UC-NRLF SB Ebb flfiT UGATION DEFT, ""KELEY CALIFOi* < .- TRACT PRIMER CHBIBT BLESSING LITTLE CHILDREN. THE PUBLISHED BY THE AMERICAN TRACT SOCIETY, 1.50 NASSAU-STREET, NEW YORK EDUCATION DEFT. Crsct rvm, A, is for ADAM, who was the first man ; He broke God's command, and thus sin began. J3 9 is the BOOK, which to guide us is given ; Though written by men, the words came from heaven. i* M39792 THE TRACT PRIMER. C, is for CHRIST, who for sinners was slain : By him how freely ! salvation we gain. D, is the DOTE ; with an olive-leaf green, Keturning in peace to the ark she is seen. E is ELIJAH, whom, by the brook's side, Daily with food the wild ravens supplied. THE TRACT PRIMER. , is for FELIX, who sent Paul away, And designed to repent on some future day. G, is GOLIATH : lo, stretched on the plain, By the sling of young David, the giant is slain. , is for HANNAH how happy was she, Her son, little Samuel, so holy to see I THE TRACT PRIMER. is for ISAAC : like Jesus he lies, Stretched out on the wood, a meek sacrifice 9 is for JOSEPH, who, trusting God's word, YVas lifted from prison to be Egypt's lord. , is for KORAH ; God's wrath he defied, And lo ! to devour him, the pit opened wide. THE TRACT PRIMER. is for LYDIA : God opened her heart ; What he had bestowed, 7 t was her joy to impart. I is for MARY, who fed on Christ's word ; And MARTHA her sister, beloved by our Lord. N, is for NOAH ; with God for his guide, Safely he sailed o'er the billowy tide. 10 THE TRACT PRIMER. O, is OBADIAH, who, the prophets to save, Twice fifty concealed and fed in a cave. P is for PETER, who walked on the wave, But sinking he cried, Lord, I perish, save 1 ^ is the QUEEN, who from distant lands came, Allured by the sound of king Solomon's fame. THE TRACT PRIMER. 11 is for RUTH ; she goes forth, mid the sheaves, Gleaning the ears that the husbandman leaves. 9 is for STEPHEN, Christ's martyr, who cried To God for his murderers then calmly died. t T, is for TIMOTHY, taught in his youth To love and to study the Scriptures of truth. 12 THE TRACT PRIMER. , is UZZIAH : in rashness and pride, Profaning God's altar, a leper he died. j is the VINE : a green branch may I be, Bearing fruit to the glory of Jesus the Tree. W is the WIDOW ; her two mites she gave, And trusted in God to sustain her and save. THE TRACT PRIMER. 13 is the CROSS, that our dear Saviour bore : think of his sorrows, and grieve him no more. Y, is the YOUTH, who, killed by a fall, By a miracle wrought, was recovered by Paul. Z. is for ZOAR, where Lot prayed to be ; It reminds me of Christ, a refuge for me. 14 THE TRACT PRIMER. ALPHABET. A B C D Era II I J K L M ' N P Q R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e 'f g h i J k 1 m n o P q r s t u v w x y z "WORDS OF TWO LETTERS. ba be bi bo bu by da de di do du dy fa fe fi fo fa fy ha he hi ho hu i>y ja je ji jo ju jy ka ke ki ko ku ky la lo li lo la ty ma me mi mo mu my THE TRACT PRIMER. 15 na ne iii no nu ny pa pe pi po pu py ra re ri ro ru ry sa se si so su sy ta te ti to tu ty va TO vi TO YU v y wa we wi WO WU wy za ze Zl ZO ZU zy ab eb ib ob ub ac ec ic oc uc ad ed id od ud af ef if of uf ag eg 5g og ug ak ek ik ok uk al el il ol ul arn em im om urn an en in on un ap ep IP op up ar er ir or ur as es is OS us at et it ot ut av ev iv ov uv ax ex ix ox ux az ez iz oz uz 16 THE TRACT PRIMER. Oh no! It is. Go on. WORDS OF TWO LETTERS. It is an ox. Ah me ! Do so. On us. Doit. Go up. He is. Is he up to us ? No. Woe be to me if it is so. Do it as we do it. It is to go by me. Lo, it is to be as it is. Go ye in to it. He is to go up by it. If ye do go, go by me. THE TRACT PRIMER. 17 CAT. bat mat hat pat DOCK log fog bog hog MAN. fan ran can tan KID. hid mid lid bid FLY. wry try why ply SUN. tun pun run fun HEN. pen den men ten BED. fed red led wed 2* PICK wig pig big dig 18 THE TRACT PRIMER. LESSONS OF THREE LETTERS. God can see all men. Who can see God ? Not one. You may not sin, for God can see you. The Son of God can put our sin far off. Ask the Son of God for his aid. A bad way has a bad end. Try the way of God ; the end is joy. You may not lie, for God can hear you. Men may not see you, but the eye of God is on you he can see you, if you are hid. Our own way is a bad way, for all men sin. Do as you are bid in the law of God. You may die to-day Oh, how bad to die in sin! God is not far off go to him, and say : Oh God, I am sad for all my sin. Woe is me, for all the ill I do! Thy Son can see it all. He has an ear for all we say. Oh, let all I now do be fit for him to see all I say be fit for his ear. I ask thy aid to get me out of the bad way, the way of sin. Oh, Son of God, aid me to be a new man let me be thy son e THE TRACT PRIMER. 19 WORDS OF FOUR LETTERS. ANIMALS. Bear Deer Fowl Lamb Seal Bird Calf Colt Crow Dove Duck Fawn Fish Frog Goat Hawk Kite Lark Lynx Moth Mule Swan Toad Wasp Wolf THINGS THAT GROW. Balm Bean Date Fern Husk Leaf Pine Pink Sage Seed Bush Flax Mint Plum Stem Cane Corn Hemp Herb Moss Pear Eeed Eose Tree Weed NAMES AND TITLES. Aunt Babe Dame Girl Jane John Lass Miss Maid Mate King Wife Lord La-dy Twin Rose Ab-by Ma-ry Lu-cy Em-ma NATURAL OBJECTS. Cave Dale Lake Moon Tide Coal Gold Land Rock Vale Cliff Hill Lead Sand Wave Crag Foam Isle Gale Mine Falls Star Rill Wind Gust 20 THE TRACT PRIMER. QUALITIES. warm damp dull white cold moist flat black meek brisk smooth blue kind frank good green tall pert sweet brown short cross dear buff mild square cheap drab mean round nice pink long large fresh red thin small rude rich true light wild poor VERBS, OR WORDS OF DOING. hear frown pull hold look smell fight whip gaze feel walk work wink bite jump wash smile fret fling play speak scold toss read yawn scream strike spell blush sing leap write laugh kiss climb make pout creep spring grasp THE TRACT PRIMER. 21 See this Dove. It is a meek and kind bird, and does ^ no harm. When two or are in one nest, they live in love. John and Jane and each boy and girl ist try ^to be good 7 and kind. The Son of God, who died to save us from sin, can help you to be mild and meek like the Dove. Here is a Lamb. Does it not put you in mind of the Lamb of God who did no sin, and had no spot in him? Pray to him to put the > x same mind in you that was in him. 22 THE TRACT PRIMER. ALPHABET OF TEXTS IN SHORT WORDS. A new heart will I give you. Ezek. 36 : 26. Be thou in the fear of the Lord all the day long. Prov. 23 : 17. Choose you this day whom ye will serve,, Josh. 24 : 15. Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you. James 4:7. Eat such things as are set before you. Luke 10:8. Fools make a mock at sin. Prov. 14 : 9. Great peace have they which love thy law. Psa. 119:165. Hide not thy face from me, lest I be like un-to them that go down into the pit. Psalm 143:7. It is good for man that he bear the yoke in his youth. Lam. 3 : 27. Just and true are thy ways, thou King of saints. Rev. 15:3. Keep me from the snare which they have laid for me. Psa. 141 : 9. Lord, what wilt thou have me to do? Acts 9:6. THE TRACT PRIMER. 23 My son, give me thy heart. Prov. 23 : 26. Not my will, but thine be done. Luke 22 : 42. O taste and see that the Lord is good. Psa. 34:8. Prove all things ; hold fast that which is good. 1 Thess. 5 : 21. Quit you like men ; be strong. 1 Cor. 16 : 13. Rest in the Lord. Psa. 37 : 7. Seek ye out of the book of the Lord, and read. Isa. 34 : 16. Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might. Deut. 6:5. U-nite my heart to fear thy name. Psa. 86 : 11. Vow, and pay unto the Lord your God. Psa. 76:11. Who can say, I have made my heart clean, I am pure from iny sin ? Prov 20 : 9. In siX days the Lord made heav-en and earth, the sea, and all that in them is. Exodus 20:11. Ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart. Jer. 29:13. Clad with Zeal as a cloak. Isa. 59 : 17. 24 THE TRACT PRIMER. VOWELS. a e i o u y DOUBLE LETTERS, ff fi fl ffi ffl DIPHTHONGS. ^E 26 (E 03 POINTS. , com'-ma ' ac'-cent ; sem'-i-co'-lon. - dash : co'-lon ! ex-cla-ma'-tion pe'-ri-od 1 ques'-tion - hy'-phen NUMERALS. FIQUBES. LETTERS. NAMES. 1 I 0^ 2 II two 3 III three 4 IV four 5 V five 6 YI six THE TKACT PEIMER. 25 FIGURES. LETTERS. NAMES. .7 VII sev'-en 8 VIII eight 9 IX nine 10 X ten 11 XI e-lev'-en 12 XII twelve 13 XIII thir'-teen 14 XIV four'-teen 15 XV fif-teen 16 XVI six'-teen 17 XVII sev'-en-teen 18 XVIII eigh'-teen 19 XIX nine'-teen 20 XX twen'-ty 30 XXX thir'-ty 40 XL for'-ty 50 L ' fiT-ty CO LX six'-ty 70 LXX sev'-en-ty 80 LXXX eigh'-ty 90 XO nine'-ty 100 C one hun'-dred 500 D five hun'-dred 1,000 M one thou'-sand 1,000,000 one mill'-ion 3 26 THE TRACT PRIMER. The Bi'-ble is the best of all books. God gave it to ma,n to make him wise and good. When you are old'-er, you will be able to read the ho'-ly book of God. It will tell you how God sent his dear Son to save men from sin. If you read the word of God, and feel his love, and try to do his will, w r hen you die you will go and live with Je'-sus in heav'-en. Put a-way' sin and fear God, and your soul will be safe in his hand. "May I live to know and fear him, Trust and love him, all my days, Then go dwell for ev'-er near him, See his face, and sing his praise." THE TRACT PRIMER. 27 . WORDS OF TWO SYLLABLES. An'-na bod'-y cov'-er di'-et du'-ty gru'-el gro'-cer ho'-ly hus'-band i'-dol Ma'-ry mer'-chant na'-vy neigh'-bor ox'-cn ev'-er ju'-ry o -ver en'-vy far'-mer for'-tune king'-dam li'-on lil'-y par'-ent prim'-er qui'-et mo'-ment min'-ute hour day night week month year cen'-tu-ry spring sum '-mer au'-tumn win'-ter a-bound' for-sake' re-fuse' ap-pease' be-seech' im-plore' in-cite' re-late' se-cure' be-tray' com-mune' la-ment' main-tain' se-lect' trans-fer' cor-rect' de-part' de-stroy' ex-treme' neg-lect' of-fend' or-dain' per-mit' trans-late' up-hold' un-lock' vi'-brate 28 THE TRACT PRIMER. TEN COMMANDMENTS IN VERSE. 