ill mi ki KEK'l^BBt) 1 I S T O R Y O F T 3 . ] METY HiIGHTH PENNSYLVANIA VOLUNTEEBS. 3S THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES IS- -THE ONE HUNDRED HND NINETY-EIGHTH REGIMENT, PENNSYLVHNIS VOLUNTEERS, SIXTH UNION LESGUE OF PHILSDELPMIS. HISTORY ONE HUNDRED IND NINETY-EIGHTH PENNSYLVANIA VOLUNTEERS, A COMPLETE RECORD OF THE REGIMENT, WITH ITS CAMPS, MARCHES AND BATTLES; TOGETHER WITH THE PER- SONAL RECORD OF EVERY OFFICER AND MAN DURING HIS TERM OF SERVICE. MAJOR E. M. WOODWARD, AUTHOR OF The Citizen Soldiery ; Our Campaigns ; History of Third Reser, Bonaparte 's Park and the Mtirats ; History of Burlington County, N. J. ; Old Families of Burlington County, N. J., etc., etc., etc. EMBELLISHED WITH FOUR STEEL-PLflTE PORTRAITS. TRENTON, N. J. : MACCRELI.ISH. & QUIGLEY, BOOK AND JOB PRINTERS, 16 E. STATE ST. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1884, by E. M. WOODWARD, In the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington. 5~- ? TO MAJOR-GENERAL HORATIO GATES SICKEL, A SOLDIER OK THE ARMY OF THE POTOMAC WHO SERVED THROUGHOUT THE WAR; THE FATHER OF THE REGIMENT, WHO LED IT TO THE FIELD; THE FAITHFUL AND STEADFAST PATRIOT, THIS RECORD OF GLORIOUS DEEDS IS RESPECTFULLY INSCRIBED BY THE AUTHOR. CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. ACTION OF THE UNION LEAGUE DETERMINATION TO RAISE A SIXTH REGIMENT THE REGIMENT ORGANIZED PRESENTATION OF COLORS DEPARTURE FOR THE FRONT EMBARK AT WASHINGTON DOWN THE POTOMAC UP THE JAMES CITY POINT SCENE AT THE BASE OF THE ARMY TELEGRAPH TO GENERAL MEADE ORDERED TO REPORT TO THE ARMY OF THE JAMES DISEMBARK AT BERMUDA HUNDRED ORDERED TO JOIN THE ARMY OF THE POTOMAC RETURN TO CITY POINT. CHAPTER II. BRIEF REVIEW OF THE OPERATIONS UNDER GENERAL GRANT MANY SANGUINARY BATTLES THE NECESSITY OF THE LINE OF MARCH THE ARMY OF THE JAMES GENERAL BUTLER BOTTLED UP IN FRONT OF PETERSBURG A XIGHT COMBAT THE SIEGE MOVE- MENTS TO THE LEFT BURNSIDE'S MINE DESCRIPTION OF IT WANT OF GALLANTRY IN THE OFFICERS MISERABLE FAILURE HANCOCK CROSSES THE JAMES WARREN PUSHES TO THE LEFT BATTLES HANCOCK TO THE LEFT DESCRIPTION OF OUR ENTRENCHMENTS IN FRONT OF PETERSBURG OF THE LINES OF THE ARMY OF THE JAMES. CHAPTER III. THE ONE HUNDRED AND NINETY-EIGHTH TO THE LEFT THE YELLOW TAVERN ASSIGNED TO THE FIRST BRIGADE FIRST DIVISION FIFTH ARMY CORPS COLONEL SICKEL PLACED IN COMMAND OF THE BRIG- ADE COMPOSITION OF THE DIVISION OF THE CORPS LIEUTENANT- COLONEL MURRAY COMMANDS THE ONE HUNDRED AND NINETY-EIGHTH CAMP SICKEL BATTLE OF PEBBLE'S FARM POPLAR SPRING CHURCH BREASTWORKS AND SKIRMISHING TALMADGE'S FARM RESULT OF WARREN'S MOVEMENT BUTLER TO THE RIGHT CARRIES FORT HAR- RISON KAUTZ SURPRISED. viii CONTENTS. CHAPTER IV. CAMP URMSTON STATE ELECTION EXECUTION OP A DESERTER INSPEC- TION MOVE CAMP BATTLE OF BOYDTON PLANK-ROAD GENERAL ADVANCE OF THE WHOLE LINE PARKE'S ASSAULT HANCOCK MOVES CRAWFORD, MOTT, EAGEN AND GREGG FIGHT SQUIRREL LEVEL THE CHAPEL PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION THANKSGIVING DAY CON- TINUALLY UNDER FIRE. CHAPTER V. RAID ON THE WELDON RAILROAD THE MARCH JERUSALEM PLANK-ROAD SUSSEX COURT HOUSE TEARING UP THE ROAD ANIMATED SCENE BELLFIELD HICKSFORD RETURN WINTER QUARTERS LIEUTENANT- COLONEL MURRAY SHERMAN'S MARCH ENLISTMENT OF SLAVES. CHAPTER VI. BATTLE OF HATCHER'S RUN THE FIFTH CARRY THE BREASTWORKS BIVOUAC SILENT MARCH SUCCESSFUL FEINT CRAWFORD DRIVES PEGRAM GREGG AND AYRES ROLLED UP MAHONE HUMPHREY FIGHTS NIGHT ASSAULT THE ENEMY REPULSED BURYING THE DEAD BUILDING BREASTWORKS WINTER QUARTERS. CHAPTER VII. SHERIDAN AND SHERMAN SURPRISE OF FORT STEADMAN THREE THOUS- AND PRISONERS TAKEN SUPPORTS THE NINTH, SIXTH AND SECOND CORPS GRANT'S GRAND MOVEMENT BATTLE OF LEWIS' FARM, OR QUAKER ROAD CHAMBERLAIN AND SICKEL RALLY THE LINES DEATH OF MAJOR MACEUEN AND CAPTAIN MULFREY SICKEL, SPACK- MAN, GARDNER, WRIGLEY, KELLER, MILLER AND MITCHELL WOUNDED CHAPLAIN POMEROY BATTLE OF WHITE OAK RIDGE MAJOR GLENN- ASSUMES COMMAND OF THE ONE HUNDRED AND NINETY-EIGHTH CHAM- BERLAIN'S PLAN OF BATTLE AND VICTORY CAPTURE OF A REBEL FLAG DEATH OF SHRCEDER AND POMEROY SHERIDAN AT FIVE FORKS AND DINWIDDIE COURT HOUSE AYRES TO HIS RELIEF. CHAPTER VIII. BATTLE OF FIVE FORKS GALLANT CHARGE OF MAJOR GLENN FALL OF GLENN WARREN RELIEVED CAPTAIN STANTON ASSUMES COMMAND OF THE ONE HUNDRED AND NINETY-EIGHTH GENERAL ASSAULT CLAIBORNE'S ROAD TIRESOME MARCH DAVIS EVACUATES RICH- MOND REJOICING IN OUR LINES WEITZEL ENTERS THE CAPITAL AIM OF LEE TO UNITE WITH JOHNSON His RETREAT RELENTLESS SHERIDAN INFANTRY FOLLOWING SAILOR'S CREEK. CONTENTS. ix CHAPTER IX. LEE'S HOPELESS RETREAT EXCITING PURSUIT CITIZENS TERROR STRICKEN LEE'S OFFICERS GRANT ASKS A SURRENDER GRANT'S AND LEE'S LETTERS CAPTURE OF SUPPLIES LEE'S DELUSIVE HOPE FURTHER CORRESPONDENCE SURPRISE AND DESPAIR OF THE ENEMY THE LAST STRUGGLE FLAG OF TRUCE MEETING OF GRANT AND LEE THE ONE HUNDRED AND NINETY-EIGHTH LOSES THE LAST MAN IN THE WAR TERMS OF SURRENDER WILD REJOICING THE ARMIES FRATERNIZE THEY SLEEP TOGETHER IN THE SAME VALLEY A DAY OF FRIENDLY VISITS IMPRESSIVE SCENE OF SURRENDER THE PARTING OF LEE AND His MEN THE ONE HUNDRED AND NINETY-EIGHTH FACE HOMEWARD LINCOLN THE LAST SACRIFICE OF THE NATION SOLEMN SERVICE IN CAMP PASSING THROUGH PETERSBURG AND RICHMOND REVIEWED BY GRANT AND MEADE To FREDERICKSBURG To ARLINGTON MUSTERED OUT ARRIVAL AT HOME THEIR RECEPTION PAID OFF. ILLUSTRflTIONS. THE AUTHOR, Frontispiece. MAJOR-GENERAL SICKEL, - Page 1 MAJOR CHARLES IZARD MACEUEN, - ... Page 44 "TOM," - - Pa g e(i4 PREPUCE. T^HE THIRD YEAR of the war found the loyal North *- unalterably determined to conquer or perish in the great struggle for National existence. The blood poured out upon the altar of our country, the treasures sacrificed in the field, had cemented the great heart of the Nation, and the people had risen to that elevation of patriotism that their only hope and wish seemed concentrated upon the one inspiring thought. The cause was not alone for our country, or for our genera- tion, but for all lands and for all times. It was not simply to determine the existence of our " Nation conceived in liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all men were created equal," but whether "any Nation so conceived and dedicated" could "long endure." If we failed, "government by the people" would perish from the earth. The journal of General Sickel, the regimental books, the official reports of generals, war books, letters from officers and men, and the maps of the Engineer Bureau, are the sources from which information has been drawn. The rolls have been so prepared as to show the main items of the record of each individual soldier, and the lists of the killed, wounded and missing of each battle, taken from the company reports. The MSS. was submitted to the inspection of a number of officers and men of the regiment, no state- ment has been made that did not seem to rest upon authentic information, and the end and aim has been to give a clear xiv PREFACE. and truthful history of the regiment and the scenes it partici- pated in. Minor omissions, doubtlessly, have been made, and errors have crept in perfection is not claimed. E. M. W. ELLISDALE, Monmouth county, New Jersey. TFT7 fTft (&. A ' 7 TT r T^ 3 ? C 1 ^ "TT T 1 i-ll. iL ^C- *SPjii!.Ii JJil ti ia) 1L -* Erev. \Taj. Gsn.. TJ. S . V ls . THE 198!! PENNSYLVANIA YOLUNTEERS (SIXTH UNION LEAGUE). CHAPTER I. ACTION OF THE UNION LEAGUE DETERMINATION TO RAISE A SIXTH REGIMENT THE REGIMENT ORGANIZED PRESENTATION OF COLORS DEPARTURE FOR THE FRONT EMBARK AT WASHINGTON DOWN THE POTOMAC UP THE JAMES CITY POINT SCENE AT THE BASE OF THE ARMY TELEGRAPH TO GENERAL MEADE ORDERED TO RE- PORT TO THE ARMY OF THE JAMES DISEMBARK AT BERMUDA HUN- DRED ORDERED TO JOIN THE ARMY OF THE POTOMAC RETURN TO CITY POINT. AMONG the numerous organizations formed to uphold the government and to assist it in the suppression of the rebellion, the Union League probably rendered the most efficient aid. That of Philadelphia had already sent five regiments to the field, and upon learning it was the desire of Colonel Sickel to again enter the service, it resolved to raise a sixth regiment of infantry of fourteen hundred men, and place under his command. Sickel im- mediately proceeded to Harrisburg and obtained the sanc- tion of Andrew G. Curtin, the "War Governor of Pennsyl- vania." The use of the National Guards Hall, on liace street, below Sixth, was obtained, and recruiting com- menced on the 26th of July, 1864. A large number of the 2 2 ONE HUNDRED AND NINETY-EIGHTH officers and men of the late Third Reserve joined the new organization, and SickePs reputation as an officer, aided by the energy of John H. Orne, Esq., chairman of the Execu- tive Committee of the Union League, and their generous liberality, in the short space of five weeks filled the ranks of the regiment, which was thoroughly organized, armed and equipped at Camp Cadwallader, in the northwestern section of the city, and on the 15th of September, 1864, it was mustered into the United States service. Early on Sunday morning, the 19th, the regiment bid farewell to Camp Cadwallader, and, marching down Ridge Avenue to Twelfth street, and thence to Chestnut, halted in front of the Union League House, where a beautiful suit of colors were presented to them, Daniel Dougherty, Esq., " the silver tongued orator," making the presentation speech in behalf of the League. Colonel Sickel responded in a few earnest words, and when the guard received the colors, the regiment presented arms, and the vast multitude of citizens cheered for the Union and the regiment. They then moved up Chestnut street to Broad, and thence down to the Baltimore depot. Here Colonel Sickel was intro- duced to General Grant, who had just arrived from Burling- ton, New Jersey, where his family was on a visit. The Colonel expressed a desire to be assigned to the Army of the Potomac, to which the General replied that all new troops were ordered to the Army of the James, but, as he was one of General Meade's old colonels, and, as the General had expressed a desire for his assignment, he would issue the necessary order upon reaching City Point. The regi- ment then embarked aboard the cars, whence they proceeded through Wilmington and over the Susquehannah to Balti- more, where they arrived about three o'clock the next morning. Bivouacing in the yard of the depot at nine that day, they took cars for Washington, which city they reached about noon. The bridges on the entire route were guarded, and between Baltimore and the Capital the soldiers were PENNSYLVANIA VOLUNTEERS. 3 stationed at short intervals. Moving into the government barracks, they remained there until the 21st, when they marched to Seventh street wharf, and Companies A, F, D, I, H and C, under Major Glenn, and E, K, G and B, under the Colonel, embarked aboard the steamers Weems and Thames. Casting loose from the wharf and moving out, they steamed down the broad and beautiful Potomac, the drums ruffling and the men uncovering as they passed Mount Vernon. Points of deep interest to some, and familiarity to others, were passed. When entering the Chesapeake, they moved southward, and, rounding Fortress Monroe, entered the James river. Passing the site of Jamestown, where, nearly two centuries and a half ago,* the great curse of our country was first introduced, and the seed sown that ultimately ger- minated in our gigantic war, they anchored off City Point on the evening of the next day. There was presented a most animated scene. Innumer- able ships, barks, brigs, schooners, etc., were at anchor in the river, through which steamers of all sizes and descrip- tions were continually winding their way. For half a mile the shore was covered with commissary stores and ammuni- tion. There were thousands of tons on the wharf boats and thousands more awaiting to be landed. Numerous commissary, sutler, guard and other tents were there. Many sutlers, soldiers, government employes and contrabands were loitering about or busy at work. Innumerable wagons, ambulances, officers and orderlies were continually moving to and fro ; and with the arrival and departure of trains, the scene was one of life and activity, only witnessed at the base of great armies. Immediately upon arrival the Colonel telegraphed to General Meade, requesting to be assigned to his army, and received a reply from Adjutant-General Seth Williams, stating the General was out on the works ; and as all new * The first slaves brought to Virginia were sold from a Dutch vessel, which landed twenty at Jamestown, December 22d, 1020. 4 ONE HUNDRED AND NINETY-EIGHTH troops were ordered to report to General Butler, be had better land at Bermuda Hundred. Accordingly, early the next morning tbey weighed anchor and steamed directly north to Bermuda Hundred, two miles distant, where Beau- regard "bottled up" Butler in May. Disembarking, the regiment was marched some three miles to the southwest, and encamped for the night. During the night, General Meade's attention having been called to the Colonel's tele- gram, he telegraphed to Grant to have the regiment assigned to his army, in compliance with which General Grant, upon his arrival at City Point the next morning, dis- patched an order to Sickel to re-embark his men on any transport he could find, and return with them to the Point. This order reached the Colonel by one of General Grant's orderlies at midnight, during a heavy thunder-storm, and, appreciating the compliment that had been paid him, as his regiment was the only new one that had been assigned to the Army of the Potomac, he beat reveille at three o'clock, and had two days' rations issued and cooked and the men on the march by daylight. Arriving at Bermuda Hundred, the large steamship Columbia was found to be the only transport at the landing, and the Quartermaster of the sta- tion refused to grant the use of her, but upon being assured by the Colonel that he would seize her in the name of Gen- eral Grant, he acquiesced. Embarking, they reached City Point at eleven o'clock. PENNS YL VANIA VOL UNTEERS. CHAPTER II. BRIEF REVIEW OF THE OPERATIONS UNDER GENERAL GRANT MANY SAN- GUINARY BATTLES THE NECESSITY OF THE LINE OF MARCH THE ARMY OF THE JAMES GENERAL BUTLER BOTTLED UP IN FRONT OF PETERSBURG A NIGHT COMBAT THE SIEGE MOVEMENTS TO THE LEFT BURNSIDE'S MINE DESCRIPTION OF IT -A WANT OF GAL- LANTRY IN THE OFFICERS MISERABLE FAILURE HANCOCK CROSSES THE JAMES WARREN PUSHES TO THE LEFT BATTLES HANCOCK TO THE LEFP DESCRIPTION OF OUR ENTRENCHMENTS IN FRONT OF PETERSBURG OF THE LINES OF THE ARMY OF THE JAMES. T ET US here briefly review the operations of the army. -LJ Ulysses S. Grant,* who was appointed Lieutenant-Gen- eralf commanding all the armies of the United States, on the 4th of May, 1864, at the head of the Army of the Poto- mac, then numbering over one hundred thousand men, crossed the Rapidan on Lee's right, and pushed straight into " The Wilderness." Through this broken table-land, seamed with ravines and densely covered with dwarfish timber and brush, Grant confidently expected to get, unas- sailed ; but, being attacked, had no choice left but to fight. The two armies, moving on parallel lines in a southeasterly direction, after many sanguinary battles, and mutually heavy losses, reached the Chickahominy. Grant cutting loose from his base on the Rapidan, established it at Fredericks- burg, then at Port Royal, and finally at White House ; so he was always within a short distance of it to draw his sup- plies and send his wounded. Grant, baffled in his attempt to force himself between Lee and Richmond, determined to cross the James and attack Richmond from the south. This, seemingly, uncovered Washington, but with the insurgent army hard pressed around Richmond by a superior force, and with the country * Born April 27th, 1822. t March 1st, 1864. 6 ONE HUNDRED AND NINETY-EIGHTH northward, from Richmond to the Potomac, utterly exhausted and devastated, by the time the insurgent forces could march to the Rappahannock, Grant could transport to the Capital the bulk of his army. Critics may ask, why it was not better to send the army to Petersburg by water at once, and save the loss of life incurred by the land route. To have left the insurgents on the Rapidan and taken ship for the James would have been the certain loss of our Capital or the fatal division of our forces. Besides, the losses to the insurgents were greater in proportion to their resources than ours. General Benjamin F. Butler, commanding at Fortress Monroe, having been re-enforced by the Eighteenth Corps, Major-General William F. Smith,* and the Tenth (from South Carolina), General Quincey A. Gillmore,f raising his effective disposable force to some 30,000, by order of Gen- eral Grant, on the 4th of May moved up the James and seized Bermuda Hundred, a peninsula between the James and the Appomattox. General Butler made some demon- strations against Petersburg and the railroad leading to Richmond, a portion of which he destroyed, but BeauregardJ being relieved at Charleston by the withdrawal of Gillmore's Corps, hastened with his forces to confront him. Before daylight on the 16th the insurgents attacked our forces, and compelled them to fall back, with a loss to each side of about 4,000 men. Beauregard then erected a line of earth- works across the neck of the peninsula in front of our troops, and Butler reported himself " bottled up." Butler had con- siderable fighting along his front, but none of a decisive nature. He sent General Kautz on a moderately successful raid, and detached Smith's corps to re-enforce Grant. On *Of Vermont. fOf Ohio. Reduced Fort Pulaski, below Savannah, Ga., April llth, 1863. Succeeds Gen- eral Hunter in command of the Department of the South June 12th, 18C3. Establishes the " Swamp Angel" five miles below Charleston. Captures Fort Wagner, South Carolina, Sep- tember 7th, 1863. J General G. T. Beauregard, formerly an officer United States Army. Hero of Fort Sum- ter, April 14th, 1861. Commanded the rebels at Bull Run. Assigned to the command of Charles- ton, S. C. Urged the execution of prisoners and the raising of the Black Flag October, 1802. PENNSYLVANIA VOLUNTEERS. 7 the 8th of June he sent General Gillmore with 3,500 to attack Petersburg on the north, and General Kautz with 1,500 cavalry to attack it on the southwest Gillmore advanced within two miles of the city, driving in the ene- my's skirmishers, but, deeming his force too weak, withdrew. While the insurgents' attention was concentrated on Gill- more, Kautz made his way into the city ; but upon the with- drawal of Gillmore, he was speedily driven out. The Army of the Potomac struck the James at Wilcox's wharf, a few miles below Westover, and, pontoons and ferry- boats being at hand, the passage was promptly made on the 14th and 15th of June. Grant then hurried to the Army of the James and ordered Gen. Butler to at once move Smith's corps, which had just rejoined him, against Peters- burg, A. P. Hill, with the van of Lee's army, having already arrived there. Petersburg, on the south bank of the Appomattox, twenty-two miles south of Richmond, is the focus of all the railroads but the Danville, which con- nects the insurgent capitol with the south and southwest. If taken and held by our forces, the Confederate government and army would be compelled to abandon Richmond. Smith attacked, by noon of the 15th, a black brigade, tak- ing a line of rifle-pits and two guns. But an unaccountable delay ensued, and it was near sundown before he renewed the assault, when the rifle-pits in his front, with three hun- dred prisoners and sixteen guns, were captured. General Hancock* with two divisions, the van of the Army of the Potomac, now arrived and waved his seniority; and Smith, instead of pressing on with resoluteness, at this critical moment, when moments were so precious, determined to wait till morning. When morning came Lee's veterans were there, and Petersburg was beyond our grasp. The Army of the Potomac and the Army of Virginia again stood face to face. At six o'clock in the evening of * Major-General Winfield Scott Hancock, Pennsylvania. 8 ONE HUNDRED AND NINETY-EIGHTH the next day, Meade gave the orders for a general assault. Hancock's, Burnside's* and part of Warren's corps charged, in the face of a terrible fire, the enemy's rifle-pits, and a night of combat and carnage ensued, resulting in our carry- ing some of their works and generally advancing our line, though at a heavy cost of life to both parties. Butler, the same day, advanced General Terry f against the Richmond railroad, but with no marked success, and on the 18th another general assault was ordered. The enemy was found to have withdrawn to a more symmetrical line nearer Peters- burg, and it was three o'clock in the afternoon before the assault was commenced. Impetuous and bloody as it was, it resulted in no good, except in establishing the fact that the city could not be carried by direct assault. Grant, therefore, commenced intrenching strongly in its front, and the Second and Sixth Corps, Generals Hancock and Wright,| were moved to the left, to turn the enemy's right and seize the Weldon railroad. A. P. Hill, however, had watched this movement, and two heavy engagements took place on the 22d and 23d of June, resulting in no advantage save a moderate extension of our left towards the Weldon railroad. On the same day, the 21st, Generals Wilson and Kautz, with 8,000 cavalry, had been sent still further to the left, and succeeded in destroying many miles of the Weldon, the Lynchburg, and the Danville railroads, but were met by a superior force, and, with the loss of thir- teen guns, thirty wagons, and one thousand men. rejoined the army. About the same time, our right was extended by General Butler throwing a pontoon bridge over the James at Deep Bottom, and strongly posting himself there, within * Major-General Ambrose E. Burnside, a graduate of West Point Colonel First Rhode Island Infantry Brigadier-General August 6th, 1 8C1 Major-General March 18th, 1862 Captures Roanoke Island February 8th Newbern, March 14th Fort Macon, April 25th 1862 Com- manded the Army of the Potomac at Fredericksburg Captures Cumberland Gap, Tenn., Sep- tember 9th, 1863 After the war, Governor of Rhode Island, and United States Senator. f General Alfred H. Terry, Connecticut. | Major-General H. G. Wright, Connecticut. General James H. Wilson, Illinois. Detached from the Army of the Potomac and sent to General Thomas. Raids through Alabama, and captures Selma and Montgomery. PENNSYLVANIA VOLUNTEERS. 