CATALOGUE OF ENGLISH LITERATURE, POETIC, DRAMATIC, HISTORIC, MISCELLANEOUS ; WITH WORKS ON THE TOPOGRAPHICAL AND" GENEALOGICAL HISTORY OF GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND; AND A COLLECTION OF VOLUMES PRODUCED BY THE EARLIEST ENGLISH PRINTERS: CAXTON AND OTHERS. Offered for Cash at the affixed net ptices by BERNARD QUABITCH. ' LONDON : 15 Piccadilly, August-November, 1884. CONTENTS. 2130-2186 PAGES PAGES PAGES I. ENGLISH LANGUAGE . . . . . . . 2103 2112 Provincial Glossaries .... 2107 08 Lowland Scottish ..... 2109 Cant and Slang . . . . 210910 Dictionaries of English, explained in foreign languages . . . . . 211012 II. BOOKS PRINTED BY THE EARLIEST ENGLISH TYPOGRAPHERS . . 2113 2130 William Caxton . -.' , . . - 211318 Schoolmaster of St. Albans . . \ 211821 William of Mecheln . 2121 Wynkyn of Woerden .... 212125 Richard Pynson ..... 212528 Julian Notary ..... 212930 III. POETIC AND DRAMATIC LITERATURE . MSS. 213033 Printed Books in alphabetical order . . 213368 Shakespeare . . . . 2168 78 Poems . . . . . 2168 ' Plays: Folios .... 216971 - Quartos . . . 2172 75 IV. PROSE AND MISCELLANEOUS LITERATURE AND BOOKS OMITTED IN SECTION III ....... Manuscripts ..... 2187 2191 Bibliography . . . . . 21992202 Botany . . . . . . 220304 Charles I and Civil War . . . . 220913 Chemistry, Natural Magic . . . . 2214 16 Chronicles ...... 221618 Furniture ...... 2229 Horses ...... 2236 Music .... . . . . 2249 Romances ...... 2259 63 lioxburghe Club Books .... 226365 Witchcraft ...... 227879 Tracts ...... 228082 V. TOPOGRAPHICAL AND GENEALOGICAL HISTORY AND ANTI- QUITIES, INCLUDING WORKS IN FOREIGN LAN- GUAGES ON THE HISTORY AND TOPOGRAPHY o/f GREAT BRITAIN .... 1. General Topography, Atlases, Views . . 2283 88 2. Archaeology, Monumental Remains, Feudal Antiquities . . . . . 22892304 3. County Histories .... 2305 2356 4. Genealogy and Heraldry . . ... 2356 74 1. Manuscripts . T . . 2356 2. General Works . - . V 2359 8. Family History . . .' 2365 4. Heralds' Visitations . . 2369 5. Peerage Cases . . . 2372 VI. WALES : History, Topography, Literature . VII. SCOTLAND : History, Literature, Antiquities . Family History VIII. THE ISLES Isle of Man Hebrides Orkneys Shetlands IX. IRELAND : Sir Robert Peel's Library 24122414 2415 2416 2417 2417 ENGLISH LITERATURE;^ 70 AND WORKS UPON THE HISTORY, TOPOGRAPHY, AND GENEALOGY OF GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND; with a collection of books printed by the first English Printers: CAXTON, the Schoolmaster of St. Albans, Pinson, and others. I. ENGLISH LANGUAGE. 21700 ASH'S English Dictionary, 2 vols. 8vo. rich in English Slang, obsolete and uncommon words, old calf, 7s 6d 1775 21701 BAILEY (N.) Universal Etymological English Dictionary, LARGE PAPER, bound in 2 vols. 8vo. calf, fine copy, from the Sunderland library, 1. 4s 1721 21702 BARET (lo.) an Alvearie or Quadruple Dictionarie, containing foure sundrie tongues : namelie, English, Latine, Greeke, and French, sm. folio, wanting six leaves (sign, nnn), old stamped calf, rebacJced, 2. 10s 1580 An English Dictionary, in which to the vernacular signification the interpretation in Latin, Greek, and French is added. 21703 BARTLETT (John Russell) Dictionary of Americanisms, a glossary of words and phrases usually regarded as peculiar to the United States, third edition, 8vo. cloth, 20s Boston, 1860 21704 BRIGHTLAND. Grammar of the English Tongue, with notes giving the grounds and reasons of Grammar in general, 12mo. calf, 7s (id Printed for John Brightland, 1711 21705 BERNARD (Emil) William Langland, a grammatical treatise, 8vo. sd. Is Qd Bonn, 1874 21706 [BULLOKAR (lo.)] An English Expositor : teaching the interpre- tation of the hardest words used in our language . . . by I. B. Doctor of Physicke, 12mo. calf, RARE, 2. 1621 21707 the same, newly revised, corrected, and with the addition of above a thousand words enlarged, by W. S. 12mo. calf, 36s 1656 The first edition had appeared in 1616, but only one copy seema to be recorded. The book is a curious one, deserving of attention from the students of Elizabethan and Jacobean literature. 30567-18 210-1 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. 21708 COBBETT (W.) Grammar of the English Language, 12mo. Ids. 2s 1844 21709 COCKERAM. The English Dictionarie ; or, an Interpreter of hard English Words, 12mo. original vellum, 2. 10s 1623 21710 DYCHE (T.) Guide to the English Tongue, in 2 parts, 12mo. tcoodcut portrait and 15 curious woodcuts, bd. 5s 1788 21711 EARLE (J.) English Plant Names from the 10th to the 15th Century, with Indexes of Latin, Saxon and French names, 18mo. doth, 3s Qd Oxford, 1880 21712 [ELPHINSTONE (James)] A Minniature ov Inglish Orthography, 8vo. sd. 10s (dr. 1790) Dhe pubblic monnitor ov trnith, Swor'n ennemy to'hwat'z uncooth, Widh blockheds simmilarly spels, (Orthoggraphy widh plezzare tels) Dhat dhus dhe foarce ov riddicole Sbood laf dhe lerned bac to'scool. 21713 ERRORS of Pronunciation in London and Paris Critical Ex- amination of Cobbett's English Grammar in 1 vol. 12mo. calf, 2* 6d 1817-19 21714 PENNING (Daniel) Universal Spelling Book; or Guide to the English Language, twenty-seventh edition, bd. 5s St. Petersbourg, 1814 21715 FIEDLER (Ed.) wissenschaftliche Grammatik der nglis.chen Sprache, 2 vols. in 1, 8vo. hf. calf, 5s Leipzig, 1861 21716 FOWLER (William C.) English Grammar : the English language in its elements and forms, with a history of its origin and development, 8vo. cloth, 7s 6d New York, 1857 21717 GUEST (Edwin) History of English By thins, 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, 20s 1838 21718 HALLIWELL (J. 0.) Dictionary of Archaic and Provincial Words, Obsolete Phrases, Proverbs, and Ancient Customs from the 14th Century, 2 vols. 8vo. containing upwards of 1000 pages closely printed in double columns, bds. 12s 1855 21719 HOWELL (James) Lexicon Tetraglotton, an English-French- Italian- Spanish Dictionary ; with a large Nomenclature of Terms used in the Arts and Sciences, Recreations, Professions, etc. and a volume of Proverbs, with a particular Tome of British or old Cambrian Sayed Sawes and Adages and Five Centuries of New Sayings, etc. folio, frontispiece by FaitJiorne, of four ladies representing the four Languages of this very copious and interesting Dictionary, calf, 36s 1660 21720 JOHNSON (Samuel) English Dictionary and Grammar, interleaved in 2 vols. royal 8vo. with numerous MS. NOTES by SIR F. MADDEN, showing the older orthography, hf. calf, uncut, 21s 1826 21721 Dictionary of the English Language, with corrections and additions, by H. J. TODD, second and BEST EDITION, 3 vols. 4to. portrait, 2. 10s 1827 see LATHAM. 21722 JUNII (Francisci) Etymologicum Anglicanum ex autographo descripsit et accessionibus auctum edidit Edwardus Lye, folio, portrait, calf, fine copy, 12* Oxonii, 1743 ENGLISH LITERATURE : LANGUAGE. 2105 21723 KEE (J. Bellenden) Essay on the Archreology of oar Popular Phrases, Terms and Nursery Rhymes, 2 vols. 12mo. calf extra, ly Bedford, 1. 16s Andover, 1840 An extremely carious work. 21724 LATHAM (R. G.) Dictionary of the English Language, founded on Johnson and Todd, with numerous emendations and addi- tions, 2 vols. in 4, 4to. (published at 7.), lif. calf, 2. 16* 1872 21725 the English Language, fourth edition, revised and enlarged, 2 vols. 8vo. (pub. at 28s), cloth, 10s 1855 21726 LEDIAED (Thomas) Grammatica Anglicana, Versuch zu einer volkommenen Grammatic der englischen Sprache, stout 12mo. portrait, vellum, 7s 6d Hamburg, 1725 21727 MARSH (G. P.) Origin and History of the English Language and of the early Literature it embodies, thick 8vo. (pub. 16s), cloth, 9s 1862 21728 MATZNER (Eduard) Englische Grammatik, 3 vols. 8vo. hf. calf, 15s Berlin, 1860 21729 MULLER (Eduard) Etymologisches "Woerterbuch der Euglischen Sprache, 2 vols. in 1, 8vo. hf. bound neat, 7s 6d Cocthen, 1865-67 21730 NARES (R.) Glossary, or collection of words, phrases, names and allusions to customs, proverbs, etc. requiring illustration in the works of English Authors, particularly Shakespeare, 4to. half morocco, 15s 1822 21731 OSBORN (T., Schoolmaster) Rational "Way of Teaching, whereby Children and others may be instructed in true reading, pro- nouncing and writing of the English Tongue, 12mo. frontispiece and four engraved plates of writing characters, roan neat, RARE, 30s 1688 21732 PAYNE (Joseph) the Norman Element in the spoken and written English of the Xllth-XIVth centuries, and in our provincial dialects, 8vo. sd. 2s Philological Society, n. d. 21733 PICKERING (John) Vocabulary of "Words and Phrases supposed to be peculiar to the United States of America, 8vo. bds. 12s Boston (U.S.), 1816 21734 RICHARDSON (C.) DICTIONARY or THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE illustrated by quotations from the best authorities, arranged chronologically from the earliest period, with SUPPLEMENT, 3 vols. 4to. (pub. at 4. 14s 6d), cloth, 36s 1836-58 21735 the re-issue (called on the title "new edition"), with SUPPLEMENT, in 2 thick vols. 4to. half bound, 2. 1867 21736 The Supplement separately, 4to. 126 pp. cloth, 10s 6d 1858 Richardson's Dictionary appeared in 1833-7 ; since then there have been numerous issues with fresh titles and later dates. This book being stereo- typed, there is no difference in the editions. The above Supplement should accompany each, and it is printed in such a manner as to correspond with every issue of the Dictionary, and to bind up with them. 21737 ROGET (P. M.) Thesaurus of English "Words and Phrases classified and arranged so as to facilitate the expression of ideas, and assist in literary composition, sm. 8vo. cloth, 5s 1862 21738 the same, sm. 8vo. calf gilt, 6s 1865 21739 SCHNEIDER (Gust.) Geschichte der Englischen Sprache, 8vo. sd. 2s Freib. in, Br. 1863 144 * 2106 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. 21740 SKINNER (S.) Etymologicon Linguee Anglican, seu explicatio Tocum Anglicamm etymologica ex propriis fontibus, scil. ex Linguis dnodecim, sm. folio, calf, 10s 1671 21741 the same, folio, LARGE PAPER, fine copy in calf, from the Sunderland library, 21s 1671 21742 STEELE (Joshua) Prosodia Rationalis, or an essay towards esta- blishing the melody and measure of speech, to be expressed and perpetuated by peculiar symbols, 4to. cloth, 7s 6d 1779 21743 STRATMANN (Fr. Hen.) Dictionary of the Old English Language compiled from writings of the xm, xiv, and XV Centuries, 8vo. pp. x and 693, new hf. morocco gilt, 12s Krefeld, 1867 21744 Dictionary of the Old English Language, compiled from writings of the xn, xm, xiv, and xv centuries, 2nd edition, sm. 4to. (pub. 38s), /(/. russia, 28s 1873 A dictionary of Old English compared with Anglo-Saxon, O. L. German, Gothic, O. Icelandic, O. Frisic, 0. H. German, O. Dutch, etc. 21745 SWEET (H.) History of English Sounds, with an Investigation of the general Laws of Sound and full word lists, 8vo. cloth, 3s 1874 21746 TALBOT (H. Fox) English Etymologies, 8vo. with pencil notes, half calf gilt, 4s 1847 21747 THOMSON (John) Etymons of English Words, 4to. with a great quantity of MS. additions, l>ds. 5s Edinb. 1826 21748 TOOKE (J. H.) EHEA IITEPOENTA, or the Diversions of Purley, new edition, by Taylor, 2 vols. 8vo. frontispiece, Ids. 7s 6d ; or, Jif. calf, 9s 1829 21749 the same, 8vo. front, cloth, 5s 1840 21750 VERSTEGAN (Richard) Restitution of Decayed Intelligence in Antiquities concerning the English Nation, smallest 4to. plates on the letterpress, half calf, 24s Antwerp, Eobert Bruney, 1605 21751 the same, sm. 4to. very fine copy in russia extra, gilt edges, by C. Lewis, with the Marquis of Blandford's crest on the sides, 2. 5s 1605 21752 Restitution of Decayed Intelligence, smallest 4to. plates, a little stained, calf, 7s 1634 A curious work, containing Vocabularies of Saxon-English, Saxon Proper Names, and Sirnames of Families. 21753 VOCABULARY, or Pocket Dictionary, with Grammar of the English Language, 18mo. calf, 10s Birmingham, J. BasJcerville, 1765 21754 WEBSTER'S (Noah) Dictionary of the English Language, thoroughly revised and improved, by C. A. Goodrich, Noah Porter and Dr. C. A. F. Mann, thick 4to. pp. Ixxii and 1760, in treble columns, and with upwards of 3000 woodcuts, hf. morocco, 28s 1878 21755 WEDGWOOD (Hensleigh) Dictionary of English Etymology, 2nd edition, enlarged, with introduction on the origin of Language, 8vo. 744 pp*. (pub. at 26s), cloth, 16s 1872 21756 WRIGHT (Thos. F.S.A. etc.) a Volume of Vocabularies, illustrating the condition and manners of our forefathers, as well as the forms of elementary education, and of the Languages spoken in this Island, from the Xth Century to the XVth, royal 8vo. cloth, 20s Privately printed, 1857 ENGLISH LITERATURE : LANGUAGE. 2107 Provincial Dialects. 21757 BOUCHER'S Glossary of Archaic and Provincial Words (A Blade), 2 parts, 4to. all published, 2s 6d 1832-3 21758 the same, 2 parts in one vol. half morocco, 5s 1832-3 BROCKETT'S GLOSSARY see Northumberland. 21759 GROSE (Francis) Glossary of provincial and local words, to which is now first incorporated the Supplement by Samuel Pegge, sm. 8vo. cloth, 2s Qd 1839 21760 PJEGGE'S Supplement, 8vo. sd. 2s 1814 21761 HALHWELL (J. 0.) Dictionary of Archaic and Provincial "Words, Obsolete Phrases, Proverbs, etc. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, 12s 1855 21762 Cornwall. Jemmy Trebilcock, or the humourous adventures of a Cornish Miner at the Great Exhibition, Camborne, 1863 Great Mine Conference, etc. Devonport, n. d. Daniel, Mirth for long evenings, ib. n. d. Daniel, Bobby Poldue and his Wife Sally (two Cornish Gems), ib. n. d. Tregeagle of Rozmary Pool, and original Cornish Ballads, ib. n. d. Budget of Cornish Poems, ib. n. d. Dolly Pentreath, and other Cornish Tales, ib. n. d. in one vol. 12mo. half calf, 12s circa 1863 21763 Cumberland. Anderson's (R.) Poetical Works [including the " CUMBERLAND Ballads " with Life], 2 vols. 12mo. Ids. 6s 1820 21764 Derbyshire. MANDER (James) the Derbyshire Miners' Glossary, with the Mineral Laws and Customs, 8vo. calf, 5s Bakewell, 1824 21765 Devonshire. HOGG (Nathan) Poetical Letters tu es Brither Jan, 1865 New Series of Poems, Exeter, 1864 Devonshire Court- ship, with Glossary, Devonport, n. d. Daniel, Companion to the Cornish Thalia, ib. n. d. in 1 vol. 12mo. half calf, 7s 6d 1864, etc. 21766 DIALOGUE (A) in the Devonshire Dialect, with Glossary by J. F. Palmer, sm. 8vo. bds. 6s 1837 21767 Dorset. BARNES (William) Poems on Rural Life, in the Dorset dialect, with dissertation and glossary, sm. 8vo. cloth, 7s 6d 1844 21768 Durham. GLOSSARY of Provincial words used in Teesdale, sm. 8vo. map, cloth, 5s 1849 21769 Gloucester. Specimen of the Vulgar Speech of the town of Gloucester, 8vo. 2s 1851 21770 Hereford. [HEAD (Lady)] Glossary of Provincial words used in Herefordshire and some of the adjoining counties, sm. 8vo. bds. 3s 6cZ 1839 21771 Lancashire. [COLLIER] TIM BOBBIN'S Lancashire Dialect (with literal interpretation and Glossary) and Poems, sm. 8vo. plates by George CruikshanJc, bds. 2. 2s 1833 21772 Norfolk and Suffolk. FORBY (R.) Vocabulary of East Anglia, with Life by Dawson Turner, 2 vols. sm. 8vo. portrait, hf. calf, 20s 1830 21773 the same, 2 vols. sm. 8vo. green morocco, gilt edges, by Lewis, 30s 1830 21774 the same, 2 vols. sm. 8vo. calf extra, by Bedford, 36s 1830 2108 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. 21775 Northampton. BAKER (Anne E.) Glossary of Northampton- shire -words and phrases, 2 vols. sm. 8vo. cloth, 14s 1854 21776 Northumberland. BROCKETT'S (John Trotter) Glossary of North Country "Words, with their Etymology, local Customs, and Popular Superstitions, 3rd edition, corrected and enlarged by W. E. Brockett, 2 vols. portrait, doth, 14s 1846 21777 BELL (J.) Rhymes of Northern Bards; 18mo. hf. Id. 20s Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1812 21778 BELL (J.) Rhymes of Northern Bards, or Collection of Songs and Poems peculiar to the Counties of Newcastle, Northumberland, and Durham, plates, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1812 Garland of Northumberland Heroes, woodcuts, ib. 1814 Figures in Rhymes, or metrical Computations addressed to Northumberland, ib. 1814 Garland of Bells, woodcuts, ib. 1815 in 1 vol. sm. 8vo. vellum, uncut, 2. 12s 6d Newcastle, 1812-15 An interesting and rare series of North of England Poetical Works. 21779 COLLECTION of SONGS, comic, satirical, and descriptive, chiefly in the Newcastle Dialect, by T. Thompson, J. Shield, W. Midford, H. Robson, etc. 12mo. morocco extra, gilt edges, 12s Newcastle- on-Tyne, 1827 Scottish see next page. 21780 Shropshire. JACKSON (G. F.) Shropshire Word-Book, a Glossary of Archaic and Provincial words used in the Country, 2 parts, 8vo. (pub. 17s 6d), sd. 12s 6d 1879-80 21781 Somersetshire. JENNINGS' Observations on some of the Dialects in the West of England, particularly Somersetshire, with a Glossary, 12mo. bds. 7s 1825 21782 BAYNES' Somersetshire Dialect, its pronunciation, 8vo. 4s 6d 1861 21783 WILLIAMS (W. P.) and W. A. Jones, Glossary of Provincial words and phrases in use in Somersetshire, 8vo. sd. 2s Taunton, 1873 21784 Suffolk. MOOR (Edward) Suffolk Words and Phrases, arranged in dictionary-form, with copious quotations, hf. bd. uncut, 12s Woodbridge, 1823 21785 FITZGERALD (Edward) Sea Words and Phrases along the Suffolk Coast, 2 parts in 1, 8vo. sd. 5s Loicestoft, 1869-70 21786 the same, with numerous MS. additions and alterations by the AutJwr, whose translation of Omar Khayyam is so well known, hf. morocco, 3. 3s 1869-70 21787 the first part, separately, Is 1869 21788 Sussex. COOPER (W. D.) Glossary of the Provincialisms of Sussex, 12mo. cloth, 3s 6d 1853 21789 Westmoreland and Cumberland Dialects : Dialogues, Poems, Songs, and Ballads, with Glossary, sm. 8vo. pp. 403, cloth, 7s 6d 1839 21790 WESTMORELAND DIALECT (The), in Four Dialogues, by A. WHEELER, 12mo. sd. 4s 1802 21791 Yorkshire. ATKINSON (Rev. J. C.) A Glossary of the Cleveland Dialect, explanatory, derivative, and critical, sq. 8vo. over 600 pp. cloth, 7s Gd 1868 ENGLISH LITERATURE : LANGUAGE. 2109 Lowland- Scottish. 21792 GREGOR (Rev. Walter) the Dialect of Banffshire: with a Glossary of words not in Jamieson's Scottish Dictionary, 8vo. hf. calf, 10s (Hertford) 1866 21793 JAMIESON (DR. JOHN) ETYMOLOGICAL DICTIONARY OF THE SCOTTISH LANGUAGE, illustrating the significations of the words from ancient and modern "Writers, and elucidating National Rites, Customs, and Institutions, 2 vols. 4to. MS. ADDITIONS by DR. JOHN SHERWEN, Jif. calf, 25s Edinburgh, 1808 21794 the same, second edition, carefully revised with Memoir by John Johnstone, 2 vols. 4to. the two Alphabets (i.e. of the original book and the Supplement published in 1825) amalgamated, but the illustrations either left out or not given in extenso, cloth, 2. 8s Edinb. 1840 21795 the same, second edition, 2 vols. Supplement, 2 vols. together 4 vols. 4to. cloth, 6. 1840-25 21796 the same, with reprinted titles, 4 vols. 4to. cloth, 6. 10s 1841 In this edition all the additional words in the Supplement are incor- porated in alphabetical order in the first two volumes or body of the work, and the most popular meaning cited. In many cases this may be sufficient for the student's purpose. If not, and the word be one of the additions, he can then turn to the Supplement and peruse those dissertations which throw so much light upon the Literature, Antiquities, and Customs of Scotland. This is universally admitted to be one of the most important lexico- graphical works published in any country, and has long maintained a high price in the book market. 21797 MACK AY (Ch.) Poetry and Humour of the Scottish Language, post 8vo. pp. 522, cloth, 5s Paisley, 1882 21798 MURRAY (J. A. H.) Dialect of the Southern Connties of Scotland, it pronunciation, grammar and historical relations, 8vo. map, cloth, 7s Qd Philological Soc. 1873 Slang, Cant, and Vulgar Tongue. ASH'S Dictionary see No. 21700. 21799 CAREW (Bampfylde Moore) the surprising Adventures of, contain- ing his Life, and a DICTIONARY of the CANT Language, 12mo. portrait and plates, bds. 6s Tiverton, 1812 21800 DECKER'S Canting Songs and Vocabulary of the Elizabethan and Jacobean period see in alphabet of Poetic and Dramatic Literature Decker's (Th.) Villanies Discovered. 21801 DICTIONARY (A New) of the terms ancient and modern of the CANTING CREW, in its several Tribes of Gipsies, Beggars, Thieves, etc. with Proverbes, Phrases, etc. by B. E. 12mo. calf, 18s W. Hawes (? 1690) 21802 DUCANGE ANGLICUS, the Vulgar Tongue: a Glossary of Slang, Cant, and Flash Words, 12mo. cloth 2s 6d 1859 21803 HEAD (Richard) Canting Academy, second edition, 16mo. with a complete CANTING DICTIONARY, with frontispiece, slightly cut in the head lines, RARE, hf. bd. 2. 1674 2110 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. 21804 SCOUNDREL'S Dictionary, or Explanation of the Cant Words used by Thieves, etc. with the Art of Wheedling, Flash Songs, and Glossary, 12mo. hf. mor. or calf, 1. 5s 1754 Sold at Sotheby's, 1863, for 3. 21805 SHIRLEY (John) Triumph of Wit, in three parts, illustrated with Poems, Songs, and various Intreagues in the CANTING Lan- guage, to which is added Instructions for Dancing with Musical Notes, 18mo. two very curious engravings, wanting one leaf, pp. 69-70, calf, gilt edges, RARE, 20* 1688 21806 W. (W.) New Help to Discourse, or Wit and Mirth, also Proverbs, Epitaphs, Epigrams, Riddles, Poesies, etc. (with a CANTING DICTIONARY, at pp. 93-97), fourth edition, 18mo. head line partly cut off some leaves, calf, 18s 1696 English Dictionaries explained in foreign languages. French : 21807 BOYER, French-English, English- French Dictionary, second edition, thick 8vo. bd. uncut, 5s 1708 21808 COTGRAVE (Randle) a Dictionarie of the French and English tongues, sm. folio, old calf, 2. 10s 1611 A fine copy of the original edition. 21809 WODROEPHE (John) Spared Houres of a Souldier in his Travels. Or the True Marrowe of the FRENCH TONGUE ; together with two rare and excellent Bookes of Dialogues, the Springwell of Honour and Vertue, with many other GODLY SONGS, SONETS, PROVERBES, Theames, Letters, etc. 4to. title and a few leaves mended, calf extra, 2. 12s 6d a Dort, par Nicolas Vincentz, 1613 Greek : 21810 REEVE (Edm.) Introduction into the Greeke Tongue, sm. 4to. calf, 15s 1650 Italian : 21811 FLORIO (John) Worlde of Wordes, or most copious and exact Dictionarie in Italian and English, sm. folio, small hole in title and slightly water-stained, tall copy, old russia, 3. Arnold Hatfield, 1598 With Introductory Poems addressed to Roger, Earl of Rutland, Henry, Earl of Southampton, and Lucy, Countess of Bedford. 21812 FLORIO (John) Queen Anna's New World of Words, or Dictionarie of the Italian and English tongues, sm. folio, portrait by Hole, a few leaves stained, old calf, rebacked, 2. 12s 6d Melch. Bradwood, 1611 21813 the same, sm. folio, fine clean copy, old calf, from the Duke of Hamilton's library, 2. 10s 1611 21814 THOMAS (W.) Principal Rvles of the Italian Grammer, with a Dictionarie for the better Vnderstanding of Boccace, Petrarcha and Dante, fclacfe Utter, sm. 4to. clean copy, boards, RARE, 2. Thomas JBerthelet, 1550 ENGLISH LITERATURE : LANGUAGE. 2111 ITA L IAN continued. 21815 HOLLYBAND (Claudius) the Italian Schoole-maister : . . . with familiar speeches : and certaine Phrases taken out of the best Italian Authors. With a historie called Arnalt and Lucenda [Italian and English^, 16mo. one wormhole through a few leaves, calf, 2. 10s Thomas Purfoot, 1608 Hollyband was a refugee Huguenot whose real name was Desainsliens, but he was now a naturalized Englishman, and his adopted (or translated) name of Hollyband is better known than the French one. Latin : BARET'S Alvearie see No. 21702. 21816 BLAU (W.) Accidences of the Parts of Speech, or the Rudiments of Etymology, with MS. additions by " M. Blau " Etymology of the Latin Tongue, and other Grammatical Tracts, in 1 vol. 12mo. calf, 12s Edin. 1710 21817 CATHOLICON ANGLICDM, an English-Latin Wordbook A.D. 1483, edited from the MS. in the Library of Lord Monson, with introduction and notes by S. J. H. Herrtage, with a preface by H. B. Wheatley, 8vo. (pub. 1.), sd. 18s Early English Text Society, 1881 21818 COLES (Elisha) English-Latin and Latin-English Dictionary, first edition, sm. 4to. calf, 35s 1677 21819 ELYOT (Sir Thomas) Thesaurus Linguae Romanes et Britan- nic83, opera Thomas Cooper, accessit Dictionarium historicum et poeticum, stout folio, calf, 18s Londini, 1573 21820 the same, stout folio, a few leaves stained, wooden hoards, covered with leather and brass bosses, 24s Londini, 1578 21821 another edition, thick folio, rough calf, from the Sun- derland library, 10s 1584 A very complete Latin-English Dictionary. 21822 HULOET. Abecedarium Anglico-Latinum pro Tyrunculis, Ricardo Huloeto exscriptore, small folio, FIRST EDITION, auto- graph of Dr. J. Jamieson, in the original stamped calf, 7. 5s G. Riddle, 1552 21823 the same, folio, fine copy in old stamped calf, with clasps, 8. 8s 1552 21824 LILLY (W.) Introduction to Latin Grammar, fclacfe letter, no title Lilly, Brevissima Institutio, seu ratio grammatices cognos- cendae ad omnium puerorum utilitatem prsescripta, 2 parts in one vol. 18mo. calf gilt, 20s R. Norton, 1637 21825 PELEGROMII (Simonis) Synonymorum Sylva, e Belgarum sermone in Anglicanum transfusa per H. F. 12mo. olive morocco extra, gilt edges, with Dr. Bliss's look-plate, RARE, 2. 10s Londini, 1580 First edition. It is a Dictionary of English words and phrases with the Latin synonyms. The original work was Flemish-Latin. 21825*PENN (James) Latin Grammar for the use of Christ's Hospital, 12mo. frontispiece, calf, 5s 1761 21826 POSSELIUS, Dialogues containing all the most useful Works of the Latin Tongue, smallest 4to. hf. morocco, 12s E. Allde, 1623 2112 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. LATIN continued. 21827 PRISCIANUS Nascens, or a Key to the Grammar School, serving much to the exposition of the Grammatical Rules of Lilly, 2 parts in one vol. 18mo. calf, 16s 1660 21828 PROMPTORIUM Parvulorum sive Clericorum, Lexicon Anglo- Latinum princeps auctore Fratre Galfrido grammatico dicto, A.D. circa 1440 ; olim e prelis Pynsonianis editum, recensuit A. Way, 3 parts forming 1 vol. sm. 4to. cloth, 20s Camden Society, 1843-65 21829 STANBRIGII Embryon Relimatnm, seu Vocabularium Metricum olim a Johanne Stanbrigio digestum, dein a Thoma Newtono repurgatum, nunc vero locupletatum opera Jo. Brinslsei, the English in black letter, sm. 4to. half calf, scarce, 2. 5s Londini, C. Knight, 1624 21830 THOMASII (T.) Dictionarium Linguae Latinse et Anglicanse, stout 12mo. FIRST EDITION, in the original calf, 7. Cantab. 1587 2 1831 TJDALL (N.) Flowres for latine speaking, selected out of Terence, and the same translated into Englishe, with the exposition of latine words, with grammatical Rules for Knowledge in the latin tongue, 18mo. red morocco, 3. T. Marshe, 1586 21832 WHITE (J. T.) and RIDDLE (J. E.) Latin-English Dictionary, stout roy. 8vo. pp. xvi and 2103, treble columns, hf. morocco, 15s 1862 21833 WITHALS (lohn) Shorte Dictionarie for yonge Beginners gathered of good authors, specially of Columel, Grapald and Plini (English and Latin), sm. 4to. black lettet, calf, from Lord Hampton's library, 7. T. Berthelet, 1562 A scarce edition, unknown to Lowndes. 