1. Thou no gods shalt have but me : 2. Be-fore no i-dol bend the knee. 3. Take not the name of God in vain : 4. Dare not the Sab-bath-day pro-fane. 5. Give both thy par-ents hon-or due : 6. Take heed that thou no mur-der do. 7. Ab-stain from words and deeds un-clean : 8. Steal not, though thou be poor and mean, 9. Make not a wil-ful lie, nor love it : 10. What is thy neigh-bor's do not cov-et. SUM OF THE COMMANDMENTS. With all thy soul love God a-bove, And as thy-self thy neigh-bor love. THE TRACT PRIMER. 29 EASY VERSES. In the sun, the moon, the sky ; In the moun'-tain wild and high ; In the thun'-der, in the rain, In the winds, the woods, the plain ; In the lit'-tle birds that sing God is seen in ev'-e-ry thing. GOLD'-EN RULE. To do to all men as I would That they should do to me, Will make me kind and just and good, And so I '11 try to be. Lord, look up'-on a lit'-tle child, By na'-ture sin'-ful, weak, and wild ; Oh, put thy gra'-cious hands on me, And make me all I ought to be. The child who does what good he can, Will have 1 the love of God and man. Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray the Lord my soul to keep ; If I should die before I wake, I pray the Lord my soul to take ; And this I ask for Je'-sus' sake. 3* 30 THE TRACT PRIMER. God made the earth, and the sea, and the sky, and all things in them, in six days ; and all that was made was very good. He made the sun ^ to give light by day, and the moon and stars by night. He made man and the beasts of the field, the fowl of the air, and the fish of the sea. God will bless those who do his will. When you rise in the morn-ing, and when you re-tire at night, give him thanks. God will de-stroy the wick-ed, but he will for-give those who re-pent and for-sake sin. THE TRACT PRIMER. 31 THE SUN. When the sun lifts his gold-en head o-ver the hills, the skies and the earth are glad c He goes on his joy-ful way, till he gains at noon the height of heav-en, and darts light and heat on all the world be-neath. Then he sinks tow- ards the west he goes down a-mid the bright clouds. Have we lost the sun? No; he will rise a-gain an-other day, and move, like a king, through the clear blue sky. As the sun sink-ing from our view, so, ere- long, must we all go to the grave, and no more be-hold the things of this world. But he that loves our Lord shall not be lost ; he shall rise from tLe grave more bright than to-mor-row's sun, and shall shine at the right hand of God for ev-er. As the light of the sun re-mains for a lit-tle while when he is set ; so, when the Chris-tian dies, he leaves be-hind him the mem-o-ry of his good deeds. He yields light, e-ven when he is gone, to those who are ask-ing the way to Zi-on. "Then shall the right-eous shine forth as the sun in the king-dom of their Fa-ther." 32 THE TRACT PRIMER. THE MOON. The moon lias no light in her-self, she is dark she takes all her light from the sun. One half of her orb is al-ways bright with his beams, though we see it not. We are so placed, that the moon ap-pears to us now full, then it grows less and less till it is but a slen- der horn, and then the whole is hid, for a time, from our sight. But she is not in darkness ; she is still glow-ing with light. The Chris-: tian, too, is dark him-self ; he has no light of his own ; he on-ly re-fleets the light of his Lord. The grace of God shines in him. and he is light, and gives light to all a-round. Christ is his light ; he looks at him by faith, and grows like him, in his soul. Per-haps we are so placed that we do not al-ways see the Chris-tian's light; but say not that he is dark : you know not what light is shin-ing in his soul what faith, and love, and hope are work-ing there. If we believe in Christ Je-sus, he will be un-to us wis-dom, and light, and love. " Who is a-mong you that walk-eth in dark- ness, and hath no light? Let him trust in the name of the Lord, and stay upon his God." THE TRACT PRIMER. 33 THE STARRY HEAVEN. Lift up your eyes on a clear night, and see how the sky is sown thick with stars. So man-y, and so bright, are the peo-ple of God, and such will they ap-pear in the heav-en of love, at God's right hand. You can-not count the stars a mighty host are hung far a-way in the deep, dark space be- yond the reach of your eye. Nor can you num-ber the peo-ple of God. A great mul-ti-tude, from man-y nations, are now be-fore the throne of the Lainb, prais-ing him day and night. Do you know that there are some parts of the world where the minds of men are so dark, that they wor-ship the sun, moon, arid stars, and call them gods? They know not the great God that made them. When you look at the star-ry heav-en, pit-y the blind-ness of these peo-ple, and give thanks to God that you have been taught the way of life. "He tell-eth the num-ber of the stars; he call-eth them all by their names," " Praise ye him, sun and moon ; praise hirn, all ye stars of light." 34 THE TRACT PRIMER. THE RAINBOW. Be-hold, a rain cloud hangs in the sky, and the sun is look-ing up-on it from the oth-ei side of heav-en ; and now, a lofty arch of man-y col-ors appears to our view. That cloud is made of rain drops, and the beams of the sun, shin-ing on them and turned back to the eye, seem like a bow paint-ed on the cloud. Look up-on the rain-bow and praise him that made it. The hands of the Most High have bent it ; and there it hangs, a faith-ful wit-ness of the truth of God. " I do set my bow in the cloud, and it shall be for a to-ken of a cov-e-nant be-tween me and the earth. And it shall come to pass, when I bring a cloud o-ver the earth, that the bow shall be seen in the cloud. 77 " There was a rain-bow round a-bout the throne, in sight like un-to an em-e-rald." Trem-ble ! yet 0, with love draw near, The heav-en-ly bow for-bids your fear ; The throne it quite en-cir-cles round, And grace on ev-e-ry side is found. THE TRACT PRIMER. 35 MORNING PRAYER. Now I awake and see the light, 7 T is God who kept me through the night. To him I lift my voice and pray, That he would keep me through the day ; If I should die before 't is done, God, ac-cept me through thy Son. EVENING PRAYER. Ere on my bed my limbs I lay, hear, great God, the words I say : Pre-serve, I pray, my par-ents dear, In health and strength for man-y a year. And still, Lord, to me im-part A gen-tie and a grate-ful heart ; That af-ter my last sleep, I may A-wake to thy e-ter-nal day. A-men. Oh, 7 t is a love-ly thing for youth, To walk be-times in Wis-dom's way ; , To fear a lie, to speak the truth, That we may trust to all they say. How do I pit-y those that dwell Where ig-no-rance and dark-ness reigns ! They know no heav-en, they fear no hell Those end-less joys, those end-less pains! 36 THE TRACT PRIMER. GOD IS IN HEAVEN. God is in heav-en : and can he hear A fee-ble pray-er like mine ? Yes, lit-tle child, thou need'st not fear, He lis-tens now to thine. God is in heav-en : and can he see When I am do-ing wrong ? Yes, child, he can he looks at thee All day, and all night long. God is in heav-en : and would he know If I should tell a lie ? Yes, if thou said'st it e'er so low, He 7 d hear it in the sky. God is in heav-en : and can I go To thank him for his care ? Not yet but love him here be-low, And thou shalt praise him there. AGUE'S PRAYER. Ee-move far from me van-i-ty and lies ; give me nei-ther pov-er-ty nor rich-es ; feed me with food con-ven-ient for me : lest I be full, and de- ny thee, and say, Who is the Lord? or lest I be poor, and steal, and take the name of my God in vain. Prov. 30 : 8, 9. THE TRACT PRIMER. 37 What com-mands of God be-gin with these words ? Ask Get Put on As-cribe Grow Quench not A- wake Hear Re-mem-ber Be-hold Hope Re-pent Buy Hold fast Ren-der Bring Knock Re-sist Call Keep Re-turn Come Learn Seek Con-sid-er Look Serve Choose Leave Sing Cleave Make Take heed Draw Mark ye Train De-part Mind not Turn Eri-ter Of-fer Vis-it Fear Open Watch Feed Pray Wait Fol-low Praise Walk Give Prove Touch not, taste not, han-dle not, Rum Dram Ci-gar Gin Grog To-bac-co Bran-dj Sling Snuff Whis-key Ci-der 0-pi-um 4 38 THE TRACT PRIMER. EARLY RISING. The lark is up to meet the sun, The bee is on the wing ; The ant her la-bor has be-gun, The woods with mu-sic ring. Shall birds, and bees, and ants be wise, While I my mo-ments waste ? 0, let me with the morn-ing rise, And to my du-ty haste. The Sab-bath is the day of rest. It is called the Lord's Day, be-cause on that day Je-sus Christ rose from the dead HEATHEN. The hea-then are those who wor-ship i-dols, and know not the true God. If you have the gos-pel, and do not o-bey and love it, you are worse in the sight of God than the hea-then. EXAMPLE OF CHRIST. Je-sus Christ, my Lord and Sav-iour, Once be-came a child like me : Oh, that in my whole be-hav-ior, He my pat-tern still might be. THE TRACT PRIMER. 39 INCIDENTS IN THE LIFE OF CHRIST, IN SHORT AND SIMPLE WORDS. BIRTH OF THE SAVIOUR, Je-sus Christ was once a child like you. He be-came a child that he might know how to pit-y and feel for a child, and that he might show lit-tle chil-dren how they ought to act. He lay with his moth-er Ma-ry in a man-ger by the side of the cat-tie, for there was no room for them at the inn. He was a poor child, and yet he was the Son of God. 40 THE TRACT PRIMER. And God sent a ho-ly an-gel to tell some good men that took care of sheep in the field, that the Son of God was born on earth. It was night, but the glo-ry of the Lord shone a-bout them, and made it light like day. They were a-fraid, but the an-gel said, Fear not ; I bring you glad ti-dings of great joy : a child is born in the cit-y of Da-vid, who shall save men from their sins. Oh, what good news was this to all who re-pent of sin, and fear the an-ger of God ! Then the an-gel be-gan to sing praise to God, and man-y more, yea, a whole mul-ti- tude came from heav-en to join him, and all sang to-geth-er, Glo-ry to God on high, peace on earth, good will to men. What a sweet and joy-ful song! Was ev-er mu-sic heard on earth like this ? Do you hope one day to sing the praise of God with an-gels and ho-ly men in heav-en ? Then you must for- sake sin, love God, and o-bey his law. The men who heard this song of the an-gels left their flocks in the field, and went to the man-ger to see the young child and wor-ship him. Wise men al-so came from a far coun-try to see him ; and God made a ver-y bright star to go be-fore them and lead them to the right THE TRACT PRIMER. 41 place. Lo, the star which they saw in the east came and stood o-ver where the young child was, and the wise men were ver-y joy-ful ; and when they came in-to the house, they bow-ed down be-fore the child, and called him their Lord and Sav-iour. When the shep-herds and the wise men went a-way, they told the good news to all they met, say-ing, Je-sus is born to save us. And the child grew, and was wise and good in all his words and deeds. In all things he did the will of God who sent him, and he had the love of both God and man. If you wish to be like Je-sus, lis-ten while he says to you, Come, and learn of me, for I am meek and low-ly in heart, and you shall find peace to your soul. CHRIST TEMPTED. We are all born in sin, and apt to do evil. Sa-tan, that wick-ed one whom God cast out of heav-en, tempts us to wish for what is wrong, to feel an-ger and pride, and to say what is not true. We must look to God for grace to keep us from e-vil when we are tempt- ed to sin. 4# 42 THE TRACT PRIMER. Sa-tan tried al-so to tempt Je-sus to do e-vil. It was when he had be-come a man, and was a-bout to go from place to place to tell men he was come to save them. Sa-tan did not wish him to do this, for he likes to have men go on in sin. Je-sus went in-to a lone-ly place to pray, and to think a-bout the work he was sent to do this great work, to save the souls of men and bring them to glo-ry. He stay-ed till he was in want of food, and be-gan to feel great hun-ger. Then Sa-tan came to him and said, If you are the Son of God, and have all power, why not bid a stone to be made bread, that you may have food to eat? Je-sus could have done this if he chose, but he knew it was not the will of God, and would not do it. So he said to Sa-tan, The Bi-ble tells us, Thou shalt not live by bread a-lone, but by the word of God. Then Sa-tan tried a-gain to tempt Je-sus. He went with him to the top of a moun-tain, and made all the grand and fine things in the world to pass be-fore him, and said, I will give all these to you, if you will only bow down be-fore me and ask me for them. Sa- THE TRACT PRIMER. 43 tan knew that Je-sus had no house, nor land, nor mon-ey, and he made this of-fer to tempt him. But Je-sus said, The law of God says, Thou shalt wor-ship the Lord thy God, and him on-ly shalt thou serve. Then Sa-tan tried the third time to tempt Je-sus ; and as Je-sus had spok-en of what was in the Bi-ble, he too made use of a verse from the ho-ly book. They stood on the roof of the great tem-ple or house of God, which was ver-y high, and Sa-tan said to Je-sus, If you are the Son of God in truth, you can fall down to the ground from this place and not be hurt ; for the Bi-ble says, God will bid his an-gels to take care of you, and they will hold you up in their hands and keep you safe. * But Je-sus said, Get thee a-way, Sa-tan ; for that ho-ly word says, Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God. let us learn from Je-sus to o-bey God, and not mind Sa-tan when he tries to make us do e-vil. If Je-sus had done one e-vil thing, he could not have been the Sav-iour of man. But he was pure, and had no stain or spot of sin. So he was fit to give his life for the sins of men. 44 THE TRACT PRIMER. CHRIST'S PREACHING AND MIRACLES. At one place Je-sus went in-to a house of wor-ship, and when all the peo-ple were look- ing at him, he took a Bi-ble and read a part of it where God said he would send his Son to the world to teach the poor, and heal the sick, and give sight to the blind, and joy to those who are sad at heart. And when Je-sus had read this, he shut the book, and said, To-day it is come to pass, and you see it and hear it. And while he spoke such kind words, the eyes of all the peo-ple were fix-ed up-on him. Hap-py they who were a-ble to look on that mild face, and hear the words of love which fell from his lips. We, too, are hap-py, for we have the Bi-ble, and can read the words of life. And we kno\v that Je-sus can see us, and hear us, and do all for us now, that he did for those who knew him on earth. If he on-ly spoke a word, it was done. Man-y who were sick and in grief went to him and ask-ed him to heal and help them, and he did. One of the men who lov-ed Je-sus, and went a-bout with him, was Pe-ter. In the house of Pe-ter, his wife's moth-er was ill of a fe-ver. THE TRACT PRIMER. 45 Je-sus came and stood by her, and bade the fe-ver de-part, and she arose and went a-bout as if she had not been ill. Many such things as H this were done by Je- gj sus. Some who were m blind, came and ask- ed him to o-pen their 1 eyes. And he gave sight to those who had nev-er seen be-fore. How glad they must have been to see the light, and the sky, and the grass, and the trees, and the faces of those they lov-ed. When those who were blind cri-ed to Je-sus to help them, he told them that if they had faith in him, he would give them sight. What is it to have faith in Christ? It is to be sure that he can and will do just as he has said, and that he is a-ble to give us all we ask. Our souls need to be cured of sin, and made clean and ho-ly. None can do this for us but Je-sus. He shed his blood for us, and if we have faith in him, he will do for us all we need, for he is full of pit-y, and his pow-er is as great as his mer-cy. 46 THE TRACT PRIMER. RAISING THE WIDOW'S SON. Once Je-sus met a great man-y men com-ing out of a cit-y, who brought with them the dead bod-y of a young man. They were go-ing to put it in the earth. The moth-er of the young man came with them ver-y sad, for he was her on-ly son. And Je-sus, when he saw her, had ^ pit-y for her, and said, Weep not. Then he came to the dead bod-y and said, Young man, a-rise! And he that had been THE TRACT PRIMER. 47 dead sat up and be-gan to speak, and Je-sus gave him to his moth-er, and he went home with her. Was there not then great joy in the heart of that moth-er? Did she not talk much, and of-ten, with her son, a-bout him who had done so much for them ? When Je-sus, at the last day, shall say to the dead, A-rise ! may we al-so hear his voice with joy. Oh, how hap-py will they be who meet him in the clouds, and go with him to heav-en. CHRIST ON THE SEA. Some of the men who lov-ed Je-sus used to go on the sea in a boat, or small ship, to catch fish. Once, when Je-sus was with them, they tried all night and could not catch an-y fish. But Je-sus told them where to cast the net, and then they drew it up full of fish. All the fish in the sea are his, and he knows where they all are. Once these men were in a ship, and Je-sus was not with them, and the wind blew ver-y hard. They were a-fraid that the ship would be bro-ken, and that they would all be lost. Then they saw some one com-ing to them on 48 THE TRACT PRIMER. the wa-ter. This made them fear the more ; for it was a strange sight to see one walk on the wa-ter, and not sink. But He who was on the wa-ter spoke, and said, Be of good cheer ; it is I ; be not a-fraid. Then they knew the voice of Je-sus, and ver-y glad were they to have him come to them in the ship. And the wind blew no lon-ger, and the ship was soon at the land. One oth-er time, when there was a great storm, Je-sus was a-sleep in the ship ; and they came to wake him, for they knew his pow-er, and felt sure that he could help them. So they said, Lord, save us, or we shall sink and die. And Je-sus a-rose and said, Why do you fear? Why have you not more faith? Then he told the wind to cease, and the waves to be still, and all at once there was a great calm. And those who saw it said, Who can this be, that the winds and the sea o-bey him ? Je-sus, who could still the waves, can give peace to our minds. He can free us from en-vy, an-ger, and fear, and all that would dis-turb our joy and re-pose. When we are in troub-le, he can speak a kind word to our souls, and all will be calm. How sweet it THE TRACT PRIMER. 49 is to live near to Je-sus! May the time soon come when all the world shall know and love him. THE RULER'S DAUGHTER. Once there came a man to Je-sus m great sor-row. He was a ru-ler a-mong the peo-ple, but rich-es and hon-or can-not keep a man from grief, or pain, or death. When he saw Je-sus, he fell at his feet, and said, My lit-tle daugh-ter is ver-y ill ; I fear she will die. Come, I pray thee, and lay thy hands on her, that she may live. Just then an-oth-er came from the house, and said, She is dead ; you need not ask him to come it will be of no use. They did not be-lieve that Je-sus had pow-er to make those live a-gain who had once died. But Je-sus said to the fa-ther, Be not a-fraid ; on-ly have faith. And he went with him to the house ; and when he came to the room where the young dam-sel lay dead, he took hold of her hand, and said, A-rise! And she rose, and walked a-bout as if she had not been dead, or ill. How kind is Je-sus to those who love him ! 50 THE TRACT PRIMER. THE SOUL CANNOT DIE. Sweet day, so cool, so calm, so bright, Bridal of earth and sky, The dew shall weep thy fall to-night ; For thou must die ! Sweet rose, in air whose odors wave And beauty charms the eye, Thy root is ever in its grave, And thou must die ! Sweet spring, of days and roses made, Whose sweets around us lie, Thy days depart, thy roses fade ; For thou must die ! Only a sweet and holy soul Hath charms that never fly : While flowers decay, and seasons roll, It cannot die. Whatsoever things are true, Whatsoever things are honest, Whatsoever things are just, Whatsoever things are pure, Whatsoever things are lovely Think on these things. Phil. 4 : 8. THE TRACT PRIMER. 