirft of March 1635 Agreed wth Richard Rice to keep 100 : Cowes for the fpace of Three Mounthes to begine when he fhalbee appointed and is to haue Tenn pounds paid him wthin 10 dayes after the fhipps bee come in or In June alfo he is to haue 2 men to help him keepe them the firft 14 dayes and one man the next 7 dayes alfo to have them kept 2 faboth dayes and he one dueringe the tyme Alfoe hee is to fetch the Cowes into the Towne every morneinge out of the Comon halfe an ower after the (one is vpe at the fartheft and to bring them into the Town halfe an ower before the fone goeth downe and to pay III d a Cowe for every night he leveth out anny, alfoe hee is not to kepe anny Cattell for anny man exfept he have leave from the Townfmen vpon the forfetur of v* a cow he (hall foe kepe alfo he hath liberty to kepe his owne heifer wthout pay Richard R. R. Rice his marke 20 TOWN RECORDS Agreed wth John Clarke to make a fuflfcient Weir to Catch Alwiffs vppo A Menotomies River in the bounds of thisTow A before the I2th of Aprell next and lh A fell and delliver vnto Inhabetanteof the Towne and noe other exfept for bayte [ ] all the Aylwifs he ftiall take at iii^ vi A pr thoufand and mall at all tymes giue [ ] Notice to the perfons that fhall bee apointed to fetch them away as hee fhalbe dyrecled whoe fhal Difchardge the faid John Cla A of them wthin 24 oures after Notice ore el A he to haue liberty to fell them to whome [ ] Cann prouided and it is the meaninge [ ] Townfmen that if anny fhall Defier [ ] haue fome to eate before the great quan A Cometh then he is to haue \\d a fcore a A fetch them thaire ore \\\d a fcore and he bringe them home ffurther the Townfm A doe promife in the behalfe of the Towne [ ] make good all thofe fifh he fhalbee dam A fied by the Indians that is fhall himfelfe delliuer vnto them beeing appointed before [ ] the Townfmen how many he fhall delliuer alfo to faue him harmles from anny [ ] he fhall fufteyne by Wattertowne p A it be not his owne fault he is to haue [ ] mony wthin 14 days after he hath done fifh A John Clarke The 13 th - of March 1635 Agreed Wth William Patten to kepe 100 Cattell one the otherfide the Riuer for the fpace of feauen Mounthes to begine when the Towne fhall appoint him and to haue Twenty pounds the one halfe paid him In Monny when he hath kept halfe his tyme and the other halfe In Corne when he hath done keeping at the price wch the Comon Rate of Corne goeth when he is to be paid and he is to haue a man to help him the firfl 14 days he payinge him for one weeke the Towne for the other alfoe he is to lodg ther exfept once a weeke and to haue aman to keepe them every other faboth day and hee to pay xj a beafl for every beaft he fhall loefe and to keepe noe Cattell of anny man exfept the Townf- men give leaue vpon the forfetuer of 5* a head for every head he fhall foe keepe The mark VP of William Patten. Itt is ordered Euery man fhall put his Goats to the keeper before the 2Oth of March & whofoever dooth not put them to the keeper before TOWN RECORDS 21 that tyme & they be taken In anny mans Corne or hay to pay iii d a goate for eury fault The Hog keeper begane to keepe one the firft of Aprill being the 5 th day of the weeke at 10* pr Weeke foe long as the Townfmen pleafe to haue him kepe them and hes to keepe them at Rocky Meadow The 4 th of Aprill 1636 Itt is ordered that Richard Rice fhalbegine to keepe the Cowes the II th of Aprell 1636 Itt is ordered that William Pattine fhalbegine to keepe the dry Cattell the 14 th of Aprell Agreed wth John Talcott and William Wadfwoorth to haue ther houfe at Rockey Meadowe this year for thee Hogekeeper to abyde in and they are to haue ther cattell goe free from payinge to wards the pound for dry Cattell this yeare It is ordered that whofoeuer finds a Cocke hen or Turkey in A gar- den It fhalbe lawfull for them to Requier three pence apeece of the owner & if they Refus to pay then to kill the fame Itt is ordered that the Common Pales aboute the three Comon ffeilds fhalbee kept in fufficient Repayre and whofoever hath anny defect in th A part mail pay v* Arodd or ii d Apale [ ] Chapline to fee the pales about the nec A [ ] A d once euery Weeke [8] James Enfigne and Richard Champnes to vew the pa A about Weftendfeild the firft 14 days and Humph Vincent and Tymo : Standly the next 14 dayes Itt is ordered that whofoeuer finds either horfe cow goate or anny other beaft In anny of the plantinge feilds after the 2 d day of the next weeke (hall haue vi d Apeece for bringing them oute Itt is ordered that whofoeuer finds either Horfe Mare ox goate or fwine In the Cow Comon whear they are to ly anights exfept they : are driueing over the fame or anny Cow exfept before the heard goeth out 22 TOWN RECORDS or after it Cometh home fhall haue vi d apeece of the owner of the fame beaft for bringing them out Itt is orderd that Walter Nichols fhall pull vpp the boarded weire In menotemis Riuer Andrew Warner and Jofeph Cooke to make a rate for the deuifion of the Aylwifs Itt is ordered that noe man heerafter fhall fett vpe anny dwelling houfe wthin the Bounds of the Towne wthout the Confent of the Maior part of the Townfmen vppon the forfetuer of fiue pounds pr ann : vnto the reft of the Inhabetants for Euery year it fhall foe Continew : The meanin A of the Towne is that noe man be hindred to add to ther new dwellinge houfes Agreed W tht mr Bradftreet The 23 th Aprill 1636 Itt is ordered that there fhalbee noe Dry Cattell kept vpp A this fide the River exfept vppon mens feuerall pr A prities: and Cows neer Calvinge after the 2 d d A of the next weeke vppon the forfetuer of ii* vi A a weeke or vi d a Day: & the fame for other yeares Itt is orderd that all Steers aboue a year and halfe ould at prefent fhalbee kept at Rockey Meaddow A fept fuch as are referued for Draught wch are [ ] be kept in the ox paftuer and that whatfoever fleer is found heer in the Comon after the 4 day of the next wee A fhall pay vi d a day or ii* vi d a weeke Agreed wth Andrew Warner to fetch home the ayl A from the weir and he is to haue xvi d a Thowfan A and load them himfelfe for Caredge and to haue power to take anny man to help him he payeinge of him for his woorke Andrew warner Apointed to fee A Cartway made to the weire William Refkie Appointed to make Apound John Bridge Appointed to men A the penn for [ ] Dry Cattell and make a houfe for the Cow keep A It is ordered that whafoeuer Dogg is found in [ ] Corne feilds the owner of the Dogg to pay [ ] for euery Tyme or elfe if he Refus then [ ] [ ] A ful for anny man to fhout the [ ] TOWN RECORDS 23 i June the 6 day. Agreed with Goodman lamfon for his boy for ten pounds foe long as the dry Cattell be kept on the other fyd of the Riuer Agreed with mr Andrewfe for his man to kepe the Calues for 12* a weke foe long as we think good onely we are to prouid him a man for the prefent If he mail Requier It of us It Is ordered that Thomas hoffmer James benyt and benjamyne bur mail make a pen for the Calues vppon paine of 5* a peece m r Spencer & thomas hoffmer are to make a fuficyant pale & gate ouer the hey way ouer againft there grownd before the 20 day prefent month vppo A payne of ten millings apece Oftobr the 3* 1636 It is ordrd that noe Child vnder the Age of Tenn years mall Carry Anny ffyer frome onehoufe to an other nor anny other prfon vnles It be couerd vppon the forfetuer of xii d a tyme for euery fuch fait the onehalfe to the prfon that fees it theother to the Conftable It is orderd that Euery one mall Ringe ther hoggs before the 2O th of this Mounth : vpon the for fetuerof xii d a day for every day they mall goe vnrungd after that day It is ordrd that Euery man mall fet amarkd flake at the hither end there fences aboute ay of the Comon feilds before the firft of novmbr next & Returne anoate into the Townfmen betwen who ther fences lye & how much they haue vppon the forfetur 5* a peece Agreed wth mr Cooke to take vpe all the ftubbs that are wthin the bownds of the Towne that is wthin the Towne Gates & he is to haue ix d apeece for takeing vpe the fame & fillinge vpe the holes all above iii inc A wch he is to doe before the firft of Decembr or elfe to forfet f A [ 1 7 th Novemb. er 1636 Edw d winfhipp is chofen for furveyor of the highwayes for this yeare following Md, there are chofen for townfmen to order the towne Affayres for this yeare following naimly mr Harleckinden Jofeph Cook m r Damp- forde Rich d Jackfon Edw" 1 Gof A Symon Crofbee Barnebe Lambfon 24 TOWN RECORDS M d there is alfoe chofen for the furveying of all newe lotts [ ] fhall be graunted & purchafes bought & foulde p A & keep [ ] book of them & deliv r into the courte a tranfcrep A [ ] the Conftables Jofeph Cook M r Dampford mr [ ] [9] 5 December i63 A Hogreeve Its ordered that John Clarke fhall be hogreeve to dif- charge that office acco r dinge to the Order of the courte It is ordered that noe man Inhabiting or not I A habiting with in the bowndes of the towne fhall lett or fell anie howfe or Land vnto anie without the confent of the townfme A then in place vnleffe it be to a mernb' of the congregatio & leaft anie one fhall fuflaine loffe therby they fhall come & prffer the fame vnto them vppon a daye of ye : monethly meet- ing & att fuch a Rate as he fhall not fell or lett for a leffer price vnto anie than he offereth vnto them & to leave the fame in there handes in lyking vntill the next Meeting daye in the next moneth when yf they fhall not take it paying the pryce within fome convenient tyme or prvyde him a chapman he fhall then be free to fell or lett ye fame vnto anie oth prvyded the townfmen think them fitt to be re- ceived in . It is ordered that whofoeve* entertaynes anie pf 1 for enter - . . _ , , tayning ftranger into the towne yf the congregation defyr A it he inmates fhall fet the towne free of them againe with A one moneth aft r warnig giuen them or elfe he fhall paye 10* S d vnto the townfmen as a fyne for his default & as muche for cure moneth they fhall [ ] Remaine The lott M d : there is graunted vnto ffrannces Grefhold the drum- tcTthe'drummr mer 2 ac ^ ^ anc ^ ty m g at ^ e enc ^ e f Barnebe lambfons pale to wde Charle towne in Regarde of his fervice amongft the fouldiers upo A all ocafions as long as he ftayeth with con- dition yf he depr* the towne & leave off that fervice with in twoe yeares he fhall leave it vnto thetowne at the charge it hath coft him in buyldin A & inclofing i ] TOWN RECORDS 25 fforprfervg it i s ordered y* noe man fhall hereaff fell anie timb r tree i A the comon or anie place within the bowndefe of the in the como A to A without firfl leave graunted by the townfmen [ ] maior prt of them att a monthly meeting And for the bett r fullfilling of the fame John Bridg to look vnto the prventing of fuch waft & w* trees [ ] tymb r he mail fynde fto cease them to the towne A vfe & thofe that felled them to paye for a fyne [ ] for eury tree. It is ordered that noe cattell mall be putt into the neck ffor preferva of lande this winter vn i e ff e j t be a harde fro A vppon the tion of corn */.'- , in the Neck forfit of i* a tyme for cure head & whoeu A mall leave anie of the plantingfeild gates open aft r they [ ] againe Re- payred mail pay for cure fuch default I*. Mr Harlac ^" There is graunted a place for a barn vnto m A kingden bar A Harlackingden att the heade of the Creeke next his houfe to be fett out by nicolas Dampforde & John Bridge for the fuf j t j s or( j ere d that the comon pales in all places yett to of pales De m ade aft r this day (hall be done with fuficient pofl A & Rayle & not with crotches & likwyfe all that are deca A mail be Repayred in like mann r in paine of w* forfe A the Townfmen fhall think fitt [ ] A of the it is ordered that the owners of lande beyond Bar A A ueox Lambfons Planting feild between the cow comon Ray A [ ] Charleftowne Rayle mall be graunted to fev'all men [ ] pafture for there draught cattell in manner & forme f A Edw r d winfhipp +f- 6. o Teach 1 +1-6. A John Bridge -ff 8. 2 Sam Sheap rd +f 8. A Barnebe Lamfon -ff 6. o Rich rd Jackfon [ ] Symon Crofbey +H 6. o Grauntof[ ] Jan 2 1636. the fort hill to Jofeph Cook Mf It is graunted vnto Jofeph Cooke to have the hill by his howfe wch have bene hith r to prferved for a place to build a fort vppon for Defence with all the lane leading 26 TOWN RECORDS thervnto prvided yf the towne fhall eu r make vfe of it for that ende he fhall yeild it againe or elfe to Remayne to him & his heires for eu r M? Graunted vnto m r Richard Harlackingden fix M Richard hundred Acres of vplande & Meadow at the place called vynebrooke in the midway betweene Newtowne & Con- corde vppon condition he fendeth ou r his man or ordereth that fome oth r may buyld vppon it & Improve it for him the next Sumer aft r this next enfuing & now this Spring certaine Intelligence he will foe doe & vppon condition likwyfe that he cometh himfelfe the next Sum* aft r being the third from this tyme & yf he fhall fayle in all or anie one of theis 3 conditio A then this Graunt to be voyd ffeb. 6 Oid 1 for goates It i s ordered that w*eu r goates fhall be taken in anie mans corne or or garden fhall pay the damage they have done & 3* a tyme for cure goate yf fufficiently fenced Kenballs it i s ordered that Kemball mail have 2 Ac ra of land layd out as fhall hereaft r be appointed The graunt of Graunted vnto mr Grene halfe an ac r for a houf A lott A he lotts for next mr Cabots howfe vppon condition y* yf he goe awaye A? wf it (hall Reteurne againe vnto the towne only paying him to the worthe of his buylding & fencing & breaking vpp More graunted vnto Addams half a acre Graunted vnto Robert Parker halfe an ac r Vnto Willm Wilcok halfe an ac r Vnto Gregorie Stone halfe an ac only they (hall paye vnto the Townfmen w* cha A they (hall lay out for the lande according to their feverall prportions A he graunt of M? This prcell of grounde was Layd out in man r lotts from the foUowi A eateSwampe * [ ]cowcomon To Elder Champnes Ayle&thehoufe ac R Atts betweene Elder ffroft 6. O Migats&ja W m ffrenche 2. o Thomas Blogget 2. o TOWN RECORDS Mr Rogg T Harlacking dens farme [10] VI th March 1636 Graunted vnto m r Rogg r Harlackingden 5 Ac r s of Land vnto his Meadowe that m r Greene made vfe of (for a farme) To be layd out beyonde & about that Meadowe as fhall be thought fit by the Townfmen now in place or thofe they fhall putt in truft to fett it out The meaning is to make vpp that meadowe he hath now in poffefion by waye of purchafe 5C Ac ra with vpland by this graunte on the fouth fyde of Charles Riv A It is apoynted to be Meafured & layd out by John Bridge & Richard Jackfon as they fhall think fitt A forfeit of 15 Ac of Rocke Mead Edward Goff. ] bought ] Jo Page ] fiue Ackers ] ground as will appear [ ] the 29 A f November 1638 M d feafed this daye to the vfe of the towne as forfet by virtue of a towne order made 8 th ffeb r 1635 Tenn Ac's Meadowe in Rockie Meaddowe fould by m r Befbeche & fyve Ac r s fould by Ed : Goff both of them to Jo : Page of waftowne & for the confirm A of the fame we herevnto fett o r handes Roger Harlakenden Jofeph Cooke Richard Jackfon Edward Goff Nicholas Danforth Barnabe lamfonn Simon Crofby ,nd Ap'ill M"? Whereas m r Bfcfoege pleadeth he w^s Ignorant of the ord r next above mentioned wee havXtherfore grafted vnto John Page purchafer vppon his Requefl y* he lHall quie^ty enioy the f d tenn Ac's : for the fpace of fyve yeares after tmsd^ye prvided that when foeu A aft r the f d yeares the Towne fhall Regtffre it he fhall Retourne it back againe with all the Right A tytle he b^ughtSf mr Befbege att the fame pryc A namely 10? & for the ful&ffing the fame I the [ ] John Page doe herevnd A fett my hande^ >. per me John Pag A * In original MS. a cross was drawn through the entry as noted herein. 28 TOWN RECORDS May 8 Agreemt Agreed with John Gibfon to keepe 100 Cowes att o r for the for the direc~tio A all this fum r vntill they take them In An d he is to cov [ ] 2O/ ^ ie one ^ a ^ e to be P a y eci him whe he hath ke A thim the A n halfe of the tyme & thoth r halfe in monie [ ] corne at the ende at its then w'the & he is to pay 3* for evry CO A he leaveth out a night & x* a cowe for cure one that [ ] loft through his Defaulte he is to take in noe oth r cattell without the townf mens confent he [ ] to dryve them out by 6 of the clock in the morning & to bring them home by funne halfe an howre high att night att the lateft & to bring them into the towne [ ] milking morning & evening he is to have a keep A prvided for eurie cache of the fabbath & whoe eu r fha A putt in anie ftrange cattell fliall fende a helpe for [ ] or 3 dayes & cure man is to putt them into the cowe comon cure morn- ing by the tyme apoi A his owne cowe is to goe free John Gibfo A An ordr for it is ordered that whofoeu' fhall not have mil A their putting the CQwes i 6 of the clock & tt them mto the Com cowes in the comon to goe Readie for the Cowe keep but they be left behynde they [ ] by the (hall Dryue them to the heard or yf they be fownde att vee P home att 8 of the clock they mail be A ded by anie man vntill they paye one milling [ ] poundage & foe for the yoaros after * Aprill: 19: 1637: It is agreede \v th Thomas Harriot and John Moore to keepe 100 Cattell on the other fide of the Riuer for the whole Summer or for 7 month yf the Towne mall fo thinke fit to beginn the 24 th Day 6 of this inftante = month and the faid Thomas Marriot to haue Twentie pounds and John Moore Ten pounds and the one halfe of the faid fommes to be paid vnto the faid prties in monie when the tyme fhall be halfe expired, and the other halfe of the Refidue and remainder of the monie to be payeable eyther in monie or Corne when the Cattell fhall be taken vp. And it is further agreed that the Towne is to pruide and alowe a man to helpe each other Sabath to looke vnto the Cowes And there is to be * In original MS. a line was drawn through these last six words. TOWN RECORDS 29 alowed Ten fhillinge A by the faid parties for euery beaft that fhall be lofte by their default A And that they lhall not keepe any Cattell of aq$r mans w th out the Townefmens Confent vpon the fforfiture of 5 millings per the head for euery fuch default. Thomas marrett John Moore Auguft 14 John Bridge Mf graunted vnto John Bridge lib r ty to fett the porch his porche o f ^jg barne 6 foote into the high waye. Apon his barne [ ] taking [ ] ftubbs Agreed with Symon Crofbe to take upp [ ] the [. the flreets ftubbs within the Towne ftreets in an A way of paffage for horfe carte or man att 4 d the ftubb: before the eleaventh Daye of Novem A next enfuing A ch Mores Graunted vnto Enoch More a place for a how A lott A owfe lott between m r Ruffells & John Knyghts to be layd out by John ffrench Graunted vnto John ffrenche a howfe lott betweene the highway to m r Dampfo A & the yarde wch was graunted vnto Nicolas Homfteade. Septemb r 4 th Townfmen M d There are chofen for Townfmen to order the towne Affayres for this yeare following nly M r Harlackingden Jofeph Cooke Nicholas Dampf A Rich d Jackfon Edw" 1 Goffe John Bridge Edw* Winfhip A u r vayor Symon Crofbey is chofen for the Survayei A of the A f highwayes hjghe ^^ for this yeare following There is alfoe chofen for the Survaying of a A Newe Survayors Lotts th* (hall be graunted & purchafed boug A & foulde ] landes to p f n . ^ o keepe a booke of them & deliver a Tranfcript into [ ] thebooke the Courte f ecun dum ordine Cur A The Conftables Nly Ed Goffe [ ] winfhip [ ] John More [ ] 30 TOWN RECORDS [11] 1638 jr Agreed with wm Patten to keepe three fcore [ ] cowes more or leffe vnder 4 fcore att the directio A of the Townfmen . for all this fum r vntill they take them in att 10* a weeke the one halfe to be pd in the firft weeke in July eith r in monie or good come & thoth r halfe when he leaveth of keeping them in monie & thofe that Refufe to paye in monie mail paye in corne att the price that it is att when it is merchantable he is to pay 3 d for eu r cowe he leaveth out a night & x* a cowe for eu r ie one that is loft through his Defaulte he is to take noe oth cattell without the townfmens confent he is to dryve them out by fix of the clock in the morning & bring them home by funn halfe an houre high att night at the lateft & to bring them into the towne eu r e Evening he is to keepe them but eu r ie third Sab* & thoth to be prvided for as in former tyme & whoe eu r mail bring in anie ftrange cattell mall fynde a helpe for 2 or 3 dayes & the owners to bring them into the common eure morning by the tyme appoynted & his owne cow to be kept free as long as he keepeth them & he is to pay 6 d damage for eu r ie morning that he is not gone out by the tyme appoynted Wm wp Patten The caufey ft j s Ordered in Refpect of making a fufficient path from the fouth fide of Charles River from Cambrid A to Roxberie that the lyne mail lye righte to the vplande therfore that comon lande that fall within [ ] lyne on m r Harlackingdens fyde mall belong vnto him: & his foreu r & in Refpecl of wch foe much of his owne lande as falleth on the outfyde of the lyne he Refigneth vpp vnto the townf vfe Alfoe in Reguar A M r Harlackingden hath vppon his owne prticular Charge made a diclhe he mail be freed from all [ ] about making a caufey or anie oth A charge to make that path fufficient & his bowndes to Rem) acording as the Rayle &: ditch now is on eu r ie fyde of his lande v th of March It is ordered that all the hogges in the towne mail be Ringed by Wm Wilcok fufficiently before the 27 of Aprill & he is to have 2 d for eu r ie hogg foe Ringed [ ] owners TOWN RECORDS 31 of the hoggs are to afforde fufficient helpe & e A hogg Ringed by him not fufficiently he is to pay 6 d & w A eu r mall Refufe to have their hoggs foe Ringed by him mall paye befydes the damage they doe for eu r ie hogg [ ] att the firft tyme & 2* 6 d for eu r ie tyme aft r as often a A they be found doing damage It is alfoe ordered that wm Wilcok mail take care of all the fence betweene the Plantingfeild in the neck [ ] the ox pafte r & the owners mall paye him fufficiently for his w r ke John Ruffells & Sam : Greene are appointed to loo A vnto the fence in the weftfeild & Retourne in account to the townsmen M 2 d: 2 M? It is ordered That whereas there is formerly graunt A vnto m r Richard Harlackingden a fearme of 6 ac re att V A brooke of [ ] of farme vpland and meadowe as appeare in an order dat A the 2 of AC ^vppo j an . jg^ft vppon conditio therin exp r ffed wch cond A not being fullfilled it is accordingly fallen back againe vn A the vfe of the towne whervpon feing that the fearme graunted formerly vnto m r Rogg r Harlackingden is not foe fit for pre A vfe it is therfore now graunted vnto m r Rogger Harlacking A his heires for eu r to poffes & enioye the f d fearme before gr A to m r Rich'd Harlack: Whervppo the fd Rogg r H hat A [ ] the fea A formerly graunted vnto himfelfe now to [ ] M.2 d:2 1638 M r Richard M d Wheras m r Rog r Harlackingden gent hath Refign A back againe to the vfe of the towne all his vpland as appeare m the ( mth g raunte d him (the vi tb of March 1636) to make vpp his fyde of meadowe (5 ac ra ) lying on the fouth fyde of Charles Riuer Charles fometymes in th ocupatio. of m r Greene for (* Rich 1 * Rich ri Saltingftals cattell It is by thefe prfents now graunted vnto m r Rich" 1 Harlackingden Efq & his heires for euer to be layd out according to the former graunte above mention A & vppon noe other conditions but punctually acording as the fearme att vyne brooke was graunted Jan 2 1636 only the tyme begining att this p^ent date & 32 TOWN RECORDS enfuing acordingly as there mentioned & m r Roger Harlackingden hath prmifed to yeald vpp his meadowe att the price it coft him when he purchaf A it to him or anie oth r to whome it may afterw A be graunted yf it be forfeted by not prforming the conditions And alfoe to yeald vpp to m r Richard coming within three yeares his fearme charges excepted It is ordered that a hundred ac of lande adioyni A to The Comon the greate fwampe neare the waye vnto Menotomy River fhall be layd out & enclofed at a gen A charge for comon ox pafter & fo to Remaine for eu r without Imprpryating & all the tymber to be prferved or made vfe according as townsmen in place yearely fhall difpofe of It is ordered that fiftie fix ac re of lande lying behynde the newe The graunt ^ otts ^ a ^ ^ e ^ a y^ out * thofe of the congregation yt of the 56 ac are Impotent & not able to goe farr & to fome that have A ehyndethe had none yett neere home & were pr A fome & that to )tts be done by* . in the manner following * It is ordered that there fhall be Recompence ma A vnto Jofeph Cooke in refpecT: of fome loffes he ha A fuftained in laying out Jofeph Cooke monie for the towns [ ] & by theis prfents therfore menotom graunted vnto him fome fkirts of land adioyning Menotomye Meadowe Riv r on the further fyde wch is to be layd out by M r Rogge' Harlackingden & John Bridge according as they fhall Judge neceffa A M. 3, d: ii It is henceforth ordered that noe howflotts landes or meadowes fhall be graunted vnto anie but vppon this condi A Nly that they The genall fhall neither lett them vnto anie prfon but fuch as [ ] A nd:tion of all townfmen then in place fhall like of prvided yf they doe not A ceforth fro ^ e [ ] fhall take them off att an Indifferent rate as twoe A eprfentdate men indifferent A chofen fhall Juge nor fell them except to fome of the congregatio A without the townfmens confent * In original MS., this space is blank ; evidently it has been so always. TOWN RECORDS 33 acording to order made [ ] December 1636 & yf they deprte awaye they fhall Refigne them ba A againe vnto the townes vfe att the townfmen difpofe. & fhall onl A be allowed fuch charges as they have bene att in buylding fencing [ ] anie other waye Imprving as fhall appeare vppon theire account & yf fuche accownt cannot be hadd there fhall be allowed accordin A as fhall be Judged by 2 men chofen as [ ] prvided allwayes that [ ] the wholl congregation fhall agree to fell & deprt it fhall bynd noe further then that none fhall allienate contrarie to ] agreement of the congregation for the [ in the place [ ] ] of the [ The ould [ ] how fince A mded [12] M d It is agreed that the ould ox paft r y* lyeth [ the waye to Charles towhne fhall have thoth pt on [ } north fyde of the path added vnto it & imprpiated to fome of the purchafers & others y* it now ftandes in mann r herevnder written The north fyde The prfessor Rich rd Jackfon M r Tho Sheapr 3 ffrances Grefhould Harbert Pellum Jofeph Cooke John Champnes MF Eaten 44 2 , 44 i. o 41 2. 2 H 2. O 4i 3- O 44 13- O 41 5- 4f 4- o On the fouth fyde of the path a. r M r Eaten -H- 2: 2 M T . Sheap rd -H- 4. 2 Tho. Dampford -H- 6. o Mr Haines -H 9- o EldF Champnes 4| 7. o George Cooke 41 13- o M r Harlackingde A 4f 9.0 Ed Goffe -H 9. o M r Buckley -H 5.0 John Betts -H 7.2 M? the 2 ac & f above mentioned to the Profeffor is to the Towns vfe for eu r for a publick fcoole or Colledge And to the vfe of m r Nath Eaten as long as he fhall be Imployed in that work fo that att his death or ceaffing from that work he or his fhall be allowed according to the Charges he hath bene att in buylding or fencing It is ordered that that there fhall be a planting feild fenced in vppon the fouthe fyde of Charles Rivver wch fhall begin foure fcore Rodd fro the furthest prte of m r Roger Harlackingdens Rayles of his meadow & 3 34 TOWN RECORDS that lyne to runne to the hither fyde of the lott wch (hall be graunted unto Buih & the other fquare lyne to runne vpp a myle & a quarter into the Countrye & eu r ie man to whome anie lott mall be graunted (hall bcare his equall prportion in the fence & whofoeu r fhall not have finifhcd his fence by fuch a tytne as may be convenient for the fecuring the corne y* fhall be planted anie other that fhall then doe it to fec A there corne mail be payde by him 4* the rodd [ ] eu r ie Rodd foe done & the laft daye to be the firft of [ ] Oaob r 26 1638 There were chofen for Townefmen to orde A the towne affaires for the yeare following m r Harlackenden m r George Cooke Samuell Shepard Jofeph Ifacke John Bridge & Simon Crofby And Edward Winfhip conftables Joyned with them : oftob' 26 1638: Richard Jackfon was chofen Surveyor of the high wayes for the yeare following To Survey Lands The fame daye was chofen m r Jofeph Cooke John More Thomas Mariot 14 January 1638 It is ordered that noe timber trees shalbe felled on this fide Meno- tamy river wthout a warrant under all the townfmens hands granted at a Generall meeting monthly. Nor noe timber felled beyond menotomy river wthout warrant from the maior part of the Townefmen Itt is ordered there beinge found muche Damage done by swine in this towne since the order of the Generall Corte was Repealed & they lefte att libertie for cache towne to order : Itt is therefore ordered att A generall meetinge of the townfmen with a generall Confente of the greateft number of the Inhabitants the prefente : thatt is to say thatt none either riche or pore shall keepe Aboue twoo swine Abroad on the Common one sow hog & a barrow or 2 barrows and thefe to be suffiti- TOWN RECORDS 35 entelye yoaked and Ringed after the iudgemente of the tvvpo brethren thatt are apointed to see to the executione of this order & to bringe in a note of suche defaultes as they find And if anye be found defective to breake this order either by keepinge more then 2 hogs and suche hogs soe lett abroade if nott suffitientely after ye order shall pay for euerye breache of this order 2* vnles in cafe ther A should be anye failinge by vnexpecled prouidence & can foe be proued by suffitiente euidence in thatt case there may be mitigatione of this ffine otherwife to take place without all excufes to thatt end : thatt cache man & this Commonweale may be preferued from dammage by thatt Creature in this our Towne Itt is ordered y* whereas mr Paine Granted vnto Goodm A Shepard a third parte of his yard to build a house vppon itt is Granted 6 Acers of Land to m r Paines houfe by the Crike to be prefentely settled on itt of the nearefl land on th A other side the water yett vndeuided in lotts [13] Aprille 12 th 1639. Itt is Agreed with our brothe A Ruff ells for to keepe the heard of drie Cattell on the other side of the Riuer for the whole summer or 7 mounths as the towne shall thinke fitt and the sayd John Rufells is to haue for his mans seruice to this vfe pounds the one halfe of the sayde somes to be payd vnto the sayd partie in monye when the time shall be halfe expired and the other halfe of ye Refidue & Remain- der of the monye to be payd either in monye or in corne when the Cattell shall be taken vp : And itt is further Agreed thatt the towne is to prouide & alow a man to helpe cache third sabath to looke to the Cattell and there is to be Alowed ten shillings by the sayd partie for euerye beafte thatt shall be lofte by his Defaulte And thatt he shall nott keepe anye Cattell of anye mans without the Townefmens Confente vppon fforfiture of 5 shillings pr the head for euerye suche Defaulte Apr 1 6 th 1639 Itt is Agreed with mathew Hichecocke to haue his lad for the summer for to helpe keepe the drie heard ouer the water till the calues should bee fente ouer whiche was the xxth of May. and from thence 36 TOWN RECORDS to keepe the Calues to ye end of the yere And he is to haue for his hire eighteene pounds to be payd either in monye or corne: And further itt is agreed thatt the towne is to prouide one to keepe ye calues cache sabba A and there is to be alowed by the sayd mathew 5* for euerye calfe yt shall be lofte by the keepers defaulte Apr 1639 Agreed with Richard Beckeells to keepe the heard of milche Cows for this yere till they take them in be they more or leffe att the direc- tione of the Townfmen and he is to haue twentie poundes for his wages the one halfe inn Julye either in monye or corne and the other halfe when he leaueth of to keepe them either in monye or corne att the price itt shall be when itt is merchanteable He is to pay 3 d "a cow for euerye cow he leaues out a nyghte and 10' a cow for euerye cow lefte out by his defaulte He is to driue out the cows by fixe a clocke in ye morninge and bringe them home by by sonne halfe an howre high att nyghte att the lateft and to bringe them into the towne euerye eueninge He is to keepe them euerye third sabath & theother to be prouided for as in former time and whoeuer shall bringe in anye ftrange Cattell shall find a helpe for 2 or 3 days an A the owners to bringe them into ye Common euerye morninge by the time apointed and he is to pay 6* damage for euerye morninge yt he is nott gone out by the time apointed And he is to take in noe other Cattell without the Townfmens Confente Oaob r the firfte 1639 there were Chofen townfmen to order the towne afaires for the yere followinge: mr Jofeph Cooke Edward Gofe John Bridge Thomas Parifhe Thomas marrett : John more Thomas Briggame Counftables Joined with them Oclob the firfte 1639 Rogger shaw williame willcocke were Chofen surveyors of the high waies for this yere followinge. TOWN RECORDS 37 To Survey Lands the same Day was chofen Richard Jackfon Roberte Sanders Jofeph Ifaacke \vhoo are to meete euery feco A Mondaye in eu r ie moneth to enter the feverall grauntes & Allienations of landes according to order in that cafe pr v yded. Wheras It was ordered by the Generall Courte to p'vent nor the * r /Changing of the hinderannce of the Millitary companie att Bofton vppo A the Meeting the firft monday in the moneth that noe other meetings Da y e fhould bee apointed vppon that Daye Its therfore order A that the monthly Daye of meeting for the townfmen & Recorders of the Towne landes (hall be on the fecond Mondaye in euery moneth the one in the forenoone and the other in the afternoone according vnto former orders An Order for And fforafmuch as by the neglect of manie in bringing a fine to be j n ^ e cop pj es o f far i anc ] es to bee entered as they are by payd [ ] all * that neglea to order enioyned perfect Recordes cannot be kept by our record their felvef nor Tranfcript given in vnto the Courte but here- Landes vpon may growe ocafion of much ftryfe Its therfore Ordered y* henceforth Whoefoeuer mail be fownde to paff two A dayes of this monthly meeting after the graunte or purchafe of anie landes mall for the firft Defaulte paye five lhi A & afterward for euery moneth he mail neglect one milling vntill entrye be made of the fayd landes An order Wheras there was an order made the laft Seffion of the for the Refto- Generall Courte helde att Bofton in September 163,. for the rmge of all loft goods restoring of all loft goods vnto there Right owne A that one vnto the right fhould be appointed in euery towne vnto who A howfe they owners fha\\ con ftantly Repaire for all fuch goods And an order made by the townfmen for the efecting th A fame Theis are therfore to certifye vnto all prfons wi* 1 " the limmits & bowndes of this Towne that John Ruffe A is defyred & appointed to take vppon him this care accord- ing to the order of Court before mentioned & for h A paines mall receive one penie in the milling for all fuch goodes to be paide by the owners before he reftore them yf it be demaunded vnles in extreordinarie cafes 38 TOWN RECORDS as for [ ] of grcate vallewe or the like that fhall caufe anie difference it mall bee ended by anie twoe of the Townfmen. And for the better fulfilling this office according to that act of Courte Its now ordered that all prfons as fh A haue anie kynde of Goodes of greater or leffer vallewe of other mens in their cuftodie by fynding or otherwyfe as being left att their howfes or borrowed by themfelves or anie of their fammily & forgotten of whome or in their poffefion by anie other meanes without the full lycence of the owner therof. that within fourteen dayes after the date of theis prefents they deliuer the fa A vnto the fayd John Ruffells and hereafter within [ ] dayes of the knowledge or (finding) of the fame [ ] or elfe lhall paye a forfet to the third parte of the vallewe of all fuche goods not Reftored accordinly as before men- tioned and the fame to be collected by the fayde John Ruffells & he mall paye the fame & Reteurne in his accownt vnto the townfmen eurie daye of the townemeeting for the It is ordered that all that have anie lande in the newe new'krtts \ th ^ e ^^ on ^ e f utn fyde of Charles River fhall be appointed fouth fyde by Jofeph Ifack & Thomas Marret where their fence mail of Charles lye prvy d ed eu r ie man fenceth att both endes of his lott & the Reft where they mall appointe & w*euer fence is not made before the firft of marche they fhall have power to fett on others to doe it & the owners to paye foure millings the Rodd for mending It is ordered that Jofeph Cooke & Edward Goff haue the waye m power to caufe all that haue carrageis that way to come together & mende the highwaye in the neck of lande th l r Wheras an order was made laft generall Courte att A he highwayes Bofton in September (1639) for the fpeedie & convenient Aetweene laying out of all high wayes betwene townes that -f- fhould be chofen out of each towne for the efecling the fame It is therfore ordered that Jofeph Ifack Richard Jackfon Wm Cutter mail Joyne with others chofen for other townes to laye out high wayes according as in the fayde order is expreffed TOWN RECORDS 39 an order yt It is ordered for the prefervation of appletrees and all A ates lha11 other kynde of quickfett in mens yardes or elfewhere for a eTer" ' ^ e P reventm g f a ^ other damage by them & harme to themfelves by flapping ouer pales that noe goates fhall be f offered to goe out of the owners yarde without a keeper but yf it apeareth to be willingly they fhall pay vnto anie one that will put them to pounde twoe pence for euerie goate befyde damage and poundage And becaufe the charge would be too greate if only a part of them be kept It is therfore alfoe ordered that whofoeuer fhall not putt forth there goates fhall notwithftanding payetoye keeper within one thirde parte afmuch for euery goate as they that doe put them out untill th A firfl of marche & after that day to the full sa mu A as anie doe for thofe that are with the herde. Att a Towne meeting the firft monday in mar A 1639 theis or- ders as followed were fome made & them with others made before fubfcrib A vnto. It is ordered that all that is not outfyde fence in the weft ffeilde An order but common ffence betweene that & the other twoe new for the removing ffeildes fhall be Remoued by the owners of the fame & fett the fence m vppon the lyne betweene Cambrige & watertow A & to the weft ffeilde . - A _. leffen their charges they mail be abated in eu r ie five Rod A one Rodd & w* fhall remaine : to be done att a generall charge as the other Rayles & this to be done before the firft of Auguft next enfuing vppon the penalltie of 5* a rod for eu r ie defaulte The wch order Thomas Parrifhe& Thomas Briggam fhall fee to be fulfilled vppon the forfit A of xx* a man yf they doe not caufe it to be done by the owners of the fence by the daye aforefd : or caufe it to be done by fome other workemen within one moneth after & to effecT: the fame fhall hereby have power to leavie thofe fynes notwithftanding it is alfoe prvyded that yf anie defy A to have their ould fence ftand for the Inclofmg their land in prticuler they fhall then for eu r ie 5 rodd of ould fence fett vpp three rodds of newe fence in the place before mentioned. Its ordered that the fence of the feilde on the Southe fyde of Charles River by the pownde fhall be removed by the charges of the fev r all owners and fett on the out fyde by the highway going 40 TOWN RECORDS to the river & the grounde within being fortie ac to be devided as followe A Sifter Crofbye 10 acf 8 M r Paine 6: ac 1 ? Edm Hompfte A 4 acf Win Bickleftone 5 ac 1 ? George willowes 4 acf M rA Sara Symons 6 ac Ed\v r d : Goff 5 ac & all to be finifhed according to the tyme before mentioned for the reft ffor the It is ordered that Jofeph Cooke fhall keepe the booke keeping f or thj s yeare & enter all orders before the meeting daye nex A enfuing & w*euer fhall be done by the maior parte of the Townfmen prvyded that warning be given vnto all by apointm A the precedent meeting daye or by confcent of the maior pa A vppon anie accedentall ocafions fhall be by their fubfcription be as authentick as yf it were entred & to be entred as before mentioned with the fame handes fubfcribed and all thofe orders being examined wch fhall be done befo r A anie other bufmes be tranfacted granted Granted to John Sell libertie to builde a houfe vppon to Jo : Sell an j e peice of lande he can purchafe prvyded he can buy th A libertie of buylding wch is in Goodm whytes hande Its ordered that wm Towne fhall Regester eu r ie Birth Mariage an order for Buriall & according to the order of Courte i A that cafe one to regeftr prvyded & give it in once eu r ie yeare to be delivered by the T> _ T^rl Deputies to the Recorder & fhall gather [ ] eu r ie par- ticuler entraunce i d for the Recorders fees & [ ] for himfelfe Its agreed the order -made Novemb r 3. 1634 for clearing the high wayes in the towne mall be fett vppon the poft & be executed within one moneth Ther were then p'fent that fubfcribed ) Jofeph Cooke vnto the forfd orders foure of the / Edw rd Goff feven men * Thorns Br A John [ ] TOWN RECORDS 41 Att a Towne meeting [ ] f earme Graunted vnto Jofeph Cooke a fearme of four A hundred graunted Ac K of the neareft vplande adioyning to his meadowes lyng vnto Jofeph beyonc j Cheefcake brooke & betwene that & Charles River & alfoe liberty to goe with a ftreight lyne (on the hithermoft fyde of his meadowes on this fyde Cheefcake brook) downe by the edge of the highlande to [ ] Charles River The Graunte Graunted vnto m r Samuell Sheaperd a ffearme of foure ofmfSamuell hundred Ac ra of vpplande beyonde the aforef d ffearme Sheaprds graunted vnto Jofeph Cooke adioyning vnto thofe meadowes ffearme ~ . wch were iomtymes in the occupation of Brother Grene for S r Rich'd Saltingftalls vfe with foure fcore ac re of y* meadowe lying moft convenient vppon this Condition that he fhall furender vpp vnto the Townes vfe & Difpofe all thofe meadowes wch are now in his poffeffion att alewyfe meadowe or Rockey meadowe at the pryce he firft payd for them & paying to the towne for the abouefd foure fcore ac of meadowe prportionably according to the Rate m r Rogg r Harlackenden payde for the wholl & for this Reafon bee the Towne is to Repaye the wholl to his fucceffors Graunted vnto Captaine Cooke & Edwarde Goff cache of them fixe The Graunts hundred ac re of vpland & meadowe to be layd out to them A f fearnes to by the appointment of the Townfmen about the outfyde of [ ] Cooke the boundes betweene watertowne Concord & Charles towne A wrdGoff & John Bridge with them three hundred ac ra & fifty of Brid e vpland & meadowe in manner afforfayde but all three of them vppon this condition that they fhall furrender vpp vnto the Townf vfe all thofe meadowes in their prfent poffeffion in Rockey & Alewyfe meadowes at the fame price they firft purchafed the fame There were then p r fent 1 John more fix of the feven Townfmen Thomas Briggam that fubfcribed vnto theis r Thomas Marret Grauntes n-H-ly I Edw r d Goff John Bridge Jofeph Cooke 42 TOWN RECORDS Att a Towne meeting the fecond monday in may Theis things following were ordered Graunted vnto Jofeph Ifack the fkirtes of mrfh adioyn- Jofeph Hack J graunt of ing vnto his lott prvyded that he leaveth the high waye fldrtes of foure Rodds wyde vizltt betwene the marfhe on the fouth mrflietohislott fyde . of Charles River & the newe lotts there graunted Its ordered that after the fixt daye of this pfent weeke forhoggs there fhall be libbertie graunted vnto all fuche as fhall Defyre to keepe hoggs abroade with a keepr but yf anie fhall refufe to keepe hoggs with the heard they fhall be conftrayned fufficiently to yoake them & Ring them & in cafe anie dammage fhall come by their going abroade without a keepr though yoaked & Ringed the owners of the hoggs fhall paye the one halfe of fuch dammage & the owners of the fence the other prt of it And that to be according vnto the Difcretion of twoe men Indifferently chofe A & for fuch hoggs as fhall be fownde to goe abroade without yoakes or Rings out of the owners owne grown A they fhall paye for eu r ie fuch hoggs fix pence vnles with a keepr as aforefd : Graunted vnto John Sell (in Refpecl of his graunte in march Graunted ^ a ^ P a ^ to buylde a houfe where he could purchafe a peice vnto John of land convenient) yf he could purchafe the houfelott in John whytes hande) that now by this p'fent order he may make a Tenement of one prt of his howfe to improue to w* vfe he will in letting or felling in fleade of the forefd howflo A he hath now pur- chafed enioying the libertie belong A vnto it The ordering Wheras it is found that by Reafon of diverfe changes & [ ] neck allienations of lotts in the neck of lande that fome prt of the fence hath noe own A & fome have more for an acc r then others wch is contrarie to the firft order made the 2O th of March 1632 nly that eu r ie one mould beare for & all after that prportion Its therfore ordered that Jofeph Cooke Edw r d Goff & Thomas Mar A fhall meafure all the neck fence & fett out to m r Hough his prt & to Charleflowne their halfe prt betwene o r plantingfeild & theirs & devyde the oth A according vnto their beft Difcretion prportionable to the fd firfl order of the wholl foe now equally of the remainder TOWN RECORDS 43 The Recorde Theis three men chofen as aforef d doe bring in this of their Retourne as followeth Retoume [17] X th Novemb r 1640 Att a Towne meeting generally of all the Inhabit A according to former order made 3 d of ffeb: 1634 nly that all Towne Officers fliould be chofen the firft monday in novemb r & fmce Altered with all other towne meetings by an order made at a Gen r ll Courte to be on the fecond monday in the moneth There were chofen for Townfmen as followeth Conftables for this prfent yeare ) M r Andrewe A i Ed Anger And for Townfmen with them | Tho : Marret for this yeare J Thorns Parrim Thomas Briggam Joh Stedman Abrahm Shawe Chofen to Recorde the towne landes ) Jofeph Cooke & delivr in a Tranfcript to the Gen r all / Edvv r d Collings Court for this yeare enfuing * Robert Saunders Chofen for Surveyors to mende the ) Robert Daniell high wayes for this yeare > George Hutchin A And all theis feuerall Officers to have power for the difcharge of their feu r all Offices accordin A to Orders prefcrybed in this booke as others hau A had before them in the fame places At a Towne meeting this prfent 13 th of July 1641 It was agreed by the Townfemen then in place that John Page mall haue free & full pofleffion of the 10 acers of meddow the which he bought of M r Befbeg A & that was formerly in the towns hands for 5 yeares prouided they payd him io/ Agreed with Richard Beckeells to keepe the heard of milch Cows for this yeere, till they take them in be they more or leffe att the direction of the townfmen, and hee is to haue 16' for this yeere & hee is to haue the on halfe in July either in mony or corne & the other halfe when hee 44 TOWN RECORDS leaueth of to keep A them, prouided he fullfill the Conditions of the agrement made with him in the yeere 1639 Agreed with Goodmi Oaks for his man to keepe the drie heard on the other fide the water at 12* pr weeke & he is to receiue his paymen A when he leaue of keepe by the direction of the townfmen, In like manner is it agree A with Richard Shaw for his man to keep the calfes, at the fame wages ; Agreed this prfent 26 th of March 1641 by the Townfmen now in place that what euer Hogges fhall be found either in ftreete or Commo A without a keeper not fufficiently yoaked and rung they who are the owners of fuch hogs for euery defalt are to pay 6 d and if found in Corne or gardens they are to pay the damma A & in cafe the defalt fhall appeare to ly in the fenfe they fhall recouer their dammage vpon the part yt oweth yt fenfe. It is ordered by the Townfmen now in place this prefent fecond monday in auguft 1641 that all the fenffes belonging vnto the necke fhall fufficiently be kept as was ordered the laft yere by the townfmen then in place vntill the 5 day of Nouember next enfuing after the date hereof, I fay thus ordered by us Granted vnto Goodman Thefington a peece of march liing right before his doore fro his gate to a flake, the townfmen now in place fet, vnto the other corner of his yarde next vnto Goodie Crofbys yarde, by us now in place this prfent yere 1641 ; Graunted to Thomas Parrifh one hundreth acr 8 of land lyinge on the left: hand of the great playne toward m r Haynes his farme between the two brookes on the fouthweft fide of Chef=nut hill the Comon furround- ing it with a fwampe vpon the foutheafl Graunted vnto Thomas Danforth four & twenty Acr 8 of land on the fouth fide of Charles= river, neer vnto the lands form r ly graunted to Thomas Parrifh to be layd out by the Townf=men in ConfideraSon of his allotment in thofe lands alredy layd out on that fide the river -' -fvi-. ^ VI'K KV S.I-.*- <' -v II JS- 1 It ^r -h- "Xri-M'M* > H - .._ , ^M'^H(\-S .v , ; v - / > i' ^ Ci. n *~". <^-^^> '/i^^^^l ^'u ; -H-n><7T' IH - - -UTT < - N;>' b -('3^ .",' hft^ ,.,^.,; .>. . ,_>-;, .,,,' c v . , -.. ,F^ *^C d vi* iv ' wi4< <^ '-^- /' ' r~ p <4j*5 r cr?if/,v '.y^ v ~;, .,- ; >- ^ fa+*jiMr&& (4-fyf; RECORD MADE BY JOSEPH COOKE, TOWN CLERK, 1636-7 ; 1639-1641 (See Folio 45) TOWN RECORDS 45 Graunted vnto Thomas Danforth fourteen Acr 8 of vp=land adioyninge to each fide of his meado A att Alewife meadowe layd out by m r Jofeph Cooke & Edward Goffe by the appoyntmt of the reft of the Townf=men 1644 Itm granted in like manner vnto Edward Winfhip fortie Acr 8 of vpland adioyninge to his meadow at Alewife meadowe layd out alfoe by m r Jofeph Cook & Edward Goffe Itm Graunted to Richard Champny eight Acr 8 meado A and vpland more or leffe, fkirts of his meadow at alewife meadowe Anbutted high- way to Concord Southweft Richard Parke north weft, Edward Winfhip and the Comon northeaft : Thorns Danforth foutheaft. [18] 8 th Novemb* 1641 Att a towne Meeting vppon the daye abovewritten accor A to former order made 3 d ffeb' 1634 namly that all Towne Officers mould be Chofen the firft monday in november And fince Altered with all other Towne meetings by an order made att a Gen r all Courte to bee on the feconde munday in eu r ie moneth : There were Chofen for Townfmen for this prfe A yeare & furvayers lande & furvayers of highway A Chofen for Conftables for > Edw r d Goff this p r fent yeare > Edward Collins ffor Townfmen, -\ Jofeph Cooke theis five are chofen Thomas Marret Rich r d Jackfon John Bridge Rogger Shawe Surveiors for the townflande that are to deliv r in the Trafcript to the Gen r all Courte for all the prticuler prcells of landes graunted Jofeph Ifack John Ruffells Hezechiah Vfher & Alienated are Chofen Surveyors for the highwayes ) Robert Danniell for this prfent yeare > George Hotchins 46 TOWN RECORDS Decemb 13^' 1641 Att a towne meeting vpon the day aboue written It is agreed vpon that Robart Holmes and John Stedman fhall take ceare for the making of the towne fpring againft m r Dunfters barne a fufficent well, with timbar and floone fitt for the ufe of man and wattering of Cattell. Allfoe richard Jackfon is to be an afsiftant to them by way of advice if they fhall require it [19] 8 9 th mon th called Nouem: 1642. Att a towne meeting vpon the day aboue written according to former order made 3 ffeb 1634 namely that all towne officers mould be chofen the i monday 9 th m th and fince altered w th all other towne meetings by an order made att a generall courte to be one the 2 d 2 d day in euery monthe theire were chofen for townfmen Tor the prfent yeare w th Con- ftable & feruayors of highuaies as heere vnder written ffor Townfemen theifex George Cooke fiue are chofen John Bridge Sergent Winfhepe Roger Shawe John Ruffell ffor Conftables for Tho Briggam this p r fent yeare Edwa : Oakes ffor Suruaiores of the John Stedman highe waies this prfent Roger Bancroft yeare Agreed by the townefmen mette together vpon the 9 dA of the II th monthe that Jofeph Cooke Edward Goofe, Rich : Jaakfon Tho Marrett fhould conclude of a way for the payment of the debt due fro the Towne to Natha : Sparowhawke & Edm : Anger. further it is agreed att the fame meeting by the fame townefmen that Ric Jaakfon Rich : Jaakfon haue ritte to a houfe lott that was Rich : houfelott gr Buttlers that fometimes laie in the necke of lande : TOWN RECORDS 47 Ric Jaakfon ffurther it is agreed that Ric : Jaakfon (hall haue the vfe ye vfe of mea- o f 2 or 3 acres of meddowe lieing in the common meddowe called alewife till it be deuided by lott : an order ffurther it is agreed that all the oute fences that lie w th in about oute the compa f e o f t h e towne cattle (that is to fay all fences fences betwene corne & pafture ground) fhalbe made fufficient againft all lawfull cattle betweene this [ ] the laft of the next I monthe : but it is agreed that the fencing ftuffe Ihalbe laied redie att the fartheft by the I of the I moth- wee aduice this fence to be made with a ditch 4 foo A wide att the topp & 2 foote & a halfe deepe wch W A iudge to be the belt fence being moft fecure : the penaltie for not prformance of w* is heere ordered is 3! 6 d for euery Rodd of fence that is faieling. Jofeph Cooke Edw : Goofe & william Willcoke are defired & haue confented to take care that this order lhalbe prformed & they are to iudge of the fufficienciencie of the fence George Coke. Roger Shawe Edward Winfhipp John Bridge John Ruffell Thomas Briggam Edward Oakes It is ordered that according to an order of courte made the laft generall courte for the townefmen to fee to the educating children) that John Bridge mall take care of all the families of that fide the diuifion of J . , f _ , the towne for e higheway his owne houfe ftandes on to my brother ye looking to ye Winlhepes & foe all the families fro Gouldi A More to m r well educating Holeman & Carie Lathums ffamilie : & Sergent Winlhepe is to fee to the families on the other fide the comon to Griffall next Bro : Bridg A [ ] is to fee to all the ffamilies that the lane goeing ffr5 the meeting houfe downe to the Riuer & foe the lane that goeth fifro the meeting houfe to [ ] bro: Dunftars houfe & foe water towne ward [ ] his owne houfe John Ruffell to fee [ ] bet A that high way & the high [ ] George Cooke to take care of all the ffamilies betwene that way & the highe way goeing ffro the meeting houfe into the necke by Tho Dauenporte & my brother fhawe all the reft betweene that & the Riuer & my bro : Oakes all one the other fide the Riuer 48 TOWN RECORDS Come due Att a towne meeting the io th of the 2 monthe agreed w th Indians by the prfent townefmen to pay to Squa fachem 8 bh of Indian come after next harueft It is agreed likewife that George Cooke being att the charg A to make a fence of 2 fufficient railes in the towne line about halfe a mile in lengthe the fence to beginn att the outfide of George Cookes land riming out northeward to meet Captaine Gibbines his fence to fecure the Indians Corne It is agreed that the towne will pay for the making the fence Att the fame towne meetinge John Betts was fined by us 19* &* for his hayeftakes & cowe houfes and dunghills that he anoyde the ftreet befor his dore w" 1 & thoughe often warned to cleere the ftreet yett denied to doe it The ninth of the eight month 1643 : at a Towne meeting graunted to Willm Towne the vfe of a prcell of ground adioyninge his owne land on the fouth fide of Charles river of about one Acr for his fervice of goinge on the townf=mens errands as they mail haue occafion to imploie him, and as formly he hath done for payment by them, he is now to prforme that fervice for the vfe of that land whileft he have yt. The II of ye 9 tb monthe The prfent townfemen haue agreed that the towne mall pey Edmund Anger 4. 3* i d which is of a rate he was to gather when he was Conftable & is as followeth / s d George Cooke abated of his rate being ouer rated 2 18 oo Roger Shaws rate y e towne being in his debt ) foe muche ) oo 19 04 Will : Townes rate the towne being in his debt oo 03 09 Bro: Manning fenior his rate abated 0002 oo the totall 04 03 01 It is agreed y* y e cowe keepers mall pey 6 bh of corne to Squa fachem for y e Damage done by the cowes to her corne vpon y e faboth day throughe the neglect of the keepers in the yeare 1642 RECORD MADE BY GEORGE COOKE (PROBABLY), TOWN CLERK, 1642-1643 (See Folio 49) TOWN RECORDS 49 [20] 13 th of y e 9 th m th 1643. Att a towne meeting vpon the day aboue written according [ ] a former order made the 3 d of ye laft monthe 1634 namely th* all towne officers fhould be chofen the firft monday of ye monthe & fmce altered with all other towne meetings by an order made att a generall Courte to be one the 2 d day in euery monthe : theire were chofen for townefmen for this prfent yeare with Conftables & feruayors of highwaies as here- vnder written ffor townefmen theife m r Jofeph Cooke flue were chofen George Cooke John Bridge Edw: Oakes John Ruffell ffor Conftables for this Edw : Goffe prfent yeare Serg : Winfhepe ffor feruayors for the highwaies for this prfent Herbert Pellam Efq p yeare John Stedman Enfigne This prfent day John Betts was reckoned w tb , about harmes done in his corne by the towenheard of cowes to the valew of 3' which fome is clearely payd I fay 3* John Betts Att a towne meeting the 13 3 d m th 1644 It is ordered that noe oxen nor drie cattle fhall henceforth goe to feede in the cowe common vpon the penultie of 3 d a day for euery beafte that fhalbe founde a trefpaffer in that kinde for this p r fent fummer the fame order to continue from yeare to yeare vntill" further order be taken . The ix th of the v tb month 1644 It is ordered at a gen'all meeting by the Townfmen that Capt Cooke & Edward Goffe doe take view of the new fence in the ox part u re in the neck of land & what they fynd not fufficient that they forthwith give notice to the owners therof 4 50 TOWN RECORDS [21] The ii of 9 mo 1644 Att a towne metting According to and or A made 3 of 9 mo 1634. there was chofen theife fcuerall offecers as followeth flfor townfemen Richard Jackfonne Thomas Marritt Edward Oakes . Roger Shawe Edward Wenlhepe Conflables John Bredge Edward Go fife Servaiors of hywayes Harbut Pellam efqr John Stedman Seuerall men chofen to enter the elenation of John Ruffell lands William Cutter Thomas Damforth : Granted to m r George Phillips of watertowne liberty to make ufe of the high way and Comon land annent his meadow for the errecling of a fence to fecure his meadow, dureing the pleafure of the Townfmen It is Ordered by the Townsmen that no person with his family mail come as an Inhabitant in to o r Towne, with out the consent of the major part of the Townfmen for the time being, under the penalty of 20? for eu r ie weeke, And for preventing all inconveniences herein, it is Ordered by the Towsnmen that no man mall Let out his house to any person comeing from any other place to settle him or her self as* an Inhabitant in o r Towne, with out the consent of the major pr* of the Townsmen for the time being, under the penalty of twenty millings a weeke for eu r ie fuch default 1645 J 4- 2. mo. Granted unto Roger Shaw 200* of upland lyng between y e South weft fide of Capt. Cooks farme & y e greate fwamp neere unto y e Eaft TOWN RECORDS 51 Corner of Concord boundes, which fwamp is heade of part of Shaw fhine river & all that medow adjoining to yt Swamp which fhall fall with in our Boundes & this farme to be layd out, by Herbert Pelham Efqr & Capt. Cooke. this farme of Roger fhawes a part of It being fould to michaell bacon and he building his houfe vpon the townes land betwene the farme and his medow It was agreed vpon by the felecl men with the fayd Bacon that hee fhould haue twelue akers of land wheare his houfe ftand that fhould Rune from the farme to his medow in Ed : Winfhipp way of exchang for eightteene akers of his Edward Oakes farme to be layed to the towne land againe on Edward Goffe the weft fide of his farme and david fifk was John Bridge appointed to doe the fame which the fayd fifke did and made his Returne of the fame vnto the felecl men in the yeere 1670 the farme the 18 akers do* [22] 12 01 9. mo 1645. At a towne meting according to An order ma A y e 3 d of y e 9 th mo. 1634 : there was then chofen theis A feverall officers as followeth Herbert pelham Efqr for Townfemen Roger Shaw Edward Oakes Tho: Beale. Richard Hildreth. 52 TOWN RECORDS for Cunftables. m r Jofepth Cooke Thomas Danforth Surveyours of land John Ruffells to be Joyned with y e william Cutter Cunftable Roger Bancroft Surveyours of Highwayes John Stedman John Cooper IS (ii) 1645: according to a former act of the townfmen in y e yeare. 1643. ( 2 ) mo : as appeares vnto V A by there acknowlegment vnder there Hands, yt is now alfoe Ratified By Theefe perfons a grant vnto John Bridge Senior, of twen A acres of plow land, on this fide Vine Broo A eaftward nere vnto y e place where His ftacks of Hay Did ftand. in lew of his lot in y e necke, viz : unbroaken land onely with y e timber & wood. It is ordered By y e townfmen that noe man Hath Any Right for to fell or difpofe of any wood or timber, which belong A vnto this towne Comon, out of y e towne It is Therfore ordered That whoever lhalbe found to trefpafs in felling cary A or difpofeing of any wood or timber of y e Comon to any other towne, mail pay for every Cart loade of wood 5f & of timbe A ten millings : This order extendeth To Both fides of Charles River. 12. (12) 1645. Wheras formerly orders Haue Bin made by This towne for y e well yoaking of all fuch fwine as are let goe at liberty, wh A haue not attained y e ends amed at, but ftil A the labors of many men, who can leaft fpa A It, haue bin yearly in great part deftroyed ; as by the many Complaints which Dayly haue Bin Brought vnto us is too apparent, we Doe Ther- fore order that all fuch perfon or perfo A as mall keepe Any fwine mail Caufe them to be well & fufficiently Ringed, before y e Third day of y* firft mo : next enfueing : & from The twenty Day of the fame mo : vnto fuch time as Indian Corne be gathered in they keepe them at home in a clofe yarde or elfe fend them forth with a fufScient keep A And if any fhalbe found or Taken eith A TOWN RECORDS 53 [ ] The towne or Comon, or in any garden pafture medow or planting feilde, eyther vnringed or without a fufficient keeper as afor A faide, That then they lhall pay fix pence a pece for every fuch Default Together with Satisfaction for fuch damage as fhalbe done By them And Therfore we Doe not Injoine any man to fence againft any fwine. At a towne meting : 8? (4) m ? 1646 : Edward Goffe Delinquent in the Breach of the hog order about fome feven times (two Hogs) & ten at feverall times befides with out keeper & some vnringed Richard Jacfon granted liberty for to fell two Clapbord trees uppon y e Comon beyond Menotime Vppon y e requeft of m r Henry Dunfter f. affee in truft of y e eftate y* belongs to y e Children: It is agreed that Richard Jacfo A & John Stedman fhall fet a price what is worthy to be allowed for y e rent of y e marfh in y e necke to y e Children Richard Jacfon & John Stedman make returne That they Judge y e marfh being about 40 : ac A There is worthy to be allowed twelve pence pr acre : & if uppon meafure there appear A to be more or leffe, y n to haue after I2 d pr acre. Thomas Brigham delinquent in y e Breach of the order about hogs, viz : for his wiues rescuing of two Hogs from y Impounder when He fhould a driuen them to pound, for ten at one time & two at another being unringed, & thre being impounded allfoe for two oxen of his : Breaking y e order Robert parker Delinquent in felling two trees uppon y e Comon with out leaue : Henery prentice delinquent in the Brea A of the order Concerning oxen & for y e refcuing of them from y e hand of y e impound A two feverall times : Elder Champnies granted liberty for y e felling of fome timber for y e repare of Bro : Goulden moores Dwelling houfe : & for his Barnes. Edward Goffe for his delinquency in y e Breach of the Hog order to pay. oo 08* o 54 TOWN RECORDS Thomas Brigham for y e Breach of ye Hog order to pay for y e two refcued away by his wife v* & for y e other oo 07 6. Robert parker for Breaking y order about felling of timber, fined oo 0.5 o Henery prentice to pay according to ye order for y e Breach of y e orders about oxen o 2 o & for his two refcues. oo 10 o There is taken of his fine. 6*- [23] Severall men fined [ hogs. 4 (9) mo 1646. ] Breach of the orders concerning oxen & oo Bro : Cooper fined for 4 oxen once & 3 another 02 oo Bro : Winlhop : fined for 4 oxen twice & his hogs : 03 oo Bro : patten, fined, for one hog without keeper, thrice o i oo Bro : Brigham. ( for 10 hogs at one time & 4 at an j j other & 3 at another with out a keeper > s ' & fome unringed ) 4 o Will : Man, for one hog twice without keeper. oo 06 John Kendall, for 3 hogs at one time & 4 at another, ) s & 5 at other times with out keeper ) 03 Robert parker for one ox uppon y e Cowe Coino feed- ) ing thrice being taken. & often times befides. Bro : Gibfon for breaking y e order Concerning y e oxen at 3 feverall times with 2 oxen twice & one at an other, is fined for letting his 2 hogs goe with out a keeper being taken twice, & one unringed, & for letting his heifer feed on y e Comon is fined 2 s . Richard Cutter, j for letting his hog goe loofe without a ( keeper, being taken 4 : times 2* Bro : Cane. for letting his hog goe feverall times \ with out keeper being taken once \ Bro : Crackbone i 6 o 2 6 2 oo 2 o oo 6 TOWN RECORDS 55 Elder froft ( for letting his 2 oxen goe to feed on > I y e Comon. taken once is fined : if ) 01 -X- oo Bro : Bancroft ( for his 2 hogs, being taken once with I out a keeper is fined, if 01 -X- oo Tho : Hall for his heiffer & hog being once j taken uppon y e Comon, Contrary to [ 01 oo y e order, is fined, i* Bro : Micherfon ( for one hog being taken twice with ) I out a keeper is fined 8 d . ) oo 08 m r Pelham $ for his hogs being taken in y e plant- ) I ing feildes is fined, if 6 d $ Oi 06 Abram fmith for his heiffer being taken in y e plant- > ing feilde is fined, 6 d $ oo 06 Robert Stedman ( for one hog being taken twice with ) ( out a keeper, S d ) oo 08 Daniel Stone for his hog taken keeper, is fined. 04 Samuel Greene ( for fuffering his 4 oxen at 3 feveral j times being taken on y e Cow Comon 04 oo ' is fined Tho : Welfh. ( for one heiffer being taken in y e ) | planting feild, is fined, 6 d . ) oo 06 Bro : Withe f for one hog being taken with out a keeper 4 times &once vnringed &his two oxen taken uppon y e Cow Comon 3 o befides feverall other times is fined Bro: Willowes. (for his 2 hogs being taken twice uppon ^ (ye Comon with out a keeper I 6 Robert Broadifh, f for his 2 oxen thrice & 2 hogs twice } < being taken Contrary to the order is ^ 04 oo ( fined 55. Bro : Angier. ( f or on e Heiffer being taken Contrary ) ( to y e order & his refcue is fined 2f 6? ) Dauid fifke. Hor two Hogs being taken Contrary) ) to y e towne order is fined 8^ ) oo 8 Sifter Bittleftonn. ) for one Hog being taken 6 times > ) Contrary to y e order, is fined > Oi 06 56 TOWN RECORDS Bro : Hutchine. ) for one heiflfer being taken Contrary ( ) to y e order is fined. 6 d \ oo 06 Philip Cooke. )for his hog being taken twice with) j out a keeper, is fined, I* j 01 oo Bro: ffrench. for 2 hogs at one time & one at\ another & 2 at another with out a ( keeper, is fined ) I [ ] John Stedman for 2 hogs at one time & one at an \ other & 2 at another taken without ( keeper is fined ) 2 [ ] William Cutter ( for one being taken with out a keeper | I is fined 6* ) [ ] John Thrumble \ for his 2 hogs being taken tw A [ ] John Bontaile for fwine being without a keeper is fined 6d. o o 6 Goodman knowls, for his fwine Divers times goeing with out s keeper is fined I* 6 d . o i 6 It is ordered By y e Townfmen that Richard Hildreth & Thomas Danforth lhall gather up the fines for this prefent yeare. 5 (9) 1646: It is ordered by y e Townfemen that there fhalbe fifty millings payde vnto Tho. longhorne for his fervice to y e Towne in beating y e Drum this two years laft pall. Herbert Pelham Richard Hildreth Edward Oakes Thomas Beale Tho : Danforth. [24] (9) 9- 1646. At a Towne meeting according to an order made y e 3 d of y e (9) mo. 1634. there was then Chofen thefe feverall officers as followeth. c Edward Gofife. for Cunftables. / Edward Winfhipp. RECORD MADE BY THOMAS DANFORTH, TOWN CLERK, 1645-1668 (See Folii 56-57) TOWN RECORDS 57 for Townfemen John Bridge. Thomas Marret. Edward Oakes. John Cooper. Tho. Danforth. Surveyors of land C John Ruff ell. to be joined with -j Tho. Chefholme. y e Cunfta (. Roger Bancroft. (John Stedman. Surveyor of high ways ( Gilbert Crackbone. II (11) 1646: There is liberty granted vnto Dauid fifke for to fell fome timber for ye vfe of his trade uppon y e Comon beyond Spy pond uppon y e Rocks this liberty to Continue vntill may day next. There is leberty Granted to B. Sell to the number of twelue tres for fencing and building, to be felled by may day next. Leberty Granted to m r Pellm and Bro Jackfonne to fell foe many tres as may feure to fence betwene them on the backfide of Bro Jackfonne houfe between this and next may day. Leberty Granted to B. Wyeth to fell tember to build him a barne : betwen this and may day next Liberty granted vnto goodman kempfter to fell two clapbord trees uppon y e Rocks provided yt be done before may day next. Liberty granted vnto ffrances Moore fenior to fell fome timber to fence about his yard & his land in the weft feilde. Liberty granted vnto Elder Champnis to fell fome timber uppon y e Rockes againft his meadow for to fence in his meadow withall. Liberty granted vnto Abraham Erington to fell fome timber for ground fells for his houfe & to fence his yard with all. Granted liberty to m r Aires to fell a Clapbord tree Ordered that what land there is on y e other fide y e water, between y weft Corner of Edmond Angers farme & y e weft end of m r Andrews furthe A raile more then Edmond Angers proportio A m r Sparahauke fhall haue the rem A [ ] of his proportion 58 TOWN RECORDS II (11) 1646: It is ordered by the Townfmen that what ever prfon or prfons (hall cut downe or Cause to be Cutt downe any tree or trees whatfoeuer, whether liveing or dead in fwamp or upland, on this fide Menottime River, (the greate fwamp only exempted, fhall forfett for every tree foe felled ten fhillings: this order to Continue vntill further order be taken by y e Townfmen. It is allfoe further ordered that whatfoever prfon or prfons, who hath had any land at menottime laid out vnto himfelfe or his houfe wherin he Dwelleth, shall after the 12 th day of this prefent month Cutt out or take away directly or indirectly any wood or timber on this fide the path which .goeth from y mill to water towne, every such prfon shall forfett fcr every such loade, if yt be timber, fiue shillings pr loade, & if wood, 2s. pr loade provided that there is liberty granted vntill the twen- tith day of this prfent month for ye fetching whome of what is all ready Cut out, & after that what ever is found to be forfett: Edward winfhop & John Coopr are appointed by the townfmen to fee vnto y e execution of thefe two former orders & to fetch away & feafe upon what ever wood or timber they finde Cutt out Contrary to y e order. Edward Gofe & Edward Okes are appointed By the Townfmen to deuide the land on the South fide of the water vnto thofe feuerall men vnto whome It is granted By the towne. 8. (I2 m ) 1646: It is ordered By the townfmen that Edward Goffe Edward Oakes & Tho : Danforth shall lay out the land that is due to the towne houfes at watertow mill on y e fouth fide Charles river. There is liberty granted vnto m r Edward Jacfon for to fell two A Clapbord trees, on y e Comons before may day next. There is liberty granted to John Jacfon to fel two Clapbord trees before may day next. there is liberty granted vnto Samuell greene & Thomas Swetman to fell fome fencing stuffe for there yards before may day next. TOWN RECORDS 59 It is agreed by y e Townfmen that the farmes of m r Jofepth Cooke & m r famuell, shalbe layde out By the major part of the townfmen : the order Concerning goates being this day agitated It is Concluded by the Townfmen that the former order made (1639) shall stand in full force & that none are to fuffer there goates to goe at liberty with out a keeper, but they shalbe liable for to pay all damages vnto the full vallue though there be noe fence & therefore the order made in 36 is herby repealed. Granted by the Townfmen vnto Nathanel hancocke foure ac r of upland & swamp more or leffe lying in the weft feilds Butted uppon the greate fwamp north the High way at the foote of John Betts lott west & By fouth. the high way from ould Bucks to John moores lott fouth eaft the land of Nich : Withe Eaft & By North : A t is further declared to be the true intent of [ ] shalbe a High way left, at the end of John Betts lott. two rod on the north fide the ould pales, allfoe two rod with in the ould pales according to the ould high way. allfoe that goodman Hancocke shall leave a High way where now It is for a convenient paffage for wood to the fwamp, throw the midle of his lott. & foe is to haue all the land with in that Bounds formerly mentioned downe to the fwamp fide, to be staked out By Tho : Danforth, who is appointed by y e Townfme n for this prticular. 8 (i) 1646. liberty granted vnto Edmond ffroft for to fell fome timber for the Building of an houfe, before the laft of the 3 d mo : There being granted vnto Tho. Danforth by the Townfmen twelve ac r of land to be multiplied by eight at y end of 5 mile It is by these prfents Confirmed vnto him & he is to take It either at the fide of m r Sparahauks furtheft divifion next vnto the weft fide of It or elfe adjoin- ing vnto fome of the land that is there all ready layde out Edw Goffe Thomas Marrett Edward Winfhipp Tho. Danforth. 60 TOWN RECORDS I2. day (2) m 1647. It is ordered by the Townfmen that thofe whoe haue land in meno- time feild shall make vp there out fences Before the 25. day of this prfent month or elfe. It is declared By this prfent order, that there lotts are fforfet vnto the Towne who will take Care to get It vp. there is liberty granted vnto Renold Bufh for to ffell halfe a duffen trees for fencing stuffe on the other fide the water uppon the Comons Bargained with Waban. y e Indian for to keepe about fix fcore heade of dry Cattle on y e fouth side of Charles River, & he is to haue the full some of Eight pound, to be p d as followeth viz : 30* to James Cutler. & y e reft in Indian Corne at 3* p r bushell after micheltide next. he is to begin to take Care of them the 21. day of this prfent mo. & to keepe them vntill 3 weeks after michelmas. & if any be loft or ill he is to fend word vnto the towne & if any shalbe lost through his Careleff- nes he is to pay according to the vallue of the beaft for his defect. ' \Jmark Waban. It is agreed that w* Eng. Comodity shalbe layde out By Bro Goffe to the dry heard keeper or peage he shalbe sattiffied to y e full for the fame [ ] corne according as It will purchafe [ ] [ ] to be allowed befides for the forbearance [ ] his money, the goeing of two Cattle. 