21834 Short Dictionarie for yonge beginners, sm. 4to, black letter, stained and margins wormed, old calf, 36s Henry Wykes, 1568 21835 A short Dictionarie in Latine and English . . . with Phrases and necessarie additions by Lewis Euans. And now lastly augmented with more than six hundred rythmicall verses, whereof many be prouerbiall ... by Abr. Fleming, smallest 4to. a few leaves slightly wormed in margin, calf, 3. 16s Thomas Purfoot, 1599 21836 Dictionarie in English and Latine ; with phrases both Rythmicall and PROVE RBIALL, recognised by Evans, Fleming, and Clerk, last impression enlarged, thick 12mo. black letter, morocco extra, gilt edges, 2. 2s T. Purfoot, 1634 Portuguese : 21837 GRAMMATICA Anglo-Lusitanica : or a short and compendious system of English and Portugueze Grammar, with Dialogues and Vocabulary, 8vo. calf, 5s Lisboa, 1705 Spanish : 21838 PERCYVALL (R.) Bibliotheca Hispanica : containing a Grammar with a Dictionarie in Spanish, English and Latine, gathered out of divers good Authors . . . the Dictionarie inlarged with the Latine by the aduise of Master Thomas Doyley, Doctor in Physicke, smallest 4to. a few corners of leaves torn off, hf. Id. 7s 6d J. Jackson for E. WatJcins, 1591 ENGLISH LITERATURE : WILLIAM CAXTON. 2113 II. BOOKS PRINTED BY THE EARLIEST V ; ENGLISH TYPOGRAPHERS. William Caxton (1472?-1491). 21839 QUATRE DERRENIERES CHOSES. Ce present traictie est diuise en quatre parties principales . . . On the third leaf: Cy commence la premiere partie des quatre derrenieres choses qui sont a aduenir . . . small folio, printed in red and black, three leaves missing in the last sheet, large copy with rough leaves, in the original binding, with some nearly contemporary notes on the pages, in a red morocco case, 500. Sine nota [? Brugis, circ. 1472] (No. 2 type ; Blades, No. 6.) Only one other copy known, which is in the British Museum, and which is described by Mr. Blades as having 72 leaves and as perfect. If it has only 72 leaves it cannot be perfect. The original MS. signatures are still visible in the copy above described, and the collation may be given as follows : a, 6, c, d, in sheets of eight leaves each (the first leaf of a was a blank) ; e in ten leaves ; /, g, h, i, in eight leaves each. The leaves deficient are i 2, i 7, i 8, that is, three leaves out of a complete sequence of 73 (or, counting the first blank, 74). This book is in the identical type used by Caxton in the first twelve books which he printed in England in 1477-78, but is in irregular lines like the few which were produced by him on the continent between 1471 and 1475, and although not, like these, in the so-called type No. 1, it is, like these, marked with the pin-holes by which the press-man kept the paper straight. None of Caxton's books printed in England show these marks. As the type of the QUATRE DERRENIERES CHOSES does not appear in any book produced on the continent after Caxton left Bruges for England in 1475-76, the book can only have been printed some time before 1475, at the press at which Caxton first learned the art in 1471-72. The connection which Mr. Blades has established between Caxton and Colard Mansion is plausible, but not wholly satis- factory. After all, it cannot be gainsaid that there is no book certainty known to have been produced by the latter printer which is in the Caxton types, although he used some types of similar style ; and it cannot be clearly shown that Colard Mansion printed anything before 1475. The early history of Caxton's typographical labours is still a mystery, of which Mr. Bradshaw might be induced to undertake the solution. The present volume is one of its most precious documents. 2114 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. 21840 BOECIUS DE CONSOLACIONE PHILOSOPHIE. At end: Thus endetli tins boke whiche is named the boke of Oonsolacion of philosophic... the worshipful fader & first foudeur & enbelissher of ornate eloquence in our englissh, I mene Maister Geffrey Chaucer hath trans- lated this sayd werke oute of latyn in to oure vsual and moder tonge ... I William Caxton haue done my debuoir & payne tenprynte it ... sm. folio, perfect, with the rare blank leaf at the beginning, from the Duke of Hamilton 's library, bound in red morocco extra, by Bedford, 400. No date, about 1478 (No. 2 and No. 3 type ; Blades No. 25.) Besides this, there are seven perfect copies in existence (British Museum, Grenville Library, Exeter Coll. Oxf., Mag- dalen' Coll. Oxf., St. Albans Gram. School, Duke of Devonshire, Lord Spencer). There are also eight imperfect copies (Brit. Museum, Cambridge Publ. Lib., Bodleian two, Ripon Minster, Wadham Coll. Oxf., Sion College, Lord Ashburnham). 21841 CICERO. THUS ENDETH THE BOKE OF TULLE OF OLDE AGE translated out of latyn in to frenshe by laurence de primo facto... and enprynted by me symple persone William Caxton in to Englysshe... m.cccc.lxxxi. Here foloweth the said TU.LLIUS DE AMICICIA. Here foloweth the Argument of THE DECLAMACYON 3 vols. in 1, sm. folio, the first leaf in facsimile, but otherwise a desirable, fine and large copy in red morocco, enclosed in olive morocco case, by Bedford, 160. 1481 (No. 2* type ; Blades, No. 33.) Besides this there are twelve perfect and eight imperfect copies recorded, altogether twenty, of which twelve are in public libraries and eight in private libraries, but only five of the latter are perfect. 21842 GODEFREY OF BOLOYNE. At end: Thns endeth . . . THE LASTE SIEGE AND CONQUEST OF IHERUSALEM . . . sm. folio, a very fine copy, quite perfect, with all the blank leaves, in the original leather-covered boards, enclosed in a blue morocco case, 1000. Enprynted the xx day ofnouembre the yere a for sayd [m.cccc.lxxxi] in thabbay of westmester by the said ivylliam Caxton (1481) (No 4 type ; Blades, No. 42.) Only two other perfect copies are known; one in the ENGLISH LITERATURE : WILLIAM CAXTON. 2115 British Museum, the other in the Holford library. Of imperfect copies only eight are known ; five of them in public libraries, the other three belonging to Lord Spencer, Lord Pembroke, Lord Dysart. The above is the best of the three perfect copies. 21813 HIGDEN'S POLYCHRONICON. ( ... From the Prohemye): POLYCRONICON IN WHICHE BOOK BEN COMPRISED BRIEFLY MANY WONDERFUL HIS- TORYEES . . . UNTO THE BEGYNNYNG OF THE REGNE OF KYNG EDWARD THE FOURTH . . . after the com- posynge and gaderynge of Dan Ranulph monke of Chestre fyrste auctour of this book and afterward Englisshed by one Trevisa Vycarye of Barkley . . . EMPRYNTED AND SETTE IN FORME BY ME WlLLIAM CAXTON and a lytel embelysshed fro tholde makyng, and also have added suche storyes as I coude finde fro thende that the said Ranulph fynysshed his book which was the yere of our Lord 1357 unto the year of the same 1460, which ben an honderd and thre yere .... and where the sayd Auctor hath alle his werke in seven bookes, I have sette that whiche I added to after aparte and have marked it the last booke, folio, A VERY FINE COPY, the best of the six perfect copies known, in morocco extra, gilt edges, with joints, by Lewis, from the Dent and Perkins libraries, 460. Ended the second day ofJuyll r ..a thousand Jour hondredfoure score and tweyne (1482) Fynysshed per Caxton (No. 4 type ; Blades, No. 44.) Altogether about twenty-five or twenty-six copies are known, but only five of them are perfect besides this. Of the five perfect copies, one is in the Grenville library, one in the Pepysian library at Cambridge, one in Lord Spencer's library, one in the Astor library of New York, and the fifth was in the library of the late Beriah Botfield. None of these five copies, except the Grenville, can be compared with the above for excellence of condition. Yet the book is so desirable, even when approximately complete, that Lord Charlemont's copy, wanting two leaves, fetched in 1865, 477. 15s. 21844 GOWER (John) CONFESSIO AMANTIS: that is to say in Englyshe the Confessyoii of a Lover, folio, the first leaf of the table in facsimile, otherwise perfect, 2116 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. a very fine and sound copy in russia extra, broad leather joints, tooled, from the Perldns library, 380. Emprynted at Westmestre by me Willyam Caxton, and fyny shed the ii day of Septembre, thefyrst yere of the reign of Kyng Richard the Thyrd, the yere of our Lord a thousand CCCCLXXXXIII (by mistake for 1483) (No. 4 and 4* type ; Blades, No. 50.) This volume is one of the rarest and most intrinsically valuable of Caxton's publications. It is the Editio Princeps of a great poem by one of the earliest English poets. There are about five perfect and eleven imperfect copies (some very defective) now extant. Of the five perfect copies, one is in the British Museum, and three in the libraries of the Duke of Devonshire, Lord Dysart, and Lord Spencer. The fifth, which belonged to Lord Selsey, was sold at Sotheby's in 1872, and fetched 670. 21845 GOWER'S CONFESSIO AMANTIS, sm. folio, another copy of Caxton's edition, wanting Jive leaves in the body of the book, which are supplied in MS. and having the table in facsimile, calf, from the Way collection, 75. (1483) This was bought by Mr. Way at Topham Beauclcrk's sale in 1782. 21846 LYDGATE (John). At end: Here endeth the book of the LYF OF OUR LADY made by dan John lydgate monke of bury at thynstaunce of the moste crysten kynge, kyng harry the folio, fine copy in russia antique, gilt and goffered edges, in red morocco case, 1000. Enpryntyd by Wyllyam Caxton (1484) (No. 4* type ; Blades, No. 60.) Only seven other copies are known, of which five are imperfect. The two perfect copies are, one in the British Museum, one in the Bodleian (stained and scribbled over). The above is consequently the only perfect copy that is still purchasable, and as it is not only perfect, but has also the blank leaf of signature m, must be considered one of the most precious volumes of the Caxton press. Even of the five imperfect copies, two are in public libraries, and one in that of Lord Spencer. This poem by Lydgate is a monumental work in English literature. 21847 CHRISTINE DE PISAN. Here begynneth the BOOK OF FAYTTES OF ARMES AND OF CHYUALRYE [BY XPRYSTYNE OF PYSE], ENGLISH LITERATURE : WILLIAM CAXTON. 2117 small folio, a very fine and very large copy, lO^- by 7i inches, quite complete, morocco super extra, tooled in the old style, gilt edges, by J. Clarke, 260. Per Caxton (1489) (No. 6 type ; Blades, No. 74.) There exist eleven perfect and nine imperfect copies ; but of the former, six are in public libraries and others in such safe private collections as those of Lord Spencer and Mr. Huth. The Duke of Roxburghe's copy sold for 336 ; the Corser copy, 250 ; and Mr. Huth gave for his copy, a poor one, mended and washed throughout, 255 at one of Libri's sales. The above copy is a most desirable example of Caxton's press, being in wonderfully fine condition. The first blank leaf bears the autograph inscription of "Samuell Rowley," the playwright of James I's time. The value of books printed by England's first pressman has doubled or even trebled of late years ; and no one can say to what an extravagant height good copies of his productions may not yet rise, in view of the ever-increasing prosperity and bookish tastes of English and American society. 21848 DICTES and Sayings of the Philosophers, facsimile reproduction of the first book printed in England by William Caxton in 1477, 4to. cloth, 20s Elliot Stock, 1877 21849 CAXTON (W.) Game of the Chess, reproduced in facsimile by V. Figgins, 4to. ivith woodcuts, hf. bd. 18s 1860 21850 CAXTON. Here begynneth a lityll treatise shorte and abredged spekynge of the arte and crafte to knowe well to dye (1490), sm. folio. Rodd' s facsimile reprint from Lord Desart's copy, with facsimile of the original covers in which that copy was bound, one having a large woodcut of the Crucifixion on its recto, only a few copies issued (inserted is a leaf with a facsimile of W. Caxton's mark), 2. 10s n. d. 21851 CAXTON. GOVERNAYLE OF HEALTH (1491), Blades' facsimile Ee- print from, the only copy Icnown, 18 II. sm. 4to. only a few copies issued, blue morocco, 2. 10s circa 1860 21852 CAXTON'S GOLDEN LEGEND, printed by Caxton in 1483, with Supplement, comprising a series of full pages, with Illus- trations from the Antwerp edition of 1505, edited by ALFRED ASPLAND, 4to. cloth, 1. 10s Holbein Society, 1878 21853 KONNECKE, ein unbekannter Druck von William Caxton, 1483, in der Bibliotheca Hechto-Heineana aufgefunden, 8vo. facsimile, hf. russia, 4s 6d Marburg, 1874 Epistole Sixti IV et Joannis Mocenigi. 21854 CAXTON. Facsimiles of Examples from the Press of William Caxtcn, with Memoir and bibliographical particulars, by F. C. Price, 4to. 10 facsimiles, mostly from unique copies, only 120 printed, sd. 12s Privately printed, 1877 2118 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. 21855 BEBDHAM (B. H.) List of the Reproductions, both imitation and in facsimile, of the productions of the press of William Caxton, with preliminary observations, folio, 6* 6d Iowa, U.S.A. John Springer, 1879 Printed, for private distribution, in a style of the highest excellence. The Schoolmaster of St. Albans (1480-86). 21856 ST. ALBANS' CHRONICLE. [Colophon:] Here ende the Chroniclis of englode with the irate of timis, small folio, with a woodcut representation of London ; jive leaves in facsimile and twenty-two others deficient, bound in red morocco extra, gilt edges, by Bedford, 300. Sanctus Albanus, s. d. [circa 1484] No perfect copy of this excessively rare book is known to be in existence. Of the half-dozen recorded copies, all are more or less defective ; that in the Grenville library being the only one which has ever been completed even by the aid of fac- similes. The woodcut marked " London " on reverse of C iv (but which is in reality only a picture of the Tower of London) is the first engraved representation of the city which has become the capital of the world. There are few books so rare as those which were printed by the anonymous Schoolmaster of St. Albans, whose impressions were far more limited than those of his contemporary Caxton. He issued, so far as we know, only eight volumes, and worked from 1480 to 1486. The St. Albans' Chronicle contains the Brute Chronicle as current in the Middle Ages, from the story of Geoffrey of Monmouth and others ; but the text is more ample than that in the so-called "Caxton's Chronicle." It is a curious thing, hitherto unknown, that folios D4 and D5 (in the second series of signatures) were reprinted by the Schoolmaster. They contain an account of the rival papacies of Rome and Avignon, beginning with the following words : " And here began the xxii strifte in the chirch. And it wos more wors than euer was ony other befor, for it was so sotill that the wisest men that wer and the best conciencied colde not discerne with whom it was best to say and hold." Since the reprinted leaves contain no alteration of the text, as one might have expected, it is probable that those leaves were destroyed in several copies at the very time of issue by order of some scrupulous ecclesiastic, and that the printer was authorized to reproduce them without charge by the wiser Abbot of St. Albans, William of Wallingford. Any one who wishes to compare his copy with another may be informed that the obverse of D 4 ends with This in one edition and with This lone- in the other. ENGLISH LITERATURE : ST. ALBANS PRESS. 2119 The twenty-two deficient leaves are as follows : Folios 2-7 of table, a 5-8, b 8 leaves, e 1, in first series of sigs. ; and 38, kl, 2, in second series. 21857 ST. ALBANS CHRONICLE, another copy, wanting 79 leaves, but exhibiting the peculiarity of two leaves reprinted (D4 and 5 see note above), blue morocco extra, gilt edges, by Zaehnsdorf, 100. (1484) Of the 209 leaves of which this copy is composed, five are in facsimile and one in MS. 21858 THE BOOK OF ST. ALBANS (Colophon:) . . . Bokys of Haukyng and Huntyng with other plesuris dyuerse as in the boke apperis and also of Cootar- muris a nobull werke. And here now endyth the boke of blasyng of armys translatyt and compylyt to gedyr at Seynt Albons the yere from thincarnacion of oure lorde Jhu Crist. M.CCCC. Ixxxvi., small folio, printed in black and red, with numerous woodcuts of Armorial bearings printed in colours, leaves f3 and fS in the second series of signatures in facsimile, and the corners of two other leaves similarly made up, otherwise a good sound and perfect copy in broton morocco, gilt edges, in a red morocco case, 735. Sanctus Albanus (1486) rs~ The first printed English Armorial (second European). tS" The first printed book on Field Sports and Heraldry. fS" The first book with engravings printed in colours. IS" The first printed book containing English popular rhymes. is* One of the rarest books of the early English press. A much better and larger (11 inches) copy than that of Lord Devon (1(H inches) which was unpleasantly washed, having previously been in very soiled condition, so that portions of the impression have faded almost out of sight. This copy has also some original blank leaves which are not in that. A common error assigns this work to the authorship of a " Dame Juliana Berners," a supposed " Abbess of Sopwell," a lady of the family of the Lords Berners, all, as Mr. Blades judiciously points out, on the strength of the following words on the first sign. f4 " Explicit Dam Julyans Barnes, in her boke of Huntyng," although even in this inscription the word is Julians not Juliana. It really refers to nothing beyond the 23 pp. of verse which precede it upon " the manor of huntyng for all maner of bestys," in which a Dame addresses" my dere chylde," 145 2120 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. " my sonnys," " my lief chyldre," and uses the following phrase " Say, chylde, where ye goo, youre dame taght you so." She also instructs them, what to do when they have taken a hart, and tells them, after having cut it up, " Than bryng it hoom, and the skynne with all The nombles and the homes at the lordis yate Than boldely blow the price tharat " which plainly shows that she did not write, as Mr. Blades imagined, for scions of the aristocracy, but for simple foresters who aided in the chase. Indeed we may go much further and question the very existence of the lady, except as a personifi- cation of the Domus Juliani or St. Julian's Hospital near St. Alban's. Her book is the Barnes' book of Hunting, or (as Wynkyn de "Worde put it) the Barnes' Doctrine, and is simply a work of rhymed instructions from a supposed schoolmistress (Dame) to her Barns, or school-children. Such a work we can have little difficulty in believing to be the original composition of the mysterious " schoolmaster of St. Albans," personifying in a supposititious authoress the affiliated establishment called the Domus Juliani. As for the use of the word Barnes or bairns, it occurs frequently in old English books and MSS., and the " school- master " seems from his dialect and spelling to have belonged to Northumberland or Yorkshire. The special treatise on hunting, which closes with the Explicit above referred to, is followed by a collection of names and properties of beasts of the chase set forth in rhymed and proverbial sentences, such as "A grehounde shulde be heded like a snake and necked like a drake," etc. "Well travelid women ner well travelid hors wer neuer goode." " Fer from thy kynnysmen kest thee, Wi-ath not thy neighborys next thee, In a goode corne cuntre threste thee, And sitte downe Robyn and rest thee." " Who thet byldys his hous all of salowes And prickyth a blynde hors ouer the falowys And suffrith his wyfe to seche mony halowys God send hym the blysse of everlastyng galowis." The type in which the book is printed is very like that which Caxton used in several of his books, but is nevertheless a totally distinct fount, and must have been obtained, along with the paper on which they are impressed, from Flanders. The larger-typed headings are identical with Caxton's No. 3 type, and may have been, as Mr. Blades suggests, printed from the fount which Caxton rejected after some years' use, in 1484. The water-marks in the paper are the same as in the paper used by Caxton, with the exception of the -crowned shield, which, as it appears on a thickly printed page, is not very easy to trace, but ENGLISH LITERATURE : EARLY PRESSES. 2121 is evidently a different figure from the shield of France which appears in some of Caxton's paper. It is interesting from the Shakespearian collector's point of view that we find in the Book of St. Albans a representation of the Lucy Coat of Arms, as borne by Geoffrey or Galfrid de Lucy (in Henry Ill's time). 21858*THE BOKE OF SAINT ALBANS by Dame Juliana Berners, containing treatises on Hawking, Hunting and Cote Armour, printed at Saint Albans by the Schoolmaster- Printer in 1486, reproduced in facsimile with introduction by W. BLADES, 4to. (subscription price, 2. 2s), vellum, antique style, 30s 1881 BOOK OF ST. ALBANS, Wynkyn de Worde, 1496, HASE- WOOD'S reprint see Natural History Catalogue, page 367. William of Mecheln (1482-86). 21859 [CAXTON (W.) CHRONICLES OF ENGLOND], small folio, deficient of several leaves (see MS. collation prefixed), morocco extra, gilt edges, by Bedford, in the old style, EXTREMELY RARE, 135. s. n. ( W. de Machlinia, circa 1484) This is the epitome of the Brut Chronicle and contains the gtory of King Arthur and Merlin. Only one perfect copy is known, that at Althorp, and of imperfect copies only four. Specimens of the press of William of Mechelen, and of Julian Notary, are amongst the very rarest products of the early English press. Wynken of Woerden (1492-1535). 21860 HILTON. >CaIa perftttdtS, (On second leaf:) Capla prime partis. Here begynnen the chapytours of this present volume of Waltere Hylton, namyd in laten Scala perfecconis englisshed the ladder of perfeccon, which volume is deuided in two party es ... 2 parts, a xylographic frontispiece above the words of intitulation on the first leaf, and the device of Caxton on the last leaf beneath Wynkin de Worde s metrical envoye, 1494 ; Here begynneth the table of the thyrde booke of water hylton named Vita mixta or scala perfeccionis. (On second leaf:) . . . Here foloweth ... a prologue of a lytyl boke that was wryten to a seculer or temporall worldly lord to teche hym how he sholde haue in his astate ordynate 145 * 2122 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. loue to god and charyte to his eueii crysten. (At end:) Here endeth the thyrde boke of mayster waiter hylton called Vita mixta or scala perfeccionis ; 3 parts in 1 vol. folio, LARGE PAPER, beautiful copy in the original boards covered with leather, to be sold hj private contract Wynlcyn de Worde, 1494 The second book printed by Wynkyn de Worde, and even under ordinary circumstances very rare. But this copy which bears on the first page the inscription, " Thys boke belongeth vnto syster dorothe clement "is of special interest as having the THIRD PART, which is thus found in only two other copies, one of them, in the University Library of Cambridge, and the other in the possession of Mr. H. H. Gibbs. The fine library of Mr. Hath contains only the two parts. The singularly fine original condition of this volume, unchanged from the time when it first issued from the printer's binding-shop, with numerous uncut leaves, is a fact of no small importance in determining its value. 21861 GLANVILE. artl)0lomeu$ toe proprietatify rer' [translated into English by John de Trevisa, at the request of Syre Thomas Lord of Berkely], folio, numerous large and striking ivoodcuts, the first page (title} repaired, and the last leaf containing Caxton's device (the same as appears at the end of the 11 th book] wanting, a few leaves slightly iDormedat beginning and end, otherwise a remarkably large and fine copy (almost uncut), old russia, gilt edges, 85. Wynken de Worde, circa 1494 First edition in English of Bartholomew de Glanvile's celebrated work, which may be regarded as a Herbal, as a book of Domestic Medicine, as a Geographical Gazetteer, or as a work on Anatomy and Natural History. It contains likewise essays on the production of colours (Dyeing), on the making of cheese and butter, on the practice and theory of Music, on Mathematics, Arithmetic, etc., and is in fact an Encyclopaedia of the then prevalent knowledge. It was one of the most popular books of the XlVth, XVth, and XVIth Centuries ; and was translated into most of the European languages. " It is," says Dibdin, " perhaps the most magnificent publication which ever issued from De Worde's press. The paper, press-work, and embellishments are perhaps unrivalled by the efforts of any other artist in our country within the fifteenth century." It was printed on some of the earliest paper made in England (see the verses at the end of the vol.), an interesting fact, as showing that splendid paper was manufactured here nearly a century before the time usually assigned for its first production ENGLISH LITERATURE : EARLY PRESSES. 2123 at Dartford in Kent. The John Tate mentioned in the verses at the end of the vol. as the maker of this paper, was probably the Lord Mayor of London in 1496, and knighted for his services against the rebels at Blackheath. The rarity of this book in fair condition is extreme. It is missing in some of the most celebrated collections of early printed English books. The Roxburghe copy, wanting two leaves, sold for 70. 7s ; and Geo. Smith's in 1867 for 116. 21862 [HIERONYMUS.] Title : VITAS PATRUM. On second leaf: Here foloweth the right deuoute, moche lowable, & recomendable LYFF OF THE OLDE AUNCYENT HOLY FADERS HERMYTES. . . . At end: Thus endytli the moost vertuous hystorye . . . translated out of Frensshe in to Englysshe by Wyllyam Caxton of Westmynstre, late deed, and lynysshed it at the laste daye of his lyff . . . folio, numerous curious woodcuts by an English Artist, morocco extra, blind tooled, doubled with morocco linings, and leather fly-leaves, very fine copy, 230. Enprynted in the sayd towne of Westminster be my Wyntyn de Worde . . . M.CCCC.LXXXXV (1495) " This extraordinarily Fine Copy has rough leaves both on fore edge and at bottom, and is complete with the title and last leaf, containing Caxton's device, and large cut on reverse. " It is one of Wynkin de Worde's most magnificent typo- graphical productions, and probably the finest copy in existence." 21863 HIGDEN (RANULPH). (On title:) POLICHRONI- CON. (In the text of third leaf:) Poly crony con, in whiche booke ben comprysed bryefly many wondcr- full hystoryes. . . . Englysshed by one Treuisa vycarye of Barkley, sin. folio, A FINE AND PERFECT copy in brown morocco super extra, blind tooling, gilt edges, by F. BEDFORD, 115. Ended the thyrtenth daye ofApryll the tenth y ere of the regne ofJcyng Harry the seuenth, And of the Incarnacyon 'of our loi-d, M.CCCC.LXXXXV. (1495) Enprynted at Westmestre by Wynkyn Theworde This copy cost the late Mr. Craufurd 125. Lowndes was unable to cite any copy sold as complete, and Dr. Dibdin says, " The only perfect copy which I remember to have seen is that in the collection of J. 1). Phelps." 2124 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. 21864 [VORAGINE ( LEGENDA AU RE A, that is to save in Englysshe THE GOLDEN LEGENDE, for lykeas passeth Golde in valewe all other metals, so this "Legende excelleth all other bookes], folio, very spirited woodcuts, wanting title and sixteen leaves, and several others supplied from another copy, calf, 42. Wyiikyn de Worde, 1498 This rare volume is in general fine condition : the woodcuts differ from those in the editions of 1512 and 1527. 