9 ten miles of Richmond. More or less fighting occurred along the line, until the 26th of July, when Grant threw Hancock, with the Second Corps, across the James, who turned the enemy's advance position and drove them behind Bailey's creek. This attack drew five of Lee's eight remain- ing divisions over the James. A mine had been run under an insurgent fort, one hun- dred and fifty feet, in front of Burnside's lines.* At sixteen minutes of five, on the morning of the 30th, it was sprung, blowing the fort into the air, destroying its garrison of three hundred men, and leaving a crater two hundred feet long, fifty wide, and about twenty-five deep.f Instantly the guns along our whole front opened. Four hundred yards behind the fort was Cemetery Hill, the possession of which would speedily cause the fall of Petersburg, and Grant had ordered an assault to immedi- ately follow the explosion. Instead of Burnside's division commanders vieing with each other for the honor of leading the assault, they were allowed to cast lots which should, in fact, stay out, and, unfortunately, it fell on General LedlieJ to go in. The column, when wanted, was not ready; pre- cious moments were lost; but, at last, it moved forward into the crater, and there it stayed. Then parts of Pot- * This mine was conceived and executed by Lieutenant-Colonel Henry Pleasants, of the Forty-Eighth Pennsylvania Volunteers, then commanding a brigade in the Ninth Corps. The work was done by the men of his regiment, most of whom were coal miners, from Schuylkill county. The main gallery was 510.8 feet long. The left lateral gallery was 37 feet, and the right lateral gallery was 38 feet long, the entire length being 585.8 feet. The amount of earth excavated was 18,000 cubic feet, all of which was carried in cracker boxes, slung between poles, for lack of wheelbarrows. The timber used to plank it up, was mostly obtained by tearing down a rebel bridge. The mine was about 2,5 feet under ground. It had eight magazines, in which were placed four tons of powder. Ten feet of the entrance of each of the lateral galleries, and thirty-four feet of the main gallery, were tamped. It was commenced on the 25th of June and finished on the 23d of July. Lieutenant- Colonel Pleasants' Official Report. t Lieutenant-Colonel Pleasants' report. \ Brigadier-General James H. Ledlie, of New York. % Lieutenant-Colonel Pleasants, in his official report, says : " I stood on top of our breast- works and witnessed the effect of the explosion on the enemy. It so completely paralyzed him that the breadth of the breach, instead of being only two hundred feet, was, practically, four or five hundred yards. The rebels in the forts, both on the right and left of the explosion, ran away, and for over an hour, as well as I could judge, not a shot was fired by their artillery. There was no fire from infantry from the front for at least half an hour; none from the left for twenty minutes, and but few shots from the right." 10 OXE HUXDRED AXD XIXETY-EIGHTH ter's* and Wilcox'sf divisions followed, but Ledlie's men blocked the way, and, all mixed up together, remained in the crater. General Potter finally rallied some men and charged towards Cemetery Hill, but was soon obliged to fall back. Two hours were thus shamefully wasted, while the insur- gents, recovering their self-possession, were planting batteries on either side, and concentrating their infantry. Burn- side now ordered his black division to charge. They passed to the right of the crater, and up almost to the crest of the hill, but were met by so heavy a fire of artillery and mus- ketry that they were hurled back, many of them entering the crater. The enemy now poured into this slaughter-hole a hail of shells and balls. Their first assault upon it was repulsed, and many of our unfortunates escaped to our lines, but our loss was 4,400, while that of the enemy was hardly one-fourth. Thus ended this miserable aft'air, with a posi- tive advantage to the enemy, that promised so much good results to us.| On the 12th of August, Hancock was again sent over the James, being strengthened by the Tenth Corps, General Biruey, and Gregg's cavalry. Considerable fighting ensued, including the repulse of an insurgent night attack on the 18th, involving in the whole movement a loss of about 5,000 men on either side, without any decided success on our part. At the same time, Warren, with the Fifth Corps, was pushed out on our left, and seized and fortified the long- coveted Weldon railroad, at a loss of 1,000 men. The next day, the 19th, Crawford's Division was struck by Hill, and rolled up with the loss of 2,500 prisoners. On the 21st, * Brigadier-General Robert B. Potter, of New York. t Brigadier-General O. B. Wilcox, of Michigan. I The author believes that all the regiments in the service, when mustered in, were very nearly equal in valor and bravery, and that their subsequent inequality in efficiency was entirely owing to their officers. When a separate command, be it regiment, brigade or division, shows a decided lack of courage or spirit in an undertaking, it may almost invariably be attributed to the want of those qualities in the prominent officer or officers, or in a neglect of discipline, or the absence of the proper esprit de corps, for which the officers alone are accountable. Regi- mental pride is one of the greatest virtues a soldier can possess, and its absence in a regiment renders the regiment a body without a spirit. PENNSYLVANIA VOLUNTEERS. 11 Warren was assaulted by thirty insurgent guns and several heavy columns, but he out-flanked their flanking column, inflicting heavy loss upon them. Warren's loss in the whole movement was 4,455 men, but, alas ! most of these were prisoners. The enemy's loss was about half the number, and the Weldon road. On the same day, Hancock arrived from the extreme right and struck the road four miles in rear of Warren, at Ream's Station, where, after tearing up the road for three days, he was assaulted and forced to retreat after a total loss of 2,400 men and five guns. But Warren's hold was too strong to be shaken. Except the usual sharp-shooting along the line, nothing more of moment occurred until late in September, except a smart insurgent raid on our cattle-yard at Coggin's Point, on the James, opposite Harrison's Landing, in which they run off" 2,500 beeves with no loss. Our line of strong intrenchments, with heavy forts at short intervals, commenced on the Appomattox, less than two miles below Petersburg, and extended nearly south for about five miles and a half, three miles of which was close to the insurgent works, at one point approaching within one hundred and thirty-three yards of them. The line then bent to the west, terminating, at this time, at Fort Wads- worth,* on the Weldon railroad, a distance of about three miles ; thence it extended southward to the west and along the railroad one mile to Fort Dushane; thence it returned again nearly parallel to our front line of works, inclosing and securing our rear. Two connecting lines of works crossed the space between. Between these lines was the United States military road, extending from City Point to the Weldon railroad, a distance of about seventeen miles, the rails to construct which Grant took up from the York river and Richmond road and shipped around to City Point. The left of the line of the Army of the James rested on * Named after General James S. Wadsworth, of New York, Military Governor of Washing- ton in 1862. Killed at Wilderness May 6th, 1804. 12 ONE HUNDRED AND NINETY-EIGHTH the Appomattox, about ten miles below the right of the Army of the Potomac, the intervening space being protected by the river, rifle-pits and detached forts. Thence the lines extended northward about three and a half miles across the neck of the peninsula, the right resting on the James. A lodgment had been secured at Deep Bottom, on the opposite bank of the river, and works a mile and a half long thrown up. Our lines subsequently were extended many miles on both flanks. PENNSYLVANIA VOLUNTEERS. 13 CHAPTER III. / THE ONE HUNDRED AND NINETY-EIGHTH TO THE LEFT THE YELLOW TAVERN ASSIGNED TO THE FIRST BRIGADE FIRST DIVISION FIFTH ARMY CORPS COLONEL SICKEL PLACED IN COMMAND OF THE BRIG- ADE COMPOSITION OF THE DIVISION OF THE CORPS LIEUTENANT- COLONEL MURRAY COMMANDS THE ONE HUNDRED AND NINETY-EIGHTH CAMP SICKEL BATTLE OF PEBBLE'S FARM POPLAR SPRING CHURCH BREASTWORKS AND SKIRMISHING TALMADGE'S FARM RESULT op WARREN'S MOVEMENT BUTLER TO THE RIGHT CARRIES FORT HAR- RISON KAUTZ SURPRISED. WE LEFT the regiment at City Point. About noon that day, September the 24th, they embarked upon the cars of the Military road, and passed along the rear of our line of earth-works to the Yellow Tavern, near the extreme left, and near a point on the Weldon railroad, seized and forti- fied by Warren in August. At Warren's headquarters they were received by the General and other distinguished officers, and were accompanied by General Griffin* and staff to the headquarters of the First Brigade, to which the regiment was assigned, and the command of the brigade turned over to Colonel Sickel, General Chamberlain being absent, wounded. The Second Brigade was commanded by Gen- eral Gregory ,f and the Third by General Bartlett.J These brigades composed the First Division, General Griffin. The Second Division was commanded by General Ayres,|| and the Third by General Samuel W. Crawford. The Fifth Corps was under General Warren.^f * Brevet Major-General Charles Griffin, of Ohio. f Brevet Brigadier-General Edgar M. Gregory, of Philadelphia. Colonel Ninety-First Penn- sylvania Volunteers. J Brigadier-General J. J. Bartlett, of New York. I Brevet Major-General Romeyn B. Ayres, of New York. g Brevet Major-General Samuel W. Crawford, of Pennsylvania. Wounded at Antietam Commanded the Pennsylvania Reserves in 1863-4. ^y Major-General Governeur K. Warren, of New York. 14 ONE HUNDRED AND NINETY-EIGHTH Colonel Sickel having been assigned to the command of the brigade, the command of the One Hundred and Ninety- eighth devolved upon Lieutenant-Colonel Murray. " Camp Sickel " was established, abundant rations issued to the men, drilling and guard duty at once commenced, and soon the green ones were initiated into the ways and mysteries of camp life. To the many who had served in the Reserves and other organizations, the scenes around them were not new, but to those who had come out for the first time, all was novelty and excitement. The picket, the alarms, the booming of distant guns, produced varied impressions upon the different individuals, but all tended to prepare them for the earnest work so close at hand. THE BATTLE OF PEBBLE'S FARM, SEPTEMBER 30iH AND OCTO- BER IST AND 2o, 1864. On the 30th of September, eleven days after the regi- ment left Philadelphia, it was ordered under arms, and, moving off to the westward, incessant volleys of musketry and artillery were soon heard rolling out of the woods in front. Advancing steadily, they were laid down in a woods in front of the enemy's line of works, near Poplar Spring Church, where they remained for nearly two hours, subject to a severe cannonading. Their position was the most try- ing new troops could be placed in, for while the shells, as a general thing, inflict but little loss, their screeching and bursting are annoying to unaccustomed ears. Having driven the enemy's batteries from their position, the line advanced, pushing the infantry before them, through the woods, across Squirrel Level road to Peeble's farm, where they made a desperate stand, but, by hard fighting, they were driven from their works with considerable loss, two Majors being among the prisoners.* During the night it * In reference to this action General Sickel says in his official report : " While our brigade was forming for the charge, the regimental commander misunderstood the order, and filed his regiment into a piece of woods in the rear, leaving our left exposed. When the right of the line PENNSYLVANIA VOLUNTEERS. 15 commenced raining, and continued through the next day, the men being engaged in throwing up breastworks and skirmishing most of the time. Early the next morning, Sunday, the 2d, they fell in and moved forward some dis- tance and lay down near the enemy's works, where they remained under fire five hours, when they were moved to the rear a short distance, and again commenced throwing up breastworks. The next day was passed in perfect quiet- ness, with a lively picket firing through the night, and on the afternoon of the 4th, the brigade was relieved by the Second, Colonel Gregory, when they moved about a half mile to the rear and went into camp on Talmadge's farm, near Fort Urmston. In this movement Warren advanced with two divisions of his own corps, and two of the Ninth, under General Parke,* with Gregg'sf cavalry. He carried three small works and advanced our lines nearly two miles to the westward, strongly fortifying them and joining them to his former position across the railroad. Our loss in killed, wounded and missing was 118 officers and 2,567 men ; 1,756 of which were prisoners.^ That of the enemy, probably, was not quite so heavy, but included General Donnovan. Grant ordered this movement, to cover up a more determined one by Butler on our right. General Butler crossed the James on the 29th, and ad- vancing with the Tenth Corps, under General Birney, and the Eighteenth, General Ord, assaulted and carried Fort Harrison, taking fifteen guns and a considerable portion of the enemy's intrenchments. He next assaulted Fort Gil- reached the enemy's works, I found our flanks exposed and threatened, and a disaster might have been the result but for the discerning sagacity of Captain John E. Parsons, Adjutant-Gen- eral of the brigade, who galloped through a storm of bullets, re-formed the regiment, and, direct- ing the charge in person, routed the enemy, and the result was a complete victory. * Major-General John G. Parke, Pennsylvania. t Brigadier-General David M'M. Gregg, Colonel Eighth Pennsylvania Cavalry. | For loss in One Hundred and Ninety-Eighth, see Appendix A. % Major-General David B. Birney, of Philadelphia, was born in Alabama, Colonel Twenty- third Pennsylvania Volunteers. Died in Philadelphia, October 18th, 1864. 16 ONE HUNDRED AND NINETY-EIGHTH mer, but was repulsed by Major-General Field, with a loss of three hundred men ; General Ord* being wounded and Brigadier-General Burhara killed. The insurgent General Fields, the next day, attempted the recapture of Fort Har- rison, assaulting it with four brigades on opposite sides, but was repulsed with heavy slaughter. Kautz's cavalry, that held our extreme right, on the Charles City road, was sur- prised a few days afterwards within four miles of Richmond. Desperate fighting ensued, we losing nine guns and nearly five hundred men, mostly prisoners. Both parties claimed the advantage. The insurgent Brigadier-General Gregg, of Texas, was killed. * Major-General Edward O. C. Ord, a native of Cumberland, Md., was born 1818, and grad- uated at West Point, 18.'i'J. He was a soldier of the Seminole and Mexican wars. Appointed Brigadier-General, United States Volunteers, he served under General M'Call, in the Pennsyl- vania Reserves, and, with his brigade, fought the battle of Drainesville, the first victory of the Army of the Potomac. Promoted Major-General in May, 1862, he was assigned to an import- ant command in Tennessee At the siege of Vicksburg he commanded the Thirteenth Corps ; and, under Grant, before Richmond, the Eighteenth Corps. He participated in the siege of Petersburg and capture of Lee. He was wounded three times. In 1881 he was placed on the retired list. His daughter, now deceased, married General Trevino, ex-Mexican Minister of War. While on his way home from Vera Cruz, he was taken with yellow fever, and, upon arriving at Havana, was removed to shore, where he died, July 22d, 1;>83. His remains were brought home. PENNSYLVANIA VOLUNTEERS. 17 CHAPTER IV. CAMP URMSTON STATE ELECTION EXECUTION OF A DESERTER INSPEC- TION MOVE CAMP BATTLE OF BOYDTON PLANK-ROAD GENERAL ADVANCE OF THE WHOLE LINE PARKE'S ASSAULT HANCOCK MOVES CRAWFORD, MOTT, EAGAN AND GREGG FIGHT SQUIRREL LEVEL THE CHAPEL PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION THANKSGIVING DAY CON- TINUALLY UNDER FIRE. URMSTON, of the One Hundred and Ninety-eighth, was arranged with great regularity and neatness, the stumps and underbrush being cleared away and the ground thoroughly policed. Company and battalion drills were held daily, and that strict discipline established so necessary for the efficiency of soldiers. While here, the Twenty-first Pennsylvania Cavalry, (the One Hundred and Eighty-second of the Line,) Major Knowles, that had been serving as infantry in the brigade, was detached and sent to City Point, where it was equipped and mounted. About the same time the One Hundred and Eighty-fifth New York Volunteers arrived, and were attached to the brigade. They were a splendid set of men and well drilled. The 8th of October being election day in the State, the men exercised their right of casting their vote. A private of the Second Maryland, named Charles Miller, having deserted to the enemy, and being subsequently cap- tured by our pickets, was shot on the morning of the 14th, at half past nine o'clock. The division to which he belonged was drawn up to witness the execution. A death procession, composed of soldiers bearing the coffin, the condemned, a priest, the guard, the firing party and the band, to a most beautiful and solemn dirge, passed down the line and halted in front of the grave. The prisoner, whose arms were pin- ioned, walked with a firm step. His face was deadly pale, but he showed no signs of fear. He could not look at his 3 18 ONE HUNDRED AND NINETY-EIGHTH late comrades, nor at the flag he had fought for and against. For a moment he turned his eyes towards the blue heavens above him, then closing them, seated himself uppn his coffin, and was blindfolded. A few words were whispered to him by the priest, and the order, " Ready " " Aim " " Fire ! " given, and the deserter fell back dead. His grave was filled, the band struck up a lively tune and the troops marched back to their camps. A military execution is the most solemn and impressive sight one can witness, and, although every heart must feel sad for the fate of the poor condemned, they all recognize the justness of the sentence, and no one with a properly organized mind could wish him pardoned. Strange as it may appear, that very night a maji who had witnessed the execution was shot and captured by our pickets while attempting to desert to the enemy. Desertion was an unhealthy business. While here the regiment was under arms a number of times, occasioned by skirmishes on the picket line, but in no instance were they moved from camp. On the 15th Captain Francis B. Jones, the Brigade Inspector, inspected the regiment. The day was unusually pleasant, and every man was present or accounted for. The true test of a sol- dier's pride is found in the care of his arms, and it was with satisfaction the officers heard the inspector pronounce them in perfect condition. About noon the next day, the regi- ment moved about a half-mile to the south, and encamped to the right of the Barlett's Third Brigade, in rear of Fort Cummings, near the Squirrel Level road, where they remained, performing the usual picket duty, and getting under arms during alarms, until the 27th. BATTLE OF BOYDTON PLANK-ROAD,* OCTOBER 27th and 28th, 1864. Grant having sounded a general advance, General Butler, by order, made a demonstration in force on our extreme * Sometimes called Hatcher's Run. PENNSYLVANIA VOLUNTEERS. 19 right, moving on to the defences of Richmond, by the Charles City and Williamsport road. Meade, stripping the works before Petersburg of all but the men necessary to hold them, with three days' rations and sixty rounds of cart- ridges, moved suddenly by the left to turn the right flank of the enemy. Long before dawn on the 27th of October, the boys were busy preparing their coffee, and, having finished their frugal breakfast, were in line awaiting orders. Soon they took up their march, and, moving in a zig-zag direction to the southwest for five hours, toiled through dense timber, when they arrived in front of the enemy's formidable works on the north bank of Hatcher's run. Moving up a slight eminence covered with heavy timber, the Fifth Corps being mostly held in reserve, they laid down with a storm of shell screeching and bursting over them. The Ninth Corps, under General Parke, which held the right, struck the right of the insurgent intrenchments, which rested on the north or east bank of Hatcher's run. These they assaulted with great determination, but failed to carry, for the simple reason that it is almost impossible to drive veteran soldiers out of intrenchments without they are flanked. The Second Corps, General Hancock, had advanced simultaneous to the left; and encountered a small force, to dispute its passage of the run, where it struck it. Moving northwestward by Dabney's Mill to the Boydton plank-road, and pushing along it to the north towards the toll-gate, meeting with little opposition, at one o'clock in the after- noon it was halted by order of General Meade. Warren, upon the failure of Parke* to carry the insurg- ent intrenchments, sent General Crawford's division, backed by Ayres' brigade, across Hatcher's run, to turn the enemy's works on the south or west bank of that stream, and to con- nect with Hancock, then some two miles distant. Crawford met with great difficulty, advancing through woods and swamps all but impassable, many of his men losing their * Major-General John G. Parke, Pennsylvania. 20 ONE HUNDRED AND NINETY-EIGHTH regiments, and the regiments becoming detached from the division. In this scattered state he arrived directly on the flank of the enemy's intrenchments, when he received orders from General Warren to halt. The country proving entirely different from what was expected, a consultation with Gen- eral Meade was desired. Hancock, who was now separated from Crawford by a mile of dense woods and swamps, extended his right, under General Eagan, to connect. Through the mistake of a subordinate, he supposed the connection had been made, but there was a space of twelve hundred yards intervening. Lee seized this opportunity to push forward Hill, strike Hancock's right, and roll it up. Heath's* division leading, moved along a cart-road through the woods, passed Crawford's front, and across the interval between Crawford and Hancock. Arriving unseen opposite Hancock's right at four P.M., he deployed his lines, and charging, poured into Mott'sf division a volley of musketry, that gave the first intimation of the proximity of the enemy. Pierce's brigade instantly gave way, and a battery was lost. Eagan| instantly changed front and hurried to the rescue, striking the rebels in flank with two brigades, one of which was of Mott's, under McAllister, as they rushed across the cleared space along the Boydton road in pursuit of the fugitives, killing many, capturing a thousand prisoners and re- taking the lost guns. The enemy, completely routed, fled in confusion, over two hundred of them falling into Craw- ford's lines. At the same time this attack was made on Hancock's right, General Wade Hampton, || with five brigades of cavalry, * Wounded at Gettysburg, July 2d, 1863. (Major-General Gershom Mott, of New Jersey. A Lieutenant Tenth U. S. Infantry dur- ing the war with Mexico ; Colonel Sixth New Jersey Volunteers ; Brigadier-General September 7th, 1862; Brevet Major-General August 1st, 1804; Major-General May 26th, 1865. Wounded at Chancellorsville, at Bull Run (2d), at Spottsylvania, and at Amelia Springs. Commander-in- Chief National Guards New Jersey. J General Thomas W. Eagan. Colonel Fortieth New York Volunteers. Displayed great gallantry in a charge at Chantilly, September 13th, 1862. J General Wade Hampton, of South Carolina. Wounded at Gettysburg, July 3d, 1863. Subsequently Governor of South Carolina and a United States Senator. PENNSYLVANIA VOLUNTEERS. 21 attacked Gregg's cavalry, covering his left and rear. The assault continued until night, when Hampton withdrew dis- comfited, he having gained no ground. Meade sent orders to Hancock to use his discretion about- withdrawing, or hold- ing his position and attacking the next morning. Hancock, being short of ammunition and uncertain of being re-enforced in time, decided to draw off, and, at ten o'clock at night, commenced the movement. The One Hundred and Ninety-eighth changed positions several times during the day, being laid down in support of other troops or to threaten the enemy's works. They were constantly exposed to a harmless artillery fire until near sun- set, when a strong picket line was thrown out, which was engaged nearly the entire night. A cold drenching rain fell through the night, but it did not interfere with the constant exchange of shots The next day was clear but oppressively warm. A feeble picket fire was continued through the morning. The news of Heath's and Hampton's repulse was misunderstood by the men, who, being ignorant of Hancock's withdrawal, were much elated; but about noon, when the orders were given to " sling knapsacks and fall in," they instantly comprehended the situation. Moving off at a double-quick some two miles to the rear, they halted in line of battle to the right of some batteries. After remain- ing here some time, they moved off, and, about sunset, reached their old encampment at Squirrel Level road. Our loss in this movement was 90 officers and 1,812 men, killed, wounded and missing,* principally in Hancock's corps, they losing an aggregate of 1,500 men.f That of the enemy was considerably greater, otherwise the movement resulted in no advantage whatever to us. At Squirrel Level the men set diligently to work erecting substantial quarters, in the faint hope of wintering there. * Grant and his Campaigns. fFor the loss of the One Hundred and Ninety-eighth see Appendix A. 22 ONE HUNDRED AND NINETY-EIGHTH As soon as they were finished, a neat chapel was built for their most excellent chaplain, the Reverend John J. Pomeroy. In this regiment, as in the Third Reserve, there was consider- able religious element, induced, in a great measure, by the influence of the worthy chaplain, who was the earnest friend of every man in it. Such of the officers as were not relig- ious, had a proper respect for religion, and did much to for- ward it. When the chapel was finished it was the nightly resort of those who wished to attend prayer-meeting, or listen to appropriate and touching discourses.* In a few days the camp was one of the most comfortable and neat in the army. Picketing, camp duty, battalion drill and dress parade occupied the time of the men, affording healthy exercise and preserving a proper tone of spirit. The Presidential canvasf was now progressing in the loyal North, and extended to the army. Influential citizens of both parties visited the various camps to talk with the soldiers. Political badges of the candidates were for sale at all the sutlers' tents, and almost every soldier wore his favorite on his breast. The election passed off quietly on the 8th of November,! with hardly an unkind word spoken ; and the men were as untrammeled in the casting of their ballots as ever they were in their lives. On the 15th, the usual monthly brigade inspection took place. The 27th, the day of National Thanksgiving, was *The regiment built three chapels for their chaplain, in which he held 110 religious services. He distributed among the men 6.122 religious newspapers, 63,050 pages of tracts, 263 New Test- aments and 19G hymn-books. He procured for them a circulating library of over 200 volumes. In addition to this he expressed over $00.000 for the soldiers, all of which reached its destination safely. Before the regiment was discharged the non-commissioned officers and privates presented him with an elegant gold watch and chain with a maltese cross attached, the corps mark of the Fifth, at a cost of $350, as a testimonial of their high appreciation of his services. t Abraham Lincoln and Andrew Johnson vs. George B. M'Clellan and George H. Pendleton. \ Fourteen of the States had authorized their soldiers in the field to vote. The votes of the Minnesota soldiers did not reach her State canvassers in season to be counted. So with most of Vermont's soldiers' votes. Those of New York were not counted separately. The vote of the soldiers of the twelve States that were counted separately were, Lincoln, 119,754; M'Clellan, 34,291. PENNSYLVANIA VOLUNTEERS. 23 spent iu the enjoyment of a profusion of dainties, sent by kind friends of members of the command at home. Dur- ing all this time the interminable fusillade in the trenches and along the picket lines was kept up, the balls frequently dropping in the encampment or whizzing over head. But the boys had become so used to them that they ceased to cause more than a casual remark. 24 ONE HUNDRED AND NINETY-EIGHTH CHAPTER V. RAID ox THE WELDON RAILROAD THE MARCH JERUSALEM PLANK- ROAD SUSSEX COURT HOUSE TEARING UP THE ROAD ANIMATED SCENE BELLPIELD HICKSFORD RETURN WINTER QUARTERS LIEUTENANT-COLONEL MURRAY SHERMAN'S MARCH ENLISTMENT OF SLAVES. RAID ON THE WELDON RAILROAD, DECEMBER GTH TO 12TH, 1864. THE enemy still held a portion of the Weldon railroad, upon which they transported supplies from North Caro- lina and farther south nearly up to our lines, whence they wagoned them around our left to their camps. General Meade determined to destroy the road farther to the south- ward, to prevent its use for that purpose. He, therefore, sent Warren with the Fifth Corps. Mott's division of the Second Corps, and Griggs' mounted division to accomplish it. Preparatory marching orders were received by the One Hundred and Ninety-eighth on the afternoon of the 5th ; and by early dawn the next morning the boys were in line with four days' rations in haversacks and twenty rounds of extra cartridges in the pockets. It was nine o'clock, how- ever, before they left their picturesque camp in the woods, upon which they had bestowed so much labor ; and, mov- ing ofl' along the Military railroad towards City Point, halted at two o'clock in the afternoon in a heavy woods, where they bivouacked for the night. Moving early the next morning, they continued on their course until they struck the Jerusalem plank-road, when, wheeling to the right, they proceeded in a southerly direction down that noted high- way. Crossing a number of minor streams and passing through the village of Templeton, after marching seventeen miles through a heavy rain, they bivouacked in an open field PENNSYLVANIA VOLUNTEERS. 25 near the Nottaway river. At three o'clock the next morn- ing, the 8th, they moved oft', crossing the deep and rapid stream on pontoons. The night had been a cold, rainy and comfortless one, and the morning was damp and chilly. The rain had ren- dered the marshy roads very heavy, along which they hur- riedly marched. But soon the bright sun appeared, the warm rays of which seemed to inspire new life and spirit to the men. Passing through Sussex Court House, they halted for a short time to partake of the soldiers' breakfast, coffee and hard-tack. Then, moving on, all day long they toiled over heavy roads until near sunset, when they rested for a while in an orchard to eat supper. After a short delay they moved over the fields about two miles at double-quick, and struck the Weldon railroad. The sun had just set, its last raj's gilding the mountain tops in the distant west. As far as the eye could reach were seen innumerable glowing fires, and thousands of busy blue-coats tearing up the rails and piling the ties. It was at once a \\ ild, animated scene, and the fatigue of the long day's march was soon forgotten. Four companies under Major Glenn were immediately posted as pickets in a woods two hundred yards to the west of the road, and Lieutenant-Colonel Murray, with the remaining ten companies, proceeded diligently toward assisting in the destruction. With pick-axes and flaming torch they soon illumined the neighboring woods and hills, and their merry laughter and wild shouts echoed through the forest glens. The rails were heated and twisted in many fantastic shapes, some being bent into the form of a Maltese cross, the badge of the glorious old Fifth, as a certificate of the fact that it was done by that corps. With a hearty good-will and no signs of fatigue, the boys continued their exciting work until one o'clock in the morning, when they were relieved, and biv- ouacked in a neighboring sage field, where, in despite of the excessive cold, they threw themselves upon the ground and slept soundly until revielle. Partaking of a hurried break- 26 ONE HUNDRED AND NINETY-EIGHTH fast, they eagerly fell in and marched down the line of the railroad, to recommence their work. And thus they advanced, burning bridges and blowing up culverts, leaving in their train a scene of destruction and ruin. About noon they reached Bellfield, a lively little town, which they made still livelier for the time being, wrapping in flames the sta- tion and railroad buildings, and smashing up everything that would be of any use to the enemy. During this raid the fences suffered considerably, and lucky was the chicken or other barn-yard game that escaped the ever-vigilant eye of the boys. Feathers, sheep and calf- skins, hides and horns, marked the bivouacs of the army. Nor were the boys without delicacies. Occasionally one would be seen distributing on the point of his bayonet the contents of a preserve jar, or dispensing with liberal hand nuts and dried fruit. Although the weather was intensely cold and the men suffered much, they enjoyed their raid equally as much as the insurgents did theirs into Pennsylva- nia, and without finding the country quite so unhealthy. After dinner they again went at the railroad, continuing their destruction of it until they reached the Meherrin river, on the opposite banks of which stood Hicksford, the county town of Greensville, about eight miles from the North Caro- lina line. Here two railroads connect, one leading directly south to "Weldon and Wilmington, and the other southwest into Georgia. The few insurgents encountered were driven across the river, and the fine railroad bridge totally destroyed. The town being fortified and strongly held by the enemy, and our troops having started with but four days' rations, they were constrained to return. Leaving the artillery to pound away at the town, and the cavalry and a small portion of the infantry to make demonstrations of crossing, about sunset the main body commenced retracing their steps, the One Hundred and Ninety-eighth bivouacking near Bellfield. The expedition fully accomplished its mission, having destroyed the railroad, with its bridges, culverts and water PENNSYLVANIA VOLUNTEERS. 27 stations for thirty miles. During the night it rained and hailed incessantly, rendering it very uncomfortable for the wearied men. The next morning, the 10th, was clear and bright, but the roads were very heavy ; and, after steady marching all day long, they bivouacked at nine o'clock that night near Sussex Court House. Through the day they occasionally heard the guns of the rear guard engaged with the enemy far to the south. The next morning, passing near Sussex, the stripped bodies of several of our soldiers were found with their throats cut. These poor fellows, through inabil- ity to keep up, had fallen out during the rapid advance, and were captured by the citizens, who had left their homes to hang on our rear. It is but just to add that such cruelties were never perpetrated upon our men by the old soldiers of Lee's army, who knew how to treat a foe, but were almost invariably confined to troops who had never been upon the battle-field, or the guerrilla citizens. True, there was a shameful neglect of our wounded that fell into their hands, and many instances of their stripping them, as at Fredericks- burg and Chancellorsville, but they invariably said, in excuse, it was done by order of their officers. About noon they reached the pontoons on the Nottaway, where they found the Ninth Corps awaiting their arrival, and ready, if necessary, to cover their retreat. But the enemy had not followed them with any considerable force, though they were mustering in hot haste in their rear. Moving about two miles beyond the river, they bivouacked for the balance of the day and night on the plantation of Mr. Chappin, where they received a fresh supply of rations, brought down by the Ninth Corps. The next day, the twelfth, after a tedious march, they reached the Federal lines, and went into camp near their first encampment, in the neighborhood of Fort Wadsworth. Here the boys set themselves diligently to work again, preparing winter quarters for themselves and officers, and built a neat chapel of forty by sixty feet dimen- 28 ONE HUNDRED AND NINETY-EIGHTH sions for religious and other meetings. On the 27th of December, Lieutenant-Colonel Murray, an excellent officer, was relieved on account of physical disability.* At this time Sherman had completed his great march from Atlanta to the Sea,f and was intent upon moving north through the Carolinas to Virginia. Grant's campaign of 1864 practically ended in October, with the Boydton plank-road affair. Instead of pushing things in his front during the win- ter, he evidently considered his ends best subserved by quiet- ness. He dreaded Lee's abandonment of Virginia, at least for a time, to precipitate his army, swelled by re-enforcements from Hardee, Beauregard, Wheeler and others, upon Sher- man, as he struggled through eastern Georgia or the swamps of South Carolina. But the mere suggestion of the aban- donment of the insurgent capital was met by such a deafen- ing clamor by the Richmond journals that the authorities could not defy it. Its abandonment, and even the worsting of Sherman would not have altered the issue of the war, but might have prolonged it by a series of minor engagements in the more southern States, to the untold miser}' of its inhabitants. And 'now, in the eleventh hour of the Con- federacy, they commenced freeing and arming such slaves as were fit for military service. What they had denounced in us, as utterly unjustified by any conceivable exigency of war, as at once a crime, a futility and a confession of defeat, and ridiculed in unmeasured terms, they at last hailed with hope, to save the government whose corner-stone was slavery. * Died in South America in 1866. f Left Atlanta November llth, and occupied Savannah December 21st, 1864. PENNSYLVANIA VOLUNTEERS. 29 CHAPTER VI. BATTLE OF HATCHER'S RUN THE FIFTH CARRY THE BREASTWORKS BIVOUAC SILENT MARCH SUCCESSFUL FEINT CRAAVFORD DRIVES PEGRAM GREGG AND AYRES ROLLED UP MAHONE HUMPHREY FIGHTS NIGHT ASSAULT THE ENEMY REPULSED BURYING THE DEAD BUILDING BREASTWORKS WINTER QUARTERS. BATTLE OF HATCHER'S RUN, FEBRUARY STH AND GTH, 1865. THE regiment remained in camp, performing the usual duties, drilling and picketing until Sunday morning, February 5th, when, leaving their shelter-tents and knap- sacks in charge of the camp guard, they moved in light marching order on the old bloody path. The column, con- sisting of the Fifth Corps, General Warren, the Second, now under General Humphrey,* and Gregg's Cavalry, pushed down the Halifax road to near Ream's Station, when, turning to the right, they moved nearly west, and near and in front of Dabney's Mill, at three in the afternoon, the advance of the Fifth came upon, and carried by assault, a portion of the enemy's line of breastworks. The First Division, General Griffin, with Chamberlain's brigade in advance, moved through the captured works, and, with Gregg's cavalry, pushed southeastwardly to within three miles of Dinwiddie Court House, on the Boydton plank- road, where they halted in a large clearing, got supper, and made preparation for bivouacking for the night. Surround- ing themselves with a strong picket line, the men lay down and went to sleep. The object of this movement was to draw off a portion of the enemy to watch them, and, being successful, at eleven o'clock at night the pickets were drawn in ; and silently and rapidly, on the double-quick, they moved off toward the * Major-General A. A. Humphrey, Chief of Engineers. 30 ONE HUNDRED AND NINETY-EIGHTH main body of the army. If this movement had been delayed a half hour a severe engagement would have taken place, as the last of the rear-guard witnessed a heavy line of the enemy charge over the vacated bivouac, they intending the hazard of a night attack. Griffin moved on until he found the road obstructed by felled timber, when, concealing him- self in it, he bivouacked for the balance of the night. Early the next morning, the 6th, they moved on, and soon reached the captured insurgent works. The feint was a complete suc- cess. A large force of the enemy followed it, thus weaken- ing the lines in front of the main body, which assaulted when this force was well away, and carried his works. Smythe's division and M'Allister's brigade of Mott's divi- sion most gallantly repulsed an attempt of the enemy to turn the right of the former. Everything remained moderately quiet until three in the afternoon, when Crawford's brigade, which had been thrown forward to Dabney's Mill some time before, encountered and drove an insurgent force under General Pegram,* who was killed. By this time the enemy had sent a strong force around our left to strike it in flank and rear. Gregg's cav- alry, which was on the left of Crawford's, first felt the shock of this blow, and was pushed back to Hatcher's run. Ayres' brigade was advanced to the support of Crawford, and was struck in flank by a division while marching, and rolled up in confusion. The First Brigade, which was posted in the breastworks, immediately advanced to their support in column of regiment, the One Hundred and Ninety-eighth leading. The boys springing over the works, dashed through the mud and water, and in a few moments, wheeling sharply to the right into an open field, charged, with wild shouts, upon Mahone's charging line. Sickel, seeing the despera- tion of the moment, with sword in hand led the column. The two met, the enemy overlapping on either side, but the * Defeated and routed by General Q. A. Gillmore at Somerset, Tennessee, March 30th, 1863. Severely wounded at Wilderness, May oth, 1864. PENNSYLVANIA VOLUNTEERS. 31 weight of our column broke through, and, cutting them in half, threw them into much confusion. At the same moment Crawford's brigade was heavily struck and pushed back, and now followed a desperate and sanguinary struggle. While the Fifth Corps was hard pressed and almost over- whelmed, Humphrey arrived with the Second Corps, and, after a short, decisive conflict, the enemy were thrown back in discomfiture. General Sickel received, a painful flesh wound in the left thigh from a rifle shot, and the brave Lieutenant Frazier, of Company L, was mortally wounded. General Griffin thanked the General and his regiment upon the field for their gallantry, and gave them due credit in his official report. Night came and was intensely .dark. The enemy deter- mined once more, if possible, to regain his lost ground. Massing his forces on our right, and approaching cautiously under cover of the heavy open timber in front, he drove in the pickets, and charged with a yell right over our works. At the same instant his numerous batteries in the rear opened with shell over their heads, and a dreadful conflict was at once inaugurated. For a moment things looked bad, but with the enemy between them and the breastworks, it was not so hard to re-take them. Instantly recovering from the shock, the lines were re-formed, and, delivering a terrible volley at close range, the boys sprang upon the foe with the bayonet. The struggle for a short time was hand-to-hand, muskets being clubbed and bayonets freely used. But the brave fellows were beaten down and crushed back by the hardy men of the North ; and amidst the flashes of musketry and bursting of shell, the works were regained. "When a force breaks and runs, then comes the slaughter. Steadily our men poured into them an incessant fire until they were beyond range. During the balance of the night they were unmolested, and heavy details were made to collect and care for the wounded of both armies. At daylight the next morning, 32 ONE HUNDRED AND NINETY-EIGHTH the 7th, the enemy had entirely disappeared from the vicinity, and heavy details were sent out to bury the dead. Friend and foe were laid in rows close together upon the field of honor peacefully to sleep. Our loss in this affair was about 1,800 killed, wounded and missing; and that of the enemy must have been at least equal.* About ten o'clock, through a drenching rain, the com- mand was moved from the field into the intrenchments. As these were erected by the enemy behind a marsh, in our occupation of them matters were reversed, and our troops were forced to occupy the marsh for an encampment. Exposed to the cold rain, in the mud and water, without shelter-tents, overcoats, blankets or fire, the sufferings of the men were severe. Work was at once commenced upon a strong line of defences on an eminence in rear, on the opposite side of Hatcher's run, for the more ample protec- tion of the position, our left having been permanently extended to this point. When they were completed, the regiment moved half a mile to the rear, and encamped on high ground along the margin of a fine piece of timber. Soon after their shelter-tents and knapsacks arrived, and they engaged for the third time in putting up comfortable winter quarters and a chapel. While here their time was occupied with the ordinary duties of a camp, in close prox- imity to the enemy, until the 29th of March. *For loss in the One Hundred and Ninety-eighth, see Appendix A. PENNSYLVANIA VOLUNTEERS. 33 CHAPTER VII. SHERIDAN AND SHERMAN SURPRISE OP FORT STEADMAN THREE THOUS- AND PRISONERS TAKEN SUPPORTS THE XINTH, SIXTH AND SECOND CORPS GRANT'S GRAND MOVEMENT BATTLE OF LEWIS' FARM, OR QUAKER ROAD CHAMBERLAIN AND SICKEL RALLY THE LINES DEATH OF MAJOR MACEUEN AND CAPTAIN MULFREY SICKEL, SPACK- MAN, GARDNER, WRIGLEY, KELLER, MILLER AND MITCHELL WOUNDED CHAPLAIN POMEROY BATTLE OF WHITE OAK RIDGE MAJOR GLENN ASSUMES COMMAND OF THE ONE HUNDRED AND NINETY-EIGHTH CHAMBERLAIN'S PLAN OF BATTLE AND VICTORY CAPTURE OF A REBEL FLAG DEATH OF SHRCEDER AND POMEROY SHERIDAN AT FIVE FORKS AND DINWIDDIE COURT HOUSE AYRES TO His RELIEF. LET US glance for a moment at the operations of Sheri- dan and Sherman. Sheridan, at the head of 10,000 mounted men, left Winchester on the 27th of February, and struck Early in his intrenchments at Waynesboro' on the 2d of March, so completely routing and capturing his army that there was little left of it but Early himself.* Pushing on, destroying depots, manufactories, bridges and long stretches of railroad, and the James Kiver canal, he swept around north of Richmond, and, by way of White House and Jones' landing, reported to Grant at City Point on the 27th of March. Sherman, who had left Savannah on the 1st of February,f led his victorious army through South Carolina, causing the evacuation, by the rebels, of the posts on the sea coast, to Goldsboro', North Carolina, whence, leaving it, he proceeded by railroad and steamer to City Point, where he arrived on the 27th of March also, and met in council the President, Generals Grant, Meade, Sheridan and others. *Greeley, Volume II, page 727. tGreeley, Volume II, page 097. 34 ONE HUNDRED AND NINETY-EIGHTH SURPRISE OF FORT STEADMAN, MARCH 25TH, 1865. Lee and Davis, foreseeing clearly the speedy downfall of the Confederacy, unless averted by a telling blow that would deliver them from the grasp of Grant, and enable them to unite with Johnston and crush Sherman, resolved upon the desperate effort. Accordingly, on the night of the 24th of March Lee concentrated two powerful divisions, under Gen- erals Gordon and Ransom, with 20,000 of his best troops massed in their rear as a support, at Colquitt's Salient, on the extreme east of the rebel line, opposite Fort Steadman, and, at a little before light the next morning, having steadily approached and silenced the Union pickets, burst in over- powering columns upon the main line, surprising and cap- turing at a blow Fort Steadman, and batteries to right and left, from Fort Haskell to Battery IX, thus swinging open wide gates in the Union line, and clearing the way for the advance of their powerful support. The portion of the line broken was occupied by M'Laughlin's brigade of Wilcox's division, the greater portion of which was captured. The Fort was held by the Fourteenth New York Artillery. Undoubtedly it was Lee's intention to push forward the 20,000 reserve, seize the crest of the ridge about Meade's station on the military railroad behind the forts, and cut our army in two. But the order for the advance was either not given or not promptly responded to, and our troops rallying from their surprise were preparing to make a counter-assault, while our guns on either side were trained to sweep the ground over which they advance. Like our officers at Burnside's mine explosion, they failed to seize the oppor- tunity, and the assaulting columns became an isolated handful in the midst of an army of foes. General Hartranft, whose division was laying in reserve in rear of the Ninth Corps, immediately moved to the assault, and as the line dashed forward, the rebels seeing the hopelessness of their position, threw down their arms in large numbers, and began to pass PENNSYLVANIA VOLUNTEERS. 35 through the advancing ranks to the rear.* The triumph was complete. The works were regained, with all the guns uninjured, and nearly three thousand prisoners with small arms and battle flags were captured. General Meade, believing that the enemy's lines generally must have been weakened to strengthen this assault, ordered an advance along the front of the Sixth and Second Corps, holding our works to the left of Fort Steadman. The at- tack was made with such spirit that their strongly intrenched picket line was taken from them and permanently held by our forces. Thus Lee tightened rather than loosened Grant's grip upon the throat of the Confederacy. At early dawn this day the One Hundred and Ninety- eighth, with the brigade, was hurriedly got under arms, and double-quicked down the lines some two miles to re-enforce the Ninth Corps. From thence it was moved from point to point in rear of the Sixth and Second Corps, during their assaults upon the enemy's lines, whenever their support seemed most urgent, and although frequently under fire they were not actually engaged. This continued during the entire day, and late in the evening it returned to its camp completely worn out. The entire loss in our army during the day was 2,390 officers and men, nearly 1,000 of whom were prisoners. The loss to the enemy was probably one- third more. On the 24th, Grant had prepared orders for a general ad- vance on our left on the 29th. It now became absolutely necessary to do so, to intercept and preclude Lee's with- drawal to North Carolina. Three divisions of the army of the James, now commanded by General Ord, were brought over to the left on the 27th. Leaving the Ninth Corps, Gen- eral Parke and one division of Ord's to hold our extended lines in front of Petersburg, and sending all dismounted cavalrymen to General Benham for the defence of City Point, on the 29th Grant commenced his last grand movement. *Prot. Bates' History of Pennsylvania Volunteers, Volume V, page 521. 36 ONE HUNDRED AND NINETY-EIGHTH THE BATTLE OF LEWIS FARM OR QUAKER ROAD, MARCH 29TH, 1865. Late on the evening of the 28th, the One Hundred and Ninety-eighth received orders to strike tents and rest upon its arms in readiness for an early march, the whole army awaiting the signal to deliver a decisive blow. At three o'clock the next morning, they leading, the Fifth Corps moved off at a double-quick in a southerly direction, crossed the Rowanty on pontoons below the junction of Gravelly and Hatcher's runs, and pushed westward on the Monks' Neck road to the Quaker road, into which they turned northward to strike the Boydton plank-road at Rainie's. In this move- ment General Chamberlain's brigade led, and, in fact, consti- tuted an advanced guard. The enemy's advanced posts were encountered at the crossing of Gravelly run. Being easily driven back, they joined their main body, strongly posted in earth-works on the edge of the piece of timber near an old saw mill. In front of the works stretched a clear field, one thousand yards deep and wide, flanked on either side by heavy timber, in which were posted sharp- shooters. General Chamberlain made his disposition for attack ; placing the One Hundred and Ninety-eighth Penn- sylvania on the right, in two wings, commanded by General Sickel and Major Glenn, and the One Hundred and Eighty- fifth New York, Colonel Sniper, on the left, with Battery B, Fourth U. S. Artillery, Lieutenant Mitchell, in the center. The One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Pennsylvania, Colonel Pear- son, formed a reserve, moving in support. The battery being well posted for effective fire, the brigade advanced at the double-quick and soon was enveloped in the terrible fire of the securely posted Confederates. Our troops were not allowed to deliver fire until they came into close quarters, when the engagement became very severe, our troops being again and again checked, but renewing the assault with in- creased impetuosity. The fire of the battery being now directed to cover our left flank, which was in danger of PENNSYLVANIA VOLUNTEERS. 37 being turned, the battle raged fiercely in the center, where not only the line of fire from the enemy's breastworks, but that of many sharp-shooters in the trees told with deadly effect upon our men. General Chamberlain receiving a severe wound in the breast, for a moment reeled in his saddle, but at that instant a sharp " rebel yell" on our right roused his attention, and he saw the rebels pouring upon the right flank of the One Hundred and Ninety-eighth, and in spite of the heroic and stubborn resistance of that wing it showed signs of breaking to the rear, when he put spurs to his horse and rode down to assist General Sickel, who was bravely rallying his overpowered men. The men soon responded to these efforts, and, rallying, they drove the rebels entirely back into their works. General Chamberlain was again wounded and his horse shot under him, and General Sickel received a severe bone wound in the left arm, notwithstanding which he fought on like a hero. Directly between these two offi- cers fell Major Charles I. Maceuen, a gallant and noble young officer. No sooner had our right been thus restored than the enemy turned the left of the brigade, bursting on the One Hundred and Eighty-fifth New York with terrific force. Our men drifting back into the battery on the left, General Chamberlain moved it into position to throw solid shot over the heads of our broken left, and while the tree tops were coming down on the astonished rebels, Pearson's regiment was brought up in the center and went in most gallantly, and one more grand rush was made for the enemy's works, which, after a hard contest, were triumphantly carried. The loss in the brigade was 367 killed and wounded, of which the One Hun- dred and Ninety-eighth lost nearly one-half.* Besides the loss of the brave Maceuen, fell also Captain George W. Mul- frey, a braver youth than whom, the regiment possessed not. Among the wounded were Captains Thomas C. Spackman, Benjamin F. Gardner and' Samuel Wrigley, and Lieutenants * For loss in the One Hundred and Ninety-eighth, see Appendix A. 38 ONE HUNDRED AND NINETY-EIGHTH Jeremiah C. Keller and William A. Miller. Captain Mitch- ell, of the battery, mounted on a gun carriage directing his fire, was severely wounded. After the fight General Chamberlain sought General kSickel, who greeted him with a soldier's frankness : " Gen- eral, you have the courage of the lion, and the gentleness of a woman." "No, Sickel! it was your heroism and example that saved us," was the reply. The groans of the wounded rebels who fell into our hands were very distressing to hear, and were something different from the undemonstrative habit of our own men under such circumstances. Humphreys, with the Second Corps, crossed Hatcher's run at the Vaughan road, about four miles to the right of War- ren, and moved in an extended line, over a densely wooded and difficult country. He met with skirmishes only and did not strike the enemy's intrenched lines. Sheridan, at the head of 10,000 men, all the cavalry of the army except headquarters escorts, moved to the left and independent of Warren, striking Dinwiddie Court House without meeting with much opposition, and for a time isolating the insurgent cavalry. During the battle the excellent Chaplain, Mr. Pomeroy, was assiduous in his attention to the wounded, and until late at night, with the willing assistance of the men, he labored to render them as comfortable as circumstances would permit. The dead were all properly buried, and over their graves he performed the funeral services. The regiment encamped upon the field, and during the night a cold rain set in that continued all the next day. This region, as is likewise most of southeastern Virginia, is level, much covered with thick and tangled woods, and well watered by numerous small, swampy streams. The soil in some places was clayey, in others sandy, which, when commingled in wet places, par- takes of the nature of " quick-sand," and where upheaved by the winter frosts that now had left it, presented little more support to wheels or hoofs than would snow. PENNSYLVANIA VOLUNTEERS. 39 Our army the next day for the most part remained quiet, but Lee, alive to his peril, leaving 8,000 men under Long- street to hold his works, hurried with all the rest of his army, through rain and mire, to support his endangered right. THE BATTLE OF WHITE OAK RIDGE, MARCH 31sT, 1865. The brigade having been so severely engaged on the 29th, remained in position during the 30th. At daylight on the 31st, the One Hundred and Ninety-eighth, with the bri- gade, moved out the Boydton plank-road, past Mrs. Buller's house, where Griffin's division massed. The brigade was then formed on the bank of Gravelly run, where, though the bridge was destroyed, it seemed that an attack of the enemy was anticipated. Several batteries were sent to General Cham- berlain and disposed so as to guard against an attack from that quarter, which in the present formation of the Fifth Corps lines facing northwest would be a flank and rear attack. The Second and Third divisions having crossed a small branch moved out in a northerly direction, and were expected to engage the enemy along the White Oak road. Ayres, who was out a mile or more towards the White Oak road, being ordered to drive in the enemy's pickets, received at the moment of his attack a heavy blow upon his left flank, which was irresistibly driven back on Crawford's divi- sion. This, too, broke in the disorder, and both came back, in much confusion, upon Griffin's division, which lay along the plank-road. The division, already substantially in line of battle, extended itself to stay the flight of the troops rush- ing through their ranks. The enemy, flushed with suc- cess, came on to the very bank of the branch, and making a demonstration there, General Chamberlain changed the direc- tion of one or two of his batteries to that point, and brought the One Hundred and Ninety-eighth Pennsylvania, now com- manded by Major Glenn, into the interval facing the enemy's assault, still holding the left of his brigade, with Gregory's in its original position, to guard against an attack from the 40 ONE HUNDRED AND NINETY-EIGHTH west. Our retreating troops being now pretty well across the branch, we opened on the enemy a heavy fire of mus- ketry and artillery, checking their advance. They appeared now to content themselves with maintaining their present position. Just then Generals Warren and Griffin rode up to Gen- eral Chamberlain, arid, in a manner of excitement unusal to them, said, " General Chamberlain, will you save the honor of the Fifth Corps ? " That was an appeal not to be resisted, although the First Brigade and its commander had suffered severely in the fight two days before. " Form your own plans, and nobody shall interfere with you," said War- ren, who immediately took measures to have a bridge built over the branch, the water being three or four feet deep, and the bottom muddy and soft. But without waiting for the bridge, the brigade was formed in two lines, Major Glenn with the right wing of the One Hundred and Ninety-eighth Pennsylvania in the advance, and dashed through the stream, driving the enemy's skirmishers before them as much by the moral effect of the movement as by the fire of the Third Brigade, which still continued obliquely, while the First was crossing. " I will give you Gregory's brigade," says Griffin, " and follow with Bartlett's myself." On the left the skir- mish line of the First Division, Colonel Pearson command- ing, advanced, followed by Ayres' division. In this way the enemy was pressed back a mile or so to the field, where the attack had routed our troops in the morning, and our dead and wounded were recovered. Across this field the enemy appeared in heavy force in an entrenched position, and some more carefully prepared form of attack was now necessary. The first line had gained a slight crest half way across the field, and they were now halted until the disposi- tion for the attack could be prepared. Having Bartlett's fine brigade in the rear and Crawford's division somewhere on the right and rear, General Chamberlain formed a plan to carry the works and line across the field by a dash. Form- PENNSYLVANIA VOLUNTEERS. 41 ing Gregory's brigade on the right of his own, in echelon by the left battalion, to counter-flank any flank attack on the right, and, having an understanding with General Ayres that he would form his division in the woods on the left, also in echelon by the right, to meet an expected assault on the left flank, and, bringing his own brigade into line, stretching across the field, sheltered somewhat by the crest referred to, General Chamberlain instructed Gregory to move through the woods on the right, and when he struck the enemy in force, to open on them the heaviest possible fire, while with the First Brigade he should take the open field at a dash. This was executed to perfection. The roar of Gregory's fire was the signal for the assault, and the moment the First Brigade came into full view a terrific fire of the enemy converging from front, and right and left, with their artillery at close range, made it a blinding storm of destruction in an instant. Only for a moment did the sudden and terrible blast of death cause the right of the line to waver. On they dashed, every color flying, officers leading, right in among the enemy, leaping the breastworks, a confused struggle of firing, thrusting, cutting, a tremend- ous surge of force, both moral and physical, on the enemy's breaking lines, and the works were carried. Private Augus- tus Zeiber, Company D, captured the flag of the Fifty-sixth Virginia in the taking of one of the parapets, and handed it to General Chamberlain in the midst of the melee, who immediately gave it back to him, telling him to keep it and take the credit he so rightly deserved.* Almost that entire regiment was captured at the same time. Prisoners were taken belonging to Pickett's and Johnson's divisions who reported Lee near the field. So rapid had been the charge, and so confused were the enemy at the fierce onset, that the loss on our part was comparatively small of the Fifth Corps, 1,433 officers and men; of the One Hundred and Ninety-eighth Pennsylvania, about seventy-five. Among the * Lieutenant Seitzinger and General Chamberlain. 42 ONE HUNDRED AND NINETY-EIGHTH killed were Captain Isaac Shroeder, of Company D, a brave and good officer, and Lieutenant Andrew A. Pomeroy, a young gentleman of fine promise and a valued officer. He was a brother of the chaplain,* A renewal of the fight was expected all night, as it was said that Lee was near, and that a counter attack on us was to be made in force. The heavy fire to our left and rear also gave token that Sheridan was being severely pressed. Humphreys, with the Second Corps, was not idle. Miles' division struck the enemy on the left flank some distance to Warren's right, and Miles, Mott and Hays, under Hum- phreys' orders, made repeated attempts to drive them from their works, but the abatis which covered its front was found impenetrable, and they were repelled. The same day, Sheridan, taking advantage of Lee's being occupied with Warren, advanced Devin's division and Davie's brigade of cavalry to Five Forks, and carried that coveted position. When Lee was clear of Warren he impelled Pickett's division, Wise's independent brigade of infantry, and Fitz Hugh Lee's, Rosser's and W. H. Lee's cavalry commands against them, drove them out, and nearly to Dinwiddie Court House. But Sheridan charged them in flank with Gregg's and Gibbs' brigades, and compelled them to let go of Devin and take care of themselves. Sheridan held his position until morning at the Forks, near Doctor Smith's house, with Ouster's division, and the enemy withdrew during the night. Meantime, at head- quarters, where it was only known that Sheridan had been driven to the Court House, there was naturally much alarm and anxiety for his safety, and repeated orders were sent to General Warren, who laid near White Oak road and the western point of the rebel works, to dispatch a division down the Boydton plank-road to his aid. Warren, at five o'clock in the afternoon, had sent General Bartlett's brigade towards Five Forks, and, at dark, it had reached a position * The bodies of these two officers were sent home to their families. See Appendix A. PENNSYLVANIA VOLUNTEERS. 43 near Doctor Boiseau's house, at the crossing of Gravelly run, in the rear of the enemy. About ten o'clock, in dark- ness of a stormy, starless night, Ayres was ordered to move down the plank-road to join Sheridan, but on account of the necessity of re-building the bridge over Gravelly run, he did not reach his position at J. M. Brooks' house, on the road between the enemy and Bartlett's brigade, until day- light, just as the rebel picket was withdrawing, the move- ment by them having commenced about eleven o'clock at night. About five A.M., the One Hundred and Ninety-eighth, which had been much disturbed through the night with orders, moved with the division rapidly across the country in a southwesterly direction to Crumps, near the crossing of Gravelly run, and near Bartlett's position. General War- ren soon afterwards moved with Crawford's division from in front of the enemy's headquarters on the White Oak road, but was not followed and attacked by Lee as he should have been. By the neglect to do so, Lee was kept in ignorance of the movement of our infantry against his detached forces at Five Forks until it was too late to re-enforce or with- draw them. 44 ONE HUNDRED AND NINETY-EIGHTH CHAPTER VIII. BATTLE OF FIVE FORKS GALLANT CHARGE OF MAJOR GLENN FALL OF GLENN WARREN RELIEVED CAPTAIN STANTON ASSUMES COMMAND OF THE ONE HUNDRED AND NINETY-EIGHTH GENERAL ASSAULT-* CLAIBORNE'S ROAD TIRESOME MARCH DAVIS EVACUATES RICH- MOND REJOICING IN OUR LINES WEITZEL ENTERS THE CAPITAL AIM OF LEE TO UNITE WITH JOHNSON His RETREAT RELENTLESS SHERIDAN INFANTRY FOLLOWING SAILORS' CREEK. THE BATTLE OF FIVE FORKS, APRIL IST, 1865. TTPON the arrival of Warren, about seven A.M., he met U Sheridan, who was following the enemy, and reported to him by order of General Meade. The corps was col- lected, and, at one P. M., moved to Gravelly run church. Here the escort was advanced as a picket to conceal the presence of infantry. The corps was formed oblique to the road, with the right advanced, two divisions in front and the third in reserve behind the right division. Each division had two brigades in front, each brigade in two lines of battle, and a third brigade in the same formation behind its center. It was four o'clock in the afternoon before War- ren completed this formation, and Sheridan was getting impatient. Our cavalry, which consisted of Merritt's, Ous- ter's, Devin's and Crook's divisions, and laid to the left of Warren, attacked the enemy and drove him into his formid- able works, extending along White Oak road across Five Forks. General M'Kenzie's one thousand cavalry on War- ren's right attacked and drove some of the enemies towards Petersburg. The cavalry under General Merritt attacked the whole front of the enemy's works, and made a feint to turn their right flank, while Warren, advancing to the White Oak road, and swinging around to the left, burst like a thunder-bolt upon their left and rear. The fighting for a time was ter- PENNSYLVANIA VOLUNTEERS. 45 ribly severe. Ayres' and Crawford's divisions that held the advance, separating Griffin's that formed the support, moved forward to occupy the interval. The left and right of the former having recoiled, General Chamberlain dashed up to Major Glenn and said, " Major, if you will take those works you shall have a colonel's commission." Turning to his men, the Major asked, " Boys, will you follow me ?" A wild shout was the response, and with their standard floating at their head, they dashed forward after the gallant Major, passing through the storm of buzzing lead. Reaching the breastworks a deadly struggle ensued. Bravely the boys pressed forward their flag, and thrice it was beaten down, but gloriously it arose again amid the battle smoke until, blood-stained and torn, it floated triumphant over the works. General Chamberlain, who in the meantime had taken one of Ayres' brigades and part of Bartlett's with the remainder of his, and pushed in on the left of this gallant and trium- phant charge, rode forward to congratulate the leader, and to assure him of the fulfilment of his promise. But, alas ! in the moment of triumph, when the Major had seized one of the enemy's colors from the hands of its bearer, he was pierced by a bullet, and fell mortally wounded. General Chamberlain's promise was, however, fulfilled ; for he rec- ommended Major Glenn for promotion to the President, and the Brevet was conferred. The division took 1,500 prisoners. Ayres struck farther to the left and took 1,000. Crawford, to the right, gained the Fords road, running northward from their center, down which he turned southward, taking the enemy in their rear, capturing 1,000 prisoners and four guns. The cavalry, which had vigorously assailed their front and right, at length charged over their intrenchments. Griffin and Ayres swept down the rear of their works, doubling up their left flank in confusion, and Mettitt, with his cavalry, dashed into the White Oak road, and, riding into their broken ranks, so demoralized them that they made no serious stand 46 ONE HUNDRED AND NINETY-EIGHTH afterwards. Hurled in disorderly flight westward, they were charged and pursued by our cavalry until long after dark, and until our prisoners reached nearly 6,000. Their killed and wounded amounted to about 1,000, and ours little exceeded this number. In the One Hundred and Ninety- eighth,* besides Major Glenn being killed, Lieutenant Joseph H. Lutz, of Company D, was wounded. We captured thousands of small arms and numerous flags, and the right wing of Lee's army was substantially smashed up. General Sheridan, who won this great victory, was dis- satisfied with Warren's not more promptly marching during the night to join him, and with the delay in getting his corps into position to commence the battle. When the right and left of Ay res' and Crawford's troops recoiled, he attributed it to want of confidence, which he thought War- ren did not exert himself to inspire. He, therefore, relieved Warren and directed Griffin to assume command of the Fifth Corps, but the order of relief did not reach Warren until the close of the battle. This action seems hardly war- ranted by Warren's conduct, and his gallantry through the war. That General Grant's confidence was not shaken in Warren is proved by his immediate assignment of him to the command of the Department of Mississippi, then the theatre of active warfare. Soon after the battle Griffin moved eastward with two divisions to reopen communication with the rest of the army, and his own division, now commanded by General Bartlett, supported by M'Kenzie's cavalry, was pushed up the Fords road to Hatcher's run. The One Hundred and Ninety-eighth, now under the command of Captain John Stanton,f Company A, and the brigade still under General Chamberlain, who preferred to retain it though offered his old brigade, the Third, bivouacked upon the field and took care of the wounded. *See Appendix A. fin the struggle for the flag which Major Glenn captured, Captain Stanton bore a con spicuous part. PENNSYLVANIA VOLUNTEERS. 47 Grant's headquarters were now near Dabney's Mill, and Meade's some three miles to the west on the Boydton plank- road, near Mrs. Buller's. Grant announced the glad tidings of Sheridan's victory to the rebels that night, by opening with all the guns in position before Petersburg, making the night lurid with the bombardment, and predicating the fall of treason. At daylight the next morning the whole line assaulted, Parke with the Ninth Corps carrying the outer line of rebel works confronting him. Wright to the left, with the Sixth Corps and two divisions of Ord's, drove every- thing before him to the Boydton plank-road, when, wheel- ing towards Hatcher's run, he turned the rebel intrench- ments, sweeping down which he captured many guns and several thousand prisoners. Ord, forcing the crossing at the run with Wright, turned northeastward towards Petersburg. Humphreys', farther to the left, with Mott's and Hay's divi- sions of the Second Corps, storms a redoubt in his front, and closed in on their left. Ord, with Gibbon's division, assaulted and carried Forts Gregg and Baldwin, two import- ant works. About eleven this morning, April 2d, the One Hundred and Ninety-eighth got into line, with the rest of the corps and Mile's division of the Second, and Sheridan's cavalry, and marched eastward on the White Oak road, and attacked and carried the enemy's works at the intersection of Clai- borne's road. Following them northward across Hatcher's run to Sutherland's depot on the South Side Railroad, he was about to assault when Humphreys came up and re- claimed Miles' division. It was now about 2 P. M. Sheri- dan at once desisting, marched back of Five Forks, and taking the Fords road to Hatcher's run, moved rapidly towards and to the left of Sutherland's depot to strike the rear and cut off the retreat of the enemy, who confronted Miles. Miles in the meantime had defeated them, capturing two guns and six hundred prisoners. This was the most tiresome day's march the One Hundred 48 ONE HUNDRED AND NINETY-EIGHTH and Ninety-eighth had ever experienced, it extending far into the night, and being resumed at light of the following day. Much of it was on the double-quick, and through dense thickets and swamps, with but few short halts. Longstreet, who held the defence of Richmond north of the James, rejoined Lee at Petersburg this forenoon. A. P. Hill, who attempted to regain part of the works taken by Parke, was shot dead. He was one of Lee's best officers. Lee's loss during the last two days was at least 12,000 men, and he saw that Grant could now extend his left to the Appomattox, and could also seize the railroad junction at Berkesville, his only avenue of supplies. Recognizing the imperative necessity of immediately evacuating Petersburg, he, at ten o'clock on that fated Sunday morning, telegraphed to Davis that his lines were broken in three places, and that Richmond was to be evacuated that evening. The dispatch found Mr. Davis at church. He and his family walked quietly out, with the^ doom of treason written on his face. No one can duly portray the horrors of the last hours of Slave-Holding-Powers rule in Richmond. God's vengeance was upon them. His measure of justice had been filled. The two hundred and fifty years of unrequited toil and lashes had been atoned for by the sunken treasures and blood of the master. And we who had been the silent par- ticipants in the great wrong had paid too our full measure in woe and treasure. Seizing the trains that should have borne to Lee's heroic army the much-needed supplies, amidst the riot of a drunken, plundering mob and the lurid flames and smoke of an immense conflagration, Davis and his host of satellites fled in confusion and dismay. On our lines for miles the bands pealed forth our national anthems, and soldiers vented their frenzies of delight in loud cheers, until "the musicians fell asleep with their horns to their mouths, and boys wav- ing their caps in the air." Never in this wide world was there such utter despair and wild rejoicings in armies before, PENNSYLVANIA VOLUNTEERS. 49 for not only were the rebel forces dismayed, but their cher- ished government vanquished like a bubble in the air. Silently through the night all the rebel forces north of Richmond marched off, and soon after daylight on Monday, the third of April, General Weitzel and staff rode into the Capital amid a constant roar of exploding shells and falling walls, and were welcomed by the shouts of thousands of humble citizens and negroes. Petersburg was evacuated simultaneously with Richmond, but so noiselessly that our pickets did not discover it until morning, when our troops marched in unopposed. No conflagration or wanton de- struction of property marked the flight of the rebels from here. Mr. Davis, with the rebel government, had fled to Dan- ville, near the northern confines of central North Carolina, and thither Lee hoped to follow him with his army, and to effect a junction with Johnson, who was at Smithfield, at the head of 40,000 men. With the forces united, if found too weak to protract the struggle, he would be strong enough to command favorable terms. But Griffin lay with the Fifth Corps ten miles west of Petersburg at Sutherland's station, and Sheridan with his cavalry, ten miles further west, at Ford's station, and the residue of Grant's army lay to the southwest of Petersburg, and he was forced to move west, north of the Appomattox. His army now, from its heavy losses, mainly in prisoners and hordes of deserters, was reduced to 35,000 men brave and true. With these he retreated to Chesterfield Court House, and thence to Ame- lia Court House. Here he expected to meet supplies which he had ordered from Richmond, but the terror-stricken offi- cials had seized his trains to accelerate their flight, and he was forced to spend the 4th and 5th in trying to gather from the neighborhood the means of feeding his men. Relentless Sheridan, with his troopers, in the meantime had moved rapidly westward by roads south of Amelia Court House, and had struck the Danville railroad at Jetersville, 5 50 ONE HUNDRED AND NINETY-EIGHTH eight miles west of Lee, while his advance had swept down the road nearly to Berkesville, scattering such portions of the rebel cavalry as they met fleeing westward. Grant and Meade had pushed on with the infantry after Sheridan. The One Hundred and Ninety-eighth moved with the Fifth Corps at daylight on the third, and all day long they toiled through the mud, coming in at Deep Creek too late to participate with the rest of the corps in driving the enemy's infantry from their position. The next day, the 4th, at daylight, they moved again and joined Sheri- dan at Jetersville, where he had planted himself across the railroad, and where they threw up intrenchments and pre- pared to fight Lee's entire army until Grant and Meade arrived in his rear and crushed him. This destroyed all Lee's hope of receiving the supplies that were collected at Danville and Lynchburg to send to him. Meade, with Humphreys' and Wright's corps, arrived late on the afternoon of the 5th, and at dark that night Lee left Amelia Court House, and moved around the left of Meade and Sheridan and struck Farmville to escape, if possible. But General Davis struck his train at Paine's cross-roads moving in retreat in advance of the infantry, and destroyed two hundred wagons, captured five guns, nine hundred mules* and many prisoners. Gregg's and Smith's brigades came up and a spirited fight ensued, and Davis, with his cap- tures, safely withdrew. By the 6th, nearly the whole of our army was concentrated at Jetersville, and started in hot pursuit of Lee. General Crook, holding Sheridan's left, (our army on this march faced eastward, moving left in front,) came upon Lee moving westward, and, by order, immediately attacked, though much inferior in force, his object being to detain him. Custer thus gained the crossing at Sailor's creek. EwelPs corps was thus cut off*, and was attacked by Sey- mour's division of the Sixth Corps, and so hard-pressed by * Professor Bates' History Pennsylvania Volunteers, Volume V, page 80. PENNSYLVANIA VOLUNTEERS. 51 the fire in the rear and charges in front that Ewell and four other generals and nearly 6,000 prisoners surrendered. Six- teen guns were captured, and over four hundred wagons destroyed. The same day, General Ord struck the vanguard of Lee's column as it was preparing to cross the Appomattox, near Farmville. Fighting against overwhelming numbers to arrest the flight for a time, he was pushed to one side, and Lee marched on. By daylight, on the 7th, the rear of his army had crossed, and the bridges were set on fire, but Humphreys' van of the Second Corps arrived in time to save one of them, and capture eighteen abandoned guns on the opposite side of the river. 52 ONE HUNDRED AND NINETY-EIGHTH CHAPTER IX. LEE'S HOPELESS RETREAT EXCITING PURSUIT CITIZENS TERROR STRICKEN LEE'S OFFICERS GRANT ASKS A SURRENDER GRANT'S AND LEE'S LETTERS CAPTURE OF SUPPLIES LEE'S DELUSIVE HOPE FURTHER CORRESPONDENCE SURPRISE AND DESPAIR OF THE ENEMY THE LAST STRUGGLE FLAG OF TRUCE MEETING OF GRANT AND LEE THE ONE HUNDRED AND NINETY-EIGHTH LOSES THE LAST MAN IN THE WAR TERMS OF SURRENDER WILD REJOICING THE ARMIES FRATERNIZE THEY SLEEP TOGETHER IN THE SAME VALLEY A DAY OF FRIENDLY VISITS IMPRESSIVE SCENE OF SURRENDER THE PARTING OF LEE AND His MEN THE ONE HUNDRED AND NINETY-EIGHTH FACES HOMEWARD LINCOLN THE LAST SACRIFICE OF THE NATION SOLEMN SERVICE IN CAMP PASSING THROUGH PETERSBURG AND RICHMOND REVIEWED BY GRANT AND MEADE To FREDERICKSBURG To ARLINGTON MUSTERED OUT ARRIVAL AT HOME THEIR RECEPTION PAID OFF. LEE'S ARMY now was in a sad condition. Moving by forced marches that sometimes extended far into the night, with his men fainting and falling by the way, and his animals dying of hunger, his cavalry useless and his guns stalded in the mud, with utter despair and hopeless desper- ation his brave men struggled on. Pursued by an active and exulting foe, headed off, attacked in rear and flank, there was no rest for them day or night. Wherever met they were assaulted with relentless fury, but the moment a token of surrender was seen, they were treated as friends, our men invariably dividing the contents of their haversacks with the prisoners. On the 6th, the One Hundred and Ninety-eighth, with the Fifth Corps, moved northward to near the mouth of Horse- pen, a tributary of Flat creek, when, turning westward, they passed through Paineville, Kodolphil and Ligontown, whence, turning south, they rejoined the Second Corps, near James- town, marching thirty-two miles. It was a warm day, and the sun shone brightly, but they clambered up steep heights and down deep ravines, over marshes, and through almost impassable briar-swamps, full of hope and enthusiasm. Sometimes they would plunge into the water and ford deep PENNSYLVANIA VOLUNTEERS. 53 streams, and at others they would double-quick along the roads, enveloped in clouds of dust. But onward they pressed, guided by the thunder of Sheridan's relentless guns. " Your legs must do it, boys," was the constant cry of the officers, and their legs certainly performed their duty. Skirmishers were always kept on the front and flanks. On the first day of the pursuit an occasional dead man or an empty haversack only marked the track of the enemy's flight. But anon these multiplied, intermixed with broken- down wagons, abandoned guns, used-up horses, and the gen- eral debris of a fleeing enemy. Nor was the flight confined to the army. The inhabitants, generally, had been led to be- lieve our war was waged against the unarmed and helpless as well as the hosts of Davis and Lee. Men, women and children, with their goods and chattels packed in queer country carts and strange-looking vehicles, were met fleeing in every direction, as if the scourge of God was upon them. Wild with fright, some begged for mercy, and some dark-com- plexioned white men even claimed to be colored. Amidst so much distress it was a relief to see the cheerful, hopeful, trusting faces of the slaves, who felt that the day of deliv- erence from bondage, for which they had for generations in secret prayed, had come at last. During the night of the 6th, the chief officers of Lee's army held an open air consultation, in which they unani- mously agreed that a capitulation was inevitable. The judgment of this informal council was conveyed to Lee by General Pendleton. But Grant spared General Lee the pain'of first proposing a surrender by dispatching a letter to him from Parmville the next day, stating the hopelessness of his fur- ther resistance, and asking the surrender of his army that there might be no further useless effusion of blood.* * " APRIL 7TH, Ihfio. " General The result of the last week must convince you of the hopelessness of further resistance on the part of the Army of Northern Virginia in this struggle. 1 feel that it is so, and regard it as my duty to shift from myself the responsibility of any further effusion of blood by asking of you the surrender of that portion of the Confederate States' army known as the Army of Northern Virginia. " GENERAL R. E. LEE. U. S. GRANT, Lieutenant-General." 54 ONE HUNDRED AND NINETY-EIGHTH The letter reached Lee towards night.* General Hum- phreys also came up with Lee's army, entrenched in a strong position about five miles north of Farmville, on the Lynch- burg plank-road. Humphreys recognized the importance of pressing him hard until forced into surrender, but believ- ing that would soon be accomplished, he was charry of the lives of his soldiers. He therefore did not order a direct assault, but, sending up General Barlow to annoy his front, ordered Miles to attack his left wing, which he did with a loss of some five hundred killed and wounded. General Smyth was among our killed, and Major-General Mott,f Brigadier-Generals Madill and M'Dougall, were severely wounded. Darkness prevented another assault that day, and Lee silently withdrew and resumed his retreat. That night he sent a response J to Grant, stating he did not see the hopelessness of further resistance, but asking what terms he would offer on condition of surrender. To this, Grant immediately replied || that the men and officers surrendered shall be disqualified for taking up arms * That morning Sheridan moved with the greater portion of his cavalry to Prince Edward Court House, to head off Lee's retreat to Danville, but Lee's real object-point was Lynchburg, which Sheridan that day discovered. General Crook, the same day, near Farmville, charged a body of infantry guarding a'wagon train, and was repulsed, General Gregg being taken prisoner. (Major-General Gersham Mott, of Bordentown, N. J. I" APRIL TTH, 1805. " General I have received your note of this date. Though not entertaining the opinion you express on the hopelessness of further resistance on the part of the Army of Northern Vir- ginia, I reciprocate your desire to avoid useless effusion of blood, and therefore, before consider- ing your proposition, ask the terms you will offer on condition of its surrender. "R. E. LEE, General. " LIEUTENANT-GENERAL U. S. GRANT." || " APRIL STH, 1865. " General Your note of last evening, in reply to mine of same date, asking the condition on which I will accept the surrender of the Army of Northern Virginia, is just received. In reply, I would say that, peace being my great desire, there is but one condition I would insist upon, namely : that the men and officers surrendered shall be disqualified for taking up arms again against the Government of the United States until properly exchanged. I will meet you, or will designate officers to meet any officers you may name for the same purpose, at any point agreeable to you, for the purpose of arranging definitely the terms upon which the surrender of the Army of Northern Virginia will be received. '"U. S. GRANT, Lieutenant-General. " GENERAL R. E. LEE." PENNSYLVANIA VOLUNTEERS. 55 again against the Government of the United States until properly exchanged. The next morning, the 8th, the last day of the pursuit, the whole army moved at daybreak. Meade, with Hum- phreys' and Wright's corps, pushed northward on the trail of Lee, while Sheridan, followed by Griffin's and Ord's corps, marched to head him off from Lynchburg. The cavalry concentrated at Prospect station, ten miles west of Farm- ville. Here Sheridan learned from scouts that four trains had arrived at Appomattox station with supplies from Lynch- burg for Lee's army. He immediately dispatched Generals Merritt's and Crook's divisions of cavalry to that point, which they reached after a rapid march of twenty-eight miles, and succeeded in surrounding and capturing them. Generals Ouster's and Devin's brigades at once advanced towards Appomattox Court House, five miles to the north, and encountered, on the way, the van of Lee's army, which they engaged till after dark, driving it back on the main body, capturing twenty -four guns, a large number of wagons, and many prisoners. Sheridan arrived with the rest of his cavalry during the night. The Fifth Corps, under Griffin and Ord, with the Twenty- fourth and a division of the Twenty-fifth, pressed on all day and night, and joined Sheridan in time to lie down in line of battle and take a few moments' sleep with their cart- ridge boxes on and muskets in their hands. Incredible as it may seem, such was the high state of excitement under which the men were, coupled with the firm belief if they could capture or destroy Lee's army the war would virtu- ally be closed, that these corps, after an extraordinary hard march, came in in high spirits, with hardly a straggler in the rear. Lee, evidently supposing his road was blocked by cavalry alone, whom he could push aside with his infantry, and not fully realizing his true position, that night addressed a note 56 ONE HUNDRED AND NINETY-EIGHTH to Grant,* declining to meet him with a view to surrender his army, but expressed a willingness, as far as his proposal might effect his army and tend to the restoration of peace, to meet him the next morning, at ten o'clock. Grant, early the next morning, replied he had no authority to treat on the subject of peace, and declined to meet him, as it could lead to no good. He also stated the terms upon which peace could be had were well understood, and expressed a hope that no more lives would be lost.f Grant, and Meade started early the next morning to join Sheridan and Griffin. The Fifth, on this memorable Sun- day morning, the 9th of April, after snatching an hour's sleep, were up and off at the first dawn, and marching about two miles towards the court house, halted to take breakfast- But a few moments was spared for this, when, moving on, they came up with Sheridan's dismounted troopers, who were slowly falling back before the enemy's skirmishers, behind which came the heavy infantry columns, bent upon forcing their way through the cavalry to reach their sup- plies. It was the last charge of the brave Army of North- ern Virginia. When our infantry was formed, the troopers double-quicked to the right, and revealed to the astonished * "APRIL STH, I860. " General I received, at a late hour, your note of to-day. In mine of yesterday I did not intend to propose the surrender of the Army of Northern Virginia, but to ask the terms of your proposition. To be frank, I do not think the emergency has arisen to call for the surrender of this army ; but, as the restoration of peace should be the sole object of all, I desired to know whether your proposals would lead to that end. I cannot, therefore, meet you with a view to surrender the Army of Northern Virginia ; but, as far as your proposal may effect the Confeder- ate States' forces under my command, and tend to the restoration of peace, I should be pleased to meet you at 10 A. M. to-morrow, on the old stage-road to Richmond, between the picket lines of the two armies. " LIEUTENANT-GENERAL U. S. GRANT. R. E. LEE, General." i t"A pK H- 9 T > 1805. " General Your note of yesterday is received. I have no authority to treat on the subject of peace. The meeting proposed for 10 A. M. to-day could lead to no good. I will state, how- ever, General, that I am equally anxious for peace with yourself, and the whole North enter- tains the same feeling. The terms upon which peace can be had are well understood. By the South laying down their arms, they will hasten that most desirable event, save thousands of human lives and hundreds of millions of property not yet destroyed. Seriously hoping that all our difficulties may be settled without the loss of another life, I subscribe myself, etc., "GENERAL R. E. LEE\ U. S. GRANT, Lieutenant-General." PENNSYLVANIA VOLUNTEERS. 57 enemy our solid lines in battle array, before wbose wall of gleaming bayonets they recoiled in blank despair. Our cavalry remounted, and, moving around to the right, prepare to charge. The enemy sullenly retire upon their batteries upon the crest, and all fell back beyond. General Ord ordered our troops to halt, but they preferred to obey Sheridan's orders, and push on to the crest,* when a sight burst upon their vision that repaid all their long years of toil and blood Lee's army prostrated. Immediately in their front lay a broad, undulating valley, stretching far away to the west, with the narrow Appomattox meandering through its centre, and enclosed on every side by a belt of heavy timber. Near the centre lay the Court House, in front of which stretched the enemy's long line of skirm- ishers, and beyond, their main army and a confused multi- tude of soldiers and citizens, horses and mules, carts and wagons, heading in every direction. Our light batteries were brought up, the cavalry closed in upon the right, and our line advanced down the steep. Their skirmishers fell back fighting, the batteries open, the Court House is gained, and fighting commences in its streets. Soon a flag of truce approaches from the right, and General Longstreet requested a cessation of the conflict until Lee could be heard from. Sheridan rode to the Court House, and met General Gordon, who assured him that negotiations were then pending be- tween Generals Grant and Lee for a surrender. Grant, before reaching Sheridan, received a note from General Lee, asking an interview ttith a view of surrender- ing.! The two commanders met immediately, at the man- sion of Mr. W. M'Lean, near the Court House. The inter- *Major-General Chamberlain. t" APRIL OTH, 1865. " General I received your note of this morning on the picket line, whither I had come to meet you and ascertain definitely what terms were embraced in your proposal of yesterday, with reference to the surrender of this army. I now ask an interview, in accordance with the offer contained in your letter of yesterday, for that purpose. " R. E. LEE, General. "LIEUTENANT-GENERAL U. S. GRANT." 58 ONE HUNDRED AND NINETY-EIGHTH view was brief; the business Irankly discussed, and soon settled. While the chiefs were in consultation, six or seven generals, from both sides, met between the skirmish-lines, and talked the matter over in the most friendly manner. While there, firing on the road was heard. General Gordon was much vexed, and stated he had ordered a cessation of the fight; but Sheridan, who was not clearly satisfied with the whole arrangement, exclaimed, " Let them fight; I know what they are about." A single field-piece fires a last shot, and a gallant lieutenant of the First Brigade falls the last victim of the Army of the Potomac. Private Hiram Wil- liams, of the One Hundred and Ninety-eighth, at the same time receives a ghastly wound. Soon Grant and Lee rode up ; Grant, with his inevitable sugar-loaf hat, open coat, and muddy boots. Lee looked venerable and impressive, dressed in a new suit of grey, with a new sword by his side. One of our bands, near by, through the generous impulse of the moment, struck up. the appropriate air of " Auld Lang Syne." Three officers were appointed on either side to ar- range the details, but the day's work was done by the chiefs, and its result summed up in these concluding letters : " APPOMATTOX COURT HOUSE, VA., \ April 9th, 1865. f " General In accordance with the substance of my letter to you of the 8th instant, I propose to receive the surrender of the Army of Northern Virginia on the following terms, to wit : Rolls of all the officers and men to be made in duplicate ; one copy to be given to an officer to be desig- nated by me, the other to be retained by such officer or officers as you may designate. The officers to give their individual paroles not to take up arms against the Government of the United States until properly exchanged, and each company or regimental commander sign a like parole for the men of their commands. The arms, artillery and public property to be packed and stacked, and turned over to the officers ap- pointed by me to receive them. This will not embrace the side-arms of the officers, nor their private horses or baggage. This done, each officer and man will be allowed to return to his home, not to be disturbed by United States authority so long as they observe their paroles and the laws in force where they may reside. " U. S. GRANT, Lieutenant- General. " GENERAL E. E. LEE." PENNSYLVANIA VOLUNTEERS. 59 " HEADQUARTERS AKMY OF NORTHERN VIRGINIA, \ April 9th, 1865. J " General I received your letter of this date, containing the terms of the surrender of the Army of Northern Virginia, as proposed by you. As they are substantially the same as those expressed in your letter of the 8th instant, they are accepted. I will proceed to designate the proper officers to carry the stipulations into effect. " R. E. LEE, General. " LIEUTENANT-GENERAL L T . S. GRANT." When the news of the surrender became known to the array, the enthusiasm of our men burst all bounds, and arose to the zenith of perfect frenzy. The boys screeched, yelled, danced, tossed their caps in the air and rolled upon the ground. Even the bands that attempted to play our national anthems broke into discordant medleys, and cut short their jumble in wild shouts and frantic waving of their instruments. Oh, what happy hearts those blue coats held a country saved, one and undivided ! The seed sown in sorrow and anguish upon so many fields had yielded its golden harvest victory. Our comrades who had fallen had not died in vain. Glory to God and the brave hearts ! The uproar of exultation was kept up long into the night, when, exhausted with overjoy, our boys sank to sleep. This wild uproar was not confined to our side ; for long after our boys had laid down to sleep, the ex-rebels kept it up. Some said they were cheering General Lee, but the truth was, they welcomed peace as much as we did, and it was long after midnight before their noise was hushed. During the day they came over among our men, who divided the contents of their haversacks with them. The rations for our army was given to them this day, and many of our men went supperless to sleep. The Army of the Potomac and the Army of Northern Virginia slept peacefully side by side in the same valley. The mighty hosts, that for four long years had wrestled in a death-struggle with all the fiery passions of demons, now laid down together without anger or fear. The battalions that had reddened the fields of Pennsylvania and Maryland, 60 ONE HUNDRED AND NINETY-EIGHTH and drenched the soil of Virginia with their generous blood, had now ceased to bleed. The brave men in blue and grey that had struggled for different nationalities, were now one of a common country. And this on tfaat Palm Sunday night of April, 1865. The next morning the two armies were up bright and early, and while the officers were preparing the paroles, the greys thronged our camp, busy at trafficking for tobacco, pipes, knives, hats, shoes, etc. All really appeared to be the best friends in the world, and talked over their different battles with great interest. The next day, the llth, the formal surrender took place. The terms were mild, and the forms as little humiliating as possible. Their officers tried hard to get off with stacking their arms in their own camp, and leaving our men to go after them. But that was not consistent with our dignity; so it was arranged that their troops should march out and lay down their arms and colors in the presence of some por- tion of our army. The lot fell to the Fifth Corps and M'Kenzie's cavalry, who were drawn up in line of battle, General Chamberlain being designated to preside at the surrender. Soon the greys were seen slowly forming for the last time. On they came, with careless step, their ranks thick with banners. As they approached, our line shouldered arms, and a perfect silence was preserved on our side. They moved slowly along our front, faced inwards towards us, dressed lines, fixed bayonets, stacked arms, took oft* their cartridge boxes and hung them on the bayonets, and then sadly, painfully furled their flags and laid them down, some kneeling and kissing them with tears in their eyes. It was a proud, but sad scene, and our men felt a soldier's sympathy for their brave antagonists. All day long regiment after regiment stacked their arms, and then marched off' to the Provost Marshal to give their parole of honor, and then to draw rations and leave for their homes, our government, to such as it could, furnishing transportation. PENNSYLVANIA VOLUNTEERS. 61 The bearing of the generals and higher officers was that of a dignified, sad disappointment, that became brave sol- diers who felt they had performed their duty. They spoke freely of the humiliation they felt, of the generosity of the terms granted them, and of the magnanimity of the bear- ing and manner of our men. General Henry A. Wise, however, was an exception. He, poor old man, had grown no wiser with age, and could not reconcile himself to the situation. Disappointed and embittered at the failure of his political life, as he sat on his horse, with his grey hair and beard, and tobacco juice trinkling from his mouth, he resembled a withered old crab-apple tree. To General Chamberlain, who spoke kindly to him of the good-will that would soon be restored between the two sections, he replied, " You are mistaken, sir; we won't be forgiven; we hate you, and that is the whole of it. You go home, and take those fellows home, and that will end the war." The parting of General Lee with his devoted followers was a sad one. As he sat upon his horse, and they crowded around him, with tears in his eyes he grasped and pressed their outstretched hands, until at last he was able to say, " My men, we have fought through the war * together. I have done the best that I could for you." Then, uncover- ing his head, he rode slowly away. There was few dry eyes among those who stood around. About noon, on Saturday the 15th, the paroling of the prisoners being through with, and possession taken of the arms, flags, etc., the One Hundred and Ninety-eighth turned faces homeward, and marching through a light rain and deep mud eight miles, encamped for the night. The next morning they started early, and soon struck the Petersburg and Lynchburg railroad, along which they proceeded to Farmville, where they arrived about one o'clock in the after- noon, and encamped in a beautiful grove about a half-mile west of the town. HeVe they received intelligence of the * Lee evidently considered his surrender the virtual close of the war. 62 ONE HUNDRED AND NINETY-EIGHTH assassination of the President, that filled their loyal hearts with sorrow. That inflexible, steadfast chief in war, whose heart had turned in love and kindness upon the prostrated South, perhaps was well fitted as the Nation's last sacrifice of the war. On the 17th they marched on, and when near Berksville, wheeled to the right and moved to near Green Bay, where they encamped in a strip of woods. On the 19th, as they were about moving, orders came for them to remain in camp, it being the day of the interment of Mr. Lincoln. All work was suspended, and at the time fixed for the move- ment of the funeral cortege, the regiments were drawn up in their camps, the brigade bands performed solemn dirges, and minute guns were fired. At seven, the next morning, they moved off", passing through Berksville and halting in the middle of the afternoon near Nottoway Court House to encamp. On the 22d, after short marches, they reached Wilson's station, where they remained guarding the railroad until the 2d of May, when, breaking camp, they marched to within five miles of Petersburg. The next day they passed through that city, and about two o'clock faced for Richmond, reaching the environs of Manchester, on the south banks of the James, on the 4th. Here they encamped in a large grove of timber near the railroad, and remained until the 6th, when, moving through the city, they crossed the James on pontoons, and entered the once proud and defiant Capital of the late Confederate States Government. As the long column passed through the principal street of the city, it was reviewed by Generals Grant and Meade. The men looked with interest on Castle Thunder and Libby Pri- son, the horrors of which, in connection with Andersonville and other prison pens, will for generations connect the names of the civil chiefs of the Confederacy with infamy. Leaving Richmond, they move northward, marching through Fredricksburg on the 9th of May, and reaching Arlington Heights on the afternoon of the 12th. This march, from the PENNSYLVANIA VOLUNTEERS. 63 James to the Potomac, a distance of about one hundred and fifty miles, was made with great rapidity, and averaged, for seven consecutive days, twenty-one miles. At Arlington, the residence of General Lee prior to the war, was -collected nearly the whole of the Army of the Potomac. Here that grand army may have said to have crumbled to pieces, for, after the Grand Review in Washington, the regi- ments were mustered out, one after another, and sent to their homes in the north. On the 3d of June, the One Hun- dred and Ninety-eighth was mustered out of service, and on the morning of the 5th they broke camp, and marching through Washington, embarked upon the cars for home, reaching Philadelphia at nine o'clock the next morning. Disembarking, they formed and marched to the Union Refresh- ment Saloon, where a sumptuous dinner was prepared for them by the good citizens of Philadelphia, after partaking of which, they marched through the city to Camp Cadwallader. Everywhere in the city they were received with demonstra- tions of joy by the citizens, their friends and relatives, flags being displayed on many points of the route, and hearty cheers of welcome given. On the 12th of June, 1865, the One Hundred and Ninety-eighth was paid off, and the men discharged. For the brief period of time they served there were few regiments that saw more hard service and severe fighting than it did, and their flag was unsullied by their breaking in the presence of the enemy. H H APPENDIX A. KILLED, WOUNDED AND MISSING. RANK. NAME. CO. RANK. NAME. CO. Private Corporal ... Private a it tt U 1st Lieut... Private a General.... Captain.... Corporal ... Private Captain.... 1st Lieut.. 1st Serg't.. Sergeant ... Private Peeble's Farm. Killed. D. G. A. A. A. A. K. L. F. L. 0. A. B. A. B. K. K. L. M. M. X. D. I. D. I. A. Private a tt U a tt 1st Serg't.. Sergeant... Corporal ... 11 a Private a u n a n it it tt tt it it it t i t t Killed. Harry L. Flack A. D. D. F. I. N. G. L. D. I. L. A. A. A. B. B. B. B. B. B. D. D. D. F. F. F. G. H. H. I. I. K. L. L. L. L. N. John H.Hartman Wounded. Mahlon H. Schmehl John Kagarice Noah H. Shearer Simon H. Fremder John H Hoffman Wounded. Samuel K. Kleaver William H. Walters Jeff. W. Wetherill Joshua Sutton Hatcher's Run. Killed. Charles W Frazier Benj. Schaudt John W. Hill Charles Hunt Edwin A Kratz Daniel T Stineman Anthony M'Glinchy HughBordell Jos. W. Cavenwood Wounded. H G. Sickel Archibald M'Neill James Pierson J H Withington Daniel C. Uffelman John Wolf Robert Fulton William H. Xevill Martin Rawle Simon Hill Franklin C. Wentzell... Le vi Booth Washington Hickson... Michael Burns Augustus Keiflin William G. Carr George Miller . Peter Bernhard Kdmund Tubbs White Oak Road. Killed. Sheridan Fabian Josiah Shuman Howard Cooper Win. Cavanaugh Andrew A. Pomeroy.... Jj\vis Keshner Thomas S. Folwell Francis Kilpafrick Alfred Remmel John L. Brewer Patrick Brown 68 APPENDIX A. RANK. NAME. CO. BANK. NAME. CO. Private ii K II II II II Major Captain.... Sergeant ... Corporal ... <( (( Private i < < < a i i i i i i < ii General ... Captain.... 2d Lieut.. Wounded. John Ehrig N. N. N. N. O. 0. O. 0. c. G. N. C. D. G. N. A. i' B. C. C. C. C. G. G. H. H. I. I. K. L. L. L. M. M. N. N. N. N. N. E. H. ' T, 2d Lieut... 1st Serg't.. ii Sergeant ... ii ii ii ii Corporal ... :< II <( u II a Private u H << u I t ( 1 < ( ( 1 1 1 1 ( I ( I ( ( ( < 1 ( U (I Wounded. William A Miller L. B. K. C. F. G. H. H. C. B. B. B. C. D. F. G. H. H. I. L. L. M. A. A. A. B. B. B. B. B. B. C. C. c. c. c. c. c. c. c. c. c. D. D. D. D. D. 1 D. D. F. F. Reuben Fritz Benj T Waite Jeremiah Helick And. J. Rheinfeldt AVilliam Johnson Thomas Adams AVm J Jefferson Alfred Gilberg Franklin Kern Daniel Hallisav Jas. AV. Pennington A. Smith ". Lewis' Farm. Killed. Charles I. Maceuen John Kennedy Charles E. Young Bodine C.Peterson Robert Fulton Wm. L. Patterson Henry Smith Geo. W. Boyer John Alay Edward C.Thomas Robert Hadden Aaron Detweiler Augustus Long Elias P. Bender Joseph Smith Thos. Matthews Samuel D Labar Henry Martin Wm. P. Doinan Robert M'Wade James Clark Joseph Engel John M'Grann Geo. C. Strobel Matthias Ault John Crawford William Hirst John Claypoole David Smith John Donnelly Daniel M. Fine Charles Wood \dam Galey Thos. M. Brown Lewis J Rice Dennis Cullen.... Edward W. Harvey William K Grant Joseph L Coyle Dennis Dugan William 1 T Homer John Mitchell Frederick A T ince Wm. H. Robinson Francis Diehl John Schular Matthew Russell Robert P. Stroud Abraham Updike D. C. Wadsworth \Villiam Bente Conrad Wentzell \Villiam Fonier Chas. Backman James A.Craig Wounded. H G Sickel Jacob Rahnenzahn Herman Selig Jacob B. Shmehl Thos. C. Spackman Benj. F. Gardner Jacob C. Snyder William Scragg Samuel Wrigley John D. Allstadt Jeremiah C. Keller G. John Custer APPENDIX A. 69 RANK. NAME. CO. RANK. NAME. CO. Private K u u I I 1 I I I (1 u < < < i ( i ( 1 i t 1 I ( I Troimcfed. Henrv Dible F. G. G. G. G. G. G. G. G. G. G. H. H. H. H. H. H. H. H. H. H. H. ? I. I. I. K. K. K. K. K. K. K. L. L. L. L. L. Private a u a l, it it tt it tt it tt it it tt Wounded. Samuel O Dietrich M. M. M. M. M. N. N. N. N. N. N. N. O. O. O. 0. E. G. D. K. A. E. F. H. K. K. K. K. Wm. Alexander Michael Hofaleck... . Henry Babb Geo. H. Johnson Lewis Dry Daniel X. Kimble . ... John Ely * Thomas M'Cauley Nelson Bellis Frederick Gintzley Morris Kissenger William Knoble Wellington Miller Michael Miller Henry P. Michael William Martin Reuben Reifsnyder Peter Shunk Bishop Search John Trumbore Chas B Bechtel Jeremiah Vo^ht Chas W Butterlv S. S. Guggenheim James Dehr Robert Stevenson John Goldsmith Christian Snyder Molton F Huth Pembroke Scott Samuel Letter Five Forks. Killed. Jos Marshall Edwin Manbus Elias Snyder Leroy M. Thomas Corporal ... Private 2d Lieut... Sergeant ... Corporal ... Private a K it tt tt it Private Joseph Thomas Chas W Vasbur ' Wounded. Joseph H. Lutz Allen Haigh William O. Hillpot John M. Shearer Morgan Shaffer George A. Harper Tnhri P Oillincr George Latch Sanderson Lazarus James Morgan Jesse W. Paist TnVin TTolt Robert Wier Edward T. Mason Jeff. M. Wetherill Lee's Surrender. Wounded. Hiram Williams Anthony Wetzel John Irwin Oliver Kuhn John Murphy William Riday Thos. Roxberry * Prisoner. X HH Q Z W OH PH CO PC _ o -J CO UJ OH DC IH DC UJ i E- Z Q o UJ DC UJ DC u. U- O CO O 3 . * .5 S 1 TJ o o o o 3 3 S o P-iC-i O-i PnO S3 O _ 13 15 13 ^ | " S X i 1 cl rtCO Q c coco el B^Sl M (70) > - Efl" 9 "2 rt*3b 5 9 ^ ---V .^ -3T CC *-Q CC CC i-^7 ^C L^ r T 3 g Q fH (H (-* ^ Qt CH CM CH rj r^ PH &H > a a "b "b pq o ac o. j o -< J as OH a u w OH z OH 8 (71) ,5 II' .u- o Frt &ijj 'S ig|a|-8 eg II ^ g'S & o g s CQ -5 3 2 OO Jg g 7 5 ^1 1 1 | 1 I s s 1C 1C ^^ CO 00 . D 1C >C iC 1C 1C 1C > 3c oc 3c 00 00 ^ """"I O G~ *T; 3 sStf = "5 s 1 s * o ^5 - ,*r-lls r- (H ^ Q H O 5 o u es e SoP^^ a o far- 2 ^j a 5 X X X X * >H oo X r 3 C3 ( . i OC _ r ^ r ^_ r ^_ r 2_ r: 3_ r Cr- 1 ?" r 5 "^ " P ri -^ r ' r ^OOlrGaipCai^QXoOGOrCCii^Sftl&'Sm-: 1 ^_ _____ oO C M O O o oo ^ Si >>> fe >>>>> B fl fl B B 5 5? ? S cs 3 3.0,5 c ~~&> S -- SS O O e8 C3 O O O g g ^ ^ S O "*^ ^ "*"' ^ ^?5?^S ^^^^^s3 O Or-f O O O fl 3 rt 3' 3! 3! S ri - S sc oo " - I ~2 SC x-CCZCtCCC^CSnCO CO CMcOCCCCCCCO:a_ ^ X "1 " ^ "!. 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'fe'S.S3 O ia ^!M* o o &, 0^5 P'co ft a|i(5|| a9ijsl No Mus Mus Kill aT - (M 1C ( 1C (M I CO C<) (M (M tJO 60 60 6C '53 3 S E3 ^ si bb do b b 3 3 S S S _.r ~- * 1C (M (M |e^ 1 23il&|3flw| $ us 6 K'jysKfft s if (74) 1O >O 'O oo oo oo CJ 05 O O> 0) O a 3 c s a a c 3 3 3 3 3 3 1-5 HS h-5 h-s h-5 h-j l-j 2oooffiO}3^:"So cS rt^ aa 111|l aaa '3llll ;||||||l|||l ft || fi | h^- hjr ^3 ^3 '*', "" > hj- Kr- r^r ^J ^3 k 1 ^ K^ ^/^^^^Mt-H/H^-l^*^ ^->" ^* r a5H r c3 !H n3 > '* j 'o ^3-^ ; ?-S33-2333 3? -2 3333333 SoW&gOOflOOOQQBOOOOOOO sir,-) Tj o 3^73 ^73 r c i r!r-r5'^;T3 r d'T3 r ^ p O r c! gcp^r^^ocpOcucuai^gaicuaiaicDcpai 2H r d" S j1>HSX^I L lfiftlHClC ce^' lM ^o3;/3_ 1 jCO02co a ^_ ( jCoa3cocccecc~u: 8 ^ s JdJar s j JJ a - ^ S y s jy4 t iii*iix ^wS^SSSSS^^- ^S & CM CN rH rt CO ^ CM CO ^ ^ CO i-H CO CN CM CO ^ ^ ^, > "S 60 bO 60 60 6C-S > > 60 6 cjoO7j33333S;O O3 d OO^cc<1<^-l CJj fcCjJ 60 6t"S ^, 60 60 60 60 bi sl'~g 33 OSStjSSg" tj333333J | 4 j : ^ o'd ' : ^ ^1 _; T 1 : >< X< HS 0>r- _, 58 TS "S C ^QJCD 6CGCO COCU 'C : rf :^l-^?rc3i-i.2^ r S^3 -*J -> *i >>>%% G 00 OD C~3 3 3 & G os . a -r-:,-4 fe O"e3"tf3! r 3 r 3 >., -GO ?H *H S.s'a^-s-B > -tj .*-; .u ~ G o-g-^a^ 9 9 .J * DO CD -W I* tn ^ ^ -+^ O C ^H O O -^ P.G .G a? -s -^ 03 o CO 2 S Si^-gsa lilll jO J^S^-S ^ -;Q2;^; .... Not on muster-out roll. .... Not on muster-out roll. .... Mustered out with company, June 4, 1865. .... Mustered out with company, June 4, 1865. .... Deserted, Sept. 10, 1864. .... Mustered out with company, June 4, 1865. .... Deserted, Sept. 10, 1864. .... Mustered out with company, June 4, 1865. .... Mustered out with company, June 4, 1865. .... Wounded at Peeble's Farm, Sept. 30, 1864. Mustered out with company, June 4, 1865. .... Mustered out with company, June 4, 1865. .... Mustered out with company, June 4, 1865. .... Discharged by general order, June 17, 1865. .... Mustered out with company, June 4, 1865. .... Mustered out with company, June 4, 1865. .... Deserted, Sept. 10, 1864. .... Not on muster-out roll. N PHILADELPHIA. .... Honorably discharged, April 4, 1865. .... Promoted from 1st Lieutenant, April 5, 1865. Mus- tered out with company, June 4, 1865. DATE OP MUSTE | o- 6 < s'^ss'dddis's' dddsyds' COMPANY B, RECRUITED 1 <> C< tcbc SfS"SN" S&SSg|Jg5SS &cc53of2"^ D tb sb sbl^ > 3 s s 5^ o >>6b&btb&bibbbibti fcbtb bb^j _,j sb SB zte-Z-Z-^-^-Z-^-^-Z* ^[^^oo-<-< RANK. C 1 (i '3 "or d NAME. C i a C 1 ^ a: i gill! -=;: G : g i co I i | ^ W 3 : : g .5 : : ->- ll Schakelton, Wil Selsor, John W. Shuman, John. Smith, Bernard Spencer, Willial IJJMlli B tT -"S c " G ^ -tT IS 2 ^ G" (76) 11 >, G -Q 2 T3 1C 1C 1C 1C ic* 1C 1C 1C "^ Cl" 1 ^ ~S3 ^ ' 1C X ' " 1 - O ' ' X 'X ' 'S , & SS~or^;*$ -Soo <: cc^ccrccox^SxxSBcccccog o3 -. -v 1C 1C 1C 1C ISSS'-jg'eLcs' SS-rjS9SSt2'3SSSS8:SO' w _ i i rili s - /v ^*^/iS s ^ > -'^-''-'>-; >n -j ^-^ **N i"" 1 ^^ ^ w' ^/ ^ ' W ir, i -'v'v-'^^t;\-^^^t jl ' "jH^j^yJ^ ( ^;2Ga3G rH ^ L -^' .--CO 03 -^ ' ^ Cr-H-Gr^^-H G > Q.rH JJ r Jj ^^T^l Gr^H^3rGrG'>. OjX^^^3rG^3'2 fl5 4JJ O ^ -G '"S -"S ."S J* ^ 22 .'rt ."1^ ^ ^ Ml ^ 6C-^ y ."tn ."tn ."t5 .tn m ^tn ."S ."S ."tn .tn ." 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X, tl - - JS r: to a c o i iH CZ c o> _ rM "^ ^^ ^ S ^ al i r3 g o fS ^tH S -g | rj S 0-^ - ,SaS -2^^ a p! 2a^ a ^ .0 (81) .5 s -S S V CO i I I i I ^ 1 1 02 OD GO 00 " O 2 .X ES 3353' 3J. 53 kft Il 10 "^ S S S S ^o in fi ic o ic ic c vc c oToo o 12 12 c cf oe ^^ f^ f^ ^^c _co g ooo--c^5arHoc^3g co&S 00 '- | ^--eoS OCCOGCXCO_^^-i^^ 00 W i i . . ,x -T-^ cs ?? > i i 1 1 i ^ , i ^- ^ -rti ^*^ i i _c I'T '1 I I I S^>|VS .-,%,--- 1~ 3 ss ^ OJ^; rH rH r-l ^C3 fl'^a's^ OO>OQJk^caJK^v. OkSr- Gf 5 rj -*-3 ^-i ^> _^ _ ^ .J*- ^ r^ **^ ^* ^H ^? *"* ^. .;-'_QOr! H c3 f5CMCBP^3fH^-i^-i Cr=H3 s r-Tic ,-TIC r-To oTirf s & g 9 iS sssss-i^sss p r? P 5 W ^> C ^^ a^T t^-a ^TMO f 1^Gr^coSGSP!i=lg-'g P r ^ r gg a -'g 1 ' ! ' ' ' ip ~ H !3 2*" ^ ^^aaaaas'3- 3 --j r3 Spja r 3'a St-OOOQOS^PPi^^ftwg S a^ || "^ -^ -~2 2 2 |5 -2 q?;csc' '^S.iS.-jfSp'tj'S'ti-s'^^fcJoSSScSti'feS] ' ftO g,6 p/^-o ^ ? "J ? ^ ^^ ^3 S) *' ) ?'> >, i5|44silli|iliiiiii".|llllii^ I g| ^niiil ff^afe 1 g g g P-i P-< PH 00-53 S S OQ.^ * "- 1 s-, i 1 S-Tj^r 3- 1 - 05 O~' ~ O +5 , c 0> tr.73 ^5 3 <3 &D c* O, p,3 >, 3 3 3 bC O CJOOOO3 OOOOOGCP c :--:rJ:::saJ::S:G::: r ,- ^ : ; : > : : v! ^ ? : : ^ : .S J >. : i i |J^|IIIi|||iipwJ|j ^ I") J3 ^^ i** ** K^ -T-*J ^ ^^-3 .^3 IM^ O 2 Q [Tl r ^ ^J ?M C^ ._ _i . ** !"7 _ LJ fl_) ^^ ^d iiC^'^CjCOHm *^ *r*, O W .12 O cS O OH3 3 (83) . . . 1C 1 1-1 !2 -' x 1 " 1 55 oo x rH i^5 lO ^^T 1 *O * ^ ^ '^T *O lO ^ *C iC'Ci^T ^O - T*A if^ j^ i^5 1^5 X QC X CC ^ ! i SxXX OC GCXGOr-i"^J2xX XX O O> 0) O> sees ;"ff*"ls^""" I >.i S s s s s ^^"S^J^^^^I ^ ^^^^^^^ ^^ H g C 1 s 1 c\l i |g i I a^l i fw 1 lil^c'^^P il 9 SB S-* SS^"g^SSS ?^ grt'SSSp-^'g S S Continued. O S O ^5 OJ O O S "S ,-5^^^^ S)^^,- J8 -- -'d'sj'd ^ E c S)^ -r -r -r OOOO^JSSrQOCU^JJ^'o'- 1 ' 1 ''^' ' r S SH $ S $ $ O >< 1 J^-^ Jj^^ ; j i J^J^J^ -*^^^ X l^ ^rf^ s r I Sfe"'-B l 7.SB I 'BS h ^tf^?'g cJ'Spc'S ^oj-y ^ s -^ o" a 5 s -^ ^2sg^ (84) G P g J CO . CO . ^ 1-1 '.2 i~ ^ -2 gTco jS CJ-GO g ^ 3 ^ S 3 ^ t> *i~ -v^ ^ 1-3" -r; -->" Is . c sL* " In CS ^ Z "+S B! . CU s "O 1 "^ O O Il-i,w CO i -u 5 "^ :gs^ ; '^"S s ; s s 2S^ ^ ^c Q^ ^ cc-^l 5 a 4. 4 y 5O~r-i tfT-l"c5 x"x"5q 1-1 ;? 3 02 C -kJ +j Q} o c.> t-( ^ i II ^^ i fe^" : "~3 ~ \ s"S 2 020} 3 c -= & _r a 7 5 i 53^cSH"o.Q . -Id^fS 6 !^^ 6 il||s|il S 's "o ^^ o p- r 5 1^ 1 S- Wadsworth, D. G.. Wentzell. Conrad.. Willis, James AValker, Charles C uu Q LU 5 p 3 | u 5 c C "H "S o a 02 c/ i. "C 1 a" K fc e .^J c IX s ! o | I "A 3 1 a ( ^ t-~ Tl ,s fe I w ^3 (85) to Second 1. Mustered oo +a S o 1 3 03 o 1 1 X, i i S X ^ s 06 rH i~i2 i i ; "* 2 g PQ o *N o . .2 -<-^ c o j i^ o ;o ^< X OJ 7 S 12 i2 V^ x oo oo oo 10 15 cfac o ^^ S 1C iffl > oo cc o- gV2 X X l e^ 5; cr cT KEMAKKS. ^"a tl ^ i 1 15 &1 -w>M C <* !; g CD Tf * ^ ty 1 "" >>>>>> ~gs as 1^338 ^1C -* ^ oS G ^* r "* "* *2 !>. 1 1 j eg P*- ~ "*^ "^ cj a; CC ,^. (- s'E -^ P Farm, Va., March 29 ith company, June 4, sburg, Va., March 3, T e National Cemetery, vel4. th company, June 4, ith company, June 4, .tli company, June 4, ith company, June 4, vis' Farm, Va., Marcli at muster out. 1-1 +3~ O cS -^ G T3 -y S^ o f ^ 8 5 II 8 o o^'s "=* b lljl KH~O O C O c3 .^ II S" o 11 | '9 3 -2 -2 ^1 ~f- " Illll o T! o " /P -2 "x^ 2 o o o 2 _ = si S 3s -. n-^4 ^ s^ Ldl'5 ^4 ^ a a t JJJ : = i ^ ni*i*i o > - g 1C ^ cc ^. cc cc cc CD ^ ^ -- - ed r&r -^cctc fi o! II X 1 III ** -^-' ^j -_; 5? S" o -. "GH^'^H -?$ JINVJt 2d Lieutenan 1st. Sergeant... Sergeant 2 s = 2 = O - ~ s s - ({ Musician tt 'C PH S S 2 NAME. Charles Weber Lewis Keshner Cyrus J. Butler X> > T fc, S 5 o3 = cj S 3" James Spangler F. B. Himmelrich S So S 2 &o Andrew Lotx 3 *& ,a.Sfc> 85 ^ jj fi (86) 1 1O 1C 1C 1O co co CD co CO OO OO GO >O 1C CO CD 00 GO .I s .. 1C J* IN i 1C i<5 1C JO I.H O 1C O 10 CO CD CO CO j _jT J* 9 CM"^^-*? r 3 ^ . . ^ ^ 03 03 33 03 o> o c s c c a - 3 $ w "flua>i}o ^S owouoooMaj' 'Si a 2 -s ; a -s ;s U9 '-^ ^ S ^ -5 5 c?f*jj 6'5^ r S'S5 g^ - T3 8 8 S 83 m - - -- ^ T- rjj r,;) ' 2 I SO ^^ ^^jjdj^jj S^JJeSS^^^^^iS^ ^ CO 3 CD CO co eo co - ~^~__-fo - ^ -._-.- LO ^ ^ ~" CO O ~ ^ - -1/5 , J~ - - CO CD CO CO ccco 03 co a; cc cc co co cc cc a: OQ OJ CO O! CC hM OQ C/J 00_COCC COCC_fe_CC_ffi CC LI a a a, &, 03 03 03 03 COfKCt 1 OJ 03 Cj 1 W tJ P-i d '03 t> ^ fl 1 .2-1^-^ "i >S r^e '^'S'oSScg^ & sS J2 ,45 * ^ O .^ -5 ^ o js&io .2 S *> -s -2 Q H fe ^"is SR' p*3 ^ a; 33^' : 5>^ ::; ^ a>- ^ ^ J ^ slS M ' ^ ^K l T H r-2cj h ' H ^iPlO r 5 h: 5S C ' ^ ^ HH 3 Q3 r^ -^ ^ -l-^ O -BO 2 i5 stS K^o^oS - S 9 w "J ^ rH - ^-i TO -*J T* C3 -.^H K ^- .g g g | cT c S fc | ^ =c r-< ^S cc ^ b'o s h-5 P Cj -'E 'O - p SH o JG * j^ rH S *Q3 C3 (87) s a s s-g g s s s s oooo._ooo o u o w 3 5 5 sa-- s s^^ s s = s ogf^oo~3=ococ SS 2 5 S gS o C 5 5 .,,, "S'S'S'S'KT'S'S's's o 1 ^ o -g "3 "3 ^ o"s"S"s"S-gr-"s"s-g = ts ^ illlllllll Hi-Ill 1111 !! (88) P ft O -u . sfc !M CO 1 _. '-' CO 53 S I . g g g g 2 g Ij-g i j~aoa5accc36i:ja'c Is S o i _ T I a +* . G G O G O- GOG i 1 1 i 1 1 1 M i s 1 ::::::: : : : Q J ^ ^ d CC ^ ~ ~ j^-- - ~ _j. ,_-~ ^ - ~ ^ -~ ^ i- : : Q : : : o : : 5^-5 : G S : : = i g : ifer-fs^ ^^ s "t c3 ^ ('K r*" H - j cS ~l. ^^ g T!5 03 ^"^ ^ ^> G G *^ &H OQ *^ rH G (Ti ^ 03 OS C') O G ^y Seitzinger rnp ... .Sheaft r. Clavt.on... * 1 l> 's r v ^ s 1 i- i j ^ o pq ^0<1 a> ^ 1 S g <1^W d 5 g.J S s a .2 ^3 (89) C ; -; i j j * >> ^ : s :::::: G : S |||| g 2 3 08 |jjUj| ;5 '7 * -ij^l |jl_ j * l - Illi (90) i!t> OO i-O ifi 1C id oo _oo oo QO co " ' eo i i 0 0) O> G fl C C G 3 s3 3333 OoO a s s a a a a'js^ a 'a' a a'a' OOOOOpPtstTPPOpQ a? .x ; x x a> H M & -2hJ : : : ; , ^ J CQ O CD O - ^ r- 1 ^S C j 0) 3 o,- ^ : aj : ' r "^ fi CO I V H 3 o5 i tec -? ^^ ^2 ..O =L^D ag- OOQ)CD*^OCDC}CDCD CD CD C C G G C G C G G iC GGGGGGG^GCGCC G C ^ ^> ^ ^ Hj t-s (-8 h"J 1-9 35 l ~ >~S I ~S >-9 '"S ^ ^ S ^ I-} ^ Hj H^ l-^l-j CGGC GG^GGC 31 CGGCCGC.,GC > G 1 GC-tiSGG -sasss-isaSsasa!! aaaaaaasaaaaals"aa 'oOOOO'o'oOOOOO ^ QQQOOpOrtpOOpO^^QO ^ooou^^o^ooo^ ooooooo'-^oui/oo^ir'oo P -^ *i +J -*-^ P p "^ ^ -^ -4^ -*J "^-. ^ *+J ^ -*J -^i ^i "^ -4-J tZ."^ T^ CS Ci 'ZS g p ^a ^j 1!'!'!! 1 1'!'!'!!'!!^!'!'!'!'!'!!!'!!!!'!^!'!! r-OOObr^foOOOO ^ f3OOOOOOO"*~'OOOOOc*) CO O O C^f H S-i(-i,-,-^t-,S->J-i!-|-t;aUs-,tHj-c-i!-.S-,i-,1:!s-i&-S- l i-iJ- l -*J" _2 t- Si QOOOi>;CLiCaOCUCaC".OO *~'""^ H ""^' ^"^^*- 1 -" ;^;^S Tp^T)<^^T^!j^^-)<^r)HTj-r iLC^JqJ~55cH ^ . , 3 3 i-st-s H> t-j 1-9 H-S 1-9 1-6 ^ rf ^ ci c3 ^ ^ ?i aaaas-S-Ss OOOOOCO *- ^H r^ fcH t3r^ft?-< rvT^ X>^^"^"^- J C" L C2 L^Z ~r**i 03 ^ {i) CD 3? rjn ft 3 ft -t C t? -^ ' *~5 ** O *~3 ^ -J3 CC (D -'-' o cl} Q CD x O 02 "S >> o3 Jr X ,-r 3 +3 u -^ i ^^3 ^ P O "v, "rf .^ CH ;_, g 1O G> g "S W SL^ Sii 1 " 1 OP' 1 O) r ~ H < ,3 r3 _T^ O) T3 T3 r^TT3 r 3 T3 ' UJ ||||||||||| 3 io" ! 03 ^! !^^!^!^!^!^! ; ; ; . ; . ... CU i M 1 i i i M I i s c- + ~. cc t? & I* < i cc cc | [ Tf ac 1 -^H (^) cT ::::::::::: Q ^ " I / ) t < D & P < 1 cc -4- 14 C a cc IH S < ' 1 1 ! 1 1 1 ! II ! ! = -4- e D 1 5 4. r -t- i i c H 5 1 a 1 tj | + c c r ! 3 S 3 SH (X i >. ~-.7i '/~ k : : :-: V 4 4 : ; H 5 c \ i . 3 C 1 j ^ i j i i 5 t ! i I c < 1- 5 & ; ii i ^ i! i! John D. M. Ambrust T V O tif 1 TVT>->O 11 Adam, Kauntz Wm. J. Jefi'erson.... 02 T^ * W P^H SIS ] s a ii s s i ~CO iC 1C 1C 1C 1C 1C 1C g ^ ^. . . . . w - O> * co e> X:

-j-GCGCCGGaJCCGCGC'-' ^S-.So 03 ^ 13 ^^* 03 ^^^^ 03 ^"^ ?;c ^e-^o,a 1 a, ^> & c^ a, &, &, &,^ O y y,/ -J--4 ^ y^ y^ *"' Q H "-t ' J r" ( &H MH M^ 7j_('^^ P_i " t ^1 _r ^ r s i T ~~ i ^ ~" -^ *" ~ ~ ^ P PPPPPP>-_r^PffP?HP Kl^J^KKSsllllllfllllll. >><>^G'g S~^~ ^~-5[i,'firS~^-GrC.'S -H^f^K^K-c 0^3pc;rf5^5flJ3jatc4rCirf3jgrf5^q^5.s o c o S ,| SttS.'S.tjiS.tJ.^.-S.r.'SS.tJ.'SS.-SwS, (S <0 0^0 ft>, " ogs'g 10 .0 t> p< >> p< >. o fc o fc ! a . . . . ic ~ . . . 10 _~ . . .... If} 1C 1C 1C O O >C 1C 1C O -^ 1C 1C 10 C tC 1C uj n., . w *** uj Jg JO to ?C 00 C S - i-C r** ?r; *~ * . ^-* " ^**. *-^ i:: c^ -v oo x ooc^Er^^oo ^ oi>^" J _ 1 -ia5 IH 1- !_, j ''O S^ ^ rH fcj S. SMr_"tz " 03 OS "o ' ^ CS CO CO ' &P3 S CO, CO ''' CO CO CO CO CO

r K I*H 3 O >> o sis o - - -. . S So . i f, > p tn C 1I ^2-5 ^ ^ i I- a s G ri^i ,oao^^^ rti6 -?S ^2fs&-S|P ^^ 11 < a|^ si Hi HI g i^.&sa ||||ljli gw^HS.. - - ^--a .g IH ^r be Il^i-Sl^ * ^- "^ T 1 (D O O (95) UD 1C ;coc cooccoocooooX'Ocoo accccK aa s ass a as ooooooooo oooocooooooooo S "^^ cc co s< '''- i ' I > : 'co <^ cc (96) A id 2 . . . .11 . . LO . . . . CO . . . 1C 1C 1C 'O >O 1C JC >C |C >C 1C i-H LC 1C 1C CC CO CO CO CO CO T I CC CC X SC CC~X CO co 4 oc !?f C : f> S o 05 '- | 1C 'of g^^lfs 3 iiiiitiu ^OnC o) a cocc 11 ET cc ' ^ - = s = = 3 s s = 5 3 * = 5^=iH D o S ^ !S?S 2^,2 " O) N " - T ~ -t- 1 <~ 3t3 s- * ^-c's Hcococ/ > i = X p :-| ;^ ^ e ^ ^ Jif > _ru LiW a 3S^2 : ^^3 i g-S < >rH H L i . -j; "n: :? c 2 F TiD J S 5 Wr= " OO~ I T: S 03* si ^^ || C O 1 ) o3-'- >^S r-eP -H 'e2 * )53 a > oi > O 3 :^^ ^ >i M -> p 1 > 1 j ; i - ; > y : / ;T<. * S . sl 1 s i s I o o > r a r o pq co -; cc co g ss CO ^ la 3 <* cc p 7f Tj CC 2 l>~ i c ir o c c ^O c c oo Q ~ CT "cr I 1 r- r r r i 1 r-l 3 cc 1 C a cc , ; 4 /. u o 0) CO c :a cc C -7 , - a X i cc ^ C cc OH C COC* cc u + -^ p" * = = G C -1- c cT ^a . .as o 0)0 .h rrtK, , J? r-jr-5 l-s rHl-jH, ^ W t-H O (97) COMPANY G Continued. I!. REMARKS. Wounded at Peeble's Farm, Va., Sept. 30, 1864. Mus- tered out with company, June 4, 1865. Mustered out with dompany, June 4, 1865. Promoted to Corporal, Dec. 10, 1864. Mustered out with company, June 4, 1865. Promoted to Corporal, March 30, 1865. Mustered out with company, June 6, 1865. .. Wnnndpd n.t. LPWIK' Farm. Vn... March 29. 1865. Dis- 3 .' 3 fi ^ *c CO >? oo > "-i i T-H x x co oo _ co co c3 cc ^c ?^ 00 X X X X XXXXX fi| - - O "2 o o "o a) k *g G G C C^ u G 3 G 3 r .1-5 >-3 ^ ^ I-S rt f G? 0} O O Q) feH G> Q^ O O C? CGCCG^ GCGGC ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ : GGGGG ? -u t>" ^> > ^ r '^ F -o3 GGCC--& O f c5 c3 c^ rt G O r* ^ p^ ft CH CU t- ^ u ^ GGGGcSr-' ^ > O C G C r - ** S-5 oooo 1 " 1 !::! i-< o 3 o o S ^ =>U V V V V~ S3 GG'GGC go3c3^o3^HO^c3^^^c5 o22SSSr c3 ^_SSSS^ r^OOC O^CTSo >OOOOCJN J3*^OOOOO r-i ( ^ ^ ^ 7i 55ii^r _o $ ^ $ ? Mf -o ^ ^ St ^ ^ ~ n ->^> ~L ^O A 1C ^ ^ ^ ^ r* ^^ ( jjO--OOOO c3 S j tt ^ CC r^ r^ r^ ry ^ &C rGOcTooOOJG' O G G G 3 O OOOOO^S'OOOOOO . ; . _ r^^ V ^ f . f , p _ - gG3Jj:S .sJJ^JJ Z 1 : : 4JJJi ^j^^^i 4^4444 00 C o o"o o cTo OOOOO'OO OOO~OO I 1 I 1 1 1 I 1 I- i 11 1 i 1 rH i 1 i 1 r-H i (i Ir-l i i i-H ft ftft ft C G) O 0} G) C CO COCO CO a O Qi O 1> 3 ^ CO COCOCO^iCC CC GO CC X GC I/I CO CO T X *^ X X KANK. Corporal a (i ii , 11 i4n-r- NAME. : : : : : ;;;;;; 1 j i i i i ro : R : f | || | 1 | ^JjlfP 1 ij i i i Itjtl ' ' 3^ S S : $ ' ^ j >-^ fe J^.S* g 1 1- 1 Ja -G ^ ^-S^^S * > a O ~ G ) -T^ 3 ^""2 -i-i ? *"" ^ 'S M c 3 fcT -3 'B > >^ "feisH ''G'i'G.' 1 " ' -^* ij ^^-tSBi^ fc er gjj'g f fi~ g.'i.ggl . -^ >,*j t-SCpQ " " *~" 81 S ti o _o ^ ^ s o cs ^^S/Sr 1 ^^ (98) e iO U5 CC CO CO T OO OO -- f- ft ft COOJ O20Q < ftft 1 rH o ,_ Dull, Abraham Dry, Lewi & 11^.111^11 | pT; pC 02 oa oo cc - -*2 O - !S "- 1 "" QJ S^^ i ai j 05 - r3 - ~XJ s-i to " (99) eK 3D QQ S 5 * s 10 10 o cc o<^ ccccoo "o GC X X CO 00 _ .-I rH X CO CO 00 _ XXXXXX O) 03 s c a s c s 3 S 5 S S S 1-9 1-9 ^-S *-9 1-9 1-9 G G r?& G & G O 03 03 3 2 Gi G< CH a' a" ss.Saaa ^ c o o o w~ 3 O O O com com ^ Vf\-4-* -4J X *-* -*- 1 S '*T -*^ -4-* -*J -*J ** * > DULfH .^H .O .1 ..i JT rf -" >- 1 "- "- 1 -^ "-" >,^ ^^ ^ -sj-r ^ ^ is ^ a^a<4a . O O O r3~ r 3 tC r3 r3T3' o a) ^ -> o^ 2) G^ K ^r 5^4,^ flrC Q O O i : 3 3 ' O O !^~J :gs i^s X CO S 3 i-H i-H r-t r-* i-^ i * C- '- r C r T3T3 r ^ ^TSTJ^ fi ^'c '^goooooo w SflcpoajO(D' 1 'a) <1 ' = S kx f* a p* i ii o j 3 ^ Ed ^-s^a ^^ a^ E 3 S 3 S ^ :fe-H IBH -J- 1 I 1 M >-l * f>- t p"- ( p_j ^ ^ p^ p. r Oa>(U(ua>Ha}g O3 OQ O3 05 03 3 - 033330 c i 2 25 cc s 3 ^^ ^H ' O ^ ^ -P ^ T rj ;? rj rj ^ co 3 r c H T C i ^ 0- ^ ,- 1 J - 25 " T 1 1 1 1 1 ^ t C c - Q a uj a Q O O O O CC 02 0. C/J 02 X X o o o o & ^ 55 X X C X O2 <1 O2 OS o -j *- : i : : Ed c c s : : : O 0> ... s "S j* s .2.2 a; g. 1 O - .. - - ~ >~ ^ !z i < J - cu IOTS'K cu i-H o 5 rj pt C 03 ; O oil ^ i.3 1 2 J: >, 1 p CO^- 1,^ J ^H W -feS S f II . O *. o ._ S ^^ . i ^ ^H ^H -( ' ^ S g o p^ O C 3 .pR ^" a ^ -" s a s ^ J3 a ^ CQ C X P pq --52 ^ (101) 1 HI m iO iO *? ^^ ^O ^ r * s tO iO iO *O ^Q J?* iO iO *O ^O sO r lO *O ^^ s * v ^^ iO iO GOXQOOCOC^^OOGCOOGoEH GOOCGOOOT-tj5 QC CO ^r ^ COOO i-H rH r-1 1-H i I ^ rH rH i-t r-l ^ ,g ^-j,-,,-,^ ^^ r-H rH g& _g rg ,-( rH j3 ^ ^ j2 j3 Q^i~^ ^ ^ c3 ^^ ^ 1^ ^ ^ GGGGC-GGGG^ _- GCG G'^ ^ < fc cccScoiPcoP co cS -co co co ^cocoPcoSco ^5?co ^ c ""*' ^cT" -o" " "" -c^" ~" -" - eo"" ^" -r, ^ K r I i I 1 I C^l ^ CO T I rH i I ~ irt S5 ;o CC C<1 CC tC ~ iT^'MoO i-( CO ic . .,10 rH . . . .m -s . C_/ 1C 1C 1C 1C 1C 1C Cl CO 1C -1C 1C >C 1C O iC Cl S 1C 1C I .ic CO 1C ^ s a a ^ooo di i^ 1 iz? n? !L* C*-^ ^T C5 C C S C U ^_ 'c3o3c3c3oSOo3fl ' SSS9flJ'fl8 1 T3fl 1 ^WGMSC5Cr T 03G ^raopooo^.o'^^oP^ob o o o o^^j ) <*> O OJ O QJ i "O 5 M 1 ^ *- *- _> g j^ aj a ' -4J ^ O ^J ^ : * CCcoQOiH(Mr-lt-l>O- (N OC -'- - -- - - 1 1 CO O JJ !M 1C O2C' ^d oS O " ^ oo -. o 3 -935 B^J I '""t T 3 (T, C jfi a 15*0 C 03 c'3 >.- ~i-~ ^'e I(J< cgtc^s&SSs a qj.Srgs opia S? i >- O> -l r- rH r-i A " ^^ O i-i m -- , ccaacetEaa cC3DGCia2oc. 3 ^50 go pf-i-g S --- _ _ _ _ -- ft A ^ Sn O, &, &, O, Oi &PH ft ft 'ft ft ft OOC^OOOG)^QJ C^O QO C? C? OQ^ QD K OQ CC O2 CO X OQ X COCO CC CO CO CO COCO - s ~ .tf - Jjili -irHpHPH-ajco cocococococoxxai (104) i |l |l 1 I Hsri Hr^ H H ?*> 1C *C LO cc :o o OC 00 00 i 1 1 1 1 i 1} Q> G> c a a 3 3 3 sT I* frT e ^ ^* ** O 3 S S ' 6C SJD 9 9 ^>> *" o> *" 3? w rt rt (H ^ scgoa a a fe os e* a c a ^243^3 o o o ILADELPHIA AND FRANKLIN COUNTY. Mustered out with company, June 4, 1865. Killed at White Oak Road, Va., March 31, 1865. Promoted from Sergeant Company A, May 29, 1865 Mustered out with company, June 4, 1865. Mustered out with company, June 4, 1865. Killed at White Oak Road, Va., March 31, 1865. Wounded at Lewis' Farm, Va., March 29, 1865. Noi accounted for. u :/ V - e > r: c ^ 4> _7 <3 ^ 4. e c I 5 H H ; j 3 co i "- 1 f J i ; ! ^ ^' IS .2 cS * -2 12 =2 2 ^tS =22 f Sg2 Pn'T}^ o ,0 o o o o || f 888888^' ' o o o.22 o : ^^j^ip^ K C ^ .2i^ P!z; o o o o o o - o i : : : : i CO O P SO O O ii x 333 F ~ jjjjj *f * 5 333 co Of i 'J , ft fi, a, &i p. O20QC/30QCO CnP. f. 1 ftft & 02 C X '.'.'.'.'.'. f. 1 'C COMPANY I * RECRUI Captain 1st Lieulenant s 2d Lieutenant 'Sergeant Corporal - * 3 2 - s s s n (i n n u 11 11 of this company on file ir ims, Morace n, Jacob O ;, Amos M Hiram , Daniel errnan, Michael , P. M'Quade ;w A. Pomeroy 38 Kaisner M'Donnell Semmelroth as Matthews *- \ "C j. =. Jdj^j^Ui Iplll^iili ftilliifH Jacob , Thomas in, Barney 5, Thomas M Jesse , Michael There is no muster-out ro (105) ^ ^ C3 & 3 I 1 . -5 ?S 2 * rt- g S g , 'O 1 --- g fl-g a a a a - g a g g a __ OB C5 ^ O w C8 CQ ^ ^ C3 ^H 08 OS 08 CQ 09 fiB r-C 09 OS OS OB CB -l J -* a *** 2 + *S *****-** H* S ***>** ooo.2oo.2oooooo.2ocooo coco ocoeoiccocccoco cococO' i>o co co co cc cc inTco 10 co co -co -c RANK w - (106) co T 1 i i 8S s i T eo gs 1 1 ^3 c - 03 OS g^ T r CO J3 1 ."H? i r > 03 | =4 S o3 > 03 o3 o3 *S > ^> O la ,f ^T PH ' " c Jbd 3 O PH 03 ,H 8.3 a o2 [?P X O ! ^O ,o n , , ,o|l ^ ^^ co ^c ^ ^o "^ ^c * ^c ^c ^o co co co to co co co co co ~^* -X ~^ co co "^t 1 'CO co co co co co co co co co -co co oo co co co co co co co co co co co co -cc" -co co -co G.G, COCOOQ O2O2 : 2 S o-o ' :^d :u jjai J *r! S o TS ' es H (H G K tv ^ K 1^4* oS rt S ^ -H ^ | ^* P-* TO F- H 03^0 ^I!!lli^mi7 H S r-^H g ^ r^ ^? < _- i-n :3 -' 3 ^ EH C C3 ^ 05 CQ (107) COMPANY I Continued. R. REMARKS. II "S S l_l "o 3 "aa sf 2 f i T-H 1 3 ^ g .S 7- is 1 1 g ^^ ,_; 10 W . .Si cc-- OC Oo5oao-OOO CC QO "*** .... Brevet Major, April 1, 18(i5. Mustered out with com- pany, June 4, ]8(>5. .... Mustered out with company, June 4, 18(i5. .... Mustered out with company, June 4, 18(>5. ffice of the State. o'co'Ss^oo'oS S 5^5 5 5 SjD S Q?I 55 "^ S S S S,f S S S ss5s55355 r^S 5 Q OOOOOOJOOOO 3 oogcooooooogpo O '^ .rf** o o o o o>. o o o o ^ ^ ^ ^ h*- ^ *y >^ +y >^r /Hi^i^Hi^J^Hp-^iJc-i^-i^ oo.Sooooooo.2oo I::::::: : :::: X Ou DATE OF MUSTE ^^jyjjjj hJ ::::::::::::: u :::::::;:: Q 3p333333p^ 33 ^ E 1C ^ if3 *-* a; u sT ^ CO XCO 5 V -1J -W C * f* -0 ~ '0 ,_^-^ -V^ -^ ~ rr^ .^.-^-^---.^P^-^^^J,-, ^ti-^ 3^ '~ 1 .'~!'~ |1 ~' CC '~"~"~"~''~ < OCXaQOQ-^GQODCOKa} S* * 5* S' * S 1 &&& S* &" 5 CO OD CC X GC X 3Q C OQ CC CO CC _ RANK. 1 ::::::::::::: oi i : : : : i : : U PC -^^-^^^^^^, * Captain 1st Lieutenai i2d Lieutenai 11 of this company on file c PH ::::::.:::.:. Q, NAME. : -y : ji : : |^ o-^'S'pS 2 i 2^2 5Qa3a3xx53ai5QcHH :.::::::::::: o ::::::::::::: o :::::::::: :.M Isaiah W. Kimball William R. Thatcher (Jcorjie Janney * There is no muster-out n g : 5=?o r Sr:.ti^ "S 3 (108) .... Not accounted for. .... Wounded at Lewis' Farm, Va., March 29, 1865. Dis- charged by general order, June 6, 1865. .... Wounded at Five Forks, Va., April 1, 1865. Not ac- counted for. .... Discharged by general order, June 9, 1865. .... Not accounted for. .... Not accounted for. .... Not accounted for. .... Not accounted for. .... Prisoner from March 29 to April 5, 1865. Discharged by general order, June 21, 1865. .... Not accounted for. .... Not accounted for. .... Died, Jan. 27, 1865. Buried in Poplar Grove National Cemetery, Petersburg, Va., Division D, Section D, Grave 203. "o fc i 00 cS a 3 ridri i i w 1 M JNot accounted lor. .... Not accounted for. .... Discharged by general order, May 31, 1865. .... Not accounted for. 3 3 ^ *" O O 0) o OOOOOOOOOOOfl*' o^oooooooooo^ & 3 cocococococo cccoco Hi COCCCOCOCOCOCOcDcoScOCO ^^ O O C i 1 i 1 i 1 ssssss sss OO i 1 i i r-l SSSSSSSS3-2S O O I 1 I 1 1 1 fl,nt .. g aj gs = s = s s^"^ Dp; .> B AH >, "a i "". . J HS^ , 8>, 'H *-! C ^1 1 OW f d ^ 95 S?a: S g 6C SSg g 1 s Q^^^^M 'a S , a^os NFq goo 3 >-jCi-^ M Ci : o^r 3 ! ^iJlfi 2*:- 5 >'5*|g'Si 8 W ^ J ^^6^5^ ^i C o^ o 3 173 n3 g | S Il?l .-3 s-2 c 5*^1% 5 <-i %-i H* . *; . . p i >, >) ^T ~ ^ >s a i; P p ^ TO r TO Ul' 8 !' 8 Not accounted for. Killed at Lewis' Farm, Va., March 29, 1865. Died, April 5, 1865. Buried in National Cemetery Arlington, Va. Not accounted for. .. Not accounted for. Discharged by general orders, June 2, 1865. Not accounted for. Not accounted for. iNot accounted for. .2 o o o o>? ^ = g 1 O K gjjyj 444^ 44^ j J^j jjjjjj ^O =Tc O cTdV cTcTcT o" r e-~" 03 oT 1 w X X '.** o o o COX X D S} O Ada, a, CD O) O O XXX EC X X JO -; Johnson, Jtobert S Jacoby, John 11 Koch, Balzar Kraft, Frederick (110) & O fc * co~ co" - Z. _ _ (UOO cc 02 x ^ ^ _ ^- _ (i)ci)O^O a: co x- OQ X' _ ^_ QOJ) x co O^iDOODO O(DO(DtUU!li!D!l>^Q;Q^ X X CO CO CC CO XXXXXXXXXXXX 8 jTl'a 5 cs 2 9 > j OS V 1 F. 9 7 t i 1? i ^ ll ^ . ^1 s r Chaurer.... niiel.... c ^- | 11 I 111 r ll j; .o s ,i _ O fl oj R to ^ CD oSXrG HHc-i REMARKS. ... Not accounted for. ... Not accounted for. ... Not accounted for. ... Wounded at Appomattax Court House, Va., April 9, 1865. Not accounted for. ... Discharged by general order, May 21, 18(55. ... Wounded at Lewis' Farm, Va., March 29, 1865. Dis- charged by general order, June 2(5, 1865. . . . Not accounted for. ... Wounded at Peeble's Farm, Va., Sept. 30, 1864; and at Five Forks, Va., April 1, 18(55. Discharged by general order, July 17, 1865. . . . Not accounted for. ... Wounded at Lewis' Farm, Va., March 29, 18(55. Not accounted for. ... Not accounted for. 1 S 3333 33 33 -* : i 3 &, ^*' ^ c coooo oo o o ~- o H o~ """ 5 ^CCOQCO CGX XOQ XO GO M < O "el | NAMK. Ijol jL 1 8 | I '^w3 s" ^ .if 5 ^2 T r g/gsj:^ done .^o> 5> fnjS^j^ ^^ 1^^ ^^ S 3C CL -J O -< -J 5c OH oo T-* tT* _T O | II CO I SgjpM P SO (-1 oc CC * < S3 CO .. 5 . ^s^l'Kl* 5 r l *5s!3 -1 iflJIIllW O _^ "" C 2 r- ^ r " s -2, ^" -t 1 "^ , ^ <- ~ x < if 88-52 -Si*- sjK^^iS^ 'Ho 5 rt 'S^ ^-^4; W ^ X xC > W .4 -^ ^j .2 g u 3 3 2 5 3 * ? ^ ^ - U4 ^ -- -4- ^~ a; -fc C i a 1 + 4. C a. c 5 c S 4 ^_ c O u E 'r S j I 2 CN B ^ '5 pi * 03 O S (112) PH CO CO CO CO O CO CO CO CO Ci i jy jj Ujj jjyjjjjjjy ^ CO i i r-H i 1 rH i-O CO Ci 1^ CO l> i 1 i 1 t-H 1 1 i i i- rH O O Q5 ^CO UT) rH CO ft ft ft ft ft ( C^ Q^ <1> ^ J5 C^ O O 3CO CC5 ,2 M-gpJ ^ ^ * ^-C ^ jH^ OJ^ r- ^2 03 ,O > J- o -TH rf O c3 * r?ffi^ H d' si o3 S ^ rt O'S J 0! r-'S >-S g T3 OJ d c 2 a 45*'r;ferH l w pJ&6||3 ^^ 3^.5^ >H 03 3 J" C 09 a. d a d* 1 "3 i K* rH r t ^ W ^ S Si S'o S 3 "3 5=3.3 S Or? ^f^^^pqpq d fe r4 ^ 1 &c i d 3 g (113) COMPANY L Continued. R. REMARKS. . if Is ff = "s- .G '- - i =-g 5 -.3.0 ^ K> W 'C =3-3 *= is g ^ . gofi 1 >o g" 10 io-2 S 10 ^ .- ~ ic'ia'io g^" > co :S co ,x o -^ oo cc " >> ^. co co ^ ,^r _, < 5 S * tr ^ ; >;>;- ^> ^^^OCX^ fi^Cg ^XC^.Oo^OXSCGfeo- ^-S -'- lrH C S^^" C'-'i^-g^ rw--< 1 3 l-g ff 2 s goo~o * gvg o ^g|||i ^lilsls rfSrt"*^ - s |aSl*|ia)* s R||'i Wl 8 g e s Groskney, John 1 1 erman , Jac< >b Hammili, William Hartlev, Thomas Hickey, Thomas H Harder, Lew is :_ i I. ^ Cavenwood, Jos. Conley, William. Conrad, Edward. ^ oT g ^ * i>. (114) ,a s3 03 03 03 o; 03 U ^, 03 O3 03 03 O p O ^ P .22 .2 O O .S O ft ft Q S-H ft ft S Is is o ft ft ft P <5 CO iO ^ -O ^ o353-t3 3333-33^SS3cc33-j 3 r Tf CO ^O CO * o r^ C3 i^ c t- i I Ci -O C5 CC CO ^^ 1C Tf i i C-l t^ 1C 1C OO ^ Tt r -t 1 rHOqiH 1 r^ 1 1 r-l 1 (M r-< r-i 1 1 i 1 O O O O O CO COCO 32 CO OC CO CO .05 CO CO CO sa J'J^^ J ** ^* z < 0, 2 o o SSSppsjS^pSis; i^p^Sp^ (116) COMPANY M * RECRUITED IN PHILADELPHIA AND CHESTER COUNTY. * * -3 o 1 s & * m 3 iC LO 1C ^ O CO CO ^ CC 00 00 i 11 ^ . iri ^ ~1C> ~IO "^ o o co o 6? ^ . i i GO i 1 OO i i 1O _, rH rH -C ll^-g^^l ^|;f ?3SS S" 3^ 3 g^ ^ -^'l-a +TI-S ^ ^ K l^llps dJIIgili ^ o> g a; S JK ^sssis-. isasaah jgigiss^ *llS|t! lHHl!| ^ogogos;: s- a-go = Is g s | Wp-i CLi PH ^ 1 o S fc fc LO l! ^ 0) O *O O oo . . co ri '-ICG.'"' g g ^ 13 co- ^ ^ '< cT o feog ^0 S ^5 J" 55 pg S - 1 i| - ^ | j i si | = ll | s , > O rz ^/ ^ -_ hHi-M I-H gj e > > W ^ >>. ^ C _C a2Cfl^- r o3 la > aa g ^ . . . a . . . . a .s . . a . a a . ,-g s . ra |=S ^51 =2^,2 t3l^lgi66il|5W M rr-TdTS o^TS^^ >,o r d'- 1 ^""73 nd o O'x3^ST3 r r)T3 QjQjQ-^iuafaiaj^-^iB^SiD-uo-^-^oiDxiSaiaj^jm ^"S"S r ^'c^c^^ r ^'y-2fl c3 ^ r ^ r ^^^^S-S^^-S gg|iipi|.2^^il b 5i'g 2 - 8 8$ g g 8 g fe=2 8^5 8^ ^<2 g ^^ - s Jco3gc4o3c3cS^g o3 ^ 03 ^ g 2 rt rf ^ ^ id ^ g 5 ^ oo g oo o^.2 g o.2 0, oo.23^o -S ^^H^^^S5fiH^iQ 5^^ HHi^i^QW^!^^ "S iijiliiij II ii ijijjiiii i jj 3 ti <^ ::::::::::: : o ::::::::::: i 1 j j j j j j |J 1 (M 5<1 (M C c O~OOOOOOC;C;O coo OOOOOOOOrH ^J -t> -tJ -4- o u c. OO O 1. c C -*_ c. C CDOOOOOOOOOO OO OOOOOOOOtK !f ; ; ; ; ; i i ; ; ; i ; ; ;;;;;;;;; ::::::::::: : : ::::::::: c e; : : i .5 i I eS c a ^. p c il G^ 1 ::::::::::: : : ::::::::: ji :::::::::: : : ::::::::: = i : : : : : : : : : : ::::::: : : o 2 ? ^--^^^ -->.-- 3 ^ g. | 3 i PL, o :::::::: : : ::::::::: -= : : : : : : ':::::::: o William S. Flory John M. Barclay ATnrdppni "F, Mnrris 'a | C ' ^ > a T 1 1 1 ! C ! 1 ) ::::::::::: : : ::::::::: "3 i : : : j- : | 1 ! 1 1 : ' : i ! ! : 1 : ! 1 : ! : : 1 : : : - : ; S d ^ ^ S -i : a : : ffl : jj 8 5 3 l^^l . so &s .^1 a i s slls^o s^l sa l^-flii^g ! fl e ^te'9,n~o^'Jfl5SSft -^03 ^cPn'-SC ^^C3 g rflt? S 1 8^-Sga 3 gfe"|sre"^l S ^aS^-sjJrf 1 ^^? c> ! .t?Iwl*4 s ^ s cirg -^ 1 --^ ^ s g c gJ^-JS .s ^ -rSSS^^v^f jf s^~ a&ari3a5 ct3^s-co w o6ij(-(--u Cb .Ss-Sr'-^aigsSaj .ti^ci=i!-3a;S3o33 a>c3 pcSjg^.g'c'S.S* eqpqmpqMWWPPMWW MO ooftGQGPQP (117) .* '- 00 I '- r-l ' - co o -3 C ________ (^ i o o o o o o o o- w Qjz; pd P I A O g flT* oc^oocwOoo ocjw ^7*^^ aQOOOOOQOO OOOOO OO^ pt<^^ fe^OOCO u x: 2 ! _w d g : : ? : 2 J o5 > < ^ : i : g N g "3 Wfa Ji, ii. fc,OC^S H -il ixl M 3|| 111 MHH-lpH I i H-i Hr I 1 (118) s 3 1 E S 1-1 ie gp; C G O 44 G si o" 'QJ PM oo "1 b-2 cs^-^ (M Q A O o3 ^ ^ s a 44^S e a ^ G t-H o" co 1 ^^ ^ rf > B o> c ^00 ^PQ" Ji 1 tc ^11 _T^:^ O fl ^ 0) ii >> s s *r 01 1 c3 r_ ?~ v> E O2 aoj 03 p i^^ fl} 5? 2 Q> & S S "to S . . .SgQ" . aa^. O st2t2s2t2c2t2.s2t2s2o ^ **, 2 ^ 2 ti 5"a5(S G j ^oo2c2 '2 ?r e2 2 O O T I O O O O O i 1 T 1 . . i 1 r- 1 . T 1 i-H i i i-H rH /-s O Q O * OOOOO O C a? c/2 OOoQ OCOCO RANK. 1 NAME. ; ; ; ; ;;;;;;; Mil Sal lljjS C3 CD *l r/~i _ C > K ^|K ^ *"^ ?? j. * S| c^j' ^ - b2 02 '/^ 'a o 4 I (120) to Corporal, Oct. 10, 1864. Discharged by al order, May 16, 1864. d by general order, June 2. 1865. i & $ o i co tJ 00 e3 (D _T <-" '-- H K || O> -W CD 1 3 .2 Z p G > t 43 O fc i co I-H oT 1 1 "to 3 ^'te =2 a; rs M il^ 5$ g /b 'M 2 >:s OD - S ^ W ^ 3 g w -g ^ s b 1 11 1 aT a> a> o I-H ^"S . r i-5 '-5 of -se^ ^ ^ - 321 -o l-s S^g * .fc t-s * jl 1 -2 gg 'S ^1 . .-ScS . . .1 . tH'-l r X?-l^>Hr--&5 :; C3^S-,>H^H^jH^H^C^^ H ^ ^ :a O a lSSsg|g*t>SgSSSSSg &88g 73 'te j 3 '-'^r;^ r * 3 -cr c*^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^^ ^ ^ Qj^rcS r HO>a>a;-uocc(Mj : 5 aJa;i( i ;i| i J op | i J ^ lia FO^ < i J * ) -S 9r3 C- | - > * ; '- M o3 P. R-tJ-kJ-u-tJ-M-(j-+j-^ r ^-i-s-u-*j 3 h-! ^n_0 Gflfl Jj.TS^IfnflCGGSCflGTJSGfl ^ I ' O r t3 0} * ^ ^w D .ij -p-aSPpJrrjeJfc-Sc s s S 3 3 5 3 S 0) 3 3 3 i a G S-* ^o O O O T3 o o X cj 03 2 >V3 r Q Biz J ^ 3 9,2 3 S c 8^ OT! ^ PH'rooQOjjf^e.S ^.sg 88^0^^^ ,SP 03 cS cS gJZl^J-S^ o o o o o o o 000 80 o 9. 9 MO ^ O ^, E ffi s 00,? zz^ 3 0.2 ZP '-^' ^.^ M oo'ojO .2 Ziz;^^ fi o o \-r >^- ^^ o o o ^!^ O )~r )-r \~r f-\^.f-\ .23 o o o PZZ!^i (M n n 3 CD JO CO CO 2 co * co co c; $$$$$t~$$$$^ " 1C 1C 1C 1C 1C 1C 1C 1C if. wOOO o o o o o c. OOO OO C "o "o "o "o "t OOOO C 43 -4^ -4^ -4J -^ ,!_ " _'.' ^J -J OOOOOfljOOOOOO OOOOO'KOOOOOO i 6 : - : - , :| """ **H g PH John Leidy Abel, Christian Aschenback, Edward Bownaau, Lewis h"1 - (^ 111 ji 1 J3I-9 [3 r H , fl ^^ ^ >;.2 g, g c E-*^ G S ^ O) 03 'C ."S 0> C fppqpq WW PC D S a5 ^J c ^2 w i^-c o j: "^gJI p C C^ p*" g oT g g a : l-gM { o s o H a pqpqpQW PC r o < k 2 cSr52 ^ G S -^ -> -3 J v3 ifl O jfTS i** H C W 6JD "" (121) I H I, T ^^ r..2^ eo jd 1 H a i > 8 C 3 9 ' o o o 888- fiTJ SCCS 88888 8^ 888 S 3 Sis 3 ooooo - (122) p fc O fe O O 1C 1C 1C 1C XO Id 1C ....... ^_ ^ _ w^i/^o^y OOOOOOO aa 23 I .J ^ W dS o s 1* till M O C3 aT^s fe: -w" .(123) (124) I- i 4 1 i S S && . Q s G 1 1 2 .2 o 7" -fcJ -f " O O ** *l i i 1 i.l I 11 ! a) ~ i ~~ ( 2 ^ "- 1 o .u .4J 9 9 . p4 . ** ^* -IT? ^ -^ OO **> Ji ?i 1C S3 lO O "- 1 co ca -^ " Csoo>4Jt4- O ^ ; co ^ co 00 t^ CO C<> i-H I*H ?5 00 ~ r 2'- | '~'2iO , ;0~ ^ S ^ ^"x> ,P<^- x -o CN > o Jzjjz; co~ r cc~ > fe 0^* 030300 00 N . . ^ 03 M ^- - S fcl . |5!G'- 1 ^ IQlfi *> 03 03 03S S *^ S wC rC ^^P-, C >c S ^r s r-i in -1-5 12 s oc co o> - e- J" r > ^ S g-5.CO c j l rt 1-5 r-< TI ~J.^3 1-5 5 > sST S^ 2 ^ll-S - s SS 3 jf gsc g-S 5*-*" g|^ ^ | -G-O | W | S C C S^-^ a S P ^^ -^~ fe o3 03 {; ^ ; ^5 OS^LC 33 G^g S r 03 ? g g ^- -S? . ^1 c?-!i^^ ?^a a i -s-ef lo^s 03 G03-3,.r .-.;!=:<< 03 ^ >- O^^O s^ S - 8B*f N S3^i8xS 6 ^^S^|fe|2llS 2 M ^- ^ ^32^sH^^xs a Srt2(f^^52 ""I t?-f 5 3C -S^i'g-SgSS^^P S 0303^2503^:^03^^0,02 eS-H-S CL, rt^fe^ 5 PG rtr 5^ * -S^^-g-gSS-S^ ^-g S 03 2 S H ^3 ti-rt" 1 ^ TJ ^ S T3 tt73 T3 ^30333^3^,32;, 0303 . SGJ^O ~ ,2 O^S.g'^P^iS^ . ^ .POtCOO0303ObC03^Sto2 5bi3 ^ p F 3GoitOT H SX-GC^o5?OO=3owOOw03 r 2Po3;;.r j^-ooej ^ '8.w) a 5g^S 1 ggaSSS|S aa ^^^8 |.S o j| Sg g p, g g -8.8 -8 -88 2 -8.8.0 .^ 4 Q ^ o^ 1^ WP-i ?H /H !^ P-i PH ^^i(^<^^p-iij^;Q^ QSc"o i2 .^ 10" f ts 1 ^ ECRUITED . 29. T>4... iT* 1 TS "? 00 CO i i i IJ 1 i 1 IJ s C5 O -* C5 -f O C5 CTiO 4-^ | -S r a o o c. OO C C3 O o c. O O "S "S "S t; ^"5 "S "8 "S * "S "S . ^->^>^>^oQs^>_/O- 'X O ' <; ' ^ COMPANY Jf^nntnin . G : c S : S "S s s ^ "c "5 s"c .2^ .2 03 ? K)"" -? ^'5 H -u -tJ !r CC ~ 05 - ) ~ :...:::.:. . . c ~ g = ; ; ; o 03 o j^ '.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. '. '. O Young, William 11 Vrtiiv.r C M i g" >, : o3 S P S 3 - 5; ' -j- 1 , G S t- ^ fc r i | s *^ s ^ p- +" S b : G^ | |1 5 Hi Stf ! S5 i! ! ! ~ 5 "o 1 5 I-S *- o | Q i A \ : \ 1 ! g Ej g^.2 0^ a G o sS c ! Illlrfllft IF (125) < S X < K st cc" 1 1 I 5 ^H e. . 3 1C I-( c "E .s OC "S *J *-i *" " i-! 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"o ^ of |||||l|||2||||.||||||l||l||j|||| ,o ,o ,o ,o ,o .o C G fl S3 S3 S3 O S3 3 3 3 S O O O O O O o u w y o y y a ^ o ............ "o 'o "o "o 'o "o - |l^2= w w * vj , g<-s^ 133:11 8 (132) INDEX. A. Amelia Court House, 49, 50. Amelia Springs, 20. Appomattox Court House, 55, 57, 58. Ayres, Romeyn B., General, 13, 19, 30,39,40,41,45,46. B. Bartlett, J. J., General, 13, 18, 40, 42, 43, 45, 46. Barlow, Francis C., General, 54. Battery B, U. S. Artillery, 36. Battery IX, 34. Bates, Professor, 35, 50. Battle of Boydton Plank-Road, 18. Battle of Five Forks, 44. Battle of Hatcher's Run, 29. Battle of Lewis' Farm, or Quaker Road, 36. Battle of Peeble's Farm, 14. Battle of White Oak Ridge, 39. Beauregard, P. T. G., General, 4, 6, 28. Bellfield, 26. Benham, General, 35. Birney, David Bell, Major-General, 10, 15. Boiseau, Doctor, 43. Brooks, J. M., Mr., 43. Bull Run, 20. Buller, Mrs., 37, 47. Burham, Brigadier-General, 16. Burnside, Ambrose, Major-General, 8, 9, 10. Butler, B. F., Major-General, 4, 6, 7,8, 15, 18. C. Camp Cadwalader, 2, 63. Camp Sickel, 14. Camp Urmston, 17. Chamberlain, Joshua L., Major- General, 13, 29, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40,41,45,46,60. Chappin, Mr., 27. Chancellorsville, 20, 27. Chantille, 20. Corps, Second, 8, 9, 19, 24, 29, 35, 38, 42, 47, 51, 52. Corps, Fifth, 10, 19, 24, 25, 29, 31, 36, 39, 40, 41, 46, 50, 55, 60. Corps, Sixth, 8, 35, 47, 50. Corps, Xinth, 15, 19, 27, 34, 35, 47. Corps, Tenth, 6, 10, 15. Corps, Thirteenth, 16. Corps, Eighteenth, 6, 15, 16. Corps, Twenty-fourth, 55. Crawford, Samuel Wylie, General, 10, 13, 19, 20, 30, 31, 39, 40, 43, 45, 46. Crook, George, General, 44, 50. Curtin, Andrew Gregg, Governor, 1. Custer, George A., General,. 42, 44, 50. D. Dabney's Mill, 19, 29, 30, 47. Davies, Thomas A., Brigadier-Gen- eral, 42. Davis, Jefferson, 48, 49, 53. Devens, Charles, Brigadier-Gen- eral, 42, 44. Dinwiddie Court House, 29, 38, 42. Donovan, General, 15. 134 INDEX. Dougherty, Daniel, Esq., 2. Drainesville, 16. E. Eagan, Thomas W., Brigadier-Gen- eral, 20. Early, Jubal A., 33. Ewell, E. S., General, 50, 51. F. Field, Major-General, 16. Fort Baldwin, 47. Fort Cummings, 18. Fort Gilmer, 15. Fort Gregg, 47. Fort Harrison, 16. Fort Haskell, 34. Fort Steadman, 34, 35, 47. Fort Urmston, 15. Fort Wadsworth, 27. Fourth II. S. Artillery, 36. Frazier, Lieutenant, 31. Fredericksburg, 27. G. Gardner, Benjamin F., Captain, 37. Gettysburg, 20. Gibbons, John, Major-General. Gibbs, Brigadier-General, 42. Gillmore, Quincy Adams, Major- General, 6, 7, 30. Genn, Major, 3, 25, 36, 39,40,45,46. Gordon, George H., General, 34, 58. Grant, -U. S., General, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 15, 16, 18, 28, 33, 34, 35, 46, 47, 50, 53, 54, 55, 58, 59, 62. Gregg, David M'M., Major-General, 10,15,21,24,29,30,42,50. Gregg, Brigadier-General, Rebel, 16. Gregory, Edgar M., General, 13, 15, 39, 40, 41. Griffin, Charles, General, 13, 29, 31, 39, 40, 45, 46, 55. H. Hampton, Wade, General, 20, 21. Hancock, Winfield Scott, General, 7,8,9,10,11,19,20,21. Hardee, General, 28. Hartranft, John Frederick, Major- General, 24. Hays, General, 42, 47. Heath, General, 21. Hickford, 26. Hill, A. P., General, 7, 8, 20, 48. Humphreys, Andrew Atkinson, Major-General, 29, 31, 42, 47, 50, 51, 54, 55. J- Jettersville, 49, 50. Johnson, Andrew, Yice-President, 22. Johnson, General, 41. Johnston, Joseph E., 34. Jones, Francis B., Captain, 18. K. Kautz, John D., General, 6, 7,8, 16. Keller, Jeremiah C., Lieutenant, 28. Knowles, Oliver Blachly. L. Ledlie, James H., General, 9, 10. Lee, Fitz Hugh, General, 42. Lee, Robert E., General, 5, 7, 9, 16, 20, 27, 28, 34, 35, 39, 41, 42 ; 43, 46, 48, 50, 53, 54, 55, 58, 59, 60, 63. Lee, W. H., General, 42. Lincoln, President, 22. Longstreet, James, General, 39, 48. Lutz, Joseph H., Lieutenant, 46. M. Madill, Brigadier-General, 54. Maceuen, Charles Izard, Major, 37. Mahone, General, 30. M'Allister, Robert, Brigadier-Gen- eral, 20, 30. M'Call, George Archibald, Major- General, 16. M'Clellan, George B., Major-Gen- eral, 22. INDEX. 135 M'Dougall, Brigadier-General, 54. M'Kenzie, General, 44, 46, 60. M'Laughlin, General, 34. M'Lean, William M., 57. Meade, George Gordon, Major-Gen- eral, 2, 3, 4, 8, 19, 20, 24, 33, 34, 40, 50, 55, 62. Merritt, Wesley, General, 44, 45. Miles, General, 42, 47, 54. Miller, Charles, Deserter, 17. Miller, William A., Lieutenant, 38. Mine Explosion, 9. Mitchell, Lieutenant, 36. Mott, Gershom, Major-General, 20, 24, 30, 42, 47, 54. Mulfrey, George W, Captain, 37. Murray, John B., Lieutenant-Col- onel, 14, 25, 28. N. National Guards, New Jersey, 20. Kottoway River, 25, 27. O. Ord, Edward O. C., Major-General, 15, 16, 35, 47, 51, 55. Orne, John H., Esq., 2. P. Palm Sunday, 60. Park, John G., Major-General, 19, 35, 47, 48. Pearson, Colonel, 36, 37, 40. Pegram, General, 30. Pendleton, General, 53. Pendleton, George H., Hon., 22. Pennsylvania Reserves, 16. Petersburg, 16. Pierce, General, 20. Pickett, General, 41, 42. Pleasants, Henry, Lieutenant-Col- onel, 9. Pomeroy, Andrew A., Lieutenant, 42. Pomeroy, John J., Reverend, 22, 38. Potter, Robert B., General, 10. R. Ransom, General, 34. Ream's Station, 29. Regiment, Fourteenth Xew York Artillery, 34. Regiment, Fortieth Xew York In- fantry, 20. Regiment, One Hundred and Eighty-fifth New York In- fantry, 17, 36. Regiment, Twenty-first Pennsyl- vania Cavalry, 17. Regiment, Forty-eighth Pennsyl- vania Infantry, 9. Regiment, One Hundred and Fifty- fifth Pennsylvania Infantry. 36. Regiment, Third Infantry, Penn- sylvania Reserves, 2, 23. Regiment, Tenth Infantry, United States, 20. Rosser, General, 42. S. Schroeder, Isaac, Captain, 42. Seitzinger, A. W., Lieutenant, 41. Sheridan, Philip H., Major-General, 33, 38, 42, 44, 46, 47, 49, 50, 53, 55, 58. Sherman, William Tecumseh, Major-General, 28, 33, 34. Sickel, Horatio Gates, Major-Gen- eral, 1, 2, 4, 13, 30, 31, 36, 37, 38. Smith, Doctor, 42. Smith, William F., General, 6, 7, 50. Sniper, Colonel, 36. Spackman, Thomas C., Captain, 37. Spottsylvania, 20. Stanton, John, Captain, 46. Smythe, , General, 30, 54. Sussex Court House, 25, 27. T. Terry, Alfred H., General. 8. Trevino, General, 16. 136 INDEX. U. Union League, 1, 2. V. Vicksburg, 16. W. Wadsworth, James S., Major-Gen- eral, 11. Warren, Governeur K., Major-Gen- eral, 8, 10, 11, 13, 15, 20, 24, 38, 40, 42, 43, 44, 46. Weldon Eailroad, 8, 10, 11, 24, 25, 26. Weitzel, Godfrey, Major-General, Wheeler, General, 28. Wilcox, O. B., General, 10, 34. Wilderness, 30. Williams, Seth, Adjutant-General, 3. Williams, Hiram, Private, 58. Wilson, James H., General. Wise, Henry A., General, 61. Wise, Henry E., General, 42. Wright, H. G., General, 8, 47, 50, 55. Wrigley, Samuel, Captain, 37. Z. Zieber, Augustus, Private, 41. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. QL JUH27 1 377 Form L9-Series 4939 1985 :** mi University Research Library ml