677.3 1709 r^^^wfe'v?;, ms^. ffttV-:>-;^ m ^^.:•j':^^ ,.»>j*, !.i:yT.J^', V^l tiY-'^ \J^' ^ Anno Regni A N N ^ R E G I N ^ Magna Britannia, Francia, §5" Hilernia, S E P T I M O. At the Parliament Siimmoned to be Held at Weft- w/iw/dT^ the Eighth Day dtJulyjAnno Dom. 1708. In the Seventh Year of the Reign of our Sove- reign Lady ANNE, by the Grace of God^ of Great Brka'm, Frajice^ and Irelaitd^ Queen^ Defender of the Faith, &c. And by feveral Writs of Prorogation Begun and Holden on the Sixteenth Day of iVoww^er, 1708. being the Firlt Sef- fion of this prelent Parliament. LONDON, Printed by Charles Bill, and the Executrix of Thomas NevQComh, deceas'd ; Printers to the Queens moil Excellent Majefty. 1709. ( 241 ) ^Z .m.3 Anno Septimo Ann^ Regln^, An Adl: for the better Prefervation of Parochi:il L-ibra- ries in that Part of Great Britain called England. imztn^ \\\ niattp piticcis \\\ tfje €)out0 19actlE« of Great Britain callcti England auD Wales, tijc p^oHiOott fO| t!jc Ctcr- gv 10 fo i^cnu, tijat tlje necclTarP Cr* pence of looofesi fo? ttc better pfofecu' ti'ott of tijcfr S)tutJic0 cannot l3C £•£« ftnpcD bp tljcnti 3n5 tofjcten^ of late I^ear0, fcberal Cfjaritabic ann toell Difpofeti pcrfong fjabebpCfiari. table Contributions, €reaeti ILib?anciS Uittdin feberal Ji^arifljes anti Diffria^ in England anti Wales ; QBUt fome P?0' tJiTion 10 tnantinn: to P^cferue tlje fame, nnc fuclj otf)cr0 aslball beli)?otjit!cD tn tijc fame g^anncr, from €inbe?elmcnt : 'Be ft tfjcre^ fiti?e CnaScD bp tlje Queens nioff (Srccllciit seajelfp, bp ano luitO tbc atibice anti Confcnt of tfje to250 Spiritual anu Cempoial, anH Commons in tbi0 p?efe«t parliament aifembleD, nnD bp tlje 9ut5o?ttp of tlje fame, Cbat ineucrp pariflj o? place toljcrcfuco a Lib?arp 10 0? Iball be Creaet, tlje fame (ball be p?cferueri fo2 fuel) afe ann eifcs, a0 tlje fame 10 anu fljall be giben, anD tbe ®?tier0 ann J^ule0 of tlje jTotmner o? jrountier0 of fuclj libjaric^ (ban be obferbeo ann fecpt* 3nti fo? tlje encouragement of fucb Jounber0 ann O5enefago?0, anH to tbe Sntent tbep map be S)ati0ficti, tljat tbcir pious anD C^arf table Jntcnt map not be jTruftratcD , ')5z it alfo enaffeu bp tljc autbo?it}> afo?c(iiiti, Cbat cbcrp Encumbent, Eeao?, ZXi-- car, s^iniRer, 0? Curate of a pariflj, before be fljall be permitten to afe ann Cnjop fucb lib?arp, fljall enter into fuclj ^ztmitv ijp 'Bonti, 0? otbertuife, fo? pieferbationof fucb tibjarp, antJ Due fl3bft:rbance of tlje 3Rulc0 anti C)2tcr0 belonging to tbe fame, as tbe pjoper O^binaries tuitbin tbeir refpeSibe jurisbiaions m tljcic l3ffcittion fljall tbinU fit ; ann in cafe anp osook 0? 'Boobs belong- ¥ P p p m flr:.'?OfiQ^^ 242 Anno Regni feptiinD AmiGE Regins. 1115 to tijc fain Lfbiaru fljnll be tnl^cnatL'nvnnti Detainer?, it fijait aiiD may be Lniuful fci tlje fain Sncumbcnt, ^xm, uicnr, Q5nu- fier, 02 Ciirnte fo? tlje time beinn:, 0? anp otijcc Perfouo? J?crronp, to bitiitj nn asion of^Ctouei- nuB Ccubctiicn, m tljc J2an]e cf tljc pioper Oititnariestoitljin tijcir refpeffitcHinsmsions, tuDeretipon €reble Dnmaire? fljall be gtljcn iDit!) fiili Cofrgi of €nat, as if t^c fame luere U^ 01 tljcic proper ''oook oj ^-00^0, tuijicfj Dn- mages mi be appHcn to tljc afc aiiti ':3enefit of t{;e fain Libiann ann It is fiittljci Cna3:n tv ttc autljontn afo^efain, ZUt it fljall nun mai> be LalDful to nun fo? tlje pioper CiUinar]', 02 fjis Commiffarv 0? Official in Ijis rtlpeaibc lunsmgicn, 0? tljc arc&= Deacon, 02 hv Ijis Diregion Ijis Official 02 ©urrcgate, if tIjc fain aicb'Dea"con be not rljc Encumbent of tbe Iplace infjere fucD Lib2arpis, inlji^o? tb^ir rcfprgibeaifitation, to enguii-e into t&c State mm Conmtion of tbc fain lib?aiies, atinto amenn nnn re= ti2cf9 tbe bclongiiio: to fucfj li)aiinj o] li^tacc fljau be fonm'Jttlj |])ut up, ant) loclicti, 0? otijtttuifc S?ccurcl> bv tIjc €ljiircO- uiarticn 0? CIjUiclj luavtienjS to? tljc time being, d? bi' fucf) ii)et' fon 02 pcrfon^ a0 fljall be autljo^iKD 02 appointtnbp tfje p?o> per £D?iiiiiari', 0| arclj n^eacoii refpcaii^eli', fo tm tlje fame fljall not bt ©pcncn again, till a neto Jncumbent, Eeao?, Oicar, S0niifter, 0? Curate fljnil be 3intiuaeli o? aonntteo into tlje Cburcl) of fucij pariflj 0? \plntt* ]pmi^t^ iMmm Cbat in cnfc tlje place toljerefucb libjarp is 0? fijall be kept fljall beufeti fo? ani' publicii ©ccafion fo? quieting of tijeCieftrp, 0? otOertaife, fo? tI)etJifpacijofanD\'ufineft^of tije fain 3p)arinj, 0? fo? any otijer publicU ©ccafionj fo? iDljicfj tfie faiD 13Iace Ijatlj been 0?t3inarilp ufen, tlje plare ajall neliectijelefjj be matJcufe of aj> fo?mcrlp fo? (uclj l^urpofcjs, anu after fucf) "Biu diuiS nifpatcijcD, (I)all be again fo?tljU)it{) g)!)ut anO Lccht up, c? ctljcrtuifc €)ecurcti, a0 iis befo?c DireacD. ant) be it aifo furtljer Cnaaet) bp tbe autl]0?itp afo?cfaiti, Cljat fo? tlje bttta l£»?cferuation of tije 'Boi?!>.3 bclongi; g to fucO jLib?arie0, nnt) tljat tlje ODenefaaions gitjcn toiuarlisi tU fame map appear, a 150014 njall be feept tuitijin tljc fait) Lib?ari' fo? tbc entring anti Eegtlfring of all fuc& 'Benefaaion^, nnn fuclj '25oofej> ag fliall be ijiwx totoartJ0 tlje fame, ann tljcreiti tljc 99iniC:r, Ecao?, tlicar, 0? Curate of tljc fain pariflj j? place, (IjaU Cuter 0? caufc to be fairlp Cntren fuel) l?encfaai' oil, anti an account of all fuclj 015001^0 aj3 fljall from time to time be giften, anti bv tobom giS3cn* ant! fo? tljr better goncrning tlje faio tib?arieiE(, anti p?efer' iJiiig of tlje fame, Jt iis Ijerebp furtljer Cnaaet) bp tlje autljo?itp afo?ercJiti, Cbat it fljrJl anti map be latoful to anti fo? tljc ?2opet: £)?tiinarp, togetljer iDitlj tlje Dono? of fuclj 15encfaaion ( if Li» Jjing ) anD after tlje Deatlj of fuclj Dono?, ti? tlje p?oper 0?ni-- uarp alone, to make fuclj otuer Euleis ann ©?t)er0 concerning ttjc fame, oijct an5 abone, nnnbefine^, but not contrarp to fuclj ag tlje Dono? of fuclj '^>3cncfaaion ff)all in lji0 Dtfcretion junge fit ann iiecelTarp ; CBljiclj fain ©?5ersi ann EulCiS fo to be mane, Ojall, from time to time, be Cntren in tlje fain OBoofe, 0? feme otljer I5oolt to be p?eparen fo? tbat purpofe, ann kept in tbc fain tv b?arp* ann it ij) furtljer Cnaaen ann Declaren b^ tbe autljojitp afo?c= fain, Cljat none of tlje fain 'Boo^Sj fijall in anp cafe be alienable, ttoi anp TBooU 0? 13ook0 tljat ftall Ijereaftcr be giticn bp anp ODencfaao? 0? 15encfaao?si fljall bcaiienatcn tuitljout ttie Confcnt of tlje p?oper 0?ninarp, ann tljen onlp Uil)en tljere is a Dupli> cate of fuel) TSook 0? 'Books ; ann tijat in cafe anp IJook 02 'Books be taken 02 otbertoifc loft out of tljc fain Lib?arp, it fljaU ann map be latoful to ann fo2 anp Jufticc of li)eace toitljin 6 tbe 244 A^° ^^^^ feptimo Annae Reginae. learc! f^^^^^ mtB m cafe tfte fame be fount., fticij l5oofe S ' X fo fouuti ftaii itmnematelp, b? Ojtct of fuc^Juttice, U r7S to tlje faiB mm ' ^np latD, Statute o? afage to theconttatpmanptoifenottDitljaautJing* . ^« „ ^SeBa C^at noticing tu tljid aa contained fljall eP tenc to a puWicti lib?arP iatclP €re8cu m tijc l^fQ^ of Rye- la?, in tfie CountP of Surry, fo? tljc Qfc of tlje ^rec!)oiticc0. Scat ant. SS^^^ tVfait. l^atifl), ant. of t&c ecntle^ men an5 Clcrpmen, mmm in part0 tljercto adjacent; ?ie fa^ Libiarp being €onrtitutetJ in anotfjet manner tfjan tlic iLib?aric0 p?o^^itict. fo| bp tlji^ ^S* p I N I a trNr\tRSIT\" OF CALIFORNIA LIBR.\RY I-os Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stampted below. ^7,^ Gt. Prit. - n79a /inno repni 1709 »nnae