51 DR. WATTS' CRADLE HYMN. Hush, my dear, lie still and slumber ; Holy angels guard thy bed ; Heavenly blessings without number, Gently falling on thy head. Sleep, my babe, thy food and raiment-, House and home, thy friends provide ; And without thy care, or payment, All thy wants are well supplied. How much better thou ? rt attended, Than the Son of God could be, When from heaven he descended, And became a child like thee. Soft and easy is thy cradle ; Coarse and hard thy Saviour lay, When his birthplace was a stable, And his softest bed was hay. Blessed babe ! what glorious features Spotless, fair, divinely bright ! Must he dwell with brutal creatures ? How could angels bear the sight ! Was there nothing but a manger, Cursed sinners could afford, To receive the heavenly stranger ? Did they thus affront the Lord ? 52 THE TRACT PRIMER. Soft, my child, I did not chide thee, Though my song might sound too hard ; 7 T is thy mother sits beside thee, And her arms shall be thy guard. Yet, to read the shameful story How the Jews abused their King, How they served the Lord of glory, Makes me angry while I sing. See the kinder shepherds round him, Telling wonders from the sky ; Where they sought him, there they found him, With his virgin mother by. See the lovely babe a dressing ! Lovely infant, how he smiled ; When he wept, the mother's blessing Soothed and hushed the holy Child. Lo, he slumbers in the manger, Where the horned oxen fed Peace, my darling, here 7 s no danger, There 7 s no oxen near thy bed. ? T was to save thee, child, from dying, Save my dear from burning flame, Bitter groans, and endless crying, That thy blest Redeemer came. May'st thou live to know and fear him, Trust and love him all thy days ; Then go dwell for ever near him, See his face, and sing his praise I THE TRACT PRIMED. 53 I could give thee thousand kisses, Hoping what I most desire ; Not a mother's fondest wishes Can to greater joys aspire. EASY QUESTIONS FOR LITTLE CHILDREN. Q. Who was the first man? A. Adam. Q. Who was the first woman? A. Eve. Q. Who was the first murderer? A. Cain. Q. Who was the first martyr? A. Abel. Q. Who was the oldest man? A, Methuselah. Q. Who built the ark? A. Noah. Q. Who was the most faithful man? A. Abraham. Q. Who was the meekest man? A. Moses. Q. Who was the most patient man? A. Job. Q. Who wrestled with the angel of God? A. Jacob. 5* 54 TrfE TRACT PRIMER. Q. Who led Israel into Canaan ? A. Joshua. Q. Who was the strongest man? A. Samson. Q. Who killed Goliath? A. David. Q. Who was the wisest man? A. Solomon. Q. Who was cast into the lions' den ? A. Daniel. Q. Who died to redeem mankind? A. Jesus Christ. Q. Who is Jesus Christ? A. The Son of God. Q. Who was the mother of Christ? A. Mary. Q. Who was the beloved disciple? A. John. Q. Who betrayed his Lord and Saviour? A. Judas. Q. Who denied his Master, Christ ? A. Peter. Q. Who were struck dead for lying? A. Ananias and Sapphira. Q. Who was the first Christian martyr? A. Stephen. Q. Who was the chief apostle of the Gentiles? A. Paul. THE TRACT PRIMER. 55 DR. WATTS' FIRST CATECHISM FOR CHILDREN. Q. Can you tell me, child, who made you? A. The great God who made heaven and earth. Q. What doth God do for you? A. He keeps me from harm by night and by day, and is always doing me good. Q. And what must you do for this great God who is so good to you? A. I must first learn to know him, and then do every thing to please him. Q. Where doth God teach us to know and to love him? A. In his holy word, which is contained in the Bible. Q. Have you learned to know who God is? A. God is a Spirit ; and though we cannot see him, yet he sees and knows all things, and he can do all things. Q. What must you do to please God? A. I must do my duty both towards God and towards man. 56 THE TRACT PRIMER. Q. What is your duty to God? A. My duty to God is to fear and honor him, and to love and serve him, to pray to him, and to praise him. Q. What is your duty to man? A. My duty to man is, to obey my parents, to speak the truth always, and to be honest, and kind to all. Q. What good do you hope for, by seeking to please God? A. Then I shall be a child of God, and have God for my Father and Friend for ever. Q. And what if you do not fear God, nor love him, nor seek to please him? A. Then I shall be a wicked child, and the great God will be very angry with me. Q. Why are you afraid of God ? s anger? A. Because he can kill my body, and he can make my soul miserable after my body is dead. Q. But have you never done any thing to make God angry with you already? A. Yes ; I fear I have too often sinned against God, and deserve his anger. Q. What do you mean by sinning against God? A. To sin against God is, to do any thing that God forbids me, or not to do what God commands me. THE TRACT PRIMER. 57 Q. And what must you do to be saved from the anger of God, which your sins have deserved ? A. I must be sorry for my sins ; I must pray God for Christ's sake to forgive me, and help me to serve him. Q. Will God forgive you if you pray for it? A. He will forgive me if I trust in his mercy, for the sake of what Jesus Christ has done, and what he has suffered. Q. Do you know who Jesus Christ is? A. He is God's own Son, who came down from heaven to save us from our sins, and from God's anger. Q. What has Christ done towards the saving of men? A. He obeyed the law of God himself, and has taught us to obey it also. Q. And what has Christ suffered in order to save men ? A. He died for sinners, who had broken the law of God, a ad had deserved to die them- selves. Q. Where is Jesus Christ now? A. He is alive again, and gone to heaven, to provide a place there for all that serve God and love his Son Jesus. Q. Can you of yourself love and serve God and Christ ? A. No ; I cannot do it of myself, but God 58 THE TRACT PRIMER. will help me by his own Spirit, if I ask him for it. Q. Will Jesus Christ ever come again ? A. Christ will come again, and call me and all the world to account for what we have done. Q. For what purpose is this account to be given? A. That the children of God, as well as the wicked, may all receive according to their works. Q. What must become of you if you are wicked? A. If I am wicked I shall be sent down to everlasting fire in hell, among wicked and miserable creatures. Q. And whither shall you go if you are a child of God? A. If I am a child of God I shall be taken up to heaven, and dwell there with God and Christ for ever. Amen. THE TRACT PRIMER. 59 THE CHILD'S SCRIPTURE CATECHISM; WITH ANSWERS IN THE LANaUAOE OF THE BIBLE. 1. Who made you? The Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground. Gen. 2:7. 2. How are you made? I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Psalm 139 : 14. 3. For what are you made ? Glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God's. 1 Cor. 6 : 20. 4. What is God? God is a Spirit. John 4 : 24. 5. What is the character of God? God is love. 1 John, 4 : 8. 6. Is he also just and holy? A God of truth and without iniquity : just and right is he. Deut. 32 : 4. 7. Whom does God love ? I love them that love me, Prov. 8 : 17. 60 THE TRACT PRIMER. 8. Does God love wicked people? God is angry with the wicked every day. Psalm 7:11. 9. Should a little child like you remember God? Remember now thy Creator in the days of thy youth. Eccles. 12 : 1. 10. Can God see you? Thou God seest me. Gen. 16 : 13. 11. Is God in every place, seeing every thing? The eyes of the Lord are in every place, be- holding the evil and the good. Prov. 15 :3. 12. Does God hear all you say? There is not a word in my tongue, but lo, Lord, thou knowest it altogether. Psalm 139:4. 13. Does God know all your thoughts? I know the things that come into your mind, every one of them. Ezek. 11:5. 14. Is the Bible the word of God? All Scripture is given by inspiration of God. 2 Tim. 3 : 16. 15. What are the Scriptures able to do for you? The holy Scriptures which are able to make thee wise unto salvation. 2 Timothy, 3 : 15. 16. Are you commanded to read the Bible? Search the Scriptures. John 5 : 39. THE TRACT PRIMER. 61 17. What should the Bible be to you? A lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path. Psalm 119:105. 18. If you love the word of God, will it preserve you from sin? Thy word have I hid in my heart, that I might not sin against thee. Psalm 119 : 11. 19. What promise does God, in the Bible, make to lit- tle children? Those that seek me early shall find me. Prov. 8 : 17. 20. What does God promise, in the Bible, to the Chris- tian in trouble? I will be with him in trouble. Psalm 91 : 15. 21. What does he promise in sickness? The Lord will strengthen him upon the bed of languishing : thou wilt make all his bed in his sickness. Psalm 41 : 3. 22. What does he promise the Christian when dying? Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil : for thou art with me ; thy rod and thy staff they com- fort me. Psalm 23 : 4. 23. What does he promise in poverty? The Lord is my shepherd ; I shall not want. Psalm 23:1. 24. What promise does he make to the orphan? A father of the fatherless, and a judge of the 6 62 THE TRACT PRIMER. widows, is God in Ms holy habitation. Psalm 68:5. 25. What does he promise to the aged? Even to your old age I am he ; and even to hoar hairs will I carry you : I have made, and I will bear ; even I will carry, and will deliver you. Isaiah 46 : 4. 26. Do all things benefit God's children? All things work together for good, to them that love God. Kom. 8 : 28. 27. Where do all our blessings come from? Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights. James 1 : 17. 28. Are you a sinner? All have sinned, and come short of the glory of God. Rom. 3:23. 29. How did sin enter into the world? By one man sin entered into the world. Rom. 5:12. 30. Will sinners go to hell? The wicked shall be turned into hell. Psalm 9:17. 31. How can your soul be saved? Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved. Acts 16 : 31. THE TRACT PRIMER. 63 32. For what did the Lord Jesus come into the world? Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners. 1 Tim. 1 : 15. 33. Is Christ God! Who is over all, God blessed for ever. Rom. 9:5. 34. Is Christ from eternity? The same was in the beginning with God. John 1 : 2. 35. Did Christ make all things? All things were made by him ; and without him was not any thing made that was made. John 1 : 3. 36. Is Christ unchangeable? Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to-day, and for ever. Heb. 13:8. 37. Does Christ know all things? Lord, thou knowest all things. John 21 : 17. 38. Can Christ do all things? All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth. Matt. 28:18. 39. Should Christ be worshipped as God ? All men shall honor the Son, even as they honor the Father. John 5 : 23. 40. Did the disciples worship Christ? And when they saw him, they worshipped him. Matt. 28 : 17. 64 THE TRACT PRIMER. 41. Did Christ forgive sins? But that ye may know that the Son of man hath power on earth to forgive sins, (then saith he to the sick of the palsy,) Arise, take up thy bed, and go unto thy house. Matt. 9 : 6. 42. Can any one forgive sins but God ? Who can forgive sins but God only ? Mark 2:7. 43. What does God the Father say of Christ? Thy throne, God, is for ever and ever. Heb. 1 : 8. 44. Did Christ the Son of God become man? God was manifest in the flesh. 1 Tim. 3 : 16. 45. Did he confirm his doctrines by miracles? Believe me for the very works' sake. John 14:11. 46. Were his miracles numerous? And many other signs truly did Jesus in the presence of his disciples, which are not written in this book. John 20 : 30. 47. How did he employ himself on earth? He went about doing good. Acts 10 : 38. 48. Is Christ the only Saviour? There is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved. Acts 4 : 12. THE TRACT PRIMER. 65 49. Is Christ the only Mediator? One Mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus. 1 Tim. 2 : 5. 50. Is Christ our Advocate? We have an Advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous. 1 John 2 : 1. 51. Does Christ make intercession for us? Who also maketh intercession for us. Rom. 8:34. 52. Does Christ love little children, and desire them to come to him? Jesus said, Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me. Matt. 19 : 14. 53. Have you a wicked heart? The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked. Jer. 17:9. 54. Do very young children sin? They go astray as soon as they be born, speaking lies. Psalm 58 : 3. 55. What is the sentence of God's law against sinners? The soul that shine th, it shall die. Ezek. 18:20. 56. How then can you get to heaven? Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God. John 3 : 3. 57. What is it to be born again? 6* 66 THE TRACT PRIMER. Be renewed in the spirit of your mind. Eph. 4:23. 58. How can we know that a person is born again? "Whatsoever is born of God, overcometh the world. 1 John, 5 : 4. 59. What has the Holy Spirit to do with our being born again ? Except a man be born of water. and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God. John 3 : 5. 60. Are we renewed by the Holy Ghost? He saved us by the washing of regeneration, and renewing of the Holy Ghost. Titus 3:5. 61. Is the Holy Ghost in Scripture called God? Why hath Satan filled thy heart to lie to the Holy Ghost? Thou hast not lied unto men, but unto God. Acts 5 : 3, 4. 62. What are the fruits of the Spirit? The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, long- suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance. Gal. 5 : 22, 23. 63. Can a person be a Christian without showing that he is one by his conduct? By their fruits ye shall know them. Matt. 7:20. 64. Must you pray? Men ought always to pray. Luke 18:1. THE TRACT PRIMER. 67 65. Must you pray for all you want? In every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. Phil. 4 : 6. 66. In whose name must we pray? Whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do. John 14: 13. 67. Does Christ say he will grant your requests? Ask, and it shall be given you. Matt. 7:7. 68. Will your prayers be answered if you continue in sin? If I regard iniquity in my heart, the Lord will not hear me. Psalm 66 : 18. 69. Should we pray for others as well as ourselves? I exhort therefore, that, first of all, suppli- cations, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men. 1 Tim. 2:1. 70. Does God forbid profane language? Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain. Exod. 20 : 7. 71. How will God treat those who use profane lan- guage? The Lord will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain. Exod. 20 : 7. 72. Is it wrong to swear at all? Swear not, neither by heaven, neither by the earth, neither by any other oath. Jas. 5 : 12. 68 THE TRACT PRIMER. 73. How must you keep the Sabbath? Remember the Sabbath-day to keep it holy. Exod. 20 : 8. 74. For whom was the Sabbath made? The Sabbath was made for man. Mark 2:27. 75. When was the Sabbath instituted? He rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made ; and God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it. Genesis 2 : 2, 3. 76. What did God promise the Israelites if they kept the Sabbath holy? If thou turn away thy foot from the Sab- bath, from doing thy pleasure on my holy day, and call the Sabbath a delight, the holy of the Lord, honorable ; and shalt honor him, not doing thine own ways, nor finding thine own pleasure, nor speaking thine own words : then shalt thou delight thyself in the Lord, and I will cause thee to ride upon the high places of the earth. Isaiah 58 : 13, 14. 77. Should children obey their parents? Children, obey your parents in all things, for this is well-pleasing unto the Lord. Col. 3:20. THE TRACT PRIMER. 69 78. What does the Bible say about children who are dis- respectful to their parents? Cursed be he that setteth light by his father or his mother. Deut. 27 : 16. 79. Should you treat the aged with respect? Thou shalt rise up before the hoary head, and honor the face of the old man. Leviticus 19:32. 80. Ought parents to let their children do wrong; or should they train them in the right way? Train up a child in the way he should go ; and when he is old he will not depart from it. Prov. 22 : 6. 81. Does God command parents to punish their children when they do wrong? Chasten thy son while there is hope, and let not thy soul spare for his crying. Prov. 19:18. 82. What did God say to Eli for not restraining his children when doing wrong? I have told him, that I will judge his house for ever, for the iniquity which he knoweth : because his sons made themselves vile, and he restrained them not. 1 Sam. 3 : 13. 83. Are you forbidden to commit murder? Thou shalt not kill. Exod. 20 : 13. 70 THE TRACT PRIMER. 84. What does the Bible say of the person who hates his brother? Whosoever hateth his brother is a murderer. 1 John, 3 : 15. 85. May you retain angry feelings? Let not the sun go down upon your wrath. Eph. 4 : 26. 86. Should we return evil for evil? Say not, I will do so to him as he hath done tome. Prov. 24:29. 87. Does the Bible forbid indecent language? Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth. Eph. 4 : 29. 88. What does our Saviour say about the pure in heart? Blessed are the pure in heart ; for they shall see God. Matt. 5 : 8. 89. Is it right to take any thing that does not belong to you? Thou shalt not steal. Exod. 20 : 15. 90. Are false weights and measures forbidden? A false balance is abomination to the Lord. Prov. 11:1. 91. Is all cheating forbidden? That no man go beyond and defraud his brother in any matter. 1 Thess. 4:6. THE TRACT PRIMER. 71 92. Is it a sin to refuse to pay a just debt? The wicked borroweth, and payetli not again. Psalm 37: 21. 93. Is all falsehood forbidden? Speak every man truth with his neighbor. Eph. 4:25. 94. How does God regard liars? Lying lips are abomination to the Lord Prov. 12:22. 95. What will become of all liars? All liars shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone. Rev. 21:8. 96. Is it a sin to raise a false report? Thou shalt not raise a false report. Exod. 23:1. 97. Is it sinful to spread a false report? Thou shalt not go up and down as a tale- bearer among thy people. Lev. 19 : 16. 98. Are you forbidden to covet? Thou shalt not covet. Eom. 13 : 9. 99. Is covetousness an offence against God? Covetousness which is idolatry. Col. 3 : 5. 100. What does the Bible say of the love of money? The love of money is the root of all evil. 1 Tim. 6:10. THE TRACT PRIMER. 101. Can a covetous person be satisfied? He that loveth silver shall not be satisfied with silver; nor he that loveth abundance with increase. Eccles. 5:10. 102. Should we be contented with our condition? I have learned in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content. Phil. 4:11. 103. Is it sinful to set our hearts upon worldly things? Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. 1 John, 2 : 15. 104. May we sin in small things as well as in great? Whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all. James 2 : 10. 105. Which had you rather have, a good character, or a great deal of money? A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches. Prov. 22 : 1 . 106. Is the possession of riches attended with danger? I say unto you, That a rich man shall hardly enter into the kingdom of heaven. Matt. 19 : 23. 107. Is any thing more valuable than the soul? What shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul? Mark 8:36, 37. THE TRACT PRIMER. 73 108. Are you commanded to be charitable and gen- erous? To do good, and to communicate, forget not; for with such sacrifices God is well pleased, Heb. 13 : 16. 109. To whom must we do good? As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith. Gal. 6 : 10. 110. Can poor persons be as charitable and liberal as the rich? If there be first a willing mind, it is accepted according to that a man hath, and not accord- ing to that he hath not. 2 Cor. 8 : 12. 111. How must you act when people continue to treat you badly? Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you and perse- cute you. Matt. 5 : 44. 112. What is the consequence of intemperance in this world? The drunkard and the glutton shall come to poverty. Prov. 23 : 21. 113. What will become of drunkards in the world to come? Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, 74 THE TRACT PRIMER. nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God. 1 Cor. 6 : 10. 114. If such are the consequences of drunkenness in this world and in the next, should you expose yourself to temptation ? Look not thou upon the wine when it is red, when it giveth its color in the cup, when it moveth itself aright : at the last it biteth like a serpent, and stingeth like an adder. Prov. 23:31,32. 115. Should you not be willing to give up the use of intoxicating liquors, if your example may be the means of making others intemperate ? It is good neither to eat flesh, nor to drink wine, nor any thing whereby thy brother stum- bleth, or is offended, or is made weak. Rom. 14:21. 116. Is it safe to go to the place of temptation? Avoid it, pass not by it, turn from it, and pass away. Prov. 4 : 15. 117. How can you resist the temptations of the devil? Put on the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. Eph. 6:11. 118. What does Christ say about peacemakers? Blessed are the peacemakers ; for they shall be called the children of God. Matt. 5 : 9. THE TRACT PRIMER. 75 119. Should you be selfish? was Christ selfish? Even Christ pleased not himself. Eomans 15:3. 120. Is it right to be idle? An idle soul shall suffer hunger. Proverbs 19:15. 121. Ought you to control your temper? He that is slow to anger is better than the mighty ; and he that ruleth his spirit, than he that taketh a city. Prov. 16 : 32. 122. Should you be kind and polite? Be courteous. 1 Peter, 3 : 8. 123. Is it proper to answer a person harshly? A soft answer turneth away wrath. Prov. 15:1. 124. Is it right to flatter? A man that flattereth his neighbor spreadeth a net for his feet. Prov. 29 :5. 125. Is the way of transgressors easy? The way of transgressors is hard. Prov. 13:15. 126. How is the way of the righteous? Her ways are ways of pleasantness, and all her paths are peace. Prov. 3 : 17. 127. Are wicked persons happy? There is no peace, saith the Lord, unto the wicked. Isaiah 48 : 22. 76 THE TRACT PRIMER. 128. Must you die? It is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment. Heb. 9 : 27. 129. How did death come into the world? By one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin. Rom. 5 : 12. 130. What does the Bible say of Christians when they die? Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord. Rev. 14 : 13. 131. Can Christians triumph over death? Death is swallowed up in victory. 1 Cor. 15:54. 132. Who gives them the victory? Thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory, through our Lord Jesus Christ. 1 Cor. 15 : 57. 133. Will they come to life again? The hour is coming, in the which all that are in the graves shall hear his voice, and shall come forth. John 5 : 28, 29. 134. Will the body be raised? This mortal must put on immortality. 1 Cor. 15:53. 135. Shall you stand before the judgment-seat of God to be judged? I saw the dead, small and great, stand before THE TRACT PRIMER. 77 God ; and the books were opened ; and another book was opened, which is the book of life : and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works. Rev. 20 : 12. 136. What will Jesus say to those who love him, at the day of judgment? Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world. Matt. 25 : 34. 137. What will Jesus say to the wicked at the day of judg- ment? Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels. Matt. 25:41. 138. Has Christ prepared a place for those who love him? I go to prepare a place for you. John 14:2. 139. Will all who go there be completely happy? Iii thy presence is fulness of joy : at thy right hand are pleasures for evermore. Psalm 16:11. 140. Do the inhabitants of heaven have any suffering? God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes ; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain. Rev. 21 : 4. 7* 78 THE TRACT PRIMER. 141. Is it an easy thing to get to heaven? Strive to enter in at the strait gait ; for many, I say unto you, will seek to enter in, and shall not be able. Luke 13 : 24. 142. Do all men love and seek the joys of heaven? Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him ; but God hath revealed them unto us by his Spirit. 1 Cor. 2 : 9, 10. 143. What is your whole duty to God and man? Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind ; and thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. Matt. 22 : 37, 39. 144. How can we show our love to God? If ye love me, keep my commandments. John 14 : 15. 145. How can you always know how you should act to others ? As ye would that men should do to you, do ye also to them likewise. Luke 6 : 31. 146. What does God ask you to do now, in the days of your youth ? Wilt thou not from this time cry unto me, My Father, thou art the guide of my youth? Jer. 3:4. THE TRACT PRIMER. 79 147. If you take God as your guide, what will he require of you? What doth the Lord require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk hum- bly with thy God? Micah 6 : 8. 148. What is the sum of true religion? Let us hear the conclusion of the whole mat- ter : Fear God, and keep his commandments ; for this is the whole duty of man. For God shall bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil. Eccl. 12 : 13, 14. THE LORD'S PRAYER. Our Father, which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation ; But deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen. 80 THE TRACT PRIMER. THE TEN COMMANDMENTS. I. Thou shalt have no other gods before me. II. Thou shalt not make unto thee any grav- en image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth : thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them : for I the Lord thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth genera- tion of them that hate me ; and showing mercy unto thousands of them that love me, and keep my commandments. III. Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain : for the Lord will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain. IY. Remember the Sabbath-day to keep it holy. Six days shalt thou labor, and do all thy work : but the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord thy God : in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy man-servant, nor thy maid-servant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates : for in six days the Lord made heaven THE TRACT PRIMER. 81 and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day ; wherefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath-day, and hallowed it. V. Honor thy father and thy mother ; that thy days may be long upon the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee. VI. Thou shalt not kill. VII. Thou shalt not commit adultery. VIII. Thou shalt not steal. IX. Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor. X. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's wife, nor his man-servant, nor his maid-servant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any thing that is thy neigh- bor's. Exodus 20 : 3-17. THE SUM OF THE TEN COMMANDMENTS. Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great com- mandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. On these two commandments, hang all the law and the prophets. Matt. 22 : 37-40. 82 THE TRACT PRIMER. THE STORY OF REDEEMING LOVE. Come, listen, while our song shall show How Christ, our Saviour, walked below ; And why, from realms of bliss on high, The King of kings came down to die ! God loved the guilty world, and gave His only Son our souls to save. Prophets foretold his coming day ; A messenger prepared his way, And sent the joyful shout abroad "Zion, behold your King and God ! THE TRACT PRIMER. 83 CHRIST LIVING-. No selfish grief he ever felt, No anger in his bosom dwelt ; But thoughts of love, of praise, and prayer, Like cloudless sunshine, rested there. His very foes were forced to tell, That no man ever spoke so well ; And wondering crowds with gladness hung On the sweet accents of his tongue. Such mighty power was in his hand, All nature bowed at his command : The stormy winds his will obeyed, The raging waves by him were stayed, The dead arose to bless his name, The dumb went forth to tell his fame ; He bade the lame to walk the ear That long was closed, his voice to hear ; His word gave eyesight to the blind, And healed the poor bewildered mind. Sinners like wandering sheep he sought, And to the fold in safety brought ; And holy sorrow filled his eye, That any in their sins should die. The great deceiver of mankind In him no evil thing could find ; Thought, word, and deed alike were free From folly and iniquity. 84 THE TRACT PRIMER. By sore temptation pained and tried, The world and Satan he defied. God's word his sword and sure defence, He said to Satan, " Get thee hence 1" And in his lone and fainting hour, He triumphed o'er the tempter's power. CHRIST DYINGL They led him to a death of shame ; They called him by a traitor's name ; His flesh with nails was rudely torn, His head was crowned with piercing thorn ; His angry foes for vengeance cried, His dearest friends forsook his side : One who had vowed with him to die, His very name did now deny. Deep sorrows compassed him about, Hope for a time seemed quite shut out, And e'en his heavenly Father's face Withdrew its wonted smile of grace. The darkened sun refused to see That hour of sharpest agony, When Christ such mighty anguish bore But men reviled and mocked the more. Yet in that dreadful hour he felt His heart with love and pity melt. He marked his mother's look of woe, Her tears of bitter anguish flow, THE TRACT PRIMER. 85 And gave her to the tender care Of one who watched in friendship there. He listened to the humble cry Of a repentant sinner nigh, And spoke sweet promises to cheer His fainting soul, and calm his fear. The cruel men that wrought his death, He prayed for with his parting breath ; Asked that their sins might be forgiven, And blotted from the book of heaven. Then as he bowed his head and died, "'T is finished," with loud voice he cried. His pangs were o'er, his soul of love Passed to the Paradise above. Creation trembled as he went : The earth did quake, the rocks were rent ; And through the crowd the murmur ran, "Truly this was a righteous man." In vain they watch the mighty stone Is rolled away ; the Lord is gone ! He came to die, but death is o'er He lives ! He reigns for evermore I 7 T was He the earth's foundation laid ; T was He, sun, moon, and stars that made. Eternity beheld him stand, God's "fellow,* high at his right hand ; 86 THE TRACT PRIMER. And with the equal Spirit, share Infinite power and glory there. No robber of his Father's throne, He claimed its honors as his own ; While holy angels him confessed, God over all, and ever blessed. Behold him, as, on earth again, He shows himself alive to men ! Behold him, as his friends draw near, Their Master's latest charge to hear ; Till, rising to the heaven of light, A cloud receives him from their sight ! Behold him now, at God's right hand : The world is given to his command ; And daily blessings still record The love of our ascended Lord I For rebels still he intercedes ; For them his sacrifice he pleads. Still in his word, we hear him say, "I am the Life, the Truth, the Way!" FREELY FORGIVING- SIN. On Calvary's cross the Saviour died, That sinners might be justified, And, washed in his atoning blood, Might stand before a holy God. Pardon to guilty man is given, As freely as the light of heaven. THE TRACT PRIMER. 87 No price from him does God demand, He asks no labor from his hand. Rebels condemned can nothing give This is the word, "Believe, and live." For Christ's sake, all their sins shall be Cast to the bottom of the sea ; Their souls exalted to his throne, And counted holy like his own. So did the dying Saviour prove The strength of God's almighty love ; So did the Father's pardoning grace, Shine in the great Redeemer's face. COMING TO JUDGMENT. Once on this guilty earth he trod, The patient, suffering Lamb of God ; And once again, in clouds of light, While sinners tremble at the sight, As sovereign Judge, shall Jesus come, To speak their everlasting doom. Then, on that great and solemn day, When heaven and earth shall pass away, All who within their graves have lain, Shall rise from dust and live again, With those who, long forgotten, sleep In the dark caverns of the deep. Behold, "the great white throne" is set ; All nations round that throne are met : 88 THE TRACT PRIMER. Safe gathered at their Lord's right hand, His ransomed people joyful stand. But who are those, of hope bereft, Weeping and wailing on the left ? These are the unbelieving race, Whose stubborn hearts despised his grace ; Too late their folly they deplore The voice of mercy speaks no more. Driven from the face of God, they go To darkness and eternal woe. what a fearful truth is this "God with the wicked angry is" Their sins he never will forgive, Till in the Saviour they believe, And trust his perfect righteousness Their lost, polluted souls to dress. The years of man full quickly pass, Just like the blade of tender grass : To-day, all green and fresh 't is found To-inorrow, withered on the ground : The child is full of life to-day- To-morrow, sleeping in the clay. And where shall sinful children fly To hide from God's all-searching eye, When he shall bid his trumpet sound, And raise the bodies from the ground ? On rocks and mountains they may call, Upon their trembling souls to fall ; THE TRACT PRIMER. 89 But they shall find no hiding-place From an offended Saviour's face. INVITATION TO CHRIST. Come, all ye weary ones, and rest On Jesus 7 sympathizing breast : For you he came to earth and died, For you was pierced his bleeding side ; The heart that bore your sorrows then, Still feels for all the woes of men. In heaven's bright courts he sits alone Upon the Mediator's throne ; Sharing with none that glorious name He won through agony and shame ; And saints and angels join to raise To him adoring songs of praise, And own him worthy to receive The noblest honors they can give. There, from his high, exalted seat, He welcomes sinners to his feet ; Invites the weary to his breast, And promises to give them rest. Come, listen to his voice to-day, Nor for another hour delay. If you adore the boundless love That brought him from his throne above ; And mourn to think your heart should hide The sins Tor which he groaned and died ; 90 THE TRACT PRIMER. And long to walk from day to day, Like him, in wisdom's pleasant way ; Like him, to spend your earthly days In showing the Creator's praise ; To mark each step the Saviour trod, And walk, like Enoch, with your God ; Behold, he ready stands to bless Your soul with peace and holiness. Come, then, he will his grace impart, Create anew the stony heart, Melt it like wax before the flame, And stamp it with his own bright name. Then shall his word, with steady light, Direct your youthful footsteps right ; ? T will be as honey to your taste More cheering than a plenteous feast ; More precious than the golden ore, Or rubies from the merchant's store. seek him, then, with all your mind, For those who early seek shall find. Children within his arms he pressed, And laid his hands on them, and blessed. He watches o'er his flock for good, And feeds his lambs with heavenly food. THE TRACT PRIMER. 91 VERSE CATECHISM ABOUT CHRIST. Q. Do you know who Jesus Christ is? A. He is the almighty Son of God, Although he took our flesh and blood. Q. What did Christ suffer to save men? A. Nailed to a cross, with anguish sore The punishment of sin he bore. Q. Was it not great love in Christ to die for such as you? A. Indeed, this was amazing love ; It ought the hardest heart to move. Q. How can the death of Christ be made of use to us? A. By faith we must to Jesus cleave, And life and death from him receive. Q. Can you of yourself bring your heart to love Christ and hate sin? A. Alas, so hard my heart has been, It loves not Christ, nor grieves for sin. Q. How then can your heart be made to love Christ and forsake sin ? A. God, by his Spirit, can impart A loving, meek, and holy heart. 92 THE TRACT PRIMER. Q. To whom does the Bible say this blessing will be given? A. Through Jesus Christ, this gift of heaven, To all who truly ask, is given. Q. Where is Christ now? A. In heaven he fills a glorious seat, And angels bow beneath his feet. Q. Will Christ ever come again? A. One day, the Lord will surely conie ; The dead will live, and hear their doom. GOODNESS OF GOD. Lord, when I count thy mercies o'er, They strike me with surprise ; Not all the sands that spread the shore To equal numbers rise. LOVE TO GOD. When I look up to yonder sky, So pure, so bright, so wondrous high, I think of One I cannot see, But one who sees and cares for me. His name is God : he gave me birth, And every living thing on earth ; And every tree and plant that grows, To the same hand its being owes. THE TRACT PRIMER. 93 ? T is he my daily food provides, And all that I require besides ; And when I close my slumb'riug eye, I sleep in peace, for he is nigh. Then surely I should ever love This gracious God who reigns above ; For very kind indeed is he, To love a little child like me. VERSE: BY JOHN BUNYAN. He that is down, needs fear no fall ; He that is low, no pride : He that is humble, ever shall Have God to be his guide. TRY AGAIN. Here 's a lesson all should heed Try, try, try again. If at first you don't succeed, Try, try, try again. Let your courage well appear ; If you only persevere, You will conquer nevei fear Try, try, try again. Twice or thrice, though you should fail, Try again. If at last you would prevail, Try again. 94 THE TRACT PRIMER. When you strive, there 's no disgrace, Though you fail to win the race ; Bravely, then, in such a case, Try, try, try again. Let the thing be e'er so hard, Try again. Time will surely bring reward Try again. That which other folks can do, Why, with patience, may not you ? Why, with patience, may iiot you 1 Trv ; tr J, tr J again. A MINUTE. A minute, how soon it is flown I And yet how important it is I God calls every moment his own, For all our existence is his : And though we may waste them in folly and play, He notices each that we squander away. We should not a minute despise, Although it so quickly is o'er ; We know that it rapidly flies, And therefore should prize it the more. Another, indeed, may appear in its stead, But that precious minute for ever is fled. THE TRACT PRIMER. 95 'T is easy to squander our years In idleness, folly, and strife ; But 0, no repentance nor tears Can bring back one moment of life. Then wisely improve all of time as it goes, And life will be happy, and peaceful the close. MAXIMS. Let order o'er your time preside, And method all your business guide. One thing at once be still begun, Contrived, resolved, pursued, and done. Hire not for what yourself can do, And send not when yourself can go. Ne'er till to-morrow's light delay What might as well be done to-day. Think not a life of labor hard, Health is its rich and sure reward. And let it be your constant plan, To compass all the good you can ; Still following Him, 'mid gain and loss, Who died for sinners on the cross ; That by his love and pardoning grace, High heaven may be your dwelling-place. 96 THE TRACT PRIMERo EMBLEMS OF CHRIST. 1. I am the Bread of Life. John 6 : 35. Is he compared to Wine or Bread? Dear Lord, our souls would thus be fed : That flesh, that dying blood of thine, Is bread of life, is heavenly wine. 2. There shall come forth a rod out of the stem of Jesse, and a branch shall grow out of his roots. Isa. 11 : 1. Is he a Tree ? The world receives Salvation from his healing leaves ; THE TRACT PRIMER. 97 That righteous branch, that fruitful bough, Is David's root and offspring too. . 3. I am the Rose of Sharon, and the Lily of the valleys. Solomon's Song 2:1. Is he a Rose ? Not Sharon yields A flower so fragrant in her fields ; Or, if the Lily he assume, The valleys bless the rich perfume. 4. I am the Vine, ye are the branches. John 15:5. Is he a Vine ? His heavenly root Supplies the boughs with life and fruit : let a lasting union join My soul, the branch, to Christ the Vine. 5. Christ is the Head of the Church for we are members of his body. Eph. 5 : 23, 30. Is he the Head ? Each member lives, And owns the vital powers he gives : The saints below, and saints above, Joined by his Spirit and his love. 6. In that day there shall be a Fountain opened to the house of David, and to the in- V 98 THE TRACT PRIMER. habitants of Jerusalem, for sin and for un- cleanness. Zech. 13 : 1. Is he a Fountain ? There I bathe, And heal the plague of sin and death ; These waters all my soul renew, And cleanse my spotted garments too. 7. "Who may abide the day of his coming? and who shall stand when he appeareth? for he is like a refiner's fire. Malachi 3 : 2. Is he a Fire ? He '11 purge my dross, But the true gold sustains no loss : Like a refiner shall he sit And tread the refuse with his feet. 8. They drank of that spiritual Eock that followed them ; and that Rock was Christ. 1 Cor. 10:4. Is he a Eock ? How firm he proves ! The Rock of ages never moves ; Yet the sweet streams that from him flow, Attend us all the desert through. 9. I am the Way, and the Truth, and the Life. No man cometh unto the Father but by me. John 14 : 6. THE TRACT PRIMER. 99 Is he a Way? He leads to God, The path is drawn in lines of blood ; There would I walk with hope and zeal, Till I arrive at Zion's hill. 10. He that enter eth not by the door into the sheepfold, but climbeth up some other way, the same is a thief and a robber. I am the Door ; by me if any man enter in, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find pas- ture. John 10 : 1, 9. Is he a Door ? I '11 enter in : Behold the pastures large and green, A paradise divinely fair ! None but the sheep have access there. 11. The stone which the builders refused is become the headstone of the corner. Psalm 118:22. Is he designed a Corner-Stone, For men to build their faith upon? I '11 make him my foundation too, Nor fear the plots of hell below. 12. And I saw no temple therein; for the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb are the Temple of it. Rev. 21 :22. 100 THE TRACT PRIMER. Is he a Temple ? I adore Tli' indwelling majesty and power ; And still to this most holy place, Where'er I pray, I turn my face. 13. I Jesus am the bright and Morning-Star. Rev. 22 : 16. Is he a Star? He breaks the night, Piercing the shades with dawning light : I know his glories from afar, I know the bright, the Morning-Star. 14. Unto you that fear his name, shall the Sun of righteousness arise. Malachi 4 : 2. Is he a Sun ? His beams are grace, His course is joy and righteousness ; Nations rejoice when he appears, To chase their clouds and dry their tears. Nor earth, nor seas, nor sun, nor stars, Nor heaven, his full resemblance bears ; His beauties we can never trace, Till we behold him face to face. God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life. John 3 : 16. THE TRACT/PRIMER.; ; , , 101 THE PEARL. The world their fancied pearl may crave, 7 T is not the pearl for me ; 'Twill dim its lustre in the grave, 7 T will moulder in the sea. But there 7 s a Pearl of price untold, Which never can be bought or sold, The sinking soul 7 t will save that 's the pearl for me. THE SONG. Let pleasure chant her syren song, 7 T is not the song for me ; To weeping it will turn ere long, For this is heaven's decree : But there 7 s a song the ransomed sing To Jesus, their exalted King, With joyful heart and tongue that 's the song for me. By that pure and silent stream, Sheltered from the scorching beam, Shepherd, Saviour, Guardian, Guide, Keep me ever near thy side. 9* 102 THE TRACT PRIMER. GOLDEN MAXIM OF SIR MATTHEW HALE. A Sabbath well spent Brings a week of content, And strength for the toils of the morrow ; But a Sabbath profaned, Whatsoever be gained, Is a certain forerunner of sorrow. t THE SHEPHERD MY GUIDE. With thy counsel thou shalt guide me, thou Shepherd of the flock ; Safe from every tempest hide me, Fixed upon the living Kock. Poor and needy, receive me, Be thy rod my staff and stay ; And that blessed portion give me Which no power can take away. THE SAME. Shepherd of thy little flock, Lead me to the shadowing rock, Where the richest pasture grows, Where the living water flows. THE TRACT PRIMER. 103 MILLENNIAL TEXT. also shall dwell with the shall lie down V, with the and the young and the fatling together, and and a little shall lead them. ISA. 11:6. 104 THE TRACT PRIMER. DUTY OF CHILDREN TO PARENTS. Ye shall fear every man his mother and his father. Lev. 19:3. My son, hear the instruction of thy father, and forsake not the law of thy mother. Prov. 1:8. For God commanded, saying, Honor thy father and thy mother : and he that curseth father or mother, let him die the death. Matt. 15:4. Children, obey your parents in the Lord ; for this is right. Honor thy father and thy mother, (which is the first commandment with promise,) that it may be well with thee, and that thou mayest live long on the earth. Eph. 6 : 1-3. Children, obey your parents in all things ; for this is well-pleasing unto the Lord. Col. 3 : 20. DUTIES TO AGED PERSONS. Thou shalt rise up before the hoary head, and honor the face of the old man, and fear thy God : I am the Lord. Lev. 19 : 32. Likewise, ye younger, submit yourselves un- to the elder. 1 Pet. 5:5. THE TRACT PRIMER. 105 FAMILY WORSHIP. <0,y; 1 For I know him, (Abraham,) that he will command his children, and his household after him, and they shall keep the way of the Lord. Gen. 18 :19. As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord. Josh. 24:15. 106 THE TRACT PRIMER. CHOICE OF COMPANIONS. My son, if sinners entice thee, consent thou not : my son, walk not thou in the way with them ; refrain thy foot from their path : for their feet run to evil, and make haste to shed blood. Prov. 1 : 10, 15, 16. He that walketh with wise men shall be wise ; but a companion of fools shall be de- stroyed. Prov. 13:20. Make no friendship with an angry man; and with a furious man thou shalt not go : lest thou learn his ways, and get a snare to thy soul. Prov. 22:24, 25. CONCERNING MIRTH AND AMUSEMENTS. They (the wicked) send forth their little ones like a flock, and their children dance. They ta.ke the timbrel and harp, and rejoice at the sound of the organ. They spend their days in wealth, and in a moment go down to the grave. Therefore they say unto God, De- part from us ; for we desire not the knowledge of thy ways. Job 21 : 11-14. Rejoice, young man, in thy youth ; and let thy heart cheer thee in the days of thy THE TRACT PRIMER. 107 youth, and walk in the ways of thy heart, and in the sight of thine eyes ; but know thou, that for all these things God will bring thee into judgment. Eccl. 11:9. But I say unto you, That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment. Matt. 12 : 36. CONCERNING TRUE CHRISTIAN JOY AND CHEERFULNESS. Be glad in the Lord, and rejoice, ye right- eous : and shout for joy, all ye that are upright in heart. Psa. 32:11. Rejoice in the Lord, ye righteous; for praise is comely for the upright. Psa. 33 : 1. Let Israel rejoice in him that made him : let the children of Zion be joyful in their King. Psa. 149:2. CONCERNING HOME. Withdraw thy foot from thy neighbor's house ; lest he be weary of thee, and so hate thee. Prov. 25 : 17. As a bird that wandereth from her nest, so is a man that wandereth from his place. Prov. 27:8. 108 THE TRACT PRIMER. CONCERNING CONVERSATION. Thou shalt not go up and down as a tale- bearer among thy people. Lev. 19 : 16. The words of his mouth were smoother than butter, but war was in his heart : his words were softer than oil, yet were they drawn swords. Psalm 55:21. Whoso privily slander eth his neighbor, him will I cutoff. Psalm 101:5. In the multitude of words there wanteth not sin ; but he that refraineth his lips is wise. Prov. 10 : 19. A froward man soweth strife ; and a whis- perer separateth chief friends. Prov. 16 : 28. "Where no wood is, there the fire goeth out ; so where there is no talebearer, the strife ceas- eth. Prov. 26 : 20. Judge not, that ye be not judged. Matt. 7:1. For he that will love life, and see good days, let him refrain his tongue from evil, and his lips that they speak no guile. 1 Pet. 3 : 10. 14 DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED EDUCATION-PSYCHOLOGY LIBRARY TEL. NO. 642-4209 This book is due on the last date stamped below, or on the date to which renewed. Renewed books are subject to immediate recall. MflreinuTg JUN 1 2 REC'D -1 PI /] LD 21A-15m-l/71 General Library TTniversitv of California M39792 THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY