'X Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding. from IVIicrosoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/catalogueoflibraOOhagerich THE LIBRARY OF THE LATE WINSTON H. HAGEN TO BE SOLD BY ORDER OF LUCY T. HAGEN EXECUTRIX WINSTON H. HAGEN [1860-1918] SALE NUMBER 1352 ON PUBLIC EXHIBITION FROM MAY FIRST CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF THE LATE WINSTON H. HAGEN ORDER OF SALE MONDAY AFTERNOON MONDAY EVENING TUESDAY AFTERNOON TUESDAY EVENING WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON WEDNESDAY EVENING THURSDAY AFTERNOON MAY 13 LOTS 1—205 MAY 13 LOTS 206—418 MAY 14 LOTS 419—630 MAY 14 LOTS 631—835 MAY 15 LOTS 836—1044 MAY 15 LOTS 1045— -1253 MAY 16 LOTS 1254—1466 THE ANDERSON GALLERIES PARK AVENUE AND FIFTY- NINTH STREET NEW YORK ^ CONDITIONS OF SALE All bids to be per lot as numbered in the Catalogue. The highest bidder to be the buyer. In all cases of disputed bids the lot shall be resold, but the Auctioneer will use his judgment as to the good faith of all claims and his decision shall be final. Buyers to give their names and addresses and to make such cash pay- ments on account as may be required, in default of which the lots purchased to be immediately resold. Goods bought to be removed at the close of each sale. If not so re- moved they will be at the sole risk of the purchaser, and subject to storage charges, and The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, will not be responsible if such goods are lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed. Terms cash. If accounts are not paid at the conclusion of each sale, or, in the case of absent buyers, when bills are rendered, this Com- pany reserves the right to recatalogue the goods for immediate sale without notice to the defaulting buyer, and all costs of such resale will be charged to the defaulter. This condition is without prejudice to the rights of the 'Cprtipiany t© ervferce' tile sale contract and collect the amount due withodt* *such female kt its own option. Unsettled ac- counts are subject .tp 'iiiter^C af 'tifQ* fate oj six per cent, per annum. All books are sold' as catalogued* and ' ar'e assumed to be in good SECOND-HAND Condition. If material defects are found, not mentioned in the catalogue, the lot may be returned. Notice of such defects must be given promptly and the goods returned within ten days from the date of the sale. No exceptions will be made to this rule. Maga- zines and other periodicals, and all miscellaneous books arranged in parcels, are sold as they are, without recourse. Autograph Letters, Documents, Manuscripts and Bindings are sold as they are, without recourse. The utmost care is taken to authen- ticate and correctly describe items of this character, but this Company will not be responsible for errors, omissions, or defects of any kind. Bids. We make no charge for executing orders for our customers and use all bids competitively, buying at the lowest price permitted by other bids. Priced Copy of this Catalogue may be secured for fifty cents for each session of the sale. THE ANDERSON GALLERIES INCORPORATED PARK AVENUE AND FIFTY-NINTH STREET NEW YORK TELEPHONE PLAZA 9356 CATALOGUES ON REQUEST SALES CONDUCTED BY MR. FREDERICK A. CHAPMAN FOREWORD T HAVE been asked to write a few words by way of intro- "*■ duction to the catalogue of the library of my dear friend, Winston H. Hagen. It is hardly necessary to do so, as the well selected and beautifully proportioned character o£ the collection speaks for itself, and it is at once evident to the most casual observer that it was formed by one intimately familiar with the history and development of English litera- ture. Mr. Hagen often said that when he first began buying rare books, he had formed a plan to secure a small but important collection which should consist of the monumental works of the leading authors from Chaucer to the present day. For in- stance, a First Folio Shakespeare, 1623 ; Paradise Lost, 1667 ; Burton's Anatomy, 1621; Pope's Dunciad, 1728; Goldsmith's Vicar of Wakefield, 1766, and so on until he should cover the development of our literature from the early days to our own time. But gradually, while still pursuing this intelligent plan, he found himself from time to time enlarging his scope here and there as seemingly unusual opportunities occurred to add treasures that he found too attractive to resist. So almost un- consciously he found himself a general collector of all English writers. Hagen was a collector because he was essentially a book lover and student of literature, and did not buy simply to add a rare item to his catalogue, that aside from its rarity had little else to recommend it. And so it has developed that, in my opinion, a better planned collection within its well- defined limits has never been dispersed by auction. And now this splendid result of a lifetime is to be broken up, and those cherished volumes are to find other homes and other owners. Perhaps it is better so. I remember the late Robert Hoe returning from abroad told me of the neglect he had seen in some famous libraries, where priceless Caxtons were carelessly thrown into open bin-like shelves, and covered with grime and dust, permitted to lie there neglected and forgotten. '*No," said he, ''rare books should go to those who value and love them. ' ' This is no doubt the reason his library was dispersed by auction and not bequeathed to an institution. When I come to turn over hastily the proof sheets of this collection, I am struck by its completeness. Never be- fore have any su£h^aolLectii)iis of the works of Donne, Dry- den, Gray, Milton, Pope and others been offered to the bids of the public. If I were asked what is the scarcest item in the sale, I should unhesitatingly say that charming little volume containing four of the poems of John Skelton, Poet Laureate to King Henry VII. Two of these little booklets were in the Hoe Library, but this lot of four from the Locker Library is probably unique. Mr. Hagen was very fond of the Songs and Sonnets (Tottle's Miscellany) of 1574. This is a rare book and not to be regarded lightly. But why point out the gems in this cabinet of gems? The keen collector, the eager buyer will recognize and note them. One who followed with some apprehension Mr. Hagen 's continual investment in books said he thought he would do better to purchase good bonds. * 'No, ' ' said Hagen, ''my books are worth more than your bonds.'* Let us hope he was right ; and recent events in the stock mar- ket would seem to confirm his judgment. Beverly Chew. ^- CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF THE LATH WINSTON H. HAGEN FIRST SESSION Monday Afternoon, May 13, at 2.30 o'clock LOTS 1-205 1. ADDISON (JOSEPH). A Poem to his Majesty, Pre- sented to the Lord Keeper. Folio, half crimson levant mo- rocco, by [The Club Bindery]. London : Printed for Jacob Tonson, 1695 First Edition. Very fine copy. Bare. [From the library of Frederick Locker.] 2. ADDISON (JOSEPH). Cato. A Tragedy. As it is Acted at the Theatre-Royal in Dniry-Lane, by Her Majesty's Servants. Small 4to, full blue straight-grain morocco, gilt edges. London : Printed for J. Tonson, 1713 ^T'/^'^ -^ HANDSOME COPY OF THE FiRST EDITION, with broad margins ' / throughout, ajid the half-title. The Prologue is by Pope and the Epitaph by Garth. Voltaire expressed surprise that a nation which had so perfect a play as ' ' Cato ' ' should prefer to see Shakespeare 'a plays. ^1- 3. AESCHYLUS. The Tragedies of Aeschylus Trans- lated. By R. Potter. 2 vols, 8vo, original calf. London : Printed for W. Strahan, 1779 M 4. ALEXANDER (SIR WILLIAM, Earl of Stirling). Aurora, containing the first fancies of the author's youth. Printer's device on title. Small 4to, full crimson levant mo- rocco, gilt edges, by F. Bedford. ^ . London : Printed by Richard Field, 1604 "" ^ •'The 'Excessively Eare First Edition. Choice copy, with notes on the fly-leaf by Mitford and Locker, The latter writes: *'I like Sonnet 10 page 15. Alexander did not Knarry his Aurora, hut a daugh- ter of Sir Wm. ErsTcine. F. L/' This poem was not included in the folio, "Becreation with the Muses," 1637. The Heber-Mitford- Locker copy, with bookplate of the latter, and autographs of all THREE FORMER OWNERS. 5. ALEXANDER (SIR WILLIAM, Earl of Stirling). A Paraenesis to tlie Prince. Small 4to, full crushed brown levant morocco, gilt tooled vignette on each panel, gilt edges, by Riviere. London: Richard Field for Edward Blount, 1604 First Edition. Very rare. Beautiful, crisp copy, with the scarce final blank leaf (D2). 6. ALEXANDER (WILLIAM, Earl of Stirling). The Monarchicke Tragedies; Croesus, Darius, The Alexandrsean, Julius Caesar. Newly enlarged. Small 4:to, full crimson le- vant morocco, gilt, gilt edges, by F. Bedford. London: Valentine Simmes for Ed. Blount, 1607 The Tragedie of Darius included in the above volume bears the date of 1604. It is the Second Edition, and the first printed in England. Very Scarce. With the Thomas Gaisford and M. C. Lef- ferts bookplates. 7. ALEYN (CHARLES). The BattaHes of Crescey and Poictiers, Vnder the Fortunes and Valour of King Edward the third of that name, and his sonne Edward Prince of Wales, named the Black. The second edition, enlarged. Small 8vo, full crimson levant morocco, gilt back, gilt edges, by Lloyd, Wallis and Lloyd. London : Printed by Thomas Harper, 1633 Fine copy, with the leaf of Errata. 8. ALEYN (CHARLES). The Historic of that Wise and Fortunate Prince,' Henrie of that Name the Seventh, King of England. With that famed Battaile, fought betweene the sayd King Henry and Richard the third named Crook- backe, upon Redmoore neere Bosworth. Brilliant impression of the rare portrait of Henry VII, hy William Marshall. Small Svo, full black levant morocco, Jansen style, gilt edges, by The Club Bindery. London: Printed by Tho. Cotes for William Cooke, 1638 First Edition. Eare, and a choice copy. With the Lefferts book- plate. ORIGINAL VELLUM BINDING /j^ 9. [ALLOT (ROBERT).] Englands Parnassus: or The ^ Choysest Flowers of our Moderne Poets, with their Poeticall 8 comparisons. Descriptive of Bewties, Personages, Castles, Pal- laces, Monntaines, Groues, Seas, Springs, Riuers, &c. Where- unto are annexed other various discourses, both pleasant and profitable. Printer's device on title. 12mo, original vellum, in red morocco solander case. Imprinted at London for N. L. C. B. and T. H., 1600 Very Eare. The First Poetical Anthology of English Lit- erature AND the most valuable. It Contains no less than 79 extracts from Shakespeare alone, besides selections from Spenser, Gascoigne, Dekker, Chapman, Lodge, Marlowe, Ben Jonson, Daniel, Drayton, and other eminent Poets, many not to be found in any other collection. 10. AMERICAN Book-Prices Current. Compiled from A^ the Auctioneers' Catalogues, by Luther S. Livingston. 1897 and 1901-1904. 5 vols., 8vo, original cloth, gilt tops. N. Y. : Dodd, Mead & Co., 1897-1904 11. AMERICAN SILVER, the Work of Seventeenth and Eighteenth Century Silversmiths, Exhibited 1906. [By R. /2 ^ T. H. Halsey.] Portrait of Paul Revere and numerous plates. Royal 8vo, wrappers, uncut. Boston, 1906 12. ANDREWS (WILLIAM LORING). The Treatyse of Fysshynge wyth an Angle. From the Book of St. Albans: With an Introductory Essay by William Loring Andrews. /iC^ Printed in red and black. 8vo, original vellum, gilt, silk ties, ^^ uncut. New York: Scribner, 1903 One of 150 copies on hand-made paper. •7 13. [ARNOLD (MATTHEW).] The Strayed Reveller, /j -^and other Poems. By A. Small 8vo, original cloth, uncut. ' London: B. Fellowes, 1849 The Extremely Eare First Edition. This work was suppressed by the author, and only a few copies got into circulation. ^; 3- 14. [ARNOLD (MATTHEW).] Empedocles on Etna, ^^and other Poems. By A. Small 8vo, original cloth, uncut. ^ London: B. Fellowes, 1852 The Extremely Eare First Edition. This book was withdrawn from circulation after less than 50 copies had been sold, on account of what the author thought '' defective workmanship.'' Presenta- tion COPY ''From the Author" [to J. A. Froude]. 15. ARNOLD (MATTHEW, Editor). Poems of Words- worth. Vignette portrait on title. 8vo, original cloth, uncut. London : Macmillan, 1879 First Edition. Large Paper. With the Thomas J. McKee book- plate. 9 16. ASCHAM (ROGER). Toxophilus, The Schole of shootinge conteyned in two bookes. To all Gentlemen and yomen of Englande, pleasaunte for theyr pastyme to rede, and profitable for theyr use to folow, both in war and peace. Arms of King Henry VIII. on first page. Small 4to, full crushed green levant morocco, Jansen style, gilt tooled inside borders, gilt edges [by The Club Bindery]. [Colophon.] Londini: In aedibus Edouardi Nhytchurch, 1545 The Extremely Rare First Edition. Black Letter. No copy was contained in the Huth, Hoe, nor McKee libraries, nor was one available for the Grolier collations, where the second edition is de- scribed. In beautiful condition, with ample margins. With the Lefferts bookplate. 17. ASCHAM (ROGER). The Scholemaster Or plains and perfite way of teachyng children to understand, write and speake the Latin tong, but specially purposed for the private brynging up of yoth in lentlemen and Noble mens houses and commodious also for all such as have forgot the Latin tonge and would by themselves without a Scholemaster in short time and with small paines, recover a sufficient habi- litie to understand, write and speake Latin. Black Letter, 4to, brown crushed levant morocco, gilt tops, rough edges, by the Club Bindery. [Colophon.] At London : Printed by John Daye dwellyng ouer Aldersgate, 1570 Fine copy of the Eare First Edition, with many contemporary- notes on the wide outer margins. The last leaf has the large print- er's device over colophon. Has an early signature on fly leaf, ''Cornelius Paine," and has the scarce dedication leaf, ''To the honorable Sir William Cecill Knight." With the Lefferts book- plate. 18. [AUSTIN (SAMUEL).] Naps upon Parnassus. A Sleepy Muse Nipt and Pincht, though not Awakened, such voluntary and jovial copies of Verse, as were lately received from some of the Wits of the Universities in a Frolick dedi- cated to Gondibert's Mistress, by Captain Jones and others. With marginal notes' by a friend to the reader. 8vo, hand- somely bound in old green morocco, back and sides tooled with gold, gilt edges. London: Printed for N. Brook, 1658 The Exceedingly Rare First Edition. Over half the volume is taken up with satirical poems upon Austin's writings, while his own are printed with abusive side-notes. A beautiful copy in. a fine old binding. With the Lefferts bookplate. 19. AYRES (PHILIP). Emblemata Amatoria. Em- blems of Love. In four Languages. Dedicated to the Ladys. Engraved title, text, and 45 plates. Small 8vo, full dark red 10 crushed levant morocco, gilt, gilt edges, by The Club Bindery. London : Sold by R. Bently and S. Tidmarch, 1683 First Edition. Fine and perfect copy. 20. BACON (FRANCIS, Lord Verulam). The History ^^ of the Reign of King Henry the Seventh. Engraved portrait of Henry VII by John Payne. Folio, contemporary calf. London: W. Stansby for Matthew Lownes, and William Bar- ret, 1622 First Edition. An exceedingly large and fine copy of this scarce book. With the Lefferts bookplate. ^ 21. BACON'S ESSAYS. With an Introduction by Henry Morley, London, 1885; The House of the Wolfings (Morris). Boston, 1890; The Great Lord Burghley (Hume), London, 1898. 3 vols., 8vo, cloth and half morocco, uncut. 22. [BANCROFT (JOHN).] Henry the Second, King of England ; with the Death of Rosamond. A Tragedy Acted at the Theatre-Royal, by Their Majesties Servants. Small 4to, half brown morocco, gilt edges. London : Printed for Jacob Tonson, 1693 First Edition. The Dedication is by Will Mountfort and the Epilogue by Dryden. The work for some time was supposed to have been written by Mountfort. 23. BANCROFT (THOMAS). Two Bookes of Epigrams, and Epitaphs. Dedicated to two top-branches of Gentry: ^^ Sir Charles Shirley, Baronet, and William Davenport, Esquire. Small 4to, full dark green levant morocco, gilt edges, by Riviere. London: Printed by I. Okes, for Matthew Walbancke, 1639 Fine copy of the First Edition, with the leaf of imprimature, lacking in most copies. Two of these epigrams (118 and 119) are addressed to Shakespeare. 24. BARCLAY (ALEXANDER). Stultifera Nauis. The Shipp of Fooles, wherin is shewed the folly of all States, with diuers other workes adioyned unto the same, very profitable and fruitfull for all men. Translated out of Latin into Eng- ,lishe by Alexander Barclay Priest. Large Woodcut on title and numerous smaller ones in the text. Folio, contemporary calf, gilt shell ornaments on panels and in corners. [Colo- phon.] Imprinted at London in Paules Church-yarde by John Ca- wood, n. d. [1570] The Eare Second Edition. Interesting old binding, with the slip, ''Shipp of Fooles" which went over foredge when the book was 11 /z I' 5- 3 l2o 7/ placed on a shelf back inward. This copy contains "The Mirrour "of Good Manners" and the "Certayne Egloges." There is a refer- ence to America in the ' ' large lande and grounde beene f ounde by maryners," on page 131. With the Bayfield Hall bookplate. 25. [BARHAM (R. H.).] The Ingoldsby Legends, or Mirth and Marvels. By Thomas Ingoldsby, Esq. Edited by His Daughter, Mrs. Edward A. Bond. Portrait and many il- lustrations hy Cruikshank, Leech, and others. 3 vols., 8vo, half green levant morocco, gilt tops, uncut. London: Richard Bentley, 1894 This fine edition contains a Life of Barham, by his son. 26. BARRIE (J. M.). Sentimental Tommy. First Edi- tion. 8vo, original cloth, gilt top, uncut (binding slightly loose). London, 1896 27. BARRIE (J. M.). Tommy and Grizel. First Edi- tion. 8vo, original cloth, gilt top. London, 1900 28. BARRIE (J. M.). The Little White Bird. Frontis- piece. First Edition. 8vo, original cloth, gilt top. London, 1902 29. [BAXTER (NATHANIEL).] Sir Philip Sydneys Ourania, That is, Endimions Song and Tragedie, Containing all Philosophic. Written by N. B. Small 4to, full maroon levant morocco, gilt tooled, doublure of green levant with mosaic ornamentation inlaid in maroon, gilt tooled, gilt on rough edges, by Kaufmann (title corner restored). London : Ed. AUde for Edward White, 1606 First Edition. Very rare. Attributed sometimes to Nicolas Breton, but more probably by Baxter, who was Sydney's tutor. There are 'two references to America in this early volume. Contains a few marginal emendations in an early hand. With the Hoe book- plate. 30. [BEAUMONT (SIR JOHN) .] Bosworth Field : With a Taste of the Variety of Other Poems. Small 8vo, old brown morocco, gilt and blind tooled, gilt edges. London: Felix Kyngston for Henry Seile, 1629 First Edition. In this, as in all copies, the leaf N3 (pp. 181-2) has been extracted. Speculation had long been lavished on what it had contained, but only recently it was satisfactorily established as a poem ''On the death of many good People slaine by the fall of a floore at a Catholic Sermon in Black Friers." Contains com- mendatory poems by Ben Jonson, Drayton, Francis Beaumont, and others. From the library of Sir Mark Masterman Sykes, with his stamp on panels. 12 (^- 31. BEAUMONT (FRANCIS). Poems: The Herma- phrodite ; The Remedie of Love ; Elegies ; Sonnets, with other Poems. 4to, red niger morocco, gilt back and side borders, some lower edges uncut, gilt edges, by The Club Bindery. London: Richard Hodgkinson for W. W. and Laurence Blaikelocke, 1640 First Edition of the Poems attributed to Beaumont, and very scarce. With the Hoe bookplate. 32. BEAUMONT (FRANCIS). Poems, by Francis Beau- mont, Gent. Viz. The Hermaphrodite. The Remedy of Love. Elegies. Sonnets, with other Poems. 8vo, full light brown crushed levant morocco, decorated with panels of antique design inlaid in red and olive morocco, with Le Gascon tool- ing, each panel surrounded with a festoon in gold, gilt edges, by Riviere. London: Printed for William Hepe, 1653 Second Edition. Eare. This edition has in addition to the Poems in the first edition of 1640, much additional matter, including poems borrowed from Donne, Cleveland, Waller, Eandolph, etc. The ''Hope" imprint is much rarer than the ' ' Blaiklock. " With the Borden bookplate. 33. BEAUMONT (FRANCIS) AND FLETCHER (JOHN). Wit Without Money. A Comedie, As it hath beene Presented with good Applause at the private house in Drurie Lane, by her Majesties Servants. Ornament on title. Small 4to, full parchment. London : Printed by Thomas Cotes, 1639 First Edition. Scarce. With the Locker bookplate. 34. BEAUMONT AND FLETCHER. Comedies and Tragedies. Written by Francis Beaumont and John Fletcher, , Gentlemen. Never printed before. And now published by the ^J'^ Authours Originall Copies. Engraved portrait of Fletcher hy Marshall. Folio, full brown levant morocco, gilt and blind- tooled, gilt edges, by Riviere. London: Printed for Humphrey Robinson, 1647 The Very Rare First Collected Edition. A Very Handsome and Large Copy, with the portrait in its first state, ''J. Berken- head, " being in large type. 36 of the plays are printed here for the first time. 35. BEAUMONT AND FLETCHER. The Wild-Goose Chase. A Comedie. As it hath been Acted with singular Applause at the Black-Friers: Being the Noble, Last, and y^ ^^nely Remaines of those Incomparable Drammatists. Francis Beaumont, and Gent. John Fletcher, 13 % A 2o 72 7i Retrieved for the Publiek delight of all the Ingenius. By a Person of Honour. Folio, half crimson levant morocco, gilt edges, by [The Club Bindery]. London : Printed for Humphrey Moseley, 1652 An exceptionally large and choice copy of the First Issue OF the First Edition. On the verso of sig. a, the title of the play was evidently printed "The Wild-CJiase"; this has been cor- rected by a slip with the proper word *' Goose" printed thereon, and pasted over the erroneously printed word. Apparently this has escaped the notice of bibliographers. This is the Play which was lost, and consequently could not be included in the 1647 folio edition of Beaumont and Fletcher's works. With the Lefferts bookplate. 36. BEAUMONT AND FLETCHER. Fifty Comedies and Tragedies. All in one Volume. Published by the Au- '** thors Original Copies, the Songs to each Play being added. With brilliant impression of the fine and rare portrait frontis- piece of Fletcher by William Marshall. Thick large folio, old calf, gilt back and sides. London : Printed by J. Macock, 1679 The Second Collected Edition, containing several Prologues AND Epilogues, besides 17 plays not found in the First Edition. An extremely fine, tall copy, measuring 14%x8% inches. ^ 37. BEHN (MRS. APHRA). The Debauchee: or, the Credulous Cuckold. A Comedy. Acted at His Highness The Duke of York's Theatre. Small 4to, half calf, gilt edges. London: Printed for John Amery, 1677 First Edition. With the Lefferts and Frederick Perkins book- plates. ^ 38. BEHN (MRS. APHRA). The Rover, or The Banish 't Cavaliers. London, 1677; The Second Part of The Rover. London, 1681. 2 vols., small 4to, full neat calf, gilt edges. London, 1677-1681 First Edition. Fine copy of both parts. ^ 39. BEHN (MRS. APHRA) . Sir Patient Fancy : A Com- edy. As it is Acted at the Duke's Theatre. Small 4to, brown calf, gilt edges, by Riviere. London: Printed by E. Flesher, 1678 First Edition. Contains the Address "To the Eeader," not in the Hoe copy. Nell Gwyn appeared in the part of Lady Knowell. 40. BEHN (MRS. APHRA). The Feign 's Curtizans, or, ^/^A Nights Intrigue. A Comedy. As it is Acted at the Dukes Theatre. Small 4to, three-quarter blue levant morocco, by The Club Bindery. London : Printed for Jacob Tonson, 1679 14 First Edition. Dedicated to Nell Gwyn. With the Lefferts bookplate. • ^ 41. BEHN (MES. APHRA). Poems upon Several Oc- ^^^^ casions : With a Voyage to the Island of Love. 8vo, full green levant morocco, gilt, gilt edges, by the Club Bindery. London: R. Tonson and J. Tonson, 1684 First Edition. Scarce. ^' 42. BEHN (MRS. APHRA) . La Montre : or The Lover's Watch. Small 8vo, full blue crushed levant morocco, ribbed and gilt lettered back, gilt inside borders, gilt on rough e*dges, by Club Bindery. London: Printed by R. H., 1686 First Edition. Very fine copy, with the scarce leaf of imprimatur preceding title, and the engraved plate representing the face of a watch. With the Beverly Chew bookplate. ^7j 43. BEHN (MRS. APHRA). The Widdow Ranter or, p'7 — ' The History of Bacon in Virginia. A Tragi-Comedy. Small 4to, full crimson levant morocco, gilt edges, by F. Bedford. London : James Knapton, 1690 First Edition. A posthumous work, with a prologue by Dryden. With the Bement bookplate. J5 44. BEHN (MRS. APHRA). The Younger Brother: or, The Amorous Jilt. A Comedy, Acted at the Theatre Royal. Small 4to, half olive levant morocco. London: J. Harris, 1696 First Edition. Contains an account of the Life of Mrs. Behn. With the Lefferts bookplate. 7 • /r-V 45. BENHAM (W. HAMILTON). Trade and Trade \ Q^ Centres of History. Portraits and maps. Small folio, boards, r buckram back, uncut. New York: De Vinne Press, 1907 Limited Edition. 46. BIBLE. The Holy Bible, Conteyning the Old and / New Testaments, Newly translated out of the Ori^al h^ -^ Tongues. Engraved titles to Old and New Testaments, Gene- alogies, and Map. Printed in Gothic type. Thick folio, full dark blue morocco, broad inside borders, gilt edges. Imprinted at London by Robert Barker, 1611 Choice copy of the Editio Princeps of the King James' Bible, commonly known as the Authorized version. A handsome specimen of old binding. With the bookplate of Bishop Gott. 47. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Bijblioliheca Anglo-Poetica : or, a Descriptive Catalogue of a Rare and Rich Collection of 15 / Early English Poetry. Illustrations and portraits. Royal 8vo, full purple morocco, ,gilt top, uncut. London: Printed by Thomas Davison, 1815 Fine copy. With the William Harris Arnold bookplate. ^ rO 48. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Lowndes (W. T.). The Bibliog- 'A'^^-^' rapher's Manual of English Literature. New Edition, Re- t/ vised. Corrected and Enlarged. 11 vols., 12mo, original yel- lowcloth (one back chipped). London: Henry G. Bohn, 1857-64 M 11 % 9 J3 49. BIBLIOGRAPHY. The Rowfant Library. A Cata- logue of the Printed Books, Manuscripts, Autograph Letters, Drawings and Pictures collected by F ^ederick Locker-Lamson. An Appendix to the Rowfant Library. 2 vols., royal 8vo, cloth, brown morocco backs, gilt tops, uncut. London: The Chiswick Press, 1886-1900 Only 150 copies of the former were issued, and 350 copies of the Appendix. 50. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Catalogue of Original and Early Editions of some of the Poetical and Prose Works of English Writers from Langland to Wither. With Collations and Notes. Facsimiles. Roval 8vo, half morocco, uncut (covers loose). ' New York: Grolier Club, 1893 One of 400 copies. With the bookplate of George F. Kunz. 51. BIBLIOGRAPHY. A Catalogue of a portion of the Library of Edmund Gosse. By R. J. Lister. Facsimiles. 4to, white decorated buckram, uncut. London : Vale Press, 1893 One of 65 copies, numbered and signed by the author. Printed privately for subscribers. With the Lefferts bookplate. 52. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Slater ( J. H.). Early Editions: A Bibliographical Survey of the Works of Some Popular Modern Authors. 8vo, original cloth, morocco back, gilt top, uncut (back chipped). London: Kegan Paul, 1894 53. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Sharp (R. F.). Dictionary of English Authors. With List of Errata. 8vo, red cloth, gilt top. London : Redway, 1898 4 54. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Catalogue of an Exhibition of jrO First and other Editions of the Works of John Dryden. ^ -^ Portrait. 8vo, boards, uncut. 0/ New York: Grolier Club, 1900 Large Paper Copy, one of 200 copies. 16 55. BIBLIOGRAPHY. One Hundred Books famous in j-t) English Literature, with facsimiles of the title-pages, and 2^ -"^Bn Introduction by George E. Woodberry. Royal 8vo, boards, vellum back, uncut. New York: The Grolier Club, 1902 56. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Bibliographical Notes on One ^j Hundred Books famous in English Literature. Compiled by ^' Henry W. Kent. Royal 8vo, boards, vellum back, uncut. New York: The Grolier Club, 1903 Limited to 305 copies. ^ .^ 57. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Auction Prices of Books. Ed- ^' ited by Luther S. Livingston. 4 vols., 4to, buckram. New York, 1904 Limited edition. 58. BIBLIOGRAPHY. A Catalogue of Books consisting of English Literature and Miscellanea, including many orig- ttir'^ndl editions of Shakespeare, forming part of the library of '^^ E. D. Church. Numerous facsimiles. 2 vols. Imperial 8vo, buckram, uncut. N. Y., 1909 Limited to 150 copies. A most valuable book of reference on account of the collations and facsimiles. r 71 59. BIBLIOGRAPHY. A Catalogue of Marshall C. Lef- y^^fert's great collection of First and Later Editions of the Works of Alexander Pope. Facsimile illustrations. 8vo, boards. New York: Dodd, Mead & Co., [1909] Presentation copy from Mr. Livingston. 60. BIBLIOGRAPHY. A Catalogue of some of the more 'important Books, Manuscripts and Drawings in the Library of Harry Elkins Widener. Illustrations and facsimiles. 4to, three-quarter blue levant morocco, gilt top, uncut. Philadelphia : Privately Printed, 1910 One of 102 copies on Whatman hand-made paper. The first copy of this important catalogue to be offered for sale. S^ 61. BIBLIOGRAPHY. A Catalogue of the Books and Manuscripts of Robert Louis Stevenson in the Library of the late Harry Elkins Widener. With a Memoir by A. S. W. Rosenbach. Facsimiles of title-pages, etc. 4to, three-quarter blue levant morocco, gilt top, uncut. Philadelphia : Privately Printed, 1913 One of 150 copies. The first copy of this important catalogue to be offered for sale. 17 /' s I L J3. '/ A- Si 62. BIBLIOGRAPHY. A Catalo^e of the First Edi- tions of the Works of Alexander Pope (1688-1744), together with a Collection of the engraved portraits of the Poet and his friends. Portrait frontispiece of Pope. 8vo, original boards, uncut. New York : Grolier Club, 1911 One of 200 copies. 63. BIBLIOPHILE SOCIETY. Facsimile of the Orig- inal MS. of Swinburne's Essay ''Mr. Whistler's Lecture on Art." 13pp. small folio, in buckram portfolio. n. p., n. d. Autograph presentation copy from W. K. Bixby. 64. BIBLIOTHECA CURIOSA. Goldsmid (Edmund, Editor). Account of King Charles the Second's Escape from Worcester ; Trial of Francis Ravaillac, for the Murder of King Henry the Great. 2 vols., 8vo, limp vellum, uncut. Edinb., 1883-5 Large Paper Copies: only 75 privately printed. 65. BLADES (WILLIAM). The Enemies of Books. Frontispiece and illustrations. 8vo, original parchment wrap- pers, uncut. London : Trubner & Co., 1880 First Edition. 66. BLAKE (WILLIAM). The Grave, a Poem. By Rob- . ^iJ3' ^^ Blair. Illustrated with 12 etchings executed from Orig- j I inal Designs, hy William, Blake. Large 4to, original boards (covers loose), uncut. London: Printed by T. Bensley, 1808 First Edition. Subscribers' copy. 67. BLOUNT (SIR THOMAS POPE). De Re Poetica: or, Remarks upon Poetry. With Characters and Censures of the Most Considerable Poets, whether Ancient or Modem. 4to, original calf. London : Printed by Ric. Everingham, 1694 First Edition. Fine copy in the original binding. Contains estimates of Shakespeare, Milton, Donne, Cowley and others. With the bookplate of Edward, Duke of Norfolk. 68. BOCCACCIO (GIOVANNI) . II Decameron di Messer Giovanni Boccacci Cittadino Fiorentino. Ricorretto in Roma, et Emendato secondo I'ordine del Sacro Cone, di Trento. Woodcut fleur-de-lis device on title, and initials. 8vo, ancient vellum. In Fiorenza: Nella Stamperia de 1 Giunti, 1573 Very Scarce. This edition of Boccaccio appears in the list of Shakespeareana privately printed at the Chiswick Press in 1899. 18 1' 69. BOSWELL (JAMES). The Journal of a Tour to the Hebrides, with Samuel Johnson, LL.D. 8vo, old polished calf, gilt back, leather label. London : Printed by Henry Baldwin, 1785 First Edition. Fine copy. With the bookplate of the Duke of Beaufort. ^ 70. BOSWELL (JAMES). The Life of Samuel \ *^t^ Johnson, LL.D. Frontispiece portrait of Johnson, engraved Ay ^ by Heath after Reynolds, and two facsimiles. 2 vols., 4to, original boards, rebacked, uncut. London: Pl-inted by Henry Baldwin, 1791 First Edition. Very Bare, especially in uncut state. From the library of E. T. Hamilton Bruce, with his arms stamped on sides. ^^ 71. BOSWELL (JAMES). The Principal Corrections ^^ and Additions to the First Edition of Mr. Boswell's Life of Dr. Johnson. 4to, full polished calf, gilt edges, by Riviere. London: Printed by Henry Baldwin, 1793 First Edition. Eare. This is sometimes found bound up with the second edition, 1793. Pages 38-42 contain a Chronological Catalogue of the Prose Works of Dr. Johnson. //' /if }3r' 72. BOUCHOT (HENRI). The Book: Its Printers, Il- lustrators, and Binders. 172 facsimiles. Royal 8vo, cloth, gilt top. ^ London, 1890 73. BOYLE (ROGER, Earl of Orrey). Two New Trage- dies. The Black Prince, and Tryphon: The First Acted at the Theatre-Royal, by his Majestic 's Servants; the other by his Highness the Duke of York's Servants. Folio, full mot- tled calf, by Riviere. London: Printed by T. N. for Henry Herringman, 1669 First Edition. Rare. Large and fine copy, with the leaf of Errata at the end, usually wanting. Nell Gwyn acted the part of Alizia in the ''Black Prince." With the Lefferts bookplate. 74. BRATHWAITE (RICHARD). The English Gentle- man: Containing Sundry excellent Rules or exquisite Obser- vations, tending to Direction of every Gentleman, of selecter .ranke and qualitie; How to demeane or accomodate himself e in the manage of publike or private affaires. Engraved title in compartments, by Vaughan, and the preliminary folding leaf Draught of the frontispiece. Small 4to, original vellum. London: Printed by John Haviland, 1630 First Edition. Very scarce. Fine copy in original binding, 19 /■ 75. BRATHWAITE (RICHARD). The English Gentle- woman, drawne out to the full Body: Expressing, What . ^ Habilliments doe best attire her. What Ornaments doe best ^ adorne her, What Complements doe best accomplish her. Small 4to, limp vellum, gilt edges on the rough. London: Printed by B. Alsop and T. Fawcet, for Michaell Sparke, 1631 First Edition. This work is much rarer than ''The English Gentleman'' issued the year previous. The present copy has the rare folding explanation of the frontispiece (repaired and backed with linen). Very fine copy, some edges being untrimmed. v> r 76. BRATHWAITE (RICHARD). Essaies upon the Five Senses. Brilliant engraved title by Marshall. Small 12mo, full sprinkled calf, gilt back, gilt edges, by Bedford. London: Printed by Anne Griffin, 1635 Second Edition, differing considerably from the first edition of 1620. At least half the contents of the present edition are printed HERE FOR THE FIRST TIME. With the Huth bookplatc. 77. BRATHWAITE (RICHARD). The Arcadian Prin- cesse ; or, The Triumph of lustice : Prescribing excellent rules of Physicke, for a sicke lustice. Digested into fowre Bookes, And Faithfully rendered to the originall Italian Copy. En- graved title hy Marshall. Small 8vo, full straight-grain red morocco, gilt tooled, gilt on rough edges. London: Th. Harper for Robert Bostocke, 1635 First Edition. In unusually good condition. Has the rare four leaves at end containing Life of the Author, and errata. With the Lefferts bookplate. 78. [BRATHWAITE (RICHARD).] Barnabees Jour- ^ nail, Under the Names of Mirtilus & Faustulue shadowed: /i^ .^ for the Travellers Solace lately published, to most apt num- bers reduced, and to the old Tune of Barnabee commonly chanted. By Corymboeus. Engrawed frontispiece hy Mar- shall. Small Svo, full blue morocco, gilt back and sides, gilt edges. n. p., n. d. [1638] The Very Eare First Edition, with the leaf of Errata. The Foote copy. This work is printed in Latin and English facing each other. ^> 79. BRATHWAITE (RICHARD) . A Svrvey of History : V 5^ Or, A Nursery for Gentry. Contrived and Comprized in an Intermixt Discourse Historicall and Poeticall Relations. En- graved title in compartments, with a portrait of the author in the center, hy W. Marshall. Small 4to, paneled calf, gilt, gilt edges, by F. Bedford. London: By I. Okes, for Jasper Emery, 1638 20 Ho 1S' 3s-- 1^ /f First Edition with this title. The work was first published in 1614 under the title of ''The Schollers Medley." The -present edition is entirely rewritten and greatly extended. With the Lefferts bookplate. 80. BRATHWAITE (RICHARD). An Epitome of All the Lives of the Kings of France. From Pharamond the first, to the now most Christian King Lewis the thirteenth. En- graved title conta/ining portraits of Henry IV. of France amd Charles I. of England, and woodcut portraits. Small 8vo, full blue levant morocco, gilt edges, by Ramage. London: Printed by I. Okes, 1639 First Edition. 81. BRATHWAITE (RICHARD). The English Gentle- man and English Gentlewoman. Both in one volume couched. The Third Edition, revised, corrected and enlarged. With a Ladies Love Lecture, and a Supplement Lately annexed, and entitled The Turtles Triumph. Engraved frontispiece hy Marshall, and with the two folding leaves of explanation. Folio, full mottled calf, gilt centre ornaments, gilt edges, by Bedford. London: Printed by John Dawson, 1641 Although described on the title as * ' Third Edition, " it is probably the first issue of the book in this form. Contains a few lines of errata at the end of part One, not found in all copies. With the Hoe bookplate. 82. [BRATHWAITE (filCHARD).] A Comment Upon the Two Tales of our Ancient, Renowned, ajid Ever-Living -^ Poet Sr. Jeff ray Chaucer, Knight. The Miller's Tale, and The Wife of Bath. 12mo, full brown levant morocco, gilt and blind-tooled back and sides, gilt over red edges, by Riviere. London: Printed by W. Godbid, 1665 Fine copy. With the Hoe bookplate. 83. BRATHWAITE (RICHARD). Drunken Barnaby's Four Journeys to the North of England. In Latin and Eng- lish Verse. Engraved frontispiece copied from that hy Mar- shall to the First Edition, with variations, also engraved plate representing Barnaby taking leave of his host. Small 8vo, full blue levant morocco, gilt back and sides, gilt edges, by The Club Bindery. London : Printed for S. Illidge, 1716 Second Edition. Several portions appear here for the first time, while other pieces which appeared in the first edition are omitted, and the text shows many alterations. With the Hoe bookplate. 84. [BRATHWAITE (RICHARD).] Drunken Barnaby's Four Journeys to the North of England. In Latin and Eng- lish Metre. Together with Bessy Bell. The Third Edition, 21 ilhistrated with several new Copper Cuts. Small 8vo, full olive levant morocco, gilt back, gilt over red edges, by The Club Bindery. London: Printed for S. Illidge, 1723 Third Edition, and the First to contain the plate of the Puritan hanging his cat on Monday for killing a mouse on Sunday. Bare. ^ 85. BRATHWAITE (RICHARD). Drunken Barnaby's ^ Four Journeys to the North of England. Vignette on title and 6 others printed in hrown ink. 8vo, full crimson levant morocco, gilt, gilt top, uncut, by Riviere. London: J. Harding, 1805 Large Paper copy of the Fifth Edition. Dated April, 1805. With the Hoe bookplate. 1^ / Hi fi ItT- 86. BRATHWAITE (RICHARD). Barnabae Itinera- rium, or Barnabee's Journal. With a Life of the Author, a Bibliographical Introduction to the Itinerary, and a Catalogue of his Works. Edited from the First Edition, by Joseph Haslewood. Frontispiece portrait by Swaine, and engraved title, by Marshall. 2 vols. Small square 8vo, light tan moroc- co, gilt top, uncut, by Toovey. London, 1820 With the Lefferts bookplate. 87. BRATHWAITE (RICHARD). The Law of Drink- ing. Edited, with Introduction and Notes by W. Brian Hooker. Square 8vo, boards, uncut. New Haven, 1903 One of 150 copies. 88. BROOKE (FULKE GREVILLE, Lord). Certaine Learned and Elegant Workes of the Right Honorable Fvlke Lord Brooke, Written in his Youth, and familiar Exercise with Sir Philip Sidney. Small folio, full brown levant mo- rocco, gilt centre ornaments, gilt edges, by Riviere. London: Printed by E. P. for Henry Seyle, 1633 A fine and tall copy of the Eare First Edition. There are no pages 1-22 in any known copies. It is surmised that the missing pages consisted of a ''Treatise on Eeligion" which were cancelled by order of Archbishop Laud. 89. BROWN (THOMAS). Physick lies a Bleeding, or the Apothecary turned Doctor. A Comedy, Acted every Day in most Apothecaries Shops in London. Small 4to, half green morocco. London: E. Whitlock, 1697 First Edition. With autograph of Cornelius Paine and the Lefferts bookplate. yr 90. BROWNE (SIR THOMAS). Religio Medici. With fine impression of the engraved title-page hy Marshall. Small 22 / PAULINE; FRAGMENT OF A CONFESSION. Plus ne suis ce que j'ai 6t6, Et ne le spaurois jamais etre. Ma ROT. LONDON: SAUNDERS AND OTLEY, CONDUIT STREET. 1833. THE EAEEST BKOWNING BOOK [NUMBER 95] Il^' Ik $ l(^h 8vo, full light brown levant morocco, gilt edges, by Bedford. [London] : Printed for Andrew Crooke, 1642 First Edition, and the first of the surreptitious Editions of this year, having 190 pages — the second has only 156 pages. This copy has the blank leaf at end. Very Bare. Has the bookplates of R. T. Hamilton Bruce and John F. Streatfield. 91. BROWNE (SIR THOMAS). Religio Medici. En- graved title hy Marshall. Small 8vo, full dark blue levant morocco, gilt ornament on sides, gilt edges, by Riviere. [London] : Printed for Andrew Crooke, 1642 Very Rare. The Second of the surreptitious editions of 1642, containing 156 pages. The edition having 190 pages, printed the same year, is considered the earlier. With the Lefferts bookplate. 92. BROWNE (SIR THOMAS). Hydriotaphia, Urne- Buriall, or, A Discourse of the Sepulchrall Urnes lately found in Norfolk. Together with The Garden of Cyrus. 8vo, full blue levant morocco, gilt back, gilt floral and scroll border on sides, gilt edges, by The Club Bindery. London: Printed for Hen. Broome, 1658 First Edition. Fine copy, in unusual state, having the three rare leaves at the end, ''The Stationer to the Reader," ''Books Printed for Hen. Broome," leaf with "Dr. Brown's Garden of Cyrus" printed from top to bottom. Rare. 93. [BROWNE (WILLIAM).] Britannia's Pastorals. Engraved title. Lond: print: for Geo: Norton, dwell: at Temple-barr. W. Hole fe [1613] ; Britannia's Pastorals. The second Booke. London: Printed by Thomas Snodham for George Norton, 1616. Folio, full dark green levant mo- rocco, gilt and blind tooled back and sides, gilt edges, by Riviere. London, [1613] -1616 Very fine copy of the extremely rare First Edition of both parts. Pages 60-61 are engraved on copper. Contains laudatory notices of Spenser, Sidney, Chapman, Drayton, Jonson, Davies, Wither, etc. vf^ 94. BROWNING (E. B. AND ROBERT). Two Poems, First Edition. Small 8vo, original wrappers, in a pro- tecting cover and slip-case. London, 1854 FIRST EDITION OF BROWNING'S ''PAULINE" 95. BROWNING (ROBERT). Pauline. A Fragment of a Confession. Svo, full brown levant morocco, gilt back and sides, vellum doublure, gilt edges, in morocco case, by Cuzin. London: Saunders & Otley, 1833 First Edition op Browning's first publication and excessively RARE, ONLY 11 COPIES BEING KNOWN TO EXIST. This COpy waS foi- 24 2oo % merly the property of Browning's Uncle and has this inscription on the title: ''By Robert Brownihg, his first publication privately dedicated. This copy was given m^ by his father, my eldest brother, Beuben Browning." Inlaid is a 2pp. A. L. S. from M. Kalisch to Eeuben Browning relating to the book. [see illustration] ^ 96. BROWNING (ROBERT). Paracelsus. Small 8vo, full polished calf, gilt back, gilt top, uncut, by Riviere. London : Effingham Wilson, 1835 Choice copy of the Eare First Edition. ^ ^ 97. BROWNING (ROBERT). Straifford: An Historical (5 7 — " Tragedy. Svo, full blue levant morocco, gilt, gilt top, uncut, original front cover with label bound in, by Stikeman. London, 1837 First Edition. Very scarce. Laid in is a most interesting Auto- graph Letter Signed by Eobert Browning, relating to the publication of ''Strafford" and its presentation on the stage. The letter is addressed to Eev. W. I. Fox, and reads in part: "All my endeavors to procure a copy before this morning have been fruitless . . . the alterations to-night will be considerable," etc. 1^7' /cT/- ^/- 98. BROWNING (ROBERT). Sordello. 12mo, original boards, uncut. London: Edward Moxon, 1840 First Edition. Difficult to find in boards. 99. BROWNING (ROBERT). Bells and Pomegranates. No. I. Pippa Passes. 1841 ; No. II. King Victor and King Charles, 1842 ; No. III. Dramatic Lyrics, 1842 ; No. IV. The Return of the Druses, 1843 ; No. V. A Blot on the 'Scutcheon, 1843; No. VI. Columbe's Birthday, 1844; No. VII. Dramatic Romances and Lyrics, 1845; No. VIII. Luria and A SouPs Tragedy, 1846. Royal 8vo, full olive levant morocco, gilt back and borders, gilt edges, by Riviere. London: Moxon, 1841-1846 First Edition of all the parts. A handsome copy, and very umisual in this state, as Part 5 is usually the second edition. 100. BROWNING (ROBERT). Poems. 2 vols. 12mo, original stamped cloth, uncut. London : Chapman & Hall, 1849 First Collected Edition. ^ /^ 101. BROWNING (ROBERT). Christmas-Eve and -^ Easter-Day. A Poem. Small 8vo, original cloth, uncut. London: Chapman and Hall, 1850 25 % Very fine copy of the First Edition, in unopened condition, and with the leaves of advertisements at the end, dated April, 1850. 102. BROWNING (ROBERT). Letters of Percy Bysshe Shelley. With an Introductory Essay. 8vo, half green levant morocco, gilt back, gilt top, uncut, by Riviere. London: Edward Moxon, 1852 The Very Rare First Edition, suppressed when it was found that the letters were forgeries. J5- 103. BROWNING (ROBERT). Cleon. Small 8vo, full ti^ polished crimson levant morocco, gilt tooled inside borders, gilt top, other edges uncut, by Riviere. London : Edward Moxon, 1855 h ?/' "M First Edition. Very scarce in this beautiful, uncut state, with half-title. Only a few copies were issued separately for the author's own use, before it was included in his Collected Poems of that year. 104. BROWNING (ROBERT). The Statue and the Bust. 8vo, full polished calf, gilt back, gilt top, by Riviere. London: Edward Moxon,1855 Fine copy of the Very Rare First Edition. One of a very small number printed for Browning's own use and numbered among the rarest of his First Editions. It is rarely offered for sale. 105. BROWNING (ROBERT). Men and Women. 2 vols. 12mo, original cloth, uncut. London, 1855 First Edition. With bookplate of Sir John Simon. 106. BROWNING (ROBERT). Gold Hair: A Legend of Pornic. Small 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. [London], 1864 First Edition. Very fine copy. Only a few copies were privately printed for the author's own use. 2/^ 107. BROWNING (ROBERT). Dramatis Personse. 8vo, original cloth, uncut. London : Chapman and Hall, 1864 -^ First Edition. With autograph of J. Noel Paton. 108. BROWNING (ROBERT). The Ring and the Book. 4 vols., small 8vo, original green cloth, uncut. ^ London: Smith, Elder & Co., 1868-69 First Edition. Inserted in volume one is a 2pp. A. L. S. of Robert Browning, in which he mentions his son ''Pen." 26 // /• /• 109. BEOWNING (ROBERT). Baulostion 's Adventures, 1871 ; Fifine at the Fair, 1872 ; Dramatic Idyls. Second Se- ries, 1880. 3 vols., 12mo, original cloth, uncut. London: Smith, Elder and Co., 1871-1880 First Editions. 110. BROWNING (ROBERT). Prince Hohenstiel- Schwangau, 1871 ; La Saisiaz, 1878 ; Ferishtah 's Fancies, 1884. 3 vols., 12mo, original cloth, uncut. London: Smith, Elder and Co., 1871-1884 First Editions. 111. BROWNING (ROBERT). Red Cotton Night-Cap Country, 1873; The Inn Album, 1875. 2 vols., 12mo, original cloth, uncut. London: Smith, Elder and Co., 1873-75 First Editions. 1 /D 112. BROWNING (ROBERT). Aristophanes' Apology, 1875; The Agamemnon of Aeschylus, 1877; Jocoseria, 1883. ALL FIRST EDITIONS. 3 vols., 12mo, cloth. London, 1875-83 rO 113. BROWNING (ROBERT). Pacchiarotto, 1876 ; Par- leyings with Certain People, 1887; Osolando, 1890. ALL FIRST EDITIONS. 3 vols., 12mo, cloth. London, 1876-90 //- // 3ir- 114. BROWNING (ROBERT). A. L. S., 3pp., 8vo. 19 Warwick Crescent, W. [London], May 22, 1882. To Mr. Ingram. Interesting letter with reference to biographical facts regarding Mrs. Browning and himself, and mentioning his father's fondness for collecting Chatterton material. 115. BROWNING (ROBERT). Autograph note, signed with initials. Ip., oblong 8vo. To Moncure D. Conway. "The poem referred to is the longish lyric in the fourth part of 'Paracelsus,' I leave with Mrs. Conway the III volume: it will appear here in a fortnight tf in America a month after," &e. 116. [BRETON (NICHOLAS).] Pasquils Mad-cappe, Throwne at the Corruptions of these Times. With His Mes- sage to Men of all Estates. Printer's device on title. Small >" 4to, full green levant morocco, gilt edges, by Bedford. London: Printed by A. M. for Francis Falkner, 1626 First Edition. One of the rarest of Breton's poetical pieces, being a cutting satire on wealth and the bad use made of it. With the Hoe bookplate. 27 ^ f- ^i n 111. BRISSET (GEORGE). The Apology of George Brisset. Edited by Edmund Goldsmid. 8vo, limp parchment, uncut. Edinburgh: Privately printed, 1884 One of 75 copies on Large Paper. 118. BROME (ALEXANDER). Songs and other Poems. With brilliant impression of the portrait engranjed hy Her- tochs. 8vo, original calf, in green solander case, richly gilt back, by the Club Bindery. London: Printed for Henry Brome, 1661 An exceedingly fine, crisp copy of the Eare First Edition, with the four unpaged leaves, between 32 and 33 ; the duplicate pages, 127-142, and the slip of errata pasted on the last leaf, which are not always found. 119. BROME (ALEXANDER). Songs and other Poems. Second Edition, corrected and enlarged. Engraved portrait by Loggan. 8vo, full dark blue levant morocco, gilt and blind tooling, gilt edges, by the Club Bindery. London : Printed for Henry Brome, 1664 Rare. Fine copy. This edition differs from the First, chiefly in the addition of several new poems. 120. [BROME (ALEXANDER) .] The Poems of Horace, Consisting of Odes, Satyres, and Epistles, Rendered in Eng- lish Verse by Several Persons. Portrait of Brome engraved by Loggan, and one of Horace by DnnstalU 8vo, full crim- son levant morocco, gilt and blind tooled lines on back, panels, and inside borders, gilt edges, by The Club Bindery. London: E. Cotes for Henry Brome, 1666 First Edition. With the Lefferts bookplate. 121. BROME (ALEXANDER). The Poems of Horace, Consisting of Odes, Satyres, and Epistles, Rendered in Eng- lish and Paraphrased by Several Persons. With fine frontis- piece portraits of Horace by Dolle, and Brome by Loggan, brilliant impressions. 8vo, original sheep. London: Printed by A. C. for H. Brome, 1671 Second Edition, with the leaf of Imprimatur, dated Sept. 12, j^ 1670. V^ 122. BRYCE (JAMES). The American Commonwealth. 2 vols., 8vo, original cloth, uncut. London, 1889 Containing the chapter on the Tweed Eing, suppressed in later issues. Scarce. ar^ 7^^ 123. BUCK (SIR GEORGE). The Great Plantagenet, or a Continved Svccession of that Royall Name, from Henry the 28 5$^ >h i- Second, to our Sacred Sovereigne King Charles. Boyal Arms as frontispiece. Small 4to, full mottled calf, gilt edges, by Eiviere. London: Pl-inted by Nicholas and lohn Okes, 1635 This is a reprint of the Author's ''Eclog Treating of Crownes," 1605, with many alterations. The present copy has the second title "An Eclog betweene Damaetas a Woodman and Silenus a Prophet of the Shepheards. " With the Lefferts bookplate. 124. BUCK (SIR GEORGE). The History of the Life and Reigne of Richard the Third. Composed in five Bookes. Engraved portrait hy Cross. Folio, full dark blue crushed levant morocco, back and panel corners with gilt emblematic tooling, gilt edges, by The Club Bindery. London : Printed by W. Wilson, 1646 Fine copy. A vindication of Richard Third, giving him a charac- ter entirely different from that assigned him by Shakespeare and Sir Thomas More. Both the Hoe and Huth copies were dated 1647. 125. [BUCKINGHAM (GEORGE VILLIERS, Duke of).] The Rehearsal. As it was Acted at the Theatre-Royal. Small 4to, boards, morocco back. London : Printed for Thomas Dring, 1672 First Edition. Dryden is ridiculed in the character of Bayes, and took great offence at the play. It contains references to Shake- speare. With the Lefferts bookplate. 126. BULLEN (A. H.) Lyrics from the Dramatists of the Elizabethan Age. 8vo, cloth, leather back, gilt top, uncut. London: Nimmo, 1889 Large Paper Copy. One of 260 copies. 127. BULLEN (A. H.) Musa Proterva: Love Poems of fQ ^ the Restoration. Title in red and black. 8vo, original cloth, f' bo ^ blue calf back, gilt top, uncut. London : Privately Printed, 1889 Limited edition. 128. BULLEN (A. H.) Speculum Amantis: Love-Poems from Rare Song-Books and Miscellanies of the Seventeenth Century. Square 8vo, cloth, blue calf back, gilt top, uncut. London: Privately printed, 1889 Limited edition. Scarce. UNIQUELY CURIOUS VOLUME 129. BULWER (JOHN). Anthropometamorphosis : Man Transform 'd: or, The Artificiall Changling Historically pre- 29 /o li O-Vo '? {r- sented, In the mad and cruell Gallantry, foolish Bravery, ridiculous Beauty, filthy Finenesse, and loathsome Loveliness of most Nations, fashioning and altering their Bodies from the mould intended by Nature. Engraved title hy Cross and engraved portrait hy Faithorne. Small 4to, full crushed crimson levant morocco, gilt tooled and lined, gilt edges, by The Club Bindery (upper margin restored on first leaf and portrait). London: Printed by William Hunt, 1653 Second Edition. Has the extra woodcuts on leaf l>etween pages 122-123. The work consists of the fashions, mutilations, and mon- strosities cultivated and practiced by different races and is one of the most curious books in the language. It is illustrated throughout with quaint woodcuts. The second edition is much more desirable than the first edition. With the Daly bookplate. 130. [BURNABY (CHARLES).] The Modish Husband : A Comedy, As it was Acted at the Theatre Royal in Drury- Lane. Small 4to, half brown morocco, by Tout. London : James Knapton, 1702 First Edition. Fine and large copy, with the Lefferts book- plate. 131. [BURNABY (CHARLES).] Love Betrayed; or the Agreable Disappointment. A Comedy. As it was Acted at the Theatre in Lincolns-Inn-Pields. Small 4to, half blue mo- rocco. London, 1703 First Edition. A modernization of Shakespeare's "Twelfth Night. ' ' KILMARNOCK EDITION OF BURNS' POEMS 132. BURNS (ROBERT). Poems, Chiefly in the Scot- tish Dialect. 8vo, full green straight-grain morocco, tooled in the manner of Roger Payne, gilt edges, by F. Bedford. ^ Kilmarnock : Printed by John Wilson, 1786 A VERT LARGE AND FINE COPY OF THIS EXCESSIVELY RARE BOOK. Mr. Hagen has made a note to the effect that he compared it with the Eobert Hoe uncut copy, and that he found very little difference in the size. With the Edward George Hibbert bookplate. [see illustration] 133. BURNS (ROBERT). Poems, Chiefly in the Scottish Dialect. Brilliant impression of the portrait hy I. Beugo. 8vo, full crimson levant morocco, handsomely tooled on the back and sides, gilt edges, by the Club Bindery. Edinburgh: Printed for the Author, and sold by William Creech, 1787 First Issue of the First Edinburgh Edition, with the incorrect spelling of the Duke of Eoxburgh's name, and spelling on page 263 ^'skinking.'^ 30 I P O E M S. i I CHIEFLY I^N THE m SCOTTISH DIALECT, | B Y ROBERT B U R K S. •4»<»<-<»4-4"<-<..<>4^<..4M-4-^-4-4"<.-4"4"<"<"4-4-4-^-<^~<..<»<..<.4..< t THE Simple Bard, unbroke by rules of Alt, t ? He pours the wild efilifmns of the heart : r f And if infpir'd, 'tis Nature's pow'rs infpire ; -» * Her's all the. melting thrill, and her's the kindling fire. •» T ? 7 ANONTMOUS. r t r y i4..<-4.l4-.-4-4..4"4"4"4.^"4"4-4"4"4'^..4..4"4 ■•4"4"4"4 -«..4..4..4"4..4..«..<»<..< i I ] I I ! K I L M A R N O C Kj. I f T I PRINTED B\ JOHN WILSON, % t 4 ?^ T M,DCC,XXXXTI* I VERY FINE AND LARGE COPY: TITLE-PAGE SLIGHTLY REDUCED [NUMBER 132] 31 rr^ fir- >U 134. BURNS (ROBERT). Poems, Chiefly in the Scottish Dialect. Portrait of Burns hy Bengo after Nasmyih. 8vo, original calf. London: Printed for A. Strahan, &c., 1787 The Third, or First London, Edition. Fine copy in original binding. With the misspelled *' stinking" in the poem ''To a Haggis." 135. BURNS (ROBERT). Poems, chiefly in the Scottish -^ Dialect. By Robert Bums. Small Svo, original calf, enclosed in a red straight-grain morocco solander case. Philadelphia: Printed for, and sold by Peter Stewart and George Hyde, 1788 The Excessively Eare First American Edition, in superb crisp condition. With the William Berrian bookplate. 136. BURNS (ROBERT). Poems, Chiefly in the Scottish Dialect. By Robert Burns. To which are added, Scot's Poems, Selected from the Works of Robert Ferguson. Por- trait of Burns hy Scot. Svo, crushed green levant morocco, finely gilt tooled on back and panel corners, gilt edges, by F. Bedford (portrait and a few margins restored). N. Y. : Printed for J. and A. McLean, 1788 Second American Edition, published shortly after the Philadel- phia issue. Exceedingly scarce. This is apparently the Menzies- Ives copy, of which William Gowans wrote: "... may so far be pronounced unique. No copy with the exception of the one named has been seen by the most sharp hawk-eyed book hunter, or the keenest bibliographer, nor by any of the living generation so far as known." Enclosed in green morocco case. //r- 137. BURNS (ROBERT). Poems, chiefly in the Scottish Dialect. Engraved portrait hy Halpin. 12mo, original calf (hinges weak). Dublin: Printed for William Gilbert, 1789 The First Irish Edition. - 138. BURNS (ROBERT). Poems, Chiefly in the Scottish y' Dialect. 12mo, full green polished morocco, the back and 00 -^ sides inlaid in a conventional flower design in red, brown, orange, and white morocco, elaborately gilt tooled, gilt edges, by E. S. Aurifex (Sir Edward Sullivan). Belfast : William Magee, 1790 A Very Scarce Edition. With the Hoe bookplate. 139. BURNS (ROBERT). Stewart's Edition of Burn's Jp Poems, including a number of Original Pieces never before published. With his Life and Character. Engraved title, 7/ 33- with bust of the poet, and view of his birthplace, together with four illustrations to the poems, engraved by Scott after Carse. 12mo, full polished calf, gilt back, gilt edges, by F. Bedford. Glasgow, 1802 Bare and fine Edition. Bound in at the end is ^'Letters Ad- dressed to Clarinda, etc." Glasgow, 1802. 48pp. According to Lowndes, these Letters appeared here for the first time and were IMMEDIATELY SUPPRESSED. With the McKee and H. W. Poor book- plates. 140. BUENS (ROBERT). Poems, Chiefly in the Scottish Dialect. 2 vols, in one, small 8vo, full green crushed levant morocco, gilt tooled on back and sides, gilt inside borders, gilt top, uncut, by Rousselle. Cork : Printed by A. Edwards, 1804 The First Cork Edition. Contains a life of Burns by William Heron and preface from the Edinburgh Lounger. Fine copy. With the H. W. Poor bookplate. / 141. BURNS (ROBERT). The Poetical Works of Robert ^ "^^ Burns ; with his Life. Illustrated with portrait of Burns, and 63 woodcuts by Betvick. 2 vols., 12mo, tree calf. Alnwick, 1808 With the McKee and H. W. Poor bookplates. 142. BURNS (ROBERT). Letters addressed to Clarinda, 2^ ^ &c. Never before published in America: with Choice Selec- tions and Songs. Portrait by Tiebout. 8vo, boards, leather back. Philadelphia: John B. Austin, 1809 First American Edition. Exceedingly Scarce. The portrait is • of great rarity. 7 \i- 143. BURNS (ROBERT). The Poems and Songs of Rob- fV ert Burns, with a new Sketch of his Life. Portrait and en- ^ graved title. 8vo, full green levant morocco, gilt back and sides, gilt top, uncut, by Rousselle. Ayr, 1819 The First Edition printed at Ayr. Very Scarce. Fine copy. 144. BURNS CLUB. Poems and Letters in the Hand- writing of Robert Burns, reproduced in facsimile through the courtesy of William K. Bixby and Frederick W. Lehmann by the Burns Club of St. Louis. With an Introduction and Ex- ^planatory Notes by Walter B. Stevens. Portrait on Japanese \ellum. Folio, half parchment, uncut. St. Louis: Printed for the Burns Club, 1908 Autograph presentation copy from Mr. W. K. Bixby. One of 300 copies issued, on hand-made paper. 33 y^^ 145. BURTON (JOHN HILL). The Book-Hunter, etc. / ^ 8vo, full crimson levant morocco, gilt top, uncut. Edinburgh: Blackwood, 1862 Fine copy of the Rare First Edition. O^y IL \/o 146. [BURTON (ROBERT).] The Anatomy of Melan- choly, What it is. With All the Kindes, Causes, Symptomes, /^ Prognostickes, and Severall Cures of it. In Three Maine Par- titions with their seuerall Sections, Members, and Subsec- tions. Philosophically, Medically, Historically, Opened and Cut Up. By Democritus Junior. With a Satyricall Preface, conducing to the following Discourse. Thick small 4to, full brown levant morocco, gilt and blind tooled and lined, gilt edges, by Riviere. At Oxford: John Lichfield and James Short, 1621 The Very Rare First Edition. Fine, crisp, clean copy, with the final leaf of errata. 147. [BUTLER (SAMUEL).] Hudibras. The First Part. Written in the Time of the Late Wars. Wreath on title. 8vo, original marbled calf. London : J. G. for Richard Marriot, 1663 First Genuine Edition. The Large 8vo issue, with Imprimatur leaf facing title, and the errata on last page. This errata was unnecessary in the small 8vo, as the errors had been rectified. 148. BUTLER (SAMUEL). Hudibras. The First Part. Written in the time of the late Wars. Large woodcut wreath on title. Small 8vo, full dark blue crushed levant morocco, gilt tooled back, panel borders and inside borders, gilt edges, by The Club Bindery. London: Printed by J. G. for Richard Marriot, 1663 First Genuine Edition. The small octavo issue. Fine copy. IS-- K' 149. [BUTLER (SAMUEL).] Hudibras. The First Part. Written in the time of the late Wars. Wreath vi- gnette on title. Small 12mo, full crimson levant morocco, gilt back and sides, gilt edges, by The Club Bindery. London: Printed by J. O. for Richard Marriot, 1663 First Genuine Duodecimo Edition, with the leaf of ''Imprim- atur" on verso of Ai. Fine copy. 150. [BUTLER (SAMUEL).] Hudibras. The First Part. Written in the time of the late Wars. Ornaments on title. Small 8vo, full green levant morocco, gilt back and sides, gilt edges, by The Club Bindery. London: Printed in the Year, 1663 34 f^. ^- /6-' The First Issue of the First Spurious Edition. In the second issue the licenser's name is spelled ''Birkenhead," and the list of ''Errata" is omitted, the errors having been corrected. There are 4pp. of contemporary manuscript notes written on the fly- leaves. 151. [BUTLER (SAMUEL).] Hudibras. The Second Part. By the Author of the First. Large device on title. Small 8vo, full brown levant morocco, gilt edges, by The Club Bindery. London: Printed by T. R., 1664 The Genuine First Edition of the small octavo, uniform with the similar edition of the first part. Fine copy, with the leaf of Imprimatur. 152. [BUTLER (SAMUEL).] Hudibras. The Second Part. By the Author of the First. Printer's device on title. 8vo, original calf (small corner torn from leaf of im- primatur). London: T. R. for John Martyn, and James Allestry, 1664 First Edition. This part was issued in two sizes of octavo. This is the first issue and the larger of the two, measuring 6% by 4% inches. With the Locker bookplate. 153. [BUTLER (SAMUEL).] Hudibras. The Second Part. The last Edition Corrected. Small 8vo, original calf, in half morocco slip case. London: Printed in the Year, 1663 The Second Issue of the Spurious Edition of the Second Part. 154. [BUTLER (SAMUEL).] Hudibras. The Third //n^S'^nd last Part. Written by the Author of the First and Sec- ^/ ond Parts. 8vo, original calf. / London : Printed for Simon MiUer, 1678 & (r- First Edition. A crisp copy in the original binding, having the leaf of "Errata." With the Frederick Locker bookplate by Kate Greenaway. 155. BUTLER (SAMUEL). Hudibras. The Third and .— ' Last Part. Written by the Author of the First and Second Parts. 8vo, full light brown levant morocco, gilt, gilt edges, by the Club Bindery, London : Simon Miller, 1678 Second Edition. Agrees with the First Edition in pagination, but contains sufficient variations in spelling, etc., to distinguish it as a separate edition. The Errata is omitted and the errors of the First Edition are corrected. With the McKee bookplate. 156. [BUTLER (SAMUEL).] Hudibras. In Three Parts. Written in the time of the Late Wars. 3 parts in one vol., 8vo, original sheep (binding broken). London, 1689 35 14 U Early and apparently unknown issue, each part with different imprint, but first and second parts having one set of signatures. Part 1: Printed and to be sold by Richard Parker; Part 2: for R. Chiswell, &c.; Part 3: Printed for Thomas Home. 157. BUTLER (SAMUEL). Hudibras, In Three Parts, Written in the Time of the Late Wars : Corrected and Amend- ed. With Large Annotations, and a Preface, by Zachary Grey. Engraved portrait ly Vertue, and the fine plates hy Mynde after Hogarth. 2 vols., 8vo, full polished calf, gilt, gilt tops, uncut, by Bedford. Cambridge : Printed by J. Bentham, 1744 Best Edition. Fine copy. Jl^ 158. BUTLER (SAMUEL). The Genuine Remains in Verse and Prose of Mr. Samuel Butler. With Notes by R. Thyer. 2 vols., 8vo, full crimson levant morocco, gilt tops, UNCUT, by Riviere. London: Printed for J. and R. Tonson. 1759 V Fine, uncut copy, with the list of subscribers. With the Lefferts bookplate. J^ 159. BYRON (LORD). Hours of Idleness, a Series of Poems, Original and Translated. 8vo, original sprinkled calf. Newark : Printed and sold by S. and J. Ridge, 1807 The Rare First Edition, with the half-title. The volume is lettered on the back, '^ Gordon's Poems.'' 7^ y 160. BYRON (LORD). English Bards, and Scotch Re- viewers: A Satire. Small 8vo, original boards, rebacked, un- cut. London : Printed for James Cawthorn [1809] The Very Eare First Edition, with the watermark ' ' 1805. ' ' This work was rigidly suppressed by the author, who wrote in a letter to Leigh Hunt, ' ' There are in it many opinions I have altered, and some which I retain; upon the whole I wish it had never been written, though my sending you this copy (the only one in my pos- session, unless one of Lady B's be excepted) may seem at variance with this. . . . You probably know that it is not in print, for sale, nor ever will be (if I can help it) again." 161. BYRON (LORD). Childe Harold's Pilgrimage. A Romaunt. Cantos I. and II. with Poems, London, 1812; Canto the Third, London, 1816 ; Canto the Fourth, London, 1818. 3 vols., 4to and 8vo, full polished calf, gilt backs, gilt tops, uncut, by Riviere. London : John Murray, 1812-1818 A handsome copy of the First Edition of all the Cantos. Rare complete. At the end of the first volume are 36 pages of Poems, including the Song "Maid of Athiens. " 36 162. BYRON (LOiiD). Lara, a Tale, [also], Rogers (Samuel). Jacqueline, a Tale. Small 8vo, full crimson t^ straight-grain morocco, gilt back, gilt top, uncut, by The /{j^ Club Bindery. London : Printed for J. Murray, 1814 First Edition. . . ^ 163. BYRON (LORD). The Corsair, A Tale. 8vo, orig- / i^^msX paper wrappers, uncut. London, 1814 First Edition. Fine copy, with the advertisements. ^ 164. [BYRON (LORD).] Ode to Napoleon Buonaparte. \fj^ 8vo, full polished calf, gilt, gilt top, by Root. London: John Murray, 1814 First Edition. Very Scarce. . jt 165. BYRON (LORD). Hebrew Melodies. 8vo, original /y ^^ paper wrappers, uncut. London, 1815 f First Edition. Fine copy, with the two title-pages for Byron's Works in the back. y y^^^^arisina. A Poem. 8vo, half red morocco, gilt top, uncut 166. BYRON (LORD). The Siege of Corinth. A Poem; . 8vo, half red morocco, gilt top, uncut. London: Printed for John Murray, 1816 First Edition. it ^^ 167. BYRON (LORD). The Prisoner of Chillon, and fL Other Poems. 8vo, original paper wrappers, uncut. London, 1816 First Edition. Fine copy. . 168. BYRON (LORD). Manfred, a Dramatic Poem. 8vo, J'/ "^^ original paper wrappers, uncut. London, 1817 First Edition. Laid in is a portrait of Byron from a sketch by Count D'Orsay. // 169. BYRON (LORD). Mazeppa, A Poem. 8vo, original paper wrappers, uncut. London, 1819 First Edition. Fine copy with the advertisements. 170. BYRON (LORD). The Yampyre ; A Tale. 8vo, full ^y— blue straight-grain morocco. London, 1819 First Edition. Autograph of Mrs. Bethune on title. 171. BYRON (LORD). A. L. S., Ip. 8vo. To J. Perry, I . Esq., Morning Chronicle. With address, also in Byron's tX '■^ hand, cut from envelope and pasted with letter. ^ n. d. [ca. 1819] 37 irf- y^ II It II ^ 'yf' " 1 thinJc Mr. Lambert is right. Some inconvenience might certainly arise . . . but there can be none in making the expense a joint concern, and to this I cheerfully agree," &c. The Mr. Lambert mentioned was the proprietor of the Chronicle, of which Mr. Perry was editor. Probably the letter relates to some publishing enter- prise in which Byron was interested. 172. BYRON (LORD). Don Juan. Cantos I and II, 1819; Cantos III, IV, and V, 1821; Cantos VI, VII and VIII, 1823; Cantos IX, X and XI, 1823; Cantos XII, XIII and XIV, 1823 ; Cantos XV and XVI, 1824. 6 vols, tall 8vo (Cantos I and II in 4to), full crimson levant morocco, Jansen style, gilt tops, uncut, by Bradstreet. London, 1819-1824 A HANDSOME COPY OF THE FiRST EDITION OF EACH VOLUME. Bare in such fine, uncut condition. With the D. F. Appleton bookplate. 173. BYRON (LORD). Sardanapalus, A Tragedy. The Two Foscari, A Tragedy. Cain, A Mystery. 8vo, original blue boards, paper label, edges entirely uncut. London: John Murray, 1821 First Edition. Fine, clean copy, as issued. 174. BYRON (LORD). Marino Faliero, Doge of Venice. An Historical Tragedy, in Five Acts. With Notes. The Proph- ecy of Dante, A Poem. 8vo, original boards, paper label, edges entirely uncut (hinges broken). London: John Murray, 1821 First Edition. 175. BYRON (LORD). Werner, A Tragedy. 8vo, orig- inal paper wrappers, uncut. London, 1823 First Edition. With the advertisements dated 1822. 176. [BYRON (LORD).] An Apology for ''Don Juan." Cantos I.---II. 8vo, original boards, edges uncut, with paper label (back somewhat worn). [London] : Printed by T. Green, 76 Fleet-Street, 1824 First Edition. 177. BYRON (LORD). Fugitive Pieces and Reminis- ^ cences of Lord Byron : Containing an entire edition of the Hebrew Melodies, with the addition of several Never Before Published . . . also some Original Poetry, Letters and Recol- lections of Lady Caroline Lamb. By I. Nathan. 8vo, full blue levant morocco, Jansen style, gilt top, uncut, by Riviere. London, 1829 Several of the Hebrew Melodies appear here for the First Time. Fine copy. 38 / % //r- 178. BYRON (LORD) . Poetry of Byron, Chosen and Ar- ranged by Matthew Arnold. Portrait engraved by Stoddart. 8vo, original blue cloth, uncut. London: Macmillan, 1881 First Edition. Large paper. From the library of John Lettson Elliot, with bookplate. 179. [CAREW (THOMAS).] Ccelum Britanicum. A Masque at White-Hall in the Banqvetting-Hovse, on Shrove- Tvesday-night, the 18 of February, 1633. Small 4to, boards, leather back and corners. London: Printed for Thomas Walkley, 1634 First Edition, Very Bare. This piece was for a long time ascribed to Sir William Davenant and included in the first col- lected edition of his works, but it is now conceded that Carew was the author. Inigo Jones constructed the scenery for its original production. From the Bridgewater Library with stamp on reverse of title, also Thomas Mitford's copy with his MS. notes; and with the Frederick Locker bookplate. 180. CAREW (THOMAS). Poems. Small 8vo, original ^ calf, gilt lined. In maroon morocco solander case, by The Club Bindery. London: Printed by I. D. for Thomas Walkley, 1640 First Edition. Bare. Fine copy, in original binding, with pre- liminary and final blanks, the leaf of errata with imprimatur on verso, and the final leaf with "The Names of the Masquers." /r- //' li 181. CAREW (THOMAS). Poem. Small 8vo, full crimson crushed levant morocco, gilt tooled border fillets and pointelle corner ornaments, in the manner of the early seventeenth cen- tury, gilt edges, by The Club Bindery. London: Printed by I. D. for Thomas Walkley, 1642 Second Edition. Has the original blank Ai. This edition con- tains 8 additional poems not appearing in the First. 182. CAREW (THOMAS). Poems, With a Maske. the Songs were set in Musick by Mr. Henry Lawes. Third Edi- tion, revised and enlarged. Small 8vo, old polished calf. London : Printed for H. M., 1651 183. CAREW (THOMAS). Poems, Songs and Sonnets, Together with a Masque. 8vo, old calf. London: Printed for Henry Herringman, 1670 Fourth Edition, revised and enlarged. The title to the Masque in this copy bears the date 1670: in some copies it is 1671. With the Huth bookplate. 39 If II 184. CAREW (THOMAS). Poems, Songs, and Sonnets: Together with a Masque. A New Edition. 12mo, polished calf, calf, gilt top, uncut, by Bedford. London: Printed for T. Davies, 1772 A fine, uncut copy, with the half-title. A Life of Carew precedes the Poems. No edition of Carew 's Poems was published between 1671 and the present edition, a period of over 100 years. With the Hoe bookplate. ASSOCIATION AND EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED COPY J3 185. CAREY (HENRY). Poems on Several Occasions. The Third Edition, much enlarged. With fine mezzotint por- trait of the author ty Faber after Worsdale. 4to, original calf, rebacked. London : Printed by E. Saj^ 1729 An exceptionally interesting copy, containing an autograph presentation inscription from the author to Eobert Harley, Earl of Oxford; also George Daniel's initials and note; Note by Frederic Locker, and an A. L. S. from Dr. Garnett to Mr. Locker in refer- ence to "Sally in Our Alley" which appears here for the First Time. The volume is extra-illustrated with 15 early and rare portraits inserted in the volume where the originals are mentioned in verse. 186. CARTWRIGHT (WILLIAM). The Royall Slave. A Tragi-Comedy. Presented to the King and Queene by the Students of Christ-Church in Oxford. Small 4to, brown levant morocco, gilt back and side borders, entirely uncut, by The Club Bindery. Oxford: William Turner for Thomas Robinson, 1639 FiEST Edition. Rare. With the Hoe bookplate. 187. CATALOGUE of Original and Early Editions of some of the Poetical and Prose Works of English Writers from Wither to Prior. With Collations, Notes, &c. Titles, facsimiles, &c. 3 vols., small folio, original cloth, morocco backs, uncut. New York; Grolier Club, 1905 400 copies on Holland paper. 188. CATALOGUE of an Exhibition, Samuel Johnson, Grolier Club, 1909 ; Collection of John Anderson, Jr., Great Masters. Large Paper, 1916; John Milton Facsimiles. Lon- don, 1908; Four Quarto Editions of Shakespeare (Sidney Lee). Stratford, 1908; and 5 others. 9 pieces, 8vo to folio, wrappers. 189. CATALOGUES. Hoe (complete), McKee (5 parts), Brayton Ives 1891, Holden, Quaritch, Pickering, G. D. Smith, Rosenbach, and other bookseller's catalogues. Some priced. About 100 pieces. 40 / i^ 'I- 7 f 190. CAULFIELD (JAMES). The High Court of Jus- tice, comprising Memoirs of the Principal Persons who sat in , Judgment on King Charles the First, and signed his Death- Warrant. . . . Illustrated with their portraits, autographs, and seals. 4to, original boards, back worn, uncut. . London, 1820 191. CAVENDISH (GEORGE). Life and Death of Car- dinal Wolsey. Portraits hy Holbein. Folio, boards, canvas back, edges uncut. Boston, 1905 Limited Edition printed at Eiverside Press. 192. [CENTLIVRE (SUSANNA).] The Gamester: A Comedy. As it is Acted at the New-Theatre in Lincolns-Inn- Fields, by Her Majesty's Servants. Small 4to, half calf. London: Printed for William Turner, 1705 First Edition. With the Lefferts bookplates, 193. CENTLIVRE (SUSANNA). A Bickerstaif's Bury- ing ; or, Work for the Upholders. A Farce ; As it was Acted at the Theatre in the Hay-market, By Her Majesty's Sworn Servants. Small 4to, half calf, gilt, gilt top, by Ramage. London: for Bernard Liiitott, [1710] First Edition. With the Huth bookplate. 194. CERVANTES-SAAVEDRA (MIGUEL DE). The History of the Ingenious Gentleman Don Quixote of la Man- cha. Translated from the Spanish b^^ P. A. Motteux. Il- lustrated unth portrait and etched plates by Lalauze. 4 vols., royal 8vo, half wine-color morocco, gilt tops. Edinburgh : William Paterson, 1879-84 Fine copy of desirable edition. 195. CHALKHILL (JOHN). Thealma and Clearchus. A Pastoral History In smooth and easie Verse. Written long ^ since, By John Chalkhill, Esq. ; An Acquaintance and Friend / ^^. of Edward Spenser. 8vo, full brown levant morocco, blind ^ and gilt tooling on back and sides, a few edges uncut, gilt edges, by Riviere. London: Printed for Benj. Tooke, 1683 The extremely rare First Issue of the First Edition, with the spelling * ' Edward ' ' on title, afterwards corrected to ' ' Edmund. ' ' The Preface is by Isaac Walton, who indeed is probably the author of the entire work. ^ ^ 196. CHAMBERLAYNE (WILLIAM). Pharonnida: A Heroick Poem. Engraved portrait of Chamlerlayne hy Her- 41 // 0-1 r ^i h locks. 12mo, full olive levant morocco, corners inlaid with maroon and green, gilt edges, by Riviere. London: Printed for Robert Clavell, 1659 Fine copy of the First Edition. Rare. 197. [CHAMBERLAYNE (WILLIAM).] Wits Led by the Nose; or, a Poet's Revenge: A Tragi-Comedy, As it is acted at the Theatre Royal. Small 4to, half green morocco. London : Printed for William Crook, 1678 Originally published in 1658 under the title ''Loves Victory." With the Lefferts bookplate. 198. CHAP BOOKS. Fair Rosamond, the Beautiful Mis- tress of King Henry the Second. Derby, n. d. ; Rose Douglas. London, n. d.; Jane Shore. Derby, n. d. ; The Beautiful In- dian. London, n. d. ; Dutchess of C . Derby, n. d. ; Kenil- worth. London, 1822. Each with colored frontispiece, and all hut one with the original paper wrappers, uncut. 6 pieces in one vol., 8vo, half polished calf. London and Derby, ca. 1820 199. CHAPMAN (GEORGE). Homer, Prince of Poets: Translated according to the Greeke in twelve Bookes of his Iliads. Engraved title, with head of Homer, and figures of Achilles and Hector, hy Hole. Royal 8vo, full crimson mo- rocco, gilt back, gilt edges on the rough, by Lloyd and Wallis. At London: Printed for Samuel Macham, [1610] Eare Edition. The first seven books of the Iliad were pub- lished in 1598. The other five appear here for the first time. This copy contains two leasees (3 sonnets) not in the Hoe copy. With the Lefferts bookplate. POSSIBLY UNIQUE COPY 200. CHAPMAN (GEORGE). The Iliads of Homer, Prince of Poets. Never before in any languag truely trans- lated. Engraved title hy Hole. At London: printed for "^ Nathaniell Butter [1611] ; Homers Odysses. Translated ac- cording to the Greeke. London, Printed for Nathaniel Butter [1614]. 2 vols, in 1, folio, full crimson levant morocco, richly gilt back and sides, gilt edges, by F. Bedford. London, [1611-14] First Complete Edition of the two parts. Exceedingly Eare. In this copy there are two extra leaves of Sonnets, not found in recorded copies. An exceedingly fine and possibly unique copy of this very desirable book. With the Lefferts bookplate. /^ 201. [CHAPMAN (GEORGE).] An Epicede or Funerall Song : On the most disastrous Death of the High-borne Prince 42 of Men, Henry Prince of "Wales, &c. With the Funeralls, and Representation of the Herse of the same High and mighty Prince. . . . Which Noble Prince deceased at St. James, the sixt day of Nouember, 1612. Small 4to, vellum. London: Printed by T. S. for lohn Budge, 1612 First Edition. Excessively rare with the folding plate op Prince Henry's Hearse, engraved by Hole. Complete with the second part, ''The Funeralls," dated 1613. The only other recorded copy containing the plate is in the Grenville collection in the British Museum. With the Huth bookplate. 202. CHAPMAN (GEORGE). An Epicede or Funerall Song : On the most disastrous Death, of the High-borne Prince of Men, Henry Prince of Wales, &c. Small 4to, half morocco. London: by T. S. for lohn Budge, 1612 First Edition. With a frontispiece in black with the arms of the Prince of Wales. This plate is not mentioned by bibliographers. British Museum sale duplicate, with stamp dated 1787 on back of title. With the Lefferts bookplate. 203. [CHAPMAN (GEORGE).] Ovid's Banquet of Sence. With a Coronet for his Mistresse Philosophy ; and His Amorous Zodiack. 12mo, full crushed crimson morocco, gilt back and borders, inside dentelles, gilt edges, by Lloyd. London: Printed by B. A. and T. F., 1639 Second Edition. In the present copy, an engraved frontispiece portrait by W. Marshall occupies the place of the blank leaf A. With the Hoe bookplate. 204. CHAPMAN (GEORGE) AND SHIRLEY (JAMES). 7,^5tjrhe Tragedie of Chabot Admirall of France : As it was pre- sented by her Majesties Servants, at the private House in Drury Lane. Small 4to, full sprinkled calf, gilt, gilt edges. London: Printed by Tho. Cotes, for Andrew Crooke, 1639 First Edition, Very Scarce. With the Lefferts bookplate. 205. CHAPMAN (GEORGE) AND SHIRLEY (JAMES). The Ball. A Comedy, As it was presented by her Majesties Servants, at the private House in Drury Lane. Small 4to, half brown calf. I London: Printed by Tho. Cotes, for Andrew Crooke, 1639 fO^ '"'^ First Edition. ^- 43 SECOND SESSION Monday Evening, May 13, at 8.15 o'clock LOTS 206-418 206. CHARLES I. Eikon Basilike. The Povrtraictvre of His Sacred Maiestie in His Solitvdes and Svfferings. 8vo, . -^ full black crushed levant morocco, finely gilt tooled with pen- dants and scrolls on back, and on panel and inside borders, gilt edges, by The Club Bindery. n. p., 1648 First Edition. Rare. It is believed there were fifty or more edi- tions of this work published immediately after the King's execution, and its authorship has been attributed to Dr. Gauden and to King Charles himself. This copy has the scarce leaf of errata and the errors in the pagination of sig. G. With the bookplate of Edward B. Pope, of Hammersmith. 207. CHARLES I. Eikon Basilike. The Pourtraic- ture of His Sacred Maiestie in his Solitudes and Svff brings. Folding frontispiece plate engraved hy Marshall. 8vo, orig- inal sheep. n. p., n. d., 1648 Rare. Printed at the Hague. The engraved plate is probably added, as it did not originally appear in these early editions. The leaf of ''Errata" is present as well as the ''Prayers" at the end. 208. CHARLES I. Eikon Basilike. The Pourtraicture ^-''^^ of His Sacred Majestic in His Solitudes and Sufferings. Woodcut of Roifol Anns on title. 8vo, polished calf, gilt back, gilt edges, by Ramage. Reprinted In R. M., An. Dom. 1648 Fine copy. One of the early 1648 Editions. At the end is bound the "Praiers" and the " Apophthegmata " each with separate pagi- nation, the latter bearing imprint "London: Printed by William Du-gard, 1649." Has the stamp "Bibl. Hamburg Publica" on verso of title. 209. CHARLES I. Eikon Basilike Deutera. The Pour- r^ traicture of His Sacred Majesty King Charles II. Found in the Strong Box. With his Reasons for turning Roman Catho- lick ; published by K. James. Engraved frontispiece showing the King kneeling to Nell Gywn. 8vo, original calf, re- backed. [London] : Printed in the Year 1694 44 Very Eare. This is a clever burlesque of the Eikon Basilike of Charles I. The frontispiece is a humorous caricature of the plate by Marshall used in some of the early editions of that work. 210. CHARLES I. The Famous Tragedie of King Charles I. Basely Butchered, etc. Latin verse. Small 4to, half red levant morocco, gilt top, by Blackwell. Printed in the Yeare 1649 First Edition. Extremely Bare. A bitter and gross attack upon Cromwell and the enemies of Charles I. The author, printer and publisher are unknown. It must have been dangerous to publish this book at the time. The ' ' Prologue to the Gentry ' ' refers to Shake- speare, Jonson and others. With the Lefferts bookplate. 211. [CHARLES I.] Tragicum Theatrum Actorum, & Casuum Tragicorum Londini Publice Celebratorum. Folding plate and portraits. Small 8vo, crushed brown levant mo- rocco, gilt inside borders, gilt edges. Amstelodami, 1649 Very scarce. Attributed to Molinaeus. . Has the folding plate of the Execution of the king, and the portraits of Wentworth, Laud, Fairfax, Cromwell, Charles I, Charles II, Duke of Hamilton, and Lord Holland. The last named is frequently lacking. 212. CHARLES I. Tragicum Theatrum Actorum, et ■casuum Tragicorum Londini publice celebratorum, quibus Hi- berniae Proregi, Episcopo Cantuariensi, ac tandem Regi ipsi, aliisque Vita adempta, et ad Anglicanam Metamorphosin est aperta. With 7 portraits (should be 8) and the folding plate of the execution of Charles I. Small 8vo, full maroon levant morocco, gilt edges. Amstelodami: Apud Jodocum Jansonium, 1649 The portraits include Wentworth, Laud, Fairfax, Oliver Cromwell, Charles I, Charles II, and the Duke of Hamilton. ^ 213. CHARLES 11. The Secret History of the Reigns of K. Charles II. and K. James II. Small 12mo, original calf. [London] : Printed in the Year 1690 First Edition. Eare. An attack upon the last two Stuart Kings and at the same time a vindication of William III against ''One of the French Kings most scandalous libels and bitter invectives. ' ' 214. [CHATTERTON (THOMAS).] Poems, supposed to have been written at Bristol, by Thomas Rowley, and others, in the Fifteenth Century. To which are added, a Preface, an Introductory Account of the several Pieces, and a' Glossary. 8vo, half green morocco, gilt top, uncut. London : Printed for T. Payne, 1777 First Edition. Very fine copy. Scarce. 45 215. [CHATTERTON (THOMAS).] Poems supposed to have been written at Bristol, by Thomas Rowley, and others, in the Fifteenth Century. Engraved title-page. 8vo, original polished calf. Cambridge: Printed by B. Flower, 1794 This work contains Coleridge's First Publication, viz.: his "Monody on the Death of Chatterion," which occupies pp. xxv- THE LARGEST KNOWN COPY 216. CHAUCER (GEOFFREY). The worker of Geffray Chaucer newlye printed, wyth dyuers workes whych were neuer in print before : As in the table more playnly doth ap- pere. Titles in woodcut borders, supported by two pillars bearing letters W and R [William Rastell], woodcuts of Knights and Pilgrims in text. Folio, crushed brown morocco, gilt, gilt edges, by Hering (title and a few margins repaired). [London] : Printed by Wyllyam Bonham, d welly nge at the kynges armes in Pauls Churchyarde, 1542 Second Edition. Contains for the first time, "The Plowman's Tale." Undoubtedly a large paper copy, measuring 13% by 8 9/16 inches, much larger than the Hoe copy, described as ''probably unique in size. ' ' The Bonham imprint is exceedingly rare, Dibdin never having seen a copy, though a footnote says "a few copies may be found with the name of William Bonham." This is the earliest of Bonham 's productions. Double column. 217. CHAUCER (GEOFFREY). The Workes of Gef- fray newly printed with dyvers workes whiche were never in print before: As in the table more playnly dothe appere. Woodcut design on title. Folio, ancient stamped calf, re- backed, metal clasps. [Colophon] : Imprinted at London by Rycharde Kele [about 1550] The Third Collected Edition. Black letter in double columns. Woodcuts at Bl and E6 and numerous woodcut initials. With the George Fortescue Wilbraham bookplate. Very Scarce. 218. CHAUCER (GEOFFREY). The Workes of Gef- frey Chaucer, newlie printed, with diners addicions, whiche were neuer in print before: with the siege and destruccion of the worthy Citee of Thebes, compiled by Jhon Lidgate, Monke of Berie. As in the table more plainly doeth appere. Folio, original wooden boards covered with stamped leather, repaired. [Colophon] : Imprinted at London, by Jhon Kyngston, for Jhon Wight, dwelling in Poules Churchyarde. Anno. 1561 Fourth Collected Edition. Very large copy, measuring 13% by 8 1/2 inches, with contemporary signatures and other writing on some margins. This copy differs in the following minor respects from 46 the collations of other first issues of the j^ourth Edition: Title, enclosed in broad border, with the King in Council at top; 3 leaves containing Prologue, &c.; title, ''The Canterburie Tales," in broad woodcut border showing genealogy of the House of Lancaster and York to Henry Eighth; 9 leaves containing Prologues; in all, 14 leaves before sig. B. The Prologues in this copy have only 22 woodcuts of the Pilgrims, instead of 26, as usually collated. It has also the woodcut of the knight in fol. 1 of ''The Knightes Tale." In all other respects it corresponds with given collations, having the Balades and Lydgate 's poem. It was edited by John Stowe, the Historian, and is in double column. Black Letter. The Lefferts copy. 219. CHAUCER (GEOFFREY). The Workes of Ovr Ancient and learned English Poet, Geffrey Chavcer, newly Printed. To that which was done in the former Impression, thus much is now added. 1 In the life of Chaucer many things inserted. 2 The whole worke by old Copies reformed.- 3 Sentences and Prouerbes notes. 4 The Signification of the old and obscure words prooued: also Caracters shewing from what Tongue or Dialect they be deriued. 5 The Latine and French, not Englished by Chaucer, translated. 6 The Treatise called lacke Vpland, against Friers: and Chancers A. B. C. called La Priere de Notre Dame, at this Impression added. Title within architectural woodcut border, plate with portrait of Chaucer "The Progenie.'^ Folio, full brown le- vant morocco, gilt, gilt edges. London : Printed by Adam Islip, 1602 This is the Second Speght Edition. The portrait is the first engraved representation of the author. Has the final leaf of errata. Double column. Black letter. The Lefferts copy. 220. CHAUCER (GEOFFREY). The Poetical Works of Geoffrey Chaucer. With Memoir by Sir Harris Nicolas. Frontispiece portrait. 8 vols., 12mo, full crimson levant mo- rocco, gilt backs, gilt tops, uncut. London: Pickering, 1852 Aldine Edition. Choice copy. 221. CHAUCER (GEOFFREY). Works. Being a Re- — -^production in facsimile of the First Collected Edition 1532. With Introduction by Walter W. Skeat. Folio, original un- dressed calf, leather ties, uncut. London, 1905 1000 copies printed at University Press, Oxford. 222. CHESS SPARKS (Ellis), 1895; Smith's Classical Dictionary, 1878; Deportation of Women and Girls from ^ Lille, 1916; Godey's Lady's Book, 4 vols, in 2; American Lawyer & Form Book, 1862. 6 vols. 47 -M r- /Sc 223. CHURCHILL (CHARLES). Poems. 2 vols., 4to three-quarter green levant morocco, gilt edges, by The 'ciub Bindery. London: Printed for John Churchill, 1765 Fine copy of the First Edition, and a splendid specimen of Eighteenth Century Printing. 224. CHURCHYARD (THOMAS). The Firste parte of Churchyardes Chippes, contayning twelue seuerall Labours. Title within woodcut 'border. Small 4to, full crimson moroc- co, gilt and blind tooling, gilt edges, by Riviere. Imprinted at London by Thomas Marshe, 1575 First Edition. Very Eare. With the McKee bookplate. 225. CHURCHYARD (THOMAS). A Generall rehear- sall of Warres, called Churchyardes Choise: Wherein is fine hundred seuerall seruices of land and sea as Sieges, Battailes, Skirmiches, and Encounters, etc. Title within woodcut bor- der (repaired and mounted). Small 4to, full dark green mo- rocco, gilt back and sides, gilt edges, by Bedford. Imprinted at London by Edward White, 1579 The Extremely Eare First Edition. Printed in Gothic letter. This work is usually called from its running title, ''Churchyards Choise" but is really the second part of the "Chippes." With the Huth bookplate. 226. [CHURCHYARD (THOMAS).] Churchyard's ^ ^^ Challenge. Woodcut ornaments on titles and in text, initials, ^ etc. Gothic letter. Small 4to, full straight-grain brown mo- rocco, gilt back and sides, curiously tooled doublure, by [Hering]. London: Printed by John Wolfe, 1593 The Excessively Eare First Edition. The ' ' Tragedie of Shore 's Wife," which appeared first in the Mirror for Magistrates, 1559, is here much enlarged, having 21 new stanzas added to it. With the Huth bookplate. /p // y /- 227. CIBBBR (COLLEY). Love's Last Shift; or. The Fool in Fashion. A Comedy. As it is Acted at the Theatre Royal by His Majesty's Servants. Small 4to, half blue mo- rocco, gilt top. London : Printed for H. Rhodes, 1696 First Edition. With the Lefferts bookplate. 228. CIBBER (COLLEY). She Wou'd, and She wou'd not or the Kind Impostor. A Comedy. As it is Acted at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane. By Her Majesties Servants. Small 4to, half brown morocco, gilt top, by The Club Bindery London : Printed for William Turner, 1703 FiEST Edition. With the Lefferts bookplate. 48 229. GIBBER (COLLET). The Careless Husband. A Comedy. As it is Acted at the Theatre Eoyal, by Her Majes- " ty's Servants. Small 4to, half brown morocco, gilt top, by The Club Bindery. London: Printed for William Davis, 1705 First Edition. With the Lefferts bookplate. 230. CIBBER (COLLEY). Perolla and Izadora. A Trag- ^ edy, As it was Acted at the Theatre Royal, By Her Majesty's Servants. Small 4to, half brown morocco, gilt top, by Stike- man.' London: Printed for Bernard Lintott, 1706 First Edition. With the Lefferts bookplate. 231. CIBBER (COLLEY). The Comical Lovers. A ^ Comedy. Acted by Subscription at the Queen's Theatre in the Hay-Market. Small 4to, half brown morocco, gilt top, by Stikeman. London : Printed for Bernard Lintott, [1707] First Edition. With the Lefferts bookplate. 232. CIBBER (COLLEY). The Double Gallant: or. The Sick Lady's Cure. A Comedy. As it is Acted at the Queen's ^ Theatre in the Hay-Market. Small 4to, half blue morocco, gilt top, by The Club Bindery. London: Printed for Bernard Lintott, [1707] First Edition. With the Lefferts bookplate. 233. CIBBER (COLLEY). The Rival Fools. A Comedy. '^ As it is Acted at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane, by Her Majesty's Sworn Comedians. Small 4to, half calf, leather label. London: Printed for Bernard Lintott, [1709] First Edition. With the Lefferts bookplate. 234. CIBBER (COLLEY). Love in a Riddle. A Pastoral. V As it is Acted at the Theatre-Royall, by His Majesty's Ser- vants. 8vo, half brown morocco, uncut. London : J. Watts, 1719 Very fine copy of the First Edition. The music to the pastoral is at the end. With the Lefferts bookplate. 235. CIBBER (COLLEY). Ximena; or, The Heroick Daughter. A Tragedy. As it is Acted at the Theatre-Royal ^x^y His Majesty's Servants. Frontispiece hy Cole. 8vo, half brown morocco, by The Club Bindery. London: Printed for B. Linton, 1719 First Edition. 49 ^ /^ 236. [CLEVELAND (JOHN).] The Character of a Lon- y^ don-Diurnall : With severall select Poems. By the same Au- thor. Small 4to, full brown levant morocco, g-ilt edges, by the Club Bindery. Printed in the Yeere 1647 First Edition of Cleveland 's Poems, containing seventeen poems in addition to the prose piece from which it takes its title. This is one of the two issues of this edition, having the running title on page 7; which issue is the earlier has not been determined. An early engraved portrait of Cleveland has been laid in. With the Lefferts and H. W. Poor bookplates. 237. [CLEVELAND (JOHN).] The Character of A London-Diurnall : With several select Poems: By the same Author. Ornwmenij on title. Small 4to, half wine-color levant morocco, gilt edges, by The Club Bindery. Printed in the Yeere 1647 First Edition. This is the issue with the figure "7" on page 7 instead of the running title. With the Lefferts and Henry W. Poor bookplates. 238. CLEVELAND (JOHN). The Character of a Lon- don-Diurnall: With severall select Poems: By the same Au- thor. Small 4to, full purple levant morocco, gilt back and sides, gilt edges, by the Club Bindery. Printed in the Yeere 1647 The Fifth Edition, containing 52 pages. With the Lefferts and H, W. Poor bookplates. 239. CLEVELAND (JOHN). Poems. By J. C. With Additions. Small 8vo, original calf, in a crimson straight grain morocco solander case, gilt, by The Club Bindery. [London] : Printed in the Yeare 1651 The Seventh Edition or second issue with this date. With the Dogmersfield armorial bookplate. 240. CLEVELAND (JOHN). Poems. By J. C. With Additions. Title within woodcut border. Small 8vo, half old calf, rebacked. Printed in the Yeare 1651 The Second of the two editions published this year. 241. CLEVELAND (JOHN). Poems. By J. C. With Additions, never before Printed. Engraved portrait. Small ^ ^ 8vo, light green crushed levant morocco, gilt and blind tooling oA^ on sides, gilt edges, by Riviere. [London] : Printed in the Yeare 1654 The Eleventh Edition. Collates the same as the tenth, the contents being a rearrangement of the material in the ninth or 1653 edition. 50 9f' /■' ^ 242. CLEVELAND (JOHN). The Idol of the Clovvnes, 7y^^ov, Insurrection of Wat the Tyler. Small 8vo, half brown ^ levant morocco, gilt edges, by The Club Bindery. London: Printed in the year 1654 First Edition. Fine copy. With the Lefferts and H. W. Poor bookplates. xp^ 243. [CLEVELAND (JOHN).] The Idol of the Clownes, 2/ or. Insurrection of Wat the Tyler, With his Priests Baal and Straw. Small 8vo, original sheep. London, 1654 Second Edition. Tlie same sheets as in the First Edition and the same date, but with a new title-page. In "1658 it was issued under the title of ''The Eustic Rampant." With the Jolley, McKee, and H. W. Poor bookplates. ' ' Ex libris, J. Wotton, ' ' on title. // 7- 244. CLEVELAND (JOHN). J. Cleaveland Revived: Poems, Orations, Epistles, And other of his Genuine Incom- parable Pieces, never before published. With Some other Exquisite Remains of the most eminent Wits of both the Universities that were his Contemporaries. Engraved fron- tispiece portrait. Small 8vo, half green crushed levant mo- rocco, gilt back, gilt edges, by the Club Bindery. London: Printed for Nathaniel Brook, 1659 The First of the "Revived" Editions. With the Lefferts and H. W. Poor bookplates. 245. CLEVELAND (JOHN). Poems. By John Cleave- land. With Additions, never before Printed. Engraved frontispiece portrait of the author and title vignette. Small 8vo, full polished brown calf. [London] : Printed for W. Shears, 1659 In many respects the most interesting of the early editions. Of the 34 new poems, 30 are taken bodily from Robert Fletcher's ''Martian His Epigrams," 1656. With the Lefferts and H. W. Poor bookplates. 247. CLEVELAND (JOHN). J. Cleveland Revived: IJ^^ Poems, Orations, Epistles, And other of his Genuine Incom- f parable Pieces. Engraved portrait of the author. Small 8vo, half crimson crushed levant, gilt back, gilt edges, by The Club Bindery. London: Printed for Nathaniel Brook, 1662 The Third Edition. With the Lefferts and H. W. Poor book- plates. '/■ 247. CLEVELAND (JOHN). J. Cleaveland Revived: 'Poems, Orations, Epistles, and other of his Genuine Incom- parable Pieces. With some other Exquisite Remains of most 51 // k 1 eminent Wits of both the Universities that were his Contem- poraries. Small 8vo, half green levant morocco, gilt top, by The Club Bindery. London: Printed for Nathaniel Brooks, 1668 The Fourth Edition. The Beverly Chew copy. 248. CLEVELAND (JOHN). Clievelandi Vindici^; or, Clieveland's Genuine Poems, Orations, Epistles, &c. Purged from the many False & Spurious Ones. Which had usurped his Name, and from innumerable Errours and Corruptions in the True. To which are added many never Printed before. Fine engraved portrait. Small 8vo, polished calf, rebacked. London: Printed for Nath. Brooke, 1677 This edition of Cleveland's works was issued with three distinct title-pages. This one with the Nath. Brooke imprint is apparently the rarest. With the Lefferts and H. W, Poor bookplates. 249. CLEVELAND (JOHN). Clievelandi Vindiciae; or, Clieveland's Genuine Poems, Orations, Epistles, &c. Purged from the many False & Spurious Ones. With many Additions never Printed before. Fine portrait of the author, probably engraved by White. 8vo, original calf. London: for Obadiah Blagrave, 1677 There appear to have been three issues of this work in 1677, each with different imprint. 250. COKAIN (SIR ASTON). Small Poems of Divers sorts. With brilliant impression of the rare portrait. Small 8vo, full black levant morocco, gilt back and sides, gilt edges, by Pratt. London : Printed by Wil. Godbid, 1658 The Extremely Eare First Edition, with the portrait, which is usually wanting, and the leaf of ''Faults escaped." The genuine blank leaves T7 and T8 are also present. This copy, with the Cor- nelius Paine and Hoe bookplates has the title-page in its first state, with the date 1658, and the separate titles to ' ' The Obstinate Lady" and "Trappolin," also bearing the date 1658. 251. COLERIDGE (SAMUEL TAYLOR) AND SOUTH- J^^ EY (R.). The Fall of Robespierre. An Historic Drama. 8vo, full brown calf, gilt, gilt top, uncut edges, by F. Bedford. Cambridge: Printed by Benjamin Flower, 1794 First Edition of Coleridge's first book. Has the dedication leaf and leaf of advertisement. Robespierre was first projected by Coleridge and his friends Southey and Lovell, each to write an act. Coleridge wrote the first, Southey the second, and Lovell the third act, but the last was rejected and re-written by Southey. The Frederick Locker copy, with bookplate. ST' 252. COLERIDGE (SAMUEL TAYLOR). The Plot Dis- covered j or, an Address to the People, against Ministerial 52 ?r- Treason. Small 8vo, full olive levant morocco, gilt back, gilt edges, by Riviere. Bristol, 1795 First Edition. Privately printed and extremely rare. ASSOCIATION COPY 253. COLEEIDGE (SAMUEL TAYLOR). Poems on Various Subjects. Small 8vo, full crushed levant morocco, ^ gilt, gilt top, uncut, by C. Cross. London : Printed for G. G. and J. Robinsons, & J. Cottle, 1796 First Edition. Extremely rare in this uncut state. This volume contains four contributions by Charles Lamb, his first appearance in print> Inserted is a sonnet in Coleridge's autograph, marked '^ First Version." It appears in this volume in somewhat different form as ' ' Effusion I. ' ' There are also several corrections in text, apparently in the author's autograph. Has the half title and page of advertisements. f^' 254. COLERIDGE (SAMUEL TAYLOR). Ode on the Departing Year. 4to, full green levant morocco, gilt top. Bristol : Printed by N. Biggs, 1796 One of the rarest of all Coleridge's First Editions, and a VERY LARGE COPY. With the Locker bookplate. li 7s- vf 255. COLERIDGE (SAMUEL TAYLOR). Poems, to which are now added. Poems by Charles Lamb, and Charles -^ Lloyd. Small 8vo, full polished calf, gilt back, gilt top, uncut, by F. Bedford. Printed by N. Biggs, for J. Cottle, Bristol, 1797 This Second Edition contains many important additions. There are several fresh poems by Coleridge, Lamb and Lloyd. 256. [COLERIDGE (SAMUEL TAYLOR).] Lyrical Ballads, with a few other Poems. 12mo, full citron levant morocco, gilt back, gilt edges. London: Printed for J. and A. Arch, 1798 The First Edition, with the Arch imprint. Has the leaf of Errata. This volume is the joint work of Coleridge and William Wordsworth, published anonymously, containing the First Appear- ance of ''The Bime of the Aneyent Marinere," and other Poems by S. T. C, the latter being two scenes from the newly written and hitherto unpublished tragedy of "Osorio" under the title of "The Dungeon," ''The Foster Mother's Tale," and "The Night-, ingale.'" Derwent Coleridge's copy, with his autograph on title. 257. COLERIDGE (SAMUEL TAYLOR). Fears in Soli- tude, Written in 1798, during the Alarm of an Invasion. To which are added, France, an Ode; and Frost at Midnight. 4to, full green morocco, gilt top. London : Printed for J. Johnson, 1798 53 3 ^• 1' iTmsT Edition. Very Rare. Of the poems contained in the volume, "France" was first printed in The Morning Post, April 16, 1798, under the title of ''Recantation; an Ode," and the other two in this volume. With the Locker bookplate. 258. COLERIDGE (SAMUEL TAYLOR). Wallenstein. A Drama in Two Parts. Translated from the German of Frederick Schiller. The ''Two Parts" have separate titles, the first reading: ''the piccolomini, or the First Part op Wallenstein, a Drama in Five Acts," and the second: "the Death of Wallenstein, a Tragedy in Five Acts," Portrait of Wallenstein, by J. Chapman. In one volume, 8vo, original boards (worn), uncut. London: Printed for T. N. Longman and 0. Rees,' 1799-1800 First Edition. Extremely Eare. This translation by Coleridge had "in less than a quarter of a century, become so difficult to procure, that Carlyle when writing his 'Life of Schiller' in 1823-24, was unable to find, or even see a copy. ' ' Each part has its separate title and pagination. J. Hooker Frere's copy, with his autograph on title-page and front cover. 259. COLERIDGE (SAMUEL TAYLOR). Poems. Third Edition. 8vo, original blue boards, edges entirely un- cut. London: Printed by N. Biggs, 1803 Exceedingly rare in this fine, uncut state. PRESENTATION COPY FROM CHARLES LAMB 260. COLERIDGE (SAMUEL TAYLOR). Remorse. A Tragedy in Five Acts. 8vo, full olive levant morocco, uncut. London : Printed for AV. Pople, 1813 First Edition. The Prologue is from the pen of Charles Lamb, Coleridge writing the Epilogue, which latter was not issued with the Play. On the title Lamb has written: "Miss John With Compts. of a Friend of the Author." Very Rare in this entirely uncut STATE. 261. COLERIDGE (SAMUEL TAYLOR). Christabel: Kubla Khan, A Vision ; The Pains of Sleep. 8vo, half green levant morocco, gilt top, uncut. London, 1816 First Edition. With bookplate of C. Fiske Harris. 262. COLERIDGE (SAMUEL TAYLOR). Zapolya: A Christmas Tale, in Two Parts. The Prelude entitled ''The Usurper's Fortune"; and The Sequel entitled ''The Usurper's Fate." 8vo, original wrappers, uncut. London : For Rest Fenner, 1817 First Edition. Scarce. In original form. 54 X ■ft '/■ C I,- ?- 263. COLERIDGE (SAMUEL TAYLOR). Biographia Literaria; or Biographical Sketches of my Literary Life and Opinions. 2 vols., 8vo, original boards, paper labels, uncut. London: Rest Fenner, 1817 First Edition. Fine copy in the original binding. 264. COLERIDGE (SAMUEL TAYLOR). Sibylline Leaves : A Collection of Poems. Royal 8vo, half red morocco, gilt top, uncut. London: Rest Fenner, 1817 Large paper copy of the First Edition. The * ' Ancient Mariner ' ' is here acknowledged by Coleridge for the First Time. This was meant to be the second volume of a collected edition, and every signature commencing with B is marked ' ' Vol. II. ' ' With the McKee bookplate. 265. COLERIDGE (SAMUEL TAYLOR). Aids to Re- flection in the Formation of a Manly Character. FIRST EDI- TION. 8vo, original boards, paper label, uncut. London, 1825 266. COLERIDGE (SAMUEL TAYLOR). Notes and Lectures upon Shakespeare and Some of the Old Poets and Dramatists, with Other Literary Remains. Edited by Mrs. H. N. Coleridge. First Edition. 2 vols., small 8vo, original cloth, uncut (name on title). London : William Pickering, 1849 267. COLERIDGE (SAMUEL TAYLOR). Letters, Con- — --versations and Recollections. 2 vols., 8vo, original boards, re- backed, uncut. London: Moxon, 1836 First Edition. 268. COLERIDGE (SAMUEL TAYLOR). Literary Re- mains. Collected and Edited by Henry N. Coleridge. Wiih the Aldine device mi titles. 4 vols., 8vo, green calf, gilt (one binding broken). London: "William Pickering, 1836-9 First Edition. Fine, clean set. 269. COLERIDGE (SAMUEL TAYLOR). Poems. Ed- ited by Derwent and Sara Coleridge. Engraved portrait. Small 8vo, original blue cloth, uncut. London: Edward Moxon, 1852 ^ 270. COLERIDGE (SAMUEL TAYLOR). A. L. S., 4 pp., 4to. Oct. 9th, 1794. To Archdeacon Wrangham, with criticism on his Poems and suggesting certain alterations. Illustrating Coleridge's keen ear for rhythm and metre. 55 "The Scriptures tell me, dear Wrangham, that Ingratitude is morse than the sin of Witchcraft; that I might not therefore be condemed of the former, I must plead guilty to the latter, with this distinction, that, instead of being the Wizard, I am the Be- witched. I have indeed incautiously drunk too deeply from the bowl of the blameless Circe. The sweet intoxication that muJces the Heart forget its duties and its cares. I give you liowever but little credit for your conjecture — as if I mistaTce not, you drew the Truth from the well of your own Experience," etc. A fine example. 271. COLLINS (WILLIAM). Odes on several Descrip- tive and Allegoric Subjects. Engraved ornament hy Vander Giicht on title. 8vo, full polished calf, canary edges, by F. Bedford. London : Printed for A. Millar, 1747 FiEST Edition. Excessively Eare, the larger portion of the edition having been destroyed by order of the author. With book- plates of Edward Hawke Locker and Frederick Locker. 272. CONGREVE (WILLIAM). The Old Batchelour, a I A -^ Comedy. As it is Acted at the Theatre Royal, by Their Majes- ties Servants. Small 4to, full brown calf neat, gilt edges. London: Printed for Peter Buck, 1693 First Edition of Congreve's First Play. 273. CONGREVE (WILLIAM). The Double-Dealer, a J5_ Comedy. Acted at the Theatre Royal, By their Majesties Servants. Small 4to, half brown morocco. London : Printed for Jacob Tonson, 1694 First Edition. Contains Dry den's Poem to Congreve, which Swinburne calls ''Noble verses, as faultless in the expression as recTcless in the extravagance of their applause." M 3^' 274. CONGREVE (WILLIAM). Love for Love: A Com- edy. Acted at the' Theatre in Little Lincolns-Inn Fields, by His Majesty's Servants. Small 4to, full brown calf neat, gilt edges. London : Printed for Jacob Tonson, 1695 Very fine copy of the genuine First Edition, with the very RARE HALF-TITLE ' * A. ' ' There were two editions published in 1695; this, the First (according to Dr. Garnett's note in the Locker copy) having 92pp.; the second having but 64pp. 275. CONGREVE (WILLIAM). The Mourning Muse of Alexis. A Pastoral. Lamenting the Death of our late Gra- cious Queen Mary Of ever Blessed Memory. Title within mourning border. Folio, three-quarter piaroon levant mo- rocco, uncut, by [The Club Bindery]. London: Printed for Jacob Tonson, 1695 First Edition, in unusual, uncut condition. Eare. 56 276. CONGREVE (WILLIAM). The Mourning Muse of Alexis. A Pastoral Lamenting the Death of our Late Gra- cious Queen Mary Of ever Blessed Memory. Mourning hand on title. Folio, sewed. London : Printed for Jacob Tonson, 1695 First Edition. 277. CONGREVE (WILLIAM). The Mourning Bride, a ^ Tragedy. As it is Acted at the Theatre in Lincoln 's-Inn- '^ Fields, by His Majesty's Servants. Small 4to, full crimson levant morocco, gilt edges, by Riviere. London : Printed for Jacob Tonson, 1697 Fine copy of the First Edition, with the half-title. 278. [CONGREVE (WILLIAM).] Amendments of Mr. jX^ Collier's False and Imperfect Citations, etc. From the Old . — Batchelour, Double Dealer, Love for Love, Mourning Bride. By the Author of those Plays. 8vo, full olive levant morocco, gilt back and sides, gilt top, by Riviere. London: Printed for J. Tonson, 1698 First Edition. 279. CONGREVE (WILLIAM) . The Way of the World, rXj a Comedy. As it is Acted at the Theatre in Lincoln 's-Inn- — ' Fields, by His Majesty's Servants. Small 4to, full brown calf neat, gilt ornament on sides, gilt edges, by Riviere. . London : Printed for Jacob Tonson, 1700 Superb copy of the Rare First Edition, with the half-title. Swinburne calls this ''The unequalled and unapproacJied masterpiece of English Comedy." 280. CONGREVE (WILLIAM). Memoirs of the Life, Writings, and Amours of William Congreve. Also, Some ,A^ very Curious Memoirs of Mr. Dryden and his Family. Com- piled by Charles Wilson. Portrait of Congreve hy Van der Gucht. 8vo, original panel calf, rebacked. London: Printed in the Year 1730 First Edition. This work contains Congreve 's novel, * 'Incog- nita.'^ It is one of Edmond Curl's publications and is very scur- rilous. 281. CONGREVE (WILLIAM). The Works of Mr. Wil- ^ Ham Congreve. Engraved portrait of Congreve hy Chambers^ Proof before Letters, and engraved plates hy Grignion. 3 vols., 8vo, original sprinkled calf. Birmingham: Printed by John Baskerville, 1761 Baskerville 's beautiful Edition. From the library of F. W. French. 57 282. CONGREVE (WILLIAM). A. L. S., signed ''W. C."2pp. 4to. London, December 17, 1710. To Joseph Kelly, Dublin. With envelope. Very Rare. "I told Lord Castlecorner, Mr. Addison and Mr. Dossing ivith whom I dranJc your health last night, that I would begin my letter to you like a Tatler, with a latin sentence," etc. 283. [CORBET (RICHARD, Bishop of Norwich).] Poet- ica Stromata, or a Collection of Sundry Peices [sic] in Poetry: drawne by the known and approued Hand of R. C. Small 8vo, original vellum. [Printed at the Hague?] 1648 Very fine copy of the Second Edition, on thick paper. From the imperfect spelling and punctuation, this very rare edition appears to have been printed in France or Holland. Of consider- able Shakespearean interest, containing as it does, important al- lusions to Burbage's impersonation of Eichard III. With the Lef- ferts bookplate. 284. CORBET (RICHARD). Poems. Written by the Right Reverend Dr. Richard Corbet, Late Lord Bishop of Nor- wich. Dragon device on title. 12mo, full dark blue crushed levant morocco, gilt tooled back and inside borders, gilt lined panel borders, gilt edges, by The Club Bindery. London : J. C. for William Crook, 1672 Third Edition. Contain some hitherto unpublished poems, and a number of others enlarged and altered for this edition. Fine copy. With the Lefferts bookplate. 285. CORBET (WILLIAM). Certain Elegant Poems, written by Dr. Corbet, Bishop of Norwich. Small 8vo, full green levant morocco, gilt edges, by Wright. London: Printed by R. Cotes for Andrew Crooke, 1647 First Edition. Very Bare. Complete copy, with the last two signatures, pp. 55-86 sometimes wanting. Presentation copy from J. O. Halliwell-Phillipps to William Kelly, with inscription on fly- leaf, also A. L. S., same to same, in reference to the book. With the Lefferts bookplate. There is some old writing on verso of title. 286. CORNWALLIS (SIR CHARLES). A Discourse of The most Illustrious Prince, Henry, Late Prince of Wales. X" Written Anno 1626. Folding portrait of Prince Henry flour- ishing a spear. Small 4to, embossed old re'd morocco. London : Printed for John Benson, 1641 First Edition. Despite the many poems written on Prince Henry, this is his only Memoir, and indeed the only source of knowledge of his manners and occupations. With the Lefferts book- plate. 5$ r^' r- 'W 287. CORNWALLIS (SIR CHARLES). The Life and Death of Our Late most Incomparable and Heroique Prince, Henry Prince of Wales. Frmitispiece portrait of Prince in full armor flourishing a spear, hy Marshall. 8vo, full brown levant morocco, Jansen style, gilt edges, by Riviere. London : Printed for lohn Dawson, 1641 Fine copy. The frontispiece portrait is rare. 288. CORYAT (THOMAS). Coryats Crudities Hastily gobled vp in five Moneths trauells in France, Sauoy, Italy, Rhetia comonly called the Orisons country, Heluetia alias Switzerland, some parts of high Germany, and the Nether- lands; Newly digested in the hungry aire of Adcombe in the County of Somerset, & now dispersed to the nourishment of the trauelling Members of this Kingdom. (II). Three Crvde Veines are presented in this Booke following (besides the fore- said Crvdities) no lesse flowing in the body of the Booke, then the crvdities themselues, two of Rhetoricke and one of Poesie. Etc. Engraved title containing a portrait of the author, and all the engraved places, including the woodcut of the plumes of Prince Henry. Thick small 4to, old calf, in a dark blue levant morocco solander ease. London: Printed by W. S., 1611 First Edition. A fine copy with the leaf of errata at the end and all the plates. Manuscript verses on the fly-leaf in an early hand ridiculing Coryat. 289. COURTNAY, Earl of Devonshire; or, the Troubles of the Princess Elizabeth. A Tragedy. Comprehending a ^^.^reat part of the Reign of Queen Mary, with the Death of Jane Gray. Small 4to, half red calf, lower edges uncut. London : Printed for Nicholas Cox, n. d. First Edition. The now unknown author of this play says in the Preface, ''If the Story he not exactly regular I have the imitdble [sic] ShaJcespear to Apologize for me." With the Lefferts bookplate. j^/r- 290. COWLEY (ABRAHAM). Loves Riddle. A Pas- torall Comaedie; Written, At the time of his being Kings Scholler in Westminster Schoole. Engraved portrait of the author at 13 years of age. Small 8vo, full brown levant mo- rocco gilt, gilt edges. London: Printed by John Dawson, for Henry Seile, 1638 First Edition. Very rare, particularly with the portrait, which is in the smaller state, and the Epilogue, which completes the sig. F. With the Hoe bookplate. 59 ^- 3 o ¥/ ^ EARLY PRESENTATION COPY 291. COWLEY (ABRAHAM). Poems: Viz. I. Miscel- lanies. II. The Mistress, or, Love Verses. III. Pindarique Odes. And IV. Davideis, or, a Sacred Poem of the Troubles of David. Folio, full brown crushed levant morocco, elab- orately gilt tooled panels on sides, gilt edges, in a dark blue straight grain morocco solander case, by The Club Bindery. London: Printed for Humphrey Moseley, 1656 A beautiful copy of the Bare First Edition. Presentation copy with inscription in Cowley's hand, "For My Lady Hanmer From Her Ladisps most humble and most obedient Servant, The Author." With the armorial bookplate dated 1707 of Sir Thomas Hanmer, an early editor of Shakespeare's Plays, and son of Lady Hanmer. 292. COWLEY (ABRAHAM). Ode, Upon the Blessed Restoration and Returne of His Sacred Majestic Charls the Second. Small 4to, full crimson levant morocco, gilt edges, by Riviere. London: Printed for Henry Herringman, 1660 Fine copy of the First Edition. With the Lefferts bookplate. 293. COWLEY (ABRAHAM). Cutter of Coleman- Street. A Comedy. The Scene London, in the year 1658. Small 4to, half green morocco. London : Printed for Henry Herringman, 1663 First Edition. With the Lefferts bookplate. 294. COWLEY (ABRAHAM). A Poem on the late Civil War. Ornament on title. Small 4to, full crimson levant mo- rocco, gilt edges, by Riviere. London: Printed, 1679 First Edition. Very fine copy. With the Lefferts bookplate. 295. COWLEY (ABRAHAM). The Works of Mr. Abra- ham Cowley. Consisting of Those which were formerly ^^ Printed: And Those which he Design 'd for the Press. Now Published out of the Authors Original Copies. Engraved por- trait (copy of that by Faithorne). 12mo, original calf. London: Printed by J. M. for Henry Herringman, 1681 Contains also, The Second Part of the Works of Cowley, and Davideis, with separate titles and paginations. 296. [COWLEY (ABRAHAM, and others, Translators).] ,-^ Anacreon. Done into English out of the Original Greek. ]^ Small 8vo, full citron crushed levant morocco, with delicately tooled lace like gilt border of dots and lines, gilt inside border, gilt edges, by The Club Bindery. London : Printed by L. Lichfield, 1683 60 First Edition. Fine copy, with a contemporary autograph ''John Browne," dated 1684 on title, in a fine exhibition binding. ^ 297. [COWPER (WILLIAM).] Olney Hymns, in Three 7-^^ Books. Small 8vo, polished calf, gilt edges, by Bedford. London : Printed and sold by W. Oliver, 1779 First Edition. Fine copy. The book is edited by John Newton. Cowper wrote many of the Hymns. 298. COWPER (WILLIAM). Poems. London, 1782; The Task. London, 1785. 2 vols., 8vo, full salmon niger mo- rocco, tooled in the style of Derome, gilt edges, by The Club ^> Bindery. London: Printed for J. Johnson, 1782-1785 A handsome copy of the First Edition of each book. The second volume had no half title when first issued, but the poem ''John Gilpin" was so popular that the publisher, in order to sell the 1st vol., 1782, added a half-title, ''Poems by William Cowper, Esq., Vol. II " to the unsold sheets and sold both volumes together. i^JV. 1 % 299. COWPER (WILLIAM, Poet). Autograph letter, closely written, 2pp., 4to. ''Great Berkhamstead, I dont know when," [ca. 1749]. Interesting youthful letter, written to an intimate friend whom he addressed as "Dear Toby," telling of his dancing and shooting. Contains a three stanza poem in English, followed by twenty lines of Latin verse. 300. CRASHAW (RICHARD). Steps to the Temple. Sacred Poems, With other Delights of the Muses. 12mo, ORIGINAL PAPER COVERS, WHOLLY UNCUT, in citron levant mo- rocco solander case. London : Printed by T. W. for Humphrey Moseley, 1646 A MATCHLESS COPY of the EaBE FiRST EDITION IN ITS PRISTINE CONDITION. 301. CRASHAW (RICHARD). Steps to the Temple, Sacred Poems. With the Delights of the Muses, ^^ith the rare frontispiece engraved hy Cross. 12mo, full crimson le- vant morocco, Jansen style, gilt edges, by The Club Bindery. London : Printed for Humphrey Moseley, 1648 Second Edition, wherein are added divers pieces not before extant. 24 pieces are added to the first part and 19 to the second. With the Lefferts bookplate. 302. CRASHAW (RICHARD). Carmen Deo Nostro, Te Decet Hymnus. Sacred Poems. 12 engraved vignettes. SmsM ' 8vo, full dark blue levant morocco, gilt tooled with pendant fleurs-de-lys and rich borders of floral scrolls and lines, gilt edges, by Riviere. Paris: Peter Targa, 1652 61 First Edition. Bare. Although one of the poems states that the engravings were done by Crashaw himself, it is probable that not more than four should be assigned to him. ^ 303. CRASHAW (RICHARD). Steps to the Temple, ^2-. The Delights of the Muses, and Carmen Deo Nostro. En- graved frontispiece. 8vo, full crushed crimson levant moroc- co, finely gilt tooled, gilt edges, by The Club Bindery. In the Savoy: T. N. for Henry Herringman, 1670 Third Edition. Bound with above is Crashaw 's Poemata et Epi- graramata, with both title pages, 1670 and 1674. From the library of Dr. Turner, Bishop of Ely, with his name on fly-leaf. 304. CROMWELL'S CONSPIRACY. A Tragy-Comedy, Relating to our latter Times. Beginning at the Death of King Charles the First, And ending with the happy Restaura- tion of King Charles the Second. Ornament on title. Small 4to, full mottled calf, gilt edges, by Riviere. London: Printed by the Author in the Year 1660 Very fine copy. Eare. This curious play is based on ' * The Famous Tragedie of King Charles I, ' ' 1649, from which many of the scenes are taken bodily. The action of the present play is continued to the Eestoration. 305. CROWNE (JOHN). The Countrey Wit. A Com- edy : Acted at the Dukes Theatre. Small 4to, half brown mo- rocco, gilt top, by The Club Bindery. London : Printed by T. N., 1675 First Edition. This play was a great favorite with Charles II. With the Lefferts bookplate. 306. CROWNE (JOHN). The Ambitious Statesman, or ^ the Loyal Favourite. As it was Acted at the Theatre Royal, by His Majesties Servants. Small 4to, half green levant morocco, gilt edges, by Riviere. London : Printed for William Abington, 1679 First Edition. Fine, large copy. With the Leflferts bookplate. 307. CROWNE (JOHN). Thyestes a Tragedy. Acted at the Theatre-Royal, By their Majesties Servants. Small 4to, half brown morocco, by The Club Bindery. London : Printed for R. Bently and M. Magnes, 1681 First Edition. This is a translation of Seneca's Tragedy. There is an allusion to Shakespeare in the Prologue. With the Lefferts bookplate. 308. CROWNE (JOHN) . Sir Courtly Nice : or, It cannot Be. A Comedy. As it is Acted by His Majesties Servants. 62 If It ^ Small 4to, half brown morocco, lower edges and some lateral edges uncut. London : Printed by H. H. Jun., 1685 Fine and unusually large copy of the First Edition, with MANY edges uncut. This was the most popular of Crowne's plays, and held the stage for upward of a century. Will Mountford and Colley Gibber were famous in the character of Sir Courtly. With the Lefferts bookplate. 309. CROWNE (JOHN). The English Frier: or, The Town Sparks. A Comedy, As it is Acted by Their Majesty's Servants. Small 4to, half brown morocco. London: Printed for James Knapton, 1690 First Edition. With the Lefferts bookplate. 310. CROWNE (JOHN). The Married Beau: or, the Curious Impertinent, a Comedy : Acted at the Theatre-Royal, by their Majesties Servants. Small 4to, half calf, gilt top. London: Printed for Richard Bentley, 1694 Fjrst Edition. With the Huth bookplate. 311. [CURIO (C. SECUNDUS).] Pasquine in a Traunce. A Christian and Learned Dialogue (contayning wonderfuU and most strange Newes out of Heauen, Purgatorie, and Hell). Wherein besides Christes Truth playnely set forth, ye shall finde a Number of pleasant Hystories, discouering all the crafty Conneyances of Antechrist. Whereunto are added cer- tayne Questions then put forth by Pasquine, to have bene disputed in the Councell of Trent. Turned but lately out of the Italian into this Tongue, by W. P. Black letter. Small 4to, full red crushed levant morocco, gilt, gilt edges, by The Club Bindery (title repaired). Imprinted at London, by Thomas Este, 1584 A very rare and curious work. At the back of title are some verses by ''Ber. Gar." (Bernard Garter). 312. DABORN (ROBERT). A Christian turn'd Turke: or. The Tragicall Lines and Deaths of the two Famous Py- rates. Ward and Dansiker. As it hath beene publickly Acted. Ornament on title. Small 4to, full mottled calf, gilt edges, by Pratt. London : Printed by for [sic] William Barrenger. 1612 First Edition. Eare. With the Hoe bookplate. 313. DANIEL (SAMUEL). The first fower Bookes of the ciuile wars between the two houses of Lancaster and 1"^ Yorke. Woodcut border to title. Small 4to, full brown le- -*^ vant morocco gilt, gilt edges, by the Club Bindery. London: Printed by P. Short for Simon Waterson, 1595 63 The second of the two issues printed in 1595. The woodcut border on the title-page is less elaborate and a ''fift Booke" is added, beginning at folio 89 with a new set of signatures. With the Hoe bookplate. 314. DANIEL (SAMUEL). Tragedie of Cleopatra. Title within a woodcut border. Small 4to, full red levant morocco gilt, scroll and arabesque decoration on sides, gilt over rough edges, by Ruban. London : Printed by P. S. for Symon Waterson, 1599 First Edition. A beautiful copy. Very rare. With the Hoe bookplate. 315. DANIEL (SAMUEL). The Works of Samuel Dan- iel Newly Augmented. Woodcut border on title. Small folio, full brown levant morocco, gilt and blind-tooled back and sides, gilt edges, by Riviere. London : Simon Waterson, 1602 Second Collected Edition. A few copies made for presentation to the friends of the author, are dated 1601. This copy contains the 16 leaves of Sonnets to Delia, not in all copies, also slip on verso of A5 ' ' Musophilus. " 316. DANIEL (SAMUEL). Certaine Small Poems lately Printed: with the Tragedie of Philotas. Ornament on title. 8vo, polished Russia, gilt back and sides, tooled in the style of Roger Payne, gilt edges, by Bedford. At London: Printed by G. Eld for Simon Waterson, 1605 The Third Collected Edition, but the First Edition of "Phi- lotas" which has separate title and signatures. A very fine, con- taining 3 separate books: I. Certain Small Poems, etc., 1605^; II. The Tragedie of Philotas, 1605; III. A Panegyrike Congratula- torie, etc., 1603. There are many genuine blank leaves through- out the volume. With the Locker bookplate, and pencil note by him. 317. DANIEL (SAMUEL). The Civile Wares betweene the Howses of Lancaster and Yorke corrected and continued by Samuel Daniel. Engraved title, with portrait of the au- thor, by Cockson. Small 4to, fine old red morocco, gilt edges, by Hering. Printed at London by Simon Watersonne, 1609 First complete and last separate edition. Heber's copy, with note inserted in his hand. 7th and 8th books appear here for the first time. 318. DANIEL (SAMUEL). Sertaine Small Workes here- tofore Divulged by Samuel Daniell one of the Groomes of the Queenes Maiesties most Honourable priuie Chamber, and now againe by him corrected and augmented. Device on title. 12mo, fine old red straight-grain morocco, blind and gilt tooled back and sides, gilt edges, by Hering. At London: Printed by I. L. for Simon Waterson, 1611 64 Very Rare. A scarce engraved portrait of Daniel has been in- serted. The Heber-Daniel-Hoe copy, with manuscript notes by the first two, and bookplate of the latter. 319. DANIEL (SAMUEL). The First Part of the His- torie of England. By Samuel Danyel. Title in woodcut hor- ^ ^^ der. Small 4to, full crushed brown levant morocco, gilt tooled on back and inside borders, gilt lined panel borders, gilt edges, by The Club Bindery. London : Printed by Nicholas Okes, 1612 First Edition. First issue. Very rare. Only a few copies printed. The errata states ''And (if I Hue)' after this priuate impression, which is but of a few coppies for my friends, I will amend what is amisse in the publique. '' A beautiful copy, with the preliminary and final blank leaves, and ample margins. There are a few early manuscript notes in the space lined off for printed annotations. 320. DANIEL (SAMUEL). The Whole Workes of Sam- uel Daniel Esquire in Poetrie. With the frontispiece title of ^^The Civil Warres/' 1609, engraved hy Gockson and con- rj ^ taining a portrait of the author. Small 4to, full green crushed levant morocco, handsomely decorated with gilt floral scrolls and line borders, gilt edges, by The Club Bindery. London: Printed by Nicholas Okes, 1623 The most complete edition, published after Daniel's death by his brother John. Fine copy in a beautiful binding. / 321. DARLEY (REV. J. R.). The Grecian Drama: A Treatise on the Dramatic Literature of the Greeks. 8vo, half vellum, gilt top, uncut, by Matthews. Dublin : Hardy and Walker, 1840 2 First Edition. j^ 322. DA VENANT (SIR WILLIAM). Madagascar; with -^ other Poems. Ornament on title. 12mo, original calf. London : Printed by John Haviland, 1638 First Edition, with the leaf of Imprimatur following title. Ex- ceedingly Eare. With the Locker bookplate, and manuscript notes by him, in fly-leaf. 323. DAVENANT (SIR WILLIAM). Gondibert: An Heroick Poem. Printer^s device on title. Small 4to, original •^ J3 calf, rebacked. London : Printed by Tho. Newcomb, 1651 ^ Crisp copy of the First Edition, in the original binding, and having the genuine final blank leaf. With the William Harris Arnold and William Eeynolds Lloyd bookplates. 65 7 ^24. DAVENANT (SIR WILLIAM). Poem, upon his ^ J ""^ Sacred Majesties most happy Return to his Dominions. Small 4to, half olive straight-grain morocco, by The Club Bindery. London: Printed for Henry Herringman, fB60 ^7 ;• '€- 2^ 0-^ ^x -re. First Edition. With the Lefferts bookplate. 325. DAVENANT (SIR WILLIAM) . Poem, to the King's most Sacred Majesty. Small 4to, half olive straight-grain morocco, gilt top, by The Club Bindery. London : Printed for Henry Herringman, 1663 First Edition. With the Lefferts bookplate. 326. DAVENANT (SIR WILLIAM). The Works. Con- sisting of Those which were formerly Printed, and Those which he design 'd for the Press: Now Published Out of the Author's Originall Copies. Fine impression of the portrait hy W. Faithorne. Folio, full green levant morocco, gilt back and sides, gilt edges, by De Coverly. London: Printed by T. N. for Henry Herringman, 1673 First Edition. Of the 16 plays in the volume 6 are here printed for the first time. A fine copy with the Lefferts bookplate. 327. DAVIES (JOHN, of Hereford). Wittes Pilgrimage (by Poeticall Essaies), Through a World of amorous Son- nets, Soule-passions, and other Passages, Diuine, Philosophi- call, Morall, Poeticall, and Politicall. Small 4to, dark blue levant morocco, gilt tooled back, panels and inside borders, gilt edges, by F. Bedford. London: Printed for John Browne [circa 1610] First Edition. Proba.bly the rarest of all the many works of Davies. The title page is usually lacking and supplied in manu- script. In this copy the title is original, with the printer's device. With the McKee bookplate. 328. DAVIES (SIR JOHN). Nosce Teipsum. This Oracle expounded in two Elegies. I. Of Human Knowledge. 2. Of the Soule of Man, and the immortalitie thereof. Print- er's device on title. Small 4to, full crimson levant morocco, gilt back and sides, gilt edges, by F. Bedford. London: Printed by Richard Field, 1599 The extremely rare First Edition. A note prefixed to a later edition reads: "The poem is, without dispute, except Spenser's 'Faery Queen,' the best that was written in Queen Elizabeth's, or even in King James I's time." With the bookplate of Frederick Locker, and Manuscript notes by him, on fly leaves. 329. [DAVIES (SIR JOHN).] Nosce Teipsum. The Oracle expounded in two Elegies. Hymnes of Astraea in 66 Acrosticke Verse. Orchestra. Or, A Poeme of Dauncing. In a Dialogue betweene Penelope, and one of her Wooers. Not finished. Small 8vo, full brown calf, gilt tooled, gilt edges. London: Augustine Mathewes, 1622 Fifth Edition. Published by the author a few years before his death, and probably contains all his acknowledged productions. With the bookplates of Sir John Masterman Sykes and M. C. Lefferts. 330. DAY (JOHN). Humour out of Breath. A Comedie Diuers times latelie acted, By the Children of The Kings ) ^^ Eeuells. Broad ornamental headband and vignette on title. Small 4to, full blue levant morocco, gilt top, by Bradstreet. Printed at London for lohn Helmes, 1608 The Excessively Eare First Edition. On the title and verso, are written in a contemporary hand, the names of the actors. Not in Hoe. With the McKee and Huth bookplates. 331. DECAMERON of Boccaccio. Flemeng Illustrations. ( ^ N. Y., n. d. ; Essays on Shakespeare. Edited by D. N. Smith. Glasgow, 1903; Eutland [Author of Shakespeare Plays], (Bostelmann), N. Y., 1911; Agamemnon of Aeschylus (Ed- ward Fitzgerald). 160 copies issued. Chicago, 1903. 4 vols., 8vo, cloth and boards. 332. DEKKER (THOMAS). The Magnificent Enter- tainment: Given to King lames, Queene Anne his wife, and Henry Frederick the Prince, vpon the Day of his Maiesties ^7 384. DRAYTON (MICHAEL). Poems : Newly Corrected by the Author. Small 8vo, full polished calf gilt, gilt edges, by F. Bedford. London: Printed by W. Stansby for lohn Smethwicke, 1613 Fine copy of this very scarce edition, probably the sixth; not men- tioned in Bibliotheca Anglo Poetica, and rarely offered for sale. This copy has the rare leaf at the end, with verses by Selden and Heyward. With the George Soaper and Beverly Chew bookplates. 385. DRAYTON (MICHAEL). Poems by Michael Dray- ton Esquyer. Collected into one Volume. With sundry peeces inserted never before Imprinted. Engraved portrait of Dray- ton by Hole, and engraved title. Folio, full crimson levant morocco, gilt back and sides, gilt edges, by Worsfold. London: Printed for John Smethwick [1619] The most complete and the best of the collected editions of Dray- ton. There were two variations in this same year. In this copy the printed title reads: '^ Printed by W. Stansby for John Swethwicke. " Described as a Large Paper copy, in the McKee catalogue. With the McKee bookplate. 386. DRAYTON (MICHAEL). Poly-Olbion. A Chrono- graphicall Description of all the Tracts, Rivers, Mountains, Forests, and other Parts of this Renouned Isle of Great Brit- ain. Engraved frantispiece aiid portrait of Prince Henry hy Hole, and 30 folding maps. Folio, full dark green levant morocco, gilt, gilt edges, by J. Clarke. London: Printed for John Marriott, John Grifmand, and Thomas Dewe, 1622 Very Scarce. Although both parts are dated 1622, the edition is identical with that of 1613-22, except for the printed title to the first part. With the Thomas Gaisford-Lefferts bookplates. 387. DRAYTON (MICHAEL). The Battaile of Agin- j% covrt. Fought by Henry the fist of that name. King of Eng- -^ land, against the whole power of the French : vnder the Raigne of their Charles the sixt. Anno Dom. 1415. Engraved portrait hy William Hole. Tall 8vo, full crimson levant mo- rocco, gilt back, gilt borders on sides, gilt edges, by Stikeman. London: Printed for William Lee, 1627 First Edition. Tall copy, with the foot-notes on C and C2 intact. Extremely Eare. Besides the title poem, the volume contains the First Editions of the following important pieces: ' * Nimphidia, " "The Miseries of Queen Margarite," and the '^ Elegies." Among the elegies there is one addressed to George Sandys, ''Treasurer for the English Colony in Virginia," and another in which Drayton delivers his judgment upon the merits of various contemporary poets, including Ben Jonson, Marlowe, Chapman, Daniel, Beaumont, Spenser, Church- yard, Sidney, Drummond, Nash, Shakespeare, and others. The fol- lowing is the reference to Shakespeare: 78 "Shakespere thou hadst a smooth, a eomicke vain, Fitting the socke, and in thy natural braine. As strong conception, and as cleare as rage. As any one that traffiqu 'ed with the stage. ' ' 388. DRAYTON (MICHAEL). The Muses Elizium, Lately discouered, by a new way over Parnassvs. The pas- sages therein, being the subject of ten sundry Nymphalls. Small 4to, full brown levant morocco, richly and brilliantly tooled on back and sides, gilt edges, by Mercier, in blue mo- rocco solander case. London: Printed by Thomas Harper, 1630 First Edition, Excessively rare, and a superb specimen of Mer- cier 's binding. With bookplate of Gregory Lewis Way. 389. DRAYTON (MICHAEL). Poems by Michael Dray- ton Esquyer. Newly Corrected & Augmented. Engraved title containing the Arms of King Charles and the Elector Palatine. 8vo, full crimson levant morocco, gilt, gilt edges, by W. Pratt. London: Willi Stansby for John Smethwick [1630] Probably the Fourth Collected Edition. Many copies end with page 464, but the above has "Idea," pages 465-496. 390. DRAYTON (MICHAEL). The Battaile of Agin- court. Fought by Henry the Fift of that Name, King of Eng- land, against the whole power of the French. 8vo, new mot- tled and polished calf, blind tooled borders, gilt edges, by Riviere. London : A. M. for William Lee, 1631 Contains commendatory poems by Ben Jonson, Vaughan' and others. 391. DRAYTON (MICHAEL). Poems by Michael Dray- JV ton Esquyer. Collected into one Volume. Engraved title JL "^ containing portrait of Drayton, hy William Marshall. Small 12mo, full polished calf, gilt, gilt edges, by Bedford. London: Printed for John Smethwick, 1637 With the Lefferts bookplate. WITH AUTOGRAPH NOTE AND MANUSCRIPT POEM 392. DRUMMOND (WILLIAM). Poems, by That most jjf^ Famous Wit, William Drummond of Hawthornden. Portrait of the author, engraved hy Gaywood. 8vo, old russia. London : Printed by W. H., 1656 A UNIQUE COPY OF EXCEPTIONAL INTEREST AND VALUE, having bound in at the end, an A. N. S. of the author, dated May 26, 79 1622; also, an Autograph Poem, ''Damon to Alexis,** printed with changes, under the title, ''To S. W. A." (Sir William Alexander). There have been added 4 other portraits, viz., one engraved by Birch from Jansen's painting; one similar to that in the folio edi- tion, unknown to Granger; a retouched copy of Garwood's portrait, and an unidentified pencil sketch. The 1659 edition was not a new one, but the unsold sheets of the 1656 edition with a new title-page. The present copy contains not ONLY THE 1656 TITLE WITH THE RARE IMPRINT [the more common one being ''Printed for Eichard Tomlins," etc.], but also the 1659 title-page. The Address to John Scot is found in but few copies, and is here in manuscript. It is not a part of the collation, the book being complete without it, and was probably added to certain copies pre- sented to Scot. This, the Parks copy, is interleaved, and is replete with manuscript notes by him. 393. DRUMMOND (WILLIAM). The Works of Wil- liam Drummond, of Hawthornden. Consisting of those which 5 ^^ were formerly printed, and those which were design 'd for the Press. Now Published from the Author's Original Copies. Engraved portrait of the author and portraits of the Kings of Scotland. Folio, contemporary calf, rebacked. Edinburgh : James Watson, 1711 394. [DRYDEN (JOHN).] Lachrymae Musarum; the Tears of the Muses, exprest in Elegies written by divers per- • ^ sons of nobility and worth, upon the death of Henry Lord J^^ Hastings, onely Sonne of Perdinando, Earl of Huntington, heir-generall of George Duke of Clarence, brother to Edward IV. With frontispiece of the Muses surrounding a figure of Lord Hastings in his shroud, and the scarce folding tlack- bordered leaf, 8vo, crushed olive morocco, gilt edges, by De Coverly. London: Printed by T. N., 1650 First Edition, Second issue. Edited by Richard Brome, and con- tains the First printed production of Dryden, written when he was a schoolboy at Westminster School. Inserted is a very rare ENGRAVED PORTRAIT of Dryden proof before letters, by Grataloup the younger. This portrait of Dryden is the only one of an Eng- lishman executed by this engraver. The work is very rare, being seldom found with the plate and folding leaf complete. With the Locker bookplate. j-t 395. DRYDEN (JOHN). Three Poems Upon the Death . ^ of his late Highnesse Oliver Lord Protector of England, Scot- land, and Ireland. Written by Mr. Edm. Waller, Mr. Jo. Dryden, Mr. Sprat, of Oxford. Small 4to, full mottled calf, gilt edges. London: William Wilson, 1659 First Edition of the three poems. Published the same year as the separate edition of Dryden 's Poem upon the death of Crom- well. Very Scarce. A very fine copy with the Lefferts bookplate. 80 396. DRYDEN (JOHN). A Poem upon the Death of His Late Highness, Oliver, Lord Protector of England, Scotland, & Ireland. Small 4to, full mottled calf, gilt edges, by Riviere. London: Printed for William Wilson, 1659 ) ^" First Edition. A fine copy of this most important piece, Dryden 's ACTUAL First Publication in book form. Its rarity is evidenced by the fact that it escaped the vigilant researches of Mr. Malone, and that it is unmentioned by Lowndes. 397. DRYDEN (JOHN). Astraea Redux. A Poem On ^ the Happy Restoration & Return Of His Sacred Majesty ^^Charles the Second. Folio, new salmon vsrrappers. London: Printed by J. M. for Henry Herringman, 1660 First Edition. Eare. . 398. DRYDEN (JOHN) . To his Sacred Maiesty, a Pane- J^ gyrick on his Coronation. Folio, new salmon wrappers. London : Printed for Henry Herringman, 1661 First Edition. Very Eare. 399. DRYDEN (JOHN). To My Lord Chancellor, Pre- sented on New-years-day. By J. Driden. Folio, new salmon paper covers, in half brown morocco case. ^ ^ ^^ London : Printed for Henry Herringman, 1662 First Edition. Inserted is a note in Mr. Hagen's hand in which he says: "This is the rarest of all of Dry den's works. I know of no other copy in this country." With the Locker bookplate. 400. DRYDEN (JOHN). Annus Mirabilis: The Year of Wonders, 1666. An Historical Poem. Containing The Prog- ress and various Successes of our Naval War with Holland, ^ under the Conduct of His Highness Prince Rupert, and His ' Grace the Duke of Albemarle. And describing the Fire of London. 8vo, full blue levant morocco, gilt back, gilt edges, by The Club Bindery. London: Printed for Henry Herringman, 1667 First Edition. Fine copy. Eare. With the Lefferts bookplate. 401. DRYDEN (JOHN). Of Dramatick Poesie, an Es- [y ^ say. Small 4to, half green morocco. ' London: Printed for Henry Herringman, 1668 First Edition of Dryden's principal prose production, in which Dry den's praise of Shakespeare called for the highest encomiums from Dr. Johnson. With the Locker bookplate. < ^ 402. [DRYDEN (JOHN).] Sr. Martin Mar-All, or the ^ Feign 'd Innocence: A Comedy. As it was Acted at His 81 ^2- u Highnesse the Duke of York's Theatre. Small 4to, three- quarter olive levant morocco, some lower edges uncut. London : Printed for Henry Herringman, 1668 First Edition. A former owner has written in a contemporary- hand on the title-page: "Writt by the Buke of Newcastle, Tho Langhaines ascribes it to Dryden." Contains the extra leaf between sigs. H and I, containing the "Song." yt> 403. DRYDEN (JOHN). The Wild Gallant: A Comedy. ^^ As it was Acted at the Theatre-Royal, By His Majesties Ser- vants. Small 4to, half brown calf. In the Savoy: Tho. Newcomb, for H. Heringman, 1669 First Edition. This was Dryden 's first dramatic essay. It was acted as early as 1663, and as he states in the i)reface, it was a failure. It is very scarce. With the Lefferts bookplate. yt> 404. DRYDEN (JOHN). Tyrannick Love, or the Royal ^ Martyr. A Tragedy. As it is Acted by His Majesties Ser- vants, at the Theatre Royal. Small 4to, full olive levant mo- rocco, gilt centre ornaments, gilt edges, by Riviere. London : Printed for Henry Herringman, 1670 First Edition. Rare. Nell Gwyn is said to have first attracted Charles II. when appearing as Valeria in this play. //^ 76 /dJ^^ 405. [DRYDEN (JOHN).] The Tempest, or the En- /t chanted Island. A Comedy. As it is now Acted at his High- -"^ ness the Duke of York's Theatre. Small 4to, half red levant morocco, gilt edges. London : Printed by J. M. for Henry Herringman, 1670 First Edition. In this version of Shakespeare's "Tempest," Dryden was assisted by Sir William Davenant. 406. DRYDEN (JOHN). An Evening's Love, or the Mock- Astrologer. Acted at the Theatre-Royal by his Majesties Servants. Small 4to, half purple calf, by Larkins. In the Savoy : Printed by T. N. for Henry Herringman, 1671 First Edition. A second edition was published in the same year, 1671, in which the errors in the present edition are corrected. Nell Gwyn appeared as Donna Jacintha. With the Lefferts bookplate. 407. DRYDEN (JOHN). The Conquest of Granada by the Spaniards. In Two Parts. Acted at the Theatre-Royall. Small 4to, full crimson levant morocco, gilt tooled back, gilt and blind tooled lines on panels and inside borders, gilt edges, by Riviere. In the Savoy: T. N. for Henry Herringman, 1672 First Edition. Both parts, with title and prologue. Has the extra ' leaf in signature C. The prose essays attached to the play 82 /7- ^' contain some very important Shakespeare references, a number of the latter 's plays being mentioned. Very fine copy. Scarce. 408. DRYDEN (JOHN). Amboyna: A Tragedy. As it is Acted At the Theatre-Eoyal. Small 4to, half blue levant morocco, by The Club Bindery. London: T. N. for Henry Herringman, 1673 First Edition. Has the two (a) leaves, Prologue and Persons Eepresented. Scarce. . 409. DRYDEN (JOHN). Marriage A-la-Mode. A Com- edy. As it is Acted at the Theatre-Royal. Small 4to, boards, morocco back. London : Printed by T. N. for Henry Herringman, 1673 First Edition. With the Lefferts bookplate. 410. DRYDEN (JOHN). The Assignation: or, Love in a 4^1 ^ Nunnery. As it is Acted at the Theatre-Royal. Small 4to, half olive morocco. London : Printed by T. N. for Henry Herringman, 1673 First Edition. With the Lefferts bookplate. 411. [DRYDEN (JOHN).] Notes and Observations on the Empress of Morocco. Or, Some few Errata's to be Printed instead of the Sculptures with the Second Edition of that Play. 4to, half dark blue levant morocco, gilt, gilt edges, by Riviere. London: Printed in the Year 1674 First Edition. One of the rarest of Dry den's imprints. This work is an attack on Elkanah Settle's Empress of Morocco, a copy of the first edition of which is contained in this collection. Bound in this volume is Settle's reply to Dry den, published the same year: "Notes and Observations On the Empress of Morocco Eevised. With some few Errata's to be Printed instead of the Postscript, with the next Edition of the Conquest of Grenada." 4to. London: Printed for William Cademan, 1674. Inserted is a letter of Professor Noyes relating to the books. With the Lefferts bookplate. ^- -rr- 412. [DRYDEN (JOHN).] The Mall: or the Modish ^ Lovers. A Comedy. Acted by His Majesties Servants. Small 4to, three-quarter purple morocco, by The Club Bindery. London : Printed for William Cademan, 1674 First Edition. Very Rare. This is possibly the play Pepys describes as the ''Lovers a la Mode" translated from the French by Dryden. Dryden's name does not appear on the title-page, but the dedication is signed ' ' J. D. " With the McKee bookplate. 413. [DRYDEN (JOHN).] The Mistaken Husband. A . y Comedie, As it is Acted by His Majesties Servants at the ffO^ Theatre-Royall. By a Person of Quality. Small 4to, full brown calf, gilt edges, by Riviere. London: Printed for J. Magnes and R. Bentley, 1675 83 3^' fo 7- First Edition. Eare. The author of this play is unknown. Dry- den revised it and wrote one scene, besides the Prologue and Epi- logue. 414. DRYDEN (JOHN). Aiireng-Zebe : A Tragedy. Acted at the Royal Theatre. Small 4tO; half olive levant mo- rocco, gilt edges, by Riviere. London : Printed by T. N. for Henry Herringman, 1676 The Very Bare First Issue of the First Edition, with the mis- printed pages at 34, 35, 38 and 39, This is Dryden's last and finest rhymed tragedy. With the Lefferts bookplate. 415. DRYDEN (JOHN). The State of Innocence, and Fall of Man: an Opera. Written in Heroique Verse, And ^^ Dedicated to Her Royal Highness, the Dutchess. Small 4to, half red morocco, gill edges. London: T. N. for Henry Herringman, 1677 First Edition. Dryden's attempt to dramatise Milton's Paradise Lost. There was a belief that earlier editions existed, but Bibliog- raphers have concluded that if earlier issues exist, they are spurious. Laid in are autograph letters from Edmund Gosse and George B. Churchill, to Mr. Hagan, regarding the point. 416. DRYDEN (JOHN) . The Assignation : or, Love in a Nunnery. As it is Acted, At the Theatre-Royal. 4to, full mottled calf, gilt, gilt edges, by Pratt. London: Printed by T. N. for Henry Herringman, 1678 Second Edition. Fine copy. 72 7i 417. DRYDEN (JOHN). All for Love: or, The World well Lost. A Tragedy, As it is Acted at the Theatre-Royal ; /2- And Written in Imitation of Shakespeare's Stile. Small 4to, half red levant morocco, by The Club Bindery. In the Savoy : Printed by Tho Newcomb, for Henry Herring- man, 1678 First Edition. Considered by many critics Dryden's best play. It is based on Shakespeare's Anthony and Cleopatra. 418. DRYDEN (JOHN). Troilus and Cressida, or. Truth Found too Late. A Tragedy As it is Acted at the Dukes Theatre. To which is Prefix 'd A Preface Containing the Grounds of Criticism in Tragedy. Small 4to, full mottled calf, gilt edges, by Riviere. London: Printed for Abel Swall, 1679 First Edition, and a variation unknown to the compilers of the Grolier Club ' ' Dry den Catalogue. ' ' The present copy has a different imprint from the one described there, and also has the extra leaf between b4 and Bi, a Poem by E. Duke, ''To Mr. Dryden on his Play called 'Truth Found too Late' " and the leaf of advertise- ments at the end. The poem by Duke was not in the Hoe copy. 84 THIRD SESSION Tuesday Afternoon, May 14, at 2:30 o'clock LOTS 419-630 419. DRYDEN (JOHN). Oedipus: A Tragedy. As it is L/^ Acted at His Royal Highness the Duke's Theatre. Small 4to, '^ full polished calf, gilt edges, by Lloyd and Wallis. London: Printed for R. Bentley and M. Magnes, 1679 First Edition. Lee collaborated with Dry den, the latter writing the first two acts. ^7- 4- 420. DRYDEN (JOHN). The Kind Keeper; or, Mr. Lim- berham: A Comedy: As it was Acted at the Duke's Theatre by His Royal Highnesses Servants. Small 4to, boards. London: Printed for R. Bentley and M. Magnes, 1680 First Edition. This play was acted only three times when it was first produced in 1678. It was withdrawn because of the offensive nature of much of its contents. From the library of J. 0. Halliwell- Phillips. 421. DRYDEN (JOHN). Ovid's Epistles. Translated by Several Hands. Engraved frontispiece. 8vo, full mottled calf. London: Printed for Jacob Tonson, 1680 First Edition. Dryden wrote the Preface and translated some of the Epistles; the other translators were Sir Carr Scrope, . Tate, Otway, Mrs. Behn, Butler, Duke, Flatman, etc. 422. DRYDEN (JOHN). The Spanish Pryar or. The |V Double Discovery. Acted at the Duke's Theatre. Small 4to, ^ ^ full vellum. London : Printed for Richard Tonson and Jacob Tonson, 1681 First Edition. With the Huth bookplate. 423. DRYDEN (JOHN). Absalom and Achitophel. A r-0 Poem. London, 1681 ; [also] : The Second Part of Absalom > ^ and Achitophel. A Poem, London, 1682. In one volume, folio, half brown morocco. London : Jacob Tonson, 1681-82 Fine copy of the extremely Eare First Edition of the most celebrated of Dryden 's political satires, and perhaps the greatest 85 Satire in English. Two leaves of Commendatory Verses, from the Fourth Edition (1682) are inserted after the title. On the fly-leaf, in a contemporary hand, is a key to the characters. With the Lefferts bookplate. .. 424. [DRYDEN (JOHN).] Absalom and Achitophel. A l(y ^ Poem. Second Edition, augmented and revised. Small 4to, boards, calf back, by Larkins. London: Printed for J. T., 1681 Fine copy, with the genuine blank leaf preceding the title. . 425. [DRYDEN (JOHN).] Absolon's IX Worthies: or, /f(^ ^ A Key to a late Book of Poem, Entituled A. B. & A. C. 2 pp. on one folio sheet. n. p., n. d. [ca. 1681] One of the broadside attacks upon Dry den after the publication of his "Absalom & Achitophel." 426. [DRYDEN (JOHN).] Mac Plecknoe, or a Satyr upon the True-Blew Protestant Poet, T. S. By the. Author of Absalom & Achitophel. Small 4to, full crimson levant moroc- \0 ^ CO, gilt edges, by The Club Bindery. London : Printed for D. Green, 1682 The Excessively Eare First Edition. This is one of the most important of Dry den's works, and at the same time one of the rarest, being second in rarity only to his poem ''To my Lord Chancellor," 1662. But one copy appears to have been offered for sale; not in Hoe, Huth, Lefferts, or other large collections. Laid in 2 pp. typewritten letter, signed, from Prof. G. R. Noyes of Univ. of Calif, relating to the book. The Locker copy. 3o^ TT" 427. DRYDEN (JOHN). The Medall. A Satyre against Sedition. By the Authour of Absalom and Achitophel. Lon- don, 1682; The Medal Revers'd. A Satyre against Persecu- tion. By the Author of Azaria and Hushai [Elkanah Settle] London, 1682. In one volume, small 4to, three-quarter olive levant morocco, by The Club Bindery. London, 1682 First Edition. Dryden's name did not appear on the title-page of any edition of this poem during his life time. The present copy has two additional lines in Latin on the last page of ''The Medall" not found in all copies. 428. DRYDEN (JOHN). The Medall. A Satyre against Sedition. By the Authour of Absalom and Achitophel. 4to, half green levant morocco, uncut, by The Club Bindery. London: Printed for Jacob Tonson, 1682 First Edition. In unusual uncut state. With the Lefferts book- plate. 86 429. DEYDEN (JOHN). A Prolo^e Written by Mr. Dryden, to a New Play, eall'd, The Loyal Brother, &c. 1 folio leaf, 2 pp. (margin neatly restored). iz London: Printed for J. Tonson [1682] First Edition. ^'The Loyal Brother," was written by Thomas Southern and produced first in 1682, It was Southern's first play. The Epilogue, also written by Dryden, is printed on verso. These broadsides are rare: they were printed thus and sold to the audiences during the play. 430. DRYDEN (JOHN). Religio Laici or a Laymans Faith. A Poem. Small 4to, full olive levant morocco, gilt edges on the rough, lower edges uncut, by The Club Bindery. London : Printed for Jacob Tonson, 1682 First Edition. Very Eare. Choice copy. There were two edi- tions published in 1682. According to Gosse, this edition was pub- lished from Dryden 's MS.; the other from copies made from the original MS. 431. DRYDEN (JOHN). Three Poems Upon the Death sj of the Late Usurper Oliver Cromwell. Small 4to, half brown ^ levant morocco, gilt top, by The Club Bindery. London: Printed by William Wilson, 1659; Reprinted, 1682 Second Edition. Unauthorized, and published by Dryden 's ene- mies. Waller and Sprat wrote the other two poems. With the Lefferts bookplate. 432. DRYDEN (JOHN). The Duke of Guise. A Trag- xT^ edy. Acted By Their Majesties Servants. Written by Mr. Dryden and Mr. Lee. With the 2 leaves of Music. Small 4to, half olive levant morocco, gilt edges, by Riviere. London: Printed by T. H. for R. Bentley, 1683 First Edition, Avith the two unnumbered leaves of music at the end. 433. DRYDEN (JOHN). The Vindication: or The Par- ) 2 allel of the French Holy-League and the English League and t/ '^ Covenant, etc. Small 4to, half blue levant morocco, by the Club Bindery. London: Printed for Jacob Tonson, 1683 First Edition. This is Dryden 's vindication of the "Duke of Guise, ' ' which was attacked in ' ' Some Eeflections, etc., on the Duke of Guise," 1683. 434. DRYDEN (JOHN). Plutarchs Lives. Translated h from the Greek by several Hands. To which is prefixt the ^•^ Life of Plutarch. Portraits engraved hy Collins and others. 5 vols., thick 8vo, original mottled calf, rebacked. London : Printed for Jacob Tonson, 1683-1686 I^ARGE PAPER COPY of the FiRST EDITION, B7 9S ;2/ SI 5/ 435. DRYDEN (JOHN). Of Dramatick Poesie. An Es- say. By John Dreyden, Servant to His Majesty. Small 4to, half blue roan. London: Printed for Henry Herringman, 1684 Second Edition. Dryden's name is mis-spelled on the title. 436. DRYDEN (JOHN). The History of the League. Written in French by Monsieur Maimbourg. Translated into English According to His Majesty's Command. Engraved frontispiece hy Burghers. Thick 8vo, original calf. London: Printed by M. Flesher, 1684 First Edition. An uncommon copy, containing at the end, "The Postscript of the Translator" (49pp. by Dryden) and the Table, occupying 21 leaves, which was not in the Hoe copy. 437. DRYDEN (JOHN). Miscellany Poems. Containing \— a New Translation of Virgills Eclogues, Ovid's Elegies, Odes of Horace, and other Authors. With several Original Poems. By the most eminent Hands. 8vo, original calf. London: Printed for Jacob Tonson, 1684 First Edition. This is usually called Dryden 's First Miscel- lany. On the fly-leaf is a Jacobean song written in a contemporary hand. With the bookplate of John Gurdon Eebow. 438. DRYDEN (JOHN). Threnodia Augustalis: A Fu- neral-Pindarique Poem Sacred to the Happy Memory of King Charles 11. Small 4to, half green straight-grain morocco, gilt edges, by The Club Bindery. London: Printed for Jacob Tonson, 1685 First Edition. This poem was published about a month after the death of Charles II. With the Lefferts bookplate. 3/' fi n(>- 439. [DRYDEN (JOHN).] Sylva: or, the Second Part of Poetical Miscellanies. 8vo, original calf. London: Printed for Jacob Tonson, 1685 A FINE CRISP COPY of the Eare First Edition. With the book- plate of John Gurdon Eebow. 440. DRYDEN (JOHN) . Albion and Albanius : An Opera. Perform 'd at the Queens Theatre in Dorset Garden. Folio, full brown calf, gilt centre ornament, uncut, by Riviere. London: Printed for Jacob Tonson, 1685 First Edition. Extremely Eare," particularly so, in this uncut state. 441. [DRYDEN (JOHN).] The Hind and the Panther. A Poem. In Three Parts. Small 4to, full brown levant mo- rocco, gilt edges, by Riviere. London: Printed for Jacob Tonson, 1687 88 The very rare Genuine First Edition., There were three issues of this work in 1687. This is the rarest and earliest issue, before ''Errata" at the end, the errors not corrected, the last leaf blank on verso. With the Lefferts bookplate. 442. DRYDEN (JOHN). The Hind and the Panther. A Poem. In Three Parts. Small 4to, full brown levant mo- rocco, gilt edges. London : Printed for Jacob Tonson, 1687 First Edition, Second Issue. In this issue the last leaf has been reprinted and the *' Errata" added at the foot of the page, while the verso contains a list of "Books printed for Jacob Tonson." The William Harris Arnold copy, having bookplates of Frederick Locker and Eobert J. Collier. There is a MS. note of five lines by Frederick Locker, on the fly-leaf, in which he compares Pope and Dryden. 443. [DRYDEN (JOHN).] A Poem Upon the Death of the Late Usurper, Oliver Cromwell. By the Author of The H d and the P r. Small 4to, three-quarter dark blue levant morocco, by Club Bindery. London: Printed for S. H., 1687 This was first published as ''A Poem upon the Death of His Late Higness, " &c., and this is the unauthorized re-issue, put out at the instance of Dryden 's enemies. 444. DRYDEN (JOHN). Annus Mirabilis. The Year of Wonders, M. DC. LXVI. An Historical Poem. Also a Poem on the Happy Restoration and Return of His Late Sacred Majesty Charles the Second, etc. Small 4to, three-quarter crimson levant morocco, gilt edges on the rough, by [The Club Bindery]. London: Printed for Henry Herringman, 1688 This is the first collected edition of Dryden 's Poems. His early poem on the death of Cromwell is omitted for reasons readily understood. Large copy, with some lower edges untrimmed. 445. DRYDEN (JOHN). Britannia Rediviva: A Poem on the Birth of the Prince. Folio, half red levant morocco, gilt top, uncut, by The Club Bindery. London: Printed for J. Tonson, 1688 A superb copy of the rare Folio Edition, in uncut state. There is nothing to determine whether this or the 4to edition is the earlier. The folio edition is certainly the rarer. With the Lefferts book- plate. 446. DRYDEN (JOHN). Britannia Rediviva: A Poem on the Birth of the Prince. Small 4to, full brown levant mo- rocco, blind stamped centre ornaments, gilt edges, by Riviere. London : Printed for J. Tonson, 1685 ifl' // ii 3o V There was another, edition, in folio, printed the same year, but there is nothing to determine which is the. earlier. With the Clarence S. Bement bookplate. 447. DRYDEN (JOHN). Amphitryon; or, The Two So- fia's. A Comedy As it is Acted at the Theatre Royal. To which is added the Musick of the Songs. Composed by Mr. Henry Purcel. Small 4to, half calf. London: Printed by J. Tonson, 1691 First Edition, Second issue. The ''Songs with the Musick" is dated 1690, the book being made up from the same sheets as the 1690 issue. 448. DRYDEN (JOHN). The State of Innocence, and Fall of Man: An Opera. Written in Heroick Verse; And Dedicated to Her Royal Highness the Dutchess. Small 4to, full mottled calf, gilt edges, by Pratt. London: Printed by J. M. for Henry Herringman, 1690 Third Edition. This play was never put upon the stage. 449. DRYDEN (JOHN). King Arthur: or, The British Worthy. A Dramatick Opera. Perform 'd at the Queens Theatre By Their Majesties Servants. Small 4to, half red morocco, by The Club Bindery. London : Printed for Jacob Tonson, 1691 First Edition. Has the half-title, with a list of Dry den's Plays on verso. 450. DRYDEN (JOHN). Eleonora: A Panegyrical ^-^ Poem: Dedicated to the Memory of the late Countess of Abingdon. Small 4to, full mottled calf, gilt edges, by Riviere. London: Printed for Jacob Tonson, 1692 First Edition. With the Lefferts bookplate. A L, S. from Prof. Noyes of Univ. of Cal. is laid in. 451. DRYDEN (JOHN). Cleomenes, the Spartan Heroe. yr A Tragedy, As it is Acted at the Theatre Royal. To which -^^ is prefixt The Life of Cleomenes. Small 4to, three-quarter green levant morocco, gilt tooled back, gilt top, by The Club Bindery. London : Printed for Jacob Tonson, 1692 First Edition. Good copy. /^ 452. [DRYDEN (JOHN) .] Examen Poeticum : Being the Third Part of Miscellany Poems. Containing Variety of New Translations of the Ancient Poets. Together with many Orig- inal Copies, by the Most Eminent Hands. Thick 8vo, full 90 blue levant morocco, gilt back and sides, gilt edges, by The Club Bindery. London: Printed by R. E. for Jacob Tonson, 1693 A CHOICE COPY of the VERY RARE FiRSt Edi^TION, and an EARLY IMPRESSION, with both the cancelled and the substituted leaves (pp. 306-7). Has the curious Poem on "the French Disease," with separate pagination at the end. This work, commonly known as Bryden's Third Miscellany, con- tains the earliest obtainable publication of Dry den 's beautiful ' ' Song for St. Cecilia's Day" which was probably published separately in 1687 as a broadside, but no copy of it is known to exist. 453. DRYDEN (JOHN). The Satires of Decimus Junius Juvenalis. Translated into English Verse. By Mr. Dryden and several other Eminent Hands. Together with the Satires of Aulus Persius Flaccus. Made English by Mr. Dryden. Folio, original panelled calf, rebacked. London: Printed for Jacob'Tonson, 1693 First Edition. Each Satire has a half title, showing, that of the Satires of Juvenal, 5 were translated by Dryden. 454. DRYDEN (JOHN). Love Triumphant: or, Nature will Prevail. A Tragi-Comedy. As it is Acted at the Theatry Royal, By Their Majesties Servants. Small 4to, half black calf. London: Printed for Jacob Tonson, 1694 First Edition. Large, clean copy. With the Lefferts book- plate. 455. DRYDEN (JOHN). The Annual Miscellany: For the Year 1694, being the Fourth Part of Miscellany Poems. Containing Great Variety of New Translations and Original Copies, by the Most Eminent Hands. Engraved frontispiece. 8vo, original calf. London : Printed by R. E. for Jacob Tonson, 1694 This is known as Dryden 's Fourth Miscellany and besides Dryden 's work contains early poems by Addison, Prior, Congreve, Waller, Charles Dryden, and others. 456. DRYDEN (JOHN). De Arte Graphica. The Art of Painting, by C. A. Du Fresnoy. With Remarks. Translated into English, Together with an Original Preface containing a Parallel betwixt Painting and Poetry. By Mr. Dryden. As also a Short Account of the most Eminent Painters. By an- other Hand. Engraved frontispiece, ''Minerva directing the Infant Arts/' hy Grihelin after Cook. Small 4to, original panel calf, gilt. London: Printed by J. Heptinstall, 1695 First Edition. Exceedingly rare. Gosse described this book as ''one of the rarest in the literature of its time." A cutting is inserted in which Gosse tells of Saintsbury's being unable to find 91 any copy when preparing his edition of t)rycien. Not in the Kuth nor Hoe collections. 457. DRYDEN (JOHN). King Arthur: or, The British X Worthy. A Dramatick Opera. Performed at the Queen's ^ Theatre By Their Majesties Servants. Second Edition. 4to, three-quarter green levant morocco, gilt tooled back, by The Club Bindery. London : Printed for Richard Tonson, 1695 458. DRYDEN (JOHN). An Ode, on the Death of Mr. Henry P'urcell. The Words by Mr. Dryden, and Sett to y^ -^ Musick by Dr. Blow. Folio, new boards, uncut (small tear in title). London: Printed by J. Heptinstall, 1696 First Edition. A fine, uncut copy. 459. DRYDEN (JOHN). The Works of Virgil : Contain- ing His Pastorals, Georgics, and Aeneis. Translated into ^^^ English Verse, by Mr. Dryden. Adorn'd with a Hundred ^ Sculptures, engraved hy Lombart, Hollar, Van der Gucht, and others. Large folio, half calf (rubbed, a few leaves misplaced by binder) . London : Printed for Jacob Tonson, 1697 First Edition. j^ 460. DRYDEN (JOHN). Fables. Ornamented with en- /^ -"^^ gravings hy Bartolozzi from designs hy Lady Diana Beauclerc. ^ Folio, old straight-grain blue morocco, gilt tooled, gilt edges. London : T. Bensley, 1797 Large Paper. Magnificent edition, with fine full-page and vi- gnette engraving by Bartolozzi, Cheesman and others. 461. DRYDEN (JOHN). Alexander's Feast; or the Power of Musique. An Ode in Honour of St. Cecilia's Day. Folio, full maroon morocco, gilt back and sides, gilt edges, by The Club Bindery. London: Printed for Jacob Tonson, 1697 First Edition. Excessively Eare, and a very fine copy, with the half-title which was wanting in the Hoe copy. With the Locker bookplate. 462. DRYDEN (JOHN). D. S. (Jno. Driden), Ip. 4to. /J^ August 23, 1697. Receipt for £21, being annuity on sub- scription to a fund ''towards carrying on a vigorous war against France." With 4 engraved portraits. All inlaid on .4 folio sheets. ■y^r- ? ii lHy DESIRABLE AUTOGRAPH LETTER ^ 463. DRYDEN (JOHN). A. L. S., Ip. 4to. Nov. 23, 1698, /J>. with the address in his hand on verso of opposite leaf. To Mrs. Steward, his cousin, daughter of Mrs. Creed. 92 A very interesting letter, containing a most amusing, though very coarse, account of a journey by coach from Tichmarsh to London in the company of a terribly fat and objectionable lady passenger, whom the occupants of the coach eventually contrived to be rid of, in a very curious manner. Dryden letters are excessively rare, and in addition this letter has a special interest for collections of coaching subjects, being one of the very few accounts known of such journeys by literary celebrities. 464. DRYDEN (JOHN). Fables Ancient and Modern; /& Translated into Verse, from Homer, Ovid, Boccace, & Chau- t ""^ cer: With Occasional Poems. Folio, full black levant mo- rocco, Jansen style, gilt edges, by Riviere. London: Printed for Jacob Tonson, 1700 Fine copy of the First Edition. 465. [DRYDEN (JOHN).] The Pilgrim, a Comedy: As it is Acted at the Theatre-Royal, in Dniry-Lane. Written /* ^S Originally by Mr. Fletcher, and now very much Alter 'd, with •^ several Additions. Likewise a Prologue, Epilogue, Dialogue and Masque, Written by the late Great Poet Mr. Dryden, just before his Death, being the last of his Works. Small 4to, half cloth and boards. London: Printed for Benjamin Tooke, 1700 First Edition. Eare. Contains Dryden 's last literary produc- tion. There were two editions in 1700. This is the First. The other has not the separate title-page to the Dialogue and Mask and is paged continuously. With the Locker bookplate. 466. DRYDEN (JOHN) . The Works Of the late Famous ff^^ Mr. John Dryden. Containing all his Comedies, Tragedies, 7^ and Operas, with his Original Poems and Translations. Large folding portrait of Dryden by Edelinck after Kneller. 4 vols, in two, folio, half calf, rebacked, by The Club Bindery. London: Printed for Jacob Tonson, 1701 \ These volumes contain the first collected edition of Dryden 's Plays, I 1701; the First Collected Edition of his Poems; and the First Edition i^ of Satires of Juvenal and Persius, 1693. 467. DRYDEN (JOHN). The Satires of Decimus Junius Juvenalis and of Aulus Persius Flaccus. Translated into jy^^ English Verse by Mr. Dryden. Frontispiece, portrait of the if Earl of Dorset, and copperplates. The Fifth Edition, adorned |. with Sculptures. 16mo, original calf (one cover loose). I London, 1713 I 468. DRYDEN (JOHN). The Art of Painting: By C. A. ^-^ Du Fresnoy: with Remarks: Translated into English, with ti "^ an Original Preface, containing a Parallel between Painting 93 V d> 7i and Poetry : by Mr. Dryden. Engraved frontispiece hy Grib- din. 8vo, original panelled calf. London, 1716 Second Edition, Corrected and Enlarged. Has the first appear- ance of Pope's poem to Mr. Jervas. With Christopher Montagu's bookplate. 469. DEYDEN (JOHN) . The Works of Virgil : Contain- ing his Pastorals, Georgics and Aeneis. Translated into Eng- lish Verse. Engraved portraits of Dryden at age 52, hy Gunst after Byly; at age 62, hy Van der Gucht after Kneller; and at age 67 hy De Leeuw after Kneller, and over 100 engraved plates. 3 vols., 8vo, original calf. London: Printed by Jacob Tonson, 1716 jt 470. DRYDEN (JOHN, and others). Ovid's Metamor- "^ phosis in Fifteen Books. Translated by the Most Eminent Hands. [Edited by Dr. Garth.] Numerous fine, large copper ' plates, hy Van der Gucht, Vertue, and others. Folio, orig- inal calf. London: Jacob Tonson, 1717 First Edition. Has the beautiful plate of Pomona and Vertum- nus, engraved by Pool. The translations are by Dryden, Addison, Pope, Congreve, and others. With the G. J. W. A. Ellis book- plate. 471. DRYDEN (JOHN). Original Poems and Transla- tions, by; John Dryden, Esq; Now First Collected and Pub- lish 'd together. Ornament on title. 2 vols., 12mo, original calf, rebacked. London: Printed for J. and R. Tonson, 1743 472. DRYDEN (JOHN, JR.). The Husband His own Cuckold. A Comedy. As it is Acted at the Theatre in Little Lincolns-Inn-Fields, By His Majesty's Servants. Small 4to, half red morocco, by Lloyd. London: Printed for J. Tonson, 1696 First Edition. The senior Dryden wrote the Preface and the Epilogue; Congreve wrote the Prologue. // O' 473. DRYDENIANA. The Medal of John Baytes: A Satyr against Folly and Knavery. Small 4to, unbound. London: Richard Janeway, 1682 First Edition. Written by Shadwell, in reply to Dryden 's at- tacks in print. 474. DRYDENIANA. Satyr to his Muse. By the Author of Absalom & Achitophel. Small 4to, half green morocco. London : Printed for T. W., 1682 94 FiEST Edition. One of the most noted of the numerous con- tributions to the controversy between Dryden and Shadwell. As it abuses Dryden, it could not of course be written by him. It is perhaps by John Lord Soniers. This copy has the rare imprint, *' Printed for J. W.'' instead of "D. Green." 475. DRYDENIANA. Some Reflections upon the Pre- tended Parallel in the Play called The Duke of Guise. In a Letter to a Friend. Small 4to, three-quarter brown levant morocco, uncuit, by The Club Bindery. London : Printed for Francis Smith, sen. 1683 First Edition. In rare uncut state. 476. DRYDENIANA. The Hind and the Panther Trans- vers'd To the Story of The Country-Mouse and the City- Mouse. Small 4to, three-quarter citron levant morocco, by The Club Bindery. London : Printed for W. Davis, 1687 First Edition. This was written by Matthew Prior and Charles Montague, Earl of Halifax. It was Prior's first publication. 477. DRYDENIANA. The Revolter. A Trage-Comedy Acted between the Hind and Panther, and Religio Laici, etc. Small 4to, three-quarter citron levant morocco, by The Club Bindery. London: Printed in the Year 1687 First Edition. 478. DRYDENIANA. The Address of John Dryden, Laureat to his Hig^hness the Prince of Orange. Large orna- ment on title. Folio, full brown calf, centre gilt ornament, by Riviere. London : Printed, and are to be sold by Randal Taylor, 1689 The extremely rare First Edition. This work is not by Dryden, but is really a satire upon him. Not included in his collected works, and probably published by one of his enemies. With the Clarence S. Bement bookplate. 479. DUNSTER (S.). Horace's Satires, Epistles, and Art of Poetry, Done into English, with Notes. The Fifth Edition, revised and corrected, with considerable Improve- ment, and some Additional Notes. 8vo, original calf. London: Printed for D. Browne, 1739. 480. DURFEY (THOMAS). Madam Fickle: or, the "Witty False One. A Comedy. As it is Acted at his Royal Highness the Duke 's Theatre. Small 4to, full brown calf, gilt top, by Riviere. London: Printed by T. N., 1677 First Edition. Laid in is a Ip. A. L. S. from Eobert Hoe re- ferring to his own copy of this work. 95 ^/<- rf^ 7/ f^ c f' 481. DURFEY (THOMAS). A Fond Husband: or, The Plotting Sisters. A Comedy As it is Acted at His Royal Highness the Duke's Theatre. Small 4to, three-quarter crimson morocco, by The Club Bindery. London: Printed by T. N., 1677 First Edition. 482. DURFEY (THOMAS). A Poem Congratulatory on the Birth of the Young Prince, Most Humbly Dedicated to their August Majesties King James, and Queen Mary. Small 4to, half brown morocco, gilt top. London: Printed for Joseph Knight and Francis Saunders, 1688. First Edition. With the Lefferts bookplate. 483. DURFEY (THOMAS). Collin's Walk through London and Westminster. A Poem in Burlesque. 8vo, full blue levant morocco, gilt back and sides, gilt edges, by The Club Bindery. London : Printed for Richard Parker, 1690 First Edition. 484. DURFEY (THOMAS). Wonders in the Sun, or, The Kingdom of the Birds; A Comick Opera. With great Variety of Songs in all kings, set to Mu^ick by several of the most eminent Masters of the Age. Small 4to, full blue levant morocco, gilt back, gilt top, uncut, by David. London : Printed for Jacob Tonson, 1706 A SUPERB COPY of THE VERY RARE FiRST EDITION, IN EXCEPTIONAL UNCUT CONDITION. With the Hoe bookplate. 485. EIKON BASILIKE. Almack (Edward). A Bibli- ography of The King's Book or Eikon Basilike. Facsimiles and illustrations. Royal 4to, cloth, uncut. London, 1896 Large Paper. One of 150 copies. 486. ELOGE de L'Enfer. Ouvrage Critique, Historique, et Moral. [Par Benard.] With the fine engraved plates hy Sibelius. First Edition. 2 vols, 12mo, original half calf. A La Haye: Chez Pierre Gosse, Junior, 1759 487. ERASMUS (DESIDERAS). The Praise of Folic. Moriae Encomium, a book made in latine by that great clerke Erasmus Roterodame. Englished by Sir Thomas Chaloner knight. Anno. M.D.XLIX. Title in looodcut harder. Small 96 V' '¥' r- 4to, old straight-grain orange morocco, gilt and blind tooled. [Colophon:] London in Fletestrete : Thomas Berthelet, 1569 (sic for 1549) First Edition. Black Letter. Fine copy, with wide margins. With the Lefferts bookplate. From Sir William Tite's collection, with his signature on fly leaf. 488. ERASMUS (DESIDERUS). The Prayse of Follie. Moriae Encomivm, a booke made in Latine by that great clerke Erasmus Roterodame. Englished by Sir Thomas Chaloner Knight. Small 8vo, polished calf, gilt back, gilt edges, by Riviere. Imprinted at London by Thomas Dawson and Thomas Gar- diner, 1577 Fine copy. Eare. Printed in Gothic characters. 489. ERASMUS (DESIDERUS). Moriae Encomiujn: or, A Paneg^'rick upon Folly. Done into English, and illustrated with above Fifty curious cuts, designed and drawn by Hans Holbein. To which is prefix 'd Erasmus's Epistle to Sir Thomas More. 8vo, original panelled calf. London: Printed and Sold by J. Woodward, 1709 Fine copy. Scarce. Contains a Catalogue of the paintings of Holbein. With the bookplate of Eichard Lane Freer. 490. ESSEX HOUSE PRESS. The Pilgrims Progress From this World to that Which is to Come, By John Bunyan. Frontispiece. Small thick 4to, vellum, uncut and unopened. Bow : C. R. Ashbee, 1899 Limited edition. 491. ESSEX HOUSE PRESS. Keats (John). The Eve of St. Agnes. Frontispiece, initials, and tail piece done in water colors. 8vo, full vellum, uncut. London, 1900 125 copies printed on vellum. 492. ESSEX HOUSE PRESS. Walt Whitman's Hymn on the Death of Lincoln. Frontispiece, initials, and tail piece in water colors by C. R. Ashbee. 8vo, vellum, Ujucut. London, 1900 135 copies printed on vellum. 493. ESSEX HOUSE PRESS. Ashbee (C. R.). An Endeavor towards the Teaching of John Ruskin and William Morris. Woodcut and initials. Royal 8vo, full vellum, un- cut. Essex House Press, 1901 One of 350 copies. 97 l> /o /' i' ^ 494. ESSEX HOUSE PRESS. Erasmus. The Praise of Folic. Englished by Sir Thomas Chaloner. Fine woodcuts hy William Strang. 4to, vellum boards, uncut. London, 1901 250 copies printed. 495. ESSEX HOUSE PRESS. [Penn (William).] Some Fruits of Solitude. Title vignette. Small thick 4to, vellum, ujncut. London, 1901 496. ESSEX HOUSE PRESS. Spenser (Edmund). The Epithalamion. Colored frontispiece and tail-piece, with initials in gold and blue. Text in red and black. 8vo, origi- nal vellum, uncut. Essex House Press, 1901 One of 150 copies on vellum. 497. ESSEX HOUSE PRESS. Burns (Robert). Tarn O'Shanter. Woodcut frontispiece, colored initials and tail- piece. Text in red and black. 8vo, original vellum, uncut. Essex House Press, 1902 One of 150 copies on vellum. 498. ESSEX HOUSE PRESS. The Psalter or Psalms of David, from the Bible of Archbishop Cranmer. Woodcuts. Printed in red and black. Folio, limp blue vellum, uncut, with ties. Essex House Press, 1902 One of 250 copies. 499. ETHERIDGE (SIR GEORGE). Works, contain- ing his Plays and Poems. Title in red and black. 12mo, origi- nal calf. London : Printed for J. Tonson, 1735 Fine copy. With the Lefferts bookplate. 500. ETHERIDGE (SIR GEORGE). The Comical Re- venge ; or, Love in a Tub. Acted at His Highness the Duke of York's Theatre in Lincolns-Inn-Fields. Small 4to, half green morocco. London: Printed for Henry Herringman, 1664 The Exceedingly Bare First Edition. Not in Hoe or Huth. Gosse says of his copy, "Only three other copies are Jcnown to exist." Halliwell gives the 1669 edition as the first. With the Lefferts book- plate. 501. ETHERIDGE (SIR GEORGE). She wou'd if she cou'd, a Comedy. Acted at His Highnesse the Duke of York's Theatre. Small 4to, half brown morocco, gilt top. London : Printed for Henry Herringman, 1668 First Edition. With the Lefferts bookplate. 98 502. ETHERIDGE (SIR GEORGE). The Comical Re- venge, or, Love in a Tub. Acted at His Highness the Dul^e of York's Theatre in Lincolns-Inn-fields. Small 4to, half brown morocco, gilt top. London: Printed for Henry Herringman, 1669 Second Edition. With the Lefferts bookplate. 503. ETHERIDGE (SIR GEORGE). The Man of Mode, or Sir Fopling Flutter. A Comedy. Acted at the Duke's The- atre. Small 4to, half brown morocco, by The Club Bindery. London : Printed by J. Macock for Henry Herringman, 1676 First Edition. The Prologue is by Sir Car. Car. Scroope and the Epilogue by Dryden. 504. FAIRFAX (EDWARD). Godfrey of Bulloigne, or The Recoverie of Jerusalem. Done into English Heroicall verse. Small folio, polished brown ru^sia, gilt, London: Ar. Hatfield for I. laggard, 1600 First Edition. Very Eare. Title printed within woodcut border, without Tasso's name. Has the new version of the first stanza pasted loosely over the original on page 1. George Grenville's copy, with his signature on title. With the Locker bookplate. 505. FALKLAND (HENRY VISCOUNT). The History Of the most unfortunate Prince King Edward II. with Choice Political Observations on Him and his unhappy Favourites, Galveston & Spencer: Containing several Rare Passages of those Times, Not found in other Historians. Brilliant en- graved portrait of Edward II. 8vo, full brown levant morocco, blind centre ornaments, gilt edges, by Riviere. London : Printed by A. G. and J. P., 1680 First Edition. Very Eare. The title-page states that this work was found among the papers of Viscount Faulkland and supposed to be written by him. 506. FARLEY (ROBERT). Kalendarium Humanae ^Vitae. The Kalender of Mans Life. Engraved title by Glover and 16 woodcut illu,strations in the form of emblems. •Small 8vo, polished 6alf, gilt back, gilt edges. London : Printed for William Hope, 1638 First Edition, with the preliminary leaf of explanation of the frontispiece. 507. FARLEY (ROBERT). Lychnocavsia sive Moralia Facvm Emblemata. Lights Morall Emblems. Engraved title and 58 woodcuts. Small 8vo, old polished calf. London; Printed by Tho. Cotes, for Michael Sparke, 1638 " 99 ^' 4c> ^ 32, y» ^ i Very Scarce. Has the metrical explanation of the frontis- piece. Dedicated in two separate epistles to the Earl and Countess of Ancram. There are commendatory verses by John Hooper, Christo- pher Drayton, William Povey, and others. 508. FARQUHAR (GEORGE). The Constant Couple; or, a Trip to the Jubilee. A Comedy Acted at the Theatre- Royal in Drury-Lane, by His Majesty's Servants. Small 4to, half red morocco. London : Printed for Ralph Smith, 1700 First Edition. With the Hoe bookplate. 509. FARQUHAR ( GEORGE ) . The Inconstant : or, The way to win him. A Comedy, As it is Acted at the Theatre Royal in Drury-lane, By his Majesty's Servants. Small 4to, half green morocco. London: Printed for J. Knapton, 1702 First Edition. This play is based on Fletcher's ''Wild Goose Chase." The Prologue is by Motteaux and the Epilogue by Eowe. With the Hoe bookplate. 510. FARQUHAR (GEORGE). The Twin-Rivals. A Comedy. Acted at the Theatre-Royal By Her Majesty's Servants. Small 4to, half green morocco, gilt top, by The Club Bindery. London: Printed for Bernard Lintot, 1703 First Edition. The Prologue is by Motteaux. With the Hoe bookplate. 511. FARQUHAR (GEORGE). The Beaux Stratagem. A Comedy. As it is Acted at the Queen's Theatre in the Hay-Market. By Her Majesty's Sworn Comedians. Small 4to, half red morocco. London : Printed for Bernard Linton, [1707] First Edition. Scarce. With the Hoe bookplate. 512. FENELON (SALIGNAC DE LA MOTHE). The Adventures of Telemachus. From the French by the late John Hawkesworth. Illustrated with 12 copper-plate engrav- ings hy Stothard. 2 vols, in one, 4to, original tree-calf, rebacked. London: Printed for C. and G. Kearsley, 1795 J5. 513. FIELD (EUGENE). Eugene Field's First Book, ^ The Tribune Primer. With Additional Sketches Now First Collected. Small 4to, half sheep, uncut. Jamaica, N. Y., 1900 90 copies privately printed on hand-made paper at Marion Press. 100 514. FIELDING (HENRY). The Misei*!" A jCmtliecJ^^'j;; Taken from Plautu^s and Moliere. As it is 'Adle'd at tliifi' ' Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane, by His Majesty's Servants, ^^ 8vo, full crimson morocco, gilt, gilt edges. London : Printed for J. Watts, 1733 First Edition. 515. FIELDING (HENRY). The History of the Adven- ^ tures of Joseph Andrews, And of his Friend Mr. Abraham ^^^ Adams. Written in Imitation of the Manner of Cervantes. 2 vols. 12mo, full calf, gilt, gilt edges. London : A. Millar, 1742 First Edition. Fine copy, with the bookplates of Frederick Locker-Lampson, 516. FIELDING (HENRY). Plutus, the God of Riches. ^ A Comedy. Translated from the Original Greek of Aris- ^^ tophanes: With Large Notes Explanatory and Critical. 8vo, full polished calf, gilt edges. London : Printed for T. Waller, 1742 First Edition. Rare. The Preface is a Dissertation on the Nature and End of Comedy. 517. FIELDING (HENRY) . The History of Tom Jones, A Foundling. 6 vols, 12mo, full mottled and panelled calf, r>- gilt tooled, leather labels. London: Printed for A. Millar, 1749 First Edition. Fine set. Has the scarce leaf of errata preced- . ing the text. Accompanying above is : ' ' The History of Tom Jones the Foundling, in his Married State." London: Printed for J. Robinson, 1750. The latter is bound uniformly with the original six, and is lettered on back, ''Vol. VII." It was not written by Fielding. ftf 518. FIELDING (HENRY). Histoire de Tom Jones, or -^ 1 'Enfant Trouve. Wiih the fine plates engraved hy Punt afted Gravelot. 4 vols, in 2, 12mo, full crushed crimson levant morocco, richly gilt tooled on backs, panels, and inside borders, gilt edges, by Kauffman. Amsterdam : Aux depens de la Compagnie, 1750 This fine French edition appeared the year after the first English edition. From the J. Dawson Brodie library, with bookplates. h^ 519. FIELDING (HENRY). Amelia. 4 vols. 12mo, original calf. London : Printed for A. Millar, 1752 First Edition. A fine copy in the original binding. 101 dx Hi;;-;- 1^: FI^LMNG (HENRY). The Journal of a Voyage y^^ ' "to Lisbon. By the Late Henry Fielding, Esq. 12mo, original calf, rebacked. London : Printed for A. Millar, in the Strand, 1755 First Edition. Fine copy, with the half-title. There were two issues in 1755; this, according to Fosse, is the First. 521. FIELDING (HENRY). Works. IntrodUiCtion by 'y ^ -^ Edmund Gosse. Frontispieces, some by George Cruikshmik. ^ 12 vols, 8vo, red cloth, uncut and unopened. Westminster: Constable & Co., 1898-9 Only 750 copies printed at Chiswick Press. 522. FL ATM AN (THOMAS). Poems and Songs. Small 8vo, full blue levant morocco, gilt back, gilt edges, by David. fif London : Printed by S. and B. G. for Benjamin Took, 1674 First Edition. Extremely Eare, with the genuine leaf at the begin- ning, marked " A. " Prefixed are several commendatory Poems addressed to the Author, including one by Charles Cotton, and at page 136 is a Poem addressed to Cotton by the Author. With the Edward Hale Bierstadt bookplate. 1 2. y/ 523. FLATMAN (THOMAS). Poems and Songs. The Third Edition, with Additions and Amendments. Brilliant -*^ engraved portrait by White. 8vo, full blue levant morocco, gilt back and sides, gilt edges, by The Club Bindery. London: Printed for Benjamin Tooke, 1682 Very Fine Copy. This edition contains 16 more pieces than the Second Edition. The portrait appears here for the first time. With the Lefferts bookplate. 524. FLATMAN (THOMAS). On the Death of our late Sovereign Lord King Charles II. of Blessed Memory. A Pin- yy^ darique Ode. Folio, full brown calf neat, blind centre orna- r^ ments on sides, gilt edges. London: Printed for Benj. Tooke, 1685 First Edition. /r^ 525. [FLETCHER (GILES).] Christs Victorie and Tri- umph in Heaven and Earth, Over and After Death. Small 4to, half dark blue levant morocco, gilt tooled back, gilt edges, by Stikeman. Cambridge: Printed for Francis Green, 1632 Second Edition. Very rare. Fine copy, with the scarce leaf bearing only the printer's mark preceding title. J t^ 526. FLETCHER (JOHN). Monsieur Thomas. A Com- (^y edy. Acted at the Private House in Blaeke Fryers. The 102 Author, John Fletcher, Gent. Small 4to, full dark blue crushed levant morocco, gilt-tooled back, panel edges, ajid inside borders, gilt on marbled edges, by David. London : Printed by Thomas Harper, for John Waterson, 1639 First Edition. Fine clean copy of this posthumous play. The Halsey copy. 527. FLETCHER (JOHN). The Night-Walker, or the Little Thiefe. A Comedy. As it was presented by her Majes- ties Servants at the Private House in Drury Lane. Device >^^ on title. Small 4to, full vellum. London : Printed by Tho. Cotes, 1640 First Edition. Fine copy. This Drama was left unfinished by the author at his death in 1625, and was completed or corrected by Shirley in 1633. With the Huth bookplate. ^ 528. FLETCHER (JOHN). The Tragoedy of RoUo Duke '•^ of Normandy. Acted by His Majesties Servants. Lion de- vice on title. Small 4to, full brown sprinkled calf, gilt edges, by Riviere. Oxford: Leonard Lichfield, 1640 First Edition. Shakespeare's famous song, "Take, O take those lipps away," appears here on page 65. Fine copy, with good mar- gins. 529. FLETCHER (JOHN). Rvle a Wife and have a Wife. A Comoedy. Acted by his Majesties Servants. Device on title. Small 4to, full calf, with the Perkins Arms f^'^in gilt on sides, gilt edges. Oxford: Printed by Leonard Lichfield, 1640 First Edition. Eare. 580. FLETCHER (PHINEAS). Locvsta;, vel Pietas les- vitica. Per Phineam Fletcher. Small 4to, full crimson crushed levant morocco, with handsome gilt panel border, gilt edges, by The Club Bindery. nj^ Cambridge : Printed by Thomas Bvcke and lohn Bvcke, 1627 An excellent copy of the Extremely Rare First Edition. Has both the Latin and English versions with both titles, the imprint given above being that of English title. Milton is said to have ad- mitted that he owed ''Paradise Lost" to Fletcher's ''Locustge. " 531. [FLETCHER (PHINEAS).] The Purple Island, or the Isle of Man : together with Piscatorie Eclogs and other Poeticall Miscellanies. By P. F. Small 4to, full dark blue crushed levant morocco, side handsomely tooled in the manner of Derome, gilt back, gilt edges, by The Club Bindery. Printed by the Printers to the Universitie of Cambridge, 1633 103 r- f- "1 dir- First Edition. Fine copy, containing the rare titles for ''Pis- catorie Eclogs" and ''Elisa," also the dedication leaf to Benlowes and the very scarce final leaf, *'To my deare friend, the Spenser of his Age," by Francis Quarles. With the Cornelius Paine, bookplate. 532. FLETCHER (ROBERT). Ex otio Negotium, or, Martiall his Epigrams Translated. With Su^iidry Poems and Fancies. Brilliant engraved portrait of Martial by Vaughan. 8vo, original calf. London ; Printed by T. Mabb, 1656 Crisp copy of the Rare First Edition. From 1659, the original poems in this volume appeared under the name of John Cleveland. With the bookplate of Clarence S. Bement. 533. PLORIAN (JEAN PIERRE DE). Numa Pompil- /t» ins, Second Roi de Rome. Engraved frontispiece by Dambrun. 8vo, full old red morocco, back gilt tooled, borders gilt lined. Paris: Didot L'Aine, 1786 First Edition. Interesting binding by Derome, with the blue inside and fly leaves. 534. FLORIO (JOHN). The Essayes or Morall, Politike and Millitaire Discourses of Lo: Michaell de Montaigne, Knight Of the noble Order of St. Michaell, and one of the Gentlemen in Ordinary of the French king, Henry the third his Chamber. [The Three Books.] First written by him in French, and now done into English. Folio, old calf, with Tudor rose and crown stamped in gold on sides. Printed at London by Val. Sims for Edward Blount, 1603 First Edition. Excessively Bare. Contains 2 leaves of ''Er- rors AND Omissions" absent from the British Museum copy. The Huth copy has only one such leaf. The present copy has also the 3 TITLES. n ^ 535. [FORD (JOHN).] 'Tis Pitty Shee's a Whore. Acted by the Queenes Maiesties Seruants, at the Phoenix in Drury-Lane. Ornament on title. Small 4to, full vellum, gilt back and sides, gilt edges. London: Printed by Nicholas Okes for Richard Collins, 1633 Fine copy of the Rare First Edition. With the Locker bookplate by Kate Greenaway, and manuscript note by him. 536. [FORD (John).] The Ladies Triall. Acted By both their Majesties Servants at the private house in Drury Lane. Small 4to, full brown crushed levant morocco, ribbed / and gilt-lettered back, gilt-lined inside borders, gilt edges, by /($>0 ^ Riviere. London: Printed by E. G. for Henry Shepherd, 1639 First Edition. Rare. With blank preliminary leaf, large mar- gins, and all headlines intact. 537. FORDE (THOMAS). Virtues Rediviva. A Pane- gyrick On our late King Charles the I. &c. of ever blessed Memory. By T. F. 8vo, full crimson straight-grain morocco, gilt edges, by The Club Bindery. London: Printed by R. & W. Leybourn, 1661 First Collected Emtion. The five different parts of this volume have separate title pages dated 1660 and are soiiietimes found bound separately. With the Lefferts bookplate. 538. FOX (JAMES LANE). Histoiy of the Early Part of the Reign of James the Second. With an Introductory Chapter. Portrait of Fox, engraved hy Evans. 4to, full old red straight-grain morocco, gilt, gilt edges. London: "William Miller, 1808 First Edition. Inserted are 48 engraved, etched, and other por- traits, including a fine and rare outline sketch of George Washing- ton. 539. FRANKLIN (BENJAMIN.) Works of the late Doctor Benjamin Franklin. Consisting of his Life Written by Himself; together with Essays, Humorous, Moral, and Literary, chiefly in the manner of the Spectator. Engraved portrait. 