8 d (3 m ) 47- ordered that the fence belonging to menotime feilde shalbe devided equally vppon the acT through out the whole feilde beyond the firft prticular inclofiers It is ordered that all the hogs in this towne shalbe fufficiently yoaked and Ringed, or elfe shutt up. TOWN RECORDS 6 1 Bro : Crackbone is appoynted for to fee vnto the executi A of this order for all the Hogs, except thofe with in the towne pales & to fee vnto the weft feilde that ther A be noe Cattle let goe at liberty with in the bounds of the Coinon fences Tho : Hall is appoynted for to looke vnto the pine Swamp feildes & Bro : Beale is appoynted for to looke vnto the Hogs with in the Towne pales & m r Ruffell is appoynted for to looke vnto t A necke of land that there goe not any Cattle at liberty that may indanger any Corne or meadow Contrary to any former towne orders. It is further ordered that what ever Hog shalbe found vnringed or vnyoaked, aboue eight weekes ould, shall pay vnto him that pounds them 3 d pr heade for every such default. allfoe what ever beaft shalbe found in any planti A feilde Contrary to the former towne orders fix pen A pr heade for every fuch default except y e Townfmen vppon Juft Complaint shall fee Caufe for to remitt any part or the whole fine Bro Hildreth is appoynted for to fee that the Cow Coinon be kept Clear of any steeres or any dry Beafts & what ever shalbe found Contrary to the former towne orders the owner of the fame shall pay 3 d pr heade except the townfmen uppon Juft Complaint shall finde Juft Caufe for to remitt It. 7*? 4 1647. Ordered by the townfmen that the land on the fouth fide of the water abutting uppon the Eaft fide of m r Sparahauks feildes about 40. ac r more or leffe. is by theefe p'fents fould vnto Richard Champnis to be prifed by the townfmen at a valuable price Allfoe there being granted vnto him one hundred acrs of land to be an adition to his farme, By 12 men that were deputed to difpofe to euery man his portio of the Coinon lands, It is by thefe pfents Con- firmed to him, & he is to haue It on the eaft fide of the further deiufion on the further fide of the water & is to allow vnto the towne what It shalbe thought more worthe then if he had It by his farme on the other fide. 62 TOWN RECORDS [26] 30. (5) 1647: Where as formerly many orders haue bin made for the well yoaking & Ringing of all fwine wch hath not yet attained the End amed att, but the labors of many haue bin & is much fpoiled, as the many Complaint A that are brought to the townfmen doe daily teftify : It is therfore ordered by the townfmen that every p r fon or p r fons who keepeth any fwine shall forthwith eyther shut them vp or elfe fend them forthwith a keeper in the day time & shutt them vp euery night, & further it is ordered that what euer fwine shalbe taken in any Corne feilde the owner of the fame shall pay fix pence pr heade for the bringing them out together with full sattiffaction for what ever damage is done. " ' II th - 8. 1647. It is ordered that Edward winfhip & Tho: Danforth shall deuide the fence belonging to notime feilde on the Charlftowne fide, to the feverall proprietors according to each Mans proportion of land there through out the whole feilde, after the deuifion of the faid fence is fet out betwen Charlftowne us. ordered that Elder Champnis shall pay to the towne 20* pr acF for the vpland lying By m r Sparahauks raile &. 6? 8? pr ac r for the fwamp. allfoe he shall allow for the hundred acres in exchang A for that by his farme eyther 2O ls . or elfe let the wood by Comon to the towne. allfoe It is ordered that Bro Goffe & Tho : Danforth shall meafure out the land that m r Sparahauke had of the towne & take in his account. It is ordered that Bro. Goffe & Bro : Ed : Oakes shall gather vp the fines due to Bro Cane for his fines of the oxen. TOWN RECORDS s d \ o 8 2 o 7 8 o 4 4 2 8 o I 8 2 6 3 8 2 2 o o IO 4 8 2 o o I IO o O 8 I o o 4 1 - I 8 o 8 according to this account every man is Bated one third prt of what he ough A to a payde By the towne order wch is 3? pr heade. & we haue Con- cluded that every man shal A pay ac- cording to this. & foe he pay but zd. pr. heade. for every default. & theefe men are to be sattiffied out of the fines for there gathering of them vp. of Robert parker. of Tho : Brigham. of. Nicho. Withe William Man. William H oilman of Elder ffroft of Sam. Greene of Tho : Danforth of Bro. Crackbone. of Rich ffrench. of. Bro. Holmes, of. Bro. Shaw. of. Bro. Gipfon of Bro. Hildreth of. Bro. Coopr. of. Bro. Oakes. It is ordered that the Conftables Edward Goffe & Edward winfhip shall Make the towne rate, that is due to the treafurer & the Captine of the Caftle. & gather It off the towne according to the order of the Court. Granted by the Towne of Cambridge vnto Grigory Stone a prcell of land about. 200 acT more or leffe Abutt uppon the Heade of the (8) mile line towards Concord It is to run vpon a prpendicular line to y e (8) mile line vnto a greate Rocke ftone being y e Bounds betw A Edward Goffe & him, & from thence in a ftraite line to y e Brooke, & Croffing the Brooke, ftill to Run allong By Another Brooks fide, running on y e weft fide of a plaine, vntill he Come to the end of y e pla A & from thence he is to run along By the further fide of the meadows that ly about a greate pine Hill, & foe to Continue vntill he Co A to a marked white Oake nere Concord A rom thence a line to be drawn being a paralell [ ] the other weft End oppofite vnto the fame, vntill he Co A vnto the eight mile heade line. 8 (9) 1647 There is liberty granted vnto Philip Cooke for to fell fome timber on y e Comon for an addition vnto his dwelling houfe, & one Clabord tree. 6 4 TOWN RECORDS the 28^ ID*? mo. 1653: The proprietors of the wood Lotts meeting together agreed to devide the remainder of the wood Lotts apperteyning to there Lotts formerly Devided in to foure Squadrants, wch was accordingly done by lott being in eu r ie Squadrant thirty acres at the Same time there was allowed to Jno : Stedman more then his du proportion in confidera A of w* his former Lott fell mort foure acres, and to Nicholas withe two acres. In y e firft Squadrant begining at y e necke of Land next to James Skidder. Jno : Bridge 03^ Richard Jacfon 02^- Robert Homes O2| Mathew Bridge 02 Richard Ecles oi| Samll. Greene O2| Jno : Cooper 02^ m* Parkes 01^ Jno Shepard oi| m r Collines oi|- Robt: Broadifh O2\ Edw: Michelfon O2| Hassell In y e 2: m r Cooke Squadrant 05 In y e 3*? Squadrant next Ri: 5 Tho: Danforth. iof . , Jno: Stedman 07 i m r pelham oif > ~ 5 Nich : withe 03j 8 Jno : Glou r 02 S *"S Deac: ftone -031 4 Edw : Goffe 06 P| & Jno watfon Dan: ftone -oil 02f 6 Colled. ge 02 2 W m Wilcocke 02 T3 "I SI a w m Manning -01} 7. Wid. Wilkinson 01^ iVl Gilbt: Cracbone Elder fifroft '01 02 3 m r Day 01 'II OP P> > 1 27 TOWN RECORDS In y e 4 th Squadrant next Spy pond Tho : Oakes 02 Edw : winfhip 02^ m r Michell 06 Abra: Errington 01^ ffranc : whitmore oof Ri: Champny 03^ Tho : Chelholme 04 The towne Lott oi|- Tho : Brigham 02 Jno: ffeffington oi| Andrew Bellhar 65 [27] In the year. 1646: Severall lotts granted by the Towne for wood lotts vnto divers prfons, But the land to ly in Comon for y townes vfe. In the ould ox pafture. Granted vnto. m'Sam: Shephard. n. ac* -f~ Gilbert Crackbone -f- 04 ac. - John Rufsell +07 Rob* Homes -f- 1 1 Tho : Brigham + 08 - Ed. Goffe + 24 John Coopr + 1 1 John Glover + 08 M r Parks +05.- for a towne lott + 06 An Tomfon + 08 m r Jofepth Cooke + 20 Ed : Micherfon +06 66 TOWN RECORDS On the other fide Granted vnto ac* roods. John Betts. -08 + 00 Widow wilkerfon 06 -f- oo Herbert Pelham Efqr 07 + 00 John Stedman. 12 + 00 Nicho : Withe 06 + 00 Grigory ftone. 13+00 Nathan Aldis 04 + 00 John ffeflington 07 oo Sam. Greene 04 + 00 Umphery Bredfhew 5+00 M r Philips houfe 7 + 00 Tho : Marrett. 1 1 + oo menotime Bridge, ac r John Bridge 14 + 00 The Colledge 08 + 00 Richard Parke 3 + 00 Elder Champnis 14 + 00 Richard Jacfon ID.*" for the wch theTowne granted him the one halfe of the Ylands amongft the Swamps Betwen m r Sparahauks farme & Menotime River, with all the Swamp, that Butteth uppon the Meadow on the foueaft the path from the farme Through the Swamp on the weft,& soe allong the Swamp & both fides of the Brook that Runeth into little Spy Spond ; Thefe following Butt, the firft of them vppon the South End of the other. Imprimis. Ed. Collins. 06 + oo Goulden Moore 08 + 00 William Cutter 05 + oo Tho : Chefholme 08 + 00 Tho : Parrilh 08 + 00 Roger Shaw 10 + oo John Gipfon 07 + OO Edmond ffroft. 08 + 00 Edward Winfhip. 10 + oo & vnto Tho : Danforth 12 acr for the wch the Towne granted him the other halfe of the aforefd Ylands & Swamp, to Be Equally devided Be- twen Rich Jacfon & him. Allfoe he is to haue for the makeing up his number of ac! the Yland in y e Swamp on the nor weft fide of menotime River, namely all the wood apertaineing vnto it. Tho : Crofby. 06 + 00 this lott Butts uppon Tho : Marret. & foe thefe follow in order. Robert Broadifh. 09 + 00 Eliath Corlet. 7 + oo M r Tho : Shepherd. 24 + 00 Edward Goffe 06 + 00 m r Duniler 05+00 [ ] Bridget ] TOWN RECORDS 67 In the yeare. 1645. There being 5 more Chofen by the Towne to joine with the feven felecl men that were then in place for the ordering of fome fpeciall affaire A of the Towne : there were then thefe feverall lotts granted. Imprimis feverall lotts on the other fide of Menotime according as is entred in the Tranf cript, vnto the feverall prfons with there number of acres. Alfoe granted the land on this fide the water lying beyond (5) miles, vnto the feaventh mile for fmall farmes. the names of the prfons & quantities followeth, onely they that fall by lott betwen the 5 th & 6 th mile, there quantity is to be multiplied by 8 : & they that fall betwen the fixth & feaventh mile there quantity to be multiplied by nine. & what the land on this fide the water Cometh short to make up the prties prportions here after mentioned of the land on y e other fide the water, to begin at the nereft, & foe on. Itm. To Herbert Pelham > ac Efq r late m r Bucklies houfe. > 1300 1 lott. Tho : Brigham. 10 oo 2 Vfher & Sanders houfe. 08 oo 3 Tho : Skidmore 05 oo 4 Tho : Marrett. 10 oo 5 John Rufsell. - 08 oo 6 M r Philips houfe. 10 7 m r Jofeph Cooke. 06 oo 8 Nich : Withe. - 06 oo 9 Tho : Chefholme. 04 oj 10 John Gipfon. 07 o| 1 1 George Cooke. 09 oo 12 Quid Crofby 06 oo 13 Edward Micherfon. 08 oo 14 John ffifhenden 04 o|- 15 Robt Broadifh. 1200 1 6 The Colledges 1 7 John Betts. for two houfes 09 oo 1 8 John Coopr 10 o 19 Edward Collins 13 oo 68 TOWN RECORDS 20 Carath Lathan 03 oo 21 M re Glouers childrens houfe 18 oo 22. Will. Cutter 06 oo 23 Nathan Aldis 06 oo 24 John Stedman 12 oo The Names of thofe whofe prportions are to ly next vnto there purchafed meadows acr. Robert. Homes 13 OO Ed. Goffe & widow wilkerfon 13 o Sergent winfliip 12 oo Goulden Moore & his wiues children. 13 oo Rich Jacfon 09 OO William Wilcocke 04 %^ It was allfoe granted vnto Edward Winfhip he haueing bought the prportions Both of Tho : marret & John Ruffells that they should be layde out by his owne By his purchafed meadow. Granted vnto Tho : Danforth the Skirts of meadow, that m r Haines farme leaueth to y e Como- of the meadow, Comonly Called alcocks meadow, with all thofe feverall fpots [ ] meadow that ly vppon that Br A Granted vnto John Betts six ac r of the nereft Comon meadow for what he Came Short of his prchafed meadow. Granted vnto Tho : Danforth. twenty ac r of land in refpecT: of his father, to Joine vnto his land on the other fide the water. Agreed that all the Comon Meadow not formerly difpofed of, shalbe layde out to each man his due prportion as may be moft Convenient for his farme. Granted vnto John Steadman liberty to take 5 ac5 at menotime & foe there remaineth but Eighte to be layde out for his farme. I say eight acrs. land laide out on the fouth fide the water by m r Pelhams farme. To Edmond Anger ) a c r m r fparahauke \ 39 oo -Herbert Pelham Efq r 35^ 00 TOWN RECORDS 69 Geourge Hutchine 09 oo John Thrumble. 06 oo Ed. Shepherd, 08 oo William Manning 5 oo Layde out vnto feverall men on the other fide the water nere water- towne Mill. ac r To John Jacfon. 10 oo Renold Bum. 10 oo John Kendalls houfe. 10 oo Ould Clemans houfe. 10 oo redfins house, about 7 ac . r 07 oo Richard Parke. 1 1 oo ^ Granted vnto Rich: Jacfon the peice of meadow wch he hath formerly occupied by his farme vppon Condition that he attend the laying out of the fmall farmes. r 1 She ards Granted vnto m r Tho : Shepherd, Paftor. six ac r of grant. meadow lyng next vnto John Betts at y e end of y e pur- chafed meadow. We doe alfoe agree & giue the land at menotime for their full prportions of all the lands in y e Towne except Rich : Jacfon : John Betts : & Tho : Brigham Agreed that all thofe whoe shall refufe to pay for the layng out of their lands, all such lands shalbe forfet in to the hands of the Towne, & y e Towne shall pay for the meafuring of y m . To the widdow Crofbyes houfe was granted twelve acres to be multiplied as the other and to her other houfe three acres & halfe. Severall Officers Chofen to order the prudentiall affaires of this Towne for this prefent yeare Enfueing the date herof. 8 th ' 9th. 1647. (Edward Goffe Conflables. (Tho: Danforth. 70 TOWN RECORDS for Townfmen. John Bridge Tho: Marret. John Stedman Tho: Brigham. Tho : Beale. Surveiours of high f Robert Daniel, waies \ Gilbert Crackbone I John Coopr. There is liberty Granted vnto m r Dunfter for to fell fome ffenceing stuflfe vppon y e Coinon for to make vp a peice of fence againft his feilde about fome 20. rod. There is liberty granted vnto Tho : Danforth to fell fome raile trees on y**Comon to fence about his yard. 1 3 th of y e io th . 1647. It is ordered By y e Townfmen that Edward Goffe & Edward Winfhip, shall meete with Charlftowne owners of menotime feilde, & deuide the fence betwen Cambridge & them. Belonging vnto y* feilde, and accord- ing vnto y r owne prpofition, lay out to Charlftowne twenty rod more then to Cambridge & they are allfoe in y e name of y e Towne to declare vnto them that we will engage or felves, for y e makeing of y* fence noe longer time then o r towne shall fee good for to ma A Improvement againft that feilde in a prpriety again A them & Take a note of It vnder the hand of the Townfmen of Charlftowne further It is ordered that when they haue thufs done they shall deuide the fence vnto Each prprietor, according vnto the nomber of there ac r in the whole feilde foe far as It refpecteth Cambridge, to be done before the I th day of y e ith month next Enfueing. It is ordered By y e Townfmen that what ever prfon or prf A shall haue dry Cowes goeing with the heard on this fide the water, or any Dry Cattle on y e other fide of y e water with the Heard there, any part of eyther of the halfe yeares, he shall pay for the whole halfe yeare & the halfe of the i part of the fommer to end uppon y e laft day In July. There is liberty granted unto Tho : Marrett. for to fell fome fencing stuffe on y e Coinon for his Coinon fence, allfoe two Clapbord trees for his houfe TOWN RECORDS 71 There is liberty granted vnto Richard Jacfon to fell fome fencing stuffe for his Como fence. There is liberty granted vnto Edward Goffe for to fell, fix timber trees on y e Como for y e building of his vefsell, There is liberty granted vnto M r Dunfter to fell fome timber for the new fcoole houfe. 10 (11) 47: There is Liberty Granted vnto Thomas Oakes for to fell fome fencing ftuffe to mend the fence belonging vnto Thomas Parrishes land. Liberty Granted vnto Robert Stedman to fell a [ ] tree for his houfe Covering: IO (li) 1647. There is liberty Granted vnto wartertowne to fell fome timber on y e Comon on the other fide the water towards y e makeing of the Bridge over the River Att y e mill, to be ordered by m r Jacfon & his Bro : this liberty to Continue n A longer than the latter End of aprill next. liberty Granted vnto Bro Withe to fell fome timber on y e Comon for to Builde him a Barne, before the laft of may next ordered by the Townfemen that All thofe who haue not formerly had there prportions on the other fide the water, shall haue It layde out vnto them 4 ac r for each p r fon in eyther deuifion as others formerly have had of there Ranke, Allfoe there is 3 ac r in each deuifion, Granted vnto Richard Ecles in Confideration of a former Grant on this fide the water the which is to Be layde out vnto his other lott. It is Agreed vppon by the Townfemen, that All that land which fall to be deuided Into Small farmes Att the heade of m r Andrews farme with In the Compaffe of three miles from the Towne shalbe multiplied, foure for one At menotime Wheras there was A former Grant made By the Towne of All the wood on this fide the path that Goeth Betwen Capt. Cookes Mill & Watertowne vnto the feverall men who now haue there feverall wood lotts layde out of that portion of wood & there Being yet fome over plus Befides what is deuided vnto Every man the which by the former Grant doth Belong on thofe feverall prprietors In the fame It is By this order 72 TOWN RECORDS Confirmed & stated vppon Each man his right In the fame over plus according to his prportion, In the fame to them & thires & no other as though It had Bin added vnto his lott. It is ordered that the former order made In (1642) be Published Concerning out fences & who ever be delinque A shall pay according to the penalty therin p r fcribed. It is ordered that whofoever shall Cutt or Caufe to be Cut downe In the Comon Create Swamp Any wood shall Cleare away All the vnder- wood & Brufh & who ever shalbe delinquent herin & not doe It with In one weeke After ther wood is fetcht out of the Swamp, shall pay for every loade twelue penc A 14*? of the 12*? mo: 1647. At a Generall meeteing of the whole towne It was agreed that there Ihould be a dry heard keep' hired for this yeare Enfueing & that If Any fhall put ther Cattle over the water with out a keep r , they fhall pay as much as thofe pay that haue there Cattle kept, & if there be not Enough of theefe, to make up the keepers wages, then all those that put there Cattle vnto any other place fhall Each of them there prportion according to the number of Cattle that they haue, make up the fame further It is ordered, that euery man, that Putteth any Cattle to the Dry heard, fhall Bring In for Each Beaft one pecke of Come unto the houfe of Edward Goffe Cunstable before the laft of the (2) mo : next & If any mall Be delinquent herein Euery fuch prfon mall pay fix pence more uppon a heade, then the Comon price of the wages, unto thofe that lay It out for them to be leuied By the townfemen the fame day It was ordered By the townfmen there being a former Grant of (600) ac r of land unto m r Natt: Sparahauke now deceafed & he haueing receiued fattiffa&ion In land on the fouth fide of the water for (230) of the fame It was ordered that the remainder, viz: 370: acT fhall forth with be layde out By thofe men formerly appointed In that worke on the fouth fide of the water, Betwen his owne further deuifion of land & Bofton line. TOWN RECORDS 73 13^(1) tf liberty granted to William Rusfell fo*r to fell fome timb A for a barne with two clapbord trees, & (2 raile trees uppon the comon before the laft of may next. It. to fell three trees for to ground fell Tho : Harriots houfe. It. to fell fome for to make a lentoe for Bro. fwetman It. There being due to Timothy Haukins of watertowne, fome timber that he vfed about John ffrenches houfe, he hath liberty to take flue trees of the comon, before the laft of aprill next. It. Granted liberty to Robt. Stedman to fell fome timber on the comon for an adition to his houfe. It. granted liberty to Robt. Homes to fell fome timber for an adition to his houfe before may day next. Chriftopher Cane hath liberty granted him to fell fome timber to fence in his garden about his houfe. Roger Bancroft hath liberty granted him for to fell fome timber uppon the comon for to fence with : Whereas It hath bine formerly ordered & publifhed that all out fences be fufficiently made by the owners therof before the laft of this p r fent month. & the penalty of 6d pr rod, for euery rod that is found faileing: It is now ordered that there fhalbe 12? a month penalty for euery rod that fhalbe found delinquent after the laft of this p r fent month is expired : to be demanded of the owners of fuch fence from time to time the faide monthly fine vntill fuch time as the fence be made fufficient. Edward Goffe & Tho: Danforth are appointed to fee this former order executed uppon the owners of the necke fence. John Stedman & are appointed to fee this order executed uppon the fence belonging to pine fwamp feilde. John Bridge Tho: Marritt. Tho: Brigham. and Tho: Beale are appoynted to fee this order executed uppon the owners of the fence belonging to the Weft feilde. (10) 2 m . 1648. It is ordered by the townfmen that all fwine that goe at liberty With in the Bounds of this towne be at all times fufficiently yoaked & ringed, 74 TOWN RECORDS & the penalty is fix pen A for euery default herein, & if any fhalbe found in any Corne or corne feilde, the owner or proprietor in the fame lhall hereby haue Power for to impound the fame though yoaked & ringed, & require & recouer of the owner ther of fix penc A pr heade for bringing them out with all the damage done by them Prouided, allwaies if the owner of the fwine can make it appeare by fuflficient proofe that they eyther did or might ordinarily, Come in to fuch Corne by reafon of the infufficiency of the fence appertaineing to the fame the which fhalbe foe accounted if being veiwed by Indifferent men they Judge it not fuffi- cient to keepe out a well yoaked Pig of ten Weekes ould then the owner of the fwine mail haue power for to recouer all fuch damage as fhalbe Caft uppon him by reafon of the trefpaffe of his fwine of the owner or owners of all fuch fence proportionably prouided there be Notice giuen them if liueing With in the bounds of this towne within two dayes after fuch damage be done, that there fence is found defecliue that foe further damage may be preuented & if they defire it they may Chufe one man for to Judge of the fufficiencie of the fame. there is liberty granted to Robt. Parker for to fell fome timber for the building of a dwelling houfe & fome for a barne & fenceing : prvided it be felled all before the laft of the ft mo. 1648. 9*? 2 th mo. 1648: It was agreed, At a Generall meeteing, When the whole towne had fpeciall warneing to meete, for the difpofeing of Shawfhine, that there 1000 acres fhould be a farme layde out of a thoufand acres, to be for at Shaw Shine a publick ftocke & improued for the Good of the Church, & for ye use of that part of the Church that here mail Continue, & euery prfon or prfons that mall from time to time remoue from the church : doe herby refigne up there intreft therein to the remaineing prt of the Church of Cambridge. this. 1000. ac r of land giuen to the vfe aforefd fhall be layde out eyther all together, or elfe feuerally prt in one place, & prt elfewhere, according to the difcretion of the men that are apointed to lay out that land. TOWN RECORDS 75 further it was then Granted, that thofe who doe, eyther refigne up there f mall farmes for the good of the towne, or doe want that they Can not be fuplyed With in the bounds of the eight mile according to the nature of there grant, that all fuch fhould haue there prportions, for quantity & quality at fhawfhine allfoe there was then granted to feuerall brethren that had no hotife right in the town if they did defire it. farmes, at fhaw fhine. Imprimis Capt. Googine a farme if he buy a houfe in the towne. all foe to Bro Edward Qakes. Tho : Oakes & Richard Hildreth Each of them a farme, for there Incouragement, if they fee it may make for there fuport, & defire it. prvided allwaies, uppon this Condition if they or any of them mail depart the towne then there land to fall into townes handes againe, & then they mail haue no Power to fell, alinate, or giue to any other there right therein if they depart, from this place, onely the towne mall pay them for what it mail then be found better by there Improuement of It being valued by Indifferent men. ffurther it is Granted to m r Henry Dunft A & m r Edward Collins, liberty to haue there fmall farmes, at fhaw mine, and to be Confidered in there quantity more than others, in regard of there worke, & place. ffurther it is ordered at this meeteing of the towne that Edward Goffe, John Stedman, Thomas Beale, John ffefington & Tho: Danf A mail according to there beft Judgement & difcretion, lay out to euery man there proportio, according as may make moft for the good of the prprietors therein, & the publick. Allfoe they with the reft of the townfmen to order how much euery of thefe mail haue for quantity. quantity ordered in page 34 [31] 19 th of the 3 th mo. 1648. It was ordered by the townfmen that that prt of the fence which belongs to the ould ox pafture on the fouth fide the High Way. Both againft Charlftown feilde, & the High Way, mould be meafured, and pro- portioned to the feuerall prprietors, Begining at Tho : Danforths lott, & foe ending at John Betts according to there number of ac therein & they whoe haue more then there prportion of fence againft the High way to haue foe much according to ther prportio deducted of ther end 76 TOWN RECORDS fence ag** Charlfton & they whoe haue not there prportio of the fence ag 8 * the High Way according to ther number of ac to make foe much the more ag 8 * Charlfton feilde according to which order, the fence was thufs deuided ag 8 * Charlftow feilde, there belonging to the ox pafture 51. pole & ag 8 * the High way 147 Pole. Begining next to Charlftowne pt of that fence. i : John Belts. 19 pole. 2 : m r Herbert Pelham. 22^ 3 : m r Jofepth Cooke. O4| 3 foote. 4. Robert Holmes, o i| 5. Edward Michelfon. oi- 6. John Glouer. 02^ & vnto Edward Goffe there did belong 2 p f . but Tho : Danforth haueing three rod of fence ag 8 * the High Way more then his prporti5, he agreed with him, to doe that prt of fence wch his ox pafture lott was to beare ag 8 * the neck in lew of it & thefe 197. pole of fence, belonging to 69. ac r [ ] land, it Cam to by deuifion. 2 pole f I. foote. pr ac r I2*! 1 of ye 4*' mo: 1648: Vppon the Complaint, of Edward Goffe, againft Richard Cutter for wrongfull detaineing of Calues, impounded By him of the faid Edward Goffes wherein Samuell Eldred wittneffeth, Edward Goffe defired his Calues of Richard Cutter, promifeing to pay all damages & Coft as two men fhould aprehend to be right but the f d Richard Cutter denied to let him haue them, except he would tak A a Courfe with his Boy & promife they fhould neuer Come there againe & a fecond time, being defired to let Edward Goffe haue the Calues, he Anfwered noe : the townfmen haueing Confidered the buifines they thufe order that Edward Goffe fhall pay 14*? Damage to Richard Cutter & Richard Cutter fhall pay for the Cofts of the fame & wittneffes, foure fhillings & feuen pence. liberty Granted to John Stedman to mow a prt of y e Coinon meadow nere unto the path from Vine brooke to Watertowne. TOWN RECORDS 77 11*? of the 7 th mo. 1648. Granted vnto John Thrumble. 10. ac r of land in Confideration of land he hath left out for a high way: which is to be the Juft Bredth that the high way is, betwen m r Cookes pale & Goodman Betts pale, Sc foe quite through all his marlh. he is to haue his land the one half of it in the lower & the other half in the vpper deuifion next vnto y* which is alrea A layde out on the fouth fide charles riuer towards ftrabery hill : more Granted to him 8 : acr to be layde out adjoyneing to [ ] other, 4 : ac 8 in each diuifion. Seuerall men Chofen for officers to the Towne No. 13. 1648: for the following yeare : for three men to end fmall Caufes : mT Jofepth Cooke. m* Edward Jacfon. Edward Goffe. for Cunftables. John Stedman. John Ruff ell: for Townfemen. Edward Goffe. Edward Winlhip : Ed. Okes John Cooper. Thomas Danforth : for to fee to the order about leather fealeing : ffrancis Moore : for Clearke of the market : Tho : Beale I3 1 . 11 9*. h mo. 1648: It was agreed at a meeting of the Whole Towne, that there fhould be land fould of the Coraon for the gratifying of m r Corlet, for his paines in keepeing a fchoole in the Towne. the suriie of Ten pounds, if it can be attained, prvided : it ftiall not prjudice the Cow comon : 20*? 9 l . h 1648. John Kendall for breakeing the towne order, by his hogs, was fined. 3*. 6. d to be leuied by y e Cunftables : It is agreed by the Townfmen, that the Cunftables fhould make a Rate equivolent to the p r fent Country Rate, & leuy it of the inhabitants of the Towne for paying the Towne debts. It is agreed that Natt. Hancocke mould haue fome wood out of the Weare, to be Cut out and fetched home by the Cunftables at y e Towne Charge : 78 TOWN RECORDS It is ordered, that there fhalbe an eight peny ordnary prvided, for the Townfmen, euery fecond munday of the mo : uppon there meeteing day. and that Whoeuer of the Townfemen, faile to be prfent With in half an houre of the Ringing of the Bell, (Which fhalbe half an houre after eleuen of the clocke) he fhall both lofe his dinner, & pay a pinte of facke or y e vallue, to the prfent Townfmen : and the like penalty fhalbe payd by any that mail depart from y reft with out leaue. the Charges of y e dinner fhalbe payd by the Cunftables out of the Towne ftocke. II* io th mo. 1648: Liberty granted to William Man to fell fome timber to mend up his Comon fence, and finifh his houfe pruided it be before may day next. alfo to m r Jacfon to fell fome Cedars, for pofts for his garden. fould by the Townfmen to m r Edward Jacfon forty acre of land, adjoyneing to that which is already layd out unto his Bro' John Jacfon and to himfelfe for Redfins houfe prvided he fatiffie Ten pounds to m r Corlet for the Townes A ift to him : [32] II th io th mo. 1648: William Man for Breach of Towne order, by felling a tree on the plaine on this menotime was fined foure millings to be levied by the Counftables. There is liberty granted to Bro : Goffe to fell fix timber trees on the Comon Towards the building of his barne. Granted by the Townfmen to John Gibfon the ufe and prfit of the Weare, and Weare land for two yeare enfueing, uppon condition, that he ferue the Towne with fifh, at ninepence pr thoufand and if he afford helpe for loading them to be allowed ten pence pr 1000: Liberty granted to John Stedman, to fell fome timber on the Comon for the makeing up fome 15. p. of Comon fence about m r Dunfters Land. Liberty granted to John Cooper to fell fome for a leant A At a publicke Towne meeteing y e 21 th of the tenth month. 1648: Impr. It is agreed, by the the Inhabitants of the Towne that the Cow Comon fhalbe ftinted. TOWN RECORDS 79 and for the better regulateing thereof, It being found that there is many blotts, uppon many figures in the Record of the former affeffment of the Comon that it can hardly be difcerned, what is euery mans Right and intreft, and there being an ould Copy of the originall extant, with out blotts or blurs, It is therefore agreed by the Towne that there mail fiue men be chofen, to veiw and examine th A ould Records, and foe neere as they can to Regulat A the fame according to the firft originall, the which being done, they mail enter the fame, fairely written, in words at length, and not in figures, there to Remaine, as the true and prper intreft of euery of the Inhabitants, in the Cow Comons ; Whofe names are here under written: M r Henry Dunfter. M r Richard Champny. Edward Goffe. John Ruff ell. Thomas Danforth alfo it was agreed that thefe fiue men, Chofen, mould according to there beft difcretion, apoynt a prportio of cow Comon unto fuch as they finde none granted in the former Records, prvided it be to fuch as haue liberty of building from the Townfmen. alfo it was voted, and agreed by the Major part, that if they faw Juft Caufe, they might then ad unto fuch as they did aprehend had too few, Confidering there place, and publicke Charges. alfo that Noe man fhall put on to Comon aboue his Number foe Recorded bythefe men, and if he fhall put on any other beaft eyther horfe, ox, ftere, goate, or fheepe, it fhalbe after fuch a prportion as fhalbe allowed in the Roome of his Cowes, and not exceed, uppon the forfeture of fuch penalty as the Townfmen fhall Impofe ; alfo it is agreed that Noe man fhall fuffer any Hogs to goe at liberty, exceeding the Number [ ] thefe men fhall order for each houfe. 8 th - of the 11* 1648: Liberty granted to Andrew Steuenfon to fell fome timber on the Comon for the repare of his houfe and garden fence prvided it be before June next Enfueing: Liberty granted to Thomas Brigham to fell fome timber on the Comon for the Repaireing of his houfe and out fences, prvided it be before the firft of June next Enfueing : Alfo the Like liberty is granted to Robert Parker, alfo to Edward Winfhip for the building of a Barne : the like liberty was granted to Wm. Rufsell for his necefsary ufe. So TOWN RECORDS 12* (i) 1^48 9 Liberty granted to Edmund Angeir for to make a gate uppon the high way on the fouth eaft fide of his farme prvided he maintaine it Convenient for pafsengers, at his owne prper coft. Liberty granted to Edward Okes to fell fome Timber uppon the Cofnon lands for his necefsary reparations. Edward Goffe and John Stedman are appoynted to execute the Towne & Court orders, Concerning fences, about the necke of land. In like manor Edward Goffe, & Edward winfhip is appoynted for the pine fwamp feilds, & Edward Winfhip and Richard Hildreth for menot- time feilds alfo John Rufsell & Tho. Danforth are in like manour appoynted for the ffences about y weft feild : 14 th 3 th mo. 1649 It is ordered by the Townfmen that Richard Ecles, & Richard Haffull to gether with any other of the Towne as occafsion is offered to them haue hereby full power and authourity giuen them to cleare the cow common belonging to the Towne of all dry Cattle that are kept by any of the Inhabitants of y e Towne uppon the fame, alfoe to Impound them if need require, alfo to impound all fuch Cattle appertayneing to any of watertowne as they mail finde kept uppon any prt of our bounds, or turned uppon the fame by the owners thereof and we doe further order that the owners of all fuch Cattle mail pay thre pence for euery beaft that fhalbe found trefpafsing herein, to fuch prfon or prfons as mail execute the fame. Liberty granted to Richard Cutter to fell foure trees for his trade on the fouth fide the Riuer upon the comon next to Bofton line. 20 th ^tii. mo Andrew Steeuenfon, & Willm Patten, are appoynted by the Townf- men to execute the Towne order concerning Hogs, & to Levy of all fuch as fhalbe found Breaking that order, the Juft penalty of the fame, y r in prfcribed. TOWN RECORDS 8 1 m r Jofepth Cooke, John Bridge & Thomas Danforth are appoynted to meet with Dedham to Run y e line betwen the Townes, & to fettle the fame, as they mail find to be right & Equall, according to the Grant of the Court [33] 1 6 th - 12* mo. 1648: At a publique meeting of the Inhabitants of the Towne it was then voted, and Joyntly agreed, as followeth. Imp r that every perfon mould make up his fence, appertayneing to any of the Comon feildes, before the fixten day of march yearely, and foe maintaine the fame fufficiently untill the corne be all out: uppon the forfeture of fix pence for every Rod that fhalbe found defecliue, to be leuied by the apoyntment of the Townfemen : 2. alfo that euery perfon mail pay for every of his beaftes whether ox, ftere, goate, fwine, fheepe, Calfe, horfe, Cow, or other, that fhalbe found at liberty, or trefpafsing in any of the Comon feildes, after the fixten day of march, fix pence unto him that bringeth them out befides all Just damages : 3. alfo that all fuch as keepe any fwine, mail fufficiently Ring, and yoake the fame yearely at or before the fixten day of march, and foe mainetaine the fame uppon the penaltye, of three pence for want of euery yoake, and 3 d for a Ring that is otherwife found whether in towne or Comon to be leuied by the appoyntment of the townfemen and that noe pigs goe at liberty untill they be fufficiently yoaked and Ringed : 4. It was left to the Townfemen to giue what confideration they might think meet to Bro. Richard Jacfon for his expen A of time for the Townes publique occafions : 5. that the Townfmen Ihould profecute fute in law agft fuch of the inhabitants of watertowne, as haue Trefpafsed in o r greate fwamp. 12*? (i) i6 4 8__ 9 Liberty granted to George willowes to fell fome Timber on the Comon for y repare of his houfe. whereas I Sam: Straiten of Water-towne haue by bill under my hand ingaged my fclfe to pay fifty mill: for wood that I haue taken out 6 82 TOWN RECORDS of the greate fwamp with in Cambridge boundes, the faid bill being hereby voyd, with all Conditions on eyther prte then prmifed, I doe hereby Ingage my felfe to [ ] at the houfe of Richard Jacfon in Cambridge Thirty (hillings, in Ten Bufhells of Indian Come before the laft of this p r fent mo. dated 12 (i) 4$. Samuell Z ftraiton his marke. Whereas I w m Clarke of water=towne haue by bill und A my hand ingaged my felfe to pay I4f 8* for wood y* I haue taken out of the greate fwamp in Cambridge bou A the faid bill being hereby voyd, I doe hereby Ingage my felf A to fattiffie fine Ihillings fix pence to Richard Jacfon of Cambridge, dated 12 (i) 4f. his ) marke W m Clearke. 9 th 2 th mo 1649. vppon the Removall of the high way on the fouth fide the Riuer which pafseth from the mill at watertowne, to m r Hibbins farme It being now layd on the Eaft fide of Richard Danas land, betwen him & the Indians, It is agreed that Richard Dana lhall haue the high way formerly appoynted betwen him & Samuell Hides onely he is to allow Samuell Hides a high way of 24: foote in bredth from the high way that is now lay A out foe far as his own land, & make & mainetaine fuffici A gates, or Barres, at eyther end for Cart, horfe & man, alfo he is vz Richard Dana : granted by the Townfmen that prcell of land wch was formerly prt of his lott on the fou eaft fide of the high way allowing foure Rod in Breadth for the high way foe far [ ] it lyeth in his lott: At a meeteing of the Townfmen with fuch other perfons as were nominated by the Towne to determine of the Quantity of acres for the farmes Granted formerly by the Towne to Seuerall prfons at Shaw Shine Aprill 1649. It was then thus agreed viz. That m r Henry Dunfter prfident of Haruard Colledge ftiould haue Shawfhine fiue hundreth acres, whereof foure hundreth is granted by farmes. fa e Towne to his owne perfon & heyres to Injoy freely foreu r , & the other one hundreth acres for the vfe of Haruard Colledge. It. unto m r Daniell Googine, fiue hundreth acres. It. unto m r Edward Collins in Lew of his Small farme with in the TOWN RECORDS 83 Towne boundes, with fome addition in refpect of his place in the Deacons office, It was agreed y* he fhould haue fiue hundreth acres. 10 th of y e 4 th mo. 1649: It is ordered by the Townfmen that all prfons prvide that there dogs may doe no harme in corne or gardens by fcrapeing up the fifh, uppon y e penalty of 3 d for euery dog that fhall be taken damage faifant with all other Juft damages : Richard Withe (uppon requeft to the Townfmen) in regard of the flraitenes of his yard, & danger of fire, hath liberty granted him by the felect men to let his Barne Range uppo y e Como. beyond his fence about (3) or (4) foote. Edward Gofife & John Stedman hath each of them liberty granted them to fell one clap-bord tree a peece for there ufe, prvided it be before the laft of Sept. next Enfueing : John Stedman Edward Oaks, & Tho : Danforth are appointed by y e Townfmen to meafure out unto m r Edward Jacfon The forty acres of land formerly fould him by the Towne for the payment of m r Corlet Ten pound as a Gratuity fro y e Towne. Edw : Gofife & John Rufsell are apoynted by the Townfmen to lay out a high way to the feverall lotts in wigwam necke when it may be moft conuenient for the seuera A owners there of. There is liberty Granted by the Townfmen, to John Hafteings : Willm Patten, & Tho : ffox, for this prfent hay time to mow of the Comon meadow at Shawfhine, prvided they intrench uppon noe prpriety. The Difference betwen the Townfmen & Chriftopher Cane is referred to the heareing & determination of m r Jofepth Cooke & m r Ed. Jacfon : Edw : Winfhip is apoynted by the Townfmen to prfent y e names of all fuch prfons to the felecT: men, as fhall trefpafse uppon any of the Towne Comons, eyther by Cattle, or takeing away wood or timber with out lawfull right & liberty for y e fame. 10 (10). 1649: The Townfmen doe grant to Tho : Marret, the timber and firewood uppon the high way that lieth betwen the fenced feild that was m r Sparahauks and m r Norcras land on the fouth fide the Riuer Roger Bancroft hath liberty for fenceing ftuffe 84 TOWN RECORDS [34] At a Generall Tovvne meeting. Novetn. 1649. There was then chofen thefe feverall officers for the yeare enfueing : ffor Cofnifsioners to end fraall caufes under forty (hillings. m r Jofepth Cooke, m r Edward Jacfon, & m r Edw. Goffe. ffor Cunftables. Robert Holmes. Roger Bancroft, ffor Townfmen, Edw. Goffe. John Bridge. Jno. Stedman. Edw. Okes. & Thomas Danforth. I0 1 ? lo 1 ? 1649 Liberty granted by the Townfmen to Edw: Hall to fell fome timber on the Comons to Raile in his lands about his houfe. At a Generall meeteing of the Inhabitants of the Towne Novem. 1649. i* was tnen agreed that m r Edward Jacfon John Stedman and Tho : Danforth mall veiw the land m r Hibbins defireth and if they find it not prejudicial to the towne, then the Town doe giue to m r Hibbines forty acres of land to be fet out by the aboue named perfons, uppon condition following: viz. that neyther m r Hibbins nor any of his succeffprs mail heard uppon any prt of or bounds lying in Comon, nor take any liberty by vertue there of to prejudice any prt of our bounds, uppon the for- feture of the land in to the hands of the towne againe. 10 . 10. 49. Liberty granted to John Jacfon to fenc croffe the high way on the north fide the Indians land uppon condition to make conuenient passage for passengers and to lay open the fame againe uppon notice of the fame from the townfmen. also to fet his hay on the upland fenced in by m r Philips ags* his meadow, and make ufe of the timber to fence in his meadow. 14. ii. 49, The townfmen doe agree that there fhalbe a rate made and gathered by the Cunfta : Equivolent to the prfent country rate. Thomas Danforth was then chofen to feale the weight A and meafures for the Towne. TOWN RECORDS 85 II. 12. 49: The Townfmen doe giue liberty unto Edw : Goffe, Edw : Winlhip, Thomas Danforth, W m . Ruffell & Henry Prentice to fell timber on the Cofnon for there p r fent ufe in buildin A and fenceing. The remieft of Richard ffrances for remitting the p'fent town A rate in regard of gods vissitation by ficknes on himfelfe and familie is granted. M r Edmund Angier execut 1 of m r Nathanell Sparauhau A for & in confideration of a debt from his Eftate to the towne refigneth up in to the Townes hands foe much of the farther deuifion as the Indians haue Inclofed of y* land, at flue millings pr acre, in prt of payment of the faid debt. w c is fixty 3 : ac r . of the lan A The Townfmen doe order that what euer prfon or prfons being an Inhabitant of this towne, & lawfully warned by the Surveyours of the Surveyo" of High waies to attend the como A worke of the Towne, eyther high wayes. perfons or other help of ther teames, or sufficient pay for the Hire of fuch labor as they haue notice giuen them to [ ] assist with all, and mall refufe or neglect to doe it euery fuch perfon mail forfet to the ufe of the Town A double the price of fuch labor as he had warneing to fend To be levied by the appoyntment of the Townfmen. It is further declared that fix dayes mail be accou A lawfull warneing : At a Gen r all meeting of the Inhabitants of the towne. 18. 12. 49: Voted and agreed by a gen'all confent that the meeting houfe lhalbe Repairing repaired with a 4: square rooffe and couered with mingle, meeting house anc j fa e charges thereof levied uppon the Inhabitants of the towne by Equall rate, also Edw : Goffe. Tho : Marret, Jno' Stedman, Robt Holmes, & Tho : Danforth, are chofen by the towne to overfee and carry on this worke, to agree with workmen, and to levie the charge of there ingagements for the worke, uppon the Inhabitants of the towne. ii* (i) mo. i6l? 50 Reconsidered At a Gen'all meeting of the wholl Towne, it was then & voted to voted and agreed that the fiue men chofen by the Towne to one ^feeT repayre the meeting houfe fhall defift from the fame and quare agree with workmen for the building of a new houfe, about 86 TOWN RECORDS % forty foot Iquare, and couered as was formerly agreed for theother, and levy the charge of there Ingagements uppon the Inhabitants of the Towne. It was alfo then voted & Generally agreed that the new meeting houfe lhall ftand on the watch houfe hill : * ii. (i) 49- The Townfmen doe grant liberty to Tho : Hall to fell timber on the Comon for building him a Barne, also to Daniell Kempfter 4 trees for his trade also to John Haftings for repayreing his houfe. Edw : Goffe, and Thorn : Danforth are apoynted by the Townfmen to agree with the Cow keepers for the milch heard. Also to Agree with Roger Bucke about the weare for one yeare enfueing : 8*? 2th. mo. 1650: liberty granted unto Goulden Moore to fell fome fenceing ftufife : on ye Comon : John Bridge is appoynted to make up foe much of Abraham Merrills comon fence as lyeth agft his land that he bought of him & Abram to Sattisfie him for the fame. Philip Cooke hath liberty granted to fell timber on the Comon for a barne, Gilbert Cracbone and Thorn : Okes are appoynted to looke unto the fences about weft feild, Willm Towne & John Cooper to pine fwamp feild. Edw : Goffe & John Steadman to the necke of land. they are all Injoyned to make return of all deflects of all or any of the faid ffences with the names of the perfons and place of defect, & Quantity thereof, unto the Townfmen each towne meeting day. Richard Ecles & Andrew Stevenfon doe agree with the townfmen to keep the milch heard this p r fent fumer, they are to keep them at the appointment of the townfmen, and attend it dilligently fpending there wholl time about the fame, not onely at firft but alfo the latter end of the fumer when the Cattle come in to feildes, and to keep them foe long TOWN RECORDS 87 as the townfmen fhall ord r them in the latt r prt of the yeare to be allowed I2f each of them each other weeke, and fix pence for eu'ie beaft, in prt of the faid fum in mony, butt r , or wheat. [35] 9. (7) 1650: The land on the fouth fide Charles Riuer, now planted by the Indians, & assigned unto the Towne by the executours of m r Nathaniell Sparauhauke, for the payment of a debt due to the Towne from m r Sparauhauks eftate being about fifty acres more, or leffe, at fiue (hillings pr acre, wee the Townfmen in the behalf of the Towne assigne and fet over the faid land unto Edward Goffe & Thomas Danforth who are hereby Ingaged to fattisfie the faid fume of fiue fhillings pr acre for the ufe of the Towne unto the workmen about the meeting-houfe. John Bridge. John Stedman Robt. Holme. Roger Bancroft : Chriftopher Cane agft m r Jofepth Cooke for deteyneing of (2) oxen John Betts agft m r Jofepth Cooke, for debteynein A his (2) oxen and three Cows. ii. (9) 1650: Seuerall officers Chofen for the yeare ensueing: ffor Cunftables : John Cooper, John ffessington : John Jacson for Townfmen : Edw : Goffe, Edw : Winfhip : Roger Bancroft, and Tho : Danforth : for Surveyours of high waies: Richard Robbins: Ri: Hildreth and Tho: flfox: for the ending Small caufes 3 Comissioners. m r Jofepth Cooke. m r Edw : Jacson. m r Edw : Goffe. The Townfmen doe giue liberty to willm Hamlet to fell (3) trees for to worke out, and (2) clapbord trees, but he is not to fell any prt of it out of the towne . John Parker for not attending the high waies is fined 3*. Robt : Browne for not attendance one day, one mill : 6? 88 TOWN RECORDS Edw: winfhip and Richard Hildreth are appointed to veiw the com- plaintes of fev r all on y other fide the water, and make returne to the townfmen, alfo to bound w Clemance meadow which he bought of Tho : Danforth nere alcocks meadow, alfo to veiw the Complaint of w m Clema A Sen r . for want of land. The Townfmen doe giue w m Clemance liberty to fell timber on the Comon for fencing agft the high way. 9 (10) 50: Whereas dreadfull experience fhewsthe inevitable danger and great lofs not only to prtic : prfons, but alfo to the wholl town, by the careles neglect of keeping chimnye A clean from futt and want of lathers in time of need the felect townfmen takeing the fame into there ferious confideration doe therfore order that eu r ie person inhabiting within the bounds of this towne, before the 10^ of the next mo : prvide one or more Sufficient lathers at all times in a readines to reach up to [ ] top of his or there houfe, and forth with and at all times hereafter fee that there chimnies be kep A clean fwept at leaft once eu r ie mo: uppon the penalty of two milling fix penc for eu r ie months neglect herein: 9. 10. 50: m r Jacson Richard Robins, and Samuell Hide are appointed by the Townfmen to lay out a high way where it may be moft convenient from Roxbery high way to the Meadows. Tho : Longhorn hath liberty granted for fencing fluff on the Comon. Agreed by the Townfmen that Dedham high way mail ftill remaine in the old place. The Townfmen did agree that the grant of m T Tho : fhepards farme, mould be entred in the Towne book, viz : the Towne hath formerly acres giuen to m r Tho : Shepard there late Paftor, three hundred acres of land beyond watertown mill, adjoyning to that which was m r Mailmes, also 200 : ac r more neere m r Samuell Shepards farme. The Townfmen doe giue liberty to . Philip Cooke in regard of the inconveniency of his owne yard by a water courfe that flowes it neer his barne, to set his new barne beyond his Pale about flue foot : TOWN RECORDS 89 13 (ii) 1650: The Townfmen doe agree and order that the high way from John Jacsons houfe to m r Hibbins farme mall ly betwen Richard Dana and Sammuell Hides where it was firft laid out, and Soe from thence con- tinue in the neereft and moft conuenient place through John Jacsons lott, untill it meeteth with the high way that leadeth to Dedham : Agreed that John Jacson mall haue soe much land adjoyneing on the cofnon added to his lott as the high way taketh away from his lott. The Townfmen doe confent that one of the Elders and two of the Deacons at the requeft of John Betts mail Determin whether in Equity any sattisfaclion ought to be rendered by the towne unto the Said John Betts for the land on which the new meetinghoufe ftandeth and with ther Determination the faid John Betts prmifeth to fet downe Sattisfied. The Townfmen doe giue liberty to Tho: Swetman W m : Man, John Coopr, Edw : Winfhip, W m Ruff ell and w m Bucke to fell timber on the Comon for there neceflary outfencing and building, The Townfmen doe grant unto Tho : Danforth the ufe 13. 11.1650 and Improuement of the referved Comon meadow at maw- mine for this next yeare Enf ueing : . The Cofnon land recouered from Dedham not formerly granted or difpofed of by the Towne or Country is fould By the Towne to m r Edw: Jacfon: Edward Goffe. John Jacfon & Tho: Danforth for twenty pound according to the agreement made by the Towne the 2<^ (io th ) 1650 w ch was as followeth [36] At a Gen'all meeting of the Inhabitants the 25* 10^ 1650: It was then voted and agreed, as followeth. Agreed that the land recovered from Dedham lying in Comon fhalbe fould by the Townfmen to fuch of the Inhabitants, as are willing to allow twenty pound for the ufe of the towne prvided they fhall not fell the fame againe unto the towne of Dedham foe as to p r judice the towne, by the land not being improued, but in cafe after fuch perfons haue purchafed it, they find it not for there prfit to improue the fame they tendering of it to the towne againe fhalbe allowed there 20" againe. 90 TOWN RECORDS A proclamation of the fame on the meeting houfe. It being Agreed by the Towne that the land lying in Cofnon neere Dedham fhalbe fould to fuch of the Inhabitants as are willing to purchafe the fame, and improue it as they (hall fee beft. It is therfore defired that all fuch as doe defire or are willing to Joyne in the purchafe of the fame, would come and make agreement with the townfmen for the faid purchafe at there next town meeting day which wilbe, 13. 11*? mo. 1650. 13 (ii) 1650 Gilbert Crackbone and Tho : Beall are appointed by the Townfmen to looke over the ffences appertaining to weft feild and to attend the order of t A Gen r all Cort concerning ffences [ ] In like manner Edw : Winfhip and Rich : Hildre A are appointed for the ffences about menottime ffeild also John Coopr and Ed Hall for the ffences about pine Swamp feild. also Edw : Goffe and Tho : Danforth for the ffence's about the neck of land. John Russell is appointed by the Townfmen to take notice of all defects for want of Ladders and p r fent the fame to the Townfm A and giue all fuch perfons as are deffeclive from time to ti A notice to attend the Town meeting to anfwer for themfelves and he is to be allowed for his paines 4* of each perfon th A the Townfmen fhall judge worthy to pay there fine. George Willowes hath liberty to fell fome Timber on the Cofnon to repare his ffences againft the Cofnon and for his houfe. 10. (i) 650 1651 Chriftopher Cane ag ft m r Jofepth Cooke for deteyneing of two oxen, Thomas tne Townfmen did judge Chriflopher Cane to pay m r Cooke Danforth the Towns order fix pence a beaft. Captine Gookin hath dissent. liberty to fell some timber on the Cofnon to fence in his garden. Edward Micherfon liberty granted for to fell ground fells for his houfe on the Cofnon. TOWN RECORDS 91 m r Jofepth Cooke hath liberty granted him to fell fome timber on the Comon for to fence in his orchard and Clapbords. m r Henry Dunfter hath liberty to fell timber on the Comon f A carying on the fchooll and fencing in the yardes about it. Thomas Longhorne hath liberty to fell timber on the Comon for Clapbord mr 8 Tompfons land. Grigory Stone hath liberty to fell fome timber on the Comon for his fence againft the Comon. 10. (i) 650 1651 The Tovvnfmen agreed with Daniell Cheaver to keep the milch heard this pfent fumer enfueing and to allow him eleuen millings 6 d a weeke and he is to begin and leaue of at the Townfmens appointment and to goe forth with the heard before funne half an houre high each morning. The Townfmen doe determine that the Quantity of Richard Hildreths ffarme granted him by the Towne at Shawmine Ihalbe two hundred acres adjoyneing to the other farmes allready determined : Edward Goffe and John Cooper are appointed to fee the pound A Pound raifed againe at the burying place with all convenient fpeed erected - - and to take of the neereft timber on the Comon for the fame. It is ordered by the Townfmen that the pound keeper mail receiue of the owners of the Cattle that fhalbe impounded after this rate : Regulations viz. of euery perfon that mail haue one beaft impounded of it two pence and for two beafts of one man y fame for three beafts 3 d . and for foure beafts, 4"*. and not to exceed 4*? of one man at one time: John Jacfon Richard Oldam and Tho Danforth are appointed to , , . attend Roxbery men in runeing the line betwen the two Perambulation townes. Thomas Danforth and Mathew Bridge are appointed by the Townf- men to attend watertowne men in Runeing the line betwen water towne and this towne. 14 (2) 1651 the Townfmen doe giue Tho : Beal liberty to fell timber on the COfnon for an addition to his dwelling houfc. 92 TOWN RECORDS Thomas Bcal and Gilbert Crackbone are appointed to fee the order executed concerning fwine. The Townf men doe agree that fiue acres of land (halbe laid out to william Clemance fenior for and in confideration of what he hath haid giuen him fhort of his due prportion of that land adjoyneing to Elder ffrofts farme. The Townfmen doe order that m r Boman, Richard Hassull & Ric Hildreth and william Hamlet looke to the Cow comon, that no cattle trespasse uppon the fame to the damage of the Cow heard, and in .cafe they or any other of the inhabitants fhall find any cattle foe trespassing they may impound the fame either in the towne pound or there owne yards prvided they giue the owners notice and require of the owners of fuch cattle, 3*! a head 12. (3) 1651: The Townfmen doe giue liberty to Daniell Kempfter to fell Timber on the comon for the ufe of the Towne, to improve in his trade. The Townfmen do order Bro : Angier to sattisfie twelue Ihillings for the makeing up his fence in pine fwamp feild, and in cafe he fhall refufe do order the Cunftables to levie the fame The Townfmen do agree to call the inhabitants to gether the next 4 th day to confider of Shawfhine, and some other publique occassions of the Towne 27. (8) 1651 The Townfmen do grant liberty to Tho : Danforth to fell fome Timber on the Comon for ffencing and building & repairing his houfe. [37] Receiued by the Towne of m r Richard Champny forty fix pound fix fhillings eight pence in full fattiffacl:ion for the purchafe of the land whereon his houfe ftands, adjoyning to the land of Nathaniell Sparahauke on the weft being by eftimation about forty acres more or leffe, Also in exchang of one hundred acres of land granted him by the Towne nere m r . Sam" Shepards farme, for one hundred acres of land adjoying to the fmall lotts to be laid out at the fouth fide of Roxbery high way adjoyneing to fouth fide of Nathaniell Sparauhauks feild, To TOWN RECORDS 93 haue and to hold both the faid prcels of land with there appurtenances to the faid Richard Champny his heires & assignes for euF io th of the (9) mo. 1651. There was Chofen thefe Seu r all officers of the towne for the yeare enfuing ^^ ffor 3. Comiflioners to end fmall caufes. m r Jofeph Cooke m r Edw. Jacfon. m r Edw. Goffe. Townfmen for the prudentiall affaires of the Towne. Edward Goffe. Edw. Winfhip Roger Bancroft, and Thomas Danforth. To Joyne with the Townfmen. John Stedman Thomas Beall Richard Roberts. Cunftables Surveiours of high waies. Edw Okes. William Manning and Tho : ffox. To fize Calke. william Manning. The Inhabitants did confent that the fine men that were deputed by the Towne to make the agreement with the Carpenters ffor building the meeting houfe, fhould confider of there Complaints, and allow them w* they may Judge equall, not exceeding forty pound. Representative $&" The Inhabitants do confent to make bro : Ri : Jac A without pay allowance ffor his attendance at the laft Seffions of the gen r all Court. 8*? lo 1 . 11 mo. 1651. Town clerk The Townfmen do choofe Tho : Danforth for there his pay clarke, and do allow him the ufe of Shawfhin meadow as formerly. The Townfmen do giue liberty to m r Shearman to fell and cary away 200. of hop poles in fome comon fwamp before may day next. The Townfmen do agree that there lhalbe a towne rate made equiuolent to y e Country rate. The Townfmen do giue liberty to m r Michell, Edw. Goffe. John Stedman, and Tho : Chefholme to fell fome timber on the comon for there ufe in building and fencing Edward winfhip did declare to the Townfmen that the high way through menottime feild was altered and therfore he would not be any longer ingaged to maintein the fence on the high way. 94 TOWN RECORDS William Mannings prposition for wharffing at the head of the Cricke, is referred to the next meeting of the inhabitants of the Town then to be confidered of. The 9 th - 12. 1651. The Townfmen do giue liberty to Edw: Winfhip Robert Parker John Cooper to fell Timber on y e comon for y e neceffary fencing and building. The Townfmen takeing into there confideration a complaint made by divers of the great ftroy made of Timber lying in comon by feverall who with out refpect to the publique or future weal of this place haue done much ftroy in felling downe of multitudes of young Trees for fire- wood whereas in the meane while much wood that lies downe is yearly burnt up by fires in the woodes, Doe therfore order that no perfon or perfons what foever after the date here of mail either directly or indirectly fell or caufe to be ffallen, any Tree uppon any prt of The bounds of this Towne lying in Comon without the confent of y e major part of y e Townfmen for fire wood or any other ufe, excepting only fuch trees as are old and decaying and meet for no other improvement but for fire wood, uppon the penalty of five millings for every tree foe fallen contrary to this order, the great fwamp only excepted. n. 1651. William Manning is granted liberty by the inhabitants Mannings of the Towne at a gen'all meeting to make a wharffe out wharf o f th e head of y e Cricke towards m r Pelhams barne, and build a houfe on it to come as high as the great pine flump, and range with m r Pelhams fence next the high ftreet in to Towne. [38] At a gen r all meetings of the inhabitants the 26. 12. mo. 1651. was granted and voted, Church farm That the Deacons and Edw. Goffe and Tho : Danforth at Shawshin mould leafe out y e Churches fifarme at Shawfhine. leased To John Stedman his requeft for fetting out his leanto about fix or 8 foot into ftreet. To Tho : ffox to Take in the high way anent the land he bought of wm. Sims that was mr Sparhauks. TOWN RECORDS 95 To ffrances moore fo much of the Comon land annent his dwelling houfe to be fet out by Edw. Goffe. & John Stedman, & Tho : Danforth ; That the Townfmen fhall make fale of the land whereon the old meeting houfe flood. 10 (3) 1652: Liberty is granted by the Townfmen to m r Dunfter for to fell fome timber on y e comon, about 2 : tun for y e repare of his houfe & fences but not for the ufe of the Colledge to take any of the comon : There was a prposition made by Thomas ffuller : of woburne for a mile fquare of [ ] plaine neere m r Dudlies farme, and for further incourage- ment to make a plantation : It was agreed by the Townfmen that they would prpound this prpossition to the Church the firft opportunity they could. Whereas many complaintes are made to the Townfmen of the un- reafonable practife of divers perfons to keep cattle ordinarly in comon feilds amongft corne, uppon fwamps or other peeces of graffe wherby much damage is done to many perfons and yet know not how to attaine fattisfa<5lion for the fame the Townfmen do therfore order that what eu r cattle fhalbe taken in any comon feild after fuch time as all fences by Towne orders are to be fecured except it be in fuch lands as are fufficiently fenced in by themfelves or fuch cattle as are at fuch time when they be there kept improved for the tilling of fome part of the land and by the owners therof fecured by a fufficient keeper aboue fixten yeares of age, the owners of all fuch cattle fhall be liable to fattisfie Double damages and fix pence pr head to fuch perfons as fhall bring them out, prvided allwaies that if it fhall appeaA fuch cattle trefpaffed through the infufficiency of any prt of the Comon fence apperteining to the fame feild the owners of the cattle fhall then be freed from all damage & coft, and the fame required of the owners of fuch inefficient fen A through which in prbability fuch cattle might or di A trefspafle. The Townfmen uppon the examination of the fale that John Thrumble hath fould to Elder Champnies of eighte A acres on y e fouth fide the Riu r do find that there was fo much granted by the Townfmen to John Thrumble, prt of it in lew of his prportion of the 1400 acres 96 TOWN RECORDS that was devided on y e fouth fide [ ] and the remainder in lew of a high way [ ] that the faid John Thrumble did yeld to the Towne on the weft fide of m r Pelhams Marfh on y Eaft fide of Jonas Clarks houfe from the high way that runneth downe by m r Cookes & fo to continue downe to the Riu r : Bro : Kempfter Bro : Marret & Deacon Marret haue liberty granted them to fell fome timber on y e comon for their ufe ; Ferry boat ^ ne town ^ men do agree that the Cunftables mall pur- chafe a new ferry boat. The 9 th . 4 mo - 1652. It was agreed by the Church that Shaw mine mould be devided as followeth. ( Ministerial To m r Michell, fiue hundred acres ( Grant To Edw. Okes, three hundred acres To Thomas Okes one hundred and fifty acres ; It was agreed that theis 3 aboue named mould haue their lotts laid out by a comitte, with as little prjudice to any lott as may be, and fo not to draw any lott. Alfo the Church doth agree that although the land be by grant of the Gen'all Court peculiar to the Church only yet the wholl towne vzt fuch as are owners of houfe and land in y e Towne mall come in to y e devifsion thereof. Alfo it is agreed that eu r ie man mall haue a prportion of the land more or lesse, according to his prportion now allotted him. Alfo that eu r ie man mall haue a prt of the meadow in prportion with his upland to be laid out after the fame rule y* the upland is, both by lott, & quantity Alfo it is agreed that after the ffarmes fformerly granted are laid out the remainder of the land fhalbe deuided into 3. breadths, vzt. 2. of y e faid breadths to ly betwen y e rivers & the 3? on this fide Shaw Shine Riuer The firft Lott to begin uppon a line continued ou r Shaw Shine Riu r , y e fame yt is betwen woburn and us runing towards Concord untill it TOWN RECORDS 97 meet wth m r wintrops farme, and fo y e faid i. lott to butt, fouth uppon y* line and on Shaw Shine river, and mr wintrops farme and fo each lott to prceed one after another by due parrellells untill they come cleare of y e farmes allready laid out, and then to extend in two devifsions betwen y e riuers and a 3 d deuifsion on the eaft fide shaw fhin Riu r and fo eu r y mans lott to follow one another takeing all the 3 breadths at once the neareft land to the firft Center being flill alwaies the next lott in order. The Number of eu r ie mans lott, and Quantity of acres is as followeth on the other fide. [39] The Deuifsion ot Shaw Shine: 4 (4) 52 acres I Daniell Cheauer O2O 2 5 2 William Clemance fen 030 26 3 Daniell Kempfter. 080 27 4 william Bull 015 28 5 Roger Bucke OIO 29 6 Thomas ffox 080 30 7 Humphery Bredlhew OI 5 3 1 8 m r Boman 020 3 2 9 william Clernance 030 33 10 Richard Cutter 080 34 ii Thomas Longhorne 060 35 12 Daniell Blogget 040 36 '3 Robert Holmes J 5 37 H Th: Hall 020 38 '5 widdow Banbricke 040 39 16 John Jacfon 050 40 17 wm Homan 050 4i 18 Nath : Grene & mother 080 42 '9 Richard ffrench 020 43 20 John watfon 080 44 21 Richard woodes OIO 45 22 John Taylor 060 46 23 Wid: Wilkerfon 060 47 24 Leift Willm : ffrench '5 48 7 Josseph Miller Jonath : Hide Dauid ffifke Wid : Hancocke And : Steven fon m r Elijath Corlet Dauid Stone Tho: Danforth Rich: Frances John Parker Jonath : Padleffoote. Edw: Hall Ri: Oldam Gilbart Cracbone Robert Stedman Tho : Swaetman Wm. Bordman John Belts John Shepard Daniell Stone John ffrenches Child" John ff own ell Sam 1 ! Hides Tho : Marret 020 060 OIO 060 IOO 050 220 060 OIO 015 070 060 090 090 070 060 090 060 050 030 IOO 080 200 9 8 TOWN RECORDS 49 5 Si 52 S3 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 7 1 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 3 84 85 86 Edw. Wenfhip Goodm. Hamond Steven Day John Gibfon Edw. Goffe william Man Ri : Jacfon Willim Dixon George Willowes Tho: Chefholme m r Edmund ffroft John Hall Edw: Michelfon And: Belcher John Swan Phil. Cooke ffr : Moore Juni r Widd. Sill. Robert Parker willm Manning Richard Haffull Nicho: Withe Willm Hamlet Willm Towne Samll Greene Robert Browne John Boutell John Bridge Tho: Beal Richard Parke ffranc 6 Whitmore Jonas Clearke John Hastings Henry Prentife Elder Champnis Nath : Sparhauke John Stedman Willm Russell ores 200 87 william Patten crea 090 015 88 Ben. Bower O2O 050 89 Tho : Briggam 180 080 90 John Russell 080 45 9 1 Will Bucke O2O 070 92 Richard Ecles 070 200 93 m re Sarah Sims 050 080 94 m r Jakfon 40O 060 95 m r Andrews 150 100 96 Abra. Errington 070 200 97 widd : Cutter 040 020 98 ffr Moore fen? 050 ^o 99 m r Josseph Cooke 300 050 IOO Wm Wilcocke 090 O20 101 Chriftopher Cane 080 080 102 Rich. Dana O2O 050 103 m r Angier 3OO 040 104 Vincet Drufe J 5 060 I0 5 Rog r Bancroft IOO 060 1 06 John Cooper 140 060 107 Edw. Shepard 080 OQO 1 08 Tho: Bridge 050 060 109 Ranold Bum OIO 070 no Tho: Prentife '5 080 III Math : Bridge 080 040 112 Golden Moore IOO O2O "3 Robert Brodifh 080 250 IOO Mem There is thefe two IOO prfons over flipped, vzt 050 28 Richard Robbins 080 060 91 Daniel wines OIO 080 theis 2 lotts muft come in there 080 due order 35 The Towne do giue to 140 Gregory Stone adjoyneing 300 to his ffarme one Hundred 060 acres IOO TOWN RECORDS 99 At a Gen'all meeting of the Inhabitants the 8 1 ? 1 (9) mo. 1652. The Towne do choofe m r Richard Champney, Gregory Stone, Tho : Marret Ri : Jacfon, and Gilbert Cracbone to draw up inftruclions ffor the Townfmen, and p r fent the fame to the Towne 4*? 10^ 52. to be allowed or diaflowed by a Gen r all Vote of the Towne then met. Edw : Okes, Tho : ffox and willm Manning are chofen Cunftables. Edw : Goffe, John Bridge, John Cooper and Thomas Danforth are chofen Townfmen Ri : Hildreth. Ri : Robbins, and Phil. Cooke are chofen Surveyo r s of highwayes Edw : Okes, and Tho : Danforth are chofen to meet with Roxbery men for laying out a high way betwen there towne & o r John Shepard is chofen to gage Cafke Ri: Jacfon, Edw: Goffe Ed Okes, Tho: Danforth, & Tho: ffox are chofen to veiw Shaw Shine, and make report to the Towne. agreed the 4. io th - 52. to meet the whole towne to gether againe. At a Gen'all meeting of the Towne y e 4*? (10) 1652. Theis prpofitions here under written were voted, and joyntly agreed uppon by the Inhabitants, for the inftruftions to be giuen to the Townfmen. That w* eu r worke or buifsines is by order of Court assigned to the Townfmen or injoyned on the Towne That the Townfmen mail take due care to effecl; the fame fo as may befl conduce to a publique good and no damage by negle<5l thereof 2. That as often as they (hall fee needfull, they (hall giue publique notice to the inhabitants to meet together and w* eu r orders or determinations fhalbe paffed by a publique vote of the Towne, or are already made by the Towne or y e felect men, that the Townf- men take due care to execute fullfill and accomplifh the fame with out refpecT: of any mans perfon, according to yr beft wifedome. 3. That w* eu r damage they mail conceiue or apprehend to come to the Towne, by any perfon with in or with out the Towne by appro- priating intruding or damnifying or exceeding there owne due prportion in any wife, any of the Cofnons, landes or woodes, or other publique ftocke liberties or interefts of the Towne according to there beft difcretion they mail prvent and remoue the fame. 100 TOWN RECORDS [40] 4. That they take due care for the maintenance and reparation and well ordering of all fuch thinges wherin the Towne hath a Comon intereft, as the meeting houfe Comon gates and high vvayes, Comon heards and y e like. 5. That they make fuch wholefome orders and impofe fuch Penalties, and duly publifh and execute the fame as may beft effect the execution of the premifes 6. That the neceffary charges y* fhalbe expended in y e execution of the p r emifes be yearly difcharged by an equall rate, made by the Townfmen, and leuied by the Cunftable on y e feu r all Inhabitants 7. That The Cunftables giue in a yearly account of w* they receiue of the publique ftocke of the Towne by rate or otherwife, and how they haue difburfed the fame, the fame to be done before y e yearly Election of the Townfmen, and kept uppon Record in a booke fairely written and in cafe the Cunftables fhall faile herein, then to Continue in there office another yeare, except the Towne ftiall fee meet otherwife to difpofe 8. That the Surveyours of the high wayes take due care for the repa- ration of all the Cornkrn high wayes with in y e towne, and keep uppon Record the names of Such perfons as are improued therin during y e yeare, and deliu r the fame in a lift fairely written to the Townf- men then in place at y e end of there year A that fo no man may be wronged in doing more then his due prportion. At the fame time the buifsines about ftinting y e Cow Conkm was debated, and by a publicke Voted agreed that it fhould be refferred to y e mageftrates of the next County Cort in Midlefex, to determine wheth A o r Cow Comon were already lawfully ftinted. alfo there is chofen for a coinitte to effect this buifsines with the Mageftrates by prfenting y e true ftate of the buifsines, m r Jofeph Cooke John Bridge, Gregory Stone, Edward Goffe Ri : Jacfon and Edward Winfhip. 27. 10: 1652 Firft Tavern The Townfemen do grant liberty to Andrew Belcher to Sell beare and bread for enterteinment of ftrang rs & the good of the Towne. TOWN RECORDS IOI 14 (12) 1652 Robert Parker hath liberty to Sell fome timber for his ufe, as alfo John ffessington, for enlarging his barne, and Tho : Brigham for railes. Edw. Goffe : Edw. Okes & Tho : Danforth are appoynted to lay out Elder Champny his land on Strabury hill. Alfo they are appoynted to lay out m** Sar A Simes 4. ac r . land formerly granted her by the Towne. At a meeting of the Inhabitants of this Towne 13 th of the 9*. h mo. 1653 : There was then chosen these seu r all officers of the Towne for the yeare ensueing : ffor Townsemen. Edward Goffe. Jno : Steadman Tho : Beale, and Tho : Danforth : ffor Cunstables : Jno : Hasteings : Tho : Oakes : and SamH Hide, ffor Surveyours of the high wayes : Philip Cooke : Jno : Watson : and Richard Oldam. ffor Sealear of Leather ffraces moore Senior : ffor gager of Caske. Jno : Shepard : 19 (10) 1653 ( Town Clerk's The Townsmen do grant to Thomas Danforth, [in prt n fattisfacon for his conftant care and paines in being their Clerke] The use and benefit of the Comon meadowes not yet devided about Shawshine bounds. 13*? 12. 