21865 *TORTUS VOCABULORU, Alphabetico ordine fere omnia que in Catholicon, Breviloquio. Cornucopia, Gemma vocabulor atq' Medulla grammatica ponutur cum vernacule lingue Anglicane expositione continens, sm. 4to. ilarft letter, with Wynkyn de Words s large device on the title, title and last leaf slightly restored, brown morocco extra, gilt edges, by Bedford, 16. Impressu Londiniis per Wynandum de Worde, 1511 21866 WHITINTON1 (Roberti, Lichfeldiensis) Lucubrationes (de Synonimis, de epithetis, de variandi formulis, etc.) London, Wynkyn de Worde {with Caxton's mark), s.a. (1517?) Cleophili (Oct.) Libellus de coetu Poetarum, cum J. Badii commentario, Parisiis, 1509 Persii Satyrse cum J. Britannici interpretatione, Lugduni, 1510 Gaudensis (Fratris J.) Aerarium aureum Poetarum omnibus latine lingue professoribus accommodatum, etc. Parisiis, in edibus Radulphi Jaliseau, calf, 1511 in 1 vol. sm. 4to. woodcut on Utle^ 4. 10s 21867 *TORTUS VOCABULORU Alphabetico ordine fere omnia q in Catholicon. Breviloquio. Cornucopia. Gemma vocabulor' atq' Medulla gramatice ponutur, cum vernacule lingue Anglicane expositione continens, small 4to. last leaf in facsimile, fine copy in brown morocco extra, gilt edges, by Bedford, 15. Londoniis per Wynandum de Worde, 1518 A very scarce specimen of Wynkyn de Worde's Press, with his device on title-page. 21868 STANBRIDGE. T VOCABULA MAGTSTRI STABRIGI primu iam edita sua saltern editioe, small 4to. 20 leaves, woodcut of a schoolmaster and three scholars on title, brown morocco, gilt edges, 8. 10s Emprynted by Wynkyn de Worde at London in thefiete strete at y e sygne of the sonne, n. d. 21869 STANBRIDGE. VOCABULA MGRI STANBRIGI sua saltern editione edita, Latin and English, woodcut on title-page, AN EDITION UNKNOWN TO BIBLIOGRAPHERS, imprynted at London by Wynkyn de Worde in Flete Strete at ye sygne of the Sonne, 1529 [Sum es fui], Gradus comparationum cum verbis anomalis simul et eorum compositis, Latin and English, WYNKYN DE WORDE, 1527 Ars epistolancli Francisci Nigri, Daventrice, 1501 3 vols. in 1, sm. 4to. fine copies, blue morocco extra, gilt edges, by Faulkner, 22. 10s Land. WYNKYN DE WORDE, 1527-29 ENGLISH LITERATURE : EARLY PRESSES. 2125 21870 HORMANNI C^ESARISBUEGENSIS (G.) VULGARIA, sm. 4-io.Jine copy, except that portions of hh ii, and of imprint and printer's device are beautifully facsimiled, so as almost to defy detection, morocco super extra, covered loith blind tooling, gilt edges, in the old style, 20. Wynkyn de Worde, 1530 The book itself is a curious one, deserving of study and consideration for the specimens of old English familiar and conversational language, con- taining remarks upon almost every subject We have ceased to admire it for its correct Latinity so highly thought of in the author's time. He was a native of Salisbury, a Fellow of New College, Oxford, and Master of Eton in the year 1485. After he had resigned this post "and retired into private life, being then an old man, his friend William Attwater, Bishop of Lincoln, persuaded him to publish the lessons he had used during his mastership. The sentences of which the book consists are given in both Latin and English, the latter being the original, and frequently alluding to events of his own time. As a couple of examples ;< It is an almesdede to help the chevalry of Rhodes agaynst the Turkes." " They of Turnay have yielde them up to the kynge.' Richard Pinson (1493-1531). 21871 BOOKE OF GOOD MANNERS, sm. folio, blue morocco, gilt edges, by C. Lewis ; from Heber's and Dr. Bliss's Collections, 28. (Colophon) Finysshed and translated out of f re she into English the viii day of June in the yere of our Lorde MCCCClxxxvi and the first yere of the regne of Kynge henry the vii and emprynted the last day of septembre in the yere of our Lorde MCCCClxxxxviii by KICHARD PYXSON. (1498) An exceedingly rare edition not mentioned by Ames or Lowndes. This is the only copy of which I can trace the sale ; leaves A 1 and 2, G 1 and 4, H 2 and 3, are wanting. 21872 CHAUCER (G.) CANTERBURY TALES, sm. folio, BLACK LETTER, woodcuts, wanting signature a and four other leaves (q4, hh7, D7, Gl), some leaves mended, very large copy, with Pynsoris device on last leaf, oak boards, covered with stamped leather, rebacked, 72. R. Pynson, n. d. circa 1492 A very fine specimen of typography and paper manufacture. It is interesting as the first production of Pynson's Press, and for its rarity, only one perfect copy being known, namely, that at Althorp. Heber's copy sold for 60. 18s, and Stevens's for 53 , both imperfect. 21873 DIVES AND PAUPER. Here endith a compen- diouse treetise dyalogue of Diues & paup. that is to say, the riche and the pore fructuously tretying upon the X comaudmentes, small folio, the work 2126 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. commencing on a ii (the first leaf having been left blank), very fine and perfect copy, with exception q/'a vi in List of Contents which is a facsimile, a few other leaves most skilfully restored, brown morocco extra, gilt edges, by F. Bedford, EXTREMELY BARE, 125. Emprentyd by me Eicharde de Pynson, 1493 This was the first book printed by Pynson with a date, and appears to be the copy which sold for 50 in Wilks's sale in 1847, and for the same sum in Stevens's in 1857. According to Lowndes, it had been supposed that the book should contain a final leaf with Pynson 's device, but he also mentions that the fact had been expressly denied. I have seen it stated that a copy is known having a final leaf of that sort, but it has also been supposed that the notion of its existence originated in the words of Ames (whose description was transcribed by Dibdin in its integrity), which I cite as follows : " The copy before me has only seven [leaves in the last sheet] ; probably the eighth had his device or ... had the cut on the title-page repeated." That in Lord Spencer's library has not any such leaf ; and besides his copy, only three others are known. The author of this curious work was Henry Parker, of Doncaster, a Carmelite. He preached against the pomp of the priesthood and reproved the prelates for the possession of wealth and their modes of living, which he contrasted with the utter poverty of which Christ had given example. He was compelled to do public penance and ask pardon for his scandalous* state- ments ; but the winged words had gone forth ; and Pynson printed them in 14 ( J3 with the title of Dives and Pauper; followed in 1496 by Wynkin de Worde. The book is full of curious and suggestive matter, historical allusions, and racy proverbial phrases. The style of the Dialogue appears in the following specimens : "Dives. Thou art the more fole. But it is a comon proverbe A foles bolte is sone shotte. Abyde and aunswere, and I wol ley an hundiyd pounde that I shalle preve thee by gode argumentes that he is but a fole whiche wyl nat bisye him to be riche." " It felle late in this londe that a Scott appelyd an Englissh man of high tresone, whane he shudd fighte bifore a Juge in their cause, the Juge as the maner is, putt them bothe to their othe. Whane the Scott shulde swere he said to the Juge, Lorde I came nat hyder to swere, I came to fight, for my chalenge was to fight, a-nd therto I am redy, but swere wol I nat for I made no chalenge to swere." 21874 BRANDT (Sebastian). This present Boke named the SHYP OF FOLYS OF THE WORLDE . . . translated i the College of saynt mary Otery in the counte of Devoushyre : out of Laten, Frenche, and Doche into ENGLISH LITERATURE: EARLY PRESSES. 2127 Englysshe tongue by Alexander Barclay Preste, small folio, BLACK LETTER, with fine woodcuts, a fine large copy, complete in every respect, and bound in brown morocco extra, by BEDFORD, 120. Inprentyd . . . in Fletestre (sic) . . . By Rycharde Pynson, 1509 21874* facsimiles of folio 274, the last leaf, 21s (1509-1883) Barclay translated probably from a copy of the Paris edition of 1495, but his version is so free and so diffuse that he may be said to have made the work his own, and transformed it into a satire upon his own people. The woodcuts are close copies of those in the original. The Latin text is given as well as the English paraphrase. Amongst the additional matter scattered throughout the text by Barclay is a panegyric upon James IV, whom he designates the arm, and upon Henry VII, whom he proposes as the head, of a new crusade against the Turks. A reference to America is found on the reverse of folio cxxxix, where the new discoveries made for King Ferdi- nand in the west, and other discoveries possibly yet to be made, are pointed out as showing the folly of map-makers. 21875 TUNSTAL (Bishop). DE ARTE SVPPVTANDI libri qvattvor Cvtheberti Tonstalli, small 4to. singularly large copy, with numerous uncut leaves, olive morocco extra, gilt edges, by Riviere, 30. Londini in aedibvs Richardi Pynsoni, 1522 The first book on Arithmetic printed in England. Most copies have not the additional leaf of Errata which is found in this copy, and which seems to have been printed for Bishop Tunstal after the publication of the book. That leaf has besides a distinct value as containing the Register for collation of the book. An extra leaf of paper precedes it, with further errata, in MS., which is stated to be in the handwriting of the bishop himself, and which would therefore prove that this was his own copy. In the preliminary epistle to Sir Thomas More, Tunstal gives a curious account of the origin of this work. It seems that in his dealings with certain goldsmiths, or silversmiths, he suspected that the accounts were fraudulently prepared, and therefore he made a special study of the forgotten science of his boyhood arithmetic in order to be able to check the figures. The result of his labours was a book for his own use, which, on being appointed Bishop of London, he thought no longer necessary to his new station, but probably worthy of being printed for the use of others. 21876 FROISSART. Here begynneth the first volum of sir Johaii Froyssart : of the cronycles of Englande | Fraimce | Spayne | Portyngale | Scotlande | Bre- 2128 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. tavne [ Flauders and other places adioyninge. Translated ..... by Johan Bourchier knight lorde Berners, 2 vols. folio, BLACK LETTER, title and Q vi in the first volume in facsimile,, and ike, margins of a few leaves restored, fine copy, russia extra, gilt edges, by Bedford, 63. Richarde Pynson, 1523-25 Copies having loth volumes of Pynson's printing are extremely rare. ftyr-r 21877 FROISSART. Here begyimeth the fyrst volum of Syr Johan Froyssart : of the Oronycles of Englande, Fraunce, Spayne, Portyngale, Scotlaude (sic), Bre- tayne, Flaunders, and other places adioynynge. Translated .... by Johan Bouchier knyght lorde Berners, 2 vols. folio, BLACK LETTER, very fine large copy, scarlet morocco, gilt edges, by Riviere, 70. (Vol. I:) Wyllyam Myddylton,n. d. (Vol. II:) Rycharde Pynson, 1525 Very rare. Perkins' copy sold for 96 ; Corser's for 95. 21878 LYDG-ATE. HERE BEGYNNETH THE BOKE OF JOHAN BOCHAS, DISCRYUING THE FALL OF PRICES, PRINCESSES, AND OTHER NOBLES : Translated in to Englysshe by John Lydgate (in Verse), folio, woodcuts, a small piece on the last leaf made up in facsimile, but, all things considered, a fine copy in morocco extra, gilt edges, by Bedford, EXTREMELY RARE, 55. Richarde Pynson, 1527 A charming volume, equally desirable under several aspects ; as a book of great rarity, as a production of one of England's earliest printers, as a specimen of ancient wood engraving in this country, and as containing the text of an old English poem. On folio A ii, in the prologue of the translator, we find the following stanza : My maister Chaucer with his fressh commediee Is deed alas ! chefe poete of Bretayne That somtyme made full pitous tragedies The fall of princes he did also complayne As he that was of makyng soverayne Whom all this lande of right ought preferre Sithe of our language he was the lode sterre. The judgment of Lydgate concerning Chaucer, as well as the words in which he expresses it, is noteworthy. He calls him " of making sovereign," i.e. the King of Poetry ; showing thus that the original sense of the word poet was not forgotten in its English equivalent. ENGLISH LITERATURE : EARLY PRESSES. 2129 Julian Notary (H95-1520). 21879 [VORAGINE (Jacobus de ) ] THE GOLDEN LEGENDE, conteynynge the Lyves and Hystoryes taken out of the Byble, and Legendes of the Saintes, 2 parts in 1, small folio, with engravings, WOODCUTS, fine large copy, but wanting 6 leaves in the second part (folios 40, 41, 42,. 43, 111, and 258 containing colophon), splendidly bound in morocco super extra, gilt edges, tooled in the antique style, by Hay day, 115. Emprynted at Tempell Barre by me Julyan Notary, 1503 Only two other copies known ; one of which is in the British Museum and the other in the Hnnterian Museum at Glasgow. This copy belonged to Herbert and bears his autograph. The description given by him is reprinted by Dibdin in the Typog. Ant. without alteration, as the latter had not been able to find a copy to refer to. This translation was made by Caxton, and it has been remarked that he made use of the word " breeches " (made from fig-leaves) in Genesis iii. 7, thus anticipating by about eighty years the Genevan Bible to which that word has been applied as a distinguishing epithet. 21880 ALANUS AB INSULTS. Parabolarum Alani cum commentario (sic), smallest 4to. curious woodcut on title, of the author seated before his desk and his boohs; red morocco extra, gilt edges, by Bedford, 15. London. Per . . Julianum Notary In tempellbarre . . 1505 VERY RARE ; this edition by Julian Notary being qnite unknown, although the impression by Winkin de Worde in 1508 was only a reprint of it. 21881 [CAXTON'S CHRONICLE] -- Colophon : Here endeth this present Cronycle of Englonde with the fruyte of tymes, compyled in A booke, small folio, several woodcuts, including large ones on title and on reverse of third leaf, portion of leaf 80 supplied in facsimile, old calf, 40. Julyan Notary dwellynge inpowlys chyrcheyarde, 1515 Only three or four copies are in existence. Lowndes says that the Description of England is annexed to the Chronicle, or at least that it was so in some instances. 21882 KALEKDER OF SHEPARDES : small folio, ninety-seven leaves, wanting the title and sig. E 6, front margin of six leaves cropped, 2130 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. very curimts woodcuts representing the Planets, Signs of the Zodiac, the torments of Hell, etc. vellum, 7. 10s Julian Notary (ca. 1515) A very rare edition which, according to the description of Julian Notary's in Dibdin's Typographical Antiquities, Vol. Ill, p. 590, may be attributed to that printer. This though not agreeing exactly with that description is evidently from the same press. The woodcuts are those used by Pynson. This is apparently a translation into English of the famous " Compost ct Kalendriers des Bergiers," a work once of the greatest popularity, as is attested by the numerous editions of it, all of which are now of the greatest rarity. The work is written in prose and verse, and besides an Almanack, Directions for finding Easter and other movable Feasts, the Eclipses, Descriptions of the Months, etc., contains several curious Pieces, amongst which are most remarkable '-the Tree of Vices" (in verse) ; " the Pains of llcll" (in prose, with woodcuts showing the torments of the damned) ; " the Garden of Virtues " (in prose) ; the Lord's Prayer, Belief, Decalogue, Ballad of the Wise Man. Ballad of the Woman Shepheard, Song of Death, Ten Commandments of the Devil (in verse), the Phisnomy of Mans Body, Shepheards Physick and Keghnent of Health (in prose and verse), Shepheards Astrology, Saying of a Dead Man (in verse), the Homer (in verse), Signes of the Zodiacke, ancient Proverbs (in verse), etc. III. POETIC AND DRAMATIC LITERATURE. 1. Manuscripts. 21883 ROLLE (Richard) OF HAMPOLE, PEICK OF CON- SCIENCE. Explicit tractatus Stimulus Consciencie noinat' . . . Incipit liber Rici Hampole que feet. uni Anachoritae, Anglice, 4to. English Manuscript on VELLUM, bound in vellum, gilt edges, 63. Scec. XTV-XV These works, both written in English by Richard Rolle Hermit of Hampole, are valuable as specimens of English versification and prose in the XlVth century. The Treatise written for a Hermit, in prose, seems to be very scarce and almost unknown. It begins thus "In euereche synful man or womman yt is bounden in dedli synne beth thre wrecchid- nesses." In the list of Rolle's works given by Tanner, there are two with which it might be identified : the Treatise on active life and contemplative life ; and that addressed " to an anchoresse." The MS. was written by a South-English scribe probably in the reign of Richard II, and is in excellent condition. The writing is clear and good, and the text offers variants which are not without interest. As a small instance, I note on line 48 " in fele kyndes," where Mr. Morris's edition has sere (which he glosses " several") instead otfele (many). In the orthography we find uche for each,fulth for filth, etc. The book belonged to Dame Alice Burton, and her cousin Margaret, in the early part of the fifteenth century. ENGLISH LITERATURE: POETRY, MSS. 2131 21884 GOWER (John) CONFESSIO AMANTIS, IN ENG- LYSSIIE VERSE, folio. Manuscript on Vellum, in double columns on 179 'leaves (14 by 8f inches), ORNAMENTED WITH A Miniature and several Initials, IN FLOREATED BORDERS, illuminated in gold and colours, calf, gilt edges, from the libraries successively of John Earl of London, with his bookplate, and the Marquis of Hastings, 250. about A.D. 1400 A SPLENDID OLD ENGLISH MANUSCRIPT, ON VELLUM, OF THID END OF THE XIVTH CENTURY, presenting an extremely valuable text of the Poet who ranks next in importance to Chaucer in early English Literature. Chaucer, although he died before Gower, was younger than the latter, and is sometimes called his disciple. The present MS. contains the earlier recension of the work, dedicated to Richard the Second, and comprises the com- plimentary verses concerning Chaucer, which for some reason were omitted in the second issue, dedicated to Henry of Lan- caster, when Gower cancelled his verses on King Richard. 21885 TOWNELEY MYSTERIES. A famous unique volume of early English Mysteries or Miracle-Plays, supposed to have been written at Woodkirk, in Yorkshire, in the Cell of Augustinian or Black Canons, for the amusement and edification of persons attending those Pageants at WaJcefield, or at Wood- JiirJt Fair, folio, MANUSCRIPT ON VELLUM, written in a bold hand with Initial Letters ornamented with the Pen, having the Speeches separated by lines of red Inlc, olive morocco extra, gold tooling, tooled leather joints, gilt edges, by C. Lewis, 820. about 1430 The Mysteries (or Miracle Plays) contained in this remark- able Volume are : Creatio, Mactatio Abel, Processus Noe cum Filiis, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Processus Prophetarum, Pharao, Cre.sar Augustus, Annunciatio, Salutacio Elizabeth, Prima Pagina Pastorum, Secunda Pagina Pastorum, Oblacio Magorum, Fugacio Joseph et Marise in ./Egyptum, Magnus Herodes, Purificacio Marise, Pagina Doctorum, Johannes Baptista, Con- spiracio et Capcio, Coliphizatio Flagellacio, Processus Crucis, Crucifixio, Processus Talentorum, Extractio Animarum ab Inferno, Resurrectio Domini, Peregrini, Thomas India), Ascencio Domini, Juditium, Lazarus, and Suspentio Judoe (this last is in a later handwriting and was probably added towards the end of the XVth century). The language of these Pageants betrays a northern origin and the Secunda Pastorum, described by 2132 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. Mr. Collier as " the most singular Piece in the whole collection," offers local allusions tending strongly to corroborate the claim of Woodkirk to the production of these Mysteries. The word ll'akefield, written by the original scribe in the heading of the first and of the third piece, seems to indicate beyond a doubt that the mysteries were played in that town. The editor of the volume published for the Surtees Society did not observe this fact. He was evidently under the impression that " Wakefield " was in the same somewhat later hand in which are written in one place the word "barkers," in the other the word " glovers," and in a third and fourth " lytsters " and " fysshers " the names of the guilds or trades which performed the pieces in question. But whether Woodkirk or Wakefield be the spot in which this volume was produced and the two places are not far apart the MS. remains a wonderful and priceless monument of old English dramatic literature, and one of the chief glories of the literary history and language of Yorkshire. It is not known when this volume first came into the possession of the Towneley family. Their early connection with Yorkshire, as well as Lancashire, enables us to surmise that it may have formed part of the Towneley collection at a remote period, or that at least it was in the fine library formed by John Towneley who died in 1607, whose great love for his books was evinced by the bindings in which he had them covered, all bearing his arms and motto. 21886 [CAELIELL (Lodowick)] Arviragus and Philicia (a romantic Tragedy), 2 parts in 1 vol. sm. 4to. neatly written M8. on paper, old calf binding, 2. 2s about 1638 This is probably the author's autograph MS. The play was printed in 1639. 21887 MBS. MOXON'S (Emma Isola) ALBUM OF AUTO GEAPH POEMS and Letters by famous men, compris- ing 32 original compositions by the undermentioned writers, in their own hand, bound in 1 vol. sm. 4to. with portraits of Charles Lamb, and Charles and Mary Lamb inserted, green morocco extra, with clasps, 125. Cir. 1826-73 No ordinary assemblage of autographs of doubtful interest, but a collection of choice thoughts in exquisite words, fine flowers of English literature, by men whose names are immortal. Charles Lamb. " What is an Album ?" a poem addressed to Miss Emma Isola, 26 lines. "To Emma on her twenty-first Birthday," a poem, 25 May, 1830. "By Enfield Lanes," a sonnet on Emma and Maria, without date. John Keats. " To my Brother," a sonnet on the birthday of his brother Tom, dated Nov. 18 (? 1814 or 1815). ENGLISH LITERATURE : POETRY AND DRAMA. 2133 William Wordsworth. " She dwelt among the un- trodden ways," three verses of his poem on Lucy, copied in his own hand on 18 March, 1837. " Blessings be with them, and enduring praise," five lines of a sonnet dated Rydal, 1838. Alfred. Tennyson. " When Lazarus left his charnel- cave," four stanzas, undated. Thomas Moore. "Woman gleans but Sorrow," two stanzas, and note to Moxon, June, 1844. Leigh Hunt. "Apollo's Autograph," from an unpub- lished poem called the Feast of the Violets. Undated, circ. 1838. 2. Printed Books. 21888 ^Esop's Fables with his Life, in English, French, and Latin, newly translated, folio, 112 plates to the Fables, and 31 to the Life, all engraved by Francis Barlow, old calf, 6. 10s 1703 The English translation is in verse by Mrs. Behn ; the Latin and French are derived from older books. The set of plates is complete, and includes the one which is usually torn out. [ALLOT (Robert), Poet and Publisher; or ARMIN (Robert), Dramatist and Shakspearian Actor} 21889 ENGLANDS PARNASSUS : or the choysest Flowers of our Moderne Poets, with their Poeticall comparisons, Descriptions of Bewties, Personages, Castles, Pallaces, Mountaines, Groves, Seas, Springs, Rivers, etc. Whereunto are annexed other various discourses, both pleasaunt and profitable, sm. 8vo. (12mo.), title and first leaves mended and slightly cropped, olive morocco extra, gilt edges, 10. 1600 21890 the same, 12mo. large copy in old blue morocco, gilt edges, from the library of Sir M. M. Sykes, 16. 1600 Priced, Bibl. Anglo-Poetica, 20. The Roxburghe copy sold for 21. " This, tho' I have been many years seeking after, yet I cannot get a sight of it." Wood, in the Athence Oxon. It is the first Poetical Anthology of English Literature, and is also the most valuable. This extremely rare Selection from Shakespeare and other Poets has enabled Editors to assign to their true authors various pieces not otherwise known. It has also preserved numerous verses of the Elizabethan and ante- Elizabethan period, nowhere else to be met with, and the names of poets who are not otherwise known in literary history than by their mention in England's Parnassus. It has hitherto been the custom to consider that the initials R. A. at foot of the dedication to Sir Thomas Mounson concealed the name of Robert Allot, but Mr. Collier has adduced very plausible reasons for identifying them with Robert Armin, actor and author, who was a member of Shak- speare's company in 1603. 21891 ANNALIA DUBRENSIA. Upon the Yeerely celebration of Mr. Robert Dovers Olimpick Games upon the Cotswold-Hills, written by Michael Dray ton, Ben Jonson, T. Heywood, and others, ORIGINAL EDITION, smallest 4to. with the facsimile of the original frontispiece, red morocco, 2. 12s 6d R. Raworth, 1636 2134 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. 21892 ANNALIA DUBRENSIA. The reprint, smallest 4to. frontispiece, old calf gilt, 25s ca. 1720 The original edition sold at Bindley 's sale for 12. 12s. Captain Dover was for many years the patron and president of the yearly festival of athletic sports which was celebrated on the Cotswold Hills. His relative, John Dover (one of the contributors to the " Annalia ") and Drayton were perhaps the " begetters " of the various poems furnished by Ben Jonson and the rest. 21893 ANTIDOTE AGAINST MELANCHOLY made up in Pills compounded of WITTY BALLADS, JOVIAL SONGS AND MERRY CATCHES, a very curious Drollery, engraving on title, very rare, 1061 Philipot (T.) Elegies on W. Glover, 1641 Denham (Sir J.) Cooper's Hill, 1655 Thucydides, the Plague of Athens by T. Spratt, 1665 Jonsonus Virbius, or the Memorie of BEN JOHNSON revived by the Friends of the Muses, including pieces Inj FORD, DONNE, MARMION, etc. bid wants Epitaphium, 1638 Pre- parative to Study, or the VERTUE of SACK, 1641 Examples for Kings (in Prose), 1642 Satyre against Separatists, by A. C[owley], 1642 together in 1 vol. sm. 4to. original calf, 40. 1638-66 Jolley's copy of the Antidote sold for jE6. 6s. The other Pieces arc likewise both rare and valuable, and of a kind which finds favour with collectors, from their scarcity and entertaining character, in increasing ratio every year. 21894 ARCHAICA, containing a Reprint of scarce old English Prose Tracts, with Prefaces, critical and biographical, by Sir S. E. BRYDGES, Bart. 2 vols. 1815 HELICONIA, comprising a Selection of English Poetry of the Elizabethan Age, edited by T. PARK, 3 vols. 1815 together 5 vols. 4to. calf extra, gilt edges, by F. Bedford, 12. 1815 A beautiful set ; these works are becoming rare, especially fine copies. 21895 ARIOSTO, Orlando Furioso, translated into English Verse by W. S. Rose, 8 vols. 1823-29 BERNI, Orlando Inamorato, trans- lated by W. S. Rose, 1823; together 9 vols. sm. 8vo. calf extra, gilt edges, by Bedford, 4. 4s 1823-29 see HARRINGTON (Sir John). ARNALT and Lucinda see LAWRENCE (Leonard). 