2 vols, 12mo, original calf. London: Printed for A. Millar, 1799 540. FULLER (THOMAS). History of the Worthies of England. Portrait of Fuller engraved by Loggan. Folio, half calf (small corner of title and of portrait restored). London : Printed by J. G. W. L. and W. Gr., 1662 First Edition. Has the dedication leaf by the Author's Orphan, the leaf ' ' To the Eeader, ' ' with errata on verso, and the scarce index. The portrait is often missing. Contains the earliest notice of Shakespeare, and Halliwell-Philips remarks that ''Fuller was not even at the pains to ascertain the year of the poet 's decease. ' ' Eare. 541. GARRICK (DAVID). The Lying Valet; In Two Acts. As it is Performed Gratis, At the Goodman 's-Fields. 8vo, full green morocco, gilt top, uncut. London, 1742 A fine, uncut copy of the First Edition. Garrick himself played the part of Sharp, the Lying Valet. With the Hoe bookplate. 542. GAY (JOHN). The Shepherd's Week. In Six Pas- torals. Illustrated with hrilliant impressions of the six en- gravings hy Guernier. Royal 8vo, full polished calf, gilt back, gilt top, uncut, by Roger de Coverly. London : Printed and Sold by Ferd Burleigh, 1714 m c llf" yf" ai- Large paper copy of the First Edition, and the First Issue, with " Ferd" Burleigh instead of "B" Burleigh, in the imprint. With MS. note on fly-leaf in the hand of Frederick Locker, and bookplate of Francis Grant. 543. GAY (JOHN). Poems on Several Occasions. 3 engraved plates hy Willmm Kent. 2 vols in one, 4to, full polished calf, gilt. London : Printed for Jacob Tonson, 1720 First Edition. Fine, large copy. With the William Twopenny bookplate. 544. GAY (JOHN). Fables. London: Printed for J. Tonson and J. Watts, 1727; Fables. By the late Mr. Gay. Volume the Second. London : Printed for J. and P. Knapton, 1738. With hrilliant impressions of all the exceedingly choice engravings hy Gravelot, Wootton, Kent, and others. 2 vols, in one, 4to, original polished calf. London, 1727-1738 •The Excessively Eare First Edition of each volume. On a blank leaf, between the two volumes, is the following note, ap- parently written by Mr. Brereton of Holford, whose presentation inscription is on inside cover. "The first edition of Gay's Fables in 4to, 1727 is one of the scarcest Boolcs in ye English Language; there having heen no more tJmn 25 copies printed, a dozen of which were for ye Eoyal Family. There were hut 50 copies in 4to of ye second fwlume. ' ' 545. GAY (JOHN). The Beggar's Opera. As it is Acted at the Theatre-Royal in Lincolns-Inn-Fields. Written by Mr. Gay. Music score engraved on copper on 16 pages. 8vo, full crushed brown levant morocco, gilt lettered back, gilt arabesque vignette on each panel, gilt edges, by Riviere. London : Printed for John Watts, 1728 First Edition. 546. GAY (JOHN). The Beggar's Opera. As it is Acted at the Theatre-Royal in Lincolns-Inn Fields. Title in red and black. The Third Edition, with the overture in score, engraved on copper plates. 4to, original calf. London: Printed for John Watts, 1729 This is the First Edition of "Polly,'' the Second Part of the Opera, .published in this form before the edition of 1729 in 8vo. With the bookplate of John, Earl of Loudoun. 547. GAY (JOHN). Polly: An Opera. Being the Sec- /^ond Part of the Beggar's Opera. 8vo, full brown levant mo- rocco, gilt centre ornaments on sides, gilt edges, by Riviere. London: Printed for T. Thomson, 1729 106 Fine copy of the First Octavo Edi^io^, with 16 pages of the score engraved on copper. This edition followed closely the quarto edition published the same year. 548. GAY (JOHN). Achilles. An Opera. As it is Per^ form'd at the Theatre-Royal in Covent Garden. With the ^^ Music prefixed to each Song. 8vo, original panelled calf. London: Printed for J. Watts, 1733 First Edition. Bound up with the above is the Fifth Edition of ''The Beggar's Opera," 1742. 549. GAY (JOHN). Poems on Several Occasions. 9 ^2^ plates hy Fourdrinier and Isaac Taylor after Du Guernier. 2 vols. 12mo, full red levant morocco, gilt panelled back and sides, totally uncut, by the Club Bindery. London, 1767 Large paper copy. Scarce when uncut. With the Hoe book- plate. 550. GAY (JOHN). Plays written by Mr. John Gay. •^^^ Engraved frontispiece portrait. Small 8vo, full polished calf, gilt edges, by Pratt. London, 1772 With the E. H. Bierstadt bookplate. 551. GAY (JOHN). Trivia: or, The Art of Walking the Streets of London. Engraved vignettes, one showing a Lon- don street. 8vo, full red levant morocco, gilt edges, by Riviere. London : Printed for Bernard Lintott, n. d. First Edition. Fine copy on Large Paper. This is the earliest ISSUE, with the VIEW of a London street on page 1. Sir Walter Besant in his '^ History of London in the 18th century" frequently quotes from this work, which gives a vivid picture of London and its life of 1730. 552. GIBBON (EDWARD). The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire. With Notes by Dean Milman '•^' and M. Guizot. Edited, with additional Notes, by William Smith. With portraits and maps. 8 vols. 8vo, half claret calf, gilt backs, gilt tops, uncut. London: John Murray, 1855 Fine set of the most desirable library edition. 553. GLAPTHORNE (HENRY). The Ladies Privi- ledge. As it was Acted with good allowance at the Cock-pit in Drury-lane, And before their Majesties at White-Hall twice. By their Maiesties Servants. 4to, red levant mo- ^^ rocco gilt, gilt edges, by The Club Bindery. London: J. Oakes, for Francis Constable, 1640 First Edition. A tall copy, measuring 7%x5i/4 inches. With the Hoe bookplate. 107. 554. GLAPTHOENE (HENRY). Wit in a Constable. A Comedy written 1639. And now Printed as it was lately ^ -*-^ Acted at the Cock-pit in Drury lane, by their Majesties Ser- /y vants, with good allowance. Small 4to, full crimson levant ' morocco gilt, gilt edges, by Lortic. London : Printed by lo. Okes, for F. C, 1640 First Edition. The Halsey copy, in exceptionally fine, crisp state. ^ ^_ 555. GOETHE. Reynard the Fox. Translated from the ^ ^ German of Goethe by Thomas James Arnold. W^'f/j, illustra- tions hy Joseph Wolf. 8vo, boards, morocco back, uncut. London: Nattali and Bond, 1855 556. GOLDSMITH (OLIVER). The Life of Richard Nash, Esq. Late Master of the Ceremonies at Bath. Extracted ^y ^ principally from His Original Papers. Engraved portrait of Nash, hy Walker. 8vo, full calf, gilt edges, by Aitken. London: Printed for J. Newbery, 1762 Second Edition. This edition is of far more importance than the first, on account of the great amount of additional matter it contains. With the bookplate of E. Milne-Eedhead. 557. [GOLDSMITH (OLIVER).] An History of Eng- ^ — land, in a Series of Letters from a Nobleman to his Son. 2 vols. 8vo, original calf. London : Printed for J. Newberry, 1764 First P-Idition. Fine copy. 558. GOLDSMITH (OLIVER). The Traveller, or a Prospect of Society. A Poem. 4to, full crimson levant mo- rocco, gilt back, gilt edges, by Riviere. Ay//^>- London: Printed for J. Newbery, 1765 A SUPERB COPY of the generally accepted First Edition (two copies being known of a privately printed edition of 1764), with the half title, and list of books published by Newbery. This was the first of Goldsmith's productions to bear his name on the title-page. 559. GOLDSMITH (OLIVER). The Good Natur 'd Man : /^ /> A Comedy. As Performed at the Theatre-Royal in Convent- / /' Garden. 8vo, full calf, gilt, gilt edges, by F. Bedford. London: Printed for W. Griffin: 1768 First Edition. With the Leila Howard Codman bookplate. ^^(^ 560. GOLDSMITH (OLIVER). The Traveller; or, a ^ f Prospect of Society, a Poem. Containing: A Sketch of the 108 ^ k?'/'- Manners, of Italy, Switzerland, France, Holland and Britain. 12mo, half brown morocco. America: Printed for every Purchaser, 1768 First American Edition. Described on the fly -loaf as ''the finest copy known." With the Pennypacker bookplate. 561. GOLDSMITH (OLIVER). The Deserted Village. A Poem. 8vo, sewn, uncut. London : Printed for W. Griffin, 1770 The Earliest Issue of the First Edition, having the words "tyrant's head'' on page 9, line 1; this was altered later to '^ tyrant's hand." It is now believed that this 8vo edition is earlier that the 4to edition. It is, at any rate, far rarer. See Luther E. Livingston's notes. 562. GOLDSMITH (OLIVEE). The Deserted Village. Vignette engraved by Taylor. 4to, full olive levant morocco, ]g^^ Jansen style, gilt edges, by Riviere. London: Printed for W. Griffin, 1770 Fine copy of the First Edition. No less than 5 subsequent Editions were published in 1770, but each bears the date of the month on the title-page. Very Eare. 563. GOLDSMITH (OLIVER). She Stoops to Conquer: or, The Mistakes of a Night. A Comedy. As it is Acted at the Theatre-Royal in Covent-Garden. Written by Dr. Gold- smith. 8vo, full crushed green levant morocco, gilt tooled, ^Q^ gilt edges, by Riviere. London: Printed for F. Newbery, 1773 First Issue of the First Edition, with the price printed on title and without the character ''Diggory" in Dramatis Personae. Fine, clean copy. Very scarce. 564. GOLDSMITH (OLIVER). Retaliation: A Poem. Including Epitaphs on the most distinguished Wits of this ^ ^^ Metropolis. Medallion portrait on title. 4to, full polished calf, gilt back, gilt edges, by Riviere. London: Printed for G. Kearsly, 1774 Fine copy of the First Edition, with the half-title, frequently missing. Published posthumously. Eare. 565. GOLDSMITH (OLIVER). Poems and Plays. To which is prefixed the Life of the Author. 8vo, original calf. Dublin : Printed for Mess. Price, Slater, etc., 1777 First Collected Edition. The imprint diifers from that in the Hoc copy. This edition is little known, it being formerly sup- posed that one of the editions o^ 1780 was the first collected edition, 109 c) J"" 566. GOLDSMITH (OLIVER). The Deserted Village, A ^^^^ Poem. Seventh Edition. Small 4to, half green morocco, gilt O ^ top, by Stikeman. London: Printed, Springfield, Mass., Eeprinted, 1783 First American Edition. With half-title. With H. W. Poor bookplate. 567. GOLDSMITH (OLIVER). The Works of Gold- smith. Edited by Peter Cunningham. Engraved title-pages. 4 vols. 8vo, full maroon straight-grain morocco, gilt tops, by Tout. London, 1854 First Issue of this edition, which is still esteemed the best. V- C> 568. GOOGE (BARN ABE, Translator). The Zodiake of life, written by the excellent and Christian Poet, Marcellus yjL Palingenius Stellatus. . . . Translated out of Latine into English by Barnabie Googe and by him newly recognished. Printed in Mack letter, title within woodcut border, large woodcut of the Googe coat of arms on verso of title. Small 4to, brown crushed levant morocco, gilt and blind tooled border, gilt edges, by Riviere. Imprinted at London for Raufe Newberie, 1576 V- 7 // ir- 569. GOUPIL MONOGRAPH. Charles I. By Sir John Skelton. Frontispiece portrait in gold and colors after Van Dyke's painting, and a large number of full-page illustra- tions in photogravure. Royal 4to, original wrappers, uncut. London, Paris, etc.: Goupil and Co., 1898 570. GOUPIL MONOGRAPH. Charles II. by Osmond ^ Airy. Brilliantly colored frontispiece, and a large number of f^ portraits and other illustrations in photogravure. Royal 4to, original wrappers, uncut. London, Paris, etc. : Goupil & Co., 1901 Limited and numbered issue on fine paper. 571. GOUPIL MONOGRAPH. Oliver Cromwell. By Samuel R. Gardner. With colored portrait of Cromwell in armour, and a large number of portraits and other illustra- tions in photogravure, reproduced from contemporary works of art, together with facsimiles, etc. Royal 4to, original wrap- pers, uncut. London, Paris, etc., Goupil & Co., 1899 Limited and numbered issue on fine paper. 572. GOWER (JOHN). De Confessione Amantis. Title within woodcut border. Printed in Gothic characters. Folio, 110 «3 -^^^'^M^^^^^m-^^m-^mm A N ELEGY WROTE IN A Country. Church Yard LONDON: Printed for R. Dodsley in Pall-mall \ And fold by M. Cooper in Pater-noJIer-Row* 1751. j^ Price Six-pence, j FIRST ISSUE: TITLE-PAGE MUCH REDUCED [NUMBER 574] 111 s^- /df- IJI- old polished calf, with the arms of the Duke of Roxburgh stamped in gold on sides. Imprinted at London by Thomas Berthelet, the XII. dale of Marche, An. 1554 Third Edition. Fine copy, with ample margins throughout. With the bookplate of Frederick Perkins. 573. GOWER (JOHN). Ovids Festivalls, or Romane Cal- endar, Translated into English verse equinumerally. Printer's device on title, title within tvo.odcut border. Small 8vo, full red morocco, gilt and blind tooling, gilt edges, by The Club Bindery. Printed by Roger Daniel, 1640 First Edition, with the preliminary blank leaf, and the leaf of * * Imprimatur ' ' at the end. Some copies have a slight variation in the imprint. With the Lefferts bookplate. 574. [GRAY (THOMAS).] An Elegy Wrote in a Coun- try Church Yard. Symholic woodcut hands on title and on page five. Thin 4to, full green crushed levant morocco, gilt tooled inside borders, gilt edges, by Riviere (slight repair on title and last leaf). London : Printed for R. Dodsley in Pall-Mall, 1751 The Excessively Bare First Edition. Has the word "hidden" instead of ' ' kindred ' ' spirit, in the fourth line of page ten, peculiar to the earliest issue, and the other misprinted lines which occur. Several corrections have been written on margins in an early hand. The Elegy circulated freely among Gray's friends for some time before it was published, which was finally done by Dodsley from the manuscript copy given by the poet to Horace Walpole, who probably wrote the preface signed "The Editor," designed by Gray to pre- serve his anonymity. He received no remuneration for ' the Elegy, considering it beneath a gentleman's dignity to accept money from a bookseller, and in this view the bookseller concurred. Gray says in a later note that the Elegy was "puhlish'd in Fehry 1751 by Dodsley, 4' 'went thro' four editions in two rnonths, and after- wards fifth, 6th, 7th, 8th, 4^ 9th, 10th .f 11th." An extraordinarily LARGE COPY, measuring IQi/^ by 7% inches; very considerably larger than the Hoe copy. With the Foote, Webb and Codman book- plates. [see illustration] 575. [GRAY (THOMAS).] An Elegy Wrote in a Coun- try Church Yard. The Second Edition. Woodcui hands on title and on page five. Thin 4to, full mottled calf, gilt back and borders, gilt edges, by Bedford. London : Printed for R. Dodsley in Pall-Mall, 1751 An exact reprint of the First Edition, except the words ''The Second Edition" on title, and "hidden" corrected to ''kindred" on page ten. Very scarce. With the McKee bookplate. 576. [GRAY (THOMAS).] An Elegy Written in a Country Church Yard. The Third Edition, corrected. 8ym^ 112 hoUc hands on title and page five. Thin 4to, full straight- grain green morocco, gilt tooled back and borders, gilt edges, by Bedford. London: Printed for R. Dodsley in Pall-Mall, 1751 ''An Elegy Wrote" is changed in this edition to ''Written" on title. Here too, are several typographical corrections, and the first appearance of the four extra line^ at the end of the Elegy. Bound in with it is: ''An Evening Contemplation in a College. Being a Parody on the Elegy in a Country Church-Yard. By another Gentleman of Cambridge." London: Dodsley, 1753. This latter is the First Edition, and was written by John Duncombe. 577. [GRAY (THOMAS).] An Elegy Written in a Country Church Yard. The Fourth Edition, corrected. "V^ Symbolic hands on title and page five. Thin 4to, half roan (very slightly discolored on lower inner margins). London: Printed for R. Dodsley in Pall-Mall, 1751 Practically a re-issue of the previous edition, except that here the extra four lines at end of the poem are placed in parenthesis. With the McKee bookplate. -T' rr- 578. [CRAY (THOMAS).] An Elegy Written in a Country Church Yard. The Fifth Edition, corrected. Sym- holic hands on title and page five. Thin 4to, half blue mo- rocco, gilt top, by Stikeman. London: Printed for R. Dodsley in Pall-Mall, 1751 Here the line on page six, ' ' No more shall rouse them from their lowly bed" is changed back to "wake them" as in the First Edition. V 579. [CRAY (THOMAS).] An Elegy Written in a Country Church Yard. The Sixth Edition, corrected. Sym- holic hands on title and page five. Thin 4to, half blue mo- rocco, gilt top. London : Printed for R. Dodsley in Pall-Mall, 1752 " The First edition published in 1752. The line on page ten, "Now smiling as in scorn, ' ' is here changed back to ' ' Frowning as in scorn," as in the first edition. 580. [GRAY (THOMAS).] An Elegy Written Originally in a Country Church Yard. The Eighth Edition, corrected BY the Author. Symbolic hands on title and repeated on page j^ five. Thin 4to, half blue morocco, gilt top, edges uncut, i^ London : Printed for R. Dodsley in Pall-Mall, 1753 Has the new form of title page, which was not retained in subse- quent editions. In this edition the preface appears as in the earlier ones. The four extra lines at end are dropped in this edition. Very scarce in uncut condition. 113 /r- Sr- dr- /o br- dl 581. [GRAY (THOMAS).] An Elegy Written in % Country Church Yard. The Ninth Edition. Symholic hands on title a7id fifth page. Small 4to, half crimson morocco [by Club Bindery]. London : Printed for R. and J. Dodsley, in Pall-Mall, 1754 The first appearance of the E. and J. Dodsley imprint on the Elegy. Beautiful, clean copy. Bound in at end is ' ' Contemplation, ' ' a poem in the same metre as the Elegy, occupying 19 quarto pages. It is the First Edition, has title and half title, and was written, though his name does not appear, by Richard Gilford, and like its famous prototype, was published by Dodsley, in 1753. 582. [GRAY (THOMAS).] An Elegy Written in a Country Church Yard. The Tenth Edition. Symbolic bands on title and page five. Small 4to, half blue morocco, gilt let- tered back, by Stikeman. London: Printed for R. and J. Dodsley, in Pall-Mall, 1756 Fine, clean copy. 583. [GRAY (THOMAS).] An Elegy Written in a Country Church Yard. The Eleventh Edition. Symbolic hands on title and page five. Small 4to, half blue morocco, by Stikeman (repair on title). London : Printed for R. and J. Dodsley, in Pall-Mall, 1759 584. [GRAY (THOMAS).] Elegia Screpta in Coeme- terio Rustico. Latine Reddita. Small 4to, half red morocco. Cantabrigiae : Typis Academicis Excudebat J. Bentham, 1762 First Latin Edition. The English and Latin texts are printed on opposite sheets. 585. GRAY (THOMAS). Elegy Written in a Country Church-Yard. 12mo, full red levant morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Stikeman. Philadelphia: Printed and Sold by Robert Aitken, 1773 First American Edition. Fine copy. Published with "The Grave" by Eobert Blair. Very Eare. With the H. W. Poor book plate. 586. GRAY (THOMAS). An Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard. Engraved frontispiece by Seymour inserted. Small 8vo, half morocco. Philadelphia: Printed for Thomas Dobson, 1787 Second American Edition. This is bound in with Blair's ''The Grave." With the S. W. Pennypacker bookplate. 587. [GRAY (THOMAS) .] Elegy Written in A Country Church-Yard. With Versions in the Greek, Latin, German, 114 't^ Italian, and French Languages. Engravings after Stothard, Constable, Westall, and others. 8vo, full morocco, gilt, by Hayday. London: John Van Voorst, 1839 588. GRAY (THOMAS). Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard. Hand-colored frontispiece and initials, rubri- cated capitals. 8vo, white vellum boards. London, 1900 One of 125 copies, printed on vellum, at Essex House Press. 589. GRAY (THOMAS). Poems by Mr. Gray. Orna- ment on title. 8vo, full blue levant morocco, gilt back and y^^ sides in the style of Derome, gilt top, uncut, by The Club Bindery. London: Printed for J. Dodsley, 1768 A SUPERB COPY of the Very Bare First Collected Edition, in EXCEPTIONAL UNCUT STATE. 590. GRAY (THOMAS). Designs by Mr. R. Bentley, for Six Poems by Mr. T. Gray. Vignette and illustrations fj^ by Bentley, engraved by Miller. Folio, boards, old calf back. London: Printed for R. Dodsley, 1753 This edition contains the Seventh Edition of the "Elegy." The illustration to ' ' A Long Story ' ' has a portrait of Gray, one of the very few in existence. An exceptionally fine copy. Rare. 591. GRAY (THOMAS). Odes by Mr. Gray. Vignette on title. 4to, full olive green levant morocco, gilt, by Brad- ^7^ streets. / Printed at Strawberry-Hill, For R. and J. Dodsley, 1757 First Edition. Very Scarce. The first book issued by Horace Walpole's press at Strawberry-Hill. With the bookplate of McKee. 592. [GREENE (J.).] A Refutation of the Apology for Actors. Divided into three briefe Treatises. "Wherein is confuted and opposed all the chiefe Groundes and Arguments alleaged in defence of Playes: And withall in each Treatise I is deciphered. Actors, 1. Heathenish and Diabolicall Insti- ^^ tution. 2. Their ancient and moderne indignitie. 3. The wonderful abuse of their impious qualitie. Small 4to, full green crushed levant morocco, gilt and blind-tooled on back, panels, and inside borders, gilt edges, by Riviere. London: W. White, 1615 First Edition. This Refutation is an answer, in a very puritanical vein, to Heywood 's ' * Apology for Actors, ' ' and is extremely scarce. With the Lefferts and George Parker Hcathcote bookplates. 593. GROLIER CLUB. Poems of John Donne, from the ^0 ^ Text of the Edition of 1633, Revised by J. R. Lowell Preface, 115 A // // <&c., by C. E. Norton. Portraits hy Ferris. 2 vols., 8vo, orig- inal cloth, gilt, edges uncut. N. Y., 1895 One of 380 copies on hand-made paper. 594. GROLIER CLUB. Catalogue of an Exhibition of Selected Works of the Poets Laureate of England. Portrait of Ben Jonson. Royal 8vo, boards, leather label, uncut. New York: The Grolier Club, 1901 One of 300 copies on Large Paper. 595. GROLIER CLUB. The History of Helyas Knight of the Swan. Translated by Robert Copland from the French version published in Paris in 1504. Woodcut illustratiotis. Small 4to, stamped pigskin, uncut, in a case. N. Y., 1901 Limited to 325 copies on Whatman paper. 596. GROLIER CLUB. De Vinne (Theodore L.). Title"- Pages as Seen by a Printer. With numeraus illustrations in facsimile and some observations of the Early and Recent Printing of Books. 8vo, half red morocco, uncut. New York, 1901 One of 325 copies on Italian hand-made paper. 597. GROLIER CLUB. Grolier (Jean). Researches con- cerning Jean Grolier, his Life and his Library. With a par- tial Catalogue of his Books by A. J. V. le Roux de Lincy. Edited by Baron Roger Portalis. Illustrated with 'beautiful colored reproductions of Grolier^s bindings. Imp. 8vo, half blue morocco, uncut. New York, 1907 One of 300 copies on hand-made paper. 598. GROLIER CLUB. Baziliologia. A Booke of Kings. Notes on a rare series of Engraved English Royal Portraits from William the Conqueror to James I. Published under the above title in 1618. Numerous illustrations. By H. C. Levis. 4to, boards, cloth back, uncut. N. Y., 1913 Limited to 300 copies on Japan paper. 599. GROLIER CLUB. Catalogue of an Exhibition Il- lustrative of the Text of Shakespeare's Plays as published in Edited Editions ; together with a large collection of engraved Portraits of the Poet. Portraits. 8vo, boards, uncut. New York, 1916 Large Paper Copy. One of 207 copies, lie 600. GROLIER CLUB CATALOGUIlS. 19 vols., 16mo, Original wrappers, uncut. N. Y., 1902-09 Mosaic, Artistic, and Leather Bindings (3) ; Etchings by Haden, Whistler, Cameron and Pennell (4) ; Italian Books; Nathaniel Hawthorne; William Blake; Benjamin Franklin; American Engrav- ings on Copper; and others. 601. GRONOW (CAPTAIN). Reminiscences and Recol- jj ^ lections: being Anecdotes of The Camp, Court, Clubs, and ^ Society, 1810-1860. Portrait and 32 illustrations hy Joseph Crego, colored hy hand. 2 vols., 8vo, original cloth, gilt tops, uncut. London: John C. Nimmo, 1892 602. [HABINGTON (WILLIAM).] Castara. [Both Parts.] Small 12mo, full maroon levant morocco, gilt and >y^^ blind tooling, gilt edges, by Riviere (title inlaid). ^ London : Printed by B. A. & T. F., 1635 The Second Edition, corrected and augmented. The prose pas- sages appear here for the first time. ''Castara" was Lucy Herbert, daughter of the Earl of Powis, whom he married. With the Lefferts bookplate. /r 603. HABINGTON (WILLIAM). Castara. The Third y Edition, Corrected and augmented. Engraved title in bril- liant state, hy Marshall. Small 12mo, full brown morocco, gilt back and sides, gilt edges, by Clarke. London: Printed by Tho. Cotes, for Will. Cooke, 1640 Third Edition, but the First Complete Edition, Part Third ap- pearing here for the first time. The engraved title is rarely found in the volume. With the McKee bookplate. 604. HABINGTON (WILLIAM). The Queene of Ar- /t» ragon. A Tragi-Comedie. Printer's device on title. Small ^0 folio, half maroon morocco, gilt top, by Blackwell. London : Printed by Tho. Cotes, for William Cooke, 1640 First Edition. This play was acted at Court, and is the only play written by the Author of ''Castara." From the library of M. C. Lefferts. 605. HABINGTON (WILLIAM). The Historic of Ed- I. "^ ward the Fouth, King of England. Frontispiece portrait of w Edward IV. engraved hy Elstracke. Folio, original calf. London : Printed by Tho. Cotes, for William Cooke, 1640 Crisp, clean copy of the First Edition. With the Lefferts book- plate. 606. HALL (JOHN). Poems. Portrait of the author ^^ aged 19, hy Marshall, inserted. Small 8vo, old green morocco, gilt edges, by Murton. Cambridge: Printed by Roger Daniel, 1646 117 Q l&e First Edition. The title to the second part has for imprint ''London: Printed by E. G. for J. Eothwell, 1647." No portrait belongs with this book. With the Charles B. Foote and Lefferts bookplates. 607. HALL (JOSEPH). Virgidemiarum. Sixe Bookes. Printer's device on title. Portrait of Hall inserted. Small 8vo, brown calf, rough edges. London: Printed by lohn Harison, 1602 Bound in at the end as usual, is: ''Certaine Worthye Manuscript Poems of great Antiquitie published by J. S, (Joshua Sylvester)." With the bookplate of William Harris Arnold. Very Eare. ^ 608. HAYWARD (SIR JOHN). The First Part of the Life and Raigne of King Henrie the IIII. Extending to the end of the first yeare of his raigne. Printer's device on title. Small 4to, full dark brown levant morocco, blind centre orna- ment, gilt edges, by Riviere. Imprinted at London by lohn Wolfe, 1599 First Edition. Fine copy. Eare. Another edition was printed this year, having metal ornaments intead of the printer's device on title. 609. HAYWARD (SIR JOHN). The Lives of the III. Normans, Kings of England : William the first. William the second. Henrie the first. Small 4to, original vellum. Imprinted at London by R. B., 1613 First Edition. Very Scarce. Laid in is a slip found in this book which may have been written in Shakespeare's lifetime, reading: "Sr it cost me for 3 men assisting at Stratford 3 s." JV :i' 610. HAYWARD (SIR JOHN). The Life and Raigne of King Edward the Sixt. Engraved title with portrait of Ed- J3U- ward the sixth, hy Vaughan, and portrait of Hayward hy Will. Pass. Small 4to, sprinkled calf, gilt. London : John Partridge, 1630 First Edition. Contains the cancelled leaves 85-86, 93-94, and 101-102, on the death of Edward. 611. HAZARD (THOMAS ROBINSON). The Jonny- Cake Papers of ''Shepherd-Tom." Together with Reminis- cences of Narragansett Schools of Former Days. With a Biographical Sketch and Notes by Rowland Gibson Hazard. Illustrated. Boston, 1915; A Record of the Ceremony and Oration on the occasion of the Unveiling of the Monument commemorating the Great Swamp Fight, Dec. 19, 1675. Presentation copy from Rowland G. Hazard, Boston, 1906. 2 vols., 8vo, boards and cloth. Limited editions. 118 mm THE TEMPLE. SACREDPOEMS AND PRIVATE EJA- CULATIONS. By M^ George Hbrekrt. mm mm PSAL. 2^. //; ^is Temple doth every ||||^l mm ffeak of his honour. ^^ CAMBRIDGE: Printed hy Thorn. Buck, and Roger 2?rt«ie/, printers to the Univerfitie. 1^3 3^ iiiiiiiiiifiiiliifiiii FIEST ISSUE IN ORIGINAL VELLUM BINDING [LOT NUMBER 616] J19 //E^ 612. HENRY (O.) The Gentle Grafter, 1908 (Library Cs stamp) ; Rolling Stones, 1912. 2 vols., 12mo, original cloth. New York, 1908-1912 First Editions. 613. HENRY (WILLIAM WIRT). Patrick Henry. Life, J I ^^ Correspondence and Speeches. Portrait. 3 vols., 8vo, half ^^ calf, gilt back, uncut. New York, 1891 First Edition. 614. HERBERT (LORD EDWARD, of Cherbury). The Life and Reign of King Henry the Eighth. Engraved por- ^^ y-~ trait hy Faithorne. Folio, original calf (back worn). London : Printed by Andr. Clark, 1672 Crisp copy of the First Edition of what Granger says ''has ever been esteemed one of the best histories in the English language." /i' f> 7c //< 615. HERBERT (LORD EDWARD, of Cherbury, States- man and Author). D. S., Ip. 4to, on Exchequer receipt, Jan- uary 7, 1645. With 2 portraits, biographical sketch, &c. Rare. Herbert was the author of ''De Veritate," and the friend of Ben Jonson, Donne, Carew, &c. 616. HERBERT (GEORGE). The Temple. Sacred Poems and Private Ejaculations. Title within ornamental woodcut border. 12mo, original vellum. Cambridge: Printed by Thom. Buck, 1633 The Excessively Rare First Edition, and according to Mr. Liv- ingston in ''The Bibliophile" the earlier issue of the two printed this year, one as above, with date, the other without date. A copy of the present issue was offered in the McKee sale with the words "Private Circulation" on the title-page, hence it is supposed that THIS dated issue W^AS A SPECIAL ONE FOR THAT PURPOSE. A VERY LARGE COPY, measuring 3i4x6i^ inches. [see ilustration] 617. HERBERT (GEORGE). The Temple. Sacred Poems and Private Ejaculations. Small 8vo, full crimson le- vant morocco, gilt back, gilt edges, by Bedford. Cambridge: Printed by T. Buck and R. Daniel, 1633 Second Edition. This volume collates exactly with the First Edition, and the two differ only in a few minor typographical de- tails. Fine copy. With the Lefferts bookplate. 618. HERBERT (GEORGE). The Temple. Sacred Poems and Private Ejaculations. Ornament on title. Small ^ 8vo, old brown morocco, sides and back gilt tooled. Cambridge: Printed by Roger Daniel, 1641 Sixth Edition. The title and pages are ruled in red. On the fly leaf a note by Mr. Hagen states: *' According to Beverly Chew this is a good example of Little Giddings binding." 619. HERBEET (GEORGE). The Temple. Sacred Poems, and Private Ejaculations. Engraved portrait hy White (inlaid), and copper-plates of "The Church-Porch*' and ^'The Church.'* 12mo, old crushed crimson morocco, gilt back and sides, gilt edges, by Clark & Bedford. London : Printed by S.- Roycroft, 1678 Bound in at the end is "The Synagogue." In imitation of Herbert by Eev. C. Hervey. Has the two blank leaves and the leaf with ''Lines" which should have been under his picture, immediately following the title. 620. HRBERT (GEORGE). Herbert's Remains. Or, Sundry Pieces Of that sweet Singer of the Temple, Mr. George Herbert. 12mo, full dark red straight-grain morocco, gilt tooled inside borders, gilt edges, by The Club Bindery. London: For Timothy Garthwait, 1652 First Edition. Fine copy, with the two extra titles: A Priest to the Temple; and Jacula Prudentum, which work appeared first in Wits Recreations, 1640, and which is often lacking in this issue. With the Lefferts bookplate. 621. HERBERT (GEORGE). A Priest to the Temple, or, the Country Parson. His Character, and Rule of Holy Life. Small 8vo, old black morocco, gilt back and sides, gilt edges. London: Printed by T. Roycroft, 1671 Second Edition, with a new Preface. Has the leaf of Imprimatur. Autographs of Samuel Hardy, 1782, and Jane Higginson, 1793, on fly-leaf. Contains references to America on M6 verso and M7 recto. With the Lefferts bookplate. 622. HERRICK (ROBERT). Hesperides : or. The Works both Human & Divine of Robert Herrick Esq. Woodcut of crown on title, and engraved portrait of Eerrick hy Marshall. London, 1648 ; also. His Noble Numbers : or. His Pious Pieces, Wherein (amongst other things) he sings the Birth of Christ: and sighes for his Saviours suffering on the Crosse. London, 1647. In one volume, 8vo, original calf, in brown morocco solander case. London: Printed for John Williams and Francis Eglesfield, 1648-1647 The Excessively Eare First Edition, with the preliminary blank leaf and the leaf of Errata. With the John Erere and Leffert§ bookplates. 121 ft^ 623. HERRICK (ROBERT). The Works of Robert Her- " rick. 2 vols., 8vo, full blue crushed levant morocco, gilt, gilt edges, by Root. Edin.: Reprinted for W. and C. Tait, 1823 There was no edition of Herrick's works published between the first edition of 1648 and the present edition. ir- A // i- i li' 624. HERVEY (JOHN LORD). Memoirs of the Reign of George the Second, from his Accession to the Death of Queen Caroline. Frontispieces. 2 vols., 8vo, tree calf, gilt tops, uncut. London : Murray, 1848 Large Type Library Edition. 625. HESIODUS ASCR^US. Opera. Edidit Thomas Robinson S. T. P. Engraved portrait of Hesiod, 4to, orig- inal calf, rebacked. Oxonii: E. Theatro Sheldoniano, 1737 Fine copy. Of this edition of Hesiod, Dibdin says: ''The celisb- rity of all former editions is eclipsed by this of Eobinson. " With the Henry Pilkington bookplate. 626. HEWLETT (MAURICE). A Masque of Dead Flor- entines, wherein some of Death's Choicest Pieces, and the Great Game that he played therewith, are fruitfully set forth. lUustraiimis hy Batten. FIRST EDITION. Oblong 4to, light brown buckram, gilt top, uncut. London, 1895 627. HEWLETT (MAURICE). Songs and Meditations. FIRST EDITION. 8vo, original buckram, uncut. Westminster: Constable, 1896 628. HEWLETT (MAURICE). Pan and the Young Shepherd. A Pastoral in Two Acts. First Edition. 8vo, original cloth. London, 1898 629. HEWLETT (MAURICE). The Forest Lovers: A Romance. 8vo, original decorated cloth. London : Macmillan, 1898 IPiRST Edition. Fine copy. ^ 630. HEWLETT (MAURICE). The Fool Errant. First g/ ^' Edition. 8vo, original decorated cloth. London: Heinemann, 1905 Vl% FOURTH SESSION Tuesday Evening, May 14, at 8:15 o'clock LOTS 631-835 631. HEYRICK (THOMAS). Miscellany Poems. By Tho. Heyrick, M.A. Formerly of Peter-House College in Cambridge. Device on title. Small 4to, full crimson levant morocco, delicately gilt tooled -on back, panels, and inside borders, gilt edges, by The Club Bindery. Cambridge: Printed by John Hayes, for the Author, 1691 First Edition. Very -fine copy. With the Lefferts bookplate. 632. HEYWOOD (JOHN). John Heywoodes Woorkes. A Dialogue conteyning the number of the effectual prouerbes in the English tounge, compact in a matter concernynge two maner of maryages. With one hundred of Epigrammes : and three hundred of Epigrammes upon three hundred prouerbes : and a fifth hundred of Epigrammes. Whereunto are now newly added a syxt hundred of Epigrams by the sayde John Heywood. Full-length woodcut portrait of the author. Small 4to, full crimson levant morocco, gilt back and sides, gilt edges, by Lortic. [Colophon] : Imprinted at London in Fleetestrete by Thomas Powell, 1562 Superb copy of the Excessively rake First Edition, which Herbert appears never to have seen, as he merely gives the title of it and refers to a later edition for a full description. In the ''Censuria Literaria" Mr. Haslewood mentions that he was unable to get a sight of this edition. With the McKee bookplate. 633. HEYWOOD (THOMAS). Troia Britanica: or. Great Britaines Troy. A Poem Devided into XVII. feverall Cantons, intermixed with many pleasant Poeticall Tales. Large ivoodcut device on title. Small folio, full polished calf, re- backed. London : Printed for W. Jaggard, 1609 First Edition. In an address three years later Heywood complains that Jaggard refused to publish a list of errata in this book. The Epistles ''Paris to Helen" and ''Helen to Paris," which appear here at pp. 197 and 215, were issued in 1612 by Jaggard in "The Passionate Pilgrim," under Shakespeare's name. Heywood pro- 123 /t) ^r- 7o / 7 tested to Shakespeare who had Jaggard alter the title in. those copies which had not been sold. It is curious that the verses were generally- assumed to be by Shakespeare until Dr. Farmer noted their true author in 1766. With the William Harris Arnold bookplate. Scarce. Fine copy, 634. HE YWOOD (THOMAS). Englands Elizabeth : Her Life and Troubles, During her Minoritie, from the Cradle to the Crowne. Engra/ved frontispiece portrait hy Martin Droe- shout. Small 8vo, full blue morocco, gilt back, gilt edges. London : Printed by John Beale, 1631 First Edition. Very fine copy. Rare. 635. HE YWOOD (THOMAS). A Pleasant Comedie, called a Mayden-Head well Lost. As it hath beene publickly Acted at the Cock-pit in Drury lane, with much applause : By her Maiesties Seruants. Large woodcut on title. Small 4to, full crimson levant morocco, gilt back, gilt edges, by Bedford. London: Printed by Nicholas . Okes, 1634 First Edition. Extremely Eare. Fine copy. With the Locker bookplate. 636. HEYWOOD (THOMAS). The Hierarchic of the Blessed Angells. Their Names, orders, and Offices. The fall of Lucifer with his Angells. With the engraved title hy Cecill and illustrations hy Payne, Marshall, Droeshout, and others. Folio, half crimson levant morocco, gilt edges. London : Printed by Adam Islip, 1635 First Edition. Fine copy, with the preliminary leaf of License. On page 206 many of the names of the old dramatists are woven into verse, including Shakespeare, Nash, Marlowe, Beaumont, etc. With the Lefferts bookplate. 637. [HEYWOOD (THOMAS).] The Fayre Maide of the Exchange : Together With the merry humours, and pleas- -^ ant passages of the Cripple of Fanchurch. Furnished with variety of delectable Mirth. Ornament on title. Small 4to, full sprinkled calf, gilt edges, by Worsfold. London : Printed by A. G., 1637 Fine copy. Rare. 638. HOBBES (THOMAS). Leviathan, of The Matter, Forme, & Power of a Common- Wealth Ecclesiasticall and Civill. Engraved title-page. Folio, original calf, rebacked. t/5. London: Printed for Andrew Crooke, 1651 First Edition. The Second Edition was published in the same year and may be distinguished by the spelling of Ecclesiastical and Civil. With the bookplate of Edmund Ferrers. '*Ex Bibl. 124 p. de Cardonnel MDCLII e dono nobliss. Com. Dese. " at foot of title. There are numerous manuscript notes on fly-leaves and on margins. 639. HOBBY CLUB. Papers of the Hobby Club. 1911- 1912. Numerous interesting facsimiles. 8vo, boards, cloth back, uncut. Privately Printed [Riverside Press] 1912 Limited to 100 copies printed for members. •mt. 640. HOE (ROBERT). Catalo^e of Early English Books forming a portion of the Library of Robert Hoe. 5 vols. ; Catalogue of Books in English later than 1700. 3 vols. ; Catalogue of Books printed in Foreign Languages before the Year 1600. 2 vols. ; Catalogue of Books in Foreign Languages after the Year 1600. 4 vols. ; Catalogue of Books of Emblems. With illustratioTis and facsimiles. Together 15 vols., 8vo., wrappers, uncut. New York, 1903-09 Limited to 100 copies. A most valuable book of reference, •contain- ing hundreds of collations of scarce books. Two of the books contain presentation notes signed by Mr. Hoe. 641. [HOGARTH (WILLIAM).] Hogarth Moralized ; A Complete Edition of all the most capital and admired Works of William Hogarth, accompanied with concise and compre- hensive explanations of their moral tendency, by the late Rev. Dr. Trusler. Portrait of Hogarth engraved hy Worthington, and numerous India Proof Plates after Hogarth. 8vo, full crimson levant morocco, gilt back, gilt edges, by Bedford. London, 1831 First Edition. Fine copy. 642. HOLBEIN (HANS). The Dance of Death by Hans Holbein, with an introductory note by Austin Dobson. Wood- cut illustrations. 8vo, full blue levant morocco, the back and sides decorated with emblematic tooling, gilt top, uncut, by Zaehnsdorf . London : George Bell & Sons, 1892 One of 100 Large Paper copies on Japan paper. ^643. HOLYDAY (BARTEN). Texnotamia: or the Mar- riages of the Arts. A Comedie, Written by Barten Holyday, Master of Arts and Student of Christ-Church in Oxford, and acted by the Students of the same House before the Vni- uersitie, at Shroue-tide. Small 4to, original vellum wrappers. London: Printed by William Stansby for lohn Parker, 1618 First Edition. Contains some interesting references to tobacco. With the Hoe bookplate. 125 So s- 3- 6- n 32 644. HOOKER (RICHARD). Of the Lawes of Eccle^ siasticall Politie. Eyght Bookes. Large printer's device on titl'e. Folio, full brown levant morocco, gilt centre ornaments on sides, gilt edges, by Riviere. Printed at London by John Windet, n. d. First Edition. Exceedingly Rare, and a splendid, large copy. Though the title-page calls for eight books, only five were published; four at one time, without date, and the fifth in 1597. From the library of J. Bagot, Bishop of Bath and Wells, with his autograph on title-page. Drake says this is one of the books Shakespeare was well acquainted with. 645. HORACE. The Lyrics of Horace; being the First Four Books of His Odes. Translated by Francis Wrangham. 4to, half red morocco, gilt, gilt top. Chester [1832] Second Edition. Only a few copies printed on large paper for private distribution. 646. HORACE in London [Horace and James Smith], 1813; Comly's Primer. Phila., 1826; Heroines of English Poetry. 1875; Hindu Arabic Numerals (Smith and Karpin- ski) ; and 2 others. 6 vols., 16mo, to royal 8vo, cloth, &c. 647. HOWARD (SIR ROBERT). Four New Plays, Viz: The Surprisal, The Committee, Comedies. The Indian-Queen, The Vestal-Virgin, Tragedies. As they were Acted by His Majesties Servants at the Theatre-Royal. Small folio, dark green levant morocco, finely gilt tooled back and borders, gilt edges, by Chambolle Duru. London: Printed for Henry Herringman, 1665 First Edition. Dryden assisted Howard in writing ''The Indian Queen." Each play has separate title page. Beautiful, large copy. With the Hoe bookplate. 648. HOWELL (JAMES). Epistolae Ho-Elianae. Fa- JJ^ miliar Letters Domestic and Forren; Divided into Six Sec- tions. By J. H. Esq. Engraved title hy Marshall, containing portraits of the author, Cicero, Seneca, and others. Small 4to, full dark green levant morocco, gilt and blind tooled and inlaid with light green levant also gilt and blind tooled, gilt edges, by Riviere (lacks, as usual, the four leaves sig.*). London : Humphrey Moselye, 1645 First Edition. Beautiful copy, in interesting binding. Has the final leaf with Imprimatur. {^ 649. HOWELL (JAMES). Londonipolis: An Historicall Discourse or Perlustration of the City of London, the Im- perial Chamber, and chief Emporium of Great Britain: 126 "Whereunto Is added another of the City of Westminster. Portrait of Howell engraved by Melon, and folding view of London. Folio, old calf. London: Printed by J. Str eater, 1657 First Edition. Fine, crisp copy. The double-page plate of London is interesting as showing the City in Shakespeare's time. Tho' the book is dated 1657, the view must have been engraved much earlier, as the flags are flying on the theatres (Globe and Bear Garden) which were closed during the protectorate period. 650. [HUBERT (SIR FRANCIS).] The Deplorable Life and Death of Edward the Second, King of England. To- gether with the Downefall of the two Vnfortunate Fauorites, Gravestone and Spencer. Engraved portrait of Edward the Second. Small 8vo, full crimson levant morocco, gilt, gilt edges, by The Club Bindery. London : Printed for Roger Mitchell, 1628 The First (Surreptitious) Edition. The first authorized edition was published the next year. It has been asserted that this work was written by Spenser. With the McKee bookplate. 651. HUBERT (SIR FRANCIS). The Historic of Ed- ward the Second. Surnamed the Carnarvan, one of our Eng- lish Kings. Together with the Fatall down-fall of his un- fortunate Favorites Gaveston and Spancer. Engraved por- trait of King Edward the Second. Small 8vo, full green crushed levant morocco, gilt, gilt edges, by The Club Bindery. London : Printed by B. A. and T. F. for L. Chapman, 1629 Fine copy of the First Authorized Edition. Rare. With the original blank leaf Ai. With the McKee bookplate. 652. INDIANS. John Eliot and the Indians, 1652-1657. Being Letters addressed to Rev. Jonathan Hanmer of Barn- staple, England. Reproduced from the original Manuscripts in the possession of Theodore N. Vail. Edited by Wilber- force Fames. Large 4to, boards, parchment back, uncut. New York, 1915 One of 150 copies. 653. JAMES I. BA2IAIK0N A12P0N, or, His Maies- ties Instructions to his Dearest Sonne, Henry the Prince. Woodcut device on title. Small 8vo, old sprinkled calf. At London: Imprinted by Felix Kyngston, 1603 Third Edition. Eare. This edition was published the year of James I's accession to the English throne. The 1st and 2d editions were printed at Edinburgh in 1599 and 1603. With the Lefferts bookplate. 127 3 $o of Mr. Richard Savage, Son of the Earl Rivers. Ornament on " title. 8vo, polished panelled calf, canary edges. London: Printed for J. Roberts, 1744 First Edition. Very fine copy. This work is partly autobiograph- ical, as Johnson shared with Savage many of the miseries which he describes. There is no doubt that Savage imposed upon and deceived Johnson as to his birth and life. 658. JOHNSON (SAMUEL). The Plan of a Dictionary of the English Language ; Addressed to the Right Honourable J^ Philip Dormer, Earl of Chesterfield. 4to, half calf, gilt edges, by Riviere. London : Printed for J. and P. Knap ton, etc., 1747 Large paper copy of the First Issue of the First Edition, before Lord Chesterfield's name was printed in on page 1. With bookplate of Charles Lilbum. 659. JOHNSON (SAMUEL). Irene: A Tragedy. As it is Acted at the Theatre Royal in Drury-Lane. 8vo, half calf, edges uncut. London: Printed for R. Dodsley, 1749 First Edition. Scarce. An unusually fine copy, with half title, and edges entirely uncut. ]28 660. JOHNSON (SAMUEL). Irene: A Tragedy. As it is Acted at the Theatre Royal in Drury-Lane. 8vo, half sprinkled calf. London : Printed for R. Dodsley, 1749 — ' First Edition. The half-title in this issue is set up differently from that of the other (uncut) issue, and has an additional leaf with Books printed for E. Dodsley. 661. JOHNSON (SAMUEL). Irene: A Tragedy. As it is Acted at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane. 12mo, half ■^ blue morocco, gilt edges. Dublin: Printed by S. Powell, 1749 The pirated Irish Edition. With the Col. F. E. C. Grant and Locker bookplates. 662. JOHNSON (SAMUEL). The Vanity of Human Wishes. The Tenth Satire of Juvenal, imitated by Samuel ^^ Johnson. Large 4to, full citron levant morocco, gilt inside borders, uncut, by Riviere. London : Printed for R. Dodsley, 1749 First Edition. A superb copy in very rare uncut state, of what is considered the finest of Dr. Johnson's Poems. 663. [JOHNSON (SAMUEL).] The Rambler. Nos. 1 to 208, complete. 2 vols., folio, full mottled calf, gilt tooled, gilt ^^ tops, edges uncut. •^"^ London: Printed for J. Payne and J. Bouquet, 1751 First Edition, as published in parts. Very fine copy, with edges uncut. With the exception of about five numbers, three of which were written by Samuel Eichardson, the Rambler is the work of Dr. Johnson. Sir William A. Eraser's copy, with book- plates. r^ 664. JOHNSON (SAMUEL). The Rambler. 6 vols., contemporary boards, old calf backs, edges entirely uncut. London: J. Payne, 1752 First Collected Edition. Fine, uncut copy. Very scarce in this state. 665. JOHNSON (SAMUEL). The Prince of Abissinia. ^ A Tale. 2 vols., 12mo, full crimson levant morocco, gilt, gilt edges, by Stikeman. London: R. and J. Dodsley, 1759 First Edition. Fine copy of Dr. Johnson's ''Easselas. " 666. [JOHNSON (SAMUEL).] The Idler. In Two Vol- umes. 2 vols., 12mo, original calf. ^ London: Printed for J. Newberry, 1761 First Collected Edition. Scarce in original binding. Has the bookplate of Captain C. H. Everitt, Koyal Navy, in each volume. 129 A- 667. JOHNSON (SAMUEL). Mr. Johnson's Preface To his Edition of Shakespear's Plays. 8vo, full polished calf, gilt, gilt edges, by Bedford. London: J. & R. Tonson, &c., 1765 First Edition. With half-title. Although Johnson talked of his Shakespeare as being in Press, it was not published till 1765, when the preface was sold separately for one shilling. 22"^ ^^^- JOHNSON (SAMUEL). A Journey to the West- ern Islands of Scotland. Royal 8vo, polished calf, gilt back, gilt top, uncut, by Bedford. London: Printed for W. Strahan and T. Cadell, 1775 Large paper copy of the First Edition, which contains matter suppressed in later editions. 669. JOHNSON (SAMUEL). Dr. Johnson 's Table Talk : jp or, Conversations of the late Samuel Johnson, on a variety of i^y ^ Useful and Entertaining Subjects. Small 8vo, original / boards, rebacked, uncut. London: Printed for G. G. J. and J. Robinson, 1785 First Edition. Bare. /« 670. [JOHNSON (SAMUEL).] Piozzi (Hester Lynch). Anecdotes of the late Samuel Johnson, LL.D., during the t) "^ last Twenty Years of his Life. 8vo, original grey boards, new morocco back, edges entirely uncut. London: T. Cadell, 1786 First Edition. Inserted is an A. L. S. of the author, 2pp. 8vo. Venice, 1786, to Cadell, regarding this book. She had not heard from Cadell of the book, but had many congratulations from readers. 671. JOHNSON (SAMUEL). Letters To and From the late Samuel Johnson, LL.D., to which are added Some Poems never before printed. Published from the Original MSS. in her possession by Hester Lynch Piozzi. 2 vols., 8vo, original boards, uncut (need rebacking). London : Printed for A. Strahan and T. Cadell, 1788 First Edition. Scarce. j-^ 672. JOHNSON (SAMUEL). Select Essays. Edited by — ' G. B. Hill. Etchings hy Herbert Bailton. 2 vols., 8vo, cloth, uncut. London: J. M. Dent, 1889 Large Paper. 250 copies printed on hand-made paper. ¥ i> 673. JOHNSON (SAMUEL). Prologue Spoken at the Opening of the Theatre in Drury-Lane in 1747 with Garrick's 130 I iX Epilogue. With Preface by Austin Dobson, and Introduction and Notes by A. S. W. Eosenbach. Large 4to, boards, uncut. New York : Dodd, Mead and Co., 1902 One of 30 copies on Japan paper. A facsimile of the hitherto un- discovered First Edition. 674. JOHNSON (SAMUEL). Autograph poem, unpub- lished. ''To Delia," 4 stanzas of 4 lines each, on Ip. 4to. Inscribed on back in Johnson's autograph: ''To Mr. Hum- phrey, from the Author." Inlaid, with portrait. "Thou whose love-inspiring air Delights, yet gives a thousand woes, My Bay declines in darlc despair, And Night hath lost her sweet repose," ^c. 675. JOHNSON (DR. SAMUEL). A. L. S., Ip. 12mo. n. p., July 17, 1781. [To Mr. Dilly, his publisher], asking -^ him to deliver a set of Lives [of the Poets] , half bound, and two volumes of the Rambler, neatly bound. 676. JONSON (BEN). The Workes of Beniamin Jonson. Engraved title and portrait. Vol. 1. London: Printed by William Stansby, 1616; Vol. 2. London: Printed for Richard Meighen, 1640. 2 vols., folio, full crimson levant morocco, gilt edges, by Ramage. London, 1616-1640 First Collected Edition. There were three issues of Jonson 's fjZt" Works in 1616, differing in imprints and in corrections and alter- ations in the text. The present is apparently the rarest issue. In the Second volume, the Plays: Bartholomew Fayre, The Staple of Newes, and The Divell is an Asse have separate titles dated 1631. Besides these are ''The Magnetick Lady," 1640; "A Tale of a Tub," 1640; ''The Sad Shepherd," 1641; "Masques," 1617-1630; ' ' Underwoods, ' ' 1640 ; ' ' Loves Welcome, ' ' 1634 ; ' ' Mortimer, " " Hor- ace, His Art of Poetrie," 1640; "English Grammar," 1640, and ' ' Timber or Discoveries, ' ' 1641. Very fine copy. Art A. L. S. of Beverly Chew is laid in. 677. JONSON (BEN. ) . Catiline his Conspiracy, Written by Ben: Jonson. Small 4to, full crimson levant morocco, } — ^ Jansen style, gilt edges, by The Club Bindery. London: Printed for Walter Burre, 1611 First Edition. Extremely Eare. Fine copy, with the genuine blank leaf at the end. There are commendatory verses by Beau- mont, Fletcher, and Nathaniel Field. With the Lefferts bookplate. 678. JONSON (BEN.). Jonsonus Virbius; or the Mem- /"i-^orie of Ben: Jonson Revived by the Friends of the Muses. Small 4to, polished calf, gilt top, uncut, by Zaehnsdorf. London: Printed by E. P. for Henry Seile, 1638 131 hr- 0^- / The Extremely Eare First Edition. Published 6 months after Jonson's death. Edited by Bishop Duppa, and contains contributions by Falkland, Waller, Ford, Cartwright, King, Cleveland, Howell, and others. With the Lefferts bookplate. 679. JONSON (BEN.). Ben: Jonson's Execration against Vvlcan. With divers Epigrams by the same Author to sev- erall Noble Personages in this Kingdome. Small 4to, full crimson levant morocco, gilt tooled, gilt top, by E. W. Smith. London: J. 0. for John Benson, 1640 First Edition. Fine copy, with many uncut edges. Copies have been found with portrait, but it is believed portrait has been in- serted and does not belong to the work. With the Lefferts book- plate. 680. JONSON (BEN.). Q. Horatius Flaccus: His Art of Poetry. Englished by Ben: Jonson. With other Workes of the Author, never Printed before. Engraved portrait hy Marshall. 12mo, sumptuously bound in green levant mo- rocco, inlaid panels of crimson morocco, richly gold tooled with special designs, gilt edges, by The Club Bindery, in slip case. London : Printed by J. Okes for John Benson, 1640 Very Rare. Fine copy. Laid in is a variation of the engraved frontispiece by Marshall, with the imprint: "London: Printed for John Benson, 1640." There are separate titles to the various pieces in the book, viz. : ' ' Ben : Jonson 's Execration Against Vulcan, ' ' "The Masque of the Gypsies" and "Epigrams." 681. JONSON (BEN.). Catiline his Conspiracy. A Tragoedie. As it is now Acted by His Majestic 's Servants; at the Theatre Royal. Small 4to, three-quarter brown levant morocco, by The Club Bindery. London: Printed by A. C, 1669 682. JONSON (BEN.). The Works of Ben. Jonson, Which were formerly Printed in Two Volumes, are now Re- printed in One. To which is added A Comedy, called the ^ "^ New Inn. Engraved portrait of Jonson hy Elder. Printer's ornaments on title. Folio, original calf, rebacked. London : Printed by Thomas Hodgkin, 1692 Third Collected Edition. 683. JONSON (BEN.). The Works of Ben. Jonson. Por- - trait of Jonson, engraved hy Vertue, and engraved plates hy 3 n ^^ Du Guernier. 6 vols., 8vo, original calf, leather labels, gilt / edges. London, 1716 With the bookplate of the Earl of Cork and Orrey. 132 ptiem!^> BY JOHN KEATS, What more felicity can fall to creature. Than to enjoy delight with liberty.' Talt of the Bu^fr^y. —SPENSER. LONDON: PRINTED FOR C. Sf 3. OLLIER, 3, AfELBECK STREET, CAVENDISH SQUARE. 1817. PRESENTATION COPY FROM KEATS [NUMBER 687] 133 // n- If 684. JOWETT (BENJAMIN). The Dialogues of Plato. Translated into English, with Analyses and Introductions. 4 vols., 8vo, cloth, uncut. Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1871 With the bookplate of James Bowen. 685. JURIEU (PETER). The History of the Council of Trent. In Eight Books. Written in French and now done into English. Engraved frontispiece hy W. F. 8vo, original calf, leather label. London: Printed by J. Heptinstall, 1684 First Edition. 686. JUSTINIAN. The Secret History of the Court of the Emperor Justinian. Written by Procopius of Cesarea; ^vT**^ Faithfully rendered into English. 12mo, full green levant morocco, gilt edges, by the Club Bindery. London: Printed for John Barkesdale, 1674 First Edition. Procopius supplied Gibbon with much of his material for his chapters on Constantinople and the Byzantine Em- pire. PRESENTATION COPY, WITH INSCRIPTION 687. KEATS (JOHN). Poems. Portrait on title. 12mo, ^ old blue straight-grain morocco, gilt back and border, en- ciS ^ closed in a black morocco solander case (blank portion of title repaired). London: C. and J. Oilier, 1817 The exceedingly Eare First Edition. Presentation copy from the Author to J. Byng Gattie, inscribed in Keats' hand on title: ''My dear Giovanni I Twpe your eyes will soon be ivell enough to read this with Pleasure and ease. ' ' Autograph of John Byng Gattie and other inscriptions on fly leaves. [see illustration] >3c >3^' 688. KEATS (JOHN). Endymion: A Poetic Romance. ''The stretched metre of an antique song." 8vo, full crimson levant morocco, elaborately and beautifully gilt-tooled on the back and sides, inside borders and doublures of silk, gilt top, uncut, by David. London : Taylor and Hessey, 1818 The Very Scarce First Edition, in exceedingly fine condition, with the leaf of Errata and the two leaves of advertisement at the back, dated May 1, 1818. 689. KEATS (JOHN). Lamia, Isabella, The Eve of St. Agnes, and Other Poems. 12mo, original grey boards, re- backed, edges entirely uncut. Preserved in a red levant mo- rocco solander case [by The Club Bindery]. London : Printed for Taylor and Hessey, 1820 134 The Eare First Edition, in original uncut , condition. Has the leaf ''Advertisement," following title, dated Fleet-Street, June 26, 1820. QUEEN ELIZABETH'S COPY 691. KEMPIS (THOMAS A). Of the Imitation of Christ. Woodcut frontispiece of a King at prayer. Small 12mo, original vellum, in red morocco solander case. >.*- At London: Printed by Henrie Denham, 1589 From the library of Queen Elizabeth, with her Arms stamped on sides. With the bookplate of Honble. Louisa Sneyd. 692. KILLIGREW (MRS. ANNE). Poems. Frontis- piece mezzotint portrait of the author on Large Paper, en- graved hy Beckett from a portrait hy Mrs. Killigrew herself. 4to, full crimson levant morocco, gilt back and sides, gilt ^ edges, by The Club Bindery. London: Printed for Samuel Lowndes, 1686 Large Paper Copy of the First Edition. A fine copy of this rare work, which contains the First Edition of Dryden's Ode to the pious memory of Mrs. Anne Killigrew. From the library of Lady Southwell, with her autograph on title. 693. KILLIGREW (THOMAS). Comedies and Trage- dies. Brilliant frontispiece portrait of Killigrew by Faithorne ^ after Shannard. Folio, full crimson levant morocco, gilt back and sides, gilt edges, by Lortic. London: Printed for Henry Herringman, 1664 First Edition. Eare. Fine copy of the earliest issue, with the sepa- rate titles all bearing the date of 1663. In the Hoe copy, the last two are dated 1664. Two leaves are misplaced by the binder. 694. [KING (HENRY).] Poems, Elegies, Paradoxes, and Sonnets. Title within ornamental border. Small 8vo, original calf, in dark blue morocco solander case, by The Club Bindery. ^ London : Printed by J. G. for Rich : Marriott and Hen : Her- ringman, 1657 First Edition. Fine copy in the original binding. Rare. This volume was published anonymously and contains poems addressed to Ben .Jonson, Dr. Donne, George Sandys, Sir W. Ealeigh, etc. The publisher's Address to the Author is interesting as showing how a book was published without the author's consent. With the book- plates of John Ludford and Frederick Locker, and pencil note by the latter. (^ 695. KIPLING (RUDY ARD). Kim. Illustrations. First EDITION. 8vo, original cloth. London: Macmillan, 1901 135 f- 7 696. KUNZ (GEORGE F.) Ivory and the Elephant in Art, in Archaeology, and in Science. Profusely illustrated. Royal 8vo, decorated buckram, gilt top, uncut. Garden City, 1916 One of 40 copies for the Hobby Club, autographed by the author. 697. kUNZ (GEORGE F.). Shakespeare and Precious Stones. Treating of the known references of Precious Stones in Shakespeare's Works. Illustrated. Square 8vo, cloth, gilt top, uncut. Philadelphia, 1916 The Hobby Club Edition, limited to 47 copies. Autograph pres- entation copy from the author. 698. LA FONTAINE (JEAN DE). Contes et Youvelles en vers. Portraits of La Fontaine engraved hy Ficquet after Eigaud; of Eisen hy Ficquet after Vispre, and of Chaff ard hy himself; 80 fine plates hy Alimet, Baquoy, Choffard, Dela- fosse, Flipart, Lemire, Leveau, De Longueil and Ouvrier, after Eisen, 4 vigneites and 53 tail-pieces hy Chauffard. 2 vols., 8vo, old French red morocco, gilt back and sides, gilt edges, by Derome. Amsterdam [Paris], 1762 The famous edition called ''Des Fermiers Generaux," one of the most beautiful illustrated books of the 18th century. The plate entitled ^'Le Cos de conscience" is in the uncovered state. With the bookplates of Col. Francis Hammond. jX, 699. LAMARTINE (ALPHONSE DE). Mary Stuart. O -^ Frontispiece portrait, and title vignette. 8vo, half red calf, ^ gilt top, uncut. Edinburgh : A. and C. Black, 1859 d?^- ^1- A oJd 700. LAMB (CHARLES). Specimens of English Drama- tic Poets who lived About the Time of Shakespeare: With Notes. 8vo, full olive crushed levant morocco. London: Longman, 1808 First Edition. 701. [LAMB (CHARLES).] The History of Christ's Hospital, from its foundation by King Edward the Sixth. [By J. I. Wilson.] Portrait of Edward VI, colored plate of hoy in the school costume, etc. 8vo, full polished calf, gilt. London, 1821 First Edition. Lamb has contributed an essay of 20 pages which does not appear to have been reprinted. With bookplate of John Sheepshanks. 702. LAMB (CHARLES). The Life and Works of Charles Lamb. Edited, with Introduction and Notes, by 136 Alfred Ainger. 12 vols., royal 8vo, full blue calf, gilt backs, gilt tops, uncut (some bindings worn). London: Macmillan, 1899-1900 Edition de Luxe, one of 675 copies. 703. LANDOR (WALTER SAVAGE). Pericles & As- pasia. Edited by C. G. Crump. Etchings by Bailton and other ilhostrations. 2 vols., Svo, cloth, uncut. London : J. M. Dent, 1890 Large Paper. 225 copies printed on hand-made paper. 704. LANG (ANDREW). Ballads and Lyrics of Old France: with Other Poems. Small 8vo, original white cloth. London, 1872 First Edition. Very Scarce, especially in such fine condition. 705. LANG (ANDREW). XXII Ballades in Blue China. First Edition. Small 8vo, original limp vellum, uncut. London: Kegan, Paul, 1880 706. LANG (ANDREW). Theocritus, Bion, and Mos- chus. Rendered into English Prose, with An Introductory Essay. First Edition. Svo, original cloth, uncut. London: Macmillan, 1880 707. LANG (ANDREW). The Library. With a chapter on modern Illustrated Books by Austin Dobson. Frontispiece and illustrations. 8vo, full polished calf, gilt back, gilt top, ancut. London: Macmillan, 1881 First Edition. 708. LANG (ANDREW). Helen of Troy. 8vo, original limp vellum, uncut. London : George Bell & Sons, 1882 First Edition. 709. LANG (ANDREW). Aucassin and Nicolete. Done into English by Andrew Lang. Etched frontispiece. 12mo, original parchment wrappers, uncut. London, 1887 First Edition. Very Scarce. 710. LANG (ANDREW). The Most Pleasant and Delec- table Tale of the Marriage of Cupid and Psyche. Done into English by William Adlington. With a Discourse by Andrew Lang. Frontispiece and another plate. 8vo, original Japan wrappers, uncut. London: David Nutt, 1887 First Edition. With bookplate of H. J. Greenwood. 137 711. LANG (ANDREW). Euterpe: Being the Second Book of the Famous History of Herodotus. Englished by B. R. 1584. Frontispiece in two states. Royal 8vo, boards, parchment back, uncut. London : David Nutt, 1888 Large paper copy, one of 60 copies printed. 712. LANG (ANDREW, Editor). Ballads of Books. First Edition. 16mo, original cloth, gilt top, uncut. London, 1888 713. LANG (ANDREW). Homer and the Epic. Imp. 8vo, original boards, paper label, uncut. London: Longmans, 1893 Large paper copy of the First Editlon. 714. LANG (ANDREW). The Miracles of Madame Saint ^ Katherine of Fierbois. Translated from the edition of the X "" Abbe J. J. Bourasse, Tours, 1858. Title in red and black, with vignette. 8vo, boards, cloth back, uncut. Chicago, 1897 First Edition. One of 350 copies for America. ^^ 715. LANG (ANDREW). The Companions of Pickle: ^ ^^ being a Sequel to ''Pickle the Spy." Four illustrations. I First Edition. Large 8vo, original cloth, gilt top. London, 1898 716. LANG (ANDREW). The Homeric Hymns. Anew ^ ij^ prose translation, and Essays Literary and Mythological. ^/ With illustrations. 12mo, original cloth, gilt top, uncut. London: George Allen, 1899 First Edition. 717. LANG (ANDREW). The Mystery of Mary Stuart. With illustrations. 8vo, original cloth, uncut. London : Longmans, 1901 First Edition. 718. LANG (ANDREW). Magic and Religion. First Edition. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London: Longmans, 1901 719. LANGBAINE (GERARD). An Account of the English Dramatick Poets, etc. 8vo, original sheep, rebacked. Oxford : Printed by L. L., 1691 First Edition. Complete, with the Appendix, Errata, and Title printed across the last page. 17 pages are devoted to Shakespeare, 138 f- 7^0. [LANGLAND (WILLIAM) .] The Vision of Pierce Plowman, now fyrste imprynted by Roberte Crowley, dwell- yng in Ely rentes in Holburne. Anno Domini. 