1653 John ffessington and Thomas Oakes are desired by the Townsmen to take notice of the breaches of the Towne order concerning ftroy of timber on the Comon and p r sent the names of Such prsons to the Townsmen: order for whereas many Complaintes are made to the Townsmen p'fervation of the vnreasonable ftroy that is yet made by many persons ?f wood. Q f t h e woot j anc j timber wch lieth in Comon in this Towne, ' not with (landing all orders that haue formerly bin made for 102 TOWN RECORDS the p r servation thereof, It is therefore ordered by the Townsmen that no man fhall cutt of the boughes of any tree, nor fell any tree uppon the Comon for fier wood, (excepting only Such as are dead and fare) ; uppon poenalty of fiue (hillings forfeture for eu'ie tree fo felled or flowed contrary to this order. Richard Hildreth and Tho: ffox are desired to fee this order executed, and are to haue th one fourth part of the fines for their Labour. It is ordered by the Townsmen that all fwine that go at liberty with in the Limitts of this Towne fhalbe by y e owners thereof: conflantly & sufficiently ringed vpon poenalty of paying all damages done by such fwine, wth 3 d a Swine to Such person as shall find such swine damage faisant, either to the Comon or his owne prticular. The Townsmen do order that all (fences againfl Corne, meadowes, or gardens fhalbe made sufficient againfl all lawfull cattle at the sight of the Select Townsmen, or Such as they fhall appoynt to veiw the ffences of any of the Comon feilds, and so conflantly mainetaine the Same, so long as any grasse, Corne, or garden fluffe fhalbe on the ground vpon [41] vpon poenalty of paying all the damages, that shall come throw neglect therof with Six pence per Rod for every weeks neglect to Such person as fhalbe damnified thereby. Representative The Townsmen doe Order the Cunstables to pay Bro: how paid. Richard Jacson 2? pr day for twenty eight dayes that he was Deputy for the Towne at the Gen r all Court held at Boflon 1653: m r Edward Jacson, Edward Oakes and Thomas Danforth are ap- poynted by the Townsmen, to lay out all necessary high waies on the South Side the water, and agree with the proprietors of the Land for the fame by exchange for comon Land or otherwise according to their discretion. Elder fifrofl, Jno. flfessington, Daniel Cheau r , Philip Cooke, and John Shepard haue liberty granted them by the Towne to fell timber on the TOWN RECORDS 103 Cofnon for their building and reparation of their ffences. with in the Limitts of this towne, as also Jn? : shepherd ffor his trade. Vpon Complaint made to the Townsmen of the great Damage that is yearly fuftained not only by the Cow Keeper, but also by the Cow heard, by the great neglect of many persons in not paying in Season w* is justly due to the Cow Keeper for his labor. The Townsmen do therefore order that eu r ie person wch hath any beaft in the milch heard belonging to the Towne, mall at or before the firft of may next, deliu r in at the houfe of Daniell Cheaver Cow Keeper or Jno. Mailings Cunftable, for each beaft one pecke of Corne, And also at or before the laft of november next following make up the Said pecke of Corne the juft Sufne of three shillings six pence, in maner following vzt. for each beaft one pecke of wheat, and the remainde A in Corne or other Sattisfactory pay to the content of the Cow Keeper, uppon pcenalty of paying foure millings for each beaft, with all cofts & damages for obteyning the Same. Daniell Cheaver agreeth with the Townsmen to begin his going out with the milchheard, by the fiften day of April at furtheft, and continue his conftant care over. them one month after michelmas. Also Daniell Cheaver agrees to find all necessary help A and prvide two sufficient bulls, to be allowed out of his wages of 3*. 6 d . pr head. [42] The Townsmen do agree with Thomas Eames that he mail haue the vse of the wares for three yeares next enfuing, vpon condition that he fhalbe carefull to Catch all the filh that the wares will afford, and deliuer the Same to the towne at nine pence per 1000: also he hath liberty to make vse of any timber or wood that growes on the ground for fecureing the Land, and he is to Leaue notice at Jn. Haftings when there is any fifh. John Stedman hath liberty to fell some timber on the Coi2on for his vse in the Towne. 104 TOWN RECORDS Att a meeting of the Select men the 13^ of the I? m. 1653. There being Twenty pounds due to m r Pelham for damage done him by high ways layd out throw his ffarme on the South Side the vide, y aft Riuer th e one to Roxbery two Rod wide, entering in to ofy'felea Edmund Angiers ffarme at the north weft Corner of his men. 20.11. 58 ff encej an d th e other Leading to Elder Champnyes Land, referved to ^ e Townsmen do agree and grant to him for Satisfaction y towne of thereof one hundred acres of Land adjoyneing to Bofton this ioo. ac Line, provided alwayes if the Towne fhall make payment of Twenty poundes in Corne or Cattle with in twelve monthes next after the date hereof to m r Pelham or his Lawfull Atturney and giue him notice of Such their intent with in six months that then the aforesaid hundred Acres of Land fhall returne to the vse of the Towne againe : John Stedman and Richard Robbines are appoynted by the Towns- men to Lay out the aboue said ioo ac r of Land. Robert Broadifh and Tho : Longhorne are appoynted by the Towns- men to veiw the ffences apperteyning to the necke of Land and to drive the necke of all cattle that fhalbe found trespassing therin. John Cooper and Nicholas withe are in like manner appoynted for the weft feild [42] John Watson and Robert Browne are appoynted by the Towns- men to the execute the order of the Towne concerning Swine. Richard Hildreth and Tho. Hall are appoynted to veiw the ffences about Winottime ffeild. Edw. Hall & william man are appoynted to veiw the ffences about pine Swamp feild. 11. (2) 1654: The Townsmen do grant Liberty to John Swan to fell some timber on the Comon for fencing in his garden. Humphery Bredfhew is granted allowance for his Land that wobourne high way throw winottime feild, doth take away from his Lott, after 20? pr acre to be allowed him out of his p+nt towne rate. Humphery Bredfhew is granted liberty of ffencing ftuffe, for his Lott about his house. TOWN RECORDS 105 *C The Townsemen do allow William Manning flue pound out of the pntTowne Rate vpon Condition that he make a sufficient wharffe jw from his ware house to the Lower part of his Land, that he hath .c their ditched in, fo as to keep the Tide of the high way, and to mainteine the Same in like good condicon for twenty yeares next ^ ensueing the date hereof' At a meeting of the SelecT: men the day of the 3.m? 1654: Edward Goffe and John Cooper are appoynted by the Townsemen to Lay out and Determine all differences about the high wayes leading to the Seu r all Lotts of marlh towards m r Haughs ffarme. 12. (4) m 1654: The Townsmen do grant liberty vnto m r : pelham to fell Some clap- bord trees on the Comon for the reparation of his house. [43] Att a meeting of the Inhabitants of this Towne in May 1650 : It was voted and consented vnto by the Towne that the house wch m r Philips built annent Charlestowne lane, wth the land adjoyneing & wood lott fhould be Sould to Thomas Danforth for fifty pounds to be payd by him to m r Philips or his assignes, in Current Country pay, vpon Demand at the faid house. The said Tho : Danforth to Enioy the said house & land to him his heyres & assignes for eu r . In witnes whereof we the felec~l men do put to o r hands this II. 1654. Edward Goffe Richard Jackfon John Stedman John Cooper. Gilbert P Cragbone his marke 106 TOWN RECORDS [43] 13*? (9)"? 1654: The Towne being met for Elecc5n of their yearly Towne officers, there was then chosen ( Jn? Stedman Conftables. ] Thq : Prentice (.Gilbt. Crackbone Townsmen. Edward Goffe Rich" 1 . Jacson Thomas Danforth. Jn? Coopper. Surveyo's of high C Jn" ffessington waies. < Tho : ffox. Cjonath. Hide. Comission 18 to C m r Joseph Cooke end smal caufes. \ Edw. Goffe (. Tho: Danforth Voted affirmative at the meeting of the Towne that the Townsemen (hall Levy about forty Pounds, for the Incouragement of the Gramer Schoole mailer. Att a meeting of the Inhabitants of this Towne the 29. (11) 1654. The towne consented that twenty pounds fhould be levied vpon the feverall Inhabitants and given to m r Corlet for his pnt Incou r agement to continue with vs ; & the form 1 vote for forty poundes thereby to be dissanulled. In Ans : to a Lre : sent to the Towne ffrom o r Neybours of Shaw Shine alias Bilracie, wherein they desire that whole tracl: of land may be disingaged from this place, & be one Intire body of it selfe The towne consented to choose five persons. a CoTnittee to treate & con- clude w th them conc r ning y r requeft therein, at w ch time was chosen m r Henry Dunfter, Elder Champny, Jn? Bridge. Edw: Goffe, & Edw: Winlhip. TOWN RECORDS 1 07 [44] At a meeting of the Select men the 12. (i st ) 1651 5 The Townsemen do appoynt Jn Stedman & Tho : Danforth to lay out to David ffiske forty acres of land neere adjoyneing to his fathers farme in leiu of fixty acres granted him at Shawfhine, and also to veiw a peece of meadow that he desires and make report to the towne. The Townsmen do grant liberty to Edw : winfhip to fell 2. or 300. of Railes on the Comon land lying on the weft fide his farme to fence in his meadow. The Townfemen do grant to Richard Robbines the vse of a peece of meadow or marfh land lying on the South fide the Cricke by tn r Andrews farme, and to hould the fame dureing the pleasure of the townfemen. Jn? Hafteings. wm Man. Jn? Cooper and Tho : ffox had liberty for fencing fluff of the Comon. In anfwer to the requeft of fome of o r Beloved Brethren and Neigh- bours the Inhabitants on the fouth fide the River, that they might have the ordinances of Chrift amongft them diftincl: from the Towne. The Townfemen not well vnderftandeing w* they intend, or do desire of the Towne, nor yet being able to conceive how any thing can be granted by the Towne in that respect, but y e frac<3on will prove deftruclive to the whole body, Do not fee ground to give any incou-'agement for any divissio A of the Towne. Also wee hope that it is not the desire of o r Bretheren fo to accomoda A themselves by a divission as thereby vtterly to dissinable and vndoe the Church of Chrift with whome they have made fo follemn an ingagement in the Lord, wch is apparent to us wilbe the effect thereof and theref A do desire that wee may Joyne both in hand [44] hand & heart to worfhip the Lord together in one place vntill the Lord fhalbe pleased to inlarge & fhow vs o r way more cleare for a divission. Tho : ffox. Nicho : withe, & ffranc' moore are appoynted to veiw the fTences about the weft felld. Jno. Hafteings & wm Towne are appoynted to veiw the ffences in pine fwamp feild. io8 Edw. Goffe & Jno. watson are appoynted to veiw the ffences about the necke of land. Jno. Cooper & Robert Parker are appoynted to veiw the {fences about the ffeild where their houses Hand. Enfigne Winfhip and Serg* Hildreth are appoynted to veiw the ffences about Winottime ffeild. Robert Browne and Daniell Cheaver are appoynted to fee the Towne order executed conc r ning Swine. Richard Jacson and Jno. Stedman are appoynted to Bargaine with a heardfman for the Towne Cowes. [45] At a meeting of the Inhabitants of this Towne for the Eleccon of Townfemen. Conft: Comiss r . &c. 1 2 th 9 mo. 1655. There were then Chofen, Conftablesf Richard Robbines s Jno. ffessington Townfemen. f Edward Goffe. Jno. Stedman Edw: Oakes Thorn 8 . Danforth. Surveyo of high wayes Comission 1 , to end fmall caufes o-- (.Philip Cooke: Jno* Watson. Sam) Hide. Cm* Joseph Cooke ] m r Edw rt Jacfon (Thoml Danforth. 14 th (11) m 1655. The Townfemen do order that Jno. Bum fhall pay a fine of Twenty millings for comeing as an Inhabitant in to the Towne with out the leave of the Townfmen, and his ffather Renold Bufh fhall alfo pay the like fine of Twenty millings for Enterteyneing him with out confent as afore faid. And Richard Robbines Constable is appoynted to levy the fame. TOWN RECORDS 109 loV ii 55. mo Jn? Cooper, & George Bower have liberty granted them to fell timber on the Comon for reparaccon of y r houfes & ffences in this Towne bounds. Jn? Cooper & Gilbert Cracbone are appoynted to veiw the ffences about the weft feild for the yeare Enfueing. Robert Parker & wm Man to veiw the ffences about the ox pafture feild. Richard Hildreth & Enfig : Winftiip for Winotti A feild, and wm Patten. Edw. Goffe & Robert Holmes in like manner for the neck of Land. Andrew Steevenfon & Daniel Cheavers are appoynted to fee the orders conc r ning fwine Executed Whereas this Towne about 5 : years now paft bargained with Thomas Danforth for that houfe wherin he now liveth, vpon Condiccon that he Ihould pay to the Assignes of m r Philips of Wrentw. the Erector of the faid houfe: the Sume of fifty pounds in Currant Country pay vpon demand in CambF And whereas the faid money have hitherto neyther been payd nor demanded, but the faid Thomas Danforth doth demand a deed of Sale to be made him by the Townfemen, pleading y* m r Dunfter hath red 1 forty pounds in part thereof The Townfemen do hereby declare y m ly, that the contract being made by the whole Towne with y e fd Thomas, they conceive it not in their power to Abrogate or Alter the fame, and therefore fhall expect the prformance y r off from the faid Thomas according to his Covenant, and fhall accordingly give the faid Thomas security [46] Security for the peaceable Inioym* of the faid houfe with its appurtenances. Alfo whereas m r Dunfter hath made a prposiccon to the Townfmen for the acquitting and discharging of the faid forty pounds fo received as before p r mifed [by the faid Thomas,] vpon the ace* of his out layng for the fchoole houfe. The townfmen do hereby declare ym y that as they cannot yeld to the fame for the Reafons before mentioned, yet never the lefs if m r Dunfter fhall pleafe to p r sent any prpoficcon to the 110 TOWN RECORDS Towne when mett together, they fhalbe willing to further the fame according to Juftice & Equity. 10 march 165 5 / 6 m r Edmund Angier, w m Dixon, Robert Stedman w m Russell & Jno. Stedman have liberty granted them by the Townfemen to fell fome timber, on the comon for the necefsaray reparaccons of their fences. [46] 2 i l ? Aprill 1656. Complaint being made to the felecl men of this Towne of the necessity of a high way to be layd out on the South fide the River, leading from Roxbery path to the Pines, by Charles River, wherevpon the Townfemen going over the River veiwed the said way and alfo the high way, that leadeth from the Pines along by the meadow fide, & having confidered the Advantages & inconveniences of both, do Judge it beft that the high way be layd out in y e line betwen the land of Nathaniell Sparhauke and Richard Dana, the whole length of their land, two Rod in Breadth, and alfo a high way to ly crofse Richard Danas land, about 50 pole, and from thence to be continued throw Richard oldams land, for a high way to watertowne. The wch high wayes the owners of the land adjacent are to have liberty to mainetaine gates convenient for travellers, both for man & beaft and not to turne any cattle at liberty therein. Alfo Richard Dana agreed with y e Townfmen to take five pounds in full sattisfaccon, for his land in both wayes. the long high way that leadeth from the Pines to Roxbery high way being to ly wholly in his land, and th e other crofse way thwart his land to Watertowne mill fo far as his land reacheth, alfo Richard Dana is granted liberty to make vse of the high way annent the Springs at the Pines, and to take the Same in to his owne land by fencing the Same, vntill the Townfemen fhall fee meet to require the fame to be left open againe. Alfo the Townfmen do grant vnto m r Edward Jacfon liberty to take & fence in the highway & Comon land annent his meadow, dureing the pleasure of the Townfmen & vntill fuch time as they fhall require the fame to be fet at liberty againe, vpon condiccSn that he fhall pay vnto TOWN RECORDS III Richard Dana five pounds for the purchafe of the other high wayes before named, prvided alwayes when the Townfmen fhall fee meet to recall the high way againe, they fhall then repay the faid five pounds to the faid m r Jackfon his Heyres or Assignes. June p. 01 . 1656. The Townfmen do confent that Thorn! 8 Dosse fchochman serv* to Ens : Winfhip, fhall have liberty to mow the grasse in the Swamp annent the north end of Spy pond. The Townfmen do appoynt Jno. Stedman & Jno. ffessington to accom- pany Deacon Bridge in ftakeing out the high way betwen the Weft feild and Water = Towne line. OcTxx 13. 1656. The Townfemen do grant liberty to Bro. Jno. Stedman to fell fome timber on ye comon for fencing ftuffe. [47] At a meeting of the Inhabitants of this Towne 10*? 9*? mo. 1656. ffor the Eleccoh of Towne offic's. Richard Jacfon, Jno. Cooper, Jno. ffessington &' Thomas Danforth are chofen felect men for the ordering of the prudentiall affaires of the Towne for the yeare enfueing. Richard Parkes, Edward Shepard and Robert Parker are chofen Conftables for the yeare enfueing, and to Joyne with the aforesaid Sele6l men. Jn? Hafteings, Thomas Wiswall and Abra Errington are chofen surveyo's of the High wayes for the yeare enfueing. At a meeting of the Townfemen. 20*? 9 mo. 1656. Jno. Stedman & Jno. Watfon, are chofen to veiw the necke ffences, the yeare enfueing. Thomas ffox and ffrancis moore are appoynted to veiw the fences about weft feild. Enfigne Winfhip, Willm Russell, and Philip Cooke are appoynted to veiw the fences about the Winottime feild. 112 TOWN RECORDS The Townfmen do agree that the Conftables do forth with take effecluall care for the repaire of the meeting houfe, and fchoole houfe. It is ordered by the Townfemen that whatfoever perfon or perfons, whether at prfit Inhabiting or hereafter mall come to inhabit within the limitts of this Towne, not haveing Towne prviledges eyther by gift or purchafe, or otherwife by confent of the felect men for the time being, every fuch perfon mall have no power to give either vote or fuffrage in any Eleccoh of any Towne officf Deputy or rep r sentative nor yet in ordering or disposeing any of the Comon intereft of the Towne, nor making of Towne orders, nor yet be allowed wood or comonage from of or vpon the Towne Comlons. excepting only in such eleccohs, or cafes, where any are impowered by y e Gen r all Court. At a meeting of the Sele<5l men It is ordered that the Inhabitants of this Towne be all warned to meet to gether the Second Monday of the next mo. by Eight of the Clocke in the morneing to confider and agree about thefe Seu r all things hereafter mentioned, vzt. Concerning the p r servaccon of wood & timber. Conc'ning Comon fences, and orders about Swine, and for the Pub- liming of thofe orders made at the last towne meeting : Alfo concerning imprvem* of families in fpinning and cloathing; [48] At a Gen'all meeting of the Inhabitants of the towne, the 8 4 ? 1 of the 10* mo. 1656. The order made by the Selectmen the loV 1 of the 9* m? laft being publiquely read, is confented vnto by the Inhabitants, excepting only thefe words, by the liberty of the felecl: men is hereby made Null & voyd And it is hereby declared that none have power to enterteine Inhabitants to y e pViledges of tfyg towne, but only the ffree Inhabitants of y e towne. It is ordered, confented and agreed by a Joynt vote of the Towne, that the fecond Munday in march, by nine of the Clocke in the morning flialbe Annually the time for the bringing in of votes By y e ffreemen o/ this towne for y e Nominaccon of Mageftrates, choyce of County Trer. TOWN RECORDS 113 and Choyce of Deputyes for the Gen r all Court, and alfo the fecond Munday in NovemF at y e aforesaid time in the morning fhalbe Annually the time for Eleccon of all Towne offic 18 , and all perfons concerned therein are to attend the said times respectively without expecting any further Notice only it is agreed that Notice fhalbe publiquely given thereof the Lecture before going or else Pofted on the meeting houfe. The Towne do Mutually agree and confent that the felect men mail prporccon to eu r y man fuch a number of Swine as may be moft con- venient for eu r y family to keep, and none mail fuffer a great 1 quan- tity then fuch their prporccon by y m determined to go at liberty on any part of the towne Comons. and that all fuch fwine as go at liberty fhalbe at all times fufficiently ringed, and in the feafon there of yoaked: the fufficiency of both yoakes & rings to be determined from time to time by the Judgm* of the Hog reeves, and that all Penaltyes impofed by y e felect men for the breach of this law, as alfo any other Penall law or order for y e good of the Towne, be from time to time, and at leaft twice eu r y year, levied by y felect men vpon all offenders, without any partiality. The Inhabitants of this Towne do confent to pay each one their prporccon of a rate to y e fume of 200" oo. oo. towards the building a Bridge over Charles River, vpon condiccon the fame may be effected with out further charge to y e towne : voted on y e affirmative. Capt. Gookin, Ed : Goffe, Jn Stedman and Thomas Danforth, are nominated a Comittee to exfecute & effect y e fame. The Towne do agree and confent that there fhalbe a rate made to the vallue of 108" 10? and levied of the feu'all Inhabitants, for the paym* for the fchoole houfe provided eu'y man be allowed w* he hath already freely contrebuted thereto, in part of his prporccon of fuch rate. [48] At a meeting of the Select men the: 15*? of Oftober 1656. The Townfemen do grant liberty vnto Andrew Steevenfon to fell fome timber on the Coinon to fence in his yard. Alfo the Townfemen do grant liberty for the felling timber on the Coinon to fence in the yardes about the houfe of correccoh : 8 114 TOWN RECORDS Bro : Richard Jackson : Jn? ffessington and Robert Parker are granted liberty to take Timber on the Comon for fencing ftuffe and reparaccons : Whereas not withftanding former orders that have been made for the p'servaccdn of wood and Timber lying in Comon with in the bounds of this Towne yet there is much ftroy made of both, wch will in time appeare to be a great damage to the Publique weale of the Inhabitants. It is therefore Ordered by the Select men as an Addition to the form 1 Orders made the 13^ of the I2.m. 1653: That all such Perfons as ftiall hereafter fall any tree or trees vpon any part of the Towne Comons, whether for timber or firewood, fhall from time to time cutt out and eyther Coard, or fett vp an end, fit to load into a cart all the whole tree both body and top, vpon penalty of paying two fhillings for every tree that fhall ly vndone above ten dayes after the falling thereof, excepting only thofe trees wch are for timber and not for riveing, the timber being cutt off, and top cleared away, they may then have liberty to lett such timber ly, foure monthes before it be fetched away, and if it fhall exceed, fuch time, it fhall then be lawfull for any other perfon, that hath right to Towne p'viledges, to make vfe thereof. Provided alwayes if any part of any tree fhalbe fo full of knotts, as that it fhalbe vncapeable of riveing and lhalbe fo Judged by him who fhalbe appoynted for the time being to fee this order executed, with in ten dayes after the falling thereof, In such cafe such perfon as feld the fame fhalbe free from the Penalty of this Order respecting the fame. 2ly. That no fmall tree or trees vnder 12 inches the diameter, two foote above the ground be fallen for timber vpon penalty of two {hillings for every Tree, excepting the felect men give liberty. 3ly. That in cafe any perfon or perfons by reafon of the Extremity price of of the feafon in winter time fhalbe forced to fell any wood wood f or the fire, they fhall then take such as are decaying trees, and not fitt for timber, and fhall pay to the vfe of the towne twelve pence for every load. And in cafe any perfon fhall otherwife tranfgrefse vizt eyther by falling trees for firewood that are fit for timber, or fhall faile to pay the said twelve [49] Twelve pence a load, or to give notice thereof more then foureten dayes after the falling of fuch tree or trees, to fuch perfon as fhalbe from TOWN RECORDS 115 time to time appoynted to fee this order executed every fuch perfon (hall then forfeit five fhillings pr load, to the vfe of the Towne. to be levied by the Conftable, by the appoyntm* of the select men - William Hamlett and Jn Swan are appoynted by the felect men to execute this order for the yeare enfueing. Edw: Goffe, Jn? Stedman, Enf. Winfhipp Thomas Swaetman. & Jn Jackfon are nominated and appoynted by the felect men to execute the order of the Gen'all Court, for the imprvm* of all the families with in the limitts of this towne, in Spinning and cloathing, and each of the faid perfons are to fee to the execuccon of the faid order in their refpec~live quarters of the Towne. Roger Bucke is granted liberty by the felect men to fell timber on the Comon for the imprvem* of his trade. Enf: Ed: Winmip, Jn Cooper. Willm dixon and Willm Rufsell and Thof Hall have liberty to fell timber on the Comon for repareing their out ffences. Jn Shepard have liberty granted him to fell fome timber on the Comon for the vfe of his trade. Enfigne Winmip and Philip Cooke are appoynted to Execute the Order concerning Swine, and Jn Stedman and Jn Watfon are appoynted to Joyne with them, and they are to p r nt all defects to the townffn once a m. vpon the towne meeting day. The Townfemen do agree and confent that Ed : Goffe. Ri : Jackfon. & Thomas Danforth or any two of them mail fett out to Willm Hamlett, fo much of the Rocks annent his houfe, as they mail find him to be damnified by the high way crofsing his land. Sam! Hide is appoynted to execute the order conc r ning fwine, on the South fide the River : [49] At a meeting of the f elect men Jan. 5*? 1656. Robert Stedman hath liberty granted him to fell fome timber on the comon for repaire of his dwelling houfe. Jn. Stedman hath liberty granted alfo for plankes for his ftable. The Townfmen do order that all fuch swine as are taken with out rings on the north Weft fide of the path leading from Watertowne to 116 TOWN RECORDS Capt. Cookes millne in any part of our bounds, except vpon the own's prpriety, the owners of such swine ihalbe liable to pay the penalty of twelve pence a swine, for want of each Ring : 9. (i) 1656 7 Jno. Haftings hath liberty granted him to fell fome timber on the cofnon for reparaccon of his out fences. Thomas Swaetman hath liberty to fell one tree on the Comon for clapbords. Thomas Beale, & Widow Bowers have liberty granted them to fell fome timber on the cofnon for reparaccons of their houfes & fences. William Rufsell being fined 2* 6 d . for want of ringing his swine, ^" he is allowed the fame in part of sattisfaccon for the land taken away by the High way at the north end of his lotts. and the Towne is yet his d r for that land being in all about twenty foure poles : 2f 6 d . Jn Swan hath liberty granted him to mow the Swamp on the north end of Spy pond, this prnt yeare. 1657. Humphery Bredfhew & ]n. Addams, have liberty granted them to fell fome timber on the Cofnon for reparaccSn of their out fences. Daniel Cheaver have liberty granted him to fell a clapbord tree on the Comon James Hubbard hath liberty granted him to fell fome fmall timber on the Comon for the making him a loome. Abram Errington hath "liberty granted him to fell fome timber on ye comon for fencing his gardens. The Townfmen do give m r Cooke liberty to fell fome timber on the Comon for repareaccon of his mill & mill houfe. Jonathan Padlefoote hath liberty granted him to fell fome timber on the comon for repairaccon of his out fences the townfmen do give John Marrit and John greene liberty to fell fome timber for clapbord and ground filling Liberty granted to brother Kemftere to fell fome timb r for his trade. John Palfraye hath liberty granted to fell a tre or two for his trade. TOWN RECORDS 117 4- (7) 57 : Thomas Gleifon being a delinquent, by leaveing y e tops of 5 : trees, uncutt out contrary to towne orders, y e fine being lof and for his fwine 6? he appeared before y e townfmen and acknowledged his fault. & submitted himfelfe, where vppon y e townfmen abated him 9f and ordered y e Conftable to levy seaven shillings of him [50] Philip Cooke is fined 12? for breach of y e Towne order by his swine. ]n. Greene oo oo 6 And. Belcher. oo 06 06 m r Angier oo 07 oo m r Stedman. oo 07 06 W m Barrett. oo or 03 m r Day oo 01 06 W m Patten. oo 02 06 Richard Cutter. oo 02 03 W m Russell. oo 01 oo ^ Jno. Swan. oo 02 oo Jno Gibfon oo 02 03 Charles fterns oo 01 06 Th : Beale oo oo 09 Th : Longhorne oo 02 06 Ed : Goffe 00 03 03 Nich : Withe oo 02 06 Th : Chefholme oo 01 06 Roger Bucke oo 00 09 W m Man -oo oo 06 W m Manning oo 01 06 m r Andrews Alias Dauid G. oo oo 06 9 (12) 56. form'ly fined David ffiske oo 01 03 Abram Holman X oo 02 06 Rich : Cutter oo 02 06 Jno. Addams oo 07 oo Il8 TOWN RECORDS Humph : Bredfhew oo 02 oo Bro : Cooke X oo 02 oo ffr. Moore oo 01 06 Th : Browne oo oo 09 W* Russell X 00 02 06 m*. Dunfter oo 02 06 W Russell oo oo 03 Jno. Addams oo oo 06 Jno. Swan oo 04 06 Geor. Polly oo 01 06 [50] Gilbert Crackbone oo 02 03 W 1 Bull. oo oo 09 W m Man oo or oo Ch: fternes oo 01 03 Jno. Gibson. oo oo 06 W m Patten. 00 0109 * Nich : Withe oo 02 03 George Willows oo oo 09 Math: Bridge. oo or 03 Edw. Winfhip oo 01 oo 4- (7) 57 Sam* Goffe is fined for felling ) a tree on y e townn land in y e neck > oo 05 oo Richard Jackson for neglecl: to cut out j tops of trees is fined ) oo 04 oo 17*? 7*? m. 1657 The Townfmen do grant liberty vnto Richard Jackson to fell timber on the Coinon for reparaccon of his out fences. The Townfmen do Order that the high way into Pine Swamp feild, begining at Edw : Halls houfe, fhalbe continued where it hath formly vfed for divers years paft, to ly about one pole in breadth fo as that two carts may meet w th out damage each to other. Whereas the Conftables of this towne are put to great trouble and expence of their time by seu r all perfons that either obflinately refufe or TOWN RECORDS 119 carelefly neglect to pay their refpective fines or rates, haveing ben law- fully demanded. The Tovvnfmen do therefore Order and hereby impower the Con- ftable or any other perfon impowred for receiveing such fines or rates to levy the same by diftrefs, vppon th' eftate of fuch perfon fo refufeing or neglecting, and \v th the fame for his paynes and travell two fhillings, for each rate or fine so taken by diftrefs. Enf: Edw: Winfhip informed the Townfmen of thefe feu'all perfons vnder written, for breach of the town A orders, whofe fines according to the towne order are as followeth Jn Swan. oo 1 8 09 Jn Addams. oo 01 06 W m Bull. oo oo 03 Tho : Gleifon oo 05 09 W m Munrow oo oo 06 W m Rufsell 00 02 06 Rich : Cutter oo oo 03 ffra : Whitmore oo oo 09 ffra: moore hath liberty to fell timber on the comon for reparaccon of his out fences. [51] 13- (8) 57 At a meeting of the select men Bro : Edw. Gofife, for breach of the towne order about fwine is fined. OO 04 03 Jn? Swan is abated of his fines. I2f6 < ? oo 12 06 At a meeting of the Select men 2. (9 mo) 1657. Bro : Watson gave in the names of these perfons vnder written, for Breach of Towne orders respecting swine, for neglect in yoaking & Ringing. 120 TOWN RECORDS m r Angier oo 01 06 Br Goffe. oo 02 09 Th: Longhorne. oo 01 oo Andrew Belcher. oo 02 09 m r ftedman oo 05 oo Bro : Greene Jn oo oo 06 W m Michelfon. oo oo 06 Thomas Chefholme. oo 02 oo Gilbert Crackbone oo 01 oo Goodm. fternes. oo 01 06 Rich. Cutter. oo 02 09 W m Man. oo or oo 01 02 03 Jno. Swan is abated his fine of 12* 6 d for labor & time spent in surveying y e woodes & comons. Jno. Watson is allowed, for his paines & travell in executing the Orders concerning fwine, three pounds, the w ch he is to receive out of the fines, and in cafe any refufe to pay he is to take y e fame by diftrefse : with 2* pr head, according to towne order. Alfo he is to gather all fines due, from y e feu'all Inhabitants for breach of towne orders conc'ning fwine, timber & wood. The Select men At a gen r all meeting of the Inhabitants of this Towne, It was voted affirmative, that Enfigne Edward Winship shall have the swampy peece of land annent his houfe, towards Spy pond, prvided he shall not take in the Well, nor yet pound or otherwife damnific any greate cattle apprteyning to this towne for trespassing on the fame at any time or times w* soeu r . The selecl men do grant vnto Richard Eccles in confideraccon of the damage done him by the High way going crofs his lott, that he fhall have the vfe & benefit of the High way anent his lott in recompence of yt damage he Suffereth thereby. TOWN RECORDS 121 [51] At a Publique meeting of the Inhabitants Novem r . 9* 1657 There were chofen thefe publique officers of the Towne for the yeare enfueing. M r Joseph Cooke, m r Edward Goffe & Thomas Danforth Comifsion r s for ending Small cafes. Comifsion r s Edward Oakes, Thomas Danforth, John Cooper, and John ffessington, Select men. Seledt men Thomas Hamond, Robert Holmes, & John Watson Conftable Conftables m r Stedman, m r Sparhauke & Robert Browne Surveyo of the high wayes. Voted affirmative that Deacon John Bridge, Deacon Stone, Edw. Goffe, & John ftedman, Edward Oakes, and Thomas Danforth, are chofen a Comittee to divide the wood on the Eaft fide Winottime River, (i e) to leave about one fix* part of the trees ftanding for the vfe of the Towne and to divide the reft, alfo they are to take order for clearing the fhrubs and fmall young trees in the ox pafture. voted affirmative, that the deacons, Townfemen, m r Jackson, Edw. Goffe, m r Stedman & Edw. Winfhip are appoynted to make a levy of two hundred and forty pounds for the main- Paftors (fc^ 1 tenance this yeare, and for the paym* of the debts, ley y* * of our Reverend Pastor m r Michell. At a meeting of the Select men, 14* of decem r . 1657 W Rufsell hath liberty to fall fome timber on the comon for his out fences, & fome building. liberty is granted vnto m r ftedman m r Angier &c. the owners of the Catch Triall to fell fome timber on the Comon for a warehoufe. John Cooper hath licence granted him to fell fome timber for his building & reparaccon of his out fences. & Robert Homes hath the like liberty. 122 TOWN RECORDS m r Ed\v. Jackson, Deacon Bridge, Edward oakes & Thomas Danforth are appoynted a Comittee to lay out & settle Such High wayes as they find necefsary on the south fide the river [52] Samuel Hastings hath liberty granted him to fell timber on y e comon to fet a mop on his fathers land at his Homeftall lott. ii l ? 11*? m? 1657. M r Edward Jackson, ]n. Jackson, Richard Parkes & Samuel Hide are appoynted a Comittee to lay out and fettle the high wayes in reffer- ence to the proprieto at that end of the Towne, prvided they p r judice not y e Towne, otherwife then by crofsing vppon any part of the comon, as need shall require. Jn? Greene hath liberty granted him to fell timber on the coinons for an addition to his dwelling houfe. Jn watfon hath liberty granted him to fell timber on y e comon for y e repaire of his barne & other buildings. George Polly hath liberty granted him to fell timber on the comon for repaire of his out fences. There being nineten ac r s of land due to be layd out to Eld r Champny on the south fide the river, the Townfmen do grant him liberty to have the same layd out on ftrawberry Hill adjoyneing to the other nineten ac's that he hath on the f 1 Hill. The, above s d 19. ac's to be layd out by Edw r d oakes, & Thomas Danforth. Deacon Jno. Bridge hath liberty to fell fome timber on the Comon for repayre of his out fences. The marfhall hath liberty granted him to fell fome timber on the Comons for repaire of his houfeing. Goodm Gleifon hath liberty granted him to fell fome timber on y e Comon for repaire of his out fences agft o r Comon. Andrew Belcher hath liberty granted him to fell fome timber on y e comon for fencing & reparaccon of his houfes. daniell Cheauer hath liberty granted him to fell fome timber on the Common for repayering of his outt fence TOWN RECORDS 123 15*? 1 2 1657: The Townfemen do grant liberty vnto Thomas Gleifon to fell fo many trees on the comon as may be sufficient for a barne floare for Thomas Beale, vppon condiccon y* he obferve y e towne order therein. Jn ffessington & Thomas Danforth have liberty granted them to fell Timber on the comon for the reparaccon of their Houfes & fences : [52] Thomas ffox, Robert Parker, and ffrancis moore are appoynted by the Townfemen to survey & regulate the ffences apprteyneing to the weft feild. Bro. Edward Goffe, and B r . Jn? ftedman are appoynted by the Select men to survey & regulate the ffences apprteyneing to the necke of land. Willm Russell & Ensigne Winship are appoynted by the felecl: men to survey & regulate the fences apprteyneing to the Comon feild beyond Winottime River. Daniel Cheavers is appoynted to fee the order of the Towne Executed in reference to yoaking & Ringing of swine. It being teftified to the Townfemen that Nicholas Withe had a Towne right or liberty of building him a houfe in y e Towne granted him about 19: years now paft, the wch right was fold by the faid Nicholas withe to Jno Cooper, the felecl: men agreed & confented that the faid grant mould be entred vppon Record, as a Towne grant, to have p'viledge in y e Towne as other grants of y e fame nF that were granted by the felecl: men. . At a Towne meeting of the Select men the 8 th of march i65 7 / 8 - Thomas Swaetman hath liberty granted him to fell some timber on the Comon for repaire of his out fences and addition to his buildings. Daniel Kempfter hath liberty to fell fome 6. or 7. trees on the Comon for the vfe of his Trade. Charles Sternes covenanteth w th y e felecl: men to keep there milch heard this p r nt sum*, beginning his charge on the 20"? of Aprill next & to continue vntill the 20^ of October. & to find all the help that he mail 124 TOWN RECORDS need for the carefull discharge thereof, and to p'vide two sufficient Bulls, & to burne the woodes feafonably & carefully. In confideraccon S whereof the f elect men do covenant to allow the said Charles three ! (hill. & Eight pence pr. head, to be p d in mann r following: (i e) to -a receive it of the seu r all owners of the cattle, th' one halfe in wheat. at 4f 6*. pr bum. Rie at 3f 6 d . pr bufti. and Indian at 3? pr bum. in all or either y e s d graines at or before midsunV next, & th' other halfe in such graine and at fuch prifes as the next Country, rate is payd in. mem r . It is to be vnderftood y* y e agreem* is y* for each Cow y e Cow keepr (hall have one pecke of wheat, or two pound butter & the reft of y e paym* to be in any graine excepting only pease in y firft paym*. his yy marke Charles Sterne [53] 8 (i) i6s'/8 The select men do nominate & impower Bro : Goffe, & Bf ftedman, to veiw and determine the matter in difference between the neighbours on the fouth fide the Riv r about the Highway neere Jno. Wards Houfe. Bro. Edw : Hall hath liberty to fell timber on the Comon for fencing his orchard. Peter Towne hath liberty to fell fome trees on the Comon for the vfe of his Trade before the laft of may next. 12. (2) 58 John Swan hath liberty granted him to fell fome timber on the Comon to fence in a garden plott, and to build an adition to his houfe. John shepard hath liberty for two load of timber on y e Comon for his trade. At a Towne meeting the 8 th NovemF 58. for choyce of Towne offic ra . Jno. Cooper, Nathaniell Sparhauke and Jn? Shepard are chofen Conftables for the yeare enfueing. TOWN RECORDS 125 Edw: Goflfe Edw. Oakes & Thomas Danforth are chofen Comifsion 19 for ending fmal cafes. Edward Oakes, Thomas Danforth, Jn. ffessington & Thomas ffox are chofen Select men to gether with y e Conftables for y e yeare enfueing. Jn. ftedman, Ric. Robbins & ffrancis Moore JunF are chofen Sur- veyo 13 for the yeare enfueing. Tho : Danforth is nominated to be p r fented vnto y e County Court to (fc^* be impowred in manages, & giveing oathes in Civill cafes. The Towne do grant to David ffiske a prcell of meadow, neere to Deacon ftones farme, about fix acrs. more or lefs in cafe the artillery grant do not deprive him of the fame. [53] At a meeting of the Inhabitants the io th of IJA 1658; mo Thefe following propoficcons were voted by the Towne in the affirmative : 1. That the great Swamp lying with in the bounds of this Towne, on the Eaft fide of frefh pond meadow, & Winottime brooke, fhalbe divided into prtic r alotments & prpriety. 2. That no person that hath any part or parcell thereof granted vnto him or mall purchafe any part thereof, (hall alienate the Same to any perfon not inhabiting w th in the bounds of this Towne, on g penalty of forfeiting the Said land vnto the vfe of the Towne, & that no perfon shall alienate or difpofe of the wood of any prt y r of ^ to any perfon not Inhabiting within the bounds of this Towne, on penalty of forfeiting so much by the load as if he had sold it from g off the coinon. And that vpon no other Condiccons then thefe above named shall any perfon hold any prpriety therein. 3 : That vntill it be divided it shall not be lawfull for any perfon to fell any prt thereof on penalty of forfeting 2* pr load. 4. That the Deacons, Townfemen, Ri : Jackson. Jn. ftedman Jonas Clark & David ffiske, with all convenient speed make the divifsion thereof according to their best difcretion, as alfo to determine how farr it shalbe divided, & how farr it shalbe left in Coinon. 126 TOWN RECORDS At a meeting of the Select men, 2O th " 1658 mo It was agreed by the felect men, & confented vnto, by Thomas Danforth, m r Pelhams Attorney that m r Pelham mould have one hun- dred acc r of land, according to the former grant of the f elect men 13: march. 53: vpon confideracxons therein exprefs.ed, But the wood & Timber thereon to ly in Comon to the vfe of the Towne. [54] At a meeting of the select men. 14. (12) 1658: Widow Daniell, Thomas Longhorne, Robert Parker. Willm Man & Edw. Hall are granted liberty to fell timt5 on y e Comon for reparaccon of their out fences & Houfes. Ens. Winship is allowed to take 4 : trees vpon the Rockes in lew of his right in y* wood y* was divided to y e towne on Winottime Playne. Granted to Br. Kempfter liberty to fell fix trees on the Comon for to repaire his Houfe & trade. & to Deacon Marritt for repaire of his Houfe & adition of a leanto. BF Cooper hath liberty to fell fome tirrib" on y e Comon for repaire of his out fences. B r . Ri : Jackson hath liberty granted to fell some tinrb on the comon for repaire of his fences. At a publique meeting of the Inhabitants of this Towne, 18. (12) & flfor the p'venting of further ftroy of wood in the great Swamp, It is ordered by the confent of the Inhabitants, That henceforth all perfons that cut any wood therein from time to time shall duly obferve thefe following direccons., viz*. 1. They mall Anually enter vpon fuch part thereof as the felect men for the time being shall appoynt. 2. They shall cutt downe all the brum as they go along, & shall cutt out the great wood, the fame day they fall it, & alfo faggott vp the Brush, on penalty of forfeiting five fhill pr load, for neglect thereof, TOWN RECORDS 127 more then three dayes : as alfo for cutting in any other part or place of y e fwamp. then fhalbe appoynted them as above faid. the one " halfe of w ch fine fhalbe to y e inform 1 , and the other halfe to y e vfe of & the Towne. And in cafe any perfon shall have any wood fallen, & g vncut out & fet vp an end more then three dayes, or vnfetched out of the fwamp more then fix m? it fhalbe lawfull for any other perfon to take the fame. 3. That none do cut down any prt of the fecond growth, or pass through the fame with a cart, on penalty of paying twelve pence for eu r y tree, hop pole or hoope pole, and [54] and five shill, for eu r y time they shall passe throw the fame with their cart. 4ly That fuch as will ingage to fubdue it for meadow, and mail accordingly give in their names to y e felecl: men w th in a fortnight, mail have a prcell fett out vnto them by the Comittee form r ly appoynted to divide the faid fwamp not exceeding one acc r & halfe to any one perfon. And that fuch perfons mail have no intereft in the refidue of the great fwamp, that lieth w th in the fence now to be fett vp for the fecureing of the weft feild. All thefe prticls were voted on y e affirmative. Where as m r Tompson had two fmall farmes granted by the Towne, w ch were not determined by lott, in the ordering the divifsion of the farmes. The w ch farmes were fold by m r Tompfon to Joseph Juitt of Rowley, & one hundred acc r s thereof fold againe by the faid Juitt to m r Angier, & by m r Angier to m r Wilcocke, as attorney of m r W Tann r , of Coxall, & by m r Eake attorney of y e f d Tann r , fold vnto Thomas Danforth, to gether w th the farme where Ri : Hafsull is.* The Towne did vote it ; that the faid hundred ace's mould be layd out beyond the farmes already layd out on the fouth fide the riv r : neere into the great pond by m r Haynes farme. Voted on the affirmative, That the Elders, Deacons, & Select men for the time being, fhalbe a constant & fetled power for regulateing, ye feating of perfons in the meeting houfe, from time to time as need shall require. 128 TOWN RECORDS At a meeting of the felect men, 21. (12) 58. It is ordered that all perfons that either already have, or hereafter shall fall any [55] any tree, vpon any high way, do forthw tu cleare away the fame, on penalty of paying five fhill. for eu r y trefpafs herein. This order was publifhed by polling on y e meetinghoufe. 23 : (12) 58 : Richard Robbines & Jn? Jackson are impowred to excecute the orders conc r ning fwine, on y e fouth fide y e Riu r Ens. Winship. Jno. Watson, & Rog r Bucke, to execute the orders about fwine on the north fide y e Riuf All w ch are to p r fent the names of all delinq 18 eu r y towne meeting da A Nicholas Withe, Robert Parker, & David fiske, are to furvey the fences about Weft feild for this yeare enfueing, and Jno. ftedman & Thomas Longhorne are in like mane r appoynted for the necke of land, And Ens. Winship & for Winottime feild. The 14^ of march. 165%. Granted liberty to m r Joseph Cooke to take 70 : Railes & 40 : poftes of the comon in lew of so many that was taken of his p r priety for the fenceing his yard & orchard. The difference between the prprietors of the new ox pafture lotts*, & Ri : Jackson being referred to y e f elect men, & Deacon Bridge by y e mutuall confent of both prtys. they do judge meet & determine that during the time the faid Ri: Jackson shall imprve it for feed of draught cattle, according to the native grant, or otherwife fuffer it to ly in comon, he fhall mainetaine a fufficient fence, twelve pole in length, betwen Jonathan Padlefootes lott & that, & in cafe he shall againe imprve it for corne, he shal A then make & mainteine th' one halfe of the faid Particcon fence : [55] Jno. ftedman, & Thomas Danforth are appoynted a comittee to confider of the complayntes of Tho : Hamond & wm Clemance conc r ning the want of land that of right belongeth to them on th' other fide the river, and to make them such allowance as they shall find juft. TOWN RECORDS 129 June 20*? 1659. It is ordered by y e Selectmen, that all y e Inhabitants, whofe cattle do feed vpon any part of our Cow comon, within five miles of the meeting houfe, on the north fide of the river, fhall pay to the heardsman, whether of Cowes or fheep, prporcconable to y e n? of cattle fo feeding, any form 1 law, coftome, or vfage to the contrary not w th ftanding, Excepting only fuch farmes as cannot with convenience put their cattle to any heard. August 8** 1659. Whereas complaynt is made of great ftroy of Corne in the necke of land not w th ftanding all form* orders y* have bin made for reftraint of vnruly cattle, & prvission of fufficient fences. The felecl: men do therefore order that Henceforth w* eu r cattle fhall be found damage faifant in the faid feild, the own r thereof fhall pay vnto the occupier of the land whereon the trespasse is comitted, or to the comon pinder, (i e) to fuch of them as fhall bring them out of the faid feild, Eighten pence for each beaft, & in cafe it be proved that any perfon hath vol- untarily turned his cattle or beaft in to the s d necke of land, he fhall then pay five fhillings for each beaft to fuch perfon as fhall bring them out. prvided alwayes where the default is meerly in the fence, & the cattle fo found are not illegall in fuch cafe y e owner of the cattle shall go free, & the own r of the fence throw w ch they trespassed fhall pay all cofts & charges, fines & damages, w ch otherwife the own r s of the cattle ought to have fattisfied. And m r ftedman & Tho. Longhorne are [56] appoynted to be the comon pinder A of all cattle found in the faid feild for this p'fent yeare * [56] Novem! 1659. At a gen'all meeting of the Inhabitants for choyce of Towne officers. ffor Townfemen for the yeare enfueing Thomas Danforth Edw. Oakes Jno. Cooper Jn. ffifhenden * Remainder of page blank. 9 130 TOWN RECORDS Conftables C ffrancis moore < Thomas Longhorne (. Thomas cheny Jan. 23. 1659 At a publique meeting of the Inhabitants, It was voted on the affirmative that the remote inhabitants on the south side y e Riu r , should annually be abated the one halfe of y r prporccon to the miniftryes allowance dureing the time they were prvided of an able minifter accord- ing to law. ffeb! 13. 1659. Liberty is granted by the Townfemen to Willm Towne George Willowes. Jn? Cooper, & Thomas Danforth, to fell some fencing timb. on y* cofnon for their vfe, according to Towne order, in like mann r , to Deacon ftone, & to Jn? fteadman for planke fencing & a leantoo. for a barne floare & to Jno. Goave a Clapbord Tree & to Jn? Palfrey 3. trees for his trade. To Daniel Cheaver for fencing & a clapbord Tree. Willm man being complained on for defficiency of his fence, anent y e Weft feild, is to pay David ffiske the surveyor of that fence two mill. & three pence; & in caufe he fhall refuse, to pay on demand the Conftable is to take it by diftrefs. March, 19. 165.9 60 Nicholas Withe acknowledgeth that he hath covenanted w th Gilbert Crackbone to make & maintaine for euer five rod of cofnon fence, apprteyneing to y e land of y 6 faid Gilbert lying anent the yard of the said Nicholas withe. [57] 14. (3) 1660. It is ordered that who euer turnes any fheep into o r comon, that is not an Inhabitant of y e towne, fhall pay 5* a head for the Sumerfeed thereof. TOWN RECORDS 131 Samuel Goffe being convi<5led of disorderly falling & takeing away sundry loades of wood, from y e towne lott in y e ox pafture is ordered to pay to the vfe of the towne fiften lhilling A Samuel Goffe, Tho. Beale, Daniel Kempster, Jn? Bowtell, Ri: Haffull. are granted libty to fell timb. for repair of y r comon fences & buildings. & to Daniel Kempfter 6 trees for his trade. 22. (3). I66O. The Townfmen agreed that Thomas Browne mould haue foure^acc' of the neereft comon land not form r ly granted by the Town, in con- fideraccon of a high way to be left & made through his land leading from y e houfe of Thomas cherry towards Water-Towne milne. The Townfmen agreed that the quantity of land given by the Town to Jonas Clarke mould be five acc r s to be layd out vv th Thomas Browne foure acc r s, if he defired it. m r Edmund Angier makeing of it appeare y* his farme houfe on the south fide the Riu r is an old p'viledged houfe, is granted libty to fall timb on y e comon for making his out fences. 28. (3) 1660 At a gen'all meeting of the Inhabitants, voted on the affirmative. That there be a fence errecled vpon Water=Towne line from Willm Hamletts land, vnto Rockie meadow fence. 2. That y r be a comittee of 7 : men chofen to confider & determine, the ordering, makeing & mainteining of that fence, & y* y e charge thereof be levied vppon the prprieto's of the Comon, according as they fhall Judge equall. 3. The comittee for this worke chofen by papers, are Thomas Danforth, Deacon Jn? Bridge, Deacon Gregory ftone, Ri: Jackson, Leift. Edw. Winship. Jn? Cooper & Jn? ffessington. 12. (4) 1660. At a meeting of the Sele<5l men, seu'all persons fined ( Henry Rainer. o 8 o for felling & ftroying J Sam? Rainer. 05 timb on y c comon lands, are f David stone. 07 ^ Sam! stone. o 2 o 132 TOWN RECORDS [57] Thomas Longhorne hath liberty to fell timb on the comon for his barne. liberty is granted to Peter Towne for two trees for 'his trade, & for w* he needs for the repayre of his houfe At a Publique meeting of the Inhabitants the 12*? of novemF 1660. Thomas Chefholme, Jn. Ward, & Richard Eccles are chofen Con- ftables, for the yeare enfueing. Cap* Daniel Gookin, Thomas Danforth, Edward Oakes, Jn? Cooper, John ffishenden & Thomas ffox are chofen Select men for the yeare enfueing. Thomas Browne, Jonath. Hide, Jofeph Mirriam, Walter Haftings, & Robert Holmes are chofen Surveyo r s of high wayes. Thomas Danforth. Jno. ftedman. Jn? ffifhenden & Thomas ffox are appoynted a Comittee to veiw the land defired by Deacon ftone being about 30. or 40. accres. & if they fhall fee meet to fet a price of it, or otherwife as they shall fee meet. The Land in the necke -w^ the Towne bought of Deacon Jn? Bridge, by eftimaccon ab* 7. acc ra more or lefs, is fold to Thomas Longhorne, on Condiccon that he pay ten pounds & five millings in Corne or Cattle, to the vfe of the towne. As a finall ifsue of all complaints referring to m r Dunfters Expences about the schoole houfe, all though in ftri<5r. juftice nothing doth appeare to be due, it being done by a voluntary act of prticular Inhabitants, & 'm r Dunfler: & alfo the Towne haueing otherwife recompenced m r Dunfter for his labor and expences therein yet y e Towne confidering the cafe as its now circumftanced,*and especially the Condiccon of his reli6t widow & children, do agree y* thirty pounds be levied on the Inhabi- tants of the Towne by the Select men, & payd to m r Dunfters Exce- cuto r s, & y* on Condiccon y* they make an abfolute deed of fale of y e TOWN RECORDS 133 ^p Said Houfe and land to the Towne, with a clear acquittance for the full payment thereof. Edward Oakes, & William Manning, are chofen to Joyne w th the Comittee form r ly chofen y e eight of decem r 1656. for the profecuteing & effecting a Bridge over Charles Riue r . [58] prefent Capt. Gookin, Thomas Uanforth, Jn? Cooper Edw. Oakes. Jn ffishenden Tho. ffox. Tho. Chesholme. Ri : Eccles. At a meeting of y e Select men 12. (9) 1660. Cap*- Gookin m r ftedman, William Manning. David ffiske. Deacon Marrett Ri : ffrancis & Humphry Bredlha. Haue all of them libty to take timb on y e comons. for repaires of y r houfes, out fences & orchards. Robert ftedman hath hired of the f elect men, the land w th in y e necke gate called the clay pitts, for 7 years, on Condiccon to secure w* cattell he shall put y m by a sufficient fence and to pay 10? pr ann m to the vfe of the Towne. Tho: ffox, and ffrancis moore JunF are appoynted to lay out to David ffiske, forty accres of land, fornVly granted him at y e head of y Eight mile line. p r fent. Thomas Danforth, Edw. oakes, Jn? Cooper, Jn9 ffishenden, Tho ffox, Th. Chefholme, Ri: Eccles. At a meeting of the Select men Deacon ftone, Jn? Cooper. Rich. Eccles, Tho. ffox, wm pattin. Jno. Goave, Jn. watson. ffr. whitmore haue all of them libty to take .timb. for repair of fences & reparaccon of y r houfes. ffrancis whitmore hath leave granted him to take fome pines in the Swamp to build him a barne. 134 TOWN RECORDS * Jno. shcpard hath liberty granted to take two trees for his Trade. Deacon Bridge, Thomas fox & ffrancis Moore Junf are appoynted to Joyne w"* fome of watertowne to marke out y e line between o r bounds in y e great Swamp. The Townfemen do order that no Tradefmen fhall be allowed above two trees pr Ann. out of the Coraons for his trade. [58] ffebruary the 4* 1660. At a publique meeting of the Inhabitants of this Towne, The form 1 proposiccons & votes that had passed for the building of a Bridge over Charles Riuer, were againe confidered & debated, and the Queftion being propounded, whether the Towne did agree & confent that the faid worke fhould yet be further profse- cuted, and that 200'* should be levied on the Inhabitants of this towne towards the effecting thereof, the Vote passed on the affirmative. Sundry young men haue liberty granted them to build a gallery on y e South beame, on condiccon that they shall not dispose their feates therein to any other, but leave them to y e order of thofe y* are ap- poynted to regulate y e fitting of perfons in y e meeting houfe. 20. 12* 1660. The townfmen ordered, y* none cutt out any of y e wood fallen for y c Bridge, on penalty of 3? 6? pr load, w* 11 out leave of y e the towne, & that Edw. Oakes & Jno. ffishenden, make fale of such as is vfefull to ship carpenters, for y e publique good of y e Town. Jn. Watson hath liberty to fell timb on y e Comon for his building, & for fencing ftuffe, on condiccon y* if y e Towne at a publique meeting confent not to y* for his building. He shall pay the worth y r of to y e Towne. TOWN RECORDS 135 At a Publ : meeting of the Inhabitants, the 2. munday in novem r . 1661. The Tovvne being mett together, did choofe thefe seu r all offic r s for the yeare enfueing. for Select men, Capt. Gookin, Thomas Danforth Edw. Oakes. Jn? Cooper, Jn? ffessington. Thomas ffox. for conftables. ( Richard Dana. < Abram Errington for Surveyo's of Highwayes ( Walter Hastings Leift. Winfhip. Jofeph Mirriam. Thomas Longhorne. Wm Robbins. [59] 1 3th of May, 1661. The Townfemen do Judge meet to grant the request of Thomas Danforth for the removall of the Towne gate y* ftandeth agft Thomas Swaet- mans, that it may be removed below Jno : Taylors prfnt. Capt Gookin Edw. Oakes Tho: Chefholme Jno : ffiftienden Jno : Cooper orchard, prvided He do the Same at his owne Ri: Eccles _ charge, & for the mayntenance of the Same for the future they do agree to allow him two shillings pr. Ann. vntill such time as the Towne shall orderly dismisse Him from any further care or charge about the Same.* [59] At a meeting of the Inhabitants. Janu? 1 3th. 1661. The Towne do order & confent that the land beyond Dedham path, leading between watertowne mill, & Leift. Prentices, on the north side thereof, be fold to thofe of that pr* of the Towne that belong to y new meetinghoufe there : on condiccon that they give good security to the Towne for payment of twenty pounds pr Ann for ever to the vfe of the other prt of the Towne belonging to the old meetinghoufe on the north fide the Riu r : the w cb condiccons being prformed, the Towne do * Remainder of page blank. 136 TOWN RECORDS grant that all thofe Inhabitants beyond foure miles diftante from the old meetinghoufe, fhall be wholly free from the Towne, In cafe the Gen'all Court mall rattify & confirme the faid agreemt Capt. Daniel Gookin. Thomas Danforth, Gregory flone, Jno: ftedman, & Edward Oakes, are nominated & impow r ed by the Towne to treat w 1 ? o r Brethren & neighbo's on the fouth fide the Riuf & to ifsue the matter w th them according to the above named proposiccon made & agreed by the Towne. The Towne do agree & confent that all the comon lands on the South fide the Riu r , on th' eaft fide of dedham Path, shall be divided into prpriety to the feu r all Inhabitants that haue an intereft therein, as alfo such comon lands as ly in the Seventh mile on the north fide the Riuf alfo 'tis agreed that the neere lands on the Head of m r Andrews farme on Bofton Line shall be divided to each perfon his mare y r in & the other parcells to be divided in one divission to each one y r mare. Alfo tis agreed that all the Swamps within the bounds of this Towne, not w" 1 in the compasse of form' divissions & not prfitable for feed, be forth w 01 divided, to such of the Inhabitants as haue an intereft therein. The Towne do agree that the Deacons, felecl: men, Jno. ftedman, Ri : Jackson, & Leift. Edw. Winship, shall & are hereby impowred a comittee, for the determining of w* Swamps & other lands they Judge meet to divide, & to divide the Same to the Inhabitants that haue an intereft therein both for quantity & quality as they fhall Judge equall : The Towne do agree that fuch as will ingage to make meadow of y r mare of Swamp, may haue it layd out together. The Towne do agree & confent by their vote in publick meeting to all thefe divifsions above named, on condiccon, that neither wood, timb' or land be fold or passed away from the Towne, on penalty of forfeiting the fame to y e vfe of the Towne againe. The [60] January. 13. 1661 Grant to The T owne ^o grant to Capt. Gookin & to m r mitchell, Mitchel twenty acc r s of land apeece, to be layd out to ym on the neere lands on the fouth fide the RiuF where it may be convenient for y r imprvemt by Tillage. TOWN RECORDS 137 At a meeting of the Select men. 13* (11.) 1661 The Townsmen do grant libty to Sam! Gofife, Leift. Winship, widow Beale, Ranold Bum, philip Cooke, Edw: Shepard, Thomas Danforth, & Capt. Gookin, to fell some timb, on the comons for the repayre of y r houfes & out fences, alfo to Robert parker. Thomas Chemolme, Ens. Greene, wm Barratt, & waiter Raftings Abram Errington, & to Peter Towne one Tree for his trade, & alfo for his fencing & a leanto. to Jno. Ihepard two trees for his trade, to Jonathan Kane 2. trees for his trade. To Elder ffroft libty for repayre of his out fences & of his buildings. To Jno. ffessington & Thomas ffox, libty for fencing ftuffe. To mathew Bridge for covering his houfe. To Zachariah Hicks libty for timb to repayre his Houfe. Philip Cooke for falling 4 trees on y e Rocks w th out licenfe is fined, 2f 6? a tree, rof o? Alfo Philip Cooke for falling trees in y e Swamp beyond Winottime Riu r . w th out licenfe is fined thirty millings. Renold Bufh is granted libty to take timb. of the comon for repayre- ing his houfe, takeing such trees as Sam! Hide shall marke out for such vfe, & alfo for fireing taking such wood as is fallen : & not felling any young trees vnder 6 inches diameter. At a meeting of the Select men, 10 (12) 1661. Wm. Dixon, widow Russell, Jno. Boutell, James Hubbard, ffrancis moore, Jno. Bridge haue libty to take timbf.. for y r fencing & building- Seu'all fined for falling trees on the Comon w tb out licenfe. Jn? watfon, i8f Nicholas withe six (hill: ffrancis moore, two shillings. An order was ported prhibiting all felling any wood or timb. on the lands divideable on the South Side on penalty of five millings a tree. Jno. Boutell hath libty for 5. load wood on y e South side y e Riu r of y e tops fallen. 138 TOWN RECORDS tfine [60] George Willowes for not attending the Towne meeting being warned is fined twelve pence. Philip Cooke abated of his fine laft towne meeting, ten {hillings. 20 th of March. i66_I_. 2 Jno. Cooper, Thomas Marritt. & Robert Browne is grantad libty for fencing ftuffe. Deacon ftone is granted a fwamp Oake on y e eaft fide winottime Riu r . grant of m r mitchell is granted a tree for a fider presse. a tree to Rev Mr MitchU for a cyder mill. The Townfemen do order that the Constables do levy a rate on the inhabitants, each perfon the one moyty of his Country Rates & fuch as be not in the Country Rate, that they be added therevnto. 25. of march, 1662. The Townsmen taking into their consideration the equity of allow- ance to be made to mr Corlett for his maintenance of a gramer Schoole fewnes in this Towne, especially considering his p r fent necessity, 10.00 by reason of the fewnes of his fchollars, do order & agree that ten pounds be payd to him. out of the publicke ftocke of the Towne. 14. (2) 1662. liberty is granted to m rs Dunster to fell timb for repayre of the Comon fence agft. wm Bulls. The Townfmen confented at y e requeft of m r Richard Champny, y* y e lands granted him, at Alewife meadow, not excepted for Highwayes, or fold to ffrancis whitmore, be entred in y e name of m r Edm : ffroft. It is ordered by y e fele6l men, y* none fell any trees on y e High wayes of this Towne except for publ : vfe, on paenalty of forfeiting 20? a tree. TOWN RECORDS 139 3. 9. 1662. The Townfmen do order that y e wood lotts granted to Sam? Goffe. Andr. Belcher, & y e Colledge. Six Acc r a peece be layd out at y e north- end of m r pelhams 100 acc r successively one after another. Andrew Belcher y e firft lott & Sam? Goffe y e fecond. [61] Alfo m r Pelhams 20 ace's to be layd out on y e South end of his 100 acc r s. # At a publick meeting of the Inhabitants, the Second munday in Novemb. 1662. Capt. Daniel Gookin. Thomas Danforth Lt. Winmip. Edw. Oakes. f or feled men John Cooper Thomas ffox John ffishenden Robert ^Holmes Jonath. Hide Gilbert Crackbone, Thomas cheny Zach. Hicks. Math. Bridge, Thomas Prentice, JunT Constables Surveyo of High wayes 10. 9. 62. Jno. ffifhenden grant. Jno. Greene. The Towne do grant to Jno. ffishenden the land be- tween the runet of water & his garden pale, to be fet out by y e fele<5l men. The Towne do grant to Jno. Greene the High way annent his houfe: provided Hee do not injure Thomas fox by p r venting his passage to y e lands beyond it. 140 TOWN RECORDS [61] 22. 10. 1662. At a meeting of the Selectmen. James Hubbard is granted libty for timb. to build an end to his Houfe, & for fencing his orchard. Thomas marritt for two clapbord Trees. Robert Holmes Timb. for a Cart & wheeles. The Names of such as are returned by Lt. Winihip for defect in yoaking & Ringing their Swine. Widow Russell. oo 07 03 John Browne. oo 07 oo Tho : Rosse, & W m Row. oo 13 09 W m Bull. 00 0103 John Adams. oo 04 06 John Swann. oo n 06 Robert Wilson oo 05 03 m ra Dunster. oo 05 oo Richard Cutter. oo 03 06 James Hubbard. oo 02 oo ,, ffrancis Whitmore oo 02 03 ,, wm Dixon oo 02 06 Thomas Hall. oo 06 oo Lt Winfhip. oo 01 06 OJM = 13; =; 03 = 12. (12) 1662 At a meeting of the Select men Edw? Shepard is granted liberty to take two trees of the comon for his vfe : Alfo Jno. shepard is granted two trees for his trade. De : Grigory ftone is granted liberty to take some fencing on the Comon, for ab*. 60 : rayles. to m r Angier for a Hogs coate : & Br Cooper for some fencing & to Thomas fox for fencing. TOWN RECORDS 141 Thomas Danforth & Jn? ffishenden appoynted by the Towne at a publ: meeting. Novemf 12. 1660, to veiw a parcel of land defired by Deacon ftone, made report y* they had veiwed the land defired, & found that y e quantity is by their eftimaccon about twelve acc r more or lesse, & is bounded w th y e High way from Joseph mirriams Houfe to Concord on y e north, mr flints farme on y e South. & y e s d Deacon ftones land East & weft, the w ch land they find will be a conveniency to y e reft of his lands there, & that y e same may be granted him w th out any p r judice to y e Towne : & that according to y e truft repofed in them they had layd out y e fame to him bounded as aboue faid. The Townfemen do order y l a High way of 20: pole in breadth be allowed & left in comon adjoyneing to y e weft fide of y e farme y* was Edw : Goflfes, to rune from Deacon ftones farme to water towne line. [62] At a meeting of the Selectmen, 19*? of January, 1662. The Townfemen do order that the High way leading from m r Pel- hams caufey throw m r Angiers farme, be repaired there where it was orderly layd out by the Comittee of the feu'all Townes that was ap- poynted to lay out the High way betweene Cambridge & Roxbery: liberty is granted to George Willowes to take timb : to repayr his garden fence & for his fonnes Garden fence. = Ri : Eccles libty for two trees for rayles. The Townfemen do order that if any prfon do leave open the gate on the Bridge over the River, or turne any cattle at liberty on y* fide, except on his owne prpriety, or the lands in comon with out all prpriety, eu r ie such person lhall pay for eu'ie fuch default & trespasse, twelve pence, & twelve pence for eu'ie beast so found trespassing on any mans prpriety. Granted to Ri : Dana in lew of damage He hath sufteined by y e High way anent his houfe, a prcell of comon land adjoynei A to his about 20 : poles more or leffe. = The Townfemen do order that the charges for the High wayes & caufyes be defrayed by a Rate on the Inhabitants, & for that end that a rate be forthwith levied to y e quantity of 3 : fingle Country rates, & 142 TOWN RECORDS such as are excepted therein, be added by Th : Danforth Jn ffishenden & Jn? Cooper. Jonath : Cane for felling trees on y e Comon contrary to Towne order is fined, 30* & wm Pattin for falling trees on y e comon contrary to Town order is fined, 20*. m r John Stedman, Edward Oakes, Thomas fox and Edward Shepard, are appoynted to attend the laying out of the High way, from our bounds leading towards Roxbery, as the law directeth, and as they fhall haue warneing given them by thofe concerned therein : [62] At a meeting of the Select men, 9. 12. 1662. In confideration of Damage Done to M r Thomas Danforth in his marfh by the high way paffing throw it, to the bridge ouer Charles Riuer, Ifcj" The Towne do grant him (in confideration & for fatiffacktion of his accre of marlh lying in the faid place) all that peece of marlh below william Mannings, betwen that & the riuer, a conuenient high way, and accomadation to the warhoufe, being referued, and as for m r Pelhams accre of marfh lying not farre from the caufy, leading to the bridge, they do agree to allow him four pounds for it in cafe hee bee willing to part w th it & to leave it in como for the Towne. Voted by the Townfmen the day & yeare aboue written attefted by DANIEL GOOKIN liberty granted to Daniel cheaver to fell one clapbord tree & 2. trees for a p r wheeles. 9*? of march. 6* 3 L? Winship, Robert Parker, John Browne, Thomas Hall, John filhenden, Robert Browne, haue liberty granted them for repayreing y r houfe & fences. & 2. trees to Robert Browne for a p r Wheeles. Jno. Shepard & Thomas Longhorne are appoynted to veiw the necke fences TOWN RECORDS 143 Nicholas Withe, John Gibson, & Jno. Watson for the Weft feild. Thomas Hall & Willm Pattine for the Menottime feilds. ffrancis Whitmore & Wm Dixon are appoynted to See y e orders conc'ning fwine excecuted, on the weft fide Menottime, & In the Towne John Goave and Peter Towne And for the Cofnon Richard ffrancis And in cafe they find any not Ringed and yoaked, or mail Judge them not fufficient they are to returne their Names to y e Towne eu r ie month day. And for the South side the Riuf Richard Robbins & Wm clefnance Sen? [63] 12 (2) 166? 3 Peter Towne hath two Trees allowed Him of the Cofnon for His Trade. Andrew ftevenson & Richard Garden haue liberty for timber on y e Cofnon for their out fences. 23. (2) i66f 3 At a publique meeting of the Towne voted on y e affirmative. Bridge That the Bridge be layd in oyle & lead provided that it exceed not forty pounds charge to the Towne The Townsemen, m r ftedman & m r Andrews, are Appoynted to see this worke effected, in cafe they find it feafeable. Edward shepard, & Thomas White are appoynted to drive the necke and are injoyned to returne y names of all fuch as they fhali find trefpassers eu'ie month day of y e felecl men meetin A ordered that all swine be yoaked w th a crotch yoake or w th 2. crofs peeces & y* y e same be in length & bredth prporcconably to the bignes of y e Swine Thomas Danforth. & Jno. fishenden are appoynted a comittee to lay out m r Mitchels farme, & Thomas Oakes farme at Shawlhine. // Ordered that none fetch away any fheep or lamb from the Cofnon flock w 111 out notice given & Sight of the fhepard on penalty of two shillings a peece, to be payd to shepr* whereof th' one halfe shall be in prt of his wages, or in the shepards abfence on y e fight of Edw. Hall. 144 TOWN RECORDS [63] ordered that all the sheep put to y e Cofnon flocke be eare marked or VVooll marked, on penalty of bearing their lofs, in cafe they be not distinctly marked, by y r owners. = Robert ftedman hath liberty for timb for his out fences, & a Cart. Ordered that in cafe the Hogreeves mail neglect their trull, for the Excecuccon of the orders conc'ning fwine, on complaynt made by fuch order for as find themselves agreived, fuch perfon fo neglecting his Hogreeves. tru ft {h a u pay double the fine that the delinqu* party ought to haue pd in cafe the Towne order had been excecuted, th' one halfe whereof fhallbe to y e complay" 4 & th' other to the poor of the Towne.= Elder champny, Edw. oakes, & Richd Robbins, are defired to veiw the High way on the south fide the RiuF throw the new lotts, & to fettle y e fame where it may be moft convenient & leaft p'judice to y e proprietors. The Townfemen do order that a peticcon be drawne & figned in y e name of the felect men by y r clarke, requefting the Coun* Court of Suffolk that in some orderly way the High way between this Towne & Roxbery may be fetled so as may be for y e eafe & fafety of Travellers attending to y e Gen r all Courts order, & that the fame be prefented by Edw. Michelson, Marfhall. Thomas Longhorne hath liberty to take timb on y cofnon for making him a Cart: ordered that if any man be convicted that his dog is vfed to pull of the tayles of any beafts, and do not effectually reftreine Him: He lhall pay for eu r ie offence of that kind twenty millings in cafe that further complaynt be made [64] At y e requeft of Andrew Belcher y* His wood lott may be layd out according to y e Towne grant to Him, the Townfmen do order that David ffiske do lay out the fame, at y e north end of m r pelhams 100 acc r , & y* y e fame be accounted the firft lott. 13. 2. 1663. At a meeting of the Select men, granted Liberty To y e Colledge for pofts & rayles to fence in the yds. & clapbord tree. TOWN RECORDS 145 To Jonas clarke timb for a warehoufe. To Daniel Kempfter, 2. trees for his trade, To W Pattin for a payre wheels. To Thomas Danforth a clapbord tree. Richard Cutter fined for felling fome warnut trees on y e Rocks, two fhill A 24. 2. 1663. ordered by the Select men, as followeth. That Richard ffrancis do drive the weft feild for the yeare ensueing. That no cattle be kept in a Heard with in any part of our Towne Comons, with out confent of the Townesmen firft had & obteined except- ing only fuch as mall keep y m on y r owne proprietyes, with out drift over the cofnons, on penalty of paying five millings pr head for all fuch cattle as are taken from other Townes, & for other cattle that belong to y e Towne, as the Towne mail hereafter conclude. [64] 16. 3- 1663. ordered by y e felect men that what eu r cattle shall be found tres- passing on y e Cow cofnon, It mail be lawfull for the heardsman or any other of y e Inhabitants to bring them to pound, & they mall be allowed for their paynes by the order of y e Townfmen for the time being, & in cafe any mall prfume to keep them on o r bounds they mail pay for eu r ie beaft fo found twelve pence a head, one halfe w r of shall be to fuch as bring them to pound. At a meeting of the Select men. June 29 th . 1663. Jane Bourne making her complaynt to the SelecT: men that fhee can find none in the Towne that is willing to enterteine her to their fervice, & craving their favor that fhee may haue liberty to prvide for $3" Her felfe in some other Towne, with fecurity to fuch as mail fo enterteine her. The Townfmen do grant her requeft in man' following vizt So as y* (hee place her felfe in some Honeft family, & in cafe (hee ftand in need of Supply, or the Towne whether shee mail 146 TOWN RECORDS resort do fee reason to returne Her againe vpon this Towne, fhee fhall be ftill accepted as one of the poore of this place, & this to be enderflood & taken as bynding to the Towne for one yeare next after the date hereof, any Law, vfage or coftome to y e contrary notwithftanding. 13 th (5) 1663. Ordered by y e felect men of this Towne y* any perfon finding any cattle damage faisant in his owne land in any cornefeild of this Towne, or other inclofure, fufficiently fenced as the Laws of y e Country & orders of the Towne do require, & impounding them, may require of the own r of the beaft, Eighten pence for his labor & expence of time for each beaft fo impounded, with full fattisfaccon for all damages, any Law, vfage, or coftome to y e Contrary not with ftanding, & the like allowance mail be made to y e comon pinders. = [65] At a meeting of the Select men. 20 th of July 1663. Complaynt being made that the woonted passage throw m r Angiers farme is obftrucled, It is ordered by the Select men that Edward Oakes and Thomas fox, do ftake out the High way leading from the Bridge throw m r pelhams & m r Angiers farmes, two Rod wide, attending so farr as it may fland with convenience & y e accomodaccon of passeng 1 " 8 & the improvem* thereof, the agreem* of the Comittee that layd out the fame for the vfe of the Country about ten years since, of which comittee the Said Edward Oakes was one imployed by this Towne, and the faid High way fo flaked out the Surveyo are forthwith to repayre, y* fo all further complaynt of that kind may be pVented. Cambridge. 19. 