21896 ASHMOLE (Elias) Theatrum Chemicum Britannicum, containing severall poeticall pieces of our famous English Philosophers, who have written the Hermetique Mysteries in their owne ancient language . . with annotations, sm. 4to. many engrav- ings, without the frontispiece by. T. Cross, but Jiaving the rare plate by Goddard at p. 117, and the equally rare leaf of mistakes committed by the printer, beginning, "Courteous reader," fine copy in rusaia, gilt edges, 8. 8s 1652 A rare and curious book containing the Ordinall of Alchimy by Thos. Norton of Bristoll (A.D. 1477), the Compound of Alchymie by Geo. Kipley (1471) ; Pater Sapientiae ; Hermes Bird ; the Worke of John Dastin; Pearcc the Black Monke upon the Elixir ; Rich. Carpenter's Worke ; Hunting of the Greene Lyon ; Thomas Charnock r s Breviary of Philosophy; Bloomcfield's Blossoms ; Sir Edward Kelle's Work ; Experience and Philosophy ; Ripley's Misterie of Alchymists, and other works. On p. 7 (of Norton's poem) the phrase " Free Masons " is found ; this is curious as showing that Freemasonry, in some sense, existed in England in the fifteenth century. A " Free-Mason " cannot have been merely a mason. ENGLISH LITERATURE: POETRY AND DRAMA. 2135 21897 BAILLIE'S (Joanna) Dramas, 3 vols. 8vo. Jif. calf, 18s 1836 21898 BALLAD SOCIETY : Publications of the Ballad Society, Vols. I-XVI, and 1 vol. privately printed together 17 vols. or parts, 8vo. (subscription price 10. 10s), sd. 5. 5s 1868-77 21899 another set, Vols. I-IX, with the privately printed vol. together 10 vols. 8vo. (subscription price 6. 6s), sd. 2. 12s 6d 1868-73 The volume privately printed is : Jyl of Breyntford's Testament, by R. Copland, and other pieces edited by .Furnivall. 21900 PUBLICATIONS of the Ballad Society, Vols. I-XIV, LARGE PAPER, thick roy. 8vo. printed on Whatman's eighty-shilling ribbed paper, tinted expressly for the Society, with numerous facsimiles of woodcuts (subscription price 28. 7s), sd. 12. 12s 1868-7G CONTENTS : Nos. or Vols. 1, 2, 3 and 10 : Ballads from MSS. edited by F. J. Fnrnivall and .W. R. Morfill Nos. 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 12 and 13 ; The Roxburghe Ballads, edited by W. Chappell No. 7 : Capt. Cox his Ballads and Books, ed. Furnivall No. 11 : Love Poems and humourous ones, ed. Furnivall No. 14 : The Bagford Ballads, pfc. I, ed. by the Rev. J. W. Ebsworth. Ballads : 21901 A COLLECTION OF OLD BALLADS, corrected from the best and most ancient copies extant, with Introductions, 3 vols. 12mo. 45 plates (including that of the Swimming Lady), russia gilt, 8. 8s 1727-26-25 21902 the same, 3 vols. 12mo. 45 plates, fine TALL copy, almost uncut, calf, 10. 1727-8 21903 EVANS (T.) Old Ballads, collected and reprinted from rare copies, with notes, 4 vols. 12mo. FIRST EDITION, 36s 1777 21904 NEW BOOK of OLD BALLADS (collected and edited by J. M(aidment), 12mo. woodcut on title, roxburghe, 32s Edinburgh, 1844 Only sixty copies printed. This collection contains early versions of some popular Scottish Ballads, which have hitherto been published in n mutilated form. 21905 GARLANDS, a collection of 27, printed at Ludlow, Tewkesbury, Worcester, and Gloucester, in 1 vol. sm.. 8vo. some with a wood- cut on the title-pages, russia, 4. Sec. XVIII 21906 STREET BALLADS and Sensational Broadsides, a collection of about 1000 sheets mounted on thick paper, bound in 4 vols. folio, many of the songs adorned ivith cuts, hf. calf, 5. Sec. XIX Some of the ephemeral pieces of literature in this collection are of a " facetious " character. Others record the latest wonders in doggrel rhyme. As to date, the majority refer to events of the last thirty years. They were Erinted in London and at various other towns of England, and some in ublin. 21907 TURNAMENT of Totenham and the Feest, two early Ballads, from a MS. at Cambridge The Nutbrowne Maid Tale of the Basyn and the Frere and the Boy Songs and Carols 4 pieces, all edited with Prefaces by T. Wright, blarft letter, in 1 vol. sq. 18mo. cloth, Sir F. Madden's copy, with MS. notes by Mm, 30s 1886 see ANTIDOTE. see SONGS. 146 2136 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. BARCLAY (Alexander) Satirical Poet [died 1552] see BRANDT, Ship of Fooles, No. 21874. BEAUMONT (Francis) [1585-1616] and FLETCHER (John) [1576- 1625]. 21908 Comedies and Tragedies, never printed before and now published by the Authours Originall Copies, folio, fine portrait of Fletcher by Marshall, clean copy, in the original binding, 2. 2s London, 1647 21909 Comedies and Tragedies, folio, portrait by Marshall, old calf, Arms on sides, rebacked, with Charles Reade's autograph, 36s 1679 21910 Dramatick Works edited by G. Colman, 10 vols. 8vo. portraits and plates, fine portrait, old gilt tree-marbled calf, by Kalthoeber, from the Beckford library ^Hamilton Palace, 16. 16s 1778 21911 Works, with notes and a memoir by the Rev. A. DYCE, 11 vols. 8vo. calf gilt, 13. 13s 1843-46 21912 the same, Vols. II-X, 8vo. cloth, 7. 10s 1843-46 The first and eleventh volumes have strayed away from this set : a good price will be given for them. BENLOWES (Edward) Poet and Patron of Literature [1602-76]. 21913 THEOPHILA, or Love's Sacrifice, a divine Poem, written by E. B. Esq. ; several parts thereof set to fit Aires by Mr. J. Jenkins, portrait and 18 plates, including 5 on the text, original calf, with arms in gold on the sides, rare, 10. 1652 The copy in the Nassau sale fetched 26. 5s. This work is very seldom found with the full number of plates mentioned by Lowndes, and nearly all copies differ. The above contains one plate of great rarity (portrait of Theophila treading on a serpent ; a palm-branch and book in her right hand). It also has pp. 123-4 in the rare state, namely, with the engraved verses at the bottom of p. 123, commencing " Vos sacra progenies." 21914 BIBLIOTHECA ANGLO-POETICA ; or a Descriptive Catalogue of a rare and rich collection of Early English Poetry [by A. F. Griffith], large 8vo. boards, uncut, 28s 1815 21915 the same, 8vo. LARGE PAPER, coloured frontispiece and numerous woodcuts, boards, 4. 10s 1815 A most useful guide to the Collector of English Poetical rarities. The Collection was formed by T. Park and added to by Tho. Hill. Only FIFTY copies were printed on LAKGE PAPER. 21916 BLOOMFIELD (Robert) Rural Tales, Ballads, and Songs, 12mo. portrait, and ivoodcuts by Bewick, calf, 5s 1802 21917 BOHN (Henry G.) Dictionary of Quotations from the English Poets, thick 8vo. cloth, 2. 2s Printed for private distribution, 1867 BRAITHWAITE (Richard) Poet and Humourist [1588-1673]. 21918 A Strappado for the Divell. Epigrams and Satyres alluding to the time, with divers Measures of no lesse Delight, with Loves Labyrinth, including the disastrous fals of two star crost Louers, Pyramus and Thysbe, 12mo. green morocco, gilt edges, 7. /. B.for E. Eedmer, 1615 21919 A SOLEMNE IOVIALL DISPUTATION, Theoreticke and Practicke, briefly Shadowing the LAW of DRINKING, etc. Oenozfyhopolis at the Signe of Red-eyes, cioiocxvn The ENGLISH LITERATURE : POETRY AND DRAMA. 2137 SMOKING AGE, or the Man in the Mist, with the life and death of Tobacco, Oenoz-fythopolis at the Signe of Teare-nose, 1617 in 1 vol. 12mo. of the greatest rarity, jine clean sound copy, with the two frontispieces by W. Marshall, but without the explanatory leaves, olive morocco extra, gilt edges, 7. 15s Oenozfyhopolis, ciDiocxvii Neither Wood nor Dr. Bliss has noticed this rare volume. Nassau's copy sold for 9 ; and Hibbert's, which produced 8, was resold in G. Daniel's sale for 11. 5s. Mr. Haslewood first traced the authorship to Bratliwait. 21920 NATURES EMBASSIE ; or the Wilde-Mans Measures danced naked by twelve Satyres . . . with the second section of divine and moral Satyres, the Shepheards Tales (part II), Omphale, and Odes, woodcut border to first title, 1621 THE SHEPPEARDS TALES (parti), title in MS. EXCESSIVELY HARE, 16212 vols. in 1, 12mo. calf gilt, 8. E. WMtaker, 1621 No other copy of the first part of the Shepherd's Tales is known at present. There was one, with a MS. title like the above, sold at Mitford's sale iu 1860 for 9. 9s ; and another, apparently perfect, is mentioned in the Biblioth. Anglo-Poetica, as bound up with Nature's Embassie, imperfect, and priced 10. It had evidently not yet been printed when Nature's Embassie appeared, as it is there (at the heading of the Shepheards Tales which form part of that volume) referred to as " as yet obscured." 21921 BRAITHWAIT. The English Gentleman, sm. 4to. FIRST EDITION, with a' fine frontispiece by Vaughan, and folding leaf of ex- planation, without the fe^v pp. of " Three Choice Characters of Marriage " at the end, calf, 10s 1630 21922 Arcadian Princesse, or the Triumph of Justice, 18mo. frontispiece by Marshall, calf extra, gilt edges, 2. 8s Th. Harper for R. BostocJce, 1635 21923 Ar't asleep, Husband ? A Boulster Lecture stored with all variety of witty jeasts, merry tales, and other pleasant passages, 12mo. frontispiece by Marshall laid down, calf, gilt edges, Utterson's copy, 3. 1640 21924 English Gentleman and English Gentlewoman, with a Ladies Love-Lecture and a Supplement entitled, The Turtle's Triumph, folio, fine frontispiece by W. Marshall, without the explanation to frontispiece, calf extra, gilt edges, 38s 1641 21925 Drunken Barnaby's Four Journeys to the North of England, in Latin and English metre . . together with Bessy Bell, 12mo. 5 plates, frontispiece in facsimile, hf. M. 10s 1723 21926 Barnabfe Itinerarium, or Barnabee's Journal, with life, introduction and Catalogue of his Works ; edited from the first edition by Jos. Haslewood, 2 vols. sq. 12mo. portrait, yellow morocco extra, uncut, FINE COPY, 4. 15s 1820 Only 125 copies printed. 21927 [BRETON (Nicholas)] Sir Philip Sydney's Ourania, that is, Endimions Song and Tragedie, written by N. B., smallest 4to. calf, 2, 12s 6cZ 1653 This is the edition of 1606, with the title reprinted. The Author is considered by some to have been Nicholas Breton, by others Nathaniel Baxter, Sir Philip Sidney's tutor. BREWER (Ant.) see GOMERSALL. 146 * 2138 BERNARD QUARTTCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. 21928 BROWN (J. Henry) The Rambler's Calendar, 12mo. pp. Ill, vellum, uncut copy, 2s 6d Nottingham, 1882 A poem in stately blank verse, divided into months, and somewhat akin in character to Thomson's Seasons, although the spirit is that of our own day. A few minor pieces in rhyme are added at the end. BROWNE (William) Poet [1590-1645 ?]. 21929 Brittannia's Pastoral in two Bookes, LARGE PAPER, sm. folio, frontispiece by Hole, and engravings on pp. 60-61, brown morocco extra, by Bedford, very fine copy, 16. 1613-16 FIRST EDITION : the engravings in the text are not in later editions. BUCKHURST (Th. Sackville, Lord) see DORSET. BUTLER (Samuel) Poet, Wit, Humourist [1612-80]. 21930 - Hudibras .... with annotations and preface by Zachary Grey, 2 vols. 8vo. portrait by Vertue, and plates by Hogarth, Cambridge, 1744 Remains in Verse and Prose, pub- lished from the original MSS. with notes by R. Thyer, 2 vols. London, 1759 together 4 vols. 8vo. russia extra, gilt tops, uncut {of two volumes the binding is broken), 4. 10s 1744-59 Best editions. Copies in fine condition are in considerable request. 21931 Hndibras, 2 vols. 8vo. LARGE PAPER, beautiful copy in light blue morocco extra, gilt edges, 15. 15s 1744 21932 - - Hudibras, with a Translation into French Verse by JOHN TOWNELEY, with Remarks by Larcher, 3 vols. 12mo. Hogarth's plates, calf, 20s London, 1757 21933 - Hudibras (edited, with notes, by T. Nash), 3 vols. royal 4to. beautifully printed, with fine plates, vignettes, and tail- pieces after Hogarth and others, russia extra, gilt edges, fine copy, 7. 7s 1793 21934 Hudibras . . . with Dr. Grey's Annotations : a new edition corrected and enlarged, 3 vols. in 6 parts, imp. 4to. LARGEST PAPER, with India Proof impressions of the plates, bds. a splendid book, 20. 1819 21935 Hudibras, with notes by Grey, 3 vols. in 6 parts, imp. 4to. with portraits and woodcuts, INDIA PROOFS, LARGEST PAPER, with the series of 60 PORTRAITS BY COOPER, INDIA PROOFS, added, uncut, 18. Saldwyn, 1820 Only 25 copies printed of the largest paper issue. This is No. 3. BYRON (George Gordon, Lord) Poet (1787-1824). 21936 - - Works, 4 vols. Murray, 1829 Don Juan, 2 vols. Davison, 1828 ; 6 vols. 18mo. portrait and frontispiece to each volume, morocco, gilt edges, 24s 1828-20 21937 - Works and Life, by T. MOORE, 17 vols. 12mo. portrait and beaiitiful engravings, by Finden, from drawings by Turner, Stanfield, etc. cloth, 2. 16s 1833 21938 - English Bards and Scotch Reviewers, a satire, sm. 8vo. red roan, 5s 1811 CAMPBELL (Thomas) Poet [1777-1844]. 21939 Poetical Works, 8vo. pretty vignettes after Turner, and woodcuts after Harvey, morocco, 2. 2s 1843 ENGLISH LITERATURE : POETRY AND DRAMA. 213'J CAMPION (Thomas) Poet, Musician, Critic [about 1565-1620]. 21940 Description of a Maske, presented at Whitehall on Twelfth Night in honour of the Lord Hayes and his Bride, with other small Poemes, with the Music to the Songs, sm. 4to. on the bach of the title, half green morocco, the Roxburghe and Heber copy, 4. John Windet, 1607 Rhodes' copy sold for 10. " Sweet Maister Campion " was very popular amongst his contem- poraries ; but we have no exact particulars of his career. CAREW (Lady Elizabeth) Dramatist. 21941 The Tragedy of Mariam, the faire Queene of Jewry, written by the learned, virtuous, and truly noble Ladie E. C. smallest 4to. half green morocco, Roxburghe copy, 2. 1613 This drama is referred to by Shakespeare in Troilus and Cressida. Concerning the fair author we have no biographical data ; it is not even certain whose wife she was. [CAREW (Thomas) Poet (1589-39)]. 21942 COELUM BRITANICUM. A Masque at Whitehall in the Banqueting-house, on Shrove-Tuesday-night, the 18. of February, 1633 (by T. Carew and Inigo Jones), sm. 4to. unbound, scarce, 3. 10s 1634 Chap-books : 21943 CHAP BOOKS printed at NEWCASTLE and GATESHEAD, mostly Poetical and some in Local Dialects, 61 in all, bound in 2 vols. 12mo. half green morocco, uncut, 2. 8s Sce-c. xvnr-xix 21944 CHAP BOOKS and SONGS, printed at DURHAM, NEWCASTLE, and GLASGOW, Specimens of Yorkshire Dialect, etc. 18 in one vol. 18mo. calf, 10s 1800-39 21945 BOOK of Histories, 16 pieces in one vol. 12mo. curious rude wood- cuts, calf, rare, 32s Newcastle, G. Angus (1800-17) CONTENTS : Chevy Chace, Johnny Armstrong, Life of Long Meg oi' Westminster, Blind Beggar of Betbnal Green, Valentine and Orson, Albert Werdendorff, Comical cheats of Swalpo, Ali Baba, Bateman's Tragedy. Fortunatus, Life of Ambrose Gwinett, Robinson Crusoe, Dr. Faustus, the Collier's Wedding, the Long Pack, and Nine Pennyworth of Wit for a Penny. 21946 CHAP-BOOKS, printed at WORCESTER, 4 pieces, 8vo. sd. RARE, 2. 10s 1782-90 CONTEXTS : WITHY (N.) History of England from the Norman Conquest to the present time, a tragi-comic Song, with the multiplication table in a song, 16 pp. Worcester, 1789 Worcestershire Tale ; Joyful News for all Apprentices ; both in verse, ib. 1790 WITHY, the wandering Bard, London Porter, a poem, London, 1790 WITHY, Voyage from Monmouth to Shrews- bury, in verse, Worcester, 1790. CHAPMAN (George) Poet and Dramatist [1557-1634]. 21947 1. OVID'S BANQUET OF SENCE [by GEORGE CHAPMAN], portrait by Marshall London, 1639 2. PUBLII OVIDII NASONIS DE ARTE AMANDI; or, the Art of Love, bastard title and pp. 1-92 s. n. 3. OVID'S REMEDY OF LOVE Lond. 1636 4. De Ponto, containing foure books of Elegies, translated by W(ye) S(altonstall), FIRST EDITION Lond. 1639 2140 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. CHAPMAN (George) continued. 5. All Ovid's Elegies, 3 bookes, by C(hristopher) M(arlow), and Epigrams (48) by [Sir] J(olm) D(avies) Middlebourgh (about 1630) the 5 works in 1 vol. 18mo. old calf, 5. 10s The following particulars with regard to two of the five pieces contained in this extraordinary little volume, wil assist in forming an estimate of its value : (1) The 1st edit, is valued at 25 in the Bibl. Anglo-Poet. Steeven's copy sold for 19. Sir M. M. Sykes's for 8. (5) was burnt at Stationers' Hall by command of Archbps. Whitgift and Bancroft. The transl. of the 15th elegy of the 1st book is attributed by Ritson to Ben Jonson, as his earliest printed production. A copy sold at Bindley 's sale for 8. 18s 6d, and another wanting a leaf for 5. 10s. CHAUCER (Geoffrey) Poet (1328 P-1400). see ante Nos. 21872 and 21840. 21948 THR WORKES OF | GEFFRAY CHAU | CER newly printed, with | dyuers workes whi | che were nener in | print before : | . . . . small folio, fcladt letter, woodcuts, Editio Princeps of tJie works of Chaucer (except only the Ploughman s Tale, which ivas first printed in 1542), title inlaid, fine copy in old panelled calf, 52. 10s London, Thomas Godfray M.D.xxxii (1532) EXCESSIVELY RARE : there is no copy in the splendid English collection of Mr. Huth. During many years, no copy has appeared in the market except an imperfect one, and the book is so scarce that there is no accurate bibliographical collation to be found. The following description will therefore be found useful. COLLATION : Sign. A, 4 leaves, containing general title and pre- liminary matter ; B, 6 leaves, of which the first is the title to the Canterbury Tales ; C-T, V, X, Y, Z, in sixes ; A A. 6 leaves, of which the first is the title to the Romaunt of the Rose ; Bb-Pp in sixes (of which Hhl is the title to Troylus and Creseide) ; Qq, 9 leaves ; Rr-Tt, in sixes (Ttl, the title of Boetins de consolatione) ; Vv, Xx, Yy, Zz in sixes ; Aaa to Vvv in sixes (of which Ddd3 is a title, " How pite is ded," and Llll the title of the Testament of Love). There are no blank leaves in the book, every folio bearing letter- press. 21949 CHAUCER'S (Geffray) (Workes, newlye printed, with dyvers Workes whiche were never in print before,) sm. folio, without the title and first leaf, Ai, tall sound copy with MS. notes on tJie margins, vellum, 7. 10s Bobart Toye (? 1538 or 1545) The edition of 1542, and this undated one (which has been referred by one bibliographer to the year 1538, and by another to some year between 1542 to 1561) dispute the honour of being the first complete collected edition. Both of them were printed with the names of various booksellers on the titles, but the distinction is to be marked between the dated and the undated book, the publisher's name being no criterion whatever. 21950 CHAUCER (G.) Woorkea. With the Siege and Destruction of the worthy citee of Thebes, compiled by Jhon Lidgate, Monke of Berie, sm. folio, some head-lines cut into, otherwise a good copy, old calf, 6. 10s Jhon Kingston for Jhon Wight, 1561 ENGLISH LITERATURE: POETRY AND DRAMA. 2141 21951 CHAUCER, Canterbury Tales, with Essay, introductory Discourse, Notes and Glossary by T. Tyrwhitt, 5 vols. 8vo. LARGE PAPER, India proof portrait and plate of Canterbury Pilgrims after Stothard by Worthington, half brown morocco, gilt edges, by G. Lewis, from the Beck ford library, Hamilton Palace, 12. 12s W. Pickering, 1822 21952 the same, 5 vols. 8vo. LARGE PAPER, proof portrait and plate, whole broion morocco extra, gilt edges, by C. Lewis, from Lord Gosford's library, 13. 10s 1822 21953 Poetical Works, Notes, etc. by Tyrwhitt, royal 8vo. portrait, cloth, 7s 6d 1851 21954 (TYRWHITT, T.) Glossary to the Works of Chaucer, 8vo. lif. calf, 3s 6d (ca. 1845) 21955 SANDRAS (E. G. ) Etude sur G. Chaucer, considere comme imitateur des Trouveres, 8vo. sd. 2s 6d Paris, 1859 CHURCHYARD (Thomas) Poet (1520-1604). 21956 The firste part of CHURCHYARDES CHIPPES contayninge Twelue severall Labours, very sm. 4to. fine copy in morocco extra, by Bedford, 15. 1578 21957 the same, sm. 4to. very fine and very large copy, with rough leaves, in morocco extra, by Bedford, 25. 1578 Very rare. Gardner's copy fetched 15, Sotheby's, 1854. 21958 Lamentable and pitiful Description, of the wofull Warres in Flanders, since the foure last yeares of the Emperor Charles the Fifth his Raigne, with brief rehearsall of many things done since that season, untill this present yeare, and Death of Don John, in verse and prose, bladt letter, sm. 4to. some head-lines cut into, half bound, EXTREMELY RARE, 10. 10s Ralph Newberie, 1578 21959 The Thre first bookesof Quids de Tristibus translated into English (Yerse by T. Churchyarde), sm. 4to. black letter, ivanting the last four leaves (sig. D), hf. bound, 6. Thomas Marshe, 1572 21960" The Miserie of Flaunders, Calamitie of Fraunce, Misfortune of Portugall, Unquietnes of Ireland, Troubles of Scotlande, and the blessed state of Englande, sm. 4to. black letter, half bound, 12. 12s for Andrew Maunsell, 1579 Dedicated to Qneen Elizabeth. Heber's copy sold for 13. 13s. 21961 A Discourse of the Queene's Maiesties entertainement in Suffolk and Norffolk (in 1578) : with a description of many things then presently seene, sm. 4to. head-lines cut into, half bound, very rare, 12. Henrie Bynneman (1579) Including a Welcome Home to Master Martin Frobisher, and all those Gentlemen and Souldiers that have bene with him this last journey in the Country called " Met-a incognita." Sold, Nassau, 21. 10s. 21962 A light Bondell of liuly Discourses, called Church- yarde's Charge, presented as a Newe-Yere's Gifte to the Earle of Surrie, in whiche Bondell of Verses is sutche Varietie of Matter, and seuerall Iriuentions delitefull to the Reader, black letter, sm. . 4to. half bound, EXCESSIVELY RARE, and unknown to Herbert, 12. Jhon Kyngston., 1580 2242 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. 21963 CHURCHYARD, True Discourse historicall of the succeeding Gover- nours in the NETHERLANDS, and the Civill Warres there begun in the yeere 1565, with the memorable services of our Honour- able English Generals, Captaines, and Souldiers especially under Sir John Norice, black letter, sm. 4to. wanting two leaves after the title, VERY RARE, red morocco, gilt edges, 4. 10s M. Lownes, 1602 A very interesting work, in which will be found an account of the death of Sir Philip Sidney related on the authority of George Whetstone, an eye- witness, whose epitaph on Sidney is also given. It also contains accounts of the " Portngale Voyage," and of the services and death of Sir John Norris, in Ireland. 21964 (A pleasaunte Laborinth, called Churchyard's Chance framed on Fancies, Verses, Epitaphs, etc.), no title, sm. 4to. black letter, hf. bound, 8. (J. Kingston, 1580) 21964*CiBBEU (Colley) Dramatic Works, 4 vols. 12mo. port, old calf gilt, 20s 1760 COKAIN or COCKAYNE (Sir Aston) Poet [1608-84], 21965 Small Poems of divers sorts [and Plays], 3 parts in 1 vol. 12mo. portrait, red morocco extra, gilt edges, 12. 12s London, Wil. Godbid, 1658 These poems in which the laws of metre and rhyme are sometimes broken as rudely as those of modesty are fall of the cavalier spirit ; jovial, bacchanalian, and licentious. They are infinitely rarer than many works of much greater merit. 21966 COLERIDGE (S. T.) Works, many being first editions, 31 vols. 8vo. and 12mo. various bindings, 21. 1795-1853 CONTENTS OF THE SET : Condones ad Populum, or Addresses to the People, 12mo. pp. 69, scarce (Bristol), 1795 Privately printed, vide Introduction, p. ix. of " Lay Sermon addressed to the Higher Classes, 1817." The Plot Discovered ; or an Address to the People against Ministerial Treason, 12mo. 52 leaves Bristol, 1795 Poems on various Subjects, 12mo. 1796 Three of these Poems are by Charles Lamb. Remorse, a tragedy in Five Acts, 8vo. second edition 1813 Statesman's Manual, or the Bible the best Guide to Political Skill and Foresight, STO. 1816 Presentation copy from the Author. With the inscription " L. Rogers, Esqre., from the Author," on the title. On the Jly-leaf Coleridge has written the following note: "8thAu$uit, 1823, HIGHGATE. " To LAWRENCE ROGERS, ESQ. " MY DEAR SIR, This first Lay Sermon was addressed especially to Metaphysicians und Theologians by profession, and espe- cially to the Members of the Established Church, too many of whom, I fear, treat the Articles of their Faith as the whale treated Jonah swallowing what they cannot digest, but with this difference to their disadvantage, that what they cannot digest they are yet not permitted to throw up. " This tract you will not find as inter- esting generally as the Second Sermon, but yet the passages, marked below, will I think please you for their own merits, and I dare flatter myself somewhat beyond it for the sake of, my dear Sir, " Your and Mrs. Rogers's sincere and affectionate friend, " S. T. COLERIDGE. "(Paragraphs) 21, 22, 24-30, 36-39, 52. XVII-XXX of the Appendix." There are one or two corrections in Coleridge's handwriting. Christabel, Kubla Khan and the Pains of Sleep, FIRST EDITION, 8 vo. 1816 Christabel, etc. Kubla Khan and the Pains of Sleep, 8vo. THIRD EDITION 1816 With the subsequently published altera- tions in MS. ENGLISH LITERATURE: POETRY AND DRAMA. 2143 COLERIDGE (S. T.) WORKS continued. A Lay Sermon addressed to the Higher Aids to Reflection in the Formation of a and Middle Classes, 8vo. 1817 Zapolya : a Christmas Tale, in 2 parts, 8TO. FIRST EDITION 1817 Sibylline Leaves : a Collection of Poems, 8VO. FIRST EDITION 1817 Biographia Literaria, or Biographical Sketches of my Literary Life and Opinions, 2 vols. 8vo. FIRST EDITION Manly Character, sm. 8vo. FIRST EDITION 1825 Confessions of an Inquiring Spirit, edited from the Author's MS. by H. N. Coleridge, 12mo. uncut 1840 Poems, 12mo. 1814 Notes on English Divines, edited by Key. 1817 Derwent Coleridge, 2 vols. 12mo. the same, second edition, prepared for j uncut 1853 publication by H. N. Coleridge, 2 vols. ... . .. . , ,., , , Literary Remains, collected and edited by 12mo. 1847 The Friend : a series of Essays, 3 vols. sm. H. N. Coleridge, 4 vols. 8vo. uncut 8vo. first edition in its complete form j Gillman's Life of Coleridge, Vol. I (all pub.), 1818 8vo. uncut 1838 the same, third edition, 3 vols. 12mo. calf gilt 1837 see also COLERIDGE, in alphabet of Prose Literature. CONGREVE (William) Dramatist (1666-1729). 21967 : Works, consisting of his Plays and Poems, 3 vols. 8vo. portrait and plates, fine tall copy, old red morocco gilt, gilt and painted edges, 9. 9s Birmingham, BasJcerville, 1761 21968 the same, 3 vols. 1 large 8vo. beautiful copy in red morocco extra, gilt edges, olive morocco labels, 31. 10s Birmingham, BasJcerville, 1761 Bound about 1770 in Derome le jeune's best style it is indeed a lovely library-book. COOPER (Andrew). 21969 - : STPATOAOriA, or the History of the English Civil Warrs, in English verse . . . from the very first originall of our late Warres till the Martyrdome of King Charles the First .... by an eye-witnesse of many of them, A(N.) C(OOPER), 12mo. hf. vellum, 3. 1662 VERT RARE. Skegg's copy fetched 5. It is a curious picture of the time, but not brilliant poetry. We must hope that Cooper fought better than he wrote. COWPER (William) Poet (1731-1800). 21970 Works, comprising his Poems, Correspondence, and Translations, -with Life by R. Southey, 15 vols. 12mo. portrait, plates and vignettes, cloth, 25s 1835 CRABBE (George) see FITZGERALD. CRASHAW (Richard) Poet [died in exile about 1650]. 21971 Steps to the Temple, the Delights of the Muses, and Carmen Deo Nostro, second edition, 12mo. frontispiece, old English red morocco, 2. 1670 This exquisite poet is no longer neglected, as was too much the fashion. The strong devotional fervour of most of his pieces, and the fact that he turned Roman Catholic, have contributed to obscure his name. 21972 CRAWFORD (Charles Lindsay, Earl of) Poems, sm. 8vo. calf extra, by Bedford, 1. 1810 The self-styled Earl was originally known as Charles Crawford. His " poetry " is curious doggrel. 2L41 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. 21973 CRAWIIALL (Joseph) A Collection of Right Mcrrio Garlands, for North Country Anglers, sm. 8vo. with tunes, and some woodcuts, red morocco extra, 18s Newcastle, 1864 DANIELL (Samuel) Poet and dramatist [1562-1619]. 21974 DAN YELL (sic) (S.) Tragodio of Cleopatra, sm. 4to. a few margins cut close, Ids. 36s P. 8. for 8. Waterson, 1599 This Tragedy forms ft part of Daniel's Poetical! Essayes. 21975 DANTE, The Vision ; or Hell, Purgatory and Paradise, trans- lated by the Rev. H. F. Gary, second edition, with life and notes, 3 vols. 8vo. tree-marbled calf extra, gilt edges, by Clarke ' and Jiedford, 3. 3s 1819 DAVKNANT (Sir William) Poet and dramatist (1605-68). 21976 - Gondibert : an Heroick Poem, 12mo. fine copy in vellum, 36s J. Holden, 1651 DAVISON (Francis) Poet (15 . . -1619). 21977 Poems, or a Poeticall Rapsodie, 12mo. vellum, 35. 1621 The most distinguished writers of the Elizabethan period contributed to this Anthology (amongst them Spenser, Sir Ph. Sydney, Green, Donne, Con- stable, Sir Walter Baleigh), besides the two Davisons, Francis and Walter. This fourth edition, published soon after Francis Davison's death, but probably arranged by him for publication, is the best and completes! form in which the book can be known ; but is excessively rare. Even the reprint made by Haslewood and Sir Egerton Brydges is now scarce. In fact the work is the rarest and best of old English poetical miscellanies. All the pieces in it were original, being taken from the unprinted writings of each of the authors. No more than one copy has come into the market during the last thirty years. DAY (John) dramatist (157 ? to 1639 ?). 21978 Works, now first collected, with an introduction and notes by A. H. Bullen, 2 vols. 8vo. in seven parts, sewed, 2. 10s Chisivick Press, 1881 21979 the same, 2 vols. 8vo. polished green morocco extra, gilt edges, by Riviere and Son, 4. 4? 1881 21980 - Humour out of breath, a .Comedie, lately acted by the Children of the King's Revells, sm. 4to. interleaved, lif. morocco, 2. 5s John Helmes, 1608 DECKER, DEKKER, or DICKERS (Thomas), Dramatist [wrote books from 1598 to 1630]. 21981 Satiro-Mastix, or the Untrussing of the Humoi'ous Poet, sm. 4to. cut in the head-lines, with bibliographical memoranda by the Rev. J. Mitford, hf. red morocco, 36s E. White, 1602 In this play of Dekker Ben Jonson is ridiculed in the character of Horace. The Roxburghe copy sold for 3. 19s and G. Smith's, 1867, C. Ss Gd. 21982 - Magnificent Entertainment given to King James, Queene Anne and Henry Frederick the Prince, upon the Day of His Maiesties tryumphant Passage (from the Tower) through the Citie of London, being the 15 of March, 1603, as well by the English as by the strangers ; with the speeches and Songs delivered in the severall Pageants, sm. 4to. FIRST EDITION, fine copy in morocco, gilt edges, RARE, 5. 10s 1604 A curious volume showing the order of the festivities as they were to ENGLISH LITERATURE: POETRY AND DRAMA. 2145 have been celebrated, but not as they were. Many of the speeches were omitted so as not to weary the King. The songs which occur here and there will most interest the modern reader. 21983 DEKKER'S Whore of Babylon, as ifc was acted by the Prince's Servants, sna. 4to. hf. morocco, RARE, 3. 10s N. Suiter, 1607 21984 The Belman of London bringing to light the most notorious Villanies that are now practised in the Kingdome, the fonrth impression, smallest 4to. black letter, woodcut on title, large copy in brown morocco, 7. N. Butter, 1616 The Stanley copy sold for 8. 21895 The Shoomaker's Holy-Day, or the Gentle Craft, with the humorous life of Simon Eyre, Shoemaker and Lord Mayor of London, as it was acted before the Queenes most excellent Maiestie on New-Yeares day at night, by the Earle of Nottingham, Lord High Admirall, his Servants, sm. 4to. hf. brown morocco, RARE, 3. John Wright, 1618 21980 Villanies discovered by Lanthorne and Candle-light, and the helpe of a new Cryer called O per se 0, being an addition to the Bel-man's second night walke, small 4to. two woodcuts of the bellman on front and back of title, calf extra, by Bedford, 10. 10s Aug. Hathewes, 1620 RARE : and excessively curious as containing a complete description of the thieving and swindling population of London at that time, with a Cant Vocabulary and specimens of Slang-dictionaries and Songs. There is much spirit in the love-song which begins " Doxie, oh 1 thy glaziers shine." 21987 DEKKER, The Honest Whore, with the Humours of the Patient Man and the Longing Wife, title mounted, N. OJces, 1635 The Second Part of the Honest Whore, Eliz. All-de 1630 2 vols. in 1, sm. 4to. half olive 'morocco, '6. 10s 1635-30 21988 The Gull's Hornbook, reprinted from the rare edition of 1609, edited by Dr. Nott, sm. 4to. Us. 9s Bristol, 1812 This work affords a greater insight into the fashionable follies and vulgar habits of Queen Elizabeth's day than perhaps any other extant. 21989 DECKER AND WEBSTER (J.) North-ward Hoe, sundry times acted by the children of Paules, sm. 4to. hf. morocco, RARE, 6. 0. Eld, 1607 21990 Westward-Hoe, as it hath beene divers times acted by the children of Paules, sm. 4to. hf. green morocco, RARE, 6. 6s John Hodget, 1607 On the page marked II 3 there is an interesting passage, '' Let these husbands play mad Hamlet, and crie revenge." 21991 DODSLEY'S Collection of Poems by several hands, 3 vols. 12mo. old red morocco gilt, g. e. the Lamoignon copy, 3. 1751 DONNE (John) Poet [1573-1631]. 21992 Poems by J. D. with Elegies on the Author's Death, FIRST ^EDITION, 1633 Juvenilia, or Paradoxes and Problemes, 2 vols. in 1, smallest 4to. old calf, arms on sides, 3. 1633 21993 Poems, with Elegies on the Author's Death, 16mo. fine impression of the portrait by Marshall, with lines by Isaac Walton at foot; *MS. notes by T. ParJc, old calf, 2. 10s 1635 2146 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. 21994 DONNE, Poems, to which is added divers copies under his own hand never before in print, 12mo. portrait by Marshall, limp vellum, 30s 1650 21995 Poems, with Elegies on the Author's Death, with some account of his life, 12mo. red morocco, gilt edges, from Theodore Williams' library, 2. 2s 1719 DORSET (Thomas Sackville, Earl of) Dramatist and Poet [1536-1608]. see Mirrour for Magistrates. DORSET (Charles Sackville, Earl of) see SACKVILLE. Drama : early Miracle-Plays and Mysteries see MYSTERIES. 21996 Dodsley's Collection. A SELECT COLLECTION OF OLD PLAYS [originally published by Robert Dodsley and afterwards by Isaac Reed], new edition, with additional notes and corrections by the late Isaac Reed, Octavius Gilchrist, and the editor [J. PAYNE COLLIER], 12 vols. 8vo. third and BEST edition, Tif. Id. uncut, 3. 10s 1825-27 21997 OLD ENGLISH DRAMA (the), a selection of Plays from the Old English Dramatists (edited by Collier), 2 vols. large 8vo. LARGE PAPER, ///. morocco, uncut, 3. C. JBaldwyn, 1825 CONTENTS : Second Maiden's Tragedy, one of three plays which escaped Warburton's cook; and plays by Chapman, Shirley, T. Heyvvood, Glapthorne, and T. Nash, accurately reprinted from the extremely rare editions. A necessary complement to Dodsley's Old Plays, by Collier, 12 vols. 21998 Mrs. Inchbald's Collection. THE BRITISH THEATRE, or a collection of Plays . . . with biographical and critical remarks, *"t 25 vols. 1808; THE MODERN THEATRE, a collection of successful modern plays, 10 vols. 1811 ; A COLLECTION OF FARCES and other afterpieces, 7 vols. 1815 ; together 42 vols. 16rno. numerous fine plates by Heath after Howard's designs, a very pretty set in polished calf extra, by Bedford, 21. 1808-15 21999 Bullen's (A. H.) Collection OF RARE OLD ENGLISH PLAYS, 4 vols. square 4to. hf, vellum, 4. 4s Privately printed, 1882-3 Vols. 1-3 are out, Vol. 4 is nearly ready; very few copies remain for sale. " I have to express the strongest feeling of gratitude to Mr. Bullen for this excellent series of old plays the most valuable that have been issued for a quarter of a century. The play of 'Barnavelt' alone is worth a small library of ordinary reprints ; it is one of Fletcher and Massinger's master- pieces. Nor i6 it a small thing to have recovered plays by Glapthorne and Shirley, though neither of these has the intrinsic worth of the Barnavelt play." JP. 0. Fleay, " The Athenceum," March 3, 1883. 22000 OLD PLAYS. A very curious collection often Comedies and Tragedies, in one vol. sm. 4to. calf, 3. 1632-63 CONTENTS : BEAUMONT and FLETCHER, The Hungry Conrtier (top of title torn off), an edition of Fletcher's " Woman Hater " 1649 title 1635 1661 (BEAUMONT) Cupid's Revenge, no ti DAVENPORT, the City Night-Cap GOFFE (T.) The Conragious Turke 1632 The Raging Turke 1631 LOWER, The Phrcnix in her Flames 1639 MARMION, The Antiquary 1641 MAY (T.) The Heire 1633 SHIRLY (J.) The Lady of Pleasure 1637 (STAPYLTON), the Slighted Maid 1663 STRODE (W.) The Floating Island, a cwrious Allegorical Drama, with the Passions as Characters 1655 ENGLISH LITERATURE : POETRY AND DRAMA. 2147 D RAMA continued. 22001 PLATS : ten in one vol. thick sm. 4to. old calf, 3. 10s 1630-64 CONTENTS : Glapthorne (H.) Wit in a- Constable, 1640 Beaumont (F.) and J. Fletcher, Scornfull Lady, 1651 Tuke (S.) Adventures of Five Hours, 1664 Maids Tragedy, by J. Fletcher (wants title) Tragedie of Chabot, by G. Chapman and J. Shirley, 1639 Mayne (J.) Amorous Warre, 1648 Cartwright (W.) Royall Slave, Oxford, 1640 Fletcher (J.) Rollo, 16. 1640 Massinger (P.) The Renegade, Ie30 Massinger (P.) Emperour of the East, 1632. 22002 PLAYS ; a collection of twenty, in 2 vols. sm. 4to. old calf, binding broken, 16. 1635-61 CONTENTS : SHAKESPEARE (W.) the late and much j SWINHOE (Gilbert) the Tragedy of the admired Play called Pericles, Prince of | unhappy Fair Irene 1658 Tyre, fine copy \ FLETCHER (John) the Elder Brother, a Printed at London by Thomas comedy 1661 Cotes, 1635 CHAMBERLAINS (William) Love's Victory, THE KNAVE IN GRAINE, new vampt, a a tragi-comedy 1658 witty comedy, by J. D., one of the (LODGE and GREENE) Lady Alimony, or coarsest productions of the time 1 640 the Alimony Lady, an excellent MIDDLETON ( Thomas ) the Mayor of pleasant new comedy 1659 Quinborough, a comedy 1661 FLETCHER (John) Monsieur Thomas, a comedy, first edition 1639 MASSINGER and DEKKER. The Virgin WEBSTER and ROWLEY, a Cure for a Cuckold, a comedy 1661 SUCKLING (Sir John) the Discontented Colonell n. d. Martyr, by Philip Massinger and I BEAUMONT and FLETCHER, a King and no Thomas Dekker, an edition un- King 1661 mentioned by Mr. Hazlitt 1 65 1 ! BROME (R.) the Sparagus Garden, a comedie ALBUMAZAR, a comedy before the King at | 1640 Cambridge 1634 NABBES (Thomas) the Unfortunate Mother, a tragedie 1640 BEAUMONT and FLETCHER, The Maid's Tragedy, the sixth impression 1661 BROME (Richard) the Antipodes, a comedie, first edition 1640 SHIRLEY (James) the Maides Revenge, a tragedy 1639 C. (J.) A pleasant Comedy, called the two merry Milkmaids, or the best words wear the Garland 1661 MERMION (Shackerly) the Antiquary, a comedy 1641 22003 PLAYS, four, viz. three Interludes : Thersytes, Jack Jugler, Heywood's Pardoner and Frere : Jocasta, a tragedy, by Gas- coigne and Kunvelmarsh, sm. 8vo. cloth, 6s Cambridge, Mass. 1848 22004 MAID EMLYN. THE NEW NOTBORUNE MAID. The Boke of Mayd Emlyn (reprinted from the original editions), 4to. black letter, woodcuts, hf. Id. 3. 3s London, John SJcot (dr. 1520) 1820 22005 RETURNE FROM PERNASSUS or the Scourge of Simony, publiquely acted by the Students in Saint John's College in Cambridge, small 4to. half morocco, 6. 6s 1606 This very rare play is sometimes attributed to John Day, but not included in Day's works as published by Mr. Bullen, although the accomplished editor does not dispute the possible truth of the claim. The Returne from Parnassus, in which the poets of the time are treated with severity, contains on the reverse of signature B 2, a very curious mention of Shakespeare. It is in a passage in which Ingenioso mentions the names of the contem- porary poets, one by one, and Judicio so criticizes them. Thus " William Shakespeare Who loves Adonis' love, or Lucrece' rape His sweeter verse containes hart-robbing life ; Could but a graver subject him content, Without love's foolish languishment." Marlowe's character is summed up in " Wit lent from Heaven, but vices sent from hell." 2148 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. DRAMA continued. 22006 MERRY DEUILL of Edmonton as it hath been sundry times acted by his Majesties Seruants, at the Globe on the Bancke- side ; smallest 4to. hf. bound, 2. 1631 One of the plays which used to be attributed to Shakespeare. 22007 COSTLIE WHORE (the) a comical historic acted by the Company of the Revels, sm. 4to. fine copy, hf. morocco, gilt edges, 2. 1633 " The author of this play, which has considerable merit, is unknown . . . it is extremely scarce." MS. Note, probably by J. Kershaw. 22008 CHARLES I. The King and Queen's Entertainment at Rich- mond, after their departure from Oxford : in a Masque presented by Prince Charles, Sept. 12, 1636, sm. 4to. purple morocco extra, gilt edges, 5. Oxford, 1636 A VERY RARE play, of considerable literary merit. 22009 CORONATION OP QUEEN ELIZABETH, with the Restauration of the Protestant Religion or the Downfal of the Pope, being a most excellent Play, as it was acted, sm. 4to. sd. RARE, 35s 1680 The address " to the Protestant Reader " is signed " J. D." This curious play is so scarce as to be almost unknown. 22010 BAKER (D. E.) I. REED, and S. JONES, Biographia Dramatica, or a Companion to the Playhouse, containing historical and critical memoirs of British and Dramatic Writers, 3 vols. in 4, 8vo. engravings, one volume slightly wormed, Ids. 20s 1812 22011 another copy, 3 vols. in 4, Svo. hf. russia, interleaved with MS. notes by Mr. W. B. Donne, Licenser of Plays, 2. 10s 1812 22012 BEDFORD (Arthur) Evil and Danger of Stage-Plays, 8vo. fine copy in old English red morocco extra, gilt edges, 4. 1706 22013 BIBLIOGRAPHY of Plays. Egerton's Theatrical Remembrancer, a list of all dramatic performances, their several editions, dates and sizes, the theatres where they were performed, an account of those acted and unpublished, etc. to the year 1787, 12mo. hf. morocco, 16s 1788 22014 COLLIER (J. P.) History of English Dramatic Poetry to the time of Shakespeare ; and Annals of the Stage to the Restora- tion, 3 vols. sm. Svo. bds. 36s 1831 22015 REPORT from the Select Committee on Dramatic Literature, with minutes of evidence, folio, hf. calf, with autograph of the late W. B. Donne, Licenser of Plays, 10s 1832 22016 REPORT from the Select Committee on Public Houses (Dancing Saloons, Theatres, etc.), folio, half calf , 7s 6d 1853 22017 SHORT TREATISE against Stage Plays, sm. 4to. original edition, old calf, RARE, with the name of Edward Gywnne stamped on the side, 32s 1625 This puritanical treatise may have inspired the Histrio-Mastix of Prynne, and the later attack of Jeremy Collier. DRAYTON (Michael), Poet [1563-1631]. 22018 Works (with essay on his life and writings), 4 vols. Svo. best edition, portrait, calf, 5. 1753 ENGLISH LITERATURE: POETRY AND DRAMA. 2149 22019 DRAYTON, POLYOLBION, or a Chorographicall Description of Tracts, Rivers, Mountains, Forests and other parts of this renowned Isle of Great Britaine, with intermixture of the most Remarquable Stories, Antiquities, Wonders, Rarities, Pleasures and Commodities of the same, digested into a poem, in two parts, folio, with the engraved frontispiece by Hole, portrait of Prince Henry also by Hole, and 31 maps, fine copy in green morocco, gilt edges, from Comerford's library, 20. H. L. for Mathew Lownes : L. Browne : I. Helme and I. Busbie, 1613-22 22020 the same, 2 vols. folio, brown morocco antique, by Bedford, 27. 1613-22 22021 the same, 2 parts in one vol. folio, small wormhole in the margin, but altogether a very fine and singularly large copy, from the Sunderland library, 30. John Marriott, John Gresmand and Thomas Dewe, 1622 This copy has the general title issued by Marriott and partners in 1622, when they published the second part ; Lownes's title to the first part (1613) being cancelled. Dray ton's Poly-Olbion is, according to Mr. G. Ellis, " a wonderful work, exhibiting at once the learning of an historian, an antiquary, a naturalist, and a geographer : embellished with the imagination of a poet." Mr. Gifford also says, it contains " many passages of high poetic beauty." That elegant critic, Rev. H. Headly, justly observes, " Dray ton's Poly-Olbion is one of the most singular works this country has produced, and seems to me eminently original. The information contained in it is in general so accurate that he is quoted as an authority both by Hearne and Wood. His perpetual allusions to obsolete traditions, remote events, remarkable facts and personages, together with his curious genealogies of rivers, and his taste for natural history, have contributed to render his work very valuable to the Antiquary." 22022 POEMS, collected into one Volume with sondry Peeces inserted never before imprinted, smallest folio, portrait by Hole and engraved title, fine copy in red morocco extra, gilt edges, by Pratt, 12. 12s John SmethivicJc, 1619 The Odes, the Owl, the Eclogues, and the Man in the Moone, appear in this edition only : otherwise the text corresponds with that of the little volume of 1637. 22023 Poems, 18mo. engraved title containing portrait by Marshall, vellum, 2. 1637 The Legend of Great Cromwell is added in this edition ; a few sonnets are omitted, and some alterations are made which indicate Drayton's last revision. 22024 Muses Elizium, lately discovered by a new way over Parnassus. Three divine Poemes, Noah's Floud, Moses, David and Golia. First Edition, smallest 4to. green morocco, gilt edges, 4. T. Harper, 1630 22025 Poems : Selections fi-om the Poems of Michael Dray- ton, by A. H. Bullen, 8vo. pp. xxiv, 200, sd. 12s Qd 1883 " As Drayton's work is so very voluminous and very unequal, and as there seems little hope that a complete edition will be published for a long time to come, the Editor has thought that a book of selections would be accept- able to many readers. The present volume contains copious extracts from the Heroical Epistles and the Muses' Elizium : the charminglfairy-poem Nimphidia is, of course, given in full. It need hardly be said that the text of the old 2150 BERNARD QTJARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. copies has been faithfully followed. A brief introduction has been prefixed, and a few notes are added at the end. The book is handsomely printed in fcap. 4to. on Dutch hand-made paper. Only 155 copies have been printed. Drolleries : 22026 GRAMMATICAL DROLLERY, consisting of Poems and Songs, wherein the Rules of Nouns and Verbs in the Accedence are plainly made Easie by W. H(ickes), 12mo. old calf, 4. 15s 1682 Priced in the Bibliotheca Anglo-Poetica, 5. 5s. 22027 MERRY DROLLERY Complete, or a Collection of Jovial Poems, Merry Songs, Witty Drolleries, collected by W. N., C. B., R. S., J. G., two parts in one vol. 18mo. part of title aiid pp. 81-2 in facsimile, calf gilt, 4. for 8. Miller, 1670 VERT RARE. Pp. 15-16 are skipped in the pagination, but there is no imperfection. 22028 WESTMINSTER Drollery, or a choice Collection of the newest Songs and Poems both at Court and Theatres, third edition, 18mo. two leaves in facsimile, calf gilt, 4. H. Brome, 1674 22029 WESTMINSTER AND OTHER DROLLERIES : a Series of English Drolleries, edited by J. W. EBSWORTH, M.A. Cantab. 3 vols. 12mo. cloth, the first volume is out of print. 2. 10s Boston, Lincolnshire, 1875-76 CONTENTS : I. CHOTCE DROLLERY : Songs and Sonnets, reprinted from the edition of 1656; to which are added the extra Songs of Merry Drollery, and an Antidote against Melancholy, 1661. II. MERRY DROLLERY compleat, being jovial Poems, Merry Songs, etc. collected by lovers of Wit, both parts, 1661, 1670, 1691. III. WESTMINSTER DROLLERIES, both parts, 1671, 1672; being a choice collection of Songs and Poems sung at Court and Theatres ; now first printed from the original editions : this volume sold separately, 10s. The ORIGINALS are of extreme rarity, a perfect copy seldom being attain- able at any public sale. There is no Collection of Songs surpassing this in the language, and as representative of the lyrics of the first twelve years after the Restoration it is unequalled. Everything has been done to make this Reprint worthy of acceptance by all who can relish good things. Only 400 printed. 22030 DRYDEN'S fJohn) WORKS, now first collected and Illustrated with notes, historical, critical, and explanatory, and a Life of the Author, by Sir Walter Scott, Second Edition, 18 vols. 8vo. portrait, boards, 14. Edinburgh, 1821 22031 - the same, 18 vols. 8vo. calf gilt, 12. 1821 Best edition of Dryden ; very rare. 22032 EARLY ENGLISH TEXT SOCIETY. A complete set of the works issued by this body since its foundation in 1864 to 1878 inclusive, and comprising both the ORIGINAL and the EXTRA SERIES, 102 volumes, 8vo. the first sixty-nine vols. of the Original Series uniformly and neatly half bound in thirty-eight vols. half morocco, contents lettered, UNCUT, the rest sd. 25. 1864-78 Original Series, Vols. 1-70, 1864-78 Extra Series, Vols. 1-32, 1867-78. The subscription is one guinea annually for each series, so that the above originally cost twenty-seven guineas, plus at least seven guineas for binding. At least half of these publications consists of English poems written during the fourteenth, fifteenth, sixteenth, and seventeenth centuries. ENGLISH LITERATURE : POETRY AND DRAMA. 2151 22033 ENGLISH TRANSLATIONS of ancient and modern poems, 3 vols. large 8vo. compact edition, calf gilt, from Charles Reade' s library, 24s 1810 CONTEXTS : Pope's Homer ; Dryden's Virgil and Juvenal ; Pitt's Virgil ; Francis's Horace ; Howe's Lucan; Grainger 's Tibnllus, Garth's Ovid ; Hoole's Ariosto and Tasso ; Mickle's Lnsiad, etc., etc. 22033*[FANSHAW (Sir Richard)] Querer por Solo Querer : a dramatick romance represented at Aranjuez before the King and Queen of Spain, written in Spanish by Antonio de Mendoza, 1623, paraphrased 1654 [by Sir R. Fanshaw] and published [by Philip Ayres] together -with the Festivals of Aranwhez, 2 vols. in 1, sm. 4to. sd. 20s 1671-70 The Spanish original, though produced as a play, was never printed. FARQUHAR (George) Dramatist (1678-1707). 22034 Works, containing Poems, Letters, Essays, and Comedies, 2 vols. 12mo. calf, 12s ] 718 FESTOON (The) see Graves (Rich.) FITZGERALD (Edward) Poet (18 -82). Works, privately printed : 22035 CALDERON'S Six Dramas, freely translated by Edward Fitzgerald, 12mo. clotli, 30s 1853 Two hundred and fifty copies were printed, very few remain. 22036 POLONIUS : A Collection of Wise Saws and Modern Instances, 12mo. cloth, 2s 1852 Therefore, since brevity is the soul of wit. and tediousness the limbs and outward flourishes, I mil be brief. 22037 EUPHRANOR, a May-day Conversation at Cambridge, "It is forty years since," 8vo. sd. 7s 6d Guildford, Silling and Sons, Printers, s. a. One hundred copies printed, very few remain for sale. On page 65 occurs the Kacing Song : " I'll sing you a Song, and a merry, merry Song Concerning our Yorkshire Jen." 22038 READINGS in CRABBE : " Tales of the Hall," -with Introduction [by Edward Fitzgerald], 18mo. xiv and 242 pp. clotlt, \s 1882 22039 JAM I. Salaman and Absal, an Allegory, from the Persian (in English verse), first edition, sm. Mo. frontispiece, sd. 10.* Iptwich, 1871 22040 OMAR KHAYYAM, the Astronomer Poet of Persia. Rubaiyat (Quatrains) rendered into English verse (by Edward Fitz- gerald), second edition, sm. 4to. with a Review of the work from The Calcutta Review, sd. 12s 1868 22040* the same, third edition, sm. 4to. Roxlurghe, 20s 1872 22041 RUBAIYAT, rendered into English verse -fourth edition; SALAMAN and ABSAL, an allegorical Sufi poem by Maulana Nur ud Din Abd ur-Rahman bin Ahmed JAMI, in English metre, with a notice of Jami's life, second edition, 2 parts in 1 vol. post 8vo. pp. xv and 112, hf. Roxburghe, 10s 6<7 Bernard Quaritch, 1879 The attraction which these remarkable pcems possess for persons of taste is so great that three editions (not inclusive of unauthorized reprints) have been exhausted. FLETCHER (John) see ante, BEAUMONT. 147 2152 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. FLETCHER (Phineas) Poet [1584-51650 ?]. 22042 Locusto vel Pietas Jesuitica, Cantab. 1627 The Locusts, or Apollyonists (in Verse), Camb. 1627 2 vols. in 1, smallest 4to. olive morocco extra, gilt edges, ~by C. Smith, 3. 15s 1627 " A bitter satire against the Jesuits, to which Milton ingenuously con- fesses that he owed his ' Paradise Lost,' and which Bp. Douglas was unable to obtain. An imperfect copy of the English portion only is valued at 9. 9s in the Bibliotheca Anglo-Poetica." 22043 THE PURPLE ISLAND, or the Isle of Man : together with PISCATORIE ECLOGS and other Poeticall Miscellanies. Also, Elisa or an Elegie upon the nnripe Decease of Sir Antonie Irby ; smallest 4to. tall copy in calf by Bedford, 3. 3s Cambridge, 1633 This copy has the rare two pages of verse, by Quarles, " to the Spencer of this Age," at the end of the volume. " By this strange name is expressed a subject more strange ; it is a minute and elaborate account of the body and mind of man. Through five cantos the reader is regaled with nothing but allegorical anatomy, in the details of which Phineas seems tolerably well skilled, evincing a great deal of ingenuity in diversifying his metaphors, and in presenting the delineation of his imaginary island with as much justice as possible to the allegory, without obtruding it on the reader's view. In the sixth canto he rises to the intellectual and moral faculties of the soul, which occupy the rest of the poem." Hallam. 22044 Piscatory- Eclogues and Poetical Miscellanies (with notes by Lord Woodhouselee), 8vo. calf extra, gilt edges, ly Bedford, 36s Edinb. 1771 FORD (John) Dramatist [1586-ctrco 1639]. 22045 - Dramatic Works, with introduction and notes by H. Weber, 2 vols. 8vo. calf gilt, 30s Edinburgh, 1811 22046 - Dramatic Works, with notes critical and explanatory by W. Gifford, 2 vols. 8vo. Jif. calf, 1. 4s 1827 22047 Works, with notes, critical and explanatory, by GIFFORD, new edition, revised, with additions by DYCE, 3 vols. cr. 8vo. cloth, 36s 1869 22048 the same, 3 vols. 8vo. LARGE PAPER, calf extra, gilt edges, by Bedford, 5. 1869 22049 - Plays, first editions, a series of 8 vols. sm. 4to. half morocco, 9. " 1629-56 CONTENTS : THE LOVER'S MELANCHOLY H. Seile, 1629 Tis PITTY SHEES A WHORE N. Olces, 1633 LOVE'S SACRIFICE, a tragedy /. B.for Hugh JBeest on, 1633 In Shirley's verses prefixed to this play, the allusion is made, which is supposed to apply to Ben Jonson's enviousness and jealousy of his contem- poraries, <; Looke here thou that hast malice to the stage." THE BROKEN HEART, a tragedy /. B. 1633 THE CHRONICLE HISTORY OF PERKIN WAHBECK, a strange truth T. P. 1634 FANCIES, chast and noble E. P. for H. Seile, 1638 THE LADIES TRTAT.T, E. G. for H. Shephard, 1639 ENGLISH LITERATURE : POETRY AND DRAMA. 