1550. Title in woodcut border. Small 4to, full green crushed levant morocco, gilt tooled back, gilt tooled and lined on panels and inside borders, gilt edges, by Eoger De Coverly. [Colophon] : Imprinted at London by Roberte Crowley,* * * The yere of our Lord, M.D.L. First Edition. Very rare. The date on title, 1505, has been rubbed over and changed to 1550. Has a four leaf manuscript bound in with an index of obsolete words, &c. Frederick Locker's copy, with bookplate and long note in his autograph. 721. [LANGLAND (WILLIAM).] The Vision of Pierce Plowman, newlye imprynted after the authours olde copy, with a brefe summary of the principall matters set before euery part called Passus. Whereunto is also annexed the Crede of Pierce Plowman, neuer imprinted with the booke be- fore. Small 4to, full crimson levant morocco, gilt back and sides, gilt edges, by The Club Bindery. Imprynted at London, by Owen Rogers, Feb. 21, 1561 Eare Edition. Printed in Gothic characters. With early MSS. notes on the work laid in. 722. LANGLAND (WILLIAM). Piers Plowman. A Contribution to the History of English Mysticism. By J. J. Jusserand. Translated from the French by M. E. R. Illus- trated. 8vo, vellum boards, gilt top, uncut. London, 1894 One of 65 copies on Japan paper, signed by M. Jusserand. 723. LEE (NATHANIEL). Gloriana, or the Court of Augustus Caesar. Acted at the Theatre-Royal, By their Majesties Servants. Small 4to, half blue morocco, gilt top, by The Club Bindery. London : Printed for J. Magnes and R. Bentley, 1676 First Edition. With the Lefferts bookplate. 724. LEE (NATHANIEL). Sophonisba, or Hannibal's Overthrow. A Tragedy, Acted at the Theatre-Royall, By their Majesties Servants. Small 4to, boards, old calf back. London: Printed for J. Magnes and R. Bentley, 1676 First Edition. John Genest's copy, with his autograph, Dec. 7th, 1822, and List of Dramatis Personae, in his hand. Genest wrote ''Some Account of the English Stage from the Kestoration in 1660 to 1830'^' in 10 volumes, and was an authority on the Kestoration Drama. With the Lefferts bookplate. 139 725. LEE (NAI^HANIEL). The Rival Queens, or tte Death of Alexander the Great. Acted at the Theatre-Royal by Their Majesties Servants. Small 4to, half red morocco, gilt edges, by Riviere. London: Printed for James Magnes and Richard Bentley, 1677 First Edition. Contains a commendatory poem by Dryden. The Prologue is by Sir Charles Scroop. With the Lefferts bookplate. 726. LEE (NATHANIEL). Lucius Junius Brutus: Father of his Country. A Tragedy. Acted at the Duke's Theater, by their Royal Highnesses Servants. Small 4to, half red morocco, gilt edges, by Riviere. London : Printed for Richard Tonson, 1681 First Edition. Has the Epilogue, not in. the Hoe copy. With bookplates of the Et. Hon. Charles Viscount Bruce of Ampthill, and Marshall C. Lefferts. 727. LEE (NATHANIEL). Constantino the Great; A Tragedy. Acted at the Theatre-Royal By their Majesties Servants. Small 4to, half morocco. London : Printed by H. Hills, Jun., 1684 First Edition. The Epilogue was written by Dryden. With the Lefferts bookplate. 728. LEE (SIDNEY). Life of William Shakespeare. Portraits and facsimiles. 8vo, cloth, gilt top, uncut. London: Smith, Elder, 1898 729. LEE (SIDNEY). An English Gamer. Elizabethan Sonnets. Newly Arranged and Indexed. Introduction by Sidney Lee. First Edition. 2 vols., 8 vo, original blue cloth. Westminster: Constable, 1904 730. LE SAGE (ALAIN RENE) . The Adventures of Gil Bias of Santillana. Rendered into English by Henri Van Laun. With an Introductory Notice, Life of Le Sage, and Notes. Illustrated with portrait and the fine series of etched plates hy Lalauze. 3 vols., royal 8vo, three-quarter blue mo- rocco, gilt back, gilt tops, uncut. Edinburgh: William Paterson, 1886 Fine copy. 731. LEYCESTER (JOHN). The Civill Warres of Eng- land. Briefly Related from His Majesties first fetting up His Standard 1641, &c. 21 engraved portraits. Small 8vo, full 140 brown levant morocco, gilt tooled back and borders, gilt edges, by Riviere. London : Printed for John Hancock, 1649 First Edition. Very scarce. Has the three preliminary leaves. 732. LILLY (JOHN). Euphues. The Anatomy of Wit. Verie pleasant for all Gentlemen to reade, and most neces- sarie to remember. Small 4to, full brown morocco, blind- tooled, by Clarke & Bedford. London: William Leake, 1613 An exceptionally fine copy of this scarce edition. With the Thomas Gaisford bookplate. 733. LILLY (JOHN). Sixe Covrt Comedies. Often Pre- sented and Acted before Queene Elizabeth, by the Children of her Maiesties Chappell, and the Children of Panics. Small 12mo, full green straight-grain morocco, gilt back, gilt edges, by Stikeman. London: Printed by William Stansby for Edward Blount, 1632 First Collected Edition. The different plays all appeared In quarto prior to 1600. The Lyrics, however, appear here for the first time. With the Lefferts bookplate. 734. LILLY (JOHN). Evphves, The Anatomic of Wit. Very pleasant for all Gentlemen to read, and most necessary to remember. Wherein are contained the delights that wit followeth in his youth, by the pleasantnesse of lone : and the happinesse he reapeth in age, by the perfectnesse of wisdome. Woodcut device on title. Small 4to, full green morocco, gilt back and sides, gilt edges. London : Printed by lohn Haviland, 1636 Very Rare. Printed in Gothic characters. Fine copy of both parts, with the second title: "Euphues and His England. '^ From Knight's and William Harris Arnold's libraries. 735. LOCKER (FREDERICK). London Lyvics. Frontis- piece drawn and etched hy George Cruikshank. Small 8vo, original stamped cloth, uncut. London, 1857 The Very Scarce First Edition. With Sir W. A. Fraser's book- plate and an autograph letter from Frederick Locker to Eraser laid in. 736. LOCKER (FREDERICK). Lyra Elegantiarum. A Collection of some of the best Specimens of Vers de Societe and Vers d 'Occasion in the English Language by Deceased authors. 12mo, original cloth gilt, uncut. London: Edward Moxon, 1867 141 s Fine copy of the Very Rare First Edition, containing poems which were suppressed in subsequent issues. ^ 737. LOCKER (FREDERICK). London Lyrics. 8vo, *" original cloth, leather back, gilt top, uncut. London: John Wilson, 1868 A privately printed issue, with additional poems. 738. LOVELACE (SIR RICHARD). Lucasta: Epodes, Odes, Sonnets, Songs, &c., to which is added Aramantha, a Pastorall. Engraved title and portrait of Lucy Sacheverell, both by Faithorne after Lely. Small 8vo, full brown levant morocco, gilt back, gilt edges, by Stikeman. London: Printed by Tho. Harper, 1649 An exceptionally fine copy of the extremely rare First Edition. Laid in is an A. L. S. from Beverly Chew relating to the book in which he says : ' ' Your copy is a very fine one, and so far is the only 'one I Tuwe seen ivith sheet 'B' in its first state." With the Charles B. Foote bookplate. 739. LOVELACE (SIR RICHARD). Lucasta: Epodes, Odes, Sonnets, Songs, etc., etc. To which is added Aramantha, a Pastoral. Chiswick, 1817 ; Lucasta : The Poems of Richard Lovelace. In Two Parts. The First, comprising those pub- lished by Himself ; the Second, his Posthumous Poems. Chis- wick, 1818. Frontispieces. 2 vols, in one, half brown le- vant morocco, gilt top, uncut. Chiswick : "Whittinghan, 1817-18 Fine copy, with the plates on India paper. With the Hoe book- plate. 740. LOWELL (MARIA WHITE). Letter of Mrs. James Russel Lowell to Sophia (Mrs. Nathaniel) Hawthorne. Royal 8vo, boards, uncut. [St. Louis] : Privately printed, n. d. Autograph presentation copy from Mr. W. K. Bixby. 741. LYDGATE (JOHN). The tragedies, gathered by Jhon Bochas, of all such Princes as fell from theyr estates throughe the mutability of Fortune since the creation of Adam, vntil his time : wherein may be seen what vices bring menne to destruccion, wyth notable warninges howe the like may be auoyded. Translated into Englysh by John Lidgate, MoNKE OF BuRYE. Title urithin a woodcut border and crude woodcut representing the Creation of Eve, the tempting of Adam, etc. Folio, full red levant morocco, gilt, gilt edges, by Riviere. 142 Imprinted at London, by John Wayland, at the signe of the Sunne ouer against the Condnite in Flete-strete. Cum priuilegio per Septennium. [1555] An exceptionally tall copy of this extremely rare work, measuring 12%x8i/^ inches. On the title-page of the copy of this edition described by Hazlitt is written. ''This hook was bought in the yere of 0*- Lord God 1555," which appears to fix the date earlier than it has usually been given by Lowndes and others. 742. MACAULAY (THOMAS B.). Lays of Ancient Rome. With illustrations , original and from the antique. Small 4to, full crimson levant morocco, gilt back, gilt edges, original brown decorated covers bound in, by Matthews. London : Longmans, 1847 First Edition. An immaculate copy. With the Lrefferts book- plate. 743. MARIE ANTOINETTE. The Life of Marie An- toinette. By Maxime De La Rocheterie. Portraits. 2 vols., 8vo, half calf, gilt, gilt tops. London, 1893 744. [MARLOWE (CHRISTOPHER) AND DAVIES (SIR JOHN).] All Ovids Elegies: 3 Bookes. By C. M. Epigrams by J. D. Small 8vo, full light brown levant moroc- co, gilt, gilt edges, by Riviere. Middlebourgh [1596?] All the editions of this book bear the Middleborough imprint, without date. This is probably First Edition in its complete form. The 15th Elegy, first book, is probably by Ben Jonson: if so, it ia his first printed work. With the Hoe bookplate. 745. MARLOWE (CHRISTOPHER). The Famous Tragedy of the Rich lew of Malta. As it was playd before the King and Qveene, in his Majesties Theatre at White-Hall, by her Majesties Servants at the Cock-pit. Small 4to, full crimson crushed levant morocco, gilt, gilt edges, by Riviere. London: Printed by I. B. for Nicholjis Vavasour, 1633 First Edition. Eare. Published and edited by Thomas Hey- wood many years after the author's death. Although entered at Stationers' Company May 17, 1794, this is the first published ver- 746. MARMION (SHACKERLEY). Hollands Leaguer. An Excellent Comedy as it hath bin lately and often Acted with great applause, by the high and mighty Prince Charles his Servants, at the private house in Salisbury Court. Small 4to, full crimson levant morocco, gilt back and sides, gilt edges, by Riviere. Printed at London by I. B. for lohn Grove, 1632 143 ¥'' So /3r- Ido Jk J(yo First Edition. The rarest of Marmion's Plays. With the Lefferts bookplate. 747. MARMION (SHACKERLEY). The Antiquary. A Comedy, Acted by Her Maiesties Servants at The Cock-Pit. Small 4to, full citron levant morocco, gilt, gilt edges, lower edges uncut, by David. London : Printed by F. K. for I. W. and P. E., 1641 First Edition. This is the best of Marmion's plays, of which he wrote only three. With the Hoe bookplate. 748. MARSTON (JOHN). The Insatiate Countesse. A Tragedie : Acted at White-Fryers. Written by John Marston. Small 4to, full olive levant morocco, gilt tooled, gilt edges, by Bedford. London : I. N. for Hugh Perrie, 1631 Third Edition. Very scarce. Has original final blank (K2). With the Huth bookplate. 749. MARVELL (ANDREW). Miscellaneous Poems. Engraved frontispiece of the author, and printer's device on title. Folio, full olive levant morocco, gilt back and sides, gilt edges, by The Club Bindery. London: Printed foi* Robert Boulter, 1681 Fine copy of the First Edition, extremely rare, with the portrait. There are no pages 117-130 in any copies. 750. MASSINGER (PHILIP). The Roman Actor. A Tragaedie. As it hath diners times beene, with good allow- ance Acted, at the private Play-house in the Black-Friers, by the Kings Majesties Servants. Device on title. Small 4to, full blue levant morocco, blind centre ornaments, gilt edges, by Riviere. London : Printed by B. A. and T. F. for Robert Allot, 1629 First Edition. Eare. This play was considered by Massinger as one of his best productions. Prefixed are 6 commendatory poems by John Ford, Thomas May, Eobert Harvey, and others. 751. MASSINGER (PHILIP). The Renegado, a Tragae Comedie. As it hath beene often acted by the Queenes Maies- ties seruants, at the priuate Play-house in Drurye-Lane. Small 4to, full crimson levant morocco, Jansen style, gilt edges, by The Club Bindery. London : Printed by A. M. for lohn Waterson, 1630 Fine copy of the Eare First Edition. 752. MASSINGER (PHILIP). The Maid of Honove. as it hath beene often Presented with good allowance at the 144 Phoenix in Drvrie-Lane, by the Queenes Maiesties Servants. Small 4to, full dark blue levant morocco, gilt edges, by Brad- street. London: Printed by I. B. for Robert Allot, 1632 First Edition. With the McKee bookplate. 753. MASSINGER (PHILIP). The Emperovr of the East. A Tragae-Comoedie. As it hath beene diuers times ^ acted, at the Blacke-friers, and Globe Play-houses, by the Kings Maiesties Seruants, Small 4to, half blue levant mo- rocco, gilt edges. London : Printed by Thomas Harper, 1632 First Edition. There is a reference to Shakespeare in Sir Aston Cokain 's commendatory poem. 754. MASSINGER (PHILIP). A New Way to Pay Old Debts. A Comedie. As it hath beene often acted at the Phoenix in Drury-Lane, by the Queenes Maiesties servants. ^ Printer's device on title. Small 4to, old sprinkled calf, gilt, gilt edges. London: E. P. for Henry Seyle, 1633 First Edition. This was the most popular of all of Massinger's plays. Has the famous character, Sir Giles Overreach. With the Hoe and George P. Heathcote bookplates. 755. MASSINGER (PHILIP). The Great Dvke of Flor- ence. A Comicall Historic. As it hath beene often presented with good allowance by her Maties. Servants at the Phoenix in Drurie Lane. Ornament on title. Small 4to, polished calf, ■^ gilt edges, by Zaehnsdorf. London: Printed for John Marriot, 1636 First Edition. Has the scarce leaf A4 (placed at end) with the verses addressed to Massinger by George Donne and John Ford the dramatist. Eare. With the Lefferts bookplate. 756. MASSINGER (PHILIP). The Vnnatvrall Combat. A Tragedie. The Scaene Marsellis. Written by Philip Mas- singer. As it was presented by the Kings Majesties Ser- ^ vants at the Globe. Small 4to, full dark blue levant mo- >' rocco, Jansen style, gilt lettered on back and front panel, gilt edges. London : E. G. for John Waterson, 1639 First Edition. Good, clean copy. 757. MASSINGER (PHILIP). The City-Madam. A Comedie. As it was acted at the private House in Black Friers with great applause. Small 4to, half old red morocco. London: Printed for Andrew Pennyenicke, 1659 Second issue of the First Edition. Eare. Only one copy of the first issue, with the date 1658, exists. With the John Wingfield Lark- ing and Lefferts bookplates. 145 758. MAY (THOMAS). Lvcans Pharsalia: or the Civill ^ Warres of Rome, betweene Pompey the great, and Ivlivs /^...-^ Caesar. The whole tenne Bookes. Engraved frontispiece hy Hulsius. Small 8vo, full green levant morocco, Jansen style, gilt edges, by The Club Bindery. London : Printed by Aug. Mathewes, 1631 Second Edition, corrected, and the annotations enlarged by the author. No perfect copy of the First Edition of 1627 is known. With the Lefferts bookplate. A- 7 759. MAY (THOMAS). The Reigne of King Henry the Second, Written in Seaven Bookes. By his Majesties Com- mand. With the rare portrait of Henry II. hy R. Vaughan. Small Svo, full polished calf, gilt edges, by Bedford. London: Printed by A. M. for Benjamin Fisher, 1633 First Edition. Fine copy, with the genuine blank leaves at end and through the volume. 760. MAY (THOMAS). The Reigne of King Henry the Second, Written in Seaven Bookes. By his Majesties Com- mand. Svo, old calf. London : Printed by A. M., 1633 First Edition. With the Marquis of Stafford and Gower Earl Gower bookplates. 761. [MAY (THOMAS).] The Victorious Reigne of King Edward the Third. Written in seven Bookes. By his Majesties Command. Engraved portrait of King Edward Third. Small Svo, full crushed crimson levant morocco, gilt in stipple and line over inlays of black and citron levant in lozenge and arabesque design, in the style of Samuel Mearne, gilt edges, by Riviere. London : Printed for T. Walkley and B. Fisher, 1635 First Edition. Fine, clean copy, in an attractive binding at once striking and delicate. 762. MELMOTH (WILLIAM). The Letters of Pliny the Consul: With Occasional Remarks. The Third Edition, cor- rected. 2 vols., Svo, full polished calf, gilt backs, canary edges, by Bedford. London : Printed for R. Dodsley, 1748 Fine copy. 763. MEREDITH (GEORGE). The Shaving of Shagpat. rC/ An Arabian Entertainment. 8vo, full crimson crushed le- -^ vant morocco, gilt top, uncut, original cloth covers bound in, lettered on side, by Stikeman. London: Chapman & Hall, 1856 First Issue of the First Edition. 146 764. MEREDITH (GEORGE). The Tragic Comedians. J ^ A Study in a Well-known Story. 2 vols., 8vo, original cloth, uncut (first title loose). London: Chapman & Hall, 1880 First Edition. Scarce with the 1880 imprint. , ^ 765. MEREDITH (GEORGE). One of Our Conquerors. ^ ^ First Edition. 3 vols., 8vo, original blue cloth, unopened. London: Chapman & Hall, 1891 766. MEREDITH (GEORGE). Lord Ormont and His ^ Aminta. A Novel. First Edition. 3 vols., 8vo, original >•* cloth. London: Chapman & Hall, 1894 767. MEREDITH (GEORGE). The Amazing Marriage. First Edition. 2 vols., 8vo, original cloth, uncut. ^ "^ Westminster: Constable, 1895 768. [MIDDLETON (THOMAS).] A Mad World my Masters: A Comedy. As it hath bin often Acted at the Pri- vate House in Salisbury Court, by her Majesties Servants. Composed by T. M. Gent. Small 4to, full red levant morocco, S^ gilt-tooled on back and inside borders, gilt, gilt edges, by The Club Bindery. London : Printed for J. S., 1640 Second Edition. Has the original preliminary leaf (Al). With the Hoe bookplate. 769. MIDDLETON (THOMAS). The Mayor of Quin- borough : A Comedy As it hath been often Acted with much Applause at Blaeke-Fryars, By His Majesties Servants. Small 4to, full crimson levant morocco, gilt back and sides, gilt '^ edges, by The Club Bindery. London: Printed for Henry Herringman, 1661 First Edition. 770. MIDDLETON (THOMAS) AND ROWLEY (WILLIAM). The Changeling: As it was Acted (with great Applause) at the Private house in Drury Lane, and Salis- ^ bury Court. Small 4to, old vellum (title strengthened at inner margin). London: Printed for Humphrey Moseley, 1653 First Edition. Scarce. This play was founded on Keynold's "Triumphs of God's Eevenge against Murther. " Rowley's part in the work was insignificant: the play is the best of Middleton's productions and one of the best of the period. Saintsbury com- pares it with the Shakespearean plays. With the Locker bookplate. ^^ 111. MILTON (JOHN). Lycidas. Justa Edouardo King naufrago, ad Amicis moerentibus, amoris & ixvuas xfxetv. 147 /;'•% ju- Si rede calcidum ponas, ubiqxie naufragium est. Pet. Arb. Small 4to, full dark blue levant morocco, elaborately gilt- tooled, gilt edges, by F. Bedford. Cantabrigiae : Apud Thomam Buck, & Rogerum Daniel, 1638 A SPLENDID COPY OF THE EXCESSIVELY RARE FiRST EDITION. The volume is divided into two parts. The first contains an account of King in Latin printed in capitals, supposed by some to have been written by Milton, and Latin and Greek tributes. The second part contains the English tributes and is separated from the first by a distinct title surrounded by heavy black borders. ''Lycidas" comes last in order, and crowns this remarkable collection of elegies. It is not signed in full, but bears the initials of Milton. Brayton Ives-Lefferts-Halsey copy, in particularly choice condition. No copy in Hoe or Huth. [see illustration] 772. [MILTON (JOHN).] Animadversions upon the Re- monstrants Defence against Smectymnvvs. Small 4to, full blue levant morocco, gilt edges, some uncut, by The Club Binderj^ London: Printed for Thomas Underhill, 1641 First Edition. With the Lefferts and Eoss Winans bookplates. 773. [MILTON (JOHN).] Of Prelatical Episcopacy. Small 4to, full blue levant morocco, gilt edges, by The Club Bindery. London : Printed by R. O. and G. D., 1641 First Edition. With the Lefferts and Boss Winans bookplates. 774. [MILTON (JOHN).] Of Reformation Touching Chvrch-Discipline in England: And the Cavses that hitherto have hindered it. Two Bookes, Written to a Freind. Orna- tnents on title. Small 4to, full blue levant morocco, gilt edges, by The Club Bindery. [London] : Printed for Thomas Underhill, 1641 First Edition. Bare. This is the first of Milton's prose works. It was preceded only by "Comus," 1637, and ''Lycida.s, " 1638. It was the first of Milton's contributions to the dispute between Joseph Hall, Bishop of Exeter, his son Eobert, and Arch- bishop Ussher, on the one side, and the five ministers whose united initials formed the name Smectymnuus, on the other side. "With the Lefferts and Eoss Winans bookplates. 775. IVIILTON (JOHN). The Reason of Church-govern- ment Urg'd against Prelaty By Mr. John Milton. In two Books. Small 4to, full blue levant morocco, gilt back and sides, gilt edges, by the Club Bindery. London: E. G. for John Rothwell, 1641 First Edition. With the Lefferts and Winans bookplates. 776. [MILTON (JOHN).] An Answer to a Printed Book intituled Observations vpon some of His Majesties late 148 JUSTA EDOVARDO KING naufrago, ab Amicis moerentibus, amoris SireSfl cdculumpnasy ubique naufraglnm eft. Pet. Arb. CJNTABRlGIt^: Apud Thomam Buck^ & Rogerum Daniel^ cclcberrimse Acadcrai;i? typographos*, 1638. BEAUTIFUL COPY OF MILTON'S LYCIDAS [NUMBER 771] 149 *' 4o Sr- ^1 .-0 Answers and Expresses. Small 4to, half cloth and boards. Printed by his Maiesties Command at Oxford, 1642 First Edition. With the Lefferts and Winans bookplates. 777. [MILTON (JOHN).] An Apology Against a Pam- phlet call 'd a Modest Confutation of the Animadversions upon the Remonstrant against Smectymnuus. Device on title. Small 4to, full blue levant morocco, gilt edges, by The Club Bindery. London: Printed by E. G. for lohn Rothwell, 1642 First Edition. This work was re-issued in 1654 with a iiew title page, probably unsold sheets remaining on the publisher's hands. This copy has a genuine blank leaf following the title. With the Winans bookplate. 778. [MILTON (JOHN).] An Argument or. Debate in Law: of the Great Question concerning the Militia; As it is now Settles by Ordinance of both the Houses of Parliament. Small 4to, full blue levant morocco, gilt back and sides, gilt top, uncut, by The Club Bindery. London: Printed by Tho. Paine, 1642 First Edition. This book is sometimes included in Milton's works, but the *'J. M. " of the title-page was probably John March. With the Lefferts and Winans bookplates. 779. [MILTON (JOHN).] A Reply to the Answer (printed by his Majesties Command at Oxford) to a Printed Book Intituled Observations upon some of his Maiesties late Answers and Expresses. By J. M. Small 4to, half cloth and boards (some lower margins cut into). London: Printed for Matthew Walbancke, 1642 First Edition. With the Winans bookplate. 780. [MILTON (JOHN) .] A View of a Printed Book in- tituled Observations upon His Majesties late Answers and Expresses. Small 4to, half cloth and boards. Oxford: Printed by Leonard Liechfield, 1642 First Edition. With the Lefferts and Winans bookplates. 781. MILTON (JOHN). The Doctrine and Discipline of Divorce. Small 4to, full dark blue levant morocco, gilt edges, by The Club Bindery. London : Imprinted in the yeare, 1644 Second Edition. This edition contains for the first time the ad- monition to Parliament, entitled: ''To the Parliainent of England, with the Assembly," not in the edition of 1643. With the Lefferts and Winans bookplates. 782. [MILTON (JOHN).] An Answer to a Book, Inti- V' tules. The Doctrine and Discipline of Divorce; or, A Plea 150 for Ladies and Gentlewomen, and all other Maried Women against Divorce. Small 4to, full blue levant morocco, gilt edges, by The Club Bindery. London : Printed by G. M. for William Lee, 1644 First Edition. With the Lefferts and Winans bookplates. 783. MILTON (JOHN). Areopagitica ; a Speech of Mr. John Milton For the Liberty of vnlicenc'd Printing, to the Parlament of England. Small 4to, full dark brown crushed levant morocco finely tooled with chaste gilt panel design on both covers, gilt back and inside border, gilt edges, by The Club Bindery. London : Printed in the Yeare 1644 A SUPERB COPY OF THE KXCESSIVELY RARE FiRST EDITION. The work was published in November, 1644, as a protest against an ordinance of Parliament passed June, 1643, for the purpose of re- straining unlicensed printing. In addition to its being one of the boldest assertions of the right of intellectual liberty, it is generally considered Milton's finest prose production. With the Boss Winans bookplate. 784. [MILTON (JOHN).] The Judgement of Martin Bucer, concerning Divorce. Writt's to Edward the sixt, in his second Book of the Kingdom of Christ. Title within wood- cut border. Small 4to, full blue levant morocco, gilt edges, by The Club Bindery. London: Printed by Matthew Simmons, 1644 First Edition. With the Lefferts and Winans bookplates, 785. MILTON (JOHN). Colasterion: A Reply to a Nameless Answer against the Doctrine and Discipline of Divorce. Wherein the trivial Author of that Answer is dis- covered, the Licencer conferr'd with, and the Opinion which they traduce defended. By the former Author, J. M. Small 4to, full blue crushed levant morocco, gilt back and sides by The Club Bindery. [London] : Printed in the Year 1645 First Edition. A scathing reply to the anonymous attack on the famous tract on divorce. With the Lefferts and Winans book- plates. 786. MILTON (JOHN). Poems of Mr. John Milton, both English and Latin, Compos 'd at several times. Printed by his true Copies. Engraved portrait hy William Marshall. Small 8vo, full crimson crushed levant morocco, elaborately tooled and inlaid in black in an English cottage roof design, gilt edges, by Riviere. London: Printed by Ruth Raworth for Humphrey Moseley, 1645 151 6f- ir- 20- r- A First Edition. Extremely Bare. An exceptionally fine copy of a book that usually occurs in poor condition. By reason of a careless folding of the sheets the pagination is generally cut into. In this copy they are intact. The first published work of Milton to bear his name in full. 787. MILTON (JOHN). Poems of Mr. John Milton. Both English and Latin, composed at several times. Printed by his true copies. The Songs were set in Musick by Mr. Henry Lawes. Small 8vo, unbound. London, 1645 First Edition. While the present copy wants the title (which is, however, supplied in manuscript) it may prove valuable to complete an imperfect copy. It has the separate titles to Comus, and the Poemata. 788. MILTON (JOHN). Tetrachordon : Expositions upon the foure chief places in Scripture, which treat of Mariage, or nullities in ^lariage. Small 4to, full blue levant morocco, gilt edges, by The Club Bindery. London: Printed in the yeare 1645 First Edition. Eare. Fine copy. With the Lefferts and Winans bookplates. 789. [MILTON (JOHN).] The Doctrine and Discipline of Divorce ; Restor'd to the good of both Sexes, from the Bond- age of Canon Law, and other mistakes, to the true meaning of Scripture in the Law and Gospel compar 'd. Small 4to, panelled calf, gilt. London : Imprinted in the Year 1645 Probably the Third Edition. Eepeats the errors of the 1644 edition and has not the lines after ''The End." With the Winans bookplate. 790. [MILTON (JOHN).] A Treatise of Magistracy, shewing. The Magistrate hath beene, and for ever is to be the chiefe Officer in the Church, out of the Church, and over the Church ; and that the two Testaments hold forth. Small 4to, full blue levant morocco, gilt edges, by The Club Bindery. Printed in the yeare 1647 First Edition, With the Lefferts and Winans bookplates. . 791. MILTON (JOHN). EIK0N0KAA2THS. In Answer To a Book Intitl'd E'IKfl'N BASIAIKH, The Portraiture of his Sacred Majesty in his Solitude and Sufferings. The Au- thor I. M. Title in red and hlaek. Small 4to, full blue levant morocco, gilt back, gilt edges, by The Club Bindery. London: Printed by Matthew Simmons, 1649 The very Bare First Edition. This book, written in answer to Charles I's "Eikon Basilike" 1648, was after the Bestoration or- dered by the House of Commons, on June 16, 1660, to be burned by 158 the common hangman, together with the "Defensio Pro Populo Anglicano ' ' by the same author. With the Lefferts and Winans book- plates. 792. MILTON (JOHN). EIKONOKAASTHS. In Answer To a Book Intitl'd E'IKfi'N BASIAIKH, The Portraiture of j^ his Sacred Majesty in his Solitude and Sufferings. The Au- thor I. M. Title in red and hlack. Small 4to, original calf. London: Printed by Matthew Simmons, 1649 A FINE CRISP COPY OF THE VeRY EarE FiRST EDITION, IN THE ORIGINAL BINDING. With the bookplate of Kev. H. Randolph. Has some old writing on title and fly-leaf. 793. MILTON (JOHN). EIKONOKAASTHS in Answer To a Book Intitul'd EIKl^N BA2IAIKH, the Portracture ^ of his Sacred Majesty King Charles the First in his Solitudes and Sufferings. 8vo, full blue levant morocco, gilt back and sides, gilt edges, by The Club Bindery. Amsterdam : Printed in the Year 1690 Third Edition. Contains an interesting advertisement at the end of the volume relative to the authorship of the ''Eikon Basilike. " With the Lefferts bookplate. 794. MILTON (JOHN) . The Tenure of Kings and Magis- trates. Small 4to, full blue levant morocco, gilt back and sides, gilt edges, by ChamboUe-Duru. r*-^ London : Printed by Matthew Simmons, 1649 The Rare First Edition. This tract was omitted from all the editions of Milton's prose works until that of 1806, for the reason that the nature of its contents would have made its possession a treasonable offense after the restoration. With the Lefferts and Winans bookplates. 795. MILTON (JOHN). The Tenure of Kings and Mag- istrates: Proving, That it is Lawfull, and hath been held so ■^ through all Ages, for any, who have the Power, to call to Q^^ account a Tyrant, or wicked King, etc. Small 4to, full blue levant morocco, gilt back and sides, entirely uncut, by the Club Bindery. London : Matthew Simmons, 1649 Second Edition. The latter part, from page 47 to 60, is new mat- ter, and does not appear in the First Edition. With the Lefferts and Winans bookplates. 796. [MILTON (JOHN).] Eikon Aklastos. The Image [. Unbroken. A Perspective of the Impudence, Falsehood, Vani- ^^ tie, and Profannes, Published in a Libell entitled Eikonoklas- tes against Eikon Basilike. Or the Pourtraicture of his Sacred Majestic in his solitudes and Sufferings. Small 4to, old calf (rebacked). [London] : Printed Anno Dom. 1651 153 /. 7 First Edition. Extremely rare, rrinted surreptitiously and believed to have been written by Bishop Joseph Jane. 797. MILTON (JOHN). Pro polulo Anglicano Defensio Secunda. Small 8vo, original calf. Londini: Typis Neucomianis, 1654 First Edition. Bound in with Milton's * ' Epostolarum Familiar- ium Liber Unus, " Londini, 1674. With the Winans bookplate. 798. [MILTON (JOHN).] A Declaration of His High- ^^ nes, By the Advice of His Council; Setting forth, On the /'^i^ behalf of this Commonwealth, the Justice of their Cause Against Spain. Small 4to, full dark blue levant morocco, gilt sides. Edinburgh : Eeprinted by Christopher Higgins, 1655 This appears to be the First Edition in English, issued the same year as the Latin edition, and is apparently unknown to Bibliog- raphers. Mitford in his edition of Milton gives the date of the Eng- lish translation as 1738. With the Winans bookplate. 799. MILTON (JOHN). Pro Se. Defensio contra Alex- andrum Morum. Small 8vo, full blue levant morocco, gilt back and sides, gilt edges, by The Club Bindery. Londini: Typis Neucomianis, 1655 First Edition. Fine copy. With the Lefferts and Winans book- O^^-^ 800. MILTON (JOHN). A Treatise of Civil Power in Ecclesiastical causes: Shewing That it is not,lawfull for any power on earth to compell in matters of Religion. Small 12mo, original calf (loose in covers), in morocco solander case. London : Printed by Tho. Newcomb, 1659 First Edition. With the Winans bookplate. 801. MILTON (JOHN). Considerations touching the likeliest means to remove Hirelings out of the Church. Where- in is also discourc 'd of Tithes, Church-fees, Church-revenues ; and whether any maintenance of ministers can be settl'd by law. Small 12mo, full blue levant morocco, gilt back and sides, gilt edges, by The Club Bindery. London: Printed by T. N. for L. Chapman, 1659 First Edition. Fine copy. With the Winans bookplate. 802. MILTON (JOHN). Brief Notes Upon a late Ser- mon, Titl'd The Fear of God and the King. Wherein many Notorious Wrestings of Scripture, and other Falsities are observed by J. M. Small 4to, full blue levant morocco, gilt back and sides, gilt edges, by the Club Bindery. London: Printed in the Year 1660 First Edition. Scarce. With the Lefferts and Winans bookplates. 154 803. MILTON (JOHN). The Readie & Easie Way to Establish a Free Commonwealth, and The Excellence thereof Compared with The Inconveniences and dangers of readmit- ting kingship in this nation. The author. J. M. Small 4to, j1& half dark green morocco, gilt top. London : Printed by T. N., 1660 First Edition. With the Winans bookplate. 7{L r- 804. MILTON (JOHN). Accedence Commenc't Gram- mar. Small 12mo, original calf, in morocco solander case, by The* Club Bindery. London: Printed for S. S., 1669 First Edition. Fine copy in the original binding. Copies of this work occur with the initials "J. M." instead of the full name of the Author. The title is also differently set up. With the Lefferts and Winans bookplates. 805. MILTON (JOHN). Paradise Lost. A Poem Writ- ten in Ten Books. By John Milton. Small 4to, full maroon levant morocco, gilt back, sides richly ornamented with a broad gilt border, gilt edges, by The Club Bindery. London : Printed, and are to be sold by Peter Parker, 1667 ^^ — ' First Edition, with the First Title-page, having the author's name in large type. A very fine copy. Mr. Hagen has written on the fly-leaf that this copy was "Bebound from original calf binding which ivas too far gone to repair." In the process of binding it was seen that the title-page was part of a signature, and not a sep- arate LEAF as in the case of the issue with the ''Second" title, 1667, which would seem to settle the priority of these two titles. At the back of the volume has been bound in, the ' ' Fourth ' ' title-page, with the additional matter and the ''Errata," which was not included in the genuine first issue. The genuine blank leaves at front and end are present. On one of the former is written "Betty Elsley, YorJc, October the 15, 1765. 806. MILTON (JOHN). Paradise Lost. A Poem Writ- ten in Ten Books. By John Milton. Small 4to, original calf, back restored at top, in green levant solander case. London: Printed, and are to be sold by Peter Parker, 1667 First Edition, with the Second Title-page. Crisp copy in the original binding. The present copy shows the original title-page to have been cancelled, with the stub clearly in evidence, and the new title added, with the name of the author in small caps. The present copy contains "The Argument," "The Verse" and the "Errata," notwithstanding the Grolier Collation (Wither to Prior) states that this preliminary matter was not added until the edition with the ' ' Fourth ' ' title-page. The Church Catalogue agrees with the Grolier Catalogue in regard to these preliminary leaves, not only in this, but also in the following issue, and copies possessing the ADDED matter ARE UNUSUAL. A Comparison of the "Errata" in Second and Third issues (in the present collection) with that in the Fourth, shows that it was evidently reset in the latter issue. There is a curious error in the last line but one of the ' ' Errata, " " Lib. 2 ' ' being misprinted for "Lib. 6." 155 ff- v/o' irr- fc lio 807. MILTON (JOHN). Paradise Lost. A Poem in Ten Books. The Author J. M. Small 4to, full green levant mo- rocco, gilt and blind-tooled back and sides, gilt edges, by Eiviere. London: Printed, and are to be sold by Peter Parker, 1668 First Edition, with the Third Title-page. The author's initials only appearing on the title-page, and the word *' Written' ' dropped. This edition also has the preliminary matter, similar in typog- raphy with that in the previous issue, and having the curious error in the last line but one of the ''Errata." • 808. MILTON (JOHN). Paradise Lost. A Poem in Ten Books. The Author John Milton. Printer's ornaments of fleur-de-Us. Small 4to, full red straight-grain morocco, gilt back, gilt edges,' by Hayday. London: Printed by S. Simmons, 1668 First Edition, with the Fourth Title-page. With the preliminary leaves, containing the six-line note ''The Printer to the Reader" signed S. Simmons. This matter has "evidently been reset, as there are a number of typographical differences. With the Twopeny and Tho. Trollope Browne bookplates. 809. MILTON (JOHN). Paradise Lost. A Poem in Ten Books. The Author John Milton. Small 4to, red levant mo- rocco, gilt and blind tooled back and sides, gilt edges, by Riviere. London: Printed by S. Simmons, 1669 First Edition with the Fifth Title-page (usually termed the Seventh). This edition has also the preliminary leaves, with the six-line note "The Printer to the Reader/' signed by ^. Simmons. Fine copy. 810. MILTON (JOHN). Paradise Lost. A Poem in Ten Books. The Author John Milton. Small 4to, full dark blue levant morocco, gilt back and sides, gilt edges, by The Club Bindery. London : Printed by S. Simmons, 1669 First Edition, with the Sixth Title-page (usually termed the Seventh). This evidently has the preliminary leaves printed from the same type as the added matter in the Second and Third issues, as it contains the curious error in the last line but one of the ''Er- rata, ' ' and is without the note ' ' The Printer to the Eeader. ' ' With the Lefferts bookplate. 811. MILTON (JOHN). Paradise Lost. A Poem in Twelve Books. The Author John Milton. Engraved frontis- piece portrait hy Dolle. 8vo, full blue levant morocco, gilt back, sides tooled in Grolieresque style, gilt edges, by Riviere. London: Printed by S. Simmons, 1674 Fine copy of the Second Edition, '^revised and augmented by the same Author." Rare. 156 812. MILTON (JOHN). Paradise Lost. A Poem in Twelve Books. The Third Edition. Eevised and Augmented by the same Author. Portrait of Milton by Dolle. 8vo, orig- inal sheep (new back and corners). '^ London: Printed by S. Simmons, 1678 Good copy, with the two blanks at end to complete signature Y. Has the James E. Millard bookplate. 813. MILTON (JOHN). Paradise Lost. A Poem in Twelve Books. Brilliant impressions of the portrait hy White, and illustrations. Folio, polished calf, rebacked. ^ London: Printed by Miles Flesher, for Jacob Tonson, 1688 Large Paper Copy of the First Illustrated Edition, with list of ^'the names of the Nobility and Gentry that encouraged by subscrip- tion the Printing of this Edition." With the bookplate of Harring- ton Hudson, and autograph note by John Hudson, on title. 814. MILTON (JOHN). Paradise Lost. A Poem in Twelve Books. Portrait of Milton, engraved hy White, and ^ 12 plates. Folio, old calf. London: Printed for Jacob Tonson, 1692 Fifth Edition. Bound with this are Milton's Paradise Eegained, Third Edition, 1688, and Samson Agonistes, 1688. The plate to the third book is supplied from the original issue. 815. MILTON (JOHN). Paradise Lost. A Poem in Twelve Books. Fine portrait of Milton, hy White, and en- graved plates hy Burghers. Folio, old calf, hinges weak. J^ London, 1695 Sixth Edition. Bound in with the above are: Paradise Eegained, 4th Edition; Poems, 3d Edition, Samson Agonistes, 1695, and Notes on Paradise Lost, by Hume. 816. MILTON (JOHN). Paradise Lost. A Poem in Twelfe Books. Portrait of Milton, and hrilliant engravings, i^^ PROOF PLATES. 2 vols. royal 8vo, original calf, gilt backs. London : Printed for Jacob Tonson, 1705 Large Paper Copy, with Proof Plates. Lord Ashbrook's fine ^ copy, with his bookplate. 817. MILTON (JOHN). Paradise Lost. A Poem in Twelve Books. The Eighth Edition with Sculptures. Por- ■^ trait of Milton (Faithorne) , and plates hy Fland. 8vo, orig- inal calf. London: Printed for Jacob Tonson, 1707 818. MILTON (JOHN). Paradise Lost. A Poem, in ^ Twelve Books. Portrait of Milton, with Dry den's verses he- neath, and copper plates. Small 12mo, original calf. London: Printed for Jacob Tonson, 1711 157 /^ ;v ^ >/- ^-

dr 12 852. MILTON (JOHN). Letters of State, Written by John Milton, To most of the Soverei^ Princed and Repub- licks of Europe. From the Year 1649 Till the Year 1659. Small 8vo, full blue levant morocco, gilt back and sides, gilt edges, by The Club Bindery. London: Printed in the Year 1694 Fine copy of the First Edition. Contains four sonnets published here for the first time, also a Catalogue of Milton's Works published up to that time (1694). This is a translation by Milton's nephew, Edward Phillips, of Milton's ''Literae Pseudo-Senatus Anglicani, " 1676. Phillips also wrote the Life of Milton contained in the work. With the Lefferts and Winans bookplates. 853. MILTON (JOHN). The Secrets of Government and Misteries of State, Plainly laid open, in all the several forms of Government in the Christian World. 8vo, full blue le- vant morocco, gilt back and sides, gilt edges, by The Club Bindery. [London] : Printed in the Year 1697 Fine copy of the rare First Edition. This work was written by Sir Walter Raleigh, and edited by Milton. With the Lefferts and Winans bookplates. 854. MILTON (JOHN). Amyntor: or, a Defence of Mil- ton's Life. 8vo, old mottled calf. London, 1699 Contains a history of the book ''Icon Basilike, " proving Dr. Gauden, and not King Charles the First, to be the author of it. 855. MILTON (JOHN). The Hymn of Adam and Eve, Out of the Fifth Book of Milton's Paradise Lost. Set to fi- Musisk by Mr. Gailliard. Engraved on copper throughout , the title hy J. Pine; the Music hy Tho. Atkins. Oblong 4to, half calf. Printed by I. Walsh, 1728 Very fine copy. From the library of T. W. Taphouse, Oxford. 856. MILTON (JOHN). Comus, a Mask: (Now adapted to the Stage) as Alter 'd from Milton's Mask at Ludlow-Cas- CS tie, which was never represented but on Michaelmas-Pay, 1634. 8vo, green paper covers. London: Printed by J. Hughs, 1738 The Second Edition of this form of the Masque. Adapted for the Stage. Among the players were Mr. Quinn, Mr. Gibber, Mrs. Clive and Mrs. Cib&r. 75 857. MILTON (JOHN). Ode on the Nativity. Square 16mo, full gray calf, uncut, original gray paper covers bound in, by Morley. Oxford : Printed by H. Daniel, 1894 Scarce. With the H. W. Poor bookplate. 164 858. MILTON (JOHN). Comus ''A Maske Presented at Ludlow Castle, 1634." Introduction by Luther S. Livings- ton. Small 4to, cloth. New York: Dodd, Mead & Co., 1903 Japan Paper, one of 20 copies so issued. Facsimile of First Edition. 859. MILTON (JOHN) . The Poetical Works of Mr. John Milton. Containing Paradise Lost [Sixth Edition], Paradise Regain 'd [Fourth Edition], Samson Agonistes, and his Poems on several Occasions [Third Edition]. Engraved portrait hy White. Folio, old calf, rebacked. London: Printed for Jacob Tonson, 1695 Contains also Explanatory Notes on each Book of the Paradise Lost, and a Table never before printed. 860. MILTON ( JOHN) . The Poetical Works of Mr. John Milton. Portrait of Milton, Aet. 66, hy Vertue, and vignettes hy Vander Gucht. 2 vols. 4to, original mottled calf (hinges weak). London: Printed for Jacob Tonson, 1720 A handsomely printed edition, in large type. These volumes contain: Paradise Lost; Paradise Regained; Samson Agonistes, and the Poems; also, ** Notes upon the Twelve Books of Paradise Lost," by Mr. Addison. 861. MILTON (JOHN) . The Works of John Milton, His- torical, Political, and Miscellaneous. Now more correctly printed from the Originals, than in any former Edition, and many passages restored, which have been hitherto omitted. To which is prefixed. An Account of his Life and Writings. Engraved portrait of Milton hy Yertne. 2 vols. London, 1753; Paradise Lost. Third Edition, with Notes by Thomas Newton. Portraits hy Vertue. 2 vols. London, 1754; Para- dise Regain 'd. With Newton's Notes. Portrait hy Vertue. London, 1752. 5 vols. 4to, original calf (hinges weak). London, 1752-54 862. MILTON (JOHN). The Poetical Works of Milton. With a Critic upon Paradise Lost by Mr. Addison; A Glos- sary, and an Index; The Life of Milton; and a Preface, in which are inserted characters of the several pieces. In two volumes. 8v6, original calf (worn and shaken). Edinburgh, 1755 Only one volume of this Scotch edition was published. It contains the whole of Paradise Lost. 863. MILTON (JOHN). The Poetical Works of John Milton. With a Life of the • Author, by William Hayley. 165 ^2. Portraits of Milton, and engraved plates after the desigiis of West all. 3 vols., folio, full dark green straight-grain mo- rocco, gilt backs and sides, gilt edges (rubbed). London: Printed by Bulmer and Co., 1794 This is the handsome Boydell Edition and contains Paradise Lost, Paradise Eegained, Samson Agonistes and the Poems. 864. MILTON (JOHN). The Poetical Works of John Milton. Consisting of Paradise Lost and Regained, and Poems JJ on Several Occasions, from the Text of Dr. Newton. With the Life of the Author. Engraved portrait of Milton hy Holly and 6 plates engroAjed hy Nutter, Ridley and Strange, in- serted. 8vo, full crimson levant morocco, Jansen style, gilt top, uncut, by Taffin. ' Boston: Printed by Joseph Bumstead, 1796 A superb copy of this early American edition of Milton's Poems. cT- yr- ^''- /3 Jb- 865. MILTON (JOHN). Poetical Works, from the text of Doctor Newton: With a Critical Essay by J. Akin, M.D. Engraved frontispieces hy James Akin, Newhuryport, and S. Harris. 2 vols., 24mo, original sheep (one cover loose). Charlestown : S. Etheridge and C. Stebbins, 1805 866. MILTON (JOHN). Poetical AA^orks. Edited by Sir Egerton Brydges. Illustrated with the beautiful series of plates and vignettes after Turner and Westall, and portrait of Milton. 6 vols., 8vo, original cloth, uncut. London: John Macrone, 1835 867. MILTON (JOHN). Poetical Works. With A Me- moir and Critical Remarks on his Genius and Writings, by James Montgomery. 120 engravings hy John Thompson and others from drawings hy William Harvey. 2 vols., 8vo, full brown levant morocco, gilt tooled back and borders, gilt edges, by Bedford. London: Tilt and Bogue, 1843 First Issue of Tilt's Edition. One of two copies on India paper. With the Hoe bookplate in each volume. 868. MILTON (JOHN). PoeticalAVorks. Etchings, mez- zotints, and copper plates hy William Hyde. 4to, original cloth, gilt top, uncut. London : Astolat Press, 1904 869. MILTONIANA. EIK12N A'AH'GINH. The Povr- traitvre of Truths most sacred ]\Iajesty truly suffering, though not solely. Wherein the false colours are washed off, where- with the Painter-steiner had bedawbed Truth, the late King and the Parliament, in his counterfeit Piece entituled Etx^T 166 ^aaCKiKri. Published to undeceive the World. Engraved frontispiece showing a hand drawing hack a curtain and re- vealing Dr. Gauden. Small 4to, full dark blue levant mo- rocco, Jansen style, gilt edges, by Riviere. London: Printed by Thomas Paine, 1649 First Edition, very rare. This is an attack upon the authorship of Eikon Basilike claimed to have been written by Charles I and which brought forth Milton's Eikonclastes. 870. MILTONIANA. EIK12N H'niSTH, or, The faith- full Pourtraicture of a Loyall Subject, in Vindication of EIKfiN BASIAIKH. Otherwise Intituled, the Pourtraic- ture of His Sacred Majestic in his Solitudes & Sufferings. In Answer to an insolent Book, Intituled EIK12N AVHeiNH. With the engraved frontispiece showing King Charles I. seated with two figures standing hehind him. Small 4to, full blue levant morocco, gilt edges, by Riviere. Printed in the Year 1649 First Edition. Fine copy. Rare. 871. MILTONIANA. [Phillips (John).] A Satyr against Hypocrites. Ornament on title. Small 4to, full pol- ished calf, gilt edges (covers loose). . London : Printed for O. B. and R. H., 1680 This attack on Oliver Cromwell was attributed to Milton and was once advertised for sale as his production. A note on title states that this copy formerly belonged to Eev. Mark Pattison. 872. MILTONIANA. A Vindication of King Charles the Martyr, Proving that His Majesty was the Author of EIK12N BASIAIKH. Against a Memorandum said to be Written by the Earl of Anglesey : and Against the Exceptions of Dr. Walker, and Others. Small 4to, three-quarter blue levant morocco, uncut, by The Club Bindery. London: Printed for Joseph Hindmarsh, 1693 Fine copy, in rare uncut state. With the Lefferts bookplate. 873. MILTON (JOHN). Explanatory Notes and Re- marks on Milton's Paradise Lost. By J. Richardson, Father and Son. With the Life of the Author, and a Discourse on the Poem. By J. R. Sen. Portrait frontispiece. 8vo, old stamped purple calf. London, 1734 874. [MILTON (JOHN).] Cursory Remarks on some of the Ancient Poets, particularly Milton. [By Peter Neve.] 8vo, full crimson levant morocco, gilt, gilt edges, by F. Bed- ford. London [Privately Printed], 1789 With the bookplate of William Twopeny. 167 s- /3&' >V^' / 875. [MILTON (JOHN).] Milton Tercentenary. Ex- hibition at Christ's College, Cambridge, 1908; Christ's Col- lege Magazine. Milton Tercentenary Number, 1908; Milton as a Historian (Frith), and 5 other pamphlets. 8 pieces, 8vo, wrappers. V. p., 1908-10 876. MIRROR OF POLICY. The Mirrovr of Policie. A Worke nolesse profitable than necessarie, for all Magistrates, and Gouernours of Estates and Commonweales. Printer^ s device on title. Woodcuts, and the two rare folding leaves "The Tree of Justice'' and "The Tree of Sacrifice." Small 4to, full brown levant morocco, gilt and blind tooling, gilt edges. London : Printed by Adam Islip, 1598 Fine copy of the Eare First Edition.. A curious and amusing book, from the French of Guillaume de la Parriere, full of enter- taining observations on the customs of different nations and social duties, interspersed with poetry and quotations. With the Hoe book- plate. 877. MIRROR FOR MAGISTRATES. The First Parte of the Mirour for Magistrates; The Last parte of the Mir our for Magistrates. Separate titles, paginations, and signa- ture marks. 3 vols, in one, 8vo, full dark green levant moroc- co, gilt lettered back, gilt tooled inside borders, gilt on marbled edges, by Riviere. Imprinted at London by Thomas Marshe, Anno 1575 Black Letter. From the library of William Cole, with bookplate and a note in his autograph, 1744-5, stating it was a duplicate from ' * ye Royal public Library. ' ' These issues of the Mirour are very rare, neither being knoAvn to the Grolier collators. The First Part was written entirely by John Higgins, the Second Part edited by William Baldwin, ending with the Legend of Shore's Wife, by Churchyard. A splendid copy. 878. MIRROR FOR MAGISTRATES. The Second part of the Mirrour for Magistrates, conteining the falles of the infortunate Princes of this Lande. From the Conquest of Caesar, vnto the Commyng of Duke William the Conquerour. 4to russia, gilt fillets, gilt edges (corners of several leaves supplied). [London] : Richard Webster, 1578 First and only separate Edition of this part. Printed in Black Letter. The legends, twelve in number, were written by Thomas Blener-Hasset. This together with the 1575 edition of the First and Last parts completes the work. With the Hoe book- plate. . iP 879. MIRROR FOR MAGISTRATES (A) : Being a True y/^ Chronicle Historic of the Untimely falles of such unfortunate Princes and men of note, as have happened since the first entrance of Brute into this Hand, untill this our latter Age. Irf^ Small 4to, full maroon levant morocco, gilt back and sides, gilt edges, by Eiviere. London: Felix Kyngston, 1610 Very Scarce. This edition incorporates all the three earlier parts of the **Mirrour for Magistrates" into one volume, with the addi- tion of * * A Winter Night 's Vision ' ' and ' ' England 's Eliza, ' ' writ- ten by the editor, Richard Nicols. Hazlitt reprints a portion of this volume as the foundation story of ' ' King Lear. ' ' 880. MOORE (THOMAS). The Odes of Anacreon. Translated by Thomas Moore. With 54 illustraUons after de- signs hy Girodet de Eoussy. Now first produced in England. Oblong 12mo, half brown morocco (hinges weak). London: Hotten [1869] 881. MORE (SIR THOMAS). Vtopia: Containing, an Excellent, Learned, Wittie, and Pleasant Discourse of the best state of a Publike Weale, as it is found in the Gouern- ment of the new He called Vtopia. First written in Latine by . . . Sir Thomas More, . . . and translated into English by Raphe Robinson. Engraved portrait of Sir Thomas More. Small 4to, full green crushed levant morocco, gilt tooled sides and back, gilt edges, by The Club Bindery. London: Printed by Bernard Alsop, 1624 This is the Raphe Robinson translation and is much rarer than the edition of 1639, which is usually called the first edition. Printed in Roman type. 882. MORE (SIR THOMAS). The Commonwealth of Utopia: Containing a Learned and pleasant Discourse of the best state of a Publike-Weale, as it is found in the Govern- ment of the new He called Vtopia. Engraved title containing a portrait of More, hy Marshall. Small 12mo, full maroon levant morocco, gilt back, gilt edges, by The Club Bindery. London: Printed by B. Alsop & T. Fawcet, 1639 Fine copy. Rare. 883. MORE (SIR THOMAS). The Historic of the Piti- fvll Life, and unfortunate Death of Edward the fifth, and the then Duke of Yorke his brother: With the troublesome and tyrannical government of usurping Richard the third, and his miserable end. Engraved portraits of Edward V. and Richard III. Small 12mo, polished calf, gilt back, gilt edges, by Pratt. London: Printed by Thomas Payne, 1641 First Edition. Rare. Halliwell-Phillipps remarks that the his- torical portions of ''Richard Til" are taken from More. Shake- speare must have used a manuscript copy, as this is the first printed edition of the work. With the Lefferts bookplate. l§9 884. MORE (THOMAS). The Life of Sir Thomas More, Kt. Lord High Chancellour of England Under K. Henry the Eighth, and His Majesty's Embassadour to the Courts of /J\^^^ France and Germant. By his Great Grandson, Thomas More, ^ '^ Esq. Engraved portrait of Thomas More hy Vertue after Holbein. 8vo, old calf, blind tooling. London: Printed for James Woodman, 1726 ^ /^ 5> II ti^ irf' 885. MORE (SIR THOMAS). Philomorus. A Brief Examination of the Latin Poems of Sir Thomas More. At- dine device on title. Small 8vo, half citron levant morocco, -^ gilt top,- uncut, by R. W. Smith. London : Pickering, 1842 886. MOTTEUX (PETER) . The Loves of Mars & Venus. A Play set to Music, As it is Acted at the New Theatre, in Little Lincolns Inn-Fields. By His Majesty's Servants. Small 4to, half red morocco, gilt top, by Stikeman. London: Printed in the Year 1697 First Edition. Contains the final leaf ''An explanation of the Fable of Mars and Venus. ' ' With the LefPerts bookplate. 887. MOTTEUX (PETER). Love 's Triumph. An Opera. ,^ As it is Perform 'd at the Queen 's Theatre in the Hay-Market. Small 4to, half dark green morocco. London: Printed for Jacob Tonson, 1708 First Edition. With the Lefferts bookplate. WITH FORE-EDGE PAINTINGS 888. MUSAE SEATONIANAE : A Complete Collection of the Cambridge Prize Poems from the First Institution of that Premium by the Rev. Thomas Seaton, in 1750, to the Year 1806. To which are added. Three Poems, Likewise written for the Prize, by Mr. Bally, Mr. Scott, and Mr. Wrangham. 2 vols., 8vo, contemporary red straight-grain morocco, gilt and blind tooled back and sides, gilt edges, by Dickenson. Cambridge, 1808 With two fore-edge paintings under gilt, one of Queen's Col- lege from the Eiver; the other of Trinity Hall. 889. NABBES (THOMAS). Microcosmus. A Morall Maske, Presented with generall liking, at the private house in Salisbury Court, and heere Set down according to the in- tention of the Author. Device on title. Small 4to, full crim- son levant morocco, gilt tooled back and borders, gilt top, by Bradstreet 's. London : Printed by Richard Oulton for Charles Greene, 1637 First Edition. Scarce. A very fine copy. 170 890. NAUNTON (SIR ROBERT). Pragmenta Regalia, or, Observations on the late Queen Elizabeth, Her Times and Favorits. Small 4to, three-quarter crimson levant morocco, gilt edges, by The Club Bindery. Printed Anno Dom. 1641 Second Edition, with the peacock ornament on title-page, and the work ending at F2. 891. NAUNTON (SIR ROBERT). Fragmenta Regalia, or Observations on The Late Queen Elizabeth, Her Times and Favourites. Frontispiece portrait of Queen Elizabeth. Small 4to, half morocco. Printed Anno Dom. 1642 Second Edition. 892. NEWMAN (JOHN, Cardinal). Verses on Various Occasions. Small 8vo, original cloth, uncut. London, 1868 First Edition, with the very scarce Appendix dated February 21, 1868, laid in. 893. [NEWTON (THOMAS).] Seneca his Tenne Trage- dies, Translated into English. Title printed within orna- mental woodcut border. Partly printed in Black Letter. Small 4to, sprinkled calf. Imprinted at London ... by Thomas Marsh, 1581 A Fine Large Copy of the Extremely Rare First Edition. Witb the preliminary blank Ai. An engraved portrait of Seneca is; inserted. With bookplate of Clarence S. Bement. 894. NEW YORK. The Champlain Tercentenary. First Report of the New York Lake Champlain Tercentenary Com- mission. Prepared by Henry Wayland Hill; [also] The Final Report. Illustrated. 2 vols., 4to, cloth. Albany, 1913: 895. ODES from the Greek Dramatists. Edited by A. W., Pollard, 1899; Death No Bane. Translation of Cicero's, by Robert Black, 1889; Sappho, by H. T. Wharton, 1887. 3; vols., 12mo, white vellum and boards, gilt tops, uncut. London and Chicago, 1887-99 896. ODES of Horace (Gladstone). N. Y.: Scribner, 1894; In the Footprints of Charles Lamb (Martin), 1890; Sterne's Sentimental Journey. Leloir illustrations. 1887. 3 vols., 8vo and royal 8vo, cloth, gilt tops, uncut. N. Y. and Phila., 1887-94 ! 171 Sc If- ^0 ^0 ^0- ^0 — Sc 897. OGILBY (JOHN, Translator). The Works of Pub- lius Virgilius Maro. Portrait mid fine engraved title hy Marshall. 8\o, full maroon straight-grain morocco, gilt tooled, gilt edges, by The Club Bindery. London: Printed by T. R. and E. M. for John Crook, 1649 FiRSl- Edition. Scarce. Has the leaf of imprimatur preceding text. With th6 Lefferts bookplate. 898. OGILBY (JOHN). The Works of Publius Virgil- ius Maro, translated by John Ogilby. Engraved title and plates. 8vo, full sprinkled calf, canary edges. [London] : Sold by Thomas Guy, 1684 Eare edition. The engraved title by Marshall to the 1649 edition is here copied by Drapentier. The illustrations appear here for the first time. 899. OTWAY (THOMAS). Titus and Berenice, a Trag- edy, Acted at the Duke's Theatre. With a Farce called the Cheats of Scapin. Small 4to, half brown morocco. London : Printed for Richard Tonson, 1677 First Edition. The scene of the Tragedy is laid at Rome, that of the Farce at Dover. With the Lefferts bookplate. 900. OTWAY (THOMAS). The Orphan: or, the Un- happy-Marriage: A Tragedy, As it is Acted at His Royal Highness the Duke's Theatre. Small 4to, half brown levant morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Riviere. London: Printed for R. Bentley and M. Magnes, 1680 A SUPERB COPY of the Eare First Edition, with lateral and LOWER EDGES UNCUT. With the Lefferts bookplate. 901. OTWAY (THOMAS). Venice Preserv'd, or, a Plot Discover 'd. A Tragedy. As it is Acted at the Duke's Theatr. [sic]. Small 4to, half brown calf. London : Printed for Joseph Hindmarsh, 1682 First Edition. With the Lefferts bookplate. 902. OTWAY (THOMAS). Windsor Castle, in a Monu- ment To our Late Sovereign K. Charles II. Of ever Blessed Memory. A Poem. Small 4to, full vellum. London : Printed for Charles Brome, 1685 First Edition. With the Hoe bookplate. 903. PARNELL (DR. THOMAS). Poems on Several Occasions. Written by Dr. Thomas Parnell and Published 172 by Mr. Pope. 8vo, full panelled calf, gilt back a;id sides, by Riviere. London: Printed for B. Lintot, 1722 First Edition. Fine copy. The Dedication is by Pope. 904. [PAYNE (NEVIL).] The Fatal Jealousie. A Tragedy. Acted at the Duke's Theatre. Small 4to, half brown morocco. London : Printed for Thomas Bring, 1673 First Edition. The character of Jasper is founded on Shake- speare 's lago. Among the actors is Nat Lee, the poet. With the Lefferts bookplate. 905. PEACHAM (HENRY). Minerva Britanna or a Garden of Heroical Devises, furnished, and adorned with Emblemes and Impresa's of sundry natures, Newly devised, moralized, and published. Engraved title and 204 woodcut emblems. 4to, old red morocco, handsomely tooled on back and sides, gilt edges, [by C. Lewis]. London: Wa: Dight [1612] An Extremely Scarce book of Emblems, in especially fine condi- tion. With the bookplates of Edward Dyneley and C. S. Bement. 906. PEACHAM (HENRY). The Valley of Varietie; or, Discourse fitting for the Times, Containing very Learned and rare Passages out of Antiquity, Philosophy, and History. Collected for the use of all ingenious Spirits, and true lovers of Learning. 12mo, original vellum wrappers. London : Printed by M. P. for lames Becket, 1638 From the libraries of Thomas Jolley, with bookplate, and J. Payne Collier, with his autograph and written notation, * ' A curious and rare little hooTc." With the Hoe bookplate. 907. PEPYS (SAMUEL). Memoirs, Comprising His Diary from 1659 to 1669. And A Selection from His Private Correspondence. Edited by Richard, Lord Braybrooke. Por- traits engraved after Lely and Kneller, and other facsimiles and illustrations. 2 vols., 4to, three-quarter crimson levant morocco, gilt, gilt edges. London: Henry Colburn, 1825 First Edition. Scarce. Fine copy, Avell bound. 908. [PERCY (THOMAS, Bishop).] Reliques of An- cient English Poetry: Consisting of Old Heroic Ballads, Songs, and other Pieces of our earlier Poets. Frontispiece hy Grignion, and engraved vignettes on titles. 3 vols., 8vo, old mottled calf. London, 1765 First Edition, Contains material omitted in the later editions. 173 // ^^ f' 909. PETRONIUS ARBITER. Fragmentum Traguriense. 8vo, original vellum. Norimbergae : Michaelis & Joh. Friderici, 1667 From the Sunderland library. 910. [PHILIPS (JOHN).] Cyder. A Poem. In Two Books. Frontispiece engraved hy Van der Gucht. 8vo, full olive levant morocco, gilt, gilt edges, by the Club Bindery. London: Jacob Tonson, 1708 First Edition. With the Lefferts bookplate. 911. PHILLIPS (JOHN). Poems attempted In the Style of Milton. With a new Account of his Life and Writings. Engraved frontispiece portrait, and copper-plates hy Walker. Small 8vo, original calf. London: Printed for J. and R. Tonson, 1762 912. PHILIPS (MRS. KATHERINE). Poems By the most deservedly Admired IMrs. Katherine Philips the match- less Orinda. To which is added Monsieur Corneille's Pompey & Horace, Tragedies. With several other Translations out of French. With brilliant impression of the portrait hy Faithorne. Folio, full mottled calf, gilt edges, by Riviere. London: Printed by J. M. for Henry Herringman, 1667 First Authorized Edition, with genuine blank leaf at the end. Very fine copy. This edition contains 47 more poems than the unauthorized edition of 1664. With the Lefferts bookplate. 913. PHILIPS (WILLIAM). The Revengeful Queen: A ^ ^ Tragedy. As it was Acted at the Theatre-Royal. Small 4to, rr half brown morocco, by the Club Bindery. London: P. Buck, 1698 First Edition. With the half-title containing a list of books published by Buck. With the Lefferts bookplate. ir- 1^'- 1 914. PHILLIPS (EDWARD). Theatrum Poetamm, or a Compleat Collection of the Poets, Especially the most Emi- nent of all Ages. The Antients distinguished from the Mod- erns in their several Alphabets. Small 12mo, full blue levant morocco, gilt back, gilt edges, by Riviere. London : Printed for Charles Smith, 1675 First Edition. Fine copy. Eare. The criticisms on Shakespeare and Marlowe, and other matter in this volume have been attributed to Milton, the uncle of Phillips. 915. PLUTARCH. Miscellanies and Essays. Comprising all his Works collected under the title of ''Morals." Trans- 174 lated from the Grreek by several hands. Corrected and re- vised by William W. Goodwin. 5 vols., 8vo, half pig skin, gilt tops, uncut. Boston: Little, Brown and Co., 1889 Large Type Library Edition. 916. PLUTARCH'S LIVES. The Translation called Dry- den's. Corrected from the Greek and Revised by A. H. Clough. 