8: 63. The Townsemen do order that the Surveyo 1 of the High wayes do forthwith repayre to Goodm Woodward & Goodm Robbins, & acquaint them that the High way layd throw his farme is required to be layd open, and that the damage thereby accrueing to them they fhall on all demands fattisfy as the law of the Country for y* end direcleth, and in TOWN RECORDS 147 cafe they fhall refuse to confent thereto, the said Surveyo 1 is required to make the faid way passable, for both foote, Horfe & carts as the law requireth. At a publick meeting of the Towne 14. 10. 63. // The Towne agreed that all the comon lands belonging to this Towne towards the falls mould be divided to y e Inhabitants according to their respective interefts & that thofe Inhabitants on the fouth fide the river adhering ftill to y e Towne in all charges, be considered & allowed a share therein, as the Comittee mail judge meete. & y* notice of the Townes intent herein be given to thofe o r neighbors at y e end of y e Towne, with a tender to purchafe it before y e divifsion if they defire it. [65] NovemfQ. 1663. At a publicke meeting of the Towne for choyce of Towne officers : Capt. Daniel Gookin, Thomas Danforth, Edw. Winship Edw. Oakes, Jno. Cooper, & Jno. ffisenden were chofen felect men. Gilbert Crackbone, Edward Hall, and Thomas Browne chofen Constables. Thomas fox. Ri : Robbins & Isacke Williams and ffrancis whitmore, & Samuel Hone Surveyo r s. The Towne granted to philip Cooke the peece of land that he hath fenced in before his barne, on condiccon that Hee for ever mainteyne the High way good & fufficient in the wett & miry place agt his ground on the north side of the ware Bridge. At a meeting of the Sele6l men 9. 9. 63. Granted to francis moore an Am for his trade To francis Whitmore timb for his fence, To m r Angier liberty to take timb on m r pelhams 100. acc r for fencing y e High way layd throw his farme. 148 TOWN RECORDS Capt. Gookin, m r ftedman & Edw. Oakes are appoynted to lay out the High way through Ri : Robbins farme, for the vfe of y e lotts lately layd out At a meeting of the felecT; men. 14- 9- 63. m r Edward Jackson & Samuel Hide by the mutuall confent of y e felect men & m* Angier are nominated to consider & determine of the allowance to be made m r Angier for the passage of y e High way throw his farme. Granted to y e Coll : liberty for timb : to shingle the rooffe, & to Joseph Scill some for repayring his houfe. Jno. Addams is fined for non appearance befor A the Townfmen ac- cording to warneing, three shill : foure pence & to be warned againe by the Conftable to appeare next towne meeting day. At a meeting of y e Select men ii. ii. 63. Jn? Adams appearing before, y e select men, his excufe for non appearance laft day is accepted & his fine remitted, & being convicted of falling trees [66] trees on the Cofnon contrary to Towne order is fined five shill : & to pay it in to y e Confta A with in a m. or else to pay double. Jeremiah Holman hath liberty to fall fome timber on y e Comon for an adition to his mothers houfe. Daniel cheavers hath liberty to take timb on y e Comon for a p r of Wheels. Jn? Browne is to be warned to appeare next Towne meeting to Anfw r for falling trees on y c Cofnon. Jn? ffisenden liberty for timb. for a worke houfe. TOWN RECORDS 149 Jn? Cooper liberty for timb for fencing. Granted to Jn? Goave liberty to mow the High way by y e frefh pond, & ag* his owne lott, vntill the Towne mall otherwife dispofe y r of; At a meeting of the felect men, 8? (12) 1663. Granted to W m Pattin & to Jn? Marritt liberty to take timb on y e Comon for each of them a cart. To Tho : Hall a tree for pofts. Alfo granted to Thomas Hall the vfe of y e patch of meadow called little Rock meadow vntill it be otherwife dispofed off: Mathew Bridge & David fiske are licenfed to keep a dry heard on y e Comon lands ab* their farmes, but are prhibited taking of cattle from other townes. compl* being made by Thomas Danforth y* throw a mistake prt of his wood lott lyng agt Juft : Holdens farme is layd into y e fmall lotts, L* Edw. Winfhip, & Jn? Cooper are appoynted by the felect men to veiw the land that is taken away from Him, & to lay him fo much as may be a meet recompence for y e lofs y* he thereby fufteyneth out of that fwamp that yet remaineth in Comon, adjoyneing to Richard Hafsulls farme. Whereas Cap'Gookin, Thomas Danforth & Richard Jackson, are possessed of y r wood lotts lyng neere to Juft Holdens farme, & by the orriginall grant the Land of the faid lotts yet remaineth to [66] to the Towne. The. faid Cap* Gookin Thomas Danforth, & Richard Jackson are granted the propriety of the Land to be to y r owne propper vfe afwell as the wood. & the fame to be in lew of their shares in the Swamps w ch ye towne haue agreed to divide. By the Select men as attests. Edward Winfhipp Gilbert Crackbon Edward Hall Cunftable John ffifhingdin John Cooper 150 TOWN RECORDS At meeting of y e Select men. 10. 12. 63. L*Edw: Winfhip hath liberty for timber to build Him a ftable Thomas fox for a p r of Wheels. Alfo the Deacons & felect men did settle the List for o r paftors maintenance for the yeare enfueing. 14. I. 1663. At a meeting of the Select men. ffrancis Whitmore, Widow Rufsell, & Ri : Hafsull. Deacon ftone, Jn? Shepard, Thomas fox. Cap* Gookin, Robert Parker Richard Jackson, & Ri : ffrances, haue liberty to take fencing stuffe on the comon for y r out fences, orchards & reparaccons of y r houfes. alfo L* Winfhip & Joseph Rufsell. Jn? Shepard haue two trees given Him for his trade. Roger Willington complained of for falling trees on the comon, and is to be warned to the next Towne meeting. Willm Bull for falling wood on the comon is to pay eighten pence to the Towne. Jn? Browne appearing and being convicted of falling a tree on the comon contrary to order is fined two shillings and six pence : Jn? Cooper & Thomas Danforth are granted liberty on y e comon for reparaccon of out fences, & Thomas Danforth for an addition to his barne. Jn? Marritt haue liberty for fencing stuffe for his out fences, John Adams, & Benj : Crackbone haue liberty granted them to take timb. on the comon for y r out fences. W m Pattin is abated of his fine five shillings. * [67] At a meeting of the Select men march 24*^ i663. 4 Robert Stedman & Jn? Holmes are appoynted to veiw the necke fences, & to see the Towne orders excecuted referring to that comon feilds. TOWN RECORDS 151 Thomas fox & Walter Hastings are appoynted to veiw the fences about the weft feild, & to see the Tovvne orders excecuted as the law requireth for the preventing of damage therein. philip Cooke and W m Dixon are appoynted to veiw the fences about Winottime feild, & to fee the Towne orders excecuted as the law re- quireth for the preventing of damage therein. Samuel Hide & Richard Dana are appoynted for veiwers of fences as the law requireth on the South Side the River. ffrancis Whitmore, & Willm Bull are appoynted to excecute the Towne orders conc'ning Swine on y e west side of the River of Winottime. Robert Parker is appoynted to look to the Swine on the Comon. Benjamin Crackbone is appoynted for the Towne. Richard Woodes is appoynted to excecute the Tovvne orders con- cerning Swine on the South Side the River. At a meeting of the Select men. 9. 2. 1664. At the motion of Cap* Hugh Mason the Townfemen confented that water=Towne pond heard might pafs by the fide of o r bounds, nut p'judiceing o r Cow comon, & Ri : Eccles & Daniel Cheavers are nominated to veiw the place & to make returne of y r thoughts to y e Select men. m r Cooke hath liberty to take fhoares for his barne & Daniel Cheavers for an am to make a Cart. Richard Cutter is fined ten millings for caryng hoop poles from of o r Comon to Charleftown, & to be admonilhed that he be not taken in the like fault againe. & in cafe he pay it not before the 30*? of octob. next, then Hee (hall pay 2Of Richard Cutter is granted 2. trees for his trade, & timbe A to repayre his barne. Nicholas withe is granted timb. for repayreing his out fences. Robert Stedman pleading y* Hee hath ben injured by not haueing his due proporccon in form r alotm* 8 . the Select men do grant him liberty to mow the grafs in y* High way on y e South Side y e rive r , for this 152 TOWN RECORDS next yeare as heretofore. & do conceiue it equall this his A plaint be A onfidered in the next divifsion Bf Oakes. & Bf fifhenden are nominated to veiw the land defired by m r Angier, & to make report to ye next towne meeting. The Townfemen do order yt if any man chofen to veiw fences, or excecute ye orders of y e town conc r ning swine, fhall refuse the fame, He fhall pay 2Of fine to y e towne, & some other mail be appoynted in his Head. [67] At a meeting of the Select men. 6. 4. 64. complaint being made of much damage susteined by reafon of the insufficiency of fences ag* towne feilds, It is ordered that where any fences are in height lefs then foure foote from the ground, all Such fences mail be accounted insufficient ag* Such cattle as do pafs over the fame. Richard Robbins being complained of for clofeing vp the ancient comon High way leading from the High way neere m r Angiers farme to Boston feild, It is ordered that he open a free pafsage throw the Said High way, thwart his farme within Six dayes, on penalty of twenty millings fine for eu r ie weeks neglect after y* y e conftable hath given him notice of this order. [68] At a meeting of the Inhabitants of this Towne November. 14*? 1664. Thomas Chelholme, John Greene, & Isacke Williams were chofen Constables. Cap* Daniel Gookin, Thomas Danforth, Edward Oakes, John fisenden, John Cooper, & Thomas fox were chofen Select men for ordering of the prudentiall affaires of the Towne. Jn? Jackson, Richard Robins, philip Cooke, Samuel stone, and John Shepard, were chofen Surveyo r s of the Highwayes. Voted, on the affirmative th'at all the comon lands on the South side the River be divided and that Edward Shepard, Richard Robbins and David fiske, do attend, & effect the Same. TOWN RECORDS 153 Voted on the affirmative that m r Elijah Corlet Ihall be allowed & payd out of the Towne rate, annually twenty pounds, for so long as Hee continue to be schoolemaster in this place. 9. ii. 1664. p rfent At a meeting of the sele6l men. Cap 1 . Gookin. Th. Danforth. Liberty granted to sundry for timb. from of the Comons. Th. Chefhoime. j o ap t Gookin for 40. rod out fences. Jn? ffisenden. TTOAJJ r j *. c Th fox " J n? Addams for 9 : rod out fences. Jn Greene. To Roger Bucke for a clapbord tree. To Abram Errington for an adiccon to his houfe end & fencing his yards, and ag* his lott, towards watertowne & a clapbord tree, & groundfill. Alfo he is granted liberty to pafs throw y e high way that leadeth to his lott throw Ri : ffrancis land by y e brickill : To Thomas fox for fome of his outfences. To Thomas Danforth, for a frame, over a Cellar ab* 16: foote square, & for 100: pofts. P'fent. At a meeting of the SelecT: men 16. n. 1664. Cap 1 . Gookin, Th. Danforth, After a full hearing of the complaynt made by Benoni Th. Chefhoime Eaton, & Jn? ftedman Jun r ag* Sundry for breach of y c Jn fisenden ~, _ . ' Th. fox. Towne orders, conc r nmg cattell & fences referring to y e Jn? Greene, necke of land, this laft sumer. The Townfemen ordered, that thofe under written mail pay them y e s d Eaton & ftedman damages for neglecl: of y r fences. M r Joseph Cooke twenty millings. Andrew Belcher eight millings Walter haftings foure millings Goodm ftratton foure millings Nicholas Withe foure millings the whole is 02 oo oo 154 TOWN RECORDS [68] And for damages by cattle trespassing in the necke. Andrew Belcher. o 01 06 Sam? Goffe. o 04 oo Edw. Michelson o 04 oo M r Corlet, o 01 oo m r Angier o 02 oo Zach. Hickes o 02 oo Jn? Shepard. o 01 oo Cap* Gookin o 02 oo m 1 Mitchell, o 02 oo m r Oakes o 02 oo m r Andrews. o 01 oo I. 02. 06 liberty granted to seu'all for timber, To Deacon ftone for a p r wheeles. To Ri : Eccles for fenceing his orchard. To Jonath. Cane for repayre of his houfes & fences ab* ye fame. To Jn? watson for a leanto & fence. To m r pelham for fence ag* Jn? Taylors Robert Wilson, W m Bull, Jn? Adams James Hubbard, ffrancis Moore Jun r . ffrancis Whitmore, Joseph Russell, Jn? froft, & Humphry Bredfha, are granted two acc r , to each of them of Swamp on y e north fide of Menotteme RiuT on condiccon that they cleare it for meadow with in five yeares, or else to returne againe to the Towne comon as before this grant, alfoe it is hereby expressly declared that this fhall not be interp'ted as any allowance for their building in the Towne, or the giving them any further right in the comon rights of the Towne. Jonathan Cane is abated ten {hillings of his fine on condiccon if he pay y e remainder being 2Of within foureten dayes next, fo as to discharge fo much of Some of y e Towne debts, or else to haue no abatem*. [69] At a meeting of the Select men 13. 12. 64. Liberty granted to Sundry for timber from of the comon. (i e) To Jn? Holmes for fenceing his yards TOWN RECORDS 155 To Thomas Danforth for a payre Wheels To Thomas Longhorne for fenceing ftuffe. m r Edward Jacson, Cap* Thomas prentice and Jonathan Hide are nominated a comittee to consider what High wayes are meet to be ftated on that fide, & make returne to the Townefmen. The Constables are ordered to allow Juft: Holden 10* towards a woolfe killed partly in water=Towne, & partly in this; He had ben Thomas Gleifon being fent for to appeare before the in y towne Sele6l men, was warned to provide Himfelfe, the Townfe- ab a weeke men not f ee j n g mee t to allow of Him as an Inhabitant in this Towne. At a meeting of the Inhabitants & prprietors of the Towne Comons. January. 20** 1664. It is agreed among them that the perfons hereafter named, be a comittee to draw vp the list of the names of such Inhabitants as haue intereft to the said comon lands, as neere as may be according to the order & agreem* of the thirten men, Recorded in the Towne booke, or according to any other righteous rule as they mall fee meet, and to proporccon to each Inhabitant aforesaid their juft right for number of acres in the comon lands on the south side the river yet vndivided, alfo in a diftinct list to prporccon, & alott in a way of free gift so much of the s d lands vnto other Inhabitants of the Towne that haue no intereft with respect to their quality, defert, or ftanding in the Towne, & beare- ing publique charges, according as the said comittee (hall think equall & juft, and the said comittee haueing drawne vp this lift, as aforesaid to call all the aforesaid Inhabitants together, & prefent the same vnto them for their finall approbaccon, at w ch meeting the Major vote; either affirmative or negative mail be conclusive in this matter. The comittee are as followeth, viz. All the Select men of Cambridge. Deacon ftone, Deacon Bridge, m r Jn? Stedman L* Winfhip Edw: [69] Edward Shepard, Richard Robbins, philip Cooke, Jn? Shepard, David fiske. 156 TOWN RECORDS And if it mould so appeare, that the Major vote of the aforesaid Inhabitants, do vote in the affirmative & agree to what is to them p'fented, then their mall be a preceding to draw lotts, according to what is agreed ; in Such a method & mann r , as shall be prpofed by the said comittee for the divission of all the cofnon lands on the South Side the River. And the comittee are defired to dispatch this work, as soone as conveniently they can, the Townfemen to appoynt time & place of meeting. Voted in the affirmative the day and yeare above written. It is agreed by the major pr* of the Inhabitants that the defire of francis moore Junio r , for apeece of Land neere his houfe, for prefervaccon of his houfe & barne from danger of fire, be referred to the aforesaid comittee, for the quantity of land, & the price thereof, to be granted him. Vpon defire of Edw. Michelson senf in behalfe of his Brother Willm Michelson for a small peece of land to build a houfe vpon, & for a gar- den; It is referred to the aforesaid comittee to appoynt a place, & quantity for y* end. If they Judge it convenient, & not p r judiciall to the Towne. Vpon the request of Jn? Bowtell for liberty and ground to fet a barne vpon, neere his houfe in the High way, It is referred to the comittee aforesaid to consider of his motion and if it be not p r judicciall to the Towne, to appoynt him a place to fet a Small barne in for his necessary vfe. The Commity Confidering of the defire of francis More Junf for a peece of land on the weft side of his houfe in the ox paflure for the preferuation of his houfe and barne from danger of fire they granted him an Aker of land hee paying three pound for the fame which he did by order of the fele<5l men and John Cooper was Chofen by the faide Commity to lay It out which accordingly was done to his Content. [70] 14: 12: 1652. It is agreed betwen Ri : Jacfon, Tho : Brigham on the one prty and m r Joseph Cooke, Edward Goffe, and Tho : Danforth on y e other prty, TOWN RECORDS 157 y* all differences about the fence in the necke of land, apperteyning to Cambridge; fhall be refferred to the hearing and determination of Deacon Monsell and Tho : Perce of Charles Towne, to determine the matter in difference betwen the marfh and upland, each prty to procure one of the faid arbitrators at or before the io ih . of march next enfueing. Jofeph Cooke Richard Jackfon Edward Goffe Thomas Brigham Thomas Danforth 8 At a meeting of the Select men. 27. (i). 1665 Thomas Longhorne, and Jn? Bowtell are appoynted surveyo A of the fences about the necke of land, and alfo to cleare the feild of all cattell from time to time as need fhall require. Gilbert Crackbone & Jn? Watson in like manner for y e Weft feild. Willm Pattin, & Willm Bull, in like mann r for the feild beyond Winottime river. Jn? Jackson, & Jonathan Hide are appoynted veiwers of fences on the South Side the river, and Richard Woodes to excecute the orders conc'ning Swine on y* fide. Jn? Goave, Peter Towne, and Joseph Russell are appoynted to excecute the orders conc r ning Swine on the north fide the river. ordered that all persons y* do contribute to y e miniftry of this place do vpon the firft second day of may next appeare before the Deacons & felecl: men to cleare the paym* of their dues for time paft ; or fend in writeing a receite yr of, inder the hand of o r Pafto r or Deacons. f^f" and y* for y e future, eu'ie one do annually attend the like order, at y e Same time, y e place A f meeting to be at y e meeting houfe. and the time by eight of the clocke in the morning. And in cafe any be behind, or do not then appeare to cleare the same how they discharged their dues, The Conftables fhall give fuch persons notice to appeare at y e next meeting of y e felect men to anfw r their neglect, and they fhall besides the paym* of y r dues fattisfie all the charges that mail be expended in the levyng of the Same. 158 TOWN RECORDS [70] At a meeting of the SelecT: men Aprill, 12 th . 1665. The Sele<5l men of this Towne, being enformed of great damage to y* comons by Sundry persons y* for their owne private conc r nes do greatly p r judice the publique. do order & appoynt as followeth, viz*. 1. That H: forth no person ftiall be allowed any grant of timb from of y e comon for the repayre of any fence vntill the necessity thereof do appeare by the teftimony or informaccon of thofe y* are appoynted to veiw the fences, or such other as shall be appoynted thereto. 2. That if any on p'tence of leave for falling on y e comons mall cutt downe any timber tree & let it y r ly vnimprved for y e end for w c h they had leave to fell it, for more y n 4. months such person shall pay two shillings six pence for eu r ie such tree to the vfe of the Towne. and it mail alfo be lawfull for any other person that haue an intereft in the comons to fetch away the fame for his owne vfe, as was before by a towne order made o6lob. 15*^ 1656. and in cafe any timber fhall ly in the woods after fallen more then six months, it fhall then be lawfull for any perfon circumstanced as above with Towne. priviledges, to take away the Same, any labour y* may be beflowed thereon not with ftanding. 3. That Henceforth it fhall not be lawfull for any perfon or perfons what so ever, to convey any bark out of the Towne, that was taken from of any of the comons of this Towne and in cafe any fhall $jf* p'fume so to do they fhall forfeit five shillings pr load to the vfe of the Towne. // [71]* [71] 1665. At a publ: meeting of the Inhabitants for choyce of Conftables & select men &c there were elected for the yeare enfuing Conflables C Andrew Belcher, John Watson, & Thomas Parkes. (. Thomas fox chofen in lew of Andrew Belcher Townsmen. Cap* Daniel Gookin. Thomas Danforth. Jn? Cooper, John fisenden, Thomas fox & m r Edward Jackson. Surveyo 1 * of High wayes. Isacke Sternes. W m Dixon, Robert Browne. Ri : Dana John Fuller. * This page is blank in original manuscript. TOWN RECORDS 159 t At a meeting of the Select men. novemb. 20*? 1665 The Townsmen do order the constables to make a convenient horfe block at the meeting houfe. & causey to the doore & to get the windowes & roofe repayred by the firft opprtunity. Granted liberty to seu'all perfons to fell timb on the cofnon. To the Colledge for pofts & rayles. To Cap* Gookin, for sleepers & orchard fences. To Thomas Danforth for pofts & rayles. To Edw. Hall for groundsills To m ra Dunfter for repayreing her barne. To Rob* parker for wheels & cart. To W m Dixon for a cart. To y e repayreing of Jerah. Bowers houfe. To Jn Cooper for building a leantoe. To ffrancis Moore for a leanto & porch. To Peter Towne for a porch. To W m Pattin to build a leanto, & an end to his barne To m r Cooke groundsills for his barne To Deacon ftone for 100 rayles & pofts for y m for his out fences, & some groundsills. To Jn? fisenden groundsils for his barne To Jn? paulfree, two trees for his trade. [72] At a meeting of the Select men January 8* 1665. The highway in the great Swamp lyng between Ri: Eccles, and Walter Haftings is granted to the said Eccles, the Herbage and grafs thereof, on condiccon that he cleare the brufh of the fame, and that the faid way do remayne free and vninterupted for the vfe of the Towne as any may haue occasion, and this grant is in lew of damage done him by the high way pafsing throw his lott. 160 TOWN RECORDS Benjamin Whittamore for pulling downe a bench of a feate in the meeting houfe is fined five shillings, and the Constables are to require the Bench of him and fet it vp againe. Granted liberty to fell timber on the comon To the 5 Coll. for mending y r fences ab l y e pTid 18 garden. c Joseph Rufsell 2 : trees for wheels, & for a cart. Samuell Goflfe for 200. rayles. Elder frost for repayre of his out fences Walter Haftings for repayre of his mill & fences. Thomas Hall one tree for wheels. The Conftables are to warne to y e next meeting. L* Edw. Winship : and Mathew Bridge, to anfw r for breach of towne orders ab* wood and timb. {^f a> Alfo sundry young men are to be warned to appeare to anfw r for their liveing from vnder family governm*. {|^ And sundry persons were ordered their setting in the meeting houfe. At a meeting of the Select men. ffebr. 12. 1665. Liberty granted to sundry Persons for felling of timber on the Towne comon. To L* Edward Winfhip for repayreing of his out fences, & for K^" a small table. To Mathew Bridge for repayre of his out fences. To ffrancis Moore Sen? for a frame of a dwelling houfe. To Thomas Danforth for the frame of a houfe ab* 24. foot long. To Richard Jackson for ground selling of his houfe. Jacob Coale, Arthur Henbury & John Jackson single men & K^f 31 inmates in this Towne being fent for before the Select men to give an account of their abode, & orderly cariage, were ap- poynted at the next meeting of the Select men, in march, to give them Sattisfaccon of their orderly Submifsion to family goverm*, or otherwife they muft expect that they the Select men will order their abode as the Law enioynes ^ TOWN RECORDS 161 tfcjf* [72] Jacob Coale submitted himfelfe to the family governm* of francis whitmore, who engaged to respond his rates, & orderly cariage dureing his abode their. To John Marritt liberty to fall timber for ab* forty Posts & 60 rayles. To Thomas Longhorne for a ftable he hath liberty to take timb on y e comon To Andrew Steevenson, & Jonathan Remington liberty for fencing ftuffe for their gardens To John goave, liberty for to take timb on the comon for a Cow houfe, & a payre of wheeles. Lt. Edward Winship, being by his owne confession convicted of ^^ B selling wood out of the Towne, from of his lott, granted him on the South fide the River. The Townsemen do declare, that according to the condiccns on w ch the said lotts were divided into prpriety, the same is forfeited to the vfe of the Towne. prefent At a meeting of the Select men the Cap* Daniel Gookin 26 th of march. 1666. m r Edward Jackson tir-ii- /-, ~ John Cooper William Clemance JunF is ordered to fill vp the John fisenden Sawpitt that he hath digged in the high way neere Thomas fox his land, before the next Town meeting day. the second munday in the next m? on penalty of 20*. James Prentice & Thomas Prentice JunF are appoynted to excecute the Towne orders conc'ning fences and swine, on that part of the Towne. m r Jn? Stedman, & Thomas Longhorne are appoynted to see the fences about the necke of land made vp according to Towne order. Jn? Goave & Peter Towne are appoynted to cleare the necke of all cattle according to Towne order, & to looke to the yoaking & ringing of Swine in the Towne. Gilbert Crackbone & John Gibson are appoynted to see the fences about the weft feild, made vp according to Towne order, and are alfo to cleare the feild of all cattle. Alfo the Townfmen do order, that all places with in the compafs of any of the come feilds, that are fenced in for Pastures, thofe that are appoynted to vciw the out fences (hall see that the fences about the 1 62 TOWN RECORDS fame be sufficient to secure the feild from damage. & in cafe of defect, their turneing of cattle in to such paftures lhall be accounted as though they turned them into y e comon feild, & mall be preceded ag* ac- cordingly. [73] L* Edward Winship, & John Addams, are appoynted to veiw the fences about Winottime feild, & William Bull to cleare the cattle out of the feild, & to look to the Swine on that part of the Towne Prefent At a meeting of the Seleft men, Aprill. 9'* 1666. Cap* Daniel Gookin. Thomas Danforth. Nathaniel Boman appearing before the Select John fishenden. men confessed that this laft winter, he had one tree, John Cooper. a great white oake, the top affording him two cord John Watson. anc j a halfe of wood, from of our comon, neere to his fathers houfe. And being charged with falling thirten more trees, the yeare before, he said he would neither confesse nor deny it, but confessed y* the fame yeare he fold and deliu r d two load of bark to Cap* mason. Samuel Reyner is appoynted Surveyo* of the woods & comons on that quarter where he liveth, and to enforme the Select men from time to time, as he fhall find any stroy to be done thereon. Jonathan Cane confesseth that he did fall on the comons 4. trees, for $3" fencing stuffe, according to liberty granted him by the Townfmen. but hath neglected to improve the same. Richard Cutter hath liberty for timber on the comon for repayreing his out fences. Thomas Danforth hath liberty for timber on the comons to build him a Porch to his houfe. m r Joseph Cooke hath liberty for timber on the Comons to build him a dwelling houfe. Robert Wilson hath liberty to take timber on the comon for re- payreing his out fences. m r Elijah Corlet haue liberty to take timber on the comon for re- payre of his out fences. L* Edw. Winship hath liberty granted him to take timber on the comon for a payre wheeles. TOWN RECORDS 163 Ordered by the Select men, that the Towne order made 16*? ^ m? 1663. for the secureing of our Cow cofnons from damage by cattle that go at liberty, mall be excecuted, according to the intent thereof. 20. 2. 1666. m r Joseph Cooke & Daneel Cheaver, together with Perambulation Thomas Peirce sen r , John fowle with of Charlstowne, went the line between the Townes and Charlestown agreed on the Antient bounds. . w , Also Mathew Johnson & James Convars Joyned w th them in like mann r for rivifeing the bounds between this Towne & Woburne. [73] At a meeting of the Select men, prefent. may the 14*? 1666. Cap* Gookin. m r Jackson Robert Browne and Thomas White are appoynted John fisenden to excecute the orders of the Towne conc'neing Thomas fox. Swine. John Watson. j o h n fisenden, David fiske, & Walter Haftings Th : Danforth. are a pp Oynte d together with the owners of the Small farmes adjacent to o r Towne cofnons to veiw settle & new marke all their bounds for the preventing of damage to the intereft of any, by the neglect thereof; the charges y r of to be sattisfied the one halfe by the Towne and th' other halfe by the proprieto re of the farmes. liberty is granted to Willim Dixon to fell some timb. on the cofnon for a leantoe, & a clapbord tree To Jn? Watson a tree for Pales and to repayre his fences. At a meeting of the Inhabitants the I2*. h of november, 1666. m r William Manning, m r Samuel Andrew, & James Trowbridge, were chofen Constables for the yeare enfueing. Cap* Gookin, Thomas Danforth, Edw: Oakes.. Jn? fissenden, Jn? Cooper, & Thomas Fox, were chofen Select men, for the yeare enfueing. Gilbert Crackbone, Zach. Hicks, Jn? fuller Richard Woods, & Isacke Sterns, were chofen surveyo of highwayes. 164 TOWN RECORDS Prefent At a meeting of the Select men. Thomas Danforth th f , x-^.- 12 of novemb. 1666. m r Andrews m r Manning On Complaynt of Richard Dana, Elder Champny Jn? Cooper j s ordered to pay him 3f 6? & the widow Woodward, In? fissenden tf t hjm , & f r defea j j. h k Thomas Fox. J , _.,. ' . , ,.* ' w orderly warned Philip Cooke hath liberty for 100 railes. Jn? Cooper, Edw. Hall, Ri : Jackson, william Bordman, Abrafn Errington, Jn? Watson, Rob* Parker, Walter Haftings haue all of y m licenfe to fell timber on the comons for fencing stuffe, & building. [74] Jn? Watson is complayned ag* for falling Seaven trees on the comon lefs then a foote diameter. Nathaniel Bowman is to be fent for to refpond his falling timber on o r ConTons. Willm Dixon motioned that in letting the wares, care might be taken to secure Winottimes Corne feilds. Thomas Fox is ordered to looke to the youth in time of Publ. worfhip vntill the next monthly meeting, & to inform agt such as he find disorderly. The Conftables are ordered to repayre the glafs aboute the meeting houfe, & to get the pinning mended. At a Towne meeting, decemb. 10*? 1666. Daniel Cheavers is granted timber for a barne. W m Pattin, timber for a Cow houfe, & halfe a 100. of rayles. W m Barratt timber for a barne. M re Dunster timber for a Cow houfe. Jeremiah Holman Timber for a payre wheels. 2. trees. & one tree for Pates. Robert Stedman timber for fencing. John Bowtell timber for a barne. The Townsmen considering the need that will be of timber for the maintenance of the Bridge do order that no more oaken timber be fallen on that part of the 100. ace's w ch is reserved stilt in comon for the vfe of the Towne. on penalty of ten shillings for every tree. TOWN RECORDS 165 At a meeting of the Select men. Jan. 14"* 1666. m r Stedman, m* Andrew. Tho. fox, & Th. Danforth or any two of them are appoynted to lay out vnto Jn Benjamin ten acres of meadow to him yet resting in the comon meadowes Liberty is granted for falling timber on the comon. To Humph : Bredsha for repayreing his houfe. To Thomas Danforth for a slead. To Roger Bucke for finishing his houfe, & trade. To George Willowes for fencing. To John Palfrey two trees for his trade To Nath. Hancocke for groundsils, & clapbords. To Daniel Andrews fencing stuffe. To Jn? Marritt for fencing. To Peter Towne two trees for his trade. To [74] To Jonathan Remington two trees for his trade. To Samuel Goffe fencing stuffe. m r Angier is granted three acres of Swamp Land, adjoyneing to the lots layd out on the west Side winottime river. <=, o o u At a meeting of the Select men, ffebr. II th . 1666. Cap* mason, & Ens: Shearman, are nominated by the mutuall con- sent of Elder Wiswall, and the neighbours there, to veiw the necefsity of a highway through the Elders land, to the lands beyond towards Dedham, and Edw: oakes and James Trowbridge are defired to accompany them. Mathew Bridge is granted liberty to take timb from of the conTon, for building an end to his barne, & a leanto, & fencing stuffe for his orchard, with reference to the Priviledge y l belong to his fathers houfe which he hath now Pulled downe. To Gilbert Crackbone liberty for timber for fellowes for wheels. 1 66 TOWN RECORDS Nicholas Withe complayneing that he is injured by not haueing his full due granted him on the South Side the river neere Boston line, by reason y l a part of the Townes grant was layd into the prpriety of Richard Parkes. for sattisfaccon whereof, the Towne do grant him the propriety of the land wch is his wood lott, lyng within the Swamp on the west Side of winottime river. Nicholas withe appearing before the Select men acknowledged that he stood ingaged to make a parcell of fence ag* his owne land, ab* six rod more or lefs, for w ch he had receiued full sattisfaccon for the making & mainteyneing of y e fame forever, the above said fence form'ly apper- teyneing to Gilbert Crackbone. At a meeting of the Select; men March II th i66f liberty granted for timber on the cofnons. To Nicholas Withe a tree for Posts. To John Greene for fencing his orchards. To Thomas Longhorne for 100 Rayles. Nathaniel Bowman, being convicted of tranfgrefsing the orders of the Towne, by falling timber on the comons is fined thirty shillings, and to be imediately levyed by the Constables. [75] John Swann hath liberty granted him for timber from of the coinon for repayreing his barne Thomas fox for mending his fences. m r Charles Chauncey for his fences. Sister Cane for groundselling her houfe. and fencing of her yards. Thomas Danforth for a payre wheels. Richard Jackson Timber for repayreing an out houfe. John Marritt Timber for ringing a p r wheels. Daniel Cheavers for his yards. Thomas Andrews for his out fences. L* Winship & W m Pattin are appoynted Surveyo" of y e fences about winottime feild. Richard Cutter, & John frost to oversee the Swine there. John Watson, & Walter Haftings, are Surveyors of the fences about west feild. TOWN RECORDS 167 m r Joseph Cooke & Thomas Longhorne are Surveyo 18 of the necke fence, and to drive the feild. Daniel Cheavers is overseer for the excecuting the orders about Swine, for the whole comon on the north side the river. At a meeting of the Inhabitants of the Towne. May. 27. 1667. It was voted by the Towne, that the Proprietors of the ware houfe at the water fide, or any of them that mail repayre & keep vp the wharfe that is ag* the ware houfe, lhall haue the wharfe & ground for their owne propriety. It was alfo agreed vpon by the Towne that there should be a stone Wall made between Goodm Hafsull & Rockie meadow for the fecurity of the Cow comon, and that the charge thereof mould be levyed vpon the Cow cofnons, and is left in the Townfmens hands to contrive and effect the accomplimm* thereof. [75] At a meeting of the Inhabitants of this Towne the II*? of novemb. 1667. There were chofen forofnc of the Towne for the yeare enfueing, thefe following Persons. for Constables, m r Joseph Cooke, Willm Dixon & Gregory c Cooke. for Seleftmen. Cap* Daniel Gookin. Thomas Danforth, Edward oakes, John Cooper. Willm manning, & Thomas fox. Surveyors for Surveyours of the highwayes, John Ward Peter of highwayes Towne, Willm Pattin, Sam 1 . Stone, and Richard Robbins. At a meeting of the Select men, January 13* 1667. There is liberty granted for to fall timber on the comon. To mf Stedman, ffrancis Moore Senf Thomas fox. John Cooper. . Deacon Stone. W* Manning, Samuel Andrews, Richard Eccles, Jn? Marrirt, Jn? Swan, Jn? Goavc, Humphry Bredsha, Roger Bucke, Ri: 1 68 TOWN RECORDS Jackson, Joseph Rufsell. Widow fisenden, Ri : Hafsull, L* Winship, W Dixon for the repayre of their out fences, garden fences, & buildings & for wheels, as they respectively do need. Granted to Deacon Stone, a Hollow tree on the cofnon. To U Winship a Walnutt tree for the feres. To Jn? Raftings liberty to fell timber for his Barke mill. To Jn? Marritt, liberty to fall a tree for a Cider prefs. At a meeting of the Select men, feb r : 1667. The Townfemen do order that the prifes of come for payment of the Towne rate, mail be the same with the Country rate for this yeare. [76] At a gen'all meeting of the Inhabitants of this Towne, January 20^ 1667. The Question conc'ning the Divifion of the wood on the Rocks, being againe debated, the Towne do gen r ally agree that it is for the Publicke good to divide it into propriety. On such cautions & in such a way, as may be a furtherance to the ends intended, w ch is to be determined by following votes. vizt. That none Sell any wood or timber out of the Towne, on penalty of forfeiting their lotts, backe againe to the Towne. And that none mail alienate the propriety of his wood lott fcir from his houfe right to which it is firft granted, with out the confent of the Select men for the time being. Thefe were voted on the affirmative the Day & yeare above written. Some of the Inhabitants, alledging that it was not a full meeting of thofe conc r ned, It was agreed to meet againe the 3*. h of the twelfe month, to consider further of thefe above written propofals. & put an ifsue thereto. At a meeting of the Inhabitants of this Towne, febr. 3* 1667. It is againe agreed by the gen'all vote of the Inhabitants, that the vote that was written and voted in the affirmative at laft Towne meeting, touching the divideing the comon woods & timber with in the Cow coinon beyond winotteme shall be now confirmed. TOWN RECORDS 169 Alfo it is agred that the Select men, Deacons, and Jonas Clarke, ffrancis Moore JunF with John Shepard lhall be a comittee to order the Survey of it, and the most convenient way how it may be divided and to prepare lotts, to be drawne for it. according to the rules of Justice. At a meeting of the Select men, march. 9* 166 7 8 Granted to Andrew Belcher some timber for repayreing of the necke fence. Gilbert Crackbone hath liberty for two groundfils To John Shepard two trees for his trade. Thomas Hall 2. groundsils for a barne. [76] At a meeting of the Select men. 13. 2. 166 7 . 8 Thomas Longhorne, & Robert Browne are appoynted to veiw the fences about the necke of land for the yeare enfueing. and to cleare the feild of all cattell. for the west feild, ffrancis Moore Jun r and Gilbert Crackbone. and Jeremiah Holman to cleare the cattell out of y* feild, for Winottime feild, ffrancis Whitmore & Joseph Rufsell. and they to cleare y* feild of all cattell. for Hogreeves Robert Parker, Peter Towne, Richard Woods, & James Prentice. for surveyo of fences, on the South fide the River, Jonathan Hide & Jn? Ward for Hogreeves beyond winottime, Humphry Bredsha. At a meeting of the Select men. Granted vnto John Taylor five Trees on the comon for his trade. 22 th of Aprill, 1668. The Select men of this Towne being defirous yet further to ex- perience all possible means for the preservation of the wood & timber I 70 TOWN RECORDS yet growing on o r corhons although former endeavours haue not been effecluall to y* end. Do therefore order that after the Publication hereof no person whatsoever fhall fall any tree or trees on any part of the comons of this Towne vntill the Said tree or trees haue been Set out by the conTon Wood reeves, on penalty of payng five shillings for every tree, fallen contrary to this order, And for allowance to the Wood reeves for their paynes. they fhall pay either foure pence an houre, or two pence a tree at the choyce of the wood reeves. Alfo for the further encou r agem t of the woodreevesto dilligence and faithfulnes in the discharge of their trust, they shall be allowed th' one halfe of all the fines that fhall be levyed for the breach of this or any former orders that are made for the prefervation of the towne comons. Alfo the wood reeves fhall not be injoyned to attend any mans defire for the excecuccon of the aboves d order, Save only vpon the third day of eu r ie weeke, haueing at leafl two dayes notice before hand from thofe that defire to haue them attend the s d worke. John [77] John Paulfere is granted two trees for his trade. Deacon Cooper is granted timber for a payre of wheels. At a meeting of y e Selecl mea 21. 7. 68. Deacon Jn? Cooper is appoynted to fee a sufficient pound errecled ag* fpring next & is to take the timber on y e comon. m r Cooke hath liberty for fencing ftuffe for his orchard. Tho : Danforth hath liberty to take timber to make a hovell for his meep. W m Manning hath liberty granted to take timbr for repayring his houfe. m r Cooke and Deacon Cooper are appoynted to settle y e necke fence. TOWN RECORDS 171 At a meeting of the Select men. 12. 8. 1668. m r Richard Champney appearing before the Townfmen, declared that he had refigned vp all his intereft in the houfe right that appr- teyned to W m Wodsworth houfelott vnto his sonne in law Jn? Raftings, to haue & to hold the fame to him his heyres & afsigns for ever. Granted to W m Patten timber from of y e comon to repayre his old houfe at towne. Granted to Steeven Day libertye for timber to build him a leanto to his dwelling houfe. Abraham Holman appearing before the Select men, declared that in cafe any would make vp his mothers prt of fence ag* y e weft feild, being ab* 18 poles soas might be sufficient & secure, he would Ingage himfelfe to pay thofe that were appoynted by the Townfmen to overfee thofe fences. Joseph Holmes appearing before the Townfmen, is ordered to pay Gilbert Crackbone & ffr. Moore, for repayreing six rod of his prt of fence in weft feild twelve shillings. The choyce of Townfmen was omitted to be entred, & is in y e following pages. [77] At a meeting of the Select men. 14. 10. 68. LJ Edward Winship and Richard Hafsull are defired to fet out to Mathew Bridge so many trees out of the Coll : lot of wood as the Prefidt had out of his, & in cafe there be not enough there to supply to make vp what is wanting out of the comon. Mathew Bridge is granted timber from of the comon for repayreing his houfmg at the farme, inlew of the houfe he hath taken downe at Towne. M lr8 Dunster is granted liberty of timber on ye comon to repayre the houfe wherein shee live. for ifsueing the difference betweene thofe whofe cattell went in Winottime heard, & L' Winship, y e s d L* is ordered to pay for all his cattell (excepting 3 : calves) in prporccon with others. 172 TOWN RECORDS * John Goave is granted liberty for timber to fence his yards, and two for his trade. Richard Eccles is granted two trees for Posts for his orchard Richard Jackson is granted two trees for clapbords. Richard Hafsull is granted liberty for to take timber on the comon, to build an end of a barne. L* Winship is granted liberty for timber to make a leanto, & to make a p r wheels, & to mend another payre. ffrancis Whitmore is granted liberty for a clapbord tree. It is ordered by the Select men, that Henceforth no perfon whatsoever shall fall any tree, on any highway within the bounds of this Towne, on Penalty of ten shillings, for every tree so fallen, with out speciall licenfe firft had & obteined from y e Select men of the Towne, for the time then being. At a meeting of the Select men. 21. 10. 1668. There is granted liberty to sundry persons to fall timber on the comon as followeth, i e. To Richard Cutter for a p r of Cart wheels. To Thomas fox, for a cart body. To Deacon Stone for mending his out fences. To Elder frost for repayreing his fences. Richard Cutter, appearing before the Select men and being convicted of falling 4. trees on the coinon, contrary to y e Town order made in Aprill laft, is fined ten shillings. Ephraim Winship appearing before the Select men, and being con- victed of falling foure trees on the comon contrary to y e Towne order made in Aprill laft. is fined ten {hillings. January n* 1668. At a meeting of the Select men. Richard Whitney being accufed of falling sundry trees on the High way leading from Jn? Jacksons to Jn? Wards, and by his owne confession convicted of falling 4: trees, & 2. dead bodyes, is fined 20! Twenty shillings. TOWN RECORDS 173 Jn? Watson being convicted of falling firewood on y e comon, contrary to order, by his owne confession three loads, is fined ten shillings. W m Dixon being convicted of falling firewood on y e comon contrary to Towne order is fined for two load six shillings and eight pence. [78] There is liberty granted to Jn? watson to fall timber on the comon to repayre his fences, according as the Surveyo 1 * shall Judge he ftand in prefent need of, and for a cart and wheels. Refolved vpon the Queftion that it belongs to y e constable to repayre the great Bridge, over charles River, at the publcke charge of the Towne. Granted vnto W m Bull liberty to mow the grafs on the meadow called cheavers meadow, towards Concord bounds. There is liberty granted for falling timber on the comon, as followeth. vizt. To Cap* Gookin, thomas Danforth, m r Corlet, & thomas fox for repayreing their out fences. To Richard Jackson fo much fencing ftuffe as the surveyo 18 shall make return he stand in prt need of. Jn? Addams, Jn? Swann, & Jn? Paulfere, are to be warned to the next meeting to anfw r for falling trees on the comon, contrary to towne order. Richard Cutter, and Ephraim Winship are abated four shillings apeece of thofe fines impofed on y m at y e laft Towne meeting. The Towne being called together this day, among other things it was prpofed to them, that the farme on the South fide of the river, formly belonging to m r Andrews deccd, now apperteyneing to m r thomas Danforth was prejudiced by lotts granted to some of y e Inhabitants of Cambridge, and about twenty acres thereof taken away thereby. The Towne confidered of the matter, and it was acknowledged that old m r Andrews had fifty acres of land granted to him sundry years since, by way of addition to the old farme that he had bought of one m r Girling, and to find out the right it was conceiued that the beft expedient is to vfe the beft means that may bee, to get the knowledge of y e old line of the farme before the adition was made, & y* being done, then to procure a sufficient surveyo' to lay out the fifty acres adjoyneing to it, and 174 TOWN RECORDS for the effecting whereof the Select men have chofen Deacon Stone, L* Winship, Edw. Cakes, & (Francis Moore Junf a comittee to informe themselves the belt they can about the old line of the farme and to prcure an able surveyo* to lay out the fifty acres vpon the head of it touching upon Boston line, and then to make report to the Townfmen what they haue done in the premifes, and what damage the said farme doth sufteine by any grant of the Towne to particular perfons. m r John flint is nominated to be the Surveyo 1 . [78] At a meeting of the Selectmen febr. 8 1 ? 1668. Samuel Hide appearing before the Select men to anfw r for falling trees on the highway ag* his land pleaded that on exchange of land he condicconed to referve the timber & wood to himfelfe, and was promifed the fame, by John Jackson, Jn Ward & Jn? Parker. Samuel Hide complaynes ag* m r Jackson for leaving out of his Invoyce in the Country rate 15 : acc r meadow. 15. ace' Englifh grafs. & 1 20 accf of inclofed Pasture. Ditto, ag* Jn? Jackson for leaveing, 10 ace! of meadow out of his Invoyce and an ox. Liberty is granted to fall timber on ye Comon. To John Watson, for 50. rayles. & 28. pofts. To W Dixon for his orchard fence. To Tho : Danforth for a ftable. To m r Angier for his houfe & fences. To Jn? Swan for his orchard, wheels & Cart. To Jonath : Remington for his orchard fence. To Samuel Haftings for his barne. To Thomas Hall for his orchard fence. To John Haftings for his orchard fence. To Humph. Bredfha for a garden fence. To Jn? Marrett for a leanto & orchard fence. To Ri : Cutter for his out fence. To Daniel Cheaver, a groundfell & for his fences. TOWN RECORDS 175 John Swan being convicted of falling feaven trees contrary to Towne order is fined thirty-five shillings, according to Towne order, Apr. 22, 1668. John Paulfere being convicted of falling one tree contrary to Towne order is fined five fhillings. ordered that y e Constables warne the Inhabitants to provide thems : of ladders within 2 : months on penalty of payng according to y e Towne order referring thereto. for Katechifeing the youth of this Towne. Elder Champney. m r Oakes are appoynted for thofe familyes on y e South fide the Bridge. Elder Wifwall, m r Jackson, & John Jackson for thofe at the new church. Deacon Stone & Deacon chefholme for thofe at the remote farmes. L* Winship, W? Dixon & ffr : Whitmore for thofe on West Side winottine. [79] Deacon Stone, & Deacon Cooper for thofe familyes on the west side the comon. & for Watertowne Lane, as farr towards y e Town as Samuel Raftings. thomas Danforth, & thos ffox for thofe familyes on the Eaft fide the Comon. Richard Jackson, & m r Stedman for thofe familyes on ye Weft fide of ye Towne. Cap* Gookin & Elder froft, for thofe familyes on y e Eaft fide of y e Comon Water streete leading from the meeting houfe to ye Waterfide being the particcon. Entry of choyce At a meeting of the Inhabitants of Selectmen. omitted at y 6 Novemb. 8 th 1 668. Chofen for the Publique offic of the Towne for the yeare enfueing, as followeth. for Constables, fifra: Whitmore, Peter Towne, & John Spring. for Select men. Cap* Daniel Gookin, Thomas Danforth, Edward Oakes, John Cooper, Thomas fox, & Willm Manning, for Surveyo of high wayes. W m Barratt, Humphry Bredsha, Isacke Sternes. 176 TOWN RECORDS for the South fide the River, Surveyo are Thomas Hamond JunT and Thomas Browne. e __ IS- 12. 1668. At a meeting of the Sele6l men. Samuel Goffe, & Thomas Longhorne are appoynted overfeers of the fences about the necke for this following yeare, And John ftedman Jun r is to drive the necke Gilbert Crackbone, Jn? Watson, & ffr. Moore JunT are appoynted over Seers of the fences ab* weft feild & Jeremiah Holman to drive it for this following yeare. Willm Dixon, & Jn? Addams, are appoynted overseers of the fences ab* Winottime feild, & W m Row to drive it for [79] this following yeare. Robert Parker, Robert Browne, Joseph Rufsell and Richard Woods are chofen hogreeves for this following yeare, william bull is Chofen to Joine with Jofeph Rufsell to looke after the fwine over menotime for this prefent yeere Thomas Andrews is granted liberty to take timber on the comon for to build an end to his dwelling houfe. Peter Towne, is granted 2 : trees on the comon for his trade, & a Walnutt for hoopes. At a meeting of the Select men. 26. I. 1669. John Watson, Walter Haftings, & Daniel cheaver are appoynted to Joyne with thofe y* are deputed by Charlstowne to rune the bounds between them and o r Towne. And they are alfo at ye same time to rune the bounds between O T Towne & Woburne. m r Cooke is appoynted to Joyne with thofe y* are the overseers of the fences about the necke of land. John Goave is appoynted to afsist John Stedman in driveing the necke. Mathew Bridge & Samuel Stone are appoynted to Joyne with such as shall be deputed by Concord to rune the bounds between them & vs. TOWN RECORDS 177 Deacon John Cooper is nominated Clark for the select men for this following yeare. finis Tempore omnia mutantur. at a meeting of the felect men 12 (2) 1669 liberty granted to feuerall to fell timber on the Common To Captaine Gookins a ground fill and fleepers for a flooure to daniell Cheauer for an addition to his houfe. to widdow beale for her land and gardin to waiter haftins a 150 railes and pofts for his fence Vmphry bradfheere being Convicted for felling 6 trees Contrary to the towne order is fined fifteene fhillings. [80] Nathaniell patin Convicted for felling A lode of ded woode is fined fiue fhillings March th 30 1669 A Generall meeting of the towne to Confider about making fatif fac- tion for the land taken away by the f mall lots from m r thomas Danforths farme on the fouth fide of the River the towne made Choyfe by voyte of m r John ftedman deacon ftone lewetenant winfhip and francis More Jun r aded to the felect men to bee a Committy to make fatifTaction for the faide land to m r danforth of fome of the Common lands excepting thofe lands that the wood of them is allredy layed out Granted to Roger buck this preafent yeere to mow the medow by the fwamp neere littill fpye ponde At A meeting of the felect men Aprill the 19 1669 Richard haffell Daniell Cheauer and thomas White are Appointed to driue the Cow Common and to take of the delinquints according to the towne order being three pence pr hed Andrew fleuenfon is Appointed by the felect men to be the fealer of leather : 12 178 TOWN RECORDS May th 10 1669 liberty granted to Richard Cutter to fell twoo Clapbord trees for the Repayering of his dwelling houfe. 10 (3) 1669. at A meetting of the felect men It is ordered by the felectmen that if any horfe be founde in the Corne fields and the owners haue notice giuen them that theare they are and they doe not forthwith fetch them out the Common driuer or any other that is trefpafed thearby may hire as many as hee fee meete to fetch them out and the owner mail pay all the Chargis thearof [80] and in Cafe any horfe bee knowne to breake A fence that is fufifhent fuch A horfe mail bee Crofe languled or not fufered to goe againeft the Corne feild fence on penalty of paying fiue milling a time for euery time they are taken in any of the Corne feilds befides all damage to the party trefpafed thear by the f elect men taking into Confideration upon the Comeplaint of fome of the Idolnes and carlefnes of fundery perfons in the time of publicke worfhipe upon the faboth day, by keeping with out the meeting houfe, and theare vnprofitably fpending theare time, whearby Gods name is difhonered : they doe Order, for the time being, that the Cunftable ggf* mail fet Awarde of one man during the time of publicke worfhip, one in the fore noone, and another in the afternoone, to looke unto fuch perfons that they doe attende vpon the publicke worfhip of god ; that gods name and worfhip be not neglected, nor profaned by the evill mifcarage of futch perfons. 15 (4) 1669 liberty granted to Nathanill pattin to fell fome timber to repayer his out fences: 5 (5) 1669 At A publicke meeting of the Inhabitants of the towne to Confider of f upply for the miniftry, TOWN RECORDS 179 I It was voted on the firmative that the felecl men and deacons and Richard Jackson and m r ftedman and m r Angier are appointed A A ministry Commity to take preafent Care to purchas or build A house Conuenient houfe for the Entertainment of the Minifter that the lord may pleafe to fende vs, to make vp the breach that his afflicting prouidence hath made in this place; and that the Charge theareof be leuied on the Inhabitants as is Vfuall in proportioning the maintinains to the miniftry the fetelling of the houfe on the minifter, or ftating it on the miniftry, is left to further Confideration as the matter may require 2 that Care be taken for prouifion of payment of the pafage of m r Oakes family If It pleafe the lord to fende him to vs, and A leuy for that purpofe be made vpon the Inhabitans to the vallew of fixty pounds which euery one is to prouide in money that it may be in a redines on demand. Voted on the firmatiue [81] July (5) 1669 3 It was voted on the firmatiue that the Vfuall proportion payed to the minifter of this place be payed into the Deacons as formerly : and Mrs that out thearof thofe that labour among vs ; and Miftris Mitche11 Mitchell haue A competence allowed her, as the Commity aboue named mall appointe; and the Remainder if any, be to goe towards the difburfment as is aboue exprefed for a houfe Auguft th 9 1669 At a meeting of the felecl men liberty granted to Edward hall to fell fome timber for A leantoe and for the body of A Cart I So TOWN RECORDS September th 9 1669 farm sold At a Church meeting to confider about the felling of for building the Churchis farme at bilrica for the building of houfe for a (house of t h e miniftry It was Voited on the firmatiue, that the fayde Parsonage 8 farme ftiould be fould, and Improuement made of It, for houfe the building of A houfe for the Miniftry febtember (27) 1669 At A meeting of the Commity Chofen for to take Care for the building of A houfe for the Miniftry the fayde Commity agreed with m r Thomas danforth to Gary one the fame 4 (S) 1669 at A meeting of the fele<5l men m r william Maning and petter Towne was appointed to agree with workmen to take downe the fcholehoufe, and fet It vp againe ; and to Gary the flones in the feller to the place wheare the houfe for the miniftry Is to be built O6tober th 1 1 1669. At a meeting of the fele<5l men liberty granted to thomas Chefholme to fell fome timber for a leantoe and to John holmes timber for a leantoe and to francis whitmore for a leantoe [81] 27 (8) 1669 At A meeting of the felecl men granted to Goodman Coller two Clapbord trees for to Couer his houfe with all TOWN RECORDS 181 th i (9) 1669 At A towne meeting all the Inhabitance being warned when church It was Concluded by a Vote that the Comittee Namly the fele6l men then in being, and the deacons, and m r John ftedman Committee J chose to sell Richard Jackfon, and m r Edmond Angier that weare shawshm appointed to make Accomodation for the miniftry, are appointed to giue and figne a deede of fale of the Churchis farme at fhawfliin, in the name of the Church and the towne November th 8 1669 at A Generall towne meeting for the Choyfe of Cunftabls felecl men and furueyors for Cunftabls ( waiter haftins < Richard Ecels ( John fuller for felect men ( Captaine Gookin m r thomas danforth m r John ftedman william Maning thomas fox John Cooper furueyors of highwayes Samuell Gofe John Addams daniell bacon Dauid fifke 8 (9) 1669 At A meeting of the felecl men liberty granted to Mathew bregd fix trees for building timber to make an adifhon to his dwelling houfe at his farme 1 82 TOWN RECORDS Allowed to m p Corlet out of the towne Rate fourty fhillings for the Repayering of his houfe, wheare hee keepe fchoole, becaufe the fchoole houfe is to bee taken downe. 13 (10) 1669 at A meeting of the fele<5l men m r thomas danforth and waiter haftins weare appointed to goe and fee what damage was done by the owners of goodman fhawes farme to our lands adioing thearto and make Report to the towns men theare of [82] th 13 of defember. 1669 at a meetting of the felect men libertie granted to feauerall to fell timber to Andrew fteuenfon for to build a barne to Jonathan Remington for an ende to his houfe to m r ftedman for a payre of wheeles to deacon ftone to fence his yarde and A tree for pales to John Goue fence for his land in the weft feild to Elder froft timber for out fence to Richard Jackfon timber for A Cart to John Marrit timber for A leanto 20 (10) 1669 ministers at A meeting of the Commity appointed to take Care house f or a houfe for the Miniftry, It was agreed vpon by the fayde Commity, and A Rate was made according to the voyte of the towne, of which fayde Rate, A part of It to be gathered by the deacons for the fuply of m r Chancy, and fuch as labour among us in preaching the word, and a part of It to Miftris Mitchell according to the fume ordered by the fayde Commity to the deacons which sayd fume was fifty pound to m r Chancy and 30 lods of wood, , and what fhould be Conuenient to any other that weare helpfull among vs ; and thirty pounds to Miftris Mitchell; and the Remainder of the fayde Rate with an adifhon of halfe a yeere more to be aded and forthwith to be gathered by the Counftables, and TOWN RECORDS 183 difpofed of towards the building of the houfe by thofe Imployed for the Carieng on of the worke 27 (10) 1669 at A metting of the felecl men liberty was granted to m r thomas danforth to fell timber for to build A barne at his farme wheare Richard hafell did fume times Hue def ember th 10 1669 at A meeting of the felectmen liberty granted to petter towne to fell two timber trees for his trade and liberty granted to Richard Cutter to fell fome timber to build an Ende to his houfe def ember th 12 1669 At A meeting of the felecl: men liberty granted to deacon ftone to fell fome timber to groundfill his houfe and to John Cooper to fell fome timber to ground fill his barne and to faw for planke to floure his barne and to faw for borde for the houfe for the miniftry and to make fome ladders 14 (12) 1669 At A meeting of the felecl: men liberty granted to thomas longhorne to fell timber to build and ende to his houfe and to John Jackfon a lode of Am timber to make plowes from of the hundred akers granted to John holmes liberty to fell timber to make A payer of wheeles [82] th 14 of Jenuary 1670 at A meetting of the fele<5l men : liberty granted to william Maning to fell fome timber to fence his garden and to thomas fox to Repayer his out fence and to thomas hall 1 84 TOWN RECORDS to Repayer his out fence and to John Cooper to Repayer his out fence granted to John fheaperd two trees for his trade and fencing timber for his gardin granted to thomas one tree for pofts granted to thomas poft fencing timber for his gardin ouer feers of the fence in the necke m r Jofeph Cooke and thomas longhorne and for the weft field Gilbert Crackbone and John watfon and for Menotime field Edward winfhip and william dixon and to driue the necke m r Jofeph Cooke and John ftedman Jun r and to driue the weft field Jeremiah holman and to driue Menotime field Nathaniell pattin and for hog Reeves for the towne daniell Cheauer and for the Com- mon Edward hall and for Menotime william bull and for the fouth fide of the Riuer thomas prentis Jun r at A meeting of the f elect men th ii (2) 1670 liberty granted to feauerall perfons to fell timber to vmphry bradmeere to Repayer his out fencis and his barne and Cow houfe to petter towne to Repayer his fence about houfe and to John holmes to Repayer his fence to the weft field to John watfon to Repayer Edward winfhips fence belonging to the weft field to m r Jofeph Cooke for an out houfe to Jonathan Remington to Repayer his out fence to m r Angier to Repayer his gardin fence to John Addams to Repayer his out fence to Jeremiah holman a tree to lay Crofe the Riuer at the ware and fome timber to make hurddles to fet downe the Riuer to ftay the filh yr-^'^rx^TTrx X-^- n-fl-fry: RECORD MADE BY JOHN COOPER, TOWN CI,ERK, 1669-1681 (See Folii 185-186) TOWN RECORDS 185 th 9 (3) 1670 liberty granted by the felect men to feauerall to fell timber to Jonathan Cane 4 trees to Repayer his houfe and out fencis and to Edward hall to build A leanto and to daniell Cheauer timber for a Cart and to John haftins timber to Repayer his out fencis and to Nathaniell hancok two trees for fills for his houfe [83] th 1 6 of may 1670 at a metting of the felect men liberty granted to m r ftedman to fell timber to make a Cart and wheles ant to Repayer his garden fence and for A leanto liberty granted to william dixon to fell timber to fence his Orchyard 8 (6) 1670 At A metting of the felecl men liberty granted to Jonathan Remington to fell fower trees for groundfills for his barne October th 10 1670 at a meeting of the felecl men liberty granted to Jonathan dunfter to fell two trees to make a payer of wheeles x- x- x- x- x" x- x- x- x- x- x~ Nouember th 14 1670 At A publicke meeting of the Inhabitance of the towne to Chufe towne oficers for Counftables ( famuell Gofe < thomas prentis Jun r ( famuell Champnis 1 86 TOWN RECORDS for felectmen ' Captaine gookins John ftedman william Maning Edward Oakes thomas fox John Cooper i John Goue furueyors of J Jofeph Rufell high wayes j Jeames Cutter fen r > thomas Oliuer granted to the owners of the ke6lhis that are to builded in the towne liberty to fell timber vpon the Common for the building of the fayd ketchis at that publicke meting that was for the Choyfe of towne oficers [83] def ember th 6 1670 at A metting of the fele6l men liberty granted to Richard Jackfon to fell a tree for pofts liberty granted to m r Jofeph Cooke to fell two trees to Repayer his fencis agreed vpon by the fele6l men and thofe aded to them, as a Commity that the Rate made for the miniftry mould Continue the fame ftill it was before, a part of It to gratifie m r Chancy for his labours among vs and to be helpfull to Miftis Miclhell and the Remainder to be Improued for the finifhing of the houfe for A minifter. It was alfoe agreed vpon that theare Ihould be a towne Rate made of a Rate and halfe of a fingell Country Rate for the defraying the towne Chargis = 1 1 of I def ember th 23 1670. Mr chauncy At A meeting of the Commity Chofen by the towne to t , , order what mould be allowed m r Chancy for his labours Mrs. Mitchel * ^30 amongft vs in preaching, and to miftns micthell It was agreed upon by the fayd Commity that theare mould be allowed m r Chancy for the yeere 1670 fourty-five pounds (the wood TOWN RECORDS 187 that was Caried to him was to bee A part of It) and to be allowed to miftris Micthell thirty pounds for the fame yeere, and what was Caried her in wood to bee A part of It, and this to be payed out for a houfe of the leauy made for the miniftry, and the Remainder to JI( ul . t . 01 be Improued for the defraying of the Charges of the houfe built for A minifter January th 9 1670 at a metting of the felect men liberty granted to feauerall to fell timber to famuell Gofe a 100 pofts to Repayer his out fence to thomas fox to Repayer his out fence to william dixon timber for a payer of wheeles and to fence his garden to thomas Androwes to Repayer his out fence to John haftins to fence his garden to John palfree two trees for his trade to John Marrit to Repayer the out fence of his orchyard to John Gibfon to Repayer his out fence [84] January th 1 6 1670 At a metting of the felect men Granted to John watfon to fell timber for a payer of wheeles and to Repayer leutenant winfhips fence neere John watfons houfe granted to gilbert Crakbon three walnut trees to make mores for his barne granted to Richard Jackfon to fell fome timber to Repayer his out fence and orchyard granted to John ftedman timber to Repaer his garden fence granted to daniell Cheauer timber to Repayer his out fence to the weft fielde granted to John Cooper liberty to fell fume timber to Repayer his out fence and to ground fill his barne * Exact copy from manuscript. 1 88 TOWN RECORDS liberty granted to Miftris dunfter to fell fume timber to Repayer her out fence liberty granted to Elder froft to fell fume timber to Repayer his out fence the order of the fele6l men for the Cattichifmg of the youth of the towne deuided as followeth to Captaine gookins and Elder froft the Eaft fide of the towne from M the metting houfe to m r Manings to m r John ftedman and Richard Jackfon the weft fide of the towne JS as far as Jofeph holmes M to m r Danforth and thomas fox the Eaft fide of the Common from is John taylors to nottime % to deacon ftone and Edward Oakes the youth at the farmes <-> to deacon Chefholme and John Cooper the weft fide of the Common as far as notime to m r Maning and famuell Champnis thofe beyound the Riuer as far as widdow woods the Village on the fouth fide of the Riuer to Elder wifwell and Edward Jackfon Cap prentis and John Jackfon m r Edward Collins leutenant winlhip and fracis Whitmore are to Catichife the youth beyound menotime th 13 (12) 1670 At a metting of the fele6l men liberty granted to feauerall to fall timber to william barrit two trees for ground fills to Edward hall to Repayer his out fence in the ox paftur to thomas hall to Repayer his out fence to Robert parker to Repayer his out fence to leutenant winfhip to Repayer his out fence and about his Orchyard TOWN RECORDS 189 [84] at a metting of the f elect men th 12 (i) l6 7<> 1671 mr ftedman and thomas fox appointed to agree with the heardsmen to keepe the milch hearde granted to Edward winfhip to fell fome timber to make A payer of wheeles and to ringe a payer thofe appointed to looke after the yooking and ringing of the fwine for the fwine at menotime and the fencis Nathanill pattin and william bull for the towne Andrew fteuenfon and John goue for the Common william towne for the farmes dauid ftone for the fouth fide of the Riuer Jeames prentis driuers of the necke and vewers of the fence thomas longhorne and John ftedman Jun r to driue the weft field Jeremiah holman and to vew the weft field fence John watfon and John gibfon Jun r march 12 1670 1671 at A metting of the Tnhabitance of the towne the propofition was made that all the Common lands belonging to the towne without or beyound the Compas of the fiue mile line mould be deuided into pro- priatyes this after Confiderable debate was put to the vote and voted on the Afirmatiue and francis More and John watfon and John fheaperd and daniell Cheauer weare Chofen to be aded to the f elect men to be A Commity to order and make deuifion of the faide lands TOWN RECORDS granted to M* 18 Miclhell that her tennant at bilrica may dig as much Clay in Cambrigd bounds as will make a kill of brick for to make a ftacke of Chimnies at her farme March 20 1671 at a metting of the felecl men liberty granted to thomas fwetman to fell fume timber to make an adimon to his houfe and to John fheaperd two trees for his trade and timber to fence his garden and to francis more to Repayer his out fence at Jonifis hill 21 (i) 1671 the Commity meeting togeather to Confider about the deuifion of the lands beyound the Cow Common and the farmes. m r John ftedman and m r william Maning weare appointed to treate with the Comifhon officers of the Artillery at bofton about theare farme granted them by the Court neere Concord to lay It out or Refigne It vp becaufe our towne are about laying out theare lands adioining to It [85] March 20 1671 at a metting of the felec~l men John watfon dauid filke and daniell Cheauer weare appointed to take a vew of the lands voited to be layed out for to finde what damage is done by any perfons by felling of timber vpon the f d lands and aqainte the feleclmen with the fame that they may be delt with all according to the towne order furthermore they weare appointed to Call vpon the owners of Any farmes adjoining to any of thoafe lands to fhow them theare lines that theare might be a true plot taken of the fayde lands without damage to any propriator TOWN RECORDS 191 Aprill 10 1671 at A metting of the felecl: men m r Jofeph Cooke and daniell Champnis weare appointed to Rune the line againeft bofton bounds liberty granted to feauerall to fell timber to m r danforth two trees for A payer of wheeles to John haftins two trees for a payer of wheeles and a tree for pales to m r Angier 3 trees to Repayer his fence and to build an out houfe and to Vmphry bradfhaw two trees for Clapbord to Couer his houfe to waiter haftins timber to Repayer his out fence Ordered by the townsmen that during the time that the highway ly through the farme that was m r Androwes in the place wheare now It leade to John parkers houfe: It mall be lawfull for the occupiers of that farme to fence in and Improue the land that belonge to the towne for the olde high way that lead into bofton feilde at A metting of the felecl men of Cambrigde the th 10 of Aprill 1671 At the reqeft of m r Edman Angier and others it Is ordered that m r Oakes Richard Robbins and dauid fifke bee A Commity to fearch and Examine the grants and plats of the land on the fouth fide of the Riuer betwene m r danforth farme and m r Angiers farme and the lands belong- ing to famuell and daniell Champnis and fee how far the high way betwene the faide lands is layed forth and to fee wheather they Can finde any Common lands betwene the faide grant to perfit the faide high way vp into the lots or the highway leading from watter towne to Rokfbury and to Report to the towns men what they finde in the premifis. 192 TOWN RECORDS [85] May th 8 1671 At A metting of the felect men liberty granted to John Marrit to fell A tree to make Joyce to famuell haftins two trees to make ground fills and to Andrew belfher timber to build A barne drain granted to William barrit and Nathaniell Hancok to dige A (luce to dreane the ponde by theare houfes in the townes land prouided they fecure It from doeing damage as foone as may be and in Cafe the townes men fee Reafon for It, they are to ftope It vp againe an Order Concerning Cattill feeding vpon oure Common with out A keeper. wheare as diuers Complaints are made to the felec~lmen that not- withftanding former orders : the breathren and Inhabitance of menotime now decline to hearde theare Cattill and not keepe them out of the bounds of the Cow walke Referved for the towne within the fiue miles Contrary to towne orders and Couinants made with them and doe let theare dry Cattill and oxen goe with out a keeper and feede vpon the Cow Common and thearby preieduce the feede of the Cow hearde thearefore to preuent It It is ordered by the felecl men that noe dry Cattill nor oxen fhall be Cept with out a keeper within the fiue miles vpon the Cow Common but If fuch Cattill be taken feeding theare of our owne Inhabitance It fhall be in the liberty of our towne Cow keepers or any other Inhabitance to Impound the fayde Cattill eyther in the towne pound or in a yarde giuing leagall notice to the owners and the owners fhall pay for pounding fixpence pr hed halfe to the pound keeper and the other halfe to the Impounder and all Cattill taken belonging to other townes wheather milch Cattill or dry Cattill taken feeding within the bounds of our towne in any place fhall be alfoe Impounded as before and fhall pay before they be Releafed one fhilling pr head for poundage halfe to the pound keeper and halfe to the driuer m r ftedman and thomas fox are to vew the land that phillipe Joans defire to haue for to make and maintaine a ftone wall againft watertowne line and make Returne to the felecl men thearof TOWN RECORDS 193 [86] may th 29 1671 at A geanerall metting of the propriators of the towne lawfully warned to Confider about making A fence betwene watter towne bounds and ours It was Refeared to the felecl men and m r danforth deacon ftone and Richard Jackfon to make A Couinant with phillip Jones or any other able perfon to make a fufifhent fence of ftone of fower footes high with two gates vpon the high wayes one leading from Concord to water towne and the other leading from Cambrigd to watter towne by the farme fumtimes occupied by Richard hafell this fence to begin at the faid farme and goe on vpon the line to Rocky meddow and the faid phillip Jones or any other perfon that lhall make the faid fence and gates Is to maintaine the fame for euer in good Repayer and In Con- fideration whearof the towne grant lands vpon the Common wheare It is propounded fuch a qantity as they Can agree for to the faid perfon and his Eyers for euer prouided the land be bound to make good the fence and that It mail not be fould to any perfon or perfons but an Inhabytant of Cambrigd and that the faid perfon to whom the land is granted mail keepe noe heard vpon our Common nor more Cattill of his owne then his due proportion of what land of his ly in Common vnles hee haue liberty from the towne this was voited on the firmatiue liberty granted to daniell Cheauer to fell A+fee to make Joyce - and to henry boutill fix trees to Repayer his houfe and fume timber to Repayer his out fence. the felecl men doe not Except of henry boutill to be an Inhabitant in our towne may th 29 1671 at A metting of the felect men Mathew bregd appeering before the felecT: men being Conuicled of felling with in two yeers fifty trees vpon our Common land is fined three pound 13 194 TOWN RECORDS dauid fifke appeering before the felec"t men being Conui6led of felling 40 trees at leaft vpon our Common land without leaue is fined four ty millings and for taking of the Common land with out leaue into his farme is ordered to Remoue his fence and leaue It out againe with one yeere on penalty of paying 10* amonth vntill It be done [86] famuell ftone being Conuicled of felling ten trees vpon our Common with out leaue is fined ten millings dauid ftone appeering before the townfmen being Conui6led of felling at leaft ten trees with out leaue vpon our Common is fined ten millings. Ifack ftearns being Conuicled of felling timber vpon our Common with out leaue is fined ten fhillings Jofeph Meariam being Conuicted for felling timber Contrary to order is fined flue millings Jeames Cutter for felling fower Clapbord trees Contrary to order is fined fiue millings Michaell bacon Jun T for felling timber with out liberty on our Com- mon is fined ten millings william fimons being Conuicted before the felecl men for Cutting 800 of hop poles vpon our Common Contrary to order is fined twenty millings ordered by the feleclmen that the fines aboue fpeafified be leauied by the Counftable by tfye firft of nouember next this Inftant yeere 1671 and payed in Corne at the Country price deliuered at the towne vpon penalty of paying double for Negle<5l and It is further declared that if any perfon aboue named or aniother mail hearafter tranfgres in the like kinde the townsmen purpofe to Require the like penalty according to the towne order May 29 1671 : at A meeting of the propriators of the Common lawfully warned It was Refeared to the felecT: men with the breathren heerafter named to make A Couinant with phillip Jones or any other able perfon to make a fufifhent and firme ftone wall of fower foote high with two gates vpon TOWN RECORDS 195 the high wayes leading from Concord and Cambrigd land to watertowne (all allong the line from the farme late in occupation of Richard hafeli vnto Rockey meadow and to maintaine the fame fence and gates in good Repayer for euer) in Confideration whear of the towne grant land vpon the Common whear it is propounded fuch a qantity as they can agree for turne ouer [87] to the fayde perfon and his heyers for euer prouided the land be bound to make good the fence and that It mall not be fould to any perfon or perfons but an Inhabitant of Cambrigd and that a perfon to whome the land is granted to mall keepe noe heard vpon our Common nor more Cattill of his owne then his due proportion of what land of his ly in Common vnles he haue liberty from the towne : m r thomas danforth\ weare Chofen to Joine with the deacon ftone and / felecT: men in making this Richard Jackfon ) Contract this was voited on the afirmatiue church at a meting of the Curch and towne Cd" July th 17 1671 1 to acknowlegd thankfullnes to m r Oakes for his great loue, and felfe denial in parting with his frends and Concerns in England to Come ouer to vs 2 to manifeft unto him the Continuance of the earneft and affeclion- ate defires of the Church and peaple that as foone as well may m , Qakg bee would pleafe to Joine in fellowfhip heere in invited to order to his fettellment and becoming a paftour to move into the this Church ministers houfe 3 to intreate him forthwith to Concent to Remoue the house himfelfe and family into the houfe prepared for the prepaired for Ministry : . the ministry , .. . _ , _ 4 that the deacons be furmfhed, and In abled to prouide for his accomadation at the Charge of the Church and towne and diftribute the fame feafonably for the Comfort of him and his family: 196 TOWN RECORDS 5. that halfe A yeers payment forthwith be made by euer one according to theare yeerly payment to the miniftry ; and the one halfe of It to be payed in money ; and the other in fuch pay as is futable to the end Intended all theafe perticulars weare Voted on the afirmatiue August th 14 1671 at a meetting of the felecl men deacon John Jackfon famuell Champnis and thomas Oliuer weare appointed to Vew the high way from bofton bounds with bofton men to Captaine prentis and make thear of a Returne to the felect men [87] Oaober th 9 1671 at A metting of the felect men granted to m r ftedman liberty to fell a tree for pales to Repayer his fence granted to m r Cooke liberty to fell a tree to make fence about his kitchin granted by the felect men that theare be fume ded walnut trees felled for fireing for m r Oakes vpon the day appointed to fell and Gary wood for him the day being the 16 of this Inftant month of October 1671 at A publicke meeting of towne Nouember th 13)1671 Chofen for Counftables / John kindrick fen r John Goue: \ William barrit Captaine Gookin m r danforth m r John ftedman Select men > , "L , , ~ . m r Edward Oakes thomas fox John Cooper furuayors of TOWN RECORDS 197 ( william dixon famuell haftins Nathaniell fparhauke high wayes Job hide John Winter ?* granted to Avon bordman liberty to build a porch on the North fide of his houfe, three foote into the highway th 27 (9) 1671 At a metting of the felect men liberty granted to the deacons to fell three or fower ded trees vpon the plaine to fuply m r Chancy with fume fire woode at the prefent the fnow being deepe that theare was noe tolerable pafmg vnto the Rockes : defember th 10 1671 at a publicke meeting of the towne to Confider about the deuifon of the land beyound the eight miles and the deuifon of the woode vpon the Cow Common It was voited on the afirmatiue that thofe that mall with in one month after this metting that haue towne Right Come vnto the felect men, and voluntaryly fubfcribe this ingagment not to fell any fire wood out of the towne mail haue his proportion in the Common wood fet out to him and for that Ende all the wood land with in the th 6 miles is to be meafured that the proportion of Each may be knowne defember th 10 1671 at the faide metting granted to Andrew belfher to Repayer the barne he bought of widdow beale fixteene trees petter towne is Chofen to be the Repacker of meate and gager of Cafke, and fealer of weights and meafurs Voited at the fame metting that theare be a Rate made Mhchel ' of 20/ and P a y ed in to M tla Midhell for her fupply granted to Nathaniell Green a tree to Repayer his out fence 19$ TOWN RECORDS feauerall perfons fined for felling of wood and timber on the Common with out liberty Edward winfhip 20* Richard Cutter 20* Vmphry bradlheere 20*- francis whitmore 20* william dixon 20* John watfon 20* beniamin Crakbon 10* At a meeting of the felecl: men Jeanuary (15) 16/1 granted to theafe feauerall perfons liberty to fell timber to m r danforth for his Orchyard and for m r pellams necke fence to Cap gookins for neck fence and for A payer of wheeles to william towne for his out fence to thomas hall one tree to thomas fox for his out fence to m r Angier to Repayer his houfe to Mathew bregd A Clap borde tree to deacon flone a tree for pofts to John Goue 2 trees to Repayer deacon Meariams houfe to John Cooper for his out fencis and for ground fills for his barne and for a leanto to danill Cheauer for a payer of wheeles John Addams Nathaniell pattin Jonathan dunfter and Jofeph holmes appeering before the fele<5t men weare Conui<5ted of fellin wood vpon our Common with out liberty weare fined ten fhillings a peice for thear defalt In the yeere 1671 december the 25 deliuered by the Coun- ftable william barrit the townes weights and meafurs to petter Towne, he being Chofen fealer namely one halfe bufhell one $j" pecke one halfe pecke and one beere qart and one wine pinte and one halfe pinte one payer of brafe fcales one leade weight of fower pounds and one leade weight of three pound (and ten brafe weights) one of two pound one of one pound one halfe pound one qarter TOWN RECORDS 199 one two ounce one one ounce one halfe ounce and one qarter of an ounce one halfe qaarter of an ounce and one fmaler all of brafe one open feale for the leade weights one open brand to feale the wooden meafurs with the towne feale vpon them and one yarde meafure [88] the Returne of the Commity appointed to vew the highwayes from m r hainefis farm to bofton bounds and to the Falls Wee whofe names are heere Vnder written being Chofen and ap- pointed by the felecl: men of this towne to vew the high wayes lyeing from M r hainefis farme through Elder wifwals farme and other mens propriaties to boston bounds wee doe Judge It weare nedefull that theare fhould be an open and ftated Country high way layed out and bounded fower Rods broad from bofton bounds along through Elder wifwals farme and through M r hainefis farme, now M r wilifis farme and from thence to pas along through the fmall lots to the falls Commonly Called the lower falls and foe quite through vnto dedham bounds alfoe we Judg moil Coneunient that this way mould bee ftated from M r hainfis fearme, through Elder wifwals farme and other mens propriaties to bofton bounds it lyeth famell Champnis John Jackfon thomas Oliuer the agrement of Edward Gofe and thomas beale Concerning theare fence (and land) betwene theare lands in the necke being th 7 (2) 1651 , j Agreed as followeth thatthomas beale accepteth of the land as It is now fet out in lew of his land that is left out of his fence to bro gofe alfoe bro gofe is to allow him 16 poles of fence when he have got vp his ftone wall of his owne ftufe according as it mall then bee alfoe 20 Railes and at prefent to lend him 4' for one yeere to be payed in like good pay at the yeers end and bro beale agreeth that the Common fence mall be layed betwene bro gofe and him to the truth whcarof they haue put to 200 TOWN RECORDS theare hands the day and yeere aboue written alfoe bro gofe agrees to fecure all that part of fence betwene bro beale and him which is not of Right to be made by some other perfon without any Charge to bro beale Memoran d it is the true intent of this agrement that bro gofe mall be ingaged in noe fence betwene bro beale and him : faue only that fence which is vpon a new line by reafon of his exchange of land Edward gofe thomas danforth thomas beale witnes [89] Feberwary th 11 1671 at a metting of the felecl men liberty granted to feauerall to fell timber vpon the Common - to Mathew bregd Clapbords to Repayer his houfe and pofts and Railes for his out fence heere at towne - to Nicolas wiith 2 trees for A payer of wheeles to John watfon 2 trees for A payer of wheeles and for his out fence and A Cart - to umphry bradfhaw for A payer of wheeles and out fence - to Richard Ecels a tree to make ftayers to Jeremiah holman for a payer of wheeles and his out fence to John bouttill for his out fence - to John ftedman and benoni Eatton pofts and Railes for theare gardens - to petter towne one walnut tree and 2 trees for his trade th 1 1 (i) I^Tl 1672 at A metting of the felecl men liberty granted to feauerall to fell timber to william dixon A tree for pfts to widdow Cooke 2 trees for pofts and 3 trees for Railes to Roger buck A tree for Joyce to famuell haftins timber to Repayer his out fence to John Marrit timber to Repayer his out fence TOWN RECORDS 2OI to thomas Longhorne timber to Repayer his out fence to Miftis dunfter for a payer of wheeles to Jofeph fill fening ftufe for his garden to Robert parker for his out fence to Rober browne fenceing ftufe for his weft field fence to Abraham Arington fence for his garden and bradifhis lande and 2 ground fills to petter towne for his garden and for his houfe - to John bouttill timber to Ring a payer of wheeles to Jofeph Rufell 50 Railes and fume pofts to Jofeph Cooke fence for his garden to dauid fifke 2 mapell trees for theare faw mill - to Elder froft to Repayer his out fence vewers of fencis driuers of the Corne fields and hoge Reues for the yeere 1672 to vew the fencis and driue the necke. ( thomas longhorne ) (John ftedman ) vewers of the weft field fence francis More and John gibfon Jun r and to driue the weft field Jemiah holman [89] March th 1 1 1671 1672 vewers of the fencis in menotime field John Addams and william dixon to driue notime feild Nathaniell pattin to fee the towne order excuted about fwine for the towne Robert browne and petter towne for the Common John palfre for notime Jofeph Rufell John fquire to Rune lines betwene bilrica and our towne and the line betwene Concord and our towne m r Jofeph Cooke and dauid fiflce and daniell Cheauers are appointed 202 TOWN RECORDS and to Rune the line betwene Chads towne and Obourne and Cambrigd m r Cooke and famuell Cooper are appointed to agree with heards men m r fledman and thomas fox and william barrit are appointed Aprill th 8 1672 at A metting of the felecl men liberty granted to feauerall to fell timber to m r ftedman for ground fills to m r Angier for his Orchyard in the towne to m r danforth A tree for his fluce the felec~l men taking into Confideration the damag done by Cattill in Comon fields and the trouble of getting them 'to the pound Eytherby the Common driuer or by the owners of the land, the felecl: men doe order that for euery fuch beaft foe taken and Impounded the owner mail pay eight teene pence pr hed to the driuers of the field, or the owners of the land the tearmesvof agreement of the felect -men with thomas longhorne for the keeping of william healyes Childe as followeth that the fayde thomas longhorne is to bring vp hanna hely daughter of william hely borne in the yeere 1671 prouiding all Neffifaris for her of foode and Clothing in the time of her minority and futable Eaducation meete for one of her feels and degree and for his fatiffaction he is to be allowed out of the towne Rate fiue pounds A yeere for fiue yeeres and If fhe mould dy before thofe fiue yeers be expired or It mould be prouided for by any of Its freinds before that time then he is to haue not more then for the time he keepe It after fiue pounds perranum only forty millings of the fayde pay is to be in Cam or If not then foe much in other pay at money price TOWN RECORDS 203 [90] may th 4 1672 at A metting of the f elect men m r ftedman and m r Cooke weare appointed to meete watter towne and Concord men at watertowne may th 10 1672 for the fettelling of the Country Rode through watter towne towards Concord July th 8 1672 at A metting of the f elect men granted to famuell green liberty to fell fume timber to make an addifhon to his houfe 29 (5) 1672 at A metting of the felect men ordered about the fheepe 1 It is ordered by the felect men of Cambridge that all the fheepe owners in the towne that doe put theare fheepe with the flock doe before th* tenth of the fixt month next bring in the number of theare fheepe and lames to Edward hall that they haue put to the flock when the flock firft went out togeather with the markes of them vpon penalty of ten fhilling fine for neglect thearof and It is ordered that for time to Come that they giue in the number of theare fheepe and lames before the laft of Aprill to Edward hall vpon the like penalty vpon any Complaints made againft them for neglect thearof 2 It is ordered that what euer perfon fhall fende for or fecth away any fheepe or lame frome the flock and doe not aqaint the fheapard or Edward hall thearwith and fhow him the marks thearof hee fhall forfit flue millings for euery defect to the vfe of the towne 3 It is ordered that all the Rams and Rame lames be feaperated from the flock before the laft of July yearly excepting fuch as are Chofen for the vfe of the flock which Rams foe chofen fhall be put apart from the flock in fome fafe and Conuenient place at the appoint- ment of the felect men or whome they fhall appoint (theare being 204 TOWN RECORDS information giuen them by the fheaperd in feafon) and as for all other Rams and Rame lambs that weare not Chofen for the flock that lhall be founde with the flock after the tweluth of august next mail be Impounded by the fheaperd and If after that they be fufered to goe with the flock the fayde owners mail pay twelue pence aday for fuch Ram or Ram lambe that mail goe with the flock notwith Handing any Cuftome formerly febtember th 9 1672 at A publicke meetinge of the towne to Confider about Repayering of the bregd It is ordered that the felecl men doe caufe the bregd to Repair of be Exactly ferched and vewed and If upon ferching and the great Bridge vewing it be found that upon puting in of fume new firings and Caps and plankes and it will be Repayered foe as that It may be fafely Carted ouer for two or three yeers then they mould Caufe the fame to be fpeedily Efe6ted provided the Charge Extend not fourty pounds which the towne do voite to pay out of the next towne Rate [90] but If It be found vpon ferch that fuch a fume will not Repayer It to be fafe for Carting then the felecl men are defired and ordered Eyther to prouide a feary boatt and A man to keepe It or other wife foe to Repayer the bregd that horfe and foote may pafe fecurly wheather of the two wayes they mall finde to be beft for the publicke aduantage prouided allwayes that this prefent order for Repayering notwithftand- ing it is Commited to the Care and prudence of the felecl men and A Commity aded to them heerafter named or the maior parte of them to Confider and Contriue fume way to fill vp the brigd wharfe wife betwene the piles at each end leaning only three lengths for paffage in the midefts and to propofe fume way and mennes to fill the fame in a graduall way doeing A part euery yeere till the whole be done alfoe to Imploy fume perfons to get Contributions from other townes for, and toward the Efecting of the fame. francis More vmphry bradflreet zacariah hickes and Jofeph fill weare Chofen to helpe ferch the bregd Voted on the afirmatiue TOWN RECORDS 205 an order about the Cowes and fheepe the fele6l men taking in to Confideration the Complaint of the heards men and fheaperd of the neglect of feauerall perfons in not keeping theare turns upon the faboth day or not fending a fufifhent keeper many Cowes are left in the woods and foe the owners are much damaged the fele<5l men thearfor order that any that haue any Cowes goe with the heard or any that theare Cowes feede upon the Common and are ordered by the felect men to pay to the heards men mall keepe theare turns upon the faboth day begining with thofe that haue moft Cowes goe with the heard and they (hall prouide afufifhent keeper and In Cafe any neglect to keepe theare turns hauing due warning by the heards men being two or three dayes before the faboth the fayde de- linquincts mail pay for euery fuch Neglect fiue millings to be leauied by the Counftable the one halfe to the heards men and the other halfe to the vf e of the towne and the like order is for the fheepe : liberty granted to m r danforth to fell fume timber for his kicthin and to thomas fox A fheepe houfe XAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" At A publicke metting of the towne Nouember*th 11 1672 / famuell haflins Chofen for Counflables \ daniell bacon \ Marmaduke Johnfon /Captaine Gookin I m r John ftedman for felea men ^ m r Edward Oakes / m r william Maning I thomas fox \John Cooper /John winter Juftinian houldin forfurueyors ^daniell Champne I Noah wifall \John ftedman Jun r 206 TOWN RECORDS for fealing weights and meafurs petter towne for fealing leather Andrew fteuenfon [91] ii (9) 1672 at A metting of the felect men granted to John green fencing ftufe to Repayer his orchyard and to Edward Mitchellfon fume pofts for his orchyard and 2 groundfills for his houfe to Nathaniell handcoke fleepers for his barne to Jonathan Cane timber for A Cart and wheeles def ember th (9) 1672 At A metting of the felecl: men liberty granted to John ftedman Jun r to fell fome timber to Repayer his gardin fence and to william dixon timber for A payer of wheeles and to Repay his out fence and to thomas Androwes a pale tree and fume Railes to fence in his garden ^ and to Jeremiah holman to build A dwelling houfe agreed by the fele6t men that theare be a towne Rate made of A Country Rate and halfe for the defraying of towne Charges and A Rate of twenty flue pounds for m ra Micthell to be leauied by the Counftables and 5* of It If neede be with the wood that haue bine be payed her in be payed in woode Jenuary th 13 1672 At A metting of the felect men liberty granted to John watfon to fell fume timber to Repayer his out fence liberty granted to petter towne to fell two trees for his trade TOWN RECORDS 207 liberty granted to John Eames to make two kill of bricke on the Common beyonde me notyme prouided hee take nor by any woode that is taken of the Common febrawary th 10 1672 At A metting of the felect men liberty granted to feauerall to fell timber to leuetenant winlhip fower pine trees about beare fwamp or elfe- wheare upon the Common and timber for A Cart and wheeles granted to John bouttill timber for A Carte and to John palfre timber to build him an end of A houfe about 20 foote longe granted to John fwane timber for A payer of wheeles granted to famuell haftins timber for A 100 of Railes and eaqueue- lente for them granted to John Marrit two trees to make A fider pres granted to M tls blowers timber to ground fill her houfe and to fence in A gardin th 17 (12) 1672 At A metting of the fele<5l men liberty granted to Nathaniell hancoke timber to fence his gardin to william barrit ground fills for his houfe to mr Angier fencing ftufe for his gardin and timber to Repayer his houfe to doctor hore pofts and Railes to make A barricadoe againft his houfe * to Robert parker timber to ringe a payer of wheeles to zacariah hickes fencing ftufe for his gardin and three groundfills for his houfe. [91] to famuell gofe A tree for plancke for his floure to Captaine gookin for his out fence to John Jackfon for his out fence to thomas longhorne 2 trees for pofts 208 TOWN RECORDS to Jofeph holmes for the weft field fence John green is to pay to m r Angier what is in his hand due of his part of the towne Rate when hee was Counftable In Anfwer to A motion made by Thomas Oliuer to the fele<5l men that hee might haue liberty to fet vp his fence At the ende of his land, from the Corner ftake Alonge by the trees that are ^^ 3> marked, to the other Corner, ftake, though not A ftraight line Joining to the highway that leade from Rockfbery to watertowne mill the premifis are granted, prouided hee leaue the high way 4 rods fewer Rods broad in the Narroweft place, and If It fhall after warde appeere that the high way is damaged thearby hee lhall take vp his fence agai'ne, and fet it in A ftraight line If the fele6l men Require it by the order of the felecl: men March th 10 1673 At A metting of the felet men liberty granted to feuerall to fell timber to Richard Cutter for A payer of wheeles to Mathew bregd to Repayer his out fence to his land at towne and timber to build a houfe twelue foote fqaure to Nicolas wiith for his out fence with 2 Railes and pofts to them to vmphry bradfhaw for his out fence to widdow Crakbon timber for A Carte to Edward hall for his yards and for the fheepe yards to Nicolas fifhington for the weft field fence and for his yards to Amoz woodward for his weftfield fence to John haftins for his out fence by his houfe and A tree for pales to Nathaniell pattin for his out fence and A tree for planke to widdow Cooke for her out fence to daniell Cheauer for his fence to the weft field to Abraham Arington for his weft field fence and his gardin and groundfills for his houfe and for his land by famuell haftins ( TOWN RECORDS 209 the names of the perfons that are to driue the Common fields and looke after the fencis and the fwine for the necke fence ) \ . , . ( John ftedman and to driue it ^ ~ .. 1 John bouttill fen r / John watfon for the weft field fence ^ frands More and to driue it ( Amoz woodward Jeremiah holman Xi for menotime field fence ( Nathaniell pattin and to driue it ( John fwane for the farmes neere Concord to looke after the fwine Jsack ftearns. (Edward winfhip Andrew fteuenfon Jeremiah holman Jonathan fanders on the other fide the water for the fwine/olde goodman kendrick Vthomas prentis ( Jeames prentis to agree with heardsmen / m r ftedman \ thomas fox ( famuell haftins to agree with the fheaperd ( John watfon ( thomas fox [92] the Information giuen by thofe heere vnder written of the pore and low Condition of Jofeph bartlit theafe are to Certifie our honered Captaine and the Reft of the felecte men of Cambrigd that according to your order wee haue bine with Jofeph bartlit and wee doe finde him in a very poore Condition hauing noe houfe and very bad in Refpe6t of foode and Rayment and thearfor if you would be pleafed to Allow flue pounds It may be A Comfortable fupply to helpe to build him A houfe and A helpe to fupply his prefent wants 14 210 TOWN RECORDS March th 3 1673 thomas prentis A Coppy of the Requeft of the felect men fent to the Reuerent Elder wifwall and m r Nehamiah hubbard preacher at the fecond Church at Cambrigd John Jackfon daniell bacon Counltable Vpon Information of the pore and low Condition of Jofeph bartlit and his family whoe is an Inhabitant of this towne and particularly hath his Refidence among you wee thought It expeadiente : heereby to defire and moue you to fpeake to the Congregation upon the faboth fcjf* day about his Condition and to moue them to make A Contribu- tion towards his Releefe the faboth day foiling wee lhall allfoe moue our pafture to fpeake to our Congregation to doe the like, and the Reafon of our preceding in this way is becaufe theare is nothing to be fpared out of the towne Rate for his Releefe : and wee finde this way moft feasable to accomplifh the end hauing latly made A probation thearof for the Releefe of one John Coller A poore family on this fide foe Commiting you to God, wee Remaine your louing friends and Neighbours dated at Cambrigd March th 12 167^ 3 Aprill th 14: 1673 At a meeting of the felecl men granted to Richard Robbins liberty to fell fume timber to Repayer his leantoes to Jonathan dunfter to Repayer his out fence to Jonathan Cane to Repayer his out fence to famuell gofe fume for his orchyarde to m r Johnfon fence to Repayer his mothers garden to John Addams for his out fence by his houfe * A Copp^Kof tbe Returne to tfvefeleYl men \ / / \ by m r thomas danfortVand dauid fifk* Concering the land claimed by famuell and daniell JZnarnpne wee whofe names are fubfcribed being * In the manuscript the pen was drawn through this entry, as if with the intention of erasure. TOWN RECORDS 21 1 * defired tWew A parcell of land lyjXg on theVc&th fide of the Riuer betvvene part of the hed line of m r / Andrewes farn^e and nV^parhaukes line and nfew Claimed by famuell and daiell Chriftofer Reede ( thomas hammond (m r Eward Oakes william Maning ( waiter haftins for felecl men / Nathanill fparhauke \ francis More \ John Cooper John ftedman Jun r thomas Oliuer for furueyors ( Jeames Cutler Jun r ( John Kindrick ( Jofeph Rufell liberty granted to feauerall to fell timber by the felecl men 30 (9) 1677 to John Jackfon 2 trees to make A payer of wheeles to francis More 2 trees to make A payer of wheeles to John ftedman 4 trees ground fills for-his barne and fume for pofts and Railes for his yards to John Cooper timber to Ring 3 wheles and for to fence in his garden [101] 28 (10) 1677 At A meeting of the felecl men granted to william Maning two trees for pofts and one tree for Railes granted to vmphry bradftiaw 2 trees for A payer of wheeles and one tree for pofts granted to Maior Gookin 2 trees for fence for his gardin granted to Robert parker fume timber to Repayer his hay houfe and his out fence and 2 trees for A payer of wheeles TOWN RECORDS 237 the felecT: men taking in to Confideration the prifing of the timber of the fortification It being by A publick Vote of the towne agreed that It fhould be Improued for the filling up of the brigd they doe order that hee that prouide his timber eyther by paying for It or of his owne fhould be allowed for It feauen Ihillings fixpence a Rod and thofe that did take It of mens propriaty of land or wood lot fhould be allowed for theare felling Carting and fetting of It vp fouer fhillings fixpence A Rod and the towne to pay for the timber three millings A Rpd At A meeting of the felecT: men II (12) 1677 the felecT: men doe appoint Richard dana to giue Information to the felecT: men of Any that doe fell woode of the fmall lots out of towne that are on the other fide of the water or of the hundreth Akers granted to leutenant winfhip liberty to fell two trees for A payer of wheeles and for A Cart granted to thomas longhorne A tree for pofts and A tree for an axeltre granted to John Marrit A tree for ports and halfe A hundreth of Railes for the Cowes m* John fledman and thomas fox are appointed to hire A heards man to keeke the milch heard and prouide bulls for the hearde for the fheepe the felecT: men doe appointe to take Care aboute the flock for to get A fheaperd and what euer is needfull for the flocke william dixon, John watfon and Vmphry bradfhaw 19 (12) 1677 At A meetting of the le<5l men liberty granted granted to Nicolas wiith fen r liberty to fell two trees for to make A payer of wheeles liberty granted to John Jackfon foe much timber to Repayr his out fence to fell upon our Rockes granted to John palfre timber to build A leanto and to fence his orchyard and 2 trees for his trade 238 TOWN RECORDS 22 (12) 1677 At A meetting of the felect men liberty granted to Caleb Church to hange two gates upon his land on the placis hee defire during the pleasure of the felecl: men liberty granted to petter towne to fell two trees for his trade and A tree for pofts and A walnut tre for hoopes granted to John green to fell fume trees for the groundfills for his barne 25 (12) 1677 At A meetting of the felecl men liberty granted to Nathanill pattin to fell 2 trees for Railes and A tree for pofts and A tree for A ground fill wheare as John Eames was fined 3* for making brick upon our Com- mon with out liberty the felect men doe agree that the one halfe of the fine bee Abated and hee pay thirty millings ii (i) 1677 78 At A meeting of the f elect men liberty granted to william dixon to fell foe much timber as will make two ground fill for his houfe and one fill for A leanto and timber to build A leanto [101] Men Chofen for hog Reeues for the yeere 1678 for the Vilage John Mafon. Noah wifwall Ealiah kindrick for to vew out fencis John fpring and Job hide for hog Reeues for the towne and Common william healy and dauid ftone Jun r for the Common John palfre and Ifraell Meade beyond me'Notime Jeames hubbard and famuell bucke for the farmes John winter and John Rufell ouer the water thomas browne and John Mackoone vewers of fencis famuell Champne danill Champne TOWN RECORDS 239 t for the necke fence thomas longhorne and John ftedman Jun r and to driue the Necke the fame perfons for the weft field to vew the fencis Richard Robins and John gibfon Jun r and to driue the field Jeremiah holman and John Gibfon for menotime field to vew the fencis william dixon and Nathanill pattin and to driue the field Jofeph Rufell and John Addams for Runing of lines for charles towne and Obourne and bilrica m r Jofeph Cooke danill Cheauer famuell Cooper for Concord line famuell ftone John winter liberty granted to thomas fox to fell foe many trees as will make 30 pofls and A 100 Railes liberty granted to piam blowers to felt foe many trees as will ground- fill his barne libertie granted to John haftins to fell one tree for pofts for his out fence libertie granted to the worfhipfull m r thomas danforth to fell foe much timber as will make A fider pres granted to Jonathan Remington to fell A tree for pofts for his out fence liberty granted to william bull 4 trees for ground fills and two for plates 14 (i) 1677 78 liberty granted to thomas Androwes to fell two trees upon our Rockes one for pofts and one for Railes liberty granted to m r Angier to fell two trees for two ground fills for his barne 240 TOWN RECORDS * 8 (2) 1678 At A meeting of the felecT: men granted to Jonathan Cane liberty to fell foe much timber as will make A payer of wheeles and to ground fill his houfe and to fence his yarde granted to folomon prentis to fell foe much timber as will build A barne 18 foote longe granted to Zacariah hickes 5 trees for groundfills for his houfe granted to Andrew bordman 3 trees to fence his garden 10 (4) 1678 At a meeting of the felecl men liberty granted to decon John ftone to fell fume timber to Repayer A leanto and ground fills for A leanto and bracis for his barne granted to John Addams fen r to fell 4 trees to groundfill his dwelling houfe in RefpecT: of nefefitie and not Right granted to Edward hall foe much timber upon our Rockes as will make an Addition to his houfe about 16 foote longe Cambrigd this 20 of febtember 1678 the fele6l men of Cambrigd hauing had many Complaints Come to them of the breaking the ground in the high wayes by perfons diging Clay or fand and being fenfable of the damage thearby doe order that whoe foe euer fhall digg any Clay or fande in any high way with in the bounds of the towne of Cambrigd fhall pay flue fhillings for euery lode digged in the highway At A Meeting of the felect men liberty granted to thomas Androwes to fell A tree for pofts for his gardin liberty granted to thomas fweetman to fell foe many trees as will groundfill his barne TOWN RECORDS 241 [102] At A meeting of the fele6l men Nouember th 8 1678 granted to francis More the vfe of the highway In the great fwampe againft his owne lot during the pleafure of the felec~t men Nouember th n 1678 At A publicke Meeting of the Inhabitance of the towne the Inhabitance of the towne Confidering It both duty and Reafon that theare mould be fume gratuity to our paftur m r Vurian Oakes befide our anuall Allowance to him It was voted by the Inhabitance that for theafe two next yeares : god being pleafed to Continue the Reauerant m r Vrian Oakes with them they will Refpecliuely double theare Anuall payments to him the one to be payed as hath beene Vfeali by Contri- bution and the other to be payed in money for the Inableing him to purchafe fuch lands as may bee for his nefeary accomodation or other- wife as to him {hall feeme meete the firft payment to bee made the next febtember in the yeere 1679 Voted on the Affirmatiue the perfons Chofen to Joyne with the felecl men, Major gook A m r danforth m r ftedman and thomas fox to make theafe Rates theafe feauerall officers weare Chofen upon the day aboue writen /John fpring V John Marrit winter ( thomas fofter (m r Edward Oakes m r william Maning m r Nathanill fparhauke .~. /r . ,, /francis More J waiter haftins \John Cooper /Ruben luxford \william Ager for fureiyors of hjghwayes , *! (Jeames hubbard (Eaphraim winfhip for the Vilage (John Mafon. 16 for Counftables / "' ' V John 242 TOWN RECORDS liberty granted to feauerall to fell timber to thomas poft for fencing for his gardin A tree for pofts A tree for pales 2 trees for Railes to Nat hancoke A tree for pofts A tree for pales and two trees for Railes to Edward hall to Robert browne for his out fence one tree for pofts and two trees for Railes to Androw bordman 2 trees for A payer of wheeles to thomas longhorne 2 trees for A payer of wheeles at the hundreth Akers to Chriftofer Reede A tree for pales to John haftins 2 trees for A payer of wheeles to vvilliam dixon A tree for Clapbords for his houfe to m r Angier to fence his orchyarde to Richard Robins two trees for A payer of wheeles to m r danforth foe may Railes as will make 40 Rodes to fence his orchyard to Vmphry bradfhaw A tree for pofts for his out fence [102] Jenuary th 13 1678 at A meetting of the felecT: men Complaint being made by fume of our breathren to the felecT: men of theare neafeacitie of fire wood the fnow being deep upon the ground they Could not take up old woode that was upon the ground they doe allow that men for theare prefent Neceafitie may Cut wood in the fwampes upon the Rockes but not oake nor walnut and If any lhall prefume to fell any green oake or walnut woode for fire woode they fhall bee liable to pay for It according to the former order fiue Ihilling A tree and Vmphry bradfhaw is defired to Informe of fuch as fhall tranfgres and this liberty to Continue during the prefent feafon that the fnow mall abide upon the ground liberty granted to feauerall to fell timber Roger bucke liberty granted to fell fume timber to fence his orchyard and A Clapbord tree TOWN RECORDS 243 granted to thomas Androwes A Clapbord tree granted to william dixon to fell A 100 of Railes to fence his orchyard granted to Jonathan dunfter timber to build a barne thirty foote longe granted to dauid fifke liberty to make A Clampe of brickes neere Roger fhawes farme granted to Danill Cheauer timber to make A Cart and two ground fills for his houfe granted to Nathanill green Chandler liberty to fell foe many trees as will make A 100 of Railes and twenty pofts to fence his gardin granted to petter towne liberty to fell foe many trees as will make A 100 of Railes to fence his fathers land againft the Common granted to m r Angier liberty to fell two trees for Railes and two for pofts at the hundreth akers for his out fence granted to Magor gookin two trees for his out fence liberty granted to John bradfhaw william Rufell and Jafon Rufell to lenthen the fouth galary at the weft end to accomodate them for a feate on the faboth day Amoz Marrit appointed to fit in John watfons place on the galary the fele6l men haue appointed Noah wifwall to gather in the Reuer- tion of the Contributions at the Vilage on the fouth fide of the Riuer and Nicolas fifhington and Chriftofer Reede to gather in the Reuer- tion of the Contributions of the towne of Cambrigd according to law. 10 (12) 1678 At A meeting of the f elect men the felecl men haue appointed to get A fheaperd to keepe the flocke and to doe what Elfe is tiefifary for the flock John watfon vmphry brad- fhaw and thomas Androwes for the yeere 1679 Alfoe the fele<5l men doe order that the flocke bee not fed aboue two dayes in A weeke on this fide menotime Alfoe waiter haftins and francis More to agree with a man to keepe the milch hearde at prouide bulls to folomon prentis timber granted to build A lento 17 foote long 244 TOWN RECORDS granted to John watfon to fell two trees for pofts and 30 Railes granted to Eaphraim froft one tree for pofts and foe many trees as will make fifty Railes granted to famuell haftins one tree for pofts and foe many trees as will make 30 Railes granted to petter towne two trees for his trade and A walnut tree for hoopes granted to John Jackfon two trees for pofts for his Orchyard granted to Nicolas wiith one tree for pofts and 2 trees for Railes granted to John haftins to fell one tree for pofts and fower trees for Railes [103] At A meetting of the felecl: men for hog Reeues John haftins for the towne and Common for menotime famuell buck at the farmes John Coler for the fouth fide of the Riuer Nathenill Robins for the fencis of the Common fields for the Necke thomas Longhorne and Aron bordman both to vew the fencis and driue the Necke for the weft field John goue and folmon prentis to vew the fencis and Jeremiah holman to driue the weft field for menotime field for to vew the fencis william dixon and John addams to driue the field gerfhom Cutter to Rune the line with Rokfbery and dedham thomas fofter and Noah wifwall are appointed for It and m r fparhauke alfoe to goe with them 10 (i) 1678 79 at A meetting of the felecl: of Cambrigd and feauerall of our breathren of the Vilage and wee defire and appoint Job hide and thomas greenwoode to examine the account of thomas hammond about the towne and Country Rate that hee was to gather and to gather what is behinde and to giue account of It to the fele<5l men of Cambrigd TOWN RECORDS 245 granted to Richard Cutter two trees to make A payer of wheeles granted to Robert wilfon one tree for pofts and foe many trees as will make A 40 Railes the fine trees felled by francis whitmore upon a grant to himfelfe and to Nathanill hancok in the yeere 1677 the felecl men doe alow of It granted to John Marrait A tree for to make A wheele danill Champne and John Oldam are appointed to Joine with bofton men to Rune the line betwene bofton and Cambrigd upon the 15 day of Aprill in the yeere 1679 14 (2) 1679 At A meeting of the felecl: men granted to leutenant winlhip to fell two trees for two groundfills for his houfe and foe much timber as will build A leanto to his houfe granted to gerfhom fwane to fell foe many trees as will make A hundreth of Railes and one tree for pofts for the Common fence be- twene his houfe and william dixons barne granted to Nathanill pattin two trees for Railes and one tree for pofts and A Clapbord tree the Returne of francis More and waiter haftins of theare vewing of the line of John Rofe betwene his land and the Common wee whofe names are heere under written being appointed by the felecl men to finde out and to fettill the bounds of the land of John Rolfe firft granted to Cap Gorge Cooke doe finde the Eaft fide to be bounded with Charles towne line at the north end of which flood A great black Oake marked and owned by feauerall perfons to be the bounds at that Corner the north fide bounded by the fence now being and from the fence to A fmall Oake upon the brow of the hill on the North fide the brooke the fouth fide to bee A ftreight line from the faide Oake to the fouth fide of his Mill houfe and the fence on the brow of the hill the bounds betwene menotime field and him 12 (3) 1679 waiter haftins francis More thomas hall appeering before the fele<5l men declared that he had fould A Cow Right to francis More that fumtimes belonged to the houfe that was m r fanders 246 TOWN RECORDS [103] March 17 th 678 At A Generall Meeting of the towne and 79 felecl men and propriaters of Cambrigd Common 1 It is ordered that all the Common land on the fouth fide of the high way leading from Cap Cookes mill to water towne or further if the fele<5t men and Commity fee Caufe be fenced in for A Cow Common for fuch as haue Cow Rights Recorded in the towne booke and this is to bee done with all Conuenient fpeede and euery perfon that Cow rights and Commons mail doe theare proportion thearof as It mall bee fet out by the felect and Commity aded to them for the matter: and If any perfon that hath Right Refufe or Neglect to doe his or theare mare in time Conuenient the felect men and Commity are to let others that haue noe Right make up theare fence and mail and may haue the benifite thearof untill the propriators pay double the Value of the fayde fence which doing then they may Inioy the benifit thearof to theare Vfe 2 It is ordered that the fayde fence be done with A ftone wall eyther A whole wall or A halfe wall and fumething of brufh upon It and not to be les than fower foote high 3 It is Refered to the felecT: men of Cambrigd together with the perfons heere after named to Joine with them as A Commity to fet out the lines and proportion euery mans mare and make fuch orders for the Regulating the Commons and keeping of all Cattill and horfes that haue noe liberty to goe theare as feeme good to them according to Reafon Maior gookin m r thomas danforth william dixon John Goue or any three of them to Joine with the fele6l men to EfecT: the mater All theafe perticulers aboue writen weare Voted on the Afirmatiue x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x Nouember i/th 1679 At A publicke meetting of the Inhabitance of the towne for the Choice of Counftables and felect men the Choice not Handing upon Nouember th 10 by Reafon of fume Earigularty in thofe that voted. (m r Jonas Clarke John Mafon V^UUIUUIUICS /r , , . . ,, . / Eaphraim wmlnip \John Oldam TOWN RECORDS 247 /william Maning V m r Nathanill fparhauke \ francis More f elect men , .. / william dixon waiter haftins [ohn Cooper furuayers of high wayes for menotime Jonathan fanders for the towne Androw bordman for the fouth fide of the Riuer Nathanill wilfon for the farmes thomas Cutler Nouember th 16 1679 the felecl: men haue Appointed for hog Reeues for menotime Nathanill pattin for the farmes John Rufell for the towne danill Cheauer for the fouthfide of the Riuer henry fmith 8 (10) 1679 At A meeting of the felect men granted to Androw bordman foe many trees as will make an Addition to his barne of 14 foote longe granted to m r Angier two trees to make A floure for his barne granted to Eaphraim froft to fell A tree to Ring A payer of wheeles granted to Nat hancok A tree for pofts and A tree for Railes granted to John Marrit foe much timber as will make A 100 of Railes and A poft tree granted to John goue A Chefnut tree at the hundreth akers granted to John haflins as many trees as will make 60 Railes and A tree for pofts for his out fence granted to famuell gibfon 4 trees for Railes and 2 for pofts [104] granted to feauerall perfons to fell timber to m r Angier two trees upon the hundreth akers for his out fence 248 TOWN RECORDS to John watfon two trees for ports and foe many trees as will make fixty Railes to John Cooper one tree for pofts and two trees for Railes for his out fence granted to leutenant winfhipe for fleppers for A floure for his houfe granted to danill Cheauer two trees for groundfills one Raile tree and one Clapbord tree 27 12 1679 At A meeting of the felecl: men Liberty granted to Richard Cutter to fell two trees upon our Com- mon to make horde for his floure ^ / ^ / ^ granted to M tls Michell to fell fume timber upon the Rockes to Re- payer her orchyard and out fence John goue and John palfree are appointed by the felecl; men to get a heards man to keepe the Milch heard for the yeere 1680 15 (i) 1680 At A meeting of the felecl; men Chofen for driuers of the Common fields and vewers of Common fencis for the necke to Driue It and Vew the fenceis thomas longhorne and John Jackfon for the weft field to vew the fencis John watfon and thomas Androwes and to driue the field Jeremiah holman for menotime field to vew the fencis and to driue the field John Addams fen r and Jeames hubbard 1680 Chofen to take Care about the flocke of meepe to hire A fheaperd and take Care for the wafhing of the fheepe and for Rams and what Elfe is Necifary for the flock Andrew bordman Abraham holman and Jofeph Rufell TOWN RECORDS 249 Cambrigd this 22 of March l6 79 80 At A publicke meeting of the propriators of the Common the Vote thofe that are of the minde that the woods upon the Rockes Con- tinue ftill as they haue been hitherto to be managed by the felecl men are to manifeft it by holding up theare hand this was Voted on the afirmatiue 12 (2) 1680 y At a meetting of the felecl men liberty granted to Jonathan dunfter to fell foe much timber as will make two Rods and A halfe of fence againft william bulls next the Common June 26 th 1680 the felecl men going ouer the Riuer to the place Called the Indian lane and ordered John Mackoon to Remoue his fence, hee hauing taken in fume of the towne land and layed out the highway that gofhua fuller had taken in, and marked three trees below the ould track the Carts had made and the way to Extend fower Rods in bredth from the faide trees, and the felec~l men did order Jofhua fuller to make two payer of barrs for Carts to pas, till the laft of feptember next, and then to lay open the way for the futer [104] The Returne of the Commity Chofen by Cambrigd $& felecl men and the Inhabitance of the Vilage In fettelling the line betwixt them and the towne wee whofe names are heere fubfcribed being Requefted and Im- powered mutially by the fele6l men of the towne of Cambrigd and A Commity of the Inhabitance of Cambrigd Vilage In behalfe of both placis Refpectiuely Relating to a diference arifing betwene faide placis of the bounds betwene them after Reading and Confidering the Gen- arall Courts order Relating to the fame, alfoe hearing and waiing what both partyes had to say Relating to the Cafe doe determine as followeth. 250 TOWN RECORDS hauing meafured fewer miles from the Meeting houfe in Cambrigd, doe finde that line to terminate at A black Pake tree marked with fower Nochis upon the Roade which is fituate neere the North Eaft corner of widdow Jackfons Orchyard, a,nd from the faide black Oake Northerly to A Chefnut tree In M r Jackfons paftur, and to Continue the faide line till It Comes to Charles Riuer, and from the faide blacke Oake which is Marked with fower Nochis foutherly, to A heape of ftones which is the terminate of fower miles, from the faide meeting houfe in that place, and from the faide heape of ftones to Continue the faide line untill It Come unto bofton bounds as A teftimony that this is our yunanimus Conclution and full determination of the diferencis aboue faide wee haue heerunto fet mir hands this 27 th of the 7 th 77 Richard Collicott william fymes william Johnfon william bond Richard lowden At A meetting of the felecl men 10 (3) 1680 liberty granted to Richard Cutter to fell foe many trees as will groundfill his and one Clapbord tree liberty granted to vmphry bradlhaw to fell two trees for to ground- fill his barne liberty granted to M tiB Miclhell to fell foe many trees as will make A hundreth and fifty Railes liberty granted to the deputy gouernor to fell fume timber upon our Rockes as will ferue for to build A houfe at his farme neere water towne liberty granted to thomas hall to fell foe much timber as will make A 100 of Railes for his orchyard liberty granted to waiter haftins one tree for a ground fill one tree for pofts and one tree for Railes liberty granted to Jeremiah holman 2 trees for A payer of wheeles and 2 trees for Clapbord. TOWN RECORDS 251 June 28 th 1680 At A publicke meeting of the Inhabitance of the towne to Confider about the maintinance for the miniftry and the difpofmg of It 1 Voted on the afirmatiue that the afefment upon the Inhabitance towards the miniftery in this towne be ftill Continued as formerly 2 that the maintinance that is anually allowed to the miniftry m r Nathanill Gookin fhall haue one hundreth pound theareof for this prefent yeere, and the remainder to be payed to m r Oakes this was voted on the afirmatiue At A meeting of the felecl: men 1 1 (8) 1680 liberty granted to John gibfon fen* to fell two trees for A payer of wheeles and timber for A Cart [105] 8 (9) 1680 At A publicke meeting of the Inhabitance of Cambrigd for the Choice of towne oficers /John haftins I Nathanill wilfon for Counftables \ Joh Rufell | for the Vilage 1 Jeames prentis william Maning m r fparhauke waiter haftins francis More william dixon John Cooper (thomas longhorne for the towne famuell Oldam for the fouth fide of the Riuer (famuell bucke for menotime dauid filke Jun r for the farmes for felecl men for furueyors of high wayes 252 TOWN RECORDS 14 (10) 1680 At a meeting of the felecl men liberty granted to John wiith to fell foe much timber as will build A frame of 15 foote wide and 18 foote longe liberty granted to Vmphry bradfhaw two trees to make A payer of wheeles liberty granted to John Cooper to fell one tree to Ringe A wheele liberty granted to Eaphraim Cutter to fell foe much timber upon our Rockes as will build him a frame of 26 foote long and two trees for Railes and one for pofts to fence in his yarde liberty granted to m r Angier to fell two trees at the 100 akers and one tree on the Rockes liberty granted to Robert browne to 'fell A tree for Clapbord to Re- payer his barne liberty granted to John watfon to fell fume timber for pofts for his orchyard and timber to build a houfe for his horfis 14 (12) 1680 At A meeting of the fele<5l m liberty granted to John fwane to fell fume pofts and Railes upon our rockes to fence his out fence and his orchyard and two Clapbord trees for his dwelling houfe liberty granted to deacon haftins foe much timber as will make a payer of wheeles and A Cart liberty granted to Nathanill pattin to fell one tree for Clapbords and three trees for groundfills upon our Rockes liberty granted to thomas Androwes to fell trees for pofts and Railes upon our Rockes 10 (i) 1680 ~8l At A meetting of the felect men Phillip fhadduck Couinant with the felect men of Cambrigd to take Care about the gate upon the highway that goe to Concord to keepe TOWN RECORDS 253 It fhut for the fekurity of our Common and for his paines we grant him the feede of fower hed of Cattill upon our Common for this prefent yeere 1681 for hogreeues for the towne Jonathan Cane for the Common Jofeph braddifh for thofe beyonde menotime Jeames hubbard for thofe on the fouth fide of the Riuer famuell Oldum for the farmes Neere Concord John winter and beniamin Rufell [105] for ouerfeers of the fencis and driuers of the Common field for the Necke for driuers and Vewers of the fencis thomas long- home and John Jackfon for the weft field for Vewers of fencis John Goue and folomon prentis to driue the field Jeremiah holman - for menotime field for vewers of the fencis thomas hall and Ifraell meede to driue the feild John Addams fen r 24 (i) 1681 At A meetting of the felecT: men m r Maning and francis More and John haftins are appointed by the felecT: men to Anfwer the Complant of Jonathan fanders before the wor- fhip u danill gookin for fume of his Cattill being put into to the Cow rate and hee refufing to pay the felecT: men ordered the Counftable to de- ftrane upon his Eftate granted to widdow Cooke to fell A tree upon our Rockes for pofts for her out fence granted to widdow Arington liberty to fell fume pofts and Railes to fence her yarde at whome widdow Cooke and her two fons are fined for Cutting wood in the fwampe on this fide menotime the fume of ten Ihilings and famuell Cooke for two lode of woode fiue millings and Jofeph Crakbon fiue millings 254 TOWN RECORDS Nouember 14*" 1681 At A publicke meetting of the Inhabitance of the towne for the Choice of towne Officers. ( william barrit e ~ o , , ( Abraham holman for Counftables > _ , T , ( Jeames Cutler Jun r ( febeus Jackfon (Deacon haftins m r famuell Androwes william Maning iwi i^v.^,. n.w.i /francis More [ famuell Champne famuell ftone \John Cooper ( folomon prentis for the towne furuayers of (John Addams for menotime high wayes ( dauid fifke fen r for the farmes ( Noah wifwall for the Vilage 14 (9) i 68 i liberty granted to John haftins to fell A tree for pofts and foe many trees as will make 60 Railes for his out fence liberty granted to m r Androwes to fell fume timber to Repayer his out fence At A metting of the felect men Agreed with John willington to keepe the gate fhut neere his houfe upon water towne line to Reftraine Cattill for Coming on to our Com- mon for which he is to haue the fame liberty upon our Common that phillip fhadduck had 12 (id) 1681 At A meeting of the felecT: men granted to petter towne 4 trees for his trade granted to famuell ftone to fell two pine trees upon the Remote land TOWN RECORDS 255 and to Nathanill green one tree for pofts and three trees for Rallies for his out fence [106] 12 (10) 1 68 1 At A meeting of the felecl: men the felecl: men taking into Confideration the Complaint of feauerall perfons of our Inhabitance that Gary wood of our Common Notwith- ftanding orders to the Contrary the felecl: men doe order that whoe foeuer mail Gary any wood of our Common out of the towne mail pay for euery lode Eighteene millings pr lode Notwithftanding any order to the Contrary / ' /-^ ' /-*-' . ' this order was publifhed 25 (11) 1681 At a meeting of the felecl men Jonathan dunfter hauing a grant of liberty to fell timber upon our Rockes to build him a barne but he made noe vfe of It the felecl: doe grant the fame liberty to him againe prouided he doe It this prefent yeere granted to Robert parker to fell A tree for pfts and timber to Re- payer his barne upon the Rockes granted to famuell winmip two trees for his trade upon the Rockes granted to John Jackfon liberty to fell foe many trees as will make A hundreth of pofts 30 (11) 1681 At A meeting of the felecl: men granted to John gibfon liberty to fell two trees to groundfill his houfe and two trees for Railes and one for pofts to repayer his out fence the timber to be felled upon our Rockes 9 (12) 1681 At A meetting of the felecl: men granted to Jeremiah holman to fell two trees for A payer of wheeles upon our Rockes and foe many trees as will make A hundreth of Railes and 30 pofts for his out fence I l 3 t 256 TOWN RECORDS granted to thomas Androwes to fell foe much timber upon our Rockes as will Repayer his out fence granted to John green to fell foe much timber upon our Rockes as will Repayer the out fence of his fathers orchyard or upon the hun- dreth akers 13 (12) 1681 At A meeting of the felec~l men granted to John haftins to fell two trees upon our Rockes to make A payer of wheeles granted to Zacariah hickes to fell fume pofts and Railes to repayer John ftedmans out fence and groundfills for the houfe granted to Jofeph Rufell to fell foe much timber as will Repayer his out fence and timber to build A lento upon the rockes granted to bro Maning 20 pofts to Repayer his gardin fence upon the Rockes granted to m r Clarke 25 pofts to repayer his garden fence upon the rockes granted to william hely A tree for pofts for his yards upon the Rockes granted to william wiith to fell 50 Railes and 30 pofts to repayer the fence in the oxpaftur upon the rockes granted to John Marrit to fell 4 trees upon the Rockes to repayer his fider pres granted to Amos Marrit to fell foe much timber on our Rockes as build A fhop granted to william dixon liberty to fell fume timber on our rockes to make an adition to his barne granted to John watfon foe much timber as will build A leanto granted to thomas Androwes to fell A ground fill for the houfe that was John frofts on the rockes granted to John Cooper to fell 2 trees to repayer his houfe and 2 trees for railes and one tree for pofts Vmphry bradftiaw and Martha bradfhaw his wife did fignifie by a note vnder theare hand that they ded give to theare fones william and Jafon Rufell the priuilgd that belong to theare houfe TOWN RECORDS 257 [106] 27 (12) 1681 At A meeting of the {elect men granted to famuell gofe to fell two trees upon the Rockes to make a payer of wheeles granted to william and Jafon Rufell to fell foe much timber upon our rockes as will build them a houfe of 26 foote long with a leanto at the Ende of It francis More and Abraham holman and thomas Androwes are Ap- pointed by the fele<5t men to meafure the line betwene the wood lots and the fwampe lots in the old ox paftur from francis Mores Corner to the lot that was Edward Iheaperds neere the highway that leade into the frem pond meddow and to make returne thearof to the f elect men the felect men doe Alfoe appointd Abraham holman to bee ouerfeer of the flocke to get a fheaperd and doe what euer Elfe is needfull for the flock for the yeere 1682 - for hogreeues for the yeere 1682 for the towne Owin warlin for the Common folomon prentis for menotime famuell buck for the fouth fide of the riuer Jacob dana for the farmes thomas Cutler and John Jonfon 13 (l)^8j 82 At A meetting of the felect m granted to widdow Cooke one tree for pofts for her out fence and foe many trees as will make half A hundreth of Railes for her out fence which they are to fell upon the rockes granted to Andrew bordman to fell foe much timber upon our rockes as will make thirty pofts to fence in his yards granted to waiter haftins and thomas fox to fell foe much timber as will build Each of them A houfe upon our Common land '7 258 TOWN RECORDS 27 (i) 1682 At A metting of the felecl men for the driuers of the Common fields and looke after the fencis to looke after the fencis John watfon and Richard Robins for the weft field and to driue the weft field famuell Cooper for the necke of land to looke after the fencis thomas longhorne and danill Cheauer and they are alfoe to driue the neck for menotime field to vew the fencis and driue the field williarn dixon and Nathanill pattin and for the farmes John winter and dauid fifke Jun r to looke after the fencis 31 (i) 1682 At A meetting of the feleft granted to Nathanill pattin 6 trees for ground fills for his houfe and barne and A tree for Clapbords for his barne and 2 trees for railes for his out fence granted to william barrit a tree for pofts and one tree for railes for his yarde fence granted to Ifraell Meade to fell one tree for pofts and foe many trees as will make halfe A hundreth of railes for his out fence granted to thomas fwetman A tree for a groundfill for his houfe and A Cro6th and pole for his well granted to richard Cutter one tree for pofts and foe many trees as will make a hundreth of Railes 10 (2) 1682 At A meeting of the felecl men granted liberty to John palfree to fell three trees upon the Rockes for his trade [Page 107] 14 (2) 1682 At A publicke meeting of the propriators of towne Common propofed at A towne meeting of the propriators and Voted that in order to the fencing in of the weft field and the fwamp lots that Eyther are, TOWN RECORDS 259 or may be made meddow of, the towne doe grant fume fmall qantity of the Common land adjoining to the hed of thofe fwamp lots, lying againft the ox paftur that may helpe in making up the fence about two or three Rods, or what the felecl men mail Judge Conuenient prouided that thofe whoe haue this addifhon of land doe make and mainetaine the fence for time to Come granted on the afirmatiue granted to John watfon twelue foote fquare on the north fide of his barne to build A porch upon granted to the felecl: men that theare may be A gate hanged at $$" menotime bregd for keeping in or keeping of whatCattill maybe ordered to be kept theare A Coppy of the grant of the generall Court to the petition pre- fented by the felecl: men of Cambrigd for liberty to difpofe of the Eftate of Renold bufh for his necefary Releefe ~ ~ ~ At A generall Court held at bofton ix th of febuary 1682 In Anfvvear to the petition of John Cooper in behalfe of the felecl: men of Cambrigd in reference to Renold bufh the Court Judgeth It meete that the management of the whole affaire be refered to the management of license tne felecl: men of Cambrigd whoe are heereby Impowered to make to sell fale of land or otherwife as they mail Judge meete for payment of k nd Juft debts fupply and Releefe of the faide bum and family and that they mail giue A true and Juft account of euery and difburfment when they mail bee legally Called thearunto) this is A true Coppy taken out of the Court booke of Reccords as Atteft Edward Rawfon fecretary At a Publik meetting of the Inhabitants of this Town of Cambridg this 8 th of January iflte 500 acres laid out It was then voted and agreed that 500 acheres of the re- to the mote lands lyeing between Oburne Concord and our head line, (hall be layd out for the vfe & benefitt of the miniftry of ministry this Town and place, and to remaine for that vfe for euer; and in this as neer as may be that 500 ache that hath bin alredy meafyered town an d the remaynder of thofe lands to be deuided amongft the Inhabetants, by a Comittie hereafter named. 260 TOWN RECORDS The Comittie Chofsen is the Honered Maio r Gookins Elder Stone Deacon Cooper & M r Nath: Sparahauke to Joyne with the Select men of Cambridg : At a publike meeting of the Inhabitants of Cambridge the 8*. ii m ? 1682 It was then agreed and voted that the widdow Rolffs land now in Contreverfy fhould be serveyed, and the lines in Contreverfie ftated, and setled by a Comittie hereafter named, the Comittie Chofsen is our hon- ored Deputy Gouerner Tho : ffoxe & Samuell Andrew for the Setleing of the aboue written afayre according to beft direction, and Information ; [107] Nouember the 13*? 1682 At a meeting of the Inhabitance of the Towne of Cambridge for the Choyce of Town officers Town Counftables f Solomon Prentice I Nathaniell Pattin farme Counftable fTrancis Whitmor villedg Counftable Edward Jackfon Leu* Edward Winfhipp William Dickson ffor SelecT: men ^ John Wotson Samuell Chamne Samuell Andrewes Chofe for Sveyors of y e fence in weft feild for the Insueing year 83 Abraham Holman & Sam 11 Cooper Jun r Chofsen for Servayer of y e high wayes in Town Nicholas ffisenden /- Ephraim winfhip & 4auid fifk Jun r for the farmes Tho : Hall for menotomie Hogreeues < Tho : Andrew for the Commons Chofsen for Arron Bordman for the Town y e yeare 1683. > Henry Prentice South fide Riuer Chofen for vewers of the fences on the neck ( Tho : Longhorne and to driue it for the Infueing yeare 83 ( Arron Bordman TOWN RECORDS 261 Chofe for vewers of fences & dreeurs for menotomie feilds for y e In- fueing yeare John Addames sen r Jofeph Ruffells and John Addams senior Chofe for to servey the hyeway at menotomie At ameeting of the Inhabitants of the Town Nouember 13^ 168:2 It was then voted that the Select men of this towne fhould Anually giue in an account to the Town of all Town charges and receipts on the day of Choyce of there Select: men and voted on the affirmitiue ; At a meetting of the Selea men (i at ) io m . 1682. Granted to Amos Marritt. Two trees for timber for his Calling vpon the rocks At a meetting of the felea men 18 th : itff 1682 Granted to Thomas Longhorne one tree vpon the hundred ache on South fid the riuer for posts Chofe this day aboue written Sam" Chamne to be ouerfeer ouer the hundred ache on the South fide the riuer that ther be noe Timber nor wood Cutt nor Caryed of it without liberty from the Townfmen At a meeting of the selectmen the 22 d : 10"? 1682 Granted to petter Town liberty for 100 rayles & 25 pofts and two trees for his Calling of the rockes At a meetting of the Select men of Cambrid: 5*: 12? 1682 Martin Townend of watertown was Choffen for the Infueing yeare to looke to the Gate by John willingtons feild and to looke after phillip Jones that he make vp the breaches in the stone wall Granted liberty to Petter Town to Cutt hoops for his trade of y 6 rocks At ameeting of the Selectmen the 12^ 12? 82 Granted liberty to the honered Maio r Gookin to Cutt and Gary of the rockes fencing fluff for his outfences [108] The Town Rate for the yeare 1682 being a Rate 3 quarters Town f r the Town and one single Rat for y* vilidg and a quarter of tax a rate is money 262 TOWN RECORDS ffrancis Whitmors pt of the Town rat ) / s d in Comon pay j 09 1 1 05 his money pay being a quarter of a rate is 01 n 06 Edward Jackfons pt of the Town rate } in Comon pay is \ 10 11 10 his money pay is 03 10 06 Nathanill Pattin and Solomon Prentice ^ there parts in Comon paye is- - $ 38 10 09 there money pt is 06 08 oo * 70 04 oo At ameetting of the Selectmen the 2 d march : 1682 3 Granted to our honered Deputy Gouerner liberty for to Cutt fenc- ing Huff of the rockes for his out fences about y e Town Granted liberty to william Dickfon to Cutt and gett off the rockes Two hundred and a half of rayles and pofts proportionable therevnto Granted liberty to John wotfon to Cutt and gett off the rockes Two hundred & fifty rayles & pofts proportionable for his out fences Granted liberty to Samuell Buck to Cutt foe much timber of the rockes to build a Leentoo to his barne of thirty foott long & tenn foott broad and foure foott ftudd : Granted liberty to Leut. Winfhip to Cutt and gett off the rockes one hundred & fifty rayles with pofts proportionable for his out fences Granted liberty to Ephraim ffroft liberty to Cutt & gett off the rocks 50 rayles & one tree for pofts for out fences & a tree for a groundfell Granted liberty to Aron Boadman for 100 rayles & 50 pofts for his out fences to Cutt and Gary off the rockes At a meetting of the Select men 19^ March: l682 3 granted to widdow Cooke 50 rayles & 17 pofts to be taken of the rocks for her out fences Granted to Amos Marritt two trees for pofts & rayles of y e rocks Granted to Jonathan Cane timber for a leentoo to the end of his * In original record an entry appears here which was erased by drawing lines through the entry. It is not printed here because it appears in full on pages 263-264 marked *. TOWN RECORDS 263 houfe and two trees for fence and timber for apayer of wheeles of the rockes Granted to Danill Cheeuers fenfmg ftuff for the prifson yard pofts for abought 10 rodd for a board fence off the rockes Granted to Nathanill Pattin timber for a Leantoo to his barne and for hurdles for the ware off the rockes Nathanill Pattin was Choffen for ouerfeer for the fheep to prouid a fheperd and take care about the foulding of them Nathanill pattin hath taken the ware and for this Infueing yeare and is to pay to the Town for the same thirty A llings in fuch pay as he generally fells his fifh for $: [108] December the 12 th : 1682 Town orders Whereas there is many Complaints made to the select men of this town of the vnreafonable Stroy that is made by many pr- sons, of the wood and timber on the rocks & Commons in this Town notwithftanding all orders formerly made for the preven- tion thereof; I- It is therefor ordered by the select men of this Town, that if, any prson or prsons whatfoeuer, mail hereafter fall any tree or trees vpon any pt of the rockes or Comons of this Town, whether for wood or timber vnder one foott diameter two foott from the ground, or any other trees of greater diamiter that are fitt for timber, mail pay for euery fuch tree, fiue millings for the vfs of the town, exept they haue a grant from the select men foe to doe. and if any prson mall fall or lopp any tree or trees vpon the Coinon on this fide Menotomie Riuer without liberty from the select men, (hall pay for each tree tenn millings to the Towns vfs. 2 It is further Ordered that whoefoeuer mail cutt and cary away any wood out of any of the Comon fwamps on this fide meno- tomie Riuer, without liberty from the Select men, mall pay for each loed fiue millings to the vfs of the Town. 3 It is further ordered that whoefoeuer mall cutt and cary off any wood or Timber vpon any of our Qfcnon lands to any other Town mail pay Eighteen millings for each loed to the vfs of the Town See foot note, page 262. 264 TOWN RECORDS 4 It is further ordered that whoefoeuer (hall fall any tree or trees for wood or timber vpon M r Pelhams hundred ache without lib- erty from the sele6l men, mall pay for each tree fiue (hillings to the Towns vfs, and if any fhall cutt and Gary off thence to any other Town wood or timber, he fhall pay for each loed Eighteen fhillings to the vfs of this Town. 5 It is further ordered that whatfoeuer prson or prsons fhall Cutt any hoop poles either walnutt or oake off any of our Comon lands, without leaue from the select men foe to doe, Ihall pay for each hoop pole one peny to this towns vfs thefe orders was publifhed by porting on the meeting houfe 13 th : 12"? 1682 At a meetting of the select men the 12 th March : l68 3 Agreed with M r Edmond Anger for the high way in the marfh Highway one the South fide the riuer from the great brooke vp to the Marsh ypland he hath hired it for the Infueing yeare and is to giue for the same tenn fhillings in money : and hath liberty granted him to fhutt vp the high way that leadeth to the marfh below the Country high way; Reed of M' Edmond Anger this 7 th of december 1683: for the yeare paft tenn fhillings in Money. At ameeting of the select men the 9 th Aprill : 1683 Granted to Tho : Danforth Efq r three trees vpon the rockes for bar- rill heads & ftaues for his vfs Granted to Richard Cutter a tree for pofts and one hundred rayles off the rockes Granted to Tho : Andrewe fifty rayles of y e rockes Granted to Amos Marritt three hundred poles for hoops for his trade off the rockes Granted to william Barritt two trees for pofts off the rockes Granted to Nath : Hancocke two trees for pofts off the rockes At a meeting of th select men the 14 th of May 1683 Granted liberty to Ephraim Cutter liberty to Cut Sleepers for his kitchin and to Cutt a tree for Claboards for his vfs of the rockes TOWN RECORDS 265 Granted liberty to John Marritt to Cutt Timber off the rockes for a leantoo on the backfide his barne fourty foott long and 10 ffoott broad : At ameeting of the select men the 28* 1 ) of May 1683 Granted liberty to Roger Bucke timber off the rocks for a fmale frame and Groundfells for his ould houfe Granted to M r Corlitt at a meating of the Select men I3 tb . Auguft 1683 Liberty for 60 rayles & 30 pofts and timber to mend his houell of the rockes [109] At a meetting of the Comitte and the select men of Cambridg the 13 th of Aprill 1683 It is ordered by the Comity and select men appointed to devid the lands Conteyned betwixt oburne Concord and our head line, Conteyned in a plat Drawn by Enfign Dauid ffilke, that each Squadrants be be drawn Each from the other, Eighty rode parrellell one from the other as neare as may be ; and the firft Squadrant to begin at the place called m r Cookes fouth Corner and there to be numbered one, and where the firft Squadrant doth end then the fecond to begin & foe to profeed suc- feffiuely, vntil the whole be devided and the bredth of the squadrants, to be the length of the lotts, And enfign ffifk is Chofsen survayer: & it is left to him, Samuell Chamne & Samuell Ston Senio r and John watfon or any two of them whereof the serveiour to be one : firft to ftate and Setle all Country roeds that ly thorow this land of the width the law directs, and then to lay out high wayes from the farmes alredy setled, in the Comon vnto this town, of two rode wide, and alfoe to leaue Convenient high wayes of two rod wide between the devifhons or Squadrents where need requires for a high way; and if ther be occation to lay a hy way thorow any mans land or lott he is to be allowed two ache for one that is taken out of his lott for the high way; At a publike meeting of the Inhabitants of Cambridge the 15"* of October 1683 = It was then put to vote whether the former alottments of our remote lands Lyeing betwixt Oburne Concord & head line mould ftand, whether 266 TOWN RECORDS euery mans number according there lotts then formerly drawn fhould Hand and it was voted on the affirmitiue and that they fhould beginn next Oburne Line, on the farther fid of the Eight mile line, makeing euery Squadrant eighty rod longe, & foe to profeed in the Number of lotts till they come to watertown Line, and where the lafl lott in Number doth end in the firft Squadrant. there to begin" the next num- ber in the 2 d squadrant, & foe to profeed backe to Oburne Line agen, making euery Squadrant eighty rodd parrellell one to another foe farr as the land will beare it. At ameeting of the Inhabitants of Cambridge this 12 th of Nouember 1683 It was then voted that Daniell Chamne Thomas Brown Zachariah Hickes Joseph Ruff ell fhould take acco" of the Selectmen Now in being for the yeare paft of all the Towns Charges & Expense in the behalfe of the Town : At ameeting of the select men the 17 th of September 1683 There was then Choffen by the select men of Cambridge for the or- dering and manidgment of the Contriverfie betwixt M r Edward Pellam & this Town, about the meafureing of his flue hundred acheres ouer agen that hath bin alredy Meafured by Enfign ffifke, and alfoe to meafure one hundred Acheres more if there be need of foe much or at leaft foe much as fhall make vp the former land meafured out by enfighn ffifke Sixe hundred ache 18 according to an anfhent grant of this Town to M r Richard Harlackenden, there was then Choffen Samuell Andrews Leut : winfhip John watfon, Samuell Chamne Samuell fton & enfign ffifke, we whofe names are aboue written haue Compleated the worke aboue mentioned for M r Edward Pellum in the behalf of this Town in making the former land meafured by enfign ffifk in layeing foe much to it as fhall make it six hundred ache 18 wittneffe our hands this of September 1683 [109] At a publick meeting of the Inhabitants of Cambridge the 12 th of Nouember 1683 = for the Choyce of officers and made Choyce as ffolloweth TOWN RECORDS 267 for Counftables for Select men & Survayors Surveyors of fences C Samuell Bucke for menotomie I Abraham Jackfon for the villidg \ Sam 11 : Gookin for the Town (_ John Tidd : for the farmes Deacon Cooper Deacon Haftin ffrancis More william Manning Nathaniell Sparahauk Samuell Chamne Samuell Andrews Ephraim Winfhip for Concord way Efraell Mead for Menotamie Chriftopher Reed for the Town John Smith South fide the Riuer C M r Thomas Oleuer for y e south fid y e riuer t Thomas Brown At ameeting of y e Inhabitants 12 th : 9? 83 : of Cambridge there was then Chofen a Comitte to Joyne with the Towns men to make a Rate for the Miniftry for y e Infueing yeare and tell another re- vifment Choffe Leut winfhip Samuell ftone & M r Tho : Oleuer At ameeting of the Select men the 7 th of Decembe*: 1683 Made Choyce of M r Samuell Chamne to Survay our great bridge and repayre the same, and alfoe the Caufie on the South fid the bridge that doth belong to the bridge foe farr as the villidge doe bare a mare of Charg with the Town ; At a meetin of the Sele<5l men y e 17 th : made Choyce of Tithingmen for the f Fetter Town Town < Andrew Bordman Tithingmen v Chriftopher Reed ,683 4 268 TOWN RECORDS for the f John watson Comon < Thomas Brown Tithingmen ( Abraham Holman for menotomie Chofe Tithingmen ffor y* farmes South fide the Riuer Tithingmen Nathaniell Pattin Joseph RufTell M r Daniell Chamne lM r Tho: Oleuer At ameeting of the Select men Decemb* 10* 1683 Granted liberty to Good : mead to take a Tree for Claboards vpon the right of the houfe he now liueth in ; At ameeting of the Selectmen the 10* io m< ? 1683 The high way marfh on the South fide the Riuer which M r Edmond Anger hired of the towne the prefeding yeare was then lett to Andrew Boedman for twelue fhillings the yeare in money he runeing the rifque of all Inconveniences that may accrue it was let to him for the enfue- ing yeare 8 th : io nu ? 1684 Receiued of Andrew Boadman for the Towns high way marfh on the South fide the riuer for y e yeare paft 12* money: At ameeting of the Select men the 17 th : io m . 1683 Granted liberty to M r Anger timber vpon y e rockes for to make a paire of wheeles ; At ameeting of the select men 24: io m ? 1683 Granted liberty to Leut winfhipe to Cutt timber of the rockes for the repaireation of his barne & leantoes. Granted liberty to M ra Michell to Cutt timber off our Comons for to repaire here barne At ameeting of the Select men the 26? 16"? 1683 made Choyce of Nathanill Pattin Israeli Mead & Samuell Cooke, for wood reeues for the enfueing yeare Granted to Nathaniell Pattin Liberty to Cutt timber for a paire of wheeles of the rockes TOWN RECORDS 269 [110] At a meeting of the Seleft men 3 d icP? 1683 made thefe {following orders Whereas there hath bine many Complaynts made to the select men of this Town, of the vnreaf enable ftroy of wood vpon our Comons, and Efpefhally fmale trees vnder a ffoot diameter, notwithftanding any for- mer order made by the Select men to the Contrary It is therefor Ordered by the Select men of this Town as ane Ad- dition to a former order made by them, beareing date the 12 th day of December 1682 : I That whatfoeuer prfon or prfons mail be found Carting downe any fuch fmale wood Contrary to order, if the prfon Carting of it downe, or fome other Conferned therein, will not teftefy, that that wood did not growe vpon any part of our Comon, he fhall pay for euery fuch loed of wood flue millings, euery time he fhall be foe taken for y e Towns vfs It is further ordered that if any prfon or prfons mail fell any tree or trees, though decayed and foe vnfitt for timber and fitt for nothing but firewood & fhall onely lop of the boughs, and not Cutt and Gary away the bodyes thereof alfoe within tenn dayes after the felling of the same, fhall pay for euery such tree, flue millings for the vfs of the Town : pofted vpon our meetinghoufe dore the 3 d : IOT 1683 At ameeting of the select men 14* January 1683 Granted to M r Edmund Anger liberty for one hundred and fifty rayles and pofts to them off the hundred acrers on the south fid the riuer for his outfide fences at his farme & fifty rayles and pofts to them off the rockes for his out fide fences in the Towne Granted to Deacon waiter Haftin liberty to Cutt timber off the rocks for a fmale frame Granted to M r Jofeph Cook liberty to Cutt timber of the roks for a Carte Granted liberty to Nathaniell Hancock liberty to Cut timber for a fram of thirty fiue foott long & eighteen foott broad and thirteen foott ftude of the rockes 2 JO TOWN RECORDS Granted liberty to John watfon liberty to Cutt Timber off the rockes for a frame of fixteen foott fquare & tenn foott ftude Granted liberty to Robert Parker for two trees for a payre of wheeles of the rockes Granted liberty for two trees vpon the rocks to will wieth vpon the priuelidge of his mother for a payre of wheeles Granted liberty to Richard Cutter to Cutt Timber for a paire of wheeles and Cart off the rockes Granted to Nathaniell Pattin liberty to fell three pine trees in the great fwamp ; At a meeting of the Select men the 4 th ffebruary 1683 Granted liberty to Samuell Goff to Cutt Timber off the rockes for two paire of wheeles At a meeting of the select men the i8* h of ffebruary 1683 Granted liberty to m r Thomas Oleuer to Crofs a high way of foure rode wide on the north Side of the sayd Oleuers feild betwine his feild fence and his new pafter, dureing the selectmens pleafure ; At ameeting of the select men the 10*? of March K Chofe hogreeues for the Town and Comon for the Infueing yeare Chofe for y e enfuing yeare ( Jofua woods I william wieth and alfoe for Menotomie Jeremiah Holman & Samuell Robbins for the South fide y e riuer ffor the farmes towards Concord C Thomas Cutler & C Dauid ffifk Juno r made Choyce of Nath Pattin to keepe the flock of sheepe for enfu- ing yeare Chofe the vewers of fences for y e weft fields is ( John Goue & and driuers for the fame is C Thomas Andrewe aded for driuer for the weft feild Jeremiah Holman TOWN RECORDS 271 Chofe the vewers of ffences for the necke and driuers for the same is Vewers and dreeuers for Menotomy feilds Thomas Longhorne & Arron Boedman Rich Cutter & Nathaniell Pattin [110] At ameeting of the select men this io th March i68| Granted liberty to the widdow Cooke liberty to Cutt fifty rayles & sixteen pofts of our Rockes Granted Samuell Buck liberty to Cutt timber for a Leantoe eighteen foott Long & tenn foott wide of our Rockes Granted Amos Marritt liberty to Cutt two trees off our Rockes for his trade and half a hundred of railes with pofts to them for outfid fences for his own fence and John Jackfons Granted to Nathanill Pattin liberty to Cutt one hundred of rayles and twenty fiue pofts off the rocks for outfide fence At a meeting of the select men this 12 th : of May: 1684 Granted vnto John Haftin liberty for fixty rayles and one tree for pofts off the rocks for his outfide fences Granted liberty vnto Robert Parker for one hundred of rayles and pofts to them off the rockes for his outfide fences ; Granted liberty vnto Richard Cutter for one hundred of rayles and poft sufifhent for them off the rockes for his outfide fences Granted liberty to william Dickfon for one hundred of rayles with pofts for them of the rockes for his out fences At ameeting of the Select men y e 9*? 4^ 1684 Granted liberty to Ephraim ffroft for timber for a barne off our Rockes on the Comon At a meeting of the Inhabitants this 10"! of Nouemb 1 1684: ther was then Chofsen as Town offecers as followeth for y e year enfueing Tithingmen chofs for y e farmes David ffisk Senio* John Tidd n , , =*r: Conftables Tithingmen for Menotomie John Addames: Israeli Mead: John Goue Dauid ffifk Juno* for farms Jofeph Ruffell John Prentice for y e villidg 272 TOWN RECORDS Chofs for Cullers of brick for the South fid the riuer M r Daniel Chamne Chofs for Culler of bricks for the Town Thomas Andrew Tithingmen for y e Town Chofs M r Joseph Cooke william Barritt Zechariah Hicks Rubin Luxford Leut Edward winihip Samuell Andrew Samuell Chamne Selectmen i william Dixfon Daniell Chamne Abraham Holman John Watfon Tithingmen for the Comon John Palfry Solomon Prentice Tho: Andrews south fid the Riuer Tithingmen Nath: Robbins John: Oldum Survayors of High wayes {Nicholas ffesenden for y e Town Israeli Mead for Menotomie Jacob Dany for f outh fide Riuer Phillip Ruffell for y e farmes Hogreeus Chofsen ( Jacob Amfden for the Town ( Amos Maritt John willington of this town Chofen to keep our gat at John willingtons feild Survayers fences and driuers (John Addams for y 6 fences at Menotomie feild ( will : Ruffell Hogreeues Chofsen C Samuell Cooper for the Comon to notomie t Samuell Cooke Surveyers fences & driuers of / Rich Robbins V ffrancis more Jeremiah Holman the feild weftfeild is Hogreeues Chofsen for Menotomie Surveyers fifences & driuers for the necke is ( Thomas Hall ( Richard Cutter senio* ( Daniell Cheuers / Zacheriah Hicks Hogreeues Chofsen for south fid Riuer | Samuell Ouldum ( Jacob Dany TOWN RECORDS 273 Surveyers fences on the ( John Ouldum South fide the Riuer is ( Henry Smith Hogreeues Chofsen ( Ephraim winlhip for the farmes is ( will: Munroe At a publik meating of the Inhabitants of this Town the 10 th of Nouember 1684 It was then voted whether the Inhabitants of this Town that pay rats to the town Confiderable, fhould haue free liberty to Cutt wood off M r Pellems hundred accers where the wood is referued for the townes vfs we mean that on the south fide the riuer, and it was voted on the affermitiue at a meeting of the Selectmen the 24'? 9 1684 Granted to M r Cooke liberty to Cutt fix fcore pofts off the rocks for the outfide fence of his orchard At ameeting of the Seledt men the 8* of December 1684 Lett to Andrew Boedman the Towns high way marih on the south fide the riuer that which was formerly lett to M r Anger for 12* the yeare in money for the enfueing yeare he runing the rifque of all Inconven- iances that may accrue y e same 23 Nouember 1685 payd by Andrew Boedman 12* money for the high way Marfh on the South fide y e Riuer [111] At ameeting of the selecT: men 26*: lo"? 1684 Granted liberty to Peter Town for timber off the Rockes for a frame for a dwelling houfe. 18 274 TOWN RECORDS At ameeting of the proprietors of the Comon the 26* of January 1684 It was then voted whether the proprieto of the rocks whether they would haue the rockes deuided into wood lots and it was voted on the negatiue It was then alfoe voted whether they would haue the rocks Lye in Coffion as they haue done and foe chufe a Comite to take the beft Courfe they cane to faue the wood from ~ vnnefefary Stroy and that none of it fhould be Caryed out of Town and they bind themselues to ftand to the order that the Comitte Choffen by them fhould make and it was voted on the affermitiue There was alfoe then Chofsen for a Comitte to mak an order for the secureing the wood on the rocks as aboue written Elder Clarke Deacon Cooper Deacon Haftin to Joyn with the Select men, then in being, It was alfoe then voted by the proprieto 18 whether y e afore mentioned Comitte mould take Care about the fatiffyeing Nicholas ffesenden for a prsell of land taken from him by the Town that lyeth in the great swamp in the weft feild to be layd out in the great fwamp in our ox- pafter or fume other Convenient place in our Comon and it was voted on the affirmitiue. It was alfoe then voted whether the high way running thorough ^7" Richard Eccles feild down to the wind mill hill mould be made an open high way, and it was voted on the affirmitiue ; It was then voted whether our Comon on this fide menotomie riuer mould be preferued for a paster for the proprieto 18 of the Comon and a gate hanged at menotomie bridge and it was voted on the afirmitiue, and it was alfoe voted that our flocke of fheep mould be kept off the aboue mentioned pafter and all other fheep and that the fheep fhould be kept on the other fide of menotomie bridge without y e gate this was alfoe an affirmitiue vote: and the Select men mould order all that afaire with y e Comity y n Chofsen At ameeting of the Sele<5t men the 2 d of 12"? 1684 Granted liberty to Deacon Haftin for a few pofts and rayles for sum fence about his houfe; to be taken of y 6 rockes. TOWN RECORDS 275 At a meeting of the Select men the 2 d : i K Granted Liberty to elder Clarke for Sum pofts & rayles for his out fences of the rockes Granted liberty to Joseph Ruffells for timber off the rockes for an end to add to his barne Granted Nath : Hancock liberty for fom pofts for his outfide ffenfes of the rockes Granted liberty to widdow Cooke to Cut fourty pofts and one hun- dred rayles for there outfide fences off the rockes Granted liberty to Leut winfhip for timber of the rocks 2 repaire his barne & leantoe & 200 rayles & 50 pofts Granted liberty to John watfon for 24 pofts and rayles to them to be taken of the roks Granted M r Anger liberty for to Cutt two hundred rayles and fifty pofts for his outfid fences in the Town to be taken off the rockes and alfoe fome Timber to repayre his ould houfe; & fome timber to re- payre his fider mill Granted liberty to our Honored Dep-ty Gouerner for to Cutt off the rocks four hundred of Rayles & pofts to them At a meeting of the Select men of Cambridg 13 th : Aprill 1685 Granted liberty to amofs Marritt for two trees vpon the rockes for his trade as Cooper Lett the ware to nathaniell Pattin the ware & feild for 30* the yeare and if the fifh doth not Come vp according to expectation the Sele<5l men promife to abate him what they mail fe Caufe | the 22 : I2 m . i6S the Select men doe agree to abate Nathaniell Patin for y e yeare paft tenn fhillings ; & to pay twenty millings for y yeare paft & twenty fhil- lings for y e yeare befor 22 : 12 : 85 payd for y e yeare befor & that laft paft by Nath. Pattin to Danill Cheeuers Fortie fhillings in Corne 276 TOWN RECORDS [111] At ameeting of the Seledr. men the 2O th of Aprill 1685 : Ther was then Chofsen Abraham Holman & Nathaniell Pattin for ouerfeers of the flocke of fheep, for the prouiding of a sheperd and foulding of the fheep and Carefully to Infpect them in all Confernes ; At ameeting of the Select men the 1 1 1 ? of May 1685 Lett to Richard Eccles for the enfueing yeare a high way lyeing in the weft feild six rod broad lyeing betwixt his land & Deacon Haftin the hole length of his land for Twelue pence the yeare in money. II May 1685 Granted to Ephraim Cutter liberty to take Timber off our rockes for a little barne Granted liberty to Israeli Mead for 100 rayles & 50 pofts off the rockes for outfide fences Granted to widdow Cragbon liberty for 60 rayles & 17 pofts off the rockes for outfide fences At ameeting of the select men the 25* day of May 1685 then made Choyce of Bro : John Watfon and Abraham Holman as a Comittee to looke to the Country High way that leads to Concord thorrow the fmale farmes and to remoue all Incomberances therein and to make returne thereof vnder there hands. wee the Comittee aboue ChofTen to vew the Country high way lead- ing to Concord thorrow the fmale farmes haue Carefully vewed the same and doe find it paffable, returned vnder our hands this 8* of Jun. 1685 ~ ~ John watfonn Abraham holm A At ameeting of the select men 19 th Auguft 1685 Granted liberty to Thomas Hall to Cutt of our Rocks foure fleepers of white Oake for his Barne flore about 7 foott Long At a meeting of the select men the 22 : ffeb r : 1685 Granted liberty to John Jackfon timber off our Comon the roks for to biuld a barne on his ground by his houfe in Cambridge TOWN RECORDS 277 At a meeting of the Select men the 26* of fifebruary 1685 There was then Chofsen Abraham Holman & Nathaniell Patin, for ouerfeers of the flocke of flieep, for the providing of a fheperd and foulding of the fheep, and Carefully to Infpect them in all Concernes ; The ware & ware feild was then Lett to Nathaniell Patin for Thirty millings for the enfueing yeare ; vpon a motion of M r Samuell Gookins to the Select men his tender- ing to take the great gun from John Goue and repaire the Cariag and take care of it and keep it in repaire the Select men gaue there Confent that he mould haue liberty foe to doe The select men select men lett to Andrew Boedman ffebruary 1685 : the high way Marm on the fouth fide the riuer the he had the former year for the Infueing yeare for fourteen millings the yeare money 8*: i m . 87: Andrew Boedman paid to the Town for the hyer of the A arfh for the yeare part 14* in money [112] At ameeting of the Inhabitants the 9 th day of Nouember 1685 : there was then Choffen as town officers Survayers for y e high ways [ John Haftin y e Town Nath : Patin for menotomie John Oleuer: South fide y e riuer Joseph Simons y e farmes Town fNath Hancocke James Hubert Tho : Parker sen r menotomie Chofe Conftables. The vilidge ffarmes. Tho : Cutler for the farmes Hogreeues f Daniell Cheeuer Town Solomon Prentic Comon Israeli Meed Girmam Cutter Menotomie John Squire Joshua ffuller South fide Riuer . Edward winfhip John Winter y e farmes 278 TOWN RECORDS Surveyors & driuer for fences ( Samuell Buck for menotomie I William Ruffell feild is as ffoll. Surveyer & f Arron Boedman driuer for 1 William Barritt the Necke Select men Surveyers for the weft feild Driuer for the weft feild Surveyer for the fences southfide Riuer ' M r Sparrahauke Deacon Cooper Deacon Haftin Serieant More Samuell Chamne Abrahamn Holma w Samuell Andrewe j John watfon ( Nicholas ffefenden Jer Holman ( Thomas Oliuer I Thomas Browne 23 d : 2 m : 1686: Nath : Patin is made Choyce of by select men to looke after the gate at Notomie bridge and the Crofs fence ; for the enfueing yeare & he is to haue the rent of -the ware allowed him: & he is ordered to hang that Gat the firft day of May next comeing. Drummers vpon the day of Eledtion of Town officers It was voted whether the towne would pay our drumers demand of what they demand for drumeing for our foott Company, or ftand a futt at law with the drumers, and the Inhabitants vote was, that they would ftand a futt Dated this 9 th of Nouember : 1685. It was alfoe voted by the Inhabitants of this Town that all our Con- ftables (hall pay ther prts of this Town rat at or befor the ffirft second day of October next after ther Choyce as Cunftables, and in deflect thereof (hall pay twenty fhillings a month tell they haue Compleated ther payment Dated this 9 th of Nouember 1685 At a meeting of the select men the 8*: March K Gaue libertie to Maio r : Daniell Gookins to Cutt of our rockes 80: ports & 100: rayles; TOWN RECORDS 279 At ameeting of the sele<5l men the 23 d Aprill 1686 There was then made Choyce of ffrancis More Abraham Holman Thomas Andrew for driuers of our neer Comon for the enfueing yeare There was then Chofsen to looke after our Rocks that none did Cutt off any oake trees smale or great without liberty from the Townf- smen and a note vnder the Clarke of the Towns hand, to Carfully Infpect the fame was Choffen Sam" Bucke & Nath: Pattin for y e Infuing year At ameeting of the Sele6l men the io th May: 1686 = Granted to Ifraell Mead liberty for 50 rayles & two trees for pofts off our Rockes, for his outfide fence Granted to Tho : Hall liberty for 50 rayles off our rockes for outfide fences Granted to Deacon waiter Haftin liberty for timber for an end to his barne off our Rockes Granted liberty to Sam u Andrew to tak timber off our rocks for a fmale frame Granted to John Addams seni r liberty to Cutt 80 rayles off our Rocks for outfide ffences : & one Clabord Tree Granted to liberty to Leut winfhip for timber for his Leentoo & a hundred of rayles & fifty pofts off our rockes Granted liberty to John Haftin for 60 rayles and one tree for pofts off the rockes for outfide fences ; Granted liberty to M r Belcher to Cutt 30 pofts off our rocks Comon for outfid ffences ; [112] At ameeting of the Select men the io th May 1686 Granted liberty to James Hubert timber for a leentoo off our rocks ; Granted to William Dikfon liberty to Cutt groundfells for his barne off our Rocks ; Granted to Nath : Pattin liberty to Cut timber for a Leentoo off our rocks ; Granted liberty to M r Ange r to fell fome timber for groundfel A mores for his houfe & pofts for fence off our Rocks; 28o TOWN RECORDS Granted liberty to Richard Cutter liberty to Cutt Timber off our rocks for an end to his houfe Granted liberty to Ephraim Cutter for trees for a little barne off our rockes to fet vp neer his houfe in Town At ameeting of the Select men the 17 th May 1686 Granted to Abraham Holman liberty to Cutt off our rockes for fifty rayles and one tree for pofts for out fide fences in the weft feild ; At ameeting of the Select men the 26: of July 1686 Then the Select men ordered that John Watson for breach of Town order for cuting & Caryeing of wood off our Comon out of Town & Cutting of Eleauen yong ftadles ofe our Comon Contrary to towne order mould pay a fine to the Town of fourty millings this tranfgrefhon was in the yeare 1685 : At a meeting of the Selectmen the 9 th Auguft : 1686 Then the Select men ordered that John Watson sen r mould pay Eighteen millings fine to the Towns vfs for breach of a publifhed Town order in Carying a loed of wood out of town in the yeare 1686: the fore prt of the sumer, It was alfoe ordered at the same meetting by the Select men that the aforesayd John watfon vpon his Ingenious Confefhon and fubmition to y e sentence of the Select men fhould haue half the fines abated him & that Twenty nine millings mould satiffy for both his fines if payd to satiffacti A At a meeting of the Select men the 9 th : 6"? 1686 Then the Select men ordered that Girlham Cutter mould pay to the vfs of the Town thirty six fhillings as a fine for Caryeing Two loed of wood out of Town, in the year 1686: in the fore prt of the Sumer which is according to a publifhed Town Order at a meeting of the Select men the 13 Sep*: 1686 Granted liberty to Daniell Cheeuers for fome fleepers for his houfe ouer his feller off our rcckes TOWN RECORDS 281 Granted Deacon Cooper liberty to take fome timber off our rockes for a new Carte Granted liberty to Deacon Haftin liberty to take fome timber of our rockes for fleepers for a mill At ameeting of the Select men this 13^ of Octob? 1686 The Select men then haue Excepted Twenty nine shillings that was due to John Watson for worke done at our bridge vpon the Towns account for fines layd vpon the aforesayd John Watson by the $lr select men for breach of the Town order, the one fine being paffed the 9 of Auguft 1686 : & the other the 26* Jully 1686 : as is aboue writtin ; [113] At a Meeting of the Inhabitants of Cambridge regularly mett together to Chufe town officers and agree vpon a town rat for the infueing year the 8* Nouember 1686 = which were Chofsen as ffolloweth Conftables Chofsen for the Town ( Arron Boedman I Thomas Andrewe ebenezer wifwell for Cambridg villidge for the farmes Chofs Phillip Ruffell ' Deacon John Cooper Deacon Walter Haftin ffrancis More Sam 1 ) Chamne M r Sparrahauke Daniell Chamne Sam" Andrew Surveyer for the Town William Barritt Surveyer for y e south fide the Riuer Joshua ffuller Surveyer for Menotomie Nath : Pattin Surveyer for the farmes Joseph Simons The Rate agreed vpon by the Inhabitants \ I s d of the Town regularly mett together for the defraying > 100 oo oo the publike Charges of the Town was ) ffor Select men were Choffea 282 TOWN RECORDS A Committe Chofsen by the Inhabitants to make the rate for the minifter for the enfueing yeare and a rat for y e Town ffor the Town Chofs M r Cook to Joyn with y e Select men to make a rate for the Town ffor the Villidge Chofs Noah Wifwill to Joyn with Sele6tmen to make a Rate for the village ; ffor the farmes Chofs Sam" Ston sen* to Joyn with Selectmen to make a rate for the farmes & to take an Invoice At ameeting of the Inhabitants 28 : I2 m . 1686 It was then put to vote whether John Dikfon fhould haue about half an acce r of land sould to them in the ware feild next Charlftown line to build a houfe and barne vpon and it was voted on the afirmi- tiue, and the Select men then in being were Choffen by the Inhabitants to agree with him for quantity and prifs It was then alfoe putt to vote whether Abraham watson fhould haue about half an acce r of our Comon land sould him by the Town, adjoyn- ing to his father watsons feild next the widdow Cookes to Sett a houfe & barne vpon and foe Inhabitt amongft us and it was voted on the afir- mitiue, and the selectmen then in being was made Choyce of by the Inhabitents to agree with him both about the quantity and prifs; At a meeting of the selectmen the 13 th of Decembe 1 1686 Granted liberty to will : wieth to Cut off our rockes 50 rayles and a tree for pofts for the outfide fence of his orchard ; At a Meeting of the Selectmen the 14** ffebruary 1686 Granted Good: watson liberty to Cutt off the rocks 120 rayles & 50 pofts for outfide fence in the weft feild ; Granted Thomas white liberty to Cutt off our rockes sufficient pofts & rayles for foure or fiue rode of out fide fence Granted liberty to Joseph Ruffell to Cutt timber off our rockes for a frame of 20 ffoott longe to Joyne to his dwellinghoufe ; Granted to Fetter Town of our rokes Two timber trees for his trade & hoope poles ; TOWN RECORDS 283 Granted to Arron Boedman of the rockes 10 quarter pofts and 40 rayles for out fide fence ; Granted to John wieth of our Rockes 100 rayles & 30 pofts for out- fide ffences; Granted Thomas Andrew off our rockes 50 rayles & 25 pofts for out fide fence [113] At ameeting of the Selectmen y e I4th March: 1686 7 Chofs for the Infueing yeare Chofs Survayers for the weft ( Zecheriah Hicks Sen' feild ffences ( Soloman Prentice Chofs Driuer for the weft feild { Jacob Hill Chofs Survayers of the necke fences I Sam 11 Goff ( John Jackson Chofs driuer for the necke ( Jacob Amfden ( Israeli Cheeuers Chofs John wieth Hogreeu for y e Comon Chofs Zecheriah Hicks Hogreeue for y c Towne Chofs Survayers for fences J John Addams Sen r Menotomie feild 1 Israeli Mead Chofs driuer for Menotomie feild { Jafson Ruffell Chofs Hogreeue for menotomie { william Ruflell Chofs ouerfeers for y e flock of fheep ( John Watson t Nathaniell Pattin at a meeting of the select men the 28*: March: 1687 The selectmen then Lett vnto Andrew Boedman the high way Marlh on the fouth fide the riuer which is the Towns land the same that he formerly hired : for fourten fhillings money a yeare for the Infueing yeare: 13: Aprill: 1689: Andrew Bordmans widdow paid fourteen millings money for the hire of the aboue said marfh for the yeare 1688 284 TOWN RECORDS At ameeting of the Inhabitants the 4 th of Aprill 1687 It was then propofsed to them whether they did agree that M r John fteadman fhould haue layd out to him in our remott Comon neer the eight mile line fuch a tract of land as may anfwer 60 acce ra that was apoynted for him in our laft diuifhon where the land fell fhort of acom- adating him, and it was voted on the afirmitiue, And the Select men were made Choyce of as a Comitty to apoint the place & quantity It was then alfoe put to vote whether the heires of Robert stead- man defeafed Ihould haue granted to him in thofe remott Comons of the Town a lott granted to them for a former lott that mould haue bin layd out for him feuerall yeares fince, and that alfoe was votted on the affirmitiue & the select men were appoynted a Comitte to order that affaire The select men now in being this 13 th of Aprill 1689 Lett vnto Andrew Boedmans widdow the high way Marfh of the Townes on the south side of Charles Riuer for fourteen millings in money for this Enfueing Cropp paid by the widdow Bordmans son this 23: 2"? 1690: fourteen Ihillings in money for the rent of the high way on the south lid the riuer aboue mentioned for the yeare 1689 The select men now in being this 13 Aprill 1690 iett vnto Andrew Bordmans widdow the Hye way marm of the Townes on the fouth side of Charles Riuer for fourteen millings in Money the next enfueing Crop of Grafs 15 : 7 90: paid by Andrew Bordman for his Mother the widdow Bordman for the rent of the Marfh aboue written fourteen fhillings in money [114] The 24 th : July 1687 In anfwer to the vote of the Inhabitants of this Town the 28* of ffebruary 1686: which is recorded on the other leef fide backward, the select men then Chofsen as a Comitte to laye out to John Dickson a Convenient accomidation in our ware feild next Charlftown line, hath on the day aboue written compleated that worke and have fet him out foure rode on the northeaft end : & Eleauen rode long on the North TOWN RECORDS 285 weft fid next y e ware feild & fourteen rode long on the Eaft fide againft the ditch which is Charlftown lines ; and foure rode & a half or more on the south weft end, Conteining about 38 rode or therabouts which the select men then prifed at thirty foure fhillings sixe pence in money : the aboue said land was sould to y e sayd John Dickson to biuld a houfe & barne vpon to be an Inhabitant amongft us, and the land being sould by y e Town with out priuiledge belonging therevnto : & the said John Dickson is to mayntaine a fufficient fence at his own coft and charg againft the Towns land foe long as it Continues to be Common land ; and is hereby oblidged to the Town not to put a ftranger into his houfe as an Inhabitant of this Town without the aprobation of the selectmen of this Town then in being; and the aforesaid John dickfon doeth agree to pay all affefments in this Town both to Church Town and comon wealth with the reft of our inhabitants & to be as other Inhabitants without priuiledges 14: 7: 87 receiued the full of the thirty foure shillings & six pence for the vfs of the Town Vpon the day aboue written was alfoe votted by the Inhabitants of this Town to sell to Abraham Watfon of this Town a Convenient peace of land to fett a houfe & barne vpon on our Comon land adjoyning to his father John watfons land in Charlftown feild next the widdow Cooks, which the Select men of Cambridge being chofsen a Comitte by the Inhabitents haue this 24 July: 1687: fett out to the sayd Abra: watfon as followeth three rode broad at each end and tenn rode long alongft Charlftown line Conteyning thirty rode for which he is to pay to the Town twenty nine ftiillings in money, and fettle himfelf as an Inhabi- tent in this Town but hath not priuiledge layd by the town to the fore said prsell of ground he bought of the Town, and is to mayntaine a fufficient fence againft our Comen while it doth Continue Comen land vpon his own coft & Charge, and that he is not to put in any of another Town as tenant into the said houfe he mall biuld vpon the land he bought of the Town without the Confent of the select men then in being, and to pay all affefments to Town Church & County with our other Inhabitants of the Town as aboue Expreft; and to be as other Inhabi- tants without priuiledges: 14: 7 87 Receiued twenty nine ftiillings in money in full for the aboue said thirty rod for the vfs of the Town M r Samuell Gookins payment to y e Town for the Clay pits 286 TOWN RECORDS To Clabords for the meetting houfe money is OO 01 oo To 32 flfoott of boards for the meeting houfe is oo 01 04 [114] At a Publicke Meating of the Inhabitants the 14 th Nouember 1687: ther was then Chofsen officers for the Town- Conftables for the Town ( John wieth { Jacob Hill Joseph Simons Conftable for y e farmes Joseph wilfon for the village Deacon Cooper Deacon Haftin ffrancis More for Select men for the Enfueing year Thomas Oliuer Sam 11 Chamne Daniell Chamne . Sam u Andrew Chofe Survayer for the town zecheriah Hicks Chofe Survayer for y e south fide y e Riuer Sam u Oldum Chofs Survayer for Menotomy Sam u Bucke : Chofs Survayer for y e farmes John Ruff ell : Survayers & drivers fSollomon for the weft field J Prentice and vewers of ffences is j & Jeremiah ( Holman Hogreeus for ( Survayers vewers ( Sam 11 Goff the Town is ( of fences & driuers for the necke is ( John Jackfon Survayers vewers f c c Q A \ Nath : Pattin of fences & driuers < f r ., j / Will Ruifell for menotomy feud \ At ameeting of the Inhabitants the 28* Nouember 1687 = It was then voted on the afirmitiue by the Inhabitants that the Select men then in being mould Leuy arate of one hundred and Two pounds tenn millings for defraying the Charges of the Town for the Enfueing yeare TOWN RECORDS 287 Voted then on the Afirmitiue alfoe by the Inhabitants that M ra Michell should be allowed out of the Town rate tenn pounds for the Enfueing yeare Votted then on the affirmitiue by the Inhabitants At a meeting of the Select men the 2O th ffebruary i68|- Gaue liberty to Edward Winfhip to Cutt and Gary off our rockes one hundred of railes & pofts proportionable therevnto for outfide fences next the Comon : Granted alfoe liberty to Leut winfhip to Cutt & Gary off our rockes two hundred of Rayles & pofts neffefary to them to repaire his out fide ffences ; * Granted to Mr Danforth liberty for timber off the rocks for sidcr- At a meeting of the Inhabitants the 5* March i68| It was then votted whether they would giuc liberty to the selectmen to make sale of the Claye pitt to Mr Sam" Gookin at a valuable prifc in- money and it was votted on the aformytiue;- At a publike meeting of the Inhabitants the 5* of March i68| It was then voted whether they would Sell M r Samuell Gookins the Clay pitts neere the necke gat and it was votted on the afirmitiue, And it was alfoe votted that the Select men then in being mould fet the prifs of it which was an afirmytiue vote. This 26 March 1688 : mad this agreement. In pursuance of the aboue said vott of the Inhabitants the Select men haue agreed with M r Sam" Gookins about the prifs of the aboue sayd Clay pitts as ffolloweth that in cafe the sayd Clay pitts doe Joyn home to Maio* Gookins orchard then M r Gookins (hall pay for the fame Eleauen pounds money, but in Cafe there be leagall proff that ther is a hygh way betwixt the Clay pitts and faid orchard then the said M r Gookins (hall pay but tenn pounds money for the aforesaid Clay pitts to the Town ; * Cancelled on original record, by a line drawn through. 288 TOWN RECORDS [115] At a Publike meeting of the Inhabitants of Cambridge the 21 of May 1688, for the Choice Town officers according to the act of the Gouernour & Councill Then Chofs for Conftables for the Town I John Wyeth & j Jacob Hill Then was Choflen Conftable for the farmes { Jofeph Simons of ould ones Deacon John Cooper Then was Chofsen for Select men Deacon Walter Hastin Samuell Andrew chofs of New ones Samuell Ston Sen r Jonathan Remington Dauid ffifk Sen' M r Joseph Cooke Chofsen for Commifsione 1 : At ameeting of the Inhabitants of Cambridge the 21 May 1688 It was then put to Vott whether the Inhabitants would sell a peece of land on y e south fid y e Riuer of about flue acce r on the South fide y e Riuer neere Joseph Bartlitts & John Clarks, and it was votted on the affirmitiue, and the Inhabitants made Choyce of the select men, with Samuell Chamne and Daniell Chamne as a Committe to sell & set a price vpon y e said land to thofe that buy the same: This 21 May: 1688 It was alfoe then votted on the affirmitiue that the Inhabitants would giue to Thomas Stacy of this Town Smith a peece of ground behind his shop of twenty six ffoott long, and ninteen foott broad, to sett a houfe vpon, to Continue a fettled Inhabitant amongft us ; Wee the Comitte aboue Mentioned in purfuance of the aboue Writ- ten Vott, haue bargained & sould, the aboue mentioned land vnto the aboue Adjacent Joseph Bartlet his heires and affignes, for foure pound tenn millings in money, a high way excepted of foure rode wide whofe wefterly fide bounds vpon Capt Noah wifwells land, which when the Country high way is taken out the prsell of land sould him will Con- teine about foure acce r . be it more or lefs, and being bounded on the Eaft with John Clark and Joseph Bartlets lands, about southeafl with TOWN RECORDS 289 Cap Wifwell to a white Oake, and from that white oake it is bounded about South weft, and the reft of the Country high way about weft, and the reft of the peece of land is bounded with a high way & Cap. Thomas Prentice about northerly, we the aforesaid Comitte, haue alfo agreed with the said Joseph Bartlet, that in Cafe the Adjacent Clarke will fence the one fide of a rode wide high way thorow the tract of Land bought of the foresaid Comitte then the said Bartlet is hereby ingaged to fet him out one where may fut them both beft, right Crofs the land, from Clarks high way to the Country high way, and to the performance of the aforesaid premifses we the Comitte aforesaid in the behalf of the Town haue fet to our hands this Second day of March : 1690 the foure pound tenn fhillings being firft pd vnto M r Samuell Chamne ; [115] Septembe' the 14 th : 1688 Dauid ffifke sen r & Samuell Stone sen r , being appointed by the reft of the select men of Cambridge, to ftate the Lyne of Philip Chadwicks land (formerly Phillip Jonfes) next the High Way and to allow him Some recompence for Some land Claimed by M r Cook of Boston. And wee haue drawn y e line as followeth Viz. from a white oake by the stone wall in watertowne Lyne, and from thence to a blacke Oake, and foe to a ftake on the west fide of the high way, and from thence to a black oake at the parting of the paths, from thence to a great rocke, thence to a blacke oake, then to a smale white oacke, thence to a gray oak, then to a red oak: and from thence to a white oake by the Rocky brooke as attest ) Dauid ffiike sen' Samuell Stone sen' At a meeting of the Select men the i8 th March: K made Choyce of seuerall officers as followeth Driuers and vewers ( M r Joseph Cook of ffences for the neck, { M r Jo. Jackson vewer of fences and driuers ( John Watfon for y e weft feild < Jer : Holman (Will:Wyeth Driuers & vewers of fences ( Nath : Patin for menotomy feild is { Edw. winship 9 290 TOWN RECORDS Hogreeu for menotomy : Girfham Cutter Hogreeus for the Common C Tho : Andrew ( Sam u Cooke Hogreeus for y e Town ( Zack : Hicks, Jun r ( Owin warland Hogreeues for y e farmes ( Tho : Cutler I Will : Carly Hogreeues for the south fid y e Riuer is ( Isacc Wilfon I Jacob Dana [116] at a meeting of the proprietors of the Town of Cambridg 29: 9 m : 89 It was then votted by them that none of them Will Cutt noe Green wood for fireing but what they fhall find alredy fald vpon the penalty of flue fhillings for each loed nor noe yong wood At a Generall meating of the Inhabitants of Cambridge for the Choice of Town officers the II 1 ! 1 9T 1689 Chofs Cunftable ( ffrancis Boeman : for the farmes ( Chofe Conftables ( M r Joseph Cooke for the Town ( John Cooper Jun r Their was then Chofsen for Select men Deacon John Cooper Deacon waiter Hasting Samuell Chamne Leut. Remington Sam" Andrew Survayers for the high wayes Jakob Amfden for the Town William Reed for the farmes Joseph Ruffell for Menotomy 22 March Hogreeues Chofsen for the yeare 1690 Hogreeue for the Town { Benonie Eaton Hogreeue for the Comon { Henry Prentice Hogreeue for Menotomy { william Ruffell Ae^ff^&i^i.**; ^ Wr-A***"'! - ) 01 i i RECORD MADE BY SAMUEL ANDREW, TOWN CLERK, 1682-1692 (See Folii 290-291) TOWN RECORDS 291 Hogreeus for for y e farmes Hogreeues for the south fide of Charles Riuer J william Row. \ John Ston Dauids son vewers of ffences and driuers for the neck vewers of fences and driuers for weft feild vewers of fences & driuers for Menotomy feild Beniamin Dany ( Sam? Goff sen r I Enfign Boardman ( Tho : Andrew (. Solomon Prentice 9 ( John Addams 1 Jafson Ruffell [116] At a meeting of the proprieto of the rocks the i8 th day of Nouember 1689: to Confider about the laying out the rocks and it was voted on the afirmitiue and the names of thofe that votted on the afirmitiue are Inferted as followeth and alfoe thofe few that voted on the Negetiue Voted on the afirmitiue Tho: ffox John ffroft Andrew Bordman John Taylor Nath: Hancock Herbert Peelham M r Belcher Benonie Eaton John Marritt Rob 1 Brown John Holmes will : wieth Edmond Angier John Steadman Jun r Cap 1 : Green Leu' Remington Sam? Hafting John Swan Nath: Patin John Green Tho: Andrew will: Bordman Deacon Hasting Jer: Holman John watfon Sam u Goff sen' Jacob Hill M re Michell ffrancis More Deacon Cooper Abra: Errington heirs John Hafting Joseph Cragbon John Palfry Elder Clark Sam 11 Gibson Owin warland widdow Bowtell John Goue James Huberd Arron Bordman John Jackfon Abra: Holman will: Manning M'Day Jofeph Sill John Cooper Jun r Edward & Sam u winthip John wieth Georg Willice Rich : Eccles Zecheriah Hicks Sen' Sollomon Prentice Joseph Cook Ephraim ffroft Sam 1 ! Andrew Harvard Colledge widdow Michelson 292 TOWN RECORDS all aboue are votts on the affirmitiue votts on the Negetiue are as followeth. Tho : & Edward Hall Tho Post Jafon & will Ruffell Jonath Dunfter Richard Cutter John Steadman sen r these were all that did then appear to giue in a negetiue vott And their was then made Choyce of by written vots M r Joseph Cook John Jackfon John Goue and and Nathaniell Pattin to Joyne with the select men as a Comitte to order the maner and way and Method of laying out the rockes and how to Number the lotts. And Leut ffifke was made Choyce of for the survayer thereof; [117] At a Generall Meeting of the Inhabitants of Cambridge for the Choice of Town officers the io th of Nouember 1690 being the 2 d Munday in Nouember as followeth Drivers and vewers ( M r Joseph Cook of ffences for the neck, 1 M r Jo. Jackson c r i f John Watfon vewer of fences and \ J _ , . f e ft- c -u T Jer: Holman dnuers for y e welt feild I *.,, TTr (.Will: Wyeth Survayer for Highwayes = SamH Haftings is for the Town James Clark for the South fide the Riuer : Jason Rufsell for Menotomie. Samuell Winlhip for the farmes. (Peter Towne hired by Samuell Cooper for Town s -r-j j i- f ] Edward winship for menotomy ^Samuell Whitmor for y e farmes Selectmen ' Elder Jonah Clarke Deacon Cooper Deacon Haftings Samuell Andrew ,John Goue M r Thomas Oleuer Chofsen for Comitioner TOWN RECORDS 293 for y e neck vewers of fences & driuers "Sam 1 . 1 Goff sen* John Jackson for the weft feild ( Solomon Prentice vewers of fences | Samuell Kidder anddriuerforthe< Jer . Holman west feild ( _ vewers of ffences for Menotomie feild James Huberd &c Joseph Winfhip for driuers for menotomie Joseph Adames & Jafson Ruffell. , . Hogreeus for menotomie will : Ruff ell Girfham Cutter Hogreeus for Town Zech: Hicks Jun r Sam" Gibson Hogreeue for y e Comon Beni : Godward hogreeues for farmes / Will : Munroe < Tho : Cutler (John Corny hogreeues for the C Jacob Dany south fide y e Riuer ( James Clarke {Sam? Ston Leut mike , . . _ . Ephraim winlhip John Tidd sen' By y e selectmen in behalf of y e Town 5 : I i m . 169^ Called Si r Hancock to keep scoole for the Town to teach both Gramer & Englifli with writeing & siphering There being in y e 91 st folio of this Booke a Record Defaced not known by whom the said Record by order of the selectmen is in this place renewed , "=> A Copy of y e returne to y e Select by M r Thomas Danforth & David Fiske Concerning the land Claimed by Sam" & Dan? Champney: We whofe names are Subfcribed being desired to View a parcel of land lying on the South Side of the River between part of the head line of M r Andrews Farme & M r Sparhawks line & now Claimed by Samuel & Daniel Champney : Do Afsert that it is no part of that which the Town Sold to Elder Champney for 40 Acres more or lefs when he firft built in that place the head line of that being terminated by the Same line 294 TOWN RECORDS that the Small lotts that he then Bought of Goodm" Shepard, Trumble, & others that had lotts there 2 That it is no part of y e roo Acres w c ? the Town Granted him & was laid out on the westerly Side of M r Mitchells Lott ( Thomas Danforth afserteth to y e firft , Article of this testimony ~ 1 3 * ( 3 1 1672 s j David Fiske attefteth to the truth V of the Second Article ~ [117] At a meeting of the proprieto of this Town Leagally warned and mett together this 13"*- of Aprill 1691 = A propofition was made to them whether they would devide all the Comon lands belonging to the Town without and within the Compafs of the fiue mile line, foe farr as was the ouerplufh of the laft Diuifhon vp on the rocks, and it was then votted on the affirmitiue ; and the proprieto 8 did then make Choyce of Leut Remington Zecheriah Hickes sen r . & Edward winfhip together with the selectmen, a Comitte for the ordering and fetling of this Matter and Concerne of the proprieto It was alfoe vpon the day aboue written propofsed to the proprieto 18 whether all the Common Lands on the south fide the High way lead- ing from Cap*. Cooks Mill to watertown or further if the Comitte fee Caufe be fenced in for a pafter, for such as haue Cow rights recorded in the Town Booke, and this is to be done with all Convenient speed, and euery prson that haue Cow rights and Comons fhall beare their pro- portions thereof, as it fhall be fet out by the Comitte and the Comitte aboue mentioned are ordered and apoynted by the proprieto 18 to order and fetle this affaire, and all this was votted on the afirmitiue, and the pafter to be ftinted according to the proprieto Cow rights according to beft accomadatioA for the whole. An order of the select men mad the i8 th May 1691 Concerning the Numbere of working Catle and Cowes fhall be paftured on this fide Menotomie bridge Firft That no proprieto r fhall keep in the forementioned pafture aboue one Cow for Two Comons, and one horfe for three Comons, and that euery prson Concerned fhall pay towards the making of the gate and fence and driueing the pafter, three pence a head in money for euery Cow, and foure pence ahead for euery horfe ; TOWN RECORDS 295 2dly It is further ordered, that whoefoeuer fhall put vpon the aboue mentioned pafter, more then his right aboue mentioned, fhall pay to the driuer twelue penc ahead for euery time they are taken therein, and that all horfes fhall be fettered as the law requires, and all other vnruely Catle restrayned if Complained off; 3dly It is further Ordered, that the flocke of fheep fhall not come on this fide Menotomie bridge, (we mean the Towns fide) aboue once in fourteen dayes, and that no proprieto* fhall put on more fheep vpon our our Comons, then they haue right to put on accord- ing to their priuiledges; this order mad A by the select men was pofted vp at the meeting dore the 19"* May 1691 = [118] At a meeting of the Inhabitants the 9 th Nouember 1691 for the Choyce of Town officers Chofe for Conftables for y e Enfueing yeare I st ( Peter Town 2 d 5 William Rufsell ' 3 d (Sam 1 ! Winfhip for M r Sam n : Andrewe the farmes Chofe for Select men Deacon Haflings Sam 1 / Chamne Leut: Remington Edward winfhip Sam" Haftings william Munroe Chofe survayers for the High wayes! ( Zacheriah Hicks Juner y c Town J James Clark south fide I Jason Ruffell for notomy IBenia: Mury for farmes Chofe Hogreeues C Nathaniell Patin for Menotome ( Joseph Addams Chofe Hogreeues C John Haftings for the Town Owin Warland Chofe Hogreeues for the ) C John ffracis south fide of Charles Riuer ) ( Benjamin Dany Chofe Hogreeues for the Coinon ^ Thomas Andrew Bcniamin Godward 296 TOWN RECORDS Chofe vevvers offences fSam 1 ! Gibson & Driuer for weft feild J Amos Marritt Added j John wyeth driuer v ^SamJ Kidder added servayer Chofs vewers of fences ( Sam 1 . 1 Goff sen 1 for y e necke and alfoe driuers \ Zecheriah Hicks sen r Chofe vewers of fences and ( Jason Rufsell driuers for menotomie feild ( Joseph winfhip Seuerall propofitons made to the Inhabitants vpon the day of Choyce of Town offecers : the 9*!? 9b r 1691 = I Choyce of a Comitte to make aminifters rat this was votted on the afirmitiue and their was Chofsen the select men and aded vnto them M r Thomas Oleuer Sam" Stone sen r & John Goue 2dly It was put to vott whether their fhould be giuen by the Town in Comon pay Anually to a fcoolmafter twelue pound and it was votted on the afirmitiue to teach both latten & englifh and to write & fipher ; 3dly It was put to vote whether the Town would giue to the Forty acres of miniftry fourty acce of Comon land for a fuply of wood woodland voted Annually and it was voted on the afirmitiue; 4thly It was put vott whether we mould make a Town rate for payment of Town debts and defray Town Charges and it was voted on the afirmitiue; At a meeting of y e Select men novemb! 16"? 1691 M r Samuel Andrewe was Chofen Clerke of y e Select men & to keep y e Towne Booke It was the day aboue mentioned agreed by the Select to make a Town rate Conteining 2 fmgle Country rates and the one quarter prt thereof to be leyed in money the other three quarters to be leuyed in Country pay It was alfoe then agreed by the Select men that M r Samuell Chamne fhould be ouerfeer of our Great bridge Chofs Hogreeues for y e farmes ( John Johnson for y e Noreft fide Concord roed j John Corny Chofs Hogreeus for south weft fide > ( John Ston Dauids soft Concord path for farmes > ( John Ston Sam 18 son TOWN RECORDS 297 [118] At ameeting of the Select men the 13* of Jun 1692 It was then agreed vpon by the Selectmen that John Green and Robert Webber fhould be Added to Samuell Goff sen 1 and Zecheriah Hickes sen r as driuers for our necke which aboue mentioned prsons were Chofsen for the better secureing of the Corne and paftures therein At a meeting of the Inhabitants the twenty seauenth day of Jun 1692 Leagally warned, and it was then votted by the Inhabitants that they would giue to a gramer fcoolmafter that fhould alfoe lafary maSterS teach englifh that they would allow a Scoolmafter Twenty pound ayeare in Comon pay and this was votted on the afirmitiue by the majo r prt of the Inhabitants then present at leaft two to one ; At a meeting of the Selectmen the 25* of July 1692 haueing teftimony of the defectiuenefs of Zecheriah Hickes sen' fence in the oxe pafter belonging to the weft feild they faw t d Caufe to fine him tenn fhillings }oo 10 oo And Solomon Prentice is likwife fined for the Same defect in his fence belonging to the weft feild } oo 18 OO Alfoe John wyeth for defect in his fence in the weft feild is fined } oo 18 oo At a meeting of the Inhabitents the 14 th of Nottembe 1 1692 for the Choyce of Town officers It was then Voted by the Inhabitents that the orders formerly made, according to the Inftructiones of the Inhabitants for the preferva- tion of the wood and timber in the Comon lands, be by the Selectmen be by the Selectmen vigouroufly prosecuted according to the true In- tents of said orders At a publicke meeting of the Inhabitants the I4 tb of Nouember 1692, It was then voated that whereas Thomas Stacy is pofsefed of a houfe platt in the Town as now within fence which was formerly at a publik Towne meeting granted to him said Thomas Stacy his heires ex- 298 TOWN RECORDS cecutor for euer, and omitted entry in Town records, is at this prsent meetting renewed and Granted as aforesaid ; [119] At a publicke meeting of the Inhabitants of Cambridge the 2 d monday of Nouember 1692 : mett together to Chufe Towne offi- cers according to an anfheant Town Order Then Chofe for Conftables for the enfueing yeare / Nicholas ffesenden ) Jason Ruffell ( Will ; Reed Deacon Haftings Sam u Chamne Leut Remington Then Chofe Seauen Selectmen as ffolloweth Sam 1 Haftings Edward: Winftiip Sam 1 . Ston Sen' Sam 1 . Andrew Chofe Survayer for the Town Solomon Prentice Chofe Survayer for the South fide y e Riuer John Squire Chofe for Menotomie Survayer their John Dickson Chofe Survayer for the farmes John Rufsell vpon this pulike meeting of the Inhabitants the day aboue men- tioned, It was then put to vote whether the Selectmen mould make a money rate to pay the Expence and defray the Charge of our Paster Gookins funerall Charges, which amounted to about Eighteen pounds in money, and it was voted on the afirmitiue ; At a meeting of the select men the 9 th of January 1692 Then agreed with Zecheriah Hicks Juner that he mould pay vnto the Town as an acknowledgement to the Town for the ftanding of his barne againft his houfe vpon the Towns land Twelue pence a yeare in money the firft payment being due next march at the choyce of Town officers and foe anually for the futer foe long as it mall continue to ftand vpon the Towns land : Then alfoe Agreed with Jonathan Nuting to pay to the Towns vfs twelue pence a yeare money as an acknowledgement vnto the Town for the standing of his mop vpon the Towns land vpon our Common TOWN RECORDS 299 neer the pound the firft payment to be next March at the Choyce of Town officers and foe Anually for the futur foe long as it fhall Continue to ftand their; The Said Zecheriah Hicks hath pay d this 2 d day of March in the year 169! : f r ^ our vear ^ a ^- P a ^ : f ur Shillings M r John Sparhauk began to keep scoole the 15 th day of ffebruary 169! Dem g wedenfday [119] At a meeting of the Inhabitants the 16 th of January 1692 It was then votted by the Inhabitants whether the selectmen mould aply themfelues vnto the Gouernour & Counfell or the Generall Court, for fome releeff or affiftance for the maintenance of our great bridge, and it was votted on the afirmitiue that they should as foon as they had opportunity ; It was alfoe then votted whether we y e selectmen mould make a rate for the Charge of repaireing our great bridge hitherto & it was voted on the afirmitiue; It was alfoe then votted whether the Town would giue to menotomie people a quarter of an acce r of land vpon our Comon neere j=r" Jafson Rufsells houfe neer the highway for the acomodation of a fcoole houfe and it was votted on the afirmitiue foe long as it was Improued for that vfs and noe longer; It was alfoe then put to vott whether the second monday in march next should be the day of our Choyce of Town offecers for the next yeare and it was votted on the afirmitiue It was alfoe then votted whether the Inhabitants of this Town would land sell to the farmes 5 or 6 acce of land lyeing neer beniam Muzes for the accomadation of their minister and it was minister votted on the afirmitiue provided they could agree vpon the at lexington prifs & pay & quantity At a publick Meeting of y e Inhabitants of Cambridge March itf* 169$: for y e Choice of officers for said towne o f Abraham Hill Then was Chofen for Conftables < Amos Marrett t Matth : Bridge Jun r 300 TOWN RECORDS Chofen Five sele<5t men viz? M r SamH Andrewe Deacon Walt' Hasting John Jackson Edward Winship . Jonath n Remington Samuel Stone sen*: Chofen Comifsion*: Chofen Leather Sealer John Hasting sen* Chofen Sealer of Weights & meafures Peter Towne Chofen Surveyo 18 of high wayes for y e towne & Comon Solomon Prentice for y e south Side y e River John Squire sen* for Menotomy John Dickson for y e Farmes John Rufsell Chosen for Towne Clerke Jonath" Remington At a Meeting of y e Sele6l men march 20^ 169! Chofen Viewers of fences for y e Neck ( Zech h Hicks Sen* ( Joseph Cooke Israel Chever ( drivers of Robert Webber / sd : neck : chosen viewers of fences for y e West field C John Watson ( Sam" Cooper Jeremy Holman ( Drivers of Jno : Wyeth f s d field : Chosen viewers of fences for menotomy ( Jason Rufsell I Joseph Winship Gershom Cutter ( Jonath? Butterfield ( Drivers Q-O [120] Chofen to Inspect the yokeing & Ringing of Swine for y e Towne ( Christoph 1 Mutchin ( Richard Ferguson for y* Comon I John Cooper I Will Wyeth for Menotomy { Andrew Beard Sam 1 ? Bull: TOWN RECORDS 301 At a meeting of the Select men April 10*? 1693 John Watson Zechariah Hicks Sen r & Sam" Kidder are appointed a Comittee to agree w th a shepherd to keep the flock for this present yeare, also to take Care Concerning the Rams that they be kept from y e flock as is requifite & Customary also to take Care that y e flock be fed in such place as y e Sele<5l men shall appoint. ' on y e motion of Jason Rufsell the Select men do desire m r Andrew to state & settle the line between the Said Jason Rufsells land & the Comon according to y e Surveyo Plott y* is w th y e records of the towne, he making a returne of what he shall do therein to the select men ^ ' M r Andrew made report that he had stated the line as abovemen- tioned according to the Surveyo 18 Plott on May the second Ann Dom: 1693 ' At a publick Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Towne March 13* 169$: The Inhabitants of the Farmes requesting y 6 proprieto to sell them a remnant of Comon land lying on this side the long Common Cawfey & likewife on the other side of said Caufey being lands voted _*.-'* . , / , . .., < i ,. to be sold neare to their Meeting houie which said land they desire to lexington for the accomodacon of their Minister the Propriet ra did Vote y* it should be sold to the farmers for the end afore- said, & for that purpofe made Choice of Joseph Rufsell & Nathan" Pattin to Joine w th y e Selecl: men in making said Sale , ' April 28 th : 1693 , ' The Select men & Comittee Impowered to make Sale of the Comon land to the farmers, have accordingly sold the Same, the termes being sold as followeth: that is to say, referring to the land on the accordingly f ur ther Side of y e long Caufey they are take it for more or less without Measuring for w c * they are to pay twelve pounds in money the land on this side the forementioned Cawsey to be mcafured out to them & to pay for the same ten shillings p r Acre in money, w ch money for the land on this side the Cawsey to be paid forth with, or afsoon as it is meafured & the twelve pound for the land beyond the Causey to be paid \v th in a twelvemonth from y e Date abovesaid / ' 502 TOWN RECORDS [120] At a meeting of the Propriet? of the town Comons May 1 2^ 1693 It was then Voted that there shall be a herd of Cowes kept on the Said Comons this present yeare ' 1 It was also Voted that the present selectmen should Mannage that affaire referring to the Herd in providing an Herds- man & in taking effedluall order how he shall be paid for his paines , / 2 There being then a Motion made that there might be a sale of some remnants of Coition land for y e payment of some Debts due unto M r John Hasting & M r John Hancock for their keeping the schoole in the Towne the proprieto did approve of said Motion & voted the sale should be made accordingly , ' It was then likewife Voted that John Gove Joseph Rufsell & Nathan 11 Pattin should be Joined w th the select men as a Comittee for to view the aforesaid Comon lands & to make sale of so much as may pay the Debts afore mentioned , ' 3 At the meeting above said there being a Complaint made that severall persons had fallen short of their proportion in the former Divisions of land, the proprieP did then Vote that the above named Comittee should heare what each person hath to alledge & what shall be found due unto any person by falling short as aforesaid the said Comittee shall order them a recom- pence out of the Comon lands afore mentioned , ' 4 The Select men have Nominated & appointed John Watson John Gove & Sam 1 . 1 Cooper for to provide & agree w th a Herds- man for the Cowes for this yeare , ' [121] May 22"! 1693 there being report made to the Select men of the number of acres of land sold to the farmers aforementioned for the accomodation of their Minister w ch according to agreement they were to take by meafure being that on this Side of y e long Cawsey, they being according to said agreement to pay ten shillings p r Acre for what it did amount to by meafure, & there being twelve acres so meafured w ch Comes to Six pounds w c ? was paid to the SelecT: men by L* David Fifke & Sam" Stone sen': on said 22 d day of May on behalfe of said Farmers : the whole of the land on both ends of said long Cawsey both what was TOWN RECORDS 303 meaf ured & not meaf ured is Bounded as followeth that is to say Bounded with the land of M r Edward Pelham & John Mon Roe North East ; w th y e land of Matthew Bridge Sen r & Sam? Stone Sen 1 Southwell & by that Called by the Eight Mile line North West excepting Meadow formerly laid out to Edw : Mitchelson John Cooper & Edward Goffe w cl1 is Com- prehended w th in the Bounds now mentioned Att a meeting of the Select men of Cambridge this 9 th day of July 1694: This wittnefeth that we the above faid have received of Leut : David ffifke, Sam u Stone Sen r of Cambridge ffarmes, the Sume of Six pounds and eight Shillings, and nine pence this same day for and in consider- ation of part of payment of twelve pounds to be payd by them, for a parcel of Land Sold by us the Select men, by Order from the Inhabi- tants of the Town, as Attefts Samuel Green Clerke Att a Meeting of the Inhabitants orderly warned March 12^ 169! / David Demming Amos Marrett ^ Samuel Kidder peter Town ^Benjamin Muzzy Deacon Walter Haftings Jonathan Remington John Jackson Doct* James Oliver Samuel Champney Samuel Green / Abraham Hill I Amos Marrett ffor Surveyers of the High wayes / Matthew Bridge \ John Oldham Viewers of fences for west field, ( Thomas Andrew ( Solomon Prentice Then chosen for Conftables ffor Selectmen ffor Town Clarke 304 TOWN RECORDS Viewers of fences for the Neck : ( Joseph Cook ( John Stedman Viewers for Minotamy field ( Nathaniel Pattin ( William Cutter Sam u Cooper ) Jeremiah Holman ) drivers of the weft field Israel Chevers ) Samuel Goff ) drivers of the neck fields [121] Cambridge ffarmers C re : 1 6 Decemf 1701. By Cash paid by Mf Matt? } & Bridge in part of what is due fr> them for / 01 . 06 land Sold unto y for the accomodation of y r Ministf 13 Jan 17 : Paid by Deacon Hasting for ~| Sam* 1 ? Whittmore j oo 10. oo 10 March i/of- By Cash pd : to yf Town -\ TreasuT for m r : ffra: Bowman j 02 . 15- oo 9 ffeb 17 170^ By Do: of ffra Bowman in J 01 oo ' full for y e Land Sold to y e ffarmers J 01 oo oo Jaafon Russell ) Joseph winfhip ) Drivers of Minottomy fields Liv*: David ffifk Chosen Commissioner Peter Town Sealer of weights & measures Gager and Packer : John Haftings Sealer of Leather Abraham Watson 1 Chosen to execute the Act referring to John Corny \ horses going on the Town Comons John Russell and } Sam u winship ( viewers of fences for the farmes John Squire ) Samuell Oldham \ viewers of fence for the South Side of Charles River TOWN RECORDS 305 Att a meeting of the Inhabitants orderly warned March 30*, 1694 Then Chosen as the Law required M r Samuel Andrew Town Treasurer and for Tything men ffor the Town for the Coition and Lane: John Gove ) Samuel Haftings Nathaniel Hancock : ) Benjamin Goddard for Minotamy John Watson ) John Addams ) ffor the ffarmes{Ens. Ephraim winfhip: John Tidd John Smith [ 1 [122] March the 30*1 1694 Agreeable to the 5^ Article referring to the Division of the Rocks vide: page 61 : 62: Gerfhom Cutter addressed himselfe to the Sele6t men It was Ordered that Edward Winfhip and William Ruffel were Nominated and appointed on the behalfe of the Town to State Such high wayes and pafsage, as f d Article directs unto, makeing return of their doings to the Select men of the Town within the Space of 28 dayes after: The Lott propounded to be fenced and improved was Layd out to Isaac Day in the firft division March the 30* : 1 694 : Att a publick meeting of the Inhabitants of this Town, orderly warned, was then voted, that the SelecT: men for the year Insuing, according to their best discretion mould Order the prudentiall Affaires of the Town: viz: Ordering the enclosures of Cofnon fields, Ordering the Cow heards, flocks of sheep, and all appertaining thereunto; And for makeing all such by Lawes and Orders as the Law of this Province 20 306 TOWN RECORDS allows, tending to the peace, Order and welfare of the Town, and for the preservation of all comon rights, Interefts and proprieties of this Town Voted on the Affirmative Att a meeting of the Select men the 4*? of Aprill Ordered that Notice be giun to our Neighboures of Concord that Samuel Stone Sen 1 is appointed to Settle the day running of the Line Att a meeting of the Select men, Aprill the 4*^ It was then agreed vpon by desire of the proprieto 18 of the Cow Cornons, that there should run a fence from M r Danforths farme to Spie pond on the South end, and So from the north end of S d pond to ^Edward Winfhips the charge whereof was to be proportioned to the proprietors, for the feed of the Cowes of the proprietors and Such cattell as by agreement Should be put on it, and Deacon Walter Haftings and John Jackfon, was to take a view of the Land what Cattell that percell of Land would be suitable to keep, and what proportion of fence would fall to every cow comon, and then give a Report therof Speedily, and so to forward that defigne according to defire At a meeting of the Select men Aprill the 9*? 94 : It was Ordered that Edward winfhip and Samuel Kidder and John Jackson Shall be a Comittee to hire a Shepard for the year enfuing and to Order what may be requifite for the well ordering and governing the flock of Sheep : Also Ordered att the Same time that Stephen Palm A Should be abated a Rate of twenty eight Shillings whereof he was affeffed in the year 1690, and being comitted to /Edward winfhip then Conftable to collect: he the Said Palmer produceing a certificatt from the Town Clarke of Woburnthat Rates was payed for him by James ffowle for the Same Levie: Also then Ordered, that the perfons after named Should for the year enfueing carefully inspect the Law of the Province referring to yoaking and ringing of Swine for the Town Ifrael Chevers TOWN RECORDS 307 * for Comon Jeremiah Holeman [ ] Menotomie to the farmes Jofeph winihip Jaafon Rufsel [122] May the 7 th : 1694: At a publick Town meeting, Orderly warned It was then voted for the defraying of charge due about the great Bridg, that the Sele6l men Should make an affessment on the Inhabi- tants of the Town by a Rate of eighty pounds in Town pay. Alfo a money Rate, of twenty pound for the Schoolemafter and deputyes charges, and repairation of the meeting house, in this year 1694 July the 1 6 th : 1694 Att a publick Town meeting, Orderly warned, purfuant to an order from the Treasurer of this Province Concerning Choofing of Afsessors for the Levying of a Rate or Tax for their Majeftys Service, by Order of the Generall Court, and it was then voted to Choose three men for that affaire out of the Inhabitants of the Town as the Law directs ; And there was then Chosen Deacon Walter Haftings, M r Samuel Stone, and M r Thomas Oliver, to Attend that Service, they have accepted ot said place and have taken their Oath as the Law directs January the 7 th : 1694 It is ordered by the Select men for this year, that John Jackson, Nathaniel patten, ./Edward winfhip, Jaafon Ruffell, are appointed to lay out high wayes and pafsage as may be accomadable for Jofeph winfhip William Ruffcl Jaafon Ruffel to their Letts on the Rocks (explained) January 7 th 1694 Agreeable to the 5 th Article for the devition of o r Rocks, Joseph Winship : And W u Russell adrefsed the Select men to Nominat p r son according to f d act for the Stating of Nefefsary high ways over such Lotts as they propound to Inclofe The Select men doe order for Joseph Winship Jn Jackson and Nathaniell Pattin on behalfe of y e Towne As likewise for W 11 Russell ~ ~ Jason Russell likewise Informed of his Intention to Inclofe as aboue Sd : The Sd p'sons Jn Jackson and Nathaniell Patin are desired on y e 308 TOWN RECORDS Towns behalfe, as aboue recited -- And to make theire returnes of theire doings herein w^in the Space of one Month after such high way or pafsag is apointed or stated ~ ~ ~ ~ March the 7 tt Gerfhom Cutter haveing purchafed a Lott of Ifaak Day, of twenty accres, and being desirous to enclose the Same for improvement, according to the proposition in the 5 th Article the Said Gerfhom Cutter addressing himfelfe to the Select men they appointing Nathaniel patten and ^Edward Winfhip to view the Land and State an high way for carting, they make their return as followeth, that if the Said Cutter do att his own coft and charge make an high way for Carts to paff on the north Side of his Lott next to John Coopers Lott, he then may enclofe his Lott, as by a return under their hands did appear, Nathaniel patten ./Edward Winlhip [123] February 4 th 169! At ameeting of the Inhabitants enjoined by law to maintaine the Min- istry in the towne legally warned It was propofed to them as followeth 1 That there shall be paid annually a hundred pounds in Money as a Maintenance for the next settled Minister during his Con- tinuance in his Ministeriall worke ~ this vote was made void by the Inhabitants the 17* of May 1695, as w ^l appear on the peage on the other Leafe 2 That for the better & more equall levying of y e said Sum on the Inhabitants ; there be annually Chosen (on the day appointed for y e Choice of town Officers) three persons, which w th the Select Men shall be a Comittee, to take a lift of persons & Estates & to afsefs the Inhabitants their p r portions neare as pofsible to each persons ability~ Voted on the affirmative Feb 4 th 169! the proprieto 18 of o r Town 8 Comon being mett together, It was proposed Whether all such p r sons as claime Intreft in wood Letts formerly granted to sundry p'sons on the other side Minotomie, but the Land to lye in Comon to the Towns Vse, Should be Limitted w th in the Space of one yeare, TOWN RECORDS 309 * from y e date hereof, to take of all such wood, and if any p'son so claiming neglect so to doe w th in the forementioned and Limitted time, All such wood as shall be left standing, or lying ; shall from thence forward be accounted CoiTion, and ordered and difposed of by the Major part of the proprieto 18 = Voated on the afirmative March 8 th 169^ Then was the Towns Stock of powder and Amu- nition removed from M r Sam" Andrews house, and comitted to the Cus- tody of Sam u Maning, And the select men agreed w th said Sam u Maning, for his care to allow him Anualy Six shillings in comon pay : [123] March the II th : i69|: Att a publick meeting of the Inhabitants of Cambridge for the Choice of Town Officers, was then chosen for the year ensueing: ffor Conftables [ M r John Bonner Abraham watson John Mirriam: Abraham Jackson Deacon waiter Haftings Edward winfhip ffor Select men> peter Town Abraham Hill \ John Oldham ffor Town Treafurer M r Samuel Andrew Sallary 4 d pr pound receiving & delivering ffor Town Clerke Samuel Green Sallary twenty Shilling pr year money or as money : for Surveyers of the high wayes for the Town Samuel Gibfon for Minotimie william Cutter for the South fide river Nathaniel Robbins for the ffarmes William Read 310 TOWN RECORDS Veiwers of fences for the weft field John Gove and John Cooper for the Neck Samuel Goffe Jun r , Zechariah Hicks Jun r for Minottomie Joseph Addams Jonathan Butterfield Drivers of the fields, ffor the weft field . Samuel Kidder, Joseph Crackbone ffor the Neck Zechariah Hicks, Samuel Goffe Jun r : Howards for Horses, Phillip Russel and Jacob Chamberline Tithing men for the Town Nathaniel Hancock, Ruben Luxford for the south side James Clarke : Jacob Danie for Minottamie John Addams Nathaniel patten for the farmes Samuel Whitmore, Thomas Cutler Nathaniel Patten, Amos Marrett, Joseph Winlhip then chofen to joyn with the Select men to vindicate the Towns intereft, and par- ticular proprieties, in laying out the high wayes, and other the Towns Intereft; all these for the year enfueing: March: 27: 1695 Perfons Chofen by the Select men then in being to Infpecl the Swine in and about this Town for the year enfuing: are for the body of the Town John Haftings Sen r : for the Cofnon and plain to Menottamie Jeremiah Holman Sen r for the South Side of the River Benjamin Dana: for Menottomie, Samuel Bull and Jacob Chamberlin for the ffarmes, william Carter and John Stone the son of David ftone TOWN RECORDS 311 Att a meeting of the Sele6lmen the 5 th day of Aprill in the year 1695 : Granted unto Samuel Prentice the Sheep keeper for this year enfue- ing a Small piece of Land for the accomodatin of the Sheep in the night Season being next unto the Land of Abraham Watfon, and Sam- uel Cooke he the Said Samuel prentice allowing a Small acknowledg- ment of one Shilling in money for this present year, this grant is onely for this prefent year 1695 : This acknowledgment of one shilling is pay 4 this 20: day of Aprill 1696: [124] Cambridge Aprill, the 5 th : 1695 Att A Generall Town meeting of the Inhabitants, Orderly warned, it was then voted theise particulars following: I st : To Levy a Rate on the Inhabitants of ninety pounds in Co on pay, and of money twenty pounds, for the defraying of Town debts, and performing what was necessary to be done on be- halfe of the Town, voted on the Affirmative : 2 17 : It was voted that Leutenant Jonathan Remington and M r Samuel Champney Sen' : and John Gove was chofen for the year enfueing to overfee the Bridge over Charles River, and to look to the prefervation of it, Voted on the Affirmative : 3* : That Corn Shall be payd in the Rate for the Town for this year enfueing att theis prizes following viz : price of Wheat att five Shillings per bufhell : Grain Indian Corn att three Shillings pr bufhell : Rye att four Shillings pr bufhell : Barley att four Shillings pr bufhell : Gates att two Shillings pr bufhell Voted on the Affirmative 4*: Voted that the Select men in prefent being together with Leiutenant Jonathan Remington do farther prosecute an Orderly Ifsue of the Matter depending between -the Town, and 312 TOWN RECORDS Newtown the village or Newton So called, And that untill that Contro- verfie be determined, (and to gett Abraham Jackson Sworn as Conftable, and) that the Courts grant of one hundred and fifty pounds toward the Repairing of the great Bridge, be Respited and not Received by the Town and that before the Town be obliged by the Courts Act, they have Liberty to give their further vote herein, this alfo was Voted on the Affirma- tive; 5 17 : That the present Country Rate fhall be Levyed by the former Invoice, and that the Select men fhall make it, And thaf Leivtenant David mike then Chofen as a Comiffioner, to Joyn with the Select men to make both the Country, and Town Rate, this alfo Voted on the Affirmative : Cambridge May the 13 th : 1695 : proposed to the Inhabitants of s d Town to give to the Next Minifter that the Church and Town Shall Settle among them, ninety pounds pr Annum in Money, so long as he (hall Carry on the worke of the Min- iftry in Cambridge, and the vote entered in the Town Boak as the Agreement of the Town for maintenance of the Miniftry, ffebruary the 4 th J 69f is hereby declared to be Null and void Voted on the Affirmative Alfo then Chofen as Assors, to joyn with the Select men to make the minifters Rate above mentioned : M r Samuel Champney M r Thomas Oliver Leu*: Jonathan Remington [124] Cambridge, May the 13 th : 1695 Alfo that wheras Nathaniel Patten, Amos Marritt and Joseph Winfhip, which were Chofen to Joyne with the Select men to enquire into, and afsert the Interefl of the Town, both referring to high wayes, and other Lands Incroached upon by particular pfons: It was pro- pofed, whether the Inhabitants will bear the Said perfons, with the Select men harmlefs as to what they Shall do Legally in that affaire Voted on the Affirmative RECORD MADE BY SAMUEL GREEN, TOWN CLERK, 1694-1697 (See Folii 3 13-3 14) TOWN RECORDS 313 July the 26*? 1695 By Order of tjie Great and Generall Court, holden att Bofton, May the 29 last for the Inhabitants and free holders to Choofe a Comifsioner, to Joyn with the Select men then in being for the making of an Afses- ment or tax for his Majeftyes Service, att this day was then Chofen M r Samuel Stone Sen r : to be the comiffioner for that Service as Required by Order, and So entered in Book: the Inhabitants being Lawfully warned, and thofe then mett So agreed The Same time and day It was voted by the Inhabitants then Affembled, to Return vnto Jofeph Bartlett of Newtown the Sum of Money that the Town received of him about five yeares agone, for a fmall percell of Land that was Sold him att that time about five yeares Since, and he makeing complaint that he Could not injoy it quietly, the Inhabitants now met Voted on the Affirmative to return him his money again, and the Land to remain as before he bought it August the 5 th : 1695 Ordered by the Select men for the time being, that they have lett the high way on the South fide Charles River unto Samuel Green So farr as the Creek from the River Southward for five Shillings pr this present year enfueing January 21 : 95 Received by Deacon Walter Haftings of John Dixfon on the Towns -^ accounts twenty Shillings for the use of the ware field, I say received &c: 01 oo oo: [125] March the 9 th : 169! At a Publick Town Meeting, Orderly warned and Affembled the day above expreffed, for choofing of Town Officers, there was then Chofen for Conftables ffbr the Town Thomas Andrews John Willington ffbr the farmes John Stone of the ffbr the village John Mirack : 314 TOWN RECORDS ffor Selectmen ' Deacon Walter Haftings : ^Edward Winfhip : Abraham Hill : John Oldham: ffrancis Bowman : ffor Town Treafurer M r Samuel Andrew : for Town Clerke Samuel Green : Surveyors for the high ways for the Town Samuel Haftings Sen r : for Minottimie william Russel for the South Side River Nathaniel Sparhaw A for the farmes Jonathan Prentice ffor Sealing of Leather, weights and Meafures, John Hastings sen' for the Town, John Gove, Nicolas ffefsenden for the Lane to watertown : Amos Marrett for the South fide y e River John Squire sen' : ffor tythingmen Jofhua ffuller for Minottomie Nathaniel -Patten, Jaason Russel ; for the farmes, John Russel Ifaack fterns Joseph Symonds ffor Surveyors of fences, for the neck of Land M r Sam u Goffe Sen r : Ensign Aaron Bordman for the weft field Ruben Luxford, Benjamin Goddard drivers of the weft field Jeremiah Holeman sen 1 , Solomon prentice drivers of the neck ( John Stedman C Ifrael Chevers ffor Minottomie ( Joseph Addams ( Elifha Bull Haywards for the horfes ( John Dixf on I Gerfhom Cutter Hog Conftables ffor the Town Jofeph Cook, Robert webber, Richard fferginfon ffor Minottomie Jacob Chamberlin, Jonathan Butterfield TOWN RECORDS 315 ffor the Cofnon William Withe, John Wales, ffor the South fide Daniel Champney, Iccabod Brown ffor the farmes John Coomie John Johnfon John Cutler Sen r : [125] March the 16 th : K At a meeting of the Inhabitants, Orderly convened att the meeting houfe in Cambridge Town, as followeth 1 whether the ninety pounds Granted by the Said Inhabitants May the 13 laft paft, for the maintenance of the next Settled Minifter, Should be Levyed on the Inhabitants for the year enfuing, to begin on the five and twentieth day of this Inftant March 2 The perfons Nominated to joyn with the Select men as a Comittee in this affaire of making the Rate for the maintenace of the next Settled Minifter among us, was then chosen. Leu* Jonathan Remington M r Thomas Oliver William Rufsel : 3 That it Shall be left to the prudence of the then chofen Comittee, to afsefs the Inhabitants their proportion of Said Minifters Rate for this prefent year : 4 Alfo that each perfon Afsefsed, Shall reackon and clear with the Deacon for their proportion in Said Rate on or before the laft day of the prefent year, which if neglected, it Shall be put into the Conftables hand to Collect the Same All these Severall Articles were voted on the Affirmative July the 27 th 1696: Att a publick meeting appointed by the Generall Court for the raifing of a tax or Afsefsment for his Majestys Service in this yere 1696 : to choose Afsefsors to make the Rate or Afsefsment, there was then chofen for that Service att that time, Deacon Walter Haftings M r Samuel Stone : M r Thomas oliver: 316 TOWN RECORDS [126] March the 8 th : 169$: At a Publick Town meeting, orderly warned and Affembled the day and year above, for the Choofing of Town Officers, as Required by Law, then Chofen : / Owen warland : flfor Conftables V John Dickfon : V Joseph Stone : Deacon Walter Haftings : Serg* : ./Edward winfhip : ffor SelecT: men or Townfmen John Gove : John Oldham : Assessors / M r Thomas Oliver : william Ruff el : Town clerke Samuel Green f Deacon waiter Haftings : V M r Samuel Stone : Ruben Luxford for the Town c- ri.t-i.-i- M r Jonathan Dunfter : Minotimy Surveyers of the high wayes . . ~. c ^ r j Daniel Champney : South fide River Jonathan Poulter the farmes A Comittee Chofen to Lay out and to renew the marks of the Country high way from the five mile to Concord, and from Leut : ffisks to woburn line the perfons chofen was : Leu* : David ffilke M r Samuel Stone sen*: John watfon : Matthew Bridge Jun r . A comittee chofen to make the minifters Rate for this year to joyn with the Select men then chofen M r Thomas Oliver Nathaniel Patten Jaafon Ruflel: rp. , . ( Nathaniel Robbins sen r : Daniel Danie: S. fide ( John Addams : Samuel Kidder : notomie TOWN RECORDS 317 Surveyers for the fences Leiut Remington, m r Edmund Goffe for Neck John Cooper, Jofeph Crackbone for weft field Jeremiah Holeman Sen? A ior ffence viewers for the neck : Leivf Remington : M r Edmund Goffe for the weft field Amos Marret, John Cooper for minotomie viewers and drivers Jaafon Ruffel Nath : Patten A for the Town Zecheriah Hicks Solomon Prentice Tithing men for the farmes Ifrael Mede Ifaack Sterns for Minotomie John Addams SamueA [ ] for South Sid River Nath [ ] [ ] [126] Hog Conftables for the Town : Daniel chevers : for y e comon Benj : Goddard for the South fide : R : Benj : Dana John Squire Jun r for the comon, Benjamin Goddard, Joseph Crackbone for Minotamie Elifha Bull, Joseph Addams A Return of the Comittee Chosen as on the other Lefte hand page chofen to Lay out an high way for the Country to Concord, from the five mile Swamp and onwards to Concord and from Leut: ffisks to Woburn, as was Ordered At the meeting on the 8 th of March 169^ being the day of Choife of Town Officers Upon the 17 th day we mett, and began att the five mile Swamp and marked trees att a convenient diftance, till we came unto Samuel Wit- tamores fence ; and then gave diftants Southwest of the fence, till we came againft his dore, then we marked a young Elme Northeaft of the high way; and So marked on both fides of the way, till we came to Samuel Winfhips; then the widdow Winfhip did Informe us, that her hufband had agreed with a former Comittee, that againft his fence Southweft, that the high way Should be Six Rodd wide and we accepted of it, and when we were paft the fence, we marked trees on both fides the high way again att a convenient diftance till we came to M r JEfta- brookes his, fence, allowing that to be one fide o.f the high way, and Marked trees on the other fide, till we came into the Lane between M r 318 TOWN RECORDS Eaftabrookes and John Poulter, and then aggreed that that mould be three Rodds wide, each of the propriators allowing their due diftance the Land being good, we thought might be convenient: the like we did agree with Goodman Muzzey untill we was paft his present fence, and aggreed with him for the feting up of his fence upon the one fide of the Road, and mark A the Other to the meeting houfe then we renewed the Marks to Concord. Then beginning att Leiut: Hicks, we renewed the Marks toward Woburn, that had been twice marked before, by fome of the prefent Comittee, till coming to John Tidds field, we found the highway encumbered, with with fence and broken up Land, and when we were paft that, we renewed the marks of the high way to Woburn Line. David ffilke sen 1 : Samuel Stone Sen 1 : John Watfon Matthew Bridge Ju A [127] Cambridge March 14* : i6o,J , / At a publick Meeting of y e Inhabitants for Choice of Town officers, were Chofen as ffolloweth for the year Ensuing , ' Jonath? Dunster ~\ Nathan 11 : Hancock > Constables. John Cuttler ) Walter Hasting Dr: James Oliver John Oldham Edward Winship Joseph Symons William Read Jonath? Remington ( Men Jonath? Remington Town Clerke Walter Hasting ^ Thomas Oliver > Afsefso : Sam u stone sen* } Tithing Men Peter Town 1 Zech: Hicks Jun r . j for y e Town TOWN RECORDS 319 Reuben Luxford Benjam" Goddard $ for y 6 Coition John Adams ) Jason Rufsell > for Menotomy Joseph Champney ) Daniel Dana J for South side y e River John Rufsell ^ John Tidd I JL. f, ... > for y e ffarmes Thomas Cuttler [ ffrancis Bowman J Surveyo : of high ways Joseph Hicks for y c Town Nathan? Sparhawk : for south side y e River Joseph Winship for Menotomy John Powlter for y e ffarmes ffor to Infpecl: y e yoking & ringing of swine Daniel Chever } Jn : Bunker > for y e Town Jn : Wyeth~ for y e Comon Elisha Bull ) Gershom Cutter ) for Menotomy Ebenez': Nutting ) George Adams j for y e ffarmes Viewers of fences Ens : Aaron Bordman ) John Stedman j for y e Neck [127] I4ffeb ery : M r ; Jn: Oldham p d : to the Town Treafu er : One Shilling and 4 d : w 011 : he Received of Dan" Champney for the improoment of a parcel of Land belonging to the Town inclosed by the S d : Champney S d : Land being on y? Northerly Side of m 1 ? Phipps* : farme 320 TOWN RECORDS [128] Cambridge March the 14^ 169$ At a publick Town meeting, Orderly warned and convened, for choice of Town Officers Then Chofen for Conftables for the Town / Nathaniel Hancok Jun r for Minotomy > M r Jonathan Dunfter for the farmes \ John Cutter : Select men Deacon Walter Haftings Leiv*: Jonathan Remington. Doc*: James Oliver: John Oldham : defents ^Edward Winlhip William Read ) Jofeph Symons j for the fa/mes ({^f 31 Town Clerke Leiu* : Jonathan Remington Surveiyers of the High wayes for the Town Jofeph Hicks for the South side Nathaniel Sparhawke for Menotomie Jofeph Winfhip Tything men : In the Town Zechariah Hicks Jun r Peter Town : for the Lane watertown Ruben Luxford for the Comon, Benjamin Goddard for menottomie John Addams, Jaafon Ruffel : for the South Side Jofeph Champney, Daniel Dana for the farmes John Rufsel, John Tidd, Thomas Cutler ffrancis Bowman Surveyers of fences for the neck, Ens : Aaron Bordman, John Stedman Drivers of the neck, Ifrael cheavers Robert Webber TOWN RECORDS 321 for the weft field Jeremiah Holeman sen* Jofeph Crackbon for Menottomie Jofeph Addams, Walter Ruflel Hog Conftables for the Town Daniel Chevers, John Buncker for Minottomie Elifha Bull Gerfham Cutter for the Comon John Withe for the farmes Ebenezer Mutting, George Addams Affeffors Deacon waiter Raftings M r Samuel Stone Sen r : M r Thomas oliver : over leafe [128] The names of thofe y* defire that all the Lotts at Shaw fhinn may bee fudenly meafured & euery one do engage themfelves to pay for y e meafuring their owne portions Daniel Gookin Jonathan Mitchel Richard Champney Edward Jackfon Edward Goffe John Jackfon Richard Jackfon Tho : Danforth William ffrench Edward Winfhipp Richard Parke Andrew fteuenfon John Bridge Richard Robins William Manning Eliah Corllett William Pattin for himfelfe & mathew Bridge ffrancis Whitmore Richard Danee ffrancis Moore fenior Francis moore Junio' Abraham Arington Daniel Kempfter Jonathan Hide Thomas fwetman Samuel Green Robert ftedman Richard ffrancis John Boutell Stephen Daye : Dauid Stone ; Roger Bucke, Gilbert Crackbone M r Jofeph Cooke William Bucke 21 322 TOWN RECORDS [129] The Same day on the other fide Lefe Thofe that were then chofn to joyn with the Select men to make the Minifters Rate for the year enfuing were John Gove William Ruffel Samuel Sparhawke There was then Granted a Rate for the defraying of Town Charges the Suffie of fforty Pounds money: Alfo a Rate of twenty pounds for thofe that belong to this meeting houfe Alfo Voted that there Should be a peiw made and sett up between M r Samuel Gookin's peiw and the Stairs on the South weft corner of the meeting houfe for the family of the Miniftry: At a Meeting of the Select Men Aprill 14^ 1698: on the Motion of John Hasting in behalfe of his son Daniel Hasting the Select Men have Granted the said Daniel the Improvement of the houfe by y e Pound for a smiths shop he paying to the Town an acknowl- edgm* of Twelve pence in Money for y e year ensuing -^ At a Meeting of y 6 Select Men July 1 1? 1698 ~ on y e Motion of M r Jn? Lever ett & Doct r James oliver: the Select Men do grant that they shall have Convenient place in ttye Meeting houfe for the accomodation of their respective ffamilies, the place or places to be set out to them by y e Select Men y e Elders Consenting thereto : The places w h they desire are on each side of the Eaft Door of y e Meeting houfe At a Meeting of the Inhabitants of Cambridge orderly Convened March 13? 1698/9 for y e Choice of Town Officers for the year ensuing, were Chofen as ffollows Josiah Parker \ Joshua flfuller ( Constables Joseph Teed ) RECORD MADE BY JONATHAN REMINGTON, TOWN CLERK, 1693, 1698-1700 (See Folio 323) TOWN RECORDS 3 2 3 Deacon Hasting M r Jn Leverett Do6l James Oliver Jonath n Remington Edward Winshipp Joseph Simons William Read Select Men [129] Jonath" Remington Town Clerke John Stedman for the Town Sam 1 ? Sparhawke for y e southside y* River Joseph Adams for Menotomy John Mon Roe for the ffarmes Nicolas ffessinden | Andrew Bordman ) for y e Town John Hasting for watertown Lane Henry Prentice for y e Comon John Watson for y e Plain Nath : Pattin sen r | Jn: Dickson j for Menotomy Nath 1 ? Robins sen r ) for South Joseph Champney } fide y e River Philip Rufsell \ (fory e ffarmes. Surveyo of high ways f David Fisk Jun r Sam 1 ? Whitmore Israel Mead Sam 1 ? Goffe senF ^ David Deming J for y e Neck : Solom" Prentice sen* | for y e Benjam 1 ? Goddard i weft field William Rufsell j Gershom Cutter ) for Menotomy Tithing men Fence Viewers M r Josiah Parker M r Thomas Oliver M r Francis Bowman \ v Afsefso? ) Jonath n Nutting ) Robert Webber j for y e Town 324 TOWN RECORDS [130] At a Meeting of the Select Men April io th : 1699 ~ On the Motion of Severall persons on the South Side the River desiring that some high ways may be settled in order to the Improve- ment of their lands M? Thomas oliver, John Oldham ~ and Nathan 1 ! Sparhawke are Nominated & appointed a Comittee to Settle Such high ways as they may Judge necefsary for the end aforefaid & to make report unto the felecT Men of their doings therein at the next Meeting of the Select Men At a Meeting of the SelecT: Men May 8"? 1699 ~ Samuel Prentice y e Shepherd moving that he might fence in & improve some land on the Comon on the North of Abi^am Watfons Barn the Select Men have Granted the Same to him for this present year he paying for the Same to y e SelecT: Men for y e ufe of the Town one shilling Money by way of acknowledgem* : At a Meeting of the Inhabitants of Cambridge May i$ tb . 1699 ~ there was then Granted a Rate for the Defraying of y e necefsary Charges of the Town for this present year, the Sum : of Fifty pounds in Money ~ Alfo Voted that an Addrefs should in the Name of the Inhabitants be presented to the Gen" Court the next Sefsions, for some help & relief w th reference to the great Bridge, & that affair to be Mannaged by the SelecT Men Alfo by the Inhabitants of this part of the Town was then Granted a Rate of Ten pounds in Money for the Repairs of the Meeting houfe & paying for the Ringing y e Bell & Sweeping the said Meeting houfe ~ Likewife then were Nominated & appointed Enfign Aaron Bordman, John Oldham & W? Rufsell as a Comittee to Join with the Select Men to Make the Miniflers Rate for y e present year ~ At a meeting of the SelecT Men August 14^ 1699 By Information of severall that the Wife of Robert Webber has taken a Bastard Child of her Daughter living w th Cap* Gillam of Boston to nurfe S d Child, the Select Men having Considered thereof Do order TOWN RECORDS 325 that Josiah Parker Constable do forthwith give notice to Robert Webber & his Wife that within two days they procure security to be given that s d Bastard child [130] shall be no Charge to the Town : w ch if they neglect to do, then the S d Constable the next day to Convey said Child to Boflon to its Mother August 1 6* 1699 ~ M r Thomas Oliver M r Jofiah Parker & m r ffrancis Bowman Chosen to be Afsefso for this p r sent year were sworn to the due discharge of their office for the p'sent Tax ~ Coram Jonath" Remington Town ClerT At a Meeting of the Select Men DecembT n*? 1699 On a Motion made to the Select Men by John Lawrence, James Wilson, Thomas Mead, Nathan" Duntlin & Joseph ffassett Inhabitants of Cambridge ffarmes, that a high way might be settled leading to their respective houfes & for pafsage to the Meeting & to Market. The Select Men do Nominate & appoint Deacon Samuel Stone Matthew Bridge Jun r : & ffrancis Bowman as a Committee to take a view & to Consider what may be necefsary & Convenient for the settlement of said high way & to make report thereof to y e Select Men at their next Meeting on the Second Monday of January next The return of y e s d Comittee. We whofe names are under written being appointed a Comittee by y e Select Men of Cambridge as appears by an order bearing date y e 1 1 1 ? of December 1699: to Consider of a Convenient high way for sundry of o r Neighbo living Northward of o r Parrish to come to y e publick Meeting and to Market: Accordingly we did attend it y e i8 th day of this Instant, and do Judge it most Convenient to be where it now is allowed and fenced from John Lawrence his houfe to y e Brook Southerly & so continuing along by Goodman Nuttings ffence that now is till it come to Mf Goflfes Lott, & then upon y e Edge of M r Goffes Lott till we come to Goodman Kerlys land, & so through his land where it has formerly been laid out, Continuing till it come at a Swamp upon M r Aaron Bordmans land (as we were Inform'd, w ch we think will be inconvenient by reason of y e chargeableness it will attend to make it pafsable, and the small inconveniency that will be to the Proprieto 1 ": 326 TOWN RECORDS to compafs y* weft end of the Swamp till we come to Joseph Teeds land, & so continuing where y e way is now trodden till we come unto y Countrey Road y' leads from Concord to Oburn between Joseph Teeds and John Johnsons : and further we think it may be convenient that y e way go up by the Widow Teeds & so continuing till it come at y e Meet- ing houfe where it is now trodden f Samuel Stone < ffrancis Bowman C Matthew Bridge Jun* By reafon of fome objection made againft what is above returned y e select Men did defire the aboves d Comittee once more to take a view of said high way & did Join w*! 1 them Capt Read, Enfign Symonds & [131] & M r Edward winshipp for effecting that affaire ~ And they made their report of what they had done as followeth: We whofe names are Subfcribed were ordered a fecond time to take a further care about a high way for o r neighbo 1 ? as is within expreft & to Join w th three of y e Select Men to do it, & we have Jointly ~ agreed a Confir- mation of what was formerly agreed upon Samuel ftone William Read ffrancis Bowman Edward Winfhipp Matth Bridge Josep Symonds Alfo M r Aaron Bordman is allowed the two Rod in breadth of land that lyes between Shaws ffarm & the Small lotts the whole length of his lott towards his recompence for y e high way going through his land At a Meeting of y e Select Men Decemb r iS 1 ? 1699 M r Thomas Oliver Nathan" Sparhawke & Joseph Champney are Nominated and appointed a Comittee to take a view of Some land in Elder Champneys hundred Acres now in y e Pofsefsion of Henry Smith in order to y e fetling & laying out of a high way ~ through S d land : and some persons Informing that a high way of twenty foot wide may be fufficient: If therefore that be so Judged by S d Comittee it will be by the select Men approved of, Also y e s d Comittee are desired to take a view of y e land allowed for a highway between s d hundred acres & the TOWN RECORDS 327 head of some small lotts purchafed by s d Henry Smith being two Rod in breadth, w ch is to be allowed to s d Henry Smith in recompence for that laid out in his land as aforesf, & if they Judge that be not suffi- cient to make recompence, that they would signify what it falls short in value And s d Comittee are defired as speedily as pofsible to perform y* aboves d service & to make report in writing under their hands of y e Same to y e SelecT: Men ~ The Nineteenth of December 1699 We whofe names are underwritten have in obedience to the within written order have taken a view of S d land & do give in o r Judgment as followeth (i) that it is convenient that y e s d way be laid through that land w ch Henry Smith lately bought of Joseph Champney on y e Eaft side of it (2) the s d way hath need to ly Thirty foot wide at y e South end of s d land unto the foot of y e Hill w ch is about Twenty Pole & that from thence Twenty foot wide to y e North end of s d land (3) That y e s d Henry Smith over & above the two Rod way which belongeth to y e Town there be allowed him fforty five shillings in Money in satisfaction for y e s d way Thomas Oliver Nathan" Sparhawk Joseph Champney Mem r f the day above mentioned Henry Smith Reed : forty five Shillings in Money in Satisfaction for y? way a bove mentioned, viz : of Jn: Oldham. .01 .02 .6 & of Dan" Dana. .01 .02 .6 Cap* Remington & m' Jn Constables Joseph Mirriam ) 328 TOWN RECORDS Deacon Hasting Jonath 11 : Remington Edward Winshipp John Oldham William Rufsell Francis Bowman Philip Rufsell Jonath? Remington Town Clerke Jonath 1 ? Remington Town Treafur r . Select Men Andrew Bordman "\ Jonath 1 ? Butterfield ( John Squire sen r ( Benjam 1 ? Muzzey Surveyo* of y e high ways Nathan" Hancock Jun* Sam u Manning David Deming Solom" Prentice sen* John Cooper Sam". Kidder Jafon Rufsell John Adams Nath" Sparhawk Benjam 1 ? Dana Matth: Bridge Jun r John Rufsell John Lawrence Tithing Men Zech : Hicks sen 1 Ephraim ffroft John Watson solom n Prentice Jun r Germom Cutter ) Elisha Bull ) Viewers for Menotomy field viewers of fence for y e neck viewers for y? Weft field TOWN RECORDS 329 Sam" Gibson ) Israel Chever ) Hawards for y e Neck Jeremy Holman ) John Wyeth } Hawards for y e weft field Abrah? Hill ) Walter Russell j Hawards for Menotomy field John Halting Sealer of Leather Peter Town sealer of Weights & Meaf ures Owen Warland I Joseph Cooledge Thomas Prentice John Collis Philip Cooke Matth: Abdy Perfons to Inspect y e yoking & Ringing Swine Ebenez r swan John Squire Jun r Nath 1 ? Robins ( [132] George Mon Roe -\ Sam u ftone Davids son > perfons to Inspect y e yoking Jofeph Bowman )& Ringing swine for y e ffarms On S d : day of Choice was voted to give the the little Meeting houfe Bell to the ffarmers Voted then that the Select Men in the name of the Inhabitants do give their thanks to Cap* Andrew Belcher for the Bell for their Meeting houfe he has given them Voted then that the land that was formerly belonging to Reynold Bush w' h y e Town had by Execution for his Maintenance, shall be sold & the Money to be Improved for repairing the fchool houfe, & the Select Men are appointed to make y e Sale M r Edmond Goffe John Jackson & Jason Rufsell are by y e Proprie- to": of the Town Cofiions Nominated & appointed to make Enquiry into 330 TOWN RECORDS y e state of the five hundred Acres of land Granted for y 6 ufe of 5^" the Ministry in this Town & place & to make report thereof to the Proprieto at their next Meeting: Alfo to make enquiry concerning sundry parcels of land undivided & to take an ace* of y e quantity & quality of said lands & make report as aboves^ for w ch pains and labo* they are to be satisfyed William Pattin requefting of the Proprieto y* he might have halfe an Acre of land where his houfe standeth w ch he is willing to purchafe it was voted by y e Proprietors that he mall have that liberty & give what the s d committee above mentioned shall determine John Bunker having set his shop upon the Comon land by y e Meeting houfe did requeft the Proprieff that his shop might K^f 31 stand where it is : w ch was granted him he payin fuch rent yearly as shall be agreed on On the requeft of David Deming to have liberty to hang a Gate Crofs the way y* leads to y e Wind mill hill at the north part of his land it was granted he mould have the liberty for y e pfent year At a Generall Town Meeting of the Inhabitants of Cambridge y? i8* h May 1700 there was then Chofen Jn? Leverett Esq r Select Man, and Andf Bordman, Town Clerk there was Then alfo Voted y*yf Sum thirty pounds Should be levied upon them, for the defraying nefcefeary Charges among them, it was also voted by the Inhabitants belonging to y e : Old Meeting houfe in this town, y? yf Sum of ten Pounds Should be Levied upon them for the defraying of Charges arifeing among them Selves [132] At a Generall meeting of the Inhabitants of Cambridge y e : 24 th . of June 1700. It was then Voted thatyf Schoolhoufe Should be forthwith fitted up By Rebuilding y? Same. And that y e Charge y* Should arife thereby Should be added (by yf Select Men) to yf town Rate granted by y? Inhabitants yf 18^ of May 1700 ~ ~ ~ TOWN RECORDS 331 Camf 30: July 1700 At a meeting of Jnf Leverett Esq r Justice of the Peace and the Select men of yf town, Agreed and Ordered that a Suitable watch be kept In the town nightly from time to time After nine of yf clock In the Evening untill sun rife in the Morning, from and After yf first Evening in Aug st next Insueing yf Date hereoff untill the last Day of Sepf following. And yf Town Clerk is hereby Ordered to give Notice to yf Constable for yf Town, y* he do from time to time as afore said Warn or Cause to be warned two Meet persons qualified as yf Law Directs, And order yf to attend him In yf Evening to Receive their Charge as is set forth in yf Law. 1 700 ~ At a Meeting of the Selectmen John Leverett Esq r : & Deacon Hasting were appointed to Treat w*k Zach ry : Hicks Juf and Jos: Hicks, or some other Sutable person or persons Concerning the Rebuilding the Schoolhouse w c ^ s? house is to be 20 foot wide & 26 foot In length, the above mentioned persons are also appointed to take care that yf above mentioned House be speedyly done, In good Workman like order * At a Meeting of y e Select men 2 Octf 1700. ~ ~ Nat" Hancock sen 1 : is appointed to take Care for y! Supply and Reliefe of y? Widdow Sawtle and to Render an account (of his Disburst- ments In y* affair) to yf Select men when Called thereunto At a Meeting of the Select men u. Nov^ 1700. Whereas there hath been of late a publick Contribution In this Town for y! Reliefe of Joseph Bemus and W 1 ? Chamberlin their Sub- stance having been of late Consumed by fire the Select men have I d Ordered 03 : oo . o of S? Money to be disposed of for Wf Chamber- lins vfe & y* Remainder for Jos : Bemus: ~ Deacon Hasting & m r . Fra*: Bowman are appointed to Lay out Sf money for y* vfe above mentioned. 33 2 TOWN RECORDS [133] ii . Nov? 1700 ~. At a Meeting of the Select men. Whereas Sundry persons have manifested their dissatisfa&ion con- cerning a High way lay d out Some time the last year by Deacon Sam" Stone, m r : Fra! Bowman & m r : Math : Bridge as apf by their Return En- tred in the Town Book.~ the Select men have Nominated & appointed m? Jn? Oldham m r : Phillip Russel, m r : W"} Russel& m r : Benjf Muzzey, to Join w*? the above mentioned Comitte to make a final Issue of y*. matter, either by confirming y! above mentioned Return, or by laying out the Way in some other place as they Shall Judge most Con- venient ; And make Return of their doings therein under their hands on y Second Monday in Decemb! next. [133] 25 June 1700 ~. At a Meeting of the Selecl: Men ~. Complaint being made by Liev* Thomas Cuttler & others for want of a High way for their passage to Meeting & Market. ~the Selecl men do Nominate & appoint Jn? Russel, David Fiske Ju r : & Math: Bridge a Comitte to lay out & Settle Such High way for yt above S? persons as they (y! Comitte) Shall think most Convenient; and make Report of their doings therein to y! Selecl: men on y"? Second Monday in July next. We whose hands are under written were ordered by the Selecl: men to Consider of & lay out a High way for Liev*. Cuttler and the rest of y* Neighbours in y*: part of the Neighbourhood to y! Meeting house &c. as appears by an Order bearing Date. 25. June. 1700 Accordingly we have attended it. ~ And began at y Northerly part of Liev* Cuttlers land, and came into a lane y* : is fenced on both Sides between Tho! Cuttler Jun* & Jn Cooper . for Sundrey Rods ; & then y! a bove s"? Tho; Cuttlers lane wholy a little further ; then into wast land Some Rods further ; then through a corner of Ro*. Mirriams land leading into more wast land of Sam" Stones Son of David Stone ; then we came into a lane through David Stones land ; and it is to be under stood y*: so far as we have pafsed is where it is now trodden and also two Rods TOWN RECORDS 333 wide: then through Ro* Mirriams land again leading to Deacon Samf Stones, fenced on one Side ; then we came to Deacon Stones turning Easterly a bout 20 Rods; then we went through an inclosure of Deacon Sam" Stones fenced on y! East side and an Inclosure of Deacon Jn? Mirriams where we marked the High way on the West Side; then we came into VViddow Mirriams land fenced upon y South Side by Jn? Mirriams then we went between Deacon Sam" Stones & Deacon Jn? Mirriams marked on both sides, then we came onto Deacon Samuel Stones land for Somthing a bout halfe a Mile & marked on both Sides; then we came on to y Parrish land marked it on both sides till we came into the Countrey Road where it is now trodden. 5 July. 1700 David Fiske Jn? Russel Mathew Bridge [134] At a Meeting of the Proprietors of the Comon lands in Cambridge orderly Convened y! 2 n ? of December. 1700. ~ There was then Voted that Jn? Leverett EsqT Deacon Walter Hast- ing, Edward Winshipp & Wf Rufsel, Should be a Comitte to receive y? acct? of m* Edm: Goffe, Jn? Jackson & Jason Rufsel (who were appointed in March last by S"? Propriety to take a Survey of Sundry parcels of Comon & undivided land) and also to agree w*? S* persons refering to y* affair The Comitte afore S? are impowered to proportion y? Proprieto : of y e Comon & undivided lands according to their Re- spective Intrests or proprieties, & give a list of the Same to y? Con- stables together w 1 ? a Warrant to Collect y? Same as in other Town Rates. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ mf Edm : Goffe "& Jason Rufsel being present at y? Voting of what is a bove written did promife to Suspend y? prosecution of s? Propriety in a Course of law ~ ~ ~ Also the a bove mentioned Comitte are Impowered to Order the Collecting of y? proportions Set upon y? Proprietof who have hither unto Neglect'? to pay their proportions for y? Satisfieing a Comitte by S"? proprietor appointed on the 24^ of Sep* : 1695. 334 TOWN RECORDS At a Meeting of the Select Men. ~ ~ y*. 9*f of Decemf 1700. ~ The Town Clerke is Ordered to pay unto m* Tho* Willis three pounds In Money for a parcel of timber at the South end of the great Bridge, & Deacon Hasting is appointed to Receive Said timber of mf Willis. At a Meeting of the Proprietors of the Common lands in Cambridge, Orderly Convened the 16? of DecemT 1700. ~ There was then Voted that the Comon & undivided lands belong- ing to s"? Proprieto Should be layed out to Each Proprietor his propor- tion of s*? lands. ~ Excepting a High way on the South fide of Charls River from s d : River to the Rhoad now leading to Roxbury w cb- S d way is on the East of rrr! Edw : Pelhams Farme, & on the East or South of m' Sam" Angers farme. The above mentioned way was on s? day Voted by s d : A way voted Proprieto? for the Vfe of the Ministrey in this Town & for the use of the . .. ministry. place ; Reserving a Convenient palsage to the Severall lotts of Marsh butting on S? High way. There was at S d Meeting also Voted that John Leverett Esq* Deacon Hasting, Liev* Aaron Bordman Jason Rufsel & John Jackson should be a Comitte [134] to lay out f d Comon lands Reserving Convenient High ways a Training field Clay pitts and Watering places for Cattle. 13 Jan 17 : 1700 . i Paid by y! Seleft Men to m r : Jn? Oldham l O2 . 05 . o w* 5 ! 1 money was due from the Town for damage done to Henry Smith by a high way being layl thrfi : his land 19. Dec r - 1699 10 : ffebT 1700. I Whereas at a Meeting of yf Select men 9 Sep 1 . 1700 . Jn? Leverett Esq' & Deacon Hasting were appointed to treat w 1 ? 1 Zech! Hicks Jun r : & Jos : Hicks Concerning y e . taking down and building a Schoolhoufe : Accordingly y! above mention*? persons did Cov* and agree w*^ Zech' Hicks Jun r : and Jos: Hicks for yt Sum of to take down, build TOWN RECORDS 335 & finish in good workmanlike Order S? houfe on or before y*r 16: Nov r : 1700 for payment for Sd : houfe Vid : y*. book of accompts page. 71. At a Meeting of the Inhabitants of Cambridge Orderly Convened (March . 10* 1700 . i) for the Choice of Town officers for y! Year Ensuing there were then Chosen Joseph Coolidge } Gershom Cutter fen r : > Constables John Munroe ) Deacon Hasting John Oldham Edwf Winshipp William Rufsel Sam 1 ; 1 Sparhawke Fra 8 : Bowman Phillip Rufsel Selecl: Men and Afsessors Surveyo 1 ? of High Ways And' Bordman . Town Clerke And' Bordman Town Treasur' ~. f Zch ry : Hicks Jun r : for y! Town. I Elisha Bull for Menotomy 1 Nat" Longley for y*. South fide y for y! Town John Gove ~ ) Sam 11 Hasting for yt Lane Benj* Goddard Solomon Prentice iceju r . > for the Comon Abraham Watson for y! Plain Nat? Pattin fenf ) Joseph Winshipp > for Menotomy Turn over. Tithing men 336 TOWN RECORDS [135] Sam? Champney ) South fide Dan? Dana . . > y? River. Ensigne Jos : Symonds j David Fiske Jun r : V for the Farmes Tho* Smith fen' ) Joseph Cooke > Sam? Gibson 3 for the Neck Ens : Sam? Cooper ~\ Tho? Prentice V West field Sam? Kidder ) Atf Hill | Sam? Bull j Menotomy field. ~ Nat? Hancock Ju r : j Jonathan Nutting ) for the Neck Jer. Holman ) John Cooper ) West field Walter Rufsel W 1 ? Pattin $ Menotomy field ~ John Hasting fenf Sealer of Leather Peter Town Sealer of Weights & Meafures. John Maning "| W? Barret j for the Town Amos Marret for y! lane Jn Collis \ Jn?Wyeth J Comon fam? Cooke y Plain Jn: Phillebrown ^ I' Wilson > Menotomy Tithing Men Fence Viewers Hawards. Sam? Robbins Henry Smith Jn: Comey George Munroe Nat? Whittemore. Jos: Stone Tho" Mirriam South fide yt River. for the Farmes >Persons to Inspect the Yoaking and Ringing of Hoggs. TOWN RECORDS 337 Liev*: Aa* Bordman ) to Joine w 1 ! 1 y Select Men Jason Rufsel j in making y Ministers Rate Voted on s^ 10: March. 1700 . i. that Liev^ David Fiske, Jn? Cutter fen? Nich? Fissenden & Israel Cheever fhould be a Comitte, to Joine w** a Comitte y* may be appointed by y Inhabitants of Watertown to make Search for y* old bounds between Watertown and Cambridge, (betwixt black Pine and Mount Tabor,) and make Report of their doings therein to y? Select Men on the Second Monday in May next. Voted that m" Hanah Gookin Should be payed three pounds to pay the Rent of her houfe this prefent year. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ [135] At a Meeting of the Selecl Men. 10 March 1701. I . ~ ~ Liev* : Aaron Boedman Requesting that he might have the improve- ment of the Burying yard (to keep fheep in) the felect Men did consent y* he fhould have the improvement of S^ yard (for yf vfe a bove men- tioned) for One year next Ensuing provided he would cutt y! gate of f^ yard in funder & hang the fame w 41 ? futable hooks & hinges, also fix a flub post in the ground & a Rayle from poft to pofl Crofs the gates for them to mutt against, all to be done in good workman like Order w c ? the S* Boedman promifed to do . ~ ~ At a Meeting of the Selecl Men. 14 ApT 1701. Jason Rufsell, Sam? Kidder & Nicholas : Fifsenden were appointed a Comitte to take care of the Sheep (y* go on the Comons) this present year, by Causing them to be kept in one or two flocks as they Shall Judge most proper. ~ ~ ~ 14 Apl 1701. Reed of Sam" Prentice one fhiling money In part for Rent for a piece of land near Ab* Watson's Barn. ~ ~ At a Meeting of y! Inhabitants Orderly Convened 19 May . 1701. there was then Voted y 1 : y Constables Thomas Blogget ) Deacon Hasting ^ John Oldham William Rufsel > SelecT: Men Sam" Cooper Fra 8 : Bowman J And' Bordman Town Cler ; And' Bordman Town Treafu'T ~ 340 TOWN RECORDS Deacon Hasting \ Fra* Bowman Afsefsors And' Bordman ) ~ ~ Joseph Cooke. ] Dan 11 . Dana. Surveyo* 8 of William Pattin f high ways. ~. Joseph Teed. J (turn Over.) [137] m! William Andrewe Owen Warland John Hasting Sen': John Collis Benj* Goddard John Watson Jason Rufsel Gershom Cutter sen': I, Tithingmen SamH Oldham Benj*: Dana Nich* Fifsenden sen' : Liev* Cuttler William Munroe Sen': John Rufsel. Amos Marrett | Solomon Prentice j West field Elisha Bull ~ ~ ) Menotomy Jonath? Butterfield ) field Joshua Fuller ^ South Side Sam" Oldham > y* River Benj* Muzzey ^ Jam? Wilson > y e : farmes. Jeremiah Holman > Tho? Prentice 5 y e : Weft field Abra: Hill ^ Menotomy f Hawards. John Williams ) field. ~ John Hasting Senf Sealer of Leather Sam" Mailing Sealer of Weights & Meafur 68 : fence Viewers TOWN RECORDS 341 Sam" Gibson John Pattin Jn Constables ~ Joseph Lock ) Deacon Hasting ffra 8 : Bowman John Oldham } Select Men Sam" Sparhawke L* Sam" Cooper. Deacon Hasting ) ffra 8 : Bowman > Afsefso re ; Sam? Sparhawke ; And' Bordman Town Cler & Town Trea' Sam! 1 Maning Benjamin Dana (^ Surveyo 1 ? of high Ways. Sam 1 . 1 Cook John Coomey Zech 17 : Hickes sen r : ]n Gove Nath" Hancock sen': Reuben Luxford Ephraim ffrost Solomon Prentice sen': Sam" : Kidder - ~ (turn over) Tything Men 344 TOWN RECORDS [139]John Watson Nath 1 ! Pattin sen? NathV Robbins Nath" Sparhawke Phillip Rufsel Ensigne Symonds Matthew Bridge ~- Nich* ffifsenden Benjf Goddard Jos: Winship Abf Hill Dan" Champney Benjf Cheney John Lawrence John Poulter Ty thing Men fence Viewers for Weft field for Menetomy field South Side yf River for y! fiarmes Jer: Holman ~ ~ Solomon Prentice Junf Walter Rufsel Nat 1 ? Pattin Jun r Nat 1 . 1 Hancock sen r : Sealf of Leather Hawards Sam" Mafting Sealer of Weights & Meas 1 ? Israel Cheever Robert Webber Stephen Hasting John Green Phillip Cook Elisha Bull Ebenez! Swan Gershom Davies Icabod Brown Tho? Smith Jn? Stone West Nath 1 ! Dunklin George Munroe / To Inspect yf yoaking & Ringing Swine TOWN RECORDS 345 Nichf ffifsenden"! Abra : Watson V to afsift In making W: Rufsel J y Min tr ? Rate ~ ~ Cap? Tho* Oliver & ) to take care y * the great Bridge m r Sam" Oldham j Over Charls River be kept in good Repair (go forward) The five hundred [139] Also Whereas there is a tra<5t of land Containing about five hundred Acres Layd out for the Ufe of the voted to be lett J for the use of Ministrey in this Town & place it was on sf Day the ministry Voted that the Sele6l Men, or Major part of them the ToST f ^ With the consent of our Rev ^ Pastour ) Should & hereby are impowered to Rent out SI Land So that it become Profitable to the Ministrey in this part of the Town which was the end for which it was designed. At a Meeting of the Select Men 3 rd March. 1702 , -x m*: Edm d , Goffe m r : W? Rufsel & m r : Abraham Watson Were then appointed to provide a Shepard for the flock of Sheep for the Ensuing year, & to give s d : Shepard Directions concerning yf Managment of s d flock so as may be most for the advantage of the Same, & to take care that the Sheep Owners have the benefitt of folding sf flock as Near as May be according to the Number of Sheep they turn thither, also to take care y\ s d Shepard have satisfacon for his Service in that affair. ~ d Ord^ to Pay Tho 8 : Belknap 01. 00.08, the full of what is Due to him for keeping Jos: Bradish. ~ ~ ~ At a Meeting of yl Proprieto of the Comon Lands Orderly Convened 10 March 1702 There was then Voted that each proprietor Shud draw One Lott for yf whole Intrest which he hath (at this time) in the Lands Now to be drawn for. Also that yf first Lott in in this division of Lands Shall be layd on the South Side of y\ tracT: of Land known by yf Platt No : I & to proceed succefsively & y* every parcel of Land in this Division be begun, on yf South Side thereof 346 TOWN RECORDS Also that nefscefsary High ways be allowed before yf division of s & : land. It is here to be understood that thefe Votes Refer Only to yf Remote parcels of Land. ~ ~ There was also Voted at s 1 ? Meeting that Nat" Hancock senf Ensigne Marrett, & mf Jos : Cooke Shud be a Comitte to take a view of a tract of Land near yf lower falls on yf South Side of Charls Riv r w*^ is apprehended to be belonging to said proprieto & to Make Return to s* prpriet at their Meeting on Monday Next Concerning that affair. ^-^.-w^r^r [140] At a Meeting of the Proprietors of the Comon Lands Orderly Convened 15 March 1702/3 there was then Voted y i : SI Proprietor meet on the third Tuesday of Aprill next at Nine of yf clock in yf Morning to draw their Lotts of yf Land then Represented to y? by yt Comitte. It is here to be under- stood y! this Vote Refers to the Comonlands viz* Mill 8 : Ware, yf Ox Pasture, Ware feild &c. -- first clerk Also Voted Andf Bordman Cler of SI Proprieto? - of the Ai SO voted y\ y\ Comitte appointed (lo th : March 1702.) to ' take a View of Land Near the lower falls Make return of their doings in that affair on yf above s? third Tuesday in April next -- At a Meeting of y* Select Men 12. Apf 1703. ~ ~ ~ the TreafuY is Ordered to pay Henry Prentice what is Due to him for bell Ringing in y\ year 1702 & to m r : ffifsenden what mony can be procured for him. Also Ord r f to Sink Jn : Blower, Tuckerman, George Lawrence & Jn? Mattucks, in yf Town Rate made in yt year: 1702. & Doctf Willington, in all his Rates made in of Town in sf year. 1/02 At a Meeting of yf Inhabitants Orderly Convened yf 19 Ap r!1 : 1703- There was then Chosen Cap*: Josiah Parker Comifsioner to Join w* 1 ! yf late Afsefsors in taking a List of yf Polls & Ratable Estate of this Town, as yf Law Directs. TOWN RECORDS 347 At a Meeting of y's Select Men igf* Ap 1 ! 1703. ~ Whereas yf late Select Men of this Town at their meeting on yf 1 i 1 * Decem r : 1699, Did appoint m*. Sam 1 ! Stone Sen r : m' fifra? Bowman & m r : Matth : Bridge to consider of what may be Nefscefsary & con- venient for yf Settlement of a Highway for Sundrey of their Neighbours Northward of their Parrish, as appears by their Return bearing Date yf 1 8 th : day of s* Decembf And Whereas it is thought by some persons that sf Return pursuant to sf appointment is Not a Suffitiant stating out of sf Highway ~ ~ The Select Men therefore Do hereby appoint [140] the afores d : Comitte, viz* : m r : Stone, mf Bowman & mf Bridge to State out & Determine sf High Way the Same being No where lefs then two Rods Wide, & to make Return of their doings therein unto yf Select Men. Ordered on sf Day yf yf Arms Delivered by Lievj Cooper to y e Select Men, yf year last past, be Deliv*? to Cap 1 : Josiah Parker Pursuant to his Excellency's Order At a Meeting of yf Select Men, 10 May 1703 ~ ~ There was then Ordered y! the above sf Comittee viz* mf Stone, mf Bowman & mf Bridge be a Comitte to State out the land Reserved in yf ffarmes for Clay pitts Near mf m*skes Meadow, & yf land Near Ebenf Nuttings Reserved for yf end aforesf Also to State out yf way to yf land aforesl Near Ebenf Nutting 8 Sf Comitte are appointed to state a High Way from yf Easterly part of Matth : Brige's land or Brige's Gate to Concord Road sf way being two Rods wide ~ Also Ord"! yf Treas er l to Pay Cap:' Oliver 01 . 06 o Cap! Reade 01 . 12 6 yf Afsefs? : for yf Service in yf year 1702. TOWN RECORDS At a Meeting of yf Select Men 24 May 1703 The above mentioned Comitte Viz* : m r : Stone, m? Bowman & m r . Bridge are appointed to take an account of y e : Quantity of Land taken fro : each proprietor in yf High Way firft above mentioned & to Value yf Same & to make Return of yf Doings therein to y e : Select Men Also Ord M : to Sink Winter & Tho? Paul in their Rates Comitted to Cons! Blogget to Collect, that is to Say Winter in yf Province, County & Town. & Tho" : Paul in yf Town Rate Also Tho? Grant & Tho? Baverick in yf Rates 28 ffeb ry ' i;o| Reed: of And? Bordman Town Treafuf Eighteen Shillings mony in full satisfaction for a parcel of Land taken fr5 me for yf accommodation of a high way as appears on Record bearing Date yf 19? Aprill 1703 his I say Reed pr me Joseph & Symonds mark. [141] At a Meeting of yf Inhabitants Orderly Convened 12 July 1703. there then was Voted that the Sum of fifty Eight Pounds Ten Shillings be Levied on s At a Meeting of yf Select Men 14 ffeb 17 : I/of Ordered that mf Jason Rufsel take care of W Chamberlin's young- est Child & provide Nefscefeary clothing for her & that he bring an ace* : of his Disburstments on 3 d . Child to the Select Men on y! Second Monday in March next, in order to his being Satisfied for the Same. Also Ordered y* m r : Sam 1 ' Oldham procure for the Town a good Suffitiant pound and that he keep an ace* of his time and disburstments in that matter in order to his being pay 4 : for the Same. , ' [141] Att a Meeting of y: Seleft Men 13*? March i;o| Ord"! to pay m r : Jason Rufsel twelve shillings for yf keeping W Chamberlins Child to this day & Agreed s d . Rufsel to keep s d Child untill yt Second Monday in May Next, for which he is to Receive of y e .Town i8 d pr week 350 TOWN RECORDS s * Robert Parker 49 08 2 Thomas Bredghm 44 07 8 Rich Wyeth 26 04 - 4 Will man 16 02 8 Holman 10 01 8 Elder ffroft 15 02 6 Grene 18 03 o Danffurth 6 01 o Crackbone 13 02 2 ffrench 05 oo 10 Holms 28 04 8 Shaw 12 02 o Gibfonn n 01 10 hildreth 8 or 4 Coopr 6 01 o Oak A 2 oo 4 Braudifh 10 01 8 Eld r Chpns 4 oo 8 47 perfons defectiue in y r fwine 4 (i) 1657 Phillip Cooke of thoafe fwine Lot [ ] Thomas Gleafon 1 1 fwine with out Rings 3 with out yookes and 8 on Ringed and 2 on yooked John Greene 2 with out yookes and Ringes bro belfher * The entries following this star, or pages 350, 351, 352, 353, and 354, are recorded in the last pages of the record book, upside down, and are printed in the corresponding place in this volume. TOWN RECORDS 351 May : 6 : A Copy of y* order of Court at [ ] C 4 >: r in ^ ls or ^ erec ^ ^at every Cunftable hath b A vertue of his Cunftables office full power to make figne & fet forth purfuites or hues & Cries after murtherers Man flayers peace Break A Theeves Robbers Burglaries, when no mageftrate is at hand, allfoe to apprehend with out warrant Such as are overtaken with Drinke. fwearing, Breakin A the faboth lying, vagrant prfons night walkers, or any that shall breake or har A in any of theefe. provided they be taken in the manner eyther by y e fight of the Cunftables them felves, or by prefent information by others. As allfoe to make fearch for all fuch prfons, eyther on y e faboth Days, or at Any other time when there fhalbe any occaffions in all houfes licenfed to fell Bee A or wine, or in any other fufpected houfes or difordered places. & thofe to aprehend keepe in fafe Cuftody vntill opor- tunity for to Bring them before the next magestra A for further examina- tion, provided when any Cunftable is imployed by any of y e magestra A for y* aprehending of any, he fhall not doe It with out a warrant in writting: & if an A prfon shall refufe to affift any of y e Cunftables in y e execution of his office in any of the thinges aboue mentioned, Being by [ ] required there vnto, fhall pay for y r negl A of It. ten shillings, to y vfe of the Cou A to be leavied by Any magestrate before whome Any Such offender shalbe Broug A & if It shall appeare By good tefti- mony that any shall willfully & obftinately & Contemptuoufly refufe to giue affiftance to any Such Cunftables, as is before expreffed he shall pay forty Shillings [ ] y e vfe of y e Country : uppon the Juft Comp A of y e Cunftable as aboue faide ; & that no man may pleade ignorance, when a Cunfta A shall require affistance, It is ordered that euery Cun- ftable shall haue a ftaffe W A fome remarkable diftin6tion provided [ ] y e towne w ch shalbe as a figne or badg A of his offices, & this ftaffe to take alo A with him, when he shall goe forth to difcharge any part of his office, wch ftaffe shalbe blacke & about fome five foote, or five & a halfe long, bein A tipped at y e upper end fiue or fix inches with Braffe 352 TOWN RECORDS ffor y* Better Keeping of watches & wards. ^An order made by y Gener A Court, May. 6. 1646.) By y e Cunftables in times of peace, It is ordered that every Cunftable fliall prefent to one of y e next magestrates y e name of every prfon who fhall uppon lawfull warning refufe or negledt to watch or ward, eyther in prfon or fome oth A fufficient for y e fervice, & if being foe Convented he Cannot giue a Juft excufe fuch magestrate mail grant warran A to y e Cunftables to Levy $f onfuch offender for every default the fame to be imployed for ye vfe of y e watch for ye fame towne, & It is y e intent of y e law y* every prfon of able Body (not exempted by law) or of eftate, to hire an other shalbe liable to watch or to fuply by another when they fhalbe th A to required, & if there be in y e fame houfe divers fuch perfons (whether) fon A fervants cr furjourners, they Ihalbe allfoe Compelled to watch as afore A The Number of prfons & of the eftate of the [ ] as It was taken by the townfmen By the order of the Court, in y e yeare, 1647. (i) mo. 135 prfons, at 2O l pr heade, one peny) s in the pound comes to 1 1*. 5* j 1 1 05 OO 90 houfes at 2537? 10*. 10 1 1 05 Broaken land 776. ac at i 1 .} pr ac r 3? 4*. 8 d . ) 03 04 08 vnbroaken land. 1084. ac r . at| 10* pr ac r . ) 02 05 04. Marfh land. 500 ac! at 10* pr acf or 01 08 ffarr medows 258 acF at 6 pr ac r oo 06 05 208. Cowes. at 5? pr. Cow 1040.'- 04 06 08 42. thre yearelings, at 4? pr heade. oo 14 oo 74. two yearelings at 2? 10. pr heade. oo 15 05 79. one yearling at if lof pr. heade. oo 09 10% 14. steers at. 5? pr heade. oo 05 10 131 oxen, at 61 pr heade. 03 05 06 20. horfe. at f. pr heade. oo 1 1 oo 6. thre yearlings at 5? pr heade, oo 02 06 9. two yearlings at. 3? pr heade, OO 02 03 TOWN RECORDS 353 5. one yearlings, at 2 l pr heade, oo oo 10 37. sheepe at if 10* pr heade, oo 04 07^ 62. Swine at if pr heade. oo 05 02 58. Goates. at 8* pr heade. oo 01 11 totall. 40? 01 4* 40 or 04 It. more in a Barke of m r fparahauks ) 50? at peny pr 1. ) oo 04 02 more in goods of m r Tanners. 70? 19? at peny pr 1. I 0005 IO A a Hoy of John Thrumbles at . 50. /. oo 04 O A Halfe a fhallup of Bro : Hutchins 5? oo oo O A It. 10. men to be added to there rate) 3? 4 d . pr heade, if 13. 4. ) 01 13 04 02 07 [ ] more halfe a Barke of m r Andrews) doth Come to a 140. /. ) oo 1 1 O A Halfe a Boate 2? oo oo O A 02 19 [ ] 40 oi [ ] 43 oo [ ] in ftocks 55? 4* 7* oo 04 O A - in sheepe 3 d . oo oo O A 43 OS - O A The Country rate 1651. for perfons 132 rates at 3*. 9? pr head, and eftates at i pr w the rate amounting to 56" 06* O2. d the cunftables, and Colledg prfons being free 23 354 TOWN RECORDS 19. (n) 1662. The Cofnittee for ordering the Seating of people in the meeting houfe, Being mett at the Ordnary. Appoynted. Br. Ri : Jacksons wife to fitt there where sister Kempfler was woont to fitt. m re Vpham, with her moother. Efter Sparhauke, in the place w* m re Vpham is removed from Daniel Champny. ( Ephraim Winship ( on the South Gallery. Jn? Stedman, on the fore gallery on y e South Side. Joanna winship, in y e place w r Efter Sparhauke was woont to fitt. Mary Lemon, where old lifter Jackson was woont to fitt. M r Day to sitt in the 2 : Seats from y e table. Ens. Samuel Greene, to sitt at the Table. Ri : Robbins to sitt in the place w* Ens : greene was woont to sitt : Jn? Gibson where m r Day was woont to sitt. Richard Eccles where Jn? Gibson was woont to sitt Benj : Crackbone w r Ri : was woont to sitt. Juftinian Holden to sitt in y e foremoft Seats. Robert Stedman to sitt in y e second seats. Good.e Gates at y e end of y e Deacons seats. Jn? Taylor & Ri : Eccles are appoynted to sitt in the seate w r Br. Stedman & MF Robins satt Ri : Dana where Br. Gibson satt James Hubbard where Jno. Taylor satt. Index of Names Index of Names ABDY, Matthew, 329. Abbott, Daniel, 19. Abot, Daniel, 13. Abott, Daniel, n. Adames, Joseph, 293. Adams, George, 319. Jer., 13. John, 116, 119, 140, 148, 150, 154, 319, 328. Joseph, 323. Addames, John, 271. John, Senr., 261. Addams, , 26. George, 321, 341. Jer., 5 . John, 117, 118, 148, 153, 162, 173, 176, 181, 184, 198, 201, 210, 229, 244, 254, 272, 291, 305, 310, 316, 317, 320. John, Senr., 233, 239, 240, 248, 253, 261, 279, 283. Joseph, 295, 310, 314, 317, 321. Will., 19. Ager, William, 241. Aires, Mr., 57. Aldis, Nathan, 66, 68. Allen, Mathew, 5, 6, 7, 13, 15, 18. Mr. Mathew, 16. Amsden, Jacob, 272, 283, 290. Andrew, Mr., 165, 293. Samuel, 259, 272, 279,281, 286, 288, 290, 291, 292, 298. Mr. Samuel, 163, 305, 309, 314. Thomas, 260, 272, 279, 283, 290, 291, 295. Andrewe, Mr., 43, 211. Samuel, 278. Mr. Samuel, 295, 296, 300. Thomas, 264, 270, 281. Mr. William, 340. Andrewes, Samuel, 260. Andrewes, Thomas, 218. Andrews, Daniel, 165. Mr., 16, 71, 98, 107, 117, 136, 143, 154, 164, 173, 353- Old Mr., 173. Samuel, 167, 266, 267. Thomas, 166, 176, 270. William, 10, 13, 14, 15, 18. Andre wse, Mr., 23. Androwes, Mr., 191, 254. Mr. Samuel, 254. Thomas, 187, 206, 232, 233, 239, 240, 243, 248, 252, 256, 257. Angeir, Edmund, 43, 46, 48, 57, 80. Anger, Mr. Edmund, 264, 268, 269. Mr., 268, 273, 275, 279. Mr. Samuel, 334. Angier, Bro., 55, 92, 98. Edmund, 19, 104, 131, 232, 291. Mr., 117, 120, 121, 127, 140, 141, 146, 147, 152, 154, 165, 174, 179, 184, 191, 198, 2O2, 2O7, 208, 212, 221, 223, 224, 239, 242, 243, 247, 252. Mr. Edmund, 85, no, 181, 191. Arington, Abraham, 208, 226, 321. Sister, 235. Widow, 253. Arnold, John, 9, 13, 18. Austin, 13. Austine, Jonnas, 18. BACON, Daniel, 181, 205, 210. Michael, 51. Michael, Junr., 194. Bambrig, Guy, 13. Bambrige, Guy, 9, u, 18. Bambrigg, Mr., 15. 353 INDEX OF NAMES Banbricke, Widow, 97. Bancroft, Bro., 55. Roger, 46, 52, 57, 83, 84, 87, 93, 98. Barit, William, 224. Barnard, John, 9, 13. Barnet, William, 336. Barratt, William, 164, 175. Barrett, William, 117, 137. Barrit, William, 188, 192, 196, 198, 202, 207, 219, 224, 234, 254, 258. Barritt, William, 264, 272, 278, 281. Bartlet, Joseph, 288, 289. Bartlit, Joseph, 209, 210, 211. Bartlitt, Joseph, 288, 313. Bavcrick, Thomas, 348. Beal, Thomas, 91, 92, 98. Beale, Bro., 61, 199, 200. Thomas, 9, 13, 16, 18, 51, 56, 70, 73, 75, 77, 101, 116, 117, 123, 131, 199, 200. Widow, 137, 177, 197. Beall, Thomas, 90, 93. Beard, Andrew, 300. Beats, Richard, 18. Beckeells, Richard, 36, 43. Belcher, Andrew, 117, 120, 122, 139, 144, 153, 154, 158, 169. Capt. Andrew, 329. Mr., 279, 291. Belknap, Thomas, 345. Belshar, Andrew, 65, 95, 100. Belsher, Andrew, 192, 197. Bro., 350. Capt., 349. Capt. Andrew, Esq., 348. Bemus, Joseph, 331. Beniamen, 13. John, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 16, 18. Beniamin, Mr., 16. Benjamin, Mr., 19. Benyt, James, 23. Besbeche, Mr., 27. Besbeg, Mr., 43. Besbege, Mr., 27. Besbeth, , 19. Betts, Goodman, 77. John, 33, 48, 49, 59, 66, 67, 68, 69, 75, 76, 87, 89, 97. Bicklestone, William, 40. Bittlestonn, Sister, 55. Blogget, Daniell, 97. Thomas, 26, 339. Blower, John, 346. Blowers, Mrs., 207. Piam, 239. Blunfeld, William, 17. Boadman, Aaron, 262. Andrew, 268. Boardman, Ensign, 291. Boedman, Aaron, 271, 278, 281, 283. Lt. Aaron, 337. Andrew, 268, 273, 277, 284. Boeman, Francis, 290. Boman, Francis, 220, 236. Mr., 92, 97. Nathaniel, 162. Bond, William, 250. Bonner, Mr. John, 309. Bordman, Aaron, 197, 244, 260, 283, 291, 320. Ensign Aaron, 314, 319, 324. Lieut. Aaron, 334, 337, 341. Mr. Aaron, 325, 326. Andrew, 228, 231, 240, 242, 247, 248. 257, 267, 286, 291, 323, 328, 330, 335, 339, 34 343. 346, 348. Widow, 284. Boseworth, Jonathan, 9. Boswith, Jonath., 5. Bosworth, Jonah, 5. Boswth, Jona, 13. Bourne, Jane, 145. Boutell, John, 98, 137, 321. Boutill, Henry, 193. Bouttaile, John, 56. ,Bouttill, John, 200, 201, 207. John, Senr., 209. Bower, Ben, 98. George, 109. Bowers, Jerah, 159. Widow, 116. Bowman, Francis, 304, 314, 319, 320, 325, 326, 328, 335, 339, 340, 343- Mr. Francis, 304, 323, 325, 331, 332, 347. Nathaniel, 164, 166. Samuel, 341. Bowtell, John, 131, 156, 157, 164. Widow, 291. Braddish, Joseph, 253. Bradish, Joseph, 345. Robert, 18. Bradshaue, Humphry, 227. Bradshaw, John, 243. Martha, 256. INDEX OF NAMES 359 Bradshaw, Vmphry, 191, 200, 208, 218, 223, 23 1 , 2 3S. 2 3 6 . 237, 242, 243, 250, 252, 256. Bradsheere, Vmphry, 177, 184, 198. Bradstreet, Mr., 22. Mr. Symon, 2, 4, 6, n, 16, 18. Vmphry, 204. Brattle, Rev. Mr., 349. Thomas, Esq., 348. Braudish, , 350. Bredge, John, 50. Bredsha, Vmphry, 133, 154, 165, 167, 169, 174, 175- Bregd, Mathew, 181, 193, 198, 200, 208, 225, 230. Bregdhm, Thomas, 350. Bridg, Bro., 47. John, 4, 14, 17, 25. Bridge, Deacon, in, 112, 128, 134, 155. Deacon John, 121, 122, 131, 132. John, 8, 15, 1 6, 18, 22, 25, 27, 29, 32, 34, 3 6 > 4i, 4S 46, 47, 49, 5 1 . 57, 64, 66, 70, 73, 81, 84, 86, 87, 98, 99, 100, 106, 321. John, Senr., 52. Matthew, 64, 91, 98, 118, 137, 139, 149, 1 60, 165, 171, 176, 303, 321, 332, 333, 339. 344- Matthew, Junr., 299, 316, 318, 325, 326, 328. Matthew, Senr., 303. Mr., 347, 348. Mr. Matthew, 304, 332, 347. Thomas, 98. Brige, 347. Matthew, 347. Briggam, Thomas, 39, 41, 43, 46, 47, 98. Briggame, Thomas, 36. Brigham, Bro., 54. Thomas, 53, 54, 63, 65, 67, 69, 70, 73, 79, 101, 156, 157. Broadish, Goodman, 63. Robert, 55, 64, 66, 67, 104. Brodish, Robert, 98. Brown, Ichabod, 315, 344. Robert, 291. Thomas, 266, 267, 268. Browne, John, 140, 142, 148, 150. Robert, 87, 98, 104, 108, 121, 138, 142, 158, 163, 169, 176, 201, 214, 220, 242, 254. Thomas, 118, 131, 132, 147, 176, 238, 278. Buck, Roger, 115, 177, 200, 226. Buck, Samuell, 222, 227, 244, 257, 262, 271, 278. Bucke, Roger, 86, 97, 117, 128, 153, 165, 167, 233, 242, 265, 321. Samuell, 230, 238, 251, 267, 279, 286. William, 87, 98, 321. - Bucklie, Mr., 67. Buckly, Mr. Peter, 18. Bukly, Mr., 33. Bull, Elisha, 314, 317, 319, 321, 328, 335, 340, 344- Samuel, 300, 310, 336, 338, 341. William, 97, 118, 119, 138, 140, 150, 151, 154, 157, 162, 173, 176, 184, 189, 239. William, Senr., 233. Buncker, John, 321. Bunker, John, 319, 330, 339, 343. Mr. John, 327. Bur, Benjamyne, 23. Bush, John, 108. Renold, 60, 69, 98, 108, 137, 259. Reynold, 329. Butler, , 13. Richard, 5, 8, 46. William, 8, 13. Butterfield, Jonathan, 300, 310, 314, 328, 340. CABOT, Mr., 26. Cane, Bro., 54, 62. Christopher, 73, 83, 87, 90, 93. Jonathan, 142, 154, 161, 162, 185, 206, 224, 225, 240, 253, 262. Sister, 166. Carly, Will., 290. Carter, William, 310. Chadwick, Philip, 289. Chamberlin, Jacob, 310, 314. William^i, 349. Chamberline, Jacob, 310. Chamne, Daniel, 266, 272, 281, 286, 288. Mr. Daniel, 268, 272. Samuell, 261, 265,266, 267, 272, 278, 281, 286, 288, 290, 295. Mr. Samuell, 267, 289, 296. Champne, Daniell, 205, 210, 211,213, 22I> Danill, 238, 245. Samuell, 210, 211, 213, 217, 221, 238, 254 Champnes, Elder, 26, 33. John, 19, 33. Richard, 18, 21. 360 INDEX OF NAMES Champney, Daniel], 293. Daniel, 315, 316. Dan!!, 319, 344- Elder, 175, 211, 293,326. Joseph, 309, 320, 323, 326, 327, 341. Richard, 99, 321. Samuel, 293, 303, 336. Mr. Samuel, 312. Mr. Samuel, Senr., 311. Champm'es, Elder, 53, 95. Champnis, Daniell, 191. Elder, 57, 62, 63, 66, 98. Richard, 61. Samuell, 185, 188, 191, 196. Samell, 199. Champny, Daniel, 354. Elder, 101, 106, 122, 164. Richard, 45, 65, 93, 138. Mr. Richard, 79, 92, 171. Champnye, Elder, 104. Chancy, Mr., 182, 186, 197. Chaplin, C., 15. Chapline, , 21. Clement, 14, 18. Mr., 14, 16, 17. Chauncey, Mr. Charles, 166. Chauncy, Mr., 182. Cheauer, Daniell, 97, 102, 122, 177, 184, 185, 187, 189, 190, 193, 198, 208, 214, 217, 219, 222, 231, 232, 236, 239, 243, 247, 248, 258. Cheauers, Daniell, 201. Cheaver, Daniel, 91, 103, 108, 116, 130, 142, 163, 174, 176. Cheavers, Daniel, 109, 123, 148, 151, 164, 165, 167. Israel, 320. Cheeuers, Daniel, 263, 275, 277, 280. Israel, 283. Cheever, Israel, 337, 344, Cheney, Benjamin, 344. Cheny, Thomas, 130. ^ Cherry, Thomas, 131, 139. Chesholme, Deacon, 175, 188. Thomas, 37, 65, 66, 67, 93, 98, 117, 120, 132, 133, 135, 137, 152, 153, 180. Chester, Mrs., 10. Chever, Daniel, 319. Israel, 329. Chevers, Daniel, 317, 321. Israel, 300, 304, 306, 314. Ch.p.n.'s, Elder, 350. Church, Caleb, 238. Clark, , 289. Elder, 291. James, 292, 295. John, 5, 288. Jonas, 96. Clarke, , 289. Elder, 274, 275. Elder Jonah, 292. James, 293, 310. John, 9, 18, 20, 24. Jonas, 98, 125, 131, 145, 169. Mr., 256. Mr. Jonas, 246. Nicholas, 9, u, 15. William, 22. Clearke, William, 82. Clemance, William, 88, 97, 128 143. William, Junr., 161. William, Senr., 88, 92, 97. Clemans, Ould, 68. Clerk, James, 361. Coale, Jacob, 160, 161. Cobbett, Josiah, 19 Coke, George, 47. Colby, Anthony, 5. Coll, 148, 160. Colledge, 64, 66, 139, 144, 169. Colledges, 67. Coller, Goodman, 180. John, 210, 217. Collicott, Richard, 250. Collines, Mr., 64. Collings, Edward, 43. Collins, Edward, 45, 66, 67, 188. Mr. Edward, 75, 82. Coll is, John, 329, 336, 340. Comey, John, 336, 343. Comie, John, 315. Corny, John, 296, 304. Conry, John, 293. Convars, James, 163. Cook, Capt, 50, 294. Joseph, 23, 24, 45, 291. Mr., 282, 289. Mr. Joseph, 269, 272, 289, 292, 304, 314. Philip, 344. Samuel, 343. Widow, 285. Cooke, Bro., 118. INDEX OF NAMES 361 Cooke, Capt., 49, 51, 71, 116, 246. Capt. George, 245. George, 33, 36, 47, 48, 49, 67. Gregory, 167. Joseph, 14, 15, 22, 25, 27, 29, 32, 33, 34, 36, 38, 40, 41, 42, 43, 45, 46, 47, 157, 167, 201, 217, 300, 336, 340. Mr., 14, 16, 23, 64, 77,9. 96, "6, 15'* 159, 170, 176, 196, 202, 203, 215, 265, 273- Mr. George, 34. Mr. Joseph, 15, 34, 36, 45, 49, 52, 59, 65, 67, 76, 77, 81, 83, 84, 87, 90, 91, 93, 95, 100, 106, 108, 121, 128, 153, 156, 162, 163, 167, 184, 186, 191, 201, 211, 239, 288, 289, 290, 321, 346. Philip, 3, 56, 63, 86, 88, 98, 99, 101, 108, in, 115, 117, 137, 138, 147, 151, 152, ISS. '63- Samuel, 221, 253, 268, 272, 290, 311, 336. Widow, 200, 208, 253, 257, 261, 271, 275, 282. Cooledge, Joseph, 329. Coolidge, Joseph, 335. Coomey, John, 343. Coomie, John, 315. Cooper, , 350. Bro., 54, 63, 128, 140. Deacon, 170, 175, 260, 267, 274, 278, 281, 286, 291, 292. Deacon John, 170, 177, 281, 288, 290. John, 52, 57, 58, 64, 65, 67, 70, 77, 78, 86, 87, 89, 90, 91, 94, 98,99, 104, 105, 107, 108, 109, in, 115, 121, 123, 124, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 135, 138, 139, 142, 147, 149, 150, 152, 156, 158, 159, 161, 162, 163, 164, 167, 175, 181, 183, 184, 186, 187, 188, 196, 198, 205, 215, 225, 227, 229, 233, 236, 241, 247, 248, 251, 252, 254, 256, 259, 300, 303, 308, 310, 3'7. 328, 332, 336. John, Junr., 290, 291. Samuel, 202, 239, 258, 172, 292, 300, 302, 34- Ensign Samuel, 236. Lieut., 347. Lieut. Samuel, 343. Samuel, Junr., 260. Coopper, John, 106. Corlet, Eliath, 66. Mr., 77, 83, 106, 154, 173, 182, 235. 'orlet, Mr. Elijah, 97, 153, 162. ^orlett, Mr., 138. "or lit, Mr., 218. "orlitt, Mr., 265. :orllett, Eliah, 321. Jouldbey, Anthony, n, 19. Douldby, Anthony, 13. Couldbye, Anthony, 7. racbone, Gilbert, 64, 86, 97, 99, 109. rackbon, Benjamin, 198. Gilbert, 149, 187. Joseph, 321. rackbone, , 3, 350. Benjamin, 150,151,354. Bro., 54, 60, 63. Gilbert, 19, 57, 65, 70, 90, 92, 106, 118, 120, 130, 139, 147, 157, 161, 163, 165, 166, 169, 171, 176, 184, 321. Joseph, 310, 317. Cragbon, Joseph, 291. Widow, 276. Cragbone, Gilbert, 105. Crakbon, Joseph, 253. Widow, 208. Crosbe, Symon, 29. Crosbee, Symon, 23. Crosbey, Symon, 18, 25, 29. Crosby, Goodie, 44. Quid, 67. Simon, 27, 34. Thomas, 66. Crosbye, Sister, 40. Widow, 68. Cutler, James, 60. James, Junr., 236, 254. John, Senr., 315. Thomas, 247, 257, 270, 277, 290, 293, 310. 320, 332- Cutter, Ephraim, 212, 252, 264, 276, 280. Gershom, 244, 277, 280, 293, 300, 305, 308, 3'4, 319. 321, 323, 328. James, 194. James, Senr., 186, 223. John, 320. John, Senr., 337. Richatd, 54, 76, 80, 97, 117, 119, 120, 140, 145, 151, 162, 166, 172, 173, 174, 178* 183, 198, 208, 215, 218, 219, 221, 225, 226, 227, 230, 232, 233, 245, 248, 250, 258, 264, 270, 271, 280, 292. Richard, Senr", 272. INDEX OF NAMES Cutter, Thomas, 217. Widow, 98. William, 38, 50, 52, 56, 66, 68, 212, 304, 309. Guttler, John, 318. John, Junr., 341. Lieut., 332, 340, 342. Lieut. Thomas, 332, 342. Thomas, 319. Thomas, Junr., 332. DAMFORTH, Thomas, 50. Dampford, Mr., 24, 29. Thomas, 33. Dampforde, Mr., 23. Nicholas, 25, 29. Dana, Benjamin, 310, 317, 328, 340, 343. Daniel, 319, 320, 327, 336, 340, 341- Jacob, 257, 290. Richard, 82, 89, 98, no, in, 135. HI, 151, 158, 164, 217, 227, 233, 237, 254. Danee, Richard, 321. Danffurth, , 350. Danforth, Mr., 14, 16, 188, 191, 193, 196, 198, 200, 202, 205, 213, 215, 219, 223, 226, 230, 231, 241, 242, 287, 306. Nicholas, 15, 18, 27. Thomas, 44, 45, 52, 56, 57, 58, 59, 62, 63, 64, 66, 68, 69, 70, 73, 75, 76, 77, 79, 80, 8 1, 83, 85, 86, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95> 97, 99> IOI I02 > I0 5 IQ 6, 107, 108, 109, in, 113, 115, 121, 122, 123, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 135, X 36, 137, 139. MI, 142, i43t MS. 147, 149, 150, 152, 153, 155, 156, 157, 158, 159, 160, 162, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167, 170, 173, 174, 175, 177, 182, 183, 2IO, 211, 294. Mr. Thomas, 142, 173, 180, 181, 195, 217, 239, 246, 293. Thomas, Esq., 264, 321. Danie, Daniel, 316. Jacob, 310. Daniel, Robert, 70. Daniell, Robert, 43. Widow, 126. Danniell, Robert, 45. Dany, Benjamin, 291, 295. Jacob, 272, 293. Dauenport, Thomas, 47. Dauis, Dollard, 8. Davies, Gresholm, 344. Day, Isaac, 305, 308. Mr., 64, 117,291,354. Robert, 9, 13, 18. Stephen, 98, 171. Daye, Stephen, 321. Deming, David, 323, 328, 330. Demming, David, 303. Denison, Daniel, 5, 12. Mr. Daniel, 17. Dennison, Daniel, 10. Deputy Governor, 250, 260, 262, 275. Dickson, John, 212, 282, 284, 285, 298, 300, 316, 323, 341. William, 260, 262, 271, 279. Dixon, William, 98, no, 115, 137, 140, 143, I5 1 , !5 8 !59> 163, 164, 167, 168, 173, 174, i7S 176, !84, 185, 187, 197, 198, 2OO, 201, 206, 221, 230, 232, 237, 238, 239, 242, 243, 244, 245, 246, 247, 251, 256, 258, 272. Dixson, John, 313, 314. Dosse, Thomas, in. Druse, Vincet, 98. Dudlie, Mr., 95. Dudly, Samuel, 5, 13. Mr. Samuel, 16. Thomas, 4. Thomas, Esq., 2, 4, 6, 12, 16, 18. Dunklin, Nathaniel, 344. Dunster, Bro., 47. Jonathan, 185, 198, 210, 211, 221, 234, 243, 249, 255, 292, 318. Mr., 46, 66, 70, 71, 78, 95, 109, 112, 132, 138. Mr. Henry, 53, 75, 79, 82, 91, 106. Mr. Jonathan, 316, 320. Mrs., 140, 159, 164, 171, 188, 201. Duntlin, Nathaniel, 325. EAKE, Mr., 127. Eames, John, 207, 220, 238. Thomas, 103. Eason, Joseph, 9, 13. Eaten, Mr., 33. Mr. Nathaniel, 33. Eaton, Benoni, 153, 228, 231, 290, 291. Eatton, Benoni, 200, 219, 223. Eccles, Richard, 120, 132, 133, 135, 141, 151, 154, 159, 167, 172, 224, 274, 276, 291,354- INDEX OF NAMES 363 Ecels, Richard, 181, 200, 215, 229. Ecles, Richard, 64, 71, 80, 86, 98. Eldred, Samuel, 76. Elly, Nathaniel, 9, 13. Elmer, Edward, 5, 9, 13. Ensigne, James, 9, 13, 18, 21. Erington, Abraham, 57, 98, ill. Errington, Abram, 65, 116, 135, 137, 153, 164, 291. Esigne, James, n. FASSETT, Joseph, 325. Ferginson, Richard, 314. Ferguson, Richard, 300. Fesenden, Nicholas, 272, 274, 278, 298. Fesington, John, 75. Fessenden, Nicholas, 314. Fessinden, Nicholas, 323. Fessington, John, 65, 66, 87, 101, 102, 106, 1 1 1, 114, 121, 123, 125, 131, 135, 137. Fisenden, John, 147, 148, 152, 153, 158, 159, 161, 163. Nicholas, 260. Widow, 168. Fishenden, Bro., 152. John, 67, 129, 132, 133, 134, 135, 139, 141, 142, 143, 162. Fisher, Thomas, 9, 18. Fishingdin, John, 149. Fishington, Nicolas, 208, 219, 236, 243. Fisk, David, 51, 190. David, Junr., 270, 271, 323. David, Senr., 271, 288. Lieut., 315,317- Lt.- David, 304. Fiske, David, 55, 57, 97, 107, 117, 125, 128. 130, 133, 144, 149. 152, i5S l6 3. 181, 191, 194, 201, 210, 211, 217, 228, 243, 293- 294- 333- David, Junr., 251, 258, 260, 332, 336, 341. David, Senr., 254, 289, 318, 338. Ensign, 265, 266. Ensign David, 265. Lieut., 292, 293, 338, 341. Lt. David, 302, 303, 312, 316, 337. Mr., 347. Fissenden, John, 163, 164. Mr., 346. Nicholas, 337, 338, 344, 346. Nicholas, Senr., 340. Fissher, Thomas, 13. Flint, John, 174. Mr., 141. Foster, Thomas, 232, 241, 244. Fowle, James, 306. John, 163. Fownell, John, 97. Fox, Thomas, 83, 87, 93, 94, 97, 99, 102, 106, 107, in, 123, 125, 132, 134, 135, i 37> i39 I4o M 2 , 146, 147, 150, 151, 152, 53 1 5 8 > 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167, 172, 173, 175, 181, 183, 186, 187, 188, 189, 192, 196, 198, 202, 205, 209, 211, 217, 218, 220, 225, 226, 232, 237, 239, 241, 257, 291. Foxcroft, Col. Francis, Esq., 348. Fdxe, Thomas, 260. Fracis, John, 295. Frances, Richard, 35, 97, 150. Francis, Richard, 133, 143, 145, 153. Stephen, 220, 225. French, , 350. Bro., 56. Richard, 63, 97. Lieut. William, 97. William, 18, 321. Frenche, John, 29, 73, 97. William, 26. Frost, Edmond, 59, 66, 138. Elder, 26, 55, 63, 64, 102, 137, 160, 172, 175, 182, 186, 201, 350. Ephraim, 212, 235, 244, 247, 262, 271, 291, 328, 343. John, 154, 166, 233, 291. Mr. Edmund, 98. Thomas, 212. Fuller, John, 158, 163, 181, 217, 225. Joshua, 249, 277, 281, 314, 322, 340. GARDEN, Richard, 143. Gates, Goodie, 354. ^ Gearner, Edmond, 9. Gerner, Ed., 13. Gibbines, Capt, 48. Gibson, Bro., 54, 350. John, 9, 13, 19, 28, 77.78,98. "7. "8, 143, 161, 187, 233, 239, 255, 354. John, Junr., 189, 201, 218, 223, 233, 239. John, Senr., 251. Samuel, 247, 291, 293, 296, 309, 329, 336, 364 INDEX OF NAMES Gibsonn, , 350. Gillam, Capt., 324. Gipson, Bro., 63. John, 66, 67. Girling, Mr., 173. Girlinge, Richard, 19. Gleason, Thomas, 350. GJeison, Goodman, 122. Thomas, 117, 119, 123, 155. Glouer, John, 76. Mrs., 368. Glour, John, 64, 65. Goave, John, 130, 133, 143, 149, *57, 161, 167, 172, 176. Goddard, Benjamin, 305, 314, 317, 319, 320, 3 2 3 335. 340, 344- Godward, Benjamin, 293, 295. Gof, Edward, 23. Gofe, Bro., 199, 200. Edward, 36, 58, 199, 200. Samuel, 181, 185, 187, 207, 210, 217, 219, 220, 221,232, 233, 257, 304. Goff, Capt., 41. Edward, 27, 38, 40, 41, 42,45. Samuel, 270, 283, 286, 304. Samuel, Senr., 291, 293, 296, 297. Goffe, Bro., 60, 62, 78, 120, 124. Bro. Edward, 119, 123. Edmund, 327. . Edward, 29, 33, 45, 46, 49, 50, 51, 53, 56, 58, 63, 64, 65, 66, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 75. ?6, 77. 79- 80, 83,84, 85, 86, 89, 90, 9 1 . 93- 94, 95. 9 s , 99, Joo, 101, 105, 106, 108, 109, 113, 115, 117, 1 19, 121, 141, 156, i57.3 3> 3 2 i- Mr., 325. Mr. Edmund, 317, 329, 333. Mr. Edward, 84, 87, 93, 121. Samuel, 1 18,. 131, 137,139, 154,160, 165, 176. Samuel, Jfcnr., 310. Samuel, Senr., 323. Mr. Samuel, Senr., 314. Goodman, Richard, 4, 13. Goodn, Richard, 5. Goodwine, Mr., 12. Mr. William, 17. William, 5, 13. Goofe, Edward, 46, 47. Googine, Capt., 75. Daniel, 82. Gookin, Capt, 90, 113, 133, 135, 137, 148, 149, 150, 153. 154, 159, 163, 173, 175, ii, 196, 205, 207, 217, 220. Capt. Daniel, 132, 135, 136, 139, 147, 152, 158, 161, 162, 167, 175. Daniel, 142, 253, 321. Major, 229, 233, 236, 241, 243, 246, 261. Mr. Nathaniel, 251. Mr. Samuel, 287, 322. Mrs. Hanah, 337, 342. ( Samuel, 267. Gookins, Capt., 177, 186, 188, 198. Major, 260, 287. Major Daniel, 278. Mr., 287. Mr. Samuel, 277, 285, 287. Pastor, 298. Goue, John, 182, 186, 187, 196, 198, 209, 211, 214, 218, 226, 233, 244, 246, 247, 248, 253, 270, 271, 277, 291, 292, 296, 335. Gove, John, 302, 341, 343. Grant, Seth, 9. Thomas, 348. Green, Bartholomew, 10. Capt., 291. Ensign, 137. John, 206, 208, 219, 238, 256, 291, 297, 344. Mr., 1 6. Nathaniel, 197, 232, 243, 255. Samuel, 13, 203, 303, 309, 313, 314, 316, 321. Ireene, Bro. John, 120. Ensign, 354. Ensign Samuel, 354. John, 116, 117, 122, 139, 152, 153, 166, 35- Mr., 27, 31. Nathaniel, 97. Samuel, 10, 31, 55, 58, 63, 64, 66, 98. Widow, 19. Teenhill, Samuel, 9, 13. reenwood, Thomas, 244. rene, , 250. Bro., 41. Mr., 26. reshold, Frances, 24. reshould, Frances, 33. JADDON, Garrad, 5, 19. Hadon, Garrad, 5, 13. INDEX OF NAMES 365 Haines, Mr., 33, 68, 199. Hall, Bro., 228. J3ro. Edward, 124. Edward, 84, 90, 97, 104, 118, 126, 143, 147, H9> '59. 164, i?9 184, 185, 188, 205, 208, 2l8, 221, 240, 242, 292. John, 98. Thomas, 55, 61, 86, 97, 104, 115, 140, 142, 143, 149, 160, 169, 174, 183, 188, 198, 234, 245, 250, 253, 272, 276, 279, 292. Hamlet, William, 87, 92, 98. Hamlett, William, 115, 131. Hammond, Capt., 234. Thomas, Junr., 217, 236, 244. Hamond, Goodman, 98. Thomas, 121, 128. Thomas, Junr., 176. Hancock, Mr. John, 302. Nathaniel, 269, 275, 291, 305, 310, 318, 341- Nathaniel, Junr., 320, 328, 336. Nathaniel, Senr., 331, 335, 343, 344, 346. Sir, 293. Hancocke, Goodman, 59. Nathaniel, n, 19, 59, 77, 165, 260, 264, 277. Widow, 97. Hancok, Nathaniel, 13, 185, 192, 245, 247. Hancoke, Nathaniel, 207, 213, 226, 233, 242. Hancoks, Nathaniel, 224. Handcoke, Nathaniel, 206. Harlackenden, Mr., 16, 34. Mr. Richard, 266. Mr. Roger, 13, 18, 41. Harlackinden, Mr., 23. Harlackingden, Mr., 25, 29, 30, 33. Mr. Richard, 26, 31. Mr. Richard, Esq., 31. Mr. Roger, 27,31,32,33. Harlakenden, Roger, 27. Hart, Stephen, 4, 5, 7, 13, 17. Harvard College, 291. Hasell, Richard, 183, 193, 195. Hassell, Richard, 177. Hassull, Goodman, 167. Hassull, Richard, 80, 92, 98, 127, 131, 149, 150, 168, 171, 172. Hasteings, John, 83, 101, 107, in, 116. Hastin, Deacon, 267, 274, 276,278, 281, 286. Deacon Walter, 269, 279, 281, 288. John, 271, 277, 279. Hasting, Daniel, 322. Deacon, 291, 304, 323, 325, 331, 334, 33S> 339. 340, 343- Deacon Walter, 290, 300, 348, 349. John, 291, 322, 323, 329. John, Junr., 341. John, Senr., 300, 336, 340. Mr. John, 302. Samuel, 291, 335. Stephen, 344. Walter, 318. Hastings, Deacon, 292, 295, 298. John, 86, 98, 103, 116, 168, 171, 174, 295, 304- John, Senr., 300, 314. Samuel, 122, 174, 175, 292, 295, 298, 305. Samuel, Senr., 314. Walter, 132, 135, 137, 151, 153, 159, 160, 163, 164, 166, 176. Hastins, Deacon, 252, 254. Deacon Walter, 232. John, 185, 187, 191, 208, 215, 219, 220, 2 3i. 239, 242, 244, 247, 251, 253, 254, 256. Samuel, 192, 197, 200, 205, 207, 209, 214, 224, 244. Walter, 177, 181, 182, 191, 211, 213, 215, 218, 220, 225, 226, 227, 229, 230, 234, 236, 241, 243, 245, 247, 250, 251, 257. Haugh, Mr., 105. Haukins, Timothy, 73. Haynes, John, 4. John, Esq., 4, 6, 7, 10, II, 16. John, Esq., Governor, 18. Mr., 44, 127. Hay ward, Thomas. 15. Healy, William, 202, 226, 233, 238. Heate, Thomas, 5, 13. Hely, William, 202, 256. Henbury, Arthur, 160. Heywarde, Thomas, 18. Hibbins, Mr., 84, 89. Hichecocke, Mathew, 35. Hickes, Zachariah, 154, 204, 207, 227, 232, 240, 256, 266. Zachariah, Junr., 339, 342. Zachariah, Senr., 233, 283, 297, 343. Hicks, Joseph, 319, 320, 331, 334. Lieut., 318. Zachariah, 137, 139, 163, 272, 283, 286, 299. 3'> 3'7- 366 INDEX OF NAMES Hicks, Zachariah, Junr., 290, 293, 295, 298, 310, 318, 320, 331, 334, 335- Zachariah, Senr., 291, 296, 297, 300, 301, 328. Hide, Job, 197, 217, 238, 244. Jonathan, 97, 106, 132, 139, 155, 157, 169, 225, 228, 234. Samuel, 88, 101, 108, 115, 122, 137, 148, IS 1 . J 74- Hides, Samuel, 89, 97. Hildreth, , 350. Bro., 6 1, 63. Richard, 51, 56, 75, 80, 87, 90, 91, 92, 99, IO2, IO4, IO9, 219. Sergent, 108. Hill, Abraham, 299, 303, 309, 314, 3 2 9 33 6 > 33 8 , 34, 344- Jacob, 283, 286, 288, 291. Holden, Justinian, 149, 155, 354. Holeman, Jeremiah, 307. Jeremiah, Senr., 314, 317, 321. Mr., 47. Hollman, William, 63. Holman, , 350. Abraham, 230, 248, 254, 257, 260, 268, 272, 276, 277, 278, 279, 280, 291. Abram, 117, 171. Jeremiah, 148, 164, 169, 176, 184, 189, 200, 201, 206, 209, 214, 218, 221, 224, 227, 231, 233, 235, 239, 244, 248, 250, 253, 255, 270, 272, 278, 286, 289, 291, 292, 293, 300, 304, 329, 336, 340, 344. Jeremiah, Senr., 310. Holmes, Bro., 63. John, 150, 154, 180, 184, 291. Joseph, 171, 188, 198, 208, 231. Robert, 46, 76, 84, 85, 87, 97, 109, 121, 132, 139, 140. Holms, , 350. Homan, William, 97. Homes, Robert, 64, 65, 68, 73, 121. Hompste, Edm., 40. Homsteade, Nicolas, 29. Homsted, James, 17. Hooker, Mr., 7, 12. Mr. Thomas, 6, 17, 18. Thomas, 7. Hopkins, John, 9, II, 13, 15, 19. Mr., 6. Hore, Doctor, 207. Hosmer, James, 15. Hosmer, Thomas, 5, 7, 13, 14, 15, 16, 18. Hossmer, Thomas, 14, 23. Hotchins, George, 45. Hough, Mr., 42. Houghe, Mr. Atterton, 8. Houldin, Justinian, 205, 213. Hubbard, James, 116, 137, 140, 154, 215, 217* 225, 238, 241, 248, 253, 354. Mr. Nehemiah, 210. Huberd, James, 291, 293. Hubert, James, 277, 279. Hudson, Raph, 18. Hunt, Edmond, 9, 13, 1 8. Hutchin, George, 43. Hutchine, Bro., 56. George, 69. Hutchins, Bro., 353. ISAACKE, Joseph, 37. Isack, Joseph, 38, 42, 45. Isacke, Joseph, 34. JAAKSON, Richard, 46, 47. Jackson, Abraham, 267, 309, 312. Bro. Richard, 114, 126, 354. Deacon John, 196. Edward, 188, 260, 262, 321. John, 115, 122, 128, 152, 157, 160, 172, 174, 175, 183, 188, 199, 207, 210, 214, 218, 223, 225, 226, 228, 230, 236, 237, 244, 248, 253, 255, 271, 276, 283, 286, 291, 292, 293, 300, 303, 306, 307, 321, 328, 333, 334- Mr., in, 121, 163, 174, 175, 250. Mr. Edward, 122, 148, 158, 161. Mr. John, 259. Old Sister, 354. Richard, 23, 25, 27, 29, 33, 34, 37, 38, 45, 46, 105, 115, 118, 125, 128, 131, 136, 149, 150, 157, 160, 164, 166, 168, 170, 173, I 7S> T 79, I 8i, 182, 186, 187, 188, 193, '95, 32* Sebeas, 227, 254. Widow, 250. Jacksonne, Bro. 57. Richard, 50. Jacson, Bro. John, 78. Bro. Richard, 80, 81, 93, 102. John, 58, 69, 84, 87, 89, 91, 97. Mr., 71, 78, 88, 98. INDEX OF NAMES 367 Jacson, Mr. Edward, 58, 77, 78, 83, 84, 87, 89, 93, 102, 108, no, 155. Richard, 53, 64, 66, 68, 69, 71, 82, 98, 99, 100, 106, 108, in, 156. Sebeas, 227, 254. Widow, 250. Joanes, William, 19. Joans, Philip, 192. Johnson, John, 224, 296, 315, 326. Marmaduke, 205. Mathew, 163. Mr., 210. William, 250. Jones, Philip, 193, 194, 261. William, 13. Jonse, Philip, 289, 338. Jonson, John, 233, 257. Jud, Thomas, 13. Judd, Thomas, 9, 18. Juitt, Joseph, 127. KANE, Jonathan, 137. Kelse, Will., 5. Kelsy, William, 9, 13. Kemball, , 26. Kempster, Bro., 96. Daniel, 86, 92, 97, 123, 131, 145, 321. Goodman, 57. Sister, 354. Kemstere, Bro., 116, 126. Kendall, John, 54, 69, 77. Kendrick, Old Goodman, 209. Kene, Christopher, 9, 13. Kerly, Goodman, 325. Kidder, Samuel, 293, 296, 301, 303, 306, 310, 316, 328, 336, 337, 341, 343- Kindrick, Ealiah, 238. John, 236. John, Senr., 196. Kinsbury, Goodman, 3. Kirnan, John, 2. Knite, Lydia, 339. Knowls, Goodman, 56. Knox, , 3. Knyght, John, 29. LAMBSON, Barnabas, 14, 18, 23, 24. Lamson, Barnabe, 25. Goodman, 23. Lamsonn, Barnabe, 27. Lathan, Carath, 68. Latbum, Carie, 47. Lawrance, John, 341. Lawrence, George, 346. John, 325, 328, 344. Lemon, Mary, 354. Leverett, John, Esq., 330, 331, 333, 334, 348. Mr. John, 322, 323. Lewis, , 19. William, 5, 7, 13, 17. Lock, Joseph, 343. Lockwood, Mr. Edmond, 2. Longhorn, Thomas, 88. Longhorne, Thomas, 56, 91, 97, 104, 117, 120, 126, 128, 129, 130, 132, 135, 142, 144, X 55> X 57 *6i, 166, 167, 169, 176, 183, 189, 201, 202, 207, 225, 227, 232, 234, 2 37, 239, 242, 244, 248, 251, 253, 258, 260, 261, 271. Longley, Nathaniel, 335. Lord, Richard, 5, 6, 13, 18. Louden, Sergeant, 234. Lowden, Richard, 250. Luxford, Reuben, 241, 272,310,314,316, 319, 32. 343- MACKOON, John, 238, 249. Man, Will, 9. William, 13, 54, 63, 75, 89, 98, 104, 107, 109, 117, 118, 120, 127, 130, 350. Wm., 3. Maning, Bro., 256. John, 336. Mr., 1 88, 254. Mr. William, 180, 190, 205, 212, 241. Samuel, 309, 340, 343, 344. William, 183, 186, 211, 215, 225, 226, 229, 236, 247. Mann, William, 19. Manning, Bro., 48. Mr., 164. Mr. William, 163, 167. Samuel, 328. William, 64, 69, 93, 94, 98, 99, 105, 117 133, 142, 170, 175, 267, 291, 321. Mariot, Thomas, 34. Maritt, Amos, 272. Marrait, John, 245. Marratt, , 19. 3 68 INDEX OF NAMES Marret, Amos, 317, 336, 340. Bro., 96. Deacon, 96. Thomas, 29, 38, 41, 42, 43, 45, 57, 66, 68, 70. 83, 85, 97, 99. Marrett, Amos, 299, 303, 310, 314. Deacon, 133. Ensign, 346. John, 174. Thomas, 36, 46, 59, 66, 67, 70. Marriot, Thomas, 28, 73. Marrit, Amos, 243, 256. John, 116, 182, 187, 192, 200, 207, 2ii, 212, 214, 223, 226, 231, 237, 241, 247, 256. Marritt, Amos, 261, 262, 264, 271, 275, 296, 312. Deacon, 127. John, 149, 150, 161, 165, 166, 167, 168, 265, 291. Thomas, 50, 73, 138, 140. Mason, Capt., 165. Capt. Hugh, 151. John, 238, 241, 246. Masters, John, 5, 7, 9, 13, 18. Mattucks, John, 346. Maynard, John, 9, 13, 18. Mead, Goodman, 268. Israel, 267, 268, 271, 272, 276, 279, 283, 3 2 3- Thomas, 325. Meade, Israel, 234, 238, 253, 258. Meariam, Deacon, 198. Joseph, 194, 229. Mede, Israel, 317. Meed, Israel, 277. Meriam, Joseph, 224. Michell, Mr., 65, 93, 96, 121. Mrs., 220, 248, 268, 287, 291. Michelson, Edward, 64, 75,76,98, 144, 154, 156. Widow, 291. William, 120, 156. Micherson, Bro., 55. Edward, 65, 67, 90. Miller, , 3. Joseph, 3, 97, 229. Mirack, John, 313. Mirriam, Deacon John, 333. John, 309, 333. Joseph, 132, 135, 141, 327. Mirriam, Robert, 332, 333. Thomas, 336. Widow, 333. Mitchel, Jonathan, 321. Mr., 143. Mrs., 136. Mitchell, Mr., 138, 154, 211, 294. Mrs., 179, 182, 186, 187, 190, 197, 206, 250. Mitchellson, Edward, 206. Mitchelson, Edward, 303. Mon Roe, George, 329. John, 303, 323. Monsell, Deacon, 157. Moore, Bro. Goulden, 53. Francis, 107, in, 118, 119, 123, 130, 137, 47, iS9. 171- Francis, Junr., 98, 101, 125, 133, 134, 154, 156, 169, 174, 176, 321. Francis, Senr., 57, 77, 98, 160, 167, 321. Goulden, 66, 68, 86, 98. John, 28, 29, 59. More, Enoch, 29. Francis, 189, 190, 201, 204, 209, 213, 215, 218, 220, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 236, 241, 243, 247, 251, 253, 254, 257, 267, 272, 281, 286, 291. Francis, Junr., 150, 177. Francis, Senr., 321. Gouldin, 47. John, 29, 34, 36, 41. Sergeant, 278. Morrill, Abraham, 5, 13, 18, 86. Munroe, George, 336, 344. John, 335. William, 273, 293, 295. William, Junr., 335, 341. William, Senr., 340. Munrow, William, 119. Mury, Benjamin, 295. Muse, Hester, 5, 7, 13. Musse, Hester, 5, 19. Mutchin, Christopher, 300. Mutting, Ebenezer, 321. Muze, Benjamin, 299. Muzzey, Benjamin, 328, 340. Goodman, 318. Mr. Benjamin, 332. Muzzy, Benjamin, 303. Myat, Joseph, 10. Mygat, Joseph, 16, 17. Mygate, Joseph, 9, 13, 19. INDEX OF NAMES 369 NICHOLES, Walter, 19. Nichols, Walter, 22. Norcras, Mr., 83. Nuting, Jonathan, 298. Nutting, Ebenezer, 319, 321, 347. Goodman, 325. Jonathan, 323, 336. OAK, , 350. Oakes, Bro., 47, 63, 152. Bro. Edward, 62, 75. Edward, 46, 47, 49, 50, 51, 56, 57, 58, 108, 12\, 122, 125, 129, 132, 133, 134, 135, i3 6 !39> *42, 144, 146, 147. "48, IS 2 , 163, 165, 167, 174, 175, 186, 188. Mr., 154, 179, 191, 192, 196, 251. Mr. Edward, 196, 205, 212, 213, 215, 220, 225, 229, 236, 241. Mr. Vurian, 241. Thomas, 65, 71,75, 101, 143. Oaks, Edward, 83. Goodman, 44. Okes, , 3. Edward, 58, 77, 80, 84, 93, 96, 99, 101, IO2. Thomas, 75, 86, 96. Oldam, John, 212, 229, 245, 246. Richard, 3, 91, 97, 101, no. Samuel, 222, 251. Oldham, John, 303, 309, 314, 316, 318, 319, 320, 324, 327, 328, 335, 339, 341, 343- Mr. John, 332, 334, 343. Mr. Samuel, 349. Samuel, 303, 340, 343, 345. Oldum, John, 272. Samuel, 253, 273, 286. Oleuer, John, 277. Mr. Thomas, 267, 268, 270, 292, 296. Oliuer, Thomas, 186, 196, 199, 208, 236, 278, 286. Oliver, Capt., 347. Capt. Thomas, 345, 348. Doct. James, 303, 318, 320, 322, 323. Mr. Thomas, 307, 311, 315, 316, 321, 323, 324, 325, 326. Thomas, 318, 327. Olmsted, James, 10, u, 12, 13, 18. Omsted, , 5. James, 5, 8. Ouldum, Samuel, 272. PADLEFFOOTE, Jonathan, 97. Padlefoote, Jonathan, 116, 128. Page, John, 27, 43. Paine, Mr., 35, 40. Palfraye, John, 116. Palfre, John, 201, 207, 214, 220, 237, 238. Palfree, John, 187, 226, 232, 248, 258. Palfrey, John, 130, 165. Palfry, John, 291. Palmer, Stephen, 306. Parishe, Thomas, 36. Parke, Richard, 19, 45, 66, 69, 98, 321. Parker, Capt. Josiah, 346, 347. John, 87, 97, 174, 191. Josiah, 322, 325. Mr. Josiah, 323, 325. Robert, 26, 53, 54, 63, 73, 74, 78, 79, 94, 98, 101, 108, 109, nr, 114, 123, 126, 128, 137, 142, 150, 151, 159, 164, 169, 175, 188, 201, 207, 223, 236, 255, 270, 271, 349- Thomas, Senr., 277. Parkes, Mr., 64. Richard, in, 122, 166. Thomas, 158. Parks, Mr., 65. Parrish, Thomas, 43, 44, 66. Parrishe, Thomas, 39, 71. Patin, Nathaniel, 177, 277, 278, 289, 291, 295, 307. Patrik, Capt., 5, 13. Patrike, Capt., 5. Daniel, 18. Mr. Daniel, 2. Patten, Bro., 54. Nathaniel, 307, 308, 310, 311, 314, 316, 3'7- William, 20, 30, 79,80, 83, 98, 117, 118, 171. Pattin, John, 341. Nathaniel, 178, 184, 189, 198, 201, 208, 209, 217, 218, 220, 223, 224, 238, 239 245, 247, 252, 258, 260, 262, 263, 268, 270, 271, 275, 276, 279, 281, 283, 286, 292, 301, 32, 34, 37- Nathaniel, Junr., 344. Nathaniel, Senr., 323, 335, 344. William, 133, 142, 145. M9> *S> 1 S7. '59 164, 1 66, 167, 321, 330, 336, 340. Pattine, William, 21, 143. Paul, Thomas, 348. 370 INDEX OF NAMES Paulfere, John, 170, 173, 175. Paulfree, John, 159. Pealoms, Mr., 227. Pease, John, 211. Peelham, Herbert, 291 Peintre, William, 5. Peintree, William, 9. Peintry, William, 16. Peirce, Thomas, Senr., 163. Pelam, Mr., 213. Pelham, Herbert, 56. Herbert, Esq., 51, 67, 68. Mr., 55, 64, 68, 94, 96, 104, 105, 126, 139, 141, 142, 144, 154, 264. Mr. Edward, 303, 334. Mr. Herbert, 75, 76. Pellam, Herbert, Esq., 49, 50. Mr., 198. Mr. Edward, 266. Pellem, Mr., 273. Pellm, Mr., 57. Pellum, Harbert, 33. Mr. Edward, 266. Pentry, William, 13. Perce, Thomas, 157. Philips, Mr., 66, 67, 84, 105, 109. Phillebrown, John, 336. Phillips, Mr. George, 50. Phipps, Mr., 319. Poast, Stephen, 10. Polly, George, 118, 122. Poole, John, 2. Post, Thomas, 234, 242, 292. Poulter, John, 318, 344. Jonathan, 316, 341. Powlter, John, 319. Prat, John, 5, 13. Mr., 15. Pratt, John, 7, 11, 18. Mr., ii. Prentic, Solomon, 277. Prentice, Capt. Thomas, 155, 289. Henry, 53, 84, 85, 260, 290, 323, 346. James, 161, 169. John, 271. Jonathan, 314. Lieut., 135. Samuel, 324, 337, 340. Solomon, 260, 262, 283, 286, 291, 293, 297, 298, 300, 303, 311, 314, 317, 323. Solomon, Junr., 328, 335, 341, 344. Prentice, Solomon, Senr., 328, 343. Thomas, 106, 336, 340, 341. Thomas, Junr., 139, 161. Prentis, Capt., 188, 196, 234. James, 189, 209, 213, 220, 223, 251. Samuel, 212. Solomon, 219, 233, 240, 243, 244, 253, 254, 257. Thomas, 209, 210. Thomas, Junr., 184, 185, 222. Prentise, Henry, 98. Thomas, 98. Prfessor (The), 33. Prince, John, 9, n, 13. RAINES, Henry, 131. Samuel, 131. Rawson, Edward, 259. Read, Capt., 326, 342. Capt. William, 342. William, 318, 320, 323, 326. Reade, Capt., 347. Christopher, 242, 243. Goodman, 223. Readinge, , 19. Joseph, 5. Redfin, 69, 78. Reding, Joseph, 13. Reed, Christopher, 267. William, 290, 291, 309. Reede, Christopher, 236. Remington, Capt., 327. Jonathan, 161, 165, 174, 182, 184, 185, 211, 220, 230, 239, 288, 300, 303, 318, 323, 325. 328. Lieut., 290, 291, 294, 295, 298, 317. Lieut. Jonathan, 311, 312, 315, 320. Reskie, William, 22. Reyner, Samuel, 162. Rice, Richard, 19, 21. Richads, Nathaniel, 5. Richards, Nathaniel, 5, 13, 18. Rindge, John, 18. Robbines, Richard, 104, 107, 108, 128. Robbins, Brother, 228. Goodman, 146. Nathaniel, 272, 309, 344. Nathaniel, Senr., 316. Richard, 87, 98, 99, 125, 143, 144, 147, 148, 152, 155, 157, 191, 210, 217,223, 227, 272, 354. INDEX OF NAMES 371 Robbins, Samuel, 270, 336. William, 135. Roberts, Nicholas, 18. Richard, 93. Robins, Mr., 354. Nathaniel, 244, 329. Nathaniel, Senr., 323. Richard, 88, 152, 239, 242, 258, 321. Rofe, John, 245. Rolfe, John, 246. Rolff, Widow, 260. Rosse, Thomas, 140. Row, William, 140, 176, 291. Rusell, Benjamin, 253. Jason, 243, 256, 257, 283, 291, 292, 293, 295, 296, 298, 299. John, 238, 247, 251, 319. Joseph, 186, 201, 223, 236, 239, 248, 256. Philip, 212. William, 243, 256, 257. Rusells, John, 35. Russel, David, 341. Jason, 307, 314, 316, 317, 320, 333, 334, 337, 339, 340, 34i, 342- John, 314, 320, 332, 333, 340. Mr. Jason, 349. Mr. Philip, 332. Mr. William, 332, 345, 348. Philip, 341, 344. Walter, 321, 341, 344. William, 307, 322, 333. Russell, Jason, 300, 301, 304, 307, 319, 325, 329, 337- John, 37, 46, 47, 49, 50, 57, 65, 67, 77, 79, 80, 83, 90, 98, 286, 298, 300, 304, 328, 3 2 9- Joseph, 150, 154, 157, 160, 168, 169, 176. Mr., 29, 61. Philip, 272, 281, 323, 328. Walter, 329, 336. Widow, 137, 140, 150. William, 73, 79, 85, 89, 98, no, in, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 121, 123, 272, 278, 284, 286, 290, 292, 293, 295, 305, 323, 324, 328. Russells, Bro., 35. John, 31, 38, 45, 52, 68. Joseph, 261, 266, 275. Russill, Joseph, 268, 271, 282, 290, 301, 302. SACKETT, Symon, 2. Widow, 18. Saket, Symon, 5, 13. Sakt, Symon, 5. Saltingstal, Sir Richard, 31. Saltingstall, Sir Richard, 41. Sanders, , 67. Jonathan, 209, 221, 247, 253. Mr., 245. Robert, 37. Santly, John, 18. Saunders, Robert, 43. Sawtle, Widow, 331. Scill, Joseph, 148. Scott, Thomas, 9, 10, 13, 17. Sell, B., 57. John, 40, 42. Shadduck, Philip, 252. Shaw, Bro., 63. Richard, 44. Roger, 36, 45, 46. 47, 48, 50, 51, 66. Shaw, ,326, 350. Shawe, Abraham, 43. Bro., 47. Sheapard, Edward, 257. Sheaperd, Goodman, 211. John, 184, 189, 190. Samuel, 41. Sheaprd, Mr., 33. Mr. Thomas, 33. Samuel, 34. Shearman, Ensign, 165. Mr., 93. Shepard, Edward, 98, in, 137, 140, 142, 143, 152, '55- Goodman, 35, 294. John, 64, 97, 99, 101, 102, 103, 104, 115, 124, 134, 137, 140, 142, 150, 152, 154, 155, 169. Mr. Samuel, 92. Mr. Thomas, 19, 88. Samuel, 34. Shephard, Mr. Samuel, 6$. Shepherd, Ed., 69. Mr. Thomas, 66, 69. Sill, Joseph, 201, 204, 213, 219, 291. Widow, 98. Simes, Mr. William, 234. Simons, Joseph, 277, 281, 286, 288, 323. William, 194. Sims, Mrs. Sarah, 98. 372 INDEX OF NAMES Sims, William, 94. Skidder, James, 64. Skidmore, Thomas, 67. Smith, Abram, 55. Henry, 247, 273, 326, 327, 334, 336. John, 267, 305. Thomas, 344. Thomas, Senr. 336. Sparahauk, , 83. Mr., 59, 61, 62, 66, 353. Nathaniel, 267. Sparahauke, Mr., 57, 68. Mr. Nathaniel, 260. Nathaniel, 72, 92. ' Sparauhau, , 85. Sparauhauk, Mr., 87. Nathaniel, 92. Sparauhauke, Mr. Nathaniel, 87. Sparhauk, Mr., 94. Sparhauke, Ester, 354. Mr., 121, 211, 244,251. Mr. John, 299. Mr. Nathaniel, 241, 247. Nathaniel, 98, no, 124, 197, 217, 236. Sparhaw, Nathaniel, 314. Sparhawk, Mr., 293. Nathaniel, 319, 327, 328. Sparhawke, Nathaniel, 320, 324, 326, 344. Samuel, 322, 323, 335, 339, 343. Sparohawke, Nathaniel, 46, 341. Sparrahauke, Mr., 278, 281. Spencer, , 13. Garrad, 10. Michael, 10. Mr., 23. Thomas, 5, 13, 18. William, 2, 5, 7, 8, -9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18. Spring, John, 175, 217, 227, 238, 241. Lieut. John, 342. Springe, John, 223. Squa Sachem, 48. Squire, John, 201, 277, 298, 304. John, Junr., 317, 329, 341. John, Senr., 300, 314, 328. Stacy, Thomas, 288, 297. Standly, Tymothy, 9, 13, 15, 21. Stanly, Tymothy, 11, 18. Starr, Mr. Comfort, 18. Steadman, John, 68, 86, 101, 130. John, Junr., 291. Steadman, John, Senr., 292. Mr. John, 284. Stearns, Isaac, 209, 213, 228. Stebing, , 13. Edward, 18. Stebinge, Edward, 5. Stedman, Bro., 124, 354. Bro. John, in, 123. John, Ensigne, 49. John, 43, 46, 50, 52, 53, 56, 57, 63, 64, 66, 68, 73. 75. 76, 77, ?3, 80, 83, 84, 85, 87, 93. 94> 95. 9 s , IO 3. I0 4, IO S. Io6 , IO 7, 108, no, in, 113, 115, 121, 125, 128, 132, 136, 176, 186, 187, 200, 201, 209, 236, 256, 304, 323, 339, 354. John, Junr., 153, 176, 184, 189, 205, 206, 217, 218, 223, 227, 231, 233, 236, 239, 3M, 319- Mr., 117, 120, 121, 129, 133, 143, 148, 165, 167, 175, 179, 181, 185, 189, 192, 196, 202, 203, 209, 211, 214, 215, 219, 225, 226, 228, 232, 241. Mr. John, 142, 155, 161, 177, 181, 188, 190, 196, 205, 212, 213, 215, 220, 225, 229, 237. Robert, 55, 71, 73, 97, "O, 115, 133, 144. 150, 151, 164,354. Steele, , 13. George, 4, 5, 7, 12, 15, 18. John, 5, 10, 13. Steeuenson, Andrew, 80. Steevenson, Andrew, 109, 113, 161. Sternes, Charles, 118, 123, 124. Goodman, 120. Isaac, 158, 175, 220. Sterns, Charles, 117. Isaac, 163, 317. Steuenson, Andrew, 79, 177, 182, 189, 206, 209, 214, 222, 229, 321. Stevenson, Andrew, 3, 86, 97, 143. Stockin, George, 13. Stockine, George, 9, n. Ston, John, 291. John (David's son), 296. John (Samuel's son), 296. Mr. Samuel, 6, 7. Samuel, 266, 282 293. Samuel, Senr., 288. Stone, , 3. Daniel, 55, 64, 97. David, 97, 131, 189, 194, 213, 310, 321, 332. INDEX OF NAMES 373 Stone, David, Junr., 238. Deacon, 64, 121, 125, 130, 132, 133, 138, 141, 150, 154, 155, 159, 167, 168, 172, i?3 1 7S, *77, 182, 183, 188, 193, 195, 198, 333- Deacon Gregory, 131, 140. Deacon John, 231, 240. Deacon Samuel, 325, 332, 333, 339. Elder, 260. Gregory, 26, 63, 66, 91, 98, 99, 100, 136. John, 310, 313. Joseph, 316, 336, 341. Mr., 347, 348. Mr. Samuel, 307, 315, 316. Mr. Samuel, Senr., 313, 316, 347, 321. Samuel, 131, 147, 152, 167, 176, 196, 213, 223, 224, 225, 232, 239, 254, 267, 332. Samuel, Senr., 265, 267, 286, 296, 298, 300, 302, 303, 306, 318, 326, 329, Sam 1 ! , David's son, 329. Stones, Isaac, 225. Stonn, Mr., 8, 12. Mr. Samuel, 7. Samuel, 13. Straiton, Samuel, 81, 82. Stratton, Goodman, 153. Strawbregd, Lieut., 234. Swaetman, Thomas, 97, 115, 116, 123, 135, 240. Swan, Ebenezer, 329, 341. John, 98, 104, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 1 20, 124, 167, 174, 175, 291. Swane, Gershom, 245. John, 207, 209, 217, 218, 221, 222, 226, 233. 252. Swann, John, 140, 166, 173. Swetman, Bro., 73. Thomas, 58, 89, 190, 258, 321. Symes, William, 250. Symonds, Ebenezer, 329. Ensign, 326, 342, 344. Ensign Joseph, 336, 342. Joseph, 314, 326, 348. Symons, Joseph, 318, 320. Mr. Sara, 40. TAILCOTT, John, 13. Talcott, John, 4, 18, 21. Tanner, Mr., 353. Mr. William, 127. Taylcot, John, 15, 354. Taylcott, John, 7, 9, n. Taylor, John, 97, 135, 169, 188, 214, 291. Teacher, , 25. Teed, Joseph, 322, 326, 340. Widow, 326, 339. Thesington, Goodman, 44. Thorns, Bro., 40. Thrumble, , 211, 294. John, 56, 69, 77, 95, 96, 313. Tidd, John, 267, 271, 305, 318, 319, 320. John, Senior, 293. Tomlins, Tymothy, 8. Tompson, Mr., 127. Mrs., 91. Tomson, An , 65. Town, Peter, 303, 304, 309, 318, 320, 329, 335, 336. William, 3. Towne, Peter, 124, 132, 137, 143, 157, 159, 161, 165, 167, 169, 175, 176, 180, 183, 184, 197, 198, 200, 201, 2O6, 221, 223, 228, 229, 232, 235, 238, 243, 244, 254, 261, 267, 273, 282, 292, 295, 300. William, 15, 19, 40, 48, 86, 98, 107, 130, 189, 198. Townend, Martin, 261. Trowbridge, James, 163, 165. Tuckerman, 346. USHER, , 67. Hezechiah, 45. VINCENT, Humphrey, n, 13, 18,21. Vpham, Mrs., 354. W John, 7. Waban, 60. "Wachman, Samuel, to. Wadsworth, , 13, 19. William, 16. Wadswth, William, 4, 5. Wales, John, 315. Ward, John, 124, 132, 167, 169, 170, 174. Mr. John, 343. Warland, Owen, 290, 291, 295, 316, 329, 340. Warlin, Owen, 257. Warner, Andrew, 5,6, 7, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 22. 374 INDEX OF NAMES Watson, Abraham, 282, 285, 304, 309, 311, 324, 335. 337, 345- Bro., 119. Bro. John, 276. Goodman, 282. John, 64, 97, 101, 104, 108, in, 115, 120, 121, 122, 133, 134, 137, 143, 154, 157, 158, 16?, 163, 164, 166, 173, 174, 176, 184, 187, 190, 198, 20O, 2O6, 209, 212, 214, 217, 218, 223, 225, 226, 227, 229, 232, 237, 243, 248, 252, 256, 258, 259, 260, 262, 265, 266, 268, 270, 272, 275, 278, 280, 28l, 283, 285, 289, 291, 292, 300, 301, 302, 305, 316, 318, 323, 328, 340, 342, 344. John, Junr., 222. John, Senr., 233, 280. Mr. Abraham, 345. Wattsonn, John, 276. Web, Richard, 5. Webb, Richard, 9, 13. Webber, Robert, 297, 300, 314, 320, 323, 324, 325. 344- Wellington, Doct, 346. Roger, 150. Wells, Thomas, 18. Welsh, Thomas, 55. Wenshepe, Edward, 50. Wenship, Edward, 98, 107. West, John Stone, 344. Westwood, William, 5, n, 16, 17. Wetherall, William, 19. Mr. William, 18. White, , 13. John, 5, 10, u, 16. Thomas, 143, 163, 177, 282. Whithead, Samuel, n. Whitheade, Samuel, 15. Whitmor, Francis, 262. Samuel, 292. Whitmore, Francis, 65, 98, 119, 133, 138, 140, 143, 147, 150, 151,154, 161, 169, 172, 175, 188, 198, 225, 245, 260,321. John, 212. Samuel, 310, 323. Whitney, Richard, 172. Whittamore, Benjamin, 160. Whittemore, Nathaniel, 336. Thomas, 341. Whittmor, Samuel, 304. Whyte, Goodman, 40. Whyte, John, 42. Wieth, John, 283, 286, 291. William, 27, 282, 291. Wiith, John, 252. Nicholas, 200, 208, 219, 225, 231, 233, 237, 244. William, 256. Wilcocke, Mr., 127. William, 64, 68, 98. Wilcok, William, 26, 30, 31. Wilis, Mr., 199. Wilkerson, Widow, 66, 68,97. Wilkinson, Widow, 64. Willard, Symon, 18. Willcocke, William, 36. Willcoke, William, 47. Williams, Isaac, 147, 152. John, 340. Williard, Symon, 8. Willice, George, 291. Willington, John, 254, 261, 272, 313. Willis, Mr. Thomas, 334. Willow, George, 222, 231. Willowes, Bro., 55. George, 40, 80, 81,90, 98, 130, 138, 141, 165. Willows, George, 118. Wilson, Andrew, 336. Isaac, 290. James, 325, 340, 341. Joseph, 286. Nathaniel, 247, 251. Robert, 140, 154, 162, 245. Wincett, Humphry, 9. Wines, Daniel, 98. Winshapp, Edward, 15. Winshep, Edward, 13. Winshepe, Bro., 47. Sergeant, 46, 47, 49. Winship, , 29. Edward, 29, 34, 45, 62, 63, 65, 66, 68, 70, 77, 79, 80, 83, 85, 87, 88, 89, 90, 93, 94, loo, 106, 118, 120, 147, 149, 184, 189, 198, 209, 212, 274, 277^287, 289, 291, 292, 294, 295, 298, 300, 306, 307, 308, 39, 3*4. 3 l8 > 3 20 - Ensign, 108, 109, in, 115, 123, 126, 128. Ensign Edward, 115, 119, 120. Ensign Ephraim, 305. Ephraim, 172, 173, 241, 246, 260, 267, 273, 293, 354- INDEX OF NAMES 375 Winship, Joanna, 354. Joseph, 293, 296, 300, 304, 307, 310, 312, 3i9.3 2 o,344. Lieut., 135, 137, 139, 140, 142, 150, 155, 166, 168, 171, 172, 174, 175, 177, 187, 188, 207, 213, 214, 215, 217, 220, 235, 237, 245, 262, 266, 267, 275, 279, 287. Lieut. Edward, 131, 136, 149, 150, 160, 161, 162, 171, 260, 272. Samuel, 255, 291, 292, 295, 304, 317 Sergeant, 68. Sergeant Edward, 316. Widow, 317. Winshipe, Lieut., 230, 248, 268. Winshipp, Edward, 23, 25,47,51, 56, 59, 321, 323, 326, 328, 333, 335. Ensign, 115. Joseph, 327, 335. Mr. Edward, 326. Winshop, Bro., 47. Edward, 58. Winter, , 348. John, 197, 205, 222, 238, 239, 241, 253, 258, 277. Wisall, Noah, 205. Wiswal, Elder, 199. Wiswall, Elder, 165. Mr., 175. Noah, 213, 222, 234, 238, 243, 244, 254. Wiswall, Rev. Elder, 210. Thomas, in. Wiswell, Capt, 289. Ebenezer, 281. Elder, 188. Noah, 288. Wiswill, Noah, 282. Withe, Bro., 55, 71. John, 320. Nicholas, 59, 62, 64, 66, 67, 98, 104, 107, 117, 118, 123, 128, 130, 137, 143, 151, 153, 1 66. Richard, 83. William, 315. Wittamore, Samuel, 317. Wodsworth, William, 171. Woodes, Richard, 97, 151, 157. Woods, Joshua, 270. Richard, 163, 169, 176. Widow, 188. Woodward, Amos, 208, 209, 218, 219. Goodman, 146. Widow, 164. Woolcott, John, 13. Wyeth, B., 57. John, 288, 296, 297, 300, 319, 329, 336. Richard, 350. William, 289, 292, 300. Index of. Subjects Index of Subjects ABATEMENT of fines, 4, 8, 39, 48, 120, 130, 154, i73 2 3 8 28 - About the meeting-house, 3. Account, town and country rates, 244. of town charges and receipts, 261, 266. Accounts, inquiry into, 228. Acres granted, 7, 8, 9, 10, n, 12, 13, 16, 17, '26, 32, 33, 40, 51, 52, 59, 66, 67, 68, 69, 72, 77,78, 83, 91, 92, 127, 131, 132, 133, 136, 139, 165, 173. 211. on West side the River, 8. of meadow ground, 12, 13. of salt marsh, 1 2. of pine swamp, 15. within west end field gate, 15. on South side the River, 17, 44, 136, 173. for common ox pasture, 32. 400 of upland to Joseph Cooke, 41. 400 of upland to Samuel Shepard, 41. 600 upland and meadow to Cooke, Goffe, and Bridge, 41. loo to Thomas Parrish, 44. at Alewife Meadow, 45. 200 of upland to Roger Shaw, 50. 100 to Richard Champnis, 61, 62. 200 at head of eight-mile line to Gregory Stone, 63. 1000 at Shawshine for use of the church, 74,96. 500 to President Dunster, 82. 500 to Mr. Daniel Googins, 82. 500 to Edward Collins, 83. 300 to Mr. Thomas Shepard, 88. Division of Shawshine, 96, 97, 98. 200 to Richard Hildreth, 91. on Strawberry Hill, 122. laid out, 139. of swamp north side Menotomy River, 1 54. Acres, 50 to farm south side the river, 174. 500 for use and benefit of ministry, 259, 33, 345- Action on Mr. Dunster's proposal, 109. Address to General Court, 324. Agreed, impale ground shall be divided, 3. sale of, offered to town, 3. town shall not be enlarged, 4. houses not to be thatched, but slated, 4. division of planting ground in neck, 7. seven men to do whole business of town, ii. man to keep the goats, 17. to keep 100 cows, 19, 28. to make a weir, 20. to keep 100 cattle on the other side the river, 20, 28. house for hog-keeper, 21. to fetch alewives from the weir, 22. with Mr. Bradstreet, 22. for boy, 23. for man to keep the calves, 23, 36. to take up all the stubs, etc., 23, 29. to keep three score cows, 30. for lad to help keep dry herd, 35. to keep milch cows, 36, 43. possession of meadow, 43. to keep dry herd on other side the water, 44. concerning hogs without a keeper, 44. right for a house lot, 46. care of the town spring, 46. payment of debt due the town, 46. use of meadow, 47. out-fences to be made sufficient, 47. to pay Squa Sachem, 48. fence to secure Indians' corn, 48. 3 8o INDEX OF SUBJECTS Agreed, on exchange of land, 51. price for rent of marsh, 53. satisfaction for money expended, 60. to divide wood lots, 64. common meadow land laid out, 68. land for small farms, 71. dry herd keeper, 72. farm at Shawshine for use of church, 74. to do part of fence, 76. land sold for gratuity to Mr. Corlet, 77. constable to make and levy rate, 77. cow common to be stinted, 78. five men to examine old records, 79. not to exceed nnmber recorded, 79. hogs at liberty, 79. to make up and maintain fences, 81. pay for trespass of beasts, 81. swine to be ringed or yoked, 81. highway granted, 82. rate made and gathered, 84. land to be viewed, 84. on repairing meeting-house, 85. to build a new meeting-house, 85. to keep milch herd, 86, 91, 103. grant to be entered in town book, 88. highway laid out, 89. on land added to lot, 89. land recovered from Dedham, 89, 90. land laid out, 92. meeting to consider of Shawshine, 92. town rate made, 93. concerning land at Shawshine, 98. at general meeting in 1652, 99, 100. instructions to townsmen, 99, 100. use of weir, 103. grant of 100 acres, 104. concerning swine, 113. rate for pay for school-house, 113. to set out of the Rocks, 115. grant to Mr. Pelham, 126. in consideration of a highway, 131. levy for payment to executors of Mr. Dunster, 132. division of common lands, 136, 147. division of swamps, 136. meadow made from swamp, 136. to refer difference about fences, 157. stone wall for security of cow common 167. meeting to consider division of land in the Rocks, 1 68. Agreed, touching dividing common woods and timber, 168. committee to order survey, 169. care for building house for ministry, 180. rate made for ministry, 182, 186. town rate made, 186, 206. care of the bridge, 221, 235. stockade against Indians, 227. gate upon Watertown line, 254. hire of highway in marsh, 264. acknowledgment for standing barn on town land, 298. fence to Spy Pond, 306. tax for his Majesty's service, 313. Agreement about paling on the Neck, 3. for monthly meeting, 4. common pales, 15. fences at Pine Swamp, 15. for purchase of land, 90. with carpenters, 93. care of milk herd, 103, 123, 124. with Mr. Jackson, no. with Richard Dana, no. of thirteen men, recorded in the Towne booke, 155. concerning fence and land, 199. for keeping child, 202. Alcock's Meadow, 88. Alewife Meadow land, 41, 45, 47, 138. Alewives, division of, 20, 22. from the weir, 22. Alienation of land, 50. without consent of townsmen, 168. Allowance for attendance at General Court, 93- for land, 104. for wharf, 105. from fines concerning swine, 20. for grain to cow-keepers, 124. for maintaining gate, 135. for grammar-school master, 138. for passage of highway, 148. for wolf killed, 155. to Mr. Corlet, 182. to constables, 229. Ammunition, 309, 342. Annual account, 261. meeting, 112, 113. Answer for being from under family govern- ment, 1 60. for falling trees, 174. INDEX OF SUBJECTS Answer for digging clay without leave, 220. Apple trees, etc., 39. Appointed to view the pales about west end field, 21. to see a cartway made to the weir, 22. to make a pound, 22, 91. to mend pen for dry cattle, 22. to make a house for the cow-keeper, 22. to look to fence in west field, 31, 80, 86, 90, 104, 107, 109, in, 123, 128. for fencing new field on south side, 38. to fetch away wood or timber cut con- trary to order, 58. to divide land on South side the Water, 58. to stake out land, 59. to see execution of order concerning hogs, 61, 80. to look unto Pine Swamp fields, 61, 80, 90, 104, 107. to look unto Neck of land, 61. to see to the cow common, 61. to gather certain fines, 62. to execute orders concerning fences about the Neck, 80, 90, 104, 1 08, 109, 123, 128, 15. IS?- to execute orders concerning fences Me- nottime fields, 80, 90, 104, 108, 109, 123, 128, 162, 176. to levy penalty for breaking order con- cerning hogs, 80. to run line between towns, 81, 91. to measure land sold for Mr. Corlet, 83. to lay out highway on Wigwam Neck, 83. to present names of trespassers, 83, 143. to oversee meeting-house repairs, 85. to agree with cow-keepers, 86. to agree with workmen, 86. to agree about the weir, 86. to make up common fence, 86. townsmen to keep milk herd, 86. to view complaints, 88. to lay out highway to the meadows, 88. to take notice of want of ladders, 90. to see order executed concerning swine, 92, 104, 108, 109, 115, 128, 143, 151, 157, 163, 1 66. to lay out land, 101, 104, 107, 149, 165. to lay out land on Strawberry Hill, 101. to lay out highways on south side the water, 102. Appointed to determine differences about highways, 105. to bargain with a herdsman, 108. to levy fine for inhabitant without leave, 108. to view fences about ox pasture field, 109. to stake out highway, in. to execute orders concerning trees for firewood, 115. on order concerning improvement in spinning and clothing, 115. to present defects to townsmen, 115. to make levy for maintenance of pastor, 121. concerning ringing and yoking of swine, 128, 143. to consider complaints concerning land, 123, 128. to present names of delinquents, 128, 143. to lay out land at head of eight-mile line, 133- to mark bounds in Great Swamp, 134. to lay out highway, 142, 148. to drive the neck, 143. to see to painting the bridge, 143. to clear field of cattle, 157, 169. to settle bounds of small farms, 163. to lay out ten acres of meadow, 165. surveyors of fences, 166, 169, 176. to erect a pound, 170. to settle neck fence, 170. for catechising, 175. to run bounds, 176. to drive cow common, 177. sealer of leather, 177. to agree with workmen on school-house, 180. on damage done to our lands, 182. to agree with herdsmen, 189, 202, 209, 215, 226, 232. to treat with artillery officers, 190. to view lands voted to be laid out, 190. to obtain lines of farm lands, 190. to run lines against Boston bounds, 191. to run highway from Boston bounds, 196. to run lines Billcrica and Concord, 201. to run lines Charlestown and Woburn, 202. for settling of country road towards Con- cord, 203. 382 INDEX OF SUBJECTS Appointed to agree with shepherd, 209, 232, 243- to pay deputy's expenses, 211. to lay out highway into neck of land, 211. concerning highways, 211, 212. to look after transgressors, 215. to set out Windmill Hill, 215. to look after swine, 217, 226. to have inspection into families, 226. to inquire about accounts of town rate, 228. to take account of the inhabitants, 230. to sit amongst little boys in the meeting- house, 231. to gather in contributions, 243. to examine account, 244. for hog reeves, 247. to answer complaint, 253. Arbitrators, 157. Arms delivered, 347. Ash, 147, 151. timber from 100 acres, 183. Assessment, 251, 307, 313, 315. Assessors, 307, 312, 315, 325. BARGAIN with Waban, 60. for house sold, 109. Bark not to be conveyed out of town, 158. Barn, place for, 25. porch on, 29. encroachment of allowed, 83, 88. Bastard Child, 324, 325. Bear Swamp, 207. Beast found in planting fields, 61, 129. to be paid for to cow keeper, 103. impounded, pay for, 202. ^Beer and Bread, 100. Bell, 78, 329. Bell-ringing, payment for, 346. Billerica (Shawshine), 106. church farm at, 180. tenant at may dig clay in Cambridge, too. lines run at, 201. Book, orders entered in, 40, 88. keeping of, 40. Boston, 37, 38, 295, 313. bounds, 191, 196. line, 72, 80, 104, 136, 1 66. Bounds of grant, 8. erected, 12. of land of John Rolfe, 63. Watertown and Cambridge, 337, 338. Boy employed, 23. Boys in meetinghouse, 231. Breach of town orders about wood and tim- ber, 54, 101. of town orders about oxen, 54, 55. of hog order, 53, 54, 77. of orders felling trees, 78. concerning cattle & fences, 153. of orders concerning oxen and hogs, 54, 55- concerning cattle and fences, 153. of orders by swine, 117. of orders by swine, timber, and wood, 1 20. Brick, liberty to make kilns of, 207. to pay per thousand, 220. Bridge to low-water mark, 14. at the mill, 71. over Charles River, 113, 134. wood for, 134. to be painted, 143. maintenance of, 164. repairing of, 173, 204, 299. searchers, 204. care of, 221. timber for, 237. Burying place paling, 15. pound at, 91. Burying yard, 337, 341. Bush, Renold, entertaining inhabitant without consent, 108. estate of, 259. CALVES, 23, 36, 44, 76. wrongfully retained, 76. Cambridge, 30, 70. village, 249. farms, 343. Cartway, 6, 7, 22. Catechising, 175, 188. Cattle, 9, 80. on south side the river, 16, 17, 20, 28, 35. Mr. Green's, 16. driving from planting fields, 21, 161, 162, 169. from cow commons, 21, 80. INDEX OF SUBJECTS 383 Cattle and keeper, 22, 28, 72. pasture for, 25. in the Neck, 25. fences against, 47. lost, 60. over the water, 72. to be impounded, 80, 92. trespass of, 80, 92, 95, 129. damages from, 95, 129, 146. without a keeper, 192. from other towns prohibited, 149. feeding on cow common, 129. in neck of land, trespass of, 1 29, 1 53. trespassing, 145. in herd without consent, 145. driven from west field, 157. in pasture, 162. Causey to Roxbury, 30. the long, 302. repairs of, 267. Cedars for posts, 78. Charles River, 12, 30, 31, 33, 38, 39, 41, 42, 44, 48, 52, 60, 77, 87, no, 113, 133, 134, 250, 3I3- Charlestown, 6, 9, 24, 25, 33, 41, 42, 62, 70, 76, 157, 176,202, 234, 245. field, 75, 76. path, 16. Chauncy, Rev. Mr., Allowance to, 186. Cheaver's Meadow, 173. Cheescake Brook, 41. Chestnut Hill, 44. Children, educating of, 47. Chimneys to be clean swept, 88. Chosen to draw up instructions, 99. Church farm at Shawshine, 74, 94, 180. Churches, division of, 107. Clapboards, 53, 57, 58, 63, 73, 83, 87, 91, 105, 140, 142, 144, 145, 153, 163, 165, 172, 178, 180, 191, 194, 198, 200, 286. Claypits, 14, 15, 133, 287, 334, 347. Clerk of the market, 77. for selectmen, 177. Collectors of fines, 62, 120. College, 33,66,95,231. Commissioner, 218, 292, 304, 312. to make assessment, 313. Commissioners to fix bounds, 8. to end small causes, 77, 84, 87, 93, 106, 1 08, 121, 125. to make assessments, 313. Committee on Cow Common, too, 168, 246. concerning Shawshine, 106, 143, 181. on bridge over Charles River, 113, 133, 204. to divide wood, 121. concerning highways, 122, 155, 211, 212, 276, 3!6, 3*7, 324i 3 2 S- 326, 327, 332, 339, 347- to consider complaints, 128. on fence upon Watertown line, 131. to view land and set a price, 132. on division of swamps, 125, 136. to draw up list of inhabitants, 155. to divide common lands, 156, 189, 294, 246. on common woods and timber, 168, 169. on old line of farm, 174. on satisfaction to Mr. Danforth, 177. on a ministry house, 170, 179, 182, 186. help to Mrs. Mitchell, 186, 187. to make rates>.i86, 282, 315, 316, 324. allowance to Mr. Chauncy, 186. on division of lands, 189, 190, 294. to treat with Artillery Company, 190. to examine grants on south side the river, 191. return on highways, 199. on repairing bridge, 204. on lands and woods, 216, 2*7. on town lines, 234, 249. for regulating the Commons, 246. land of Widow Rolfe, 260. lands for the ministry, 260. to divide lands, 265. for securing wood on the Rocks, 274, 292. to lay out land, 284. on sale of land, 288, 301. to agree with shepherd; 301, 306. to assess provision for ministry, 308, SiS- common lands belonging to proprietors, 333- 334- old bounds between Watertown and Cambridge, 337, 338. care of sheep, 337, 342. on lands, 346, 347. on meeting-house, 349. for seating people in meeting-house, 354. Common divided, 4, 5, 8. Common ground, use of, 7. pales, 8, HI, 21. fields, 21. meadow, 68, 76. meadow at Shawshine, 89, 101. land set out, 95. lands, division of, 147, 189. south side the river, 155, 156. land taken without leave, 194. orders concerning, 203, 204. woods and timber, 215, 297, 308, 309. within five miles, 216, 294. beyond eight miles, 216. to be fenced, 246, 259. on this side Menotomy River, 274. sale of land to farmers, 302. belonging to proprietors, 333, 334. Compensation to Richard Jackson, 81. to William Russell, 116. Complaints, 52, 62, 76, 87, 88, 94, 95. on other side the water, 85. stroy of timber, 94. cattle in corn fields, 95. neglect in payments, 103. need of highway, 1 10. want of land, 1 28. stroy of corn in the neck, 129. of fence at West field, 130. expenses about school-house, 132. of town's poor, 145, 146. obstruction of highway, 146. about wood lots, 149. for felling trees, 1 50. breach of town orders, 153, 164. not full due of land, 166. incorrect invoice, 174. disorderly conduct, 178. inhabitants of Menotomy, 192. of herdsmen and shepherds, 205. condition of Johnson, 224. want of firewood, 242. digging in highway, 240. taking wood from common, 255. stroy of wood, 269. want of highway, 332. Concord, 20, 41, 45, 51, 63, 96, 176, 193, 195, 201, 203, 205, 209, 259, 276, 306. Conditional grants, 7, 8, 15, 26, 27, 31, 32, 41, 42, 43, 47, 75, 84, 120, 125, 126, 147. Conditions of grants, 26, 32, 41, 69, 78, ill, 132, 134. Conditions of farms, 75. of land sale, 135. Confession of carrying away bark and wood, 162, 280. Consideration for expenditure of time, 81. Constable to pay for making highway, 8. reckoning with, 16. to make and gather the town rate, 63. to levy, loo, 119, 120. to pay deputy at General Court, 102. delivers weights and measures, 198. ordered to distrain, 253. Constables to be chosen yearly, i. chosen, 10, n, 12, 14, 45, 46, 49, 50, 69, 77> 87, 99, 101, 106, 108, in, 121, 124, 130, 132, 135, 139, 147, 152, 158, 163, '67, 175, 181, 185, 196, 205, 213, 220, 225, 228, 236, 241, 246, 251, 254, 260, 267, 271, 277, 281, 286, 288, 290, 292, 295, 298, 299, 303, 309, 313, 316, 318, 320, 322, 327, 335, 339, 343. as surveyors of new lands, 29. joined with townsmen, 34, 36, 93, ill. to give in a yearly account, 100. care for repairs on meeting-house and school-house, 112. to repair the Great Bridge, 173. allowance to, 229. duties and powers of, 351, 352. Contracts, performance of, 109. about land and fence, 195. Contributions to the Ministry, 157. from other towns for the Bridge, 204. Controversy, 260, 266. Cording wood, 220. Corlet, Mr., 77, 106, 182. Corn to Indians, 48. for cattle in dry herd, 72. payment in, 103. price of, 168, 311. preservation of, on the Neck, 61, 62, 129. fields, 162. Covenant to make and maintain fence, 130. Cow common, 21, 47, 49, 61, 78, 79, 80, 92, loo, 163, 167, 197, 216, 306. Cow-keeper, 19, 22, 28, 86, 103, 124. Cow-right, sale of, 243, 245, 246. Cow yard row, 18. Cow yards, 5, 6, 7. Cows, 17, 19, 21, 22, 30, 36, 70, 108. duty of owners of, 28. INDEX OF SUBJECTS 385 Cows, damage done by, 48, 49. detained, 87. and sheep, 205. Coxall, 127. Creek, the, 107. Cullers of brick, 272. DAMAGE by highway, 104, 120, 334. to the Commons, 158. Damages done by swine, 34, 35, 42, 52, 53, 62, 74, 102. by cattle trespassing, 48, 81, 95, 129, 154, 163, 202. for detention of calves, 76. done by dogs, 83. granted, 141. for neglect of fences, 143, 153, 154. by felling timber, 190. by cutting down green wood, 215. Danforth, Thomas, house and land sold to, 105, 109. Day of monthly meeting, 37. of election of town officers, 43, 45, 49, "3- Debt, 46, 77, 85, 87. Dedham line, 81, 89, 90. highway, 86, 88, 89. land recovered from, 89, 90. path, 185, 186. Deed of sale demanded, 109. school-house and land, 138. Defect in yoking and ringing swine, 140. in highway work, 164. in fence, 297. Defective fences, 86. Delinquent in breach of hog order, 53, 54, 117, 128. in felling trees, 53. leaving tops of trees, 117. Delinquents to pay, 72, 177. in bringing corn, 72. about swine, 128, 213. Deputy paid, 102. to General Court, 113. expenses of, 211. Governor, 262. Detention of calves, 76. of oxen and cows, 87. Difference referred, 83, 1 24. about highways, 105, 124. Directions for cutting wood and brush, 126. Ditch, 30, 47. Division of Common pales, 4. of lands, 7, 13, 16, 57, 58, 71. of planting ground, 7. of Fresh Pond Meadow, 12. of meadow ground, 13. proportions of, 13. of ground between Charlestown and Common pales, 16, 17. of alewives, 20, 22. of old ox pasture, 32, 33. of fences, 60, 62, 70, 76. of wood lots, 63. of Shawshine, 96, 97, 98. of town not encouraged, 107. of Great Swamp, 125, 127. common lands south side the river, 156. wood on the Rocks, 168. land beyond cow common, 190. land beyond eight-mile line, 197. woods on cow common, 197. lands between Woburn, Concord, and our head line, 265. of the Rocks, 291. of common lands, 294. Dogs, 22, 83. Domestic fowls, 21. Draft cattle, 16. Drain, 192. Drivers of field at the Neck, 167, 176, 184, 201, 218, 223, 233, 239, 253, 258, 271, 283, 29 J > 2 97 34. 310, 314, 320. of West field, 145, 169, 176, 184, 201, 218, 223, 227, 233, 239, 253, 258, 270, 283, 2 9i. 2 93. 34, 3 10 - of Menotomy, 162, 169, 176, 184, 218, 223, 227, 233, 239, 253, 258, 261, 271, 291,314,321. of Common fields, 218, 223, 227, 253, 258. for the Village, 223. Drummers, grant to, 24, 56. Dry cattle, 17, 21, 22, 35, 44, 49, 60, 61, 70, 72, 80, 192. and oxen without a keeper, 192. South side Charles River, 60. corn for, 72. Dry herd keeper, 72. herd on Common, 149. Dunster, Mr. Henry, 53, 82, 109. 3 86 INDEX OF SUBJECTS Duty of owners of cows, 28. Dwelling-houses, 22. EDUCATING children, 47. Eight-mile line, 63, 133. Enclosure, 16, 17, 32. Engagement, 82. English commodity, 60. Entertainment of strangers, 24, 100. Estate of Mr. Dunster's wards, 53. Exchange of lands, 51, 62, 107. of highways, 211, 212. FALLS, the, 147. Families, inspection of, 226. improvement in spinning and clothing, 112. Family government, submission to, 160. Farm at Shawshine, 74, 75, 82, 91. Thomas Shepard, 88. on Boston line, 136. on south side the river, 104, 173, 189. house on south side the river, 131. Farms granted, 31, 41, 50, 51, 59, 67, 68, 75, 127. on south side the river, 31, 127. exchange of, 51. laid out by majority, 59. division of, 71, 76. conditional, 75. at Shawshine, 75, 91. rate for, 282. Fence, ground between pine swamps, 15. or ground forfeited, 17. between planting field and ox pasture, 3 1 - in West field, 31, 39, 61, 73, 80, 86, 90, 104, 107, 109, in, 123, 127, 128, 130. on south side Charles River, 33, 34, 38, 39. 40. for securing the corn, 34, 48. removal of, 39, 249. on Watertown line, 39, 131. in neck of land, 42, 49, 73, 80, 86, 90, 104, 108, 109, in, 123, 128. liberty to erect, 50, 84, 1 10, 208. Menotomy field, 60, 62, 70, 80, 90, 93, 104 105, 109, in, 123, 125. pine swamp field, 73, 80, 86, 90, 92, 104. Fence divided, 73, 76. insufficiency of, 74, 86, 95, 130. in old ox pasture, 75, 76, 109. against Charlestown field, 76. of common fields, 81,86, 95. of meadow, 84. across highways, 84. at house of correction, 113. covenant concerning, 130. surveyor to be paid, 130. at Rocky Meadow, 131. between Watertown bounds and ours, 193- Fences, 15, 17, 23, 34, 47, 48, 50, 73, 74, 75, 76, 83, 84, 90, 108, 109. marked stakes at, 23. at the Neck of land, 31, 42, 44, 49, 73, 80, 86, 90, 104, 108, 109, in, 123, 128, 142. between corn and pasture ground, 47. in West field, 31, 39, 73, 80, 86, 90, 104, 107, 109, in, 123, 127, 128, 130, 143. Menotomy field, 104, 108, 109, 111, 123, 128. in pine swamp field, 61, 73, 80, 86, 90, 102, 104, 107. appertaining to common fields, Si. return of defects in, 86. order of General Court, 90. against cattle, 102. neglect of, 102. insufficiency of, 152. and swine orders, 161. defective about corn fields, 162. Fence Viewers, 15, 31, 38, 39, 42, 47, 49, 62, 70, 73, 74,80, 90, 104, 107, 108, 109, in, 123, 128, 130, 131, 142, 143, 151, 157, 161, 189, 201, 209, 217, 220, 223, 227, 233, 239, 244, 248, 253, 258, 260, 26l, 267, 271, 273, 278, 283, 286, 289, 291, 292, 293, 296, 300, 303, 304,310,314,317, 319, 320,321, 323, 328, 33 6 . 340, 344- of Common fields, 217, 223, 227, 244, 248, 253. of the West field, 90, 104, 184, 189, 201, 209, 217, 223, 227, 233, 239, 244, 248, 253, 258, 260, 270, 278, 283, 286, 289, 291, 292, 293, 296, 300, 303, 310, 314, 3- J 7> 3 2r 3 2 3. 3 28 33 6 . 340, 344- of the Neck, 90, 104, 157, 161, 189, 209, 217, 220, 227, 233, 239, 244, 248, 253, INDEX OF SUBJECTS 387 258, 260, 271, 278, 283, 286, 289, 291, 292, 293, 296, 300, 304, 310, 314, 317, 319, 320, 323, 328, 336. Fence Viewers of Menotomy field, 90, 104, 151, 162, 209, 217, 223, 227,233, 239, 244, 248, 253, 261, 271, 278, 283, 285, 289, 291, 293, 296, 300, 304, 310, 317, 3 2I 3 2 3. 3 2 8, 33 6 340,344- of the Farms, 223, 258, 304, 340, 344. of the Village, 217, 223. south side the river, 157, 217, 268, 273, 2?8, 34. 340, 344- Fencing, 88, 140, 149, 154, 166. highway, 147. Fencing Stuff, 47, 58, 60, 70, 71, 83, 86, 88, 104, 107, in, 114, 130, 134, 137, 138, 150, 155, 161, 162, 165, 170, 173, 201, 206, 207. Ferry, 1 5. Ferry-boat, 96, 204. Field on south side Charles River, 39, 40. beyond Menotomy River, 123, 137. Field Drivers, 80, 104, 145, 162, 169, 176, 184, 201, 218, 223, 227, 233, 239, 253, 258, 261, 270, 271, 283, 291, 293, 297, 304, 310, 314, 320, 321. Fine for felling trees, 6, 215, 222. for inhabitant without leave, 108, 109. remitted, 148. for horse, 178. digging in highway, 240. Fined, 48, 54, 55, 56, 63, 77, 78, 87, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 131, 137, 138, 140, 148, 150, 151, 154, 160, 166, 172, 173, 174, 175, 177, 193, 194, 198, 2l8, 219, 221, 222, 253, 280, 297. Fines, 3, 49, 61, 62, 90, 114, 144, 145, 152, 160, 213. abated, 120, 150, 154, 173, 238, 280. to be levied, 194. to be paid in corn, 194. Fire, no child to carry, 23. danger of, 83, 1 56. Firewood, common to every inhabitant, 6. on South side the River, 83. price of per load, 114. Mr. Chauncy, 197. granted, 137, 196. during deep snow, 197, 242. Fish, 22, 78, 103, 224. Five surveyors of town lands, 12. mile end, 59, 67. Five surveyors, with seven selectmen, 67. men to examine old records, 79. men to apportion Cow Common, 79. Footbridge, 15. Forfeit, 58, 8 1, 85, 115, 126. Forfeited land, 17, 27, 31, 69, 87, 136. Fort Hill, land on, 25. Fortification, 230, 235. against Indians, 227, 237. timber for bridge, 237. Fresh Pond Meadow, 12, 13, 125. land at, 19, 127. Funeral charges, 298. GALLERY in meeting-house, conditions for leave to build, 134. permission to build, 212. Garden plot granted, 8, 15. trespass of poultry on, 21. Gate, 4, 135, 141, 253, 254, 261, 278. Gate keeper, 252, 254, 278. Gates, 80, no, 193, 195, 238. removal of, 135. on highway, 193, 219. Gauger, 93, 99, 101, 197. General Court, 37, 38, 49. Glass about meeting-house, 164. Goat, 17, 20, 26, 39, 59. damages by, 59. without a keeper, 139. Goatherd, 17. Gookin, Mrs., house rent of, 337. Grain, price of, 311. for cow-keeper, 124. Grant of acres, 7, 9, 26. of money, 8. of marsh, n, 42, 44. of land, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 15, 26, 27, 31, 32, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 59, 61, 63. 66, 67, 68, 69, 71, 72, 74, 75, 77, 82, 88, 89, 93, 94, 95. Q 6 . 97, 98, 104, 107- of plough land this side Vine Brook, 52. of Fort Hill, 25. and alienation of land, 37. liberty to build a house, 40. to cut timber, 53, 57, 59, 79, 80. of timber and firewood, 83. of trees and timber, 151. for the ministry, 259. 388 INDEX OF SUBJECTS Grants, conditional, 7, 8, 15, 26, 27,31,32,41, 42,43,47, 69,75.84. "o, I2 S- order respecting, n, 32. recorded as town grant, 123. land South side the River, 136. of highway, 120, 139. Grass, liberty to mow, in. Great Bridge, 173, 235, 237. Great Swamp, town lines in, 50, 58, 82, 87, 125, 126, 127, 134, 159, wood from, 72, 81, 82, 126, 127. division of, 125. Ground granted, 10. forfeited to town, 17. division of, 9, 16, 17. use of, 7, 49. Gun, 277. Gunpowder, 3. HARVARD COLLEGE, 82. Hay, 9, 84. Haywards, 310, 314. Heifer, 55, 56. Herbage in Great Swamp, 159 Herdsman, 108, 226, 232, 237. Highway, 8, 139. to be mended, 14, 38. in the Neck, 38, 211. between towns, 38, 99, in. South side the River, 82, 89, 102, no, HI, 122, 124, 144, 212, 324. from Roxbury, 88. to Dedham, 89, 165, 197. Menotomy field, 93. payment for, no, 116. into Pine Swamp field, 118. damage done by, 120, 142, 159. towards Watertown Mill, 131, 208. to Roxbury, 141, 142, 144, 191. laid out, 148. to maintain forever, 147. into Boston field, 191. from Concord to Watertown, 193. from Cambridge to Watertown, 193. from Boston bounds, 196, 197. from Roxbury to Watertown, 208. between Watertown and Cambridge line, 211. exchange of, 211. removal of, 212. Highway to Windmill Hill, 215. digging in forbidden, 240. from five-mile swamp, 317. recompense for, 326. Highways, 3, 18, 40, 59, 82, 83, 89, 94, 105, 1 1 1, 116, 120, 121, 122, 133, 167, 199, 274, 276, 37. 3 2 5 326, 332. gates on, 193, 195, 219, 238. committee to consider and lay out, 105, in, 122, 155, 212, 312, 316/320,325, 332. return of committee, 199, 317, 326, 327, 332, 333- complaint for closing of, 146, 152. surveyors of, 14, 18, 99, 100, 101, 106, 108, in, 121, 132, 135, 139, 152, 158, 163, 167, 175, 176, 181, 186, 197, 213, 220, 225, 229, 236, 241, 247, 251, 254, 260, 267, 277, 290, 292, 303, 309, 316, 319, 320, 328, 335, 340, 343, 347. Hog constable's order, breach of, 53, 54, 55, 56, 97- Hog-keeper, 21. Hogreeves, 24, 61, 113, 115, 144, 169, 176, 184, 201, 209, 213. beyond Menotomy, 169. Hogs, 23, 30, 42, 60, 61, 79, 80. without a keeper, 44, 53, 54, 55, 56. yoked and ringed, 60. Hoop poles, 93, 195, 213, 220. Horse on cow common, 21. in planting fields, 21. in corn fields, 178. Horse-block at meeting-house, 159. House, leave to build, 40, 42. lots granted, 29. lots in Neck of land, 46. and land sold, 105. of Correction, 113. right, resignation of, 171. for the Ministry, 179, 180, 183, 187, 195. Houses, order concerning, 4, 17, 22, 24. owners of, 17, 18, 19. not to be let or sold without consent, 19, 22, 24, 50. by the Fresh Pond, 19. towards Watertown, 26. IDLERS in time of public worship, 178. Impaled ground, 3. INDEX OF SUBJECTS 389 Impounded, 192, 202. Impounding cattle, 146. Impowered in marriages and oaths, 125. Improvement of families in spinning and clothing, 112, 115. Indian corn, 60, 82. Indian Lane, 240. Indians, 20, 84, 85, 87. Information of low condition of inhabitant, 209. Inhabitant refused, 155, 193. Inhabitants, 3, 50, 288. South side the River, 107, 130. without leave, 108, 147. to pay for cattle on cow common, 129. beyond four miles from old meeting, house, 136. having interest in common lands, 155. Inspection of families, 226. Instructions to townsmen, 99, 100. Invoice, errors in, 674. Islands among swamps, 66. JACKSON, Richard, recompense to, 81. Judges offence, 47. KEEPER of cattle, 28. of dry cattle, 35. of milch herd, 86, 87, 91, 103, 105, 123, 124. of cows on Sabbath, 205. Keeping cattle on South side the River, 20. the calves, 23, 36, 44, 76. milch cows, 28. LAD, 23, 25. Ladders, 14, 88, 90, 175. Land, by the farms, 2. sale of, 3, 24, 61, 78, 89, 90, 92, 95, 132. division of, 7, 13, 16, 17, 40, 58. grants of, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 15, 26, 32, 41, 42, 57, 59, 61, 63, 66, 67, 68, 69, 71, 72, 74, 75> 77, 82, 83, 84, 87, 88, 89, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97 98, 104, 107, 149, 282, 284. to be measured, 9, 12, 62. behind Pine Swamp, II. Land, to non-residents, 17. on South side Charles River, 17, 19, 31, 33, 35. 44, 77, 87, 95, 156, 177, 211, 288. forfeited, 17, 27, 31, 69, 87, 125. not to be sold without consent of towns- men, 24. at the Brook, 26, 31, 52. behind the new lots, 32. for ox pasture, 32, 156. adjoining Great Swamp, 32. for School or College, 33. on South side the water, 35, 57, 58, 68, 69. record of, 37. at Alewife Meadow, 45, 138. use of, 50. alienation, 50. exchange of, 51, 52, 62, 82, 92, 102, 107, 174, 200. grant of, confirmed, 59, 61, 72. for small farms, 67, 68, 71, 75, 91. head of eight-mile line, 63, 133. at Menotomy, 66, 67, 69. beyond five miles, 67. at Watertown Mill, 68, 69. at Shawshine, 74, 75, 82, 91, 96, 97, 98. for schoolmaster, 77, 83. for President of Harvard College, 82. yielded to town, 85, 87, 96. planted by Indians, 87. on which meeting-house stands, 89, 95. recovered from Dedham, 89. satisfaction for, 89, 104. purchase of, 90. proposal for, 95. on Strawberry Hill, 101, 122. allowance for, 104. on the Neck, 132, 133. to those belonging to new meeting-house, '35- to be set out by selectmen, 139. in lieu of damages, 141. in recompense for loss of wood-lot, 149. for preservation against fire, 156. shares of, in swamps, 149. beyond the eight miles, 197. on the Common, 195. Return concerning, 210, 245. of John Rolfe, 245. of Widow Rolfe, 260. 390 INDEX OF SUBJECTS Land of Reynold Push, 259. for the Ministry, 259. remeasuring of, 266. in Great Swamp, 274. in remote Common, 284. set out in Weir field, 284, 285. sold, 288, 299. sale of, to farmers, 302. at Alewife Meadow, 138. on South side, division of, 152. of Common to be divided, 147- Common, names of those having interest in, 155. damage to, 182. for the Ministry, 250. between Woburn, Concord, and our head line, 265. Committee for dividing, 294. sale of Common, 301, 302. Laying out the Rocks, 291. Leather sealing, 77. Lecture days, 15. Levy for schoolmaster, 106. maintenance of Pastor, 121. on proprietors of Commons, 131. for payment to executors of Mr. Dun- ster, 132. bridge over Charles River, 134. Liberty to fell timber, 57, 59, 63, 71, 73, 74, 78, 79, 80, 81, 84, 85, 86, 88, 89, 90, 91, 9 2 93, 94. 95. 96, 101, 102, 103, 104, 109, no, in, 113, 114, 115, 116, 118, 119, 121, 122, 123, 124, 126, 130, 131, '3 2 > *33, '34, 137, 138, 140, 141, 145, 147, 154, 161, 163, 170, 178, 180, 181, 183, 185, 188, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207, 208, 210, 213, 214, 2l8, 220, 221, 223, 229, 230, 231, 240, 242, 252, 256, 265, 268, 269, 271. to fell trees, 53, 57, 58, 60, 63, 70, 71, 73, 74, 78, 80, 83, 86,87, 105, 107, 116, 130, 131, 221, 230, 233, 234, 235, 239, 240, 244, 248, 250, 254, 258, 264, 270. to take trees on the Rocks, 51, 126, 137, 219, 225, 226, 227, 228, 231, 232, 233, 248, 255, 256, 257, 262, 271, 273, 275, 276, 278, 279, 280, 287. to encroach, 83, 88. to mow, 76, 83, in, 116, 149, 151. to use and fence highway, no. to take pines in the Swamp, 133. Liberty to young men to build a gallery, 134. to take trees marked out, 137. for wood on South side the River, 137. for timber for workhouse, 148, 150. to the College for posts and rails, 144. to fell timber, pages following 150. Luie between towns, 91. in Great Swamp, 50, 58, 82, 87, 125, 126, 127, 134, 159. between the Village and Cambridge, 215, 234, 249. between Boston and Cambridge, 245. between wood lots and swamp lots, 257. Little Spy Pond, 66, 177. Little Rock Meadow, 149. Location on Watchhouse Hill, 86. Lots not built on, 4. granted for cow yards, 5, 6, 7. not improved to revert to town, 10. granted in West end field, 9, 10. division of, 7, 8, 13, 16, 17, 40, 58. for sale to be first offered to town, 10. out of Cow Common, n. on West side the River, 10. behind the Pine Swamp, II. laid out by committee, 96. forfeited to use of town, 161. on South side the River, 161. Lost Goods, 37, 38. Lower Falls highway, 197. MAGISTRATES, 112, 125. Maple trees, 201. Marriages and oaths, 125. Marsh, grant of, 9, n, 42, 44, 105, 107, 142. Meadow, 13, 31, 34, 45, 47, 68, 69, 84, 88, 96, 107, 125. south side Charles River, 27, 41, 43, 45, 47, 5, 5 1 - Alcock's, 68. at Shawshine, 83, 89. liberty to mow, 76, 83. Measure of meadow ground, 12, 13. Measurers of land, 12, 62, 83. Measuring to be paid for, 69. Meeting to consider of Shawshine, 92. of inhabitants and proprietors of com- mons, 155. day, 12, 37. INDEX OF SUBJECTS 391 Meeting-house, 3, 85, 86, 87, 93, 112, 127, 159, 164. Mending highway on the Neck, 38. Menotomy, 34, 67, 68, 71, 176, 184, 188, 189, 192, 201, 207, 209. River, 20,21, 32, 58, 66, 155. field, 60, 70, 80, 90, 93, 143. land at, 69. Michaelmas, 60. Milch Cows, 16, 28, 36, 43. herd, 86, 103, 215, 226. Mill, 58, 82, 338. Minister, house for, 179, 182, 186. land sold for, 299. Minister's rate, 296, 315, 316, 341. Ministerial grant, 96. Ministry allowance, 130, 251. supply for, 178. house, 179, 182, 186. land for, 259, 296. pew, 322. Mitchell, Mr., grant of land, 136. of tree, 138. Mitchell, Mrs., 186, 187, 197, 287. Moderator, 348. Money, 8. for redemption of captives, 349. Monthly meeting, 4, 14, 37. Mortgage, 104. Mowing ground, 16. NAMES of proprietors, 13. ' of owners of houses, 18, 19. of delinquents, 128. Neck of land, 25, 38, 42,61, 108, 109, 128, 129, 161, 169. fence, 73, 76, 90, 128, 169, 184, 201, 208. Neglect of records, 37. of fences, 102. to pay cow keeper, 103. of trees felled, 117, 162. to pay fines or rates, 1 19. in yoking and ringing swine, 119, 120. to keep turns on the Sabbath day, 205. New meeting-house, 8$, 86, 135. ox pasture, 1 28. Newtown, 2, 12, 26. Nominated to treat with Southside, 136. to view land and report, 1 52. to view necessity of highway, 165. Non-attendance, 87. Non-residents, 17. Notice, 113. OAKEN timber, penalty for felling, 279. Oakes family, 179. Oakes, Mr., invited to move into minister's house, 195. payment to, 196, 241. Occupiers of farms, 191. Offer from Fuller, of Woburn, 95. Officers to order prudential affairs, 69. chosen, 69, 77, 84, 87, 93, 101, 106, 121, 147. Old meeting-house, 95, 135. ox pasture, 33, 65, 75. Order concerning houses, 4. concerning wood and timber, 6, 7. concerning common pales, 7. concerning out fences, 47, 72, 73. respecting further grants, 10. respecting Mr. Green's cattle, 16. of General Court, 49. made null and void, 112. to remove fence, 194. about cows and sheep, 205. restraining felling of wood, 215. Orders, breaches of, 53, 54, 55, 77. concerning timber and firewood, 1 14, 269, 297. concerning wood and timber on the Rocks and Commons, 263, 264. Ordinary, 78. Other side, 35, 47, 57, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 2O9, 212. Over the water, 35, 72. Overseers, 167, 184. Owners of houses in the town, 18, 19. of cattle and of fences, 129. of fence in the Neck, 184. Ox pasture, 22, 25, 32, 33, 65, 75, 76, 109, 121, 188. fence in, 49, 76, 109. wood in, 131. Oxen trespassing, 49, 55. fines concerning, 62. detained, 87, 90. PALE and gate over highway, 23. Pales, 4, 25. 392 INDEX OF SUBJECTS Pales, about the Neck, 21. with posts and rails, 25. about West End field, 21. Paling in the Neck, 3, 7, 8. Parish tax, 179, 338, 348. Pastor, maintenance of, 121, 150. Pasture, 25, 162. Path from Cambridge to Roxbury, 30. from the Mill to Watertown, 58. Pauper, 224. Pay of Representative, 93, 102. of schoolmaster, 153. for bricks made, 220. Payment for making highway, 8. for cattle lost, 60. in corn for wood, taken, 82, 103. to Mr. Corlet, 83. of debt to town, 87. for detaining oxen, 90. of dues, 157. for cattle, 171. of town rate, 168, 208. to Mr. Oakes, 241. to Deputy at General Court, 102. in corn, 103. to Mr. Gookin, 251. Pelham, Mr., satisfaction to, for damages, 104. Pen for calves, 23. Penalties for breach of law about swine, 113. for letting felled trees lie on Common, 114. for letting felled trees lie on highway, 128. for felling trees under 1 2-inch diameter, 114. Penalty for deficient fence, 73, 102. for non-attendance, 78. for exceeding number of cows allowed, 79- for want of yoke on swine, 8l. for damage by dogs, 83. for damage by swine, 102. neglect of ladders and chimneys, 88. felling trees without consent of towns- men, 94, 102. non-payment to keeper of milch herd, 103. not removing trees felled, 114. felling trees under 12 inches in diameter, 114, 115, 127. Penalty for swine without rings, 116. disposing of wood out of town, 125, 216. cutting down second growth, 127. felling tree upon highway, 128, 138. trespass of cattle, 141. forfeiture of land, 136. for cattle kept without consent, 145. for removing sheep or lamb from flock, 143- digging sawpit in highway, 161. felling trees contrary to orders, 170. neglect of payment of fines, 194. neglect concerning sheep, 203. Perambulation, 91. Charlestown and Woburn, 163, 202. Billerica and Concord, 201. Pew for minister's family, 322. Pine Swamp, 9, 15, 16, 17, 73, 80,86, go, 92, 104, 118. trees granted, 207. Pines, the, no, 133. Plank, 115, 130. Planting ground in Neck, 7. field, 9, 21, 31, 33, 61. fields on South side the River, 33. Porch, liberty to build, 197. Possession of meadow, 43. Posts and rails, 25, 128, 144, 177, 200, 201, 206, 207, 214, 218, 219. Pound, 22, 39,91, 170. keeper, 91. regulations of, 91. Powers of officers, 43. Precaution against fire, 23. Preservation of wood and timber, 101, 112, 170. Price for rent of marsh, 53. of grain, 168. of wood, 114. Privileges, 17. Prohibition of felling wood on South side, 137. Proportion of division, 13. of land divided, 75. Proposition for discharge of 40 pounds, 109. Proprietors of Common to be levied on, 131. general meeting of, 215. names of, 13. of wood lots, 64. new ox pasture, 128. Provision for Cattle, 17. INDEX OF SUBJECTS 393 Provisional grant, 27, 120. Public School or College, 33. Public Worship, 178. Publishing of orders, 112. by posting on meeting-house, 128. RAILS, 25, 107, 128, 140. Ram lambs and rams, 203, 204. Rams impounded and fined, 204. Rate, 77, 84, 85, 183. for bridge, 113. Rates abated, 48, 85, 130. levied, 138, 141, 206. Receipt for land purchased, 92. Reckoning, 16. Recompense to Joseph Cooke, 32. Record defaced, 211, 293. Recorders of town lands, 43, 50. Records, 37, 43, 79, 100. Reference of difference, 83. Register of births, etc., 40, 45. Relief of poor family, 210. of sufferers by fire, 331. Rents to be paid, 339. Repacker of meat, 197. Repairing meeting-house, 85, 159. bridge, 204. Repairs, 112. Representative, pay of, 93, 102. Request to Second Church, 209, 210. Resignation of house-right, 171. Restraining-from felling wood, 215. Restrictions upon inhabitants, 50. upon voters, 128. Return concerning land, 210, 245, 293. of committee to view highways, 199, 249, 250. Ringing of swine, 23, 30, 52. Road to Roxbury, 30. Rocks, the, 57, 126, 197. division of wood in, 168. Rocky Meadow, 21, 22, 41, 131, 193, 195. land in, forfeited, 27. Rowley, 127. Roxbury, 30, 88, 91, 92, 99, 104, 141, 142, 191, 208. path to the Pines, 1 10. Running of lines, 81, 91. SALARY of minister, 312. Sale of land to be first offered to town, 3, Sale of swamp land, 7. of land of the Common, 77. and delivery of bark, 162. Sales of land restricted, 24, 52. Salt marsh South side Charles River, 12. Satisfaction for damage done by swine, 53. for land to be determined, 89. by grant of land, 166. for making and maintaining fence, 166. for land taken from Danforth's farm, 177. for land of Richard Dana, no. Sawpit in highway, 161. School, 77. School-house, outlay for, 109, 112, 113. repair of, 112. expense about, 132. building, 335. Schoolmaster, 106, 293, 296, 297, 299. Sealer of leather, i, 77, 101, 206, 329. of weights and measures, 84, 197, 206. Seating in meeting-house, 127, r 60, 354. Security for pay to town, 135. Selectmen, 104, 105, in, 121, 125, 132, 135, 139. M7, 149. IS 2 . '53. '63. 167, 175, 181, 186, 196, 205, 213, 220, 225, 229, 236, 241, 247, 251, 254, 260, 267, 272, 278, 281, 286, 288, 290, 292, 295, 298, 3. 33. 39 3M, 3 l6 3 l %, 3 2 . 3 2 3 328, 335. 339. 343- consent of, necessary to voting, 112. powers of, 305. Selling wood out of town, 161, 263, 280. Seven men to be chosen townsmen, n. Seventh mile South side the River, 136. Shawshine, 92, 93, 98, 99, 106. river, 51, 96, 97. church farm at, 74, 94, 181. farms at, 75, 82, 91, 143. meadow at, 83, 89, 93, 101. division of, 97, 98. Sheep of non-residents to pay for feed, 130. to be ear-marked, 144. and lambs put to flock, 203. kept on other side Menotomy Bridge, 274. care of, 276, 277. Shepherd, 218, 226, 232, 237, 243, 248, 276, 277. Shrubs and small trees in ox pasture, 121. Sizer of cask, 93. Small causes, 77, 84, 87, 93, 106, 108, 121, 125. farms, 67, 71, 75, 127, 216. 394 INDEX OF SUBJECTS Snow deep, 197, 242. South side Charles River, 12, 30, 31, 33, 38, 39, 42, 44, 48, 58, 60, 77, 87, 95, 127. the River, 17, 80,82,83, 107, 130, 136, 137, 144, 147, 155, 156, 157, 166, 170, 176, 177, 184, 191, 211, 215. inhabitants, 107. the Water, 58, 61, 62, 72, 102. Spinning and clothing, 115. Springs at the Pines, 1 10. Spy Pond, 57, 64, 65, in, 116, 120. Squa Sachem, 48. Stakes to be set up, 8. Staves for tythingmen, 339. .Steers, 22. Stone wall against Watertown line, 192, 194. Strawberry Hill, 77, 101, 122. Street free from obstructions, 10, 18, 29. Stroy of wood, 101, 114, 126, 162. of corn, 129. Stubs to be taken up, 23, 29. Subscription for relief of poor inhabitant, 211. Suit in law, 81. Surveying woods and commons, 120. Surveyors of fences, 157, 166, 167, 169, 174, 176, 260, 267, 272, 273, 278, 283, 314,320. of land, 12, 24, 29, 34, 37, 45, 52, 57, 125, 174, 205, 217, 236, 267, 281, 286, 298. of highways, 10, 14, 18, 23, 29, 34,36,43, 45. 49. So. S 2 , 57, 70, 85, 93, 99, 100, 101, 106, 108, in, 121, 125, 132, 135, 139, 147, 152, 158, 163, 167, 175, 181, 186, 197, 213, 220, 225, 229, 241, 247, 251, 254, 260, 272, 277, 290, 292, 295, 300, 33. 39, 3 IO 3!4> 3 X 6, 3 J 9> 3 2O 3 2 3> 3 28 , 335, 34, 343- of woods and commons, 162. Swamp ground, sale of, 7. oak, 138. shares, 149. land, 165, 1 66. near Little Spy Pond, 177. at Menotomy, 189. farms near Concord, 209. Swamp lots, price of, 62. Swamps, 1,7,50, 51, 66, in, 116, 120, 133, 224. division of, 136. Swine, i, 7, n, 34, 52, 53, 56, 62, 73, 81, 102, 104, 109, 112, 113, 128, 157, 162, 167, 176, 201, 222, 226. Swine, yoking and ringing of, 31, 35, 52, 62, 73, 74, 81, 108, 113, 115, 140, 161, 300. without rings, 115, 116. breach of order respecting, 119. on South side the River, 128, 151, 157, 167. to be yoked, 143. on west side Menotomy River, 151. on common, 151, 226. to be ringed, 102, 226. TAX for 1651, 353. for his Majesty's service, 307, 313, 315. Taxes abated, 48, 85. Tavern, first, 100. Thirteen men recorded in Town Book, 155. Three men to end small causes, 77. Timber to be moved or forfeited, 6, 10. on the Rocks, 57. forfeit for taking, 58. not to be felled without leave, 25, 34. not to be sold out of town, 52, 87. and wood, 52, 83, 114. liberty to fell on the Common, 63, 71,73, 78, 79, 80, 81, 84, 85, 86, 88, 89, 90, 91, 9 2 , 93, 94, 95, 96, 102, 103, 104, 105, 109, no, in, 113, 114, 115, 116, 118, 119, 121, 122, 123, 124, 136, 137, 148, 149, 162. for school-house, 71. for bridge, 71. common, other side the water, 71. payment for, 82. great stroy of, 94, 101, 114, 162. felling and stroy of, fined, 131. for fencing, 149, 154, 158, 164. for fencing at House of Correction, 113. oaken, on one hundred acres, 164. granted, 95, 96, 116, 169, 171, 179. maintenance of bridge, 164. liberty to fell, see pages following 164. Tithingmen, 267, 268, 271, 272, 293, 305, 310, 314, 316, 318, 319, 320, 323, 328, 335, 336, 343, 344- Town, the, 2. book, 12, 14, 40, 88, 155. clerk, 93, 101. cows, 1 08. debt, 46, 77, 116. division of, 107. gate, removal of, 135. INDEX OF SUBJECTS 395 Town lines, 91. lot granted, 16. meeting, 45, 46, 49, 50, 51, 56, 84, 99, 106, 112. officers, i, 43, 45, 46, 49. duties of, 99, 100. orders concerning timber and wood, and swine, 120. privileges, 17, 112, 123. rate, 63, 77, 84, 85, 93, 113. right for building a house, 123. spring, 46. tax, 325, 338, 342. treasurer, 309, 314. Townsmen, i, u, 13, 14, 20, 23, 29, 34, 36, 43, 4S 46, 49. 5. 5i> 57. ?o, 77. 84, 87, 93, 99, 101, 106, 108, in, 129, 159. duty and power of, n, 12, 14, 99, 100 to si-e to educating children, 47. of Charlestown, 70. to lay out small farms, 75. on expenditure of time, 81. instructed, 99, 100. Training field, 334. Transcript to be delivered to General Court, 24, 29, 35, 45- Transfer of grants, 15, 31. Tree on path from Watertown to Charles- town, 6. forfeit for selling out of town, 8. Tree, 57, 71, 114, 138. Trees not to lie on ground, 6, 8, 114. not to lie on highways, 6, 1 28. felling of, without leave, 25, 34, 53, 54, 58, 78, 94- not to be sold out of town, 87. felled for firewood, 94, 102. granted, 57, 71, 73, 78, 79, 86, no, 138, 169, 184, 197. on Common, 71, 162. on the Rocks, 126. from College lot of wood, 171. not to be felled without special license, 172. lopped, 222. liberty to fell, 57, 58, 60, 70, 71, 73, 78, 80, 83, 87, 105, 116, 123, 124, 126, 137, and pages following. Trespass, felling great white oak, 162. of cattle, 80, 92, 95, 120, 129. of swine, 74. Trespassers in Great Swamp, 81, 82. Trespasses on highways, 128. UNDERWOOD and brush on common Great Swamp, 72. Upland granted, 41, 45, 50, 51. and meadow, 26, 41, 96. pay for, 62. and pay for swamp, 62. VALUATION in 1647, 352. Viewers of land, 84. Village South side the River, 188. Voted, on proportion of Cow Common, 79. meeting-house to be repaired, 85. meeting-house, new, to build, 85. meeting-house to stand on Watchhouse Hill, 86. Church farm at Shawshine leased, 94. lean-to may project into street, 94. highway may be taken in, 94. Common land granted, 95. Sale of old meeting-house land, 95. instructions to townsmen, 99. instructions to constables, 100. instructions to surveyors of highways, i oo. business of stinting cow common, re- ferred, 100. house and land sold to Thomas Dan- forth, 105. levy for grammar school master, 106. time of annual meeting, 112. concerning swampy piece of land, 120. Committee to divide wood east side Wi- nottime River, 121. Committee to divide Great Swamp, 127. concerning seating persons in meeting- house, 127. to abate rate to inhabitants South side the River, 130. fence to be erected on Watertown line, 131- Committee to determine about fence on Watertown line, 131. for building bridge over Charles River, 134. Levy for bridge over Charles River, 134. Division of swamps and other lands, 136. 396 INDEX OF SUBJECTS Voted grant of marsh, 142. bridge to be painted, 143. property of wharf and ground, 167. property in wood lot, 168. Committee on bouse for the minister, 179. compensation allowed Mrs. Mitchell, 179, 197, 287. to sell Church farm at Billerica, 180. Committee to sign deed of sale, 180. Common lands to be divided, 189. Covenant concerning fence and gates, 193- Contract concerning fence -uid gates, 95- relating to settlement of Mr. Oakes, 195. relating to selling firewood out of town, 197. repairing of bridge, 204. wood lot for minister's house, 216. Common wood within five miles, 216. Common woods and lands beyond eight miles, 216. a gratuity to Mr. Oakes, 241. on orders regulating the commons, 246. concerning the woods upon the Rocks, 249. concerning West field and swamp lots, 258. land for the Ministry, 259. of Widow Rolfe, 260. annual account to be given, 261. concerning allotments of remote lands, 265. Accounts of Town Charges and expenses, 266, 337, 338, 341, 342, 348. liberty to cut wood, 273. division of the Rocks, 274. Suit at law with the drummers, 278. Constables to pay town rate, 278. land, sale of, 282, 284, 285, 288. town rate, 286, 296, 330, 338. not to cut green wood for firing, 290. Cow-rights and Commons, 294. wood land for ministry, 296. schoolmaster, 296, 302. preservation of wood and timber, 297. maintenance of Great Bridge, 299, 324. grant to Menotomy of land for school- house, 299. day for choice of officers, 299. Voted land, sale of to the Farms (Lexington) for minister, 299. cows on common, 302. payment of debts due, 302. selectmen for year 1694, duties of, 307. levy for maintenance of ministry, 308, 315. wood lots on other side Menotomy, 308. pew for minister's family, 322. bell, gift of, 329. school-house, 330. Committee concerning common and un- divided lands, 334. house rent of Mrs. Gookin, 337. concerning old bounds, Watertown and Cambridge, 337. burial of Mrs. Gookin, 342. Common lands, 345, 346. new meeting-house, 348. money for redemption of captives, 349. Voters, orders concerning, 112. about laying out the Rocks, 291, 292. Votes on division of wood and timber, 216. on remote parcels of land, 346. Vyne Brook, 26, 31, 32, 50, 76. WABAN hired to keep cattle, 60. Walnut trees felled, 219. Warned to answer for felling trees, 173. Warning by surveyors of highways, 85, 148, 160. Watch from 9 P. M. to sunrise, 331. Watches and Wards, 352. Watchhouse Hill, 86. Watering place for cattle, 46, 334. Watertown, 3, 6, 16, 17, 20, 26, 27, 39, 41, 50, S 8 .7i 73, 76, 81, 82, 91, no, 115, 134, igi, 192, 193, 203, 208, 211, 2l8. lane, 175. line, in, 131, 141. mill, 69, 82, 88, no, 131, 135, 208. pond herd, 151. stone wall, 192, 194. bounds, 193. weir, 12, 1 6. Weights and measures delivered, 198, 199. Weir, 20, 22, 77, 86, 103. house Wharf, 167. Well, construction, 46. at Swamp, 120. INDEX OF SUBJECTS 397 West field, 9, 10, 15, 21, 31, 73, 80, 90, 109, in, 127, 128, 130, 145, 157, 161, 1 66, 171, 184, 207, 208, 209. cattle at liberty in, 61. Wharf, 94, 105. Wharfing, 94. Wigwam Neck, highway to, 83. Windmill Hill, 7, 215. Winottime Brook, 125. field, 104, 108, 109, in, 125, 128, 162, 164, 166, 169, 176. River, 121, 123, 137, 138. Woburn, 95, 96, 104, 176, 202. Wolf, bounty for killing, 155. Wood and timber not to be sold out of town, 52, 58, 59, 101, 112, 114, 136, 168. on island in swamp, 66. grant of, 71. overplus of, 71, 72. to be cut and fetched, 77. out of the Weir, 77. in Great Swamp, 72, 8 1, 82, 125, 126. in 100 acres, reserved, 104. preservation of, 101, 112,114, 170. to lie in common, 126. great stroy of, 126. disorderly taking, 131. Wood E. side Winottime River, 121. S. side Charles River, 137. for the bridge, 134. in ox pasture, 131. not to be sold or alienated out of town, I2 S- Wood, division of, on the Rocks, 168. for Mr. Oakes, 196. division of, on Cow Common, 197. of Common prohibited, 207. for Mrs. Mitchell, 206. felling without liberty, 215, 216. to the ministry, 296. Wood land to be measured, 197. Wood lot for minister's house, 216. Wood lot not to be sold or alienated, 216. Wood lots at neck of land, 64. next Spy Pond, 65. in old ox pasture, 65. on other side Menotomy Bridge, 66. in Common Great Swamp, 72. sale of, 105. laid out, 139, 144, 149, 216. complaint concerning, 149. orders concerning, 215. method of division, 216. Wood reeves, allowance from fines, 170, 268. Workhouse, timber granted for, 148, 215. Working cattle, n. Workmen about meeting-house, 87. Wrentham, 109. YARD, to build on, 35. Yokes and rings, 113, 217. Yoking and ringing of swine, 35, 42, 52, 60, 61, 62, 63, 73, 74, 115, 119, 123, 128,140, 181, 189, 217, 319, 329, 336, 341, 344. Youth in time of public worship, 164. 116^35 A 000 711 714 6