2153 FORD (John) continued. FORD and DECKER, the Sun's Darling, a Moral Masque /. Bell, 1050 Overrated by Charles Lamb, undervalued by Hazlitt, Ford still remains one of the greatest stars in the galaxy of Old English Dramatists. His plays are full of defects and merits intensity of tragic horror, and a fierce gloatino; over images of lust and sin. 22050 GARNIER (R.) Pompey the Great, his faire Corneliaes Tragedie, translated from French by T. Kid, small 4to. slightly cut, half morocco, gilt edges, 36s Nicholas Ling, 1595 With a line in MS. stated by Lacy, the bookseller, to be in the hand- writing of Charles I probably that of Charles II. GASCOIGNE (George) Elizabethan wrii&r (1537-77). see post, Woodstock Festivities. see also in alphabet of Prose Literature. GAY (John) Poet and Dramatist (1688-1732). 22051 Miscellaneous Works, 6 vols. 12mo. portrait and plates, calf extra, contents lettered, by F. Bedford, 5. 1773 Contents : Poems, 2 vols. 1775 Comedies, 1 vol. Plays, 1772 Poems and Translations Fables. 22052 Fables, with Life, 2 vols. in 1, impl. 8vo. 70 fine plates, beautiful copy in russia extra, gilt edges, 5. 5s StocMale, 1793 22053 the same, 2 vols. impl. 8vo. with portrait after Richardson inserted, also very fine copy in calf extra, 6. 6s 1793 GLAPTHORNE (Henry) Dramatist. 22054 Plays : viz. Tragedy of Albertus Wallenstein, late Duke of Fridland, and General to the Emperor Ferdinand II, 1639 Argalus and Parthenia, a Tragi-comedy, as it hath been acted before their Majesties, 1639 The Ladies' Priviledge, a Comedy, acted before their Majesties at Whitehall, 1640 The Hollander, a Comedy, written in 1635, as it was acted before both their Majesties, 1640 Wit in a Constable, a Comedy, acted at the Cock-pit with good Applause, 1640 in 1 vol. smallest 4to. russia extra, gilt edges, 3. 10s 1639-40 The above plays are all first editions, and include the whole of the printed pieces of this esteemed writer, but they are rarely met with together in one volume. The plot of Argalus and Parthenia is founded on the story of those two lovers in Sir Philip Sidney's Arcadia. Wit in a Constable was considered by Gifford to be " an admirable old comedy;" the scene is laid in London. A notice of Glapthorne, whom Winstanley calls " one of the chiefest dramatic poets of the age," and his plays, will be found in the Retrospective Review, x. 122-59. GOLDSMITH (Oliver) Poet (1728-1774). 22055 Works, edited by Peter Cunningham, 4 vols. 8vo. vignettes (pub. at 30s), cloth, 20s 1854 22056 Miscellaneous Works, edited by James Prior, 4 vols. vignettes Life, by Prior, 2 vols. 6 vols. 8vo. cloth, 36s 1837 22057 Vicar of Wakefield, Whittingham'a pretty edition, 8vo. LAHGR PAPER, numerous woodcuts, calf, re-backed, '2. 2x 1815 147 * 2154 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. GOMERSALL (Robert) Dramatist [1600-46] . Poems. The Tragedie of Lodovick Sforza, and The Levites Revenge, with the two frontispieces by Cecill, M. F. for John Marriott, 1633 BREWER (Ant.) Lingua ; or the combat of the tongue and the five senses, a Comedy, 1657 2 works in 1 vols. 18mo. calf, 2. 16s 1633-57 GOWER (John) Poet [1325-1402]. - Confessio Amantis see ante, Nos. 21844 and 21884. 22059 [GRAVES (Richard)] the Festoon, a collection of Epigrams with an essay on that species of composition, 12mo. calf, 7s 6d 1767 GRAY (Thomas) Poet (1716-71). 22060 - Poems, to which are added Memoirs of his life and writings, by Mason, 4 vols. sm. 8vo. portrait, 3. 3s York, 1778 22061 --- Autograph. RAT'S (J.) Select Remains, with his Life by W. Derham, 8vo. ivith numerous marginal notes in the neat handwriting of Gray, green morocco, uncut, 6. 6s 1760 Sir W. Tite purchased this volume at the sale of Gray's MSS. HAKE (Edward) Satirical Poet (154.-160.). 22062 -- NEVVES out of Powles Chnrchyarde ; written in English Satyrs, accurately reprinted from the excessively rare edition of 1579, edited, with Introduction, by C. Edmonds, sm. 8vo. vellum, 15s 1872 Only 131 copies of this work were printed from the rare original in the possession of Sir Chas. Isham, Bt., all for Subscribers. HALL (Joseph) Satirical Poet, Moralist, Bishop [1574-1656], 22063 -- Virgidemiarum Sixe Bookes. First three Bookes of Tooth-lesse Satyrs, 1. Poetical, 2. Academical, 3. Morall ; the three last Bookes of Byting Satyrs, 2 parts in 1 vol. 16mo. half calf, 3. 16s R. Dexter, 1602-1599 The first of English Satirists, and hardly surpassed by any of his followers except Pope, whom he also resembles in the musical smoothness of his heroic couplets ; an excellence which was not attained by Shakespeare and Ben .Tonson at a later date. At the end of the Virgidemise, the following rare pieces by Bishop Hall are added : The Statelie Tragedie of Guistard and Sismond. 26 leaves (sign. B, C, D, in eights, E in two) ; the Northern Mother's Blessing, 10 leaves (E 3 to E 8, and F fonr leaves) ; and the Way to Thrift, 2 leaves. There is a title to the Northern Mother's Blessing, with the date 1597. HARDYNG (John) Metrical Chronicler (1378-1465). 22064 --- CHRONICLE of Jhon Hardyng (in Verse), from the firste begynnyng of Englande unto the reigne of kyng Edward the fourth . . . And from that tyme is added a continuacion of the storie in prose to this our tyme (by R. Graf ton), black letter, sm. 4to. fine copy in morocco super extra, covered with Hind tool- ing, gilt edges, by F. Bedford, 27. E. Graf ton, 1543 VERT RARE. This copy has the genuine original leaf (folio 5 of Edward IV), which was cancelled and altered, the objectionable words as at first written having been " for the king was a man that loved both to see and to feel a fair woman." 22064* - Chronicle of Ihon Harding, sm. 4to. old calf, 18. 1543 This edition, although dated 1543, is probably a little later, and contains some details of Henry VIII's reign which had not been printed in the preceding one. It omits the phrase about Edward IV. ENGLISH LITERATURE : POETRY AND DRAMA. 2155 HARRINGTON (Sir John) Wit, Poet, Man of Letters [1561-1612]. 22065 (AR10STO) ORLANDO FURIOSO in English Historical verse, By Sr. John Harington of Bathe Knight Now thirdly revised and amended, with the Addition of the Authors Epi- grams, small folio, engraved title-page ivith portraits of Ariosto and Harrington, full-page plates to the Cantos, fine copy in old calf, 6. 1634 There is a separate title-page to the Epigrams dated 1633. These original compositions first published in this third edition display all the wit, piety, and obsceneness which were united in the author of Ajax that peculiar piece which cost him the favour of Queen Elizabeth. HERBERT (George) Poet [1593-1632]. 22066 The Temple, together with his Life, by Walton, 1674 Harvey, the Synagogue or the Shadow of the Temple, 1673 2 vols. in 1, 12mo. portrait, old morocco, 7s Qd 1673-74 HERRICK (Robert) Lyric Poet [1591-166-]. 22067 Works, with Life, edited by T. Maitland, 2 vols. sm. 4to. LARGE PAPER (only 25 copies printed), woodcut portrait, Mr. Ey ton's copy, in green morocco super extra, broad dentelle borders of gold, gilt edges, by Hayday, 12. Edinb. 1823 HEYWOOD (Thomas) Dramatist and Actor [157 P-1657?]. 22068 The Rape of Lucrece, a Roman Tragedie, with severall Songs in their apt places, sm. 4to. fourth impression, calf, 30s 1630 22069 Hierarchic of the Blessed Angells, folio, engraved title by Cecil, and plates, fine copy in morocco extra, by Riviere, 7. 7s Adam Islip, 1635 " An excellent and entertaining work . . . seldom found in fine clean state." HazUtt. " Milton is said to have been much indebted to this extraordinary book of Heywood's. The copious prose annotations which follow each of the nine books of the poem are full of the most singular narratives and stories relative to witchcraft, witches, etc." MS. note. 22070 Pleasant Dialogues and Drammas, selected out of Lucian, Erasmus, Textor, Ovid, etc. with Sundry Emblems, Elegies, Epitaphs and Epithalamions or Nuptiall Songs, Anagrams and Acrosticks, 18mo. calf, 30s 1637 22071 If you know not me, You know no body, or the troubles of Queen Elizabeth, and the second part, with the Building of the Royal Exchange, and the famous victory of Queen Elizabeth, bottom of title cut off, 2 vols. in 1, sm. 4to. ivoodciit portraits on the titles, hf. green morocco, 35s N. Butter, 1639 22072 MERLIN'S Life and Prophecies, by T. Heywood, small 4to. frontispiece, calf, 1 2s 1641 22073 the same, sm. Ato.fine copy in red morocco extra, border of gold, gilt edges, 2. 5s 1641 22074 HOMER. The Iliads of Homer, Prince of Poets . . . Donne according to the Greeke, by Geo. Chapman, engraved title by Hole, n. d. (1611) Homer's Odysses, translated by Geo. Chapman, ivith the engraved and printed titles, Rich. Field for Nathaniell Butter, n. d. (1615) The Cvowne of all Homer's Worckes, 2150 BERNARD QUAltlTCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. Batrachomyomachia, Hymn and Epigrams, translated by G. Chap- man, hrilliant impression of the engraved title (containing portrait), by W. Pass, John Bill, n. d. (1613) togetlier 3 vols. sm. folio, line copies in red morocco extra, gilt edges, by F. Bedford, 25. (1611-15) The above copy does not contain the engraved general title to the three volumes nor the engraved dedication to the memory of Prince Henry: they were issued after the publication of the three parts. 22076 HOMER. His ILIADS translated, adorn'd with Sculpture and illustrated with annotations by John Ogilby, roy. folio, LARGE I'APBR, fin-e portrait by Lombart, and plates by Hollar, Lombart, etc. choice copy in old English red morocco extra, gilt edges, 10. 10s 1660 22077 - The Iliads and Odysseys, translated into English by Thos. Hobbes, 2 vols. sm. 8vo. old calf, 10s 1676-75 22078 - Iliad .and the Odyssey, translated by Alexander Pope, 11 vols. 8vo. calf, 36s 1760 22079 Iliad of Homer, rendered into English blank verse by Edward Earl of Derby;, 2 vols. 8vo. doth, 12s 1864 22080 the Iliad in English hexameter verse, by J. H. Dart, small 4to. (pub. 21s), cloth, 10s 1865 HUBERT (Sir Francis) Poet (15 . .-163 .). 22081 - The Deplorable Life and Death of Edward the Second, King of England. Together with the Downefall of the two Vnfortunate Fauorits, Gavestone and Spencer, Storied in an Excellent Poem, 12mo. portrait, hf. calf, 30s Printed for Roger Michell, 1628 First edition : anonymously and surreptitiously printed. This poem might have been a continuation of the Mirror for Magistrates. JAMES I see in alphabet of Prose Literature. JONSON (Ben) Poet and Dramatist [1573-1637]. 22082 Works, with notes, critical and explanatory, and Memoir by W. Gifford, 9 vols. 8vo. portrait, boards, 5. 1816 22083 - the same, 9 vols. 8vo. calf gilt, 5. 1816 22084 - - Works, with notes, critical and explanatory, and Memoir by W. Gifford, with introduction and appendices by Lieut.-Col. F. Cunningham, 9 vols. 8vo. portrait (pub. 5.), bdn. 4. 1875 22085 r- The Comicall Satyre of Every Man Out of His Humour, as it was first composed by the Author, B. J. first edition, smallest 4to. hf. calf, rare, 5. 15s Nicholas Linge, 1600 This was the second composition of the celebrated Dramatist ; and though bearing an earlier date than " Every Man in his Humour," was written subsequently. The Tite copy fetched 16. 22086 - Sejanus, his Fall, first edition, smallest 4to. calf gilt, 4. 10s G. Elld, for Thomas Thorpe, 1605 The preface calls attention to the fact that this book differs from the play which had been performed on the stage, the latter having been partly composed by another hand, while the printed edition contains only the work of the immortal Ben. ENGLISH LITERATURE : POETRY AND DRAMA. 2157 KEATS (John) Poet (1796-1821). 22087 Endymioii, a poetic romance, 8vo. FIRST EDITION, hf. calf, 3. 10s ' 1818 A copy in morocco, uncut, fetched G. 10s, March 1st, 1882. 22088 ; Lamia, Isabella, the Eve of St. Agnes and other Poems, 12mo. FIRST EDITION, /y BEDFORD Aug. Mathewes for Thomas Dewe, 1622 22210 King Lear. M. WILLIAM SHAKE-SPEARE, his true Chronicle History of the life and death of King Lear and his three Daughters ... small 4to. good copy olive morocco extra, gilt edges Nathaniel Butter, 1 608 Usually called the second edition, but there is no proof that the other edition printed by Butter in the same year is earlier. 22211 Love's Labour Lost. LOUES LABOURS LOST. A wittie and pleasant Comedie .... by William Shakespeare, sni. 4to. hf. red morocco W. S.for John SmethwicJce, 1632 22212 Merchant of Venice. THE EXCELLENT HISTORY OF THE MERCHANT of VENICE . . . written by W. Shakespeare, sm. 4to. First Edition, maroon morocco extra, gilt edges, with the Kinnear arms on sides J. Roberts, 1600 22213 the most excellent Historic of the Merchant of Venice, sm. 4to. title in facsimile, red morocco extra, gilt edges, by BEDFORD M. P. for Laurence Hayes, 1637 22214 Merry Wives of Windsor. A MOST PLEASANT AND EXCELLENT CONCEITED COMEDY, of Sir lohll Falstafte and the Merry Wiues of Windsor . . . ENGLISH LITERATURE: SHAKESPEARE. QUARTO PLATS continued. written by AY. Shakespeare, small 4to. very fine and large, copy in blue morocco extra, gilt edges Arthur Johnson, 1619 22215 Midsummer Night's Dream. A MIDSOMMER NIGHTS DRKAME . . . written by William Shake- speare, small 4to. First Edition, the last four leaves mended, but altogether a very fine and large copy in vellum lames Roberts, 1600 22216 Othello. THE TRAGEDY OF OTHELLO, The Moore of Venice . . . written by William Shakespeare, sm. 4to. red morocco extra, gilt edges, by BEDFORD A. M. for Richard Hawkins, 1630 An edition of primary value as it varies from the quarto of 1622 and the folio of 1623, and followed an independent MS. 22217 Pericles. THE LATE AND MUCH ADMIRED PLAY called Pericles, Prince of Tyre ... by William Shakespeare, sm. 4to. First Edition, wanting leaves A4: and II, and having title supplied in reprint, hf. bound Hewy Gosson, 1609 22218 the late and much admired Play called Pericles, sni. 4to. good and large copy, unbound Thomas Cotes, 1635 22219 Richard the Third. THE TRAGEDIE of KING EICHARD THE THIRD ... by AVilliam Shake-speare, small 4to. portrait by Hollar inserted, hf. red morocco, a short copy Thomas Creede, 1612 22220 Romeo and Juliet. THE MOST EXCELLENT AND LAMENTABLE TRAGEDIE of Romeo and Juliet ... by W. Shake-speare, sm. 4to. title mended and a few letters of imprint supplied in MS., otherwise a large and fine copy in green morocco extra, gilt edges R. Young for John Smethwicke, 1637 22221 Taming of the Shrew. A WITTIE AND PLEASANT COMEDIE called the Taming of the Shrew ... by Will. Shakespeare, sm. 4to. vellum gilt, UNCUT, EXCESSIVELY RARE in this state W. S.for lohn Smethicicke, 1631 In this condition the book may be said to be unique. together, 15 vols. sm. 4to. 525. 1600-37 Such a collection of Shakespeare quartos as this is not to be paralleled in most of the private collections of the country. 2174 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. QUARTO PLATS continued. 22222 SHAKESPEARE (William) The Tragedy of Hamlet Prince of Denmark. Newly imprinted and inlarged, according to the true and perfect Copy last Printed, sm. 4to. title-page damaged and mounted, and date, etc. torn o/, otherwise a fair copy in russia, gilt edges, 15. 15s (1637) 22223 SHAKE-SPEAR E (W.) the Tragicall Historic of Hamlet, sm. 4to. lithographed facsimile executed at the expense of the Duke of Devonshire, half Roxbiirghe, 4. 4s N. L. and John Trundell, 1603 (1858) The work of the late Payne Collier. 22224 SHAKESPEARE'S Comedy of Much Ado about Nothing, photo- lithographed from the matchless original 0/1600 in the library of the EarlofEllesmere, by Mr. Staunton, sm. 4to. hf. bound, presen- tation copy, 14s 1864 22225 SHAKSPEARE QUARTO FACSIMILES, executed under the superintendence of F. J. FURNIVALL, Esq., M.A., Camb., founder and director of the New Shakspeare Society, of Mr. W. GRIGGS, 36 vols. small 4to. ///. Roxburghe 1881-3 Price to Subscribers for the stt was 6s per volume. A considerable stock of Vols. 1-8 having been destroyed by the fire of Mr. Griggs's printing-office, the price of these is raised to 4. 4s. The continuation will be supplied regularly at 6s per volume. Every genuine student of Shakspere has always desired to own those Quartos of the Master's Plays and Poems which are the necessary foundations of the Text of so many of his greatest productions in the first three periods of his work. Not only in importance next to the FIRST FOLIO, but even above it, for some Plays, and for all the Poems, stand the first or second QUARTOS, from which, or completed copies of which, certain Plays in that Folio were printed ; and every true and faithful worker at Shakspere's text must want to have in his own hand, under his own eye, and as his own, trustworthy facsimiles of these truest representations of the poet's own manuscript. Till now this has been practically impossible. Mr. Ashbee's hand-traced facsimiles, issued by Mr. Halliwell at five guineas each, could be afforded by only some thirty subscribers. But what then cost five guineas, without any information as to the Quartos purchased, will now be buyable, in a new form, for six shillings, with the addition of a critical Introduction to the text, by a competent Shakspere scholar. It is hoped that all students and lovers of our great poet will at once come forward to support this new scheme, and render its success certain and speedy. The New Shakspere Society at first intended to reprint the best Shakspere Quartos, but has now given up its scheme in favour of its founder Mr. FORNIVALL, who has undertaken to superintend the issue of a series of photo-lithographic Facsimiles of all the most important Shakspere Quartos to be executed by Mr. W. GRIGGS, of Elm House, Hanover Street, Peckham, whose long experience as working photo-lithographer to the India Office, enables him to guarantee the entire faithfulness of his reproductions. The Duke of Devonshire, Mr. Alfred H. Huth, the Trustees of the British Museum, the Master and Senior Fellows of Trinity College, Cambridge, and the Curators of the Bodleian Library, Oxford, have most kindly allowed their book-treasures to be photographed. Already twenty-five Plays have been photographed, and others are in hand. The first ten Quartos, now ready, are the two Hamlets. 1603 and 1604, with Introductions by Mr. Furnivall. The two Midsummer Night's Dreams, 1600 (Fisher and Roberts), with Introduc- tions by the Rev. J. W. Ebsworth. Love's Labors Lost, 1598 (Bnrby), and Merchant of Venice, 1600 (Roberts), with Forewords by Mr. Furnivall. The first and second Parts of Henry IV, by Mr. Herbert A. Evans. The Merry Wives, by Mr. P. A. Daniel ; and the Passionate Pilgrim, 1599, by Dowden. ENGLISH LITERATURE: SHAKESPEARE. 2175 QUARTO PLAYS continued. Forewords for the following arc also being prepared : The first two of Lear, 1608, by Mr. T. Alfred Spalding, and The Merchant of Venice (Heyes). by Mr. Farnivall. List of ShaJcspeare Quarto Facsimiles, already photographed by W, Griggs. There numbered are ready for delivery. 1 HAMLET. 1603, Photographed from the Dnke of Devonshire's copy. 2 HAMLET. 1604, 3 MID. NIGHT'S DREAM. 1600 (Fisher), D. of Devon, and B. Museum. 4 MID. NIGHT'S DREAM. 1600 (Roberts), Duke of Devonshire. 5 LOVES LABORS LOST. 1598, W. W. for C. Burly, D. of D. 6 MERRY WIVES. 1602(T.C.for Johnson),!), of D. and Mr. A.H.IIuth. 7 M. OF VENICE. 1600 (Roberts), Dnke of Devonshire. 8 HENRY IV, IST PART. 1598 (P. S. for A. Wise), Duke of Devonshire. 9 HENRY IV, 2ND PART. 1600 (V. S. for A. Wise and Aspley), D. of D. 10 PASSIONATE PILGRIM. 1599, Sir Charles Isham. M. OP VENICE. 1600 (I. It. for Heyes), Duke of Devonshire. OTHELLO. 1622 (N. O. for T. Walkley), Duke of Devonshire. OTHELLO. 1630. RICHARD II. 1597 (V. Simmes for A. Wise), Duke of Devonshire. RICHARD II. 1608 (W. W. for M. Laws), Duke of Devonshire. RICHARD II. 1634. RICHARD III. 1597 (Valentine Sims for A. Wise), Dnke of Devonshire. KING LEAR. 1608 (N. Butter), Dnke of Devonshire. KING LEAR. 1608 (Butter Pide Bull), Duke of Devonshire. TROILUS AND CUESSIDA. 1609 (G. Eld for Bonian and Waller), D. of D. PERICLKS. 1609 (Henry Gosson), British Museum and Bodleian. VENUS AND ADONIS. 1593 (Richard Field), Bodleian. LUCRECE. 1594 (Richard Field for I. Harrison), Mr. A. II. Huth. ROMEO AND JULIET. 1597. ROMEO AND JULIET. 1599 (T. Code for C. Burly), D. of Devonshire. ROMEO AND JULIET. Undated. HENRY V. 1600. HENRY V. 1608 (T. P.), Duke of Devonshire. MCCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING. 1600 (V. S. for A. Wise and W. Aspley), D. of D. CONTENTION. 1594. and TRUE TRAGEDY, 1595 (for HENRY VI). THE WHOLE CONTENTION. 1619 (T. P.), Duke of Devonshire. TITCS ANDRONICUS. 1600. SONNETS and LOVER'S COMPLAINT. 1609. TAMING OF A SHBETY. 1594. THE TROUBLESOME RAIGSE (of KING JOHN). 1591. THE FAMOUS VICTORIES (of HENRY V. 1598. Works, modern editions : 22226 SIIAKESPEAR'S Works, collated and corrected by Mr. Pope, 6 vols. 4to. with portrait from the Harley Gallery, half vellum, uncut, 36s Tonson, 1725-23 22227 SHAKESPEAR. Twenty of the Plays of Shakespeare, being those printed in quarto in his Life-time, collated and published from the originals by Gr. Steevens, 4 vols. 8vo. russia, gilt edges, 3. 1766 The second volume wants two leaves in the second part of Henry IV. 22228 BELL'S EDITION of SHAKSPERE (Dramatic Works with prolegomena and the notes of the various commentators), 20 vols. post 8vo. LARGK AND THICK PAPER, with proof impressions of the numerous fine plates, calf gilt, 4. 4s 1788 22220 PLAYS, with the corrections and Illustrations of various Commentators, and Notes by S. Johnson [Malone] and 2176 BERNARD QUARITCtt'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. SHAKESPEARE'S WOKKS, MODERN EDITIONS continued. G. Steevens, revised and augmented by Isaac Reed, with a Glossarial Index, 21 vols. large 8vo. LARGE PAPER, with Harding' s series of Portraits and Views added, blue MOROCCO extra, gilt edges, fine copy, 14. 14s 1813 22230 Plays and Poems, with the Corrections and Illustrations of various commentators, with a Life of the Poet, Glossarial Index, etc. by E. Malone, edited by Boswell, 21 vols. 8vo. portrait, 21. 1821 Third and BEST edition of Malone's Shakspere, usually known as the ' Variorum" Shakspere. 22231 - Dramatic Works, small 8 vo. plates by Stothard, printed on INDIA PAPER (only 50 copies struck off), olive morocco, uncut, top edge gilt, 12. 12s Pickering, 182G 22232 - - PLAYS and POEMS, Pictorial Edition, edited with Biography by Charles Knight, 8 vols. royal 8vo. nearly 1000 woodcut illustrations of Costume, Old Buildings, etc. by Harvey, )if. maroon morocco, gilt edges, 7. 7s (1839-42) ORIGINAL SUBSCRIBERS' copies ; this favourite edition has been so frequently reprinted, that the later issues have very bad impressions of the interesting and beautiful woodcuts. 22232* Works, with supplementary volume containing the " Life and Writings of Shakspere," 11 vols. 16mo. plates, Knight's Cabinet edition, morocco, 20* 1843 Works with the various readings, notes, etc. and a History of the early English Stage by J. PAYNE COLLIER, 8 vols. 8vo. portrait, 8. 8s 1844 22233* WERKE, Englisch, herausgegeben und erklart von Dr. N. DELIUS, 7 vols. large 8vo. lif. morocco, contents lettered, 2. 6s Elberfeld, 1854-60 A critical English edition of Shakespeare's plays and poems. Shakespeariana : 22234 BOYDELL'S LARGE SET OF PLATES, consisting of 100 en- gravings by BARTOLOZZI, SHARPE, and others, from Paintings by REYNOLDS, OPIE, SMIRKE, FUSELI, ROMNEY, etc. 2 vols. atlas folio, half bound, uncut, 16. 1803-5 22234*CLARKE (Mrs. Cowden) Concordance to Shakespeare ; being a Verbal Index to all the Passages in the Dramatic Works of the Poet, lif. morocco, 36s 1845 22235 COLLIER (J. Payne) Shakespeare's Library ; a collection of the Romances, Novels, Poems, and Histories, used by Shake- speare as the foundation of his Dramas; now first collected, with introductory notices, 2 vols. 8vo. hf. calf, 21s (1843) 22235*DOUCE'S Illustrations of Shakspeare and of Ancient Manners, with Dissertations on Shakspeare's Clowns and Fools, on Gesta Romanorum, and on the English Morris Dance, 2 vols. 8vo. woodcuts, bds. 10s 1807 22236 the same, 2 vols. 8vo. hf. morocco, 15s 1807 22236* new edition, 8vo. woodcuts by JacJcson, and plates, calf gilt, 15s 1839 22237 DRAKE (Nathan) Shakespeare and his Times : including the ENGLISH LITERATURE: SHAKESPEARE. 2177 SHAKESPEARIANA continued. Biography of the Poet, Criticisms on his Genius and writings, a history of the manners, customs and literature of his age, 2 vols. 4to. portrait, cloth, 24s 1819 22237*DTCE's Strictures on Collier's Shakespeare, 8vo. cloth, 2s Gd 1857 22238 EDWARDS' Canons of Criticism, and Glossary to Shakespeare, 8vo. hf. morocco, uncut, 12s 1765 22238*FRENCH (G. R.) Shakspeareana Genealogica, identification of the dramatis personse in the historical plays, notes on Macbeth and Hamlet, persons and places in Warwickshire, the Shakspeare and Arden Families, etc. 8vo. cloth, 10s 6c? 1869 A supplement to the Cambridge edition. 22239 HARDING(S. and E.) SHAKSPEARE ILLUSTRATED by an assemblage of portraits and views appropriated to the whole suite of our author's historical dramas, with portraits of actors, editors, etc. long folio ; 148 plates including the second portrait of Jane Shore naked, hf. morocco, 12. 1793 2223* HARRISON COLLECTION. A descriptive Catalogue of Manu- scripts, Books and Relics illustrative of the Life and Writings of Shakspeare in the Library of W. Harrison, Esq. of Galli- greaves Hall near Blackburn, and Samlesbury Hall near Preston, sm. 4to. hf. morocco, uncut, 25s 1866 22240 PERICLES Prince of Tyre : a Novel by George Wilkins, printed 1608, and founded upon Shakespeare's Play, edited by Prof. Mommsen, with Preface, Remarks, etc. by J. Payne Collier, 8vo. hf. calf, 12s Oldenburg, 1857 22241 PLANCH (J. R.) Costume of Shakespeare's Henry IV, 35 beauti- fully coloured plates of costiime heightened with gold and silver, 8vo. calf extra, gilt edges, 36s 1824 22242 PORTRAIT OF SHAKSPEARE, engraved by Samuel Cousins after the Chandos picture in the Ellesruere collection, 1 7 inches by 12, 2. Shakespeare Society, 1849 22243 SCHMIDT (Dr. Alex.) Shakespeare-Lexicon ; complete dictionary of all the English words, phrases and constructions in his Works, 2 vols. royal 8vo. pp. 1452, sd. 12s Berlin, 1874-75 22244 SHAKSPEARE'S Jest Book (edited by S. W. Singer), 3 parts in 1, 8vo. red morocco, gilt edges, 2. 16s Chiswick, 1814-15-16 22245 the same, 8vo. fine copy, red morocco extra, gilt edges, by Bedford, 5. Chiswick, 1814-5-6 Tales and Qnicke Answers printed about 1530 ; the CX Merry Tales printed about 1520, and considered the first English Jest Book ; and the Supple- ment to the CX Tales, consisting of new Stories from an edition of 1567. 22246 SHAKESPEARE SOCIETY'S PUBLICATIONS [Editions of MSS. and Reprints of Early English Prose and Poetry], from its commencement to its termination in 1853, 47 vols. 8vo. cloth, 9. 9* 1841-53 22247 SHAKSPERE SOCIETY (The New). A set of the Trans- actions and other publications of the New Shakspere Society from the beginning in 1874, as described below, 30 vols. 8vo. and 4to. sd. 7. 10s 1874-81 CONTENTS : Series I, THANSACTIONS, 8 vols. 1874-81 Series II, Plays, 10 vols. 1874-80 2178 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. SHAKESPEARIANA continued. Series III, ORIGINALS AND ANALOGUES, Vol. I 1875 Series IV. SUAKSPEARE ALLUSION BOOKS, Vols. I and II 1874-79 Series VI, SHAKSPERE'S ENGLAND, 8 vols. 1876-81 Series VIII, MISCELLANIES, Vol. II 1878 The present collection includes all that had been issued to the end of last year of Series I, II, III, and VI. Of Series IV a third volume has been issued, and of Series VIII the first volume is absent. Of Series V (Contem- porary Drama) and VII (Mysteries) nothing has yet appeared. 