5 vols., 8vo, half calf (slightly rubbed). Boston : Little, Brown, 1878 917. POE (EDGAR ALLAN). The Works of the late Edgard Allan Poe : With Notices of his Life and Genius. By N. P. Willis, J. R. Lowell, and R. W. Griswold. Mezzotint portrait of Poe hy Sartain. 2 vols., 12mo, original red cloth gilt, gilt edges. New York : Redfield, 1850 Fine copy of the First Collected Edition. 918. POETICAL REGISTER (THE) : or. The Lives and Characters of all the English Poets. With an Account of their Writings. Frontispieces containing medallion portraits and also full page portraits, hy Van der Giwht. 2 vols., 8vo, panelled calf, rebacked. London, 1823 First Edition. Believed to have been by Giles Jacobs. Has the Gregory L. Way and another bookplate in each volume. 919. [POPE (ALEXANDER).] Poetical Miscellanies: The Sixth Part. Containing a Collection of Original Poems with Several New Translations. By the most Eminent Hands. Engraved frontispiece hy M. Burghers. 8vo, full brown crushed levant morocco, gilt, gilt back, gilt edges, by The Club Bindery. London: Printed for Jacob Tonson, 1709 The three following pieces, by Pope, made their first appearance in this work : * * January and May, " ' ^ The Episode of Sarpedon, Translated from the Twelfth and Sixteenth Books of Homer's Iliads, ' ' and ' ' Pastorals. ' ' Bare. 920. [POPE (ALEXANDER).] An Essay on Criticism. Small 4to, full olive levant morocco, richly gilt back and sides, with centre wreath, after a celebrated binding by Roger Payne, by Riviere. London : Printed for W. Lewis, 1711 First Edition. This copy has the half-title, which is nearly always missing, as it probably formed part of the cover, the work being issued in sheets. Very Rare. Fine copy. 921. [POPE (ALEXANDER).] Miscellaneous Poems and Translations. By Several Hands. Brilliant engraved frontis- piece hy Kirkau. 8vo, full olive levant morocco, gilt tooling 175 A isr- 1z on back and sides, copied from that on the original calf binding, gilt edges, by The Club Bindery. London: Printed for Bernard Lintott, 1712 The First Edition of Lintott 's Miscellany, contains the First appearance of * * The Eape of the Lock, ' ' and five other pieces. , On the fly-leaf is the autograph of 'V. Boyle, November 19, 1719." Choice copy. Bare. 922. POPE (ALEXANDER). Windsor-Forest. To the Right Honourable George Lord Lansdown. Orna/ment on title. Folio, full olive levant morocco, gilt back and sides, gilt edges, by The Club Bindery. London: Printed for Bernard Lintott, 1713 First Edition. Very Rare. Choice copy. 923. POPE (ALEXANDER). The Rape of the Lock. An Heroi-Comical Poem. In Five Canto 's. Copper-plate engrav- ings by Du Bosc after Guernier. 8vo, fine old polished calf, blind tooled sides. London: Printed for Bernard Lintott, 1714 First Edition, on large paper. This copy belonged to John Caryl, Jr., and has his autograph on the title page. The poem was written at the suggestion of Caryl — * ' This verse to C - - - 1, Muse, is due." It has on the margins of two pages, in Caryl's hand, Dr. Parnell's translation into Monkish Latin verse of a part of the poem. This edition is extremely rare. Laid in is a typewritten letter from Mr. Lefferts regarding the work. 924. POPE (ALEXANDER). The Rape of the Lock. /C An Heroi-Comical Poem. In Five Canto's. The Second Edi- tion. Illustrated with copper-plates hy Du Bosc after Biv Guernier. 8vo, full orange morocco, gilt back and sides, gilt edges, by Riviere. London: Printed for Bernard Lintott, 1714 Fine copy. With the Hoe bookplate. />7 925. POPE (ALEXANDER). The Temple of Fame. A Jt^ Vision. 8vo, full crimson levant morocco, gilt border on sides, gilt edges, by Roger de Coverly. / London: Printed for Bernard Lintott, 1715 First Edition, with the half-title. Rare. A' 926. POPE (ALEXANDER). The Iliad of Homer. Trans- lated by Mr. Pope. Engraved portrait of Hamer, vignettes, etc. 6 vols., 4to, old panelled calf. London: Printed by W. Bowyer, for Bernard Lintott, 1715- 1720 176 THE D U N C I A D A N Heroic Poem. I N THREE BOOKS, Dublin, Printed, London Re- printed for A. Dodd. 1728, FIEST ISSUE WITH THE OWL PLATE [NUMBER 930] 377 % This quarto was the First Edition, and was published by subscrip- tion. Lintott subsequently published a folio edition. With the White Wallingwells bookplate. ^ 927. POPE (ALEXANDER). The Odyssey of Homer. Portrait of Homer hy Vertue, and vignettes. 5 vols., 4to, contemporary calf. London: Printed for Bernard Lintot, 1725-26 This quarto was the First Edition and was published by subscrip- tion as in the ease of the Iliad, for Pope's sole benefit. Lintott sub- sequently issued a folio edition, without vignettes for his own profit. With the White Wallingwell bookplate. 928. POPE (ALEXANDER). Poems Occasion 'd by Reading the Travels of Captain Lemuel Gulliver, Explana- tory and Commendatory. 12mo, full blue crushed levant morocco, gilt, gilt edges, by The- Club Bindery. Dublin: Printed by and for J. Hyde, 1727 Probably a piracy of the First Issue. With the Hoe bookplate. 929. [POPE (ALEXANDER).] Several Copies of Verses -^ ^ On Occasion of Mr. Gulliver 's Travels. Never Before Printed. Small 8vo, half levant morocco, gilt top, by Roger De Coverly. London: Printed for Benj. Motte, 1727 First Edition, with the half-title and final blank leaf. This is the separate issue of the Preliminary Verses which appeared in the 1727 edition of Gulliver 's Travels. Very scarce. The Locker Lamp- son copy, with bookplate. Qj^yf> 930. POPE (ALEXANDER). The Dunciad. An Heroic Poem. In Three Books. Vignette of vase of flowers on title, and the Owl plate. 8vo, full red levant morocco, Jansen style, gilt top, uncut, by Macdonald. Dublin: Printed, London Reprinted for A. Dodd, 1728 The Excessively Eare First Issue of the First Edition, with the first line " BooTc and the Man I sing" instead of ''Books and the Man I sing." The Owl plate is properly facing the half-title, and the last page is blank instead of having an advertisement on it. No. 1 of the Lefferts list. [see illustration]. /^ 931. [POPE (ALEXANDER).] The Dunciad. An Heroic Poem. In Three Books. Ornament of vase of flowers. Engraved Owl frontispiece, variety No. 1. Small 8vo, full crimson levant morocco, gilt back, gilt edges, by Riviere. Dublin, Printed; London: Reprinted for A. Dodd, 1728 First Edition, and one of the scarcest and most valuable of Eighteenth Century books. No. lA of the Lefferts list. Contains also, bound at the end: "A Compleat Key to the Dunciad." With a Character of Mr. Pope's Profane Writings. By Sir Eichard Blaekmore, Kt. London, 1728. Very fine copy. 178 932. [POPE (ALEXANDER).] The Dunciad. An Heroic Poem. In Three Books. With the Owl frontispiece. 12mo, full maroon morocco, blind tooling', gilt top. Dublin, Printed; London: Reprinted for A. Dodd, 1728 This is a Very Eare Edition, rarer perhaps than the First Edition. It is probably a pirated edition published by Curl. The Owl frontispiece, though copied from that of the earlier edition is printed from an entirely different plate. Line 76 ''Glad Chains" is made to read ' ' Gold Chains. ' ' The former is the correct read- ing. This edition was unknown to Thorns or Grant, and is No. 2 of the Lefferts list, and considered by some to be the actual First Edition. From the Col. Grant and Hoe libraries, with manuscript notes by each, and the bookplate of the latter. 933. [POPE (ALEXANDER).] The Dunciad. An Heroic Poem. In Three Books. With the Owl frontispiece. 12mo, full crimson levant morocco, gilt, gilt top, uncut, by Riviere. Dublin, Printed ; London : Reprinted for A. Dodd, 1728 Second Edition. Thoms **D." Inserted is a copy of the title- page in which the place of imprint is spelled ''Dudlin. " A Scarce edition. 934. POPE (ALEXANDER). The Dunciad, Variorum. With the Prolegomena of Scriblerus. Vignette of ass on title- page. 8vo, half crimson levant morocco, gilt [by the Club Bindery]. London: Printed for A. Dob, 1729 First Complete, and Author's First Avowed Edition. ''G" in Thorn's list, with number 2 of the variations of the Ass frontispiece. Autograph of Edward Mansell on title-page. 935. POPE (ALEXANDER). The Dunciad. With Notes Variorum, and the Prolegomena of Scriblerus. Frontis- piece of ass. Svo, original calf (back and 2 corners re- stored). London: Lawton Gilliver at Homer's Head, 1729 Second Edition, with Additional Notes. Has the rubricated title, the genuine leaf P3, and the final leaf of errata after page (6) of errata. 936. POPE (ALEXANDER). The Dunciad, Variorum, With the Prolegomena of Scriblerus. Engraved title with the Ass vignette. Svo, full mottled calf, gilt back, gilt edges, by Zaehnsdorf. London: Printed & Reprinted for the Booksellers in Dublin, 1729 A very rare Edition, unknown to Thoms. G3 of Col. Grant's additions to Thoms, and Lefferts 8, with variety 3 of the ''Ass" plate on title. This copy has a printed title following the engraved one, not in all copies. 179 w> 937. [POPE (ALEXANDER).] The Dunciad. With Notes Variorum, and the Prolegomena of Scriblerus. With the ^'Ass'' frontispiece and the "OwV plate before Book II. 8vo, original blue paper wrappers, uncut, in crimson moroc- co solander case, by The Club Bindery. London: Printed for Lawton Gilliver, 1729 Large paper copy, in exceptionally crisp, uncut state. The ''ass" plate is in the first state, and the ''owl" plate is in the third. Lef- ferts 9; Thorns "H." This is the earliest edition with Gilliver 's name in the imprint. 938. POPE (ALEXANDER). The Dunciad. With ^?^ -^ Notes Variorum, and the Prolegomena of Scriblerus. Writ- ten in the Year 1727. With the owl frontispiece (Variety No. 3). 8vo, original calf, rebacked. London: Printed for Lawton Gilliver, n. d. No. 13 of Lefferts list. Thoms says this edition is sometimes published with the Ass frontispiece. 7 /r- /J A 939. POPE (ALEXANDER). The Dunciad. An Heroic Poem. To Dr. Jonathan Swift. With the Prolego- mena of Scriblerus and Notes Variorum. With the Owl front- ispiece (Variety No. 2). 8vo, original calf, rebacked. London: Printed for Lawton Gilliver, 1736 This edition is identical with the 1727 edition, except as to title. 940. [POPE (ALEXANDER).] The New Dunciad: As it was Found In the Year 1741. With the Illustrations of Scriblerus, and Notes Variorum. 4to, half green levant mo- rocco, gilt back, by [The Club Bindery]. London: Printed for T. Cooper, 1742 This is the first appearance of the Fourth Book of the Dunciad, and has an engraved head-piece and initial on page 1. 941. POPE (ALEXANDER). The Dunciad, in Four Books. Printed according to the complete Copy found in the Year 1742. With the Prolegomena of Scriblerus, and Notes Variorum. To which are now added. Several Notes now first publish 'd, the Hypercritics of Aristarchus, and his Disserta- tion on the Hero of the Poem. 4to, original calf (covers loose). London: Printed for M. Cooper, 1743 This is the First separate complete Edition of The Dunciad in its final form. With the Edward Hale Bierstadt bookplate. 942. POPE (ALEXANDER). An Epistle to the Right Honourable Richard Earl of Burlington. Ornament on title. Folio, half green morocco, by [The Club Bindery]. London : Printed for L. Gilliver, 1731 180 This is the First Edition, having on the half-title ''Of Taste." In the later edition of the same year this was changed to "Of False Taste. ' ' 943. POPE (ALEXANDEE). Of the Use of Riches, an Epistle To the Right Honourable Allen Lord Bathurst. Or- nament oni title. Folio, half maroon morocco. London: Printed by J. Wright for Lawton Gilliver, 1732 First Edition. Fine copy. 944. [POPE (ALEXANDER).] An Essay on Man. Ad- dress 'd to a Friend. 4 parts in one vol., folio, full maroon levant morocco, gilt tooled back and borders, gilt edges, by Riviere. London: Printed for J. Wilford, at the Three Flower-de- Luces [1733-34] First Edition of all the parts. Beautiful condition. Very scarce. 945. [POPE (ALEXANDER).] An Essay on Man. In Epistles to a Friend. Epistle 1. Corrected by the Author. 4 parts in one vol., folio, sprinkled calf. London: for J. Wilford, at the Three Flower-de-luces [1733-34] First Editions of Epistles 2, 3 and 4. Very large copy, measur- ing 13 7/16 by 8% inches. 946. [POPE (ALEXANDER).] An Essay on Man. Ad- dressed to a Friend. Parts 1 and 2. 8vo, half calf, gilt, gilt top. London: Printed for J. Wilford, at the Three Flower-de- luces, 1733 First Edition in octavo of both parts. Pagination is continuous. Probably issued simultaneously with first folio edition. 947. POPE (ALEXANDER). An Epistle to the Right Honourable Richard Lord Visct. Cobham. Folio, three-quar- ter crimson levant morocco, by [The Club Bindery]. London: Printed for Lawton Gilliver, 1733 First Edition. 948. POPE (ALEXANDER). The First Satire of the Second Book of Horace, Imitated in a Dialogue between Alex- ander Pope of Twickenham in Com. Midd. Esq; on the one Part, and his Learned Council on the other. Folio, full brown calf, gilt top, other edges uncut. London: Printed by L. G. and sold by A. Dodd, 1733 181 /^ XT- /f' 7/ >l- >/ First Issue of the I^irst Edition, without price on imprint and with the Urn and Leaves as ornament at foot of page 18. Inserted are two letters regarding tliis book from Marshall C. Lefferts. 949. POPE (ALEXANDER). The First Satire of the Second Book of Horace, Imitated in Dialogue Between Alex- ander Pope and his Learned Council. To which is added, The Second Satire of the same Book. By the Same Hand. Never before Printed. Folio, half olive levant morocco, gilt top, uncut, by [The Club Bindery]. London: Printed for L. G., 1734 The First Edition of the Second Satire, but the Second Edition of the First Satire. The '* Learned Council" was Hon. Mr. N. Fortesque. A fine copy, in rare uncut state. 950. POPE (ALEXANDER). An Epistle from Mr. Pope to Dr. Arbuthnot. Folio, boards. London: Printed by J. Wright, 1734 First Edition. This Epistle contains Pope's famous attack upon Addison under the name of ' ' Atticus. ' ' The names left blank in the text are supplied by pencil marginal notes. 951. POPE (ALEXANDER). Of the Characters of p^^ Women: An Epistle to a Lady. Folio, half red morocco. London : Printed by J. Wright for Lawton Gilliver, 1735 First Edition. 952. POPE (ALEXANDER). The First Epistle of the First Book of Horace Imitated. Folio, half citron levant morocco, by [The Club Bindery]. London : Printed for R. Dodsley, 1737 First Edition. Fine, tall copy. 953. POPE (ALEXANDER). The Sixth Epistle of the First Book of Horace Imitated. Folio, half brown levant morocco, by [The Club Bindery]. London : Printed for L. Gilliver, 1737 First Edition. 954. POPE (ALEXANDER). The First Epistle of the Second Book of Horace. Ornament on title. Folio, half red levant morocco, by [The Club Bindery]. London: Printed for T. Cooper, 1737 First Edition. 955. POPE (ALEXANDER). The Second Epistle of the Second Book of Horace. Imitated by Mr. Pope. Ornament 182 071 title. Folio, half red levant morocco, by [The Club Bind- ery]. London: Printed for R. Dodsley, 1737 First Edition. 956. POPE (ALEXANDER). The Universal Prayer. By the Author of the Essay on Man. Ornamient on title. Folio, half blue levant morocco, by [The Club Bindery]. London: Printed for R. Dodsley, 1738 First Edition. Eare. 957. POPE (ALEXANDER). One Thousand Seven Hundred and Thirty Eight. A Dialogue Something like Horace. Ornament on title. Folio, half maroon morocco, gilt edges. London: Printed for T. Cooper [1738] The First Issue of the First Edition, with the price ''One Shil- ling" in caps. 958. [POPE (ALEXANDER).] A Plan of Mr. Pope's Garden, As it was left at his Death; with a Plan and Per- spective View of the Grotto. All taken by J. Serle, his Gar- dener: Proposals for printing by Subscription. ... A Com- mentary . . . upon Mr. Warburton 's apogetical Dedication to Dr. St ebbing. Folding map and 2 plates. 2 works in one vol. 4to, old half calf. London, 1745-46 First Edition. With the Hoe bookplate. 959. [POPE (ALEXANDER).] Notes on the Poems of Alexander Pope, by Horatio, Earl of Orford. Contributed by Sir William A. Eraser. 8vo, full mottled calf, gilt top, uncut, by Riviere. London: F. Harvey, 1876 First Edition. 960. POPE (ALEXANDER). The Works of Alexander Pope. Large folding frontispiece portrait, engraved by Ver- tue. 2 vols., folio, old calf (bindings different). London, 1717-1735 First Collected Edition. The second volume, printed in 1735, is intended to accompany the volume issued in 1717, and although printed 18 years apart and by different publishers, are of the same general make-up and harmonious in typography. While the folio and quarto editions of the 1717 works are similar in text, this folio of 1735 is quite different from the quarto of 1735. The folio is apparently the earlier. 961. POPE (ALEXANDER). [Works in Yerse and Prose] : Works. Folding portrait hy Virtue. First Col- lected Edition. Printed by W. Boyer for Bernard Lintot, 183 // 3/6 A 1717; Works. Vol. II. Vignette. Printed by J. Wright for Lawton Gilliver, 1735; Letters of Mr. Alexander Pope and Several of his Friends. Portrait an title by Richardson. Printed by J. Wright for J. Knapton, 1737. First Edition; Works in Prose. Vol. II. Portrait on title hy Richardson. Printed for J. & P. Knapton, 1741. First Collected Edi- tion. Together 4 vols., 4to, old calf, gilt tooled (rubbed). London, 1717-41 First Collected Edition. Fine, and very unusual set. Three of the volumes have bookplate of David Mill. 962. POPE (ALEXANDER). The Works of Pope ; with a Memoir of the Author, Notes, and Critical Notices on each poem, by Rev. G. Groly. Frontispieces and engraved titles. 4 vols., 12mo, polished calf, gilt, gilt edges. London : A. J. Valpy, 1835 ALEXANDER POPE'S COPY 963. [POPE (ALEXANDER).] The Dispensary. A Poem. In Six Canto's. [By Dr. Samuel Garth.] Frontis- piece hy Vander Gucht. 8vo, original calf. London, 1706 This copy belonged to Alexander Pope, who has inscribed on the fly-leaf *'E. Libris Alex. Pope. 1706." On the margins are many interesting manuscript notes by him. 964. POPE (ALEXANDER). D. S., Ip, oblong 8vo, ca. 1715. Margins frayed. Mounted under glass in frame. Eeeeipt for Two Guineas from John Fred. Pigon (name written /^ ^ in Pope's hand), first payment to subscription for Homer's Iliads, ^ to be delivered in quires. Pope 's translation of the Iliads was pub- lished 1715-20. 965. POPE (ALEXANDER). A. L. S., Ip. 4to. Tues- day [July, 1739]. Addressed on back in Pope's hand, to The Hon. Mr. N. Fortescue, Bellyard. Explaining he was just leaving on a journey to Buckinghamshire and Oxford, and regretting having been unable to see Fortescue. **7 beg just to hear of ye continuance of yr welfare, a line sent to Twitnam will be sent after me wherever I am, who am every where,'* &G. Fortescue was the '* Learned Council" who argues with Pope in the Dialogue in the First Satire of Horace. 966. POPE (ALEXANDER). A. L. S., Ip. oblong 8vo. Twit 'nam, Tuesday. [To Samuel Richardson.] "You are the first man I slmll see when I am able to get to Town. I am in a very ticMish state, dreading any cold, from ye asthmxitic complaint," &c. A contemporary memo on back says: "Note from Alexander Pope to Riclmrdson author of Sir Charles Grandison, sent me by Bich.[ardson] in 1732. Robert Gilmore." Very inter- esting. 184 ^^ 7/^- 967. POPEIANA. The Female Dunciad. Containing I. A faithful Account of the Intrigues, Gallantries and Amours of Alexander Pope, of Twickenham, Esq; Written by Him- self, etc., etc. 8vo, full brown polished calf, gilt edges. London : Printed for T. Read, 1728 First Edition. A scurrilous attack upon Pope by some of his enemies held up to ridicule in the Dunciad. 968. POPEIANA. A Compleat Collection of all the Verses, Essays, Letters and Advertisements, which have been )^ occasioned by the Publication of Three Volumes of Miscel- lanies, by Pope and Company. To which is added an Exact list of the Lords, Ladies, Gentlemen and others, who have been abused in those volumes. Engraved frontispiece carica<- ture of Pope. 8vo, polished calf, gilt edges. London: Printed for A. Moore, 1728 First Edition. Fine copy. 969. POPEIANA. Are these Things So? The Previous ^.-^ Question, From an Englishman in his Grotto, To a Great Man at Court. 8vo, unbound. London, 1740 Written by James Miller and addressed to Sir Robert Walpole. 970. POPEIANA. A Letter from Mr. Gibber, to Mr. Pope, Inquiring into the Motives that might induce him in his Satyrical Worls, to be so frequently fond of Mr. Gibber's Name. 8vo, half calf, gilt top. London: Printed and Sold by W. Lewis, 1742 First Edition. Colley Gibber had been ridiculed in the later forms of the ''Dunciad" and strikes back in this letter. , 971 . POPE (WALTER) . The Wish ; written by Dr. Wal- -^ ter Pope. Reprinted from the First Edition, with a Short Life of the Author by Beverly Chew. Royal 8vo, half calf, uncut. Jamaica, L. I.: Marion Press, 1897 Only 120 copies printed. 972. PORDAGE (SAMUEL). Poems upon Several Oc- ^^ casions. By S. P. Gent. Ornament on title. Small 8vo, full green straight-grain morocco, gilt edges, by Stikeman. London: Printed by W. G. for Henry Marsh, 1660 First Edition. Fine copy. Bare. 973. PORTRAITS. Antient British Portraits, contain- ing a series of Sixty Prints of Noble and Eminent Personages, in the Reigns of Henry II., Henry IV., Henry VIII., Queen 185 ^' cT- /o ^7 Jc ^1 Elizabeth, James I., and Charles I., etc. Comprehending the choicest works of Vertue, Van Gunst, Lombart, Baron, etc. Illustrated with 42 portrmts (should be 60). Folio, full morocco. London, 1812 With the Arms of Francis Palmer on side, also the bookplates of Francis Palmer and Tempsford Hall Library. 974. PEIMER. ' Beauties of the New-England Primer. Ornament on title, and cuts. 32mo, original wrappers.' New York: Published by Samuel Wood & Sons, n. d. 975. PRIMROSE (DAVID). Scotlands Welcome to Her dread Soveraigne K. Charles. Ornament on title. Small 4to, half dark blue levant morocco. No imprint [Edinburgh, 1633] First Edition. Eare. This poem formed a portion of the work "Eisodia Musarum Edinensium in Caroli Eegis, Musarum Tutani, ingressu in Scotiam" issued to celebrate the King's progress into the City of Edinburgh in 1633. With the McKee bookplate. -^ 976. [PRINCE RUPERT]. The Parliaments Vnspotted- Bitch: In Answer To Prince Roberts Dog called Boy, and his IMalignant She-Monkey. Large woodcut on title. Small 4to, half brown calf. London: Printed for R. Jackson, 1643 Eare. Bound with this is ''The Last Will and Testament of P. Eupert, " 1645. They are both pamphlets on the Parliamentary side attacking the Eoyalists. ^ 977. PRIOR (MATTHEW). An Ode, In Imitation of i^ the Second Ode of the Third Book of Horace. By Mr. Prior, Folio, half blue levant morocco, by [The Club Bindery]. London: Printed for Jacob Tonson, 1692 First Edition. Fine copy. From the library of Frederick Locker. 978. PRIOR (MATTHEW, and others). Miscellany Poems upon Several Occasions. Consisting of Original Poems, " by the late Duke of Buckingham, Mr. Cowly, Mr. Milton, Mr. Prior, Mrs. Behn, and others. With an Essay upon Satyr, By the Famous M. Dacier. 8vo, original calf. London : Printed for Peter Buck, 1692 First Edition. Contains one of Prior's earliest productions, the First Epistle to Sheppard. With the Stainforth bookplate. ^ 979. PRIOR (MATTHEW). An English Ballad: In ''"^ Answer to Mr. Despreaux's Pindarique Ode on the Taking of 186 Namure. Folio, half olive levant morocco, uncut, by [The Club Bindery] . London : Printed for Jacob Tonson, 1695 Very fine copy of the First Edition, in uncut condition. The French Ode and English Ballad face each, other. From the library of Frederick Locker. 980. [PRIOR (MATTHEW).] A Letter to Monsieur Boileau Depreaux; Occasion 'd by the Victory at Blenheim. Folio, half citron levant morocco, by [The Club Bindery]. London : Printed for Jacob Tonson, 1704 First Edition. Very fine copy. Scarce. From the library of Frederick Locker. 981. [PRIOR (MATTHEW).] Poems on Several Oc- ^'' casions. Frontispiece engraved hy Dii Guernier. 8vo, full maroon levant morocco, finely gilt tooled and lined in a design copied from the old calf binding, gilt tooled inside borders, gilt edges, by The Club Bindery. London : Printed for Jacob Tonson, 1709 First Authorized Edition. It contains 58 poems, whereas the unauthorized edition of 1707 had only 17. ^^ 982. PRISONER against the Prelate (The); or, A Dia- logue between the Common Goal and Cathedral of Lincoln. Written by a Prisoner of the Baptised Churches in Lincoln- shire. Small 8vo, old brown calf, gilt and blind tooling on sides. Circa. 1670 983. PRYNNE (WILLIAM). Histrio-Mastix. The Play- ers Scovrge, or, Actors Tragaedie. Thick small 4to, original calf. V London : Printed by E. A. & W. I. for Michael Sparke, 1633 The Very Eare First Edition. Differs slightly from the Hoe copy in that the verso of [*^* 4] has Errata, in the Hoe this page is blank. The volume was condemned by the Star Chamber, the author heavily fined and sentenced to lose his ears in the pillory. This is the first English book publicly burned by the common hangman. The passages, reflecting on Queen Henrietta Maria for acting on the stage, which were ordered cancelled before publica- tion, are present in this copy. Many interesting references to early English writers and plays occur, including Shakespeare, Christopher Marlowe and others. The present copy contains the original page 708, respecting ladies of quality acting on the stage, which the Privy Council ordered to be cancelled. 984. [PUTTENHAM (GEORGE).] The Arte of Eng- ^Q^ lish Poesie. Contriued into three Bookes: The first of ^3. Poets and Poesie, the second of Proportion, the third of Orna- ment. Large printer's device on title. Small 4to, full black 187 Ifx morocco, sumptuously inlaid with crimson and citron mO^ rocco, and tooled in the style of Mearne ; Doublures of crim- son levant morocco, inlaid with black and delicately tooled, silk and marbled flys, gilt edges, in slip case, by The Club Bindery. At London: Printed by Eichard Field, 1589 First Edition. A superb copy of this extremely rare book. The woodcut portrait of Queen Elizabeth is present in fine con- dition. 985. QUAKLES (FRANCIS). Sions Elegies. Wept by Jeremie the Prophet: and Periphras'd by Fra. Quarles. Print- er's device on title. Small 4to, full brown levant morocco, -{5~ gilt back and sides, gilt edges, by Riviere. London : Printed by W. Stansby for Thomas Drewe, 1624 ' A SUPERB COPY of the EXTREMELY RARE FiRST EDITION. A seCOnd issue was put out in 1825, being the same sheets with a new title. The Hoe and Huth catalogues state that but two perfect copies are recorded. This copy has the rare leaf A4 which is generally wanting. 986. QUARLES (FRANCIS). Sions Elegies Wept by Jeremie the Prophet, and Periphras'd by Fra. Quarles. Title ^0 >— ^^d leaves ruled in red, former within elaborate woodcut border. Small 4to, full crimson straight-grain morocco, gilt edges. London: Printed by W. Stansby for Thomas Dewe, 1625 Second issue of the First Edition, with a new title. This copy wants the leaf A4 as usual. With the G. B. Simpson and McKee bookplates. ^^^^ 987. QUARLES (FRANCIS). Sions Sonets. Sung by Solomon the King, And Periphras'd By Fra. Quarles. Title within elaborate woodcut border. Small 4to, full green levant morocco, gilt lined and tooled with small sprays and blos- soms, gilt edges, by Riviere. London: W. Stansby for Thomas Dewe, 1625 First Edition. Contains the very scarce leaf A4, ''To the Head- ers ' ' on recto, * * An Epithalme to the Bride-Groome ' ' on verso. This is the only separate edition published until ten years ago. V^T^ 988. QUARLES (FRANCIS). Sions Sonets. Sung by Solomon the King, and Periphras'd by Fra. Quarles. Tiile within an elaborate woodcut border. Small 4to, boards, roan back. London : Printed by W. Stansby, 1625 The First and only separate edition. Very few copies are found with A4, which is wanting in this copy. Two corners are damaged. With the McKee bookplate. 188 989. QUARLES (FRANCIS). Divine Fancies: Digested into Epigrammes, Meditations, and Observations. Small 4to, full blue crushed levant morocco, handsome gilt tooled border and panel design on sides, gilt back and inside border, gilt edges, by The Club Bindery. London: Printed by M. F. for lohn Harriot, 1632 A fine, large copy of the Extremely Bare First Edition. No copy- in the Hoe collection. With the McKee bookplate. 990. QUARLES (FRANCIS). Divine Poemes. Reuised and Corrected with Additions by the Author. Engraved frontispiece hy Cecill. Small 8vo, full blue morocco, gilt back, gilt edges, by Bedford. London: Printed by M. F. for J. Harriot, 1633 Second Collected Edition. The engraved title-page and most of the separate titles to the various pieces bear the date 1632. This edition ended at p. 502, but there has been added at the end the supplementary matter of the Fifth Edition, which pagination fitted in with the present Second Edition, and consisted of the ''Elegy on Dr. Wilson,'^ and ' ' Mildreiados, " with ''Her Epitaph" on a final unpaged leaf. Bare in this state. WITH AUTOGRAPH OF THE AUTHOR 991. QUARLES (FRANCIS). Emblemes. Engraved title hy Marshall and engravings mi the verso of every other leafy hy Marshall, Vaughan, Simpson and Payne. Small 8vo, full blue levant morocco, gilt back, gilt edges on the rough, by Bedford. London: Printed by G. M., 1635 Fine copy of the Excessively Rare First Edition, with auto- graph OF THE author ON TLY LEAF. The present copy has the differ- ent plate at page 88 from that at page 28. At the end is " Lusus Poeticvs Poetis" by Benlowes, with the printed title. This work is not found in all copies, and when found frequently wants the title. With the Locker bookplate. 992. QUARLES (JOHN). Regale Lectum Miseriae: or, A Kingly Bed of Misery: In which is contained a I)reame: With an Elegie upon the Martyrdome of Charles, late King of England, of blessed Memory. And another upon the Right Honorable the Lord Capel. Small 8vo, old red mo- rocco, gilt edges, by Clarke. Printed in the yeere, 1649 First Edition. There were two issues of this Edition printed, one with the spelling ''Yeere" A-E2 in eights; the other with the spelling "Yeare" A, four leaves; B-H8, in eights. (Grolier Club Collations.) The present copy differs from both the foregoing, having the spelling ''Yeere" with the sigs. A-E3, in eights. 993. QUARLES (JOHN). Regale Lectum Miseriae: or, A Kingly Bed of Miserie. In which is contained, A Dreame : 189 y> With An Elegie upon the Martyrdome of Charles, late King of England, of blessed Memory, etc. Engraved frontispiece, and verso of each leaf printed in black and white representing mourning curtains. Small 8vo, full dark blue morocco. Printed in the Yeare 1649 Second Edition. Very Rare. With the bookplates of Bulkley Bandinel, Bodleian Librarian; George Tho. Robinson, and M. C. Lefferts. 994. QUARLES (FRANCIS). Argalus and Parthenia: The Argument of ye History. Newly perused perfected and Written by Fra: Quarles. Title engraved by Thomas Cecill. Small 4to, full citron levant morocco, delicately gilt tooled back and inside borders, gilt lined panel borders, gilt edges. /C London : Printed for John Marriott, n. d. Presumably the Second Edition. The engraved title is the same as that used in the First Edition, but with the date erased and the words * ' Newly perused and perfected and ' ' inserted. Ap- parently copies of this issue vary considerably: this bears several points of difference from both copies described in the Grolier Col- lations. Has the preliminary leaf with ''The minde of the Frontis- piece" on verso. Collations: leaf, A to V, fours. Mitford's copy, with his autograph on two flys and a page of autograph notes. 995. QUARLES (FRANCIS). Argalvs and Parthenia. The last Edition Corrected, Amended, and Illustrated with 30 Figures Relating to the Story. {Portrait by Cross, en- J^ graved title, and 29 unsigned plates.) Small 4to, full brown *^'y^ crushed levant morocco, gilt, by The Club Bindery. (Por- trait remargined.) London: Printed by W. W. for Humphrey Moseley, 1656 Assumed to be the Sixth Edition. 996. RABELAIS. Master Francis Rabelais: Five Books of the Lives, Heroic Deeds and Sayings. Translated into Eng- lish by Sir Thomas Urquhart and P. A. Motteux. Introduc- tion by A. De Montaiglon. Illustrations by Louis Chalon. 2 vols., 4to, white cloth, uncut. London : Lawrence & Bullen, 1892 Japan Paper Edition. Only 210 copies printed. 997. RANDOLPH (THOMAS). Poems with the Muses Looking-Glasse : and Amyntas. Small 4to, full blue levant morocco, gilt back and sides, gilt edges, by F. Bedford. Oxford: Leonard Lichfield, 1638 First Edition. The Muses Looking-Glasse, a play vindicating the theatre, is one of the most meritorious pieces of the period. Fine copy, with the Lefferts bookplate. 190 // P 998. EANDOLPH (THOMAS). Poems, With the Muses Looking-Glasse, and Amyntas. The Second Edition Enlarged. Portrait on engraved title [hif Marshall]. Small 8vo, full dark blue levant morocco, gilt tooled on back and inside bor- ders, gilt lined panel borders, gilt edges, by Bedford. Oxford: L. Lichfield for Francis Bowman, 1640 First appearance of portrait. Has the separate titles, additional poems, and a play not contained in some copies of this edition: * * The Jealous Lovers. Printed by Roger Daniel, 1640. ' ' From libraries of J. Ives, F. R. S., Suffolk Herald and M. C. Lefferts, with former's name on verso of portrait and latter 's bookplate. 999. RANDOLPH (THOMAS). Poems With the Muses Looking-Glass, and Amyntas : Whereunto is added : The Jeal- ous Lovers. The Fifth Edition, with several additions, cor- rected and amended. 12mo, original polished calf. Oxford : Printed for F. Bowman, 1668 There were two editions of Randolph's Poems published this year, one having an apostrophe after the author's name on the half- title, and the words * ' The Jealous Lovers ' ' on the title-page in italics. Bound in with this volume is a curious and interesting account of a voyage to Africa by the Sieur Roland Trejus, published 1671. With the Court Library, Shadwell bookplate. 1000. EANDOLPH (THOMAS). Poems: With the Muses Looking-Glass, and Amyntas: Whereunto is added; The Jeal- ous Lovers. Small 8vo, full blue levant morocco, gilt back and top, gilt edges, by Riviere. Oxford : Printed for F. Bowman, 1668 Although "Fifth Edition" is printed on the title-page, it is really the Seventh, as described in the Grolier Collations. The "Sixth" Edition was also published this year, with identical imprint. 1001. RAVENSCROFT (EDWARD). Mamamouchi, or the Citizen turn 'd Gentleman : A Comedy Acted at the Duke 's Theatre. Small 4to, half green morocco. London : Printed for Thomas Dring, 1675 First Edition. With the Lefferts bookplate. 1002. RAVENSCROFT (EDWARD). The London Cuckolds. A Comedy; As it is Acted at the Duke's Theatre. ^ Small 4to, half green levant morocco, gilt edges, by Riviere. i//^ London : Printed for Joseph Hindmarsh, 1682 First Edition. This is a very typical Eestoration Comedy, which ladies attended in masks. With the Lefferts bookplate. 1003. RAVENSCROFT (EDWARD). The Italian Hus- „^^-p band. A Tragedy, Acted at the Theatre in Lincolns-Inn- A/ " Fields. Small 4to, half green morocco. London: Printed for Isaac Cleave, 1698 First Edition. With the Lefferts bookplate. 191 /2- "yy A 35^^ tfi yr- 1004. [EAWLINS (THOMAS).] Tom Essence: or, jt^ The Modish Wife. A Comedy. As it is Acted at the Duke's ^ Theatre. Small 4to, three-quarter crimson morocco, gilt top, by The Club Bindery. London : Printed by T. M. for W. Cademan, 1677 First Edition. On the title-page is written in a contemporary hand, ''This play succeeded well. By Mr. Eawlyns of Ye Temple." 1005. RAWLINSON (GEORGE). History of Herodo- tus. A new English version, edited with copious Notes and Appendices, etc. Ma'ps and illustrations. 4 vols., 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1862 The large type library edition. 1006. RETVRNE FROM PERNASSVS (THE) : or, The Scourge of Simony. Publiquely acted by the Students in Saint Johns Colledge in Cambridge. Woodcut ornament on title. Small 4to, full crimson levant morocco, title in gilt on side, gilt edges. At London: Printed by G. Eld, for John Wright, 1606 The Very Eare First Edition. Hazlitt describes this edition as containing 32 leaves, while this copy has 33. The leaf I is found ONLY IN this rare EDITION. This rare play, acted by the Students of St. John's College, Cambridge, in which the poets of the time are treated with more or less severity. Among them, Shakespeare, Spenser, Drayton, Marlowe, Ben Jonson and others. Shakespeare is handled very gently, Jonson very severely. 1007. REYNOLDS (JOHN). The Triumphs of Gods Re- venge Against the Crying and Execrable Sin of Murther. To which is Added, Gods Revenge Against The Abominable Sin of Adultery. Frontispiece engraved 'by Van Houe, and many other very curious engravings in text. Folio, old calf (hinges cracked). London: Printed by J. Bennet, 1679 Fine copy. Very scarce. First Edition of Adultery, Sixth Edi- tion of Murther. Shirley's "Maide's Revenge" was taken from this work. Has notes on fly leaf in autograph of George Steevens, the Shakespeare commentator, and of J. Lilly. 1008. [RICHARDSON (SAMUEL).] Clarissa. Or, The History of a Young Lady: Comprehending The most Impor- tant Concerns of Private Life, And particularly shewing, The Distresses that may attend the Misconduct Both of Parents and Children, In Relation to Marriage. Published by the Editor of Pamela. Folding music plate in volume II. 7 vols., small 8vo, original calf, rebacked. London, 1748 First Edition. With the Francis Otway bookplate in each volume. 192 1009. RICHARDSON (SAMUEL). The History of Sir Charles Grandison. In a Series of Letters Published from the Originals, By the Editor of Pamela and Clarissa. 7 vols., 12mo, original calf. London: Printed for S. Richardson, 1754 First Edition. With the bookplate of the Earl of Northesk. 1010. RIVERSIDE PRESS. Thackeray (William M.). Mr. Brown's Letters to a Young Man about Town. Woodcut vignette on title. 8vo, original boards, cloth back, uncut. Cambridge, 1901 One of 500 copies. 1011. RIVERSIDE PRESS. Fifteen Sonnets of Petrarch. Boston, 1903. One of 430 copies; Democracy (Lowell), 1902. One of 500 copies; A Consolatorie Letter or Discourse sent by Plutarch to his Wife on the Death of their daughter, 1905. One of 375 copies. 3 vols., 8vo, boards, uncut. Cambridge, 1902-1905 1012. RIVERSIDE PRESS. The History of Oliver and Arthur. Written in French in 1511, translated into German r^ by Wilhelm Liely in 1521, and now done into English by ' William Leighton and Eliza Barrett, 1903. Woodcuts on title and in text. Printed in red and Mack. Small folio, boards, buckram back, uncut. Cambridge, 1903 One of 330 copies. 1013. RIVERSIDE PRESS. Ronsard (Pierre de). Songs /^ & Sonnets, selected and translated into English Verse by Curtis Hidden Page. 8vo, original boards, uncut. Boston, 1903 One of 425 copies. 1014. RIVERSIDE PRESS. Chaucer (Geoffrey). The Parlement of Foules. Black Letter, printed in red and Mack, V illumined initials. Royal 8vo, original boards, uncut. Cambridge, 1904 One of 325 copies. A 4pp. A. L. S. from Bruce Kogers relating to the book laid in. 1015. RIVERSIDE PRESS. LXXV Sonnets (Words- ^^ worth). 1910. One of 440 copies; Georgics of Virgil trans- lated from the Latin by J. W. Mackail, 1904. One of 330 copies. 2 vols., 8vo, boards, uncut. Cambridge, 1904-1910 193 r- /"' y 1016. RIVERSIDE PRESS. Donne (John). The Love Poems of John Donne. Selected and Edited by Charles Eliot Norton. 12mo, original boards, vellum back, uncut. Boston, 1905 One of 535 copies. 1017. RIVERSIDE PRESS. Theocritus. Translated in- to English Verse. By Charles Stuart Calverley. Small folio, decorated boards, uncut. Boston, 1906 One of 330 copies. 1018. RIVERSIDE PRESS. Shelley (Percy Bysshe). The Banquet of Plato. 8vo, original boards, paper label, uncut. Cambridge, 1908 One of 440 copies. 1019. [RIZZI-ZANNONI (J. A. B.).] Atlas. Etrennes Geographiques. Engraved title and frontispiece and 26 P^ ^ colored maps engraved on copper. 24mo, contemporary red morocco. [Paris] 1760 /"' n n Two of the maps relate to America. With the Thomas Westwood bookplate. 1020. ROBERTE THE DEUYLL. A Metrical Romance, from an Ancient Illuminated Manuscript. Ornament on title, and quaint woodcuts. 4to, full polished calf, gilt top. London: Printed for I. Herbert, 1798 1021. ROCHESTER (JOHN WILMOT, Earl of). Valen- tinian: A Tragedy. As 'tis Alter 'd by the late Earl of Rochester, and Acted at the Theatre-Royal. Together with a Preface concerning the Author and his Writings. By one of his Friends. Small 4to, half brown morocco, by The Club Bindery. London : Printed for Timothy Goodwin, 1685 First Edition. The Prologue is by Mrs. Behn. The Play is an adaptation of Beaumont and Fletcher's Tragedy of the same title. With the Lefferts bookplate. 1022. ROGERS (SAMUEL). Recollections of the Table- Talk of Samuel Rogers. To which is added, Pbrsoniana. Ed- ited by the Late Rev. Alexander Dyce. Illustrated with fine portraits. 8vo, original boards, paper label, uncut (hinges weak). New Southgate, 1887 Large paper copy of the First Edition. 1023. ROMAN EMPRESSES (THE), or The History of the Lives and Secret Intrigues of the Wives of the Twelve 194 Caesars. With Historical and Critical Notes. [By Jacques Koergas de Serviez.] 2 vols., large 8vo, original cloth, uncut and unopened. London : For Subscribers, 1899 1024. EOSENBACH (A. S. W.). The Unpublishable Memoirs. Frontispiece. 12mo, original cloth, uncut. New York, 1917 First Edition. Autograph presentation copy from the author to Mr. Hagen. The first copy to be sold at auction. 1025. ROWE (JOHN). Caius Crispus Sallustius the His- torian. Translated into English. To which are prefixed The Life and Character of the Author and his Works. Fourth Edition, revised and corrected throughout. 12mo, full calf. London: Printed for D. Midwinter, and others, 1739 1026. ROWE (NICHOLAS). Tamerlane. A Tragedy. As it is Acted at the New Theatre in Little Lincoln 's-Inn- ^ — ^ Fields. Small 4to, half maroon morocco. London: Jacob Tonson, 1702 First Edition. With the Lefferts bookplate. 1027. ROWE (NICHOLAS). The Fair Penitent. A Tragedy As it is Acted at the New Theatre in Little Lincolns- Inn-Fields. By Her Majesty's Servants. Small 4to, full brown levant morocco, gilt back and centre ornaments, gilt edges, by Zaehnsdorf. London: Printed for Jacob Tonson, 1703 First issue of the First Edition, containing the half-title, but with no advertisements at the end. The other issue of this year had no half-title, but did have the advertisements. With the Hoe bookplate. 1028. ROWE (NICHOLAS). Ulysses : A Tragedy. As it y is acted at the Queen's Theatre in the Hay-Market. Small 4to, half green roan. London: Jacob Tonson, 1706 First Edition. With the Lefferts bookplate. 1029. ROWE (NICHOLAS). The Tragedy of Jane Shore. Written in Imitation of Shakespear's Style. Small 4to, half olive morocco. London: Printed for Bernard Lintot [1713] First Edition. Rare. Rowe M^as the first Editor of Shakespeare's Plays, in 1709. With the Lefferts bookplate. J5 1030. ROWE (NICHOLAS). The Tragedy of the Lady Jane Gray. As it is Acted at the Theatre-Royal in Drury- 195 fy Lane. Small 4to, half maroon morocco, gilt edges, by Riviere. London: Printed for Bernard Lintott, 1715 First Edition. With the Lefferts bookplate. 1031. [ROWLANDS (SAMUEL).] Greenes Ghost Havnting Cony-Catchers: Wherein is set downe The Art of y^ Humouring. The Art of carrying Stones. Will St. Lift, etc. '^^ With the merry Conceits of Doctor Pinch-backe a notable Makeshift. Small 4to, full brown levant morocco, gilt edges, by Pratt. London: Printed for Francis Williams, 1626 Second Edition. Printed in Gothic characters. Very Eare. The First Edition was printed in 1602, and is sometimes attributed to Eobert Greene. ^- ^J / ^7- 1032. ROWLEY (WILLIAM). A Match at Midnight. A Pleasant Comoedie : As it hath been Acted by the Children of the Revells. Written by W. R. Small 4to, full blue levant morocco, gilt, gilt edges, by F. Bedford. London: Printed by Aug. Matthewes, for William Sheares, 1633 Fine copy of the First Edition. With the Hoe bookplate. 1033. RUMP: or an Exact Collection Of the Choycest Poems and Songs relating to the Late Times. By the most Eminent Wits, from Anno 1639. to Anno 1661. Engraved title and frontispiece. Small 8vo, full crimson morocco, gilt back and sides, gilt edges (stamp on title verso). London: Printed for Henry Brome, 1662 This is a new collection of Songs and Poems, rather than a Second Edition of that published under the same name in 1660. It is said to have been edited by Alexander Brome. It contains 12 of his poems, and 20 by John Cleveland. With the bookplate of William Harris Arnold. 1034. RUSSELL (LORD JOHN). The Life of William Lord Russell; with some account of the Times in which he Lived. Portraits of Lord Bussell and facsimiles, 4to, full calf, blind and gilt tooling. London : Longmans, 1819 1035. RYMER (THOMAS, of Grays-Inn, Esquire). The Tragedies of the Last Age Considered and Examin'd by the Practice of the Ancients, and by the Common sense of all Ages. In a Letter to Fleetwood Shepheard, Esq. Small 8vo, original calf, rebacked. London: Printed for Richard Tonson, 1678 First Edition, Hag the scarce License leaf. 196 i036. RYMER (THOMAS). Edgar, or the English MoH^ arch; An Heroick Tragedy. Small 4to, half maroo» mo- rocco. London : Richard Tonson, 1678 First Edition. With the Lefferts bookplate. 1037. RYMER (THOMAS). A Short View of Tragedy; its Original, Excellency, and Corruption. With some Reflec- tions, on Shakespear, and other Practitioners for the Stage. 8vo, original calf. London, 1693 First Edition. Contains a severe criticism of Shakespeare's ''Othello," "Julius Caesar," etc. With the bookplate of Lord Auckland. 1038. SANDERSON (WILLIAM). A Compleat History of the Life and Raigne of King Charles, From His Cradle to his Grave. Portrait of the author at the age of 68, and por- trait of King Charles, engraved by Faithorne. Thick folio, old calf (hinges weak). London : Printed for Humphrey Moseley, 1658 First Edition. With bookplate of Bayfield Hall Library. 1039. SANDYS (GEORGE). Ovid's Metamorphosis. Englished hy G. S. Engraved title hy Gecill. Folio, original calf. Imprinted at London, 1626 First Collected Edition. Contains the preliminary leaf, ''The Minde of the Frontispiece and Argument of this Work." This is the first complete edition of the work. The first five books had ap- peared earlier, but in what year is not known, as no copy of the first edition seems to be extant. 1040. SANDYS (GEORGE). A Par'aphrase vpon the Psalmes of David. And vpon the Hymnes Dispersed through- out the Old and New Testaments. By G. S. Small 12mo, full black levant morocco, Jansen style, gilt edges. London, 1636 A SUPERB COPY of the VERY SCARCE FiRST EDITION, with the pre- liminary blank leaf. With the Lefferts bookplate. 1041. SANDYS (GEORGE). A Paraphrase upon the Divine Poems. Printer's device on title, and Music. Folio, old polished English calf, gilt ornaments on sides, gilt edges. London : At the Bell in St. Pauls Church-yard, 1638 Large paper copy of the First Edition. Rare in this state, and containing a portion of the cancelled leaf Aaai. This leaf was cancelled by the publishers and is nearly always wanting; the com- piler of the Grolier Collations assumed it to be a blank leaf as it came between two divisions of the work. The present copy proves it to be a half-title. With the Charles Lilburn and F. P. Hodges bookplates. 1»7 yf. /« ^0 r- 1042. S[ANDYS] (GfEORGEj). A Parapkrase upoii the Song of Solomon. Small 4to, full brown crushed levant morocco, gilt, gilt edges, by the Club Bindery. London: Printed by lohn Legatt, 1641 First Edition. Dedicated to Charles I. The second edition, 1642, was dedicated to the Queen. 1043. SAINMORE (M. BLIN DE). Lettre de Sapho a Phaon, Precedee d'une Epitre a Rosine. Wi^/i ilie beautiful engravings after Gravelot and Eisen. 8vo, old red morocco, gilt sides, gilt top, doublures and flys of green silk. A Paris : Sebastien Jorry, 1768 1044. SAINT MARIE OF AEGIPT. A Sacred Poeme describing the Miracvlovs Life and Death of the Gloriovs Convert S. Marie of Aegipt, who passed fortie seauen yeares leading a penitentiall life to the astonishment of all succeed- ing ages. Small 4to, full old calf, by Findlay (one leaf dam- aged). N. p., n. d. [probably Douay, about 1630] First Edition. Very Eare. On the title-page is written in a contemporary hand, ' ' Composed by G. Elliott. ' ' On the fly-leaf is written "this appears to have been ParJc's copy (B. A. P.). I think the author was a Boman Catholic Friest." With the bookplate of George Augustus Coombe. 198 SIXTH SESSION Wednesday Evening, May 15, at 8:15 o'clock LOTS 1045-1253 1045. SAINT SIMON. Memoirs of the Duke of Saint- Simon on the Reign of Louis XIV. and the Regency. Trans- lated by Bayle St. John. 3 vols., 8vo, full polished brown calf, gilt, gilt edges, by Zaehnsdorf. London, 1889 Fine set, beautifully printed at Aberdeen University Press. 1046. [SALTONSTALL (WYE).] Ovid's Tristia. Con- taining fine Bookes of mournfull Elegies which hee sweetly composed in the midst of his aduersitie, while hee liu'd in Tomus a Cittie of Pontus where hee dyed after seauen yeares Banishment from Rome. Translated into English by W. S. Brilliant impression of the engraved title-page, by Cecill. Small 8vo, full blue levant morocco, gilt back and sides, by David. London : Printed for Fra. Groue, 1633 Fine copy of the extremely rare First Edition. The work is dedicated to Sir Kenelm Digby. The earliest edition described in the Grolier Collations is the second edition of 1637. With the Hoe bookplate. 1047. SCARRON (PAUL). The Comical Romance, and other Tales. By Paul Scarron, done into English by Tom Brown, John Savage, and others. With an Introduction by J. J. Jusserand. With nn^merous engraved plates from the designs hy Oudry. 2 vols., 8vo, half parchment, uncut. London: Lawrence and Bullen, 1892 One of 150 copies printed on Japanese vellum. 1048. SCOTT (SIR WALTER). The Lay of the Last Minstrel. A poem. 4to, full old russia (hinges weak). London: Longmans, 1805 First Edition. 1049. SCOTT (SIR WALTER). Marmion; A Tale of Flodden Field. Large 4to, original boards (worn), uncut. Edinburgh, 1808 First Edition. 199 T s- f s- /- /f 1050. SCOTT (SIR WALTER) . The Lady of the Lake ; A Poem. 4to, original boards (one cover loose), uncut. Edinburgh, 1810 First Edition. 1051. SCOTT (SIR WALTER). The Vision of Don Roderick; A Poem. 4to, original boards, edges uncut (back slightly rubbed). Edinb., 1811 First Edition. With bookplate of Charles Tilburn. 1052. SCOTT (SIR WALTER). Rokeby; a Poem. 4to, old half calf (hinges weak). Edinburgh, 1813 First Edition. 1053. SCOTT (SIR WALTER) . The Field of Waterloo ; A Poem. First Edition. 8vo, unbound. Edinburgh, 1815 1054. SCOTT (SIR WALTER). The Lord of the Isles. A Poem. 4to, original calf, leather labels. Edinburgh, 1815 First Edition. 1055. SCOTT (SIR WALTER). A. L. S., 3pp. 4to. Edinb., 1st March, 1809. Addressed in Scott's hand, to Rob- j-^ ert Southey. With seal. / Most interesting letter. "To oblige the Ballantynes who are now I engaging in the publishing business I have promised them the as- ' sistance of my exquisite judgement in maMng a little pocTcet edition of fugitive poetry, which I shall reckon very incomplete without a specimen or two from your poems and those of Wordsworth . . . the little ballad called 'We are Seven' and another called Glen Almain. ... 7 agree entirely with you that Wordsivorth lives too much for the lyre; the study of poetry however delightful in itself is so warped ^ woven in with the desire of fame that it engages the student too far in pursuit of that most capricious of all fantasms.'* He devotes a whole page to Napoleon's policy and gives his opinions of it. ^r- 1056. SECRET HISTORY of the most renowned Q. Eliza- beth, and the E. of Essex (The). In. Two Parts. By a Per- son of Quality. Engraved frontispiece, containing represen- tations of the Queen and the Earl. Small 8vo, full scored calf, gilt edges, by Kalthoeber. Cologne : Printed for Will with the Wisp, 1681 Fine copy of the First issue. Eare. 1057. SELDEN (JOHN). Table-Talk: Being the Dis- courses of John Selden Esq ; or his Sence of various Matters 200 of Weight and High Consequence relating especially to Re- ligion and State. Small 4to, half mottled calf, gilt edges, by Riviere. London: Printed for E. Smith, 1689 First Edition. Eare. 1058. SETTLE (ELKANAH). Cambyses King of Persia: A Tragedy. Acted by His Highness the Duke of York's Servants. Small 4to, half brown calf. London : William Cademan, 1671 First Edition. With the unpaged leaf of Epilogue and Post- script. 1059. SETTLE (ELKANAH). The Empress of Morocco. A Tragedy. With Sculptures. As it is Acted at the Duke's Theatre. Folding frontispiece and full-page engraved plate by W. Dolle. Small 4to, full crushed levant morocco, gilt tooled, gilt edges, by Riviere. London: For Willian Cademan, 1673 First Edition. This is the first play and perhaps the only one of its time issued with plates, preserving inside and out of the Duke 's Theatre in the time of Charles II. Dryden savagely attacked this play in his Notes and Observations. Has signature on fly leaf: "Dorothy Luttrell her book 1681/2." With the Lefferts bookplate. 1060. SETTLE (ELKANAH). Ibrahim the Illustrious Bassa. A Tragedy. Acted at the Duke's Theatre. Small 4to, full brown calf, gilt, by Riviere. London: T. M. for W. Cademan, 1677 Fine copy of the First Edition. 1061. SHAD WELL (THOMAS). The Royal Shepherdess. A Tragi-Comedy. Acted By his Highness the Duke of York 's Servants. Small 4to, half calf. London : Printed for Henry Herringman, 1669 First Edition. Autograph of Thomas Dyke, 1669, on title-page. With the Lefferts bookplate. 1062. SHAD WELL (THOMAS). The Humorists. A Comedy. Acted By his Royal Highnesses Servants. Small 4to, half red levant morocco, gilt edges, by Riviere. London: Printed by Henry Herringman, 1671 First Edition. With the Lefferts bookplate. 1063. SHADWELL (THOMAS). Epsom-Wells. A Com- edy, Acted at the Duke's Theatre. Small 4to, half sprinkled calf. London: Printed by J. M. for Henry Herringman, 1673 201 First Edition, This is the best of Shadwell's Plays. With the Lefferts bookplate. . 1064. SHAD WELL (THOMAS). Psyche. A Tragedy, 'P^ " Acted at the Duke's Theatre. Small 4to, half sprinkled calf. London: Printed by T. N. for Henry Herringman, 1675 First Edition. This play was burlesqued by Duffet in ''Psyche Debauch 'd." With the Lefferts bookplate. 1065. SHADWELL (THOMAS). The Libertine: A «Oy . — Tragedy. Acted by His Royal Highness 's Servants. Small 4to, half sprinkled calf. London: Printed by T. N. for Henry Herringman, 1676 First Edition. With the Lefferts bookplate. 73- "M 1066. SHADWELL (THOMAS). The Virtuoso. A Com- edy, Acted at the Duke's Theatre. Small 4to, half brown morocco, by the Club Bindery. London: T. N. for Henry Herringman, 1676 First Edition. The genuine First Issue, with pages 41 and 82 misprinted 42 and 72. With the Lefferts bookplate. 1067. SHADWELL (THOMAS). A True Widow. A Comedy, Acted by the Duke's Servants. Small 4to, half sprinkled calf. London : Printed for Benjamin Tooke, 1679 First Edition. The Prologue is by Dryden. After his quarrel with Shadwell, Dryden gave this Prologue to Mrs. Behn for her Play, "The Widow Banter." With the Lefferts bookplate. 1068. SHADWELL (THOMAS). The Woman-Captain: ^J^^ A Comedy. Acted by His Koyal Highnesses Servants. Small 4to, half crimson levant morocco, by Riviere. London: Samuel Carr, 1680 First Edition. Contains an interesting reference to Shakespeare on page 2. With the Lefferts bookplate. 1069. SHADWELL (THOMAS). The Lancashire Witches and Tegue o Divelly the Irish Priest. A Comedy Acted at the Duke's Theatre. Small 4to, boards, green morocco back. London: Printed for John Starkey, 1682 First Edition. There are voluminous notes on the different acts by the Author. On the verso of A3 is an advertisement of Davenant 's Folio and Milton 's Paradise Eegained. This is one of the rarest of Shadwell 's Plays. With the Lefferts bookplate. 1070. [SHADWELL (THOMAS).] Some Reflections upon the Pretended Parallel in the Play called ''The Duke 202 i/C' f' r- of Guise. " in a Letter to a Friend. Small 4to, sewn, uncut. London: Printed for Francis Smith, sen. 1683 First Edition. Bare. 1071. SHAD WELL (THOMAS). The Amorous Bigotte : with the Second Part of Tegue O Divelly. A Comedy, Acted by Their Majesty's Servants. Small 4to, half red levant mo- rocco, gilt top, uncut, by Riviere. London: Printed for James Knapton, 1690 First Edition. With the Lefferts bookplate. 1072. SHAD WELL (THOMAS). The Scowrers. A Comedy, Acted by Their Majesties Servants. Small 4to, half crimson levant morocco, gilt top, partly uncut. London : James Knapton, 1691 First Edition. With the Lefferts bookplate. 1073. SHAKESPEARE. Mr. William Shakespeares Cdm- edies, Histories, and Tragedies. Published according to the true Originall Copies. The Second Impression. Droeshout portrait on title. Folio, full dark green levant morocco, rich- ^ ly gilt tooled on back, panels, and inside borders, gilt edges, by Riviere. London: Printed by Tho. Cotes, for Robert Allot, and are to be sold at his shop at the signe of the Blacke Beare in Pauls Church-yard, 1632 The Second Folio. Large and immaculate copy, measuring 12% by 8% inches. Has only one *'p" in the word "Copies" on title, and the portrait is struck above the * * London ' ' in imprint. The pre- liminary leaf with poem is in fine original condition. BEAUTIFUL COPY OF SHAKESPEARE'S POEMS 1074. SHAKESPEARE. Poems : Written by Wil. Shake- ^ speare, Gent. With brilliant Impression of the exceedingly jy^ ^ rare portrait hy William Marshall, with 8 lines of laudatory verse beneath it. Small 8vo, new crimson crushed levant mo- rocco, gold panelled sides with gilt fieurons at each corner, full tooled back, inside dentelle borders, gilt edjes, by Bed- ford. Printed at London by Tho. Cotes, and are to be sold by John Benson, dwelling in St. Dunstan's Church Yard, 1640 The exceedingly rare First Edition and a Splendid copy, although the lower margin of the Portrait has been very skilfully margined. Contains on the fifth leaf of the volume a second title- page, identical with the first except for the omission of the date. This is frequently missing. It is preceded by two prefatory Poems by John Warren and Leonard Digges, the latter being a most valuable 203 ^, 1»> contribution to our stock of knowledge concerning **the mighty master" and his Plays, showing that his dramas always brought crowded houses while Ben's Volpone and ''subtill alchemist" — the most popular of all dramatic works by others than Shakespeare — sometimes scarcely defrayed the ''sea-coale fire and doore-keepers. " The last 11 leaves are occupied by ''An Addition of some excellent Poems, to Those Precedent, of renowned Shakespeare, by other Gen-, tlemen. " These are by Ben Jonson, Francis Beaumont, Milton, Her- rick and others. The only Collected Edition of Shakespeare's Poems that was published during the Seventeenth Century. With the Frederick Locker bookplate. [see illustration] 1075. SHAKESPEARE (WILLIAM). Mr. William Shakespear's Comedies, Histories, and Tragedies, Published according to the true Original Copies. The Third Impres- sion. And unto this Impression is added seven Playes never before Printed in Folio. Viz. Pericles Prince of Tyre. The %0^ London Prodigall. The History of Thomas Ld. Cromwell. Sir John Oldcastle. Lord Cobham. The Puritan Widow. A York-shire Tragedy. The Tragedy of Locrine. Portrait arid verse hy Ben Jonson on leaf facing title. Folio, full crushpd crimson morocco, richly gilt tooled on back, panels, and in- side borders, gilt edges, by F. Bedford. London : Printed for P. C, 1664 • The Third Folio. A very beautiful, clean, crisp copy, with un- usually large margins, measuring 13% by 8% inches, considerably larger than the fine Hoe copy. Ben Jonson 's verses on the portrait have the thirteen words in italics, and Shakespeare 's name spelled with the final "e. " The excessive rarity of the Third Folio has led to the general acceptance of the theory that a very large number of copies were destroyed in the Fire of London in 1666. 1076. SHAKESPEARE (WILLIAM). Mr. William Shakespear's Comedies, Histories, and Tragedies. Published according to the true Original Copies. Unto which is added. Seven Plays, Never before Printed in Folio. Viz. Pericles Prince of Tyre. The London Prodigal. The History of Thomas Lord Cromwel. Sir John Oldcastle Lord Cobham. The Puritan Widow. A Yorkshire Tragedy. The Tragedy of Locrine. The Fourth Edition. Portrait and verses hy Ben Jonson on sheet facing title. Folio, old calf. London: Printed for H. Herringman, E. Brewster, R. Chis- well, and R. Bentley, at the Anchor in the New Exchange, 1685 The Fourth Folio. Fine, large copy, measuring 14 by 9 inches, in clean, crisp condition throughout. The verses by Jonson on por- » trait page have only five words in italics and the final " e " is dropped from Shakespeare's name. This copy has the scarce imprint containing the name of R. Chiswell, sometimes called ''The Chiswell Imprint." With the White Wallingwells bookplate. 204 POEMS: WRITTEN BY WiL. Shake-speare. Gent. Printed at London by 7ho, Cotes^ and arc to be fold by lohft Benforty dwelling in S^. Bunfims Church- yard. 1640. VERY FINE COPY OF THE FIRST EDITION [NUMBER 1074] 205 Jlr- / 1077. SHAKESPEARE (WILLIAM). A Collection of Poems, In Two Volumes. Being all the Miscellanies of Mr. William Shakespeare, which were Publish 'd by himself in the Year 1609, and now correctly Printed from those Edi- tions. 2 vols, in one, full blue levant morocco, gilt back and sides, gilt edges, by The Club Bindery. London: Printed for Bernard Lintott [1709] Second Edition. Fine copy, with the separate titles to the different pieces. Venus & Adonis 1630; Eape of Lucrece 1632; The Passionate Pilgrime 1599; Sonnets 1599. 1078. SHAKESPEARE (WILLIAM). Works. In Six Volumes. Adorn 'd with Cuts. Revis'd and Corrected, with an Account of the Life and Writings of the Author. By N. Rowe. Printed for Jacob Tonson, 1709; and. The Works of ^l ^^ Shakespear. Volume the Seventh. With Critical Remarks ^ ^ ^ on his Plays, &c. Printed for E. Curll, 1710. Frontispieces and other engraved plates hy Van der Gucht. 7 vols., 8va, original calf, one rebacked. London, 1709-10 The First Complete Edition of Shakespeare, containing also the First Life of the poet and the first criticism of his works. The seventh volume is a piratical production by Edmund Curll. This set is of great rarity, and with all the plates and in original binding is possibly unique. /cr- jrr 1079. SHAKESPEARE (WILLIAM). The Works of Shakespeare. Collated and Corrected by the former Editions, By Mr. Pope. Portraits hy Vertue. 6 vols., 4to, half mot- tled calf. London : Printed for Jacob Tonson, 1723-25 Fine copy of the First Edition of Pope's Shakespeare. 1080. SHAKESPEARE (WILLIAM). The Tenth Vol- ume of the Works of Shakespeare [issued as a supplementary volume to the 9 volume edition, edited by Pope]. 12mo, unbound. London, 1728 1081. SHAKESPEARE (WILLIAM). The Works of Shakespeare : Collated with the Oldest Copies, and Corrected ; With Notes, Explanatory, and Critical: By Mr. Theobald. Engraved frontispiece portrait of Shakespeare, by Duchange. 7 vols., 8vo, original calf, rebacked. London: Printed for A. Bettesworth, 1733 Fine copy of this esteemed edition. While Lowndes mentions plates for this edition, it is evidently in error, as no copy has been located having plates, not even the three in the British Museum, one of which is the Grenville copy, nor the three in the library of Mr. H. C. Folger. Lowndes probably describes a copy of the Second Edition, which is illustrated. An A. L. S. of Prof. Louns- bury on this subject is inserted. With the Thomas Barrett of Lee and Colin Campbell bookplates. 206 1082. SHAKESPEARE (WILLIAM). Works. Collated with the oldest Copies and Corrected ; With Notes by Mr. Teobald. With the Chandos portrait engraved hy Van der Gucht and copper-plates hy Gravelot. Second Edition. 8 vols., 12mo, original calf. London: Printed for H. Lintott, etc., 1740 1083. SHAKESPEARE (WILLIAM). The Works of Shakespear. Carefully Revised and Corrected by the former Editions, and Adorned with Sculptures designed and exe- cuted by the best hands. Portrait of Shakespeare {Chandos) engraved hy Gravelot, Monument at Westminster Ahhey, Stratford Bust, Vignettes and Plates, hy Gravelot. 