Fraternity Residence Directory MiSM]i/ RESIDENCE DIRECTORY OF THE SIGMA CHI FRATERNITY THE CHAPTER ROLLS ALPHABETICAL AND RESIDENCE INDICES TOGETHER WITH A HISTORICAL SKETCH OF THE FRATERNITY SINCE 1890 CHICAGO THE SIGMA CHI FRATERNITY 1902 LT7- Copyright 1902 by the grand council of the sigma chi fraternity HLht ILaktatlie ^rtss , R. DONNELLEY * SONS COMPANY CHICAGO PUBLICATION COMMITTEE RALPH F. POTTER, Grand Quaestor CLARENCE W. WHITNEY. Grand Annotator HERBERT C. ARMS, Grand Tribune NEWMAN MILLER, Grand Editor RAY G. MacDONALD, Grand Historian, 1900-1901 FRED A. PERINE, Grand Historian EDWARD M. DEXTER, Grand Praetor, Fifth Province, 1S99-1901 PAUL W. CLEVELAND, Grand Praetor, Fifth Province 3396S1 PREFACE The Twenty-third Grand Chapter, held at Nashville, Tenn., in August, 1897, authorized the preparation of this volume, and Frank Crozier, Chi, '92, was elected Grand Historian. The question of an appropriation to meet the necessary expenses failed to be considered and Httle progress could be made by him or his successor, Newman Miller, Alpha Pi, '93, who was elected at Philadelphia in 1899. Only preliminary work therefore was done previous to the election of Ray G. MacDonald, Alpha Pi, '93, who began the compilation of the ma- terial for the book, with the cooperation of the chapter historians and interested alumni, early in the fall of 1900, the expectation being that the book would be ready for delivery at the next Grand Chapter. As is generally the case with fraternity publications of this nature many unexpected diiSculties were encountered, and notwithstanding the Grand Plistorian's earnest efforts, the first copy did not go to the printer until May i, 1901. Grand Historian MacDonald was obliged to discontinue active work on the book about June ist, the task being continued by the Grand Triumvirs, and at the time of the Grand Chap- ter, which assembled at Buffalo, New York, on July 24th, about one- half of the chapter rolls were in type with proof slips mailed, and 100 pages printed. This result in actual publication was accomplished largely through the efforts of Grand Quaestor Ralph F. Potter. The work of the present Grand Historian began immediately following this convention. The present volume aims to be a Residence Directory, as distin- guished from the biographical catalogue of 1890, the information regarding each man being limited to his full name under his chapter and class, collegiate degrees, present address and occupation, together with any of^cial position held at the time of the return of his proof slip. In addition, when prominence in the work of the Fraternity has taken the form of a delegateship to a Grand Chapter or membership' in the Grand Council, mention is made of the same. If a member is a graduate of an institution, this degree appears without date as the first vi PREFACE item of information on the line beneath his name, and if he has been a member of more than one chapter, the book contains information in duplicate concerning him. As much time was occupied in the printing, the Addenda found on pages 455-474 was included to provide for later initiates and corrections. Previous to printing, a proof slip was mailed to each member for approval or correction, with directions for return if undelivered. Beginning with Mu chapter, page 175, page proofs of each chapter were forwarded to the chapter historian and two or more prominent alumni for corrections and additions before printing. Addresses which are probably incorrect or insufficient, when no later one was reported, are marked with a dagger (t) and the names of deceased persons are preceded by an asterisk (*). No mention is made of expelled men. The Historical Sketch was written by Past Grand Consul Joseph C. Nate, with the exception of a por- tion relating to his own administration, which was written by former Grand Tribune Charles Ailing, and the pages relating to the founders of the fraternity were prepared by Grand Tribune Herbert C. Arms. The gratifying growth of Sigma Chi since the last Catalogue appeared may be appreciated when it is stated that the alphabetical index contains 7,202 names, as compared with 3,879 in 1890. The first Catalogue of 1870 contained 1,069 names and that of 1876 about 1750- Inasmuch as it is the intention of the Grand Historian to maintain an accurate record of members, it is hoped and urgently requested that the readers of this book will inform him of any omissions or misstatements that may come to their notice. Fred A. Perine, Alpha Pi, '98, Chicago, July i, 1902. Grand Historian. CONTENTS PAGE The Sigma Chi Coat of Arms ----- Frontispiece List of Grand Chapters ------- xi List of Chapters, Alumni Chapters, and Alumni Associations - xii The Founders of Sigma Chi ...... xv A Historical Sketch ..----.. 3 Miami University, Oxford, O. ----- - 31 Alpha Chapter -------- 32 Ohio Wesleyan University, Delaware, O. - - - - 35 Gamma Chapter -------- 36 University of Mississippi, University, Miss. - - - . 47 Eta Chapter --------- 48 Jefferson College, Canonsburg, Pa. ----- 59 Iota Chapter ........ (jq Indiana University, Bloomington, Ind. ----- 65 Lambda Chapter -------- 66 Washington College, Washington, Pa. ----- 79 Original Nu Chapter ------- 80 De Pauw University, Greencastle, Ind. ----- 83 Xi Chapter --------- 84 Dickinson College, Carlisle, Pa. ------ 95 Omicron Chapter - - - - - - - - 96 Erskine College, Due West, S. C. - - - - - - 105 Original Pi Chapter -.-..-. 106 La Grange Synodical College, La Grange, Tenn. - - - 109 Original Sigma Chapter - - - - - - - iio University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Va. - - - - in Psi Chapter - - - - - - - - - 112 Pennsylvania College, Gettysburg, Pa. - - - - 121 Theta Chapter -------- 122 BucKNELL University, Lewisburg, Pa. - - - - - 129 Kappa Chapter -------- 130 Columbian University, Washington, D. C. - - - - 139 Epsilon Chapter -------- 140 Butler College, Irvington, Ind. ------ 145 Rho Chapter --------- 146 Polytechnic College of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa. - 155 Upsilon Chapter -------- 156 Washington and Lee University, Lexington, Va. - - - 161 Zeta Chapter -...--.- 162 Lafayette College, Easton, Pa. ------ 169 Phi Chapter --------- 170 Denison University, Granville, O. ----- i75 Mu Chapter --------- 176 viii CONTENTS PAGE Northwestern University, Evanston, III. - - - - 183 Omega Chapter -------- 184 Hanover College, Hanover, Ind. - - - - - - 193 Chi Chapter --------- 194 Hampden-Sidney College, Hampden-Sidney, Va. - - - 201 Sigma Sigma Chapter ..---.. 202 Roanoke College, Salem, Va. ------ 207 Tau Chapter --------- 208 Howard College, East Lake, Ala. . . . . . 215 Pi Chapter --------- 216 University of Georgia, Athens, Ga. ----- 219 Delta Chapter -------- 220 Cumberland University, Lebanon, Tenn. - - - - 221 Nu Chapter --------- 222 University of Wooster, Wooster O. - - - - - 225 Beta Chapter .---..-- 226 Mississippi College, Clinton, Miss. . . . . . 233 Beta Beta Chapter ..--.-. 234 Randolph-Macon College, Ashland, Va. - - - - 235 Gamma Gamma Chapter ------- 236 Monmouth College, Monmouth, III. ----- 241 Epsilon Epsilon Chapter ------- 242 Purdue University, Lafayette, Ind. ----- 243 Delta Delta Chapter ------- 244 Princeton University, Princeton, N. J. - - - - - 251 Sigma Chapter .-----.. 252 University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa. - - - 255 Phi Phi Chapter -------- 256 University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, Ala. - - - . 261 Iota Iota Chapter -------- 262 Centre College of Kentucky, Danville, Ky. - - - - 263 Zeta Zeta Chapter ------- 264 University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. . - - . 271 Theta Theta Chapter ------- 272 Southern University, Greensboro, Ala. - - . . 283 Chi Chi Chapter -------- 284 Wabash College, Crawfordsville, Ind. ----- 285 Delta Chi Chapter .-..._- 286 University of Illinois, Champaign, III. - - - - - 289 Kappa Kappa Chapter ------- 290 University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, O. - . - - 297 Zeta Psi Chapter -------- 298 University of Iowa, Iowa City, Ia. ... - - 305 Alpha Eta Chapter ....... 306 Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Boston, Mass. - - 309 Alpha Theta Chapter ------- 310 Ohio State University, Columbus, O. - - - - - 317 Alpha Gamma Chapter ---..-- 318 Beloit College, Beloit, Wis. ....-- 323 Alpha Zeta Chapter .....-- 324 CONTENTS ix PAGE University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Neb. ----- 329 Alpha Epsilon Chapter - - - - - - - 33° Stevens' Institute of Technology, Hoboken, N. J. - - - 335 Alpha Delta Chapter - - - - - - -336 Illinois Wesleyan University, Bloomington, III. - ■ - 339 Alpha Iota Chapter . - . - . - - 340 Hillsdale College, Hillsdale, Mich. ----- 345 Alpha Kappa Chapter - - - - - - - 346 University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. . . - - 34^ Alpha Lambda Chapter ------- 350 University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kan. ----- 355 Alpha Xi Chapter ------- - 356 University of Texas, Austin, Tex. ----- 361 Alpha Nu Chapter -------- 362 Virginia Military Institute, Lexington, Va. - - - - 367 Alpha Mu Chapter -------- 368 TuLANE University, New Orleans, La. ----- 369 Alpha Omicron Chapter ------- 370 Albion College, Albion, Mich. ------ 373 Alpha Pi Chapter -------- 374 University of California, Berkeley, Cal. - - - - 379 Alpha Beta Chapter ------- 380 Lehigh University, Bethlehem, Pa. - - - - - - 3^3 Alpha Rho Chapter ...-..- 384 University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn. - - - - 389 Alpha Sigjvia Chapter - - : - - - - 390 University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, N. C. - - - 395 Alpha Tau Chapter .-..--- 396 University of Southern California, Los Angeles, Cal. - - 399 Alpha Upsilon Chapter ------- 400 Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y. - - - - - 403 Alpha Phi Chapter ...-..- 404 Pennsylvania State College, State College, Pa. - - - 409 Alpha Chi Chapter ....... 410 Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tenn. . . - - 413 Alpha Psi Chapter ....--- 414 Leland Stanford Junior University, Stanford University, Cal. 417 Alpha Omega Chapter ------- 418 Hobart College, Geneva, N, Y. - - - - - - 421 Alpha Alpha Chapter ------- 422 Dartmouth College, Hanover, N. H. - - - - - 425 Eta Eta Chapter -.-----• 426 State College of Kentucky, Lexington, Ky. - - - - 433 Lambda Lambda Chapter ------- 434 Columbia University, New York, N. Y. - - - - - 437 Nu Nu Chapter -------- 438 West Virginia University, Morgantown, W. Va. - - - 443 Mu Mu Chapter -------- 444 University of State of Missouri, Columbia, Mo. - - - 447 Xi Xi Chapter -------- 448 X CONTENTS PAGE University of Chicago, Chicago, III. .. ... 451 Omicron Omicron Chapter ...-.- 452 Addenda .-......- 455 A Historical Sketch (continued) ...... 473 Alphabetical Index -------- 475 Residence Index ---...--- 517 LIST OF GRAND CHAPTERS First — June 28, 1857, Melodeon Hall, Cincinnati, Ohio. Second — April 27, 1859, Delaware, Ohio. Third — April 17 and 18, 1861, Wheeling, West Virginia. Fourth — Eastern Chapters met on July 6, 1864, at the St. Charles Hotel, Pittsburg, Pennsylvania. Western Chapters met on April 11, 1865, at the Burnet House, Cincinnati, Ohio. Fifth — December 27 and 28, 1865, St. Charles Hotel, Pittsburg, Pennsylvania. Sixth — December 27 and 28, 1866, Law Building of Columbian University, Washing- ton, District of Columbia. Seventh — December 31, 1868, and January i, 1869, Odd Fellows Hall, Louisville, Kentucky. Eighth— December 28 and 29, 1870, LTpsilon Chapter Hall, Philadelphia, Pennsyl- vania. Ninth — December 26 and 27, 1872, Neil House, Columbus, Ohio. Tenth — October 21, 22, and 23, 1874, Exchange Hotel, Richmond, Virginia. Eleventh— October 11, 12, and 13, 1876, Amateur Drawing Rooms, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Twelfth — November 19, 20, and 21, 1878, Knights of Pythias Hall, Indianapolis, In- diana. THiRTEENTH^November 16, 17, and 18, 1880, National Hotel, Washington, District of Columbia. Fourteenth— November 7, 8, and 9, 1882, Appellate Court Rooms, Grand Pacific Hotel, Chicago, Illinois. Sixteenth — September 7, 8, and 9, 1886, Neil House, Columbus, Ohio. Seventeenth — August 29, 30, and 31, 1888, Tremont House and Union College of Law, Chicago, Illinois. Eighteenth— November 26, 27, and 28, 1890, Willard's Hall, Washington, District of Columbia. Nineteenth — August 24, 25, and 26, 1892, Denison Hotel, Indianapolis, Indiana. Twentieth (Special) — January 24, 1893, Bartholdi Hotel, New York, New York. Twenty-first (Special) — July 20 and 21, 1893, Memorial Art Palace, Chicago, Illinois. Twenty-second— July 25, 26, and 27, 1895, Grand Hotel, Cincinnati, Ohio. Twenty-third— August 25, 26, 27, and 28, 1897, Senate Chamber of State House, Nashville, Tennessee. Twenty-fourth— September 12, 13, 14, and 15, 1899, Lafayette Hotel, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Twenty-fifth — July 23, 24, and 25, 1901, Iroquois Hotel, Buffalo, New York. XI w < pa Z OO CO CO OO OO o o o CO o r>. o r^ oc r^. 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'u;n< < <<<» w < 03 Z eg- =? • -1-0 vD O t^CO O^ O O ac'oc'oo accooccrcoc-cooocoboo c^c^c^c^oo^oO'OO'OO GC 00 OC OO CO C/j CO ^ CO OC CO QC on CO oo oo oc oo x; OC CO OO QC CO o O*roc^ ro-^i- M M M C^« N N s s « A — ^ <5 1/3 !-i S22[A)<iJS sir: nl *— ' . rt > j:: "y^ C u p o «J ^^ >, V u. ?^ o c o •— -^j= Ji: < «5 -T-' O . 9 c . "T D,m 61'^ O T3 =: - >- a v^ a^ o > > > ■-^ ox; rj « rt i> rt = ZcS^ o-ci;.; :.- c ;= rt tfv u 5 o >, _g 12 o o o o 4jCJ i^i^ c — •-rs c c c rt i£ iCJ u<5Zv] '£^ ^ ~.c;^ o.i o o o.:;'- c S ^ "o ■^'^ ^^ ==-,5 rt -5 .5 = g J) M ^ O p O ^ c S _ >_ o C >• a^ o bu ,, « O rt rt o^ c c c p. JXZ O ^ « o 22 -v^ U U) rt ►J o c o o njj; rt rt r^ rt K rt K re r- « rt rt rt n 7i iJ-C-^Pc — ^ ^ X a^^ ji: O^ J« ^-C — j: j^ „u -C^ - S'^ X .i a a-=^ D. CO a ua <»* << -< * < < << <»' << < <<<0 — t-^OC CT- 6 M N <-=■ 4 v/^\0 tico ,=?9 - y r^, ^ t/^^ r^v^ CT 6 - C/2 W < X u do 3D c^c^c^o^c^ c> "« « M f*)- •-■ K rt 0) rt rt c."" f5 ~ ^'^ o o ^ 'V ^ -> z,^;s:u(«a,a-yj J2- -VC (f)^ cn^"^ O '^ n »-• M M O O f '"i (^ COQOCOCO O O^ O^ GO OC OC CC OC QC iO °.2- cC.2 a ■^""O i^ 5 _!^ -= « C rt P„C O 4,1- u-u;?za.z in c .— "' rt a^ Mi;— ii c « p. c o « i- u^u>za.2; (f) c z Nl o 1— 1 H < >. 1— ( u U o rt (73 c V C/3 < THE FOUNDERS OF SIGMA CHI FOUNDERS' DAY, JUNE 28. Thomas Cowan Bell, Alpha, '57, A.B., A.M., 1862. Bom in Bellbrook, Greene Co., Ohio, May 14, 1832. President Eccritean Society. Commencement Orator. Captain, Major, and Lieut.-Coh of 74th Ohio Vol. Infantry 1861-63. Teacher since leaving college except two years in the U. S. A. Supt. of schools in Minn. 1872-77. Editor and publisher of Worthington (Minn.) Journal. Presi- dent of Philomath College 1885-86. Principal of La Creole Academy, Dallas, Oregon, 1887-92. President of Oregon State Normal School, Drain, Oregon, 1892-96. Is now living in Portland, Oregon, 579 Nehalem Ave. See sketch of life and portrait in The Sigma Chi Quarterly, vol. xv., page 236. James Parks Caldwell, Alpha, '57, A.B., A.M. Born in Butler Co., Ohio, in 1841. Studied law in Hamilton, Ohio. Teacher in Mississippi, 1858-59. Principal of Palmetto Academy, Panola Co., Mississippi, i860 and 1865-66. Served in C. S. A. as private and First Lieut, of Artillery in Division of Loringand Gardiner, Breck- inridge and Bowen; captured at Port Hudson. Admitted to the Bar in Missis- sippi 1866. Practiced at San Bernardino and Los Angeles, Cal., 1867-75. Contributor to Overland Motithly, San Francisco, Cal. In 1888 returned to Mis- sissippi to continue practice of law, and is now living in Mississippi City, Miss. See sketch and portrait in The Sigjna Chi Quarterly, vol. xv., page 320. Daniel William Cooper, Alpha, '57, A.B. Born in Knox Co., Ohio, Sept., 1830. Attended Presbyterian Theological Seminary, Allegheny City, Pa., 1857-59. Pastor of Presbyterian churches, Olivesburg, Ohio, 1859-65; Ottawa, Ohio, 1865-72; West Point, Ind., 1872-78. Returned to Ottawa, Ohio, in 1878. Engaged in mission work 1878-82. Pastor Presbyterian church, McConib, Ohio, 1882-91. Delegate to General Assemblies, Detroit, 1872, and Cincinnati, 1885. Is now living in McComb, Ohio. See sketch and portrait in The Sigma Chi Quarterly, vol. xv., page 126. *ISAAC M. Jordan, Alpha, '57, A.B., A.M. Born in Union Co., Pa., May 5, 1835. Admitted to the Bar at Columbus, Ohio, May, 1858. Lived in Dayton, Ohio, 1857-60, and at Cincinnati from i860 until the time of his death. Presidential Elector on Democratic ticket, 1872. Congressman from First District of Ohio, 1883-85. Declined renomination tendered by unanimous voice of convention. Early in the administration of President Cleveland was offered the Assistant Secretaryship of the Interior, but declined. Orator at First and Fifteenth Grand Chapters. Member of law firm of Jordan & Jordans. Accidentally killed Dec. 3, 1890, by stepping into an elevator shaft in his office building in Cincinnati. Buried in Spring Grove Cemetery, Cincinnati, Ohio. See sketch and portrait, The Sigma Chi, vol. vii., page 84; "In Memoriam," page 92, and Editorial, page 98, of The Sigma Chi Quarterly, vol. x. THE FOUNDERS OF SIGMA CHI *WiLLiAM Lewis Lockwood. Aloha 'i;8 A R a lu r 48.h Kegt^N Y vfnf^m^Tf '° ''"}'!" '" '^^o. Recruited Co. H, August 17, i86t; in New Vnrt v v * i.- -^""-^^oo"' Aplin & Co. Died of Fort Waene; ^uZJ r ' T ^'' ^°""^' '"^^^'^^d at the storming or rort \\ agner. Buried in Greenwood Cemetery, Brooklyn NY Socie,;; ,856:' Ad'mi.«d o' ,he BaraTsile^o"; '"^ =="■!"" literary, Cincinnati until ,86r. N„„,inat,d ," Alf 'cf^Z' °*"°' "''■'l^"^ P"«i"d '» party. '11"^ C T'- .''r '""=" '"' °'"-" S'-^'s-'e in serb/Derctat'ic Vol., Aug. .4 ,864: MatrTsth „ U S A i,^:i'-f„°i "f ^«"^" ^^P^ Brevet Col USA rMir»d i? V"'' ^^' '**• '^ n"" Major and Chapters, ti Oncit^f LtrarCo^rntl^n^'^^^r^/rrs??"""' °^="'' .888-,'.. Resided i'n Los A^it'cirTs^r'^o"', ""T-r'' ""'^'■'''''^' Grand Chapter. Grand Consu°l A'nc l, p' -'i'. "^ °' Twentysecond Washington n If'""" '-™^"'' ■»?5-97- Resided in Chicago, 1895^7; i„ Sc,>n :Tnd' Tacdcs : M^l"""n '•■ °''!,°' "''-^- ''"'^^=°' <" ^Oilary position a. the Un .0, Mai" oZ; '??'• "'°" c''"' ,"""■ '«"<*= ""^ --= r^.^s^„„a «, e„„...,;iT;i°rgetrd vo'!:f jitr^' ^"'"" '- "" Ge-ne^rl-r : !^'S:;i^SS;. '^^af V^^' Oh'"' C ">- '" '-^' st^iroJr oi^ - [;™ £="^"r^coTcr iiz ^-j: Ohio. ^'ed July 22, 1888. Bunedm Greenwood Cemetery, Hamilton A HISTORICAL SKETCH A HISTORICAL SKETCH OF THE SIGMA CHI FRATERNITY I 890- I 900 The Fraternity completed thirty-five years of its history on June 28, 1890.* The record of those years has been carefully compiled. In the Catalogue and History of 1890 are some forty pages, de- tailing with accuracy the childhood and youth of the Fraternity and the condition and affairs of its then vigorous and successful man- hood. In the present record it is intended to carry that recital for- ward with a similar degree of detail for the ten years which have succeeded. Readers of the former history will note that it culminated in the thorough-going organization of the Fraternity under the new con- stitution adopted by the Fifteenth Grand Chapter, at Cincinnati, Ohio, in 1884. The succeeding Grand Chapters, to that of 1890, tested and strengthened this system until the whole Fraternity had come by that date to have a particular pride in Sigma Chi's gov- ernmental ef^ciency. The Grand Chapters covered herein, and the important events intervening may, therefore, be best studied with this fact in view. It may safely be said that the development of our system of government, and the successful application of its methods have constituted the generally distinguishing features of the present period. To these our growth and success in all lines may be ascribed. The Eighteenth Grand Chapter of the Fraternity met at Wash- ington, District of Columbia, November 26, 27, 28, 1890. Sigma Sigma, noted as recently inactive in the catalogue of '90, had revived * Authority — Section III. original constitution and ritual of the Sigma Chi, and the records of the Alpha Chapter in the catalogues of 1S70, 1S76, and 1890. 4 ,, , ■ "v:.-T.HE SIGMA CHI FRATERNITY in the early fall, and the Alpha Phi, onr sixtieth chapter, had been auspiciously installed at Cornell University on October lo, 1890. Twenty-four chapters out of the thirty-nine active, and eight alumni chapters, then forming the Fraternity, were represented in the Grand Chapter by delegates. Many visitors were present especially from the eastern sections of the fraternity territory. The total registered attendance was seventy-one. The permanent organization was as follows: Grand Consul, Reginald Fendall, Epsilon, '64; Grand Pro- consul,- Alfred Taylor, Kappa, '66; Grand Annotator, Ernest PI. Lindley, Lambda, '91; Grand Tribune, ^^'alter L. Fisher, Chi, '83; Grand Ousestor, Smith Burnham, Alpha Pi, '92 : Grand Gustos, Fred P. Davis, Xi, '93. The sessions were not characterized by very extensive nor at all radical legislation, i. The Fraternity was congratulated upon the recent completion of the Catalogue and History of 1890. a publication which was found easily to occupy the leading position among similar efTorts by college fraternities up to that year. 2. A movement for a new song book was inaugurated, the task of its compilation being entrusted to the Alpha Sigma Chapter. 3. In connection with an excursion to Alount Vernon, the convention secured the very high and most unusual privilege of being per- mitted to plant an ivy at the tomb of Washington. This plant has lived and grown, and a suitable copper plate commemorates its plant- ing. The Eighteenth Grand Chapter placed the fortunes of the Fra- ternity for the succeeding two years in the hands of the following Grand Council : Grand Consul, \\'alter L. Fisher. Chi, '83 : Grand Quaestor, Joseph C. Nate, Alpha Iota, '90; Grand Annotator, John T. McCutcheon, Delta Delta, '89; Grand Tribune, and Editor-in- Chief of Sigma Chi Quarterly, Charles Ailing, Chi, '85, and Theta Theta, '88; Grand Historian. John T. McCutcheon, Delta Delta, '89; Grand Praetors : First Province, John B. McPherson, Theta, '83 ; Second Province, Frank Talbott. Gamma Gamma, '86; Third Prov- ince, John S. Van Winkle, Zeta Zeta, "90; Fourth Province. Ernest H. Lindley, Lambda, '91 ; Fifth Province, William T. Alden. Omega. '91. The Sixth Province was left to be filled by the Grand Council, which subsequently elected Joseph H. Ingwerson, Theta Theta. '87. Before another Grand Chapter occurred, Frank Talbott. of the A HISTORICAL SKETCH 5 Second Pro\-ince, had resigned, and had been succeeded by George H. Denny. Jr., Sigma Sigma. '91. The succeeding two years were years of marked energy and en- thusiasm in tlie official work of the Fraternity. Grand Consul Fisher. ha\ing been honored with his high office after ten years of continuous and intense labor in the Grand Tribuneship. as Editor-in- Chief of the Sigma Chi, and as the moving spirit in the publica- tion of the magnificent Catalogue and History, maintained a close touch with th.e active work as Grand Consul. In some of the other offiices the work went into the hands of a younger and most en- thusiastic class of men. Xumerous petitions were received, and four charters were granted — those for the chapters at the Pennsylvania State College, the Alpha Chi, installed May 27, 1890; Vanderbilt Uni- versity, Nashville, Tennessee, the Alpha Psi, installed December 22, 1891 ; and Leland Stanford, Jr. University, Palo Alto, California, the Alpha Omega, installed December 19, 1891 ; and the revival of the Kappa Kappa, at the Universitv of Pdinois, reinstalled December 22, 1 89 1. The Alpha Rho, the Tau, and the Alpha Delta Chapters be- came inactive. A proposition to revive the Alpha at Miami Univer- sity, Oxford, Ohio, went over for the consideration of the next Grand Chapter. Successful conventions of the Third and Fourth Provinces were held, respectively, in ]\Iarch and May of 189 1, the former at Cincinnati, Ohio, and the latter at Greencastle, Indiana. During this ]:)eriod it became plain that there was a radical weak- ness in the Fraternity's hnancial system. This condition, the Grand Ouc'estor, who was destined to remain in charge of the Fraternity's finances for the succeeding nine years, at once planned to perma- nently reform. The weakness of the situation mfty be indicated by the fact that there was an outstanding indebtedness of some three thousand dollars, largely a balance due on the recently ])ublished Catalogue and History; there were several hundred of these ex- pensive volumes unsold ; and the active chapters were in arrears on their dues to the general Fraternity a total of many hundreds of dollars. These three conditions were completely remedied under plans then inaugurated. In addition, a new and better financial system for the Fraternit}' in all lines, and involving new and im- portant departures, was originated at this time, and, as perfected by future consideration, was inaugurated through the successive Grand 6 THE SIGMA CHI FRATERNITY Chapters of the decade. Some of the most far-reaching influences of the succeeding Grand Chapters become apparent only in view of the fact that much of their time and thought has been devoted to the development of the present very efficient financial system of the Fraternity. The Nineteenth Grand Chapter was held at Indianapolis, Indiana, August 24, 25, 26, 1892. Of the forty active and eight alumni chap- ters of the Fraternity, twenty-seven were represented by delegates. The total registered attendance was 116. The Grand Chapter was organized as follows : Grand Consul, Robert Farnham, Epsilon, '64 ; Grand Pro-consul, Frank M. Thomas, Alpha Psi, '93 ; Grand Anno- tator, Louis T. Hill, Alpha Lambda, '94; Grand Gustos, Fred C. Scheuch, Jr., Delta Delta, '92. The important transactions of the Nineteenth Grand Chapter may be summarized as follows: i. It received and approved the first impression of a new form of charter blank, the design of the Grand Quaestor. This was the first form granting the charter by the Grand Council instead of the Alpha, or parent chapter, and arrangements were made to supply it to all recently received chap- ters. 2. The legality of the proposed membership of former President Grover Cleveland, who had accepted an invitation to honorary mem- bership in Sigma Chi, was considerably discussed. This invitation was tendered Mr. Cleveland by the Theta Theta Chapter, acting in ignorance of the Fraternity's practice, since 1882, and misinterpret- ing the written law of the Fraternity; but he had not been initiated thereunder. No specific action on the proposed initiation of Mr. Cleveland was taken, but a prohibition of honorary membership in most explicit terms was added to the constitution. 3. The con- vention exchanged greetings, and held some joint social affairs with tlie convention of Kappa Kappa Gamma assembled in Indianapolis during the same week. 4. A larg^ and representative committee on finance made a carefully considered report, which was adopted. It provided, among other things, for an enlarged initiation fee of four dollars, payable by initiates to the general Fraternity, in re- turn for which such initiates were to be supplied each with a copy of the Catalogue and History of 1890, until the edition was ex- hausted. 5. The Alpha Sigma Chapter made a report on its progress with the song book, which project was continued in its hands. 6. A HISTORICAL SKETCH 7 The Provinces were rearranged with slight changes in the existing six, and the creation of a new one, the Seventh Province, composed of the most southerly states. The Grand Chapter elected the following Grand Council for the next two years : Grand Consul, Reginald Fendall, Epsilon, '64 ; Grand Oujestor, Joseph C. Nate, Alpha Iota, '90; Grand Annotator, \Mlliam T. Alden, Omega, '91; Grand Tribune, Charles Ailing, Chi, '85, and Theta Theta, '88; Editor-in-Chief of Sigma Chi Quarterly, Charles Ailing, Chi, '85, and Theta Theta, '88; Grand Praetors : First Province, John B. McPherson, Theta, '83 ; Second Province, George W. Denny, Jr., Sigma Sigma, '91 ; Third Province, George D, Harper, Zeta Psi, '91; Fourth Province, C. Bloomlield Edson, Chi, '94 ; Fifth Province, Clarence A. Fiske, Alpha Pi, '90 ; Sixth Province, John W. Dixon, Alpha Epsilon, '94; Seventh Prov- ince, William B. Ricks, Alpha Tau, '90, and Alpha Psi, '94. C. Bloom- field Edson soon resigned, and was succeeded by Albert E. Wiggam, Chi, '93. John B. McPherson was succeeded in the First Province by George C. Purdy, Alpha Phi, '92, In November, 1892, Grover Cleveland was elected President of the United States for the second time. There was a feeling in the Fraternity that the failure of the Grand Chapter to provide for his initiation did not express the general wish of the Fraternity. This feeling became so marked, especially in the East, that Grand Consul Fendall, under the constitutional provisions, called a special Grand Chapter of the Fraternity to meet in New York City on January 24, 1893, for the consideration of this issue. The Twentieth Grand Chapter of the Fraternity accordingly met on that date. It elected the following ofificers to preside over its deliberations : Grand Consul, Reginald Fendall, Epsilon, '64, the Grand Consul of the Fraternity; Grand Annotator, Stephen T. Mather, Alpha Beta, '87. The actual attendance was small, but many chapters were represented by proxies held by those present. The committee on credentials found thirty-two chapters, active and alumni, entitled to representation. The decision of the Grand Chapter on the cj[ues- tion was to make possible and legalize the initiation of JNIr. Cleveland, at the same time explicitly doing away with honorary membership in Sigma Chi thereafter. Mr. Cleveland was initiated into the Frater- nitv somewhat later in New York City bv the following committee : S THE SIGMA CHI FRATERNITY Grand Consul Fendall. Epsilon. '64; Theodore A. K. Gessler, Kappa, '64, and Alfred Taylor. Kappa, '66. The honorable and honored initiate was presented with a magnificent badge which he wore to the general pleasure of the Fraternity on the occasion of his subsequent inauguration as president. The Chicago Alumni Chapter also sent him a very handsomely bound copy of the Sigma Chi Catalogue and History. This administration, like that preceding, was characterized by numerous petitions for charters. The election of Reginald Fendall to the Grand Consulship especially stimulated interest in Sigma Chi in the East. During the period the following charters were granted : the Alpha Chapter (revived), the charter having been granted by the Nineteenth Grand Chapter, was installed on September 13, 1892. The Alpha Alpha Chapter was installed at Hobart College on September 28. 1892. The Epsilon Chapter (revived) was installed December 22, 1892. A flourishing chapter at Dart- mouth College was installed April 5, 1893, which has been, usually, the largest chapter of the Fraternity. The Lambda Lambda at Kentucky State College was installed April 6, 1893. The Beta became inactive. Charters were granted to flourishing alumni chapters at New Orleans and Philadelphia. It now became the fixed policy to name all Alumni Chapters after their respective cities, instead of by Greek letters. Li the spring of 1893 successful conventions of the First, Third, and Fourth Provinces were held at New York ; Granville, Ohio ; and Indianapolis, Indiana, respect- ively ; the Grand Council being represented by the respective Grand Praetors. During most of the college year, i892-"93, the Grand Quaestor was in Europe, and his place was admirably filled by Leon L. Loehr, Alpha Iota, "85. Brother Loehr gave to Sigma Chi then, as often in her councils since, the aid of a mind finely trained in financial lines and expert judgment in business matters. On July 20 and 21, 1893, occurred another special Grand Chapter at Chicago, Illinois, commonly known as the World's Fair Grand Chapter., It grew out of a resolution adopted in the Nineteenth Grand Chapter at Indianapolis, and was held chiefly by reason of the fact that a large number of Sigma Chis could be gathered together with the World's Fair as a special attraction. It was characterized by an unusuallv large attendance from all over the countrv. its jubilee A HISTORICAL SKETCH 9 character as a reunion, and its thoroiigii-going discussion of the financial problems of the Fraternity. The total registered attend- ance was 135. The organization was as follows: Grand Consul, Henry H. Vinton, Delta Delta, '85; Grand Pro-consul, William A. Heath, Kappa Kappa, '83 ; Grand Annotator, Wirt Howe, Alpha Omicron, "95 ; Grand Gustos, George W\ Scott, Alpha Alpha, '96. Thirty-eight, of the forty-four active and ten alumni chapters, were represented by accredited delegates. The most important legisla- tion of this Grand Chapter was along financial lines. During the preceding year the entire Fraternity had become aroused by con- ditions of delinquency in the payment of chapter dues and the cor- responding embarrassment, at national headquarters, in the payment of national fraternity obligations. Under the recommendation of the Grand Ou?estor, the Grand Chapter adopted legislation looking to the prompt payment of chapter dues, as unusual in character for a college fraternity as it has been successful in results. By this legislation delinquent chapters, after due notification and reasonable extensions of time if required, were penalized, first by suspension, and then by absolute revocation of their charters. This legislation has remained in the statutes of the Fraternity ever since. Under it every cent of dues has since been collected, and, while there have been some suspensions of charters, a revocation has not been re- quired in any case. 2. The fraternity song book was continued in the hands of Alpha Sigma Chapter. 3. A fraternity flag w^as dis- cussed, and the matter referred to a committee for action during the coming year. The Grand Chapter received the resignation of Grand Praetor Wiggam of the Fourth Province, and elected, in his stead, David Tod, Delta Delta, '96. Before another Grand Chapter met, Grand Praetors Purdy, Dixon, Fiske, and Tod had been succeeded, re- spectively, by Robert E. Lee, Jr., Zeta, '90; Hervey B. Hicks, Alpha Epsilon, '92; Newman Miller, Alpha Pi, "93, and Fred C. Scheuch, Jr., Delta Delta, '93. During the year succeeding the World's Fair Grand Chapter, numerous petitions were received, and the Alpha Rho, at Lehigh L^niversity, was revived on September 14, 1893. Successful Province Conventions were held in the spring of 1894 bv the Third Province at Danville, Kentucky, and by the Fourth lo THE SIGMA CHI FRATERNITY Province, at Lafayette, Indiana. The Grand Council was represented at these gatherings by the respective Grand Praetors. During this year also the committee to select a flag, which had been appointed by the Twenty-first Grand Chapter, A. P. Willis, Alpha Phi, '94, and William B. Abbey, Phi Phi, 'y^, made its report, and the design adopted by them became the official flag of the Fraternity. The summer of 1894 would have been the regular date for a biennial Grand Chapter, but on account of the World's Fair Grand Chapter, in the summer of 1893, advantage was taken of the constitutional provision and the regular biennial session postponed for another year. During the year 1894-1895 the Delta Chi Chapter, at Wabash College, was permitted to become inactive. The Nu Nu Chapter was installed in Columbia University, New York City, on November 28, 1894, and two petitions from other institutions were left open for consideration when the Grand Chapter should assemble in 1895. The Fourth Province held a Provincial Convention in May, 1895, at Lafayette, Indiana, the Grand Council being repre- sented by the Grand Praetor and Grand Qucestor. When the Grand Chapter assembled, twelve chapters out of forty-four were occupying either owned or rented houses. The Twenty-second Grand Chapter met at Cincinnati, Ohio, July 25, 26, 27, 1895. It was one of the most largely attended and enthusiastic of all our Grand Chapters. The total registered attend- ance was 147. Thirty-six chapters, of forty-five active and ten alumni were represented by delegates. Its organization was as fol- lows : Grand Consul, General Ben P. Runkle, Alpha, '57, one of the founders of the Fraternity, who had made a journey from California to attend the gathering. Grand Pro-consul, Dr. Robert Farnham, Epsilon, '64; Grand Annotator, E. Dick Slaughter, Alpha Nu, '96; Grand Tribune, William J. Price, Zeta Zeta, '92; Grand Gustos, George LeBoutillier, Zeta Psi, '98. Matters to come before the Grand Chapter were, for the first time, placed in available and methodical shape by the publication of a special Grand Chapter issue of the Sigma Chi Bulletin, con- sisting of grand officers' reports and suggestions. The important transactions were as follows: i. Considerable attention was devoted to the song book, which was now transferred from the care of the Alpha Sigma Chapter to that of the Zeta Psi, with directions to A HISTORICAL SKETCH ii prepare it for early publication by the Fraternity. 2, A growing feeling that there should be greater restriction placed upon the granting of charters, a function heretofore in the hands of the Grand Council, acting by a two-thirds vote, led to new legislation under this head. Its author was Grand Praetor Newman Miller, who had devoted large study to the wishes of the Fraternity along this line. The plan for granting charters adopted by this Grand Chapter, as finally left to the Grand Tribune for elaboration, provided for a three-fourths vote of the active chapters of the Fraternity, in addition to the three-fourths vote of the Grand Council. Fullness of in- vestigation of petitions and due time for consideration were also provided. 3. The pending proposition for a charter at the Uni- versity of West Virginia was passed upon favorably, while that for a revival of the Tau Chapter at Roanoke College, Salem, Virginia, was defeated by one vote. 4. A radical rearrangement of the Provinces of the Fraternity w'as made wdiich, with the slight change noted on page 16, has since prevailed, and which is as follows: First Province — Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware, Mary- land and District of Columbia. Second Province — Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina. Georgia, and Florida. Third Province — Ohio, Kentucky, and West Virginia. Fourth Province — Indiana. Fifth Province — Michigan, ]\Iinnesota, Wisconsin, Illinois, Iowa, and Missouri. . Sixth Province — North Dakota, South Dakota, Wyoming, Ne- braska, Colorado, and Kansas. Seventh Province — Texas, Arkansas, Indian Territory, Ten- nessee, Mississippi, Alabama, and Louisiana. Eighth Province — Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana, Utah, Nevada, Arizona, New Mexico, and California. Ninth Province — New York, Maine, Connecticut, Vermont, ]\Iassachusetts, New Hampshhire, and Rhode Island. 5. By far the most important and far-reaching legislation of the Grand Chapter, however, was again in the financial field. At this time the Railway Sinking Fund of the Fraternity was founded, which has since more than sufficed to pay the railway expenses of delegates from all the chapters to the Grand Chapters. The system 12 THE SIGMA CHI FRATERNITY of chapter flues and payments was made more simple and imiform. and the total amount payable from each active member to the gen- eral Fraternity was increased from three dollars and fifty cents to five dollars per annum. This increase was voted enthusiastically and unanimously, and was particularly significant in view^ of the legisla- tion of the preceding Grand Chapter, already in wholly successful operation, providing suspension and revocation of charters for non- payment of dues. 6. The most important financial legislation of the Twentv-second Grand Chapter, was the establishment of the Chapter House Sinking Fund. This fund was established to provide for the acquisition and ownership of chapter houses. Its income was to be derived from (a) a fixed initiation fee from each initiate into the Fraternity; (b) a certain percentage of regular dues of active members; and (c) some special plan of alumni payments or contributions, to be subsequently determined. ^lethods of loans to active chapters, etc.. for the purpose in view, were carefully de- termined and safeguarded. This fund was the legislative beginning of what is now^ Sigma Chi's w^ell known Endowment Fund. It was a plan, adopted, precisely, as originated, and promulgated by Joseph C. Nate, Alpha Iota, '90. then in the fifth year of his service as the Fraternity's Grand Oujestor. The election of a Grand Council for the succeeding two years turned upon a proposition, seriously agitated in this Grand Chapter, to remove the governmental headquarters to New York City. A majority of the convention, however, favored Chicago, and the various elections resulted as follow^s : Grand Consul, General Ben P. Runkle, Alpha, '57; Grand Ouasstor, Joseph C. Nate, Alpha Iota, '90; Grand Annotator, New-man Miller, Alpha Pi, '93; Grand Tribune, Charles Ailing, Chi, '85, and Theta Theta, '88; Editor- in-Chief of Sigma Chi Quarterly, the duties of which oflice had here- tofore been performed by the Grand Tribune, Frank Crozier, Chi, '92, Theta Theta, '94; Grand Historian, William B. Ricks, Alpha Tau, '90, and Alpha Psi, '94; Grand Praetors, under the new^ arrangement of Provinces: First Province, John D. Bertolette, Omicron, '94; Second Province, Douglas Forsyth, Alpha Omicron, '94, and Psi, 95 ; Third Province, Daniel Wilson, Zeta Psi, '91; Fourth Province. Clarence M. Bivens, Delta Delta, '92; Fifth Province, Herbert C. Arms. Kap])a Kappa, 95; Sixth Province, John W. Dixon, Alpha A HISTORICAL SKETCH . 13 Epsilon, '94; Seventh Province, E. Dick Slaughter, Alpha Nu. '96; Eighth Province, Freeman G. Teed, Kappa, '73; Ninth Province, D. Alaujer McLaughlin, Alpha Phi, "98. It was found later that Douglas Forsyth would not be a resident of the Second Province, and in his stead, the Province selected W. Asbury Christian, Alpha Psi, 92. The succeeding two years were characterized by an activity in the fraternity life scarcely equaled, and certainly not excelled, dur- ing preceding years. The election of General Runkle to the Grand Consulship placed the whole organization in touch with its early beginnings and its fundamental ideals. The election of an Editor-in- Chief, separate from the Grand Tribuneship, brought the activity of a new grand officer to bear among the working forces at Chicago. Grand Consul Runkle soon removed to Chicago, and presided con- tinuously over the deliberations of the Grand Triumvirs, until the hnal year of his administration, during which he had his residence in the East. The Grand Consul's visits to different chapters of the Fraternity on social and special occasions were much more numerous than those of his predecessors. To all these causes of progress. Gen- eral Runkle brought to bear, in his official station, his fine qualities of executive ability and leadership, and a rigid insistence that the gov- ernmental regulations and ideals of the Fraternity should be rigidly fulfilled. The other officers of his administration, headed by Grand Tribune Ailing, had the benefit of long experience in the official work of the Fraternity. The Mu ]\Iu Chapter was auspiciously installed at the University of ^^'est Virginia, on September 13, 1895. Early in the administra- tion a petition for the revival of the Tau Chapter at Roanoke College was again presented, and under the new system of voting, a charter was finally granted by the Grand Council and active chapters, and installed ^larch 31, 1896. The Phi Phi Chapter was revived at the University of Pennsylvania with installation on May 9, 1896, and a petition from the University of Missouri, being under favorable con- sideration at this time, was finally granted and the chapter installed on September 26, 1896. Upon the request of the Washington Alumni Chapter its charter was declared null and void by the Grand Council, there being at that time no provision for the surrender of a charter. In the spring of 1896, the Grand Council had the pleasure of 14 THE SIGMA CHI FRATERNITY allotting the first loan from its new Chapter House Sinking Fund. The sum of nine hundred dollars was already available, and was awarded to the Alpha Phi Chapter at Cornell University, and by it expended as part purchase price of a building lot. The Third and Fourth Provinces, as usual, held Conventions, both in May, 1896. The former was held at Oxford, Ohio, and the latter at Bloomington, Indiana. The Grand Council was represented by the respective Grand Praetors. Pursuant to a resolution of the Twenty-second Grand Chapter, the Grand Consul early set about providing for a revision of the entire constitution, statutes and ritual of the Fraternity. The Fra- ternity was working under a constitution adopted in 1884, and very frequently amended since. It was believed that a revision of the whole document, looking to uniformity and adjustment of its various parts, and the special consideration of several subjects, was now de- sirable. To this end the Grand Consul on January i, 1896, addressed to the Fraternity a letter, asking for suggestions upon these topics : Government and officering, extension, headquarters, alumni interest, incorporation, finances, publications, literary work, and honorary members. There followed the appointment of a representative com- mittee from various sections of the Fraternity to draft a complete revision of the constitution. This committee met at Put-in-Bay Island, Ohio, during the days of July 31 and August i, 2 and 3, 1896. It has accordingly been commonly known in our history and litera- ture as "The Put-in-Bay Committee." It was constituted as follows : ^Members: Theodore A. K. Gessler, Kappa, '64, Ninth Province; Charles M. Dawson, Theta, '69, Fourth Province; ex-Grand Consul John Howard Ferris, Mu, '76, Third Province; ex-Grand Consul Orville S. Brumback, Beta, '76, Third Province; William B. Ricks, Alpha Tau, '90, Alpha Psi, '94, Seventh Province ; Joseph C. Nate, Alpha Iota, '90, Fifth Province; Daniel F. Wilson, Zeta Psi, '91, Third Province. Advisory Members: Samuel R. Ireland, Theta Theta, '89, First Province; Henderson Lee, Tau, '91, Second Province; Lewis R. Garrett, Alpha Upsilon, '94, Eighth Province; John W. Dixon, Alpha Epsilon, '96, Sixth Province. During the meeting Dr. Gessler, of the voting members, was represented by Ruter W. Springer, Omega, '87, as proxy. The other voting mem- bers were all present. The committee organized, with Charles M. A HISTORICAL SKETCH 15 Dawson as chairman, and Joseph C. Nate as secretary. The four days were devoted to a most careful revision of the entire constitu- tion, statutes, and ritual of the Fraternity. The membership of the committee was particularly qualified for this work, both by general experience and by special study of the matter in hand, and the re- sult of their work gave great satisfaction to the Fraternity at large. The constitution drafted by them was printed in full in the Sigma Chi Bulletin of January, 1897, being thus placed before the Fra- ternity for consideration and discussion almost a full year before it came up for final passage at the succeeding Grand Chapter. Some statement of its general character and intention will be made in con- nection with the latter event. The usual number of petitions were received during the remain- ing year of this administration, of which one, long pending from the University of Chicago, was granted. The Omicron Omicron Chapter was installed in that institution, in the presence of nearly one hundred and fifty members of the Fraternity, on February 6, 1897. At about the same time there was accomplished an important change in the status of the Theta Theta. This chapter, which had been permitted to become inactive in the law department with this change in view, was now fully transferred to the literary depart- ment of the University of Michigan, and started upon a new and highly successful career therein. The only Province Convention held during this college year, was that of the Fourth Province, at Green- castle, Indiana, May 13, 1897. Early in 1897, the Zeta Psi Chapter, having brought the song book into good shape for final efforts of an official nature, turned the material collected over to the Grand Triumvirs. The efforts of Zeta Psi had been under the able leadership of George D. Harper, Zeta Psi, '91, to whom the Fraternity felt largely indebted for the publication when it subsequently appeared. The Triumvirs now dele- gated the song book to a special committee in Chicago, which elected Herbert C. Arms, Kappa Kappa, '95, Editor, and Charles B. Bur- dick, Kappa Kappa, '95, Associate Editor. The Fraternity approached the time of its Twenty-third Grand Chapter with unusual enthusiasm for the event. The active chapters now numbered an even half hundred. Of these, nineteen were living in owned or rented houses. The convention was secured by Nash- i6 THE SIGMA CHI FRATERNITY ville, Tennessee, thus locating the biennial meeting in the South for the first time since that held at Richmond in 1874. The registered attendance at this Grand Chapter, which occurred at Nashville, on August 25, 26. ij, 28. 1897 was 108, less in total than that of recent gatherings, but the South was more largely represented, perhaps, than ever before. The attendance, as a distinct result of the Railway Expense Fund adopted in 1895, included delegates from forty-eight out of the fifty active chapters of the Fraternity. To these were added official delegates from six of the ten alumni chapters. Thus all records in this line were far surpassed. The organization of the gathering was as follows : Grand Consul, John S. Alleman, Theta, '75 ; Grand Pro-consul, Lauran F. Smith, Omicron, '90; Grand Annotator, Harry Beach Carre, Alpha Psi, '98; Grand Gustos, George L. Edmonds, Epsilon, '94. The convention was characterized by the transaction of a large amount of business. JMatters to come before it were, as in 1895, pre- sented in a special issue of the Sigma Chi Bulletin. This Bulletin consisted of thirty-four printed pages, the largest edition ever pub- lished, and was devoted exclusively to the reports and recommenda- tions of the grand of^cers. The important business was as follow' s : i . The adoption of a coat of arms, a subject first agitated by Grand Consul Fendall during his administration, and by the Twenty-second Grand Chapter re- ferred to the committee (Henry H. Vinton, Delta Delta, '88, and Samuel R. Ireland, Theta Theta, '89), whose design was now ac- cepted. 2. The adoption of the plans for the publication of another edition of the Catalogue, or a Residence Directory, the need of which had now come to be strongly felt in the Fraternity. 3. The Chapter House Sinking Fund of the Fraternity (at this Grand Chap- ter renamed the Endowment Fund) had another $500 avail- able for a loan. There were three applicants for the amount, the Grand Chapter awarding the loan to Alpha Phi Chapter, to carry forward its house plans. 4. The Song Book Committee, which had taken that project from the Zeta Psi Chapter, had its w-ork very largely completed. Its report was accompanied by a neat prospectus, showing many of the songs already in print. The Grand Chapter made all necessary final arrangements for immediate publication. 5. A slight change was made in the arrangement of Provinces, Iowa A HISTORICAL SKETCH 17 and Missouri being transferred from the Fifth to the Sixth Province. 6. The custom of selecting certain official jewelers to the Fraternity was abandoned, leaving competition open among all dealers. In the same movement the office of official jewelry agent was abolished. 7. A recommendation was made that the yearly anniversary of the establishment of the Fraternity be recognized as a day for the dec- oration of the graves of deceased founders, to be observed with ap- propriate ceremonies by chapters conveniently located. It is believed that this idea, now well established, will lead to the observance of a general ihemorial day for the Fraternity throughout the country. 8. By far the most important legislation of the Grand Chapter was the adoption of the revised constitution, statutes and ritual of the Fraternity, as prepared by the Put-in-Bay Committee. The ritual- istic features of this work had been prepared almost wholly by Ruter W. Springer, Omega, '87, since the adjournment of the meeting at Put-in-Bay, and were explained to the delegates by Brother Springer, who w^as in attendance upon the Grand Chapter for that particular purpose. The ritual as revised was a most satisfactory conclusion to many years of study and experience by Brother Springer in this department of fraternity work. The confidence of the Grand Chapter in the production of the Put-in-Bay Committee and the general excellence of the constitution submitted, were evinced by what was practically a unanimous acceptance of the docu- ment as a whole. The leading improvements of the new constitution should be noted at this point. Simplicity of expression and the elimination of every unnecessary w'ord and phrase w^ere particularly aimed at. A uniformity in the title of Grand Officers was provided, under which the Editor-in-Chief was henceforth to be called the Grand Editor, and other titles accordingly. The peculiar usage by which the Fra- ternity had, during a session of the Grand Chapter, nominally two sets of Grand Officers, was corrected ; henceforth the officers of the Grand Chapter were to be designated as simply Consul, Pro-consul, Annotator, etc., of the same, the prefix "Grand" being omitted, in order to distinguish them from the permanent officers of the Fra- ternity. The limitations upon the power of the Grand Chapter, and grants of power to it, were carefully determined. The same state- ment is also true as to the Grand Council. The right of a chapter to iS THE SIGMA CHI FRATERNITY surrender its charter, if acceptable to the Grand Council and the active chapters, was added to the law as to suspensions and revoca- tions. All the business details of the fraternity work were required to be handled in a strictly business manner. The establishment of alumni chapters was encouraged by new legislation. Honorary membership was prevented. There was provided a somewhat greater degree of pliability in placing before the Fraternity essential meas- ures through the Grand Triumvirs, and the Grand Council, to the active chapters and alumni of the Fraternity. The Quarterly and Bulletin were both retained as our official publications and the scope of their usefulness enlarged. In the financial department the legislation of preceding Grand Chapters was systematized, rather than any radical changes made. The Railway Sinking Fund, now a most popular measure, was re- tained. The Chapter House Sinking Fund, second in popularity to no legislation in the Fraternity's history, was likewise retained and provisions for enlarged leceipts established. The name of the fund, however, was changed to the more appropriate one of the Endowment Fund. Apart from the financial phases of the new constitution the Grand Chapter, through a qualified committee, made a special study of the proposition for a regular system of alumni dues. During the preceding year the Grand Quaestor had actively agitated such a proposition. As a test of its possibility and popularity he had sub- mitted to fifty specially selected alumni of the Fraternity a propo- sition that the alumni should voluntarily start such a system by con- tributing a preliminary fund of $12,500. This letter, together with favorable responses from practically every alumnus addressed, was before the Grand Chapter as a part of the Grand Quaestor's report. It was felt that if this plan of a voluntary enlargement of the Fraternity's Endowment Fund could be carried to a suc- cessful issue, the time would certainly be ripe for legislation pro- viding a permanent system of alumni dues. This Grand Chapter therefore resolved "that the time is ripe for the adoption of a system of alumni dues, and recommends that the matter be referred to the Grand Triumvirs with instructions to formulate such a system." A change in the general theory of the new constitution as to the A HISTORICAL SKETCH 19 administration of the fraternity government, on the whole, should be noted before we enter upon the succeeding biennial period. This change involved the idea that the Grand Consul should, actually, be the official head of the Fraternity. Under the constitution of 188-^, and the practice thereunder, such an appellation would apply more pertinently to the Grand Tribune. The History of 1890 says, in fact, of the Grand Tribune, "he is the chief executive officer, under the control of the Grand Council, of which he is not a member. Upon him the general administrative responsibility falls and the duty of executive leadership," This historical change in the facts of the case doubtless occurred when Walter L. Fisher, after ten years in the offices of Grand Tribune and Grand Ou?estor, was placed at the head of the Fraternity, both as Grand Consul and as chairman of the Grand Triumvirs in 1890. Grand Consul Fisher carried with him into his high office all the powers of leadership and direction which had characterized his historical incumbency of the Grand Tribune- ship. Mr. Fisher's successors, Reginald Fendall and Ben P. Runkle, men of great executive ability and experience, were especially quali- fied to take up the duties of the Grand Consulship under the new adjustment of things and, during the two years preceding the Nash- ville convention, under the aggressive personal administration of General Runkle, the Fraternity had come to feel that the new method was an improvement and a more logical order of procedure. The new constitution says, specifically, that ''the Grand Consul shall be the official head of the Fraternity." It prescribes large and impor- tant duties for him. It lodges a definite veto power in him. And it provides that, at the end of his administration, the reports of all subordinate grand officers shall be made to him direct, instead of to the Grand Chapter, and that he shall make the report, from all these, of the general condition and welfare of the Fraternity, to the Grand Chapter. All these provisions are new in the constitution of 1897 and verify the conclusions of this paragraph. The election of Grand Officers for the ensuing two years re- sulted in the choice of the following Grand Council : Grand Consul, Dr. William L. Dudley, Zeta Psi, '81 ; Grand Tribune, Charles Ailing,, Chi, '85, Theta Theta, '88; Grand Quaestor, Joseph C. Nate, Alpha . Iota. '90 ; Grand Editor, Newman Miller, Alpha Pi, '93 ; Grand An- notator, Herbert C. Arms, Kappa Kappa, '95; Grand Historian^ 20 THE SIGMA CHI FRATERNITY Frank Crozier, Chi, '92, and Theta Theta, '94 ; Grand Praetors : First Province, Thomas R. Field, Omicron, '93 ; Second Province, E. Lee Trinkle, Sigma Sigma, '96, Psi, '98 ; Third Province, Louis A, Ireton, Gamma, '93 ; Fourth Province, Joseph R. Voris, Chi, '87 ; Fifth Prov- ince, Louis W. Myers, Alpha Lambda, '94; Sixth Province, Justin D. Bowersock, Alpha Xi, '94; Seventh Province, Douglas Forsyth, Alpha Omicron, '94; Eighth Province, George Sinsabaugh, Alpha Upsilon, '89; Ninth Province, Frank L. Pierce, Alpha Theta, '89. Louis W. Myers being unable to serv^e was quickly succeeded by Robert C. Spencer, Jr., Alpha Lambda, '86. The new administration opened most auspiciously. There was a general feeling that Sigma Chi had attained to most prosperous and successful lines of national Hfe. The election of Dr. Dudley to the Grand Consulship for the first time placed in that ofifice a resident of the South, and as the next two years showed, was productive of a renewed enthusiasm among all our southern chapters. Dr. Dudley was fortunate in retaining Charles Ailing as his chief adjutant in the work at Chicago, in the Grand Tribuneship. His ten years' incumbency of that ofifice had made Brother Ailing an expert in al- most every line of fraternity endeavor. The triumvirate also consisted of experienced men, and a fair trial of the workings of the new constitution was assured by the personnel of the entire Grand Council. The song book committee located in Chicago now pushed its work rapidly to completion and final publication, and within a year a beautiful and creditable song book was added to the publications of the Fraternity. Its editor, Herbert C. Arms, Kappa Kappa. '95. and Charles B. Burdick, Kappa Kappa, '95, his associate, received the praises of the entire Fraternity. As a result of their unselfish and competent labors, all the chapter halls of Sigma Chi now ring with new and old Sigma Chi music. It was a part of the plan of the consi;itution of 1897 that there should be an incorporation of the Fraternity for the proper preserva- tion and use of the Endowment Fund. A close study of the matter from the legal standpoint led to the conclusion that the incorporation of simply the Grand Council, for the purposes in view, would best answer the requirements of the case. Accordingly, the necessary changes in the recently adopted constitution, were made by a vote of the Grand Council and chapters, under the new plan of amend- A HISTORICAL SKETCH 21 meats between sessions of the Grand Chapter. The Grand Council was incorporated under the laws of the State of Illinois with the legal title ''Grand Council of the Sigma Chi Fraternity." This cor- poration has for its particular purpose the safe handling and admin- istration of our Endowment Fund. No time was lost in the move- ment to enlarge the Endow^ment Fund through alumni contributions. The plan of the Grand Qu?estor was pushed in every possible way. His proposition was, briefly, that five hundred alumni should con- tribute to this fund the sum of $25 each in five annual payments of five dollars. This would create a total endowment from this source alone of $12,500. It would also accustom the Fraternity to, and edu- cate it in, the idea of a fixed system of alumni dues to be provided by legislation. The idea gained favor rapidly in the Fraternity and loyal alumni were soon at work upon it all over the country. During the final year of this administration, the plan became a success, to the gratification of our own membership and to the apparent surprise of all rivals, many of whom had watched the undertaking with great interest. Grand Consul Dudley kept in active touch with every fraternity enterprise and greatly endeared himself to his fellow grand officers and to the Fraternity at large. Like his predecessor, he was an extensive traveler within the fraternity territory, visiting many points on social and other occasions. This was the more appre- ciated by the Fraternity, because of the knowai great responsibility of his work as dean of the medical department of Vanderbilt Uni- versity, and the other demands upon his time and thought. One of the Grand Consul's earliest efforts was to secure from the Fra- ternity a charter for an enthusiastic alumni chapter at Nashville, Tennessee, his home city. The first Province Convention held was that of the Fourth Province at Hanover, Indiana, in May, 1898, in which the Grand Council was represented by the Grand Praetor and Grand Tribune. The Second Province met at Lexington, Virginia, and the Third Province at Columbus, Ohio, during the same month, tiie respective Grand Praetors being in attendance. The Sixth Province held an enthusiastic convention at Omaha, Nebraska, in September, 1898, at which the Grand Council was represented by the Grand Quaestor and tlie Grand Praetor. 23 THE SIGMA CHI FRATERNITY The conservatism of the Fraternity in the granting of charters had come to be generally understood. Under the provisions of the constitution only favorable propositions could reach the stage of a vote of the Fraternity. Under these conditions no new active chapter was acquired, but a proposition for the revival of the Beta Chapter succeeded shortly before the Grand Chapter of 1899, while one to revive the Phi Chapter went over to the consideration of that Grand Chapter. During the fall of 1898 and the winter of 1899 the Grand Quaestor visited chapters and cities in all parts of the country to assist in the success of the proposition of a volun- tary alumni contribution of $12,500 to the Endowment Fund, and, largely as a result of these trips, the success of that proposition, as already related, was assured. On January i, 1899, the Grand Tri- umvirs authorized the publication of all of their minutes regularly thereafter in the Sigma Chi Bulletin, thus bringing the results of their extensive labors before every chapter in the Fraternity. This practice has impressed the Fraternity, as nothing else could, with the importance of their work. Consulting, as they do, at least every two weeks with the Grand Tribune, and, as a sort of an executive committee of the Grand Council, considering communications from every source, including the Grand Consul, the active chapters, and individual alumni, they are in a large sense the real board of man- agers of the Fraternity. Their decisions, except strictly judicial ones, are subject to ratification by the Grand Council, and pre- liminary in nature. Nevertheless they are of vast importance, be- cause it is reasonable to expect that such decisions will in most cases be approved, and because they inaugurate so much in the way of definite movements. By the publication of their minutes also, the entire Fraternity is kept fully informed on every point of progress. The Endowment Fund increasing from its constitutional sources, was ready by January i, 1899, to allot a loan of $2,000. This sum was awarded to the Theta Theta Chapter, University of Michigan, and with it that chapter was enabled to consummate its long cher- ished plans for the ownership of a chapter house. The success of the Endowment Fund, more than any other one thing, had now awak- ened the entire Fraternity to the importance of the chapter house question, and building propositions were inaugurated by many chap- ters. Interest, however, still centered in the important effort of A HISTORICAL SKETCH 23 Alpha Phi at Cornell University, which became the next great house- owning success of the Fraternity. As the Grand Chapter approached, the Residence Directory which had been definitely planned by the Nashville convention, became a matter of serious consideration and was one of the most important topics before the Grand Chapter when it convened. The Twenty-fourth Grand Chapter was held in Philadelphia, Pennsyl- vania, September 12, 13, 14, 15, 1899. Like all conventions of recent years, it was largely attended, the total registration being 129. Forty-six chapters were represented, including Beta, the fifty-first active chapter of the Fraternity, which had been re-established and installed just in time to have its delegate present. Four alumni chapters, of the eleven, also were represented by delegates. At this time there were twenty chapters living in owned or rented houses. The convention organized as follows : Consul, Dr. William L. Dudley, Zeta Psi, '81; Pro-consul, John B. McPherson, Theta, '83; Annotator, George L. ]\Iegargee, Kappa, '97 and Phi Phi, '01 ; As- sistant Annotators, William H. P. Conklin, Alpha Phi, '94 and Nu Nu, '95, George G. Westfeldt, Alpha Omicron, '01 ; Quaestor, James P. Bicket, Alpha Iota, '97 ; Gustos, W. P. Fitzgerald, Alpha Epsilon, '00; Magister, Joseph C. Nate, Alpha Iota, '90. Under the present constitution only the first four of these officials are required for the Grand Chapter the others being within its option to elect. The business for the deliberations of the Grand Chapter was again in most excellent shape for consideration. The special Grand Chapter Bulletin for official reports had become a fixture, and the issue for this Grand Chapter was one of forty-four pages, the largest Bulletin ever issued by the Fraternity. It contained Grand Consul Dudley's report to the Grand Chapter for the whole Fraternity, to- gether with the reports in full of all minor officials to the Grand Consul. The two preceding years were regarded as years of great prosperity, and the business transacted was largely in the nature of promoting the various matters which had arisen for consideration under the new constitution, (i) The date of issue of the Quarterly was changed so that it would thereafter appear one month later than had been the custom during the past decade. (2) Legislation was enacted tending to make alumni extension more easily possible and to encourage the formation of alumni chapters. (3) The nature 24 THE SIGMA CHI FRATERNITY of the proposed Residence Directory was determined, and the Fra- ternity management directed to produce the same at the earliest possible date. (4) Another $2,000 being assured for early distri- bution from the Endowment Fund, the Grand Chapter recom- mended to the Grand Council the claims to such amount of the Alpha Phi Chapter at Cornell University. (5) The most important financial legislation was the adoption by an enthusiastic and unani- mous vote by the Grand Chapter, of a system of alumni dues. The plan adopted provides for two notes of five dollars each, to be signed by graduates of active chapters, payable, respectively, one each year for two years after graduation. One-half of the income of these notes goes directly into the Endowment Fund and the other half is dis- tributed by statute as the needs of the Fraternity seem to require. (6) The subject of Provincial Conventions and their necessity was carefully considered. The visitation of such conventions and of active chapters by Grand Officers, was regarded as essential. To this end the entire income of the Endowment Fund (subject to distribu- tion by statute) was allotted to these purposes, as was also the income from all Quarterly advertising of railway lines. The Twenty-fourth Grand Chapter elected the following Grand Council for the ensuing two years : Grand Consul, Joseph C. Nate, Alpha Iota, '90; Grand Tribune, Charles Ailing, Chi, '85, and Theta Theta, '88; Grand Quaestor, James P. Bicket, Alpha Iota, '97; Grand Annotator, Herbert C. Arms, Kappa Kappa, '95 ; Grand Editor and Grand Historian, Newman Miller, Alpha Pi, '93 ; Grand Praetors, First Province, V. S. Anderson, Kappa, '95 ; Second Province, E. Lee Trinkle, Sigma Sigma, '96 and Psi, '98; Third Prov- ince, Clifford A. Wiltsee, Mu, '97 ; Fourth Province, William R. Cof- froth, Xi, '87; Fifth Province, Edward M. Dexter, Alpha Lambda, '92 ; Sixth Province, Arthur A. Bischof, Alpha Epsilon. '98; Seventh Province, Landrum P. Leavell, Eta, '99; Eighth Prov- ince, A. H. Jarman, Alpha Om.ega, '97; Ninth Province, William FI. P. Conklin, Alpha Phi, '94, Nu Nu, '95. An early resignation was re- ceived from V. S. Anderson of the First Province, whose place was filled by the election of Merkel Landis, Omicron, '96. The Fraternity entered auspiciously into the forty-fifth year of its history. The organization at Chicago, with Grand Tribune Ailing at the head, began the work with an activity unexcelled even by the A HISTORICAL SKETCH 25 best previous records at headquarters. It early became apparent, also, that the office of Grand Praetor was to be magnified during this period, as never before. These officials almost at once began plans to visit all their chapters, to hold Provincial Conventions, and to carry out all the ideals of the office as it had been provided in the constitution of 1897. The Grand Consul brought to bear an experi- ence of ten years' membership in the Grand Triumvirs, during many of which he had served as chairman of that body. His close personal touch with Sigma Chis throughout the United States had taught the alumni and active members the unselfish, persistent, and immensely successful character of the Grand Consul's great work for the Frater- nity. They rallied to him from every quarter, glad of another oppor- tunity to uphold the hands of an officer who had assumed an ex- chequer burdened with debt, and left it building magnificent chapter houses at the best colleges in the land. No man ever assumed our highest office more bedecked with the chaplet of gratitude and praise. He has maintained practically a continuous correspondence with the Grand Triumvirs, and has attended meetings of those officers upon all possible occasions. By several important trips to Provincial Con- ventions, alumni gatherings, and the visitation of remote chapters, he has continued the example of former Grand Consuls Runkle and Dudley in that respect. Following the desire of the recent Grand Chapter, the organiza- tion of alumni chapters has become a special object of the Grand Council. Such chapters have been established at Peoria, Illinois ; Col- lumbus, Ohio; Boston, Massachusetts, and St. Paul-Minneapolis, Minnesota, while the chapter at Washington, District of Columbia, has been revived. No petitions for active chapters have been granted, while the Alpha Tau has become inactive. Successful Provincial Conventions have been held as follows : of the Fourth Province, at Indianapolis, in February, 1900; of the Ninth Province, at Boston, Massachusetts, in March, 1900; of the Third Province, at Columbus, Ohio, in May, 1900; of the Fifth Province, at Chicago, Illinois, in October, 1900. In the first of these the Grand Council was repre- sented by the Grand Tribune ; in the second, by the Grand Praetor ; the Ohio Convention was attended by the Grand Consul and the Grand Praetor; while that at Chicago benefited by the presence of all the Grand Officers resident in that city. 26 THE SIGMA CHI FRATERNITY An endowment loan of $2,000, recommended by the Grand Chapter and now formally alloted to the Alpha Phi at Cornell Univer- sity enabled that chapter to complete itsjiiagnificent chapter house and to dedicate the structure on December 15, 1900. The formal dedication was in charge of the Grand Consul of the Fraternity, Grand Praetors Conklin and Dexter being present, together w'ith many eastern alumni of the Fraternity. This property which, up to date, is the most magnificent acquisition of any chapter of Sigma Chi in this line, has added a new enthusiasm for the Fraternity's En- dowment Fund. Like the house at Michigan, however, it represents not only an element of endowment aid, but a success in a very large measure due to the unselfish loyalty and unsparing labor of a number of its own alumni and active members. July 13, 1900, marked an event in the history of the Fraternity unforeseen by the Philadelphia Grand Chapter. On that date Grand Tribune Ailing, Grand Quaestor Bicket and Grand Historian Miller resigned the offices named. This action in each case was necessitated by enlarged business activities, and they gave up the national work of the Fraternity with as deep a sense of regret as that with which their brother officers spared them. Charles Ailing was the Fraternity's oldest officer in point of continuous service, while James P. Bicket had made a fine beginning as Grand Ou?estor. So many changes at once became a severe test of the Fraternity's plan of government. There was, therefore, a sense of relief and renewed pride in our sys- tem when the vacancies were speedily and suitably filled. Grand Tribune Ailing was succeeded by Herbert C. Arms, Kappa Kappa, '95, thus advanced from the office of Grand Annotator. His position as Grand Annotator was filled by the election of Clarence W. Whit- ney, Theta Theta, '99. Ralph F. Potter, Alpha Iota, '90, was elected to succeed Brother Bicket as Grand Quaestor, while Ray G. Mac- Donald, Alpha Pi, '93, Theta Theta, '96, became Grand Historian under a new arrangement whereby he undertook to push the Resi- dence Directory to completion at the earliest practicable date. The loss to the Fraternity, in his official capacity, of Charles Ailing was inestimable. In his long career in the important office of Grand Tribune he had not only endeared himself personally to his fellow officers and to the membership of the Fraternity everywhere, but he had become possessed of an unfailing and remarkably ac- A HISTORICAL SKETCH 27 curate knowledge of Sigma Chi affairs. He was an authority upon every phase of our Hfe and progress and, as an official, was charac- terized by great soundness of judgment, combined with great skill and accuracy. Many of the achievements of his official career can be characterized by no less word than that not uncommonly applied to them, "brilliant." Sigma Chi has produced no more loyal and de- voted son. Grand Consul Runkle in making his official report to the Twenty-third Grand Chapter well said: "Hereafter, and long after, all of us have ceased to take any active interest in the workings of the brotherhood, the records will show the good work of Charles Ailing, and the brothers, while life lasts, will hold in kindly remembrance his genial manners and spirit of good fellowship." The history of this period is not complete without reference to the most excellent growth and improvement of the Sigma Chi Quar- terly. Already a great credit to Sigma Chi in 1890, it has been suc- cessively improved by every editor. To-day under the direction of Grand Editor Newman Miller it does great honor to the Fraternity. In appearance, in number and variety of illustrative and literary fea- tures, and in the excellence of its chapter correspondence it is second to no Greek-letter periodical. The Fraternity approaches its Twenty-fifth Grand Chapter with the publication of this volume as the item occupying its chief at- tention. It is believed that its completion, like the great work of 1890, will fill a large need in all our working departments. It will also be another triumph of perseverance and large ambitions on the part of the Fraternity's officials. The Fraternity completes this work as it nears the end of its first half century of existence. Its present condition may be characterized as one of great activity in every de- partment of its life and work. The entire membership is conscious, as never before, that this Fraternity is national, not sectional, in char- acter. The first half century, with its marvelous growth from seven founders to seven thousand members, from one chapter to seventy chapters, from a little group of noble fellows at Miami University to a vigorous national organization, is indeed prophetic of what the com- ing half centurv of its life shall be. CHAPTER ROLLS MIAMI UNIVERSITY OXFORD, OHIO Founded in 1809 College Organized in 1824 First Class Graduated in 1826 A State Institution Trustees Appointed by the Governor DEPARTMENTS COLLEGIATE STATISTICS Value of buildings and grounds ----- $135,000.00 Value of equipment and apparatus . - - - 7,000.00 Value of productive funds . . . . . 100,000.00 Income from all sources for 1899-1900 . - - - 34,000.00 Tuition in college department , . . . Free Number of volumes in library - . . - . 14,000 Number of professors and instructors ... 16 Number of students in attendance . . - - 144 Women are admitted and constitute 18 per cent, of the attendance. ALPHA CHAPTER The parent chapter of the Fraternity. Founded June 28, 1855, by Thomas Cowan Bell, James Parks Caldwell, Daniel William Cooper, Isaac M. Jordan, William Lewis Lockwood, Ben Piatt Runkle and Franklin Howard Scobey. It became inac- tive in 1858 and was revived September 3, 1892. OTHER FRATERNITIES Alpha Delta Phi (inactive), 1835-73; Beta Theta Pi, 1839; Phi Delta Theta, 1848; Delta Kappa Epsilon, 1852; Delta Upsilon (inactive), 1868-73. 31 ALPHA CHAPTER MIAMI UNIVERSITY Thomas Cowan Bell A.B., A.M.. 1862 James Parks Caldwell A.B., A.M. Daniel William Cooper A.B. *Cyrus Ewing Dickey *Isaac M. Jordan A.B., A.M. Ben Piatt Runkle A.B., A.M. Class of 1857 Teacher Attorney at Law Clergyman Selhvood, Ore. Mississippi City, Miss. McComb, O. Memphis, Tenn. Cincinnati, O. Soldier Killed in battle in 1863 Attorney at Law Died December 12, 1900 Officer U. S. Army and Author Orono, Me. Delegate to First Grand Chapter Commandant, Univ. of Maine Grand Consul 1897-1809 *Samuel H. Clark *William Lewis Lockwood A.B., A.M. A. J. McFarland D.D., 1894 Garnett Adrien Pollock A.B., A.M. D.D., 1897 *Franklin Howard Scobey A.B.. A.M. Class of 1858 Student Died in 1857 Manufacturer Died August 17, 1865 Clergyman Clergyman Farmer Died July 22, 1888 Hamilton, O. Usquepaugh, R. L Beaver Falls, Pa. Elgin, 111. 320 Billings St. Woods Station, O. *James Harmon Dills A.B. LL.B.. Cincinnati Law School, i860 *Henry Newton Ankeny A.B.. A.M. James Renweck Johnston John Warrell Morris A.B., A.M. Archibald Argyle Carnahan Milton Vernon Class of 1859 Merchant Died in September, 1881 Class of i860 Teacher Died December 8, i860 Farmer Attorney at Law Class of 1861 Attorney at Law Delegate to First Grand Chapter Farmer New York, N. Y. Panola, Miss. New Alexandria, Pa. Troy, O. Concordia, Kas. Los Angeles, Cal. Edward Philip Robinson A.B. Will Lough Stubbs A.B. Class of 1893 Teacher U. S. Ganger 32 tPiqua, O. Carthage, O. MIAMI UxNIVERSITY 33 Court Rankin Class of 1894 Attorney at Law Murphysboro, Tenn. Charles Newton Beal A.B. James Edwin McSurely William Henry Nutt A.B. Charles Clinton Adams Harry Anthony Fenton A.B. LL.B., Univ: of Michigan, 1S99 Charles Altman Hunt Edward Ernest McMillan A.B. William Carlos Stevenson Class of 189s Physician Attorney at Law Electrician Class of 1896 Dayton, O. National Soldiers' Home Indianapolis, Ind. 316 Ind. Trust Bldg. tMiddletown, N. Y. Manufacturer Dwight, 111. Attorney at Law Indianapolis, Ind. Delegate to twenty-second Grand 19 & 20 Fitzgerald Bldg. Chapter, Secy. American Tribune New Colony Co., Secy. Southwestern Colony Co. Teacher Mt. Healthy, O. Teacher Morning Sun, O. Corporation Promoter Albuquerque, N, M. William Mann Fowler A.B. Bertram Leigh Hitch B.S. Cincinnati Univ., 1897 LL.B. Cincinnati Law Sell., 18 Sidney Smith McClintock A.B. Earl Harris Watt A.B. Howard A. Wilson Class of 1897 Manufacturer Supt. Candy Factory Attorney at Law Merchant Prospector Undertaker fMarion, Ind. Cincinnati, O. S.W. Cor. 3d & Walnut Sts. Spokane, Wash. 2103 4th Ave. Nome, Alaska Middletown, O. Class of iJ John Brant De Jarnette John Dempsey Garrett A.B. Alvin Kemper Stabler Stanley Miller Beck John Edward Egan LL.B., Univ. of Michigan, 1S99 Juson Teeter A.B. Merchant Student In Physicians & Surgeons' College, Chicago, 111. Clergyman Williamstown, Kv. Bell, O. Class of 1899 Student In Ohio Medical College Attorney at Law Student In Ohio Medical College West Carrol Iton, O. 55 Main St. tDayton, O. Dayton, O. Pleasant Hill, O. Granville Barrere Charles Flint Kline Leo Carlton Maxwell A.B. Lerov Edward Murphy A.'B. Class of 1900 Student Hillsboro, O. In Ohio State University Student Portsmouth, O. At Bellevue Hospital, New York Clerk Liberty, Ind. Delegate to 24th Grand Chapter Merchant Liberty, Ind. 34 ALPHA CHAPTER Arthur Caldwell Mortland Ph.G. Chicago College of Pharmacy, 1899 Ph.G. Ohio Normal Univ. Grafton Worlev Sullenburger Student A.B. ' ■ " Rollo Ray Whitmer Guy Struble Dennison Harry Gilliland Frost Paul Thackwell William Emerson Witter Claude Dewitt Wilson Roy Irving Drew- Albert Mays Dodds Arthur Clark Hayner George Mundy Hayner Lewis Lee Hayner John Hasting Howard John Emanuel Lang William Henry Lightstone Earl Leroy Reeder Lewis Wilson Tompson Leigh Cilley Turner Esteb Cecil Yingling Claton Hedges Turner Charles Dean Wilson Druggist Edgerton, 0. cy, 1899 Student Oxford, 0. At Northwestern University Merchant Pleasant Hill, 0. Class of 1901 Student Reiley, O. Student Oxford, 0. Salesman Chicago, 111. 2737 N. 45th Ave. Student College Corner, Student Hamilton, 0. 226 N. 2d St. Class of 1902 Student Portsmouth, 0. Student Dayton, 0. 114 W. 5th St. Dayton, 0. 44 Stratford Ave. Bookkeeper Dayton, 0. 44 Stratford Ave. Bookkeeper Dayton, 0. 44 Stratford Ave. Soldier Dayton, 0. Student Dayton, 0. 26 Ferine St. Student Anaconda, Mont. 608 Maple St. Student Dayton, 0. 636 Taylor St. Bookkeeper Dayton, 0. 44 Stratford Ave. Student Oxford, 0. Student Celina, 0. At Ohio Stat e University Class of 1904 Student Oxford, 0. Student Greenfield, 0. OHIO WESLEYAN UNIVERSITY DELAWARE, OHIO Founded in 1844 First Class Graduated in 1846 A Denominational Institution (Methodist) DEPARTMENTS college of liberal arts school of oratory academic department school of business cleveland college of art department physicians AND SURGEONS SCHOOL OF MUSIC STATISTICS Value of buildings and grounds . - - . § 760,000.00 Value of equipment and apparatus - . . . 65,000,00 Amount of endowment --.... 1,285,000.00 Value of productive funds . - . . . 760,000.00 Income from all sources for iSgg-igoo - . . . 57,000.00 Tuition in college department, including incidental fees - - 48,00 Number of volumes in library ..... 35,000 Number of professors and instructors - . - - . 60 Number of students in attendance ----- 1,360 Number of students in College of Liberal Arts - . . 507 Academic Department and School of Business - - - 434 Music and Art Departments - - - - - -318 Medical Department ..---. 76 Women are admitted and constitute about 44 per cent, of the attendance, GAMMA CHAPTER Founded December 24, 1855 OTHER FRATERNITIES Beta Theta Pi, 1853; Phi Delta Theta, i860; Phi Kappa Psi, 1861; Delta Tau Delta, 1866; Phi Gamma Delta, 1869; Chi Phi (inactive), 1873-95; Alpha Tau Omega, 1887; Sigma Alpha Epsilon, 1889; Kappa Kappa Gamma (inactive), 1870-84; Kappa Alpha Theta (inactive), l88i-8i. 35 GAMMA CHAPTER OHIO WESLEYAN UNIVERSITY Charles Reynolds Pastor Trinity M. E. Church ♦Benjamin Franklin Barger A.B., A.M. LL.B., Harvard University ♦Marshall Blair Clason A.B., A.M. LaFayette Funk James C. McKell George Ott Newman A.B., A.M. *John Parrott A.B., A.M. ♦William Parrott B.S. Madison W. St. Clair ♦Thomas Brown Stevenson ♦Benjamin B. Walker Tames Watson A.B., A.M. Wilson Cooper Lemert John McCauley A.B., A.M. Henry Scholl Markey A.B. ♦William H. Taylor M.D., Jetferson Medical Coll. Ebenezer Mixer Williams A.B., A.M. ♦Irving Halsey Henry Eugene Parrott A.B., A.M. ■ Class of 1857 Clergyman Class of 1858 Merchant Died June, 1893 Soldier Died June 27, 1864 Farmer Delegate to ist Grand Chapter Merchant Attorney at Law Prosecuting .'\ttorney of Scioto Co., Ohio Soldier Died October 11, 1864 Soldier Died August 2g, 1865 Banker Director Citizens National Bank Manufacturer Died April, 1871 Freight Agent Died September 27, 1878 Attorney at Law Class of 1859 Farmer Attorney at Law Cashier Physician Albany, N. Y. 9 Pearl St. Dayton, O. Delaware, O. Shirley, 111. Burlington, la. Portsmouth, O. 32 W. 2d St. Columbus, O. Dayton, O. Kansas City, Mo. Dayton, O. Columbus, O. Columbus, O. Bucyrus, O. Tiffin, O. 145 N. Washington St. San Francisco, Cal. 2851 Fillmore Augusta, Ky. Killed during John Morgan's Raid on_Augusta,_i862 Attorney at Law Class of i860 Editor Died July 11, 1900 Farmer Frank Baker A.B. LL.B., Albany Law School John Wesley Cunningham A.B., A.M., LL.B., Ohio Wes- leyan Univ. ♦Alonzo Warren Heetor James Wirt Newman A.B., A.M. Class of 1861 Attorney at Law Judtre of Circuit Court of Cook County Publisher Student Died August 25, i860 Journalist "fCincinnati, O. Mt. Sterling, Ky. Dayton, O. Chicago, 111. 3543 Lake Ave. St. Paul, Minn, 16 W. 4th St. Scottsville, Ky. Portsmouth, O. 36 OHIO WESLEYAN UNIVERSITY Class of 1862 37 James Gilruth Bull Newton 0£futt Attorney at Law Farmer John James Piatt U. S. Consul, Masonic Univ., La Grange, Ky. Joseph A. O. Yeoman Attorney at Law Creston, la. Chillicothe, O. 53 W. Main St. Queenstown, Ireland. Fort Dodge, la. Henry G. Beatty Charles William Diehl A. 15. LL.B., Univ. of Mich. Charles Evans A.B. A.M., LL.B.. Univ. of *Francis Julius Fitzwilliam *Charles H. Gray George M. Klein *Manassa M. Lawson Archibald Lybrand, Jr. Thomas E. Powell A.B., A.M. *Alonzo L. Trader *Charles W. Trimble *Otway Watson James F. Williams Marcus T. C. Williams Mich. Class of 1863 Merchant Financier Attorney at Law 1. Merchant Died in 1S99 Soldier Died October, 1862 Merchant Date of death unknown Manufacturer Member Congress Attorney at Law Died iS73 Soldier Killed at Second Battle of Bull Manufacturer Died February 17, 1875 Bookkeeper Attorney at Law Burlington, Kan. Cleveland, O. Cincinnati, O. 514 Main St. Chicago, 111. Lena, O. tSan Francisco, Cal. Tuscola, 111. Delaware, O. Columbus, O. 518 E. Broad St. Xenia, O. Hillsboro, O. Run. August 30, 1862 Columbus, O. Cincinnati, O. 9 Sycamore St. fKansas City, Mo. *John Finley Brotherton A.B. , A.M. George Maley Eichelberger A.B.. A.M. Robert Guy Lybrand Robert Stewart Page A.B., A.M. Frank Hall Southard A.B., A.M. *Charles Walter Brooks Webster Charles C. Wiles Class of 1864 Attorney at. Law- Died October 24. 1S98 Attorney at Law Manufacturer Teacher Lima, O. Urbana, O. Delaware, O. tironton, O. Attorney at Law Zanesville, O. Trustee State Hosi)ital for Insane 47 N. 4th St. Student New Lexington, O. Died April 3, 1S6S Agent Columbus, O. With Columbia Hosiery Company 101 N. High St. George Phelps Holman A.B.. A.M.. 1S6S. B.L.,Univ. of Albanv. 1866 Preston C. Houston B.S. Charles Phellis, Jr. *John M. Ross M.D. *Richard Calvin Saffell Class of 1865 Mining President Swansea Mining Co. Manufacturer Stock Dealer and Farmer Physicion Died September 12, 1867 Attorney at Law Died January 24, 1876 Salt Lake City, Utah 1 15 Brigham St. tDavenport, la. Rosedale, O. Cincinnati, O. New Lexington, O. 38 GAMMA CHAPTER Charles Sutphin Henry Percy Ufford Byron Williams Thomas Bond Wilson A.B., A.M • *Hiram Roberts Andrews William Judkins Conklin A.B., A.M., M.D., Ohio Medical College Granville M. Flenner James Harper Godman Jonathan Manly Joseph Marcellus Manly A.B.. A.M. ♦William Creighton Watson Elias D. Whitlock A.B., A.M. D.D., 111. Weslevan Univ., 1886 *George H. Barnitz Morris Spencer Booth A.B., A.M. ♦George Ritchey Davis A.B., A.M. Fletcher Morris Doan A.B., A.M. LL.B., Albany Law School Otho Lee Hays ♦Robert F. Hurlbutt ♦Frederic Merrick Joy A.B., A.M. Samuel Goode McCullough A.B., A.M. Eugene Powell John Preston ♦Benjamin Franklin Sanborn A.B. ♦Addison Watson A.B. Cincinnati, O. Cor. 3d and Walnut Sts. tCasselton, N. Dak. Williamsburg, O. London, O. Manager Manager Masonic Bldg. Journalist Lecturer Farmer Class of 1866 Farmer Delaware, O. Delegate to 4th GrandChapter Date of death unknown Physician Dayton, O. Pres. Dayton Public Library and Museum Travelling Salesman Merchant Farmer Teacher Died in 1865 Clergyman Class of 1867 Manufacturer Date of death unknown Accountant Missionary Date of death unknown Journalist Editor National Review Banker President Galion Bank Journalist Died in 1S78 Attorney at Law Died March 17. 18.S3 Delegate to 6th Grand Chapter Journalist Printer Died February 5, 1879 Banker Died June 13, 1892 Peoria, 111. tColumbus, O. tCreston, O. fGallion, O. London, O. Bellefontaine, O. Middletown, O. Columbus, O. 108 N.Garfield Ave. Tien Tsin, China tSt. Louis, Mo. 1210 Olive St. Gallon, O. Delaware, O. Delaware, O. Columbus, O. Delaware, O. tHutsonville, 111. Delaware, O. Greensburg, Kas. Class of 1868 Manufacturer Pres. Standard Manufacturing Co. Theodore Widney Brotherton Attorney at Law A.B., A.M. John Franklin Curtice A.B., A.M. John Marshall Hamilton A.B., A.M. William Marvin Harford A.B., A.M. John A. Henry A.B., A.M. ♦Joseph Gray Huffman A.B., A.M. LL.B., Albany ;Law School Benjamin Franklin Martin Attorney at Law A.M., A.B. LL.B., Albany Law School George H. Williams Wapakoneta, O. Fort Wayne, Ind. Attorney at Law Publisher Attorney at Law Delegate to 12th Grand Chapter Attorney at Law Died in iSq6 Chicago, 111. Continental Bank Bldg, St. Louis, Mo. Chicago, 111. 608 Tacoma Bldg. New Lexington, O. Topeka, Kas. 409 \Y. 6th .Ave. ■fWheeling, W. Va. OHIO WESLEYAN UNIVERSITY 39 \Villiam Spencer Barkley Samuel O. Barnett Franklin Little Campbell Thomas Smith Hitt M. D., Starling Medical College Walter Benjamin Page A.B., A.M. Isaac V. Sutphin Peter Fletcher Swing A.B., A.M. Edson Burton Bauder A.B.. A.M., '75 LL.B. Univ. of Mich., 1S73 Isaac K. Davis A.B., A.M. DeWitt Clinton Jones James A. Morton A. Scudder Ogden John Frederick Parker A.B., A.M. Thomas Hugh Ricketts LL.B.. Univ. of New York David Kemper Watson -A.B., Dickinson College. LL.B., Boston Univ. *Johu Albert Wiltsee Class of 1869 Capitalist Merchant Merchant Physician Proprietor of Plainfield Keeley Institute Attorney at Law Merchant Manager Paper Warehouse Attorney at Law Indianapolis, Ind. 257 N. Meridian St. tChicago, 111. Delaware, O. Indianapolis, Ind. 606 N. Delaware St. Columbus, O. _ 935 E. Broad St. Cincinnati, O. Cincinnati, O. Class of 1870 Attorney at Law Professor Medical Jurisprudence, Cleveland College of Physi- cians and Surgeons Attorney at Law Attorney at Law Delegate to 7th Grand Chapter Banker Naval Officer Lieut. Commander U. S. Navy Attorney at Law Attorney at Law Undertaker Died Aug. i, 18 Cleveland, O. 249 Kennard St. tCleveland, O. Columbus, O. ■fValparaiso, Ind. Ft. Scott, Kas. Washington, D. C. Navy Dept. Columbus, O. Columbus, O. Cincinnati, O. Class of 1871 George Cooper Hitt Journalist A.B., .A.M. Business Manager Indianapolis Charles Edwin Jones Physician A.B., A.M.. M.D., Miami Medical College, '74, New York Univer- sity (Bellevue). '76 Wintworth Sholl Attorney at Law LL.B., Cincinnati Law School Algerus Cryder Watson Fire Insurance Broker A.B., A.M. Class of 1872 Manufacturer Manufacturer Pres. Foos Mfg. Co. Merchant Superintendent Sup't of the U. N. Roberts Co. Merchant Horatio Strong Bradley A.B., A.M. Robert Houston Foos A.B., AM. Charles Henry Isaac James Liggett Manker George W. Shaw Indianapolis, Ind. Journal Chicago, 111. 118 South Pine Ave. tCincinnatiO. London, O. Ashland, O. Springfield, O. tOmaha, Neb. Davenport, Iowa i9>6 Grand A\e. Ripley, O. William Harvey Anderson Jesse Redman Clark A.B., A.M. Henry Collings Class of 1873 Merchant Cincinnati, O. 223 Main St. Treasurer Cincinnati, O. Treas. Union Central Life Ins. Co. 617 Forest Ave. Attorney at Law Manchester, O. Judge Court of Common Pleas 40 GAMMA CHAPTER Charles Cassat Davis Attorney at Law A.B., A.M. LL.B. Columbia Law School Oscar Beasley Dunn Physician A.B., A.M., M.D., Miami Medical Coll. William F. Foos B.S. Benjamin F. Gosling A.B., A.M. * Thomas C. Gowdey Dwight Morris Lowrey A.B. LL.B., Univ. of Pa,, 1876 Charles Sellers *Harvey Wells Manufacturer Treas. Foos Mfg. Co. Attorney at Law Actor Died in .August, 1887 Attorney at Law Farmer Attorney at Law Date of death unknown Los Angeles, Cal. Ironton, O. Springfield, O. Ravenswood, W. Va. Batavia, O. Philadelphia, Pa. 907 Betz Bldg. Warrensburg, Mo. Wellstown, O. Percy Norton LL.B., Boston Law School, 1877 Jason W. Firestone B.S. William Edgar Hackedorn A.B., A.M. Henry C. Hume A.B., A.M. Talcott Beatty Alphonso D. Curtis Edwin Jerome Light B.S. Nelson C. Stone Class of 1874 Manufacturer Class of 187s Attorney at Law Attorney for Columbus Buggy Co Attorney at Law Attorney at Law Class of 1876 Merchant Postmaster of Rattlesnake, Ohio Accountant With American Tin Plate Co. Merchant Banker Cashier City National Bank Springfield, O. tColumbus, O. Indianapolis, Ind. Hamilton, O. Rattlesnake, O. New York, N. Y. Batterv Park Bldg. Washington C. H., O. Akron, O. John Beckett *George Washington Cline John W. Friend *James Copeland Godman Lineus Benton Kaufman A.B. A.M., Amherst Coll., 1878 Frank Asbury Kellv B.A., A.M., George Noble Kreider A.B., A.M., M.D.. Univ. of N. Y.. 1S80 Thomas Moore, Jr. David DeCamp Thompson Class of 1877 Merchant Died April 23, 1S81 Manufacturer Manufacturer Died September 21, 18S8 Merchant tChester, O. Wilkseville, O. Hartwell, O. Columbus, O. Columbus, O. New Lexington, O. Attorney at Law Deleg^ate to nth Grand Chapter Surgeon Springfield, 111. Medical Director Franklin Life 522 Capitol Ave, Insurance Co. Editor Illinois Medical Journal Pres. Illinois State Medical Society airgeon in Charge Wabash R'y Hospital Journalist Editor Daily News Journalist Editor Northwestern Christian Advocate Hamilton, O. Chicago, 111. 57 Washington St. Ira Manville Miller Charles Gridell Rowley Class of 1878 Manufacturer Manufacturer Treasurer Aspinwall Manufacturing Co. Akron, O. Jackson, Mich. OHIO WESLEYAN UNIVERSITY Class of 1879 41 Edward Lawrence Stewart B.S. John Araunah Clizbe Franclyn Nixon Coffin George Rufus Curtis *Clarence B. Fleming Edward B. Miller Henry Lamb Hyatt Jay J. Jennings LL.B . Univ. of Mich. Robert Anderson Miller William D. Mudge Theodore Royer, Jr. Ph.C, Univ. of Mich., 1882 H, Frank C. Rochester *Orlo Dudley Skinner A.B., Lafayette College Edmund Smith Robert Carter Thompson Attorney at Law Chicago, 111. Delegate to 12th Grand Chapter 426 Jackson Bd. Salesman Fremont, Neb. Class of 1880 Clerk Clerk in Recorder's Office Publisher Editor of Thresher World Mayor of City Merchant Died in November, 1899 Manufacturer Sup't Buckeye Works Merchant Class of 1881 Banker Postmaster Druggist Manufacturer A.. i5 tChicago, 111, Milan, O. Cincinnati, O. Walnut Hills Akron, O. Delaware, O. Columbus, O. Ponce, Porto Rico 37 Marina St. Weston, O. Piqua, O. Financier Athens, O Financial Officer Athens State Hospita Attorney at Law Delegate to 13th and i6th Grand Chapter Died December. 1S83 Attorney at Law Miner Sec. and Treas. Dahlonega Gold Mining Co Sec. and Treas. Standard Gold Mining Co Columbus, O. Cor. State & High Sts. Columbus, O. Rooms 15 and 16 Marzetti Bldg. Cor. Gay and High Sts. Dahlonega, Ga. Horace G. Bartlett Charles S. Hughes *John Edward Hume Guilford Lionel Marble Franklin Cyrus Piatt Frank Carey Smith Barnabas Burns B.A. Charles H. Cadwallader James Colson Hart Samuel Frybarger Hart Hugh Thompson Little Robert Livingstone McCabe A.B. W^ashington Irving McHenry Burton Osborn Squier B.S. Hamilton, O. Columbus, O. 31 North High St. Wichita, Kas. Van Wert, O. 706 S. Elm St. tGarden City, Kas. Peoria, 111. National Hotel Class of 1882 Clerk Accountant Attorney at Law Date of death unknown Attorney at Law Merchant Agent With the Aultman Co. Class of 1883 Merchant Mansfield, O. ■ Delegate to and elected Grand Tribune at 13th Grand Chapter Wholesale dealer in Lumber at St. All)ans. W. Va." Cashier Union City, Ind. Chief Clerk tChicago, 111. Freight Agent Dayton, O. Freight .\gent Pa. Lines 60 Hoffman Ave. Stock Broker tPl^il'idelphia, Pa. Attorney at Law Delaware, O. Merchant Journalist Bryan, O. tToledo, O. 43 GAMMA CHAPTER Elmer Ellsworth Gary M.D., Bellevue Hospital Medical College William Philip Barnes Clinton Ellsworth Hamer Harlan Thurston Kerr M.D., Cleveland Homoeopathic Hospital College, 1886 Alfred Floyd McCormick Class of 1884 Physician New York, N. Y. Clinic Professor of Diseases of the 171 W. 95th St. Nose and Throat Insurance tDelaware, O. Jeweler Morrow, O. Physician Peoria, 111. Delegate to 14th and iSth'Grand Chapters Attorney at Law Portsmouth, O. B.S. LL.B., Cincinnati Law School Delegate to 15th Grand Chapter Member of 74th General Assembly State of Ohio John William McCracken Merchant Holton, Kas. Roy Chase James Miller Manager Cincinnati, O. Manager Union News Co. Charles Oscar Adams John Bacon Houston Grant McNutt Albert Wheaton Mayers B.S., Bethany College. 1886 David Emmet Mooney Arthur Langele Sprague John Blain Taggart Samuel Eagland Wilkinson Class of 1885 Merchant Merchant Attorney at Law Attorney at Law Merchant Miller Civil Engineer Merchant tColumbus, O. Springfield, O. Bucyrus, O. Cleveland, O. 1024 Society for Savings Bldg. Columbus, O. Logan, O. Delaware, O. tKansas City, Mo. Class of 1886 Charles Wesley Goodlander, Jr. Undertaker Ft. Scott, Kas. Mayor of City Daniel Hillman Nashville, Tenn. Edwin Gordon Lybrand Manufacturer Delaware, O. Delaware Chair Co. Charles Shadrack Reed Attorney at Law Sandusky, O. Judge Court of Common Pleas David Roberts Allen Albert Sherman Davis William Simons Hartley Herbert Russel Hayes William Penquite Class of 1887 Druggist Attorney at Law Attorney at Law Accountant Physician tToledo, O. Dublin, O. Cincinnati, O. 19 & 21 Hammond Bldg. tGalion, O. La Monte, Mo. Clifford Gilbert Ballou B.S., M.A. Henry Cuppy Elliot Oscar Charles Ellis Horace Harpster Sears Class of 1888 Teacher Principal Toledo High School Salesman Merchant Banker Toledo, O. 2105 Warren St. tToledo, O. Higginsport, O. Fowler, O. James Charles Criswell B.S. Thomas Jefferson Hughes Perrv Smith Class of 1890 Banker County Examiner Attorney at Law Attornev at Law Mt. Gilead, O. Greenville, O. 124 W. Fourth St. Gratiot, O. OHIO WESLEYAN UNIVERSITY 43 Rush LaMotte Holland William Thomas McKelvey A.B., A.M. Charles Fletcher Scott Smith Buckingham Queal Lewis Baker Frazier Class of 1891 Attorney at Law Manager Manager C. U. Telephone Co. Journalist Newspaper Correspondent Attorney at Law Director of Noble County National Bank Member of Citv Council Colorado Springs, Col. Marion, O. 14 Bradford St. Evanston, 111. 1404 Judson Ave. Miamiville, O. Caldwell, O. Ross Beale LL.B., Univ. of Mich. William Grant Vorpe Louis Allen Ireton A.B., LL.B., Cincinnati Law School, 1895 Edward Boynton Cappeler Peter Adams Arthur L. Binkley A.B Charles Howard Clark James W^ Long Edward Thompson Powell A.B. LL.B., Ohio State Uni^ Lewis M. Reeves Brand Whitlock George A. Beckett George F. Mahaffey Paul O. Mitchell George W. Spencer Edward H. Allen A.B. LL.B., Ohio State Univ. William Fleet Baker A.B. Harry L. Bowers LL.B., New York Law School Samuel Dillon Clayton M.D., Pulte Medical College Harry James Crawford A.B., LL.B., Western Reserve Univ. Law^ School Carl D. Jones Thomas W. Oberlin Rufus Byron South A.B. Harrv A. Cosier B.'s. Edwin Lester Dornigan A.B. Class of 1893 Farmer Range, O. Township Clerk Editor Cleveland, O. Attorney at Law Cincinnati, O. Grand Praetor3d Province Station M. Riverside, Cal. Farmer Highland, O. Delegate to Nineteenth Grand Chapter Broker Farmer Physician Attorney at Law ersity Merchant Secretary Illinois Retail Hard- ware Dealers' Association New York, N. Y. Fifth Avenue Hotel Mt. Sterling, O. Bryan, O. Columbus, O. 518 E. Broad St. Peoria, 111. 505 Main St. fChicago, 111. Cambridge, O. Cambridge, O. Mansfield, O. Adelphi, O. Class of 1895 Manufacturer Class of 1896 Attorney at Law Alternate to 22d Grand Chapter Attorney at Law Attorney at Law Physician Lecturer in Phvsiological Chemistrv, Pulte Medical College Attorney at Law Cleveland, O. 233 Bank St. Piqua, O. Tiffin, O. 145 E. Market St. Mansfield, O. 3S_45 N. Park .\ve. Cincinnati, O. Attorney at Law Class of 1897 Student Merchant Assistant Secretary of The Central Oliio Paper Co. Delegate to Twenty-third Grand Chapter tMansfield, O. Greenville, O. Wapakoneta, O. Yellow Springs, O. Columbus, O, 260 Jefferson Ave. 44 GAMMA CHAPTER *John E. Ford A.B. Oscar O. Koeppel A.B. William F. Pattison A.B. Porter Bruce Brockway B.S. M.D. Rush Medical Coll. C. Edmund Neill A.B. Student Mansfield, O. Died August 12, 1900 Publisher New York, N. Y. Captain of Company K, 4th Ohio 93 Fifth Ave. Manager The Century Association Attorney at Law- Physician Member Medical Staff Toledo Hospital Impersonator Cincinnati, O. 126 E. Auburn Ave. Toledo, O. 341, i2th St. Delaware, O. George Brookfield James A. Chase Oliver P. Coe William Henry Cooper George Cary Crawford Boyd F. Gurley J. H, Montgomery C. V. Williamson J. C. Wilson William F. Armine Charles Lloyd Barney George E. Butler DeWitt Halstead Leas C. White Linebaugh Elmer Mark Sollers George E. Walk Class of il Banker Student Merchant Exporter and Importer of Horses Journalist Class of 1899 Teacher Assistant to Editor of Report of United States Commission to the Paris Exposition of 1900 Student Railroad Mail Clerk tBranch Hill, O. *Buckport, Me. Great Bend, O. tKnoxville, O. Newark, O. Columbus, O. The Lewellyn tDelaware, O. fKnoxville, O. Kings Mills, O. Wesley, 0. Des Moines, la. Effingham, 111. Delaware, O. 136 W. Winter St. Portland, Ore. 290 E. 9th S. Delaware, O. Soldier With U. S. Army in the Philippines Teacher Caton, O Burton De Witt Ernest L. Hoffmann Eugene Osbert Irish A.B., O.W.U. 1899; A.M.. Titus Lowe A.B. *Earl Rodney Smith John Wesley Thalman A.B. Joseph Luther Thalman A.B. William H. Thornhill Class of 1900 Musician Wholesale Saddlery Attorney at Law LL.B., O.S.U. 1902 Clergyman Date of death unknown Teacher Delaware, O- Des Moines, la. Hanging Rock, O. Braddock, Pa. Mansfield, O. Batavia, O. Batavia, O. Teacher Principal of Williamsburg High School Merchant Richwood, O James M. Bailey Walter Henkle John Marriot William Henry Rice Class of 1901 Clergyman Teacher Student Teacher IWilmington, O. Waynesville, O. Delaware, O. London, O. OHIO WESLEYAN UNIVERSITY 45 Class of 1902 Monford Elijah Danford Student Delaware, 0. 130 N. F"ranklin Mason W. Forbes Student Duluth, Minn. 6009 Raleijjli St. Harry C. Jacobus Journalist Delaware, 0. Leroy Pyke Kelly Student Kokomo, Ind. Alfred Cookman'McClung Journalist Mason, O. Fred Adams McAllister Student Delaware, 0. 841 N. Wasliington St Harry Ward Penn Merchant Bowerston, 0. Carl Stitzel Student Londonville, 0. Class of 1903 Oliver Perry Doty Student Gewais, O. J. Spencer Alartin Student Mt. Sterling, O. Ralph Leroy Oswalt Student Londonville, 0. Harry Raymond Priest Student Cleveland, 0. Fred Burdsall Smith Student Xenia, 0. Orrie Paul Sell Student Delaware, 0. 271 S. Sandusky St. Class of 1904 Bruce Armstrong Brandon Student Prairie Depot, 0. Thomas Taylor Crawford Student Alliance, 0. Alfred Spaulding Doty Student Gewais, 0. Paul Atherton Holland Student Mount Perry, 0. Frank Whitford Sapp Student Brockwayville, Pa. I THE UNIVERSITY OF MISSISSIPPI UNIVERSITY, MISSISSIPPI Founded in 1849 Chartered in 1844 First Class Graduated in 185 i A State Institution DEPARTMENTS academic, law, engineering STATISTICS Value of buildings and grounds .... $240,000.00 Value of equipment and apparatus . - - - 35,000.00 Amount of endowment ..... 700,000.00 Income from all sources for 1899-IQ00 .... 42,696.00 Tuition in college department .... Free Number of volumes in library . . - - - 17,000 Number of professors and instructors ... 23 Number of students in attendance .... 287 Number of students in Academic Department - - 229 Number of students in Law Department ... 58 Women are admitted, and constitute about 10 per cent, of the attendance. ETA CHAPTER Founded October 10, 1857 OTHER FRATERNITIES Delta Kappa Epsilon, 1851; Delta Psi, 1855; Phi Kappa Psi, 1857; Chi Psi (in- active), 1858-95; Phi Kappa Sigma (inactive), 1859-61; Sigma Alpha Epsilon, 1866; Phi Gamma Delta (inactive), 1868-79; Phi Delta Theta, 1877; Beta Theta Pi, 1879.; Kappa Alpha, 1883; Delta Tau Delta, 1886; Delta Gamma (inactive), 1872-89; Sigma Tau, 1896. 47 ETA CHAPTER UNIVERSITY OF MISSISSIPPI Alvarez Harison Gibson A.B. John Cheves Miller *Thomas Lowrie Boggan A.B. Joseph Williams Buchanan A.B. Meschack Franklin A.B *Samuel Rogers Franklin William Theodore McCann James Robert Mcintosh Calvin Richard Myers A.B. George W. Smith- Vaniz A.B. M.D., Univ. of La., 1867 *John Emerson Butler *William Thomas Driver A.B. *John Theodore Gregory *Kennon McElroy Baxter McFarland ♦Reuben Turner Pollard A.B. *Thomas Emmett Tucker ♦Alexander Gregg *John Moses Harley ♦Benjamin Flavins Hyatt Thomas Perry Lee ♦Patrick Steven Myers William Napoleon Potts ♦Evan Jeffries Shelby Samuel McElree Wilson Class of 1858 Bookkeeper Farmer Class of i860 Soldier Attorney at Law- Farmer Member Mississippi State Legislature Natchez, Miss. Una, Miss. Byhalia, Miss. Memphis, Tenn. 419 Vance St. Early Grove, Miss. Student Died January 10, i860 Attorney at Law General Counsel of Southern Division Postal Telegraph- cable Co. Planter Physician Class of 1861 Lamar, Miss. Brazil ■fRichmond, Va. 809 West Franklin St. Byhalia, Miss. Canton, Miss. Died, date unknown Soldier Died August 31, 1864 Student Died March 8, 1859 Soldier Died in 186,3 Attorney at Law Chancellor of ist Judicial District, Miss Teacher Died March 29, 1894 Soldier Died July 23, 1861 Linden, Miss. Memphis, Tenn. De Kalb, Miss. Marion, Miss. Aberdeen, Miss. Miss. Whitehaven, Tenn. Byhalia, Miss. Class of 1862 Soldier Died December 11, 1861 Teacher Date of death unknown Soldier Killed at Chickamauga Farmer Attorney at Law Died September 30, 1884 Attorney at Law Member of firm of Hudson, Potts & Bernstein Soldier Concordia, Miss. Died November 24, 1864 fCorinth, Miss. 48 Austin, Tex. Birdsville, Tex. Monticello, Ark. Octavia, Miss. Hernando, Miss. Monroe, La. THE UNIVERSITY OF MISSISSIPPI 49 William Clinton Barnes Daniel Briscoe *Thomas Coke Durr Jesse Hardin Franklin John Richard Gladney Thomas Heslep *William Henry McCardell *James Sheppard Reynolds James Aubert Scudday ♦Henry Taylor Siebe *Joseph Lane Taylor Class of 1863 Farmer Merchant Date of death unknown Teacher Teacher Date of death unknown Student Died in 1862 Soldier Died June i, 1862 Died February 24, 1877 Summit, Miss. Knoxville, Tenn. 326 Guv St. Oxford, Miss. Boliver, Tenn. Saltillo, Miss. tPort Gibson, Miss. Vicksburgh, Miss. Bolton's Depot, Miss. New Orleans, La. 1S26 Clio St. Crystal Springs, Miss. Taylor's Depot, Miss. *William Alexander Barton *George Jacob Hunsicker *Thomas Samuel Magruder TuUius Cicero Tupper D D . Arkansas State bniv., 1884 *James Hoggart Wright *Harry Yerger Class of 1864 Soldier Died July 3. 1863 Date of death unknown Soldier Died in 1864 Clergyman Date of death unknown Planter Died November 9, 18S6 Houston, Miss. Water Proof, La. Canton, Miss. Atlanta, Ga. Natchez, Miss. Greenville, Miss. Samuel Rutcliffe Coleman *John McGehee Farrington Alexander Glenn James Cureton McCaa Benjamin Chin Adams Gustavus A. Baldwin *Jacob Phiniz Billups Class of 1867 Attorney at Law Greenwood, Miss. Member Mississippi State Legislature Merchant Memphis, Tenn. Died January 21, 1893 -j-New Orleans. La. •fOcala, Fla. Class of 1868 Attorney at Law Merchant Grenada, Miss. New Orleans, La. 1707 Esplanada Ave. Columbus, Miss. Saunders Billups *Thomas Bradford Pettus Bowdre James T. Harrison *Robert McSwine Columbus, Miss. Columbus, Miss. Memphis, Tenn. Jackson, Miss. Date of death unknown Druggist Farmer Date of death unknown Merchant Attorney at Law . ... Lieutenant Governor of Mississippi Student Grenada, Miss. Died in 1867 „ , .,, -m;-- Tesse Shivers Montgomery Physician ^ . , ^ StarkviUe, Miss. ^''^.%'^rD.'co&ofP.Jicians ^u^-^^e-f Mis^^^^^^ & Surgeons, New \ ork, 1873 ^"/^^Xr for Equftable and Mutual^ Li^f^e ^I-^.^^""-?!?^^ J°^- Henry Clay Myers ^"'cen^ra? Agent Equitable Life As- ^"VVonlotoc St surance Society 50 ETA CHAPTER Wiley Noris Nash LL.B. ♦Freeman Randolph Dabney Minor Scales LL.B. Baxter Wilson William Erastus Andrews *James Thompson Austin Robert Stanhope Bridges Joseph Caldwell Carothers William Leonidas Dinkins James Tickel Downs A.B. *William Montgomery Forrest *Alexander Irwin *John Hampden Perkins Wallace Wood Class of 1868 Attorney at Law Journalist Date of death unknown Attorney at Law Merchant Class of 1869 Bookkeeper Date of death unknown Starkville, Miss. Panola, Miss. Memphis, Tenn. 54 Equitable Bldg. Lexington, Ky. Oxford, Miss. Abbeville, Miss. Holmesville, Miss. Grenada, Miss. Clergyman Insurance & Real Estate Agent Canton, Miss Director of Vicksburg & Birmingham R.R Member of City Council Attorney at Law Date of death unknown Date of death unknown Date of death unknown Merchant Delegate to 6th Grand Chapter Dallas, Tex. Memphis, Tenn. Carson's Landing, Miss Columbus, Miss. Scranton, Miss. ♦William Rasha Cannon Madison Conrad Klein ♦Andrew Jackson Liddell A.B., M.D., Bellevue Hospital Medical College, New York City Charles Shackelford Priestly M.D., Univ. of La. Medical Col- lege, 1878 ♦William Gaston Watt Alfred Alexander Young Frank Minter Aldridge Charles Clark Coffey Charles Harvey Hart William Dougald Torrey, ♦Richard Harrison Bridges Class of 1870 Merchant Died October 9, 1882 Bookkeeper Physician Date of death unknown Columbus, Miss. Morehead City, N. C. Carrolton, Miss. Physician Canton, Miss. Health Officer and Chancery Clerk for Madison County, Miss Died in 1876 Physician Class of 1871 Merchant Sheriff and Tax Collector Attorney at Law Member Mississippi State Senate Student Died October 14, 1870 Carrolton, Miss. Oxford, Miss. Jackson, Miss. 708 N. State St. Fayette, Miss. St. Louis, Mo. Fayette, Miss. Holmesville, Miss. Class of 1872 James Monroe Liddell Soldier Grenada, Miss. A. B. Captain U. S. Volunteers, Philippine Islands ♦James Monroe Quin Student Summit, Miss. A.B. Died September, 1872 William Everett Quin Physician Fort Payne, Ala. A.B., M.D., Kentucky School of Medicine, i88i Horatio Fleming Simrall, Jr. Attorney at Law Vicksburg, Miss. B.S. County School Superintendent 205 South St. THE UNIVERSITY OF MISSISSIPPI Class of 1873 51 *James Miller Buffington *William Stewart Johnson Louis Rankin Quin Edward Doutet Woods Date of death unknown Planter Date of death unknown Attorney at Law Physician Class of 1874 Merchant Date of death unknown *Cornelius William Carothers Attorney at Law A.B. Died February, 1901 Mat'ion Lafayette Dye Attorney at Law A.B. Frank Alexander McLain Attorney at Law A.B. *Lawson Ballon Grenada, Miss. Woodville, Miss. Kansas City, Mo. tBayou Sara, La. Canton, Miss, Chattanooga, Tenn. Dallas, Tex. Gloster, Miss. Henry Arthur Finch LL.B., Cumberland Univ., 1875 Thomas F. Lindsey William Arthur Roane LL.B., Lebanon Univ., 1875 James Madison Sharp A.B. Daniel Webster Brown William L Causey Isham Robertson Howze *John Lipscomb Johnson *Francis Emmet Love A.B. Archibald McCallum M.D., Kentucky School of Medic William Warren Nash M.D., Kentucky School of Medi- cine, 1882 ♦Alexander James Quinche Gus. Russel Scott Eugene Montgomery Smith A.B. James Trotter Brittain Rice Webb James Russell Berry M.D., University of La., iSSo Henry Thomas Buie *Horace Francis Buie Edward Gideon Leonard William Henry Montgomery James Thomas Nolan *William Hollis Tegarden Coni,'ressman from 6th District of Mississippi to 551h and 56th Consjress Class of 1875 Attorney at Law McKinney, Tex. Member Democratic Executive Committee Sth District, Tex. ■fPulaski, Tenn. Attorney at Law Oxford, Miss. District .Attorney, 3d Judicial District Teacher Clinton, Miss. Professor of Mathematics in Mississippi College John C. Torrey Class of 1876 Farmer Attorney at Law Attorney at Law Clergyman Date of death unknown Teacher Died in 1878 Physician ine, 1879 Physician Member Board of Aldermen, Teacher Died August 11, 1889 Attorney at Law Farmer Attorney at Law City Attorney of Bessemer Attorney at Law Class of 1877 Physician Miner Attorney at Law Died May 20, 1880 Merchant Merchant Merchant Railroad Agent Died in 1897 Farmer tCanton, Miss. fSummit, Miss. Denver, Colo. 709 People's Bank Bldg. University, Miss. Vicksburg, Miss. Edwards, Miss. Pheba, Miss. Pheba, Miss. University of Miss. Corpus Christi, Tex. Canton, Miss. Bessemer, Ala. 1811 Arlington Ave. Fort Worth, Tex. Columbia, Miss. Buffalo, Ark. Corpus Christi, Tex. Bridgeport, Tex. Starkville, Miss. Memphis, Tenn. Crystal Springs, Miss. Hermanville, Miss, 52 ETA CHAPTER Joseph Walker Brown *John Enos Garrett Phipps Brevard Hill Thomas Nicholson Jones William Elijius Martin Class of 1878 Farmer Merchant Died January, 1889 Merchant Attorney at Law *Charles Percival Montgomery Druggist Date of death unknown *Samuel Richardson Student Died September 10, 1879 Indianola, Miss. Coldwater, Miss. Moscow, Tenn. Madison, Miss. Birmingham, Ala. i6th St. and i3tti Ave., Nortti Birminsjham Starkville, Miss. Fayette, Miss. Samuel Eddins Montgomery Robert Lacy Moss Murray Taylor Class of 1879 Merchant Farmer Yazoo City, Miss. College Hill, Miss. Hot Springs, Ark. Charles Greene Carothers John Leonard Hendrick LL.B. *Thomas Dudley Isom, Jr. ♦Joseph Blake Jones A.B. Delos Carpenter Melon John McMillan Montgomery Hugh Seymour Quin LL.B. • William Shelby Barry John Clark, Jr. Hardy Stricklin Green Benjamin Howarth Grimes B.L. ♦David Wilbur Harris Ph.B. Edmond Peyton Lowe . Ph.B., M.D. Univ. of La., 1S84 William Conner Martin A.B. ♦Charles Roberts, Jr. Stuart Douglas Rollins ♦Walter Montrith Stewart Benjamin Arthur Stockard A.B. Cowles Meade Vaiden Class of 1880 Insurance Superintendent of i\gents for Co., Newark, N. J. Attorney at Law Druggist Date of death unknown Student Died January 27, 1880 Attorney at Law Farmer Attorney at Law Class of 1881 Attorney at Law Farmer Commercial Traveler Insurance Merchant Died in 1898 Physician Attorney at Law Natchez, Miss. Chancellor of the 4th Chancery Court_ District, Mississippi Abiline, Tex. Date of death unknown Contractor New Orleans, La. 6123 Magazine St. Natchez, Aliss. Date of death unknown Commission Merchant Chattanooga, Tenn. 452 Oak St. Farmer Vaiden, Miss. Montgomery, Ala. Mutual Benefit Life Insurance tFort Smith, Ark. Oxford, Miss. Madison, Miss. New Orleans, La. 6214 St. Charles Ave. Starkville, Miss. fKansas City, Mo. Greenwood, Miss. Mt. Carmel, Tenn. Collierville, Tenn. Meridian, Miss. 1417 24th Avenue Oxford, Miss. Ignacio, Colo. George Hiram Barney Gerard Brandon B.A.,M.A. James Leonidas Brownlee Class of 1882 Banker Attorney at Law Gloster, Miss. Natchez, Miss. 624 N. Union St. fSparta, Miss. THE UNIVERSITY OF MISSISSIPPI 53 *James Burt Cassidy Benjamin Franklin Clayton Forney Leake Green Henry Green Harlan *Henry Jenkins ♦James Walter Malone Charles Baird Richards William Walter Trice Date of death unknown Cotton Compress Merchant Banker Date of death unknown Date of death unknown Farmer Merchant Bank Director and Member of School Board Summit, Miss. Cleburne, Tex. Corinth, i\Iiss. Mt. Pleasant, Tenn. Aberdeen, Miss. Corinth, Miss. Penn, Miss. Tupelo, Miss. Class of 1883 *Eugene Lusk Clark R. E. Lee Daniel Robert Layton M.D.. Univ. of La., 1S83 George Foster Pierce Martin Joseph Hopson Peace B.S. George Winfield Robertson Thomas Wessinger Slater Merchant Died January Accountant Physician R. R. Agent Farmer Teacher Planter 1885 Clarkesdale, Miss. Areola, Miss. Monroe, La. Houston, Tex. Friar's Point, Miss. Pickens, Miss. Plaquemine, La. Charles James Baldwin Emi! Friend Crawford Jackson A.B. Frilev Jones Friggitts A.B., M.D., University of Va. Crawford Jackson A.B. Ephraim Noble Lowe Ph.B., M.D., Tulane Univ. William Sharky Raiford Class of 1884 Merchant Commercial Traveler Clergyman Merchant Clergyman Merchant Merchant New Orleans, La. Sardis, Miss. Fayetteville, Ga. Flora, Miss. Fayetteville, Ga. Ignacio, Colo. Liberty, Miss. Class of 1885 Oscar Anatole Bourg Edward James Deloney B.S. Henry Flowers Ph.B. M.D., Tulane Univ., 1S91 Walter Leake Keirn, Jr. B.S. James Mitchell Magruder B.S. A.M., College of Miss., 1886 *James Mortimer Sinnott Walter Erskine Williams Ph.B. Robert Lee Winchester A.B. Stonewall Jackson Dillard B.S. Wirt Adams Harvey James Stewart Johnson M.D., Tulane Med. Col. Physician Physician Clergyman Rector Church of the Advent Merchant Date of death unknown Attorney at Law Traveling Salesman Class of 1886 Accountant Physician Lafourche Parish, La. Lake Providence, La. Auburn, Miss. Lexington, Miss. Spartanburg, S. C. 74 Kennedy St. New Orleans, La. Fort Worth, Tex. Cor. Oleander and South Rush Sts. Natchez, Miss. "[Union Parish, La. tLowndes Co., Miss. Row Landing, La. 54 ETA CHAPTER ♦David Arthur Phillips B.S. Robert Jackson Wright A.B., Hiawassee Col. Walter Milton Bailey B.S. Grene Croft Chandler M.D., Tulane Univ., i8S8 Eugene Amzi Ford Friley Jones Ph.B. William Bennett Jones A B. Walter Malone Ph.B. William Eggleston Meade Archibald Pettet John Franklin Posey Ph.B. Edmund Payne Williams Merchant Died in 1887 Attorney at Law Class of 1887 Merchant Physician Bookkeeper Teacher Attorney at Law Delegate to istli Grand Chapter Bookkeeper Merchant Bookkeeper Teacher Fort Smith, Ark. ■fRoxie, Miss. Doddsville, Miss. Shreveport, La. tNew York, N.Y. Jackson, Miss. Canton, Miss. Memphis, Tenn. 3g NIadison St. Birmingham, Ala. 1223 N. 17th St_. Greenwood, Miss. Union City, Tenn. ■fGraham, Tex. Ewing Earle Brougher LL.B., B.E. Charles Friend *John Hamilton Hobbs Charles Marcus Taylor B.S. M.D., Tulane Univ., 1S92 James Blackburn Ullman B.S. Ulyssus Wilson Mitchell Frank Lide Munnerlyn *William Plant Class of 1888 Attorney at Law County Attorney Bookkeeper Date of death unknown Physician Class of 1889 Merchant Accountant Clerk Date of death unknown Linden, Tex. tSt. Louis, Mo. 4220A Evans Ave. Bentonville, Ark. Corinth, Miss. ■fNew Orleans, La. Harrison Station, Miss. tSelma, Ala. Oxford, Miss. Thomas Catchings Baird Roane Calhoun Bell Lawrence Paul Busby ♦William Ewell Gill Finley Vance Holmes Frank Clark Holmes B.S., LL.B., 1892 Bartlet Fulton Jones A.B. ♦William Fair Posey ames Houston Price B.S , LL.B., 1890 Class of 1890 Physician Bookkeeper Druggist Date of death unknown Merchant Attorney at Law Merchant Student Died February 27, 1889 Attorney at Law Baird, Miss. Pine Bluff, Ark. Memphis, Tenn. 407 Union St. Gillsburg, Miss. Plum Point, Miss. Hernando, Miss. Hernando, Miss. Lexington, Ky. Magnolia, Miss. Member State Democratic Executive Committee Elias Middleton Beasley ♦William Edgar Enochs Class of 1891 Physician Merchant Died in 18 Coal Creek, Tenn, Fernwood, Miss. THE UNIVERSITY OF MISSISSIPPI 55 Robert Friend James Alcorn Glover LL.B. Henry Thomas Gaines William Watkins Rogers Ivy Howard Sternberger John Black Vineyard B.S., LL.B., Cumberland Univ., i: George Hodge Vineyard George Hanson Warfield Merchant Wholesale fruits and produce Attorney at Law Merchant Attorney at Law I93 Date of death unknown Farmer Merchant St. Louis, Mo. N. 3d St. Clarkesdale, Miss. Pittsboro, Miss. Carrolton, Miss. Tangipahoa, La. Marianna, Ark. Helena, Ark. Lexa, Ark. Charles Evans Catchings ^LD., Memphis Hospital Med. Col., 1S94. Thomas Edwin Enochs Charles Joseph Gee Paul Flemynge Green Harry Burdell Sanford Pierce Berda Woollard Class of 1892 Physician Woodville, Miss. State and County Health Officer, Wilkerson Co. U. S. Pension Examiner County Physician Merchant Fernwood, Miss. Member of firm of Enochs Bros. Merchant Carrolton, Miss. Attorney at Law fGreenville, Miss. Physician Memphis, Tenn. Attorney at Law Cleveland, Miss. Fletcher B. Enochs John Joseph Huddlestone B.S. M.D., Memphis Hospital Med. Col., 1899 Albert Carter Martin John R. Rogers Joseph Rogers Taylor Erastus Duncan \'ineyard William Joseph Beasley Thomas Wang Huey M.D., Tulane Medical Col Joseph Ambrose Posey Jesse Marion Vineyard LL.B.. Cumberland Univ., Thomas Preston Kimbrough Thomas Charles Kimbrough B.P.. LL.B., Millsaps College, 1897 Nick W. Campbell B.S, Duke McDonald Kimbrough A.B., LL.B.. 1900 Abner John Mclntyre Hardin Kimbrough Toney Mark Ashley Dees, Jr. Marion Griffin Evans .\.B. Class of 1893 Merchant Physician 1S94 Fernwood, Miss. Gregory, Ark. Yazoo City, Miss. Clergyman Rector Episcopal Church Carrol Co., Miss. Journalist Jackson, Miss. Mississippi Correspondent for New Orleans Times-Democrat Farmer Lexa, Ark. Class of 1894 Farmer Physician Hazelhurst, Miss. Deutiville, Miss. Union City, Tenn. Attorney at Law Helena, Ark. Secy. Phillips County Democratic Executive Committee Class of 1895 Engineer Duck Hill, Miss. Attorney at Law West Point, Miss. Member of Firm, Critz, Beckett & Kimbrough Class of 1896 Electrician Attorney at Law Attorney at Law Attorney at Law Class of 1897 Bookkeeper Midlothian, Tex. Teacher Moss Point, Miss. Professor of English Language and Literature at Centenary College, Jackson. La. Little Rock, Ark. iiS \\'. Second St. Oxford, Miss. Ripley, Miss. Pine Bluff, Ark. 56 ETA CHAPTER Walter Thurston Pate A.B. James O. S. Sanders LL.B. William Bismarck Watkins A.B., LL.B., 1S98 Herbert Frederick Fisher A.B. George Pierce Jones Samuel Ralph Knox LL.B., A.B., Miss. College, i? Julian Knox Morrison Archie Gilbert Roane B. P., LL.B., 1901 Alexander W. Evans Walter C Brewer ^LD.. Tulane INIedical Col., 1900 David Oliver Bridgforth A.B. Edward Buell Gibson A.B. John Elmore Holmes LL.B. Bradley Thomas Kimbrough A.B. Landrum Pinson Leavell B.P. Richard Henry Lake *William H. Monette Henry Rucker Spight LL.B. Frank Paul Cashman Armistead Macon Leigh B.S., A.M., 1901 John DeVando Miller William Temple Roane Wade Leroy Watkins Teacher f Jack son, Mich. With B. F. Johnson Publishing Co., Richmond, Va. Attorney at Law Charleston, Miss. Attorney at Law Class of 1898 Student Aberdeen, Miss. Princeton, N. J. Student Grenada, Miss. Attorney at Law New Albany, Miss. Member of Firm of Jones, Spight & Knox Teacher Washington, Miss. Professor of Greek at Jefferson Military College Student Grenada, Miss, Class of 1899 Clerk Physician Mt. Olive, Miss. Black Hawk, Miss. Medical Student Natchez, Miss. Interne Natchez Charity Hospital Merchant Crystal Springs, Miss. Attorney at Law Oxford, Miss. Member of Firm of Holmes & Holmes Student Oxford, Miss. Teacher Washington, Miss. Professor of English and Elocution in Jefferson Military College Insurance Agent Memphis, Tenn. Equitable Bldg. Student Deasonville, Miss. Died in 1900 Attorney at Law Ripley, Miss. Class of 1900 Journalist Student Delegate to 24th Grand Chapter Medical Student Electrician Merchant Vicksburg, Miss. Charleston, Miss. Jackson, Miss. 316 E. Capitol St. Oxford, Miss. Aberdeen, Miss. Norvel Robertson Drummond A.B. Thomas Airey Evans Arnaud Bruce Leavell Robert Edward Longins Egbert Auswell Meaders Monroe Goodbar Morgan John Bunyan Riley Robert Herman Sultan Stark Young A.B. Class of 1901 Student Clerk Clerk Student Student Clerk Bookkeeper Student Student Hebron, Miss. Mount Olive, Miss. Oxford, Miss. Grange, Miss. Grenada, Miss. Hernando, Miss. Hebron, Aliss. Oxford, Miss. Oxford, Miss. THE UNIVERSITY OF MISSISSIPPI 57 Class of 1902 Oliver Bingham Cowan William Vassar Dubard Rossie Douglas Ford Percy Hawthorn Ford Clinton Lanier Gee Cowles Edward Horton Henry Oscar Leonard, Jr. Manly Berry Leavell Hervey Linwood Shannon Student Merchant Student Clerk Student Student Student Student Moss Point, Miss. Grenada, Miss. Columbia, Miss. Columbia, Miss. Carrolton, Miss. Grenada, Miss. CoEfeeville, Miss. Oxford, Miss. Coffeeville, Miss. Class of 1903 James Fountain Barksdale Samuel James Collier William Otey Crisman Eugene Stewart Enochs William Edwin Bates Leonard James Berry Leavell Charles Worsham Phillips Guy Hartwell Watkins Thomas William White, Jr. Thomas Garner Aleaders Robert D. McLean Planter Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Class of 1904 Student Student Hardy, Miss. Oxford, Miss. University, Miss. Natchez, Aliss. Oxford, Pyliss. Oxford, Miss. Oxford, Miss. Aberdeen, Miss. Memphis, Tenn. 1117 Union Ave. Grenada, Miss. Grenada, Miss. WASHINGTON AND JEFFERSON COLLEGE WASHINGTON, PENNSYLVANIA Jefferson College, at Canonsburg, Pennsylvania, was Chartered IN 1802 First Class Graduated in 1802 Washington College was Chartered in 1806 First Class Graduated in 1808 The Two Colleges were United in 1865 DEPARTMENTS collegiate preparatory STATISTICS \'alue of buildings and grounds .... $300,000.00 \'alue of equipment and apparatus ... 50,000.00 Value of productive funds .... - 270,000.00 Income from all sources for 1899-1900 - - - 25,000.00 Tuition in college department . . - . 16.00 Number of volumes in library ... 16,000 Number of professors and instructors in all departments - 20 Number of students in college department - - 267 Number of students in all departments - - - 371 Women are not admitted. IOTA CHAPTER Founded February 8, 1858. Became inactive in 1869 OTHER FRATERNITIES Beta Theta Pi, 1842; Phi Gamma Delta, 1848; Phi Kappa Psi, 1852; Phi Kappa Sigma, 1854; Delta Kappa Epsilon (inactive), 1858-65; Delta Upsilon (inactive), 1858-1870; Delta Tau Delta, 1861; Theta Delta Chi (inactive), 1858-72; Phi Delta Theta, 1875; Alpha Tau Omega (inactive), 1882-82. 59 IOTA CHAPTER JEFFERSON COLLEGE Class of 1858 David Johnston Irwin Clergyman A.B.. A.M. D.D., Lenox Coll., Iowa, 18S3 William Pollock Johnston Teacher A.B., A.M. D.D., Grove City President of Geneva Col Coll., 1892 John Harvey Xesbitt A.B.. A.M. John Wallace Sproull A.B.. D.D. tEbenezer, Pa. Beaver Falls, Pa. William M. Taylor A.B., A.M., D.D., iJ Clergyman Clergyman Pastor Central Reformed Presby- terian Church, Allegheny, Pa. Rockford, 111. 523 Fisher .\ve. Allegheny, Pa. 122 E. North Ave. Clergyman Class of 1859 ^Theodore Horatio Nevin McPher.son A.B. *David Patton A.B. .A.M. *Alfred J. Patterson A.B., A.M. James Abraham Ritchey A.B , A.M. A.M.. Franklin Coll. 1S77: Ph.D., 1883 Henrv Wallace A.B., A.M. Ph.D., Cornell Coll., Iowa. Attorney at Law Died January 12, iqoo Clergyman Died February 22, 1875 Attorney at Law Died April i, 1892 Teacher Principal of High School, Tarentum, Pa. Mount Jackson, Pa. Lawrence Co. Washington, D. C. 1324 F St.. N. W. Grove City, Pa. Alitflintown, Pa. Tarentum, Pa. Editor Editor of Wallace's Farmer, Des Moines, la. Des Moines, la. 411 Court .Ave. *James S. Buck Andrew Alexander Dinsmore A.B., A.M., D.D., 1895 *John Hutchinson Shelledy A.B.. A M. Llewellyn Oliver Snoddy A.B.. A.M. William Shaw Stewart A.B , A.M., M.D., 1863 *Samuel Elbridge Vance , A.B., A.M. Williamson Swift Wright AB.,A.M. Class of i860 Clergyman Died October 13, 1870 Clergyman Attorney at Law Died May 31, 1870 Attorney at Law Physician Emeritus Prof, of Medico-Chi- rurjjical Coll. of Philadelphia Clergyman Died March 3, 1901 Clergyman Pastor of .Selhvood Presbyterian Church, Portland, Ore. Shelby, O. Newark, N. J. iq lames St. Paris", 111. Burlingame, Kas. Philadelphia, Pa. 1801 Arch St. Pontiac, 111. Portland, Ore. 1635 East 13th St. Aaron Lvle Hazen A. B.. A.M.. 1873 *Henrv Clay Pitchei A.B', A.M. Class of 1861 Attorney at Law Attorney at Law Died July 8, 1S87 60 New Castle, Pa. 3; Pittsburgh St. Mount \'ernon, Ind. WASHINGTON AND JEFFERSON COLLEGE 6i Ambrose Cephas Smith Clergyman Negaunee, Mich. A.B.. A .M. D.D., Center Coll. and Delegate to 3rd Grand Chapter Lake Forest Univ. Denton U. Stark Merchant San Francisco, Cal. .\.B.. A.M. Secretary of Cumberland Coal Co. 3 California St. Secretary of Anthracite Coal Co. 21 Luning Building President West Shore Oil Co. *C. Bruce Watson Banker Milton, Pa. Died in 1S64 Lucian Adams A.B. John A. Armstrong A.B.. A.M. Robert Gracey Ferguson A.B.. A.M., D.D.. 1SS4 *John Edmund Kearns A.B., A.M. *William N. McDonald Mathew R. Mitchell A.B. M.D., Ohio Med. Coll Wallace Radcliffe A.B.. A.M. D.D., Lafayette 1S82 John Eliot Wright A.B., A.M.,D.D.,iS85 Class of 1862 Attorney at Law Rock Island, III. Judge of County Court, Rock Island. III. Physician Leechburg, Pa. School Director 104 Lincoln Ave. Clergyman New Wilmington, Pa. President of Westminster College Clergyman Rockville, Ind. Died in December, 1895 Clerk Charlestown, 111. Date of death unknown Physician Topeka, Kas. ., 186S Prof. Obstetrics, Kan. Med. Coll., 706 S. Kansas -Ave. Topeka, Kas. Clergyman Washington, D. C. Coll., Pastor New York .-\venue Presbyterian Church Clergyman Lock Haven, Pa. Member Board of Trustees of General Assembly Presby- terian Church William G. Duff A.B., A.M. Samuel Pollock Harbison Albert B. Hay J. Gladden Johnson Physician A.B.. A.M. M.D., Heidelberg Univ.. Germany. 1868 Class of 1863 Attorney at Law Manufacturer Attorney at Law John M. Linn A.B., A.M. George R. Slater A.B.. A.M. James Stevenson Smart A.B. John W. Stoutmeyer A.B.. A.M. Elliot Warner Douglas Clergyman President Buena Vista Coll. Accountant Editor Class of 1864 Manufacturer la. Charles Henry McCuIlough Banker Robert McMeen Attorney at Law William King Perrine Physician A.B., A.M. M.D., Miami Medical Coll.. 1867 Pittsburg, Pa. 533 Liberty St. Pittsburg, Pa. Pittsburg, Pa. 424 Fifth -Ave. Detroit, Mich. 493 Woodward Ave. Charter Oak, la. jPittsburg, Pa. 23 and 25 Seventh St. Cambridge, N. V. tNew Orleans, La. tSt. Louis, Mo. 3S10 Delmar .Ave. tAltoona, Pa. tMififlintown, Pa. f Pleasant Ridge, O. O. S. Cunningham M.D. *Joseph Henderson Fleming A.B., A.M. *Henrv Steelv Floyd a.b;. a.m. ' John M. Johnson A.B.. A.M., M.D. Class of 1865 Physician Clergyman Died September 14, 1S91 Attorney at Law Died in 1S98 Druggist tBeaver, Pa. Welsh Run, Pa. Pittsburg, Pa. 81 Diamond St. Steubenville, O. 414 Market St. 62 IOTA CHAPTER Samuel McCreery A.B., A.M. *Thomas Uric Parker Thomas Asbury Perrine A.B., A.M. *Robert \V. Price Teacher Merchant Date of death unknown Attorney at Law Attorney at Law Date of death unknown tAllegheny, Pa. 49 Lincoln Ave. Mifflintown, Pa. tDenver, Col. tBaltimore, Md. Class of 1866 *Andrew J. Allison A.B., A.M.. M.D., 1S69 Ingham Wood Donnan A.B. M.D., Wooster Univ., 1872 M.D.. Bellevue Hospital Medical Coll.. 1874 Physician Died Sept. 21, 1871 Physician Maxwell Kinkead C.E. Norval Marchand A.B., A.M. LL.B.. University of Albany, i *Daniel Stevenson Smart A.B., Amherst Coll., 1^66, M.D. *Samuel C. Troupe M.D. Banker Delegate to 5th and 6th Grand Chapters Merchant Delegate to Fourth Grand Chap 168 Physician 186S Died May 15. 1877 Physician Date of death unknown Westchester, O. Pittsburg, Pa. 1013 Carson St. tXew York, X. Y. 10 Broadway St. Paul, Minn. ter Ft. Concho, Tex. Boonesboro, Mo. Thomas Watson McGuire A.B., A M. ♦George E. O'Neal Class of 1867 Attorney at Law Clerk Died in 1870 Carrollton, Mo. Steubenville, O. Class of 1868 Physician iDied, date unknown *William Henry McDonald M D., Bellevue Hospital Med Coll.. 1871 StephenOliver Brown McCurdy Clergyman A.B., A.M. Director of Philadelphia Tract and Mission Society Pastor of Presbyterian Church, Cynwyd, Pa Pueblo, Col. 304 N. Main St. Philadelphia, Pa. 1929 Chestnut St.- Lawrence M. Colfelt A.M.. A.B. D.D., Hampden-Sid- ney College Joseph Buffington Jackson A.B., A.M. William Conner Shaw A.B., A.M., M.D., Bellevue Hosp Coll., 1872 William Oliver Sproull A.B., Ph.D. and A.M., Leipzig, 1877 LL.D., Wooster. 1890 LH.D.. Miami, 1895 Philadelphia, Pa. 1538 N. Broad St. fElderton, Pa. Class of 1869 Clergyman Pastor of O.xford Presbyterian Church Clergyman Physician Pittsburg, Pa. Pres. West Liberty Land Co. 1009 Wylie Ave. Pres. National Case & Carton Co. Pres. Irwin Fuel. Gas & Light Co. Obstetrician & Physician, Bethesda Home Chief Med. E.xaminer to the Equitable Life, N. Y.. Home Life, N. Y.. State Mutual, Mass., State Life, Ind. National of Vt., Union Central, Cincinnati Teacher Cincinnati, O. Gen. .Agent N. Y. Life Ins. Co. Rawson Bldg. Trustee of the Woodward Fund Member of Union Board of High Schools Director of the Teachers Club Director of .Associated Charities WASHINGTON AND JEFFERSON COLLEGE 63 Benjamin Couch Henry A.B. A.M., Coll. of N.J. John Irwin David Markle McMasters M.D., Bellevue Hospital Med. David Edwin Shaw A.B. A.M., Coll. of N.J. George W. Skinner Robert Gracey, Jr. WiUis L. King Class of 1870 Clergyman Merchant Physician Coll.. 1871 Clergyman Pastor Presbyterian Church Attorney at Law Class of 1871 Teacher Manufacturer Vice-chairman Jones & Laugh- lin's Ltd. tMorristown, N. J. Irwin, Pa, Ridley Park, Pa, Colora, Md, Franklin, Pa. fSt. Louis O'Bispo.Cal. Pittsburg, Pa. Cor. Third and Try St. INDIANA UNIVERSITY BLOOMINGTON, INDIANA Founded in 1820 Chartered in 1828 First Class Graduated in 1830 A State Institution DEPARTMENTS COLLEGIATE AND LAW STATISTICS Value of buildings and grounds - - - • . $290,000.00 Value of equipment and apparatus - - . . 120,000.00 Income from all sources for 1899-1900 - - - 150,000.00 Tuition in college department .... - Free Number of volumes in library .... 35,000 Number of professors and instructors - . - . 64 Women are admitted and constitute about one-third of the attendance. LAMBDA CHAPTER Founded September 10, 1858 OTHER FRATERNITIES Beta Theta Pi, 1845; Phi Delta Theta, 1849; Phi Kappa Psi, 1869; Delta Tau Delta, 1870; Phi Gamma Delta, 1871; Kappa Sigma (inactive), 1887-88; Sigma Nu, 1892; Kappa Alpha Theta, 1870; Kappa Kappa Gamma, 1873; Pi Beta Phi, 1893; Tau Epsilon Pi. 65 LAMBDA CHAPTER INDIANA UNIVERSITY Alexander Downing Lemon B.S., LL.B., iSsg Stephen Thrasher A.M., LL.B., 1S59. *Tohn H. Lathrope D.D.,LL.D. Class of 1858 Attorney at Law Class of 1859 Attorney at Law Teacher Died in 1866 San Francisco, Cal iS5 Octavia St. Port Gibson, Miss. Hannibal, Mo. Alfred Homer Lemon M.D. Jacob Vance Wolfe A.B., A.M., i860; LL.B., 1863 Simeon Green B.S. Byford Ernest Long A.B., A.M. John Henry Louden A.B., A.M., LL.B., 1864 *Richard M. J. Miller B.S. Jonathan W. Newman B.S., Univ. of Mich., 1862; M.S., 1866; LL.B., 1869 William W. Schermerhorn Dudley Frederick Smith James George Strong LL.B. *James Woodburn A.B., 1842; A.M., 1845 *Thomas Wilson Zook B.S. Class of i860 Lecturer Farmer Class of 1861 Architect & Builder Attorney at Law Attorney at Law Attorney at Law Died August 6, 1889 Attorney at Law Journalist Delegate to 2d Grand Chapter Farmer Merchant Teacher Died September 8, 1865 Soldier Killed in battle. May 14, 1864 Coffeyville, Kas. 911, 14th St. Oaktown, Ind. Paoli, Ind. Brownstown, Ind. Bloomington, Ind. Patoka, Ind. Richmond, Ind. 20 South 13th St. Fayettesville, Ark. Bloomington, Ind. St. Mary's, Kas. Bloomington, Ind. Waynetown, Ind. Class of 1862 Daniel James Bridge Clergyman A.B., A.M. Jasper Hill Coffey Clergyman Edmund Burke Fairfield Clergyman A.B., 1842: A.M., LL.D., D.D., and S.T.D. *Arthur J, Hawhe Date of death unknown *William Burke Harris Physician M.D., Cincinnati Med. Coll., 1856 Died about 1S92 John Hood Clergyman A.B., A.M. 66 Franklin, Pa. Cofifeysburg, Mo. tManistee, Mich. Wickiiffe, Ind. Vincennes, Ind. Galesburg, 111. INDIANA UNIVERSITY 67 *Levy Percy Mayer *Leonard Woods McCord B.S. Joseph Glass McPheeters Hugh Dunn McMullen B.S. John Henry O'Neall B.S.,LL.B., Univ. of Mich., Thomas Carter Pering .\.B., A.M. Martin Luther Prather Napoleon A. Rainbolt William Story Hooper .\.B.. A.M., 1864 James V. Mitchell B.S., 1862 *Samuel Lowry Osborn *Harrison Woodsmall 1864 Soldier Died in 1865 Attorney at Law Died January 12, 1868 U. S. Commissioner Attorney at Law Attorney at Law Manager Manager Crescent Stone Co. Farmer Class of 1863 Clergyman Attorney at Law Farmer Died May 14, 1885 Missionary Died in 1872 Palestine, Ind. Westville, Ind. Bloomington, Ind. 633 North College Ave. Aurora, Ind. Cor. 4tii and Front Sts. Washington, Ind. 406 South East nth St. Bloomington, Ind. tPrather, Ind. Springville, Ind. Mattoon, 111. 1408 Charleston St. Martinsville, Ind. Mankato, Minn. Atlanta, Ga, Class of 1864 Stephen Belding Journalist Archibald Warriston Johnston Physician A.B., A.M., B.D.. Ref. Pres. Theol. Sera.,iS68 M.D.. Jefferson Medical Coll., 1S75 *John S. Logan *Robert Milburn McMasters James M. Scantlin *Thomas Bruce Shields Obial Spencer Joseph Malin Dufour Joseph Frank Harris Leander John Monks James Philip Baker A.B., A.M. ^Bedford Augustus Bradley A.B., A.M. Walter Scott Hull A.B., Vale Coll., 1870 Calvin Chapman Menaugh Date of death unknown Salesman Died April 5, igoi Merchant Farmer Date of death unknown Class of 1865 Clerk Clerk in Pension Department Druggist Attorney at Law Judge of Supreme Court Class of 1866 Attorney at Law Died May 4, 1875 Attorney at Law Editor Editor of Salem Democrat William Constantine Mitchell Banker * William H. Scott Date of death unknown Washington, Ind. Belle Center, O. Salem, Ind. Portland, Ore. 254 Montgomery St. Princeton, Ind. Seymour, Ind. Ladoga, Ind, Washington, D.C^ 1203 f St. Kansas City, Mo. Winchester, Ind. 24 East Franklin St. "flndianapolis, Ind. 1209 Central Ave. New Albany, Ind. Chicago, 111. 95 Fifth Ave. Salem, Ind. Martinsville, Ind, Logansport, Ind. Vinson V. Carter B.S., LL.B., 1S68 William Columbus Draper Class of 1867 Attorney at Law Merchant ■flndianapolis, Ind. Trinidad, Col. 1023 San Juan St. 68 LAMBDA CHAPTER William Jacob Hisey ♦Joseph Phillip Jones LL.B., tS67 *Henry Clay Meredith A.B.. A.M. *John Enos Neff George Parrott A.B., Ohio Wesleyan Univ., Warder W. Stevens LL.B., 1867 George W. Wilson Attorney at Law Judge Superior Court of Marion Co Attorney at Law Died January 10, 1900 Farmer Died July 5, 1882 Attorney at Law Died September 15, 1884 Manufacturer A.M., 1S55 Farmer and Horticulturist Pres. of State Board of Agriculture Editor of '• Farmer's Guide " Indianapolis, Ind. Martinez, Cal. Cambridge City, Ind. Winchester, Ind. fDayton, O. Salem, Ind. Clergyman "fFairfield, Ind. Class of 1868 George W. Coffey Henry Clay Duncan Attorney at Law A.B., 186S, LL.B., 1870, A.M., 1871 Judge of Circuit Court Member of Board of Managers, William Henry Edwards Attorney at Law LL.B. George Washington Hoss Teacher A.B., DePauw Univ., 1850; A.M., Prin. of Western School of Elo- 1853; LL.D., Ind. Univ., 1872 cution and Oratory Howard Maxwell Traveling Salesman *James M. Wilhite Date of death tOwensboro, Ky. Bloomington, Ind. Indiana Reformatory Mitchell, Ind. Wichita, Kas. 645 Hiram Ave. Bloomington, Ind. Owensboro, Ky. George Washington Alford B.S.,LL.B. J. Edwin Black David Vawter Burns LL.B., 1868; LL.D., Franklin Coll., 1897 Aaron Asbury Cravens B.S. Charles Lafayette Jewett Allen King Melton B.S. Charles Theodore Murray LL.D., Columbian Univ. William Thomas Scott LL.B. Luther Short B.S. LL.B., Univ. of Mich., 1874 Asher La Boyteaux Sluss A.B., A.M., LL.B., 1870 Joseph P. Throop LL.B., 1S71 William Benjamin Franklin Treat Class of 1869 Clergyman Farmer Attorney at Law Farmer Attorney at Law Ranchman Journalist Attorney at Law Attorney at Law United States Minister to Stock Dealer Merchant Walter Alphonzo Foland A.B., A.M., LL.B., 1S73 Lewis Cass Garrigus LL.B. ♦Albert Gallatin Harris David Hexley Huston James E. Sayres LL.B. Clergyman Class of 1870 Attorney at Law Attorney at Law Attorney at Law Died July 24, 1884 Stock Farmer Deputy County Clerk Tipton, Ind. Tupelo, Miss. Denver, Col. 2611 California St. Hardinsburg, Ind. New Albany, Ind. 611 E. Main St. ♦Carrizo Springs, Tex. Washington, D.C. Seattle, Wash. 715 Jefferson St. Franklin, Ind. Turkey Constantinople, Turkey Tipton, Ind, Paoli, Ind. Indianapolis, Ind. 1414 Pleasant St. Benson, Minn. Aberdeen, Wash. Huron, S. Dak. Maud, Ky. tSan Francisco, Cal. Isaac Newton Thacker M.D.. Miami Medical College. Arthur Perry Twineham A.B., A.M. *Julius William Youche Attorney at Law .\.I5.. A.M., LL.B., Univ. of Mich. Died January, igoi INDIANA UNIVERSITY Physician Attorney at Law 69 ^Washington C. DePauw Manufacturer Died in May, 1887 Class of 1871 Attorney at Law Died January 16, 1893 Clergyman *John William Buskirk LL.B.. 1S70 James Milligan Foster A.B., A.M. Marquis De LaFayette Gibbs Attorney at Law LL.B. William Orris Green >LD,. Univ. of Louisville, 1S72 James Edmund McCullough B.S..LL. B. Cyrus F. McNutt LL.D. William Johnson Throop LL.B. Thomas Jefferson Clark A.B., A.M. Orlando Hannagan Cobb B.S.,LL.B. *George William Cooper A.B., A.M., LL.B. Benjamin H. Cravens George W. Cummings Dentist Attorney at Law Attorney at Law Attorney at Law Class of 1872 Clergyman Attorney at Law Judgfe of Knox Co. Circuit^Court Attorney at Law Died November 26, 1899 Farmer Journalist Rosales, Chihuahua, Mex. Princeton, Ind. Crown Point, Ind. New Albany, Ind. BloomiTigton, Ind. Boston, Mass. 56 Pinkney St. Leavenworth, Ind. New Albany, Ind. Indianapolis, Ind. Los Angeles, Cal. Room 1-4 Law Bldg. Paoli, Ind. Bloomington, Ind. 213 E. Kirkwood .'^ve. Vincennes, Ind. Columbus, Ind. Hardinsburg, Ind. New York, N. Y. AJi., LL.B., St. Louis Law School Vice-Pres. .Am. Press .Association 45 Park PI. John William Ewing B.S., LL.B. William Gustavus' Holland Howard Ralph Lowder M.D., Ind. ^Ied. College, 1875 Edgar Lewis Wakeman John Richard Weathers Superintendent Pres. People's Natl. Bank. Supt. Princeton Motor Co. Attorney at Law Physician Author Clerk U. S. Bureau of Pensions Class of 1873 Physician Attorney at Law Attorney at Law William Orseaneth Barnett M.D., Miami Med. College, 1S71 Webster Dixon .\.B. Noble B. Judah Ph.D., Brown Univ., 1874 Robert Marion Piatt B.S.. LL.B., 1874 William Francis Lewis Sanders Teacher B S. Elbert Martel Swan Attorney at Law Attorney at Law Delegate to 9th Grand Chapter Princeton, Ind. 302 S. Main St. Fresno, Cal. Bloomfield, Ind. New York, N.Y. P. O. Lock Box, 625 Washington, D. C. iioi H St., N. W. Wellington, Kas. Columbus, Ind. Chicago, 111. 76 .Adams Express Bldg. Wichita, Kas. 839 N. Topeka Ave. Connersville, Ind. LL.B., Cincinnati Law School, 1874 Judge of 2d Judicial Circuit of Ind. Class of 1874 Rockport, Ind. Lawson Frank Branaman LL.B. James Piper Cope M.D., Cincinnati College of Med- icine, 1871 M.D., Bellevue Medical College, 1S72 Attorney at Law Phvsician Brownstown, Ind. Bridgeport, Ind. 70 LAMBDA CHAPTER Baron D. Crawford B.S. William John Frazer B.S. D.D., Hanover Coll., i8c James William Head A.B., A.M., LL.B. Andrew Hubbard Marshall M.D., Univ. of N.V.. 1S74 Jesse Day Trueblood A.B., LL.B., 1876 Hamlet Allen David W^ilson Baird LL.B. *Thomas Reed Cobb Major Wetherford Funk LL.B. *George Washington Friedley James Byall Harper LL.B., 1876. A.M., Taylor Univ. Hiram Monroe Logsdon B.S. John McGregor B.S. William Ralph Myers William Wallace Spencer B.S., LL.B.. 1877 John Lewis Taylor LL B., Cincinnati Law School, 1878 Henry Carroll Timmonds William Newby Trueblood A.B., Earlham Coll., 1873; A.M. *Thomas Charlton Van Nuys M.D., Berlin Univ. Attorney at Law Clergyman Attorney at Law Merchant Dealer in Dental Supplies Lawyer Class of 1875 Teacher Teacher Attorney at Law Died in 1890 Attorney at Law Attorney at Law Died in March, 1899 Attorney at Law- Attorney at Law Attorney at Law Attorney at Law Attorney at Law Delegate to 22d Grand Chapter Attorney at Law Pratt, Kas. Elkhart, Ind. 300 S. Second St. Shelbyville, Ky. Des Moines, la. _ 852 W. Fifth St. Ridge Farm, 111. Washington, Ind. 105 John St. Wallen, Ind. Vincennes, Ind. Corydon, Ind. Market St. La Fayette, Ind. Ft. Wayne Suite 12 and 13 Bank Block Evansville, Ind. Madison, Ind. Anderson, Ind. Ill W. 9th St. Indianapolis, Ind. 314 E. Walnut St. Boonville, Ind. Attorney at Law Lamar, Mo. Judge of 26th Judicial Circuit of Missouri Teacher Richmond, Ind. Prof, of English Literature at Earlham College Teacher Bloomington, Ind. Died in July, 1S99 George Theophilus Herrick *Isaac Pusey Gray Thomas Benton Orr Robert Stoddart Robertson ^Arnold Foster Farrar LL.B., 1877 John Oscar Fife *Jeremiah Wright Gladish LL.B., Univ. of Mich., 1878 James Robert Hart A.B., 1S97 Charles Henry Holmes M.D., Rush Medical Coll., 1879 Charles Richardson A.B. Elbert Sadler B.S. Class of 1876 Attorney at Law Attorney at Law Died February 14, 1895 Attorney at Law Attorney at Law Class of 1877 Died June 17, 1877 Attorney at Law Journalist Date of death unknown Teacher Sec'y and Treas. of the Indiana State Teachers' Association Editor Dakota F"armer Manager Agent Ass't Gen. Agent Western De- partment National Fire Ins. Co. of Hartford Merchant Wabash, Ind. Indianapolis, Ind. Anderson, Ind. 1022 Meridian St. Ft. Wayne, Ind. 179 West Berry St. Peru, Ind. tWyandotte, Kas. Petersburg, Ind. Lebanon, Ind. 223 E. Pearl St. Green Bay, Wis. Chicago, 111. 171 La Salle St. Martinsville, Ind. INDIANA UNIVERSITY 71 Dale Jackson Crittenberger A.B. Henry Anderson Lee A.B. William Cadid Smith LL.B.. Univ. of Mich., 1S81 Francis Marion Spraker David Walter Bell A.M. Samuel Albert Chenoweth A.B. Frederick Eugene Dickinson -A.M., B.D., Chicago University Divinity School Franklin Pierce Foster A.B. *William Jay King A.B. *Cheslev Davis McLahlan M.D.,'Rush Medical College Class of 1878 Editor Attorney at Law Attorney at Law City Attorney of Delphi, Ind. Teacher Class of 1879 Attorney at Law and Manu- facturer Miller and Farmer Clergyman and Manufacturer Attorney at Law County Official Died May 13. 1899 Physician Died in 1892 Anderson, Ind. Bloomington, Ind. 502 E. 4th St. Delphi, Ind. Logansport, Ind. gansport, 713 High St Indianapolis, Ind. Shoals, Ind. Kendallville, Ind. Anderson, Ind. 1311 Hendricks St. Bloomington, Ind. Harrodsburg, Ind. William Francis Axtell A.B.. A.M. Cyrus Edgar Davis A.B., LL.B., Univ. of.Mich. Lincoln Dixon A.B. Nevins Lowry Martin John Gilbert McXutt William Perry Rogers Edward Crittenden Simpson A.B. Class of 1880 Teacher Superintendent of School Attorney at Law Member of Indiana Legislature Attorney at Law Student Attorney at Law Attorney at Law Dean of Law School Attorney at Law Class of 1881 William Edward Beach Merchant _B.L. County Treasurer 'William Bryant Blackstone Physician yi.D. Chica^ro Medical Coll., 1884 Washington, Ind. 219 N. E. loth St. Bloomfield, Ind. North Vernon, Ind. Cincinnati, O. Terre Haute, Ind. Bloomington, Ind. 214 E. 7th St. Indianapolis, Ind. La Fayette, Ind. ■fHebron, Ind. Lunsford Leslie Broaddus Attorney at Law Horace Addison Hoffman A.B., A. M., Harvard Univ. ♦Alfred Willis Scott A.B. Connersville, Ind. 21 Sycamore St. Teacher Bloomington, Ind. Dean of Dep't's of Liberal .\rts, East 3a St. Ind. Univ. Professor of Greek Attorney at Law Lincoln, Neb. City .\ttorney of Lincoln Died July 18, 1900 Class of 1882 Henry Archibald Buerk Attorney at Law Borden, Ind. .\.t5., .\.B., Harvard Univ., 1S83 President of Borden Institute Otis Foster Railroad Agent Mill Spring, 111. Joseph Alexander McHatton, Teacher Morea, 111. James Beverly Milner Attorney at Law La Fayette, Ind. George Marshall Norman Merchant Heltonville, Ind. 72 LAMBDA CHAPTER Albert Monroe Adams B.L. William Robert Asher Edwin Corr B.L., LL.B., DePauw Univ., Frank Arthur Kerns Edward Lee Stacy Charles Swartz John Smith Whitaker Class of 1883 Attorney at Law Attorney at Law Delegate to the 14th Grand Chapter Rockville, Ind. Tecumseh, Okla. Ty. Attorney at Law 1885 Trustee of Indiana University State Senator Attorney at Law City Attorney Clerk Bloomington, Ind. 222 E. Kirkwood Ave. Wyoming, 111. tChicago, 111. 641 vV. Adams St. tCharlestown, Ind. Alaska, Ind. Schuyler Colfax Beard M.D., Bellevue Medical Coll. James Reuben Beckett A.B. *Homer Emmett Carty William Wilson Fuller ♦John Lockwood Gentle A.B. Charles William Horner Orbra Fitch Montgomery Willard New 18S5 Class of 1S84 Physician Attorney at Law Died April 24, 1882 Publisher Clergyman Died January 29, 1889 Jeweler Attorney at Law Fulton County Attorney Attorney at Law Judge of Circuit Court Vincennes, Ind. Chicago, 111. 85 Dearborn St. Annapolis, Ind. Shelbyville, Ind. Southport, Ind. tWinfield, Kas. Rochester, Ind. Vernon, Ind. *Charles Frederick Bain A.B. Ira Coleman Batman B.L. *Phillmer Day A.B. Morey McKee Dunlap B.L., LL.B., 1891 Martin Luther Hoffman A.B. *Cyrus Robinson Hunter A.M.. Eastman's Business Coll., Poughkeepsie, N. Y., 1883 *Wesley Walker Norman A.B., A.M., Indiana Univ., 1887 Ph.D., Chicago Univ., 1899 Robert Elmer Scott A.B. James Riley Wilson Daniel Henry Branaman B.L. Simon Peter Domer B.L., Univ. of Mich., 1890 Robert Sanford Duncan Carl Henry Eigenmann A.B., A.M., 1887; Ph.D., 18 Walter Irwin Isanogel Class of 1885 Student Died April 28, 1887 Attorney at Law City Attorney of Bloomington, Clergyman Died July 7, 1S92 Attorney at Law Mayor of Anderson, Ind. Teacher Journalist Died June 15, 1892 Teacher Died July i, 1899' Attorney at Law Attorney at Law Class of 1886 Attorney at Law Attorney at Law Martinsville, Ind. Bloomington, Ind. Ind. 403 \V. Kirkwood .\ve. Versailles, Ind. Anderson, Ind. 426 \V. i2th St. Hastings, Neb. Grand Forks, N. Dak, Austin, Tex. Indianapolis, Ind. tOakland City, Ind. Topeka, Kas. Spokane, Wash. 621 Rookery Bldg. Farmer Bedford, Ind. Teacher Bloomington, Ind. Professor Zoology, Indiana University Director Indiana Biological Station Pres. Am. Microscopical Soc. Assistant Postmaster Anderson, Ind. INDIANA UNIVERSITY 73 Zimra Byers McClure Charles Newton Peak Ph.B. Lyman Beecher Sullivan LL.B., Univ. of Mich.. 1887 Charles Ambrose Dugan A.B. Charles Gibson Gardiner Ph.B., Cornell Univ., 1887 LL.B., Cincinnati Law School, iS Henry Teeters Guthridge Walter Gresham Hudson Lewis Sherman Davis A.B.. A.M., Ph.D. Frank Denning Foulks William Ray Gardiner, Jr. Luke Melville Gentle M.D. Benjamin Franklin Matthews A.B. *Charles Andrew Rhetts A.B. LL.B.. Columbia Univ., 18 A.M , Harvard, iSgs Willis S. Ellis John Herman Kimble Michael Francis Mahoney Harry R. McMullen Willard Robertson A.B. *Edwin"Grant Roselle Teacher Marshall, Ind. Teacher tPrinceton, Ind. Superintendent of Schools, Princeton, Ind. Attorney at Law Peru, Ind. Class of 1887 Banker Decatur, Ind. Director and Cashier Decatur National Bank, Decatur, Ind., Willshire Bank, Willshire, Ohio Attorney at Law Washington, Ind. Delegate to 15th Grand Chapter Attorney at Law Banker and Broker Class of 1888 Martinsville, Ind. Boston, Mass. •^42 Stock E.xchange Bldg. Teacher Bloomington, Ind. .\ssociate Prof, of Chemistry, Ind. Univ. Accountant Vincennes, Ind. 312 Church St. Journalist Montclair, N. J. 114 Clairmont .■\ve. Physician Noblesville, Ind. Vice-President Hamilton County Medical -Association Dairyman Shelbyville, Ky. Attorney at Law 12 Died August 26. i8g8 Class of 1889 Attorney at Law Pres. .Anderson School Board Miller Attorney at Law Attorney at Law Attorney at Law Died in ij Salem, Ind. Anderson, Ind. 33? \V. Fifth St. Brookville, Ind. Logansport, Ind. Aurora, Ind. Indianapolis, Ind. 1415 North .Alabama St. Anderson, Ind. Frank Foy Axtell A.B. Luther Jewett].Hord Ph.G , Purdue Univ., Alfred Murray Bain A. B. Isaac Vinton Busby A.B. 1S88 Class of 1890 Civil Engineer Druggist Class of 1891 Attorney at Law Teacher Superintendent of City Schools, .Alexandria, Ind. Attorney at Law John Homer Edwards A.B., LL.B. Lynn Elmer Kepler Attorney at Law A.B. Henry Gideon Thomas Knopp Teacher A.B. Superintendent of Schools Harry O. Wise St. Louis, Mo. FuUerton Building, Cor. Pine and 7th .St. Ponca, Oklahoma Martinsville, Ind. 433 N. Main St. Alexandria, Ind. 202 E. Garfield St. Mitchell, Ind. Cambridge City, Ind. Benton, Munt. Ft. Wayne, Ind. 74 LAMBDA CHAPTER George Hume Batchelor A.B., A.M., Columbia Univ., 1894 Harry Clark Bruce Frank Davis Charles Thomas Hanna James Hamilton Henry A.B. Edward E. Levy Harry Clay Meloy A.B. Henry De Witt|McLallen Burt New Watson Nicholson A.B., Stanford Univ. A.M., Harvard Univ., 1895 Channing Leslie Rudy Charles Jacob Sembower A.B. Charles Francis Shoemaker Samuel Edwin Sparling A.B., Ph.D., University of Wis. ,18 Harry Oliver Wise James Byard Wright M.D. James Weekly Batman George Barth Heylmann Ernest Hiram Lindley A.B.. A.M., 1894 Ph.D., Clark Univ.. 1S97 Rufus Carl Minton A.B. Austin Retherford LL.B. David Edward Smith *Joseph David Adams Harry Allen Axtell Arthur Douglas Batchelor A.B. S.T.B., Boston Univ., 1S99 William Ellsworth Clapham A.B. .LL.B., 1896 Harry Evan Coblentz A.B.. A.M., LaiL Linden Kent B.L. Henry Minor Magruder B.L., 1868 William Sinkler Manning Clariborne Rice Mason M.D. Oliver Beirne Patton William James Peete Alfred Landon Rives Charles Jones Sale *James Frazier Tate M .D. Pascal Ash Tutwiler . B.L. John Hampden De Jarnette Robert S. McCormick Attorney at Law Supt. Public Schools Teacher Univ. of Bohn Farmer * Class of 1868 Attorney at Law Attorney at Law Attorney at Law Physician Mayor of Mayersville Attorney at Law Died November 5, 189c Attorney at Law Attorney at Law Died in 1898 Attorney at Law Class of 1869 Attorney at Law Attorney at Law Civil Engineer Died in 187-; Attorney at Law Journalist Mayor of Richmond Teacher Attorney at Law Farmer Planter Railroad Contractor Railroad Official Attorney at Law Physician Died in 1866 Attorney at Law Class of 1870 Attorney at Law Real Estate U. S. Minister to .Austria Pulaski, Va. Columbia, Tenn. The .\theneum Cecilton, Md. St. Louis, Mo. Wardville, Miss. Franklin C. H., Va. Mayersville, Miss. Greenville, Miss. Memphis, Tenn. Bowling Green, Va. Charlottesville, Va. La Grange, Tex. New York, N. Y. Dimapolis, Ala. El Paso, Tex, Richmond, Va. Columbia, Tenn. Tuscaloosa, Ala. fWashington, D. C. Eastham, Va. •fManchester, N. C. Lahore, Va. Huntsville, Ala. Mason, Tenn. tMobile, Ala. Loretto, Va. Swoope, Va. Greensboro, Ala. Bowling Green, Va. Chicago, 111. Andrew Crawford William Eustace Moncure William W. Miller, Jr. Edward Carrington Venable Class of 1871 Attorney at Law Member of S. C. Legislature Teacher Merchant Tobacconist Member Congress, 4th District, Virginia Columbia, S. C. Widewater, Va. fNew Orleans, La. Petersburg, Va. 114 PSI CHAPTER Henry Thompson Kent B.L. Joseph Morris Kinnaird A.B. *George Mason Richard A. Urquhart M.D. Class of 1872 Attorney at Law Member Missouri Legislature Teacher Farmer 4 Died in 1888' Physician Surgeon U. S. Navy St. Louis, Mo. tShelbyville, Ky. Fairfax Co., Va. tLos Gatos, Cal. Elias Miller Boykin William Harrison Cuthbert Duke Williams Goodman James Alexander Kerr B.L. Allard Memminger M.D. William Blount Barham M.D. Marian LaFayette Dye Edward Reed Memminger John Pickrell A.M., B.L. George Halson Rose M.D., Pliiladelphia, 1878 Barnes Reid Class of 1873 United States Marshal Insurance Manufacturer Attorney at Law Physician Class of 1874 Physician Attorney at Law Attorney at Law Physician Charleston, S. C. Petersburg, Va. tAtlanta, Ga. Norfolk, Va. Charleston, S. C. Newsoms, Va. Centerville, Miss. Charleston, S. C. Richmond, Va. Norfolk, Va. Opelika, Ala. Richard Henry Jesse LL.D., Tulane Univ. Class of 187s Teacher Pres. Univ. of Mo. Delegate to loth Grand Chapter Columbia, Mo. Spottswood Dabney Crenshaw Class of 1876 Pres. Sulphur Mining & R. R. Co, Sec'y Va. -Carolina Chemical Co. Director of Banks Partner S. D. Crenshaw & Co. Richard Urquhart Goode Civil Engineer Henry Wilkins Lewis Physician M.D. M.D.. Univ. of City ofN.Y. Health Officer Northampton Co. Member State Board of Health Pres. Seaboard Med. Ass'n o— Va. William Robertson McKenny Attorney at Law *WilIiam Gay Neeson Died in 1877 Richmond, Va. Crenshaw Bldg. Washington; D. C, Jackson, N. C. and N. C. Petersburg, Va. Richmond, Va. Paulus A. Irving M.D. William Mahone, Jr. Whitmel Hill Urquhart B.L. Class of 1877 Physician Richmond, Va. Prof. Diseases of Children, Univ. College of Med. Member Board of Trustees, Hampden-Sidney Col. Secretary State Board of Health. Railroad Official Norfolk, Va. Merchant Richmond, Va THE UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA "5 Class of 1878 Physician Surjjeon U. S. Army John Monro Banister M.D., A.B.. Washin^'ton & Lee Univ., 1874 Livingston Chancellor Hansborough Attorney at Law L.L.B. A.B., 187^; A.M., 1878, Roanoke College William Wirt Henry, Jr. Real Estate B.L.. A.B., Hampden-Sidnev Colleire, 1877 LL.B., Richmond College Law School, 1S80 Henry Walter Lilly M.D. James Roy Micou Arthur Morson Steger ♦Francis Middleton Urquhart M.D. *William Patton Watkins M.D. Manufacturer Pres. Bank of Fayetteville Teacher" Prof, of Latin, Washington College West Point, N. Y. Salem, Va. tDuluth, Minn. Fayetteville, N. C. Chesterton, Md. Civil Engineer Physician Died February 14, li Physician Died July 9, 1882 fGainsville, Te.xas Fortress Monroe, Va. Huntsville, Ala. Richard Kinsey Boney B.L., LL.B., University of Louisiana, 1880. Chapman Bradford A.B., Univ. of Ala. *Robert Burbage Coleman A.B. M.D., Va. Med. Col., 1881 John Theilman Dickinson B.L. Boiling Wellford Ford Richard Lewis Howell Thomas Joyes A.B.. Hampden-Sidney Col., 1877 LL.B.. Louisville Law School, 18S Edward R. Maxey W. E. Owen Willoughby Walke Class of 1879 Attorney at Law Delegate to 12th Grand Chapter Attorney at Law Physician Died March 20, 1886 Promoter Farmer Clergyman Attorney at Law Merchant Merchant Soldier Major U. S. Army Fellow Chemical Society of London Duckport, La. tDallas, Tex. Richmond, Va. Chicago, 111. Lexington, Ky. Sandusky, Ohio Louisville, Ky. Brandon, Miss. South Boston, Va. Norfolk, Va. Fortress Monroe Roswell S. Jones Walter Dandridge McKenny Class of 1880 Teacher tOakland Cal. Charleston, S. C. N. P. T. Burke *Roper Davis Daniel Grinnan B.L.. 1887 Alfred M. Martin B.L. Asa B. Pope A.B., Roanoke Col., 1877 M.D., Charity Hospital, New Edward Burton Ward Ph.B., Southern Univ., 1879 M.D., Univ. Med. Col., N.Y., Junius Leigh Wilson B.L. .A.B., Hampden-Sidnev Col., 1878 Class of 1881 Banker Attorney at Law Date of death unknown Attorney at Law Attorney at Law Physician Alexandria, Va. Petersburg, Va. Richmond, Va. 26 Sliafer Bldg. Savannah, Ga. Marshall, Texas Orleans, La., 1886 Physician Selma, Ala. Member U. S. Board Examining Surgeons 1882 Member Board Medical E-\aminers, Dallas County Surgeon and Gynecologist, Selma Infirmary Attorney at Law Farmville, Va. Delegate to Fourteenth Grand Chapter ii6 PSI CHAPTER Class of 1882 Lewis Minor Coleman B.L„ 1882; A.M., 1886 Attorney at Law Delegate to Thirteenth Grand Chapter James LeRoy Cooper Physician M.D., Col. of Physicians and Surgeons, 1883 William LeRoy Doggett Real Estate Randolph Bryan Grinnan D.D. John Henry Ingram LL.B., Richmond Col., Va., 18 Tyler Gatewood Kent Bernard Mann James Cabell Minor M.D. James Marwood Quicke LL.B., 1887 Edward Watts Saunders B.L. Baylis Earle Sloan *Nathan E. Venable Clergyman Professor University of Tokio Attorney at Law Farmer Attorney at Law Physician Attorney at Law Attorney at Law Civil Engineer Student Died September 14, 18S9 Chattanooga, Tenn. 619 Walnut St. Fort Worth, Tex. Chicago, 111. 202, 167 Dearborn Tokio, Japan Manchester, Va. Wytheville, Va. Petersburg, Va. Newport, Ark. tKansas City, Mo. Rocky Mount, Va. Charleston, S. C. Petersburg, Va. Joseph Irvine Blanton A.B.. B.L Benjamin Eugene Bransford Leigh Carroll A.M., B.Lit. John Herbert Claiborne, Jr. M.D. *Eugene Lusk Clark *Thomas Dudley Isom M.D. Samuel Humphrey James LL.B. Jefferson Randolph Kean M.D. Harry Preston Lawther LL.B. Patrick Cabell Massie LL.B. Ransom Dabney Palmer M.D., A.B. Julius J. Robertson M.D. Edward Holloway Brown William Armitage Harper Herbert Greyson Peters A.B., A.M. Charles Porterfield B. L., A.B. John Cunningham Robertson A.M., M.D. William Henry Robertson Class of 1883 Attorney at Law Cynthiana, Ky. Clerk tRoanoke, Va. Attorney at Law New Orleans, La President of Algiers Waterworks 222 Elmira Ave. Co. President of Algiers Savings Bank Physician New York City Instructor in Columbia Univ. _ 39 W. 36th St. Merchant Djed January 5, 1885 Physician Died April 25, 1895 Attorney at Law Physician Major and Surgeon U. S. Army Attorney at Law Attorney at Law Physician Physician Class of 1884 Real Estate Publisher With Harper Brothers Attorney at Law Journalist United States Consul Clarksdale, Miss. Oxford, Miss. Mound Station, La. Havana, Cuba Dallas, Tex. Montgomery, Ala. tNew Orleans, La. |Grand Junction, Cal Richmond, Va. New York, N. Y. Franklin Sq. Bristol, Tenn. tSt. Paul, Minn. tNew York, N. Y. Hamburg, Germany THE UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA 117 Joseph Wheadon Carroll Richard Hoope Cunningham M.D., Va. Med. Col., 1883 John Dunn A.M., M.D., 1886 ♦William Henry Jones Robert Dunn Mcllvaine M.D. William Plummer McRae B.L. Robert Alston Martin, Jr. M.D., Bellevuf Hosii.Med. Col Edmund Lee Tompkins M.D. Humprey Keyes Ambler John Meade Callender M.D. Flavius Eugene Davis, Jr. James Dunn Andrew Forsythe Evans A.B., .A.M., Centre Col. Francis Rives Lassiter B.L. Kirkland Ruffin M.D. *Robert Lee Townes M.D. Class of 1885 Attorney at Law Physician Physician Date of death unknown Physician Attorney at Law Member Virginia House of Delegates Chairman Committee on Courts of Justice New Orleans, La. 708 Union St. tRichmond, Va. Richmond, Va. Petersburg, Va. Petersburg, Va. Petersburg, Va. Physician ., 188s Physician Class of 1886 Teacher Physician Broker Insurance Attorney at Law Attorney at Law Congressman Fourth District of Virginia Physician Norfolk, Va Physician Died November, i88g Petersburg, Va. Washington, D. C. 1512Q. St. tNew York, N. Y. tBrooklyn, N. Y. Roanoke, Va. Petersburg, Va. Kansas City, Mo. Washington, D. C. /irginia Norfolk, Va. Danville, Va. Edward Price Buford Class of 1887 Attorney at Law -Attorney for Commonwealth, Brunswick County Algernon Coleman Edmunds Attorney at Law B.L. John Joseph Kindred Physician ^LD.. liospital Col. of Medicine, 1889 Louis Mackall, Jr. Physician Lawrenceville, Va. Danville, Va. Courtland, Va. Washington, D. C. Thomas'Earl Ashbrook A.B.. Univ. of Ky., t886. Wallace Forluine Brown >LA., B.L., i8qi Lee Emmett Thomas B.L., A.B., Howard Col., i^ Erasmus Darwin Fenner M.D.. A.B.. Tulane Univ.. 18SS *George Dissant Lyman William L. McGill Julian Thornley C.E., B.S. Class of 1888 Attorney at Law Attorney at Law Attorney at Law Class of 1889 Physician Student Died January 17, 1890 Merchant Civil Engineer Paris, Ky. Richmond, Va. Shreveport, La. 523 Market Place. New Orleans, La. Charlottesville, Va. Petersburg, Va. New York, N. Y. Asst. Eng. N. Y. Rapid Tr. Comm. Hotel San Remo. ii8 PSI CHAPTER Samuel W. Arrington Hunter Ashby Bond M.D. Joseph Bra^g Dunn, Jr. M.A., M.D. John Bradford Griggs M.D.. Univ. of Baltimore Russell Kilbourne James L. McLemore H. Dent Minor B.L., B.S. W. V. Kellogg M.D. S. V. Southall, Jr. Class of 1890 Teacher Principal Petersburg Academy Physician With Manhattan State Hospital Physician Physician Manufacturer Attorney at Law Class of 1891 Physician Banker Petersburg, Va. New York, N.Y. Wards Island Richmond, Va. Elizabeth City, N. C. fColumbus, O. Courtland, Va. Memphis, Tenn. tMt. Vernon, Ala. Charlottesville, Va. Alexander Cunningham Charles R. Grandy M.D. B.A. Tilman B. Parks Arthur Peter BL., B.A., Univ. of Louisville, 1890 John Daniel Thomas M.D., A.B., Hampden-Sidney Col 1889. Benjamin M. Walmsley Class of 1892 Farmer Physician Pres. Norfolk Medical Society Attorney at Law Delegate to 20th Grand Chapter Member 33d General Assembly Attorney at Law Delegate to 19th Grand Chapter Halifax Co., Va. Norfolk, Va. New Lewisville, Ark. Louisville, Ky. 27 Louisville Trust Co. Bldg. Physician Washington, D. C. , Assistant to Professor of Practice 1603, 19th St. of Medicine and Pediatrics Georgetown Univ. Banker New Orleans, La. With Louisiana National Bank Earnest B. Anderson B.L. John Gait Baylor M.D. James Granville Cecil Walker Downer Hines B.L. B.S. ♦Thomas H. Nell Richard Ames Old C.E. Richard Potts Robert Minor Wiley M.D. A.B., Roanoke College, 1892 Class of 1893 Attorney at Law Physician Farmer Attorney at Law Assistant Attorney L. & N. Student Died in 1894 Civil Engineer Banker Physician Class of 1894 Thomas Hume Merchant William Levi Old Physician M.D. B. A., Randolph-Macon Col. John N. Sebrell, Jr. Attorney at Law B.L. Mayor of Courtland Richard Alexander Urquhart Physician Assistant Physician Children's Owensboro, Ky. ■fCulpeper, Va. Danville, Ky. Louisville, Ky. R.R. The St. James Laytonsville, Md. Bennett's Creek, Va. Frederick, Md. Salem, Va. Washington, D. C. Norfolk, Va. Courtland, Va. Department, Johns Hopkins Hospita Baltimore, Md. 1950 Linden Ave. THE UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA George H. Denny A.M. Ph D. Flavins Eugene Davis B.L. Douglas Forsyth B..A.,TulaneUniv., 1894 John May B.L. John G. Todd M.D. Bartlett Roper, Jr. B.L. Victor Conway Smith M.D.,TuIaneUniv., iSgg Class of 1895 Teacher Lexington, Va. Professor of Latin and Acting Pres., Washington and Lee Univ. Grand Praetor of Second Province, 1892-94. Broker Roanoke, Va. Merchant Attorney at Law Physician Attorney at Law U. S. Commissioner, Eastern District of Virginia Physician New Orleans, La. 1423 Louisiana Ave. New Orleans, La. Portsmouth, Va. Petersburg, Va. Henderson, La. William Bradish Forsyth B.L. C. King Logan M.D. Thomas Richard Moore A.B. D.M.A. Preston Wright Class of 1896 Attorney at Law Physician Broker Mining Engineer New Orleans, La. 2708 Prytania St. New Orleans, La. Baltimore, Md. 807 N. Cliarles St. Roanoke, Va. R. W. Holt Harrison S. Penn Robert W. Porter Stephen H. Watts A.M., Randolph-Macon Col., iSgf M.D., Johns Hopkins Univ., 1901 Class of 1897 Merchant Tobacconist Delegate to 23d Grand Chapter Physician tStaunton, Va. Reidsville, N. C. Glasgow, Ky. Baltimore, Md. Johns Hopkins Hosp. Class of 1898 Attorney at Law Robert T. Anderson B.L.. Univ. of Michigan James Morrison Physician M.D. A.B., Hampden-Sidney Col., 1891 C. A. Orr H. O. Schoolfield Elbert Lee Trinkle B.L. A.B., B.S., Hampden-Sid- ney Col. Tobacconist Attorney at Law Praetor Second Province, 1899 Delegate to 34th Grand Chaiiter Greenville, O. Lynchburg, Va. Princeton, Ind. Danville, Va. Wytheville, Va. Class of 1899 John Carroll Adams Merchant Patrick Henry Drewry Attorney at Law B..^., Randolph-Macon College George A. Washington Frayser Attorney at Law LL.B., Vanderbilt Univ. David Russell Lyman M.D. William Augustine Martin Clifford Sperow M.D. Lynchburg, Va. Petersburg, Va. Nashville, Tenn. Baltimore, Md. Student Interne, Johns Hopkins Hospital Merchant Chattanooga, Tenn. Physician Washington, D. C. House Surgeon, Emergency Hospital, Washington I20 PSI CHAPTER George Ambrose Allen Malcolm Griffin B.L. John Gillespie Martin Holcombe McGavock Robert- son M.D, B.A., Hampden-Sidney Col., i8g6 Lawrence Rust Sayers M.D. John Calvin Silliman Class of 1900 Attorney at Law Attorney at Law Merchant Physician Physician Student Erie, Pa. Roanoke, Va. Chattanooga, Tenn. Max Meadows, Va. Wytheville, Va. Palestine, Tex. John Wesley Carroll M.D. Alexander Wiley Moore Benjamin Price Riley David Todd Stuart M.D. Class of 1901 Physician Student Student Physician Delegate to 23d Grand Chapter Lynchburg, Va. Chester, S. C. Oakdale, Md. Washington, U. C. Emergency Hospita Richard Dickson Cooke Edward Beverly Herndon, Jr. Baxter Springs Moore Hubert Roland Southall Philip Pendleton Steptoe Class of 1902 Student Delegate to 24th Grand Chapter Student Student Student Student Norfolk, Va. Shreveport, La. Chester, S. C. Elkton, Va. ' Raccoon Ford, Va. Class of 1903 Keith L. Bullitt Waller Jameson Ephriam Roland Mulford John Wilson Somerville Basil DeLashmutt Boteler George Harrison Wallace Student Student Student Class of 1904 Student Student Student Louisville, Ky. Roanoke, Va. Bridgeton, N. J. 45 N. Giles St. Culpepper, Va. Ballston, Va. Canandaigua, N. Y PENNSYLVANIA COLLEGE GETTYSBURG, PENNSYLVANL\ Founded in 1832 First Class Graduated in 1834 A Denominational Institution (Lutheran) DEPARTMENTS CLASSICAL scientific PREPARATORY STATISTICS Value of buildings and grounds .... $300,000.00 Value of equipment and apparatus - - - - 75,000.00 Amount of endowment ..... 200,000.00 Value of productive funds ..... Income from all sources for 1899-1900 - - - 25,000.00 Tuition in collegiate department .... 30.00 Number of volumes in library .... 24,000 Number of professors and instructors . - - - 15 Number of students in attendance .... 252 Number of students in each department: Classical, 161; Scientific, 29; Pre- paratory, 62. Women are admitted, and constitute about 5 per cent, of the attendance. THETA CHAPTER Founded April 3, 1863 OTHER FRATERNITIES Phi Kappa Psi, 1855; Phi Gamma Delta, 1858; Zeta Psi (inactive), 1861-70; Chi Phi (inactive), 1867-72; Phi Delta Theta, 1875; Alpha Tau Omega, 1882; Sigma Alpha Epsilon (inactive), 1893-95. THETA CHAPTER PENNSYLVANIA COLLEGE Michael Colver A.B., A.M. Simon Peter Mikesell Class of 1863 Clergyman Class of 1864 Merchant Lanark, 111. Ponca, Neb. Class of 1865 Thomas Charles Billheimer Teacher A.B., A.M., D.D. Professor of German and Hebrew, Theological Seminary, Gettys- burg, Pa. Gettysburg, Pa. Phihp Melanchthon Bikle A.B., A.M. Ph.D., Roanoke Col. *Albert M. Gibson Theophilus Henry Tritle Sahm Thomas William Saeger A.B., A.M. William Calhoun Schaeffer A.B.. A.M. D.D., Newberry Col. *Henry LaFayette Ziegenfuss A.B. A.M., St. Stephen's Col., N. Y., 1875. D.D. Gettysburg, Pa. Class of 1866 Teacher Professor in Pa. Col. Delegate to Fifth Grand Chapter Attorney at Law Washington, D. C. Died in February, 1899 Physician ' Pittsburg, Pa. Miller Allentown, Pa. Clergyman Savannah, Ga. Pastor Church of the Ascension Clergyman Died February 8, 1894 Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Class of 1867 *Henry Black Michael William Jacobs A.B., A.M. Frank T. Shaw M.D. *Benaiah Christian Snyder A.B. Jacob John Weaver, Jr. A.B., A.M. M.D., Univ. of Maryland, 1870 Max Nirdlinger *William Ewing Sturgis Mercersburg, Pa. Harrisburg, Pa. Farmer Died May 27, 1888 Attorney at Law Delegate to Si.xth Grand Chapter Merchant Westminster, Md. U. S. Commissioner, Baltimore, Md Clergyman Allentown, Pa. Died May lo, 1883 Physician tUniontown, Pa. Delegate to Si.xth Grand Chapter Class of 1868 Manufacturer Druggist Date of death unknown Philadelphia Pa. 4418 Pine St. Fort Wayne, Ind. PENNSYLVANIA COLLEGE 123 *Charles Mortimer Dawson LL.B., Albany Law School Charles D. Gorham John Rush Hoagland David Brainard Lady Franklin and IVIarshall Col. Class of 1869 Attorney at Law Judije Superior Court of Allen Co Delegate to Sixth. Ninth and Seven- teenth Grand Chapters Grand Consul of Seventeenth Grand Chapter Died October 4, 1899 Fort Wayne, Ind. ' 1869; A.M., i D.D.Jbid., Joshua Motter Railroad Official President of Kenwood Club Clergyman Recording SecretarySundaySchool Board Keformed Church in United States Merchant Fort Wayne, Ind. Chicago, HI. 5069 Lake .\ve. Arendtsville, Pa. Adams Co. St. Joseph, Mo. Class of 1870 *Charles Philip Krauth, Jr. A.B., 1S69; A.M.. 1872, Univ. of Pa. Died December 27, 1S99 Michael Reed Minnich Clergyman A.B., A.M. S.T.B., Seminary Evangelical Lutheran Church, 1873 Jefferson Zachary Taylor Physician M.D., Jefferson Medical Col., 1875 Pittsburg, Pa. Philadelphia, Pa. 1021 Market St. Baltimore, Md. Abraham E. Carpenter *Luther T. Deininger ♦Albert S. Kemp Class of 1871 Physician Merchant Died August 3, 1897 Accountant Delegate to Eleventh. Twelfth and Thirteenth Grand Chapters Died March 24, 1895 Dentist Dentist Boonton, N. J. York, Pa. Havre de Grace, Md. William F. Stansbury Dentist Lexington, Miss. Edward Hopkinson Stelle Dentist IBrooklyn, N. Y. D.D.S., Baltimore Col. Dental Surgery Samuel Augustus Weikert Clergyman Paterson, N. J. A.B., A.M. Rector of St. Mark's Church *Henry Woodward Attorney at Law Reading, Pa. A.B., Muhlenberg Col. Died February 27, 1878 George Nicholas Acker A B., A.M. M.D., Columbian Univ., 1874 M.D., Univ. of Berlin, 1877 William Jacob Acker *Legh Richmond Myers A.B., A.M. Class of 1872 Physician Washington, D, C. Professor of Pediatrics, Medical 913, loth St., N.W. Dept. Columbian Univ. Attending Physician to and Dean of the School of Nursing, The Children's Hospital and Colum- bian Univ. Hosjiital Member Board of Medical Exam- iners of District of Columbia Merchant Washington, D. C. Attorney at Law Bethlehem, Pa. Delegate to Eigiith Grand Chapter Died May 25, 1895 Luther Albertus Burrell A.B., A.M. *George L. Eyster M.D., Univ. of Pa., 1874 Class of 1874 Merchant Cincinnati, O. With Pomeroy Iron and Steel Co. Physician Rock Island, III. Date of death unknown 124 THETA CHAPTER Milton Bixler Hartzell A.B., A.M. M.D., Jefferson Med. Col., 1877 McClellan Hersh Charles Milton Stock A.B., A.M. D.D., Pa. Col., 1898 Charles Alfred Suesserott A.B., A.M. George Everett Titus A.B., A.M. M.D.. Bellevue Hospital Med. Col John Adam Wirt A.B., A.M. D.D., Midland Col. George Edwin M. Herbst A.B., A.M. M.D., Jefferson Medical Col., ig Dewitt Clinton Hillegass Physician Philadelphia, Pa. Instructor in Dermatolog}', Med. 3644 Chestnut St. Department, Univ. of Pa. Accountant Philadelphia, Pa. Clei'gyman Hanover, Pa, Delejfate to Eleventh Grand Chapter Secretary Board of Trustees, Pa. Col. President West Pa. Synod of Lutheran Church Grand Generalissimo of Grand Commandery of Pa., Knights Templar Attorney at Law Chambersburg, Pa. Physician Member of Borough Council ,1877 Clergyman Hightstown, N. J. Des Moines, la. Class of 1875 Physician Oley, Berks Co., Pa. Member Pennsylvania State Sen- 1 ate, 1901-1905 Insurance Philadelphia, Pa. Manager N. Y. Life Ins. Co. 3323 North Broad St. John Sylvanus AUeman A.B., LL.B., Univ. of Pa. Louis Henry Clement A.B., A.M. *George l^udolph Freeman A.B., A.M.. D.I3., Yale Divinity School, 1885 *David Arnold Horner A.B. William Alfred Shipman A.B.. A.M. Samuel Schumucker Willard A.B. Thomas Morris DeFrees Edward L Fields William I^obert Hoch A.B., A.M., M.D. John M. McConaughy *Richard H. Welfley M.D., Univ. of Md., 188: Herman F. Willard John Sheldon Davis John T. Diebert John Fahnestock A.B., A.M. Charles Griffith Winslow Shelby Pierce LL.B., Univ. of Mich., 1879 Class of 1876 Attorney at Law Grand Consul of Twenty-third Grand Chapter Attorney at Law Teacher Died April 10, 1898 Clerk Died August 26, 1880 Clergyman Trustee Pa. Col. Teacher Class of 1877 Soldier Officer in U. S. .-^rmy Physician Class of 1878 Merchant Physician Date of death unknown Class of 1879 Merchant Merchant Real Estate and Insurance Delegate to Thirteenth Grand Attorney at Law Harrisburg, Pa. 21 North Third St. Salisbury, N. C. Meadville, Pa. Washington, D. C Johnstown, Pa. New Bloomfield, Pa. Washington, D. C. Care War Dept. tFond du Lac, Wis. Pueblo, Col. 108 and 109 Central Blk. Johnstown, Pa. Covenaugh Ave. Cumberland, Md. ILoysville, Pa. tNorristown, Pa. Schuylkill Haven, Pa. Watertown, S. D. Chapter Baltimore, Md. New York, N. Y. W. 58th St. PENNSYLVANIA COLLEGE 125 Arthur L. Hummel M.D., Univ. of Mich., li *Gilliland McMiller ♦Richard W. Saylor M.D. Eugene Abraham Stahler Class of 1880 Physician Died Feb. i, 188; Physician Died January 26. 1891 Merchant F.H.G., Fhila. Col. of Fharraacy, 1882 Class of 1881 Attorney at Law Thomas Calvin Linn A.B. ♦Emory Lloyd Loudon A.B. Samuel Steel'Blair Ramey Henry Spangler Waidlich Attorney at Law Died February, 1900 Merchant Merchant fPhiladelphia, Pa. Catonsville, Md. Easton, Pa. Norristown, Pa. Salisbury, N. C. Altoona, Pa. Ramey, Pa. Mercersburg, Pa. ♦William Denver Loudon Charles Reuben Trowbridge A.B., A.M. George Mvers Walter A.B., A.M. Halleck Paige Fahnestock John Bruce McPherson A.B., A.M. LL.B.. Univ. of Fa., 1888 William Lenhart McPherson A.B., A.M., Harvard Univ., 1885 Calvin Riley Unger A.B. Jacob Lawrence Butt A.B. Henry Jacob Fahnestock, Jr. ♦William Uurst Fleck Fh.G., Fhiladelphia Col. of Phar macy, 1883 John Douty Kutzner ♦Martin Grant Lilly Henry Moss Wolf A.B.. A.M. Class of 1882 Died July 3. 1885 Clergyman Delegate to Htb Grand Chapter Grand Fraetor, 1884-5 Editor of The Sigma Chi, 1880-S3 Attorney at Law Altoona, Pa. Easton, Pa. 223 Porter St. Gettysburg, Pa. Class of 1883 Merchant St. Paul, Minn. Manager Youghiogheny & Lehigh Coal Co. Attorney at Law Gettysburg, Pa. Trustee Pa. College Vice-President Gettysburg National Bank Delegate to 15th and 19th Grand Chapters Grand Fraetor Second Province, 1885-6 Newspaper Correspondent Washington, D. C. 1322 F St., N.W. Attorney at Law Washington, D. C. Class of 1884 Attorney at Law Banker Student Died April 4. 18S4 Agent Draughtsman Died March 4. 1895 Banker Cashier Farmers' Bank Gettysburg, Pa. Watertown, S. D. New Kingston, Pa. Wilkesbarre, Pa. York, Pa. Mififlinburg, Pa. William Lincoln Glatfelter Christian Gosh A.B. LL.B.. Univ. of Pa., 18: Daniel Ott Gehr Charles Ezra Stable A.B. Class of 1886 Manufacturer Merchant Class of 1887 Attorney at Law Publisher Editor Gettysburg Compiler Spring Forge, Pa. Nevada, Mo. Chambersburg, Pa. Gettysburg Pa. 126 THETA CHAPTER Class of 1888 Edwin J. McKee Washington, D. C. 1312 N St., N. W. *John Peter Benedict Class of 1889 Merchant Bedford, Pa. Died in 1890 H. W. Irvine Brugh Commercial Traveler Mechanicsburg, Pa. Donald Paxton McPherson Attorney at Law Gettysburg, Pa. A.B. LL.B., Harvard, June, 1895 Member Pa. House of Represen- tatives, 1901-3 Norman Crawford McPherson Electrical Engineer Hagerstown, Md. A.B. E.E., Joiins Hopkins Univ., 1892 John Reed Scott Attorney at Law Pittsburg, Pa. With White, Childs & Scott Bakevvell Law Bldg. Class of 1890 Edward Cumberland Kershner Physician New York City A.B. M.D., Col. Physicians Inspector Health Dept. N. Y. City 77 W. loist St. and Surgeons *William Harry Kitzmiller Wingert Physician • Knoxville, Tenn. Ph.G., Philadelphia Col. Phar- Died March 6, 1900 macy M.D., Tennessee Med. School James Clark Rankin Attorney at Law - Mercersburg, Pa. Garnet Gehr A.B. William Hersh A.B. Daniel Krapt Thomas C. Sangree Class of 1891 Attorney at Law Attorney at Law M.D., Medico-Chirurgical CoL, 1890 Physician Chambersburg, Pa. Gettysburg, Pa. tFrostburg, Md. fCettysburg, Pa. Charles Spangler Dakin Warren K. Damuth Frank Hersh B.S. Luther Allen Sangree John Brainerd Wolf Class of 1892 Attorney at Law Carlisle, Pa. Clergyman Philadelphia, Pa. Assistant Rector St. Mark's Epis- 1635 Locust St. copal Church Chemist Youngstown, O. Chief Chemist, Republic Iron & Steel Co. Magazine Correspondent Steelton, Pa. Merchant Carlisle, Pa. Charles Harold Gillespie Edmund Kelley Fox LL.B., Georgetown Univ., 1897 *Charles Stork Wolf A.B. Class of 1893 Reporter Delegate to i8th Grand Chapter Real Estate Vice-President A. F. Fox Com- pany Student Died May 2, 1893 Pittsburg, Pa. Care Pittsburg Leader Washington, D. C. 920 F St., N.W. Gettysburg, Pa. PENNSYLVANIA COLLEGE 127 Parvin Edar Deatrick Class of 1894 Merchant Treasurer Board of Trade President Building,' Association Director First National Bank Christian Frederick Lindauer A.B., Dickinson Col., 1899 Orville Lincoln Sigafoos Clergyman A.B.. FavetteCol., 1S94 A.M., ibid., 18^7 B.D., Union Tiieological Sem., 1897 Milton- Valentine Miller Norman Swope Heindel LL.B.. Columbia Univ., 1898 Edward Whitmer Loudon B.S. M.D., Univ. Fa., 1901. Oscar A. Stuckenberg Class of 1895 Merchant Class of 1896 Attorney at Law Martinsburg, W. Va. Baltimore, Md. 918 Russell St. Hastings -on-the-Hud- son, N. Y, Bangor, Pa. Oakland, Md. Altoona, Pa. Physician Delegate to 21st Grand Chapter Clerk Cincinnati, O. City Civil Engineer's Department 1647 Westwood Ave. Henry Wolf Bikle A.B., A.M. LL.B., Univ. Pa. Charles W. Humrichouse Frank Schock Leisenring B.S. *Walter S. Monath Henry Olewine Robbin Bayard Wolf A.B., A.M. Augustus Meyer Bixler William Henry Harrison Bix M.D.. D.D.S.. Baltimore Col. Dental Surgery. 1898 Howard Bayard Erdman B.S. John Wendt LL.B., Columbia Univ., 1900 *Webster Welsh Good John DeKalb Keith B.S. Paul Harold Bikle A.B, David Dale B.D. William Grove Lawyer McClean Stock A.B. Charles Wendt Class of 1897 Attorney at Law Merchant Soldier ist Lieutenant, U. S. Volunteers. Co. B, 46th Regiment Student Died September 5, 1895 Merchant Law Student Philadelphia, Pa. Drexel Bldg. Baltimore, Md. no Commerce St. Chambersburg, Pa. Chambersburg, Pa. Hazelton, Pa. Philadelphia, Pa. 3S6 LippincottSt. Class of 1898 Mine Operator .Assistant ALanager of Iron Chief Mine. Riverside Co. ler Dentist Asst. Prof. Orthodontia, Dental Dept. of Baltimore Medical Col Student Delegate to 23d Grand Chapter Attorney at Law Walters, Cal. Baltimore, Md. 1823 North Charles St. Macungie, Pa. New York, N. Y. 99 Nassau St. Class of 1899 Merchant Died March 14, 1901 Student Class of 1900 Student Student Merchant Teacher Professor in Pa. College Accountant Pine Hill, Pa. Gettysburg, Pa. Gettysburg, Pa. Lemont, Pa. Westminster, Md. Hanover, Pa. New York City 72 W, i2oth St. I2S THETA CHAPTER Class of 1901 Newton Fredericks William Gideon Leisenring A.B. ^ George W. Loudon Archibald Munroe Alexander Hay O'Neal A.B. William Frank Rosensteel Richard Baxter Stock A.B. Joseph Nisley Lamman Calvin Blaine Loudon Clyde Baker Weikert Perry McLaughlin Ralph Stemer Reifsnyder Lewis Oscar Young Howard Boylston Young DeLanson James Young Walter Young Sprenkle Clarence Milton Schaeffer John Criswell Stine Marlin Wilmer Shorb Merchant Lock Haven, Pa. Student Chambersburg, Pa. Delegate to 24th Grand Chapter Grand Praetor First Province, 1901- Merchant Gettysburg, Pa. Merchant Lock Haven, Pa. Student Gettysburg, Pa. Delegate to 25th Grand Chapter Student Johnstown, Pa. Main and Walnut Sts Student Hanover, Pa. Class of 1902 Merchant Middletown, Pa. Student Altoona, Pa. Student Woodsboro, Md. Class of 1903 Student Mason-Dixon, Pa. Merchant Westminster, Md. Student Middletown, Pa. Student Middletown, Pa. Merchant Middletown, Pa. Class of 1904 Student Hanover, Pa. Student Westminster, Md. Class of 1905 Student Shippensburg, Pa. Student Double Pipecreek, Md. BUCKNELL UNIVERSITY LEWISBURG, PENNSYLVANIA FOUND.ED IN 1846 Chartered in 1846 A Denominational Institution (Baptist) DEPARTMENTS collegiate preparatory music STATISTICS Value of buildings and grounds, including amount of endowment and equipment ------ $750,000.00 Value of productive funds - - . . . 400,000.00 Income from all sources for iSgg-igoo - . - . 35,000.00 Tuition in college of liberal arts department - - - 75-00 Number of volumes in library . . . . . 21,000 Number of professors and instructors ... - 30 Number of students in attendance ----- 487 Women are admitted and constitute about one-third of the attendance. KAPPA CHAPTER Founded March 4, 1864 OTHER FRATERNITIES Phi Kappa Psi, 1855; Theta Delta Chi (inactive), 1866-73; Phi Gamma Delta, 1882; Sigma Alpha Epsilon, 1893; Kappa Sigma, 1896; Pi Beta Phi, 1894; Theta Delta Chi, 1897. 129 KAPPA CHAPTER BUCKNELL UNIVERSITY *William Henry Runyon A.B., A.M. Orlando Wellington Spratt A.B., A.M. LL.B., Harvard Univ.. 1866 Thomas Miles Shanafelt A.B., A.M. D.D.. Judsonia Univ., 1SS2 Class of 1861 Merchant Morristown, N. J. Died in 1S81 Agent Philadelphia, Pa. Financial Agent for the Society 1122 Chestnut St. for Providing Literature for the Blind Clergyman Huron, S. D. Jacob Garrett Walker A.B., A. M. D.D., 188- George Bowman A.B., A.M. Henry F. Grier David Porter Leas A.B., A.M. Class of 1862 Clergyman Recording Secretary American Baptist Publication Society Editor American Baptist Year Book 69 Illinois St. Philadelphia, Pa. 649 N. 40th St. Class of 1863 Government Official In U. S. Pension Office Mechanical Engineer Merchant Trustee West Philadelphia Institute Trustee and Troas. Bucknell Univ. Manager .American Baptist Publication Society Pres. Pa. Tanners' Fire Ins. Co. Manager of Trades League Anacostia, D. C. Chicago, 111. 57 Congress St. Philadelphia, Pa. 400 S. 40th St. i William Forbes Cowden A.B.Jefferson Col., 1858 A.M., Bucknell Univ. Theodore A. K. Gessler A.B., A.M., D.D. Clinton D. Gibbon Jewet Gilbert Homet A.B. John B. Hutton A.B.. A.M. Franklin Penn Lefevre *Chauncey Bolivar Ripley A.B.. A.M. LL.B.,Univ. of N.Y 1865 LL.D.. Bucknell Univ., 1S88 Robert Agnew Townsend A.B. *William G. Van Zant A.B , A.M., M.D. Class of lE Clergyman Tacoma, Wash. 812 M St. Clergyman Lake Hopatcong, N. J. Delegate to 20th and 24th Grand Chapters Orator 24th and 25th Grand Chapters Manufacturer Philadelphia, Pa. 525 Cherry St. Accountant Monroetown, Pa. Chicago, 111. 451 S. Normal Parkway Lancaster, Pa. New York, N. Y. Clergyman Manufacturer Attorney at Law , Died November 12, 1893 Teacher Vice-Prin. Boys' High School Physician Died 1874 130 Reading, Pa. 38 N. loth St. Lewisburg, Pa. BUCKNELL UNIVERSITY Theophilus Eaton Clapp A.B.. A.M. *John W. Custis D.D.. Columbian Univ. Henry B. Fowler Fli.B., M.C.E., Polytechnic Co) *Henry J. Heinen *J. Washington Irving *Edward Everett Jones A.B., A.M. Howard Fetzer King A.B;, A.M. D.D., 1895 Thomas Seyse Class of 1865 Clergyman Clergyman Died March 6, 1S88 Civil Engineer , State of Pa., 1873 Merchant Died in March, 1887 Date of death unknown Clergyman Died in 1S98 Clergyman Clergyman , Manchester Conn. 590 Beech St. Chicago, 111, Philadelphia, Pa. 436 Walnut St. Milton, Pa. Chester, Pa. Clinton, N. J. Uniontown, Pa. Sandusky, O. Class of 1866 Nathaniel C. Giddings B.S., M.S., M.D., Univ. of Fa. John Speed Hutson A.B.. A.M. Amzi Wolverton Mettler Thomas Elliott Phillips A.B. Thomas F. Smith *Alfred Taylor B.S. LL.B., Columbia Col. Physician Clergyman Clergyman Clergyman tChatham Run, Pa. Allegheny City, Pa. 1006 Kirkpatrick Ave. Hedgeville, N. Y. North Mehoopany, Pa. Clergyman Clifton, N. Y. Attorney at Law New York, N. Y. Deleg^ate to Sth and 20th Grand Chapters Died January 9, 1899 Jacob Dietterich James David Morgan Jones A.B., A.M. Hiram McGowan M.D.,Univ. of Pa.. 1868 *Charles S. Marks B.S. Webster Rufus Maul B.S. Thomas P. Merritt Emerick Harrison Painter A.B., A.M. Thomas Jones Phillips A.B. John B. Ritner Joseph Latta Watson A.B., A.M. Class of 1867 Attorney at Law Attorney at Law Physician Attorney at Law Died August 15, i8t Clergyman Merchant Attorney at Law Farmer Clergyman Clergyman Sunbury, Pa. Wilkesbarre, Pa. Harrisburg, Pa. Lewistown, Pa. Brooklyn, N. Y. Reading, Pa. Mossy Rock, Wash. Atglen, Pa. tPhiladelphia, Pa. fPhiladelphia, Pa. S. O. Reed Charles Hendry Shivers M.D., Jefferson Medical Col., 1872 Mark R. Sooy A.M. William Griggs Stahlnecker Class of 1868 Physician Attorney at Law Merchant Sunbury, Pa. Haddonfield, N. J. 61 \V. Main St. Mt. Holly, N. J. Yonkers, N. Y. 132 KAPPA CHAPTER J. Thomas Baker A.M. John T. Baldwin F. K. Fowler A.B., A.M. *Hirani Hancock John H. Harris A.B., A.M. Ph.D., Lafayette Col Robert Evan James A.B., A.M. John H. Kain C.E. George D. Kincaid Henry L. Kinport David Rogers Landis Albert Schooley A.B., A.M. William Strode Settle Alfred Scott Sheller Class of 1869 Attorney at Law Pres. of tlie Union National Bank Clergyman Lewisburg, Pa. 'tNew York, N. Y. Glean, N. Y. Oil City, Pa. Lewisburg, Pa. Died July 25, 1898 Teacher President of Bucknell University Attorney at Law and Banker Easton, Pa. Delegate to Sth and loth Grand Chapters Civil Engineer With Me.xican Central R. R, Missionary Railroad Employee With O. S. L. R'y Co. Clergyman Delegate to 6th Grand Chapter Auditor of Lewis Co. Real Estate and Insurance Merchant City of Mexico, Mex. Care Mexican Central R. R. Burmah Pocatella, Idaho fLaramie, Wyo. Chehalis, Wash. Lewistown, Pa. Lewisburg, Pa. George L. Groff Peter Wesley Himmelreich Jacob Hunt George D. Miles *William Henry Slifer Arthur W. Wright *W. Herbert Crotzer M.D. George Woods Goodman William V. Kerr Frank S. Marr B.S. Class of 1870 Merchant Farmer Date of death unknown Class of 1871 Physician Died in 1898 Traveling Salesman With Hood, Fulkrod & Co. Farmer Attorney at Law Delegate to 8th Grand Chapter tStroudsburg, Pa. Lewisburg, Pa. Philadelphia, Pa. 51 N. loth St. Big Rapids, Mich. Lewisburg, Pa. fCincinnati, O. Vineland, N. J. Philadelphia, Pa. Mooresburg, Pa, Germantown, Pa. ♦Aaron W. Eyer A.M. M.D., Univ. of Pa., 1875 *George Ogden, Jr. B.S. *Milton Klinger Schwenk Willard Ogden Shaffer A.B., A.M. John Henry Wingert B.S. Class of 1872 Physician Leadville, Col. t)ied in Cleveland, Ohio, Decem- ber 19, 1895 Merchant Philadelphia, Pa. Delegate to loth Grand Chapter Died August 19, 1892 Naval Officer New York, N. Y. Lieut, in U. S. Navy Died June 17, 1899 Prothonotary Lewisburg, Pa. Member of Bd. Directors Lewis- burg National Bank Farmer Lewisburg, Pa. BUCKNELL UNIVERSITY Clarence A, Brown Addison Candor A.B. A.M., Col. of N.J. , 1876 Frank J. Ingraham Nicholas Paris Mervine A.B., A.M. Horace Mann Shallenberger M.D., Jerterson Med. Col., 1876 Freeman Golding Teed A.B., A.M. William Cameron Walls A.B., A.M. Porter Martin Wilson Class of 1873 Attorney at Law Dentist Attorney at Law Physician Exeter, Pa. Williamsport, Pa. fBrupswick, Ga. Altoona, Pa. Rochester, Pa. Los Angeles, Cal. Attorney at Law Delefrate to loth Grand Chapter Grand Praetor 8th Province, 1897-1899 Merchant Lewisburg, Pa. Mechanical Engineer and Merchant Philadelphia, Pa. 1914 N. 30th St. Ward Raymond Bliss A.B., A.'M. Clifford Blackburn James H. Dietrick LL.B.. Albany Law School, 1875 James Milo Giddings M.D., Univ. of Pa.ri875 *William D. Himmelreich Alfred Curtis Knowlton A.B., A.M. Melvin E. Lynn Alem Kennedy Marr James C. \'an Dyke Class of 1874 Attorney at Law Member Pennsylvania Legis- lature Attorney at Law Physician Merchant Died October 23, 1897 Clergyman Merchant Farmer Journalist With Public Ledger Chester, Pa. 8og Madison St. Philadelphia, Pa. ■fDes Moines, la. tScranton, Kan. Lewisburg, Pa. Roxborough, Pa. Cincinnati, O. Mt. Calvert, Md. Philadelphia, Pa. John Foster Duncan A.B. *Robert Davenport Evans A.B., A.M. *Wilfred Gerhart A.B., A.M. >LD., Hahnemann Med. Col. of Pa., 1879 Delazon Perry Higgins B.S. George Harmer McClelland A.B., A.M. George William Means A.B.. A.^L *John Reisinger M.D., Bellevue Hospital Med. Col. Jonathan Follmer Strieby A.B., A.M. ♦Philip L. Taylor Cyrus Trego A.B., A.M. M.D., Univ. of Pa., Thomas Kittera Van Dyke A.B., A.>L William H. Young Class of 1875 Attorney at Law Vice-Pres. Union Nat'l Bank Attorney at Law Died February 18, 1899 Physician Died in 1899 Postmaster Clergyman Attorney at Law Physician Date of death unknown Attorney at Law- Merchant Died May 24, 1882 Physician 1878 Attorney at Law Lewisburg, Pa. Wilkesbarre, Pa. Lewisburg, Pa. Lewisburg, Pa. Buffalo, N. Y. 108 Laurel .St. Brookville, Pa. Connellsville, Pa. Williamsport, Pa. Brookville, Pa. Pottstown, Pa. Harrisburg, Pa. Care State Dept. tAchor, O. 1 34 KAPPA CHAPTER David Burnite Callaghan William Dysart Holliday *Wade Hampton Matson Oliver B. Dickinson Eugene Emley A.B. William Ruckman Follmer A.B., A.M. Harold Murray McClure A.B., A.M. David Brainard Marr Frank B. Mercer Edmund Homer Reppert A.B., A.M. Charles J. Wolfe A.B. James Ernest Frear A.B., A.M. Edward R. Helmhold David Darwin Hughes Amos R. Shalkop Malcolm Wise *David Austin Chase *Frank Shaw Davis A.B., A.M. William Hart Fowler ^Frederick Taylor Marsh Albert J. Shedden Abram W. Frear Thomas Lewis Lewis A.B., A.M. James Plannett A.B., A.M. Samuel Lewis Ziegler A.B., A.M. M.D., Univ. ofPa. Paul Stone Horton Class of 1876 Manufacturer W. Philadelphia, Pa. Supt. Angora Spinning Mill jSth & Baltimore Ave Railroad Oftcial St. Louis, Mo. Assistant General Freight Agent of the Cleveland Cincinnati, Chicago & St. Louis R'y. Merchant Died May g, 1877 Class of 1877 Attorney at Law Attorney at Law Attorney at Law Capt. Co. A, i2th Regt., N. G. Attorney at Law Judge 17th Dist., Pa. Merchant Journalist Attorney at Law Judge Fayette Co. Merchant Class of 1878 Attorney at Law Attorney at Law Brookville, Pa. Chester, Pa. 3300 W. gth St. Paterson, N. J. 119 Washington St. Lewisburg, Pa. Sunbury Pa. Croome Station, Md. tEureka, Nev. Uniontown, Pa. Lewisburg, Pa. Banker Cashier First National Bank Class of 1879 Merchant Died June 10, 1888 Date of death unknown Merchant Merchant Died April 2, 1900 With Spang, Chalfant & Co. Class of 1880 Tunkhannock, Pa. Montgomery, Pa. tGrand Rapids, Mich. Philadelphia, Pa. 4660 Ridge Ave., Rox- borough Du Bois, Pa. Jeffries, Pa. Lewisburg, Pa. Montgomery Station, Pa. Baltimore, Md. Pittsburg, Pa. Miner Clergyman Factoryville, Pa. Philadelphia, Pa. a3o6oEast Thompson St. ergyman Sedalia, Mo. Financial Agt. Clarkesburg College 1015 E. 5th St and Member of its Board of Curators Physician Philadelphia, Pa. Surgeon at Wills Eye Hospital 1509 Walnut St. Surgeon in Charge, Eye Department St. Joseph's Hospital President Philadelphia Alumni Chap- ter of Sigma Chi Delegate to 23d Grand Chapter Class of 1881 Hotel Warren, Pa. 337-339 Water St. BUCKNELL UxNIVERSITY 35 Elijah D. Campbell Thomas P. Lloyd Joseph Walter Price James Brown Stevenson Class of 1882 Merchant Lloyd & Co. Fraternity Jewelry Agt., 1882-1S Merchant Dry Goods & Carpets Grocer With J. K. Stevenson Co. Williamsport, Pa. Hollidaysburg, Pa. Ashland, Pa. Pittsburg, Pa. 108 Dithridge St. Eli Hickman Eldridge William H. Hassenplug Vinton Liddell George Augustus Lung A.B.. Univ. Rochester, 1883 M.D., Univ. Pa.. 1886 Arthur W. Evans Charles Harold Hayes *Henry Carpenter Overholt Owen Malcolm Shreve B.S. M.D., Univ. of Buffalo William Preston Beaver A.B.,A.M. Andrew Miller Freas LL.B., Vale, 1890 Rolfe Gerhart John Halfpenny Charles Harvey Hunter Carl Clayton Law A.B., A.M. Wm. Duncan McRae W. E. Renshaw Ralph Montgomery Straw- bridge A.B.. A.M. ♦Garry H. Wood Class of 1883 Salesman Salesman Manufacturer Delegate to 14th Grand Chapter Physician Philadelphia, Pa. 183S Mt. Vernon St. Milwaukee, Wis. 160 Clinton St. Charlotte, N. C. New York, N. Y Ass't Surgeon U. S. Navy, Brooklyn Navy Vard Class of 1884 Clerk With Denver Rio G. R.R. Naval Officer Lieutenant on the U. S. S. Con- cord, stationed at Manila Manufacturer Died December 3, 1S94 Chemist •fDenver, Colo. Manila, P. L Cleveland, O. London, Eng. No. 3 Talbot Road Wembelley Class of 1885 Accountant .Auditor .Am. Tin Plate Co. Delegate to 15th Grand Chapter Attorney at Law New York, N. Y. Battery Park Bldg. Wilkesbarre, Pa. 27, 28, 29 Laning Bldg. Merchant Clay Court House, W. Gen. Man. C. L. Ritter Lumber Co. \'a. Merchant Philadelphia, Pa, 200 Girard Bldg. Greensburg, Pa. Pittsburg, Pa. 413 Wood St. Attorney at Law Accountant Treas. Merchant Trust Co. Delegate to 15th Grand Chapter State Bank E.xaminer Merchant Merchant Attorney at Law Real Estate Died March 3, 1893. Rockingham, N. C. Plvmouth, Pa. Pittsburg, Pa. Chicago, 111. *James Leigh Merriman Benjamin Franklin Squier Arthur Thomas Welles Class of 1887 Electrician Journalist Electrician Supt. with Western Electric Co. Delegate to 21st Grand Chapter Member of Pub. Com. Sigma Chi Catalogue, Edition 1890 Lewisburg, Pa. Scranton, Pa. Chicago, 111. 136 KAPPA CHAPTER William Carroll Ginter Ralph Buckley Little *William Sallie Patrick M.D.. Univ. Pa., 1889 ' Oliver Kline Pellman A.B. *Milton Compton Reinhold A.B. Class of 1888 Clerk Lewisburg, Pa. With C. Dreisbach & Sons, Whole- sale Hardware Attorney at Law Montrose, Pa. Physician Ouinton, N. J. Date of death unknown Dentist Mifflinburg, Pa. Fraternity Jewelry Agent, 1888-1890 Mahanoy City, Pa. Delegate to the i6th Grand Chapter Died March 2. 1894 Albert Opdyke Freas Edwin Heister Guie Frank Bentley Hargrave Jesse Oliver Shipman Class of 1889 Physician fScranton, Pa. Attorney at Law N. Seattle, Wash. Member State Legislature 745 Bellevue .\ve. Speaker of House of Representatives Attorney at Law Latrobe, Pa. Member State Legislature Civil Engineer Shamokin, Pa. Assistant Engineer Rapid Transit R. R. Commission, New York Citv Charles Foster Campbell Philip Billmeyer Wolfe Class of 1890 Physician Merchant Sunbury, Pa. Lewisburg, Pa. Class of 1891 Medus Monroe Davis Physician Coroner of Indiana County Charles De Woody Clergyman D.D., Hamilton Theological Seminary John Thomas Hyatt Ph.B. Class of 1892 Charles' Edward Follmer Manufacturer Delegate to iSth Grand Chapter Frank Ross Oyster Accountant M. of W. Dept., D. S. S. & A. Ry. Indiana, Pa. Geneva, N. Y. Lewisburg, Pa. Orwigsburg, Pa. Marquette, Mich. 305 E. Arch St. Harry Harrison Null, Jr. Samuel Walter Williams Class of 1893 Civil Engineer tFt. Wayne, Ind. Wilkinsburg, Pa. Joseph Casper Bucher, Jr. Charles Edward Magill Voorhees Schench Anderson Thomas Clark Babb Boyd W. Kinports W^illiam D. Kinsloe M.D., Hahnemann Med. Coll., 1S95 Iden Mayfield Portser Physician M.D., Univ. of Pa. Class of 1894 Law Student Class of 1895 Manufacturer Treasurer of the Anderson Pre- serving Co. Merchant Merchant Phvsician Lewisburg, Pa. Haddonfield, N. J. Camden, N. J. 232 Cooper St. Fredonia, Kan. Grant, Pa. Newton-Hamilton, Pa. Freeland, Pa. BUCKNELL UNIVERSITY 137 Class of 1896 Orville Elias Babcock Bailey Agent Philadelphia, Pa. Delegate to 23d Grand Chapter George Louis Megargee, Physician Coatcsville, Pa. M.D.. Univ. of Pa., 1901 Annotator 24th Grand Chapter Albert C. Rohland Attorney at Law Pittsburg, Pa, A.B. 232 Fitth Ave. Lewis Huntyinger Ryon Attorney at Law Shamokin, Pa. Delegate to zoth Grand Chapter 725 E. Dewait St. Fred Laird Camp Thomas Graham James Alexis Guie A.B. Clemence Procter Reid Frank S. Rogers Christ C. Sandels M.D., Univ. of Pa. Fred Ward Wagner Class of 1897 Attorney at Law Metallurgist Attorney at Law Union City, Pa.- Graham, New Max. Catawissa, Pa, Artist Milton, Pa. Clerk Muncy, Pa. With Muncy Valley Woolen Mills Physician Greensburg, Pa. Bradford, Pa. Manager of Opera House 74 Jackson Ave. George O. Barclay Harry Lee Freas Henry F. Scatchard Homer Burns Smith Bruce Hurst Trimmer A.B. Simon P. Wolverton, Jr. Class of 1898 ■fPhiladelphia, Pa. Scranton, Pa. 311 Madison Ave. Manufacturer Norristown, Pa. Secretary and Treasurer of the H. F. Scatchard Mfg. Co. Banker New Kensington, Pa. Teller of First National Bank Student York Spring, Pa. Attorney at Law Sunbury, Pa, Abbott Green Bucher Harry Ruhl Thornton Samuel Wittenmeyer Marion Aubrey Carringer Ph.B. Ph.M., 1901 Rush Harrison Kress A.B. Class of 1899 Lewisburg, Pa. Foreman with the Tennis Construction Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Medical Student Lewisburg, Pa. Merchant Middleburg, Pa. Class of 1900 Teacher Marienville, Pa. Ass't Principal of the Marienville High School Merchant New York, N. Y. Accountant in charge Kress Syn- 396 Broadway dicate of 5 and 10 cent stores Delegate to the 24th Grand Chapter *Edward Chapin Caldwell Robert Young Grant James Osborn Hackenburg George Herbert Hyde Creighton M. Konkle Ernest Johnston Magee Harry Lewis Maize George Clarence Rogers William Espy Thompson Frank W. Ward Class of 1901 Student Died March 28, 1900 Tanner Civil Engineer With the Pennsvlvania R. R. Miller Student Merchant Firm of Magee & Son Student Student Student Surveyor Milton, Pa. Mellen, Wis. Milton, Pa. Ridgeway, Pa, Montoursville, Pa. Clarion, Pa. Port Carbon, Pa. Muncy, Pa. Pittston, Pa. Ridgeway, Pa. I3S KAPPA CHAPTER Edwin C. Amerman Webster Calvin Frank Jackson Stoughton Yencer McLaughlin Weiden- saul Class of 1902 Student Student Civil Engineer Student Danville, Pa. Hollidaysburg, Pa. Lewisburg, Pa. Lewisburg, Pa. Class of 1903 Edwin Neal Coon Student Robert MacGregor Darlington Student James Villard Frampton Student William Nogel Marsh Student Delegate to 25th Grand Chapter Marienville, Pa. Lewisburg, Pa. Clarion, Pa. Lewisburg, Pa. Class of 1904 John Ralph Datesman Clark Payson Dickerman Roger Sander Edwards John Smith Goodman Harry Joseph Little William Calvin Roller Eli Slifer Walls Charles Gabriel Whitehead Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student West Milton, Pa. Milton, Pa. Lewisburg, Pa. Philadelphia, Pa. S20 St. Bernard St. Bloomsburg, Pa. Hollidaysburg, Pa. Lewisburg, Pa. Williamsport, Pa. I COLUMBIAN UNIVERSITY WASHINGTON, D. C. Founded in 1821 First Class Graduated in 1825 A Denominational Institution (Baptist) DEPARTMENTS collegiate scientific graduate medicine diplomacy laav dentistry STATISTICS Value of buildings and grounds .... $1,000,000.00 Amount of endowment -...-- 256,075.00 Value of productive funds - . . . . 256,075.00 Income from all sources for 1899- igoo . - . . 117,000.00 Tuition in collegiate department . . . . . 100.00 Number of volumes in library - . . - . 15,000 Number of professors and instructors - - - - 148 Number of students in attendance - - - 1.4 15 Women are admitted in the literary courses only. EPSILON CHAPTER Founded June 10, 1864. Became inactive in 1880. Revived December 22, 1892. OTHER FRATERNITIES Sigma Alpha Epsilon (inactive), 1858-69; Phi Kappa Psi, 1868; Alpha Tau Omega (inactive), 1874-90; Kappa Sigma, 1892; Kappa Alpha, 1894; Theta Delta Chi, 1896; Pi Beta Phi, 1S89; Phi Delta Phi, 1884. 139 EPSILON CHAPTER COLUMBIAN UNIVERSITY *Benjamin George Lovejoy A.B., A.M. LL.D., i8S6 Class of 1863 Attorney at Law Died November 21, 1S89 Washington, D. C. Robert Farnham Pli.B. A.M., iS6q M.D., Univ. of Fa., 1S69 *Reginald Fendall A.B., A.M. LL.B.,1867 *Thomas Jesup Miller A.B., A.M., LL.B. ♦Jacob Abbot Moore A.B., A.M., LL.B. Thomas Smallwood Samson A.B., A.M. LL.B., 1867 Samuel Hamilton Walker Class of 1864 Physician Delegate to 6th, 13th, i8th and 22d Grand Chapters Grand Consul 1901 Attorney at Law Delegate to 3rd and 20th Grand Chaijters Grand Council 1892-95 Died February 22. 1898 Attorney at Law Died July 17, 1886 Attorney at Law Died in 1864 Clergyman Pastor of First Baptist Church Capitalist Washington, D. C. 1103 M St., N. W. Washington, D. C. 1 106 Vermont Av.,N.\V. Washington, D. C. Washington, D. C. Germantown, Pa. Washington, D. C. *John W. Custis A.B., A.M A.tJ., A.M. Henry J. Handy A.B., A.M. George Clement Samson A.B., A.M., M.D. Class of 1865 Clergyman Died in 188S Clergyman and Teacher Clerk Clerk in War Department Chicago, 111. Pocomoke City, Md. Washington, D. C. James Taylor Ellvson A.B., LL.B., Uni'v. of Va. J. Holdsworth Gordon A.B., A.M., LL.B. Class of 1866 Journalist Attorney at Law Member of Board of Education Washington, D. C. Clergyman Robert James Keeling A.B. D.D.. 1865 William F. Chesley Morsell Clergyman and Editor A.B., A.M., M.S., Princeton, 1866 James Nelson Clergyman A.B., A.M., D.D. Pastor of Baptist Church Richmond, Va. Washington, D. C. of 3028 Q St. ■[Harrisburg, Pa. Germantown, Pa. 318 Earlham Terrace Staunton, Va. William Dent Beall, Jr. A.B. Joseph T. Clarke Ph.D. M.D., 1S71 Andrew Brown Duvall Samuel Saunders Class of 1867 Banker Physician fChicago, 111. Erie, Pa. Washington, D, C. Attorney at Law Attorney for District of Columbia Clergyman fSuffolk, Va 140 COLUMBIAN UNIVERSITY 141 Lingan Boteler Allen A.B., A.M. Francis C. Bowen Ph.B. William Veirs Bouic, Jr. A.B., A.M. *William Brewer Mortimer Clarke A.B., A.M. LL.B. Leonidas Crendisopulo Ph.B. Joseph H. France A.B., A.M. LL.B., 1869, D.D. *Sidney W. Handy A.B., A.M., M.D. *J. Everett Martin Ph.B. Claiborne Rice Mason, Jr. M.D.. Jefferson Med. Coll., 186 Henry Robinson Pollard LL.B. William H. Babcock LL.B. Francis Ryland Boston A.B., A.M. J. Willis Bidgood A.B., A.M. *George Yost Coffin A.B. LL.B., 1S71 James Walter Duvall Class of 1868 Attorney at Law Attorney at Law Attorney at Law State Senator of Maryland Journalist Died in Mav, 1885 Clerk Clerk in City Post Olfice Attorney at Law Clergyman 1S81 Teacher Died in 1882 Date of death unknown Contractor I Attorney at Law Class of 1869 Attorney at Law Clergyman Farmer Clerk Died November 28, 1896 Clerk Norfolk, Va. fNew York, N.Y. Rockville, Md. Rockville, Md. Washington, D. C. Ionian Isles, Greece Canandaigua, N. Y. Pocomoke, Md. Washington, D. C. Lahore, Va. Richmond, Va. Washington, D. C. ■fWarrenton, Va. Churchland, Va. Washington D. C. Washington, D. C. *Benjamin Alexander Will- iamson A.B., A.M. Class of 1870 Clergyman Died January 17, 18 Watertown, N. Y. Stephen Eugene Atkinson Ph.B. Robert Henry Harkness A.B., A.^L LL.B., 1874 Frank H. Havenner A.B., A.M. R. D. Locke LL.B. John Orfen Agloinby Buchanan Beale lames Howard Bremermann A.B.,A.M. B.L. ♦Walter Rowe Havenner A.B., A.M. William H. Rowe LL.B. Samuel J. Skinner LL.B. Class of 1871 Banker President of Cascade Bank Quartermaster-General on staff of Gov. Joseph K. Toole Clerk Clerk in Riggs National Bank Clergyman Class of 1872 Attorney at Law Clerk With Real Estate Title Co. Attorney at Law Journalist Died July 16, 1880 Attorney at Law Great Falls, Mont. Washington, D. C. Baltimore, Md. ■{■Alabama Shenandoah Junction, W. Va. Washington, D. C. Kansas City, Mo. 531 Cypress Ave. Leadville, Col. Chicago, 111. 1401 Monadnock Block tNorth Carolina 142 EPSILON CHAPTER Campbell Carrington *James H. Cuthbert A.B. Jesse Hartwell Edwards A.B., A.M. Henry Clay Fuller B.L., LL.B. *D. B. Porter Charles Franklin Rowe B.S.,LL.B. Benjamin White A.B., A.M., LL.B. Class of 1873 Attorney at Law Died in 1873 Clergyman Attorney at Law Date of death unknown Attorney at Law Clerk and Stock Breeder Clerk in Navy Department Grand Secretary Royal Arcanum tWashington, D. C. Georgia fCheraw, S. C. Peoria, 111. Washington, D. C. tWashington, D. C. 224 E St., N.W. Washington, D. C. George Taylor Klipstein A.B. M.D., Jefferson Med. Col. Charles H. Thompson A.B., A.M., D.D. Andrew Adgate Lipscomb A.B. LL.B., Univ. of Ga., 1874 Peter Parker Phillips A.B., A.M. William Henry Singleton Benjamin Franklin White B.S. Class of 1874 Physician Clergyman Class of 1875 Attorney at Law Clergyman ~ Alexandria, Va. Pastor of St. Paul's Church, Ale.xandria, Va. Attorney at Law W^ashington, D. C. 2020 H St. Farmer Adamstown, Md. Alexandria, Va. fNew Orleans, La. Washington, D. C. Frank L. Coombs Lucius Montrose Cuthbert A.M. LL.B., 1S7S William Barroll Frisby Clergyman A.B. S.T.B., General Theol. Sem., N. Y., 1879 Class of 1876 Attorney at Law Napa, Cal. Member of U. S. House of Representatives Attorney at Law Denver, Col. Frank Fuller A.B. Attorney at Law Boston, Mass. Wayne, Neb. Clerk Class of 1877 William Bayne, Jr. Charles T. C. Earle A.B. *George C. Gorham Theodore Williams Noyes Journalist A.M. LL.B., 1882; LL.D., 18S3 Editor of the " Star ' Medical Department U. S. Na\ Washington, D. C. Washington, D. C. Henry Cassell Davis A.B., A.M. Class of 1878 Teacher Principal of School Wilkesbarre, Pa. Andrew G. Bradley A.B. LL.B., 1895 J. Herbert Ford A.B., M.D. Class of 1893 Attorney at Law Physician Washington, D. C. 2013 Q St., N.W. COLUMBIAN UxNIVERSITY 143 George L. Edmonds A.B. Thornton ]. Parker A.B . Lt.B. Morven Thompson LL.B., LL.M. Arthur Lee Wilson A.B., M.D. Class of 1894 Journalist Attorney at Law Attorney at Law Physician Philadelphia, Pa. Washington, D. C. Washinscton, D. C. 1756 Corcoran St. tCharlestOM, W. Va. J. Hokisworth Gordon, Jr. A.B. Edward D. Johnson M.A. Le Roy Parker A.B. Class of 1895 Washington, D. C. Clergyman Brunswick, Me. Rector of St. Paul's Episcopal Church Teacher Washington, D. C. Class of 1896 Hatterslv Worthington Talbott Electrical Engineer B.S. M.E., Cornell Univ., 1899 With Chesapeake & Telephone Co. Washington, D. C. Potomac The Kensington Class of 1897 Frank Lee Biscoe Physician A.B. M.D., Georgetown Univ., 1901 Delegate to 23d GrandChapter Washington, D. C. 813, 2ISt St. Reed Paige Clark A.B.. A.M. LL.B., 1901. Reginald Sharp Davis Robert Farnham, Jr. C.E.. 1899 John Lewis Riggles M.D. William Krafft Ward M.D. De Witt Clinton Croissant A.B. Frank Norton Everett William Lowry Farnham Earl Biscoe Graduate Virginia Military Insti- tute, igoo Henry Clay Coburn, Jr. B.S. Henry Conly Taylor Boyd Dixon 'M.D. Samuel Harry Greene M.D. Harry Fletcher Pierce Class of 1898 Teacher Instructor at Columbian Univ. Civil Engineer Delegate to 22d Grand Chapter Physician Resident Physician at Columbian Physician Washington, D. C. 1424. nth St.. N.W. Philadelphia, Pa. Washington, D. C. 1103M St., N.W. Washington, D. C. Hosjjital Washington, D. C. 1756 Pennsylvania Ave. N.W. Class of 1899 Student Clerk Library of Congress Real Estate Class of 1900 Civil Engineer Student Delegate to 24th Grand Chapter Physician Physician Assistant Resident Physician at Columbian Hospital Clerk With Southern Railway Co. Washington, D. C. 821 N."C Ave. W^ashington, D. C. 1634 R'KKS Place Washington, D. C. 1 103 M St. Washington, D. C. 813, 2ISt St. Washington, D. C. .2111 G St. Washington, D. C. 1336. iQth St.. N.W. Washington, D. C. 1320 Q St., N.W. Washington, D. C. S19 N. C Ave., N.E. [44 EPSILON CHAPTER Harry Lee Brown J. Mentor Caldwell Edward Stanley Long William Atwell Spurrier Arthur Johnston McElhone Donald Nesbit Clarence Hozard Pratt Richmond B. Redington Louis W. Weaver George N. Weaver Bruce Mackall Charles Fague Sterne Class of 1901 Student Student Attorney at Law Clerk Washington, D. C. Parkersburg, W. Va. Hopkinsville, Ky. Washington, D. C. 1232 Massachusetts Ave. Class of 1902 Private Secretary Washington, D. C To Surgeon-Gen. Marine Hospital 1320, loth St. Service Clerk Clerk in Treasury Department Clerk Clerk with Southern Railway Architect Delegate to 2Sth Grand Chapter Real Estate Agent Real Estate Agent Class of 1903 Student Class of 1904 Student Washington, D. C. Washington, D. C. 1300 Pennsylvania Ave. Washington, D. C. 1749 Q St. Washington, D. C. 308 Maryland .\ve. Washington, D. C. 709 2ISt St. Washington, D. C. 1721 Riggs Place Washington, D. C. 3009 P St. BUTLER COLLEGE IRVINGTON, INDIANA Founded in 1850 Chartered in 1850 First Class Graduated in 1856 DEPARTMENTS COLLEGIATE PREPARATORY MUSIC STATISTICS Value of buildings and grounds ----- $150,000.00 Amount of endowment ------ 250,000.00 Income from all sources for 1899-IQ00 . . - - 21,000.00 Tuition in collegiate department per term of 12 weeks - - 15.00 Number of volumes in library - - - - - - 10,000 Number of professors and instructors ----- 18 Number of students in attendance ----- 247 Women are admitted and constitute about 30 per cent of the attendance. RHO CHAPTER Founded March 31, 1865 OTHER FRATERNITIES Phi Delta Theta, 1859; Ddta Tau Delta, 1875; Beta Theta Pi (inactive), 1879-81; Kappa Sigma (inactive), 1891-93. 14s RHO CHAPTER BUTLER COLLEGE Class of 1866 Howard Cale Attorney at Law • A. B., A.M. LL.B., Indianapolis Law School, 1868 George Washington Galvin Attorney at Law LL.B., Indianapolis Law School, 186S Henry F. Kane Attorney at Law Charles Underwood Raymond Manufacturer A.B., Univ. of Pa., 1866; A.M. Secretary of Dayton Mfg. Co. Indianapolis, Ind, 1728 Broadway Indianapolis, Ind. flndianapolis, Ind. Dayton, O. 58 Linden Ave. Albert Taylor Beck A.B., A.M. John Denton A.B., A.M. *John Arthur Holman A.M., LL.B. Class of 1867 Attorney at Law Attorney at Law flndianapolis, Ind, Stevenson Bldg. |Fortville, Ind. Attorney at Law Indianapolis, Ind. Judge of Superior Court of Marion 44 W St. County Scot Butler A.B., A.M. ,1871; LL.D., iS John Van Meter Coynes Strangton G. Leonard Henry Clay Ray A.M. Edwin Tavlor A.B., A.M. Class of 1868 Teacher President of Butler College Civil Engineer Merchant Accountant With Farmers' Bank Attorney at Law General Counsel Evansville & Terre Haute R.R.; also Ev- ansville & Indianapolis R.R. Irvington, Ind. 120 Downey Ave. tSugar Creek, Ind. Indianapolis, Ind. 1S04 Barth Ave. Shelbyville, Ind. Evansville, Ind. 1420 S St. Clarence B. Bowker Chauncey Butler A.B. Henry Jameson B.S. M.D., Bellevue Med. Col. *Winfield Scott Ray B.S. Class of 1869 Attorney at Law Secretary Butler College Physician Journalist Died April 19, iS flndianapolis, Ind. Irvington, Ind. Indianapolis, Ind. Shelbyville, Ind. William R. Burton Stoughton G. Leonard Charles Bruce Moores A.B., Willamette Univ., 1870 LL.B., Univ. of Mich., 1877 James A. Stevenson Class of 1870 Attorney at Law Judge of City Criminal Court Merchant Attorney at Law Register U. S. Land Office Attorney at Law 146 Hastings, Neb. flndianapolis, Ind. Oregon City, Ore. Ladoga, Ind. BUTLER COLLEGE '47 *John H. Hamilton B.S. Benjamin Franklin Kinnick A.B.. A.M. Edwin Thornton Lane A.B., A.M. Oscar Fitzallan Lane A.B., A.M. *George Francis Marsteller Robert H. Myers A.B., A.M. James Lafayette Thornton B.S. Ulric Zwingle Wiley B.S.. Hanover Col., 1867 A.M., Hanover Col., 1885 LL.B., Northwestern Christian Univ., 1872 LL.D., Hanover Col., 1897 Class of 1871 Clergyman Difd in 1873 Capitalist Clergyman Clergyman Manufacturer Died July 30, 1879 Architect Syracuse, N. Y. Greenwood, Ind. Bainbridge, Ind. Bainbridge, Ind. Lafayette, Ind. Indianapolis, Ind. 2036 Cornell Ave. tTopeka, Kan. Journalist Attorney at Law Fowler, Ind. Judge of Appellate Court Dean Indianapolis College of Law Samuel C. Austin William H. Hoss William Ray Jewell A.B., A.M. George Washington McGinnis B.C.L. Leander P. Mitchell B.S. LL.B.. Indiana Univ., 1872 Granville P. Peale Carthon Henley Ressler Class of 1872 Civil Engineer Merchant With Huntington, Hoss & Co. Journalist Teacher Professor of Mathematics State Normal School Attorney at Law New Castle, Ind. Clergyman Farmer tindianapolis, Ind. findianapolis, Ind. Danville, 111. Kirksville, Mo. tindianapolis, Ind. Hagerstown, Ind. Leonidas Warren Benbow Walter R. Fertig A.B. Harold Bancroft Hibben Louis Newberger B.S. Class of 1873 Agent Attorney at Law Merchant Murphv, Hibben & Co. Attorney at Law Indianapolis, Ind. First Vice-President Commercial Denison House Law League of America Delegate to 9th and loth Grand Chapters "fGalveston, Texas Noblesville, Ind. 58 S. loth St. Indianapolis, Ind. Milton L. Blaney Jeffrev O. Cutts A.B. Milton D. Darnall *Emmett Scott Stilwell B.S. Class of 1874 Merchant Clergyman ■findianapolis, Ind. fOwosso, Mich. Agent Kansas City, Mo. Commercial .Agent of Missouri 901 Main St. Pacific Railway Co. Attorney at Law Shelbyville, Ind. Died May, 1884 *Jonathan Bash Oliver T. Boaz B.L. John Bradford Harper B.S. Purdue Univ. Class of 1875 Date of death unknown Attorney at Law Civil Engineer Caselton, Ind. Pittsburg, Kan. tindianapolis, Ind. 148 RHO CHAPTER Ovid Butler Jameson Quincy Alden Myers A.B., 1875; A.M., 1878, Dartmouth Col. LL.B., Union Univ. Charles H. Caton A.B., A.M. Charles B. Griffith William Newton Harding B.S. A.M., Hanover Col. Merrill Moores A.B., Yale Col., 1878 Charles H. Parsons M.D., Bellevue Med. Col. James A. Roberts Attorney at Law Attorney at Law Class of 1876 Clergyman Attorney at Law Attorney at Law Indianapolis, Ind. Asst. Attorney-General of Indiana 1025 Law Building Physician Rushville, Ind. Indianapolis, Ind. Blackford Blk. Logansport, Ind. tLeadville, Colo. tindianapolis, Ind. Indianapolis, Ind. Clergyman tWarsaw, Ind. Willard W. Hubbard B.S. Lewis Wallace A.B. Charles F. Bowen Horace Hines Fletcher George Washington Hadley W^illard N. Hubbard Oliver Romeo Johnson Ph.B. Charles Edgar Thornton A.B. Class of 1877 Merchant Attorney at Law Class of 1878 Stock Breeder Merchant . Live Stock, Sec. Indianapolis Live Stock Exchange Merchant Coal Operator Journalist " Indianapolis News " Delegate to 12th Grand Chapter President Indiana Society for Savings Indianapolis, Ind. Indianapolis, Ind. 1137 W. Meridian St. Danville, Ind. Indianapolis, Ind. Union Stock Yards Crawfordsville, Ind. Indianapolis, Ind. 1002 N. Delaware St. Indianapolis, Ind. Indianapolis, Ind. 214 Lemcke Bldg. Henry H. Bowen Joseph B. Kealing Ph.B. Eugene Glenroy Kreider A.B. LL.B., Central Law School of Ind., 1882 Edmund Garfield Laughlin A.B. Augustus Lynch Mason Ph.B., A.M. A.M. De Pauw Univ., 1882 Harry Stewart New Benjamin Northrop William Sage Harry Wade Smith Horace Emmet Smith A.B.,A.M. A.B., Harvard Univ., 1882 Class of 1879 Merchant Attorney at Law U. S. Dist. Attorney Attorney at Law Supreme Court Reporter Clergyman Attorney at Law Journalist Member of Republican National Journalist Merchant Attorney at Law Delegate to 12th Grand Chapter Class of 1880 William Frederick Elliott Attorney at Law Ph.B. LL.B., Univ. of Michigan, 1881 Hugh Griffis Edward C. Helm Delphi, Ind. Indianapolis, Ind. Brandon Blk. Olympia, Wash. tSpringfield, Mo. Indianapolis, Ind. Indianapolis, Ind. Committee tNew York City Indianapolis, Ind. North Vernon, Ind. Indianapolis, Ind. 303-308 Lemcke Bldg. Indianapolis, Ind. Fletchers Bank Bidg. tirvington, Ind. fMinneapolis, Minn. BUTLER COLLEGE [49 Ovid Butler Wallace Walter Owen Williams Ph.B. William A. Wilson Clerk Superintendent E. C. Atkins & Co. tSan Antonio, Tex. Indianapulis, Ind. tAtlanta, Ga. Charles Joshua Carle Frank Lee Denny Lawson M. Harvey Colin Edward King A.B. ^ Class of 1881 Orange Grower Naval Officer U. S. Steamship "Boston' Attorney at Law Clerk Delegate to 13th Grand Chapter James Madison Leathers Attorney at Law Ph.B. LL.B., Central Law School Judge Marion County Superior of Ind., 1883 Court James Watkinson Lilly Merchant Charles White Merrill Publisher A.B., 1882; A.M., 1S85, Wabash Treasurer of The Bowen-Merrill Coll. Company Charles Washington Moores Attorney at Law A.B., 1882; A.M., Wabash College, U. S. Commissioner 1885; LL.B., Central Law School School Commissioner for Indiana of Indiana, 1883 Delegate to 12th Grand Chapter Louis Morgan Teacher A.B., A.M. Lindsay, Cal. Washington, D. C. U. S. Navy Department Indianapolis, Ind. Commercial Bldg. New York City 21 Cortlandt St. Indianapolis, Ind. 2007 N. Alabama St. Indianapolis, Ind. 114 E. Washington St. Indianapolis, Ind. 50 Blancherne Indianapolis, Ind. 1918 N. Penn. St. polls tAshland, Neb. William Brenton Wade Bunker John Noble Efifinger Class of 1882 Clerk Clerk Editor Class of 1883 Peru, Ind. tCouncil Bluffs, la. fPortland, O. 30 Ash St. Waller Tenney Branch Robert Layman Dorsey A.B. John Paul Frazee William C Johnson Carey Elmore Morgan A.B., A.M. Milton Franklin Parsons Edgar Warren Shirley George Russ Van Voorhess Banker Beloit, Kas. President W. T. Branch Hardware Co. Manufacturer Secretary and Treasurer Tucker & Dorsey Mfg. Co. President Phoenix Castor Co. Merchant Merchant Clergyman Delegate to 13th Grand Chapter Funeral Director President State Funeral Directors Assn. of Indiana Merchant Merchant Indianapolis, Ind. 1409 Central Ave. Rushville, Ind, Indianapolis, Ind. Wabash, Ind. Greensburg, Ind. ' 213 N. Broadway Danville, Ind. Indianapolis, Ind. Albert Munson Chamberlin A.B. A.M., 1^85 Cassius Clay Hadley Ph.D. LL.B., DePauw Univ. Walter John Hubbard William Clement Smith B.S. M.S.. 1888 Class of 1884 Teacher fFairfield, Neb. Professor of Latin, Christian Univ. Attorney at Law Indianapolis, Ind. 86 Deputy Attorney General of Indi- 18 and 19 State House ana Banker Indianapolis, Ind. 211 Lemcke Bldg. Civil Engineer Indianapolis, Ind. RHO CHAPTER Richard Frederick Bigger Ph.B. M.D., Ind. Med. Col., Arthur Voorhees Brown Ph.B. L. H. Eavy Lewis Anderson Frazee Edmund H. Hinshaw A.B. Charles Almus Marsteller Ph.B. Robert Rosecrans Sloan Class of 1885 Physician Attorney at Law Banker flndianapolis, Ind. Indianapolis, Ind. Hagerstown, Md. Connersville, Ind. Secretary and Treasurer Telephone Company Attorney at Law Fairbury, Neb. Capitalist Merchant Lafayette, Ind. N. 9th St. Indianapolis, Ind. Class of 1886 Thomas Underwood Raymond Physician M.D., Bellevue Hospital Med. Col. Franklin Bache Van Nuys Physician M.D., Ohio Medical CoL, 1S88 tNew York, N. Y. Tiffin, Ohio. Alvah Curtis Brazington Henry Poore Clarke A.B., Univ. of Wooster, 1887 A.M., Univ. of Wooster, 1890 M.D., Med. Col. of Ind., 1892 Alexander Jameson D.D.S., Philadelphia Dental Col., Horatio Nelson Kelsey Walter Noble Suit Class of 1887 Civil Engineer Physician Dentist [888 Professor Dental College, Uni- versity of Indianapolis Agent Attorney at Law ■flndianapolis, Ind. Indianapolis, Ind. Indianapolis, Ind. 20 W. Ohio St. Chicago, 111. 171 Lasalle St. fFrankfort, Ind. Edgar Greenwood Barton Andrew Edward Harman Oscar Clemens Helming Ph.B. B.D., Union Theological Sem., 1S94 Class of 1888 Real Estate Merchant Clergyman Pastor North Congregational Church fWabash, Kan. flndianapolis, Ind. Indianapolis, Ind. 2328 Dewey Ave. Robley Dunglison Blount M.D., Ind. Med. Col., 1889 Edgar B. Cotton William Glanton Irwin B.S. Urban Cecil Mallon Ph.B. William Malcolm Wallace Class of 1889 Physician Valparaiso, Ind. Druggist Peru, Ind. Banker Columbus, Ind. Delegate to i6th and 17th Grand Chapters Merchant Francesville, Ind. Merchant tPortland, Ore. ♦William Ross Hadley Edward Dwight Kingsbury Bert Frank Miller Class of 1890 Druggist Died in 1897 Cashier Plainfield, Ind. tindianapolis, Ind. Elmore, Ohio BUTLER COLLEGE 151 *Harry Ward Baker Class of 1891 Salesman Died January 10, li William Baldwin Fletcher, Jr. Banker A.B., Leland Stanford Jr.. Univ., 1896 Perry Hav Ray D. Meeker B.S. Howard Delando Moore M.D., Hahnemann Col. and Hos- pital, Philadelphia Lewis Jefferson Thompson *James Samuel Thompson Delegate to 19th Grand Chapter Attorney at Law Physician Manufacturer Manufacturer Died January 17, 18 ■fLebanon, Ind. Indianapolis, Ind. 1014 Central Ave. tirvington, Ind. Sullivan, 111. Danbury, Conn. Edinburg, Ind. Edinburg, Ind. Fred N. Grayston M.D., College of Physicians and Surgeons, Chicago, 1895 Charles Brown Daniel Layman B.S., 1893. M-D., 1898 Class of 1892 Physician Physician Clinical Assistant in Nose and Throat Dept., at Col. of Physicians and Surgeons, N. Y. Huntington, Ind. 47 N. Jetferson St. Gallandet, Ind. New York, N. Y. 77 West 50th St. Re Bender John Clarence Brewer Robert P. Leavitt Crate S. Bowers Harry William Griffith B.L. A.B.. Yale Col., 1897 Stanley Augustus Niles Class of 1893 Class of 1894 Attorney at Law Merchant Clerk With Dodge Mfg. Co. New York City 37 Wall St. Danville, Ind. tVaron, Ind. Indianapolis, Ind. 729 and 732 Stevenson Bldg. tEmbark, Ky. Mishawaka, Ind. Class of 1895 Berton Burk Bales Attorney at Law Indianapolis, Ind. A.M. LL.B., Univ. of Indianapolis Auditor State Life Insurance Co. 501 Lenicke Bldg. President Jonesboro Water Co. Nelson D. Brayton Physician Indianapolis, Ind. A.B., M.D. College Ave. Arthur A. Johnson Civil Engineer Irvington, Ind. A.B. Carlos Recker Merchant Indianapolis, Ind. 219 E. Washington St. John L. Tibbott Real Estate Indianapolis, Ind.- 188 Ritter Ave., North Class of 1896 John Scot Butler Attorney at Law A.B. LL.B., Indianapolis Law School El Ore, Mexico Albert F. Hall William Franz Kettenbach Merle Sidener C. R. Yoke A.B. Merchant Asheville, N. C. Banker Lewiston, Idaho President Lewiston National Bank Treasurer Lewiston Light Co. President Inter State Fair .Association Journalist Indianapolis, Ind. City Editor " Indianapolis Sun " 2216 Bellefontaine St. El Oro, Mexico Delegate to 22d Grand Chapter 152 RHO CHAPTER Class of 1897 Oman Eastman Barker Traveling Salesman Thomas R. Barker Physician M.D., Col. Physicians and Surgeons Danville, Ind. Danville, Ind. Guy Bender Ernest H. Burford Walter G. Hadley John Everett Hollett B.L., Ind. Law School, 1897 Hanford Newell Rogers Railroad Clerk Tyler, Tex, Clerk in office of Supt. of Transportation Indianapolis, Ind. Farmer Danville, Ind. Manaijer of Stolkholme Farm Attorney at Law Indianapolis, Ind. Ayres, Jones & Hollett, Attorneys 116 W. 12th St. Merchant Indianapolis, Ind. Wholesale Lumber 3326 N. Illinois St. Frank Errett Chase Charles Bendorf Cooper John Sawin Weaver LL.B., Univ. of Indianapolis Class of 1898 Traveling Salesman Merchant Attorney at Law Deputy Prosecuting Attorney 19th Judicial Circuit Dallas, Tex. 552 Worth St. Indianapolis, Ind. 127 S. Meridian St. Indianapolis, Ind. 618 N. Meridian St. Maurice J. Lucas D.D.S., Univ. of Indianapolis Harry Carter Strong A.B., Harvard, 1899 Fred McVey Towles A.B,M.D. Class of 1899 Dentist Dentist at Insane Hospital Importer Physician Delegate to 23d Grand Chapter Elgin, 111. New York City 100 William St. Irvington, Ind. 5348 University Ave. Walter Gresham Butler Clinton Samuel Wallace James Braden David H. Cale Edwin S. Powell *Joseph Irwin Sweeney Shfrl S. Walton Class of 1900 Attorney at Law Deputy Clerk U. S. Court Journalist Indianapolis, Ind. 1204 Park Ave. Indianapolis, Ind. 220 East loth St. Indianapolis, Ind. i_92oCapitol Ave. .North Indianapolis, Ind. 1728 Broadway Denver, Col. Class of 1901 Clerk With Indianapolis Rubber Co. Traveling Salesman Cashier With Northern Coal and Coke Co., 1410 High St. and Western Trading and Supply Co. Student Columbus, Ind. Delegate to 24th Grand Chapter Died August 13, 1900 Cashier Atlanta, Ind. Assistant Cashier Bank of Atlanta Treasurer Atlanta Glass & Mfg. Co. City Treasurer Elliott Ayres Ovid McQuat Butler Arch A. Hannah Samuel Hunter Richey Class of 1902 With Henricks Novelty Co. Student Student Student Indianapolis, Ind. 31 Woodruff Place Irvington, Ind. 120 Downey Ave. Indianapolis, Ind. 50S7 E. Washington St. Irvington, Ind. 152 Downey Ave. BUTLER COLLEGE '53 Charles Allen Barnett James Chester Darnall Calvin Scott Hunter Leroy Edward Kirkpatrick Will A. Long Edwin E. Moore Theodore Layman Nance Chester Talbott Hadley Class of 1903 Student Student Student Student Student Clerk With Indiana National Bank Student Delegate to 25th Grand Chapter Class of 1904 Student Vevay, Ind. Lebanon, Ind. 224 E. South St. Irvington, Ind. East Washington St. Indianapolis, Ind. 2301 N. Meridian St. Indianapolis, Ind. 760 W. New York St. Irvington, Ind. 116 S. Central Ave. Brazil, Ind. 60S N. Meridian St. Plainfield, Ind. Albert A. Hollingsworth, Jr. Class of 1905 Student Plainfield, Ind. POLYTECHNIC COLLEGE OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA PHILADELPHIA, PENNSYLVANIA Chartered in 1853 Suspended in 1885 DEPARTMENTS CHEMISTRY MINES ARCHITECTURE ENGINEERING The Polytechnic College of the State of Pennsylvania, while bearing the name of the state as part of its title, was in no sense a state institution. One or two appro- priations of a few thousand dollars each were voted it by the legislature, but only enough to give it temporary relief in financial emergency. Its most prosperous years were from 1862 to 1876. Prior to the founding of Lehigh University, it received much of the patronage which afterward went to that institution. After the opening of the University of Pennsylvania the attendance steadily decreased until the Poly- technic College finally suspended in 1885. From 1866 to 1877 it ranked with the best schools of Civil Engineering. UPSILON CHAPTER Founded December 12, 1865. Became inactive in 1876. OTHER FRATERNITIES No other fraternity established a Chapter in the institution. ^SS UPSILON CHAPTER POLYTECHNIC COLLEGE OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA *David Paul Brown *George William Childs George S. Frank H. L. Hervie *Thomas Hunt M.E. Maxwell Kinkead C.E. Joseph Howell Moore M.E. *Robert Shelton MacKenzie M.D., Dublin Med. Col., 1S25 LL.D., Glasgow Univ., 1834 D.C.L., Oxford Univ., 1844 Preston M. Brunner Edward Lippincott Bullock C.E. *George W. Clyde John Jones Crawford M.E. Morris Morris Defrees C.E. Edwin Beard Hendrie M.E. H. T. Kendall C.E. *Lou!S Christian Frederick Laesch M.E. Robert Ellmaker Pettit C.E. *William T. Schneider M.E. Henry Thompson Shillingford Class of 1866 Attorney at Law Died July 11, 1S72 Publisher Died February 3, 1894 Manufacturer Died July 9, 1872 Banker Mechanical Engineer Superintendent Trenton Trans. Company Author Date of death unknown Class of 1867 Mine Operator Date of death unknown Mining Engineer Secretary of Gwin Mine Develop- ment Company Secretary of E.xamining Commis- sion on Rivers and Harbors Manager of Diamond Ridge Ditches of El Dorado County Delegate to 6th Grand Chapter Civil Engineer Manufacturer Real Estate Philadelphia, Pa. Philadelphia, Pa. tPhiladelphia, Pa. fPhiladelphia, Pa. Catasauqua, Pa. Altoona, Pa. Trenton, N. J. 199 Greenwood Ave. Philadelphia, Pa. tCentre Valley, Pa. Audenried, Pa. Philadelphia, Pa. San Francisco, Cal. 1208-11 Claus Spreckels Bldg. Indianapolis, Ind. 116 West Michigan St. Denver, Col. 1601 17th St. Reading, Pa. Engineer Died February 4, 1876 Engineer Date of death unknown Merchant Secretary and Treasurer of Bituminous Coal Co. Philadelphia, Pa. tJersey City, N. J. Aintab, Syria Philadelphia, Pa. 1118 Wallace St. Alfred A, Curtis C E J. M.' Del Castillo C.E. Class of 1868 Manufacturer 156 Newark, Del. Cienfuegos, Cuba POLYTECHNIC COLLEGE OF PENNSYLVANLA. ^57 ♦Edward H. Hughes M.E. Peter N, Jante William Jolliffe M.E. ♦William McDonnell, Jr. Fidelio Hughes Oliphant C.E. Harry Bockee Salkeld M.E. William T. Scheide Joseph Earlston Thropp C.E. Gilbert R. Van Alen M.E. Benjamin B. Van Deudsen Rowland Whitman C E ♦Albert D. Wright C.E. Date of death unknown Civil Engineer Attorney at Law _ Died May 2S, 1882 Mine Operator Merchant Civil Engineer Memljer U.S. House of Repre- sentatives Manufacturer Secretary and Treasurer of Key- stone Forging Company Member firm of Van Alen & Co. Mining Engineer Merchant Date of death unknown Altoona, Pa. tPhiladelphia, Pa. Roanoke, Va. 1115 S. Jefferson St. Lindsey, Ontario tAshland, Ky. tBoston, Mass. 68 Chauncy St. tPhiladelphia, Pa. Philadelphia, Pa. 1317 Filbert St. Northumberland, Pa. tSalt Lake City, Utah tPhiladelphia, Pa. 126 N. Fourth St. Knoxville, Pa. Class of 1869 Ferree L. Mcllvane Nicholas M. Marks C.E. Alfred Cushing Monroe Thomas Henry Phillips C.E. A.M., 1872 ♦Genaro Romero C.E. John F. Wilcox M.E. tPhiladelphia, Pa, Collinsburg, La. tBoston, Mass. 657 Washington St. Manufacturer Philadelphia, Pa. Proprietor of Phillips Rock Drill Co. 40 N. 7th St. Martinzas, Cuba Date of death unknown Mechanical Engineer tPi*^tsburg, Pa. 6 Highland Place, E.E. Clarence Kunckel Binder B.S.A. ♦Samuel Coates M.E. Orin B. Colton C.E. L.J. Duque William Forsyth C.E. John C. Fortiner C.E. ♦John Hunt M.E. John C. Long M.E. M.D., Long Island Med. Stacy B. Opdyke, Jr. C.E. Robert Patterson Snowden B.S., La Fayette Col., 1872 Henry T. Townsend M.E. Class of 1870 Clergyman Pastor of Epiphany Evangelical Lutheran Church Student Died October 7, 1871 Mechanical Engineer Died July 14, 1875 Manufacturer Col., 1877 Civil Engineer and Contractor President of Cort Construction Company Civil Engineer Assistant Engineer Pennsylvania Railroad Delegate to 7th Grand Chapter Manufacturer President of Logan Iron and Stee Company Camden, N. J. Philadelphia, Pa. tPhiladelphia, Pa. tBejucatel, Cuba. Aurora, 111. tCamden, N. J. Catasauqua, Pa. tMt. Alto, Pa. Philadelphia, Pa. 1222 Belmont Av. Camden, N. J. 908 Cooper St. Philadelphia, Pa. 610 Harrison Bldg. I5S UPSILON CHAPTER *Alfred Tucker William C. Wetherill Merchant Died March 29, 1899 Civil Engineer Consulting Engineer of New Jer- sey Zinc Company General Manager of Empire Zinc Company Philadelphia, Pa. Canon City, Col. Wilson B. Chisholm Frank Allen Fletcher Philip M. Gallaher C E *Willet Lloyd C.E. Charles P. Matlack M.E. Wilson Mitchell M.E. J. H. De Noronha M.E. George F. Simpson A. Howard Smith Joseph Turner Class of 1871 Traveling Salesman Surveyor Civil Engineer Died April, 1879 Civil Engineer Merchant Manufacturer Cleveland, O. 1065 Prospect St. tEast Highland, Cal Helena, Mont. Dolington, Pa. tSan Antonio, Tex. Philadelphia, Pa. 310 North Fourth St. Para, Brazil Brooklyn, N. Y. 26-36 Rodney St. fErie, Pa. fStillpond, Pa. Victor Du Pont, Jr. M.E. Tilghman Johnson M.E. George Ogden, Jr. B.S., Bucknell Col., 1S72 A. H. Smith, Jr. *R. Trowbridge James C. Van Dyke Lewis Taylor Walraven C.E. Class of 1872 Manufacturer Mining Engineer Merchant Date of death unknown Merchant Clerk Wilmington, Del. Wilmington, Del. 1105 Jefferson St. Philadelphia, Pa. 22i4Nicetown Lane, Tioga tPhiladelphia, Pa, Milton, Pa. Philadelphia, Pa. 1731 Filbert St. Cleveland, O. 830 Garfield Bldg. William Head Coleman M.E. Henry Brown Fowler B.S. B.C.E., M.C.E. Ph.B., Bucknell Col., 1865 *Conrad M. Harmer C.E. John H. Kain C.E. Henry Thomas Luff C.E., James L. McLean M.E. Edward F. Noble C.E. Richard Montgomery Pancoast C.E. Harris Elric Sproat C.E. Class of 1873 Mechanical Engineer Civil Engineer Civil Engineer Date of death unknown Civil Engineer Civil Engineer Engineer and Inventor Civil Engineer tChicago, 111. 14 Market St. Philadelphia, Pa. 436 Walnut St. Philadelphia, Pa. tEl Paso, Tex. fPhiladelphia, Pa. 1625 Passy'k Ave. fBethlehem, Pa. IMontgomery, Ala. Camden, N. J. Westtown P.O., Pa. POLYTECHNIC COLLEGE OF PENNSYLVANL\ Class of 1874 '59 Henry S. Gross M.E. Isaac Moore Simouin C.E. Allison Roane White M.E. Manufacturer Manufacturer Secretary and Treasurer of the Textile Chemical Co. Mining Engineer Harrisburg, Pa. 119 Market St. Germantown, Pa. fLos Angeles,- Cai. Harrv A. Braun M.'E. James R. Hirst William D. Sproat *Abraham B. Schwenk Class of 1875 Designer Clerk Salesman Died February 21, 1895 tChicago, 111. 24 Grant Place Philadelphia, Pa. 57S Broad St. tPhiladelphia, Pa. Philadelphia, Pa. Class of 1876 *Nathaniel RadcliffeBensonJr. Ship Builder C.E. Milton Blyler M.E. J. Frank D. Curtis C.E. Howard B. Griffiths Hermann D. Kampmann George E. Stees Charles Trotter Thompson Died December 30, 18 Ship Builder Civil Engineer Draughtsman Wilmington, Del. tPhiladelphia, Pa. San Francisco, Cal. 322 California St. Wilmington, Del. The Boulevard fSan Antonio, Tex. f Pine Grove, Pa. Philadelphia, Pa. 2116 Spruce St. WASHINGTON AND LEE UNIVER- SITY LEXINGTON, VIRGINIA Founded in 1749 Chartered in 1782 First Class Graduated in 1785 DEPARTMENTS collegiate law engineering STATISTICS Value of buildings and grounds . - . . $200,000.00 Value of equipment and apparatus .... 66,000.00 Amount of endowment ------ 882,500.00 Value of productive funds ------ 626,500.00 Income from all sources for 1899-1900 - - - 44,000.00 Tuition in collegiate department ----- 50.00 Number of volumes in library ..... 40,000 Number of professors and instructors . - . . 26 Number of students in attendance ----- 222 Women are not admitted. ZETA CHAPTER Founded December 10, 1866 OTHER FRATERNITIES Phi Kappa Psi, 1855; Beta Theta Pi (inactive), 1856-80; AlphaTau Omega, 1865; Kappa Alpha, 1865; Sigma Alpha Epsilon, 1867; Delta Kappa Epsilon (inactive), 1867-78; Phi Gamma Delta, 1868; Delta Psi (inactive), 1869-88; Theta Delta Chi (inactive), 1869-74; Chi Psi (inactive), 1872-78; Kappa Sigma, 1873; Sigma Nu, 1882; Phi Delta Theta, 1887; Pi Kappa Alpha, 1892; Phi Kappa Sigma, 1893; Mu Pi Lambda, 1895; Delta Tau Delta, 1896. 161 ZETA CHAPTER WASHINGTON AND LEE UNIVERSITY *Henry Crommelin Randolph Wilson Foster *William R. Fox James T. Harrison *Charles Howard Newman B.D., Nashotah Theological Sem inary, 1873 *Erastus J. Parsons William Ferdinand Pinckard Class of 1867 Real Estate Died September 19, 1893 Cotton Factor Merchant Died November 11, 1884 Attorney at Law Lieutenant-Governor of Miss. Clergyman Died May 30, 1887 Died September 27, 1880 Commission Merchant Member Board of Directors of New Orleans Cotton Exchani Montgomery, Ala. New Orleans, La. 303 Baronne St. Louisville, Ky. Columbus, Miss. Portsmouth, O. Talladega, Ala. New Orleans, La. 2621 Puytama St. *01iver S. Beers *Jacob Phiniz Billups *James D. Brown '''Henry Clay LL.B., Ky. Law School ^Wallace E.Colyar Josiah Williams Ewing Robert Ewing John Meredith Graham Alexander F. Young *John Davis Young Class of 1868 Attorney at Law Died in 1880 Banker Died June 15, 1889 Clergyman Died November 12, 1890 Attorney at Law Died September 22, 1884 Attorney at Law Died December 20, 1S83 Attorney at Law Attorney at Law President Buffalo Iron Co. Farmer State Senator Farmer Planter Died December 5, 1890 Mobile, Ala. Mobile, Ala. Jarratt's Depot, Va. Louisville, Ky. Winchester, Tenn. Rome, Ga. Nashville, Tenn. 421 N. Vine St. Graham, Tenn. Sessunesville, Miss. Columbus, Miss. Frank Coleman A.B. *William W. Davis A.B. Charles Alfred Graves A.M. B.L., 1873; LL.D. John B. Kent *Edwin C, Moorman A.B. Huntsville, Ala. Weatherford, Tex. Class of 1869 Attorney at Law Clerk in U. S. Land Office Banker Died April 20, 1S94 Teacher Charlottesville, Va. Professor in University of^Virginia Farmer ' -j-Max Meadows, Va. Teacher Carterville, Va. Died m 1870 162 WASHINGTON AND LEE UNIVERSITY 163 Joseph H. Jayne B.L. George Boddie Peters, Jr. A.B. Thoinas Shadrach Weaver B.L., Cumberland Univ. Class of 1870 Attorney at Law President State Levee Board Attorney at Law- Peters & Wright Attorney at Law Greenville, Miss. Memphis, Tenn. Nashville, Tenn. Thomas Lane Conella •fWilliam Fulton Francis Leland Porter *Isaac Van Meter Scott Class of 1871 Attorney at Law Died July 26, 1873 Clergyman Date of death unknown tFargo, S. Dak. Mobile, Ala. totter Creek, Fla. Talcott, Va. Thomas Alexander Dickey M.D., Ohio Medical Col., 1875 Charles Gillespie Morgan Class of 1872 Physician Local Surgeon, C. H. & D. R.R. Salesman Middletown, O. ■fWaco, Tex. Frank Giddens Buford A.B. Class of 1873 Farmer Lambert, Tenn. John Monroe Banister, Jr. A.B. M.D., Univ. of Va., 18 Brisco Baldwin Bouldin William Burr Childers A.B., B.L. *Daniel Turner Fackler A.B. Risdon Hutchings Price A.B., A.M. *John Henry Reid William Henry Tayloe A.M., B.L. Richard Wilde Walker A.B., Princeton Univ., 1877 Class of 1874 Surgeon Major U.S. A. Attorney at Law Attorney at Law United States Attorney for New Me.Nico President Board of Regents, New Me.xico University Attorney at Law Died May 30, 1888 Broker Banker L)ied July 11, 1893 Attorney at Law Attorney at Law Washington, D. C. Army Dept. Randolph, V^a. Albuquerque, N. Mex. Danville, Ky. St. Louis, Mo. Southern Hotel Kansas City, Mo. Uniontown, Ala. Huntsville, Ala. Horace Louis Dufour A.B. A.M., Pass Christian Col. B.L., Univ of La. John Pinkham Rice C.E. M.D., American Med. Col. Thomas Fearn Steele *William Patton Watkins M.D., Bellevue Med. Col. Walter Leslie Webb C.E. Class of 1875 Attorney at Law Justice Court of Appeals, La. Delegate to loth Grand Chapter Physician Railroad Official Physician Died July 9, 18S2 Civil Engineer Division Engineer and Engineer of Track Elevation, Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul R'y. New Orleans, La. 1663 Valmont St. San Antonio, Tex. 2ij Ogdcn St. New Orleans, La. 833 Gravier St. Huntsville, Ala. Chicago, 111. HOG Old Colony Bldg. 164 *William Carter Lee A.B. Henry Hamilton Russell A.B. ZETA CHAPTER Class of 1876 Attorney at Law- Died June 26, 1882 Attorney at Law City Attorney State Senator Powhatan, Va. Monroe, La. 319 Third St. Matthew Clay Alonzo Rice Cocke A.B., D.D. D.D., Central Univ. Flavius Foster Downes Walter Vinson Fort Harry Preston Lawther B.L., Univ. of Va., 1883 Alexander McNutt Paxton, Jr. Francis Arthur Scratchley M.D., New York Univ., 1881 Class of 1877 Planter Clergyman Professor Moral Philosophy, Valley Seminary Banker President First National Bank Insurance Attorney at Law Banker Vicksburg, Miss. Physician New York City Professor New York University no E. 25th St. Neurologist Home for Incurables Attending- Physician Out Door Dept., Bellevue Hospital Grand Tribune 1876 Delegate to 20th, 22d and 24th Grand Chapters Deerbrook, Miss. Waynesboro, Va. Temple, Tex. Waco, Tex. 503 S. Fourth St. Dallas, Tex. Richard Kinsey Boney B.L. LL.B., Univ. of La., 188 Alexander Boyd Bowman William Talbird Crenshaw LL.B. B.S., Howard Col. Ernest Harris Dryden William Clarke Herndon LL.B. ♦William Green McAtee Thomas Hobbs Rainsford C.E., Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute ♦William Stedman, Jr. George Henry Whitney Class of 1878 Attorney at Law Delegate to 12th Grand Chapter Planter Banker Vice President Southern Loan and Banking Co. Druggist Attorney at Law Attorney at Law Died January 23, 1884 Farmer Member S. C. Legislature Student Died April 9, 1880 Live Stock Dealer Duckport, La. Goldman, La. Atlanta, Ga. 761 Peachtree St. tBaltimore, Md. Frankfort, Ky. Brookville, Ky. Edgefield, S. C. Marshall, Tex. Lexington, Ky. 103 S. Broadway Daniel Howe Cecil B.L. ♦Alfred E. Mills William Tell Oppenhimer M.D., Med. Col. of Va., 1881 Charles Walter Smith A.B. B.L.,1879 John Russell Tyson A.B., Howard College, 1877; B.L. Pierce Butler Williams Class of 1879 Attorney at Law With R. G. Dun & Co. Broker Died September 27, 1888 Physician President of Board of Health Attorney at Law Judge 13th Ark. Circuit Attorney at Law Associate Justice Supreme Court of Ala. Attorney at Law Rocky Comfort, Ark. Countv Surveyor Little River County, Ark. Kansas City, Mo. S27 Delaware St. Savannah, Ga. Richmond, Va. 106 North Ninth St. Camden, Ark. Montgomery, Ala. 231 Catoma St. WASHINGTON AND LEE UNIVERSITY 165 Class of 1880 *\Villiam Price Craighill M.L., Sheplierd Col.. 1877 Henry Clay Getzendaner B.L. A.B., Shepherd Col. *James Reid Jordan A.B. M.D.. Univ. of Md., 1884 Walter Leake Keirn William Paul Moore A.B., Hamiiden-Sidnev Col., 1877 D.D.S., Baltimore Col. Dental Surgery, 1888 Samuel Blair Mosby C.E. E. Frank Paxton Shepherdstown.W.Va. Charlestown, W. Va. Died November 16, 1881 Attorney at Law- State Senator of West Virginia Cashier Citizens' Bank of Charlestown Physician Montgomery, Ala. Died March 27, 1898 Physician Lexington, Miss. Dentist Jackson, N. C. Mayor Jackson, N. C. Civil Engineer Farmer Roanoke, Va. Cherokee, Tex. Class of 1881 Albert John Dufour LL.B. Attorney at Law Clerk Court of Appeals Delegate to 13th Grand Chapter Thomas Jefferson Hightower.Jr. Manufacturer John Summerfield Jenkins Garland Funsten Lucado Levi Pearce A.B. Julius Daniel Raht *James Emerson Swanson Merchant Mine Operator Planter Manufacturer Merchant Died May 14, 1890 New Orleans, La. 4820 Magazine St. Atlanta, Ga. Humpheries & Glenn Sts. Portsmouth, Va. Lynchburg, Va. 916 Jefferson St. Belize, British Hon- duras, Central America Tullahoma, Tenn. LaGrange, Ga. Albert Sidney Hightower John Bedney Hightower Charles Porterfield A.B. B.L., Univ. of Va., i8! Philip Burrus Powell Samuel W. Smith Thomas Octavius Smith C.E. *Archibald Douglass C.E. Dudley McDonald C.E. George Willis Robinson M.D., Univ. of Pa., 1895 Class of 1882 Merchant Merchant Attorney at Law Merchant Attorney at Law Probate Judge Banker Class of 1883 Planter Died September 28, 1895 Manufacturer Physician Class of 1884 Importer Humphrey Keyes Ambler Wallace Forloine Brown Attorney at Law M.A., Univ. of Va., 188S; B.L., 1891 *George Byron Edmiston Physician A.B. M.D.,Ky. School of Medicine Died March 28, 18 Hubert Todd Houston Attorney at Law Joseph Alexander Steele Attorrjey at Law LL.B. Atlanta, Ga. 42 Peachtree St. Atlanta, Ga. 86 Whitehall St. Northport, Long Isl- and, N. Y. Yazoo City, Miss. Albany, Ga. Birmingham, Ala. Point Pleasant, La. Richmond, Va. Shreveport, La. New York City 142 Fifth Ave. Richmond, Va. 317 South Third St. Buckhannon, W. Va. Clarksburg, W. Va. tKansas City, Mo. 1403 Garfield Ave. 1 66 ZETA CHAPTER George Hines Gorman B.L. *William Charles Ludwig A.B. James Armstrong Welch Class of 1885 Attorney at Law Washington, D. C. Assistant to Attorney GeneralU.S. Dept. of Justice Student Richmond, Va. Grand Praetor Second Province, 1884-6 Died August 28, 1888 Attorney at Law Philadelphia, Pa. Class of 1886 Deaderick Harrell Cantrell Attorney at Law Charles Manson Crutchfield B.L. William Boroughs Newman A.M., B.L. A.M., Howard Col., 1884 Attorney at Law Delegate to 15th Grand Chapter Attorney at Law Clerk Probate Court City Clerk Little Rock, Ark. 6ig Scott St. Hamilton, Mont. Talladega, Ala. William Magraw Reid Henry Winston Holt B.L. C.E., 1886 John Penn Lee B.B. Class of 1887 Class of 1888 Attorney at Law Judfje Corporation Court Attorney at Law Judge Franklin County Court Kansas City, Mo. 100 E. 36th St. Staunton, Va. Rocky Mount, Va. Edmund Gustave Vaughan B.L. ^ Gus Honshell Hampton William Walter Brown *Charles Tilghman Hilleary Robert Edward Lee B.L. Thomas Glover Ivie Robert Lee Peck B.L. Class of 1889 Attorney at Law Class of 1890 Banker Class of 1891 Banker Vice-President Arkansas Southern Ry. Died March, 1896 Attorney at Law Grand Praetor First Province, i8< Class of 1892 Attorney at Law Clerk Rutherford County Court Attorney at Law Member of Legislature City Attorney Kansas City, Mo. 3607 Oak St. Catlettsburg, Ky. Camden, Ark, Box 467 tPetersville, Md. Washington, D. C. 4-5 330 Fourth St., N.W. Murfreesboro, Tenn. Springfield, Tenn. George Boiling Lee M.D., Col. Physicians and Sur- geons, N. Y., 1897 James Alney Menefee Frederic Hunter Marshall Thomas Glen Munford Class of 1893 Physician Merchant Insurance Stenographei New York City 215 West 43d St. Kansas City, Mo. 3110 Woodland Ave Memphis, Tenn. 39 Madison St. Lynchburg, Va. 205 Harrison St. WASHINGTON AND LEE UNIVERSITY 167 James Robert Guy, Jr. Victor Conway Smith M.D., Tulane Univ., 1899 Robert F. Wendell Monroe Creel List B.L.. Columbian Univ., 189S Dempsey Weaver Richmond Winston Holt George Maguire B.L., Tulane Univ., 1900 Charles Philip Snyder Stockton Heth Tyler B.L. Class of 1894 Traveling Salesman Physician Class of 1895 Attorney at Law Real Estate Class of 1896 Clerk With Soutliern Railway Attorney at Law Soldier Lieutenant U. S. A Bedford City, Va. Henderson, La. Washington, D. C. 1623 H. St. Nashville, Tenn. 211 North Cherry St. Washington, D. C. 100720th St., N. W. New Orleans, La. 16174th St. Charleston, W. Va, 206 Broad St. Attorney at Law East Radford, Va. Private Secretary to Governor Tyler of Va. Class of 1898 William Oregon Bonnie Merchant Norman Shrewsbury Fitzhugh Bookkeeper Delegate to 23d Grand Chapter Gordon Randolph Houston Teacher C.E. Alban Goshorn Snyder Vice Consul U. S. Louisville, Ky. 1043 2d St. Charleston, W. Va. Lewisburg, W. Va. Porfirio Diaz, Mex. Class of 1899 Lindley Allison Hickman Attorney at Law A.B. LL.B., Louisville Law School Albert Arista Hoge John William Jones B.L. Joseph C. Kent James Mullen B.L. A.B., Randolph-Macon Col 1896 M. E. Locke William Scott Wood Teacher Attorney at Law Clerk With .American Tin Plate Co. Attorney at Law With O'Ferrell & Regester Soldier First Lieutenant U.S.A. Merchant Shelbyville, Ky. Staunton, Va. Blackfoot, Idaho Pittsburg, Pa. Richmond, Ya. Cayaj, Porto Rico. tBristol, Va. Farrar Petrie Hamilton John Randolph Tucker A.B. Class of 1900 Civil Engineer Student Delegate to 24th and 25th Grand Chapters Jackson, Miss. 622 N. State St. Lexington, Va. John Kirkpatrick Graves Gabriel Benoist Shields A.B. Class of 1901 Student Lexington, Va. Delegate to 25th Grand Chapter Student Lexington, Va. 1 68 William Davis Conrad Charles Gibson Massie Ph.B., Denison Univ., 1899 William Sterling Robertson ZETA CHAPTER Class of 1902 Student Student Delegate to 23d Grand Chapter Student Winchester, Va. Lowesville, Va. Richmond, Va. 1102 Grove Ave. William Alexander Baker Martin Parks Burks, Jr. John Murdoch Dennis James Edmund Price Class of 1904 Student Student Student Student Winchester, Va. Lexington, Va. Baltimore, Md. 1307 Calvert St. jCharleston, W. Va. LAFAYETTE COLLEGE EASTON, PENNSYLVANIA Founded in 1832 First Class Graduated in 1836 A Denominational Institution (Presbyterian) DEPARTMENTS collegiate technical STATISTICS Value of buildings and grounds - - - - * - $680,000.00 Value of equipment and apparatus - - - - 52,000.00 Amount of endowment ...--- 258,250.00 Value of productive funds ..... 258,250.00 Income from all sources for 1899-1900 - - - 50,000.00 Tuition in collegiate department . . - . - 100.00 Number of volumes in library .... 29,600 Number of professors and instructors .... 30 Number of students in attendance . - - - - 372 Women are not admitted. PHI CHAPTER Founded May 17, 1867. Became inactive in 1887. Revived December 7, 1899 OTHER FRATERNITIES Phi Kappa Sigma (inactive), 1853-83; Delta Kappa Epsilon, 1855; Zeta Psi, 1858; Theta Delta Chi, 1867; Phi Kappa Psi, 1869; Phi Delta Theta, 1873; Chi Psi, 1874; Delta Tau Delta (inactive), 1874-93; Phi Gamma Delta, 1883; Delta Upsilon, 1885. 169 PHI CHAPTER LAFAYETTE COLLEGE Robert Evan James A.B., A.M. Thomas Dale Logan A.B. A.M., 1872; D.D., 1894 Robert A. Sebring A.B. Class of 1869 Attorney at Law Easton, Pa. President and Director of Easton 212 N. Third St. Trust Company Chairman of Executive Commit- tee Northampton County Bar Association Grand Consul 8th Grand Chapter Delegate loth Grand Chapter Clergyman Springfield, 111. Pastor First Presbyterian Church Banker Jersey Shore, Pa. Cashier Jersey Shore Banking Company Class of 1870 Richard William Dickinson Bryan Attorney at Law A.B. LL.B., Columbian Univ., 1S76 John Walley Clarke Horace Roland Attorney at Law A.B. John Russel Youngman Attorney at Law A.B. Horace Brown Bannard C.E. J. N. Groesbeck John D. Maxwell John Elfreth Watkins C.E., M.S.,t874 Eng. Doc, Stevens Institute of Tech., 1900 Thomas W. Youngman A.B., A.M., M.D. Samuel Henry Houser A.B. James Hall Rittenhouse C.E. Robert Patterson Snowden B.S. John Benjamin Wilson Class of 1871 Civil Engineer Engineer Maintenance of Way New Yorli and Long Branch R. R. Co. Director Easton Trust Company Secretary Lehigh Water Company, Easton, Pa. Engineer Superintendent and Curator Mechanical Technology, U. S. National Museum, also His- torian Penn. R. R. Co. Physician Albuquerque, N. M. 800 Railroad Ave. Hazleton, Pa. Reading, Pa. 530 Washington St. Lock Haven, Pa. Asbury Park, N. J. Grand Ave. Hotel San Antonio, Texas Easton, Pa. Washington, D. C. Mifflinburg, Pa. Union Co. Class of 1872 Insurance General Agent Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Com- pany Civil and Mining Engineer Division Engineer Scranton & Northeastern R. R. Co. Civil Engineer Assistant Engineer Amboy Division Pennsylvania R. R. Co Delegate 7th Grand Chapter Planter 170 Wilkesbarre, Pa. 37 Park Ave. Scranton, Pa. 1610 N.WashingtonAv. Camden N. J. 908 Cooper St. Savannah, Ga. LAFAYETTE COLLEGE 171 Class of 1873 Edwin At Lee Barber B.S., A.M., Ph.D. *Cicero Brodhead M.D., Univ. of Penn., 1875 A. Kirtland Michler C.E. Isaac Peter Schaeffer A.B., A.M. L. Banks Doty Harlan George Mendenhall A.M., D.D. ♦Joseph Pierce Nevin M.D., Univ. of Pennsylvania, 1874 *Charles Joseph Nourse A.B. M.D., Columbian Univ. Samuel Miller Riley C.E. Andrew Douglas Salkeld Thomas Fatzinger Salkeld Robert A. Stewart A.B. West Philadelphia Pa. Curator Pennsylvania Museum and School of Industrial Art Physician Died February 6, 1884 Engineer Officer U. S. Navy Grand Annotatorgth Grand Chapter tPhiladelphia, Pa 24 N. Tenth St. Delaware Water Gap, Pa. Washington, D. C. Artist Class of 1874 Clergyman Pastor Presbyterian Church, _ Perth Am boy, N. J. Physician Died March 17, 1878 Surgeon Surgeon U. S. Army _ Died July 23, 1880 Civil and Mining Engineer Ensjineer and .\gent Locust Mifflintown, Pa. Philadelphia, Pa. 3407 Chestnut St. Easton, Pa. Washington, D. C. Mountain Coal and Iron Company Pottsville, Pa. H09 Mahantonga St. Merchant Merchant Banker Class of 1875 William Abram Cortright Manufacturers' Agent D.D.S., Pa. Col. of Dental Surgery, 1879 Jesse Van Auken Craighead Merchant M.E. Samuel Wilson Fleming Charles H. Milligan David Williamson Nevin A.B. A.M., 1875 *Charles W. Sausser Merchant Attorney at Law Student Died in 1872 New York, N. Y. 66 Leonard St. Boston, Mass. Norfolk, Neb. Philadelphia, Pa. 25 South Front St. New York, N. Y. 25; Front St. Harrisburg, Pa. 104 South St. Washington, D. C. 405 G St., N. W. Easton, Pa. Merchantsville, N. J. Fernando De Albuquerque C.E. John Waugh Clendenin C.E. John Alexander Covode Ph.B. *Augustus Creveling *John T. Fuller C.E. Henry Stephen Magraw George Eyster Scott Victor PioUet Wierman Ph.B. Class of 1876 Civil Engineer Broker Banker President Kent County Savings Bak Secretary Berkey & Gay Furni- ture Company Insurance Died in i8qq Capital de San Paulo, Brazil, S. A. Rue San An tonic, No. 35 Wichita, Kan. Grand Rapids, Mich. 41 Sheldon St. New York, N. Y. Wilkesbarre, Pa. Died in 1878 Agent Butte City, Mont. Mine Operator Philadelphia, Pa. Manager Puritan Coal Mining Co. 26 South Fifteenth St Civil Engineer York, Pa. Superintendent Frederick Division Pennsylvania R. R. Co. 172 PHI CHAPTER Charles Heath Bannard Ph.B. LL.B., Univ. of Pa., iS8i Joseph E. Bimm Robert Gilson Craighead James Tracy Hale A.B. Howard Northrop Henry Albert Potter Ph.B. Clifford M. Sherron John Cresswell Shoemaker A.B. Charles M. Zahniser A.B. Class of 1877 Attorney at Law Real Estate Officer of Fidelity Insurance, Trust and Safety Deposit Co. of Philadelphia Merchant Grand Pro Consul 12th Grand Chapter Attorney at Law Delegate to nth Grand Chapter Manufacturer Attorney at Law Salesman Philadelphia, Pa. 325 Chestnut St. Dayton, O. 313 First St. Dayton, O. Duluth, Minn. 1203 East First St. tCamden, N. J. New York, N. Y. 41 Union Square tSalem, N. Y. Pittsburg, Pa. Chicago, 111. Temple Court Bldg. John Davidson Dorris A.B. Torrence Huffman Edward W. Lyon Charles Michler Ray C.E. Alexander Bowman Weaver Class of 1878 Attorney at Law District Solicitor Pennsylvania R. R. Co. Director First National Bank of Huntingdon, Pa. Banker President Fourth National Bank of Dayton Merchant Government Official Paymaster U. S. Navy Lumberman Huntingdon, Pa. 403 Penn St. Dayton, O. 119 North Perry St. Greensboro, N. C. Washington, D.C. Navy Dept. Clearfield, Pa. Henry Herrman Bimm A.B. Charles Anderson Craighead A.B., A.M. Thomas Morris De Frees Edward Coleman Freeman *George Davidson McDowell A.B. Elwood Andrew Miller Class of 1879 Merchant Attorney at Law Dayton, O. II W. First St. Dayton, O. 217 W. Monument Ave. Washington, D. C. Soldier Officer U. S. Army Capitalist Cornwall, Pa. Director, Secy, and Genl. Manager Cornwall R.R. Co. Secy, and Director Cornwall Iron Company Director Robesonian Iron Company Director Cornwall Ore Bank Com- pany Attorney at Law Chambersburg, Pa. Died November 8, 1897 Merchant Huntingdon, Pa. John Potts Fillebrown M.E. M.D., Bellevue Hospital Med. Col., 1897 Benjamin Taylor Hale Henry C. Pickels Class of 1880 Physician Cold Spring, N. Y. Town Physician for Philipstown, N. Y. Delegate to 13th Grand Chapter Merchant Towanda, Pa. tFolson, N. Mex. LAFAYETTE COLLEGE 73 G. R. Radford Edward R. Sponsler Edward Overton Ward James Wilson C.E. Class of 1881 Attorney at Law Secretary and Counsel of Lewis- town and Reedsville Electric Railway Company Vice President of Montgomery & Cliester Electric Ry. Co. Merchant Civil Engineer Philadelphia, Pa. Harrisburg, Pa. 20 Commercial Invest- ment Bld^. Syracuse, N. Y. Greenville, Del. Class of 1882 Orvin Dell McHenry Merchant A.B. Richard McC. Michler Nicholas Hunter Muhlenberg Chemist William Baxter Myers Ph.B. John Campbell Patton Ph.B. *Orlo Dudley Skinner A.B. Edward Ditmars Wetmore B.S. LL.B., Columbia Univ., Banker Delegate to 13th Grand Chapter Merchant Stillwater, Pa. tWashington, D. C. Reading, Pa. Bethlehem, Pa. fHood River, Ore. Fostoria, Ohio Student Delegate to 12th Grand Chapter Grand Annotator 13th Grand Chapter Died December, 1883 Attorney at Law tWarren, Pa Elmer Collins Brown C.E. Andrew Ross Fillebrown B.S. William Ward Scully Class of 1883 Mining Engineer Railroad Official Asst. Ent;. Pennsylvania Rail- road Company Railroad Official Commercial Agent Northern Pacific Railway Company St. Louis, Mo. Sunbury, Pa. Pittsburg, Pa. 305 Park Bldg. Samuel Powhatan Carter, Jr. B.S. John G. Jennings Burr William Mcintosh William Cummings Merritt C.E. Theodore Ladd Welles M.E. Harry Ross Wilson B.S. M.S.. 1886 John Howard McCortney M.E. Henry Carpenter Overholt Class of 1884 Chemist Merchant Photographer Author and Actor Civil Engineer Mining Engineer Manager of O'Shanter Coal Co. Attorney at Law Class of 1885 Real Estate Manufacturer Class of 1886 fBirmingham, Pa. Pittsburg, Pa. 5426 Fifth Ave. New York City 18 West 33d St. Lancaster, Ohio Clearfield, Pa. Clarion, Pa. Chicago, 111. 401 Chamber of Cora. Cleveland, Ohio 25 Frankfort St. *James Otis Ballard Physician A.K._ Died October 22, 18 Frederick Hunter Muhlenberg Draughtsman Tarlton, Ohio Reading, Pa. 174 PHI CHAPTER Frank Gilbert Dibert Clary Ray Snowden Ashford C.E. Thomas Fisher ♦Frederick S. Wetmore Class of 1887 Real Estate Draughtsman Class of 1888 Architect Assistant Inspector of Buildings Mine Operator General Superintendent Berwind- White Coal Mining Co. Date of death unknown Johnstown, Pa. 206 Main St. fWashington, D. C. 1701 T St. Washington, D. C. 25 Lafayette Square Philadelphia, Pa. 305 Betz Bldg. Warren, Pa. Robert Purdon McCready A.B. Edward Lawall Osterstock A.B. Allan Roberts Ph.B. Class of 1899 Teacher Instructor of Latin and Mathe- matics Nazareth Hall Military Academy Teacher Instructor of Political Science, Lafayette Col. Easton, Pa. 126 North Eleventh St. Easton, Pa. 681 Ferry St. Slatington, Pa. Frederic Eugene Ayer C.E. Henry Marvin Hodgson Ph.B. Charles Thompson Long C.E. Class of 1900 Shop Inspector With Pennsylvania Steel Co. Student Civil Engineer With Pennsylvania R. R. Co. Steelton, Pa. 17 N. 4th St. Cumberland, Md. 15 South Center St. Lancaster, Pa. John Arthur Morgan E.E. Lewis Parker Runyon B.S. William Fred Schmidt E.E. Walton Jay Dietrick John Parker Harley Harry Joseph Kuebler Elwood Gordon Mateer Fred Falkner Jesse Godfrey Chester Arthur King William Allison Maxwell Joseph Frederick Steele Charles David Cooper William Malcolm Duncan James Homer Wilson Class of 1901 Student Student Student Class of 1902 Student Student Student Delegate to 25th Grand Chapter Student Class of 1903 Student Student Student Student Student Class of 1904 Student Student Student Slatington, Pa. Perth Amboy, N, J. 109 High St. Shenandoah, Pa. Mt. Bethel, Pa. Dewart, Pa. Easton, Pa. 310 S. Fourth St. Altoona, Pa. 2007 Broad Ave. Wyoming, N. Y. Stewartsville, N. J. Phillipsburg, N. J. Bryn Mawr, Pa. Easton, Pa. 700 Paxmora Ave. Adamstown, Pa. High Spire, Pa. Cumberland, Md, DENISON UNIVERSITY GRANVILLE, OHIO Founded in 1831 Chartered in 1831 First Class Graduated in 1840 A Denominational Institution (Baptist) DEPARTMENTS COLLEGIATE MUSIC PREPARATORY ART MILITARY STATISTICS Value of buildings and grounds .... §230,000.00 Value of equipment and apparatus - - - 46,000.00 Amount of endowment . . . . . 625,000.00 Income from all sources for 1899-igoo - - - 45,000.00 Tuition in collegiate department - - - . 39.00 Number of volumes in library - - - 22,000 Number of professors and instructors - - - 34 Number of students in attendance - - - 526 Women are admitted and constitute about 30 per cent, of the attendance. MU CHAPTER Founded March 2, 1868 OTHER FRATERNITIES Beta Theta Pi, Nov. 1868 Phi Gamma Delta, 1885 •75 MU CHAPTER DENISON UNIVERSITY, GRANVILLE, OHIO *Joseph Green Dye A.B. Class of 1869 Solicitor Died February i, ] Troy, O Charles Linnaeus Allen A.B. George Whipple Corwin AB. LL.B., Univ. of Mich., 1872 Class of 1870 Attorney at Law Attorney at Law Chicago, 111. 23 Portland Block Norwalk, O. Class of 1871 Edward Emmett Montgomery Physician A.B. M.D., Jefferson Col., 1874 Philadelphia, Pa. 1818 Arch St. George C. Coon A.B., A.M., 1875 Samuel Marion Cramblett *John Byron Ellis Zelora Green R S ♦Robert Griffith Howell Horace Porter Hussey *Louis Ayers Kille John Henderson Sample A.B. Benjamin Woodbury A.B. Class of 1872 Manufacturer Elizabeth, N. J. Delegate to 9th Grand Chapter 524 Cherry St. Business Ofhce, Produce Exchange Bldg., New York City Clergyman Date of death unknown Manufacturer Attorney at Law Died September 20, 1879 Manufacturer Died November 12, 1872 Civil Engineer Attorney at Law fGeneva, O. Troy, Mo. Oakland, 111. Racine, Wis. Cleveland, O. loi St. Clair St. Chandlersville, O. Granville, O. Columbus, O. Burritt Johnston Brotherton Calvin Granger Sutliff Charles Augustus Towne A.B., 1873 A.M., Madison Univ., 1875 *Byron Allen Woods A.B. ,1873 A.M., Madison Univ., 1876 Class of 1873 Attorney at Law Manufacturer Clergyman Clergyman Date of death unknown Van Wert, O. Lockport, N. Y. Gardner, Mass. 30 High St. Philadelphia, Pa 176 DENISON UNIVERSITY ■77 Sylvester Spelman Downer LL.B., Columbia Univ., 1876 William E. Feeman A.B., Wooster Univ., 1874; A.M., 1877 Juhn Morris McConihay M.D , Kentvickv School of Med., 1S75 William Charles Stewart Class of 1874 Attorney at Law Judge Circuit Court Insurance With N. V. Life Ins. Co. Class of 1875 Physician Manufacturer General Manager Forest City Stone Co. Boulder, Colo. Columbus, O. Charleston, W. Va. 184 State St. Cleveland, O. 1878 Euclid Ave. Oren Briit Brown A.B., Princeton, 1S76 John Howard Ferris A.B.. A.M. LL.B., Cincinnati Law School, Harley Bradford Mitchell A.M. A.B.,Univ.of Chicago, 1876 John Jones Owen M.p., Jetferson Med. Col., 1878 ♦William Gilchrist Powell William Steele Talbot Thomas Augustus Taylor A. B.. Rochester Univ., 1876 James Dilley Thompson M.D., Jefferson Med. Col., 1878 Calvin Judson Turley A.B. Harry Horr Carpenter A.B. LL.B., Cincinnati Law School, 1S81 John Fremont Brundige A.B. Herbert Healy LL.B., Cincinnati Law School Harvev Ray Keeler A.B' Caleb Marsh Van Hamm LL.B., Cincinnati Law School Frank G. Warden B.S. LL.B., Univ. of Mich., ib8: Joseph Erastus Andrews A.B. .LL.B. Charles Russell Mayers Edward Joseph Olney A.B. Lewis Reynolds Zollars Class of 1876 Attorney at Law Dayton, O. Attorney at Law Cincinnati, O. Probate Judge, Hamilton County, Ohio 79 Grand Consul 1884-86 Delegate to 22d and 23d Grand Chapters President of Probate Judges of Ohio Trustee of Denison Univ. Publisher Chicago, 111. 315 Dearborn St. Physician Philadelphia, Pa. 411 Pine St. Kansas City, Mo. Died April 6, 1883 Farmer Ottawa, Kas. Miller Toledo, O. Physician Farmer Granville, O. Kinka, Tenn. Class of 1879 Attorney at Law Chicago, 111. Delegate to 17th Grand Chapter 1109 Tacoma Bldg Class of 1880 Farmer Attorney at Law Attorney at Law Journalist Hotel Waldo, O. Cincinnati, O. 5th and Walnut Sts. Cleveland, O. ■[Cincinnati, O. 260 Race St. Newark, O. Class of 1882 Attornev at Law ■fNew Orleans, La. Columbus, O. Banker Cashier New First National Bank Civil Engineer Coshocton, O. Class of 1883 Merchant Canton, O. 178 MU CHAPTER George Emory Andrews A.B., Rochester Univ. M.D., Univ. of Pa., 1887 Charles Sanford Fay A.B. Elmer Ellsworth Ferris George Kauffman Goulding Francis Devie Hall Ph.G., Philadelphia Col. of Pharmacy, 1S86 Lewis Albert Hicks Jeremiah Hyat Kenny Joseph Bancroft Kerr *John Alexander Bingham Wood B.S. Class of 1884 Physician Real Estate Merchant Druggist Druggist Civil Engineer Merchant With Kenny Bros. Ranchman Student Died in 1895 fCincinnati, O. Columbus, O. Cincinnati, O. 480Q Morse St. Columbus, O. Newark, O. Berkeley, Cal. 182S, 22d St. Canton, O. fGrouse Creek, Utah Sigourney, la. John Brackett Childe Ph.B., A.M. LL.B., Cincinnati Col.. 1887 Frank Rodolphus Morse A.B. Charles Loren Owen A.B. James Wilson Price Louis Clark Robinson Charles Murray Taylor Class of 1885 Attorney at Law Delegate to i6th Grand Chapter Attorney at Law Scientist Asst. Curator Anthropology, Field Columbian Museum Banker Asst. Cashier Bank of Plain City Merchant Farmer Cincinnati, O. 68 Carew Bldg. Cincinnati, O. 5016 Eastern Ave. Chicago, 111. Columbian Museum Plain City, O. Beaverly, O. Lynchburg, Dak. Albert Bigelow Knox Ph.B. Benjamin Franklin McCann A.B. Thomas Addison McCann Robert Collett Suydam Class of 1886 Farmer Attorney at Law Probate Judge Montgomery North Royalton, O. Dayton, O. County Dresden, O. fDenver, Colo. Arthur Dubois Eldridge Ph.B. *Ellsworth Howe Morse Ph.B. Daniel Elmer Munroe Ph.B. Edwin Elmer Sheffield Ph.B. M.D.,Univ. of Mich. Henry Stultz Sheffield M.D., Univ. of Mich. Charles Arthur Sinsel M.D., Univ. of Md., 1888 Robert James Thresher A.B. Otis Lincoln Witter Class of 1887 Salesman Merchant Died in 1886 Manufacturer Physician Physician Physician Grain Broker Merchant Franklin, O. St. Joseph, Mo. Elbridge, N. Y. Elyria, O. Elyria, O. Grafton, W. Va. Kansas City, Mo. Board of Trade ■fEureka, Kan. DENISON UNIVERSITY 179 Harry Bolinger Curtin Ph.B. George Amos Dorsey A.B, Ph.D., Harvard Univ., if John William Forsyth George l^oger Wood Ph.B. B.D. *James Ernest Amos Dexter E. Junkins *Henry Colby Stilwell Ph.B. Leonard Leander Sutton A.B. William Wesley Turney W^illiam Herbert Eels Amos Willis Arden Chamberlin A.B. A.M., i8g4. A.B., Harvard Univ., 1891 Harry Suydam Collette Aurelius Wilbur Collins Claude Perry Jones M.D.. Harvard Med. Col. George Buell McCann Thomas Silas Morris Oscar Otis Aretas Wilkinson A.B. Alfred Addison Thresher A.B. Arthur Marion Brumback A.B. Horace Ferris Smith Brainard Bliss Thresher A.B. Frank Eugene Whittemore Ph.B. Charles H. Dixon George Dana Hutson A.B. LL.B., Univ. of Cincinnati, 1895 Willett R. Spencer Fletcher Ransom Hall John Henry Massie A.B. B.D., Crozier Theol. Sem. Class of 1888 Lumber Dealer Scientist Curator of Anthropology, Field Columbian Museum Lumberman Clergyman Class of 1889 Journalist Died in 1890 Manufacturer Student Died April iS, 1895 Insurance and Real Estate Sutton, W. Va. Chicago, 111. S733 Madison Ave. Lexington, Ky. Wheaton, 111. Cambridge, O. Union City, Pa. Dayton, O. Attica, O. North Royalton, O. Class of 1890 Journalist Teacher Asst. Professor of Modern Languages Cambridge, O. Granville, O. Contractor With J.S. White & Co. Delegate to 20th Grand Chapter Farmer Phvsician Merchant Secretary and Treasurer of Ashley Falls Marble Co. New York City 29 Broadway Egypt, O. Southboro, Mass. Ashley Falls, Mass. Insurance Attorney at Law- Class of 1891 Electrician Class of 1892 Attorney at Law Manufacturer Merchant Attorney at Law Class of 1893 Commercial Traveler Attorney at Law Delegate to 19th Grand Chapter Farmer Class of 1894 Clergyman Cleveland, O. 62 Riverside Ave. tNew York, N. Y. 1645 Madison Ave. Dayton, O. fBoise City, Idaho fSyracuse, O. Dayton, O. Akron, O. Hamilton Bldg. Stuart, la. Cincinnati, O. Union Trust Bldg. Sycamore, O. Lowesville, Va. i8o MU CHAPTER Kendall Brooks Cressey Albert Elmore De Armond A.B. Heber C. Spicer Class of 1895 Journalist Philadelphia, Pa. Manatrer Advertising Department The Frontenac Philadelpiiia Record Manufacturer Cincinnati, O. Sec. De Armond Mfg. Co. Station C Delegate to 21st and 22d Grand Chapters Manufacturer Akron, O. Sec. and Treas. The Akron Engi- neering Co. Carl Tibballs Burns Arthur Charles Baldwin A.B. B.D., Rochester Theol Earle Edwin Conway John D. Gibbs Fred Leroy Hutson A.B. William Paul Kerr James M. Sprague Eugene M. Waters Class of 1896 Ranchman Clergyman . Sem., 1900 Manufacturer State Manager and Director W. W. Kimball Co. Teacher Albany Tex. Ballston Spa, N. Y. Oak Park, 111. 226 Maple Ave. Ravenswood, W. Va. Granville, O. Sigma Chi House Accountant Boston, Mass. With Walworth Manufacturing Company Capitalist Cincinnati, O. Vice-Pres. and Gen. Mgr. The 305-306 Johnston Bldg American Bonding & Trust Co. of Baltimore City Commercial Agent fBoston, Mass. Herbert O. Barber Arthur Wallace Dean Harry Leon King Clifford Albert Wihsee Ph.B. Class of 1897 Electrician Mgr. The Consolidated Ice & Electric Co. Merchant Manufacturer With Proctor & Gamble Grand Praetor 3d Province 1899-1901 Delegate to 23d and 24th Grand Chapters Cambridge, O. Cleveland, O. 216 Cuyahoga Bldg. King's Mills, O. Cincinnati, O. Hotel Sterling Harry Beaver Canby A.B. Francis Gardner Colby A.B. Herbert Quinton Jones Class of 1898 Student Engineer With U. S. Shredded Biscuit Co, Constructing Engineer Dayton, O. 51 Belmont Ave. Niagara Falls, N. Y. ■fColumbus, O. Henry Wallar Amos B.L. George Sanford Austin Charles H. Davis Charles Gibson Massie Ph.B. Edward Earle Purinton A.B. Harry Samuel Wagner Ph^B. ^ Class of 1899 Manufacturer Student Accountant Student In Med. Dept. Univ. of Va. Asst. Mgr. Physical Culture Health Home, Ronkonkoma, L.I. Student In. Med. Dept. Univ. of Mich. Cambridge, O. Painesville, O. Newark, O. Lowesville, Va. New York City, N. Y. 245 E. 19th St. Toledo, O. 846 W. Woodruff Ave. DENISON UNIVERSITY i8i Nathan Worth Brown B.S. Howard Lewis A.B. Edwin Clyde Nesbit A.B., Muskinyum Col. Hubert L. Sample Ralph Young Struble John Berry Harmon Frank E. Wright Percy Leonard Wiltsee A.B. Charles Frederick DeArmond Eugene Barney Huffman A.B. Frank Charles Lewis A.B. William Uwight Sample A.B. Maik Winchester Class of 1900 Student In Med. Dept. Western Reserve Univ. Student In Harvard Law School Delcijate to 25tli Grand Chapter Railroad Agent Banker Class of 1901 Accountant Planter Student Class of 1902 Accountant With DeArmond Mfg. Co. Student Student Delegate to 25th Grand Chapter Student Student Cleveland, O. Toledo, O. 103 Prescott St. Chicago Junction, O. tSan Luis Potosi, Mex, Fredericktown, O. Cleveland, O. 2130 Superior St. Helena, Ark. Cincinnati, O. Hotel Sterling Cincinnati, O. .Station C. Dayton, O. 35 Linden Ave. Toledo, O. 103 Prescott St. Granville, O. East Toledo, O. Class of 1903 Frank Belford Amos Henry Robert Colby Thomas E. Dean John Alden Purinton William H. SprouU Walter Wright Student Student Student Student Student Planter Cambridge, O. Dayton, O. 340 West ist St. Newark, O. Morgantown, W. Va. Allegheny, Pa. 122 E. North Ave. Helena, Ark. William Elgin Wickenden Elmer Williams Class of 1904 Student Student East Toledo, O. Starr Ave. Granville, O. NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY EVANSTON, ILLINOIS Founded in 1851 Chartered in 1851 First Class Graduated in 1859 A Denominational Institution (Methodist Episcopal) DEPARTMENTS COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS MEDICAL SCHOOL DENTAL SCHOOL SCHOOL OF MUSIC SCHOOL OF PHARMACY GARRETT BIBLICAL INSTITUTE LAW SCHOOL ACADEMY STATISTICS Value of buildings and grounds .... $1,500,000 00 Value of equipment and apparatus - - - 151,500 00 Amount of endowment - - - - . - 3,641,612 00 Value of productive funds - ... - 3,041,612 00 Income from all sources for 1899-1900 - - - 336,396 50 Tuition in liberal arts department ... 70 00 Number of volumes in library ..... 45,000 Number of professors and instructors .... 285 Number of students in attendance ..... 2,865 Number of students in each department : Liberal Arts, 614; Biblical Insti- tute, 158; Law, 211; Medical, 413; Pharmacy, 235; Dental, 566; Music, 292; Academy, 507. Women are admitted and constitute about 40 per cent, of the attendance. OMEGA CHAPTER Founded June 23, 1869 OTHER FRATERNITIES Phi Delta Theta, 1859; Phi Kappa Psi, 1864; Phi Gamma Delta (inactive), 1869- 72; Phi Kappa Sigma, 1872; Beta Theta Pi, 1873; Delta Upsilon, 1880; Delta Tau Delta, 1893; Sigma Alpha Epsilon, 1894; Gamma Delta Sigma, 1897; Alpha Phi 1881; Delta Gamma, 1882; Kappa Kappa Gamma, 1882; Kappa Alpha Theta, 1888; Gamma Phi Beta, 1888; Pi Beta Phi, 1894; Delta Delta Deha, 1895; Phi Delta Phi, 1877; Alpha Chi Omega, 1890; Nu Sigma Nu, 1891; Delta Chi, 1892; Delta Sigma Delta, 1893; Omega Psi, 1894; Psi Chi, 1896; Alpha Epsilon Iota, 1898; Phi Rho Sigma, Sigma Nu, 1897. 183 OMEGA CHAPTER NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY Merritt Caldwell Bragdon A.B., A.M. M.D., Hahnemann Med. Col., Philadelphia, 1873 Albert Darwin Langworthy A.B. Frederic Carvosso Winslow Ph.B. M.D., Chicago Medical Col., 1874 Class of 1870 Physician Evanston, 111. Trustee Northwestern University Director State Bank of Evanston Financial Agent Chicago, III. With John Hancock Mutual Life 620 Reaper Block Insurance Company of Boston Physician Jacksunville, 111. Superintendent Illinois Central Hospital for Insane *Hamilton Stately Wickes Ph.B. LL.B., Univ. ofWis., 1S72 George Lewis Yaple A.B., A.M. Class of 1871 Journalist Died January, 1899. Attorney at Law New York, N. Y. Mendon, Mich. George Erastus Bragdon Ph.B. Ellery Herbert Beal A.B., A.M., B.D. *Tames Gurshom Burke A.B. Lorin Cone Collins, Jr. M.A. Eltinge Elmore Ph.B. *John S. Hancock Edwin John Harrison Ph.B. *George Lunt B.S. Clarence Richmond Paul A.B. .A.M. Henry A. Pearsons A.B.. 1S62 Frederick Dwight Raymond A.B. James Franklin Robinson A.B., A.M. William Henry Sparling M.D., Detroit Med. Col., 1S72 Edward H. Webster A.M., 1887 Class of 1872 Merchant Clergyman M. E. Church Attorney at Law Date of death unknown Attorney at Law Coal Merchant Ranchman Died January 20, 1888 Merchant Pueblo, Colo. 118 Ormun Ave. •fFrankfort Station, 111. Aberdeen, S. Dak. Chicago, 111. 112 Dearborn St. Milwaukee, Wis. 235 W. Water St. Las Vegas, N. Mex. Sauk Center, Minn. Commission Merchant Chicago, 111. Died June 14, idgS Editor Springfield, 111. Illinois State Journal Capitalist Evanston, 111. Trustee Northwestern University Railroad Official Chicago, 111. Treas. Elgin, Joliet & Eastern 1063 Rookery Bldg. R. R. Banker Rock Island, 111. Pres. Rock Island Nat'l Bank 613, 20th St. Pres. Central Trust & Sav's Bk. Delegate to 8th Grand Chapter Trustee Northwestern University Physician Moweaqua, 111. Local Surgeon I. C. R. R. Physician Evanston, 111. 1332 Chicago, Ave 184 NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY iS5 James Chas. Bigelow M.D., Chicago Med. Col., i-^73 John Summerfield Cuiidell Henry Allen Cooper A.B., A.M. LL.B. Walter Edwin Haskin *Frank Edward Hesler C.E. Lee Kline George Peter C. Newman Charles Trumbull Class of 1873 Clergyman M. E. Church County Official Attorney at Law Member of Congress Merchant With Browning, King & Co. Journalist Died January i, 1884 Traveling Salesman Merchant Civil Engineer Dejjt. U. S. Mineral Surveyor, Engineer's Office City tOregon, 111. Springfield, 111. Racine, Wis. Milwaukee, Wis. Minneapolis, Minn. IChicago, 111. ig2 Market St. Hammond, Ind. Spokane Falls, Wash. *Evarts Greene Boutell Chester Tuttle Drake C.E. *Fennimore Enz Hancock ♦Albert S. Hough William M. Knox A.B., A.M. Daniel Charles Riehl A.B., A.M. B.D., 1876 Class of 1874 Student Died May 21, 1870 Manufacturer Drake Standard Macliine Wks. Merchant Died February 16, 1872 Date of death unknown Journalist Care Cliicago Press Club Clergyman In Michigan Conference. M. E. Church Delegate to loth Grand Chapter Evanston, 111. Chicago, 111. 298-^00 W. Jackson Boiil. Dubuque, la. Aurora, 111. Chicago, 111. tSt. Louis, Mich. Class of 187s Charles Loring Draper John Henry Hamline Attorney at Law A.B., A.M. LL.B., Columbia Univ. Frank Mitchell Harris C.E. Charles Alvin Ilgenfritz Isaac Eli Lambert A.M. Tames Shelbourne Norris ^ B.D. Manufacturer Horticulturist Attorney at Law U. S. District Atty. for Kansas Insurance Gen. Mgr. Phoenix Mutual Life Ins. Co. Jacksonville, 111. Chicago, 111. The Temple ■fKansas City, Mo. Monroe, Mich. Emporia, Kan. Milwaukee, Wis, Alanson Stewart Appleton A.B. *Theophilus Brown Hilton A.B., A.M., B.D. Winfield Scott Matthews A.B., A.M., D.D., 1S89 Fred Manville Taylor A.B., A.M. Ph.D., Univ. of Mich 1888 Charles Pinckney Wheeler A.B., A.M. Class of 1876 Manager "fChicatro, 111. 600 Pullman Bldg. Omaha, Neb. Clergyman Died March 25, 1S94 Teacher fLos Angeles, Cal. President of University of South- ern California Teacher Ann Arbor, Mich. Junior Prof, of Political Economy, Univ. of Mich. Merchant Chicago, 111. Picands-Brown & Co. 1109 Rookery Bldg. i86 OMEGA CHAPTER Holland Williams Baker C.E., Univ. of Mich., 1877 Albert Dudley Early A.B. Frank Adelbert Early Frank Micajah Elliot B.L. Wm. Gray Evans Ph.B. Henry Frank Morrison Monroe Gillet ♦Robert Marshall Humphrey Frank Edward Knappen A.B. A.M., 1880 Joseph Earle Martin Edmund Stuart Moss Luther Andersen Norland A.B., A.M. *Ezra Benedict Parrish LL.B., Univ. of Iowa, 1882 Class of 1877 Civil Engineer Attorney at Law Insurance St. Louis, Mo. Rockford, 111. Chicago, 111. 170 LaSalle St. Evanston, 111. Real Estate Grand Annotator, 1884-S6 Grand Consul, i888-go Prest. Evanston Hospital Association Chicago Address, 123 LaSalle St. Real Estate Denver, Col. Clergyman Traveling Salesman Student Died August 3, 1S75 Attorney at Law Prosecuting Atty Delegate to nth Grand Chapter Merchant Chicago, 111. Member Firm Coffin, Devoe & Co. 176 Randolph St. Contractor Chicago, HI. S06 Opera House Bldg. Ranchman La Jara, Col. tWaseca, Minn. Fond du Lac, Wis. Marietta, 111. Kalamazoo, Mich. 208 W. Main St. Attorney at Law Died Mav 21, 188: Malvern, la. Edward Wyllys Andrews A.B. A.M., 1881 LL.B.. Columbia Univ., 1880 M.D., Chicago Med. Col., 1881 William Morris Booth A.B., A.M. William Lazier Demorest A.B., A.M. William Hamilton Harris A.B. A.M., Northwestern Univ. LL.B., Columbia Col., 1880 Dexter Park Donnelson A.B. Edward McWilliams Edward Lawrence Stewart B.S. Class of 1878 Surgeon Chicago, 111. Surgeon Mercy Hospital 100 State St. Surgeon Michael Rees Hospital Prof, of Surgery, Chicago Med. Col. U S. Pension Examiner Grand Praetor 5th Province, 1884 Attorney at Law Master in Chancery U. S. Circuit Court U. S. Commissioner Clergyman Chicago, 111. 505 Monadnock Bldg. Attorney at Law Class of 1879 Manufacturer Care Chicago Forge & Bolt Co. Merchant Attorney at Law Delegate 12th Grand Chapter Chicago, 111. 1054 Monroe St. New York, N. Y. 258 Broadway Evanston, 111. Dwight, 111. Chicago, 111. 145 LaSalle St. John Wesley Bennett A.B., Univ. of Mich.. 1882; LL.B. Univ. of Mich., 1884 W. L. Brown John Franklin Dale Nathan Smith Davis A.B., A.M. M.D., Chicago Med. Col., 1883 Class of 1880 Attorney at Law Ann Arbor, Mich. Hotel Des Moines, la. Mgr. Savery Hotel Company Insurance State Agent Phoenix Life Ins. Co Physician Trustee Northwestern Univ. Pres. Chicago Medico-Legal Society Prof. Principles and Practice of Medicine, Northwestern Univ. Omaha, Neb. 8iSNewYork Life Bldg. Chicago, 111. 65 Randolph St. NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY 187 James Edward Deering Charles Dayton Etnyre Charles Allison Foulks Ph.B., Ph.M. M.D., Chicago Med. Col., 1885 Robert B. Jessup Ph.B. M.D., Bellevue Hospital Med. CoJ., 1883 Emory John Lipps Ph.B. ♦James Wilson McWilliams Henry Adelmon Smith LL.B., Univ. of Mich., 1S80 Frank Taylor Andrews A.B., A.M. M.D.. Chicago Med Coll., 1884 Raymond Victor DeGroff Edward Daniel Etnyre ♦Frederick William Randolph LL.B., Union Col. of Law, 1881 Manufacturer Deering, 111. Treas. Deering Mfg. Co. Abstracter Oregon, 111. Delegate to 14th Grand Chapter Ogle Co. Physician ^Kansas City, Mo. Physician Vincennes, Ind. Manufacturer Bethlehem, Pa. President Lehigh Valley Silk Mills Merchant Chicago, 111. Died March 4, 1S99 Attorney at Law Oregon, 111. Class of 1881 Surgeon Delegate to 13th, 14th, 15th and 17th Grand Chapters Grand Annotator, 1888-90 Teacher Delegate to 13th Grand Chapter Manufacturer E. D. Etnyre & Co. Attorney at Law Died March 12, 1882 Chicago, 111. 100 State St. Sterling, 111. Oregon, 111. Lake Benton, Minn. Frederic Alexander Hesler M.D., Miami Med. Col., Cincin- nati, O., 1883 Charles H. Owen Class of 1882 Surgeon Railroad Official Washington, D. C. U. S. Navy, Pacific Squadron Carroll, la. Mason Bross LL.B., Union Coll. of Law, iS *Harry Putney Brown Edwin Richard Elliot Class of 1883 Attorney at Law Delegate to 17th Grand Chapter Grand Annotator, 1886-88 Student Died December 8, 1S81 Merchant Chicago, 111. Opera House Block Genoa, 111. Litchfield, 111. Albert Dean Currier B.S. George Peck Merrick B Y. George Damon Tunnicliff LL.B., Univ. of Mich., 1885 Frederic B. Kampf Harry L. Peck Charles Summer Slichter B.S. M.S., 1887 Charles Addison Wightman Ph.B. Sydney Watson B.S. Class of 1884 Attorney at Law- Attorney at Law Grancf Quaestor, 1882-84 Delegate to 14th Grand Chapter Orator of 23d Grand Chapter Attorney at Law Chicago, 111, 103 Adams St. Chicago, 111. 108 Washington St. Macomb, 111. Class of 1885 Journalist Manufacturer Teacher Pres. Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters Commissioner and Sec. Wis. Geol and Nat. History Survey Asst. Hydrographer U. S. G. S. Delegate to 15th Grand Chapter Real Estate & Loan Broker Grand Historian 1884-90 Grand Quaestor 1886-88 Attorney at Law Wafonetka, la. tPine Bluffs, Col. Madison, Wis. 636 Francis St. Evanston, 111, 1735 Wesley Ave. St. Paul, Minn, 19 Lizzie St. 1 88 OMEGA CHAPTER Frank Miner Brewer M.D.. Bennett Med. Col., David Edgar Crozier Hamlin Charles Eddy B.L., Univ. of Neb., 1885 Henry Leonidas Kindig A.B., .-^.M. B.D., 1888 Harry Lathrop William J. Prime Class of 1886 Physician Teacher Attorney at Law Clergyman Pastor M.E. Church Laundry Clerk Jefferson, Wis. tTroy, Pa. Lincoln, Neb. 2430 R St. Michigan City, Ind. 116 E. 7th St. Greensburg, Ind. Dwight, 111. Charles Louis Clapp Frank Nelson Clark Giles Hubbard A.B. Edwin Llewellyn Shuman Ph.B. Ruter William Springer A.B. LL. B., Georgetown Law Col., 1S89 Herbert Perry Wright B.S. M.S., 1890 Henrv Caddock A.B. Frederick Judson Tourtellotte A.B. LL.B., 1893 Roberto Rodelpho Edgar Robert Hatfield Harvey M.D. Otis McGaw Howard A.B. Benjamin Lincoln McFadden A.B. Charles Lewis Stevens A.B. Louis Davenport Wallace Burr Miller Weeden A.B., A.M., B.D. Charles Burton Wright B.S. Henry Ethelbert Adams Edmund Lathrop Andrews William James Jeffrey Jesse Jay Shuman Raphael Roy Shuman Ph.B. William Calkins Wise Class of 1887 Lumberman So. Omaha, Neb. Regent Knoxall Council, Royal Arcanum Omaha, Neb. Paying Teller ist Nat'l Bank Attorney at Law fChicago, 111. 50, 175 Dearborn St. Journalist Evanston, 111. Editorial Writer Chicago Tribune 221 Kedzie St. Clergyman Fort Thomas, Ky. Delegate to i6th, i8th and 21st Grand Chapters Chaplain in U. S .\rmy Stock Broker Class of 1888 Accountant Care Wilson Bros. Attorney at Law Delegate to 21st Grand Chapter Class of 1880 Physician Publisher Banker Vice Pres. Mason Co. Bank Journalist Journalist Clergyman Rector St. Luke's Church Delegate to 17th Grand Chapter Banker Class of 1890 Merchant Kansas City, Mo. 930 Delaware St. Chicago, 111. Chicago, 111. 3432 Vernon Ave. Buenos Ayres, S. A. Chicago, 111. 2560 Calumet Ave. Chicago, 111. 500 Masonic Temple Havana, 111. tjoliet. 111. Joliet, 111. _ San Francisco, Cal. 1932 Broadway Woodstock, 111. Boston, Mass. 143 High St. Electrical Engineer Chicago, 111. District Inspector, with American 3543 Lake Ave. Telephone and Telegraph Co. Real Estate fSan Diego, Cal. Manufacturer Newburg, O. With Newburg Steel Works Advertising Manager Evanston, 111. With Joseph T. Ryerson & Son, Chicago Editor Boilermaker & Sheet Metal Maker Dentist fFond du Lac, Wis. NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY 189 William Tracy Alden Ph.B. LL.B., Northwestern Univ., 1S93 Frederick Bernard Cozzens Alfred Horace Phelps B.S. LL.B., Yale, i8g3 Harry Fay Wakeman William Crowell VanBens- choten Ph.B. A.B., Harvard, 1892 A.M., M.D., Northwestern Univ. Class of iSgi Attorney at Law Chicago, 111. Delegate to i8th and 22d Grand Atwood Bldg. Chapters Grand Praetor Fiftli Province, 1890-92 Grand ;\nnotator, 1892-95 Publisher Attorney at Law Delegate to i8th and 20th Grand Chapters Attorney at Law Lincoln, 111 Chicago, 111. 713 Masonic Temple Denver, Col. 827 Grant Ave. Physician and Surgeon Grand Historian, 1891-93 Chicago, 111. 6442 Greenwood Ave. Myron Hunt Edmund Ludlow M.D., Northwestern Univ. John Joseph Nutt B.L., Dartmouth Col., 1894 M.S., New York Univ., 1897 M.D., Cornell Univ., 1899 ♦Charles Thurber Watrous Class of 1892 Architect Chicago, 111. S50, 125 LaSalle St. Physician Chicago, 111. Care Mercv Hospital Surgeon t^ew York, N. Y. Surgeon to Bellevue Dispensary 107 \V. 74th St. Asst. Surgeon Polytechnic Hospital Actor Died December 10, 1893 Hampshire, 111. George Philo Hills A.B. LL.B., Lake Forest Univ. Frank Gilbert Jackson Francis Wood Hemenway Class of 1893 Attorney at Law Bailiff In Circuit Court, Chicago Ottawa, 111. Chicago, 111. 3740 Elm wood Ave. |Evanston, 111. Harry Egbert Ambler ♦Arthur Boynton Harbert Philemon Bulkley Kohlsaat Ph.B., Univ. of Chicago Robert Joseph Kerr Carlton Ray Latham Ph.B. LL.B. Robert Waterman Stevens Frederic Perry Vose LL.B. Class of 1894 Attorney at Law Attorney at Law Delegate to 23d Grand Chapter Died November 22, 1900 Teacher Lewis Institute Attorney at Law Attorney at Law Delegate to 21st Grand Chapter Teacher Director Piano Dept. Chicago Au ditorium Conservatory Attorney at Law Pres. .School Board of Trustees, Evanston, 111. Chicago, 111. Royal Trust Co Evanston, 111. Chicago, 111. 311 Central Park Ave. Chicago, 111. i?() LaSalle St. Chicago, 111. Atwood Bldg. Chicago, 111. 829 Warren Ave. Chicago, 111. 1339 Marquette Bldg. Carey Culbertson A.B.,M.D. Burt Foster Howard M.D. Class of 189s Physician Piper City, 111. Physician Bangor, Me. Asst. Physician Eastern Maine Insane Hospital 190 OMEGA CHAPTER Class of 1896 Charles Henry Bartlett Attorney at Law Ph. B., Cornell Univ. LL.B., Chicago Col. of Law Ellis Kirk Kerr Physician A. M. M.D.. Northwestern Univ. Interne Cook County Hospital William Archibald Logan Accountant With State Central Savings Bank Chicago, 111. 155 LaSalle St. Chicago, 111, 1323 Washington Boul. Keokuk, la. Edwin Marshall St. John A.B. Attorney at Law Rockford, 111. Walter D. Lowry Arthur E. Price Paul B. Ransom Charles Fletcher Scott Class of 1897 Chicago, 111. Physician Chicago, 111. Associate Instructor Rush Medi- 538 W. Adams St. cal College Associate Instructor Chicago Coll. Dental Surgery Attending Physician Cook County Hospital Surgical Examiner Chicago Union Traction Co. Evanston, 111. Journalist Evanston, HI. The Cambridge Hugh Rice Marshall Guy Henry Maghee Clarence Harrison Mowry B.S. Carleton H. Pendleton B.S. LL.B. LeRoy W. Warren A.B. Class of 1898 Journalist With Kendall County Herald Civil Engineer Accountant With Crane Co. Attorney at Law Clergyman Yorkville, 111. Llewellyn Park, 111. 136 Bryan Ave. Chicago, 111. S6oo Michigan Ave. Chicago, 111. 100 Washington St. Lagrange, Ind. Class of 1899 Cornelius Roosevelt Barnard Clerk Ralph Bradbury Butterfield John Butler Dickson Miller Hutchinson *Burgess Elwyn Holroyd Dwight S. Harding B.S., Princeton Univ., 1899 Marshall Jay Kirkman Edward Wolcott McGrew William Jackson Sweeney LL.B., 1895. B.S, Cornell Univ. Jesse Peck Van Doozer With Chapin & Gaylord, Chicago Lumber Merchant Bookkeeper With Rathburn, Pettibone & Sard Student Died August 5, 1896 Insurance Attorney at Law Clerk With Chicago & Northwestern Railroad. 56 Kinzie St. Attorney at Law ,1899 Attorney at Law Evanston, 111. Norfield, Miss, Cleveland, O. 40 Pratt St. Aurora, 111. Evanston, III. St. Joseph, Mo, Chicago, 111. 161S Monadnock Bldg. Chicago, 111. 533 Belden av. Rock Island, 111. 816 20th St. Chicago, 111. NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY Lorin Cone Collins, 3rd M.D. Arthur Tuttle Mcintosh B.S. Percy C. Pickrell Frederic Merritt Wing Wallace Webster Cumnock Paul W. Cleveland William L. Eaton Albert W. Leonard Steven C. Rawlins Lucian Easter Smith B.S. William Mattison Bray Morris M. Ford H. C. Kendall Hester Ward Wright Pierson Class of 1900 Physician Chicago, 111. 4 Tower Court Solicitor Chicago, 111. With New York Life Insurance 516 Marquette Bldg. Coinijany Advertising Agent .Advertising Manager Chicago Record-Herald Student Evanston, 111. 710 Clarl< St. Chicago, 111. 5601 Micliigan Ave. Class of 1901 Student Evanston, 111. Insurance Chicago, 111. Witli New England Mutual Life Hartford Bldg. Ins. Co. Grand Praetor Fifth Province 1901 Publisher Chicago, 111. Treasurer and Asst. Sec. Eaton & Co. Fine Arts Bldg. Student Real Estate and Loans Architect Clinton, la. Chicago, 111. 125 LaSalle St. New York. N. Y. 460 Manhattan Ave. Class of 1902 Student Oshkosh, Wis. Student Galva, 111. Chicago, 111. Representing ."^dams & Westlake 40 Junior Terrace Co. Student Wilmette, 111. George Edward Bahrenburg Emmons Reed Blake Ernest Frank Briggs William Heilman Harold Cortez Johnson Charles Percy McConnell Grafton Worley Sullenburger A.B., Miami Univ., 1900 Levy Williamson Class of 1903 Student Student Student Student Delegate to 25th Grand Chapter Student Student Divinity Student Student Los Angeles, Cal. Chicago, 111. Delta, O. Evansville, Ind. Milwaukee, Wis. Evanston, 111. Oxford, O. Rochester, Ind. William Macafee Walter Smvthe Vose Class of 1904 Student Student Evanston, III. Evanston, 111. 733 Forest Ave. HANOVER COLLEGE HANOVER, INDIANA Founded in 1827 Chartered in 1834 First Class Graduated in 1834 A Denominational Institution (Presbyterian) DEPARTMENTS COLLEGIATE PREPARATORY MUSIC STATISTICS Value of buildings, grounds, equipment and apparatus - $200,000.00 Amount of endowment and productive funds ... 200,000.00 Income from all sources for iSgg-igoo - - - 11,000.00 Tuition in collegiate department .... free Number of volumes in library .... 15,000 Number of professors and instructors - . . - i^ Number of students in attendance . - . . 160 Women are admitted and constitute about one-sixth of the attendance. CHI CHAPTER Founded May 30, 1871 OTHER FRATERNITIES Beta Theta Pi, 1853; Phi Gamma Delta, 1864; Phi Delta Theta, i860; Delta Tau Delta (inactive), 1872-95; Delta Gamma (inactive), 1881-91; Kappa Alpha Theta, 1882. 193 CHI CHAPTER HANOVER COLLEGE Samuel Perry Dillon A.B., B.S. Williel Thomson A.B., A.M. William James Johnson B.S., A.M. LL.B., Columbia Univ., 1878 Joseph William Mann A.B. A.M. ♦Robert Ardery Mathers John Henderson Wade A.M., 1872: M.D., Bellevue Medi- cal Hospital, 1875 *David Thaddeus Robison A.B. Class of 1871 Clergyman Hamilton, O. Delegate to 18th Grand Chapter 432 N. 2d St. Clergyman Pasadena, Cal. Class of 1872 Attorney at Law Madison, Ind. Manager National Starch Mfg. Co. 707 W. 2d St. Clergyman Paw Paw, 111. County Official Carlisle, Ky. Died October 25, 1875 Physician . Goshen, O. Class of 1873 Student Urbana, O. Died February 27, 1875 Albert Barnes William Harvey Demaree William Henry McCaughey A.B. D.D., i8g3 Thomas Jefferson May A.B. Royal Ellis Purcell B.S. A.M., 1883 Albert Sarle Sharpless A.B., A.M. *Joseph William Schuck Class of 1874 Merchant Merchant Care Post the Photographer Clergyman Clergyman Publisher State Senator Trustee Hanover College Trustee Vincennes University Clergyman Attorney at Law Beaver Falls, Pa. 1515 6th Ave. Denver, Col. Terre Haute, Ind. 715 Mulberry St. Kansas City, Mo. Vincennes, Ind, 119 Main St. Bridgeton, N. J. IQ4 Commerce St. Ottawa, Kas. Joseph Steele Eastman A.B. M.D., Missouri Medical Col 1878. A.M. George Ballentine Evans B.S.. A.M. M.D., Medical Col. of Ohio, 1878 *Marcus Irenaeus Garrison A.B. John Ruby Laughlin A.B. A.M. James Matthews Simonton A.B. A.M., Wooster Univ. Class of 1875 Physician Berkley, Cal. President Oakland College Medi- 2164 Center St. cine & Surgery Physician Dayton, O. 17 S. Wilkinson St. Missionary Died in May, 1897 Real Estate Clergyman Bombay, India St. Louis, Mo. 606 Fullerton Bldg. New York, N. Y. 194 HANOVER COLLEGE 195 John Henry Bright A.B., A.M. A.M., Wabash Col., 1879 William Newton Harding B.S. A. B.. 1884. Augustus Philip Keil A.B., 1^76; A.M., 1879; Ph.D. Wabash Col. Wallace Wood Lafayette Pence B.S., A.M. Montgomery May A.B.. A.M. John Montgomery Wampler Cassius B. Cooper Frank Ambrose Lackey Hamilton Stillson A.B. A.M. M.D., Univ. of Louisville, Ky., 1882 Benjamin Franklin Strader A.B Francis Thomas Wright Class of 1876 Clergyman Attorney at Law Teacher Clergyman Class of 1877 Attorney at Law- Class of 1878 Clergyman Physician Class of 1879 Attorney at Law Traveling Salesman Physician Bookkeeper Farmer Mt. Vernon, Mo. Indianapolis, Ind. 1624 N. Meridian St. Bellevue, Ky. 275 Washin^'ton Ave. tSulphur, Ky. Kinderhook, N. J. Vandalia, 111. Richmond, Ind. 32 N. 7th St. Columbus, Ind. Richmond, Ind. Seattle, Wash. 220 Jefferson St. Los Angeles, Cal. 514 Crocker St. Taylorsville, Ind. William Houston Craig A.B., A.M. Joseph Willson Hays A.B., Wooster Univ., 1880 Walter Scott Montgomery A.B. A.M., 18S3 ♦John Luther Moore Horace Binney Morse A.B. M.U., Ky. School of Medicine, 1884 Harry Garritt Gaylord A.B., A.M. M.D., Miami Med. Col., 1888 Oscar Hilton Montgomery A.B. A.M., 1887 Frank Morse A.B. Ph.G., Philadelphia Col. of Pharmacy, 1886 William Kennedy Saunders Ross Shackleford ♦Cornelius Vannuys A.M. ♦Coleman Reed Wilson A.M. Class of 1880 Publisher Treasurer Crownland Cemetery Association President School Board President Standard Canning- Company Physician Publisher Delegate to 12th Grand Chaper Student Died in March, 1878 Druggist Class of if Physician Attorney at Law Member of Indiana Commission on Uniformity of Laws among the States Merchant Noblesville, Ind. ■fLouisville, Ky. Greenfield, Ind, Valley City, O. Philadelphia, Pa. 17th and South Sts. Indianapolis, Ind, 1140 Prospect St. Seymour, Ind. Philadelphia, Pa, 30th and York Sts. Belton, Tex, Attorney at Law Attorney in Bell County for G. C. & S. F. Ry. Co. Clerk tCherokee, Okla. Student Franklin, Ind, Date of death unknown Merchant Brookfield, Mo. Died in 1889 196 CHI CHAPTER Class of 1882 Albert Scovel AUin? William Starr Gaylord A.B. Oliver Waldron Jennings D.M.T., Louisville School of Psycho-Magnetic Healing, igoo D. O., Inter. School of Oste- opathy, igoi Walter Lowrie Fisher A.B. A.M., 1886 Isaac Newton Hatfield M.D., Iowa State Univ. Edward Everett Powell *William D. Thomas Edward Lacy Wilson ♦Joseph Wiley Crosby *Geo. W. Harding Nathan Powell B.L., A.M. Merchant Indianapolis, Ind. With Layman & Carey Hardware 1211 ISf. Arsenal Ave. Co. Engineer Oregon City, Ore. Physician Class of 1883 Attorney at Law Delegate to 13th, 14th, 15th, i6th and 20th Chapters; Grand Tri- bune. 1884-88; Editor of the Sig- ma Chi, 1884-88; Grand QuEestor, 1888-90; Grand Consul, 1890-92 Physician Miller Merchant Firm J. W. Thomas & Son Died July 17, 1901 Manufacturer Class of li. Merchant Died in 1887 Manufacturer Died in 18S7 Banker Louisville, Ky. 714 W. Walnut St. Chicago, 111. 55 Portland Block Bluffton, Ind. 220 W. Cherry St. Madison, Ind. Nashville, Tenn. St. Louis, Mo. Laclede and Vande- venter Aves. Martinsville, Ind. Lexington, Ind. Madison, Ind. Charles Ailing, Jr. A.B. LL.B., Univ. of Mich., 1888; A.M., 1889 Elmer Bower Barnes Harvey Duffy Montgomery William Jacob Weber John Howard Wiggam A.B. Jacob Fonts BottorEE A.B. Howard Fisher A.B. A.M. M.D., Jefferson Med, Col. Charles Everts Morse A.B. A.M., B. S. Amie Louis Trafelet George Shannon Taylor A.B. A.M., 1S97 Class of 1885 Attorney at Law Chicago, 111. Alderman 2d Ward, Chicago 706 Tacoma Bldg. Delegate to 15th, 17th, 21st, 22d, 23d and 24th Grand Chapters Grand Tribune, 1888-1900 Editor in Chief Sigma Chi Quar- terly, 1888-1895; Editor of Cata- logue of 1890 Planter Cleveland, Miss. Merchant Kent, Ind. Postmaster, Kent, Ind. Brewer Madison, Ind. Farmer Emporia, Kan. Class of 1886 Teacher Physician Member Emergency Hospital Medical Staff Delegate to 17th Grand Chapter Clergyman Teacher Teacher Supt. Jefferson County Public Schools Mound Valley, Kan. Washington, D. C. 1758 S St. Chicago, 111. Vevay, Ind. Madison, Ind. HANOVER COLLEGE 197 Alvan Vinton Brashear A.B. John Douthitt Ferguson A.B. William Francis Irwin A.B., A.M. Frederick Clifton Koons A.B. Elmer Ellsworth Martin A.B. LL.B., Univ. of Louisville, 1897 James Todd A.B. A.M. William Napoleon Turner Joseph Rawlins Voris A.B. A.M., 1S89 Chester Hubbard Williamson Class of 1887 Clergyman Attorney at Law Montezuma, Ind. Jeffersonville, Ind. Clergyman Springfield, 111. Pastor Second Presbyterian Church Manager Des Moines, la. With Janesville Machine Company Attorney at Law Jeffersonville, Ind. Attorney at Law Chicago, 111. Attorney for the Sanitary District 1106 Security Bldg. of Chicago Planter Charlestown, Miss. Banker Bedford, Ind. Cashier Citizens National Bank, Bedford, Ind. Delegate to 17th and 23d Grand Chapters Grand Praetor Fourth Province, 1896-97 Clergyman jCovington, Ky. Class of 1888 Peter Clarence Brashear Banker Supt. Provident Savings Life Assurance Society Egede Cummings McMillen Musician Manager John A. Jones Music House Harry Merritt Voris Banker Assistant Cashier Citizens National Bank Louisville, Ky. 32-34 American Nat. Bldg. Huntington, W. Va. 634, loth St. Bedford, Ind. William Robert Ailing Hubert Edson William Henry Heller John Mills McClintock B.S. Edward Hart Pence A.B., A.M., B.L. D.D., Beloit Col., 1900 Nathan Watts Class of 1889 Salesman Manufacturer Tanner and Currier Attorney at Law County Attorney Clergyman Pastor of Fort St. Presbyterian Church Capitalist Madison, Ind. Patterson, La. New York, N. Y. 37 Spruce St. Duluth, Minn. 500-1 Torrey Bldg. Detroit, Mich. 73 Bagg St. San Diego, Cal. Class of 1890 Wilson Irwin Kelly Manufacturer Wheeling, W. Va. General Manager W. Va. Steel Co. Bo.\ 126 ♦William Fillmore Middleton Student Madison, Ind. Died September 28, 1888 Attorney at Law Louisville, Ky. County Attorney of Henry County Equitable Bldg. Charles H. Sanford A.B., Notre Dame. 1890; B.L., Cincinnati Law School, 1893 Robert Douglass Taylor A.B. ♦Horace Wiggam B.L. Traveling Salesman Teacher Died October 14, 1892 ■flndianapolis, Ind. 241-249 Kentucky Ave. Vernon, Ind. Samuel Simpson Gatch Alois Bachman Graham A.B. A.M., 1896 Class of 1891 Teacher Milford, O. Delegate to the 22d Grand Chapter Physician Indianapolis, Ind. 198 CHI CHAPTER James Dennys Byrns Frank Crozier B.S. M.A.,1894. B.L.,Univ. of Mich., 1894 Lewis Parker Drayer A.M. Andrew Phelps McCormick A.B. LL.B., Univ. of Mich., 189 Abram Obadiah Sanford Samuel Collins Taylor *C. Bloomfield Edson Albert Edward Wiggam B.L. Frederick Rankin Charlton M.D., Univ. of Pa., 1S96 James Thompson Layman William Dickie Richmond A.B. A.M., 1S96 Paul Brown Scarff A.B. B.L., Columbia Univ. Frank S. Taylor Nathan Powell Graham Edwin Campbell McCuUough James Edwin McSurely LL.B., Univ. of Cincinnati Walter Morton Sutherland A.B. William Brown Torrance Van Wagenen Ailing B.C.E., Purdue Univ., 1897 Thomas Jackson Graham A.B. A.M., Princeton Theol.Sem. rgoo Vinton Page Harris A.B. Frank Rundle A.B. Joseph Taylor Britan A.B. A.M., 1901 Class of 1892 Physician Attorney at Law Delegate to 21st Grand Chapter Grand Editor, 1895-97 Grand Historian, 1897-99 Physician Attorney at Law 3 Farmer Trader and Prospector Class of 1893 Clergyman Grand Praetor of Fourth Province, 1892 Editor of .Supplement to Catalogue of 1890, published in Sigma Chi Quar- terlv, July, 1891 Died_May, 189S Journalist Vernon, Ind. Grand Praetor 4th Province, 1892-93 Delegate to 21st Grand Chapter Mitchell, Ind. Chicago, 111. 54o3Woodlawn Ave. Fort Wayne, Ind. Waco, Tex. 425 S. 3d St. New Castle, Ky. Eagle City, Alaska Kent, Ind. Class of 1894 Physician Merchant Layman & Carey Co. Member U. S. Pension Board Major Surgeon 2d Inf. L N. G. Student Attorney at Law Stenographer Class of 1895 Physician Chemist Delegate to 19th Grand Chapter Attorney at Law Clergyman Attorney at Law Class of 1896 Contractor Chicago, 111. Supervising Architect, U. S. Army, Care of Charles Al- Santiago, Cuba ling, Jr. Clergyman West Union, la. , Delegate to the 22d Grand Chapter Fayette County Indianapolis, Ind. 224 N. Meridian St. Indianapolis, Ind. fPhiladelphia, Pa. Jefferson College of Medicine New York, N. Y. 152 E. 60th St. Chicago, 111. 635 43d St. Madison, Ind. Dayton, O. 452 E. 3d_St. Indianapolis, Ind. 316-31S Ind. Trust Bldg. Fulton, Cal. Terre Haute, Ind. Salesman Clerk Hanover, Ind. Clinton, 111. 210 E. .Adams St. Class of 1897 Robert Connor Harry Ream Clergyman Hanover, Ind. Pastor Elect Presbyterian Church, Mansfield, Pa. Marshfield, Wis. Vice-President of Connor Company Muncie, Ind. Ralph Borden Applewhite Fred Radcliffe Clarke Guilford Garber Henry Thompson Graham B.S. HANOVER COLLEGE ., Class of 1898 Banker Electrician Soldier Clergyman Pastor of Presbyterian Church [99 Brownstown, Ind. Carthage, Mo. 71S E. Centra! Ave. Madison, Ind. Englishtown, N. J, Clarence LaRue Bonta B.S. Thomas Martin Brown Frank Portus Gibson Evan Churchill Totten M.D., Cincinnati Medical Col lege, 1900 Herbert Dickey Britan A.B. Edward Otto Heuse B.S. Class of 1899 Student Merchant Physician Class of 1900 Teacher Teacher in Philippine Islands Teacher Teacher of Science, Noblesville (Ind.) High School Philadelphia, Pa. 17th and South Sts. Indianapolis, Ind. 410 N. Meridian St. Cleveland, O. 64 )5eech\vood Ave. Madison, Ind. Hanover, Ind. Madison, Ind. Frederic Crane Ailing John Boden A.B. Melville Humphrey Keil Thomas Bucephalus Mac- Gregor B.S. Lewis Charles Needham A.B. Russell Tuthill A.B. Class of 1901 Clerk With H. K. Albers Student Draughtsman Student Delegate to 24th Grand Chapter Teacher Student Delegate to 25th Grand Chapter Ft. Smith, Ark. Chicago, 111. 398 Washburne Ave. tElizabeth, N. J. Madison, Ind. Chicago, 111. 2337 W. Adams St. Anna, 111, John William Graham Raymond Humphrey Keil Spencer K. Norton Class of 1902 Student Student Madison, Ind. tNew York, N. Y. Fordham Heights Bedford, Ind. James Graham Brown George Clarence Heckman Chauncey Bradley Lewis Harry Louis Morgan George Ernest Sherlock James Markely Wright Class of 1903 Student Electrical Engineer With Dayton Motor Co. With Indianapolis Carriage Iron Co. Student Farmer Chemist ■flndianapolis, Ind. 410 N. Meridian St. Fort Wayne, Ind. Hanna Homestead Indianapolis, Ind. no S. Pennsylvania St. Spencer, Ind. Madison, Ind. North Madison, Ind. 200 Alexander Julian Chinn Andrew David Goldsmith William Hase Lence Charles Herbert Palmer Dwight Dix Tallman CHI CHAPTER Class of 1904,. Student Student Student Class of 1905 Student Student Frankfort, Ky. Hanover, Ind. Jonesboro, 111. Chicago, 111, 8S20 Throop St. Chicago, 111. 8830 Elizabeth St. HAMPDEN-SIDNEY COLLEGE HAMPDEN-SIDNEY, VIRGINIA Founded in 1776 Chartered in 1783. First Class Graduated in 1786 DEPARTMENTS collegiate STATISTICS Value of buildings and grounds .... $225,000.00 Value of equipment and apparatus . . . . 15,000.00 Amount of endowment ..... 150,000.00 Value of productive funds ..... 150,000.00 Income from all sources for 1899-1900 - - - 13,500.00 Number of volumes in library ..... 16,000 Number of professors and instructors ... q Number of students in attendance .... log Women are not admitted. SIGMA SIGMA CHAPTER Founded January i, 1872, Became inactive in 1889. Was revived in September, 1890 OTHER FRATERNITIES Beta Theta Pi, 1850; Phi Kappa Psi, 1855; Sigma Alpha Epsilon (inactive), 1860-61; Chi Phi, 1867; Phi Gamma Delta, 1870; Kappa Sigma, 1883; Pi Kappa Alpha, 1885; Alpha Tau Omega (inactive), 1890-96; Kappa Alpha, 1899. SIGMA SIGMA CHAPTER HAMPDEN-SIDNEY COLLEGE *Isaac Van Meter Scott A.B. *John Neff Crawford William Lancaster Ould John W. Thackston A.B. Howard R. Walker Jesse Albert Wallace A.B., 1S71; A.M., King's Col., 187-^; D.D., Central Univ., Ky. Orville M. Yerger, Jr. A.B. Emmet M. Dickson A.B. Algernon Sidney Doak William Edward Cave A.B., D.D. William Chinn A.B. Edward Carrington Edmunds Hugh Carrington Grigsby A.B. William Clarke Herndon LL.B., Washington & Lee Univ., 1878 Paulus A. Irving M.D., Medical College of Va. John H. Lacy *William Malcolm McGilvary A.B. Donald McPhail M.D., Richmond Med. Col. John R. Morton A.B. Richard Clarke Reed A.B., King's Col., 1873; D.D. John Sumpter Shaw A.B., Davidson Col., 1873 Class of 1872 Clergyman Died in 1S79. Class of 1873 Clergyman Date of death unknown Clergyman Class of 1874 Talcott, Va, Denverton, Cal. Baltimore, Md. Darlington Heights, Va. Altmore, Ala. Clergyman Rector of Church of Heavenly Rest Chaplain 1st Cavalry, Ala. Nat. Guard Teacher Bristol, Tenn. Attorney at Law Class of 187s Attorney at Law Clergyman Class of 1876 Clergyman Pastor First Presbyterian Church Clergyman Tobacconist Farmer Attorney at Law Police Judge of the City of Frankfort Physician Secretary State Board of Health Professor in University Col. of Medicine Member Board of Trustees, Hampden-Sidney Col. Physician Clergyman Died February 12, 1883 Physician Farmer Public School Trustee Clergyman Professor of Church History in Presbyterian Theol. Sem. Clergyman ■fNashville, Tenn. Paris, Ky tSummerfield, Ala. Paducah, Ky. tAccomack C. H., Va. Winston, N. C. Smithville, Va. Frankfort, Ky. 208 Conway St. Richmond, Va. 301 W. Grace St. tClifton, Ariz. Jonesboro, N. C. Randolph, Va. Millbank, Va. Columbia, S. C. 1419 Richland St. tNatchez.Miss. HAMPDEN-SIDNEY COLLEGE 203 Charles E. Bouldin William Wirt Henry, Jr. A.B. LL.D., Richmond Col., *Thomas Joyes A.B. LL.B., Louisville Law School. 1880 ♦Archibald Owen A.B. *Julius Allen Patton Thomas Senimes Forbes A.B. William E. Owen Alexander Sprunt A.B., 1875; D.D. Davidson Col. Julius Leigh Wilson A.B. John Diell Blanton A.B. LL.D., Southwestern Pres. Univ.. igoi Thomas Cummins A.B. Daniel Grinnan B.L., Univ. of Va., 1888 D.D., Hanipden-Sidney Col., 1897 Randolph Bryan Grinnan William Paul Moore A.B. C.E., Virginia Military Inst, D.D.S., Baltimore Col. of Den tistry, 1S88 Edward Watkins Speed A.B. C. Heilman Wilson A.B. Class of 1877 Farmer Real Estate o Attorney at Law Died in 1897 Planter Date of death unknown Banker Died March 28, 1891 Class of 1878 Life Insurance Planter Clergyman Attorney at Law Deletjate to 14th Grand Chapter Class of 1879 Teacher President Ward Seminary Clergyman Attorney at Law Clergyman Pastor of Woodlawn Presbyter- ian Church Dentist Mayor of Jackson Randolph, Va. Richmond, Va. Boulder, Mont. South Boston, Va. Danville, Va. Birmingham, Ala. South Boston, Va. Charleston, S. C. Farmville, Va. Nashville, Tenn. 143 N. Spruce St. fVicksburg, Miss. Rapidan, Va. Louisville, Ky. 2445 Amber St. Jackson, N. C. Commission Merchant Omaha, Neb. Manager of •'The Flats Commis- 1533 Park Ave. sion Co." Teacher Thornton Knox Alexander M. G. Bain James Randolph Branch John Thornton Knight Roger Martin *Nathan E. V'enable A.B. C. B. Woods Joseph Irvine Blanton A.B., Central Univ. James Fullerton Hooper A.B. Walter William Moore A. B., Davidson Col'., 1878 D.D., Central Univ., 1885 LL.D., Davidson Col., 1S92 Class of 1880 Insurance With Norfolk Storage Co. Banker Soldier Captain and Quartermaster, U. S. .\rmy Tobacconist Died August 20, 1889 Montgomery, Ala. 333 Mildred St. tSt. Paul, Minn. 501 .Ashland Ave. Norfolk, Va. fNew Brighton, Conn 15 Clinton Ave. Washington, D. C Care War Dept. ■fDanville, Va. Louisville, Ky. 1077 ^d Ave. tShelbyville, Ky. Class of 1881 Attorney at Law Cynthiana, Ky. Accountant Selma, Ala. Clergyman Richmond, Va. Cnairman of Faculty and Profes- sor of Oriental Literature Union Theological Sem. 204 L. Rutherford Blanton A.B., Central Univ., 1S82 *Robert Ernest Caldwell Charles Richard French William E. Thomas SIGMA SIGMA CHAPTER Class of 1882 Physician Richmond, Ky. Clergyman Louisville, Ky. Date of death unknown Civil Engineer tRo^-^oke, Va. Civil Engineer Wytheville, Va. John Sprole Lyons A.B., King's Col., 1880 *William Pannil Martin Abram Carrington Read A.B. Class of 1883 Clergyman Died August 6, 1882 Manufacturer With Columbia Boot Co. Lawrenceburg, Ky. Chatham, Va. New York, N.Y. 25 Pearl St. James Vassar French Mills Henry Holland Lee Hutchings Richardson A.B. Egbert Watson Smith A.B., 1882 Robert McAlpine Hall A.B. Robert Lee Collins Alexander Jeffrey McKelway A.M. Matthew Branch Porter Class of 1884 Accountant Merchant Clergyman Class of 1885 Clergyman Class of 1886 Druggist Clergyman Clergyman Fort Worth, Tex. Buckhorn P. O., Va. Helena, Ark. Greensborough, N. C. San Antonio, Tex. tCrockett, Tenn. Fayetteville, N. C. Crescent Hill, Ky. Anthony Brooke Lawson Isaac Mayo Read Giles Granville Sydnor A.B. James Marshall Henry Rufus Owen Class of 1887 Merchant Clergyman Class of 1888 Farmer and Merchant Upperville, Va. Smithville, Va. Rome, Ga. tRichmond, Va. Black Walnut, Va. William Moore Briggs William Davis Hooper A.B. John Daniel Thomas A.B.,M.D., Univ. of Va., 18 Class of 1889 ■fLawrenceburg, Ky. Athens, Ga. Teacher Professor in Univ. of Ga. Physician Washington, D. C. Asst. to Chair of Practice of Medi- 1603, 19th St., N.W. cine and Pediatrics, Georgetown, Univ. David Comfort McKelway John Duval Tyler Class of 1890 Insurance Special Agent Delaware Ins. Co. Wilkinsburgh, Pa. 518 Wallace St. Lynchburgh, Va. HAMPDEN-SIDNEY COLLEGE 20: George Hutcheson Denny A.B.,1891; A.M., 1892 Ph.D., tJniv. of Va., 1897 James Morrison A.B. M.D.. Univ. of Va.. 18 Class of 1891 Teacher Acting' Pres. and Prof, of Latin at Washington & Lee Univ. Grand Praetor of Second Province, 1892-94 Lexington, Va. Physician Lynchburgh, Va. 716 Church St. ♦Charles Frank Morton Class of 1892 Teacher Died January 19, i', Pamph'n, Va. James Hoge Tyler, Jr. A.B. S.H.Tyler Class of 1893 Clerk Secretary to Governor Clerk Richmond, Va. Radford, Va. James Harry Alexander Robert Finley Dunlap A.B. B.S., Mass. Inst. Tech., iS Thompson Brown Southall Class of 1894 Comesville, Tenn. Attorney at Law Hinton, W. Va. ; Attorney First National Bank and Hinton Board of Trade City Atty. Clergyman Austin, Tex. Finley Forbes Ferguson A.B., B.S. Clem Adkinson Sydnor A.B. Marshal Morton A.B., B.S. James George Todd Jasper William Benson Cecil Billings William Richardson Houston A.B., A.M. Joseph Layton Mauze Holcombe McGavock Robert- son A.B. M.D., Univ. of Va., 1900 John Leighton Stuart A.B., B.L. Elbert Lee Trinkle A.B.,B.Sc. B.L.,Univ. ofVa.,18 Norfolk, Va. 224 Carpenter Bldg. tNorfolk, Va. Columbus, Ga. 309 nth St. Norfolk, Va. Class of 1895 Architect Carpenter, Bresse & Ferguson Delegate to 23d Grand Chapter Teacher Teacher Principal High School Merchant Class of 1896 Searcy, Ark. Merchant Norfolk, Va. Teacher Augusta, Ga. Teacher in Richmond County Academy Clergyman Timber Ridge, Va. Rockbridge Co. Physician Student Max Meadows, Va. Wythe Co. tRichmond, Va. Attorney at Law " Wytheville, Va. )8 Delegate to 24th and 25th Grand Chapters Grand Praetor Second Province, 1897 Robert Gallaway Henderson Starr Moore Mason A.B. J. Garland Sexton Class of 1897 Physician Memphis, Tenn. Teacher Yorkville, S. C. Prin. of High School, Blackstache, S. C. Merchant Wytheville, V^a. 2o6 SIGMA SIGMA CHAPTER J. Mortimer Lynch Stephen Erastmas Reed David Todd Stuart A.B. M.D. Class of 1898 Student Physician Emergency Hospital Delegate to 23d Grand Chapter Washington, D. C. 1328 Mass. Ave. Bryan, Texas Washington, D. C. Edward Beverly Herndon, Jr. A.B. John Wilson Somerville Harry Lucien Stephenson Thomas Hamilton Wyly Class of 1900 Student Student Student Accountant Shreveport, La. Mitchell, Va. Roanoke, Va. Atlanta, Ga. Thomas Reese English, Jr. A.B. Stanley Kirkland Green Robert Logan Miller Class of 1901 Student Richmond, Va. Baltimore, Md. Delegate to 24th Grand Chapter 1701 Park Place Stenographer Wytheville, Va. James Henry Rudy Howard Home Simpson Class of 1902 Student Paducah, Ky. Delegate to 25th Grand Chapter 609 Court St. Publisher Nyack-on-Hudson, Assistant Manager Alliance Press N. Y. ROANOKE COLLEGE SALEM, VIRGLNIA Founded in 1847 Chartered in 1853 A Denominational Institution (Lutheran) DEPARTMENTS collegiate business STATISTICS Value of buildings and grounds .... $75,000.00 Amount of endowment ...... 65,000.00 Tuition in collegiate department .... 50.00 Number of volumes in library ..... 22,000 Number of professors and instructors ... 11 Number of students in attendance .... 170 Women are admitted. TAU CHAPTER Founded January 9, 1872. Became inactive in 1890. Was revived on March 31, 1896. OTHER FRATERNITIES Sigma Alpha (inactive), 1859-82; Phi Gamma Delta, 1866; Phi Delta Theta (inactive), 1869-96; Alpha Tau Omega (inactive), 1869-93; P^i Alpha Chi (inactive), 1887-90; Pi Kappa Alplia, 1896. 207 TAU CHAPTER ROANOKE COLLEGE Beale Wiley Bittle A.B., A.M. *R. F. Berkley M.D. Frank Howard Chalmers A.B., A.M. *James L. Edwards James Monroe Liddell A.B., A.M. Oscar Wilev M.D., Randolph-Macon, 1851 M.D., Jefferson Col., 1852 Albert Fitzgerald "Yancey Class of 1873 Teacher Physician Died in 1S84 Banker Delegate to loth Grand Chapter Physician Died November, 1875 Soldier Captain of a Company in Philip pines Delegate to gth and i6th Grand Chapters Physician Salem, Va Keatchie, La. Baltimore, Md. Salem, Va. Prairie Bluff, Ala. Manila, P. I. Banker Brownsville, Tenn. Thomas Lafayette Bulger David MacNutt Cloyd A. B., A.M William Terry, Jr. Charles Henry Wood B.L., Cumberland Univ., 1873 Class of 1874 Attorney at Law Dadeville, Ala. Member of Alabama Legislature Farmer Dublin, Va. Attorney at Law Mayor of City Attorney at Law Attorney for Courts of Jackson Co., Miss. Wytheville, Va. Moss Point, Miss. *James John Bowie Samuel David Denny Walter McKinnon Denny Hughes Dillard, Jr. A.B., A.M. James Napoleon Early Livingston Chancelor Hans- borough A.B., A.M. George Garwood McConkey *Henry Archer Wiley Class of 187s Date of death not reported Merchant Public Official Attorney at Law Merchant Attorney at Law Farmer Died October 28, 1882 Baltimore, Md. Moss Point, Miss. Moss Point, Miss. Chatham, Va. Hillsville, Va. Salem, Va. Salem, Va. Worsham, Va. Class of 1876 Physician Date of death not reported *J. Edward Arbuckle M.D., Coll. of Phys. & Surgeons, Baltimore, Md. Charles Cleveland Johnson Attorney at Law ♦William Hugh Kent Died December 21, 1875 208 New Hope, Va. tGreenville, Tex. Lafayette, Va. ROANOKE COLLEGE 209 William G. Miller Orin Roman Sholars George Livesay Snyder David Rufus Wingate Lawrence Allnut White Attorney at Law Ranchman Merchant Merchant tFrederick City, Md. Brownwood, Tex. ■fNew Castle, Colo. Orange, Tex. Dickersons, Md. Harry Clinton Allnutt ♦John Stuart Cleveland Asa William Pope A.B., A.M., M.D. *Claudius Hicks Robinson Class of 1877 Rockville, Md. Register of Wills for Montgomery County Attorney at Law Brownwood, Tex. Died May 6, 1890 Physician Charity Hospital New Orleans, La. Delegate to nth Grand Chapter Diecf April 28, 18S.3 Marshall, Tex. Houma, La. James Neville Black *John Chalmers Lander Cleveland Houston Noel Compton A.B. James W. Durst Edward R. Maxey Lyne Starling Thomas Class of 1878 Merchant Date of death not reported Ranchman Farmer Merchant Attorney at Law U. S. Referee in Bankruptcy Member School Board fCharlottsville, Va. Roanoke, Va. Cross Cut, Tex. Front Royal, Va. fAustin, Tex. Brandon, Miss. Martinsville, Va. ♦William Henry Brabston *John Todd Carter David B. DuBard Robert Brooks Dawkins A.B., A.M. Junius Butler French A.B., A.M. D.D., Daniel Baker Col., Texas B.D., Union Theol. Sem., i8g3 Samuel Humphreys James B.L., Univ. of La. John B. Lobdell William Reginald Purvis M.D., Jefferson Med. Col., 1886 Julius Daniel Raht Randle Blewett Schlater Class of 1879 Died in 1892 Died November 19, 1881 Merchant Attorney at Law Clergyman Attorney at Law Planter Physician Manufacturer Planter Vicksburg, Miss, New Orleans, La. Jackson, Miss. 112 State St. Farmerville, La. Fort Worth, Tex. 405 Henderson St. Mound Station, La. tCypre-Mort, La. Alexandria, Va. TuUahoma, Tenn. McNutt P. O., Miss. Class of 1880 *W'illiam Mosley Haughton Merchant Died July, 1900 Farmer Attorney at Law Robert C. Kent, Jr. Herbert Greyson Peters A.B.. A.M. Irwin Pope Physician A.B., A.M. M.D., Tulane Univ., 1887 Howell M. Rice Attorney at Law Edwin M, Yerger Palatka, Fla. Dublin, Va. Bristol, Tenn. Tyler, Tex. Santa Anna, Cal. Thomaston, La. 2IO TAU CHAPTER Moses Greenwood, Jr. B.S., A.M. John Hanson Kennard Graduate Univ. of La. Orlando Childs Rucker B.S. M.A., 1897 Willis Shaw Class of 1881 Real Estate Editor Attorney at Law Salesman St. Louis, Mo. ^5^5 Bartmer Ave. New York, N. Y. 277 Broadway Bedford City, Va. Chicago, 111. 6i6NewYorkLifeBldg. ♦Joseph Nicholas Allison, Jr. A.B. James LeRoy Cooper M.D., Coll. of Physicians & Sur- geons, Baltimore, Md., 1883 Douglas Gray Eichelburger Class of 1882 Died June 15, 1888 Physician Delegate to 13th Grand Chapter Farmer Longview, Tex. Fort Worth, Tex. Ocala, Fla. Francisco Florian Fowler Charles Banks King A.B., A.M. John S. McFerrin Felix Matthew Renick A.B. Class of 1883 Government Official In U. S. Revenue Office Clergyman President of Elizabeth Col. Farmer Clerk |Montgomery, Ala. Charlotte, N. C. Fincastle, Va. Falling Springs.W.Va. Francis Lovett Burgess John Thomas Cason A.B., Centenary College, La. James Scott Funkhouser James Albert Huffard A.M. ♦Harlowe Heath Johnson Stuart Lee Jones Richard Butt Levy A.M., A.M. Rupert Boyd Nuckolls George Gordon Smeade A.M. John Raiford Treutlan Class of 1884 Physician Attorney at Law 4 Merchant Clergyman Merchant Died in 1889 Farmer Delegate to 14th, 15th and 17th Grand Chapters Attorney at Law Banker Asst. Cashier State Savings Bank Clergyman Little Rock, Ark. Rector of Christ Church 509 Scott St. Dean of Little Rock Convocation tRiverton, Miss. fLake Charles, La. Bastrup, La. Staunton, Va. Pulaski, Va. Hillsville, Va. |Zanesville, O. Longview, Tex. Butte, Mont. James Alexander Cason B.L., Centenary College, La., 18 Arthur Bernard Chancellor *Henry Beecher Hamilton John Abram McNeel, Jr. Jesse David Stultz Channing Price Wiley Class of 1885 Traveling Salesman 5 Attorney at Law Teacher Died September 19, 18 Farmer Broker Clerk Monroe, La. Baltimore, Md. iij^ E. Lexington St. San Francisco, Cal. Farmington, Wash. Martinsville, Va. New York, N. Y. 103 W. 54th St. ROANOKE COLLEGE Thomas G. Garlington Albert Walker Lucado William Crawford Livesay ♦Henderson Lee Frank Stacy Tavenner A.B. William Glassell Weeks A.B. B.L.,TulaneUniv.,La.,] Edward Palfrey Weeks A.B. B.L., Tulane Univ., i8S8 Joshua Brown Whaling Class of 1886 Druggist Railroad Contractor Farmer Attorney at Law Died August 18, 1898 Attorney at Law Attorney at Law 18 Secretary of Iberia Building Attorney at Law Clergyman tGadsden, Ala. Lynchburg, Va. tRichlands, W. Va. Salem, Va. Woodstock, Va. New Iberia, La. Association. New Iberia, La. tLead City, Dak. Charles Roger Creasey Thomas Washington Hill George Eugene Ohmer Robert Nicholas Perkins Class of 1887 Loan Dealer Member Congressional Com. Farmer Physician Clerk Odessa, Mo. tOdessa, Mo. fPhiladelphia, Pa. Yazoo City, Miss. Benjamin Norther Bray Class of 1888 Physician William H. Cowell M.D. George Craighead Cabell Attorney at Law A.B. City Attorney for Danville Charles Whittlesey Greenwood Real Estate A.B. Carrituck C. H., N. C. Shawboro, N. C. Danville, Va. St. Louis, Mo. 5535 Bartmer Ave. Class of 1889 Samuel Anderson McConkey Physician Charles DeFord Morgan Capitalist tHinton, W. Va. Shawboro, N. C. Dunean Stuart Kemp Lewis Maury Lee Henry Hampton Pickett LL.B., Univ. of xMd., 1896 Class of 1890 Attorney at Law Soldier Attorney at Law Amite City, La. Manila, P. I. Baltimore, Md. Central Savings Bank Bldg. John Bradford Griggs John William Williams Class of 1891 Clerk Clerk Elizabeth City, N. C. ■fRoanoke, Va. Samuel Ashley Chancelor *John Taylor Chalmers Walter Eichelberger Green- wood Robert Minor Wiley A.B. M.D., Univ. of Va., 1893 Class of 1892 Farmer Merchant Died in 1892 Clerk Chief Clerk Purchasing Dept. M.K. &T. Ry. Physician Delaplane, Va. Roanoke, Va. St. Louis, Mo. 3531 Washington Ave. Salem, Va. 212 George Mac Laren Brydon John Lee Logan A.B., A.M. Tames Marshall Owens B.D. TAU CHAPTER Class of 1896 Clergyman Student In Law Dept. Univ, of Va. Clergyman Hamilton, Va. Salem, Va. South Boston, Va. Class of 1897 Clergyman William Ambrose Brown Dudley Boogher Delegate to 23d Grand Chapter Monic Stockdale Eagle Clergyman Austin Brockenhough Mitchell Clergyman Clergyman Deles Danville, Va. tSt. Louis, Mo. Lucketts, Va. tFort Royal, Va. Elliott Benger Meredith William H. Baillie John M. Hamilton Edmund Boiling Hubard Grad. Va. Mil. Inst., 1901 Paca Kennedy A.B. Robert M. Meade Herbert Claiborne Page Brunner B. Reynauld Richard Lee Griffith Stephen Russell Mallory Kennedy Class of 1898 Clergyman Widewater, Va. Class of 1899 Machinist Student Civil Engineer Salem, 0. Lisbon, 0. Salem, Va. Student Charlestown, W. Va Student Student Hinton, W. Va. ■■Pagebrook, Va. ••New Orleans, La. Class of 1900 Student In Medical Dept. Tulane Univ. New Orleans, La. 1742 St. Charles Ave James Pinckney Dumas A.B. Frederick Benjamin Gernerd A.B., Franklin and Marshall Col. Robert Thruston Hubard A.B. John Pitt Mays Oscar McNab Lewis Samuel Godfrey Miller A.B. William Rea Miller Charles Jacob Smith A.B. Harold L. Vaughan John Amdt Yount A.B. Class of 1901 Student Attorney at Law 1 1901 Student Student Accountant With Standard Specialty Co. Student Illustrator Student Draughtsman Student Delegate to a5th Grand Chapter Van Alstyne, Tex. Allentown, Pa. Salem, Va, Glencoe, Md. Salem, O. 140 Garfield Ave. Roanoke, Va. 352 Church St. Winchester, Va. Strasburg, Va. Salem, O. 361 E. Main St. Greensburg, Pa, ROANOKE COLLEGE 213 Class of 1902 Charles Porter McClintic Edward Henry Ward, Jr. Student Student Class of 1903 Francis Robert Lee William Stanley McClintic Clyde Fenton Ross Student Student Student Class of 1904 Temistocles Wenceslo Laguna Student Walter Tifton Sutherland Student Charles P. Waueh Student Hot Springs, Va. Pittsburg, Pa. 5525 Kentucky Ave. Salem, Va. Fort Lewis, Va. Trapp, Va. Ponce, Porto Rico Hillsville, Va. Old Town, Va. HOWARD COLLEGE EAST LAKE, ALABAMA Founded in 1841 Chartered in 1841 First Class Graduated in 1848 A Denominational Institution (Baptist) DEPARTMENTS COLLEGIATE PREPARATORY STATISTICS Value of buildings and grounds - - . . $150,000.00 Tuition in college department - - - . . 60.00 Number of professors and instructors in all departments - 15 Number of students in all departments - . - . 165 Number of volumes in library . . . . 4,000 PI CHAPTER Founded November 4, 1872. Became inactive in 1885 OTHER FRATERNITIES Phi Gamma Delta (inactive), 1856-61; Sigma Alpha Epsilon (inactive), 1870-76; Beta Theta Pi (inactive), 1872-79; Sigma Nu (inactive), 1879-81. 215 PI CHAPTER HOWARD COLLEGE Leo Chandler ♦Packard P. Parham M.D. William Everett Quin A.B., Miss. Coll., 1874; M.D. Ky. School of Med., 1881 Thomas Winfield Sprott John Smiser Dill A.B. Orin Ransom Sholars Class of 1874 Physician Date of death unknown Physician Mayor of Fort Payne, Ala. fWest Point, Miss. Clinton, Ala. Fort Payne, Ala. Marion, Ala. Richmond, Va. Class of 1875 Clergyman Attorney at Law Orange, Tex. Chairman of Democratic Executive Committee, Orange County, Texas. William W. Burns Matthew Clay, Jr. William Talbird Crenshaw A.B., B.L. LL.B.. Washington and Lee Univ., 1878 Samuel Perry Fowlkes Seth Mabry A.B. Erastus Sidney Perryman Class of 1876 Commission Merchant Planter Insurance Agent Merchant Trustee of Howard Col. Teacher Ranchman Selma, Ala. ■fDeerbrook, Miss. Atlanta, Ga. 761 Peachtree St. Birmingham, Ala. 1130 S. 19th St. Clayton, Ala. Crafton, Tex. Frank L. Allen Chapman Bradford Samuel Clark M.D. Otis W. David Charles Perkins Fountain B.D., Southern Baptist Theol, Sera., 1880 William E. Lednum Alexander Quinch Nash C.E. ^ John Russel Tyson AB. LL.B., Washington & Lee Univ. Class of 1877 Attorney at Law Physician County Official Clergyman fMacon, Miss, f Dallas, Tex. Fairfield, Ala. tWaco, Tex. Corinth, Miss. Merchant tWaco, Tex. Teacher Sherman, Tex. President of Mary Nash Col. 231 Mulberry St. Attorney at Law Montgomery, Ala. Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of Alabama *Benjamin Franklin CoUey B.S. David Belton Jay James W. Lawrence Class of 1878 Journalist Date of death not reported Attorney at Law County Solicitor of Irwin Co., Ga, 216 Leesburg, Fla. Fitzgerald, Ga. Cherokee Co., C. H. Ala. HOWARD COLLEGE 217 William R. Lipscomb Albert G. McMillan Lewis R. McMillan John Trotwood Moore A.B. James William Ponder A.B. ♦Robert Adams Tyson James Pinckney Wood Robert Burton Young Farmer Farmer Farmer Editor and Author Cotton Broker Died October 28, 1879 Dentist Jefferson, Ala. Portland, Ala. Portland, Ala. Columbia, Tenn. Opelika, Ala. Hayneville, Ala. Waco, Tex. 509!^ Austin St. tCorinth, Miss. Class of 1879 Littleberry Calhoun Allen Manufacturer B.S. Member City Counci William Youngblood Dill Druggist Philip Thomas Hale Clergyman A.B. B.D., Southern Bapt.Theol. Sam., 18S2 Thomas Waverly Palmer A.M., Univ. of Ala., 1881; B.E.,i David M. Remson Presley Marion Wilkerson Teacher Professor of Mathematics, Univ. of Ala. Merchant Merchant Shreveport, La. Birmingham, Ala. Owensboro, Ky. University, Ala. Talladega, Ala. Marion, Ala. John Wood Collins A.B. J. D. Cook Noah Parker Renfroe Samuel Wallace Welch B.S. M.D., Med. Coll. of Balti- more, 1893 Class of 1880 Farmer Clergyman Merchant Physician Trustee Howard Col. Censor Talladega Co. Med. Soc. Historian and )r. Counselor Ala. State Med. Asso. Gallion, Ala. Pushmattaha, Ala. Opelika, Ala. Alpine, Ala. Class of 1881 Howard Griggs Teacher A.B. William Crocheron Lockhart Physician Arthur Watkins McGaha Clergyman A.B. B.D., Southern Bapt.Theol. Pastor First Baptist Church Sem. Howard Franklin Smith Merchant A.B. Director of H.E. &W.T.R.R. President Howard Smith Co. John Marlborough Sprott Merchant Newton Swinney Walker Farmer A.B. Talladega, Ala. Linden, Ala. Waco, Tex. Houston, Tex. 112 Travers St. Sprott, Ala. Alexander City, Ala. Class of 1882 J. Leon Clay R. W. Henderson Robert Rutland Kornegay William Houston Lovelace A.B. Ransome Dabney Palmer A.B. *S. Everett Russ Merchant Merchant Merchant Merchant Physician Date of death not reported Selma, Ala. Talladega, Ala. Van Dorn, Ala. Marion, Ala. fNew Orleans, La. Charity Hospital . Demopolis, Ala, 3l8 PI CHAPTER Richard Paul Anderson Samuel Rice Bethea "William Whitman Booles Orr Haralson A.B. Thomas Ernest Lockhart A.B. William Forrest Melton Henry Fontayne Reese A.B., Univ. of Ala., 1883 LL.B., 1885; M.L., 1888, George- town Univ. George Washington Macon A.B. William Boroughs Newman A.M. B.L., Washington & Lee Univ., 1886 William Barnabas Peebles B.S. Edwin Lewis Thornton William Richard Walker Class of 1883 Banker Selma, Ala. 1317 Alabama St. Planter and Merchant Faunsdale, Ala. Merchant and Attorney at Law Taylorsville, Ky. Merchant fSelma, Ala. Druggist Real Estate and Insurance Attorney at Law Class of 1884 Teacher Professor in Mercer Univ. Attorney at Law Clerk Probate Court City Clerk Merchant Member of State Democratic Executive Committee Delegate to 15th Grand Chapter Clerk Clerk San Francisco, Calif. Birmingham, Ala. 1185^ North igth St. Selma, Ala. Macon, Ga. Talladega, Ala. Vienna, Ala. ■fNashville, Tenn. Perryville, Ala. Charles Pelham Anderson Allen Walton Glover William Walter Haralson James William Hurt B.S. Robin Jones William Edward Ledyard Frank Lide Munnerlyn Lee Emmett Thomas A.B. B.L., Univ. of Va., 188' John D, Wilkes Class of 1885 Merchant Planter Clerk Real Estate and Insurance Railroad Official Accountant Accountant Attorney at Law Merchant Montgomery, Ala. 3 S. Union St. Montgomery, Ala. Idaho, Ala. fMarion, Ala. tGreensboro, Ala. Montgomery, Ala. 423 Jefferson St. fSelma, Ala. Shreveport, La. 520 Market St. fGainesville, Tex. THE UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA ATHENS, GEORGIA Founded in 1785 Chartered in 1785 First Class Graduated in 1804 A State Institution DEPARTMENTS franklin college south GEORGIA MILITARY AND AGRI- STATE COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE AND CULTURAL COLLEGE (at Hamilton) MECHANICAL ARTS GIRLS' NORMAL AND INDUSTRIAL COL- NORMAL SCHOOL LEGE, AND MIDDLE GEORGIA MIL- SCHOOL OF LAW ITARY AND AGRICULTURAL COL- SCHOOL OF TECHNOLOGY LEGE (at Milledgeville) NORTH GEORGIA AGRICULTURAL COL- INDUSTRIAL SCHOOL FOR COLORED LEGE (at Dahlonega) YOUTHS (at Savannah) SCHOOL OF MEDICINE (at Augusta) STATISTICS Value of buildings and grounds .... $200,000.00 Value of equipment and apparatus . . - . 70,000.00 Value of productive funds . . . - . 500,000.00 Income from all sources for iSgg-igoo . - - . 169,955.91 Tuition in college department ----- free Number of volumes in library ----- 30,000 Number of professors and instructors in all departments - 134 Number of students in all departments - . - - 1,800 Number of students in college department - - - 800 Women are not admitted, except as indicated in names of departments, DELTA CHAPTER Founded November 8, 1872, Became inactive in 1875 OTHER FRATERNITIES Sigma Alpha Epsilon, 1866; Chi Phi, 1867; Kappa Alpha, 1868; Phi Delta Theta, 1871; Phi Gamma Delta (inactive), 1871-91; Sigma Nu, 1873; Alpha Tau Omega, 1878; Delta Tau Delta, 1882: Chi Psi, 1890. 219 DELTA CHAPTER THE UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA William Crawford Bibb Robert Duke Cole, Jr. Henry H. Collier James Hilliard Fitzgerald John Lindsay Johnson B.L. James Lockett *Thomas William White Robert Andrew Young Class of 1873 Attorney at Law Montgomery, Ala. 9 Moses Bldg. Class of 1874 Manufacturer Newman, Ga. Agent Atlanta, Ga. Planter Omaha, Ga. Member of County Board of Edu- cation Attorney at Law Rome, Ga. Soldier Philippine Islands Farmer Memphis, Tenn. Died January 14, 1901 Traveling Salesman Waycross, Ga. George Gilmore *William Staniard Johnson William Lincoln Ison M. C. Smith James Dallas Turner Class of 1875 Merchant and Farmer Warthen, Ga. Director of Georgia Experiment Station Member of Board of Education Farmer Macon, Ga. Died April 13, 1880 Farmer Atlanta, Ga. tAthens, Ga. Farmer Rome, Ga. Reid B. Barnes Thomas Smith Bean Class of 1876 Merchant Attorney at Law Opelika, Ala. Clarksville, Ga. CUMBERLAND UNIVERSITY LEBANON, TENNESSEE Founded in 1842 Chartered in 1842 First Class Graduated in 1843 A Denominational Institution (Cumberland Presbyterian) DEPARTMENTS collegiate law preparatory theology engineering STATISTICS Value of buildings and grounds . . - . $100,000.00 Value of equipment and apparatus .... 5,000.00 Value of productive funds ... - - 100,000.00 Income from all sources for 1899-1900, about - - - 14,000.00 Tuition in collegiate department - _ - . 50.00 Number of volumes in library .... - 7,000 Number of professors and instructors in all departments - 22 Number of students in collegiate department ... 71 Number of students in all departments - - - 274 Women are admitted. NU CHAPTER Founded in December 1872. Became inactive in 1880 OTHER FRATERNITIES Beta Theta Pi, 1854; Delta Kappa Epsilon (inactive), 1857-73; Delta Psi (in- active), 1858-61; Alpha Delta Phi (inactive), 1857-61; Phi Kappa Sigma (inactive), 1859-61; Sigma Alpha Epsilon, i860; Phi Kappa Psi (inactive), 1860-79; Chi Phi (in- active), 1861-61; Alpha Tau Omega, 1868; Phi Gamma Delta (inactive), 1869-78; Kappa Sigma, 1887; Pi Kappa Alpha (inactive), 1892-95. NU CHAPTER CUMBERLAND UNIVERSITY N. Q. Allen Class of 1872 Attorney at Law Evensville, Tenn. Albert Buford, Jr. Pascal Ash Tutwiler LL.B. Charles Henry Wood LL.B. Class of 1873 Attorney at Law- Attorney at Law Pulaski, Tenn. Greensboro, Ala. Moss Point, Miss. John W. Anderson William Buchanan LL.B. Aleck F. Burnley LL.B. Luther W. Clark LL.B. Augustus C. Durdin LL.B. Lucian Earl LL.B. Seaton Grantland LL.B. Robert M. Hall ♦Alfred Battle Humphreys LL.B. John Curtis Kyle LL.B. Bates McFarland LL.B. John C. Meyers LL.B. Ernest Pillow William W. Ratcliff LL.B. Charles Clark Rogers LL.B. John C. Rosborough LL.B. William Douglas Spears LL.B. Thomas C. Spellings LL.B. Vines Monroe Wells LL.B. Class of 1874 Attorney at Law tFranklin, Tenn. Brandon, Miss. Hartsville, Tenn. In Pension Office, Washington, D. C. |Salsburg, Tenn. Editor and Publisher In Government Printing Office Attorney at Law Attorney at Law Died November, 1878 Attorney at Law Attorney at Law Attorney at Law Attorney at Law Attorney at Law President of First National Banl:, Pitsburg, Tenn. Attorney for T. C. I. & R. R.R. Attorney for N. C. & St. L. R. R. Lebanon, Tenn. |Fort Worth, Tex. Griffin, Ga. ■fHuntington, Tenn. Somerville, Tenn Oxford, Miss. Brenham, Tex. tMcMinnville, Tenn. Nashville, Tenn. Kosciusko, Miss. jPowhattan, Ark. Senatobia, Miss. Jasper, Tenn. Attorney at Law Hollow Rock, Tenn. ^Newport, Miss. CUMBERLAND UNIVERSITY 225 ♦Benjamin Edwards Becton LL.B. James Penn Brown LL.B. *James H. Carr Matthew Cartwright B.S. Wiley Hunter Clifton LL.B. John Womack Couch LL.B. James Wilson Helm A.B. *William H. Holland LL.B. Thomas Boykin Kelly LL.B. Arthur Low A.B. LL.B., 1877 John Edward Matthews A.B. William Poindexter LL.B. A.B.,Mansfaeld Coll.. Tex.. 1872 William Arthur Roane LL.B. Jefferson Hamilton Scaife LL.B. *Richard Howard Shelby LL.B. Patrick Henry Southall A.B. LL.B., 1876 Raymond H. Taylor Gustavus A. Watson Class of 1875 Attorney at Law Died in 1882 Attorney at Law George Lewis Davidson B.S. Henry Arthur Finch LL.B. Leonard Beard Kite John Redding Jones John Robert Monroe LL.B. Albert Gallatin Norrell LL.B. Henry M. Patty LL.B. William W. Searcy LL.B. ♦George T. Garrett James Hugh Blair Hall A.B. Amos Donnell Hunt William Warren Prater Ddate of death not reported Merchant Attorney at Law Attorney at Law Farmer Attorney at Law Died'September 20, 1882 Teacher Merchant Teacher Attorney at Law Attorney at Law Dist. Atty. for 3d Dist. of Miss. Attorney at Law Judge City Court Died in 1878 Attorney at Law Attorney at Law Class of 1876 Merchant Attorney at Law Merchant Attorney at Law Attorney at Law Attorney at Law Attorney at Law Class of 1878 Died in February, 18 Clergyman Class of 1879 Physician A.B. M.D., Vanderbilt Univ., 1882 Class of 1880 David T. Bomar Attorney at Law Forrest City, Ark. Mariana, Ark. Bellevue, La. Terrell, Tex. Aberdeen, Miss. tOcala, Fla. Smith's Grove, Ky. Centreville, Tex. tSmithville, Tenn. Brownwood, Tex. Chireno, Tex. Cleburne, Tex. Oxford, Miss. Camilla, Ga. Vicksburg, Miss. Columbia, Tenn. flndianola, Miss. Petersburg, Tenn. Water Valley, Miss. McKinney, Tex. Nashville, Tenn. San Diego, Cal. Rio Grand City, Tex. Florence, Miss. Atlanta, Ga. Brenham, Tex, San Augustine, Tex. fWinchester, Tenn. tCloverhill, Tenn. f La Guardo, Tenn. Fort Worth, Tex. THE UNIVERSITY OF WOOSTER WOOSTER, OHIO Founded in 1866 Chartered in 1866 First Class Graduated in 1871 A Denominational Institution (Presbyterian) DEPARTMENTS collegiate preparatory music oratory ART SUMMER SCHOOL STATISTICS Value of buildings and grounds .... $200,000.00 Value of equipment and apparatus .... 30,000.00 Value of productive funds • - - . . 203,188.00 Income from all sources for 1899-1900 . . . . 26,638.00 Tuition in collegiate department - - • . 45.00 Number of volumes in library ... - - 20,000 Number of professors and instructors in all departments • 60 Number of professors and instructors in collegiate department 20 Number of students in all departments ... 842 Number of students in collegiate department - • - 258 Women are admitted, and in the collegiate department they constitute about 35 per cent, of the membership. BETA CHAPTER Founded March 2, 1873. Became inactive in 1893, Was revived September 11, 1899 OTHER FRATERNITIES Phi Kappa Psi (inactive), 1871-92; Beta Theta Pi, 1872; Phi Delta Theta (in- active), 1872-97; Delta Tau Delta (inactive), 1879-85; Alpha Tau Omega, 1888; Phi Gamma Delta, 1882; Kappa Alpha Theta, 1875; Kappa Kappa Gamma, 1875. 225 BETA CHAPTER UNIVERSITY OF ^VOOSTER William E. Feeman A.B.. A.M. David R. Workman A.B., A.M. D.D., i8! Orville Sanford Brumback LL.B., Univ. of Mich., 1879 A.B., Princeton, 1877 Willard Bryant Carpenter A.B. A.M., 1879. M.D., Hahne mann Col., 1879 David Owen Ghormley A.B. A.M., 1879. D.D., 1898 James Matthew Simonton A.B. A.M„ 1879. D.B., Union Tlieol.Sem., 1879 Thomas Vincent Thompson A.B., A.M. Class of 1874 Clergyman Class of 1875 Clergyman Class of 1876 Attorney at Law Grand Consul, 1886-1888 Delegate to 12th, it;th, 17th and 20th Grand Chapters Orator of i6th Grand Chapter President Toledo Public Library Director Union Savings Bank Director Van Wert Nat'l Bank Director Central Mfr's. Ins. Co. Director Mutual Aid B. & L. Co. Physician Delegate to nth Grand Chapter Clergyman Stated Clerk of Walla Walla Presbytery Clergyman Columbus, O. 1201 Hunter St. Leaman Place, Pa. Toledo, O. 1603 Madison St. Columbus, O. 657 N. High St. Moscow, Idaho Bellport, N. Y. Manufacturer, St. Louis, Mo. President Mauley Thompson Carriage 709 Cass St. Company Director Ohio Society of St. Louis Nathaniel Stewart McClure William E. Pricer M.D., Starling Medical Col., 1877 M.D., Jefferson Medical Col., 187c George R. Prowell Class of 1877 Clergyman Physician Journalist Coshocton, O. Ironton, O. 27 South 5th St. Hanover, Pa. John Addison Chesney M.D., Columbia Medical Col, 18 Lee Brenton Durstine A.B. A.M., 1881 William Cox Ewing *Charles Haskell Johnson *Robert Johnson Laughlin A.B., A.M. Ozias John Markle *Edward Arthur Riley Class of 1878 Physician I Insurance Supervisor of Agencies of New York Life Insurance Co. Teacher Clergyman Died February 5, 1890 Clergyman Died April 6, 1891 Teacher Student Died August 30, 1877 226 Bucyrus, O. New York, N. Y. 346 Broadway Yonkers, N. Y. North Baltimore, O. Portland, Ore. tWashington, D. C. Nashport, O. THE UNIVERSITY OF WOOSTER Class of 1879 227 Clarence Wilson Douglass Alexander Gilchrist A.B., A.M. D.D., 1894 *John William Higgins Joseph William Hunter *Bion Le Vaughn Meredith Leslie Lemond Overman A.B. A. M., 1882 *Harry Price Safford A.B. A.M., Lake Forest, 1882. M.D., Col. of Physicians and Surgeons, N. Y., 1885 Missionary Shanghai, China Co. Mgr. of Mission Press of Presby- terian Board of Foreign Missions Clergyman Pittsburg, Pa. Corresponding Sec'y of Board of 522 Graiiam St. Home Missions of Pres. Churcii Attorney at Law Died iMay 11, 1S80 Attorney at Law Merchant Died .\pril 30, 1893 Clergyman Assistant Pastor of .-^rcii St. Cluircii Physician Died February 27, 1890 Hillsboro, O. California, Mo. Van Wert, O. Philadelphia, Pa. 1318 S. Broad St. Saratoga Springs,N.Y. Everett Lucius Abbey A.B. A.M., 1883 Joseph Wilson Hays A.M. Arthur C. Israel William Lyon Lowrie M.D., Univ. of Pa., 1883 Frank C. Rochester James William Skinner A.B. A.M. Centre Col., ig Class of 1880 Teacher Teacher Attorney at Law Physician Accountant Financial Director Ohio State Hospital, Athens, O. Clergyman East Cleveland, O. 32 Grasmere St. Macomb, 111. fZanesville, O. Tyrone, Pa. Athens, O. Morrison, 111. Elias Compton A.B. A.M., 188 Ph.D., 18 Wm. Fisher Dodge Clarence Aten Miller A.B. *Henrv Samuel Miller A.B". LL.B., Yale, 1883 John Franklin Miller Reginald Munson M.D., Columbian Univ., 1883 M.D., Hahneman Medical Col., 1884 Clarence Guest Reynolds A.B.. A.M. Franklin Neiman Riale A.B., A.M. Ph.D., 1889 *Carl G. Weber M.D. Class of 1881 Clergyman Wooster, O. Dean of Faculty and Prof, of Psy- chology and Philosophy of Univ. Wooster Chairman of Standing Committee on Education, Presbytery of Wooster Merchant Cincinnati, O. Dealer in Wholesale Queensware N. Warwick St. Attorney at Law Los Angeles, Cal. Bryson Bldg. Attorney at Law Bonn Univ., Germany Died December 13, 1894 Merchant Pittsburg, Pa. 820 Penn Ave. Physician Washington, D. C. Vice-President of the Washington •Association Clergyman Pastor of First Presbyterian Church, Joliet 111. Clergyman Suiierintendent of Missionary Work, Cleveland, O. Pres- bytery Physician Date of death not reported Joliet, 111. Cleveland, O. 757 Willson St. Cleveland, O. 161 Prospect St. 228 BETA CHAPTER Class of 1882 Samuel Anderson Cornelius A.M., A.B. Frederick Gaylord Coan A.B. *Henry Ezra Franklyn Coan *Karl Merz Eugene Vernon Overman John Henry Ridenour Clergyman Oil City, Pa. Clergyman Oroomiah, Persia. Student New York, N. Y, Died July 15, 1885 Musical Director Wooster, O. Editor of Sigma Chi Song-Book of 1887 Died January 30, i8go Manufacturer Cincinnati, O. Secretary and Treasurer Cincin- 909-923 Summer St. nati & Hammond Spring Co. Trustee of Business Men's Club. Publisher Flushing, N. Y. Editor of The Flushing Evening 75 Broadway Journal Harry Hamilton Douglas Ph.M. LL.B.,Univ. of Mich.,1^ Class of 1883 David La Doyt Brumback Banker Van Wert, O. Thomas Ewing, Jr. A.B., 1885 A.M., Columbia Coll., 1886 LL.B., Georgetown Univ.. 181 Guilford Lionel Marble William Cummings Merritt C.E., Lafayette Coll., 1884 Charles Hope Merz A.B., A.M. M.D., Medical Dept. Wooster President Van Wert National Bank, Van Wert, O. Attorney at Law Atlanta, Ga. ' Delegate to 14th Grand Chapter 456 Jackson St. Member Board of Education, At- lanta, Ga. County Administrator Attorney at Law Attorney at Law Attorney at Law Physician Yonkers, N. Y. 132 Locust Hill Ave. Van Wert, O. INew York, N. Y. Sandusky, O. Edward Leith Abrams Frank Robert Brocklebank William Erdman A.B., Princeton Univ., 1884 A.M., Princeton Univ., 1887 LL.B., Columbia Univ. Morton Howard Evans D.D.S., Ohio Coll. of Dental Surgery, 1889 Edgar Aza Frost A.B. C.E., Mass. Inst. Technol- ogy, 1887 George McClellanHoutz Good Richard Cecil Hughes A.B. A.M., 1887; D.D., 1900 Lockhart Nelson M.D., Ohio Medical Col., 1890 Arthur McQuiston Miller A.B. A.M., Princeton Col. Edgar Whitaker Work Ph.B. Ph.M., 18S7; D.D.,1895 Class of 1884 Merchant Journalist Attorney at Law Dentist Civil Engineer tGrinnell, N. Dak. Pittsburg, Pa. 5147 Woodworth St. New York, N. Y. 141 Broadway Franklin, O. Chehalis, Wash. Osceola Mills, Pa. Clearfield Co. Mining Engineer " Engineer of Mines," Columbia Col. School of Mines Clergyman Ripon, Wis. President of Ripon College Professor of Philosophy Physician Hillsboro, O. Teacher tLexington, Ky, Clergyman Dayton, O. Delegate to 15th Grand Chapter 134 W. 4th St. Trustee Wooster Univ. Trustee of Lane Theological Sem- inary THE UNIVERSITY OF WOOSTER 229 Herbert Lamotte Brice A.B., Princeton Univ., 18 John W. Clark John Stewart Happer Marion Mills Miller A.B., 1886: Litt.D,,! Princeton Univ., 1889 Class of 1885 Attorney at Law Merchant Lima, O. IMechanicsburg, O. Kobe, Japan ^6 A. Maniwa-Machi Manager of Standard Oil Com pany in Japan Delegate to i6th Grand Chapter Grand Praetor of :^d Province, 1883-85 Editor and Publisher New York, N. Y, Editor of "The Manuscript" 1123 Broadway Delegate to igth, 20th and 21st Grand Chapters Class of 1886 Charles Randolph Compton Clergyman Fredericksburg, O. A.B. A.M., 1889; A.M., Princeton Delegate to 15th Grand Chapter Univ., li Frank Leigh Hume B.L.. Cornell Univ.. 1890 William Harvey McSurely A.B. A.M., 1889 Walter Hunter Reynolds A.B. A.M., 188Q ♦Ellsworth Gray Ritchie A.B. Sup't Missionary Dep't Ohio Syn odical S. S. Association Chairman on Committee on Syste- matic Beneficence Attorney at Law Attorney at Law Trustee Univ. of Wooster Clergyman Pastor of Presbyterian Church, Marion, la. Clergyman Died September 12, 1891 Chicago, 111. 1104 Merchants Loan & Trust Bldg. Chicago, 111. 99 Hartford Bldg. Marion, la. Chicago, 111. Allen Bertram Gilliland Ph.B., Cornell Univ., 18S7; M.D. Univ. of Pa., 1890 *Alfred Hartwell Kellog A.B. Joel Townsley Moore Stone- road Ph.B. Ph.M. Van Derveer Taylor Ph.B. Ph.M., 1889: M.D. Med. Coll. of Ohio, 1896 McClure S. Todd Class of 1887 Physician President The T. S. Gilliland Grain Co. Teacher Died February i, 1890 Coal Operator Sec.-Treas. Carnegie Coal Co. Pres. and Gen. Mgr. Chartiers Coal Co. Van Wert, O. I Parnassus, Pa. Pittsburg, Pa. 1109 Park Bldg. Physician Banker Secretary and Treasurer Southern Ohio Loan & Trust Co. Cincinnati, O. 2913 Woodburn Ave. Cincinnati, O. S. W. Cor. 5th and Main Class of 1888 J. Henry Cone Clergyman Cincinnati, O. A.B. .A.M. Conklin St. George Humphrey Fullerton Manufacturer New York, N. Y. ■" "' ■ Secretary of the American Stoker 11 Broadway Co. Manufacturer New York, N. Y. General Manager Telluride 11 Broadway Reduction Co. Vice-President Expanding Tread Co. Manufacturer Dayton, O. Treas. and Mgr. The Dayton Ar- 239 N. Ludlow St. cade Mfg. Co Treas. Craig-Reynolds Foundry Co. Vice-Pres. The Dayton-Germantown Traction Co. A.B., Cornell Univ. Hugh Work Fullerton Harrie Newell Reynolds 230 BETA CHAPTER Robert Janvier Smith Cornelius Wood Walter Ph.B., Ph.M. Attorney at Law City Solicitor of Troy Troy, O. io8 W. Main St. Cincinnati, O. Grand Praetor of 3d Province, 1888-1890 Witii The Cincinnati Milling Ma- chine Co. William Clifford Burrowes Frederick Phelps Ph.B. Ph.M.,' 1890 Edward Copley Ross A.B. Harry Scovel Burrowes LL.B., Yale Univ., 1896 Llewellvn Gordon Gilliland *William H, Hyndman William Wallace Riddle A.B. LL.B., Cincinnati Law School, 1893 Harry Stewart Wilson, Jr. Hugh Edward Wilson Class of 1889 Salesman Centerville, La. Salesman for the Whitney Sloo Co., Limited, of New Orleans, La. Waukesha, Wis. President of Waukesha Arcadian 302 Arcadian Ave. Co. Attorney at Law Ford City, Pa. Class of 1890 Planter Centerville, La. Delegate to 17th Grand Chapter Merchant Van Wert, O. Vice-President of Van Wert Busi- 603 South Washington ness Men's League St. Merchant Cincinnati, O. Died October 24, 1889 Attorney at Law Bellefontaine, O. Railroad Official Parkersburg, W. Va. General Freight and Passenger Agt. 1039 Murdock Ave. Cairo & Kanawha R. R. Student tParkersburg, W. Va. Class of 1891 Aylette FuUerton Editor A.B. William Edwards Henderson Teacher A.B., Ph.B. Assistant Professor of Chemistry Ph.D., Johns Hopkins Univ., 1897 Ohio State Univ. Joseph Henry Myers John Lindsay Prestley Lit.M. Melville Ritchie Attorney at Law Edward Munson Taylor LL.B., Cincinnati Law School, 1893 Lewis Baker Frazier Secretary Western Tract Society Secretary Evangelical Alliance Secretary Municipal Reform Lea: Attorney at Law Pres. Columbus Alumni Chapter Class of 1892 Attorney at Law Director Noble County Bank Member of City Council Willet Patterson Hughes Physician M.D., Univ. of Pennsylvania, 1897 Howard Irish David Marcella Long Ben Boyd Nelson A.B. A.M., 1S95 LL.B., Cincinnati Law School Frank Eugene Prestley Lit.B. Banker Assistant Cashier Traverse Citv State Bank Vice-President Broadman River Electric Light & Power Co. Physician Attorney at Law Physician Hillsboro, O. Columbus, O. 41 W. nth St. Wooster, O. Pittsburg, Pa. Cincinnati, O. 420 Elm St. gue Columbus, O. 15 and i6Marzetti Bldg. Gay and High Sts. Caldwell, O. Pittsburg, Pa. 5500 Centre Ave. Traverse City, Mich. tCadiz, O. fPittsburg, Pa. 104 W. 4th St. El Oro, Mexico THE UNIVERSITY OF WOOSTER 231 William Glenn Brossman Frank E. Robinson Ph.B. Class of 1893 Attorney at Law Columbus, O. Attorney at Law Columbus, O. Treas. and Mgr. Columbus Elastic Waterproof Co. William Cooper Bryant George N. Bowers Albert Harris Alexander Joy Miller LL.B., Univ. of Cincinnati, B.A., Princeton Univ., 1894 1895 Class of 1894 Manufacturer Coshocton, O. Manag^er Coshocton Works of American Sheet Steel Co. tColumbus, O. Farmer Lodi, O. Attorney at Law Bellefontaine, O. Solicitor for City of Bellefontaine 8 and 9 Empire Block Delegate to iSth Grand Chapter Hugh James Logan, Jr. *Edwin C. Taylor Class of 1896 Journalist Editorial Dept. N. Y. Morning Journal Student Died January 28, 1894 New York, N. Y. 102 West 90th St. Mansfield, O. Pearl C. Todd Cleves H. Howell Ph.B. James W. Morgan Ph.B. Joseph N. Pugh Joseph B. Atkinson Class of 1897 Bank Teller Class of 1901 Student Student Student Class of 1902 Chemist Urbana, O. 138 E. Court St. Keokuk, la. 605 Grand Ave. Jackson, O. Newark, O. 79 Gay St. Pataskala, O. Charles Boulden Hunter William Sloane Kinney Alexander S. Rochester John Vergil Shelhart Class of 1904 Student Student Delegate to 25th Grand Chapter Student Student Washington, Ky, Wooster, O. Athens, O. Wooster, O. MISSISSIPPI COLLEGE CLINTON, MISSISSIPPI Founded in 1830 Chartered in 1830 A Denominational Institution (Baptist) DEPARTMENTS collegiate military preparatory commercial GENERAL INFORMATION Mississippi College was at first non-sectarian and under the control of a board of management. In 1842 it was placed in the care of the Presbyterian denomination. In 1850 it was offered, with its buildings, grounds and franchises, to the Baptists of the state, under which control it has since remained. Some of the professors and most of the students enlisted in the army, and the college work was suspended dur- ing the Civil war. When the war was ended the endowment was gone and only the buildings remained. The school was reopened under most unfavorable circum- stances, but has gradually extended its influence to the present time. BETA BETA CHAPTER Founded June 19, 1873, Became inactive in 1874 OTHER FRATERNITIES Phi Kappa Psi (inactive), 1860-61; Sigma Alpha Epsilon (inactive), 1869-76. 233 BETA BETA CHAPTER MISSISSIPPI COLLEGE *Jacob Guy Collins A.B. John Howard Eager A.B. Grad. Southern Bap. Jheol. Sem. D.D., 1891 William Everett Quin A.B. M.D.,Kv. ^hoolof Med. 1881 Hugh Langdon Quin Hosea William Rockett A.B. *Thomas Lipscomb Talbert A.B. Edward Turner Bramlitt M.D., Louisville Med. Col., 1876 Charles Bowen Freeman A.B. Andrew Hugh Longino Ph. B. Theodore Napoleon Rhymes A.B. *Richard Howard Shelby LL.B., Cumberland Univ. Charles Wheeler Webb A.B. George Sturges Dodds A.B. Alden Bailey Hurt B.S. William Alfred Lea Wiley Harvey McGee A.B. *Adolphus Preston Rhymes *Thomas Jefferson Rowan A.B. Charles Francis Taylor Richard Kinsey Boney LL. B., Univ. of La., 1880 John Edward Givhan M.D., Bellevue Hospital Med. Coll., 1882 Joseph R. Hughs A.B. Joseph Archibald Holloway _M_.D., Univ. of La. William Baily Sanford M.D., Vanderbilt Univ. Robert L. Shannon Class of 1874 Date of death not reported Clergyman Pastor Seventh Baptist Church Physician and Druggist Mayor of Fort Payne, Ala. Merchant Clergyman Clergyman Died January, 1886 Class of 1875 Physician Local Surgeon forL M. & S. R. Teacher Attorney at Law Governor of Mississippi Attorney at Law Died in 1878 Class of 1876 Attorney at Law Journalist Farmer Merchant Farmer Died July 22, 1895 Clergyman Died in 1883 Clergyman Class of 1877 Attorney at Law Physician Clergyman Physician Physician Farmer 234 R. Raymond, Miss. Baltimore, Md. 1405 McCulloh St. Fort Payne, Ala. West Point, Miss. Harrison, Miss. Pensacola, Fla. Malvern, Ark. tStein's Creek, Miss. Monticello, Miss. Razville, La. Vicksburg, Miss. Clinton, Miss. Hazelhurst, Miss. tWinona, Miss. •fSummit, Miss. JMinden, La. Crystal Springs, Miss. Memphis, Tenn. ■fOak Grove, Tex. Duckport, La. Pontotoc, Miss. fYazoo City, Miss. Round Rock, Tex. Corinth, Miss. Shannon, Miss. RANDOLPH -MACON COLLEGE ASHLAND, VIRGINIA Founded in 1830 First Class Graduated in 1835 A Denominational Institution (Methodist Episcopal, South) DEPARTMENTS collegiate WOMAN'S COLLEGE PREPARATORY STATISTICS Value of buildings and grounds . . . _ $250,000.00 Value of equipment and apparatus .... 50,000.00 Amount of endowment ------ 250,000.00 Value of productive funds ------ 225,000.00 Income from all sources for iSgg-igoo - - - 48,000.00 Tuition in collegiate department ----- 75-00 Number of volumes in library ----- 12,000 Number of professors and instructors . - - . 22 Number of students in attendance - - - - 267 Women are admitted in Woman's College only. GAMMA GAMMA CHAPTER Founded March 14, 1874 OTHER FRATERNITIES Delta Psi (inactive), 1863-61; Kappa Alpha, 1869; Phi Kappa Psi (inactive), 1870-82; Phi Kappa Sigma, 1872; Beta Theta Pi (inactive), 1873-93; Phi Delta Theta, 1874; Kappa Sigma, 1888. 235 GAMMA GAMMA CHAPTER RANDOLPH-MACON' COLLEGE William Blount Barham M.D., Univ. of Pa., 1S77 Robert Emmet Carr Henry Walter Lilly M.D., Univ. of Va., 1878 John William May *Walter Gaylord Norman Class of 1873 Physician Member Board of Health, Soutfi- ampton County Delegate to nth Grand Chapter Newsoms, Va. Attorney at Law Banker Merchant Died January 8, i? tChapel Hill, N. C. Fayetteville, N. C. Alexandria, Va. 209 N. Washington St. Plymouth, N. C. Class of 1874 James Hawkins Clark John Theilman Dickinson LL.B., Univ. of Va., 1879 Charles Marion Yeates A.B., Emory and Henry Col., Va., i LL.B., Columbian Univ., 1890 Merchant Promoter Clerk tClarksdale, Miss. Chicago, 111. Washington, D. C. ', U. S. Pension Bureau William Leroy Doggett Silas Carey Whitehead Class of 187s Real Estate and Loans Clerk Chicago, 111. 167 Dearborn St. ■[Memphis, Tenn. James J. Carroll John Clark Boiling Wellford Ford Frank Thompson, Jr. Class of 1876 Planter Journalist Farmer Attorney at Law INew Orleans, La. 543 St. Charles St. tColeman, Tex. Lexington, Ky. Richlands, N. C. Leigh Carroll A.M., Univ. of Va., 1883 William Francis Drewry M.D., Medical Coll. of Va., 1884 William Greenville Pace John Lewis Parham Robert Dudley Thompson Class of 1877 Attorney at Law Physician Superintendent and Chief Phy- sician, Central State Hospital for Insane; Corresponding Sec- retary, National Conference of Charities and Correction; Sec- retary Virginia Conference of Charities and Correction Manufacturer County Official Manufacturer 236 Birmingham, Ala. Petersburg, Va. Danville, Va. Benton, Ark. Richlands, N. C. RANDOLPH-MACON COLLEGE 237 Edward Leith Abrams Walter Carroll M.E., Steven's Inst, of Tech., 1884 George Edward Sangster Bruce Simmons LL.B., Columbian Univ., 18 John Alexander Stevens M.D., Jefferson Med. Col., i Joseph Wheadon Carroll Thos. Jefferson Hughes, Jr. Thomas Newsome Potts A.B. B.D., Princeton Theol. Sera., i88g *Eugene Harold Schoolfield Class of 1878 Merchant Mechanical Engineer ^ Manager Of E. T. Paul Music Co. Attorney at Law Physician Class of 1879 Attorney at Law Real Estate Clergyman Manufacturer Died February 22, 1890 tGrinnell, Dak. Birmingham, Ala. New York, N. Y. 46 W. 28th St. Forfolk, Va. Clinton, N. C. Birmingham, Ala. Roanoke, Va. fLynchburg, Va. Danville, Va. Tyler Gatewood Kent William Dennis McClees M.D., Univ. of Pa., 1885 John William Wilson, Jr. Class of 1880 Farmer Physician Farmer Wytheville, Va. Wichita, Kan. Wakefield, Va. Richard Heber Bennett A.M., 1885 James Cannon, Jr. A.B., 1884; A.M., 1888 James Powell Garland, Jr. Oscar Muse Styron Green Pace Talbott A.B. Class of 1881 Teacher and Clei-gyman^ Richmond, Va. Delegate to 20th Grand Chapter Teacher and Clergyman Blackstone, Va. Attorney at Law Lynchburg, Va. Manufacturer Norfolk, Va, 80-84 Union St. Cashier Danville, Va. Witii Southern Railway 226 Jefferson St Edwin Povall Turner M.D., Univ. of Maryland, 1885 Samuel David Turner, Jr. A.B., 1886 Levi John Ames Edward Holloway Brown James Robert Pace Class of 1882 Physician Teacher Class of 1883 Farmer Real Estate Manufacturer IRichmond, Va. Richmond, Va. tBelleville, Va. Richmond, Va. Danville, Va, *Edgar Moseley Bass John Joseph Kindred M.D., Hospital Col. of Med., 18 Robert Melville Maxey Frank Talbott *Thomas Stokes Talbott Class of 1885 Clerk Danville, Va. Died August 12, 1889 Physician Astoria, N. Y. Consultant and Business Mgr. "River Crest" Sanitarium Clergyman Ford's Depot, Va. Accountant Danville, Va. Secretary and Treasurer Danville 130 Broad St. Water & Gas Co. Delegate to i8th Grand Chapter Grand Praetor, Second Province, 1890-1892 Manufacturer Danville, Va. Died July i, 1891 238 GAMMA GAMMA CHAPTER James Latimer McLemore B.L.,Univ. of Va. Class of 1886 Attorney at Law President of Bank of Suffolk Suflfolk, Va. R. Horace Hood Walter Raleigh Old Benjamin W. Arnold Ph.D., Johns Hopkins Univ. William Wallace Bennett M.D., Va. Med. Col. Thomas Ritchie Freeman A.B. Samuel Clayton Starke A.M. A.B., 1890 Class of 1887 Teacher fWarrenton, Va. Delegate to i8th Grand Chapter Bennett's Creek, Va. Class of 1888 Teacher Farmville, Va. Prof, of History and English in Normal Inst. Physician Ronceverte, W. Va. Manufacturer Rowanta, Va. Teacher Montgomery, Ala. Associate Principal, University 95 Houston St. School William Levi Old A.B. M.D., Univ. of Va., 1894 John Ney Sebrell, Jr. B.S. B.L.. Univ. of Va., 18 Class of 1889 Physician Class of 1892 Attorney at Law Mayor of Courtland Norfolk, Va. Courtland, Va. Edgar N. Ricks Graduate Commercial Col., Ky. Univ., 1896 R. Thomas Watts, Jr. Class of 1893 Manufacturer Enfield, N, C. Sec. and Treas. Enfield Knitting Mills Accountant Lynchburg, Va. With National Exchange Bank 104 Cabell St. Evan A, Edwards A.B. W. Russell Winfree Class of 1894 Clergyman Delegate to 23d Grand Chapter Class of 189s Goshen, Md. Lynchburg, Va. Henry Asbury Christian Physician Lynchburg, Va. A.B. A.M.; M.D., Johns Hopkins First Assistant Pathologist Bos- 909 Court St. Univ., 1900 • ton City Hospital Woody W. Dickerson Accountant Lynchburg, Va. With Peoples National Bank Howard Fletcher, Jr. Wholesale Merchant Warrenton, Va. A.B. Richard Old Norfolk, Va. With Pocomoke Guano Co. William Scott Danne Albert Fletcher James Mullen A.B. B.L., Washington and Lee Univ., 1899 Stephen Hurt Watts Class of 1896 Merchant Merchant Attorney at Law With O'Ferrall & Register A.M. M.D., Johns Hopkins Univ., 1901 Physician Trevilians, Va. Warrenton, Va. Richmond, Va. Baltimore, Md. Johns Hopkins Hosp. p. H. Drewry Hugh W. Jackson Albert H. Licklider A.M. RANDOLPH-MACON COLLEGE Class of 1897 Teacher Merchant Teacher Prof, in Norfolk Academy Petersburg, Va. Salisbury, Md. Norfolk, Va. 239 Stuart H. Beckley Hugh Fletcher Class of lE In War Dept. Merchant Washington, D. C. 24QSt., N.W. Warrenton, Va. George Lemuel Neville A.M. Marion Montague Robinson A. C. Southall Class of 1899 Merchant Teacher Principal Pungoteague Academy Portsmouth, Va. 414 London St. Danville, Va. 753 Main St. Pungoteague, Va. James Duval Adams Jesse N. McClees Benjamin Harris Owens Henry Lyman Johnson Joseph Hugh Neville A.M. James Owen Watts Harry Sutton Davis James Luther Humphrey Howard Maximillian Plitt Richard Julian Roszell Walter Taylor Simcoe, Jr. William Archer Thomas Class of 1900 Student Student Student Class of 1901 Accountant Gen. Bookkeeper Nat. Ex. Bank Student Student Class of 1902 Student Student Student Student Student Student Lvnchburg, Va. ' 405 Cabell St. Wichita, Kan. Portsmouth, Va. 320 Dinwiddie St. Lynchburg, Va. Portsmouth, Va. 414 London St. Lynchburg, Va. 404 Cabell St. Norfolk, Va. 117 Bute St. Paxson, Va. Baltimore, Md. 2547 Penn Ave. Dranesville, Va. Norfolk, Va. Bute St. Martinsville, Va. Harry Kennedy Dulaney Class of 1903 With American Ice Co. Baltimore, Md. 2321 Maryland Ave. MONMOUTH COLLEGE MONMOUTH, ILLINOIS Founded in 1856 Chartered in 1857 A Denominational Institution (United Presbyterian) DEPARTMENTS COLLEGIATE The religious denomination in charge of Monmouth College being opposed to secret societies, the college senate has always regarded fraternities with disfavor, and since 1874 has actively prohibited them in the institution. Monmouth has stood well among the smaller colleges of the state from the first. It offers three courses to students, classical, scientific, and literary. It has a library of some 17,000 volumes, and its corps of professors and instructors numbers fourteen. About three hundred students are in attendance, of whom a fair proportion are women. EPSILON EPSILON CHAPTER Founded June 11, 1874. Became inactive in 1878 OTHER FRATERNITIES Beta Theta Pi (inactive), 1865-78; Delta Tau Delta (inactive), 1865-72; Phi Gamma Delta (inactive), 1866-71; Pi Beta Phi (inactive), 1867-84; Phi Delta Theta (inactive), 1871-84; Phi Kappa Psi (inactive), 1872-86; Kappa Kappa Gamma (in- active), 1870-78. 241 EPSILON EPSILON CHAPTER MONMOUTH COLLEGE Allen Morruw Acheson A.B., A.M. David Dwight Bigger A.B. A.M., 1878 D.D., Heidelberg Univ., 18 Class of 1874 Clergyman Eleanor, 111. Class of 1875 Clergyman Tiffin, O. Synodical Superintendent of Mis- 155 Jefferson St. sions, Presbyterian Church Thomas Howard Candor A.B., A.M. James Alexander Ferguson A.B., A.M. George W. Patten B.S. William McNite Porter A.B., A.M. Thomas W. Anderson A.B., A.M. Robert Jackson Davidson A.B., A.M., D.D. William Jewett Fulton A.B. A.M., 1879 James Robert Logue A.B. , A.M. James Wallace Steen A.B., A.M. John C. Barnett Joseph Harold Painter A.B., A.M. JohnE wing Brown M.D., Jefferson Med. Col., 1883 Alexander Gilchrist A.B., iStq; A.m., Wooster Univ. 1882. D.D., 1894. Homer H. Swaney A.B., Chicago Univ. Charles E. Bruen Joseph Wilson Hays A.B., Wooster Univ., 18S0 Joseph GilfiUan Kennedy A.B., A.M. Alexander G. Graham Christian Shultz Class of 1876 Missionary Clergyman Commission Merchant Clergyman Class of 1877 Clergyman Clergyman Manufacturer Secretary Public Library Clergyman Attorney at Law Class of 1878 Attorney at Law Class of 1879 Physician Omaha, Neb. Professor Gynecology of Omaha 1026 Park Ave. Medical Col. Clergyman Pittsburg, Pa. General Secretary Board of Home 522 Graham St. Missions, United Presbyterian Church Barranquila, U. S. C, S. A. Denison, Kan, Chicago, 111. ^2 Board of Trade Bldg. Nelson, Neb. New York, N. Y. 41 Charles St. Dexter, la. Keokuk, la. 712 High St. Washington, la. Enid, Okla. Urbana, O. Clarinda, la. Attorney at Law Class of 1880 Farmer Teacher Clergyman Class of 1881 Clerk Pharmacist 242 Pittsburg, Pa. 152 Fifth Ave. ■fEmerson, O. Macomb, 111. Denver, Col. 2930 Lake Place Monmouth, 111. Monmouth, 111. PURDUE UNIVERSITY LAFAYETTE, INDIANA Founded in 1874 First Class Graduated in 1875 A State Institution DEPARTMENTS CIVIL, electrical applied science and mechanical agriculture engineering pharmacy STATISTICS Value of buildings and grounds - . . . $357,000.00 Value of equipment and apparatus .... 2g8,ooo.oo Amount of endowment ------ 340,000.00 Income from all sources for 1899-iqoo - - - - 168,037.13 Tuition in collegiate department - - Free to residents of Indiana Non-residents ...---- 25.00 Number of volumes in library - - - - - 10,804 Number of professors and instructors - - - - 71 Number of students in attendance . - - . 1,040 Women are admitted and constitute about one-tenth of the attendance. DELTA DELTA CHAPTER Founded March i, 1875 OTHER FRATERNITIES Kappa Sigma, 1885; Phi Delta Theta, 1894; Sigma Nu, i8gi; Sigma Alpha Epsilon, 1893; Phi Kappa Psi, 1901. 243 DELTA DELTA CHAPTER PURDUE UNIVERSITY John Bradford Harper B.S. Class of 187s Civil Engineer Durango, Col. Charles John Bohrer B.S. A.C., 1878 Class of 1876 LaFayette, Ind. Frank Pierce Clark B.S. A.C., 1878 William King Eldridge B.S. C.E., 1878 Jesse Harvey Blair B.S. LL.B., Central Law School, 1883 Fremont Goodwin Aretas W. Hatch George A. Jamison Daniel William Noble B.S. John Carothers Vanatta B.S. Class of 1877 Pharmacist Civil Engineer Class of 1878 Attorney at Law Banker State Senator Attorney at Law North Baltimore, O. Indianapolis, Ind. 1215 Stevenson Bldg. Denver, Col. Equitable Bldg. Williamsport, Ind. Cashier Farmers and Traders Bank Auditor Tippecanoe Co. Indianapolis, Ind. LaFayette, Ind. Farmer Banker President of Bank of Reynolds President of Bank of Walkerton Cashier of Bank of Brookston President of Etoniah Canal and Drainage Co., Putnam Co., Fla Delegate to nth Grand Chapter Indianapolis, Ind. Brookston, Ind. William Edward Beach B.L., Indiana Univ., 1881 Charles Sumner Downing Sylvester H. Jackson ♦Lewis Owens B.S. Worth Reed B.S. Wilbur Fisk Severson LL.B., Cincinnati Law School Alfred Henry Wintrode Class of 1880 Merchant County Treasurer Commercial Traveler Merchant Student Died March 25, 1881 Teacher Principal of Linwood School Attorney at Law 81 U. S. Commissioner Mining Broker 244 LaFayette, Ind. LaFayette, Ind. LaFayette, Ind. 8 N. Third St. Chalmers, Ind. LaFayette, Ind. LaFayette, Ind. Seattle, Wash. 56-57 Union Blk. PURDUE UNIVERSITY 245 *Thomas Cromwell Card James Beverly Milner Andrew Edgar Reynolds B.S., Wabash Col., 1883 Clarence Severson Albert King Warren B.S. Fremont Clifford Colfax Everett Earl Cassius Clay Hammond Oliver Perry Morton Jamison Lew Wallace Knefler Alva Owen Reser *Ernest Smith Robbins James Birney Shaw, Jr. B.S., M.S.,D.C. J. Warren Sleeper Allen Russell Vinnedge William A. Bringham Ph.G. Lewis Nathaniel Charles Thomas Porter Hawley Charles Almus Marstellar Ph.B., Butler Univ., 1885 James Miio Waugh B.S., 1S83 ♦Charles Denman Keyes B.S. *Charles James White Charles Crittenden Warner Class of 1881 Student Died February 21, 1884 Attorney at Law U. S. Consul Merchant Plumber Civil Engineer Class of 1882 Merchant Contractor Delegate to 14th, 15th, i6th and 17th Grand Chapters Grand Tribune, 1883-84 Public Official Sec. N. Dakota Ry. Com. Attorney at Law Clerk Court Stenographer State Representative Delegate to 14th and 15th Grand Chapters Soldier Fort Leavenworth, 2d Lieut. U. S. A. Kan Died in 1886 Teacher Gambler, O. Professor in Kenyon Col. Merchant Baldwin City, Kan. In Ice and Cold Storage Business Merchant Chicago, 111. 446 Dearborn Ave. Class of 1883 Merchant Frankfort, Ind. Calais, France Crawfordsville, Ind. Crawfordsville, Ind. Lebanon, Ind. Connersville, Ind. Indianapolis, Ind. 4 Shaub Flats Ashley, N. Dak. fPortland, Oregon fLouisville, Ky. LaFayette, Ind. Government Official Salesman Capitalist Surveyor County Surveyor Class of 1884 Real Estate Agent Died in i8go Journalist Died January 15, 1888 Attorney at Law Goodland, Ind. Washington, D. C. Care Second Auditor's Office tLaFayette, Ind. LaFayette, Ind. West Lafayette Crawfordsville, Ind.. Wichita Falls, Tex. Logansport, Ind. Rensselaer, Ind. Charles Henry Eldridge William Mode Taylor B.S. B.M.E. Mass. Inst. Tech. Charles Heath Vinton Henry Heath Vinton B.S. Class of 1885 New York, N. Y. With Adams Steel Co. 177 Broadway Grand Praetor of 4th Province, 1882-84 Manufacturer Indianapolis, Ind. Pres. of Chandler & Taylor Co. Member American Society of Mechanical Engineers Capitalist Attorney at Law Judge Superior Court, Tippecanoe County Delegate to igth, 21st, 22d, and 23d Grand Chapters Grand Consul of 21st Grand Chapter Denver, Col. 721 E. & C. BIdg. LaFayette, Ind. 246 James Franklin Brufif M.E. John Baker Clark DELTA DELTA CHAPTER Class of 1886 Architect Grain Commission Shrewsbury Beauregard Miller Draughtsman B.M.E. Kokomo, Ind. Chicago, 111. izsRialto Bldg. tNew York, N. Y. George Ade B.S. John Grant Bowers George W. Hart Newton Booth Tarkington Bennett Taylor B.M.E. Class of 1887 Journalist and Author Chicago, 111. Grand Praetor of Fourth Province, Chicago Athletic Club Merchant Draughtsman Author Grain Merchant Muncie, Ind. Hamilton, O- Indianapolis, Ind. iioo North Penn St. South Raub, Ind. James Samuel Shortle B.S. Class of 188: Attorney at Law Chicago, 111. 184 Lasalle St. Edward Clement Davidson Ph.G. M.D., Univ. of Mich., il ♦Bernhardt Herman Dorner B.S. Luther Jewett Hord Ph.G. James Francis Hutchinson B.M.E. John Tinney McCutcheon B.S. Charles Warren Pifer B.C.E. Frank Lewis Rainey B.S. Cortice M. Warner Ph.S. Class of 1889 Physician Journalist Died July 9, 1901 Druggist Attorney at Law Artist and War Correspondent Grand Historian, 1889-91 Grand Annotator, 1890-92 Civil Engineer With Illinois Central R. R. Teacher Instructor in Biology Michigan Military Academy Druggist LaFayette, Ind. Frankfort, Ind. PonkaCity,Okla. Chicago, 111. 711 Tacoma Bldg. Chicago, 111. Chicago Athletic Club Clinton, 111. Orchard Lake, Mich. Indianapolis, Ind. 149 S. Illinois St. Frederick Paul Anderson B.S. M.E., 1894 Charles Newton Branch William Dill C.E. Jasper Marion Dresser B.S. William J. Ransdell B.S. Charles Russ Richards B.M.E. M.E., 1891 Marion Alphon Stout Ph.C. Class of 1890 Mechanical Engineer Lexington, Ky. Professor of Mech. Eng. and Dean of School of Mech. and Elect. Eng. in Kentucky State Col. Physician Anderson, Ind. Rushville, Ind. Real Estate Loans Chicago, 111. 164 Dearborn St. Franklin, Ind. Teacher Lincoln, Neb. Professor of Mech. Eng. in Univ. of Neb. Druggist Bluffton, Ind. PURDUE UNIVERSITY 247 John Charles Goodwin William Kirkpatrick James McClamroch Class of 1891 Merchant Liveryman Banker Director and Casliier Farmers' Bank Frankfort, Ind. LaFayette, Ind. South Third St. Frankfort, Ind. Albert J. Sedgwick Keporter B.S., State Col. of Colorado, 1892 With Toledo Times Reporter Earl Eustace Stafford James H. Wells B.M.E. M.E., 1S95 Clarence M. Bivins B.S. Edwin Hamlin Carr William Jean Etten B.S. Walter Wallace Ford B.S. Edgar Roy Stevens Arthur Christopher Wright B.S. Prop. Ind. Illustrating Co. Teacher Toledo, O. Indianapolis, Ind. LaFayette, Ind. Class of 1892 Manufacturer Grand Praetor of Fourth Province, 1895-97 Journalist Chicago Journal Delegate to igth Grand Chapter Journalist Merchant Merchant Member of firm Kern & Wright LaFayette, Ind. Columbia St. Rushville, Ind. Chicago, 111. Marion, Ind. Newport, Ind. Marion, Ind. Ezra Reed Hendricks *Rufus Ratliff Frederick Charles Scheuch B.S., B.M.E. A.C., 1894 John Dougherty Thomsom B.S. M.E., 1894 A.B. LL.B., Yale John M. Thompson David Wallace Class of 1893 Civil Engineer With Vandalia Line Died in 1896 Teacher Professor Modern Languages Univ. of Montana Delegate to 19th and 21st Grand Chapters Grand Praetor of Fourth Prov- ince, 1892-93 Journalist Prop. Commercial Tribune Terre Haute, Ind. Spiceland, Ind. Missoula, Mont. George Cullom Ph.G. Lawrence Aloysius Downs B.C.E., 1894 Samuel Montgomery Kintner Teacher B.S. M.E.,1896 " ' Samuel Hardy Mitchell *Alfred Holland McMuUen George Ward Remington David A. Sherfey B.C.E., 1894 John M. Studebaker, Jr. John Guy Wynn B.S. E.E., 1895 Journalist Class of 1894 Druggist Civil Engineer Roadmaster Illinois Central R.R. Denver, Col. Barclay Block Denver, Col. tindianapolis, Ind. Professor in Allegheny Col. Frankfort, Ind. New Orleans, La. Allegheny, Pa. Chicago, 111. With Fire Extinguisher Mfg. Co. Student LaFayette, Ind. Died October 11, 1S94 Schenectady, N. Y. With General Electric Co. Civil Engineer Brazil, Ind. Manufacturer South Bend, Ind. With Studebaker W^agon Works Electrical Engineer Indianapolis, Ind. With Jenny Mfg. Co. 248 DELTA DELTA CHAPTER Charles A. Bolles Frank G. Brockenbrough Harvey Esdell Crane B.M.E. Robert P. Leavitt B.S. Hiram D. Lingle E. B. Pierce *George Mays De Reamer John G. Wallick Cole'c. Wiley B.S. Edwin Madison Allen B.S. M.E., 1899 Harry C. Buschman Edward Graham Crozier B.S. Ronald Dawson B.S. LL.B., Union Univ., 18 Justin Griess B.S. M.E., 1900 Harry Griffith David M. Johnston B.S. John L. Roe B.S. Louis Charles Smith B S David' Todd Van Wagnen Ailing B.S.. C.E. William Hull Baird B.S. John Reuben Gebhart Charles Dyer Heile William David Mann Benjamin Fort McCutcheon Class of 1895 Manufacturer Brownstown, Ind. Miner LaFayette, Ind. North Sixth St. Electrical Engineer Fort Wayne, Ind. Supt. of Construction, Ft. Wayne 305 W. Jefferson St. Electrical Works Electrical Engineer Vernon, Ind. Capitalist Chicago, 111. 4333 Grand Boul. Indianapolis, Ind. New York, N. Y. Mechanical Engineer Date of death not reported Electrical Engineer Indianapolis, Ind President District Telegraph Co. Accountant Indianapolis, Ind Class of 1896 Mechanical Engineer Sec. and Asst. Mgr. Fayette Manu facturing Co. Commercial Traveler With Lewis, Meier Co. Mechanical Engineer With Pittsburg Valve, Foun- dry and Construction Co. Delegate to 23d Grand Chapter Attorney at Law Mechanical Engineer With Kaltenbach & Griess Merchant Mechanical Engineer Electrical Engineer With General Electric Co. Mechanical Engineer Delegate to 22d Grand Chapter Mechanical Engineer Grand Praetor Fourth Province 1893-94 Class of 1897 Builder Supervising Architect, U. S. A. Santiago, Cuba Superintendent With American Beet Sugar Co. Accountant Manufacturer Mgr. H. McFarlane & Co. Building Superintendent With Oliver Sollitt Co. Artist With Chicago Daily News Pittsburg, Pa. 802 Bank for Savings Indianapolis, Ind. Pittsburg, Pa. Cor. Duquesne Way & Sth St. Fort Wayne, Ind. 287 West Wayne St. Cleveland, O. Williamson Bldg. Texarkana, Ark. Chicago, 111. 167 Dearborn St. Schenectady, N. Y. 702 Union St. Seneca Falls, N. Y. 28 State St. Youngstown, O. Care Brier Hill Coal & Iron Co. Chicago, 111. , Care of Charles Ailing, 706 Tacoma Bldg. Rocky Ford, Neb. New Albany, Ind. 805 E. Main St. Chicago, 111. 1834 Barry Ave. Chicago, 111. 16 Astor St. Chicago, 111. Albert Hugh Bryan B.S. A.C., 1900; M.S., 1901 Martin W. Earhart B.S. Benjamin Gravely Fernald B.S. Class of 1898 Chemist With Sugar Beet Co. Mechanical Engineer With lola Portland Cement Co. Draughtsman Rocky Ford, Col. lola, Kan. Elizabeth, N. J. an S. Broad St. PURDUE UNIVERSITY' H9 Frank Gibson Fred Haggard Charles A. Mann Mark West McGaffey B.S. Chester Morris Aloysius John Rumely B.S. Charles Whitall Valentine B.S. Harry Warden Harry S. Badet Thomas Jefferson Barnes, Jr. J. L. Flannery Albert E. Oilman Adolf Schleicher Brent Achilles Tozzer Chemist R. R. Tax Agent Accountant Mechanical Engineer With C. West Co. Mechanical Engineer Mechanical Engineer With N.Y. Air Brake Co. Class of 1899 Clerk Railroad Agent With Wabash R. R. Mechanical Engineer With Hamilton, King Co. Merchant Draughtsman With Big Four R. R. tCleveland, O. LaFayette, Ind. Chicago, 111. Pittsburg, Pa. 420 Duquesne Way Indianapolis, Ind. LaPorte, Ind. Watertown, N. Y. South Bend, Ind. South Bend, Ind. 417 S. Main St. Danville, 111. Chicago, 111. 42 River St. Ottawa, 111. Indianapolis, Ind. 1914 North DelawareSt. Fern Bank, O. Ralph Aldrich Bond Robert Morris Evans Charles Forrest Flinn Taber Hamilton B.S.. Yale Roy Claiborne Rickly Class of 1900 Traveling Salesman Manufacturer Mechanical Engineer Apprentice Mechanical Engineer Fort Wayne, Ind, 322 Fairfield Ave. Fort Wayne, Ind. 126 E. Main St. tBeloit, Wis. Altoona, Pa. Chicago, 111. Josiah Harding Andrews William Avery Atkins Charles Douglas Barrett Alex Chambers Cecil Gross Fowler Class of 1901 Student Manufacturer Delegate to 24th Grand Chapter Student Student Teller With Nat'l Fowler Bank Seymour, Ind. 216 North Walnut St. Indianapolis, Ind. 507 North Delaware St. Fort Wayne, Ind. 255 Fairfield Ave. Indianapolis, Ind. Capitol Ave. LaFayette, Ind. South Ninth St. Robert Enos Adreon Hugh Coffreth Andress Thomas M. Andrew, Jr. Robert Blount Dugger Frank Biggs Timberlake Woodell Abner Pickering James Gale Van Winkle Class of 1902 Student Delegate to 25th Grand Chapter Accountant Student Surveyor Student Government Officer Second Lieutenant of Marines Student St. Louis, Mo. 5713 Cabanne Ave. LaFayette, Ind. South Ninth St. LaFayette, Ind. I Andrew Place Bloomfiield, Ind. LaFayette, Ind. Columbia & Ninth Sts. Brooklyn, N. Y. Brooklyn Navy Yard Indianapolis, Ind. 1414 Central Ave. 250 DELTA DELTA CHAPTER Class of 1903 James M. Fowler, Jr. Tames Louis Graham John William Graham James Graham Brown Marvin Coppes Carl Frederick Diether Ernest Ward Headmgton . Robert Fraser Higbee Claude Wilbur Heiser Martin Leroy Peirce Arthur Henry Peters Stuart Strickland Moore Ede LaFayette, Ind. Student South Ninth St. Madison, Ind. Student Madison, Ind, Student Class of 1904 Indianapolis, Ind. Student i8q7 Talbot Ave. Student Nappanee, Ind. Fort Wayne, Ind. Student Portland, Ind. Accountant Milford, Ind. Student Cleveland, 0. Student 4254 Euclid Ave. LaFayette, Ind. Student North St. Fort Wayne, md. Student Whitburn, England Student County Durham PRINCETON UNIVERSITY PRINCETON, NEW JERSEY Founded in 1746 Chartered in 1746 A Denominational Institution (Presbyterian) DEPARTMENTS COLLEGIATE SCIENTIFIC GRADUATE GENERAL INFORMATION This institution was chartered as the College of New Jersey, and was originally located at Elizabethtown. In 1748 it was removed to Newark, New Jersey, and again in 1756, to Princeton. The present corporate name was not formally assumed until 1896, when the university celebrated the one hundred and fiftieth anniversary of the granting of its charter. A rule of the board of trustees forbids the students becoming members of any Greek-letter fraternity. The corps of professors and instructors numbers gi, and the attendance is about 1300. The library consists of about 235,000 volumes. Women are not admitted. SIGMA CHAPTER Founded June 17, 1875. Became inactive in 1882 OTHER FRATERNITIES Beta Theta Pi (inactive), 1843-50, 1878-80; Delta Kappa Epsilon (inactive), 1845- 57; Zeta Psi (inactive), 1850-84; Delta Psi (inactive), 1851-53; Chi Psi (inactive), 1851-57; Kappa Alpha (inactive), 1852-56; Phi Kappa Sigma (inactive), 1853-76; Sigma Phi (inactive), 1853-55; Delta Phi (inactive), 1854-77; Chi Phi (inactive), 1854-68; Theta Delta Chi (inactive), 1863-67. 251 SIGMA CHAPTER PRINCETON UNIVERSITY Oren Britt Brown A.B. A.M., 1879 Leighton Finley A.B., A.M. William Talmage Kaufman A.B., A.M. William Bird Van Lennep A.B., A.M. M.D., Hahnemann Med. Col., 18 Class of 1876 Attorney at Law Dayton, O. Judge of Court of Common Pleas, Court House Montgomery County, Ohio Soldier Officer in U. S. Army Insurance Physician Professor of Surgery, 3 Hahnemann Medical Col. Washington, D. C. Plainfield, N. J. Philadelphia, Pa. 1421 North Spruce St. ♦George Sidney Aderton Orville Sanford Brumback A.B., A.M. LL.B., Univ. of Mich., 1879 Richard Wilde Walker A.B., A.M. Rolla Wells Class of 1877 Merchant St. Louis, Mo, Died Aug. 12, 1889 Attorney at Law Toledo, O. President of Toledo Public Library 1603 Madison St. Director of Van Wert National Bank Grand Consul, 1886-88 Delegate to 12th, 15th, 17th, and 23d Grand Chapters Orator of i6th Grand Chapter Director Union Savings Bank Director Van Wert Nat'l Bank Director Central Mfrs. Ins. Co. Director Mutual Aid, B. & L. Co. Attorney at Law Huntsville, Ala. Mayor of St. Louis St. Louis, Mo. 509 Olive St. Courtlandt Charles Clarke B.S. Robert McCalmont C.E. *F. Sidney Papin A.B., A.M. M.D., Jefferson Med. Col., 1881 Edward James Van Lennep A.B., A.M. Class of 1878 Manufacturer Attorney at Law Delegate to nth Grand Chapter Physician Died Jan. i, 1889 Teacher Principal of Sedgwick School Sing Sing, N. Y. Franklin, Pa. 1144 Elk St. Chicago, 111. Great Barrington, Mass. Class of 1879 Daniel Moreau Barringer Geologist & Mining Engineer Philadelphia, Pa. A.B., A.M. 460 Bullitt Bldg. LL.B., Univ. of Pa. Law School, 1S82 Charles Burbank Henderson, Ky. *Edgar Farris Ewing Decatur, 111. Died Aug. 26, 1884 Edward Furman South Amboy, N. J. A.B. William H. McCreery tSt. Louis, Mo. Henry Lee Minor Attorney at Law fEvansville, Ind. 252 PRINCETON UNIVERSITY Robert McKean Nazro Commercial Traveler William Fanning Wickham A.B. LL.B., St. Louis Law School, 1881 Albert Wylly Merchant With Republic Iron and Steel Company 253 Milwaukee, Wis. 379 Prospect Ave. St. Louis, Mo. Kinlock Park Savannah, Ga. Bland Ballard A.B. LL.B., Louisville Law School, 18S2 Francis Theodore Bryan, Jr. A.B. Class of 1880 Attorney at Law Insurance Class of 1881 David Castleman Breckinridge Attorney at Law A.B., A.M. LL.B., St. Louis Law School, 1881 ♦Charles Ryle Danforth Merchant A.B. Died in 1896 ♦Robert Rodgers Shellabarger Attorney at Law A.B., A.M. LL.B., Columbian Died in January, iS Law School, 1883 Class of 1882 Pendleton Taylor Bryan Attorney at Law A.B. LL.B., St. Louis Law School, 1884 Charles Denby, Jr. Merchant A.B., A.M. Secretary of Provisional Government Louisville, Ky. St. Louis, Mo. 654 Locust St. New York, N. Y. Lord's Court BIdg. Athens, Greece Washington, D. C. St. Louis, Mo. 506 Olive St. Tientsin, China THE UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYL- VANIA PHILADELPHIA, PENNSYLVANIA Founded in 1740 Chartered in 1755 First Class Graduated in 1757 A State Institution DEPARTMENTS collegiate department of physical university hospital education law laboratory of hygiene medical graduate department dental for women veterinary the wistar institute of biological anatomy and biology STATISTICS Value of buildings and grounds - - - - - $ 419,586.06 Amount of endowment ------ 5,222,952.73 Value of productive funds ------ 5,207,599.58 Income from all sources for 1899-1900 - - - 940,407.11 Tuition in collegiate department ----- 150.00 Number of volumes in library ----- 139,963 Number of professors and instructors in all departments - 260 Number of students in attendance . - - - 2,673 Women are admitted. PHI PHI CHAPTER Founded September 27, 1875. Became inactive in 1887. Was revived May g, 1896 OTHER FRATERNITIES Delta Phi, 1849; Zeta Psi, 1850; Phi Kappa Sigma, 1850; Delta Psi, 1854; Phi Kappa Psi, 1877; Beta Theta Pi, 1880; Alpha Tau Omega, 1881; Phi Gamma Delta, 1881; Chi Phi (inactive), 1883-85; Phi Delta Theta, 1883; Delta Upsilon, 1888; Psi Upsilon, 1891; Sigma Nu (inactive), 1894; Alpha Chi Rho (inactive), 1896; Delta Tau Delta, 1897; Kappa Kappa Gamma, 1890; Phi Delta Phi, 1886; Alpha Mu Pi Omega, 1891; Delta Sigma Delta, 1891; Nu Sigma Nu, 1896. 255 PHI PHI CHAPTER UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA William Burling Abbey LL.B. Duncan Lawrence Buzby LL.B. Matthew Cresswell, Jr. Frank Hamilton Magee A.B. LL.B., 1878 Class of 1876 Attorney at Law Title Officer of Real Estate Title Insurance and Trust Co. Delegate to nth Grand Chapter Attorney at Law Retired Merchant Attorney at Law Philadelphia, Pa. 523 Chestnut St. Philadelphia, Pa. 627 Walnut St. Overbrook, Pa. Philadelphia, Pa. 251 S. Fourth St. B, Gordon Bromley LL.B.. A.M. Walter Lowrie Finley Isaac Newton Gordon Samuel Heilner LL.B. Henry Albert Potter Ph.B., Lafayette Coll., 1877 Earl Milton Seitz Henry Edward Wallace LL.B. *Joseph Warner Yardley A.B. Class of 1877 Attorney at Law Soldier Officer in United States Army Engineer With Standard Oil Co. Merchant Manufacturer Civil Engineer Journalist Died August, 1877 Philadelphia, Pa, Drexel Bldg. fFt. Leavenworth, Kan. Bellefonte, Pa. Philadelphia, Pa, 314 Walnut St. New York, N,Y, 41 Union Square tPhiladelphia, Pa, 512 N. Fifth St. New York, N, Y. Mills Bldg. Philadelphia, Pa, Ogden Armstrong J. Esdaile Florance Edward L Smith Francis G, Stuart Class of 1878 Merchant Banker and Broker Banker Philadelphia, Pa, 226 S. Fourth St. tKansas City, Mo, 532 Delaware St. Philadelphia, Pa, 1613 Spruce St. Philadelphia, Pa. 1339 Fine St. John Dorrance Class of 1879 Wilkesbarre, Pa. Samuel L. Diven M.D. A.B., 1878 A.M., Dickinson Col., 1881 Class of 1884 Physician 256 Carlisle, Pa, 153 N. Hanover St THE UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA 257 William Dennis McClees M.U. David Rinehart Mehaffey C.E. Samuel Lewis Ziegler M.D. A.B., 1880; A.M., Buck- nell Univ., 1883; Sc.D., 1900 Class of 1885 Physician Railroad Official Wichita, Kan. 220 E. Douglas Ave. tOsceola Mills, Pa. Physician Attending Surgeon, Wills" Eye Hospital Ophthalmic Surgeon, St. Joseph's Hospital Presicient Philadelphia Alumni Chapter of Sigma Chi Delegate to 23rcl, 24th and 25th Grand Chapters Philadelphia, Pa. 1509 Walnut St. George Augustus Lung M.D. A.B., Univ. of Rochester, 18S3. A.M.. 1891 Alexander A. Sharp M.D. A.B., Dickinson Col., 1883 Union Worthington A.B., 1S83; A.M., Centre Col. M.D., Tulane Univ., 1886 George Emory Andrews MJ). A.B., Univ. of Rochester Millard Fillmore Cyphers M.D. Charles Walter List Class of 1886 Surgeon Surgeon in U. S. Navy Physician and Real Estate Delegate to 14th and 15th Grand Chapters Grand Praetor First Province, 1886-87 Physician Class of 1887 Physician Physician Washington, D. C. Navy Dept. Earned, Kan. tDenver, Col. 17th and Champa Sts. Bay City, Mich. 302-303 Crapo Blk. Wilkesbarre, Pa. Wheeling, W.Va. 944 Mam St. Robert H. Mitchell M.D. A.B., Centre Col., 1893 George Lawrence McAvoy D.D.S. Ira Shimer M.D. A.B., Lehigh Univ. Class of 1897 Physician Dentist Delegate to 23d and 25th Grand Chapters Physician Surgeon U. S. Army Memphis, Tenn. 429 Court St. Scranton, Pa. Connell Bldg. Frank A. Awl, Jr. LL.B. David Atwood B.S. Samuel A. Boyle LL.B. William M. Campbell M.D.- Ezra H. Connell A.B.. Yale, 1895; LL.B. Curtis S. Foster M.D. Edward Dana Mitchell A.B., Centre Col., 1893; M.D. Iden Mayfield Portser M.D. Eugene Albert Smith M.D. Class of 1898 Soldier Harrisburg, Pa. Second Lieutenant U. S. Army Journalist Madison, Wis. City Editor Wisconsin State Journal 121 W. Wilson St. Attorney at Law Philadelphia, Pa. West End Trust Bldg. Physician McKees Rocks, Pa. Attorney at Law Physician Physician Physician Physician Physician to State Prison Scranton, Pa. Connell Bldg. Pittsburg, Pa. Memphis, Tenn. 429 Court St. Freeland, Pa. Waupun, Wis. 258 PHI PHI CHAPTER William Ernest Arrisou B.S. Charles E. Burke M.D. Theodore E. Connell J. Norman Risley M.D. Arthur Percival Woodward LL.B. Class of 1899 Journalist With North American Salesman Manufacturer Physician Attorney at Law Philadelphia, Pa. 1723 Arch St. Canandaigua, N. Y. Scranton, Pa. Connell Bldg. Philadelphia, Pa. 1831 Chestnut St. Philadelphia, Pa. Girard Bldg. Charles Lowthain Ashley M.D. Orville Elias Babcock Bailey Frederick A. Dale M.D. Joseph Francis DeSilver M.D. Thomas Flavell LL.B. Clifford Parker George A. Stevenson Daniel Dorey Stiltz Eugene Bradley Wilkins Class of 1900 Physician Resident Physician Wilkes- barre Hospital Salesman Delegate to 23d Grand Chapter Physician Army Surgeon Physician Plymouth, Pa. or Wilkesbarre, Pa. Philadelphia, Pa. Lemont, Pa. Atlantic City, N. J. Attorney at Law Germantown, Pa. 5438 Wayne St. Salesman Philadelphia, Pa. With American Prismatic Light Co. N. nth St Lumberman Duluth, Minn. Care Nester Estate Physician Williamsport, Pa. Journalist Washington, D. C. With Washington Post John Thomas Engeman Carroll Hunter Gerry A.B. A.M., Dickinson Col.; Joseph H. Huston B.S., University of Pa., i8g8; Charles Clayton Lister, Jr. Edward W. Loudon M.D. George Lewis Megargee MX). Peter DeLome Overfield LL.B. Charles Perry Wentz William Dwight White, Jr. D.D.S. Lewis J. White-Callan M.D. Walter Winfield Wilson B.S., Princeton Univ., 1897; 1 Edward Rider Kapp William Jordan, Jr. Joseph McGeary Elston F. King William Henry Noblett Class of 1901 Brooklyn, N. Y. Director Brighton B each Racing 215 Montague St. Assn. Physician M.D. Attorney at Law Shrewsbury, Pa. Philadelphia, Pa. LL.B. 1641 Diamond St. Student Philadelphia, Pa. 1805 Arch St. Physician Altoona, Pa. Physician Coatesville, Pa. Annotator 24th Grar d Chapter Attorney at Law Pittsburg, Pa. 927 Carnegie Bldg. Merchant Scranton, Pa, Dentist Wilkesbarre, Pa. 437 South River St Physician Yonkers, N. Y. With Columbus Hos pital 156 Park Ave. Attorney at Law Clarion, Pa. LL.B. 714 Liberty St. Class of 1902 Student Ruxton, Md. Student Philadelphia, Pa. 1642 S. Broad St. Student Philadelphia, Pa. Ranchman Utah Student Chadds Ford, Pa. THE UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA 259 William Beard Riebenack Draughtsman Philadelphia, Pa. Architec ura 1 Draughtsman Dept. 34th and Powelton Ave P.R. R. Eng. Maintenance of Way R. Roscoe Sanborn Student Los Angeles, Cal. 120s W. 23d St. Edward B. Shellenberger Student Germantown, Pa. ^503 Germantown Ave J. J. Singer Student Pottstown, Pa. Bruce N. Trimmer Student York Springs, Pa. B.S., Bucknell, i8q8 Benjamin Gardner Wilson Medical Student Clarion, Pa. B.S., Princeton, 1S98 714 Liberty St. Class of 1903 Warren C. Graham Student Philadelphia, Pa. 324 S. i=;th St. William Horace Hepburn, Jr. Student Philadelphia, Pa. 1728 Pine St. Roger Knox Student Connellsville, Pa. A.B., Princeton Univ., 1900 George Griffith Reichner Chemist Philadelphia, Pa. A.B., Princeton Univ., 189S 3455 Walnut St. Class of 1904 Samuel Calvin Artist Holidaysburg. Pa. David Dale Student Lemont, Pa. B.S. John Smith Goodman Student Philadelphia, Pa. S20 St. Bernard St. Purnel Bush Pratt Student Compton, Cal. UNIVERSITY OF ALABAMA TUSCALOOSA, ALABAMA Founded in 1820 Chartered in 1820 A State Institution DEPARTMENTS COLLEGIATE MINING ENGINEERING CIVIL ENGINEERING LAW STATISTICS Value of buildings and grounds .... $300,000.00 Amount of endowment ------ 300,000.00 Income from all sources for 1899-igoo • - - - 47,000.00 Number of volumes in library - - . . . 26,000 Number of professors and instructors in all departments - 44 Number uf students in attendance . - - - ^oo IOTA IOTA CHAPTER Founded October 29, 1876. Became inactive in 1877 OTHER FRATERNITIES Delta Kappa Epsilon, 1847; Alpha Delta Phi (inactive), 1851-58; Phi Gamma Delta (inactive), 1855-78; Sigma Alpha Epsilon, 1856; Kappa Sigma (inactive), 1867- 69; Sigma Nu, 1874; Phi Delta Theta, 1877; Alpha Tau Omega, 1885; Kappa Alpha, i88q. 261 IOTA IOTA CHAPTER UNIVERSITY OF ALABAMA Robert Jackson Staggers Class of 1876 Merchant Benton, Ala. Chapman Bradford A.B. Kibble Johnson Harrison John Leonard Hendrick A.B. LL.B., Univ. of Miss., 18 Class of 1877 Attorney at Law Class of 1878 Real Estate and Insurance Attorney at Law Madill, I. T. Huntsville, Ala. Fort Smith, Ark. Robert Joseph Lowe LL.B., iS8i Benjamin Arthur Stockard A.B.. Univ. of Miss., 1881 LL.B., Cumberland Univ., 18 Thomas Octavius Smith C.E., Va. Military Inst., 1882 Marion Montgomery Stone Class of 1881 Attorney at Law Broker and Manufacturer Class of 1882 Banker Cashier Birmingham Trust and Savings Co. Secretary of Alabama Bankers' Association Col. 3rd Inf., Ala. Nat. Guards Druggist Birmingham, Ala. Chattanooga, Tenn. 452 Oak St. Birmingham, Ala. Dallas, Tex. 262 THE CENTRE COLLEGE OF KENTUCKY The College Department of Central University of Kentucky DANVILLE, KENTUCKY Founded in 1819 First Class Graduated in 1824 A Denominational Institution (Presbyterian) The Centre College of Kentucky was consolidated in 1901 with the Central University of Kentucky, heretofore located at Richmond, Ky., the consolidated institution taking the name of Central University of Kentucky, with collegiate, law and preparatory departments at Danville, Ky., under the name of Centre College of Kentucky, and departments of medicine and dentistry at Louisville, Ky. DEPARTMENTS COLLEGIATE LAW PREPARATORY STATISTICS Value of buildings and grounds - - - - $ 90,000.00 Value of equipment and apparatus - . . . 10,000.00 Value of productive funds - ,- - - - 350,000.00 Income from all sources for 1899-1900 . - . - 24,000.00 Tuition in collegiate department . - - - 50.00 Number of volumes in library . . - . . 16,000 Number of professors and instructors ... 22 Number of students in attendance .... 244 Women are not admitted. ZETA ZETA CHAPTER Founded December 12, 1876 OTHER FRATERNITIES Beta Theta Pi, 1847; Phi Delta Theta, 1850; Phi Gamma Delta (inactive), 1856-56; Phi Kappa Sigma (inactive), 1860-62; Kappa Alpha (Southern), 1883; Delta Kappa Epsilon; Sigma Alpha Epsilon. 263 ZETA ZETA CHAPTER CENTRE COLLEGE Thomas Lewis Edelen A.B., A.M. *Samuel Lewis Curry A.B. Montgomery May A.B., A.M. B.D., Lane Theo. Sem., 1881 Glen Howard Putnam A.B., A.M., Ph.D. B.D., Union Theo. Sem., 1881 Charles Talbott Thomson A.B., A.M., 1888. B.D., Union Theo. Sem., 1883 D.D. Central Univ., 1901 Benjamin Logan Wheat A.B. Class of 1877 Attorney at Law Class of 1878 Merchant Died July, 18S6 Clergyman Frankfort, Ky. 105 Ewing St. Louisville, Ky. tAlexandria, Va. Clergyman Princeton, 111. Princeton Theological Seminary Clergyman Lexington, Ky. Treas. of West Lexington Presby- Rural Route 6 tery Trustee of Sayre Female Inst. Curator of Central Univ. Associate Ed. of Southern Evangelist Orange Grower Azusa, Cal. *James Monroe Bryant Samuel Lee McKee A.B. D.D., Danville Theol. Sem James Madison Bell Bird- whistell A.B., A.M. ♦Charles Ewing Bowman Nathaniel Lafon Curry A.B., A.M. Charles McAfee Lewis A.B. John Patton McCartney A.B. James William Skinner A.B.. A.M. D.D., 1899 James Nimrod Steele Class of 1879 Died in 1877 Clergyman Class of 1880 Journalist Merchant Died in 1896 Merchant President of Curry Grocery Co. Journalist Editor Shelby Sentinel Attorney at Law Clergyman Farmer Sherman, Tex. LaCrosse, Wis. Lawrenceburg, Ky. St. Louis, Mo. 1615 Lucas Place Harrodsburg, Ky. Shelbyville, Ky. Flemingsburg, Ky. Morrison, 111. Hutchinson, Ky. William Wilson Irwin A.B.. A.M. John Yinger Leming Edgar Christian Newlin A.B., A.M. William Bayard Thomas A.B., A.M. Class of 1881 Druggist Proprietor of South Side Phar- macy Delegate to i6th Grand Chapter Sheriff of Ohio County Clergyman Official With K. C. R. R. Delegate to 14th Convention Accountant Treasurer of Danville Gas Co. 264 Wheeling, W. Va. 24th and Chapline Sts. fDayton, Ky. Cincinnati, O. Chamber of Commerce Danville, Ky. THE CENTRE COLLEGE OF KENTUCKY Class of 1882 265 *George Johnson Allen A.B. *Lynn Boyd Bohon Andrew Forsythe Evans A.B. A.M., 1885 William Leonard McEwan A.B., A.M. Thomas Wood Parry A.B. Ranchman Date of death not reported Student Died in 1881 Attorney at Law Clergyman Clerk Las Vegas, N. Mex. Harrodsburg, Ky. Kansas City, Mo. 515 NewYork LifeBldg. Pittsburg, Pa. 836 Soutli Negby Ave. Kansas, City, Mo. 722 Troost Ave. Speed Smith Fry, Jr. A.B. Elijah Huffman Gregory Peter Gordon Smoot A.B., A.M. John Theodore Tunis A.B. Charles Albert Weber Frank Long Winn Union Worthington A.B., A.M. M.D., Tulane Univ. Class of 1883 Accountant Cashier Grand Avenue Cable Co. Attorney at Law Physician Merchant Brewer Soldier Lieutenant in 12th Cavalry, U.S. A fKansas City, Mo. tMobile, Ala. Maysville, Ky. Lexington, Ky. 44 W. Main St. Louisville, Ky. Physician Salt Lake City, Utah Class of iJ Marcus Marshall Allen A.B. A.M., 1888 John Lvine Cleland A.B., Central Univ., 1S86 George Zophar Dimmitt A.B. LL.B., Univ. of Mich., 18 Cleon Clinton Owens A.B. M.D.. Jefferson Med. Col., 1SS7 Augustus Rogers A.B. Clergyman Clerk and Treasurer Lake Superior Presbytery Clergyman Attorney at Law Ishpeming, Mich. 106 Euclid St. Areola, III. Denver Col. 955 Pearl St. Frankfort, Ky. Physician Superintendent of Feeble Minded Institute of Kentucky Teacher Danville, Ky. Superintendent of Kentucky Insti- tute for Deaf Mutes William Micajah Fible Nicholas McDowell, Jr. A.B. William Elgin Smoot Class of 1885 Broker Houston, Fible & Co. Capitalist Salesman Kansas City, Mo. Danville, Ky. Maysville, Ky. 310 Market St. Class of 1886 *Thomas Reed Browne A.B. Charles Grider Caldwell Hugh Craft *John W. Murry M.D. Farmer Date of death ot reported Salesman Insurance With Equitable Life Ins. Co. Physician Died September 28, 18S8 Beechland, Ky. Peoria, III. 809 Sanford St. McComb City, Miss. Frankfort, Ky. 266 ZETA ZETA CHAPTER *John Miller Craig Edward Melvin Green, Jr. A.B., A M.,t89o. M.D.,Univ.ofPa 1890 Walter Graham Hall Mathias Joseph Holt John Williams Phelps Frank Dillon Van Winkle A.B. James Thomas Vaughan B.S. Clarence Edward Vaughan James Marshall Givens B.S. Class of 1887 Physician Stanford, Ky. Died March, 1892 Physician Danville, Ky. , Physician in Charge of Oklahoma Hospital for Insane Assistant Physician Eastern Ken- tucky Insane Asylum Assistant Physician Central Ken- tucky Insane Asylum Cotton Buyer Farmer Farmer Merchant Delegate to 22d Grand Chapter Hotel Merchant Little Rock, Ark. 1018 Scott St. tFrankfort, Ky. Harrodsburg, Ky. Cincinnati, O. 314 W. Fourth St. Campbellsville, Ky. Greensburg, Ky. Class of 1889 Attorney at Law Andrew Phelps McCormick Farmer Delegate to 17th Grand Chapter Dist. Dep. Grand Exalted Ruler B. P.O. Elks for Ind.Ter. Muskogee, Ind. Ten Graham, Tex. Class of 1890 Hugh McElroy Grundy *Haydon Young Grubbs Charles Hume Sanford John Sallee Van Winkle B.S. Richard Apperson LL.B., Univ. of Mich., 1894 Joseph Paxton Burton William Newton Craig A.B. M.D., Louisville Hospital College of Medicine Allan Logan Samuel Boyd Rogers Edwin Lafayette Van Winkle *Frank K. Andrews Calvin Morgan Fackler A.B. LL.B., Louisville Law School, 1894 Henry Livingston Godsev A.B. Hervey Smith Keller *Harry Allen Patrick William Jennmgs Price A.B.,A.M. LL. B., Centre Col., iS Merchant Soldier Died Oct. i, 1899 Attorney at Law County Attorney Promoter Manager of Van Winkle Telephone Company Grand Praetor of Third Province, 1890-92 Class of 1891 Attorney at Law Train Despatcher Chief Despatcher for Louisville & Nashville Railroad Springfield, Ky. Danville, Ky. Newcastle, Ky. Danville, Ky. Physician Merchant Pres. Logan Grain Co. Attorney at Law Traveling Salesman Class of 1892 Banker Died in 1901 Attorney at Law Mt. Sterling, Ky. Montgomery, Ala. Stanford, Ky. Kansas City, Mo, 233 Board of Trade Denver, Col. Covington, Ky. Memphis, Tenn. Danville, Ky, Government Official Superintendent of Stamp Vault, Internal Revenue Bureau Physician Farmer Died March, 1894 Attorney at Law )5 Delegate to and Grand Tribune of 22d Grand Chapter Grand Praetor of Third Province, 1901 Washington, D. C. 717 loth St., N. W. Frankfort, Ky. Flemingsburg, Ky. Danville, Ky. THE CENTRE COLLEGE OF KENTUCKY 267 James Granville Cecil Charles Thomas Corn Thomas N. Cornelison A.B. B.D., Danville Theol. Sem Martin D. Hardin A.B. B.D., Danville Theol. Sem., David Claude King A.B. Edward Dana Mitchell A.B. M,D., Univ. of Pa., 1S97 *Courtney Parmele William Hocker Shanks James Hugh Swango A.B. B.L. David Yandell Walsh M.D.. Univ. of Louisville, 1896 Class of 1893 Farmer Attorney at Law Clergyman Clergyman 1S96 Farmer Physician Visiting Physician to Memphis City Hospital Banker Died August 16, 1896 Farmer Attorney at Law Physician Danville, Ky. Harrodsburg, Ky. Wichita, Kas. Minneapolis, Minn. 1217 4th St. Stanford, Ky. Memphis, Tenn. 429 Court St. Louisville, Ky. 1401 3rd St. Stanford, Ky. Terre Haute, Ind. Erwin Blk. Louisville, Ky. 1555 3d Ave. Leslie Campbell Atherton Albert Andrews Brennan *John Thomas More Creel William Franklin De Long Robert Harold Mitchell M.D., Univ. of Pa., 1896 *Charles Sadler Patrick Casey McKee Owsley B.S. LL.B., Univ. of Va., i8q Ernest W. Sprague LL.B., Univ. of Louisville *Charles Stephen Swango William Jackson Van Sant Julian Proctor Van Winkle Thomas Q. Watson Class of 1894 Reporter Died March 17, 189 Farmer Physician Farmer Died August, 1897 Attorney at Law Attorney at Law Miner Died January, 1901 Farmer Traveling Salesman Delegate to 21st Grand Chapter Merchant Willard, 111. Louisville, Ky. 727 5th .•\ve. Louisville, Ky. Danville, Ky. Memphis, Tenn. 429 Court St. Flemingsburg, Ky. Deming, N. Mex. Louisville, Ky. 307 Mutual Life of Kv. ■ Bldg. Butte, Mont. Flemingsburg, Ky. Danville, Ky. •^Chicago, 111. Richard B. Bell A.B. LL.B., 1895 Morrison Breckenridge LL.B., 1900 James Hervey Dorman, Jr. LL.B. James Wier Griffith Ulie J. Howard B.L. Patrick Joyes John Andrew Prall Henry Skiles McElroy B.S. LL.B., 1897 Arthur Cecil Van Winkle LL.B., 1897 Class of 1895 Attorney at Law Attorney at Law Attorney at Law Chief'Clerk of Judge Advocate of Cuba Banker Attorney at Law Farmer Banker Attorney at Law Attorney at Law Louisville, Ky. Danville, Ky. Havana, Cuba " Palace" Owensboro, Ky. Covington, Ky. 4th and Scott Shelbyville, Ky. Danville, Ky. Lebanon, Ky. Danville, Ky. 268 ZETA ZETA CHAPTER Class of 1896 Albert Seaton Berry, Jr., Smith Alford Blackburn M.D., Columbian Med. Col., 1899 Spurgeon Cheek M.D., Hospital Col. of Medicine, George Comer Ewing Frank C. Green LL.B. Lewis Craig Humphry Thaddeus Bell McCormick Ernest Thruston Smith B.S. LL.B., iSq8_ Samuel Culvin Willis B.S. Secretary of Hawaiian Commission Newport, Ky. Louisville, Ky. Physician Physician Canadian, Tex. 1898 Attorney at Law Owingsville, Ky. Master Commissioner of Bath County Circuit Court Attorney at Law and Editor Owenton, Ky. Deputy Master Commissioner of Owens County Circuit Court Reporter Attorney at Law Traveling Salesman Accountant With Swift & Co. Louisville, Ky. 1403 4th Ave. Dallas, Tex. 15s loth St. Danville, Ky. "fPhiladelphia, Pa. 629 Girard Ave. Henry L. Hornberger Emmet Field McElroy B.S. Carl Jacob McKnight B.S. Carl Mize B.S. Hubert Gibson Shearin B.S. William Boone Stanfield A.B. LL.B., Vanderbilt Univ., 1899 Robert Bruce Waddell B.L., Univ. of Louisville, 18 William Davis Hopper William Walter Knott John Vimont Lyle William Rowland Magoffin Class of 1897 Reporter Philadelphia, Pa. Delegate to 24th Grand Chapter 1423 Walnut St. Kansas City, Mo. Lessee and Mgr. Jackson Lithia 5th St. and Highland Spring Water Co. Ave. Delegate to 23d Grand Chapter Traveling Salesman Chicago, 111. 60 Wabash Ave. Merchant Hazel Green, Ky. Teacher Attorney at Law Clerk of Graves County Circuit Court Attorney at Law Class of 1898 Salesman Insurance Attorney at Law Foreman With Frankfort Chair Co. |New Haven, Conn. Mayheld, Ky. 480 South St. Somerset, Ky. Charleston, W. Va. 183 Dickinson St. Lebanon, Ky. New York City 54 Wall St. Frankfort, Ky. Ephraim D. Pennington Ernest Alfred Van Winkle Class of 1899 Attorney at Law Merchant Stanford, Ky. Danville, Ky. Robert Lawrence Berry Samuel Carr Childs Edwin Porter Curry B.S. Leslie Holman Gault B.S. Clay Goodloe A.B., LL.B. Sidney Green James Waller Rodes Class of 1900 Naval Officer Ensign in U. S. Navy Clerk Druggist Farmer Attorney at Law Dentist Farmer Newport, Ky. tSyracuse, N. Y. Danville, Ky. Washington, Ky. Danville, Ky. Texas, Ky. Burgin, Ky. THE CENTRE COLLEGE OF KENTUCKY Class of 1901 William Gibson Berry James Martin Sallee George Barnes Saufley Richard Ellis Valentine Physician Farmer Attorney at Law Physician Yazoo, Miss. Danville, Ky. Stanford, Ky. Newcastle, Ky. 269 Steele Bailey, Jr. Ike Lanier Sallee Hartwel! Henderson Linney Harry McGinnis Gavin C. Morris Paul Dudley Trigg William Fant Warford Class of 1902 Student Delegate to 25th Grand Chapter Student Student Student Distiller Banker Student Stanford, Ky. Danville, Ky. Danville, Ky. Owensboro, Ky. Frankfort, Ky. Glasgow, Ky. Flemingsburg, Ky. Samford Erwin Patrick Hamilton Thomson James Lafayette Walker Class of 1903 Student Student Student Danville, Ky. Owensboro, Ky. Franklin, Ky. John Robert Anderson Paul Doneghy Hubert Samuel Howard John Starks Rodes Class of 1904 Student Student Student Student Danville, Ky. Danville, Ky. Ghent, Ky. Burgin, Ky. THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN Founded in 1837 First Class Graduated in 1845 A State Institution , DEPARTMENTS LITERATURE ENGINEERING SCIENCE AND ARTS DENTAL MEDICAL PHARMACY LAW HOMEOPATHIC STATISTICS Value of buildings and grounds - - - . $1,240,000.00 Value of equipment and apparatus - - . . 800,000.00 Amount of endowment . _ . . . 700,000.00 Value of productive funds ------ 45,000.00 Income from all sources for 1899-1900 - - - 555,623.90 Tuition in literature, science, and arts department - - 30.00 Number of volumes in library ----- 156,000 Number of professors and instructors - - - - 207 Number of students in attendance - - - . 3,700 Women are admitted and constitute about 21 per cent, of the attendance. THETA THETA CHAPTER Founded December 12, 1877 OTHER FRATERNITIES Beta Theta Pi, 1845; Chi Psi, 1845; Alpha Delta Phi, 1846; Delta Kappa Epsilon, 1855; Delta Phi (inactive), 1855-77; Zeta Psi, 1858; Phi Delta Theta, 1864; Psi Upsilon, 1865; Delta Tau Delta, 1875; Phi Kappa Psi, 1876; Delta Upsilon, 1876; Sigma Phi, 1858; Chi Phi (inactive), 1882-85; Phi Gamma Delta (inactive), 1885-95; Alpha Tau Omega (inactive), 1888-96; Sigma Alpha Epsilon, 1889; Theta Delta Chi, 1889; Kappa Sigma (inactive), 1892-99; Kappa Alpha Theta, 1879; Gamma Phi Beta, 1882; Delta Gamma, 1885; Pi Beta Phi, 1888; Kappa Kappa Gamma, 1890; Alpha Phi, 1892; Delta Delta Delta (inactive), 1894-1900; Phi Delta Phi, 1869; Nu Sigma Nu, 1882; Delta Sigma Delta, 1882; Phi Chi, 1883; Mu Sigma Alpha, 1888; Xi Psi Phi, 1889; Alpha Epsilon Iota, 1890; Delta Chi, 1893; Omega Psi, 1896. 271 THETA THETA CHAPTER UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN Thomas Dwight Cone *Alpheus Felch A.B., 1877 LL.B.,Bowcloin Col. *Teremiah Wright Gladish LL.B. *Thomas Cornelius Logan Eugene E. Trussing LL.B. Class of 1878 Attorney at Law Attorney at Law Died June 13, i8g6 Editor Died August 30, 18 Attorney at Law Died January 9, 18 Attorney at Law Toledo, Ohio 2246 Collingwood Ave. Ann Arbor, Mich. Petersburg, Ind. Kansas, City Mo. Chicago, 111. 1113 Rookery Bldg. Henry Edgar Baker LL.B. William Logan Brackenridge LL.B. Orville Sanford Brumback A.B. A.M., Col. of New Jersey LL.B. William Jerome Davis LL.B., Univ. of New York City, A.B., 1876; A.M., Yale, 1882 Thomas Albert Dickson LL.B. *Jude Emmett Dunlap LL.B. *John Vigers Eustace LL.B. Henry Clay Hanna LL.B. Frank Stewart Hastings George Haywood, Jr. LL.B. Dana Spalding Lander LL.B. Elbridge Emerson Lewis LL.B. William Bernard McGrorty LL.B. George Merritt Orr Winslow Shelby Pierce LL.B. tSalt Lake City, Utah Rochester, Minn. Class of 1879 Merchant Attorney at Law Attorney at Law Toledo, O. President Toledo Public Library 1603 Madison St. Director Van Wert National Bank Grand Consul 1886-1888 Delegate to 12th. 15th, i6th, i7tfi and 23d Grand Chapters Orator of i6th Grand Chapter Director Union Savnigs Bank Director Wan Wert Nat. Bank Director Central Mfrs. Ins. Co. Director Mutual Aid B. & L. Co. Attorney at Law Harrison, N. J. 1878 Attorney at Law Attorney at Law Died July 6, 1897 Died Sept. 13, 1893 Attorney at Law Banker Attorney at Law With United States & Mexican Trust Co. Miller Attorney at Law Attorney at Law Attorney at Law Counsel for Union Pacific R.R. 272 Leadville, Col. 4 Old Postoffice Bldg. Kansas City, Mo. Chicago, ill. Fort Wayne, Ind. Kansas City, Mo. 1527 Central Ave. ■j-Merrill, Wis. Chicago, 111. 623 New York Life "Bldg. Beaver Dam, Wis. St. Paul, Minn. 313 Somerset St. Wilkesbarre, Pa. New York City W. 58th St. THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 273 Samuel Martin Brenneman LL.B. Walter Gold Cleveland Kirke Hart Field LL.B. *Frederick John Haines Clarence Alvard Kenyon LL.B. James Parmelee Logan LL.B. Isaac Thomas McCarty LL.B. D. Stuart McClure LL.B. Matthew M. MacMillan George UeRue Meiklejohn LL.B. *Bion UeVaughn Meredith Mortimer Craig Miller LL.B. George Fremont Peabody LL.B. Henrv Adelmon Smith LL.B. Lynn Tew Sprague LL.B. Class of 1880 Banker Attorney at Law Attorney at Law Attorney at Law Died .Mays, 1884 Attorney at Law Journalist Editor Newark Evening News Attorney at Law Attorney at Law Attorney at Law Assistant Secretary of War Merchant Died April 30, i8g3 Attorney at Law Attorney at Law Attorney at Law Attorney at Law Orville, O. tCleveland, O. Public Square Redlands, Cal. 434 Highland Ave. Cleveland, O. tKansas City, Mo. 414 Highland Ave. Newark, N. J. 217 Market St. Greencastle, Ind. Marietta, Mich, Mahanoy City, Pa. Washington, D. C. Van Wert, Ohio. Pittsburg, Pa. no Diamond St. Gardner, Mass. Oregon, 111. Jamestown, N. Y. James Hardin Atterbury LL.B. A.B., 1H79; A.M., McKendree Col., 1882 Benjamin Francis Berry Class of 1881 Attorney at Law Frederick Hathaway Bor- radaile LL.B. Augustus Franklin Allen Brown LL.B. William Frederick Elliott LL.B. Ph.D., Butler Univ. *George Philip Graver LL.B. Florence Clifton Miller LL.B. *James S. Negley, Jr. William Cadid Smith Willet Barker Sticknev LL.B. Merchant Analyst and Mineralogist Attorney at Law Attorney at Law Died in 1S93 Attorney at Law Attorney at Law Died in 1889 Attorney at Law Attorney at Law Manager Drumm Flats Commission Company Director St. Louis Live Stock Exchange Litchfield, 111. Detroit, Mich. 533 Cass Ave. Detroit, Mich. 171 W. Fort St. tBeaver Falls, Pa. Indianapolis, Ind. Fletcher's Bank Bldg. Pittsburg, Pa. Pittsburg, Pa. 93 Diamond St. Caldwell, Idaho. Delphi, Ind. East St. Louis, 111. 617 N. Ninth St. *Eugene Lusk Clark James Hawkins Clark Walter Clark Horace Lincoln Combs Cyrus Edgar Davis A.B., Ind. Univ., 18S0; LL.B. Class of 1882 Merchant Died Jan. 5, 1885 Manufacturer Merchant Attorney at Law Member of Legislature Clarksdale, Miss. fClarksdale, Miss. Clarksdale, Miss. South Whitley, Ind. Broomfield, Ind. 274 THETA THETA CHAPTER Charles Hartzall Walter Henry Hughes LL.B. Taylor D. Kelley Attorney at Law Attorney at Law Merchant 3rd Vice President Norvell- Shapleigh Hardware Co. Denver, Col. E. & C. Bldg. tGrand Rapids, Mich. Clarendon Hotel St. Louis, Mo. William Belmont Anderson LL.B. Betrand Dwight Conklin LL.B. Nathaniel Parrish Conrev LL.B. A.B., 1881; A.M., De Pauw Univ., 1884 *Abner Johnson Easton Edwin Richard Elliot Charles Dayton Etnyre *Frank Morton Gilmore A.B.. Dartmouth Col.; LL.B. Henry Halleck Hosmer LL.B. Frank Wilson Hull LL.B. Robert Matheny Horatio Havelock Nelson Class of 1883 Attorney at Law State's Attorney for Winona County, Minn. Theodore Royer, Jr. Ph.C, 1882; A.B., 1883 William Hines Savidge B.S., Univ. of Minn., 1881; LL.B George Elmer Shaw LL.B. Russell Easton Shepherd LL.B. Frank G. Warden B.S., Denison Univ., 1881; LL.B. Newton Wyeth A.B., Oberlin, 1879 Thomson Arnold Ph.B., De Pauw Univ., 1882 Rowland William Bailey D.D.S. Lemuel G. Dafoe Reuben Willets Edwards LL.B. Albert Lee Eliel John Pratt Elkins M.E., Pa. State Normal School LL.B. Charles Orville Munns M.D. Joseph Kirk Persons LL.B. Edson Madison Rowley LL.B. Attorney at Law Judge Superior Court Real Estate Died January 7, 1895 Merchant Abstracter Died in 1892 Attorney at Law Attorney at Law Attorney at Law Accountant With Dueber Watch Case Manu- facturing Co. Manufacturer Attorney at Law Attorney at Law Attorney at Law State's Attorney Mower County Member Board of Education Attorney at Law Attorney at Law Class of 1884 Banker Dentist Attorney at Law Postmaster of Alpena Vice-Pres. from Mich, of Nat. League of Republican Clubs Miner Attorney at Law 580 Physician Attorney at Law Attorney at Law Chief Clerk in Office of Chief Cora missary, Dept. of the Columbia Winona, Minn. 582 W. 6th St. tChester, N. Y. Los Angeles, Cal. California Bank Bldg. LaCrosse, Wis. Litchfield, 111. Oregon, 111. Elk Point, N. D. Nashville, 111. Kearney, Neb. Springfield, 111. Canton, O. Piqua, O. ■fPocatello, Idaho Pittsburg, Pa. Carnegie Bldg. Austin, Minn. Newark, O. Chicago, 111. Chamber of Commerce Bldg. North Manchester, Ind. Omaha, Neb. Alpena, Mich. fColorado Springs, Col. LaSalle, 111. Indiana, Pa. Oxford, O. 131 E. High St. Lewiston, Idaho Vancouver, Wash. Barracks THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 275 Cassius Augustus Shafer J. Frederick Watts B.S., Univ. of the Pacific M.D., Col. of Medicine and Sur- gery of New York City John Hampden Yoell LL.B. A. B., Santa Clara Col., iS Attorney at Law Physician Attorney at Law tToledo, O. fPortland, Ore. San Jose, Cal. Charles Judkins Bocher John Wesley Bennett A.B., 18S2; LL.B., 1885 Elizur Wheeler Goodrich ♦Richard Albert Haste B.S. George Damon Tunnicliff LL.B. Thomas Van Buskirk LL.B. Class of 1885 Attorney at Law Attorney at Law Attorney at Law Attorney at Law Date of death unknown Attorney at Law Attorney at Law Shawnee, Okla. Ann Arbor, Mich. Braidwood, 111. Wichita, Kan. Macomb, 111. Bloomfield, Ind. Class of 1886 George Zophar Dimmitt A. B., Centre Col., 1884: M. A. Centre Col., 1890; LL.B. Elmer Ellsworth Halsey Francis Grant Higgins LL.B. "Willett Enos McMillan William Luther Mason LL.B. Fredrick Bemister Shepherd LL.B. John Emmet Sullivan A.B., Detroit Col., 1SS4; LL.B. Thomas Burchard White LL.B. Attorney at Law Attorney at Law Attorney at Law Mining Operator Delegate to 20th Grand Chapter Miner Manufacturer Attorney at Law Attorney at Law Judge of Probate, Delta County Denver, Colo. 955 Pearl St. Lewiston, Idaho. Missoula, Mont. Paris, 111., and Colo- rado Springs, Colo. tHoulalingua, Yukon Ten, Canada Oswego, N. Y. 95 W. Bridge St. Detroit, Mich. 615 Union Trust Bldg. Escanaba, Mich. Class of 1887 Physician Delegate to 18th Grand Chapter Physician Attorney at Law Delegate to i6th Grand Chapter Walter Stilson Blaisdell M.D. Elmer Ellsworth Carv M.D., Bellevue Hospital Med. Col.. 18S7 John Brackett Childe Ph.B.. Denison Univ., 1885 A.M., Denison Univ., 1888 LL.B., Law School of the Cincinnati Col., 1887 Harry Hamilton Douglas Attorney at Law Ph.M., Wooster Univ., 1S83: LL.B. Member Board of Education Fulton County (Ga.) Administrator Banker Clinton, la. Grand Praetor Sixth Province, 1S90-1892 Attorney at Law Fort Wayne, Ind. 216 W. Washington St. Merchant Boyd, Wis. Chatfield, Minn. Punxsutawney, Pa. New York, N. Y. Cincinnati, O. 68 Carew Bldg. Atlanta, Ga. 501 Gould Bldg. Joseph Henry Ingwersen LL.B. Charles Willebald Kuhne LL.B. E. Erastus Ramsdell Francis Giles Shumway LL.B. Lyman Beecher Sullivan LL.B. Orla Benedict Taylor A.B., 1886; LL.B., 1887 Attorney at Law Attorney at Law Peru, Ind. I and 2 Shirks Blk. Detroit, Mich. 14 Butler Bldg. 276 THETA THETA CHAPTER Charles Ailing, Jr. LL.B. A.B., Hanover Col., iS A.M., 1889 Clarendon Bennett Ever LL.B. Frank Malvern Mather LL.B. George Henry Murdoch, Jr. Fred Townsend LL.B. John Ellsworth Young Class of 1888 Attorney at Law Chicago, 111. Alderman Second Ward. Chicago 706 Tacoma Bid Delegate to i6th. 17th, 21st, 22nd, 23rd, and 24th Grand Chapters Grand Tribune, 1888-1900 Editor-in-Chief of Sigma Chi Quarterly, 1888-1895 Editor of Catalogue of 1890 Attorney at Law Alderman Second Ward Attorney at Law Clerk of Probate Court Member of City Council Attorney at Law Attorney at Law Evanston, 111. Hartford, Conn. 114 Pearl St. Berrien Springs, Mich. Albia, la. Inspector ■fPequaming, Mich. Abraham Benedict LL.B. *James Nicholas Edmonson LL.B. *Louis William HoUaday Samuel Robb Ireland LL.B. James Archibald Muir LL.B. Frederick Leroy Prentiss A.B. Crawford Scott Reilley LL.B. Morton Edwin Stevens Charles William Vermilion LL.B. Benjamin Tones Boutwell LL.B. Leonard Grinstead Cox A.B. Dudley Hersey Doe Tolman T. Gelder Walter Cornelius Parmenter LL.B. George Brace Shattuck LL.B. James Samuel Shortle B.S., Purdue Univ., 1888 John Robert Sutton LL.B. Percy Ansel Walling LL.B. John Franklin Ziegler Pliny William Andrews Allan Beach Bevans James L. Bevans M.D. Asa Hamilton Danforth LL.B. Class of 1889 Attorney at Law Attorney at Law Died December, 1899 Died July 15, 1899 Government Official U. S. Secret Service Attorney at Law Editor Assistant City Editor of Cleveland Plaindealer Attorney at Law Attorney at Law Attorney at Law Class of 1890 Merchant Insurance Publisher Printer Attorney at Law Delegate to 21st Grand Chapter Attorney at Law Insurance Attorney at Law Undertaker Class of 1891 Rochester, N. Y. 85 Oxford St. Denver, Col. Evanston, 111. Rochester, N. Y. Bo.x 262 Port Huron, Mich. II White Bldg. Cleveland, O. Cheboygan, Mich. Seattle, Wash. Centerville, la. Oak and 14th Sts. Ward, Col. Lexington, Ky. 60-66 East Main St. Stillwater, Minn. Philadelphia, Pa. 241 American St. Lima, O. 10 Opera House Chicago, 111. 79 Dearborn St. Chicago, 111. 184 LaSalle St. Hillsdale, Mich. Circleville, O. Peoria, 111. 318 Perry Ave. Manufacturer With Logan Mfg. Co. Physician Attorney at Law Titusville, Pa. 124 E. Walnut St. Chicago, 111. 501 W. Diversey Ave. Decatur, 111. Peoria, 111. THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 277 Walter Reuben Dedrick LL.B. R. B. Francis Fred H. Johnson Ph.B. *Sam Elliott Low LL.B. Charles Webster Munger LL.B. George Lowe Nye LL.B. Eugene Edward Sullivan Eli Ransom Sutton LL.B., LL.M.. B.S. Adolph Cornelius Rietbrock B.L., Univ. of Wis., 1SS9; LL.B. Henrv Darland Wood Attorney at Law Attorney at Law Died March 26, iSgg Attorney at Law Warren County Recorder Attorney at Law City Attorney Attorney at Law Attorney at Law Resent of Univ. of Miciiigan Attorney at Law Delegate to i8th Grand Chapter Attorney at Law Denver, Col. Equital3le Bldg. Peoria, 111. tHillsdale, Mich. Lincoln, Neb. Lebanon, O. Salt Lake City, Utah Atlas Bldgf. Lancaster, N. H. Detroit, Mich. 1002 Majestic Bldg. Milwaukee, Wis. 107 Wisconsin St. Cleveland, O. James Francis Burke LL.B. Frank Combes LL.B. *George Oren Crane B.L. Franklin Henry Gale LL.B., Ohio State Univ., 1893 Francis Lester Grant LL.B. Walter Miles Harvey LL.B. George Jost Reiner LL.B. Joseph Sears, Jr. LL.B. Perry Smith, Jr. *Arthur Edgar Sweet Boynton Holcourt Van Derveer Arthur Webster LL.B. Class of 1892 Attorney at Law Secretary Board of Health Attorney at Law Died in iSgg Attorney at Law Delegate to 21st and 22d Grand Chapters Attorney at Law Attorney at Law Deputy Prosecuting Attorney Attorney at Law Attorney at Law Attorney at Law Attorney at Law Died in February, 1897 Attorney at Law Ross Beale LL.B. Bernard F. Brough LL.B. Ronoldo Meredith Cooper B.L. Herbert Henry Cowen John Hou£,'h James A.B.. LL.B. Ernest W. Marland LL.B. George Willis Nattinger LL.B. Daniel Alvin Pelton B.S., Mich. Agricultural Col., Charles Frederick Roehrig LL.B. Gideon M. Sipe LL.B. Class of 1893 Farmer Township Clerk Attorney at Law U. S. Commissioner Attorney at Law Delegate to igth Grand Chapter Attorney at Law Attorney at Law Attorney at Law Attorney at Law Botanist ! W^ith Dept. of Agriculture Editor Asst. Night Editor Asso- ciated Press Attorney at Law Pittsburg, Pa. Cleveland, O. log Burt St. Flint, Mich. Columbus, O. 3ogS. High St. Denver, Colo. Equitable Bldg. Tacoma, Wash. 501 N. M St. Spokane, Wash. Oregon, 111. Zanesville, O. Flushing, Mich. Hamilton, O. Detroit, Mich. 35 Whitney Opera House Bldg. Mt. Sterling, O. Toledo, O. 303 Gardner Bldg. Kokomo, Ind. Virden, 111. Urbana, O. Pittsburg, Pa. 426 Diamond St. Lyons, la. Washington, D. C. Denver, Col. 42 King Block Cardington, O. 278 THETA THETA CHAPTER Richard Apperson LL.B. *William Henry Burton, Jr. LL.B. M.L., Yale, 1895 Frank Crozier LL.B. A.M., Hanover Col., 1894 Luther Freeman LL.B. Lott R. Herrick B.L., Univ. of 111., 1892; LL.B. Edwin Charles Henning LL.B. William Warren HoUiday LL.B. Jerauld John Ingle LL.B. Isaac Thomas Jones *Herman Bertram Krogman B.L. Dwight Otis Miller B.L. James Loury Donaldson Mor- rison Charles Daniel Orear LL.B. Hugh Carnes Smith LL.B. Lewis Augustus Stoneman LL.B. Worth VVillard Wepple LL.B. Class of 1894 Attorney at Law Date of death unknown Attorney at Law Delegate to 21st Grand Chapter Grand Editor, 1895-1897 Grand Historian, 1897-1899 Attorney at Law Attorney at Law Attorney at Law Newspaper Correspondent Delegate to 22d Grand Chapter Attorney at Law Attorney at Law Teacher Superintendent of Schools Died December 18, 1900 Banker Attorney at Law Attorney at Law Attorney at Law Prosecuting Attorney Grundy Co. Attorney at Law Attorney at Law Mt. Sterling, Ky. Cincinnati, O. Avondale Chicago, 111. 803 Atwood Bldg. Cherryvale, Kan. Farmer City, 111. Camden, Ind. Denver, Col. San Diego, Cal. 7th and Ash Sts. Colorado Springs, Col. Negaunee, Mich. Greenfield, O. Second and South Sts. St. Paul, Minn. Lebanon, Ind. Trenton, Mo. Detroit, Mich. 121 Hazelwood Ave. Michigan City, Ind. Richard James Barr LL.B. *Robert J. Bunyan M.D. Randolph Carter LL.B. Arthur Fremont Calerdine James Allen Cotner LL.B. *Robert Byron Crane LL.B. Horace Levi Dyer LL.B. Maurice Fitz-Gerald LL.B. Joseph Wesley Kimberlin LL.B. M.D., Univ. Med. Co!., Kansas Charles Oren Willits Ph.B., DePauw Univ., 1894 Class of 1895 Attorney at Law Mayor of Joliet, 111. Physician Date of death unknown Attorney at Law Merchant Attorney at Law Attorney at Law Died April 5, 1901 Attorney at Law Attorney at Law Physician City, 1900 Attorney at Law Joliet, 111. Young Bldg. Kendallville, Ind. Omaha, Neb. 31 U.S. Nat. Bank Bldg. Minerva, O. Logansport, Ind. 2000 High St. Kalamazoo, Mich. St. Louis, Mo. 813 Union Trust Bldg. Anderson, Ind. Kansas City, Mo. 8th and Campbell Sts. Kokomo, Ind. Howard National Bank Bldg. Wilber Townsend D.D.S. *Henry James Witbeck Class of 1896 Dentist Died June 16, 1896 El Paso, Tex. Chicago, 111. THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 279 Class of 1897 Teacher Civil Engineer City Engineer Physician Lewis Burton Alger Ph.D. Lowis Warner Anderson B.S., Albion Col.; B.S. (C.E.) Albert M. Carr M.D., Col. Physicians and Surgeons i8g8 Harold O. Comstock Carl Herbert Cooper Teacher A.M.. Ph.D., 1901 James W. Long Physician M.D. Albert Henry Stoneman Clergyman A.B.; B.D., Andover Theological Seni. St. Joseph, Mich. Grand Rapids, Mich. 24 Eureka Ave. Cedar Springs, Mich. Indianapolis, Ind. Bryan, O. Grand Rapids, Mich. 265 Bates St. Robert Southgate Danforth A.B. Paul Phelps Ingham A.B. Carl Sears Kennedy B.S. M.D., 1900 William Lewis Love Morey Aldrich Wood B.S. (Mech. E.) Arthur Roy Wren B.S. Class of 1898 Bookkeeper With Curtiss Lumber Co. Bookkeeper Witli Mitchell & McClure Physician Civil Engineer Asst. Engineer of Michigan Cen tral R.R. Teacher Chemist Chemist American Smelting & Refining Co. Mill City, Ore. Duluth, Minn. Detroit, Mich. 716 Cass Ave. Detroit, Mich. 243 Lincoln Ave. Burlington, la. 705 N. Fifth St. Pueblo, Col, Charles Fisher Delbridge B.L. LL.B., 1901 Jonathan Wistar Harris B.S. Charles Augustus LaFever B.S. (E.E.) Hugh Law Ard Ezra Richardson B.S. (E.E.) B. S. (Mech. E.) 1900 Arthur Dickey Stansell B.L. Clarence Wright Whitney B.S. (Mech.E.) Detroit, Mich. 663 Second Ave. Class of 1899 Attorney at Law Auditor of Mackinac Island Municipal Water, Light and Power Co. Delegate to 23d Grand Chapter Chemist Chicago, 111. With Western Electric Company 53 .-^stor St. Engineer Battle Creek, Mich. Assistant Superintendent Advance 75 Garrison Ave. Thresher Co. Member Board Public Works Inspector Pontiac, Mich. With Joint Rate Inspection Bureau Electrical and Mechanical Detroit, Mich. Engineer With Detroit United Ry. Co. Student Delegate to 24th Grand Chapter Editor Associate Editor Western Electrician Grand .Vnnotator, 1900-1901 716 Cass Ave. Detroit, Mich. 543 Trumbull Ave. Chicago, 111. 510 Marquette Bldg. Frank Staples Bachelder B.S. George E. Granger Burton Otto Greening Ph.B. John Frederick McLean B.L. Class of 1900 Teacher Prof, of Biology Drake Univ. Clerk W^ith Illinois Central RR. Teacher Principal of High School Teacher Kno.\ Col. Des Moines, la. Chicago, 111. 6046 W'ashington Ave. Negaunee, Mich. Galesburg, 111. 28o THETA THETA CHAPTER *LeRoy Webster Floyd Arthur Wilson Charles Henry Widman Assayer With Guggenheim Smelting Co. Died February is, 1901 Student Manufacturer With C. D. Widman & Co. Parral, Mexico Ann Arbor, Mich. 1335 Hill St. Detroit, Mich. 79 E. Canfield Ave. Waldo Botsford Bach Ebenezer George Beuret A.B. Lewis Merritt Gram B.S. (C.E.) George Doming Hudnutt B.S. (Mech. E.) Chester Orville Jordan William Wick Kittleman, Jr. B.S. (E.E.) George W. Magly Walter Herbert Mills William Comer Mitchell A.B. Julius Jerry Nufer Howard Richardson A.B. Jesse J. Ricks A.B. Max Hayden Barber Benjamin Walter Chidlaw Charles R. L. Crenshaw Adam E. Ferguson James Edward Hanrahan ♦Robert Keith Knight Charles Salmon Mathews Roy R. Peck Eldred G. Robbins Class of 1901 Lumber Inspector Student Attending Rush Med. Col. Civil Engineer With American Bridge Co Draughtsman Clerk With Merchants' Loan & Trust Co. Engineer Collector Deputy Collector Internal Reven Student Attending Harvard Univ. Student Student Delegate to 25th Grand Chapter Student Class of 1902 Student Student Student Student Student Student Died ]uly^22, 1901 Student Student Student Portland, Ore. 533 Morrison St. Flint, Mich. 606 East St. Toledo, O. Vistula Flats South Bend, Ind. 813 W. Washington St. Chicago, 111. 6343 Evans Ave. Detroit, Mich. 616 14th Ave. Cincinnati, O. 2624 Eden Ave. Springfield, 111. je Martinsville, Ind. Whitehall, Mich. Saginaw, Mich. 402 N. Jeiferson Ave. Taylorville, 111. Ishpeming, Mich. Cleves, O. Lamar, Mo. SaultSte Marie, Mich. Buffalo, N. Y. 1231 Delaware Ave. Kalamazoo, Mich. Poiitiac, Mich. 50 Clark St. South Bend, Ind. Ishpeming, Mich. Ernest Frank Briggs Henry T. Danforth Robert Bellows Gage Earle Ingersoll Houston Albert Ernest Herrnstein Howard Hill Kingsley Earle Kelly Knight Frederick C. Mellish William Alfred Peck Harry Rickel LL.B., 1899 Roy Wesley Sanner James Frank Shepherd Fitch Roberts Williams Class of 1903 Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Attorney at Law Student Student Student Delta, O. Ann Arbor, Mich. Troy, O. Marshall, Mich. Chillicothe, O. Paola, Kan. Albion, Mich. ' Saginaw, Mich. Allegan, Mich. Detroit, Mich. 95 Adelaide Ave. Decatur, 111. 569 W. Macon St. Cheboygan, Mich. Elk Rapids, Mich. THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 2S1 Harley John Hills Raynor Bessac Haeussler Thomas S. P. McHenry William Warren Tyler, Jr. Donald Cramer Waite John Vincent Weadock Class of 1904 Student Attending^ Cornell Univ. Student Student Student Attending Cornell Univ. Student Student Jackson, Mich. Manchester, Mich. Scooba, Miss. Buffalo, N. Y. 927 Elmwood Ave. Detroit, Mich. 79 E. Hancock Ave. Saginaw, Mich. Paul Mosely Dimmick Ralph Samuel Gram Merle William Gee Herbert Charles Hubel Alan DeGrief Knisely Charles Franklin Peck Class of 1905 Student Student Student Student Student Student William Cunningham Thayer Student Kalamazoo, Mich. Menominee, Mich. Whitehall, Mich. St. Clair, Mich. Lima, O. Allegan, Mich. Grand Rapids, Mich. SOUTHERN UNIVERSITY GREENSBORO. ALABAMA Founded in 1856 A Denominational Institution (Methodist Episcopal, South) DEPARTMENTS COLLEGIATE PREPARATORY STATISTICS Productive funds ------- $50,000.00 Income from all sources for 1899-1900 . - - - 15,995.00 Tuition in collegiate department - . . - 50.00 Number of volumes in library . - - . - 8,000 Number of professors and instructors - - - - 12 Number of students in attendance ----- 160 Women are admitted. CHI CHI CHAPTER Founded in December, 1879. Became inactive in 1882 OTHER FRATERNITIES Pi Kappa Alpha (inactive), 1871-73; Sigma Alpha Epsilon, 1878; Kappa Alpha, 1882 ; Alpha Tau Omega, 1885 ; Phi Delta Theta (inactive), 1887-96. 283 CHI CHI CHAPTER SOUTHERN UNIVERSITY Linton Daniel Landrum Ph.B. Edward Burton Ward Ph.B. M.D., Univ. Med. Col. N. Y., 1882 *John Du Bois Yerby A.B. John William Moore A.M. Mark H. Moore A.B. George Warren Tarry Class of 1879 Attorney at Law Columbus, Miss. Selma, Ala. Physician Attending Surgeon to Selma Infirmary Member Board of Medical Exami- ners, Dallas Co., Ala. Member U. S. Pensions Board E.xaminers Teacher Mobile, Ala Date of death not reported Class of 1880 Class of 1882 Clergyman Merchant Birmingham, Ala. Centerville, Miss. Marion, Ala. Class of 1883 John Bryant Gray Cumming John Henry Epps Benjamin Edward Feagin Archibald Amos Jones B.E., Univ. of Ala., 1882 Lucius C. Jones Fitz James Milligan Samuel L. Tisdale Thomas R. Ward, Jr. A.B., Univ. of Ala., 1882 Charles E. Allen Thomas M. Byrne Henry T. Johnson Zachariah Peachy Landrum William T. Rencher Uriah E. Scales Joseph Anderson Scott John Marion Turner Clarence M. Verdel A.B. A.M.. Emorv Col. Clergyman Farmer Merchant Teacher Attorney at Law Clergyman Merchant Class of 1884 Farmer Clergyman Attorney at Law Clergyman Clergyman Photographer Teacher tMarion, Ala. Old Spring Hill, Ala. Pine Apple, Ala. tHackettstown, N. J. tSartartia, Miss. Geneva, Ala. tMt. Sterling, Ala. Greensboro, Ala. Old Spring Hill, Ala. Bluff Springs, Fla. Post Oak Ala. Columbus, Miss. ■fLouisville, Ala. tGainesville, Ala. Elmore, Ala. tTuscumbia, Ala. Elberton, Ga. 284 WABASH COLLEGE CRAWFORDSVILLE, INDIANA Founded in 1832 First Class Graduated in 1838 A Denominational Institution (Presbyterian) DEPARTMENTS collegiate preparatory STATISTICS Value of buildings and grounds . . . - $210,000.00 Value of equipment and apparatus - . . . g4,ooo.oo Productive funds ------ 470,000.00 Income from all sources for 1899-1900 - - - - 22,000.00 Tuition in collegiate department - - - - 24.00 Number of volumes in library ----- 37,000 Number of professors and instructors - - - 16 Number of students in attendance . . . - 200 Women are not admitted. DELTA CHI CHAPTER Founded in the spring of 1880. Became inactive in 1894 OTHER FRATERNITIES Beta Theta Pi, 1845; Phi Delta Theta, 1850; Phi Gamma Delta, 1866; Phi Kappa Psi, 1870 ; Delta Tau Delta, 1872 ; Theta Delta Chi (inactive), 1879-82 ; Kappa Sigma, 1895. 285 DELTA CHI CHAPTER WABASH COLLEGE Class of 1880 Henry Newton Coons Physician A.B. M.D., Hahnemann Med. Col., Chicagro, 1883 A.M., 1887 Abraham L. Flaningham Attorney at Law B.S. LL.B., Union Col. of Law, 1882 George Alexander Mackintosh Clergyman Charles Philorman Bates A.B., A.M. B.D., Presb. Theol. Sam., N. J., 1884 Charles Fremont Dame A.B. A.M. Albert Stinson Hughey A.B. A.M., 18S8 Philip Melancthon Jamieson A.B. A.M. Lebanon, Ind. Chicago, 111. 711 Reaper Block Kendallville, Ind. Charles White Merrill A.B. A.M., 1887 Charles Washington Moores A.B. A.M., 1885 LL.B., Central Law School of Ind., 18S3 Class of 1881 Clergyman Clergyman Clergyman Clergyman Class of 1882 Publisher Indianapolis, Ind. Treasurer of the Bowen-Merrill 50 Blacherne Company Attorney at Law Indianapolis, Ind. United States Commissioner 602-610 Lemcke Bldg Member of Indianapolis Board of School Commissioners Sault Ste. Marie, Mich. 336 E. Spruce St. Rising Sun, Ind. St. Louis, Mo. 3733 Laclede Ave. St. Louis, Mo. 5049 Delmar Ave. Robert Layman Dorsey A.B., Butler Univ. George Theodore Durham Horace Franklin King A.B. Andrew Edgar Reynolds B.S. Otis Alexander Smith A.B. D.D., 1893 A.M., 1887 *William S. Lamb r^'A.B. Daniel H. Lane George Lewes Mackintosh A.B., A.M Samuel Alfred Snoddy A.B. William Wilson Snoddy A.B. Class of 1883 Manufacturer Indianapolis, Ind Secretary and Treasurer Tucker & 1409 Central Ave. Dorsey Mfg. Co. President Phoenix Caster Co Banker With First National Bank Merchant Merchant Clergyman Class of 1884 Real Estate Date of death uncertain Farmer Clergyman Real Estate Clergyman 286 Crawfordsville, Ind. 215 West Main St. Crawfordsville, Ind. Crawfordsville, Ind. Bay City, Mich. Oklahoma City, O. T. Colfax, Ind. Indianapolis, Ind. 303 E. Nineteenth St. West Lafayette, Ind. 6th and Waldron Sts. Dayton, Ind. WABASH COLLEGE 287 ♦Empson Cory Frederick Coffin Foster A.B. A.M. *Henry Beecher Hamilton Oscar Samuel Knapp Pembroke S. Reynolds John Dumont Reid Class of 1885 Clergyman Died August 11, 1895 Teacher Prof, of History in St. Lawrence Univ. Teacher Died September 19, 1887 Physician Manufacturer Class of 1886 Clergyman Washburn, Wis. Canton, N. Y. San Francisco, Cal. Frankfort, Ind. Crawfordsville, Ind. 616 E. Wabashi Ave. Sheboygan, Wis. Fielding Beeler William F. Bridge Walter Harrison Evans A.B. A.M., 1889. Ph.D. Franklin Martin Kistler William K. Martin B.S. William Clarence Thomas A.B., B.S. Class of 1887 Farmer Deputy County Clerk, Marion County, Ind. Surveyor Botanist Editor Experiment Station Rec- ord, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture Attorney at Law Merchant Banker Prest. of Royal Center Bank Cashier of Logansport State Bank Indianapolis, Ind. 132 E. Washington St. fMinneapolis, Colo. Washington, D. C. Logansport, Ind. Crawfordsville, Ind. Logansport, Ind. 1211 High St. Charles Morton Cory William Blakely Kritz A.B. ♦James Wilson Reser Class of 1888 Government Official Merchant Teacher Died October 16, 1893 tExcelsior, Minn. Waveland, Ind. Lafayette, Ind. Moreland Boyd Binford A.B. Henry Harrison Davis William Jenkins Fernald M.D. Thomas A. Crisman Class of 1889 Manufacturer Physician Class of 1890 Teacher County School Supt. Crawfordsville, Ind. Danville, 111. Frankfort, Ind. 655 E. Wabash St. Redfield, S. Dak. R. Joseph Eastman B.S. M.D. *Will Schuyler Hayes *Reese Davis Kelso Samuel Merrill, Jr. Saxe W. Mowers A.M., M.D. John William Porter Albert Vernon Randall Class of 1891 Physician Student Died in 1886 Physician Died in 1896 Physician Asst. Chief Surgeon Northern Pacific Ry. Manufacturer Electric Railway Supplies Merchant Indianapolis, Ind. Ligonier, Ind. Waveland, Ind. La Crescenta, Col. Brainerd, Minn. Chicago, III. 309 Dearborn St. Shelbyville, Ind. 288 DELTA CHI CHAPTER Frank Morton Ericson A.M. Caswell Steel Jones Class of 1892 Teacher Prof, of Greek Ripon Col. Banker Assistant Cashier First National Bank Frederick Wilson McReynolds Attorney at Law LL.B., Columbian Univ., 1892 Harry D. Robbins Frank Gorgas Strong Accountant Ripon, Wis. Robinson, 111. Washington, U. C. 1-2 Fendall Bldg. fBrazil, Ind. Shelbyville, Ind. Ottis Edwin Acker B.S. Robert Plummer Lewis Harry Alexander Murphy Robert James Rice Joseph Ball ♦Robert James Bunyan M.D., Northwestern Univ., 1895 James Harding Nicholas McCarty Harrison Arthur Peterson Huffer Rush Dutton Miller William F. Murdock Stanley Augustus Niles Harry Walter Ream Charles Gustave Winter Norman Wood Luke Wood A.B. LL.B. William Harrison Morgan Charles T. Sansberry LL.B., Univ. of Ind., 1898 Class of 1893 Superintendent With Acker Process Co. Delegate to 19th Grand Chapter Representing R. G. Dun & Co. Class of 1894 Merchant Niagara Falls, N. Y. Glascow, Mont. Sullivan, Ind. Champaign, 111. 18 Main St. Waveland, Ind. Albion, Ind. Died September 2, 1S96 Crawfordsville, Ind. County Surveyor Montgomery County Indianapolis, Ind. Muncie, Ind. Richmond, Ind. Crawfordsville, Ind. 513 W. Main St. Mishawaka, Ind. 410 E. Second St. Muncie, Ind. Shelbyville, Ind. Crawfordsville, Ind. Kansas City, Mo. Receiving Clerk For Dodge Mfg. Co. Attorney at Law Armour Packing Co. Class of 1895 Attorney at Law Crawfordsville, Ind. Anderson, Ind. 7-8 Neeley Blk. George Arthur Graydon Cramer Class of 1896 Chicago, 111. With Chicago Tribune 1533 Kenmore Ave. Delegate to 21st Grand Chapter THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS CHAMPAIGN, ILLINOIS Founded in 1867 First Class Graduated in 1872 A State Institution DEPARTMENTS LIBERAL ARTS SCIENCE ARCHITECTURE ENGINEERING MUSIC AGRICULTURE ART AND DESIGN • LIBRARY SCIENCE LAW MEDICINE AND PHARMACY STATISTICS Value of buildings and grounds .... $1,100,000.00 Value of equipment and apparatus .... 250,000.00 Amount of endowment ..... 550,000.00 Value of productive funds ..... 550,000.00 Income from all sources for 1899-1900 - - - 453,118.78 Tuition in liberal arts department .... Free Number of volumes in library .... 57,ooo Number of professors and instructors .... 258 Number of students in attendance .... 2,500 Women are admitted and constitute 20 percent, of the attendance. KAPPA KAPPA CHAPTER Founded May 31, 1881. Became inactive in 1885. Was revived December 22, 1891 OTHER FRATERNITIES Delta Tau Delta, 1872 ; Kappa Sigma, i8gi ; Phi Kappa Sigma (inactive), 1892-93 ; Phi Delta Theta, 1893 ; Alpha Tau Omega, 1895 ; Kappa Alpha Theta, 1895 ; Pi Beta Phi, 1896; Phi Gamma Delta, 1897; Sigma Alpha Epsilon, 1899; Kappa Kappa Gamma, 1900. 289 KAPPA KAPPA CHAPTER UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Clarence E. Brady *Arthur M. Bridge David Eichberg B.L. LL.B., Union Col. of Law Andrew John Eisenmeyer B.S. Charles Newton Roberts B.S. ♦Charles Mortimer Russell B.L. Frederick Daniel Rugg B.L. Frank Shlaudeman B.S. John George Wadsworth Charles Albert Ailing Harry J. Diffenbaugh Richard E. Dorsey William Ames Heath B.L. Chilton Dana Hudgens M.E. Henry Long McCune B.L. LL.B., Columbia, .1886 Edward H. Swasey LL.B., Union Col. of Law James Nelson Warrington M.E., Stevens Inst, of Tech., 18 Guy H. Babcock B.A. Albert Lee Eliel Joseph H. McCoy George Nathan Morgan B.L. LL.B., Union Col. of Law Lewis Clark Roberts B.L. Class of 1882 Attorney at Law Farmer Died June 9, 1894 Attorney at Law Victor, Colo. Cor. Third St. and Vic- tor Ave. Goldfield, la. Chicago, 111. Room Sio, 167 Dear- born St. Manufacturer Springfield, Mo. Pres. and Mgr. Eisenmeyer Milling Co. Civil Engineer Chicago, 111. 478 Milwaukee Ave. Clerk Urbana, 111. Delegate to 15th and 17th Grand Chapters Died Dec. 27, 1900 Insurance State Life Ins. Agent Brewer Supt. Decatur Brewing Company Sec'y and Treas. Illinois State Bottlers' Protective Assn. Banker Oak Park, 111. 202 Clinton .-^ve. Decatur, 111. 833 S. Webster St. Council Bluffs, la. 201 Pearl St. Class of 1883 Chicago, 111. 5544 S. Peoria St. "fWashington, Kan. fStanton, 111. Champaign, 111. 715 W. University Ave. Manager With Darling & Co., Fertilizers, Union Stock Yards Merchant Attorney at Law Banker Cashier Champaign National Bank City Treasurer, City of Champaign Illinois Commissioner Pan-Ameri- can Exposition Manufacturer Columbus, O. Manager Columbus Machine Co. 83 W. Third Ave. President Columbus Metal Manu- facturers' Association Treasurer National Association of Engine Manufacturers Attorney at Law Kansas City, Mo. Delegate to 14th Grand Chapter 611 New England Bldg. Attorney at Law Dow City, la. Class of li Attorney at Law Civil Engineer With San Miguel Land Co. 290 Los Angeles, Cal. 1711 S. Hope St. tRidot, 111. fLa Salle, 111. fFrench Grove, 111. Chicago, 111. 112 Dearborn St. Chinemaca, Vera Cruz, Mexico. THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 291 Alexander M. Allen Judson Finley Ayers B.L. George Huntington Ellis B.s. Albert George Manns B.L. Ph.D., University of Berlin, 1888 Sherman Latta Marshall B.L. *Henry George Peterson William H. Smith B.L. Class of 1885 Architect Real Estate Chemist and Assayer Chemist With Armour & Co. Farmer Delegate to 15th Grand Chapter Died November, 1885 Attorney at Law fChicago, 111. 161 Lasalle St. fChicago, 111. Unity BIdg. Chicago, 111. 103, 163 Randoli.h St. Chicago, 111. 5001 S. Ashland Ave. Ipava, 111. Hastings, Neb. Great Falls, Mont. William Arthur Babcock B.L. *Dwight Harrison Barrett B.S. Fritz Hadra William David Jones M.D., Chicago Med. Col., 18 ♦Myron Quillon McCune ♦William H. Parker De Witt Smith Hugo S. Speidel Henry White Wilder B.A. Class of 1886 Attorney at Law- Chemical Engineer Died December 30, 1888 Army Surgeon in Philippines Physician and Surgeon Surgeon G. N. R. R. Physician and Surgeon to State School for Deaf Merchant Died May 21, 1889 Civil Engineer Delegate to 20th Grand Chapter Mgr. David Henry Bldg. Co. Manufacturer Secy. Chicago Bridge & Iron Co. Lewistown, 111. Baltimore, Md. Orange, Texas Care A. Gilmer Devils Lake, N. D. Ipava, 111. Oswego, 111. El Paso, Texas Patterson, N. J. Cor. i4thAve.&26thSt. Chicago, 111. 9S47 Prospect Ave. Horace Taylor Edward Webster Pickard B.A. Boyle Vance M.D., Univ. of Michigan Class of 1887 Artist Class of 1888 Scarsdale, N. Y, lOQ Decker Bldg., N. Y. City Journalist Chicago, 111. News Editor Chicago Evening Post 154 Washington St. Physician & Surgeon Springfield, 111. Marine Bank Bldg. Franklin Gregory Carnahan A.B. Charles William Cross B.S. Robert Humphrey Forbes B.S., M.S. Charles Alexander Gunn B.S. Lott Russell Herrick B.L. LL.B., Univ. of Mich. Charles Albert Kiler B.L. Class of 1892 Attorney at Law Civil Engineer Chemist Director of Arizona Agricultural E.Nperiment Station Architect Attorney at Law 1894 City -Attorney Merchant Mittcndorf & Kiler Champaign, 111. Indianapolis, Ind. 1537 College Ave. Tucson, Ariz. New York City 500 W. isoth St. Farmer City, 111. Champaign, III. 292 KAPPA KAPPA CHAPTER Albert Warren Merrifield *Tohn Barb Morgan Christian Jensen Toerring Royal Wright B.L. Civil Engineer Chinook, Mont. Surveyor of Choteau County Attorney at Law PhcEnix, Ariz, Died January 7, 1901, at Phoenix, Ariz. f New York City Attorney at Law Urbana, 111. Master in Chancery Edward Ernest Barrett B.S. Tames W. Cook ■^ B.S. Edward Everett Hunt B.S. Alfred C. Locke Arthur Bates Loomis B.S. M.C.E., Cornell, 1894 Class of 1893 Civil Engineer With Fairbanks, Morse & Co. U. S. Inspector 'clerk Mechanical Engineer Director LaSalle Public Library Bridge Engineer With Massillon Bridge Co. Chicago, 111. Monroe & Franklin Sts. Rock Island, 111. Chicago, 111. 7041 Parnell Ave. LaSalle, 111. Toledo, Ohio. Care"TheMonticello." Thomas Crawford B.S. Charles Abbott Elder George Frederickson B.S. Benjamin Baldwin Holston B.S. LL.B., Yale Univ., 1896 Conrad Bryant Kimball B.S. Peter Mogenson B.S. Charles Thornton Wilder B.S. Class of 1894 Electrical Engineer Supt. Sterling^ Gas & Elec. Light Loan Broker Pres. Los Angeles Investment & Trust Co. Merchant Delegate to 21st Grand Chapter Attorney at Law Architect and Vocalist Civil Engineer Teacher Instructor of Photography Univ Sterling, 111. Co. Los Angeles, Cal, 138^ S. Spring St. Oklahoma City, Okla, 617 East 9th St. Nashville, III. Evanston, 111. 1134 Michigan Ave. Monterey, Mexico Smelter No. 3 Champaign, 111. of III. Herbert Clarke Arms B.S. James Palmer Balding Richard James Barr LL.B. Univ. of Mich_. 1895 Charles Baker Burdick B.S. Robert Davison Burnham Victor Andre Matteson Oscar B. Mueller Porter David McConney Arthur Low Pillsbury B.S. in Arch. B.S., Harvard, William Ira Roysdon B.L. Class of 1895 Manufacturer Chicago, 111. With Chicago Laboratory Supply 39 W. Randolph St. & Scale Co. Delegate to 21st and 22d Grand Chapters Grand Praetor Fifth Province, 1895-97 Grand Annotator, 1897-1900 Grand Tribune, igoo Editor Sigma Chi Song Book Clerk Milwaukee, Wis. 2d Lieut. Troop A ist Cav. W.N.G. _ 212 Prospect Ave. 1893 Attorney at Law Mayor of Joliet Civil Engineer Stock Breeder Architect Mechanical Engineer and Manufacturer Vice-Pres. Mueller Mfg. Co. Traveling Salesman With Simmons Hardware Co. Delegate to 19th Grand Chapter Architect Merchant Joliet, 111. City Hall Chicago, III. 15S0 Old Colony Bldg. Champaign, 111. Evanston, 111. 1460 Maple St. Decatur, 111. 1275 N. Church St. St. Louis, Mo. Bloomington, 111. Champaign, 111. THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 293 Tames George Beach B.S. David Hobart Carnahan A.B. M.A., 1898 Melville Clarke Chatten B.S. Paul Henry Cooper B.S. Frank Henry GazzoUo B.S. A.B., Harvard, 1897 M.A., Harvard 1898 Henry M. Heisel Jerome Aaron Leland B.S. Charles Milton Lewis B.S. Robert Knight Porter A.B. Sherman Smith B.S. William La Barthe Steele B.S. Frederick Way Woody Class of 1896 Civil Engineer With Purdv & Henderson, 78, 5th Ave., N. Y. City Teacher Asst. Professor of Romanic Lan- liuages Univ. of Illinois Architect Merchant Chemist Binghamton, N. Y. 121 Murray St. Champaign, 111. Sec. Kenwood Hotel Co. Stock Breeder Pres. Am. Southdown Breeders' Association Architect Teacher Univ. of Arizona Architect and Ranchman Smith's Ranch Architect Assistant Postmaster Chicago, 111. 2251 Calumet Ave. Mendota, 111. Chicago, 111. 95 Astor St. Chicago, 111. Cor. 47th St. and Ken- wood Ave. Springfield, 111. Leland Hotel Danville, 111. Plaza Hotel •Prescott, Arizona Jolley, la. Pittsburg, Pa. 6356 Marchand St. Champaign, 111. Thomas Butterwick Beadle B.S. Robert J. Hotchkiss William Henry Kiler A.B. Forest Mitcheson Lowes LL.B., Northwestern Univ., 1897 Carl Merriman Nye B.S. Robert Nye Horace Chamberlain Porter A.B. B.S., 1899. M.S., 1900 A.M.. Harvard, 1901 James Paul Ray Clarence Sutton Wheldon Class of 1897 Chemist and Assayer Architect Attorney at Law Breckenridge & Shelly Attornev at Law Gilt Edge, Mont. Peoria, 111. Lexington, Ky. Geneseo, 111. Chicago, 111. Civil Engineer Asst. Engineer C. R. I. & P. R. R. Chemist Centerville, Idaho Graduate Student, Harvard Champaign, 111. Manufacturer Grand Rapids, Mich. Vice-Pres. Detroit Malleable Iron Co. 86 S. Prospect St. Director Grand Rapids Malleable Iron Co. Druggist Emporia, Kan. 516 Union St. Edgar Cook Cooper Hewitt S. Dixon Isaac Beasley Hudson LL.B., Chicago Law School, 1900 Joseph Hunter Marshutz A.B. Albert James Stone Frederick Henry Wilson B.S. Class of 1898 Merchant Clerk Attorney at Law Law Student, Harvard Delegate 23d and 25th Grand Chapters Manufacturer Carriage Builder Electrical Engineer U. S. S. Kentucky Aurora, 111. Kankakee, 111. 80 Greenwood Ave. Memphis, Tenn. 14 Madison St. Milwaukee, Wis. Empire Bldg. Quincy, 111. 1636 Main St. Asiatic Waters Care William C. Wil- son, Evanston, 111. 294 KAPPA KAPPA CHAPTER Robert Hill Coey George John Griffith Charles Edward Keener Howard C. Means George Leslie Rapp B.S. Paul Frederick Augustus Rudnick B.S. Ph.G., Chicago College of Pharmacy, 1893 James Frank Sperry Ralph Thompson A.B. George Bassett Williams B.S. Class of 1899 Superintendent With Swift & Co. Clerk Manager Architect Chemist Insurance and Real Estate Fruit Grower Architectural Engineer Superintendent Holabird & Roche Chicago, 111. 1201 W. Garfield Ave. Chicago, 111. Chicago Union Station Chicago, ill. 90 Wabash Ave. Crowe Indian Agency Montana Chicago, 111. 616 Title and Trust Bldg. Chicago, 111. 3701 S. Lincoln St. Champaign, 111. Carbondale, 111. Chicago, 111. 1618 Monadnock Bldg. William Jay Brown B.S. Roy Nebeker Davidson Robert Grant Holabird Andrew Oliver Jackson A.B., Lake Forest Univ., 1896 LL.B., Northwestern Univ., igoo Charles Sunderland Johnson B.S. Wilkins Hoover Owens B.S. Laurance Penfield Robinson Homer E. St. Jrhn Class of 1900 Architect Delegate to 24th Grand Chapter Clerk Superintendent Holabird & Roche, Architects Prof, of Modern Languages Shurtleff College Mechanical Engineer With Frost Mfg. Co. Medical Student Walnut Grower Bookkeeper Paducah, Ky. 516 Broadway Champaign, 111. Chicago, 111. 1618 Monadnock Bldg. Upper Alton, 111. Galesburg, 111. Champaign, 111. Santa Barbara, Cal. Rockford, 111. 841 N. Church St. Bertram Wilson Adsit LL.B. William Thomas Borden Edwin Boyd Buchanan M.D., Univ. of Cincinnati Charles Cory Chamberlin A.B. Roy Hawks Griffin Dale Stuart Harrison B.S. James Edward Johnson Webb W. Martin Ruell Starr McGill Otto Webb Class of 1901 Attorney at Law Publisher Interne Speers Memorial Hospital Clerk With American Can Co. Cashier Asst. Cashier ist Natl. Bank Civil Engineer Student Clerk With American Can Co. Clerk Insurance Wellington, 111. La Grange, 111. Dayton, Ky. Chicago, 111. 135 Adams St. Urbana, 111. Sterling, 111. Champaign, 111. Chicago, 111. 135 Adams St. Chicago, 111. 4547 Lake Ave. Houston, Texas John Newell Allen Thomas Frank Carson Dwight Orson Herrick Lyle George Herrick Class of 1902 Student Law Student Life Insurance Student Hoopeston, 111. Urbana, 111. Farmer City, 111. Farmer City, 111. THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 295 Samuel Scott Joy Clyde Milton Mathews , Herbert Earl Post Garland Stahl Willard Carr Thompson Paul Way Woody Architect Birmingham, Ala. Urbana, 111. Editor Champaign'.County Herald 601 Elm St. Delegate to 23th Grand Chapter Decatur, 111. Manager Post & Carter, Wholesale Oil Law Student . Elkhart, 111. Bookkeeper Chicago, 111. With People's Gas, Light & Coke 3258 Forest Av. Co. Insurance Chicago, 111. 604, 134 Monroe St. Rena Clark Cabanis Eli Pike Gale Lee Roy James George Kirkpatrick Larrison Max Lewis Charles Robert Pollard William Stewart Class of 1903 Student Student Mechanical Engineer Civil Engineer Law Student Law Student Kinmundy, 111. Aurora, 111. 256 Main St. Beardstown, 111. Havana, 111. St. Louis, Mo. Delphi, Ind. Mason City, 111, Lawrence Thompson Allen William Douglas Carter Alfred Danely Frederick Lathrop Day Charles Wesley Hawes, Jr. Frederick Merrick Joy Raymond Leonard William Anderson Miskimen Student Charles Newhall Stone Student Class of 1904 Law Student Student Student Reporter Student Draughtsman With T. C. I. & R. R. Co. Student William Edward Trapp Student Hoopeston, 111. Quincy, 111. Care Judge Carter Champaign, 111. Brimfield, 111. Rock Island, 111. 1034 20th St. Birmingham, Ala. Decatur, 111. Hoopeston, 111. Quincy, III. 1636 Main St. Lincoln, 111. UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI CINCINNATI, OHIO Founded in 1874 First Class Graduated in 1877 A Municipal Institution DEPARTMENTS COLLEGIATE MEDICAL DENTAL PHARMACY LAW ENGINEERING STATISTICS Amount of endowment . . . _ . $4,051,962.00 Productive funds ------- 3,000,000.00 Income from all sources for 1889-go - - - 162,959.00 Tuition in collegiate department, to non-residents - - 75-oo Number of volumes in library - - , - - 15,000 Number of professors and instructors - - - - 164 Number of students in attendance - - - - i>35i Women are admitted and constitute about one-third of the attendance. ZETA PSI CHAPTER Founded January 23, 1882 OTHER FRATERNITIES Sigma Alpha Epsilon, 1889; Beta Theta Pi, 1890; Kappa Kappa Gamma (in- active), 1885-85 ; Delta Delta Delta, 1892 ; Nu Sigma Nu, 1892; Phi Delta Phi, 1886; Phi Delta Theta, 1898 ; Omega Upsilon Phi, 1900. 297 ZETA PSI CHAPTER UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI William Lofland Dudley B.S. M.D., Miami Med. Col., i8 Class of 1880 Teacher Nashville, Tenn. , Prof, of Chemistry and Dean of Vanderbilt Univ. Medical Dept., of Vanderbilt Univ. Grand Consul, 1897-99 Class of 1882 Howard Breen Civil Engineer C.E. Leonard Ricker Freeman Physician B.S. M.D., Medical Col. of Ohio Edgar Ambler Harper Civil Engineer C.E. Assistant City Engineer tPittsburg, Pa. Denver, Col. California Bldg. Kansas City, Mo. Eliot Abbot Kebler B.S. Edmund Kittredge Stallo A.B. LL.B., Cin. Law School "William C. Clarke Henry Wyman Laws Edward Muehlberg Ph.G., Col. oi Pharmacy, Cincinnati Class of 1883 Broker Iron and Steel Attorney at Law Class of 1884 Accountant . Druggist Pittsburg, Pa. Second Natl. Bk. Bldg. Cincinnati, O. Clifton Toledo, O. tSan Pedro, Cal. Cincinnati, O. 48 E. McMillan St. Herman Bernard Schmidt B.S. Class of 1885 Chemist Cincinnati, O. loslin, Schmidt & Co. 2523 Essex PL, Manager of American Chemical & VValnut Hills Spirit Co. Delegate to 17th and 19th Grand Chapters Oscar William Kuhn A.B. LL.B.,Cin.LawSchool,i8 John King Scudder A.B. M.D., Eclectic Med. Insti- tute, 1888 Ernst Twitchell B.S. Paul Francis Walker LL.B., Cin. Law School, 1889 Charles Frederick Windisch B.S. Class of 1886 Attorney at Law Cincinnati, O. 7 Chairman Board of Directors Leno.x Place, Avondale Univ. of Cincinnati Delegate to i6th Grand Chapter Grand Praetor Third Province, 1886-88 Physician Cincinnati, O. Sec'y Ec. Med. Inst. 1009 Plum St. Chemist Ivorydale, O. Supt. of Emery Candle Works Teacher Cincinnati, O. Cin. High School Madison Ave. Cincinnati, O. Secretary of Windisch-Muhlhauser Clifton andBryant Ave. Brewing Co. Director of Univ. of Cin. Treasurer of Endowment Fund Ass'n of Univ. of Cin. 298 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI 299 Archibald Irwin Carson B.S. M.D., Miami Med. Col., 18 Edwin Ricker Freeman M.D., Eclectic Med. Institute, iS John Thayer Kebler B.S. Clifford Neville Miller B.S. C.E., 1889 John George O'Connell B.L. LL.B., Cin. Law Dept. Class of 1887 Physician and Surgeon Physician 9 Chemist Cincinnati, O. 46 E. McMillan St. Cincinnati, O. 7th and John Sts. Denver, Col. Engineer Cincinnati, O. Asat. En^'ineer Board of Trustees 21 San Rafael Bldg. Commissioner of Water Works Attorney at Law Cincinnati, O. Member Board of Education, 1325 Grace Ave. Union Board of High Schools Delegate to 15th Grand Chapter Louis Agricola Bauer M.S. C.E. Ph.D., Univ. of Berlin Thomas Guy Langdale A.B. R. Paul Scudder Class of 1888 Chief of Division Terrestrial Mag- netism, U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Washington, D.C. Clergyman Dentist Union Trust Bldg f Boston, Mass. Cincinnati, O. 736 Ridgeway Ave. Class of 1889 Thomas James Creaghead B.S. Howard B.S. M.S., Irwin J. B.S. Electrical Engineer Cincinnati, O. President and General Manager of 802 Plum St. Creaghead Engineering Com- pany Steel Rodgers Banker Cincinnati, O. E.E., Princeton Univ., 1S90 Vice President Merchants' Nat. Merchants' National Univ. of Cincinnati, 1892 Bank Bank Smith Chemist |Chicago, 111. Class of 1890 Attorney at Law Charles Teasdale Coppock LL.B., Cin. Law School John Durrell Hammel Manufacturer B.L. LL.B., Cin. Law School, 1892 Silver Electro-plating *Lewis William Hoffmann B.S. Died May 4, 1895 Harry Esmond Warrington Civil Erigineer C.fe. Cincinnati, O. 2307 Park Ave. San Francisco, Cal. 126 Main St. Cincinnati, O. Hyde Park, O. Asst. Eng. C. N. O. & T. P. Ry. Co. Edwards Road William Dudley Baker William Albert Bennett C.E. George Daniel Harper B.L. LL.B. Cin. Law School Daniel Fallis Wilson LL.B., Cin. Law School Class of 1891 Government Official Norwood, O. Assistant Supt. Money Order Dept., Cincinnati P.O. Civil Engineer City Water Works Attorney at Law Record Examiner Delegate to 21st Grand Chapter Grand Praetor Third Province, 1893-97 Attorney at Law Cincinnati, O. 610 Johnson Bldg. St. Louis, Mo. 3945 Castleman Ave. Cincinnati, O. 2139 Gilbert Ave. Marshall Klincken Bonsall Frank Williamson Stevenson B.A. B.L.. Cin. Law School, i8- Class of 1892 Insurance Agent Cincinnati, O. 17 W. 3d St. Hartwell, O. 9 Superintendent Home Steam Laundry 300 ZETA PSI CHAPTER William Goodman Eaton Frederick Greene Huntington LL.B., Cin. Law School Clyde P. Johnson B.A., 1893; LL.B., 1895, Cornell University William C. McLean LL.B., Cin. Law School, 1892 Henry Dodge Nichols B.A. M.D., Cornell University James William Rowe A.B., M.D. Thomas Cooper Shotwell Horace Ferris Smith William Ray Wood B.L., Cin. Law School Class of 1893 With American Book Co General Agent With Casualty Ins. Co. Attorney at Law Delegate to 19th Grand Cha Attorney at Law Physician Physician Journalist Editor New York Journal Merchant Patent Attorney Junior Member of Wood & 27 Carlyle Bldg. Cincinnati, O. 317 Walnut St. Cincinnati, O. 4th and Central Ave. Cincinnati, O. pter Chamber of Commerce Bldg. . Cincinnati, O. 2910 Gilbert Ave. Atlantic City, N. J. 3203 Pacific Ave. Cincinnati, O. Avondale, 745 Ridgway Ave. New York, N. Y. 59 W. n7th St. Hartford, W. Va. Cincinnati, O. Wood, 3645 Reading Road Frank Sanford Brown B.L. LL.B., Cin. Law School Frank Bradley Cross M.D., Miami Medical Col. William Rice Kemper B.L. D.D.S., Ohio Col. of Dental Surgery Daniel Laurence B.S. Willard Storms Mattox B.L. Class of 1894 Attorney at Law Physician Dentist Deputy Marshal Chief Deputy U. S. Marshal's Office, Cincinnati Delegate to 21st Grand Chapter Cincinnati, O, 1359 Ernst St. Cincinnati, O. 32 Garfield Place Cincinnati, O. 22 W. 7th St. Reading, O. New York, N. Y. Class of 1895 George Paxton Diehl B.L. Ph. B., Cornell Univ. Boyden Kinsey B.A. John Howard Melish B.A., B.D.. Epis. Theol.' School at Cambridge Merchant Secy. Edgewood Distilling Company Clifford Reno Neare M.D., Miami Med. Col., Cincin- nati, O. Richard Talliaferro Southgate Attorney at Law B.S. LL.B., Cin. Law School Philip Conkling Swing Attorney at Law B.L., Cin. Law School Frank Reed Thompson With Howell Mfg. Co Cincinnati, O. Avondale 3747 Reading Road Wyoming, O. With Jones & Laughlins Co., Ld., Union Trust Bldg., Cincinnati Clergyman Cincinnati, O Associate Rector of Christ Epis- Ortiz Bldg. copal Church Bible Lecturer in Univ. of Cincinnati Delegate to 22d Grand Chapter Physician tOrange, N. J. Fyffe Chambers LL.B., Cin. Law School William Caldwell Emerson Ralph Holterhoff B.S. John G. Isham, Jr. Dudley Breed Miller B.S. Class of 1896 Attorney at Law Traveling Salesman With American Book Co. Superintendent Union Trust Bldg. Traveling Freight Agent L. S.-L. V. Route Banker Cashier Commercial Savings Bank Fort Thomas, Ky. Highlands Cincinnati, O. 2873 Linwood Ave. Cincinnati, O. 2144 Fulton Ave. Cincinnati, O. 3182 McHenry Ave. Cincinnati, O. 317 Walnut St. Cincinnati, O. Norway Ave. .Avondale Cincinnati, O. 407 Neave Bldg. Shenandoah, la. UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI 301 Albert W. Ault Eugene R. Buss Class of 1897 Merchant The Ault Wooden Ware Co. Insurance Agent Mgr. E. O. Fitch Ins. Agency A^t. of Travelers Ins. Co., 128 E. Third St., Cincinnati Wyoming, O. Business address. S.W. cor. 6tii and Car Sts. Cincinnati, O. Wyoming, O. Nathaniel Emerson George S. Fox A.B. Joseph S. Graydon LL.B., Cin. Law School Bertram Leigh Hitch B.L., LL.B. Malcolm McAvoy B.L. LL.B., Cin. Law School, 1897 Walter Francis Murray B.S. LL.B., Cin. Law School Edward Lansdale Reynolds B.S. Brayton Graff Richards B.S. LL.B., Cin. Law School James Sanders Richards LL.B., Cin. Law School With Bullock Elec. Mfg. Co. Clerk With American Book Company Student Attorney at Law Attorney at Law Delegate to 23rd Grand Chajiter Attorney at Law Electrical Engineer Mgr. Pa. Sales Office of Electric Storage Battery Co. Attorney at Law In Patent Cases Attorney at Law Vice-Pres. Hudson School Furni ture Co., .'\thens, O. Cincinnati, O. 4j E. McMillan St. Covmgton, Ky. Cincinnati, O. Clifton Cincinnati, O. S. W. Cor. 3rd and Walnut Sts. Cmcinnati, O. 118 E. 4th St. Cincinnati, O. 626 Hawthorne Ave. Philadelphia, Pa. Cincinnati, O. Mt. Auburn, 226 Albion Place Cincinnati, O. 226 Albion Ave. George Le Boutillier C.E. Parke Sheldon Johnson LL.B.. Cin. Law School Thomas Gatch Melish Chas. Eugene Salmon LL.B., Cin. Law School, 1900 Richard Conkling Swing LL.B., Cin. Law School Henry Urner Class of 1898 Assistant Engineer Wellsville, O. Cleveland & Pittsburg Division of Union Station Pennsylvania Lines West of Pittsburg Attorney at Law With Fay & Egan Co. Manufacturer Secretary Bromwell Brush & Wire Goods Co. Attorney at Law Cincinnati, O. Cincinnati, O. Clifton and Resor Ave. Attorney at Law Traveling Salesman With Cincinnati Coffin Co. Cincinnati, O. 2S14 Melrose Ave. Cincinnati, O. Ridgeway Ave., ••\vondale Cincinnati, O. 2315 Park Ave. John A. Caldwell, Jr. B.S., 1899, Cornell Univ. Philip Hay ward LL.B., Cincinnati Law School John Wesley Hubbell David Irving Miller B.E., Vanderbilt Univ. Edward M. Pattison, Jr. Joseph Ratliff Class of 1899 Student Delegate to 23d Grand Chapter Attorney at Law Attorney at Law ^^'ith Tennessee Coal, Iron and R. R. Co. Traveling Salesman Actor With Francis Wilson Company Cincinnati, O. Glen Parker Ave., Northside Cincinnati, O. Walnut Hills, 2620 .Alms Place Cincinnati, O. Hvland PI., Avondale Sheffield, Ala. Cincinnati, O. Grand and W'arsaw Ave. tCincinnati, O. 302 ZETA PSI CHAPTER Amos Clifford Shinkle Chas. Edward Stewart, Jr. Russell Wilson LL.B., Cin. Law School Class of 1900 Salesman Covington, Ky. With the Shinkle, Wilson & Kreis Co., Cincinnati With Standard Oil Co. Attorney at Law Cincinnati, O. 514 Kidf^eway Ave. Cincinnati, O. E. Ridgeway Ave. Grear Hill Baker Jay Carl Beneker B.A. Louis B. Blakemore B.A. Ernest Guy Diehl Francis Phillips Huston Charles Kinsey John A. Parlin J. Loyal Richardson Otis M, Stock Class of 1901 Chemist Chemist Cincinnati, O. _ 837 E. 3d St. Cincinnati, O. The Barclay, Avondale Cincinnati, O. Avondale, 3027 Harvey Ave. Cincinnati, O. Avondale, 3747 Read- ing Rd. Cincinnati, O. College Hill Wyoming, O. With Jones & Laughlins, Ld., Cin.. O. Cincinnati, O. With Kenton Baking Powder Co., Mt. Auburn 326 E. Third St. Hamilton, O. With Hall, Marvin Safe Co. Student Law Student Delegate to 24th Grand Chapter Superintendent With Edgewood Distilling Co. With American Tool Works Co. Carl H. Barth C E. Carleton Graves Crisler J. Pierce Grant Ramsey Probasco B.A. Stuart A. Walker B.A. Albert Lester Baker William Hildt De Witt H. Truxtun Emerson Edgar W. McCallister William Haslette Sproull Warren Woodward Class of 1902 Student Cincinnati, O. Delegate to 25th Grand Chapter Clifton, Evans Place Student Ludlow, Ky. Covington, Ky. With Cincinnati Provision Export 520 Greenup St. Co. Student Glendale, O. Student Class of 1903 Student Student With Proctor & Gamble Student Student Chemist Covington, Ky. 63 E. Front St. Cincinnati, O. 837 E. 3d St. Cincinnati, O. 61 Auburndale Place Cincinnati, O. 4--, E. McMillan St. Cincinnati, O. 3621 Columbia Ave. Allegheny, Pa. 122 E. North Ave. |Hamilton, O. Lester Dupont Collier Frank Prague Colville Class of 1904 Student Student Cincinnati, O. Avondale, 968 Burton Ave. Covington, Ky. 99 E. Fourth St. Holden I. Crane George Robert Denharn Martin Luther Maddux George Southgate Lott Carl Phares John Calvin Skinner Hugh McDonald Warner Arthur Waller Worth Weller Charles Brent Woodall ZETA PSI CHAPTER Student With American Tool Co. Student Class of 190S Student Student Student Student Student Sec. J. Weller Co. Student Cincinnati, O. Mt. Auburn, 251 Mc- Gregor .Ave. Cincinnati, O. 371S Columbia Ave. Cincinnati, O. 14 W. Ninth St. Covington, Kj^. 542 Greenuj) St. Cincinnati, O. 3449 Evans PL, Clifton Hamilton, O. 3d and Buckeye Sts. Covington, Ky. 1C.28 Greenup St. Cincinnati, O. 3465 Evans PL, Clifton Cincinnati, O. 3465 Evans PL, Clifton Covington, Ky, 86 E. 5th St. UNIVERSITY OF IOWA IOWA CITY, IOWA Founded in 1847 A State Institution DEPARTMENTS LIBERAL ARTS GRADUATE MEDICAL LAW DENTAL PHARMACY HOMEOPATHIC MEDICAL STATISTICS Productive funds ------- $235,000.00 Income from all sources for 1899-1900 . - _ 256,684.00 Tuition in collegiate department ----- 25.00 Number of volumes in library . . . - . 57,000 Number of professors and instructors ... - 102 Number of students in attendance ----- 1,438 Women are admitted and constitute about one-third of the attendance. ALPHA ETA CHAPTER Founded March 2, 1882 Became inactive in 1889 OTHER FRATERNITIES Beta Theta Pi, 1866; Phi Kappa Psi (inactive), 1867-85; Phi Gamma Delta (inac- tive) 1873-73; Delta Tau Delta, 1880; Phi Delta Theta, 1882, Sigma Nu, 1893; Kappa Kappa Gamma, 1882; Pi Beta Phi, 1882; Delta Gamma, 1887; Phi Delta Phi, 1893; Xi Psi Phi, 1896; Phi Alpha Gamma, 1897. 305 ALPHA ETA CHAPTER UNIVERSITY OF lOAVA *Wilson Thomas Reed A.B., A.M. Class of 1881 Lumberman Date of death unknown Carroll, la. Melville Eaton Ph.B., A.M. Charles Reynolds Brown A.B. Elwyn Nathan Brown C.E. William Henry Cobb A.B. Frank Mills Leonard Ph.B. A.M., 1886 Thomas Babington McAuley Ph.B. LL.B., 1884; A.M., 1887 James Alden Miller A.B. Alfred N. Ogle C.E. William Thomas Shepherd Ph.B. Grant Wyatt A.B., A.M. Class of 1882 Lumberman Clear Lake, la. Class oi 1883 Insurance Agent t^es Moines, la Engineer Marshall, Tex. Asst. Eiig. Texas Southern Ry. Teacher "fNorthwood, la. Mining Engineer Butte, Mont. Managing Director Britannia Cop- per Syndicate, Vancouver, B. C. Attorney at Law Kansas City, Mo. Police Judge, Kansas City, Mo. New York Life Bldg. Journalist tFt. Smith, Ark. Two Harbors, Minn. Storekeeper for Duluth & Iron Range R. R. Company Col. on Staff of Gov. S. R. Van Sant Lumberman Harlan, la. Auditor of Green Bay Lumber Co. Railroad Contractor St. Louis, Mo. 3304 Lucas Ave. Francis Alden Fletcher LL.B. David Franklin Johnston Ph.B. Timothy A. Murphy Frank Brownell Smith Charles Edward Wickham Class of 1884 Oakland, Cal. Internal Revenue Officer 1823 Telegraph Ave. Deputy Collector U. S. Internal Revenue, First District, Calif. Merchant tBurr Oak, Kan. Attorney at Law Accountant "fOmaha, Neb. 48-50 Whithler Bldg. Civil Engineer Davenport, la. General Roadmaster Chicago, 5th and Perry Sts. Rock Island & Pacific Ry. Co. *Paul Wallingsford Custer Imri Lincoln McCloud Ph.B. LL.B., 1888 Class of 188S _ Died in 1S87 Life Insurance Iowa City, la. Kansas City, Mo. 600-603 New Nelson Bldg. 306 UNIVERSITY OF IOWA 307 Robert B. Berryhill C.E. Parker Kimball Holbrook Guy Arnold McNeill John Alexander Mitchell Phillip Bruce Moore Chauncey Bowen Piatt Frederick Terry B.S. Newton Dupuis C.E. Merritt Lawrence Holbrook B.S. Class of 1886 Merchant Fort Dodge, la. Banker Onawa, la. Chairman Board of Regents, State University of Iowa tSpokane Falls, Wash, f Ashland, Ore. Iowa City, la. 528 S. Vanburen St. tSeneca, 111. South St. Joseph, Mo. Attorney at Law Merchant Superintendent Merchant Class of 1887 Manufacturer Chicago, 111. Witii W. M. Welch & Company 179-181-183 Illinois St. Manufacturer Portland, Ore. Secretary Doernbecher Mfg. Co., 1166 Thurman St. Portland, Ore. Sec. and Treas. Portland Mfg. Co., St. Johns, Ore. *John William Clemmer Edward Russell McNeill Class of 1888 Student Hampton, la. Died February 29, 1888 Civil Engineer Havre, Mont. Resident Engineer Great Northern Ry. Class of 1889 Edward Marechal McCeney Physician Dubuque, la. M.D., Ph.G. Delegate to 17th Grand Chapter MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS Founded in i86i First Class Graduated in 1868 A Non-Sectarian Institution DEPARTMENTS civil engineering mining and geology chemical engineering mechanical engineering and architecture applied mechanics literature and political physics and electrical engi- ECONOMY NEERING mathematics modern languages NAVAL architecture CHEMISTRY AND BIOLOGY STATISTICS Amount of endowment ..... $4,000,000.00 Productive funds ---...- 1,855,050.00 Receipts from all sources, 1899-1900 - - - 347,132.00 Tuition -...-... 200.00 Number of volumes in library - . . . . 53,851 Number of professors and instructors ... - 181 Number of students in attendance . - . - - 1,277 Women are admitted. ALPHA THETA CHAPTER Founded March 22, 1882 OTHER FRATERNITIES Chi Phi, 1889; Alpha Tau Omega (inactive), 1885-86; Phi Gamma Delta, 1889; Delta Psi, 1889; Theta Xi, 1889; I^elta Tau Delta (inactive), 1889; Theta Delta Chi (inactive), 1890-92; Delta Upsilon, i8gi; Sigma Alpha Epsilon, 1892; Phi Beta Epsilon, 1890; Delta Kappa Epsilon, 1890. 309 ALPHA THETA CHAPTER MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Class of 1883 Winthrop Alexander Herbert Tyler Bardwell B.S. Thomas Coleman du Pont Architect Civil Engineer Railroading Frederick Oberlin Harriman Civil Engineer B.S. Josiah Pierce, Jr. Assoc. King's Col., London, 187^ B.A., Emanuel Col., Cambridge Eng., 1882 M.A., Cambridge Univ., Eng., i? Boston, Mass. Springfield, Mass. 37 Woodside Ave. Wilmington, Del. 808 Broome St. Jatilipan, Istmode Tehuantepec, Mexico Civil Engineer Washington, D. C. Prof. Ap7jlied Geometry in Colum- 1325 Mass. .\ve., N.VV. bian Univ. Asst. Prof. Civil Engineering in ) Catholic Univ. Engineer Great Falls Povi^er Co. Harry Furlong Baldwin B.S. Daniel Alexander Campbell B.S. Edgar Curtis Hillyer Frank Fisk Johnson George Frederick Lull B.S. M.S., Univ. of Maine, 18S William Albert Chapman Heywood Cochran B.S. ♦Robert Beatty Moore Class of 1884 Civil Engineer Chief Engineer Chicago & Alton Railroad Civil Engineer Civil Engineer Banker President First National Bank Chemist Superintendent of Oronoke Pulp and Paper Mill Class of 1885 Engineer Superintendent of Public In- struction President New Mexico Edu- cational Association City Engineer Agent Chicago, 111. 402 North State St. fDenver, Col. Newport News, Va. Wallace, Idaho WestGreatWorks,Me. Raton, N. M. Date of death unknown Johnstown, Pa, Louisville, Ky. Joseph Fox Bodwell Joseph S, Boss Harry Baker Merriam B.S. John Howard McCourtney Alfred Irene du Pont Class of 1886 Manufacturer President Hallowell Granite Works Member State Legislature Manufacturer Civil Engineer Division Engineer Chicago & Great Western R. R. Real Estate Manufacturer 310 Hallowell, Me. New London, Conn. 34 Broad St. Des Moines, la. 853 i6th St. Chicago, 111. 401-02 Chamber of Com- merce Wilmington, Del. MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Arthur Sewall Percy- Frederick William Putnam Theodore Stebbins B.S. William Mode Taylor David Van Alstine B.S. *Charles Wood B.S. Merchant Merchant Electrical Engineer With General Electric Co. Manufacturer Delegate to 19th Grand Chapter Pres. of Chandler & Taylor Co. Engineer Master Mechanic C. G. W. Ry. Civil Engineer Died November 28, 1895 Boston, Mass. 53 State St. Waterville, N. Y. Schenectady, N. Y, 20 Union St. Indianapolis, Ind. 740 \\ . Washington St. St. Paul, Minn. Cincinnati, O. 200 W. Fourth St. Walter Claudius Brace B.S. Albert Dean Currier B.S., Northwestern Univ., 1884 Edgar Asa Frost Frederick Putnam Gulliver Guy Kirkham Clary Ray Henry Maynadier Steele Charles Heath Vinton Class of 1887 Consulting Mining Engineer Attorney at Law Delegate to 15th Grand Chapter Civil Engineer Engineer With U. S. Geological Survey Architect Fellow American Institute of Architects President Springfield Architec- tural Club Artist Civil Engineer Capitalist Denver, Col. Col. Nat. Bk. Bldg. Chicago, 111. 103 Adams St. Chillicothe, O. fWashington, D. C. Springfield, Mass. 33 Lyman St. Washington, D. C. 1200 iSth St. N.W. jNew York, N. V. Denver, Col. 721 E. & C. Bldg. Nathaniel Ingersoll Bowditch Edward Webster Herrick B.S. Alexander Herman Jarecki Frank Marion Ladd Frank lyn Bell Meade Frederick Hunter Muhlenberg James Stuart Newton Maurice du Pont John Stites Ray B.S. Victor Ray M.D. Clarence Browning Vorce B.S. Julian Valette Wright Ph.B., Vale, 1889 Class of 1888 Engineer Manufacturer Jarecki Manufacturing Co. Contractor Architect Architect Merchant Vice Pres. and Treas. Mass. Screw Co. Treas. H. T. & W. R. R. Co. Southboro, Mass. New York, N. Y. W. Broadway and Houston Sts. Erie, Pa. 305 W. Sixth St. New London, Conn. 204 Bank St. Cleveland, O. 731 Garfield Building Reading, Pa. 225 Douglas St. Boston, Mass. 30 Central St. Manufacturer Civil Engineer Wilmington, Del. Colorado Springs, Col, Cincinnati, O. Farmington, Conn, Oculist and Aurist Oculist to Ophthalmic Hosp. Civil Engineer Vice-Pres. Conn. Society of Civil Engineers ConsultingandMiningEngineerChicago, 111. Chicago Club Arthur Francis Bardwell Charles Hammond Cromwell B.S. Class of 1889 Inventor Boston, Mass. With Bardwell Votoimeter Co., i!;2 Massachusetts Ave, Park Row Bldg., New Vork City Merchant Baltimore, Md. 925 St. Paul St. 312 ALPHA THETA CHAPTER William Henry Merrill, Jr. Frank Livermore Pierce Fred Walter Ranno B.S. Charles Lyon Simpson N. P. A. Carter Edward Preiss Palmer Paul Haddock Tracy Secretary Chicago, 111. Of Underwriters' Laboratories 67 2ist St. Manufacturer New York, N. Y. Vice-Pres. and Gen. Mgr. Chelsea Richmond Hill, 434 Jute Mills, 33 W. Union Sq. Elm St. Grand Praetor of Ninth Province, 1897-99 Engineer Bedford, Ind. Maintenance of Way,iSouthern Indiana Ry. Real Estate Kansas City, Kans. 610 Minnesota Ave. Class of 1890 Electrical Contractor Springfield, Mass. Insurance Richmond, Va. Secretary Mutual Assurance 1014 E. Main St. Society Physician New York, N. Y. Medical Inspector N. Y. Board 469 W. 15th St. of Education Arthur Dillon Elbridge Eastman Duncan Ambrose Porter Gaines Otto Germer Herbert Emerson Hathaway B.S. John Ashley Highlands B.S., Harvard. 1893 Eugene Albe Holmes LL.B., Boston Univ., 1895 Fred Charles Jarecki Charles Henry Muhlenberg Calvin Barton Pratt Bryant Willard LL.B. Class of 1891 Architect Banker and Broker Merchant President Triple State Natural Gas & Oil Co. With Waldrich Bleachery Co. Electrician Attorney at Law Manufacturer Ass't Treasurer Jarecki Manufac- turing Co. Delegate to 17th Grand Chapter Architect Engineer Chief Engineer Boston Metropoli tan Sewerage Commission Attorney at Law New York, N. Y. 1601 Nassau St. Nashville, Tenn. 211 Union St. Nashville, Tenn. 119 N. Spruce St. Erie, Pa. 538 W. 6th St. Delawanna, N. J. Albany, N. Y. 192 Lark St. Caribou, Me. Erie, Pa. Reading, Pa. 413 Oley St. Jamaica Plains, Mass. 14 Park Lane New York, N. Y. 132 Nassau St. Edmund Lathrop Andrews Charles Perkins Cogswell, Jr. B.S. John Andrew Curtin B.S. LL.B., Boston Univ. Meredeth Poindexter Gentry Hillman William Robert Kales B.S. Wallace Eugene McCaw . B.S. James Scott Parrish B.S. Class of 1892 Electrical Engineer With American Telephone and Telegraph Co. Delegate to 21st Grand Chapter Civil Engineer Attorney at Law Chicago, 111. 3543 Lake Ave. Chicago, 111. 164S Old Colony Bldg. Boston, Mass. 545 Tremont Bldg. Cadiz, Ky. Engineer Detroit, Mich. Chief Engineer Whitehead's Kales Manufacturer Macon, Ga. Pres. McCaw Manufacturing Co. Manufacturer Richmond, Va. Ass't General Manager Richmond 928 W. Franklin St. Cedar Works MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY S^S Murray Warner Samuel Washington Weis Channing McGregory Wells Edward Payson Whitman Harry Nye Williams Chicago, 111. 1490, 84 Van Buren St. Cotton Factor New Orleans, La. Trustee of Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Hosp. Treas. Municipal Improvement Assn. ^ -r, Treas. La. State Soc. Prevention Crueltv to Animals Member'N. O. Cotton Exch. and Board of Trade Manufacturer Director of American Optical Co. Architect Boston, Mass. With Whitman & Hood 62 Devonshire St. C\erk Buffalo, N. Y. Chief Clerk N. Y. C. & St. L. R.R. Flat 7 "Wellesley Southbridge, Mass. George Richardson Beardsell Charles Royce Boss M. J. Cromwell M.D. ^ , William Worcester Cutler Frank Finney William Henry Fox Myron Hunt Charles Latham Nutter B.S. Francis M. Southard Walter Herbert Vorce Class of 1893 Manufacturer . ^^''''l^^^f: v^.r. 13 Prescott Place New London, Conn. 34 Broad St. Physician Baltimore, Md. ■' 516 Park Ave. Merchant Brookline, Mass. Director and Ass't Secretary East- Clinton Road ern Drug Co. , , Manufacturer Stoughton, Mass. Manager Patent Adjustable Stroke Pump Company ,, -mt Lowell, Mass. With New England Telephone and 3S2 E. Merrimack St. Telegraph Company Architect Engineer Supt. Carver Cotton Gin Co. Ass't Superintendent of Signals, New York Central R. R. Chicago, 111. 125 Lasaile St. East Bridgewater, Mass. New York, N. Y. II Broadway Rochester, N. Y, 21 Upton Park Charles Reay Knapp B.S. , , Charles Eastman Lockwood John Shelley Pechin John Stafford White Harry Stevens Button B.S., Univ. of California, 1S94 James Humphreys Harry Jordan Sheafe Henry H. K. Sheridan Richard G. B, Sheridan B.S. Class of 1894 Engineer Pres. and Mgr. Gordon Battery Company Pittsburg, Pa. 51 Water St. New York, N. Y. 9-13 Laight St. jCleveland, Ohio 587 Prospect St. IGrand Rapids, Mich. Class of 1895 Engineer San Francisco, Cal. ° 2S07 Pacific Ave. Electrical Engineer Dedham, Mass. 9 Marsh St. jyiiner Seattle, Wash. Superintendent Bell Mine, British Queen Anne Hill Columbia ,^ ^ ^ Kent, O. Sec. and Treas. Seneca Chain Co. ,^ 1 j European Engineer London, England With Brown Hoisting Machinery 39 Victoria St. Co. SH ALPHA THETA CHAPTER Frederick William Coburn G. K, Compton C. E. Foss Harry Dustan Rawson B.S. Edwin H. Roberts B.S. Class of 1896 Merchant Lowell, Mass. 793 Merrimack St. ■fParis, France Lowell, Mass. With Lampton Cash Railway Co. Stevens & VVestford Sts. Architect Des Moines, la. 61S Walnut St. Engineer Perry Park, Col. With Perry Park Stucco and Sand Plaster Company Edward Rudolph Heissler Harry Burleigh Hunt B.S. Farley Osgood Charles Bodwell Paine B.S. Lucius Spaulding Tyler B.S. Ernest Woodyatt B.S. Class of 1897 Chief Draughtsman With Erie Railroad Company Telephone Engineer With-N. Y. & N.J. Telephone Company With Mount Waldo Granite Works Electrical Engineer Architect With D. H. Burnham Chicago, 111. 4427 Grand Boulevard Susquehanna County, Pa. Brooklyn, N. Y. 81 Willoughby St. Augusta, Maine 76 State St. Boston, Mass. 152 Strath more Rd. Evanston, 111. 231 Dempster St. Dickson Queen Brown B.S. A.B., Princeton, 1895 Ralph Sewall Farwell Finlay Forbes Ferguson B.S. A.B., Hampden-Sidney Col 1895 Albert Webster Gray Lewis A. Hayden B.S. Harrison Nesbit LL.B., National Univ. James Francis Sickman Class of 1898 New York, N. Y. Director Tidewater Oil Company, 160 West 59th St. 12 Broadway Chicago, 111. 4846 Kenwood Ave. Norfolk, Va. 372 Freemason St. Dorchester, Mass. 68 Stanley St. Cripple Creek, Col. Walter Gustave Zimmermann S.B. Assistant Secretary Oakwoods Cemetery Association Architect , Delegate to 23d Grand Chapter Architect of Carpenter, Breese & Ferguson Civil Engineer Mining Engineer Attorney at Law Deputy Collector of Internal Revenue Civil Engineer Holyoke, Mass. Inspector U. S. Engineer's Office, 215 Oak St. Tuscaloosa, Ala. Mechanical Engineer Chicago, 111. Member Executive Com. N. W. 619 Cleveland Ave. Alumni Assn. of M. I. T. of Chicago Washington, D. C. 1462 Binney St., N.W James Seel Gill Henry Brown Graham, Jr. James Thomas Harahan, Jr. Charles Frank Harwood William Abbott Hazard Class of 1899 Manufacturer Ludlow, Vt. Superintendent Ludlow Woolen Mills St. Louis, Mo. With Graham Paper Company 5720 Von Versen Ave. Chicago, 111. Western Representative of Charles 5126 Washington Ave. Scott Spring Company Mechanical Engineer Warren, Mass. With Slater Engine Company Civil Engineer Des Moines, la. Supt. Widell & Co., Contractors, 1311 Ninth St. Mankato, Minn. MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Robert Grant Holabird Superintendent Holabird & Roche Architects Washington, D. C 315 Guy Magee, Jr. John Abbet Walls B.S. Frank Albert Werner George D. Atwood B.S. John Elliott Le Bosquet Stephen Pearson Brown Robert Hodgen Clary B.S. William Rawson Collier B.S. William Barlow Dwight Clifford Robson Hammond B.S. Barton Haselton George Augustus Tweedy B.S. Chicago, 111. Superintendent Holabird & Roche, 1618 Monadnock Bldg. Architects Engineer U. S. Government Engfineer Isthmian Canal Com. Delegate to 24th Grand Chapter Electrical Engineer With Hydraulic Power Co. Artist Niagara Falls, N. Y. 750 Main St. Akron, Ohio. 530 W. Market St. Class of 1900 Ass't to Henry M. Buckley, 141 Broadway Sec. and Gen. Mgr. of Le Bosquet Coal and Mining Co., Hughes, I. Terr. Mill Engineer Firm of Collier & Brown Mining Engineer Electrical Engineer Firm of Collier & Brown Brooklyn, N. Y. no St. Felix St. Shawnee, Okla. With General Electric Co. Manufacturer Manager Rome Seamless Tube Works Mining Engineer Field Assistant California State Mining Bureau Atlanta, Ga. 296 Rawson St. Seattle, Wash. 1410 Belmont Ave. Atlanta, Ga. 296 Rawson St. Evanston, 111. 1323 Davis St. Buffalo, N. Y. 54 Seneca St. Rome, N. Y. 118 West Garden St. San Francisco, Cal. Ferry Bldg. Charles A. Bolles Harle Oren Cummins Joseph Dean Evans Leon Rhodes Thurlow Frank Bates Walker C.E., Univ. of Minnesota Class of 1901 Manufacturer Treasurer of Brownstown Manu facturing Company Secretary andTreasurer of Browns- town Plow Beam & Lumber Com- pany Student and Author Brownstown, Ind. Civil Engineer With Engineering Dept. Mass. State Board of Health Civil Engineer Assistant Engineer Great North- ern Railroad Charles Richard Woodhull Civil Engineer Montpelier, Vt. 54 College St. Lowell, Mass. Wilder St. Brookline, Mass. The Sewall Minneapolis, Minn. 3041 Chicago Ave. Monroe, N. Y. Harry Beaver Canby A.B., Denison Univ., i8g8 Archibald Hyde Ehle Thomas Witherbee Foote Theodore Victor Fowler Thayer Prescott Gates Edward Colville Reeder Class of 1902 Student Engineer Student Student Student Student S.B and E.M., Mich. Col. of Mines Dayton, O. 51 Belmont Ave. Faribault, Minn, Chicago, 111. 4842 Washington Ave. Buffalo, N. Y. 89 Hodge Ave. Lowell, Mass. 400 E. Merrimack St. Calumet, Mich. 3i6 ALPHA THETA CHAPTER Ronald Kennedy Engineer B.S., Tulane Univ. Mortimer Livingston Nagel Charles Sidney Thomas Hilo, Hawaii Student Buffalo, N. Y. Delegate to 25th Grand Chapter 581 Delaware Ave. Student Denver, Col. 1609 Sherman Ave. Charles Stinchfield Cole Charles Wickersham Elmer Ralph Curtis Jordan Lucius Blaine McKelvey John Howard Pew B.S. Grove City College James Sheafe Student Edward Cutter Thompson Student Class of 1903 Student Student Student Student Student Class of 1904 Barr Cushing Averill Student John Shober Burrows Student Thorton Merriweather Gilmer Student Walter Bruce Greeves Student Norman Frederick Kerr Student Herman William Lackman Student Robert Downing Patterson Student James Murray Scott Student Harold Walter Sherrill Student Detroit, Mich. 34 Davenport Place Baltimore, Md. 1701 W. Lafayette Ave. Columbus, Ga. 745 Broad St. Youngstown, O. Pittsburg, Pa. 715 N. Highland Ave. Seattle, Wash. Dorchester, Mass. 697 Columbia Road Beaumont, Texas Baltimore, Md. 1303 Charles St. N. Salt Lake City, Utah 9th South St. Beaumont, Texas Brookline, Mass. 106 Thorndike St. Glendale, O. New York. N. Y. 2W. 51st St. Pittsburg, Pa. Stanton St. Poughkeepsie, N. Y. 75 Washington St. Sidney Atmore Caine John Charles Daly LeRoy Bernard Faymonville Edgar L. Meyer William Clements Rinearson.Jr. Student Henry Harding Russell Student Class of 1905 Student Student Student Student Louisville, Ky. , 37 St. James Ct. Roxbury, Mass. 47 Townsend St. San Francisco, Cal. 2411 Broadway St. George, Bermuda Hamilton, O. Brookline, Mass. 60 Park St. THE OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY COLUMBUS, OHIO Founded March 12, 1870 First Class Graduated in 1878 A State Institution DEPARTMENTS COLLEGIATE LAW PHARMACY veterinary MEDICINE ENGINEERING AGRICULTURE STATISTICS Value of buildings and grounds . - . . $2,300,000.00 Value of equipment and apparatus . . - . 200,000.00 Amount of endowment - - - - - 559,000.00 Value of productive funds . . . . - 559,000.00 Income from all sources for 1899-1900 - - - 325,000.00 Tuition in college department ----- 15.00 Number of volumes in library .... 35>°oo Number of professors and instructors - - - - 126 Number of students in attendance - - - - i>45° Women are admitted and constitute about one-seventh of the attendance. ALPHA GAMMA CHAPTER Founded April 21, 1882. OTHER FRATERNITIES Phi Gamma Delta, 1878; Phi Kappa Psi, 1880; Chi Phi, 1883; Phi Delta Theta, 1883; Beta Theta Pi, 1885; Sigma Nu, 1891; Alpha Tau Omega, 1892; Sigma Alpha Epsilon, 1892; Delta Tau Delta, 1894; Kappa Sigma, 1895; Kappa Kappa Gamma, 1888; Kappa Alpha Theta, 1892; Pi Beta Phi, 1894; Delta Delta Delta, 1896; Phi Delta Phi, 1893; Beta Phi Sigma, 1896; Alpha Zeta. 317 ALPHA GAMMA CHAPTER OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY John Coates Eastman Jesse Claude Marquardt Ph.G., Phil. Col. of Phar., 18S7 Henry Kirk Terry George Ransom Twiss B.S. Class of 1885 Journalist Business Manager of tfie Chicago American Chemist Sec. of Pacific Art Tile Co. Accountant Teacher Head of Science Dept., Central High School Delegate to 15th Grand Chapter Chicago, 111. Los Angeles, Cal. 60 Washington St. Columbus, O. Cleveland, O. 56 Mayfield Road James Otis Ballard A. B., Lafayette Col., 1886 *Edward Dowsett Osmond Monroe Hoge Joseph Emery Huston Ernest Thomas Laundon Frank Miller Otto Schroll C.E. Horace Prescott Smith B.S. Class of 1886 Student Died March, 1899 Civil Engineer Manufacturer Sec. Connersville Blower Co. Vessel Manager Attorney at Law- Owner and Manager Crestline Live Stock Feeding Station Civil Engineer Supt. W. T. Ry. Co. Merchant Tarleton, O. Honolulu, H. L Cambridge, O. Connersville, Ind. Cleveland, O. Crestline, O. Wheeling, W. Va. Adams Mills, O. George William Beatty Charles Q. Davis Robert Hazlett C.E. Franz Seigel Martin M.D., Starling Med. Col., 1886 Ira Harris Miller A.B., Williams Col., 1888 Thomas Clifford Morris Amor William Sharp LL.B. M.D., Columbus Med. Col 1889 George Frederick Weidner Ph.G. Class of 1887 Columbus, O. With Central Ohio Paper Company 1084 Franklin Ave. Delegate to i6th Grand Chapter Merchant Columbus, O. Vice-Pres. of Southern Coal and Transportation Co. Civil Engineer Wheeling, W. Va. Engineer for Ohio County City Bank Bldg. Chief Engineer Pan Handle Traction Co. Member City Council Physician Napoleon, O. Merchant Attorney at Law Chemist Columbus, O. Woodsfield, O. Columbus, O. 1262 E. Main St. Columbus, U. 318 THE OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY 319 Chester Hardy Aldrich A.B. Ernest Judson Craft Charles Agnew Crowell Howard Thompson Garrett Harry Morton Gates Edward Crum Grant Harry Hedges A.B. Arthur Theodore Heath Ph.G. George Brunson Monypeny Howard Napoleon Thompson Ph.B. Allen Winthrop Williams George McNeil Angier Joseph Franklin Bowers M.D. Harry Robert Hall E.M. Frederick B. Hamilton David Roberts Hancock Ph.G., M.D. Walter Beebe Norris Ferdinand Button Stidham William Vallaint Kellogg M.D., Starling Med. Col. *Charles Casper Oviatt Class of 18 Teacher Clergyman Photographer Civil Engineer Civil Engineer Traveling Salesman Druggist Manufacturer Journalist Manufacturer Class of 1889 Electrical Engineer Pine Ridge Road Surgeon Manufacturer Manager of Blast Furnace Mechanical Draughtsman Physician Advertising Class of 1890 Physician Salesman Date of death unknown Delegate to 17th Grand Chapter Ulysses, Neb. Gustavus, O. tMt. Vernon, O, Columbus, O. Columbus, O. 47 E. 8th .\ve. Springfield, O. Springfield, O. Cuyahoga Falls, O. Zanesville, O. Washington, D. C. The Olympia Columbus, O. 41 S. Monroe St. Waban, Mass. Denver, Col. Barth Block Parryville, Pa. Youngstown, O. Columbus, O. Columbus, O. Richelieu fNew Britain, O. fColumbus, O. Columbus, O. Franklin Henry Gale LL.B., Univ. of Mich. M.L.B. Frank Washburn Jennings George Elmer McCuUoch B.S. Jewett Norris David Tod Rov C.E. Class of 1891 Attorney at Law Delegate to 21st and 22d Grand Chapters Civil Engineer Attorney at Law Real Estate Agent Mine Operator Delegate to 21st Grand Chapter Columbus, O. 309 S. High St. Columbus, O. 172 N. VVashington St. Vinita, I. T. ■fColumbus, O. fMusera, Tex. William White Brown A.B. William Lloyd Evans B.S., M.S. Russell Kilbourne Raymond H. Kinnear Joseph Drake Potter Class of 1892 Journalist Teacher Delegate to 20th Grand Chapter Manufacturer Kilbourne & Jacobs Manufacturer Kinnear Mfg. Co. Manufacturer With Kilbourne & (acobs Col. 4th Infty. Ohio Nat'l Guard Chillicothe, O. 46 N. Fourth St. Colorado Springs, Colo. High School Columbus, O. 604 Town St. Columbus, O. 98 Butler Ave. Columbus, O. 62c E. Town St. 320 ALPHA GAMMA CHAPTER Class of 1893 Charles E. Kilbourne, Jr. William H. Krumn Guy R. Williams LL.B., 1895 Attorney at Law- State's Atty. Mason County Delegate to 22d Grand Chapter tSt. Augustine, Fla. fColumbus, O. Havana, 111. Charles William Davis M.E. Austin Peter Gillen Pearle Merrill Griffith Ph.B., Univ. of Chicago William Edwards Haseltine Class of 1894 Mining Engineer Undertaker U. S. Consul Delegate to 23d Grand Chapter Electrical Engineer With Holtzer-Cabot Elec. Co. Delegate to 21st Grand Chapter Colorado Springs, Colo. Youngstown, O. 314 Arlington St. Metamoras, Mex. Brookline, Mass. Lyman Beecher Frank Haas Luther Beman Thomas Class of 1895 Banker Cashier Vinton Banking Co. Hillsboro, O. Dayton, O. Vinton, O. J. B. Rogers Charles Lyman Wood John Fergus Lindsay John A. McGrew C.E. Class of 1896 Youngstown, O. Bellevue, Pa. With Sales Dept. American Steel 63 Sheridan Ave. Hoop Co., Carnegie Bldg., Pitts- burg, Pa. Student Salemville, O. In Medical Dept. Western Reserve Univ. Logansport, Ind. With Pa. R. R. Co. Julius Theobold E.E. Class of 1897 Salesman Ashley-on-Hudson, Mgr. Station of Locomobile Co. of N. Y. America Delegate to 24th Grand Chapter William Clarence Dakin LL.B. Ellis Oliver Jones A.B., Yale Col., 1899 Dan Moore MacDonald Melvin H. Stover Edward Harrison Allen LL.B. A.B., 1896 George N. Barrere John F. Butler Charles Pearl Harris Ph.B. Class of 1898 Attorney at Law Mayor of Sabina, O. Capitalist Publisher Columbus Press Student Attending Starling Med. Col. Delegate to 23d Grand Chapter Class of 1899 Attorney at Law Bank Clerk Traveling Salesman With Natl. Cash Register Co. Sabina, O. Columbus, O. 14 S. 18th St. Kennelworth, W. Va. Sabina, O. Lena, O. Columbus. O. Austin, Texas Box 687 Seattle, Wash. 407 Washington Blk. THE OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY 331 Fred James Jeffrey B.s. Emmet Lacey Thomas Jefferson Smith Teacher Reporter Electrician Prop, of Electric Light and Power Plant Canal Dover, O. Columbus, O. The Dennisson New Lexington, O. Granville Barrere Lloyd Parsons DeGolley Walter Morgan Fickes E.M. Herbert Quinton Jones E.E. Thomas Yates McCray, Jr. Louis Tucker Peck Winfred Whittington Polk Louis A. Feibel Rollo St. Clair Frame James G. Westwater George F. Whittemore Paul Hardy Howard Thomas Lockwood James Francis McGarry Franklin Albert Shotwell W. Frank Alexander Willis Whittier Case James Earl Coad Oliver Perry Doty, Jr. James S. Fulton Charles Foster Leeper George Simcoe Charles Granville Souder Stanley R, Smith Manuel C. Whittick John Chowning Ashburn Bruce Armstrong Brandon Alan De Grief Knisely Alex S. Rochester Harry Raymond Sykes Class of iQOO Attorney at Law Student Manufacturer Superintendent of Brick Works Draughtsman With American Bridge Co. Attorney at Law Class of 1901 Attorney at Law Student Student Class of 1902 Student Student Student Student In Law Dept. Class of IQ03 Student Student Cashier of Farmers' Bank Student Student Student Delegate to 25th Grand Chapter Student Student Bank Cashier Class of 1904 Student Student Student In Medical Dept. Univ. of Mich. Student Student Hillsboro, O. Gallion, O. Carnegie, Pa. Columbus, O. •^3 Douglas St. Mansfield, O. Staunton, Va. Montgomery Hal New Vienna, O. Hillsboro, O. Washington, O. 47 Main St. Columbus, O. Keene, O. Columbus, O. 46 S. Sixth St. Batavia, O. East Liverpool, O, Marengo, O. Mannington, W. Va. Washington, D. C. Utica, O. Gervais, O. Steubenville, O. Marietta, O. North East, Md. Lafavette, Ind, i3'S. 7thSt. Blancaster, O. Kansas City, Mo. Batavia, O. Prairie Depot, O. Lima, O. Athens, O. Plymouth, O. Fleming Harold Crew Class of 1905 Student McConnelsville, O. BELOIT COLLEGE BELOIT, WISCONSIN Founded in 1847 Chartered in 1846 First Class Graduated in 1851 A Non-Sectarian Institution DEPARTMENTS collegiate preparatory STATISTICS Value of buildings and grounds .... $350,000.00 Value of equipment and apparatus .... 50,000.00 Amount of endowment ----.. 700,000.00 Income from all sources for 1899-igoo .... 45,000.00 Tuition in college department .... 36.00 Number of volumes in library ..... 28,000 Number of professors and instructors ... 29 Number of students in attendance . . , . ^50 Number in college ...... 230 Number in academy ...... j2o Women are admitted and constitute about thirty per cent of the attendance. ALPHA ZETA CHAPTER Founded November 3, 1882 OTHER FRATERNITIES Beta Theta Pi, i860; Phi Kappa Psi, 1881 323 ALPHA ZETA CHAPTER BELOIT COLLEGE Edward Hall Baker A.B. Willis Porter Cleveland Ph.B. William Adams Knapp Ph.B. Tames Marcus Todd M.D., Chicago Med. Col. Dura Marshall Woodard Class of 1884 Caterer Merchant Commission Merchant Real Estate With Central Realty Co. Manufacturer Secretary and Treasurer of the Kopp-Woodard Co. Chicago, 111. 176 E. Madison St. Hyatt, Tex. Chicago, 111. Medinah Temple Bide. New York, N. Y. 40 Morningside Ave. Omaha, Neb. 1316 Jones St. Carlton Munn Bliss Ph.B. LL.B., Columbia Col., iS Albert Hamilton Curtis John Holly Knapp, Jr. A.B., Harvard, 1887 Allen Booth Northrop John Ralph Norris Clarence S. Pellet Ph.B. William Henry Rogers A.B. Class of 1885 Attorney at Law 8 Merchant Attorney at Law City School Commissioner Class of 1886 Merchant Merchant Insurance Prest. Chicago Underwriters' sociation Journalist Night Editor of the World As- Denver, Col. 411 Ernest and Cranmer Bldg. Dunnville, Wis. Menomonie, Wis. Racine, Wis. 845 Main St. Ashland, Ore. Chicago, 111. 189 LaSalle St. New York City 130 West 104th St. William Grant Ballack Herbert Corydon Farr Frederic Franklin Norcross A.B. LL.B., Harvard Univ., 18 John S. Ross Class of 1887 Banker Miner Attorney at Law Merchant Secretary Galena Business Men's Association *Charles William Whitehead Superintendent Died March 14, iS Forest River, N. D, Victor, Col. Chicago, 111. 705 Marquette Bldg. Galena, 111. Janesville, Wis. Wallace RoUin Montague M.A. John Vanderpoole Norcross A.B. LL.B., Univ. of Wis., 1893 Charles Fremont Page A.B. Class of 1888 Manufacturer La Crosse, Wis. Manager of La Crosse Cracker and 233 S. 19th St. Candy Co. Secretary and Treasurer La Crosse Carriage Co. Attorney at Law Chicago, 111. 72 Marquette Bldg. Farmer Edgerton, Wis. R. F. D. No. I 324 BELOIT COLLEGE 325 George Baine Ingersoll A.B. M.A., 189-, B.L., Univ. of Wis., 1893 *George Henry Meacham B.S., Univ. of Minn.. 1889 Elmer Babcock Martin A.B., Ph.B. Charles Copeland Russell A.B. LL.B., Univ. of Wis., 1892 Franklin Jones Tyrrell LL.B., Univ. of Wis., 1889 Herbert Joseph Cunningham Ph.B. Alexander Everet Matheson Ph.D., M.A., 189^ LL.B. Univ. of Wis., 1894 George Marshall Brace Arthur Francis Evans Willis Clyde Helm A.B. Robert Taylor Merrill A.B. Albert Wurts Whitney A.B. David Riddle Williams Karl Henry Van Hovenberg A.B., B.L.. Kent Col. of Law, Chicago, 1901 Arthur Lambert Chute M.D., Harvard Univ., 1895 Class of 1889 Superintendent Merchant Died Jan. 24, 1890 Merchant Secretary of S. H. Martin Lumber Co. Attorney at Law Delegate to 17th Grand Chapter Attorney at Law City .Attorney Class of 1890 Insurance Secy. Citizens Fire Ins. Co. Delegate to 17th Grand Chapter Attorney at Law Lecturer on International Law in Beloit College Class of 1891 Teacher Attorney at Law Merchant Miner Beloit, Wis. Prescott, Wis. Chicago, 111. Fort Dearborn Bldg. Milwaukee, Wis. Room 302, Old Ins. Bldg. Lake Geneva, Wis, 116 Maxwell St. Janesville, Wis. 13 Clark St. Janesville, Wis. 56 South Third St. Janesville, Wis. 206 Washington St. Chicago, 111. 381 .Superior St. Valley City, N. D. Milwaukee, Wis. 116 New Insurance Bldg. Teacher Instructor in Mathematics in Univ. of Cal. Publisher Secretary of St. Louis Bible Society 4429 West Pine St. Teacher Chicago, III. Teacher in Northwest Division 4S Powell Ave. High School Berkeley, Cal. 2630 Haste St. St. Louis, Mo. Class of 1892 Physician Surgeon Boston Dispensary Surgeon Cavney Hospital Manufacturer Glenville Arthur Dowd A.B. LL.B., St. Louis Law School, 1894 Joseph Grassie Dudley Attorney at Law A.B. ♦Robert Peckam Eckart Physician B.S. M.D., Rush Med. Col. Died August 28, 1895 Walter Frederick McCabe Physician Ph.B. M..A., 1897 Lecturer on Physiology and Lar- M.D., Columbia Col. P. & S., 1895 yngology. Wis. Col. of Physicians and Surgeons James Lester Sexton Manufacturer Ph.B. Pres. and Treas. Charlotte Cord age Co. Class of 1893 Charles Adelbert Churan Attorney at Law A.B. LL.B., Chicago College of Law, i8g5 Jacob William Wright Mines and Stocks Boston, Mass. 103 Mt. Vernon St. Beloit, Wis. Buffalo, N. Y. 10S9 Delaware Ave. Oak Park, 111. Beloit, Wis. Charlotte, N. C. Chicago, 111. 1847 Oakdale Ave. Colorado Springs, Col. 76-79 Hagerman Bldg. 326 ALPHA ZETA CHAPTER Arthur O. Babbitt LL.B., Univ. of Wis., 1893 Edward Cole Jones M.E., Cornell Univ., 1895 Charles Emerson Feet William Henry Woodward Ph.B. M.A., 1897 LL.B., Univ. of Wis., 1896 Class of 1894 Steward of St. Charles Hotel Civil Engineer Geologist Attorney at Law Delegate to 21st Grand Chapter Milwaukee, Wis. 448 Van Buren St. Fort Atkinson, Wis. Chicago, 111. 5327 Madison Ave. Watertown, Wis. Albert Allison Farley A.B., Ph.B. Jacob Alexander Falconer Georije Field Grassie A.B. Charles Molesworth Mayne John Geddes Randall B.S. M.A., 1898 M.D., Hahnemann Medical Col. Henry Alford Roger A.B. Charles Jenkins Windsor A.B. Class of 189s Teacher Supt. Public Schools Manufacturer Journalist General Secretary Y. M. Physician C. A. Watertown, S. D. Everett, Wash. Milwaukee, Wis. 2S0 35th St. Lincoln, Neb. 13th and P. Sts. Monroe, Wis. Teacher Madison, Wis. Fellow in Philosophy Univ. of Wis. 821 State St. Stationer LaGrange, 111. Chicago & Eastern Illinois Railroad 300 South Ashland Ave. Secretary Momence Stone Co. David Atwood B.S., Univ. of Pa., 1898 George Gould Green Ph.B. Guy Fred Loomis M.A., 1901 Roy Kendrick Rockwell Robert Wells Rogers A.B. Thornton Ransdall Wheeler John Alden White Class of 1896 Journalist Madison, Wis. City Editor Wisconsin State Jour- 121 W. Wilson St. nal Teacher Milwaukee, Wis. 167 27th St. Teacher Waupun, Wis. Supervising Principal of Schools Banker Beloit, Wis. Ass't Cashier L. C. Hyde & Brittan Bank Minister Chicago, 111. Pastor of Lake View Congrega- 1309 Montana St. tional Church Soldier Auburn, 111. Chemist Beloit, Wis. 721 Park Ave. Carl Sears Kennedy B.S. M.D., Univ. o'f Mich., 1900 Class of 1897 Physician Detroit, Mich. 716 Cass Ave. Roy Charles Hecox A.B. Harry Peck Hinckley Edwin Ashton Kinsley B.L. Elbert Emerson Lochridge B.S. . ^ Frank Bailey McCuskey A.B. John Alexander McCaw A.B. Class of 1898 Attorney at Law Clerk of District Court Salesman With Armour & Co. Manufacturer Chemist Instructor in Beloit Col. Theological Student Student At Rush Medical Col. Denver, Col. 1549 York St. Allegheny, Pa. Beloit, Wis. 604 Bluff St. Beloit, Wis. 721 Park Ave. Chicas;o, 111. 1060 N. Halsted St. Chicago, 111. BELOIT COLLEGE 327 Louis Ross Moore A.B. M. A., Princeton Univ. Theodore Foster Riggs Charles Ernest Read ToshihDwight Whitney A.B., Yale Arthur Hallam Warner Fh.B. Edmund Enright Ph.B. Tohn Robert Houliston A.B. RoUo LuVerne Lyman Jacob Ellsworth Owen Wilfrid Asa Rowell A.B. Percy Howard Stevens , , rambridee, Mass. Social Worker Harvard X" Trowbridge Ter- ,g Pres.. Prospect Union Harvard University Social Settlement Medical Student Attending Johns Hopkins Univ. Teacher . , Frin. Brown's Business L-Oi. Journalist With Evening Post f..^.„^ Delegate to 23rd Grand Chapter Journalist Class of 1899 Teacher , . Instructor in Physiography in Joliet High School ^°"vith James A. Miller & Brother Teacher Instructor in Pacific University Attorney at Law 518 Home Ins. Bldg. '^^^Inlfructor in Oratory, Beloit Col Manufacturer With Stevens & Deuel Mfg. Co. race Oahe, S. Dak. Rockford, 111. 605 N. Court St. New York, N. Y. New York, N. Y. 318 W. S7th St. Joliet, 111. 118 Lincoln St. Chicago, III. 1262 West Monroe St. Forest Grove, Ore. Chicago, 111. 2386 North 42d Ave. Beloit, Wis. Rockford, 111. 317 North Court St. Neil Bosworth George Wilbur Dudley George Wilson Fenton Henry Raymond Mussey A.B. Frank Holden Meadows R S TohnWalter McQueen A.B. William Taylor Whitney James Lyman Whitney B.A.. Yale, 1901 Edwards Bennett Brown Edgar Lathrop Cotting Harvey Hayes Lockridge Edward Amos Purdy Lucius Chapin Porter Harry D. Snider Von Ogden Vogt B.A. Class of 1900 Student Life Insurance Salesman With the Macmillan Uo. ^Fdlow in Economics, Columbia Univ. Hotel Clerk ^^^BosTon & Albany Ticket Agent, Cambridge Mgr. Cattle Co., "The Woods" Medical Student . Attending Harvard Univ. Elgin, 111. ^ ^ 623 Highland Ave. Janesville, Wis. Jackman Blk. Chicago, 111. 281 Park Ave. New York, N.Y 81 Morningside ParK Whitewater, Wis. Cambridge, Mass. 41A Irving St: Dawson, New* Mexico Branford, Conn. Class of 1901 ^ , , Beloit, Wis. Student n,„fPhv=;and 704 Park Ave, Attending Wis. Col. of Phys. ana /"4 Surg. Beloit, Wis. Life Insurance ^^i Park Ave. ^ u Iowa City, la. T.eacher . , ti„;,. on Rurlinsiton St. Instructor in Chemistry, Iowa Ur^-'^.^^^'^^Burl ^>^ ^.^^_ Student . < n.„„ 28 S. loth St. Attending Univ. of Minn. ^^^^-^ ^^^_ Teacher ^^. College Ave. S d nt Golden, Col. ^ ^^t'^tending Col. School of Mines ^^^^.^^ ^^^.^ Traveling Secy, of Beloit Col. loio'Park Ave. Delega^f to 24th Grand Chapter 328 ALPHA ZETA CHAPTER Robert Leland Brown Lindsay Alexander Beaton Ralph Seymour Greene Class of 1902 Student Student Delegate to 25th Grand Chapter Merchant DeCourcy Marcellus Pollock Civil Engineer Beloit, Wis. 704 Park Ave. Chicago, III. 437 Belden Ave, Vinita, I. T. St. Paul, Minn. 141 Pleasant St. Class of 1903 Merle Theron Adkins Ralph Babbitt Paul Howard Chapman Frank Edson Cronkhite Dean Stanley Calland Charles Maxwell Dering Charles Alvin Emerson, Jr. Ernest Phillip Kepple Henry Clinton McRae William Roscoe Spensley Carroll Walter Smith Robert Lyman Schadel Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Troy, Wis. Beloit, Wis. Beloit, Wis. Rockefeller, 111. Springfield, Mo. 842 Benton Ave. Madison, Wis. 19 Mendota Court Beloit, Wis. 736 Church St. Beloit, Wis. 745 Milwaukee Rd. Pittsburg, Pa. =,525 Center Ave. Galena, 111. Waukesha, Wis. 511 Hartwell Ave. Warren, 111. Class of 1904 Park Johnston Bunker Walter Bailey Dudley Theodore Rush Faville George Almon Ford Clarence Fremont Hoy Charles Hobart Lewis Charles Hiram Ferris Walter Lewis Ferris Lawrence William Hutson Fred Osgood Partridge Franklin Bliss Snyder Howard Hubbell Talbot Edward Warner Williams Student Student Student Student Student Student Class of 1905 Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Woodstock, 111. West Salem, Wis. La Crosse, Wis. gig Main St. Warren, 111. Woodstock, 111. Milwaukee, Wis. ii5g Kinnickinnic Ave, Columbus, Wis. Columbus, Wis. Edgerton, Wis. Chicago, III. 6114 Woodlawn Ave. Rockford, 111. 806 N. Main St. De Pere, Wis. Milwaukee, Wis. 604 Otjen Ave. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA LINCOLN, NEBRASKA Founded in 1869 First Class Graduated in 1873 A State Institution DEPARTMENTS ACADEMIC INDUSTRIAL LAW ART MUSIC GRADUATE STATISTICS Value of buildings and grounds . . - . $1,000,000.00 Value of equipment and apparatus .... 300,000.00 Income from all sources for 1901-1903 ... - 307,500.00 Tuition in college department ----- Free Number of volumes in library . - . . . 51,000 Number of professors and instructors - - - - 128 Number of students in attendance ----- 2,209 Women are admitted and constitute about forty per cent, of the attendance. ALPHA p;PSILON CHAPTER Founded January 11, 1883 OTHER FRATERNITIES Phi Delta Theta, 1875; Beta Theta Pi, 1888; Sigma Alpha Epsilon, 1893; Delta Tau Delta, 1894; Phi Kappa Psi, 1895; Alpha Tau Omega, 1897; Kappa Sigma, 1897; Alpha Theta Chi, 1895; Kappa Kappa Gamma, 1884; Kappa Alpha Theta, 1887; Delta Gamma, 1888; Delta Delta Delta, 1895; Pi Beta Phi, 1895; Phi Delta Phi, 1895; Delta Upsilon, 1898; Phi Gamma Delta, 1898; Phi Beta Kappa, 1895; Sigma Xi, 1897. 329 ALPHA EPSILON CHAPTER UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA David Henry Mercer A.B. LL.B., Univ. of Mich., i? Class of 1880 Attorney at Law Omaha, Neb. Member of Congress Second Dis- trict of Nebraska Clement Champion Chase A.B. Edson Prosper Rich B.L. Daniel Hambleton Wheeler, Jr. Insurance B.L. Class of 1883 Editor Proprietor Omaha Excelsior Attorney at Law Regent Univ. of Nebraska Asst. Atty. Union Pacific Ry. Co. Omaha, Neb. 213 S. i6th St. Omaha, Neb. Don Linnasus Clark William Henry Lichty LL.B. Benjamin Frank Marshall Hamlin Charles Eddy B.L. Myron Ellsworth Wheeler Byron Whalon Marsh Ph.B., Ph.D. Frederick Shepherd *Frank Arza Wood Class of 1884 Merchant Loans and Insurance Delegate to 15th Grand Chapter Merchant Class of 1885 Attorney at Law Merchant Class of 1886 Clergyman Attorney at Law Student Died Nov. 24, 1884 Omaha, Neb. fBoston, Mass, Palouse, Wash. Omaha, Neb. Lincoln, Neb. 2920 Q St. Lincoln, Neb. 1420 M St. Edgar, Neb. Lincoln, Neb. Q25 C St. Omaha, Neb. Paul Fenimore Clark B.L. M. A., 1898 Everett Henry Eddy William Edwin Hardy John Hobbs Mockett, Jr. Elmer Anthony Pierce M.D. *Frank Lewis Wheeler Class of 1887 Attorney at Law Lincoln, Neb Speaker Neb. House of Represent- Burr Block atives Delegate to i6th Grand Chapter Grand Praetor Sixth Province, 1886-1888 Physician Merchant Insurance Pres. Lincoln City Council Member House of Representatives Grand Rapids, Mich. 211 Fountain St. Lincoln, Neb. 1124 O St. Lincoln, Neb. 2447'W St. Physician Student Died Oct. 13, li 330 Whitecastle, La. Plattsmouth, Neb. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA 331 Frederick William Collins George Marquis Spurlock LL.B., DePauw Univ., 1889 Class of 1889 Clergyman Attorney at Law Member House of Representatives Class of 1890 "fKingsley, la. Plattsmouth, Neb. Clark Fisher Ansley A.B. Stephen Clark Langworthy, Jr. Attorney at Law A.B., LL.B. ♦Joseph Hamlin Mallalieu Teacher Iowa City, Iowa Prof, of English. State Univ. of Iowa Seward, Neb. William Jeptha Marsh A.B. Francis Wayland Russell B.S. Lucius Seymour Storrs B.S. Attorney at Law Died Sept. 14, i8q Clergyman Clergyman Geologist Cliief Geologist Northern Pacific Ry. Co. Hans Theodore Westermann Expert Accountant Class of 1891 Attorney at Law Attorney at Law Grand Praetor Si.xth Province, I 894-1 895 John Martin Fairfield Hervey Bryan Hicks B.S. LL.B., 1894. Norman Widaman Peters William Herbert Wheeler B.L., LL.B., Columbia Univ., 1901 William Ellsworth Brook B.C.E. M. A., 1896 Paymaster's Clerk, U. S. A. Clerk of Committee on Public Buildings and Grounds, House of Representatives Secy, and Treas. Wooden Pack- age Mfg. Co., Omaha, Neb. Class of 1892 Teacher Instructor in Mathematics, Univ. of Minn. Lincoln, Neb. Alcester, Neb. Marshalltown, la. St. Paul, Minn. Northern Pac. Ry. Co. St. Louis, Mo. Lincoln, Neb. Chicago, 111. 1306 Masonic Temple Washington, D. C. 1318 LSt., N.W. Washington, U. C. Rolland Stanton Bulla B.S. Henry Allen Shannon D.D.S., Chicajjfo Col. of Dental Surgery, 1898 Joseph Reed Shannon D.D.S., Western Dental Col., 1897 Class of 1893 Minneapolis, Minn. Fremont, O. Supt. Continental Sugar Co, Dentist Lincoln, Neb. Prof. Prosthetic Dentistry, Lin- ii36 0St. coin Dental Col. Pres. Nebraska State Dental Society Dentist William John Brown LL.B. John Watson Dixon A.B. A.B. at Yale Col., ig LL.B., 1896 Edward Pelton Hayward M.D., Col. of Physicians and Sur- geons. N.V., 1S94 Schuyler William Miller A.B., M.A., 1898 Frederick Claire Hebard Charles Clarence Pulis A.B. Weeping Water, Neb. Denver, Colo. Nebraska City, Neb. Class of 1894 Attorney at Law Attorney at Law Official Reporter of Second Judi- cial Dist. of Neb. Delegate to 21st Grand Chapter Grand Praetor, Si.xth Province, 1892- 94, 1895-97 Physician Nebraska City, Neb. Sur^'eon in U. S. A. Delegate to 20th Grand Chapter Teacher Lincoln, Neb. Instructor in English, Univ. of Neb. Class of 1896 Electrician ist Lieut. U. S. Artillery Chicago, 111. 139 Adams St. North Platte, Neb. 332 ALPHA EPSILON CHAPTER Class of 1897 Charles Sumner Allen A.B.. A.M. Frank Jasper Gustin LL.B. Harry Wilferd Doubrava B.S. Edwin Allen Duff Harry Albyn Frank LL.B., Cornell Univ., 1898 David West Hawksworth B.S. Lawrence Ralph Packard A.B. M.D., Northwestern Univ, 1900 George Hampton Risser LL.B. Ralph Cole Saxton A.B. Clare Cook Young B.S., Univ. of S. Cal., 1901 *Ralph Francis Andrews Arthur Alfon Bischof A.B. LL.B., 1900 George Burgert B.S.C. La Monte Judson Belnap B.S. George Andrew CuUen Bertrand Scott Langworthy Clee Walter Tishue LL.B. Cornelius Burton Cosgrove LL.B. James Edmond Fechet Harry DeWitt Landis B.S. LL.B., 1901 Lewis Roberts Ewart LL.B. E. Wendell Foster John Fitzgerald *George Stanley Hellier Morris Nathaniel Liebmann B.S. Vilas Pettigrew Sheldon B.S. James Franklin Stevens M.A., B.S., Classical Sem., 1881 M.D., Northwestern Univ., il Almond Beverly Wells, Jr. Earle Albert Wehn Attorney at Law Member Board of Education Attorney at Law Lincoln, Neb. Burr Block Salt Lake City, Utah Box 1405 Electrician New York, N. Y. With Bullock-Wagner Electrical 220 Broadway Mig. Co. Grain Merchant Nebraska City, Neb^ Treas. of Duff Grain Co., Nebraska City, Neb. Attorney at Law Omaha,- Neb. Paxton Bldg. Chief Draughtsman Detroit, Mich. W^ith American Car and Foundry 20 Columbia East Co. Physician Kearney, Neb. , Delegate to 21st Grand Chapter Lincoln, Neb. 920 S. i8th St. Edgar, Neb. Fortuna, Ariz. Kearney, Neb. Nebraska City, Neb.. Nebraska City, Neb.. St. Louis, Mo. "fChicago, 111. Northwestern Univ. Kigby, Wyo. Seward, Neb. Attorney at Law Clothing Merchant Physician and Surgeon La Fortuna Mines Class of 1898 Student Died May 27, 1896 Attorney at Law Delegate to 22d Grand Chapter Grand Praetor of Sixth Province, 1899-1901 Teacher Prin. Ashland High School Electrician With Bullock-Wagner Electrica Mfg. Co. Medical Student Ranchman Attorney at Law Class of 1899 Merchant Atchison, Kas. With Blish, Mize & Silliman Hdw. Co. Fort Apache, Ariz. ist Lieut. 9th U.S. Cav. Attorney at Law Seward, Neb. Class of 1900 Attorney at Law Lincoln, Neb. Burr Block Student Omaha, Neb. Editor Creighton Medical Bulletin Creighton Med. Col. Lincoln, Neb. Nebraska City, Neb. Died Sept. 27, 1897 Electrician NewYork, N. Y. Mgr. Scientific & Electrical Instru- 409 Amsterdam Ave. ment Dept., Foote, Pierson & Co. Stockman Nehawka, Neb. Physician Lincoln, Neb. Physician to St. Elizabeth's Hosp. 841 N. 26th St. 4 Trustee Doane Col. Fort Apache, Ariz. Musician Beatrice, Neb. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA 333 John Maurice Nelson Ralph Raxstraw Rainey Frank Goodman Rainey Maynard Thiers Svvartz Leo Byron Stuhr B.S. Othniel Gaylord Home Charles Ambrose Patterson Hans Peter Peterson Class of 1901 Chemist With State Food Commission Student Clerk Musician Chemist Class of 1902 Student Bookkeeper Student Lincoln, Neb. Brownville, Neb. Tippecanoe City, O. Beatrice, Neb. Rockford, Col. Syracuse, Neb. Macon, Ala. Elkhorn, Iowa Edgar Leonidas Brown William Paul Fitzgerald DeWitt Hansen Howard Raymond Hinshaw Robert Dallas Montgomery Charles Edgar Shaw Archie James Stratton Fred Dye Stratton James Lloyd Van Burg Class of 1903 Merchant Student Delegate to 24th Grand Ciiapter Student Delegate to 25th Grand Chapter Stenograplier Stock Raiser Student Student Student Student Grand Island, Neb. Lincoln, Neb. Fairbury, Neb. Fairbury, Neb, Oak, Neb. Alvo, Neb. Walioo, Neb. Wahoo, Neb. Hickman, Neb. Class of 1904 Henry Christopher Arends Frederick Hawksworth John Anton Kees Frank Marshall Millson William Chester Saxton Student Student Student Student Student Syracuse, Neb. Plattsmouth, Neb. Beatrice, Neb. 924 Elk St. Lincoln, Neb. Hastings, Neb. 521 Burlington Ave. Robert Burg Albert J. Coats Robbin Philip LeFeber John M. Kleckner Otto Joseph Schneider Jesse Dwight Whitmore Class of 1905 Student Physical Director Lincoln Y. M.C. A. Student Student Student Student Grand Island, Neb. Grand Rapids, Mich. Superior, Neb. Auburn, Neb. Nebraska City, Neb. Valley, Neb. STEVENS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY HOBOKEN, NEW JERSEY Founded in 1871 First Class Graduated in 1873 DEPARTMENTS mechanical engineering STATISTICS Value of buildings and grounds .... $400,000.00 Value of equipment and apparatus ... 60,000.00 Amount of endowment --.-.- 500,000.00 Income from all sources for 1899-igoo .... 63,000.00 Tuition in college department for residents - - - 150.00 For non-residents -.....- 225.00 Number of volumes in library ..... 7,000 Number of professors and instructors .... 23 Number of students in attendance - - -■ - - 240 Women are not admitted. ALPHA DELTA CHAPTER Founded February 27, 1883. Became inactive in 1891 OTHER FRATERNITIES Theta Xi, 1874; Delta Tau Delta, 1874; Beta Theta Pi, 1875; Alpha Tau Omega, (inactive), 1881-84; Xi Psi, 1883; Xi Phi, 1883 33s Alpha Delta Chapter STEVENS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY James Nelson Warrington M.E. Class of 1883 Los Angeles, Cal. 1711 S. Hope St. *Walter Carroll M.E. William Henry Pierce M.E. Class of 1884 Mechanical Engineer Died Jan. 25, 1887 Mechanical Engineer Mgr. Baltimore Copper Works Birmingham, Ala. Baltimore, Md. Keyser Block George Albert Aldrich Antonio Aquilera Molina, Jr. M.E. Walter Clark Edward Jerome Cook M.E. *Martin Grant Lilly M.E. Frederick August Raht Class of 1886 Engineer Manufacturer Brick and Drain Tile. Electrical Engineer Consulting Engineer Cleveland City Railway Co. Draughtsman Died March 2, 1895 Mill Owner San Francisco, Cal. Care Wm. B. Dunning, 530 California St. ■fPuerto Principe.Cuba San Francisco, 19 Clarksdale, Miss. Cleveland, O. 96 Commonwealth Ave. York, Pa. Tullahoma, Tenn. Archibald Campbell Jacob Day Flack M.E. William Everett Quimby M.E. Robert K. Reading Class of 1887 Soldier Lieut. 3d Artillery With Isbell-Porter Co. Manufacturer Pres. William E. Quimby Inc. fGoldspring, N. Y. Newark, N. J. 46 Bridge St. New York, N. Y. 780 Park Ave. tAltoona, Pa. Frank Wayland Hubbard David H. Lopez M.E. Dudley Telford Lyall M.E. William Walter Schenck Class of 1888 Machinist Mechanical Engineer Supt. The Coosaw Co. Manufacturer Manager tTwo Harbors, Minn. Beaufort, S. C. Passaic, N. J. 246 Van Hauten Ave. New York, N. Y. 336 STEVENS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY 337 Charles Prentice Benns M.E. Fred Taylor Gause Alfred Goldsbrough Mayer M.E.,S.D.. Harvard Univ. Robert Call Oliphant M.E. William DeWitt Palen M.E. Yokohama, Japan Class of 1889 Teacher Yonkers, N. Y. Instructor in Shop Work, Colum- 18 Landscape Ave. bia Univ. Manager Agent for Standard Oil Co. Brooklyn, N. Y. Curator of Natural Sciences, Mu- Eastern Parkway seum of Brooklyn Inst, of Arts and Sciences Mechanical Engineer San Francisco, Cal. 120 Liberty St. Engineer Philadelphia, Pa. Engineer Philadelphia Textile Ma- 40 E. Washington Lane chinery Co. ♦Edward H, Brodhead Class of 1890 Died Dec. iS, 1900 Hoboken, N. J. George Lincoln Manning M.E. Class of 1891 New York, N. Y. Attending University of Berlin, Care Richards & Heald, Berlin, Germany 141 Broadway ILLINOIS WESLEYAN UNIVERSITY BLOOMINGTON, ILLINOIS Founded in 1850 First Class Graduated in 1853 A Denominational Institution (Methodist Episcopal) DEPARTMENTS collegiate MUSIC PREPARATORY ARTS LAW ORATORY STATISTICS Value of buildings and grounds .... $140,000.00 Value of equipment and apparatus - - - 60,000.00 Amount of endowment ..... 200,000.00 Income from all sources for 1899-1900 - - - 36,000.00 Tuition in collegiate department .... 40.00 Number of volumes in library - - - 8,000 Number of professors and instructors ... 42 Number of students in attendance ... 500 Women are admitted and constitute about 35 per cent, of the attendance. ALPHA IOTA CHAPTER Founded May 19, 1883 OTHER FRATERNITIES Phi Gamma Delta, 1866; Delta Tau Delta (inactive), 1877-80; Phi Delta Theta (inactive), 1878-97; Kappa Kappa Gamma, 1874; Kappa Alpha Theta (inactive), 1875- 95; Phi Delta Phi (inactive), 1878-88. 339 Alpha Iota Chapter ILLINOIS WESLEYAN UNIVERSITY Francis David Ader LL.B. Samuel Douglas Stahl LL.B. A.B.,Shurtleff Col.,iS Class of 1884 Attorney at Law- Delegate to 23(1 Grand Chapter Consul of 25th Grand Chapter Attorney at Law Special Pension Examiner Greencastle, Ind. Terre Haute, Ind. Hamblin Charles Eddy LL.B. Leon Lee Loehr B.S. A.B. M.S. A.M., 1888 LL.B., Kent Law School, 1893 Class of 1885 Attorney at Law Lincoln, Neb. Richards Block. Attorney at Law Chicago, 111. Delegate to 20th Grand Chapter 859 Jackson Boul Sec. of Merchant's Loan & Trust Co. Elbert Harvey Alford Wallace D. Foster William David Jones M.D., Chicago Med. Col., 18 Samuel Runyon Norton Horace Greeley Russell LL.B. Albert Orris Woodworth B.S. Charles Miiam Barickman B.S. M.S., 1890 Samuel Clifton Dooley John Hamilton McCoy William Hewett Underwood Class of 1886 Clergyman Peoria, 111. Pastor Methodist Episcopal Church 307 Ann St. Teacher Physician Manufacturer Teacher Supt. of Schools Merchant Class of 1887 Attorney at Law County Judge of Livingston Co. Attorney at Law Attorney at Law Clergyman Pastor Methodist Episcopal Church Rusk, Iowa. Richfield, Kan. Benson, La. Greenfield, 111. Chicago, 111. 737 W. Madison St. Pontiac, 111. Bloomington, 111. 1207 E. Washington St. Decatur, 111. Mapleville, Neb. William Martin Annawalt Charles Newton Atchison Charles Taylor Blackford Lewis Campbell Ph.B. Charles Eugene Collins B.S. John William Keeslar LL.B. James Oscar Kirkpatrick A.B., A.M. George Manning Reynolds Class of 1888 Merchant Wichita, Kas. With Rock Island Lumber Co. Commercial Traveler Denver, Col. 1722 Lawrence St. Commercial Traveler Chicago, 111. 6146 Greenwood Ave. Clergyman St. Paul, Neb. Pastor Methodist Episcopal Church Attorney at Law Chicago, 111. 225 South Leavitt St. Attorney at Law Danville, 111. States Attorney Vermillion Co. Clergyman Astoria, 111. Pastor Methodist Episcopal Church Manufacturer Deer Park Glen, 111. 340 ILLINOIS WESLEYAN UNIVERSITY 341 Noah Allen Crouch Leslie Philander Hanna B.S. George B. Hannaman Edward Delavan Henry Thomas Sudduth William Edwin Joynt Joseph Cookman Nate B.S., M.S., A.M., Ph.D., LL.B., Northwestern Univ., 1892. Ralph Farrington Potter A.B., A.M., 1S93 LL.B., Kent Law School, 1893 George Thieley Wetzel B.S. M.A., 1895 Class of i88g Physician Attorney at Law Chesterfield, 111. Waukegan, 111. 501 North Ave. Los Angeles, Cal. 2134 Nlaple Ave. Springfield, 111. 146 N. Walnut St. Springfield, 111. 631 S. Sixth St. Attorney at Law Capitalist Class of 1890 Merchant tJuniata, Neb. Clergyman Atlanta, 111. Pastor Methodist Episcopal Church Delegate to 17th Grand Chapter Grand Quaestor, 1850-99 Grand Consul, 1899-01 Attorney at Law Delegate to i6th Grand Chapter Grand Quaestor, 1900 Clergyman Pastor Methodist Episcopal Church Chicago, 111. 801, 135 Adams St. Easton, 111. Edwin D. Gray Samuel Sheffield Hutchinson B.S. Richard Lee Smith M.D., Northwestern Univ. Bayard Washington Wright Class of 1891 Attorney at Law Druggist Physician Attorney at Law County Judge of Marshall Co., III. Elmwood, 111. Chicago, 111. 1296 Ravenswood Park. Pawnee, 111. Lacon, 111. John Franklin Hamilton Virgil Linn Huey A.B., A.M. Raymond Jesse Nate M.D., Rush Med. Col. John F. Porter A.B., B.D., Drew Theol. Sera. Class of 1892 Attorney at Law Justice of the Peace Farmer Physician Clergyman Pastor Methodist Episcopal Church Galesburg, 111. Rooms 14 and 15 Thomp- son Bldg. Gibson City, 111. Chicago, 111. 1819 N. Sawyer Ave. Cerro Gordo, 111. John William Ralston Clardy Charles Coen M.D., Northwestern Univ., i8< ♦William Everett Collins Homer S. Corley M.D., Washington Univ., St. Louis, 1897 Raymond D, Dooley James Orville Ganoe M.D., Omaha Med. Col., 1897 Thomas Edd Orr B.S. Class of 1893 Clergyman Pastor Methodist Episcopal Church Member Board of Examiners of Kansas Conference Physician Student Died Oct. 11, 1891 Physician Accountant With Third National Bank Physician Commercial Traveler Lawrence, Kas. 131 York St. Maroa, 111. Chesterfield, 111. Tower Hill, 111. Bloomington, 111. Pilot Mound, la. Buffalo, 111. 342 ALPHA IOTA CHAPTER ♦Joseph David Adams Samuel Taylor Burnett B.S. William J, Crute Charles A. Finch B.S. LL.B. George Alfred Hutchinson Harrison S. Kerrick £lmer Ellsworth Meecham A.B. Amos Clyde Staley Frank Matthias Tombaugh M.D., N.W. Univ. Med. Col., i8 William Wallace Whitmore A.B. LL.B., 1895 Edmund K. Ayling Roscoe Conkling Uanford M.D., N.W. Univ. Med. Col., 18 Clarence A. Finch Leland Beeman Newell Tames Riggs Orr B S Rudolph H. Shuett A.B. A.M., 1898 S.T.B., Boston Univ., 1899 John Livingston Wright Fairfield, 111. Springfield, 111. Kansas City, Mo. 20-22 E. Fourth St. Verona, 111. Class of 1894 Student Died Sept., 1893 Special Agent With Ginn & Co., Publishers Delegate to 19th and 21st Grand Chapters Merchant Pres. W. J. Crute Grocery Co. Attorney at Law Banker Greenfield, 111. Soldier Minonk, 111. Lieut. U.S.A., Philippine Islands Supt. of Instruction Southern Dist. of Luzon Clergyman Alpha, 111. Pastor Methodist Episcopal Church Physician Chicago, 111. 40 E. Randolph St. Physician Burlington, la. 6 Surgeon C. B. & Q. R.R. Attorney at Law Peoria, 111. 29 Arcade Bldg. Class of 1895 Medical Student Physician 6 Surgeon I. C. R. R. Farmer Teacher Chicago, 111. Pana, 111. Verona, 111. Springfield, 111. 424 South Second St. Buffalo, 111. Clergyman Tolono, 111. Pastor Methodist Episcopal Church Reporter tChicago, 111. Class of 1896 William Lindsay Grier Clinton Rice William Mannen Young M.D., Eclectic Med. Inst., 1897 James Pratt Bickett Huber Joseph Light B.S. LL.B., 1901 Schuyler C. E. Scrimger B.S. Ranchman Farmer Physician Class of 1897 Journalist With City Press Association Delegate to 24th Grand Chapter Grand Quaestor, 1899-1900 Attorney at Law Delegate to 23d Grand Chapter Government Official U. S. Gauger Phoenix, Ariz. Rankin, 111. McLean, 111. Chicago, 111. 6420 Greenwood Ave. Bloomington, 111. 302 E. Front St. Pekin, 111. 1241 S. Fourth St. John Bruner Colwell Ph.B. Richard S. Dyas LL.B. Edward Merriam Hoblit B.S. LL.B., 1901 Lon H. Kerrick, Jr. Class of 1898 Medical Student Attorney at Law Chicago, 111. 340 W. Harrison St. Paris, 111. Attorney at Law Bloomington, 111. Asst. 'State's Atty. of McLean Co. 315 E. Chestnut St. Farmer Sibley, 111. ILLINOIS WESLEYAN UNIVERSITY 343 William L. Martin LL.B. Nathaniel J. Niehoff Frank Hielt Rhea A.B. Leon Merritt Rhea James C. Riley LL.B. A.B., i8q6; A.M., iSgS Cliristian Brothers Col. B. Ralph Thompson Norman Richard Williams A.B. Attorney at Law City Attorney of Carmi Insurance Asst. Supt. Prudential Ins. Co. Teacher Accountant With Armour & Co. Attorney at Law Teacher Journalist Daily Pantagraph Carmi, 111. Ft. Wayne, Ind. 105 Calhoun St. Bioomington, III. 1202 N. McLean St. Chicago, 111. 3975 Drexel Boul. Joliet, 111. Pontiac, 111. Bioomington, 111. i4og N. Main St. Corydon DeKalb Bundy A.B. Cary Addison Daniel Thomas Gerhart Class of 1899 Medical Student Farmer Engineer Bernard Sears Landes Pharmacist .\.B., A.M. .Christian Brothers Col., Robert Williams Lillard LL.B., Univ. of Ga., 1S98 Howard Chester Means Charles A. Rice B.S. Richard King Shelledy LL.B. ^ ^ Hamlet H. Whiffen Journalist Civil Engineer Teacher Journalist Attorney at Law Delegate to 22d and 24th Grand Chapters Chicago, 111. 226 Paulina St. Congerville, 111. Bioomington, 111. 509 W. Mnulton St. Mt. Carmel, 111. Chicago, 111. 85 Rush St. Bioomington, 111. East Grove St. Normal, 111. Paris, 111. Kansas City, Mo. 423 Whitney Bldg. William Royl Cone J. Dwight Funk B.S. George Edgar Harlan Edwin Kemper Mason B.S. David St. Clair Ritchie B.S. Burchard H. Smith A.B. William Howe Thornhill Class of 1000 Real Estate Peoria, 111. 213 Flora Ave. Seedsman Bioomington, 111. Member III. Seed Corn Breeders' Franklin Square .'\ssn. Accountant Cisco, 111. Asst. Cashier Croninger & Co. Bank Student Valley City, N. D. vStudent Accountant Merchant Valley City, N. D. Bioomington, 111. 1508 North Main St. Richwood, Ohio Edgar Napoleon Heafer LL.B. Reed Miles Perkins LL.B. A.B., Univ. of 111., iJ Thomas Thornton Snell Gustus Milton Wise LL.B. Class of 1901 Attorney at Law Attorney at Law Banker Attorney at Law Bioomington, 111. 206 South Clinton St. Springfield, 111. 945 South Second St. Niles, Mich. Houston, Tex. Hotel Logan 344 ALPHA IOTA CHAPTER William Clifton Carlock LL.B. Roy Church LL B., 1901 Roy Spencer Cone Daniel Hogan, Jr. Harry Livingston Fleming LL.B. Thomas Beach Kilgore Thomas Madison Lillard Walter Ritchie, Jr. Milton Dwight Burris Francis Owen Hanson Bryon Gregory Moon John Wesley Muir Frank M. Rice Paul Augustus Smith Ivan Calvin Dunlap James Abraham Light McCrea Parker Blair Ernest Napoleon Bloomer Lome Stanley Ritchie Class of 1902 Attorney at Law Student Student Student Attorney at Law Delegate to 24th and 25th Grand Chapters Student Bloomington, 111. 317 East Locust St. Bloomington, 111. Peoria, 111. 213 Flora Ave. Mound City, 111. Bloomington, 111. 622 East Locust St. Bloomington, 111. 804 East Jefferson St. Student Bloomington, III. 302 East Walnut St. Farmer Belleflower, 111. Class of 1903 Student Jackson, 0. Student Bloomington, 111. Student Normal, 111. Student Bloomington, 111. Stenographer Normal, 111. Student Bloomington, 111. 1508 North Main St. Class of 1904 Student Ellsworth, 111. Student Bloomington, 111. 302 East Front St. Class of 1905 Student Chicago, 111. Essex Rd., Kenilworth Student Bloomington, 111. 505 East Front St. Student Valley City, N, Dak. HILLSDALE COLLEGE HILLSDALE, MICHIGAN Founded in 1855 First Class Graduated in 1856 A Denominational Institution (Free Baptist) DEPARTMENTS collegiate preparatory MUSIC art elocution theology STATISTICS Value of buildings and grounds - - - - $ 80,000.00 Value of equipment and apparatus .... 35,973-34 Amount of endowment ------ 234,977.35 Income from all sources for 1899-1900 - . . - 12,940.03 Tuition in college department ..... Free Number of volumes in library - . - . . 9,000 Number of professors and instructors .... 23 Number of students in attendance .... ^oo Women are admitted. ALPHA KAPPA CHAPTER Founded June 3, 1883. Became inactive in 1886 OTHER FRATERNITIES Delta Tau Delta, 1867; Phi Delta Theta (inactive), 1882-98; Alpha Tau Omega, 1888; Kappa Kappa Gamma, 1880; Pi Beta Phi, 1887; Phi Pi Phi, 1898. 345 ALPHA KAPPA CHAPTER HILLSDALE COLLEGE Frank Miner Kerry B.S. M.D., Univ. of Mich., 1S87 M.S.,i8S7 Charles Warren Laverty B.S. Charles Elbert Robertson Ph.B. Benjamin Jones Boutwell LL.B., Univ. of Mich., i8go Carey Winslow Dunton Ph.B. Edgar Curtis True B.L., Univ. of Wis., 1899 Charles William Beal LL.B., Neb. State Univ.', 1889 *Charles Nixon B.S. Cress) Livingston Wilbur Ph.b. ^h.M., 1890 M.D., bellevue Hosp. Med. Col. Justin Humboldt Wixom Joseph Albert Bennett M.D., Univ. of Mich. Orrin Scott Dolby Fred H. Johnson Ph.B. William Fitch Kelley Ph.B. William Waller Baylor LL.B., Univ. of Mich., 1888 *Edward C. Delavan Roderick Prentiss Fisher Herbert Albert Graham George M. Hoke Class of 1884 Physician Sec. of Board of Health Bookkeeper With Burnham & Co. Class of 1885 Benton Harbor, Mich. 128 Pipestone St. fConstantine, Mich. Lansing, Mich. 108 Washington Ave. Ward, Col Attorney at Law Manistique, Mich. .•\ttornev for Minneapolis, St. Paul & Sault Ste. Marie R. R. Attorney for Manistique & North- western R. R. Manager Milwaukee, Wis. State Mgr. of the National Life & 407-8 Matthews Bldg. Trust Co. Class of 1886 Editor and Attorney Broken Bow, Neb. Charlotte, Mich. County Official Died Sept. 2, 1900 Physician Lansing, Mich. Chief Division of Vital Statistics, 610 S. Sycamore St. 1890 Mich. Counsellor .\mer. Statistical Assn. Special Lecturer in Vital Statistics, Univ. of Mich. Attorney at Law "fHoxie, Kas. Class of 1887 Teacher Attorney at Law Class of 1888 Attorney at Law Died about 1896 Accountant With Fourth Nat'l Bank Pres. N. Y. Alumni Chapter Clerk Chief Clerk in Storekeeper's L. S. & M. S. Ry. Attorney at Law City Solicitor of Tiffin 346 Wayne, Mich. Lake Charles, La. Hillsdale. Mich. Lincoln, Neb. Scranton, Pa. Room 32, Library Bldg. Prospect, N. Y. New York, N. Y. 14 Nassau St. Elkhart, Ind. Office, 304 Jefferson St. Tiffin, O. 72^ S. Washington St. HILLSDALE COLLEGE 347 Wilbur H. Bridgman Milford Melnotte Marcy Daniel Alvin Pelton B.S., Mich. Agricultural Col., iS Class of 1889 Editor Postmaster of Stanley, Wis. Publisher Botanist 1 With Dept. of Agriculture Stanley, Wis. New York, N. Y. 116 Nassau St. Washington, D.C. ♦Willis Arthur Warren A.B. *Dugald Cameron Class of i8qo Student Died July 5, 1888 Merchant Died Nov. 25, 1888 Coldwater, Mich. Marshall, Mich. Nelson Blair Hadley Ph.B. Class of 1801 Insurance Deputy Commissioner of Insurance Lansing, Mich. THE UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN MADISON, WISCONSIN Founded in 1848 First Class Graduated in 1854 A State Institution DEPARTMENTS agriculture law education music history commerce collegiate mechanics and engineering pharmacy economics and political science STATISTICS Value of buildings and grounds - - - - $1,343,806.52 Value of equipment and apparatus - - . - 347,700.09 Amount of productive funds .... - 500,000.00 Tuition in college department ..... Free Number of volumes in library ..... 60,000 Number of professors and instructors .... 160 Number of students in attendance - - - - 2,422 Women are admitted and constitute about twenty per cent, of the attendance. ALPHA LAMBDA CHAPTER Founded March 22, 1884 OTHER FRATERNITIES Phi Delta Theta, 1857; Beta Theta Pi, 1873; Phi Kappa Psi, 1875; <^lii Psi, 1878; Delta Upsilon, 1885; Delta Tau Delta; 1892; Phi Gamma Delta, 1893; Theta Delta Chi, 1895; Phi Rho Beta, 1897; Psi Upsilon, 1896; Kappa Kappa Gamma, 1875; Delta Gamma, 18S1; Gamma Phi Beta, 1885; Kappa Alpha Theta, 1890; Pi Beta Phi, 1894; Alpha Phi, 1896; Phi Delta Phi, 1891; Delta Delta Delta, 1898; Kappa Sigma, 1898; Phi Chi, 1900; Phi Beta Kappa, 1898; Tau Beta Pi, 1899; Phi Phi Phi, 1901; Phi Kappa Sigma, 1901. 349 ALPHA LAMBDA CHAPTER UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN Olin Bailey Lewis A.B.. LL.B., 1889 *William Bivens Sterling LL.B. Class of 1884 Attorney at Law- Judge, Second District Court Attorney at Law Died Oct. 15,1897 St. Paul, Minn, Court House Huron, S. D. Joseph Whitford Vernon B.S. Class of 1885 Agent West Pub. Co. Kansas City, Mo, 615 Am. Bk. Class of 1886 Charles Allen Armstrong M.D., Rush Med. Col., 1887 Louis Alexander Bauman Ph.G. Albert Theodore Schroeder C.E. LL.B., 1899 Robert Slosen Spencer, Jr. B.S. Edward Otto Zwietusch B.S. M.E., 1888 Joseph Colt Bloodgood B.S. M.D., Univ. of Pa., 1891 Emory Richard Johnson B.L., M.L., 1891; Ph.D., Univ. Pa., 1893 Harry David Latimer Frank Hinkley Pittman • Ph.G. J. Howard Morrison B.L. LL.B., 1890 Fred Page Tibbits, Franklyn Jones Tyrrel Frank Stover Winger Physician Head Physician Modern Wood- men of America Pharmacist Boscobel, Wis. Oshkosh, Wis. Attorney at Law New York, N. Y, Delegate to 17th Grand Chapter 31 W. 33d St Grand Praetor Fifth Province, 1897 Architect Chicago, 111. Grand Annotator i6th Grand Steinway Hall Chapter Grand Praetor Fifth Province, 1897-99 Telephone Engineer Berlin, Germany Charlottenburg, Sal- zufer 7 Class of 1888 Physician Baltimore, Md. Associate Surgeon at Johns Hop- 923 North Charles St. kins Univ. Teacher Philadelphia, Pa. of Asst. Prof, of Transportation and Commerce, Univ. of Pa. Member of U. S. Isthmian Canal Com. Vice-Pres. Reavis Fire-Proofing and Partition Co., Washington, D.C. Associate Editor of Annals of Am. Acad, of Pol. and Soc. Science. Delegate to i8th Grand Chapter With J. N.Smyth Co. Pharmacist College Hall. Chicago, 111. Winona, Minn. 59 W. Third St. Class of 1889 Insurance Agent Delegate to 17th Grand Chapter Lumberman With David Shaw Lumber Co. Attorney at Law Accountant 350 Madison, Wis, 133 E. Gilman St. Eau Claire, Wis. Lake Geneva, Wis. 116 Maxwell St. Chicago, 111. 2567 N. Robey St. THE UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN Class of 1890 351 Robert Berkeley Clarkson Loyal Durand B.L. LL.B., 1891 Samuel Barstow Harding *Tom Remington Adolph Cornelius Rietbrock B.L., 1889; LL.B. Harry Washburn Skinner Gov. Official Internal Revenue Insurance Agent Milwaukee, Wis. 178 Farwell Ave. Milwaukee, Wis. 377 Broadway Waukesha, Wis. Manufacturer Pres. and Mjjr. of Modern Steel Structural Co. Attorney at Law Died iMay 4, 1896 Attorney at Law Delegate from Theta Theta to i8th Grand Chapter Chicago, 111. Mjrr. American Finance and Trust Marquette Bldg Co. Tacoma, Washington Milwaukee, Wis. 107 Wisconsin St. George G. Armstrong B.L. LL.B., 1S93 Edward Sawyer Buttrick *Samuel Benjamin Durand B.C.E. C.E., Leland Stanford Univ., 1894 William Francis Ellsworth LeRoy Wells Warren A.B., Northwestern Univ., 1897 B.D., McCormick Theol. Sem., igoo Edward McBeth Dexter Class of 1891 Attorney at Law Deputy County Clerk Lumberman Sec. of United States Radiator Co. Died October 29, 1900 Superintendent Supt. of Ames & Frost Co. Clergyman Salt Lake City, Utah 412 S. 6th East St. S. Milwaukee, Wis. Dunkirk, N. Y. Chicago, 111. LaGrange, Ind. Class of 1892 William Poyntell Kemper A.B., Hohart Col., 1892 A.M.. Hobart Col., 1898 Henry Hotchkiss Morgan LL^.B. ^ Clarence Blackiston Raymond Druggist Ph.G., B.S., Pa. Mil. Col., 1890 Fred Sherwood Sheldon Homer Sylvester B.S. M.D., Univ. of Pa.,iS Electrician of Board of Fire Un- derwriters Grand Praetor of Fifth Province, 1899-1901 Delegate from Milwaukee Alumni Club to 24th Grand Chapter Clergyman Delegate to 22d Grand Chapter Milwaukee, Wis. 68 Mitchell Bldg. Germantown, Pa. 131 Harvey St. Madison, Wis. 10 Langdon St. Smyrna, Del. Janesville, Wis. 208 South Jackson St. Physician Milwaukee, Wis. Prof, of Physiology at Wisconsin 132 Grand Ave. Col. of Physicians and Surgeons Attorney at Law Druggist Hardware Merchant Harry Bartlett Alverson B.S. E.E., 1894 Arthur Babbitt LL.B. Walter Emmons Johnson Class of 1893 Electrical Engineer Buffalo, N. Y Sunt, of Cataract Power and Con- 40 Court St. auit Co. Steward St. Charles Hotel Treas. of the Levitt and Johnson Trust Co. Electrical Engineer With the J.G. White Co. Actor Attorney at Law Grand Praetor of Fifth Province, 1897 Nathaniel Woodside Sallade, Attorney at Law LL.B. Trustee of Grafton Hall Milwaukee, Wis. Waterloo, Iowa. Henry Ackley Lardner B.S. E.E., 1894 William Foster Lardner Louis Wescott Myers B.L. LL.B., 1895 New York, N. Y. 29 Broadway Oconomowoc, Wis. Los Angeles, Cal. 303 Laughlin Bldg. Fond du Lac, Wis. 47 Marr St. 352 ALPHA LAMBDA CHAPTER Louis Tyler Hill Jesse Eugene Sarles B.A. B.D., Yale, 1898 Eugene Albert Smith M.D., Univ. of Pa., 1898 Harker George Spensley Heber Lockhart Tibbits B.S. Martyn Finch Warner Arthur Cleaver Wilkinson Class of 1894 Banker Sparta, Wis. Asst. Cashier Bank of Sparta Delegate to and Grand Annotator of 19th Grand Chapter Clergyman Caledonia, 111. Waupun, Wis. Physician of State Prison Chemist Supt. Pan Confection Co. Chicago, 111. 248 E. Illinois St. Hazelhurst, Wis. Mgr. Sales Dept. Yawkey Lumber Co. Salesman New York, N. Y. With H. W. Johns Asbestos Co. 100 William St. Advertising Chicago, 111. 805 Cham. Com. Bldg. George Edward Nichols Robert Bruce Scott Ph.B., Univ. of Pa., 1895 Joseph Benjamin Schreiter M.D., Rush Med. Col., 1896 Class of 189s Fire Insurance and Real Est. West Superior, Wis. Brenneg Blk. Attorney at Law Aurora, 111. Member Board of Education 166 Galena St. Delegate to 21st Grand Chapter Physician Savanna, 111. County Coroner David Atwood William Charles Leitsch LL.B. Joseph Duryea Maynard Martin Phillip Rindlaub, Jr. B.L. John William Schempf Ph.G. Walter Hodge Sheldon B.A. B.S.. 1897. M.D., Rush Med. Col., 1900 Albert Orville Wright, Jr. Class of 1896 Journalist City Editor Wisconsin State Journal Attorney at Law Pres. Water and Light Com. Insurance Student Attending Johns Hopkins Med- ical School Pharmacist Physician Foreman Barber Asphalt Paving Co. Madison, Wis. 121 W. Wilson St. Columbus, Wis. Milwaukee, Wis. 725 Franklin St. Platteville, Wis. Watertown, Wis. Madison, Wis. Chicago, 111. 901 S. Ashland Ave. Guerdon Cond6 Buck B.S. M.D., Cornell Univ., 1900 Ross Carlton Cornish B.S. Harry Spoor Hayes Fred William Nelson B.S. Matthias Bovee Pittman LL.B., Univ. of Mich., 1899 Carl Edward Schriber Gustav Wollaeger, Jr. LL.B. B.A., Harvard, 1895 Walter John Luedke LL.B. Class of 1897 Physician Gas Engineer Supt. Racine Gas Light Co. Civil Engineer With Wisconsin Central Ry. Co. Mechanical Engineer United States Mining Co. Attorney at Law Mining Engineer Attorney at Law Regent of State Normal Schools County Court Commissioner Attornev at Law Credit Dept. John Pritzlaff Hard- ware Co. New York, N. Y. Bellevue Hospital Racine, Wis. 729 Wisconsin St. Milwaukee, Wis. 255 Thirty-fourth St. West Jordan, Utah Chicago, III. 1417 Monadnock Bldg. Velardena Estardo De Durango, Mexico Milwaukee, Wis. S13 Germania Bldg. Milwaukee, Wis. 2607 Grand Ave. THE UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN 353 Stuart Harris Sheldon B.S. Stanley Dexter Tallman Guido Charles Vogel B.S. Class of 1898 Asst. In Laboratory at Rush Med Col. Alternate Attending 23d Grand Chapter Attorney at Law Tanner Delegate to 23d Grand Chapter Chicago, 111, 56S Washington Boul, Janesville, Wis. 212 N. Jackson St. IVlilwaukee, Wis. 583 Cass St. Clarence Bennett Chadwick Class of 1899 Commercial Traveler Charles Alexander Cryderman Attorney at Law LL.B. Harry Lyman Kellogg Guy Forrest Minnick Allen John Nichols Cornelius Anthony Sidler LL.B. Pharmacist Hotel Clerk Attorney at Law Salt Lake City, Utah Kenyon Hotel Soldiers Grove, Wis. Oconomowoc, Wis. Madison, Wis. Washington, U. C. Riggs House « Milwaukee, Wis. 914 Cedar St. March Frederick Chase B.S., Trinity Col., 1897 Edward Albert Cook B.L. William Everett Finnegan Frank William Jones John Bernard Kalvelage, Jr. Alexander Vaughan McDonald B.S. Corey Hugh McKenna B.S. Paul Willis Minnick B.A. Daniel Hayes Murphy B.S. Lee Allen Parkinson Class of 1900 Chemist Mineral Point, Wis. Madison, Wis. 424 Wisconsin Ave. Fellow in English, Univ. of Wis consin Chicago, 111. With American School Furniture 94 Wabash Ave. Clarence Dudley Tearse B.S. Lynn Alfred Williams B.S. Co. Manufacturer Waukegan, 111. Richmondt Conduit Co. Delegate to 24th Grand Chapter Milwaukee, Wis. With Hoffman & Billings Mfg. Co. 2424 Cedar St. Philadelphia, Pa. Student in Med. Dept. Univ. of Pennsylvania Platteville, Wis. Student at Rush Med. Col. Chicago, 111. Adv. Dept. of Corliss, Coon & Co. 868, 48th St. Manufacturer Milwaukee, Wis. Richmondt Conduit Co. 3324 Wells St. Columbus, Wis. Government Official in Philippine Islands Grain Merchant Winona, Minn. 275 Harriet St. Chicago, 111, Student of Patent Law 1450 Monadnock Bldg. George Tracy Bunker Evans McGregor Nye Class of 1901 Mechanical Engineer Teacher Woodstock, 111. Platteville, Wis. 354 ALPHA LAMBDA CHAPTER Bertram Francis Adams Arthur Stuart Bunker Kenneth Edwin Higby John Earle Kemp Warren Jefferson Neville William Oberne Dugald Atherton Stewart Class of 1902 Vice-Pres. American Tube Co. Asst. Supt. of Gold Mine Student Attorney at Law Student Tanner Farmer Chicago, 111. 1294 Sheffield Ave. Gilt Edge, Mont. Ripon, Wis. Minneapolis, Minn. 806 Fourth St., S.E. Oshkosh, Wis. Chicago, 111. 1147 N. Clark St. Winona, Minn. Class of 1903 William Whittlesey Atwater Student Charles Harold Gafifin Harry Page Keith William Keenan Murphy Harry Gustaf Oakland Howell Albro-Gardner Parks Earle Bryan Stewart Hudson Bernard Werder Edwin Fred WoUaeger Carl William Ziepprecht Charles Maxwell Bering Donald Nivison Ferguson Raymond Haisler Lewis Woodworth Parks Roy Boggess Staver Rudolph Garfield Stotzer Herford White Student Student Student Student at Wisconsin College of Physicians and Surgeons With Ehrler & Oakland Student Student at Rush Medical College Student Delegate to 25th Grand Chapter Clerk With John Pritzlaff Hdw. Co. Student Class of 1904 Student Student Student In Law Dept. Student Student Student Student Chicago, 111. 3977 Drexel Boul. Leaf River, 111. New London, Wis. Milwaukee, Wis. 3324 Wells St. Milwaukee, Wis. 276 Third St. Madison, Wis. 19 Mendota Court Mason City, Iowa 209 E. Fourth St. Charles City, Iowa Milwaukee, Wis. 2401 Grand Ave. Dubuque, Iowa 1347 Clay St. Portage, Wis. 505 E. Cook St. Waupun, Wis. Milwaukee, Wis. 195, i8th St. Watertown, Wis. 506 Washington St. Chicago, 111. 7220 Princeton Ave. Portage, Wis. 507 W. Wisconsin St. Delafield, Wis. Edwin Ball Bartlett Louis George Koch Class of 1905 Student Student Milwaukee, Wis. 720 Jefferson Ave. Milwaukee, Wis. 222 Twelfth St. THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS LAWRENCE, KANSAS Founded in 1864 First Class Graduated in 1873 A State Institution DEPARTMENTS arts engineering graduate law medicine pharmacy geological survey STATISTICS Value of buildings and grounds ----- $450,000.00 Value of equipment and apparatus - - - - 125,000.00 Amount of endowment - .... - 140,000.00 Income from all sources for 1899-1900 - - - 127,000.00 Tuition in college department . - . . . Free Number of volumes in library . - . - . 33,135 Number of professors and instructors .... 30 Number of students in attendance - - - - - 1,150 Women are admitted. ALPHA XI CHAPTER Founded May 23, 1884 OTHER FRATERNITIES Beta Theta Pi, 1872; Phi Kappa Psi, 1876; Phi Delta Theta, 1882; Phi Gamma Delta, 1882; Sigma Nu, 1884; Pi Beta Phi, 1873; Kappa Alpha Theta, 1881; Kappa Kappa Gamma, 1883; Phi Delta Phi, 1897; Alpha Tau Omega, 1901; Sigma Xi. 355 ALPHA XI CHAPTER UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS George Washington Metcalf B.M. Class of 1884 Manager With F. G. Smith Piano Co. Kansas City, Mo. 1000 Walnut St. Frank Wilson Barnes Joseph Wellington Schultz Class of 1885 Pharmacist Farmer ■fSherman, Tex. Lawrence, Kan. Charles Samuel Metcalf James Booth VanVliet LL.B. Howard Franklin Albert *Henry Beecher Hamilton A.B. ♦Daniel Cornelius Kennedy Robert Lynn McAlpine C.E. Frederick Shearer Pentzer LL.B. Charles Lincoln Smith B.S. Glenn Armstrong Smith Class of 1886 Salesman Attorney at Law Class of 1887 Attorney at Law Died September 19, 1887 Died about 1891 Civil Engineer City Engineer of Kansas City Delegate to 17th Grand Chapter Attorney at Law Real Estate Grand Praetor Sixth Province, 1888-90 Delegate to i6th Grand Chapter Pharmacist Denver, Col. 3344 Osceola St. Frankfort, Kan. tHardesty, L T. Kingman, Kan. Larned, Kan. Kansas City, Kan. 328 N. 6th St. Wilton Junction, la. Butte, Mont. 33 W. Granite St. "fLawrence, Kan. Elmer Herr Albert Fred Holmes Bowersock B.C.E. LL.B., Northwestern Univ., 1897 Frank W. Climer Austin Curtis Cunkle A.B., LL.B. Philip Albert Huber Frank Grant Kelly John William Root Ph.G. John William Roberts LL.B. Guy Reynolds Shultz William Staples Wooley LL.B. Class of 1888 Patent Attorney Merchant Attorney at Law Teacher Farmer Assayer With Phil. Smelting Co. Attorney at Law Roberts & Stout Stockman Postal Clerk 356 fBox, Kan. Chicago, 111. 3004 Prairie Ave. Burlington, Kan. Ft. Smith, Ark. Meriden, Kan. fCouncil Grove, Kan. Pueblo, Col. Hutchinson, Kan. Lawrence, Kan. tLiberal, Kan. i THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS Class of 1889 357 George William Britton Roscoe Earl Kroh William Lincoln Lyman Edward William Morris Ph.G. Claude Everett Street Pharmacist Bank Official Pharmacist Pharmacist Mining Hartford, Kan. Kansas City, Kan. 15th & Tauroma Eagle Pass, Tex. Emporia, Kan. Webster, Col. Hiram Alfred Adams Robert Walgrave Brown William King Green Seba Clarence Wescott LL.B. Class of 1890 Publisher With Hudson-Kimberly Publish- ing Co. Clerk Real Estate Attorney at Law Kansas City, Mo. Kansas City, Mo. 1227 Washington St. tKansas City, Mo. Galena, Kan. Justin Dewitt Bowersock B.S. A.B., Harvard, 1892; LL.B., Harvard, 1896 Roy Newton Hair Preston Rufus King LL.B. Edgar Martindale Hiram White Montgomery John Guy Peckham Carl Phillips Ph.G. M.D., Kan. City Med. Col. 1899 Eugene Sharum Wallace Emmet Swank William Lee Taylor Class of 1891 Attorney at Law Grand Praetor Sixth Province, 1897-99 Musician Musical Director Orchestra of Park Theatre, Brooklyn, N. Y. Merchant Delegate to i8th Grand Chapter Journalist Pub. "Jeffersonian Gazette" Bank Cashier Reporter With Daily Beacon Frank Walter Butler William Edwin Royster Charles Brown Voorhis Merchant Salesman Class of 1892 Pharmacist Teacher Supt. of Schools Merchant Hardware and Implements Kansas City, Mo. New York Life Bldg. Belleville, Kan. Newkirk, Okla. Lawrence, Kan. Skidmore, Mo. Wichita, Kan. Lawrence, Kan. fTopeka, Kan. St. Joseph, Mo. 305 S. Fifteenth St. Seneca, Kan. Yates Center, Kan. Chanute, Kan. Ottawa,} Kan. Arthur Howard Crowell ♦William Halderman Riddle A.B. .A.B., Han'ard, 1895. A.M., Harvard, 1896 Earl Stanton Smith Larkin A. Smith Class of 1893 Electrical Engineer Columbus, Kan. Supt. & Mngr. Columbus Electric Co. Teacher Lawrence, Kan. Died January, 1897 Contracting Agent Kansas City, Mo. With Frisco Line Board of Trade Pharmacist Wardner, Idaho 358 ALPHA XI CHAPTER Perry Bigelow Barber Ph.G. George Ervin Haller Ph.G. Charles Edward Joslin Ph.G. Frederick C. Oehler Ph.G. Scott Perry Kellogg *Luther Elias Thrasher A.B. Edwin W. Davis Albert D. Flinton Ernest Frey Havens James Judson Harding B.S. Edward Ernest Newton B.S. Edwin Braden Schall Major Augustus Wroten Shockley M.D., Kansas City Med. Col. Claudius Chalmers Stanley LL.B., 1898 William A. Wynn LL.B. Robert Barnard Wagstaff LeRoy J. Beebe James Albert Evans Class of 1894 Pharmacist Pharmacist Pharmacist Journalist Attorney at Law Journalist Died in 1901 Class of 1895 Clerk Topeka, Kan. 609 W. loth Ave. Holton, Kan. Topeka, Kan. tChillicothe, Mo. Leavenworth, Kan. San Francisco, Cal. Leavenworth, Kan. 222 Vine St. Kansas City, Mo. Auditor National Bank of Commerce Bank Clerk Civil Engineer Asst. Enu'r of Bridges C, M. & St. P. Ry. Albert Colvin Goodrich William Maclay Lyon M.D., K.C., Homeo. Med. Col Hering Med. Col., Chicago, 1901. William Robert Mason Salesman With the Poehler Mercantile Co. Surgeon First Lieut., Asst. Surgeon U.S. A Attorney at Law Police Judge Attorney at Law Merchant Class of 1896 Real Estate & Loans Merchant Tailor Sec. Olathe Commercial Club Journalist Physician 1900; Leavenworth, Kan. P. O. Box 83 Chicago, 111. iioo Old Colony Bldg. "fHiawatha, Kan. Lawrence, Kan. Fort Niobrara, Neb. Wichita, Kan. Tacoma, Wash. Lawrence, Kan. Kansas City, Mo. ^^i Walnut St. Olathe, Kan. fKansas City, Mo. Chicago, 111. 5800 Indiana Ave. Clarence Harrison Mowry B.S.. Northwestern Univ., 18 Ernest Wernher Paul Robert Aikman Hal Nelson Aikman Dwight Patterson Dilworth George Kingslev, Jr. LL.B., Univ. of Mich., 1898, LL.M Univ. of Mich., 1899 Roy Thornton Osborn A.B. LL.B., 1900 Charles Paris Pettijohn William Beach Sampson Lute P. Stover Thomas Edward Wagstafif LL.B. LL.M., New York Univ., Clerk With Crane Co. Clerk With Commissary Dept., U.S..\. Class of 1897 Merchant Civil Engineer With Keystone Bridge Works Attorney at Law Attorney at Law , Kingsley, O'Flaherty & Sharp Attorney at Law Loan Broker Postmaster County Surveyor Attorney at Law Judge of Court of Coffey ville Delegate to 23d Grand Chapter Boston, Mass. 16 Concord Sq. Chicago, 111. 5600 Michigan Ave. Omaha, Neb. Chicago, 111. 3Q19 Indiana Ave. Pittsburg, Pa. Kansas City, Mo. N. Y. Life Bldg. Kansas City, Mo. Suite 722 N. Y. Life Bldg. Coffeyville, Kan. Olathe, Kan. Skagway, Alaska lola, Kan. Coffeyville, Kan. THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS 359 Harry G. Clark B.S Harry Adelbert Dockum Dana Collins MacVicar LL.B. B.A., Washburn Col. Loring Temple Price Ph.G., State Board of Ph. George Henry Rising ♦Frederick Speak LL.B. ♦Ernest VanSickle Tuttle B.S. '95 Class of 1898 Civil Engineer Druggist Attorney at Law Pharmacist Mgr. Shepard's Opera House Journalist Attorney at Law Died November 2, iSgg Died September iS, igoi "fLeavenworth, Kan. Wichita, Kan. 128 & 248 N. Main St. Topeka, Kan. Burlingame, Kan. Kansas City, Mo. 806 Euclid Ave. Axtell, Kan. Salina, Kan. Arthur Albert Green LL.B. William W. Nelson Arthur Henry Symons Arthur R. Williams LL.B. Harry C. Annan Roscoe Wilhoite Gates LL.B John Blakeslee Henry A.B. Walter V. Jordaan LL.B. Walter Stanborough Sutton A.B., A.M. William H. Stanley Matthew Allen Smith A.B. Harry Harmon Tangerman A.B. Harry Ingrahm Braden Roy Albert Henley Harold Henry Mus.B. Elwood Horace Kennedy Walter Acel Lapham Class of 1899 Attorney at Law Teacher Owner Western W^ire & Bale Tie Co. Manufacturer Class of 1900 Merchant Attorney at Law Student Attorney at Law With Karnes, New, Hall & Krauthotf Student Fellow in Zoology, Columbia Univ. "fSharon Springs, Kan. flola, Kan. Kansas City, Mo. ist and Main Sts. Lawrence, Kan. fSt. Joseph, Mo. Chanute, Kan. Lawrence, Kan. Kansas City, Mo. 606 Water Works Bldg. Kansas City, Kan. 1315 N. 7th St. Wichita, Kan. Cashier Central Coal & Coke Co. Attorney at Law Cawker City, Kan. Delegate to 24th Grand Chapter Student Newton, Kan. Class of 1901 Student Student Student Banker Traveling Salesman Washington, Kan. Lawrence, Kan. Lawrence, Kan. Chandler, Okla. Chanute, Kan. Milton C. Blanchard Artlmr Clark Bradley Neil Skillman Jones James Sutton Pellett George Elmer Tucker Frank Wesley Thompson James Floyd Tilford Guy Ward] Class of 1902 Student Student Student Bank Official Student Student Student Student Hamlin, Kan. Lawrence, Kan. Chanute, Kan. Olathe, Kan. Cawker City, Kan. Kansas City, Kan. i960 N. stli St. Olathe, Kan. Belleville, Kan. 360 ALPHA XI CHAPTER Class of 1903 Wilbur Ray Clifford Student John Edgar Dudley Doolittle Student William Corydon Edwards, Jr. Student Delegate to 25th Grand Chapter Charles L. Faust Frederick Rollin Feitshans Milo T. Jones Thomas Hill Kingsley Ernest Quigley Burns Llewellyn Williams Albert Worley John Stephen Worley Student Student Student Student Attending Univ. of Mich. Student Student Attending Washburn Col. Student Civil Engineer Kansas City, Kan. 1317 N. Seventh St. Cottonwood Falls, Kan. Wichita, Kan. 1515 Fairview Ave. Highland, Kan. Kansas City, Mo. 1811 Linwood Boul. Chanute, Kan. Paola, Kan. Concordia, Kan. Topeka, Kan. Odessa, Mo. Odessa, Mo, Class of 1904 St. Clare Joseph Cowley Student Benjamin Franklin Hegler, Jr. Student Ralph Emerson Morrison Student Ralph Waldo Morrison Student Roy Walter Winton Student Columbus, Kan. Guthrie, Okla. 212 N. Broad St. Kansas City, Mo. 728 Campbell St. Oswego, Kan. Guthrie, Okla. Roy Cater Carl E. Riley Thomas Johnson Strickler Class of 1905 Student Student Student Lawrence, Kan. Paola, Kan. Kansas City, Mo. 1415 Broadway THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AUSTIN, TEXAS Founded in 1883 First Class Graduated in 1884 A State Institution DEPARTMENTS ACADEMIC MEDICINE LAW ENGINEERING STATISTICS Value of buildings and grounds ... - $450,000.00 Value of equipment and apparatus ... - 100,000.00 Income from all sources for 1899-1900 ... 171,792.00 Tuition in college department .... - Free Number of volumes in library .... 35,000 Number of professors and instructors - . - - 87 Number of students in attendance - - . . . 1,121 Women are admitted and constitute about 25 per cent, of the attendance. ALPHA NU CHAPTER Founded September 24, 1884 OTHER FRATERNITIES Kappa Alpha, 1883; Phi Delta Theta, 1883; Phi Gamma Delta, 1883; Kappa Sigma, 1884 ; Sigma Alpha Epsilon, 1884 ; Beta Theta Pi, 1886 ; Sigma Nu, 1886 ; Chi Phi, 1892 ; Phi Phi Phi, 1897 ; Alpha Tau Omega, 1897. 361 ALPHA NU CHAPTER UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS George Smith Berry A.B. Frank Luby Feuille LL.B. Robert McAlpine Hall Clergyman A.M. A.B.,Hampden-SidneyCol., Evangelist Class of 1886 Bank Cashier Attorney at Law- Samuel Bismark MacLeary M.D., Jefferson Med. Col., 1889 Surgeon Merkel, Tex. San Diego, Tex. tWest, Tex. Weimar, Tex. William Sims Duke A.B. Fritz Hadra A.B. M.D., Tex. Med. Col., Gal- veston, 1889 William Henry Mclntyre A.B. Stonewall Jackson McMurray David Andrew Nunn LL.B. *Rogers Whaley LL.B. *Milton White LL.B. Class of 1887 Clerk With Sanger Bros. Surgeon With U. S. Army in Philippines Railroad Employe With San Antonio & Aransas Pass R. R. Clergyman Pastor First Pres. Church Attorney at Law Attorney at Law Died in 1S89 Attorney at Law Died in 1890 Waco, Tex. Orange, Tex. Care A. Gilmer tSan Antonio, Tex. Laredo, Tex. Crockett, Tex. Longiren, Tex. Austin, Tex. Atwell Johnston Clopton A.B. B.L., Univ. of Ky., 18 Robert Taylor Jones LL.B. *William Taylor Levy LL.B. Class of i888 Secretary Dallas, Tex. To Sen. Culberson of Tex, Attorney at Law Hillsboro, Tex. Commissioner of Immigration Childress, Tex. Died September 8, 1900 Robert Rand Lockett LL.B. William Carroll McGown LL.B. Class of 1889 Attorney at Law Attorney at Law Texarkana, Tex. El Paso, Tex. Raymond H. Buck LL.B. Albert Henry Culver LL.B. Sanford J. Dean A.B. Class of 1890 Attorney at Law Assistant County Attorney Attorney at Law Railroad Attorney Ranchman 362 Ft. Worth, Tex. Sherman, Tex. tWest, Tex. THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS 363 Robert Clayton Neale A.B. William Richard Rogers A.B. John Thomas Selman A.B. James Larken Selman A.B. William Temple Nash *Eugene Oran Skeene LL.B. James Young LLB. ^ *Jo Leeper Abbott B.A. Cotton Merchant Farmer Bookkeeper Class of 1891 Banker Attorney at Law Died August 4, i8g Attorney at Law- Class of 1892 Died in 1898 tHenderson, Tex. Galveston, Tex. fHillsboro, Tex. fHillsboro, Tex. Kaufman, Tex. Wichita Falls, Tex. Kaufman, Tex. Hillsboro, Tex. Class of 1894 Merchant James Arnold Muckleroy Tillman Bacon Parks William Henry Richardson, Jr. Merchant Terrell, Tex. Lewisville, Ark. Austin, Tex. Alex Chalmers Johnson James Bouldin Rector LL.B. LL.M., 1900 E. Dick Slaughter B.Lit. Class of 1895 Bank Clerk Attorney at Law Cattleman Delegate to 22d and 23d Grand Chapters Annotator of 22d Grand Chapter Grand Praetor of Seventh Province, 1895-97 Austin, Tex. Austin, Tex. ist Nat. Blc. Bldg. Dallas, Tex. 247 Main St. *Lee Waldo Green LL.B. Robert Wistar Howell A.B. Francis Charles Hume, Jr. B.A. LL.B., Columbian Law School, 1899 Branch Smith LL.B. A.B., 1894 Elisha Gee Abbott LL.B. Caspar Ralph Byars M.D. William Eager Howard M.D. Edward Brandon Newsom M.D. John Otis Phillips A.B. William Carroll Swain M.D. John William Tobin LL.B. Leonard Tobin San Antonio, Tex. Bryan, Tex. Houston, Tex. Big Springs, Tex. Class of 1896 Reporter Died in 1899 Merchant Attorney at Law Asst. Dist. Atty. Attorney at Law Class of 1897 Soldier 2d Lieut. Artillery Corps Surgeon With U. S. A. in Philippines Physician Physician With N. Y. & N. J. Telephone Co Physician Manager New York, N. Y. With Palmitine Co. 76 William St. Capitalist New York, N. Y. Member of firm of Palmitine Co. 202 Broadway Washington, D. C. Care Adjutant-Gen- eral U. S. A. tWashington, D. C. Care War Dept. Childress, Tex. Rockwood, Tex. fEast Orange, N. J, Victoria, Tex. 364 B. Michael Brandenburg M.D. Evan Shelby Easton B.S. Marshal Pease Graham LL.B. Horace Cohrheaugh Hall M.D. Lea Hume M.D. Joseph Milton Howe LL.B. B.S., Mass. Inst. Tech., li John Jenkins M.D. Francis Marion Law LL.B. Olinthus Ellis LL.B. Rufus Whitter King M.D. Julian N. Mincey M.D. Harry Elliott Nolan M.D. Hugh Edmondson Prather B.L. Julius Riihl M.D. Franklin Edward Smith B.S Brooks Stafford M.D. Adolphus Andrews A.B.. Graduate U. S. Naval Academy, 1901 Mont Frederick Highley M.L. B.L. LL.B. Richard Coke Harris LL.B. A.B., 1897 Edward Robert Kleberg LL.B., B.Lit., iSgg William James Lawther A.B. J. Todd Lowry A.B.,M.D. Lewis Maverick LL.B. George Aldredge Robertson M.L. LL.B. ALPHA NU CHAPTER Class of 1898 Physician Student Real Estate Cincinnati, O. Berkshire Bldg. Austin, Tex. New York, N. Y. 20 E. 32d St. Pepezela Aguas Calientes, Max. Medical Officer Eagle Pass, Tex. In Command U. S. Marine Hospital Civil Engineer Houston, Tex. )6 With Houston & Texas Central R. R. New Orleans, La. Physician Accountant Class of 1899 Attorney at Law Physician Physician Asst. Surgeon M. C. Ry. Physician Cattleman Physician Collector Quarantine Officer Class of 1900 Attorney at Law Attorney at Law Attorney at Law Grain Merchant Physician Attorney at Law Attorney at Law Delegate to 24th and 25th Grand Chapters Bryan, Tex. Lockhart, Tex. Austin, Tex. Galveston, Tex. Silao, Mex. Dallas, Tex. 567 Gaston Ave. Galveston, Tex. 2117 Post Office St. San Antonio, Tex. Galveston, Tex. fAnnapolis, Md. Oklahoma City, Okla. Comanche, Tex. Yorktown, Tex. Dallas, Tex. tCity of Mexico, Mex. San Antonio, Tex. Dallas, Tex. Wilbur Price Allen M.A. LL.B. Herbert Downs Ardrey LL.B. B.L., 1899 Walter Scott Amsler A.B. James Richard Bowman LL.B. M.A., So. West Univ. Class of 1901 Attorney at Law Attorney at Law Teacher Pnn. of McGregor High School Capitalist Austin, Tex. Dallas, Tex. McGregor, Tex. Piano, Tex. THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS 365 Madison Hawthorne Benson LL.B. A.B., 1896 Alex Camp LL.B. B.S., 1901 James Nicholas Goldbeck LL.B. Walter Pharo Napier Tom MacRae Attorney at Law Attorney at Law Real Estate Class of IQ02 Railroad Employee Capitalist Julien Andrew Richardson Attorney at Law Houston, Tex. Dallas, Tex. Austin, Tex. Terrell, Tex. New York, N, Y. Grand Hotel Austin, Tex. Alva Breaker Court James Thomas Elliott, Jr. Marcellus Kleburg James DuBose Walthall Roy Bruce Burnett Edward Crane Victor Cassar Eckhardt Class of 1903 Student Lumber Dealer Student Student Class of 1904 Cattleman Student Student Houston, Tex. 2704 Brazoo St. Dallas, Tex. 193 Hawkins St. Galveston, Tex. 1025 Ave.H San Antonio, Tex. 426 Dwyer Ave. Benjamin, Tex. Dallas, Tex. 149 State St. Austin, Tex, Arthur Cleveland Amsler Robert Carl Dickerson Walter Kleberg Class of 1905 Student Student Student McGregor, Tex. Paris, Tex. Galveston, Tex. 1025 Ave. H VIRGINIA MILITARY INSTITUTE LEXINGTON, VIRGINIA Founded in 1839 First Class Graduated in 1842 A State Institution DEPARTMENT MILITARY STATISTICS Value of buildings and grounds - Value of equipment and apparatus - Income from all sources for 1899-1900 Tuition in college department Number of volumes in library Number of professors and instructors Number of students in attendance Women are not admitted. $550,000.00 50,000.00 58,532.22 275.00 11,492 248 ALPHA MU CHAPTER Founded December 31, 1884. Became inactive in 1885 OTHER FRATERNITIES Alpha Tau Omega (inactive), 1865-81 ; Kappa Alpha (inactive), 1868-88 ; Beta Theta Pi (inactive), i86g-8o ; Sigma Nu (inactive), 1869-88 ; Kappa Sigma (inactive), 1874-78; Sigma Alpha Epsilon (inactive), 1874-75; Phi Delta Theta (inactive), 1878-88. 367 ALPHA MU CHAPTER VIRGINIA MILITARY INSTITUTE Cecil Henry Moore Richard Pindal Camden C.E. *George Byron Edmiston A.B., Wash, and Lee Univ., i8: M.D., Ky. School of Medicine William Graham Gwatkin Turner Ash by Winfield Graduate Va. Mil. Inst. Thomas Willis Lackland Graduate Va. Mil. Inst. John William Wilson, Jr. Robert Edwin Withers Graduate Va. Mil. Inst. Class of 1884 Accountant Asst. Sec. American Planograph Co. Capitalist Physician Died March 28, 1891 Commercial Traveler Orange Grower Class of 1885 Civil Engineer Commercial Traveler Waverly, Va. Manufacturer New Kensington, Pa. Treasurer Pittsburg Reduction Co. New York, N. Y. 31 E. 17th St. Parkersburg, W. Va. Buckhannon, W. Va. Richmond, Va. 810 W. Grace St. Little River, Fla. "(■Charleston, W. Va. Porter Arnold Johnson Newton Camden Graduate Va. Mil. Inst. Henry Winston Holt Graduate Va. Mil. Inst. B.L., Wash, and Lee Univ., i Julius Alfred Ludwig Graduate Va. Mil. Inst. C.E., Rensselaer Polytechnic 1S89 Thomas Jacob Nottingham, Graduate Va. Mil. Inst. Edwin Amiss Palmer Graduate Va. Mil. fnst. Philip St. Julien Wilson Graduate Va. Mil. Inst. Robert Lee Wilson Graduate Va. Mil. Inst. Class of 1886 Farmer Capitalist Attorney at Law Judge Corporation Court Inst., Weston, W.Va. Weston, W. Va. Staunton, Va. Richmond, Va. Norfolk, Va. Jr. Merchant Major ist Bat. 71st Reg. Inf. Va. Vols. Vice-Pres. Nottingham & Wren Co. Insurance Richmond, Va. Attorney at Law Manufacturer Sec. and Treas. Vicksburg Ice Co. Richmond, Va. 905^ E. Main St. Vicksburg, Miss. Wilson Arnold George Taylor Langhome Graduate U. S. Mil. Acad., 18 Class of 1887 Farmer U. S. Officer ist Lieut, ist U.S. Cav. Weston, W. Va. Manila, P. L Victor Wilson Floweree Graduate Va. Mil. Inst. Class of i{ Contractor Kansas City, Mo. 368 TULANE UNIVERSITY OF LOUISIANA NEW ORLEANS, LOUISIANA Founded in 1882 Chartered in i{ A State Institution DEPARTMENTS collegiate technology graduate law newcomb college medicine STATISTICS Value of buildings and equipment .... $85o, Productive funds ...... 1,350,000.00 Income from all sources for 1899-1900 ... - 131,600.06 Tuition in collegiate department .... 105.00 Number of volumes in library . . - . - 26,000 Number of professors and instructors _ . . 80 Number of students in attendance . . . . Iii44 Women are admitted in Newcomb College, ALPHA OMICRON CHAPTER Founded May, 1886 OTHER FRATERNITIES Phi Kappa Psi (inactive), 1858-61 ; Pi Kappa Alpha (inactive), 1878-81 ; Kappa Alpha, 1882 ; Alpha Tau Omega, 1887 ; Sigma Nu, 1888; Delta Tau Delta, 1889 ; Phi Delta Theta, 1889 ; Kappa Sigma, 1889 ; Phi Kappa Sigma, 1893; Sigma Alpha Epsilon, 1897; Pi Beta Phi, 1891 ; Chi Omega ; Alpha Omicron Pi. 369 ALPHA OMICRON CHAPTER Edward Wyllys Terry TULANE UNIVERSITY Class of 1886 U. S. Army Manila, P. I. Samuel Henderson, Jr. B.L. William Gray B.L. John Dymond, Jr. A.B. B.L., 1890 Erasmus Darwin Fenner A.B. M.D., 1892 Daniel Mosley Griffith M.D. Thomas Carter A.B. B.D., VanderbiltUniv. Thomas Todd Carter Frederick John Combe Marshall James Gasquet A.B. B.L., 1890 Hewes Thomas Gurley B.L. Randall J. Hunt M.D. Frank Adair Leovy Purnell Mitchell Milner B.L., 1892 Gilbert Hawkins Norton Robert Buckner Parker Robert James Perkins B.L., 1893 Class of 1887 Attorney at Law Farmer Class of 1888 New Orleans, La. 1533 Henry Clay Ave. Mississippi Attorney at Law New Orleans, La. Member Board of Administration, 339 Carondelet St. Tulane Univ. Physician New Orleans, La. Asst. House Surgeon, Charity Tulane ."^ve. Hospital Physician Kentucky Class of 1889 Teacher t Prof, of Greek in Tulane Univ. Physician Broker New Orleans, La. 2029 Palmer A\e. New York, N. Y. Brownsville, Tex. New York, N. Y. New Orleans, La. 2033 Coliseum St. ■fShreveport, La. Attorney at Law Physician Beaumont, Tex. Division Freight and Passenger 1168 Hebert St. Agt. Southern Pacific Co. Attorney at Law New Orleans, La. 928 Marengo St. Clerk New Orleans, La. With Illinois Central Railroad 1539 Seventh Ave. Merchant New Orleans, La. With John M. Parker & Co. 2303 Prytonia St. Attorney at Law New Orleans, La. State's .'Attorney for 28th Judicial 812 Hennen Bldg. District of Louisiana Delegate to and Grand Pro-Consul of 17th Grand Chapter Walter Hart Jewell Alfred Joshua Lewis, Jr. Class of 1890 With C.J. Hart & Co. Accountant With I. C. R. R., Yazoo & Miss. Valley R. R., and Central Ele- vator & Warehouse Co. f New Orleans, La. 1730 Annunciation St. New Orleans, La. 1231 Coliseum St. TULANE UNIVERSITY OF LOUISIANA 371 William Bradish Forsyth B.L., Univ. of Va.,1896 ♦Sawyer Hayward Lucian Maurice Provosty B.L., iSgy; A.B., iSggiM.D. Harry Wiggingtori Rickey B.S. Thomas Farrar Richardson A.B. M.D., 1896 Benjamin Palmer Carter *James Carson Dixon A.B. Benjamin Moss Walmsley John Dyson Britton A.B. Douglas Forsyth A.B. Charles Conrad Krumbhaar George King Logan B.S. M.D., 1899 Charles Cate Waterman B.S. Henry Beach Carre A.B. B.D., Vanderbilt Univ., 189S. Wirt Howe A.B. B.L., Harvard, 1899 Samuel Logan M.D., 1900 Class of i8q2 Attorney at Law Broker Died August 7, 1897 Physician Clergyman Pastor of M.E. Church Physician U. S. Marine Hospital Corps Class of 1893 Mining Expert Mining,' Engineer in South Africa Student Died October 6, 1896 Merchant New Orleans, La. 2708 Prytonia St. New Orleans, La. 177 Annunciation St. New Roads P. O., La, INachitoches, La. tNew York, N. Y. New Orleans, La. New Orleans, La. 174 Louisiana Ave. New Orleans, La. First and Chestnut Sts. Class of 1894 New Orleans, La. 1929 Napoleon Ave. New Orleans, La. 99 1423 Louisiana Ave. New Orleans, La. 1235 St. Andrew St. New Orleans, La. Cashier With De Buys & Labouisse Merchant Grand Praetor7th Province, i Engineer Southdown Plantation Physician Visiting Physician Charity Hospital 1539 Philip St. Cotton Buyer New Orleans, La, 2218 Prytonia St. Class of 1895 Clergyman Pastor M. E. Church, South Vice-Pres. Centenary Col. Attorney at Law Delafield & Howe Delegate to 21st Grand Chapter Physician Delegate to 22d Grand Chapter Jackson, La. New York, N. Y. New Orleans, La. 1539 Philip St. William Ackerman Dixon A.B. Harvey Burton Earle Horton Kennedy Payne B.E. Joseph Ogden Pierson Hardie Barr Walmsley M.D., Columbia Univ., 1900 ♦William Henry Hayward A.B. Frank Adair Monroe, Jr. B.E. James Beasley Murphy B.S. John Francis Richardson B.S. Class of 1896 Teacher Prin. of Di.Non Academy Correspondent With Randolph-Clowes Co., Waterbury, Conn. Engineer General Manager Street Railway Manufacturing Stationer Sec. & Treas. of Palfrey-Dameron Co., Ld. Physician Class of 1897 Covington, La. New York, N. Y. 325 Amsterdam Ave. Houston, Tex. New Orleans, La. 304 Camp St. New York, N. Y. New Orleans, La. Clerk Died February 24, 1899 Engineer New Orleans, La. Chemist Belle Alliance Plantation 847 Carondelet St. Delegate to 23d Grand Chapter Planter New Orleans, La. 2627 Carondelet St. Civil Engineer New Orleans, La. Assistant Engineer of Sewerage 1631 Foucher St. and Water Board 372 ALPHA OMICRON CHAPTER William Bullitt Grant A.B. B.L., iQoo Thomas Muldrup Logan, Jr. B.E. B.C., 1900 Jules Blanc Monroe A.B. B.L. James Porter Parker M.D. John Randolph Tucker, Jr. Samuel Stanhope Labouisse B.E. Paul Avery Mcllhenny M.D. Leeds Eustis Harry Forsyth Richard Millikin Murphy A.B. George Gustaf Westfeldt A.B. Class of 1898 Attorney at Law New Orleans, La. 3932 St. Charles Ave. New Orleans, La. 1539 Philip St. Sugar Engineer Delegate to 24th and 25th Grand Chapters Grand Praetor Seventh Province, 1901- Attorney at Law New Orleans, La. With Lapeyre, Monroe & Brezeale 847 Carondelet St. New Orleans, La. 1631 Constantinople St. Physician Student Staunton, Va. Class of 1900 Student Attending Columbia Univ. Delegate to 24th Grand Chapter Physician Class of 1901 Clerk With Commercial National Bank Clerk With Elder Dempster Steamship Co. With Murphy & Farwell With Westfeldt Bros. New Orleans, La. 1544 Webster St. Avery's Island, La. New Orleans, La. Berlin and Baronne Sts.- New Orleans, La. 1423 Louisiana Ave. New Orleans, La. 3627 Carondelet St. New Orleans, La. 2617 St. Charles Ave. Class of 1902 Hugh Montgomery Krumbhaar Student Delegate to 25th Grand Chapter Merrill Neville Smith Student William Germain Vincent, Jr. Student William Holcombe Aiken Lewis Bienvenue Crawford John Rainey Hayward Hemdon Sharp Hugh Kerr Aiken Darleigh Rasselas Perkins George Winter Robertson Class of 1903 Student Student Student Cadet West Point Mil. Acad. Class of 1904 Student Student Student Gustaf Reinhold Westfeldt, Jr. Student Yeremya Kenley Smith Charles Campbell Crawford Alphonse Rost Minor Frank Tilsdale Payne George Elliot Williams Student Class of 1905 Student Student Student Student New Orleans, La. 1235 St. .'\ndrews St. New Orleans, La. 1410 St. .Andrews St. New Orleans, La. 2029 St. Charles Ave. New Orleans, La. 1102 St. Charles Ave. New Orleans, La. 612 Royal St. New Orleans, La. New Orleans, La. 5015 Camp St. New Orleans, La. 1102 St. Charles Ave. New Orleans, La. Station B. New Orleans, La. 1925 Berlin St. New Orleans, La. 2617 St. Charles Ave. New Orleans, La. 1410 St. Andrews St. New Orleans, La. 612 Royal St. New Orleans, La. 2337 Decatur St. New Orleans, La. 3021 Chestnut St. New Orleans, La. 1322 First St. ALBION COLLEGE ALBION, MICHIGAN Chartered in i86i First Class Graduated in 1863 A Denominational Institution (Methodist Episcopal) DEPARTMENTS LIBERAL ARTS ORATORY SUB collegiate painting MUSIC BUS'-NESS STATISTICS Value of buildings and grounds - - - - $ 80,000.00 Value of equipment and apparatus . . . . 50,000.00 Amount of endowment . . . . . 256,000.00 Value of productive funds - . . . . 250,000.00 Income from all sources for 1899-1900 - - - 32,000.00 Tuition in college department ..... Free Number of volumes in library .... 16,000 Number of professors and instructors .... go Number of students in attendance . . - . ^go Women are admitted and constitute about forty per cent, of the attendance. ALPHA PI CHAPTER Founded June 21, 1886 OTHER FRATERNITIES Delta Tau Delta, 1876; Alpha Tau Omega, i88g; Sigma Nu, 1895; l^elta Gamma, 1883; Alpha Chi Omega, 1887; Kappa Alpha Theta, 1887. 37: ALPHA PI CHAPTER ALBION COLLEGE Charles Irving Buell George William Loomis A.B. A.M., 1896 Edgar Lafayette Moon A.B. Carmi R. Smith B.S. Durand William Springer B.S. *William Cornelius Van Loo Ph.B. Class of 1886 Accountant With Valley City Desk Co. Teacher Supt. of Central State Normal Training School Pres. of Mich. School Superin- tendents' Assn. Clergyman Pastor of M. E. Church Lumber Merchant Teacher Grand Rapids, Mich. 207 S. Union St. Mt. Pleasant, Mich. Bad Axe, Mich. Niles, Mich. Ann Arbor, Mich. Director Commercial Dept. Ann Arbor High School Lecturer on Science of Accounts, Univ. of Mich. Sec. of Cleary Business Col. Vice-Pres. of National Commercial Teachers' Federation State Director of Nat. Educ. Assn. Attorney at Law Died July 21, 1890 Big Rapids, Mich. George Frederick Knappen Ph.B. Frank Henry Loomis A.B. William Molineaux Snell Ph.B. Dwight Bryant Waldo Ph.B. A.M., 1890 William Clarence Webster A.B. Ph.D. Class of 1887 Banker Sioux Falls, S. Dak. Cashier of Sioux Falls Sav. Bank 217 Prairie Ave. Commercial Traveler Grand Rapids, Mich. With Am. Book Co., Chicago, 111. Morton House Attorney at Law SaultSte. Marie, Mich. Judge of Probate, Chippewa Co., Mich. Delegate to i6th Grand Chapter Teacher Marquette, Mich. Principal of Northern Normal School Teacher Brooklyn, N. Y. In Commercial High School, Brook- 321 Putnam Ave. lyn, N. Y. Anson Elisha Hagle B.S. Shelley Bryant Jones B.S. Class of 1888 Insurance Agent Albion, Mich. With State Mutual Life Assurance Co., Worcester, Mass. Druggist Pres. and Mgr. of People's Drug Co., Marquette, Mich. Marquette, Mich. John F. Critchett Ph.B. Fisk Mark Ray Ph.B. Class of 1889 Metallurgist Pictou, Nova Scotia Asst. Supt. of Copper Crown Min- ing Co. Berkeley, Cal. Asst. Mgr. of Bay Counties Power 2429 Channing Way Co., San Francisco, Cal. 374 ALBION COLLEGE William Joyce Smith Albert Philander Stark William Stearns White Ph.B. 375 Battle Creek, Mich. Banker Cashier Farmers' and Mechanics' Banlc Director Nat. Bank of Battle Creek Attorney at Law Livingston, Mont. City Attorney State Agent For American Book Co. Delegate to 17th Grand Chapter Detroit, Mich, 35 Alexandrine Ave.,E. Ralph Connable, Jr. Clarence Adelbert Fiske A.B. Eugene Colfax Peirce A.B. Kingsley Van Loo Ph.B. Class of 1890 Merchant Chicago, 111. Buyer for Siebert, Good & Co. 1540 VV. ."Xdams St. Publisher Springfield, 111. Publisher of the Continuous Law 320 S. Fifth St. Book Catalogue With Callaghan & Co., Chicago, 111. Grand Triumvir and Grand Praetor of Fifth Province, 1892-94 Teacher Ottumwa, la. Prin. of High School Merchant Fresno, Cal. M^r. Dried Fruit Dept. of Griffin & Skelley Co. James Hutchinson Bartley B.S. M.D., Rush Med. Col.. Walter Maxwell Connable Fred Kimes McEldowney William Charles Mitchell Homer Oilman Warren Ph.B. Class of 1891 Physician I Accountant Bookkeeper Iowa Hospital for the Insane Accountant With Penberthy Injector Co. Merchant Clergyman Pastor M. E. Church Tacoma, Wash. Mt. Pleasant, la. Detroit, Mich. 305 West Boul. Duluth, Minn. West Chicago, 111. Louis Warner Anderson B.S. B.S. (C. E.), Univ. of Mich. 1895 Smith Burnham Ph.B. A.M., 1898 Seymour Champion Eslow Arthur Lewis Landon Ph.B. Arthur Hamilton Rockafellow Edward Bird Ryan Charles Herbert Sharer B.S. John Wilson Staley A.B. Class of 1892 Civil Engineer , City Engineer Teacher Prof, of History West Chester State Normal School Delegate to i8th Grand Chapter Farmer Farmer Accountant Cashier with Joyce, Point & Co. Publisher Supt. of Periodical Circulation Western Methodist Book Concern Real Estate With Charles H. Ewing & Co. Banker Corresponding Clerk of First Nat Bank, Detroit, Mich. Grand Rapids, Mich. 24 Eureka Ave. West Chester, Pa. Homer, Mich. Albion, Mich, R. F. D. 3 Roswell, N. Mex. Cincinnati, O. 611 Prospect Place, Avondale Chicago, 111, 614 W. Lake St. Detroit, Mich, 303 West Boulevard k 376 ALPHA PI CHAPTER Ray George MacDonald Ph.B. LL.B. Univ. of Mich. Newman Miller Pli.B. Samuel Schultz Ph.B. M.D., Northwestern Univ, 1899 Richard Ray Wightman Class of 1893 Attorney at Law Chicago, 111. 3 Grand Historian, 1900-1Q01 618 NewYorkLife Bldg. Publisher Chicago, 111. Director of Univ. of Chicago Press 5803 Madison Ave. Delegate to 19th and 22d Grand Chapters Grand Praetor of Fifth Province and Grand Triumvir, 1894-95 Grand Annotator and Grand Triumvir, 1895-97 Grand Historian, 1899-1900 Grand Editor, 1897 Physician Pres. Provident Medical Co. Coldwater, Mich. Mt. Vernon, N. Y. 5-7 E. 42d St. Class of 1894 Bert Mather Carr Physician M.D.,CoI. of Physicians and Sur- geons, Chicago, 111., 189S Walter Willis Howard Station Agent Arthur Francis Schultz Ph.B. With Great Northern Railway Co, Teacher Prin. Public Schools Cedar Springs, Mich. Dedham, Wis. Caseville, Mich. Edgar Clarence Dunning A.B. M.D., Chicago Homeopathic Med. Col., 1901 Alfred Raymond Johns A.B. A.B., Lawrence Univ., 1895 Arthur Jackson Ogden Eugene Reynolds PageJ Class of 1895 Physician Clergyman Teacher Accountant With G. H. Gates & Co. White Pigeon, Mich. Hancock, Mich. Owatonna, Minn. Detroit, Mich. 64 E. Columbia St. Ernest Burnham Ph.B. George Emory Dean B.L. George Buell Douglas William Adelbert Gibson DeMont Goodyear Ph.B. S.T.B., Boston Univ. School of Theology, 1899 William F. Kendrick Ph B. Stephen Hurd Ludlow LeRoy Edwin Perine Ph.B. Albert Jay Roberts A.B. Frank J. Shipp Ph.B. Class of 1896 Teacher County School Commissioner Merchant Farmer Justice of the Peace Assessor on District School Board Publisher Editor of Monroe Democrat Clergyman Pastor of First Congregational Church Delegate to 22d Grand Chapter Clergyman Pastor of M. E. Church Chemist Commercial Traveler With D. M. Ferry & Co. Delegate to 21st Grand Chapter Teacher Teacher Supt. of Schools Marshall, Mich. Albion, Mich. Traverse City, Mich. Monroe, Mich. Abington, Mass. Ganges, Mich. Alpena, Mich, Detroit, Mich. Helena, Mont. Gaylord, Mich, ALBION COLLEGE 377 John Franklin Walker A.B. *Leland M. White Ph.B. > Fitch Roberts Williams Teacher Supt. ot Schools Engineer Died Oct. 21, 1897 Student In Law Dept. Univ. of Mich. Republic, Mich. Macota, Mich. Elk Rapids, Mich. Lewis Burton Alger Ph.B., Univ. of xMich., 1S97 A.M., Columbia Univ., 1901 . Porter Bruce Brockway B.S., Ohio Wesleyan Univ., 1S97 _M.D., Rush Med. Col., 1900 Philip Sheridan Burnham Francis Asbury Kulp LL.B., Univ. of Mich., 1896 John Irving Landon Harvey Glenn Pearce A.B., B.L. Class of 1897 Teacher Fellow in Teachers' Col., Colum- bia Univ. Pres. Students' Federation of Teachers' Col. Physician Member Med. Staff Toledo Hospital Railway Mail Clerk Attorney at Law Farmer St. Joseph, Mich. Clergyman Pastor M. E. Church Sec. Bay City Dist. Assn. Ministerial Toledo, O. 341 Twelfth St. Alamosa, Colo. Battle Creek, Mich. Albion, Mich. R. F. D. 3 West Bay City, Mich. 1303 Leng St. James Madison Hervey LL.B., Univ. of Mich., 1S99 Winfield Scott Kendrick Solomon S. Lee M.D., Univ. of Mich., 1898 Frank Newton Miner A.B. William Alanson Niles B.S. Fred Agens Ferine B.S. Frank Roudenbush A.B. Class of 1898 Attorney at Law Express Messenger Physician Roswell, N. Mex. Flint, Mich. Calumet, Mich. Clergyman Portland, Mich. In I5oston Univ.School of Theology Statistician Lansing, Mich. Clerk in Vital Statistics Division, Dept. of State Publisher Chicago, 111. With Univ. of Chicago Press 5741 Monroe Ave, Delegate to 2;th Grand Chapter Grand Historian and Grand Tri- umvir, 1901- Student Albion, Mich. In Kenyon Col. Theol. School Delegate to 23d Grand Chapter Corbon Perry Birdsey Class of 1899 Insurance Agent Dist. Agent for Southwestern Mich, Berkshire Life Insurance Co. Benton Harbor, Mich, s J. Bready ., Hillsdale Col. Charles A.B., Hillsdale Uol., 1900 Lewis Haight Kirby LL.B., Univ. of Mich., 1901 Arthur Elias McClintock Julius Jerry Nufer William Samuel Shipp Class of 1900 Clergyman Attorney at Law Asst. Sec. Nat. Founders' Assn. Student Attending Univ. of Mich. Student In Med. Dept. Univ. of Mich. Saugatuck, Mich. Kalamazoo, Mich. Detroit, Mich. 97 Jov St. Whitehall, Mich. Eckford, Mich. 378 ALPHA PI CHAPTER Ralph Agnew B.S. *William Jay Beazan Harry Clare Bortles Robert Emet Brown A.B., Allegheny Col., 1901 Alfred Russell Dart Cornelius Hamblen Frank Lindley Parker Merlin Ludlow Wiley Class of 1901 Accountant Chesaning State Bank Accountant Died April 9, 1901 Accountant With Gale Manufacturing Co. Clergyman Merchant In lumber business Merchant With J. G. Hamblen & Co. Foreman With Clinton Woolen Mfg. Co. Student In Law Dept., Univ. of Mich. Chesaning, Mich. Williamson, Mich, Albion, Mich. Meadville, Pa. 774 Stewart St, Mason, Mich. Detroit, Mich. Clinton, Mich. Sault Ste. Marie, Mich. 424 Portage Ave. Russell Herbert Bready Eric DeLamarter Robert Grocock A.B. Clarence Roy Hartung Charles H. Hayden Ralph Stanford Hyney John Losey Moore Bert H. Parks Class of 1902 Clergyman Grand Rapids, Mich. Pastor M. E. Church 884 Griggs Ave. Musician Chicago, 111. Choirmaster in New England Con- 5490 Washington Ave. gregational Church Student Menominee, Mich. Farmer Student In Law Dept. Univ. of Mich. Student Merchant In lumber business Student Delegate to 24th Grand Chapter Albion, Mich. Lansing, Mich. 501 North St. Albion, Mich. Union City, Mich. Battle Creek, Mich. Willard Christaine Davis Robert Jennings Frost, Jr. William Alexander Harrow Class of 1903 Stenographer Merchant Delegate to 25th Grand Chapter Mankato, Kan. Albion, Mich. Algonac, Mich. Leslie Vaughn Agnew Charles Allen Darwin Ray Elmer Dean Marsh Anderson Dickey Clifford Hafford Mead Class of 1904 Student Student Teacher Director Commercial Dept. Fairmount Acad., Fairmount, Ind. Student Student Chesaning, Mich. Detroit, Mich. 243 Fourth St. Girard, Mich. Albion, Mich. Albion, Mich. Ross Cecil Nagle George L. Yaple, Jr. Class of 1905 Student Student Albion, Mich. Mendon, Mich. THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA BERKELEY, CALIFORNIA Founded March 23, 1868 First Class Graduated in 1870 A State Institution COLLEGIATE ART LAW MEDICINE DEPARTMENTS COMMERCE AGRICULTURE MECHANICS MINING VETERINARY CIVIL ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY DENTISTRY PHARMACY ASTRONOMY STATISTICS Value of buildings and grounds Value of equipment and apparatus Value of productive funds Income from all sources for 1899-1900 Tuition in college department Number of volumes in library Number of professors and instructors Number of students in attendance $1,792,304.00 375,000.00 2,828,254.23 475.254-06 Free - 80,000 300 3,000 Women are admitted, and constitute about forty per cent, of the attendance. ALPHA BETA CHAPTER Founded June 23, 1886 OTHER FRATERNITIES Zeta Psi, 1870; Phi Delta Theta, 1873; Chi Phi, 1875: Delta Kappa Epsilon, 1876; Beta Theta Pi, 1879; Phi Gamma Delta, 1886; Sigma Nu, 1892; Chi Psi, 1895; Sigma Alpha Epsilon, 1894; Kappa Alpha, 1895; Delta Upsilon, i8g6; Kappa Kappa Gamma, 1880; Kappa Alpha Theta, 1890; Gamma Phi Beta, 1894; Phi Delta Phi, 1883; Delta Sigma Delta, 1891; Delta Tau Delta, 1898; Phi Kappa Psi, 1899; Alpha Tau Omega, 1900; Theta Delta Chi, 1900; Alpha Psi, 1898; Phi Sigma Delta, igoo; Delta Delta Delta, 1900; Pi Beta Phi, 1900; Alpha Phi, 1901; Xi Psi Phi, 1895; Nu Sigma Nu, 1900; Alpha Kappa Kappa, 1889; Zeta Omicron, 1896; Pi Delta Alpha, 1900. 379 ALPHA BETA CHAPTER UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA Stephen Tyng Mather Class of 1887 Manager Chicago House Pacific Coast Borax Co. Delegate to i8th Grand Chapter . Delegate to and Grand Annotator of 20th (Special) Grand Chapter Chicago, 111. Hotel Del Prado Ernest Burbank Folsom Joseph Robert Haskin *William Gilbert Hay M.D. Charles Albert Noble B.S.. Ph.D. Thomas Berry Sullivan Ph.D. Augustus Charles Widber B.s. Thomas Patrick Andrews Class of 1889 Office Manager Risdon Iron Works Physician Died Nov. 27, 1900 Teacher Instructor in Mathematics, Uni- versity of California Journalist News Editor of San Francisco Call Druggist San Francisco, Cal, ■fSan Francisco, Cal. San Francisco, Cal. Berkeley, Cal. 2727 Bancroft Way San Francisco, Cal. 14S0 Sacramento St. San Francisco, Cal. Class of 1890 Merchant Bookkeeper Henry French Bailey Ph.B. Hincks Edward Alfred Railton Chief Accountant Pacific Mail Steamship Co. Charles Edward Townsend Ph.B. With Dewey, Strong & Co., Pat- ent Attorneys, San Francisco San Francisco, Cal. 109 Montgomery St. Santa Cruz, Cal. 94 Pacific Ave. San Francisco, Cal. 1133 Dolores St. Oakland, Cal. 1204 Tenth St. George Edward Coleman B.S. James Denman Meeker A.B. Tom Wells Ransom B.S. Edwin Slater Shanklin Class of 1891 Fruit Grower Teacher In Hotchkiss School Mechanical Engineer Mining Engineer Class of 1892 Benjamin Leonard Brundage Assessor Edward Francis Haas Civil Engineer B.S. C.E., Columbia School of Mines, 1894 George Kent Hooper Manager Occidental Hotel 380 San Francisco, Cal. 1834 California St. Lakeville, Conn. San Francisco, Cal. 1120 Bush St. San Francisco, Cal. 508 Montgom'e.ry St. Bakersfield, Cal. 1S05 HSt. San Francisco, Cal. 320 Sansome St. San Francisco, Cal. THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA 3S1 James Albert Brown D:D.S. Benjamin Girault Lathrop *Lemuel Grant Sanderson William Hammond Wright B.S. Class of 1893 Dentist Journalist Asst. Sunday Editor San Fran- cisco Call Died April 17, 1893 Astronomer Asst. Astronomer Lick Obser- vatory San Francisco, Cal. 522 Hill St. San Francisco, Cal. 1917 Pacific Ave. San Francisco, Cal. Mt. Hamilton, Cal. Henry Stevens Button B.S. Cecil Knight Jones B.L. Class of 1894 Engineer Inspector of Construction, Cali- fornia Drydock Co. Librarian in Congressional Li- brary Frederick William Roeding Nurseryman With Fancher Creek Nursery Hugh Fitz-Randolph Vail B.L. James Constantyn Helenus Fer- guson Class of 1895 Asst. Manager of California Hy- draulic Engineering and Sup- ply Co. Henry Wells Horn Physician and Surgeon B.S. M.D., Cooper Med. Col., '97 In Government Service Allen Garwood Wright Attorney at Law *Robert Elkin Neil Williams Died Jan. 13, 1895 San Francisco, Cal. 2507 Pacific Ave. Washington, D. C. Fresno, Cal. Santa Barbara, Cal, 1325 Chapala St. San Francisco, Cal. 2315 Van Ness Av. San Francisco, Cal. Mills Bldg. San Rafael, Cal, Alexander Richards Baldvi^in Ph.B., LL.B. Charles Franklin Eckart William Spencer Wright John Ralston Hamilton Henry Ulrich Roeding B.S. Tod Robinson Scott Class of 1896 Attorney at Law San Francisco, Cal. Grand Praetor of Eightfi Province, 532 Market St. 1901- Chemist Honolulu, H. I, Illustrator San Francisco, Cal. i7o3Gough St. Class of 1897 Architect San Francisco, Cal. 2609 California St. Electrical Engineer San Francisco, Cal, 31-33 New Montgomery St. Broker San Francisco, Cal. Bruce Cornwall Class of 1895 Attorney at Law Frederick William Grimwood Engineer *Clarence Mendell Elliott Hathaway Pierce Edwin William Stadtmiller B.L. Temple Smith Died Dec. i, 1900 Commercial Traveler With Leonard & Ellis Oil Co. Salesman With Wellman, Peck & Co. Salesman With Payot, Upham & Co. San Francisco, Cal. S. E. Cor. Buchanan and Page Sts. Honolulu, H. I. P. O. Box 450 San Francisco, Cal. Berkeley, Cal. 2525 Ridge Road San Francisco, Cal, 819 Eddy St. San Francisco, Cal, 722 Bush St. 382 ALPHA BETA CHAPTER Class of 1899 Hudson Smythe Lawrence Hamilton Van Wyck Norman Scott Wright | Manufacturer's Agent Physician and Surgeon Southern Pacific Hospital Class of 1900 John Winthrop Barnes Army Officer ist Lieut. 24th U. S. Infantry Butler Brayne Minor Rancher William Wilberforce Williams, Jr. With steamship Dept. Balfour, Guthrie & Co. San Francisco, Cal. San Francisco, Cal. 2424 Steiner St. San Francisco, Cal. 722 Bush St. San Francisco, Cal. Fresno, Cal. San Francisco, Cal. 2717 Pacific Ave. John Francis Deane John Winchester Flanagan Class of 1901 Commission Merchant Clairmont, Cal. Marshfield, Ore. Frank Cushing Dutton Orville Charles Pratt Charles Nicholson Wright George Martin Broemmel Walter Barbour Bundschu Harry Gerald Butler Simeon Waldo Coleman Eugene Sherwood Sheffield Alstan Halsej Sheffield Harry Somers Young Class of 1902 Student Student Delegate to 25th Grand Chapter Student Class of 1903 Student Student Student Student Class of 1904 Student Student Class of 1905 Student San Francisco, Cal, 2507 Pacific Ave. San Francisco, Cal. 1818 California St. Los Angeles, Cal. 226 S. Spring St. San Francisco, Cal. 2501 California St. San Francisco, Cal. 24S Chestnut St. Los Gates, Cal. San Francisco, Cal. 1834 California St. Santa Barbara, Cal. 2p8 W. Victoria St. Santa Barbara, Cal. 20S W. Victoria St. San Francisco, Cal. 2530 Pine St. LEHIGH UNIVERSITY BETHLEHEM, PENNSYLVANIA Chartered in 1865 First Class Graduated in 1869 A Non-Sectarian Institution DEPARTMENTS GENERAL LITERATURE TECHNOLOGY STATISTICS Value of buildings and grounds .... §1,250,000.00 Amount of endowment .--.-. 2,000,000.00 Income from all sources for 1899-1900 ... 110,000.00 Tuition in college department . - - - - 60.00 Number of volumes in library ..... 115,000 Number of professors and instructors ... - 44. Number of students in attendance • . . - . 526 Women are not admitted, ALPHA RHO CHAPTER Founded June 6, 1887 Became inactive in 1891 Revived Sept. 14, 1893 OTHER FRATERNITIES Phi Kappa Sigma (inactive), 1870-87; Chi Phi, 1872; Delta Tau Delta, 1874; Phi Delta Theta, 1876; Alpha Tau Omega (inactive), 1882-98; Delta Phi, 1884; Theta Delta Chi, 1884; Delta Upsilon, 1885; Sigma Nu, 1885; Sigma Phi, 1887; Psi Upsilon, 1887; Phi Gamma Delta, 1887; Beta Theta Pi, 1890; Chi Psi, 1893; Kappa Alpha, 1894; Kappa Sigma, 1900; Phi Sigma Kappa, 1901. 3S3 ALPHA RHO CHAPTER LEHIGH, UNIVERSITY James Hollis Wells C.E. Class of 1885 Civil Engineer Major 71st N. Y. Vols. Engineer 5th Army Corps New York, N. Y. 32 Nassau St. Alfred Kramer Leuckel Ph.B., Columbia Univ., 1888 Class of 1887 Manufacturer Doors, Sash, Blinds, etc. Trenton, N. J. 316 Hamilton Ave. Edmund Atheley Bates C.E. William Henry Hubbard Clarence Reynold Phillips M.D., Jefferson Med. Col., Phila- delphia, Pa., 1897 William Richard Sattler M.E. Edward Benjamin Wiseman C.E. Harvey Musser Wetzel C.E. Charles William Corbin B.S. *Charles Henry Miller Arthur Moult Smyth B.S. E.M., 1890 Harry Rush Woodall B.S. Class of 1888 Structural Draftsman Manufacturer Physician Member Dauphin Co. Medical Society Staff Harrisburg Maternity Hospital Delegate to 20th Grand Chapter Chelsea, Mass. I Fitz Terrace Philadelphia, Pa. 1026-28 Filbert St. Harrisburg, Pa. 1622 N. 3d St. Member of Firm of Ramsey Pump and Machine Co. Railroad Official With P. R. R. Engineer Class of 1889 Druggist Died Oct. i, i8g6 Delegate to 21st Grand Chapter Assistant City Surveyor Secy. Wm. B. Ahern Assn., Phil- adelphia, Pa. Elizabeth, N. J. 906 N. Broad St. Parkesburg, Pa. Guanabano, Republic of Dominica Independence, Col. Norristown, Pa, Philadelphia, Pa. Germantown, 411 High St. Philadelphia, Pa. 630 Wood St. George Kerr Anderson Francisco Jil Manrique William David Matheson John Turner Hoover B.S. Class of 1890 Editor Pittsburg, Pa. Financial Editor of Pittsburg Times Building Times Class of 1891 Manufacturer Supt. of American Dept. of Na- tional Tube Co. Mine Superintendent With Clearfield & Cush Creek Coal and Coke Co. 384 •fBogata, U.S. of Colom- bia, South America Middletown, Pa. Dauphin Co. Glen Campbell, Pa. LEHIGH UNIVERSITY 385 Ira Augustus Shimer B.A. M.D., Univ. of Pa., 1897 Edwin Lefevre Charles Houghton Corbin Joaquin Prieto Rico Juan de la Rosa Barrios Physician and Surgeon U. S. Army Chief Surgeon, Dis- trict of Santiago, Cuba Journalist and Author Financial Editor Commercial Advertiser Pharmacist Santiago de Cuba II San Tadeo St. New York, N. Y. 54 Broad St. Independence, Col. Bogata, U.S. of Colom- bia, South America Bogata, U.S. of Colom- bia, South America Class of 1892 Francis Everett Pratt Edward Richards Martin B.S., Delaware Col., 1891 Henry Alexander Ramsden Civil Engineer Chief Engineer Tintern Manor Water Co. Farmer and Fruit Grower British Consul-General Red Bank, N. J. Bridgeville, Del Havana, Cuba Arthur Williston Henshaw E.E. Frederick George Sykes E.E. Edward Olmsted Warner E.E. Weldon Burris Wooden C.E. Class of 1894 Electrical Engineer With General Electric Co. Electrical Engineer Gen. Sunt, for G. E. Co. in Elec- trical Installation Salesman With Latrobe Steel and Coupler Civil Engineer Schenectady, N. Y. Sydney, New South Wales Municipal Bldg. Oak Park, 111. The Kenton Hampstead, Md. Class of 1895 Fred Irving Wheeler C.E. Civil Engineer New London, Conn. Junior Engineer, U. S Eng. Dept. U. S. Engineer's Office Class of 1896 Frank Leslie Cooke E.E. James George Beach B.S., Univ. of 111., i8g6 Robert Edward Laramy B.A., M.A. Bruce Emerson Loomis E.E. Clifford Sherron MacCalla E.E. Edward Williamson Miller B.S.,E.M. Charles Henry Olmsted Edward Stewart Taylor M.E. With Rich Patch Iron and Ore Co. With American Bridge Co., New York Instructor Mgr. of.N.Y. & N.J. Telephone Co. Electrical Engineer ist Asst. Supt. for C. E. Co. Teacher Instructor in Mining and Metal- lurgfy, Lehigh University Archivist, Lehigh Univ. Alumni Assn. _ Delegate to 23d Grand Chapter Civil Engineer Mechanical Engineer With E. C. .Atkins Co., Indianapol Low Moor, Va. Binghampton, N. Y. 121 Murray St. Bethlehem, Pa. West New Brighton, N. Y. Sydney, New South Wales Municipal Bldg. South Bethlehem, Pa. 524 Pawnee St. East Hartford, Conn. Comstock Block Ft. Wayne, Ind. s 407 Fairfield Av. 386 ALPHA RHO CHAPTER William Lindley Pettit, Jr. Eugene Peronnean Roundey C.E. William Ernst Arrison George Davies M.E. Linden Erie Edgar M.E. Leonard Sherman Horner E.E. Arthur Octavious Knight Clarence Albert Loomis C.E. Percy Lawrence Reed C.E. M.S., 1901 Class of 1897 Asst. Engineer United Telephone & Telegraph Co. Philadelphia, Pa. Civil Engineer Class of 1898 Journalist Draftsman With Link Belt Eng. Co. Delegate to 24th Grand Chapter Electrical Engineer With American Telegraph and Telephone Co. Draftsman Civil Engineer Civil Engineer With Boston and Albany R. R. East Orange, N. J. lyg Prospect St. Philadelphia, Pa. 1723 Arch St. Catasauqua, Pa. Germantown, Pa. 123 W. Tulpehocken New York, N. Y. 241 W. 54th St. tPearl River, N. Y. Niagara Falls, N. Y. 72S, 7th St. Allston, Mass. 12 Easton St. Robert Farnham, Jr. C.E. George Augustus Home A.c. George Bassett Williams B.S., Univ. of 111., 1899 Class of 1899 Civil Engineer Delegate to 22d Grand Chapter Grand Historian, 1895-1897 Chemist With B. T. Babbitt, New York Architectural Engineer Supt. with Holabird & Roche Washington, D. C. 1103 M St. N.W. Plainfield, N. J. Chicago, 111. 1618 Monadnock Bldg. Class of 1900 Louis Benjamin Abbott Teacher C.E. Instructor in Civil Engineering, Int. Corres. Schools, Scranton Arthur Benjamin Anderson Merchant Frederick William Benze Sec. to Davis Rees, Pa. R. R. Co. Edmund Trowbridge Satchell Chemist A.C. With Guggenheim Smelting Co. Delegate to 24th Grand Chapter Carbondale, Pa. Ambler, Pa. Erie, Pa. Aguas Calientes, Mex- ico Louis Phillip Henry Butler John Wallace Shaeffer M.E. Edward T. Thornton Thomas Wilbraham Wright Louis De Sauque Dibert Class of 1901 Student Mechanical Engineer Chemist With Guggenheim Smelting Co. Student Class of 1902 Draftsman With Cambria Steel Co. Croton Falls, N. Y. Fleetwood, Pa. Aguas Calientes, Mex- ico Philadelphia, Pa. Frankord Johnstown, Pa, 433 Napoleon St. John Andre Brodhead Newell Van Bergen George Cassedy Class of 1903 Student Student Student Delegate to 25th Grand Chapter Bethlehem, Pa. Carbondale, Pa. Ashley, Pa. LEHIGH UNIVERSITY 387 Jesse Bowman Hirst Marcus Augustus Keck Winfield Roy Mercer George Lester Phillips John Garfield Archer Harry Elias Edmonds Thomas Francis Kelly David Mitchell McKelvey Richard Emil Wahle Edwin Harding Clarke Douglas Meeker Clawson Joseph Frederick Cottrell John Cyrus Felver Distler Charles Edgar Ryder Richard Julian Roszel Cloyd Edgar Sweet James Herbert Sweet Frank Yocum Student Student Student Student Class of 1904 Student Student Student Student Student Class of 1905 Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Rosslyn, Va. Bethlehem, Pa. 13 N. Main St. Brooklyn, N. Y. 649 St. Marks Ave. Scranton, Pa. 205 S. Main Ave. Mt. Vernon, N. Y. Corcoran Manor Elmira, N. Y. 362^^ Norton St. Bethlehem, Pa. Louisville, Ky. 660 W. Jefferson St. Buffalo, N. Y. 562 Auburn Ave. Baltimore, Md. 112 W. North Ave. Mt. Vernon, N. Y. I Willow PI. Birdsboro, Pa. Baltimore, Md. 245 S. Broadway Norristown, Pa. 922 W. Egypt St. Welbourne, Va. Saxton, Pa. Saxton, Pa. Reading, Pa. THE UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA Organized in 1868 First Class Graduated in 1873 A State Institution DEPARTMENTS graduate science literature and arts mechanical arts and engineering mines law agriculture medicine STATISTICS Value of buildings and grounds . . . . $1,680,000.00 Value of equipment and apparatus .... 275,000.00 Amount of endowment and productive funds - - 1,244,000.00 Income from all sources for 1899-1900 - - - - 350,000.00 Tuition in college department . . . . Free Number of volumes in library - - . - . 75,000 Number of professors and instructors . . . . 257 Number of students in attendance - . . . . 3,500 Women are admitted, and constitute about 32 per cent, of the attendance. ALPHA SIGMA CHAPTER Founded December 7, 1888 OTHER FRATERNITIES Chi Psi, 1874; Phi Delta Theta, 1881; Delta Tau Delta, 1883; Phi Kappa Psi, 1888; Phi Gamma Delta, 1890; Beta Theta Pi, 1889; Delta Upsilon, 1890; Psi Upsilon, 1891; Theta Delta Chi, 1892; Alpha Delta Phi, 1892; Kappa Kappa Gamma, 1880; Delta Gamma, 1882; Kappa Alpha Theta, 1889; Pi Beta Phi (inactive;, 1890-96; Alpha Phi, 1890; Delta Delta Delta, 1894; Phi Delta Phi, 1891; Nu Sigma Nu, 1891; Delta Chi, 1892; Delta Sigma Delta, 1894; Phi Alpha Gamma, 1897; Delta Kappa Epsilon, 1889; Zeta Psi, 1899; Kappa Sigma, 1901. 389 ALPHA SIGMA CHAPTER UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA ♦George Henry Meacham B.S., Beloit Co]., 1887 Class of i88q Merchant Died Jan. 24, i8go Prescott, Wis. Martin Hughes Gerry, Jr. B.M.E. B.E.E., 1S91 M.M.E., Cornell Univ., 1894 William Hausmer Hoyt B.C.E. C.E.,1895 Harry Martin Kennedy A.B. Louis Henry Kennedy A.B. LL.B., 1896 Arthur Bliss Church B.L. LL.B., i8g6 Walter Maxwell Connable C. M. Cory Edward Brown Gardiner B.S. Harry Gilbert Gearhart LL.B. Benjamin Franklin Coffin Jean Afdem Flittie LL.B, Joseph H. Handlan Lane McGregor B.L. Rolfe Lyon Thompson B.L., Columbian Univ. Class of 1890 Engineer Chief Engineer and General Mgr. Missouri River Power Co. Delegate to 23d Grand Chapter Civil Engineer U. S. Assistant Engineer Miller Manager and Secretary Phoenix Flour Mills Attorney at Law Class of 1891 Attorney at Law Delegate to 19th Grand Chapter Accountant Bookkeeper Iowa Hospital for the Insane Attorney at Law Judge of Probate Court Manager Manager Advertising Dept. Grand Leader Attorney at L-aw Class of 1892 Supt. Station D, Post Office Attorney at Law Referee in Bankruptcy Insurance Gen. Agt. Maryland Casualty Co. Delegate to i8th Grand Chapter Attorney at Law Delegate to 18th Grand Chapter Helena, Mont. Duluth, Minn. 929 E. 5th St. Phoenix, Ariz. 143 S. 3d St. Everett, Wash. Staples, Minn. Mt. Pleasant, Pa. Worthington, Minn. St. Louis, Mo. Duluth, Minn. 511-S12 Palladio Minneapolis, Minn. 3028, 2d Av. South Mankato, Minn. Odd Fellows Block fWheeling, W. Va. Duluth, Minn. 6 and 7 Exchange Bldg. Santa Rosa, Cal. 446 Humboldt St. Warren Maynard Dodge M.D. B.S., 1890 Hiram Patrick Hoyt B.C.E. Robert Plummer Lewis Charles Edward Putnam Edward Wesley Taylor LL.B. Class of 1893 Physician and Surgeon Farmington, Minn. Civil Engineer New York City With Brown-Ketcham Iron Works St. James Bldg. Journalist Glasgow, Mont. Teacher Petaluma, Cal. Prin. of Schools Attorney at Law Webster, S. D. State's Attorney of Day County 390 THE UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA 391 Fred Hope Burglehaus Albert Arthur Dodge B.S., 1891; M.D. James Clarke Eaton James Carlos Geggie Walter Charles Poehler B.L. Roy White Squires Wilber Townsend D.D.S., Univ. of Michigan Roscoe Percy Ward Class of 1894 Merchant With Woolson Spice Co. Physician Surgeon Shattuck Military School Merchant Grain Commission Commission Merchant .Assistant Treas. H. Poehler Co. Merchant Delegate to 21st Grand Chapter Dentist Banker Toledo, Ohio Faribault, Minn. Minneapolis, Minn. 930 Chicago .Vve. Duluth, Minn. 221. isth .Ave., East Minneapolis, Minn. 304 Flour Exchange Manila, P. I. El Paso, Tex. 2 Bronson Blk. Waseca, Minn. Charles Harrison Dennison Frederick Warner Foot LL.B. Nathan Herbert Kelley D.D.S., Univ. of Iowa, 1899 Orange Reo Kelley D.D.S., Univ. of Iowa, 1899 Jesse Van Valkenburg B.A.. LL.B. Albert Reuben Bryan Jacob Agassiz Harry Holp Charles Hanford Kendall C.E., Cornell Univ., 1895; M.S. Frank Davidson Merchant LL.B. William Adam Poehler LL.B. Franklin Theodore Poehler M.D. B.S., 1893 Class of 1895 Clerk Clerk toSupt.of G. N. Ry. Attorney at Law- Dentist Dentist Professor Omaha Dental Col. Attorney at Law Minneapolis, Minn. St. Paul, Minn. Globe Bldg. Salida, Col. Omaha, Neb. 344 Bee Bldg. Minneapolis, Minn. 1S09 Irving Ave., S. George Arthur Rhame Class of 1896 Traveling Freight Agt. Minneapolis & St. Louis R. R. Co. Stenographer Private Secretary Speaker House of Representatives Sec. Overland Club Civil Engineer Asst. Engineer InteriorConstruc- tion and Improvement Co. Asst. Engineer Pittsburg, Shaw- mut & Northern Ry. Attorney at Law Mgr. Pacific Elevator Co. Physician Professor Hamline College of Physicians and Surgeons Visiting Physician to Florence Crittenton Home Medical Director Union Mutual Benefit Co. Examining Physician Imperial Knights Dist. Physician Minn. Mutual Casualty Co. With N. Y. Branch Diamond Rubber Co. Minneapolis, Minn. 505, isth Ave., S.E. Butte, Mont. 217 N. Main St. Rushford, Allegheny Co., N. Y. Minneapolis, Minn. 9 E. 17th St. Minneapolis, Minn. 304 Flour Exchange Minneapolis, Minn. 410 Syndicate .Arcade Brooklyn, N. Y. 158 S. Portland Ave. John McCartney Bradford LL.B. George Emerson Church, Jr. *Richard Henry Chute, Jr. A.B.. Williams Col., 1897 Class of 1897 Attorney at Law Lumber Died Oct. 6, 1899 St. Paul, Minn. 409 Virginia .Ave. Minneapolis, Minn. 1316, 7th St., S.E. Boston, Mass. 392 ALPHA SIGMA CHAPTER Howard Shoemaker Clark B.S„ 1895; M.D. Horace Wilder Joss William Lott I\liiler E.E. Physician Clerk Electrical Engineer With Missouri River Power Co. Glencoe, Minn. ist Natl. Bank Bldg. Visalia, Cal. Butte, Mont. The Dorothy Class of 1899 Walter Lewis Benedict Clerk B.S. With M. & St. L. R.R. Geo. Albert Edward Finlayson Attorney at Law A.B., 1896; LL.B. Minneapolis, Minn. 527, 5th Ave., S.E. East Grand Forks, Minn. Roy Dexter Bosworth LL.B. George Frank Brooks M.D. John Burgess Thomas Lester Daniel M.E. Bernard Francis Linne Robert Stuart Kent Nelson M.D. Chester Hoyt Powell Class of 1900 Civil Engineer Walnut, 111. Physician Hibbing, Minn. Hospital Physician Rood Hospital Journalist St. Paul, Minn, Telegraph Editor St. Paul Daily News Mechanical Engineer Minneapolis, Minn. Mechanical Department Soo R. R. 1057, 13th Ave., S. E Delegate to 24th Grand Chapter Merchant Physician Surgeon in U. S. Army In Mail Dept., Swift & Co. Red Wing, Minn. 450, 7th bt. Washington, D. C. Washini;ton Barracks Chicago, ill. 347 Garfield Ave. Mason Merrill Forbes Ralph Ingersoll Johnson Michael Anselm Kiefer B.S. Sterling Herbert Olsen B.S. Harry Granger Peregrine Albert Augustus Tofte, Jr. Class of 1901 Merchant Student Physician and Surgeon Interne City Hospital Student Student Duluth, Minn. 606 N. 57th Ave., W. Colorado Springs, Col. Sleepy Eye, Minn. Minneapolis, Minn. Winona, Minn. Fisher, Minn. Fred Alexander Erb George Augustine Gallagher Charles Pearl Harris Ph.B., Ohio State Univ., 1899 Warren Cumings Knowlton Walter Scott Lafans Ralph Edwin Lovett Henry Steele Lovett *Hugh Piatt Man Frederick Carl Poehler Robert Walter Stevens R. Roscoe Sanborn Class of 1902 Student Student Traveling Salesman With National Cash Register Co. Student Student Student Student Died April 24, 1901 Student With Dwight Flour Mills With Twin City Shoe Co. Minneapolis, Minn. 141, 5th Ave., N. E. Minneapolis, Minn, 510, 13th Ave., S. E. Seattle, Wash. 407 Washington Blk. Minneapolis, Minn. 1308, 5th Ave.. S. E. Minneapolis, Minn. 510, 13th Ave., S. E. Minneapolis, Minn. 408 Union St.. S. E. Minneapolis, Minn. 408 Union St.. S. E. Winona, Minn. 327 W. 8th St. Le Seur, Minn. Minneapolis, Minn, 3249 Harriet Ave., S. Minneapolis, Minn. THE UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA 393 Arthur Ward Verharen Charles Edward Young William Eugene Bingham Leo Wesley Chilton Julius Girard Newgord, Jr. Edward Amos Purdy Charles Edward Sainsbury Harry Jay VanValkenburg Robert Kendall Booth Vern Howard Bosworth Leon Coria George Dart Crossette John William Dunn Chester Haynes Kinnard Frank Sylvester Lamberton Walton Willard Thorpe Richard Maurice Funck Day Ira Okes Max Wilcox Ricker Ernest Lee Yerxa Student Spencer, la. Clerk Minneapolis, Minn. 1419, stii St., S. E. Class of 1903 Student Sleepy Eye, Minn. Student Howard Lake, Minn Student Minneapolis, Minn. 1829, 9tli -Ave.. S. Student Waukon, la. La Moille, Minn. Minneapolis, Minn. With H Poehler Grain Co. 304 Flour Exchange Class of 1904 Student Winona, Minn. Ill W. Wabasha St. Student Utica, Minn. Student Minneapolis, Minn. Student Minneapolis, Minn. 420 Ridgewood Ave. Student Minneapolis, Minn. 3128, 3d Ave., S. Student Minneapolis, Minn. 2750 Dupont Ave. Student Winona, Minn. Student Britton, S. Dak. Class of 1905 Student Burlington, la. 714 N. 7th St. Student Minneapolis, Minn. 1308, 7th St., S. E. Student Minneapolis, Minn. 1325, 1st Ave., S. Student Los Angeles, Cal. Melrose and Vermont Aves THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA CHAPEL HILL, NORTH CAROLINA Chartered in 1789 Founded in 1795 A State Institution DEPARTMENTS literary agriculture scientific mechanics normal law medicine pharmacy STATISTICS Value of productive funds . - - . . $100,000.00 Income from all sources for 1899-1900 - . . - 50,000.00 Number of volumes in library ------ 56,000 Number of professors and instructors . . - . 47 Number of students in attendance ----- 660 ALPHA TAU CHAPTER Founded May 29, 1889 Became inactive in 1900 OTHER FRATERNITIES Delta Kappa Epsilon, 1851; Phi Gamma Delta, 1851; Beta Theta Pi, 1851; Sigma Alpha Epsilon, 1857; Delta Psi (inactive), 1854-62; Delta Phi (inactive), 1855-61; Chi Psi (inactive), 1855-61; Phi Kappa Sigma (inactive), 1856-95; Theta Delta Chi (inac- tive), 1857-62; Zeta Psi, 1858; Chi Phi (inactive), 1858-68; Alpha Tau Omega, 1879; Kappa Alpha, 1881; Phi Delta Theta, 1885; Sigma Nu, 1888; Kappa Sigma, 1893; Pi Kappa Alpha, 1895. 395 ALPHA TAU CHAPTER UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA William Benjamin Ricks B.D., Vanderbilt Univ., 189- Class of 1889 Clergyman Helena, Ark. Pastor ist M. E. Church, South Trustee Hendrix Col. and Gallo- way Col. Delegate to 23d Grand Chapter Grand Praetor 7th Province, 1892-95 Conference Missionary Sec'y Hanson Finla Murphy Frank McRee Shannonhouse Class of 1890 Attorney at Law Attorney at Law Member of Legislature Burgaw, N. C. Charlotte, N. C. Francis Moore Clark M.D., Col. Physicians and Sur- geons, Baltimore, Md. Neill Alexander Currie Joseph Winston Duguid Robert Du Val Jones M.D., Univ. of Md. James Vance McGougan Angus Wilton McLean William H. Williams Robert Burwill Redwiiie Richard Alexander Urquhart Class of 1891 Physician Merchant Physician Physician Physician Attorney at Law McLean & McLean Pres. Bank of Lumberton Atty. for Robeson County Vice-Pres. Lumberton Cotton Mills Pres. Lumberton Telephone Co. Director Armfield Co. Atty. for Atlantic Coast Line R. R.Co. tNewton, N. C Beaufort, N. C. Clarkton, N. C. Newberne, N. C. Newberne, N. C. Fayetteville, N. C. Lumberton, N. C. Class of 1892 Attorney at Law Physician Monroe, N. C. Baltimore, Md. 1950 Linden Ave. James W. Ferguson David Farrow Foy *Arnold Vance Graves Henry Bascomb Heath Charles French Toms Frank Tisdale Class of 1893 Attorney at Law Solicitor 16th Judicial District Waynesville, N. C. New York, N. Y. Produce Ex. Bldg. Washington, D. C. With Mclntyre & Marshall Manager With Virginia & Carolina Chem- ical Co. Died in 1900 Cotton Manufacturer "fSands, N. C. Attorney at Law Hendersonville, N. C. Clerk Greensboro, N. C. Clegg Hotel 396 UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA 397 James Robert Craige John Edward Mattocks B.S., 1895; M.S. George Hughes Kirby B.S. M.D..Lons Island Col. Hospital, 1899 Wajne Adolphus Mitchell LL.B. LL.M., Columbian Univ., i8g6 Class of 1895 Merchant and Manufacturer Mining Class of 1896 Physician 1st Asst. Physician Worcester Insane Hosjutal Delegate to 23ci Grand Chapter Attorney at Law James H. Ramsay ♦William Heinrich Williams Adolphus Howard Edgerton Augustus Lewis Jones Charles Earl Johnson Jones Farmer Soldier Lieut. U. S. A. Died January 23, 1900 Class of 1897 Merchant Sec'y and Treas. Enterprise Lum- ber Co. Sec'y and Treas. Goldsboro Illu- minating & Traction Co. Chemist Supt. John Dunlap Co. Attorney at Law Charlotte, N. C. Canton, N. C. Worcester, Mass. Kinston, N. C. Seaboard, N. C. Asheville, N. C. Goldsboro, N. C. Pittsburg, Pa. 321 Lehigh Ave. Asheville, N. C. Willis Grandv Peace Class of 1898 Lieutenant U. S. A. Oxford, N. C. Class of 1899 Edward Clemmons McEachern Physician M.D., Univ. of Md., 1901 Charles James O'Hagan, Jr. Merchant Louis E. Hall Fredrick Leon Pearsall John Roy Williams Edward Jenner Wood B.S. Merchant Merchant Medical Student Medical Student In Univ. of Fa. Class of 1900 Vice-PresJ and Mgr. Winston Ktg Physician Law Student Real Estate Randleman, N. C. Greenville, N. C. 53 Hayward St. Wilmington, N. C. W^ilmington, N. C. Asheville, N, C. Wilmington, N. C. Reginald Bailey John Mortimer Hayes M.D., Univ. of Md., 1901 Thaddeus Winfield Jones, Jr. S.B. William Dalton McAdoo Robert Alexander McEachern Planter Willie Person M. Turner Insurance William Uavid Simpson Student Univ. of Md. Willis Steadman Vaughn Manager With I. L. Vaughn Tobacco Co. Claude Hill Weir Physician Class of 1901 Robert Vance Brawley Physician Mooresville, N. C. M.D., Univ. Col. of Meaicine,'i9oi House Surgeon Va. Hosp., Richmond, Va. Dunlap Thompson Physician Raynham, N. C. Winston, N. C. Mills Magothy, Md. Acton, N. C. Greensboro, N. C. Lumber Bridge, N, Co Greensboro, N. C. Monroe, N. C. Winston, N. C. New York, N. Y. Bellevue Hosp. THE UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA Founded in 1880 P'irst Class Graduated in 1884 A Denominational Institution (Methodist Episcopal) DEPARTMENTS liberal arts agriculture MEDICINE preparatory MUSIC LAW FINE ARTS DENTISTRY STATISTICS Amount of endowment ...... $520,000.00 Value of buildings and grounds .... 110,000.00 Value of productive funds . . . . . 200,000.00 Income from all sources for 1 899-1900 - - - 41,000.00 Tuition in collegiate department .... 60.00 Number of volumes in library .... 4,500 Number of professors and instructors - . . . 62 Number of students in attendance .... gig Women are admitted. ALPHA UPSILON CHAPTER Founded June 8, 1889 OTHER FRATERNITIES Delta Gamma (inactive), 1887-97; Kappa Alpha Theta (inactive), 1887-95; Alpha Chi Omega, 1895; Nu Sigma Nu, 1896; Pi Rho Sigma, 1897; Psi Omega, 1900. 399 ALPHA UPSILON CHAPTER UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA George Sinsabaugh Ph.B. Ph.M., 1888 William Sherman Bovard A.B. S.T.B., Boston Sch. Theol., 189S William C. Whitcomb B.S. Paul Arnold Clinton Allen Bradley B.S. George Dorr Christy B.S. Lloyd Bennett Christy Elgar Reed B.S. M.S., 1893. M.D., 1893, Col. of Medicine and Surgery, Cin- cinnati Edward Brookbank Stuart B.S. Thomas Wilfred Robinson A.B. A.M.. 1894 Robert Thomas Hall B.S. M.S., D.D.S., Philadelphia Dental Col., 1899 Elmer Edgar Hall B.S. M.S., Univ. of Cal., 1896 Don Carlos Porter Lewis Reeser Garret Hartley Shaw B.Ph., LL.B., Univ. of Cal. 1897 Rae Gird Van Cleve A.B. Class of 1885 Insurance and Loans Grand Captain General Grand Commandery Knights Temp- lars of California Grand Praetor Eighth Province, 1897-99 Class of 1888 Clergyman Pres. of Associated Charities Class of 1889 Manufacturer Class of 1890 Teacher Prof, of Mathematics, Univ. of So. Cal. Bookkeeper Attorney at Law Banker Physician Merchant Class of 1892 Attorney at Law Librarian and Secretary of Los Angeles County Law Library Class of 1893 Dentist Delegate to 21st Grand Chapter Teacher Whiting Fellow in Physics, Univ. of Cal. Attorney at Law Class of 1894 Attorney at Law Treas. Whittier State School Delegate to 23d Grand Chapter Attorney at Law Teacher Prof, of Biologyjin HighJSchool 400 Los Angeles, Cal, 208 Frost Block Portland, Me. Chicago, 111. Ohio and Orleans Sts. Los Angeles, Cal. nil S. Hope St. Los Angeles, Cal. 416 W\ 4th St. Phoenix, Ariz. Phoenix, Ariz. El Monte, Cal. Los Angeles, Cal. Ill S. Broadway Los Angeles, Cal. IOI3 W.2IStSt. Fresno, Cal. 1033 I St. Berkeley, Cal. 1825 Arch St. Pasadena, Cal. Rooms 8, 9, 10, S towell Block Los Angeles, Cal. 95 Bryson Block Los Angeles, Cal. 531 Stinson Block Los Angeles, Cal. 1349 Union Ave. UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA Class of 1895 401 David Lafayette Arnold A.B. A.M., Leland Stanford. Jr. Univ., 1897 Robert Garner Curran Teacher Greeley, Col. Prof, of Mathematics in Col. State Normal School Merchant Los Angeles, Cal. Ill S. Broadway Harrv Lee Martin A.B. Class of 1896 Broker Los Angeles, Cal, President of Guarantors and In- Room q6 Bryson Block vestment Co. Class of 1897 Frederick McDonald Spencer Attorney at Law A.B. Archibald Percival Thomson Attorney at Law B.A. Los Angeles, Cal, 206 Tajo Bldg. Los Angeles, Cal, 414 California Bank Francis Theodore Scott David H, McCartney Thomas Chalmers Myers M.D. Lee Roy Bradley Class of 1898 Clergyman First Universalist Church Actor Physician and Surgeon Merchant Santa Paula, Cal, Los Angeles, Cal, 927 Orange St. Los Angeles, Cal. 223 W. 2d St. North Ontario, Cal. Class of 1899 Ernest Bausor Bradley B.Ph. Charles Bennett Christy Philo Jones William Frazier Lloyd Foster Carlisle Wright Clergyman Rector Protestant Episcopal Church Bank Clerk Salesman American Type Founders Co. Editorial Manager Los Angeles Newspaper Union Merchant Vice-Pres. and Mgr. Southwest Printers Supply Attorney at Law Mayor's Private Secretan' Delegate to 25th Grand Chapter San Luis Obispo, Cal. Phoenix, Ariz. Los Angeles, Cal. 340 S. Hill St. Los Angeles, Cal. 840^^ S. Flower St. Los Angeles, Cal. 1016 W. 38th St. Austin Oliver Martin Clarke E, Pomeroy Hiram Bradbury Tebbetts B.Ph, John Francis Cowan Sam Francis Moulton William H. Thornhill Clare Cook Young B.S. Univ. of Kan., 1897. M.D, 1901 Class of 1900 Reporter With Los Angeles Daily Times Sec'y of Y. M. C. A. Student Class of 1901 Student Bookkeeper Merchant Physician and Surgeon La Fortuna Mining Co. Los Angeles, Cal. Times Office, ist and Broadway Hartford, Conn. Los Angeles, Cal, 1607 Grand Ave. Los Angeles, Cal, 1420 Mitchell St. Los Angeles, Cal, 6405^ S. Olive St. Richwood, Ohio Fortuna, Ariz. 402 ALPHA UPSILON CHAPTER William Lawrence Barr Edgar Dewey Hiller Evan Jenkins Charles E. Stauter George Nathan Turner William Richard Guiberson Carl Reed Tufts Edwin Janss William R. McAliep Bruce Hatch George E. Bahrenburg Ernest Lee Yerxa Class of IQ02 Student Centralia, Wash. Student Los Angeles, Cal. 129 S. Flower St. Student Los Angeles, Cal. 1050 W. 24th St. Student Los Angeles, Cal. 2508 E. ist St. Los Angeles, Cal. Teller Main Street Savings Bank iiS5 W. 38th St. Sec. San Felipe Land & Water Co. Los Angeles, Cal. Deputy City Clerk Class of 1903 Student Student Student Student Class of 1904 Student City Hall Los Angeles, Cal. 3203 Grand Ave. Los Angeles, Cal. 850 S. I3onne Brae San Francisco, Cal. 315 Castro St. Los Angeles, Cal. 1829 S. Flower St. Los Angeles, Cal. 955 S. Hope St. Los Angeles, Cal. Melrose and Vermont Aves. CORNELL UNIVERSITY ITHACA, NEW YORK Founded April 27, 1865 First Class Graduated in 1869 A Non-Sectarian Institution DEPARTMENTS graduate academic LAW medical agriculture civil engineering mechanical engineering veterinary architecture forestry STATISTICS Value of buildings and grounds . . . . $1,874,372.86 Value of equipment and apparatus - - - 1,218,342.95 Amount of endowment and productive funds - - 6,756,370.17 Income from all sources for 1899-1900 - - - 722,210.68 Tuition in collegiate department ... - 100.00 Number of volumes in library ... - - 238,376 Number of professors and instructors ... 360 Number of students in attendance ... - 3>oo5 Women are admitted. ALPHA PHI CHAPTER Founded October 10, i8go OTHER FRATERNITIES Zeta Psi, 1868; Chi Phi, 1868; Kappa Alpha, 1868; Chi Psi, 1869; Phi Kappa Psi, 1869; Delta Upsilon, 1869; Delta Kappa Epsilon, 1870; Alpha Delta Phi, 1870; Theta Delta Chi, 1870; Phi Delta Theta, 1872; Beta Theta Pi, 1874; Psi Upsilon, 1876; Alpha Tau Omega, 1887; Phi Gamma Delta, 1888; Phi Sigma Kappa, 1889; Delta Tau Delta, 1890; Sigma Phi, 1890; Delta Phi, i8gi; Kappa Sigma, 1892; Sigma Alpha Epsilon (inactive), 1891-95; Kappa Alpha Theta, 1881; Kappa Kappa Gamma, 1883; Delta Gamma, 1885; Alpha Phi, 1889; Phi Delta Phi, 1888; I. T.V. (inactive), 1888-89; Delta Chi, 1891; Nu Sigma Nu, 1900; Phi Alpha Sigma, 1900; Omega Upsilon Phi, 1900; Gamma Alpha, 1900; Sigma Nu, 1901. 403 ALPHA PHI CHAPTER CORNELL UNIVERSITY Class of 1890 Frederick Lawrence Kortright Teacher B.S., D.Sc, i8q=; Asst. Prof, in Chemistry, Univ. of W. Va. *Frank Hovey Noyes Teacher Died January 19, 1898 Albert Paul Willis Teacher Prof, in Piiiladelphia Manual Training Scfiool Delegate to 24th Grand Chapter Morgantown, W, Va. Indianapolis, Ind. Philadelphia, Pa. 1338 Pine St. Class of 1891 Charles Henry Duncan Engineer Alexander Drummond Lunt Examiner M.E., M.M.E. B.S. in M.E., Wor- Examiner in Electricity, U. cester Polytechnic Institute; Patent Office tjohnstown. Pa. New York, N. Y. S. 464 W. 144th St. Francis Everett Pratt Francis Ezra Brewer A.B., A.M., Indiana Univ. George Carr Purdy Otto Peter Schreuder Josiah Boardman Scovill LL.B. Charles Maples Whicher Ph.B. M.D., Buffalo Univ.,=i8 Class of 1892 Civil Engineer Chief Engineer Tintern Manor Water Co. Teacher Prof, in High School, New Brighton, Staten Island Delegate to 25th Grand Chapter General Manager of Greenlee Bros. & Co., Machinery Mfrs. Grand Praetor ist Province, 1893-54 Delegate to iSth and 20th Grand Chapters Red Bank, N. J. New York, N. Y. Port Richmond, Staten Island Chicago, 111, I2th & Union Sts. Architect Attorney at Law Physician Chief Surgeon Pecis Valley Ry. City Health Officer Boston, Mass. 93 Federal St. Buffalo, N. Y. 812-816 Prudential Bldg. Carlsbad, N. Mex. Stuart Dunlevy Boynton M.E. Edward Boynton Cappeller A.M. Lester Mead HubJey Ph.B. M.D., N. Y. Univ. Clyde Parker Johnston A.B., LL.B. John Kirby Jones B.S. Christian Jensen Toerring E.E. Hayden Homer Tracy M.E., M.M.E. B.S., Worcester Polytechnic Institute Class of 1893 Grain Elevator Delegate to 21st Grand Chapter Journalist Physician Attorney at Law Delegate to 19th Grand Chapter Electrical Engineer Electrical Engineer 404 Chicago, 111. 390 Ontario St. Mansfield, O. New York, N. Y. 40 W. 84th St. Cincinnati, O. 752 Ridgway Ave., Avondale Grand Marais, Minn. New York, N. Y. San Francisco, Cal. CORNELL UNIVERSITY 405 Frederic Flagler Helmer James Parker Hall A.B. LL.B., Harvard Univ. J. Ral{)h Audley Linke William Noble Lane LL.B. Arthur Bates Loomis ALC.E. B.S., Univ. of Hi., 1893 Addison Crawford Ormsbee LL.B. Thomas Chattle Rogers Class of 1894 Designer and Editor Teacher Associate Prof, of Law, Leland Stanford, Jr., Univ. Delegate to 21st Grand Cliapter Lockport, N. Y. Palo Alto, Cal. Engineer Cripple Creek, Col. Attorney at Law Denver, Col. Civil Engineer Toledo, O. Ass't Engineer Massilon Bridge Co. Tfie Monticello Attorney at Law Newburgh, N. Y. 290 Liberty St. Attorney at Law Middletown, N. Y. Corporation Counsel How Bldg Attorney at Law Buffalo, N. Y, Attorney at Law Chicago, 111. 48 Metropolitan Blk. Benjamin Studley Woodworth Druggist Fort Wayne, Ind. 254 W. Wayne St. Benjamin Seth Spaulding William Bergen Snowhook Frederick James Baker William Henry Peer Conklin George Paxton Diehl Frank R. Dickey William Brooks Greenlee B.S. Edward Cole Jones M.E. Clifford Reno Neare *Walter Raleigh Sargent Harry Clinton White M.E. Charles Sommers Young B.L. Class of 1895 Artist Rochester Herald Merchant Receiver of Greenpoint Towage and Lighterage Co. Manager of American Bonding and Trust Co. Receiver of Salisbury Carbon- ate Iron Co. Grand Praetor Ninth Province, 1899- Secretary Sec. of Edgewood Distilling Co. Attorney at Law Confidential Secretary to Supremi Court Justice Manufacturer Sec. Greenlee Bros. & Co. Delegate to 21st Grand Chapter Mechanical Engineer Rochester, N. Y. 95 Throp St. New York, N. Y. 1263 Bedford Ave., Brooklyn Died January 28, 1896 Mechanical Engineer Cincinnati, O. 607-609 ALiin St. New York, N. Y. ; 44 Court St. Brooklyn Chicago, 111. 225 W. i2th St. Fort Atkinson, Wis. fAtlantic City, N. J. Pittsburg, Pa. Melrose, Mass. 106 Bellevue Ave. Advertising Omaha, Neb. Asst. Advertising AgentSBurlington 1916 Dodge St. Route Class of 1896 William Best Salesman With Best, Russell & Co. William Hempstead Beebe, Jr. Sanitary Engineer With Sanitury Corps John Daniel Curtis Electrical Engineer M.E. Asst. Sur)t. Hatzel & Buehler, 114, 5th .Ave. John Miller Davidge Grocer LL.B. Benjamin Franklin Ellsworth, Jr. Richard Franchot B.S. Louis Johnson Hall With N. Y. & N. J. Telephone Co. Chemist Chicago, 111. Masonic Temple Chicago, 111. 206 Goethe St. New York, N. Y. 217 W. 140th St. Binghamton, N. Y. 81 Main St. New York, N. Y. Niagara Falls, N. Y. Chicago, 111. 3701 Sheridan Road 4o6 ALPHA PHI CHAPTER Matthew Brady Keyser M.E. Herbert Blakeley Royce George Armstrong Smith B.S. Robert Pierce Tobin M.E. Engineer Pittsburg, Pa Selling Engineer, Heyl & Patterson 275 Main St. Manager Morris-Hall Mail Closer Co. Ellis Leeds Aldrich B.L. LL.B., 1899 Charles Henry Bartlett Ph.B. LL.B., Chicago Col. of Law Henry Whitney Chatfield E.E. *James Carson Dixon E.E. A.B., Tulane Univ., 1894 Frederick Davis Herbert M.E. Roy Hall Hasson Joseph Duryea Maynard William Horace Squire M.E. Secretary Secy. Middletown St. R. R. Asst. Chemist Mechanical Engineer Class of 1897 Attorney at Law Middletown, N. J. 9 Highland Ave. Ithaca, N. Y. New York, N. Y. 50 Broadway New York, N. Y. 76 William St. Attorney at Law Evanston, 111. Collector Township of Evanston 827 Greenleaf St. Chicago Office 1016, 155 LaSalle St Cashier Died Oct. 6, 1896 Marine Engineer Clerk Insurance Wylie Brown M.E. Frank Lawrence Cochrane M.D., Physicians & Surgeons Col. N. Y. Harry Allyn Frank LL.B. Bertram Watros Frank Elston Fullerton King Daniel Maujer McLaughlin Hugo Edmund Oswald LL.B., Northwestern Univ., 18 Francis Wheeler Piatt Ph.B. Isaac Piatt LL.B. William Austin Strong LL.B. A.B., Stanford Univ., ; Wesley Steele M.E. Charles Albert Skidmore John Hamilton White Class of 1898 With Bridgeport Brass Co. Physician Attorney at Law Broker Board of Trade Insurance Grand Praetor Ninth Province i8q5-97 Attorney at Law Salesman Attorney at Law Attorney at Law Mechanical Engineer With Perth Amboy Terra Cotta Company John Alexander Caldwell, Jr. Moses E. Lopez, Jr. John William O'Leary M.E. Class of 1899 Delegate to 23d Grand Chapter Accountant Asst. Bookkeeper Morse Iron Works and Dry Dock Co. Manufacturer With Arthur J. O'Leary Delegate to 24th Grand Chapter New York, N. Y. 81 WilloughbySt., Brooklyn New Orleans, La. New York, N. Y. 220 Broadway New York, N. Y. 50 W. 48th St. Milwaukee, Wis. 725 Franklin St. Pittsburg, Pa. New York, N. Y. 19 Murray St. New York, N. Y. 704 Sterling Place, Brooklyn Omaha, Neb. 623 New York Life Bldg. Chicago, 111. 6022 Jefferson Ave. Panora, Iowa New York, N. Y. 32 Court St., Brooklyn Chicago, 111. 256 warren Ave. New York, N. Y. 54 Cranberry St., Brooklyn Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Eastman Terrace Los Angeles, Cal. 410-411 Henne Bldg., 122 W. 3d St. Perth Amboy, N. J. New York, N. Y. Manhattan Club Brock port, N. Y. Cincinnati, O. Glen Parker Ave., North Side Brooklyn, N. Y. 215 Monroe St. Chicago, 111. 130 VV. Lake St. CORNELL UNIVERSITY 407 Arthur Beavers Raymond Naval Architect Boston, Mass. M.E. Colonial Bldg. William Jackson Sweeney Attorney at Law Rock Island, 111, B.S., i8<59; LL.B., Northwestern 816, aotliSt. Univ., 1895 Hattersly Worthington Talbott Electrical Engineer Washington, D. C. M.E. B.S.. Columbian Univ., 1896 With Chesapeake & Potomac Telephone Co. Delegate to 25th Grand Chapter William Leigh Cook C.E., Princeton Univ., 1S9S; E.E. Charles Tudson Crary LL.B. John L. Flannery, Jr. Charles Bierce Holden William Cox Dalzell, Jr. Robert R. Livingston Charles Edgar Newton, Jr. Alexander Bonnell Tappen M.E. Joseph Bartholomew Weed, Jr. Class of 1900 Civil Engineer With N. Y. Telephone Co., 1 = New York Clerk With Geo. P. Merrick Broker Mechanical Engineer With Allis-ChaTmers Co. Engineer Student Student Naval Architect With Munson S.S. Ship Co. Princeton, N. J. Dey St., Chicago, 111. loS Dearborn St. Chicago, 111. _ 42 River St. Milwaukee, Wis. South Egremont, Mass. Kingston, N. Y. Brooklyn, N. Y. 1493 Pacific St. New York, N. Y. 263 W. 73d St. New York, N. Y. 400 Manhattan Ave. LeRoy Porter Gregory Rufus Avery Mcllhenny Charles Carsten Piatt George Armstrong Smith B.S., Toronto Univ., 1896 Lloyd Duvall Smoot Samuel Wittenmyer Rollin Turner Woodyatt *Edward Chapin Caldwell John Barrie Ferguson Herbert Knox Grant Brown McLaughlin William Frank Rosenteel Albert Vail Simis Ralph Murdoch Brown Charles Treadway Barnum Hugh McKnight Ferguson Class of 1901 With U. S. Casualty Co. of New York Manufacturer Student Chemist With Frederick H. Levey Co., 59 Beekinan St., New York Lumber Dealer Student Class of 1902 Student Died March 28, 1900 Student Student Civil Engineer Student Journalist Class of 1903 Student Student Student Kansas City, Mo. 2621 East 30th St. Avery Island, La. Brooklyn, N. Y. 364 Tompkins Ave. Brooklyn, N. Y. 260 Hicks St. Washington, D. C. 3016 Dumbarton Ave. Middleburg, Pa. Evanston, 111. 231 Dempster St. Milton, Pa. New York, N. Y. Manhattan Ave. Connellsville, Pa. Philadelphia, Pa. 1315 Marlborough St. Johnstown, Pa. Brooklyn, N. Y. 160 New Y'ork Ave. Montclair, N. J. 136 Union St. Wilkesbarre, Pa. 3^ W. South St. Pittsburg, Pa. 5154 Cypress St. 4o8 ALPHA PHI CHAPTER Harvey Clark Fairbank Raymond Haisler John McClellan Lee Benjamin Franklin Long- necker John Hoffman Schissler Harry Frost Stratton John Hilbish Wells Robert Palmiter Bennett Harold Spencer Bope Keith L. Bullitt "William Paxton Gary William Browne Gillies Harley John Hills Charles Edward Johnson Alfred Ostrom Kellogg George Howarth Potter Mayo Eugene Roe Student Collector Student Delegate to 25th Grand Chapter Student Student Student Student Class of 1904 Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Raymond Alexander Turnbull Student William Warren Tyler, Jr. Student Class of 1905 Walter S. Fox Student Edward Cochrane Gaw Student Stanley Granger Home Student Guy Carlyle Johnstone Student Howard Ellsworth Schaff Student William Horace Schmidlapp Student Herbert Russell Wilde Student Jamestown, N. Y. 3S3 E. Fourth St. Milwaukee, Wis. 195, i8th St. Pittsburg, Pa. 621 Summerlea St. Delta, O. Morgantown, W. Va. Tiffin, O. 171 Monroe St. Tiffin, O. S3 Madison Ave. Rochester, N. Y. Pittsburg, Pa. 429 Rebecca St. Louisville, Ky. New York, N. Y. 28 W. 26th St. Chicago, 111. 7810 Bond Ave. Jackson, Mich. Cincinnati, O. 752 Ridgeway Ave. Dobbs Ferry, N. Y. Brooklyn, N. Y. 411 Madison St. Elyria, O. Elmira, N. Y. 506 Walnut St. Buffalo, N. Y. 927Elm\vood Ave. Laporte, Ind. Schuylerville, N. Y Brooklyn N. Y. Bloomington, 111. Cincinnati, O. Cincinnati, O. Grandin Road Dobbs Ferry, N. Y THE PENNSYLVANIA STATE COLLEGE STATE COLLEGE, PENNSYLVANIA Founded in 1859 First Class Graduated in 1864 A State Institution DEPARTMENTS LANGUAGES LITERATURE HISTORY POLITICAL SCIENCE PHILOSOPHY AGRICULTURE NATURAL SCIENCE MATHEMATICS PHYSICS ENGINEERING STATISTICS Value of buildings and grounds .... $750,000.00 Value of equipment and apparatus .... 60,000.00 Amount of endowment - - . . . 517,000.00 Value of productive funds ..... 517,000.00 Income from all sources for 1899-1900 ... 152,452.64 Tuition in college department free to residents of Pennsylvania. Non-residents ....... 100.00 Number of volumes in library . . - . . 17,000 Number of professors and instructors - - - - 42 Number of students in attendance .... 4^3 Women are admitted. ALPHA CHI CHAPTER Founded May 27, 1891 OTHER FRATERNITIES Delta Tau Delta (inactive), 1872-73; Q. T. V. (inactive), 1885-90; Beta Theta Pi, 1887; Phi Gamma Delta, 1888; Phi Kappa Sigma, 1890; Kappa Sigma, 1892; Sigma Alpha Epsilon, 1892; Phi Sigma Kappa, 1899. 409 ALPHA CHI CHAPTER PENNSYLVANIA STATE COLLEGE Samuel Grant Crawford B.S. ♦Herman Horace Herr B.S. Francis Jones Pond B.S. A.M. Ph.D., Univ. of Got- tingen Augustus Clement Read Howard Knoll Rumberger B.S. Fraley Niebuhr Weidner B.S. Frederick Allport Dale B.S. M.D., Univ. of Pa. Herbert Edward Dunkle B.S. M.E., 1896 John Foster B.S. Class of 1892 Civil Engineer With Arlington Copper Co. With Union Switch and Signal Co. Died Dec. 2, 1893 Teacher Asst. Prof, of Chemistry in Pa State Col. Civil Engineer Arlington, N. J. Rochester, N. Y, Electrician With New York Central & Hud- son R. R. Electrical Contractor Class of 1893 Physician Surgeon U. S. Army, P.I. Teacher Instructor in Mechanical Engi- neering Pa. State Col. Chemist State College, Pa. Wilkinsburg, Pa. 211 Penn Ave. Lyons, N. Y. Chester, Pa. 19th & Chestnut Sts. Lemont, Pa. State College, Pa. With Sloss, Sheffield Steel & Iron Co. Sheffield, Ala. William Banks B.S. James Allen Gray Charles Ernest Kremer B.S. Payne Pettebone Sturdevant William Claude Thompson B.S. Class of 1894 Attorney at Law Indiana, Pa. 680 Philadelphia St.. Farmer Brookville, Pa. Manufacturer Philadelphia, Pa. nth and Race Sts. Draughtsman Berwick, Pa. With American Car & Foundry Co. Chemist Elyria, O. Asst. Chemist Lorain Steel Co. 117 Water St. John Brainerd Kieffer John Kenworthy Newburn Henry E. Simmons George Knox Spence B.S. Class of 1895 Banker Treas. Maryland Telephone Co. Broker Salesman Chemist With New York & Pa. Co. Paper Mill Hagerstown, Md. 229 N. Potomac St, Bellevue, Pa. tMoore, Pa. johnsonburg. Pa. *Howard Evans Benison Charles McHenry Eby Class of 1896 Student Died Feb. 23, 1893 Cadet At West Point Military Academy 410 Philadelphia, Pa. 40S S. 20th St. Newport, Pa. THE PENNSYLVANIA STATE COLLEGE 411 Willis Emery Mackey LL.B., Dickinson Law School Edgar Marion McNeil Walter Percival Maguire William Andrew Moore Ernest Miller Newell Edward G. Sheafer William Cyrus Smith Henry McMaster Stewart Attorney at Law Draughtsman With Pa.R. R. Co. Civil Engineer Asst. Engineer New York Centra' & Hudson R. R. Engineer for Borough of Cur- wensville Student Bookkeeper Merchant Chemist With Carnegie Steel Co. Altoona, Pa. Altoona, Pa. Huntingdon, Pa. Curwensville, Pa. Huntingdon, Pa. Newport, Pa. Pittsburg, Pa. Braddock, Pa. Thomas Baumgardner B.S. George Ripley Boak Daniel Richard Goodman George Alexander Lowell William Shaw Montgomery B.S. Warren Ray Thompson B.S. Class of 1897 Superintendent Columbia Gas Co. Clerk Bookkeeper Clerk With the Pullman Co. Electrician Electrical Engineer Class of iJ Lancaster, Pa. i3g E. Walnut St. Hughesville, Pa. Reading, Pa. Springmont St. Louis, Mo. 2634 Locust St. Philipsburg, Pa. London, E.C., England 22A College Hill, Can- non St. William McFarlane Campbell Physician M.D.,Univ. of Pa., 18 Henry Smyser Davis B.S. Ambrose Nevin Diehl B.S. Henry Elvin Diller Harry Dexter Bullard Member of staff of McKees Rocks General Hospital Marine Engineer Superintendent With Duquesne Blast Furnaces, Carnegie Steel Co. Chemist Merchant McKees Rocks, Pa. York, Pa. 175 Beaver St. Duquesne, Pa. Lancaster, Pa. Spencer, Mass. Nathan White Buckhout B.S. ♦Clement Graybill Fetterolf Walter Hardie Finley B.S. *James Laughlin McMurray Russel Hastings John Moulfaire Keichline Harry Sell Marshall Class of 1899 Chemist Asst. Chemist Pa. Agric. Experi- ment Sta. Clerk Died Feb. 20, 1899 Mining Engineer With Fox Coal Co. Clerk Died Dec. 2, 1S98 Medical Missionary Teacher State College, Pa. Collegeville, Pa. Sequatchie College, Tenn. Philadelphia, Pa. Bellefonte, Pa. Ashland, Pa. Albert Tuttle Buckhout James Meloin David Class of 1900 Draughtsman Civil Engineer With New York Central & Hudson R. R. Holyoke, Mass. 215 Appleton, St. Jersey Shore, Pa, 412 ALPHA CHI CHAPTER Roland Diller B.S. Wayne Thompson Uimm B.S. Charles Quiggle Weeks B.S. Mining Engineer New Holland, Pa. Chemist for Lackawanna I. & S. Co.. Lebanon, Pa. Draughtsman Newport News, Va. With Newport News Shipbuilding 122, 34th St. & Dry Dock Co. Engineer Williamsport, Pa. With Pennsylvania R. R. 324 Elmira St. Arthur Louden Campbell David Lloyd Eynon B.S. Paul Collins Haldeman John Hunsicker James Coburn Rogers Class of 1901 vSteel Inspector Consulting Engineer With Hughes & Patterson Delegate to 24th Grand Chapter Student Student Student Port Royal, Pa. Philadelphia, Pa. 1119 Shackamaxson St. Marietta, Pa. Lebanon, Pa. 501 Cumberland St. Bellefonte, Pa. Class of 1902 George Newton Campbell Student John Henry Werts Chestnut, Jr. Student Ralph Vinton Little Percival Martin William Allison Maxwell, Jr. Student Student Clerk In Philadelphia Postofhce Sunbury, Pa. Philadelphia, Pa. I7S7 Frankford Ave. Cumberland, Md. 144 Baltimore St. Norwood, Pa. Bryn Mawr, Pa. John Calvin Clendenin Charles Lambert Kinsloe Class of 1903 Student Student Delegate to 25th Grand Chapter Mechanicsburg, Pa. Lock Haven, Pa. 354 E. Main St. Raymond Grim Frick Charles Hartshorne Bolich William Reese Jenkins Dor- worth Heber Gossler Gearhart Harry Allen Leitzell George Earle McCurdy Class of 1904 Student Student Student Student Student Student Philadelphia, Pa. 4508 Springfield Ave Mt. Carmel, Pa. Bellefonte, Pa. Sunbury, Pa. 321 Walnut St Scottdale, Pa. Dunbar, Pa. Emanuel Gorgas Bashore Robert Leo Bennett John Law Robertson Class of 1905 Student Student Student Shippensburg, Pa Pittsburg, Pa. 3227 Fifth Ave. Moosic, Pa. VANDERBILT UNIVERSITY NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE Founded in 1872 First Class Graduated in 1875 A Denominational Institution (Methodist Episcopal, South) DEPARTMENTS academic medical biblical dental law engineering pharmaceutical STATISTICS Value of buildings and grounds .... $550,000.00 Value of equipment and apparatus .... 150,000.00 Value of productive funds . - - . . 1,500,000.00 Income from all sources for 1899-1900 .... 120,000.00 Tuition in college department .... 100.00 Number of volumes in library ..... 30,000 Number of professors and instructors ... 90 Number of students in attendance .... 800 Women are admitted. ALPHA PSI CHAPTER Founded December 22, i8gi OTHER FRATERNITIES Phi Delta Theta, 1876; Kappa Sigma, 1876; Sigma Alpha Epsilon, 1878; Kappa Alpha, 1883; Chi Phi, 1883; Beta Theta Pi, 1884; Delta Tau Delta, 1886; Sigma Nu, 1886; Alpha Tau Omega, 1S89; Delta Kappa Epsilon, 1890; Pi Kappa Alpha, 1894; Delta Sigma Delta, 1897; Phi Kappa Psi, 1901. 413 ALPHA PSI CHAPTER VANDERBILT UNIVERSITY Class of 1892 William Asbury Christian Clergyman Berkeley, Va. A.B., Randolph-Macon Col. B.D. Grand Praetor Second Province, 1895-97 Vernor K. Earthman Physician Murfreesboro, Tenn. M.D. Surgreon U.S.A. in Philippines Melville Coxe Hardin Physician Atlanta, Ga, B.D. Ph. B., Central Col. D. O. American School of Osteopathy Ernest G. Woodward Friotown, Tex. Class of 1893 William Benjamin Beauchamp Clergyman Richmond, Va. A.M., B.D. Pastor Broad St. Methodist Church loio East Marshall St. Thomas C. Meadows Manufacturer Cincinnati, O. B.E., C.E. 3868 Clifton Ave. Frank Morehead Thomas Clergyman Henderson, Ky. B.D. A.M., Ogden Col. Pastor ist Methodist Church Delegate to 19th Grand Chapter Class of 1894 Thomas Carter A.B., B.D. William Benjamin Ricks B.D. John Joel Stowe Thomas G. Ivie LL.B. Edward Leland Jordon, Jr. Garland Bruce Overton A.B. William Douglas Rhea B.E. Albert Granberry Reed New Orleans, La. St. Charles St. Helena, Ark. Teacher Prof, of Greek, Tulane Univ. Clergyman Pastor ist Methodist Church South Trustee Hendrix Col. and Galloway Col. Grand Praetor Seventh Province, 1892-95 Grand Historian 1895-97 Delegate to 23d Grand Chapter Clergyman Savannah, Tenn. Delegate to 21st and 23d Grand Chapters Class of 1895 Murfreesboro, Tenn. Attorney at Law Clerk Rutherford County Court Merchant Dalton, Ga. Teacher Louisville, Ky. Male High School Delegate to 23d Grand Chapter Civil Engineer Nashville, Tenn. Craik & Rhea, Mt. Pleasant, Tenn. 1200 Belmont Ave. Teacher Austin, Tex. A.B. A.M., Yale; Ph.D., Columbia Instructor in English, Univ. of Texas Theodore Hampton Brewer A.B., A.M. William Phillips Connell B.S., M.S. Gabriel Bruner Dantzler Class of 1896 Teacher and Journalist Russellville, Ky. Editor Daily News, Nashville, Tenn. Delegate to 22d Grand Chapter Pres. Burton Lumber Co. Delegate to 23d Grand Chapter Dentist 414 Baton Rouge, La. Mobile, Ala. 225 Dauphin St. VANDERBILT UNIVERSITY 415 Clement Evans Dunbar A.B. Samuel Carter Schwing A.B., Centenary Co!., 1893 A.M., Centenary Col., 1900 Arthur Earl Wilson A.B. Harry M. Cauter B.D. A.B.. Randolph-Macon Col. Evan A. Edwards B.D. A.B., Randolph-Macon Col. William Hulings Henry B.E. Clarence Winfield Jones James D. Richardson, Jr. LL.B., Cumberland Univ. A.B., Tulane Univ., 1895 Thomas Fox Humphrey Hardison Fitzhugh Lee, Jr. Griffin M. Lovelace A.B. Thomas D. Mclntyre Hugh Hedges Miller B.E. Frederick Diefenbach, Jr. Joseph A. Goodson M.D. Charles H. Johnson Edward McKenzie B.D. A.B., Kentucky Wesleyan Co A.M., Kentucky Wesleyan Col., 1894 Attorney at Law Teacher Asst. Principal of High School Teacher Class of 1897 Clergyman Clergyman Delegate to 23d Grand Chapter Engineer With Louisville Bridge & Iron Co. Advertising With Nashville Banner Attorney at Law Class of 1898 Clergyman Pastor M.E. Church, South Vice-Pres. Centenary Col. Merchant Merchant Soldier 1st Lieutenant Teacher Instructor in Mod. Lang., Louis ville Male High School Merchant Mining Engineer Class of 1899 Attorney at Law Physician Augusta, Ga. 201-202 Leonard Bldg. Shreveport, La. Benton, Ark. Baltimore, Md. Washington, D. C. Louisville, Ky. Floyd & Magnolia Sts. Nashville, Tenn. Murfreesboro, Tenn. Jackson, La. Murfreesboro, Tenn. Nashville, Tenn. 205 Peabody St. Fort Meade, S. D. Louisville, Ky. St. Louis, Mo. Tracy City, Tenn. Commercial Traveler Clergyman David Irving Miller B.E. Mechanical Engineer With Tennessee Coal, Iron &R Louisville, Ky. 410 Center St. tLouisville, Ky. Nashville, Tenn. Louisville, Ky. 513 W. Main St. Sheffield, Ala. R. Co. William M. Duncan, Jr. James Gaines *William Mason Palmer Class of 1900 Jeweler Student Died February 6, ig Nashville, Tenn. Birmingham, Ala. Murfreesboro, Tenn. ♦William H. Foote Marvin Mclntyre Carl Monk John Pickett Turner M.A. Julien Whitehurst Adams William Mason Booth Mar\'in Corlett George Pierce Jones Class of 1901 Died November 10, 189c Student Attorney at Law Teacher Class of 1902 Engineer Physician Commercial Traveler Physician Louisville, Ky. Shelbyville, Ky. Atlanta, Ga. 167 Juniper St. Atlanta, Ga. Nashville, Tenn. Pulaski, Tenn. Nashville, Tenn. Grenada, Miss. 4i6 ALPHA PSI CHAPTER Houston Dudley Jarratt George Gilbert Marshall James Matt McFerrin Thomas Meeks Neel, Jr. Alfred M. O'Neal, Jr. James Alexander Peoples Doswell Parrish Brown Frank Wilson Chappell George Alonzo Cryer Alonzo Monk, Jr. Ben Gabriel Slaughter, Jr. Claude E. Thomas Merchant Attorney at Law- Delegate to 24th Grand Chapter Engineer Engineer Attorney at Law Delegate to 25th Grand Chapter Class of 1903 Student Student Physician Student Student Druggist Smyrna, Tenn. Nashville, Tenn. Chattanooga, Tenn, Newberry, S. C. Florence, Ala. Columbia, Tenn. 168 S. High St. Jonesboro, Ark. Nashville, Tenn, 1S05 Hayes St. Nashville, Tenn. 526 S. Summer St. Atlanta, Ga. 167 Juniper St. Winchester, Tenn, Watumpka, Ala. Class of 1904 Wilbur Foster Creighton Student Charles Gibbs Dunbar Student William Thomas Hardison, Jr. Student Robert Clendening Patterson Student James E, Dunbar Class of 1905 Student James Keirl Gilder Student Reginald Davenport Paschall Student Chesley Hunter Searcy Student Percy HolHster Whiting Student Nashville, Tenn. 3 Berry Blk. Nashville, Tenn, Eastland Ave. Nashville, Tenn, 205 Peabody St. Nashville, Tenn, 44 Carroll St. Nashville, Tenn, Eastland Ave. Newberry, S. C, Atlanta, Ga. Highland & Augusta Aves. Louisville, Ky. 3403 Third Ave. Great Barrington, Mass. THE LELAND STANFORD JUNIOR UNIVERSITY STANFORD UNIVERSITY, CALIFORNIA Founded in 1891 First Class Graduated in 1892 A Non-Sectarian Institution DEPARTMENTS arts sciences engineering law STATISTICS Value of buildings and grounds - . . . $1,500,000.00 Amount of endowment . . . . . 35,000,000.00 Value of productive funds . - . . . 15,000,000.00 Income from all sources for 1899-1900 .... 500,000.00 Tuition in college department . - - - . Free Number of volumes in library ..... 55,000 Number of professors and instructors ... j-^o Number of students in attendance .... 1,385 Women are admitted and constitute about 35 per cent, of the attendance. ALPHA OMEGA CHAPTER Founded December 19, 1891 OTHER FRATERNITIES Zeta Psi, 1891; Phi Delta Theta, 1891 ; Phi Kappa Psi, 1891; Sigma Nu, 1891; Alpa Tau Omega (inactive), 1891-97; Sigma Alpha Epsilon, 1892; Delta Tau Delta, 1893; PhiGamma Delta (inactive) 1893-96; Beta Theta Pi, 1894; Chi Psi, 1895; Kappa Alpha (inactive), 1895-99; t)elta Upsilon, 1896; Kappa Sigma, 1899; Sigma Rho Eta, 1896; Kappa Alpha Theta, 1891; Kappa Kappa Gamma, 1892; Pi Beta Phi (inactive), 1893-98; Delta Gamma, 1897; Phi Delta Phi, 1897. 417 ALPHA OMEGA CHAPTER LELAND STANFORD JUNIOR UNIVERSITY Albert James Brown A.B. Watson Nicholson A.B. A.M., Harvard Univ., 1895 Wilbur James Edwards A.B. Robert Morris Drake C.E. Class of 1892 Teacher Supt. of Schools Teacher Class of 1893 Fruit Grower Class of 1894 Civil Engineer With Southern Pacific R. R. Johnson Edmundson Alexander A.B. LL.B., Cornell Univ., 1897 *Norman Lee Harris A.B. Balfe Devore Johnson A.B. Howard Alfred Tennyson A.B. D.D.S., Univ. of Cal. Walter Edwin Winship A.B. A.M., 1896; Ph.D., Univ. of Berlin John Wilson Macrum A.B. Norman Brounwell Roper A.B. Samuel Edgar Johnson Albert Hutchinson Jarman LL.B., Univ. of Mich., 1896 Harry Wheeler Morse A.B. William Austin Strong A.B. LL.B., Cornell Univ., 18 Newell Macrum Percy Erwin Davidson A.B. Horace Wilder Joss James Aaron Pauly Class of 1895 Attorney at Law Medical Student Date of death not reported Dentist Electrical Engineer Class of 1896 Civil Engineer Civil Engineer Class of 1897 Fruit Grower and Packer Attorney at Law Deputy District Attorney, Santa Clara County. Cal. Grand Praetor Eighth Province, 1899-1901 Mining Engineer Attorney at Law Clerk Class of 1898 Teacher Prof. Cal. State Normal School Clerk Mine Owner Porcupine Mining Dist., Alaska 418 Irvington, Ind. New Haven, Conn. 341 Crown St. Eden Vale, Cal, San Francisco, Cal. 3rd and Townsend Sts. Depot San Jose, Cal. Palo Alto, Cal. ■fThree Rivers, Mich. San Francisco, Cal. 106, 4th St. Forest Grove, Ore. San Francisco, Cal. nil Van Ness Ave. West Side, Cal. San Jose, Cal. San Diego, Cal. Los Angeles, Cal. 838 Alvarado St. Portland, Ore. 22 Hamilton BIdg. San Francisco, Cal 657 Bush St. Visalia, Cal. San Diego, Cal. 1340 Cedar St. THE LELAND STANFORD JUNIOR UNIVERSITY 419 Class of 1S99 Irvine M. Noble A.B. Charles Alfred Gray A.B. Ernest Stanwood Williams A.B. John Carroll Moulton Chemist Attorney at Law Attorney at Law Druggist Los Angeles, Cal. 1323 Lynwood Ave. San Francisco, Cal. 328 Montgomery St. Los Angeles, Cal. 2622 Orchard Ave. Los Angeles, Cal. Bernard Charles Nichols A.B. Harry Livingston Fleming LL.B., 111. VVesl. Univ., igo2 John Eugene Law A.B. Henry Balch Penhallow Homer Fletcher Pitman John Alfred Givens Guy Luke Cuzner Edward Briggs Partridge, Jr. Frank Waite Bennett Robert Roughan Arno Grote Thies John Francis Cowan Paul Pauly Alexander Griffith Page Elbert King Potter Herbert Lane Younger William Lawrence Barr Oliver George Jones George H. Lutgerding Joseph Adams Miller Daniel Walcott Raymond Raymond Worthmgton Ros- siter Lyman Ranson Bennett Alfred Louis Bernardin Henry Austin Daggett Rudolf Cesar Bertheau Ross Stagg Carter A. Bartlett Ross Manville Hewitt Sprague Class of 1900 Rancher Mountain View, Cal. Attorney at Law Bloomington, 111. DeleK.ite to 24th and 25th Grand 622 E. Locust St, Chapters Bank Teller Pomona, Cal. Class of 1901 Clerk Rancher Stockman Bookkeeper Engineer Student Student Student Student Class of 1902 Assayer Student Student Student Class of 1903 Student Student Student Student Merchant Merchant Class of 1904 Cattleman Student Student Class of 1905 Student Student Student Student Honolulu, H. I. P.O. Box 447 San Jose, Cal. Blackfoot, Idaho. Pomona, Cal. San Francisco, Cal. Phoenix, Ariz. Boston, Mass. Denver, Col. 2545 Champa St. Los Angeles, Cal. 1420 Mitchell Place Los Angeles, Cal. 1205 S. Olive St. Stanford University, Cal. Buena Park, Cal. Palo Alto, CaJ. Centralia, Wash, Denver, Col. Phoenix, Ariz. Austin, Nev, Sheridan, Mont. Sheridan, Mont. Juniper, Ariz. Evansville, Ind. San Diego, Cal. Hotel Brewster San Francisco, Cal, 2112 Vellejo St. San Diego, Cal. 3446 D St. Pomona, Cal. Grafton, S. Dak. HOBART COLLEGE GENEVA, NEW YORK Founded in 1825 First Class Graduated in 1826 A Denominational Institution (Protestant Episcopal) DEPARTMENTS COLLEGIATE STATISTICS Amount of endowment ------ $682,000.00 Value of productive funds ------ 450,000.00 Income from all sources for 1899-1900 - - - 35.347-00 Cost of tuition per annum ------ 100.00 Number of volumes in library ----- 37,000 Number of professors and instructors . - - - 17 Number of students in attendance - - . - loi Women are not admitted. ALPHA ALPHA CHAPTER Founded September 28, 1892 OTHER FRATERNITIES Alpha Delta Phi (inactive), 1840-76; Sigma Phi, 1840; Kappa Alpha, 1844; Theta Delta Chi, 1857; Chi Phi (inactive), 1860-80, Phi Kappa Psi (inactive) 1881-92. 421 ALPHA ALPHA CHAPTER HOBART COLLEGE William Poyntell Kemper A.B., 1892; A.M., 1897 ♦George Coombs Strasenburg B.L., B.S.. 1893; Pd. B., Albany Normal School, 1894 Class of i8g2 Clergyman St. James Church Delegate to 22d Grand Chapter Teacher Died July 3, 1896 Philadelphia, Pa. 2210 Sansom St. Rochester, N. Y. Harry Piatt Seymour B.L. M.L., 1897 Class of 1894 Clergyman Portland, Me. Cathedral Staff Diocese of Maine 143 State St. Delegate to 19th and 20th Grand Chapters William Emmons Burch Floyd Randolph Case B.L. David Crosby Huntington B.L. A.B., 1896; A.M., 1899 Frank Edward Lawson B.A. M.A., 1899 Walter Jay Lockton B.L. M.L., 1898; B.D., Seabury Divinity School, 1898 Rozelle James Phillips B.A. M.A., 1898 Henry Lawrence de Zeng Class of 1895 Salesman Manufacturer Clergyman Rector All Saints' Church Attorney at Law Williamsport, Pa. Watertown, N. Y. 34 Cooper St. Syracuse, N. Y. W. Kennedy St, Batavia, N. Y. Clergyman Logansport, Ind. Secy, of Diocese of Michigan City 319, 7th St. Clergyman Rector Church of St. John the Divine Delegate to 24th Grand Chapter Manufacturer and Inventor Delegate to 22d Grand Chapter Syracuse, N. Y. 616 E. Genesee St. Buffalo, N. Y. Class of 1896 Frederick Jerome Leach Mark Hemingway Milne A.B. Gilbert Valentine Russell William Augustus Schnedler Merchant Treas. of Jackson^Writing Machine Co Lyons, N. Y. Delegate to 21st Grand Chapter Clergyman Rector of St. Philip's Church Clergyman Rector Holy Cross Chapel Salesman With Western Electric Co. Clergyman Franklin Emerson Smith A.B., B.D.. Gen. Theol. Sem., 1899 Myndert James Van Kleeck Attorney at Law B.L. B.S., 1897; M.L., 1899; LL,B., Columbia Univ., 1900. 422 Buffalo, N. Y. 128 Pearl St. Brooklyn, N. Y. 779 Putnam Ave. St. Louis, Mo. 810 Spruce St. Rochester, N. Y. 29 Almira St. New York, N. Y. 49 Wall St. HOBART COLLEGE 423 Class of 1897 ♦Edward Fuller Bates Clergyman B.D., Nashatoh House Died November 24, 1901 Ulysses Grant Blackford Attorney at Law A.B. LL.B., Columbia Univ., 1900 William Jacob Bott Physician M.D., Univ. of Buffalo, 1S98 Arthur Wheelock Moulton Clergyman A.B. B.D., Cambridge Theologi- Rector of Grace Church cai School, 1900 Lynn Wentworth Thompson Attorney at Law Frank Pierce Whicher A.B. Will Crandall Young B.L. Attorney at Law Insurance Delegate to 23d Grand Chapter Class of 1898 John L. Flannery, Jr. Edward William Hope A.B., Univ. of Pa., 189S Edward Moriey Huson Knapp Student A.B, Broker Canned Goods, Dried Fruit, etc. Student St. James Rectory Charles Breck Ackley B.L. Harry Watt Hannahs A.B. Warren Dix Hopkins John Carl Jagar A.B. Ralph Delaney Southwell D. Charles White A.B. Charles Stewart Poller Harry Gunnell A.B. Canandaigua, N. Y. New York, N. Y. 141 Broadway. Buffalo, N.Y. 664 Main St. Lawrence, Mass. 3 Jackson Court New York, N. Y. 2626 Broadway Ripley, N. Y. Syracuse, N. Y. 301 309 New Onondago Co. Sav. Bank Bldg. Chicago, 111. 42 River St. Shaftsbury, England Warsaw, N. Y. Class of 1899 Student In General Theological Seminary, New York, N. Y. Banker Watertown Nat. Bank Real Estate Student Mechanical Draughtsman With Lackawanna Iron & Steel Co. Delegate to 25th Grand Chapter Oconomowoc, Wis. Student Watertown, N. Y. Buffalo, N.Y. 175 Hodge Ave. Charleston, S. C. 20^ St. Philips St. Buffalo, N.Y. 305 Delaware Ave. Detroit, Mich. 76 Baltimore Ave., W. Class of 1900 Mechanical Engineer Bellevue, Pa. With Pittsburg Locomotive Works Beaver, Pa. With Signal Dept., P. & L. E. R. R. Francis Harold Beard William Angus Braithwaite A.B. Henry Stanley Falkner Guy Thayer Hilliard A.B. Eugene Luther Jagar A.B. George Rivers Walker Earl M. Stapleton Class of 1901 Merchant Port Huron, Mich. With Beard, Goodwillie & Co. 2353, 5th Ave. Student Yonkers, N. Y. In Genera! Theological Seminary, 42 Garfield St. New York, N. Y. Attorney at Law Leroy, N. Y. Teacher Concord, N. H. St. Paul's School Student Charleston, S. C. Charleston Med. Col. 205 St. Philip St. Real Estate New York, N, Y. 659, 5th Av. Class of 1902 Merchant Cedar Vale, Kan. 424 Ralph Wright Hawley Oliver Kingman Herbert Hiram Lyon ALPHA ALPHA CHAPTER Class of 1903 Student Student Insurance Moravia, N. Y. Owego, N. Y. Aurora, N. Y. Edward Kinney Baxter William Wesley Doup Arthur Justin Foley Clarence Quentin Giltrap Class of 1904 Student Student Student Delegate to 25th Grand Chapter Student Utica, N. Y. I Miller St. Papillion, Neb. Utica, N. Y. 179 Park Ave. Auburn, N. Y. Wyatt Kingman Samuel Sloan Merwyn Jay Whipple Class of 1905 Student Student Student Owego, N. Y. Utica, N. Y. 142 Columbia St. Superior, Wis. 278, 13th St. DARTMOUTH COLLEGE HANOVER, NEW HAMPSHIRE Founded in 1769 ' First Class Graduated in 1771 A Non-Sectarian Institution DEPARTMENTS collegiate administration medicine finance engineering STATISTICS Value of buildings and grounds - - • - $ 800,000.00 Amount of endowment ------ 2,300,000.00 Income from all sources for 1899-1900 - - - 140,000.00 Tuition in college department ... - - 110.00 Number of volumes in library ----- 85,000 Number of professors and instructors .... 60 Number of students in attendance ----- 800 Women are not admitted. ETA ETA CHAPTER F^ounded April 5, 1893 OTHER FRATERNITIES Psi Upsilon, 1842; Kappa Kappa Kappa, 1842; Alpha Delta Phi, 1846; Zeta Psi (inactive), 1855-74; Delta Kappa Epsilon, 1853; Theta Delta Chi, 1869; Phi Delta Theta, 1884; Beta Theta Pi, 1889; Phi Kappa Psi, 1896: Alpha Kappa Kappa, 1888; Phi Gamma Delta, 1901; Delta Tau Delta, 1901. 425 ETA ETA CHAPTER DARTMOUTH COLLEGE William Martin Chase B.S. A.M., 1879; LL.D., 18 Class of 1858 Attorney at Law Concord, N. H. Justice Supreme Court, New 93 School St. Hampshire Samuel King Hamilton B.S. M.S., 1869 Class of 1859 Attorney at Law President of Bar Association, Middlesex County Boston, Mass. 31 Milk St. Daniel Bryan Russell B.S. Class of 1864 Town Treasurer Clerk School District No. i Hanover, N. H. 25 So. Main St. John Vose Hazen B.S. C.E., 1876 Class of 187s Teacher Hanover, N. H. Prof, of Civil Engineering, Dart- mouth Col. Henry Herbert Austin George Eldridge Melendy B.S. Charles'Fuller Conn B.S. ' Charles Lincoln Carpenter B.S. C.E., 1889 Frank Berry Sanborn B.S. C.E., 1889; M.S., Harvard Univ., 1898 Class of 1885 Civil Engineer Asst. City Engineer Architect Boston, Mass. 27 Old Court House Orange, N. J. 204 Center St. Class of 1887 New York, N. Y. With Westinghouse, Church, Kerr 26 Cortlandt St. & Co. Civil Engineer Andover, Mass. Teacher Asst. Prof, of Civil Engineering, Tufts Col. Tufts College, Mass. George Fiske Hardy B.S. Perley Rufus Bugbee B.S. George Albert Leavens B.S. Class of 1888 Civil and Hydraulic Engineer New York, N. Y. 309 Broadway Class of 1890 Hanover, N. H. Banker Cash. Dartmouth Nat'l Bank Treas. Dartmouth Savings Bank Boston, Mass. With Heckla Powder Co., Boston, 209 Washington St. Mass. 426 Arthur Willard French B.S., C.E., 1892 Charles Sherman Little B.S. M.D., 1896 DARTMOUTH COLLEGE 427 Class of 1891 Teacher Worcester, Mass. Prof, of Civil Engineering, Wor- 202 Russell St. cester Polytechnic Institute Physician Waverly, Mass. Second Asst. Physician, McLean Hospital Arthur Benjamin Ilsley B.S. C.E. T.S.C.E., 1895 Edward Hartshorn A.B. M.D., 1S95 Edwin Emory Jones M.D., 1S94 Asa Grant Randall B.S. Class of 1892 Civil Engineer Asst. Bridge Engineer Boston & Maine R.R Physician Physician Artist Boston, Mass. Care B. & M. R.R. Newton, Mass. 848 Beacon St. Colebrook, N. H. Dover, N. H. 360 Central Ave Class of 1893 Lester Warren Burbank Physician Cabot, Vt. B.S. M.S., 1896; M.D., 1896, Univ. of Vermont Charles Carpenter Goss Banker Dover, N. H. B.S. Treas. Merchants Nat'l Bank 655 Central Ave. Albert Clinton Leach Physician Orange, Mass. M.D., 1894 „ , XT TT William Hazeltine Gage Mann Civil Engineer Penacook, N. H. B.S., M.S. Asst. Supt. White Mountain 9S N. Main St. Quarry, No. Conway, N. H. Harry Bingham Metcalf Journalist Worcester, Mass. B.S. M.S., 1896 News Editor Worcester Telegram 21 Williams St. Class of 1894 Arthur Allan Adams B.S. William Marston Ames B.S. C.E.. 1895 Charles William Berry B.S. D M.D., Harvard Univ, Everett William Boyd A.B. William Columbus Dutton B.S. Herman Samuel Lovejoy B.S. John Joseph Nutt B.L. M.D., New York Univ. M.D. Cornell Univ., 1899 George Woodbury Parker B.S. C.E., 1S95 Augustus Barnes Sawyer B.S. Edwin Victor Spooner B.S. Arthur William Stone B.S. C.E.. 1896 Herbert Francis Taylor B.S. Herbert Russell Thurston B.S. C.E., 1893 Frank Hamant Trow B.S. C.E., 1895 Civil Engineer Supt. oTStreets Civil Engineer Dentist Merchant Springfield, Mass. 99 Bay St. Berwick, Me. 82 Sullivan St. Somerville, Mass. , 1897 _ Davis Square Somerville, Mass. 62 Grant St. Traveling Salesman Saratoga, N. Y. With National Drug Co., Philadel- The Algonquin phia. Pa. Teacher Windsor, Conn. Prin. of High School Surgeon New York, N. Y. 1897; Attending Surgeon Bellevue Dis- 107 W. 74th pensary Civil Engineer Charlestown, Mass. With O'Brien, Sheehan & Company 3 Laurel St. Editor Franklin Falls, N. With Journal-Transcript Student Hudson, Mass. In Graduate School, Harvard Univ. Engineer and Contractor New York, N. Y. Stone & Thurston 220 Broadway Teacher Watertown, Mass. Public Schools 9 Chester St. Delegate to 20th Grand Chapter Contractor and Civil Engineer New York, N Y. Stone & Thurston 220 Broadway Civil Engineer Clinton, Mass. 19 Leighton Ave. H. 428 ETA ETA CHAPTER Benjamin Franklin Welton B.S. Herbert James Wilson B.S. Civil Engineer New Brighton, N. Y. Asst. Engineer, Office of Comm's Jay St. of Accts. Attorney and Counselor Fulton, N. Y. Piper, Rice & Wilson 402 Oneida St. Corporation Counsel Village of Fulton Harry James Brown B.S. LL.B., i896.ColumbianUniv LL.M., 1898, Columbian Univ. Harlan Augustus Cochran B.S. George Willis Day B.'S. William Albert Foster B.S. LL.B., Harvard. 1898 Ernest Linwood Griffin B.S. Charles Arthur Holden B.S. C.E., 1901 John Henry Lettenev B.S., C.E. Walter Raleigh Lewis, Jr, B.S. Samuel Alexander McCoy B.S. C.E., 1897 George James Mclndoe B.S. C.E., 1896 Horace Newhart A.B. M.D., Univ. of Mich., 18 Wesley Alvah O'Leary B.S. Frederick Reginald French B.S. C.E., 1896 Frank Eugene Austin B.S. Class of 189s Attorney at Law With Eastman & Hollis Civil Engineer Teacher Attorney at Law Mitchell & Foster Merchant Concord, N. H. 88 N. Main St. Windham, N. H. Lynn, Mass. 43 Nohant St. Concord, N. H. 26 N. Spring St. Franklin, N. H. Hanover, N. H. Teacher Instructor in Dartmouth CoL and Thayer School of Civil Engi- neering Civil Engineer and Contractor Boston, Mass. S Beacon St. Civil Engineer Clinton, Mass. Asst. Engr. in Dam and Aqueduct 255 Chestnut St Dept., Metropolitan Water & Sewerage Worfcs Civil Engineer Resident Engineer St. Louis & Santa Fe R. R. Civil Engineer Assistant Engineer to Hastings Pavement Co. Physician Member MedicaljStafi Asbury Hos- pital Member American Academy of Medicine Member Am. Med. Ass'n Hennepin Co. Med. Society Teacher Submaster High School Civil Engineer tHoldenville, L T. New York, N. Y. 500 W. 165th St. Minneapolis, Minn. 836 Andrus Bldg. Portsmouth, N. H. West Lebanon, N. H. Electrician Hanover, N. H. Pierce Johnson Little Sidney Willis Bowles B.S. C.E., 1897 *Edward Manson Bowles Benjamin Warren Couch B.S. Alvah Cochran Cummings B.S. M.D., Harvard Med. School Nathaniel Ladd Foster B.S. LL.B., Harvard, 1899 Tallmadge Hamilton B.S. LL.B., N. Y. Law School, i8c William Blaisdell Plumer B.S. Carroll Henry White B.S. Class of 1896 Merchant Civil Engineer Civil Engineer Died March 11, i8g6 Attorney at Law Physician , 1901 Attorney at Law Attorney at Law )8 Markham, Hamilton & Delegate to 21st Grand Civil Engineer Teacher Markham Chapter Exeter, N. H. Easton, N. H. Sugar Hill, N. H. Concord, N. H. 72 N. Main St. Concord, N. H. I Fisk St. Boston, Mass. II Haviland St. Milwaukee, Wis. 102 New Insurance Building Melrose Highlands, Mass. 2^ Sargent St. Barfe, Vt. 24 French St. DARTMOUTH COLLEGE 429 Fred Severance Appleton B.s. Maurice Fritchley Brown B.s. C.E., 1898 Charles Ernest Bolser A.B., Ph. D.,Goettingen, Germany iqoi Burt Wilbur Carr A.B. M.D.. Dartmouth Med. Col. Henry Melville Chase, Jr. B.S. M.D., Harvard, igoi_ Frederic Russell Cummings M.D., Harvard, 1898 Theron Howard Huckins B.L. M.D., Dartmouth Med. Col., 1900 Charles Henry Pillsbury B.S. Burpee Caldwell Taylor A.B. James Reuben Woodworth A.B.,Oberlin Col., 1897 Class of 1897 Clerk B. & M. R. R. Office Civil Engineer With Boston Bridge Works Student Instructor in Chemistry, Dart- mouth Col. Physician ., 1900 Physician Physician Admitting Physician of Boston City Hospital Physician Delegate to 23d Grand Chapter Salesman Asst. Mgr. Swift & Co. Traveling Salesman With Chas. Scribner's Sons With Arkansas Midland R. R. Co. Concord, N. H. 6g School St. Boston, Mass. 10 Pinckney St. Amesbury, Mass. Pittsfield, N. H. Lawrence, Mass. 61 Bradford St. Boston, Mass. 11 Haviland St. Leominster, Mass. 8i West St. New York, N. Y. 527 W. 123d St. Chicago, 111. 240 Wabash A v. Helena, Ark. John Albert Anderson B.S. *William Henry Boardman Edwin Durward Buell Archie Ray Kendall William Albert Kimball B.S. John Carroll Moulton James Percival Leahy Franklin Peale Rich Class of 1898 Student Naval Officer Died August 10, 1898 Asst. Clerk U. S. Dist. Court Train Dispatcher With B. & M. R. R. Law Student With A. F. Wentworth Clerk With Boericke & Runyon Co. Student Merchant Independence, Kan. Chicago, 111. 65th & Vale Sts. tWoodsville, Vt. Plymouth, N. H. Los Angeles, Cal. 640 Olive St. Middleboro, Mass. ig Everett St. Worcester, Mass. Winburne Bowdoin Adams .•\.B., Bowdoin Col., 1899 Edwin Lawrence Allen A.B. Albert Warren Boston B.L. ♦Alfred Wallace Boston Arthur Hayward Brown B.L. Charles Newton Currier Joseph Henry Edwards A.B. Charles Albert Folsom A.B. George Laurie Huckins B.S. Owen Albert Hoban A.B. Paul Moody Osgood B.S. Thomas Tupper Whittier B.S.. C.E. T.S.C.E., 1900 Class of 1899 Merchant Manufacturer Limerick, Me. Franklin, N. H. 114 Central St. N. Berwick, Me. N. Berwick, Me. Died June 19, 1897 Manager Chicago, 111. Chicago Office Franklin Typewriter 726. 225 Dearborn St. Salesman Amesbury, Mass. With T. D.Nelson & Co. 2 Spring St. Teacher . Middleboro, Mass. 21, North St. Student West Epping, N. H. Civil Engineer Student Plymouth, N. H. tWinchendon, Mass. Clerk Amesbury, Mass. With Harris & Letteney, S Beacon 15 Whittier St. St., Boston, Mass. Engineer N. Berwick, Me. Asst. Engr. with Geo. F. Hardy, 309 Broadway, New York, N. Y. 430 ETA ETA CHAPTER Edson Moulton Barker B.L. Frank William Chapman James Burnie Hutchison Augustus Andrew Hadley A.B. Arthur Stevens Kimball A.B. Rutherford Thurman Lamar Lewis B.L. Henry Lunt Arthur Lee Newton Harold William Orcutt A.B. Benjamin Franklin Prescott B.S. Nathaniel Clinton Thayer, Jr. Edward Sawyer Yeaton Charles Erastus Coke Class of 1900 Artist With American Bridge Co. Merchant Student Clerk With J. E. Lewis & Co. Merchant Supt. Woods Automobile 'Sales Room Student Plymouth, N. H. Franklin, N. H. Chicago, 111. 6559 Harvard Ave. Marion, Mass. Battle Creek, Mich. 196 Maple St. Everett, Mass. 13 Woodlawn St. New York, N. Y. 464 W. 144th St. New York, N. Y. N. Y. Athletic Club, 59th St. & 6th Ave. Winthrop, Mass. Epping, N. H. Salesman Chicago, 111. With Marshali;Field & Co. 248 E. 6ist St. Musician Rochester, N. H. Attorney at Law Maryville, Mo. Mgr. Collection and Report Dept., Northwest Adjustment Co. Class of 1901 Edward Swazey Calderwood A.B. William Whittle Cheever B.S. Herbert Croyden Dennett William Benjamin Edwards George Leverett Hancock Herbert Nashburn Hovey Edward Francis Gibbons Thomas Francis McGovern Eugene Leo Maguire Michael Henry O'Malley Julian DeWitt Orcutt Timothy Joseph Shanahan Fred Carroll Smith Everett Mellen Stevens B.S. Edward Cowles Wainwright Student Roxbury, Mass. 221 Warren St. Nashua, N. H. With U S. Bureau of Forestry, 22 Auburn St. Washington, D.C. Merchant Amesbury, Mass. New York, N. Y. With Fli nt Eddy & American 25 Broad St. Trading Co. Student Franklin, N. H. Student St. Johnsbury, Vt. Traveling Salesman Hingham Centre, With Scribner & Co. Mass. Student Worcester, Mass. Student Somerville, Mass. 500 Medford St. Student Clinton, Mass. Student Winthrop, Mass, Student Charlestown, Mass 364 Bunker Hill St. Clerk Roanoke, Va. Student Nashua, N. H. 254 Main St. Student Hanover, N. H. Class of 1902 Laburton Gale Cilley Joseph Cilley Stanley Alex. Dearborn Francis John Duggan Harold Irving Lamprey James Albert Munroe Student Student Student Student Student Student Kingston, N. H. Nottingham, N. H. Wakelield, Mass. Boston Mass. 3^9 Columbus Ave, Rye Beach, N. H. Roxbury, Mass. East Cottage St. DARTMOUTH COLLEGE 431 Augustus Newell Parry, Jr. Student Fred Caswell Stanton Student Horace Scales Taylor Student Amesbury, Mass. Vineyard Haven, Mass. Wollaston, Mass. 365 Newport Ave. Class of 1903 Arthur Stanley Bolster Philip Lowell Brown Henry Dwight Gushing Morton Bowles French Barton Hayward Grant Willis Henry Haselwood Henry Clay King Byron Wynne Matteson Frank Stuart Perham George Leon Peirce Henry Erich Kasemere Ruppel Student Delegate to 25th Grand Chapter Henry Gates SafEord Student Student Student Student Student Student With Ricker Nat'l Bank Student Student Delegate to 25th Grand^Chapter Student Student Nashua, N. H. 22 Temple St. Amesbury, Mass. S. Hingham, Mass. 318 Main St. Athol, Mass. Worcester, Mass. I Tuckerman Ave. Quincy, 111. 403 S. i6th St. Lawrence, Mass. New York, N. Y. 146 W. 104th St. Hanover, N. H. Somerville, Mass. 49 Laurel St. Brooklyn, N. Y. 221 Vernon Ave. Quechee, Vt. Class of 1904 Edward Everett Amey Howard Delos Atwood John Breen James Stuart Brotherhood Herbert Callmann Albert Ruyter Hatch Burritt Havilah Hinman Charles Joseph Leddy William Henry Mahoney William LaFayette Moulton Edward Kilburn Robinson John Franklin Sanderson Harry Kimball Torrey Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Lancaster, N. H. New Boston, N. H. Hingham, Mass. Brooklyn, N. Y. 71 S. Elliott PI. New York, N. Y. 140 W. 86th St. Greenland, N. H. North Stratford, N. H. Newfields, N. H. Peabody, Mass. York Corner, Me. Newtonville, Mass. Uxbridge, Mass. Newburyport, Mass. Class of 190S Henry Solva Brintnall Roger Wittermore Brown Shirley Beck Cunningham Clarence Clare Hills Edwin Walter Newdick Karl Herbert Oliver Henry Chester Perry Samuel Harry Wilkens Bourne Wood Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Chicago, 111. Concord, Mass. Wellesley Hills, Mass. Columbus, O. Scituate, Mass. Boston, Mass. Middlehoro, Mass. Somerville, Mass. Middleboro, Mass. STATE COLLEGE OF KENTUCKY LEXINGTON, KENTUCKY Founded in 1865 First Class Graduated in 1869 A State Institution DEPARTMENTS collegiate mechanical engineering academic agriculture civil engineering pedagogy STATISTICS Value of buildings and grounds - ... - $275,000.00 Value of productive funds . . . . - 175,000,00 Income from all sources for 1899-1900 ... - 67,000.00 Number of volumes in library ------ 4,000 Number of professors and instructors .... 30 Number of students in attendance ----- 614 Women are admitted. LAMBDA LAMBDA CHAPTER Founded April 6, 1893 OTHER FRATERNITIES Kappa Alpha, 1893; Sigma Alpha Epsilon, 1900; Kappa Sigma, 1900; Phi Delta Theta, 1901; Pi Kappa Alpha, 1901; Sigma Nu, 1901. 433 LAMBDA LAMBDA CHAPTER STATE COLLEGE OF KENTUCKY John Irvin Bryan B. S., B.M.E. William Cott Hobdy B.S. Tames Richard Johnson B.M.E. John William MacFarlan B.S. Frank Whitney Green Mattison Boyd Tones A.B. Robert Taylor Lyle Hilery Bryan Roberts Class of 1893 Government Official Washington, D. C. Asst. Engr., U. S. Revenue Cutter Service, Treasury Department Physician Savannah, Ga. Asst. Surgeon U. S. Marine Hosp. Service Teacher Lexington, Ky. Asst. Prof.of M ath., State Col. of Ky. Inspector Franklin, Ky. Class of 1894 Attorney at Law Engineer Farmer ■fBrookline, Mass. Los Angeles, Cal. S07-510 Stimson Blk. Oswego, N. Y. Paynes Depot, Ky. Harry Shedd Beardsley Harry Kellv Brent A.B., Harvard Univ., 1898 George Burgess Carey Mark Elliott Houston Luke Powell Thomas Hart Shelby, Jr. John Webb Willmott A.B. Thomas Roland Dean A.B. S. Reed Farris Joel Irvine Lyle B.M.E. John Wesley Woods A.B. Henry Clay Anderson B.M.E. Benjamin Bosworth George Frederick Blessing B.M.E. Class ot 1895 Reporter With Kansas City Evening Star Attorney at Law Civil Engineer With Vulcanite Paving Co. Manager Denver Record-Stockman Delegate to 22d Grand Chapter Bookkeeper ist Nat. Bank « Attorney at Law Class of 1896 Attorney at Law Salesman With Western Electric Co. New York, N. Y. Manager New York branch Buffalo 39 Cortlandt St. Forge Co. Delegate to 22d Grand Chapter Attorney at Law Louisa, Ky. Kansas City, Mo. Lexington, Ky. New York, N. Y. II Broadway Denver, Colo. Ashland, Ky. Lexington, Ky. Lexington, Ky. Little Hickman, Ky. Chicago, 111. Class of 1897 Teacher Instructor in Mech. Engineering, Univ. of Mich. Ann Arbor, Mich Farmer Teacher Prof. Mech. Eng., Univ. of Nevada 434 Lexington, Ky. Versailles Pike Reno, Nevada LAMBDA LAMBDA CHAPTER 435 Samuel Archibald Bullock B.M.E. John Bockover Johnson James Harrison Simrall A.B. Engineer With L. & A. R. R. Druggist Robertson Drug Co. Clerk of School Board Richmond, Ky. Lexington, Ky. 22 E. Higlit M. Lexington, Ky. Walter Lucas Brock Will Logan Bronaugh B.M.E. Frederick Dabney Bullock B.S. Roydon Keith Maddocks B.C.E. *Henry Martin Skillman Scott Class of 1899 Theological Student Mechanical Engineer With Buffalo Forge Co. Shipping Clerk With C. C. Mengel, Jr. i Engineer Bro. Co. With Lackawana Iron & Steel Co. Died May 18, i8q6 Louisville, Ky. Chicago, 111. 22 W. Randolph St. Louisville, Ky. Vintondale, Pa. Lexington, Ky. James Madison Graves B.M.E. Arthur Vane Lester B.C.E. A.B., W^illiamsburg Inst. 1897 Joseph Franklin Musselman B.M.E. Jewett Villery Read B.S. James Graves Scrugham M.E. Class of 1900 Student Delegate to 23d Grand Chapter Engineer With C. & O. Ry. Co. Draftsman With McWilliams & Co. Delegate to 24th Grand Chapter Student Johns Hopkins Univ. Teacher Instructor in ManuallTraining Lexington, Ky. Richmond, Va. Louisville, Ky. Jeffersonville, Ind. 209 Maple St. Highland Park, 111. Charles Albert Blessing B.M.E. John Whittington Gilbert B.S. Ernest Thornton Lyle Perry West B.M.E. Class of 1901 Carrollton, Ky. With Buffalo Forge Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Lawrenceburg, Ky. New York State representative Buffalo Forge Co. With McWilliams & Co. Buffalo, N. Y. Louisville, Ky. William Edward Dowling John Andrew Parlin Class of 1902 Attorney at Law Lawrenceburg, Ky. Cincinnati, O. With Kenton Baking Powder Co. .Auburn Ave. Barry Bullock George Thomas Graves Lloyd Logan Hamilton Benjamin Robert Hart William Matthews Marks Edward Bayard Railey William Henry Warder Class of 1903 Student Student Delegate to 25th Grand Chapter Student Student Student Student Student Lexington, Ky. N. Mill St. Lexington, Ky. 57 S. Broadway Uniontown, Ky. Pisgah, Ky. Pisgah, Ky. Lexington, Ky. Glasgow, Ky. Green Clay Goodloe Carroll Hanks Gullion Class of 1904 Student Student Lexington, Ky. Carrollton, Ky. 436 STATE COLLEGE OF KENTUCKY Class of 1905 George Gilbert Student Lawrenceburg, Ky. Robert Bela Metcalf Student Lexington, Ky. Allen Higgins Rodes Student Lexington, Ky. James Kinnaird Shropshire Student Lexington, Ky. Howard West Student Nicholasvilie, Ky, COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY NEW YORK, NEW YORK Chartered in 1754 First Class Graduated in 1758 A Non-Sectarian Institution DEPARTMENTS collegiate political science law philosophy medicine pure science mines chemistry engineering architecture STATISTICS Value of productive funds . - . . . $10,400,000.00 Income from all sources for 1899-1900 - - - 1,000,000.00 Number of volumes in library ----- 400,000 Tuition in collegiate department - . . . . 150.00 Number of professors and instructors - - - 367 Number of students in attendance ----- 3,600 Women are admitted to the prtjfessional schools. NU NU CHAPTER Founded November 28, 1894 OTHER FRATERNITIES Alpha Delta Phi, 1836; Psi Upsilon, 1842; Delta Phi, 1842; Chi Psi (inactive), 1846-85; Delta Psi, 1747; Phi Kappa Sigma (inactive), 1855-70; Phi Gamma Delta, 1866; Phi Kappa Psi, 1872; Delta Kappa Epsilon, 1874; Zeta Psi, 1879; Beta Theta Pi, 1881; Alpha Tau Omega, 1881; Delta Tau Delta (inactive), 1882-88; Theta Delta Chi, 1883; Phi Delta Theta, 1884; Delta Upsilon, 1885; Sigma Alpha Epsilon, 1895; Phi Sigma Kappa, 1897; Kappa Kappa Gamma, 1891; Kappa Alpha Theta, 1898; Phi Delta Phi, 1881; Nu Sigma Nu, 1893; Alpha Mu Pi Omega, 1897; Alpha Chi Rho, 1901. 437 NU NU CHAPTER COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY Francis Ezra Brewer A.B., Cornell Univ., 1892; A.M. Indiana Univ., 1893 Charles Frederick Buckley A.B. M.D., 1898 Benjamin Palmer Carter E.M. William H. Peer Conklin Frederick Hedley Jobbins Ph.B. Hiram Dodge Lingle Walter F. McCabe M.D. Joseph Percy Smyth, Jr. A.B. New York, N. Y. Port Richmond Brooklyn, N. Y. 802 Carroll St. Johannesburg, South Africa Class of 1895 Teacher Prof, in High School, Port Richmond, Staten Island Delegate to 25th Grand Chapter Physician Engineer Asst. Engineer of Crown Deep Mine Merchant Receiver of Greenpoint Towage & Lighterage Co. Manager of American Bonding & Trust Co. Receiver of Salisbury Carbonate Iron Co. Grand Praetor Ninth Province, 1897 Chemist New York, N. Y. President Alba Manufacturing Co. P. O. Box 2195 Capitalist Chicago, 111. 4333 Grand Boul. Physician "fMilwaukee, Wis New York, N. Y. 1236 Bedford Ave., or 44 Court St., Brooklyn Clergyman Curate of Christ Church Brooklyn, N. Y. 156 Keap St. Edward Hamilton Daly A.B.,LL.B., 1898 John Duer Irving A.B. A.M., 1898; Ph.D., 1891 George Boiling Lee M.D. Robert Austin McCulloch C, A.B. B.S., 1899; Arch. E., i8< Henry Farrar Owsley M.D. Frederic Edwin Church Edward James Farley LL.B.. B.A., Manhattan Col., 18 Daniel Wunderlich Layman M.D. B. S., Butler Col., 1893 Joseph Augustin Le Prince C.E. A.M., 1899 William Charles Sandy A.B., M.D. William Winter Weaver Class of 1896 Attorney at Law Yonkers, N. Y. Hudson Terrace Geologist Washington, D. C. Asst. Geologist U. S. Geological 814 Connecticut Ave. Survey Physician Architect With Clinton & Russell Delegate to 23d Grand Chapter Physician New York, N. Y. 215 W. 45th St. New York, N. Y. 76 W. 82d St. New York, N. Y. 259 Amity St., Flushing Class of 1898 Art Student Attorney at Law •5 Physician Visiting Physician, N. Y. Dispen- sary Engineer Assistant Chief Sanitary Officer, Havana, Cuba Physician Newark City Hospital Planter New Rochelle, N. Y. 42 Meadow Lane New York, N. Y. 115 Broadway New York, N. Y. 8 E. 58th St. Havana, Cuba Newark, N. J. 262 N. 6th St. Selma, Ala. 438 Webster Waejner A.B.. i8qq NU NU CHAPTER Class of 1899 Journalist Asst. Editor Municipal Journal and Engineer Brooklyn, N. Y. 64 Macon St. 439 Class of 1900 Ulysses Grant Blackford LL.B. A.B., Hobart, 1897 Hugh Auchincloss Brown E.E. Harrison Clarke, Jr. A.B. William Price Heineken E.E. Pierre Frederic Irving A.B. Warren Canfield Jessup E.E. James Farley McClelland E.M. William Underhill Moore A.B. A.M. Rafford Pitt C.E. Sidney Haven Putnam William Leslie Tiliotson Myndert James Van Kleeck LL.B. B.L., Hobart Col., 1896; B.S., Hobart Col., 1897; M.L., Hobart Col., 1899 Frederick Theodore Walser John Wendt LL.B. Eugene Herbert Wessells E.E. Attorney at Law Electrical Engineer Student Electrical Engineer Student New York, N. Y. 141 Broadway Rutherford, N. J. 64 Orient Way New York, N. Y. 318 W. 82d St. West New Brighton, Staten Island, N. Y. New York, N. Y. 104 Madison Ave. Electrical Engineer Augusta, Ga. With Edison Electric Illuminating 915 Reynold St. Co. Mining Engineer Oroville, Cal. Student Delegate to 24th Grand Chapter Salesman Sec.-Treas. of Pitt Car Gate Co. With G. P. Putnam's Sons Electrician Vice-Pres. Rolfe Electrical Co. Attorney at Law Manufacturer Treas. of Estey Wire Works Co. Attorney at Law Electrical Engineer In N. Y. Navy Yard New York, N. Y. 203 W. 117th St. New Rochelle, N. Y. 254 Cedar Road New York, N. Y. 306 W. 77th St. Denver, Col. 1620 Arapahoe St. New York, N. Y. 49 Wall St. Brooklyn, N. Y. 20^ Prospect PI. New^York, N. Y. 99 Nassau St. New York, N. Y. 29 W. 91st St. Homer Armstrong E.M. John Wilson Cary Charles Sumner Kaiser Scott Kidder Leon Fernand Le Prince Nafew Joseph Lloyd Maxwell Washburn Long Henry Jayne Mills E.M. John Edmund O'Shea E.E. Lindsay Reed Parker E.E. Paul Henry Ringer A.B. Class of 1901 Mining Engineer Salesman With Mine & Smelter Supply Co. Draughtsman Student Student With N. Y. Telephone Co. Mechanical Engineer With Bella Vista Mining Co., Mirama. Costa Rica Electrical Engineer W'ith General Electric Co., Sche- nectady, N. Y. Medical Student Great Falls, Mont. 800 Third Ave. Denver, Col. 1415 E. Colfax .^ve. New York, N. Y. 183 W. 87th St. New York, N. Y, 17 Chelsea Square New York, N. Y. 22 St. Nicholas PI. Butte, Mont. Brooklyn, N. Y. 856 St. John's PI. Brooklyn, N. Y. 1326 Dean St. New York, N. Y. 31 W. 88th St. Brooklyn, N. Y. 345 State St. New York, N. Y. 325 W. 58th St. 440 COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY Frans Johannis Von Maltitz Schimper Student Henry Wharton Shoemaker Lucian Easter Smith B.S. William Theodore Stromeyer Student Morgan Parker Taylor John Hamilton Telfair Ralph Earle Ashley Charles E. W. Bateson Elliott Lockwood Brown Ramsay Charles Hoguet Charles William Kennedy Samuel Stanhope Labouisse B.E., Tulane Univ., 1900 *Adolph Whitley Le Prince Leo Joseph Matty Karl Frederick Stremel Henry Van Hoevenberg, Jr. Paul Smith Ache C.E., Penn. Mil. Col., 1900 Archie Shill Austin Chauncey Leonard Berrien Clarence Ide Boardman Charles CoUis Maurice Bessell Dean Raymond Guyer Phelps Rounds Holman C.E. Penn. Mil. Col.. 1900 Charles Willfs Macdougall George Henry Miller John Norris Miller A.B., Princeton Univ., 1900 William Leggett Miller Roger Trowbridge Pelton Thomas Lockwood Perry Myron Wilbur Robinson CliEEord Le Roy Smith Private Secretary of Chairman Bd.C.,H.&D.Ry., Cincinnati Architect Bresler's Flat, Win- burg, Orange Free State, South Africa New York, N. Y. of 22 E. 45th St. O. New York, N. Y. 460 Manhattan Ave. New York, N. Y. 1008 Trinity Ave. Clerk Poughkeepsie, N. Y, With Real Estate Trust Co. Vassar College Student Port Richmond, N, Y. 113 Heberton Ave. Class of 1902 Student Denver, Col. 1460 Grant Ave. Student New York, N. Y. 257 W. 88th St. Student New York, N. Y. 614 W. iS2d St. Student New York, N. Y. 141st St. and Hudson River Student West New Brighton, N. Y. 13 Taylor St. Student New Orleans, La. Delegate to 24th Grand Chapter 1544 Webster St. Student New York, N. Y. Died August 20, 1901 22 St. Nicholas PI. Student Denver, Col. 1744 Washington Ave. Student Johnstown, Pa. 342 Washington St. Law Student Kingston, N, Y. Class of 1903 Student Pittsburg, Pa. Cor. N. Highland and Jackson Sts. Cattleman La Sanses, Col. Care Austin Ranch Student New York, N. Y. Columbia University Student Great Falls, Mont. Law Student New York, N. Y. 1055, ^th Ave. Student Dalton, Pa. Student Lima, Peru, S. A. Mining Salt Lake City, Utah. 115 E. Brigham St. Student Elizabeth, N. J. 356 Linden Ave. Merchant New York, N. Y. 128 Riverside Drive Law Student Washington, D. C. Delegate to i ;th Grand Chapter 1310, 13th St. Student Floral Park, L.L.N.Y. Student Poughkeepsie, N. Y. 254 Mill St. Student New York, N. Y. 925 West End Ave. Student Englewood, N. J. Yale Univ. Student New York, N. Y. 51 W. 86th St. NU NU CHAPTER 441 William Philip Abendroth Frank Albert Aicher George Oates Argall James Pinckney Dumas Hamlin Brooks Hatch Russell Hastings Millward Frank Harley Sill Albert Grant Stephenson Edmund Whitman Putnam Class of 1904 Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Class of 1905 Student New York, N. Y. 549 W. i52dSt. New York, N. Y. 417 W. 114th St. Denver, Col. 2700 Humboldt Ave. Van Alstyne, Tex. New York, N. Y. Ill W. lo^d St. New York; N. Y. 35S W. 153d St. Colorado Springs, Col. 8-51 N. Corona St. New York, N. Y. 147 W. i20th St. New York, N. Y. 306 W. 77th St. WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY MORGANTOWN, WEST VIRGINIA Founded in 1867 First Class Graduated in 1870 A State Institution DEPARTMENTS arts and sciences agriculture engineering law MUSIC preparatory FINE ARTS COMMERCIAL MILITARY PREMEDICAL STATISTICS Value of buildings and grounds ----- $600,000.00 Value of productive funds - - - - 115,000.00 Annual income from state legislature . . . . 150,000.00 Tuition in college department to West Virginia students - - Free Number of volumes in library - ... - 20,000 Number of professors and instructors . - . . 5^ Number of students in attendance - . - . 1,000 Women are admitted. MU MU CHAPTER Founded September 13, 1895 OTHER FRATERNITIES Kappa Sigma (inactive), 1883-86; Phi Kappa Psi, i8go; Phi Sigma Kappa, 1891; Phi Kappa Sis^ma, 1896; Kappa Alpha, 1897; Mu Pi Lambda (inactive), 1898-1900; Delta Tau Delta, 1901; Beta Theta Pi, 1901. 443 MU MU CHAPTER ■WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY William Bernard Cutright A.B. Michael Eugene Gorman A.B. George Loren Bambrick LL.B. George Michael Ford LL.B., A.B., 1892 Thomas William Haught A.B., A.M. William Jackson Holden A.B., LL.B. Justin M. Kunkle B.S. Arch Fleming Rader B.S., C.E. James Sheerin B.D., Kenyon Col. B.A., Columbia Univ., 1901 Judson Floyd Strader A. B., LL.B. John Wallace Class of 1895 Attorney at Law Student Class of 1896 Attorney at Law Attorney at Law Teacher Attorney at Law Journalist Capt. ist^Reg. VV. V Engineer Clergyman Associate Rector St Attorney at Law Journalist Buckhannon, W. Va. Morgantown, W. Va. New Cumberland, W. Va. Athens, W, Va. Buckhannon, W. Va. Glenville, W. Va. Morgantown, W. Va. a. Nat. Guards 106 Beaverly Ave. Philadelphia, Pa. 4005 Chestnut St. Cambridge, Mass. James Church 31 Upland Road Beverly, W. Va. Wheeling, W.Va. Class of 1897 Samuel Brice Blair Attorney at Law LL.B. John Wright Hugus Accountant Paymaster Labelle Iron Works, Steubenville, O. John Gottlieb Knutti Student A.B.. .\.M., Leland Stanford Univ., 1901 Howard Llewellyn Swisher Merchant and Publisher A.B. Fred Benjamin Wood Clerk Fielding Harris Yost Speculator LL.B. Moundsville, W. Va. 512, 6th St. Elm Grove, W. Va. Palo Alto. Cal. Morgantown, W. Va. Clarksburg, W. Va. Amos, W. Va. Lonna Dennis Arnett B.S. Richard Ellsworth Fast Ph. B., LL.B. William Thomas Ice, Jr. A.B., LL.B. Cecil C. Jarvis James Ira Pratt Arthur Lee Post A.B., A.M. Bernard Hopkins Trussell Class of 1898 Student Fellow in Clark Univ. Teacher Prof, of History and Politics, W. Va. Univ. Attorney at Law Physician Clerk Student Johns Hopkins Univ. Bookkeeper With .Vrmour & Co. Worcester, Mass. 46 Maywood St. Morgantown, W. Va. Philippi, W. Va. Clarksburg, W. Va. Weston, W. Va. Buckhannon, W. Va. Washington, D. C. 2 Center Market 444 WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY Class of 1899 445 William Ellsworth Glasscock Charles Fenton Holden Ph.B. Philip Konrad B.S. C.E. George Robert Krebs B.S. C.E. Lee Llewellyn B.S. C.E. Alexander Pickens Romine A.B. Henry Middleton White A.B.L. William Henry Whitham B.S., A.M.. iQoo; A.M., Cornell Univ., 1901. Alexander Gordon Tait B.S. C.E. Henry Capito Joseph Herman Donahey LL.B. Hugo Frankenberger A.B. James Abner Garrison A.B. Robert Meade Alpheus Wilson Smith A.B., A.M. Lewis Armstrong Yeager B.L. Clerk of Circuit Court Real Estate and Insurance Delegate to 23d Grand Chapter Engineer Engineer Surveyor of Fayette County Civil Engineer Teacher Instructor in Biology and Geology State Normal School Attorney at Law City Attorney Teacher Asst. in Physics, W. Va. Univ. Engineer Class of 1900 Clerk Attorney at Law Cadet U.S. Naval 'Acad. Farmer Student Teacher Attorney at Law Delegate to 24th Grand Chapter Morgantown, W. Va. Clarksburg, W. Va. Kanawha Falls.W.Va. Scarbro, W. Va. Pittsburg, Pa. 51-52 Water St. Whatcom, Wash. Whatcom, Wash. Morgantown, W. Va. Chicago, 111. 273 Belden Ave. Charleston, W. Va. Baltimore, Md. Annapolis, Md. Jollytown, Pa. Hinton, W. Va. Philippi, W. Va. Morgantown, W. Va. Charles Edward Derbyshire A.B. Ernest Daniel Lewis A.B. Joseph Henry McDermott Charles Nathan McWhorter A.B.L. Henry M. Neely Carleton Custer Pierce LL.B. John Hoffman Schissler A.B. Benjamin Franklin Shuttle- worth A.B. Robert Calvin Yoho B.S. C.E. William J. Cooper Frank J. Enslow Earl Cook Maxwell Dwight Edmund Miller Ralph Rogers Class of 1901 Teacher Philippine Islands Student Delegate to 25th Grand Chapter Student Attorney at Law Cadet U. S. Mil. Acad. Attorney at Law Capt. ist Regt. W. Va. National Guards Student Attending Cornell Univ. Student Attending Jefferson Med. Col. Student Class of 1902 City Editor News Student Civil Engineer Student Student Huntington, W- Va. 323, 14th St. Johnstown, W, Va. Morgantown, W. Va. Lewisburg, W. Va. Parkersburg, W. Va. Parsons, W. Va. Morgantown, W. Va. 256 Walnut St. Clarksburg, W. Va. Rosby's Rock, W.Va. Parkersburg, W. Va. Huntington, W. Va. Wheeling, W. Va. 91 Maryland St. Morgantown, W. Va. Morgantown, W. Va. 446 MU MU CHAPTER William Frank Alexander Jean Valjean Cooke Class of 1903 Student Student Boaz Baxter Cox Student Benjamin Franklin Patton, Jr. Student M Wood Crim Peck Student John Alden Purinton Student Mannington, W. Va. Morgantown, W. Va. 481 High St. Morgantown, W. Va. Harrisville, W. Va. Philippi, W. Va. Morgantown, W. Va. Class of 1904 Walter Philip Ballard Student Benajah Thomas Davis Student John Comer Davis Student Thomas Wilson Raymond, Jr. Student John Albert Ingram Student James Harvey Kunkle Student Earl Bailie Snyder Student Fullen, W. Va. Huntington, W. Va. Huntington, W. Va. Bristol, W. Va. Fenton, Mich. Morgantown, W. Va 106 Beverly Ave, Uniontown, Pa. THE UNIVERSITY OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI COLUMBIA, MISSOURI Founded in 1840 First Class Graduated in 1843 A State Institution DEPARTMENTS academic military graduate agriculture education mechanic arts law mines and metallurgy medicine STATISTICS Value of buildings and grounds .... $900,000.00 Value of equipment and apparatus .... 250,000.00 Amount of endowment ..... 1,235,000.00 Income from all sources for 1899-1900 .... 230,000.00 Number of volumes in library ..... 42,000 Number of professors and instructors .... 70 Number of students in attendance ..... 1,600 Women are admitted. XI XI CHAPTER Founded September 26, 1896 OTHER FRATERNITIES Phi Kappa Psi (inactive), 1869-76; Phi Delta Theta, 1870; Sigma Alpha Epsilon, 1884; Sigma Nu, 1886; Beta Theta Pi, 1890; Kappa Alpha, 1891; Kappa Kappa Gamma, 1875; P^^i Delta Phi, i8go, Kappa Sigma, 1898; Phi Gamma Delta, 1899 Pi Beta Phi, 1898; Phi Beta Kappa, 1902. 447 XI XI CHAPTER UNIVERSITY OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI Fred Lee Young LL.B. Class of 1896 Attorney at Law With Swift & Co. Kansas City, Mo. George Washington Crowley A.B., Lawson Col., 1895 John H. Hatton A.M. A.B., 1891 Karl Kimmel LL.B. Henry Howell Lotter C.E. Class of 1897 Attorney at Law Prosecuting Atty., Ray County Teacher Pres. Grand River College Attorney at Law Civil Engineer Engaged on Panama Canal Survey Asst. Engr. World's Fair Commission Richmond, Mo. Gallatin, Mo. St. Louis, Mo. FuUerton Bldg. Moberly, Mo. George Paul Adams B.L. Claude Cuthbert Crowley A.B., Lawson Col., 1895: M.D., Louisville Med. Col., 1898 Samuel Reeves Halstead LL.B. A.B., Lawson Col., 1894 Karl Henry Hansen B.S. (E.E.) Frank Sayre Leach E.E., Leland Stanford Univ., i8c Murray Phillips, Jr. A.B. LL.B., Washington Univ. Orrillis Edward Shultz LL.B. Class of 1898 Physician Attorney at Law fMountain Grove, Mo. Richmond, Mo. Kansas City, Mo. 621 New Vork Life Bldg. Electrical Engineer St. Louis, Mo. With Missouri Edison Electrical Co. Electrical Engineer Sedalia, Mo. ' Manager Telephone Exchange Commander No. 152, K.O.T.M. Attorney at Law New Madrid, Mo. Prosecuting Atty., New Madrid County Delegate to 23d Grand Chapter Attorney at Law St. Joseph, Mo. Asst. Prosecuting Atty., Buchanan County Andrew Jackson Bass M.D., Washington Univ., 1900 Harry McFarland Dungan A.B. John Denise Rippey A.B. LL.B. A.B., Lawson Col William Dietrich Steinkamp LL.B. Thomas Hurley Wilcoxen M.D., Homeopathic Med Col., St. Louis, Mo., 1900 John Stephen Worley Class of 1899 Physician Attorney at Law Attorney at Law 1895 Attorney at Law Physician Civil Engineer 448 Vernon, Tex. St. Louis, Mo. Carleton Bldg. St. Louis, Mo. Suite 508 Rialto Bldg. St. Louis, Mo. 848 Prairie Ave. Bowling Green, Mo. Odessa, Mo. UNIVERSITY OF THE STATE OF MISSOURI Class of 1900 449 Attorney at Law Mercer Arnold B.L. Westiey Halliburton B.L. Mont Frederick Highlev Attorney at Law B.L. LL.B., ^LL , Univ. 'of Texas, iqoo Rudolph Augustus Klein- schmidt Attorney at Law B.L., LL.B. William Brown Stewart, Jr. Witli Pacific Hotel Co. With National Hotel Co. With Southwestern Hotel Co. Edward Brooks Waterworth Journalist Joplin, Mo. Carthage, Mo. Oklahoma City, Okla. Oklahoma City, Okla. Omalia, Neb. Millard Hotel St. Louis, Mo. Sporting Editor St. Louis Republic 3803 Washington Ave. Egbert Fritzlen Halstead A.B.. Lavvson Col., 1897 Rufus Lee Higgiiibotham LL.B. A.B.. Pike County Col William Russell Scudder .\.B.. Lawson Col., 1896 Claude Holden Thomas Class of 1901 Attorney at Law Attorney at Law 1897 Farmer Book-keeper With Bank of Albany Kansas City, Mo. 801 Poorest Ave. Sapulpa, L T. Kearney, Mo. Albany, Mo. Class of 1902 Thomas Hart Benton Anderson, Jr. Student Charles Robert Lafayette Cren- sliaw Student Attending Univ. of Mich. Newton Corwin Cunningham Student Guy Kenneth Foster Frank Melville Garth Frank Benjamin Morgan Cleveland Alexander Newton Horace Ralph Riley Gay Aufrecht Robertson Thomas Stout Harold Clark Thurman Emil Wolff George Wolff, Jr. Charles Oscar Wright Student Traveling Salesman Student Student Banker Student Student Student Student Student Student Delegate to 25th Grand Chapter Moberly, Mo. Lamar, Mo. Alton, III. Euclid PI. Columbia, Mo. 911 K. Broadway Clinton, Mo. Lamar, Mo. Hartville, Mo. Plattsburg, Mo. Gallatin, Mo. New London, Mo. Lamar, Mo. New Haven, Mo. New Haven, Mo. Poplar Bluffs, Mo. Charles Abner Chenault Roy K. Ogilvie John C. Walker George Stoody Yant Class of 1903 Student Student .•\ttending Jefferson Med. Col. Student Student Lexington Junction, Mo. Charleston, Mo. Neosho, Mo. Keokuk, la. 45° XI XI CHAPTER Class of igo4 Stephen S. Collins Thomas Benton Fowler Ernest Abner Green Thomas J. Nalley, Jr. Edward Allan Setzler Harry Bates Smith Student Student Student Student Student Student Cincinnati, la. Richmond, Mo. De Soto, Mo. Louisiana, Mo. Kansas City, Mo. 3606 Independence Ave Richmond, Mo. Class of 1905 George Forrest Alexander William Floyd Bennett John North Edy Leslie Walker Hume Frank Wright Liepsner Charles Alexander Looney Wellington A. Playter Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Gallatin, Mo. Elwood, Mo. DeSoto, Mo. Armstrong, Mo. Kansas City, Mo. 2533 Wabash Ave. Muskogee, L T. Fredonia, N.Y. THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO CHICAGO, ILLINOIS Incorporated in 1890 First Class Graduated in 1893 A Non-Sectarian Institution DEPARTMENTS collegiate graduate preparatory divinity pedagogic medicine STATISTICS Value of buildings and grounds - - . . $3,7500,000.00 Value of equipment and apparatus - - . . 500,000.00 Amount of endowment . . - . . 7,000,000.00 Income from all sources for 1899-1900 - - . . 766,888.72 Tuition in collegiate department, per quarter - - ^ 40.00 Number of volumes in library - - . . . 300,000 Number of professors and instructors - ■ - - - 275 Number of students in attendance, 1900-1901 - - - 3,300 Women are admitted. OMICRON OMICRON CHAPTER Founded February 6, 1897 OTHER FRATERNITIES Delta Kappa Epsilon, 1803; t'hi Kappa Psi, 1894; Beta Theta Pi, 1894; Sigma Nu (inactive), 1895-98; Alpha Delta Phi, 1896; Phi Delta Theta, 1897; Psi Upsilon, 1897; Delta Tau Delta, 1898; Chi Psi, i&^S; Delta Upsilon, 1901; Phi Beta Kappa, 1809. 45 1 OMICRON OMICRON CHAPTER UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO Horace Webster Black Solomon Henry Clark Ph.B. P. Merrill Griffith Ph.B. Russell Burton Opitz S.B. M.D., Rush Medical Col., 189s George Eustis Robertson Class of 1897 Clerk Chicago, 111. With Illinois Trust and Savings Bank Teacher Chicago, 111. Assoc. Prof. Dept. of Public Speak- 5761 Washington .\ve. ing". Univ. of Chicago Government Official U. S. Consul Delegate to 23d Grand Chapter Teacher Instructor in Harvard Univ. Matamoros, Mexico Edward Magoun Roby LL.B., Notre Dame Univ., 1S94 Frederick Franklin Steigmeyer B.S. Real Estate Gen. Western Mgr. American Real Estate Co. Delegate to 23d Grand Chapter Attorney at Law Boston, Mass. Harvard Medical School Chicago, 111. 184 LaSalle St. Chicago, 111. 10805 Avenue J. Attorney at Law Salt Lake City, Utah ."Xllen & Steigmeyer, Telluride.Col. 415-416 McCormick Blk. With Telluride Power Transmis- sion Co., Provo, Utah, or 20 Owsley Blk., Butte, Mont. Melvin Edward Coleman Lawrence De Graff Ph.B. LL.M., iSgg Victor Washington Sincere Class of 1898 Law Student Chicago, 111. 5754 Monroe Ave. Attorney at Law DesMoines, Iowa Professor of Law, Highland Park 423 Euclid .^ve. Col. Attorney at Law Chicago, 111. Reed & Sincere 2974 Wabash .\ve. Herbert Alonzo Abernethy A.B. LL.B., Univ. of Iowa, 1901 William Francis McDonald Charles Foster Roby Ph.B. Class of 1899 Attorney at Law Osage, la. Chicago, 111. With Western Paul Steam System 1209 Fisher Bldg. Co. Chicago, 111. With A. M. Rothschild & Co. Care A. M. Rothschild & Co. Class of 1900 Attorney at Law Allen & Steigmeyer Lindley Willett Allen A.B. Mark Asa Cleveland Advertising Mgr." The Interior Lewis Lee Losey, Jr. Attorney at Law A.B. LL.B., Lake Forest Univ., 1901 Telluride, Col. Chicago, 111. McCormick Block Chicago, 111. 2322 Calumet Ave. THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO 453 Marcus McClellan Plowman James Finch Royster A.B., Wake Forest Col., iqoo Sumner Moreland Samson Attorney at Law Student Dallas, Tex. 239 Main St. Raleigh, N. C. Superintendent Chicago, 111. Ass't Supt. of A. M.Rothschild 568 E. 42CI &Co. Guy Reed Bell Robert Clifton Camp A.B.. Wake Forest Col., iSgg Charles William Ervin John Patrick Moran LL.B., Lake Forest Univ.. igoo Warren Mclntire Class of 1901 Merchant Ft. Wayne, Ind. Wholesale Hardware and Saddlery Student Albion, Fla. Univ. of Gottingen, Gottingen, Germany Student Lincoln, Neb, S43GSt. Attorney at Law Chicago, 111. With Moran. Meyer & Meyer Soo Unity Bldg. Journalist Chicago, 111. City Press Association Western Union Bldg. Jack Camp Louis Bragg Chaplin F-arl Uean Howard Ray Prescott Johnson Max Jonas William Thomas Kirk Arthur Christian Seyfarth Henry I)erry Slack Robert C. Smith Class of 1902 Mining Manaijer Camp Phosphate Co. Traveling Salesman E. M. Chaplin & Son Student Deley:ate to 24th Grand Chapter Student Student Ranchman Deputy State Game Warden Student With Butler Bros. Chemist With C. & N.-W. Ry. Albion, Fla. Warsaw, Ind. Chicago, 111. 5733 Washington .\ve. Muncie, Ind. Ii5eaver Dam, Wis. Roswell, Idaho Blue Island, 111. 303 Western Ave. Chicago, 111. Oak Park, III. 425 Home Ave. Class of 1903 Benjamin Rector Bell Eli Pike Gale A. John Gazzolo Adolph Jahn Charles Morgan McKenna Basil Spaulding Millspaugh With Joe W. Bell Wholesale Hard- ware and Saddlery Student Student Delegate to 2;th Grand Chapter Engraver Jahn Engraving Co. Student Mechanical Engineer Ft. Wayne, Ind. Aurora, 111. Chicago, 111. 95 Astor St. Chicago, 111. n42 (icorge St. Plattville, Wis. Chicago, 111. 5748 Madison Ave. Freeman Drake Martin James Garfield MacNab Byron Gregory Moon Alvin Fernando Sether Harry Stillman Spencer Earle Bryan Stewart Class of 1904 Treasurer Fort Scott Consolidated Supply Co. Fort Scott, Kan. Student Student Student Student Student Chicago, 111. 6751 Emerald Ave. Normal, 111. Waupaca, Wis. Kankakee, 111. 320 Dearborn Ave. Mason City, la. 209 E. Fourth St. 454 OMICRON OMICRON CHAPTER Camillo Gazzola Oscar Emil Granberg Charles Edgar Hunsberger Alexander Blake MacNab George Buchan Robinson Class of 1905 Student Student Student Student Student Chicago, 111. 95 Astor St. Chicago, 111. 2613 W. Kinzie St. Wadsworth, O. Chicago, 111. 675,1 Emerald Ave. Sycamore, 111. ADDENDA Thomas Cowan Bell, '57 *Isaac M. Jordan, '57 Archibald Argyle Carnahan, '61 John Dempsey Garrett, '98 Guv Struble Dennison, '01 ALPHA (Page 32) Present address, Portland, Ore. Died Dec. 3, 1890 Died March 6, 1902 Add, Delegate to 23d Grand Chapter Add, Delegate to 25th Grand Chapter C. E. Starlin ADDITIONAL NAMES Class of 1902 Student Preston, O Darrell Joyce Class of 1903 Student Ross, O. *James Wirt Newman, '61 John James Piatt, '62 *Charles Henry Isaac(s), '72 *John Edward Hume, '82 Alfred Floyd McCormick, '84 David Roberts Allen, '87 Perry Smith, '90 *William Thomas McKelvey, Smith Buckingham Queal, '91 Louis Allen Ireton, '93 Edward Boynton Cappeler, '93 Brand Whitlock, '93 Peter Adams, '93 Edward Thompson Powell, '93 *Paul O. Mitchell, '95 George W. Spencer, '95 William Fleet Baker, '96 Harry James Crawford, '96 Carl D. Jones, '96 Thomas W. Oberlin, '96 Edwin Lester Dornigan, '97 William F. Pattison, '97 *George Brookfield, '98 DeWitt Halstead Leas, '99 GAMMA (Page 36) Died January i, 1902 Read, Author, North Bend, O. Died in New York, N. Y., April 23, 1900 Died August i, 1894 Add, Delegate to 19th Grand Chapter Present address, Cincinnati, O. Present address, Zanesville, O. '91 Date of death not reported Read, Adv. Mgr. Cincinnati Daily Freie Press, 249 Southern Ave., Cincinnati, O. Grand PraetorThird Province, 1897-1899. Add, Delegate to i8th Grand Chapter Add, Promoter, Delegate to i8th Grand Chapter Add, Attorney at Law. Present address, Toledo, O. Read, Class of 1894 Read, Class of 1894 Died February 23, 1902 Add, Insurance. Present address, Winton Place, O. Present address, 5451 Cornell Ave., Chicago, 111, Present address, 1319 Williamson Bldg., Cleve- land, O. Present address, Greenville, O. Present address, Mansfield, O. Read, Edwin Lester Domigan Add, Delegate to 22d Grand Chapter Died January 2, 1898 Add, Delegate to 24th Grand Chapter 455 45^ ADDENDA *Earl Rodney Smith, 'oo Mason W. Forbes, '02 Paul Atherton Holland, '04 Died November, 1896 Read, Mason Merrill Forbes. Present address, 606 N. 57th Ave., W. Duluth, Minn. Read, Journalist. Present address, Marion, O. Isaac B. Matson LL.B., Cincinnati Law School, Harvey Clark Camp ADDITIONAL NAMES Class of i860 Attorney at Law 1858 Class of 1870 With Lona:mans, Green & Co., gi, Fifth Ave., New York, N. Y. Cincinnati, O. Brooklyn, N. Y. Edward Young Mason Class of 1893 Teacher Delaware, O. W. Lincoln Ave. Charles Reed Class of 1896 Oregon Murry Eugene Reed Victor E. Albright Class of 1900 Traveling Salesman Class of 1901 Teacher Auburn, N. Y. Cranesville, W. Va. William E. Craig Walter E. Layton Class of 1902 Clergyman Telephone Manager Point Pleasant, W.Va. Upper Sandusky, O. Harry Hoffman Class of 1903 Student Bellefontaine, O. Thomas P. Sharpnack Class of 1904 Student Petroleum, W. Va. Charles W. Henderson Abel V. Shotwell Class of 1905 Student Student Attending Ohio State Univ. Spencerville, O. Marengo, O. *Alvarez Harison Gibson, '58 *Jacob Phiniz Billups, '68 *Thomas Dudley Isom, Jr., '8( ETA (Page 49) Died June 7, 1901 Read, Banker, Died June 15, il Ala. Died April 25, 1895 J, at Mobile, ADDENDA 457 *Charles Roberts, Jr., '8i *\Villiam Plant, '89 Marion Griffin Evans, '97 Herbert Frederick Fisher, '98 Archie Gilbert Roane, '98 Landrum Pinson Leavell, '99 Armistead Macon Leigh, '00 William Temple Roane, '00 Robert Herman Sultan, '01 Omit the asterisk Died Dec. 9, 1S95 Read, Ass't Prof, of English, Univ. of Miss., University, Miss. Add, Delegate to 23d Grand Chapter Read, Attorney at Law Add, Grand Praetor Seventh Province 1899-1901 Read, Instructor in English, Agric. and Mech, College, Starkville, Miss. Read, Teacher in Philippine Islands Add, Delegate to 25th Grand Chapter Rush Hightower Knox ADDITIONAL NAMES Class of 1902 Student Pontotoc, Miss. Robert Clifton Cowan Guy Douglas Dean Dewitt Knox Class of 1903 Student Student Student Scranton, Miss, luka. Miss. Pontotoc, Miss. Leland Owens McLean Class of 1904 Student Auburn, Ky. Walter Preston Armstrong William Harris Hardy Dan Isom Sultan Class of 190s Student Student Student Coffeeville, Miss. Ellisville, Miss. Oxford, Miss. ♦Samuel McCreery, '65 Joseph Buffington Jackson, '69 *Benjamin Couch Henry, '70 Robert Gracey, Jr., 'yi IOTA (Page 60) Died Aug., 1885, at Pittsburg, Pa. Read, United Presbyterian Church, Albia, Iowa Died June 21, 1901, at Canton, China Present address, Newville, Pa. *William Orseaneth Barnett, '73 Jesse Day Trueblood, '74 *Jeremiah Wright Gladish, '7? James Beverly Milner, '82 James Hamilton Henry, '92 Ernest Hiram Lindley, '93 Harry Allen Axtell, '94 George Frank Holland, '94 LAMBDA (Page 66) Died June, 1895 Present address, Danville, 111., 28 Franklin St. Died Aug. 30, 1889 Present address, Calais, France Add, Delegate to 19th Grand Chapter Add, Delegate to i8th Grand Chapter Read, Delegate to 21st Grand Chapter Add, Delegate to 20th Grand Chapter 45S ADDENDA George W. Warmoth, '95 Curtis Atkinson, '97 Robert S. Van Zandt, '95 *Harry Webb Ewing, '99 Dudley Odell McGovney, '01 Everard Nolan Whetsel, '01 Joseph Byron Varney, '02 Abriam M, Boyd, '04 Charles Estep Reed, '04 Present address, 2222 N. Alabama St., Indian- apolis, Ind. Present address, Oxford, Ind. Present address, Denver, Col. Died in 1899 Present address, Manila, P. I. Present address, Indianapolis, Ind. Read, Joseph Byron Tarney Read, Abiram M. Boyd Add, Delegate to 25th Grand Chapter Nathaniel Eli Cox S. M. Burns ADDITIONAL NAMES Class of 1893 Class of 1896 Columbus, Ind. Chalmers, Ind. Alonzo Bertsch Class of 1902 Student Cambridge City, Ind. Charles Carr R. Dean Rynder Reed Steele Class of 1904 Student Student Student Anderson, Ind. Erie, Pa. Bloomington, Ind. George J. Butler Raymond McCormick Asher McMahon Kermeth Weyerbacher Class of 1905 Student Student Student Student Columbus, Ind. Columbus, Ind. Booneville, Ind. Booneville, Ind. *Walter Chester Lyman, '61 ♦William Gurley Beatty, '63 James Jay Allen, '70 William Nelson Hall, '74 Lorenzo Dow McCalin, '74 Harrison Kohler, '75 James Wesley Carver, '76 Thomos Arnold *John Foster Reynolds, '83 Samuel Allen Fisher, '84 *Samuel Forsythe, '85 Charles Crittendon Warner, '85 Charles William Vermillion, '88 XL (Page 84) Died July 15, 1892 Date of death not reported Present address. Grand Junction, Col. Present address, Walton Junction, la. Read, Lorenzo Dow McClain Omit name Present address, Greencastle, Ind. Read, Thomas Arnold Died June, 1896 Present address. With Indianapolis Drug Co. Indianapolis, Ind. Died Sept. 7, 1890 Present address, Rensselaer, Ind. Add, Judge District Court ADDENDA 459 George Chambers Calvert, '93 Frederick Parker Uavis, '93 Charles Oren Willits, '94 Don Kockran, '96 Paul L. Pied, '96 Arthur John Hamrick, '98 George Torrey Fisher, '01 Horace L. Hanna, 01 Charles T. Hamrick, '01 John Chester Shafer, '02 Charles Sumner Woody, '02 Frank Kimberlin, '03 Edwin Dow Wood, '03 Read, Manai^er Indianapolis Clearing House Read, With Sioux City Journal, Sioux City, la. Add, Delegate to i8th Grand Chapter Add, Degree of Ph. B. Read, Don Cockran Read, Paul L. Ried Add, Grand Praetor Fourth Province, iqoi Read, George Forrey Fisher Read, Insurance, present address, Denver, Col. Read, With Goodrich Tire Co., 618, 18th St., Denver, Col. Read, Accountant Read, Student, present address, Greencastle, Ind. Present address, Fisher's Switch, Ind. Add, Delegate to 25th Grand Chapter Elbert Saxton Stephens W. C. Ritter ADDITIONAL NAMES Class of 1894 Class of 1895 Newport, Ind. Irvington, Ind. Jay Sexton Class of 1902 Student Monmouth, 111. John Pearson Class of 1904 Student Bedford, Ind. Ross Houck Charles Chester Miller Joe Edgar Williams Jesse Williamson Class of 1905 Student Student Student Student Greencastle, Ind. Griffin, Ind. Terre Haute, Ind. Union City, Ind. OMICRON Alfred Foster Mullin, '59 *William Andrew Snively, '61 *John Brown Storm, '61 John Cornman, '65 Christopher Columbus Baldwin, William Clare Allison Jr., '92 Thomas Rittenhouse Field, '93 John D. Bertolette, '94 Elbert W Brown, '00 Wilson L. Rothermel, '00 George Hettrick Bonner, '01 (Page 96) Present address, Philadelphia, Pa., 823 Bain- bridge St. Died i\Iarch 2, 1901 Died Aug. 15, 1901 Present address, New York, N. Y. Read, Insurance, Staten Island, N. Y. Add, Delegate to i8th Grand Chapter Add, Grand Praetor, First Province, 1897-99 Add, Grand Praetor First Province, 1895-97 Present address, Altoona, Pa. Add, Delegate to 24th Grand Chapter Read, Teacher, Braddock, Pa. 460 ADDENDA William Wallace Johnston, '01 George Wesley Pedlow, '01 E. C. Ammerman, '02 Ernest James Casey, '04 Present address, Wilkesbarre, Pa. Read, Teacher, Dauphin, Pa. Read, E. C. Amerman. Add, Delegate to 25th Grand Chapter Read, Ernest James Carrey John C. Groome ADDITIONAL NAMES Class of 1894 Druggist Carlisle, Pa, James Harvey Line A. B., A. M..LL. B. Class of 189! Attorney at Law Carlisle, Pa. Henry Stanley Winlack Class of 1900 Attorney at Law Sayre, Pa. Class of 1905 William Lawrence Brunyate Student J. Howard Jacobs Student Atlantic City, N. J. Reading, Pa. ORIGINAL PI (Page 106) *William J. Dennis, '61 Ebenezer Pressley McClintock, '61 *Emmet English Craig, '63 *Alexander A. Nickle, '63 Omit asterisk. Living at Dallas, Ala. Add, Degree of D. D., Newberry College, 1881 Add, Commercial Traveler, Died April 2, 1891 Date of death not reported ORIGINAL SIGMA (Page no) *William Candar Baskin, '62 Died Feb. 4, 1898 *Alonzo Hill, '69 *Linden Kent, '69 John Monro Banister, '78 William Wirt Henry, Jr., '78 Chapman Bradford, '79 *Thomas Joyes, '79 Randolph Bryan Grinnan, '82 Ransom Dabney Palmer, '83 Charles Porterfield, '84 PSI (Page 112) Died Jan. 20, 1894 Died Oct. 4, 1892 Present address, Washington, D. C, care War Dept. Present address, Richmond, Va. Present address, Madill, Ind. Ter. Died in 1897 at Boulder, Mont. Omit Prof. Univ. of Tokio. Present address, Louisville, Ky. Present address, Birmingham, Ala. Present address, Northport, Long Island, N.Y. ADDENDA 461 Humphrey Keyes Ambler, '86 John Joseph Kindred, '87 Russell Kilbourne, '90 S. V. Suuthall, Jr., 'gi John G. Todd, '95 C. King Logan, '96 Present address. New Vork,N. Y., 142 PMfth Ave. Present address, Astoria, N. Y. Present address, Coknnbus, O., 604 Town St. Read, Stephen V'enable Southall, Jr., Attorney at law, Emporia, Va. Omit Degree and substitute Merchant for Physician Read, George King Logan" Jacob John Weaver, Jr., '67 John Rush Hoagland, '69 Edward I. Fields, '7? Herman F. Willard, '78 *Arthur L. Hummel, '80 John Bruce McPhcrson, '83 Norman Crawford McPherson, '89 Thomas C. Sangree, '91 Luther Allen Sangree, '92 Augustus Meyer Bixler, '98 David Dale, '00 Joseph Nisley Lamman, '02 THETA (Page 122) Present address, LIniontown, Md. Add, Pres. Chicago Hardware Co. 132 Lake St. Read, Edward L Field. Present address, Tel- luride, Cc^l. Add, Physician, Mexico, Pa. Died October 24, 1897 Add, Grand Praetor First Province 1890-92 Present address, Washington, D. C, 13 17 F St. Present address. New York, N. Y., 1433 Madi- son Ave. Present address. New York, N. Y., 1433 Madi- son Ave. Read, Class of 1899. Present address, San Francisco, Cal., 320 Lansome St. Read, Degree B.S. Read, Joseph Nisely Lauman Harry Luther Smith ♦Paul Homer Cover Ross Kirby Gilbert ADDITIONAL NAMES Class of 1904 Student Class of 1905 Student Died December iq, igoi Student Harrisburg, Pa. 1514 N. 6th St. Frizzelburg, Md. Chambersburg, Pa. *.\lfred Taylor, '66 Joseph Latta Watson, '67 J. Thomas Baker, '6<) David Rogers Landis, '69 Samuel Lewis Ziegler, '80 George Augustus Lung, '83 Andrew Miller Freas, '85 Harry Harrison Null, jr., '93 Charles Edward Magill, '94 Voorhees Schench Anderson, '95 KAPPA (Page 130) Died December 9, 1894 Present address, Mount Olive, N. J. Read, J. Thompson Baker Present address, Lafayette, Ind., goo N. loth St. Present address, Philadelphia, Pa., 1700 Wal- nut St. Read, Surgeon U. S. Navy, care Navy Depart- ment, Washington, D. C. Add, Degree A.M., Univ. of Rochester, 1891 Add, Judge Luzerne County Present address, Greensburg, Pa. Add, Degree V.S., Univ. of Penn., Town Treasurer Add, Grand Praetor First Province, 1899 462 ADDENDA George O. Barclay, '98 Simon P. Wolverton, Jr., '98 Creighton M. Konkle, '01 John Smith Goodman, '04 Wilham Calvin Roller, '04 Eli Slifer Walls, 04 Present address, Milton, Pa. Add, Sup't Sunbury Elec. Railway Co. Omit Student. Add Clerk with Am. Plate Co. Read, Class of 1903 Read, Class of 1903 Read, Class of 1903 Tin Robert Farnham, '64 Reginald Fendall, '64 Frank H. Havenner, '71 Campbell Carrington, '73 Andrew Adgate Lipscomb, '75 Hattersly Worthington Talbot, '96 EPSILON (Page 140) Change dates of Degrees to 1867 and Delegate to igth and 21st and 22d Grand Chapters in- stead of as printed Read, Delegate to 5th Grand Chapter instead of as printed. Change Grand Council to Grand Consul Present address, Washington, D. C. Omit name Add, Delegate to 20th Grand Chapter Add, Delegate to 25th Grand Chapter Clarence \'ivian Everett Morris Fairfax Frey Samuel Carl Henning Arthur Harry Williams ADDITIONAL NAMES Class of 1905 Student Student Student Student RHO Washington, D. C. 3411 Holmead Ave. Washington, D. C. 1405, 31st St. N. W. Washington, D. C. 1421 SSt., N. W. Washington, D. C. 726, 17th St. N. W. *Albert Taylor Beck, '67 lohn Denton, '67 John Van Meter Coynes, '68 Stoughton G. Leonard, '70 James Lafayette Thornton, 'ji Jeffrey O. Cutts, '74 John Bradford Harper, '75 Charles H. Caton, '76 Oliver Romeo Johnson, '78 Edmund Garfield Laughlin, '79 *Benjaniin Northrop, '79 Louis Morgan, '81 Albert Munson Chamberlin, '84 Richard Frederick Bigger, '85 Alvah Curtis Brazington, '87 William Glanton Irwin, '89 Urban Cecil Mallon, '89 William Malcolm Wallace, '89 *William Ross Hadley, '90 Edward Dwight Kingsbury, '90 (Page 146) Died April 23, 1894 Present address, Salem, Oregon Read, John Van Meter Coyner. Present ad dress, Indianapolis, Ind. Omit name Present address, Sedalia, Mo. Present address, Riverside, Cal. Present address, Durango, Colo. Present address, Englewood, Chicago, 111. Address, Columbia Club, Indianapolis, Ind. Present address, Cleveland, O. Date of death not reported Read, Merchant, Indianapolis, Ind. Read, Clergyman, Alliance, O. Address, 524 N. Penn St., Indianapolis, Ind. Read, Artist, Indianapolis, Ind. Add, Delegate to 21st Grand Chapter President Indianapolis, Greenwood Franklin R. R. Co. Present address, Mullen, Ind. Read, Captain, U. S. Army, nth Infantry Died in Clayton, Ind. Read, Manufacturer, Indianapolis, Ind. and and ADDENDA 463 Perry Hay, '91 *Lewis Jefferson Thompson, '91 Robert P. Leavitt, '93 Crate S. Bowers, '94 Read, William Perry Hay, Prof. Natural His- tory, Howard Univ. Add, Degrees of B. S, and M. S., Washington, I). C, Cosmos Club Died February 11, 1902 at Phoenix, Ariz. Read, Electrical Engineer, with Union Traction Co., Anderson, Ind. Read, Crate S. Bowen Harry Judah Brandon Henry Coburn ADDITIONAL NAMES Class of 1894 Attorney at law Wholesale Lumber Indianapolis, Ind. Indianapolis, Ind. George C. Cullom David Edward Smith David Wallace Class of 189s Druggist Druggist Druggist Frankfort, Ind. Decatur, Ind. Minneapolis, Minn. Harry I. Dodson John F. Mitchell, Jr. Lawrence F. Orr Class of 1905 Student Student Student Waynesville, O. Greenfield, Ind. Columbus, Ind. Maxwell Kinkead, '66 *Robert Ellmaker Pettit, '67 Fidelio HughesO"liphant, '68 Harry Bockee Salkheld, '68 Benjamin B. \'an Deudsen, '(. Rowland Whitman, '68 Ferree L. Mcllvane, '69 John C. Fortiner, '70 *George Ogden, Jr., "72 John H. Kain, '73 UPSILON (Page 156) Present address, 10 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Date of death not reported Present address, uil City, Pa. Read, Mechanical Engineer, 86 Franklin St., New York, N. Y. Read, Benjamin B.Van Deusen, Manufacturer, Ilion, N. Y. Read, With Tenn. Cent. R. R., Rockwood.Tenn. Read Ferree L. Mcllvain, Civil Engineer, Gap, Pa. Read, Genl. Mgr. Indiana Car & Foundry Co., 519 Chestnut St., Chicago, 111. Died Aug. 19, 1892 Present address, Mexict) Ciiy, Mex., care of Mexico Cent. R. R. William Ferdinand Pinckard, '67 *Jacob Phiniz Billups, '68 Alexander F. Young, '68 Joseph H. Jayne, '70 Thomas Lane Conella, '71 *Alonzo Rice Cocke, '77 Ernest Harris Dryden, '78 ZETA (Page 162) Read, Prytania St. for Puytama St. Died June 15, 1899 Present address, Sessumsville, Miss. Read, Joseph M. Jayne, Class of 1872 Present address, Everett, Wash. Died Aug. 26, 1901 Present address, 235 Madison Ave., Balti- more, Md. 464 ADDENDA John Penn Lee, '88 William Walter Brown, '91 Robert Edward Lee, 'gi Frederic Hunter Marshall, '93 Robert F. Wendell, '94 Charles Philip Snyder, '96 Alban Goshorn Snyder, 98 M. E. Locke, '99 William Scott Wood, '99 John Kirkpatrick Graves, '01 Gabriel Benoist Shields, '01 James Edmund Price, '04 Read, Degree B. L. Read, Class of 1899 Present address, Burk's Station, Va. Read, Class of 1890 Add, Attorney at Law, Murfresboro, Tenn. Read, Sailor, Lieutenant, U. S. N. Add, Degree of A. B. Present address, Washington, D. C, care of War Dept. Present address, Philadelphia, Pa. Add, Degree of A. B., Read, Teacher. Pres- ent address, Elkins, W. Va. Present address, Natchez, Miss. Present address, 419 Virginia St., Charleston, W. Va. ADDITIONAL NAMES Class of 1902 Robert William Crawford, Jr. Student Strasburg, Va. John Richard Ames Simon Blount Mason Class of 1905 Student Student Title Page (Page 169) *Samuel Miller Riley, '74 *Henry Carpenter Overholt, '85 Clary Ray, '87 Onancock, Va. Baltimore, Md. The Mount Royal PHI (Page 170) Read, Chi Phi in place of Chi Psi. Add, Sigma Nu, 1900 Died January 17, 1902 Died December 3, 1893 Present address, 1200, i8th St. N. W., Wash- ington, D. C. John Theodore English George A. Knapp Ray J. G. Retter J. Herbert Sweet Frank Yocum ADDITIONAL NAMES Class of 1905 Student Student Student Student Student Elizabeth, N. J. =,6; Walnut St. Baltimore, Md. 432 W. Conway St. Allentown, Pa. 25 N. 13th St. Saxton, iPa. Reading, Pa. 619 N. 5th St. Samuel Marion Cramblett, '72 Burritt Johnston Brotherton, '73 George Emory Andrews, '84 Thomas Addison McCann, '86 Oscar Otis Aretas Wilkinson, '90 MU (Page 176) Present address, Muskegon, Mich. Present address, Delphos, O. Present address. Bay City, Mich., 302 Crapo Bldg. Present address, Dayton, O. Business address, New York, N. Y., 46 Cort- landt St. ADDENDA 465 Arthur Marion Brumback, '92 Fletcher Ransom Hall, '94 Herbert Quinton Jones, '98 Herbert L. Sample, '00 William H. SprouU, '03 Read, Science Dept. McMinnville College, McMinnville, Oregon Present address, Detroit, Minn. Present address, ColumlDus, O., 33 Douglas St. Add, Degree E.E., with American Bridge Co. Present address, Granville, O. Present address, Pittsburg, Pa., 921 Bellefonte Ave., East End ADDITIONAL NAMES John G. Cross Class of 1904 Student Narraganset Pier, R.I. Alfred M. Colby- Joseph C. Green Class of 1905 Student Student Dayton, O. 340 W. First St. Troy, O. Ruter W. Springer, '87 OMEGA (Page 184) Present address. Fort Washington, Md. Vinton R. Pike, Jr. Nathaniel Alcock William Dunton Kerr John Arthur Sexawer ADDITIONAL NAMES Class of 1902 Class of 1903 Student Class of 1904 Student Student St. Joseph, Mo. Platteville, Wis. Oak Park, 111. Belvidere, 111. William Henry McCaughey, '74 Albert Sarle Sharpless, '74 James Matthews Simonton, '75 Lafayette Pence, '']'] Joseph Willson Hays, '80 Walter Lowrie Fisher, '83 Charles Everts Morse, '86 Nathan Powell Graham,' 95 CHI (Page 194) Add, Pastor Central Church Add, Pastor Irving Avenue Church Present address, Bellport, N. Y. Read, Kinderhook, N. Y. Read, Teacher, Macomb, 111. Read, Editor of Catalogue of 1890. Secretary Municijial Voters' League Add, Pastor Covenant Congregational Church Add, Physician and Surgeon of Santa Fe Gold and Copper Mining Co., San Pedro, N. M. 466 Van Wagenen Ailing, '96 Clarence La Rue Bonta, '99 Frederic Crane Ailing, '01 James Graham Brown, '03 James Markely Wright, '03 ADDENDA Omit Supervising Architect, etc. Add, with W. A. & A. E. Wells, Monadnock Bldg, Chicago. Read, last name Banta. Add, With Weber Drug Co. . Omit Clerk, Ft. Smith, Ark. Add, Dept. Man- ager Washer Bros., Wholesale Clothiers, San Antonio, Tex. Read, Class 1904. Correct address, Indian- apolis, Ind., 1897 Salbot Ave. Correct address, Washington, D. C, 1728 Cor- coran St. *Sam Elliott Low ADDITIONAL NAMES Class of 1889 Attorney at Law Died March 26, 1899 Lincoln, Neb. Thaddeus Bell McCormick Class of 1894 Attorney at Law Louisville, Ky. Mutual Life ofKy.Bldg. SIGMA SIGMA (Page 202) Julius Leigh Wilson, '78 Daniel Grinnan, '79 George Hutcheson Denny, '91 Read, Junius Leigh Wilson Present address, Richmond,Va., 26 Shafer Bldg. Read, President of Washington and Lee Univ. Title Page (Page 207) Orin Roman Sholars, '76 *Henry Beecher Hamilton, '85 TAU (Page 208) Read, Became inactive, 1901 Present address. Orange, Tex. Died at Kingman, Kan. Chapman Bradford, '77 Ransom Dabney Palmer, '82 Orr Haralson, '83 James William Hurt, '85 PI (Page 217) Present address, Madill, I. T. Add, Degree of M. D., Present address, Bir- mingham, Ala. Present address, San Francisco, Cal. Present address, Seliiia, Ala. Ozias John Markle, '78 BETA (Page 226) Omit dagger ADDENDA 467 Title Page (Page 235) James J. Carroll, '76 John Clark, '76 Leigh Carroll, '78 *Walter Carroll, '79 Joseph Wheadon Carroll, John Wilson, Jr., '80 Evan A. Edwards, '94 GAMMA GAMMA (Page 236) Read, Became inactive, iqoi Present address, New Orleans, La., 708 Union St. Read, John Clark, Jr., Farmer, Present ad- dress, Mt. Carmel, Tenn. Present address New Orleans, La., 708 Union St. Died Jan. 25, 1887 '79 Present address, New Orleans, La., 708 Union St. Read, Commercial Traveler, Present address, Waverly, Va. Present address, Washington, D. C. James Francis Hutchinson, 't Van Wagenen Ailing, '97 DELTA DELTA (Page 244) Read, James Francis Hutchison, Present ad- dress, 706 Tacoma Bldg. See Addenda of Chi Chapter for present occu- pation and address Title Page (Page 252) SIGMA (Page 253) Read, Founded in 1869. Became inactive in 1870. Revived June 17, 1875. Became in- active in 1882 *John Robert Breckenridge A. M. F. H. Nides Robert Moon Agnew *Thomas Bruen Brown A. B. S. A. Mills John Ballard Rendall David Edwin Shaw Short Adams Willis B.A. ADDITIONAL NAMES Class of i86g Died in 1874 Class of 1870 Attorney at Law Died in 1893 Prof, of Latin Prof of Hebrew and History Merchant Danville, Ky. Fort Leavenworth, Kan. Lancaster, Pa. Washington, D. C. Houston, Tex. Lincoln Univ., Pa, Colora, Md. Galveston, Tex. 468 ADDENDA William T. Austin *Jacob Edwin Michael A. B., M. D. Samuel Miller Nave A. B. John G. Wier A. M. H, B. Boyle Thomas Kell Bradford B. Henry Charles Welling Case A. M. Arthur Hamilton McClintock Benjamin R. Reynolds A. B. Augustin Van Deventir William Baxter Myers Class of 1871 Attorney at Law Died in 1895 Attorney at Law Class of 1872 Died in 1880 Attorney at Law Class of 1882 Banker Galveston, Tex. Michaelsville, Md. St. Joseph, Mo. Owensburgh, Ky. Louisville, Ky. Baltimore, Md. Pittsburg, Pa. Newark, N. J. Wiikesbarre, Pa. Wilkesbarre, Pa. Plainfield, Pa. Bethlehem, Pa. PHI PHI Union Worthington, 'i Ira Shinier, '97 (Page 256) Present address. Salt Lake City, Utah Present address, Santiago, Cuba, 11 San Ta- deo St. ZETA ZETA Montgomery May, '78 Andrew Phelps McCormick, '89 Charles Hume Sanford, '90 John Sallee Van Winkle, 'go *Casey McKee Owsley, '94 ♦Ernest Alfred Van Winkle, '99 (Page 264) Present address, Vandalia, 111. Read, Attorney at Law, present address, Waco, Tex. Present address, Louisville, Ky., Equitable Bldg. Omit, Promoter, Add, Agent Coal Properties, and Owner Van Winkle Telephone Lines. Died November 29, 1901 Died November q, 1901 THETA THETA George Haywood, Jr., '79 William Bernard McGrorty, '79 James Hawkins Clark, '82 Cyrus Edgar Davis, '82 (Page 272) Present address, Clinton, la. Read, William Barnard McGrorty, present ad- dress, Rochester, Minn. Present address, Bolivar, Tenn. Present address, Bloomfield, Ind. ADDENDA 469 *Betrand Dwiglit Conklin, '83 Frank Wilson'Hull, "83 William Hines Savidge, '83 Reuben Willets Edwards, '84 Elmer Ellsworth Gary, '87 Charles William Vermillion, '89 Lowis Warner Anderson Died Aug. 17, 1885. at Chester, N. Y. Present address, Denver, Col., 835, 32d St. Present address, Boise, Idaho Present address, Valparaiso, Chile Present address, New York, N. Y., 171 W. 195th St. Add, Judge District Court Read, Lewis Warner Anderson DELTA CHI (Page 287) *Henry Beecher Hamilton, '85 Died at Kingman, Kan. George Arthur Graydon Cramer, '96 Read, Guy Cramer Edgar B. Catton Parke Hunter William M. Canaday Lee Orean Smith Floyd Woods ADDITIONAL NAMES Class of 1894 Class of 1895 Musician Peru, Ind. Newport, Ind. tCrawfordsville, Ind. New York, N. Y. 41 W. 2Sth St. Indianapolis, Ind.. Albert Lee Eliel, '84 Christian Jensen Toerring, '92 William Jay Brown, *oo Fritz Hadra, '86 KAPPA KAPPA (Page 290) Add, Mining Engineer, Present address, Los Angeles, Cal. Add, Manufacturer of Arc Lights, The C. J. Toerring Co., Present address, Philadel- phia, Pa., 1035 Ridge Ave. Present address, with Holabird & Roche, Mo- nadnock Block, Chicago Read, Frederick Hadra, Major and Surgeon, Permanent address, San Antonio, Tex. Robert B. Berryhill, "J ALPHA ETA (Page 306) Present address, Phcenix, Ariz. George Frederick Lull, '84 Edgar Asa Frost, '87 ALPHA THETA (Page 310) Present address, with Traders Paper Co., Lock- port, N. Y. Present address, Chehalis, Wash. 47° ADDENDA ♦James Otis Ballard, '86 David Tod Roy, '91 John F. Butler, '99 Daniel Elmer Miller G. Phi, M. D. Miami Med Loring H. Goddard C. E. Frank L. Evans Gilbert H. Tinney *Roy Yoder Floyd Lowfburrow Harry H. Leith ALPHA GAMMA (Page 318) Died Oct. 22, 1893 Present address, Minerva, Tex. Read, John Francis Butler. ADDITIONAL NAMES Class of 1890 Physician Col., iSgg Class of 1892 Farmer Class of 1894 Asst. Supt. H. W. Johns' Co. 39th St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Died Oct. 10, 1894 Class of 1895 Class of 1902 Civil Engineer City Engineer Dayton, O. 1209 N. Main St. Manora, O. New York, N. Y. Youngstown, O. Wooster, O. Washington, O. Wellsville, O. 1427 Main St. Harvey Hayes Lockridge, '01 ALPHA ZETA (Page 327) Read, Harvey Hayes Lochridge ALPHA EPSILON Edward Pelton Hayward, '94 Charles Clarence Pulis, '96 Lewis Roberts Ewart, '00 Cliff White Le Roy, '02 Francis Griggs Ryan, '03 Victor Raymond Gould, '05 (Page 330) Present address, 131 W. 42d St., New York, N. Y. Present address. Fort Adams, R. I. Add, Cashier Farmers' & Merchants' Bank, Kiel, Olka. Student Fairbury, Neb. Student Lincoln, Neb. Student Omaha, Neb. James Pratt Bickett, '97 ALPHA IOTA (Page 340) Read James Pratt Bicket ALPHA LAMBDA Arthur Cleaver Wilkinson, '94 (Page 350) Present address, with The Implement Age, Philadelphia, Pa., 1336 Cherry St. ADDENDA 471 ALPHA NU (Page 362) Robert McAlpine Hall, '86 Present address, San Antonio, Tex. Fritz Hadra, '87 » Read, Frederick Hadra, Major and Surgeon Permanent address, San Antonio, Tex. *James Nicholas Goldbeck Died Feb. 12, 1902 ALPHA MU (Page 368) Johnson Newton Camden, '86 Present address, Versailles, Kv. Edwin Amiss Palmer, '86 Read, Edward Preiss Palmer, 1014 E. Main St., Richmond, Va. George Taylor Langhorne, '87 Read, Captain nth U. S. Cav., care of War Dept., Washington, D. C. Victor Wilson Floweree, '88 Read, 311 Lyceum Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. ALPHA OMICRON (Page 370) Thomas Farrar Richardson, '92 Present address. New York, N. Y., Reedy Island, Quarantine Station ADDITIONAL NAMES Class of 1900 Walter C. Brewer Physician Columbia, Miss. Class of 1902 Ronald Clark Kennedy Sugar Chemist Hilo, Honolulu Class of 1905 Oscar Nixon Sheppard Student NewOrleans, La., 2722 St. Cliarles Ave. ALPHA SIGMA (Page 390) Charles Hanford Kendall, '96 Read, Provincial Supervisor, Present address Batangas, Luzon, P. I. ALPHA UPSILON (Page 400) Robert Garner Curran, '95 Read, Class of 1897, Add, Prest. Southwest Printers' Supply Co. 473 ADDENDA Lester Mead Hubley, '93 William Best, '96 Robert R. Livini^ston, '00 Charles Edgar Newton, Jr., '00 Charles Carsten Piatt, '01 Ralph Murdoch Brown, '03 ALPHA PHI (Page 404) Read, Lester Mead Hubby Add, Vice-Prest. Best, Russell & Co. Add, Degree of M. E., Naval Architect Add, Degree of A. B., Broker Add, Attorney at Law Add, With D. L. & W. R. R. Harold Edward True Class of 1903 Student Class of 1905 Clinton Raymond Goodrich Student Rochester, N. Y., 7 Portsmouth Terrace Minonk, 111. John Carroll Moulton, '99 Robert Roughan, '01 Manville Hewitt Sprague, '05 Willis Craig Noble ALPHA OMEGA (Page 418) Read, Morenci, Ariz. Read, Charlestown, Mass. Read, Grafton, N. Dak. Civil Engineer Minneapolis, Minn. 2 Union Station Charles Erastus Coke, '00 Noah Bartholomew Hazen Olney Windsor Phelps Owen Roberts Mason Louis Clinton Merrill Frank Ellsworth Allard Herbert Edwin Gage Frans J. V. Schimper, '01 ETA ETA (Page 426) Read, Charles Erastus Cake, City Editor Arkan- sas Gazette, Little Rock, Ark. ADDITIONAL NAMES Class of 1863 Class of 1873 Physician Class of 1874 Insurance Class of 1885 Physician Class of 1887 White River Junction, Vt. Warren, Mass. Burlington, Vt. Concord, Mass. Boston, Mass., 683 Boylston St. Allston, Mass., 22 Ashford St. NU NU (Page 437) Read, Mining Engineer, Present address, 358 W. 153d St., New York, N. Y. A HISTORICAL SKETCH {Conti)iucd from pai;;e 2j.) The Twenty-fifth Grand Chapter was held in Buffalo, New York, July 23, 24, and 25, 1901. In point of numbers it was the most suc- cessful in the history of the Fraternity, the total attendance being 168. Forty-nine of the fifty-one active chapters were represented by accredited delegates and ten of the thirteen alumni chapters. At this time twenty-seven chapters were occupying houses or lodges, a gain of seven since the last Grand Chapter. The convention organ- ized as follows: Consul, Frank D. Ader, Alpha Iota, '84; Pro- Consul, Harry B. Alverson, Alpha Lambda, '93 ; Annotator, Ralph D. Southwell, Alpha Alpha, '99; Assistant Annotators, John M. Lee, Alpha Phi, '03, and Stuart A. Walker, Zeta Psi, '02; Quaestor, J. Norris Miller, Nu Nu, '03; Custos, Eugene B. Huffman. Mu, '02; Assistant Custos, Lewis H. Kirby, Alpha Pi, '00, Theta Theta, '01; Magister, Newman Miller, Alpha Pi, '93. A feature was the revival of the custom of a reception, with musi- cal and literary exercises, on the evening of the opening day. Much important business was transacted, including the following changes in the constitution of the Fraternity : ( i ) Each Grand Consul who has completed his term of ofTfice shall be known as Past Grand Consul and shall have all privileges of membership in Grand Chapters, when present. (2) All trials for expulsion of members shall be presided over by the Grand Praetor of the Province, who shall report the result thereof to the Grand Triumvirs. (3) Alumni notes payable one and two years after cessation of active member- ship shall be signed by each initiate at the time of initiation, instead of at the time of severing active connection with his chapter, as heretofore. Statutory provision was made for the financing of the new Directory, by requiring each initiate to pay into the Directory Fund the purchase price of the book. Other financial legislation made minor changes in the distribution among the several funds of 473 474 THE SIGMA CHI FRATERNITY the receipts and disbursements of the Fraternity, and exempted alumni elected to active membership in the chapters from the pay- ment of general fraternity dues. Among other important business transacted were enactments whereby the Grand Triumvirs were au- thorized to pay the Grand Historian a fixed salary out of the Direc- tory Fund ; a new official flag and pledge button were adopted ; and a committee was appointed to formulate plans for the celebration of the semi-centennial anniversary of the founding of the Fraternity in 1905. The following Grand Council was elected : Grand Consul, Rob- ert Farnham, Epsilon, '64; Grand Tribune, Herbert C. Arms, Kappa Kappa, '95; Grand Quaestor, Ralph F. Potter, Alpha Iota, '90; Grand Annotator, C. W. Whitney, Theta Theta, '99; Grand Editor, Newman Miller, Alpha Pi, '93 ; Grand Historian, Fred A. Ferine, Alpha Pi, '98 ; Grand Praetors : First Province, William G. Leisen- ring, Theta, '01 ; Second Province, E. Lee Trinkle, Sigma Sigma, '96, Psi, '98 ; Third Province, William J. Price, Zeta Zeta. '92 ; Fourth Province, Arthur J. Hamrick, Xi, '98; Fifth Province, Paul W. Cleveland, Omega, '01 ; Sixth Province, William R. Scudder, Xi Xi, '01 ; Seventh Province, T. M. Logan, Jr., Alpha Omicron, '98 ; Eighth Province, Alexander R. Baldwin, Alpha Beta, '96 ; Ninth Province, William H. Peer Conklin, Alpha Phi, '95, Nu Nu, '96. Since this Grand Chapter, Tau Chapter, at Roanoke College, and Gamma Gamma, at Randolph-Macon College, have become in- active. The Rho Rho Chapter, at the University of Maine, was in- stalled on April 19, 1902, and the Alpha Eta Chapter at the Univer- sity of Iowa was revived the following month. ALPHABETICAL INDEX PAGE Abbey, Everett L 227 Abbey, William B 256 Abbott, ElishaG 363 *Abbott, Jo Leeper 363 Abbott, Louis B 386 Abendroth, William P. 441 Abernethy, Herbert A. 452 Abrams, Edward L.228, 237 Ache, Paul S 440 Aclieson, Allen M. 242 Acker, George N 123 Acker, OttisE 288 Acker, William J 123 Ackley, Charles B 423 Adams, Albert M.* 72 Adams, Arthur A 427 Adams, Benjamin C. -- 49 Adams, Bertram F. — 354 Adams, Charles C. 33 Adams, Charles O 42 Adams, George P 448 Adams, Henry E 188 Adams, Hiram A 357 Adams, James D. 239 Adams, John C iig *Adams, John Q 86 *Adams, Joseph D. --74, 342 Adams, Julien W 415 Adams, Lucian 61 Adams, Peter 43, 455 Adams, W^inburne B.-- 429 Ade, George 246 Ader, Francis D 340 *Aderton, George S 252 Adkins, Merle T. 328 Adreon, Robert E. 249 Adsit, Bertram W 294 Agloinby, John O 141 Agnew, Leslie V 378 Agnew, Ralph 378 Agnew, Robert M 467 Ahl. Thomas L 76 Aicher, Frank A. 441 Aiken, Hugh K. 372 Aiken, William H 372 Aikman, Hal N 358 Aikman, Paul R 358 Albert, Elmer H. 356 Albert, Howard F. 356 Albright, Victor E 456 Alcock, Nathaniel 465 Alden, William T 189 PAGE Aldrich, Chester H 319 Aldrich, Ellis L. 406 Aldrich. George A 336 Aldridge, Frank M 50 Alexander, George F.- 4^0 Alexander, James H.-- 205 Alexander, Johnson E.- 418 Alexander.Thornton K. 203 Alexander, William F. 321, 446 Alexander, Winthrop - 310 Alford, Elbert H 340 Alford, George W 68 Alger, Lewis B 279, 377 AUard, Frank E 472 Alleman, John S 124 Allen, Alexander M. -- 291 Allen, Charles E 284 Allen,Charles Linnaeus 176 Allen, Charles Sumner 332 Allen, David R 42, 455 Allen, Edward H.--43, 320 Allen, Edwin Lawrence 429 Allen, Edwin Madison 248 Allen, Frank L 216 Allen, George A 120 *Allen, George J. 265 Allen, Hamlet 70 Allen, James J 86, 458 Allen, John N 294 Allen, Lawrence T. .-- 295 Allen, Lindley W. 452 Allen, Lingan B 141 Allen, Littleberry C- 217 Allen, Marcus M 265 Allen, N. Q 222 Allen, Wilbur P 364 *Allen, William 84 Ailing, Albert S 196 Ailing, Charles, Jr.- 196, 276 Ailing, Charles A 290 Ailing, Frederic C. 199, 466 Ailing, Van Wagenen igS, 248, 466, 467 Ailing, William R 197 *Allison, Andrew, Jr 62 •fAllison, Joseph N., Jr.- 210 Allison, William C, Jr. loi, 459 Allnut, Harry C 209 Alverson,'Harry B 351 Ambler, Harry E 189 475 PAGE Ambler, Humplirey K. 117, 165, 461 Amerman, Edwin C. 103, 138, 460 Ames, John R 464 Ames, Levi J 237 Ames, William M 427 Amey, Edward E. 431 Amsler, Arthur C 365 Amsler, Walter S. 364 Amos, Harry B 181 Amos, Henry W 180 *Amos, James P2. 179 Amos, William H. E.. 179 Anderson, Arthur B. -- 386 Anderson, Charles P.-. 218 Anderson, Ernest B. -- 118 Anderson, Frederick P. 246 Anderson, George K.-- 384 Anderson, Henry C.-- 434 Anderson, John Albert 429 Anderson, John Robert 269 Anderson, John W 222 Anderson, Lewis W. . 279, 375, 469 Anderson, Richard P.- 218 Anderson, Robert T.-- 119 Anderson, Thomas H. B., Jr 449 Anderson, Thomas W. 242 Anderson, Voorhees S. 136, 461 Anderson.William Bel- mont 274 Anderson. WilliamHar- vey 39 Andress, Hugh C 249 Andrew, Thomas M., Jr. 249 Andrews, Adolphus 364 Andrews, Edmund L.- 188, 312 Andrews, E.iWyllys -- 186 *Andrews, Frank K 266 Andrews, Frank T 187 Andrews, George E... 178, 257, 465 ♦Andrews, Hiram R.-- 38 Andrews, Joseph E 177 Andrews, Josiah H 249 Andrews, PlinyWilliam 276 ^Andrews, Ralph F 332 Andrews, Thomas P -- 380 476 ALPHABETICAL INDEX PAGE Andrews, William E.-- 50 Angier, George M 319 Angle, Henry F 97 Angleton, John J. L 91 Ankeny, Henry N 32 Annan, Harry C 359 Annawalt, William M,- 340 Ansley, Clark F 331 Apperson,Richard-266, 278 Appleton, Alanson S.-- 185 Appleton. Fred S 429 Applewhite, Ralph B. 75, 199 *Arbuckle, J. Edward-- 208 Arbuckle, James W... 91 Archer, John G 387 A rdrey, Herbert D 364 Arends, Henry C 333 Argall, George O 441 Armine, William F 44 Arms, Herbert C 292 Armstrong, Charles A. 350 Armstrong, George G.- 351 Armstrong, Homer 439 Armstrong, John A 61 Armstrong, Ogden 256 Armstrong, R. H 106 Armstrong, Walter P.- 457 Arnett, Lonna D 444 Arnold, Benjamin W.- 238 Arnold, David L 401 Arnold, James 89 Arnold, Mercer 449 Arnold, Paul 400 Arnold, Porter 368 Arnold, Thomas 89, 458 Arnold, Thomson 274 Arnold, Wilson 368 Arrington, Samuel W.- 118 Arrison, William E 258, 386 Art, William T 86 Ashbrook, Thomas E.. 117 Ashburn, John C 321 Asher, William R. 72 Ashford, Snowden 174 Ashley, Charles L 258 Ashley, Ralph E. 440 Atchison, Charles N.-- 340 Atherton, Leslie C 267 Atkins, William A 249 Atkinson, Curtis 75, 458 Atkinson, Joseph B 231 Atkinson, Stephen E.. 141 Atterbury, James H 273 Atwater, William W.-- 354 Atwood, David 257, 326, 352 Atwood, George D 315 Atwood, Howard D 431 Ault, Albert W 301 PAGE Austin, Archie S 440 Austin, Frank E 428 Austin, George S 180 Austin, Henry H. 426 ^Austin, James T 50 Austin, Samuel C 147 Austin, William T 468 Averill, Barr C. 316 Awl, Francis A., Jr. 102, 257 Axtell, Frank F 73 Axtell, Harry A 74 Axtell, William F 71 Ayer, Frederic E 174 Ayer, Oscar W 87 Ayers, Judson F 291 Ayling, Edmund K 342 Ayres, Elliott 152 Babb, Thomas C. 136 Babbitt, Arthur O.-326, 351 Babbitt, Ralph 328 Babcock, Guy H 290 Babcock, William A.-- 291 Babcock, William H.-- 141 Bach, Waldo B 280 Bacheldor, Franks 279 Badet, Harry S 249 Bahrenburg, George E. 191, 402 Bailey, Henry F 380 Bailey, James M 44 Bailey, Orville E. B.-- 137, 258 Bailey, Reginald 397 Bailey, Rowland W 274 Bailey, Steele, Jr 269 Bailey, Walter M 54 Baiilie, William H 212 Bain, Alfred M 73 *Bain, Charles F 72 Bain, M. G 203 Baird, David W. 70 Baird, Thomas C 54 Baird, William H 248 Baker, Albert L 302 Baker, Charles S 88 Baker, Edward H 324 Baker, Frank 36 Baker, Frederick J 405 Baker, Grear H. 302 *Baker, Harry Ward--- 151 Baker, Henry Edgar. _ 272 Baker, Holland W 186 Baker, J. Thomson- 132, 461 Baker, James P. 67 Baker, William Alex- ander 168 Baker, William Dudley 299 Baker, William F.--43, 455 Balding, James P 292 Baldwin, Alexander R. 381 PAGE Baldwin, Arthur C 180 Baldwin, Charles J. — 53 Baldwin, Christopher C. loi, 459 Baldwin, Gustavus A.- 49 Baldwin, Harry F 310 Baldwin, James T 132 Bales, Berton B. 151 Ball, Joseph 288 Ballack, William G.-- 324 Ballard, Bland 253 Ballard, James O.-173, 318 Ballard, Walter Philip 446 Ballard, Walter Rich- ard 93 Ballingal, George F.-- 84 Ballou, Clifford G. 42 *Ballou, Lawson 51 Bambrick, George L... 444 Banister, John M. -I15, 460 Banister, John M., Jr.- - 163 Banks, William 410 Bannard, Charles H.-- 172 Bannard, Horace B 170 Banta, Clarence LaR.- 199, 466 Barber, Edwin A 171 Barber, Herbert O 180 Barber, Max H 280 Barber, Perry B 358 Barclay, George O.- 137, 462 Barcus, Paul 90 Bardwell, Arthur F 311 Bardwell, Herbert T.-- 310 *Barger, Benjamin F. -- 36 Barham, William B 114, 236 Barickman, Charles M. 340 Barker, Edson M 430 Barker, James C 88 Barker, Oman E 152 Barker, Robert H 102 Barker, Thomas R 152 Barkley, William S 39 Barksdale, James ¥.-- 57 Barnard, Cornelius R.- 190 Barnes, Albert 194 Barnes, Elmer B 196 Barnes, Frank W 356 Barnes, John W 382 Barnes, Reid B 220 Barnes, Thomas J., Jr. - 249 Barnes, William Clin- ton 49 Barnes, William Philip 42 Barnett, Charles A. --- 153 Barnett, John C 242 Barnett, John T 87 Barnett, Levi A. 87 *Barnett, Martin A 86 Barnett, Samuel O 39 ALPHABETICAL INDEX 477 PAGE *Barnett, William 0.-69, 457 Barney, Charles L 44 Barney, George H 52 *Barnitz, George H 38 Barnum, Charles T 407 Barr, Richard J 278, 292 Barr, William L. -.402, 419 Barrere, George N 320 Barrere, Granville- -33, 321 Barrett, Charles D 249 *Barrett, Dwight H 291 *Barrett, Edward E 292 Barringer, Daniel M.-- 252 Barrios, Juan de la Rosa 385 Barry, William S 52 Barth, Carl H 302 Bartlett, Charles H. 190, 406 Bartlett, Edwin B. 354 Bartlett, Horace G 41 Bartley, James H 375 Barton, Edgar G 150 *Barton, William A 49 *Bash, johnathon 147 Bashore, Emanuel G.-- 412 *Baskin, William C 107, no, 460 Bass, Andrew J 448 *Bass, Edgar M 237 Batchelor, Arthur D..- 74 Batchelor, Chester A.-- ']^ Batchelor, George H.-- 74 Bates, Charles P 286 Bates, Edmund A 384 *Bates, Edward F. B.-. 423 Bateson, Charles E. W. 440 Batman, Frederick H.- 76 Batman, Ira C. 72 Batman, James W. 74 Batman, Levi G 75 Battle, Charles I. 112 Bauder, Edson B 39 Bauer, Louis A 299 Bauman, Louis A. 350 Baumgardner, Thomas 411 Baxter, Edward K. -__ 424 Baylor, John G 118 Baylor, William W 346 Bayne, William, Jr. — 142 Beach, James G.--293, 385 Beach, William E.-71, 244 Beadle, Thomas B 293 Beal, Charles N 33 Beal, Charles W. 346 Beal, Ellery H 184 Beale, Buchanan 141 Beale, Ross 43, 277 Beall, William D., Jr.. 140 Bean, Thomas S 220 Beard, Francis H. 423 Beard, Schuyler C 72 Beardsell, George R... 31 PAGE Beardsley, Harry S 434 Beasley, Elias M 54 Beasley, William J 55 Beaton, Lindsay A. 328 Beatty, George W 318 Beatty, Henry G. 37 Beatty, Talcott 40 *Beatty, William G. -85, 458 Beauchamp, William B. 414 Beaver, William P. 135 *Beazan, W. Jay 378 Bechtel, Daniel M. --. 94 *Beck, Albert T 146, 462 Beck, Stanley ^L 33 Beckett, George A. --- 43 Beckett, James R 72 Beckett, John 40 Beckley, Stuart H 239 *Becton, Benjamin E... 223 Beebe, LeRoy J 358 Beebe, William H., Jr. 405 Beecher, Lyman 320 Beeler, Fielding 287 Beem, Levi A 93 *Beers, Oliver S 162 Beharrell, Thomas G.- 88 Beitzel, Robert E. 103 Balding, Stephen 67 Bell, Benjamin R. 453 Bell, David W 71 Bell, Guy R 453 Bell, Jonathan C. 106 Bell, Richard B 267 Bell, Roane C 54 Bell, Thomas C 32, 455 *Bellamy, Flavius J. --- 84 Belnap, La Monte J.-- 332 Benbow, Leonidas W.. 147 Bender, Guy 152 Bender, Re 151 Benedict, Abraham 276 ^Benedict, John P 126 Benedict, Walter L 392 Beneker, Jay C 302 *Benison, Howard E. -- 410 Bennett, Frank W 419 Bennett, John W. -186, 275 Bennett, Joseph A 346 Bennett, Louie E. 91 Bennett, Lyman R. 419 Bennett, Richard H..- 237 Bennett, Robert L 412 Bennett, Robert P 408 Bennett, William A. _. 299 Bennett, William F. _- 450 Bennett, William W.-- 238 Benns, Charles P 337 Benson, Jasper W 205 Benson, Madison H. -- 365 Benson, Nathaniel R., Jr 159 Bent, Walter 75 Benze, Frederick W.-- 386 ^Berkley, R. F 208 Bernardin, Alfred L.-- 419 Berrien, Chauncey L. . 440 Berry, Albert S., Jr 268 Berry, Benjamin V 273 Berry, Charles W. 427 Berry, George S 362 Berry, James R. 51 Berry, Robert L 268 Berry, William G. 269 Berryhill, Robert B 307, 469 *Berst, Elmer E. 89 *Bertheau, Rudolf C. -- 419 Bertolette, John D.- 102, 459 Bertsch, Alonzo 458 Best, William 405, 472 Bethea, Samuel R 218 Bettcher, Earl McC. -- 75 Beuret, Ebenezer G. -- 280 Bevans, Allan B 276 Bevans, James L 276 Bibb, William C. 220 Bicket, James P. --330, 342 Bidgood, J. Willis 141 *Bierbower, Vincent — 97 Bigelow, James C. 185 Bigger, D. Dwight 242 Bigger, Richard F. 150, 462 Bikie, Henry W 127 Bikle, Paul H 127 Bikle, Philip M 122 Billheimer, Thomas C. 122 Billings, Cecil 205 *Billups, Jacob P _ 49, 162, 456 Billups, Saunders 49 Bimm, Henry H. 172 Bimm, Joseph E. 172 Binder, Clarence K 157 Binford, Moreland B.. 287 Binford, Peter 112 Bingham, William E.- 393 Binkley, Arthur L 43 Birdsey, Corbon P 377 Birdwhistell, James ^L B 264 Bischof, Arthur A 332 Biscoe, Earl 143 Biscoe, Frank L 143 Bitner, J.C 97 Bittle, Beale W 208 Bivens, Clarence M. -- 247 Bixler, Augustus M... 127, 461 Bixler, Wm. H. H 127 *Black, Henry 122 Black, Horace W. 452 Black, J. Edwin 68 478 ALPHABETICAL INDEX PAGE Black, James N. 209 Black, John, Jr 96 *Black, Robert G 106 Blackburn, Clifford --- 133 Blackburn, Smith A.-- 268 Blackford, Charles T.- 340 Blackford, U. Grant 423, 439 Blackstone, William B. 71 Blair, Jesse H 244 Blair, McCrea P 344 Blair, Samuel B 444 Blaisdell, Walter S.--- 275 Blake, Emmons R 191 Blake, Jacob M 93 Blakemore, Louis B.-- 302 Blanchard, Milton C.-- 359 Blaney, Milton L 147 Blanton, John D 203 Blanton, Joseph I.- 116, 203 Blanton, L. Rutherford 204 Blayney, John McC 80 Blessing, Charles A 435 Blessing, George F 434 Bliss, Carlton M 324 Bliss, Ward R 133 Bloodgood, Joseph C- 350 Bloomer, Ernest N 344 Blount, Robley D 150 Blyler, Milton 159 Boak, George R 411 Boardman, Clarence I. 440 *Boardman, William H. 429 Boas, David K 98 Boaz, Oliver T 147 Bocher, Charles J 275 Boden, John 199 Bodwell, Joseph F 310 *Boggan, Thomas L 48 *Bohon, Lynn B 265 Bohrer, Charles J 244 Bolich, Charles H 412 Bolles, Charles A. -248, 315 Bolser, Charles E 429 Bolster, Arthur S 431 Bolton, William H no Bomar, David T 223 Bond, Franklin F 100 Bond, Hunter A 118 Bond, Ralph A 249 Boney, Richard K 115, 164, 234 *Bonham, Richard G.-- 112 Bonner, George H. 103, 459 Bonnie, William O 167 Bonsall, Marshall K.-- 299 Boogher, Dudley 212 *Booker, Thomas N 96 Booles, William VV.--- 218 Booth, Morris S. 38 Booth, Robert K 393 PAGE Booth, William Mason 415 Booth, William Morris 186 Bope, Harold S 408 Borden, William T 294 Bordner, Ira 75 Borradaile, Frederick H 273 Bortles, Harry C 378 Boss, Charles R 313 Boss, Joseph S 310 Boston, Albert W. 429 *Boston, Alfred W 429 Boston, Francis R 141 Bosworth, Benjamin-- 434 Bosworth, Neil 327 Bosw^orth, Roy D 392 Bosworth, Vern H 393 Boteler, Basil DeL. --- 120 Bott, William J 423 Bottorff, Jacob F 196 Bouic, William v., Jr. - 141 Bouldin, Brisco B 163 Bouldin, Charles E 203 Bourg, Oscar A 53 *Boutell, Evarts G 185 Boutwell, Benjamin J.- 276, 346 Bovard, William S 400 Bowditch, Nathaniel I. 311 Bowdre, Pettus- 49 Bowen, Charles F 148 Bowen, Crate S 151, 463 Bowen, Francis C 141 Bowen, Henry H 148 Bowers, Harry L 43 Bowers, George N 231 Bowers, John G 246 Bowers, Joseph F 319 Bowersock, Fred H 356 Bowersock, Justin D.-- 357 *Bowie, James J 208 Bowker, Clarence B... 146 *Bowles, Edward M.-- 428 Bowles, Sidney W 428 Bowman, Alexander B. 164 *Bowman, Charles E.-- 264 Bowman, George 130 *Bowman, James L 91 Bowman, James R 364 Boyd, Abiram M -j-j, 458 Boyd, Charles A 106 Boyd, Claudius L 93 Boyd, Everett W 427 Boyd, George M 90 Boykin, Elias M 114 Boyle, H. B 468 Boyle, Samuel A 257 Boynton, Stuart D 404 *Brabson, William H.-- 209 Brace, George M 325 Brace, Walter C 311 PAGE Brackenridge, William L 272 Braden, Harry I 359 Braden, James 152 Bradford, Chapman 115, 216, 262, 460, 466 Bradford, John M. 391 *Bradford, Thomas 49 Bradford, Thomas K... 468 Bradley, Andrew G 142 Bradley, Arthur C 359 *Bradley, Bedford A.-- 67 Bradley, Clinton A 400 Bradley, Ernest B 401 Bradley, Horatio S 39 Bradley, John E 106 Bradley, Lee Roy 401 Bradley, Morton C 76 *Bradley, Thomas C 106 Bradner, Frank E 99 Bradner, Wesley K 99 Brady, Clarence E 290 Bragdon, George E 184 Bragdon, Merritt C 184 Braithwaite,William A. 423 Bramlett, Edward T.-- 234 Branaman, Daniel H. - 72 Branaman, Lawson F.- 69 Branch, Charles N 246 Branch, James R 203 Branch, Walter T 149 Brandenburg, B. Mich- ael 364 Brandon, Bruce A. .45, 321 Brandon, Gerard 52 Brandon, Harry J. 463 Bransford, Benjamin E. 116 Brant, Claude 75 Brant, Jefferson E 84 Brant, Thomas J 86 Brashear, Alvan V. 197 Brashear, Peter C 197 Braun, Harry A 159 Brawley, Robert V 397 Bray, William M 191 Bray, Benjamin N 211 Brayton, Nelson D 151 Brazington, Alvah C. 150,462 Bready, Charles J. 377 Bready, Russell H 378 Breckenridge, David C. 253 *Breckenridge, John R.- 467 Breckenridge, Morrison 267 Breen, Howard 298 Breen, John 431 Bremermann, James H. 141 Brennan, Albert A 267 Brenneman, Samuel M. 273 Brent, Harry Kelly 434 Brenton, William 149 Brett, William T 112 ALPHABETICAL INDEX 479 PAGE Brewer, Francis E. -404, 438 Brewer, Frank M 188 Brewer, John C 151 Brewer, Theodore H.-- 414 Brewer, Walter C.--56, 471 ♦Brewer, William 141 Brice, Herbert L. 229 *Brice, John M 106 Brice, Thomas W. 107 *Bridge, Arthur M. 2go Bridge, Daniel J 66 Bridge, William C 77 Bridge, William F 287 ♦Bridges, Richard H 50 Bridges, Robert S 150 Bridgforth, David O... 56 Bridgman, Wilbur H. _ 347 Briggs, Ernest F. igi Briggs, William M. -.- 204 Bright, John H 195 Bringham, William A.- 245 Brintnall, Henry S 431 Briscoe, Daniel 49 Britan, Herbert D 199 Britan, Joseph T. 198 Britton, George W. --- 357 Britton, John D 371 Broaddus, Lunsford L. 71 Brock, Walter L. 435 Brockenbrough, Frank G 248 Brocklebank, Frank R. 228 Brockway, P. Bruce 44, 377 *Brodhead, Cicero 171 *Brt)dhead, Edward H.- 337 Brodhead, John A 386 Broemmel, George M.- 382 Bromley, B. Gordon 256 Bronaugh, Will L. 435 Brook, William E 331 *Brookfield, George - 44, 455 Brooks, Benjamin F... 88 Brooks, George F. 392 Brooks, Robert C 75 Broomall, Robert L 98 Bross, Mason 187 Brossman, William G.- 231 Brotherhood, James S.- 431 Brotherline, Eric G 102 Brotherton, Burritt J. - 176, 464 *Brotherton, John F 37 Brotherton,TheodoreW. 38 Brough, Bernard F. 277 Brougher, E. Earl 54 Brown, Albert J. 418 Brown, Arthur H 429 Brown, Arthur V 150 Brown, Augustus F. A. 273 Brown, Charles 151 Brown, Charles R. 306 PAGE Brown, Clarence A 133 *Brown, Columbus C. -- 107 Brown, Daniel W. 51 *Brown, David P 156 Brown, Dickson Q 314 Brown, Doswell P 416 Brown, Edgar L 333 Brown, Edward H. 116, 237 Brown, Edwards B. 327 Brown, Elbert V..- 103, 459 Brown, Elliott L 440 Brown, Elmer C 173 Brown, Elwyn N. 306 Brown, Frank S. 300 Brown, Harry J. 428 Brown, Harry L 144 *Brown, Harry P 187 Brown, Hugh A. 439 Brown, James A 381 *Brown, James D 162 Brown, James G 199, 250, 466 Brown, James P 223 Brown, John E. 242 Brown, Joseph W. 52 Brown, Josephus C. — 113 Brown, Maurice F 429 Brown, Nathan W 181 Brown, Oren B 177 Brown, Oren S. 252 Brown, Philip L 431 Brown, Ralph M.--407, 472 Brown, Robert E 378 Brown, Robert L 328 Brown, Robert W. 357 Brown, Roger W 431 Brown, Sebastian 97 Brown, Stephen P 315 *Brown, Thomas B 467 Brown, Thomas M 199 Brown, W. L 186 Brown, Wallace F. 117, 165 Brown, William A 212 Brown, William Jay — _ 294, 469 Brown, William John-- 331 Brown, WilliamWalter 166, 464 Brown, William White 319 Brown, Wylie 406 Browne, Frank G. 88 *Browne, Thomas R 265 Brownlee, James L. 52 Bruce, Harry C 74 Bruen, Charles E 242 Bruff, James F. 246 Brugh, H. W. Irvine -- 126 Brumback, Arthur M.- -_ 179, 465 Brumback, David La Doyt 228 PAGE Brumback, Orville S.-- 226, 252, 272 Brundage, Benjamin L 380 Brundige, John F. 177 Brunner, Preston M. -- 156 Brunyate, Edwin R 103 Brunyate, William L. _ 460 Bryan, Albert H 248 Bryan, Albert R 391 Bryan, Francis T 253 Bryan, John I. 434 Bryan, Pendleton T. -- 253 Bryan, Richard W. D.- 170 *Bryant, James M 264 Bryant, William C 231 Brydon, George M. .-- 212 Bryne, Thomas M 284 Bryns, James D 198 Buchanan, Edwin B.-- 294 Buchanan, John 76 Buchanan, Joseph W, - 48 Buchanan, William — 222 Bucher, Abbott G 137 Bucher, Joseph C, Jr.-- 136 Buck, Guerdon C 352 *Buck, James S 60 Buck, Raymond H 362 Buckey, John E. J 98 Buckhout, Albert T..- 411 Buckhout, Nathan W.. 411 Buckley, Charles F 438 Buell, Charles I 374 Buell, Edwin D 429 Buerk, Henry A 71 *Buffington, James M.-- 51 Buford, Albert, Jr 222 Buford, Edward P 117 Buford, Frank G 163 *Bu{ord, P. H no Bugbee, Perley R 426 Buie,HenryT 51 *Buie, Horace F 51 Bulger, Thomas L 208 Bull, Charles P 113 Bull, James G 37 Bulla, Rolland S 331 Bullard, Harry D 411 Bullitt, Keith L 120, 408 Bullock, Barry 435 Bullock, Edward L 156 Bullock, Frederick D.- 435 Bullock, Samuel A 435 Bundschu, Walter B.-- 382 Bundy, Corydon D 343 Bunker, Arthur S 354 Bunker, George T 353 Bunker, Park J 328 Bunker, Wade 149 *Bunyan, Robert J. -278, 288 Burbank, Charles 252 4So ALPHABETICAL INDEX PAGE Burbank, Lester W 427 Burch, Willard E. 102 Burch, William E 422 Burdick, Charles B 292 Burford, Ernest H 152 Burg, Robert 333 Burgert, George 332 Burgess, Francis L 210 Burgess, John 392 Burglehaus, Fred H.-- 391 Burke, Charles E 256 Burke, James F 277 *Burke, James G 184 Burke, N. P. T 115 Burkham, William T.- 89 Burks, Martin P., Jr..- 168 Burnett, Roy B 365 Burnett, Samuel T 342 Burnett, William G- - - 84 Burnham, Ernest 376 Burnham, Philip S 377 Burnham, Robert D... 292 Burnham, Smith 375 Burnley, Aleck F 222 Burns, Barnabas 41 Burns, Charles T 180 Burns, David V 68 Burns, Everett A 102 Burns, S. M 458 Burns, William W 216 Burrell, Luther A 123 Burris, Milton D 344 Burrowes, Harry S. — 230 Burrowes, William C- 230 Burrows, John S 316 Burton, Joseph P 266 Burton, William H., Jr 278 Burton, William R 146 Busby, Isaac V ']}^ Busby, Lawrence P 54 Buschman, Harry C 248 *Buskirk, John W 69 Buss, Eugene R 301 Butler, Chauncey 146 Butler, Frank W 357 Butler, George E 44 Butler, George J 458 Butler, Harry G 382 *Butler, John E 48 Butler, John F 320 Butler, John S 151 Butler, Louis P. H 386 Butler, Ovid M. 152 Butler, Scot 146 Butler, Walter G 152 Butt, Jacob L 125 Butterfield, Ralph B... 190 Buttrick, Edward S 351 Buzby, Duncan L 256 Bjars, Casper R 363 PAGE Cabanes, Rena C 295 *Cabeen, Richard 107 Cabell, George C 211 Caddock, Henry 188 Cadwallader, Charles H 41 Caine, Sidney A 316 Cake, Charles E. --430, 472 Calderwood, Edward S. 430 Caldwell, Charles G.-. 265 *Caldwell, Edward C... 137, 407 Caldwell, J. Mentor.-- 144 Caldwell, James P 32 Caldwell, John A., Jr. - 301, 406 *Caldwell, Robert E 204 Cale, David H. 152 Cale, Howard 146 Calerdine, Arthur F. .- 278 Call, Edward Ross 93 Callaghan, David B.-. 134 Calland, Dean S 328 Callender, John M 117 Callman, Herbert 431 Calvert, George C- -91, 459 Calvin, Samuel 259 Calvin, Webster 138 Camden, Johnson N... 368, 471 Camden, Richard P.-- 368 *Cameron, Dugald 347 Camp, Alex 365 Camp, Fred L 137 Camp, Harvey C 456 Camp, Jack 453 Camp, R. Clifton 453 Campbell, Archibald-- 336 Campbell, Arthur L.-- 412 Campbell, Charles F..- 136 Campbell, Daniel A.-. 310 Campbell, Elijah D.-- 135 Campbell, Franklin L. 39 Campbell, George N... 412 Campbell, Lewis 340 Campbell, Nick W 55 Campbell, William M. 257, 411 Canaday, William M.. 469 Canby, Harry B.--180, 315 Candor, Addison 133 Candor, Thomas H 242 Cannon, James, Jr. 237 Cannon, William 102 *Cannon, William R 50 Cantrell, Deaderick H. 166 *Capelle, Robert S no Capito, Henry 445 Cappeller, Edward B. 43, 404, 455 *Card, Thomas C - 245 PAGE Carey, George B 434 Carle, Charles J 149 Carlock, William C 344 Carmon, Warren W..- 100 Carnahan, Archibald A. 32 Carnahan, D. Hobart - 293 Carnahan, Franklin G. 291 Carothers, Charles G.-- 52 *Carothers,Cornelius W. 51 Carothers, Joseph C.-- 50 *Carothers, Joseph M.-- no Carpenter, Abraham E. 123 Carpenter, Charles L.- 426 Carpenter, Harry H.-- 177 Carpenter, Willard B.- 226 Carr, Albert M 279, 376 Carr, Burt W. 429 Carr, Charles 458 Carr, Edwin H 247 *Carr, James H 223 Carr, Robert E 236 Carre, Henry B. — 371, 415 Carrey, Ernest J.-- 103, 460 Carringer, Marion A.-- 137 Carroll, James J 236, 467 Carroll, John VV 120 Carroll, Joseph W n7, 237, 467 Carroll, Leigh- n6, 236, 467 *Carroll,Walter237, 336, 467 Carson, Archibald L-- 299 Carson, John F 88 Carson, Oliver H 90 Carson, Thomas F 294 Carter, BenjaminP. 371, 438 Carter, Elvin H 93 *Carter, John T 209 Carter, N. P. A 312 Carter, Randolph 278 Carter, Ross S 419 Carter, Samuel P., Jr.-- 173 Carter, Thomas ---370, 414 Carter, Thomas T 370 Carter, Vinson V 67 Carter, William D 295 Cartwright, Matthew-- 223 *Carty, Homer E 72 Caruth, George W 96 Carver, James W.--87, 458 Gary, Elmer E.-42, 469, 475 Gary, John W 439 Gary, William P 408 Case, Charles W 468 Case, Clarence D 92 Case, Floyd R 422 Case, Willis W 321 Cashman, Frank P.- - 56 Cason, James A 210 Cason, John T 210 Cassedy, George 386 *Cassidy, James Burt — 53 ALPHABETICAL INDEX ^81 PAGE Castleman, Josiah H... 76, 93 Castleman, Justus C-- 76, 93 Catchings, Charles E.- 55 Cater, Roy 360 Cates, Roscoe W 359 Caton, Charles H. -143, 462 Catton, Edgar B 469 Causey, William I 51 Cauter, Harry M 415 Cave, William E 202 Cecil, Daniel H. 164 Cecil, James G 118, 267 Chadwick, Clarence B. 353 Chadwick, Llewellyn.- 92 Chalmers, Frank H. 208 ♦Chalmers, John 209 *Chalmers, John T 211 Chamberlin, Albert M. 149, 462 Chamberlin, Charles C. 294 Chamberlin, Willis A.. 179 Chambers, Alex 249 Chambers, Fyffe 300 Chambers, Thomas G. 89, 93 Chancelor, Samuel A.. 211 Chancellor, Albert B.-- 210 Chandler, GreneC 54 Chandler, Leo 216 Chaplin, Louis B 453 Chapman, Frank W.-- 430 Chapman, Paul H 328 Chapman, William A.- 310 Chappell, Frank W 416 Charles, Lewis N 245 Charles, William H..-- 89 Charlton, Frederick R. 198 Chatfield, Henry W... 406 Chase, Clement C. 330 *Chase, David A 134 Chase, Frank E 152 Chase, Henry M., Jr 429 Chase, James A 44 Chase, March F 353 Chase, William M 426 Chatten, Melville C 293 Cheek, Spurgeon 268 Cheever, William W.- 430 Chenault, Charles A.-- 449 Chenoweth, Samuel A. 71 Chesney, John A 226 Chestnut, John H.W.,Jr. 412 Chid law, Benjamin W. 280 Childe, John B 178, 275 Childers, William B... 163 *Childs, George W 156 Childs, Samuel C 268 *Chiles, George P 106 PAGE Chilton, Leo W. 393 Chinn, Alexander J 200 Chinn, William 202 Chisholm, Wilson B.-- 158 Christ, Leander M 85 Christian, Henry A 238 Christian, William A.- 414 Christy, Charles B 401 Christy, George D 400 Christy, Lloyd B. 400 Churan, Charles A 325 Church, Arthur B 390 Church, Frederic E 438 Church, Frederick H.- 92 Church, George E., Jr.- 391 Church, Roy 344 Chute, Arthur L 325 *Chute, Richard H., Jr.- 391 Cilley, Joseph 430 Cilley, Laburton G 430 Cisna, William R 97 Claiborne, John H., Jr.- 116 Clapp, Charles L 188 Clapp, Theophilus E. - 131 Clapham, William E.-- 74 Clardy, John W. R 341 Clark, Charles H 43 Clark, Charles P 76 Clark, Don L 330 *Clark, Eugene L 53, 116, 273 Clark, Francis M 396 Clark, Frank N 188 Clark, Frank P 244 Clark, Harry G 359 Clark, Howard S 392 Clark, James F loi Clark, James H. 236, 273, 468 Clark, Jesse R 39 Clark, John, Jr.- 52, 236, 467 Clark, John B 246 Clark, John W. 229 Clark, Luther W 222 Clark, Paul F 330 Clark, ReedP 143 Clark, Samuel 216 *Clark, Samuel H. 32 Clark, Solomon H 452 Clark, Thomas J 69 Clark, Walter 273, 336 ♦Clarke, Charles P 113 Clarke, Courtlandt C._ 252 Clarke, Edwin Hard- ing 387 Clarke, Fred R 199 Clarke, Harrison, Jr.-- 439 Clarke, Henry P 150 Clarke, John W 170 Clarke, Jose{5h T 140 Clarke, Mortimer 141 PAGE Clarke, William C 298 Clarkson, Robert B 351 Clary, Robert H 315 *Clason, Marshall B 36 Clawson, Douglas M.-- 387 *Clay, Henry 162 Clay, J. Leon 217 Clay, Matthew, Jr. - 164, 216 Clayton, Benjamin F... 53 Clavton, Samuel D. 43 Clayton, Willard W.-- 89 Clayton, William D.-- 97 Cleaver, Kimber 100 Cleland, John I 265 Clement, Louis H. 124 ♦Clemmer, John W 307 Clendenin, John C 412 Clendenin, John W 171 Cleveland, Grover 7 ♦Cleveland, John S 2og Cleveland, Lander 209 Cleveland, Mark A 452 Cleveland, Paul W 191 Cleveland, Walter G.-- 273 Cleveland, Willis P 324 Clifford, Fremont 245 Clifford, Wilbur R 360 Clifton, R.D 98 Clifton, Wiley H 223 Climer, Frank W 356 ♦Cline, George W 40 Clizbe, John A. 41 Clopton, Atwell J 362 Clopton, William H .-- 113 Cloyd, David M 208 ♦Clyde, George W 156 Coad, James Earl 321 Coan, Frederick G. 228 ♦Coan, Henry ELzra F..- 228 ♦Coates, Samuel 157 Coats, Albert J 333 Cobb, Orlando H. 6g ♦Cobb, Thomas R. 70 Cobb, William H 306 Coblentz, Harry E 74 Coburn, Frederick W.- 314 Coburn, Henry 463 Coburn, Henry C, Jr.-. 143 Cochran, Charles 102 Cochran, Heywood 310 Cochran, Harlan A 428 Cochrane, Frank L 406 ♦Cocke, Alonzo R.--164, 463 Cockran, Don 92, 459 Coe, Oliver P. 44 Coen, Charles 341 Coey, Robert H. 294 Coffey, Charles C 50 Coffey, George W 68 Coffey, Jasper H. 66 Coffin, Benjamin F 390 482 ALPHABETICAL INDEX PAGE Coffin, Franclyn N, — 41 *Coffin, George Y. 141 *Coff roth, John R 88 Coffroth, William R,-- 90 Cogswell, Charles P., Jr 312 Colby, Alfred M 465 Colby, Francis G 180 Colby, Henry R 181 Cole, Charles S 316 Cole, Fred H 93 Cole, Robert D.,Jr 220 Coleman, Frank 162 Coleman, George E. -_ 380 Coleman, Lewis M. — 116 Coleman, Melvin E 452 *Coleman, Robert B 115 Coleman, Samuel R.-- 49 Coleman, Simeon W.__ 382 Coleman, William Head 158 Colfelt, Lawrence M.-- 62 CoUette, Harry S 179 *Colley, Benjamin F 216 Collier, Henry H 220 Collier, Hiram W 88 Collier, Lester D 302 Collier, Samuel J 57 Collier, William R 315 Collings, Harry 39 Collins, Aurelius W. -- 179 Collins, Charles E 340 Collins, Edgar G 93 Collins, Frederick W.- 331 *Collins, Jacob G 234 Collins, John W 217 Collins, Lorin C, Jr 184 Collins, Lorin C.,3d--- 191 Collins, Robert L 204 Collins, Samuel H 90 Collins, Stephen S 450 *Collins, William E 341 CoUis, Charles 440 Colton, Orin B 157 Colver, Michael 122 Colville, Frank P 302 Colwell. John B. 342 *Colyar, Wallace E 162 Combe, Frederick J. _- 370 Combes, Frank 277 Combs, Horace L — 89, 273 Comer, Percy R 103 *Comly, Charles F 100 Compton, Charles R.-- 229 Compton, Ellas 227 Compton, G. K 314 Compton, Houston N. . 209 Comstock, Harold O.- 279 Condell, John S 185 Condo, Joseph C 89 Cone, J. Henry 229 PAGE Cone, Roy Spencer 344 Cone, Thomas D. 272 Cone, William R 343 Conella, Thomas L.163, 463 *Conklin, Bertrand D.-. 274, 469 Conklin, William H. P. 405, 438 Conklin, William J 38 Conly, Henry 143 Conlyn, Edward S. 99 Conn, Charles F 426 Connable, Ralph, Jr. -_ 375 Connable, Walter M.- 375, 390 Connell, Ezra H 257 Connell, Theodore E. - 258 Connell, William P 414 Connor, Robert 198 Conrad, William D.--. 168 Conrey, Nathaniel Par- rish 88, 274 Conway, Earle E 180 Cook, Edward A 353 Cook, Edward J 336 Cook, J. D. 217 Cook, James V 292 Cook, William L 407 Cooke, Frank L 385 Cooke, Jean V 446 Cooke, Richard D 120 Coombs, Frank L, 142 Coon, George C 176 Coon, Edwin Neal 138 Coons, Henry N 286 Cooper, Carl H 279 Cooper, Cassius B 195 Cooper, Charles B 152 Cooper, Charles D 174 Cooper, Charles F 91 Cooper, Daniel W 32 Cooper, Edgar C 293 *Cooper, George W. — 69 Cooper, Henry A 185 Cooper, James L.--I16, 210 Cooper, Kent A 77 Cooper, Paul H. 293 Cooper, Ronaldo M. .- 277 Cooper, William H 44 Cooper, William J 445 Coover, Frank E 102 Cope, James P. 69 Coppes, Marvin 250 Coppock, Charles T,-- 299 Corbin, Charles H 385 Corbin, Charles W 384 Coria, Leon 393 Corlett, Marvin 415 Corley, Homer S 341 Corn, Charles T 267 Cornelison, Thomas N, 267 PAGE Cornelius, Samuel A.-- 228 Cornman, John 97, 459 Cornish, Ross C 352 Cornwall, Bruce 381 Corr, Edwin 72 Cortright, William A- 171 Corwin, Benjamin F... 88 Corwin, George Web- ster 88 Corwin, George Whip- ple 176 Cory, Charles M. --287, 390 *Cory, Empson 287 Cosgrove, Cornelius B. 332 Cosier, Harry A 43 Cotner, James A 278 Cotting, Edgar L 327 Cotton, Edgar B 150 Cottrell, Joseph F. 387 Couch, Benjamin W... 428 Couch, John W 223 Court, Alva B 365 *Cover, Paul H 461 Covode, John A 171 Cowan, John F 401, 419 Cowan, Oliver B 57 Cowan, Robert C 457 Cowden, William F 130 Cowell, William H 211 Cowen, Herbert H 277 Cowley, St. Clare J 360 Cox, Boaz B 446 Cox, James G 112 Cox, Leonard G 276 Cox, Nathaniel E 458 *Cox, John R. S 84 Coyner, John V 146, 462 Cozzens, Frederick B.. 189 Craft, Ernest J 319 Craft, Hugh 265 Craig, Emmet E.--I07, 460 *Craig, John M 266 Craig, Oscar J - 88 Craig, William E 456 Craig, William H 195 Craig, William N 266 Craige, James R 397 Craighead, Charles A.. 172 Craighead, Jesse V 171 Craighead, Robert G.- 172 *Craighill, William P... 165 Cramblett, Samuel M. 176, 464 Cramer, Guy 288, 469 Crane, Edward 365 *Crane, George O 277 Crane, Harvey E 248 Crane, Holden I 303 *Crane, Robert B 278 Crary, Charles J 407 Cravens, Aaron A 68 ALPHABETICAL INDEX 483 PAGE Cravens, Benjamin H. 69 Crawford, Andrew 113 Crawford, Baron D 70 Crawford, Charles C.-- 372 Crawford, George C- 44 Crawford, Harry J. -43, 455 Crawford, John J 156 *Crawford, John N 202 Crawford, Lewis B 372 Crawford, Robert W., Jr 464 Crawford, Samuel G..- 410 Crawford, Thomas 292 Crawford, Thomas T.. 45 Creaghead, Thomas J.- 299 Creasey, Charles R 211 *Creel, John T. M 267 Creighton, Wilbur F.-- 416 Crendisopulo, Leonidas 141 Crenshaw, Charles R. L 280, 449 Crenshaw, Spottswood D 114 Crenshaw, -William T. 164, 216 Cressey, Kendall B.-- 180 Cresswell, Matthew, Jr. 256 ♦Creveling, Augustus.. 171 Crew, Fleming H. 321 Crisler, Carlton G 302 Crisman, Thomas A.-- 287 Crisman, William O... 57 Criswell, James C. 42 Critchett, John F 374 Crittenberger, Dale Jackson 71 Crittenberger, Dale John 'J'] Croissant, DeWitt C. - 143 *Crommelin, Henry 162 Cromwell, Charles H.- 311 Cromwell, M.J 313 Cronkhite, P rank E.-- 328 ♦Crook, James L. 96 ♦Crosby, Joseph W 196 Cross, Charles W 291 Cross, Frank B 300 Cross, John G. 465 Cross, Thomas H 112 Crossette, George D.-. 393 ♦Crotzer, W. Herbert -- 132 Crouch, Noah A 341 Crowell, Arthur H 357 Crowell, Charles A. 319 Crowley, Claude C 448 Crowley, George W. -. 448 Crozier, David E 188 Crozier, Edward G. 248 Crozier, Frank ig8, 278 Crutchfield, Charles M. 166 Crute, William J. 342 PAGE Cryderman, Charles A. 353 Cryer, George A 416 CuUison, Robert M 86 Culbertson, Carey 189 CuUen, George A 332 Cullom, George 247 Cullom, George C. 463 Culver, Albert H 362 Gumming, John B. G.-- 284 Cummings, Alvah C... 428 Cummings, Frederic R. 429 Cummings, George W. 69 Cummins, Harle O. 315 *Cummins, Holmes no Cummins, Thomas 203 Cumnock, Wallace W. 191 Cunkle, Austin C : 356 Cunningham, Alexan- der 118 Cunningham, Fred 93 Cunningham, Herbert J. 325 Cunningham, John W.- 36 Cunningham, Newton C. 449 Cunningham, O. S 61 Cunningham, Richard H 117 Cunningham, Shirley B. 431 Curley, William E 99 Curran, Robert G.-401, 471 Currie, Neil A 396 Currier, Albert D. 187, 311 Currier, Charles N 429 Curry, Edwin P. 268 XZurry, Nathaniel L. -_ 264 *Curry, Samuel L. 264 Curry, William W 86 Curtice, John F 38 Curtin, Harry B. 179 Curtin, John A. 312 Curtis, Alfred A 156 Curtis, Alfred H 324 Curtis, Alphonso D 40 Curtis, George R 41 Curtis. J. Frank D 159 Curtis, John D. 405 Curtiss, William H 90 Gushing, Henry D 431 ♦Custer, Paul W. 306 ♦Custis, John W. 131, 140 ♦Cuthbert, James H. — 142 Cuthbert, Lucius M 142 Cuthbert, William H.-_ 114 Cutler, William W. _-. 313 Cutright, William B. .- 444 Cutts, Jeffrey O 147, 462 Cuzner, Guy Luke 419 Cyphers, Millard F 257 Dafoe, Lemuel G 274 Daggett, Henry A 419 PAGE Daggy, Albert A. 91 Daken, William C 320 Dakin, Charles S 126 Dale, David 127, 259 Dale, Frederick A. 258, 410 Dale, John F 186 Daly, Edward H. 438 Daly, John C 316 Dalzefl, James M 80 Daizell, William C, Jr. 407 Dame, Charles F 286 Damuth, Warren K. -- 126 Danely, Alfred 295 Danford, Monford E.-- 45 Danford, Roscoe C 342 Danforth, Asa H 276 ♦Danforth, Charles R.- 253 Danforth, Henry T 280 Danforth, Robert S 279 Daniel, Gary A 343 ♦Daniel, John T 81 Daniel, R. E. Lee 53 Daniel, Thomas L 392 Danne, William S. 238 Dantzler, Gabriel B. ._ 414 Darlington, Robert M. 138 Darnall, Charles F 88 Darnall, James C 153 Darnall, Milton D 147 Dart, Alfred R 378 Darwin, Charles A 378 Datesman, John R. — 138 Daugherty, Karl S. 93 David, James M 411 David, Otis W 216 Davidge, John M 405 Davidson, Edward C 246 Davidson, George L.-- 223 Davidson, Percy E 418 Davidson, Robert J 242 Davidson, Roy N 294 Davies, George 386 Davis, Albert S. 42 Davis, Benajah T. 446 ♦Davis, Benjamin 86 Davis, Charles C. 40 Davis, Charles H 180 Davis, Charles W. 320 Davis, Charles Q 318 Davis, Cyrus E 71, 273, 468 Davis, Edward W 76 Davis, Edwin W 358 Davis, Flavins E., Jr,- 117, 119 Davis, Frank 74 ♦Davis, Frank S 134 Davis, FrederickP.-9i, 459 ♦Davis, George R 38 Davis, George W. 80 Davis, Harry S 239 484 ALPHABETICAL INDEX PAGE Davis, Henry C 142 Davis, Henry H 287 Davis, Henry S. 411 Davis, HughL 113 Davis, Isaac K 39 Davis, John C 446 Davis, John S 124 Davis, Lewis S 73 Davis, Medus Monroe. 136 Davis, Nathan S 186 Davis, Reginald S 143 *Davis, Roper 115 Davis, Willard C 378 Davis, William H 87 Davis, William J 272 *Davis, William W 162 Davison, Thomas E.-- go Dawkins, Robert B 209 *Dawson, Charles M 123 Dawson, Ronald 248 Day, Frederick L 295 Day, George W 428 ♦Day, Phillmer 72 De Albuquerque, Fer- nando 171 De Armond, Albert E. 180 De Armond, Charles F. 181 *De Bruler, Clandor G.- 86 DeFrees, Thomas M, 124, 172 DeGoUey, Lloyd P 321 DeGraff, Lawrence — 452 DeGroff, Raymond v.- 187 *De Jarnette, Elliott--. 113 De Jarnette, John B... 33 De Jarnette, John H... 113 DeLamarter, Eric 378 Del Castillo, J. M 156 De Long, William F.. 267 *DePauw, Washington C 69 *De Reamer, George M. 248 DeSilver, Joseph F 258 De Witt, Burton 44 DeWitt, Charles 92 De Witt, William H.-- 302 DeVol, William J 75 ■de Zeng, Henry L 422 Dean, Arthur W. 180 Dean, George E 376 Dean, Guy D. 457 Dean, Maurice B 440 Dean, RayE 378 Dean, Sanford J 362 Dean, Thomas E 181 Dean, Thomas R 434 Deane, John F 382 Dearborn, Stanley A.. 430 Deatrick, Parvin E 127 Decker, William H 103 Dedrick, Walter R 277 PAGE Deering, James E 187 Dees, Mark A., Jr 55 Defrees, Morris M 156 *Deininger, Luther T... 123 *Delavan, Edward C. .. 346 Delbridge, Charles F. . 279 Delmaree, William H.. 194 Deloney, Edward J 53 Demorest, William L.- 186 Denby, Charles, Jr 253 Denham, George R 303 Dennett, Herbert C. .. 430 Denney, David C. 98 Denney, George W 98 Dennis, John M. 168 Dennis, William J 106 Dennison, Charles H. . 391 Dennison, Guy S. 34 Dennison, Harry W 75 De Noronha, J. H 158 Denny, Austin F. 87 Denny, Caleb S. 86 Denny, Frank L. 149 Denny, George H.-I19, 205 Denny, Samuel D. 208 Denny, Walter M. 208 Denton, John 146 Derbyshire, Charles E. 445 Dering, Charles M.328, 354 De Woody, Charles — 136 Dexter, Edward M 351 Dibert, Frank G 174 Dibert, Louis D. 386 Dickerman, Clark P.-- 138 Dickerson, Robert C... 365 Dickerson, Woody W.. 238 *Dickey, Cyrus E. 32 Dickey, Frank R 405 Dickey, Marsh A 378 Dickey, Thomas A. — 163 Dickinson, Frederick E 71 Dickinson, John T. 115, 236 Dickinson, Oliver B. .. 134 Dickson, Emmet M. .. 202 Dickson, John B 190 Dickson, Thomas A. .. 272 Diebert, John T. 124 Diefenbach, Frederick, Jr 415 Diehl, Ambrose N 411 Diehl, Charles W 37 Diehl, Ernest G 302 Diehl, George P... 300, 405 Diether, Carl F. 250 Dietrick, James H 133 Dietrick, Walton J 174 Diffenbaugh, Harry J.- 290 Dill, Johns 216 Dill, William 246 Dill, William Y 217 PAGE Dillard, John L 113 Dillard, Hughes, Jr 208 Dillard, Stonewall J, ._ 53 Diller, Henry £ 411 Diller, Roland 412 Dillon, Arthur 312 Dillon, Samuel P 194 *Dills, James H. 32 Dilworth, Dwight P. -. 358 Dimm, Wayne T, 412 Dimmick, Paul M 281 Dimmitt, George Z, _ 265, 275 Dinkins, William L 50 Dinsmore, Andrew A. . 60 Distler, John C. F 387 Diven, Samuel L... 99, 256 Dixon, Charles H. 179 *Dixon, Harry S. 112 Dixon, Hewitt S 293 *Dixon, James C 371, 406 Dixon, John W 331 Dixon, Lincoln 71 Dixcn, Taylor B 143 Dixon, Webster 69 Dixon, William A. 371 Doak, Algernon S. ' 202 Doan, Fletcher M 38 Dobbins, Wilbur M. -. 98 *Dobson, David M 85 Dockum, Harry A 359 Dodds, Albert M 34 Dodds, George S 234 Dodge, Albert A, 391 Dodge, Warren M 390 Dodge, William F 227 Dodson, Harry I. 463 Doe, Dudley H 276 Doggett, William L. _- 116, 236 Dolby, Orrin S. 346 Domer, Simon P. 72 Domigan, Edwin L. 43, 455 Donahey, Joseph H. .. 445 Doneghy, Paul 269 Donnan, Ingham W 62 Donnelson, Dexter P. _ 186 Donovan, William M. _ 100 Dooley, Raymond D. . 341 Dooley, Samuel C. 340 Doolittle, John E. D.-. 360 Dorman, James H., Jr.. 267 *Dorner, Bernhardt H._ 246 Dorrance, John 256 Dorris, John D. 172 Dorsey, George A 179 Dorsey, Richard E. — 290 Dorsey, Robert L.-I49, 286 Dorworth, William R.J. 412 Doty, Alfred S, 45 Doty, L. Banks 171 ALPHABETICAL INDEX 485 PAGE Doty, Oliver P 45, 321 Doubrava, Harry W,._ 332 Douglas, Elliot W. .-. 61 Douglas, George B 376 Douglas, Harry H. 228, 275 ♦Douglass, Archibald -- 165 Douglass, Clarence W. 227 Doup, William W 424 Dowd, Glenvilie A 325 Dowling, William E,.- 435 Downer, Sylvester S.-- 177 Downes, Flavius F 164 Downing, Charles S 244 Downs, James T. 50 Downs, Lawrence A.-- 247 ♦Dowsett, Edward 318 Drake, Chester T 185 Drake, Robert M 418 Draper, Charles L 185 Draper, William C 67 Drayer, Lewis P. 198 Drees, Ernest K. gi Dresser, Jasper M 246 Drew, Roy I. 34 Drewry, Patrick H 119, 239 Drewry, William F 236 ♦Driver, William T 48 Druley, Richard S 84 Drummond, Norvel R. 56 Dryden, Ernest H.- 164, 463 DuBard, David B 2og Dubard, William V 57 du Pont, Alfred I 310 du Pont, Maurice 311 du Pont, Thomas C.-- 310 Du Pont, Victor, Jr 158 Dudley, George W 327 Dudley, Joseph G 325 Dudley, Walter B 328 Dudley, William L 298 Duff, Edwin A 332 Duff, William G 61 Dufour, Albert J 165 Dufour, Horace L 163 Dufour, Joseph M 67 Dugan, Charles A 73 Duggan, Francis J. 430 Dugger, Robert B 249 Duguid, Joseph W 396 Duke, William S 362 Dulaney, Harry K 239 Dumas, James P.- -212, 441 Dunbar, Charles G 416 Dunbar, Clement E 415 Dunbar, James E 416 Duncan, Charles H 404 Duncan, Clay W 74 Duncan, Elbridge E... 312 Duncan, Frank C. 74 Duncan, Henry C 68 PAGE Duncan, John F 133 Duncan, Robert S 72 Duncan, William M., Jr 415 Duncan, William Mal- colm 174 Dungan, Harry M 448 Dunkle, Herbert E 410 *Dunlap, HenryC 107 Dunlap, Ivan C. 344 *Dunlap, Jude E 272 Dunlap, Morey M 72 Dunlap, Robert F 205 Dunn, James 117 Dunn, John 117 Dunn, John W 393 Dunn, Joseph B., Jr 118 Dunn, Oscar B 40 Dunning, E. Clarence. 376 Dunton, Carey W. 346 Dupuis, Newton 307 Durand, Loyal 351 *Durand, Samuel B 351 Durdin, Augustus C. -- 222 Durham, George T 286 *Durr, Thomas C 49 Durst, James W 209 Durstine, Lee B 226 Dutton, Frank C. 382 Dutton, Henry S.--313, 381 Dutton, William C. 427 Duque, L. J 157 Duvall, Andrew B 140 Duvall, James W 141 Dwight, William B 315 Dyas, Richard S. 342 *Dye, Joseph G. 176 Dye, Marion L. 54, 114 Dyer, Horace L 278 Dymond, John, Jr. 370 Eager, John H 234 Eagle, Monic S 212 Earhart, W. Martin --- 248 Earl, Colfax E 89, 245 Earl, Lucian 222 Earle, Charles T. C 142 Earle, Harvey B. 371 Early, Albert D 186 Early, Frank A 186 Early, James N 208 Earthman, Vernor K.- 414 Eastman, James C 318 Eastman, Joseph S 194 Eastman, R. Joseph 287 *Easton, Abner J 274 Easton, Evan S 364 Eaton, James C 391 Eaton, Melville 306 Eaton, William G 300 Eaton, William L 191 PAGE Eavy, L. H 150 Eby, Charles M 410 Eckart, Charles F 381 *Eckart, Robert P 325 Eckhardt, Victor C 365 Eddy, Everett H 330 Eddy, Hamlin C 188, 330, 340 Ede, Stuart S. Moore.- 250 Edelen, Thomas L. 264 Edgar, Linden E 386 Edgar, Roberto R 188 Edgerton, Adolphus H. 397 Edmonds, Edward C. . 202 Edmonds, George L... 143 Edmonds, Harry E 387 *Edmonson, James N... 276 *Edmiston, George B,.. 165, 368 Edmunds, Algernon C. 117 *Edson, C. Bloomfield.- 198 Edson, Hubert 197 Edwards, Evan A 238, 415, 467 *Edwards, James L 208 Edwards, Jesse H 142 Edwards, John H 73 Edwards, Joseph H 429 Edwards, Peyton F 113 Edwards, Reuben W,. 274, 469 Edwards, Roger S 138 Edwards, Wilbur J 418 Edwards, William B... 430 Edwards, William C, Jr 360 Edwards, William H.. 68 Edy, JohnN 450 Ef^inger, John N 149 Egan, John E 33 Ehle, Archibald H 315 Eichberg, David 290 Eichelberger, George M 37 Eichelburger, Douglas G 210 Eigenmann, Carl H 72 Eisenmeyer, Andrew J. 290 Elder, Charles A 292 Eldridge, Arthur D 178 Eldridge, Charles H... 245 Eldridge, Eli H 135 Eldridge, William K.-- 244 Eliel, Albert L 274, 290, 469 Elkins, John P 274 Elliott, Edwin R..-187, 274 Elliott, Frank N 186 Elliott, Henry C 42 Elliott, Thomas E., Jr. 365 Elliott, William F..148, 273 486 ALPHABETICAL INDEX PAGE Ellis, George H. 291 *ElHs, John Byron 176 Ellis, Olinthus 364 Ellis, Oscar C 42 Ellis, Willis S _-— 73 Ellsworth, Benjamin F, 405 Ellsworth, William F.- 351 Ellyson, James T.-I13, 140 Elmer, Charles W 316 Elmore, Ettinge 184 Embree, Alaric S 85 Emerson, C. Alvin, Jr.- 328 Emerson, H. Truxton. 302 Emerson, Nathaniel — 301 Emerson, William C.-- 300 Emley, Eugene 134 Enderton, Charles H.- 8g Engeman, John T 258 English, John T 464 English, Thomas R., Jr. 206 Enright, Edmund 327 Enochs, Eugene S 57 Enochs, Fletcher B 55 Enochs, Thomas E 55 *Enochs, William E 54 Enslow. Frank J 445 Ensminger, Joseph S.- 98 Epps, John H 284 Erb, Fred A 392 Erdman, Howard B 127 Erdman, William 228 Ericson, Frank M 288 Ervin, Charles W. 453 Erwin, Samford 269 Eslow, Seymour C 375 Etnyre, Charles D. 187, 274 Etnyre, Edward D 187 Etten, William J 247 ♦Eustace, John V 272 Eustis, Leeds 372 Evans, Alexander W.- 56 Evans, Andrew F.-I17, 265 Evans, Arthur F 325 Evans, Arthur W 135 Evans, Charles 37 Evans, Frank L 470 Evans, George B 194 Evans, James A 358 Evans, Joseph D 315 Evans, Marion G.--55, 457 Evans, Morton H 228 *Evans, Robert D 133 Evans, Robert M 249 Evans, Thomas Airey- 56 Evans, Walter H 287 Evans, William G 186 Evans, William L 319 Everett, Clarence V.-- 462 Everett, Frank N 143 Ewart, Lewis R 332, 470 *Ewing, Edgar F 252 PAGE Ewing, Fred R 76 Ewing, George C 268 *Ewing, Harry W 76, 458 *Ewing, Henry 112 Ewing, John W 69 Ewing, Josiah W 162 Ewing, Robert 162 Ewing, Thomas, Jr 228 Ewing, William C 226 Eyer, Aaron W 132 Eyer, Clarendon B 276 Eynon, David L. 412 *Eyster, George L 123 Fackler, Calvin M 266 *Fackler, Daniel T. 163 Fahnestock, Halleck P 125 Fahnestock, Henry J., Jr. 125 Fahnestock, John 124 Fairbank, Harvey C.-- 408 Fairfield, Edmund B, - 66 Fairfield, John M 331 Falconer, Jacob A 326 Falkner, Fred 174 Falkner, Henry S. 423 Farish, Robert D 113 *Farish, William S 113 Farley, Albert A. 326 Farley, Edward J. 438 Farnham, Robert-- 140, 462 Farnham, Robert, Jr,-_ 146, 386 Farnham, W. Lowry.- 143 Farr, Herbert C 324 *Farrar, Arnold F 70 *Farrington, John M. -- 49 Faris, S. Reed 434 Farwell, Ralph S 314 Fast, Richard E 444 Faust, Ambrose J. 96 Faust, Charles L. 360 Faville, Theodore R.-- 328 Fay, Charles S 178 Faymonville, LeRoy B. 316 Feagin, Benjamin E.-- 284 Fechet, James E. 332 Feeman, William E 177, 226 Feibel, Louis A. 321 Feithans, Frederick R. 360 *Felch, Alpheus 272 ♦Fellows, William C.-.. 88 Felton, Albert J 76 ♦Fendall, Reginald- 140, 462 Fenner, Erasmus D. .- 117, 370 Fenton, George W. — 327 Fenton, Harry A 33 Ferguson, Adam E 280 PAGE Ferguson, Donald N. - 354 Ferguson, Finley F 205, 314 Ferguson, Hugh M 407 Ferguson, James A. — 242 Fergusen, James C. H. 381 Ferguson, James W. -- 396 Ferguson, John B. 407 Ferguson, John D. 197 Ferguson, Robert G 61 ♦Ferguson, Wilbur B.-- 91 Fernald, Benjamin G- 248 Fernald, William J 287 Ferris, Charles H. 328 Ferris, Charles S 89 Ferris, Elmer E 178 Ferris, J. Howard 177 Ferris, Walter L. 328 Fertig, Walter R. 147 ♦Fetterolf, Clement G. - 411 Feuille, Frank L. 362 Fible, William M 265 Fickes, Walter M. 321 Field, Edward L -124, 461 Field, Kirke H. 273 Field, Richard L loi Field, Thomas R. -loi, 459 Fife, John O 70 Fillebrown, Andrew R. 173 Fillebrown, John P 172 Finch, Charles A. 342 Finch, Clarence A. 342 Finch, Henry A 51, 223 Finlayson, George A. E. 392 Finley, Leighton 252 Finley, Walter H 411 Finley, Walter L 256 Finnegan, William E.- 353 Finney, Frank 313 Firestone, Jason W 40 Fisher, Benjamin T. -- 86 Fisher, Charles A. 88 Fisher, George F 93, 459 Fisher, Herbert F.-- 56, 457 Fisher, Howard 196 Fisher, Robert 94 Fisher, Roderick P 346 Fisher, Samuel 84 Fisher, Samuel A. --89, 458 Fisher, Thomas 174 Fisher, Walter L.-- 196, 465 Fiske, Clarence A. 375 Fite, Leonard B 223 Fitzgerald, James H.-- 220 Fitzgerald, John 332 Fitz-Gerald, Maurice-- 278 Fitzgerald. William P. 333 Fitzhugh, Norman S.-- 167 ♦Fitzwilliam, Francis J.- 37 Flack, Jacob D 336 Flanagan, John W 382 ALPHABETICAL INDEX 487 PAGE Flaninghani, Abraham L. 286 Flannery, John L., Jr.-- 249, 407, 423 Flavell, Thomas 258 *Fleck, William Durst - 125 *Fleming, Clarence B.-- 41 Fleming, Harry L.-344, 419 *Fleming, Joseph H. — 61 Fleming, Samuel \V 171 Flenner, Granville M.- 38 Fletcher, Albert 238 Fletcher, Francis A. .. 306 Fletcher, Frank A 158 Fletcher, Horace H. -- 148 Fletcher, Howard, Jr. - 238 Fletcher, Hugh 239 Fletcher.William B.,Jr. 151 Flinn, Charles F. 249 Flinton, Albert D. 358 Flittie, Jean A 390 Florance, J. Esdaile — 256 Floweree, Victor W 368, 471 Flowers, Henry 53 *Floyd, Henry b. 61 Foland, Walter A 68 Foley, Arthur J. 424 Foller, Charles S 423 Follmer, Charles E 136 Follmer, William R. - 134 Folsom, Charles A. — 429 Folsom, Ernest B. 380 Foos, Robert H. 39 Foos, William F. 40 Foot, Frederick W. — 391 Foote, Thomas W. 315 *Foote, William H. 415 Forbes, Mason W. 45, 392, 456 Forbes, Robert H. 291 Forbes, Thomas S 203 Ford, Boiling W. --115, 236 Ford, Eugene A 54 Ford, George A. 328 Ford, George M 444 Ford, J. Herbert 142 Ford, James N. 113 ♦Ford, John E. 44 Ford, Morris M. 191 Ford, Percy H. 57 Ford, Rossie Douglas . 57 Ford, Walter W 247 ♦Forrest, William M 50 Forsyth, Douglas. - 1 19, 371 Forsyth, Harry 372 Forsyth, John W 179 Forsyth, William 157 Forsyth, William B. 119, 371 Forsythe, Samuel — 90, 458 Fort, Walter V 164 Fortiner, John C.--157, 463 Foss, C. E. 314 Foster, Carlton H loi Foster, Curtis S. 257 Foster, E. Wendell — 332 Foster, Franklin P 71 Foster, Frederick C. -- 287 Foster, Guy K 449 Foster, James M 69 Foster, John 410 Foster, Nathaniel L 428 Foster, Otis 71 Foster, Randolph W.-- 162 Foster, Wallace D 340 Foster, William A 428 Foulks, Charles A 187 Foulks, Frank D 73 Foulks, O. D 98 Fountain, Charles P.-- 216 Fowler, Cecil G 249 Fowler, F. K 132 Fowler, Francisco F... 210 Fowler, Henry B.-- 131, 158 Fowler, James 113 Fowler, James M., Jr.- 250 Fowler, Theodore V.-- 315 Fowler, Thomas B. — 450 Fowler, William H 134 Fowler, William M 33 Fowlkes, Samuel P 216 Fox, Edmund K 126 Fox, George S 301 Fox, Thomas 41=; Fox, Walters 408 Fox, William H 313 *Fox, William R 162 Foy, David F 396 Frame, RolloS 321 Frampton, James V.-- 138 France, Joseph H 141 P'ranch6t, Richard 405 Francis, R. B 277 Frank, Bertram W 406 Frank, George S 158 Frank, Harry A 332, 406 Frank, Henry 186 Frankenberger, Hugo. 445 Frankhauser, Aitken R. S 103 Franklin, Jesse H, 49 Franklin, Meschack.. 48 ♦Franklin, Samuel R..- 48 Frayser, George A. W. 119 Frazee, John P.- 149 Frazee, Lewis A 150 Frazer, William J 70 Frazier, Lewis B 43, 230 Frear, Abram W 134 Frear, James E 134 Freas, Albert O 136 PAGE Freas, Andrew M..135, 461 Freas, Harry L 137 Frederick, Thomas N.- 103 Fredericks, Newton 128 P'rederickson, George. 292 Freeman, Charles B... 234 Freeman, Edward C.-- 172 Freeman, Edwin R 299 ♦Freeman, George R... 124 Freeman, Leonard R.. 298 Freeman, Luther 278 Freeman, Thomas R.. 238 French, Albert W 427 French, Charles R 204 French, Frederick R.. 428 French, James V. 204 French, Junius B 209 French, Morton B 431 Frey, Morris F 462 Frick, Raymond G 412 ♦Friedley, George W..- 70 Friend, Charles 54 Friend, Emil 53 Friend, John W 40 Friend, Robert 55 Friggitts, Friley Jones 53 Frisby, William B 142 Frost, Edgar A 228, 311, 469 Frost, Harry G 34 Frost, Robert J., Jr 378 Fry, Speed S., Jr 265 Frysinger, Frank 98 Fuller, Frank 142 Fuller, Henry C 142 ♦Fuller, John T 171 Fuller, William W. --- 72 FuUerton, Aylette 230 Fullerton, George H..- 229 Fullerton, Hugo W 229 Fulton, James S 321 Fulton, Robert 86 ♦Fulton, William 163 Fulton, William J 242 Funck, Richard M 393 Funk, J. Dwight 343 Funk, La Fayette 36 Funk, Major W 70 Funkhouser, James S.- 210 Furman, Edward 252 Gaffin, C. Harold 354 Gage, Herbert E 472 Gage, Robert B 280 Gaines, Ambrose P 312 Gaines, Henry T 55 Gaines, James 415 Gale, EH P 295, 453 Gale, Franklin H.-277, 319 Gallagher, George A..- 392 Gallaher, Philip M.--- 158 488 ALPHABETICAL INDEX PAGE *Gallman, D.F 107 Galvin, George W 146 Ganoe, James O 341 Garber, Guilford 199 Gardiner, Charles G-- 73 Gardiner, Edward B.-- 390 Gardiner, William R.. 73 Garland, James P., Jr.. 237 Garlington, Thomas G. 211 Garner, George R 96 Garret, Lewis R 400 *Garrett, George T 223 Garrett, Howard T 319 Garrett, John D 33, 455 *Garrett, John E. 52 Garrigus, Lewis C 68 Garrison, James A. 445 *Garrison, Marcus I 194 Garth, Frank M 449 Gasquet, Marshall J... 370 Gatch, Samuel S. 197 Gates, Harry M 319 Gates, Thayer P. 315 Gault, Leslie H 268 Gause, Fred T 337 Gaw, Edward C 408 Gaylord, Harry G 195 Gaylord, William S 196 Gazzolo, A. John 453 Gazzolo, Camillo 454 Gazzolo, Frank H. 293 Gearhart, Harry G 390 Gearhart, Heber G 412 Gebhart, John R 248 Gee, Charles J 55 Gee, Clinton L 57 Gee, Merle W 281 Geggie, James C 371 Gehr, Daniel O 125 Gehr, Garnet 126 Gelder, Tolman T. — 276 *Gentle, John L 72 Gentle, Luke M 73 George, John F 88 Gerhart, Rolfe 135 Gerhart, Thomas 343 *Gerhart. Wilfred 133 Germer, Otto 312 Gernerd, Frederick B.- 212 Gerry, Carroll H.--102, 258 Gerry, Elbridge H 96 Gerry, James 97 Gerry, Martin H., Jr..- 390 Gers, Harry R. 75 Gessler.Theodore A. K. 130 Getzendaner, Henry C. 165 Ghormley, David O. -- 226 Gibbon, Clinton D 130 Gibbons, Edward F.-- 430 Gibbs, John D 180 Gibbs, Marquis D 69 PAGE *Gibson, Albert M 122 *Gibson, Alvarez H.-48, 456 Gibson, Edward B 56 Gibson, Frank 249 Gibson, Frank M 99 Gibson, Frank Portus- 199 Gibson, William A 376 Giddings, James M 133 Giddings, Nathaniel C. 131 Gilbert, Amos P 96 Gilbert, George 435 Gilbert, John W 435 Gilbert, Ross K 461 Gilchrist, Alexander- - 227, 242 Gilder, James K 416 Gill, James Seel 314 *Gill, William E. _ 54 Gillen, Austin P 320 Gillespie, Charles H.-- 126 Gillet, Morrison M 186 Gillies, William B 408 Gilliland, Allen B 229 Gilliland, Llewellyn G. 230 Gilman, Albert E 249 *Gilmer, R. A no Gilmer, Thorton M 316 *Gilmore, Frank M 274 Gilmore, George 220 Giltrap, Clarence Q 424 Ginter, William C 136 Gipe, John 'j'] Givens, James M 266 Givens, John A 419 Givhan, John E 234 *Gladish, Jeremiah W.- 10, 272, 457 Gladney, John R 49 Glassco, Hiram B. 88 Glasscock, William E. 445 Glatfelter, William L.. 125 Glazebrook, Lee E 87 Glenn, Alexander 49 Glover, Allen W 218 Glover, James A 55 Goddard, Loring H 470 *Godey, George W 98 Godfrey, Jesse 174 Godfrey, Samuel 84 *Godman, James C 40 Godman, James H 38 Godsey, Henry L 266 *Goldbeck, James N— - 365, 471 Goldsmith, Andrew D. 200 Good, George McC 228 *Good, Webster W 127 Goode, Richard U 114 Goodlander, Chas. W., Jr 42 Goodloe, Clay 268 PAGE Goodloe, Green C. 435 Goodman, Daniel R.-. 411 Goodman, Duke W,-_ 114 Goodman, George W.- 132 *Goodman, John S 138, 259, 462 Goodrich, Albert C 358 Goodrich, Clinton R..- 472 Goodrich, Elizur W.-- 275 Goodson, Joseph A 415 Goodwin, Fremont 244 Goodwin, John C 247 Goodyear, De Mont 376 Gordon, Harry L 89 Gordon, Howard M 90 Gordon, Isaac N 256 Gordon, J. Holdsworth 140, 143 Gorham, Chas. D 123 *Gorham, George C 142 Gorman, George H 166 Gorman, Michael E.-- 444 Gosh, Christian 125 Gosling, Benjamin F,- 40 Goss, Charles C 427 Goucher, John F 98 Gould, Victor R 470 Goulding, George K... 178 *Gowdey, Thomas C 40 *Gracey, Robert, Jr.-63, 198 Graham, Alexander G. 242 Graham, Alois B 197 *Graham, Bourbon R.-- 85 Graham, Herbert A,-- 346 Graham, Henry B 314 Graham, Henry Thomp- son 199 Graham, James L. 250 Graham, John M 162 Graham, John W.-- 199, 250 Graham, Marshall P.-- 364 Graham, Nathan P. 198, 465 Graham, Thomas 137 Graham, Thomas J 198 Graham, Warren C 259 Gram, Lewis M 280 Gram, Ralph S 281 Granberg, Oscar E 454 Grandy, Charles R Il8 Granger, George E 279 Grant, Barton H 431 Grant, Edward C 319 Grant, Francis L 277 Grant, J. Pierce 302 Grant, Robert Y 137 Grant, William B 374 Grantiand, Seaton 222 Grassie, George F 326 *Graver, George P 273 *Graves, Arnold V 396 Graves, Charles A 162 ALPHABETICAL INDEX 489 PAGE Graves, George T 435 Graves, James M 435 Graves, John K 167, 464 Gray, Albert W 314 Gray, Bayard S 81 ♦Gray, Charles A 419 Gray, Charles H 37 Gray, Edwin D 341 ♦Gray, Isaac P 70 Gray, James A 102, 410 Gray, William 370 Graydon, Joseph S 301 Grayston, Fred N 151 Green, Arthur A 359 Green, Edward M., Jr. 266 Green, Ernest A 450 Green, Forney L 53 Green, Frank C 268 Green, Frank Whitney 434 Green, George G 326 Green, Hardy S 52 Green, Joseph C 465 ♦Green, Lee W 363 Green, Paul F 55 Green, Sidney 268 Green, Simeon 66 Green, Stanley K 206 Green, William K 357 Green, William Orris-- 69 Green, Zelora 176 Greene, Joseph N 92 Greene, Ralph S 328 Greene, Robert J 89 Greene, Samuel H 143 Greening, Burton O.-- 279 Greenlee, William B.-- 405 Greenwood, Charles W. 211 ■ Greenwood, Moses, Jr. 210 Greenwood, Walter E. 211 Greer, William A 87 Greeves, Walter B 316 ♦Gregg, Alexander 48 Gregory, Bert E 76 ♦Gregory, Clarence O.-- 92 Gregory, Elijah H 265 ♦Gregory, John T 48 Gregory, LeRoy P 407 Gregory, Ralph S 85 Grier, Henry F 130 Grier, William L 342 Griess, Justin 248 Griffin, Ernest L 428 Griffin, Malcolm 120 Griffin, Roy H 294 Griffis, Hugh 148 Griffith, Charles 124 Griffith, Charles B 148 Griffith, Daniel M 370 Griffith, George J 294 Griffith, Harry 248 Griffith, Harry Wm 151 PAGE Griffith, James W 267 Griffith, P. Merrill-320, 452 Griffith, Richard L 212 Griffith, William H...- 96 Griffiths, Howard B. ._ 159 Griggs, Howard 217 Griggs, John Bradford 118, 211 Grigsby, Hugh C 202 Grimes, Benjamin H 52 Grimwood, Frederick W 381 Grinnan, Daniel 115, 203, 466 Grinnan, Randolph B. 116, 203, 460 Grocock, Robert 378 Groesbeck, J. N. 170 Groff, George L 132 Groome, John C.--100, 460 Gross, Henry S 159 Grove, Elmer T 103 ♦Grubbs, George E 93 *Grubbs, Haydon Y 266 Grundy, Hugh Mc E.- 266 Guiberson, William R. 402 Guie, Edwin H 136 Guie, James A 137 Gullion, Carroll H 435 Gulliver, Frederick P.- 311 Gunn, Charles A. 291 Gunnell, Harry 423 Guriey, Boyd F 44 Gurley, Hewes T. 370 Gustin, Frank J 332 Guthridge, Henry T.-- 73 Guy, James R., Jr 167 Guyer, Raymond 440 Gwatkin, \Villiam G.-- 368 Haas, Edward F. 380 Haas, Frank 320 Hackedorn, William E. 40 Hackenburg, James O. 137 Haddon, Milton A 91 Hadley, Augustus A.-- 430 Hadley, Cassius C 149 Hadley, Chester T 153 Hadley, George W 148 Hadley, Hugh H 92 Hadley, Nelson B. 347 Hadley, Walter G. -92, 152 *Hadley, William R.--- 150, 462 Hadra, Frederick 291, 362, 471 Haeussler, Raynor B. - 281 Hagans, Wilbur E. — 98 Haggard, Fred 249 Hagle, Anson E 374 ♦Haines, Frederick J. -- 273 PAGE Hair, Roy N. 357 Haisler, Raymond-354, 408 Haldeman, Paul C 412 Hale, Benjamin T. 172 Hale, James T. 172 Hale, Philip T. 217 Halfpennv, John 135 Hall, Albert F 151 Hall, Elmer E. 400 Hall, P'letcher R...179, 465 Hall, Francis D. 178 Hall, Harry R 319 Hall, Horace C 364 Hall, James H. B. 223 Hall, James P 405 Hall, John T. 107 Hall, Louis E. 397 Hall, Louis J 405 Hall, Robert M. 222 Hall, Robert McAlpine 204, 362, 471 Hall, Robert T 400 Hall, Walter G 266 Hall, William N.---87, 458 Haller, George E 358 Halliburton, Westley - 449 Halsey, Elmer E 275 ♦Halsey, Irving 36 Halstead, Egbert F. _- 449 Halstead, Samuel R... 448 Halstead, William L. . 76 Halstead, William R. . 86 Hamblen, Cornelius — 378 Hamilton, Farrar P 167 Hamilton, Frederick B. 319 ♦Hamilton, Henry B 210, 287, 356, 466 ♦Hamilton, James 106 Hamilton, John F. 341 ♦Hamilton, John H. 147 Hamilton, "John M 212 Hamilton, John Mar- shall 38 Hamilton, John R 381 Hamilton, Lloyd L. -- 435 Hamilton, Samuel K. - 426 Hamilton, Taber 249 Hamilton, Tallmadge - 428 Hamline, John H 185 Hammel, John D 299 Hammond, Cassius C- 245 Hammond, Clifford R. 315 Hampton, Gus H 166 Hampton, Millard F.-- 86 Hamrick, Arthur J.-93, 459 Hamrick, Charles T 93 Hancock, David R. — 319 ♦Hancock, FennimoreE. 185 Hancock, George L. -- 430 ♦Hancock, Hiram 132 ♦Hancock, John S 184 490 ALPHABETICAL INDEX PAGE Handlan, Joseph H 390 Handy, Henry J 140 *Handy, Sidney W 141 Hanna, Charles T. 74 Hanna, Henry C. 272 Hanria, Horace L.--93, 459 Hanna, Jesse 86 Hanna, Leslie P 341 Hanna, Levi M. 85 *Hanna, Thomas 85 Hannah, Arch A, 152 Hannahs, Harry W. .. 423 Hannaman, George B.- 341 Hanrahan, James E. .. 280 Hansborough, Living- ston C 145, 203 Hansen, De Witt 333 Hansen, Karl H 448 Hanson, Francis O. — 344 Happer, John S. 229 Harahan, James T., Jr. 314 Haralson, Orr 218, 466 Haralson, William W.- 218 *Harbert, Arthur B 189 Harbison, Samuel P.-- 61 Hardin, Martin D. 267 Hardin, Melville C 414 Harding, Dwight S 190 *Harding, George W. -- 196 Harding, James 288 Harding, James J 358 Harding, Samuel B 351 Harding, William N.-- _..- 148, 195 Hardison, Humphrey - 415 Hardison, William T., Jr. 416 Hardy, George F 426 Hardy, Paul 321 Hardy, William E 330 Hardy, William H 457 Harford, William M.-- 38 Hargrave, Frank B. _. 136 Harkness, Robert H... 141 Harlan, George E 343 Harlan, Henry G - 53 ♦Harley, John M. 48 Harley, John P. 174 Harman, Andrew E. -- 150 *Harmer, Conrad M 158 Harmon, John B _ 181 Harner, Clinton E 42 Harper, Edgar A 298 Harper, George D 299 Harper, James B. 70 Harper, John B 147, 244 Harper, William A. — 116 Harriman, Frederick O. 310 Harris, Albert 231 ♦Harris AlbertG 68 Harris, Charles P. -320, 392 PAGE *Harris, David W 52 Harris, Frank M. 185 Harris, James W. 88 Harris, J. Wistar 279 Harris, John H 132 Harris, Joseph F. 67 *Harris, Norman L. 418 Harris, Richard C. 364 Harris, Vinton P. 198 Harris, William loi *Harris, William B 66 Harris, William H 186 Harrison, Dale S. 294 Harrison, Edwin J 184 Harrison, James T. .49, 162 Harrison, John H 91 Harrison, Kibble J 262 Harrison, Nicholas M. 288 Harrow, William A 378 Hart, Benjamin R. 435 Hart, Charles H 50 Hart, George W 246 Hart, James C. 41 Hart, James R 70 Hart, Samuel F 41 Hartley, William S 42 Hartshorn, Edward — 427 Hartung, Clarence R. - 378 Hartzall, Charles 274 Hartzell, Milton B 124 Harvey, Lawson M 149 Harvey, Robert H 188 Harvey, Walter M. --. 277 Harvey, Wirt A 53 Harwood, Charles F.-- 314 Haseltine, William E.. 320 Haselton, Barton 315 Haselwood, Willis H.. 431 Haskin, Joseph R. 380 Haskin, Walter E 185 Hassenplug, William H 135 Hasson, Roy H. 406 *Haste, Richard A 275 Hastings, Frank S 272 ^Hastings, Russel 411 Hatch, Albert R. 431 Hatch, Aretas W 244 Hatch, Bruce 402 Hatch, Hamlin B 441 Hatfield, Isaac N 196 Hathaway, Herbert E. 312 Hatton, John H. 448 Haught, Thomas W.-- 444 *Haughton, William M. 209 Havenner, Frank H.-- 141, 462 *Havenner, Walter R.- 141 Havens, Ernest F. 358 Hawes, Charles W., Jr. 295 *Hawes, Patrick O. 84 PAGE *Hawke, Arthur J 66 Hawksworth, David W. 332 Hawksworth, Freder- ick 333 Hawley, Max C. 76 Hawley, Ralph W 424 Hawley, Thomas P 245 Hay, Albert B 61 *Hay, Daniel 97 *Hay, William G 380 Hay, W. Perry 151, 463 Hayden, Charles H 378 Hayden, Lewis A. 314 Hayden, Obadiah B. .. 85 Hayes, Charles H. 135 Hayes, Harry S. 352 Hayes, Herbert R 42 Hayes, John M 397 *Hayes, Will S 287 Haymond, Thomas W., Jr 446 Hayner, Arthur C 34 Hayner, George M. — 34 Hayner, Lewis L. 34 Haynes, Roy C 93 Hays, George M loi ♦Hays, Hugh H 80 Hays, John W 86 Hays, Joseph W 195,227,242, 465 Hays, Otho Lee 38 Hays, Raphael S 102 Hays, Silas A 86 *Haythe, John G. 112 Hayward, Edward P. 331, 470 Hayward, John R. 372 Hayward, Philip 301 ♦Hayward, Sawyer 371 ♦Hayward, William H.- 371 Haywood, George, Jr.- 272, 468 Hazard, William A 314 Hazen, Aaron L 60 Hazen, John N 426 Hazen, Noah B. 472 Hazlett, Robert 318 Head, James W. 70 Headington, Ernest W. 76, 250 Heafer, Edgar N 343 Healy, Herbert 177 Hearst, Thomas J. 106 Heath, Arthur T 319 Heath, Henry B 396 Heath, William A 290 Hebard, Frederick C- 331 Hebden, Edwin 99 Heckman, George C.-- 199 Hecox, Roy C 326 Hedges, Harry 319 ALPHABETICAL INDEX 49] PAGE ♦Hedges, James H. 87 Hedrick, Edwin 75 *Heetor, Alonzo W 36 Hegler, Benjamin F., Jr. 360 Heite, Charles D 248 Heiiner, Samuel 256 Heilman, William IQI Heindel, Norman S. -- 127 Heineken, William P.. 439 *Heinen, Henry j. 131 Heisel, Henry M 293 Heiser, Claude W 250 Heissler, Edward R. -- 314 Heller, William H 197 *Hellier, George S 332 Helm, Edward C 148 Helm, James W 223 Helm, Willis C 325 Helmer, Frederic F.-- 405 Helmhold, Edward R.- 134 Helming, Oscar C 150 Hemenway, Francis W 189 *Hemenway, W. T. 85 Henderson, Charles W. 456 Henderson, R. W. 217 Henderson, Robert G. 205 Henderson, Samuel, Jr. 370 ♦Henderson, Samuel H. 80 Henderson, William E. 230 Hendrick, Frank 91 Hendrick, John L..-52, 262 Hendricks, Charles F,- loi Hendricks, Ezra R 247 Hendrie, Edwin B 156 Henkle, Walter 44 Henley, Roy A 259 Henning, Edwin C. 278 Henning, Samuel C 462 Henning, William C.-- 91 Henry, B ^ 468 *Henry, Benjamin C. 63, 457 Henry, Edward D 34 Henry, Harold 359 Henry, James H 74, 457 Henry, James M. 204 Henry, John A. 38 Henry, John B. 359 Henry, William H. 415 Henry, William W., Jr. -- 115, 203, 460 Henshaw, Arthur W.-_ 385 Hepburn, Hope 97 Hepburn, William H., Jr 259 Herbert, Frederick D.- 406 Herbst, George E. M. . 124 Herndon, Edward B., Jr 120, 206 PAGE Herndon, William C. 164, 202 ♦Herod, Abner L 86 *Herr, Herman H 410 Herrick, Dwight O. — 294 Herrick, Edward W... 311 Herrick, George T. — 70 Herrick, Lott K 278, 291 Herrick, Lyle G 294 Herrnstein, Albert E.- 280 Hersh, Frank 126 Hersh, McClellan 124 Hersh, William 126 Hervey, James M. 377 Hervie, H. L 156 Heslep, Thomas 49 *Hesler, Frank C. 185 Hesler, Frederick A. - - 187 Hester, H. C. Kendall- 191 Heuse, Edward O 199 Heylmann, George B.. 74 Heyn, Louis G 76 H H H H H H H H H H H H *H H H H H H *H H H H *H H H H H H H H H H H *H H att, Charles F 90 bben, Harold B 147 ckman, LindleyA.-- 167 cks, Hervey B 331 cks, Lewis A. 178 ester, William A 97 gbee, Robert F 250 gby, Kenneth E. — 354 gginbotham, Rufus L 449 ggins, Delazon P 133 ggins, Francis G 275 ggins, George C. — 91 ggins, John W. 227 ghlands, John A 312 ghley, Mont F. -364, 449 ghtower, Albert S.-- 165 ghtower, John B.-- 165 ghtower, Thomas J., Jr 165 11, Alonzo 113, 460 11, Louis T 352 11, Phipps B. 52 11, Thomas W 211 lleary, Charles T 166 Uegrass, Dewitt C.-- 124 Her, Edgar D 402 Uiard, Guy T 423 llman, Daniel 42 llman, Meredith P. G. 312 lis, Clarence C. 43 lis, George P 189 lis, HarleyJ 281, 408 llyer, Edgar C 310 Iton, Edward F 99 Iton, Theophilus B.. 185 mmelreich, Peter W 132 PAGE *Himmelreich, William D. 133 Hinckley, Harry P 326 *Hines, George U 106 Hines, Walker D - 118 Hinman, Burritt H 431 Hinshaw, Edmund H.- 150 Hinshaw, Howard R.. 333 *Hirons, Wesley B 98 Hirst, James R 159 Hirst, Jesse B 387 Hisey, William J 68 Hitch, Bertram L.--33, 301 Hitt, George C 39 Hitt, Milton S 84 Hitt, Thomas S. 39 Hoagland, John R 123 Hoban, Owen A 429 *Hobbs, John H 54 Hobdy, William C 434 Hoblit, Edward M 342 Hoch, William R 124 Hodgson, Henry M..-- 174 Hoffman, Ernest L 44 Hoffman, Harry 456 Hoffman, Horace A... 71 Hoffman, Martin L 72 ♦Hoffmann, Lewis W... 299 Hogan, Daniel, Jr 344 Hogate, Julian D 91 Hoge, Albert A 167 Hoge, Osmond M 318 Hoguet, Ramsay C 440 Hoke, George M 340 Holabird, Robert G.-- 294, 375 Holbrook, Merritt L.-- 307 Holbrook, Parker K.-- 307 Holden, Charles A 428 Holden, Charles B 407 Holden, Charles F. 445 Holden, William J. 444 ♦Holladay, Louis W 276 Holland, Ernesto 75 Holland, George F. -75, 457 Holland, Marshall P..- 76 Holland, Mills H 204 Holland, Paul A 45, 456 Holland, Rush L 43 Holland, William G.-- 69 *Holland, William H.-- 223 Hollett, JohnC 152 Holliday, William D.-- 134 HoUiday, William W.. 278 HoUingsworth, Albert A., Jr 153 HoUoway, Joseph A.-- 234 Holman, George P 37 ♦Holman, John A 146 Holman, Phelps R 440 Holmes, Charles H 70 492 ALPHABETICAL INDEX Holmes, Eugene A 312 Holmes, Finley V 54 Holmes, Frank C 54 Holmes, John E 56 Holmes, John G 97 Holp, Jacob A. H 391 *Holroyd, Burgess E.-_ 190 Holston, Benjamin B.- 292 Holt, Henry W.--- 166, 368 Holt, Mathias J. 266 Holt, R. W 119 Holt, Richmond Wins- ton 167 Holterhoff, Ralph 300 Homan, Howard A 93 Hornet, Jewet G 130 Honig, George H 76 Hood, John 66 Hood, R. Horace 238 Hooper, George K. 380 Hooper, James F 203 Hooper, William D. .- 204 Hooper, William S 67 Hoover, John T. 384 Hope, Edward W 423 *Hopkins, Andrew N.-- 97 Hopkins, Lloyd 86 Hopkins, Warren D-- 423 Hopper, William D. _. 268 Hord, Luther J. 73, 246 Horn, Henry W 381 Hornberger, Henry L.. 268 Home, George A 368 Home, Othniel G. 333 Home, Stanley G. 408 Horner, Charles W 72 *Horner, David A 124 Horner, Leonard S 386 [ Horton, Cowles E 57 Horton, Paul S 134 Hosmer, Henry H 274 Hoss, George W. 68 Hoss, William H 147 Hotchkiss, Robert J 293 Houck, Ross 459 *Hough, Albert S. 185 Houliston, John R 327 House, Charles T 99 Houser, Samuel H 170 Houston, Earle I 280 Houston, Gordon R... 167 Houston, Hubert T 165 Houston, John B. 42 Houston, Mark E 434 Houston, Preston C 37 Houston, William R.-- 205 Hovey, Herbert N 430 Howard, Burt F 189 Howard, Earl D 453 Howard, Hubert S 269 Howard, John H 34 Howard, Otis McG 188 Howard, Ulic J 267 Howard, Walter W 376 Howard, William E.-- 363 *Howe, Caleb B 85 Howe, Joseph M 364 Howe, Wirt 371 Howell, Allen S 98 Howell, Cleves H 231 Howell, Richard L 115 *Howell, Robert G 176 Howell, Robert W, — 363 Howze, Isham R 51 Hoy, Clarence F 328 Hoyt, Hiram P 390 Hoyt, William H 390 Hubard, Edmund B,-- 212 Hubard, Robert T 212 Hubbard, Frank W 336 Hubbard, Giles 188 Hubbard, Walter J 149 Hubbard, WillardN.-- 148 Hubbard, William H.- 384 Hubbard, Willard W.- 148 Hubbell, John W 301 Hubel, Herbert C 281 Huber, Philip A 356 Hubby, Lester M..404, 472 Huckins, George L 429 Huckins, Theron H.-_ 429 Huddlestone, John J... 55 Hudgens, Chilton D..- 290 Hudnutt, George D 280 Hudson, Isaac B 293 Hudson, Walter G 73 Huey, Thomas W 55 Huey, Virgil L 341 Huffard, James A 210 Huffer, Arthur P 288 Huffman, Eugene B,.- 181 ♦Huffman, Joseph G 38 Huffman, Torrence — 172 Hughes, Charles S 41 Hughes, David D 134 *Hughes, Edward H 157 Hughes, Richard C 228 Hughes, Thomas J., Jr. 237 Hughes, Thomas Jef- ferson 42 Hughes, Walter H 274 Hughes, Willet P 230 Hughey, Albert S 286 Hughs, Joseph R 234 Hugus, John W 444 Hull, Frank W 274, 469 Hull, Walters 67 Hume, Francis C 363 Hume, Frank L 229 Hume, Henry C 40 *Hume, John E 41, 455 Hume, Lea 364 PAGE Hume, Leslie W. 450 Hume, Thomas 118 Humer, Frederick W.- 103 *Hummel, Arthur L 125, 461 Humphrey, James L.-- 239 ♦Humphrey, Robert M- 186 ♦Humphreys, Alfred B. 222 Humphreys, James 313 Humphry, Lewis C 268 Humrichouse, Charles W 127 Hunsberger, Charles E. 454 ♦Hunsicker, George J.-- 49 Hunsicker, John 412 Hunt, Amos D 223 Hunt, Charles A 33 Hunt, Edward E 292 Hunt, Harry B 314 Hunt, Jacob 132 ♦Hunt, John 157 Hunt, Myron 189, 313 Hunt, Randall J 370 Hunt, Silas E 86 ♦Hunt, Thomas 156 Hunter, Addison I 90 Hunter, Calvin S 153 Hunter, Charles B 231 Hunter, Charles H 135 ♦Hunter, Cyrus R 72 Hunter, Joseph W 227 Hunter, Parke 469 Huntington, David C 422 Huntington, Frederick G 300 ♦Hurlbutt, Robert F.-.- 38 Hurst, Alfred D 89 Hurst, Raymond 94 Hurst, Roscoe P 94 Hurt,AldenB 234 Hurt, James W 218 Hussey, Horace P 176 Hussong, Albert B 86 Huston, David H 68 Huston, Francis P 302 Huston, Joseph E 318 Huston, Joseph H 258 Hutchinson, George A. 342 Hutchinson, Miller 190 Hutchinson, Samuel S. 341 Hutchison, James B..- 430 Hutchison, James F.-- 246, 467 Hutson, Fred L. 180 Hutson, George D 179 Hutson, John S 131 Hutson, Lawrence W.- 328 Hutton, John B 130 ♦Hyatt, Benjamin F 48 Hyatt, Henry L. 41 ALPHABETICAL INDEX 493 PAGE Hyatt, John T 136 Hyde, George H 137 *Hyndman, William H. 230 Hyney, Ralph S 378 ce, William T.,Jr 444 Igenfritz, Charles A.-- 185 Igenfritz, Elmer E 100 Isley, Arthur B 427 ngersoll, George B 325 ngham, Paul P. 279 ngle, Heber 85 ngle, Jerauld John 279 ngraham, Frank J 133 ngraham, John A ■- 446 iigram, James A 87 ngram, John H. 116 ngwerson, Joseph H.- 275 reland, Samuel R 276 reton, Louis A 43, 455 rish, Eugene O 44 rish, Howard 230 rvin, Blake 102 rving, J. Washington- 131 rving, John D. 438 rving, Paulus A.-- 114, 202 rving, Pierre Freder- ick 439 rving, Robert W 102 rwin, Alexander 50 rwin, David J 60 rwin, John 63 rwin, William F 197 rwin, William G.-150, 462 rwin, William W 264 saacs, Charles H.--39, 455 sanogel, Walter I 72 sham, John S., Jr. 300 som, Thomas D., Jr... 52, 116, 456 son, William L 220 srael, Arthur C. 227 vie, Thomas S 166, 414 ackson, Andrew O 294 acksoti, Crawford 53 ackson, Frank G. 189 ackson, Harold L 100 ackson, Hugh W 239 ackson, J. W. 97 ackson, Joseph B.-62, 457 ackson, Sylvester H.. 244 acobs, J. Howard 460 acobs, Michael W 122 acobus, Harry C 45 agar, Eugene L - 423 agar, John C. 423 ahn, Adolph 45s ames, Jacob D. 131 ames, John H 277 ames, Lee Roy 295 PAGE ames, Robert E.--132, 170 ames, Samuel H.-I16, 209 ameson, Alexander -- 150 ameson, Henry 146 ameson, Ovid Butler. 148 ameson, Waller 120 amieson, Edward H.- 93 amieson, George A.-- 244 amieson, Philip M 286 amison, Oliver P. M.- 245 anss, Edwin 402 ante, Peter N 157 arecki, Alexander H.- 311 arecki, Fred C 312 ackman, Simeon T... 80 arman, Albert H 418 arratt, Houston D 416 arvis, Cecil C 444 ay, David B 216 ay, Walter L 75 ayne, Joseph M.--163, 463 efferson, Walter B 112 effrey, Fred J 321 effrey, William J 188 enkins, Evan 402 enkins, Henry 53 enkins, John 364 enkins, John S. 165 ennings, Frank W 319 ennings, Jay J 41 ennings, John G 173 ennings, Oliver W 196 esse, Richard H 114 essup, Robert B 187 essup, Warren C 439 ewell, Walter H 370 ewell, William R 147 ewett, Charles L. 68 obbins, Frederick H.- 438 ohns, A. Raymond — 376 ohnson, Alex. C 363 ohnson, Arthur A 151 ohnson, Balfe D 418 ohnson, Charles C 208 ohnson, Charles E 408 ohnson, Charles H 415 ohnson, Charles Has- kell ohnson, Charles S. — ohnson, Clyde P ohnson, Edward D. -- ohnson, Emory R. ohnson, Frank F, ohnson, Fred B. 77 ohnson, Fred H.--277, 346 ohnson, Harlowe H... 210 ohnson, Harold C. - - ohnson, Henry L. ohnson, Henry T. ohnson, J. Gladden Johnson, James E. 226 294 300 143 350 310 191 239 284 61 294 PAGE ohnson, James R. 434 ohnson, James S. 53 ohnson, John B 435 ohnson, John Lindsay 220 ohnson, John Lips- comb 51 ohnson, John M. 61 ohnson, Oliver R.- 148, 462 ohnson, Parke S 301 ohnson, Ralph I 392 ohnson, Ray P. 453 ohnson, Samuel E 418 ohnson, Thomas R. -- 80 ohnson, Tilghman 158 ohnson, Walter E. 351 ohnson, William C. 149 ohnson, William J 194 ohnson, William Staniard 220 ohnson, William Stewart 51 ohnston, ArchibaldW. 61 ohnston, Charles H.-- 91 ohnston, Clyde P 404 ohnston, David F 306 ohnston, David M 248 ohnston, James R. 32 ohnston, W. W. --103, 460 ohnston, William P... 60 ohnstone, Guy C. 408 olliEfe, William 157 ones, Archibald A 284 ones, Augustus L 397 ones, Bartlet F 54 ones, Carl D 43, 455 ones, Caswell S 288 ones, Cecil K. 381 ones, Charles E. J. 397 ones, Charles Edwin - 39 ones, Clarence W. 415 ones, Claude Perry 179 ones, David M. 131 ones, DeWitt C. 39 ones, Edward C. -326, 405 ones, Edward E 131 ones, Edwin E, 427 ones, Ellis Oliver 320 ones, Frank W 353 ones, Friley 54 ones, George O 81 ones, George P. — 56, 451 ones, Herbert Q 180, 321, 465 ones, Isaac T. 278 ones, James J 80 ones, John K 404 ones, John R 223 ones, John W. 167 ones, Joseph B. 52 ones, Joseph P . 68 ones, Lucius C. 284 494 ALPHABETICAL INDEX PAGE Jones, Matlison B. 434 *Jones, Max 453 Jones, Milo T. 360 Jones, Neil S 359 Jones, Oliver G. 419 Jones, Philo 401 Jones, Robert D 396 Jones, Robert T 362 Jones, Robin 215 Jones, Roswell S. 115 Jones, Shelley B. 374 Jones, Stuart L. 210 Jones, ThaddeusW,, Jr. 397 Jones, Thomas N 52 Jones, William B 54 Jones, William D.-2gi, 340 *Jones, William H 117 Jordaan, Walter V 359 Jordan, Chester O 280 Jordan, Edward L., Jr.- 414 *Jordan, Isaac M. ---32, 455 ♦Jordan, James R. 162 Jordan, Ralph C. 316 Jordan, William, Jr 258 Joseph, Jonathan M. -- 38 Joslin, Charles E. 358 Joss, Horace W 392, 418 Joves, Patrick 267 *Joy, Frederic Merrick. 38 Joy, Frederick Merrick 295 Joy, Samuel Scott 295 Joyce, Darrell 455 *Joyes, Thomas 115, 203, 460 Joynt, William E 341 Judah, Noble B 69 Junkins, Dexter E. — 179 Kain, John H. 132, 158, 463 Kaiser, Charles S 439 Kales, William R. 312 Kalley, Isaac H 87 Kalvelage, John B., Jr. 353 Kampf, Frederic B 187 Kampmanii, Hermann D 159 Kane, Henry F. 146 Kauffman, Walter L.-- 100 Kaufman. Lineus B. -- 40 Kaufman, William T. - 252 Kapp, Edward R 258 Kealing, Joseph B 148 Kean, Jefferson R 116 "Kearns, John E. 61 Kebler, Eliot A. 298 Kebler, John T. 299 Keck, Marcus A. 387 Keeler, Harvey R. 117 Keeling, Robert J. 140 Keely, Oliver 91 Keener, Charles E. — 294 Keeney, A. Hale -^-IT, 457 Keeney, Bayard 76 Keeney, Burke H. 75 Keerl, George S 102 Kees, John A. 333 Keeslar, John W. 340 Keichline, John M 411 ", Augustus P 195 , Melville H 199 , Raymond H. 199 rn,WalterL., Jr.-53, 165 :h, Harry P 354 :h, John D 127 er, George D 99 er, Hervey S 266 ey, Nathan H. 391 ey. Orange Reo — 391 ey, Taylor U 274 ey, William F 346 log, Alfred H 229 ogg, Alfred O 408 ogg, Harry L, 353 ogg, Scott P. 358 ;ogg, W. V 118 ogg, William V. __ 319 Frank A. 40 Frank G. 356 Leroy P 45 Thomas B 223 Thomas F 387 Wilson I. 197 Kelsey, Horatio N 150 *Kelso, Reese Davis --- 287 *Kemp, Albert S 123 Kemp, Duncan S 211 Kemp, J. Earle 354 Kemper, William P. -- 351, 422 Kemper, William R 300 Kendall, Archie Ray.. 429 Kendall, Charles H 391, 471 Kendall, H.T 156 *Kendall, Isaac N loi Kendrick, William F. - 376 Kendrick, W. Scott -- 377 Kennard, John H 210 Kennedy, Carl S.--279, 326 Kennedy, Charles W. . 440 ♦Kennedy, Daniel C 356 Kennedy, Elwood H... 359 Kennedy, Harry M 390 Kennedy, Joseph G. -- 242 Kennedy, Louis H. _.- 390 Kennedy, Paca 212 Kennedv, Ronald C. .- /. 316, 471 Kennedy, Stephen R. M 212 Kenny, Jeremiah H. -- 178 Kent, Henry T 114 Kei Kei Kei Kei Kei Kei Kei Kei Kei Kei Kei Kei *Kel Kei Kei Kei Kei Kei Kei Kei Kei Kei Kei Ke PAGE Kent, John B. 162 Kent, Joseph C. 167 *Kent, Linden 113, 460 Kent, Robert C, Jr 209 Kent, Tyler G 116, 237 *Kent, W'illiam H 203 Kenyon, Clarence A.-- 273 Kepler, Lynn E 73 *Kepler, Samuel — 96 Kepple, Ernest P. 328 Kerns, Frank A. 72 Kerr, Ellis K. 190 Kerr, Harlan T. 42 Kerr, James A. 114 Kerr, Joseph B 178 Kerr, Norman F 316 Kerr, Robert J. 189 Kerr, Samuel C. 81 Kerr, William C.A._-- 80 Kerr, William D 465 Kerr, William Paul..- 180 Kerr, William V. 132 Kerrick, Harrison S. .- 342 Kerrick, Lon H., Jr 342 Kerry, Frank M 346 Kershner, Edward C. - 126 Kettenbach, William F. 151 *Keyes, Charles D. 245 Keyser, Matthew B 406 *Keyworth, Howard Q.- 97 Kidder, Scott 439 Kiefer, Michael A 392 Kieffer, John B 410 Kilbourne, Charles E.- 320 Kilbourne, Russell 118, 319, 461 Kiler, Charles A. 291 Kiler, William H 293 Kilgore, Thomas B 344 *Kiire, Louis A 176 *Kilpatrick, Judson 87 Kimball, Arthur S 430 Kimball, Conrad B 292 Kimball, William A.-- 429 Kimberlin, Frank --94, 459 Kimberlin, Joseph W.. 278 Kimble, John H 73 Kimbrough, Bradley T. 56 Kimbrough, DukeM.-- 55 Kimbrough, Thomas C. 55 Kimbrough, Thomas P. 55 Kimmel, Karl 448 Kincaid, George D 132 Kindig, Henry L 188 Kindred, John J 117, 237, 461 King, Charles B 210 King, Chester A 174 King, Colin Edward -- 194 King, David C 267 King, Elston F. ---258, 406 ALPHABETICAL INDEX 495 PAGE King, Frank B 89 King, Fred I 75 King, Harry L. 180 King, Harry R 87 King, Henry C 431 King, Horace F 286 King, Howard F. 131 . King, John C 90 King, Oliver 424 King, Preston R. 357 King, Rufus W. 364 ♦King, William J 71 King, Willis L 63 Kingman, Wyatt 424 Kingsbury, Edward D. 150, 462 Kingsley, George, Jr. - 358 Kingsley, Howard H. - 280 Kingsley, Thomas H. . 360 Kinkead, Maxwell 62, 156, 463 Kinnaird, Joseph M 114 Kinnard, Chester H 393 Kinnear, Raymond — 310 Kinney, William S. — 231 Kinnick, Benjamin F.- 147 Kinport, Henry L. 132 Kinports, Boyd W. — 136 Kinsey, Boyden 300 Kinsey, Charles 302 Kinsley, Edwin A 326 Kinsloe, Charles L. — 412 Kinsloe, William D. .- 136 Kintner, Samuel M 247 Kirby, George H 397 Kirby, Lewis H. 377 Kirk, William T 453 Kirkham, Guy 311 Kirkman, Marshall J.. 190 Kirkpatrick, Charles-- 90 Kirkpatrick, James O.- 340 Kirkpatrick, Leroy E.- 153 Kirkpatrick, William - 247 Kirkwood, James W.-_ 87 Kistler, Franklin M.-- 287 Kitchen, William W. - 106 Kittleman, WilliamW., Jr. 280 Kleberg, Edward R.-- 360 Kleburg, Marcellus 365 Kleberg, Walter 365 Kleckner, John M 333 Klein, George W 37 Klein, Madison C 50 Kleinschmidt, Rudolph A 449 Kline, Charles F 33 Kline, J. Kenneth 76 Kline, Lee 185 Klipstein, George T.-- 142 Knapp, Charles R 313 PAGE Knapp, Edward M. H. 423 Knapp, George A 464 Knapp, John H., Jr 324 Knapp, Oscar S 287 Knapp, William A. — 324 Knappen, Frank E 186 Knappen, G.Frederick 374 Knefler, Lew W^allace- 245 Knight, Arthur O. 386 Knight, Earle K. 280 Knight, John T 203 *Knight, Robert K 280 Knisely, Allen D.--281, 321 Kno])p, Henry G. T. - 73 Knott, WilliamW 268 Knowlton, Alfred C 133 Knowlton, Warren C- 392 Knox, Albert B 178 Knox, Dewitt 457 Knox, Herbert 407 Knox, Roger 259 Knox, Rush H 457 Knox, Samuel R. 56 Knox, William M 185 Knutti, John G 444 Koch, Louis G 354 Koeppel, Oscar O 44 Kohlsaat, Philemon B. 189 Konkle, Creighton M. 137, 462 Konrad, Philip 445 Koons, Frederick C.-- 197 Kornegay, Robert R.- 217 Kortright, Frederick L. 404 Krapt, Daniel 126 *Krauth, Charles P., Jr. 123 Krebs, George R 445 Kreider, Eugene G 148 Kreider, George N 40 Kremer, Charles W 410 Kremer, James B 102 Kress, Rush H 137 Krewel, John D 93 Kritz, William B 287 *Krogman, Herman B.- 278 Kroh, Roscoe E 357 Krumbhaar, Charles C. 371 Krumbhaar, Hugh M.. 372 Krumm, William H.-- 320 Kuebler, Harry J 174 Kuhn, Oscar W 298 Kuhne, Charles W. --- 275 Kulp, Francis A 377 Kunkle, James H. 446 Kunkle, Justin M. 444 Kutzner John D 125 Kyle, John Curtis 222 Labouisse, Samuel S. 372, 440 Lacey, Emmet 321 PAGE Lackey, Frank A. 195 Lackland, Thomas W. 368 Lacknian, Herman W. 316 Lacy, John H. 202 Ladd, Frank M. 311 Lady, Uavid B 123 Laesch, Louis C. F 156 Lafans, Walter S 392 La Fever, Charles A.-- 279 Laguna, Temistocles W 213 Lake, Richard H 56 *Lamb, William S 286 Lambert, Isaac E. 185 Lamberton, Frank S.-- 393 Lamprey, Harold I 430 Lanahan, William W.- 100 Lander, Dana S 272 Landes, Bernard S 343 Landis, David R.--I32, 461 Landis, Harry D. 332 Landis, Merkel 102 Landis, Norman 102 Landon, Arthur L 375 Landon, John 1 377 Landrum, Linton D. -- 284 Landrum, Zachariah P. 284 Lane, Daniel H. 286 Lane, Edwin T 147 Lane, Henry H. 93 Lane, Oscar F. 147 Lane, William N 405 Lang, John E - 34 Langdale, Thomas G.- 299 Langhorne, George T. 368, 471 Langworthy, Albert D. 184 Langworthy, Bertrand S 332 Langworthy, Stephen C, Jr..--1 331 Lapham, Walter A 359 Laramy, Robert E. .-- 385 Lardner, Henry A 351 Lardner, William F 351 Larrison, George K 295 Larsh, Arthur E 90 Larsh, Charles H 89 La Rue, William J 85 Lassiter, Francis R 117 Latham, Carlton R 189 Lathrop, Benjamin G.- 381 Lathrop, Harry 188 *Lathrope, John H. 66 Latimer, Harry D. 350 Laughlin, Edmund G. 148, 462 Laughlin, John R 194 *Laughlin, Robert J 226 Lauman, Joseph N. 128 Laundon, Ernest T 318 496 ALPHABETICAL INDEX Laurence, Daniel 300 Laverty, Charles W. -- 346 Law, Carl C 135 Law, Francis M 364 Law, Hugh 279 Law, John E 419 Lawrence, James W... 216 Laws, Henry W 298 Lawson, Anthony B. -- 204 Lawson, Frank E 422 *Lawson, Manassa M.-- 37 Lawther, Harry P.-I16, 164 Lawther, William J 364 Lawyer, William G. 127 Layman, Daniel W. 151, 438 Layman, James T 198 Layton, Robert 53 Layton, Walter E. 456 Lea, William A. 234 Leach, Albert C 427 Leach, Frank S. 448 Leach, Frederick J 422 Leahy, James P 429 Leas, David P. 130 Leas, DeWitt H 44, 455 *Leason, Robert B 80 Leathers, James M 149 Leavell, Armand B 56 Leavell, James B 57 Leavell, Landrum P. 56, 457 Leavell, Manly B. 57 Leavens, George A 426 Leavitt, Robert P. 151, 248, 463 Le Bosquet, John E. -- 315 Le Boutillier, George - 301 Leddy, Charles J 431 Lednum, William E.-- 216 Ledyard, William E.-- 218 Lee, Fitzhugh, Jr. 415 Lee, Francis R 213 Lee, Frederick 87 Lee, George B 166, 438 *Lee, Henderson 211 Lee, Henry A 71 Lee, John M 408 Lee, John P 166 Lee, Maury L 211 Lee, Patrick H 86 Lee, RobertE 166 Lee, Solomon S. 377 Lee, Thomas P 48 *Lee, William C. 164 Lee, William M 84 Leeper, Charles F 321 Le Feber, Robbin P... 333 Lefevre, Edwin 385 Lefevre, Franklin P.... 130 Leigh, Armstead M.56, 457 Leisenring, Frank S... 127 Leisenring, William G. 128 PAGE Leith, Harry H 470 Leitsch, William C 352 Leitzell, Harry A 412 Leland, Jerome A 29-^ Lemert, Wilson, C 36 Leming, John Y 264 Lemon, Alexander D.- 66 Lemon, Alfred H 66 Lence, William H 200 Leonard, Albert W 191 Leonard, Edward G.-- 51 Leonard, Frank M. — 306 Leonard, Henry O., Jr.- 57 Leonard, Raymond 295 Leonard, Straugton G.- 146 Leonard, William E. B. 57 Leovy, Frank A. 370 *Le Prince, Adolph W. 440 Le Prince, Joseph A.-- 438 Le Prince, Leon F 439 Le Roy, Cliff W 470 Lester, Arthur V 435 Letteney, John H 428 Leuckel, Alfred K. --- 384 Levy, Edward E. 74 Levy, Richard B 210 *Levy, William T 362 Lewis, Alfred J., Jr 370 Lewis, Charles H 328 Lewis, Charles Mc- Afee 264 Lewis, Charles Milton. 293 Lewis, Chauncey B 199 Lewis, Cloyd loi Lewis, Edward P 50 Lewis, Elbridge E 272 Lewis, Ernest D 445 Lewis, Frank C 181 Lewis, Henry W. 114 Lewis, Howard 181 Lewis, Max 295 Lewis, Olin B. 350 Lewis, Robert P. --288, 390 Lewis, Rutherford T. L. 430 Lewis, Thomas L 134 Lewis, Walter R., Jr... 428 Lichty, William H 330 Lichlider, Albert H 239 *Liddell, Andrew J 50 Liddell, James M...50, 208 Liddell, Vinton 135 Liebhardt, Claude C. 76 Liebmann, Morris N.,. 332 Liepsner, Frank W 450 Light, Edwin J 40 Light, Huber J 342 Light, James A 344 Lightstone, William H. 34 Likely, Frederick A... 92 Lillard, Robert W 343 Lillard Thomas M 344 PAGE Lilly, Henry W 115, 236 Lilly, James W 149 ♦Lilly, Martin G 125, 336 Lincoln, Louis P. loi Lincoln, Rufus V 102 Lindauer, Christian F.- 127 Lindley, Ernest H..74, 457 Lindsay, John F 320 Lindsey, Thomas F 51 Line, Charles E. 89 Line, James H 460 Linebaugh, C. White. . 44 Lingle, Hiram D..-248, 438 Linke, J. Ralph A 405 Linn, John M 61 Linn, Thomas C 125 Linne, Bernard F. 392 Linney, Hartwell H 269 Lipps, Emery J. 187 Lipscomb, Andrew A. 142, 462 Lipscomb, William R.. 217 List, Charles W 257 List, Monroe C 167 Lister, Charles C, Jr... 258 Little, Charles S 427 Little, Harry J 138 Little, Hugh T 41 Little, Pierce J 428 Little, Ralph B 136 Little, Ralph V 412 Livingston, Robert R.. __. 407, 472 Livesay, William C 211 Llewellyn, Lee 445 Lloyd, Nafew J 439 Lloyd, Thomas P 135 *Lloyd, Willet 158 Lloyd, William F. 401 Lobdell, John B. 209 Lochridge, Elbert E... 326 Lochridge, Harvey H.- 327 Locke, Alfred C 292 Locke, M. E 167, 464 Locke, R. D 141 Lockett, James 220 Lockett, Robert R 362 Lockhart, Thomas E.. 218 Lockhart, William C.-. 217 Lockton, Walter J 422 Lockwood, Charles E.. 313 Lockwood, Howard T.- 321 *Lockwood, William L. 32 Lodge, Caleb N. 92 Loehr, Leon L 340 Logan, Allan 266 Logan, G. King 119, 371, 461 Logan, Hugh J., Jr 231 Logan, James P. 273 Logan, John L 212 ALPHABETICAL INDEX 497 PAGE ♦Logan, John S 67 Logan, Samuel 371 *Logan, Thomas C. 272 Logan, Thomas U 170 Logan, T. Muldrup, Jr. 372 Logan, William A igo Logsdon, Hiram M 70 Logue, James R.-- 242 Long, Byford E. 66 Long, Charles T 174 Long, David M 230 ♦Long, Edmund P 97 Long, Edward S 144 Long, James W 43, 279 Long, John C 157 Long, Joseph F 85 Long, Maxwell W 439 Long, Robert P. 99 Long, Will A 153 Longino, Andrew H. -- 234 Longins, Robert E 56 Longnecker, Benjamin F 408 Loomis, Arthur P. .292, 405 Loomis, Bruce E 385 Loomis, Clarence A. ._ 386 Loomis, Frank H 374 Loomis, George Wil- liam 374 Loomis, Guy F 326 Looney, Charles A 450 Loose, Jacob C. 100 Lopez, David H 336 Lopez, Moses E.,Jr 406 Losey, Lewis L., Jr 452 Lott, George S 303 Lotter, Henry H 448 Louden, John H 66 Louder, Charles M 89 Loudon, Calvin B 128 Loudon, Edward W.-- 127, 258 Loudon, Emory L 125 Loudon, George W 128 *Loudon, William D 125 Loufburrow, Floyd 470 ♦Love, Francis E 51 Love, William L 279 ♦Lovejoy, Benjamin G.- 140 Lovejoy, Herman S 427 Lovelace, Griffin M 415 Lovelace, William H.. 217 Lovett, Ralph E 392 Lovett, Henry S 392 Low, Arthur 223 ♦Low, Sam E 277, 466 Lowder, Howard R 69 Lowe, Edmond P 52 Lowe, Ephraim N. 53 Lowe, Robert J 262 Lowe, Titus 44 PAGE Lowell, George A 411 Lowes, Forest M. 293 Lowrey, Dwight M. 40 Lowrie, William L. 227 Lowry, J. Todd 364 Lowry, Walter D 190 Lucado, Albert W 211 Lucado, Garland F 165 Lucas, Maurice J. 152 Ludlow, Edmund 189 Ludlow, Stephen H 376 Ludwig, Julius A 368 ♦Ludwig, William C 166 Luedke, Walter J 352 Luff, Henry T 158 Lull, George F. ---310, 469 Lung, George A 135, 257, 461 Lunt, Alexander D 404 ♦Lunt, George 184 Lunt, Henry 430 Lutgerding, George H. 419 Lutz, John S 80 Lyall, Dudley T -. 336 Lybrand, Archibald, Jr. 37 Lybrand, Edwin G 42 Lybrand, Robert G 37 Lyle, Ernest T 435 Lyle, J. Irvine 434 Lyle, John V 268 Lyle, Robert T 434 Lyman, David R 119 ♦Lyman, George D 117 Lyman, Rollo L 327 ♦Lyman, Walter C.--84, 458 Lyman, William L 357 Lynch, J. Mortimer — 206 Lynn, Melvin E 133 Lyon, Edward W 172 Lyon, Herbert H 424 Lyon, William M 358 Lyons, John S 240 Mabry, Seth 216 McAdoo, Walter D 97 McAdoo, William D.-- 397 Macafee, William 191 McAllep, William R.-- 402 McAllister, Fred A 45 McAlpine, Robert L.-- 356 *McAtee, William G..- 164 McAuley, Thomas 'B.- 306 McAvoy, George L 257 McAvoy, Malcom 301 McCaa, James C 49 McCabe, Robert L 41 McCabe, Walter F.-.. 325, 438 MacCalla, Clifford S-- 385 McCallister, Edgar W. 302 McCallum, Archibald- 51 PAGE McCalmont, Robert--- 252 McCann, Benjamin F.. 178 McCann, George B 179 McCann, Thomas A.-- 178, 464 McCann, William T.-- 48 *McCardell, William H. 49 McCartney, David H.- 401 McCartney, John P 264 McCarty, Isaac T 273 McCaughey, William H ---194, 465 McCauley, John 36 McCaw, John A 326 McCaw, Wallace E.-- 312 McCeney, Edward M.. 307 ♦McClain, Andrew B.-- 87 *McClain, Charles S.--- 88 *McClain, David E 87 McClain, HoytN 92 McClain, John C 87 McClain, Lorenzo D.-- 87. 458 McClamroch, James-- 247 McClees, Jesse N 239 McClees, William D.-. 237, 257 *McClellan, R. M no McClelland, George H. 133 McClelland, James F.- 439 McClintic, Charles P.- 213 McClintic, William S.- 213 McClintock, Arthur E. 377 McClintock, Arthur H. 468 McClintock, Ebenezer P, 106, 460 McClintock, John M.-- 197 McClintock, Sidney S.- 33 McCloud, Imri L 306 McClung, Alfred C..-- 45 McClure, D. Stuart --- 273 McClure, Harold M.-- 134 McClure, Nathaniel S.- 226 McClure, Zimra B 73 McComas, Frederick W loi McComas, Joseph P.-- loi *McCollum, Edwin G.- 84 McConaughy, John M. 124 McConihay, John M... 177 McConkey, George G.- 208 McConkey, Samuel A. 211 McConnell, Charles P, 191 McConney, Porter D.- 292 *McCord, Leonard W.- 67, 84 McCormick, Alfred F. 42, 455 McCormick, Andrew P. 198, 266, 468 McCormick, Raymond 458 498 ALPHABETICAL INDEX PAGE McCormick, Robert S. 113 McCormick, Thaddeus B 268, 466 McCourtney, John H. 173, 310 McCoy, John H 340 McCoy, Joseph H 290 McCoy, Samuel A 428 McCracken, John W.-- 42 McCrary, Joseph 89 McCray, Thomas Y., Jr. 321 McCready, Robert P.- 174 *McCreery, Samuel--62, 457 McCreery, WilHam H. 252 McCulloch, George E.- 319 McCulloch, Robert A.- 438 McCuUough.Charles H. 61 McCullough, Edwin C. 198 McCullough, James E. 69 McCullough, Samuel G 38 McCune, Henry L 290 *McCune, Myron Q 291 McCurdy, George E... 412 McCurdy, Stephen O. B 62 McCuskey, Frank B.-- 326 McCutcheon, Benjamin F. 248 McCutcheon, John T,. 246 McDade, Elmer W 99 McDermott, Joseph H. 445 McDonald, Alexander V 353 MacDonald, Dan. M. - 320 McDonald, Dudley --- 165 MacDonald, Ray G. -- 376 McDonald, William F. 452 ♦McDonald, William H. 62 ♦McDonald, William N. 61 ♦McDonnell, William.Jr. 157 ♦McDonough, J. C. 85 Macdougall,CharlesW. 440 ♦McDowell, George D.- 172 McDowell, Nicholas,Jr. 265 McEachern, Edward C. 397 McEachern, Robert A. 397 McEldowney, Fred K.- 375 McElhone, Arthur J... 144 ♦McElree, Alexander S. 81 McElroy, Emmet F 260 McElroy, Henry S. -_- 267 ♦McElroy, Kennon 48 McEwan, William L.- 265 McFadden, Benjamin L. 188 McFadden, Paul B 93 MacFarlan, John W.__ 434 McFarland, A. J 32 McFarland, Bates 222 McFarland, Baxter 48 PAGE McFerrin, James M.-- 416 McFerrin, John S 210 McGaha, Arthur W.-- 217 McGaffey, Mark W.-- 249 McGarry, James F 321 McGearv, Joseph 258 McGee, Wiley H 234 McGill, Ruell S 294 McGill, William L 117 *McGilvary, William M. 202 McGinnis, George W.- 147 McGinnis, Harry 269 McGougan, James V.-- 396 McGovern, Thomas F. 430 McGovney, Dudley O. 76, 458 McGowan, Hiram 131 McGown, William C.-- 362 McGregor, John 70 McGregor, Lane 390 MacGregor, Thomas B. 199 McGrew, Edward W.- 190 McGrew, John A 320 McGrorty, William B. 272, 468 McGuffie, John 103 McGuire, Charles B... 103 McGuire, Thomas W.- 62 McHatton, Joseph A.-- 71 McHenry, Orvin D 173 McHenry, Thomas S.P. 281 McHenry, Washington I 41 Mcllhenny, Paul A 372 Mcllhenney, Rufus A. 407 Mcllvain, Ferree L.-- 157, 463 Mcllvaine, Robert D.- 117 Mclndoe, George J. — 428 Mclntire, Clark C 85 Mclntire, Warren 453 Mcintosh, Arthur T. -- 191 Mcintosh, Burr W. --- 173 Mcintosh, James R 48 Mclntyre, Abner J. --- 55 Mclntyre, Benjamin P. 97 Mclntyre, Marvin 415 Mclntyre, Thomas D.- 415 Mclntyre, William H.- 362 Mackall, Bruce 144 Mackall, Louis, Jr 117 McKee, Edwin J 126 McKee, Samuel L 264 McKell, James C 36 McKelvey, David M. - 387 McKelvey, Lucius B. - 316 *McKelvey, William T. 43, 455 McKelway, Alexander J 204 McKelway, David C-- 204 PAGE McKenna, Charles M.. 453 McKenna, Corey H. .. 353 McKenny, Walter D. - 115 McKenney, William R. 114 McKenzie, Edward 415 *MacKenzie, Robert S.- 156 Mackey, Willis E.-102, 411 McKinley, James S 100 Mackintosh, George A. 286 Mackintosh, George L. 286 McKnight,Carl J 268 ♦McLahlan, Chesley D. 71 McLain, Frank A. 51 McLain, Moses G. 86 McLallen, Henry D. ._ 74 McLaughlin, D. Mau- jer 406 McLaughlin, Grant B,. 407 McLaughlin, Perry 128 McLean, Angus W 396 McLean, James L. 158 McLean, John F 279 McLean, Leland O. 457 McLean, Robert D 57 McLean, William C 300 MacLeary, Samuel B.- 362 McLemore, James L.-- 118, 238 McMahon, Asher 458 McMahon, Charles M. 90 ♦McMahon, Elbert W. - 90 McMasters, David M.- 63 *McMasters, Robert M. 67 McMeen, Robert 6l McMillan, Albert G. -- 217 McMillan, Edward E- 33, 76 McMillan, Lewis R 217 MacMillan, Matthew M. 273 McMillan, WillettE.-- 275 McMillen, Egede C. -- 197 ♦McMillen, William J.-- 106 McMillin, John S 87 McMillin, William B. - 87 ♦McMiller, Gilliland -.- 125 ♦McMullen, Alfred H. - 247 McMullen, Cassius W. 91 McMullen, Edwin C- ■]^ McMullen, Harry R,-- 73, 91 g McMullen, Hugh D. 67, 84 ♦McMurray, James L.-- 411 McMurray, Stonewall J. 362 MacNab, Alexander Blake 454 MacNab, James G 453 McNab, Oscar 212 McNeel, John A., Jr. .. 210 McNeil, Edgar M 411 McNeill, Edward R.-- 307 McNeill, Guy A 307 ALPHABETICAL INDEX 499 McNutt, Cyrus F 69 McNutt, Grant 42 McNutt, John G 71 Macon, George W 218 McPhail, Donald 202 McPheeters, Joseph G. 67 McPherson, Donald P. 126 McPherson, John B 125, 461 McPherson, Norman C. 126, 461 "McPherson, Theodore H.N 60 McPherson, William L. 125 McQueen, John Walter 327 McQueen, JohnWillard 88 McRae, HenryC 328 McRae, Tom 365 McRae, William D 135 McRae, William P 117 McReynolds,Frederick W. 288 Macrum, John W. 418 Macrum, Newell 418 McSurely, James E. 33, 198 McSurely, William H.- 229 ♦McSwine, Robert 49 MacVicar, Dana C. --- 359 McWhorter, Charles N, 445 McWilliams, Edward - 186 ♦McWilliams, James W. 187 Maddocks, Royden K. 435 Maddux, Martin L 303 ♦Madley,GoldsberryS.- 85 Magaw, Addison S 93 Magee, Ernest J 137 Magee, Frank H. 256 Magee, Guy, Jr 315 Maghee, Guy H 190 Magill, Charles E. 136 Magly, George W 280 Magoffin, William R.-- 268 Magraw, Henry S. 171 *Magruder, Bowie 97 Magruder, Henry M.-_ 113 Magruder, James M.-- 53 *Magruder, Thomas S.- 49 Maguire, Eugene L 430 Maguire, George 167 Maguire, Walter P 411 Mahaffey, George F 43 Mahone, William, Jr.-- 114 Mahoney, Michael F. - 73 Mahoney, William H.. 431 Maize, Harry L. 137 Makely, George McB. 102 Mallon, Urban C.--150, 462 Mallalieu, John T. 99 Mallalieu, Joseph 96 •Mallalieu, Joseph H... 331 *Malone, James W. 53 PAGE Malone, Walter 54 Maltby, Charles S 75 *Man, Hugh P 392 Manker, James L 39 Manly, Marcellus 38 Mann, .Bernard 116 Mann, Charles A 249 Mann, Joseph W 194 Mann, William D. 248 Mann, William H. G. - 427 Manning, George L. _- 337 Manning, William S.-- 113 Manrique, Francisco J. 384 Manns, Albert G 291 Marble, Guilford L.-41, 228 Marchand, Norval 62 Marcy, Milford M 347 Markey, Henry S 36 Markle, Ozias J 226, 466 Marks, Charles S 131 •Marks, Nicholas M 157 Marks, William M. -.- 435 Marland, Ernest W. .- 277 Marquardt, Jesse C 318 Marr, Alem K 133 Marr, David B 134 Marr, Frank S. 132 Marriot, John 44 Marsh, Byron W 330 ♦Marsh, Frederick T. -- 134 Marsh, William J. 331 Marsh, William N 138 Marshall, Andrew H.-- 70 Marshall, Benjamin F. 330 Marshall, Frederick H. 166, 464 Marshall, George G. -- 416 Marshall, Harry S 411 Marshall, Hugh R 190 Marshall, Sherman L- 291 Marshall, William S.-- 84 Marshutz, Joseph H. -_ 293 Marsteller, Charles A.- - 150, 245 •Marsteller, George F.- 147 Martin, Albert C. 55 Martin, Alfred M 115 Martin, Austin O.- 401 Martin, Benjamin F. -- 38 Martin, Edward R 385 Martin, Elmer B. 325 Martin, Elmer E 197 Martin, Franz S 318 Martin, Freeman D 453 Martin, George F.P.-- 53 Martin, Harry L. 401 *Martin, J. Everett 141 *Martin, Jabez 107 *Martin, James G 107 Martin, John G 120 Martin, Joseph E 186 PAGE Martin, J. Spencer 45 Martin, Nevins L 71 Martin, Percival 412 Martin, Robert A., Jr.- 117 Martin, Roger 203 Martin, Webb W - 294 Martin, William A 119 Martin, William C 52 Martin, William E 52 Martin, William K 287 Martin, William L 343 *Martin, William P 204 Martindale, Edgar 357 Mason, Augustus L. 88, 148. Mason, Claiborne R., Jr 113, 141 Mason, Edward Y. 456 Mason, Edwin K 343 Mason, Elmer D. 92 *Mason, George 114 Mason, John C 86 Mason, Owen R 472 Mason, Simon B. 464 Mason, Starr M 205 Mason, William L 275 Mason, William R 358 Massie, Charles G. 168, 180 Massie, JohnH 179 Massie, Patrick C 116 Mateer, Elwood G 174 Matheny, Robert 274 Mather, Frank M. 276 Mather, Stephen T 380 *Mathers, Robert A 194 Matheson, Alexander E 325 Matheson, William D. 384 Mathews, Charles S.-. 280 Mathews, Clyde M 295 Mathias, Lee D. 92 Matlack, Charles P.-.- 158 Matson, Isaac B 456 *Matson, Wade H 134 Matteson, B. Wynne-- 431 Matteson, Victor A 292 Mathews, I5enjamin F, 73 Mathews, John E 223 Mathews, Winfield S.- 185 Mattocks, John E. 397 Mattox, Willard S 300 Matty, Leo J 440 Maul, Webster R. 131 Mauze, Joseph L 205 Maverick, Lewis 364 Maxey, Edward R. — 115, 209 Maxey, Robert M 237 Maxwell, Earl C. 445 Maxwell, Howard 68 Maxwell, John D 170 Maxwell, Leo C 33 500 ALPHABETICAL INDEX PAGE Maxwell, William A., Jr 174, 412 May, Bernardino F 100 May, John 119 May, John W 236 May, Montgomery 195, 264 May, Thomas J 194 Mayer, Alfred G 337 *Mayer, Levy P 67 Mayers, Albert W 42 Mayers, Charles R 177 Maynard, Joseph D... 352, 406 Mayne, Charles M. 326 Mays, John P 212 *Meacham, George H.- 325, 390 Mead, Clifford H 378 Meade, Franklyn B. .. 311 Meade, Robert M. .212, 445 Meade, William E. --- 54 Meaders, Egbert A 56 Meaders, Thomas G..- 57 Meadows, Frank H 327 Meadows, Thomas C- 414 Means, George W 133 Means, Howard C. .294, 343 Meecham, Elmer E,.. 342 Meeker, James D. 380 Meeker, Ray D. 151 Megargee, George L.-- 137, 258 Mehaffey, David R 257 Meiklejohn, George D. 273 Melendy, George E..- 426 Melick, Pulaski 97 Melon, Delos C 52 Mellish, Frederick C- 280 Melish, John H 300 Melish, Thomas G 301 Meloy, Harry C 74 Meloy, John C. 80 Melton, Allen K 68 Memminger, Allard--- 114 Memminger, Edward R 114 Menaugh, Calvin C 67 ♦Mendell, Clarence 381 Mendenhall, Harlan G 171 Menefee, James A. 166 Mercer, David H 330 Mercer, Frank B 134 Mercer, Winfield R... 387 Merchant, Frank D.-- 391 *Meredith, Bion D.-227, 273 Meredith, Elliott B 212 ♦Meredith, Henry C.--- 68 Merriam, Harry B 310 *Merriman, James L. -- 135 Merrifield, Albert W- 292 PAGE Merrill, Charles W..-- 149, 286 Merrill, Louis C 472 Merrill, Robert T 325 Merrill, Samuel, Jr 287 Merrill, William H., Jr 312 Merrick, George P 187 Merritt, Thomas P 131 Merritt, William C 173, 228 Mervine, Nicholas P.- 133 Merz, Charles H 228 *Merz, Karl 228 Metcalf, Charles S. --- 356 Metcalf, George W 356 Metcalf, Harry B 427 Metcalf, Robert B 435 Mettler, Amzi W 131 Meyer, Edgar L. 316 Meyers, John C. 222 *Michael, Jacob E 468 Michler, A. Kirtland.. 171 Michler, Richard M... 173 Mick, Edward L 88 Micou, James R 115 *Middleton, William F. 197 Mikesell, Simon P 122 Miles, George D. 132 Millard, William A loi Milliner, Quincy E 77 ♦Mills, Alfred E 164 Mills, Henry J. 439 Mills, S. A 467 Mills, Walter H 280 Millson, Frank M 333 Millspaugh, Basil S. -_ 453 Milward, Russell H. ._ 441 Miller, Alexander J 231 Miller, Arthur M 228 Miller, Bert F 150 Miller, Charles C 459 Miller, Charles F 90 ♦Miller, Charles H 384 Miller, Clarence A 227 Miller, Clifford N. 299 Miller, Daniel E. 470 Miller, David F 103 Miller, David I. ---301, 415 Miller, Dudley B. -.85, 300 Miller, Dwight E 445 Miller, Dwight O 278 Miller, E. L 107 Miller, Edward B. 41 ♦Miller, Edward G no Miller, Edward W 385 Miller, Elwood A. 172 Miller, Florence C 273 Miller, Frank 318 ♦Miller, Frank E 90 Miller, Frank T 98 Her Her Her Her, Her, Her Her Her, Her, Her Her Her Her Her Her Her, Her Her Her Her, Her Her Her Her Her Her Her Her gett "Her Her, Her, PAGE George H 440 Henry S. 227 Hugh H. 415 Ira H 318 Ira M. 40 James A 306 John A. 84 John C 48 John D 56 John F. 227 J. Norris 440 Joseph A. 419 Lewis S. G 212 Marion M 229 Milton V 127 Mortimer C 273 Newman 376 Richard K 85 Richard M.J.-- 66 Robert A 41 Robert L. 206 Roy C. J 42 Rush D 288 Schuyler W 331 Shrewsbury B,- 246 Thomas J 140 William G William Leg- 209 440 392 William Lott William R 212 William W., Jr. 113 lligan, Charles H... 171 lligan, Fitz J. 284 Ine, Mark H 422 Iner, James B 71,245, 457 Iner, Purnell M. --- 370 ner, Frank N 377 ncey, Julian N 364 nnich, Michael R.-_ 123 nnick, Guy F 353 nnick, Paul W 353 nton, Rufus C. 74 nor, Alphonse R. 372 nor, Butler B 382 nor, H. Dent 118 nor, Henry L 252 nor, James C. 116 skimen, William A.- 295 tchell, Albert S 85 tchell, Austin B 212 tchell, Edward D.-- 257, 267 tchell, Harley B 177 tchell, James V 67 tchell, John A 307 tchell, John F., Jr.._ 463 tchell, Leander P... 147 tchell, Mathew R.-- 61 tchell, Paul O 43 ALPHABETICAL INDEX 50^ PAGE Mitchell, Robert H 257, 267 Mitchell, Samuel H 247 Mitchell, Ulysses W... 54 Mitchell, Wayne A 397 Mitchell, William Charles 375 Mitchell, William Comer 280 Mitchell, William Conner 76 Mitchell, William Con- stantine 67 Mitchell, Wilson 158 Mitchner, Charles W.- 89 Mix, Charles W 102 Mize, Carl 268 Mockett, John H., Jr.-- 330 Mogenson, Peter 292 Molina, Antonio A., Jr. 336 Molton, William F 218 *Monath, Walter S 127 Moncure, William E. - 113 *Monette, William H.-- 56 Monk, Alonzo, Jr.- 416 Monk, Carl 415 Monks, Leander J 67 Monroe, Alfred C. 157 Monroe, F. Adair, Jr.-- 371 Monroe, John R 223 Monroe, J. Blanc 372 Montague, Wallace R. 324 •Montgomery, Charles P 52 ♦Montgomery, David M. 106 Montgomery, Edward E. 176 Montgomery, Harvey D. 196 Montgomery, Hiram w : 357 Montgomery, J. H 44 Montgomery, Jesse S.- 49 Montgomery, John M.- 52 Montgomery, Orbra F. 72 Montgomery, Oscar H. 195 Montgomery, Robert D 333 Montgomery, Samuel E. 52 Montgomery, Walters. 195 Montgomery, William H 51 Montgomery, William S. 411 Monypeny, George B.. 319 Moon, Byron G 344, 453 Moon, Edgar L. 374 Mooney, David E. 42 IVIoore, Alexander W.- 120 Moore, Baxter S 120 PAGE Moore, Cecil H. 368 Moore, Edwin E. 153 Moore, Howard D 151 *Moore, Jacob A. 140 Moore, John Losey 378 *Moore, John Luther — 195 Moore, John T 217 Moore, John W. 284 Moore, Joseph H 156 Moore, Louis R. 327 Moore, Mark H. 284 Moore, Philip B 307 *Moore, Robert B 310 Moore, Robert S. 76 Moore, Thomas, Jr. — 40 Moore, Thomas R 119 Moore, Walter W. 203 Moore, William A 411 Moore, William P.- 165, 203 Moore, William U 439 Moores, Charles B 146 Moores, Charles W 149, 286 Moores, Merrill 148 *Moorman, Edwin C 162 Moran, John P. 453 Morgan, Carey E 149 Morgan, Charles D 211 Morgan, Charles G 163 Morgan, Edward L 93 Morgan, Frank B. 449 Morgan, George N. 290 Morgan, Harry L 199 Morgan, Henry H 351 Morgan, James W 231 Morgan, John A 174 *Morgan, John B 292 Morgan, Louis 149, 462 Morgan, Monroe G 56 Morgan, William D.-- 99 Morgan, William H. . 288 Morris, Chester 249 Morris, Edward W 357 Morris, Gavin C 269 Morris, John F. L, 102 Morris, John W. 32 Morris, Noble D 87 Morris, Thomas C 318 Morris, Thomas S 179 Morrison, J. Howard-- 350 Morrison, James — 119, 205 Morrison, James L. D.- 278 Morrison, Julian K 56 Morrison, Ralph E 360 Morrison, Ralph W 360 Morse, Charles E.-ig6, 465 *Morse, Ellsworth H.-- 178 Morse, Frank 195 Morse, Frank R 178 Morse, Harry W. 418 Morse, Horace B 195 PAGE Morsell, William F. C. 140 Mortland, Arthur C... 34 •Morton, Charles F 205 Morton, James A 39 Morton, John R 202 Morton, Marshall 205 Mosby, Samuel B. 165 Moss, Edmund S 186 Moss, Robert L. 52 Motter, Joshua 123 Moulton, Arthur W 423 Moulton, John C.--419, 429 Moulton, Sam F 401 Moulton, William L.-- 431 Mowers, Saxe W 287 Mowry, Clarence H... 190, 358 Muckleroy, James A.- 363 Mudge, William D 41 Muehlberg, Edward-- 298 Mueller, Oscar B 292 Muhlenberg,CharlesH. 312 Muhlenberg, Frederick H 173, 311 Muhlenberg, Nicholas H 173 Muir, James A. 276 Muir, John W 344 Mulford, Ephriam R.. 120 Mullen, James 167, 238 Mullin, Alfred F 96, 459 *Munford, Morrison — no Munford, Roderick S.- 75 Muiiford, Thomas G.-- 166 Munger, Charles W..- 277 Munnerlyn, Frank L.- 54, 218 Munns, Charles O 274 Munroe, Archibald 128 Munroe, Daniel E 178 Munroe, James A. 430 Munson, Reginald 227 Murdoch, George H., Jr. 276 Murdock, William F. - 288 Murphy, Daniel H. 353 Murphy, Hanson F 396 Murphy, Harry A. 288 Murphy, James B. 371 Murphy, Joseph W 74 Murphy, Leroy E. 33 Murphy, Richard M.-- 372 Murphy, Timothy A.-- 306 Murphy, William K.-- 354 Murray, Charles T 68 Murray, Walter F 301 Murry, John W 265 Musselman, Joseph F.- 435 Mussey, Henry R. 327 Myers, Calvin R. 48 Myers, Henry C 49 502 ALPHABETICAL INDEX PAGE Myers, Joseph H 230 *Myers, Legh R 123 Mvers, Louis W 351 ♦Myers, Patrick S 48 Myers, Quincey A 148 Myers, Robert H 147 Myers, Thomas C 401 Myers, William B. 173, 468 Myers, William R 70 Nadal, Thomas W 98 Nagel, Mortimer L 316 Nagle, Ross C 378 Nalley, Thomas J., Jr.- 450 Nance, Theodore L. .. 153 Napier, Walter P. 365 Nash, Alexander Q 216 Nash, Wiley N 50 Nash, William T 363 Nash, William W. 51 Nate, Joseph C 341 Nate, Raymond J 341 Nattinger, George W.- 277 Nave, Samuel M 468 Nazro, Robert M 253 Neale, Robert C 363 Neare, Clifford R.-300, 405 *Nebeker, Jasper 85 Needham, Lewis C. — 199 Neel, Thomas M 416 Neely, Henry M 445 *Neeson, William G 114 *Ne£f, JohnE 68 Negley, James S., Jr.-- 273 Neill, C. Edmond 44 *Nell, Thomas H 118 Nelson, Ben B. 230 Nelson, Fred W 352 Nelson, Horatio H 274 Nelson, James 140 Nelson, John M. 333 Nelson, Lockhart 228 Nelson, Robert S. K.-- 392 Nelson, William W 359 Nesbit, Donald 144 Nesbit, Edwin C 181 Nesbit, Harrison 314 Nesbitt, John H 60 Neville, George L 239 Neville, Joseph H 239 Neville, Warren J 354 Nevin, David W. 171 *Nevin, Joseph P 171 Nevin, William C. 102 New, Burt 74 New, Harry S 148 New, Willard 72 Newberger, Louis 147 Newburn, John K 410 Newdick, Edwin W.-- 431 Newell, Ernest M 411 PAGE Newell, Leland B 342 Newgord, Julius G., Jr. 393 Newhart, Horace 428 Newhouse, Charles E.- 88 Newhouse, Finley D,-- 88 Newlin, Edgar C 264 *Newman, Charles H.-- 162 Newman, George O.-- 36 Newman, George P. C, 185 Newman, James W 36 Newman, Jonathan W, 66 Newman, William B.-- 166, 218 Newsom, Edward B... 363 Newton, Arthur L 430 Newton, Charles E., Jr. 407, 472 Newton, Cleveland A.- 449 Newton, Edward E 358 Newton, James S 311 Nichols, Allen J 353 Nichols, Austin W 96 Nichols, Bernard C 419 Nichols, George E. 352 Nichols, Henry D 300 Nichols, J. E 98 Nicholson, James C 99 Nicholson, Ulysses H.. 76 Nicholson, Watson -74, 418 *Nickle, Alexander A.- 107, 460 Nides, F. H 467 Niehoff, Nathaniel J.-- 343 Niles, Stanley A.--151, 288 Niles, William A 377 Nirdlinger, Max 122 *Nixon, Charles 346 Noble, Charles A 380 Noble, Daniel W 244 Noble, Edward F. 158 Noble, Irvine M 419 Noble, Willis C. 472 Noblett, William H.-- 258 Nolan, Harry E 364 Nolan, James T 51 Norcross, Frederic F.- 324 Norcross, John V 324 Norland, Luther A 186 Norman, George M 71 *Norman, Walter G 236 *Norman, Wesley W.-- 72 Norrell, Albert G. 223 Norris, James S 185 Norris, Jewett 319 Norris, John R 324 Norris, Walter B 319 Northrop, Allen B 324 *Northrop, Benjamin -- 148 Northrop, Howard 172 Norton, Gilbert H 370 Norton, Percy 40 PAGE Norton, Samuel R 340 Norton, Spencer K 199 Nottingham, Thomas J., Jr 368 *Nourse, Charles J. 171 *Noyes, Frank H 404 Noyes, Theodore W.-- 142 Nuckolls, Rupert B.-- 210 Nufer, Julius J 280, 377 Null, Harry, H., Jr 136 Nunn, David A 362 Nutt, John J 189, 427 Nutt, William H 33 Nutter, Charles L. 313 Nye, Carl M 293 Nye, Evans M 353 Nye, George L 277 Nye, Robert 293 Oakland, Harry G 354 Oberlin, Thomas W. 43, 455 Oberne, William 354 O'Connell, John G 299 Oehler, Frederick C.-- 358 Offutt, Newton 37 Ogden, A. Scudder — 39 Ogden, Arthur J 376 *Ogden, George, Jr 132, 158, 463 Ogden, HoraceG 92 Ogden, James M 92 Ogilvie, Roy K 449 Ogle, Alfred N 306 O'Hagan, Charles J., Jr. 397 Ohmer, George E. 211 Okes, Day I 393 Olcott, John M 86 Olcott, William W 89 Old, Richard A..--I18, 238 Old, Walter R 238 Old, William L.---I18, 238 O'Leary, John W 406 O'Leary, Wesley A 428 Olewine, Henry 127 Oliphant, Fidelio H.-- 156 Oliphant, Robert C 337 Oliver, Karl H 431 Olmsted, Charles H.-_ 385 Olney, Edward J 177 Olsen, Sterling H 392 O'Malley, Michael H.- 430 O'Neal, Alexander H.- 128 O'Neal, Alfred M., Jr.. 416 *0'Neal, George E 62 O'Neall, John H 67 Opdyke, Stacv B., Jr.-- 157 Opitz, Russell B 452 Oppenhimer, William T 164 Orcutt, Harold W 430 Orcutt, Julian D 430 ALPHABETICAL INDEX 503 PAGE Orear, Charles D. --92, 279 Orem, William L loi Ormsbee, Addison C.-- 405 Orr, Charles A 76, 119 Orr, George M. 272 Orr, James R 342 Orr, Lawrence F. 463 Orr, Thomas B. 70 Orr, Thomas E 341 Osborn, RoyT 358 Osborn, Samuel L 67 Osgood, Farley 314 Osgood, Paul M 429 O'Shea, John E. 439 Osterstock, Edward L. 174 Oswald, Hugo E. 406 Oswalt, Ralph L. 45 Ould, William L. 202 Overfield, Peter D 258 *Overholt, Henry C 135, 173, 464 Overman, Eugene v.- - 228 Overman, Leslie E 227 Overstreet, Orsa F 91 *Overstreet, Ralph 91 Overton, Garland B.-- 414 *Oviatt, C. Casper 319 *Owen, Archibald 203 Owen, Charles H 187 Owen, Charles L 178 Owen, Jacob E 327 Owen, John J 177 Owen, Rufus 204 Owen, William E.-I15, 203 Owens, Benjamin H.-- 239 Owens, Cleon C 265 Owens, James M 212 *Owens, Lewis 244 Owens, Wilkins H 294 *Owsley, Casey M.-267, 468 Owsley, Henry F 438 Oyster, Frank R 136 Pace, James R 237 Pace, William G 236 Packard, Lawrence R. 332 Page, Alexander G 419 Page, Charles F 324 Page, Eugene R 376 Page, Herbert C 212 • Page, Robert S 37 Page, Walter B. 39 Paine, Charles B 314 Painter, Emerick H.-- 131 Painter, Joseph H 242 Palen, William D. 337 Palmer, Charles H 200 Palmer, Edward P 312, 368, 471 Palmer, Ransom D 116, 217, 460, 466 PAGE *Palmer, Stephen D 112 Palmer, Thomas W..- 217 ♦Palmer, William M 415 Pancoast, Richard M.- 158 *Papin, F. Sidney 252 Parham, John L 236 *Parham, Packard P.-- 216 Parker, Clifford 258 Parker, Frank L 378 Parker, George W 427 Parker, James P 372 Parker, John B 96 Parker, John F 39 Parker, LeRoy 143 Parker, Lindsay R 439 Parker, Robert B 370 Parker, Thomas S 96 *Parker, Thomas U. 62 Parker, Thornton J 143 *Parker, William H 291 Parkinson, Lee A 353 Parks, Bert H 378 Parks, Howell A. G... 354 Parks, Lewis W 354 Parks, Tillman B.-I18, 363 Parlin, John A 302, 435 *Parmele, Courtney 267 Parmenter, Walter C- 276 *Parrish, Ezra B 186 Parrish, James S. 312 Parrott, George 68 Parrott, Henry E.----- 36 ♦Parrott, John 36 ♦Parrott, William 36 Parry, Augustus N., Jr. 431 Parry, Thomas W 265 ♦Parsons, Erastus J 162 Parsons, Charles H 148 Parsons, Milton F 149 Partridge, Edward B.- 419 Partridge, Fred O 328 Paschall, Reginald D.- 416 Pate, Walter T 56 ♦Patrick, Charles S 267 ♦Patrick, Harry A 266 ♦Patrick, William S 136 Patten, George W 242 ♦Patterson, Alfred J 60 Patterson, Charles A.- 333 Patterson, James A 91 Patterson, Robert C- 416 Patterson, Robert D.-- 316 Pattison, Edward M., Jr 301 Pattison, William F..- 44 Patton, Benjamin F., Jr. 446 ♦Patton, David 60 Patton, Henry B 92 Patton, John C. 173 ♦Patton, Julius A 203 Patton, Oliver B 113 PAGE Patty, Henry M 223 Paul, Clarence R 184 Pauly, James A. 418 Pauly, Paul 419 Paxton, Alexander M., Jr 164 Paxton, E. Frank 165 Paxson, Francis A loi Payne, Frank T 372 Payne, Fletcher A 92 •'Payne, Herman C 92 Payne, Horton K 371 Peabody, George F 273 Peace, JosephH 53 Peace, Willis G. 397 Peak, Charles N 73 Peale, Granville P. 147 Pearce, Harry T. loi Pearce, Harvey G 377 Pearce, Levi 165 Pearsall, Frederick L.- 397 Pearson, E. Dorwin 75 Pearson, John 459 Pearson, Joseph 94 Pearsons, Henry A 184 Pechin, John S 313 Peck, Charles F 281 Peck, Harry L. 187 Peck, Louis T 321 Peck, M.Wood Crim-- 446 Peck, Robert L 166 Peck, Roy R 280 Peck, William A 280 Peckham, John G 357 Pedlow, GeorgeW. 103, 460 Peebles, William B.--. 218 ^Peek, George M. 112 Peet, Charles M 326 Peete, William J 113 Peirce, Eugene C 375 Peirce, George L 431 Peirce, Martin L. 250 Pellet, Clarence S 324 Pellett, James S 359 Pellman, Oliver K 136 Pelton, Daniel A.--277, 347 Pelton, Roger T 440 Pence, Edward H 197 Pence, Lafayette.- 195, 465 Pendleton, Carleton H. 190 Penhallow, Henry B... 419 Penn, Harrison S 119 Penn, Harry W. 45 Pennington, Ephraim D. -- . 268 Penquite, William 42 Pentzer, Frederick S.-- 356 Peoples, James A. 416 Percy, Arthur S 311 Peregrine, Harry G 392 Perham, Frank S 431 504 ALPHABETICAL INDEX PAGE Ferine, Fred A 377 Ferine, Le Roy E. 376 Pering, Thomas C 67 Perkins, Darleigh R._- 372 Perkins, George 113 ♦Perkins, John H 50 Perkins, Reed i\I 343 Perkins, Robert J. 370 Perkins, Robert N 211 Perkins, William M.-- 113 ♦Ferric, Edward L 97 Ferrine, Thomas A 62 Ferrine, William K; — 61 Perry, Henry C. 431 *Perry, John W 84 Perry, Thomas L 440 Ferryman, Erastus S.- 216 Persons, Joseph K 274 Peter, Arthur 118 Peters, Arthur H 250 Peters, George B., Jr.- 163 Peters, Herbert G.- 1 16, 209 Peters, Norman W 331 Peterson, Arthur O 93 Peterson, Hans F 333 *Peterson, Henry G 291 Fettet, Archibald 54 Fettijohn, Charles F.-- 358 Fettit, Edgar M 89 *Fettit, Robert E.--156, 463 Fettit, William L.,Jr.- 386 Few, John H 316 Phares, Carl 303 Fhellis, Charles, Jr. --- 37 Phelps, Alfred H 189 Phelps, Frederick 230 Phelps, John W 266 Phelps, Olney W 472 Phillips, Carl 357 Phillips, Charles W, -- 57 Phillips, Clarence R.-- 384 ♦Phillips, David A 54 Phillips, George L 387 Phillips, John O 363 Phillips, Murray, Jr 448 Phillips, Peter P. 142 Phillips, Rozelle J 422 Phillips, Thomas E 131 Phillips, Thomas H. .- 157 Phillips, Jones P. 131 Piatt, John J 37, 455 Piatt, Robert M 69 Fickard, Edward W... 291 Pickels, Henry C 172 Pickering, Woodell A.- 249 Pickett, Henry H. 211 Pickrell, John 114 Fickrell, Percy C 191 Fierce, Carleton C 445 Pierce, Clarence S 91 Pierce, E. B 248 PAGE Fierce, Elliott H 381 Pierce, Elmer A 330 Pierce, Frank L 312 Pierce, Harry F 143 Fierce, Joseph C. 112 Pierce, Josiah, Jr. 310 *Fierce, Warren 102 Fierce, William H 336 Pierce, Winslow S. 124, 272 Pierson, Joseph O. 371 Pierson, Ward W. 191 Pifer, Charles W 246 Pike, Vinton R 465 Pillow, Ernest 222 Pillsbury, Arthur L 292 Fillsbury, Charles H.-- 429 Finckard, William F. - 162 Pinnell, Homer F. 92 *Pitcher, Henry C 60 Pitman, Homer F. 419 Pitt, Rafford 439 Pittman, Frank H 350 *Pittman, John D 112 Pittman, Matthias B..- 352 Flannett, James 134 *Flant, William 54, 457 Piatt, Charles C 407, 472 Piatt, Chauncey B 307 Piatt, Francis W 406 Piatt, Franklin C 41 Piatt, Isaac 406 Playter, Wellington A. 450 Flitt, Howard M 239 Plowman, Marcus M.-- 453 Plumer, William B...- 428 Foehler, Franklin T.-- 391 Poehler, Frederick C- 392 Foehler, Walter C 391 Foehler, William A 391 Foindexter, William -- 223 Folk, WinfredW 321 Pollard, Charles R. --- 295 Pollard, Henry R. 141 *Pollard, Reuben T 48 Pollock, DeCourcy M.- 328 Pollock, Garnette A. -- 32 Pomeroy, Clarke E 401 Pond, Francis J. 410 Fonder, James W. 217 Pope, Asa William. 1 15, 209 Pope, Irwin 209 *Porter, D. B 142 Porter, Don C 400 Porter, Frances L. 163 Porter, Horace C 293 Porter, James P. 76 Porter, John F. 341 Porter, John W. 287 Porter, Lucius C. 327 Porter, Matthew B. 204 Porter, Robert K 293 PAGE Porter, Robert W. 119 Porter, William M 242 Porterfield, Charles — 116, 165, 460 Fortser, Iden M. --136, 257 Posey, John F 54 Posey, Joseph A 55 *Posey, William F. 54 Post, Arthur L. 444 Post, Herbert E 295 Potter, Elbert K. 419 Potter, George H 408 Potter, Henry A. --172, 256 Potter, Joseph D. 319 Potter, Ralph F 341 Potts, Richard 118 Potts, Thomas N 237 Potts, William N 48 Powell, Chester H 392 Powell, Edward E.-89, 196 Powell, Edward T 43 Powell, Edwin S 152 Powell, Eugene 38 Powell, John F 90 Powell, Luke 434 Powell, Nathan 196 Powell, Philip B 165 Powell, Roland D. 100 Powell, Thomas E 37 *Fowell, William G. -.- 177 *Fowers, Isaac 90 Frail, John A 267 Prater, William W 223 Frather, Benjamin V. - 92 Prather, Hugh E 364 Frather, Martin L 67 Pratt, Calvin B 312 Pratt, Clarence H. 144 Pratt, Francis E.--385, 404 Pratt, James I 444 Pratt, Orville C. 382 Pratt, Purnel B 259 Prentiss, Frederick L.- 276 Prescott, Benjamin F.- 430 Prescott, Clinton T 91 Prestley, Frank E 230 Prestley, John L 230 Preston, John 38 *Preston, Samuel C 86 Price, Arthur E. 190 Price, James E 168 Price, James H 54 Price, James W. 178 Price, Joseph W. 135 Price, Loring T. 359 Price, Risdon H 163 Price, Robert T 80 *Price, Robert W. 62 Price, William J 266 Pricer, William E. 226 Priest, Harry R. 45 ALPHABETICAL INDEX 505 PAGE Priestly, Charles S 50 Prime, William J 188 Probasco, Ramsey 302 Provosty, Lucian M.-- 371 Prowell, George R 226 Prussing, Eugene E... 272 Pugh, Horace- 76 Pugh, Joseph N 231 Pulis, Charles C 331, 470 Purcell, Royal E 194 Purdy, Edward A 327 Purdy, George C 404 Purdy, Clarence N 74 Purinton, E. Earle 180 Purinton, John A.--181, 446 Purvis, William R 209 Putnam, Charles E 39 Putnam, Edmund W.. 441 Putnam, Frederick W. 311 Putnam, Glen H 264 Putnam, Sidney H, — 439 Quicke, James M 116 Queal, Smith B. 43 Quigley, Ernest 360 Quimby, William E.-- 336 Quin, Hugh L 234 Quin, Hugh S 52 *Quin, James M 50 Quin, Louis R 51 Quin, William E 50, 234, 216 ♦Quinche, Alexander J. 51 Radcliffe, Wallace 61 Rader, Arch F. 444 Rader, William loo Radford, G. R 173 Raht, Frederick A. ___ 336 Raht, Julius D 165, 209 Raiford, William S 53 Railey, Edward B 435 Railton, Hincks E. A.. 380 Rainbolt, Napoleon A. 67 Rainey, Frank G 333 Rainey, Frank L 246 Rainey, Ralph R 333 Rainsford, Thomas H.- 164 Ramey, Samuel S. B.. 125 Ramsay, James H 397 Ramsdell, E. Erastus - 275 Ramsden, Henry A 385 Randall, Albert V 287 Randall, Asa G. 427 Randall, John G 326 *Randolph,FrederickW 187 'Randolph, Freeman -- 50 Rankin, Court 33 Rankin, James C 126 Ranno, Fred W 312 Ransdell, Daniel M. -- 8s PAGE Ransdell, William J... 246 Ransom, Paul B 190 Ransom, Tom W 380 Rapp, George L 294 Ratcliff, William W... 222 *Ratliff, Rufus 247 Ratliflf, Joseph 301 Rawles, Charles L 74 Rawlins, Steven C 191 Rawson, Harry D 314 Ray, Charles M 172 Ray, Clary 174, 311, 464 Ray, Fisk M 374 Ray, Henry C 146 Ray, James P 293 Ray, John S 311 Ray, Victor 311 *Ray, Winfield S 146 Raymond, Arthur B.-- 407 Raymond, Charles U.- 146 Raymond, Clarence B. 351 Raymond, Daniel W.- 419 Raymond, Frederick D. 184 Raymond, Thomas U.- 150 Read, Abram C. 204 Read, Augustus C 410 Read, Charles E. 327 Read, Isaac M 204 Read, Jewett V 435 Reading, Robert K 336 Ream, Harry W.--I98, 288 Recker, Carlos 151 Rector, James B 363 Redington,RichmondB. 144 Redwine, Rob't B 396 Reed, Albert G. 414 Reed, Charles 456 Reed, Charles E T], 458 Reed, Charles S 42 Reed, Elgar 400 Reed, Joseph G 98 Reed, Leonidas S. 112 Reed, Murry E 456 Reed, Percy L 386 Reed, Richard C 202 Reed, S. O 131 Reed, Stephen Erast- mas 206 Reed, Theodore R 77 *Reed, Wilson T 306 Reed, Worth 244 Reeder, Earl L 34 Reeder, Edward C. — 315 Reese, Henry F 218 Reeves, Lewis M 43 Reichner, George G.-- 259 Reid, Barnes 114 Reid, Clemence P 137 *Reid, H. Packman 106 Reid, John D 287 *Reid, John H. 163 PAGE Reid, William M 166 Reifsnyder, Ralph S.-- 128 Reilley, Crawford S.-- 276 Reiner, George J 277 *Reinhold, Milton C.-.- 136 Reinicker, George H._ 99 *Reisinger, John 133 Remington, George W. 247 *Remington, Tom 351 Remson, David M 217 Rencher, William T.-- 284 Rendall, John B 467 Renfroe, Noah P 217 Renick, Felix M. 210 Renshaw, W. E. 135 Reppert, Edmund H.. 134 Reser, Alva O 245 *Reser, James W 287 Ressler, Carthon H 147 Retherford, Austin 74 Retter, Ray J. G. 464 Reynauld, Bruner B... 212 Reynolds, Andrew E.- 245, 286 Reynolds, Benjamin R. 468 Reynolds, Charles 36 Reynolds, Clarence G. 227 Reynolds, Edward L.- 301 Reynolds, George M.- 340 Reynolds, Harrie N.-- 229 *Reynolds, Jacob T. 100 ^Reynolds, James S 49 *Reynolds, John F.--89, 458 Reynolds, Pembroke S. 287 Reynolds, Walter H.-- 229 Rhame, George A 391 Rhea, Frank H 343 Rhea, Leon M. 343 Rhea, William D 414 *Rhetts, Charles A 73 Rhoads, Alfred M 97 Rhoads, J. Newton 99 *Rhymes, Adolphus P.. 234 Rhymes, Theodore N.. 234 Riale, Franklin N 227 Rice, Charles A. 343 Rice, Clinton 342 Rice, Frank M 344 Rice, Howell M 209 Rice, John P 163 Rice, Robert J 288 Rice, William H. 44 Rich, Edson P. 330 Rich, Franklin P 429 Richards, Brayton G.- 301 Richards, Charles 70 Richards, Charles B.-- 53 Richards, Charles R..- 246 Richards, James S 301 Richardson, Ard E 279 Richardson, J. Loyal-- 302 5o6 ALPHABETICAL INDEX PAGE Richardson, James D., Jr 415 Richardson, John F. -- 371 Richardson, Julian A.. 365 Richardson, Howard-- 280 Richardson, Lee H 204 ♦Richardson, Samuel -_ 52 Richardson, Thomas F. 371, 471 Richardson,William,Jr. 363 Richey, Samuel H 152 Richman, Silas T. 88 Richmond, William D. 198 Rickel, Harry 280 Ricketts, Thomas H.-- 39 Ricker, Max W 393 Rickey, Harry W. 371 Rickly, Roy C 249 Ricks, Edgar N 238 Ricks, Jesse J 280 Ricks, William 6.-396, 414 Rico, Joaquin P 385 Riddle, David H 103 *Riddle, William H.-.- 357 Riddle, William W 230 Ridenour, John H 228 Riebenack, William B. 259 Ried, Paul L. 92, 459 Riehl, Daniel C 185 Rietbrock, Adolph C- 277, 351 *Riggle, George W 80 Riggles, John L 143 Riggs, Theodore F 327 Riley, Benjamin P 120 Riley, Carl E. 360 *Riley, Edward A 226 Riley, Horace R. 449 Riley, James C 343 Riley, John B 56 Riley, Samuel M 171 *Riley, William H. 85 Rindlaub, Martin P.,Jr. 352 Rinearson, William C., Jr. 316 Ringer, Paul H 439 *Ripley, Chauncey B.-- 130 Rippey, John D 448 Rising, George H. 359 Risley, J. Norman 258 Risser, George H. 332 Ritchey, James A. 60 Ritchie, David S 343 *Ritchie, Ellsworth G. - 229 Ritchie, Lome S. 344 Ritchie, Melville 230 Ritchie, Walter, Jr 344 Ritter, Fred O. 92 Ritter, W. C 459 Ritner, JohnB 131 Rittenhouse, James H. 170 PAGE Rives, Alfred L. 113 *Rizer, Americus H. 86 Roane, Archie G 56, 457 Roane, William A. .51, 223 Roane, William T.-56, 457 *Robbins, Charles F 99 Robbins, Eldred G 280 *Robbins, Ernest S 245 Robbins, Harry D 288 Roberts, Albert J 376 Roberts, Allan 174 Roberts, Charles N 290 Roberts, Charles.Jr. 52, 457 Roberts, Edwin H. — 314 Roberts, Hilery B 434 Roberts, James A. 148 Roberts, John W 356 Roberts, Lewis C 290 Roberts, William J 81 Robertson, Charles E.- 346 Robertson, Gay A 449 Robertson, George E.. 452 Robertson, George A.- 364 Robertson, George Winfield 53 Robertson, George Winter 372 Robertson, Holcombe M 120, 205 Robertson, John C 116 Robertson, John L 412 Robertson, Julius J 116 Robertson, Robert S.-- 70 Robertson, Willard 73 Robertson, William H. 116 Robertson, William S.- 168 *Robinson, Claudius H. 209 Robinson, Edward K.- 431 Robinson, Edward P.- 32 Robinson, Frank E 231 Robinson, George B... 454 Robinson, George W.- 165 Robinson, James F 184 Robinson, Laurance P. 294 Robinson, Louis C 178 Robinson, Marion M.- 239 Robinson, Myron W.-- 440 Robinson, Thomas W. 400 *Robison, David T 194 Roby, Charles F. 452 Roby, Edward M 452 Rochester, Alexander S. 231, 321 Rochester, Frank C.-- 41, 227 Rockafellow, Arthur H. 375 Rockett, Hosea W 234 Rockwell, Roy K 326 Rodes, Allan H 435 Rodes, James W. 268 Rodes, John S 269 PAGE Rodgers, Howard S. .. 299 Rodman, William D... 107 Roe, Mayo E. 408 Roe, John L 248 Roeding, Frederick W. 381 Roeding, Henry U. — 381 Roehrig, Charles F 277 Rogers, Augustus 265 Rogers, Charles C 222 Rogers, Frank 8. 137 Rogers, George C. 137 Rogers, Hanford N 152 Rogers, J. B. 320 Rogers, James C - 412 Rogers, John R. 55 Rogers, Lewis L. 84 Rogers, Noble G 93 Rogers, Ralph 445 Rogers, Robert W. — 326 Rogers, Samuel B 266 Rogers, Thomas C 405 Rogers, William H 324 Rogers, William P 71 Rogers, William R 363 Rogers, William W. .- 55 Rohland, Albert C 137 Roland, Horace 170 Roller, William C- 138, 462 Rollins, Stuart D 52 *Romero, Genaro 157 Romine, Alexander P. 445 Root, John W 356 Roper, Bartlett, Jr 119 Roper, Norman B 418 Rosborough, John C.-- 222 Rose, George H 114 *Roselle, Edwin G 73 Rosensteel, William F. 128, 407 Ross, A. Bartlett 419 Ross, ClydeF 213 Ross, Edward C 230 *Ross, John M. 37 Ross, John S 324 Rossiter, Raymond W. 419 Roszel, Richard J. -239, 387 Rothermel, Daniel J.-- 103 Rothermel, Wilson L. 103, 459 Roudenbush, Frank — 377 Roughan, Robert 419 Roundey, Eugene P.-- 386 *Rowan, Thomas J 234 Rowe, Charles F. 142 Rowe, James W 300 Rowe, William H. 141 Rowell, Wilfred A 327 Rowley, Charles G. — 40 Rowley, Edson M 274 Roy, David T. 319, 470 Royce, Herbert B. 406 ALPHABETICAL INDEX 507 PAGE Royer, Theodore, Jr.-- 41, 274 Roysdon, William L-- 292 Royster, James F 453 Royster, William E. -- 357 *Rucker, Hyrlten G 112 Rucker, Orlando C 210 Rudisill, Abram W 98 Rudnick, Paul F. A. -- 294 Rudy, Charming L. — 74 Rudy, James H 206 Ruffin, Kirkland 117 Ruger, HenryA 326 Rugg, Frederick D 290 Riihl, Julius 364 Rumberger, Howard K. 410 Rumeley, Aloysius J.-- 249 Rummler, William R.- 276 Rundle, Frank 198 Runkle, Benjamin P.-- 32 Runyon, Lewis P 174 *Runyon, William H.-- 130 Ruppel, Henry E. K.-- 431 *Russ, S. Everett 217 Russell, Charles C 325 *Russell, Charles M 290 Russell, Daniel B. 426 Russell, Francis W 331 Russell, Gilbert V 422 Russell, Henry Hamil- ton 164 Russell, Henry Hard- ing 316 Russell, Horace G 340 Ryan, Edward B 375 Ryder, Charles E. 387 Rynder, R. Dean 458 Ryon, Lewis H 137 Sadler, Elbert 70 Saeger, Thomas W 122 *Sa£ford, Harry P 227 Safford, Henry G 431 *Saffell, Richard C 37 Sage, William 148 Sahm, TheophilusH. T. 122 Sainsbury, Charles E._ 393 Sale, Charles J. 113 Salkeld, Andrew D 171 Salkeld, Harry B. -157, 463 Salkeld, Thomas F 171 Sallade, Nathaniel W.- 351 Sallee, Ike L 269 Sallee, James M 269 Salmon, Charles E 301 Sample, Eldorado 88 Sample, Hubert L. 181, 465 Sample, John H 176 Sample, William D 181 Sampson, William B.. 358 PAGE Samson, George C 140 Samson, Sumner M. -- 453 Samson, Thomas S 140 *Sanborn, Benjamin T.- 38 Sanborn, Frank B 426 Sanborn, R. Roscoe 259, 392 Sandels, Christ C 137 Sanders, Bertram ']'] Sanders, James O. S.-- 56 Sanders, William F. L. 6g Sanderson, John F 431 *Sanderson, Lemuel G.- 381 Sandy, William C 438 Sanford, Abram O ig8 Sanford, Charles H 197, 266, 468 Sanford, Harry B. 55 Sanford, William B. -- 234 Sangree, Luther A. 126, 461 Sangree, Thomas C. 126, 461 Sangster, George E. .- 237 Sanner, Roy W. 280 Sansberry, Charles T.. 288 Sapp, Frank W 45 Sargent, Walter R. — 405 Sarles, Jesse E 352 Sassaman, Edwin 100 Satchell, Edmund T.-- 386 Sattler, William R 384 Saufley, George B 269 Saunders, Edward W. 116 Saunders, Samuel 140 Saunders, William K.- 195 *Sausser, Charles W. -- 171 Savidge, William H.-- 274, 469 Sawyer, Augustus B.-- 427 Saxton, RalphC 332 Saxton, William C 333 *Sayers, Gideon 84 Sayers, Lawrence R... 120 Sayler, Harry L 90 *Saylor, Richard W 125 Sayres, James E. 68 Scaife, Jefferson H. — 223 Scales, Dabney M 50 Scales, Uriah E. 284 Scantlin, James M 67 Scarff, Paul B 198 Scatchard, Henry F.-- 137 Schadel, Robert L 328 Schaeffer, Clarence M. 128 Schaeffer, Isaac P 171 Schaeffer, William C. 122 Schaff, Howard E 408 Schall, Edwin B 358 Scheide, William T. .. 157 Schempf, John W 352 Schenk, William W.-- 336 PAGE Schermerhorn, William W 66 Scheuch, Frederick C. 247 Schimper, Frans J. V. M. 440, 472 Schissler, John H.-408, 445 Schlater, Randle B 209 Schlaudeman, Frank. - 290 Schleicher, Adolph 249 Schmidlapp, William H 408 Schmidt, Herman B.-- 298 Schmidt, William F... 174 Schnedler, William A. 422 Schneider, Otto J 333 ^Schneider, William T 156 Schooley, Albert 132 *Schoollield, Eugene H. 237 Schoolfield, H. O 119 Schreiter, Joseph B 352 Schreuder, Otto P 404 Schriber, Carl E 352 Schroeder, Albert T..- 350 Schroll, Otto 318 *Schuck, Joseph W. 194 Schultz, Arthur T 376 Schultz, Joseph W 356 Schultz, Samuel 376 *Schwenk, Abraham B. 159 *Schwenk, Milton K. .- 132 Schwing, Samuel C. -- 415 *Scobey, Franklin H. ._ 32 *Scott, Alfred W 71 Scott, Charles F. 43, 190 Scott, Francis T 401 Scott, George E 171 Scott, Gus R 51 *Scott, Henry M 435 *Scott, Isaac V 163, 202 Scott, James M 316 Scott, John R. 126 Scott, Joseph A. 284 Scott, Robert B. 352 Scott, Robert E. 72 Scott, Tod R 381 Scott, William A 81 *Scott, William H 67 Scott, William T 68 Scovill, Josiah B 404 Scratchley, Francis A. 164 Scrimger, Schuyler C. E 342 Scrugham, James G. -- 435 Scudday, James A 49 Scudder, John K. 298 Scudder, R. Paul 299 Scudder, William R.-- 449 Scully, William W 173 Searcy, Chesley H 416 Searcy, William W 223 Sears, Horace H. 42 5o8 ALPHABETICAL INDEX PAGE Sears, Joseph, Jr 27 Sebrell, John N., Jr.... 238 Sebring, Robert A 170 Sedgwick, Albert J 247 Seitz, Earl M 256 Sell, Orrie P 45 Selman, James L 363 Selman, John T. 363 Sembower, Charles J.- 74, 458 Senour, Milton R go Sether, Alvin F. 453 Settle, William S 132 Setzler, Edward A 450 Severson, Clarence — 245 Severson, Wilbur F.-- 244 Sexauer, John A 465 Sexton, J. Garland 205 Sexton, James L 325 Sexton, Jay 459 Seyfarth, Arthur C 453 Seymour, Harry P 422 Seyse, Thomas 131 •Shackelford, Joseph W. 90 Shackleford, Ross 195 Shaeffer, John W 386 Shafer, Cassius A 275 Shafer, Daniel C 94 Shafer, John C 94, 459 Shaffer, Willard O.--- 132 Shalkop, Amos R. 134 Shallenberger, Horace M 133 Shanafelt, Thomas N.- 130 Shanahan, Timothy J.- 430 Shank, William L 92 Shanklin, Edwin S 380 Shanks, William H 267 Shannon, Henry A 331 Shannon, Hervey L._- 57 Shannon, Joseph R 331 Shannon, Robert L 234 Shannonhouse, Frank M 396 Shapley, Rufus E. 96 Sharer, Charles H 375 Sharp, Alexander A..- 100, 257 Sharp, Amor William. 318 Sharp, Herndon 372 Sharp, James M 51 Sharpless, Albert S 194 Sharpnack, Thomas P. 456 Sharum, Eugene 357 Shattuck, George B..- 276 Shaw, Charles E. 333 Shaw, David E 63, 467 Shaw, Frank T 112 Shaw, George E 274 Shaw, George W 39 Shaw, Hartley 400 [page Shaw, James B., Jr. — 245 Shaw, John S. 202 Shaw, William C 62 Shaw, Willis 2io Sheafe, Harry J. 313 Sheafe, James 316 Sheafer, Edward G 411 Shearer, Niles H - 97 Shearin, Hubert G 268 Shedden, Albert J 134 Sheerin, James 444 Sheffield, Alstan H.--- 382 Sheffield, Edwin £..-_ 178 Sheffield, Eugene S 382 Sheffield, Henry S 178 *Shelby, Evans J 48 *Shelby, Richard H.-.. 223, 234 Shelby, Thomas H., Jr. 434 Sheldon, Fred S 351 Sheldon, Stuart H 353 Sheldon, Vilas P. 332 Sheldon, Waher H 352 Shelhart, John V 231 *Shellabarger,RobertR. 253 *Shelledy, John H 60 Shelledy, Richard K.-- 343 Shellenberger, Edward B 259 Sheller, Alfred S. 132 Shepherd, Frederick-- 330 Shepherd, Fredrick B. 275 Shepherd, James F 280 Shepherd, Russell E.-- 274 *Shepherd, Walker F.- 112 Shepherd, William T.. 306 Sheppard, Oscar N 471 Sherfey, David A. -.92, 247 Sheridan, Henry H. K. 313 Sheridan, Richard G.B. 313 Sherlock, George E.-- 199 Sherrill, Harold W.--- 316 Sherron, Clifford M.-- 172 Shields, Gabriel B.- 167, 464 ^Shields, Thomas B 67 Shillingford, Henry T. 156 Shimer, Ira A.-257,'385, 468 Shinkle, Amos C 302 Shipman, Jesse O. 136 Shipman, William A.- 124 Shipp, Frank J 376 *Shipp, Joseph D 90 Shipp, W. Samuel 377 Shirley, Edgar W 149 Shivers, Charles H 131 Shockley, Major A. W. 358 Shoemaker, Charles F. 74 Shoemaker, Henry W. 440 Shoemaker, John C 172 Sholars, Orin R 209, 216, 466 PAGE Sholl, Wintworth 39 Shomo, W^illiam A 103 Shorb, Marlin W 128 Short, Luther 68 Shortle, James S.--246, 276 Shotwell, Abel V 456 Shotwell, Franklin A.- 321 Shotwell, Thomas C.-- 300 Shreve, Owen M 135 Shropshire, James K.-- 435 Shuett, Rudolph H 342 Shultz, Christian 242 Shultz, Guy R 356 Shultz, Orrillis E 448 Shuman, Edwin L 188 Shuman, Jesse J 188 Shuman, Raphael R.-- 188 Shuman, Warren N. .- 103 Shumway, Francis G.- 275 Shuttleworth, Benjamin F 445 Sickman, James F 314. Sidener, Merle 151 Sidler, Cornelius A 353 *Siebe, Henry T 49 Siebenthal, Wade A.-- 'j'} Sigafoos, Orville L 127 Sill, Frank H 441 Silliman, John C 125 Simcoe, George 321 Simcoe, Walter T., Jr.- 239 Simis, Albert V 407 Simison, John F 88 Simmons, Bruce — . — 237 Simmons, Henry E 410 Simonin, Isaac M 159 Simonton, Charles B.-- 106 Simonton, James M.-- 194, 226, 465 Simpson, Charles L.-_ 312 Simpson, Edward C.-- 71 Simpson, George F 158 Simpson, Howard H.-- 206 Simpson, William D.-- 397 Simrall, Horatio F., Jr. 50 Simrall, James H 435 Sincere, Victor W 452 Singer, J. J 259 Singleton, William H.- 142 *Sinnott, James M 53 Sinsabaugh, George — 400 Sinsel, Charles A 178 Sipe, Gideon M. 277 *Skeene, Eugene O 363 Skidmore, Charles A.- 406 Skinner, George W 63 Skinner, Harry W 351 Skinner, James W. 227, 264 Skinner, John C 303 ♦Skinner, Orlo D. ---41, 173 Skinner, Samuel J 141 ALPHABETICAL INDEX 509 PAGE Slack, Henry B. 453 Slater, George R 61 Slater, Thomas W 53 Slaughter, Ben G., Jr.- 416 Slaughter, E. Dick 363 Sleeper, J. Warren 245 Slichter, Charles S 187 ♦Slifer, William H. 132 Sloan, Baylis E. 116 Sloan, John T 106 Sloan, Robert R 150 Sloan, Samuel 424 Sluss, Asher L 68 *Smart, Daniel S 62 *Smart, James H 87 Smart, James S 61 Smeade, George G. — 210 Smiley, Thomas E go Smith, A. H., Jr 158 Smith, A. Howard 158 Smith, Alpheus W 445 Smith, Ambrose C 61 Smith, Branch 363 Smith, Burchard H 343 Smith, Carmi R. 374 Smith, Carroll W 328 Smith, Charles J. 212 Smith, Charles Leon.- 92 Smith, Charles Lincoln 356 Smith, Charles W 164 Smith, Clifford Le Roy 440 Smith, David Edward- 74, 463 Smith, DeWitt 291 Smith, Dudley F 66 ♦Smith, Earl R 44, 456 Smith, Earl S. 357 Smith, Edmund 41 Smith, Edward I 256 Smith, Egbert W 204 Smith, Ernest T 268 Smith, Eugene Albert- 257, 352 Smith, Eugene M. 51 Smith, Frank B 306 Smith, Frank C 41 Smith, Franklin Ed- ward 364 Smith, Franklin Emer- son 422 Smith, Fred B 45 Smith, Fred C 430 Smith, Frederick M.-- 76 Smith, George A.- -406, 407 Smith, George W. v.- - 48 Smith, Glenn A. 356 Smith, Harry B. 450 Smith, Harry L. 461 Smith, Harry Wade — 148 Smith, Henry A. --187, 273 *Smith, Hobart H 98 PAGE Smith, Homer B 137 Smith, Horace E 148 Smith, Horace Ferris - 179, 300 Smith, Horace P 318 Smith, Howard F 217 Smith, Hugh C 278 Smith, IrwinJ 299 Smith, Larkin A 357 Smith, Lauran F. loi Smith, Lee O. 469 Smith, Louis C 248 Smith, Lucian E.--I91, 440 Smith, M. C 220 Smith, Matthew A 359 Smith, Merrill N 372 Smith, Otis A 286 Smith, Paul A 344 Smith, Perry, Jr. 42, 277, 455 Smith, Quincy A 86 Smith, Richard L. 341 Smith, Robert C 453 Smith, Robert J 230 Smith, S.W 99 Smith, Samuel K loi Smith, Samuel W 165 Smith, Sherman 293 Smith, Stanley R 321 Smith, Temple 381 Smith, Thomas F 131 Smith, Thomas J 321 Smith, Thomas O.-165, 262 Smith, Victor C 119, 167 Smith, William A 113 Smith, William Cadid 71, 273 Smith, William Clem- ent 149 Smith, William Cyrus- 411 Smith, William H 291 Smith, William J 375 Smith, Yeremya K 372 Smoot, Lloyd D 407 Smoot, Peter G. 265 Smoot, William E 265 Smyth, Arthur M 384 Smyth, Joseph P., Jr.-- 438 Smythe, Hudson 382 Snell, Thomas T. 343 Snell, William M 374 Snider, Harry D. 327 Snider, Oliver B 89 *Snively, William A. 96, 459 Snoddy, Llewellyn O.- 60 Snoddy, Samuel A. — 286 Snoddy, William W.-- 286 Snowden, Robert P. 157, 170 Snowhook, William B.- 405 Snyder, Alban G 167 PAGE *Snyder, Benaiah C 122 Snyder, Charles P. 167, 464 Snyder, Earl B 446 Snyder, Franklin B. _- 328 Snyder, George L 209 Sollers, Charles 40 Sollers, Elmer M 44 Somerville, John W... 120, 206 Sooy, Mark R 131 Sorber, George W.-75, 93 Souder, Charles G 321 South, Rufus B 43 Southall, A. C 239 Southall, Hubert R 120 Southall, Patrick H 223 Southall, Stephen V.-- 118, 461 Southall, Thomas B.-- 205 Southard, Francis M,. 313 Southard, Frank H 37 Southgate, Richard T. 300 Southwell, Ralph D.-- 423 Spain, Purvis A 76 Sparling, Samuel E 74 Sparling, William H.-- 184 Spaulding, Benjamin S. 405 *Speak, Frederick 359 Spears, William D 222 Speed, Edward W 203 Speidel, Hugo S 291 Spelling, Thomas C 222 Spence, George Knox. 410 Spencer, Frederick M. 401 Spencer, George W. 43, 455 Spencer, Harry S. 453 Spencer, Obial 67 Spencer, Robert S., Jr. 350 Spencer, Willett R 179 Spencer, William W..- 70 Spensley, Harker G. -- 352 Spensley, William R.- 328 Sperow, Clifford 119 Sperry, James F 294 Spicer, Heber C 180 Spicer, J. Henry 99 Spight, Henry R. 56 Spight, Thomas no Sponsler, Edward R.-- 173 Spooner, Edwin V 427 Sprague, Arthur L. — 42 Sprague, Earnest W... 267 Sprague, James M 180 Sprague, Lynn Tew — 273 Sprague, Manville H.- 419 Spraker, Francis N 71 Spratt, Orlando W 130 Sprenkle, Waher Y.-- 128 Springer, Durand W. - 374 Springer, Ruter W 188, 465 5IO ALPHABETICAL INDEX PAGE Sproat, Harris E 158 Sproat, William D. — 159 Sprott, John M 217 Sprott, Thomas W 216 Sproull, JohnW 60 Sproull, William H.-- 181, 302, 465 Sproull, William O 62 Sprunt, Alexander 203 Spurlock, George M. 91, 331 Spurrier, William A... 144 Squier, Benjamin F. -_ 135 Squier, Burton O 41 Squire, William H. 406 Squires, Rov W 391 St. Clair, Madison W,. 36 St. John, Edwin M. — 190 St. John, Homer E. — 294 Stabler, Alvin K. 33 Stacy, Edward L 72 Stadtmiller, Edwin W. 381 Stafford, Brooks 364 Stafford, Earl E 247 Staggers, Robert J 262 Stahl, Garland 295 Stahl, Samuel D 340 Stahle, Charles E 125 Stahler, Eugene A. 125 Stahlnecker, William G. 131 Staley, Amos C. 342 Staley, John Wilson — 375 Stallo, Edmund K 298 Stanfield, William B. - 268 Stanley, Claudius C. -_ 358 Stanley, William H 359 Stansbury, William F. 123 Stansell, Arthur D 279 Stanton, Fred C 431 Stapleton, Earl M 423 Stark, Albert P 375 Stark, Denton D. 61 Stark, S. Judson 98 Starke, Samuel C 238 Starlin, C. E. 455 Starr, Fred M 93 Starr, Wilbur F. 92 Stauter, Charles E 402 Staver, Roy B 354 Stayman, Joseph W. -- 102 Stead, William H 89 Stebbins, Theodore — 311 *Stedman, William 164 Steele, Henry M. 311 Steele, James N 264 Steele, Joseph A. 165 Steele, Joseph F 174 Steele, Thomas F. 163 Steele, Reed 458 Steele, Wesley 406 PAGE Steele, William L. 293 Steen, James W 242 Stees, George E 159 Steever, Ralph E. 103 Steger, Arthur M 115 Steigmeyer, Frederick F 452 Steinkamp, William D. 448 Stelle, Edward H. 123 Stephens, Edgar Roy. 91 Stephens, Elbert S. — 459 Stephenson, Albert G.- 441 *Stephenson, F. A 85 Stephenson, Harry L.- 206 Steptoe, Philip P 120 ♦Sterling, William B. -- 350 Sternberger, Ivy H 55 Sterne, Charles F. 144 Stevens, Charles L. — 188 Stevens, Edgar R. 247 Stevens, Everett M 430 Stevens, James F 332 Stevens, John A 237 Stevens, Morton E. — 276 Stevens, Percy H. 327 Stevens, Robert W 189 Stevens, Robert Walter 392 Stevens, Warder W. -- 68 Stevenson, George A. . 258 Stevenson, Frank W. . 299 Stevenson, James A. -- 146 Stevenson, James B. ._ 135 *Stevenson, Thomas B.- 36 Stevenson, William C. 33 Stewart, Charles E. 302 Stewart, Dugald A. --- 354 Stewart, Earle B.--354, 453 Stewart, Edward L.-41, 186 Stewart, Henry M 411 Stewart, Robert A 171 *Stewart, Walter M 52 Stewart, William 295 Stewart, William B 449 Stewart, William C 177 Stewart, William S 60 Stickney, Willet B 273 Stidman, Ferdinand D. 319 Stiles, Martin 88 Stillson, Hamilton 195 Stiltz, Daniel D. 258 *Stilwell, Emmett S. 147 *StilweIl, Henry C 179 Stine, John C 128 Stitzel, Carl 45 Stock, Charles M 124 Stock, McClean 127 Stock, Otis M 302 Stock, Richard B 128 Stockard, Benjamin A. 52 Stoll, Elmer R 93 Stone, Albert J 293 PAGE Stone, Arthur W. 427 Stone, Charles N 295 Stone, Marion N - 262 Stone, Nelson C 40 Stoneman, Albert H.-_ 279 Stoneman, Lewis A 278 Stoneroad, Joel T. M. - 229 *Storm, John B 96, 459 Storrs, Lucius S 331 *Story, Hesekiah W 106 Stotzer, Rudolph G 354 Stoughton, Frank J 138 Stout, Henry C 86 Stout, Marion A 246 Stout, Thomas 446 Stoutmeyer, John W.-- 61 Stover, Lute P 358 Stover, Melvin H 320 Stowe, John J. 414 Strader, Benjamin F. - 195 Strader, Judson F. 444 *Strasenburg, George C. 422 Stratton. Archie J. 333 Stratton, Fred D 333 Stratton, Harry T. 408 Strawbridge, Ralph M. 135 Street, Claude E. 357 Stremel, Karl F 440 Strickler, Thomas J. -- 360 Strieby, Jonathan F. .- 133 Stringfellow, Martin R. 112 Stromeyer, William T. 440 Strong, Clarence W. .- 93 Strong, Frank Gorgas. 288 Strong, Harry C 152 Strong, James G. 66 Strong, William A. 406, 418 Struble, Ralph Y 181 Stuart, David T l2o, 206 Stuart, Edward B. 400 Stuart, Francis G. 256 Stuart, John L 205 Stubbs, Will L 32 Stuckenberg, Oscar A. 127 Studebaker,Peter E.,Jr. 93 Studebaker, John M., Jr 247 Stuhr, Leo B 333 Stull, George C. 100 Stultz, Jesse David 210 Sturdevant, Payne P. - 410 Sturgis, Charles E 90 *Sturgis, William E 122 Stutesman, Lewis 75 Styron, Oscar M 237 Sudduth, Thomas 341 Suesserott, Charles A.- 124 Suit, Walter N 150 Sutherland, George S.- 100 Sutherland, Walter M. 198 Sutherland, Walter T,- 213 ALPHABETICAL INDEX 5" PAGE Sullenburger, Grafton W 34, 191 Sullivan, Eugene E. .- 277 Sullivan, John E. 275 Sullivan, Lyman B.-73, 275 Sullivan, Thomas B. .- 380 Sultan, Dan Isom 457 Sultan, Robert H.--56, 457 Sutliff, Calvin G 176 Sutphin, Charles 38 Sutphin, Isaac V. 39 Sutton, Eli R 277 Sutton, John R 276 Sutton, Leonard L 179 Sutton, Walter S 359 Suydam, Robert C 178 Swain, William C. 363 Swan, Elbert M 69 Swaney, Homer H 242 *Swango, Charles S. — 267 Swango, James H. 267 Swank, Wallace E. --- 357 *Swanson, James E 165 Swartz, Charles 72 Swartz, Maynard T 333 Swartz, Morris E loi Swasey, Edward H 290 *Sweeney, Joseph I 152 Sweeney, William J. -- 190, 407 *Sweet, Arthur E 277 Sweet, Cloyd E 387 Sweet, J. Herbert- -387, 464 Swem, Edmond H 89 Swengal, Wilson S 85 Swing, Peter F 39 Swing, Philip C. 300 Swing, Richard C. 301 Swisher, Howard L 444 Sydnor, Clem A 205 Sydnor, Giles G 204 Syester, Lewis D loi Sykes, Frederick G 385 Sykes, Harry R. 321 Sykes, Joseph P 112 Sylvester, Homer 351 Symons, Arthur H 359 Taggart, John B 42 Tait, Alexander G 445 Talbert, Thomas L 234 Talbot, Howard H 328 Talbot, William S 177 Talbott, Frank 237 Talbott, Green Pace -- 237 Talbott, H. Worthing- ton 143, 407, 462 Talbott, Thomas S 237 Tallman, Dwight D. -. 200 Tallman, Stanley D. -_ 353 Tangerman, Harry H.. 359 PAGE Tappen, Alexander B.- 407 Tarkington, N. Booth- 246, 467 Tarney, Joseph B.--77, 458 Tarry, George W 284 *Tate, James F 113 Tavenner, Frank S 211 Tayloe, William H 163 *Taylor, Alfred 131, 461 Taylor, Bennet 246 Taylor, Burpee C 429 Taylor, Charles F. 234 Taylor, Charles Marcus 54 Taylor, Charles Murray 178 Taylor, Edward M. — 230 Taylor, Edward S 385 Taylor, Edward W 390 Taylor, Edwin 146 *Taylor, Edwin C. 231 Taylor, Frank S 198 Taylcr, Fred M 185 Taylor, George S 196 Taylor, Herbert F 427 Taylor, Horace 291 Taylor, Horace S 431 Taylor, Jefferson Z 123 Taylor, John Jay 87 Taylor, John Lewis 70 *Taylor, Joseph L 49 Taylor, Joseph R 55 Taylor, Morgan P 440 Taylor, Murray 52 Tavlor, Newton M 87 Taylor, Orla B 275 *Taylor, Philip L 133 Taylor, Raymond H.-- 223 Taylor, Robert D 197 Taylor, Samuel C. 198 Taylor, Thomas A 177 Taylor, Van Derveer.- 229 *Taylor, William H. — 36 Taylor, William L 357 Taylor, William M. 245, 311 Taylor, William M 60 Tea, George W. 99 Tearse, Clarence D 353 Tebbetts, Hiram B 401 Teed, Freeman G. 133 Teet, Juson 33 *Tegarden, William H.- 51 Telfair, John H. 440 Tennyson, Howard A.- 418 Terry, Edward W 370 Terry, Frederick 307 Terry, Henry K 318 Terry, William, Jr 208 Thacker, Isaac N 69 Thackston, John W. -- 202 Thackwell, Paul 34 Thalman, John W 44 Thalman, Joseph L 44 PAGE *Thayer, John D 85 Thayer, Nathaniel C, Jr 430 Thayer, William C 281 Theobold, Julius 320 Thies, Arno G 419 Thomas, Charles S. 316 Thomas, Claude E. 416 Thomas, Claude H. 449 Thomas, Frank M 414 Thomas, Franklin V..- 93 Thomas, Frederick A. _ 91 Thomas, John D.--I13, 204 Thomas, John W 101 Thomas, Lee E 117, 213 Thomas, Luther B 320 Thomas, Lyne S 209 Thomas, William A 239 Thomas, William B. .- 264 Thomas, William C. .. 287 ♦Thomas, William D.-- 198 Thomas, William E. _- 204 Thomas, William M..- 85 Thompson, A. P 401 Thompson, B. Ralph-- 343 Thompson, Charles H. 142 Thompson, Charles Trotter 159 Thompson, David D.-- 40 Thompson, Dunlap — 397 Thompson, Edward C. 316 Thompson, Frank R.-- 300 Thompson, Frank, Jr.- 236 Thompson, Frank W.. 359 Thompson, Howard N. 319 Thompson, James D.-. 177 ♦Thompson, James S... 151 Thompson, John D 247 Thompson, John M 247 Thompson, Lewis W.- 34 Thompson, Lynn W.-- 423 Thompson, Morven — 143 Thompson, Patrick H. 269 Thompson, Ralph 294 Thompson, Robert C- 41 Thompson, Robert D.- 236 Thompson, Rolfe L.-- 390 Thompson, Thomas V. 226 Thompson, Willard C. 295 Thompson, William C. 410 Thompson, William E. 137 *Thompson, William H. 106 Thompson, Warren R. 411 Thompson, Williel 194 Thomson, Charles Tal- bott 264 Thornhill, William H. --44, 343, 401 Thornley, Julian 117 Thornton, Charles E.. 148 Thornton, Edwin L 218 5'2 ALPHABETICAL INDEX PAGE Thornton, Edward T.. 386 Thornton, Harry R 137 Thornton, James L 147, 462 Thorpe, Walton W 393 *Thrasher, Luther E 358 Thrasher, Stephen 66 Thresher, Alfred A 179 Thresher, Brainard B.. 179 Thresher, Robert J 178 Throop, Joseph P. 68 Thropp, Joseph E 157 Thurlow, Leon R 315 Thurman, Harold C 449 Thurston, Herbert R.- 427 Tibbits, Fred P 350 Tibbits, Heber L 352 Tibbott, John L 151 Tilford, James F. 359 Tillotson, William L.- 439 Timberlake, Frank B.. 249 Timmonds, Henry C.-- 70 Tinney, Gilbert H 470 Tisdale, Frank 396 Tisdale, Samuel L 284 Tishue, Clee W. 334 Titus, George E 124 Tobin, John W 363 Tobin, Leonard 363 Tobin, Robert P 406 Todd, David 248 Todd, James 197 Todd, James G 205 Todd, James M. 324 Todd, John G. 119, 461 Todd, McClure S 229 Todd, Pearl C 231 Toerring, Christian J.. 292, 404, 469 Tofte, Albert A., Jr 392 Tombaugh, Frank M.. 342 Tomlinson, John W. .- 87 Tompkins, Edmund L. 117 Toms, Charles F 396 Toney, Hardin K. 55 Torrance, W. Brown.- 198 Torrey, Harry K 431 Torrey, John C 51 Torrey, William D 50 Totten, EvanC 199 Totten, William G. L.. 80 Tourtellotte, F. J 188 Tower, Edward C 75 Towles, Fred M 152 Towne, Charles A 176 *Townes, Robert L 117 Townsend, Charles E.- 380 Townsend, Fred. 276 Townsend, George B.. 103 Townsend, Henry T..- 157 Townsend, Robert A.- 130 PAGE Townsend, Wilber 278, 391 Tozzer, Brent A 249 ^Tracy, Hayden H. 404 Tracy, Paul H. 312 *Trader, Alonzo L 37 Trafelet, Amie Louis.- 196 Trapp, William E 295 *Travers, William M.-- 97 Treat, William B. F.-- 68 Trego, Cyrus 133 *Trembly, Judge H 91 Trentlan, John R 210 Trice, William W 53 Trigg, Paul D 269 *Trimble, Charles W.-- 37 Trimmer, Bruce H 137, 259 Trinkle, E. Lee — 119, 205 Troop, William J 69 Trotter, James 51 *Troupe, Samuel C 62 Trow, Frank H. 427 Trowbridge, Charles R. 125 *Trowbridge, R 158 True, Edgar C 346 True, Harold E 472 Trueblood, Jesse D. 70, 457 Trueblood, William N. 70 *Trumbull, Charles 185 Trussell, Bernard H.-- 444 *Tucker, Alfred 158 Tucker, George E 359 Tucker, John R., Jr.-- 167, 374 Tucker, Robert H 112 *Tucker, Thomas E 48 Tufts, Carl R 408 Tunis, John T 265 Tunnicliff, George D. 187, 275 Tupper, Tullius C 49 Turley, Clavin J 177 Turnbull, R. A 408 Turner, Clayton H 34 Turner, Edwin P 237 Turner, George N 402 Turner, James D 220 Turner, John M 284 Turner, John P 415 Turner, Joseph 158 Turner, Leigh C 34 Turner, Samuel D 237 Turner, William N 197 Turner, Willie P. M..- 397 Turney, William W.-- 179 Tuthiil, Russell 199 *Tuttle, Ernest V. 359 Tutwiler, Pascal Ash-- 113, 222 Tyler, Lucius S. 314 Tyler, James H., Jr 205 PAGE Tyler, John D 204 Tyler, S. H Tyler, Stockton H.- 167, 205 Tyler, William W., Jr. 281, 408 Tyrrell, Franklin J 325, 350 Tyson, John R 164, 216 *Tyson, Robert A 217 Tweedy, George A 315 Twineham, Arthur P.- 69 Twiss, George R 318 Twitchell, Ernest 298 Ufford, Henry P 38 Ullman, James B 54 Underwood,WilliamH. 340 Unger, Calvin R. 125 Urner, Henry 301 *Urquhart, Francis M.- 115 Urquhart, Richard A.- 114 Urquhart, Richard Al- exander 118, 396 Urquhart, Whitmel H. 114 Vaiden, Cowles M 52 Vail, Hugh F. R 381 Valentine, Charles W.. 249 Valentine, Hosford E.- 90 Valentine, Richard E.- 269 Van Alen, Gilbert R... 157 Van Alstine, David — 311 Vanatta, John C 244 Van Benschoten, Wil- liam C 189 Van Bergen, Newell .- 386 Van Burg, James L 333 Van Buskirk, Daniel D., Jr 75 Van Buskirk, Thomas- 275 Vance, Boyle 29I Vance, Calvin B. 112 *Vance, Samuel E. 60 Van Cleve, Rae G 400 Van Derveer, Boynton H 277 Van Deventir, Augus- tin 468 Van Doozer, Jesse P. . . 190 Van Dyke, James C.-- 133, 158 Van Dyke, Thomas K. 133 Van Hamm, Caleb M._ 177 Van Hovenberg, Hen- ry, Jr 440 Van Hoevenberg, Karl H 325 Van Kleeck, Myndert James 422, 439 Van Lennep, Edward J 252 ALPHABETICAL INDEX 513 PAGE Van Lennep, VV^illiam B 252 Van Loo, Kingsley 375 *Van Loo, William C- 374 *Vannuys, Cornelius --- 195 Van Nuys, Franklin B. 150 Van Nuys, Thomas C- 70 Van Sant, William J.-- 267 Van Valkenburg, Har- ry J 393 Van V^alkenburg, Jesse 391 Van Vliet, James B 356 Van Voorhess, George R. 149 Van Winkle, Arthur C. 267 Van Winkle, Edwin L. 266 *Van Winkle, Ernest A. 268, 468 Van Winkle, Frank D. 266 Van Wmkle, James G. 249 Van Winkle, John S. 266, 468 Van Winkle, Julian P. 267 Van Wyck, Lawrence H 382 Van Zandt, Roberts. 75, 458 Van Zant, William G.- 130 Vaughan, Clarence E.- 266 Vaughan, Edmund G.- 166 Vaughan, Harold L.-- 212 Vaughan, James T. — 266 Vaughn, Willis S 397 Venable, Edward C. -- 113 *Venable, Nathan E 116, 203 Verdel, Clarence M.-- 284 Verharen, Arthur W. - 393 Vermilion, Charles W. 90, 276, 458, 469 Vernon, Joseph W 350 Vernon, Milton 32 Vincent, WMlliam G., Jr 372 Vineyard, Erastus D.- 55 Vineyard, George H.-- 55 Vineyard, Jesse M 55 Vineyard, John B. 55 Vinnedge, Allen R 245 \'inton, Charles H. -245, 311 Vinton, Henry H 245 Voget, Guido Charles - 353 Vogt, Von Ogden 327 Von Weise, Charles W. 92 Voorhis, Charles B 357 Vorce, Clarence B 311 Vorce, Walter H 313 Voris, Harry M. 197 \'oris, Joseph R 197 Vorpe, William G 43 Vose, Frederic P i8g Vose, Walter S 191 PAGE Waddell, Robert B...- 268 Wade, John H. 194 Wadsworth, John G. -- 290 Wagner, Fred W 137 Wagner, Harry S 180 Wagner, Webster 439 Wa'gstaff, Robert B. -- 358 Wagstaff, Thomas E. - 358 Wahl, William H. 97 Wahle, Richard E 387 Waidlich, Henry S 125 Wainwright, Edward C. 430 Waite, Donald C 281 Wakeman, Edgar L.-- 69 Wakeman, Harry F.-- 189 Waldo, D wight B. 374 Walk, George E. 44 Walk, Willoughby 115 *Walker, Benjamin B.- 36 Walker, Frank B 315 Walker, George R. — 423 Walker, Howard R...- 202 Walker, Jacob G 130 Walker, James L 269 Walker, John C. 449 Walker, J. Franklin--- 377 Walker, Newton S 217 Walker, Paul F 298 Walker, Richard W.-- 163, 252 Walker, Samuel H 140 Walker, Stuart A 302 Walker, William R..-- 218 Wallace, Clinton S. 152 W^allace, David — 247, 463 W^allace, George H 120 Wallace, Henry 60 Wallace, Henry E. 256 Wallace, Jesse A 202 Wallace, John 444 Wallace, Lewis 148 Wallace, Louis D 188 Wallace, Ovid B 149 Wallace, William M.- 15a, 462 Wallick, John G. 248 Walling, Percy A. 276 Walls, Eli Slifer 138 Walls, John A 315 Walls, William C 133 Walmesley, Benjamin M 118, 371 Walmsley, Hardie B.- 371 Walraven, Lewis T 158 Walser, Frederick T.. 439 Walsh, David Y 267 Walter, Cornelius W.- 230 Walter, George M 125 Walters, William S 93 Walthall, James D 365 Walton, Shirl S 152 PAGE Wampler, John M 195 Ward, Edward B.-I15, 284 Ward, Edward H., Jr.- 213 Ward, Edward O 173 Ward, Frank W^ 137 Ward, Guy 359 Ward, Roscoe P 391 Ward, Thomas R., Jr.- 284 Ward, William 113 Ward, William K 143 Warden, Frank G.- 177, 274 Warden, Harry 249 Warder, William H. _- 435 Warfield, George H. __ 55 Warford, William F.-- 269 Warmoth, George W.- 75 Warner, Arthur H 327 Warner, Charles C. -90, 245 Warner, Cortice M 246 Warner, Edward O 385 Warner, Hugh M 303 Warner, Martyn F 352 Warner, Murray 313 Warren, Albert K 245 Warren, Homer G 375 Warren, LeRoy W igo, 351 Warren, Willis A 347 Warrington, Harry E.- 299 Warrington, James N. 290,336 Waterman, Charles C. 371 *Waterman, L. N 97 Waters, Eugene M 180 W'aters, Philemon B.-- 112 Waterworth, Edward B 449 Watkins, Guy H 57 Watkins, John E 170 *Watkins, Lewis 80 Watkins, Wade L 56 Watkins, William B.-- 56 *Watkins, William P.-- 115, 163 *Watrous, Charles T. ._ 189 * Watson, Addison 38 W^atson, Algerus C 39 *Watson, C. Bruce 61 Watson, David K 39, 98 Watson, Gustavus A.-- 223 W^atson, James 36 Watson, Joseph L.-131, 461 *Watson, Otway 37 Watson, Sydney 187 Watson, Thomas Q 267 *Watson, William B 81 *Watson, William C 38 Watt, Earl H 33 *Watt, William G 50 W'atts, J. Frederick--- 275 Watts, James O 239 5H ALPHABETICAL INDEX Watts, Nathan 197 Watts, R. Thomas, Jr.- 238 Watts, Stephen H.- 1 19, 238 Waugh, Charles P 213 Waugh, James M 245 Weadock, John V 281 Weadon, Francis P 8g Weathers, John R 69 Weaver, Alexander B. 172 Weaver, Dempsey 167 Weaver, George N 144 Weaver, Jacob J., Jr.-- 122 Weaver, John S 76, 152 Weaver, Louis W. 144 Weaver, Thomas S 163 Weaver, William W.-- 438 Webb, Brittain R. 51 Webb, Charles W 234 Webb, Otto 294 Webb, Walter L 163 Weber, Carl G 227 Weber, Charles A 265 Weber, William J 196 Webster, Arthur 277 *Webster, Charles W.B. 37 Webster, Edward H.-- 184 *Webster, LeRoy 280 Webster, William C.-- 374 *Weech, C. Sewell loi Weed, Joseph B., Jr.-- 407 Weeden, Burr M 188 Weeks, Charles Q 412 Weeks, Edv/ard P 211 Weeks, William G 211 Wehn, EarleA 332 Weidensaul, Yencer M. 138 Weidner, Fraley N 41c Weidner, George F.-- 318 Weikert, Clyde B 128 Weikert, Samuel A 123 Weills, John C. S 81 Weills, William M. L. 81 Weir, Claude H 397 Weis, Samuel W 313 Weiser, James M 98 Welch, James A 166 Welch, Samuel W 217 Welck, William 98 *Welfley, Richard H... 124 Weller, Arthur 303 Weller, Worth 303 Welles, Arthur T 135 Welles, Theodore L.-- 173 Wells, Almond B., Jr.- 332 Wells, Channing M.-- 313 Wells, Harvey 40 Wells, James H 384 Wells, John H 408 Wells, James H 247 Wells, Rolla 257 Wells, Vines M. 222 PAGE Welton, Benjamin F.-- 428 Wendell, Robert F.--. 167, 464 Wendt, Charles 127 Wendt, John 127, 439 Wentz, Charles P 258 Wepple, Worth W 278 Werder, Hudson B 354 Werner, Frank A 315 Wernher, Ernest 358 Wescott. Seba Clar- ence 357 Wessells, Eugene H.-- 439 West, Howard 435 West, Perry 435 Westermann, Hans T. 331 Westfeldt, George G.- 372 Westfeldt,Gustaf R.,Jr. 372 Weston, Harry C 92 Westwater, James G.-- 321 Wetherill, William C- 158 Wetmore, Edward D.- 173 *Wetmore, Frederick S. 174 Wetzel, George T 341 Wetzel, Harvey M. --. 384 Weyerbacher.Kermeth 458 *Whaley, Rogers 362 Whaling, Joshua B 211 Wharton, William L... 88 Wheat, Benjamin L. -- 264 Wheeler, Charles P. -- 185 Wheeler, Daniel H., Jr. 330 Wheeler, Fred F 385 *Wheeler, Frank L 330 Wheeler, Myron E 330 Wheeler, Thornton ^R. 326 Wheeler, William G.-- 112 Wheeler, William H. - 331 Wheldon, Charles S.-- 293 Whetsel,EverardN.76, 458 Whicher, Charles M... 404 Whicher, Frank P 423 Whiffen, Hamlet H. -- 343 Whipple, Merwyn Jay 424 Whitaker, John S. 72 Whitcomb, William C. 400 White, Allison R 159 White, Benjamin 142 White, Benjamin F, .- 142 White, Carroll Henry- 428 White, Charles E. 87 *White, Charles J 245 White, D. Charles 423 White, Edward F 89 White, Harry C. 405 White, Henry H 80 White, Henry M 445 White, Herford 354 White, John A. 326 White, John H 406 White, John S 313 White, Lawrence A, .- 209 *White, Leland M 377 *White, Milton 362 White, Robert W 100 White, Samuel R 99 *White, Thomas B 275 White, Thomas W. 220 White, Thomas W., Jr. 57 White, William D., Jr. 258 White, William S 375 White-Callan, Lewis J. 258 Whitehead, Charles G. 138 ^Whitehead, Charles W. 324 Whitehead. Silas C 236 Whitham, William H.- 445 Whiting, Percy H 416 Whitlock, Brand ---43, 455 Whitlock, EliasD 38 Whitman, Edward P. - 313 Whitman, Rowland 157, 464 Whitmer, Rollo Ray.. 34 Whitmore, Jesse D 333 Whitmore, William W. 342 Whitney, Albert W. -- 325 Whitney, Clarence W. 279 Whitney, George H.-- 164 Whitney,James Lyman 327 Whitney.Josiah Dwight 327 Whitney, William T. - 327 Whitsitt, Andrew A. .- 87 Whittemore, Frank E. 179 Whittemore,. George F. 321 Whittick, Manuel C.-- 321 Whittier, Thomas T... 429 Wickenden,WilliamE. 181 *Wickes, Hamilton S.-- 184 Wickham, Charles E.- 306 Wickham, William F. 253 Widber, Augustus C.-- 380 Widman, Charles H. -- 280 Wier, John G. 468 Wierman, Victor P. — 171 Wiggam, Albert E. --- 198 *Wiggam, Horace 197 Wiggam, John H 196 Wightman, Charles A. 187 Wightman, Richard R. 376 Wilbur, Cressy L 346 Wilcox, John F. 157 Wilcoxen, Thomas H.- 448 Wilde, Herbert R 408 Wilder, Charles T 292 Wilder, Henry W 291 Wiles, Charles C 37 Wiley, Channing P 210 Wiley, Cole C 248 Wiley, Henry A 208 *Wiley, John K. 106 Wiley, Merlin L. 378 Wilev, Oscar 208 Wiley, Robert M. -I18, 211 ALPHABETICAL INDEX 5^5 PAGE Wiley, Ulric Z. 147 *Wilhite, James M. 68 Wilkens, Samuel H. __ 431 Wilkerson, Presley M. 217 Wilkes, John D 218 Wilkins, Eugene B 258 Wilkins, William A.-- 85 Wilkinson, Arthur C... 352, 470 Wilkinson, Oscar O. A. 179, 464 Wilkinson, Samuel E.. 42 Willard, Bryant 312 Willard, Herman F. -- 124 Willard, Samuel S 124 Williams, A. H. 462 Allen W 319 Arthur R. -^ 359 Williams Williams Williams Williams, Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams Williams erts Williams Burns L 360 38 325 36 54 328 Byron David R Ebenezer M. Edmund P.- Edward W.- Elmer i»i Ernest S 419 Fitch Rob- 280, 377 George B. -.. 294, 386 372 Williams, George E. Williams, George H. Williams, George W. . 112 Williams, Guy R 320 Williams, Harry N. 313 Williams, James F. — 37 Williams, Jesse P. 112 Williams, Joe E 459 Williams, John R. 397 Williams, John W 211 Williams, Lynn A 353 Williams, Marcus T.C. 37 Williams, Norman R. _ 343 Williams, Pierce B. 164 *Williams, Robert E. N. 381 Williams, Samuel W. - 136 *Williams, Thomas M.- 96 Williams, Walter E. -- 53 Williams, Walter O. -- 149 Williams, William H.- 396 *Williams, William Heinrich 397 Williams, William W., Jr 382 *Williamson, Benjamin A. 141 Williamson, C. V 44 Williamson, Chester H. 197 Williamson, Delano E. 84 Williamson, DwightW. 89 Williamson, Jesse 459 PAGE Williamson, Levy 191 Willis, Albert P 404 W'illis, George E 77 Willis, Samuel C 268 Willis, Short A 467 Willits, Charles O 92, 278, 459 Willmott, John W 434 Willson, Romney L. -- 76 Wilson, Arthur E. 415 Wilson, Arthur L 143 Wilson, Baxter 50 Wilson, Benjamin G.-- 259 Wilson, C. Heilman — 203 Wilson, Charles D 34 Wilson, Claude D. 34 *Wilson, Coleman R. -- 195 Wilson, Daniel F 299 Wilson, David C. 80 Wilson, Edward L. — 196 Wilson, Floyd A 280 Wilson, Frederick H. _ 293 Wilson, George W\ — 68 Wilson, Harry R 173 Wilson, Harry S., Jr.-- 230 Wilson, Herbert J 428 Wilson, Howard A. 33 Wilson, Hugh E 230 Wilson, J. C 44 Wilson, James 173 Wilson, James H 174 Wilson, James R 72 Wilson, John B. 170 Wilson, John W 237, 368, 467 Wilson, Junius L 115, 203, 467 Wilson, Philip S 368 Wilson, Porter M. 133 Wilson, Robert L 368 Wilson, Russell 302 Wilson, Samuel M. --- 48 Wilson, Thomas B 38 Wilson, Walter W 258 *Wilson, William 106 Wilson, William A. --- 149 Wilson, William W. -- 86 Wiltsee, Clifford A 180 *Wiltsee, John A 39 Wiltsee, Percy L 181 Winchester, Mark 181 Winchester, Robert L. 53 Windisch, Charles F.-_ 298 W^indsor, Charles J 326 Winfield, Turner A. -- 368 Winfree, W. Russell- - 238 Wing, Frederic M 191 Wingate, David R 209 Winger, Frank S 350 Wingert, John H 132 *Wingert, William H.K. 126 PAGE nVinings, William M.-- 87 Winlack, H. Stanley -- 460 Winn, Frank L 265 Wiiiship, Walter E.-.- 418 Winslow, Frederic C- 184 Winter, Charles G 288 Wiiiton, Roy W 360 Wintrode, Alfred H... 244 Wirt, John A 124 Wise, Gustus M 343 Wise, Harry Oliver-73, 74 Wise, Malcolm 134 Wise, William C 188 Wiseman, Edward B. - 384 Wissler, Clark 75 *Witbeck, Henrv J 278 Withers, Robert E 368 Wittenmeyer, SamueL 137, 407 Witter, Otis L 178 Witter, William E 34 Witwer, Albert M 103 Wixom, Justin H 346 *Wolf, Charles S 126 Wolf, Henry M 125 Wolf, John B 126 Wolf, Robbin B 127 Wolfe, Charles J. 134 Wolfe, Jacob V. 66 Wolfe, Philip B 136 Wolff, Emil 449 Wolff, George, Jr. 449 Wollaeger, Edwin F.- 354 Wollaeger, Gustav, Jr. 352 Wolverton, Simon P. Jr. 137 Wood, Bourne 431 Wood, Carl E 75 *Wood, Charles 311 Wood, Charles H.- 208, 222 Wood, Charles L 320 Wood, Edward J 397 Wood, Edwin D 94, 459 *Wood, Frank A. 330 Wood, P'red B 444 *Wood, Garry H. 135 W^ood, George R 177 Wood, Henry D 277 Wood, James P 217 nVood.john A. B 178 Wood, Luke 288 Wood, Morey A 279 Wood, Norman 288 Wood, Wallace 50 Wood, Wallace 195 Wood, William R. 300 Wood, William S.-167, 464 Woodall, Charles B 303 Woodall, Harry R 384 Woodall, Dura Mar- shall 324 *Woodburn, James 69 5^6 ALPHABETICAL INDEX PAGE Woodbury, Benjamin. 176 Wooden, Morris loi Wooden, Weldon B. ._ 385 Woodhull, Charles R.- 315 *Woods, Byron A 176 Woods, C. B. 203 Woods, Edward D 51 Woods, Floyd 469 Woods, John W 434 *Woodsmall, Harrison . 67 Woodward, Arthur P.. 258 Woodward, Ernest G.- 414 *Woodward, Henry 123 Woodward, Warren — 302 Woodward, William H. 326 Woodworth, Albert O. 340 Woodworth, Benjamin S 405 Woodworth, James R.- 429 Woody, Charles De — 136 Woody, Charles S.- -94, 459 Woody, Frederick W._ 293 Woody, Paul W 295 Woodyatt, Ernest 314 Woodyatt, Rollin T... 407 Wooley, William S 356 Woollard, Pierce B 55 Work, Edgar W. 228 Workman, David R.-- 226 Worley, Albert 360 Worley, John S 360, 348 Worthington, Union 257, 265, 468 Wren, Arthur Roy 279 *Wright, Albert D 157 Wright, Albert O., Jr.- 352 Wright, AUenG 381 Wright, Arthur C 247 Wright, ArthurW 132 Wright, Bayard W 341 Wright, Charles B 188 Wright, Charles N. __- 382 Wright, Charles O 449 Wright, Foster C 401 Wright, Francis T 195 Wright, Frank E 181 PAGE Wright, Herbert P. --- 188 Wright, Jacob W 325 Wright, James B 74 *Wright, James H 49 Wright, James M. -I99, 466 Wright, John E. 61 Wright, John L. 342 Wright, Julian V 311 Wright, Norman S. 382 Wright, Preston 119 Wright, Robert J 54 Wright, Royal 292 Wright, Thomas W. .- 386 Wright, Walter 181 *Wright, William E 90 Wright, William H.._- 381 Wright, William W. .- 381 Wright, Williamson S. 60 Wyatt, Grant 306 Wycoff, Cornelius W.- 80 Wyeth, Newton 274 Wylie, Samuel B 77 Wylly, Albert 253 Wyly, Thomas H 206 Wyim, Francis B 89 Wynn, John G 92, 247 Wynn, William A 358 Yancy, Albert F 208 Yancy, Alexander K.-- 112 Yant, George S 449 Yaple, George L 184 Yaple, George L., Jr..- 378 *Yardley, Joseph W 256 Yeager, Lewis A 445 Yeates, Charles M 236 Yeaton, Edward S 430 *Yeldell,A. Robert 107 *Yeldell, William A 107 Yeoman, Joseph A. O.- 37 *Yerby, JohnD 284 Yerger, Edwin M, 209 *Yerger, Harry 49 Yerger, Orville M., Jr._ 202 Yerxa, Ernest L 393, 402 Yingling, Esteb C 34 PAGE Yocum, Frank 387, 464 *Yoder, Roy 470 Yoell, John H 275 Yoke, C. R 151 Yoko, Robert C. 445 Yost, Fielding H. _ 444 *Youche, Julius W. 69 Young, Alexander F.-- 162, 463 Young, Alfred A. 50 Young, Charles E. 393 Young, Charles S 405 Young, Clare C 332, 401 Young, De Lanson J... 128 Young, Fred L 448 Young, Harry S 382 Young, Howard B 128 Young, James 363 *Young, John D 160 Young, John E 276 Young, Lewis O. 128 Young, Robert A 220 Young, Robert B 217 Young, Stark 56 Young, Will C. 423 Young, William H 133 Young, William M. 342 Younger, Herbert L 419 Youngman, John R 170 Youngman, Thomas W. 170 Yount, John A 212 Zahniser, Charles M... 172 *Ziegenfuss, Henry L.-- 122 Ziegler, John F 276 Ziegler, S. Lewis 134, 257, 461 Ziepprecht, Carl W. -_ 354 Zimmermann, Walter G 314 ZoUars, Lewis R 177 *Zook, Thomas W 66 Zug, Charles K. 99 Zug, Ray 102 Zwietusch, Edward O.- 350 RESIDENCE INDEX ALABAMA. Alexander City page Walker, Newton S., Farmer, '8i --. 217 Alpine Welch, Samuel W., Physician, 'i 217 Altmore Walker, Howard R., Clergyman, '74, 202 Benton Staggers, Robert J., Merchant, '76- 262 Bessemer Trotter, James, Attorney, '76 51 1811 Arlington Ave. Birmingham Dill, William Y., Druggist, '79 217 Forbes, Thomas S., Insurance, '78- - 203 Fowlkes, Samuel V., Merchant, '76- 216 1130 S. 19th St. Gaines, James, /^W(?/d?r, '00 415 Joy, Frederick M., Dra2ights7natt,'o\ 205 With T. C. I. & R. R. Co. Joy, Samuel S., Architect, '02 295 Lowe, Robert J., Attorney, '81 262 Martin, William E., Attorney, '78-- 52 i6th St. & 13th Ave. Meade William E., Bookkeeper, '87, 54 Molton, William F., Real Estate, '83, 218 ii8'/2 N. 19th St. Morse, John W., '80 284 Palmer, Ransom D., Physician, '82, '83, 116, 217, 460, 466 Smith, Thomas O., Banker, '82, 165, 262 Clayton Mabry, Seth, Teacher, '76 216 Cherokee Lawrence, James W., '78 216 Dadeville Bulger, Thomas L., Aitorney,''j\-.. 208 Dallas Mills Dennis, William J., '61 106 Elmore Scott, Joseph A., Clergyman, '84 284 Fairfield page Clark, Samuel, Physician, 'jj 216 Faunsdale Bethea, Samuel R., Planter, '83 218 Florence O'Neal, Alfred M., Engineer, '02. .. 416 Fort Payne Quin, William E., Physician, 'J2, '74 50,216, 234 Gadsden tGarlington, Thomas G.,Druggist,'%6, 211 Gainesville Scales, Uriah E., '84 284 Gallion Collins, John W., Farmer, '80 217 Geneva Milligan, Fitzjames, Attorney, '83-- 284 Greensboro tjones, Robin, Railroad Official, '85- 218 Tutwiler, Pascal A., Attorney, '69, '73 113, 222 Ward, Thomas R.,]r., M ere hant,'^2» 284 Huntsville Coleman, Frank, Attorney, '69 162 Harrison, Kibble J., Real Estate, '78, 262 Patton, Oliver B., '69 113 Walker, Richard W., Attorney, 'l\,'T] 163, 252 Idaho Haralson, William W., '85 218 Jefferson Lipscomb, William R., Farmer, '78- 217 Louisville tRencher, William 'Y ., Clergy man, 'Zit,, 284 Linden Lockhart, William C, Physician, '81, 217 Macon Patterson, Charles A., Bookkeeper, '02 333 517 5i« RESIDENCE INDEX Marion page tCumming, John R. G., Clergy7nati, '83 284 fHurt, James W., Real Estate, '85--- 218 Lovelace, William ll.,Merchattt, '82, 217 Sprott, Thomas W., '74 216 Tarry, George W., Merchant, '82--- 284 Wilkerson, Presley M., Merchant, '79 217 Mobile Dantzler, Gabriel B., De7itist, '96 — 414 225 Dauphin St. ■fGregory, Elijah H., Attorjiey, '83 265 tRives, Alfred L., Railroad Official, '69 113 Montgomery Anderson, Charles P., Merchant,'%^, 218 3 S. Union St. Bibb, William C., Attorney, '73 220 9 Moses Bldg. Burton, Joseph P., Traiti Dispatcher, 'qi 266 With L. & N. R. R. Carothers, Charles G., Insurance, '2)0, 52 fFowler, Francisco F., Govertunent Official, '83 210 Glover, Allen V\K, Planter, '85 218 Ledyard, William E., '85 218 423 Jefferson St. Massie, Patrick C, Attorney, '83..- 116 tNoble, Edward F., '73 158 Starke, Samuel C, Teacher, '88 238 95 Houston St. Tyson, John R., Attorney i']']^']C), 164, 216 231 Catoma St. Wilson, C. Heilman, Teacher, '79 -- 203 333 Mildred St. Mt. Sterling "fTisdale, Samuel L., Clergyman, '83- 284 Mt. Vernon "fKellogg, W. v.. Physician, '91 118 Old Springhill Allen, Charles E., Farmer, '84 284 Epps, John H., Farmer, '^2) 284 Opelika Barnes, Reid B., Merchant, '76 220 Reid, Barnes, '74 114 Renfroe, Noah P., Merchant, '80 — 217 Ponder, James W\,C^/'/c>«^rcy^^r,'78, 217 Perryville Walker, William R., '84 218 Pine Apple Feagin, Benjamin Y.., Merchant, '83, 284 Portland page McMillan, Lewis R., Farjfier, '78 — 217 McMillan, Albert G., Farmer, '78-- 217 Post Oak Johnson, Henry T., Clergyman, '84- 284 Pushmattaha Cook, J. D., Clergyvian, '80 217 Selma Anderson, Richard P., Banker, '83. 218 1317 Alabama St. Burns, William W., Conunissioti Merchant, '^6 216 Clay, J. Leon, Mercha7it, '82 217 Hooper, James F., '81 203 fMunnerlyn, Frank L., Accoufitant, '85, '89 54, 218 Reese, Henry F., Attorney, '83 218 Ward, Edward B., Physician, '79, '81 115, 284 Weaver, William W., Planter, '98- - 438 Sheffield Foster, John, Chefftist,'()2i 41° Miller, David, Mechanical Engineer, '99 - - 30 1 , 415 Somerville Binford, Peter, Physician, '60 112 Sprott Sprott, John M., Merchant, '81 217 Summerfield |Doak, Algernon S., Clergyiiian, '75- 202 Talladega Griggs, Howard, Teacher, 'Zi 217 Henderson, R. W„ Merchant, '82.-- 217 Newman, William B., Attorftey, '84, '86 166, 218 Remson, David M.., Merchant, '79-- 217 Tuscumbia tTurner, John M., Photographer, '84, 284 Uniontown Tayloe, William H., Attortiey, '74 -- 163 University Palmer, Thomas W., Teacher, '79-- 217 Van Dorn Kornegay, Robert Y!.., Merchant, '82, 217 Vienna Peebles, William 'Q., Merchant, '84- 218 Watumpka Thomas, Claude E., Drziggist, '03-- 416 RESIDENCE INDEX 5^9 ALASKA Eagle City PAGE Taylor, Samuel C, Prospector, '92 - ig8 Nome Watt, Earl H., Prospector, '97 33 Skagway Sampson, William B., Postmaster, '97 358 ARIZONA Clifton fLacy, John W.., Physician, '"jd 202 Fort Apache Fechet, James E., Soldier, 'c)C) 332 Wells, Almond B., Jr., '00 332 Fortuna Young, Clare C, Physician, '97, '01 332, 401 Juniper Bennett, Lyman R., Cattleman, '04. 419 Morenci Moulton, JohnC, Z>r//'_^'-^z^/, '99 419 Phoenix Bennett, Frank W., Student, '01 419 Berryhill, Robert B., Merchant, '86 307, 469 Christy, Charles B., Bank Clerk,'c)C), 401 Christy, George D., Attorney, '90--- 400 Christy, Lloyd B., Banker, '90 400 Grier, William L. , Panchfuan, 'g6-- 342 Kennedy, Harry M., Miller, '90 390 143 S. 3d St. Lutgerding, George H., Student, 'o},, 419 Prescott Porter, Robert K., Teacher, '96 293 Tucson Forbes, Robert H., Chemist, '92 291 ARKANSAS Benton Parham, John L., County Official, 'jj 236 Wilson, Arthur E., Teacher, '96 415 Buffalo Buie, Henry T., iJ/z«^r, '77 51 Camden PAGE Brown, William W., Banker, '99, 166, 464 Box 467 Smith, Charles W., Attorney, '79--- 164 Fayettesville Schermerhorn, William W., Journalist, '61 66 Ft. Smith Cunkle, Austin ^., Attorney, '88 356 ■fHendrick, John L., Attor7iey, '78, '80 52, 262 tMiller, James A., Journalist, '83--- 306 Gregory Huddlestone, John J., Physician, '93, 55 Helena Richardson, Lee H., Clergy7nan, '84, 204 Ricks, William B., Clergyman, '89, '94 396, 4 1 4 Vineyard, George W.., Partner, '91 .- 55 Vineyard, Jesse M.., Attorney, \^ — 55 Woodworth, James R., '97 429 Wright, Frank E., Planter, '01 181 Wright, Walter, Planter, '03 iSi Hot Springs Taylor, Murray, '79 52 Jonesboro Brown, Doswell P., Student, '03 416 Lexa Vineyard, Erastus D., Fanner, '93-- 55 Warfield, George H., Merchant, '91 . 55 Little Rock Campbell, "iWcV.^ ., Electrician, 'ad, 55 iiS W.2dSt. Cantrell, Deaderick W..,Attorney!Z(i, 166 61Q Scott St. Hall, Walter G., Cotton Buyer, '87. 266 1018 Scott St. Smeade, George G., Clergyman, '84, 210 509 Scott St. Malvern Bramlitt, Edward 'Y., Physician, '75, 234 Mariana Brown, James P., Attorney, '75 223 Vineyard, John B., Attorney, '91 -_- 55 New Lewisville Parks, Tilman B., Attorney, 92, '94 118, 363 Newport Minor, James C, Physician, "82 116 520 RESIDENCE INDEX Pine Bluff page Bell, Roane C, Bookkeeper, '90 54 Toney, Hardin Y.., Attorney, '96 55 Powhatan |Rogers, Charles C, Attorney, '74 222 Rocky Comfort Williams, Pierce B., Attorney, '79-- 164 Searcy Benson, Jasper W., '96 205 Texarkana Griffith, Ma.rry, Merchant, '96 248 CALIFORNIA Azusa Wheat, Benjamin L., Orange Grower, '"jd) 264 Bakersfield Brundage, Benjamin l^., Assessor, '92 -^80 1805 H%t. Beaumont tPinnell, Homer F., Teacher, '93 92 Berkeley Eastman, Joseph S., Physician, '75- - 194 2164 Center St. Hall, Elmer E., Teacher, 'c)2, 400 1S25 Arch St. Hicks, Lewis A., Civil Engineer, '84 178 1828, 22d St.- Noble, Charles A., Teacher, '89 380 2727 Bancroft Way Pierce, Elliott H., Commercial Traveler, '98 38 1 2525 Ridge Road Ray, Fisk M., '89 374 2429 Channing Way Whitney, Albert W., Teacher, '91 -- 325 2630 Haste St. Buena Park Potter, Elbert K., Student, '02 419 Clairmont Deane, John F., '01 __ 382 Compton Pratt, Purnel Bush, Student, '04 259 Eden Vale Edwards, Wilbur J., Fruit Grower, '93 418 East Highland tFletcher, Frank A., Traveling Salesman, '71 158 El Monte PAGE Reed, Elgar, Physican, '90 400 Fresno Hall, Robert T., Dentist, '93 400 1033 I St. Holland, Marshall P., Merchant, '99, 76 Holland, William G., Attorney, '72. 69 Minor, Butler B., Rancher, '00 382 Roeding, Frederick W., Nurseryman, '94 381 Van Loo, YJixyg'&X&y , Merchant, '90-- 375 Fulton Sutherland, Walter M., Clergymati, '95 198 Grand Junction fRobertson, Julius J., Physician, '83- 116 La Crescenta tMerrill, Samuel, '91 287 Lindsay Carle, Charles ].,Orange Grower, '81 149 Los Angeles Arnold, Paul, Teacher, '90 400 iiii S. Hope St. Bahrenburg, George E., Student, '03 191, 402 gSS S.Hope St. Bradley, Clinton A., Bookkeeper, '90- 400 416 W. 4th St. Conrey, Nathaniel P., Attorney, "i\,'Z'}) 88, 274 California Bank Bldg. Cowan, John Y ., Student,'' o\ 401, 419 1420 Mitchell St. Curran, Robert G., Merchant, '97 401, 471 III S. Broadway Davis, Charles C, Attorney '73 4° Elder, Charles A., Loan Broker, '94, 292 138^ S. Spring St. Eliel, Albert Lee, Minijtg Engineer, '84 274, 290 Garret, Lewis R., Attorney, '94 400 95 Bryson Block Guiberson, William R., '02 402 Hannaman, George B., '89 341 2134 Maple Ave. Hatch, Bruce, '03 402 Hiller, Edgar D., Student, '02 402 129 S. Flower St. Janss, Edwin, Student, '03 402 850 S. Bonne Brae Jenkins, Evan, Student, '02 402 1050 W. 24th St. Jones, Mattison B., Attorney, '94 434 507-510 Stinson Block RESIDENCE INDEX 521 PAGE Jones, Philo, Salesman, '99 401 340 S. Hill St. Lloyd, William F., Merchant, '99-- 401 840H S. Flower St. Marquardt, Jesse C, Chemist, '%S-- 3i8 60 Washington St. Martin, Austin O., Reporter, '00 401 With Los Angeles Daily Times Martin, Harry L., Broker, '96 401 g6 Bryson Bldg. fMatthews, Winfield S., Teacher, '76, 185 McCartney, David W., Actor, '98--- 401 927 Orange St. McNutt, Cyrus ¥., Attorney, '71 69 Rooms 1-4 Law Bldg. Miller, Clarence A., Attorney, '81 -- 227 Bryson Bldg. Moulton, John C, Clerk, '98 429 640 Olive St. Moulton, Sam F., Bookkeeper, '01 -- 401 64o'/2 Olive St. Myers, Louis \W., Attorney, '93 351 303 Laughlin Bldg. Myers, Thomas C, Physician, '98-- 401 223 W. 2d St. Noble, Irvine M., Chemist, '99 419 1323 Lynvvood Ave. Pauly, Paul, Assayer, '02 419 1205 S. Olive St. Robinson,Thomas W., Attorney, '92, 400 IOI3 W. 2ISt St. Sanborn, R. Roscoe, Student, '02 — 259 1205 W. 23d St. Shaw, Hartley, Attorney, '94 400 531 Stinson Block Sinsabaugh, GtorgQ, Insurance, '%'^- 400 205 Frost Block Spencer,Frederick ^l... Attorney, 'qj, 401 206 Tajo Bldg. Stauter, Charles Y.., Student, '02 402 250S E. istSt. Strader.Benjamin Y .,Bookkeeper,'']q, 195 514 Crocker St. Strong, William A., Attorney, '97, '98 406, 418 S38 Alvarado St. Stuart, Edward B., Merckatit, '90 -- 400 III S. Broadway Tebbetts, Hiram B., Student, '00 — 401 1607 Grand Ave. Teed, Freeman G., Attorney, '72)--- ^33 Thomson, Archibald P., Attorney, '97 401 414 California Bank Bldg. Tufts, Carl K., Student, 'o^, 402 3203 Grand Ave. Turner, George N., '02 402 1155 W. 3Sth St. Van Cleve, Rae G., Teacher, '94 — 400 1349 Union Ave. PAGE Vernon, W\\\o\\., Farmer, '61 32 Warrington, James N., '83 290, 336 1711 S. Hope St. fWhite, Allison R., Mining Engineer, '74 159 Williams, Ernest S., Attorney, '99-- 419 2622 Orchard St. Wright, Charles N., Studettt, '02 -- 382 226 Spring St. Wright, Foster C, Attorney ^c^c)--- 401 1016 W. 38th St. Yerxa, Ernest L. Student, '04, '05 393, 402 Melrose & Vermont Aves. Los Gates Butler, Harry G., Student, '03 382 fUrquhart, Richard A., Physician, '72 114 Mountain View Nichols, Bernard C, Jiancher, '00-- 419 Mt. Hamilton Wright, William H., Astrofiomer,'g2 381 Napa Coombs, Frank L., /^ //£>;-«', '76--- 142 North Ontario Bradley, Lee Roy, Merchant, '98 -- 401 Oroville McClelland, James F., Mining Engineer, '00 439 Oakland Fletcher, Francis A., Revenue Officer, '84 306 1823 Telegraph Ave. tJones, Roswell S., '80 115 Townsend, Charles E., '90 380 1204, loth St. Palo Alto Hall, James P., Teacher, '94 405 Knutti, John G., '97 444 Younger, Herbert L., '02 419 Pasadena Porter, Don Carlos, Attorney, '93--- 400 Rooms 8-9-10 Stowell Bldg. Thomson, Williel, Clergyman, '71 -- 194 Perris Nicholson, Ulysses H., Teacher, '98- 76 Petaluma Putnam, Charles E., Teacher, '93 — 390 532 RESIDENCE INDEX Cuzner, Guy L., Bookkeeper, 'oi 419 Law, John E., Bank Teller, '00 419 Marshall, William S., Teacher, '59-- 84 Ross, A. Bartlett, Student,'oi 419 Redlands Field, Kirk H., Attorney, '80 273 434 Highland Ave. Riverside Cappeler, Edward B., Promoter, '93 43, 455 Cutts, Jeffrey O., Clergyman, '74. 147, 462 Santa Ana Rice, Howell M., Attorney, '80 209 Santa Barbara Robinson, Laurance P., Walnut Grower, '00 294 Sheffield, Alstan H., Student, '04--- 382 208 W. Victoria St. Sheffield, Eugene S., Student, '04-- 382 208 W. Victoria St. Vail, Hugh Fitz-R., '94 381 1325 Chapala St. Santa Cruz Bailey, Henry F., Bookkeeper, '90- 94 Pacific Ave. 380 San Diego Carter, Ross S., Student, '05 419 Daggett, Henry A., Student, '04 -__ 419 Hotel Brewster Ingle, Jerauld ]., Attorney, "ax 278 7th & Ash Sts. tjeffrey, William J., Real Estate, '90 188 Jones, John R., Attorney, '76 223 Morse, Harry W., Min ing Engineer, '97 418 Pauly, James A., Mitie Owner, '98- 418 1340 Cedar St. Watts, Nathan, Capitalist, '89 197 San Francisco Aldrich, George A., '86 336 Care Wm. B. Dunning, 530 California St. Andrews, Thomas P., Merchant, '90 380 109 MontgomervSt. Baldwin, Alexander R., Attorney,'c)6 381 532 Market St. Barnes, John W., Soldier, '00 382 Bertheau, Rudolf C, ^///c/tv//, '05 419 2112 Vellejo St. Bixler, Augustus M., Mine Operator, 'g?, 127, 461 320 Lansome St. Broemmel, George M., Student, '03 382 2501 California St. Brown, James A., Dentist, '93 522 Hill St. Bundschu, Walter B., Student, '03- 24; Chestnut St. Coleman, George E., Fruit G?'ower,'gi 1S34 California St. Coleman, Simeon W., Student, '03-. 1834 California St. Cornwall, Bruce, Attorttey, '98 Buchanan & Page Sts. Crawford, John J., Milling Engineer, '67 1208-11 Claus Spreckles Bldg. Curtis, J. Frank D., Shipbuilder, '76 322 California St. Davidson, Percy E., Teacher, '98 -- 657 Bush St. Drake, Robert M., Civil Etigineer, '94 3d & Townsend Sts. Depot Dutton, Frank C, Student, '02 2507 Pacific Ave. Dutton, Harry S., Engitteer, '94, '95 313, 2507 Pacific Ave. Faymonville, LeRoy B., Studetit, '05 2411 Broadway Ferguson, James C. H., '95 2315 Van Ness Ave. Folsom, Ernest B., Office Manager, '89 Gray, Charles A., Attorttey, '99 32S Montgomery St. Haas, Edward F., Civil Engineer, '92 320 Sansome St. Hammel, John D., Man ufacturer, '90 126 Main St. Hamilton, John R., Architect, '97-- 2609 California St. Haralson, Orr, Merchant, '83.-218, tHaskin, Joseph R., '89 Hooper, George K., Manager, '92. - tKlein, George M., Merchant, '63.-- Lathrop, Benjamin L., Journalist, '93 1917 Pacific Ave. Lemon, Alexander D., Attorney, '58 155 Octavia St. Lockhart, Thomas E., Druggist, '83, McAllep, William R., Student, '03 - 315 Castro St. Markey, Henry S., Cashier,'' '^g 2S51 Fillmore pac;e - 381 380 382 381 156 418 418 382 316 381 380 419 380 299 381 466 380 380 37 381 66 218 402 36 RESIDENCE INDEX 523 Oliphant, Robert C, iMechanical Engineer, '8g 337 120 Liberty St. Partridge, Edward B., Jr., Engineered 419 Pratt, Orville C, Student, "02 382 iSiS California St. Rader, William, Clergyman, '86 100 Railton, Hincks E. A., Accountant, '90 380 1133 Dolores St. Ransom, Tom W., Median ical Etigineer, '91 380 1 120 Bush St. Roeding, Henry W., Electrical Engineer, '97 381 31-33 New Montgomery St. Roper, Norman B., Civil Engineer, '96 418 nil Van Ness Ave. fSayres, James E., Deputy County Clerk, '70 68 Scott, Tod K., Broker, 'qj 381 Shanklin, Edwin S., Mining Etigineer, '91 380 508 Montgomery St. Smith, Temple, Salesfnan,'gS 381 722 Bush St. Smythe, Y{nA?,on, Physician, '99 382 Southern Pacific Hospital Stadtmiller, Edwin M.,Salesman,'g8, 381 819 Eddy St. Stark, Denton Y)., Merchant, '61 61 3 California St. Sullivan, Thomas B.,y(?«;7/a//.y/, '8g 380 1450 Sacramento St. Tracy, Hayden H., Electrical Ettgitiecr, '93 404 Tweedy, George A., Mining Engineer, '00 315 Ferry Bldg. Young, Harry S., Student, '05 382 2530 Pine St. Weeden, Burr M., Cle?-gy?nan, '89-- 188 1932 Broadway Widber, Augustus C, Druggist, '89, 380 Williams, William W., Jr., '00 382 2717 Pacific .Ave. Winship, Walter E., Electrical E?tgineer, '94 418 106, 4th St. Wright, Allen G., Attorney, 'q^ 381 Mills Bldg. Wright, Norman S., '99 382 722 Bush St. Wright, William S., Illustrator, '96- 381 1703 Gough St. Van Wyck, Laurence H., '99 382 2424 Steiner St. San Jose page Alexander, Johnson E., Attorney, '95 418 Jarman, Albert H., Attorney, '97--- 418 Pitman, Homer F., Rancher, '01 — 419 Yoell, John H., Attorney, '84 275 San Luis Obispo Bradley, Ernest B., Clergyman, '99- 401 Santa Paula Scott, Francis T., C/i?r^j'7«fl«, '98 - - 401 San Pedro fLaws, Henry W., Accountant, '84-- 298 Santa Rosa Thompson, Rt)lfe L., Attorney, '92- 390 446 Humboldt St. Stanford University Page, Alexander G., Student, '02 — 419 Visalia Joss, Horace W., Clerk, '97, '98-392, 418 West Side Johnson, Samuel E., Fruit Grower, '97 418 COLORADO Alamosa Burnham, Philip S., Railway Mail Clerk, '97 377 Boulder Downer, Sylvester S., Attorney, '74- 177 Canon City Wetherill, William C, Civil Engineer, '70 158 Colorado Springs Davis, Charles W., ^ I in ing Engineer, '94 320 Evans, William L., Teacher, '92 319 Holland, Rush L., Attorney, '91 43 Johnson, Ralph I., '01 392 Jones, Isaac T., Attorney, '94 278 Ray, John S., Ciznl Engitieer, '88 -- 311 Sill, Frank H., Student, 'o:^ 441 831 N. Corona St. Wright, Jacob \\[., Broker, 'q^) 3^5 76-79 Hagerman Bldg. Cripple Creek Hayden, Lewis A., Mining Engineer, '98 314 Linke, J. Ralph A., Engineer, '94 — 405 524 RESIDENCE INDEX Denver page Argall, George O., Student,''o\ 441 2700 Humboldt Ave. Ashley, Ralph E., Student, '02 440 1460 Grant Ave. Atchison, Charles N., Cot/u/iercial Traveler, '88 340 1722 Lawrence St. Bowers, Joseph F., Surgeon, '8g 319 Barth Block Blair, Jesse H., Attorney, '7S 244 Equitable Bldg. Bliss, Carlton M., Attorney, '85 324 411 Ernest & Cranmer Bldg. Brace, Walter C, Consulting Engineer, '87 311 Colorado National Bank Bldg. Brown, William J., Attortiey, '94--- 331 Burns, David V., Attorney, '69 68 2611 California St. tCampbell, Daniel A., Civil Engineer, '84 310 Cary, John W., Salesman, '01 439 1415 E. Colfa.x Ave. Cuthbert, Lucius M., Attorney, '76 - 142 Dedrick, Walter R., Attortiey, '91 -- 277 Equitable Bldg. Demaree, William H., Merchant, '74 194 Care Post, the Photographer Dimmitt, George D., Attorney, '84, *86 265, 275 955 Pearl St. IE vans, Arthur W., '84 135 Evans, William G., Real Estate, '1'] 186 Freeman, Leonard R., Physician, '82 298 California Bldg. Grant, Francis L., Attorney, '92 277 Equitable Bldg. Hamrick, Charles T., '01 93, 4^9 618, iSthSt. Hanna, Horace L., Insurance, '01 93, 459 Hartzall, Charles, Attorney, '82 274 Ernest & Cranmer Bldg. Hecox, Roy C, Attorney, '98 326 1549 York St. Hendrie, Edwin B., Manufacturer, '67 156 1601, 17th St. Holliday, William W., Newspaper Correspondent, '94 278 Houston, Mark E., Matiager, '95 434 Denver Record-Stockman Howze, Isham R., Attortiey, '76 51 709 People's Bank Bldg. Hull, Frank W., Attorney, '81--274, 469 835,32dSt. ' •" '^' ^ ^ Jones, Oliver G., Studetit, '03 419 PAGE Kebler, John T., Chemist, '87 299 Kennedy, Joseph G., Clergyman, '80, 242 2930 Lake Place Lane, William N., Attortiey, '94 405 Matty, Leo J., Studetit, '02 440 1744 Washington St. Metcalf, Charles S., Salestnan, '86-- 356 3344 Osceola St. tPerrine, Thomas A., Attortiey, '65-- 62 Phelps, Alfred H., Attorney, '91 189 827 Grant Ave. Powell, Edwin S., Cashier, '01 152 1410 High St. Roehrig, Charles F., Editor, '93 277 42 King Block Rogers, Samuel B., Attortiey, '91--- 266 tSuydam, Robert C, '86 178 Thies, Arno G., Studetit, '01 419 2545 Champa St. Thomas, Charles S., Student, '02--- 316 1609 Sherman Ave. Thompson, John M., Jourtialist, '93- 247 Thomson, John Ti., Jourtialist,^^-- 247 Barclay Block Tillotson, William 'L.,Electriciati,'oo, 439 1620 Arapahoe St. Van Zandt, Robert S., Telegrapher, '95 75, 458 Vinton, Charles H., Capitalist, '85, '87 245 721 Ernest & Cranmer Bldg. Durango Harper, John B., Civil Engitieer, '75 — 147, 244, 462 Golden Snider, Harry D., '01 327 Grand Junction Allen, James J., '70 86, 458 Greeley Arnold, David L., Teacher, '95 401 Ignaclo Lowe, Edmund P., Physiciati, '81 -- 52 Lowe, Ephraim N., Merchatit, '84.- 53 Independence Corbin, Charles W., Druggist, '89-- 384 Corbin, Charles W., Pharmacist,' ()i- 385 La Jara Norland, Luther A., Ratichmati, 'jj- 186 La Sanses Austin, Archie S., Cattleman, '03--- 440 La Veta Wright, James B., Physiciati, '92--- 74 RESIDENCE INDEX 525 Dickson, Thomas A., Attorney, '79- 272 4 Old Post Office Bldg. Minneapolis fBridge, William F., Surveyor, '87- 287 209 314 187 New Castle fSnyder, George L., Ranchman, '76 Perry Park Roberts, Edwin H., Engineer, '96 Pine Bluffs fPeck, Harry 'L., Majiufacturer,'^^ Pueblo Bragdon, George E., Merchant, '72- 184 118 Ormun Ave. Hock, William W., Physician, 'jj-- - 124 108-9 Central Block Lincoln, Rufus V., Salesman, '95 102 With Continental Oil Co. Root, John W., Assayer, '88 356 With Phil. Smelting Co. Wren, Arthur R., Chemist, 'gS 279 With American Smelting & Refining Co. Rockford Stuhr, Leo B., Chemist, '01 333 Rocky Ford Bryan, Albert H., Chemist, '98 248 Salida Kelley, Nathan H., Dentist, '95 391 Telluride Field, Edwin L, 'jy 124, 461 Allen, Lindley W., Attorney, 'oo--. 452 Trinidad Draper, William E., Merchatit, '67. 87 Victor Brady, Clarence E., Attorney, '82. - - 290 3d St. & Victor Ave. Farr, Herbert C, Miner, '87 324 Ward Eoutwell, Benjamin J., '85, '9O--276, 346 Webster Street, Claude E., Mining, '89 357 Whitiier tBallard, Walter R., '97 93 CONNECTICUT Branford Whitney, James L., '00 327 Bridgeport Foster, Carlton H., Attorney, '93 loi 4-3-6 Sturtevant Bldg. Danbury Moore, Howard D., Physician,'g\.. East Hartford Olmsted, Charles H., Civil Eng ineer, '96 Comstock Block Farmington Vorce, Clarence B., Civil Engineer, '88 Hartford Mather, Frank M., Attorney, '88- ^- 114 Pearl St. Pomeroy, Clarke E., '00 Lakeville Meeker, James D., Teacher, 'gi Hotchkiss School Manchester Clapp, Tlieophilus E., Clergyman, '65 590 Beech St. New Brighton tBranch, James R., Banker, '80 15 Clinton Ave. New Haven Mix, Charles W. '94 Nicholson, Watson, Teacher, '92.74, 341 Crown St. fShearin, Hubert G., Teacher, '97 New London Boss, Charles R., '93 PAGE 385 311 276 401 380 34 Broad St. Boss, Joseph S., Manufacturer, '86- 34 Broad St. Ladd, Frank M., Contractor, '88--- 204 Bank St. Wheeler, Fred L, Civil Engineer, '95 U. S. Engineer's Office ■Windsor Lovejoy, Herman S., Teacher, '94-- DELAWARE Bridgeville Martin, Edward R., Fruit Grower, '92 Cannon, William, Merchatit, \ 131 203 102 418 313 310 311 385 427 Greenville Wilson, James, Civil Engineer, '81 . Newark Curtis, Alfred A., Manufacturer, '68 38s 102 173 156 526 RESIDENCE INDEX Smyrna PAGE Raymond, Clarence B., Druggist, '92 351 Wilmington Griffiths Howard B,, Civil Engineer, '76 159 The Boulevard Johnson Tilghman, Mining Engifteer, '72 158 1105 Jefferson St. du Pont, Victor, Jr., Manufacturer, '72 158 du Pont, Thomas C, Railroading, '83 310 808 Broome St. du Pont,Alfred l^Manufacturer,'%6, 310 du Pont, Maurice, Manufacturer, '%%, 31 1 DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Anacostea Bowman, George, Government Official, '63 1 30 ■Washington Abbott, Elisha G., Soldier, '97 363 Care Adjutant General U. S. A. Acker, George ^., Physiciaji, '72 — 123 913, i6thSt., N.W. Acker, William ]., Merchant, '72--- 123 Ashford, Snowden, Architect, '88--- 174 25 Lafayette Square Babcock, William H. Attorney, '6g. 141 Banister, John M., Jr., Physician, '74, '78 115, 163, 460 Bauer, Louis A., '88 299 With U. S. Coast & Geodetic Survey Beale, Buchanan, '72 141 With Real Estate & Title Co. Beckley, Stuart H., '98 239 24QSt., N. W. Biscoe, Earl, Civil Engineer, '00 — 143 813,21st St. Biscoe, Frank \^., Physician, '97 143 S13. 2ISt St. Bradley, Andrew C, Attorney, '93-- 142 2013 Q St., N. W. Brown, Harry L., '01 144 Bryan, John I., Governmen t Officia /, '93 434 tByars, Caspar R., Surgeon, '97 363 Care War Dept. Case, Willis W., Student, '03 321 Charles, Lewis N., Governjnent Official, '83 245 Care Second Auditor's Ofifice Clarke, Mortimor, '68 141 City Post Office PAGE Clarke, Reed P., Teacher, '98 143 1424, nth St., N. W. Coburn, Henry C, Jr., Student, 'oo- 143 2111 GSt. Croissant, DeWitt C, Student, '99-- 143 821 N. C Ave. Curry, William W., Claim Agent, '72 86 937 P St. Dalzell, James M., Attorney, '64 80 Pennsylvania Ave. De Frees, Thomas M., Soldier, 'tj 124, 172 Care War Dept. Denny, Frank L., Naval Officer, '81, 149 U. S. Navy Dept. Dixon, Taylor B., Physiciaii, '00 143 1336, 19th St., N.W. Duvall, Andrew B., Attorney, '67. - 140 Duvali, James W., Clerk, '69 141 Dufour, Joseph M., '65 87 1203 T St. Earle, Charles T. C, '77 142 Care Medical Dept. U. S. Navy Edwards, Evan A., Clergymaji, '94, '97 ---238, 415, 467 Evans, Walter H., Botanist, '87 287 Care U. S. Dept. Agriculture Everett, Frank N., Clerk, '99 143 1634 Kiggs Place Everett, Clarence V., Strident, '04.- 462 3411 Holmead Ave. Faust, Ambrose J., Teacher, '59 96 Georgetown University Farnham, Robert, Physican, '64- 140, 462 1103 M St., N. W. Farnham, Robert, Jr., Civil Ens^ineer, '98, '99 — 143, 386 1103 M St., N. ^. Farnham, William L., Peal Estate, 'qc) 143 1103M St., N. W. Finley, Leighton, Soldier, '76 252 Fisher, Wowa.rd, Physician, '^6 196 1758 S St. Fox, Edmund K., Real Estate, '93-- 126 920 F St. N. W. Frey, M. Y., Student, 'o^ -• 462 1405, 31st St., N. W. Godsey, Henry L., Govern?nent Official, '92 266 717, lothSt., N.W. Goode, Richard U., Civil Engineer, '76 114 Gordon, J. Holdsworth, Attorney, '66 140, 143 302S Q St. Gordon, J. Holdsworth, Jr., '95 143 RESIDENCE INDEX 527 PAGE Gorman, Geo. H., A^for/iey, '85 166 Care Dept. Justice Greene, Samuel H.,P/tystcmn, '00-- 143 1320 Q St., N. W. Gulliver, Frederick P., En^zneer/Sj 311 Harkness, Robert H., C/er^, '71 141 Havenner, Frank H., Clergytnan, '71 141. 462 Hay, W. Perry, '91 151, 463 Cosmos Club Henning, Samuel C, Studoit, '04--- 462 i42iSSt.,N.W. Hesler, Frederic A., Surgeott, '82 — 187 U. S. Navy, Pacific Squadron Holt, Richmond W., C/erk, '96 167 1007, 2otii St., N.W. Hume, Thomas, Merchant, '94 118 Irving, John D., Geologist, '96 438 S14 Connecticut Ave. Jackson, Harold L., Soldier, '83 100 Jones, Cecil K., Librarian, '94 381 Congressional Library Knight, John T., Soldier, '80 203 Care War Dept. Langhorne, George T., Soldier, '87 368, 471 War Dept. Lassiter, Francis K.,Attor}iey, '86-- 117 Lipscomb, Andrew A., Attorney, '75 142, 462 List, Monroe C, Attorney, '95 167 1623 H St. Locke M. E., Soldier, '99 167, 464 Care War Dept. Lung, George A., Surgeon, 'S6 135, 257, 461 Navv Dept. Lynch, J. Mortimer, '98 206 1328 Massachusetts Ave. Mackall, Bruce, Student, '03 144 1721 Rig^gs Place Mackall, Louis, Jr., Physician, '87-- 117 Magee, Guy, Jr., Engineer, '99 315 Markle, Ozias John, Teacher, '78 226, 466 Meiklejohn, George D., Attorney, '80 273 Michler, A. Kirtland, Engineer, '73- 171 fMichler, Richard M., '82 173 Milligan, Charles H., '75 171 405 G St., N. W. Miller, J. Norris, Law Student, '03. 440 1310, 13th St. Munson, Reginald, Physician, '81 -- 227 Murray, Charles T., Journalist, '69- 68 PAGE McClain, Lorenzo D., Law Clerk, 't^ 87, 558 Pension Office McElhone, Arthur J., Private Sec f-etary, '02 144 1320, loth St. McKee, Edwin J., '88 126 1312 NSt., N. W. McPherson, Norman C, Electrical Emj^ineer, '89 — 126, 461 i3i7FSt. McPherson, William L., Newspaper Correspondent, '83, 125 1322 F St., N. W. McReynolds, Frederick W., Attorney, 'c^i 288 1-2 Fendall Bldg. Nelson, Robert S.,Physicia}t, '00 — 392 Washington Barracks Nesbit, Donald, Clerk, '02 144 Nesbit, Harrison, Attorney, '98 314 1462 Binney St., N. W. Nichols, Allen J., '99 353 Riggs House Nicholson, James C, Cletgyman, '78 99 3og, 5th St., S. E Noyes, Theodore W.,/i!?7/r«rt//.9/', '77 142 Parker, John F., Naval Officer, '70- 39 Care Navy Dept. Parker, LeRoy, Teacher, '95 143 Parker, Thornton J., Attorney, '94-- 143 Pelton, Daniel, Botanist, '93 277, 347 Care Department of Agriculture Peters, Norman W., 'gi 331 i3i8LSt., N. W. Pierce, Harry F., Clerk, '00 143 819 North Carolina Ave., N. E. Pierce. Josiah, Jr., Civil Eng ineer, '83 310 1323 Massachusetts Ave., N. W. Pratt, Clarence Yi., Clerk, '02 144 1300 Pennsylvania .Ave. Radcliffe, Wallace, Clergyman, '62. 61 Ray, Charles M., Goverjtnient Official, '78 172 Navy Department Ray, Clary, Draui^htsinan, '87 174, 311, 464 1200, i8th St., N.W. Redington, Richmond K., Architect, '02 144 1749 Q St. Higgles, John L., Physician, '98, — 143 fRowe, Charles F., Attorney, '73 142 224 E St., N. W. Samson, George C, '65 140 Care War Dept. Singleton, William H., Attorney,''']^ 142 2020 H St. 528 RESIDENCE INDEX Sperow, CWSord, P/iyszcz'an, '99 119 Emergency Hospital Spunier, William A., Clerk, '01 144 1232 Massachusetts Ave. Smoot, Lloyd D., '01 407 3016 Dumbarton Ave. Sterne, Charles F., Student, '04 144 3009 P St. Stuart, David Todd, Physician, '01 120, 206 Emergency Hospital Swem, Edmond H., Clergyman, '82 89 73S, 4th St. Talbott, H. Worthington, Electrical E7igi7ieer, '96 — 143, 462 The Kensington Thomas, John D., Physician,^ ()2-\ 18, 204 1603, 19th St. Tompkins, Edmond L., Physician, '85 117 i5i2QSt. Tompson, Norven, Attorney, \i, — 143 1756 Corcoran St. Tompson, Howard N., Journalist, '88 319 The Olympia Trussell, Bernard H., Bookkeeper, '98 444 2 Center Market Walker, Samuel H., Capitalist, '64- 140 Ward, William K., Physician, '98-- 143 1756 Pennsylvania Ave. Watkins, John E., Engineer, '71 170 Weathers, John R., Clerk, '72 69 iioi H St., N. W. Wheeler, William H., '91 331 Weaver, George ^., Real Estate, '02 144 709, 2 1 St St. Weaver, Louis W., Real Estate, '02 144 308 Maryland Ave. Williams, A. H., Student, '05 462 Wilkins, Eugene '&., Journalist, 'oo. 258 With Washington Post White, Benjamin, '73 142 Care Navy Dept. Wright, James M., Chemist, '03- 199, 466 1728 Corcoran St. Unger, Calvin ^., Attorney, '83 125 Yeates, Charles M., '74 236 Care U. S. Pension Bureau FLORIDA Albion Camp, Jack, J//«z«_f, '02 453 Camp, Robert C, Student, '01 453 Bluflf Springs Byrne, Thomas M., '84 284 Little River Winfield, Turner A., Orange Grower, '84 368 ■fCouch, John W. Attorney, '75 223 Eichelburger, Douglas G., Fartner, '82 210 tMcCaa, James C, '67 49 Otter Creek |Porter, Francis L., '71 163 St. Augustine tKilbourne, Charles E., Jr., '93 320 GEORGIA Albany Smith, Samuel W., Attortiey, '82.-- 165 Athens Hooper, William D., Teacher, '89-- 204 tSmith, M. C, '75 220 Atlanta Brown, Stephen V., Engineer, '00 315 296 Rawson St. Collier, Henry H., '74 220 Collier, William R., Ejtgineer, '00-- 315 296 Rawson St. Crenshaw, William T., Banker, '76, '78 164, 216 761 Peachtree St. Douglas, Harry H., Attorney, '83, '87 228, 275 501 Gould Bldg. IGoodman, Duke N., Alan ujacturer, '73 114 Hardin, Melville C.,Physiciatt, '92-- 414 Hightower, Albert S., Merchant, '?,2, 165 42 Peachtree St. Hightower, John "Q, Merchant, '82.- 165 86 Whitehall St. Hightower, Thomas J., Jr., Manujacturer, '81 165 Humphries & Glenn Sts. Ison, William "L., Farmer, '75 220 Monk, Alonzo, Jr., Student, '03 416 167 Juniper St. Monk, Carl, Attortiey, '01 415 167 Juniper St. Paschall, Reginald D., Studefit, '05. 416 Highland & .Augusta Aves. Patty, Henry M., Attorney, '76 223 Tupper, Tullins C, Clergytnan, '64. 49 Turner, John P., Teacher, '01 415 tWilson, William A., '80 149 Wyly, Thomas H., Accountant, '00, 206 RESIDENCE INDEX 529 Augusta PAGE Dunbar, Clement E., Attorney, '96, 415 201-2 Leonard Bldg. Houston, William R., Teacher, '()6-- 205 Richmond County Academy Jessup, Warren C, Electrical Engineer, '00 439 915 Reynolds St. Brunswick fingraham, Frank J., Dentist, '73 — 133 Camilla Scaife, Jefferson H., Attorney, '75-- 223 Clarksville Bean, Thomas S., Attorney, '76 220 Columbus Jordan, Ralph ^, 312 3543 Lake .Ave. Andrews, E. Wyllys, Surgeon, '78-- 186 100 State St. Andrews, Frank T., Surgeon, '81 -- 187 100 State St. fAppleton, Alanson S.,Manager,''j6- 185 Arms, Herbert C, Manufacturer, '95 292 39 W. Randolph St. Atwater, William W., Student, '03. 354 3977 Drexel Boul. fAyers, Judson Y ., Real Estate, '85-- 291 Ayling, Edmund K., Student,\l--- 342 Baker, Edward H., Caterer, '84 324 Baker, Frank, Attorney, '61 36 3543 Lake Ave. Baker, William F., Attorney, '96 43. 455 61S Rookerv Baldwin, Harry F., Civil Ens^inecr,'%\ 310 402 N. State St". Barnard, Cornelius R., Clerk, '99--- 190 With S. B. Chapin & Co., Rookery ■fBarnett, Samuel O., Merchant, '69 - 39 Barrett, Edward E., Civil Engineer, '93 292 Monroe & Franklin Sts. Bartlett, Charles H., Attorney, '96-- 190 155 La Salle St. Beall, William D., Jr., Banker, '67.- 140 With Merchants' Loan & Trust Co. Beaton, Lindsay A., '02 328 437 Belden Ave. Beckett, James R., Attorney, '84 --- 72 85 Dearborn St. Beebe, William H. Jr., Sanitary Engineer 402 206 Goethe St. Best, William, Salesman, '96 405 Le Moyne Bldg. Bevans, Allen B., Manufacturer,' ()i - 276 Soi W. Diversey Ave. Bicket, James P., Journalist, 'qj 342, 479 723, 138 Jackson Boul. Black, Horace W., Clerk, '97 452 With Illinois Trust & Savings Bank Blackford, Charles T., Commercial Traveler 340 6146 Greenwood .Ave. Blair, McCrea P., Student, '05 344 Essex Road, Keniiworth Blake, Emmons R., Studetit, '03 — 191 832 Wils»n Ave. 532 RESIDENCE INDEX Boden, John, 'oi 199 398 Washburne Ave. Booth, William M, Attorney, '78 --- 186 505 Monadnock Bldg. Bowersock, Fred H., Attorney, '88 - 356 1212 Great Northern BIdg. Boynton, Stuart D., '93 404 390 Ontario St. tBraun, Harry A., Designer, '75 159 24 Grant Place Brintnall, Henry S., Student, '05 431 Brounaugh, Will L., Mechanical Engineer, '99 435 22 W. Randolph St. Bross, Ma^on, Attorney, '%■}) 187 Opera House Block Brown, Arthur H., Manager, '99 429 726, 225 Dearborn St. Brown, William Jay, Architect, 'oo- 294 Monadnock Bldg. Buell, Edwin D., '98 429 6616 Yale St. Bundy, Corydon D., Medical Stude7it, '99 343 226 Paulina St. Burdick, Charles B., Civil Engineer, '95 295 15S0 Old Colony Bldg. Caddock, Henry, Accountant, '88-- 188 With Wilson Bros. Carpenter, Harry H., Attorney, '79- 177 230 La Salle St. Caruth, George W., Attorney, '62-- 96 712 Tacoma Bldg. Caton, Charles H., Clergyman, '76 148, 462 Englewood Chamberlin, Charles C, Clerk, '01 - 294 5th floor, 135 Adams St. Chatten, Melville Q., Architect, '96- 293 806, 184 La Salle St. Churan, Charles A., Attor7tey, '93 -- 325 1847 Oakdale Ave. Cisna, William R., Physician, '63 -_ 97 39 W. Madison St. Clark, John B., '86 246 123 Rialto Bldg. Clark, Solomon H., Teacher, '97 452 University of Chicago Cleveland, Paul W., Insurance, '01 - 191 41 Hartford Bldg. Coey, Robert H., '99 294 1201 W. Garfield Ave. Coffin, Franclyn N., '80 41 With Chicago Journal Cogswell, Charles P., Jr., Civil Engineer, '92 312 1645 Old Colony Bldg. Coleman, Melvin E., '98 452 Coleman, William H., '73 158 14 Market St. PAGE Collins, Charles F.., Attorney, '8S 340 225 S. Leavitt St. Collins, Lorin C. ]r.. Attorney, '72 -_ 184 112 Dearborn St. Collins, Lorin C. 3d, Physician, 'oO- 191 4 Tower Court Collins, Samuel H., Manufacturer,'^^ - 90 Colwell, John B., '98 342 340 W. Harrison St. Connable, Ralph, Jr., Merchant, '90- 375 1546 W. Adams St. Cozzens, Frederick B., Publisher, '91 189 713 Masonic Temple Cramer, Guy, '96 288 1533 Kenmore Ave. Crary, Charles J., Clerk, '00 407 108 Dearborn St. Crozier, Frank, Attorney, '92,'94_ ig8, 278 100 Washington St. fCullen, George A., Medical Student, '98 332 Cumnock, Wallace W., Accountant, '01 191 75 Bowen Ave. Currier, Albert D., Attorney, '84, '87 187, 311 103 Adams St. Davis, Nathan S., Physicia?t, '80 186 65 Randolph St. Day, Frederick L., Reporter, '04 295 909 Walnut St. De Lamarter Eric, Musician, '02 378 5490 Washington Ave. Demorest, William L., Clergyjnan, '78 186 1054 Monroe St. Dickinson John T., Promoter, '79. '74 i^S. 236 Doggett, William L., Real Estate, '75, '82 116, 236 202, 167 Dearborn St. Donelson, Dexter P., Alafiufacturer, '79 186 44 N. Franklin St. Dorsey, George A., Sciefitist, '88 179 Field Columbian Museum Drake, Chester T., Mafi ufacturer, '74 185 29S-300 W. Jackson Boul. Dresser, Jasper M., Real Estate, '90- 246 164 Dearborn St. Dupuis, Newton, Manufacturer, '87- 307 179-81-83 Illinois St. Dwight, William B., '00 315 606 E. Division St. Early, Frank A., Insurance, 'jj 186 170 La Salle St. Eastman, John C,fourftalist, '85.-- 318 With Chicago American RESIDENCE INDEX 533 PAfiE Eaton, William h., Pub/ishe?;'oi-- 191 408 Fine Arts Bldg. Eichberg, David, Attorney, '82 290 510, 167 Dearborn St. Elliott, Frank '^l.. Real Estate, 'jj-- 186 123 La Salle St. Ellis, George H., C//^w/.y/', '85 291 103, 163 Randolph St. Ellsworth, William F., '91 351 378 Chestnut St. Etten, William ].,/ourtialist, '92 247 With Chicago Journal Evans, Arthur F., Attorney, '91 325 381 Superior St. Eyer, Clarendon B., Attorney, '88-- 276 1501 .'\shland Block Faris, S. Reed, Salesfnan, '96 434 With Western Electric Co. Farwell, Ralph D., '98 314 4846 Kenwood .\ve. Fenton, George W., Salesman 327 281 Park -Ave. Finnegan, William E., '00 350 With .American School Furniture Co. Fisher, Walter L., Attorney, '83 196, 465 55 Portland Block Flaningham, Abraham L., Attorney, '80 286 711 Reaper Block Flaanery, John L., Jr., Broker, '98, '00 407, 423 42 River St. Foote, Thomas W., '02 315 4842 Washington .Ave. Fortiner, John C, '7° I5i> 463 1209 Monadnock Block Frank, Bertram W., Broker, '98 406 6022 Jefferson .Ave. Gazzolo, A. John, Student, '03 453 95 .Astor St. Gazzolo, Camillo, Student, '05 454 95, .Astor St. Gazzolo, Frank H., Cheniist, '96 293 95 .Astor St. Gillies, William B., Sttidetit, '04 408 7810 Bond .Ave. Granberg, Oscar Emil, Student, '05- 454 2613 W. Kinzie St. Granger, George E., Clerk, '00 279 6046 Washington .Ave. Greenlee, William B., Manufacturer, '95 405 225 W. i2th St. Grier, Henry F., Mechanical Engmeer, '63 130 57 Congress St. Griffith, George J., Clerk, '99 294 Union Station PAGE Hadley, Hugh H., Attorney, '93 92 1113, 138 Washington St. Hagans, Wilber E., Real Estate, '73 98 106 Flournoy St. Hamilton, John M., Attorney, '68.- 38 4720 Madison .Ave. Hamline, John H., Attorney, '75 -__ 185 500 The Temple Hall, Louis J., '96 405 3701 Sheridan Road Harahan, James Thomas, Jr., '99--- 314 5126 Washington .Ave. Harding, James J., Civil Etigineer, '95 358 1100 Old Colony Bldg. Harris, J. Wistar, Chemist, 'ty) 279 With VVestern Electric Co. tHart, James C., '83 41 Harvey, Robert H., Physician, '89. 188 2560 Calumet Ave. Hebard, Frederick C, Electrician, '96 331 139 .Adams St. Heile, Charles D., Manufacturer, '97 248 1834 Barry .Ave. Heisel, Henry M., '96 293 Cor. 47th St. & Kenwood .Ave. Heissler, Edward R., '97 314 4427 Grand Boul. Henry, John A., Attorney, '68 38 608 Tacoma Bldg. Hester, H. C. Kendall, '02 191 40 Junior Terrace Hicks, Hervey B., Attorney, '91 331 1306 Masonic Temple Hoagland, John R., Aferchant, '69. 123 5069 Lake .Ave. Holabird, Robert G., '00, '99 294, 315 161S Monadnock Bldg. Holden, Charles B., A/echanical Engineer, '00 407 7770 Lake Ave. Houliston, John R., Contractor, '99, 327 1262 W. Monroe St. Howard, Earl D., Student, '02 453 University of Chicago Howard, Otis McGaw, Publisher, '89 188 500 Masonic Temple tHubbard, Giles, Attorney, '87 188 Hume, Frank L., Attorney, '86 229 1104 Merchants Loan & Trust Bldg. Hull, ^?Ax&x?>., Attorney, '66 67 9; Fifth .Ave. Hunt, Edward E., Clerk, '93 292 7041 Parnell .Ave. Hunt, Myron, Architect, '92, '93 189, 313 8;o, 125 La Salle St. 534 RESIDENCE INDEX PAGE Hutchison, James B., 'oo 430 6559 Harvard Ave. Hutchison, James F., Attorney, '8g 246, 467 706 Taconia Bldg. Hutchinson, Samuel S., Druggist, '91 341 1296 Ravenswood Park Hutton, John B., Ciergyjnan, '64 130 451 S. Normal Parkway Jackson, Frank G., Bailiff, '93 189 3740 Elmwood Ave. Jahn, Adolph, Engraver, '03 453 1342 George St. Johnston, David M., Mechatticai Engineer, '96 248 167 Dearborn St. Jones, Charles Y.., Physiciatt,'ji 39 118 S. Pine Ave. Jordon, Chester O., Clerk, '01 280 6343 Evans Ave. Judah, Noble B., Attorney. '73 69 76 Adams Express Bldg. Keener, Charles E., Manager, '09-- 294 go Wabash Ave. Kelsey, Horatio N., Agent, '87 150 171 La Salle St. Kerr, Ellis K., Physician, '96 190 1323 Washington Boul. Kerr, Robert J., Attorney, '94 189 189 La Salle St. Kimball, Conrad "^^ Architect, '94-- 292 132 La Salle St. Kirkman, Marshall J., Attorney, '99. 190 161S Monadnock Bldg. Kittleman, William W., Engineer, '01 280 With Western Electric Co. Kline, Lee, Traveling Salesman, '73- 185 192 Market St. Knapp, William A., iJ/ijrr^a;//', '84-- 324 619 Medinah Temple Knox, William M., Journalist, '74- 185 Chicago Press Club Kohlsaat, Philemon B., Teacher,\\- 189 311 Central Park Ave. Lander, Dana S., Attorney, 'jc) 272 623 New York Life Bldg. Langworthy, Albert D., Agent, '70- - 184 620 Reaper Block Latham, Carlton R., Attorney, '94-- 189 1512 Ashland Block Latimer, Harry D., '88 350 With John M. Smyth Co. Lillard, Robert W., Joitrnalist, '99. 343 85 Rush St. Lingle, Hiram D., • Capitalist, '95 248, 438 4333 Grand Boul. Loehr, Leon L., Attortiey, '85 340 859 Jackson Boul. PAGE Losey, L. Lee, Jr., Attorney, '00 452 2322 Calumet Ave. Lowry, Walter D., '97 190 Ludlow, Edmund, Physician, '92 189 Mercy Hospital Lyon, William M., Physician, '96--- 358 5800 Indiana Ave. McCaw, John A., Student, '98 326 McCourtney, John H., Real Estate, '85, '86 173, 310 401-2 Chamber of Commerce McCormick, Robert S., Real Estate, '70 113 McCuskey, Frank B., '98 326 1060 N. Halsted St. McCutcheon, Benjamin F., Artist, '97 248 132 La Salle St. McCutcheon, John T., Artist, '89--- 246 Fine Arts Bldg. Mac Donald, Ray G., Attorney, '93- 376 618 New York Life Bldg. McDonald, William F., '99 452 With Western Paul Steam System Co. McGill, Ruell S., Clerk, '01 294 4547 Lake Ave. McGrew, Edward W., Clerk, '99 190 533 Belden Ave. Mcintosh, Arthur T., Solicitor, '00 - - 191 510 Marquette Bldg. Mclntire, Warren, Journalist, '01 -- 453 Western Union Bldg. McKnight, Carl J., Traveling Salesman, '97 268 60 Wabash Ave. Mac Nab, A. Blake, Student, '05.-- 454 6751 Emerald Ave. Mac Nab, James G., Student, '04--- 453 6751 Emerald Ave. McSureley, William H., Attorney, '86 229 99 Hartford Bldg. Mann, Charles A., Accountant, '98- . 249 Mann, William D., '97 248 With Oliver Sollitt Co. Manns, Albert G., Cheffiist, '85 291 5001 S. Ashland Ave. Martin, Elmer B., Merchant, '89 325 Fort Dearborn Bldg. Martin, Joseph Y.., Merchant, '77--- 186 176 Randolph St. Martin, Webb W., Clerk, '01 294 Fifth Floor, 135 Adams St. Mather, Stephen 'Y., Manager, '87.- 380 Hotel Del Prado Mathias, Lee D., Attorney, 'g^. 92 3844 Ellis Ave. Matteson, Victor A., Architect, '95. 292 806, The Temple RESIDENCE INDEX 535 PAGE Merrick, George P., Attorney, '84-- 187 415, 100 Washington St. Merrill, William H., Jr., Secretary, '89 312 67, 2ISt St. Miller, Newman, Publisher, '93 376 5S03 Madison Ave. Millspaugh, Basil S., Mechanical Engineer, '03 453 5748 Madison Ave. Minnick, Paul W., '00. 353 868, 48th St. Mitchell, Harley \i., Publisher, '76-- 177 315 Dearborn St. Mitchell, Samuel H., '94 247 With Fire Extinguisher Mfg. Co. Moran, John P., Attorney, '01 453 Soo Unity Bldg. Morgan, George N., Attorney, '84-- 290 800, 112 Dearborn St. Morse, Charles E., Clergyman, '86 ig6, 465 1261 Millard .Ave. Moss, Edmund S., Co7itractor, ''']']-- 186 806 Opera House Bldg. Mowry, Clarence H., Clerk, '96, '98 190, 358 5600 Michigan .Xve. Nate, Raymond J., /'^jj/rza?/, '92 341 181Q N. Sawyer .Ave. Needham, Lewis C, Teacher, '01 199 2337 AV. .Adams St. Newton, Edward E., '95 358 With Western Electric Co. Norcross, Frederick F., Attorney, '87 324 702 Marquette Bldg. Norcross, John \ ., Attorney, '88 324 702 Marquette Bldg. Nye, Carl M., '97 293 340 Rialto Bids;. Oberne, William, Tanner, '02 354 1147N. Clark St. Olcott, John M.,Mafiufacturer,''j2- 86 167-Q Fifth .Ave. O'Leary, John W., Manufacturer, '99 406 130 W. LakeSt. Oswald, Hugo E., Attorney, '98 406 256 Warren .Ave. Owen, Charles L., Scientist, '85 178 Field Columbian Museum Owen, Jacob K., Attorney, '99 327 2386 N. 42d Ave. Palmer, Charles H., Student, '05 200 8820 Throop St. Partridge, Fred O., Student, '05 328 6114 Woodlawn -Ave. Patten, George \Y., Merchafit, '76-- 242 52 Board of Trade Bldg. PAGE Pechin, John S., Draughtsman, '94. 313 Colonial Hotel Peet, Charles E., Geologist, '94 326 5327 Madison .Ave. Pellet, Clarence S., Itisurafice, '86-- 324 189 La Salle St. Pendleton, Carleton H., A ttorney, '98 190 1608, 100 Washington St. Perine, Fred A., Publisher, '98 377 With The University of Chicago Press Pickard, Edward W ., Journalist, '88 2gi 1^4 Washington St. Pickerell, Percy Q., Advertising, '00 191 With Chica^'o Record-Herald Pittman, Matthias, Attorney, '97 — 352 1417 Monadnock Bldg. Porter, John W., Manufacturer, '91 . 287 309 Dearborn St. Porter, Robert Vl., Physician, '97 — 119 Hyde Park Hotel Potter, Ralph Y ., Attorney, '90 341 801, 135 .Adams St. Powell, Chester H., '00 392 347 Garfield .Ave. Price, Arthur E., Physiciaft, '97 190 538 W. Adams St. Prussing, Eugene E., Attorney, '78- 272 1113 Rookery Bldg. Purdy, George C, '92 404 225 W. i2th St. Ransom, Paul V>., Accountant, '97-- 190 With C. &N. W. R. R. Rapp, George L., Architect, '97 294 616 Title & Trust Bldg. Rawlins, Steven Q., Real Estate, '01 - 191 125 La Salle St. Raymond, Frederick D., '72 184 1063 Rookery Bldg. Rhea, Leon M., Accoutitant, '98 343 397; Drexel Boui. Richardson, Charles, Insuratice, 'yj- 70 171 La Salle St. Richman, Silas T., Physician, 'jj -. 88 5709 Wentworth .Ave. Rickly, Roy C, Mechanical Engineer, '00 249 Roberts, Charles W., Civil Engineer, '82, 290 478 Milwaukee .Ave. Robertson, George E., Real Estate, '97 452 184 La Salle St. Roby, Charles F., '99 452 With A. M. Rothschild & Co. Roby, Edward M., Attorney, '97--- 452 1080; Avenue J Rogers, Robert W., Minister, '96 - - 326 1309 Montana St. 536 RESIDENCE INDEX PAGE Rowe, William H., Attorney, '72.-- 141 1401 Monadnock Block Rudnick, Paul F. A., Chemist, '99-- 294 .•^701 S. Lincoln St. Rugg, Frederick D., '82 290 202 Clinton Ave., Oak Park Rummler, William R., Attorney, '90 276 82 McVicker's Theater Bldg. Samson, Sumner M., Super inte7ide7it, '00 453 S68 E. 42d St. Sayler, Harry L., Journalist, '85--- 90 723, 138 Jackson Boul. Sharer, Charles H., Real Estate, '92. 375 614 W. Lake St. Shattuck, George B., Attorney, '90- 276 79 Dearborn St. Shaw, Willis, Salesmait, '81 210 616 New York Life Bldg. Sheldon, Stuart H., '98 353 568 Washington Boul. Shortle, James S., Attorney, '88 '90 246, 276 184 La Salle St. Shuman, Edwin L., Journalist, '87. 188 With Chicago Tribune Shuman, Raphael R., Advertising, 'go 188 With Jos. T. Ryerson & Son Sincere, Victor W., Attorney, '98 -_ 452 2974 Wabash Ave. Skinner, Harry W., '90 351 Marquette Bldg. Slack, Henry B., '02 453 With Butler Bros, f Smith, Irwin J., Chemist, '89 299 Snowhook, William 'B., Attorney, 'g\ 405 48 Metropolitan Block Spencer, Robert S., Jr., Architect, '86 350 1107 Steinway Hall Spensley, Harker George, Chemist, '94 352 248 E. Illinois St. tStacy, Edward L., Clerk, '83 72 Staley, Amos C, Physician, '94 342 40 E. Randolph St. Staver, Roy B., Student, '04 354 7220 Princeton Ave. Stevens, Robert W., Teacher, '94 ._ 189 829 Warren Ave. Stewart, Edward L., Attorney, '79 41, 186 145 La Salle St. fStout, Henry C, '70 86 Stronge, Clarence W., Accountant, '99 93 3319 Vernon Ave. Tait, Alexander G., Engineer, '99-- 445 273 Belden Ave. PAGE Tallman, Dwight D., Student, '03 -- 200 8830 Elizabeth St. Taylor, Burpee C, Traveling Salesman, '97 429 With D. Appleton & Co. Taylor, Frank S., '94 198 635, 43d St. Thackwell, Paul, Salesman 34 2737 N. 45th Ave. Thayer, Nathaniel C, Jr.. Salesman, '00 430 248 E. 61st St. Thompson, David 'D.,Journalist,''j'j - 40 57 Washington St. Thompson, Willard C, Bookkeeper, '02 295 3258 Forest Ave. Todd, James, Attorney, '87 197 1106 Security Bldg. Tourtellotte, Frederick J., Attorney, '88 188 3432 Vernon Ave. Tyler, Lucius S., Electrician, '97 — 314 With Chicago Edison Co. Van Benschoten, William C, Physiciati, '91 189 6442 Greenwood Ave. Van Doozer, Jesse P., Attorney, '99- - 190 225 La Salle St. Van Hovenberg, Karl H., Teacher, '91 325 48 Powell Ave. Vinnedge, Allen R,, Merchant, '82. 245 446 Dearborn Ave. Vose, Frederic V., Attorney, '94 189 1339 Marquette Bldg. Vose, Walter S., Student, '04 191 733 Forest Ave. Warner, Edward O,, Salesman, '94- 385 1720 Old Colony Bldg Warner, Murray, '92 313 1490, 84 Van Buren St. ■fWatson, Thomas Q., Merchant, '94- 267 Webb, Walter L., Civil Engineer, '75 163 iioo Old Colony Bldg. Welles, Arthur T., Electrician, '87. 135 Western Electric Co. Westerman, Hans T., Accountant, '90 331 1102 Monadnock Block Wheeler, Charles P., A^erchant, '76- 185 1109 Rookery Bldg. Whitcomb, William C, A/anu/acturer, '89 400 Ohio & Orleans Sts. Whitney, Clarence W., Editor, '99- 279 510 Marquette Bldg. Windsor, Charles J., Stationer, '95 - 326 Polk Street Station RESIDENCE INDEX 537 Wing, Frederick M., Student, 'oo-- 191 284 E. 38th St. Winger, Frank S., Accountant, '89- 350 2567 N. Robey St. Williams, George B., '99 294, 386 1618 Monadnock BIdg. Williams, Lynn A., '00 353 1450 Monadnock Bldg. Wilder, Henry W., Manufactio-er, '86 291 9847 Prospect Ave. Wise, Harry O., Clerk, '92 74 40S W. 60th St. Wooden, Morris, '93 loi 4193 Halsted St. Woodworth, Albert O., Merxhant, '86 340 737 W. Madison St. Woody, Paul W., Insurance, '02 295 604, 134 Monroe St. Wright, Albert O., Jr., '96 352 901 S. Ashland Ave. fWright, John 'L., Reporter,'q'^ 342 Wright, Julian V ., Engineer 311 Chicago Club Wyeth, Newton, Attorney, '83 274 1319 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. k Zahniser, Charles M., 6'a/<'i'?;m«, '77- 172 Temple Court Bldg. Zimmermann, Walter G., '98 314 619 Cleveland Ave. Clinton Pifer, Charles W., Civil Eni^ineer, '89 246 With I. C. R. R. Rundle, Frank, Clerk, '96 198 210 E. .\dams St. Cisco Harlan, George E., Accountant, 'oo- 343 Congerville Daniel, Cary A., Farmer, '99 343 Danville Barnes, Thomas J., Jr., Railroad Agent, '99 249 With Wabash R. R. Davis, Henry H., '89 287 Harrison, John Yi., Journalist, 'gi -- 91 Jewell, William R., Journalist, '72- 147 Johnson, James E., '01 294 With Danville Street Ry. & Light Co. Keeslar, John W., Attorney, '88 340 Lewis, Charles M., Architect, '96 293 Owens, Wilkins H., '00 294 With Danville Street Ry. & Light Co. Trueblood, Jesse Yi.,La'wyer, '74-70, 457 28 Franklin St. Decatur PAGE Bevans, James L., Physician, '91 — 276 |Kerr, William C. A., Clergytnan, '62 80 Leonard, Raymond, Student, '04 — 295 McCoy, John Yi., Attorney, 'Zf 340 Mueller, Oscar B., Mechanical E7igineer,''ji) 292 1275 N. Church St. Post, Herbert E., '02 295 Sanner, Roy W., Stttdent, '03 280 569 W. Macon St. Shlaudeman, Frank, Brewer, '82--- 290 S33S. Webster St. Deer Park Glen Reynolds, George M., Manufacturer, '88 340 Deering Deering, James E., Manufacturer, '80 187 Dwight Adams, Charles C, Manufacttirer, '96 33 Prime, William J., '86 188 McWilliams, Edward, Merchant,'yc) 186 Easton Wetzel, George T., Clergyman, '90- 341 East St. Louts Stickney, Willet B., Attorney, '81 -- 273 617 N. Ninth St. Edgington Johnson, Thomas R., Clergyman, '62. 80 Effingham Butler George E., Teacher, '99 44 Eleanor Acheson, Allen M., Clergymajt, '74- 242 Elgin Bosworth, Neil, '00 327 623 Highland Ave. Lucas, Maurice J., Dentist, '99 152 Pollock, Garnett A., Clergyman, '58- 32 820 Billings St. Elkhart Stahl, Garland, '02 295 Ellsworth Dunlap, Ivan C, Student, '04 344 Elmwood Gray, Edwin D., Attorney, '91 341 Elmhurst Hagans, Wilbur E., '73 98 538 RESIDENCE INDEX Evanston page Barnard, Cornelius R., Clerk, '99--- 190 Bartlett, Charles H., Attorney, '97-- 406 827 Greenleaf St. Bragdon, Merritt C, Physician, '70. 184 Cumnock, Wallace W., '01 191 Donelson, Dexter P., Manufacturer, '79 : 186 Dwight, William B., '00 315 1323 Davis St. Elliot, Frank M., Real Estate, '77--- 186 Eyer, Clarendon B., Attorney, '88-- 276 Hemenway, Francis W., '93 i8g Kimball, Conrad B., Architect, '94 - 292 1134 Michigan Ave. Macafee, William, Student, '04 191 McConnell, C. Percy, Student, '03-- 191 Matteson, Victor A., Architect, '95 . 292 1460 Maple St. Pearsons, Henry A., Capitalist, '72- 184 V\zVx^\\,V&xcyQ.,Advertisittg, 'oo- 191 710 Clark St. Ransom, Paul B., '97 190 Scott, Charles F., Journalist, '91, '97 43, 190 Shuman, EHwin "L., Journalist, '87 _ 188 Shuman, Raphael Roy, A dvertising, '90 188 Wightman, Charles A., Real Estate, '85 187 1735 Wesley Ave. Webster, Edward H., Physician, '72 184 1332 Chicago Ave. Wilson, Frederick H., Electrical Engitieer, '98 293 Woodyatt, Ernest, Architect, '97 314 231 Dempster St. Woodyatt, Rollin T., '01 407 231 Dempster St. Farmer City Herrick, Dwight O., hisurance, '02. 294 Herrick, Lott R., Attorney, '92 '94 278, 2gi Herrick, Lyle G., '02 294 Frankfort Station. "fBeal, Ellery H., Clergyman, '72 184 French Grove tMcCoy, Joseph, '84 290 Galena Ross, John S., Merchant, '87 324 Spensley, William R., Student, '03- 328 Galesburg Hamilton, John F., Attorney, '92. 14 Thompson Bldg. 'Woodi,]o\\n, Clergyman, '62 Johnson, Charles S., Mechanical E7tgi7ieer, '00 -- McLean, John F., Teacher, '00 Knox College Galva Ford, Morris M., '01 Lowes, Forest M., Attorney, '97-- Gibson City Huey, Virgil L., Farmer, '92 Greenfield Hutchinson, George A., Banker, '94 Russell, Horace G., Teacher, '86- Greenville Bennett, Louie E., Druggist, '92- Von Weise, Charles W., '96 PAGE - 341 - 66 294 279 191 293 341 342 340 91 ■ 92 295 188 320 294 295 295 435 94 Havana Larrison George K., Civil Engineer, '03 McFadden, Benjamin L., Batiker, '89 Williams, Guy K., Attorney, '93 Hoopeston Allen, John N., '02 Allen, Laurence T., Law Student, '04 Miskimen, William A., Sttidetit, '04. Highland Park Scrugham, James G., Teacher, 'oo-_ Hutsonville Hurst, Roscoe P., Student, '04 Hussong, Albert B., Merchant, '71 - 86 fPreston, John, '67 38 Ipava Marshall, Sherman h.. Farmer, '85. 291 Jacksonville Draper, Charles L., '75 185 Winslow, Frederic C, '70 184 Joliet Barr, Richard J., Attorney, '95-278, 292 Enright, Edmund, Teacher, '99 327 Reynolds, Clarence G., Clergymafi, '81 227 Riley, James C, Attorney, 'q^ 343 fStevens, Charles h., Journalist, '89- 188 Wallace, Louis D., Journalist, '89-- 188 RESIDENCE INDEX 539 Jonesboro PAGE Lence, William H., Studefit, '04 200 Kankakee Dixon, Hewitt S., Clerk, 'c)% 293 Spencer, Harry S., Student, '04 453 Kinmundy Cabanis, Rena Clark, Student, '03-- 295 Lacon Wright, Bayard W^, Attorney, '91 .- 341 La Grange Borden, William S., Publisher, '01 . 294 Windsor, Charles J., Stationer, '95. 326 300 S. Ashland Ave. Lanark Colver, Michael, Clergyma7i, '63.-- 122 La Salle Locke, Alfred C, Mechanical Engineer, '93 292 Leaf River Gaffin C. Harold, Student, '03 354 Lewistown Babcock, William A., Attorney, '86- 291 Lincoln Trapp, William E., Student, '04 295 Wakeman, Harry F., Attorney, '91 - 185 Llewellyn Park Maghee Guy H., Civil Engineer, '98 190 136 Bryan Ave. Litchfield Atterbury, James H., Attorney, '81 - 273 Elliot, Edwin R., Merchant, '83 187, 274 Macomb Hays, Joseph W., Teacher, '80 195,227, 242, 465 Tunnicliff, George D., Attorney, '84, '85 187, 275 Maroa Coen, Charles, Physician, ^c)2> 34^ Martinton Pearson, Joseph, Student, '04 94 Mason City Stewart William, Student, '03 295 Mattoon Hooper, William S., Clergyinan, '63- 67 1408 Charleston St. McLean Young, William M., Physiciati, '96- 342 Mendota Cooper, Paul H., Merchant, '96 293 Mill Spring Foster, Otis, Railroad Agent, '82-- 71 Minonk Goodrich, Clinton R., Student, '05^- 472 Kerrick, Harrison S., Soldier, '94 342 Monmouth Graham, Alexander G., '81 242 Sexton, Jay, '02 459 Shultz, Christian, Pharmacist, 'Zi - - 242 Morea McHatton, Joseph A., Teacher, '%2- ji Morrison Skinner, James W., Clergyf/ian, '80 227, 264 Mound City Hogan, Daniel, Jr., '02 344 Mt. Carmel Landes, Bernard S., Pharmacist, '99 343 Moweaqua Ahl, Thomas C, Bookkeeper, '99 76 Sparling, William H., Physician, '72 184 Nashville Holsten, Benjamin Ji., Attorney, 'qi,, 292 Hosmer, Henry H., Attorney, '83 274 Normal Moon, Bryon G., Student, '03 344, 453 Rice, Charles A., Teacher, '99 343 Rice, Frank M., Stejtographer, '03-- 344 Oakland Green, Zelora, Manufacturer, '72-- 176 Oak Park Conway, Edwin E., Manufacturer - 180 226 Maple Ave. Kerr, William D., Student, '04 465 Rugg, Frederick D., Insurance Agent, '82 290 202 Clinton Ave. Smith, Robert C, Chemist, '02 453 425 Home .Ave. Warner, Edward O., Salesmati, '94. 385 The Kenton 540 RESIDENCE INDEX Oregon PAGE tBigelow, James C, Clergyman, '73.- 185 Etnyre, Charles D., Abstracter,'%2> 187, 274 Etnyre, Edward D., Manufachirer, '81 187 Sears, Joseph, Jr., Attorney, '92 277 Smith, Henry A., ^//<7r«^j, '80--187, 273 Ottawa Oilman, Albert E., Mechanical Engineer 249 With Hamilton, King Co. Hills, George P., Attorney, '93 189 Stead, William H., Attorney, '83-- _ 89 Danford, Roscoe C, Physician, '7$- 342 Paris Dyas, Richard S., Attorney, '98 342 McMillan, Willett E., Mining Operator, '86 275 tShank, William L., '94 92 Shelledy, Richard R., /our}talist,'g<^ 343 Paw Paw Mann, Joseph W., Clergymati, '72 - 194 Pawnee Smith, Richard h., Physician, 'c)i-- 341 Pekin Scrimger, Schuyler C. E., Government Official, '97 342 1241 S. 4th St. Peoria Alford, Elbert H., Clergyman, '86-- 340 307 Ann St. Caldwell, Charles G., Salestna7i, '86- 265 Cone, Roy S., '02 344 Cone, William R., Real Estate, 'oo- 343 213 Flora Ave. Danforth, Asa Hamilton, Attorney, '91 276 Flenner, Granville M., Traveling Salesman, '66 38 Francis, R. B., '91 277 Fuller, Henry C, Attorttey, '73 143 Hedrick, Edwin, Attorney, '95 75 Court House Hotchkiss, Robert J., Architect,'()7- 293 Kerr, Harlan T., Physician, '84 42 Reeves, Lewis M., Merchant, '93 -- 43 505 Main St. Smith, Frank C, Agent, '82 41 Whitmore, William W., Attorney, '94 342 2g Arcade Bldg. Ziegler, John F., Undertaker,\o 276 318 Perry Ave. Piper City Culbertson, Carey, Physician^C)^ — 189 Pontiac Barickman, Charles M., Attorney, '%7 340 Thompson, B. Ralph, Teacher, '98 - 343 Princeton Putnam, Glen H., Clergyman, '78 -- 264 Quincy Carter, William D., Student, '04 — 295 Haselwood, Willis H., '03 431 403 S. i6th St. Stone, Albert J., Manufacturer, '98- 293 1636 Main St. Stone, Charles N., Student, '04 295 Rankin Rice, Clinton, Farmer, '96 342 Ridot tBabcock, Guy H., '84 290 Robinson Jones, Caswell S., Banker, '92 288 Rockefeller Cronkhite, Frank E., Studetit, '03-- 328 Early, Abert D., Attorney, "77 186 Rockford Nesbitt, John H., Clergymati, '58--- 60 523 Fisher Ave. Read, Charles E., Teacher, '98 327 605 N. Court St. St. John, Edwin M., Attorney, 'c)6-- 190 St. John, Homer, Bookkeeper, '00 -- 294 841 N. Church St. Snyder, Franklin B., Studetit, '05 -- 328 806 N. Main St. Stevens, Percy H., Manufacturer, '99 327 317 N. Court St. Rock Island Adams, Lucian, Attorney, '62 61 Cook, James W., tJnited States Inspector, '93 -- 292 Hawes, Charles W., Jr., Student,' o^- 295 Robinson, James F., Banker, '72--- 184 613, 20th St. Sweeney, William J., Attorney, '99 190, 407 816, 20th St. RESIDENCE INDEX 5+1 Roseville Munford, Roderick S., Teacher, '96. Savanna Schreiter, Joseph Vt., Physician, 'g5- Seneca tPlatt, Chauncey B., '86 Shirley Funk, La Fayette, Farmer, '58 Sibley Kerrick, Lon H., Partner, 'g8 Springfield Burnett, Samuel T., Agent, '94 With Ginn & Co. Condell, John S., County Official,'']'}^ Fiske, Clarence A., Publisher, '90-- 320 S. 5th St. Henry, Edward D., Attorney, '87 -- Irwin, William F., Clergyman, '87-- Kreider, George N., Surgeon, 'J7-- 522 Capitol Ave. Leland, Jerome A., Stock Breeder, '96 Leland Hotel Logan, Thomas D., Clergymati, '69- Matheny, Robert, Attorney, '83 Mills, Walter H., Collector, '01 Newell, Leland B., '95 424 S. 2d St. Paul, Clarence R., Editor, '72 Illinois State Journal Perkins, Reed M., Attorney, '01 __. 945 S. 2d St. Sudduth, Thomas, Capitalist, '89 -- 631 S. 6th St. Vance, Boyle, Physician, '88 Marine Bank Bldg. Stanton tDorsey, Richard E., Attorney, '83.- 290 Sterling Crawford, Thomas, Electrical Engineer, '94 De Groff, Raymond v., Teacher,%\. Harrison, Dale S., Civil Engineer, '01 PAGE 75 352 307 36 342 342 185 375 341 197 40 293 170 274 280 342 184 343 341 291 Sullivan Meeker, Ray D., Attorney, '91 Sycamore Robinson, George B., Student, 'oz,. Taylorville tFuIton, KohtrX., Partner, '72 Ricks, Jesse J., '01 292 187 294 151 454 86 280 Tolono PAGE Shuett, Rudolph H., Clergyman, '98- 342 Tower Hill Corly, Homer S., Physician, '93 341 Tuscola tCollier, Hiram W., '80 88 Upper Alton Jackson, Andrew O., Teacher, '00 - - 294 Urbana Carson, Thomas F., '02 294 Griffin, Roy, Cashier, '01 294 With First National Bank Mathews, Clyde M., Editor, '02 295 601 Elm St. Wright, Royal, Attorney, 'q2 292 Vandalia May, Montgomery, Clergyjnati, '78 195, 264 Verona Finch, Charles A., Attortiey, '94 — 342 Finch, Clarence A,, Parmer, '95 --- 342 Virden Cowen, Herbert H., Attortiey, '93-- 277 Walnut Bosworth, Roy D., Civil Etigitieer- 392 AVarren Ford, George A., Student, '04 328 Schadel, Robert L., Student, '03 --- 328 ■Waukegan Hanna, Leslie P., Attorney, '89 341 501 N. Ave. Jones, Frank W,, Manufacturer, 'oo- 353 Richmond Conduit Co. Wellington Adsit, Bertram W., Attorney, 'oi--. 294 West Chicago Warren, Homer G., Clergymatt,'c)i- 375 Wheaton Word, George \l., Clergytfian,'^)?)--^ 179 Willard Atherton, Leslie C, '94 267 Wilmette Pierson, Ward Wright, 6'/z^^/', '95- 278 Foster, Franklin P., Attorttey, '79-- 71 1311 Hendricks St. Haynes, Roy C, Merchant, '99 93 Isanogel, Walter I., A sst. Postmaster, '86 72 Leavitt, Robert P., '93 151, 248, 463 Mason, Elmer D., Reporter, '94 92 Myers, William K., Attorney, 'j^--- 70 III W. gth St. Orr, Thomas B., Attorney, '76 70 Retherford, Austin, Attorney, '93 -- 74 10 E. 8th St. Sansberry, Charles T., Attorney, '95 288 7-8 Neeley Blk. Tower, Edward C, Editor, '95 75 Atlanta Walton, Shirl S., Cashier, '01 152 Asst. Cashier Bank of .Atlanta Attica Case, Clarence D., Editor, '95 92 422 E. Main St. Ogden, Horace G., Clergyman, '93- 92 Aurora page fGreer, William K., Attorney, 'iz,--- 87 McMullen, Cassius W.,^/i'cr;/(?j', '92 91 McMullen, Edwin C, Siudetit, '04..- jj McMullen, Harry R., Attorney, 'cp 73, 91 McMullen, Hugh D., Attorney, '62 67, 84 Cor. 4th and Front Sts. Maltby, Charles S., Manufacturer, '97 75 Bainbridge Lane, Edwin T., Clergy7?ian, '71 — 147 Lane, Oscar F., Clergytnan, '71 147 McFadden, Paul B., Manager, '01 - 93 Saw and Planing Mills Starr, Fred McD., '01 93 Bedford Batman, James W., Merchant, '93-- 74 Duncan, Clay W., Merchant, '94 — 74 Duncan, Robert ?>., Farmer, '86 72 Norton, Spencer K., '02 199 Pearson, ]o\in. Student, '04 459 Ranno, Fred W., Efigineer, '89 312 Maintenance of Way, Southern Indiana Ry. Voris, Harry M., Banker, '88 197 Voris, Joseph H., Banker, '87 197 Bloomfield Davis, Cyrus E., Attorney, '80 71, 273, 468 Dugger, Robert B., Surveyor, 'o2-- 249 Lowder, Howard R., Physician, '72. 69 Van linsk\r\i, Thomas, Attorney, '85 275 Bloomington Axtell, Harry A., Attorney, '94.- 74, 457 515 N. Washington St. Batman, Frederick H., '01 76 403 W. Kirkwood Ave. Batman, Ira C, Attorney, '85 72 403 W. Kirkwood \ve. Brant, Claude, '95 75 441 S. College .Ave. Brant, Jefferson E., Clergy //i an,' 60 - 84 441 College .Ave. Clapham, William E., Teacher, '94. 74 Clark, Charles P., '01 76 Clark, Thomas J., Clergyman, '72-- 69 213 E. Kirkwood Ave. Corr, Edwin, Attorfiey, '83 72 Davis, Lewis S., Teacher, '88 73 Prof, in Indiana Univ. Duncan, Frank C, Deputy Post7naster,\\ 74 Duncan, Henry C, Attorney, '68 — 68 RESIDENCE INDEX 543 Eigenmann, Carl H., Teacher, '86-- 72 Prof, in Indiana Univ. Gregory, Bert E., Train Dispatcher, '99 76 Hoffman, Horace A., Teacher, '^i-- 71 Prof, in Indiana Univ. E. 3d St. Lee, Henry A., Attorney, '78 71 502 E. 4th St. Lindley, Ernest H., Teacher, '93-74. 457 Professor in Indiana Univ. Louden, John H,, Attorney, '61 66 McPheeters, Joseph G., U. S. Co)nmissioner, '62 67 633 N. College Ave. Maxwell, Howard, Traveling Sales7nan, '68 68 Pering, Thomas C, Manager, '62 - - 67 Crescent Stone Co. Porter, James P., Teacher, '^8- 76 Instructor in Indiana Univ. Rawles, Charles L., Salesman, '94-- 74 Rogers, William F., Attorney, '80-- 71 214 E. 7th St. Sembower, Charles J., Teacher, 'g2- 74 Instructor in Indiana Univ. Siebenthal, Wade A., Teacher, '02. _ ■]'] 334 S. Dunn St. Smith, Dudley F., Farmer, '61 66 Steele, Reed, Student, '04 458 Wylie, Samuel B., Student, '04 T] 307 E. 2d St. Bluffton Hatfield, Isaac "i^i., Physician, '83.-- 196 220 W. Cherry St. Stout, Marion A., Druggist, '90 246 Sturgis, Charles E., Attorney, '88 — 90 Boonville McMahon, Asher, Student, '05 458 Moore, Robert S., '01 76 Taylor, John L., Attorney, '75 70 Weyerbacker, Kermeth, Student, '05 458 Willis, George E., Student, '04 77 Borden Buerk, Henry A., Attorney, '82 71 Brazil Nace, Theodore L., Student, '03 153 608 N. Meridian St. tRobbins, Harry D., '92 288 Sherfey, David A., Civil Eftgineer, '94 92, 247 Bridgeport Cope, James P., Physician, '74 69 Brookston PAGE Bordner, Ira, Manager, '98 75 Managrer of Teleplione Co. Vanatta, John C, Banker, '78 244 Brookville Kimble, John H., Miller, '89 73 Brownstown Applewhite, Ralph B., Banker,'gS 75, 199 Branaman, Lawson T., A ttorney, '74 69 Bolles, Charles A., Manufacturer, '95 248, 315 Long, By ford E., Attorney, '61 66 Cambridge City Bertsch, Alonzo, '02 45^ Boyd, Abiram Isl., Student, 'o\---T7, 458 Kepler, Lynn E., Attorttey, '91 73 Camden Henning, Edwin C, Attorney, '94-- 278 Cannelton IHenning, William C, Journalist, '90 91 Chalmers Burns, S. M., '96 458 Charlestown tSwartz, Charles, '83 72 Charlottesville fPatterson, James A., '91 gi Chesterton Castleman, Josiah H., Teacher, '99, '00 76, 93 Castleman, Justus C, Teacher, '99, '00 76, 93 Johnston, Charles H., Physician, '91 91 Morgan, Edward L., Manager, '00-- 93 Peterson, Arthur O., Accountant,'oo- 93 Clifford McQueen, John W., Farmer, '78--- 88 Colfax Lane, Daniel H., Farmer, '84 286 Columbia City McLallen, Henry D., Banker, '92--- 74 Columbus Baker, Charles S., Attorney, '78---- 88 Butler, George J., Student, '05 458 Dixon, Webster, Attorttey, '72) ^ Cooper, Cassius B., Attorney, '79-- 195 Cox, Nathaniel E., '93 458 Hawley, Max C, '01 76 544 RESIDENCE INDEX PAGE Irwin, William G.,Banker,'Sg--i$o, 462 McCormick, Raymond, Student, '05 458 Orr, Lawrence F., Student, '05 463 Swengel, Wilson S., Attorney, '68-- 85 Connersville Broaddus, Lunsford L., Attorney, '81 71 21 Sycamore St. Clifford, Freemont, Merchant, '82-- 245 Frazee, Lewis A., Treasurer, '85 150 Huston, Joseph E., Manufacturer,'%(y 318 Sanders, Bertram, Sttident, '02 77 1307 North Ave. Sanders, William F. L., Teacher, '73 6g Corydon Fbnk, Major W., Attorney, '75 70 Market St. Crawfordsville Barcus, Paul, Physician, '86 90 109 S. Green St. Binford, Moreland B., Manufacturer, '8g 287 ■fCanaday, William M., '95 469 Durham, George T., Banker, '83 286 215 W. Main St. Hadley, George W., Merchant, '78- 148 Harding, James, Surveyor, 'gi^ 288 King, Horace F., Merchant, '83 286 Martin, William K., Merchant, '87- 287 Morgan, William H., '95 288 Murdock, William F., '94 288 ;i3 W. Main St. Reynolds, Andrew E., Merchant, '83, '81 245, 286 Reynolds, Pembroke S., Manufacturer, '85 287 616 E. Wabash .\ve. Severson, C\arenc&, Plufnber, '81 — 245 Waugh, James M., Surveyor, '83 — 245 Wood, Norman, '94 288 Danville Barker, Oman E., Salest/iatt, '97 152 Barker, Thomas R., Physician, '97- 152 Barnett, Levi A., Attorney, '73 87 Bowen, Charles F., Stock Breeder, '78 148 Brewer, John C, '93 151 Hadley, Walter G., Stock Breeder, '96, '97 92, 152 Hogate, Julian D., fournahst, '91 -_ 91 Shirley, Edgar W., Merchattt. '83-- 149 PAGE Snoddy, William W., Clergyman, '84 286 Thomas, Frederick A., Teacher, ^()2- 91 Decatur Dugan, Charles A., Banker, '87 73 Smith, David E., Attorney, 'c)-i,'()S 74. 463 215 Monroe St. Delphi Bowen, Henry H., Merchant, '79--- 148 Bridge, William C, '02 77 Pollard, Charles R., Law Stude)tt,'o2, 295 Smith, William C, Attorney, '7%, '81 71, 273 Dublin McMahon, Charles M., Teacher,'?)'^. 90 Elkhart Frazer, William J., Clergytnan, '74- 70 300 S. Second St. Graham, Herbert A., '88 346 304 Jefferson St. Elwood Call, Edward R., Attorney, '01 93 Sorber, George W., Attorney, '97--- 75 Evansville Batchelor, Arthur D., Clergymaii, '94 74 Bernardin, Alfred L., Studejit, '04-- 419 Heilman, William, Student, '02, 191 Ingle, Heber, Merchant, '67 85 Logsdon, Hiram M., Attorney, '75- 70 fMinor, Henry L., Attorney, '79 252 Taylor, Y^AWva., Attor7iey, '68 146 1420 S St. Fairfield tWilson, George W., Clergyman, '67 68 Fairmount Jay, Walter "L., Attorney, '97 75 Fisher's Switch Kimberlin, Frank, Accoutitant, '03- 94 Fort 'Wayne Barrett, Charles D., '01 249 255 Fairfield Ave. Bell, Benjamin R., '03 453 Bell, Guy K., Merchant, '01 453 Bond, Ralph A., Salesman, '00 249 322 Fairfield Ave. Crane, Harvey Y.., Engineer, '95 248 305 W. Jefferson St. mammmmmmi^ RESIDENCE INDEX 545 PAGE Curtice, John T., A/an7(/ac/urer,'68. 38 Dawson, Ronald, Attorney, '96 248 287 W. Wayne St. Diether, Carl F., Sti(dent,'ojf 250 Drayer, Lewis P., Physician, '92 1 08 Evans, Robert M., Manufacturer, '00 249 126 E. Main St. Gorhani, Charles D., Railroad Official, '69 123 Hanna, Henry C, Attorney, '79 272 Harper, James "Q., Attorney, '75 70 Suite 12-13 Bank Block Heckman, George Q., Engineer, '03- 199 Hanna Homestead Kuhne, Charles W., Attorney, '87.- 275 216 Washington St. Niehoff, Nathaniel J., Insurance, '98- 343 105 Calhoun Sr. Peters, Arthur H., Student, '04 250 Robertson, Robert S., Attorney, '76- 70 179 W. Berry St. Taylor, Edward S., Engine er,'i:)6--. 385 407 Fairfield Ave. White, Charles E., Clergymati, '76- 87 104 Case St. Wise, Harry O., '91 73 Woodworth, Ben]. S., Druggist, '94. 405 254 W. Wayne St. Fowler Niley, Ulric Z., Attorney, 'yi 147 Francisville Weston, Harry C, Clergyman, '93-- 92 Frankfort Cullom, George C, Drus^gist, '94, '95 247, 463 Fernald, William J., Physician, '89- 287 65-3 E. Wabash St. Goodwin, John C, Merchant, '91 — 247 Gray, Bayard ?i., Journalist, '76 81 Halstead, William R., Clergytnan, '71 86 Knapp, Oscar S., Physician, '85 287 McClamroch, James, Ba?tker, '91 — 247 Ransdell, William J., '90 246 Short, Luther, ^//^r«if>', '69 — 68 tSuit, Walter N., Attorney, '87 150 Frankton Hurst, Alfred D., Manufacturer, '81 89 Gallaudet Brown, Charles, '92 151 Goodland Bringham, William A., Merchant, '83 245 Goshen page Bechtel, Daniel M., Stttdeni, '03 94 Greencastle Ader, Francis 'D.,Attor}tey,'Zi^ 340 Carver, James \N ., Farmer, '76 87 Corwin, Benjamin F., Attorney, '79- 88 Daggy, Albert A., Merchant, '89- - - 91 fFisher, Samuel, Physician, '60 84 Hamrick, Arthur J., Journalist, '98- 93, 459 Hanna, Levi M., Physician, '68 85 24 E. Washington St. Hayes, Silas A., Attorney, '72 86 Houck, Ross, ^/wc/.?;?/, '05 459 McCarty, Isaac T., Attorney, '80--- 273 Overstreet, Orsa F., Dentist, '89 91 511 E. Seminary St. Shafer, Daniel C, Student, '03 94 Shafer, John C, Accountant, '02. -94, 459 Starr, Wilbur F., Actor, '96 92 Williamson, Delano E., Attorney, '60 84 Woody, Charles S., Clerk, '02 94, 459 Greenfield Mitchell, John F., Jr., Studettt, '05-- 463 Montgomery, Walter S., Publisher, '80 195 Greensburg Davison, Thomas E., Attorney, '87. 90 Lathrop, Harry, '86 188 Parsons, Milton F., Funeral Director, '83 - 1 49 213 N. Broadway Greenville fKirkwood, James W., '73 87 Greenwood Kinnick, Benjamin F., Capitalist, '71 147 Griffin Miller, Charles C, Student, '05 459 Hagerstown Ressler, Carthon Yi., Farmer, '72 — 147 Hamnnond Newman, George P. C, Merchant, '73 185 Hanover Britan, Herbert D., Teacher, '00 199 Britan, Joseph T., Clergyman, '97 — 198 Goldsmith, Andrew D,, Student, '04 200 Harris, Vinton V., Salesman, 'q6 198 546 RESIDENCE INDEX Hardinsburg page Cravens, Aaron, Farfner, '69 68 Cravens, Benjamin H., Farmer, '72. 69 ILouder, Charles M., P^yszczan, '81 . 89 Hazleton Spain, Purvis A., Physician, '98 76 Hebron tBlackstone, William B., Physician, '81 71 Heltonville Norman, George M., Merchant, '82. 71 Homer Arbuckle, James W., Manufacturer, '92 91 Huntington Grayson, Fred N., Physician, '92.- - 151 47 N. Jefferson St. Indianapolis Ailing, Albert S., Merchant, '82 196 1211 N. Arsenal Ave. Atkins, William A., Manufacturer, '01 249 507 N. Delaware St. lAustin, Samuel C, Civil Engineer, '72 147 Ayres, Elliott, '02 152 31 Woodruff PI. •fBaker, James ¥., Attorney, '66 67 Bales, Berton Burk, Attorney, '95-- 151 501 Lemcke Bldg. Barkley, William S., Capitalist, '69- 39 257 N. Meridian St. Barnett, John T., Chemist, '75 87 2001 N. Delaware St. Batchelor, George H., Attorney, '92. 74 1117 Park Ave. Beeler, Fielding, Farmer, '87 287 132 E. Washington St. Bell, David W., Attorney, '79 71 Bigger, Richard F., Physician, '85 1 50, 462 524 N. Pennsylvania St. tBlaney, Milton \^., Merchant,''] \ — 149 Bowen, Crate ^., Attorney, \\--\t^\, 463 Tl'^'jyi Stevenson Bldg. ■fBowker, Clarence B., Attorney, '69- 146 Braden, James., C/if/'y^", '01 152 1920 Capitol Ave., N. Brandon, Harry ].,Attorney,'c)\ 463 Brayton, Nelson D., Physician, '95 - - 151 College Ave. Brazington, Alvali C.,Artist,'87.i$o, 462 Brown, Arthur V., Attorney, '85 150 PAGE Brown, James G., Student, '03, '04 199, 466, 250 1897 Talbot Ave. Brown, Thomas M., Mercha7it, '99-- 199 410 N. Meridian St. Burford Ernest H., '97 152 Buschman, Harry C, Commerciai Traveler, '()6 249 With Lewis, Meier Co. Butler, Walter G., Attorney, '00 152 1204 Park Ave. Cale, David H., Traveling Salesman, '01 152 1728 Broadway Cale, Howard, ^/'^(7r«(?y, '66 146 1728 Broadway Calvert, George C, Banker, '93.-91, 459 Carson, John F., Attorttey, '79 88 1703 N. Pennsylvania St. Carson, Oliver H., Attorney, '87 90 1034-6 Stevenson Bldg. tCarter, Vinson V., Attorney, '67 67 Chambers, Alex, '01 249 Capitol Ave. Charlton, Frederick R., Physician, '94 198 224 N. Meridian St. Clarke, Henry V., Physician, '87 .-- 150 Cobrun, Henry, Merchant, '94 463 Cooper, Carl H., Teacher, ''gj 279 Cooper, Charles B., Merchant, '98-- 152 127 S. Meridian St. Cooper, Kent A., fournalist, '02 jj Coyner, John V., Engineer, '68 -146, 462 Cross, Charles W., Engineer, '92 291 1537 College Ave. Defrees, Morris M., Engineer, '67-- 156 116 W. Michigan St. Denny, Austin F., Attortiey, '76 87 23 N. Pennsylvania Ave. Denny, Caleb S., Attorney, '70 86 1321 N. Pennsylvania St. Dorsey, Robert L., Manufacturer, '83 149, 286 1409 Central Ave. Earl, Colfax E., Contractor, '83.-89, 245 4 Shaub Flats Eastman, R. Joseph, /'^j.wza^, '91 - 287 Eldridge, William K., Engineer, 'jj 244 1215 Stevenson Bldg. Elliott, William F., Attorney, '80, '81 148,273 Fletcher's Bank Bldg. Fenton, Harry A.. Attorney, '96 33 Fisher, Samuel A., Druggist,''8\-8c), 458 Fletcher, Horace H., Merchant,'']^. 148 Union Stock Yards RESIDENCE INDEX 547 PAGE Fletcher, William B., Jr., Banker, '91 151 1014 Central Ave. .Graham, Alois B., /',^j/5/«rt«, '91--- 197 tGriffith, Charles B., '76 148 Gaylord, Harry G., Physician, '81 -- 195 1140 Prospect St. Galvin, George W., Attorney, '66^- 146 Hackedorn, William E., Attortiey, '75 40 Hadley, Cassius C, Attorney, '84.- 149 18-19 State House Hanna, Charles T., Attorney, '92 74 Hannah, Arch A., '02 152 5087 E. Washington St. Harding, William N., Attorney, '76 --I48, 195 1624 N. Meridian St. Harman, Andrew Y.., Merchant, '88 150 Harrison, Nicholas M., '94 288 Harvey, Lawson M., Attorney, 'Si-- 149 Commercial BIdg. Hatch, Aretas W., Attorney, '78 --- 244 Helming, Oscar C, Clergyman, '88- 150 2328 Dewey Ave. Hibben, Harold B., Merchant, '73 - 147 Hisey, William J., Attortiey, '67 68 Hitt, George C, Jourftalist,''ji 39 Hitt, Thomas S., Physician, '69 39 606 N. Delaware St. Hollett, John E., Attorney, '97 152 116 VV. 12th St. tHoss, William H,, Merchant, '72--- 147 With Huntington, Hoss & Co. Hubbard, Walter J., Banker, '84 149 211 Lemcke Bldg. Hubbard, William N., Coal Operator,' 'jS 148 1002 N. Delaware St. Hubbard, Willard W., Merchant, 'j-j 148 Jameson, Alexander, Dentist, '87 — 150 20 W. Ohio St. Jameson, Henry, Physician, '69 146 Jameson, Ovid B., Attorney, '75 148 Blackford Block Johnson, Oliver R., Jotirfialist, '78 148, 462 Columbia Club Johnson, William C, Merchant, '83- 149 Kane, Henry Y., Attorney, '66 146 Kealing, Joseph B., Attorney, '79 — 148 Brandon Block tKeely, Oliver, Clerk, '89 91 Kingsbury, Edward D., '90 150, 462 Kirkpatrick, Leroy Y., Student, 'ot,- 153 2301 N. Meridian St. PAGE harsh, A.n\\vir Y., Accoimtant, '87-- 90 223S Talbott Ave. Layman, James T., Merchant, '94-- 198 Leathers, James M., Attorney, '81 -. 149 2007 N. Alabama St. Leonard, Strangton G., Merchant, '68 146 1504 Barth Ave. Lewis. Chauncey B., '03 199 no S. Pennsylvania St. Likely, Frederick A., Journalist, '94 92 1627 Ingram St. Lilly, James V\I ., Merchant, "ii 149 114 E. Washington St. Lodge, Caleb N., Attorney, '93 92 829 N. Pennsylvania St. ■fLong, Joseph ¥., Journalist, '64 85 Long, Will A., Sttident, '03 153 760 W. New York St. McClain, Hoyt N., ^/'/(?r«o', '94--- 92 McCullough, James E., Attorney, '71 69 Mackintosh, George L., Clergyman, '%\ 286 303 E. Nineteenth St. McLain, Moss G., Attorney, '69 86 Denison Hotel McSurely, James E., Attorney, '95 .33, 198 316 Indiana Trust Bldg. Mason, Augustus L., Attorney, 'jg 88, 148 Merrill, Charles W., Publisher, 'Si, '82 149, 286 So Blacherne Mick, Edward L., Real Estate, 'So-- 88 1840 N. Pennsylvania St. Moores, Charles W., Attorney, '81, '82 149, 286 602-610 Lemcke Bldg. Moores, Merrill, Attorney, '76 148 1025 Law Bldg. Morgan, l^oms, Merchant, '81--149, 462 Morris, Chester, '98 249 Meyers, Robert H., Architect, '71 -- 147 2036 Cornell .Ave. New, Harry S., Journalist, '79 148 Newberger, Louis, ./i/'/'£»r«o 244 Reser, Alva O., Court Stenographer, '82 245 Severson, Wilbur F., Attorney, '80- 244 Souder, Charles G., Student, '03 321 13 S. 7th St. PAGE Smith, Quincy A., Merchant, '71 --- 86 Timberlake, Frank B., '02 249 Columbia and 9th St. Vinton, Henry H., Attorney, '85 245 Wells, James H., Teacher, 'gi 247 La Grange Warren LeRoy W., Clergyfnan, '91, '98 190, 351 Laporte Fox, Walter S., Student, 'o^, 408 Rumely, A. John, Engineer, '98 249 Leavenworth Gibbs Marquis D., Attorney, '71 --- 69 Lebanon Coons, Henry N., Physiciati, '80 286 Darnall, James C, Student, '03 153 224 E. South St. DeVol, William J., Banker, '98 75 Hart, James R., Teacher, 'jy 70 223 E. Pearl St. Lane, Henry H., Teacher, '99 93 Orear, Charles D., Attorney, '93, '94 92, 278 Warren, Albert K., Engineer, '81 -- 245 Liberty Maxwell, Leo C, Clerk, '00 33 Murphy, Leroy E., Merchant, '00-- 33 Linton Hanna, Jesse, Physician, '6q 86 Logansport Cotner, James A., Attorney, '95 278 2000 High St. Kistler, Franklin M., Attorney, '87. 287 Lockton, Walter J., Clerf^y?nan, '95. 422 319. 7th St. McGrew, John A., '96 320 With Pennsylvania R. R. Co. Mahoney, W\c\\aQ\¥ ., Attorney, '^g. 73 Myers, Quincy \., Attorney, '75 148 Spraker, Francis M., Teacher, '78-- 71 713 High St. Thomas, William C, Banker, 'Zj-- 287 1211 High St. Madison Ailing, William R., Salesman, 'Sg-- 197 Garber, Guilford, Soldier, '98 199 Graham, James L., Student, '03 250 Graham, John W.,'02, '03 199, 250 Heuse, Edward O., Teacher, '00 199 Johnson, William J., Attorney, '72.- 194 707 W. 2d St. 55° RESIDENCE INDEX PAGE McGregor, John, Attorney, '75 70 McGregor, Thomas B., '01 199 Miller, John K., Attorney, '62 84 Powell, Edward E., Miller, '83- .89, 196 Powell, Nathan, Banker, '84 196 Sherlock, George E., Fanner, '03-- 199 Taylor, George S., Teacher, '86 196 Totten, Evan C., Physiciatt, '99 199 Weber, William J., Brewer, '85 196 Marion Charles, William H., Attorney, '2,2. 89 Ford, Walter V\[ ., Journalist, '92--- 247 IFowler, William M., Man ufacturer, '97 33 Wright, Arthur C, Merchant, '92 . - 247 Markle Felton, Albert J., '01 76 Marshall McClure, Zimra B., Teacher, '86--- 73 Martinsville Bain, Alfred M., Attorney, '91 73 433 N. Main St. Cunningham, Fred., Civil Engineer, '97 93 Guthridge, Henry T., Attorney, '87- 73 Mitchell, Albert S., Merchant, '67- _ 85 Mitchell, James V., Attorney, '63--- 67 Mitchell, William Constantin, Banker, '66 67 Mitchell, William Comer, Student, '00, '01 76, 280 Sadler, Elbert, Merchant, 'jj 70 Metamora Gordon, Howard M., Attortiey, '87- 90 Michigan City fHarris, James W., Clergyman, '78- 88 tHoman, Howard A., Manufacturer, '97 93 Kindig, Henry, Clergyman, '86 188 Wepple, Worth W., Attorney, '94-- 278 Milford Higbee, Robert F., Student, '04 250 Mishawaka Niles, Stanley A., Clerk, '94 151, 288 410 E. 2d St. Mitchell Byrns, James D., Physician, '92 198 Edwards, John H., Attorney, '91--. 73 Edwards, William H., Attorney ,'6%. 68 Montezuma page Brashear, Alvan V., Cle?gyman, '87. 197 Morocco Davis, Frank, Attorney, '92 74 Mt. Meridian Hurst, Raymond, Student, '04 94 Mullen Mallon, Urban C, Merchant, '89 150, 462 Muncie Bowers, John G., Merchant, '87 246 Gregory, Ralph S., Attorney, '6j--- 85 314 E. Washington St. Huffer, Arthur P., '94 288 Johnson, Ray P., '02 453 Ream, Harry, '97 198 Ream, Harry W., '94 288 Nappanee Coppes, Marvin, Student, '04 250 New Albany Berharrell, Thomas G., Clergyman, '78 88 Gebhart, John R., Accountant, '97-- 248 805 E. Main St. Green, William O., Dentist, '71 6g Jewett, Charles 'L., Attorney, '69--- 68 611 E. Main St. King, Harry R., Freight Agetit, '75- 87 With Southern R. R. Morris, Noble D., Insurance, '75--- 87 614 E. 8th St. New Castle Mitchell, Leander P., Attorney, '12- 147 New Cumberland Wharton,William h.. Physician,' jj. 88 New Middletown Davis, William H., Physician, '73-- 87 Newport Stephens, Edgar R., Merchant, '90- 91 Stephens, Albert S., '94 459 Stevens, Edgar Roy, Merchant,' c)2- 247 Hunter, Parke, '95 469 New Richmond Kirkpatrick, Charles, Cashier, '86-- 90 With Corn Exchange Bank Noblesville Craig, William H., Publisher, '80-- 195 Fertig, Walter R., Attorney, '73--- 147 58 S. lothSt. Gentle, Luke M., Physician, '88 73 RESIDENCE INDEX 551 Heylemann, George B., Ca7-riage Maker, '93 - Shoemaker, Charles F., Merchan /, '92 North Manchester Arnold, James, Attorney, '82 Arnold, Thomas, Attorney, '82, '84 89, 274, Hopkins, hloyd, Jotcrna/tst, '84 North Vernon Dixon, Lincoln, Attorney, '80 Meloy, Harry C, Attorney, '92 Smith, Harry W., '79 PAGE - 74 - 74 . 89 458 PAGE 73 Oakland City Wilson, James R., Attorney, '8^ Oaktown Wolfe, Jacob V., Farmer, '60 Owensville Minton, Rufus C, Teacher, '93 Paoli Green, Simeon, Architect, '61 Throop, Joseph P., Merchant, '69-- Throop, William J., Attorney, '71 -- Peru Brenton, William, '82 Catton, Edgar B., '94 Cotton, Edgar B., Druggist, '89 Sullivan, Lyman B., A ttorney, '86, '87 73, Plainfield Carter, Elvin H., Teacher, '00 Hadley, Chester T., Stiidetit, '04 Hollingsworth, Albert A., Student, '05 Portland Headington, Ernest W., A ccountant, '04 76, Prairieton Mason, John C, Physician, '69 Prather tPrather, Martin L., Farmer, '62 Princeton Buchanan, John, Banker, '00 Ewing, Fred R., Journalist, '99 Ewing, John W., Banker, '72 302 S. Main St. Orr, Charles A., Attorney, \ 71 74 148 72 66 74 66 149 259 150 275 93 153 153 250 67 76 76 69 .76, 119 67 69 87 tPeak, Charles N., Teacher, '86 Scantlin, James "iA^Merchajit, '64-- Twineham, Arthur P., Attorney, '70- Quincy White, Edward F., Farmer, '83 Rensselaer Glazebrook, Lee E., Fartner, '73 — Warner, Charles C, Attorney, '84, '85 90, 245, 458 Richmond Johnson, Fred B., '02 77 •223 N. 14th St. Lackey, Frank A., Traveling Sales/nan, '79 195 Miller, Rush D., '74 288 Newman, Jonathan W., Attorney, '61 66 20 S. 13th St. Trueblood, William N., Teacher,' J'^ 70 Wampler, John M., Physician, '78-- 195 32 N. 7th St. Rising Sun Dame, Charles F., Clergyman, '81-- 286 Davis, Edward W., '00 76 Keeney, A. Hale., Student, '02,- --77, 457 Keeney, Bayard, '00 76 Roann Van Buskirk, Daniel, Jr., Battker, '97 75 Rochester Montgomery, Orbra F., Attorney, '84 72 Williamson, hevy, Student, 'ot, 191 Rockport Honig, George W., Merchant, '98 — 76 Swan, Elbert M., Attorney, '73 69 Rockville Adams, Albert M., Attorney, '83. Hunt, Silas E., Attorney, '69 Romney Simison, John F., Physician, '79 88 Rushville Carr, Edwin H., '92 247 Dill, William, '90 246 Frazee, John V., Merchant, '82) '49 Parsons, Charles H., Physician, '76- 148 Reed, Theodore K., Student, 'o}, 77 72 86 55- RESIDENCE INDEX Salem PAGE Menaugh, Calvin C, Editor, '66 67 Stevens, Warder W., Partner, '67.. 68 Scottsburg Kline, J. Kenneth, Attorney, '00 76 Seymour Andrews, Josiah H., '01 249 216 N. Walnut St. Montgomery, Oscar H., Attor?iey,'%\ 195 Wood, Carl E., Attorney, '96 75 Cor. Indianapolis Ave. & 2d St. Shelbyville Fuller, William W., Publisher, '84. 72 Randall, Albert V., Merchant, '91 -- 287 Ray, Henry C, Accountant, 't.?> 146 With Farmers' Bank Senour, Milton R., Miller, '85 90 Strong, Frank G., Accountant, '92.- 288 Winter, Charles G., '94 288 Shoals Chenoweth, Samuel A., Miller, '79 71 South Bend Badet, Harry S., Clerk, '99 249 417 S. Main St. Bettcher, Earl McC, Attortiey, '97.- 75 120 S. Main St. Hudnutt, George D., '01 280 813 W. Washington St. Peck, Roy R., '02 280 Stoll, Elmer K.,Pri}iter, '01 93 319 W. Wayne St. Studebaker, John M., Jr., Manufacturer, '94 247 Studebaker, Peter E., Jr., Salesman, '00 93 Warden, Harry, '98 249 South Raub Taylor, Bennett, Graifi Merchant, '%j 246 South Whitley Combs, Horace L., Merchant, '82, '84 89, 273 Spencer Beem, Levi E., Banker, '98 93 Fisher, Benjamin T., Physician, '72- 86 Morgan, Harry L., Student, '03 199 Springville Rambolt, Napoleon A., '62 67 Staunton Ayer, Oscar W., Farmer, '74 87 Sugar Grove PAGE tHiatt, Charles Y ., Farmer, 'Zt, 90 Sullivan Haddon, Milton A., Merchant, '92.- gi Kalley, Isaac H., Attorney, '75 87 Ried, Paul 'L.,Mercha}tt,'c)6 92, 459 Murphy, Harry A., '93 288 Taylorsville Wright, Francis T., Partner, '79 195 Terre Haute IFerris, Charles S., Attorney, '84 89 Halstead, William L., Journalist, '98 76 Hendricks, Ezra R., Civil Engineer, '93 247 With Vandalia Line Lee, Frederick, Parmer, '''jt^ 87 tLee, Patrick H., Capitalist, '70 86 Lee, William M., Parmer, '62 84 McCaughey, William H., Clergy7nan,^']\ 194, 465 McNutt, John G., Attorney, '80 71 Pugh, Horace, '00 76 Stahl, Samuel D., Attorney, '84 340 Swango, James 'H., Attorney, '92) — 267 Erwin Block Torrance, William B., Attorney, '95 198 Williams, Joe E., Student, '05 459 Thornton Christ, Leander M., Journalist, '67. 85 Tipton Alford, George W., Clergyman, '69- 68 Sluss, Asher L., Stock Dealer, '69 .- 68 Union City Cadwallader, Charles H., Cashier, '83 41 Pierce, Clarence S., Merchatit, '91 . 91 211 S. Columbia St. Williamson, Jesse, Student, '05 459 Valparaiso Blount, Robley D., Physician, '89 -- 150 jMorton, James A., '70 39 Vernon , Batchelor, Chester A., Student, '02- jj New, Burt, '92 74 New, Williard, y4 //(?/'«'. '84 72 Wiggam, Albert E., Journalist, '93 198 Vevay Barnett, Charles A., Student, '03 — 153 Trafelet, Amie Louis, Teacher, '86. 196 RESIDENCE INDEX 553 Vincennes PAGE Beard, Schuyler C, P/tysiciati, '84 _ 72 Boyd, Claudius L., Physician, '99-- 93 Cobb, Orlando H., Attorney, '72 69 Foulks, Frank D., Accountant, '88- 73 312 Church St. Jessup, Robert B., Physician, '80--- 187 Purcell, Royal E., Publisher, '74--- I94 119 Main St. Wabash Bent, Walter, Attorney, '95 75 Daugherty, Karl S., Clerk, '98 93 Herrick, George T., Attorney, '76-- 70 King, Fred I., Attorney, '97 75 Milliner, Quincy E., Attorney, '03.- 77 128 N. Case St. Morgan, Carey E., Clert^y/nan, '83 _ 149 Murphy, Joseph W., Attorney, '94-- 74 1203 Hess Bldg. Newhouse, Charles E., Insurance, '80 88 154 W. Hill St. Payne, Fletcher A., Attorney, '95 -- 92 101^ Miami St. Pearson, E. Dorwin, Physician, '96- 75 ■Walkerton Bruce, Harry C, Railroad Age?it,' c)2 74 With B. & O. R. R. Wallen Baird, David W., Teacher,'']^ 70 Warsaw Chaplin, Louis B., Traveling Salesman, '02 453 Henry, James H., Teacher, '92 — 74, 457 Roberts, James A., Clergyman, '76- 148 Washington Allen, Hamlet, Teacher, '"j^ 70 105 John St. Axtell, William F., Teacher, '80--- 71 Belding, Stephen, Journalist, '64 -- 67 Gers, Harry R., Teacher, '97 75 Gardiner, Charles G., Attorney, [Z"] - 73 Liebhardt, Claude C, Teacher, '98- 76 503 E. Main St. O'Neall, John H., Attorney, '62 67 Waveland Ball, Joseph, Merchant, 'g^ 288 Kritz, William B., Merchatit, '88--. 287 West Lafayette Snoddy, Samuel A., Real Estate, '84 286 6th and Waldron Sts. Walters, William S., Dentist, '99 93 Powers Block Williamsport p.'^ge Goodwin, Fremont, Banker,'']2> 244 Greene, Joseph N., Clergyman, '95- 92 Winchester Reed, Charles E., Student, '04- .77, 458 Monks, Leander J., Attorney, '65 — 67 24 E. Franklin St. Wingate Krewel, John D., Clergyman, '97--- 93 Woodville Cole, Fred H., Merchant, '00 93 INDIAN TERRITORY Hardesty tAlbert, Howard F., Attorney, '87--- 356 Holdenville tMcCoy, Samuel A., Civil Engineer, '95 428 Madill Bradford, Chapman, Attorney, '79- 1 15, 216, 262, 460, 466 Muskogee Givens, James M., Attorney, '89 --- 266 Looney, Charles A., Student, '05--- 450 Sapulpa Higginbotham, Rufus L., Attorney, '01 449 Vinita Greene, Ralph S., Merchant, '02.-- 329 McCulloch, George E., Attorney, '91 319 IOWA Albia Jackson, Joseph B., Clergyman, '69 62, 457 Townsend, Fred, Attorney, '88 276 Boone McDade, Elmer W., Clergyman, '80 99 Burlington Funck, Richard Vi.., Student,'' o^--- 99 714 N. 7th St. McKell, James C, Merchant, '58--- 36 Tombaugh, Frank M., Physician, '94 342 Wood, Morey A., Teacher, '98 279 705 N. 5th St. 554 RESIDENCE INDEX Carroll PAGE Owen, Charles H., Railroad Ojjicial, '82 187 Centerville Valentine, Hosford E., Attorney, '86 90 Vermilion, Charles W., Attorney, '88, '89- -qo, 276, 458, 469 Cor. 14th St. and Oak Ave. Charles City Werder, Hudson B., Student, '02i--- 354 Charter Oak Linn, John M., Clergy?nan, '63 61 Cincinnati Collins, Stephen S., Student, '04 450 Clarinda Ilgenfritz, Elmer E., Clergymafi, '84 100 Painter, Joseph H,, ^ ttorney, '78 242 Clear Lake Eaton, MelviWe, Lupuderman, '82 — 306 Clinton Haywood, George, Jr., Banker, '79 272, 468 Ingwersen, Joseph H., Banker, '87. 275 Leonard, Albert W. '01 191 Council Bluffs tBunker, Wade, '82 149 Wadsworth, John G., Battker, '82 290 201 Pearl St. Creston Bull, James G., Attorney, '62 37 Davenport tHouston, Preston C, Matt tifacturer, "65 37 Manker, James L., Superintendent, '72 39 1936 Grand Ave. Wickham, Charles E., Civil Engineer, '84 306 5th and Perry Sts. Des Moines Bachelder, Frank S., Teacher, '00-- 279 Professor in Drake Univ. Barney, Charles L., '99 44 tBrown, Charles R., Insurance, '83-- 306 Brown, W. L.. '80 186 Manager Savery Hotel Co. De Graff, Lawrence, Attorney, '98-- 452 423 Euclid Ave. fDietrick, James H., A ttorney, 74 133 Hays, John W., Real Estate, '70 86 526-528 Good Block Hazard, William A., Civil Engineer, '99 314 1311,9th St. Hoffman, Ernest L., Merchant, 'oo- 44 Koons, Frederick C, Manager, '87- 310 With Janesville Machine Co. Marshall, Andrew H., Merchaiit, '74 70 852 W. 5th St. Merriam, Harry B.. Civil Engifi eer, '86 310 853, i6th St. Miller, Richard K., Merchant, '63-- 85 Rawson, Harry D., Architect, '96 — 314 615 Walnut St. Wallace, Henry, Editor, '59 60 411 Court Ave. Wirt, John A., Clergyman, '74 124 Dexter Davidson, Robert J., Clergymafi, '"]"] 242 Dow City Swasey, Edward H., Attorney, '83-- 290 Dubuque McCeney, Edward M., Physician, '89 307 Ziepprecht, Carl W., Stttdent, '03-- 354 1347 Clay St. Elkhorn Peterson, Hans Peter, '02 333 Fort Dodge Yeoman, Joseph A. O., Attorney, '62 37 Harlan Shepherd, William T., Lumberman, '83 306 With Green Bay Lumber Co. Harrisburg King, John C, Teacher, '88 90 Iowa City Ansley, Clark F., Teacher, '90 331 Professor in State University of Iowa Lochridge, Harvey H., Teacher, '01 327, 470 529 Burlington St. Moore, Phillip B., Merchant, '86--- 307 52S S. Vanburen St. Jolley Smith, Sherman, Architect, '96 293 RESIDENCE INDEX Keokuk page Fulton, William J., Manufacturer, 'jj _ - 242 712 High St. Howell, CI eves H., '01 231 605 Grand Ave. Logan, William A., Accoiintant, '96- 190 With State Central Savings Bank Yant, George 'Si., Student, '03 449 Kingsley tCollins, Frederick W., Clergyman, '89 331 Lyons ■ Nattinger, George W., Attorney, '93 277 Marion Reynolds, Walter H., Clergyman, '86 229 Marshalltown Russell, Francis W., Clergyjnan, '90 331 Mason City Stewart, Earle B., Student, '03, '04 354, 453 20Q E. 4th St. Mt. Pleasant Connable, Walter M., Accountajit, '91 375 Northwood tCobb, William H., Teacher, '83 306 Onawa Holbrook, Parker K., Banker, '86-- 307 Osage Abernethy, Herbert A., Attorney, '99 452 Ottumwa Pierce, Eugene C., Teacher, '90 375 Mac Intire, Clark C, Attorney, '68- 85 917 N. Court St. Miller, Dudley '^., Insurance, '68.-- 85 Owana Holbrook, Parker K., Banker, 'S6-- 307 Panora King, Elston F., Ranchman, '98, '02 258, 406 Pilot Mound Ganoe, James O., Physician, '93 341 555 PAGE Rusk Foster, Wallace D., Teacher, "i )--- 340 Sioux City Davis, Frederick P., Journalist, '93 91, 459 Spencer Verharen, Arthur W., '02 393 Shenandoah Miller, Dudley B., Banker, '96 300 Stuart Dixon, Charles H., Commercial Traveler, '93 1 79 Wafonetka Kampf, Frederic B., Journalist, '85- 187 Washington Logue, James R., Clergyman, 'jj. - - 242 ■Waterloo Johnson, Walter E., Treasurer, '93- 351 AA^aukon Purdy, Edward A., Student, '03 393 W^ebster City Reinicker, George H., Stock Raiser, '74 99 West Union Graham, Thomas J., Clergyman, '96 198 Wilton Junction Hall, William N., Clergytnan,'-]\.Z'i, 458 Pentzer, Frederick, ^/'/^rwiy, '87 — 356 KANSAS Altuna CuUison, Robert M., Cler^ymani'jO- 86 Arkansas City Art, William T., Real Estate, '71--- 86 Atchison Cosgrove, Cornelius B., Merchant, '99 332 With Blish, Mize & Silliinan Hdw. Co. Baldwin City Sleeper, J. \^ z.xxqx\, Merchant, '82-- 245 Belleville Hair, Roy N., Musician, '91 357 Ward, Guy, '02 359 Beloit Branch, Walter T., Banker, '83 149 Box tAlbert, Elmer H., '88 356 556 RESIDENCE INDEX Burlingame Price, Loring T., Phar/nacist, '98-- Snoddy, Llewellyn O., Attorney, '60. Burlington Beatty, Henry G., Merchant, '63 Climer, Frank W., Merchant, '88-. La Rue, William J., '67 PAGE 359 60 37 356 85 306 Burr Oak tjohnston, David Y., Merchant, '84- Cawker City Smith, MsLtXhtw A., Attorney, 'oo--- 359 Tucker, George E„ '02 359 Cedar Vale Stapleton, Earl M., Merchant, '02.- 423 Chanute Gates, Roscoe W., Attorney, '00 359 Jones, Milo T., Student, '03 360 Jones, Neil S., '02 359 Lapham, Walter A., Traveling Salesmafi, '01 359 Royster, William E., Teacher, '92.- 357 Cherryvale Freeman, Luther, Attorney, '94 278 Clay Center tHitt, Milton S., Merchant, '62 84 Coffeyville Lemon, Alfred W., Lecturer, '60 66 911, 14th St. Osborn, Roy T., Attorney, '97 358 Wagstaff, Thomas Y.., Attorney, 'c)"]- 358 Columbus Gowley, St. Clare J., Student, '04 — 360 Crowell, Arthur H., Electrical Engineer, '93 357 Manager Columbus Electric Co. Concordia Garnahan, Archibald A., Attorney, '61 32 Quigley, Ernest, Sttident, '03 360 Cottonwood Falls Doolittle, John E. D., Student, '03-- 360 Council Grove tKelly, Frank G., Farmer, '88 356 Denison Ferguson, James A., Clergyvian, '76- 242 Emporia Kerr, Samuel G., Clergyman, '64 81 Lambert, Isaac E., Attorney, '75--- 185 PAGE Morris, Edward W., Pharmacist,'?,^- 357 Wheldon, Clarence S., Druggist,'c)j. 293 516 Union St. Wiggam, John H., Farmer, '85 196 Eureka tWitter, Otis L , Merchant, '87 178 Fort Leavenworth Finley, Walter L., Soldier, '77 256 Nides, F. H., '69 467 Fort Scott Goodlander, Charles W., Undertaker, '86 42 Martin, Freeman D., Treasurer,'o\- 453 Fort Scott Consolidated Supply Co. Ogden, A. Scudder, Banker, '70 39 Frankfort Van Vliet, James B., Attorney, '86-- 356 Fredonia Babb, Thomas C, Merchant, '95 — 136 Galena Wescott, Seba G., Attorney, '90 357 Garden City tPlatt, Franklin Q.,Mercha7it, '82.-- 41 Hamlin Blanchard, Milton C., '02 359 Hartford Britton, George W., Pharmacist,'2)C)- 357 Hiawatha tNewton, Edward E., '95 358 Highland Faust, Charles L., Student, '03 360 Helton Haller, George E., Pharmacist, '94- 358 McCracken, John W., Merchant,'%\- 42 Hoxie tWixom, Justin W.., Attorney, '86 346 Hutchinson Roberts, John W., Attorney, '88 356 Independence Anderson, John A., Student, '98 429 lola Earhart, Martin W., Mechanical Engineer, '98 248 tNelson, William W., Teacher, '99-- 359 Stover, Lute P., County Surveyor,'c)'j 358 RESIDENCE INDEX 557 Kansas City PAGE Clifford, Wilbur R., Student, '03 360 1317 N. 7th St. Kroh, Roscoe E., Bank Official, '89- 357 15th & Taiironia St. McAlpine, Robert L., Civil Engineer, '87 356 328 N. 6th St. S\m-pson,C\\s.r\&?,'L., Real Estate, '89 312 610 Minnesota Ave. Sutton, Walter S., Student, '00 359 1350 N. 7th St. Thompson, Frank W., '02 359 i960 N. 5th St. Lampasas ■fPrescott, Clinton T., Freight Agent, '92 91 Larned Sharp, Alex. A., Physician, 83, '86 1 00, 257 Lawrence Bradley, Arthur C, '02 359 Cater, Roy, Student, '05 360 Clardy, John W. R., Clergymatt, '93. 341 131 York St. Henley, Roy A., '01 359 Henry, Harold, Musician, '01 359 Henry, John B., '00 359 Martindale, Y.dgav, Journalist, 'gi- 357 Publisher Jeffersonian Gazette Phillips, Carl., 'gi 357 Schall, Edwin B., '95 358 With Poehler Mercantile Co. Schultz, Joseph V\I ., Farmer, '85 356 Schultz, Guy R., Stockma7i, '88 356 tSmith, Glenn A., Pharmacist, 87 356 Wagstaff, Robert }i.,MercAant,'gS- 358 Williams, Arthur R., Manufacturer, 'cf) 359 Leavenworth ■fClark, Harry G., Civil Engineer,' g% 359 Davis, Edwin W., Clerk, '95 358 222 Vine St. Havens, Ernest F., Bank Clerk, '95 358 Bo.\ S3 Kellogg, Scott P., Attorney, '94 358 Liberal fWooley, William S., Postal Clerk, '%2> 356 Mankato Davis, Willard C, Stenographer, '03 378 Medicine Lodge Sample, Eldorado, Attorney, '80 88 Meriden p.\GE Huber, Philip A., Teacher, '88 356 Mound Valley Bottorff, Jacob F., Teacher, '%6 196 Newton Mitchner, Charles W., Stock Dealer, '%i 89 131 W. Sth St. Tangerman, Harry H., '00 359 Nortonsville Embree, Alaric S., Clergyfnan,'6j -- 85 Olathe Evans, James A., Merchant Tailor, '96 358 Pettijohn, Charles F., Loan Broker, 'gj 358 Pellett, James S., Ba?ik Official, '02 359 Tilford, James F., '02 359 Osawatomie Larsh, Charles H., '83 89 Oswego Morrison, Ralph W., Studefit, '04 -- 360 Ottawa Talbot, William S., Partner,' j6 177 Voorhis, Charles B., Merchant, '92. . 357 Paola Kingsley, Howard H., Student, '03. 280 Kingsley, Thomas H., Student, '03- 360 Riley, Carl, Studetit, '05 360 Pittsburg Boaz, Oliver T., Attorney, '75 147 Pratt Crawford, Baron D,, Attorney, '74-- 70 tlMilier, Charles F., Attorney, '85 --. 90 Richfield Jones, William D., Physician, '86 -- 340 St. Mary's Strong, James G., Merchant, '61 --- 66 Seneca Taylor, William L., '91 357 Scranton tGiddings, James M., Physician, '74- 133 Sharon Springs tGreen, Arthur A., Attorney, '99 359 55S RESIDENCE INDEX Topeka page Barber, Perry B., Pharmacist, '94-- 358 609 W. loth Ave. Branaman, Daniel H., Attortiey, '86- 72 Ensminger, Joseph S., Attorney, '73 98 7 Office Block ■fHilton, Edward F., Attorney, "75 99 Joslin, Charles E., Pharmacist, '94- 358 Mac Vicar, Dana C, Attorney, '98 . 359 Martin, Benjam'n F,, Attorney, '68- 38 40Q W. 6th Ave. Mitchell, Mathew R., Physician, '62 61 706 S. Kansas Ave. tSharum, 'Engene, Alerchant, '91 357 Williams, Burns L., Student, '03 360 'Wabash ■fBarton, Edgar G., Real Estate, '8 150 Washington Braden, Harry T., '01 359 "fDiffenbaugh, Harry J., Merchant, '83 290 Wichita Annawalt, William M., Merchant, '88 340 tBoyd, George M., Real Estate, '87 - 90 Cornelison, Thomas N., Clergyman, '93 267 Clendenin, John "SM ., Broker, '76 — 171 Dochum, Harry A., Z>r«^^z.y/, '98-- 359 128 and 248 N. Main St. Edwards, William C, Jr., Student, '03 360 1515 Fairview Ave. Hoss, George W., Teacher, '6% 68 645 Hiram Ave. McClees, Jesse N., '00 239 McClees, William D., Physician, '80, '85 237, 257 220 E. Douglas Ave. Peckham, John G., Reporter, '91 — 357 With Daily Beacon Piatt, Robert M., Attorney, '73 69 839 N. Topeka Ave. Stanley, Claudius C, Attortiey, '95- 358 Stanley, William H., Cashier, '00-- 359 With Central Coal & Coke Co. Winfield tHorner, Charles W., Jeweler, '84 -- 72 W^yandotte fFife, John O., Attorney, "yj 70 Yates Center Butler, Frank W., Phartnacist, 'g2- 357 KENTUCKY Ashland page Powell, l^vi}^^, Bookkeeper,'c)Z^ 434 With First National Bank Auburn McLean, Leland O., Studetit, '04- Bellevue Keil, Augustus P., Teacher, '76 .. 275 Washington Ave. Burgin Rodes, James W., Farmer, '00 Rodes, John S., Student, '04 Cadiz Hillman, Meredith, P. G., '92 Campbellsville Vaughn, James T., '87 Carrollton Blessing, Charles A., '01. With Buffalo Forge Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Gullion, Carroll H., Student, '04.-. Catlettsburg Hampton, Gus H., Banker, '90 Hampton, Millard F., '70 Covington Colville, Frank P., Student, '04 --- 99 E. 4th St. Fox, George S., Clerk, '99 With American Book Co. Grant, J. Pierce, '02 With Cincinnati Provision Export Co. 520 Greenup St. Howard, Ulie J., Attortiey, '95 4th and Scott Lott, George S., Student, '05 542 Greenup St. Shinkle, Amos C, Salesman, '00 -. With The Shinkle, Wilson & Kreis Co. Cincinnati, O. Walker, Stuart A., Student, '02 63 E. Front St. Warner, Hugh M. D., Student, '05 1528 Greenup St. tWilliamson, Chester H., Clergymati, '87 Woodall, Charles B., Student, '05- 86 E. 5th St. Van Winkle, Edwin L., Trazteling Salestnan, '91 Crescent Hill Porter, Matthew B., Clergyman, '8( Cynthiana Blanton, Joseph T., Attorney, '81, '83 116, 203 457 195 268 269 312 266 435 435 166 86 302 301 302 267 303 302 302 303 197 303 266 204 RESIDENCE INDEX 559 Danville page Anderson, John R., Student, '04 269 Breckenridge, Morrison, Attorney, '95 267 Cecil, James G., Farmer, '93 118, 267 Curry, Edwin P., Druggist, '00 268 De Long, William F., Fanner, '94 . 267 Doneghy, Paul, Student, '04 269 Erwin, Samford, Student, '03 269 Fackler, Calvin M., Attorney, '92 ._ 266 Goodloe, Clay, ^/'/(9r;/\?li\c, Attorney, 'q^ 372 With Lapeyre, Monroe & Brezeale 847 Carondelet St. Murphy, James B., Planter, '97 371 2627 Carondelet St. Murphy, Richard M., '01 .372 With Murphy & Farwell, 3627 Caron- delet St. Norton, Gilbert H., '89 370 With Illinois Central K. R. Parker, James P., Physician, '98 372 1631 Constantinople St. Parker, Robert B., Merchant, '89 -- 370 With John M. Parker & Co , 2303 Pry- tonia St. Payne, Frank T., Student, '05 372 3021 Chestnut St. Perkins, Darleigh R., Student, '04-- 372 Station B Perkins, Robert J., Attorney, '89--- 370 812 Hennen Bldg. Pierson, Joseph O., Manufacttiring Stationer, '96- 371 304 Camp St. Pinckard, William F., Convnission Merchant, '67 . 1 62, 463 2621 Prytonia St. fReynauld, Brunner B., '99 212 Richardson, John F., Civil Engineer, '97 371 1631 Foucher St. Robertson, George W., 6"/«fl'i?«/, '04. 372 1925 Berlin St. Rollins, Stuart D., Contractor, '81 -- 52 6123 Magazine St. Scudday, James A., '63 49 1826 Clio St. Sharp, Herndon, Cadet, 'oj, 372 S015 Camp St. Sheppard, Oscar N., Student, '05.-- 471 2722 St. Charles Ave. Smith, Merrill N., '02 372 1410 St. Andrews St. Smith, Yeremya K., Student, 'o^-.. 372 1410 St. Andrews St. Steele, Thomas F., Railroad Official, '75 163 833 Gravier St. tStoutmeyer, John W., '63 61 fThompson, Charles H., Clergyman, '74 142 tUllman, James B., '88 54 Vincent, W. Germain, Jr., '02 372 2029 St. Charles Ave. 564 RESIDENCE INDEX Walmsley, Benjamin M., Merchant, '92, '93 118, 371 ist and Chestnut Sts. Waterman, Charles C, Cotton Buyer, 'q^ 371 2218 Prytonia St. Weis, Samuel W., Cotton Factor, '92 313 Westfeldt, Gustaf R., Jr., Student, '04 372 2617 St. Charles Ave. Westfeldt, George G., '01 372 2617 St. Charles Ave. Williams, George E., Student, '05-- 372 1322, ist St. New Roads Provosty, Lucian Vl., Physic ian,\2- 371 Patterson Edson, Hubert, Manufacturer, '89 - 197 Plaquemine Slater, Thomas W., Planter, '83 --- 53 Rayville Rhymes, Theodore N., Attorney, '75 234 Row Landing Johnson, James S., Physician, 'J 53 Shreveport Allen, Littleberry C, M anufacturer, '79 217 Chandler, Grene Croft, Physician, '87 54 Herndon, Edward B., Jr., '00, '02 120, 206 fHunt, Randall J., Physiciati, '89 370 Robinson, George W., Physician, '83 165 Schwing, Samuel C, Teacher, '96-- 415 Thomas, Lee E., Attorney, '85, '88 117, 218 520 Market St. Tangipahoa Sternberger, Ivy Howard, '91 55 Thomaston Yerger, Edwin M., '80 209 Union Parish fDillard, Stonewall J., '86 _-- 53 ■Whitecastle Pierce, Elmer A., Physician, '87 — 330 MAINE Augusta PAGE Paine, Charles B., '97 314 With Mt. Waldo Granite Works, 76 State St. Bangor Howard, Burt F., Physician '95 189 Berwick Ames, William M., Civil Engineer, '94 427 82 Sullivan St. Brunswick Johnson, Edward D., Clergyman, '95 143 Buckport fChase, James A., '98 44 Caribou Holmes, Eugene A., Attorney, '91 -- 312 Hallowell Bodweli, Joseph F., Manufacturer, '86 310 President Hallowell Granite Works. Limerick Adams, Winburne B., Merchatit, '99 -- 429 North Berwick Boston, Albert W,, '99 429 Whittier, Thomas T., Engineer, 'c)C) 429 Assistant Engineer with Geo. F. Hardy 309 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Orono Runkle, Benjamin P., Commandant, '57 ; 32 University of Maine Portland Bovard, William S., Clergyman, '88 400 Seymour, Harry P., Clergyman, '94- 422 143 State St. West Great ^Vo^ks Lull, George F., Chemist, '84 310 York Corner Moulton, William LaF., Student, '04 431 MARYLAND Adamstown White, Benjamin ¥., Farmer, 'yS-- 142 Annapolis fAndrews, Adolphus, '00 . 364 Frankenberger, Hugo, '00 445 McComas, Joseph P., Clergyman, 'go loi tNichols, J. E., '70 -- _-- -- 98 RESIDENCE INDEX 565 Baltimore PAGE Bixler, William H. H., Dentist, 98- 127 1823 N. Charles St. Bloodgood, Joseph C, Physician, '88 350 923 N. Charles St. Bradford, Thomas K., '72 468 Brown, Sebastian, Attorney, '64 97 no St. Paul St. Burrows, John S., Student, '04. 316 1303 N. Charles St. Cauter, Harry M., Clergyman, '97-- 415 Chancellor, Arthur B., Attorney, '85 210 ii'/i E. Lexington St. Clark, Edwin H., Student, 'o^ 387 112 W. North Ave. Clark, James F., Merchant, '93 loi 212 N. Charles St. Clifton, R. D., "69 98 Conlyn, Edward S., Physician, '78-- 99 244 Madison Ave. Cromwell, Charles H., Merchant, '89 311 925 St. Paul St. Cromwell, M. J., Physician '93 313 516 Park Ave. Dennis, John M., Student, '04 168 1307 Calvert St. Distler, John C. F., Student, '05 387 245 S. Broadway Donahey, Joseph H., Attorney, '00 445 Dryden, Ernest H., Druggist, '78 1 64, 463 235 Madison Ave. Dulaney, Harry K., '03 239 2321 Maryland Ave. Eager, John H., Clergy7nan, '74 234 1405 McCulloh St. Elmer, Charles W., Student, '03 316 1701 W. Lafayette Ave. Goucher, John F., Clergyman, '68-- 98 2313 St. Paul St. Green, Stanley K., '01 206 1701 Park PI. Griffith, Charles, '79 124 Hebden, Edwin, Teacher, '76 99 Tuxedo Park House, Charles T., Clergy?nan, '77. 99 760 Frederick Ave. Humrichouse, Charles W., Merchajit, '97 127 no Commerce St. Knapp, George A., Student 464 432 W. Conway St. Lanahan, William W., Accountant, '83 100 City Hall Lewis, Cloyd, Attorney, '91 loi 316 N. Carey St. Lindauer, Christian F., '94 127 918 Russell St. Lyman, David R., Interne, '99 119 Johns Hopkins Hospital Mason, Simon B., Student, '05 464 The Mount Royal McComas, Frederick W., Fire Insurance, '92 loi 4S. HoUiday St. Moore, Thomas R., Broker, '96 119 807 N. Charles St. Ould, William L., Clergyman, 'J2) -- 202 Pickett, Henry H., Attorney, '90 -.- 211 Central Savings Bank Bldg. Pierce, William H., Mechanical Engineer, '84 336 Keyser Block Plitt, Howard M., Student, '02 239 2547 Penn Ave. Smith, Samuel K., Attorney, '90 loi Maryland Telephone Bldg. fSutherland, George S., *86 100 Taylor, Jefferson Z., Physician, '70. 123 Urquhart, Richard A., Physician, '92, '94 118, 396 1950 Linden Ave. Watts, Stephen H., Physician, '96, '97 119, 238 Johns Hopkins Hospital tWelck, William, '72 98 Williamson, Dwight W., Manufacttirer, '81 89 E. Baltimore and 8th Sts. Belair Gilbert, Amos P., Attorney, '62 96 Cecilton Ward, William, Farmer, '67 113 Chaptico Garner, George R., Merchant, "(yi-. 96 Chesterton Micou, James R., Teacher, '78 115 Colora Shaw, David E., Clergyman, '70.63, 467 Croome Station Marr, David B., Merchant, '77 134 Cumberland Buckey, John E. J., Journalist, '68- - 98 Hodgson, Henry M., Student, '00.- 174 15 S. Center St. Little, Ralph V., Student, '02 412 144 Baltimore St. Wilson, James H., Student, '04 174 Dickersons White, Lawrence A., Merchant, '76 209 566 RESIDENCE INDEX Double Pipe Creek page Shorb, Marlin W., Stude7it, '05 128 Dykesville Curley, William E., C lergy man, '"](}- 99 Elkridge tGibson, Frank M., Clergy)/iati, '77 - 99 Fort Washington Springer, Rutler W., Clergyman, '87 -188, 465 Frederick tMiller, William G., '76 209 Potts, Richard, Banker, '93 118 Frostburg tKrapf, Daniel, '91 126 Galloway's White. Samuel R., Merchant, 'jj .. 99 Glencoe Mays, John P., '01 212 Glyndon Harris, William, Clergyman, '89--- loi Hagerstown Eavy, L. H., Banker, '85 150 Kieffer, John B., Batiker, '95 410 220 N. Potomac St. Smith, Lauran F., Batiker, '90 loi 134 Prospect St. Syester, Lewis D., Attorney,'^!. 10 1 Hampstead Wooden, Weldon B., Civil Engitieer, '94- 385 JeflFersonville Read, Jewett V., '00 435 209 Maple St. Oakdale Riley, Benjamin P., '01 120 Oakland Heindel, Norman "i,., Attorney, '<^-- 12"] Magothy Hayes, John yV., Physician, '00 397 Manor Pearce, Harry T., Farmer, '89 loi Millington Mallalieu, Joseph, Farmer, '62 96 Mt. Calvert Marr, Albert K., Farmer, '74 133 North East Simcoe, George, Student, '03 321 Pocomoke City P.\ge Handy, Henry J., Clergyinan, '65 -- 140 Lutherville Morgan, William D., Clergyman,'j6 99 Rockville AUnutt, Harry C, County Official, '77 209 Bouic, William V., Attorney, '68 --_ 141 Ruxton Kapp, Edward R., Student, '02 258 Salisbury Jackson, Hugh W., Merchant, 'gj-- 239 Thumont Orem, William L., Clergyman, '90-- loi Uniontown Weaver, Jacob J., Physician, '67 122, 461 AVestminster Lawyer, William G., Merchant, 'oo. 127 Reifsnyder, Ralph S., Merchant, '03 128 Shaeffer, Clarence M., Student, '04- 128 Shaw, Frank T., Merchant, '67 122 Woodsboro Weikert, Clyde B., '02 128 MASSACHUSETTS Abington Goodyear, De Mont, Clergytnan, '96 376 AUston Gage, Herbert, E., '87 472 22 Ashford St. Reed, Percy L., Civil Etigineerig%- 386 12 Easton St. Amesbury Bolser, Charles E., Student, '97 429 Brown, Philip L., Stude?tt, '03 431 Currier, Charles N., Salesman, '99-- 429 2 Spring St. Dennett, Herbert C, Merchant, 'oi- 430 Osgood, Paul M., Clerk, '99 429 IS Whittier St. Parry, Augustus N., Jr., '02 431 Andover Carpenter, Charles L., Civil Engineer, '87 426 Ashley Falls McCann, George B., Merchant, '90- 179 With Ashley Falls Marble Co. RESIDENCE INDEX 567 Athol PAGE French, Morton B., Student, '03 431 Boston Adams, Henry E., Mei chant, '90-- -188 143 Hife'h St. Alexander, Winthrop, ^■Irchitect,'^'^- 310 Allard, Frank ¥.., Physician, '85 472 6S^ Boylston St. Austin, Henry H., Civil Engineer, '85 426 27 Old Court House Bardwell, Arthur V ., Inventor, '89-- 311 152 Massachusetts Ave. Brown, Maurice F., Civii Engineer, '97 429 10 Pinckney St. Chute, Arthur L., Physician, '92 325 103 Mt. Vernon St. ■fClark, Don h.. Merchant, '84 330 Cummings, Frederick R„ Physician, '97 428 11 Haviland St. Curtin, John A., Attorney, '92 312 545 Tremont Bldg. Duggan, Francis J., '02 430 359 Columbus Ave. Foster, James M., Clergyman, '71 — 69 56 Pinckney St. Foster, Nathaniel h., Attorney, 'c)6-- 428 IX Haviland St. Frisby, William B., Clergyman, '76- 142 Hamilton, Samuel Y^., Attorney, '59- 426 31 Milk St. Hudson, Walter G., Banker, '87 73 342 Stock Exchange Bldg^. Ilsley, Arthur B., Civil Engineer, '92 427 Care Boston and Maine K. R. Kerr, William P., ^Iccotmtant, '96-- 180 With Walworth Mfg. Co. fLangdale, Thomas G., Clergy>nan, '88 299 Leavens, George A., '90 426 209 Washington St. Letteney, John H., Civil Ens^ineer, '95 428 S Beacon St. Mason, William R., Salestnan, '96-- 358 16 Concord Sq. |Monroe, Alfred C., '69 157 657 Washington St. Newton, James S., Merchant, '88 311 30 Central St. Oliver, Karl H., Strident, 'os 431 Opitz, Russell B., Teacher, \7 452 Harvard Medical School Percy, Arthur S., Merchant, '86 311 53 State St. Raymond, Arthur B., Naval A rchitect, '99 407 Colonial Bldg. PAGE Salkeld, Thomas F., Merchant, '74. - 171 Schreuder, Otto 'P., Architect, '92.-- 404 93 Federal St. Tyler, Lucius S., Electrical Engineer, '97 314 152 Strathmore Rd. fWaters, Eugene M., Commercial Agent, '96 180 Whitman, Edward V., Architect, '92 313 62 Devonshire St. Brookline Cutler, William W., Merchant, '93. 313 Clinton Rd. tGreen, Frank W., '94-- 434 Haseltine, William E., Electrical Engineer, '94 320 Kerr, Norman F., Student, '04 316 106 Thorndike St. Russell, Henry H., Studetit, '05 316 60 Park St. Thurlow, Leon R., '01 315 The Sewall Cambridge McQueen, John W., '00 327 41A Irving St. Moore, Louis R., Social Worker, '98 327 I Trobridge Terrace Charlestown Parker, George W., Civil Engineer, '94 427 3 Laurel St. Roughan, Robert, '01 419 Shanahan, Timothy J., '01 430 364 Bunker Hill St. Sheerin, James, Clergyman, '96 444 31 Upland Rd. Chelsea Bates, Edmund A., Structural Draughtsman, '88- 384 I Fitz Terrace Clinton Lewis, Walter R., Civil Engineer, '95 428 255 Chestnut St. O'Malley, Michael H., '01 430 Trow, Frank H., Civil Engineer, '94 427 19 Leighton Ave. Concord Brown, Roger W., Strident, '05 431 Mtrr\\\,'Loms C, Insurance, '74 472 Dedham Humphreys, James, Electrical E7tgineer, '95 313 9 Marsh St. 568 RESIDENCE INDEX Dorchester PAGE Gray, Albert W., Civil Engineer, '98 314 68 Stanley St. Thompson, Edward C, Student, '03- 316 697 Columbia Road East Bridgewater Nutter, Charles L., Efigineer, '93- With Carver Cotton Gin Co. Everett 313 Lewis, Rutherford T. L., Clerk, 'oo- 430 13 Woodlawn St. Gardner Peabody, George F., Attorney, 'So.. 273 Towne, Charles A., Clergyman, '72- 176 30 High St. Great Harrington Van Lennep, Edward J., Teacher, '78 252 Principal of Sedgwick School Whiting, Percy H., Student, '05 416 Hingham Breen, John, Sttident, '04 431 Hingham Centre Gibbons, Edward F., Traveling Salesinaiit'oi 430 With Scribner & Co. Holyoke Buckhout, Albert T., Draughtsman, '00 411 215 Appleton St. Sickman, James F., Civil Engineer, '98 314 215 Oak St. Hudson Spooner, Edwin V., Student, '94 Jamaica Plains Pratt, Calvin B., Engitteer, '91-. 14 Park Lane 427 312 Laurence Chase, Henry M., Jr., Physician, '97 429 61 Bradford St. King, Henry C, Student, '03 431 Moulton, Arthur W., Clergymajt, '97 423 .3 Jackson Court Leominster Huckins, Theron H., Physician, 'gj 429 81 West St. Lowell Coburn, Frederick W., Merchattt, '96 314 793 Merrimack St. Evans, Joseph D., Civil Engineer, '01 315 Wilder St. Foss, C. E., '96 314 Stevens & Westford Sts. Fox, William H,, '93 313 382 E. Merrimack St. Gates, Thayer P., '02 315 400 E. Merrimack St. Lynn Beardsell, George R., Manufacturer, '93 .. 318 13 Prescott Place Day, George W., Teacher,\^ 428 43 Nohant St. Marion Hadley, Augustus h... Merchant, '00 430 Melrose White, Harry C, Mechattical Engineer, '95 405 106 Bellevue Ave. Melrose Highlands Plumer, William B., Civil Engineer, '96 428 25 Sargent St. Middleboro Edwards, Joseph H., Teacher, '99-- 429 25 North St. Leahy, James P., '98 429 19 Everett St. Perry, Henry C, Studettt, '05 431 Wood, Bourne, Student,'o^ 431 Newburyport Torrey, Harry K., Sttident, '04 431 Newton Hartshorn, Edward, Physician, '92. 427 848 Beacon St. Newtonville Robinson, Edward K., Student, '04. 431 Orange Leach, Albert C, Physiciati, '93 427 Peabody Mahoney, William H., Student, '04- 431 Roxbury Calderwood, Edward S., '01 430 221 Warren St. Daly, John C, Student," o^ 316 47 Town send St. Munroe, James A., Student, '02 430 E. Cottage St. Scituate Newdick, Edwin W., Student, '05. 431 RESIDENCE INDEX 569 Somerville PAGE Berry, Charles W., Dentist, '94 427 Davis Square Boyd, Everett W., Merchant, '94-- - 427 62 Grant St. Maguire, Eugene L., '01 430 500 Medford bt. Pierce, George L., Sttident, '03 431 49 Laurel St. Wilkens, Samuel H., Student, '05-- 431 Southboro Bowditch, Nathaniel F., '88 311 Jones, Claude P., Physician, '90 179 Southbridge Wells, Channing McG., Man ufactu7-er, 'cfi - 313 With American Optical Co. South Egremont Dalzell, William C, Jr., Engineer, '00 407 South Hingham Gushing, Henry D., Student, '03 — 431 318 Main St. Spencer Bullard, Harry D., Merchant, '98 -- 411 Springfield Adams, Arthur A., Civil Engineer, '94 427 gg Bay St. Bardwell, Herbert T., Civil Engineer, '83 310 37 Woodside .Ave. Carter, N. P. A., Electrical Contractor, '90 312 Kirkham, Guy, Architect, '%"] 311 33 Lyman St. Stoughton Finney, Frank, Manufacturer, '93-- 313 Tufts College Sanborn, Frank B., Teacher, '87 — 426 Uxbridge Sanderson, John F., Student, '04. 431 Vineyard Haven Stanton, Fred C, '02 431 Waban Angler, George M., Electrical Engineer, '89 319 Wakefield Dearborn, Stanley A., '02 430 Warren Harwood, Charles F., Mechanical Engineer, '99 With Slater Engine Co. Phelps, Olney W., Physician, '73 -- Westdale Angle, Henry F., Physician, '66 Watertown Taylor, Herbert F., Teacher, '94--- 9 Chester St. Waverley Little, Charles S., Physician, '91 .-. Wellesley Hills Cunningham, Shirley B., Student, '05 Winchendon tHoban, Owen A., '99 Winthrop Orcutt, Harold W., '00 Orcutt, Julian D., '01 ■Wollaston 472 97 427 427 431 429 430 430 431 Taylor, Horace S., '02 365 Newport Ave. ■Worcester Arnett, Lonna D., Studetit, '98 444 46 Mavwood St. French, Arthur W., Teacher, '91 — 427 202 Russell St. Grant, Barton H., Student, '03 431 I Tuckerman Ave. Kirby, George H., Physician, 'qp — 397 McGovem, Thomas F., ^/Wf/^w/, '01 - 430 Metcalf, Harry B., Journalist, '93- 427 21 Williams St. Rich, Franklin P. Merchant, '98 — 429 MICHIGAN Albion Bortles, Harry C,Accountant, '01 -- 378 With Gale Manufacturing Co. Dean, George Y^., Merchant, '96 376 Dickey, Marsh A., Student, '04 378 Frost, Robert J., Jr., '03 378 Hagle, Anson E., Insiirance Agent, '88 374 Hartung, C. Roy, Earmer, '02 378 Hyney, Ralph S., Student, '02 378 Knight, Earle K., Student, '03 280 Landon, Arthur L., Partner, '92 375 Landon, John \., Farmer, '97 377 570 RESIDENCE INDEX PAGE Mead, Clifford Yi., Stttdent, '04 378 Nagle, Ross C, Student, '05 378 Roudenbush, Frank, Student, '98 — 377 Algonac Harrow, William A., '03 378 Allegan Peck, Charles F., Student, '05 281 Peck, William A., Student, '03 280 Alpena Dafoe, Lemuel G., Attorney, '8^ 274 Ludlow Stephen H., Chemist, \6 376 Ann Arbor Anderson, Henry C, Teacher, '97-- 434 Bennett, John W., Attorney, '80, '85 186, 275 Danforth, Henry T., Stude?it, '03.-- 280 Springer, Durand W., Teacher, '86- 374 Taylor, Fred M., Teacher, '76 185 Wilson, Floyd A., Student, '00 280 Bad Axe Moon, Edgar L., Cler^y?nan, '86 374 Battle Creek Kimball, Arthur S., '00 430 ig6 Maple St. Kulp, Francis A., Attorney, '97 377 La Fever, Charles A., Engineer, '99 279 With Advance Thresher Co. Parks, Bert H., '02 378 Smith, William J., ^a«/^^A-, '89 375 Bay City Andrews, George E., Physician, '84, '87 178, 257, 465 302 Crapo Bldg. Smith, Otis A., Clergyman, '83 286 Benton Harbor Birdsey, Corbon P., Insurance, '99 377 Kerry, Frank M., Physician, '84 346 128 Pipestone St. tKing, Frank B., Physician, '82 89 179 Pipestone St. Berrien Springs Murdock, George H., Jr., Attorney, '88 276 Big Rapids. Miles, George D., '70 132 Calumet Lee, Solomon S., Physician, '98 377 Reeder, Edward C, Studetit, '02 315 Caseville PAGE Schultz, Arthur F., Teacher, '94 376 Cedar Springs Carr, Albert M. Physician, '94, '97 279, 376 Cheboygan Reilley, Crawford S., Attorney, '89- 276 Shepherd, James F., Student, '03 — 280 Chesaning Agnew, Leslie N., Student, '04 378 Agnew Ralph, '01 378 Clinton Parker, Frank L., Foreman, '01 378 With Clinton Woolen Manufacturing Co. Coldwater Schultz, 'S>avi\\xt\, Physician, '93 376 Constantine fLaverty, Charles W., '84 346 Detroit Berry, Benjamin Y.,Merchaftt, '81-- 273 53^ Cass Ave. Borradaile, Frederick H., Analyst, '81 273 171 W. Fort St. Cole, Charles S., Studefit, '03 316 34 Davenport Place Darwin, Charles A., Student, '04 378 243, 4th St. Delbridge, Charles F., ^4 //t>r;z^>', '99- 279 663, 2d Ave. Hamblin, Cornelius, Merchant, '01 - 378 Hawksworth, David W., Chief Draiightsman, '97 332 20 Columbia E. Johnson, J. Gladden, Physician, '63. 61 493 Woodward Ave. Kales, William K., Engineer, '92 — 312 With Whitehead & Kales Kennedy, Carl S., Physician, '97, '98 279, 326 716 Cass Ave. Kittleman, William W., Engineer, '01 280 616, 14th Ave. Love, William L., Civil Engineer, '98 279 243 Lincoln Ave. McClintock, Arthur E., '00 377 907 Hammond Bldg. McEldowiiey, Fred K., Accoimtant, '91 375 305 West Boul. Page, Eugene R., Accountant, '95-- 376 64 E. Columbia St. Pence, Edward Yi., Clergyman, '89-- 197 73 Ba^g St. RESIDENCE INDEX 57' Ferine, LeRoy E., CoDimercial Traveler, '96 With D. M. Ferry & Co. Richardson, Ard E., Electrical Enguteer, '99 716 Cass Ave. Rickel, \{^xxy,Attor>iey, '03 95 Adelaide Ave. Staley, John W., Banker, '92 With First National Bank Stansell, Arthur D., Student, '99-- 543 Trumbull Ave. Stoneman Lewis A., Attorney, '94-. 121 Ha/el\vood Ave. SuHivan, John E., Attorney, '86 615 Union Trust Bldg. Sutton, Eli R., Attorney, '91 1002 Majestic Bldg. Taylor, Orla B., Attorney, "87 14 Butler Bldg. Waite, Donald C, Student, '04 79 E. Hancock Ave. Webster, Arthur, Attorney, '92 35 Whitney Opera House Bldg. White, D. Charles, Student, '99 76 Baltimore .\ve., W. White, William S., State Agent, '8( For American Book Co. 35 Alexandrine Ave., E. Widman, Charles H., manufacturer, 'oo- 79 E. Canfield Ave. 376 279 280 375 279 278 275 277 275 281 277 423 375 280 Eckford Shipp, W. Samuel, Student, '00 377 Elk Rapids Williams, Fitch R., Student, '96, '03 280, 377 Escanaba White, Thomas B., Attorney, '86--- 275 Fenton Ingram, John A., Student, '04 446 Flint Beuret, Ebenezer G., Student, '01 .- 280 606 East St. Kendrick, W. Scott, '98 377 Ganges Kendrick, William F., Clergyman, '96 376 Gaylord Shipp, Frank J., Teacher, '96 376 Girard Dean, Ray E., Teacher, 'o^ 378 Grand Rapids PAGE Anderson, Lewis W., Civil Engi- neer, '92, 97 279,375, 469 24 Eureka Ave. Bready, Russell H., Clergyma?i, '02 378 884 Grig'.'s Ave. Buell, Charles I., Accotmtant, '86 -- 374 207 S. Union St. Coats, Albert J., Physical Director, '05 333 Covode, John A., Banker, '76 171 41 Sheldon St. Eddy, Everett H., Physician, '87 330 221 Fountain St. fHughes, David D., Attorney, '78 134 tHughes, Walter H., Attorney, '82 -- 274 Loomis, Frank H., Commercial Traveler, 'Zl 374 Morton House Ray, James P., Manufacturer, '97-- 293 86 S. Prospect St. Stoneman, Albert H., Clergyman, '97 279 26; Bates St. Thayer, William C, Student, '05. - 281 ■fWhite, John S., '94 313 Greenville Nichols, Austin W., Physician, '61 -- 96 Hancock Johns, A. Raymond, Clergyman, '95 376 Homer Eslow, Seymour C, Earjner, '92 375 Hillsdale tjohnson, Fred H., '87, '91 277, 346 Sutton, John R., Insurance, '90 276 Ishpeming Allen, Marcus M., Clergy man, '%^.- 265 106 Euclid St. Barber, Max H., '02 280 Robbins, Eldred G., '02 280 Jackson Hills, Harley J., Student, '04.-- 281, 408 Rowley, Charles G., Manufacturer, '78 40 Kalamazoo Dimmick, Paul M., Student, '05 281 Kirby, Lewis H., Attorney, '00 377 Knappen, Frank Y.., Attorney, 'jj-- 186 208 W. Main St. Lansing Hadley, Nelson B., Insurance, '91 -- 347 Hayden, Charles H., Student, '02--- 378 501 North St. 572 RESIDENCE INDEX Niles, William \., Statistician, '98-- With Department of State Robertson, Charles E., Bookkeeper, '84 108 Washington Ave. Wilbur, Cressy L., Physician, '86 -- 610 S. Sycamore St. Manchester Haeussler, Raynor B., Student, '04. Manistee tFairfield, Edmund B., Clergyman, '62 Manistique Dunton, Carey W., Attorney, '85--- Marlette McClure, D. Stuart, Attorney, '80-- Marquette Jones, Shelley B., Druggist, '88--- Oyster, Frank R., Accoimtant, '92- 305 E. Arch St. Waldo, Dwight B., Teacher, '87--- Marshall Burnham, Ernest, Teacher, '96 Houston, Earle I., Stiident, '03 --- Mason Dart, Alfred R., Merchant, '01 Mendon Yaple, George L., Attorney, '71--- Yaple, George L., Jr., Student,'oz^. Menominee Gram, Ralph S., Student, '05 Grocock, Robert, Student, 'c2 PAGE - 377 346 346 281 66 346 273 374 136 - 374 - 376 . 280 Orchard Lake Rainey, Frank L., Teacher, '6 PAGE . 246 Monroe Gibson, William A., Publisher, '96- Ilgenfritz, Charles A., Horticulturist, '75 Mt. Pleasant Loomis, George W., Teacher, '2>6-- Muskegon Cramblett, Samuel M., • Clergy fuan, '72 176, Negaunee Greening, Burton O., Teacher, '00-- Smith, Ambrose C, Clergyman, '61. Niles Smith, Carmi R., Lumber Merchant, '86 Snell, Thomas T., Batiker, '01 378 184 378 281 378 376 185 374 464 279 61 374 343 Pequaming Young, John E., Inspector, '88 276 Pontiac Law, Hugh, Inspector, '99 279 Mathews, Charles S., '02 280 50 Clark St. Port Huron Beard, Francis H., Me?-chant, '01 .. 423 2353, 5th Ave. Muir, James A., Attorney, '89 276 II White Bldg. Portland Miner, Frank N., Clergyma^i, '98 377 Republic Walker, J, Frank, Teacher, '96 377 Saginaw Mellish, Frederick C, Student, '03- 280 Richardson, Howard, '01 280 402 N. Jefferson Ave. Weadock, John V., Student, '04 .-- 281 Saugatuck Bready, Charles J., Clergyman, 'oo- 377 Sault Ste. Marie fBates, Charles P., Clergyman, '81 .- 286 Ferguson, Adam E., Student, 'o2--- 280 Snell, William M,, Attorney, 'Sj-.. 374 Wiley, Merlin L., Student, '01 378 424 Portage Ave. St. Clair Hubel, Herbert C, Student, 'oS 281 St. Joseph Alger, Lewis B., Teacher, '97- -.279, 377 DeWitt, Charles, '95 92 St. l^ouis tRiehl, Daniel C, Clergyman, '74--- 185 Three Rivers tTennyson, Howard A., Dentist, '94- 418 Traverse City Douglas, George B., Farmer, '96 376 Irish, Howard, Banker, '92 230 Union City Moore, John L., Merchant, '02 378 Wayne Bennett, Joseph A., '87 346 West Bay City Pearce, Harvey G., Cletgyma.71, '97- 377 1303 Leng St. RESIDENCE INDEX 573 Whitehall PAGE Gee, Merle W., Student, '05 281 Nufer, Julius ].,Student, '00, '01 -280, 377 White Pigeon Dunning, E. Clarence, /"/^jmvi;/, '95 376 MINNESOTA Austin Shepherd, Russel E., Attorney, '83- 274 Benson Foland, Walter A., Attorney, '70 68 Blue Earth City Newhouse, Finley D., ClergymaniZo 88 Brainerd Mowers, Saxe W., Physician, '91 — 287 Chatfield Shumway, Francis G., '87 275 Detroit Hall, Fletcher R., '94 179, 465 Duluth Clayton, Williard W., Real Estate, '%2) 8g Forbes, Mason, M., Merchant, '01 45, 392, 456 606 N. 57th Ave. Gearhart, Harry G., Attorney, '91 .- 390 511-512 Palladio Geggie, James C, Grain Commission, '()\ 391 221, 15th Ave. E. Hale, James T., Attorney, 'jj 172 1203 E. First St. Hoyt, William H., Civil Engineer, '90 390 929 E, 5th St. Ingham, Paul V., Bookkeeper, 'g?>-- 279 With Mitchell & McClure McClintock, John M., Attorney, '89- 197 500-501 Torrey Bldg. McGregor, Lane, Insuratice,'c)2--- 390 6-7 Exchange BIdg. Mitchell.William C, Merchant, '91 - 375 Stevenson, George A., Lumberman, '00 258 Care Nester Estate East Grand Forks Finlayson, George A. E., Attorney '99 392 Excelsior tCory, Charles M., Govern?ne7it Official, '88 287 Faribault p.'\GE Dodge, Albert A., Physician, '94 391 Ehle, Archibald H., Engineer, '02 -- 315 Farmington Dodge, Warren M., Physician, '93. 390 Fisher Tofte, Albert A., Jr., '01 392 Glencoe Clark, Howard S., Physician, '97 392 First National Bank Bldg. Grand Marais Jones, John K., '93 404 Hibbing Brooks, George F., Physician, '00 -- 392 Howard Lake Chilton, Leo W., Student, '03 393 La Moille Sainsbury, Charles E., '03 393 Le Sueur Poehler, Frederick C, '02 392 Mankato Flittie, Jean A., Attorney, '92 390 Odd Fellows Block Minneapolis Benedict, Walter L., Clerk, '99 392 With M. &St. L. R. R. Brook, William E., Teacher, '92 — 331 University of Minnesota Bryan, Albert R., Traveling Freight Agetit, '96- 391 505,15th Ave., S. E. Church, George 'E.,]t., Lumber, '97- 391 1316, 7th Ave., S. E. Coffin, Benjamin Y., Postal Service, '92 390 3028, 2d Ave., S. Coria, Leon, Student, '04 393 Crossette, George D., Student, '04.- 393 420 Ridgewood Ave. Daniel, T. Lester, Mechanical Engineer, '00 392 1057. 13th Ave., S. E. Merchant, Frank D., Attorney, '96- 391 gE. 17th St. Dennison, Charles W., Clerk, 'g'-, — 391 With G. N. Ry. Dunn, John W., Student, '04 393 3128, 3d Ave., S. Eaton, James C, Merchant, '94 391 930 Chicago Ave. Erb, Fred A., '02 392 141, 5th Ave., N. E. Gallagher, George A., '02 392 510, 13th Ave.,S. E. 574 RESIDENCE INDEX PAGE Hardin, Martin D., Clergyman, '93. 267 1217, 14th St. tHelm, Edward C, '80 148 Kemp, John Earle, Attorney, '02 354 806, 4th St., S. E. Kinnard, Chester H., Student, '04-- 393 2750 Dupont Ave. Knowhon, Warren C, '02 392 1308,5th Ave.,S. E. Lafans, Walter S., '02 392 510, 13th Ave.,S. E. Lovett, Henry S., '02 392 408 Union St., S. E. Lovett, Ralph E., '02 392 408 Union St.,S. E. Newgord, Julius G., Jr., Student, '03- 393 1829, 9th Ave., S. Newhart, Horace, Physician, '95 428 836Andrus Bldg. Noble, Willis C, Civil Engineer, '96 472 2 Union Station Okes, Day Ira, Student, '05 393 1308, 7th St., S. E. Olsen, Sterling H., Physiciati, '01 .. 392 City Hospital Poehler, Franklin T., Physician,'c)6. 391 410 Syndicate .Arcade Poehler, Walter C, Conunission Aferchattt, '94 391 304 Flour Exchange Poehler, William A., '96 391 304 Flour Exchange Purdy, Edward A., '01 327 28 S. loth St. Ricker, Max W,, Student, '05 393 1325,1st Ave., S. Sanborn, R, Roscoe, '02 392 With Twin City Shoe Co. Stevens, Robert W., '02 392 3249 Harriet Ave., S. Van Valkenburg, Harry J., '03 393 304 Flour Exchange Van Valkenburg, Jesse, Attorney, '95 391 1809 Irving Ave., S. Walker, Frank B,, Civil Engineer, '01 315 3041 Chicago Ave. Wallace, David, Druggist, '95 463 Weadon, Francis P., Theatrical Manager,"?)! 89 Young, Charles E., Clerk, '02 393 1419. 5th St., S. E. Owatonna Ogden, Arthur J., Teacher, '95 376 Red Wing Linne, Bernard F., Merchant, '00 -- 392 450, 7th St. Rochester page Brackenbridge, William L., Attorney, '79 272 McGrorty, William B., Attorney, '79 272, 468 Sauk Center Harrison, Edwin J., Merchant, '72-- 184 Sleepy Eye Bingham, William E., Student, '03- 393 Kiefer, Michael A., '01 392 Staples Church, Arthur '^i.. Attorney, '91 390 Stillwater Doe, Dudley H., Instirance, '90 276 St. Paul tAlexander, Thornton K., Iftsurance, '80 203 Burgess, ]o\in. Journalist, '00 392 With St. Paul Daily News Bradford, John M., Attorney, '97 391 409 Virginia Ave. Cunningham, John W,, Publisher, '61 36 16 W. 4th St. Fahnestock, Halleck P., Merchant, '83 125 With Youghiogheny & Lehigh Coal Co. Foot, Frederick W., Attorney, '95-- 391 Globe Bldg. George, John F., Attorney, '81 88 New York Life Bldg. Lewis, Edward P., Clergyman, '60 - 80 1763 Princeton Ave. Lewis, Olin B., Attorney, '84 350 Court House Pollock, DeCourcy M., Civil Engineer, '02 328 141 Pleasant St. Marchand, Norval, J^/^r^T^flw/, '66-- 62 Morrison, James L. D., Attorney, '94 278 Storrs, Lucius S., Geologist, '90 331 With Northern Pacific Ry. Co. Van Alstine, David, Engineer, '86-- 311 With C. G. W. Ry. Watson, Sydney, Attorney, '85 187 19 Lizzie St. Two Harbors fHubbard, Frank ^N ., Machinist, '88- 336 Ogle, Alfred N., '83 306 With Duluth & Iron Range R. R. Co. Utica Bernsworth, Vern H., Student, '04-- 393 ■Waseca ■fFrank, Henry, Clergyman, '77 186 Ward, Roscoe P., Banker, '94 391 RESIDENCE INDEX 575 Winona PAGE Anderson, William B.,AUomey,'82,- 274 ;82 W. 6th St. Booth, Robert K., Student, 'o^ 393 III W. Wabasha St. Lamberton, Frank S., Studejit, '04 - 393 Peregrine, Harry G., '01 392 Pittman, Frank H., Phar?nacist, '88 350 59 VV. 3d St. Stewart, Dugald A., Fan/ier, '02 — 354 Tearse, Clarence D., Grain Merchant, '00 353 275 Harriet St. Worthington Cory, C. M., Attorney, 91 390 MISSISSIPPI Aberdeen Clifton, Wiley W., Attorney, '75 --- 223 McFarland, Baxter, Attorney, '61 -_ 48 Watkins, Guy H., Student, '03 57 Watkins, Wade L., Merchant, 'oo- - 56 Watkins, William B., Attorney, '97- 56 Areola Daniel, R. E. Lee, '83 53 Auburn Flowers, Henry, Physician, '85 53 Baird Baird, Thomas C, Physician, 'go 54 Baldwyn Bell, Jonathan C, Teacher, '59 106 Batesville Vance, Calvin 'B., Planter, '60 112 Brandon Buchanan, William, Attorney, '74-- 224 Maxey, Edward R.,Merchant, '78-- 209 Byhalia Myers, Calvin R., Planter, '60 48 Canton tBrown, Daniel W., '76 51 Dinkins, Wm. L., Insurance, '69 50 Jones, William B., Teacher, '87 54 Priestly, Charles S., Physician, '70. 50 Smith, Eugene M., Fantier, '76 51 Smith-Vaniz, George W., Physician, '60 48 CarroUton p.AGE Gee, Charles J., Merchant, '92 55 Gee, Clinton L., Clerk, '02 57 Rogers, John R., '93 55 Rogers, William W., '91 55 Centerville Dye, Marian L., '74 114 Moore. Mark H., Clergy 7nan, ---'82 284 Charleston Leigh, Armistead M., Teacher, '00 56, 457 Sanders, James O. ^., Attorney, '97. 56 Turner, William '^., Planter, '%']--- 197 Clarksdale Clark, Walter, Alanufacturer, '86 273, 336 fClark, James H., Merchant, '74 236 Glover, James A., Attorney, '91 55 Cleveland Barnes, Elmer B., Planter, '85 196 Woollard, Pierce B., Attorney, '92-- 55 Clinton Sharp, James M., Teacher, '75 51 Mississippi College Webb, Charles W., '75 234 Coffeeville Armstrong, Walter P., Student, '05- 457 Leonard, Henry O., Jr.,. '02 57 Shannon, Hervey L., '02 57 College Hill Moss, Robert L., Farmer, '79 52 Collierville Rodman, Wm. DeK., Farmer, '63.- 107 Columbia Berry, James R., Physician, 'jj 51 Brewer, Walter C, Physician, '99, '00 56, 471 Ford, Percy H., '02 57 Ford, Rossie Douglas, '02 57 Columbus Billups, Saundtrs, Druggist, '68 49 Landrum, Linton T)., Attorney, '79-. 284 Landrum, Zachariah P., Attorney, '84 284 Corinth Fountain, Charles P., Clergy?nan, 'jj 216 Green, P orney L., Mattufacturer, '82 53 576 RESIDENCE INDEX Sanford, William B., Physician, 'jj. 234 Taylor, Charles M., Physician, '88-- 54 fWilson, Samuel M., '62 48 tYoung, Robert B., '78: 217 Crystal Springs Gikon, Edward Vi., Merchant, '99-- 56 Dentiville Huey, Thomas W., Physician, '94-- 55 Deerbrook tClay, Matthew, Jr., Planter, '76, '77 164, 216 Doddsville Bailey, Walter M., Merchant, '87-- 54 Duck Hill Kimbrough, Thomas P., Engineer, '95 55 Early Grove Franklin, Meschack, Farmer, '60- - - 48 Edwards McCallum, Archibald, Physicia}i,'j6 51 Ellisville Hardy, William Y\.., Student, '05 457 Fayette Coffey, Charles C, She?-iff, '71 50 Torrey, William D., A ttorney, '71 50 Fernwood Enochs, Fletcher B., Merchant, '93- 55 Enochs, Thomas E., Merchant, '92. 55 Flora Friggitts, Friley J., Merchant, '84 -- 53 Florence Norrell, Albert Q., Attorney, '76 223 Friar's Point Peace, Joseph H., Fanner, '83 53 Gloster Barney, George H., Banker, '82 52 McLain, Frank A., ^//i^/vz^j', '74--- 51 Grange Longins, Robert E., '01 56 Greenville ■fGreen, Paul F., Attorney, '92 55 Jayne, Joseph M,, Attorney, '72.163, 463 Greenwood PAGE Barry, William S., Attorney, '81 52 Carothers, Joseph C, Clergy man, '6q- 50 Coleman Samuel ^., Attorney, '67-- 49 Pettet, Archibald, Merchant, '87... 54 Grenada Adams, Benjamin C, Attorney, '68- 49 Dubard, William V., Merchant, '02. 57 Horton, Cowles E., '02 57 Jones, George P., Student, '98, '02 56, 415 Liddell, James M., Soldier, '72, '73 50, 208 McLean, Robert D., Student, '04.-. 57 Meaders, Egbert A., '01 56 Meaders, Thomas G., Student, '04-. 57 Roane, Archie G., Attorney, '98.-56, 457 Hardy Barksdale, James Y ., Planter, 'o^--- 57 Harrison Rockett, Hosea William, Clet'gymatt, '74 234 Harrison Station Mitchell, Ulysses W.,Merchant,'2>(). 54 Hazlehurst Beasley, William J., '94 55 Dodds, George S., Attorfiey, '76 234 Hebron Drummond, Norvel R., '01 56 Riley, John B., Bookkeeper, '01 56 Hermanville Torrey, John C, '77 51 Holmes, Frank C, Attorney, '90- Jones, Bartlet F., Merchant, '90-- Morgan, Monroe G., Clerk, '01 — 54 54 56 Holmesville Bridges, Robert S., '69 50 Indianola Brown, Joseph W., '78 52 tTaylor, Raymond H., Attorney, '75. 223 luka Dean, Guy D., Student, '03 457 Jackson Aldridge, Frank M., Merchant, '71. 50 708 N. State St. Du Bard, David B., Merchant, '79-- 209 112 State St. fPate, Walter T., Teacher, '97 - 56 RESIDENCE INDEX 577 Hamilton, Farrar P., Civil Engineer, 'qo 167 622 N. State St. Harrison, ]2iXW&'&'Y ., Attorney , '68-49, ^62 Jones, Frlley, Bookkeeper, '87 54 Miller, John D., '00 56 316 E. Capitol St. Taylor, Joseph R., Journalist, '93-- 55 Kosciusko Ratcliff, William W., '74 222 Lexington Keirn, Walter L., Jr., Physician, '80, '85 53, 165 Stansbury, William F., Dentist, '7K 123 Liberty Raiford, William S., Merchant, '84. 53 Lowndes tHarvey, Wirt A., '86 53 Macon Allen, Frank L., '77 216 Madison Jones, Thomas N., Merchant, '78 52 Magnolia Price, James H., Attorney, '90 54 Mayersville Farnish, Robert D., Physician, '68- - 113 McComb City Craft, Hugh, Insurance, '86 265 McNutt Schlater, Randle B., Planter, '79 209 Meridian Grimes, Benjamin H., Insurance, '81 52 1417, 24th Ave. Mississippi City Caldwell, James P., Attorney, '57 32 Monticello Longino, Andrew H., Attorney, '75- 234 Moss Point Cowan, Oliver B., '02 57 Denny, Samuel D., Merchajit, '75-- 203 Denny, Walter M., Public Official, '75 203 Evans, Marion G., Teacher, '97 55 Wood, Charles H., Attorney, 'j^i 222 Mt. Olive Evans, Alexander W., Clerk, '<^ 56 Evans, Thomas A., Clerk, '01 56 Natchez page Brandon, Gerard, Attorney, '82 52 624 N. Union St. Bridgeforth, David O., '99 56 Charity Hospital Enochs, Eugene S., Student, '03 57 Martin, William C, Attorney, '81 -- 52 fPierce, Joseph C, '60 112 ■fShaw, John S., Clergyman, '76 202 Shields, Gabriel B., '01 167, 464 Winchester, Robert L., Traveliiig Salesman, 'Z^ 53 New Albany Knox, Samuel R., Attorney, '98 56 Newport tWells, Vines M.., Attorney,''] i^ 222 Norfield Butterfield, Ralph B., Lumber Merchant, '99 190 Octavia Lee, Thomas P., '62 48 Olive Branch Sloan, John T., Physiciaft, '61 106 Oxford Andrews, William E., Bookkeeper, '69 50 Collier, Samuel J., Student, '03 57 Holmes, John E., Attorney, '99 56 Kimbrough, Bradley T., '99 56 Kimbrough, Duke "SI., Attorney, '96- 55 Kyle, John C, Attorney, '74 222 Leavell, Armaud B., Clerk, '01 56 Leavell, James B., Student, '03 57 Leavell, Manly B., '02 57 Leonard, William E. B., StudeJit, '03 57 Phillips, Charles W., Student, '03-- 57 Roane, William A., Attorney, '75 51, 223 Roane, William T., Teacher, '00.56, 457 Sultan, Dan I., Student, '05 457 Sultan, Robert H., '01 57, 564 Young, Alfred A., Physician, '70 50 Young, Stark, '01 56 Penn Richards, Charles B., '82 53 Pheba Nash, William W., Physician, '76 -- 61 Pickens Robertson, George W., Teacher, '83- 53 578 RESIDENCE INDEX Pittsboro Gaines, Henry T., Merchant, '9I--. Pontoloc Bolton, William H., Music Teacher, '62 Givhan, John E., Physician, '']'] Knox, Dewitt, Student, 'ot, .- Knox, Rush H., '02 PAGE 55 no 234 457 457 49 68 54 55 56 no Port Gibson ■fHeslep, Thomas, '63 Thrasher, Stephen, Attorney, '59-- Plum Point Holmes, Finley V., Merchaiit, '90- Ripley Mclntyre, Abner J., Attorney, '96 .. Spight, Henry R., Attorney, '99 Spight, Thomas, Attorney, '62 Riverton fTreutlan, John R., '84 210 Roxie tWright, Robert J., Attorney, '86 54 Saltillo Gladney, John R., Teacker,'62, 49 Sardis Friend, Emil, Commercial Traveler, '84 53 Sartartia IJones, Lucius C, '83 284 Scooba McHenry, Thomas S. P., Student, '04 281 Scranton Cowan, Robert C, Student, '03 457 Wood, Wallace, yI/^Ar/;««/, '69 50 Senatobia Rosborough, John C, Attorney, '74- 222 Sessumsville Young, Alexander F., '68 162, 463 Shannon Shannon, Robert L., '']'] . 234 Sparta fBrownlee, James L., '82 52 Summit Barnes, William C., '63 49 ■fCausey, William I., Attorney, '76 — 51 fLea, William A., '76 234 Starkville page Montgomery, Jesse S., Physician, '80 49 Montgomery, John M., Farmer, '80. 52 Montgomery, William H., Merchant, 'jj 51 Nash, Wiley N., Attorney, '68 50 Stein's Creek ■fFreeman, Charles B., Teacher, '7^-- 234 Tupelo Black, J. Edwin, '69 68 Trice, William W., Merchant, '82.- 53 Una Miller, John C, Farmer, '58 48 University Crisman, William O., Student, '03-- 57 Vaiden Vaiden, Cowles Meade, Farmer, '81 52 Vicksburg Cashman, Frank V., Journalist, 'oo- 56 fCummins, Thomas, Clergyman, '79- 203 Paxton, Alexander M., Jr., Banker, 'J7 164 Simrall, Horatio F., Jr., Attorney, '72 50 205 South St. Wilson, Robert L., Manufacturer, '86 368 With Vicksburg Ice Co. Wardville Davis, Hugh L., Attorney, '68 113 ■Washington Leavell, Landrum P., Teacher, '99 56, 457 Morrison, Julian K., Teacher, '98 56 Water Valley Davidson, George L., Merchant, '76 223 West Point ■fChandler, Leo, '74 216 Kimbrough, Thomas C, Attorney, '95 55 Quin, Hugh L., Merchant, '74 234 Winona tHurt, Alden V)., Journalist, '76 234 Woodville Catchings, Charles E,, Physician, '92 55 Yazoo Berry, William G., Physician, '01 -. 269 tHughs, Joseph R., Clers;yma7i,'77 -- 234 Montgomery, Samuel E., Merchant, '79 52 Martin, Albert C, Clergytnan, '93-- 55 Perkins, Robert N,, Clerk, '87 211 Powell, Philip B., Merchant, '82 165 RESIDENCE INDEX 579 MISSOURI Albany PAGE Thomas, Claude H., Bookkeeper, 'oi 449 Armstrong Hume, Leslie W., Student, '05 450 Bowling Green Wilcoxen, Thomas H., Physician, '99 448 Campbell Stutesman, Lewis, Lumber Inspector, \\ 75 California Hunter, Joseph W., Attorney, '79 -- 227 Carthage Clarke, Fred '^., Electrician, \%. .. 199 715 E. Central Ave. Halliburton, Westley, Attorney, 'oo. 449 Hendrick, Frank, '92 91 Carrollton McGuire, Thomas W., Attorney, '67 62 Charleston Ogilvie, Roy K., Student, '03 449 Chillicothe ■fOehler, Frederick C, Journalist, '94 358 Clinton Garth Frank M., Traveling Salesman, '02 . 449 449 Columbia Foster, Guy K., '02 911 E. Broadway Jesse, Richard H., Teacher, '75 114 University of Missouri Coffeysburg Coffey, Jasper H,, Clergyman, '62.- 66 De Soto Edy, John N., Student, '05 450 Green, Ernest A., Student, '04 450 Elwood Bennett, William F., Student, '05 -- 450 Gallatin Alexander, George F., Student, '05- 450 Hatton, John H., Teacher, '97 448 Grand River College Robertson, Gay A., '02 449 Harrisonville Whitsitt, Andrew A., Attorney, '73- 87 Hartville page Newton, Cleveland A., '02 449 Joplin Arnold, Mercer, '00 449 Kansas City Adams, Hiram A., Publisher, 'go-. 357 With Hudson-Kim berly Publishing Co. Ballingal, George F., Attorney, '62. 84 942-4 New York Life Bldg. Beardsley, Harry S., Reporter, '95.- 434 With Kansas City Evening Star. Beebe, Le Roy J., Real Estate and Loans, '96 358 5^1 Walnut St. Bowersock, Justin D., Attorney, '91 _ 357 New York Life Bldg. Bremermann, James H., Attorney, '72 141 531 Cypress Ave. Brown, Robert W., '90 357 1227 Washington St. Cecil, Daniel H., Attorney, 'yg 164 527 Delaware St. Crute, Wm. J., Merchant, '94 342 20-22 E. Fourth St. Darnall, Milton D,, '74 147 With Missouri Pacific Ry. Co. Dilworth, Dwight P., Attorney, '97 -icg New York Life Bldg. Evans, Andrew F., A ttorney, '82, '86 117, 265 515 New York Life Bldg. Feitshans, Frederick R., Student, '03 260 1811 Linwood Boul. Fible, William M., Broker, '85 . 261; Houston, Fible & Co. ^ Flinton, Albert D., '95 358 With National Bank of Commerce. IFlorance, J. Esdaile, '78 256 Floweree, Victor W., Contractor, '88 368, 471 311 Lyceum Bldg. tFoulks, Charles A., Physician, 'So. 187 tFry, Speed S., Jr., '83 265 tGoodrich, Albert C, Journalist, '96- 358 tGreen, William ¥.., Real Estate, "go. 357 Gregory, Le Roy, P., '01 407 262 E. 30th St. Halstead Egbert Y., Attorney, '01-- 449 boi Forest Ave. Halstead Samuel R., Attorney, '98. 448 621 New York Life Bldg. Harper, Edgar A., Ciznl Engineer, '82 298 tHarris, Frank M., Manufacturer, '75 185 5So RESIDENCE INDEX PAGE Harris, Joseph F., Druggist, '65 67 Hastings, Frank S., '79 272 1527 Central Ave. Jordaan, Walter V., Attorney, '00-- 359 606 Water Works Bldg. tKenyon, Clarence K., Attorney, '80- 273 414 Highland Ave. Kimberlin, Joseph W., Physician, '95 278 Sth & Campbell Sts. Kingsley, George, Jr., Attorney, '97. 358 Suite 722 New York Life Bldg. Liepsner, Frank W., Student, '05-- 45° 2533 Wabash Ave. Logan, Allan, Merchant, '()i 266 233 Board of Trade May, Thomas J., Clergyman, '74--- I94 McAuley, Thomas B., Attorney, '83- 306 New York Life Bldg. McCloud Imri L., Life htsurajice,'^^ 306 600-3 New Nelson Bldg. tMcCrary, Joseph, '81 89 McCune, Henry 'L., Attorney, '%2>-- 290 611 New England Bldg. McElroy, Emmet F., '97 268 5th St. & Highland Ave. Menefee, James A., Merchant, '93-- 166 3110 Woodland Ave. Metcalf, George W., Manager, '84- 356 1000 Walnut St. Morrison, Ralph E., Student, '04--- 360 728 Campbell St. Parry, Thomas W., Clerk, '82 265 722 Troost Ave. tQuicke, James M.., Attorney, '82 116 IQuin, Louis 'K., Attorney, 'y^ 51 Quin, Hugh S., Attorney, '80 52 Reid, William M., "87 166 100 E. 36th St. Rising, George Vi., Journalist, '98-- 359 806 Euclid Ave. Setzler, Edward K., Student,' o\--- 450 3606 Independence Ave. Smith, Earl S., Co7itr acting Agent, '93 357 With Frisco Line St. Clair, Madison W., Banker, '58- 36 jSteele, Joseph A., Attorney, '84 165 Strickler, Thomas J., Student, '05 -- 360 1415 Broadway Symons, Arthur H., '99 359 Western Wire & Bale Tie Co. Thresher, Robert J., Grain B7-oker, '87 178 Board of Trade Vaughan, Edmund G., Attorney, '89 166 3607 Oak St. PAGE Vernon Joseph W., Agent, '85 350 With West Publishing Co. Whiffen, Hamlet H., Attorney, '99- 343 243 Whitney Bldg. Whittick, Manuel C, '03 321 fWilkinson, Samuel E., Merchant, '85 42 fWilliams, Marcus T. C, Attorney, '63 37 Wood, Luke, Attorney, '()\ 288 With Armour Packing Co. Wright, Herbert P., Stock Broker, '87 188 930 Delaware St. Young, Fred L., Attorney,'c)6 448 Kearney Scudder, William R., Fanner, '01 -. 449 Kirksville McGinnis, George W., Teacher, '72. 147 Lamar Crenshaw, Charles R. L.. '02 280 Morgan, Frank B., '02 449 Thurman, Harold C, '02 449 Timmonds, Henry C, Attorney, '75- 70 La Monte Penquite, William, Physician, '87-. 42 Lexington Junction Chenault, Charles A., Student, '03 - 449 Louisiana Nalley, Thomas J., Jr., Student, '04. 450 Maryville Coke, Charles E., Attorney, '00 430 Prather, Benjamin V., Capitalist, 'g^ 92 215 W. Second St. tSmith, Charles L., '94 92 Moberly Anderson, Thomas H. B., Jr., '02 --- 449 Lotter, Henry H., Civil Engineer, '97 448 May, Bernardino F., '81 100 With Wabash R. R. Mountain Grove tAdams, George P., '98 448 Mt. Vernon Bright, John H., Clergyman, '^6 195 Neosho Walker, John C, Student, '03 449 Nevada Gosh, Christian, Merchattt, '86 125 RESIDENCE INDEX 5S1 New Haven PAGE Wolff, Emil, '02 449 Wolff, George Jr., '02 449 New London Stout, Thomas, '02 449 New Madrid Phillips, Murray, Jr., Attorney, '98 - 448 Odessa Creasey, Charles R., Iron Dealer, '87 211 tHill, Thomas W., '87 211 Worley, Albert, Student, '03 360 Worley, John S., Civil Engineer^ o^- 360 Plattsburg Riley, Horace R., Banker, '02 449 Poplar Bluffs Wright, Charles O., Stjident, '02 449 Richmond Crowley, Claude C, Physician, '98 - 448 Crowley, George W., Attorney,'^)^-- 448 Fowler, Thomas B., Student, '04 450 Smith, Harry B., Studettt, '04 450 Sedalia Leach, Frank S., Electrical Engineer, '98 448 Plannett, James, Clergyman, '80 134 1015 E. isth St. Thornton, James L., Journalist, '71 1 47, 462 Skidmore Montgomery, Hiram W., Bank Cashier, '91 -- 357 South St. Joseph Terry, Frederick, Merchant, 'i - 307 Springfield Calland, Dean S., Student, '03 328 842 Benton .Ave. Eisenmeyer, Andrew J., Manufacturer, '82 290 St. Joseph tAnnan, Harry C, Merchant, '00 359 Harding, Dwight S., Insurajice, '99- 190 Motter, Joshua, Merchant, '69 123 Nave, Samuel M., '71 468 Pike, Vinton R., Jr., '02 465 Shultz, Orrillis E., Attorney, '98 448 Swank, Wallace E., Salesman, '(^i-- 357 305 S. 15th St. St. Louis PAGE Adreon, Robert E., '02 ,_. 249 5713 Cabanne Ave. Axtell, Frank Y .,Civil Engineer^c^o^ 73 Fullerton Bldg. Baker, Holland W., Civil Engineer, 'jj 186 Belnap, La Monte J., Electrician , '98 332 With Bullock-Wagner Electrical Co. Bennett, William A., Civil Ens;i7ieer, '91 299 3945 Castleman .Ave. Brown, Elmer C, Mining Engineer, '83 173 Bryan, Francis T., Jr., Insurance, '80 253 654 Locust St. Bryan, Pendleton T., Attorney, '82. 253 S06 Olive St. tBoogher, Dudley, Clergyman,'c)'] -- 212 Clopton, William H., Attorney, '68. 113 Corwin, George W., Manufacturer, 'jj 88 With Wrought Iron Range Co. tDoan, Fletcher ^l.. Journalist, '67 ^ 38 Editor National Review tDouglas, Elliot W., Manufacturer, '64 61 Drees, Ernest K., Clerk, '91 91 With Missouri Pacific R. R. Dungan, Harry M., Attorney, '99 448 Carlton Bldg. Dyer, Horace L., Attorfiey, '95 278 813 Union Trust Bldg. tFriend, Charles, Bookkeeper, '88 54 Friend, Robert, Merchant, '91 55 N. 3d St. Gardiner, Edward B., Manager, '91 390 Grand Leader Graham, Henry B., Jr., '99 314 5720 Von Versen .Ave. Greenwood, Charles W., Real Estate, '%'& 21 1 5535 Bartnier .Ave. Greenwood, Moses, Jr., Real Estate, '81 210 5535 Bartnier .Ave. Greenwood, Walter E., Clerk, '92.- 211 With Purchasing Department M. K. & T.Ry. Hansen, Karl H., Electrical Engineer, '98 448 With Missouri Edison Electric Co. Harford, William M., Publisher, '68 38 Hart, Charles H., '71 50 Holliday, William D., Railroad Official, '76 134 With Big Four R. R. Hughey, Albert S., Cletgyman, '81- 286 3733 Laclede Ave. 582 RESIDENCE INDEX Jamieson, Philip M., Clergymaii, '8i 286 5049 Delmar Ave. Kelley, Taylor D., Merchaiit, '82--- 274 With Norvell-ShapleiKh Hdw. Co. Kent, Henry T., Attorney, '72 114 Kimmel, Karl, Attorney, '97 448 Fullerton BIdg. Laughlin, John K., Real Estate, '75- 194 606 Fullerton Bldg. Lewis, Max, '03 295 Lowell, George A., Clerk, '97 411 With Pullman Co. McConney, Porter D., Traveling Sales7nan, '95 292 With Simmons Hdw. Co. tMcCreery, William H., '79 252 Mclntyre, Thomas D., Merchant, '98 415 Price, Risdon H., Broker, '74 163 Southern Hotel Rippey, John D., Attorney, 'c)i^ 448 Suite 508 Rialto Bldg. Schnedler,William A., Salesma7i, '96 422 ,. With Western Electric Co. Steinkamp,William Y)., Attorney, '99 448 848 Prairie Ave. Thompson, Thomas V., Ma7i ufacturer, '76 226 709 Cass St. Waterworth, Edward B., Journalist, '00 449 With St. Louis Republic Wells, Rolla, '']'] 252 509 Olive St. Westerman, Hans T., Expert Accoujttattt, '90 33 1 Wickham, William F., Merchant, '79 253 With Republic Iron & Steel Co. Williams, David R., Publisher, '91 _ 325 4429 W. Pine St. Wilson, Edward L., Manufacturer, '83 196 Laclede & Vandeveuter Aves. Wyatt, Grant, Railroad Contractor, '83 306 3304 Lucas Ave. Tarkio Wilson, David C, Clergyman, '60-- 80 Trenton Rogers, Noble Q., Journalist, '97 -_ 93 9 College Ave. Smith, Hugh C, Attorney, '94 278 ^Varrensbu^g Sellers, Charles, '73 4° MONTANA Anaconda page Lightstone, William H., '02 34 608 Maple St. Benton Knopp, Henry G. T., Teacher, '91 -. 73 Billings Stall, George C, Clergymati, '82 — 100 Butte Holp, Jacob A. H., '96 391 217 N. Main St. Leonard, Frank M., Alitting Engitteer, '83 306 Lloyd, Nafew J., '01 439 Magraw, Henry S., '76 171 Miller, William L., Electrical Engineer, '97 392 With Missouri River Power Co. Nuckolls, Rupert B., Banker, '84--- 210 With State Savings Bank Smith, Charles L., Real Estate, '87 - 356 33 W. Granite St. Chinook Merrifield, Albert W., Civil Engineer, '92 292 Crowe Indian Agency Means, Howard C, '99 294 Gilt Edge Beadle, Thomas B., Chemist, '97 — 293 Bunker, Arthur S., Mining, '02 354 Glasgow Lewis, Robert P., Journalist, '93 288, 390 Great Falls Atkinson, Stephen E., Banker, '71 - 141 Cascade Bank Armstrong, Homer, Mining Engineer, '01 439 800, 3d Ave. Boardman, Clarence L, Student, '03 440 Smith, William H., Attorney, '85--- 291 Hamilton Crutchfield, Charles M., Attorney, '86 166 Havre McNeill, Edward R., Civil Efigineer, '88 307 With Great Northern Ry. Helena Gallaher, Phillip M., Surveyor, '71 _ 158 Gerry, Martin H., ]x.. Engineer, '90- 390 With Missouri River Power Co. Roberts, Albert J., Teacher, '96 376 I RESIDENCE INDEX 583 Livingston PAGE Stark, Albert P., Attorney, '89 375 Missoula Craig, Oscar J., Teacher, '81 88 University of Montana Higgins, Francis G., Attorney at Law, '86 275 Higgiiis, George C, County Treasurer, '91 91 108 Main St. Scheuch, Frederick C, Teacher, '93 247 University of Montana Sheridan Raymond, Daniel W., Merchajtt, '03 419 Rossiter, Raymond W., Merchant, '03 419 NEBRASKA Alcester Marsh, William J., Cler skyman, '90 - 331 Alvo Shaw, Charles K., Student, 'o}) 333 Auburn Kleckner, John M., Student, '05 333 Beatrice Kees, John A., Student, '04 333 924 Elk St. Swartz, Maynard T., Musiciati, '01 _ 333 Wehn, Earle A., Musician^ '00 332 Broken Bow Beal. Charles W., Editor and A ttorney, '86 346 Brownville Rainey, Ralph R., '01 333 Edgar Marsh, Byron W., Clert^yfnan, '86- - 330 Saxton, Ralph C, Merchant, '97 --- 332 Fairbury Hansen, DeWitt, Student, 03 333 Hinshaw, Edmund H.,^ //£>/-«!?>', '85. 150 Hinshaw, Howard R., Stenographer, '03 333 Le Roy, Cliff W., Student, '02 470 Fort Niobrara Shockley, Major Augustus W., Surgeon, '95 358 Fremont Clizbe, John A., '79 41 Giltner page Thomas, William M., Farmer, '63-- 85 Grand Island Brown, Edgar L., Meixhant, '03 -. - 333 Burg, Robert, Student, '05 333 Hastings Burton, William R., Attorney, '70-- 146 Hoffman, Martin L., Teacher,'^^ — 72 Saxton, William C, Student, '04 — 333 Hickman Van Burg, James L., Student, '03 -- 333 Juniata tjoynt, William Y.., Merchant, '90-- 341 Kearney Mallalien, John T., Teacher, '76 99 Packard, Lawrence R., Physician , '97 332 332 330 330 453 331 332 333 Merchant, '87. 330 Lincoln Allen, Charles S., Attorney, '97 Burr Block Clark, Paul F., Attorney, '87. Burr Block Eddy, Hamlin C, Attorney, '86 188, 2920 Q St. Ervin, Charles W., '01 843 G St. Fairfield, John M., Attorney '91 — Fitzgerald, John, '00 Fitzgerald, William P., Student, '03- Greene, Robert J., Attorney, '83 — 210 S. nth St. Hardy, William E. 1124 OSt. Kelley, William F. Mayne, Charles M., 13th & P Sts. Miller, Schuyler W., Teacher, '94-- University of Nebraska Millson, Frank M., Student, '04 Mockett, John H., Jr., Insurance, '87 2447 W St. Nelson, John M., Che?nist, '01 With State Food Commission Richards, Charles R., Teacher, '90. Professor in University of Nebraska Kisser, George H., Attorney, '97 --- 920 S. i8th St. Ryan, Francis G., Student, '03 Shannon, Henry A., Dentist, '93 1 136 O St. Shepherd, Frederick, Attorney, '86. , Attorney, '87.- •95 346 326 331 333 330 333 246 332 470 331 330 584 RESIDENCE INDEX PAGE Stevens, James F., Physician, '00.. 332 841 N. 26th St. Wheeler, Myron E-.J/^/r/zaw/, '85-- 330 1420 M St. Mapleville Underwood, William H., Clergytnan, '87 340 Nebraska City Bischof, Arthur A., Attorney, '98--- 332 Burgert, George, Teacher, '<^?> 332 Dixon, John W., Attorney, '94 331 Duff, Edwin A., Merchant, '97 332 With Duff Grain Co. Schneider, Otto J., Student, '05 333 Nehawka Sheldon, Vilas P., Stocktnan, 'oo--- 332 Nelson Porter, William M., Clergyman, '76- 342 Norfolk Stewart, Robert A., Banker, '74 171 Weills, John C. S., Clergyman, '64- 81 Oak Montgomery, Robert D., Stock Raiser, '03 333 Omaha Bailey, Rowland W., Dentist, '84-- 274 Brown, John E., Physician, '79 242 Omaha Medical College Carter, Randolph, Attorney, '95 278 31 U. S. National Bank Bldg. Chase, Clement C, Editor, '83 330 Proprietor Omaha Excelsior Clark, Frank N., Bank Teller, '87.- 188 With First National Bank Dale, John F., Insurance, '80 186 818 New York Life Bldg. Foster, E. Wendell, '00 332 Creighton Medical College f>ank, Harry A., Attorney, '97, '98 332, 406 Paxton Bldg. Gould, Victor R., Student, 'qj^ 470 Kelley, Orange, Reo, Dentist, 'c)^-- 391 Prof, in Omaha Medical College. Marshall, Benjamin F., Merchatit, '84 330 MtTC&Y,'Dav\dY{., Attorney, '80-.. 330 Rich, Edson, P., Attorney,'9>'K 330 With Union Pacific Ry. Co. tSmith, Frank B., '84 306 Speed, Edward W., Comtnission Merchant, '79 203 1533 Park Ave. PAGE Stewart, William B., Jr., '00 449 Millard Hotel Wheeler, Daniel H., Jr., I)isuratice, '83 330 Wernher, Ernest, '96 358 With Commissary Dept. U. S. A. Woodard, Dura M., Ma7iufacturer,'Zi^ 324 With Kopp-Woodard Co. Young, Charles ?i.. Advertising, '95. 405 With Burlington Route Papillion Doup, William W., Student, '04 424 Plattsmouth Hawksworth, Frederick, Student, '04 333 Spurlock, George M., Attorney, '92 91, 331 9th&ElmSts. Ponca Mikesell, Simon P., Merchant,'6\-- 122 Rocky Ford Baird, William H., Sicperintettdeftt, '97 248 With American Beet Sugar Co. Seward Landis, Harry D., Attorney, '99 332 Langworthy, Stephen C, Jr., Attorney, '90 331 Tishue, Clee Walter, Attorney, '98- 332 South Omaha Clapp, Charles \^., Limiberman, '87- 188 St. Paul Campbell, Lewis, Clergyma7i,'%%-- 340 Superior Le Feber, Robbin P., Student, '05-- 333 Syracuse Arends, Henry C, Student, '04 333 Home, Othniel G., '02 333 Ulysses Aldrich, Chester H., Teacher, '88--- 319 Utica Brant, Thomas J., Banker, '71 86 Valley Whitmore, Jesse D., Student, '05--- 333 ■Wahoo Stratton, Archie J., Student, '03 333 Stratton, Fred X)., Student, 'o^, 333 RESIDENCE INDEX 585 Wayne page Fuller, Frank, .4 ^/or>!ey, '76 142 ^'eeping Water Shannon, Joseph R., Detist, '93 — 33''' NEVADA Austin Miller, Joseph A., Student,' o}). 419 Eureka ■fMercer, Frank V>., Journalist,'']'] -- 134 Reno Blessing, George F., Teacher, 'qj-- 434 Professor in University of Nevada NEW HAMPSHIRE Colebrook Jones, Edwin E., Physician, '92 427 Concord Appleton, Fred S., Clerk, '97 429 With B. & M. R. R. Brown, Harry J., Attorney, '95 428 With Eastman & Hollis Chase, William M.., Attorney, '^2>^- 426 93 School St. Couch, Benjamin W., Attor?tey, '96- 428 72 N. Main St. Foster, William A.., Attorney, 'c)^-- 428 Mitchell & Foster Cummings, Alvah C, Physician, '96- 428 I Fisk St. Hilliard, Guy T., Teacher, 'o\ 423 St. Paul's School Dover Goss, Charles C, Banker, '93 427 With Merchants National Bank Randall, Asa G., Artist, '92 427 360 Central Ave. Bowles, Sidney W., Civil Eftgineer, '96 428 Epping Prescott, Benjamin F., '00 430 Exeter Little, Pierce J., Merchant, '96 — Franklin Allen, Edwin L., Manufacturer, '99 114 Central St. Chapman, Frank W., Artist, '00-- Griffin, Ernest L., Merchant, '95-- 428 429 430 428 Hancock, George L., '01 430 Franklin Falls page Sawyer, Augustus B., Editor, '94 427 With Journal-Transcript Greenland Hatch, Albert R., Student, '04 431 Hanover Austin, Frank E., Electrician, '9$-- 428 Bugbee, Perley R., Banker, 'go 426 Hazen, John V., Teacher, '75 426 Professor in Dartmouth Collesje Holden, Charles A., Teacher, '95 — 428 Instructor in Dartmouth College Perham, Frank S., Student, '03 431 Russell, Daniel B., Town Treasurer, '64 426 25 S. Main St. Wainwright, Edward C, '01 430 Hazelton Olewine, Henry, Merchant, '97 127 Kingston Gilley, Laburton G., '02 430 Lancaster Amey, Edward E., Student, '04 431 Sullivan, Eugene E., Attorney, '91 - 277 Nashua Bolster, Arthur S., Student, '03 431 22 Temple St. Cheever, William W., '01 430 22 Auburn St. Stevens, Everett M., '01 430 254 Main St. New Boston Atwood, Howard V>.,Sttident, '04 — 431 Newfields Leddy, Charles J., Student, '04 431 North Stratford Hinman, Burritt H., Student, '04 — 431 Nottingham Cilley, Joseph, '02 430 Penacook Mann, William H., Civil Engitieer, '93 427 95 N. Main St. Pittsfield Carr, Burt W., Physiciafi, '97 429 Plymouth Barker, Edson M., '00 430 Kimball, William A., Law Student,' <^Z 429 Huckins, George L., Civil Engineer, '99 429 586 RESIDENCE INDEX Portsmouth PAGE O'Leary, Wesley A., Teacher, '95 -- 428 Rochester Yeaton, Edward S., Musician, 'oo.. 430 Rye Beach Lampery, Harold I., Student, '02 — 430 West Epping Folsom, Charles A., 'gg 429 West Lebanon French, Frederick R., Civil Engineer, '95 42 S Windham Cochran, Harlan A., Civil Engineer, '95 428 NEW JERSEY Arlington Crawford, Samuel G., Civil E7igineer, '92 410 With Arlington Copper Co. Asbury Park Bannard, Horace B., Civil Engineer, '71 170 With New York & Long Branch R. R. Co. Atlantic City Brunyate, Edwin R., Stude7it,^oi--- 103 Brunyate, William L., Student, '05. 460 De Silver, Joseph Y ., Physician, 'oo- 258 tNeare, Clifford R., '95 300, 405 Nichols, Henry D., Physician, '93-- 300 3203 Pacific Ave. Boonton Carpenter, Abraham E., Physician, '71 123 Bradley Beach Bradner, Wesley K., Physician, '74- 99 Bridgeton Mulford, Ephraim R., Student, '03. 120 43 N. Giles St. Sharpless, Albert S., Clergyman, '74 194, 465 194 Commerce St. Camden Anderson, Voorhees S., Manufacturer, '95 136 232 Cooper St. Binder, Clarence K.,Clergyman, '70- 157 tNorthrop, Howard, '77 172 Pancoast, Richard M., Engifieer, '73 158 Reed, Joseph G., Clergyman, '70 .- 98 508 N. 3d St. Snowden, Robert P., Civil Engineer, '72 170 go8 Cooper St. Delawanna Hathaway, Herbert E., '91 312 With Waldrich Bleachery Co. East Orange tPhillips, John O., '97 363 With N. Y. & N. J. Telephone Co. Roundey, Eugene P., Civil Engineer, '97 386 179 Prospect St. Elizabeth Coon, GeorgeC, Manufacturer,'72- 176 524 Cherry St. Fernald, Benjamin G., Drattghtsman, '98 248 211 S. Broad St. English, John T., Student, '05 464 167 Walnut St. tKeil, Melville H., Draughtsman, '01 _ 199 Macdougall, Charles W., Student, '03 440 356 Linden Ave. Sattler, William R., '88 384 906 N. Broad St. Englewood Robinson, Myron W,, Studetit, '03 _ 440 Englishtown Graham, Henry T., Clergy?nan, '98- 199 Flemington Landis, Norman, Musician, '94 102 Hackettstown Jones, Archibald A., Teacher, '%■}> — 284 Haddontield Magill, Charles E., '94 136, 461 Shivers, Charles H., Physician, '68. 131 61 W. Main St. Harrison Davis, William J., Attorney, '7q 272 Hightstown Titus, George E., Physician, '71^ 124 Lake Hopatcong Gessler, Theodore A. K., Clergyman, '64 130 Madison Powell, Roland D., Clergytnan, '84 - 100 Middletown Royce, Herbert B., '96 406 9 Highland Ave. RESIDENCE INDEX 5S7 Millville Comer, Percy R., Student, '03 17 E. Broad St. Montclair Gardiner, William R., Jr., Jour7ialist, '88 114 Clairmont Ave. Mount Holly Sooy, Mark R., Attorney, '68-- Newark Bradner, Frank E., Attorney, '75--. 22 Clinton St. Dinsmore, Andrew A., Clergyman , '60 19 James St. Flack, Jacob D., '87 With Isbell-Porter Co. Logan, James V., Journalist, '80 Editor Newark Evening News. Miller, Frank T., Merchatit, '73--- 47 Parkhurst St. Sandy, William C, Physician, '98-. 262 N. 6th St. Orange Melendy, George Y.., Architect, '85. 204 Center St. Passaic King, Colin E., Railroading, '81 --. 235 Paulison Ave. Lyall, Dudley T., Manufacticrer, '8J 246 Van Hauten Ave. Paterson Emley, Eugene, Attorney, 'jj 119 Washington St. Speidel, Hugo S., Civil Engineer, '86 With David Henry Bldg. Co. Weikert, Samuel A., Clergy7na}i,'j\. Perth Atnboy Runyon, L. Parker, *oi 109 High St. Steele, Wesley, Mechanical Engineer, '98 With Perth-Amboy Te'rra Cotta Co. Phillipsburg King, Chester A., Student, '03 Plainfield Home, George A., Chemist, '99 Kaufman, William T., Insurance, '76 Princeton Cook, William L., Civil Engineer, '00 Fisher, Herbert Y ., Student, '98.-56, 103 73 131 99 60 336 273 98 438 426 149 336 134 291 123 174 406 174 386 252 407 457 Red Bank Pratt, Francis E., Civil En i^ineer, '92 With Tintern Manor Water Co. Rutherford Brown, Hugh A., Electrical Engineer, 'oo- - . 64 Orient Way South Amboy Furman, Edward, '79 Stewartsville Godfrey, Jesse, Student, '03 Trenton Leuckel, Alfred K., Manufacturer, '87 316 Hamilton Ave. Moore, Joseph H., Mechanical Engineer, '66- 199 Greenwood Ave. 385 439 252 174 384 156 NEW MEXICO Albuquerque Bryan, Richard V\I .T)., Attorney, '70 170 Childers, William B., Attorney, '74- 163 Clayton, William D., Clergyman, '63 97 Stevenson, William C, Promoter, '96 33 Carlsbad Whicher, Charles M., Physician, '92, 404 Dawson Whitney, William S., Cattlefnan, '00 327 The Woods Folson fPickels, Henry C, '80- Graham Graham, Thomas, Metallurgist Raton Chapman, William A., Civil Engineer, '85 172 '97- 137 ._-- 310 Roswell Hervey, James M., Attorney, Rockafellow, Arthur H., A ccountant, '92 With Joyce, Point & Co. San Pedro Graham, Nathan P., Physiciati, '95 377 375 198-465 588 RESIDENCE INDEX NEW YORK Albany PAGE Highlands, John A., Electrician, '91 - 312 192 Lark St. Reynolds, Charles, Clergyman, '57. 36 9 Pearl St. Ash ley-on- Hudson Theobold, Julius, Sales??ian,'q'j 320 Astoria Kindred, John J., • Physician, '85, '87 117,237, 461 Proprietor River Crest Sanitarium Auburn Giltrap, Clarence Q., Student, '04-- 424 Reed Murray E., Traveling Salesmati,' 00 456 Aurora Lyon, Herbert H., Student, '03 424 Ballston Spa Baldwin, Arthur C, Clergyman, '96, 180 Batavia Lawson, Frank E., Attorney, '95 422 Heliport Simonton, James M., Clergy/nan, '75> '76- .194, 226, 465 Buffalo Alverson, Harry B., Electrical Engineer, '93 351 40 Court St. Bolt, William J., Physician, '97 423 664 Main St. de Zeng, Henry L., Manufacturer, '95 422 Dudley, Joseph G., Attorney, '92--- 325 10S9 Delaware Ave. Fowler, Theodore V., '02 315 89 Hodge Ave. Hammond, Clifford R., '00 315 54 Seneca St. Hanrahan, James E., '02 280 1231 Delaware Ave. Hopkins, Warren D., Real Estate, '99 423 175 Hodge Ave. Lyle, Ernest S., '01 435 With Buffalo Forge Co. McClelland, George H., Clergymati, '75 133 108 Laurel St. Milne, Mark H., Clergyjnan, '96- 128 Pearl St. 422 Nagel, Mortimer L., '02 316 581 Delaware .\ve. Scovill, J. Boardman, Attorney, '92, 404 812-816 Prudential Bldg. Spaulding, Benjamin S., Attorfiey, '94 Tyler, William W., Student,'o\, 281, 927 Elmwood Ave. Wahle, Richard E., Studeftt, '04 562 .^^uburn .Ave. Williams, Harry N., '92 Flat7" Wellesley" Cambridge Smart, James S., Editor, '63 Canandaigua Burke, Charles E., Salesman, '99 — France, Joseph H., Clergyman, '68- Wallace, George H., Student, '04-- Canton Foster, Frederick C, Teacher, '85.- Professor in St. Lawrence University Clifton Smith, Thomas F., Clergyman, '66. Cold Spring Fillebrown, John P., Physician, '80- Cortland Frederick, Thomas N,, Student, '04. Croton Falls Butler, Louis P. H., '01 Dobbs Ferry Kellogg, Alfred O., Student, '04--- Wilde, Herbert R., Student, '05.-- Elbridge Munroe, Daniel E., Ma7iufacturer, '87 Elmira Edmonds, Harry E., Sttcdent, '04 -- 362^^ Norton St. Turnbull, Raymond A., Student, '04 506 Walnut St. Floral Park, I,. I. Miller, William L., Student, '03 Flushing Holland, George F., '94 75, Ridenour, John H., Publisher, '82-- 75 Broadway Fredonia Playter, Wellington A., Student, '05. Fulton Wilson, Herbert J., Attorney, '94--- 402 Oneida St. Geneva DeWoody, Charles, Clergyfnan, '91 - 405 408 387 313 61 258 141 120 287 131 172 103 386 408 408 178 387 440 457 228 450 428 136 RESIDENCE INDEX 5^9 Goldspring PAGE tCampbell, Archibald, Soldier, '87 - - 336 Hastings Sigafoos, Orville L., Clergy ma7t,'()\- 127 Hedgeville Mettler, Amzi W., Clergyman, '66- 131 75 Ithaca Brooks, Robert C, Teacher, '96 -. 127 Cascadilla Bldg. Smith, George A., Chetnisi, '96 406 Jamestown Fairbank, Harvey C, Student, '03-- 408 353 E. 4th St. Sprague, Lynn T., Attorney, '^o 273 Kinderhook Pence, Lafayette, Attorney, '77. 195, 465 Kingston Van Hoevenberg, Henry La7ii Student, '02 440 Livingston, Robert R., Naval Architect, '00 407, 472 Leroy Fakner, Henry S., Attorney, '01 423 Lockport Helmer, Frederic F., Designer, '94- 405 Sutliff, Calvin G., Manufacturer, '73 176 Long Island City Burnes, Everett A., Clergytnaii, '96- 102 45 Prospect St. Lyons Leach, Frederick J., Merchant, '96 . 422 Rumberger, Howard K., Electrician, '92 410 Middletown fNutt, William H., Electrician, '95-- 33 Rogers, Thomas C, Attorney, '94 - - 405 How Bldg. Monroe Woodhull, Charles R., Civil Engineer, '01 315 Moravia Hawley, Ralph W., Student, '03 424 Mt. Vernon Archer, John G., Student, '04 387 Corcoran Manor Clawson, Douglas M., Student, '05.- 387 I Willow Place Wightman, Richard R., '93 376 5-7 E. 42d St. New Brighton page Welton, Benjamin F., Civil Enq;ineer, '94 428 Jay St. New Rochelle Church, Frederic E., Art Student, '98 438 42 Meadow Lane New York City Abendroth, William P., Student, '04. 441 549 W. i52dSt. Ackley, Charles V>., Student, '99 423 Care General Theol. Seminary Aicher, Frank A.., Student, 'o\ 441 417 W. 114th St. Aldrich, Ellis L., .Ittoriiey, '97 406 76 William St. Ambler, Humphrey K., '84, '86 117, 165, 461 142, 5th Ave. Anderson, Thomas W., Cleri^y7nan, 'jj 242 41 Charles St. Atwood, George D., '00 315 no St. Felix St., Brooklyn tBaldwin, John T., '69 132 Bateson, Charles E., '02 440 257 W. 88th St. Beaver, William 'P.,Accoiinta}it,'%$- 135 Battery Park Bld^,'. Bender, Re, '93 151 37 Wall St. Berrien, Chauncey L., Student, '03 - 440 Columbia University Binkley, Arthur L., Broker, '93 43 5th Avenue Hotel Blackford, U. Grant, Attorney, '97, '00 423, 439 141 Broadway Bond, Hunter A., Physician, '90 1 18 With Manhattan State Hospital Boyd, Claudius L., '99 93 247 E. 2ist St. Bradley Morton C, Publisher, '99-- 76 133 W. 97th St. Breckinridge, David C, ^■Ittor/iey, 'Si 253 Lord's Court Bldg Brewer, Francis E., Tcacher,'g2,'gc, 404, 438 4 Albion Place, Port Richmond Brotherton, James S., Student, '04-- 431 71 S. Elliott Place, Brooklyn Brown Dickson Q., Director, '98 314 160 W. 59th St. Brown, Elliott L., '02 440 614 W. i52d St. Brown, Wylie, '98 406 19 Murray St. tBowen, Francis C, Attorney, '68 141 590 RESIDENCE INDEX PAGE Buckley, Charles F., Physician, '95- 438 802 Carroll St., Brooklyn. Bull, Charles P., Attorney, '69 113 Burch, Willard E., '94 102 2411, 7th Ave. Callender, John M., Physician, '%6- 117 174 Remsen St., Brooklyn Callmann, Herbert, Student, 'o\--- 431 140 W. 86th St. Camp, Harvey C, '70 45^ With Longmans, Green & Co. Chatfield, Henry W., Cashier, '97-- 406 81 Willoughby St., Brooklyn Carey, George B., Civil Eftgineer, '95 434 With Vulcanite Paving Co. Carroll, John W., '01 120 8 E. 58th St. Carter, Thomas T., '89 370 Cary, Elmer E., Physician, '84, '87 42, 275, 469 171 W. gsthSt. Cary, William P., Student, '04 408 28 W. 26th St. Cates, Roscoe W., '00 359 45 W. 82d St. Claiborne, John H. Jr., Physician, '83 116 39 W. 36th St. Clarke, Harrison, Jr., Student, '00-- 439 318 W. 82d St. Collette, Harry S., Contractor, '90.- 179 29 Broadway Cochrane, Frank L., Physician, '98- 406 704 Sterling Place, Brooklyn Collis, Charles, Law Student, '03--- 44° 1055, 5th Ave. Conklin, William H. P., Merchant, '95 438 1236 Bedford Ave., Brooklyn Conn, Charles F., '87 426 With Westinghouse, Church, Kerr & Co. Cornman, John, Publisher, '65, '97 459 Craighead, Jesse W ., Merchant, '75-- 171 255 Front St. Cummings, George W., Jourtialist, '72 69 45 Park Place Curtis John D., Electrical Eftgineer, '96 405 217 W. 140th St. Davis, Reginald, '98 143 76th St. & Broadway Dickey, Frank R., Attorney, '95 405 44 Court St., Brooklyn Dillon Arthur, Architect, '91 -- 312 I Nassau St. tDobbins, Wilbur M., Journalist,^ 69 98 PAGE Doubrava, Harry W., Electrician , '97 332 220 Broadway Durstine, Lee B., Insurance, '78 — 226 1917 Park Row Bldg. Earle, Harvey B., Correspondent, '96 371 325 Amsterdam Ave. Edwards, William B., '01 430 With Flint, Eddy & American Trading Co. Eldridge, Charles H., '85 245 With Adams Steel Co. Ellsworth, Benjamin F., Jr. '96 405 With N. Y. & N. J. Telephone Co. Engeman, John T., '01 258 215 Montague St., Brooklyn Erdman, William, Attorney, '84 — 228 141 Broadway Evans, Frank L., '94 470 100 William St. Farley, Edward ]., Attorney, '98--- 438 115 Broadway Ferguson, John B., '02 407 Manhattan Ave. Fernald, Benjamin G., '98 248 289, 4th Ave. Fisher, Roderick P., Accountant, '88 346 14 Nassau St. fFord, Eugene A., "87 54 Foy, David F., '93 396 With Mclntyre & Marshall Produce Exchange Bldg. Fullerton, George H., Manufacturer, '88 229 II Broadway Fullerton, Hugh W., Manufacturer, '88 229 II Broadway Gasquet, Marshall J., Atto?-ney, '89- 370 31 Nassau St. Graham, Marshall P., Real Estate, '()% 364 20 E. 32d St. Gunn, Charles A., Architect, '92 291 SOQ W. 150th St. Hardy, George F., Civil Engi7ieer,"i>'i 426 309 Broadway jHarper, William A., Publisher, '84- 116 Harris, William H., Attorney, '78 .- 186 258 Broadway Hasson, Roy H., Clerk, '97 406 Hatch, Hamlin B., Student, '04 441 III W. 103d St. Hayward, Edward P., Physician, '94 331, 47° 132 W. 45th St. Heller, William U., Currier, '2,g--- 19? 37 Spruce St. RESIDENCE INDEX 59' Herbert, Frederick D., Engineer, '97 406 220 Broadway Herrick, Edward W., Engineer, '88 311 W. Broadway & Houston Sts. Hester, H. C. Kendall, '02 191 26 Cortlandt St. Hoguet, Ramsay Charles, '02 440 141st St. & Hudson River Home, Stanley G., Student, '05 408 Brooklyn Horner, Leonard S., Electrical Engineer, '98 386 241 \V. 54th St. Howe, Wirt, Attorney, '95 371 25 Broad St. Hoyt, Hiram P., Civil Engineer, '93 390 St. James Bldg. Hubby, Lester M., Physician, '93 404, 472 40 W. 84th St. Irving, Pierre F., '00 439 104 Madison Ave. Irving, Robert W., Attorney, '97--- 102 364 W. 33d St. Jobbiiis, Frederick H., Chemist, '95. 438 With Alba Manufacturing Co. Kaiser, Charles S., Draughts>nan, '01 439 183 W. 87th St. fKeil, Raymond H., '02 199 Kennard, John H., Editor, '81 210 277 Broadway Kershner, Edward C, Physician, '90 126 696 E. iS6th St. Kidder, Scott, '01 439 17 Chelsea Square fKinkead, Ma.xwell, Banker, '66 62, 156, 463 10 Broadway tKoeppel, Oscar O., /'//(^//iV/^;-, '97.- 44 Kress, Rush H., Merchant, '00 137 396 Broadway Lardner, Henry A., Engineer, '93 .. 351 29 Broadway Layman, Daniel W., Physician, '92, '98 151, 438 8E. sSthSt. Lee, George B., Physician, '93, '96 166, 438 215, W. 4;th St. Lefevre, Edwin, Journalist, '91 385 S4 Broad St. Le Prince, Leon F., '01 439 22 St. Nicholas Place Liebmann, Morris N., Electrician, '00 332 409 Amsterdam Ave. Lockwood, Charles E., '94 313 9-13 Laight St. Logan, Hugh J., ]r., Journalist, '96- 231 102 W. 90th St. Long, Maxwell W., '01 439 856 St. Johns Place, Brooklyn Lopez, Moses E., Jr., .iccountant, '99 406 215 Monroe St., Brooklyn Lunt, Alexander D., Examiner,' c)\. 404 464 W. 144th St. Lunt, Henry, '00 430 464 W. 144th St. Lyle, Joel Irvine, Manager, '96 434 39 Cortlandt St. Lyle, John V., Attorney, '98 268 54 Wall St. Lyle, Robert T., '94 434 1469 Bedford Ave., Brooklyn Mac Rae, Tom, Capitalist, '02 365 Grand Hotel Manning, George L., Student, '91 .- 337 Care Richards & Heald, 141 Broadway Marcy, Milford M., Publisher, '89-- 347 116 Nassau St. Matteson, B. Wynne, Student, '0%.. 4^1 146 W. 104th St. Mattox, Willard S., '94 300 Maul, Webster R., Clergyman, '67. 131 Brooklyn Mayer, Alfred G., Curator, '89 337 Eastern Parkway, Brooklyn McCulloch, Robert A., ^■Irchitect, '96 4-18 76W.82dSt. Mclndoe, George J., Ens^ineer, '91; . 428 500 W. 165th St. Mcintosh, Burr W., Photos;rapher, '84 17^ 18 W. 33d St. McLaughlin, D. Maujer, Insurance, '98 406 32 Court St., Brooklyn McVicar, Dana C, '98 . -icq 37 Liberty St. jMercer, Winfield R., Student, '02 ■ - 387 649 St. Marks \\e., Brooklyn Merritt, William C, Attorney, '83-. 228 Miller, George H., Merchant, '03--- 440 128 Riverside Drive Miller, Marion M., Editor, '85 229 30 Lafayette PI. fMiller, Shrewsbury B„ '86 246 Mills, Henry G., Mechanical Ens;ineer, '01 439 1.326 Dean St., Brooklyn 59^ RESIDENCE INDEX PAGE Millward, Russell H., Student,' on,. - 441 358 W. 153d St. Moore, Cecil Henry, Accountant, '84 368 31 E. 17th St. Moore, William U., '00 439 203 W. 117th St. Morris, John Y . L., '94 _ 102 With Ginn & Co. Mussey, Henry R., Student, '00 327 184 Eldridge St. ■fNadal, Thomas W., '72 98 Newton, Arthur L., Merchant, '00-- 430 59th St. & 6th Ave., N. Y. Athletic Club Newton, Charles E., Jr., Broker, '00 407, 472 1493 Pacific St., Brooklyn Nichols, Allen J., '99 353 253 VV.34th St. INutt, John J., Surgeon, '92, '94.- 189, 427 107 W. 74th St. Ormsbee, Addison P., '94 405 34 E. 39th St. O'Shea, John E., Engineer, '01 439 31 W. SSth St. Osgood, Farley, Etigineer, '97 314 81 Willoughby St.. Brooklyn Owsley, Henry F., Physiciati, '96 438 259 Amity St., Flushing Parker, Lindsay R., Electrician, '01 439 345 State St. Patterson, Robert D., Student,'o^-- 316 2W. 51st St. Perry, Thomas L., Studefit 'o2) 440 925 W. End Ave. Pickering, Woodell A., Government Official, '02 249 Brooklyn Navy Yard Pierce, Frank L., Manufacturer, '89 312 Richmond Hill, 434 Elm St. Pierce, Winslow S,, Attorney, '79 124, 272 19 W. 58th St. Pillsbury, Charles H., SalesMatt, '97 429 527 W. 123d St. Pitt, Rafford, Salesmajt, '00 439 III, jth Ave. Piatt, Charles C, Attorney, '01 -407, 472 364 Tompkins Ave., Brooklyn Piatt, Francis W., Salesman, '98 406 54 Cranberry St., Brooklyn Potter, George H., Student, '04 408 411 Madison St., Brooklyn Potter, Henry A., Manufacturer, 'jj 172, 256 41 Union Square PAGE Puriton, E. Earle, '99 180 245 E. 19th St. Putnam, Edmund W., Student, '05- 441 306 W. 77th St. Putnam, Sidney H., '00 439 With G. P. Putnam's Sons Quimby, William E., Manufacttirer, '87 336 7S0 Park .\ve. fRaymond, Thomas U., Physician, '86 150 ■fRead, Abram C, Manufacturer, '83 204 Rhame, George H., '96 391 158 S. Portland Ave., Brooklyn fRichardson, Thomas F., Physician, '92 371, 471 Riedy Island, Quarantine Station Ringer, Paul Henry, '01 439 312 Manhattan Ave. Robertson, John C, Teacher, '84.-- 116 St. Stephens Col., Anandale Rogers, William Vl., fouriialist, '86. 324 130 W. 104th St. Ruppel, Henry E. K., Student, '03. 431 221 Vernon Ave., Brooklyn Russell, Gilbert V., Clergyman, '96- 422 799 Putnam Ave., Brooklyn Salkeld, Andrew D., Merchant, '74- 171 66 Leonard St. Salkeld, Harry B.,7T/,?r<:/^a;//,'68- 157, 463 86 Franklin St. Sangree, Luther A., Correspotident, '92 126, 461 1433 Madison ."^ve. Sangree, Thomas C, Physician, '91 126, 461 1433 Madison Ave. Sangster, George E., Manager, '78- 237 46' W. 28th St. Scarff, Paul B., Attorney, '94 198 With Holm & Smith, N. Y. World Bldg. Schimper, Frans J. V., Engi?ieer, '01 449, 472 Columbia University Schenck, William W., '88 336 Care Home for Incurables Schroeder, Albert S., Attorney, '86. 350 31 W. 33d St. Scratch] ey, Francis A., Physician, '77 164 iioE. 25th St. Simis, Albert Y .,fournalist, '02 407 160 New York Ave., Brooklyn Simpson, George F., Manufacturer, 'yi 158 26-36 Rodney St., Brooklyn Skidmore, Charles A., '98 406 Manhattan Club Smith, Clifford LeRoy, Student, '03 44° SI W. 86th St. RESIDENCE INDEX 593 PAGE Smith, George A., Che7/nst, 'oi 407 260 Hicks St., Brooklyn Smith, Lee O., Mtisuiati, '95 469 41 W. aSth St. Smith, Lucian E., Architect, '01 191, 44° 460 Manhattan Ave. Smyth, Joseph P., Jr., Clergy)nan, '95 438 156 Keap St., Brooklyn Shoemaker, Henry W., '01 440 22 E.45th St. Shotwell, Thomas C, Journalist, '0)1 300 S9 \V. 117th St. SoLitliard, Francis M., '93 313 II Broadway tSteele, Edward H., Dentist, '71 123 tSteele, Henry M., Civil Engineer, '87 311 Stephenson, Albert G., Student, '04- 441 147 W. izoth St. Stone, Arthur W., Engifteer, '94 427 220 Broadway Stromeyer, William T., Student, '01 440 looS Trinity .\\e. Strong, Harry C, Importer, '99 152 100 William St. Tappen, Alexander B., Architect, '00 407 263 W. 73d St. Tobiu, John W., il/a«a4^^r, '97 363 76 William St. Tobin, Leonard, Capitalist, '97 363 202 Brop.dwav Tobin, Robert P., Slechanical Engineer, '96 406 50 Broadway Todd, James M., Real Estate, '84 .- 324 40 Morningside Ave. Toerring, Christian J., Electric a I Engineer, '93 404 Thompson, Lynn W., Attorney, '97. 423 2626 Broadway Thornley, Julian, Civil Engineer, '89 117 Hotel San Remo Thurston, Herbert R., Contractor, '94 427 220 Broadway fTracy, Paul W., Physician, '90 312 Van Hamm, Caleb M., '80 177 213 W. loth St. Van Kleeck, Myndert J., A ttorney, '96, '00 422, 439 49 Wall St. Wagner, Webster, /ournalist, '99-- 439 64 Macon St., Brooklyn Wakeman, Edgar L., Author, '72.. 69 P. O. Lock Bo.K 625 PAGE Walker, George R., Real Estate, '01 423 659, 3th .■\ve. Walmsley, Hardie V>., Physician, 'q6 371 Wallace, Henry Y^., Journalist, Jl - 256 Mills Bldg. Walser, Frederick T., Mamtjacturer, '00 439 203 Prospect PL, Brooklyn Warner, Arthur H., Journalist, '98^ 327 318 W. 57th St. Warner, Martyn F., Salesman, '94- 352 100 William St. Weed, Joseph B., Jr., '00 407 400 Manhattan Ave. Weir, Claude H., Physician, '00 --. 397 Bellevue Hospital Wells, James H., Civil Engineer, '85 384 32 Nassau St. Wendt, Charles, Accountant, 'oo.-- 127 72 W. i2oth St. Wendt, ]o\\xi, Attorney, '96, 'oo- - 127, 439 99 Nassau St. Wessells, Eugene H., Engineer, '00 439 29 W. 91st St. Whitney, Josiah D., Journalist, '98- 327 With N. Y. Post Wiley, Channing P., '85 210 103 W. S4th St. Wilkinson, O. Otis A., Attorney, '90 179, 464 46 Cortlandt St. Willard, Bryant, Attorney, '91 312 132 Nassau St. Niagara Falls Acker, Ottis E., Superintendent, '93 288 Witli .'\cker Process Co. Colby, Francis G., Engineer, '98 — 180 With U. S. Shredded Biscuit Co. Franchot, Richard, Chemist, '96 --_ 405 Loomis, Clarence A., Engineer,\%- 386 72S, 7th St. Walls, John A., Engineer, '99 315 7:0 Main St. Nyack Simpson, Howard H., Publisher, '02 206 Olean Fowler, F. K., Clergyman, '69 132 Ossining Clarke, Courtlandt C, Manujacturer,'"]?! 252 Oswego Shepherd, Frederick B., Manujactiirer, '86 275 95 W. Bridge St. Owego Kingman, Oliver, Student, '03 424 Kingman, Wyatt, Studetit, '05 424 594 RESIDENCE INDEX Pearl River page fKnight, Arthur O., Draftsman, '98- 386 Port Richmond Telfair, John H., '01 '- 440 113 Heberton Ave. Poughkeepsie Pelton, Roger T., Sticdent, '03 440 254 Mill St. Piatt, Isaac, y4//(7r«q- - 179 Batavia Ashburn, John C, Studettt, '04 321 Lockwood, Howard T., '02 321 Thalman, John W., Teacher, '00 — 44 Thalman, Joseph L., Teacher, '00 _- 44 Beaverly Robinson, Louis C, Merchant, '85. _ 178 Bell Garrett, John U., 'g8 33, 455 Belle Center Johnston, Archibald W., Physician, '64 61 Bellefontaine Hoffman, Harry, Student,'o^ 36, 456 Miller, Alexander '\.,Attorney,\\-- 231 S & 9 Empire Block Riddle, William ^ ., Attorney,' cp.. 230 Whitlock, Elias D., Clergyman,'66- 38 Blancaster Smith, Stanley R., Banker, '03 321 Bowerston Penn, Harry W., Merchant, '02 45 Bryan Long, James W., Physician, '93, '97 43, 279 McHenry, Washington L, Merchajit, '83 41 Bucyrus Chesney, John A., Physician, '78 226 Lemert, Wilson C, Fanner, '59 36 McNutt, Grant, Attorney, 'Zz, 42 Cadiz tLong, David M., Physician, '92 230 Caldwell page Frazier, Lewis B., Attorney, '91, '92 43, 230 Cambridge Amos, Frank B., Student, '03 181 Amos, Henry W., Manufacturer, '99 1 80 Amos, William H. E., fournalist, '90 179 Barber, Herbert O., Electrician, 'c)"] 180 Beckett, George A., Manufacturer, '95 43 Hoge, Osmond M., Civil Engineer, '86 318 Mahaffey, George F., '95 43 Canal Dover Jeffrey, Fred J., Teacher, 'gg 321 Canton Kenny, Jeremiah H., Merchant, '84. 178 Nelson, Horatio H., Accountant, '85 274 Walk, George E., Teacher, '99 44 Zoliars, Lewis R., Merchant, '83.-- 177 Cardington Sipe, Gideon M., Attorney, '93 277 Carthage Stubbs, Will L., U. S. Ganger, '93- 32 Celina Yingling, Esteb Cecil, '02 34 Chester tBeckett, John, '■]•] 40 Chicago Junction Nesbit, Edwin C, Railroad Agent, '00 181 Chillicothe Brown, William W.,/(7«r;m//.f/, '92- •^10 46 N. 4th St. -^ J V Herrnstein, Albert E., Student, '03. 280 Offutt, Newton, Farmer, '62 vi 53 W. Main St. Cincinnati Allen, David R., Druggist, '87. -.42, 455 Anderson, William H., Merchant,'']'^ -in 223 Main St. ' "^^ Baker, Albert L., Student, 'o^ 102 837 E. 3d St. -^ ^ Baker, Grear H., Chemist, '01 102 837 E. 3d St. ' ^ Barth, Carl H., '02 302 Clifton. Evans Place 598 RESIDENCE INDEX PAGE Beneker, Jay C, Chemist, 'oi 302 Avondale, The Barclay Blakemore, Louis B., Student, '01 _. 302 Avondale, 3027 Harvey Ave. Bansall, Marshall K., Itisuraiice, '92. 299 17 W. 3d St. Brandenburg, B. Michael, Physician, '98 364 Berkshire Bldg. Brown, Yx?ca\i'6)., Attor7iey, '94 300 1359 Ernst St. IBrowne, Frank G., Editor, '81 88 Burrell, Luther A., Merchant, '74--- 123 With Pomeroy Iron & Steel Co. Caldwell, John A., Jr., Student, '99 301, 406 Glen Parker Ave., Northside Carson, Archibald \., Physician, '87. 299 46 E. McMillan St. Chambers, Fyiie, Attorfiey, '96 300 31S2 McHenry Ave. Childe, John B., Attorney, '85, '87 178, 275 68 Carew Bldg. Clark, Jesse R., Treasurer, '73 39 617 Forest Ave. Clayton, Samuel D.. Physician, '96- 43 Collier, Lester D., Student, '04 302 Avondale, 968 Burton Ave. Cone, J. Henry, Clergyman, '88 229 Conklin St. Coppock, Charles T., Attorney, '90- 299 2307 Park Ave. Crane, Holden I., Student, 'o^ 303 Mt. Auburn, 2S1 McGregor Ave. Creaghead, Thomas J., Engineer, '89 299 802 Plum St. Cross, Frank B., Physician, '94 300 32 Garfield Place De Armond, Albert E., Manufacturer, '95 180 Station C De Armond, Charles F., Accountant, '02 181 Station C Deham, George R., '04 303 With American Tool Co. De Witt, William H., Student, '03- 302 Diehl, Ernest G., Superititende?it, '01 302 Avondale, 3747 Reading Road Diehl, George V., Merchant, '95.300, 405 Avondale, 3747 Reading Road Dodge, William Y ., Merchant, 'Z\- 227 N. Warwick St. Eaton, William G., '93 300 With American Book Co. Emerson, H. Truxtan, '03 302 45 £. McMillan St. PAGE Emerson, Nathaniel, '97 301 45 E. McMillan St. Emerson, William C, Salesmafi, '96 300 317 Walnut St. Evans, Charles, Attorney, '63 37 514 Main St. Ferris, Elmer E., Merchant, '84 — 178 4809 Morse St. Ferris, John Howard, ^//(?r«^j, '76- 177 Probate Court. Freeman, Edwin R., Physiciaji, '87- 299 7th & John Sts. Gordon, Harry L., Attorney, '82 — 89 Avondale, Lenox Place Graydon, Joseph S., '97 301 Clifton Harper, George D., Attorney, '91 -. 299 2139 Gilbert Ave. Hartley, William S., Attorney, '87. 42 19-21 Hammond Bldg. Hayward, Philip, Attorney, '99 301 Walnut Hills, 2620 Alms Place Healy, Herbert, Attorfiey, '80 177 5th & Walnut Sts. fHeyn, Louis G., '99 76 Hitch, BQnr?im.'L., Attorney, '97-33, 331 3d & Walnut Sts. Holterhoff, Ralph, Superintendent, '96 300 Avondale, Norway Ave. Hubbell, John W., Attorney, 'gj--- 301 Avondale, Hyland Place Huntington, Frederick G., Insurance, '93 300 4th St. & Central Ave. Huston, Francis P., '01 302 With American Tool Co. Hutson, George D., Attorney, '93-- 179 Union Trust Bldg. Ireton, Louis A., Attorney, '93.-43, 455 Station M Isham, John G., Jr., Railroading, '96 300 407 Neave Bldg. Johnson, Charles E., Student, '04-- 408 752 Ridgway Ave. Johnson, Clyde P., Attorney, '93 300, 404 Avondale, 752Ridgrway Ave. Johnson, Parke S., Attorney, '98--- 301 With Fay & Egan Co. Kemper, William R., Dentist, '94.- 300 22 W. 7th St. Kuhn, Oscar W., Attorney, '86 298 Avondale, Lenox Place Lynn, Melvin E., Merchant, '74--- I33 Maddux, Martin L., Student , '04-- 303 14 W. 9th St. RESIDENCE INDEX 599 PAGE Magaw, Addison S., 'g7 93 965 E. McMillan St. Magly, George W., '01 280 2624 Eden Ave. Martin, Nevins L., '80 71 Matson, Isaac B., Attorney, '60 456 McAvoy, Malcolm, Attoriity, 'gj--- 301 118 E. 4th St. McCallister, Edger W., Student, '03 302 3621 Columbia Ave. McLean, William C, .4ttortiey, '93. 300 2gio Gilbert .Ave. Meadows, Thomas C, Manufacturer, '93 .... 414 3K68 Clifton Ave. Melish, John H., Clergy )nan, 95 300 Ortiz Bldg. Melish, Thomas G., Manufacturer, '98 30 1 Clifton & Resor .-Aves. Miller, Clifford 'H., Engineer, '87.- . 299 21 San Rafael Bldg. Miller, Roy C, Manager, '84 42 With Union News Co. Morse, Frank K., Attorney, 'ZZ) 178 5016 Eastern Ave. Muehlberg, Edward, Druggist, '84. 2g8 48 E. McMillan St. Murray, Walter Y ., Attorney, '97 301 626 Hawthorne Ave. Newlin, Edgar C, Railroading, '81 - 264 Chamber of Commerce O'Connell, John G., Attorney, '87 299 1325 Grace Ave. Overman, Eugene V., Manufacturer, '82 228 909-23 Sumner St. Par]in,John A., '01, '02 302, 435 326 E. 3d St. Pattison, Edward M. Jr., Sales/nan, '99 301 Grand & Warsaw Aves. Pattison, William F., Attorney, 'gj- 44 126 E. Auburn Ave. Phares, Carl, Student, '05 303 Clifton, 3449 Evans Place Queal, Smith B., Neivspaper Manager, '91 -.43, 455 249 Southern Ave. fRatliff, Joseph, ./:/(:/2> Dayton Beal, Charles N., Physician, '95 33 National Soldiers' Home jBeck, Stanley M., Student, 'gq 33 Brown, Oren B., Attorney, '76--177, 252 Court House 6o2 RESIDENCE INDEX PAGE Bimm, Henry W., Merchant, '79 172 II W. ist St. Bimm, Joseph E., Merchant, '77--- 172 313 ist St. Canby, Harry B., Student, '98, '02 180, 315 51 Belmont Ave. Colby, Alfred M., Student, '05 465 340 \v. ist St. Colby, Henry R., Student, '03 181 340 VV. ist St. Conklin, William ]., Physician, '66- 38 Craighead, Charles A., Attorney, '79 172 217 W. Monument Ave. Craighead, Robert G., '77 172 Dodds, Albert M., '02 34 114 W. 5th St Egan, John E., Attorney, "99 33 Evans, George B., Physician, '75 194 17 S. Wilkinson St. Haas, Frank, '95 320 Hart, Samuel F., Freight Agent, '83 41 60 Hoffman Ave. Hayner, Arthur C, '02 34 44 Stratford Ave. Hayner, George M., Bookkeeper, '02 34 44 Stratford Ave. Hayner, Lewis Lee, Bookkeeper, 'o2- 34 44 Stratford Ave. Howard, John W.., Soldier, '02 34 Huffman, Eugene B., '02 181 35 Linden Ave. Huffman, Torrence, Banker, 'jS 172 119 N. Perry St. Lang, John E., '02 34 26 Ferine St. McCann, Benjamin F., Attorney, '86 178 McCann, Thomas A., '86 178, 464 McCullough, Edwin C, Chemist, '95 198 452 E. 3d St. Miller, Daniel E., Physician, '90 470 i2og N. Main St. tParrott, George, Manufacturer, '67 68 Parrott, Henry E., Far7ner, '60 36 Raymond, Charles U., Manufacturer, '66 146 58 Linden Ave. Reeder, Earl L., '02 34 636 Taylor St. Reynolds, Harrie N,, Manitfacturer, '88 229 239 N. Ludlow St. PAGE Thresher, Alfred A., Electrician, '91 179 Thresher, Brainard B., Merchant, '92 1 79 Tompson, Lewis W., Bookkeeper,' 01 34 44 Stratford Ave. Work, Edgar W., Clergyman, '84-- 228 134 W. 4th St. Delaware fBarnes, William P., Insurance, '84. 42 Campbell, Franklin L., Merchafit, '6c) 39 Danford, Monford E., '02 45 130 N. Franklin St. DeWitt, Burton, Afusician, '00 44 Hyatt, Henry L., Merchant, '80 41 Jacobus, Harry C, fournalist, 'o2-- 45 Leas, DeWitt H., Student, '99- -.44, 455 136 W. Winter St. Lybrand, Archibald, Jr., iMattufacttirer, '63 37 Lybrand, Edwin G., Man ufacturer, '86 42 Lybrand, Robert G., Manufacturer, '64 37 Marriot, John, '01 44 Mason, Edward Y., Teacher, '93--- 456 W. Lincoln Ave. McAllister, Fred A., '02 45 241 N. Washington St. McCabe, Robert L., Attorney, '83-- 41 fMontgomery, J. H., '98 44 Neill, C. Edmund, Itnpersonator, '97 44 Powell, Eugene, '67 38 Sell, Orrie Paul, Studetit, '03 45 271 S. Sandusky St. Sollers, Elmer M., Soldier, '99 44 Taggart, John B., Eftgineer, '85 42 Delphos Brotherton, Burritt J., Attorney,' J'}) 176 Delta Briggs, Ernest F., StuJeftt, '03 191 Longnecker, Benjamin F., Student, '03 408 Dublin Davis, Albert S., Attorney, '87 42 East Cleveland Abbey, Everett L., Teacher, 'Zo 227 32 Grasmere St. RESIDENCE INDEX 603 East Liverpool PAGE McGarry, James F., '02 321 East Toledo Wickenden, William E., Student, '04 181 Starr Ave. Winchester, Mark, '02 181 Edgerton Mortland, Arthur C, Druggist, 'oo- 34 Egypt Collins, Aurelius W., Far?ner, '90-- 179 Elmore Miller, Bert F., Cashier, '<:p 150 Elyria Roe, Mayo E., Student, '04 408 Sheffield, Edwin E., Physician, '87- 178 Sheffield, Henry S., Physician, '87. 178 Thompson, William C, Chemist, '94 410 117 Water St. Emerson tBruen, Charles, /^!Z/7;;^r, '80 242 Franklin Eldridge, Arthur D., Salesma^i, '87- 178 Evans, Morton H., Dentist, '84 228 Fern Bank Tozzer, Brent A., Draughtsman, '99 249 Fredericksburg Compton, Charles R., Clergyman,' %(i 229 Fredericktown Struble, Ralph Y., Banker, '00 181 Fremont Bulla RollandS., '93 -— 331 With Continental Sugar Co. Fowler Sears, Horace W., Banker, '2>?) 42 Gallion tHayes, Herbert R., Accountant, '87 42 Hays, Otho L., Banker, '67 38 Manly, Marcellus, Teacher, '66 38 McGolley, Lloyd P., '00 321 Gambier Shaw, James B., Jr. Teacher, '82 — 245 Gervais Doty, Alfred S., Student, '04 45 Doty, Oliver ¥., Student, '03 45, 321 Glendale page Lackman, Herman W., Student, '04 316 Probasco, Ramsey, Student, '02 302 Goshen Wade, John H., I^hysician, '^2 194 Granville Chamberlin, Willis A., Teacher, '90- 179 Hutson, Fred L.. Teacher, '96 180 Sigma Chi House Sample, Hubert L., '00 181, 465 Sample, John H., Civil Engineer, '72 176 Sample, William D., '02 181 Thompson, James D., Physician, '76 177 Williams, Elmer, Student, '04 181 Great Bend Coe, Oliver P., Banker, 'c 44 Miller, Dwight O., Banker, '94 278 2d & South St. Wilson, Charles D., Student, '04- 34 Greenville Andersen, Robert T., Attorney, '98- 119 Hughes, Thomas J., Attorney, '90-- 42 124 W. 4th St. Jones, Carl D., '96 43, 455 Gustavus Craft, Ernest J., C/erg}>mafi, '88 Hamilton Bartlett, Horace G., '82 Dillon, Samuel P., Clergytnan, '71. 432 N. 2d St, Hart, George W., Drajights?nan, '87 Hume, Henry C, Attorney, '75 Moore, Thomas, Jr., Journalist, ''J'J Richardson, J. Loyal, '01 With Hall, Marvin Safe Co. Rinearson, William C, Jr., '05 Skinner, John C, Student, '05 3d & Buckeye St. Van Derveer, Boynton H., '92 Wilson, Claude D., '01 226 N. 2d St. tWoodward Warren, Chefnist, '03-. 319 211 194 246 40 40 302 316 303 277 34 302 Hanging Rock Irish, Eugene O., Attorney, 'oo 44 6o4 RESIDENCE INDEX Hartwell Friend, John W., Manufacturer, 'jj Stevenson, Frank W., '92 Hicksville Pettit, Edgar M., Druggist, '81--. Higginsport Ellis, Oscar C.^ Merchant, '88 Highland Adams, Peter, Fanner, '93 43, Hillsboro Barrere, Granville, '00 33, Beecher, Lyman, '95 Feibel, Louis A., Attorney, '01 Fullerton, Aylette, Editor, '91 Nelson, Lockhart, Physician, '84-- Hyde Park Warrington, Harry E., Civil Engifieer, '90 Edwards Road Ironton Dunn, Oscar B., Physician, '73 tPage, Robert S., Teacher, '64 Pricer, William E., Physician, 'jj- 27 S. 5th St. Ivorydale Twitchell, Ernst, Chemist, '86 Jackson Burris, Milton D., Student, '03 Morgan, James W., '01 Keene Whittemore, George F., '01 --- Kent Sheridan, Henry H. K., '95 With Seneca Chain Co. Kings Mills King, Harry L., Manufacturer, '97 40 299 42 455 321 320 321 230 228 299 40 37 226 Wilson, J. C, '98 Knoxville •{"Cooper, William H., Student, '98. - jwilliamson, C. V., '98 Lancaster Merritt, William C, Civil Engineer, '84 Lebanon Munger, Charles W., Attorney, '91 - Lena Ellen, Edward 'W., Attorney , '99 344 231 321 313 40 44 44 173 277 320 Lima Brice, Herbert L., Attorney, '85--- Knisely, Alan D., Student, '04, '05 281, Parmenter, Walter C, Printer, '90- 10 Opera House Lisbon Hamilton, John M., Student, '99--- Lodi Harris, Albert, Farmer, '94 Logan Sprague, Arthur L., Miller, '85 London Rice, William H., Teacher, '01 Watson, Algerus C, hisurance, '71 Wilson, Thomas B., Farmer, '65.. Londonville Oswalt, Ralph L., Student, '03 Stitzel, Carl, '02 Lowellville Zug, Ray, Chemist, '96 With Ohio Iron & Steel Co. Manchester Collings, Henry, Attorney, '73 Manore Goddard, Loring H., Farmer, '92 — Mansfield Batman, Levi G., Clergyman, '95-- 158 W. 4th St. Bowers, Harry L., Attorney, '96 3545 N. Park Ave. Burns, Barnabas, Merchant, '83 — Cappeller, Edward B., fournalist, '93 McCray, Thomas Y., Jr., Attorney, '00 Mitchell, Paul O., '95 Oberlin, Thomas W., '96 43, Marengo Shotwell, Abel V., Student, '05 Shotwell, Franklin A., '02 PAGE 229 321 276 212 231 42 44 39 38 45 45 39 470 75 43 41 404 321 43 455 456 321 Marietta Leeper, Charles F., Student, '03--- 321 Marion Holland, Paul A., fournalist, '04 45, 456 Mason McClung, Alfred C, fournalist, '02 45 RESIDENCE INDEX 605 McComb Cooper, Daniel W., Clergyman, '57 --- McConnelsville Crew, Fleming H., Student, '05.-. Mechanicsburg tClark, Jolin W., Merchant, '85 Middletown Dickey, Thomas A., Physician, '72. Wilson, Howard A,, Undertaker, '97 Milan Curtis, George R., Publisher, '80-- Milford Gatch, Samuel S., Teacher, 'qi Minerva Calerdine, Arthur F., Merchant, '95 Morning Sun McMillan, Edward E., Teacher, '96, '00 33, Morrow Harner, Clinton E., Jetueler, '84--- Mt. Gilead Criswell, James C, Banker, '90 Mt. Healthy Hunt, Charles A., Teacher, '96 Mt. Sterling Beale, Ross, Fanner, '93 Clark, Charles H., Farmer, '93--- Martin, J. Spencer., Student, '03-- Mt. Vernon tCrowell, Charles A., Photographer, '88 Napoleon Martin, Franz S., Physician, '87--- Newark Crawford, George C, Merchant, '98 Davis, Charles H., Accountant '99 Dean, Thomas E., Student, '03 Hall, Francis D., Druggist, '84 ... Warden, Frank G., Attorney, '80, '83 177, PAGE ■ 32 - 321 . 229 163 33 41 197 . 278 76 42 42 33 277 43 45 319 318 44 180 181 178 274 New Britain tStidham, Ferdinand D., ': - 319 Newburg Shuman, Jesse J., Manufacturer, '90 New Lexington Kelly, Frank A., Attorney, 'jj Smith, Thomas J., Electrician , '99 New Vienna Polk, Winfred W., "oo .- North Baltimore Clark, Frank P., Pharmacist '77-- North Bend Piatt, John J., Author, '62 37, North Royalton Knox, Albert B., Farmer, '86 Turney, William W., '89 i»8 40 321 321 244 455 178 179 Norwalk Corwin, George W., Attorney, '70 . 176 Norwood Baker, William D., Government Official, '91 299 Orville Brenneman, Samuel M., Banker, '80 273 Oxford Atkinson, Curtis, Physician, '97 — Frost, Harry G., '01 Munns, Charles O., Physician, '84- 131 E. High St. Sullenburger, Grafton W., Student, '00, '03 34 , Turner, Claton H., Student, '04 Turner, Leigh C. '02 Painesville Austin, George S., '99 Pataskala Atkinson, Joseph B., Chemist, '02-- Piqua Allen, Edward H., Attorney, '96--- fRobinson, Edward P., Teacher, '93- Royer, Theodore, Jr., Manufacturer, '81, '83 41, Plain City Price, James W., Banker, '85 Pleasant Hill Teeter, Jason, Student, '99 Whitmer, RoUo R., Merchant, 'oo- 75 34 274 191 34 34 180 231 43 32 274 178 33 34 6o6 RESIDENCE INDEX Pleasant Ridge page •fPerrine, William K., Physician, '64- 61 Plymouth Sykes, Harry R., Student, '04 321 Portland lEffinger, John N., Editor, '82 149 Portsmouth Drew, Roy Irving, '02 34 Kline, Charles F., '00 33 Newman, George O., Attorney, '58- 36 32 W. 2d St. Newman, James W., Journalist, '61 36 McCormick, Alfred F., Attorney, '84 42, 455 Prairie Depot Brandon, Bruce A., Student, '04.45, 321 Preston Starlin, C. E., '02 455 Range Beale, Ross, 7^a/7>'^^r, '93 43 Rattlesnake Beatty, Talcott, Merchant, '76 40 Reading Laurence, Daniel, '94 300 Reiley Dennison, Guy S. '01 34 Richwood Thornhill, William H., Merchant, '00, '01 44, 343, 401 Ripley Shaw, George W., Merchant, '72 .- 39 Rosedale Phellis, Charles, Jr., Farmer, '65 -- 37 Ross Joyce, Darrell, Student, 'o}, 455 Sabina Dakin, William C, Attorney' '98 -- 320 Stover, Melvin H., '98 320 Salem Baillie, William H., Machinist, '99. 212 McNab, Oscar, Accountant, '01 212 140 Garfield Ave. Vaughan, Harold L., Draughtsman, '01 212 361 E. Main St. Salemville Lindsay, John F., '96 320 Sandusky PAGE Howell, Richard L., Clergyman, '79 115 Merz, Charles Y[.,Physiciati, '83 228 Reed, Charles S., Attorney, '86 42 Seyse, Thomas, Clergy /nan, '65 131 Scio Vnct^,^ohe.nT., Clergyman, '61--- 80 Spencerville Henderson, Charles W., Studettt, '05 456 Springiield Foos, Robert H., Manufacturer, '72- 39 Foos, William Y ., Manu/actiirer,'j2, 40 Grant, Edward C, '88 319 Hedges, Harry, 5'a/^j;;m«, '88 319 Houston, John B., Merchant, '85 --. 42 Norton, V trey. Manufacturer, '74-- 40 tSmith, Frederick M..,fo7irnalist,'qc)- 76 Steubenville Johnson, John M., Druggist, '65 61 414 Market St. Fulton, James S., Sticdent, '03 321 Sycamore Spencer, Willett R., Fartner, '93--- 179 Tiffin Bigger, D. Dwight, Clergytnan, '75. 242 155 Jefferson St. Hoke, George M., Attorney, '88 346 izYi S. Washington St. McCauley, John, Attorney, '59 36 145 N. Washington St. Stratton, Harry F., Student, '03 408 121 Monroe St. Van Nuys, Franklin B., Physiciajt, '86 150 Wells, John W., Student, 'o}, 408 83 Madison .\ve. Tippecanoe City Rainey, Frank G., Clerk, '01 333 Troy Gage, Robert B., Student, '03 280 Green, Joseph C, Student, '05 465 Morris, John W., Attortiey, '59 32 Smith, Robert J., Attortiey, '88 230 108 W. Main St. Toledo Ballou, Clififord G., Teacher, '88--.. 42 2105 Warren St. ^ Brockway, Porter Bruce, Physician, '97 44, 377 341, 12th St. RESIDENCE INDEX 607 PAGE Brnugh, Bernard F., Attorney, '93 - 277 303 Gardner Bldg. Brumback, Orville S., Attorney, '76, '77, '79 -.226, 252, 272 Burglehaus, Fred H., Merchant, '94 391 With Woolson Spice Co. Clarke, William C, '84 298 Cone, Thomas D., Attorney, '78 — 272 2246 CoUingwood Ave. ■fElliot, Henry C, Salesinmt, '88 42 Gram, Lewis M., Civil Engineer, '01 280 Witt) American Bridge Co. Lewis, Frank C, '02 181 103 Prescott St. Lewis, Howard, '00 181 103 Prescott St. Loomis, Arthur B., Engineer, '93, '94 292, 405 With Massillion Bridge Co. Snider, Oliver B., Attorney '83 89 218 Gardner Building fShafer, Cassius A., Attor?tey, '84.-- 275 Sedgwick, Albert J., Reporter, '91 _ 247 With Toledo Times Squier, 'Qurton O., Journalist, '83. . 41 Taylor, Thomas A., Miller, '76 177 Wagner, Harry S., Student, '99 180 846 W. Woodrutf Ave. Whitlock, Brand, Attorney, '93- -43, 455 Upper Sandusky Layton, Walter E., Telephone Mgr. , '02 456 Urbana Barnett, John C, '78 242 Eichelberger, George M., Attorney, '64 37 James, John H., Attorney, '93 277 Todd, Pearl C, Bajik Teller, '97--- 231 138 E. Court St. Utica Coad, James E., Batiker, '03 321 Van Wert Brumback, David L., Banker, '83.- 228 Gilliland, Allen B., Physician, '87,- 229 Gilliland, Llewellyn G., Merchant, '90 230 603 S. Washington St. Marble, Guilford L., Attorney, '82, '83 41, 228 706 E. Elm St. Vinton Thomas, Luther B,, Banker, '95 320 Wadsworth page Hunsberger, Charles E., Student, '05 454 Waldo Brundige, John F., Partner, '80 177 Wapakoneta Brotherton, Theodore W., Attorney, '68 - 38 South, Rufus B., Attorney, '96 43 Warren Chadwick, Llewellyn, Electrician, '94 92 201 Elm St. Washington Frame, Rollo S., '01 321 47 Main St. Light, Edwin J., Merchant, '76 40 Longburrow, Floyd, '95 470 ^A/aynesville Dodson, Harry I., Student, '05 463 Henkle, Walter, Teacher, '01 44 \\ellsville Boutillier, George L., Engineer,' qZ- 301 Union Station Leith, Harry H., '02 470 Wesley Armine, William F., '99 44 ^Vest Carrolton Stabler, Alvin K., Clcrgyjnan, '98-- 33 55 Main St. Weston Mudge, William D., Druggist, '81-- 41 ■Williamsburg Williams, Byron, Lecturer, '65 38 Wilmingfton ■fBailey, James M., Clergyman, '01 -- 44 ^Vinter Place Spencer, George W., Insurance, '95 43, 455 Woodfield Morris, Thomas C, Merchant, '87-- 318 ■Wooster Compton, Elias, Clergyman, '81--- 227 Professor in University of Wooster Kinney, William S., Student, '04-- 231 Myers, Joseph H., '91 230 Shelhart John V., Student, '04 231 6o8 RESIDENCE INDEX Wyoming page Ault, Albert W., Merchant, '97 301 Buss, Eugene R., hisurance Agent, '97 30 1 Kinsey, Boyden, '95 300 Kinsey, Charles, '01 302 Xenia fPowell, John F., Attorney, '84 90 Smith, Fred B., Studettt, '03 45 Yellow Springs Cosier, Harry A., Stttdejit, '97 43 Youngstown Gillen, Austin P., Undertaker, '94- 320 314 Arlington St. Hamilton, Frederick B., Draughtsjnan, '89 319 Hersh, Frank, Chemist, '92 126 Kauffmann, Walter L., Manufacturer, '82 100 748 Bryson St. McKelvey, Lucius B., Student, '03. 316 Rogers, J. B., '96 320 Tinney, Gilbert H., '91 470 Todd, David, Mecha7iical Engineer, '96 248 With Brier Hill Coal & Iron Co. Zanesville flsrael, Arthur C, Attorney, '80 227 tjones, Stuart L., Farmer, '84 210 Monypeny, George B., Ma7iufactU7-er ,'W> 319 Smith, Perry, Attorney, '90, '92 42, 277, 455 Southard, Frank H., Attorney, '64. 37 47 N. 4th St. OKLAHOMA Chandler Barker, James C, Clergy?nan, '77.- 88 Kennedy, Elwood H., Banker, '01. 359 Cherokee fShackleford, Ross, '81 1915 Enid Steen, James ^ ., Attorney, 'jj 242 Guthrie Hegler, Benjamin, F., Jr., Student, '04 360 212 N. Broad St. Winton, Roy W., Student, '04 360 Hennesy p/ Church, Frederick H., Manager, '95 _. 9: Long-Bell Lumber Co. Kill Ewart, Lewis R., Banker, '00--332, 47c Newkirk King, Preston R., Merchant, '9I--- 357 Oklahoma City Angleton, John J. L., Attorney, '93. 91 295 Frisco St. Chambers, Thomas G., Attorney, '84 8g Frederickson, George, Merchant, '94 292 617 E. 9th St. Highley, Mont. F., Attorney, '00 364, 449 Kleinschmidt, Rudolph A., Attorney, '00 449 Ponca Hord, Luther J., Druggist, '89, '90 73, 246 Shawnee Bocher, Charles J., Attorney, '85-- 275 Le Bosquet, John E., '00 315 With Le Bosquet Coal Co. Tecumseh Asher, William R., Attorney, '83.- 73 OREGON Ashland tMitchell, John A., Attorney, '86 307 Norris, John R., Merchant, '86 324 Forest Grove Lyman, RoUo L., Teacher, '99 327] Instructor in Pacific University Macrum, John W., Civil Engineer, '96 41? Hood River tPatton, John C, Merchant, '82 173; McMinnville Brumback, Arthur M., Attorney, '92 179, 465 Marshfield Flanagan, JohnW., Merchant, '01 - 382 Mill City Danforth, Robert S., Bookkeeper, '98 279 RESIDENCE INDEX 609 Oregon City PAGE Gajlord, William S., ^«^/«^^r, '82. 196 Moores, Charles B., Attorney, '70- 146 Portland Bach, Waldo B., Lumber Inspector, '01 280 533 Morrison St. Bell, Thomas C, Teacher, '57- -32, 455 Holbrook, Merritt, Manufacturer, '87 307 1166 Thurman St. "f Jamison, Oliver P., Attorney, '82.- 245 Linebaugh, C. White, Railroad Mail Clerk, '99 44 290 E. qth St. Macrum, Newell, Clerk, '97 418 22 Hamilton Bldg. tWallace, William M., '89 150, 462 Captain U. S. Army, nth Infantry. fWatts, J. Frederick, Physician, '84 275 Wright, Williamson S., Clera^yinan, '60 60 1635 E. 13th St. Salem Denton, John, Attorney, '67 146 Weston Stiles, Martin, Physician, '80 88 PENNSYLVANIA Adamstown Cooper, Charles D., Student, '04 174 Allegheny Hinkley, Harry P., Salesman, '98-- 326 With Armour & Co. Hutson, John S., Clergymati, '66 131 1006 Kirkpatrick Ave. Kintner, Samuel M., Teacher, '94-- 247 Professor in .Allegheny College SprouU, John W., Clergyman, '58-- 60 122 E. North .\ve. Sproull, William H., Student, '03-- 302 122 E. North Ave. Allentown Gernerd, Frederick B., Attortiey, '01 212 Retter, Ray J. G., Student, '05 464 2; N. i3ih St. Saeger, Thomas W., Miller, '66 ..- 122 Altoona Brown, Elbert V., Clergyman, '00 103, 459 Hamilton, Taber, '00 249 Loudon, Edward W„ Physician, '96, '01 ---127, 258 Loudon, Calvin B., '02 128 Mackey, Willis E., Attorney, 'gG-'gj 102, 411 7 Christy Bldg. Mateer, Elwood G., '02 174 2007 Broad .Ave. tMcCullough, Charles H., Banker, 'ds^ 61 McNeil, Edgar M., Draug/ttsmafi, '96 411 Mervine, Nicholas P., Attortiey, '73 133 tReading, Robert K., '87 336 Ambler Anderson, Arthur B., Merchaiit, '00 386 Arendtsville Lady, David V)., Clergyman, '69 123 Ashland Marshall, Harry S., Teacher, '99 411 Price, Joseph W., J/.?;r.^a«/, '82-.- 135 Ashley Cassedy, George, Student, '03 . Atglen Phillips, Thomas J., Farmer, '67--- Witwer, Albert M., Clergyman, 'oo- 386 131 103 Audenried Bullock, Edward L., Mine Operator, '67 156 Bangor Miller, Milton V., Merchant, '95--- 127 Beaver fCunningham, O. S., Physician, '65 . 61 Gunnell, Harry, '00 423 With P. & L. E. R. R. Beaver Falls Barnes, Albert, Merchant, '74 194 1515, 6th Ave. ■fBrown, Augustus F. A., '81 273 Johnston, William P., Teacher, '58- 60 McFarland A. J., Clergyman, '58 -- 32 Bellefonte Dorworth, William R. J., Student, '04 _-. 412 Gordon, Isaac "ii.. Engineer, '77 256 With Standard Oil Co. Keichline, John M., Medical Missiotiary, '99 411 Rogers, James C, '01 — 412 6io RESIDENCE INDEX Bellevue page Foller, Charles S., Mechanical Engiiieer, 'oo 423 With Pittsburg Locomotive Works Newburn, John K., Broker, '95 410 Wood, Charles L., '96 320 63 Sheridan Ave. Berwick Sturdevant, Payne P., Draughtsman, '94 410 With American Car & Foundry Co. Bethlehem Brodhead, John A., Student, '03 — 386 Keck, Marcus A., Student, '03 387 13 N. Main St. Kelly, Thomas F., Student, '04 387 Laramy, Robert E., histructor, '96- 385 Lipps, Emory ]., Manufacturer, '80 187 ■fMcLean, James L., '73 158 Myers, William B., Banker, '82- 173, 468 Birdsboro Cottrell, Joseph F., Studetit, '05 387 Birmingham fCarter, Samuel P., Jr., Che?nist, '84- 173 Bloomsburg Little, Harry J., Student, '04 138 Melick, Pulaski, Banker, '67 97 Braddock Bonner, George H., Teacher, '01 103, 459 Lowe, Titus, Clergyman, '00 44 Stewart, Henry M., Chemist, '96 411 With Carnegie Steel Co. Bradford Wagner, Fred W., '97 137 74 Jackson Ave. Brockwayville Sapp, Frank W., Student, '04 45 Brookville Gray, James A., '94-'95 102, 410 Irvin, Blake, ^//d?r«<;', '96 102 Means, George W., Attorney, '75 .. 133 Bryn Mawr Maxwell, William A., Jr., Clerk, 'o2-'o3 174, 412 Carbondale Abbott, Louis B., Teacher, '00 386 Van Bergen, Newell, Student, '03-- 386 Carlisle PAGE Dakin, Charles S., Attorney, '92 126 Diven, Samuel L., Physician , '78, '84 99, 2 56 153 N. Hanover St. Groome, John C, Druggist, '83, '94 100, 460 Hays, George M., Attorney, '93 loi Hays, Raphael S., Clerk, '94 102 N. Hanover St. Hepburn, Hope, '66 97 Humer, Frederick W., Student, '04 103 131 N. Hanover St. Keller, George D., Chemist, '74 99 Kremer, James B., Jr., Insurance, '97 102 Landis, Merkel, Attorney, '96 102 Line, James H., Attorney, '98 460 Wolf, John B., Merchant, '93 126 Carnegie Fickes, Walter M., Matiufacturer, '00 321 Wycoff, Cornelius W., Clergyman, '62 80 Catasauqua Davies, George, '98 386 Catawissa G:\\\t,,]^v!\^% K,, Attorney, '97 137 Centre Valley fBrunner, Preston M., '67 156 Chadd's Ford Noblett, William H., Student, '02.- 258 Chambersburg Gehr, Garnet, Attorney, '91 126 Gehr, Daniel O., Attor7iey, '87 125 Gilbert, Ross K., Student, '05 461 Leisenring, Frank S., Soldier, '97-- 127 Leisenring, William G., '01 128 Riddle, David H., Clerk, '99 103 Suesserott, Charles A., Attorney, '74 124 Chatham ■fGiddings, Nathaniel C, Physician, '66 131 Chester Bliss, Ward R., .4 //^r«nan, '67 131, 461 Muncy Rogers, Frank S., Clerk, '97 137 Rogers, George C, Student, '01 137 New Alexandria Johnston, James R., Fanner, '59 32 New Bloomfield Mclntyre, Benjamin P.. Attorney '63 97 Willard, Samuel S., Teacher, '76 124 New Castle Hazen, Aaron Lyle, Attorney, '61. 35 Pittsburgh St. 60 New Cumberland Coover, Frank E., Banker, '97 102 New Holland Diller, Roland, Mining Engineer, '00 412 New Kensington Smith, Homer B., Banker, '98 137 Withers, Robert E., Manufacturer, '85 368 Newport Eby, Charles M., Cadet, '96 410 Sheater, Edward G., Bookkeeper,' (^6 411 Newton Hamilton Kinsloe, William D., Physician, '95 136 Newville Gracey, Robert, Jr., Teacher, '71 -63, 457 New NVilmington Ferguson, Robert G., Clergyi/ian,'62 61 President Westminster College Norristown tDavis, John S., Merchant, 'yg 124 Ryder, Charles E., Student, '05 387 922 W. Egypt St. Scatchard, Henry F., Manufacturer, '98 137 Scatchard Manufacturing Co. Stabler, Eugene A., Merchant, '8q 125 North Mehoopany PAGE Phillips, Thomas E., Clergyman, 'db 131 Northumberland Van Alen, Gilbert R., Manufacturer, '68 157 Norwood Martin, Percival, '02 412 Oil City Cornelius, Samuel A., Clergyman, '82 228 OHphant, Fidelio H., '68 156 Oley Herbst, George E., Physician, '75-- 124 Orwigsburg Follmer, Charles E., Mamifacturer, '92 136 Osceola Mills Good, George M. H., Miniiig Engineer, '84 --- 228 Mehaffey, David R., Railroad Official, '85 257 Overbrook Cresswell, Matthew Jr., '76 256 Parryville Hall, Harry R., Manufacturer, '85- 319 Parkesburg Wiseman, Edward B., '88 384 With Pa. R. R. Philadelphia Abbey, William B., Attorney, '76 -- 256 253 Chestnut St. Allison, William C. Jr., Attorney, '92 loi, 459 2043 Spruce St. Armstrong, Ogden, Merchant, '78-- 256 226 S. 4th St. Arrison, William E., Journalist, '98, '99 258, 386 1723 Arch St. Bailey, Orville E. B., Salesjnan, '96, 'oo--__ 137, 258 Bannard, Charles H., Attorney, 'TJ - 172 325 Chestnut St. Banta, Clarence La Rue, Student, '99 199, 466 17th & South St. Barker, Robert H., Attorney, '98--- 102 20th & Venang Sts. Barringer, Daniel M., Geologist,' "jf^- 252 460 Bullett Bldg. Bikle, Henrv Wolfe, Attorney, '97 - 127 Drexel Bldg". 6i6 RESIDENCE INDEX PAGE Blackburn, Clifford, '74 I33 fBlyler, Milton, '76 159 Boyle, Samuel A., Attorney, '98 257 West End Trust Bldg. Bromley, B. Gordon, Attorney, 'jj - 256 Drexel Bldg. Broomall, Robert S., Merchant, '69- 98 3300 Woodland Ave. Buzby, Duncan L., Attorney, '76 256 627 Walnut St. Chestnut, John H. W. Jr., '02 412 I7S7 Frankford Ave. Colfelt, Lawrence M., Clergyman, '69 62 1538 N. Broad St. tColton, Orin B., '70 157 Cortright, William A., '75 171 25 S. Front St. Cressey, Kendall "Q., Journalist, '95- 180 With Philadelphia Record Damuth, Warren K., Clergyman, '92 126 1635 Locust St. Davis, Reginald S., Attorney, '98 ._ 143 Denney, David C, Attorney, '69 98 Denney, George ^ ., Attorney, '69-- 98 Donovan, William M., '82 100 308 Richmond St. Edmonds, George 'L.,Journalist!c)i\,- 143 Eldridge, Eli H., Salesmati, '83 135 1838 Mt. Vernon St. Eynon, David L., Consulting Engineer, '01 412 1119 Shackamaxson St. Field, Thomas R., '93 loi, 459 With Young, Smith, Field & Co. Field, Richard L, Architect, '89 --- loi 1414 S. Penn. Square Fisher, Thomas, Mine Operator,'Z%- 174 305 Betz Bldg. tFoulks, O. D., '71 98 Fowler, Henry B., Civil Engifteer, '65, '73 — 131, 158 436 Walnut St. tFrank, George S., '66 156 Frick, Raymond Ox., Student, '04 412 4508 Springfield Ave. Gelder, Tolman T., Publisher, '90- _ 276 241 American St. Gibbon, Clifton D., Manufacturer, '64 1 30 525 Cherry St. Goodman, George W., Traveling Salesman, '71 132 With Hood, Fulkrod & Co. Goodman, John S., Student, '04 138, 259, 462 P.^GE Graham, Warren C, Student, '03 __ 259 324 S. 15th St. Halfpenny, John, Merchant, '85 135 200 Girard Bldg. Hartzell, Milton B., Physician, '74 _ 124 3644 Chestnut St. Heilner, Samuel, Merchant, 'yj 256 314 Walnut St. Hendricks, Charles F., Clergyman, '89 loi 2630 N. i2th St. • Hepburn, William H. Jr. Sticdent, '03 259 1728 Pine St. Hersh, McClellan, Accowitant, '74 - 124 jHervie, H. L., '66 156 Hillegass, Dewitt C, Insurance, '75- 124 3323 N. Broad St. Hirst, James R., Clerk, '75 159 575 Broad St. Hornberger, Henry L., Reporter^(^1 . 268 1423 Walnut St. Hubbard, William H., Manufacturer, '88 384 1026-8 Filbert St. Hunt, Jacob, '70 132 51 N. loth St. Huston, Joseph lA., Attorney, '01 — 258 1641 Diamond St. tjante, Peter N., '68 157 Johnson, Emory R., Teacher, '88 350 Professor in University of Pennsylvania Jordon, William Jr., '02 258 1642 S. Broad St. Kremer, Charles E., Manufacturer, '94 410 nth & Race Sts. Law, Carl C, '85 135 With Merchant Trust Co. Leas, David P., Merchattt, '63 130 400 S. 40th St. Lewis, Thomas L., Clergyman, '80 - 134 3060 E. Thompson St. Lister, Charles C. Jr., '01 258 180S Arch St. tLittle, Hugh T., Broker, '83 41 Lowrey, D wight M., Attorney, '72)-- 4° 907 Betz Bldg. ILuff, Henry L., Civil Engineer, '73 158 Magee, Frank H., Attorney, '76 .-- 256 251 S. 4th St. McCurdy, Stephen O. B., Clergyman, '68 62 1929 Chestnut St. McDonald, Alexander V., '00 353 McGeary, Joseph, '02 258 McLaughlin, Grant B., Civil Engineer, '02 407 1315 Marlborough St. RESIDENCE INDEX 617 PAGE Mendenhall, Harlan G., Clers^yniati, '74 171 3407 Chestnut St. Minnich, Michael R., Clergyjuan, '70 123 1021 Market St. Mitchell, Wilson, Merchant, '71 158 310 N. 4th St. Montgomery, Edward E., Physician, '71 176 1818 Arch St. Morse, Horace B., Drus^gist, '80 — 195 17th & South Sts. Morse, Frank, Merchant, '81 195 30th & York Sts. Mullin, Alfred F., Manufacturer, '59 96, 459 823 Bain bridge St. Nirdlinger, Max, Man ufactu rer, '68 122 4418 Pine St. fOhmer, George E., Physician, '87-- 211 Opdyke, Stacy B., Civil E7igineer, '70 157 With Cort Construction Co. Overman, Leslie L., Clerg-ytJian, '79 227 1318 S. Broad St. Owen, John J., Physician, '76 177 411 Fine St. Palen, William D., Engineer, '89 -- 337 40 E. Washington Lane Parker, Clifford, Salestnan, '00 258 N. nth St. Parker, Joseph B., Physician, '60 -- 96 With U. S. N. Hospital Pettit, William L., Jr., '97 386 With United Telephone Co. Phillips, Thomas H., Manufacturer, '69 157 40 N. 7th St. Rader, Arch F., Engineer, '96 444 4005 Chestnut St. Radford, G. R., '81 173 Reichner, George G., Chemist, '03 . 259 3455 Walnut St. Reynolds, Edward L., Electrical Engineer, '97 30 1 tRichmond, William D., '94 198 Riebenack, William B., Draughtstnan, '02-- 259 34th & Povvelton Ave. Risley, J. Norman, Physician, '99-- 258 1831 Chestnut St. tRitner, John B., Clergyman, '67 131 tSchaeffer, Isaac P., Artist, '73 171 24 N. loth St. tScheide, William T., '68 157 Shalkop, Amos R., '78 134 4660 Ridge Ave. PAGE Shaplev, Rufus E., Attorney, '60 — 96 Land Title Bld^'. Scott, George E., Mine Operator, '76 171 26 S. isth St. tSeitz, Earl M., Civil Engineer, 'jj - 256 Shillingford, Henry T., Merchant, '67 156 1118 Wallace St. tSmith, A. H., Jr., '72 158 Smith, Edward I., Banker, '78 256 1613 Spruce St. Smyth, Arthur M., '89 384 Germantown. 411 High St. Spratt, Orlando W., '61 130 1122 Chestnut St. tSproat, William D., '75 159 Stewart, William S., Physician, '60- 60 1801 Arch St. Stuart, Francis G., Banker, '78 256 i33g Pine St. Taylor, John J., Physician, '75^ 87 3709 Brown St. Thompson, Charles T., Draughtsman, 'j6 159 2116 Spruce St. Thropp, Joseph E., Civil Em^ineer, '68 157 1317 Filbert St." Toerring, Christian J., '92 292, 469 1035 Ridge Ave. Townsend, Henry T., Mamefacturer, '70 157 610 Harrison Bldg. Van Dyke, James C, Merchant, '72, '74 133, 158 1731 Filbert St. Van Lennep, William B., Physiciaft, '76 252 1421 N. Spruce St. Wahl, William H., Techfiologist,'6'j . 97 Walker, Jacob G., Clergyman, '62-- 130 649 N. 40th St. Welch, James A., Attorney, '85 166 White, Robert W., Pharmacist, '84- 100 2138 E. York St. Wilkinson, Arthur C, Advertising, '94 352, 470 1336 Cherry St. Willis, Albert P., Teacher, '90 404 1338 Pine St. fWillis, Samuel C, Accountant, '96 . 268 With Swift & Co. Wilson, Porter M., Mechanical Engitieer, '73 133 1914 N. 30th St. Wolf, Robbin B., Law Student, '97. 127 386 Lippincott St. 6iS RESIDENCE INDEX PAGE Wood, William S., Merchant, '99 167, 464 Woodall, Harry R., '89 384 630 Wood St. Woodward, Arthur V., Attorney, '99 258 Girard Bldg. Wright, Thomas W., '01 386 Frankford Ziegler, S. Lewis, P/iysiciati, '80, '85 134, 257, 461 1700 Walnut St. Zug, Charles K., Attorney, '80 99 813 Chestnut St. Philipsburg Montgomery, William S., Electricia?!, '97 411 Pine Grove fStees, George E., '76 159 Bond, Franklin F., Clergyman, '83- loo Pittsburg Ache, Paul S., Student, '03 440 Corner N. Highland & Jackson Sts. Aikman, Hal N., Chnl Engineer, '97 358 With Keystone Bridge Works Allen, Edwin M., Mechanical Eftgmeer, '96 248 802 Bank for Savings Anderson, George K., Editor, '90 -- 384 With Pittsburg Times Bennett, Robert L., Studeftt, '05 _-_ 412 3227, 5th Ave. Boas, David K., Insurance, '71 98 526 Winebiddle Ave. Bope, Harold S., Student, '04 408 429 Rebecca St. tBreen, Howard, Civil Engineer, '82 298 Brocklebank, Frank R., Journalist, '84 228 5147 Woodvvorth St. Brotherline, Eric G., A ccountant, '96 102 530 Neville St. Burke, James F., Attorney, '92- 277 Crozier, Edward G-, Mechanical Engineer, '96 248 Corner Duquesne Way & 5th St. Donnan, Ingham W., Physician, '66 62 1013 Carson St. Duff, William G., Attorney, '63 61 533 Liberty St. Ferguson, Hugh M., Student, '03.-- 407 5154 Cypress St. Foster, Curtis S., Physician, '98 257 Gilchrist, Alexander, Clergyman, 79 227, 242 522 Graham St. PAGE Gillespie, Charles H., Reporter, '93 126 With Pittsburg Leader Harbison, Samuel P., Manufacturer, '63 61 Hay, Albert B., Attorney, '63 61 424, 5th Ave. Henry B., '72 468 Holmes, John G., Banker, '67 97 314 Wood St. Hughes, Willet P., Physician, '92-- 230 5500 Center Ave. Jennings, John G., Merchant, '84--- 173 5426, 5th Ave. Jones, Augustus L., Chemist, '97 397 321 Lehigh Ave. Kebler, Eliot, A., Broker, '83 298 Second National Bank Bldg. Kent, Joseph C, Clerk, '99 167 With American Tin Plate Co. Keyser, Matthew B., Engineer, '96 406 275 Main St. King, Willis L., Mafiufacturer, '71 - 63 Corner 3d & Try St. Knapp, Charles R., Engineer, '94-- 313 51 Water St. Lee, John M., Student, '03 408 921 Summerlea St. Llewellyn, Lee, Civil Engineer, '99- 445 51-52 Water St. Marland, Ernest W., Attorney, '93. 277 426 Diamond St. McEwan, William L., Clergytnan, '82 265 836 S. Negby Ave. McGa£fey, Mark W., Alechafiical Engineer, '98 249 With C. West Co. McRae, Henry C, Stude7it, '03 328 5525 Center Ave. Miller, John Y., Merchant, '2>\ 227 820 Penn. Ave. Miller, Mortimer C, Attorney, '80-- 273 110 Diamond St. Miller, Florence Clifton, Attorney, '81 273 93 Diamond St. f Nelson, Ben Boyd, Attorney, '92--- 230 Overfield, Peter D., Attorney, '01-- 258 927 Carnegie Bldg. Parker, Thomas S., Attorney, '60-- 96 413, 4th Ave. Pew, John H., Student, '03 316 715 N. Highland Ave. Prestley John L., Attorney, '91 230 Rhoads, Alfred M., '65 97 Seventh Avenue Hotel Rohland, Albert C, Attorney, '96-- 137 232, 5th Ave. I. RESIDENCE INDEX 619 Sahm, Theophilus H. T., Physician, '66 122 Scott, James M., Student, '04 316 Stanton St. Scott, John R., Attorney, '8g 126 With White, Childs & Scott Scully, William W., Railroad Official, '83 173 305 Park Bldg. Shaw, George E., Attorney, '83 274 Carnegie Bldg. Shaw, William C, Physician, '6g-- 62 1009 Wylie Ave. Shedden, Albert J., '7g 134 With Spang, Chalfant & Co. Shoemaker, John Q., Attorney, '77-- 172 Smith, William C, il^/i?r(:^a«/, 'g6-- 411 ■fSlater, George R., '63 61 SprouU, William H., Student, '03 181, 465 921 Bellefonte Ave., East End Squire, William H., 'g7 406 Steele, William h., Architect, 'q6-- 2g3 63S6 Marchand St. Stevenson, James B., Grocer, '82 — 135 108 Dithridge St. Stoneroad, Joel T. M., Coal Operator, '87 22g With Carnegie Coal Co. Strawbridge, Ralph M., Attorney, '85 135 Swaney, Homer H., Attorney, '7g-- 242 152, 5th Ave. Tea, George W., Druggist, '76 gg 3400 Penn. .Ave. Ward, Edward H., Jr., '02 213 5525 Kentucicy Ave. tWilcox, John F., Mechanical Engineer, '6g 157 McGuffie, John, Attorney, '02 103 123 Nice St. Thompson. William E., '01 137 Stark, S. Judson, Merchant, '73 g8 211 Wyoming Ave. Plainfield Van Deventir, Augustin, '72 468 Plymouth Ashley, Charles L., Physician, '00.. 258 Millard, William A., Attorney, '8g- loi 121 E. Main St. Renshaw, W. 'E., Merchant, '85 135 Port Carbon Maize, Harry L., '01 137 Port Royal PAGE Campbell, Arthur L., Steel Inspector, '01 412 Pottstown Trego, Cyrus, Physician, '75 133 Singer, J. J., '02 25g Pottsville Rilej, Samuel M., E?igineer, '74--- 171 nog Mahantonga St. Punxsutawney Blaisdell, Walter S., Physician, '87. 275 Ramey Ramey, Samuel S. B., Merchant,'Si- 125 Reading Bertolette, J. D., Merchant, 'g4-i02. 45g 431 Penn St. Frankhauser, Aitken R, S., Studefit, '03 103 230 S. 6th St. Goodman, Daniel R., Bookkeeper, 'g7 411 Springmont Jacobs, J. Howard, Student, '05 460 Kendall, Yi.'Y., Real Estate, '(f] 156 Merritt, Thomas P., Merchant, '67- 131 Muhlenberg, Frederick H., Draiightsman, '86, '88 1 73, 311 225 Douglas St. Muhlenberg, Nicholas H., Chemist, '82 173 Muhlenberg, Charles H., Architect, 'gi 312 413 Oley St. Rhoads, J. Newton, '7g gg 408 Woodward St. Roland, Horace, Attorney, '70 170 530 Washington St. Rothermel, Wilson L., Attorney, '00 103, 45g 531 Court St. Sassaman, Edwin, .Attorney, 'S;^ 100 608 Court St. Townsend, Robert A., Teacher,'(i\- 130 38 N. 10th St. Yocum, Frank, Student, '05 387, 365 619 N. 5th St. Ridge%vay Hyde, George H., Miller, '01 137 Ward, Frank W., Surveyor, '01 137 Ridley Park McMasters, David M.. Physician, '70 63 620 RESIDENCE INDEX Rochester page Shallenberger, Horace M., Physician, '73 133 Roxborough Knowlton, Alfred C, Clergyman, '74 133 Saxton Sweet, Cloyd E., Student, '05 387 Sweet, James H., Stitdent, '05--387, 464 Sayre Winlack, H. SXanl&y, Attorney, 'oo- Schuylkill Diebert, John T., Merchant, '79--- Scottdale Leitzell, Harry A., Student, '04 Baylor, William W., Attorney, '8^ Room 32 Library Bldg. Connell, Ezra W.., Attorney, \%--- Connell Bldg. Connell, Theodore E., Ma7iufacturer, '99 Connell Bldg. tFreas, Albert O., Physician, '8g .. Freas, Harry Lee, '98 311 Madison Ave. McAvoy, George L., Dentist, '97. Connell Bfdg. Phillips, George L., Student, '03.. 205 S. Main Ave. Rittenhouse, James H. Civil Engineer, '72 1610 N. Washington Ave. Squier, Benjamin F., Journalist, '87 Wentz, C. Perry, Merchant, '01 -- 460 124 412 346 257 258 136 137 257 387 170 135 258 Sewickley Nevin, William Q., Jotirnalist, '97-- 102 Ryon, Lewis H., Attorney, '96 137 725 E. Dewart St. Shipman, Jesse O., Civil Engineer, '89 136 Shenandoah Schmidt, William F., Student, '01 -- 174 Shippensburg Bashore, Emanuel G., Student, '05. 412 Stine, John C, Studettt, '05 128 Swartz, Morris E., Clergyman, '89-- loi Shrewsbury PAGE Gerry, Carroll H., Physician, '97, '01 102, 258 Gerry, Elbridge H., Physician, '61 . - 96 Gerry, James, Physician, '63 97 Slatington Morgan, John A., Student, '01 174 Roberts, Allan, Teacher, '99 174 Instructor in Lafayette College South Bethlehem Miller, Edward W., Teacher, '96 385 524 Pawnee St. Smith, S. W., Clergytnan, 'jy 99 Speers Jackman, Simeon T., Farmer, '63.- 80 Spring Forge Glatfelter, William L., Mamifacturer, '86 125 State College Buckhout, Nathan W., C^^7;/Z5/, '99- 411 Dunkle, Herbert E., Teacher, '93 — 410 Pond, Francis J., Teacher, '92 410 Steelton Ayer, Frederic Y.., Inspector, '00 174 17 N. 4th St. Stewardstown Grove, Elmer T., Student, '03 103 Stillpond tTurner, Joseph, '71 158 Stillwater McHenry, Orvin D., Merchant, '82- 173 Stroudsburg tGroff, George L., '70 132 Sunbury Campbell, Charles F., Physician, '90 136 Campbell, George N., Student, '02. 412 Fillebrown, Andrew R., Eftgitieer, '83 173 With Pa. R. R. Gearhart, Heber G., ^//^o Vanderbilt University Dunbar, Charles G., Student, '04 Eastland .Ave. Dunbar, James E., Student, '05 Eastland Ave. Duncan, Elbridge Y.., Banker, '91 -. 211 Union St. Duncan, William M., Jr., '00 Evi^ing, 'R.ohtn, Attorney, '68 421 N. Vine St. Fite, Leonard B., Merchant, '76 Frayser, George A., Attorney, '99-- Gaines, Ambrose P., '91 119 N. Spruce St. Hardison, Humphrey, Merchant, '98 205 Peabody St. Hardison, William T., Jr. Student, '04 205 Peabody St. Hillman, Daniel, '86 Johnson, Charles H., Commercial Traveler, '99 416 298 416 416 312 415 162 223 119 312 41"^ 416 42 415 Jones, Clarence W., Advertising, '97 415 With Nashville Banner Marshall, George G., Attorney, 'oi.- 416 Patterson, Robert C, Student, '04-- 416 44 Carroll St. Pillow, Ernest, Attortiey, '74 222 Rhea, William D., Civil Engineer, '95 414 1200 Belmont Ave. tRogers, Lewis L., '59 84 tThornton, Edwin L., '84 218 Weaver, Dempsey, 7?^a/^5/a^^, '95. 167 211 N. Cherry St. Weaver, Thomas S.,Atto?'ney, '70-- 163 tYerger,OrvilleM., Jr., ^//(^rw^y, '74- 202 Petersburg Watson, Gustavus A., '75 223 Pulaski Booth, William M., Physician, '02.- 415 Buford, Albert, Jr., '73 222 fLindsey, Thomas F., '75 51 Rockwood Whitman, Rowland, Merchant, '68 •157. 463 Salsburg fClark, Luther W., '74-- 222 Savannah Stowe, John J., Clergymaji, '94 414 Sequatchie College Finley, Walter H., Minitig Etigitteer,'gc) 411 Smithville Kelly, Thomas B., Teacher, '75 223 Smyrna Jarratt, Houston D., Me?rhant, '02. 416 Springfield Peck, Robert L., Attorney, 'g2 166 Tracy City Miller, Hugh H., A/ining Engineer, '98 415 TuUahoma Raht, Frederick A., Mill Otaner.'SG. 336 Raht, Julius D., Manufacturer, '79, '81 165, 209 Union City Posey, John F., Bookkeeper, '87 54 Posey, Joseph A., '94 55 RESIDENCE INDEX 625 Winchester page tHall, James H. B., Clergyman, '78 - 223 Slaughter, Ben G., Jr., Student, '03- 416 TEXAS Abilene Roberts, Charles Jr., '81 52, 457 Albany Burns, Carl T., Ranchman, '96 180 Austin Allen, Wilbur P., Attorney, 'o\ 364 Butler, John F., '99 320 Box 687 tDurst, James W., '78 209 Easton, Evan S., '98 364 Eckhardt, \^ictor C, Student, '04--- 365 Johnson, Alex. C, Clerk, 'gz^ 363 King, Rufus W., Physician, '99 364 Rector, James B., Attorney, '95 363 First National Bank Bldg. Reed, Albert G., Teacher, '95 414 University of Texas Richardson, Julien K., Attorney, 'o2- 365 Richardson, William H., Jr., Merchant, '94 363 Southall, Thompson B., Clergy man,' <:)i\, 205 Beaumont Averill, Barr C, Student, 'o::^ 316 Greeves, Walter B., Student, '04 316 Leovv, Frank A., Railroading, '89- 370 ii6S'HebertSt. Belton Saunders,William K., Attorney, '81 . 195 Benjamin Burnett, Roy B., Cattleman, '04 365 Big Springs Smith, Branch, Attorney, '96 363 Brenham McFarland, Bates, '74 222 Searcy, William W., '76 223 Bridgeport Leonard, Edward G., Merchant, 'yy. 51 Brownsville Combe, Frederick J., Physician, '89- 370 Brownwood Low, Arthur, Merchant, '75 223 Bryan Howell, Robert W., Merchant, '96. Law, Francis M., Accountant, '98-. Reed, Stephen E., '98 Canadian Cheek, Spurgeon, Physician, '96--- Carrizo Springs ■fMelton, Allen K., Rattchmati, '69--- Childress Howard, William E., Physician, 'gy. Chireno Matthews, John E., Teacher, '75 .-. Cherokee Paxton, E. Frank, Fanner, '80 Cleburne Clayton, Benjamin F., '82 Poindexter, William, Attorney, '75. Comanche Harris, Richard C, Attorney, 'oo-.. Corpus Christi Scott, Gus. R., Attorney, '76 Crafton Ferryman, Erastus S., Ranchman, '76 — PAGE 363 364 206 268 68 363 223 165 53 223 364 51 216 Cross Cut Cleveland, Lander, Ranchjnan, '78- 209 Dallas Ardrey, Herbert D., Attorney, '01 __ 364 Camp, A\gx, Attorney, '01 365 Chase, Frank C, Salesma7t, '98 152 S52 Worth St. Clopton, Atwell J., '88 362 Crane, Edward, Student, '04 365 149 State St. Downs, James T., Attorney, '69 50 tDruley, Richard S., Teacher, '61 84 Dye, Marion L., Attor7iey, '74 51 Elliott, James T., Merchant, '03 365 193 Hawkins St. Lawther, Harry P., Attorney, '77/83 116, 164 Lawther, William J., Merchant, '00. 364 McCormick, Thaddeus B., Attortiey, '94, '96 268, 466 155, loth St. Plowman, Marcus M., Attorney, '00. 453 239 Main St. Prather, Hugh E., Cattleman, '99 -- 364 567 Gaston Ave. 626 RESIDENCE INDEX PAGE Robertson, George A., Attorney, 'oo. 364 Slaughter, E. Dick, Cattleman, '95 - 363 247 Main St. Stone, Marion M., Druggist, '82 262 Eagle Pass Hume, Lea, Medical Officer, '98 364 Lyman, William L., Pharmacist,'%c). 357 El Paso Edwards, Peyton F., Attorney, '69-- 113 Levy, Edward 'E., Merchant, 'g2 74 With El Paso Grocery Co. McGown, William C.,^//t>r;/^jl/, '98- 362 Smith, DeWitt, '86 291 Townsend, Wilber, Dentist, '94, '96 278, 391 2 Bronson Blk. Fort Worth Bomar, David T., Attorney, '80 223 Buck, Raymond H., Attorney, '90-- 362 Cooper, James L., Physician,'Z2-ii6, 210 fEarl, Lucian, '74 222 French, James V., '84 204 French, Junius B., Clergyman, '79., 209 405 Henderson St. Webb, Brittain R., Attorney, '76 51 Williams, Walter E., Attorney, '85. 53 Oleander & S. Rush Sts. Friotown Woodward, Ernest G., '92 414 Gainesville fSteger, Arthur M., Efigineer, '78 115 tWilkes, John D., Merchant, '85 218 Galveston Austin, William T., Attorney, '71--- 468 fBenlow, Leonidas W., '73 147 Kleburg, Marcellus, Student, '03--- 365 1025 Avenue H Kleburg, Walter, ^'/z^rti?;?/, '05 365 1025 Avenue H. Mincey, C. Julian N., Physician, '99. 364 With M. C. Ry. Rogers, William R., Merchant, '90- 363 Riihl, Julius, Physician, '99 364 2117 Post Office St. Stafford, Brooks, Quarantine Officer, '99 364 Willis, Short A., Merchant, '70 467 Graham ■fWilliams. Edmund P., Teacher, '87- 54 Greenville tjohnson, Charles C, Attorney, '76-- 203 Henderson page tNeale, Robert C, '90 363 Hillsboro Jones, Robert T., Attorney, '88 362 Selman, James l^., Bookkeeper, '90-- 363 "fSelman, John T., Farmer, '90 363 Houston Benson, Madison Yi.,Attor7tey,'o\.- 365 Court, Alva B., Student, '03 365 2704 Brazoo St. Howe, Joseph M., Civil Ens:i7ieer'c& 364 With H. &T. C. R. R. Hume, Francis C, Jr., Attorney, '96- 363 Martin, George F. P., Pailroad Agent, 'S;i 53 Mills, S. A., '70 467 Payne, Horton K., Engineer, '96--- 371 Smith, Howard F., Merchant, '81 217 112 Travers St. Webb, Otto, Insurance, '01 294 Wise, Gustus M., Attorney, '01 343 Hotel Logan. Hyatt Cleveland, Willis P., Merchant, '84- 324 Kaufman Nash, William T., Banker, '91 363 Young, James, Attorney, '91 363 La Grange Brown, Josephus C, Attorney, '69-- 113 Laredo McMurray, Stonewall J., Clergyman, '87 362 Linden Brougher, E. Earle, Attorney, '88-. 54 Llano Darnall, Charles F., Physician, '80- 88 Lockhart Ellis, Olinthus, Attorney, '99 364 Levy, Richard B., Attorney, '84 210 Marshall Brown, Elwyn ^., Engineer, '83 306 Pope, AsaW., Physician, '']'], '81 .115, 209 McGregor Amsler, Arthur C, Student, '05 365 Amsler, Walter S., Teacher, '01 364 McKinney Finch, Henry A., ^//(7;7/£%'75, '76-51, 223 Merkel Berry, George S., Bank Cashier, '86. 362 RESIDENCE INDEX 627 Midlothian page Dees, Mark ^.^Ix., Bookkeeper, '97- 55 Minerva Roy, David T., Mine Operator, '91 319, 470 Oak Grove tTaylor, Charles F., Clergyman, '76- 234 Orange Sholars, Orin R., Attorney, '75, '76 209, 216, 466 Wingate, David R., Merchant, '76- - 209 Palestine Silleman, John C, Student, '00 120 Paris Dickerson, Robert C, ^S'/w*/,?;//, '05-- 365 Piano Bowman, James R., Capitalist, '01 -_ 364 Rio Grande Monroe, John R., Attorney, '76 223 Rockwood Newsom, Edward B., Physiciati, '97. 363 Round Rock HoUoway, ]ostY>h A., Physician,' JJ - 234 San Antonio Ailing, Frederic C, Clerk, '01. .199, 466 Groesbeck, J. N., '71 170 Hadra, Frederick, Surgeott, '86, '87 291, 362, 471 Hall, Robert M., Clergyman, '85, '86 — 204, 362, 471 tKampman, Herman D., '76 159 Mclntyre, William H., '87 362 WithS. A. & A. P. R. R. tMatlack, Charles P., Engineer, '71 - 158 Maverick, Lewis, Attorney, '00 364 Rice, John P., Physician, '75 163 215 Ogden St. Smith, Franklin E., Collector, '99-- 364 tWallace, Ovid B., Clerk, '80 149 Walthal, James D., Student, '03 365 426 Dwyer Ave. San Diego Feuille, Frank L., Attorney, '86. 362 Sherman tBarnes, Frank \N ., Pharmacist, '85- 356 Culver, Albert Yi., Attorney, '90 362 Nash, Alexander Q., Teacher,'yj-- 216 231 Mulberry St. Temple page Downes, Flavius F., Banker, 'jj — 164 Terrell Cartwright, Matthew, i]/^;r,^a;/^, '75 223 Muckleroy, James A.,Merchant,'()^ 363 Napier, Walter P., Railroading, 'o2- 365 Texarkana Lockett, Robert R., Attorney, '80 -_ 362 Tyler Bender, Guy, Pailroading,'g7 152 Pope, Irwin, Physician, '80 209 Van Alstyne Dumas, James P., Student, '01, '04 212, 441 Vernon Bass, Andrew ]., Physician,' c^ 448 Victoria Swain, William C, Physician, '97-- 363 Waco tDavid,Otis W., County Official, 'jj. 216 Duke, William S., '87 362 With Sanger Bros. Fort, Walter V ., Insurance, '77 164 503 S. 4th St. jLednum, William 'E.,Merchant,'7'j - 216 McCormick Andrew P., Attorney, '^g, '92 198,266, 468 McGaha, Arthur W., Clergyman,'2>i 217 fMorgan, Charles G., Salesman, '72- 163 Wood, James P., Dentist, '78 217 509^ Austin St. ^'eimar MacLeary, Samuel B., Surgeon, '86- 362 West fDean, Sanford ].,Ranchman, '90 — 362 Yorktown Kleberg, Edward K., Attorney, '00. 364 UTAH Grouse Creek ■fKerr, Joseph Yi., Ranchman, '84 178 Salt Lake City Armstrong, George G., Attorney, '91 351 412 S. 6th St. E. ■fBaker, Henry Y.., Merchant, '79 272 Chadwick, Clarence B., Conunercial Traveler, '99 353 Kenyon Hotel 628 RESIDENCE INDEX PAGE Gilmer, Thornton M., Student, '04-- 316 9th St. South Gustin, Frank J., Attorney, '97 332 Holman, George P., Mining, '65.-- 440 11; E. Brigham St. Holman, Phelps R., Mining, '03 87 nS E. Brigham St. McClain, John C, Merchant, '74 37 240 S. 3d St. East Nye, George L., Attortiey, 'qi 277 Atlas Bldg. Steigmeyer, Frederick F., Attorney, '97 457 415-16 McCormick Block Worthington, Union, Physicimi, '83, '86 257, 265, 468 West Jordan Nelson, Fred W., Mechanical Engineer, '97 352 VERMONT Barre White, Carroll H., Teacher, '96 428 24 French St. Burlington Mason, Owen R., '74 472 Cabot Burbank, Lester V\[.,Physicia}i, '93. 427 Ludlow Gill, James S., Alanufacturer, '99 314 Montpelier Cummins, Harle Oren, Author, '01. 315 54 College St. Quechee SafEord, Henry G., Stude?it, '03 431 St. Johnsbury Hovey, Herbert N., Student, '01 430 White River Junction Hazen, Noah B., '63 472 Woodsville tKendall, Archie R., Train Dispatcher, '98 429 VIRGINIA Accomack Chinn, William, Clergyman, '76 202 Alexandria Burke, N. P. T., Banker, '81 115 Klipstein, George T., Physician, '74- 142 PAGE May, John W., Merchant, '73 236 209 N. Washington St. Phillips, Peter P., Clergytnan, 'JS-- 142 Purvis, William R., Physician, 'jg.. 209 Ballston Boteler, Basil D., Student, '04 120 Bedford Guy, James R., Jr., Traveling Salesman, '84 167 Rucker, Orlando C, Attorney, '81 .- 210 Belleville fAmes, Levi John, ^ar;//^/', '83 237 Bennett's Creek Old, Richard A., Civil Engineer, '93 118 Old, Walter R., '87 238 Berkeley Christian, William A., Clergyman, '92 414 Blackstone Cannon, James, Jr., Teacher, '81 237 Black Walnut Owens, Rufus, Sarmer, '88 204 Bowling Green De Jarnette, John H., Attorney,' jO- 113 Buckhorn Holland, Mills Henry, Alerchant, '84 204 Burke's Station Lee, Robert ¥.., Attorney, 'c)i---i66, 464 Charlottesville Black, James N., '78 209 Graves, Charles A., Teacher, '69 162 Univeisity of Virginia Perkins, George, Attorney, '68 113 Chatham Dillard, Hughes, Jr., Attorney, '75-- 208 Churchland Bidgood, J. Willis, Farmer, '69 414 Courtland Sebrell, John N., Jr., Attorney, '92, '94 118, 238 Culpeper Baylor, John G., Physician, '93 1 18 Somerville, John W., Student, '04-- 120 Danville Brown, William A., Clergyman,'^^- 212 Cabell, George C, Attorney, '88 211 RESIDENCE INDEX 629 Edmunds, Algernon C, Attorney, "%■] 117 fMartin, Roger, '80 203 Pace, James R., Manufacturer, '83. 237 Pace, William G., Manufacturer, '77 236 Robinson, Marion M., '99 239 7j3 Main St. Schoolfield, H. O., Tobacconist,' C)^. - 119 Talbott, Frank, '85 237 With Danville Water & Gas Co. Talbott, Green Pace, Cashier, '81 -- 237 With Southern Ry. Darlington Heights Thackston, John W., '73 202 Delaplane Chancelor, Samuel A., Partner, '92. 211 Dinwiddle Tucker, Robert H., '60 112 Dranesvllle Roszell, Richard J., '02 239 Dublin Cloyd, David M.., Farmer, '74 208 Kent, Robert C, Farmer, '80 209 East Radford Tyler, Stockton H., Attorney, '96 167 Eastham Magruder, Henry M., Farmer, '69. 113 Elkton Southall, Hubert R., '02 120 Emporia Southall, Stephen V., Attorney, '91 118, 461 Farmville Arnold, Benjamin W., Teacher,'^^- 238 Wilson, Junius L., Attorney, '78, '81 115, 203, 466 Fincastle McFerrin, John S., Farmer, '83 210 Ford's Depot Maxey, Robert M., Clers^yt/ian, '85. 237 Fort Lewis McClintic, William S., Student,'o2,. 213 Fort Royal "fMitchell, Austin B., Clergyman, ' qi . 212 Fort Union Brett, William T., Teacher, '61 112 Franklin page Dillard, John L., Attorney, '68 113 Front Royal Compton, Houston N., Farmer, '67- 209 Hamilton Brydon, George M., C/eri^yman,'g6- 212 Hampden-Sidney Cross, Thomas H., Postmaster, '60- 112 Hillsville Early, James N., A/erchant,'7S 208 Sutherland, Walter T., Student, '04. 213 Hot Springs McClintic, Charles P., '02 213 Lahore Mason, Claiborne R., Jr., R. R. Contractor, '68, '69-- 113, 141 Lawrenceville Budford, Edward P., Attorney, 'Sj.. 117 Lexington Burks, Martin P., Jr., Student, '04.- 168 Denny, George N., Teacher, 'gi, '95 119, 205 Washington and Lee University Tucker, J. Randolph, '00 167 Loretto Sale, Charles J., Attorney, '69 113 Lowesville Massie, Charles G., '99, '02 168, 180 Massie, John H., Ciergyman.'q^ 179 Lowmoor Cooke, Frank L., '96 385 With Rich Patch Iron & Ore Co. Lucketts Eagle, Monic S., Clergyman, 'gi-.- 212 Lynchburg Adams, James D., '00 239 405 Cabell St. Adams, John C, Merchant, '99 1 19 Carroll, John W., Physician, '01 120 Christian, Henry A., Physician, '95. 238 909 Court St. Dickerson, Woody W., Accountant, '95 238 With People's National Bank Garland, James P., Jr., Attorney, '81 237 Johnson, Henry J., Accotintant, 'oi. 239 With National Exchan^^e Bank. Lucado, Albert W., R. R. Contractor, '86 211 630 RESIDENCE INDEX Lucado, Garland F., Mine Operator, '81 165 916 Jefferson St. Morrison, James, Physician, '91, '98 119, 205 716 Church St. Munford, Thomas G., '93 166 205 Harrison St. tPotts, Thomas N., Clergyman, '79-- 237 Tyler, John D., '90 204 Watts, James O., '01 239 404 Cabell St. Watts, R. Thomas, Jr., Accountattt, '93 238 With National Exchange Bank Winfree, W. Russell, '94 238 Manchester Ingram, John H., Attorney, '82 116 Martinsville Stultz, Jesse D., Broker, '85 210 Thomas, Lyne S., Attorney, '78 209 Thomas, William A., '02 239 Max Meadows ■fKent, John B., Farmer,'6() 162 Robertson, Holcombe M., Physician, '96, '00 120, 205 Millbank Morton, John R., Farmer, '76 202 Mitchell Somerville, John W., '00 206 Newport News Dimm, Wayne T., Draughtsman, '00 412 122, 34th St. Hillyer, Edgar C, Civil Engineer, '84 310 Newsoms Barham, William B., Physician, '72„'7\ ii4. 236 Norfolk Allen, Lingan B., Attorney, '68 141 Bain, M. G., '80 203 With Norfolk Storage Co. Billings, Cecil, Merchant, '96 205 Cooke, Richard D., '02 120 Davis, Harry S., '02 239 117 Bute St. Ferguson, Finley F., Architect, '95 '98 205, 314 224 Carpenter Bldg. Grandy, Charles R., Physician, '92. 118 Kerr, James h... Attorney, 'Ti 114 Licklider, Albert H., Teacher,' qj-- 239 Mahone, William, Jr., R. R. Official,'^'] 114 Nottingham, Thomas J., Jr., Me?-chant, '86 368 Old, Richard, '95 238 Old, William L., Physician,'?)^, '94 118, 238 Rose, George H., Physician, '74 114 Ruffin, Kirkland, /'//j(/.yzVza«, '86 117 Simcoe, Walter T., Student, '02 239 Bute St. Simmons, Bruce, Attorney, '78 237 Styron, Oscar M., M a7wfacturer',%\ - 237 80-84 Union St. Sydnor, Clem A., Teacher, '95 205 Todd, James G., Merchant,' ()$ 205 Walke, Willoughby, Soldier,' jc) 115 Major U. S. A., Fortress Monroe Old Town Waugh, Charles P., Student,'o\ 213 Onancock Ames, John K., Student,' o'^ 464 Orange Williams, George W., Attorttey, '60- 112 Pagebrook fPage, Herbert C, '99 212 Paxson Humphrey, James L., '02 239 Petersburg Arrington, Samuel W., Teacher,' qo 1 18 Petersburg Academy Cuthbert, William, Insurance, '73 -- 114 Drewry, Patrick H., Attomey,'()'j, '99 119, 239 Drewry, William F., Physician, '77- 236 Dunn, James, l7tsiirance,'%6 117 McGill, William h.,Merchant,'%q-- 117 McKenny, William R., Attorney, '76 114 Mcllvaine, Robert D., Physician, '85 117 McRae, William P., Attorney, '85.- 117 Mann, Bernard, Attorttey, '82 116 Martin, Robert A., Jr., Physician, '85 117 Roper, Bartlett, ]r.. Attorney, 'g$-.- 119 Venable, Edward C, Tobacconist,' 7 \ 113 RESIDENCE INDEX 631 Portsmouth PAGE Jenkins, John S., Merchant, '^i 165 Neville, George 'L., Merchant,' <^C)-- 239 414 London St. Nevill, Joseph H., '01 239 Owens, Benjamin H., '00 239 320 Dinwooclie St. Todd, John G.,Merchant, '95 — 119, 461 Pulaski Huffard, James A., Cleri^yfnan, '84- 210 Perkins, William M., Attorney, '67- 113 Pungoteague Southall, A. C, Teacher,'()C) 239 Raccoon Ford Steptoe, Philip P., '02 120 Randolph Bouldin, Brisco B., .Ittorncy, '74 — 163 Bouldin, Charles E., Farmer, 'jj — 203 McPhail, Donald, Physician, '76 202 Redford Tyler, S. H., '93. 205 Richmond Beauchamp, William B., Clergyman, '93 414 1010 E. Marshall St. Bennett, Richard H., Clergyman, '81 237 Brown, Edward H., Real Estate, '83, '84 116, 237 Brown, Wallace F., Attorney, '84, '88 117, 165 Crenshaw, Spottswood D., Capitalist,' j6 114 Crenshaw Bldif. Cunningham, Richard H., Physician, '85 117 Dill, John S., Clergytnan, '75 216 Dunn, John, /'//y.yzW^;/, '85- 117 Dunn, Joseph B., Physician, '90 118 EUyson, James T, Journalist, '66, '69 113, 140 English, Thomas R., Jr., '01 206 Grinnan, Daniel, Attorney,'jc),"&i 115, 203, 466 26 Shafer Bldg. Gwatkin, William G., Commercial Traveler, '84 368 810 W.Grace St. tHenry, James M., '88 204 Henry, William W., Jr., Real Estate, '77, '78--- 11 5, 203, 460 PAGE Irving, Paulus A., Physiciatt, '76, '"JJ 1 14, 202 301 W. Grace St. Lester, A. Vane, Engineer, '00 435 With C. & O. Ry. Co. Ludwig, Julius A., '86 368 McDonald, Dudley, Manufacturer, '83 165 fMcIntosh, James R., Attorney, '60- 48 Moore, Walter W., Clergyman,'Z\. 203 Mullen, James, Attorney, '96, '99 167, 238 With O'Ferrell & Register Oppenhimer, William T., Physician, '79 164 106 N. Qth St. Palmer, Edward P., Insurance, '86, '90 312, 368, 471 1014 E. Main St. Parrish, James S., Manufacturer,'()2 312 With Richmond Cedar Works Pickrell, John, Attorney, '74 114 Pollard, Henry R., Attorney, '68 141 Pugh, Joseph N., '01 231 With N. V. Life Insurance Co. Robertson, William S., '02 168 1102 Grove Ave. tStuart, John L., '96 205 Tyler, James H., Jr., '93 205 fTurner, Edwin P., Physiciaft, '82 237 Turner, Samuel D.,Jr., Teacher,'Zl- 237 Urquhart, Whitmel H., Mercha7it, 'yj 114 Wilson, Philip S., Attorney, '2>6 368 905;^ E. Main St. tYancy, Alexander K., '61 1 12 Roanoke ■fBransford, Benjamin E., '83 116 Davis, Flavius E., Broker, '?,6,'qs n?. 119 ■fFrench, Charles R., Civil Engineer, '82 204 Griffin, Malcolm, Attorttey, '00 120 Hughes, Thomas J., Jr., Real Estate, '79 237 Jameson, Waller, Student, '03 120 Jolliffe, William, Civil Engineer, '6^ 157 1115 S. Jefferson St. Miller, Lewis S. G., '01 212 352 Church St. Mosby, Samuel B., Civil Engineer, '80 165 632 RESIDENCE INDEX Smith, Fred C, Clerk, '01 430 Stephenson, Harry L., Student, 'oo- 206 Williams, John W., Clerk, '91 211 Wright, Preston, ■ Mining Engineer, 'qi^ 119 Rocky Mount Lee, John Y., Attorney, 'Z% 166, 464 Saunders, Edward W., Attorney, "iz 116 Rosslyn Hirst, Jesse B., Student, '02, 387 Rowanta Freeman, Thomas R., Manufacturer, '88. 238 Salem Chalmers, Frank H., Battker, '73-- 208 Hansborough, Livingston C, Attorney, '75, '78 115, 208 Hubard, Edmund B., Civil Engineer, '99 212 Hubard, Robert T., '01 212 Lee, Francis R., Student, '03 213 Logan, John Lee, '96 212 McConkey, George G., Farmer, '75. 208 Wiley, Oscar, /"//j^zWa;?, '73 208 Wiley, Robert M., Physician, 'g2, '()■}) 118, 211 Smithville Grigsby, Hugh C, Farmer, '96 202 Read, Isaac M.., Merchant, '2>J 204 South Boston Owen, William E., Planter, '78, '79 115, 203 Owens, James M., Clergyman, '96-- 212 Staunton Funkhouser, James S., Merchant, '84 210 Hoge, Albert A., Teacher, 'gg 167 Hoh, Henry W., Attorney,'%(i,'Z% 166, 368 Strasburg Crawford, Robert W,, Jr., '02 464 Smith, Charles J., '01 212 Suffolk McLemore, James L., Attorney, '86, '90 118, 238 ISanders, Samuel, Clergyman, '67.- 140 tHolt, R.^., Merchaitt,'c)7 119 Nelson, James, Clergyman, '66 140 Peck, Louis T., '00.^ 321 Montgomery Hall Tucker, John R., Jr., '98 374 Timber Ridge Manze, Joseph L., Clergyman, '96-- 205 Trapp Ross, Clyde F., Student, '03 213 Trevilians Danne, William ?>., Merchatit, '96-- 236 Upperville Lawson, Anthony B., '87 204 AA^arrenton ■("Boston, Francis R., Clergyman, '69- 141 Fletcher, Albert, Merchant, '96 238 Fletcher, Howard, Jr., Merchant, '95 238 Fletcher, Hugh, Merchant, '98 239 tHood, R. Horace, Teacher, 87 238 ^Vaverly Wilson, John W,, Jr., '80, '85.237, 268, 467 Welbourne Roszel, Richard J., Student, '05 387 'Widewater Meredith, Elliott B., Clergyman,' q2>. 212 Moncure, William E., Teacher,' yi- 113 Winchester Baker, William A., Student, '04 168 Conrad, W. Davis, '02 168 Miller, William R., Illustrator, '01 - 212 Woodstock tBitner, J. C, '67 97 Tavenner, Frank S., Attorney, '86-. 211 Wytheville Kent, Tyler G., Farmer, '80, '82.116, 237 Miller, Robert L., Stenographer,' 01 . 206 Sayers, Lawrence "K., Physician,' oo- 120 Sexton, J. Garland, Merchant, '97.- 205 Terry, William, Attortiey, '74 208 Thomas, William E., Civil Engiiieer, '82 204 Trinkle, E. Lee, Attorney, '96, '98 119, 205 RESIDENCE INDEX 633 WASHINGTON Aberdeen PAGE Garrigus, Lewis Q., Attorney,' "jo.- 68 Centralia Barr, William L., Stt(de}it, '02, 03 402, 419 Chehallis Frost, Edgar A., Civil Engineerl%\^%'] .11%, 311, 469 Schooley, Albert, y^«^z/tf>r, '69 132 With Lewis & Co. Everett Conella, Thomas L., Attorney, '71 163, 463 Falconer, Jacob A., Manufacturer, '95 326 Kennedy, Louis H., Attorney, 'gO-- 390 Farmington McNeel, John K.,]r., Farmer, '%^.- 210 Mossy Rock Painter, Emerick H., Attorney, '67- 131 North Seattle Guie, Edwin W., Attorney, '89 136 74S Bellevue Ave. Olympia Kreider, Eugene G., Attorney, '79-- 148 Palouse Lichty, William H., Inszirance, '84. 330 Roche Harbor McMillin, John S., Manufacturer, '76 87 Seattle Clary, Robert H., Minin<^ Engineer, '00 315 1410 Belmont .Ave. Harris, Charles P., Trav. Salesmaji, '99, '02 — 320, 392 407 Wasliington Block Scott, William T., Attorney, '69 68 715 Jefferson St. Sheafe, Harry J., Miner, '95 313 Queen .Anne H:i:l Sheafe, James, 6'/i/<^^«/, '03 316 Stevens, Morton E., Attorney, '89-- 276 Stillson, Hamilton, Physician, '79-- 195 220 Jefferson St. Wintrode, Alfred H., Mining Broker, '80 244 56-57 Union Block Snohomish fBrooks, Benjamin F., Clergy fna}i,''j7 88 Spokane page Blake, Jacob M., Attorney, 'qj 93 2615 Maxwell Ave. Domer, Simon ¥., alitor ney,'?,6 72 621 Rookery Bldg. McClintock, Sidney S., Merchant, '97 33 2103, 4th Ave. tMcNeill, Guy A., '86 307 Reiner, George J., Attorney, '92 277 Trumbull, Charles, Civil Engineer, '73 185 Tacoma Bartley, James H., Physician, '91 — 375 Cowden, William, Clergyman, '64-- 130 812 M St. Harvey, Walter M., Attorney, '92-- 277 501 N. M. St. Hayden, Obadiah B., Posttnaster, '63 85 624 N. C. St. Wynn, William A., Attorney, '95--- 358 Whatcom McMillin, William B., Clergyman, '76 87 Romine, Alexander P., Teacher,' qq- 445 White, Henry M., Attorney, 'qq 445 Vancouver Rowley, Edson M,, '84 274 WEST VIRGINIA Amos Yost, Fielding H., Capitalist, '97 — 444 Athens Ford, George M., Attorney, 'q6 444 Beverly Strader, Judson ¥., Attorney, 'q6 — 444 Bristol Haymond, Thomas W., Jr., Student, '04 446 Buckhannon Cutright, William B., Attorney, '95- 444 Haught, Thomas W., Teacher,' qd-. 444 Post, Arthur L., '98 444 Totten, William G. L., Attorney, '63 80 Charleston Capito, Henry, Clerk, '00 445 Fitzhugh, Norman S., Bookkeeper, '98 1 67 634 RESIDENCE INDEX Hopper, William D., Salesman,' ()%. 268 183 Dickinson St. fLackland, Thomas W., Civil Engineer,'^^ 368 McConihay, John y[.,Pkysiciaft,''j^. 177 184 State St. tPrice, Edmund P., Student, 'o^-i6?>, 464 419 Virginia St. Snyder, Charles P., Sailor, '96-- 167, 464 206 Broad St. tWilson, Arthur L., Physician, '94-- 143 Charlestown Getzendaner, Henry C, Attorney, '80 165 Kennedy, Paca, '99 212 Clarkesburg Holden, Charles F., Insura7tce, '99. 445 Houston, Hubert T., Attorney, '84-- 165 Jarvis, Cecil C. , P/iysician, 'gS 444 Shuttleworth, Benjamin F., Student, '01 445 Wood, Fred B.,Cler^,'g7 444 Clay Gerhart, Rolfe, Merchattt, '85 135 Cranesville Albright, Victor E., Teacher,' o\ 456 Elkins Graves, John K.,'oi 167, 464 Elm Grove Hugus, John W., Accountant, '97 444 Falling Springs Renick, Felix M., Clerk, 'S^ 21c Fullen Ballard, Walter P., Student, '04 446 Glenville Holden, William ]., Attorney, 'g6-- 444 Grafton Sinsel, Charles A., Physician, '87 178 Harrisville Patton, Benjamin F., Jr., Student, '03 446 Hartford Smith, Horace F., Merchattt, '93 300 Hinton Dunlap, Robert F., Attorney, '94 205 "fMcConkey, Samuel K.,Physician,'2>g 211 Meade, Robert, '99, '00 212, 445 Huntington page Davis, Benajah T., Student, '04 446 Davis, John C, Student, '04 446 Derbyshire, Charles E., Teacher, '01 445 323, I4tll St. Enslow, Frank J., '02 445 McMillen, Egede C, Musician, '88. 197 634, loth St. Johnstown Lewis, Ernest D., Student, '01 445 Kanawha Falls Konrad, Philip, Engitieer, '99 445 Kenilworth MacDonald, Dan M., '98 320 Keyser Stayman, Joseph W., Editor, '94--- 102 IVfountain Echo Lewisburg Houston, Gordon R., Teacher, '98-- 167 McWhorter, Charles N., Attorney, '01 445 Mannington Alexander, W. Frank, Student, '03 321, 446 Martinsburg Deatrick, Parvin E., Merchant, '94- 127 Morgantown Cooke, Jean V., Student, '03 446 481 High St. Cox, Boaz Baxter, Student, '03 446 Fast, Richard E., Teacher, '98 444 Professor in West Virginia University Glasscock, William E., Clerk, '99-- 445 Gorman, Michael E., '95 444 Kortright, Frederick L., Teacher, '90 404 Professor in West Virginia University Kunkle, James H., Sttident, '04 446 Kunkle, Justin M.., Journalist, '96-- 444 106 Beaverly Ave. McDermott, Joseph H., '01 445 Miller, Dwight E., '02 445 Purinton, John A., Student, '03-- 181, 446 Rogers, Ralph, '02 445 Schissler, John H., Student, *oi,'o3 408, 445 Swisher, Howard L., Merchant, '97. 444 Whitham, William H., Teacher, 'gg- 445 Yeager, Lewis A., Attorney, '00 445 Moundsville Blair, Samuel B., Attorney, '97 444 512,6th St. RESIDENCE INDEX 635 New Cumberland page Bambrick, George h., Attorney,' qd- 444 Parkersburg Caldwell, J. Mentor, '01 144 Camden, Richard F., Captta/ist,'8^- 368 Cooper, William J., '02 445 City Editor News Neely, Henry M., Cac/ct, '01 445 Wilson, Harry S., Railroad Official, 'go 230 With Cairo & Kanawiia R. R. f Wilson, Hugh E., Student, '90 230 Parsons Pierce, Carleton C, Attorney, '01 -- 445 Petroleum Sharpnack, Thomas P., Student, '04- 456 Philippi Ice, William T., Jr., Attorney, '98-. 444 Peck, M. Wood C, Student, '03 446 Smith, Alpheus W., Teacher, '00 445 Point Pleasant Craig, William E., Clergyinan, '02.- 456 Ravenswood Gibbs, John D., '96 180 Gosling, Benjamin F., Attorney, '73- 40 Richlands fLivesay, William C, Farmer, '86 21 1 Ronceverte Bennett, William \W, Pkysician,'?>Z- 238 Rosby's Rock Yoho, Robert C, '01 445 Scarbro Krebs, George R., Engineer, '99 445 Shenandoah Junction Agloinby, John O., Attorney, '72 --. 141 Sutton Curtin, Harry B., Lumber Dealer, '88 179 'Weston Arnold, Porter, Farmer, '86 368 Arnold, Wilson, Farmer, '87 368 Pratt, James I., Clerk, '98 444 ^A^heeling ■fHandlan, Joseph H., '92 390 Hazlett, Kohert, Civil Engineer, '87 318 With Pan Handle Traction Co. Howell, Allen S., Farmer, '73 98 PAGE Irwin, William W., Druggist, '81--- 264 24th & Chapline Sts. Kelly, Wilson I., Manufacturer, '90- 197 Witli West Vir^'inia Steel Co. List, Charles W., '87 257 944 Main St. Maxwell, Earl C,Civil Engineer,' 02 445 91 Maryland St. Schroll, Oito, Civil Engineer, '86-- 318 With W. T. Ry. Co Wallace, John, Journalist, '96 444 tWilliams, George H., '68 38 WYOMING Higby Langworthy, Bertrand S., Ranchmafi, '98 332 WISCONSIN Beaver Dam ^Jonas, Max, Student, '02 453 Died April 2S, 1902 Lewis, Elbridge E., Miller, '79 272 Beloit Babbitt, Ralph, Student, '03 328 Brown, Edwards B., Student, '01 .-. 327 704 Park .Ave. Brown, Robert L., '02 328 704 Park Ave. Chapman, Paul H., Student, '03 328 Cotting, Edgar L., Life Insurance, '01 327 721 Park .■Ave. Dowd, Glenville A., Manufacturer, '92 325 Emerson, C. Alvin, Jr., Student, '03- 328 736 Church St. Flinn, Charles F., Mechanical Eni^ifteer, '00 249 IngersoU, George B., Superintendent, '89 325 Kepple, Ernest P., Student, '03 328 745 Milwaukee Road Kinsley, Edwin A., '98 126 604 Bluff St. Lochridge, Elbert E,, Chemist,' c)% 326 721 Park .Ave. McCabe, Walter F., Physician, '92. 325 Porter, Lucius P., Teacher, '01 327 743 Collei,'e .Ave. Rockwell, Roy K., Banker, 'g6 326 Rowell, Wilfrid A., Teacher, '99 327 636 RESIDENCE INDEX PAGE Vogt, Von Ogden, '01 327 loio Park Ave. White, John A., Chemist, '96 326 721 Park Ave. Boscobel Armstrong, Charles A., Physician, '86 350 Boyd Ramsdell, E. Erastus, Merchant, 'Zl 275 Columbus Ferris, Charles H., Student, '05 328 Ferris, Walter L., Student, '05 328 Leitsch, William C, Attorney, '96-- 352 Parkinson, Lee Allen, '00 353 Dedham Howard, Walton W., Station Age?it, '94 376 Delafield White, Herford, Student, '04 354 De Pare Talbot, Howard H., Student,'o$ 328 Dunnville Curtis, Albert Yi., Merchant, '85 324 Eau Claire Tibbits, Fred P., Lionberman, '89-- 350 With David Shaw Lumber Co. Edgerton Hutson, Lawrence W., Student, '05. . 328 Page, Charles F., Farmer, '88 324 Fond du Lac Gillet, Morrison M., Travelijig Salesmatt, '77 186 Sallade, Nathaniel W.,^//<7r«^_y, '93- 351 47MarrSt. fWise, William C.,Dejttist,'go 188 Fort Atkinson Jones, Edward C, Mech. Engineer, '94, '95 326, 405 Green Bay Holmes, Charles H., 'jj 70 Hazelhurst Tibbits, Heber L., '94 352 With Yawkey Lumber Co. Hortonsville Wilson, William W., Clergyman, '70 86 Janesville Brace, George M., Teacher,' <^\ 325 206 Washington St. PAGE Cunningham, Herbert J., Insurance, 'qo -121; 13 Clark St. -^ Dudley, George W., Life Insurance, '00 327 Jackman Blk. Matheson, Alexander E., Attorney, '90 -121; 56 S. 3d St. Sheldon, Fred S., Merchant, '92 351 208 S. Jackson St. Tallman, Stanley D., Attorney, '98- 353 212 N. Jackson St. JefTerson Brewer, Frank M., Physician, 'Z6-- 188 Kenosha Cooper, Charles F., Ma7i ufacturer, '89 91 923 Prairie Ave. La Crosse Faville, Theodore R., Student, 'o^.. 328 919 Main St. McKee, Samuel L., Clergyman,' jc). 264 Montague, Wallace R., Manufacturer, '88 324 233 S. 19th St. Lake Geneva Tyrrel, Franklyn J., Attorney, '89 325, 350 116 Maxwell St. Madison Atwood, David, fournalist, '96, '98 257, 326, 352 With Wisconsin State Journal Cook, Edward A., Teacher, '00 353 424 Wisconsin Ave. Minnick, Guy F., '99 353 Morgan, Henry H., Attorney, '92.-- 351 10 Langdon St. Morrison, J. Howard, Insurance Agent, '89 350 133 E. Oilman St. Parks, Howell A. G., Student, '03 .. 354 19 Mendota Court Ruger, Henry A., Teacher, '95 326 821 State St. Sheldon, Walter H., Physician, '96- 352 Slichter, Charles S., Teacher, '85 --- 187 636 Francis St. Sparling, Samuel E., Teacher, '92.. 74 505 N. Carroll St. Marshfield Connor, Robert, '97 198 Mellen Grant, Robert Y., Tanner, '01 137 RESIDENCE INDEX 637 Menomonie PAGE Knapp, John H., Jr., Attorney, '85-- 324. Milwaukee Babbitt, Arthur O., '93, '94 326, 351 St. Charles Hotel Balding, James P., Clerk, '95 292 212 Prospect .Ave. Bartlett, Edwin B., Student, '05 354 720 Jefferson .Ave. Clarkson, Robert B., Govt. Official, '90 351 178 Farwell Ave. Coblentz, Henry E., Teacher, 'c)j\ 74 647 Minernl St. Dennison, Harry W., Enirineer, '95. 75 With E. P. .Allis Co. Dexter, Edward M., Electrician,' q2- 351 68 Mitchell BIdg. Durand, Loya.\, Insurance, 'go 351 377 Broadway Elmer Eltinge, Merchant, '72 184 235 W. Water St. Grassie, George Y ., Journalist,' g^^-, 326 280, 35th St. Green, George G., Teacher, '96 326 167, 27th St. Haisler, Raymond, Student, 'o2„'o^ 354, 408 195, i8th St. Hamilton, Talmadge, Attorney, '96- 428 102 New Insurance Bldg. Haskin, Walter E., Merchant, '73-- 185 With Browning, Kinji & Co. Hassenplug, William H., Salesman, '83 135 160 Clinton St. , Hayes, Harry S., Civil Engineer, '97 ■xt.^ With W. C. Ky. Co. Holden, Charles B., Mech . Eno-ineer, '00 407 With Allis-Chai'mers Co. Johnson, Harold C, Student, '03--- 191 Kalvelage, John B., Jr., '00 353 With Hoffman & Billings Mfg. Co. Koch, Louis G., Student, '05 354 222, i2th St. Lewis, Charles H., Student, '04 328 1159 Kennickinnic Ave. Luedke, Walter J., Attorney, '97--- 352 2607 Grand Ave. tMcCabe, Walter F., Physician, '95. 438 Marshutz, Joseph H., Law Student,' g^ 293 Empire Bldg. Maynard, Joseph D., Insurance, 'gG,'^^ 352, 406 725 Franklin St. Merrill, Robert T., Miner, '91 325 116 New Insurance Bldg. Murphy, Daniel H., Manufacturer, '00 353 With Kichmondt Conduit Co. Murphy, William K., Student, '03-- 354 3324 Wells St. Mazro, Robert M., Commercial Traveler, '79 253 379 Prospect Ave. Morris, James S., Insurance, '75 185 With Phoenix Mutual Life Insurance Co. Oakland, Harry G., Student, '03 354 276, 3d St. Rietbrock, Adolph C, Attor)iey, '90, '91 277, 351 107 Wisconsin St. Russell, Charles C, Attorney, '89 -- 325 322 Old Insurance Bldg. Sidler, Cornelius A., Attorney, '99-- 353 914 Cedar St. Sylvester, Homer, Physicia?i, '92 — 351 132 Grant Ave. True, Edgar C, Manager, '85 346 407-8 Matthews Bldg. Vogel, Guido C, Tanner, '98 353 583 Cass St. Williams, Edward W., Student, 'o^- 320 604 Otjen Ave. Wollaeger, Edwin F., Clerk, '02, 354 With John Pritzlatf Hardware Co. Wollaeger, Gustav, Jr., Attorney, '97 352 513 Germania Bldg. Mineral Point Chase, March F., Chemist, '00 353 Monroe Randall, John G., Physician, '95 — 326 New London Keith, Harry P., Student, '03 354 Oconomowoc Ackley, Charles B., Studetit, '99 423 Kellogg, Harry L., Pharmacist, '99- 353 Lardner, William F., Actor, '93 351 Oshkosh Bauman, Louis A., Phartnacist, '86- 35a Bray, W. Mattison, '02 191 Neville, Warren J., '02 354 Platteville Alcock, Nathaniel, Student, '03- 184, 465 McKenna, Charles M., Student,'o2,- 453 McKenna, Corey H., Student, '00 -- 353 Nye, Evans M., Teacher, '01 353 Rindlaub, Martin P., Jr., Studetit, '96 352 63S RESIDENCE INDEX Portage PAGE Dering, Charles M., Student, '03, '04 328, 354 505 E. Cook St. Stotzer, Rudolph G., Student, '04 — 354 507 W. Wisconsin St. Racine Cooper, Henry A., Attorney, '73 185 Cornish, Ross C, Engineer, '97 352 729 Wisconsin St. Northrop, Allen B., Merchant, 86-- 324 845 Main St. Ripen Ericson, Frank M., Teacher, '92 --_ 288 Professor in Ripon College Higby, Kenneth E., '02 354 Hughes, Richard C, Clergyinan, '84- 228 President of Ripon College' Sheboygan Reid, John D., Clergyman, '86 287 Soldiers Grove Crydeman, Charles A., yiz'/(3r«^j/, '99. 353 South Milwaukee Buttrick, Edward S., Ljimber?najt,'()i 351 Sparta Hill, Louis T., Bafiker,'c)^ 352 Stanley Bridgman, Wilbur H., Editor, '89. Superior Whipple, Merwyn J., Student, '05. 278, 13th St. 347 424 Troy Adkins, Merle T., Student, '03 328 Watertown Parks, Lewis V