22248 VINING (E. P.) the Mystery of Hamlet, an attempt to solve an old problem, 12mo. cloth, 3s Gd Philadelphia, 1881 22249 W(ILSON) (J.) Catalogue of all the Books, Pamphlets, etc. relating to Shakspeare, and an account of the early Quartos, small 8vo. interleaved, with printed and MS. additions, hf. calf, 9s 1827 22250 WIYELL (Abraham) Inquiry into the history, authenticity, and characteristics of the Shakspere Portraits, roy. 8vo. plates ILLUSTRATED ADDITIONALLY with numerous scarce portraits and prints, calf, autograph of " E. 8. Dallas, 1862," 2. 16s 1840 This work by virtue of its original plates, and of the 30 or 31 which are wholly additional, may be considered the best book upon the subject. 22251 SHELLEY (Mary "Wollstonecraft) Frankenstein, or the Modern Prometheus, 2 vols. 12mo. bds. 24s 1823 SHELLEY (Percy Bysshe) Poet (1792-1822). 22252 Poetical Works, thick 12mo. portrait, cloth, 6s 1853 22253 the Cenci, a tragedy, second edition, with dedication to Leigh Hunt, 1821 Prometheus Unbound, a lyrical drama, with other Poems (The Sensitive Plant A Vision of the Sea Ode to Heaven Ode to the West Wind The Cloud Ode to Liberty, etc.), TIRST EDITION, 1820 Queen Mab (with the sup- pressed notes of 90 pages, and an extra verse dedication to his wife at the end of the notes), 1821 3 pieces in 1 vol. 8vo. hf. morocco, uncut, 12. 12s 1820-21 22254 Prometheus Unbound, with other Poems, FIRST EDITION, 1820 Hellas, a lyrical drama, FIRST EDITION, 1822 The Cenci, a tragedy, second edition, 1821 Rosalind and Helen, a modern eclogue with other poems, FIRST EDITION, 1819 Adonais, an Elegy on the death of John Keats, second edition, Cambridge, 1829 Epipsychidion : Verses addressed to the noble and unfortunate lady Emilia V , now imprisoned in the Convent of , FIRST EDITION, VERY RARE, 1821 ; in 1 vol. 8vo. hf. morocco neat, 18. 1819-21 Of the four pieces in this volume which are of the first editions, Mr. Dew Smith's copies fetched : Epipsychidion (calf extra, gilt edges), 11. 5s ; Hellas, 2. 19s; Prometheus, 2 ; Rosalind, 1. 5s. There is a general title, dated 1823, for the Prometheus, Hellas, Cenci and Rosalind. 22255 SHELLEY, Revolt of Islam, 1289 Adonais, Cambridge, 1829 ; in 1 vol. 8vo. hf. morocco neat, 35s 1829 22256 Posthumous Poems (Miscellaneous Poems, Fragments and Translations), 8vo hf. morocco neat, 2. 4s 1824 22257 The Masque of Anarchy, now first published with a preface by Leigh Hunt, 12mo. bds. uncut, 10s 1832 ENGLISH LITERATURE : POETRY AND DRAMA. 2179 22258 SHELLEY Memorials : edited by Lady Shelley, with an essay on Christianity, by Shelley, now first printed, sm. 8vo. front, cloth, 7s 6d 1862 SHENSTONE (William) Poet (1714-63). 22259 Works in verse and prose (with Letters), 3 vols. 8vo. port, front, and vignettes, calf extra, gilt edges, 3. 3s 1764-69 22260 Works in verse and prose, 3 vols. sm. 8vo. frontispieces and vignettes, bound in veaufauve, 25. 1777 With the signature of Lord Byron, 1807, and five pages of notes on Shenstone in his autograph, besides a humourous epigram in four lines of verse headed " Reason for thick Ancles." SHIRLEY (James) Dramatist (1596-1666). 22261 Dramatic Works and Poems, now first collected, with notes by William Gifford, and additional notes and some account of Shirley by Alexander Dyce, 6 vols. 8vo. fine copper-plate portrait, beautiful copy in yellow calf extra, gilt edges, backs ftill gilt, with lettering -pieces of olive morocco, 8. 8s 1833 A very elegant specimen of Bedford's calf work. 22262 Plays, original editions : the Example, 1637 the Gamester, 1637 the Maides Revenge, a Tragedy, 1639 the Tragedie of Chabot, Admiral of France, written by G. Chapman and J. Shirly, 1639 the Ball, a comedy by Chapman and Shirly, 1639 the Constant Maid, 1640 a Pastorall called the Arcadia, 7 vols. sm. 4to. good copies, unbound, 4. 1637-40 22263 Six new Playes, viz. : the Brothers, Sisters, Doubtfull Heir, Imposture, Cardiiiall, Court Secret. The five first were acted at the Private House in Black Fryers with great applause, 12mo. portrait by Marshall, russia, gilt edges, with Shirley's autograph, 2. 8s (1652)-1G53 According to Mr. Hazlitt, this is one of the most valuable of Shirley's works. It is a presentation copy, with the following inscription : " For the noble hands of Sr. Edmund Boyer, from his most humble servant Ja. Shirley." SIDNEY (Sir Philip) Poet and Hero [1554-86]. 22264 THE COUNTESS OP PEMBROKE'S ARCADIA, now the third time published, with sundry new additions by the same author, Sonnets (Defence of Poesie, Astrophel and Stella, and the Lady of the May), sm. folio, title within woodcut border, red morocco extra, tooled sides, gilt edges, 7. 10s W. Ponsonbie, 1598 22265 the same, now the fourth time published, dedicated to the Countess of Pembroke, fine tall copy, but slightly stained, in the original binding, 6. London, Matthew Lowndes, 1605 22266 the same, sm. folio, with autograph and bookplate of John Adam, the Architect, brown morocco extra, gilt edges (the old covers preserved), by Bedford, 12. 1605 The Arcadia is prose, but poetic prose, interspersed with frequent snatches of verse; and this, in conjunction with the Astrophel," and other pieces, make Sidney take a place here. The May-Lady was a kind of al- fresco masque or dramatic entertain- ment played before Queen Elizabeth at Wanstead. 2180 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. 22267 SIDNEY (Sir P.) Miscellaneous Works (Defence of Poesy, Poems, Letters from the original MSS. etc.) with a life of the author and illustrative notes by W. Gray, post 8vo. green morocco gilt, gilt edges, 20s Oxford, 1829 SKELTON (John) Poet [144 . P-1529]. 22268 - Poetical Works, with notes and some account of the Author by Rev. A. Dyce, 2 vols. 8vo. Ids. 2. 2s 1843 22269 - the same, 2 vols. 8vo. fine copy, calf extra, by Bedford, 3. Ss 1843 Both these copies have the two rare leaves of Addenda in the second volume, pp. 485-88. SMITH (Richard) Boole-Collector [1590-1675]. 22270 - - The Counter Skuffle, whereunto is added the Counter- Ratt, written by R. S., sm. 4to. with a curious engraving on title, and a woodcut, hf. morocco, 20s Andrew Crook, 1667 Songs: 22271 RUMP, or an exact Collection of the choycest Poems and Songs relating to the late times, by the most eminent Wits from 1639 to 1661, 12mo. with frontispiece, the burning of the Rump, and engraved title, fine copy in red morocco super extra, gilt edges, by Bedford, rare, 8. 1662 22272 POLITICAL MERRIMENT; or, Truths told to some Tune, by a Lover of his Country, 12mo. fine copy in the original gilt morocco, gilt edges, 3. 1714-15 Most amusing Ballads, etc., dedicated " to the Jacobitical Tories and Traiterous Rioters of Great Britain," by " Yonr Merry Physician Philopat." 22273 D'URFEY'S [Wit and Mirth, or Pills to Purge Melancholy] Songs compleat, pleasant and diversive, set to Musick by Dr. John Blow, Mr. Henry Purcell, and other excellent Masters of the Town, 6 vols. 12mo. FIRST ISSUE, the last volume having the title of Wit and Mirth, etc. portrait and Music, calf extra, gilt edges, 12. 1719-20 22274 BACCHUS and VENUS, or a Select Collection of near 200 of the most Witty and Diverting Songs and Catches in Love and Gallantry, with Songs in the CANTING DIALECT,, with a DICTIONARY, 12mo. woodcut, front, calf, very rare, from O. Smith's library, 5. 1737 22275 CLIO and EUTERPE ; or British Harmony, containing about 600 songs, 3 vols. 8vo. each page entirely engraved, a vignette to each song, fine clean copy, calf, 8. 10s 1759-62 22276 VOCAL Magazine ; a selection of English, Scots, and Irish Songs, adapted for the harpsichord or violin, 3 vols. in 2, royal 8vo. music and words, half calf gilt, uncut, 6. Edin. 1797-99 22277 ENGLISH MUSICAL REPOSITORY, a choice selection of English Songs adapted for the Voice, Violin and German Flute, with Music, 12mo. half calf , uncut, 36s Edinburgh, 1811 22278 THE APOLLO, or Harmonic Miscellany, containing English, Scotch, and Irish Songs by Dibdin, Coleman, Morris, Arnold, etc. with Music, 12mo. hf. morocco, 9s 1814 ENGLISH LITERATURE : POETRY AND DRAMA. 2181 SONGS continued. 22279 NORTHERN GARLANDS : Garland of New Songs, Oates- head, n. d. Newcastle Garland, ib. n. d. The Collier's Wedding, by E. Chicken Black-ey'd Susan Garland, Newcastle, n. d. Apollo's Budget, ib. n. d. ; and other North Country Song- Books and Humorous Pieces in the volume, 12 mo. rude woodcuts, lialf calf, uncut, 3. 16s Sec. XVII-XIX A curious and extensive collection of over 70 productions of the popular S'ess of the North of England, including : The Laidley Worm of Spindleston engh The Midford Garland The Newcastle Songster, 2 parts The Nightingale The Sailor's Songerst, Newcastle The Skylark, etc. see ante under Garlands, and Ballads. SCOTTISH SONGS see post under Scotland. SOUTHWELL (Robert) Poet and Saint [1560-95]. 22280 Saint Peters Complaint, with other Poems, small 4to. morocco extra, 15. Edinburgh, R. Walde-grave (1600) This copy was valued at 21 in the Bibliotheca Anglo-Poetica. SPENSER (Edmund) Poet [1552-99]. 22281 - THE FAERIE QVEENE . . . 1609 (at end also 1609) THE SHEPHEARDS CALENDER, 1611 COLIN CLOVTS Come Home Againe (and minor works), 1611 in one vol. small folio, woodcuts, large copy, ivitli autograph of Tho. Cotton, calf, 2. 10s H. L.for Hatliew Loivnes, 1609-11 22282 The Faerie Queen, the Shepheards Calendar, together with the other WORKS of England's Arch- Poet, collected into one volume, sm. folio, portrait inserted, fine clean copy in old calf, 4. M. Lownes, 1611 (at end of Faerie Qveene, 1612) Here appear for the first time the last Cantos of the Faerie Queen. It was evidently an after-thought of the printer of the first folio Spenser to issue the separate pieces with a general title-page. The next year the collection was completed by Mother Hubberd's Tale, which is in this copy. 22284 Poetical Works, 6 vols 12mo. portraits and fronts. If. calf, 25 1810 22285 POETICAL WORKS (with an Essay on his Life, etc. by Philip Masterman), 5 vols. sm. 8vo. portrait bij Wortliington, light calf extra, gilt tops, uncut, 4. 4s 1825 22286 - - THE FAERIE QUEENE, Disposed into twelve books fashioning XII Morall vertues, 2 vols. in 1, sm. 4to. FIRST EDITION, with the rare leaves of Sonnets at end of first volume, title of the first volume in facsimile, old calf, 16. 1590-96 22287 - - . another copy, 2 vols. sm. 4to. FIRST EDITION, perfect, old russia, 32. 1590-96 On p. 332 of Vol. I the blank spaces for certain Welsh and a few English words, which have been cited as tests of original issue, are observed in these copies. These blanks were filled up in most copies of the edition soon after it? publication, and long before the second issue of Vol. I was made with suppressions, and changes, in 1596. Vol. II was not printed till 1596. There is a curious variation existing between these two copies in Vol. I the russia copy ends with three leaves paged 601 to 606, containing ten sonnets and ending with " Faultes escaped in the print ;" the calf one concludes with four leaves unpaged, containing fifteen sonnets, and the faultes escaped being omitted. One of the fifteen sonnets in the calf copy is addressed to Sir 2182 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. Francis Walsingham who died in 1590, so that it is possible the issue with fifteen sonnets is the earlier. There are two sonnets in the russia copy which are not in the calf one ; seven in the latter which are not in the former. 22283 SPENSER. FAERIE QUEENE, 2 vols. sm. 4to. Vol. I of the second edition, some leaves mended, but othenvise a fine and perfect copy in red morocco extra, gilt edges, 15. 15s 159G 22288* the same, a very fine copy in red morocco, by Leivis, 21. 1590 In the second edition of the first volume many alterations occur : especially the end of the twelfth canto of the third book, where the last fiAO stun/as of the original have l:ecn re-written, in a less amorous strain, and condensed into three stanzas. 22289 the Faerie Queene . . . with an exact collection of the two original editions of 1590 and 1596, a new life of the author [by Thomas Birch] and a Glossary, 3 vols. 4to. 32 plates by W. Kent, russia, 28s 1751 22290- - SHEPHEARDS CALENDER. Conteining twelue Aeglogues . . . entituled to the noble and vertuous . . . Maister Philip Sidney, sm. 4to. blarh letter, woodcuts, fine copy in red morocco extra, gilt edges, by Ch. Leivis, 8. J. Windet, 1591 22291 - The SHEPHEARDS CALENDER. Conteining twelve Aeglogues, black letter, woodcuts, John Windet. 1591 COM- PLAINTS. Containing sundrie small Poemes of the Worlds Vanitie. By Ed. Sp. . . . William Ponsonbie, 1591 2 works in I vol. small 4to. fine copies, grcenmorocco, gilt edges, EXTREMELY RARE, 30. 1591 22292 COLIN CLOUTS come home again, by Ed. Spencer, sm. 4to. green morocco extra, gilt edges, by BEDFORD, a remarkably fine large copy, 10. 10s William Ponsonbie, 1595 Dedicated to Sir Walter Raleigh, " the Ocean She,,!.v:\l" of the poem, and written to celebrate Spenser's return to " the cooly shade of the greene alders by the Mullaes shore " in Ireland, after having visited England under the knight's protection. It is as desirable a copy as any collector could have of one of the poet's choicest works, an English classic of the highest interest. Epigrams and Sonnets from Petrarch and Bellay ; Spenser's first printed work, 1569 see VANDERNOODT. STILL (Bishop John) Playwright and Lyrist [1543-1608]. 22293 right pithy pleasant and merry Comedy entituled Gammer Gurtons Needle, in verse, sm 4to. black letter, ///. morocco, 34s 1661 Bishop Still won immortality and raised his monument by the famous song of " Jolly good ale and old " the first and best of English drinking- songs. It is contained in Gammer Gnrton. STRONG (James) Rhymer (1645). 22294 Joanereidos : or Feminine Valour eminently discovered in Westerne "Women [at the Siege of Lyme, Dorset], sm. 4to. in Verse, uncut, 2. 10s 1645 A record of an incident in the Parliamentary War. Bindley's copy sold for 3. 6*. The above has the original rough margins, except the last leaf, where a small portion is torn off, without affecting the text. 22295 - - the same,' small 4to. half calf, 2. 1674 ENGLISH LITERATURE : POETRY AND DRAMA. 2183 22296 STRATFORD DE REDCLIFFE'S (Lord) HISTORICAL PLAY : Alfred the Great in Athelnay ; with a preliminary scene, post 8vo. xiv and 178 pp. hf. Eoxburghe, 4s 1876 22297 the same. LARGE PAPER, demy 8vo. green morocco extra, gilt edges, by Bedford, 21s 1876 The entire impression was limited to 250 copies, and 20 copies for sale on Large Paper. 22298 SWINBURNE (Algernon Charles) Poems and Ballads, 12mo. original uncastrated edition, cloth, scarce, 5. 5s 1866 22299 Songs before Sunrise, sm. 8vo. first edition, cloth, 21s 1871 22300 [TASSO] GODFREY OF BOVLOGNE : or the Recouery of lervsalem. Done into English Heroicall verse, by EDWARD FAIREFAX, Gent. And now the second time Imprinted. . . . Together with the life of the said Godfrey, frontispiece and portrait, 1624 CAMOENS, the Lusiad, or Portugals Historicall Poem . . . newly put into English by RICHARD FANSHAW, Esq. ; three portraits, 1655 2 vols. in 1, sm. folio, calf, 4. 1624-55 22301 [TASSO] Godfrey of Bovlogne ... by Edward Fairefax, folio, LARGE PAPER, with portrait, calf, 2. 16s 1624 TAYLOR (John) Waterman and Pothouse-Poet [1580-1654]. 22302 WORKS, folio, fine impression of the rare frontispiece, last leaf mended, fine copy in red morocco extra, gilt edges, by BEDFORD, 21. James Soler, 1630 Nine-tenths of this volume are mere doggrel, but the illustration afforded by Taylor's rhymes of the manners of contemporary society, entitle his works to an honourable place in an English library. He satirized Coryat, a person with whom he had much in common ; they were both loud, vain, self- asserting pretenders to more merit and talent than they possessed. 22303 TENNYSON (Alfred) Poems, 1850 Idylls of the King, 1862 The Princess, 1850 In Memoriam, 1850 Maud, and other Poems, 1861 Enoch Arden, 1864 5 vols. in 2, 12mo. calf, gilt edges, and one in cloth, 20s 1850-64 22304 Poems (published 1830-33); In Memoriam; the Princess; Maud and other Poems ; Idylls of the King ; Enoch Arden ; together 6 vols. 12mo. red morocco extra, 3. 3s 1864 22305 THEATRES. Report from the Select Committee on Theatrical Licenses and Regulations, 1866, sm. folio, with autograph of Mr. W. Bodham Donne, late Licenser of Plays, hf. bd. 7s 6d 1866 Curious evidence on Theatres, Music Halls and their habityds. THOMSON (James) Poet (1700-48). 22306 Seasons, Hymns, Odes, and Songs ; with Life by Murdoch, a Glossary and Index, 12mo. portraits and woodcuts, green morocco, gilt leaves, the front edge having a View of Richmond painted in colours upon it, 3. 16s Lond. 1809 22307 Works, with the Life of the author by Patrick Murdoch, 3 vols. 8vo. portrait and plates by T. Cook, red morocco extra, gilt edges, 10. 1788 22308 TIGHE (Mrs.) Psyche, or the Legend of Love, 12mo. FIRST EDITION, of which only 100 copies were printed for presents, red morocco, gilt edges, 2. 2s 1805 149 2184 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. 22310 TOWNELEY MANUSCRIPTS ; English Jacobite Ballads, Songs and Satires, edited from the original MSS. by A. B. Grosart, 4to. cloth, 31s 6d 1877 Only 100 copies printed for private circulation. TURBERVILE (George) Poet [about 1530-1600]. 22311 - Tragical Tales and other Poems : reprinted from the edition of 1587, 4to. blue morocco extra, gilt edges, 5. 5s Edinburgh, printed for private circulation, 1837 Including <: Poems describing the places and manners of the country and people of liussia, anno 1568." written by Turberville in MUSCOVY when he accompanied Thomas Randolph, Queen Elizabeth's ambassador to the Czar, as his secretary. He was also the author of the celebrated work on Falconry. The volume contains his Tragical Tales, printed in 1587 (mostly from Boccaccio); Epitaphs and Sonuettes, with some Epistles seat to his friends, at his being in MOSCOVIA, 1569. TUSSER (Thomas) Agricultural Poet [1515-158]. 22312 - Five hundreth points of good Husbandry united to as many of good huswiferie first devised and now lately augmented with diverse approved lessons concerning hopps and gardening, sm. 4to. title in facsimile, red morocco extra, gilt edges, by Riviere, 2. 2s (Richard Totiel, 1573) 22313 Five hundred pointes of good Husbandrie (in verse), sm. 4to. black letter, some leaves mended, calf, '2. 10s 1580 First complete edition 22314 - - Five Hundred Points of Good Husbandry, with notes and glossary, by W. Mavor, 8vo. calf neat, 16s 1812 22315 the same, 4to. LARGE PAPER, olive morocco extra, 4. At the end is bound up Triphook's Reprint of the First Edition of 1557 issued in 1810. This fantastic rhymer, who mixes up much doggrel with a flow of pleasant and melodious verse, never succeeded in working out his own schemes. He died in poverty ; but many a farmer in days of yore learned his book by heart, and throve upon the useful lessons it contains. TWYNE (Thomas) Poetical Translator [1543-1613]. - see VIRGIL and PETRARCH. 22316 UTTERSON (E. V.) Select Pieces of Early Popular Poetry, 2 vols. sm. 8vo. woodcuts, olive morocco super extra, gold tooling on sides, gilt edges, by Hayday, 2. 2s 1817 22317 VAN DER NOODT (John) A THEATRE wherein be represented . . the miseries & calamities that follow the voluptuous Wordlings . . . sm. 8vo. filadt letter, 20 curious woodcuts, no title, green morocco extra, by Bedford, 10. 10s H. Bynneman, 1569 The Bindley copy sold for 22 ; that in the Bibliotheca Anglo-Poetica is priced 25. The pages of verse called Sonnets and Epignms were the first work of young Edmund Spenser, although his name does not 'appear. Although he made considerable variations in their text when he embodied them in his Complaints in 1591 (Visions of Petrarch and Visions of Jiollay). they were substantially the same both here and in the published works. ' He must have written them when only sixteen j'ears of age. 22318 VIRGIL, the xiii. Bookes of ^neidos, the first twelue beeinge the woorke of the diuine Poet Virgil Maro, and the thirtenth the supplement of Maphaeus Vegius. Translated into English verse to the fyrst third part of the tenth Booke, by Thomas Phaer ENGLISH LITERATURE: POETRY AND DRAMA. 2185 . . . and the residue finished .... By Thomas Twyne . . . sm. 4to. good sound copy, hf. bd. rare, 7. 7s Imprinted at London by William Sow, for Abraham Veale, 1584 22319 VIRGIL. The Thirteene Bookes of Aeneidos. The first twelue beeing the woorke of the diuine Poet Virgil Maro, and the thirteenth, the supplement of Maphaeus Vegius. Translated into English Verse, to the first third part of the tenth Booke, by THOMAS PHAEB Esquier ; and the residue finished . . . By THOMAS TVVVNE . . . sm. 4to. russia extra, gilt edges, 4. 1607 22320 The xii Aeneids of Virgil, the most renowned Laureat- Prince of Latine-Poets ; translated into English deca-syllables by Ion Vicars, 12mo. calf, 36s 1632 Jo'lley in 1844, 2. 15s. translated by Gawin Douglas see post under Scotland. WALLER (Edmund) Poet [1605-87]. 22321 Poems, etc. written upon several occasions and to several persons . . . "with several additions never before printed, sm. 8vo. ruled throughout ivith red ink, and a portrait inserted, in the contemporary English red morocco binding, covered with arabesque ornament in gold pointille, 8. 8s 1668 22322 Poems, etc. written upon several occasions and to several persons, seventh edition, With several additions, 8vo. portrait, old calf, gilt edges, 2. 2s Lond. Tonson, 1705 On the fly-leaf at the end of this volume is a copy of a letter written by Waller to Lady Lucy Sidney, upon the occasion of the marriage of her sistef r Lady Dorothy (Waller's Sacharissa), to Lord Spencer (Earl of Sunderland). 22323 - - Works, in verse and prose, published by Mr. Fenton, 4to. portrait after Sir G. Kneller, monument and numerous vignette portraits, etc. by G. Vertue, bright old calf extra, yellow edges (autograph of " MARLBOKOUGH 1768 " on title), from the Sunderland library, 4. 4s 1729 22324 Works in verse and prose, 12mo. portrait, old red morocco, 7s 1758 WALTON (Isaac) see post in alphabet of Prose Literature. 22325 WARD (Adolphus W.) History of English Dramatic Literature to the death of Queen Anne, 2 vols. 8vo. (published at 32s), cloth, 18s 1875 WARNER (William) [dr. 1558-1609]. 22326 Albion's England, a continued Historic of the same Kingdome, from the first Inhabitants to the Raigne of Queene Elizabeth, sm. 4to. russia, 4. E. Sollivantfor G. Potter, 1602 The thirteenth book appeared in this edition for the first time. This copy contains bibliographical notes by the late Mr. Mitford. > In his own time Warner ranked with Spenser ; he has since suffered undue depreciation. Many writers have admired the ballad-like simplicity of his epic poem called " Albion's England/' in which the legendary history of the country is embodied. 22327 WARTON (T.) History of English Poetry, edited from Price's edition of 1824, by Taylor, 3 vols. 8vo. portrait, doth, 24s 1840 WEAVER (Thomas) or WHICHCOT (Thomas) Poet, Sec. XVII. 22328 Plantagenets Tragicall Story : or, the Death of King Edward the Fourth: with the unnaturall Voyage of Rickard 2186 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. the Third through the Red Sea of his Nephews innocent blond, to his usurped Crowne. Metaphrased by T. W. 12mo. fine] por- trait by Marshall, calf, 2. 2s 1649 WEBSTER (John) Jacobean Dramatist. 22329 - - The White Divel, or the Tragedy of Paulo Giordano Ursini, Duke of Brachiano, with the life and death of Vittoria Corombona the famous Venetian Curtizan, acted by the Queenes Majestie's servants, sm. 4to. FIRST EDITION, Heber's copy inserted in an old vellum cover, RARE, 2. T. Archer, 1612 see Decker. WITHER (George) Poet [1588-1667]. 22330 - A Satyre dedicated to His Most Excellent Maiestie, 12mo. russia gilt, 3. 10s George Norton, 1614 With rare blank leaf A 2. This copy has the word " dedicated " on the title instead of " written," as in the usual copies. It is said that this spirited defence procured the author's release from imprisonment in the Marshalsea, in which he was confined for writing the 'Abuses stript and whipt." 22331 Shepherds Hunting : being certaine Eglogs written during the time of the author's imprisonment in the Marshalsey, 12mo. fine copy in red morocco extra, gilt edges, by F. Bedford, 2. 16s T. Snodham, 1615 These Eclogues are complaints against the wicked who had hunted the Shepherd Roget (Wither) into bondage. There are many fine lines in them, mixed up with a great deal of rubbish. But all Wither's early books are rare. 22332 WITHER'S MOTTO : Nee Habeo, nee Careo, nee Curo, 12mo. engraved title by R. E. (Estrake ?), hf. bd. from the SyTces and Corser libraries, 3. 10s 1621 A satire upon the times, in the form of a self-description, vigorously written in heroic verse. The manly spirit, the condensed strength, and the poetical merit of this piece ai-e in striking contrast to the diluted babble of his later works. It was very popular in the seventeenth century, and is in consequence very scarce now. 22333 WOODSTOCK FESTIVITIES. The Queenes Majesties Enter- tainment at Woodstocke (containing the Hermit's Tale of Contarenus and Caudina, by GASCOIGNE, and a Play on the same subject in verse, probably by GASCOIGNE also), sm. 4to. wanting signature A, UNIQUE, being the only copy known, 18. 18s Thomas Cadamn, 1585 Of high poetical and intrinsic merit. The " Fayery Queen " ia frequently mentioned, which may have suggested the name of Spenser's poem. WORDSWORTH (William) Poet [1770-1850]. 22334 Poems (Sonnets, Moods of my own mind, etc. etc.), 2 vols. in 1, 12mo. FIRST EDITION, russia extra, 3. 10s 1807 YOUNG (Edward) Poet [1684-1765]. 22335 - - Works (including Night Thoughts), 3 vols. sm. 8vo. frontispieces, bds. 6s 1792 22336 the Complaint, or Night Thoughts, with Notes and Life, large 8vo. a fine edition embellished with portrait and 15 plates by CORBOULD, brilliant impressions, old English red morocco extra, gilt edges, 30s 1793 22337 the Complaint, or Night Thoughts, 12mo. pretty fron- tispieces by Westall, calf gilt, 7s 6d 1817 IV. PROSE AND MISCELLANEOUS LITERATURE AND BOOKS OMITTED IN CLASS II. 1. Manuscripts. 22348 ROBERT OF GLOUCESTER'S CHRONICLE of ENGLAND, from the earliest traditional record to the year 1264, small folio, fine English MS. on vellum, written in double columns, with numerous illuminated initials, and a border to the first page, in an old half- russia binding, 25. About A.D. 1440 This is not the Chronicle which goes under the name of " the Brute," or "Caxton's," or the "St. Albans', 1 ' but a much rarer volume, and quite complete. The anonymous compiler may have intended to pass off the work as original, but it is really Robert of Gloucester slightly modified into prose: In fact there is little alteration beyond the suppression of the rhyme words, and a certain modernization in form. It should be known that, although Robert of Gloucester traversed the same ground as " the Brute," and followed Geoffrey of Monmouth, there is still a considerable difference in details between the two Chronicles, and facts are frequently stated in opposite ways. To the story of King Arthur, nearly 60 columns, with thirty-four lines a column, are devoted. The Metrical Chronicle of Robert, as published by Hearne, extends to the year 1266 (when Prince Edward took the cross to start for the Holy Land). This MS. ends with the victory of the Barons at Lewes in 1:264, and the last words are: " And Sir Edward ran to the ffroiers menores," which correspond to the line in Hearne's edition " And to the frere minors in to toun Sir Edward fleu vaste." Robert of Gloucester flourished towards the end of the thirteenth century. MSS. of his Chronicle are very rare. 22349 Towneley MSS. LETTERS OF ADVISE, Aunsweares, Comendatory, Consolatorye, Expository, Gratulatory, ISTarratory and Suppli- catory. Also Queen Elizabeth's Speech in Parliament, 15 March, 1576 ; Speech of the Lord Keeper to the Queene, 1563, at Grenewich ; Petition of the Lower House, 2 March, 1575, and Answeare (respecting Church Discipline), etc. oblong roy. folio, MANUSCRIPT ON VELLUM, hf. bd. 15. About 1600 Transcripts into a single Tolume of a great number of important Letters, ranging over more than thirty years, say between Henry VIII's death and the year 1578. It is difficult to understand how the originals had all come into the hands of the scribe or his employer, but the work was done probably for a personage of exalted position. One of the letters dated 1572, and unsigned, vigorously urges upon " my lord " the duty of bringing the Queen to command the execution of Mary Queen of Scots. There is not a single piece in the whole volume which does not possess high historical and literary interest. There are Letters of Q. Elizabeth, Roger Ascham, The Lord Keeper, Sir Toby Mathews, the Duke of Norfolk, Sir Thomas Wyatt, T. Norton, Lord Bacon, T. Heneage, Sir N. Throckmorton, Sir Fr. Englefield, Archbp. Grindall, Deering, T. Cartwright, etc. The " begetter " of these transcripts may have been connected with the Duke of Norfolk, who was executed in 1572, as the latter is familiarly mentioned simply as " the Duke " in some of the headings. 150 2188 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. 22350 BALLADS AND SONGS of the Elizabethan and Jacobean period, with portions of the Passionate Pilgrim, poems by Shakespeare, Ben Jonson, Raleigh, the Earl of Essex, etc. contained in the common place-book of Bishop Hall, the epigrammatist, whose signature " Joseph Hall " appears on one of the fly-leaves, stout 16mo. Manuscript on paper, beautifully and clearly written in a very minute hand, at intervals between 1620 and 1642, in the contemporary gilt smooth-morocco binding, with clasps, 84. 1620-42 A priceless treasury of old English poetry ; much of which might have been copied from loose broadsides which have now perished. As far as Shakspeare and Ben Jonson are concerned, this little volume is the sole source of an emendation and an addition which have now been accepted. The great mass of the contents is poetical and literary, although the intention of the writer or writers was to make a common-place book of miscellaneous character. It waa thought by Mr. Collier that some of the writing dated from 1 600 and was in a different hand from that which wrote the ballads about 1640 ; but it is really not certain that the differences of handwriting are referable to anything more than negligence and the natural change of time. There are 83 Ballads, most of which are nowhere else found than here, except in so far as Collier printed some forty of them in his volumes of " Registers of the Stationers Company," some for the Shakspeare Society. 22351 POEMS AND EPIGRAMS, by Sir Philip Sydney, Eat Marlowe, Earl of Essex, Sir Walter Raleigh, and others, contained in a common- place book, kept by some person or persons who lived during the reigns of Elizabeth, James I and Charles I, apparently by the same hand that compiled Bishop Hall's common-place book described above, sm. 4to. Manuscript on paper, in the original parchment cover, 20. About 1620-40 A few of the things in this volume are also found in the little calf-bound Manuscript, but each seems to be generally complementary to the other. In the little one, we find on one page, a note vide my other boolce, which appears to refer to this one. 22352 BALLADS AND SONGS (58 Old English) of the sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries, transcribed by JOHN PAYNE COLLIER, in separate leaves or sheets, sm. 4to. 2. 10s About 1860 Transcripts from the little MS. volume, written about 1620-42, which is described above. 22353 RALEIGH (Sir Walter). Collier (J. P.) Manuscript Collection relating to Sir W. Raleigh, nearly all in the handwriting of J. P. Collier, but including an autograph letter of Dr. Bliss, etc. in a small 4to. parcel, 7. 10s About 1850-60 These were notes for the biography of the great Devonian worthy, and were only partly used by Collier, for the articles which he printed in the Archseologia. 22354 BECKFORD (William) TRANSCRIPTS from the autograph Notes written by Mr. Beckford on the fly-leaves of various works in his Library, 7 vols. folio, MANUSCRIPT, very distinctly ivritten, russia, from the Beckford library, Hamilton Palace, 180. transcribed about 1850 Beckford's Vathek, and the Visit to Alcobaca, are all his literary remains, with the exception of these MS. notes which supply a truer picture of his character and mental accomplishments than any printed work could do. In the marginal observations written on the books of his library, he indulged his natural bent and exhibited freely the great variety and richness of his intellectual furniture. ENGLISH PBOSE LITERATURE: MANUSCRIPTS. 2189 22355 THE HARDWICKE PAPERS: Manuscript Col- lections made by PHILIP, LORD HARDWICKE, Chancellor of England (died 1764) and continued by his Sons, the second Earl Hardwicke and the Hon. Charles Yorke, comprising Original Correspond- ence with Foreign Courts during the Reigns of George I and George II ; and several interesting Series of Transcripts from State Papers and Corre- spondence of 16th and 17th Centuries ; in 140 vols. folio and 4to. mostly hf. bound, 250. This extraordinary collection of important papers (valued by the family at 10,000) was made by the great Lord Chancellor Hardwicke (the most eminent lawyer that ever sat on the woolsack) and by his distinguished son the second Lord Hardwicke. The contents may be roughly classified as follows: Copies of miscellaneous LETTEBS, SPEECHES, etc. from 1501-1775, in 1 vol. 4to. WILLIAM III. ORIGINAL LOG BOOK of the "Royal Sovereign," commanded by Vice- Admiral Ralph Delaval, from June, 1691, to Sept. 1693 (Admiral Russell commanding the Brittania), folio SOMEES (Lord) Papers : a transcript of the only volume saved from the fire at his nephew Charles Yorke's cham- bers in Lincoln's Inn, 1751 (Charles Yorke was second son to first Earl Hardwicke) ; also copies of several loose letters from Charles Yorke relating to the Somers Papers in 1742, and to his appointment as Attorney-General in 1765, in 1 vol. folio GEORGE I. LETTERS AND PAPERS relating to the Triple Alliance, 1715, transcripts; also Drafts of Articles, and several original Letters from Stanislaus King of Poland, Sept. 10, 1719 (autograph signature and seal). Count Konigsegg, Mr. Walpole, K. Haldane, Count Saphorin, T. Robson and others, in 1 vol. folio LETTERS, PLANS, AND PAPERS concerning the Quadruple Alliance,- 1715-1718, with numerous originals from Lords Stair, Townshend and others, in 2 vols. folio LETTERS on the Conrt of Vienna and the 150 * QUEENS MAR? AND ELIZABETH. TRANSCRIPTS OF PAPERS AND LETTERS, from 1553 to 1602, in 1 vol. folio and 8 vols. 4to. JAMES I. Depeches de M. Christophle de Harlay, Comte de Beaumont, pendant son Ambassade d'Angleterre, au Roy et a M. Villeroy. avec leurs Reponses, 1601-1605. transcripts, in 9 vols. folio LETTERS AND DESPATCHES to and from Sir Thomas Edmondes during his Embassy at Brussels, 1605-1609, tran- scripts, in 2 vols. folio Sir R. Wimvood's Letters to the Earl of Salisbury and others, 1604-1612, tran- scripts, in 1 vol. 4to. Contemporary copies of NINE PAPERS AND LETTERS of the Earl of Salisbury, 1609 and 1610, in 1 vol. Sir Dudley Carlton's Despatches, January, 1620-24, transcripts, in 3 vols. folio CHARLES I. NEGOTIATIONS at the French Court in 1625, in 1 vol. folio LETTERS of M. Beaulieu to Sir Thos. Puckering, 1626-1633, transcripts, in 1 vol. 4to. NEGOTIATIONS de Monsieur de Sabran, envoye en Angleterre du Roi trls Chretien, 1644, 1645, -transcripts, in 2 vols. folio LETTERS during the Administration of the Duke of Buckingham, and other Papers, 1616-1642, transcripts, in 1 vol. 4to. 2190 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. Affairs of Europe to and from Mons. de St Saphorin and Sir Luke Schaub, 1717-1731, chiefly original, in 6 vols. folio LETTERS AND PAPERS of Count Hoym, and concerning Poland, 1719-1731, in 3 vols. folio LETTERS of Mr. Whitworth from Berlin, 1719-20, 1 vol. folio LETTERS AND PAPERS of Lord Whitworth and Lord Polwarth (Ambassador for England to the Congress at Cambray), 1722-23, 1 vol. folio MISCELLANEOUS LETTERS between 1714 and 1716, together with portions of a Diary (?) kept by the Earl of Stair, Ambassador to the Court of France, in 2 loose portfolios LETTERS between Earl of Stair and Mr. Craggs (Secretary at War after 1717), 1716-1720, in 2 4to. unbound vols. A large portion of the above are original. CORRESPONDENCE of Sir Luke Schaub, Secretary of the King of England at Vienna, and afterwards resident at Paris, from 1715 to 1732, 18 vols. folio, comprising many original Letters, Ciphers and Drafts, as follows : Letters, &c. from Vienna, 1715, 1716; Letters of Whitworth, Horace Walpole. Lord Stair and others, 1715, 1716; Correspondence with Mr. Bubb, Lord Stanhope, Lord Stair, Mr. Cragg. 1717-1720; Cor- respondence with the Abbe Dubois, 1718-1721 Relating to Spain, 1718- 1721 Eclating to the North, 1718 ; Papers during Schaub's residence at Paris, 1720-21 ; Correspondence with Mr. Stanhope, 1720-23; Cor- respondence with Lord Carteret, English Ambassador to Sweden, 1719-24; Correspondence with Col. Stanhope, Sir R. Walpole, Tilson and others, 1721-24; Correspond- ence with Lord Harrington, 1730-31 ; Miscellaneous Correspondence. 1731- 32. In the volume (marked 38) 1718-21, are included two Letters from Philippe d'Orleans, " an Roy de la Grande Bretagne monseignenr mon Oncle," dated Paris, 17 Avril, 1719, and 2 Juin, 1719, with seals and autograph signatures. In the vol. marked 40 are included Printed copies of the Treaty of Alliance, signed at London, Aug. 2, 1718 ; and of the French Decree, " Portant reglement sur 1'entree des merchan- dises du cm et fabrique d'Angle- terre, Ecosse, Irlande," &c. of 6 Sept. 1701, Paris. 1722 GEORGE II. CORRESPONDENCE AND PAPERS OF STATE from Vienna, Dresden and Warsaw, 1729-1731, between Count Hoym, Mons. de Briihl and others, some original, many transcripts, 2 volumes folio. The following printed Docu- ments are among them : Libellus Supplex Augusto II, Regi Polonise, etc. etc., ut et con- gregatis in Comitiis Regni anno 1718 Reipublicse Ordinibus, exhi- bitus a dissidentibus in Religione Christiana in regno Poloniae et Magno Ducatu Lithuanise ; Prawa y Wolnosci dissydentom w Nabo- zenstwie chrzescianskim w koronie Polskiey, y w w. x. J. sluzace z Przywileiow, Konstitucyi Semo- wych y Statutow W X L yroznych inszych, zadney wat. pliwosci nie podlegajacych Autentykow. zebrane ydla wiadomosci wszystkich do Druku podane, 1720 ; Jura et Libertates Dissidentinm in Religione Christiana in regno Polonise et M. D. Lithuania, ex legibus regni et aliis monumentis authenticis ex- cerpta, 1708 LETTRES des Ministres des Etats generaux, 1743-48, transcripts, in 1 vol. folio LETTRES, MEMORIALS, etc. des Ministres Hanoveriens, 1731, 1732, many ori- ginals, in 1 vol. folio TRANSCRIPTS of Papers on Swedish Affairs, 1756-59, 1 vol. folio MISCELLANEOUS Letters and Papers on Foreign and Home Affairs, 1744-56, 1 vol. folio, including also the printed tract u ldce de la personne, de la maniere de vivre, et de la Cour du Roi de Prusse," Juin, 1752, with a Declaration and Letter by Voltaire, dated 9 July, 1753. The " Idee" was said by the K. of Prussia to have been written by Voltaire COPIES OF PAPERS on East India, 1750- 67, 1 vol. folio MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS, containing copies of many interesting Documents in Home and Foreign Affairs, ranging from 1559 to 1748, 3 vols. folio COPIES OF MISCELLANEOUS DOCUMENTS. chiefly on English Forces and Colonial Affairs, 1725-58, a portfolio, unbound FRANCE. EMBASSY, NEGOCIATIONS AND DES- PATCHES of Monsieur de Castelnan, Governor of St. Dizier, French Am- bassador to Russia, afterwards to ENGLISH PROSE LITERATURE: HARDWICKE MSS. 2191 THE HARDWICK PAPERS continued. England, 1568-84, transcripts, 5 vols. folio LETTERS AND PAPERS relating to French Affairs in connexion with England, 1558-97, transcripts, 4 vols. 4to. SCOTLAND. LETTERS AND PAPERS relating to Scotch Affairs, 1558-91, transcripts, in 6 vols. 4to. LETTERS from John and Robert Bowes to Sir F. Walsinghain, 1582-90, contem- porary copy, 1 vol. folio Mr. Robert Bowes' LETTERS to Walsing- ham, Burleigh. Cecil, Q. Elizabeth, etc. 1583-97, transcripts, in 3 vols. 4to. LETTERS from Mr. Nicholson to Sir Robert Cecil, 1600-1603, transcripts, in 1 vol. 4to. MEMOIRS touching the Scots War carried on by Major-Gen. Mackay against Viscount Dundee, 1689, 1 vol. 4to. MISCELLANEOUS. Miscellaneous HISTORICAL LETTERS of the 16th and 17th Centuries, copied from the State Paper Office, Cottonian, Bodleian and other Collections, 10 vols. 4to. each vol. containing a List of Contents. The vol. marked " 148, Index," contains Lists of Documents at the State Paper Office Miscellaneous LETTERS OF STATE of the 16th and 17th Centuries, copied from various Collections, 10 vols. 4to. each vol. containing a List of Contents. The vol. marked 109 contains a few pieces of the 14th Century (copies) Miscellaneous STATE PAPERS, ranging from 1549 to 1772, copied from various Collections. 8 vols. 4to. each vol. con- taining a List of Contents HISTORICAL COLLECTIONS, from 1521 to 1669, and 1728-36, copied from various sources,. 3 vols. 4to. each containing a List of Contents Miscellaneous LETTERS AND PAPERS, 1733-80, many of them relating to North America, transcripts, with some originals, in 2 portfolios, unbound Miscellaneous PAPERS AND MEMOIRS, chiefly transcripts, from 1660-1771, portfolio, unbound Volume of PAPERS ON FOREIGN AFFAIRS, chiefly North America and Holland, 1754-57. many originals, some copies, 1 vol. folio Miscellaneous PAPERS AND LETTERS of the 16th and 17th Centuries, trans- cripts, 3 vols. folio (2 unbound) MEMOIRS of Prince Cellamare, translated from the Italian in the Paper OiBce, 1 vol. folio GRANT OF EMOLUMENTS to Philip Lord Hardwicke, on his appointment as Chancellor of Great Britain, dated 23 Feb. 10 Geo. II. Great Seal, in tin box, attached Whilst illuminated MSS. attract many buyers, and hold a high value in the open market, collections of Historical Documents are interesting only to public institutions and to special scholars. Hence it is that I am able to offer at the low- price of 250, the celebrated " Hardwicke Papers," which were considered to be worth 10,000, while still in the pos- session of the Hardwicke family. The injudicious division into lots rendered it impossible for the owners to fix a general reserve price, and the consequence, however disastrous to them, has been advantageous to the public. The Whitworth papers, the Correspondence of Lord Stair and Secretary Craggs, and Sir Luke Schaub's Letters, which are all originals, and the Bowes (Q. Elizabeth) and Salisbury (James I Letters, which are contemporary copies, are of exceedingly great value to the historical student, and really by themselves worth much more than the price fixed upon the whole collection. 2192 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. 2. Printed Books. ABBOTSFORD CLUB BOOKS, 4to. Ids. Edinburgh, 1835: 22356 ANCIENT Mysteries, published from the Digby Manuscripts in the Bodleian Library, 2. 1835 22357 PRESENTATION in the Temple, a Pageant, as originally represented by the Corporation of Weavers in Coventry, in verse, now first printed, with a prefatory notice, a little stained, 18s 1836 22358 COMPOTA Domestica Familiarum de Buckingham et D'Angou- leme, 1443-1452, et 1463, quibus annexse Expenses cujusdam Comitis in Itinere, 1273, 18s 1836 22359 WILLIAMS'S (Sir John) Account of the Monastic Treasures con- fiscated at the dissolution of the various Houses in England, 24s 1836 22360 HEERIES (Lord) Historical Memoirs of the reign of Mary Queen of Scots and of James VI, 20s 1836 22361 ECCLESIASTICAL Records: Selections from the Minutes of the Presbyteries of St. Andrew's and Cupar, from 1641 to 1698, plate of autographs, etc. 20s 1837 22362 ECCLESIASTICAL Records : Selections from the Minutes of the Synod of Fife from 1611 to 1687, plates of seals, etc. 20s 1837 22363 STATE PAPERS and Miscellaneous Correspondence of Thomas Earl of Melros, consisting of 350 Letters and Papers from 1599 to 1615, 2 vols. 36s 1837 22364 MISCELLANY of the Club, Vol. I, 25s 1837 Contains a vast mass of Historical Papers of the Family of Boyd of Kilmarnock, relating to the Affairs of Scotland during the XlVth, XVth, and XVIth Centuries ; Trials for Witchcraft, Sorcery, and Superstition ; Relation of Lord Warwick's Passage in 1627 ; Succession to various Baronies ; Letters and other Papers relative to Great Britain during the reign of James I ; Letters and Papers relative to Irish Matters ; Satires, Poems, Memoirs, etc. 22365 ARTHUR and MERLIN, a Metrical Romance, now first edited from the Auchinleck MSS. (by Turnbull), front, by Sharpe, doth, 36s Edinb. 1838 22366 LETTERS and State Papers during the Reign of King James VI, edited by J. Maidment, facsimiles of autographs, 20s 1838 22367 INVENTOIRE Chronologique des Documens relatifs a 1'Histoire d'Ecosse conserves aux Archives du Royaume a Paris, suivi d'une indication sommaire des Mamiscrits de la Bibliotheqiie Royale, scarce, 24s 1839 22368 HUME. Davidis Humii de Familia Humii Wedderburnensi Liber, with prefatory notice, 18s 1829 22369 ROMANCES of Sir Guy of Warwick and Rembrun his Son, in Verse, now first edited from the Auchinleck MS. by W. B. D Turnbull, with introduction, front, by C. K, Sharpe, and fac similes in Slack Utter, cloth, 2. 8s 1840 Only 100 copies printed. 22370 ROMAN (le) des Aventures de Fregus par Guillaume le Clerc, trouvere du treizieme siecle, publie, pour la premiere fois par F. Michel, 24s 1841 ENGLISH PROSE AND' MISCELL. LITERATURE. 2193 ABBOTSFORD CLUB BOOKS continued. 22371 JACOBITE Correspondence of the Atholl Family, edited by J. H. Burton and David Laing, 24s 1840 22372 LEGEND of St. KATHERINE of Alexandria, edited by J. Morton, 16s 1841 22373 CHARTULARIES of BALMERINO and LINDORES, edited by Turnbull, 18s 1841 22374 EXTRACTA e variis Cronicis Scociae, from the ancient MS. in the Advocates' Library, 18s 1842 22375 MEMOIRS of Sir Ewen Cameron, of Locheill, Chief of the Clan Cameron, with introduction by J. MacKnight, portrait, 20s 1842 22376 LIBER Officialis Sancti Andree curie metropolitane S. Andree in Scotia sententiarum in causis consistorialibus que extant, facsimile, 18s 1845 22377 GARDYNE (Alex.) Garden of Grave and Godlie Flowers The Theatre of Scotish Kings, by Alexander Garden ; with Miscel- laneous Poems, by John Lundie, 24s 1845 22378 SIRE DEGARRE, a Metrical Romance of the end of the XIII Century, edited by D. Laing, facsimiles, 20s 1849 22379 A PENNI WORTH of WITTE : Florice and Blaunchflour ; and other Pieces of Ancient English Poetry, selected from the Auchinleck Manuscript, edited by D. Laing, 30s 1857 22380 LIST of Members, Rules, and Catalogue of Books printed for the Club, 2s Qd 1866 22381 ACADEMY (a New) OF COMPLIMENTS, or complete English Secretary, containing the true art of indicting Letters . . with Dialogues very witty and pleasant . . and a collection of the newest Play- house Songs, 12mo. frontispiece, calf, 12s 1761 22382 ./ESOP'S Fables, with Life, STOCKDALE'S BEAUTIFUL EDITION, 2 vols. imp. 8vo. FINE IMPRESSIONS of the 112 fine engravings after Stothard and others, calf extra, 8. 8s 1793 22383 AGRIPPA (Henry Cornelius) of the Vanitie and Uncertaintie of Artes and Sciences, Englished by Ja. San. (James Sanford), sm. 4to. blach Utter, title inlaid; stained, calf, antique style, 1. 16s E. Bynneman, 1575 22384 AIKIN (Lucy) Memoirs of the Court of Charles I AIKIN (John) Annals of the reign of George III, 4 vols. THOMSON (A. T.) Memoirs of the Court of Henry VIII, 2 vols. together 6 vols. 8vo. portraits, hf. calf neat, 30s 1816-33 22385 ALEMAN'S Rogue ; or, the Life of Guzman de Alfarache, from the Spanish, 2 parts in 1 vol. sm. folio, old calf, 36s 1623 The dedication by the translator, which is written in Spanish, is signed by Don Diego Puede-ser, which is a facetious way of rendering the names of James Mabbe. 22386 ALISON (Archibald) HISTORY OF EUROPE, from the commence- ment of the French Revolution in 1789 to the restoration of the Bourbons in 1815, 10 vols. 8vo. LIBRARY EDITION, calf extra, marbled edges, 2. 2s 1844 A grand historical work, unduly depreciated nowadays. 2194 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. 22387 ALLIBONE'S (S. A.) CRITICAL DICTIONARY OF ENGLISH LITE- RATURE and British and American Authors, living and deceased, from the Earliest Accounts to the latter half of the Nineteenth Century, containing over Forty-three tJwusand Authors, with Literary Notices and Forty Indexes of Subjects ; 3 very large and thick vols. imp. 8vo. (pub. 4. 4s), cloth, 3. 5s Philad. 1881 A marvel of industry, and such a work as has long been required by the student. It is not only the most extensive BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY extant, but the most comprehensive " Classified Record of TForfcs," by English and American Authors, ever compiled. What gives a great and novel charm to the work is the introduction of Criticisms on the various authors, which are selected from the best authorities. The article on Shakspeare alone occupies forty-nine pages, in which 1040 printed volumes and tracts are named. 22388 ANGLESEY (Arthur, Earl of) Memoirs of, 12mo. calf, 7s 6d 1693 22389 ANSWER to a Popish Book intituled a True and Modest Account of the chief points in controversie between the Roman Catholics and the Protestants, sm. 8vo. blue morocco extra, gilt edges, with the autograph, of the celebrated Bishop " Lewis Atterbury," 2. 10s 1706 22390 ARABIAN NIGHTS, Pictorial Edition, new and improved Translation, with Notes illustrative of the Language, Manners and Customs of the Egyptian Arabs, by LANE, 3 vols. impl. 8vo. BEST EDITION, illustrated by upivards of 1000 beautiful wood engravings by Harvey, citron morocco extra, gilt edges, 6. 6s 1839-41 22391 BOOK OF THE THOUSAND NIGHTS AND ONE NIGHT, now first com- pletely done into English prose and verse from the original Arabic by John PAYNE, 9 vols. 8vo. handsomely printed on hand- made paper, parchment covers, uncut, 21. Printed for the Villon Society by private subscription and for private circulation only, 1882-84 22392 ARISTOTLE'S WORKS translated by THOS. TAYLOR, viz. : Meta- physics, Organon, Treatises on the Soul, etc. Animal Physiog- nomy, Parts of Animals, Problems, etc. Rhetoric, Poetic and Nicomachean Ethics, Great and Eudemian Ethics, Politics and Economics, and Philosophy, in 8 vols. 4to. hf. bd. green morocco, gilt tops, uncut, 10. 1801-12 The " Metaphysics " is of the rare first edition of 1801, containing pieces which were not reprinted in the edition of 1812, which is the one usually met with. Beyond these volumes, Taylor also translated the Physics and the Treatises on the Heavens in two further volumes. 22393 ARNOLD (Thomas) Lectures on Modern History, 8vo. cloth, 3s 6d Oxford, 1842 22394 Life and Correspondence, by A. P. Stanley, 2 vols. 8vo. portrait, cloth, 7s 6d 1845 ASCHAM (Roger) Philologist [died 1568]. 22395 the Scholemaster, sm. 4to. top of title and dedication cut off, blue morocco extra, 2. 16s John Daye, 1571 22396 ATLANTIS (The) a Register of Literature and Science, onducted by Members of the Catholic University of Ireland, complete ENGLISH PROSE AND' MISCELL. LITERATURE. 2195 4 vols. 8vo. maps, and plates of Natural History, Mathematics, Oriental Inscriptions, facsimiles, etc. hf. calf neat, 2. 16s 1858-63 Complete copies of this work are exceedingly scarce, as of the first portion only a very few copies were printed. It was edited by Dr. Newman, and contains translations from the Irish. AUBREY (John) Antiquary (1627-97). 22397 Letters, written by eminent Persons in the XVIIth and XVIIIth Centuries, with Lives of eminent Men, 3 vols. 8vo. half calf, 7s 6d 1813 22398 ATSCU (Edward) Historie containing the Warres, Treaties, Marriages and other occurrents betweene England and Scotland from. King William the Conqueror unto King James, etc. sm. 4to. old calf, fine copy, from the 8^lnderland library, 1. Is G. Eld, 1607 BACON (Sir Francis) Lord Verulam (1561-1626). 22399 Works, a new edition, by BASIL MONTAGU, 16 vols. in 17, 8vo. portraits, vieivs, facsimiles, etc. 6. 6s 1825-34 22400 - - WORKS ; new edition, collected and edited by R. L. Ellis, J. Spedding, and D. D. Heath, Vols. I. to V, comprising the Division of Philosophical Works, original and translated, 5 vols. 8vo. Vols. VI and VII, comprising the Division of Literary and Professional Works, 2 vols. 8vo. together 7 vols. 8vo. 3. 10s 1854-70 22401 the same, 7 vols. 1858-59 Letters and Life, including all his occasional Works, namely Letters, Speeches and other authentic writings, collected by Spedding, 7 vols. 1861-74 together 14 vols. 8vo. cloth, 10. 1858-74 Presented by Mr. Spedding to W. B. Donne, Licenser of Plays. 22402 the Essaies . . His Religious Meditations . Places of Persuasion and Disswasion, 18mo. vellum, 5. lohn laggard, 1613 This edition contains 41 essays, some of them printed for the first time, and is dedicated to Sir John Constable. 22403 another edition, 18mo. olive 'morocco extra, gilt edges, l>y S. Amer, 3. 16s /. D. for Elizabeth Jaggard, 1624 This edition is a reprint of the volume of 1613. 22404 - - Essayes or Counsels, civill and morall, newly enlarged, 8m. 4to. old calf, 20s 1625 This is the first complete edition of the Essays and contains 58 in all. 22405 - Of the proficiencie and advancement of Learning, divine and humane, FIRST EDITION, sm. 4to. calf, 36s 1605 22406 the same (with preface and analysis), sm. 8vo. cloth, 10s 1825 22407 Certaine Miscellany Works of the Rt. Hon. F. Lo. Verulam, published by W. Rawley, sm. 4to. first edition, old English olive morocco gilt, 36s 1629 Containing Considerations touching a Warre with Spaine, an Advertise- ment touching an Holy Warre, of a digest to be made of the Lawes of England, History of the reign of Henry the Eighth. 22400 Conference of Pleasure, composed for some festive occasion about the year 1592, edited from the original MS. by 2196 BERNARD QUARITCH'S GENERAL CATALOGUE. BACON (SiR FRANCIS) continued. James Spedding, 4to. handsomely printed by Whittingham on hand-made paper, cloth, 10s 1870 A few copies were printed in this form by the Editor for private distribution. This copy was presented to Mr. W, B. Donne, Licenser of Plays. 22410 MALLET'S Life of Francis Bacon, folio, calf, 5s 1760 22411 [BANCROFT (Richard) ArchbisJwp of Canterbury'] Daungerous Positions and Proceedings published and practised within this island of Brytaine under pretence of Reformation, 1593 [Bancroft] Survey of the pretended holy Discipline, 1663 2 vols. in 1, sm. 4to. old calf, 20s 1593-1663 Valuable for the history of the Puritans. BANNATYNE CLUB : All the Books are in 4