6 vols., folio, old calf, rebacked by The Club Bindery. Oxford : Printed at the Theatre, 1744 Large paper copy of Sir Thomas Hanmer's First Edition, and is the finest of the early 18th century editions of Shakespeare. With the leather label in each volume, ' ' The legacy of Mr. Walter Powell of Oxford, 1744." 1084. SHAKESPEARE (WILLIAM). The Works of Shakespeare. In Eight Volumes. The Genuine Text (col- lated with all the former Editions, and then corrected and emended) is here settled: Being restored from the Blunders of the first Editions, and the Interpolations of the two Last : with a Comment and Notes, Critical and Explanatory. By Mr. Pope and Mr. Warburton. Engraved portrait hy G. Ver- tue. 8 vols., 8vo, half mottled calf. London: Printed for J. and P. Knapton, 1747 Warburton 's First Edition, founded on Pope's. 1085. SHAKESPEARE (WILLIAM). The Plays of William Shakespeare. With the Corrections and Illustra- tions of Various Commentators; To which are added Notes by Sam. Johnson. With the Chandos portrait of Shakespeare hy Vertue. "y vols., 8vo, old calf, leather labels (hinges weak). / London, 1765 This is Johnson 's First Edition, and the First Variorum Edition. It was acknowledged superior to any of its predecessors. 1086. SHAKESPEARE. Steevens (George, Editor). Twenty of the Plays of Shakespeare, being the Whole Number printed in Quarto During his Life-Time, or before the Res- toration. 4 vols., 8vo, old half calf. London : J, and R. Tonson, 1766 First Edition edited by Steevens and the first set of reprints of the early quartos. 207 1087. SHAKESPEAllE (WILLIAM). Comedies, His- tories and Tragedies. Set out by himself in quarto or by the Players, his Fellows in folio, and now faithfully republished jj from those Editions (by Edward Capell). Medallion por- ^' trait of Shakespeare. 10 vols., 8vo, polished tree calf. London: Printed by Dryden Leach, for J. and E. Tonson, n. d. [1767-8] A ^ Large paper copy, measuring 7x4% inches. Only one other copy on Large Paper recorded. The Notes and various Readings mentioned on the title-page were not printed until 1779-80, and then only in quarto. With the bookplate of Henry Drury. 1088. SHAKESPEARE (WILLIAM). The Plays of Wil- liam Shakespeare. With the Corrections and Illustrations of Various Commentators ; To which are added Notes by Sam- uel Johnson and George Steevens. Engraved portrait hy Vertue. 10 vols., 8vo, original boards, rebacked, uncut. London: Printed for C. Bathurst, etc., 1773 This is Steevens' First Edition, which superseded all previous editions and became the standard for future editors and pub- lishers. 1089. SHAKESPEARE (WILLIAM). Bell's Edition of Shakespeare's Plays, As they are now performed at the Thea- tres Royal in London regulated from the prompt books of Each House. By the Authors of the Dramatic Cens6r. Il- lustrated with engraved character plates hy Grignion, Coak, Walker, etc. 9 vols., 8vo, original calf. London, 1774 The First Edition, with artistic illustrations. The last volume contains the Poems. ,-^_ 1090. SHAKESPEARE (WILLIAM). Poems. Vignette O on title engraved by A. Bannerman. 8vo, old calf (rubbed). [London] : Reprinted for Thomas Evans [1780] Fine copy. This edition was probably edited by E. Capell. 1091. SHAKESPEARE (WILLIAM). Supplement to the Edition of Shakespeare's Plays published in 177B by ^ Samuel Johnson and George Steevens. With the Genuine c^ ^ Poems and Seven Plays. [Malone (Edmond, Editor).] Portrait of Southampton and view of Shakespeare's hirth- place in Stratford. 2 vols., thick 8vo, original calf, rebacked. London : Printed for C. Bathurst, &c., 1780 Malone 's Supplement to Steevens 's Edition. Fine copy. With bookplate of H. J. Beaumont Swete in each volume. 208 1092. SHAKESPEARE (WILLIAM). Dramatic Works ^ - of Shakespeare, in Six Volumes. With Notes by Joseph Rann. 6 vols., large 8vo, half morocco, gilt tops. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1786- [94] Rann's First Edition. Handsome edition. 1093. SHAKESPEARE (WILLIAM). Dramatic Writ- ings of Will. Shakespeare, With the Notes of all the various Commentators; Printed Complete from the Best Editions of ^ Sam. Johnson and Geo. Steevens; With Prolegomena to the Dramatic Writings. Numercms engraved plates hy well known artists, a number being proof impressions, and some before letters. With an extra volume containing duplicate plates. 21 vols., 8vo, full crushed crimson levant morocco, gilt tooled backs, panel and inside borders, gilt tops, rough edges, by David. London: John Bell, 1788 Large Paper. Fine set of Bell's Edition, handsomely bound. Vols. 1 and 2 are entitled: "Prolegomena," and contain Chronologies, Lives, Commendatory verses, &c.; vol. 21 contains the duplicate plates; the other 18 volumes the plays. The Hoe copy, with book- plates. FIRST AMERICAN PUBLICATION ON SHAKESPEARE 1094. [SHAKESPEARE (WILLIAM).] A Philosophi- / cal Analysis and Illustration of some of Shakespeare's Re- markable Characters. To which is added an Essay on the Faults of Shakespeare. By W. Richardson. Small 8vo, orig- inal sheep, rebacked. Philadelphia: Printed by William Spotswood, 1788 The First known American publication on Shakespeare, and the first critical work to recognize the purity, delicacy and loftiness of Shakespeare's female characters. With the bookplate of Samuel W. Pennypacker. 1095. SHAKESPEARE (WILLIAM). Shakespeare's Dramatic Works: with Explanatory Notes. A new edition. _^ To which is now added, a copious Index to the remarkable ^"^ Passages and Words, by the Rev. Samuel Ayscough. With fine portrait of Shakespeare engraved by W. Sherwin from the original folio edition. 3 vols., original russia (worn and rebacked). London: Printed for John Stockdale, 1790 This is the first edition to contain the very extensive index, occu- pying the entire third volume. 1096. SHAKESPEARE (WILLIAM). Plays and Poems ? _ of William Shakespeare. In Ten Volumes. Collated Verba- tim with the Authentic Copies, &c. By Edmond Malone. 209 . o- Engraved portraits, facsimiles^ <&c, 10 vols, in 11, 8vo, full mottled calf, leather labels, gilt tooled. London : Printed by H. Baldwin, 1790 Malone's First Edition. The Poems are included in the last volume, and volume 1 is bound in two. Very choice set, contain- ing many interesting plates. 1097. SHAKESPEARE (WILLIAM). The Plays and Poems of William Shakespeare. Corrected from the latest ^^J -^ and best London Editions, with Notes, by Samuel Johnson, LL.D. To which are added a Glossary and the Life of the Author. Engraved portrait of Shakespeare hy Field. 8 vols., 12mo, original calf, leather labels. Philadelphia: Printed and sold by Bioren & Madan, 1795 First American Edition, and the First Edition of Shakespeare produced outside of the British Isles. Very Eare. With the Charles Campbell bookplate. Very fine impression of the portrait. /3- f- 1098. SHAKESPEARE (WILLIAM). An Inquiry into the Authenticity of certain Miscellaneous Papers and Legal Instruments, published Dec. 24, 1795, and attributed to Shakespeare, Queen Elizabeth, and Henry, Earl of South- ampton. By Edmond Malone. Facsimiles, etc. 8vo, three- quarter dark green levant morocco, gilt edges, by The Club Bindery. London: Printed for H. Baldwin, 1796 First Edition. This is usually known as Malone's vindication of Shakespeare. 1099. SHAKESPEARE (WILLIAM). The Beauties of Shakspeare. Selected from his Works. To which are added, the principal Scenes in the same Author. Engraved titles containing vignette portraits of Shakespeare and Garrick, and 2 copper-plates. 8vo, old tree-calf. London: Printed for G. Kearsley, etc. [1798] 1100. SHAKESPEARE (WILLIAM). The Plays of William Shakespeare. Illustrated with numerous woodcuts hy Thurston and Neshit. 8 vols., 8vo, boards, morocco back, uncut. London: Printed by T. Davison, 1807 1101. SHAKESPEARE (WILLIAM). The Poems of Shakespeare. To which is added an Account of his Life. First American Edition. 8vo, full mottled calf, gilt, gilt top, UNCUT, by Riviere. ]3oston : Oliver and Monroe, and Belcher and Armstrong, 1807 First American Edition. Of Excessive Earity. /J^ 1102. SHAKESPEARE (WILLIAM). The Plays of ' Shakespeare from the Corrected Text of Johnson and Steev- 210 /cT- ^r- ens. Illustrated with the fine series of plates engraved hy Heath after Stothard, Fioseli and Hamilton. 6 vols., large 4to, original calf, gilt back and sides. London : Printed for John Stockdale, 1807 Large paper copy. 1103. SHAKESPEARE (WILLIAM). The Works of Shakespeare. With Notes by Charles Knight. Fine engraved -^ plates. 8 vols., with Supplementary volume containing Biog- raphy by Charles Knight. 9 vols., large 4to, original limp boards, uncut. London: Vertue & Co. [ca. 1880] 1104. SHAKESPEARE (WILLIAM). Le Songe d'une Nuit d'Ete. With numerous charming illustrations. Small 12mo, half brown morocco, gilt top, uncut, original wrappers bound in, by Champ. Paris: E. Dentu, 1894 1105. SHAKESPEARE (WILLIAM). The Works of Shakespeare. Edited by W. E. Henley and Walter Raleigh. 10 photogravure portraits. 10 vols, in 40 parts, folio, orig- p-^ inal grey boards, uncut (a few backs frayed). Printed at Edinburgh for Grant Richards, London, 1901-04 The Edinburgh Folio. Fine, complete set. Only 1000 copies printed, each volume signed by the publisher. 1106. SHAKESPEARE (WILLIAM). Comedies, His- tories, & Tragedies, being a Reproduction in facsimile of the First Folio Edition 1623. With Introduction and Census of Copies, by Sidney Lee. Folio, undressed calf, uncut. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1902 Limited edition. Signed by Sidney Lee. 1107. SHAKESPEARE (WILLIAM). Shakespeares ^ Comedies, Histories, & Tragedies. Containing a Census of 1^ Extant Copies, with some Account of their History and Con- dition, by Sidney Lee. Folio, sewed, uncut. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1902 1108. SHAKESPEARE (WILLIAM). Lucrece: being a Reproduction in Facsimile of the First Edition, 1594. In- f^ troduction and Bibliography by Sidney Lee. 4to, vellum, un- cut, kid ties. Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1905 1109. SHAKESPEARE (WILLIAM). The Original Bodleian Copy of the First Folio (The Turbutt Shakespeare). '"S Portraits. Folio, original wrappers. Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1905 211 f^ 1110. SHAKESPEARE (WILLIAM). The Passionate Pilgrim: being a Reproduction in Facsimile of The First Edition, 1599. Introduction and Bibliography by Sidney Lee. 4to, vellum, kid ties. Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1905 1111. SHAKESPEARE (WILLIAM). Perecles. Re- ^ production in Facsimile of First Edition, 1609. Introduc- es '^ tion and bibliography by Sidney Lee. 4to, vellum, kid ties. Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1905 1112. SHAKESPEARE (WILLIAM). Sonnets : being a Reproduction in Facsimile of the First Edition, 1609. In- troduction and Bibliography by Sidney Lee. 4to, vellum, kid ties. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1905 1113. SHAKESPEARE (WILLIAM). Venus and Ado- nis: Being a Reproduction in Facsimile of The First Edition J^^ 1593. Introduction and Bibliography by Sidney Lee. 4to, vellum, uncut. Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1905 1114. SHAKESPEREANA. Shakespeare Restored: or, a Specimen of the Many Errors as well Committed, as Un- amended, by Mr. Pope In his Late Edition of this Poet. De- signed Not only to correct the said Edition, but to restore the True Reading of Shakespeare in all the Editions ever yet publish 'd. By Mr. Theobald. 4to, old calf. London : Printed for R. Francklin, 1726 First Edition. Very fine, crisp and large copy. This is a critical examination of "Hamlet" in which Theobald exposed the defects of Pope's edition. //' If- I 1115. SHAKESPEAREANA. Grey (Zachary). Critical, Historical, and Explanatory Notes on Shakespeare, with Emendations of the Text and Metre. Stipple portrait of Grey, hy Knight. 2 vols., 8vo, half morocco, gilt tops, uncut. London: Printed for the Author, 1754 1116. SHAKESPEAREANA. [Heath (Benjamin).] A Revisal of Shakespear's Text, wherein The Alterations intro- duced into it by the more modern Editors and Critics, are particularly considered. 8vo, old calf (one hinge broken). London : Printed for W. Johnston, 1765 1117. SHAKESPEAREANA. The Footsteps of Shaks- ^ pere; or, a Ramble with the Early Dramatists. Containing -^ /i- much new and interesting information respecting Shakspere, J Lyly, Marlowe, Greene, and others. By [Robert Cartwright] . 8vo, half calf, gilt top, uncut. London, 1862 Fine copy. 212 ORIGINAL MANUSCRIPT 1118. SHAKESPEAREANA. Green (Henry). Shakes- peare and the Emblem Writers. An Exposition of their simi- larities of Thought and Expression. Preceded by a View of Emblem-Literature down to A. D. 1616. 4to, polished calf, by Ramage. London : Trubner & Co., 1870 The Original Manuscript, in the handwriting of Henry ^ Green, with his corrections and Notes. Pasted in, are proofs of ^ the illustrations, many in duplicate, and a number of original pen-and-ink drawings from which the woodcuts were made. There is a manuscript list of the persons to whom copies were presented, and at the end of the volume are numerous Eeviews of the book, clipped from various Journals. Accompanying the Manuscript is a copy of the printed work, in similar binding by Ramage. 1119. SHAKESPEAREANA. English History in Shakes- peare's Plays (Warner), 1894; The Text of Shakespeare (Lounsbury), 1906; Shakespeare. A Study. By Darrell Figgis. 1912. 3 vols., 12mo and 8vo, cloth. New York and London, 1894-1912 1120. SHAKESPEAREANA. William Shakespeare: A Critical Study. By George Brandes. 2 vols., large 8vo, orig- inal cloth, morocco backs, gilt tops, uncut. London: Heinemann, 1898 Translated by William Archer and Mary Morison. 1121. SHAKESPEAREANA. A Catalogue of Shakes- peareana. With a Prefatory Essay by Sidney Lee. 2 vols., folio, cloth, leather labels, gilt tops, uncut. London : Printed for Presentation only at the Chiswick Press, 1899 One of 100 copies. 1122. SHAKESPEAREANA. Jaggard (William). Shakespeare Bibliography: A Dictionary of Every Known Issue of the Writings. With Historical Introduction. Por- traits, facsimiles, &c. Thick 4to, original canvas binding, uncut. Stratf ord-on-Avon : Shakespeare Press, 1911 500 copies printed on hand-made paper. 1123. SHAKESPEAREANA, A Census of Shakespeare 's Plays in Quarto, 1694-1709. By Henrietta C. Bartlett and Alfred W. Pollard. Folio, boards, canvas back, uncut. New Haven : Yale University Press, 1916 Published under the auspices of the Elizabethan Club, Yale Uni- versity. The latest Census of the Shakespeare Quartos. £13 ^^' 1124. SHAKESPEAilEANA. Shakespeare's England. fAn Account of the Life and Manners of his Age. With nu- ^' merous illustratimis and facsimiles from rare sources. 2 vols., thick 8vo, original cloth, uncut. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1916 First Edition. 1125. SHAKESPEAREANA. Three Portraits by George ^^ H. Hall, the well-known American Painter. For an interest- ing account of him and his work, see Clement's '^American Painters of the Nineteenth Century." He was a student and lover of Shakespeare, and painted a number of Shakespearean subjects. In the late eighties he conceived the idea of painting a portrait of the dramatist, representing him in a moment of inspiration and ready to transfer thoughts to paper. He was then in Rome, where the present pictures were begun. After the completion of the three paintings he made from them (copying No. I more particularly) a large portrait about 40 X 50 inches, and presented it to the Shakespeare Memorial at Stratford-on-Avon, where it holds a prominent position. Every one of the portraits is signed by the artist, and one is dated. They are combined in one frame, and were purchased direct from the estate of the artist, now deceased. ONLY THREE COPIES MADE 1126. SHAKESPEARE-BOOTH BRONZE MEDAL- LION. Circular bas-relief of Edwin Booth and William Shakespeare, with a legend: ''See the Players Well Be- stowed." Signed by Theodor Bauer, 1892. Diameter 16 inches. Only three copies of this fine bronze -were made for Mrs. Eachel McAuley. And one copy was given by Mrs. McAuley in memory of her husband and his friendship for Edwin Booth to The Actors' Fund Fair, and was purchased by The Players Club by means of a sub- scription among tis members for the sum of $1,090. This was ac- quired by Mr. Hagen at the time of the death of Mrs. McAuley from her executors. The third copy is in private hands. 1127. SHELLEY (PERCY BYSSHE). Queen Mab; A Philosophical Poem: With Notes. 8vo, elaborately bound in crushed crimson levant morocco, with green, white, and citron mosaics in a rich design of arabesques and scrolls, doublures of crushed crimson levant with mosaics on borders, silk fly leaves, enclosed in case, by The Club Bindery, 1906. London : Printed by P. B. Shelley, 1813 The Very Eare First Edition, with Shelley's name on imprint and on colophon, dedication leaf ' ' To Harriet , ' ' and half title with "Notes" following page 122. According to Carlisle, the 214 c0^- u,. publisher, only 180 copies were issued, and it is known that Shelley cut his name from imprint and colophon, from as many copies as he could reach. 1128. SHELLEY (PERCY BYSSHE). Alastor; or, The Spirit of Solitude and other Poems. Small 8vo, full red le- vant morocco, gilt top, by Riviere. London: Printed for Baldwin, Cradock, and Joy, 1816 Y^ — - The Extremely Rare First Edition, in superb condition. This book was apparently rare as early as 1824, for Mrs. Shelley, in the Preface to the "Posthumous Poems" of that date says: ''I have added a reprint of 'Alastor, or the Spirit of Solitude': the difficulty with which a copy can be obtained is the cause of its republication." With the D. F. Appleton bookplate. 1129. SHELLEY (PERCY BYSSHE). Laon and Cyth- na; or, The Revolution of The Golden City: A Vision of the Nineteenth Century. In the Stanza of Spenser. 8vo, full crushed green levant morocco, gilt tooled inside borders, gilt top, other edges uncut, by Riviere. London: Printed for Sherwood, Neely, & Jones, &c., 1818 First Edition. 'Exceedingly rare. This volume was immediately suppressed. It was immediately revised and re-issued under the title, **The Revolt of Islam," in which Cythna is described as an orphan adopted by Laon 's parents, instead of as his sister, as in the suppressed book. This copy has the preliminary blank with the paper label pasted on, the blank leaf following title, and the final leaf of errata. A beautiful, uncut copy, from the Locker Lampson col- lection, with bookplate. 1130. SHELLEY (PERCY BYSSHE). The Revolt of Islam; A Poem, in Twelve Cantos. 8vo, full crimson levant morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Worsfold. London : Printed for C. and J. Oilier, 1818 Very Fine copy of the extremely Rare First Edition, containing the SCARCE second half title after page XXXII, and the Leaf of Errata. This is really the ''Laon and Cythna," with a new title and a few alterations, which Oilier, the publisher, refused to sell when only a few copies had been disposed of. The second half-title is of the extremest rarity ; indeed, Bux- ton Forman states that he knew of only two copies containing it. The leaf of ''errata" is precisely the same as that in ''Laon and Cythna," calling attention to errors which are in some cases cor- rected. 1131. SHELLEY (PERCY BYSSHE). The Cenci. A Tragedy, In Five Acts. By Percy B. Shelley. 8vo, half green Ip" morocco, gilt lettered, gilt top, other edges entirely uncut, bound by Pratt. Italy : Printed for C. and J. Oilier, 1819 The very rare First Edition, of which only B60 copies were printed. A beautiful, uncut copy, with the dedication to Leigh Hunt, 215 jyf' ii )%fo fo 1^ and the Preface. Finden 's engraved portrait of Shelley is bound in. With the McKee bookplate. 1132. SHELLEY (PERCY BYSSHE). Rosalind and Helen, A Modern Eclogue; with other Poems: 8vo, full light blue crushed levant morocco, elaborately gilt tooled in Grolier style, gilt top, uncut, by Zaehnsdorf. London: Printed for C. & J. Oilier, 1819 Fine copy of the First Edition. With the rare half-title and 2 leaves of advertisements at the end. 1133. SHELLEY (PERCY BYSSHE). Prometheus Un- bound. A Lyrical Drama in Four Acts, with Other Poems. 8vo, full crimson levant morocco, gilt back and borders, gilt top, uncut, by Bradstreet. London : C. and J. Oilier, 1820 First Edition. Extremely Eare. Fine copy, with the half title. 1134. SHELLEY (PERCY BYSSHE). Adonais. An Elegy on the Death of John Keats, Author of Endymion, Hyperion, etc. 4to, handsomely bound in full olive levant morocco, back and sides richly gilt tooled, doublures and flys of green silk, gilt edges on the rough, by The Club Bind- ery, in slip case. Pisa: With the Types of Didot, MDCCCXXI [1821] Fine copy of the Excessively Rare First Edition. With the bookplate of David Binning Monro. 1135. SHELLEY (PERCY BYSSHE). Queen Mab. 8vo, full crimson levant morocco, gilt edges, by Macdonald. London : W. Clark, 1821 The First Published Edition, as the edition of 1813 was sup- pressed and withdrawn. The copy has the suppressed leaf ''To Harriet [Grove] ' ' bound in at the end. 1136. SHELLEY (PERCY BYSSHE). Hellas. A Lyri- cal Drama. 8vo, full blue levant morocco, the back and sides elaborately in the manner of Roger Payne, gilt top, uncut, by Root. In a leather slip-case. London: Charles and James Oilier, 1822 First Edition. Fine copy of this scarce book, with the poem at end, ' * Written on hearing the news of the Death of Napoleon. ' ' 1137. SHELLEY (PERCY BYSSHE). Posthumous Papers. 8vo, full brown levant morocco, gilt tooled on back, gilt lined panels, and inside borders, gilt top, other edges uncut, by Tout. London: Printed for John and Henry L. Hunt, r824 216 First Edition. Eare, and particularly so with uncut edges. This was published by Mrs. Shelley, who wrote the preface. With the McKee bookplate. 1138. SHELLEY (PERCY BYSSHE). The Masque of Anarchy. A Poem. Now First Published, with a Preface, by Leigh Hunt. Small 8vo, original brown cloth, paper label. London: Edward Moxon, 1832 First Edition. Has the half title and the final leaf of adver- tisements. 1139. SHELLEY (PERCY BYSSHE). Note Books. Prom the Originals in the Library of W, K. Bixby. De- ciphered, transcribed, and Edited, with a Pull Commentary by H. Buxton Forman. Portraits mid facsimiles. 3 vols., large 8vo, boards, vellum backs, uncut. St. Louis, Mo.: Privately Printed for W. K. Bixby, 1911 Presentation copy with inscription By Mr. Bixby. 1140. SHERBURNE (SIR EDWARD). Medea: A Trag- edie. Written in Latine by Lucius Annaevs Seneca. Eng- lished by E. S. Esq; with Annotations. Small 8vo, full crim- son levant morocco, gilt edges, by The Club Bindery. London: Printed for Humphrey Moseley, 1648 First Edition. Fine copy. 1141. SHERBURNE (SIR EDWARD). Salmacis, Lyrian & Sylvia, Forsaken Lydia, The Rape of Helen, A Comment thereon. With Severall other Poems and Translations. Fron- tispiece in four compartments. 8vo, green morocco, gilt, gilt edges (name removed from title by acid, some margins frayed). London: Printed by W. Hunt, 1651 First Edition. Has the extra title to ^' Helen," and the four half titles. The same work was included in the Hoe sale, with similar text, frontispiece, and signatures, with different title, ''Poems and Translations." 1142. SHERBOURNE (SIR EDWARD). Troades: or the Royal Captives. A Tragedy. Written Originally in Latin by Lucius Annaeus Seneca, the Philosopher. Eng- lish 'd by Edward Sherburne, Esq. With Annotations. 8vo, full crimson morocco, Jansen style, gilt edges, by The Club Bindery. London : Printed by Anne Godbid, 1679 First Edition. Fine copy. 1143. SHIRLEY (HENRY). The Martyr 'd Souldier: As it was sundry times Acted with a general applause at the 217 S(^ ifo^ 4r- »?- U- lik Private house in Drury lane, and at other publicke Theaters. By the Queenes Majesties servants. The Author H. Shirley Gent. Small 4to, full crimson levant morocco, gilt tooled on back and borders, gilt edges, by Chambolle-Duru. London : Printed by I. Okes, 1638 First Issue of the First Edition, with the dedication signed with initials only. In later editions it was signed, ''John Kirke.'^ 1144. SHIRLEY (JAMES). A Contention for Honour and Riches. Ornament on title. Small 4to, full crimson le- vant morocco, gilt back, gilt edges, by Riviere. London : Printed by E. A. for William Cooke, 1633 First Edition. Very Eare. Has the leaf A4, ''The Speakers, '* not found in all copies. 1145. SHIRLEY (JAMES). The Wittie Faire One. A Comedie. As it was Presented at the Private House in Drvry Lane. By her Maiesties Servants. Small 4to, half olive mo- rocco, by Blackwell. London : Printed by B. A. and T. F. for Wil. Cooke, 1633 First Edition, Eare. With the Lefferts bookplate. 1146. SHIRLEY (JAMES). Hide Park. A Comedie. As it was presented by her Majesties Servants, at the private house in Drury Lane. Printer's device on title. Small 4to, half calf. London : Printed by Tho. Cotes, 1637 First Edition. This play contains a song which mentions "Bay Tarral, that won the cup at Newmarket," and other famous horses of the day by their several names. This is one of the earliest refer- ences of its kind. With the Lefferts bookplate. 1147. SHIRLEY (JAMES). The Lady of Pleasure. A Comedie, As it was Acted by Her Majesties Servants, at the private House in Drury Lane. Woodcut ornament on title. Small 4to, sprinkled calf, gilt. London: Printed by Tho. Cotes, 1637 First Edition. Very Scarce. With the McKee bookplate. 1148. SHIRLEY (JAMES). The Dvkes Mistris, As it was Presented by her Majesties Servants At the private House in Drury-Lane. Ornament on title. Small 4to, pol- ished calf, gilt edges, by Zaehnsdorf. London : Printed by John Norton, 1638 First Edition. Eare. With the Lefferts bookplate. 1149. SHIRLEY (JAMES). The Maides Revenge. A Tragedy. As it hath beene Acted with good Applause at the 218 private house in t)rury Lane, by her Majesties Servants. Small 4to, half blue morocco. London : Printed by T. C. for William Cooke, 1639 First Edition. Rare, This was really Shirley's second dramatic attempt, though here printed for the first time, thirteen years after being licensed. With the Lefferts bookplate. 1150. SHIELEY (JAMES). Poems, &c. WUh the rare engraved portrait hy Marshall, in hrilliant impression. A portrait hy Gaywood is added. 8vo, full red levant morocco, gilt back and sides, gilt edges, by Bedford. London: Printed for Humphrey Moseley, 1646 First Edition. Rare. With the poems ''Narcissus" and "The Triumph of Beautie'^ each with separate title and pagination. Pages 47-59 of "Narcissus'' are misprinted 147-159. With the Lefferts bookplate. 1151. SHIRLEY (JAMES). Honoria and Mammon. Engraved portrait hy Gaywood. 8vo, full dark blue morocco, gilt back and sides, gilt edges, by Bedford. London : Printed by T. W. for John Crook, n. d. First Edition. Honoria and Mammon is followed by The Con- tention of Ajax and Achilles for the Armour of Achilles, which closes with the Speech of Calchas over the body of Ajax, considered the finest thing Shirley ever wrote. With the Locker bookplate. 1152. SIDNEY (SIR PHILIP). The Countesse of Pem- y — brokes Arcadia. Written by Sir Philip Sidney Knight. Title loithin elaborate woodcut border. Folio, full brown levant morocco, gilt and blind tooled back and sides, gilt edges by Riviere. London: Imprinted for Simon Waterson, 1605 Fifth Edition, with the rare imprint as above, the usual im- print being Mathew Lownes. This is possibly the 1598 edition with a new title-page. It is, at least, page for page the same. Fine copy. 1153. SIDNEY (SIR PHILIP). The Defence of Poesy. ^-- To which are prefixed. Several Copies of Verses, by Edward, Lord Thurlow. 4to, old dark blue, blind and gilt tooled sides, inside borders, doublures and flys of cream silk, gilt edges. London: Printed by W. Bulmer, 1811 Fine old binding. With the bookplate of Thomas F. Wilson. 1154. SIDNEY (SIR PHILIP). Certaine Sonets Writ- ten by Sir Philip Sidney. 8vo, original boards, uncut. Cambridge : The Riverside Press, 1904 One of 430 copies. 219 1155. SKELTON (JOHN). Here after | foloweth cer- tayne bokes copyled | by mayster Skelton Poet | Laureat whose names | here after shall | appere. ] Name | Speke Parrot | The deth of the noble prince | kyng Edwarde the fourth I A treatyse of the Scottes. | Ware the hawke | The Tunnyng of Elynour Rummynge. | Small 8vo, purple levant morocco, gilt and blind tooled in Renaissance style, dull gilt edges. London : by Richard Lant for Henry Tab, [ca. 1520] The Earliest Known Edition. Collation: A to D in eights. Not in Hoe or Huth. Bound in are the following, all by John ^^ Skelton : I 1^0 "^ ^^^ Here after foloweth a litel boke called Colin Cloute. London: / f Eycharde Kele, dwellyng in the Powltry at the long shop, [ca. 1545]. Collation: A to D6 in eights, and extra leaf (D7?) with woodcut portrait of Skelton, verso blank. (2) Here after foloweth a lytell boke, which hath to name, why come ye nat to courte. Imprinted at London by Eichard Kele, dwellig [sic] in the Powltry at the longe shop, [ca. 1545]. Collation: A to D in eights, including woodcut of Skelton on verso of colophon and another of Skelton and Woolsey (?) on verso of title, last leaf blank, with some very early writing on. verso. Earliest known edition. (3) Here after foloweth the boke of Phyllyp Sparowe. Prynted at London at the Poultry by Eichard Kele, [ca, 1545]. Collation: A to D in eights, with woodcut of Sparowe 's tomb on final verso. Earliest Tcnown edition. All printed in Black Letter, These early printed works of 'Skelton are of the utmost rarity: the Hoe collection had only two of the above, Colin Cloute, and Why come ye nat to courte; the Huth collection had the same two and also Phyllyp Sparowe; neither had the * * Certayne Bokes, ' ' Bibliographers differ somewhat in attributing dates to these Eichard Kele imprints, but as he had his Press ' * in the Powltry at the long shop, ' ' only from 1542 to 1546, the assumption that they are of the years intervening is clearly justified. A few margins are very slightly stained, the outer margin of the first title is slightly re-enforced, and corners of the last two leaves have been restored. With the Locker bookplate. [see illustration] A 2/" 1156. SKELTON (JOHN). Pithy, Pleasaunt and Profi- table Workes of Maister Skelton, Poete Laureate to King Henry the Vlllth. Woodcut frontispiece portrait, 12nio, old sprinkled calf, rebacked, canary edges. London: Printed for C. Davis, 1736 Second Edition. Second Book of 'Horace, 1736. 1157. [SMOLLETT (TOBIAS).] The Adventures of Eoderick Random. 2 vols. 12mo, full mottled calf. London: Printed for J. Osborn, 1748 Fine, copy of the First Edition. ^ 1158. SMOLLETT (TOBIAS). The Regicide : or, James ^y^^ the First, of Scotland. A Tragedy. By the Author of 220 i////'^ Cj^rte after folotoet^ titmu bokesr c5ppleD bprnapfttc j^belton / pocc Xauceat/tu^orc names tiece Bftec fljall appetc* , ^ ^pe&e )^accot C^e Detl) of tl}e noble p?(nce 3&png$DU)ai;De tbefoutfl)* 3 tceatpreof t\)t ^cottee^ C l^e Cunnpng of Clpnout; ilvummpngj^ C;)^)inteD at UonDon bp lliCcljaco Tlant/fo; l^cnrp Cab/DtDdUng tn^aulsc^utc^pacDiac t^erpstKofiuou^i VEEY BAKE SKELTON VOLUME [NUMBER 1155] 221 Roderick Random. 8vo full mottled calf, gilt edges, by F. Bedford. London: Printed by Subscription, for the Benefit of the Author, 1749 First Edition. Unusually large copy, probably on Large and Thick paper. With the Hoe bookplate. . . 1159. [SMOLLETT (TOBIAS).] The Adventures of ^1 ^ Peregrine Pickle. In which are included, Memoirs of a Lady of Quality. 4 vols. 12mo, original calf. London: Printed for the Author, 1751 First Edition. A very clean and fine copy. 1160. [SMOLLETT (TOBIAS).] The Adventures of (^O^^ Ferdinand Count Fathom. By the Author of Roderick Ran- dom. 2 vols, 12mo, full mottled calf, gilt tooled, by Jenkins & Cecil. London: Printed for T. Johnson, 1753 First Edition. Of the two issues of 1753, this is believed to be the earlier. csr- V 1161. [SMOLLETT (TOBIAS).] The History and Ad- ventures of an Atom. 2 vols. 12mo, original calf. . London: Printed for Robinson and Roberts, 1749 [1769] The Rare First Issue of the First Edition with the mis- PRINTED DATE ON TITLES ^'1749'' FOR ''1769." An exceptionally choice copy. 1162. [SMOLLETT (TOBIAS).] The Expedition of JO^ Humphrey Clinker. By the Author of Roderick Random. 3 vols. 12mo, full crimson levant morocco, gilt backs, gilt edges, by Riviere. London: Printed for W. Johnston & B. Collins, 1771 Choice copy of the First Issue of the First Edition, with the mis- printed date on the title-page of volume one (1671). 1163. SMOLLETT (TOBIAS). The Works of Tobias *yif^ Smollett, M.D. With Memoirs of his Life. To which is pre- fixed a View of the Commencement and Progress of Ro- mance. Frontispiece portrait of Smollett. 8 vols. 8vo, half maroon morocco, gilt tops, uncut, by Tout. London: Bickers and Son, 1872 3- A fine set of the Large Type Library Edition. 1164. SOPHOCLES. Electra of Sophocles: Presented to Her Highnesse the Lady Elizabeth ; With an Epilogue, Shew- ing the Parallel in two poems, The Return, and The Restora- 222 tion. By C [hristopher] W[ase.] 8vo, old citron straight- grain morocco, gilt tooled, gilt edges. At the Hague, for Sam. Brown, 1649 First Edition. Has no portraits. With the second title: ''The Epilogue," &c. Ha J ii pa^u uf Interesting bibliographical and other notes on fly-leaf. 1165. SOPHOCLES. The Tragedies of Sophocles, trans- \/^ lated from the Greek, with Notes, Historical, Moral, and Criti- cal. By George Adams. 8vo, old polished calf. London: Printed for T. and J. Allman, 1818 1166. SOUTHERNE (THOMAS). The Loyal Brother, ^ or The Persian Prince. A Tragedy As it is Acted at the Theatre Royal by their Majesties Servants. Small 4to, full polished calf, gilt, gilt edges, by Pratt. London : Printed for William Cademan, 1682 First Edition. Southerne's first play, with Prologue and Epilogue by -Dryden. Nell Gwyn played the part of Sunamire. With the Hoe and H. V. Jones bookplates. > 1167. SOUTHERNE (THOMAS). The Fatal Marriage: ^^^ or. The Innocent Adultery, A Play, Acted at the Theatre Royal by Their Majesties Servants. Small 4to, three-quarter green levant morocco, by the Club Bindery. London: Jacob Tonson, 1694 First Edition. One of the most successful plays of the period. Garrick revived it, omitting as immoral the comic scenes, including that borrowed from Fletcher's '' Night-Walker. " 1168. SOUTHERNE (THOMAS). The Pate of Capua. A Tragedy. As it is Acted at the Theatre in Lincolns-Inn- f>^ Fields. By His Majesty's Servants. Small 4to, half citron morocco, uncut, by The Club Bindery. London: Printed for Benjamin Tooke, 1700 First Edition. Scarce. 1169. SOUTHEY (ROBERT). Poems. Small 8vo, full y blue crushed levant morocco, gilt tooled, gilt top, uncut, by t^^ Club Bindery. Bristol: Printed by N. Biggs for Joseph Cottle, 1797 First Edition. Very choice copy, with the leaf of advertisement at end. With the Lefferts bookplate. 1170. [SOUTHWELL (ROBERT).] S. Peters Com- ^^ plaint. And Saint Mary Magdalens Fvnerall Teares. With sundry other selected, and deuout Poems. By R. S. of the Society of lesvs. Device on title. Small 8vo, limp vellum. [Douay] : Permissu Superiorum, M. DC. XVI 223 ^(Po 3^6- Extremely Rare. This edition, printed at Douay, contains the poem entitled "The Christians Manna," which is considered doubt- ful and does not appear in the London or Edinburgh editions. With the Hoe bookplate. 1171. SPENSER (EDMUND). The Faerie Qveene. Dis- posed into twelue books, Fashioning XII. Morall vertues. Large printer's device on title. 8vo, full blue levant morocco, back and sides richly tooled, gilt edges, by Riviere. London : Printed for William Ponsonbie, 1590 A VERY HANDSOME COPY OF THE FjRST ISSUE OF THE FlKST Edition of Books I, II and III with the blank spaces for the Welsh words on page 332. Very Eare. 1172. SPENSER (EDMUND). Complaints. Contain- ing sundrie small Poemes of the Worlds Vanitie. Whereof the next Page maketh mention. Titles within elaborate wood- cut borders. Small 4to, fine old red morocco, gilt back and sides, gilt edges. London: Imprinted for William Ponsonbie, 1591 Fine copy of the Extremely Rare First Edition, and the EARLIEST issue, having the misprinted signatures ''B3" for ^'X3," and **Y3" for *'Y2." This important assemblage of Spenser's minor poems consist of: (1) ''The Ruines of Time." (2) "The Teares of the Muses" (with the title dated 1591). (3) ''Virgil's Gnat." (4) " Pr'osopopoia, or Mother Hubbard's Tale" (with the title dated 1591). (5) "The Ruins of Rome," by Bellay. (6) "Muiopotmos" (with the title dated 1590). (7) "Visions of the World's Vanitie." (8) "The Visions of Bellay." (9) "The Vi- siones of Petrarch. ' ' A particularly interesting pedigreed copy, with the Arms of the Duke of Roxburghe in gilt on sides; the initials of Sir Mark Masterman Sykes stamped in gold on sides, and a pencil note on the fly leaf states that it has also belonged to Mr. Heber and Mr. Pyne. ^ 1173. SPENSER (EDMUND). The Shepheards Calen- //JT'' dar. Conteining twelve Aeglogues proportionable to the / twelve Monethes. Entituled, To the noble and vertuous gen- tleman most wortbie of all titles, both of learning and chiv- alry, Maister Philip Sidney, ^ith woodcut illustrations. Small 4to, old red morocco, gilt back and borders, gilt edges, by C. Lewis. London: Printed by John Windet, for John Harrison the younger, 1591 Black Letter. The Fourth Edition, with the bookplates of E. V. Utterson and Robert Hoe. M^ 1174. SPENSER (EDMUND). Colin Clovts Come home againe. Printer's device on title. Title within woodcut border. Small 4to, full green levant morocco, gilt centre orna- ments, gilt edges, by Riviere. London : Printed for William Ponsonbie, 1595 224 I^iNE COPY OF THE Rare First Edition. The dedication to Sir Walter Ealeigh is dated ''From my house of Kilcoman, the 27 of i3eeember, 1591." Contains the First Edition of Spenser's lament on the Death of Sir Philip Sidney. With the bookplate of Charles Lilburn. 1175. [SPENSER (EDMUND).] The Faerie Qveene. Disposed into twelve bookes, Fashioning XII. Morall vertues. Printer's device on title. London, 1596. The Second Part of the Faerie Qveene. Containing The Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth Bookes. Printer's device on title. London, 1596. 2 vols. Small 4to, full crimson levant morocco, richly gilt back and sides, gilt edges, by Riviere. London : Printed for William Ponsonbie, 1596 The Second Edition of the First Part, and the First Edition of the Second Part. In the first volume is a rare specimen of early woodcut bookplate of Mrs. Elizabeth Percivall, Oxford, 1721. • This edition of the first part differs materially from the First Edition, containing both additions and deletions. 1176. SPENSER (EDMUND). Fowre Hymnes, made by Edm. Spenser (together with, "Daphnaida"). Small 4to, full citron levant morocco, gilt and mosaic back, sides cov- ered with gilt tooling on a mosaic of red and green morocco in panels, gilt edges, by The Club Bindery. London: Printed for William Ponsonby, 1596 First Edition of the ' ' Fowre Hymns, ' ' and the second of * * Daphnaida. " A very fine copy, with the Hoe bookplate. 1177. SPENSER (EDMUND). The Shepheards Calen- der: conteyning twelve Aeglogues, proportionable to the twelve Moneths. Entituled, to the Noble and vertuous Gen- tleman, most worthy of all tytles, both of learning and chiual- rie, Maister Philip Sidney, i-2 woodcuts. Small 4to, citron levant morocco, gilt tooled, doublures of citron levant, gilt edges, by The Club Bindery, in a case. London : Printed by Thomas Creede for John Harrison, 1597 Fifth Edition. Very Scarce. The title is skilfully repaired in two places, one just shaving the lettering on verso, and the corners of the first and second leaves of the Epistle to the reader have been restored. The woodcuts are very good impressions. With the Hoe bookplate. 1178. [SPENSER (EDMUND).] The Faerie Queene, Disposed into XII Bookes, Fashioning twelve Morall Vertues. Small folio, full green levant morocco, gilt, with Griswold arms gilt on panel, gilt edges, by William Matthews. London: by H. L. for Mathew Lownes, 1609 The Third Edition of the first part, and Second Edition of the second part. The * ' Two Cantos of Mutabilitie" is new matter never before printed. This edition is quite different from that of two years later. Fine copy. • 225 ir- Ifo ^ /2- 1179. SPENSER (EDMUND). The Paerie Queen: The Shepheards Calendar: Together with the other Works of England's Arch-Poet, Edm. Spenser. Collected into one Vol- ume, and carefully corrected. Woodcut border on title. Full purple levant morocco, gilt back and sides, gilt edges, by the Club Bindery. London: H. L. for Mathew Lownes, 1611 Fine copy of the First Collected Edition; the sub-titles dated 1611, with the exception of two. The date of the final page of the "Fairy Queen" is 1612. '^ Mother Hubbard's Tale," which bears the date of 1613, does not appear in all copies and probably was issued separately. 1180. SPENSER (EDMUND). The Faerie Queen: The Shepheards Calendar: Together with the other Works of England's Arch-Poet. Collected into one volume and care- fully corrected. Title within woodcut border. Folio, original calf, rebacked. [London] : Printed by H. L. for Mathew Lownes, 1617 The Faerie Queen in this volume is the 1611 Edition, being printed from the same forms. The rest of the volume is an entirely different edition. See letter of Prof. George B. Churchill laid in. 1181. SPENSER (EDMUND). The Historic of Ireland, Collected by Three Learned Authors, viz. Meredith Hanmer, Edmund Campion, and Edmund Spenser. Folio, old calf. Dublin, 1633 Fine, crisp copy of the Bare First Edition. There are a number of contemporaneous autographs on fly leaves. 1182. [SPENSER (EDMUND).] The Works of that Fa- mous English Poet, Mr. Edmond Spenser. Viz. The Faery Queen, The Shepherds Calendar, The History of Ireland, &c. Whereunto is added. An Account of his Life; With other new Additions Never before in Print. Frontispiece, Spen- ser's toftib, engraved by White. Folio, brown morocco (hinges cracked). London: Henry Hills for Jonathan Edwin, 1679 The First Complete Edition, containing ' ' Brittains Ida. ' ' Dr. Furniss thinks that Gabriel Harvey's letter, first printed here, gives an account of the earthquake mentioned in Romeo and Juliet. 1183. SPENSER (EDMUND). Prothalamion : Epithala- mion. Sepia plates. Small folio, boards uncut. Boston, 1902 Riverside Press Edition, 419 copies printed. 1184. SPRAT (THOMAS). The Plague of Athens, Which 'hapned in the Second Year of the Peloponnesian War, 226 First Described in Greek by Thucydides; Then in Latin by Lucretius. Now attempted in English, by Tho. Sprat. Small 4to, half brown morocco. London : by E. C. for Henry Brome, 1667 First Edition. Has the imprimatur, with woodcut, and the final leaf of advertisements. With the Lefferts bookplate. 1185. SPRAT (THOMAS). The Plague of Athens, Which hapned in the Second Year of the Peloponnesian War. First Described in Greek by Thucydides; Then in Latine by Lucretius. Second Edition. 8vo, half brown morocco, by R. W. Smith. London: Printed by Andrew Clark, 1676 1186. STANLEY (THOMAS). Poems, by Thomas Stan- ley, Esquire. Small 8vo, full citron levant morocco, the back and sides very elaborately decorated and inlaid in a design of >-^ lozenges in red and maroon, with rich gilt tooling, inside borders to match, silk doublures and ends, gilt top, by Stike- man. [London] Printed in the Year 1651 First Edition. Very Scarce. The present copy probably was one of a small private issue for presentation to friends of the author. It was afterwards published with a different title, dated 1652. With the Lefferts bookplate. 1187. STANLEY (THOMAS). Anacreon, Bion, and '" Moschus, with other translations. New Edition, with a Pref- ace, critical and biographical. Small 8vo, scored calf. London, 1815 One of 150 copies printed at Longmans' private press. 1188. ST APLYTON (SIR ROBERT). Juvenal's Sixteen ^ Satyrs or, A Survey of the Manners and Actions of Man- ^^ kind. Engraved portrait of the author hy Marshall, and en- graved title hy Rawlings. 8vo, full polished calf, gilt, gilt edges. London: Printed for Humphrey Moseley, 1647 First Edition. Inserted is a brilliant impression of the portrait in second state, showing the variation in printed inscription. Fine, clean copy. With the Lefferts bookplate. 1189. ST APLYTON (SIR ROBERT). Musaeus, on The Loves of Hero and Leander. Engraved frontispiece hy Mar- shall, shoiving Leander 's body washed ashore. 12mo, full AJp green levant morocco, gilt tooled back and borders, gilt edges. London: F. B. for Humphrey Mosley, 1647 First Edition. Has the preliminary '^Argument" leaf and the two genuine blanks B4 and E7. Also the additional title. Fine copy. Scarce. 227 ?/'• a- 1190. STAPLYTON (SIR ROBERT). Mores Hominum. The Manners of Men, Described in sixteen Satyrs, by Ju- venal. Portrait of Staplyton engraved hy Lombart, and other full-page plates engraved hy Hollar. Royal folio, half sheep (rubbed). London: Printed by R. Hodgkinsonne, 1660 First Edition. Large Paper. Fine impressions of the plates. 1191. STEELE (SIR RICHARD). The Funeral: or, Grief A-la-mode. A Comedy. As it is Acted in Drury-Lane, by His Majesty's Servants. Small 4to, three-quarter crimson levant morocco, by the Club Bindery. London: Jacob Tonson, 1702 First Edition. Very Eare. An exceptionally fine copy, with the half-title, not in the British Museum copy, and the Prologue, which was not in the Hoe copy. This is considered the best of Steele's plays. 1192. STEELE (SIR RICHARD). The Dramatick ^2^ ^^ Works of Sir Richard Steele. Containing: The Conscious Lovers ; The Funeral ; The Tender Husband ; The Lying Lover. Engraved plates hy Vander Gucht. 8vo, full mottled calf, canary edges. London, n. d. A collection of separate plays of Steele, each with its own title, 1734-1751. /(kr- s-^ ^c 1193. [STERNE (LAURENCE).] The Life and Opin- ions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman. 'Wiith the Hogarth frontispiece in vol. 3. 9 vols., small 8vo, full mottled calf, by Riviere. [York] and London, 1760-67 First Edition. A very handsome little set. Vols, 1 and 2 without the imprint, the York issues. The others are all the London issues, 3 and 4 the Dodsley imprint, the others Becket and Dehondt. Sub- scriber's copy, with Sterne's autograph in vols. 5, 7 and 9. 1194. [STERNE (LAURENCE).] A Sentimental Jour i^ ^^ ney through France and Italy. By Mr. Yorick. 2 vols, small 8vo, full polished calf, gilt tooled, gilt edges, by F. Bedford. London : T. Becket and P. A. De Hondt, 1768 First Edition. Fine copy, with both half titles. 1195. STEVENSON (ROBERT LOUIS) AND OS- BORNE (LLOYD). The Ebb-Tide: A Trio and Quartette. First Edition. 8vo, original cloth. London: Heinemann, 1894 1196. STEVENSON (ROBERT LOUIS). The Works of . Illustrated. 28 vols. The Letters of Robert Louis Stevenson 228 to his Family and Friends. Edited by Sidney Colvin. ^ vols. The Life. By Graham Balfour. 2 vols. Together 32 vols. 8vo, original red cloth, paper labels, gilt tops, uncut. Edinburgh: T. & A. Constable, 1894-98 and London: Methuen & Co., 1899-1901 A fine set of the limited Edinburgh Edition. 1197. STEVENSON (ROBEKT LOUIS). A Life Study in Criticism. By H. B. Baildon. 2 portraits. First Edition. 8vo, original cloth, gilt top, uncut. London: Chatto & Windus, 1901 1198. STEVENSON (ROBERT LOUIS). Memoirs of Himself by Robert Louis Stevenson. Printed from the Orig- inal Manuscript. 4to, boards, uncut. Philadelphia: For Private Distribution only, 1912 Limited to 45 copies on \yhatman paper. Printed from the MS. in the Widener collection. 1199. STORER (THOMAS). The Life and Death of Thomas Wolsey, Cardinall. Divided into Three parts. His Aspiring, Triumph, and Death. Reprinted from the Edition of 1599. 4to, half crimson morocco, gilt edges. London: From the Private Press of Longmans, etc., 1815 Extra-Illustrated by the insertion of 80 engraved portraits and views, many of which are early impressions, including some proofs on India paper. A number of different portraits of Wolsey are present. 1200. STOW (JOHN). The Svrvay of London: Con- / taining The Originall, Antiquitie, Encrease, and more mod- ^ — ' erne Estate of the sayd Famous Citie. Printed in Gothic character. Ornamental initials. Thick small 4to, old calf. London: Printed by George Purslowe, 1618 Bound at the end is an interesting account of the Kings and Queens buried at Westminster up to 1603, with imprint: ''Londini, excudebat Melch. Bradwoodus, M.DC.III.'' Pasted on the inside cover is a mortality table to show deaths from the Plague, from Dec. 23, 1619 to Dec. 25, 1620. 1201. STROLLERS. The Strolers Pacquet Open's. Con- taining Seven Jovial Drolls or Farces, Calculated for the Meridian of Bartholomew and Southwark Fairs. Small 8vo, f full dark green levant morocco, gilt lined, gilt edges, by 5^^' Bradstreets. London: Printed and Sold by A. Jackson, 1742 Very scarce and interesting. These plays were acted by bands of strolling players at fairs, festivals, &c., in villages and country 229 /r- 1212. [SWIFT (JONATHAN).] A Tale of a Tub. Written for the Universal Improvement of Mankind. To CC -^ which is added, An Account of a Battel between the Antient and Modern Books. Brilliant impressions of the engraved plates. Fifth Edition. 8vo, original panelled calf, rebacked. London: Printed for John Nutt, 1710 1213. [SWIFT (JONATHAN).] Miscellanies in Prose and Verse. 8vo, original panelled calf. London: Printed for John Morphew, 1713 Second Edition. Has the bookplate of Charles James Bloomfield, D.D. 1214. SWIFT (JONATHAN). Travels into several Re- mote Nations of the World. Portrait of Gulliver hy Sturt and Sheppard, and maps. 2 vols. 8vo, polished tree calf, canary edges. London: Printed for Benj. Motte, 1726 First Edition. There were four editions published this year, and the order in which they are here placed is from Mr. Hagen's research and collaboration with Mr, Hoe. Vol. I has ** Subsidies" at page 35, line 5, in Part I; and *'1724" at page 64, line 16, Part I. Vol. II has 155 pages to Part III, page 74 being misprinted 44. The pagination is separate. With L. S. from Mr. Hoe laid in, also notes on the different editions. The portrait in this and the following editions has the inscription in the oval. 1215. SWIFT (JONATHAN). Travels into several Re- mote Nations of the World. Portrait of Gulliver by Sturt and Sheppard, and maps. 2 vols. 8vo, full brown levant mo- rocco, gilt edges, by Riviere. London: Printed for Benj. Motte, 1726 Second Edition. Vol. I has ''Subsidues" at page 35, line 5, Part I; and ''Trvels" as catchword at end of Contents to Part II. Vol. II has "ehe" for ''the" in the running title at page 165, Part IV. The pagination is separate. 1216. SWIFT (JONATHAN). Travels into several Re- mote Nations of the World. Portrait of GvUivar hy Sturt L^ and Sheppard, and maps. 2 vols. 8vo, full mottled calf, gilt f ^ edges, by Riviere. London: Printed for Benj. Motte, 1726 Third Edition, with continuous paging in each volume, and the First Edition so paged. 1217. SWIFT (JONATHAN). Travels into several Re- ^ mote Nations of the World. Portrait of Gulliver hy Sturt ^ - and Sheppard, and maps. 2 vols. 8vo, full crimson levant morocco, gilt edges. London: Printed for Benj. Motte, 1726 §33 i, /" f / n Fourth Edition, having separate pagination for each part; Vol. I has "1728" at page 64, line 16, Part 1; Vol. II has ''tryed" at page 5, line 10, Part III. With L. S. from Mr. Hoe laid in. 1218. [SWIFT (JONATHAN).] Travels into Several Remote Nations of the World. By Lemuel Gulliver. With Several Copies of- Verses Explanatory and Commendatory ; never before printed. Engraved portrait and maps. 2 vols, 8vo, original calf. London: for Benj. Motte, 1727 Fifth Edition. The verses mentioned on title are by Pope. With the bookplate of Thomas Foreman Gape, Accompanying above, in similar original calf binding, is: ''Travels into Several Kemote Nations of the World. Vol. 3. London: Printed in the Year 1727." This is the First Edition of the spurious Continuation of Gulliver's Travels, and is by an unknown author. 1219. SWIFT (JONATHAN). Cadenus and Vanessa. A Poem. By Dr. S — t. Ornament on title. 8vo, full sprinkled calf, gilt top, by Bradstreet. London : Printed by N. Blandford, 1726 There were three editions printed this year. It is impossible to determine Avhich was the First, although it is probable that the Roberts Edition was later than the present Edition and the Dublin Edition. 1220. SWIFT (JONATHAN). The Life and Genuine Character of Doctor Swift. Written by Himself. Folio, boards, roan back. London: Printed for J. Roberts, 1733 The spurious issue of "Verses on the Death of Dr. Swift. By Himself." Published in 1739. The dedication to Pope, signed L. M., says a copy w-as stolen from Swift's closet by one of his servants. Has the half-title. With the Hoe bookplate. 1221. [SWIFT (JONATHAN).] Verses on the Death of Doctor Swift. Written by Himself. Nov. 1731. Printer's device. Folio, half levant morocco. London: Printed for C. Bathurst, 1739 First Authorized Edition. Scarce. A garbled version was is- sued surreptitiously eight years earlier. With the W. H. Arnold bookplate. 1222. [SWIFT (JONATHAN).] Remarks on the Life and Writings of Dr. Jonathan Swift. By John, Earl of Or- rery. Etched portrait frontispiece and medallion on title by Wilson. 8vo, original calf. Fine. COPY of the First Edition. With the large armorial book- plate of Carteret, Earl Granville. 234 122^. SWIFT (JONATHAN). Polite Conversation in Three Dialogues. Introduction and Notes by George Saints- bury. Portrait. 8vo, boards, vellum back. London : Chiswick Press, 1892 One of fifty copies of Japan vellum. 1224. SWINBURNE (A. C). Bothwell: A Tragedy. First Edition. Thick 12mo, cloth, uncut. London, 1874 1225. SWINBURNE (A. C). George Chapman : A Criti- cal Essay. First Edition. 12mo, cloth, uncut. London, 1875 With the McKee bookplate by French. 1226. SWINBURNE (A. C). A Study of Shakespeare. First Edition. 12mo, cloth, uncut. London, 1880 1227. SWINBURNE (A. C). Miscellanies. First Edi- tion. 12mo, cloth, uncut. London, 1886 With bookplate of Seward Brice. 1228. SWINBURNE (A. C). A Study of Ben Jonson. First Edition. 8vo, original cloth (cover worn). London : Chatto & Windus, 1889 1229. SWINBURNE (A. C:). Studies in Prose and Poe- try. First Edition. 12mo, cloth, uncut. London, 1894 1230. SWINBURNE (A. C). Laus Veneris. Poems and Ballads. Portrait. 4to, boards, uncut. Portland: Mosher, 1899 One of 450 copies on hand-made paper. 1231. SWINBURNE (A. C). Songs before Sunrise. Portrait. 4to, boards, uncut. Portland: Mosher, 1901 One of 450 copies on hand-made paper. 1232. SWINBURNE (A. C). Poems and Ballads. Sec- ond and Third Series. 4to, boards, uncut. Portland : Mosher, 1902 One of 450 copies on hand-made paper. 1233. SYMONDS (JOHN ADDINGTON). The EscoriaL A Prize Poem, Recited in the Theatre, Oxford, June 20, 1860. 8vo, original printed wrappers. In double slip case. Oxford: T. and G. Shrimpton, 1860 First Edition. Symonds' first work. 235 C- i 3 pb 1234. SYMONDS (JOHN ADDINGTON). An tntrO- duction to the Study of Dante. Frontispi-ece pwirait of Dante. 8vo, original red cloth, uncut. London: Smith, Elder & Co., 1872 First Edition, Scarce. ^^ 1235. SYMONDS (JOHN ADDINGTON). Many Moods. ^ A Volume of Verse. First Edition. 12mo, cloth, uncut. London, 1878 •^ ^^ 1236. Another copy, the same. 1237. SYMONDS (JOHN ADDINGTON). Shelley. ,-C> First Edition. 12mo, cloth, uncut. London, 1878 1238. SYMONDS (JOHN ADDINGTON). The Sonnets of Michael Angelo Buonarroti and Tommaso Campanello. --- First Edition. 8vo, original purple cloth. London : Smith, Elder & Co., 1878 1239. SYMONDS (JOHN ADDINGTON) . New and Old : ^ ^ A Volume of Verse. First Edition. 8vo, original blue cloth. ^ London: Smith, Elder, 1880 1240. SYMONDS (JOHN ADDINGTON). Animi Fi- 2- ^ gura. First Edition. 12mo', cloth, uncut. London, 1882 1241. SYMONDS (JOHN ADDINGTON). Shakespeare's Predecessors in the English Drama. 8vo, original cloth, un- cut. London: Smith, Elder and Co., 1884 First Edition. Scarce. 1242. SYMONDS (JOHN ADDINGTON). Ben Jonson. First Edition. 12mo, green cloth, uncut. London, 1886 1243. SYMONDS (JOHN ADDINGTON). Vagabunduli ^ ^ Libellus. First Edition. 8vo, original blue cloth, uncut. London: Keg^an Paul, 1884 1244. SYMONDS (JOHN ADDINGTON). Wine, Women, and Song. Mediaeval Latin Students' Songs. Now first translated into English Verse. With an Essay. Small 8vo, original vellum, uncut. London: Chatto and Windus, 1884 First Edition. Very scarce. 236 1245. SYMONDS (JOHN ADDINGTON). Sir Philip Sidney. First Edition. 8vo, original cloth. London: Macmillan, 1886 1246. SYMONDS (JOHN ADDINGTON). The Life of Benvenuto Cellini. Frontispiece portrait. 2 vols. Royal ^ 8vo, original cloth, leather back, gilt tops, uncut. London: Nimmo, 1888 First Edition. 1247. SYMONDS (JOHN ADDINGTON). Essays, Spec- ulative and Suggestive. 2 vols. 12mo, cloth, uncut. London, 1890 First Edition. Scarce. 1248. SYMONDS (JOHN ADDINGTON). The Memoirs of Count Carlo Gozzi. Translated into English. With Es- says on Italian Impromptu Comedy, Gozzi 's Life, etc. by the Translator. With portrait and 6 original etcJiings hy Adolphe Lalaiize, also 11 subjects illustratiyig Italian comedy hy Maur- ice Sand, engraved on copper and colored hy hand. 2 vols. Royal 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1890 First Edition. One of 210 copies printed on Large -Paper, with the 7 etchings in duplicate. -^ 1249. SYMONDS (JOHN ADDINGTON). Our Life in the Swiss Highlands. Illustrated. First Edition. 12mo, cloth. London, 1892 1250. SYMONDS (JOHN ADDINGTON). Walt Whit- man. A Study. Portraits and illustrations. First Edition. Royal 8vo, original cloth. London: John C. Nimmo, 1893 ^ 1251. SYMONDS (JOHN ADDINGTON). Blank Verse. ^ First Edition. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1895 1252. SYMONDS (JOHN ADDINGTON). Giovanni Boccaccio as Man and Author. First Edition. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1895 1253. SYMONDS (JOHN ADDINGTON). Wine, f^ Women and Song. Medieval Latin Students' Songs. Small 4to, limp boards, uncut. Portland: Mosher, 1899 One of 725 copies on Van Gelder paper. 237 sl- ^ A- ^7- SEVENTH SESSION Thursday Afternoon, May 16, at 2:30 o'clock LOTS I254-M66 1254. TATE (NAHUM). Poems. By N. Tate. 8vo, light tan levant morocco, gilt tooled and lined back, borders, and inside edges, gilt edges, by Chambolle-Duru. London: Printed by T. M. for Benj. Tooke, 1677 First Edition. With License leaf dated November 27, 1676. Very fine and large copy, from the Hoe collection, with bookplate. 1255. TATE (NAHUM). Brutus of Alba: or, the En- chanted Lovers. A Tragedy. Acted at the Duke's Theatre. Small 4to, half calf. London : E. F. for Jacob Tonson, 1678 First Edition. Fine copy, with the Lefferts bookplate. 1256. TATE (NAHUM). An Elegy on the Most Rev- erend Father in God, his Grace, John, late Lord Archbishop of Canterbury. Folio, half red levant morocco, by [The Club Bindery]. London: Printed for B. Aylmer, 1695 First Edition. This is a tribute to the Memory of Archbishop Tillotson. From the library of Frederick Locker. 1257. [TATHAM (JOHN).] The Scots Figgaries: or, A Knot of Knaves. A Comedy. Small 4to, half black mo- rocco (rubbed and slightly spotted). London : W. H. for John Tey, 1652 First Edition. The Lefferts copy. /c 1258. TAYLOR ( JOHN) . All the Workes of lohn Taylor the Water Poet, being 63 in number collected into one volum [sic]. With sundry new additions, corrected, revised, and '(yO ^ newly imprinted. Engraved title. Portrait added, and nu- merous woodcuts. Folio, old brown russia, rebacked, gilt edges. At London : Printed by J. B. for James Boler, 1630 Described by a note by Mr. Lefferts as an exceptionally large and wide copy. An interesting manuscript note on the fly leaf on Taylor is signed J, W, With the Lefferts bookplate. 238 1259. TAYLOR (JOHN). A Memorial of all the Eng- lish Monarchs being in number 151, from Brute to King Charles. In Heriocall Verse by lo. Taylor. Title within W ^^ woodcut border having portraits of Kings in 14 compart- ments. Small 8vo, old red straight-grain morocco, gilt edges, by Lewis. London: Printed by John Beale, 1630 Second Edition. Eare, The First Edition, published in 1622 con- tained one less "Life" than the present edition. With the Gaisford and Lefferts bookplates. 1260. TAYLOR (ZACHARY). Letters of Zachary Tay- lor from the Battle-Fields of the Mexican War. Reprinted from the Originals in the Collection of W. K. Bixby. Illus- trations from private plates. 4to, original boards, cloth back, uncut. Rochester, [Privately Printed,] 1908 One of only 300 copies, inscribed^ by Mr. Bixby. 1261. TEMPLE of Glass (John Lydgate) ; [Queen Anelida y— and the false Arcite (Chaucer); The Assemble of Goddes (John Lydgate). Facsimile reprints. 3 vols, small folio, boards, vellum backs, uncut. Cambridge: University Press, 1905-06 Limited Issue: only 250 of each printed in facsimile of the origi- nals by Caxton and Wynkyn de Worde. 1262. TENNYSON (ALFRED, LORD). Timbuctoo. A ^ ^ Poem, which obtained The Chancellor's Medall at the Cam- ^ "" bridge Commencement, M.SCCC.XXIX. By A. Tennyson, of Trinity College. 8vo, full dark red crushed levant mo- rocco, gilt top, uncut, in Jansen style by Taffin. Cambridge: J. Smith, 1829 The Separate Issue. Excessively rare. Wise, in his Bibliography of Tennyson, says: "This is a separate pull of the poem alone, without any of the additional matter which accompanied it in the ' Prolusiones. ' " He goes on to state that the copy in Mr, Arnold 's library is the sole surviving example. Laid in is an A. L. S. of Mr. Wise to Mr. Hagen regarding the present copy. 1263. TENNYSON (ALFRED, LORD). Poems. 12mo, • original boards, rebacked, uncut, in black morocco solander case. London: Edward Moxon, 1833 A VERY FINE COPY OP THIS EXTREMELY 'RARE EDITION, FULLY AS RARE AS THE 1830 EDITION, and Contains many poems which Tenny- son would never allow to be reprinted, while alterations were made in others. It also contains the first appearance of * * The Lady of Shalott," "The May Queen," "Bream of Fair Women," and others of his most famous pieces. The half-title and the leaf of advertisement are present. 239 ^2 fc f^ 1264. TENNYSON (ALFRED, LORD). Poems, Chiefly LyrieaL 8vo, original boards, paper label, uncut, in red straight-grain morocco solander case, by The Club Bindery. London : Effingham Wilson, 1830 First Edition. A superb copy. Very scarce. Has the leaf of errata and the 36pp. of book advertisements at the end. _ 1265. TENNYSON (ALFRED, LORD). Poems. In Two Volumes. 2 vols, small 8vo, original boards, paper labels, edges uncut. Preserved in case and covers with morocco backs, by The Club Bindery. London: Edward Moxon, 1842 Very rare. Beautiful copy, in original 'binding. Volume 2, with one exception, consists of poems not previously published, and there are several unpublished in volume 1. The other po€ms, re- printed from the earlier edition, were here much altered. With the John Milner Barry bookplate. c- 1266. TENNYSON (ALFRED, LORD). Poeihs. 2 vols. CV original boards, paper labels, uncut, in morocco slip case. Boston: William D. Ticknor, 1842 First American Edition. Scarce. With the bookplate of John T. Beer. ^- i- ^f >- 1267. TENNYSON (ALFRED, LORD). Poems. 2 vols. 8vo, original green cloth, paper labels, uncut. London: Edward Moxon, 1845 Third Edition, not in the D. M. and Co.'s Biblography of Tennyson. It varies slightly from the First and Second Editions. 1268. TENNYSON (ALFRED, LORD). Poems. 2 vols. 12mo, original cloth, uncut. London: Moxon, 1846 Fourth Edition. With autograph of ' * Jane Williams, Lyf ord Parsonage 1848" on title. 1269. TENNYSON (ALFRED, LORD). The Princess; A Medley. Small 8vo, original green cloth, uncut. London: Edward Moxon, 1847 First Edition. Fine copy, with the advertisements dated Novem- ber 1, 1847. 1270. [TENNYSON (ALFRED, LORD).] In Memo- riam. Small 8vo, original cloth, edges entirely uncut. London: Edward Moxon, 1850 First Edition. First Issue, with the first line of fourth stanza on page 2, **And gazing on the sullen tree," and the word "base- ness" in line 3, page 198. These mistakes occur only in the earliest issues, which are very scarce, and particularly so in original, uncut condition. With the advertisements and half title. 240 1271. TENNYSON (ALFRED, LORD). Maud, And Other Poems. First Edition. Small 8vo, original cloth. London, 1855 1272. TENNYSON (ALFRED, LORD). Poems. Por- trait of Tennyson from a Medallion hy Thomas Woolner, and Illustrations hy artists of the pre-Baphaelite School, Millais, Rossetti, Hunt and others. 8vo, original decorated blue cloth (worn), uncut. London: Moxon, 1857 Scarce. 1273. TENNYSON (ALFRED, LORD). Idylls of the King. Small 8vo, original cloth. London, 1859 First Edition. Has the list of books bound in at front. Laid in is the separately printed New Dedication to the Idylls of the King, printed London, 1862. 1274. TENNYSON (ALFRED, LORD). Helen's Tower, Stanzas by Lady Gifford Clandeboye, and Ten Lines on Last Leaf by Lord Tennyson. With an engraved title containing a view of the tower. 4to, original green glazed paper wrap- pers, gilt edges. Clandeboye: Privately Printed, [1861] Fine copy, Extremely Eare. The poem in this publication by Lord Tennyson was written at the request of the Marquis of Dufferin for a tower built in memory of his mother. 1275. [TENNYSON (ALFRED, LORD).] Poems. Square 12mo, full polished brown calf, gilt tooled, gilt top, other edges uncut. N. P. : Privately printed, 1862 This scarce little book is believed to have been printed in Canada. It consists of the suppressed poems of 1830 and 1833. Slater says: "Its publication was prohibited by the Court of Chancery, though a few copies seem to have been distributed. ' ' Shepherd, in his Bibliography of Tennyson, states that he had never seen a copy. In fine condition, with the half title and very large margins. 1276. TENNYSON (ALFRED, LORD). A Welcome to Her Royal Highness the Princess of Wales, from The Poet Laureate. Illuminated throughout hy Owen Jones, Litho- graphed hy Day & Son. First Edition. 4to, original red and white cloth (binding shaken). [London] 1863 1277. TENNYSON (ALFRED, LORD). Enoch Arden, &c. 1864; Gareth and Lynette, &c. 1872; Queen Mary; A Drama, 1875. First Editions. 3 vols, 8vo, original cloth. London, 1864-1875 241 ^ 1278. TENNYSON (ALFEED, LORD). The Holy Grail, A'^ 1870; Harold, A Drama, 1877; Becket, 1884. First Edi- tions. 3 vols, 8vo, original cloth. London, 1870-84 3- 3- (fC>- U- jr^ ^5 1279. TENNYSON (ALFRED, LORD). The Lover's Tale. First Complete Edition, 1879 ; Tiresias, 1885 ; Demeter, 1889; Death of Oenone, Akbar's Dream, 1892. First Edi- tions. 4 vols, 8vo, original cloth. London, 1879-92 1280. TENNYSON (ALFRED, LORD). Ballads and Other Poems, 1880; Locksley Hall, Sixty Years After, &c. 1887; The Foresters, Robin Hood and Maid Marion, 1892. First Editions. 3 vols, 8vo, original cloth. London, 1880-92 1281. TENNYSON (ALFRED, LORD). The Passing of Arthur. Small 4to, full crimson levant morocco, gilt top, original wrappers bound in, by Bradstreet. London: Macmillan and Co., 1884 The very rare First Edition, one of only a few copies printed for examination purposes. With the Charles B. Foote bookplate. 1282. [THACKERAY (W. M.).] The Comic Almanack, for 1839 and 1840. Witla illustratia7is hy George Cruikshank. 2 vols, small 8vo, original wrappers, uncut, in half brown morocco folding case, by The Club Bindery. London [1839-40] The 1839 Almanack has the First Edition of Thackeray's ''Stubb's Calendar; or The Fatal Boots." The 1840 Almanack has the First Edition of his "Barber Cox, and the Cutting of his Comb." 1283. [THACKERAY (W. M.).] An Essay on the Genius of George Cruikshank. With nun/ierous illustrations of his works. (From the Westminster Review, No. LXVI.) With additional etchings. 8vo, original cloth, uncut, stucco binding, loose as usual. [London] : Henry Hooper, 1840 First Edition. 1284. [THACKERAY (W. M.).] The Irish Sketch- Book. By Mr. M. A. Titmarsh. Numerous engravings on wood, drawn hy the author. 2 vols, 8vo, original green cloth, uncut. London: Chapman and Hall, 1843 First Edition. Very scarce in original cloth. In this book Thackeray, for the first time, used his own name in signing the dedication: he had hitherto used only his pseudonym. 242 1285. [THACKERAY (W. M.).] George Cruikshank's Table-Talk. Edited by Gilbert Abbott A. Beckett. En- graved plates and text illustrations hy George Crmkshank. Royal 8vo, original green cloth, gilt, gilt edges. London: Punch Office, 1845 First Edition. Scarce. Contains the first appearance of Thack- eray's Legend of the Ehine. 1286. [THACKERAY (W. M.).] Notes of a Journey from Cornhill to Grand Cairo, by Way of Lisbon, Athens, Constantinople, and Jerusalem. Colored frontispiece and many woodcuts hy the author. 8vo, original red cloth, uncut. London: Chapman and Hall, 1846 First Edition. 1287. [THACKERAY (W. M.).] Mrs. Perkins's Ball. By M. A. Titmarsh. 22 colored plates by the author, includ- ing title and folding plate. Square 8vo, original pink glazed boards (back slightly chipped, one hinge cracked). London: Chapman and Hall [1847] First Edition. Very rare. The First issue, before lines on frontis- piece and list of plates. Edges not gilt. 1288. THACKERAY (W. M.). The Book of Snobs. Il- lustrated with initials and woodcuts ty Thackeray. 8vo, full dark green straight-grain morocco, richly gilt back and cor- ners, gilt top, uncut, by The Club Bindery. London: Punch Office, 1848 The exceedingly rare earliest issue of the First Edition, with the misprint on page 126, a point apparently overlooked by bibliographers. The woodcut on the title did not appear in the ' * Punch ' ' issue, nor is it repeated in the book. The original covers, the leaf of advertisement and half-title are present. 1289. [THACKERAY (W. M.).] ''Our Street." By Mr. M. A. Titmarsh. Title and 15 other colored plates hy the author. Small 4to, original illustrated pink boards, gilt edges (back rubbed). London: Chapman and Hall, 1848 First Edition. 1290. THACKERAY (W. M.). The History of Penden- nis. His Fortunes and Misfortunes. His Friends and His Greatest Enemy. 24 engraved plates and titles, and other illustrations on wood, hy the author. 24 parts, bound in 23, 8vo, original yellow illustrated wrappers (a few backs slightly rubbed). London: Bradbury & Evans, 1848-50 243 First Edition. Scarce, and very desirable in the original parts. The last part contains the scarce advertisement of "The Kickle- burys on the Ehine. " 1291. [THACKERAY (W. M.).] Doctor Birch and His Young Friends. 15 colored plates and engraved title. Small 4to, original illustrated pink boards (hinges slightly rubbed). London: Chapman and Hall, 1849 First Edition. Scarce in original condition. 1292. THACKERAY (W. M.). The History of Samuel Titmarsh and the Great Hoggarty Diamond. Engraved title and plates hy Thackeray. 12mo, original decorated boards, uncut. London: Bradbury and Evans, 1849 First Edition. Eare. 1293. [THACKERAY (W. M.).] The Kickleburys on the Rhine. Colored plates hy the author. Square 8vo, orig- inal pink glazed illustrated boards, gilt edges (back very slightly rubbed). London: Smith, Elder, 1850 First Edition. Very scarce. WITH DRAWING BY THACKERAY 1294. [THACKERAY (W. M.).] Rebecca and Rowena. O^ v-^ A Romance upon Romance. By Mr. M. A. Titmarsh. Col- (^^^"^ ored illustrations and woodcuts hy Richard Doyle. Square 12mo, original pink glazed boards, gilt edges (hinges slightly rubbed). In morocco slip case. London: Chapman and Hall, 1850 First Edition. Inserted is an original pencil sketch by Thackeray : A Court Dress. ' * Oh, Just ain 't people proud what have got Pairasoles. ' ' ^ A ^ /* f^' 1295. [THACKERAY (W. M.).] The History of Henry Esmond, Esq. A Colonel in the Service of Her Majesty Q. Anne. Written by Himself. 3 vols., 8vo, full dark blue le- vant morocco, elaborately gilt tooled with sprays and blos- soms in an interlacing border of lines and dots, gilt tops, rough edges, by Stikeman. London: Smith, Elder, 1852 First Edition. Beautiful copy, with the half title in each volume. 1296. THACKERAY (W. M.). The English Humorists of the Eighteenth Century. A Series of Lectures. 8vo, orig- inal blue veined cloth, edges uncut. London: Smith, Elder, 1853 244 ii^iRST Edition. Inserted is an A. L. S. of Thackeray, 1 p. 8vo. London, Nov. 27, 1856, regarding The Humourists, and stating his terms for lectures, 25 guineas per lecture. 1297. [THACKERAY (W. M.).] The Newcomes: Me- ^ moirs of a Most Respectable Family. Edited by Arthur Pen- dennis, Esqr. 2 engraved titles, 22 other engrawed plates, and many woodcuts, hy Richard Doyle. 24 parts in 23, 8vo, original yellow wrappers, uncut. London: Bradbury & Evans, 1853-55 First Edition. Scarce in the original parts. 1298. THACKERAY (W.M.). Ballads. Vignette of the author on title. First Edition. 12mo, original yellow wrap- pers, uncut. London: Bradbury & Evans, 1855 1299. THACKERAY (W.M.). The Book of Snobs. 8vo, original printed yellow wrappers, edges uncut, largely un- opened. London : Bradbury and Evans, 1855 1300. THACKERAY (W. M.). The Fatal Boots, and Cox's Diary. 8vo, original yellow wrappers, uncut. London: Bradbury & Evans, 1855 First Edition. Has the title and all three half titles. 1301. [iTHACKERAY (W. M.).] The Rose and the Ring; or. The History of Prince Giglio and Prince Bulbo. A Fire-Side Pantomine for Great and Small Children. By Mr. ' M. A. Titmarsh. Illustrations hy the author. Square 8vo, ^ original pink glazed illustrated boards (back slightly re- stored). London: Smith, Elder, & Co., 1855 First Edition. This is the fifth and last of Thackeray's Christ- mas books. There is no list of plates, and they are never found colored. 1302. THACKERAY (W. M.). The Tremendous Ad- } ventures of Major Gahagan. First Edition. 8vo, original yellow printed wrappers, uncut. London : Bradbury & Evans, 1855 1303. THACKERAY (W.' M.). A Little Dinner at Tim- ^ mins's: and The Bedford-Row Conspiracy. First Edition. 8vo., original printed yellow wrappers, uncut. London: Bradbury & Evans, 1856 ^ 1304. THACKERAY (W. M.). Burlesques. A Legend f ^ of the Rhine: Rebecca and Rowena. First Edition. 8vo, original printed yellow wrappers, uncut. London: Bradbury and Evans, 1856 245 f f f ^7 /< 1305. THACKERAY (W. M.). The Memoirs of Barry Lyndon, Esq., of the Kingdom of Ireland. 8vo, original printed yellow wrappers, uncut (back with very slight res- torations). London: Bradbury & Evans, 1856 First English Edition. Has the yellow slip inserted telling of Mr. Thackeray's new serial work. 1306. THACKERAY (W. M.). The Memoirs of Mr. Charles J. Yellowplush, and The Diary of C. Jeames de la Pluche, Esq. First Edition. 8vo, original printed yellow wrappers, uncut. London: Bradbury and Evans, 1856 1307. THACKERAY (W. M.). Novels by Eminent Hands, and Character Sketches. First Epition. 8vo, orig- inal printed yellow wrappers, uncut. London: Bradbury and Evans, 1856 1308. THACKERAY (W. M.). Sketches and Travels in London. First English Edition. 8vo, original printed yellow wrappers, edges uncut. London: Bradbury and Evans, 1856 1309. THACKERAY (W. M.). The Fitz-Boodle Papers: and Men's Wives. First English Edition. 8vo, original printed yellow wrappers, uncut (top margins slightly spotted, wrapper neatly restored). London: Bradbury & Evans, 1857 1310. THACKERAY (W. M.). The History of Samuel Titmarsh and The Great Hoggarty Diamond. 8vo, original printed yellow wrappers, uncut (wrapper very slightly re- stored). London: Bradbury & Evans, 1857 1311. THACKERAY (W. M.). A Shabby Genteel Story. First English Edition. 8vo, original printed yellow wrap- pers, uncut. London: Bradbury & Evans, 1857 1312. THACKERAY (W. M.). The Virginians: A Tale t^ of the Last Century. 24 steel plates and many woodcuts by ^^ the author. In the 24 original parts, 8vo, original yellow illustrated wrappers, uncut. London: Bradbury and Evans, 1857-59 First Edition in the Original Parts as issued. Eare in this state. Has the printed slip in part 20, telling of the accident to the plates for that number. ^ 1313. THACKERAY (W. M.). The Four Georges: Sketches of Manners, Morals, Court and Town Life. With 246 illustrations. First English Edition. 8vo, original green cloth, uncut. London : Smith, Elder & Co., 1861 1314. THACKERAY (W. M.). Lovell the Widower. II- /•<-^ lustrations. First English Edition. 8vo, original purple cloth, uncut edges. London : Smith, Elder & Co., 1861 1315. THACKERAY (W. M.) . The Adventures of Philip on His Way through the World. 3 vols, 8vo, original brown cloth, uncut and unopened. London: Smith, Elder & Co., 1862 First Edition. Scarce in this original condition. 1316. THACKERAY (W.M.). Roundabout Papers. Re- printed from ''The Cornhill Magazine." Illustrations. 8vo, original purple cloth, uncut. London: Smith, Elder, 1863 First Edition. 1317. THACKERAY (W. M.). Deni^ Duval. First English Edition. 8vo, original red cloth, uncut. London: Smith, Elder, 1867 1318. THACKERAY (W. M.). The Students' Quarter, / or Paris Five-and-Thirty Years Since. Not included in his Collected Writings. Original colored illustrations. 8vo, orig- inal blue cloth, uncut. London: Hotten [1875] First Edition. 1319. THACKERAY (W. M.). Thackerayana. Notes & Anecdotes. Illustrated by nearly 600 sketches. 12mo, orig- inal cloth. London: Chatto and Windus, 1875 First and Suppressed Issue of the First Edition. With the McKee bookplate. 1320. THACKERAY (WILLIAM M.). Loose Sketches. An Eastern Adventure, etc. With a frontispiece hy John Leech. 8vo, cloth, half vellum, uncut. London: Frank T. Sabin, 1894 First Edition. One of 100 copies on Large Paper. With the E. H. Bierstadt bookplate. 1321. THACKERAY (W. M.). Crowe (Eyre). Thack- f^ eray's Haunts and Homes. Illustrations frmn sketches hy the Author. 8vo, half parchment, uncut. Limited Edition. N. Y.: Scribner, 1897 247 / 'i 1322. THACKERAY (W. M.). Catalogue of An Exhibi- tion Commemorating the Hundreth Anniversary. Portrait and many tinted and other illustrations. 8vo, original boards, uncut. N. Y., 1912 One of 260 copies printed for members of The Grolier Club. 1323. THACKERAY (W. M.). Napoleon. An Essay. Together with reproductions of 5 original sketches by the Author, Small 4to, boards, uncut. Privately Printed, 1915 Rare. Never before published. One of 75 copies privately- printed for W. B, Osgood Field. Autograph presentation copy from Mr. Field to Mr. Hagen. 1324. THACKERAY (W. M.). A. L. S.. Ip. 8vo. Bed- ford [Bedford Hotel, Brighton, about 1845?] With seal. To Horace Smith, asking an invitation to tea for Harrison Ains- worth and himself. 1325. THEOCRITUS. The Idylliums of Theocritus. Translated from the Greek, with Notes Critical and Explana- tory, by Francis Fawkes. Medallion portrait frontispiece of TheocriiiLS. Tall 8vo, full mottled calf, canary edges. London, 1767 1326. THOMS (WILLIAM J., Editor). A Collection of Early Prose Romances. First Edition. 3 vols., 8vo, full brown calf, gilt, gilt edges, by Clarke. London: William Pickering, 1828 Has the early Boy with Flambeau as title vignette, used by Picker- ing before the Aldine anchor. With the bookplate of Sutton Sharpe, Lincoln's Inn. 1327. THOMSON (JAMES). Spring. A Poem. 8vo, /f full crimson levant morocco, inlaid with citron wreath, inter- fyO "^ twined with delicate flowers in blue, richly gilt tooled, gilt top, uncut, original blue paper covers bound in, by The Club Bindery. London : Printed and Sold by A. Millar, 1728 A HANDSOME COPY of the Kare First EDITION, with the half- title and final leaf of advertisements of the Four Seasons com- plete. 1328. THOMSON (JAMES). The Seasons. Richard- ff^ son's etched portrait of Thomson hound in as frontispiece, 2-7^ other plates engraved hy Tardieu. 4to, half red levant mo- 7 """'"■' '— -— -•™ ^ cT' > rocco, gilt top. London: Printed in the Year 1730 First Collected Edition. Autumn is here published for the first time. Bound in at end is Thomson's ''Britannia. A Poem. London, 1730.'' ' ?48 1329. THOMSON (JAMES). The Works of Mr. Thom- son. Volume the Second. 4to, half levant morocco, gilt top. London : A. Millar, 1736 Contains the First Edition of ''Liberty" and the Second Edition of " Sophonisba. " 1330. THOMSON (JAMES). Edward and Eleonora. A Tragedy. As it was to have been Acted at the Theatre-Royal in Covent-Garderi. 8vo, full crimson morocco, gilt edges. London: Printed for the Author, 1739 First Edition. Fine copy. The representation of this Tragedy, on the stage, was prohibited. 1331. THOMSON (JAMES). The Castle of Indolence: An Allegorical Poem. Written in Imitation of Spenser. 4to, full mottled calf, gilt, edges uncut, original blue wrappers bound in, by Pickering. London: For A. Millar, 1748 First Edition. Extremely rare in uncut condition. With the bookplate of Frederick Locker, and a note in his autograph on Thomson. 1332. THOMSON (JAMES). The Seasons. Engraved title and plates hy Heath, after the designs hy Westall. Small 8vo, full maroon straight-grain morocco, gilt and blind tool- ing, by Joseph. London : Printed for John Sharpe, 1821 A beautiful edition. 1333. TIBULLUS. The Works of Tibullus. Translated from the Latin, by James Grainger, M.t). Engraved frontis- pieces, one by Finden. 2 vols, in one, 16mo, full polished green calf, gilt. London: Printed at the Stanhope Press, 1812 Finely printed little work. 1334. TIMES (JOHN). Romance of London: Strange Stories, Scenes and Remarkable Persons of the Great Town. 3 vols., 8vo, original cloth, uncut (shaken). London : Bentley, 1865 First Edition. 1335. TRIBUTE (THE) : A Collection of Miscellaneous Unpublished Poems, by Various Authors. Edited by Lord Northampton. 8vo, cloth, roan back, uncut. London: John Murray, 1837 First Edition. Contains Stanzas by Tennyson, which were re- written many years later as part of *'Maud." Has also original poems by Sputhey, Moore, Landor, De Vere, Wordsworth, au^ pthers. £t /c ¥4' >r' ^ dr 1336. TURBERVILLE (GEORGE). The Heroycall Epistles of the Learned Poet Publius Ouidius Naso, In Eng- lish Verse : set out and translated by George Turberuile Gent, wyth Aulus Sabinus answeres to certaine of the same. Title imthin woodcut border. Small 8vo, full brown levant mo- rocco, Jansen style, gilt edges. Imprinted at London, by Henry Denham, 1569 Second Edition. Extremely Eare. The First Edition was printed in 1567, but no copy was available for the Grolier Collations. With the Hoe bookplate. 1337. TURNBULL (GEORGE). Three Dissertations; One On the Characters of Augustus, Horace and Agrippa; On the Gallery of Verres; On the Nature, Origin, and Use of Masks. Plates. 4to, old calf (hinges weak). London : Printed for R. Dodsley, 1740 Bound with Pope's "Dunciad" 1729 edition, and Mason's ''El- frida," 1752 edition. 1338. [YANBRUGH (SIR JOHN).] The Provok'd Wife : A Comedy, As it is Acted at the New Theatre, in Little Lincolns-Inn-Fields. Small 4to, half brown calf, green label, by Larkins. London: Printed by J. O. for R. Wellington, 1697 First Edition. With the Lefferts bookplate. 1339. VANBRUGH (SIR JOHN). The Relapse; or. Vir- tue in Danger: Being the Sequel of The Fool in Fashion, a Comedy. Acted at The Theatre-Royal in Drury-lane. Small 4to, boards, leather label, uncut (leaves time-stained). [London] : Printed for Samuel Briscoe, 1697 First Edition. This is a continuation of Gibber's ''Loves Last Shift; or. The Fool in Fashion," 1696. Unusual in uncut state. With the Lefferts bookplate. 1340. [VANBRUGH (SIR JOHN).] The False Friend. A Comedy. As it is Acted at the Theatre-Royal in Drury- Lane, by His Majesty's Servants. Small 4to, boards, roan back. London: Jacob Tonson, 1702 First Edition. With the Lefferts bookplate. 1341. VANBRUGH (SIR JOHN). The Cornish Squire. A Comedy. As it is Acted at the Theatre-Royal in Drury- Lane, by His Majesty's Servants. 8vo, half brown morocco, uncut. London: Printed for J. Watts, 1734 First Edition^ Bare. Not in Hoe. The Prologue is by Dr. Garth, This play was discovered and published after Vanbrugh's 250 death. T^he Preface supposes it to 136 the joint work of Vanijrugh, Walsh and Congreve. With the Lefferts bookplate. 2, 1342. VANBRUGH (SIR JOHN). Flays. Engraved por- - trait hy Miller. 2 vols., 12mo, full sprinkled calf, canary edges. London, 1759 The best edition of 'the Collected Plays. 1343. VAUGHAN (HENRY). Poems, with The tenth Satyre of Juvenal Englished By Henry Vaughan, Gent. Small -8vo, full old calf (a few edges shaved). ^..^ London: Printed for G. Badger, 1646 First Edition of Vaughan 's first published book. Exceedingly Bare. Apparently no copy has been offered for sale in many years. 1344. VAUGHAN (HENRY). Silex Scintillans; or Sacred Poems and Private Eiaculations. Engraved title. 16mo, full dark green levant morocco, rich gilt scrolls with inlays of different colored leathers; in center of front cover . is a panel of silver repousse, with the reclining figure of Psyche; doublures of dark green levant morocco, gilt edges, in slip case, by The Club Bindery. London: Printed T. W. for H. Blunden, 1650 First Edition. With the Hoe bookplate. 1345. VAUGHAN (HENRY). Olor Iscanus. A Collec- tion of some Select Poems, and Translations, Formerly writ- ten by Mr. Henry Vaughan Dilurist. Published by a Friend. With the engraved frontispiece hy Bo. Vaughan. Small 8vo, full crimson levant morocco, gilt centre ornaments on sides, gil,t edges, by Riviere. London : Printed by T. W. for Humphrey Moseley, 1651 Very fine copy of the First Edition, with the leaf of Errata, and separate titles to the various pieces. With the Lefferts book- plate. 1346. VAUGHAN (WILLIAM). The Chvrch Militant. Historically Continued from the Yeare of Our Saviovrs In- carnation 33. until this present, 1640. Ornament on title. Small 8vo, half dark green morocco. London: Printed by Tho. Paine for Humfrey Blunden, 1640 First Edition. Eare. ^ 1347. VIRGIL. The Whole XII. Bookes of the Aeneidos of Virgin. Translated into English Meeter by Thomas Phaer 251 and Thomas f wyne. Small 4to, full crimson levant moroccO, gilt and blind tooling, gilt edges, by Riviere. Imprinted at London by Wyllyam How, 1573 Very choice copy of the First Complete Edition. This is an earlier edition than that described in the Grolier Collations. It is generally considered that Shakespeare was indebted to this volume. 1348. VOLTAIRE (JEAN FRANQOIS MARIE /p-. AROUET). TheHenriade. Translated from the French, by OJ T. Smollett, M.D. T. Francklin, and others. Engraved frontispiece hy Hall. 12mo, mottled calf (hinges weak). London, 1762 c^- '/ Jj5- M 7/ 1349. VOLTAIRE (JEAN FRANQOIS MARIE AROUET). La Pucelle d 'Orleans, Poeme en Vingt et Un Chants, par Voltaire. Portrait of Jeanne d'Aro hy Delvaux and beautiful plates hy Moreau, Jne. 8vo, contemporary tree-calf, gilt. Paris: Imprimerie des Freres Mame, 1808 1350. WAGSTAFF (SIMON). A Complete Collection of Genteel and Ingenious Conversation, According to the Most Polite Mode and Method Now Used at Court, and in the Best Companies of England. In Three Dialogues. 8vo, full green levant morocco, gilt back and sides, gilt edges, by Riviere. London: Printed for B. Motte and C. Bathurst, 1738 Choice copy of the First Edition. 1351. WALLER (EDMUND). The Workes of Edmond Waller Esquire, Lately a Member of the Honourable House of Commons, In this present Parliament. Title within wood- cut border, and ornament on title. Small 8vo, old brown russia (hinges weak). London : Printed for Thomas Walkley, 1645 The extremely rare Earliest Issue of the First Edition, with the ornament on title, which was later replaced with the line of Imprimatur. Al of Mr. Chew's list. 1352. WALLER (EDMUND). Poems, &c., Written by Mr. Ed. Waller of Beekonsfield, Esquire ; lately a Member of the Honourable House of Commons. Small 8vo, full mottled brown calf, gilt, gilt edges, by Bedford. London : by T. W. for Humphrey Mosley, 1645 First Authorized Edition, according to Lowndes and the Locker catalogue. Has the Speeches, G7 to H8, and the extra signature "I" four leaves, containing six poems not in the previous issues, 252 and The Table. Lord Tennyson's copy, with Ms hooJcplate, and an initialled autograph correction on page 49. Has also the Locker bookplate. 1353. WALLER (EDMUND). Poems, &c. Written by Mr. Ed. Waller of Beckonsfield, Esquire; lately a Member of the Honourable House of Commons. All the Lyrick Poems in this Booke were set by Mr. Henry Lavvew. Line of Im- primatur. 8vo, original calf, rebacked. London : JPrinted by T. W. for Humphrey Mosley, 1645 The Third Edition of the four issued in 1645, This is "B" in Mr. Chew's list. "Pears Edgcumbe His Book 1685" written on title. Very Eare. 1354. WALLER (EDMUND). Poems, &c. Written by Mr. Ed. Waller of Beckonsfield, Esquire; lately a Member of the Honourable House of Commons. And Printed by a Copy of his own hand-writing. 8vo, original calf, enclosed in green levant morocco case. London : Printed by I. N. for Hu. Mosley, 1645 Fourth Edition, l)ut Icnown as the First Genuine Edition. Con- tains the Speeches with separate pagination. Probably a Large Paper Copy, with fine broad margins, measuring 6 7/16 by 4^4 inches. With the Lefferts bookplate. 1355. WALLER (EDMUND). Poems, &c Written Upon Several Occasions, And to Several Persons. Never till now Corrected and Published with the approbation of the Author. 8vo, full blue levant morocco, gilt back and sides, gilt edges, by David. London: Printed for Henry Herringman, 1664 Second Edition. First authorized edition, with the preliminary leaf of Imprimatur. In this edition three poems which were included in the earlier editions are omitted, and eleven new ones added. Very fine copy. With the bookplate of Edward Hale Bierstadt. 1356. WALLER (EDMUND). Poems, &c. Written upon several Occasions, And to several Persons. 8vo, original calf, with the Gower arms on side. London: Printed for Henry Herringman, 1668 Third Edition, with several additions never printed before. This is the 6th in Chew's list, counting the four issued in 1645 as sepa- rate. With the bookplate of Gower Earl Gower. 1357. WALLER (EDMUND). Poems, &c. Written upon several Occasions, and to several Persons: The Fourth Edi- tion, with several Additions, Never before Printed. With engraved portraits of the author at 23 and 76, hy Vander 253 ^■ ^- 7 Banck. Small 8vo, full crimson levant morocco, richly gilt back and sides, gilt edges, by The Club Bindery. London : Printed for Henry Herringman, 1682 Choice copy of the Fourth Edition. This edition, besides con- taining the first engraved portraits of the author, has thirteen new poems. 1358. WALLER (EDMUND). The Second Part of Mr. Waller's Poems. Containing, His Alteration of the Maids Tragedy. 8vo, full crimson crushed levant morocco, delicately gilt tooled, gilt edges, by The Club Bindery. London: Printed for Tho. Bennet, 1690 First Edition. Fine copy, with the scarce License leaf and the final genuine blank. 1359. WALLER (EDMUND). Poems, &c. Written upon several Occasions, And to several Persons. To which is Pre- fix 'd The Author's Life. Engraved portraits. 8vo, red mo- rocco, gilt. London: Jacob Tonson, 1711 Eighth Edition, with additions. Large Paper. The engraved portraits include Jonson, Fletcher and others, and two of Waller, at the ages of 23 and 76, probably all by Virtue. A very hand- some edition. 1360. WALLER (EDMUND). Poems, &c. Written upon ^ several Occasions, and to several Persons. The Tenth Edi- ^Jrl tion, with Additions. To which is Prefix 'd The Author's Life. Engraved portrait of Waller at age of 76 after Van der Bauck. 12mo, half calf. London: Printed for Jacob Tonson, 1722 With the Henry W. Field bookplate. 1361. WALLER (EDMUND). The Works of Edmund Waller, Esq. in Verse and Prose. Published by Mr. Fenton. Engraved portrait hy Vertue after Knoller; Engraved por- trait of Lady Harley, hy Vertue, and vignettes. 4to, old calf, elaborately gilt tooled on back and sides. London: Printed for I. Tonson, 1729 This is the finest edition of Waller's works, printed in large type. With the bookplate of William Harris Arnold. 1362. WALLER (EDMUND). Miscellaneous Poems, by Waller, Prior, and others. Folio, three-quarter green levant morocco, by [The Club Bindery]. [London] v. d. The pieces composing this volume are: Instructions to a Painter (Waller); On Her Majesty's Grant of Woodstock Park, 1704 (Anon.) ; Prologue Spoken at Court, 1704 (Pryor) ; To Right Hon. Sir George Rooke, 1702 (Anon.) ; Poem on the Death of Mr. John 254 /«.- /o THE LIVES OP 'D' fohn T>onne^ Sir Henry Wotton , M' Richard Hoo^r , ^ M' ^eorge Herbert, Written by Izaak Walton. To which are added fome Letters written by Mr. George Berhert^ at his being in Cam- bridge :mih others to his Mother, the Lady Magdalen Herbert , written by ^ohrt Donne^ afterwards Dean of St. Pauls. Ecclcf. 44. 7. a*fcf/c mre honour Able men in their Generations. LONDON^ Printed by th, Nememb for Richard Majfiett, Sold by moft Bookfellers, i ^70. PRESENTATION COPY WITH MANUSCRIPT CORRECTIONS [NUMBER 1366] 255 /;- r- 5r' ■>io ^ Philips, n.d. (Smith) ; Ode to the Creator of the World, 1713 (Hughes). The first piece is imperfect. Laid in is an autograph draft of a letter from Mr. Locker to Mr. Forman regarding the first piece, together with Mr. Buxton Forman 's answer. From the library of Frederick Locker. 1363. WALLON (H.). Jeanne D'Arc. W^^/^ numerous colored and other illustrations. Imp. 8vo, full crimson mo- rocco, gilt and blind tooling on back and sides, gilt edges. Paris: Libraire de Firmin-Didot et Cie, 1876 1364. WALPOLE (HORACE). Miscellaneous Antiqui- ties; or, a Collection of Curious Papers: Either republished from scarce Tracts, or now first printed from Original MSS. Nos. 1 and 2. 4to, original half red morocco, uncut. Strawberry Hill: Printed by Thomas Kirgate, 1772 Bare. Bound at the end is: ''Copies of Seven Original Letters from Edward VI to Barnaby Fitz-Patrick. Strawberry Hill, 1772." The Heber copy, with the Parker Society bookplate. 1365. WALTON (ISAAC). The Life of John Donne, Dr. in Divinity, and Late Dean of Saint Pauls Church London. Engraved portrait. 12mo, full crushed green levant morocco, gilt tooled, gilt edges, by The Club Bindery. London: J. G. for R. Harriot, 1658 First Separate Edition. Has the Lefferts and Wyllie Guild bookplates inserted, and the Bierstadt bookplate by E. D. French. 1366. WALTON (IZAAK). The Lives of Dr. John Donne, Sir Henry Wotton, Mr. Richard Hooker, Mr. George Herbert. To which are added some Letters written by Mr. George Herbert, at his being in Cambridge: with others to his Mother, the Lady Magdalen Herbert, written by John Donne, afterwards Dean of St. Pauls. Engraved portraits of Donne htf Lombart, of Wotton hy Dolle, of Hooker hy Dolle, of Herbert hy White. 8vo, original calf, in a red morocco solander case, by The Club Bindery. London: Printed by Tho. Newcomb for Richard Marriott, 1670 A Fine, Tall and Clean Copy of the First Edition, with brilliant impressions of the portraits. Presentation copy from Izaak Walton, with his autographic inscription: ''For Mr. Geo. Alcley, Iz. Wn." and 16 MS, corrections in the text, following the printed list of errata all in Walton 's hand. With the McKee bookplate. [see illustration] 1367. WALTON (IZAAK). The Life of Mr. George Herbert. Brilliant impression of the engraved portrait hy 256 White. Small 8vo, full brown levant morocco, gilt and blind tooling, gilt edges, by Eiviere. London: Printed by Tbo. Newcomb, 1670 Fine copy of the First Ewtion. From the Heber and Lefferts libraries, with bookplate of the latter. 1368. WALTON (IZAAK). The Complete Angler; or, The Contemplative Man's Recreation. Edited by John Major. Illustrated with engraved plates and woodcuts. 8vo, full green levant morocco, emblematic tooled back and corners, gilt top, uncut, by Stikeman. London : D. Bogue and H. Wix, 1844 Major's well known Fourth Edition. Fine copy. 1369. WARD (EDWARD). The History of the Grand Rebellion. Containing the Most Remarkable Transactions from the beginning of the Reign of King Charles I. to the Happy Restoration. Illustrated with 82 fine engraved por- traits, mainly hy Van der Gucht, and 3 folding maps. 3 vols., 8vo, panelled calf (two leaves in vol. 3 damaged). London: Printed for J. Morphew, 1713 First Edition. Very Bare. The portraits are in their first state, without the numbers. 1370. WARNER (WILLIAM). The First and Second parts of Albions England. The former revised and corrected, and the latter newly continued and added. * * * With His- toricall Intermixtures, Invention, and Varieties: profitably, briefly, and pleasantly performed in Verse and Prose by William Warner. Small 4to, full crimson levant morocco, delicately gilt tooled on back and panels, gilt tooled inside borders, uncut edges, by Pratt (slight restorations on title and a few other margins). Imprinted at London by Thomas Orwin, 1589 First Complete Edition. Exceedingly rare. Mitford's copy, with a full page of notes in his autograph. Has a signature on last leaf, ''Georgius Carye" probably the son of Lord Hunsdon, to whom the work is dedicated. With the Locker bookplate. 1371. WARNER (AVILLIAM). Albions England: A Continued Historic of the same Kingdome, from the Orig- inals of the first Inhabitants thereof, etc. Small 4to, full crimson morocco, gilt inside borders, gilt edges, by the Club Bindery (corner of title restored and a few other repairs). London: Printed by the Widow Orwin, 1597 Fifth Edition. Very scarce. Contains the foundation story of Shakespeare's ''King Lear." With bookplate of W. H. Arnold. 2&7 ro fi 7c /- nr- 1372. WEAVER (THOMAS). Plantagenets Tragicall Story : or, the Death of King Edward the Fourth : With the unnatural Voyage of Richard the Third, through the Red Sea of his Nephews innocent bloud, to his usurped Crowne. Metaphrased by T. W. Brilliant engraved portrait hy Mar- shall. Small 8vo, full red levant morocco, Jansen style, gilt edges, by The Club Bindery. London: Printed by M. F. for Richard Tomlins, 1649 First Edition. Eare. With the Lefferts bookplate. 1373. WEBSTER (JOHN). A Monumental Columne, Erected to the lining Memory of the euer-glorious Henry, late jT^ Prince of Wales. Small 4to, full brown levant morocco, gilt edges, by The Club Bindery. London : Printed by N. 0. for William Welby, 1623 Very Scarce. The present copy has not only the verso of last leaf of text in black, but also the preliminary leaf and the two final leaves in solid black. With the Hoe bookplate. 1374. WHITE (GILBERT). The Natural History and Antiquities of Selborne, in the County of Southampton. 9 ^ plates, including the large folding view of Selborne, and the folding plate of the ^'Charadrius.'* 4to, polished tree calf. London : Printed by T. Bensley, 1789 A superb copy of the extremely rare First Edition, with the LEAP OF Errata, not always present. 1375. WHITE (HENRY KIRKE). Clifton Grove, A Sketch in Verse, with Other Poems. Small 8vo, full calf, by F. Bedford. London: N. Biggs for Vennor and Hood, 1803 First Edition. Beautiful copy, with the McKee bookplate. 1376. WHITNEY (GEOFFREY). A Choice of Em- blemes, and Other Devises, for the moste parte gathered out of sundrie writers, Englished and Moralized. And Divers Newly Devised. Illustrated with woodcuts. Small 4to, crushed crimson levant morocco, handsomely gilt tooled, gilt edges, by Lortic Freres. In slip case of blue levant morocco. Leyden: Christopher Plantyn, 1586 First Edition, This is the earliest hook of Emblems in English and the only English hooJc printed at tlie Plantin Press. This has been called the second issue by cataloguers, from a note in the dedi- cation which seemed to refer to an earlier edition, but the reference, it has been established, was to the original manuscript, presented by the author to Earl of Lancaster, and now in an American private library. 258 1377. WILSON (ARTHUR). The History of Great Brit- ain, being the Life and Reign of King James the First, Re- lating To what passed from his Accesse to the Crown, till his Death. Brilliant frontispiece portrait of James I. engraved by Vaughan. Folio, original calf, rebacked (one cover loose). '^'* London: Printed for Richard Lownds, 1653 First Edition. 1378. [WILSON (JOHN).] The Cheats. A Comedy. Written in the Year, M.DC.LXII. Small 4to, half dark green morocco. London: Printed for G. Bedell, 1664 First Edition. This play is said to have been so ''scandalous" that its performance was forbidden. The Second Prologue shows that it was revived after its suppression. With the Lefferts book- plate. 1379. WILSON (THOMAS). The Arte of Rhetorique for vse of all suche as are Studious of Eloquence, sette forth in English, by Thomas Wilson. Printed in black letter. Small 4to, full brown crushed levant morocco, gilt, gilt edges, by ^- Riviere. [London] : Anno Domini 1553 First Edition. Fine copy. From the library of the Eev. J. Mitford with 3 pages of MS. notes, one having reference to the use which Shakespeare made of this book. With the Clarence S. Bement bookplate. 1380. WITHER (GEORGE). A Satyre: Dedicated to His Most Excellent Maiestie. Title within woodcut border. Small 8vo, full green levant morocco, gilt back and sides, gilt edges, by The Club Bindery. •"^ London: Printed for George Norton, 1614 First Edition. Extremely Bare. With the Jonathan Boucher and Locker bookplates. 1381. WITHER (GEORGE). Abvses Stript, and Whipt; or Satyricall Essayes. With a curious woodcut of a Satyr at p. 306. Small 8vo, old calf, rebacked. London: Printed by Humfrey Lownes, 1617 Eare. With the bookplate of Alexander Gordon. 1382. WITHER (GEORGE). A Preparation to the Psalter. With the magnificent engraved title-page by Fran- cisco Delaram. Small folio, full green morocco, gilt back and sides, gilt edges, by Lloyd. p-^ London: Printed by Nicholas Okes, 1619 First Edition, with the engraved title, considered one of the finest engraved titles ever executed. Very Eare. 259 ^//« 1383. WITHER (GEORGE). The Workes of Master George Wither, of Lincolns-Inne, Gentleman. Containing Satyrs. Epigrams. Eclogues. Sonnets, and Poems. Where- unto is annexed a Paraphrase on the Creed and the Lords Prayer. Small 8vo, original vellum, in a dark green mo- rocco solander case. London: Printed by John Beale, 1620 A very fine copy in the original binding of this unauthorized edition. With the Lefferts bookplate. 1384. WITHER (GEORGE). Wither 's Motto. Nee f^ habeo, nee Careo, nee Curo. Brilliant frontispiece, hy B. El- q) stracke. Small 8vo, full green levant morocco, gilt back and sides in the style of Derome, gilt edges, by Riviere. London: Printed for lohn Marriott, 1621 Third Edition, but differing from the Grolier Collations, in that the ** Epigram" follows the "Postscript." Fine copy, with the preliminary leaf, ''The Explanation of the Emblem." 1385. WITHER (GEORGE). Faire-Virtue, the Mistresse of Phil'arete. Small 8vo, full purple levant morocco, gilt y back and sides, gilt edges, in the style of Derome, by Riviere. fO^^^ London: Printed for lohn Grismand, 1622 First Edition. This is the issue with ''Written by George Wither," on the title, thus differing from the Grolier Collations, where the copy cited reads "Written by Geo. Wither." There is also an issued reading ' ' Written by Him-self e. ' ^ U 71 / 1386. WITHER (GEORGE). Ivvinilia. A Collection of those Poemes which were heretofore imprinted, and written by George Wither. Engraved title. 12mo, original calf ^0>^ (back cover wanting). London, 1622 First Edition. The work is incomplete, wanting Sigs. Ee, Ff, Gg, and Hh (including end of "Satire to the Kings, the whole of Epitha- lamia, and the first part of The Shepheards Hunting). There are separate titles to the different pieces, each with the date 1622. The signatures run continuously. 1387. WITHER (GEORGE). Faire-Virtue, the Mistresse of Phil'arete. Written by Geo. Wither. Small 8vo, original qXt vellum. London: Printed for lohn Grismand, 1622 Very fine crisp copy of the Eare First Edition. This has a variation on the title from the other issue in this collection, in the spelling of the author's given name. With the Lefferts book- plate. 1388. WITHER (GEORGE). Juvinilia. A Collection of those Poemes which were heretofore imprinted and written by George Wither. EngroAjed title hy Elstracke, Small 260 l2mo, old calf antique, carmine edges (4 leaves wanting and one damaged). London: Printed for Robert AUott, 1633 Second Edition. 1389. WITHER (GEORGE). Britain's Remembrancer. Containing A Narration of the Plague lately past ; A Declara- tion of the Mischiefs present ; And a Prediction of Judgments to come; (If Repentence prevent not). Engraved title by John Payne. 12mo, full light blue levant morocco, gilt tooled, gilt edges, by Bradstreet 's. Imprinted for Great Britaine, and are to be sold by John Grismond, 1628 First Edition. With the leaf of meaning preceding title (outer margin renewed). The author could obtain no license for this book, and so it was printed at his own risk, and, it has been said, by his own hand. Good copy. 1390. WITHER (GEORGE). A Collection of Emblemes, Ancient and Moderne: Quickened With Metricall Illustra- tions, both Morall and Divine: And disposed into Lotteries, That Instruction, and Good Counsell, may bee furthered by an Honest and Pleasant Recreation. Engraved title hy Mar- shall, portrait of Wither hy Paine, and numerous vignettes engraved hy Crispin de Passe. Folio, full brown levant mo- rocco, gilt tooled with interlacing lines, scrolled ornaments at corners, gilt edges, by Riviere. London: A. M. for Richard Royston, 1635 First Edition. Some copies have the imprint *'for Henry Taun- ton,'' who employed Wither to write the verses for the plates, which had previously been issued in a book by Gabriel Rollenhagen. This copy has the preliminary leaf, *'A Preposition," and has the three extra titles, all \Vith the 1634 imprint. The final woodcut plate is complete with the moveable indices. 1391. WITHER (GEORGE). Speculum Speculativum : or, a Considering-Glass. 8vo, original calf, back regilded. London: Written June XIILMDCLX. and there Imprinted the same year Second Edition. There were three distinct editions in 1660, paginary reprints. This is the Second, and agrees with the Grolier Collation for that edition. 1392. WITHER (GEORGE). An Improvement of Im- prisonment, Disgrace, Poverty, into Real Freedom, Honest Reputation, Perdurable Riches. Evidenced in a few Crums & Scraps Lately found in a Prisoners-Basket at Newgate. Small 8vo, full mottled calf, gilt back, gilt edges, by Riviere. London: Printed in the Year 1661 261 yr- 'l o^ rr- 7* J^iRST Edition, i^ine copy, with the leaf of Errata. This colled- tion of verses is the author 's explanation of the ' * Vox Vulgi, ' ' which caused his imprisonment, and many of the poems were written from Newgate prison where Wither was confined. With the Lefferts and Clarence S. Bement bookplates. 1393. [WITHER (GEORGE).] Ecchoes from the Sixth ^ Trumpet. Reverberated by a Review of Neglected Remem- brances, etc. Small 8vo, half roan. [London, 1666] First Edition. No second part was issued. The unsold part of this edition was issued in 1669 under the title ' ' Eragmenta Prophet- ica." The date is given in the last line of the title-page, '*LorD haVe MerCIe Vpon Vs (i.e. 1666.). 1894. WINSTANLEY (WILLIAM). The Loyall Mar- tyrology; or Brief Catalogues and Characters of the most eminent Persons who Suffered for their Conscience during the late times of Rebellion ... as also, Dregs of Treachery, etc. Frontispiece^ with over 40 portraits, and leaf of explama- tion in verse, opposite; plate of the King's Execution, very scarce, and portraits of Lord Capel, Derby, Doctor Hewitt, Marquess of Montrose, and Charles II. Small 8vo, full crim- son levant morocco, rich border in gilt, of leafy sprays. In each corner is the monogram of Charles I, two inverted C's; centre panel richly gilt, scrolled in corners, and in centre a device of leafy sprays surmounted with crossed feathers, between which is the same monogram of inverted C's; above is a gilt crown, gilt edges, by Riviere. London : Printed by Thomas Mabb, for Edward Thomas, 1665 First Edition. Extremely Rare. The Corser copy, the only one with these interesting and rare plates. 1395. WINSTANLEY (WILLIAM). England's Worthies. Select Lives Of the most Eminent Persons of the English Nation, from Constantine the Great, Down to these Times. Engraved title containing 47 portraits, ami a frontispiece portrait of the author at age 39. Small 8vo, full maroon le- vant morocco, gilt back and sides, gilt edges, by Stikeman. London: Printed by J. C. and P. C. for Obadiah Blagrave, 1684 First Edition. There are numerous references in this work to Shakespeare, his characters and his plays. 1396. WINSTANLEY (WILLIAM). The Lives of the most Famous English Poets, or the Honour of Parnassus; In a Brief Essay of the Works and Writings of above Two hundred of them, from the Time of K. William the Con- queror, To the Reign of His Present Majesty King James II. Engraved frontispiece containing hust of the author hy Van 262 Hove. 8vo, full red levant morocco, gilt edges, by The Club Bindery. London: Printed by H. Clark, for Samuel Manship, 1687 Fine copy of the First Edition. With the Lefferts bookplate. 1397. WORDSWORTH (WILLIAM). An Evening Walk. An Epistle: In Verse. Addressed to a Young Lady, from the Lakes of the North of England. By W. Wordsworth, B.A. of St. John's, Cambridge. 4to, original sewn condition, edges entirely uncut, enclosed in crimson shot silk case. London: Printed for J. Johnson, 1793 J ^ First Edition of Wordsworth's first publication, in original UNCUT CONDITION. Exceedingly scarce. Has the leaf of "Argu- ment" and the leaf of "Errata" preceding text. 1398. WORDSWORTH (WILLIAM). Descriptive Sketches in Verse. Taken during a Pedestrian Tour in the Italian, Orison, Swiss, and Savoyard Alps. By W. Words- worth, B.A. Of St. John's, Cambridge. 4to, sewed, edges uncut, enclosed in crimson shot silk case. ^^ London: Printed for J. Johnson, 1793 First Edition. Excessively rare. Beautiful, uncut copy of Wordsworth's second published book, with the leaf of errata follow- ing title. 1399. WORDSWORTH (WILLIAM). Lyrical Ballads, with other Poems. 2 vols., 8vo, original boards (backs worn), uncut, in blue levant morocco, gilt tooled back and sides, slip case. -;^, London: Printed for T. N. Longmans and G. Rees, 1800 A VERY FINE COPY, the Second EDITION of volume one, and the First Edition of volume two, w^ith the missing lines inserted at page 210. Very Rare, particularly in such fine uncut state. With the bookplates of Rev. William L. Nichols and Thomas J. McKee. 1400. WORDSWORTH (WILLIAM). Lyrical Ballads, with other Poems. 2 vols., small 8vo, full sprinkled calf, gilt edges, by Zaehnsdorf. Philadelphia: Printed and sold by James Humphreys, 1802 An immaculate copy of the First American Edition. Very Rare. 1401. WORDSWORTH (WILLIAM). Lyrical Ballads, with Pastoral and other Poems. 2 vols., 8vo, original boards, uncut, rebacked, in brown half morocco slip case and covers, by [The Club Bindery]. London, 1805 Fourth Edition. In unusual state. From the Library of Alex- ander Carlile, with his autograph and bookplate in each volume, 263 r ^f- ^ v/ iv- f^ 1402. WORDSWORTH (WILLIAM). Poems, in Two VolumeSj by William Wordsworth, Author of The Lyrical Ballads. 2 vols., 12mo, original boards, uncut. Preserved in slip case and covers with morocco backs, by The Club Bindery. London: Longman, Hurst, &c., 1807 First Collected Edition. Numerous marginal notes and under- , linings by a former owner. With the McKee bookplate in each volume. 1403. WORDSWORTH (WILLIAM). The Excursion, being a Portion of the Recluse, A Poem. Thick 4to, original boards, uncut. London, 1814 First Edition. Scarce in original binding. From the library of Cornelius Paine, with his autograph. 1404. WORDSWORTH (WILLIAM). Poems: Including Lyrical Ballads, and the Miscellaneous Pieces of the Author. With Additional Poems, A New Preface, and a Supplemen- tary Essay. Portrait engraved hy Cochran, and Peel Castle hy S. W. Reynolds after Sir George Beaumont, 2 vols., 8vo, original boards, paper labels, edges entirely uncut. London, 1815 1405. WORDSWORTH (WILLIAM). The White Doe of Rylstone ; or The Fate of the Nortons. A Poem. Frontis- piece engraved by Bromley. First Edition. 4to, original boards, uncut. London, 1815 1406. WORDSWORTH (WILLIAM). A Letter to a Friend of Robert Burns. Occasioned by an intended repub- lication of the Account of the Life of Burns, by Dr. Currie ; and of the Selection made by him from his Letters. 8vo, half brown morocco, gilt top, uncut, original wrappers bound in, by Riviere. London: Longmans, 1816 Fine copy of the Eare First Edition, with clipping bound in, from Blackwood's Magazine for October, 1817, referring to this book, also an article referring to '*Eob Roy" by Scott, then called the "Mighty Unknown." 1407. WORDSWORTH (WILLIAM). Peter Bell. A Tale in Verse. Engraved frontispiece hy Bromley; The Wag- goner, a Poem. To which are added. Sonnets. 2 vols., 8vo, paper covers (one original), one uncut. Enclosed in half morocco case. London: Printed by Strahan and Spottiswoode, 1819 First Edition of each work. Each volume has the bookplate of Frederick Locker, and manuscript notes by him, one of the notes containing an estimate of Wordsworth. ''Peter Bell" has the stanza on the * * Party in a parlor ' ' afterwards suppressed. 264 1408. WORDSWORTH (WILLIAM). Peter Bell, A Tale in Verse. Engraved frontispiece by Bromley. 8vo, full "/ polished brown calf, gilt, gilt edges, by Riviere. f -^ London, 1819 Bound in with above are the following: Memorials of a Tour on the Continent, 1820; and Ecclesiastical Sketches. Both published London: Longman, Hurst, 1822. All First Editions. 1409. WORDSWORTH (WILLIAM). The River Dud- don, A Series of Sonnets: Aaudracour and Julia: and Other Poems. With a Typographical Description of the Country of the Lakes, in the North of England. 8vo, original boards, edges uncut, with paper label. London, 1820 First Edition. Beautiful copy, in original condition. 1410. WORDSWORTH (WILLIAM). Ecclesiastical Sketches. 8vo, polished calf, gilt back, gilt top, uncut, by Riviere. London: Longmans, 1822 Fine, uncut copy of the First Edition. 1411. WORDSWORTH (WILLIAM). Memorials of a Tour on the Continent, 1820. 8vo, polished calf, gilt back, gilt top, uncut, by Riviere. London: Longmans, 1822 Fine, uncut copy of the First Edition. 1412. WORDSWORTH (WILLIAM). Yarrow Revisited, and other Poems. 12mo, original boards, paper label, uncut. London: Longmans, 1835 First Edition. With the McKee bookplate. 1413. WORDSWORTH (WILLIAM). The Sonnets of William Wordsworth. Collected in one volume, with a few additional ones, now first published. 12mo, original cloth, uncut. London: Edward Moxon, 1838 First Issue to contain the 12 additional sonnets. 1414. WORDSWORTH (WILLIAM). Ode, performed in the Senate House, Cambridge on the Sixth of July M.DCCC.XLVII. 4to, full crimson levant morocco, gilt edges, by Riviere. Cambridge: Printed at the University Press, 1847 Fine copy of the Eare First Edition. 1415. WORDSWORTH (WILLIAM). The Prelude, or Growth of a Poet's Mind; An Autobiographical Poem. 8vo, original green cloth, uncut. London: Edward Moxon, 1850 265 First Edition. With the list of Moxon's advertisements in the front dated November, 1849. 1416. WORDSWORTH (WILLIAM). A. L. S., 4pp. 4to. Rydal Mount, April 15th [1816], to R. P. Gillies, Edin- j)^ burgh. Very interesting letter relating mostly to poetry and containing a severe criticism of Thomas Gray. ^'Gray failed as a poet, not because he tooTc too much pains and so extinguished his animation, but because he had little of timt fiery quality to begin with, and his pains were of the wrong sort . . . filching a sentence, noio from one author, now from another," & Fine friendly letter, mentioning Southey and other literary men. He congratulated Moxon on his marriage. "7 learned from Mr. Lamb, who the lady is, and also his high opinion of her deserts." Tells of seeing the illustrations for the forthcoming poems of Eogers. ' ' There does not seem to be much genuine relish for poetical literature in Cumberland, if I Tnay judge from the fact that not a copy of my poems Imve been sold there. . . . Byron and Scott are the only POPULAB writers in that line, perJmps the word ought rather to be FASHIONABLE ivriters. Pray remember me very affection- ately to Charles Lamb and to his dear sister if she be in a state to receive such a communication," &c. 1418. WORDSWORTH (WILLIAM). Autograph Let- ter Signed. 1 page, 8vo, Rydal Mount, Dec. 9, n. y. A late letter to his publisher, Edward Moxon, in which he states that he has been elected an honorary member of the Koyal Irish Academy and of the Eoyal Society of Edinburgh, and suggests that these distinctions be mentioned in the next edition of his Poems. The first 3 pages of the paper are covered by a letter to Mr. Moxon from Mrs. Wordsworth. 1419. WOTTON (HENRY). Reliquiae Wottonianae. or, a Collection of Lives, Letters, Poems; with Characters of jV^- Sundry Personages: And other Incomparable Pieces of Lan- guage and Art. With engraved portrait of the Author hy Lomhart, and portraits of Charles I; Robert Devereaux, Earl of Essex; and George Villiers, Duke of Buckingham. Small 12mo, polished mottled calf, gilt back, gilt edges, by Riviere. ¥ London: Printed by Thomas Maxey, 1651 First Edition. A most important book to the lovers of Walton as it was edited by him, and he has prefixed a Dedication, an ac- count of the volume, and the life of the author (in all, 56 pages), signed in his well-known way, '*Iz. Wa. " The ** Poems found among the Papers of S. H. Wotton" are all by Sir Walter Raleigh. This copy has the leaf of Errata not mentioned by Hazlitt, 266 1420. WOTTON (SIR HENRY). Reliquiae ^Wotton- ianea. Or A Collection of Lives, Letters, Poems, With Char- acters of Sundry Personages. Portrait of Wottcm hy Lom- hart, and portraits of Essex, Buckingham, and Charles First. Thick 12mo, full sprinkled calf, gilt, by Riviere. London: Thomas Maxey, 1654 Second Edition. Fine copy, containing more material than the First Edition. 1421. WYCHERLEY (WILLIAM). Love in a Wood, or, St. James's Park. A Comedy, As it is Acted at the Thea- tre Royal, by his Majesties Servants. Small 4to, half brown morocco. London: Printed by J. M. for Henry Herringman, 1672 First Edition. Very Eare. Dedicated to the Duchess of Cleave- land. With the Lefferts bookplate. 1422. WYCHERLEY (WILLIAM). The Gentleman Dancing-Master. A Comedy, Acted at the Duke's Theatre. Small 4to, half olive morocco. London : Printed by J. M. for Henry Herringman, 1673 First Edition. With the Lefferts bookplate. 1423. 'WYCHERLEY (WILLIAM). The cAry-Wife, a Comedy, Acted at the Theatre Royal. SmaJ^^to, half brown morocco, by The Club Bindery. London : Printed for Thomas Drin^, J675 First Edition. The Epilogue spoken by Mrs. Knep (not by Mr. Hart as printed) has a reference to Falstaff. With the Lefferts bookplate. 1424. WYCHERLEY (WILLIAM). The Plain-Dealer. A Comedy. As it is Acted at the Theatre Royal. Small 4to, half brown morocco, by The Club Bindery. London : Printed by T. N. for James Magnes and Rich. Bent- ley, 1677 First Edition. Rare. Dryden, in his Preface to ''The State of Innocence," calls this play ''one of the most bold, most gener^and most useful satires which has ever been presented on the ^^^lish Theatre." With the Lefferts bookplate. -•. 1425. WYCHERLEY (WILLIAM). Plays Written by Mr. Wm. Wycherley. Containing The Country Wife. The Plain-Dealer. Gentleman Dancing-Master. Love in a Wood. Title in red and Mack, and copper-plates, hy King. Small 8vo, full green levant morocco, gilt back and sides, gilt edges, by Toovey. London, 1735 Fine copy. With the Lefferts bookplate. 267 IG' 1426. YOUNG (EDWARD). The Complaint; or, Niglit Thoughts, on Life, Death, and Immortality. With the Life of the Author. Engraved frontispiece and vignette. 12mo, original polished calf, gilt back. London: Printed for Thomas Tegg, 1819 EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED COPY 1427. ZOUCH (THOMAS). Memoirs of the Life and /-t Writings of Sir Philip Sidney. Illustrated. Thick 4to, full ''' — • crimson levant morocco, gilt back and sides, gilt top, uncut, / by Matthews. York : Printed by Thomas Wilson and Son, 1809 Extra-Illustrated by the insertion of 117 plates, 49 of which are Proofs on India paper. A handsome copy on Large Paper. [From the Matthews library.] (^1 ^ ^> r- ENGRAVED PORTRAITS, FRAMED AND UNFRAMED --^ 1428. BROWNING (ROBERT). Original Indian Ink (and water color) Caricature Drawing, by ''Ape," signed. ''Mr. Robert Browning, November 20, 1875." Folio, framed. Appeared in Vanity Fair, 1876. 1429. BURNS (ROBERT). Mezzotint portrait, by Wm. tj^ Walker and St. Cousins from the original by Alex. Nasmyth. London: Published by W. Hay ward, January 1st, 1842. Folio, framed. Very brilliant impression. 1430. BURNS (ROBERT). Engraved portraits. Stip- ple by Paton Thomson after Nasmyth. Published by T. Preston, June, 1805. 4to. Fine: Scribner's portrait after Nasmyth. Folio; and another engraved by Heath, published by Tegg. India paper. Folio. 3 pieces. y 1431. BYRON (LORD). Mezzotint portrait by Charles C ^^ Turner. Proof : Robinson after Westall. India paper. Pub- C) lished by Fisher, 1829 ; and 4 others, including The Countess Guiccioli, by Meyer. 6 pieces. 1 1432. CHAUCER (GEOFFREY). Engraved portraits. "Mulcet Monet Movet," by Burder; small oval by W. /^ Walker ; bust, oval, by Golder, from Sir Hans Sloane 's collec- tion; Japan proof from a Chaucer manuscript; and others. 19 pieces, 8vo to folio. 268 1433. CLUB PUBLICATIONS. Eleventh Dinner of the Hobby Club. Menu, with portraits, on parchment, signed by Tiffany; 10th Dinner, Hobby Club; 16th Dinner, Hobby Club, with portrait of Thackeray, parchment, tinted; por- trait of Sir William Johnson, Japan, paper. 4 pieces. 1434. DONNE (JOHN). Engraved portrait of Donne in his Winding Sheet, by Martin Droushout. ''Corporis haec Animae," &c. 8vo, framed. Very Eare. This portrait was used as frontispiece to Donne's **' Death's Duel," 1632. It was engraved from a portrait painted ifrom life and since destroyed. 1435. DRYDEN (JOHN). Engraved portrait. . Geo Ver- tue Londini Sculpsit 1730, after Kneller. With Addison's lines at bottom. Folio, framed. 1436. ENGLISH AUTHORS. Etched portrait of ^oh- ert Browning, by HoUyer; Byron, engraved by J. T. Wedge- wood. Paris, 1826 ; and others of Wordsworth, Shelley, Cole- ridge, Keats, etc. 35 pieces. 1437. ENGRAVED PORTRAITS. Dr. Warburton, by Houbraken; John Dryden, Van der Gucht after Kneller; George Farquhar, stipple by Freeman; Sir Thomas Wyatt, C. Wilkin after Holbein; Henry Howard, proof by Scriven; Goldsmith, Proof by Wivell after Reynolds; Edmund Spen- ser; and others. 36 pieces. 1438. ENGLISH POETS. Engraved portraits. Keats, Charles Wass, proof; Keats, by Henry Meyer, India paper, Henry Holburn, London, 1828; and others of Leigh Hunt, Walter Scott, and Dr. Johnson. 8 pieces. 1439. ENGLISH POETS. Engraved portraits. William Cowper. Proof by Bartolozzi; mezzotint portrait of Words- worth, by Edwd. Mclnnes; Proof of Keats, By G. J. Ander- ton after Severn; and others. 6 pieces. 1440. ENGRAVED PORTRAITS. John Dryden, stipple portrait by Chapman, printed in colors, 1803 ; Spenser, India proof engraved by J. Thomson ; and others of Lovelace, Chat- terton, Otway, Gray, &c. 15 pieces. Some proofs. Mostly folio. 1441. ENGLISH POETS. Robert Browning, engraved by J. A. J. Wilcox; and others, mostly proofs, some before jX. ^'- s- /o letters, of Coleridge, Browning, and Tennyson. 10 pieces, small folio. 1442. ENGRAVED POETRAITS. Mezzotint of George Steevens, by Hodgetts after Zoff any. London : John Murray, 1816; Robert Herrick, by Schiavonetti ; Sir Walter Scott, tinted; and others. Fine. 10 pieces. 1443. FAITHORNE (G., Engraver). Portrait, bust in oval, ''Carolus Primus D. G. Angliae Scotiae Franciae et Hiberniae Rex." Small folio, framed. Good impression. 1444. GRAY (THOMAS). Engraved portraits. 'Oval surmounting chariot, by Smith after Burney ; Bust by Basire, in laurel; Pollard after Wilson; etching by Miller; and an- other. 5 pieces, 8vo to folio. /£^ 1445. JOHNSON (SAMUEL). Mezzotint portrait, en- ^aved by James Watson after Sir Joshua Reynolds. R. Sayer Execudit. London: Printed for Robt. Sayer, 10 July 1770. Large folio, framed. Brilliant impression of the famed ''Blinking Sam" mezzotint. Bare. 1446. LEE (NATHANIEL, the Mad Poet). Mezzotint portrait. Dobson, pinxt., J. Watts, fecit. Published Septr. 3rd, 1778, by John Watts, Print-seller, George Street, Han- over Square, London. Folio, framed. Beautiful impression. 1447. MILTON (JOHN). Engraved portrait by George Vertue. "Aetat 62. Joannes Milton. A. D. 1670." With the Dryden verse at bottom. Folio, framed. Fine impression. MILTON (JOHN). Engraved portraits. Oval iiting harp, by Phinn. Scarce (slightly spotted) ; two tints by Sartain; stipple by Gardiner. Boydell and 1794; Etching by Mercier; and others. 18 pieces. 1449. MILTON (JOHN). Engraved portraits. American stipple, by W. Haines; Marshall's oval (restrike) ; Bossel- mart's steel engraving, published by Furne; Outline copper, by Faithorne ; Lithograph by Gauci, folio ; and others. Some prools. 50 pieces. ^ir", 1450. MILTON (JOHN). Engraved portraits. Stipple by E. Harding after S. Harding, 1796 ; Oval by Vertue, Age 270 42, 1751 ; Stipple by Mariano Bovi ; Colored lithograph, Mil- ton and His Daughters; and others. 48 pieces. 1451. MILTON (JOHN). Engraved portraits. Oval surmounting harp and dragon, by Houbraken. Large Paper. I. & P. Knapton, London, 1741. Polio; Quinton's stipple after Plas. Etched open letter proof, 1797 (slightly stained), with another, cut down; Milton, age 62, by Faithorne; and others. 22 pieces, 8vo to folio. 1452. MILTON (JOHN). Etched portrait by E. Hard- ing. India paper proof before all letters; Milton and his Daughters, India proof by Ensom after Stothard; proof engraving by Woolnoth; pencil sketch on vellum, after Law- rence; and others. 16 pieces. 1453. MILTON (JOHN). Mezzotint portrait, ''circa an- num aetatis XXV," by J. Faber. Square 8vo. Scarce; Copper engraving by Van der Gucht. In oval. Folio ; and another, small 8vo, copper. 3 pieces. 1454. POPE (ALEXANDER). Copper engraving by Ravenet after Kneller. Royal 8vo; etched proof portrait, 8vo; proof portrait on India paper by C. Warren; and others, some before all letters. 34 pieces. 1455. SCOTT (WALTER). Engraved portrait, by John H. Robinson after Sir Thomas Lawrence. Folio, framed. Proof. Brilliant impression before letters. 1456. SHAKESPEARE. Cassandra Raving, from ''Troi- lus & Cressida." Engraved by Francis Legat after George Romney. Published 1795 by Boydell, London. Large folio, framed. 1457. SHAKESPEARE. Etched portrait, ''Chandos," by Leopold Flameng. Sig7ied etcher's proof. Large folio, framed. 1458. SHAKESPEARE (WILLIAM). Engraved por- trait by I. Godofroy. Published by W. Richardson, March 28, 1796. Folio. Scarce. 1459. SHAKESPEARE. Engraved portraits, by Van der Gucht (inlaid) ; John Hall (Chandos) ; Maria A. Mave- rick after Heath; Gardner; and others. 37 pieces, small 8vo to folio. Some fine. 271 c p 1^ i. I 7' 1460. SHAKESPEARE (WILLIAM). Engraved por- trait on India paper, by [T. Wright]. Proof before all let- ters ; stipple by Hall. India paper proof before letters ; and others. With stipple portrait of Malone, by Page, in colors. 8 pieces. 1461. SHAKESPEARE (WILLIAM). Engraved por- traits. By Lacour, miniature on large 8vo sheet; stipple by Bocquet; mezzotint by Dunkarton; stipple by Edwin after Zoust; Ridley stipple after W. H. Brown; and others. Some proofs. 10 pieces. 1462. SHAKESPEARE. Stipple portrait, engraved by Robert Cooper. From an original portrait in the possession of the publisher. Pubd. January 1, 1811, by Michael Stace, 5 Middle Scotland Yard, Whitehall. Folio, framed. O'pen letter proof. Very rare. 1463. THACKERAY (W. M.). Lithographic portrait [by Holl?] from the drawing by Samuel Lawrence. Bust, 0^ profile. ''Reading a Paper." Folio, framed. 1464. WALTON (ISAAC). Etched portrait, by T. John- n, 1900. Small folio, framed. Signed Etcher's Proof. This portrait was etched for Arnold Wood's Bibliography of Walton. 1465. BOOKCASE of stained cherry, with three divisions. 7 feet 8 inches high by 8 feet 6 inches long. 1466. BOOKCASE of oak, with drawer at the bottom. 4 feet high by 3 feet 9 inches broad. 272 RETURN CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT TO— #^ 202 Main Library LOAN PERIOD 1 - HOME USE 2 3 4 5 ( b ALL BOOKS AAAY BE RECALLED AFTER 7 DAYS 1 -month loans may be renewed by calling 642-3405 6-month loans may be recharged by bringing books to Circulation Desk Renewals and recharges may be mode 4 days prior to due date DUE AS STAMPED BELOW MAY 71981 15 Fv- — \,oJ Ivl i-joO 1 •r UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY FORM NO. DD6, 60m, 3/80 BERKELEY, CA 94720 ®$ <)60f«)9 2.- 'Y\ ■' tl THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY