Lfornia mal Lty UNIVERSITY AT LO THE RIGHTS OF MAN; BEING AN ANSWER •to MR. BURKE'S ATTACK ON THE tfxtnify ftebolutton* By THOMAS PAINE, SECRETARY TOR FOREIGN AFFAIRS TO CONGRESS IN THE AMERICAN WAR j AUTHOR OF THE WORKS ENTITLED ** COMMON SENSE," " THE CRISIS," " A LETTER TO THE ABBE RAYNAL," SfC 9G82 & : LONDON: PRINTED & PUBLISHED BY W. T. SHERWIN, 1 83, FLEET STREET, 4NP »QU> BY ALL B00KSEH.KE8 1817. . ' 1/ JC • 'Ur? TO GEORGE WASHINGTON, >- PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF 5 AMERICA. Sir, I present you a small treatise in defence of those principles of freedom which your exem- S plary virtue hath so eminently contributed to esta- g blish. That the Rights of Man may become as : universal as your benevolence can wish, and that you may enjoy the happiness of seeing the New World regenerate the Old, is the prayer of Sir, Your much obliged, And obedient humble Servant, THOMAS PAINE. C3 c 31J0959 • PREFACE. From the part Mr. Burke took in the American Revolu- tion, it was natural that I should consider him a friend to Mankind ; and as our acquaintance commenced on that ground, it would have been more agreeable to me, to have bad cause to continue in that opinion, than to change it. At the time Mr. Burke made his violent speech last win- ter in the English Parliament, against the French Revolu- tion and the National Assembly, I was in Paris, and had written to him, but a short time before, to inform him how prosperously matters were going on. Soon after this, I saw bis advertisement of the pamphlet he intended to publish. As the attack was to ne made in a language but little stu- died, and less understood in France; and as every thing suffers by translation ; I promised some of the Friends of the Revolution in that country, that whenever Mr. Burke's Pamphlet came forth, I would answer it. This appeared to me the more necessary to be done, when I saw the flagrant misrepresentations which Mr. Burke's Pamphlet contains ; and that, while it is an outrageous abuse on the French Re- volution, and the principles of Liberty, it is an imposition on the rest of the world. I am the more astonished, and disappointed, at this con- duct in Mr. Burke, as, from the circumstance I am going to mention, I had formed other expectations. I had seen enough of the miseries of war, to wish it Tl PREFACE. might never more have existence iu the world ; and that some other mode might be found out, to settle the differ- ences that should occasionally arise in the neighbourhood of Nations. This certainly might be done, if Courts were dis- posed to set honestly about it; or if Countries were enligh- tened enough not to become the dupes of Courts. The peo- ple of America had been bred up in the same prejudices against France, which at that time characterised the people of England ; but experience, and an acquaintance with the French Nation, have most effectually shewn to the Ameri- cans, the falsehood of those prejudices ; and I do not believe that a more cordial and confidential intercourse exists be- tween any two countries than between America and France. When I came to France, in the Spring of 1787, the Arch- bishop of Thoulouse was then minister, and at that time highly esteemed. I became much acquainted with the pri- vate secretary of the minister, a man of an enlarged, benevo- lent heart; and found that his sentiments and my own per- fectly agreed with respect to the madness of war, and the wretched impolicy of two Nations?, like England and France, continually worrying each other, to no other end than that of a mutual increase of burdens and taxes. That I might be assured I had not misunderstood him, nor he me, I put the substance of our opinions into writing, and sent it to him ; subjoining a request, that if I should see among the people of England any disposition to cultivate a better understand- ing between the two Nations than had hitherto prevailed, how far I might be authorised to say, that the same dispo- sition prevailed on the part of France? He answered me by letter, in the most unreserved manner, and that not for him- self only, but for the minister, with whose knowledge the letter was declared to be written. I put this letter into the hands of Mr. Burke, almost three years ago ; and left it with him, where it still remains ; PREFACE. Tli hoping, and at the same time expecting, from the opinion I had conceived of him, that he would find some opportu- nity of making a good use of it, for the purpose of removing those errors and prejudices, which two neighbouring na- tions, from the want of knowing each other, had entertained, to the injury of both. When the French Revolution broke out,* it certainly af- forded to Mr. Burke an opportunity of doing some good, had he been disposed to it: instead of which, no sooner did he see the old prejudices wearing away, than he imme- diately began sowing the seeds of a new inveteracy, as if he were afraid that England and France would cease to be enemies. That there are men, in all countries, who get their living by war, and by keeping up the quarrels of Na- tions, is as shocking as it is true; but when those who are concerned in the government of a country, make it their study to sow discord, and cultivate prejudices between Na- tions, it becomes the more unpardonable. With respect to a paragraph in this work, alluding to Mr. Burke's having a pension, the report has been some time in circulation, at least two months; and as a person is often the last to hear what concerns him the most to know, I have mentioned it that Mr. Burke may have an opportunity of contradicting it if he thinks proper. Thomas Paine. London. 1791. RIGHTS OF MAN, Among the incivilities by which Nations or individuals provoke and irritate each other, Mr. Burke's pamphlet on the French Revolution is an extraordinary instance. Nei- ther the people of France, nor the National Assembly, were troubling themselves about the affairs of England, or the English Parliament ; and why Mr. Burke should commence nn unprovoked attack upon them, both in parliament and in public, is a conduct that cannot be pardoned on the score of manners, nor justified on that of policy. There is scarcely an epithet of abuse to be found in the English language, with which Mr, Burke has not loaded the French Nation, and the National Assembly. Every thing which rancour, prejudice, ignorance, or knowledge, could suggest, is poured forth in the copious fury of near four hundred pages. In the strain and on the plan Mr. Burke was writing, he might have written on to as many thousands. When the tongue or the pen is let loose in a frenzy of pas- •ion, it is the man, and not the subject, that becomes ex- hausted. Hitherto Mr. Burke has been mistaken and disappointed in the opinions he had formed of the affairs of France ; but such is the ingenuity of his hope, or the malignancy of his despair, that it furnishes him with new pretences to go on. There was a time when it was impossible to make Mr. Burke believe there would be any revolution in France. His opi- nion then was, that the French had neither spirit to under- take it, nor fortitude to support it; and now that there is one, he seeks an escape, by condemning "it. Not sufficiently content with abusing the National As- sembly, a great part of his work is taken up with abusing Dr. Price (one of the best hearted men that lives), and the two societies in England, known by the name of the Revo- lution Society, and the Society for Constitutional Infor- mation. Dr. Price had preached a sermon on the 4th of November, 1789, being the anniversary of what is called in England, RIGHTS OF B1AN. the Revolution which took place 1688. Mr. Burke, speak- ing of this sermon, says, " The Political Divine proceeds dogmatically to assert, that by the principles of the Revolu- tion, the people of England have acquired three fundamental rights: J M. f To choose our own governors. 2. To ca bier them for misconduct. To frame a government for ourselves." Dr. Price does not say that the right to do these things exists in this or in that person, or in this or in that descrip- tion of persons, but that it exists in the tehoh ; that it is a right resident in the Nation.— Mr. BuTke, on the contrary, denies that such a right exists in the Nation, either in whole or in part, or that it exists any where: and, what is still more strange and marvellous, he says, " that the people of England utterly disclaim such right, and that they will resist the practical assertion of it with their lives and fortunes." That men should take up arms, and spend their lives and fortunes, not to maintain their rights, but to maintain they have not rights, is an entire new species of discovery, and suited to the paradoxical genius of Mr. Burke. The method which Mr. Burke takes to prove that the people of England have no such rights, and that such rights do not now exist in the Nation, either in whole or in part, or any where at all, is of the same marvellous and monstrous kind with what he has already said; for his argu- ments are, that the persons, or the generation of persons, in whom they did exist, are dead, and with them the right is dead also. To prove this, he quotes a declaration made by parliament about a hundred years ago, to William and Mary, in these words:-—" The Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, do, in the name of the people aforesaid," (mean- ing the people of England, then living,) " most humbly and faithfully submit themselves, their heirs and po$terilies, for EVER.'* He also quotes a clause of another Act of Parliament made in the s.«me reign, the terms of which, he says, " bind us," (meaning the people of that day,) " our heirs, and our pos- tentt/, to them, their heirs,9nd posterity, to the endoftim b." Mr. Burke conceives his point sufficiently established by producing those* clauses, which he enforces by saying that they exclude the Right of the Nation for ever: and not yet content with making such declarations, repeated over and over again, he further says, "that if the people of England possessed 6uch a right before the Revolution, (which he ac- knowledges to have been the case, not only in England, but $ RIGHTS OF MAN. throughout Europe, at an early period), yet that the Eng- lish Nation did, at the time of the Revolution, most solemnly renounce and abdicate it, for themselves, and for all their posterity, for ever /" As Mr. Burke occasionally applies the poison drawn from his horrid principles, (if it is not a profanation to call them by the name of principles), not only to the English Nation, but to the French Revolution and the National Assembly, and charges that august, illuminated, and illuminating body of men, with the epithet of usurpers, I shall, saris ceremonie, place another system of principles in opposition to his. The English Parliament of 1688 did a certain thing, which, for themselves and their constituents, they had a right to do, and which appeared right should be done: but, in addi- tion to this right, which they possessed by delegation, they set up another right by assumption, that of binding and con- trouling posterity to the end of time. The case, therefore, divides itself into two parts; the right which they possessed by delegation, and the right which they set up by assump- tion. The first is admitted ; but, with respect to the second, I reply — There never did, there never will, and there never can exist a Parliament, or any description of men, or any gene- ration of men, in any country, possessed of the right or the power of binding and controuling posterity to the " end of time," or of commanding for ever how the world shall be governed, or who shall govern it ; and therefore, all such clauses, acts, or declarations, by which the makers of them attempt to do what they have neither the right nor the power to do, nor the power to execute, are in themselves null and void. Every age and generation must be as free to act for itself, in all cases, as the ages and generations which preceded it. The vanity and presumption of governing beyond the grave, is the most ridiculous and insolent of all tyrannies. Man has no property in man ; neither has any generation a pro- perty in the generations which are to follow. The parliament, or the people of 1688, or of any other period, had no more right to dispose of the people of the present day, or to bind, or to controul them in any shape whatever, than the parliament or the people of the present day have to dispose of, bind, or controul those who are to live a hundred or a thousand years hence. Every generation is, and must be, competent to all the purposes which its occasions require. It is the living, and not the dead, that are to be accommodated. When man ceases to be, his power and his wants cease with him ; and RIGHTS OF MAS. 4 having no longer any participation in the concerns of this world, he has no longer any authority in directing who shall be its governors, or how its government shall be organized, or how administered. I am not contending for nor against any form of Govern- ment, nor for nor against any party here or elsewhere. That which a whole nation chooses to do, it has a right to do. Mr. Burke says, No. Where then does the right exist ? I , am contending for the rights of the living, and against their j] being willed away, and controled and contracted for, by the/ manuscript, assumed authority of the dead; and Mr. Burke' is contending for the authority of the dead, over the rights and freedom of the living. There was a time when Jcings disposed of their crowns by will upon their death-beds, and consigned the people, like beasts of the field, to whatever successor they appoint- ed. This is now so exploded as scarcely to be remem- bered, and so monstrous as hardly to be believed : but the parliamentary clauses upon which Mr. Burke builds his political church, are of the same nature. The laws of every country must be analogous to some common principle. In England, no parent, or master, nor all the authority of Parliament, omnipotent as it has called itself, can bind or controul the personal freedom even of an individual beyond the age of twenty-one years : on what ground of right, then, could the Parliament of 1633, or any other Parliament, bind all posterity for ever ? Those who have quitted the world, and those who are not yet arrived at it, are as remote from each other as the utmost stretch of mortal imagination can conceive. What possible obligation then can exist between them ? what rule or principle can be laid down, that two nonentities, the one out of existence, and the other not in, and who can never meet in this world, that the one should controul the other to the end of time ? In England it is said that money cannot be taken out of the pockets of the people without their consent: but who authorized, and who could authorize the Parliament of 1688 to controul and take away the freedom of posterity, and limit and confine their rights of acting in certain cases for ever, who were not in existence to give or withhold their consent ? •* A greater absurdity cannot present itself to the under- standing of man, than what Mr. Burke offers to his readers. He tells them, and he tells the world to come, that a cer- tain body of men, who existed a hundred years ago, made a law ; and that there does not now exist in the nation, nor «ver will, nor ever can, a power to alter it. 6 RIGHTS Or MAN. Under how many subtilties, or absurdities, has the divine right to govern been imposed on the credulity of man- kind! — Mr. Burke has discovered a new one, and he has shortened his journey to Rome, by appealing to the power of this infallible parliament of former days : and he produces what it has done, as of divine authority: for that power must certainly be more than human, which no human power, to the end of time, can alter. But Mr. Burke has done some service, not to his cause, but to his country, by bringing those clauses into public view. They serve to demonstrate how necessary it is , at all times, to watch against the attempted encroachment of power, and to prevent its running to excess. It is somewhat extraordinary, that the offence for which James II. was expelled, that of setting up power by assumption, should be re-acted, under another shape and form, by the parliament that expelled him. It shews, that the Rights of Man were but imperfectly understood at the Revolution ; for, certain it is, that the right which that Parliament set up by assumption (for by delegation it had not, and could not have it, because none could give itj over the persons and freedom of posterity for ever, was of the same tyrannical, unfounded kind, which James at- tempted to set up over the Parliament and the nation, and for which he was expelled. The only difference is, (for in principle they differ not), that the one was an usurper over the living, and the other over the unborn; and as the one has no better authority to stand upon than the other, both of them must be equally null and void, and of no effect. From what, or from whence, does Mr. Burke prove the right of any human power to bind posterity for ever? He has produced his clauses ; but he must produce also his proofs that such a right existed, and shew how it existed- If it ever existed, it must now exist; for, whatever apper- tains to the nature of man, cannot be annihilated by man. It is the nature of man to die, and he will continue to die as long as he continues to be born. But Mr. Burke has set up a sort of political Adam, in whom all posterity are bound for ever: he must therefore prove that his Adam possessed such a power, or such a right. The weaker any cord is, the less will it bear to be stretched, and the worse is the policy to stretch it, unless it is intended to break it. — Had a person contemplated the overthrow of Mr. Burke's positions, he would have proceeded as Mr. Burke has done; he would have magnified the autho- rities, on purpose to have called the right of them into question; and the instant the question of right was start- ed, the authorities must have been given up. RIGHTS OF MAN. 6 It requires but a very small glance of thought to perceive that although laws made in one generation often continue in force tiirough succeeding generations, yet that they conti- nue to derive their force from the consent of the living. A law not repealed continues iu force, not because it cannot be repealed, but because it is not repealed; and the non- repealing passes for consent. But Mr. Burke's clauses have not even this qualification in their favour. They become null by attempting to become immortal. The nature of them precludes consent. They destroy the figbt which they might have, by grounding it on a right which they cannot have. Immortal power is not a human right, and therefore cannot be a right of par- liament. The parliament of 168S might as well have passed an act to have authorised themselves to live for ever, as to make their authority live forever. All, therefore, that can be said of them is, that they are a formality of words, of as much import as if those who used them had addressed a con- gratulation to themselves, and, in the oriental style of an- tiquity, bad said, O Parliament, live for ever! The circumstances of the world are continually changing, and the opinions of men change also ; and as government is for the living, and not for the dead, itJs_the.iiyiDg.Qnly that have any ri gh t jr j fa That which may be thought right, and found convenient in one age, may be thought wrong, aud found inconvenient in another. In such cases, who is to decide, the living, or the dead ? As almost one hundred pages of Mr. Burke's book are em- ployed upon these clauses, it will consequently follow, that if the clauses themselves, so far as they set up an assumed, uturped dominion over posterity for ever, are unauthorita- tive, and in their nature null and void; that all his volu- minous inferences and declamations, drawn therefrom, or founded thereon, are null and void also ; and on this ground I rest the matter. We now come more particularly to the affairs of France. Mr. Burke's book has the appearance of being written at instruction to the French nation ; but if I may permit my- self the use of an extravagant metaphor, (suited to the ex- travagance of the case,) it is darkness attempting to illumU nate light. While lam writing this, there are accidentally before me some proposals for a declaration of rights, by tue Marquis de la Fayette, (I ask his pardon for using his former address, and do it only for distinction's sake) to the National Assem- bly, on the 11th of July, 1789, three days before taking of B 9 ftTGHTS OP MA*. the BasHle ; and I cannot but be struck by observing how opposite the sources fioni w^ridi that gentleman and Mr. Burke draw their principles. Instead of referring to musty record*, and mouldy parchments, to prove that the rights of the living are lost, *' renounce and abdicated forever," by those who are no mere, as Mr. Burke has done, Mr. de la Fayette applies to the living world, and emphatically says, '* Call-to mind the sentiments which Nature has engraven on the heart of every citizen, and which take a new force when they are solemnly recognized by all : — For a Nation to love liberty, it is sulficient that she knows it ; and to be free, it >s sufficient that she wills it." How dry, barren, and obscure, is the source from which Mr. Burke labours ! and how ineffectual, though gay with flowers, are his declama- tion and argument, compared with these clear, concise, and soul-animating sentiments ! Few and short as they are, they lead on to a vast field of generous and manly thinking: and do riot finish, like Mr. Burke's periods, with music in the ear, and nothing in the heart. As I have introduced M. de la Fayette, I will take the liberty of adding an anecdote respecting his farewell address to the Congress of America, in 1783, and which occurred fresh to my mind when I saw Mr. Burke's thundering attack on the French Revolution. M. de la Fayette went to America at an early period of the war, and continued a volunteer in her service to the end. His conduct, through the whole of tha| enterprise, is one of the most extraordinary that is to be found in the history of a young man, scarcely then twenty years of age. Situated in a country that was like the lap of sensual pleasure, how few are there to be found who would exchange such a scene for the woods and wildernesses of America; and pass the 'flowery years of youth in unprofitable danger and hardship! but such is the fact. When the war ended, and he was on the point of taking his final departure, he presented himself to Congress, and contemplating, in his affectionate farewell, the revolution he had seen, expressed himself in these words: "May this great monument, raised to Liberty, serve as a lesson to the oppressor, and an example to the op- pressed !** — When this address came to the hands of Dr. "Franklin, who was then in France, he applied to Count Vergennes to have it inserted in the French gazette, but could never obtain his consent. The fact was, that Count de Vergennes was an aristocratical despot at home, and dreaded the example of the American revolution in France, as certain other persons now dread the example of the French revolution in England ; and Mr. Burke's tribute of fear, (for RIGHTS OF MAH. » in this light his hook must be countered.) runs parallel with Count Vergennes' refusal. But to return more particularly to his work — " We have seen," says Mr. Burke, " the French rebel against a mild and lawful monarch, with more fury, outrage, and insult, than nny people has been known to rise against the most illegal usurper, or the most sanguinary tyrant." This is one, among a thousand o:her instances, in which Mr. Burke shews that he is ignorant of the springs ami princi- ples of the French revolution. It was not asainst Louis the l(5th, but against the des- potic principles of the Government that the Nation re- volted. These principles had not their origin in him, but in the original establishment, many centuries hack ; and they were become too deeply rooted to be removed, and the Au- gean stable of parasites and plundereis too ahominably filthy / to be cleansed, by any thing short of a complete and gene- ral revolution. When it becomes necessary to do a thing, the whole heart and soul should go into the measure, or not attempt it. That crisis was then arrived, and there re- mained no choice but to act with determined vigour, Of not ' to act at all. . The King was known to ( be the friend of the Nation, and this circumstance was favourable to the enter- prize. Perhaps no roan bred up in the style of an absolute King, ever possessed a heart so little disposed to the exercise of that species of power, as the present King of France. But the principles of the Government itself remained the same. The Monarch and the Monarchy were distinct and separate things; and it was against the estahlished despotism of the latter, and not against the person or principles of the for- mer, that the revolt commenced, and the revolution has been carried. Mr. Burke does not attend to the distinction between * men and principles ; and therefore he does not see that a revolt may take place against the despotism of the latter, while there lies no charge of despotism against the former. The natural moderation of Louis XVI. contributed no- thing to alter the hereditary despotism of the monarchy. All the tyrannies of former reigns, acted under that here- ditary despotism, were still liable to be revived in the hands of a successor. It was not the respite of a reign that would satisfy France, enlightened as she was then become. A ca- sual discontinuance of the practice of despotism is not a discontinuance qi' its principles; the former depends on the virtue of the individual who is in the immediate possession of the power; the latter on the virtue and fortitude of the Nation. B 2 y RIGHTS OF MAN. In the case of Charles I. and James II. of England, the ■evolt was against the personal despotism of the men ; [whereas in France, it was against the hereditary despotism (of the Government. But men who can consign over the rights of posterity for ever, on the authority of a mouldy parchment, like Mr. Burke, are not qualified to judge of this revolution. It takes in a field too vast for thrir views to explore, and proceeds with a mightiness of reason they cannot keep pace with. But there are many points of view in which this revolu- tion may be considered. When despotism has established itself in a country for ages, as in l< ranee, it is not in the person of the King only that it resides. It has the appear- ance of being so in show, and in nominal authority ; but it is not so in practice, and in fact. It has its standard every where. Every office, and every department, has its despo- tism, founded upon custom and usage. Every place has its Bastille, and every Bastille its despot. The original he- reditary despotism, resident in the person of the King, di- vides and subdivides itself into a thousand shapes and forms, till at last the whole of it is acted by deputation. This was the case in France; and against this species of despotism, proceeding on through an endless labyrinth of office, till the source of it is scarcely perceptible, there is no mode of re- dress. It strengthens itself by assuming the appearance of duty, and tyrannizes under the pretence of obeying. When a man reflects on the condition which France was in, from the nature of her Government, he will see other causes for revolt than those which immediately connect themselves with the person or character of Louis XVI. There were, if I may so express it, a thousand despotisms to be reformed in France, which had grown up under the hereditary despotism of the monarchy, and became so rooted as to be in a great measure independent of it. Between the monarchy, the parliament, and the church, there was a rivalship of despotism ; besides the feudal despo- tism, operating locally, and the ministerial despotism, ope- rating everywhere. But Mr. Burke, by considering the King as the only possible object of a revolt, speaks as if France was a village, in which every thing that passed must be known to its commanding officer, and no oppression could be acted but what he could immediately controul, Mr. Burke might have been in the Bastille his whole life, as well under Louis XVI. as Louis XIV. and neither the one) nor the other have know that such a man as Mr. Burke existed. The despotic principles of the Government were the same in both reigns, though the dispositions of the men were as remote as tyranny and benevolence. RIGHTS OF MAN. 10 What Mr. Burke considers as a reproach to the French Revolution (that of bringing it forward under a reign more miW than the preceding ones,) is one of its highest honours. The revolutions that have taken place in other European countries have been excited by personal hatred. The njge was against the man, and he became the victim. But, in the instance of France, we see a revolution generated in the rational contemplation of the Rights of Man, and distin- guishing from the beginning between persons and princi- ples. But Mr. Burke appears to have no idea of principles, when he is contemplating Governments. ** Ten years ago (says he) I could have felicitated France on her having a Government, without enquiring what the Nature of that Government was, or how it was administered." Is this the language of a ra- tional man ? Is it the language of a heart feeling as it ought to feel for the rights and happiness of the human race ? On this ground, Mr. Burke must compliment every Government in the world ; while the victims who suffer under them, whether sold into slavery, or tortured out of existence, are wholly forgotten. It is power, and not principles, that Mr. Burke venerates; and under this abominable depravity he is disqualified to judge between them. — Thus much for his opinion as to the occasion of the French Revolution. I now proceed to other considerations. I know a place in America called Point-no-Point ; because as you proceed along the shore, gay and flowery as Mr. Burke's language, it continually recedes and presents itself at a distance a-head ; but when you have got as far as you can go, there is no point at all. Just thus it is with Mr. Burke's three hundred and fifty-six pages. It is therefore difficult to reply to him. But as the points he wishes to establish, may be inferred from what he abuses, it is in his paradoxes that we must look for his arguments. As to the tragic paintings by which Mr. Burke has out- raged his own imagination, and seeks to work upon that of his readers, they are very well calculated for theatrical re- presentation, where facts are manufactured for the sake of show, and accommodated to produce, through the weak- ness of sympathy, a weeping effect. But Mr. Burke should recollect, he is writing history, and not plays; and that his readers will expect truth, and not the spouting rant of high-toned exclamation. When we see a man dramatically lamenting, in a publi- cation intended to be believed, that " The age of chivalry is gone!" that" The glory of Europe is extinguished for ever .'" that " the unbought grace of life, ' (if any one knows what it is), " the cheap ckfetitt of Nations, the nurse of manly senti- ment, and heroic enfapmeh gmte.'" ami all this because the Quixote age of chivalry nonsense is gone, what opinion can we form of his judgment, or what regard can we pay to hii facts? In i lie rhapsody of hks imagination, he has disco- vered a world of windmills, and his sorrows are, that there are no Quixotes to attack them. But if the age of Aristo- cracy, like that of chivalry, should fnll, (and tfnyhad origi- nally gome connection,) Mr. Burke, tin- trumpeter of the order, may continue his parody to the end, and finish with exclaiming, " Othello 's occupation 's'gone /" '- Notwithstanding Mr. Burke's horrid paintings, when the French devolution is compared with those of otW countries, the astonishment will he, that it is marked with so few sacri- fices; but this astonishment will cease, wben we reflect that-ftMttfjff/ps, and notj) < .» < n W « i wet v tl)e invdifsted objects of destruction. The mind of the Nation was acted upon by a higher stimulus than what the consideration of persons could inspire, and sought a higher conquest than could be produced by the downfall of an enemy. Among the few who fell, there do not appear to be any that were intenti- onally singled out. They all of them had their fate in the circumstances of the moment, and were not pursued with that long, cold-blooded, unabated revenge which pursued the unfortunate Scotch in the affair of 1745. Through the whole of Mr. Burke's book I do not observe that the Bastille is mentioHed more than once, and that with a kind of implication as if he were sorry it was pulled down, and wished it were built up again. — «' We have rebuilt Newgate (says he), and tenanted the mansion; and we have prisons almost as strong as the Bas- tille for those who dare to libel the Queens of France.* As to what a madman, like the person called Lord George Gor- don, might say, and to whom Newgate is rather a bedlam than a prison, it is unworthy of a rational consideration. It wns a madman that libelled — and that is sufficient apology : and it afforded an opportunity for confining him, which was . , * Since writing tne above, two other places occur in Mr. Burke's pamphlet it which the name of the Bastille is mentioned, but in the same manner. In the one, he introduces it in a sort of obscure question, and a«ks,—- " Will anj ministers who now serve such a king, with hut a decent appearance of respect, cordially obey the orders of those whom but the other day, in his name, they had committed to the Bastille ?" In the mher, the taking it is mentioned as implying criminality in the French guards who assisted in demolishing it. — " They have not," says he, *' forgot the taking of tile king's castles at Pari*."— This is Mr. Burke who pretends to write ou constitutional freedom. RIGHTS OP MAM. 12 the thing that was wished tor : But certain it is, that Mr. Burke, who does not call himself a madman, (whatever other people may do,) has libelled, in the most, unprovoked man- ner, and in the grossest style of the most vulgar abuse, the whole representative authority of France ; and yet Mr. Burke takes his seat in the British House of Commons ! From .his violence and his grief, his silence on some points, and his excess on others, it is difficult not to believe that Mr. Burke is sorry, extremely sorry, that arbitrary power, the power of the Pope, and the Bastille are pulled down. Not one glance of compassion, not one commiserating re- flection, that I can find throughout his book, has lie bestow, ed on those who lingered out the most wretched of lives-*- a life without hope, in the most miserable of prisons. It is painful to behold a man employing his talents to corrupt himself. Nature has been kinder to Mr. Burke, than he is to her. He is not affected by the reality ofdistress touching his heart, but by the shewy resemblance of it striking his imagination. He pities the plumage, but forgets the dying bird. Accustomed to kiss the aristocratic hand that hath purloined him from himself, he degenerates into a compost^ tionofart, and the genuine soul of Nature forsakes him. His hero or his heroine must be a tragedy victim, expiring in shew; and not the real prisoner of misery, sliding into death in the silence of a dungeon. As Mr. Burke has passed over the whole transaction of th« Bastille, (and his silence is nothing in his favour), and has entertained his readers with reflections on supposed facts distorted into real falsehoods ; 1 will give, since he has not, some account of the circumstances which preceded that transaction. They will serve to shew, that less mischief could scarcely have accompanied such an event, when con- sidered with the treacherous and hostile aggravations of the enemies of the revolution. The mind can hardly picture to itself a more tremendous scene, than what the city of Paris exhibited at the time of taking the Bastille, and for two days before and after, nor conceive the possibility of its quieting so soon. Ata distance, this transaction has appeared only as an act of heroism, standing on itself; and the close political connection it had with the revolution is lost in the brilliancy of the atchieve. ment. But we are to consider it as the strength of the parties brought man to man, and contending for the issue. The Bastille was to be either the prize or prison of the assail- ants. The downfal of it included the idea of the downfal of Despotism; and this compounded image was become as IS RIGHTS OF MAN. figuratively united as Bunyan's Doubting Castle, and Giant Despair. The National Assembly, before and at the time of taking the Bastille, was sitting at Versailles, twelve miles distant from Paris. About a week before the rising of the Parisians and their taking the Bastille, it was discovered that a plot was forming, at the head of which was the Count d'Artois, the King's youngest brother, for demolishing the National Assembly, seizing its members, and thereby crushing by a coup de main, all hopes and prospects of forming a free Government. For the sake of humanity, as well as of free- dom, it is well this plan did not succeed. Examples are not wanting, to shew how dreadfully vindictive and cruel are all old Governments, when they are successful against what they call a revolt. This plan must have been some time in agitation ; be- cause, in order to carry it into execution, it was necessary to collect a large military force round Paris, and to cut otf the communication between that city and the National As- sembly at Versailles. The troops destined for this service were chiefly the foreign troops in the pay of France ; and who for this particular purpose, were drawn from the dis- tantprovinces where they were then stationed. When they were collected, to the amount of between twenty-five and thirty thousand men, it was judged time to put the plan in execution. The ministry who were then in office, and who were friendly to the revolution were instantly dismissed, and a new ministry formed of those who had concerted the project; — among whom was the Count de Broglio, and to his share was given the command of those troops. The character of this man, as described to me in a letter which \ communicated to Mr. Burke before he began to write his book, and from an authority which Mr. Burke well knows was good, was that of" an high-flying aristocrat, cool, and capable of every mischief." While these matters were agitating, the National Assembly stood in the most perilous and critical situation that a body of men can be supposed to act in. They were the devoted victims, and they knew it. They had the hearts and wishes of their country on their side, but military authority they had none. The guards of Broglio surrounded the hall where the assembly sat — ready, at the word of command to seize their persons, as had been done the year before to the parliament in Paris. Had the National Assembly deserted their trust, or had they exhibited signs of weakness or fear, their enemies had been encouraged, and the country depress- ed. When the situation they stood in, the cause they were RIGHTS OF MAN. 14. engaged in, and the crisis then ready to burst, which should determine their persoiul and political fate, and that of their country, and probably of Europe, are taken into one view, none but a heart callous with prejudice, or corrupted by dependance, can avoid interesting itself in their success. The Archbishop of Vienne was at this time persident of the National Assembly ; a person too old to undergo the scene, that a few days, or a few hours might bring forth. A man of more activity, and bolder fortitude was necessary; and the National Assembly chose (under the form of a vice- president, for the presidency still resided in the Archbishop) M. de la Fayette ; and this is the only instance of a vice- president being chosen. It was at the moment that this •torm was pending (July 11) that a declaration of rights was brought forward by M. de la Fayette, and is the $ame which I have before alluded to. It was hastily drawn up, and makes only a part of a more extensive declaration of rights, agreed upon and adopted afterwards by the National Assembly. The particular reason for bringing it forward at this moment, M. de la Fayette has since informed me, was, that if the National Assembly should fall in the threat- ened destruction that then surrounded it, some traces of its principles might have the chance of surviving the wreck. Every thing was now drawing to a crisis. The event was freedom or slavery. On the one side, an army of nearly thirty thousand men ; on the other an unarmed body of ci- tizens : for the citizens of Paris, on whom the National As- sembly must then immediately depend, were as unarmed and as undisciplined as the citizens of London are now. — The French guards had given strong symptoms of their being at- tached to the national cause; but their numbers were small — not a tenth part of the force that Broglio command- ed, and their officers were in the interest of Broglio. Matters being now ripe for execution, the new ministry made their appearance in office. The reader will carry in his mind, that the Bastille was taken the 14th of July : the point of time I am now speaking to is the 12th. Immedi- ately on the news of the change of ministry reaching Paris, in the afternoon, all the playhouses and places of entertain- ment, shops and houses, were shut up. The change of mi- nistry was considered as the prelude to hostilities, and the opinion was rightly founded. The foreign troops began to advance towards the city. The prince de Lambesc, who commanded a body of German cavalry, approached by the Place of Louis XV. which con- nects itself with some of the streets. In his march, he insult- ed and struck an old man with his sword. The French are 16 RIGHTS OF WAN. remarkable for their respect to old age ; and the insolence with which it appeared to be done, uniting with the gene- ral fermentation they were in, produced a powerful effect, and cry of" to arms/ to arms J" spread itself in a moment over the city. Arms they had none; nor scarcely any who knew the use of them : — but desperate resolution, when every hope is at stake, supplies lor a while the want of arms. Near where the Prince of Lambesc was drawn up, were large piles of stones collected for building the new bridge, and .with these the people attacked the cavalry. , A parly of the French guards, upon hearing the firing, rushed from their quartet s, and joined the. people; and night coming on, the cavalry retreated*. The streets of Paris, being. narrow,, are favourable for de- fence; and the loftiness of the houses, consisting of many stories, from which great annoyance might be given, secured them against nocturnal enterprises ; the night was spent in providing themselves with every sort of weapon they could make or procure; guns, swords, blacksmiths' hammers, car- penters' axes, iron crows, pikes, halberts, pitchforks, spits, clubs, &c. &c. The incredible numbers in which they as- sembled the next morning, and the still more incredible re- solution they exhibited, embarrassed and astonished their enemies. Little did the new ministry. expect such a salute. Accustomed to slavery themselves;, they had no idea that liberty was capable of such inspiration; or that a body of unarmed citizens would dare to face the military force of thirty thousand men. Every moment of this day was em- ployed in collecting arms, concerting plans, and arranging themstlves into the best order which such an instantaneous movement could afford. Broglio continued lying round the city, but made no farther advances this day ; and the suc- ceeding night passed with as much tranquillity as such a scene could possibly produce. But defence only was not the object of the citizens. They had a cause at stake on which depended their freedom, or their slavery* They every moment expected an attack, or to hear of one made On the National Assembly; and in such a situation, the most prompt measures are sometimes the best. The object that now presented itself was. the Bas- tille ; and Hie eclat of carrying such a fortress, in the face of such an a;»i>v, could; "not tail to strike a terror into the new ministry, who bail scarcely yet had time to meet. By some intercepted correspondence this morning, it was discovered that the Mayo i of Paris, M. l)e Flesselles, who appeared to be in their interest, was betraying them ; and from this dis- RIGHTS OP HAH. 16 covery, there remained do doubt that Broglio would rein- force the Bastille the ensuing evening. It was therefore ne- cessary to attack it that day ; but before this could be done, it was first necessary to procure a better supply of arms, than they were then possessed of. There was adjoining to the city a large magazine of arms deposited at the Hospital of the Invalids, which the citizens summoned to surrender; and as the place was not defen- sible, nor attempted much defence, they soon succeeded. Thus supplied, they marched to attack the Bastille — a vast mixed multitude of all ages, and of all degrees, and armed with all sorts of weapons. Imagination would fail in de- scribing to itself the appearance of such a procession, and of the anxiety for the events which a few hours, or a few moments, might produce. What plans the ministry were forming, were as unknown to the people within the city, as what the citizens were doing was unknown to the ministry; and what movements Broglio might make for the support or relief of the place, were to the citizens equally unknown. All was mystery and hazard. That the Bastille was attacked with an enthusiasm of he- roism, such only as the highest animation of liberty could inspire, and carried in the space of a few hours, is an event which the world is fully possessed of. I am not undertak- ing a detail of the attack ; but bringing into view the con- spiracy against the Nation which provoked it, and which fel] with the Bastille. The prison to which the new minis- try were dooming the National Assembly, in addition to its being the high altar and castle of despotism, became the proper object to begin with. This enterprize broke up the new ministry, who bee;an now to fly from the ruin they had prepared for others. The troops of Broglio dispersed, and himself fled also. Mr. Burke has spoken a great deal about plots ; but he has never once spoken of this plot against the National Assem- bly, and the liberties of the Nation ; and that he might not, he has passed over all the circumstances that might throw it in his way. The exiles who have fled from France, in whose fate he so much interests himself, and from whom he has had his lesson, fled in consequence of the miscarriage of this plot. No plot was formed against them — they were plotting against others; and those who fell, met, not unjustly, the punishment they were preparing to execute. But will Mr. Burke say, that if this plot, contrived with the subtlety of au ambuscade, had succeeded, the successful party would IT RIGHTS OF MAN. have restrained their wrath so soon ? Let the history of all old governments answer the question. Whom has the National Assembly brought to the scaf- fold ? None. They were themselves the devoted victims of this plot, and they have not retaliated. Why then are they charged with revenge they have not acted ? In the tremen- dous breaking forth of a whole people, in which all degrees, tempers, and characters, are confounded ; and delivering themselves, by a miracle of exertion, from the destruction meditated against them, is it to be expected that nothing will happen ? When men are sore with the sense of op- pressions, and menaced wij;h the prospect of new ones, is the calmness of philosophy, or the palsy of insensibility, to be looked for ? Mr. Burke exclaims against outrage ; yet the greatest is that which himself has committed. His book is a volume of outrage; not apologized for by the impulse of a moment, but cherished through a space of ten months ; yet Mr. Burke had no provocation — no life, no interest at stake. More of the citizens fell in this struggle than of their op- ponents ; but four or five persons were seized by the popu- lace, and instantly put to death: the Governor of the Bas- tille, and the Mayor of Paris, who was detected in the act of betraying them ; and afterwards Foulon, one of the new mi- nistry, and Berthier, his son-in-law, who had accepted the office of Intendant of Paris. Their heads were stuck upoti spikes, and carried about the city; and it is upon this mode of punishment that Mr. Burke builds a great part of his tra- gic scenes. Let us therefore examine how men came by the idea of punishing in this manner. They learn it from the Governments they live under, and retaliate the punishments they have been accustomed to be- hold. The heads stuck upon spikes, which remained for years upon Temple-bar differed nothing in the horror of the scene from those carried about upon spikes at Paris; yet this was done by the English government. It may perhaps be said, that it signifies nothing to a man what is done to him after he is dead ; but it signifies much to the living : it either tortures their feelings, or hardens their hearts ; and in either case it instructs them how to punish, when power falls into their hands. Lay then the axe to the root, and teach Governments hu- manity. It is their sanguinary punishments which corrupt mankind. In England, the punishment in certain cases, is by hanging, drawing, and quartering ; the heart of the sufferer is cut out, and held up to the view of the populace. In France, under the former Government, the punishments RIGHTS OF ausr. t% were not less barbarous. Who does not remember tl* execntion of Damien, torn to pieces by horses? The effect, of those cruel spectacles exhibited to the populace, is to destroy tenderness, or to excite revenge ; awl by the base and false idea of governing men by terror, instead of reason, they become precedents. It is over the lowest class of man- kind that government by terror is intended to operate ; and it is on them that it operates to the worst effect. They have sense enough to feel they are the objects aimed at; and they inflict in their turn the examples of terror which they have been instructed to practise. There is in all European countries, a large class of people of that description which in England is called the ' mob! Of this class were those who committed the burnings and devastations in London, in 1780; and of this class were those who carried the heads upon spikes in Paris. Foulon and Berthier were taken up in the country, and sent to Paris, to undergo their examination at the Hotel deVille; for the National Assembly, immediately on the new ministry coming into office, passed a decree, which they communicated to the King and Cabinet, that they {the National Assembly) would hold the ministry, of which Foulon was one, responsible for the measures they were advising and pursuing ; but ttie mob, incensed at the appear- ance of Foulon and Berthier, tore them from their conductors, before they were carried to the "Hotel de Ville, and executed them on the spot. Why then does Mr. Burke charge outrages of this kind upon a whole people? As well may he charge the riots and outrages of 1780 on all the people of London, or those in Ireland on all his countrymen. But every thing we see or hear, offensive to our feelings, and derogatory to the human character, should had to other reflections than those of reproach. Even the beings who commit them have some claim to our consideration. How then is it, that such vast classes of mankind as are distinguished by the appellation of the vulgar, or the ignorant mob, are so numerous in all old countries ? The instant we ask ourselves this question, refleccion feels an answer. They arise, as an unavoidable cousequence, out of the ill construc- tion of all old governments in Europe, England included with the rest. It is by distortedly exalting some men, that others are distortedly debased, till the whole is out of nature. A vast ma^s of mankind are degrading thrown into the back-ground of the human picture, to bring for- ward with greater glare, the puppet-shew of state and aris- tocracy. In the commencement of a revolution, these men C 1* RIGHTS OF MAW. are rather the followers of the camp than the standard of liberty, and have yet to be instructed how to reverence it. I give to Mr. Burke all his theatrical exaggerations for facts, and I then ask him, if they do not establish the cer- tainty of what 1 here lay down ? Admitting them to be true, they shew the necessity of the French Revolution, as much as any one thing he could have asserted. These out- rages were not the effect of the principles of the revolution, but of the degraded mind which existed before the revolu- tion, and which the revolution is calculated to reform. Place them then to their proper cause, and take the reproach of them to your own side. It is to the honour of the National Assembly, and the city of Paris, that during such a tremendous scene of arms and confusion, beyond the controul of all authority, they have been able, by the influence of example and exhorta- tion, to restrain so much. Never were more pains taken to instruct and enlighten mankind; and to make them see that their interest consisted in virtue, and not in revenge, than have been displayed in the Revolution of France. I now proceed to make some remarks on Mr. Burke's account of the expedition to Versailles, October the 5th and 6th, 1789. I cannot consider Mr. Burke's book in scarcely any other light than a dramatic performance ; and he must, I think, have considered it in the same light himself, by the poetical liberties he has taken, of omitting some facts, distorting others, and making the whole machinery bend to produce a stage effect. Of this kind is his account of the expedition to Versailles. He begins this account by omitting the only facts which as causes are known to be true; every thing beyond these is conjecture, even in Paris ; and he then works up a tale accommodated to his own passions and prejudices. It is to be observed throughout Mr. Burke's book, that he, never speaks of plots against the Revolution ; and it is from those plots that all the mischiefs have arisen. It suits his purpose to exhibit the consequences without their causes. It is one of the arts of the drama to do so. If the crimes of men were exhibited with their sufferings, stage effect would sometimes be lost, and the audience would be inclined to approve, where it was intended they should commiserate. After all the investigations which have been made into this intricate affair, (the expedition to Versailles) it still re- mains enveloped in all that kind of mystery which ever ccoaipanies events produced more from a concurrence ofa RIGHTS OF MAS. 20 awkward circumstances, than from fixed design. While the characters of men are forming, as is always the case in revolutions, there is a reciprocal suspicion, and a disposition to misinterpret each other ; and even parties directly oppo- site in principle will sometimes concur in pushing forward the same movement with very different views, and with the hopes of its producing very different consequences. A great deal of this may be discovered in this embarrassed affair, aud yet the issue of the whole was. what nobody had in view. The only things certainly known are, that considerable uneasiness was at this time excited at Paris, by the delay of the King, in not sanctioning and forwarding the decrees of the National Assembly; particularly that of the Declara- tion of the Rights of Man, and the Decrees of the Fourth of August, which contained the foundation principles on which the constitution was to be erected. The kindest, and perhaps the fairest conjecture, upon this matter is, that some of the ministers intended to make remarks and obser- vations upon certain parts of them, before they were finally sanctioned and sent to the provinces. But be this as it may, the enemies of the revolution derived hope from the delay, and the friends of the revolution uneasiness. During this state of suspence, the Garde du Corps, which was composed, as such regiments generally are, of persons much connected with the court, gave an entertainment at Versailles, (Oct. 1.) to some foreign regiments then arrived ; and when the entertainment was at the height, on a signal given, the Garde du Corps tore the national cockade from their hats, trampled it under foot, and replaced it with a counter cockade prepared for the purpose. An indignity of this kind amounted to defiance. It was like declaring war; and if men will give challenges, they must expect consequences. But all this Mr. Burke has carefully kept out of sight. He begins his conduct by saying — ' History will record, that on the morning of the 6th of Oct. 178y, the King and Queen of France, after a day of confusion, alarm, dismay, and slaughter, lay down under the pledged security of pub- lic faith, to indulge nature in a few hours of respite, and troubled melancholy repose.' This is neither the sober style of history, nor the intention of it. It leaves every thiug to be guessed at, and mistaken. One would at least think there had been a battle; and a battle there probably would have been, had it not been for the moderating prudence of those whom Mr. Burke involves in his censure. By his keeping the Garde du Corps out of sight, Mr. Burke has afforded C 2 tl RIGMM 6F M4*. nimself the dramatic licence of putting the King and Queen in their places, as if the object of the expedition had been against them. — But, to return to my account — This conduct of the Garde de Corps, as might well be expected, alarmed and enraged the Parisians. The colours of the cause, and the cause itself, were become too united to mistake the intention of the insult, and the Parisians were determined to call the Garde de Corps to an account. There was certainly nothing of the cowardice of assassina- tion, in marching, in the face of day, to demand satisfac- tion, if such a phrase may be used, of a body of armed men, who had voluntarily given defiance. But the circumstance which serves to throw this affair into embarrassment, is, that the enemies of the revolution appear to have encouraged it, as well as its friends. The one hoped to prevent a civil war, by checking it in time, and the other to make oue. The hopeg of those opposed to the revolution, rested in making the King of their party, and getting him from Ver- sailles to Metz, where they expected to Collect a force, and set up a standard. We have therefore two different objects presenting themselves at the same time, and to be accom- plished by the same means: the one to. chastise the Garde de Corps, which was the object of the Parisians; the other, to render the confusion of such a scene an inducement to the King to set off for Metz. On the 5th of October, a very numerous body of women, and men in the disguise of women, collected round the Ho- tel de Ville, or town-hall of Paris, and set off for Versailles. Their professed object was the Garde de Corps ; but pru- dent men readily recollect that mischief is more easily begun than ended ; and this impressed itself with the more force, from the suspicions already stated, and the irregularity of such a cavalcade. As soon, therefore, as a sufficient force could be collected*, M. de la Fayette, by orders from the civil authority of Pa- ris, set off after them, at the head of twenty thousand of the Paris militia. The revolution could derive no benefit from confusion, and its opposers might. By an amiable and spirited manner of address, he had hitherto been fortunate in calm- ing disquietudes, and in this he was extraordinarily success- ful. To frustrate, therefore, the hopes of those who might seek to improve this scene into a sort of justifiable neces- sity, for the King's quitting Versailles, and withdrawing to Metz; and to prevent, at the same time, the consequences that might ensue between the Garde de Corps and this pha- lanx of men and women, he forwarded expresses to the. King, that he was on his inarch to Versailles, by the orders ' RIGHTS OF MAN. 22 of the civil authority of Paris, for the purpose of peace and protection ; expressing at the same time the necessity of restraining the Garde de Corps from firing upon the people.* He arrived at Versailles between ten and eleven at night The Garde de Corps was drawn up, and the people had ar- rived some time before, but every thing had remained sus- pended. Wisdom and policy now consisted in changing a scene of danger into a happy event. M. de la Fayette be- came the mediator between the enraged parties ; and the King, to remove the uneasiness which had arisen, from the delay already stated, sent for the President of the National Assembly, and signed the Declaration of the Rights of Man, and such other parts of the constitution as were in readi- ness. It was now about one in the morning. Every thing ap- peared to be composed, and a general congratulation took place. By the beat of drum a proclamation was made, that the citizens of Versailles would give the hospitality of their houses to their fellow-citizens of Paris. Those who could not be accommodated in this manner, remained in the streets, or took up their quarters in the churches ; and at two o'clock the King and Queen retired'. In this state matters passed till break of day, when a fresh disturbance arose from the censurable conduct of some of both parties, for such characters there will be in all such scenes. One of the Garde de Corps appeared at one of the windows of the palace, and the people who remained dur- ing the night in the streets accosted him with reviling and provocative language. Instead of retiring, as in such a case prudence would have dictated, he presented his musket, fired, and killed one of the Paris militia. The peace being thus broken, the people rushed into the palace in search of the offender. They attacked the quarters of the Garde de Corps within the palace, and pursued them throughout the avenues of it, and to the apartments of the King. On this tumult, not the Queen only, as Mr. Burke has represented it, but every person in the palace, was awakened and alarm- ed ; and M. de la Fayette had a second time to interpose between the parties ; the event of which was, that the Garde de Corps put on the national cockade, and the matter ended as by oblivion, after the loss of two or three lives. During the latter part of the time in which this confusion * I am warranted in assertiug- this, as 1 had it personally from M. de la Far- fttt, With whom I h«re livtd in habUi of friendship for fouiueu years. 23 RIGHTS OP MAJT. was acting, the King and Queen were in public at the 'bal- cony, and neither of them concealed for safety's sake, as Mr. Burke insinuates. Matters being thus appeased, and tranquillity restored, a general acclamation broke forth, of—Le Roi a Paris. The King to Paris. It was the shout of peace, and immediately accepted on the part of the King. By this measure, all fu- ture projects of trepanning the King to Metz, and setting up the standard of opposition to the constitution, were pre- vented, and the suspicions extinguished. The King and his family reached Paris in the evening, and were congratulated on their arrival, by M. Bailley, the Mayor of Paris, in the name of the citizens. Mr. Burke who, throughout his book, confounds things, persons, and principles, has, in his remarks on M. Bailley's address, con- founded time also. He censures M. Bailley for calling it 1 un bonjour,' a good day. Mr. Burke should have informed himself, that' this scene took up the space of two days — the day on which it began with every appearance of danger and mischief, and the day on which it terminated without the mischiefs that threatened; and it is to this peaceful termi- nation that M. Bailley alludes, and to the arrival of the King at Paris. Not less than three hundred thousand persons arranged themselves in the procession from Versailles to Paris, and not an act of molestation was committed during the whole march. Mr. Burke, on the authority of M. Lally Tollendal, a de- serter from the National Assembly, says, that on entering Paris, the people shouted— 4 Tous les Eveques a la lanterne.' All bishops to be hanged at the lanthom or lam p. posts. It is surprising that nobody could hear this but Lally Tollen- dal, and that nobody should believe it but Mr. Burke. It has not the least connection with any part of the transaction, and is totally foreign to every circumstance of it. The bi- shops had never been introduced before into any scene of Mr. Burke's drama : why then are they, all at once, and all together, tout d coup et tous ensemble, introduced now? Mr. Burke brings forward his bishops and his lanthorn, like figures in a magic lanthorn, and raises his scenes by contrast instead of connection. But it serves to shew, with the rest of his book, what little credit ought to be given, where even probability is set at defiance, for the purpose of defaming; and with this reflection, instead of a soliloquy in praise of chivalry, as Mr. Burke has done, I close the account of the expedition to Versailles.* • An account of the expedition to Versailles may be seen in No. 13, of the Rkvo- M/TI05 db Pabis, containing the evtBts from the 3d to the 10th Octobar, 1789 RIGHTS OF MAX. 24 I have now to follow Mr. Burke through a pathless wil-^N deroess of rhapsodies, and a sort of descant upon govern- / ments, in which he asserts whatever he pleases, on the pre- tension of its being believed, without offering either evidenced or reasons for so doing. Before any thing can be reasoned upon to a conclusion, certain facts, principles, or data, to reason from, must be established, admitted, or denied. Mr. Burke, with his usual outrage, abuses the Declaration of the Rights of Man, published by the National Assembly of France, as the basis on which the Constitution of France is built. This he calls " paltry and blurred sheets of paper about the rights of man." Does Mr. Burke mean to deny that man has any rights? If he does, then he must mean that there are no such things as rights any where, and that he has none him- self ; for who is there in the world but man ? But if Mr. Burke means to admit that man has rights, the question then will be, What are those rights, and how came man by them originally ? The error of those who reason by precedents drawn from antiquity, respecting the rights of man, is, that they do not go far enough into antiquity. They do not go the whole way. They stop in some of the intermediate stages, of a hundred, or a thousand years, and produce what was then done, as a rule for the present day. This is no authority at all. If we travel still farther into antiquity, we shall find a direct contrary opinion and practice prevailing; and if antiquity is to be authority, a thousand such authorities may be produced, successively contradicting each other. But if we proceed on, we shall at last come out right : we •hall come to the time when Man came from the hand of his Maker. What was he then? — MAN. Man was his high and only title, and a higher cannot be given him. But of titles I shall speak hereafter. We are now got at the origin of Man, and at the origin of his Rights. As to the manner in which the world ha« been governed from that day to this, it is no farther any concern of ours, than to make a proper use of the errors, or the improvements, which the history of it presents. Those who lived a hundred, or a thousand years ago, were then moderns, as we are now. They had their ancients, and those ancients had others, and we also shall be ancients in our turn. If the mere name of antiquity is to govern in the affairs of life, the people who are to live a hundred, or a thousand years hence, may as well take us for a precedent, as we make a precedent of those who lived a hundred or a thousand years ago. The fact is, that portions of antiquity, 26 RIGHTS OF MA!T. by proving every thing, establish nothing. It is authority against authority all the way, until we come to the divine origin of the Rights of Man, at the creation. Here our en- quiries find a resting-place, and our reason finds a home, If a dispute about the Rights of Man had arisen at the distance of a hundred years from the creation, it is to this source of authority they must have referred, and it is to the same source of authority that we must now refer. Though I mean not to touch upon any sectarian princi- ple of religion, yet it may be worth observing, that the ge- nealogy of Christ is traced to Adam. Why then not trace the Rights of Man to the creation of Man ? I will answer the question — because there have been upstart governments thrusting themselves between, and presumptuously working to unmake Man. If any generation of men ever possessed the right of dic- tating the mode by which the world should be governed for ever, it was the first generation that existed; and if that generation did not do it, no succeeding generation can shew any authority fordoing it, nor set any up. The illuminating and divine principle of the equal Rights of Man, (for it has its origin from the Maker of Man) relates not only to the living individuals, but to generations of men succeeding each other. Every generation is equal in Rights to the genera- tion which preceded it, by the same rule that every indivi- dual is born equal in Rights with his cotemporary. Every history of the creation, and every traditionary ac- count, whether from the lettered or unlettered world, how- ever they may vary in their opinion or belief of certain par- ticulars, all agree in establishing one point — the unity of Man ; by which I mean, that men are all pf one degree, and consequently that all men are born equal, and with equal Natural Rights, in the same manner as if posterity had been continued by creation, instead of generation, the latter being only the mode by which the former is carried forward ; and consequently, every child born into the world must ^e con- sidered as deriving its existence from God. The world is as new to him as it was to the first man that existed, and his Natural Right in it is of the same kind. The Mosaic account of the creation, whether taken as di- vine authority, or merely historical, is fully up to this point, the unity or equality of Man. The expressions admit of no controversy. «* And God said, Let us make Matt in our own image. In the image oJ v God created lie him : mate and female created he them" The distinction of sexes is pointed out, but no other distinction is even implied. If this be not divine authority, it is at least hhiarkul authority ; and shews RIGHTS OP MAN, 26 that the equality of Man, so far from being a modern doc- trine, is the oldest upon record. It is also to be observed, that all the religions known in the world are founded, so far as they relate to man, on the unity of Man, as being all of one degree. Whether in hea- ven or in hell, or in whatever state man may be supposed to exist hereafter, the good and the bad are the only distinc- tions. Nay, even the laws of Governments are obliged to slide into this principle, by making degrees to consist in crimes, and not in persons. It is one of the greatest of all truths, and of the highest advantage to cultivate. By considering man in this light, and by instructing him to consider himself in this light, it places him in a close connection with all his duties, whether to his Creator, or to the creation, of which he is a part; and it is only when he forgets his origin, or to use a more fa- shionable phrase, his birth and family, that he becomes dis- solute. It is not among the least of the evils of the present exist- ing Governments, in all parts of Europe, that Man, consi- dered as Man, is thrown back to a vast distance from his Maker, and the artificial chasm filled up by a succession of barriers, or sort of turnpike gates, through which he has to pass. I will quote Mr. Burke's catalogue of barriers, that he has set up between Man and his Maker. Putting himself in the character of a herald, he says — '* We fear God —we look with awe to kings-— with affection to parliaments — with duty to magistrates — with reverence to priests — and with respect to nobility" Mr. Burke has forgotten to put in " chivalry" He has also forgotten to put in Peter. The duty of man is not a wilderness of turnpike-gates, through which he is to pass by tickets from one to the other. It is plain and simple, and consists but of two points. Hi* duty to God, which every Man must feel; and with respect to his neighbour, to do as he would be done by. If those to whom power is delegated do well, they will be respected; if not, they will be despised : and with regard to those to whom no power is delegated, but who assume it, the ratio- nal world can know nothing of them. Hitherto we have spoken only, and that but in part, of the Natural Rights of Man. We have now to consider the Civil Rights of Man, and to shew how the one originates out of the other. Man did not enter into society to become worse than he was before, nor to have fewer rights than he had before ; but to have those rights better secured. His Natural Rights are the foundation of all his Civil Rights. But in order to pursue this distinction with more precision, 27 RIGHTS OF MAN. it will be necessary to mark the different qualities of Natu- ral and Civil Rights. A few words will explain this. Natural Rights are those which appertain to Man in right of his existence. Of this kind are all the intellectual— rights,- Of- rights of the mind: and also all those rights of actTug'as an individual, for his own comfort andPhafjpiness, which are not injurious to the Natural Rights of others. — Civil Rights are those which ap- pertain to Man, in right of his~r5eing""S "member of society. Every Civil Right has for its foundation some Natural Right pre-existing in the individual, but to the enjoyment of which individual power is not, in all cases, sufficiently competent. Of this kind are all those which relate to security and pro- tection. From this short review, it will be easy to distinguish between that class of Natural Rights which man retains after entering into society, and those which he throws into the common stock, as a member of society. The Natural Rights which he retains, are all those in which the power to execute is as perfect in the individual as the right itself. Among this class, as is before-men- tioned, are all the intellectual rights, or Rights of the Mind : consequently, religion is one of those rights. The Natural Rights which are not retained, are all those in which, though the right is perfect in the individual, the power to execute them is defective. They answer not his purpose. A man by Natural Right, has a right to judge in his own cause ; and so far as the Right of Mind is concerned, he never surrenders it; but what availeth it him to judge, if he has not the power to redress? He therefore deposits this right in the common stock of society, and takes the arm of society, of which he is a part, in preference and in addition to his own. Society grants him nothing. Every man is a proprietor in society, and draws on the capital as a matter of right. From these premises two or three certain conclusions will follow : — First, That every Civil Right grows out of a Natural Right; or, in other words, is a Natural Right exchanged. Secondly, That civil power, properly considered as such, is made up of the aggregate of [that class of the Natural Rights of Man, which become defective in the individual in point of pow- er, and answers not his purpose ; but when collected to a focus, becomes competent to the purpose of every one. Thirdly, That the power produced from the aggregate of Natural Rights, imperfect in power in the individual, cannot be applied to invade the Natural Rights which are retained in RIGHTS OF MAII. " 2$ the individual, and in which the power to execute is as perfect as the Right itself. We have now, in a few words, traced Man from a natural individual to a member of society, and shewn, or endeavour- ed to shew, the quality of the Natural Rights retained, and of those which are exchanged for Civil Rights. Let us now apply these principles to Governments. In casting our eyes over the world, it is extremely easy to distinguish the Governments which have arisen out of so- ciety, or out of the social compact, from those which have not: but to place this in a clearer light than what a single glance may afford, it will be proper to take a review of the several sources from which Governments have arisen, and on which they have been founded. They may be all comprehended under three heads — First, Superstition. Secondly, Power. Thirdly, The common interests of society, and the common Rights of Man. The first was a government of Priestcraft, the second of Conquerors, and the third of Reason. When a set of artful men pretended, through the medium of oracles, to hold intercourse with the Deity, as familiarly as they now march up the back-stairs in European Courts, the world was completely under the government of super- stition. The oracles were consulted, and whatever they were made to say, became the law: and this sort of Go- vernment lasted as long as this sort of superstition lasted. After these a race of conquerors arose, whose Government, like that of William the Conqueror, was founded in power, and the sword assumed the name of a sceptre. Governments thus established, last as long as the power to support them lasts; but that they might avail themselves of every engine in their favour, they united fraud to force, and set up an idol which they called Divine Right'; and which, in imitation of the Pope, who affects to be spiritual and temporal, and in contradiction to the Founder of the Christian religion, twist- ed itself afterwards into an idol of another shape, called Church and State. The key of St. Peter and the key of the Treasury became quartered upon one another, and the won- dering cheated multitude worshipped the invention. When I contemplate the natural dignity of Man-^-when I feel (for nature has not been kind enough to me to blunt my feelings) for the honour and happiness of its character, I become irritated at the attempt to govern mankind by force and fraud, as if they were all knaves and fools; and £9 RIGHTS OF MAN. cau scarcely avoid disgust at those who are thus imposed upon. We have now to review the Governments which arise out of society, in contradistinction to those which arise out of superstition and conquest. It has been thought a considerable advance towards esta- blishing the principles of Freedom, to say, that Government is a compact between those who govern and those who are governed ; but this cannot be true, because it is putting the effect before the cause ; for, as Man must have existed be- fore Governments existed, there necessarily was a time when Governments did not exist, and consequently there could originally exist no governors to form such a compact with. The fact therefore must be, that the individuals themselves, each in his own personal and sovereign right, entered into a compact with each other, to produce a Govern- ment : and this is the only mode in which Governments have a right to arise, and the only principle on which they have a right to exist. To possess ourselves of a clear idea of what Government is, or ought to be, we must trace it to its origin. In doing this, we shall easily discover that Governments must have arisen, either out of the people, or over the people. Mr. Burke has made no distinction. He investigates nothing to its source, and therefore he confounds every thing : but he has signified his intention of undertaking at some future op- portunity, a comparison between the constitutions of Eng- land and France. As he thus renders it a subject of con- troversy, by throwing down the gauntlet, I take him up on his own ground. It is in high challenges that high truths bave the right of appearing ; and I accept it with the more readiness, because it affords me, at the same time, an oppor- tunity of pursuing the subject with respect to Governments arising out of society. But it will be first necessary to define what is meant by a Constitution. It is not sufficient that we adopt the world ; we must fix also a standard signification to it. A Constitution is not a thing in name only, but in fact. It has not an ideal, but a real existence; and wherever it can- not be produced, in a visible form, there is none. A Consti- tution is a thing a/Ut cedent to a Government; and a Govern- ment is only the creature of a Constitution. The Constitu- tion of a country is Dot the act of its Government, but of the people constituting a Government. It is the body of ele- ments, to which you can refer, aud quote article by article ; and which contains the principles ou which the Government RIGHTS OF MAM. 30 shall be established, the manner in which it shall be orga- nized, the powers it shall have, the mode of elections, the duration of parliaments, or by what other names such bodies may be called; the power* which the executive part of a Government shall have; and, in fine, every thing that re- lates to the complete organization of a Civil Government, and the principles on which it shall act, and by which it shall be bound. A Constitution therefore is to a Govern- ment, what the laws made afterwards by that Government are to a Court of Judicature. The Court of Judicature does not make the laws, neither can it alter them ; it only acts in conformity to the laws made ; and the Government is in like manner governed by the Constitution. Can then Mr. Burke produce the English Constitution? If he cannot, we may fairly conclude, that though it has been so much talked about, no such thing as a Constitution exists, or ever did exist; and consequently that the People have yet a Constitution to form. Mr. Burke will not, I presume, deny the position I have already advanced; namely, that Governments arise, either out of the People, or over the People. The English Govern- ment is one of those which arose out of a conquest, and not out of society: and consequently it arose over the People; and though it has been much modified from the opportunity of circumstances, since the time of William the Conqueror, the country has never yet regenerated itself; and is there- fore without a Constitution. I readily perceive the reason why Mr. Burke declined going into the comparison between the English and French Constitutions, because he could not but perceive, when he sat down to the task, that no such thing as a Constitution existed on his side the question. His book is certainly bulky enough to have contained all he could say upon the subject, and it would have been the best manner in which people could have judged of their separate merits. Why then has he declined the only thing that was worth his while to write upon ? It was the strongest ground he could take, if the advantages were on his side; but the weakest, if they were not : and his declining to take it, is either a sign that he could not possess it, or could not maintain it. Mr. Burke said in a speech last winter in parliament, that when the National Assembly first met in three orders, {the Tiers Etat, the Clergy, and the Noblesse) France had then a good Cotistitution. This shews, among numerous other instances, that Mr. Burke does not understand what a Con- stitution is. The persons so met, were not a Constitution, but a Convention, to make a Constitution. D St RIGHTS OF MAN. The present National Assembly of France is, strictly speaking, the personal social compact. The members of it are the delegates of the Nation, in its original character ; future assemblies will be the delegates of the Nation, in its organized character. The authority of the present Assem- bly is different to what the authority of future Assemblies will be. The authority of the present one, is to form a Constitution ; the authority of future Assemblies will be to legislate according to the principles and forms prescribed in that Constitution ; and if experience should hereafter shew that alterations, amendments, or additions, are necessary, tbe Constitution will point out the mode by which such things shall be done, and not leave it to the discretionary power of the future Government. A Government, on the principles on which Constitutional Governments, arising out of society, are established, cannot have the right of altering itself. If it had, it would be ar- bitrary. It might make itself what itpleased ; and wherc- ever such a right is set up, it shews there is no Constitution. The act by which the English parliament empowered it- self to sit for seven years, shews there is no Constitution in England. It might, by the same self-authority, have sat any greater number of years, or for life. The bill which the present Mr. Pitt brought into parliament some years ago, to reform parliament, was on the same erroneous prin- ciple. The right of reform is in the Nation, in its original character ; and the Constitutional method would be, by a general Convention, elected for the purpose. There is, moreover, a paradox in the idea of vitiated bodies reforming themselves. From these preliminaries, I proceed to draw some com- parisons. I have already spoken of the Declaration of Rights ; and as I mean to be as concise as possible, I shall proceed to other parts of the French Constitution. The Constitution of France says, that evert/ man who pays a tax of sixty sous per annum (2s, 6d. English) is an elector. What article will Mr. Burke place against this? Can any thing be more limited, and at the same time more ca- pricious, than the qualifications of electors are in England ? Limited — because not one man in a hundred (I speak much within compass) is admitted to vote. Capricious — because the lowest character that can be supposed to exist, and who has not so much as the visible means of an honest livelihood, is an elector in some places ; while in other places, the man who pays very large taxes, and has a known fair character; and the farmer who rents to the amount of three or four hundred pounds a year, with a property on that farm t« RIGHTS OP MAN. St three or four times that sum, is not admitted to be an elector. Jvery thing is out of Nature, as Mr. Burke says on auo- ;7 occasion, in this strange chaos, and all sorts of follies are blended with ali sorts of crimes. William the Conqueror, and his descendants, parcelled out the country in this manner ; and bribed some parts of it, by what they called Charters, to hold the other parts of it the better subjected to their will. This is the reason why so many of those Charters abound in Cornwall ; the people were averse from the government established at the Con- quest, and the towns were garrisoned and bribed to enslave the country. All the old Charters are the badges of this Conquest ; and it is from this source that the caprieiousness of elections arises. The Frencu Constitution says, that the number of repre- sentatives for any place, shall be in a ratio to the number of taxable inhabitants or electors. What article will Mr, Burke place against this ? The county of Yorkshire, which contains near a million of souls, sends two county members ; and so does the county of Rut- land, which contains not a hundredth part of that number. The old town of Sarum, which contains not three houses, sends two members ; and the town of Manchester, which contains upwards of sixty thousand souls, is not admitted to send any. Is there any principle in these things ? Is there any thing by which you can trace the marks of freedom, or discover those of wisdom ? No wonder then, that Mr. Burke has declined the comparison, and endeavoured to lead his readers from the point, by a wild unsystematical display of paradoxical rhapsodies. The French Constitution says, that the National Assembly shall be elected every two years. What article will Mr. Burke place against this? Why, that the Nation has no right at ail in the case ; that the Go- vernment is perfectly arbitrary with respect to this point ; and he can quote for his authority the precedent of a for- mer parliament. The French Constitution says, there shall be no Game Laws ; that the farmer on whose lands wild game shall be found, {for it is by the produce of his lands that they are fed) shall have a right to what he can take — that there shall bt no mono- polies of any kind — that all trade shall be fret ; and every man free to follow any occupation by which he can procure an honest livelihood; and in any place, town, or city, throughout the Nation. What will Mr. Burke say to this ? In England, Game is D 2 SS RIGHTS OF MAN. made the property of those at whose expehce it is not fed ; and with respect to monopolies, the country is cut up into monopolies. Every chartered town is an aristocratical mo- nopoly in itself; and the qualification of electors proceeds out of those chartered monopolies. Is this freedom ? Is this what Mr. Burke means by a Constitution? In these chartered monopolies, a man coming from ano- - ther part of the country, is hunted from them, as if he were a foreign enemy. An Englishman is not free of his own country ; every one of those places presents a barrier in his way, and tells him, he is not a freeman ! — that he has no Rightf. Within these monopolies, are other monopolies. In a city, such for instance as Bath, which contains* between twenty and thirty thousand inhabitants, the right of electing representatives to parliament is monopolized by about thirty- oie persons. And in these monopolies are still others. A man, even of the same town, whose parents were not in circumstances to give him an occupation, is debarred in many cases from the natural right of acquiring one, be his genius, or industry, what it may. Are these things examples to hold out to a country re- generating itself from slavery, like France ? — Certainly they are not: and certain am I, that when the people of England come to reflect upon them, they will, like France, annihi- late those badges of ancient oppression — those traces of a conquered Nation. Had Mr. Burke possessed talents similar to the author *' On the Wealth of Nations," he would have comprehended all the parts which enter into it, and by assemblage form a Constitution. He would have reasoned from minutiae to magnitude. It is not from his prejudices only, but from the disorderly cast of his genius, that he is unfitted for the subject he writes upon. Even bis genius is without a Con- stitution. It is a genius at random, and not a genius con- stituted. But he must say something — he has therefore mounted in the air, like a balloon, to draw the eyes of the multitude from the ground they stand upon. Much is to be learned from the French Constitution. Conquest and tyranny transplanted themselves with William the Conqueror, from Normandy into England, and the coun- try is yet disfigured with the marks. May then the exam- ple of all France contribute to regenerate the freedom which a province of it destroyed ! The French Constitution says, that to preserve the national representation from being corrupt, no member of the National Assembly shall be an officer of the Government, a placeman, or a pensioner, 4 BIGHTS OF MAN. Si What will Mr. Burke place against ihis ? — I will whisper his answer — loaves and fishes! Ah! this Government of loaves and fishes has more mischief in it than people have yet reflected on. The National Assembly has made the discovery, and it holds out the example to the world. Had Governments agreed to quarrel, on purpose to fleece tl'eir coumries by taxes, they could not have succeeded better than they have done. Many things in the English Government appear to me the reverse of what they ought to be, and the reverse of what they are said to be. The Parliament, imperfectly and ca- priciously elected as it is, is nevertheless supposed to hold the national purse in trust for the Nation : but in the manner in which an English Parliament is constructed, it is like a man being both mortgagor, and mortgagee ; and in the case of misapplication of trust, it is the criminal sitting in judgment upon himself. If those who vote the supplies are the same persons who receive the supplies when voted, and are to account for the expenditure of those supplies to those who voted them, it is themselves accountable to them- selves, and the Comedy of Errors concludes with the Panto- mime of Hush. Neither the ministerial party, nor the op- position, will touch upon this case. The national purse is the common hack which each mounts upon. It is like what the country people call, " Ride and tie — you ride a little way and then I."* They order these things better in France. The French Constitution says, that (lie right of war and peace is in the Nation. Where else should it reside, but in those who are to pay the ex pence ? In England this right is said to reside in a metaphor, shewn at the Tower, for sixpence or a shilling a-piece. So are the lions; and it would be a step nearer to reason, to say it re- sided in them ; for any inanimate metaphor is no more than a hat or a cap. We can all see the absurdity of worshipping Aaron's molten calf, or Nebuchadnezzar's golden image ; but why do men continue to practice in themselves the ab- surdities which they despise in others? It may with reason be said, that in the manner the Eng- lish Nation is represented, it signifies not where this right resides, whether in the Crown, or in Parliament. War is * It is a prattice in some parts of the country, when two travellers hare hut one horse, which, like the national purse, will not carry double, that the one mounts and rides two or three miles a-head, and then ties the horse to agate, and walks on. When the second traveller arrives, he tabss the horse, rides on, and pastes hie com- panion a mile or two, stnd ties aguin ;—'and so on— ride and tie. 35 RIGHTS OF MAN. the common harvest of all those who participate in the di- vision and expenditure of public money, in all countries. It is the art of conquering at home — the object of it is an in- crease of revenue ; and as revenue cannot be increased with- out taxes, a pretence must be made for expenditure. In reviewing the history of the English Government, its wars, and its taxes, a by-stander, not blinded by prejudice, nor warped by interest, would declare, that taxes were not raised to carry on wars, but that wars were raised to carry on taxes. Mr. Burke, as a Member of the House of Commons, is a part of the English Government ; and though he professes himself an entjmy to war, he abuses the French Constitution, which seeks to explode it. He holds up the English Go- vernment as a model, in all its parts, to France; but he should first know the remarks which the French make upon it. They contend, in favour of their own, that the portion of liberty enjoyed in England, is just enough to enslave a country by, more productively than by despotism ; and that as the real object of all despotism is revenue, a Government so formed obtains more than it could do, either by direct des- potism, or in a full state of freedom ; and is therefore, on the ground of interest, opposed to both. They account also for the readiness which always appears in such Governments for engaging in wars, by remarking on the different motives which produce them. In despotic Governments, wars are the effect of pride; but in those Governments in which they become the means of taxation, they acquire thereby a more permanent promptitude. The French Constitution, therefore, to provide against both these evils, has taken away the power of declaring war from kings and ministers, and placed the right where the expence must fall. When the question on the right of war and peace was agitating in the National Assembly, the people of England appeared to be much interested in the event, and highly to applaud the decision. — As a principle it applies as much to one country as to another. William the Conqueror, as a conqueror, held this power of war or peace in himself, and his descendants have ever since'claimed it as a right. Although Mr. Burke has asserted the right of parliament at the Revolution, to bind and controul the Nation, and pos- terity, for ever; he denies, at the same time, that the Par- liament, or the Nation, had any right to alter what he calls the succession of the crown, in any thing but in part, or by a sort of modification. By his taking this ground, he throws the case back to the Norman Conquest ; and by thus run- RIGHTS OF MAN. 35 ning a line of succession springing from William the Con- queror to the present day, he makes it necessary to enquire who and what Willtam the Conqueror was, and where he came from ; and into the origin, history, and nature of what are called prerogatives. Every thing must have had a be- ginning, and the fog of time and antiquity should be pe- netrated to discover it. Let then Mr. Burke bring forward his William of Normandy, for it is to this origin that his argument goes. It also unfortunately happens, in running this line of succession, that another line, parallel thereto, presents itself; which is — that if the succession runs in the line of the Conquest, the Nation runs in the line of being conquered, and it ought to rescue itself from this reproach. But it will perhaps be said, that though the power of declaring war descends in the heritage of the Conquest, it is held in check by the right of the Parliament to withhold the supplies. It will always happen, when a thing is ori- ginally wrong, that amendments do not make it right; and it often happens, that they do as much mischief one way as good the other ; and such is the case here. For, if the one rashly declares war, asa matterof right, and the other peremp- torily withholds the supplies as a matter of right, the remedy becomes as bad, or worse than the disease. The one forces the Nation to a combat, and the other ties its hands; but the more probable issue is, that the contest will end in a collusion between the parties, and be made a screen to both. On this question of war, three things are to be considered : First, The right of declaring it. Secondly, The expence of supporting it. Thirdly, The mode of conducting it after it is declared. The French Constitution places the right where the*er- pence must fall ; and this union can only be in the Nation. The mode of conducting it after it is declared, it consigns to the executive department. Were this the case in all countries, we should hear but little more of wars. Before I proceed to consider other parts of the French Constitution, and by way of relieving the fatigue of argu- ment, I will introduce an anecdote, which I had from Dr. Franklin. While the Doctor resided in France, as minister from America during the war, he had numerous proposals made to him by projectors of every country, and of every kind, who wished to go to the land that floweth with milk and honey, America ; and amongst the rest, there was one who offered himself to be King. He introduced his proposal to the Doctor by a letter, which is now in the hands of M. Beauraarchais, of Parii— -stating first, that as the Americans 37 RIGHTS OF MAN. had dismissed, or sent away* their King, they would want another. Secondly, that himself was a Norman. Thirdly, that he was of a more ancient family than the Dukes of Normandy, and of a more honourable descent, his line never having been bastardised. Fourthly, that there was already a precedent in England of Kings coming out of Normandy : and on these grounds he rested his offer, enjoin- ing that the Doctor would forward it to America. But as the Doctor did not do this, nor yet send him an answer, the projector wrote a second letter; in which he did not, it is true, threaten to go over and conquer America, but only with great dignity proposed, that if his offer was not ac- cepted, an acknowledgment of about thirty thousand pounds might be made to him for his generosity ! Now, as all arguments respecting succession, must neces- sarily connect that succession with some beginning, Mr. Burke's arguments on this subject go to shew, that there is no English origin of Kings ; and that they are descendants of the Norman Line, in right of the Conquest. It may, therefore, be of service to his doctrine to make this story known ; and to inform him, that in case of that natural ex- tinction to which all mortality is subject, Kings may again be had from Normandy, on more reasonable terms than Wil- liam the Conqueror ; and consequently, that the good peo- ple of England, at the Revolution of 1688, might have done muck better had such a generous Norman as this known their wants, and they had known his. The chivalry character which Mr. Burke so much admires, is certainly much easier to make a bargain with than a hard-dealing Dutchman.-— But to return to tha matters of the Constitution. The French constitution says, There shall be no titles: and, of consequence, all that class of equivocal generation, which in some countries is called " aristocracy " and in others " nobility" is done away, and the peer is exalted into the MAN. x Titles are but nick-names, and every nick-name is a titte. The thing is perfectly harmless in itself; but it marks a sort of foppery in the human character that degrades it. It re- duces man into the diminutive of man, in things which are great ; and into the counterfeit of woman, in things which are little. It talks about its fine blue ribbon like a girl, and shews its new garter like a child. A certain writer of some antiquity says — ** IVhen 1 was a child, I thought as a child; but when I became a man, I put away tkildish tilings." * The word he used was rencoyc— dismissed, or sent aw*y. RIGHTS OF MAW. 3S It is, properly, from the elevated mind of France,"that the folly of titles has fallen. It has outgrown the baby clothes of Count and Duke, and' breeched itself into manhood. France has not levelled — it has exalted. It has put down the dwarf, to set up the man. The puny ism of a senseless word, like Duke, or Count, or Earl, has ceased to please. Even those who possessed them have disowned the gibberish, and as they outgrew the rickets, have despised the rattle. The genuine mind of man, thirsting for its native home, society, contemns the gew-gaws that separate him from it. Titles are like circles drawn by the magician's wand, to contract the sphere of man's felicity. He lives immured within the Bastille of a word, and surveys at a distance the envied life of man. Is it then any wonder that titles should fall in France ? Is it not a greater wonder they should be kept up any where ? £ What are they? What is their worth, "and what is their / amount ?" When we think or speak of a Judge, or a General, we as- sociate with it the ideas of office and character; we think of gravity in the one, and bravery in the other : but when we use a word merely as a title, no ideas associate with it. Through all the vocabulary of Adam, there is not such an animal as a Duke or a Count; neither can we connect any certain ideas with the words. Whether they mean strength, or weakness; wisdom, or folly; a child, or a man; or the rider, or the horse ; is all equivocal. What respect then can be paid to that which describes nothing, and which means nothing ? Imagination has given figure and character to centaurs, satyrs, and down to all the fairy tribe ; but titles baffle even the powers of fancy, and are a chimerical non- descript. But this is not all. If a whole country is disposed to hold them in contempt, all their value is gone, and none will own them. It is common opinion only that makes them any thing, or nothing, or worse than nothing. There is no oc- casion to take titles away, for they take themselves away when society concurs to ridicule them. This species of imaginary consequence has visibly declined in every part of Europe, and it hastens to its exit as the world of reason continues to rise. There was a time when the iowest class of what are called nobility was more thought of than the highest is now ; and when a man in armour, riding through- out Christendom in quest of adventures, was more stared at than a modern Duke. The world has seen this folly fall, and it has fallen by being laughed at, and the farce of titles will follow its fate. The patriots of France have discovered 300959 39 RIGHTS OF MAX. in good time, that rank and dignity in society must take a new ground. The old one has fallen through. It must now take the substantial ground of character, instead of the chimerical ground of titles; and they have brought their titles to the altar, and made of them a burnt-offering to Reason. If no mischief had annexed itself to the folly of titles, they would not have been worth a serious and formal destruction, such as the National Assembly has decreed them ; and this makes it necessary to enquire farther into the nature and character of Aristocracy. That then which is called Aristocracy in some countries, and Nobility in others, arose out of the Governments founded in conquest. It was originally a military order, for the pur- pose of supporting military Government (for such were all Governments founded upon conquest) ; and to keep a succession of this order for the purpose for which it was established, all the younger branches of those families were disinherited, and the law of primogenitureship set up. The nature and character of Aristocracy shews itself to us in this law. It is a law against every law of Nature, and Nature herself calls for its destruction. Establish family justice, and Aristocracy falls. By the aristocratical law of primogenitureship, in a family of sixchildren, five are ex- posed. Aristocracy has never more than one child. The rest are begotten to be devoured. They are thrown to theca- nibal for prey, and the natural parent prepares the unnatural repast. As every thing which is out of Nature in man, affects more or les6 the interest of society, so does this. All the children which the Aristocracy disown (which are all except the eldest) are in general, cast like orphans upon a parish, to be provided for by the public, but at a greater charge. Unnecessary offices and places, in Governments and Courts, are created at the expence of the public, to maintain them. With what kind of parental reflections can the father or mother contemplate their younger offspring? By Nature they are children, and by Marriage they are heirs; but by Aristocracy they are bastards and orphans. They are the flesh and blood of their parents in one line, and nothing akin to them in»the other. To restore, therefore, parents to their children, and children to their parents — relations to each other, and man to society — and to exterminate the monster> Aristocracy, root and branch, the French Constitution has destroyed the law of Pjumogenitukeship. Here then lies the mouster, and Mr. Burke, if he pleases, may write its epitaph. RIGHTS OF MAM. 40 Hitherto we have considered Aristocracy chiefly in one point of view. We have now to consider it in another. But whether we view it before, or behind, or any way else, domestically or publicly, it is still a monster. In France, Aristocracy had one feature Ies3 in its coun- tenance, than what it has in some other countries. It did not compose a body of hereditary legislators. It was not a " Corporation of Aristocracy" for such I have heard M. de la Fayette describe an English House of Peers. Let us then examine the grounds upon which the French Consti- tution has resolved against having such an House in France. Because, in, the first place, as is already mentioned, Aris- tocracy is kept up by family tyranny and injustice. Secondly, Because there is an unnatural unfitness in Aris- tocracy to be legislators for a Nation. Their ideas of dis- tributive justice are corrupted at the very source. Thiey begin life by trampling on all .their younger brothers and sisters, and relations of every kind, and are taught and edu- cated so to do. With what ideas of justice and honour can that man enter an house of legislation, who absorbs in bis own person the inheritance of a whole family of children, or doles out to them some pitiful portion with the insolence of a gift ? Thirdly, Because the idea of hereditary legislators is as inconsistent as that of hereditary judges, or hereditaryju- ries ; and as absurd, as an hereditary mathematician, or an hereditary wise man: and as ridiculous, as an hereditary poet-laureat. Fourthly, Because a body of men holding themselves ac- countable to nobody, ought not to be trusted by any body. Fifthly, Because it is continuing the uncivilized principle of Governments founded in Conquest, and the base idea of man having a property, in man, and governing him by per- sonal right. r Sixthly, Because Aristocracy has a tendency to degene- rate the human species. By the universal economy of Na- ture it is known, and by the instance of the Jews it is proved, that the human species has a tendency to degenerate, in any smail number of persons, when separated from the general stock of society, and intermairying constantly with each other. It defeats ev< n as pretended end, and becomes in time the opposite of what is noble in Man. • Mr. Burke talks of Nobility, let him shew what it is. The greatest characters the world has known, have arisen on the democratic floor. Aristocracy has not been able to keep a proportionate pace with democracy. The artificial Noble shrinks into a dwarf before the Noble of Nature; and in 41 RIGHTS OF MAN. v the few instances of those (for there are some in all coun- tries) in whom Nature, a9 by a miracle, has survived in Aris- tocracy, those men despise it. — But it is time to pro- ceed to a new subject. The French Constitution has reformed the condition of the Clergy. It has raised the income of the lower and middle classes, and taken from the higher. None are now less than twelve hundred livres (fifty pounds sterling), nor any higher than about two or three thousand pounds. What will Mr. Burke place against this ? Hear what he says : " That the people of England can see, without pain or grudg- ing, an Archbishop precede a Duke ; they can see a Bishop of Durham, or a Bishop of Winchester, in possession of ten thou- sand pounds a year ; and cannot see why tfc is in worse hands, than estates to the like amount in the hands of this earl, or that squire" And Mr. Burke offers this as an example to France. As to the first part, whether the Archbishop precedes the Duke, or the Duke the Archbishop, it is, I believe, to the people in general, somewhat like Stemhold and Hopkins, or Hopkins and Stemhold. You may put which you please first: and as I confess that I do not understand the merits of the case, I will not contend it with Mr. Burke. But with respect to the latter, I have something to say. — Mr. Burke has not put the case right. — The com- parison is out of order, by being put between the Bi- shop and the Earl or the Squire. It ought to be put between the Bishop and the Curate, and then it will stand thus : — " The people of England can see, without pain or grudging, a Bishop of Durham or a Bishop of Winchester, in possession often thousand pounds a year, ana a curate on thirty or forty pounds a year, or less." No, Sir, they certainly do not see these things without great pain and grudging. It is a case that applies itself to every man's sense of justice ; and is one, among many that calls aloud for a Constitution. In France the cry of " the church I the church /" was repeated as often as in Mr. Burke's book ; and as loudly as when the Dissenter's bill was before the English parliament; but the generality of the French Cltrgy were not to be de- ceived by this cry any longer. They knew, that whatever the pretence might be, it was themselves who were the principal objects of it. It was the cry of the high beneficed clergy, to prevent any regulation of income taking place between those of ten thousand pounds a year, and the parish RKLHTS DP'JUI. «J> priest. They therefore joined their cause to those of every other oppressed class of men, and by this union obtained redess. " vin The French Constitution has abolished Tgthes ; that source of perpetual discontent between the tytheditrider and the parishioner. nctt When land is held on tythe it is in the condition of an estate held between two parties ; the one receiving one tenth, and the other nine tenths of the produce; and, con- sequently, on principles of equity, if the estate can be im- proved, aud made to produce by that improvement, double or treble what it did before, or in any other ratio, the ex- pellee of such improvement ought to be borne in like pro- portion between the parties who are to share the produce. But this is not the case in ty thes ; the farmer bears the whole expeuce, and the tythe-holder takes a tenth of the improve- ment, in addition to the original tenth ; and by this means, gets the value of two tenths instead af of one. This i£ too- ther case that calls for a Constitution. The French Constitution hath aboHshsd, or rtnonnced to- L E>» A t i o N, and I N r o L Ett v t i o n also : and' hath established UNIVERSAL RIGHT OF CONSCIENCE f ihW Toleration is not the opposite of Intolena'tioti, but bh-e etfwatw terfeit of it. Both nre despotisms. The one assumes to it- self the right of withholding Liberty of Conscience, and th# •ther of granting it. ^be one is the Pope armed.' with fire and faggot, and the other is the Pope, selling or granting* indulgencies. The former is church and state, and the -lat- ter is church and traffic. But Toleration may be viewed in a much stronger light. Man worships not himself, but his Maker ; and the liberty of conscience which he claims, is not for the service of hm»- self, but of his God. In this case, therefore, we ittust he^ cessarily have the associated ideas of two beingfc; th*. inortaf- who renders the worship, and the immortal being who is worshipped. Toleration, therefore, places itself, not be- tween man and man, nor between church and church, nor between one denomination of religion and another, but be- tween God and man — between the being who worships, and and the being who is worshipped'; am] by- the stune at assumed authority by which it telerjte.8 m;tn to pay hi* Wor- ship, it presumptuously aud blasphemously sets itself up 'o tolerate the Almighty t*> receive it/If m 9\a i iA Were a bill brought into any parliament, c-ntitled, *' J>i met to tolerate or gru/it liberty lo (In Jtiwqhttf. (o HfMffltoil 43 sights op uas. worship of a Jew, or a Turk" or " to prohibit the Almighty from receiving if," all men would startle, and call it blasphe- my. There would be an uproar.* The presumption of to- leration in religious matters would then present itself un- masked : but the piesumption is not the loss because the name of* man" only appears to those laws, for the associat- ed idea of the worshipper and the worshipped cannot be sepa- rated. — Who, then, art thou, vain dust and ashes! by what- ever name thou art called, whether a king, a bishop, a church, or a state, a parliament, or any thintj else, that ob- trudest thine insignificance between the soul of man and his Maker? Mind thine own concerns. If he believes not as thou believest, it is a proof that thou believest not as he be- lieveth, and there is no earthly power can determine be- tween you. With respect to what are called denomination* of religion, if every one is left to judge of his own religion, there is no such thing as religion that is wrong ; but if they are to judge of each other's religion, there is no such thing as a religion that is right; and, therefore, all the world are right, or all the world are wrong. But with respect to religion itself, without regard to names, and as directing itself from the universal family of mankind to the divine object of ail ador- ation, it is man bringing to his Maker the fruits of his heart ; and though these fruits may differ from each other, like the fruits of the earth, the grateful tribute of every one is ac- cepted. A bishop of Durham or a bishop of Winchester, or the archbishop who heads the Dukes, will not refuse a tythe- sheaf of wheat, because it is not a cock of hay ; nor acock of hay, because it is not a sheaf of wheat ; nor a pig, because it is neither the one nor the other. But these same persons, under the figure of an established church, will not permit their Maker to receive the varied tithes of man's devotion. One of the continual choruses of Mr. Burke's book is ■■ Church and state;" he does not mean some one particular church, or some one particular state, but any church and state ; and he uses the term as a general figure to hold forth the political doctrine of always uniting the church with the state inevery country, and he censures the National Assembly for not having clone this in France. Let us bestow a few* thoughts on this subject. Ail religious are in their nature mild and benign, and united with principles of morality. They could not have made proselytes at ftm, by professing any thing that waa RIGHT* OF 3IAN. 44 vicious, cruel, persecuting, or immoral. Like every thing else, they had their beginning ; and they proceeded by per- suasion, exhortation, and example. How then is it that they lose their native mildness, and become morose and in- tolerant ? It proceeds from the connection which Mr. Burke recom- mends. By engendering the church with the state, a sort of mule animal, capable only of destroy ing T and not of breed- ing up, is produced, called, The Church ettablished by Law. It is a stranger, even from its birth, to any parent mother on which it is begotten, and whom in time it kicks out and destroys. The Inquisition in Spain does not proceed from the reli- gion originally professed, but from this mule animal, en- gendered between the church and the state. The burnings in Smithfield proceeded from the same heterogenous pro- duction ; and it was the regeneration of this strange animal in England afterwards, that renewed rancour and irreligion among the inhabitants, and that drove the people called quakers and dissenters to America. Persecution is not an original feature in any religion ; but it is always the strong- ly-marked feature of all law-religions, or religions estab- lished by law. Take away the law-establishment, and every religion re-assumes its original benignity. In America, a catholic priest is a good citizen, a good character, and a good neighbour; an episcopalian minister is of the same de- scription : and this proceeds, independent of men, from their being no law-establishment in America. If also we view this matter in a temporal sense, we shall see the ill effects it has had on the prosperity of nations. The union of church and state has impoverished Spain. The revoking the edict of Nantz drove the silk manufacture from that country into England ; and church and state are now driving the cotton manufacture from England to America and France. Let then Mr. Burke continue to preach his anti-political doctrine of church and state. It will do some good. The National Assembly will not follow his advice, but will benefit by his folly. It was by observing the ill effects of it in England, that America has been warned against it ; and it is by experiencing them in France, that the National Assembly have abolished it, and, like America, has established UNIVERSAL RIGHT OF CONSCIENCE, AND UNIVERSAL RIGHT OF CITIZENSHIP.* * When in any country we see extraordinary circumstances I 45 KTCtt**f 0? if A*. I will here cense the comparison with respect to the priti- ciphs of the French Constitution, and conclude this part of the subject with a few observation* on the organization of live formal parts of the French and English Governments. The executive power in each country is in the hands ofa person, styled, the King; but the Trench Constitution dis- tinguishes between the King and the Sovereign. It considers the station of King official, and places Sovereignty in the Nation. , - i J , taking place, they naturally lead any mon who lias talent for obser- vation and investigation, to enquire into the causes. The manufac- tures of Manchester. Birmingham, and Sheffield, are the most principal manufactures i^i (England, From whence did this arise ? A littie observation will explain the case. The priucipaJ, and the generality of tiie iuliabitants pf tb.e^e places, are not of what is call- ed in England, the church established by law; and they, or their fathers (for it is within but a few year,*) withdrew from the persecu- tion of chartered towns, where te.-t-lawg more particularly operate, and established a sort of as\ ium foj- themselves in those place*. H was the only asylum that then offend, for the rest of Europe w»* worse. But the ea«e is now changing. France and America bid «1l comers welcome^ attAilnitiate them into all the rights of citizen- ship. Policy and interest, therefore, will, but perhaps too late, dictate in England, ■whnt reason and justice oould not. These manufactures are, withdrawing, and are arising in other places. T#ere is iiow erecting at Passey, three miles from Paris, a large Cotton mill, and several are already erected in America. .Soon after the rejecting the bill for repealing the test-law, one of the richest manufacturers 'in England said in my hearing, (i England, Sir, is not a country for a dissenter to live in— we must go to France." These are "i ruths, and. it is doing justice to both partie* to tell them. It is chiefly the dissenters that have carried English intmu fact tires to the height ttoey are now at, an d the same men have it in tbeil- power to cany them away ; and though those tutt- uufaetims would afterward* continue to be made in those places, the foreign market -w^uld be lost. There are frequently appearing in tlie London Gaettte, extracts from certain acts to prevent machines, and as far as it can extend, to peri-ons from going out of the coun- try. It appears from these, that the ill effects of the te-t-laws aiid church establishment-begin to be much suspected ; but the remedy < stitution. XVII. The right to property being inviolable and sacred, no one ought to be deprived of it, except in cases of evi- dent public necessity, legally ascertained, and on condition of a previous just indemnity. OBSERVATIONS ON THE DECLARATION OF RIGHTS. The three first articles comprehend in general terms, the whore of a Declaration of Rights. All th« succeeding articles either originate from them, or follow as elucida- tions. The 4th, 6th, and 6th, define more particularly what is only generally expressed in the 1st, 2d, and 3d. The 7th, £th,9th, 10th, and Hth articles, are declaratory of principles upon which laws shall be constructed, confor- mable to the Rights already declared. But it is questioned by some very good people in France, as well as in other countries, whether the 10th article sufficiently guarantees the right it is intended to accord with. Besides which, it takes oft' from the divine dignity RIGHTS OF MAX. O'S of religion, and weakens its operative force upon the mind to make it a subject of human lawsJF It then presents itself to man, like light intercepted by a cloudy medium, in which the source of it is obscured from his sight, and he sees nothing to reverence in the dusky ray.* The remaining articles, beginning with the twelfth, are substantially contained in the principles of the preceding articles; but in the particular situation which France then was, having to undo what was wrong, as well as to set up what was right, it was proper to be more particular than what in another condition of things would be necessary. While the Declaration of Rights was before the National Assembly, some of its members remarked, that if a Decla- ration of Rights was published, it should be accompanied by a Declaration of Duties. That observation discovered a mind that reflected, and it only erred by not reflecting far enough. A Declaration of Rights is by reciprocity, a Declaration of Duties also. Whatever is my right as a man, ig also the right of ano- ther ; and it becomes my duty to guarantee, as well as to possess. The three first articles are the basis of Liberty, as well individual as National ; nor can any country be called free, whose Government does not take its beginning from the principles they contain, and continue to preserve them * There is a single idea, which, if it strikes rightly upon the mind, either in a legal or a religious sense, will prevent any roan •r any body of men, or any Government from going wrong on the subject %f religion ; which is, that before any human institu- tion of Government was known in the world, there existed, if I may so express it, a compact between God and Man, from the beginning of time : and, that as the relation and condition which man in his individual person stands in towards his Maker cannot fee changed or any ways altered, by any human laws, or any kuman authority, that religious devotion, which is a partoftiu3 compact, cannot so much as be made a subject of human laws ; and that all laws must conform themselves to this prior existing compact, and not assum to make the compact conform to the laws, •which besides being human, are subsequent thereto. The Hrst act of man, when he looked around and saw himself a creature which he did not make, and a world furnished for his reception, must have been devotion ; and devotion must ever continue *a- cred to every individual man, as it appears right to him, and Governments do mischief by interfering. 69 RIGHTS OF MAN. pure; and the whole Declaration of Rights is of more value to the world", and will do more good, than all the laws and statutes that have yet been promulgated. In the declaratory exordium which prefaces the Declara- tion of Rights, we see the solemn and majestic spectacle of a Nation opening its commission under the auspices of its Creator, to establish a Government; a scene so new, and so transcendently unequalled by any thing in the European world, that the name of a Revolution is diminutive of its character, and it rises into a REGENERATION OF MAN. What are the present Governments of Europe, but a scene of iniquity and oppression ? What is that of England ? Do not its own inhabitants say, it is a 'maiket where every man has his price; and where corruption is the common tratlic, at the expence of a deluded People? No wonder, then, that t he - French Revolution is traduced. Had it confined itseif merely to the destruction of flagrant despotism, perhaps Mr. Burke and some others had been silent. Their cry now is, ' It is gone too far!' that is, it lias gone too far for them. It stares corruption in the face, and the venal tribe are all alarmed. Their fear discovers itself in their outrage, and they are but publishing the groans of a wounded vice, i But from such opposition, the French Revolution, instead of suffering, receives homage. The more it is struck, the more sparks it will emit ; and the fear is, that it will not be struck enough. It has nothing to dread from attacks: Truth has given it an establishment; and Time will record it with a name as lasting as his own. Having now traced the progress of the French Revolu- tion through most of its principal stages, from its com- mencement to the taking of the Bastille, and its establish- ment by the Declaration of Rights, I will close the subject with the energetic apostrophe of M. tie la layette. " MAY THIS GREAT MONUMENT RAISED TO LIBERTY, SERVE AS A LESSON TO THE OPPRES- SOR, AND AN EXAMPLE TO THE OPPRESSED !"* * See Page 6 of this work. Since the taking of the Bastille, the occurrences have been published ; but the matteis recorded in this narrative are prior to that period, and some of them, ys may be easily seen, can be but very little known. RIGHTS OF MAN. ?♦ MISCELLANEOUS CHAPTER. To prevent interrupting the argument in the preceding part of this work; or the narrative that follows it, I reserved some observations to be thrown together into a miscel- laneous chapter ; by which variety might not be censured for confusion. Mr. Burke's book is all miscellany. His intention was to make an attack on the French Revolution; but instead of proceeding with an orderly arrangement, he has stormed it with a mob of ideas tumbling over and destroying one another. But this confusion and contradiction in Mr. Burke's book is easily accounted for. — When a man in a long cause attempts to steer his course by any thing else than some polar truth or principle, he is sure to be lost. It is beyond the compass of his capacity, to keep all the parts of an argument together, and make them unite in one issue, by any other means than having this guide always in view. Neither memory nor invention will supply the want of it. The former fails him, and the latter betrays him. . Notwithstanding the nonsense, for it deserves no better name, that Mr. Burke has asserted about hereditary rightc, and hereditary succession, and that a Nation has not a right to chuse a Government for itself, it happened to fall in h » way to give some account of what Government is. Government, says he, is a contrivance of human wisdom. Admitting that Government is a contrivance of humau wisdom, it must necessarily follow, that hereditary succes- sion, and hereditary rights, can make no part of it, because it is impossible to make the wisdom hereditary ; and on the other hand, that cannot be a wise contrivance, which in its operation may commit the Government of the Nation to the wisdom of an ideot. The ground which Mr. Burke now takes, is fatal to every part of his cause. The argument changes from hereditary right to hereditary wisdom; aud the question is, — Who i« the wisest man ? He must now shew that every one in the line of heredi- tary succession was a Solomon, or his title is not good to be a King. What a stroke has Mr. Butke now made. To use a Tl 1I6HTS OF UAti. sailor's phrase, be has swabbed the deck, and scarcely left a name legible in the list of Kings ; and he has mowed down the House of Peers, with a »cythe as formidable as death and time. But Mr. Burke appears to have been aware of this re- tort ; and he has taken care to guard against it, by makimr Government not only to be a contrivance of -human wisdom, but a monopoly of wisdom. He pats the Nation, as fools, on the one side ; and places his Government of wisdom, all wise men of Gotham, on the other side ; and he then proclaims, and says, that — *' Men have a right that their wants should be provided for by this wisdom." Having thus made proclamation, he next proceeds to explain to them what their wants are, and also what their rights are. In this he has succeeded dextrously, for he makes their wants to be a want of wisdom; but as this is but cold comfort, he then informs them, that they have a right, not to any of the wisdom, but to be governed by it; and in order to impress them with a solemn reverence for this monopoly-Government of wisdom, and of its vast capacity for all purposes, possible or impossible, right or wrong, be proceeds With astrological mysterious importance, to tell them its powers in these words :— - " The rights of men, in Governments, are their advan- tages ; and these are often in balances between differences of good ; and in compromises sometimes between good and evil ; and sometimes between evil and evil. Political reason is a computing principle; adding — substracting— multiply- ing — and dividing, morally, and not metaphysically or ma- thematically, true moral demonstrations." As the wondering audience, whom Mr. Burke supposes himself talking to, may not understand all this learned jargon, I will undertake to be its interpreter. The meaning then, good people, of all this, is, that Government is governed by wo principle whatever; that it can make evil good, or good evil, just as -it pleases. In short, that Government is arbitrary puvcr. But there are some things winch Mr* Burke has for- gotten. First, He has not shewn where the wisdom came from ; and Secondly, He has not shewn by what authority it first began to act. In the manner he introduces the matter, it is either Go- RIGHT* OP NA.3. T£ verument stealing wisdom, or wisdom stealing Government. It is without au origin, and its powers without authority. In short, it is usurpation. Whether it be from a sense of shame, or from a con- sciousness of some radical defect in a Government neces- sary to be kept out of sight ; or from both, or from any other cause, I undertake not to determine ; but so it is, that a monarchical reasoner never traces Govemmeut to its source, or from its source : it is one of the Shiklwletlm by which he may be known. A thousand years hence, those wuo shall live in America, or in France, will look back with contemplative pride on the origin of their Governments, and say—' This was the work of our glorious ancestors!* But what can a monarchical talker say ? What has he to exult in? Alas, he has nothing! A certain something forbids him to look back to a beginning, lest some robber, or some Robin Hood should rise from the long obscurity of time, and say, / am the origin. Hard as Mr. Burke la- boured the Regency Bill, and hereditary succession two years ago, and much as he dived for precedents, he still had not boldness enough to bring up William of Normandy, and say, There is the head of the list ! there is the fountain of honor ! the son of a prostitute, and the pjunderer of the English Nation ! The opinions of men with respect to Governments are changing very fast in all countries. The resolutions of America and France have thrown a beam of light over the w4>rld, which reaches into man. The enormous expence of Governments have provoked people to think, by making them feel ; and when once the veil begins to rend, it admits not of repair. Ignorance is of a peculiar nature; once dispelled, it is impossible to re-establjsh it. It is not origi- nally a thing of itself, but is only the absence of knowledge; and though man may be kept ignorant, he cannot be made ignorant. The mind in discovering truth, acts in the same manner as it acts through the eye in discovering objects ; when once any object has been seen, it is impossible to put the mind back to the same condition it was in before it saw it. Those who talk of a counter-revolution in Fiance, Bhew how little they understand of man. Tuere does not exist in the compass of language, an arrangement of words to express so much as the means of effecting a countcr-revohu turn. The means must be au obliteration of knowledge; 73 RIGHTS OF MAN. and it has never yet been discovered, how to make a man nnknow his knowledge, of unthink his thoughts. Mr. Burke is labouring in vain to stop the progress of knowledge; and it comes with the worse grace from him, as there is a certain transaction known in the city, which tenders him suspected of being a pensioner in a fictitious name. This may account for some strange doctrine he has advanced in his book, which, though he points it at the Kevolution- Society, is effectually directed against the whole Nation. f* The Kin? of England," says he, " holds his Crown (for it does not belong to the Nation, according to Mr. Burke) in contempt of the choice of the Revolution Society, who have not a single vote for a King among them either indi- vidually or collectively ; and his Majesty's heirs,, each in their time and order, will come to the crown with the same contempt of their choice, with which his Majesty has suc- ceeded to that which he now wears." As to who is King in England or elsewhere, or whether there is any King at all, or whether the people chuse a Cherokee Chief, or n Hessian Hussar for a King, it is not a matter that I trouble myself about — be that to themselves ; but. with respect to the doctrine, so far as it relates to the Rights of Men and Nations, it is as abominable as any thing ever uttered in the most enslaved country under Heaven. Whether it sounds worse to my ear, by not being accustomed to hear such despotism, than what it does to the ear of another person, I am not so well a judge of; but of its abominable principle lam at no loss to judge. It is not the Revolution Society, that Mr. Burke means'; it is the Nation, as well in its original as in its represen- tative character; and he has taken care to make himself understood, by saying that they have not a vote either collectively or individually. Tiie Revolutionary Society is composed of citizens ol all denominations, and of mem- bers of both the Houses of Parliament : and consequently, if there be not a right to vote in any of the characters, there can be no right to any, either in the Nation, or in its Par- liament. TliMi ought to he a caution to every country, how it imports foreign families to be Kings; It is somewhat curious to observe that although the people of England- have been in the habit of talking about Kfngs, it is always a foreign House of Kings; hating Foreigners, yet governed by them :— rlt is now the House of Brunswick, one of Cuff petty tribes of Germany. RIGHT* OF MAN. 74 It has hitherto keen the practice of the English Parlia- ment*, to regulate what was called the succession, taking it for granted, that the Nation then continued to accord to the form of annexing a monarchical branch to its Govern- ment; for without this, the Parliament could not have had the authority to have aent either to Holland or to Hanover, or to impose a King upon the Nation agaiust its will. And this must be the utmost limit to which Parliament can so upon the case; but the right of the Nation goes to the whole case, because it has the right of changing its whole form of Government. The right of a Parliament is only a right in trust, a right by delegation, and that but from a very small part of the Nation ; and one of its Houses has not even this. But the right of the Nation is an original right, as universal as taxation. The Nation is the pay- master of every thing, and every thing must conform to its general will. I remember taking notice of a speech in what is called the English House of Peers, by the then Earl of Shelburne, and I think it was at the time he was Minister, which is applicable to this case. I do not directly charge my memory with every particular; hut the words and the purport, as nearly as I remember, were these: That the form of a Government was a matter wholly at the will of a Nation, at all times: that if it chose a monarchical form, it had a right to have it so ; and if it afterwards chose to be a Republic, it had a right to be a Republic, and to gay to a King, " We have no longer any occasion for you." When Mr. Burke says that " His Majesty's heirs and successors, each in their time and order, will come to the crown with the same contempt of their choice with which his Majesty has succeeded to that he wears," it is saying too much even to the humblest individual in the country, part of whose daily labour goes towards making up the million sterling a year, which the country gives the person it styles a King. Government with insolence, is despotism ; but when contempt is added, it becomes worse ; and to pay for contempt, is the excess of slavery. This species of Government comes from Germany; and reminds me of what one of the Brunswick soldiers told me, who wai taken prisoner by the Americans in the late war : " Ah 1" said he, " America is a line free country, it is worth the people's fighting for; I know the difference by knowing my own: in my country, if the Prince says, Kat straw, we eat straw." God help that country, thought I, be it England, or else- 75 RIGHTS OF MAN. where, whose liberties, or whose properties are to he pro- tected by German principles of Government, and Princes of Brunswick ! As Mr. Burke sometimes speaks of England, sometimes of France, and sometimes of the world, and of Government in general, it is difficult to answer his book without appa- rently meeting him on the same ground. Although princi- ples of Government are general subjects, it is next to impossible, in many cases to separate them from the idea of place and circumstance; and the more so when cir- cumstances are put for arguments, which is frequently the case with Mr. Burke. In the former part of his book, addressing himself to the people of France, he says, *' No experience has taught us, ' (meaning the English)," that in any other course, or method than that an hereditary crown, can our liberties be regularly perpetuated and preserved sacred as our hereditary right." I ask Mr. Burke, who is to take them away? M.dela Fayette, in speaking to France, says, " For a Nation to be free, it is sufficient that she wills it." But Mr. Burke re- presents England as wanting capacity to take care of itself, and that its liberties must be taken care of by a King- holding it in " contempt." If England is sunk to this, it is preparing itself to eat straw, as in Hanover, or in Bruns- wick. But besides the folly of the declaration, it happens that the fabts are all against Mr. Buike, It was by the Government being hereditary, that the liberties of the people were endangered. Charles I. and James II. are instances of this truth; yet neither of them went so far as to hold the Nation in contempt. As it is sometimes of advantage to the people of one country, to hear what those of other countries have to say respectingit.it is possible that the people of France may 'learn something from Mr. Burke's book, and that the people (of England may also learn something from the answers it will occasion. When Nations fall cut about freedom, a wide field of debate is opened. The argument commences with the rights of war, without its evils ; and as knowledge is the object contended for, the parly that sustains the defeat obtains a prize. Mr. Burke talks about what he calls an hereditary crown, as if it were some production of Nature ; or as if, like Time, it had a power to operate, not only independently, bul in spite of man; or as if it were a thing, or a subject universally consented to. Alas! it has none of those pro- perties, but is the reverse of them all. It U a thing in RiaHTi OF MAM. N *§ imagination, the propriety of which is more than doubted, and the legality of which in a few years will be denied. But, to arrange this matter in a clearer view than what general expressions can convey, it will be necessary to 6tate the distinct heads, under which , what is called, an heredi- tary crown, or, more properly speaking, an hereditary suc- cession to the Government of a Nation, can be considered ; which are — First, The right of a particular Family to establish itself. Secondly, The right of a Nation to establish a particular Family. With respect to the first of these heads, that of a Family establishing itself with hereditary powers, on its own au- thority, and independent of the consent of a Nation, all men will concur in calling it despotism; and it would be tresspassing on their understanding to attempt to prove it. But the second head, that of a Nation establishing a particular Family with hereditary powers, does not present itself as despotism on the first reflection; but if men will permit a second reflection to take place, and carry that reflection forward but one remove out of their own persons into their offspring, they will then see that hereditary suc- cession becomes in its consequences the same despotism to others. It operates to preclude the consent of the suc- ceeding generation ; and the preclusiou of consent, is des- potism. * When the person who shall be at any time in possession of a Government, or those whostand in succession to him, shall say to a Nation, — I hold this power in contempt of you,— it signifies not upon what authority he pretends to say it. It in no relief, but an aggravation, to a person in slavery, to reflect that he was sold by his parent ; and as that which heightens the criminality of an act, cannot be produced to prove the legality of it, hereditary succession cannot be established as a legal thing. In order to arrive at a more perfect decision on this head, it will be proper to consider the generation which under- takes to establish a Family with hereditary powers, apart and separate from the generations which are to follow ; and also to consider the character in which the first generation acts with fespect to succeeding generations. The generation which first selects a person, and puts him at the- head of its Government, either with the title of King or any other distinction, acts its own choice, be it wise, •r foolish, as free agent for itself, J> ffr RIGHTS OF MAW. The person so set up, is not hereditary, but select- ed and appointed; and the generation who sPts him up does not live under an hereditary Government, but under a Government of its own choice and establishment. Were the generation who sets him up, and the person so set up, to live forever, it never could become hereditary succession ; and, of consequence, hereditary succession can only follow on the death of the first parries. As therefore hereditary succession is out of the question with respect to the first generation, we have now to consider the character, in which that generation acts with respect to the commencing generation, and to all succeeding ones. It assumes a character, to which it has neither fight nor title. It changes itself from a legislator to a testator, and affects to make its will, which is to have operation after the demise of the makers, to bequeath the Government; and it not only attempts to bequeath, but to establish on the succeeding generation, a new and different form of Government to that under which itself lived. Itself, as is elready observed, lived not under an hereditary Government, but under a Government of its own choice and establishment; and now it attempts, by virtue of a will and testament, (and which it has not authority to make) to take from the commencing generation, and all future ones, the rights and free agency by which itself acted. But, exclusive of the right which any generation has to act collectively as a testator, the objects to which it applies in this case, are not within the compass of any law, or of any will or testament. The rights of men in society, are neither deviseable, nor transferable, nor anuihilable, but are descendable only ; and it is not in the power of any generation to intercept finally, and cut off the descent. If the present generation, or any other, are disposed to be slaves, it does not lessen the right of the succeeding generations to be free. Wrongs cannot have a legal descent. When Mr. Burke attempts to maintain, that the English Nation did, at the Revolution of 10*88, most solemnly re- nounce and abdicate their Rights, for themselves, and their posterity for ever, he speaks a language that merits not yeply ; and which can only excite contempt for his prosti- tute principles, or pity for his ignorance. In whatever light hereditary succession, as growing out of the will and testament of some former generation, pre- RI6HTS OF MAN. ?ft sents itself, it is an absurdity. A. cannot make a will to take from B. the property of B. and give it to C. — Yet this. . is the manner i« which what is called hereditary succession by law operates. A certain former generation made a will, to take away the rights of the commencing generation, and all future ones, and convey those rights to a third person, who after- wards comes forward and tells them, in Mr. Burke's lan- guage, that they have no rights — that their rights are already bequeathed to him — and that he will govern in contempt of tlsein! — From such principles, and such igno- rance, Good Lord deliver the world ! But, after all, what is this metaphor called a crown ? Or, rather, what is monarchy ? Is it a thing— or is it a nam-: — oris it a fraud ? Is it a" contrivance of human wisdom," — or of human craft, to obtain money from a Nation, uuder specious pretences ? Is it a thing necessary to a Nation? If it be, in what does that necessity consist, what services does it perform, what is its business, and what are its merits? Does the virtue consist in the metaphor, or in the man ? Doth the goldsmith that makes the crown, make the virtue also? Doth itoperate like Fortunatus's wishing-cap # or Harlequin's wooden sword ? Doth it make a man a con- juror? In fine, what is it? It appears to be a something going much out of fashion j \l falling into ridicule, and rejected in some countries, both as J^ unnecessary, and expensive. In America, it is considered as an absurdity; and in France it has so far declined, that the goodness of the man, and the respect lor his personal character, are the only things that preserve the appearance of its existence If Government be what Mr. Burke describes it, — a con- trivance of human wisdom — I ask him if wisdom was at such a low ebb in England, that it was become necessary to import it from Holland, and from Hanover? But I will do the country the justice to say, that was not thexase; aud even if it was, it mistook the cargo. The wisdom of every country, when properly exerted, is sufficient for all its purposes; and there could appear no more real occasiou in England to have *ent for a Dutch Stadtholder, or a German Elector, than there was in Ame- rica to have done a similar thing. If a country does not understand its own affairs, how is a foreigner to understand them, who knows neither its laws, its manners, nor its lan- guage ? Ii there existed a man so transcendantiy wise above 79 RIGHTS OF MAN. all others, that his wisdom was necessary to instruct a Na- tion, some reason might be offered for monarchy ; but when we cast our eyes about a country, and observe how every . part understands its own affairs ; and when we look around the world, and see that of all men in it the race ot Kings are the most insignificant in capacity, our reason cannot fail to ask us — What are those men kept for? If there is any thing in monarchy which we people of America do not understand, I wish Mr. Burke woule be so kind as to inform us. I see, in America, a Government extended over a country ten times as large as England, and conducted with regularity, for a fortieth part of the expence which Government costs in England. If I ask a man in America, if jje w&3 ts a King, he retorts, and asks me if I take him for an icfiot. How is it that this difference happens? Are we more, or less, wise than others ? I see, in America, the generality of people living in a >tyle of plenty unknown in monarchical countries ; and I see that the principle of its Government, which is that of the equal Rights of Man, is making a rapid progress in the world. If monarchy is a useless thing, why is it kept up any where? And if a necessary thing, how can it be dispensed with ? That civil Government is necessary, all civilized Na- tions will agree; but civil Government is republican Go- vernment. All that part of the Government of England, which begins with the office of constable, and proceeds through the department of magistrate, quarter session, and general assize, including trial by jury, is republican Govern- ment. Nothing of monarchy appears in any part of it, ex- cept the name which William the Conqueror imposed upon the English, that of obliging them to call him, Their Sove- reign Lord, the King. It is easy to conceive, that a band of interested men, such as Placemen, Pensioners, Lords -of ihe Bed-chamber, Lords of the Kitchen, Lords of the Necessary-house, and the Lord knows what hesides. can find as mauy reasons for monaichy as their salaries, paid at the expence of the country, amount to: but if I ask the farmer, the manufacturer, the merchant, the tradesman, and dowu through all the occupations of hfe, to the common labourer, what service monarchy is to him, he can give me no answer. If I ask him what monarchy is, he believes it is something like a sinecure. Notwithstanding the taxes of England amount to almost seventeen millions year, said to be for the expences of Go- vernment, it is still evideut, ihat the sense of the Nation is RIGHTi OP MAX. so left to govern itself, and does govern itself by magistrates and juries, almost at its own charge, on republican princi- ples, exclusive of the expence of taxes. The salaries of the judges are almost the only charge that is paid out of the revenue. Considering that all th« internal Government is exf cnted by the people, the taxes of England ought to be the lightest of any Nation in Europe; instead of which, they are the contrary. As this cannot be accounted for on the score of civil Government, the subject necessarily extends itself to the monarchical part. When the people of England sent for George the First, (and it would puzzle a wiser man than Mr. Burke to disco- ver for what he could be wanted, or what service he could render,) they ought at least to have conditioned for the aban- donment of Hanover. Besides the endless German intrigues that must follow from a German Elector being King of Eug- land, there is a natural impossibility of uniting in the same person the principles of Freedom, and the principles of Des- potism; or, as it is usually called-in England, abitrary power. A German Elector is in his Eelectorate, a Despot. How then could it be expected, that he should be attached to principles of liberty in one country, while his interest in another was lobe supported by despotism? The union cannot exist; and it might easily have been foreseen, thst German Electors would make German Kings; or, in Mr. Burke's words, " assume Government with contempt." The English have been in the habit of considering a King of England only in the character in which he appears to them ; — whereas, the same person, while the connection Jasts, has a home seat in another country, the interest of which is different to their own, and the principles of the Governments in opposition to each other. To sucti a person, England will appear as a town residence, and the Electorate as the* estate. The English may wish, as I believe they do, success to the principles of liberty, in France, or in Germany ; but a German Elector trembles for the fate of despotism in lire electorate; an.! the Duchy of Mecklenhurgh, where the present Queen's Family governs, is under tue same wretched state of arbitrary power, and the people in slavish vas- salage. There newr was a time when it became the English to watch continental intrigues more circumspectly than at the f • 1 RIGHTS OP MAN. present moment, and to distinguish the politics of the Elec- torate from the politics of the Nation. The Revolution of France has entirely changed the ground with respect to England, and France, as Nations; but the German despots, with Prussia at their head, are com- bining against liberty; and the fondness of Mr; Pitt for office, and the interest which all his family connections have obtained, do not give sufficient security against this in- trigue. As every thing which passes in the world becomes matter for history, I will now quit this subject, and take a concise Teview of the state of parties and politics in England, as Mr. Burke has done in France. Whether the present reign commenced with contempt, I leave to Mr. Burke ; certain, however, it is, that it had strongly that appearance. The animosity of the English Nation, it is very well remembered, ran high; and, had the true principles of liberty been as well understood then, as they now promise to be, it is probable that the Nation would not have patiently submitted to so much. George the First, and Second, were sensible of a rival in the remains of the Stuarts ; and, as they could not but consider themselves as standing on their good behaviour, they had the prudence to keep their German principles of Goverw- ment to themselves; but as the Stuart family wore away, the prudence became less necessary. The contest between rights, and what were called prero- gatives, continued to heat the Nation tiil some time after the conclusion of the American war, when all at once it fell a calm: — execration exchanged itself for applause, and Court popularity sprung up like a mushroom in the night. To account for this sudden transition, it is proper to ob- serve, that there are two distinct species of popularity ; the one excited by merit, the other by resentment. As the Na- tion had formed itself into two parties, and each was extol- ling the merits of its parliamentary champions, lo^, and against prerogative, .nothing could operate to give a more general shock than an immediate coalition of the champions themselves. The partisans of each, being thus suddenly left in the lurch, and mutually heated with disgust of the measure, felt no other relief than uniting iu a common execration against both. A higher stimulus of resentment being thus excited, than what the contest on prerogatives had occasioned, the Na- RIGHTS OF MAN. t'2 lion quitted all former objects of rights and wrongs, and sought only that of gratification. The indignation at the coalition so effectually superseded th cutive department; and Mr. Pitt could not possess himself of any management of this sum, w ithout setting up the supremacy of Pailiament; and when this was accomplished, it was indifferent: who should be Regent, as he must be Regent at his own cost. Among the curiosities which this contentious debate afforded, was that of making the Great Seal into a King; the affixing of which to an act, was to be royal authority! If, therefore, royal authority is a Great Seal, it consequently is in itself nothing ; and a good Constitution would be of infinitely more value to the Nation, than what the three nominal powers, as they now stand, are worth. The continual use of the word Constitution in the English Parliament shews there is none; and that the whole is merely a form of Government without a Constitution, and constituting itself with what powers it pleases. If there were a Constitution, it could certainly be re- ferred to; and the debate on any Constitutional point, would terminate by producing the Constitution. One member says, this is Constitution— and another says, tluit is Constitution. To-day it is one thing, and to-morrow it is something else — while the maintaining the debate proves that there is none. Constitution is now the cant word of Parliament, turning itself to the ear of the Nation. Formerly, it was the uni- versed supremacy of Parliament — the omnipotence of Par- liament; — but since the progress of liberty in France, those phrases have a despotic harshness in their note ; and tl^e English Parliament have catched the fashion from the National Assembly, but without, the substance, of speaking of the Constitution. As the present generation of the people in England did not make the Government, they are not accountable for Any of its defects ; but that, sooner or later, it must come into their hands to undergo a Constitutional reformation, is as certain as that the same thing has happened in France. If France, with a revenue of nearly twenty-four millions sterling ;' with an extent of rich and fertile country, above four times larger than England ; with a population of twenty-four millions of inhabitants to support taxation; with upwards of ninety millions sterling of gold and silver circulating in the Nation, and with a debt less than the present debt of England — still found it necessary, from whatever cause, to come to a settlement of its affairs, it solve* the problem of funding for both countries. 55 RIGHTS OF MAN. It is out of the question to say, how long what is called the English Constitution has lasted, and to argue from thence, how long it is to last. The question is, how long can the funding system last? It is a thing of but modern invention, and has not yet continued beyond the life of a man; yet in that short space, it has so far accumulated, that together with the current expences, it requires an amount of taxes, equal to the whole rental of -the Nation in acres, (o defray the annual expenditure. That a Go- vernment could not always have gone on, by the same system that has been followed for the last seventy years must be evident to every man; and for the same reason it cannot always goon. The funding system is not money ; neither is it, properly speaking, credit. It in effect, creates upon paper the sum which it appears to borrow, and lays on a tax to keep the imaginary capital, alive by the payment of interest, aiid sends the annuity to market to be sold for paper already in circulation. J.f any credit is given, it is to the disposition of the people to pay the tax, and not to the Government which lays it on. When this disposition expires, what is supposed to be the credit of Government expires with it. The instance of France under her former Government, shews that it is impossible to compel the payment of, taxes by force, when a whole Nation is determined to take its stand upon that ground. Mr. Burke, in his review of the finances of France, states the quantity of gold and silver in France, at about eighty- eight millions sterling. In doing this, he has, I presume, divided by the difference of exchange, instead of the standard of twenty-four livres to*a pound sterling; for M. Neckar's statement, from which Mr. Burke's is taken, is two thousand two hundred millions of livres, which is upwards of ninety-one millions and an half sterling. M. Neckar in France, and Mr. George Chalmers, of the office of trade and plantation in England, of which Lord Hawkesbury is president, published nearly about the same time (1786) an account of the quantity of money in each Nation, from the returns of the Mint of each Nation. Mr. Chalmers, from the returns of the English Mint at the Tower of London, states the quantity of money in Kng- land, including Scotland and Ireland, to be twenty millions sterling. RIGHTS OF MAN. 86" M. Neckar says, that the amount of money in France, re- coined from the old coin which was called in, was two thou- sand five hundred millions of livres, upwards of one hundred and four millions sterling; and, after deducting for waste, and what may be in the West Indies, and other possible cir- cumstances, states the circulating quantity at home, to be ninety-one millions and an half sterling; but taking it as Mr. Burke has put it, it is sixty-eight millions more than the National quantity in England. That the quantity of money in France cannot be under this sum, may at once be seen from the state of the French levenue, without referring to the records of the French Mint for proofs. The revenue of France, prior to the Revolution, was nearly twenty-four millions sterling; and as paper had then no existence in France, the whole revenue was collect- ed upon gold and silver; and it would have been impossible to have collected such a quantity of revenue, upon a less National quantity than M. Neckar has stated. - Before the establishment of paper in England, the reve- nue was about a fourth part of the National amount of gold and silver, as may be known by referring to the revenue prior to King William ; and the quantity of money stated to be in the Nation at that time, which was nearly as much as it is now. It can be of no real service to a Nation to impose upon itsrlf, or permit itself to be imposed upon ; but the preju- dices of some, and the imposition of others, have always re- presented France has a Nation possessing but little money, —whereas the quantity is not only more than four times what the quantity is in England, but is considerably greater on a proportion of numbers. To account for this deficiency on the part of England, some reference should be bad to the English system of fund- ing. It operates to multiply paper, and to substitute it in the room of money, in various shapes; and the more paper is multiplied, the more opportunities are afforded to export the specie ; and it admits of a possibility, by extending it to small notes, of increasing paper till there is no money left. I know this is not a pleasant subject to English readers ; but ihe matters I am going to mention, are so important in themselves, as to require the attention of men interested in money transactions of a public nature. There is a circumstance stated by M. Neckar, in his trea- tise.on the administration of the finances, which has never been attended to in England ; but which forms the only ba- S7 1U>HTS OP MAN. sis whereon to estimate the quantity of money* (gold and silver) which ought to b€ in every Nation in Europe, to pre- serve a relative proportion with other Nations. Lisbon and Cadiz are the two ports into which (money) gold and silver from South America are imported, and which afterwards divides and spreads itself over Europe by means of commerce, and increases the quantity of money in all parts of Europe. If, therefore, the amount of the annual importation into Europe can be known, and the relative proportion of the commerce of the several Nations by which it is distributed can be ascertained, they give a rule sufficiently true, to as- certain the quantity of money which ought to be found in any Nation at any given time. M. Neckar shews from the registers of Lisbon and Cadiz, that the importation of gold and silver into Europe, is fi.ve millions sterling annually. He has not taken it on a single year, but on an average of fifteen succeeding years, from 1763 to 1777, both inclusive; in which time, the amount was one thousand three hundred million iivres, which is seventy-five millions sterling. From the commencement of the Hanover succession in 1714, to the time Mr. Chalmers published, is seventy-two years; and the quantity imported into Europe, in that time, would be three hundred and sixty millions sterling. If the foreign commerce of Great Britain be stated a,t a sixth part of what the whole foreign commerce of Europe amounts to, (which is probably an inferior estimation to what the gentlemen at the Exchange would allow) the pro- portion which Britain should draw by commerce of this sum, to keep herself' on a proportion with the rest of Europe, would be also a sixth part, which is sixty millions sterling; and if the same allowance for waste and accident be made for England, which M. Neckar makes for France, the quan- tity remaining after these deductions would be fifty. two millions; and this sum ought to have been in the Nation (at the time Mr. Chalmers published) in addition to the sum which was in the Nation at the commencement of the Hanover succession, and to have made in the whole, at least, sixty-six millions sterling; instead of which there were but twenty millions, which is forty-six millions below its pro- portionate quantity. As the quantity of gold and silver imported into Lisbon and Cadiz,i8 more exactly ascertained than that of any other com- modity imported into England ; and as the quantity of money RIGHTS OF MAN. BS coined in the Tower of London if; still more positively known, the leading facts do nol admit of controvt Either, therefore, the commerce of England ' s unproductive of profit; or, the gold and silver which it brings in, leak continually away by unseen means, at tiie average rate of about three-quarters of a million a year; which, in the course of seventy-two years, accounts for the deficiency, and its absence is supplied with paper.* * Whether the English commerce does not bring in money, or whether the Government sends it out after it is brought in, is a matter which the parties concerned can best explain ; but that the deficiency exists is not in the power of either to disprove. While Dr. Price, Mr. Eden, (now Auckland) Mr. Chalmers, and others, were debating whether the quantity of money in E'dand was greater or less than at the Revolution, the circumstance was not adverted to, that since the Revolution, there cannot have been less than four hundred millions sterling imported into Europe; and, therefore, the quantity in England, ought at least to have been four times greater than it was at the Revolution, to be on a proportion with the rest of Europe. What England is now doing by paper, is what she would have been able to have done by solid money, if gold and silver had come into 1^he Nation in the proportion it ought, or had not been sent out ; and she is endeavouring to restore by paper the balance she has lost by money. It is certain, that the gold and silver which arrives annually in the register-ships to Spain and Por- tugal does not remain in those countries. Taking the value half in gold, and half in silver, it is about lour hundred tons annually ; and from the number of ships and galloons employed in the trade of bringing those metals from South America to Portugal and Spain, the quantity sufficiently proves itself, without referring to the re- gister*, hi the situation England now is, it is impossible she can increase in money. High taxes not only lessen the property of the individuals, but they lessen also the money capital of a Naiion, by induciug smuggling, which can only be carried on by gold and silver. I3y the politics which the British Government havecarric I on with the inland powers of Germany and the Continent, it has made an enemy of all the maritime powers, and is there fore obliged to keep up a large navy ; but though the navy is built in Midland, the naval 3tores must be purchased from abroad, and that from countries where the greatest part must be paid for in'gold and Oli- ver. Some fallacious rumours have been set afioat in England, to induce a belief of money ; and, among others, that of the French lefugecs bringing great quantities. The idea is ridiculous. The general part of the money in France is silver ; and it wonid t;ike upwards 7 RIGHTS OP MAN. it has been called only to terminate a war, after a fruitless ex pence of several years, it will be necessary to consider the interest of Governments as a distinct interest to that of Nations. Whatever is the cause of taxes to a Nation, becomes also the means of revenue to a Government. Every war terminates with an addition of taxes, and consequently, with an addition of revenue; and in any event of war, in the manner they are now commenced and concluded, the power and interest of Governments are increased. War, therefore, from its produc- tiveness, as it easily furnishes the pretence of necessity for taxes, and appointments to places, and offices, becomes a principal parr, of the system of old Governments ; and to establish any modi to abolish war, however advantageous it might he to Nations, would he to take from such Govern- ment the most lucrative of its branches. The frivolous matters upon which war is made, shew the disposition and avidity oi'Governments to uphold the system of war, and betray the motives upon which they act. Why are not Republics plunged into war, but because the nature of their Government does not admit of an interest distinct from that of the Nation ? Even Holland, though an ill-constructed Republic, and with a commerce extending over the world, existed nearly a century without war; and the instant the form of Government was changed in France, the republican principle? of peace and domestic piosperity, and economy, arose with the new Government ; and the same consequences would follow the same causes in other Nations. As war is the system of Government on the old construc- tion, the animosity which Nations reciprocally entertain, is nothing more than what the policy of their Governments excite, to keep up the spirit of the system. Each Govern- ment accuses the other of perfidity, intrigue, and ambi- tion, as a means of heating the imagination of their respec- tive Nations, and incensing them to hostilities. Man is not the enemy of Man, but through the medium of a false sys- tem of Government. Instead, therefore, of exclaiming against the ambition of Kings, the exclamation should be directed against, the principles of such Governments; and, instead of seeking to reform tin individual, the wisdom of a Nation should apply itse!i*to reform the system. Whether the forms and maxims of Governments which are still in practice, were adapted to the condition of the world RIGHTS OK MAX. 98 at the period they were established, is not in this case the question. The older they are, the less correspondence can they have with the present state of things. Time, and change of circumstances and opinions, have the same progressive effect in rendering modes of Govern- ment obsolete, as they have upon customs and manners. Agriculture, commerce, manufactures, and the tranquil arm, by which the prosperity of Nations is best promoted, require a different system of Government, and a different species of knowledge to direct its operations, than what might have been required in the former condition of the world. As it is not difficult to perceive, from the. enlightened state of mankind, that hereditary Governments are verging to their decline, a;id that Revolutions on the broad basis of National sovereignty, and Government by representation, are making their way in Europe, it whould be an act of wisdom to anticipate their approach, and produce Revolutions by reason and accommodation, rather than commit them to the issue of convulsions. From what we now see, nothing of reform in the political world ought to be held improbable. It is an age of Re?o- iutions, in which every thing may be looked for. The intrigue of Courts, by which the system of war is kept up, may provoke a confederation of Natious to abolish it; and an European Congress, to patronise the progress of free Government, and promote the civilization of Nations with each other, is an event nearer in probability, than once were the Revolutions and Alliance of Frauce and America. t;y» of part mr, first. THE RIGHTS OF MAN, PART THE SECOND , COMBINING PRINCIPLE AND PRACTICE. BY THOMAS PAINE. LONDON: PRINTED BY W. T. SHERWIN, 183, FLEET STREET. 1817. t TO M. DE LA FAYETTE. After an acquaintance of nearly fifteen years, in difficult situations in America, and various consultations in Europe, I feel a pleasure in presenting to you this small treatise, in gratitude for your services to my beloved America, and as a testimony of my esteem for the virtues, public and private., which I know you to possess. The only point upon which I could ever discover that we differed, was not as to principles of Government, but as to timi. For my own part, I think it equally as injurious to good principles to permit them to linger, as to push them on too fast. That which you suppose accomplishable in fourteen or fifteen years, I may believe practicable in a much shorter period. Mankind, as it appears to me, are always ripe enough to understand their true interest, pro- vided it be presented clearly to their understanding, and that in a manner not to create suspicion by any thing like self-design, nor offend by assuming too much. Where we would wish to reform we must not reproach. When the American Revolution was established, I felt a disposition to sit serenely down and enjoy the calm. It did not appear to me that any object could afterwards arise grwit enough to make me quit tranquillity, and feel as I had felt before. But when principle, and not place, is the energetic cause of action, a man, I find, is every where the same. To M. De La Fayette. I am now once more in the public world ; and as I have net a right to contemplate on so many years of remaining life as you have, I am resolved to labour as fast as I can ; and as I am anxious for your aid and your company, I wish you to hasten your principles and overtake me. If you make a campaign the ensuing spring, which it is most probable there will be no occasion for, I will come and join you. Should the campaign commence, I hope it will terminate in the extinction of German despotism, and in establishing the freedom of Germany. When France shall be surrounded with Revolutions, she will be in peace and safety, and her taxes, as well as those of Germany, will consequently become less. Your sincere, Affectionate Friend, THOMAS PAINE. London, Feb. 9, 1792. PREFACE. • When I began the chapter entitled the " Conclution" in the former part of the RIGHTS OF MAN, published last year, it was my intention to have extended it to a greater length; but in casting the whole matter in my mind which I wished to add, I found that I must either make the work too bulky, or contract my plan too much, I, therefore, brought it to a close as soon as the subject would admit, and reserved what I had further to say to another oppor- tunity. Several other reasons contributed to produce this deter- mination. I wished to know the manner in which a work, written in a style of thinking and expression different to what had been customary in England, would be received before I ventured farther. A great field wns opening to the view of mankind by means of the French Revolution. Mr. Burke's outrageous opposition thereto brought the contro- versy into England. He attacked principles which he knew (from information) I would contest with him, because they are principles which I believe to be good, and which I have contributed to establish, and conceive myself bound to defend. Had he not urged the controversy, I had most probably been a silent man. Another reason for deferring the remainder of the Work was, that Mr. Burke promised in his first publication to renew the subject at another opportunity, and to make a comparison of what he called the English and French Constitutions. I therefore held myself in reserve for him. He has published two Works since, without doing this; which he certainly would not hare omitted, had the com- parison been in hi6 favour. tl PREFACE. In his last Work, " His Appeal from the new to t\e old Whigs," he has quoted about ten pages from the Rights of Man, and having given himself the trouble of doing this, says, " he shall not attempt in the smallest degree to re- fute them," meaning the principles therein contained. I am enough acquainted with Mr. Burke to know, that he would if he could. But instead of contesting them, he immediately after consoles himself with saying, that *' h« has done his part." — He has not done his part. He has not performed his promise of a comparison of Constitutions. He started the controversy, he gave the challenge, and has fled from it; and he is now a case in point with his own opinion, that, " the age of chivalry is gone f" The title, as well as the substance of his last Work, liis " Appeal" is his condemnation. Principles mu6t stand on their 6wn merits, and if they are good they certainly will. To put them under the shelter of other men's authority, as Mr. Burke has done, serves to bring them into suspicion. Mr. Burke is not very fond of dividing his honours, but in this case he is artfully dividing the disgrace. But who ar« those to whom Mr. Burke made his appeal? A set o£ childish thinkers, and half-way politicians born in the last century; men who went no farther with any principle than as it suited their purpose as a party ; the Nation was always left out of the question ; and this has been the'characterof every party from that day to this. The l^ation sees nothing in such Works, or such politics worthy its attention. A little matte/ will move a party, but it must be something great that moves a Nation. Though 1 see nothing in Mr. Burke's Appeal worth tak- ing much notice pf, there is, however, one expression upon which I shall offer a few remarks. — After quoting largely from the Rights'rf Man, and declining to contest the prin- ciples contained in that work, he says, "This will most probably be done, [if such writings shall he thought to deserve anf other refutation than that of criminal justice) by others who may think with Mr. Burke, and with the same zeal. PREFACB. V.. In the first place, it has not yet been done by any body Not less, I believe, than eight or ten pamphlets, intended at answers to the former parts of the " Rights of Man," have been published by different persons, and not one of them, to my knowledge, has extended to a second edition, nor are? even the titles of them so much as generally remembered. AbI am averse to unnecessarily multiplying publications, I have answered none of them. And as I believe that a man may write himself out of reputation, when no body else can do it, I am" careful to avoid that rock. But as I would decline unnecessary publications on the one hand, so would I avoid every thing that might appear like sullen pride on the other. If Mr. Burke, or any person on his side the question, will produce an answer to the " Rights of Man," that shall extend to an half, or even to a fourth part of the number of copies to which the Rights of Man extended, I will reply to his work. But until this be done, I shall so far take the sense of the public for my guide, (and the world knows I am not a flatterer) that what they do not think worth while to read, is not worth mine to an- swer. I suppose the number of copies to which part of the Mights of Man extended, taking England, Scotland, and Ire- land, is not less than between forty and fifty thousand. I now come to remark on the remaining part of the quo- tation I have made from Mr. Burke. *f If," says he, " such writings shall be thought to deserve any other refutation than that of criminal justice." Pardoning the pun, it must be criminal justice indeed, that Bhould condemn a work as a substitute for not being able to Tefute it. The greatest condemnation that could be passed upon it, would be a refutation. But in proceeding by the method Mr. Burke alludes to, the condemnation would, in the final event, pass upon the criminality of the process, and not upon the work; and, in this case, I had rather be the author, than be either the judge, or the jury, that should condemn it. But to come at once to the point. I have differed from fome professional gentlemen on the subject of prosecutions, *Hi PREFACE. and I since find they are falling into my opinion, which 1 will here state as fully, but as concisely as I can. I will first put a case with respect to any law, and then compare it with a Government, or with what in England is, or has been, called a Constitution. It would be an act of despotism, or what in England is called arbitrary power, to make a law to prohibit investigat- ing the principles, good^ or bad, on which such a law, or any other is founded. If a law be bad, it is one thing to oppose the practice of it, but it is quite a different thing to expose its errors, to reason on its defects, and to shew cause why it should be repealed, or why another ought to be substituted in its place. I have always held it an opinion (making it also my practice) that it is better to obey a bad law, making use at the same time, of every argument to shew its errors and procure its repeal, than forcibly to violate it; because the precedent of breaking a bad law might weaken the force, and lead to a discretionary violation, of those which are good. The case is the same with respect to principles and forms of Government, or to what are called Constitutions and the parts of which they are composed. It is for the good of Nations, and not for the emolument or aggrandizement of particular individuals, thatGovernment ought to be established, and that mankind are at the ex- pence of supporting it. The defects of every Government and Constitution, both as to principle and form, must, on a parity of reasoning, be as 'open to discussion as the defects of a law, and it is a duty which every man owes to society to point them out. When those defects, and the means of remedying them, are generally seen by a Nation, that Na- tion will reform its Government or its Constitution in the one case, as the Government repealed or reformed the law in the other. The operation of Government is restricted to the making and the administering of laws ; but it is to a Nation that the right of forming or reforming, generating or regene- rating Constitutions aud Governments belong; and, couse- PREFACE. i* quently, those subjects, as subjects of investigation, are al- ways before a country as a matter of right, and cannot, with- out invading the general rights of the country, be made sub- jects for prosecution. On this ground I will meet Mr. Burke whenever he please. It is better that the whole argument should come out, than to seek to stifle it. It was himself that opened the controversy, and he ought not to desert it. I do not believe that Monarchy and Aristocracy will con- tinue seven years longer in any of the enlightened countries in Europe. If better reasons can be shewn for them than against them, they will stand; if the contrary, they will not. Mankind are not now to be told they shall not think, or they shall not read ; and publications that go no farther than to investigate principles of Government, to invite men to reason and to reflect, and to shew the errors and excellencies of different systems, have a right to appear. If they do not excite attention, they are not worth the trouble of a prose, cution ; and if they do, the prosecution will amount to no- thing, since it canuot amount to a prohibition of reading. This would be a sentence on the public, instead of the au- thor, and would also be the most effectual mode of making or hastening revolutions. On all cases that apply universally to a Nation, with re- spect to systems of Government, a jury of twelve men is not com peteo£t6 decide. Where there are no witnesses to be examine!!, no facts to be proved, and where the whole mat- ter is before the whole public, and the merits or demerits of it resting on their opinion ; and where there is nothing to be known in a Court, but what every body knows out of it, every twelve men is equally as good a jury a9 the other, and would most probably reverse each other's verdict; or from the variety of their opinions, not be able to form one. It is one case, whether a Nation approve a work, or a plan ; but is quite another case, whether it will commit to any such jury the power of determining whether (hat Nation have a right to, or shall reform its Government, or-not. I mention those cases, that Mr. Burke may 6ee I have not X *RBFAC*f. written on Government without reflecting on what is Law, as well as on what are Rights. — The only effectual jury hi such cases would be, a convention of the whole Nation fairly elected ; for in all such cases the whole Nation is tiie vicinage. If Mr. Burke will propose such a jury, I will wave Ell privileges of being the citizen of any other country, and, defending its principles, abide the issue, provided he will do the same; for my opinion is, that his work and his princi- ples would be condemned instead of mine. As to the prejudices which men have from education and habit, in favour of any particular form or system of Govern- ment, those prejudices have yet to stand the test of reason and reflection. In fact, such prejudices are nothing. No man is prejudiced in favour of a thing, knowing it to be ■wrong. He is attached to it on the belief of its being right ; and when he sees it is not so, the prejudice will be gone. We have but a defective idea of what prejudice is. It might be said, that until men think for themselves, the whole is prejudice, and not opinion; for that only is opinion which is the result of reason and reflection. I offer this remark, that Mr. Burke may not confide too much in what has been the customary prejudices of the country. . I do not believe that the people of England have ever been fairly and candidly dealt by. They have been imposed upon by parties, and by men assuming the character of leaders. It is time that the Nation should rise above those trifles. It is time to dismiss that inattention which has so long been the encouraging cause of stretching taxation to excess. It is time to dismiss all those songs and toasts which are cal- culated to enslave, and operate to suffocate reflection. On all such subjects, men have but to think, and they will neither act wrong, nor be misled. To say that any people are not, fit for freedom, is to make poverty their choice, and to say they had rather be loaded with taxes than not. If such a case could be proved, it would equally prove, that those who govern are not fit to govern them, for they are t part of the same National mass. PREFACE. XI But admitting Governments to be changed all over Europe, it certainly may be done without convulsion or revenge. It is not worth making changes or revolutions, unless it be for some great National benefit; and when this shall appear to a Nation, the danger will be, as in America and France, to those who oppose; and with this reflection I close my Preface. THOMAS PAINE. London, Feb.9th t 1W2. CONTENTS. Introduction. CHAPTER I. Of Society and Civilization. CHAPTER JI. Of the Origin of the present Old Government!. CHAPTER III. Of the new and old Systems of Governments. CHAPTER IV. Of Constitutions. CHAPTER V. Ways and Means of reforming the political Condition of » Europe, interspersed with Miscellaneous Observations. Appendix. RIGHTS OF MAN. ffl PART II. INTRODUCTION. What Archimedes said of the mechanical powers, may be applied to Reason and Liberty ; " Had we" said hq, a place to stand upon, we might rahe the world." The Revolution of America presented in politics what was only theory in mechanics. So deeply rooted were all the Governments of the old world, and so effectually had the tyranny and the antiquity of habit established itself over the mind, that no beginning could be made in Asia, Africa, or Europe, to reform the political condition of Man. Freedom had been hunted round the globe ; reason was considered as rebellion; and the slavery of fear had made men afraid to think. But such is the irresistible nature of truth, that all it asks, and all it wants, is the liberty of appearing.' The sun needs no inscription to distinguish him from darkness; and no sooner did the American Governments display them- selves to the world, than despotism felt a shock, and man began to contemplate redress. The Independence of America, considered merely as a separation from England, would have been a matter of but little importance, had it not been accompanied by a Revolution in the principles and practice of Governments. She made a stand, not for herself only, but for the world, and looked beyond the advantages herself could receive. Even the Hessian, though hired to fight against her, may live to bless his defeat ; and i-itfgland, condemning the vici- onsaess of its Government, rejoice in its miscarriage. 14 RIGHTS OF MAN. Pa*T II. As America was the only spot in the political world, where the principles of universal reformation could begin, 80 also was it the best in the natural world. Au assemblage of circumstances conspired, not only to give birth, but to add gigantic maturity to its principles. The scene which that country presents to the eye of a spectator, has some- thing in it which generates and encourages great ideas. Nature appears to him in magnitude. The mighty, objects he beholds, act upon his mind by enlarging it, and he partakes of the greatness he contemplates. — Its first settler* were emigrants from different European Nations, and of diversified professions of religion, retiring from the Govern- mental persecutions of the old world, and meeting in the new, not as enemies, but as brothers. The wants which necessarily accompany the cultivation of a wilderness, pro- duced among them a state of society, which countries, long harassed by the quarrels and intrigues of Governments, had neglected to cherish. In such a situation Man becomes what he ought. He sees his species, not with the inhuman idea of a natural enemy, but as kindred ; and the example shews to the artificial world, that Man must go back to Nature for information. From the rapid progress which America mnkes in every species of improvement, it is rational to conclude, that if the Governments of Asia, Africa, and Europe, had begun on a principle similar to that of America, or had not been very early corrupted therefrom, those countries must, by this time, have been in a far superior condition to what they are. Age after age has passed away, for no other purpose than to behold their wretchedness. — Could we suppose a spectator who knew nothing of the world, and who was put into it merely to make his observations, he ■would take a great part of the old world to be new^ just struggling with the difficulties and hardships of an infant settlement. He could not suppose that the hordes of miserable poor, with which old countries abound, could be any other than those who had not yet had time to provide for themselves. Little would he think they were the con- sequence of what in such countries is called Government. If, from the more wretched parts of the old world, we look at those which are in an advanced stage of improve- ment, we still find the greedy hand of Government thrust- ing itself into every corner and crevice of industry, and grasping the spoil of the multitude. Invention is continually exercised, to furnish new pretences for revenue and tax- / IfiTRO. RIGHTS OF MAX. £> ation. It watches prosperity as its prey, and permits none to escape without a tribute. As revolutions have begun, (and as the probability ;s always greater against a thiug beginning, than of proceed u.,; after it has begun,) it is natural to expect that other revolu- tions will follow. The amazing and still increasing ex- pences with which old Governments; are conducted, the numerous wars they engage in, or provoke, the embarrass- ments they throw in the way of universal civilization and commerce, and the oppression and usurpation they practise at home, have wearied out the patience, and exhausted the property of the world. In such a situation, and with the examples already existing, revolutions are to be looked for. They are become subjects of universal conversation, and may be considered as the Order of the Day. If systems of Government can be introduced, less exp< n- sive, and more productive of general happiness, than those which have existed, all attempts to oppose their progress will, in the end, be fruitless. Reason, like time, will make its own way, and prejudice will fall in a combat with in- terest. If universal peace, civilization, and commerce, are ever to be the happy lot of man, it cannot be accomplished but by a Revolution in the system of Governments. All the monarchical Governments are military. War is their trade; plunder and revenue their objects. While such Governments continue, peace has not the absolute security of a day. What is the history of ail monarchical Govern- ments, but a disgustful picture of human wretchedness, and the accidental respite of a few years* repose ? Weaned with war, and tired with human butchery, ihey sat down to rest, and called it peace. This certainly is not the condition that Heaven intended for Man; and if this he monarchy, well might monarchy be reckoned among the sins of the Jews. The revolutions which formerly took place in the world, bad nothing in them that interested the bulk of mankind. They extended only to a change of persons and measures, but not of principles, and rose or fell among the common transactions of the moment. What we now behold, may not improperly be called a " counter revolution." Conquest and tyranny, at some early period, dispossessed Man of his Rights, and he is now recovering them. And as the tide of all human affairs has its ebb and How in directions contrary to each other, so also is it in this. Government founded on z moral theory, on a system of universal peace, on the ittdc- 16 RIGHTS OF MAN. Par* II feasible hereditary Rights of Man, is now revolving from west to east, by a stronger impulse than the Government of the 6W0rd revolved from east to west. It interests not particular individuals, but Nations, in its progress, and promises a new era to the human race. The danger to which the success of revolutions is most exposed, is that of attempting them before the principles on which they proceed, and the advantages to result from them, are sufficiently seen and understood. Almost every thing appertaining to the circumstances of a Nation, has "been absorbed and confounded under the general and mysterious word Government. Though it avoids taking to its account, the errors it commits, and the mischiefs it occasions, it fails not so arrogate to itself whatever has the appearance of prosperity. It robs industry of its honours, by pedanticly making itself the cause of its effects ; and purloins from the general character of j\[an, the merits that appertain to him as a social being. It may, therefore, be of use in this day of revolutions, to discriminate between those things which are the effect of Government, and those which are not. This will best be done by taking a review of society and civilization, and the consequences resulting therefrom, as things distinct from ■what are called Governments. By beginning with this inves- tigation, we shall be able to assign effects to their proper cause, and analyze the mass of common errors. ■ n'* ■ ■ Chap. I, ■ riohts op man. 17 CHAPTER I. Of Society and Civilization. Great part of that order which reigns among mankind, is not the effect of Government. It has its origin in the principles of society and the natural Constitution of Man. It existed prior to Government, and would exist if the for- mality of Government were abolished. The mutual depen- dence and reciprocal interest which Man has upon Man, and all the parts of a civilized community upon each other, create that great chain of connection which holds it to-, gether. The landlord, the farmer, the manufacturer, the merchant, the tradesman, and every occupation, prospers, by the aid which each receives from the other, and from the whole. Common interest regulates their concerns, andL forms their law ; and the laws which common usage ordains, have a greater influence than the laws of Government. In, fine, society performs for itself almost every thing which is ascribed to Government. To understand the nature a/id quantity of Government proper for Man, it is necessary to attend to his character. As Nature created him for social life, she fitted him for the station she intended. In all cases, she made his natural wants greater than his individual powers. No one man is; capable, without the aid of society, of supplying his own wants ; and those wants, acting upon every individual, im- pel the whole of them into society, as naturally as gravitation acts to a centre. But she has gone farther. She has not only forced Mare into society, by a diversity of wants, which the reciprocal aid of each other can supply, but she has implanted i.» him a system of social affections, which though not necessary to his existence, are essential to his happiness. There is no> period in life when this love for society ceases to act. It begins and ends with our being. If we examine, with attention, into the composition and constitution of Man, the diversity of his wants, and the di- versity of talents in different men for reciprocally accommo- 18 bights OP man. Part II. dating Hie wants of each other, his propensity to society, and, consequently, to preserve the advantages resulting from it, we shall easily discover, that a great part of what is callfd Government is mere imposition. Government is no farther necessary than to supply the few cases to which society and civilization are not conve- niently competent; and instances are not wanting to shew, that every thing which Government can usefully add thereto, has been performed by the common consent of society, without Government. For upwards of two years, from the commencement of the American war, and to a longer period in several of the American States, there were no established forms of Govern- ment. The old Governments had been abolished, and the country was too much occupied in defence, to employ its attention in establishing new Governments ; yet during this interval, order and harmony were preserved as inviolate as in any country in Europe. There is a natural aptness in Man, and more so in society, because it embraces a greater variety of abilities and resource, to accommodate itself to whatever situation it is in. The instant formal Government is abo- lished, society begins to act. A general association takes place, and common interest produces common security. So far is it from being true, as has been pretended, that the abolitiou of any formal Government is the dissolution of society, that it acts by a contrary impulse, and brings the latter the closer together. All that part of its organization which it had committed to its Government, devolves again upon itself, and acts through its medium. When men, as well from natural instinct, as from reciprocal benefits, have habituated themselves to social and civilized life, there is always enough of its principles in practice to carry them through any changes they may find necessary or conveuient to make in their Government. In short, Man is so naturally a creature of society, that it is almost impossible to put him out of it. Formal Government makes but a small part of civilized life ; and when even the best that human wisdom can devise is established, it is a thing more in name and idea, than iu fact. It is to the great and fundamental principles of society and civilization — to the common usage universally con- sented to, and mutually and reciprocally maintained — to the V unceasing circulation of interest, which, passing through its million channels, invigorates the whole mass of civilized JMan — it is to these things, infinitely more than to any thing Chap. I. RIOHTi of mam. 19 which even the best instituted Government can perform, that the safety and prosperity of the individual and of the whole depends. The more perfect civilization is, the less occasion has it for Government, because the more does it regulate its own affairs, and govern itself; but so contrary is the practice of old Governments to the reason of the case, that theexpences of them increase in the proportion they ought to diminish. It is but few general laws that civilized life requires, and those of such common usefulness, that whether they are enforced by the forms of Government or not, the effect will be nearly the same. If we consider what the principles are that first condense men into society, and what the motives that regulate their mutual intercourse afterwards, we shall find, by the time we arrive at what is called Government, that nearly the whole of the business is performed by the natural operation of the parts upon each other. Man, with respect to all those matters, is more a creature of consistency than he is aware, or that Governments would wish him to believe. All the great laws of society are laws of nature. Those of trade and commerce, whether with re- spect to the intercourse of individuals, or of Nations, are laws of mutual and reciprocal interest. They are followed and obeyed, because it is the interest of the parties so to do, and not on account of any formal laws their Governments may impose or interpose. But how often is the natural propensity to society dis- turbed or destroyed by the operations of Government. When. the latter, instead of being engrafted on the principles of the former, assumes to exist for itself, and acts by partialities; of favour and oppression it becomes the cause of the mis- chiefs it ought to prevent. If we look back to the riots and tumults, which at various times have happened in England, we shall find, that they did not proceed from the want of a Government, but that Government was itself the generating cause; instead of consolidating society it divided it; it deprived it of its na« tural cohesion, and engendered discontents and disorders, which otherwise would not have existed. In those associ- ations which men promiscuously form for the purpose of trade, or of any concern, in which Government is totally out of the question, and in which they act merely on the principles of society, we see how naturally the various par- ties unite ; and this shews, by comparison, that Govern- ments, so far from being always the cause or means of or- 20 RIGHTS Of MAJT. PaRT II, 'der, are often the destruction of it. The riots of l 780 had no other source than the remains of those prejudices, which the Government itself had encouraged. But with respect to England there are also other causes. Excess and inequality of taxation, however disguised in the means, never tail to appear in their effects. Asa great mass of the community are thrown thereby into poverty and discontent, they are constantly on the brink of commo- tion ; and deprived, as they unfortunately are, of the means of information, are easily heated to outrage. Whatever the apparent cause of any riots may be, the real one is always want of happiness. It shews, that something is wrong in the system of Government, that injures the felicity by which society is to be preserved. But as fact is superior to reasoning, the instance of Ame- rica presents itself to confirm these observations. — If there be a country in the world, where concord, according to Com- mon calculation, would be least expected, it is America. Made up, as it is, of people from different Nations*, accus- tomed to different forms and habits of Government, speaking different languages, and more different in their modes of worship, it would appear that the union of such a people was impracticable ; but by the simple operation of con- structing Government on the principles of society and the "Rights of Man, every difficulty retires, and all the parts are brought into cordial unison. There the poor are not oppressed, the rich are not privileged. Industry is not mortified by the splendid extravagance of a court rioting at its expence. Their taxes are few, because their Go- vernment is just; and. as there is nothing to render them wretched, there is nothing to engender riots and tumults. * That part "of America which is generally called New-England, including New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Rhode-Island, and Con* necticiit, is peopled chiefly bv English descendants. In the State . of New York, about half are Dutch, the rest English, Scotch, and Irish. In New Jersey, a mixture of English and Dutch, with some Scotch and Irish. In Pennsylvania, about one third are English, another Germans, and the remainder Scotch and Irish, with some Swedes* The States to the Southward have a greater proportion of English than the middle States, but in all of them there is a mixture ; and besides those enumerated, there are a considerable number of French, and some few of all the European Nations lying on the coast. The most numerous religious denomination are the Presbyterians ; but no one sect is established above another, and all men are equally citizens. tun*. I. nrcnTs o* u&v. *i A metaphysical man, like Mr. Burke, would have tor- tured his invention to discover how such a people could be governed. He would have supposed that some must be manageo* by fraud, others by force, and all by some contri- vance; that genius must be hired to impose upon ignorance, and shew and parade, to fascinate the vulgar. Lost in the abundance of his researches, he would have resolved and re-resolved, and finally overlooked the plain and easy road that lay directly before him. One of the great advantages of the American Revolution has been, that it led to a discovery of the principles, and laid open the imposition, of Governments. All the revo- lutions till then had been worked within the atmosphere of a Court, and never ou the great floor of a Nation. The parties were always of the class of Courtier* ; and whatever was their rage for reformation, they carefully preserved the fraud of the profession. In all cases they took care to represent Government as a thing made up of mysteries, which only themselves under- stood ; and they hid from the understanding of the Nation, the only thing that was beneficial to know, namely, That Government is nothing more than a National association acting upon (he principles of society. Having thus endeavoured to shew, that the social and civilized state of man is capable of performing within itself, almost every thing necessary to its protection and Govern- ment, it will be proper, on the other hand, to take a review of the present old Governments, and examine whether their principles and practice are correspondent thereto. ** MIGHTS OF MAS. PART JI. CHAPTER II. Of the Origin of the Present Old Governments. It is impossible that such Governments as have hitherto existed in the world, could have commenced by any other means than a total violation of every principle, sacred and moral. The obscurity in which the origin of all the present old Governments is buried, implies the iniquity aud disgrace with which they began. The origin of the present Govern- ment of America and France will ever be remembered, be- cause it is honourable to record it; but with respect to the rest, even flattery has consigned them to the tomb of time, without an inscription. It could have been no difficult thing in the early and solitary ages of the world, while the chief employment of men was that of attending flocks and herds, for a banditti of ruffians to overrun a country, and lay it under contributions. Their power being thus estab- lished, the chief of the band contrived to lose the name of Robber in that of Monarch ; and hence the origin of Mo- narchy and Kings. The origin of the Government of England, so far as Telates to what is called its line of monarchy being one of the latest, is, perhaps, the best recorded. The hatred which the Norman invasion and tyranny begat, must have been deeply rooted in the Nation, to have outlived the con- trivance to obliterate it. Though not a Courtier will talk of the Curfew-bcll, not a village in England has forgotten it. Those bands of robbers having parcelled out the world, and divided it into dominions, began, as is naturally the case, to quarrel with each other. What at first was obtained by violence, was considered by others as lawful to be taken, and a second plunderer succeeded the first. They alter- nately invaded the dominions which each had assigned to himself, and the brutality with which they treated each other explains the original character of monarchy. It was ruffian torturing ruffian. The conqueror considered the conquered, not as his prisoner, but his property. He led him in triumph rattling in chains, and doomed him at plea- sure, to slavery or death, As time obliterated the history Chap. II. rights of man. 43 of their beginning, their successors assumed new appear- ances to cut oir the entail of their disgrace, but their prin- ciples and objects remained the same. What, at first, was plunder, assumed the softer name of revenue; and the power originally usurped, they affected to inherit. From such beginning of Governments, what could be ex- pected, but a continental system of war and extortion ? It has established itself into a trade. The vice is not peculiar to one more than to another, but is the common principle of all. There doe9 not exist within such Governments suffi- cient stamina whereon to engraft reformation; aiul the shortest, easiest, and most effectual remedy, is to begin anew on the ground of the oration. What scenes of horror, what perfection of iniquity, pre* sent themselves in contemplating the character, and review- ing the history of such Governments'. If we would deli- neate human nature with a baseness of heart, and hypocrisy of countenance, that reflection would shudder at, and huma- nity disown, it is Kings, Courts, and Cabinets, that must sit for the portrait. Man, naturally as he is, with all his faults about him, is not up to the character. Can we possibly suppose that if Governments had origi- nated in a right principle, and had not an interest in pur- suing a wrong one, that the world could have been in the wretched and quarrelsome condition we have seen it ? What inducement has the farmer, while following the plough, to Jay aside his peaceful pursuit, and go to war with the farmer of another country ? or what inducement has the manufac- turer ? What is dominion to them, or to any class of men in a Nation ? Does it add an acre to any man's estate, or raise its value ? Are not conquest and defeat each of the same price, and taxes the never-failing consequence? — Though, this reasoning may be good to a Nation, it is not to to a Government. War is the Pharo table of Governments, and Nations the dupes of the games. If there is any thing to wonder at in this miserable scene of Governments, more than might be expected, it is the progress which the peaceful arts of agriculture, manufac- ture and commerce have made, beneath such a long accu- mulating load of discouragement and oppression. It serves to shew, that instinct in animals does not act with stronger impulse, than the principles of society and civilization ope- rate in man. Under all discouragements, he pursues his object, and yields to nothing but impossibilities. *4 RIGHTS OF MAN. PART II. CHAPTER III. Of the Old and New Systems of Government, Nothing can appear more contradictory than the prin- ciples on which the old Governments began, and the condi- tion to which society, civilization, and commerce, are capa- ble of carrying mankind. Government on the old system, is an assumption of power, for the aggrandizement of itself; on the new, a delegation of power, for the common benefit of society. The former supports itself by keeping up a sys- tem of war ; the latter promotes a system of peace, as the true means of enriching a Nation. The one encourages National prejudices ; the other promotes universal society, as the means of universal commerce. The one measures its prosperity, by the quantity of revenue it extorts ; the other proves its excellence, by the small quantity of taxes it re- quires. Mr. Burke has talked of old and new whigs. If he can amuse himself with childish names and distinctions, I shall not interrupt his pleasure. It is not to him, but to the Abbe Sieyes, that I address this chapter. I am already engaged to the latter gentleman, to discuss the subject of Monar- chical Government ; and as it naturally occurs in comparing theoldaudnew systems, I make this the opportunity of presenting to him my observations. I shall occasionally take Mr. Burke in my way. Though it might !>e proved that the system ofGovern- ment now called the new, is the most ancient in principle ©fall that have existed, being fouuded on the original inhe- rent Rights of Man : yet, a6 tyranny and the sword have suspended the exercise of those rights for many centuries past, it serves better the purpose of distinction to call it the new, than to claim the right of calling it the old. The first general* distinction between those two systems, is, that the one now called the old is hereditary, either in whole or in part ; and the new is entirely repretentativc. It rejects all hereditary Government: First, as being an imposition on mankind, CUAP. III. M0HT8 OF MAN. 25 Secondly, As inadequate to the purposes for which Go- vernment is necessary. With respect to the first of these heads — It cannot be proved by what right hereditary Government could begin : neither does there exist within the compass of mortal power a right to establish it. Man has no authority over posterity in matters of personal right; and therefore, no man, or body of men, had, or can have, a right to set up hereditary Go- vernment, Were even ourselves to come again into exis- tence, instead of being succeeded by posterity, we have not now the right of taking from ourselves the rights which would then be ours. On what ground, then, do we pretend to take them from others ? With respect to the second head, that of being inadequate to the purposes for which Government is necessary, we have only to consider what Government essentially is, and com- pare it with the circumstances to which hereditary succes- sion is subject. Government ought to be a thing always in full maturity. It ought to be so constructed as to be superior to all the ac- cidents to which individual man is subject; and therefore, hereditary succession, by being subject to them all, is the most irregular and imperfect of all the systems of Govern- ments. We hare heard the Rights of Man called a levelling sys- tem ; but the only system to which the word levelling is truly applicable, is the hereditary monarchical system. It is a system of mental levelling. It indiscriminately admits every species of character to the same authority. Vice and virtue, ignorance and wisdom, in short, every quality, good or bad, is put on the same level. Kings succeed each other, notas rationals, but as animals. It signifies not what their mental or moral characters are. Can we then be surprised at the abject state of the human mind in monarchical coun- tries, when the Government itself is formed on such an ab- ject levelling system ? — It has no fixed character. To-day it is one thing; to-morrow it is something else. It changes with the temper of every succeeding individual, and is sub- ject to all the varieties of each. It is Government through the medium of passions and accidents. It appears under all the various characters of childhood, decrepitude, dotage, a thing at nurse, in leading-strings, or in crutches. It reverses the wholesome order of nature. It occasionally puts chil- dren over men, and the conceits of non-age over wisdom and experience. In short, we cannot ccuceive a more ridi- 26* RIGHTS OF MAN. 1'aBT'U. culous figure of Government, than hereditary succession, in all its cases, presents. Could it be made a decree in nature, or an edict registered in Heaven, and man could know it, that virtue and wisdom should invariably appertain to hereditary succession, the ob- jections to it would be removed; but when we see that Nature acts as if she disowned and sported with the here- ditary system ; that the mental characters of successors, in all countries, are below the average of human understand- ing ; that one is a tyrant, another an ideot, a third insane, and some all three together, it is impossible to attach con- fidence to it, when reason in man has power to act. It is not to the Abbe Sieyes that I need apply this rea- soning; he has already saved me that trouble, by giving his own opinion upon the case. " If it be asked," says be, •" what is my opinion with respect to hereditary right, I answer, without hesitation, That, in good theory, an here- ditary transmission of any power or office, can never nccord with the laws of a true representation. Hereditaryship is, in this sense, as much an attaint upon principle, as an outrage upon society. But let us," continues he, " refer to the history of all elective monarchies and principalities: Is there one in which the elective mode is not worse than the hereditary succession ?" As to debating on which is the worst of the two, is ad- mitting both to be bad ; and herein we are agreed. The preference which the Abbe has given, is a condemnation of the thing he prefers. Such a mode of reasoning on such a subject is inadmissible, because it finally amounts to aa accusation upon Providence, as if she had left to man no other choice with respect to Government than between two evils, the best of which he admits to be " an attaint upon principle, find an outrage upon society" Passing over, for the present, all the evils and mischiefs which monarchy has occasioned in the world, nothing can more effectually prove its uselessness in a state of civil Go- vernment, than making it hereditary. Would we make any office hereditary that required wisdom and abilities to fill it? and where wisdom and abilities are not necessary, such an office, whatever it may be, is superfluous or insignificant. Hereditary succession is a burlesque upon monarchy. It puts it in the most ridiculous light, by presenting it as an office, which any child or ideot may fill. It requires some talents to be a common mechanic; but to be a King* re- quires only the animal figure of a man — a sort of breathing Chap. III. rights ot mah. 27 automaton. This sort of superstition may last a few years more, but it cannot long resist the awakened reason and interest of Man. As to Mr. Burke, he is a stickler for monarchy, not alto- gether as a pensioner, if he is one, which I believe, but as a political man. He has taken up a contemptible opinion of mankind, who, in their turn, are taking up the same of him. He considers them as a herd of beings that must be governed by fraud, effigy, and shew ; and an idol would be as good a figure of monarchy with him, as a man. I will, however, do him the justice to say, that, with respect to America, he has been very complimentary. He always contended, at least in my hearing, that the people of America were more enlightened than those of England, or any of any country in Europe; and that therefore the imposition of shew was not necessary in their Governments. Though the comparison between hereditary and elective monarchy, which the Abbe has made, is unnecessary to the case, because the representative system rejects both ; yet, were I to make the comparison, I should decide contrary to what he has done. The civil wars which have originated from contested hereditary claims, are more numerous, and have been more dreadful, and of longer continuance, than those which have been occasioned by election. All the civil wars in France arose from the hereditary system ; they were either pro- duced by hereditary claims, or by the imperfection of the hereditary form, which admits of regencies, or monarchies at nurse. With respect to England, its history is full of the same misfortunes. The contests for succession between the houses of York and Lancaster, lasted a whole century ; and others of a similar nature, have renewed themselves since that period. Those of 1715 and 1745, were of the same kind. The succession war for the Crown of Spain, em- broiled almost half Europe. The disturbances in Holland are generated from the hereditaryship of the Stadtholder. A Government calling itself free, with an hereditary office, is like a thorn in the flesh, that produces a fermentation which endeavours to discharge it. But I might go further, and place also foreign wars, of whatever kind, to the same cause. It is by adding the evil of hereditary succession to that of monarchy, that a perma- nent family interest is created, whose constant objects are dominion and revenue. Poland, though an elective mo- 2* RIGHTS OE MAN.. PART. II. parchy, has had fewer wars than those which are hereditary ; and it is the only Government that has made a voluntary essay, though but a small one, to reform the condition of the country. Having thus glanced at a few of the defects of the old, or hereditary systems of Government, let us compare it with the new or representative system. The representative system takes society and civilization for its basis ; nature, reason, and experience for its guide. Experience, in all ages, and in all countries, has demon- strated, that it is impossible to controul Nature in her dis- tribution of mental powers. She gives them as she pleases. Whatever is the rule by which she, apparently to us, scat- ters them among mankind, that rule remains a secret to Man. It would be as ridiculous to attempt to fix the here- ditaryship of human beauty, as of wisdom. Whatever wis- dom constituently is, it is like a seedless plant ; it may be reared when it appears, but it cannot be voluntarily pro- duced. There is always a sufficiency somewhere in the general mass of society for all purposes; but with respect tp the parts of society it is continually changing its place. It rises in one to-day, in another to-morrow, and has most probably visited in rotation every family of the earth, and again withdrawn. As this is the order of nature, the order of Government must necessarily follow it, or Government will, as we see it does, degenerate into ignorance. The hereditary system, therefore, is as repugnant to human wisdom, as to human rights; and is as absurd, as it is unjust. As the republic of letters brings forward the best literary productions, by giving to genius a fair and universal chance ; »o the representative system of Government is calculated to produce the wisest laws, by collecting wisdom from where it can be found. I smile to myself when I contemplate the ridiculous insignificance into which literature and all the sciences would sink, were they made hereditary; and I carry the same idea into Governments. An hereditary governor is as inconsistent as an hereditary author. I know not whether Homer or Euclid had sons ; but 1 will venture an opinion, that if they had, and bad left their works unfi- nished, those sons could not have completed them. Do we need a stronger evidence of the absurdity of here- ditary Government, than is seen in the descendants of those men, in any line of life, who once were famous? Is there scarcely an instance in which there is not a total reverse of Chap. III. rights of man. 30 the character? It appears as if the tide of mental faculties flowed as far as it could in certain channels, and then for- sook its course, and arose in others. How irrational then is the hereditary system wtjich establishes channels of power, in company with which wisdom refuses to flow! By conti- nuing this absurdity, Man is perpetually in contradiction with himself; he accepts, for a King, or a Chief Magistrate, or a Legislator, a person whom he would not elect for a Con- stable. It appears to general observation, that revolutions create genius and talents; but those events do no more than bring them forward. There is existing in Man, a mass of sense lyinftin a dormant state, and which, unless something ex- cites it to action, will descend with him, in that condition, to the grave. As it is to the advantage of society that the whole of its faculties should be employed, the construction of Government ought to be such as to bring forward, by a quiet and regular operation, all thatextent of capacity which never fails to appear in revolutions. This cannot take place in the insipid state of hereditary Government, not only hecause it prevents, but because it operates to benumb. When the mind of a Nation is bowed down by any political superstition in its Government, such, as hereditary succession is, it loses a considerable portion of its powers on all other subjects and objects. Hereditary suc- cession requires the same obedience to ignorance, as to wis- dom ; and when once the mind can bring itself to pay this indiscriminate reverence, it descends below the stature of mental manhood. It is fit to be great only In little things. It acts a treachery upon itself, and suffocates the sensations that urge the detection. Though the aocient Governments present to us a mise- rable picture of the condition of Man, there is one which above all others exempts itself from the general description. I mean the Democracy of the Athenians. We see more to admire, and less to condemn, in that great, extraordinary people, than in any thing which history affords. Mr. Burke is so little acquainted with constituent princi- ples of Government, that he confounds Democracy and Repre- sentation together. Representation was a thing unknown in the ancient Democracies. In those the maple and those who exercise the Government, is, that the People shall pay them, while they chuse to employ them. Government is not a trade which any man or body of met) has a right to set up and exercise for his or their own emo- lument, but is altogether a trust, in right of those by whom, that trust is delegated, and by whom it is always resume- able. It has of itself no rights; they are altogether duties. Having thus given two instances of the original forma- tion of a Constitution, I will shew the manner in which, 130th have been changed since their first establishment. Ch A.F. IV- RUJIITS OF MAN. 41 The powers vested in the Governments of the several States, by the State Constituti 3, were found, upon expe- rience, to be too great ; an.! those vested iu the federal Go- vernment, by the act of confederation, too little. The defect was not in the principle, but in the distribution of power. Numerous publications, in pamphlets and in the news- papers, appeared, on the propriety and necessity of new modelling the federal Government. After some time of public discussion, carried on through the channel of. the press, and in conversations, the State of Virginia, experi- encing some inconvenience with respect to commerce, pro- posed holding a continental conference ; in consequence of which, a deputation from five or six of the State Assemblies met at Anapolis in Maryland, in 1780. This meeting, not conceiving itself sufficiently authorised to go into the busi- ness of a reform, did no more than state their general opi- nions of the propriety of the measure, and recommend that a Convention of all the States should be held \ixt ycj. fol- lowing. This Convention met at Philadelphia in May 17S7, of which General Washington was elected President. He was not at that time connected with any of the State Govern- ments, or with Congress. He delivered up his commission when the war ended, and since then had lived a private citizen. The convention went deeply into all the subjects ; and having, after a variety of debate and investigation, agreed among themselves upon the several parts of a federal Con- stitution, the next qirestiou was, the manner of giving it authority and practice. For this purpose, they did not, like a cabal of Courtiers,' send for a Dutch Stadtholder, or a German Elector; but they referred the whole matter to the sense and interest of the country. They first directed, that the proposed Constitution should be published. Secondly, that each State should elect a Convention, expressly for the purpose of taking it into con- sideration, and of ratifying or rejecting it; and that as soon as the approbation and ratification of any nine States should be given, those States should proceed to the election of their proportion of meirrbers to the new federal Govern- ment ; and that the operation of it should then begin, and the former federal Government cease. 4*2 RIGHTS OF MAN. PART II, The several States proceeded accordingly to elect their Conventions. Some of those Conventions ratified the Con- stitution by very large majorities, and two or three unani- mously. In others there were much debate and division of opinion. In the Massachusetts Convention, which met at Boston, the majority was not above nineteen or twenty, in about three hundred members; but such is the nature of representative Government, that it quietly decides all mat- ters by majority. After the debate in the Massachusetts Convention was closed, and the vote taken, the objecting members, rose, and declared, ** That though they had argued and voted against it, because certain parts appeared to them in a different light to what they appeared to other members ; yet, as the vote had decided in favour of the Constitution as proposed, they should give it the same practical support as if they had voted for it." As soon as nine States had concurred, (and the rest fol- lowed in the order their Conventions were elected), the old fabric of the federal Government was taken down, and the new one erected, of which General Washington is Presi- dent. In this place I cannot help remarking, that the character and services of this gentleman are sufficient to put all those men called Kings to shame. While they are receiving from the sweat and labours of mankind, a prodi- gality of pay, to which neither their abilities nor their services can entitle them, he is rendering every service in his power, and refusing every pecuniary reward. He ac- cepted no pay as Commander in Chief; he accepts none as President of the United States. After the new federal Constitution was established, the State of Pennsylvania, conceiving that some parts of its own Constitution required to be altered, elected a Convention for that purpose. The proposed alterations were pub- lished, and the people concurring therein, they were established. In forming those Constitutions, or in altering them, little or no inconvenience took place. The ordinary course of things was not interrupted, and the advantages have been much. It is always the interest of a far greater Dumber of People in a Nation to have things right, than to let them remain wrong : and when public matters are open to debate, and the public judgment free, it will not decide wrong, unless it decides too hastily. In the two instances of changing the Constitutions, the CilAF. IV. RIGHTS OF MAN. 43 Government then in being were not actors either way. Go- vernment has no right to make itself a party in any debate respecting the principles or modes of forming, or of chang- ing Constitutions. It is not for the benefit of those who exercise the powers of Government, that Constitutions, and the Governments issuing from them, are established. In all those matters, the right of judging and acting are in those who pay, and not in those who receive. A Constitution is the property of a Nation, and not of those who exercise the Government. All the Constitutions of America are declared to be established on the authority of the People. In France, the word Nation is used instead of the People; but in both cases, a Constitution is a thing antecedent to the Government, and always distinct there- from. In England, it is not difficult to perceive that every thing has a Constitution, except the Nation. Every society and association that is established, first agreed upon a number of original articles, digested into form, which are its Constitu- tion. It then appointed its officers, whose powers and au- thorities are described in that Constitution, and the Govern- ment of that society then commenced. Those officers, by whatever name they are called, have no authority to add to, alter, or abridge the original articles. It is only to the con- stituting power that this right belongs. From the want of understanding the difference between a Constitution and a Government, Dr. Johnson, and a'l the writers of his description, have always bewildered them- selves. They could not but perceive, that there must neces- sarily be a controuling power existing somewhere, and thev placed this power in the discretion of the persons exercising the Government, instead of placing it in a Constitution formed by the Nation. When it is in a Constitution, it has the Nation for its support, aud the natural and the political controuling powers are together. The laws which are en- acted by Governments, controul men only as individuals, but the Nation, through its Constitution, controuls the whole Government, and has a natural ability so to do. The final controuling power, therefore, and the original constituting power, are one and the same power. Dr. Johnson could not have advanced such a position in any country where there was a Constitution; and he if himself an evidence, that no such thing as a Constitution exl i»ts in England. — But it may be put as a question, not, im- proper to be investigated, That if a Constitution, does not 41 it i guts of man. Part II« exist, bow came the idea of its existence so generally esta- blished ? In order to decide this question, it is necessary to consi- der a Constitution in both its' cases : — First, as creating a Government and giving it powers. Secondly, as regulating ami restraining the powers so given. If we begin with William, of Normandy, we find that the Government of England was originally a tyranny, founded on an invasion and conquest of the country. This being admitted, it will then appear, that the exertion of the Na- tion, at different periods, to abate that tyranny, and render it less intolerable, has been credited for a Constitution. Magna Charta, as it was called, (it is now like an alma- nack of the same date,) was no more than compelling the Government to renounce a part of its assumptions. It did i!Ot create and give powers to Government in the manner a Constitution does; but was, as far as it went, of the nature of a re-conquest, and not of a Constitution; for could the Nation have totally expelled the usurpation, as France has done its despotism, it would then have had a Constitution to form. The history of the Edwards and Henries, and up to the commencement of the Stuart*, exhibits as many instances of tyranny as could be acted witnin the -limits to which the Nation had restricted it. The Stuarts endeavoured to pass those limits, juul their fate is well knowu. -In all those in- stances we see nothing of a Constitution, but only of re- strictions on assumed power. After this, another William, descended fromthe.same stock, and claiming from the same origin, gained pos- .session; and of the two evils, James and IVilliam, the Na- tion preferred what it thought the least; since, from these circumstances, it must take one. The Act, called the Bill of Rights, comes here into view. What is it but a bargain, which the parts of the Government made with each other to divide powers, profits, and privileges? You shall have so much, and . I will have the rest; and with respect to the Nation, it s*iid, for your share, you shah 'have the. Right of Petitioning. This being the case, the Bill of Rights is more properly a bill of wrongs, and of insult. As to what is called the Convention Parliament, it was a thing that made itself, and then made the authority by which it acted. A. lew persons got together, and called themselves by that earned Several of them had never been elected, and none of them for the purpose. CllAP. IV. RIGHTS OP MAN. 45 From the time of William, a species of Government arose, issuing out of this coalition Bill of Rights, and more so, since the corruption introduced at the Hanover succession, by the agency of Walpole, that can be described by no other name than a despotic legislation. Though the parts may embarrass each other, the whole has no bounds ; and the only Right it acknowleges out of itself is the Right of Petitioning. Where then is the Constitution either that gives or that restrains power? It is not because a part of the Government is elective, that makes it less a despotism, if the persons so elected, possess afterwards, as a Parliament, unlimited powers. Election, in this case, becomes separated from representation, and the candidates are canditates for despotism. I cannot believe that any Nation, reasoning on its own Rights, would have thought of calling those things a Consti- tution, if the cry of Constitution had not been set up by the Government. It has got into circulation like the words bore and quoz, by being chalked up in the speeches of Parlia- ment, as those words were on window-shutters and door- posts; but whatever the Constitution may be in other respects, it has undoubtedly been the most productive ma- chine of taxation that was ever invented. The taxes in France, under the new Constitution, are not quite thirteen shillings per head*, and the taxes in England, under what is called its present Constitution, are forty-eight shillings and six- pence per head, men, women, and children, amounting to nearly seventeen millions sterling, besides the expence of collection, which is upwards of a million more. In a country like England, where the whole of the Civil Government is executed by the People of every town and country, by means of parish officers, magistrates, quarterly sessions, juries, and assize, without any trouble to what is * The whole amount of the Assessed Taxes of Frauce, for the present year, is three hundred millions of livres, which is twelve millions and an half sterling; and the Incidental Taxes are esti- mated at three millions, making in the whole fifteen millions and an half ; which, among twenty-four millions of People, is not quite thirteen shillings per head. France has lessened her taxes li the Revolution, nearly nine millions sterling annually. Befora the Revolution, the City of Paris paid a duty of upwards of thirty per cent, on all articles brought into the Ci^y. This tax was col- lected at the City gates. It was taken off 'on the tirst of last May, and the gates taken down. 46' RIGHTS OP MAS. PART II. called the Government, or any other expence to the Reve- nue than the salary of the Judges, it isastonishing how such a mass of taxes can be employed. Not even the internal defence of the country is paid out of the Revenue. On all occasions, whether real or contrived, recourse is continually had to new loans and to new taxes. No wonder, then, that a machine of Government so advantageous to the advocates of a Court, should be so triumphantly extolled! No wonder, that St. James's or St. Stephen's should echo with the con- tinual cry of Constitution ! No wonder, that the French Revolution should be r'e probated, and the res-publica treated with reproach! The Red Book of England, like the Red Book of France, will explain the reason*. ' I will now, by way of relaxation, turn a thought or two to •Mr. Burke. I ask his pardon for neglecting him so long. " America," says he, (in his speech on the Canada Con- stitution Bill)" never dreamed of such absurd doctrine as the Rights of Man." Mr. Burke is such a bold presumer, and advances his as- sertions and his premises with such a deficiency of judg- ment, that, without troubling ourselves about principles of Philosophy or Politics, the mere logical conclusions they produce, are ridiculous. For instance, If Governments, as Mr. Burke asserts, are not founded on the Rights of Max, and are founded on any rights at all, they consequently must he founded on the rights of some- thing that is not man. What then is that something? Generally speaking, we know of no other creatures that inhabit the earth than Man and Beast; and in all cases, where only two things offer themselves, and one must be ad- mitted, a negation proved on any one, amounts to an affir- mative on theother; and therefore, Mr. Burke, by proving again6t the Rights of Man, proves in behalf of the Beast ; and consequently proves that Government is a Beast : and as difficult things sometimes explain each other, we now sea the origin of keeping/ wild beasts in the Tower; for they certainly can be of no other use than to shew the origin of the Government. They are in the place of a Constitution. O John Bull, what honours thou hast lost by not being a wild beast! Thou mightest on Mr. Burke's system, have been in the Tower for life. * What was called t]ie livre rovge, or the Red Book, in France, was not exactly similar to the Court Caleudar in England ; but it suffiti^ntly shewed how a great part of the taxes was lavished. CUAP. IV. RIGHTS OP MAH. 47 If Mr. Burke's orguments have not weight enough to keep one serious, the fault is less mine than his; and a9 lam willing to make an apology to the readfcr for the liberty I have taken, I hope Mr. Burke will also make his for giving the cause. Having thus paid Mr. Burke the compliment ofremem- bering him, I return to the subject. From the want of a Constitution in England to restrain and regulate the wild impulse of power, many of the laws are irrational and tyrannical, and the administration of then vague and problematical. The attention of the Government of England, (for I rather chuse to call it by this name, than the English Go- vernment) appears, since its political connexion with Ger- many, to have been so completely engrossed and absorbed by foreign affairs, and the means of raising taxes, that it seems to exist for no other purposes. Domestic concerna are neglected ; and with respect to regular law, there is scarcely such a thing. Almost every case now must be determined by some pre- cedent, be that precedent good or bad, or whether it pro- perly applies or not: and the practice is becom * so general, as to suggest a suspicion, that it proceeds from a deepec policy than at first sight appears. Since the Revolution of America, and more so since that of France, this preaching up the doctrine of precedents, drawn from times and circumstances antecedent to those events, has been the studied practice of the English Go- vernment. The generality of those precedents are founded on principles and opinions, the reverse of what they oughb to be ; and the greater distance of time they ate drawn from, the more they are to be suspected. But by associating those precedents with a superstitious reverence for ancient things, as Monks shew relics and call them Holy, the generality ot" mankind are deceived into the design. Governments now act as if they were afraid to awaken a single reflection in Man. They arc softly leading him to the sepulchre of precedents, to deaden his faculties and call his attention from the scene of Revolutions. They feel that he is arriving at knowledge faster than they wish, and their policy of pre- cedents is the barometer of their fears. This Political Popery, like the Ecclesiastical Popery of old, has had its day, and i* hastening to its exit. The ragged relic and the antiquated precedent ; the Monk and the Monarch, will moulder together. Goverurjaerjt by precedent, without any regard to the 4S RIGHTS OT MAN. JPAST II. principle of the precedent, is one of the vilest systems that can be set up. In numerous instances, the precedent ought to operate as a warning, and not as an example, and re- quires to be shunned instead of imitated ; but instead of this, precedents are taken in the lump, and put at once for Constitution and for Law. Either the doctrine of precedents is policy to keep a Man in a state of ignorance, or it is a practical confession that ■wisdom degenerates in Governments as Governments in- crease in age, and can only hobble along by the stilts and crutches of precedents. How is it that the same persons >vho would proudly be thought wiser than their prede- cessors, appear at the same time only as the ghosts of de- parted wisdom? How strangely is antiquity treated! To answer some purposes it is spoken of as the time of dark- ness and ignorance, and to answer others, it is put for the light of the world. If the doctrine of precedents is to be followed, the ex- pences of Government need not continue the same. Why pay men extravagantly, who have but little to do ? If every thing that can happen is already in precedent, legis- lation is at an end, and precedent, like a dictionary, deter- mines every case. Either, therefore, Government has ar- rived at its dotage, and requires to be renovated, or all the. occasions for exercising its wisdom have occurred. We now see all over Europe, and particularly in England, the curious phenomenon of a Nation looking one way, and Si Government the other — the one forward and the other backward. If Governments are to go on by precedent, while Nations go on by improvement, they must at last come t all over Europe. Let us enquire into the cause. It lies not in any natural defect in the principles of civi- lization, but in preventing those principles having an uni- Tersal operation ; the consequence of which is, a perpetual system of war and expence, that drains the country, and defeats the general felicity of which civilization is capable. All the European Governments (France now excepted) are constructed not on the principle of Universal Civiliza- tion, but on the reverse of it. So far as those Governments relate to each other, they are in the same condition as we. conceive of savage, uncivilized life ; they put themselves beyond the law as well of God as of Man, and are, with respect to principle and reciprocal conduct, like so many- individuals in a state of Nature. The inhabitants of every country, under the civilization of laws, easily civilize together, but Governments being yet in an uncivilized state, and almost continually at war, they pervert the abundance which civilized life produces to cany on the uncivilized part to a greater extent. By thus engraft- ing the barbarism of Government upon the internal civiliza- tion of a country, it draws from the latter, and more espe- cially from the poor, a great portion of those earnings, which should be applied to their own subsistence and comfort. — Apart from all reflections of morality and philosophy, it is a melancholy tact, that more than one-fourth of the labouc of mankind is annually consumed by this barbarous system. What has served to continue this evil, is the pecuniary- advantage, which all the Governments of Europe have found in keeping up this state of uncivilization. It affords to them pretences for power, and revenue, for which there would be neither occasion nor apology, if the circle of civi- lization were rendered complete. Civil Government alone, or the Government of laws, is not productive of pretences for many taxes; it operates at homej directly under the eye of the country, and precludes the possibility of much imposition. But when the scene is laid in the uncivilized contention of Governments, the field of pretences is en- larged, and the country, being no longer a judge, is open to «very imposition, which Governments please to act. Not a thirtieth, icarcely a fortieth, part of the taxes S2 RIGHTS OF MAN. PaRT H which are raised in England are either occasioned by, or applied, to the purposes of Civil Government. It is not difh- cult to see, that the whole which the actual Government does in this respect, is to enact laws, and that the country administers and executes them, at its own expence by means of Magistrates, Juries, Sessions, and Assize, over and abeve the taxes which it pays. In this view of the case, we have two distinct characters of Government ; the one the Civil Government of laws, ■which operates at home, the other the Court or Cabinet Government, which operates abroad, on the rude plan of uncivilized life; the one attended with little charge, the other with boundless extravagance; and so distinct are the two, that if the latter were to sink, as it were by a sudden opening of the earth, and totally disappear, the other would not be deranged. It would still proceed, because it is the common interest of the Nation that it should, and all the means are in the practice. Revolutions, then, have for their object, a change in the moral condition of Governments, and with this change the burthen of public taxes will lessen, and civilization will be left to the enjoyment of that abundance, of which it is now deprived. In contemplating the whole of this subject, I extend my Views into the department of Commerce. In all my pub- lications, where the matter would admit, I have been an ad- vocate for Commerce, because I am a friend to its effects. It is a pacific system, operating to cordialize mankind, by- rendering Nations, as well as individuals, useful to each other. As to mere theoretical Reformation, I have never preached it up. The most effectual process is that of im- proving the condition of Man by means of his interest; and it is on this ground I take my stand. If Commerce were permitted to act to the universal extent it is capable, it would extirpate the system of war, and produce a Revolution in the uncivilized state of Govern- ments. The invention of Commerce has arisen since those Governments began, and is the greatest approach towards universal civilization, that has yet been made by any means not immediately flowing from moral principles. Whatever has a tendency to promote the civil intercourse of Nations, by an exchange of benefits, is a subject as worthy of Philosophy as Politics. Commerce is no other than the traffic of two individuals, multiplied on a scale of numbers; and by the same rule that nature intended the Chap. V. rights of man.