X - ^f A*<*^^ STATE REGISTRATION FOR NURSES BY LOUIE CROFT BO YD, R. N. \\ Graduate Colorado Training School for Nurses, connected with City and County Hospital, Denver, Colorado, 1899; Post-Graduate Presbyterian Hospital, Chicago, Illinois, 1903; Member Colorado State Board of Nurse Examiners, 1903-1909 SECOND EDITION. ENLARGED PHILADELPHIA AND LONDON W. B. SAUNDERS COMPANY 1915 Copyright, 1911, by W. B. Saunders Company. Revised, entirely reset, reprinted, and recopy- righted February, 1915 Copyright 1915, by W. B. Saunders Company PRINTED IN AMERICA PRESS OF W. B. SAUNDERS COMPANV PHILADELPHIA TO ilanj Atelatte Nuttttig WHO GAVE THE SUGGESTION THAT EVENTUALLY BROUGHT THIS MONOGRAPH INTO EXISTENCE CONTENTS INTRODUCTION i SUMMARY OF LAWS: STATE BOARD OF NURSE EXAMINERS 3 REGISTRATION REQUIREMENTS 17 FEES AND THEIR DISPOSITION 36 EXEMPTIONS AND RESTRICTIONS 41 VIOLATIONS 42 REVOCATION 46 RECIPROCITY 5! COMPULSORY LAWS 51 RECORDING CERTIFICATES 52 MISCELLANEOUS 52 FULL TEXT OF LAWS 54 INDEX 147 STATE REGISTRATION FOR NURSES INTRODUCTION IN the appended material the author has made an effort to com- pile a comparative summary of the laws in the United States govern- ing the registration of nurses, and to present it hi such shape as to furnish an easy reference for those states contemplating new legal enactments or the revision of laws already in existence, a means of ready reference for the trained nurse in choosing her field of pro- fessional activity whether temporary or permanent and to serve as a basis in the collection of data for a complete history of the regis- tration movement in the United States. All the laws provide for a period during which nurses with vary- ing lengths of training may be registered, usually without examina- tion, thus protecting suitable nurses who trained or practised prior to the time when legal enactments were thought of and standards of training were in the formative period. Upon the going into effect of the provisions of the acts there is no state which registers an applicant who has had less than two years' training and the majority of the states require three years' training. Many of the laws specify that this training shall be received in a general hospital, while some recognize the training given in the special hospital when it is sup- plemented by a specified tune spent in an institution of* a general character. Two new provisions are coming into the laws of later date: For the inspection and registration of training-schools. Another provision, found hi a very few laws and worthy of general adoption by the states, is that of defining what is meant by "nurse" and "train- ing-school," which is equivalent to restricting the use of the word "nurse" to the trained, graduate, or professional woman, and gives the training-school a place among educational institutions. All the laws give the licentiate the title of "Registered Nurse," with the right to use the abbreviation "R. N." i l 2 INTRODUCTION In amending the laws some of the states neglected to rearrange the wording in different sections applicable to the same provision. This mistake will lead to a misunderstanding on the part of the nurse practitioner and may eventually bring unnecessary legal complica- tions. Another source of possible trouble, noticed in a few instances, is to make a positive statement and follow it up in the same section with a proviso that negatives it. This opportunity gives the author the privilege of extending her thanks to the secretaries of the different State Boards and State Associations for the copies of the laws furnished and the granting of such other information made necessary for the completion of this revision; also to those who kindly assisted in the sorting and compila- tion of the material for publication, and in the proof-reading of the copy that came from tune to time. LOUIE CROFT BOYD. DENVER, COLORADO, February, 1915. SUMMARY OF LAWS stITOtt' j S- 73 S2 - a fcllJ n t^5iSS -S^^.a 38 1 ;^^53^ M ^CJO^2;:ifj{ju5 ^>O 5H _C f- * O ~~ l ^ CbO^n-iU^lJ^j^^W^ G *-tflrt*S2Si rt i)' i4 *- yj- ^- (/5a>4* 1 tii^-'tjT3-- ( -<- 1 ^"j C *g !, Xo 3 eT3 . *-> S- Cd yj g-^^_^ ^gsS'^g^ ^ M W > g.S w IP STATE REGISTRATION FOR NURSES JU . t-.ja .T3 J5 0,0. 6 ."S "' SUMMARY OF LAWS rt > d'*? I s ^s - s -- a gSetg !r !H >-2 e * B O B * l Sc - S .-o " 2 1 S^IES, S'S ^ 11 a rt& ihuifll j_ t/; rt 3*O O 4> O. i BJII8! S3 S STATE REGISTRATION FOR NURSES 5fi o o e ^ cd to g dS.S ojJ3 si OH aa O. O'_4 10 a " ** E . asbOQcn a c-2, >. -x -5 I 1* ^8 SUMMARY OF LAWS jj|*Ul W? !l SlilrUi! l^sl^sfl ggg- K a g 2 c g o c-g 4 BbB O-S sail o gllllHi H i*i T3 B a 2J&S-E 8 STATE REGISTRATION FOR NURSES Miscellaneous. II s la'h c -a cu ^ & >^ "o _ a . 13 <* > " HI B^rt'S o a j= a [embers must have had five years' experience in their profession. *2Til s* 8 W! -HI I IIAIVHltK 1 aililll^** J5 1 sa 1 le' 5 s| al? gl^-ei KIIUS &^aj{ 1^^! > s: si O m (j^ Og ^'S JS|&|o| lb||s | S=i||f|pl||- s ^|| -llfllJI "H " S ^ " 53 g => t) ju ___ a fl W3 n a " 3 9 P J*T3 o"** ^ g" "o o "o d S^S.S 00 I u rt S> ""rtoc'Slg 2 I-S-M :s rt f ^li 8ia*| |tll fi l* J^d tSCCwnJ 2uo5^ 2^^ 5 .Hin'C.yce i-ijii iilliil illllj i si? g i- 2 ii s3 c cV9 5 wcuei aoji a fl at? e now 3 3 8 a w o a.sMacn fa fa PQ l|a S-S* a c . ca ^ 3*9 c E b^g wb" S^ .8 S 3 g.3 5 Ifl O 11 Lri W -M C 2 fll 9 .a 'i, PH PH O "SB J.S llf- _O J> jnJ3 13 R O. S C3 >>. l*l"t ^3 |S _C U M fl -3 -g*s 328=3 a 5&3 w M < a & S2 i2 4) >> >> >, H in w 6 |!d |*J ea llg o '-3 .as 11 1 PH Bb3 a^g a-^1 3 . 111 O cd o rto ^ o M 0. 2" Oi M to *J fc | .a o" S-o rt 55 ">" 4) li's :i|S 1^ i|< |f I* 11 if SUMMARY OF LAWS t/j ti tu O-O tu U S> 1 T3 U J ipij|1 ilfirfl-s^l 85 e s?<3 si Sjj j|3 B -x'o'rt & ^slilbS- 8 > O.S u>d. g 2 g S 4 1 a"S g c 3 g-s 5 e.g jf el'figll'aillsili'jJll ill iilll'll li'lfOill iBAJi u-a c.W^! astc-c OA2 x-S^ S O tft*l^*JrtOl*rt O^*, u ^1 3 J^ H* 4> >J2 C-3 *j C* ^^0^2 e5 3.0 - ^3 shf^g -| a | hill v'J'iu I* -lyilielaii s ^ c tS o >>MQ>ao- c !a a |||ai|Jj|*a3 g- IllirltsIiS -si XJ-iih3ttf tJartCTort T3 3 O ci) S'rt tu 5 a V u " S^- B08SJiJiBjflPtBMa ? W "^ 2ls?l 2 HI Iff^-MfP. f|s. s ' s |J ll^ls'l Pfff -S| jf% oSccfl^8u"D' H CUCy^gOtH Oj^ UOgjQ^jS M IH -4-pJO <^ QctleU H^S A M A lljlilliil-siL Iff aj d en a 111 -is Is* If 1 l! 3 M |al g B | B AH w'o i"a M >> S ""^ OT 4J*" S r-*C ^ |i s i ^*2d * ! S"3 e c auiu 0-2. C G CT3 S o " ca'c.2. fi o K o^g^ g ll J5, 1 flfilh * 1 a m M a I i i { ill i S* s . Jjf d 1 1 o'o.g B 8 8 >.a.s i i i M ." M"^ III il-s 1^1 |F If* 10 STATE REGISTRATION FOR NURSES s f <8 ' II^Ss-B !tLi!!!*lss3 JlUJfMJ-ltti =3 > .' St5<2.t; PJ/fl . -2 3 3 * . *"2 lluiiflll fi.s-3 SKS M a D C3 c Iff b'o'o g g 3"oig" . o g-B^'o g fro ^ g"g 2!ili&l!Sili s i ^a ID rf ' OJ2 OS . 2-2 e- 1" AS-- sa -S g S S & S.3-S ^^ S O! MgO S : '2 s^o I . : a-g - 1-a j e h oT^j g MTJ i--3 3Jla S lfHTI5M C/3J4 in.2'C "Jta^-T ; iJljMlgJjpo . ' J P?I ;|a aW g ^^ o g i^igiillli ^2'5S 111 8 llllllHlf c S 2=1 ^ i'S J ^ & C 3 & f 1 !^! ^- s rf S -< ; 2 "t; o. "i 2 K "3 i ll.li'illj "" 4) -*-* o e r" c Js " r>> .9 o feog 5 fsi Ki a D . . ja " C? c:3 lo ^ c a c.2,S e e al 1 s a !|| ,5 >. - * 4> M.9 S "So" SUMMARY OF LAWS II .9 2 1P| IS *1 ll^i* 1 1 > -^ & "3 3 - 3 . *> 2 **e 0,^60^ y h 11 CJ a*3: JS 5 .9 -9 e'^ 'Jil**!*! *o' M hT3 S 2"-a ^g JJi'3| "g a 1 >3 J33 "a 4) S P rt " o > o b 2 *S33 ^W 2 H 2 3 &! >^c d 3.^vS^ u 5 . Secretaries ist and advise ard. Officers sen from sec- President >s>i'g t - 2 "s ^"2 ^Tn^Uei- a>^ wrt 5 ^I'l^-^'i^'S . j| II o s 1 (fi W O 01 8^-38 y" 2-t!" & -3 g-s "^ ^"^ rt*l 8 ^ 2 3 &l^ 1 S-9 | J g o g g g g rt ?- O O"S 4)'C 2 u"S-S O i-j JB O (0 *|j| ii^^S " illllllllllllillllllllllll _ 3 3 C I! 1 I] 1 O C ao bC c n c.2> i it IB 2 S3 ^* ^ "2 Sis .y*i ill? j? "S -o.S o D ^ fc ~i trt 4> "U SivH 8 c JS i* 0^3 C< O ci o 12 STATE REGISTRATION FOR NURSES 1 M "O > L . .i >L ' "DOB S ' > .3S 5> > S t-n-S^ I-r BJ 2|*|[| 1 .s&'X, "S g <.S ^jS ^_ Q C) a 9^2 rt ^ *C *W B 4^ ^" *3 >* 2 *2 g^'fl ^5 Miscella JH^I H ' "III 8 1 g |3 u a u E >. S'*s"S W3 Jill eu M W) - 3 ^ u ^8PB. 1i 01 1 a la i-g-H^'st gp3 g-Si44|^|ftj|wg||4| b U V C " ?i o 3-2 .3 nj .5 S . *; "o j .egents, with adv Board, shall mak essary rules. 1|S s " sis . '-Sg| cd w 5 S X t.^^3 w 1 O^^S llllil 'a? B ^2"" C^ '^ * "-2 "I '; Ibil^lSiSrlliy I nlil- ilii^rlllB 1 Illlflli'lillllH.ll M IV M V fl C^*^ K & C^ JE^B M O IIV inspect all tra: schools and re those that fulfi quirements of ac K H 2 "^ b is ^0 i ^,T3_g Jj C 1 t p fj s) ^ g J Is gSs _ iS^'S w -b M | S-'fl 8 . i M *O 2n c/i M |11 E 9 V4^ X 9 PM u t/i aj be aTMO.A ' "o a ^ a C! 'B*''^'3 II 4B 3 /^ gs ftS -J-Q *^ ^ cu S o3 ^ CD ^ *S "3 S c-2. 3 5.2, v u a.E.S M PH PH 1 -o 1 S 1 i! i! ' 1 C in |8 B N i R t H v> 5 ) to ower. |l|j UP]* ft rt -> lid ECO 5 Ifcl PH S'E 3"w JJ xl^ E"' E 8 ~ c2'H-B -5 !a uT3 *"S< * = 'S-5 .S & S-a" aj 4J C T3 . Mrf/) ^ Jj tn rf M ED CA en eft En a !3-2o.3o o >>.^JJ J O C/3 C CO .M P^ooZt>M cu C ^ ill pq H o*" c3 I t'i t ? o\ c " M H W "^ I in ill Ijlll ililj all &l< fir IS ^ ISP 1,5* ^< ,o< < a*" 3 6 SUMMARY OF LAWS ac tfi *- : cd ^^ R fl fl a ls I 8.9 8 2 tj s ""S g ||l|' 6 "l| a | fS-3-3.S:e-3.2 is a S g."S|'| o?oB * Si'f laS 1 g g S rt & Md s >!& M IF STATE REGISTRATION FOR NURSES ^o J! "0 3 Pt o 0=> jjt: g I s--B au | s-s^- * II if till la II IS j 2aa E g 8^3 as >. _ 5.g a s s"S > M E^3 o 3 -2 SUMMARY OF LAWS ISJIJFSsI 2 o 0,-f; a) v a >- iJull!*! 73 ;* jil& 16 STATE REGISTRATION FOR NURSES a 1 i ^E-fo ' c JlgO'io^g-g's.v g-j}^^, 6o=>y-S >> 'S A i > d o>"n* SS^'i.jrtw.-C^.C^S O ^.r-c'S .S ^J! !1 a* "f ^ Miscellaneous. IS-Sf fi| o-oS-3 '5 s-- a ? 5 frs 1 S-5 .a E >.i".S be O-C a! 2 4) U ft* O, etween passage of and September i, i State Board of He, issued certificates > Si's c ^ 1 o ** 1 si Re d i^| J lfI ff 1*g;Sgtl . w Sf2'' ">" "Otis t*^3 3 3^-0 o l-^e S S . 8 Scd" 1 **-* "3 u i? 3 J3 *" o ^ ijC^jbc ^ B *^ " S ^^'*- ) *'rn"^y 2 J*s 1 1 9 Illij In 1 Jl IM.S ill! H m "| '"s'o-S.^'d 34-S&P ioj | | S S.^^.S 1 & |e |f1|'I||| llUl'fsfll %Hil| O M I O rame by-laws; biennial report ernor; usual du secretary; regis to public sc may incur exp 111 1 i-2 llj-IJI II 1 IplJ Lilll HI i o H d E M dP9 Ct/lfflcWtn T) UT3 ti3 C O.O d.5 u S Z! M i! 2 d fee 13 cj If 3 a c S"6 djSjj d '> Ban i) c c d 'o, S's 2 <3 a u a a '13 a0 'm-d" iJ3 u ao-.__. s 5 .a~a " g .H" ^ E ^-M&Ol-S yT3l-(C Is "3 d a .2. "3 d C.2, S S t.S.S -3 S c.2. PH I&f2f .-^ T3 s a i !l%^2 * s f If 111 S|| i! j3*g-S w I 1 a 2 d i K PII >, H ing with patients, or who are called to attend cases in the South Carolina j state. Pennsylvania: Board has no power to fix prices or control compensation of the registered nurses. Washington: Act does not authorize person to practice surgery or midwifery. Acts exempt persons nursing for hire or otherwise, provided they do not transgress the provisions of the law. lire STATE REGISTRATION FOR NURSES VIOLATIONS State. Nature of Crime. Fine. Imprisonment. Miscellaneous. Arkansas. Misde- Not less than $25.00 Nurses must notify California. Colorado. Connecti- meanor. Misde- meanor. Misde- meanor. nor more than $250.00 First offense: $10.00 to $100.00. Second offense: $50.00 to $500.00. Not more than $300.00. Not more than public when not registered; other persons must have no public record of unregistered nurses without so specifying. cut. Delaware. District of Columbia. Florida. Georgia. Misde- meanor. Misde- meanor. Misde- meanor. Misde- $100.00. Not more than $500.00. Not more than $200.00. Not more than $500.00. Sixty days. For making a wilful false representa- tion to Board. Provided for in the Idaho. Illinois. meanor. Misde- meanor. Misde- First offense: $10.00 to $100.00. Second offense: $100.00 to $500.00 First offense: Not Penal Code of state. Subject to prosecu- Indiana. meanor. Misde- more than $100.00. Subsequent offenses: Not more than $200.00. Not more than tion in any court of competent ju- risdiction upon complaint, infor- mation, or indict- ment. For false represen- Iowa. Kansas. meanor. Misde- meanor. Misde- $200.00. First offense: $25.00 to $50.00. Subsequent offenses: $50.00 to $100.00. Not more than $100.00. $50.00 to $200.00. Thirty days. tation to Board. Duty of county meanor. prosecutors to prosecute viola- tions of this act. VIOLATIONS 43 State. Nature of Crime. Fine. Imprisonment. Miscellaneous. Kentucky. Misde- $5.00 to $15.00. Each day of viola- meanor. Not more than tion is a separate $500.00. offense. For false represen- tation to Board. Louisiana. Misde- $50.00 to $100.00. Ten to ninety Or both fine and meanor. days in imprisonment. parish jail. Duty of respective district attorneys to prosecute viola- tions. Proceedings are tried by judge without interven- tion of jury. Fines to be divided equally between school fund of parish where offense occurs and Nurse Board. Maryland. Misde- Not more than meanor. $500.00. Massachu- For practising or at- Board to hives tigate setts. tempting to do so: complaints of vio- Not more than lation and report $100.00. to proper prose- cuting officers. For false represen- Three months. Either or both fine tation: $100.00 to and imprisonment $500.00. may be inflicted for false represen- tation. Michigan. Misde- Not more than Imprisonment Either or both fine meanor. $200.00. in county jail and imprisonment for ninety may be inflicted. days. Minnesota. Misde- $10.00 to $100.00. meanor. Mississippi. Misde- $25.00 to $100.00. Five to ninety Or both fine and meanor. days in imprisonment. county jail. Missouri. Misde- $50.00 to $500.00. meanor. Montana. Misde- First offense: $10.00 meanor. to $100.00. Subsequent offenses: $200.00 to $500.00. Nebraska. Misde- $10.00 to $100.00. meanor. 44 STATE REGISTRATION FOR NURSES State. Nature of Crime. Fine. Imprisonment. Miscellaneous. New Hamp- shire. New Jer- Misde- meanor. Misde- Not less than $50.0x5. False representa- tion: $100.00 to $500.00. $50.00 to $200.00. Duty of respective sey. New York. meanor. Misde- prosecutors of pleas of counties to prosecute vio- lations. When complaint is North Car- olina. Oklahoma. Oregon. meanor. Misde- meanor. Misde- meanor. Misde- meanor. $50.00. First offense: $10.00 to $100.00. Subsequent offenses: $100.00 to $500.00. $100.00 to $200.00. Thirty days. made by State Nurses' Associa- tion fines shall be paid to that body; excess of expenses to go to State Treasurer. Or both fine and imprisonment. For false represen- Pennsyl- Misde- $50.00 to $200.00. tion to Board. Nurse is disquali- vania. Rhode meanor. $100.00 to $500.00. fied for registra- tion for five years. For false represen- Island. $50.00 to $200.00. tation to Board. For violating any South Car- olina. Tennessee. Misde- meanor. Misde- Not exceeding $200.00. $25.00 to $250.00. Not exceeding three months. provisions of act. Unlawful for any, except Rhode Island registered nurses, to wear their pin or badge or its imitation. Or both fine and imprisonment, in the discretion of court. Unlawful for drug meanor. store, doctor, or other person to keep public list without noting those who are not licensed. VIOLATIONS 45 State. Nature of Crime. Fine. Imprisonment. Miscellaneous. Texas. Vermont. Misde- meanor. Not over $300.00. $100.00 to $500.00. Three months. Or both fine and im- Not more than prisonment. For attempting to Virginia. Misde- meanor. $100.00. First offense: $50.00 to $200.00. Second offense: $100.00 to $500.00. $500.00 to $1000.00. or practising as registered, or us- ing abbreviations R. N. Board to investigate complaints and re- port to proper au- thorities. For false represen- Washing- ton. West Vir- ginia. Wisconsin. Wyoming. Misde- meanor. Misde- meanor. Misde- meanor. Misde- meanor. Not more than $500.00. $10.00 to $50.00. First offense: $10.00 to $200.00. Subsequent offenses: $100.00 to $500.00. $100.00 to $200.00 tation. For false represen- tation. 4 6 State. Notice. Vote of Board. Causes and Results. Arkansas. California. Thirty days by personal ser- vice or regis- tered mail. Majority of en- tire Board. For gross incompetence, dis- honesty, habitual intemperance, or any act derogatory to morals or standing of nursing profes- sion. No evidence received except under oath, which presi- dent and secretary are empow- ered to administer. Name to be stricken from roll, and certificate to be recalled and cancelled. Lists to be furnished Boards of other states upon request. For dishonesty, intemperance, Colorado. Connecti- Thirty days. Unanimous. immorality, unprofessional con- duct, or any habit rendering nurse unfit or unsafe to care for sick. After a full and fair investigation of charges. Revoked for gross incompetency, dishonesty, habitual intemper- ance, or any act derogatory to the morals or standing of the profession. Give full and fair hearing. Conviction of felony or any crime cut. Delaware. District of Columbia. Florida. Georgia. Thirty days. Thirty days. Thirty days. Thirty days. Majority vote of whole Board. Majority. Majority vote of whole Board. in the practice of the profession. For sufficient cause. Give full and fair hearing. Found guilty of fraud or any act derogatory to morals and stand- ing of profession. Give a hearing. For sufficient cause after full and fair hearing. For sufficient cause. No evidence Idaho. Thirty days and in writing. Unanimous. to be received that is not under oath. For dishonesty, gross incompe- tency, habits rendering nurse unfit to care for patient, conduct derogatory to morals or stand- ing of profession, wilful fraud in getting certificate. May be represented by counsel. Name to be stricken from roll, notice of which shall be sent to county clerk, where certificate is recorded, and shall be noted upon record of certificate. REVOCATION 47 State. Notice. Vote of Board. Causes and Results. Illinois. Thirty days and Unanimous. For gross incompetency or reck- in writing. lessness in discharge of duty or dishonest practises. Notice of cancellation to be given county clerk, who shall note same on certificate. Board may rein- state nurse after six months upon satisfactory evidence of reasons and payment of fee of $5.00. Indiana. Thirty days. Majority. Revoked for gross incompetency, dishonesty, habitual intemper- ance, or any other act derogatory to the morals or standing of the profession. Give full and fair hearing. Name stricken from roll; clerk of circuit court of county where offender resides notified. Iowa. Twenty days. Unanimous. False representation, unprofes- sional conduct, and persistent violation of the rules of the State Board of Health. Give a hearing. Kansas. Thirty days. Majority vote For gross incompetency, viola- of whole tion of law, or anything deroga- Board. tory to profession; charges to be in writing. Lists to be furnished Boards of other states upon request. Kentucky. Thirty days. Certificate or diploma fraudu- lently obtained, conviction of crime, inebriety, drug habit, dis- honesty, gross incompetency, or any act derogative to morals or standing of profession. May be heard in person or by counsel. President and secretary have authority to administer the oath. Appeal may be made to State Nurses' Association, whose deci- sion by a majority vote is final. Louisiana. Conviction of a crime or immoral conduct. Board to institute proceedings before any competent court. Maryland. Thirty days. Majority. For sufficient cause. Give a full and fair hearing. Massachu- Majority. Guilty of felony or any crime or setts. misdemeanor in practice of pro- fession. Registration cancelled. STATE REGISTRATION FOR NURSES State. Notice. Vote of Board. Causes and Results. Michigan. Thirty days' no- Majority vote For gross incompetency, violation tice and certi- of whole of act, dishonesty, habitual in- fied copy of Board. temperance, or any act deroga- charges to be tory to the morals or standing personally of the profession. List of these served. to be given Boards of other states upon request. Minnesota. Thirty days. Majority. For sufficient cause. Give a hearing. Mississippi. Thirty days. Majority of full For incompetency, dishonesty, Board. immorality, or unprofessional conduct. Full and fair investigation. Nurse to be heard personally or repre- sented by counsel. Witnesses to be sworn by president or secretary of Board. Name to be stricken from roll and Secre- tary of State to be notified. Missouri. Thirty days' no- Majority vote For sufficient cause; Board is tice and certi- of whole authorized to furnish list to fied charges to Board. Boards of other states upon be personally request. served. Montana. Thirty days and Governor upon Hearing before full Board. in writing. recommenda- Charges to be made by licensed tion of Board physician or registered nurse. revokes. For dishonesty, gross incompe- tency, habit rendering nurse un- fit, acts derogatory to profes- sion, or wilful fraud or misrepre- sentation in securing certificate. Nurse may appear in person or be represented by counsel. Name to be stricken from roll. County clerk, where certificate is recorded, to be notified, who shall note revocation upon records. Nebraska. Thirty days. Majority. For sufficient cause. Give full and fair hearing. New Hamp- Fourteen days. Regent may For sufficient cause. shire. revoke. Give a hearing. New Jer- Thirty days by Unanimous. For dishonesty, gross incompe- sey. copy of com- tency, habit rendering nurse plaints. unfit, conduct derogatory to morals or standing of profes- sion, or wilful fraud or misrepre- sentation in procuring certificate. May appear in person or be rep- resented by counsel. Any who attempt to practice as registered are subject to penal- ties under violation. REVOCATION 49 State. Notice. Vote of Board. Causes and Results. New York. For sufficient cause. North Carolina. Twenty days. Majority. For gross incompetency, dishon- esty, habitual intemperance, or any other act derogatory to morals or standing of profes- sion. Give a full and fair hearing. License to be surrendered. Oklahoma. Thirty days. Majority of For sufficient cause. whole Board. Give a full and fair hearing. Oregon. Thirty days and Unanimous. For dishonesty, gross imcompe- in writing. tency, habit rendering nurse un- fit, conduct derogatory to morals or standing of profession or wil- ful fraud or misrepresentation in securing certificate. Name to be stricken from roll and certificate cancelled. County clerk, where certificate is recorded, to be notified, who shall note revocation upon records. Pennsyl- Thirty days and Unanimous. For sufficient cause. Name to be vania. a copy of stricken from roll of registered charges. nurses. Give full and fair hearing. Rhode Is- Thirty days. For gross incompetency, dishon- land. esty, habitual intemperance, or any habit or act derogatory to profession. Nurse shall be entitled to be present and be heard. Certificate to be surrendered to Board and name to be stricken from roll. South Thirty days. Majority of For sufficient cause, of which Carolina. whole Board. Board shall be judge. Give full and fair hearing. Counsel may appear for either party. Tennessee. Thirty days, by For drunkenness, drug habit, mail or per- neglect of patient, felony, in- sonally de- competency, or immorality. livered. Hearing to be given. Correct record of hearing to be kept. STATE REGISTRATION FOR NURSES State. Notice. Vote of Board. Causes and Results. Texas. Thirty days and Unanimous. Revoked for gross incompetency, in writing. dishonesty, habitual intemper- ance, or any other act deroga- tory to morals or standing of profession. Given a hearing. Appeal from decision of Board can be taken to district of the county where any member of Board resides. Vermont. Majority. Give a hearing. For being guilty of a crime or mis- demeanor. Certificate to be cancelled. Virginia. Thirty days. Unanimous. Revoked for gross incompetency, dishonesty, habitual in temper- ance, or any other act derogatory to morals or standing of nursing. Give a full and fair hearing. Name to be stricken from roll. Washington Thirty days. Majority of Certificate obtained by fraud, and whole Board. any act derogatory to morals or standing of profession. Give a full and fair hearing. Certificate cancelled. West Vir- Thirty days. Majority. For sufficient cause. ginia. Give a hearing. Wisconsin. Not less than For unprofessional or dishonor- five days and able conduct, obtaining certifi- in writing. cate through fraud, or gross incompetency. Give a hearing. Wyoming. Thirty days. Unanimous. For dishonesty, gross incompe- tency, a habit rendering a nurse unsafe to be entrusted with or unfit for the care of the sick, conduct derogatory to the morals or standing of the pro- fession of nursing, or any wilful fraud or misrepresentation practised in procuring a certifi- cate. Given a hearing with counsel. Name taken from the roll, and county clerk of county where certificate is recorded notified. COMPULSORY LAWS RECIPROCITY Arkansas California Foreign countries included. Florida Idaho Illinois Higher standards, too; requires ap- proval of Attorney-General. Kansas Kentucky Foreign country included. Louisiana Requires certificate of examination. Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska New Hampshire New Jersey To states that give same privileges to it. North Carolina Oklahoma Oregon Rhode Island Texas Vermont Virginia Washington Wisconsin Wyoming Colorado Delaware District of Columbia Indiana Can take measures to prevent unjust exclusion of its registered nurses by other states. Iowa Alabama Connecticut Georgia Maryland Massachusetts New York Pennsylvania South Carolina Tennessee West Virginia ^ With those states that, at least, maintain equal standards. Board can establish rules and regulations for recognition of those states that, at least, maintain equal standards. No provision in laws of these states. Arkansas Kansas Kentucky Mississippi Montana Oklahoma Tennessee Texas Virginia Wyoming COMPULSORY LAWS These laws make it unlawful either to assume title, indicate to be, or practice as trained, graduate, or registered nurse, without a li cense from the controlling Board. 52 STATE REGISTRATION FOR NURSES COMPULSORY LAWS (Continued) Delawa 'e These laws make it unlawful either to assume title, indicate to be' > or practice as trained or graduate, in addition to registered nurse r , without a license from the controlling Board. RECORDING CERTIFICATES Arkansas: With Clerk of County where nurse resides. Idaho: With Clerk of County where nurse resides. Illinois: Within ninety days; with Clerk of County where nurse resided when ap- plication was made. Indiana: With Clerk of Circuit Court of any County. Kansas: With Clerk of County where nurse resided when application was made; affidavit of identity necessary. Kentucky: With Clerk of County where nurse resided when application was made. Louisiana: With Clerk of County where nurse resides. Michigan: With Clerk of County where nurse resides. Missouri: With Clerk of County where nurse resides; in St. Louis with Recorder of Deeds and with an affidavit of identity; for non-resident of state: with Clerk of county where training-school is located and with Recorder of Deeds in St. Louis. Montana: Within thirty days; with Clerk of County where nurse resides, or in which nurse removes; no fee to be required. New Jersey: Within sixty days; with Clerk of County where nurse resided when application was made. New York: With Clerk of County where nurse resides; to be recorded every three years after January, 1906. North Carolina: By Clerk of Superior Court, who grants certificate upon presenta- tion of license from Nurse Board. Oregon: Within thirty days; with Clerk of County where nurse resided when ap- plication was made. Tennessee: With Clerk of County Court of County where nurse resides. Vermont: Within sixty days; in office of Secretary of State; affidavit of identity necessary. Wisconsin: Within thirty days; with Clerk of County where nurse resided when application was made. Wyoming: Within ninety days; with Clerk of County where nurse resided when application was made. MISCELLANEOUS Alabama: Before a training-school can issue diplomas, its president and three lecturers or instructors, who shall be practising physicians, shall file a statement of their course with State Health Officer. If approved, a certificate shall be issued to the institution, which must be filed with the Probate Judge of the County where the institution is located. California: Defines an accredited training-school for nurses as one attached to, or operated in connection with, one or more hospitals giving a general training and a systematic, theoretical, and practical course covering three years. Connecticut: Applicant aggrieved by decision of the Nurse Board may within thirty days appeal to a Board composed of one member from the Connecticut Medical Society, one member from the Connecticut Homeopathic Medical Society, and one member from the Connecticut Eclectic Medical Society. This Board of appeal may affirm, modify, or reverse the decision appealed from, and its decision shall be final and binding upon all parties. First Board, appointed by Governor, is to hold office until the societies shall appoint their successors. 1 Owing to Amendment, law is not now compulsory. MISCELLANEOUS 53 Florida: Board shall be sole judge of credentials of any nurse admitted to regis- tration. Illinois: An appeal from certain rulings of Board may be made to Circuit Court. Registered nurses are exempt from jury duty. Applications under the old law are to be recognized by the Board appointed under the new law. Kansas: Defines trained nurse as one who has a diploma from a chartered training- school and is entitled to registration. Kentucky: Board may refuse to issue a certificate for same reasons given for revo- cation. In case of refusal, suspension, or revocation an appeal may be made to the State Nurses' Association, whose decision by a majority vote is final. Michigan : Registered nurses shall furnish a certificate of good health from a regis- tered physician, showing that he or she is free from tuberculosis or any specific or infectious disease; said certificate to be renewed semi-annually. Board has power to appoint a registered nurse training-school inspector, who has had five years' experience, three years of which were spent as superintendent of a recog- nized training-school. Mississippi: Non-graduates are registered as licensed attendants. Nurses registered in other states may practice in special cases without being required to register. Montana: An appeal from decision of Board can be made to State Nurses' Associa- tion, whose decision by majority vote is final. North Carolina: State Nurses' Association makes out the certificate form. Oklahoma: Training-schools shall give the systematic instruction required by the Board. Oregon: Board to be sole judges of credentials of nurse to be registered without examination. Rhode Island: Pin or badge to be adopted for registered nurses to wear. Define "approved" to mean approved by Board. South Carolina: Beginning of Section 2 makes law compulsory, but second proviso negatives this. Revoked nurse may appeal to Circuit Court of County in which she resides and to Supreme Court. Wisconsin: Nurse whose certificate was revoked for gross incompetency may have it regranted after one year at the discretion of the Board of Health. Defines training-school as one connected with a general hospital requiring a systematic course of instruction covering three or more years. First two years shall be spent in training-school or hospital, and not more than three months of the senior year shall be devoted to outside nursing. Instruction shall be both theoretical and practical in following branches: Nursing, ethics, anatomy, physiology, hygiene, dietetics, materia medica, elementary urinalysis, medical, surgical, gynecologic, and obstetric nursing, including care of infants, theoretical, and practical, if possible, in contagious diseases and care of sick children. FULL TEXT OF LAWS ALABAMA Be It Enacted by the Legislature of Alabama: SECTION i. That any incorporated educational institution or society engaged in teaching and training its pupils in the science and art of nursing the sick, and which shall give hospital practice and training at a hospital maintaining not less than twenty beds, and shall have such course of instruction as may be approved by the State Health Officer may, upon obtaining and filing the certificate of ap- proval of said State Health Officer, and recording the same as provided in Section 2 thereof, issue to the student pursuing said course of instruction on hospital train- ing, certificate of proficiency and diplomas and may confer the degree of graduate nurse. SEC. 2. Be it further enacted, that before such institution or society shall issue diplomas or certificates of proficiency or confer such degree, the president of such institution or society and three lecturers or instructors thereof, who shall be prac- tising physicians, shall file with the State Health Officer a verified statement, containing a list of the lecturers and instructors, the subjects taught, and the nature and amount of hospital training received at said institution or society, and if said State Health Officer shall approve such verified statement, he shall issue to such institution a certificate to the effect that he has examined such verified state- ment and approved the same, which said certificate shall be recorded by the probate judge of the county where said institution or society is located, upon the payment of a fee of $2.50. ARKANSAS Be It Enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Arkansas: SECTION i. That a Board to be known as The Board of Nurse Examiners for Arkansas is hereby created and established. Said Board shall be composed of six (6) members, to be appointed by the Governor of the State as hereinafter provided, four (4) of whom shall be graduate, trained nurses, and two (2) of whom shall be physicians. Within thirty (30) days after the taking effect of this Act, the Arkansas Graduate Nurses' Association shall, through its President and Secretary, submit to the Governor a list containing the names of six (6) physicians of good standing in this State, and the names of twelve (12) graduate, trained nurses. Each nurse, whose name shall thus be submitted, shall be at least twenty-three (23) years of age, of good moral character, a graduate from a training-school connected with a general hospital or sanitarium of good standing where not less than a two (2) years' course is given in the wards, and shall have had not less than three (3) years' actual prac- tice in the profession. From the list so submitted, the Governor shall, within thirty (30) days after the receipt thereof, appoint one (i) physician and two (2) nurses to hold offices on the said Board for two (2) years from May i, 1913, and one (i) physician and two (2) nurses to hold offices on said Board for four (4) years from May i, 1913. There- after, every second year, and during the month of April just prior to the expira- tion of the respective terms of office, the Governor shall appoint as successors 54 FULL TEXT OF LAWS 55 thereto one (i) physician and two (2) nurses to hold offices on said Board for four (4) years, said appointments to be made from lists, submitted by the said Arkansas Graduate Nurses' Association, of not less than three nominations for each office, provided, that the nurses whose names shall hereafter be placed in nomination by the said Association shall be registered and licensed under the provisions of this Act, and shall in all other respects fulfil the requirements herein set forth. SEC. 2. Vacancies occurring on said Board shall be filled for the unexpired terms by appointments to be made by the Governor from like nominations to be furnished him by the said Association, provided, that if said nominations are not submitted within thirty (30) days after the vacancy occurs the Governor may ap- point as a successor to such office on said Board such person, fulfilling the above requirements, as to him seems best. SEC. 3. The members of the said Board shall, before entering upon the duties of said office, take the oath prescribed by the Constitution for State Officers, and shall file the same in the office of the Secretary of State, who shall thereupon issue to such person so appointed a certificate of such appointment. SEC. 4. The members of the Board shall, within thirty (30) days after their appointment, organize by electing one of their number as President of the Board, and another as Secretary, who shall also be the Treasurer of said Board. The officers so elected shall hold offices for a period of one (i) year, or until their suc- cessors are elected and have qualified. The election of officers thereafter shall be held annually in the month of May, and in case of a vacancy in either of said offices the Board shall, within forty (40) days after the vacancy occurs, elect one of its members to fill said office till the next regular election, provided, that in case no such election be held within the time stated the Governor shall appoint a member of said Board to such office for the unexpired term. SEC. 5. The Secretary shall certify to the Governor after each election the names of the offices elected, and shall also notify the Governor in case of a vacancy on said Board or in the office of President. In case of a vacancy in the office of Secretary the President shall certify the fact to the Governor, and in like manner shall certify to the Governor the name of the person chosen by the Board to fill said office, if one be so chosen. SEC. 6. The Secretary shall keep a record of the minutes of the meetings of said Board, and a record of the names of all persons making application for regis- tration under the provisions of this Act, together with the action of the Board thereon. The Secretary shall also keep a roll of the names of all nurses who have been registered and licensed by said Board to practice the profession under this Act. Said records shall at all reasonable times be open for public inspection. SEC. 7. All fees for the examination, registration, and licensing of nurses here- under shall be paid to the Treasurer of the Board, who shall issue receipts therefor, and the same shall be deposited by said Treasurer quarterly in the treasury of the State, and there credited to and designated for the use of the said Board of Nurse Examiners for Arkansas. The Secretary shall make a good and sufficient bond unto the State of Arkansas for the faithful performance of such duties as may be required of him or her as Secretary and Treasurer of said Board, in a sum and with such security as the Board shall deem proper. SEC. 8. The compensation of the members of said Board shall be at the rate of five ($5.00) dollars per day, for each day actually engaged in attending meetings of said Board, provided, that the Secretary may receive such extra compensation for services rendered as the Board shall deem reasonable, which amount, however, shall not exceed the sum of three hundred ($300.00) dollars per annum. SEC. 9. All salaries of members and officers of said Board, and all other ex- penses, proper and necessary in the opinion of the Board to the discharge of its duties under and to enforce this Act, shall be paid out of such funds as shall be deposited by said Secretary and Treasurer of the Board in the treasury of the State for the use of said Board, upon warrants of the Auditor of the State, issued upon the 56 STATE REGISTRATION FOR NURSES requisition of the President, and attested by the Secretary under the seal of said Board, provided, that no salary or expense of said Board shall ever be paid out of any fund or funds of the State. SEC. 10. During the month of April each year the President and Secretary shall file with the Governor a complete report of the actions of the Board, and shall likewise, annually, in the month of April, file in the office of the Secretary of State a certified list of the names of all persons who have been registered and licensed to practice the profession under the provisions of this Act. The treasurer shall also during the month of April each year file with the Governor and the office of the Secretary of State a certified statement of the receipts and disbursements for the year. SEC. ii. The Board is authorized to make suitable By-Laws for carrying out its duties under the provisions of this Act, to fix the time for holding its regular meetings for the examination of applicants, to have an official seal, which shall bear the words, "The Board of Nurse Examiners for Arkansas." SEC. 12. The certificate of the Secretary of said Board under said seal shall be accepted in the courts of the State as the best evidence as to the minutes of said Board, and shall likewise be accepted in the courts of this State as the best evidence as to the registration or non-registration of any person under the requirements of this Act. SEC. 13. It shall be the duty of the Board to meet regularly once in every six months, for the purpose of examining applicants, and special meetings for examina- tions shall be called by the Secretary upon the written request of three members of said Board. Four members shall constitute a quorum at any meeting of said Board. Notice of the meetings for the purpose of examining applicants shall be given at least thirty (30) days prior thereto by publication in a daily newspaper of general circulation in the State, and in a Nurses' Journal. The Secretary shall, not less than ten days prior to the date of said meetings, also mail a written or printed notice of such meetings to each applicant whose name shall have been properly filed with said Secretary, and no applicant shall be examined, or issued a certificate or license, unless said applicant's name shall have been filed with said Secretary not less than fifteen (15) days before the date of said examination. SEC. 14. The Board shall have power to revoke any certificate, or license, issued in accordance with this Act, upon the affirmative vote of a majority of the entire Board, for gross incompetence, dishonesty, habitual intemperance, or any other act derogatory to the morals or standing of the nursing profession, provided, that before any certificate, or license, shall be revoked, the holder thereof shall be given at least thirty (30) days notice in writing of the charge or charges against him or her, and of the time and place of the hearing and determining of such charge or charges, at which time and place he or she shall be allowed to be heard with witnesses. Said notice may be given by personal service, or by registered mail, in which latter case, the signed return receipt card shall be accepted as evidence of service. The Presi- dent and Secretary of the Board are authorized to administer oaths to persons giving testimony at such hearings, and no evidence shall be received at such hearings except it be under oath. SEC. 15. Upon the revocation of any certificate, or license, by the Board, as outlined in the preceding section, the Secretary shall strike the name of such person from the records of said Board, and shall note the revocation, together with the time of and the cause for same, upon the record. The Board is authorized to recall and cancel the certificate, or license, of any person whose name shall have thus been stricken from the records of the Board, and may employ such means for secur- ing the return of the same as the circumstances warrant. The Secretary is author- ized to furnish certified copies of the records of the Board as to the registration or non-registration, or the cancellation of the certificate, or license, of any person, to the Secretary of a similar Board in another State, upon the written request for the same. FULL TEXT OF LAWS 57 SEC. 1 6. All persons desiring to practice professional nursing in this State shall make application to said Board in the manner provided by this Act and the By-Laws or rules of said Board, and shall deposit with the Secretary at the tune of making application for registration the sum of five ($5.00) dollars, as an exami- nation fee, which shall in no case be returned, whether the examination be passed or not, but in case the applicant passes the examination to the satisfaction of the Board then no further fee will be charged for registration. SEC. 17. Before any person, except those herein specifically excepted, shall be given a certificate, or license, to practice professional nursing in this State, such person shall be required to undergo an examination to be given by said Board touching applicant's qualifications as a graduate nurse, and shall pass the same to the satisafction of the majority of said Board. The examination to be given such applicants by said Board shall be of such character as to determine the fitness of said applicant to practice professional nursing as contemplated in this Act, and shall be upon the following subjects: Practical nursing, surgical nursing, obstetrical nursing, hygiene, contagion, diet cooking, materia medica, anatomy, physiology, gynecology, care of children and urinary analysis, genito-urinary being also given to male nurses. If the result of the examination be satisfactory to a majority of the Board, the President and Secretary shall sign and issue to such applicant a certificate to that effect, which said certificate shall license the holder thereof to practice professional nursing in this State as a registered nurse. If the applicant fails to pass the examination, he or she may take a second examination at the next regular meeting of the Board without being required to pay an additional fee, but in no case shall more than two examinations be given an applicant upon the pay- ment of one fee. SEC. 18. After May i, 1914, all applicants, except the undergraduate nurses now in training hereinafter mentioned, shall be required to be at least nineteen (19) years of age, and shall possess a literary education equivalent to the course given in the eighth grade of the public schools of the State. SEC. 19. All graduate nurses who are engaged in nursing at the time of the passage of this Act, or who have been so engaged within five years prior thereto and who shall show to the satisfaction of the Board that he or she is of good moral character, and was graduated from a training-school connected with a hospital or sanitarium giving a two years' general training course, and who in other respects meets the requirements of this Act, shall be entitled to be registered and given a certificate, or license, without examination, provided, that written application to be so registered and licensed be filed by such person with the Secretary of said Board within ninety (90) days after the organization of the Board, said application to be accompanied by an affidavit, setting out applicant's preparatory training and ex- perience, and a deposit of five ($5.00) dollars as a registration fee. SEC. 20. Any registered nurse from any other State, where the laws with ref- erence to professional nursing are up to the standard set out in this Act, who shall show to the satisfaction of the Board that he or she is registered in such other State and a graduate from a hospital training-school where the standard of training and instruction shall meet the requirements prescribed by said Board, who shall otherwise be qualified under the provisions of this Act, and any nurse who shall have served in the Army or Navy of the United States, and shall have been honorably discharged therefrom, shall be entitled to be registered without examination upon the payment of the registration fee herein mentioned, appli- cation having been made in the manner prescribed by the rules or By-Laws of said Board. SEC. 21. All undergraduate nurses who are now in training in the wards of a general hospital or sanitarium of this State where a two years' course of system- atic instruction is given, and shall hereafter graduate therefrom, and shall possess the other qualifications prescribed in this Act, shall be entitled to be registered and licensed without examination, provided, that they shall make application to 58 STATE REGISTRATION FOR NURSES said Board, in the manner herein outlined for graduate nurses, within ninety (90) days after their graduation. SEC. 22. Every person receiving a certificate, or license, from said Board shall have such certificate, or license, recorded in the office of the County Clerk of the county in which such person resides, and shall pay to such clerk the sum of fifty cents for recording the same. SEC. 23. Any person who shall have complied with the provisions of this Act, and shall have received a certificate, or license, from said Board, shall be styled and known as a registered nurse, and shall be entitled to append the letters "R. N." to his or her name. No other person shall assume or use such title, or use the abbreviation "R. N.," or any other letters to indicate that he or she is a trained, graduate, or registered nurse. SEC. 24. When any person shall append the letters "R. N." to his or her name, or shall use other letters, figures, or signs to indicate that he or she is a trained, graduate, or registered nurse, it shall be prima facia evidence of practicing the profession as a trained, graduate, or registered nurse within the meaning of this Act. SEC. 25. It shall be unlawful for any person to practice professional nursing in this State, as a trained, graduate, or registered nurse, without first complying with the provisions of this Act and receiving from said Board of Nurse Examiners for Arkansas the certificate, or license, herein provided for. SEC. 26. It shall be unlawful for any person, not having the certificate, or license, in this Act mentioned, to advertise to the public as a nurse, or to allow his or her name to be placed on a public record or list in a drug store, or in the office of a physician, or elsewhere, as a nurse, unless such advertisement, or list, or record, shall also state that such nurse, or persons, are not registered. SEC. 27. It shall be unlawful for any drug store proprietor, physician, or other person to publicly keep a record or list of the names of nurses, not registered and licensed as herein provided, unless such list or record shall also state- that such nurses or persons are "not registered." SEC. 28. The violation of any of the provisions of section 26, 27 or 28 of this Act shall be deemed a misdemeanor, and any person found guilty thereof shall be punished by a fine of not less than $25.00 nor more than $250.00, for each offense. SEC. 29. This. Act shall not be construed to affect or apply to or prevent the gratuitous nursing of the sick by friends or members of the family, or to any person nursing the sick for hire who does not in any way advertise, assume, charge, or claim to be a registered, graduate, or trained nurse, or to registered nurses, residents of other States, who visit this State as companions or nurses for residents of other States, temporarily sojourning here, or to registered nurses from other States called to attend cases in this State by physicians of this State. SEC. 30. In the opinion of the General Assembly an emergency exists. There- fore, this Act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. CALIFORNIA The people of the State of California do enact as follows: SECTION i. Within thirty days after this act takes effect the State Board of Health shall establish and maintain a department of examination and registration of graduate nurses, as hereinafter provided. The State Board of Health shall appoint a director, whose salary shall be fixed by the Board, and said director shall have been graduated from an accredited training-school for nurses, as defined in this Act, and shall be duly registered under the provisions of this Act. Said director shall perform all duties required by this Act, and such other duties as may be re- quired by the State Board of Health, in order to carry out the objects and purposes of this Act. Lists of accredited training-schools for nurses and a register of the FULL TEXT OF LAWS 59 names of all nurses duly registered under this Act shall be prepared and kept by the department. An annual report shall be prepared and filed before January first of each year. SEC. 2. It shall be the duty of said Board to meet regularly once in every six months for the purpose of holding examinations under the provisions of this Act. Public notice of such meetings shall be given by publishing the same at least two weeks prior to the date of each meeting in two papers of general circulation, and in one nursing journal. Upon filing application for examination each applicant shall pay an examination fee of ten dollars, which shall in no case be returned to the applicant. No further fee shall be required for registration. At such meetings it shall be the duty of the Board to examine all such applicants for registration under this Act and to issue to each duly qualified applicant who shall have com- plied with the requisite provisions of this Act and who shall have passed a satis- factory examination, a certificate provided for in this act. SEC. 3. All applicants for registration shall be registered without examination; provided, they make application prior to July i, 1914, and have graduated before said date from a reputable training-school connected with a general hospital. SEC. 4. On and after July i, 1914, no person shall be eligible for examina- tion or for registration as a registered nurse who shall not furnish satisfactory evidence of having been graduated from an accredited training-school for nurses. An accredited training-school for nurses within the meaning of this Act is hereby defined to be a school for the training of nurses attached to or operated in connec- tion with a hospital or hospitals giving a general training and a systematic, theo- retical and practical course of instruction covering a period of at least three years. All applicants for examination must furnish satisfactory evidence of good moral character, and of having complied with the provisions of this Act relative to quali- fying. SEC. 5. A nurse who has received his or her certificate according to the pro- visions of this Act, shall be styled and known as a registered nurse, and shall be entitled to place the initials "R. N." after his or her name. SEC. 6. This Act shall not be construed to affect or apply to the gratuitous nursing of the sick by friends or members of the family, or to any person nursing the sick for hire who does not in any way assume to be, or practice as a registered nurse. SEC. 7. It shall be unlawful for any person not holding a certificate of regis- tration issued by the State Board of Health to use the title "registered nurse" or the letters "R. N.," in connection with, or following his or her name, or to impersonate in any manner, or pretend to be, a "registered nurse." SEC. 8. The Board, upon written application, and upon the receipt of ten dollars as registration fee, shall issue a certificate of registration without examina- tion to any applicant who has been duly registered as a registered nurse under the laws of another state or foreign country having requirements equivalent to those provided for by this act. SEC. 9. The Board shall have the power to revoke any certificate of registra- tion for dishonesty, intemperance, immorality, unprofessional conduct, or any habit rendering a nurse unfit or unsafe to care for the sick, after a full and fair investigation of the charges preferred against the accused. SEC. 10. Any person violating any of the provisions of this Act shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall upon conviction be fined not less than ten dollars nor more than one hundred dollars for the first offense and not less than fifty dollars nor more than five hundred dollars for each subsequent offense. SEC. ii. Within ten days after the beginning of each month the secretary of the State Board of Health shall report to the controller the amount and source of all collections made under the provisions of this Act, and at the same time all such amounts shall be paid into the State treasury, and shall be placed to the credit of the special fund to be known as the fund for examination and registration of nurses. 60 STATE REGISTRATION FOR NURSES All amounts paid into this fund shall be held subject to the order of the State Board of Health, to be used only for the purpose of meeting necessary expenses in the performance of the special duties imposed by this Act. Claims against the fund shall be audited by the State Board of Health and by the Board of Control, and shall be paid by the State Treasurer upon warrants drawn by the State Controller. COLORADO AN ACT RELATING TO PROFESSIONAL NURSING Be It Enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Colorado: SECTION i . That within sixty days after the taking effect of this Act, the Gover- nor of the State shall appoint a State Board of Nurse Examiners, to be composed of five members. Each of the members of said Board so appointed by the Gover- nor shall be a trained nurse of at least twenty-three (23) years of age, of good moral character, who is a graduate from a training-school, connected with a general hos- pital or sanitarium of good standing, where a three years' training with a systematic course of instruction is given in the wards; one of the members of said Board shall be designated by the Governor to hold office for one year, one for two years, one for three years, one for four years, and one for five years, and thereafter upon the expiration of the term of office of the person so appointed, the Governor shall appoint a successor to each person to hold office for five years, each of whom shall be a registered nurse under the provisions of this Act, and shall fulfil the require- ments in this section set forth. SEC. 2. That the members of said Board shall, as soon as organized, annually in the month of April, elect from their members a president and a secretary, who shall also be the treasurer. Three members of this Board shall constitute a quorum, and special meetings of said Board shall be called by the secretary upon the written request of any two members. The Board is authorized to make suh by-laws and rules as shall be necessary to govern its proceedings and to carry into effect the pur- pose of this Act. The secretary shall be required to keep a record of all the meetings of said Board, including a register of the names of all nurses duly registered under this Act, which shall at all reasonable times be open to public scrutiny, and said Board shall cause the prosecution of all persons violating any of the provisions of this Act, and may incur necessary expenses on that behalf. That the president and secretary shall make a biennial report to the Governor on the second Monday of December, immediately preceding the convening of the Legislature, together with a statement of the receipts and disbursements of said Board. SEC. 3. That after April, 1907, it shall be the duty of said Board to meet regu- larly once in every six (6) months, notice of which meeting shall be given to the public press and in one nursing journal one month previous to the meeting. At every regular meeting, namely, every six months, it shall be the duty of the Board to examine all applicants for registration under this Act. Upon filing application for examination, each applicant shall pay an examination fee of ten ($10.00) dollars, which shall in no case be returned to the applicant, whether the examination be passed or not, but in case the applicant pass the examination, then no further fee shall be re- quired for registration. The examination shall be of such a character as to determine tie fitness of the applicant to practice professional nursing as contemplated by this Act. If the result of the examination shall be satisfactory to a majority of the Board, the Board shall sign and issue a certificate to the applicant to that effect, which certificate shall be attested by the secretary; whereupon, the person named in the certificate shall be duly qualified to practice professional nursing in this state. Any registered nurse from any other state, where the laws with reference to professional nursing are up to the standard of the laws of the state of Colorado, who shall show to the satisfaction of the Board that he or she is a trained, graduate FULL TEXT OF LAWS 6 1 nurse of a hospital or sanitarium, the standard of instruction and training of which shall meet the requirements of the rules prescribed by the said Board, and who shall be otherwise properly qualified, may receive a certificate and be registered as a nurse of this state, without examination. SEC. 4. That all nurses who are engaged in nursing at the time of the passage of this Act, and who shall show to the satisfaction of said Board that they are of good moral character and were graduated prior to April, 1906, from a training- school connected with a hospital or sanitarium, giving two years' general training, or prior to the year 1901, having given eighteen months' general training, and who maintain in other respects proper standards, shall be entitled to registration without examination. All persons who are in training in the wards of a general hospital or sanitarium in this State, where a two years' training with a systematic course of instruction is given at the time of the passage of this Act, and shall grad- uate hereafter, and possess the above qualifications, shall be entitled to registration without examination, provided such application be made to this Board before April, 1909. All nurses who have served in the army or navy of the United States, and have been honorably discharged, shall be entitled to be registered without examination. It shall be unlawful hereafter for any person to practice nursing as a trained, graduate, or registered nurse without a certificate from the State Board of Nurse Examiners. A nurse who has received his or her certificate according to the provisions of this Act shall be styled and known as a "Registered Nurse." No other person shall assume such title nor use the abbreviation "R. N.," or any other letters to indicate that he or she is a trained, graduate, or registered nurse. The Board in each instance shall require a registration fee of ten (10) dollars. SEC. 5. That State Board of Nurse Examiners shall have the power to revoke any certificate issued in accordance with this Act by unanimous vote of said Board for gross incompetence, dishonesty, habitual intemperance, or any act derogatory to the morals or standing of the profession of nursing, as may be determined by the Board; but before any certificate shall be revoked the holder thereof shall be entitled to at least thirty days' notice in writing of the charge against him or her, and of the time and place of hearing and determining of such charges, at which time and place he or she shall be entitled to be heard. Upon the revocation of any certifi- cate, it shall be the duty of the secretary of the Board to strike the name of the holder thereof from the roll of registered nurses. SEC. 6. All fees received by the State Board of Nurse Examiners, and all fines collected under this Act, shall be paid to the treasurer of said Board, who shall, at the end of each and every month, deposit the same with the State Treasurer, and the said State Treasurer shall place said money so received in a special fund, to be known as the fund of the State Board of Nurse Examiners, and shall pay the same out on vouchers issued and signed by the president and secretary of said Board, upon warrants drawn by the Auditor of the State therefor. All moneys so received and placed in said fund may be used by the State Board of Nurse Examiners in defraying its expenses in carrying out the provisions of this Act. SEC. 7. This Act shall not be construed to affect or apply to the gratuitous nurs- ing of the sick by friends or members of the family, or to any person nursing the sick for hire who does not in any way assume the practice as a trained, graduate, or registered nurse. SEC. 8. That any person violating the provisions of this Act, or who shall make any false representations to said Board in applying for a certificate, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction be punished by a fine of not more than three hundred ($300.00) dollars. SEC. 9. In the opinion of the General Assembly an emergency exists; therefore, this Act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. 62 STATE REGISTRATION FOR NURSES CONNECTICUT AN ACT REGULATING THE PRACTICE OF PROFESSIONAL NUKSING OF THE SICK Be It Enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Assembly Con- vened: SECTION i. From and after July i, 1905, there shall be a Board of Examination and Registration of Nurses, composed of five members, appointed by the Governor, and all vacancies in said Board shall be filled by the Governor in like manner. The members of said Board shall be residents of the state of Connecticut and shall be practical nurses, each of whom shall be a graduate of a training-school for nurses which gives a two years' course in a general hospital, and shall have had at least eight years' experience in professional nursing of the sick. Each member shall be appointed for a term of three years from the date when appointment shall take effect, except those first appointed, who shall serve as follows: one for one year, two for two years, and two for three years from the date their appointments take effect, respectively, and except a person appointed to fill a vacancy, who shall be appointed for the unexpired term. SEC. 2. Said Board shall, at the first meeting thereof, and at the annual meet- ing which shall be held on the first Wednesday in June, 1906, and on the first Wednes- day in June in each year thereafter, elect from its own number a president and a secretary, who shall also be treasurer. Said Board may adopt a seal, and may adopt such by-laws, rules, and regulations for the transaction of the business of the Board and the government and management of its affairs, not inconsistent with the laws of this state and of the United States, as it may deem expedient. Three mem- bers of said Board shall constitute a quorum, and special meetings shall be called upon request of any two members. On request of said Board the comptroller shall provide a suitable room in the Capitol for its meetings. SEC. 3. The members of said Board shall receive their actual necessary ex- penses incurred in the discharge of their duties, and the secretary shall receive a salary to be fixed by the Board, not to exceed one hundred dollars per year. Said expenses and said salary shall be paid out of the receipts of said Board as hereinaf- ter specified. SEC. 4. At a meeting of said Board to be held within sixty days after the ap- pointment of the members thereof, and at the annual meeting in each year there- after, and at such special meetings as said Board may deem necessary to hold for that purpose, notice of each of which meetings shall be given by publication in such newspapers as the Board may determine at least one month previous to such meetings, said Board shall examine all applicants for registration under the pro- visions of this Act to determine their qualifications for the efficient nursing of the sick, and shall decide upon the qualifications of every such applicant and give notice of such decision within three months from the date of such examination. Any person twenty-one years of age or over, and of good moral character, who shall show to the satisfaction of the Board that he or she is a graduate of a training-school for nurses which gives a two years' course in a public or private hospital where medical, surgical, and obstetrical cases are received and treated, or has had such experience as said Board shall find to be equivalent thereto, shall be eligible for such examination upon payment of a fee of five dollars, to be deposited upon the filing of the application for examination. Said examination shall include the subjects of elementary anatomy and physiology, medical, surgical, and obstetrical nursing, dietetics, and home sanitation. If such applicant shall pass said exami- nation to the satisfaction of the Board, said Board shall issue a certificate of registration to said applicant. SEC. 5. Any person twenty-one years of age or over, and of good moral charac- ter, applying for registration within two years from the passage of this Act, and FULL TEXT OF LAWS 63 who shall, by affidavit or otherwise, show to the satisfaction of the Board that he or she is a graduate of a training-school for nurses which gives a two years' course in a public or private hospital where medical, surgical, and obstetrical cases are received and treated, or that he or she was, at the passage of this Act, a student in such training-school for nurses and afterward was graduated therefrom, or has had such other experience as said Board shall find to be equivalent thereto, shall be eligible for registration without examination, upon payment of a fee of five dol- lars. Any applicant aggrieved by the decision of the Board on such application or on examination may appeal therefrom to a Board to be composed of one member from each of the following state medical societies: The Connecticut Medical Society, The Connecticut Homeopathic Medical Society, and the Connecticut Eclectic Medical Association. Such appeal shall be in writing, and shall be filed with said Board of Examination and Registration of Nurses within thirty days after the an- nouncement of the decision complained of, which Board shall forthwith transmit the same to said Board of appeal. Said Board of appeal shall hear and determine such appeal with all reasonable dispatch, may affirm, modify, or reverse the decision appealed from, and shall certify its action to said Board of Examination and Regis- tration of Nurses, which Board shall take such action as may be necessary to carry out the decision of the Board of appeal, which decision shall be final and binding on all parties. The members of said Board of appeal shall be appointed, in the first instance, by the Governor, before August i, 1907, such appointees to hold office from the date of their appointment until the said societies shall respectively appoint the members of the said Board of appeal. The time within which any person may apply for registration under the provisions of Section 5 of said chapter as amended by Section 2 of this Act is hereby extended for the period of sixty days from and after the passage of this Act. SEC. 6. Said Board may cancel the registration of any person who has been convicted of any felony, or of any crime or misdemeanor in the practice of the profession of nursing. SEC. 7. It shall be unlawful, after two years from the passage of this Act, for any person to practice professional nursing in this state as a registered nurse with- out having a certificate of registration. A nurse who has received such certificate shall be styled and known as a " Registered Nurse," and no other person shall assume such title, or use the abbreviation "R. N.," or any other words, letters, or figures to indicate that the person using the same is such a registered nurse. Every person who shall violate any provision of this act, or who shall wilfully make false represen- tation to said Board in applying for a certificate of registration, shall be fined not more than one hundred dollars ; provided, that nothing in this Act shall be held to apply to the acts of any person nursing the sick who does not represent himself or herself to be a registered nurse. The Board shall cause to be presented to the proper prosecuting officer evidence of any violation of the provisions of this Act and may in- cur any necessary expenses in the performance of this duty, said expenses to be paid out of the receipts of said Board. SEC. 8. All fees collected by said Board under the provisions of this Act shall be paid to the secretary of the Board, and said secretary shall pay from the moneys so received, upon approval of the president, the salary of said secretary and the necessary expenses of the members as provided in Section 3 of this Act, also for books, stationery, and other necessary expenses of the Board; provided, that said Board shall create or incur no expense exceeding the sum received from time to time as fees under the provisions of this Act. The secretary shall, before taking office, give to the state a bond, with surety, conditioned for the faithful performance of the duties of said office, in the penal sum of not less than five hundred dollars; and shall also keep an account of all moneys received and expended as aforesaid, and shall render a detailed statement thereof to the comptroller on or before July i in each year. The secretary shall also submit to the Governor, on or before July i hi each year, a general statement of the work of the Board for the year pre- 64 STATE REGISTRATION FOR NURSES ceding, including therein a statement of the number of applicants received during the year, the number approved, and the number rejected. SEC. 9. This Act shall take effect from its passage. DELAWARE AN ACT Be it Enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Delaware in General Assembly met: SECTION i. That from and after the passage of this Act the Delaware State Association of Graduate Nurses shall nominate for examiners ten of its members who have not had less than three years' experience in their profession and four regu- lar licensed physicians, two from each of the two leading schools of medicine. These nominations shall be submitted to the Governor of the State, who shall, from the said number, appoint within thirty days a Board of Examiners, to be composed of two regular licensed physicians, one from each of the two leading schools of medi- cine, and three nurses who have had at least three years active practice. One of the members of this Board shall be designated by the Governor to hold office for one year, two for two years, and two for three years; and hereafter, upon the expiration of the term of office of the person or persons so appointed, the Governor shall appoint a successor or successors to each person or persons, to hold office for three years, from a list of five nominations to be submitted to him annually by the Delaware State Association of Graduate Nurses. All vacancies occuring on this Board shall be filled by the Governor in the same manner from a list of nominations furnished him, or from a list of six to be furnished upon his request for additional names. SEC. 2. That the members of this State Board of Examiners shall, as soon as organized, and annually thereafter in the month of June, elect from their members a president, and a secretary who shall be the treasurer. Three members of this Board shall constitute a quorum, and special meetings of the Board shall be called by the secretary upon written request of any two members. The said Board of Examiners is authorized to frame such By-Laws as may be necessary to govern its proceedings. The secretary shall be required to keep a record of all meetings of the Board, including a register of the names of all nurses duly registered under this Act, which shall at all reasonable times be opened to public scrutiny, and the Board shall cause the prosecution of all persons violating any of the provisions of this Act, and may incur necessary expenses on this behalf. The secretary shall receive a salary to be fixed by the Board, not to exceed fifty dollars per annum, also traveling and other expenses incurred in the discharge of his or her official duties. 'The other members of the Board shall receive five dollars for each day actually engaged in this service, and all legitimate and necessary expenses. Said expenses and salaries shall be paid from fees received by the Board under the pro- visions of this Act, and no part of salaries or other expenses of the Board shall be paid out of the State Treasury. All moneys received in excess of the said allowance, and other expenses provided for, shall be held by the treasurer for meeting the expenses of the said Board and the cost of annual reports for the Board. SEC. 3. That after June i, A. D. 1911, it shall be the duty of said Board of Examiners to meet not less frequently than once in every year, notice of which meeting shall be given in the public press and in one Nursing Journal one month previous to the meeting. At this meeting it shall be their duty to examine all applicants for registration, under this Act, to determine their fitness and ability to give efficient care of the sick. Upon filing application for examination and regis- tration, each applicant shall deposit a fee of five dollars. SEC. 4. That the apph'cant shall furnish satisfactory evidence that he or she FULL TEXT OF LAWS 65 is twenty-one years of age, is of good moral character, and has graduated from a training-school connected with a general hospital where three years of training with a systematic course of instruction is given in the hospital, and after June i, A. D. 191 1, that he or she has received the equivalent of a high-school education, or shall pass an examination in collateral subjects satisfactory to said Board. SEC. 5. That all nurses graduating before June i, A. D. 1911, possessing the above qualifications, shall be permitted to register without examination upon payment of registration fee. Nurses who shall show to the satisfaction of the Board of Examiners that they are graduates of training-schools connected with a general hospital or sanatorium, giving two years training prior to the year 1898, shall be entilted to registration without examination, provided such application be made before June i, A. D. 1911. Graduates of training-schools in connection with special hospitals, giving a two years' course, who shall obtain one year's additional training in an approved general hospital, shall be eligible for registration without examina- tion before June i, A. D. 1911, or said graduates shall be eligible for registration prior to said date upon passing a special examination before the Board of Examiners in subjects not adequately taught in the training-schools from which they have graduated. And it shall be unlawful, after the passage of this Act, for any person to practice nursing as a graduate, trained, professional, or registered nurse without a certificate of said Board of Examiners. A nurse who has received his or her cer- tificate according to the provisions of this Act shall be styled and known as a "Registered Nurse." No other person shall assume such title, or use the abbrevia- tion R. N. or any other letters or figures to indicate that he or she is a registered nurse. A nurse registered in any State or country, having the same qualifications or higher ones than required in this State, can on the payment of #5.00 with the approval of State Board of Examiners be a registered nurse in the State of Delaware. SEC. 6. That this Act shall not be construed to affect or apply to the gratuitous nursing of the sick by friends or members of the family, and also it shall not apply to any person nursing the sick for hire, but who does not in any way assume to be a graduate, trained, professional, or Registered Nurse. SEC. 7. That any person violating any of the provisions of this Act, or who shall wilfully make any false representation to the Board of Examiners in applying for a certificate, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction be punished by a fine of not more than Five Hundred Dollars. SEC. 8. That the State Board of Examiners of Graduate Nurses may revoke any certificate for sufficient cause, but before this is done the holder of said certifi- cate shall have thirty days' notice, and after a full and fair hearing of the charges made, by a majority vote of the whole Board, the certificate may be revoked. SEC. 9. That all Acts or parts of Acts, in so far as the same are inconsistent with the provisions hereof, be, and the same are hereby repealed. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA AN ACT AN ACT TO DEFINE THE TERM OF "REGISTERED NURSE," AND TO PROVIDE FOR THE REGISTRATION OF NURSES IN THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That from and after the expiration of the ninety days immediately following the passage of this Act no person shall, in the District of Columbia, in any manner whatsoever, represent herself to be a registered nurse, or allow herself to be so represented, unless she has been and is registered by the Nurses' Examining Board in accordance with the provisions of this Act. SEC. 2. That upon the taking effect of this Act the Graduate Nurses' Associa- tion of the District of Columbia shall nominate ten of its members who have had 66 STATE REGISTRATION FOR NURSES not less than five years' experience in the profession. These nominations shall be submitted to the Commissioners of the District of Columbia, who shall, from said nominations, appoint, within thirty days after said nominations are submitted to them, a Nurses' Examining Board, to be composed of five members. All appoint- ments shall be made so that the term of one member shall expire on the thirtieth day of June of each year, and upon the expiration of the term of office of any examiner the said Commissioners shall likewise fill the vacancy for a term of five years from a list of three nominees submitted to them each year by the Graduate Nurses' Association of the District of Columbia. An unexpired term shall be filled by said Commissioners from three additional names furnished by the Graduate Nurses' Association upon request of said Commissioners. No member of said Board shall enter upon the discharge of her duties until she has taken oath to faith- fully and impartially perform the same; and the said Commissioners may remove any member of said Board for neglect of duty or for any just cause. SEC. 3. That the Nurses' Examining Board shall meet in the District of Colum- bia within ten days after their appointment and organize the Board, and annually thereafter shall meet in the month of April and shall elect from its members a E-esident, and also a secretary who shall be treasurer. It shall frame all such by- ws as it shall deem necessary for carrying into effect the provisions of this Act, and may amend such rules from time to time at discretion of said Board. The secretary shall be required to keep a record of all meetings of the Board, and also a register of the names of all nurses duly registered under this Act, and to furnish a certificate of registration to all such nurses. The said Board shall hold examina- tions not less frequently than once a year, and the notice of each examination shall be given in one daily newspaper published in Washington City and in one Nursing Journal at least thirty days prior to the examination. SEC. 4. That every nurse desiring to style herself "a registered nurse" in the District of Columbia shall make application to the nurses' examining board for registration, and at the tune of making such application shall pay to the treasurer of said Board five dollars. Said applicant must furnish satisfactory evidence that she is over twenty-three years of age, of good moral character, and free from habits liable to interfere with her services as a nurse, and, further, that she holds a diploma from a training-school for nurses which has been registered by the Nurses' Examin- ing Board of the District of Columbia: Provided, however, That no training-school shall be registered which does not maintain proper educational standards, and give not less than two years' training in a general hospital, or instruction of the same kind, and, to at least the same extent as that given in the general hospital, all of which shall be determined by the Nurses' Examining Board. SEC. 5. That any person possessing the qualifications required in Section 4 of this Act, who has been engaged hi nursing in the District of Columbia five years after graduation immediately preceding the passage of this Act, or shall have graduated from any training-school in the District of Columbia within the five years immediately preceding the passage of this Act, shall be entitled to regis- tration without examination upon payment of the registration fee. And, further, that any person who has been engaged in nursing in the District of Columbia for four years immediately preceding the passage of this Act and shall have spent, in ad- dition, one year in a hospital or sanatorium, shall be permitted to register after pass- ing a practical examination: Provided, That such certificates shall not declare that the persons holding them have fulfilled all the requirements expressed in Section 4. SEC. 6. That the registration of any person as a nurse in the District of Colum- bia may be revoked and the certificate of such person cancelled if she should be found to have obtained the same by fraud, or be found guilty by the Nurses' Exam- ining Board of any act derogatory to the standing and morals of the profession of nursing. But before any certificate shall be revoked the holder thereof shall be entitled to thirty days' notice of the charges against her, and after a full and fair hearing the certificate can be revoked by a majority vote of the whole Board. FULL TEXT OF LAWS 67 SEC. 7. That all expenses incident to the execution of the provisions of this Act shall be paid from the fees collected from applicants for registration as nurses, and if any balance remains on hand on the thirtieth day of June of any year the secretary and treasurer of the nurses' examining board shall receive of such balance the sum of one hundred dollars, and each other member of the said Board shall receive five dollars for each day actually spent in the discharge of official duties. All moneys shall be paid to the treasurer of the board and shall be paid out under the orders of the board. SEC. 8. That any person who shall violate any of the provisions of this Act shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine not exceeding two hundred dollars, or by imprisonment in the workhouse for a period not exceeding sixty days. SEC. 9. That the nurses' examining board shall have power to register, in like manner, without examination, any person who has been registered as a profes- sional nurse in another State or Territory under laws which in the opinion of said board maintains a standard substantially equivalent to that provided for by this Act. This Act, however, shall not include such nurses as have been registered, by other States, without examination, unless investigation of training and qualifica- tion of such nurse prove satisfactory to the examining board. This Act does include, on the same basis, the certificates of nurses from States prevented by law, or any good reason, from entering into reciprocal relation with the District of Columbia. SEC. 10. That nothing in this Act shall be construed to prevent any person from nursing any other person in the District of Columbia either gratuitously or for hire, provided that such person so nursing shall not represent herself as being a registered nurse. Nothing in this Act shall be construed as authorizing any person to prac- tice medicine or surgery, or midwifery, in said District otherwise than in accord- ance with an Act entitled "An Act to regulate the practice of medicine and surgery, to license physicians and surgeons, and to punish persons violating the provisions thereof," approved June third, eighteen hundred and ninety-six. SEC. ii. That the word "she" and the derivatives thereof, wherever they occur in this Act, shall be construed so as to include the word "he" and derivatives. FLORIDA SECTION i. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida: That upon the taking effect of this Act, the Governor of the State shall appoint, within sixty days, a Board of Examiners to be composed of five (5) nurses. One of the members of this Board shall be designated by the Governor to hold office one year, one for two years, one for three years, and two for four years, and hereafter, upon the expiration of the term of office of the person so appointed, the Governor shall appoint a successor to each person, to hold office for four years. SEC. 2. That the members of this State Board of Examiners shall as soon or- ganized, and annually thereafter in the month of June, elect from their members a President and a Secretary, who shall be the Treasurer. Three members of this Board shall constitute a quorum, and special meetings of the Board shall be called by the Secretary upon written request of any two members. The said Board of Examiners is authorized to frame such by-laws as may be necessary to govern its proceedings. The Secretary shall be required to keep a record of all meetings of the Board, including a register of the names of all the nurses duly registered under this Act, which shall at all reasonable times be open to public scrutiny, and the Board shall cause the prosecution of all persons violating any of the provisions of this Act, and may incur necessary expenses on this behalf. The Secretary shall receive a salary to be fixed by the Board, not to exceed one hundred dollars ($100.00) per annum, also traveling and other expenses incurred in the discharge of her official duties. The other members of the Board shall receive five dollars ($5 .00) for each day 68 STATE REGISTRATION FOR NURSES actually engaged in this service, and all legitimate and necessary expenses. Said expenses and salaries shall be paid from fees received by the Board under the pro- vision of this Act, and no part of salaries or other expenses of the Board shall be paid out of the State Treasury. All money received in excess of the said allowance and other expenses provided for, shall be held by the Treasurer for meeting the expenses of the said Board and the cost of annual reports of the Board. SEC. 3. That after June i, 1916, it shall be the duty of said Board of Exam- iners to meet not less frequently than once in every year, notice of which meeting shall be given the public press and in one nursing journal one month previous to the meeting. At this meeting it shall be their duty to examine all applicants for registration under this Act, to determine their fitness and ability to give efficient care of the sick. Upon filing application for examination and registration, each ap- plicant shall deposit a fee of five dollars ($5.00). SEC. 4. That the applicant shall furnish satisfactory evidence that he or she is twenty-two (22) years of age, is of good moral character, has received the equiv- alent of a grammar school education, and has graduated from a training-school giving a systematic course in medical, surgical, and obstetrical nursing, presided over by a Graduated Nurse, covering a period of not less than two years; or has re- ceived two years' training in some reputable hospital now established in any of the counties of this State; and who has received a certificate from the Superintendent or Physician in charge of said hospital, which certificate shall be approved by the Medical Association of the County in which such hospital is located; or has gradu- ated from a training-school in connection with a Hospital in good standing supplying a systematic two years' training corresponding to the above standards, which training may be obtained in two or more Hospitals. SEC. 5. That all nurses graduating before June i, 1016, possessing the above qualifications, shall be permitted to register without examination upon payment of registration fee. Nurses who shall show to the satisfaction of the Board of Exam- iners that they are graduates of training-schools connected with a general hospital or sanitarium giving two years' training, or prior to the year 1897 having given one year's training, and who maintain in other respects proper standards, and are en- gaged in professional nursing at the date of the passage of this Act, or have been engaged in nursing five years (5) after graduation, prior to the passage of this Act, also those who are in training at the tune of the passage of this Act, and shall graduate hereafter, and possess the above qualifications, shall be entitled to regis- tration without examination, provided such application be made before June i, 1916. Graduates of training-schools in connection with special hospitals, giving a two years' course, who shall obtain one year's additional training in an approved general hospital, shall be eligible for registration without examination before June i, 1916; or said graduate shall be eligible for registration prior to said date upon pass- ing a special examination before the Board of Examiners, in subjects not ade- quately taught in the training-schools from which they have been graduated. SEC. 6. And it shall be unlawful after the expiration of that time for any per- son to practice professional nursing as a registered nurse without a certificate in this State. A nurse who has received his or her certificate according to the provision of this Act shall be styled and known as a "Registered Nurse." No other person shall assume such title or use the abbreviation R. N., or any other letter or figures to indicate that he or she is a registered nurse. SEC. 7. That this Act shall not be construed to effect or apply to the gratuitous nursing of the sick by friends or members of the family, and also it shall not apply to any person nursing the sick for hire, but who does not in any way assume to be a registered nurse. SEC. 8. That any person violating any of the provisions of this Act, or who shall wilfully make any false representation to the Board of Examiners in applying for a certificate, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction be punished by a fine of not more than five hundred dollars ($500.00). FULL TEXT OF LAWS 69 SEC. g. That the State Board of Examiners of Graduate Nurses may revoke any certificate for sufficient cause, but before this is done the holder of said certificate shall have thirty days' notice, and after full and fair hearing of the charge made by a majority vote of the whole Board the certificate can be revoked. SEC. 10. The Board, upon written application, and upon the receipt of five dollars ($5.00) as registration fee, may issue a certificate, without examination, to those who shall have been registered as registered nurses, under the law of another State having the requirements equivalent to those of Florida; Provided, That the Board shall be sole judge of credentials of any nurse to registration. Board shall be sole judge of credentials of any nurse admitted to registration without exami- nation. SEC. ii. That this Act shall take effect from the date of its passage and ap- proval by the Governor. GEORGIA To be entitled an Act to regulate the practice of Professional Nursing in the State of Georgia, and to that end to create the Board of Examiners of Nurses for Georgia; and to require registration by those desiring to practice in the State as registered nurses, and to provide penalties for the breach of the requirements of this Act, and for other purposes. SECTION i. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Georgia, That the Board of Examiners of Nurses for Georgia is hereby created. It shall be composed of five persons to be selected and appointed in the following manner: The Georgia State Association Graduate Nurses will, within thirty (30) days after this Act takes effect, nominate to the Governor of this State ten (10) of its members, none of whom is in any way connected with any training-school for nurses. The said nurses must have had at least three years of active practice in their profession immediately preceding their appointment. From this number the Governor shall, within thirty (30) days thereafter, appoint for places on the said Board one nurse, who shall hold office for one year from said date of appointment; and two who shall hold office for two (2) years from said date; and two (2) who shall hold office for three (3) years from said date. All of the said appointments shall have the same date, provided no two of the nurses, so appointed, shall have grad- uated from the same training-school. Upon the expiration of the term of office of any member of said Board, the Gov- ernor of this State shall appoint a successor to fill the said term of office, who shall hold office for three years from the date of the expiration of the said term of office. The said appointment shall be made from a list of five (5) members of the said Association, to be furnished to him by the said Association. All vacancies occurring in this Board shall be filled by the Governor for the unexpired term from like nominations furnished to him by the said Association within thirty (30) days after the vacancy occurs: Provided, That if the said Asso- ciation fails to make the nominations herein required within the time herein spec- ified, the Governor shall make such appointments by nominating such members of the nursing profession thereto, as may seem to him to be proper. SEC. 2. Be it further enacted, That the members of this State Board of Exam- iners shall, within thirty (30) days after appointment, organize by the election of one of its members to be the President of the said Board, and another to be the Secre- tary and Treasurer, who shall hold office for a period of one year and until their respective successors are elected and have qualified; said officers shall be elected by said Board annually, and in case of a vacancy in either of said offices the Board shall, within forty (40) days after the vacancy occurs, elect one of its number to fill said office, and in the event there is no such election within the time named, the Governor shall appoint a member of said Board to fill the vacancy. The Secretary is required to certify to the Governor the names of the officers so elected, and in the case of a vacancy this shall likewise be certified by the Sec- 70 STATE REGISTRATION FOR NURSES retary to him, and in the event of a vacancy in the office of Secretary, the President of the Board shall certify the same to him, and shall certify to him the name of the person chosen to fill the vacancy in the event such vacancy is filled by the Board. SEC. 3. Be it further enacted, That three (3) members of said Board of Exam- iners shall constitute a quorum, but no action of said Board shall be valid unless authorized by the affirmative vote of three (3) members thereof. The Secretary of the Board is directed to keep a record of the minutes of the meetings of said Board and a record of the names of all persons applying for regis- tration hereunder, and of the action of the Board thereon; and a register of all nurses who have complied with the requirements of this Act, all of which said records shall, at all reasonable times, be open to the public inspection. Said Board is authorized to have and use an official seal which shall bear the words: "State Board of Examiners of Nurses for Georgia." The certificate of the Secretary of said Board under the seal thereof, as to the action or non-action of the Board, shall be accepted in evidence, in the Courts of this State, as the best evi- dence of the minutes of the said Board, and likewise the certificate of the said Secretary, under the said seal, as to the registration or non-registration of any person, shall be accepted as the best evidence as to the registration or non-regis- tration of the said person under the requirements of this Act. The Secretary will issue to all nurses admitted to registration hereunder, a certificate under the seal of said Board, showing that fact. SEC. 4. Be it further enacted, That it shall be the duty of said Board to meet for the purpose of examining applicants for registration, at least once in each year, and oftener, should it be deemed necessary by said Board. Notice of said meeting shall be given, of the time and place of said meeting, by written notice posted, postage prepaid, to last known address of each applicant. At least ten (10) days before the time of said meeting, and by publication in a daily paper of general circulation, at Atlanta, and in a Nurses Journal, if there be one published in Georgia. The said notices shall be published at the same rates charged for Sheriff's advertisements. Said notice shall be inserted at least once, and the first insertion shall be made at least two weeks prior to the said meeting. Provided: The Sec- retary of said Board shall issue a temporary permit to each applicant for regis- tration, which permit will authorize said applicant to do nursing as a registered nurse, until the next meeting of the Board. SEC. 5. Be it further enacted, That all persons making application for regis- tration under this Act, shall deposit with the Secretary of the said Board at the time of making such application, the sum of Five ($5.00) Dollars as an examination fee. SEC. 6. Be it further enacted, That each applicant for registration, must be at least twenty-one (21) years of age, of good moral character, a graduate from a regu- lar chartered training-school for nurses, connected with a general hospital or sanato- rium (in which medical, surgical, gynecological, and obstetrical cases are treated), where three (3) years of training with a systematic course of instruction on the above-mentioned class of cases is given in the hospital or sanatorium; or must have graduated from a training-school hi connection with a hospital of good standing, supplying a three years' training corresponding to the above standard, which training may be obtained in two or more hospitals. All qualifications of the appli- cant shall be determined by the said Board, which is empowered to prescribe such examination for the applicants as will best test their fitness and ability to give efficient care to the sick. All applicants at the same examination shall be sub- jected to the same kind of examination. SEC. 7. Be it further enacted, That all nurses graduating on or before June first, 1909, from such training-schools as are referred to in the preceding Section, shall be by that fact entitled to registration without examination upon paying the application fee of Five ($5.00) Dollars as provided in this Act, and submitting sufficient evidence of good moral 'character. Nurses who shall show to the satis- FULL TEXT OF LAWS 71 faction of the said Board that they are graduates of training-schools connected with a hospital or sanatorium, giving two years' systematic course of instruction, or, if they graduated before or during the year 1897, from such a school giving one year's training, and who are in good moral and professional standing, and are engaged in the practice of the profession of nursing at the passage of this Act, also all nurses in training at the time of the passage of this Act, and shall graduate hereafter and possess the qualifications herein specified, shall, upon payment of the application fee, be entitled to registration without examination, provided application is made for such registration on or before June first, 1909. SEC. 8. Be it further enacted, That after the expiration of six months from the passage of this Act, it shall be unlawful for any person or persons to practice pro- fessional nursing as a Registered Nurse in this State, without certificate from the said Board, and any person violating any of the provisions of this Act, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction therefor shall be punished in accordance with Section 1039 of the Penal Code of the State of Georgia. Each nurse who registers in accordance with the provisions hereof, shall be styled and known as a "Registered Nurse," and no other Nurse shall assume or use such title, or use the abbreviation, "R. N." or any other letters, words, or figures to indicate that he or she is a Registered Nurse, and a violation hereof shall be deemed a misdemeanor, and shall, upon conviction, be punished accordingly. SEC. 9. Be it further enacted, That this Act shall not be construed to affect or apply to gratuitous nursing of the sick by friends or members of the family, and it shall not apply to any person nursing for hire, who does not, in any way, assume to be a registered nurse, and who does not use the title Registered Nurse, or the letters "R. N.," or other letters, words, or figures, for the purpose of representing that he or she is a Registered Nurse within the meaning of this Act. SEC. 10. Be it further enacted, That the said Board may revoke any Certificate issued by it for sufficient cause, to be adjudged by it; but no such certificate shall be revoked without a hearing, notice of the time and place of which shall be given to the holder of the certificate by the Secretary at least thirty (30) days before the day set for said hearing, which notice shall plainly set forth charges against the holder of said certificate, and the trial shall be only upon the grounds so speci- fied. Said notice shall be mailed to the said person so accused, at his or her last- known address, postage prepaid, or the same shall be delivered personally to the person so accused. The presiding officer of said Board is authorized and empowered to administer oaths to all witnesses giving evidence at such hearing, and no evidence shall be received at such a hearing if the same is not under oath. SEC. ii. Be it further enacted, That out of the funds of the said Board accruing from the application fees as herein provided, the Secretary of the said Board shall be paid a salary to be fixed by the Board at a sum not exceeding One Hundred ($100.00) Dollars per year, and all necessary expenses, and the members of said Board shall be entitled out of said funds, to receive Five ($5.00) Dollars per day for each day actually engaged in the service of the said Board, and all necessary expenses; all payments out of said funds shall be first approved by the presiding officer of the said Board. SEC. 12. Be it further enacted, That all laws and parts of laws in conflict herein be, and they are hereby repealed. IDAHO Be it Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Idaho: SECTION i. Upon taking effect of this Act, the Governor shall appoint, within sixty (60) days, a State Board of Examination and Registration of Graduate Nurses, whose duty it shall be to enforce the provisions of this Act. The Idaho State Association of Graduate Nurses shall nominate four (4) nurses 72 STATE REGISTRATION FOR NURSES and two (2) physicians, from which list the Governor of Idaho shall appoint an Examining Board of two (2) nurses and one (i) physician. The nurses appointed on this Board shall have been graduated from reputable training-schools for nurses for a period of at least five (5) years, and, with the exception of those appointed as members of the first Board, shall have been registered under the provisions of this Act. The physicians appointed on this Board shall have been graduated for a period of at least five (5) years at the time of appointment. The members of this Board must be actual residents of this State and engaged in professional work. The members of this Board shall be appointed to hold office as follows: One for one (i) year; one for two (2) years; one for three (3) years, each member holding office from time of appointment until a successor is chosen by the Governor. All appointments shall be made so that the term of office shall expire on the first day of March of each year, and, upon the expiration of the term of office, the Gover- nor shall likewise fill the vacancy for a term of three (3) years from the list of six (6) names submitted to him each year by the Idaho State Association of Graduate Nurses. An unexpired term of an examiner caused by death, resignation, or other- wise shall be filled in the same manner as an original appointment is made. SEC. 2. The members of the Board shall meet in the city of Boise, as soon as organized, and shall elect from their number a President, who shall act as inspector of training-schools for nurses, and a Secretary, who shall act also as Treasurer. Two (2) members shall constitute a quorum, and special meetings of the Board shall be called by the Secretary upon the written request of any two (2) members. The Board shall adopt a seal, which shall be placed in the care of the Secretary. The Secretary shall be required to keep a record of all meetings of the Board, includ- ing a register of the names of all nurses and training-schools for nurses registered under this Act. Said register shall, at all reasonable times, be open to public scru- tiny, and the Board shall cause the prosecution of all persons violating any of the provisions of this Act, and may incur necessary expense on this behalf. The inspector shall annually inspect all training-schools for nurses existing in the State of Idaho, and shall register such schools as fulfil the requirements desig- nated by the Examining Board. The Board shall provide a schedule of the subjects upon which applicants shall be examined to qualify for the requirements of this Act. The salary of the Secretary shall be fixed by the Board, and shall not exceed five hundred dollars ($500.00) per annum, said salary not covering traveling expenses and other expenses incurred in discharge of official duties. The other members of the Board shall receive four ($4.00) dollars each per day for each day actually engaged in attendance upon meetings of the Board, and in going to and coming from their place of meeting, and inspection of training-schools for nurses, and all legitimate and necessary expenses incurred in attending such meetings. All expenses of the Board, including such salary and compensation, shall be paid from the fees received by the Board. A report of all receipts and expenditures shall be made to the Governor by December 15 of each year. SEC. 3. It shall be the duty of the Board to meet in the city of Boise for the purpose of holding examinations not less frequently than once every year, and at such times as they may determine; the Board shall also, at least once a year, arrange for an examination in some convenient place in the northern part of the State. The Board shall, from time to time, adopt rules for the examination of applicants for registration in accordance with the provisions of this Act. Notice of the meetings of the Board shall be given to the public press and to at least one journal devoted to the interest of professional nursing, and by mail to every applicant and to every reputable training-school in Idaho, at least thirty (30) days prior to the meeting. At such meetings it shall be the duty of the Board to examine all such applicants for registration under this Act as are required to be examined, and to issue to each duly qualified applicant who shall have complied with the pertinent provisions of this Act the certificate provided for in this Act. FULL TEXT OF LAWS 73 Any person to whom a certificate of registration shall be issued shall, within thirty (30) days thereafter, cause the same to be recorded with the county clerk of the county in which such person resided at the time of application. Such persons shall be prepared, whenever requested, to exhibit such certificate of registration or a certified copy thereof. Registered nurses changing residence in the State must present a certificate of registration or a certified copy thereof to the county clerk within thirty (30) days of the time of establishing new residence. All applicants for registration shall furnish satisfactory evidence that he or she is twenty-one (21) years of age, of good moral character, and has been graduated from a training-school for nurses connected with a general hospital approved by the Board, where a systematic course of at least two (2) years' instruction is given. SEC. 4. On compliance with the pertinent provisions of this Act, nurses other- wise qualified shall be entitled, upon the payment of ten dollars ($10.00), to registration as follows: First. Without examination, provided they make application prior to July i, 1911. (a) Nurses who shall have been graduated before said date and after January i, 1890, from a reputable training-school connected with a general or special hospital, who, at the time of graduation, shall have received a course of at least two (2) years in such training-school. (b) Nurses who shall have been graduated on or prior to January i, 1897, from a reputable training-school connected with a general hospital, who, at the time of graduation, shall have received a course of one (i) year's training in such training- school and who, at the time of application, shall have been engaged in nursing for fi ye (s) years since their graduation. (c) Nurses now in training in a reputable training-school connected with a general hospital, which now gives a course of at least two (2) years' training, and who shall graduate thereform. Second. Nurses who shall make application on or after January i, 1914, and who, at the time of application, shall have graduated from a reputable training-school connected with a general hospital requiring a systematic course of at least three (3) years' training. Third. Nurses who shall make application on or after January i, 1914, and who, at the time of application, shall have been graduated from a reputable training- school connected with a special hospital requiring a systematic course of at least two (2) years' training, and who at the time of application shall have obtained, in a reputable general hospital one (i) year's additional training in subjects not ade- quately taught in the training-school from which they were graduated, and shall pass an examination to determine their fitness and ability to give efficient care to the sick. SEC. 5. It shall be unlawful hereafter for any person to practice, or attempt to practice, in this State as a registered nurse without a certificate from the Board. Any person who has received such a certificate shall be styled and known as a regis- tered nurse, and shall be entitled to append the letters "R. N." to the name of such person. No other person shall assume or use such title or the abbreviation "R. N.," or any other words, letters, or figures, to indicate that such person is a registered nurse. SEC. 6. This Act shall not be construed to affect or apply to the gratuitous nursing of the sick by friends or members of the family, nor to any person nursing the sick for hire, who does not in any way assume or pretend to be a registered nurse, and this Act shall not be construed to interfere in any way with members of religious communities or orders, which have charge of hospitals, or take care of the sick in their own home, provided such members do not in any way assume to be registered nurses. SEC. 7. The Board, upon written application, and upon the receipt of Ten Dollars ($10.00) as registration fee, may issue a certificate, without examination, to 74 STATE REGISTRATION FOR NURSES those who shall have been registered as registered nurses under the law of another State having the requirements equivalent to those of Idaho; Provided, That the Board shall be sole judge of credentials of any nurse admitted to registration with- out examination. SEC. 8. Any person violating any of the provisions of this Act shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and shall, upon conviction, be fined for the offense in a sum not less than Ten Dollars ($10.00), nor more than One Hundred Dollars ($100.00), for the first offense, and not less than One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) nor more than Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) for each subsequent offense. Any person who shall wilfully make any false representation to the Board in applying for a license shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and, upon conviction, shall be fined in a sum not less than One Hundred Dollars ($100.00), nor more than Two Hundred Dollars ($200.00). All certificates issued by the Board shall be signed by all the members thereof .and shall be attested by the President and Secretary. SEC. 9. The Board may revoke any certificate by unanimous vote for dis- honesty, gross incompetency, a habit rendering a nurse unsafe to be entrusted with, or unfit for, the care of the sick, conduct derogatory to the morals or standing of the profession of nursing, any wilful fraud or misrepresentation practiced in procuring such certificates, provided the holder of such certificate shall have been given at least thirty (30) days' notice, in writing, of the specific charge against such holder, and of the time and place of hearing the charge by the Board, at which time and place the holder shall be entitled to be heard and to be represented by counsel. Upon the revocation of any certificate, the same shall be null and void. The holder thereof shall cease to be entitled to any of the privileges conferred by such certificate, and it shall be the duty of the Secretary of the Board to strike the name of the holder thereof from the roll of registered nurses, and to give notice of such rev- ocation to the county clerk in whose office such certificate is recorded, and there- upon such county clerk shall note the fact of such revocation upon the record of such certificate. ILLINOIS AN ACT entitled, "An Act to provide for the registration of nurses and to repeal a certain Act therein named." SECTION i. ILLINOIS STATE BOARD OF NURSE EXAMINERS QUALIFICATIONS TERM OF OFFICE VACANCY ON BOARD OATH OF OFFICE. Beit enacted by the People of the State of Illinois, represented in the General Assembly: That a Board of Examiners to consist of five (5) registered nurses to be known as the Illinois State Board of Nurse Examiners is hereby created, whose duty it shall be to carry out the provisions of this Act as hereinafter specified. The members of the said Board shall within thirty days after this Act shall be in force and effect be appointed by the Governor, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, and at the time of their appoint- ment they must be actual residents of the State of Illinois. They shall be selected from persons engaged in active work appertaining to nursing of the sick, who shall have been graduated for at least a period of five (5) years from a school for nurses in good standing and who, during their course of training, shall have served for two years in a general hospital, and who shall have been registered under the provisions of either this Act or the Act herein repealed. Three members of the Board shall be selected from nurses who have had at least two (2) years' experience in educa- tional work among nurses. The term for which the members of said Board shall hold office shall be three (3) years and until their successors are duly appointed: Provided, however, that the terms of the several members composing the first Board named under this Act, as designated by the Governor, shall expire as follows: One thereof on December 31, 1914, two thereof on December 31, 1915, and two thereof on December 31, 1916. In case of a vacancy occurring on said Board, such vacancy shall be filled by the Governor as herein provided, within thirty days after being FULL TEXT OF LAWS 75 notified of any such vacancy, and the member so appointed by the Governor to fill a vacancy shall serve for the unexpired portion of the term so vacated. When the Senate is not in session, the Governor may make appointments to fill vacancies, but all such appointments so made, when the Senate is not in session, shall be subject to confirmation by the Senate at its next session, before becoming permanent. Each member before entering upon the duties of the office shall take the oath pre- scribed by the Constitution of this State for State officers. Said oath shall be filed in the office of the Secretary of State. SEC. 2. OFFICERS DUTIES COURSE OF INSTRUCTION INSPECTION OF SCHOOLS SEAL REGISTER OF NURSES PROSECUTIONS EXPENSES COMPENSATION. The members of the Board shall, as soon as organized, and annually thereafter, elect from their number a president, secretary, and treasurer. The secretary may also serve as treasurer. The Board shall adopt rules, not inconsistent with the law, to govern its proceedings; the Board may also outline and establish a course of instruc- tion to be followed by accredited schools for nurses, as hereinafter provided, and a system of inspection of such accredited schools for nurses; and the Board may amend or repeal such rules in its discretion. The Board shall adopt a seal, and the secre- tary shall have the care and custody thereof. The secretary shall keep a record of all proceedings of the Board, including a register of the names and addresses of all nurses duly registered under this Act, which register shall be open at all reasonable times to public scrutiny at the office of the Board, the address of which office shall at all times be kept on file at the office of the Secretary of State. The Board shall cause the prosecution of all persons violating any of the provisions of this Act, and to the provisions of any law regulating the expenditures of the Board may incur necessary expenses in that behalf. The secretary of the Board shall receive a salary, to be fixed by the Board, not in excess of the amount now or hereafter authorized by law; each member of the Board shall receive compensation at the rate of ten dollars ($10.00) per day for each day, or a proportionate part thereof for a fraction of a working day of eight hours, during which said member is actually engaged in attendance upon the meetings of the Board, or is otherwise engaged in the dis- charge of duty as a member thereof, and in going to, going and coming from the place of meeting, or the discharge of such duty. All legitimate and necessary ex- penses incurred in attending such meetings and all other necessary and legitimate expenses of said Board shall be defrayed by the Board, subject, however, to the provisions of any law now or hereafter regulating such expenditures. SEC. 3. QUORUM RULES FOR EXAMINATION COURSE OF INSTRUCTION , INSPECTION OF SCHOOLS FOR NURSES LIST OF ACCREDITED SCHOOLS FOR NURSES CERTIFICATE AND PUBLICATION OF MODIFICATION OF RULES. Three (3) members of the Board shall constitute a quorum. Special meetings of the Board shall be called by the secretary upon written request of any two (2) members. The Board shall, from tune to time, adopt rules governing the examination of applicants for registration not inconsistent with the provisions of the law, and shall adopt rules providing for and establishing a uniform and reasonable standard of maintenance, instruction, and training to be observed by all schools for nurses which are on, or whose application is pending to be placed on, the list of accredited schools for nurses hereinafter provided for, and also for the inspection by said Board of such schools for nurses. By reference to the compliance or non-compliance by schools for nurses with such rules, and the general standard of efficiency or inefficiency of manage- ment and instruction maintained by the same, the said Board shall, by conducting inspections in accordance with its rules, determine the eligibility of, and designate the schools for nurses, to be placed on, or to be withdrawn from, a list which shall be known as the list of accredited schools for nurses, which list shall at all times be kept on file in the office of the secretary of said Board, where it shall be open to the scrutiny of the public at all reasonable hours, and a copy thereof shall be kept on file at the office of the Secretary of State. Said Board may, from time to time, modify, amend, and repeal said rules, providing no modification of the rules govern- 76 STATE REGISTRATION FOR NURSES ing examinations of candidates for registration shall be made and become effective during the six weeks next preceding the date set for holding any examination herein provided for. The Board shall, immediately upon the election of an officer, file with the Secretary of State a certificate thereof, giving the name and address of said officer, and immediately upon the adoption, amendment, or repeal of a rule, the Board shall file with the Secretary of State a certificate thereof, setting forth a copy of the rule as adopted, amended, or repealed, and shall also cause a copy of such certificate to be published in the earliest issue practicable of at least one (i) journal devoted to the interests of professional nursing, and mail a copy of said certificate to every accredited school for nurses in Illinois. SEC. 4. MEETINGS OF BOARD NOTICE IN PUBLIC PRESS EXAMINATION OF APPLICANTS ISSUANCE OF CERTIFICATES REGISTRATION IN COUNTY CLERK'S OFFICE REVOCATION OF CERTIFICATE FOR FAILURE TO REGISTER. It shall be the duty of the Board to meet for the purpose of holding examinations not less frequently than twice a year, at times and places to be determined by said Board. Notices stating the time and place for the holding of such meetings shall be published in at least one newspaper of general circulation in each of the cities of Chicago and Springfield, and also in at least one (i) journal devoted to the interests of pro- fessional nursing, at least thirty (30) days, and not more than sixty (60) days, before the date set for holding the meeting; such written notice of said examinations shall also be sent by mail to every person whose application for examination has been approved and is on file, and also to every accredited school for nurses in Illinois, at least thirty (30) days prior to the meeting. At such meetings it shall be the duty of the Board to examine all applicants for registration who present themselves in accordance with the terms of this Act, and shall issue a certificate for registration to each applicant who passes the prescribed examination to the satisfaction of the Board. Each person to whom such certificate shall be issued, or any renewal thereof as hereinafter provided, shall, within ninety (90) days thereafter, cause the same to be presented at the office of the county clerk of the county in which such person resided at the time of filing the application and cause said certificate or any renewal thereof to be registered. The county clerk shall charge twenty-five (25) cents for registering such certificate. Failure, or refusal on the part of any person obtaining a certificate for registration as a nurse, or any renewal thereof, to register the same with the county clerk of the county in which said person resided at the time of application, within ninety (90) days from issue of the same, shall work a revoca- tion of said certificate: Provided, however, that a certificate revoked for failure or refusal of its holder to register the same may be restored upon application to the Board and the payment of a fee of two dollars ($2.00) for the issuance of a new certificate. Each person so registered as a nurse shall be prepared, when re- quested in connection with work as a nurse, to exhibit such certificate of registra- tion or a certified copy thereof. SEC. 5. CERTIFICATES. All certificates issued to nurses by the Board shall contain the name and address of the person to whom it is granted, the date of its issuance, shall bear the seal of the Board, shall be signed by all of the members, shall be attested by the president and secretary of the Board, and shall confer authority upon the person to whom it is issued to practice as a registered nurse in accordance with the provisions of this Act. SEC. 6. COUNTY CLERK TO KEEP REGISTRATION BOOK. Every county clerk shall keep in a book provided for the purpose a complete list of all the certificates registered by him under the provisions of this Act, together with the date of the issuance and registration of such certificates, and within sixty days after this Act becomes effective, shall prepare in duplicate, accompanied by his official certificate that it is complete, a list of the names and addresses as the same appear of record in his office, with the date of registration, of all nurses registered in his county under any previous Act, prior to July i, 1913, and annually thereafter, before the first day of March, shall prepare in duplicate, in like manner, a list of all names FULL TEXT OF LAWS 77 registered under this Act during the preceding calendar year, and forward said lists in duplicate to the Secretary of State, who shall keep one copy thereof on file in his office, and, after certifying the other to be a true copy of a part of the records of his office, shall forward the same to the secretary of the Illinois State Board of Nurse Examiners, to be kept on file in the office of said Board. SEC. 7. QUALIFICATIONS OF APPLICANTS FOR REGISTRATION WRITTEN APPLICATION FEE EXAMINATIONS REGISTRATION OF CERTIFICATES OF OTHER STATES No person, unless previously registered or licensed to act as a registered nurse in this State at the time this Act shall become operative, shall be allowed to act as a registered nurse without first applying for and obtaining a certificate for such purpose from the Illinois State Board of Nurse Examiners. Application shall be made to said Board in writing and shall in every instance be accompanied by the ex- amination fee of ten dollars ($10.00) , together with satisfactory proof that the appli- cant is residing in the State of Illinois, is of good moral character, is at least twenty- two (22) years of age at the time of making the application, is a graduate of and has a diploma from an accredited school for nurses connected with a general hospital requiring a systematic course of at least three (3) years' training, and possesses such other qualifications as may be prescribed from time to time by the rules of said Board : Provided, however, an application may be made by one who under the rules of an accredited school for nurses will be entitled to receive a diploma within three months following the date of filing said application, but no certificate shall be issued to such applicant until he or she has received such diploma, and has satisfactorily passed the prescribed examinations. When such application and the accompanying proof are found satisfactory, the Board shall notify the applicant to appear before it for examination at a time and place to be fixed by the Board. Examination may be made orally and in writing, and shall be of a character to test the qualifications of the applicant to serve as a registered nurse. All examina- tions provided for in this Act shall be conducted by the Board, which shall provide for a fair and wholly impartial method. After any applicant shall have paid a fee of ten dollars ($10.00) on the filing of an application for examination, any subse- quent application of the same person shall be taken without the payment of a fee: Provided, however, the Board, upon written application and upon the payment of ten dollars ($10.00) as a registration fee, may issue a certificate without examina- tion of the applicant who shall have been registered as a registered nurse under the law of another State having requirements which in the opinion of a majority of the members of said Board, subject to the approval of the Attorney-General, are of equal or higher standard than those of the State of Illinois for registration of nurses. SEC. 8. WHEN SPECIAL COURSE SUFFICIENT FOR REGISTRATION. Applicants shall also be eligible for examination for registration who, at the time of application, shall have graduated and received a diploma from a school for nurses connected with any hospital of good standing requiring a systematic course of at least two (2) years' training, and who, being of the age herein prescribed or over and of good moral character, shall have either filed application for examination within six (6) months next following the date upon which this Act becomes in force and effect, or, at the time of application, shall have obtained in any hospital of good standing one (i) year's additional training in subjects not adequately taught in the school for nurses from which they graduated, and shall satisfactorily pass an examination to determine their fitness and ability to give efficient care to the sick. SEC. 9. UNLAWFUL TO PRACTICE AS REGISTERED NURSE WITHOUT CERTIFI- CATE. It shall be unlawful hereafter for any person to practice or attempt to practice in this State as a registered nurse without a certificate from the Board. Any person who has received such a certificate shall be styled and known as a registered nurse, and shall be entitled to append the letters "R. N." to his or her name. No person shall assume or use, or knowingly allow or permit any other person to use, such abbreviation "R. N.," or any other words, letters, or figures 78 STATE REGISTRATION FOR NURSES after his own name or after the name of any other person for the purpose of indicat- ing that such person is a registered nurse, unless the person after whose name the said letters, abbreviations, or words are so used, is in fact a registered nurse and entitled under the provisions of this law to act as such. SEC. 10. PENALTY. Any person who shall practice, or in any way represent himself or herself, or any other person, as a registered nurse in this State without such person holding a certificate duly registered and recorded as provided by this Act, or who shall violate any of the provisions of this Act, shall be subject to prose- cution in any court of competent jurisdiction upon complaint, information, or in- dictment, and shall, upon conviction, be fined for each offense in any sum not more than one hundred dollars ($100.00) for the first offense nor more than two hundred dollars ($200.00) for each subsequent offense. Any person who shall wilfully make any false representations to the Board in applying for a certificate shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction shall be fined in a sum not more than two hundred dollars ($200.00) . SEC. ii. REVOCATION OF CERTIFICATE RENEWAL. Registered nurses' cer- tificates issued in accordance with the provisions of this Act shall remain in full force until revoked for cause, as hereinafter provided. Any certificate so granted may be revoked by unanimous vote of the Illinois State Board of Nurse Examiners for gross incompetency or recklessness in the discharge of duty as a registered nurse, or for dishonest practices on the part of the holder thereof; but before any cer- tificate shall be revoked such holder shall be entitled to at least thirty (30) days' notice in writing of the charge against him or her, together with notice of the time and place of the meeting of the Board for the hearing and determining of such charge, and shall be entitled to a full, fair, and impartial hearing of such charges under rules to be adopted from time to time by the said Board. On the cancellation of such certificate it shall be the duty of the secretary of the Board to give notice of such cancellation to the county clerk of the county in which the certificate has been registered, whereupon said county clerk shall note such cancellation on the registration book in his office. Upon satisfactory evidence of reasons for the reinstatement of a registered nurse whose certificate has been thus revoked, the Board may, six months after the date of such revocation, or any time thereafter, issue a new certificate to the said nurse without examination, upon payment to the board of a fee of five dollars ($5.00). SEC. 12. APPEAL TO CIRCUIT COURT FROM CERTAIN RULINGS OF BOARD. Any person whose certificate as a registered nurse shall be revoked, or to whom a renewal of such certificate previously issued shall be denied, or any training-school for nurses whose application to be placed upon the list of accredited training-schools for nurses shall be denied, or whose name is stricken from such list, by ruling of the Board, without the consent of such training-school, may, within thirty (30) days after such action by the Board, file in the circuit court of the county in which such nurse resides, or in which such training-school for nurses is located, a petition against the Illinois State Board of Nurse Examiners, officially, as defendant, alleging therein, under oath, and in brief detail the petitioner's qualifications for and rights to the privileges denied such petitioner by the ruling of the Board, and praying for a reversal of such ruling, upon entry of appearance by, or service of summons upon said Board as hereinafter provided for, the Board shall file an answer as in actions in chancery, but not under oath, in which shall allege by way of defense, the grounds previously held by it as responsible for its adverse ruling against such nurse or training-school. All allegations of the answer shall be deemed to stand denied without further pleading, and upon application of either party thereto the cause shall be advanced and heard without delay. Either party to such proceeding shall have the right to a trial by jury, provided a demand therefor be made in writing in the first instance upon the filing of the petition or answer, but either party may thereafterward waive such demand for a jury trial. The burden shall rest upon the petitioner to disprove the grounds FULL TEXT OF LAWS 79 assigned and specified for the official action of the Board complained of. The court's decision shall be final, but if adverse to the petitioner, it shall not bar a new application to the Board for a renewal of a revoked certificate for registration under the provisions of this Act, nor after the lapse of six (6) months from its rendition in the case of training-schools shall it bar a new application of the petitioner to be placed on the list of accredited schools, nor shall a decision of the court in favor of the petitioner prevent the Board from thereafter taking similar adverse action against the petitioner for sufficient cause which may thereafter accrue or be dis- covered. For the purpose of affording the right of such appeals, in any actions instituted hereunder, service of process may be had on said Board by serving a summons upon the president, secretary, or any member of said Board, in the county in which the office of the Board is located or in any county of the State where any one of said persons may be found, for which purpose of service process may issue directed to any county in the State as in the case of summons issued against parties defendant residing in foreign counties. SEC. 13. EXEMPTION FROM JURY SERVICE. All registered nurses in this State shall be exempt from service as jurors in any of the courts in this State. SEC. 14. To WHOM DOES NOT APPLY. This Act shall not affect or apply to the gratuitous nursing of the sick by friends or members of the family, nor to any person nursing the sick for hire, who does not in any way assume or pretend to be a registered nurse, and this Act shall not interfere in any manner with members of religious communities who have charge of hospitals, or who are engaged in nursing hi hospitals, or take care of the sick in their own homes, provided such members do not in any way assume to be registered nurses. SEC. 15. REPEAL OF ACT OF MAY 2, 1907 BOARD TO SUCCEED TO OBLIGA- TIONS, FUNDS, AND BUSINESS OF STATE BOARD OF EXAMINERS OF REGISTERED NURSES. "An Act relating to nurses and providing for their registration," approved May 2, 1907, in force July i, 1907, is hereby repealed: Provided, however, that all ap- plications filed with the State Board of Examiners of Registered Nurses under the pro- visions of said Act shall be recognized by the Illinois State Board of Nurse Exam- iners created hereunder, and shall be treated as though filed under the provisions of this Act; also that said new Board created hereunder shall, upon organizing, succeed to and be chargeable with any outstanding financial obligations or indebted- ness of said Board of Examiners of Registered Nurses created under said Act hereby repealed, and, in like manner, shall succeed to, collect, take over, receive, and account for, all moneys, credits, or appropriations due or hereafter to come due, or which may be in the hands of said old Board at the time of the organi- zation of the new Board hereby created, and shall receive, account for, and handle any moneys so collected or taken over, as well as all other funds hereafter coming into its hands, in the manner now or hereafter provided for by law; and shall also take over the records and equipment of the State Board of Examiners of Registered Nurses and its unfinished business. INDIANA A Bill for an Act Requiring the Registration of all Trained Nurses, Providing a Board of Registration and Examination, Fixing the Number, Duties, and Qualifications of said Board, and Providing for the Registration of Nurses, Providing Penalties for Violation of said Act. SECTION i. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Indiana, That upon the taking effect of this Act the Governor shall appoint, within sixty days, a State Board of Registration and Examination of Nurses, to be composed of five members who have had not less than five years' experience in their pro- fession, exclusive of their training, and who shall not be connected with any hospital. One of these members shall be designated by the Governor to hold office for one 80 STATE REGISTRATION FOR NURSES year, two for two years, and two for three years, and thereafter, upon the expira- tion of the term of office of the person or persons so appointed, the Governor shall appoint successors to such person or persons to hold office for three years. All vacancies occurring on this Board shall be filled by the Governor from persons qualified as above stated. SEC. 2. The members of the said State Board of Registration and Examination shall meet in the city of Indianapolis as soon as organized, and annually thereafter in the month of July shall elect from their members a president and also a secre- tary, who shall be the treasurer. Three members shall constitute a quorum, and special meetings of the Board shall be called by the secretary upon the written request of any two members. The State Board of Registration and Examination is authorized to frame such by-laws as may be necessary to govern its actions. The secretary shall be required to keep a record of all meetings of the Board, including a register of the names of all nurses duly registered under this Act; said register shall, at all reasonable times, be open to public scrutiny, and the Board shall cause the prosecution of all persons violating any of the provisions of this Act, and may incur necessary expense on this behalf. The said by-laws shall provide the subjects upon which applicants shall be examined. The secretary shall receive a salary to be fixed by the Board not to exceed five hundred ($500) dollars per annum, also traveling and other expenses incurred in the discharge of their official duties. The other members of the Board shall receive five ($5.00) dollars per day for each day actually engaged at meetings of the Board, and legitimate and necessary expense. Said expenses and salary shall be paid from fees received by the Board under the provisions of this Act, and no part of salaries or other expenses of the Board shall be paid out of the State Treasury. SEC. 3. The Clerk of the Circuit Court of any county, upon presentation to him of a certificate from the State Board of Registration and Examination, shall register the date of registration, with the name, residence, and address of the holder thereof, in a book to be kept in his office for this purpose, and marked "Register of Trained Nurses," and shall issue to the applicant a certificate of such registra- tion under the seal of the Circuit Court of the county, for which registration he shall be paid fifty cents by the applicant. SEC. 4. That after June i, 1908, it shall be the duty of said Board of Registra- tion and Examination to meet not less frequently than once a year. Notice of each meeting shall be given in one daily newspaper and in one nursing or medical journal, published within the State of Indiana, thirty days prior to said meeting. At these meetings it shall be the duty of said Board of Registration and Examina- tion to examine the diplomas and credentials of all applicants for registration under this Act. Said Board shall also examine such applicants on the branches usually taught in the training-schools for nurses to determine their fitness and ability to give efficient care to the sick. The said Board shall require of each applicant for ex- amination and registration a fee of ten ($10.00) dollars, to be paid upon application. SEC. 5. That after June i, 1908, the applicant shall furnish satisfactory evi- dence that he or she is twenty-one years of age, of good moral character, has re- ceived the equivalent of a common school education, and has been graduated from a training-school for nurses connected with a general hospital approved by the Board, where a systematic course of two years' instruction is given (as amended February, 1907). SEC. 6. Any resident of the State of Indiana, being over the age of twenty- one years, of good moral character, holding a diploma from a training-school for nurses connected with a general hospital giving a course of at least two years' training or having had seven years' experience, three of which shall have been spent in a general or special hospital and engaged in professional nursing at the date of or prior to the passage of this Act, shall be entitled to registration without examina- tion, provided such application be made before January i, 1906. All nurses in training at the time of the passage of this Act and possessing the above qualifica- FULL TEXT OF LAWS 8 1 tions shall be entitled to registration without examination, provided application is made before June i, 1908. Graduates of training-schools in connection with special hospitals giving a two years' course, who shall obtain six months' additional training in a general hospital approved by the State Board of Registration and Examination, shall be eligible for registration without examination before June i, 1908; or said graduates shall be eligible for registration prior to said date who have nursed five years prior to the passage of this Act; or upon passing of special exami- nation before the State Board of Registration and Examination in subjects not adequately taught in the training-school from which they have been graduated. The by-laws shall provide for the examination and qualifications of nurses who make application before January i, 1906, who have not graduated from a train- ing-school, and who have been engaged in nursing ten years, and who are otherwise eligible, and who shall present required credentials from physicians for whom they have nursed. All applicants under this section shall pay to the said Board the sum of five ($5.00) dollars at the time of making application. SEC. 7. The State Board of Registration and Examination shall have power after thirty days' notice, upon written charge being preferred and the tune and place of meeting being fixed, and after full and free hearing of the same by a majority vote of the entire Board, to revoke any license issued by said Board for gross incompetency, dishonesty, habitual intemperance, or any other act in the judgment of the Board derogatory to the morals or standing of the profession of nursing. Upon the revocation of the license or certificate the name of the holder thereof shall be striken from the roll of registered nurses in the hands of the secretary of the Board and notice sent of same to the Clerk of the Circuit Court of the county in which he or she resides, and there shall be no appeal therefrom. SEC. 8. Every person who shall have duly received a license and certificate in accordance with the provisions of this Act shall be known and styled a "registered nurse," and it shall be unlawful after one year from the passage of this Act for any person to practice or advertise as or assume the title of trained nurse or graduate nurse, or to use the abbreviations of "T. N." or "G. N.," or any other words, letters, or figures to indicate that the person using the same is a trained, registered, or graduate nurse, unless he or she shall first have received a license and certificate in accordance with the provisions of this Act. SEC. 9. This Act shall not be construed to affect or apply to the gratuitous nursing of the sick by friends or members of the family, and, also, it shall not apply to any person nursing the sick for hire who does not in any way assume to be a registered or graduate nurse. SEC. 10. Any person violating any of the provisions of this Act shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, punishable by a fine of not less than twenty-five ($25.00) dollars and not more than fifty ($50.00) dollars for the first offense, and not less than fifty ($50.00) dollars and not more than one hundred ($100.00) dollars for each subse- quent offense. (Supplemental) SEC. i. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Indiana, That the State Board of Registration and Examination of Nurses shall have power to make and establish all necessary rules and regulations for the reciprocal recognition of certificates for nurses issued by other States, and to prevent unjust and arbitrary exclusion by other States of registered nurses who have complied with the require- ments of the laws of this State. SEC. 2. All nurses who have served as such in the Army or Navy of the United States, and have been honorably discharged, shall be entitled to be registered without examination. SEC. 3. Whereas, An emergency exists for the immediate taking effect of this Act, the same shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage. 82 STATE REGISTRATION FOR NURSES IOWA CHAPTER CXXXIX, ACTS OF THE 320 GENERAL ASSEMBLY REGISTERED NURSES An Act to Provide for the Examination and Regulation of Graduate Nurses. Also to Regulate the Practice of Nursing by Graduate Nurses and to Provide a Penalty for the Violation Thereof. SECTION i. It shall be unlawful for any person to profess to be a registered nurse without first obtaining from the State Board of Health a certificate author- izing him or her to practice nursing in this State, except as hereinafter provided. SEC. 2. At the annual meeting of the State Board of Health it shall select two physicians from its own membership, and two graduate nurses, residents of this State, actively engaged in the practice of nursing, who, together with the sec- retary of the State Board of Health, shall constitute the examining committee for the year. The examinations provided for in this Act shall be held in the city of Des Moines in July of each year and at such other times and places as the Board of Health shall direct. All applicants for certificate to practice nursing shall have attained the age of twenty-three (23) years and shall be of good moral character. They shall be graduates of training-schools recognized as being in good standing by the State Board of Health of Iowa, and shall have received at least two (2) years' instruction in general hospital practice. After July i, 1910, no training-school shall be accredited by the State Board of Health as a school of recognized standing which is not attached to a general hospital and which does not have a course of study of at least three (3) years. All graduate nurses who are residents of the State and who have been engaged in the practice of nursing prior to the passage of this Act shall be granted a certificate without examination upon the payment of the regis- tration fee of five ($5.00) dollars, and the same rule shall apply to all nurses who graduate from a recognized school prior to July i, 1907. Nurses holding diplomas from hospital training-schools of recognized standing, upon application to the secretary of the State Board of Health, shall be granted a permit to practice until the first examination of the Board following the issuance of said permit. SEC. 3. After the passage of this Act, any person who is not exempt from exami- nation by Section Two (2) of this Act and who shall apply for a certificate to prac- tice nursing shall be examined in the following subjects: Elementary Hygiene, Anatomy, Physiology, Materia Medica, Dietetics, and also Practical Nursing, Medical and Surgical Nursing, Obstetrics, Nursing of Children, and the rules and regulations of the State Board of Health relating to infectious diseases and quaran- tine and such other subjects as the Examining Board may require from time to time. Each applicant shall pay the secretary of the State Board of Health a fee of five ($5.00) dollars. If the examination be satisfactory to three members of said committee, it shall so report to the State Board of Health; if the Board find the report and ratings correct, it shall authorize its president and secretary to issue a certificate to the successful candidate, for which such candidate shall pay an additional fee of one ($1.00) dollar. This certificate shall confer upon the holder the right to practice as a registered nurse, and be conclusive evidence thereof. The State Board of Health is empowered to recognize certificates issued to nurses under the laws of other States having substantially similar requirements to those existing in this State; provided, That such States recognize certificates issued by the State of Iowa; then certificates issued by authority of such other States may be deemed sufficient evidence of qualifications of the licentiate without further exami- nation for certificate in this State; the fee for such certificate shall be ten ($10.00) dollars. The holder of such certificate provided for in this Act shall cause the same to be registered in the office of the County Recorder of the county wherein he intends to reside. FULL TEXT OF LAWS 83 SEC. 4. No person after January i, 1908, except one holding a certificate under authority of this Act, shall advertise to be or assume the title of registered nurse or use the abbreviation "R. N.," or any other words, letters, or figures to indi- cate that the person using the same is a registered nurse, and it shall be unlawful for any graduate nurse to practice nursing as a graduate or registered nurse in the State of Iowa without first having registered under this Act. SEC. 5. This Act shall not apply to any person nursing the sick with or without pay who does not in any way assume to be a registered or graduate nurse. SEC. 6. The Board of Health may refuse to grant, or renew, any certificate provided for in this Act, to a person otherwise qualified, who obtained said cer- tificate by false or fraudulant representation, or for immoral or unprofessional or dishonorable conduct, or for wilful or repeated violation of the rules or regulations of the State Board of Health; and the Board may revoke any certificate issued by it, for any such or similar cause; provided, that before the revocation of any certificate issued under the provisions of this Act, the licentiate shall have been afforded an opportunity for a hearing before the Board. At least twenty (20) days prior to the date set for such hearing, the secretary of the State Board of Health shall cause written notice, under registered mail, to be sent to the licen- tiate at his last-known place of residence; said notice shall contain a statement of the charges, and the date and place set for the hearing before the Board. If the party thus notified fails to appear, either in person or by counsel, at the time and place designated in said notice the Board may, after receiving satisfactory evidence of the truth of the charges and the proper issuance of the notice, revoke said cer- tificate. If the licentiate appear, either in person or by counsel, the Board shall proceed with the hearing as herein provided. The Board may receive and consider affidavits and oral statements, and shall cause stenographic report of the oral tes- timony to be taken, which, together with all other papers pertaining thereto, shall be preserved for one (i) year. If five (5) members of the Board present at the hearing are satisfied that the licentiate is guilty of any of the offenses charged, the certificate shall be revoked, for such time as the State Board of Health may determine. SEC. 7. Each member of the examining committee, except the secretary, shall receive for his services out of the funds created by the payment of fees by applicants for examination such compensation as is allowed to the members of the State Board of Medical Examiners for like services, and the secretary shall receive his necessary expenses incurred for services which cannot be performed at the Capitol. All printing, postage, and other contingent expenses, necessarily incurred under the provisions of this Act, shall be paid from said fund. All expenses incurred under the provisions of this Act shall be itemized, verified, and audited, and a warrant drawn therefor on the nurses' fund in the same manner as other expenses of the State Board of Health. SEC. 8. Any person who shall knowingly violate any of the provisions of this Act shall be guilty of misdemeanor, and, upon conviction thereof, shall be fined a sum not exceeding one hundred ($100.00) dollars or imprisonment in the county jail for not exceeding thirty (30) days. KANSAS Be it Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Kansas: SECTION i. That upon taking effect of this Act, the governor shall appoint a Board of Examiners, four of whom shall be graduated nurses appointed from a list of twenty nominated by the Kansas State Association of Nurses, together with the secretary of the State Board of Medical Registration and Examination, constitute a Board for the examination of trained nurses. Such appointees shall be chosen from the actual residents of this State, and, except the registered physician, from 84 STATE REGISTRATION FOR NURSES nurses who are actively engaged in nursing, and who have graduated from reputable training-schools giving a two years' course of training, who have served in hos- pitals of good standing having a charter and who have had five years' experience hi nursing. The four persons so appointed shall be appointed in two classes as follows: Two shall be appointed to hold office for two years and two shall be appointed to hold office for four years, beginning with the first day of July, 1913, and until their successors are appointed and qualified, and thereafter the governor shall appoint on or before the first day of July in every odd-numbered year persons qualified as aforesaid, in each class, to hold office for four years from the first day of July, next ensuing. Each member of said Board shall take and subscribe the oath prescribed by law for State Officers, which oath shall be filed with the Secre- tary of State. In the event the appointment of the successor is not made on the expiration of the term of any member, such member of said Board shall hold office until such successor is duly appointed and qualified. The Governor shall fill vacan- cies occasioned by death or otherwise, and may remove any member for the con- tinued neglect of duties required by this Act. Vacancies in said Board shall be filled in accordance with the provisions of this Act for the establishment of the original Board, and persons appointed to fill vacancies shall be selected from reg- istered nurses, and shall hold office during the unexpired portion of the term for which their predecessors were appointed. SEC. 2. The members of said Board shall meet on the first Tuesday in July, 1913, at Topeka, and shall elect a president, vice-president, and secretary from their own number, each of whom shaft hold his or her respective office for two years. The Board shall adopt rules and regulations not inconsistent with this Act to govern its proceedings, and shall have a seal, of which the secretary shall have the care and custody. The secretary shall have the power and authority to administer oaths. He or she shall keep a record of all proceedings of the Board, including a register of the names of all the nurses duly registered under this Act, which shall be open at all reasonable times to public scrutiny. Three members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. Said Board shall hold one regular meet- ing in each year and such additional meetings at such times and places as it may determine. Notices of such meetings shall be published hi the official State paper and in the American Journal of Nursing at least thirty days previous to such meeting. The secretary shall give to the State Treasurer a bond for the faithful discharge of his or her duties in the penal sum of one thousand dollars ($1000.00), with one or more sufficient sureties to be approved by the Governor. SEC. 3. On or after the first day of July, 1913, all persons engaged in the prac- tice of professional nursing and all who may wish to begin the same in the State, except as hereinafter provided, shall make application to said Board to be registered and to be furnished a certificate of registration. This registration and certificate shall be granted to such applicants as shall give satisfactory proof of being twenty- one years of age, of good moral character, and of having received the equivalent of a common school education. Each applicant shall comply with at least one of the following conditions: Without examination first, the applicant shall be registered and shall receive a certificate of registration without examination, if he or she shall present a diploma issued before July i, 1913, by a training-school connected with a general hospital, state hospital, sanitorium, or special hospital holding a charter, and applicants holding certificate issued by a hospital or sanitorium without a charter prior to July i, 1913, where a two years' course of training is required with a system- atic instruction in lie hospitals, or from one or more general hospitals of good stand- ing, supplying a systematic training corresponding to the above standing, and any applicant holding a certificate, issued prior to 1905, by a general, private, or State hospital or sanitorium, giving a one year's course of training, said applicant having had not less than seven years' practice. Second, that applicant shall be registered and receive a certificate thereof without examination if he or she shall have a di- ploma from a training-school connected with the general hospital, sanitorium, or FULL TEXT OF LAWS 85 special hospital, giving a two years' training and having a charter. Third, the ap- plicant shall be registered and given a certificate after July i, 1913, who shall pre- sent to the Board a certified copy of or certificate of registration or license from another state of the Union, where the requirement of registration shall be deemed by said Board to be equivalent to those of this Act, upon payment of the usual fee for certificate thereof. Fourth, after July i, 1913, the applicant shall be registered or given a certificate thereof if he or she shall have diploma from a training-school con- nected with a hospital holding a charter requiring a two years' course of training with systematic instruction in a general hospital, State hospital, sanitorium, or special hos- pital in good standing, and upon passing such examination before the Board at such time and place as it may designate and in accordance with the rules prescribed by the Board, which rules shall be furnished from tune to time to any hospital, sani- torium, or special hospital applying therefor. SEC. 4. Every applicant for registration shall pay a fee of five dollars ($5.00) upon filing the application. Upon receiving a certificate of registration the person to whom it is issued shall cause a copy thereof to be filed with the county clerk of the county in which such person resided, accompanied with an affidavit of his or her identity as the person to whom the same was issued, and his or her place of residence at the time of examination and registration. The nurse shall be pre- pared whenever requested to show his or her certificate of registration. The county clerk shall charge fifty cents for registering such certificate. SEC. 5. It shall be the duty of the secretary of said Board to file with the Secretary of State on or before the first days of the months of January, April, July, and October in each year a list of all certificates of registration issued by said Board during the preceding quarterly period, with the names and residences of the persons to whom such certificate has been issued. The members of said Board shall each receive the compensation of five dollars ($5.00) per day for each day actually and necessarily engaged in the performance of the duties of their office, which, together with all other legitimate expenses incurred in the performance of such duties, shall be paid from fees received by the Board under the provisions of this Act, and no part of the expenses of said Board shall at any time be paid out of the State treasury. All moneys in excess of per diem allowance and other expenses shall be held by the secretary of said Board as a special fund for meeting the ex- penses of said Board, and such Board shall submit to the Governor a report of its proceedings, verified by the president and secretary thereof, on or before the isth day of December of each year, together with an account of moneys received and disbursed by them in pursuance of this Act. The secretary shall receive extra compensation at the rate of one hundred dollars ($100.00) per annum, payable quarterly. SEC. 6. A trained nurse within the meaning of this Act is one who has a diploma from a chartered training-school, and who, under the terms of this Act, is entitled to receive a certificate of registration. SEC. 7. Any person who shall have complied with the provisions of this Act and received a certificate of registration shall be styled and known as a registered nurse, and be entitled to append the letters "R. N." to his or her name. It shall be unlawful for any person who has not complied with the provisions of this Act to hold himself or herself out to the public as a registered nurse, or to append the letters "R. N." to his or her name. SEC. 8. Any persons violating any of the provisions of this Act shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction, shall be punished by a fine of not less than fifty or more than two hundred dollars, and it shall be the duty of the respective prosecutors of the counties of this State to prosecute violations of the provisions of this Act. SEC. 9. Any person who shall swear falsely in any affidavit or oral testimony made or given by virtue of the provisions of this Act for the regulations of said Board of Registration shall be deemed guilty of perjury. 86 STATE REGISTRATION FOR NURSES SEC. 10. When any person shall append the letters "R. N.," or shall use any other letter, figures, or sign to indicate that he or she is a registered nurse, it shall be prima facie evidence of practising professional nursing as a registered or trained nurse within the meaning of this Act. SEC. 1 1 . This Act shall not apply to the gratuitous nursing of the sick by friends or by members of the family, nor to any person nursing the sick for hire who shall not in any way assume to be a registered nurse or trained nurse; nor shall it be construed to interfere in any manner with religious communities having charge of hospitals or caring for the sick in their own homes. SEC. 12. Said Board shall have the power to revoke any certificate issued by said Board in accordance with the provisions of this Act and for the following causes: Gross incompetency, violations of the provisions of this Act, or anything derogatory to the morals or standing of the profession of nursing as may be deter- mined by the Board. Provided, that such revocation shall be made only upon the specific charges in writing under oath, filed with the secretary, and by a majority vote of the whole Board, a certified copy of such charges and thirty days' notice of the hearing of the same having been personally served upon the holder of such cer- tificate. Said Board shall be authorized to furnish a list of the names and addresses of those whose certificates have been revoked to the Board of Examiners of other States upon the written request of such Board. SEC. 13. This Act shall take effect and be in force from and after its publica- tion in the official State paper. KENTUCKY Be it Enacted by the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Kentucky: SECTION i. That within thirty days from the time this Act becomes effective the Governor of the State shall appoint a Board to be known as "State Board of Examiners of Trained Nurses." Said Board shall be composed of five members, who shall be elected from a list of ten names proposed in writing by the Kentucky State Association of Graduate Nurses. At the time of appointment the members of the said Board must be actual residents of this State and engaged in the work of trained nurses. They shall have been graduated for a period of at least five years prior to their appointment from a reputable training-school for nurses, and, with the exception of those appointed as the first members of said Board, shall have been registered under the provisions of this Act. The members of said Board shall hold their respective positions for four years and until their successors are appointed and qualified. Upon the expiration of their terms of office, the Governor shall ap- point a new Board of like number and qualification, but in making such appoint- ments he shall reappoint at least two of the members first appointed by him, such appointments to be made upon similar recommendations. The Governor shall have a right to remove any member of said Board for a continued neglect of duty, and he shall have a right to fill all vacancies occurring in said Board from tune to time in the same manner as original appointments are provided for herein. SEC. 2. Said Board of Examiners shall immediately after their appointment, or as soon as practicable thereafter, meet in the city of Frankfort and organize by the election of one of their number as president, who shall also be and act as inspector of training-schools for nurses in this State, and a secretary, who shall act as treasurer. Three members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business, and said Board shall have the right to enact such by-laws as may be necessary for their government, not in conflict with the laws of this State. SEC. 3. Said Board shall adopt a seal and the secretary shall keep a record of all the proceedings of said Board, including a register of the names of all nurses and training-schools for nurses registered under this Act. Said register shall at all reasonable times be open to public inspection, and said inspector shall inspect FULL TEXT OF LAWS 87 all training-schools for nurses existing in the State of Kentucky and shall register such schools as fulfil the requirements of this Act. Said Board shall cause the prosecution of all persons violating the provisions of this Act, and may incur all necessary expenses in so doing. SEC. 4. The salary of the secretary shall be fixed by the Board and shall not be less than one hundred dollars nor more than five hundred dollars per annum. The other members of the Board shall receive five dollars per day for each day actually engaged in attendance upon the meetings of said Board, and the expenses incurred in going to and coming from the place of meetings, and inspection of training-schools for nurses, and all legitimate and necessary expenses incurred in attending such meetings. All expenses of the Board, including all sala- ries and compensation, shall be paid from the fee received by said Board "by the State Treasurer upon monthly itemized statements of salaries and expenses, sub- mitted to the State Auditor, out of said fund exclusively." A report of all receipts and expenditures shall be made to the government on or about December isth of each year after the passage of this Act. All moneys and receipts of such Board shall be kept in a special fund by and for the use of said Board exclusively by the Treasurer of the Commonwealth of Kentucky. SEC. 5. It shall be the duty of the Board to meet for the purpose of holding ex- aminations not less than once in each year, at such time and places as they determine, and the Board may adopt rules for its government and examination of applicants for registration in accordance with the provisions of this Act. Notice of the meet- ings of said Board shall be published in two newspapers of general circulation, and in at least one journal devoted to the interest of professional nursing, and after applications are received, notice by mail to every applicant and to every reputable training-school in this State at least thirty days prior to the meeting. At such meeting it shall be the duty of said Board to examine all applicants for registration under the provisions of this Act, as are required to be examined, and to issue to each duly qualified applicant, who shall have complied with the provisions of this Act and pass such examination, a certificate of registration. Any person to whom a certi- fication of registration shall be issued shall, within thirty days thereafter, cause the same to be recorded with the county clerk of the county hi which such person resides at the tune of application, and such person shall be prepared, whenever re- quested, to exhibit such certificate or a certified copy thereof. Registered nurses changing residence in this State must present certificate of registration to the county clerk of the county of their new residence within thirty days of the tune of establish- ing such new residence. All applicants for registration shall furnish satisfactory evidence that he or she is at least twenty-one years of age, of good moral character, and has been graduated from a school of nurses connected with a special hospital, or infirmary, or general hospital approved by said Board, where a systematic course of at least two years' instruction is given, except hi cases hereinafter provided for, and all persons registered under the provisions of this Act shall pay to the treasurer of said Board a registration fee of ten dollars, which shall accompany the application. "And shall annually thereafter pay to said treasurer a renewal fee of one dollar, all of which shall be covered into the State Treasury." SEC. 6. Before any person, except those herein specifically excepted, shall be given a certificate of registration, such person shall be required to undergo an ex- amination of said Board touching his or her qualifications as a trained nurse, and shall pass the same to the satisfaction of the majority of said Board. The examina- tion to be given such applicants by said Board shall be of such character as to de- termine the fitness of the applicant to practice professional nursing, and shall include the following subjects, namely: Practical nursing, surgical nursing, obstetrical nursing, hygiene, contagion, diet cooking, materia medica, anatomy, physiology, gynecology, and all other matters deemed necessary and proper by said Board to be required of to establish the fitness and qualification of the applicant. 88 STATE REGISTRATION FOR NURSES SEC. 7. All graduate nurses, who are honorably engaged in nursing at the time of the passage of this Act, and have been residents of the State of Kentucky for six months prior thereto, and who shall show to the satisfaction of the Board that he or she is of good moral character and was graduated from training-school con- nected with a special hospital or infirmary or a general hospital of good reputation at such school, and who in other respects meets the requirements of this Act, shall be entitled to be registered and given a certificate of registration without examina- tion, provided the written application to be so registered shall be filed by such per- sons with the secretary of the Board on or before August i, 1914, and all persons who have in good faith been honorably engaged in the practice of trained nursing under a diploma received by them prior to the year 1893, after one year's training in a reputable school, shall in like manner be entitled to a certificate of .registration without examination upon the payment of the registration fee of ten dollars. All nurses in training at the time of the passage of the Act in a reputable training- school supplying a systematic training, corresponding to the above standard, pro- vided they graduate therefrom, shall, upon receiving a diploma from said school, be entitled in like manner to register without examination. SEC. 8. Applicants shall be registered and given a certificate of registration who shall present a certificate of registration from another State, territory, or foreign country, where the requirements for registration shall be deemed by said Board to be equivalent to those provided for in this act, such applicants paying the fee of ten dollars for such certificate. SEC. 9. It shall be unlawful for any person to practice nursing as a trained nurse without having obtained a certificate of registration as herein provided. SEC. 10. The said Board of Examiners may refuse to issue a certificate of regis- tration provided for in this Act for any of the following causes: 1. Presentation to the Board of any license, certificate, or diploma which was illegally or fraudulently obtained, or the practice of fraud or deception in passing examination. 2. Where a person has been convicted of a crime or misdemeanor where such person has been convicted of such offense. 3. Chronic or persistent inebriety or addiction to a drug habit, which disqualifies the applicant to practice with safety to the public. 4. Any act of dishonesty, gross incompetency, or any act derogative to the standing or morals of the nursing profession, or any other grossly unprofessional or dishonorable conduct of a character likely to deceive or defraud the public, and said Board may revoke a certificate for any of the causes for which it may refuse to grant a certificate under the provisions of this Act. SEC. ii. In all proceedings for suspension or revocation under this Act, the holder of a certificate shall be furnished with a copy of the charges and shall be given at least thirty days to prepare a defense. He or she shall be heard by said Board in person or by counsel, as he or she may select, and at such hearing, and in all matters arising in the course of their duties, the president and secretary shall have authority to administer the oath, and at such hearing the Board may take oral or written proof for and against the complainants as it may deem will best preserve the facts. In case of refusal, suspension, or revocation the applicant or holder may appeal to the Kentucky State Association of Graduate Nurses at the first annual meeting thereafter, whose decision by a majority vote upon such appeal shall be final. SEC. 12. This Act shall not be construed to interfere in any way with religious institutions which have charge of hospitals, and as such take care of the sick in their home or institution, and this Act shall not be construed to affect or apply to gratui- 'tous nursing of the sick "either gratuitously or for compensation" by a friend or member of the family or to a person nursing the sick who does not in any way assume to be a trained graduate or registered nurse, or hold himself or herself out as dis- charging the duties of a trained graduate or registered nurse. FULL TEXT OF LAWS 89 SEC. 13. Any person who has received a certificate according to the provisions of this Act shall be styled and known as a registered nurse, and shall be entitled to append the letters "R. N." to his or her name, and no person shall assume or know- ingly permit any other person to use such person to use such abbreviation "R. N.," or any other words or figures after his or her name, or after the name of any other person for the purpose of indicating that such person is a registered nurse, unless registered as required by this Act. SEC. 14. Any person who shall practice as a trained nurse, or in any way rep- resent himself or herself as a trained or registered nurse in this State without hold- ing a certificate or registration as herein provided, or who shall violate any of the provisions of this Act, shall be subject to a fine of not less than five dollars nor more than fifteen dollars, and each day such person shall practice or violate any provision of this act shall be deemed a separate offense. SEC. 15. Any person who shall wilfully make any false representations to such Board in applying for a certificate of registration shall be guilty of a misde- meanor and upon conviction be fined not more than five hundred dollars. SEC. 16. All certificates or registration issued by said Board shall be signed by the president and secretary of said Board, and have the seal affixed. SEC. 17. Every person receiving a certificate from said Board shall cause the same to be recorded in the office of the county clerk of the county in which such person resides, and shall pay to the clerk the sum of fifty cents for recording the same. LOUISIANA SECTION i. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Louisiana, That upon the taking effect of this Act, the Louisiana State Nurses' Association shall nominate for appointment as examiners ten registered physicians, who shall have had not less than five years' experience in the practice of medicine. The names of the ten physicians so nominated shall be submitted to the Governor of the State, who shall appoint from said number, within sixty days, a Nurses' Board of Examiners, to be composed of five members. One of the members of this Board shall be designated by the Governor to hold office for one year; one for two years; one for three years; one for four years; one for five years, and thereafter, upon the expiration of the term of office of a person so appointed, the Governor shall appoint his successor, to hold office for a full term of five years, from a list of two names sub- mitted to him annually by the State Nurses' Association. All vacancies occurring on the Board shall be filled by the Governor in the same manner from a list of names to be furnished him by the Louisiana State Nurses' Association. SEC. 2. Be it further enacted, That the members of the Nurses' Board of Examiners shall, as soon as organized, and annually thereafter, elect from their members a president and secretary; the secretary shall also be the treasurer of the Board. Special meetings of the Board shall be called by the secretary, upon the written request of any two members to the president, who shall order said special meetings called. The said Board of Examiners is authorized to frame such by-laws as may be necessary to govern its proceedings, and adopt a seal, which shall be in the cus- tody of the secretary of the Board. The secretary shall be required to keep a record of all meetings of the Board, including a register of the names of all the nurses duly registered under this Act, in his office at the domicile of the Board, said domicile being in the city of New Orleans; and the Board shall prosecute all persons violating any of the provisions of this Act, and may incur the necessary expenses on this behalf. The secretary shall receive a salary to be fixed by the Board, also traveling and other expenses incurred in the discharge of his official duties. Each member of the Board shall receive $10.00 for each day actually engaged in this service, and all legitimate and necessary expenses incurred while so engaged. Said expenses and salary shall be paid from fees received by the Board under pro- 90 STATE REGISTRATION FOR NURSES visions of this Act, and no part of salaries or other expenses of the Board shall be paid out of the State Treasury. All money received in excess of the said allowances and other expenses provided for by this Act shall be held by the treasurer to pay the expenses of printing the annual report of the Board. SEC. 3. Be it further enacted, That after September, 1912, it shall be the duty of the said Board of Examiners to meet twice in each year, at its domicile, notice of which meeting shall be published one time hi each of the daily newspapers of New Orleans, Baton Rouge, and Shreveport, and one time in one nursing journal, published in the United States, at least one month prior to the time of such meeting. At such meetings it shall be the duty of the Board to attend to such matters as may come before it under the provisions of this Act, and after July i, 1915, it shall, at such meetings, examine all applicants for registration, to determine their fitness and ability to give efficient care of the sick. Each applicant shall deposit a fee of $10.00 upon the filing of his or her application for examination and registration. SEC. 4. Be it further enacted, That each applicant shall furnish satisfactory evidence that he or she is twenty-one years of age, is of good moral character, has received the equivalent of a high-school education, and has graduated from a train- ing-school connected with a general hospital hi good standing, of which standing the Board shall be the exclusive judge; provided, that no hospital or sanitarium giving less than two years' training to nurses shall be considered in good standing. SEC. 5. Be it further enacted, That all nurses possessing the above qualifica- tions, and who are in training at the time of the passage of the Act, and who shall graduate before July i, 1915, hi the State of Louisiana, shall be permitted to register without examination, upon the payment of the registration fee of $10.00; provided, that all applications for registration be made before July i , 1915. Nurses who have graduated prior to the passage of this Act from recognized training-schools in Louisiana, and nurses who are now practising in the State of Louisiana, who shall show to the satisfaction of the Board of Examiners that they are graduates of train- ing-schools connected with general hospitals or sanitariums giving two years' train- ing, shall be required to register before July i, 1913; such nurses, upon payment of the registration fee of $10.00, shall be entitled to registration without examination. It shall be unlawful, after June 30, 1915, for any person without a certificate of registration to practice as, or profess to be, a registered nurse hi this State. Said Board, however, shall be authorized to waive, at its discretion, said examination, and to issue certificates of registration hi favor of applicants who shall present to the Board certificates of examination from a Board of Examiners of an- other State; provided, the standard of requirements of said Board of Examiners of said other State is satisfactory to the Board of Examiners created under this Act. Any nurse who has received his or her certificate according to any of the provisions of this Act shall be styled and known as a "Registered Nurse." No other person shall assume such title or use of the abbreviation "R. N." or any other letter or figure to indicate that he or she is a registered nurse. SEC. 6. Be it further enacted, etc., That the certificates issued hi accordance with Section 5 of this Act shall be recorded hi the office of the clerk of the District Court of the parish hi which he or she resides, who shall make this recordation in a book to be kept for that purpose only, and also certify to such recordation by in- dorsement of the original certificate, which the holder thereof shall transmit or deliver to the State Board of Health; and the clerk recording same shall be entitled to a fee of $1.00. Such certificates transmitted or delivered to the State Board of Health shall entitle the holder to be placed upon the list of registered nurses. Said Board of Health shall preserve such certificates, and the copy thereof, signed by its secretary, shall be received as evidence in the courts of this State; and for such copy a fee of 50 cents shall be paid. Until such recordation is made, the holder of such certificate shall not exercise any of the rights or privileges therein conferred to registered nurses. SEC. 7. Be it further enacted, That this Act shall not be construed to affect FULL TEXT OF LAWS QI or apply to the gratuitous nursing of the sick by friends or members of the family, and also it shall not apply to any person nursing the sick for hire, but who does not in any way assume to be a registered nurse. SEC. 8. Be it further enacted, That any person violating any of the provisions of this Act, and who shall wilfully make any false representations to the Nurses' Board of Examiners in applying for a certificate, shall be deemed guilty of a misde- meanor, and, upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine of not less than $50.00 nor more than $100.00 or by imprisonment in the parish jail for a period of not less than ten or more than ninety days, or by both fine and imprisonment for each offense. It shall be the duty of the respective district attorneys to prosecute violations of the provisions of this Act before any court of competent jurisdiction. The said fine shall be divided equally between the public school fund of the parish in which said offense may have been prosecuted and the Nurses' Board of Examiners. Said Nurses' Board of Examiners, through their proper officers, may cause to issue, in any competent court, a writ of injunction forbidding and enjoining said per- son from further representing himself or herself as a registered nurse in this State, until such person shall have become duly registered as herein provided for under the provisions of this Act, and said injunction shall not be subject to be released upon bond. In the same suit in which said injunction may be applied for, the said Nurses' Board of Examiners, through their representative president aforesaid, may sue for, and demand of, the defendant, a penalty not to exceed $100.00 and in addition thereto attorney's fees not to exceed $50.00, besides the costs of courts; judgment for which penalty, attorney's fee, and costs may be rendered in the same judg- ment in which the injunction may be made absolute. That the trial of said pro- ceedings shall be summary and be tried by the judge without intervention of a jury. SEC. 9. Be it further enacted, That if any person registered under this Act shall be convicted of a crime or be guilty of immoral conduct, the said Board shall have the power to institute proceedings before any competent court for the purpose of having the certificate granted by it to such person revoked; and if it shall be shown that the nurse so registered has been convicted of a crime or be guilty of immoral conduct, the said court shall revoke or suspend for such period as the court may deem proper the registration certificate of such nurse. SEC. 10. Be it further enacted, That " until July ist, 1013, every nurse who shall be a resident of Louisiana at the time of the passage of this Act and who shall pro- duce satisfactory evidence as to age, moral character, and common education as provided in this Act, who has had one year's training in a recognized school as de- nned in this Act, and who shall further show, by the testimony of five reputable physicians, that he or she has had at least three years of actual experience as a trained nurse, shall be permitted to register as a trained nurse upon passing a satisfactory examination before the Board created by this Act, and said Board shall make pro- vision for the examination of such applicants." SEC. ii. Be it further enacted, That this Act shall take effect from the date of its passage. SEC. 12. Be it further enacted, That all laws or parts of laws in conflict here- with be and the same are hereby repealed. MARYLAND AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR STATE REGISTRATION OF NURSES SECTION i. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That upon the taking effect of this Act, the Maryland State Association of Graduate Nurses shall nominate for examiners twelve (12) of its members who have had not less than five years' experience in their profession. These nominations shall be submitted to the Governor of the State, who shall from said number appoint, within sixty days, a 92 STATE REGISTRATION FOR NURSES Board of Examiners, to be composed of five (5) members. One of the members of this Board shall be designated by the Governor to hold office one year, two for two years, and two for three years; and hereafter, upon the expiration of the term of office of the person or persons so appointed, the Governor shall appoint a successor to each person or persons, to hold office for three years, from a list of five nomina- tions submitted to him by the Maryland State Association of Graduate Nurses an- nually. All vacancies occurring on this Board shall be filled by the Governor in the same manner from the list of nominations furnished him, or from a list of five to be furnished upon his request for additional names. SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That the members of this State Board of Examiners shall, as soon as organized, and annually thereafter in the month of June, elect from their members a president and a secretary, who shall be the treasurer. Three members of this Board shall constitute a quorum, and special meetings of the Board shall be called by the secretary upon written request of any two members. The said Board of Examiners is authorized to frame such by-laws as may be neces- sary to govern its proceedings. The secretary shall be required to keep a record of all meetings of the Board, including a register of the names of all nurses duly regis- tered under this Act, which shall at all reasonable times be open to public scrutiny, and the Board shall cause the prosecution of all persons violating any of the pro- visions of this Act, and may incur necessary expenses on this behalf. The secretary shall receive a salary to be fixed by the Board, not to exceed one hundred ($100.00) dollars per annum, also traveling and other expenses incurred in the discharge of her official duties. The other members of the Board shall receive five ($5.00) dollars for each day actually engaged in this service, and all legitimate and necessary expenses. Said expenses and salaries shall be paid from fees received by the Board under the provision of this Act, and no part of salaries or other expenses of the Board shall be paid out of the State treasury. All money received in excess of the said allow- ance, and other expenses provided for, shall be held by the treasurer for meeting the expenses of the said Board and the cost of annual reports of the Board. SEC. 3. And be it further enacted, That after June i, 1906, it shall be the duty of said Board of Examiners to meet not less frequently than once in every year, notice of which meeting shall be given in the public press and in one nursing journal one month previous to the meeting. At this meeting it shall be their duty to exam- ine all applicants for registration under this Act, to determine their fitness and abil- ity to give efficient care of the sick. Upon filing application for examination and registration, each applicant shall deposit a fee of five ($5.00) dollars. SEC. 4. And be it further enacted, That the applicant shall furnish satisfactory evidence that he or she is twenty-three (23) years of age, is of good moral character, has received the equivalent of a high-school education, and has graduated from a training-school connected with a general hospital where three years of training with a systematic course of instruction is given in the hospital, or has graduated from a training-school in connection with a hospital of good standing supplying a systematic three years' training corresponding to the above standards, which training may be obtained in two or more hospitals. SEC. 5. And be it further enacted, That all nurses graduating before June i , 1906, possessing the above qualifications shall be permitted to register without examination upon payment of registration fee. Nurses who shall show to the satisfaction of the Board of Examiners that they are graduates of training-schools connected with a general hospital or sanitarium giving two years' training, or prior to the year 1897 having given one year's training, and who maintain in other respects proper stand- ards, and are engaged in professional nursing at the date of the passage of this Act, or have been engaged in nursing five years after graduation, prior to the passage of this Act, also those who are in training at the time of the passage of this Act, and shall graduate hereafter, and possess the above qualifications, shall be entitled to registration without examination, provided such application be made before June i, 1906. FULL TEXT OF LAWS 93 Graduates of training-schools in connection with special hospitals, giving a two years' course, who shall obtain one year's additional training in an approved general hospital, shall be eligible for registration without examination before June i, 1906; or said graduates shall be eligible for registration prior to said date upon passing a special examination before the Board of Examiners in subjects not adequately taught in the training-schools from which they have been graduated. And it shall be unlawful after the expiration of that time for any person to prac- tice professional nursing as a registered nurse without a certificate in this State. A nurse who has received his or her certificate according to the provisions of this Act shall be styled and known as a "Registered Nurse." No other person shall assume such title or use the abbreviation R. N., or any other letter or figures to indicate that he or she is a registered nurse. SEC. 6. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall not be construed to affect or apply to the gratuitous nursing of the sick by friends or members of the family, and also it shall not apply to any person nursing the sick for hire, but does not in any way assume to be a registered nurse. SEC. 7. And be it further enacted, That any person violating any of the pro- visions of this Act, or who shall wilfully make any false representation to the Board of Examiners in applying for a certificate, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction be punished by a fine of not more than five hundred ($500.00) dollars. SEC. 8. And be it further enacted, That the State Board of Examiners of Graduate Nurses may revoke any certificate for sufficient cause, but before this is done the holder of said certificate shall have thirty days' notice, and after a full and fair hearing of the charges made, by a majority vote of the whole Board, the certificate can be revoked. SEC. 9. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall take effect from the date of its passage. MASSACHUSETTS AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR THE REGISTRATION OF NURSES Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Court assembled, and by the authority of the same, as follows: SECTION i. Within sixty days after the passage of this Act, the Governor, with the advice and consent of the Council, shall appoint a Board of Registration in Nurs- ing to be constituted as follows: three members of said Board shall be nurses holding diplomas from different training-schools for nurses, giving at least a two years' course in the theory and practice of nursing in a hospital, and who shall have had eight years' experience in nursing the sick; one member shall be a physician who is a superintendent of a hospital having a training-school for nurses, and the remaining member shall be the secretary of the State Board of Registration in Medicine. Said Board shall be appointed as follows: one member for one year, one for two years, one for three years, one for four years, and one for five years, from the first day of October, nineteen hundred and ten, and until their respective successors are appointed; and thereafter the Governor, with the advice and consent of the Council, shall, before the first day of October in each year, appoint in the manner aforesaid one person qualified as aforesaid to hold office for five years from the first day of October next ensuing. Vacancies in said Board shall be filled in accordance with the provisions of this Act for the appointment of the original Board, and a person appointed to fill a vacancy shall hold office during the unexpired term of the member whose place he or she fills. Any member of said Board may be removed from office for cause by the Governor, with the advice and consent of the Council. SEC. 2. The members of said Board shall meet at the office of the State Board of Registration in Medicine on the second Tuesday of October, nineteen hundred 94 STATE REGISTRATION FOR NURSES and ten, and annually thereafter, and shall immediately proceed to organize by electing a chairman who shall hold office for the term of one year. The secretary of the State Board of Registration in Medicine shall be secretary of the Board of Registration in Nursing, and shall receive as compensation therefor such sums as may be determined by the Governor and Council, to be paid from fees received hereunder. The said Board shall hold four regular meetings in each year one on the second Tuesday of January, one on the second Tuesday of April, one on the second Tuesday of July, and one on the second Tuesday of October, at the office of the State Board of Registration in Medicine, and additional meetings at such times and places as it may determine. SEC. 3. It shall be the duty of said Board, immediately upon its organization, to notify all persons engaged in the practice of nursing the sick in this Common- wealth of the times, places, and subjects of the examinations for registration, by publication in one or more newspapers in each county. Application for registration shall be made upon blanks to be furnished by the Board, and shall be signed and sworn to by the applicants. Each applicant for registration who shall furnish satisfactory proof that he or she is at least twenty-one years of age, and of good moral character, shall, upon payment of a fee of five dollars, be examined by the said Board; and upon such examination, if the applicant shall be found qualified, he or she shall be registered, with a right to use the title Registered Nurse, and shall receive a certificate thereof from the Board signed by the chairman and secretary. An applicant who fails to pass an examination satisfactory to the Board, and is therefore refused registration, shall be entitled, within one year after such refusal, to a re-examination at a meeting of the Board called for the examination of appli- cants, without the payment of an additional fee. Said Board, after hearing, may, by vote of a majority of its members, revoke any certificate issued by it, and cancel the registration of any nurse who has been guilty of any felony or of any crime or misdemeanor in practice of his or her profession. All fees received by the Board shall once in each month be paid by its secretary into the treasury of the Common- wealth. SEC. 4. Examinations shall be in part in writing in the English language and in part in practical work, and shall include tie principles and methods of nursing. Due credit shall be given for examinations in special branches. SEC. 5. Any resident of this Commonwealth who shall make application for registration within one year from the passage of this Act, and who shall show to the satisfaction of the Board, by affidavit or otherwise, that he or she has actually engaged for five years next prior to the date of application in nursing the sick in a competent manner, or to have had such experience in hospital or training-school as in the opinion of the Board to justify registration, shall be registered without examination on the payment of a fee of five dollars. SEC. 6. The Board shall have power to register in like manner, without examination, any person who has been registered as a professional nurse in another State under lawstwhich, in the opinion of the Board, maintain a standard substantially similar to that of this Act. SEC. 7. Each member of the Board, except the secretary, shall receive five dollars for every day actually spent in the performance of his or her duties, and the necessary traveling expenses actually expended in attending the meetings of the Board, not exceeding three cents a mile each way. Such compensation and the incidental and traveling expenses shall be approved by the Board and paid by the Commonwealth only from the fees paid over by the Board. SEC. 8. The Board shall investigate all complaints of the violations of the provisions of this Act, and report the same to the proper prosecuting officers. SEC. 9. The Board shall keep a record of the names of all persons registered hereunder, and of all money received and disbursed by it, and a duplicate thereof shall be open to inspection in the office of the Secretary of the Commonwealth. Said Board shall annually, on or before the first day of January, make a report to FULL TEXT OE LAWS 95 the Governor of the condition of professional nursing in this Commonwealth, of all its official acts during the preceding year, and of its receipts and disbursements. SEC. 10. Whoever, not being lawfully authorized to practice as a registered nurse within this Commonwealth, does practice or does attempt to practice as a registered nurse, or does use the abbreviation R. N., or any other words, letters, or figures to indicate that the person using the same is such a registered nurse, shall for each offense be punished by a fine of not more than one hundred dollars. Whoever becomes registered, or attempts to become registered, or whoever practices or attempts to practice, as a registered nurse under a false or assumed name, shall for each offense be punished by a fine of not less than one hundred dollars nor more than five hundred dollars, or by imprisonment for three months, or by both such fine and imprisonment. SEC. 1 1 . The provisions of this Act shall not be held to apply to gratuitous nurs- ing of the sick by friends, or members of the family, or to the acts of any person nursing the sick for hire who does not assume to be a registered nurse. SEC. 12. The Board may make such rules and regulations with reference to procedure hereunder as they may deem wise; not, however, inconsistent with the terms hereof, or the laws of the Commonwealth. SEC. 13. For the purpose of the appointment of said Board and of the regis- tration of persons by it hereunder, this Act shall take effect upon its passage, and shall take full effect on the first day of October hi the year nineteen hundred and ten. MICHIGAN The People of the State of Michigan enact: SECTION i. The governor shall appoint, by and with the advice of the senate, four residents, either male or female, three of whom shall be graduated nurses, and one who shall be a registered physician of this state, who shall with the secretary of the state board of health constitute a board of registration of nurses. Such appointees shall be chosen from the actual residents of this state and, except the registered physician, from nurses who have graduated from reputable training- schools, giving at least a two years' course of training, served in hospitals of good standing, and who have had five years' experience in nursing. In the event that the appointment of a successor is not made upon the expiration of the term of any member, such member of said Board shall hold office until a successor is duly ap- pointed. The governor shall fill vacancies occasioned by death or otherwise and may remove any member for the continued neglect of duties required by this act. Vacancies in said board shall be filled in accordance with the provisions of this act for the establishment of the original board, and persons appointed to fill vacan- cies shall hold office during the unexpired portion of the term for which their prede- cessors were appointed. The four persons so appointed shall be appointed hi two classes, as follows: Two shall be appointed to hold office for three years and two shall be appointed to hold office for six years, beginning with the first day of August, nineteen hundred and nine, and until their successors are appointed, and there- after the governor shall appoint on or before the first day of August of each third year persons qualified as aforesaid in each class to hold office for six years from the first day of August next ensuing. Within the meaning of this act, a state registered nurse is defined as one who, for hire or reward, nurses, attends, and ministers to the sick or afflicted under the supervision and direction of a legally registered practi- tioner, and who has qualified for such calling or profession, except as hereinafter pro- vided in section three, article four of this act, through a regular course of instruc- tion and practice hi a recognized training-school for nurses connected with a hospi- tal, sanitarium, or state institution for the consumptive, insane, or feeble-minded, and compliance with the further provisions of this act. SEC. 2. The members of said board shall meet on the first Wednesday of November, nineteen hundred and nine r at Lansing, and shall elect a president, 96 STATE REGISTRATION FOR NURSES vice-president, and secretary from their own number, each of whom shall hold his or her respective office for two years. This board shall adopt rules and regu- lations not inconsistent with this act to govern its proceedings, and shall adopt a seal of which the secretary shall have the care and custody. The secretary shall keep a record of all proceedings of the board, including a register of the names of all nurses duly registered under this act, which shall be open at all reasonable times to public scrutiny. No less than three members shall constitute a quorum of said board for the transaction of business. Said board shall hold one regular meeting in each year, and such additional meetings at such times and places as it may de- termine. Notices of such meetings shall be published in two newspapers of general circulation in the state and in one nursing journal at least thirty days previous to such meeting. The secretary shall give to the state treasurer a bond in the penal sum of one thousand dollars, with one or more sufficient sureties to be approved by the governor for the faithful discharge of his or her duties. SEC. 3. On and after the first day of December, nineteen hundred and nine, all men and women engaged in the practice of professional nursing, and all who may wish to begin the same in the state, except as hereinafter provided, shall make application to said board to be registered and to be furnished a certificate of such registration. This registration and certificate shall be granted to such applicants as shall give satisfactory proofs of being twenty-one years of age, of good moral character, and of having received the equivalent of a grammar school education. Each applicant shall comply with at least one of the following condi- tions: Without examination: First. The applicant shall be registered and shall receive a certificate of regis- tration without examination, if he or she shall present a diploma issued before December first, nineteen hundred and twelve, by a training-school connected with a general hospital, state hospital, sanitarium, or special hospital, where a two years' course of training is required with systematic instruction hi the hospitals, or from one or more general hospitals of good standing, supplying a systematic training corresponding to the above standard. Second. The applicant shall be registered and given a certificate of registration without examination, if he or she shall have a diploma from a training-school con- nected with the general hospital, sanitarium, or special hospital giving a two years' training; or prior to the year eighteen hundred and ninety-five, if he or she has re- ceived one year's training in any of the aforesaid institutions under conditions satis- factory to the board and who is engaged in professional nursing at the date of the passage of this act, or has been engaged in professional nursing for five years after graduation prior to the passage of this act; Provided, Such application shall be made before December first, nineteen hundred and eleven. Third. The applicant shall be registered and given a certificate of registration after December first, nineteen hundred and ten, who shall present a certified copy of or certificate of registration or license from another state of the Union where the requirements for registration shall be deemed by said board to be equivalent to those of this act, upon the payment of the usual fee for certificate. With examination: Fourth. Any applicant who has pursued as a business the vocation of nursing for a period of not less than five years prior to the passage of this act, and who presents to the board a certificate stating that he or she is competent to give efficient care to the sick under the direction of a competent physician, said certificate to be signed by one registered physician and two registered nurses, shall be entitled to take such examination before the board as may be deemed necessary to determine his or her fitness to give efficient nursing care to the sick, such application to be filed within the two years immediately following the passage of this act. Fifth. After December first, nineteen hundred and twelve, the applicant shall be registered and given a certificate of registration if he or she shall have a FULL TEXT OF LAWS 97 diploma from a training-school connected with a hospital requiring a two years' course of training with systematic instruction in a general hospital, state hospital, sanitarium, or special hospital in good standing, and upon passing such an exami- nation before the board at such time and place as it may designate and in accord- ance with the rules prescribed by the board, which rules shall be furnished from time to time to any hospital, sanitarium, or special hospital applying therefor. SEC. 4. Every applicant for registration under this act shall pay a fee of ten dollars upon filing his or her application. Upon the issuance of a certificate of registration each nurse shall cause a copy thereof to be filed with the county clerk of the county in which said applicant resides, with an affidavit of his or her identity as the person to whom the same was issued, and his or her place of residence at the time of examination and registration. He or she shall be prepared, whenever requested, to show his or her certificate of registration. The county clerk shall charge fifty cents for registering such license.. SEC. 5. It shall be the duty of the secretary of said board to file with the secretary of state at least quarterly a list of all certificates of registration issued by said board, with the names and residences of the persons to whom such certificates have been issued. SEC. 6. All moneys received by said board shall be paid to the state treasurer quarterly, and shall be credited to the general fund of the state, and a receipt for the same shall be filed by the secretary of said board in the office of the auditor- general. The incidental and the traveling expenses of said board shall be paid from such fund only. The compensation of all members of the board shall be at the rate of five dollars a day, together with all legitimate expenses, which shall be paid from the aforesaid fund, for each day actually engaged in attending meetings of said board, and in no case shall any more be paid than was actually expended. The secretary shall receive extra compensation at the rate of one hundred dollars per annum, payable quarterly. A statement of the incidental and traveling expenses of the members of the board shall be approved by said board and sent to the auditor-general of the state, who shall draw his warrant upon the state treasurer for the amounts due as in case of other bills and accounts under the provisions of law: Provided, That the amount so paid shall not exceed the amount received by the state treasurer from said board in fees, as herein specified, and as much of said re- ceipts as may be necessary is hereby appropriated for the compensation and expenses of said board as aforesaid. SEC. 7. Any person who shall have complied with the provisions of this act and received a certificate of registration shall be styled and known as a "Registered Nurse," and be entitled to append the letters "R. N." to his or her name. SEC. 8. Any person properly registered under the provisions of this act shall, before entering any service in that capacity, furnish a certificate of good health from a properly registered physician, showing that he or she is free from tuberculosis or any specific or infectious disease, said certificate to be renewed semi-annually. The Michigan state board of registration of nurses is hereby authorized to employ or appoint a registered nurse who has had not less than five years' experience hi nursing since graduation, three years of which have been spent as superintendent of a training-school approved by said board, who may also be one of the members of said board, to act as a visitor and inspector of training-schools for nurses, to the end that the rules and regulations adopted by said board may be promoted and upheld throughout the state. Such visitor and inspector shall act under the direction of the Michigan state board of registration of nurses. The compensation of such visitor and inspector shall be determined by said board, and shall be paid only from funds collected in the registration of nurses and in a similar way in which the inci- dental and traveling expenses of the members of the board are now paid, as pro- vided for in Section six of said act. SEC. 9. Any person who shall, after the passage of this act, practice professional nursing as a registered nurse without first complying with the provisions of this act 98 STATE REGISTRATION FOR NURSES shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be pun- ished by a fine of not more than two hundred dollars or by imprisonment in the county jail for a period of not more than ninety days, or by both such fine and imprisonment for each offense. SEC. 10. When any person shall append the letters "R. N.," or shall use any other letters, figures, or sign to indicate that he or she is a registered nurse, it shall be prima facie evidence of practicing professional nursing as a registered nurse within the meaning of this act. SEC. 1 1 . This act shall not apply to the gratuitous nursing of the sick by friends or by members of the family, nor to any person nursing the sick for hire, but who shall not in any way assume to be a registered nurse. It shall not be construed to interfere in any way with religious communities having charge of hospitals or those who care for the sick in their own homes. SEC. 12. Said board shall have the power to revoke any certificate issued by said board in accordance with the provisions of this act and for the following causes: Gross incompetency, violations of the provisions of this act, dishonesty, habitual intemperance, or any act derogatory to the morals or standing of the profession of nursing, as may be determined by the board: Provided, That such revocation shall only be made upon specific charges in writing, under oath, filed with the secretary, and by a majority vote of the whole board, a certified copy of such charges and thirty days' notice of the hearing of the same having been personally served upon the holder of such certificate. Said board shall be authorized to furnish a list of the names and addresses of those whose certificates have been revoked to the board of examiners of other States upon the written request of such board. SEC. 13. All acts or parts of acts contravening the provisions of this act are hereby repealed. MINNESOTA Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Minnesota: SECTION i. It shall be unlawful for any person to practice professional nursing as a registered nurse in this state unless such person shall have first obtained a cer- tificate of registration as provided in this Act. SEC. 2. A Board of Examiners, to consist of five persons, one of whom shall be a regularly licensed physician, is hereby created to carry out the purposes and enforce the provisions of this Act. Said Board shall be appointed by the Governor, and the other appointments shall be made from nurses engaged in active work, who have been graduated for at least a period of five years from reputable training- schools, and whose course of training is not less than three (3) years' duration in actual hospital service; provided, that there shall always be two of said members on said Board selected from nurses who have had at least two (2) years' experience in educational work among nurses, or who have had two (2) or more years' experi- ence in the instruction of nurses in training-schools; "and provided further, that after the appointment of the first Board the nurses appointed on each succeeding Board shall be appointed from the nurses registered under this Act." SEC. 3. Each member of said Board shall serve for a term of five years and until his or her successors are appointed and qualified, except in the case of the first Board, whose members shall hold office as follows: one member shall be appointed to hold office one (i) year; one for two (2) years; one for three (3) years; one for four (4) years, and one for five (5) years. Each member of said Board shall give a bond in the sum of one thousand ($1000.00) dollars, with securities to be approved by the Secretary of State, conditioned for the faithful performance of his or her duties, and shall take the oath provided by law for public officers. Vacancies upon said Board caused by death, resignation, or expiration of the term of any member thereof shall be filled by appointment by the Governor. SEC. 4. Said Board shall elect from its members a President, a Secretary, and a FULL TEXT OF LAWS 99 Treasurer, and shall have its headquarters at St. Paul, Minnesota; shall have a common seal, and the Secretary and President shall have power to administer oaths. SEC. 5. Each member of said Board shall receive a compensation of five ($5.00) dollars per day for each day of actual service and ten (10) cents per mile for each mile actually traveled in attending the meetings of the Board, which compensation shall be paid out of any moneys in the hands of the Treasurer of said Board; pro- vided that said compensation and mileage shall in no event be paid out of the State Treasury. SEC. 6. Any money in the hands of the treasurer, at the end of any year, in excess of two hundred and fifty ($250.00) dollars shall be paid over by said Board to the State Treasurer, to be kept by him for the future maintenance of the Board and to be disbursed by him upon warrants signed by the President and Treasurer of said Board. SEC. 7. Said Board shall hold public examinations at least once in each year at St. Paul, Minnesota, and at such times as it may determine, and notice of the time and place of such examinations shall be given by a publication thereof at least ten (10) days before such examination in a daily newspaper published at the Capital of the State, and said Board may give such other notice as it deems advisable. Any person desiring to obtain a certificate of registration under this Act shall make application to said Board therefor, and shall pay to the treasurer of said Board an examination fee of five ($5.00) dollars, and shall present himself or herself at the next regular meeting of said Board for examination of applicants, and upon said Board being satisfied that the applicant is (i) of the age of twenty-one years or over, (2) of good moral character, (3) has received an education equivalent to that re- quired for admission into high-schools of this State, and (4) had graduated from a training-school connected with a general hospital, where three years of training, with a systematic course of instruction is given in the hospital, or has graduated from a training-school in connection with a hospital of good standing supplying a system- atic three years' training corresponding to the above standards, which training may be obtained in two or more hospitals, said Board shall proceed to examine said applicant in both theoretical and practical nursing, and upon such applicant passing said examination to the satisfaction of said Board, said Board shall enter said ap- plicant's name in the register, hereinafter provided for, and shall issue to said person a certificate of registration authorizing said person to practice the profession of nursing as a "Registered Nurse." SEC. 8. All nurses graduating prior to January i, 1910, possessing the above qualifications shall be permitted to register without examination upon payment of the registration fee. Nurses who shall show to the satisfaction of the Board of Examiners that they are graduates of training-schools connected with a general hospital or sanitarium giving two years' training, or prior to the year 1897 having given one year's training, and who maintain in other respects proper standards, and are engaged in professional nursing at the date of the passage of this Act, or have been engaged in nursing five years after graduation, prior to the passage of this Act, also those who are in training at the time of the passage of this Act, and shall gradu- ate hereafter, and possess the above qualifications, shall be entitled to registration without examination, provided such application be made before January i, 1910. SEC. 9. Graduates of training-schools in connection with special hospitals, giving a two years' course, who shall obtain one year's additional training in an approved general hospital, shall be eligible for registration without examination before January i, 1910, or said graduates shall be eligible for registration prior to said date upon passing a special examination before the Board of Examiners in sub- jects not adequately taught in the training-schools from which they have been graduated. SEC. 10. Any applicant who has pursued as a business the vocation of nursing for a period of not less than five years prior to the passage of this Act, and who presents to the Board a certificate testifying that he or she is competent to give 100 STATE REGISTRATION FOR NURSES efficient care to the sick, said certificate to be signed by one licensed physician and two registered nurses, shall be entitled to take a practical examination for state registration only during the two years immediately following the passage of this Act. SEC. n. The Board of Examiners may issue license without examination, upon the payment of five ($5.00) dollars registration fee, to applicants who have been registered in other States having equal requirements. SEC. 12. This Act shall not be construed to apply to the gratuitous nursing of the sick by friends or members of the family, and also it shall not apply to any person nursing the sick for hire but who does not in any way assume to be a registered nurse. SEC. 13. Said Board shall keep a register, in which shall be entered names of all persons to whom certificates are issued under this Act, and said register shall at all times be open to public inspection. SEC. 14. A person who has received his or her certificate according to the pro- visions of this Act shall be styled and known as a "Registered Nurse." No other person shall assume such title or use the abbreviation "R. N.," or any other letters or figures to indicate that he or she is a registered nurse. SEC. 15. Said Board of Examiners may revoke any certificate for sufficient cause, but before this is done the holder of said certificate shall have thirty (30) days' notice, and after a full and fair hearing of the charges made, by a majority vote of the whole Board, the certificate may be revoked. SEC. 1 6. Any person violating any of the provisions of this Act, or who shall wilfully make any false representations to the Board of Examiners in applying for a certificate shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction shall be punished by a fine of not more than one hundred ($100.00) dollars and not less than ten ($10.00) dollars. SEC. 17. This Act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. MISSISSIPPI An Act to regulate the practice of professional nursing in the State of Mississippi, to create a Board of Nurses' Examiners, to require, the examination and registration of those desiring to practice in this State as registered nurses, or licensed attendants, and to provide for the punishment of offenders against this Act. SECTION i. Be it enacted by the legislature of the State of Mississippi, That a Board of Nurses' Examiners for Mississippi is hereby created, to consist of five members who shall be appointed by the Governor, four of whom shall be graduate nurses and one of whom shall be a physician. SEC. 2. That within thirty days after the passage of this Act, the Graduate Nurses' Association of Mississippi shall, through its executive committee, submit to the Governor a list containing the names of two physicians who must be regularly licensed and of good standing in their profession, together with the names of eight graduate nurses who shall have practised not less than two years exclusive of training, and the Governor shall appoint the members of the Board from said list. SEC. 3. That each member of said Board shall serve for a term of five years and until his or her successor is appointed and qualified, except in cases of the first Board, whose members shall hold office as follows: One member shall be appointed to hold office for one year; one member for two years; one member for three years; one member for four years, and one for five years. SEC. 4. That vacancies occurring in said Board by reason of expiration of term of office, resignation, death, or otherwise shall be filled by appointment by the Governor from a list of names of three physicians and eight registered graduate nurses, all with qualifications as hereinbefore provided to be furnished him by the executive committee of said association. SEC. 5. That the members of said Board shall, as soon as organized, and an- nually thereafter, in the month of November elect from their number, a president FULL TEXT OF LAWS IOI and a secretary, the latter of whom shall also be the tFtfasurer. Three members of this Board shall constitute a quorum. Special meetings of said Board shall be called by the secretary-treasurer upon the written request of any two members. SEC. 6. That said Board is authorized to make such by-laws and rules as shall be necessary to govern its proceedings and to carry into effect the purpose of this Act. The secretary-treasurer shall be required to keep a record of all meetings of said Board, including a register of names of all nurses duly registered under this Act, which shall at all reasonable times be opened to public inspection. Said Board shall cause the prosecution of all persons violating any of the provisions of this Act and may incur necessary expenses in that behalf. SEC. 7. That the president and secretary- treasurer shall make a biennial re- port to the Governor on the first Monday in January immediately preceding the convening of the legislature, together with the statement of the receipts and dis- bursements of said Board. SEC. 8. That said Board shall adopt a seal, which shall include the words "Nurses Board of Examination and Registration of Mississippi," and the imprint thereof shall be placed on all certificates and warrants issued by it and upon all records sent up on appeal from its decision. SEC. 9. That it shall be the duty of the- secretary-treasurer of said Board to file with the Secretary of State, at least quarterly, a list of certificates of registration issued by said Board, with the names and residences of the persons to whom such certificates have been issued. SEC. 10. That each member of said Board before entering upon the discharge of his or her duties shall take the oath required by law for public officers, and the president and secretary-treasurer shall give a bond in the sum of one thousand ($1000.00) dollars conditional for the faithful performance of his or her duties. SEC. 1 1 . That it shall be the duty of the said Board to meet on the first Monday of January and July of each year. Notice of each meeting shall be given to the public press and hi one nurses' journal one month previous to the meeting, but said Board may give such other notice as it may deem advisable. At said meeting it shall be the duty of the Board to examine all applicants for registration under this Act. SEC. 12. That any person desiring to obtain a certificate of registration under this Act shall make application to said Board therefor, first paying to the treasurer an examination fee of five ($5.00) dollars, and shall present himself or herself at such regular meeting of said Board for examination of applicants. SEC. 13. That said Board being satisfied that said applicant is of the age of eighteen years, of good moral character, has received an education equivalent to a good common school education, has graduated from a training-school in connection with a general hospital or sanitarium, with two years of continuous residence train- ing where a systematic course of instruction is given, shall proceed to examine said applicant in both theoretical and practical nursing, anatomy, physiology, bacteri- ology, materia medica, dietetics, and hygiene. SEC. 14. That upon said applicant passing said examination to the satisfaction of said Board, the latter shall cause to be entered the name of the applicant in the register for that purpose. It shall also be caused to issue to said persons a certifi- cate of registration authorizing said person to practice the profession of nursing as a registered nurse. Nurses who are not graduates as herein provided, who have been practicing nursing before this Act takes effect, may apply, first paying an examina- tion fee of two dollars ($2.50) fifty cents to the State Board for an examination, and if the Board finds thereupon the applicant competent to practice nursing, said Board may issue to the said applicant a certificate authorizing him or her to practice as a licensed attendant, but not as a registered nurse. A nurse registered and licensed according to the laws of the State of her residence may practice her profession in this State in special cases without being registered as herein provided. All the provisions of this Act not inconsistent with this section shall apply to licensed attendants. 102 STATE REGISTRATION FOR NURSES SEC. 15. That fees received by said Board of Examiners herein specified from examinations and otherwise shall be paid to the State Treasurer, and shall be kept in a fund to be known as the "Nurses' Fund," and shall be subject at all times to the warrant of the State Auditor drawn upon written requisition of the president of said Board and attested by the secretary-treasurer of said Board for the payment of any authorized expense made by said Board, but in no event shall said Board expend a sum in excess of the amount received by the State Treasurer from said Board. No requisition shall be made by said president and secretary-treasurer until the item or items for which same is drawn shall have been first approved by said Board. SEC. 1 6. That each member of said Board shall receive five ($5.00) dollars for each day or part of day while actually engaged in the performance of the duties of the office, together with traveling and all other legitimate and necessary expenses incurred while so engaged. SEC. 17. That all printing, postage, and other contingent expenses necessarily incurred under the provisions of this Act shall be paid from the said nurses' fund, aU subject, however, to the provisions of Section 15 of this Act. SEC. 1 8. That the headquarters of said Board shall be in the State Capitol in a room to be assigned for its use by the keeper of said Capitol. SEC. 19. That the meetings of said Board for the purpose of examining appli- cants shall be held in the city of Jackson or in any other convenient place. SEC. 20. That all persons possessing the qualifications enumerated in Section 13 of this Act, and who are nurses in training at the time of the passage of this Act, and who shall graduate on or before two years in the State of Mississippi, shall be permitted to register without examination upon the payment of the registration fee of five ($5.00) dollars, provided that all applications for the registration shall be made before the expiration of said two years. SEC. 21. That nurses who have graduated prior to the passage of this Act from recognized training-schools in Mississippi, and nurses who are not practicing in the State of Mississippi, who shall show to the satisfaction of the Board of Examiners that they are graduates of training-schools connected with general hospitals or sanitariums giving two years' training shall be required to register with- in one year from the passage of this Act. And such nurses upon payment of the registration fee of five ($5.0x3) dollars shall be entitled to registration without exami- nation. SEC. 22. That said Board shall be authorized to waive, at its discretion, said examination, and to issue certificates of registration in favor of applicants who shall present to the Board certificates of examination from the Board of Examiners from another State, together with the registration fee of five ($5.00) dollars, provided the standard of requirements from such other State are equivalent to the require- ments set forth in this Act. SEC. 23. That any nurse who has received his or her certificate according to any of the provisions of this Act shall be styled and known as a "Registered Nurse." No other person shall assume such title or use the abbreviation "R. N.," or any letter or figure to indicate that he or she is a registered, trained, or graduate nurse. Sec. 24. That it shall be unlawful for any person to practice the profession of nursing as a registered nurse in the State within the' meaning of this Act, unless such person shall at first have obtained a certificate of registration as provided in this Act. But this Act shall not be construed to apply to the gratuitous nursing of the sick by friends or members of the family, and also it shall not apply to any persons nursing the sick for hire, but who do not hi any way assume to be registered graduate nurses. SEC. 25. That the Board of Examiners shall have power to revoke any certif- icate of registration for incompetency, dishonesty, intemperance, immorality, or unprofessional conduct after a full and fair investigation of the charges preferred against the accused. Thirty days prior to such a hearing a copy of the charges, which charges must be specified in writing and under oath, shall be furnished to the FULL TEXT OF LAWS 103 accused, who shall, at the same time, be furnished with written notice of the time and place where such charges will be heard and determined. The place of such hearing may be fixed by said Board at any point within the State. At such hearing all witnesses shall be sworn either by the president or secretary-treasurer, and the accused shall be entitled to be heard and represented by counsel. No revocation shall be made except upon a majority vote of the full Board. Upon the revocation of any certificate the same shall be null and void. The holder thereof shall cease to be entitled to any of the privileges conferred by such certificate, and it shall be the duty of the secretary-treasurer of the Board to strike the name of the holder thereof from the roll of registered nurses and to give notice of such revocation to the Secretary of State. SEC. 26. That any person violating any of the provisions of this Act, or who shall wilfully make any false representations to said Board of Examiners in applying for a certificate, or who shall refuse to surrender a certificate of registration which has been revoked as set out in this Act, or shall use the title of registered nurse, or append the letters "R. N. " or any other letters, words, or figures to indicate that the person using the name is a registered or graduate nurse, unless such person shall be lawfully entitled so to do, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon convic- tion thereof shall be punished by a fine of not less than twenty-five ($25.00) dollars and not more than one hundred ($100.00) dollars, or by imprisonment in the county jail for a period of not less than five days and not more than ninety days or by both such fine and imprisonment. SEC. 27. That all laws or parts of laws in conflict herewith be and the same are hereby repealed. SEC. 28. That this Act shall take effect and be in force from and after its pas- sage. MISSOURI AN ACT Entitled ' 'An act to provide for the examination, regulation, and registration of nurses, and providing for the appointment of a board of examiners to examine applicants for registration as nurses, and to provide for the punishment of offend- ers against this act." Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Missouri, as follows: SECTION i. Upon the taking effect of this act, the governor shall appoint a board of examination and registration of nurses to consist of five members. The majority of such appointees shall be chosen from those actually engaged in nursing and who have graduated from reputable training-schools, giving not less than two years' course of training, who have had at least five years' experience in nursing and caring for the sick and afflicted, including one year's teaching in a train- ing-school for nurses. The members of the board herein created shall be appointed as follows: One shall be appointed to hold office for one year, two for two years, and two for three years, beginning on the first day of December, the present year, and until their successors are appointed, and thereafter the governor shall appoint, on or before the first day of November of each year, persons qualified as aforesaid in each class, to hold office for three years, from the first day of December next ensuing. Each member of said board shall hold office until a successor is duly appointed. Vacancies upon said board caused by death, resignation, or expiration from any cause, of the term of any member thereof, shall be filled by appointment from the same class of persons to which the deceased or retiring member belonged, and a person appointed to fill a vacancy shall hold office during the unexpired term of the member whose office is thus filled. The governor may remove any member of the board for cause, or the continued neglect of duties required by this act. The members of said board shall, before entering on the discharge of their duties, make and file with the secretary of state the constitutional oath of office, and it shall 104 STATE REGISTRATION FOR NURSES have power to hear testimony in all matters relating to the duties imposed upon it by law. The members of said board shall meet on the second Wednesday of Decem- ber, nineteen hundred nine, at Jefferson City, and shall elect a president and a secretary, who shall also act as treasurer, from their number, each of whom shall hold his or her respective office for one year, and the president shall have power to administer oaths. The board shall make rules and regulations, not inconsistent with this act and the general law, to govern its proceedings, and also adopt its seal, and the secretary shall have the care and custody thereof; and the secretary shall keep a record of all proceedings of the board, including a register of the names of all nurses registered under this act, which shall be open at all reasonable times to public inspection. The treasurer, before entering upon the discharge of his or her duties, shall give bond in the sum of one thousand ($1000.00) dollars, with a sur- ety or sureties, to be approved by the board. Said board shall hold one regular meeting in each year, and such additional meetings at such time and places as it may determine. Notice of such meetings shall be published in two newspapers of general circulation through the state and in one nurses' journal at least thirty days previous to such meeting. A majority of the board shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. Said board shall make an annual report of its pro- ceedings to the governor, on or before the thirty-first day of December of each year. SEC. 2. Every applicant for registration as a registered nurse must be at least twenty-one years of age, of good moral character, and a resident or graduate nurse of this state, except as hereinafter provided. Every applicant, in addition to fur- nishing satisfactory proof of his or her compliance with the above qualifications, must also have acquired a general education substantially equivalent to that ob- tained by the completion of a common or grammar school course of study. SEC. 3. On and after the first Wednesday of December, nineteen hundred nine, all persons engaged in the practice of professional nursing, and all who may wish to begin the same in this state as a registered nurse under the provisions of this law, except as hereinafter provided, shall make application to said board to be registered to practice professional nursing and caring for the sick and afflicted. This registration shall be granted to such applicants who possess the qualifications re- quired by Section 2 of this article, and who shall comply with at least one of the following conditions: ist: Any applicant shall be registered to practice nursing without examination who shall present a diploma issued before December first, nineteen hundred twelve, by a training-school connected with a general hospital, where two or more years' course of training is required with systematic instruc- tion in the hospital or from one or more general hospitals of good standing sup- plying a systematic training corresponding to the above standard; 2nd: Any applicant shall be registered to practice nursing without examination who, prior to eighteen hundred ninety-five, received one year's training in a general hospital, sanitarium, or special hospital under conditions satisfactory to the board of examina- tion and registration of nurses, and who is actually engaged in professional nursing at the date of the passage of this act, or who has been engaged in professional nurs- ing for five years prior to the passage of this act: Provided, such application shall be made under oath before December thirty-first, nineteen hundred eleven; 3rd: After nineteen hundred twelve the applicant shall be registered to practice nursing if he or she shall have a diploma from a training-school connected with a hospital requir- ing a course of two or more years of training with systematic instructions in a gen- eral hospital, sanitarium, or special hospital, or from one or more hospitals in good standing supplying a systematic training equivalent to the foregoing, and upon passing such an examination before the board as may be deemed necessary to deter- mine his or her fitness and ability to give efficient care of the sick; 4th: Any appli- cant shall be registered to practice nursing who shall present a certified copy or certificate of registration from another state of the Union where the requirements for the registration shall be deemed by said board to be equivalent to those of this act. FULL TEXT OF LAWS 105 SEC. 4. Every applicant for registration under this act shall pay a fee of five ($5.00) dollars upon filing his or her application. Upon the issuance of a certificate to practice nursing, each nurse, if a resident of this state, shall cause a copy thereof to be filed with the county clerk of the county in which said applicant resides, and, if in the city of St. Louis, with the recorder of deeds, with an affidavit of his or her identity as the person to whom the same was issued and his or her place of residence at the tune of examination and registration. If the applicant be a non-resident of this state, then such certificate and affidavit shall be filed with the county clerk of the county in which is located the training-school which issued his or her diploma, and with the recorder of deeds of the city of St. Louis if such training-school is hi the city of St. Louis. SEC. 5. It shall be the duty of the secretary of said board to file with the secretary of state, at least once each year, a list of all certificates issued by said Board, with the names and residences of the persons to whom such certificates have been issued. SEC. 6. All fees received by the state board for the examination and registra- tion of nurses shall be paid to the treasurer of the board, who shall issue receipts therefor, and shall be paid by said treasurer quarterly into the state treasury, and shall be credited to a fund which is hereby appropriated for the use of said state board for the examination and registration of nurses. The compensation of the members of said board shall be at the rate of five ($5.00) dollars for each day actually engaged in attending meetings of said board. The secretary may receive extra compensation according to services rendered, the sum, however, not to exceed three hundred ($300.00) dollars a year. Such compensation and expenses of mem- bers and officers of said board, and all expenses proper and necessary in the opinion of said Board to the discharge of its duties under and to enforce this act, shall be paid out of such fund, upon the warrant of the auditor of the state issued upon a requisition, signed by the president and attested by the secretary of said board under the seal of said board; Provided, that no expense of this board shall ever be paid out of any other fund of the state either by deficiency bill or otherwise. SEC. 7. Any person who shall have complied with the provisions of this act and received a certificate to practice nursing shall be styled and known as a "regis- tered nurse," and be entitled to append the letters "R. N." to his or her name. SEC. 8. Any person who shall practice professional nursing as a registered nurse without first complying with the provisions of this act shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and, upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine of not less than fifty ($50.00) dollars nor more than five hundred ($500.00) dollars for each offense, and the board shall proceed against all such persons. Prosecu- tions under this act shall be begun and carried on in the same manner as other prosecutions for misdemeanor in this state. SEC. 9. When any person shall append the letters "R. N.," or shall use any other letters, figures, or signs to indicate that he or she is a registered nurse, it shall be prima facie evidence of practicing professional nursing as a registered nurse within the meaning of this act. SEC. 10. This act shall not apply to the gratuitous nursing of the sick by friends or by members of the family, nor by any person nursing for hire, but who shall not in any way assume to be a registered nurse. SEC. ii. Said board shall have the power to revoke for sufficient cause any certificate issued by said board; provided, that such revocation shall only be made upon specificjcharges, made in writing and under oath, and filed with the secretary, and by a majority vote of the whole board, a certified copy of such charges and thirty days' notice of the hearing of the same having been personally served upon the holder of such certificate. Said board shall be authorized to furnish a list of the names and addresses to those whose certificates have been revoked to the board of examiners of other states upon the written request of such board. 106 STATE REGISTRATION FOR NURSES MONTANA Be it enacted by the Legislative Assembly of the State of Montana: Certificates Issued SECTION i. The Governor of the State of Montana shall have the power, and it shall be his duty, to issue a license or certificate for registration to any person practicing the profession of nursing the sick, upon the recommendation of the Board of Examiners of Nursing, said Board to be appointed as hereinafter provided for. Appointment of Board SEC. 2. The Governor of the State of Montana shall, within ninety days after the passage and approval of this Act, designate and appoint five persons who shall constitute the Board of examination for nurses. Said Board shall consist of five members, and shall be appointed by the Governor from the membership of the Montana State Association of Graduated Nurses; the first Board shall hold office during the following terms: One member for the period of one year; two members for the period of two years; two members for the period of three years, and the members and the terms thereof to be designated by the Governor. Requirements of Board Members SEC. 3. Subsequent to the organization of State Board of Examination of Nurses, the Governor of the State of Montana shall fill all vacancies and shall per- petuate said Board by the appointment of members thereof, which members for appointment shall be selected from persons who are registered nurses under the provisions of this Act, and who shall be actual residents of the State of Montana for a period of at least one year immediately preceding the date of appointment, and who have been actively engaged in the profession of nursing for five years prior to such appointment, and there shall be at all times at least two members of said Board who shall have had at least two years' experience in educational work among nurses, or who have had two or more years' experience in the instruction of nurses in training-schools. The terms for which said members shall be appointed shall be for three years, except those first appointed and those to fill unexpired terms. Officers, Duties, and Remuneration of Board SEC. 4. The members of the Board shall, immediately after their appointment, meet at the city of Helena for the purpose of organizing said Board, and shall elect one of their number president, and shall also elect one of their number secretary, who shall also act as treasurer of the Board. The Board shall adopt a seal, which shall remain in the custody of the secretary; the secretary shall keep the records and minutes of all meetings of the Board, and shall record in a suitable book the names of all nurses and training-schools registered under this Act. The president and secretary of said Board shall hold office for the period of one year, and until their successors are appointed and qualified. The salary of the secretary shall be settled and fixed by the Board. The other members of the Board shall receive ten ($10.00) dollars per day while actually engaged in attendance upon meetings of said Board. This shall be in full for their expenses, same to be paid from the funds in the hands of the treasurer of the Board; no charge or expense of any kind shall ever become a charge against the State treasury. The president shall act as inspector of training-schools for nurses. FULL TEXT OF LAWS 107 Board Provides Schedule for Examination SEC. 5. Said Board shall provide a schedule of the subjects upon which appli- cants shall be examined to qualify for registration under this Act, which subjects shall include elementary anatomy, physiology, medicine, obstetrics, gynecology, surgery, dietetics, home sanitation, and nursing. Inspecting and Registering of Training-schools SEC. 6. The president acting as inspector of training-schools shall inspect all training-schools for nurses in the State of Montana, and shall report to the Board and the Governor such training-schools as shall provide courses of instruction in the subjects required by the Board. The secretary shall enter in the registrator kept for this purpose the names of all nurses which are entitled to registration under the provisions of this Act. The schools so registered shall be required to pay to the secretary of the Board a fee of twenty-five ($25.00) dollars upon registration. Notice of Board Meetings SEC. 7. The Board shall adopt rules which may be changed from time to tune for the examination of applicants for registration under this Act, and the Board shall meet not less than once each year for the purpose of conducting examinations for applicants for registration. The time and place of meeting of said Board shall be advertised in the public press, and notice shall be sent to each training-school registered under this Act, to each regularly organized association of nurses within the State, to at least one journal of nursing, and notice shall be mailed to each person who has made application for examination under the provisions of this Act, at least thirty days prior to said meeting; at such meeting it shall be the duty of the Board to examine all persons who are applicants for registration under this Act, and to recommend to the Governor each duly qualified applicant who shall have success- fully passed said examination. Recording of Certificate SEC. 8. Every person to whom a certificate of registration shall have been issued shall, within thirty days thereafter, cause the same to be recorded in the office of the county clerk of the county in which such person resides, and all such persons shall, when changing the county of their residence within the State, cause said certificate to be recorded in the office of the county clerk within thirty days after acquiring residence in said new county, and it is further provided that no county clerk of this State shall demand or receive any fee or compensation for filing, record- ing, making certified copy of nurse's certificate, or affixing seal to certificate. Registration Fee Requirements of Applicants SEC. 9. All applicants for registration under the provisions of this Act shall furnish satisfactory evidence that he or she is at least twenty-two years of age, of good moral character, and has been graduated from the training-school of nurses connected with a general hospital approved by the Board, where a systematic course of at least two years' instruction is given, except in the cases hereinafter provided for, and all persons registered under the provisions of this Act shall pay to the secretary of said Board a registration fee of ten ($10.00) dollars. Requirements for Non-Graduates SEC. 10. Any person of the required age who has pursued as a business the voca- tion of nursing for a period of not less than five years prior to the passage of this 108 STATE REGISTRATION FOR NURSES Act, and who presents to the Board a certificate that he or she is a competent per- son to give efficient care to the sick, said certificate being signed by one licensed physician in the active practice of the profession of medicine, and two registered nurses provided for by this Act, may register after taking and passing an examina- tion given by said Board at any time within two years following the passage of this Act. Eligible Without Examination and Reciprocity Any person who shall have graduated prior to July i, 1917, and after January i, 1890, from a reputable training-school for nurses connected with a general hospital which now gives a course of at least two years' training, and who shall graduate therefrom, shall be entitled to registration under the provisions of this Act upon payment of the fee therefor without examination. And any person who shall have graduated from a training-school approved by the Board, connected with a special hospital requiring a systematic course of at least two years' training, and who at the time of application shall have obtained in a reputable general hospital one year's additional training in subjects not adequately taught in the training-school from which they were graduated, and who shall pass an examination by the Board in those additional subjects not adequately taught in the training-school from which they were graduated, shall be entitled to registration on the payment of the regular fee without examination. The Governor may issue a certificate to any person registered under the law of any State having the requirements equivalent to those of Montana, the Board and the Governor to be the sole judges thereof. Dissatisfaction of Applicants Settled by State Association SEC. ii. Any person who makes application to the Board for examination for registration, having the required qualifications as hereinafter provided for, and who shall not pass said examination, or any person registered in any other State who shall be refused registration by the Board without examination as provided for in this Act, may appeal to the Montana State Association of Graduated Nurses at the first annual meeting thereafter, and shall abide by the majority vote of said associa- tion after a full hearing thereon. Examination for All Applicants After 1917 SEC. 12. On and after July i, 1917, all applicants for certificates of registration under the provision of this Act shall pass the examination required by the Board before receiving a certificate of registration. Compulsory Registration SEC. 13. It shall be unlawful hereafter for any person to practice nursing as a trained, graduate, or registered nurse without a certificate as herein provided for. Fine for Offense Any person who shall assume a title indicating that said person is a registered nurse, or who shall hold himself or herself out to be a registered nurse, and who shall not be registered in accordance with the provisions of this Act, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be fined for the first offense not less than then ($10.00) dollars nor more than one hundred ($100.00) dollars and for each subsequent offense not less than two hundred ($200.00) dollars nor more than five hundred ($500.00) dollars. FULL TEXT OF LAWS IOQ Not Applicable to Gratuitous Nursing SEC. 14. This Act shall not be construed as conferring any authority to practice medicine, or undertake the treatment of disease, in violation of the Medical Practice Act of the State of Montana, or to affect or apply to the gratuitous nursing of the sick by friends or members of the family, nor to any person nursing the sick for hire who does not in any way assume or pretend to have special training in the profes- sion of nursing, and who also does not pretend to be a registered nurse. Revocation of Certificates SEC. 15. The Governor may, upon recommendation by the Board, revoke any certificate previously issued to the holder thereof, after a hearing by the full Board on charges made by any licensed physician in the active practice of his profession, or upon charges made by the registered nurse charging dishonesty, gross incompe- tence, a habit rendering a nurse unsafe or unfit to care for the sick, or conduct or act derogatory to the morals or standing of the profession of nursing, or any wilful fraud or misrepresentation practised in securing such certificate. The person so charged under this Section shall be given at least thirty days' notice in writing of the specific charge against him or her, and of the time and place of hearing said charge by the Board, at which time and place such person shall be entitled to appear and to be represented by counsel. Upon the revocation of any certificate heretofore issued, the same shall be null and void, and the secretary shall take the name of the holder thereof from the roll of the registered nurses, and shall give notice to each county clerk within the State where said certificate may have been registered of the revocation thereof, and it shall be the duty of such county clerk to note upon such record the fact that such certificate has been revoked and the date of revocation. SEC. 1 6. This Act shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval. SEC. 17. All Acts and parts of Acts in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. NEBRASKA Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Nebraska: SECTION i. It shall be unlawful for any person to practice professional nursing as a Registered Nurse in this State unless such person shall have first obtained a certificate of registration as provided in this Act. SEC. 2. The State Board of Health shall have power, not inconsistent with the provisions of this Act, to make all reasonable rules and regulations necessary to the performance of its duties under the provisions hereof. The said State Board of Health, among other rules, shall prescribe what evidence shall be necessary to establish the good moral character of a person making application for a certificate to become a professional nurse. The said State Board of Health, hi addition to other rules, shall also make provision governing the duties of the secretaries pro- vided for in this Act. It shall also be the duty of the State Board of Health to see that the provisions of this Act are strictly enforced, to issue certificates, as herein- after provided, and to cause to be prosecuted all violations of this Act. Said Board of Health shall, within thirty days after the taking effect of this Act, appoint three secretaries for the purpose of assisting the said State Board of Health hi carrying out and in enforcing provisions of this Act. Said secretaries shall be appointed from nurses engaged in active work, who have been graduated for at least a period of one year from reputable training-schools requiring a course of training of not less than one or more years' duration in actual hospital service. And provided further, that after the first appointment the nurses appointed on each succeeding term shall be appointed from nurses registered under this Act. 110 STATE REGISTRATION FOR NURSES SEC. 3. Each of said secretaries shall serve for a term of three years and until his or her successor is appointed and qualified, except in the case of those first ap- pointed, who shall hold office as follows: One shall be appointed to hold office for one year, one for two years, and one for three years. SEC. 4. Said secretaries shall have the power, and it shall be their duty, to assist and advise the State Board of Health in the performance of its duties as prescribed by this Act. To that end they shall organize by the election of one of their number as president, another as secretary, and another as vice-president and treasurer, and shall have their headquarters at the State Capitol, shall have a common seal, and the secretary and the president shall have the power to administer oaths. SEC. 5. Each secretary shall receive compensation of five ($5.00) dollars per day for each day of actual service and ten (10) cents per mile for each mile actually traveled in attending the meetings of said secretaries, which compensation, with the necessary expenses of said secretaries, shall in no case exceed the amount which has been collected as fees from applicants for registration. And the secretary shall annually, on or before the second Monday in October, make a report to the Governor of the work of said Board, together with the amount of fees collected. And the amount paid out for salary and expenses of secretary as provided by law and the balance of such fees shall be paid into the State treasury for the benefit of the Gen- eral Fund. SEC. 6. Said secretaries shall hold public examinations at least twice hi each year at Lincoln, Nebraska, and at such tunes and places as the State Board of Health deem advisable, and notice of the time and place of such examinations shall be given to three daily papers, at least ten days before such examination, and to two nursing journals, and said secretaries may give such other notice as they deem ad- visable. Any person desiring to obtain a certificate of registration under this Act shall make application to said secretaries therefor and shall pay their said treasurer an examination fee of ten ($10.00) dollars, and shall present himself or herself at the next regular meeting of said secretaries for examination of applicants, and upon said secretaries being satisfied that the applicant is (i) of the age of twenty-one years or over, (2) of good moral character, (3) has received an education equivalent to that required for admission into high-schools of this State, and (4) has graduated from a training-school connected with a general hospital, sanitarium, or sanatorium, where two or three years of training with a systematic course of instruction is given in the hospital, or has graduated from a training-school in connection with a hospital, sanitarium, or sanatorium of good standing, supplying a systematic training of two or more years corresponding to the above standards, providing graduates of train- ing-schools in connection with special hospitals, giving a two years' course, who shall obtain six months or more additional training in an approved general hospital, shall be eligible to examination in the following subjects: Theoretical and practical nurs- ing, physiology and anatomy, materia medica, practical and surgical nursing in mental and nervous diseases, and upon such applicant passing said examination to the satisfaction of said secretaries, they shall enter said applicant's name in the register hereinafter provided for, and shall issue to said person a certificate of regis- tration authorizing said person to practice the profession of nursing as a " registered nurse." SEC. 7. All nurses graduating prior to January ist, 1911, possessing the above qualifications, or who have taken a regular course of instruction of six months or more in some regular hospital or nurses' training-school in good standing, and have had at least twelve months of actual practice in nursing in addition thereto, may register without examination prior to September ist, 1910. Nurses that have had two years of actual practice in nursing in this State and are recommended in writing by four reputable physicians and have passed the examination provided for in Section 6-of this Act mayregister by paying the regular fee on or before January ist, 1910, provided this section shall not apply to any applicant who fails to satisfy the Board of Secretaries that the applicant is of good moral character. FULL TEXT OF LAWS III SEC. 8. The State Board of Health is empowered to recognize certificates issued to nurses under the laws of other States having substantially similar require- ments to those existing in this State; provided, that such States recognize certificates issued by the State of Nebraska, then certificates issued by authority of such other States may be deemed sufficient evidence of qualifications of the licentiate without further examination for certificate in this State; the fee for such certificate shall be ten ($10.00) dollars. SEC. 9. This Act shall not be construed to apply to the gratuitous nursing of the sick by friends or members of the family, and also it shall not apply to any person nursing the sick for hire, but who does not hi any way assume to be a regis- tered nurse. SEC. 10. Said secretaries shall keep a register in which shall be entered names of all persons to whom certificates are issued under this Act, and said register shall be at all times open to public inspection. SEC. ii. A person who has received his or her certificate according to the pro- visions of this Act, shall be styled and known as a "Registered Nurse." No other person shall assume such title or use the abbreviation " R. N.," or any other letters or figures to indicate that he or she is a registered nurse. SEC. 12. Said secretaries may revoke any certificate for sufficient cause, but before this is done the holder of said certificate shall have thirty (30) days' notice, and after a full and fair hearing of the charges made, by a majority vote of said secretaries the certificates may be revoked. SEC. 13. Any person violating any of the provisions of this Act, or who shall wilfully make any false representation to the said secretaries in applying for a certificate, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction shall be punished by a fine of not more than one hundred ($100.00) dollars nor less than ten ($10.00) dollars, provided that nothing hi this Act contained shall be construed to apply to members of religious societies gratuitously nursing. SEC. 14. Whereas an emergency exists this Act shall be in effect and full force on and after its passage. NEW HAMPSHIRE AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR STATE REGISTRATION OF NURSES Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Court convened: SECTION i. Any resident of the State of New Hampshire, being over twenty- one years of age and of good moral character, holding a diploma from a training- school for nurses connected with a hospital giving a course of at least two years in the hospital and registered by the Regent of the State Boards of Medical Examiners as maintaining in this and other respects proper standards, all of which shall be determined by the said Regent, and who shall have received from the said Regent a certificate of his or her qualification to practice as a registered nurse, shall be styled and known as a registered nurse, and no other person shall assume such title, or use the abbreviation R. N., or any other words, letters, or figures to in- dicate that the person using the same is such a registered nurse. Nothing contained in this Act shall be considered as conferring any authority to practice medicine or undertake the treatment or cure of disease in violation of the medical practice Acts of the State of New Hampshire. Any person from other States registered by the said Regent as maintaining standards not lower than those provided by this chapter, who shall show to the satisfaction of the said Regent that he or she is properly and duly registered for the practice of professional nursing in such States, upon the payment of the usual fees for certificate provided by this Act, shall be entitled to a license to practice profes- sional nursing in this State without an examination. SEC. 2. Upon the taking effect of this Act, the Graduate Nurses' Association 112 STATE REGISTRATION FOR NURSES of New Hampshire shall nominate for examiners ten of their members who have had not less than five years' experience in their profession, and at each annual meeting of said association thereafter two other candidates. The Regent of the State Boards of Medical Examiners shall appoint a board of five examiners from such list. One member of said Board shall be appointed for one year, one for two years, one for three years, one for four years, and one for five years. Upon the expiration of the term of office of the examiner, the said Regent shall likewise fill the vacancy for a term of five years and until his or her successor is chosen. An unexpired term of an examiner, caused by death, resignation, or otherwise, shall be filled by the Regent in the same manner as an original appointment is made. This Board of Examiners shall also act as inspectors of training-schools. The said Regent, with the advice of the Board of Examiners above provided for, shall make all necessary rules for the examination of nurses applying for certifica- tion under this Act. Each person so applying for certification, or for examination and certification, shall be charged a fee of five ($5.00) dollars, which shall be used to meet the actual expenses of the Regent and Board of Examiners. From the fees provided by this Act, the Regent shall pay all proper expenses incurred by its provisions, and any surplus at the end of any year shall be retained by said Regent as a special fund for meeting expenses which may be incurred in any subsequent year. The members of the Examining Board shall be paid by the Regent the sum of five ($5.00) dollars for each day actually engaged in the service, and all their legitimate and necessary expenses. Said fees and expenses shall be paid from fees received under the provisions of this Act, and no part of the same shall be paid out of the state treasury. The said Regent shall report annually to the Governor the receipts and expenditures under the provisions of this Act, and shall be held accountable therefor. The said Regent may revoke any such certificate granted by him for sufficient cause after notice in writing to the holder thereof and a fair hearing thereon. Such notice shall be given by the Regent to the party complained of at least fourteen (14) days before the day of hearing and shall contain a statement of the grounds upon which the complaint is based. The hearings upon such complaints shall in all cases be conducted in private, except upon the special request of the party complained of. No person shall thereafter practice as a registered nurse under any such revoked certificate. SEC. 3. The Regent of the State Boards of Medical Examiners may, upon the recommendation of said Board of Examiners above provided for, waive the exami- nation of any graduate in good standing holding a diploma from a training-school connected with a hospital giving a training of not less than two years, and of such persons now in training at the time of the passage of this Act in a hospital giving a two years' course and shall hereafter be graduated who shall apply in writing for such certificate within three years after the passage of this Act, and shall also grant a certificate to any nurse of good moral character who has been engaged in the actual practice of nursing for not less than three years next prior to the passage of this Act who shall satisfactorily pass an examination in practical nursing within three years hereafter. SEC. 4. Nothing in this Act shall be construed to affect or apply to the gratui- tous nursing of the sick by friends or members of the family, and also it shall not apply to any person nursing the sick for hire, but who does not in any way assume to be a registered nurse. SEC. 5. Any violation of this Act shall be a misdemeanor, punishable by a fine of not less than fifty ($50.00) dollars. Any person who shall wilfully make any false representation in applying for a license shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction be punished by a fine of not less than one hundred ($100.00) dollars nor more than five hundred ($500.00) dollars. SEC. 6. This Act shall take effect upon its passage. FULL TEXT OF LAWS NEW JERSEY Be it enacted by the Senate and General Assembly of the Slate of New Jersey: SECTION i . Within thirty (30) days after the approval of this Act the-Governor shall, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, appoint five (5) persons to be known as the State Board of Examiners of Nurses. Each member of said Board shall be a resident of this State and a graduate of a training-school for nurses con- nected with an incorporated general or private hospital requiring not less than two (2) years' training in the hospital with a systematic course of instruction in medical, surgical, and obstetrical nursing, and children's diseases, and shall have been engaged in nursing for not less than five (5) years after graduation. One member of said Board first appointed shall hold office for one (i) year, two for two (2) years, and two for three (3) years, or until their successors are appointed, and annually there- after from the date of expiration of the term of office of an examiner, the Governor shall fill the vacancy for a term of three (3) years with nurses possessing the above specified qualifications. Said appointees shall, within thirty (30) days after the receipt of their commissions, take, subscribe, and file in the office of the Secretary of State the oath or affirmation prescribed by law. An unexpired term of an examiner caused by death, resignation, or otherwise, shall be filled by the Governor in the same manner as an original appointment is made. SEC. 2. The board of examiners shall elect a president and secretary-treasurer from its members; it shall have a common seal; it shall make and adopt all necessary rules not inconsistent with the laws of this State or of the United States, whereby to perform the duties and transact the business required under the provisions of this Act. SEC. 3. Said board shall hold meetings for examinations at the capital of this State on the third (3d) Tuesday in June of each year, and at such other times as the board may deem expedient. The first meeting of said board shall take place the first June after the passage of this Act, and at such other tunes as the board may deem expedient. Said board shall keep an official record of all its meetings and an official register of all applications for registration under the provisions of this Act to deter- mine the qualifications of the applicant to practice as a "Registered Nurse," in this State. Said register shall show name, age, nativity, last and permanent place of residence, and photograph of each applicant; the time he or she has spent in obtaining a competent grammar and high-school education as hereinafter provided, and in study in training-schools for nurses connected with hospitals, holding diploma thereof, and names and location of all such schools or examining boards which have granted said applicant any degree or certificate of registration of State examination; said register shall also show whether said applicant was examined, registered, or rejected under this Act, and said register shall be prima facie evidence of all matters therein contained. SEC. 4. The members of said board shall receive five ($5.00) dollars per day and their actual necessary expenses incurred in the discharge of their duties, and the secretary-treasurer shall receive an additional salary to be fixed by the board, not to exceed one hundred ($100.00) dollars per year. Said expenses and said salary shall be paid out of the receipts of said board as hereinafter provided, and if any surplus remain, the same shall be held by the State Treasurer for expenses of the board. SEC. 5. It shall be the duty of the board to meet within sixty (60) days after their appointment and once in every year thereafter, and such other times as the board may deem expedient, for the purposes of holding examinations. Notice of such meetings shall be given to the public press and to at least one journal devoted to the interests of the nursing profession and by mail to every applicant and to every training-school in New Jersey, at least thirty (30) days prior to the meetings. At such meetings it shall be the duty of the board to examine all such applicants for registration under this Act as are required to be examined, and to 114 STATE REGISTRATION FOR NURSES issue to each duly qualified applicant, who shall have complied with the pertinent provisions of this Act, the certificate of registration provided for in this Act. Any person to whom a certificate of registration shall be issued shall, within sixty (60) days thereafter and upon the payment of a fee of fifty (50) cents, cause the same to be recorded with the county clerk of the county in which such person resided at the tune of application. Such person shall be prepared whenever requested to ex- hibit such certificate of registration or a certified copy thereof. Any applicant for registration who is at least twenty-one (21) years of age, of good moral char- acter, having a grammar-school certificate and one year of an approved high-school or their equivalent, who shall show to the satisfaction of the board that he or she is a graduate of a training-school for nurses, which gives a course of not less than two (2) years in a public or private general hospital having capacity and beds for daily treatment of twenty-five (25) patients, where medical, surgical, and ob- stetric cases and children are treated, or its equivalent as determined by the board of examiners, shall be eligible for such examination upon the payment of a fee of five ($5.00) dollars, references from one practicing physician or surgeon and one registered nurse, and photograph of applicant to be deposited upon the riling of the application for examination at least fifteen (15) days prior to the date of examina- tion. The application shall be accompanied by an affidavit. Said examination shall include such subjects as elementary anatomy, physiology, bacteriology, ma- teria medica, dietetics, hygiene, medical, surgical, and obstetrical nursing, children's diseases, and contagion. If such applicant shall pass such examination with a gen- eral average of seventy per centum (70%) and at least sixty per centum (60%) in each subject, the board shall issue a certificate of registration to said applicant. Any person who receives such certificate shall be known as a registered nurse, and shall be entitled to append the letters R. N. to the name of such person. Ap- plicants who fail to pass said examination may be re-examined at any subsequent examination without additional fee. SEC. 6. Any person who is at least twenty-one (21) years of age, of good moral character, and a resident of the State, applying for registration within two (2) years of the passage of this Act, and who shall by affidavit or otherwise show to the satisfaction of the board that he or she is a graduate of a training-school for nurses which gives a course of not less than two (2) years in a public or private general hospital where medical, surgical, and obstetrical cases and children's diseases are treated, or that he or she was at the time of the passage of this Act a student hi such training-school for nurses, and afterward was graduated therefrom, shall be eligible for registration without examination upon the payment of a fee of five ($5.00) dollars, the application to be accompanied by references and photograph of applicant. SEC. 7. The board of examiners, upon written application, together with such references and proof of identification as the board may by rule prescribe, may issue a certificate without examination to any person who shall have been registered as a registered nurse under the law of any other State, the requirements of which for securing such registration were at the time of issuance thereof equivalent to the requirements prescribed by this Act, and which gives the same privilege to registered nurses of this State. SEC. 8. All fees collected by said board of examiners shall be paid to the sec- retary-treasurer, and said secretary-treasurer shall pay from the moneys so received, upon the approval of the president, the salary of said secretary-treasurer and neces- sary expenses of the members as provided in Section 4 of this Act, also for books, certificates, stationary, and other necessary expenses of the board, provided that said board shall not create nor incur expenses exceeding the sum received as fees under the provisions of this Act. The secretary-treasurer shall, before taking office, give to the State a bond with surety, conditioned for the faithful performance of the duties of said office in the penal sum of not less than one hundred ($100.00) dollars, and shall keep an account of all moneys received and expended as aforesaid, and FULL TEXT OF LAWS 115 shall render a detailed statement thereof to the comptroller or or before June first (ist) in each year. The secretary- treasurer shall also submit to the Governor on or before June first (ist) in each year a general statement of the work of the board, including therein a statement of the number of applicants received, approved, and rejected during the year. SEC. 9. This Act shall not apply to persons nursing gratuitously or for hire, provided they do not assume to be registered nurses or to use the abbreviation R. N. SEC. 10. The board of examiners may by unanimous vote revoke a certificate for the following reasons: dishonesty, gross incompetency, a habit rendering a nurse unsafe to be entrusted with or unfit for the care of the sick, conduct derogatory to the morals or standing of the profession of nursing, or any wilful fraud or mis- representation practised in procuring such' certificate. In complaints for violating the provisions of this Act the accused shall be furnished with a copy of the complaint thirty (30) days prior to a hearing before the board in person or by an attorney; and any person, after such revocation of certificate, who shall attempt to practice as a registered nurse or use the abbreviation R. N. shall be subject to the penalties hereinafter provided. SEC. ii. Any person violating the provisions of this Act shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction shall be punished by a fine of not less than fifty ($50.00) dollars nor more than two hundred ($200.00) dollars for each offense, and it shall be the duty of the respective prosecutors of the pleas of the counties of this State to prosecute violations of the provisions of this Act. SEC. 12. All Acts or parts of Acts, general or special, now existing, not in accordance with the provisions of this Act or inconsistent therewith, are hereby repealed. SEC. 13. This Act shall take effect immediately. NEW YORK Public Health Law, ch. 45 of the consolidated laws, New York ARTICLE 12 REGISTRATION OF NURSES SEC. 250. Who may practice as registered nurses. Any resident of the State of New York, being over the age of 21 years and of good moral character, holding a diploma from a training-school for nurses connected with a hospital or sanitarium giving a course of at least two years, and registered by the Regents of the University of the State of New York as maintaining in this and other respects proper standards, all of which shall be determined by the said Regents, and who shall have received from the said Regents a certificate of his or her qualifications to practice as a registered nurse, shall be styled and known as a registered nurse, and no other person shall assume such title, or use the abbreviation R. N. or any other words, letters, or figures to indicate that the person using the same is such a registered nurse. Before beginning to practice nursing every such registered nurse shall cause such certificate to be recorded in the county clerk's office of the county of his or her residence, with an affidavit of his or her identity as the person to whom the same was so issued and of his or her place of residence within such county. In every 36th month from the month of January, 1906, every registered nurse shall again cause his or her certificate to be recorded in the said county clerk's office, with an affidavit of his or her identity as the person to whom the same was issued and of his or her place of residence at the time of such registration. Nothing contained in this article shall be considered as conferring any authority to practice medicine or to undertake the treatment or cure of disease in violation of Article 8 of this chapter. Il6 STATE REGISTRATION FOR NURSES SEC. 251. Board of examiners; examination; fees. The board of examiners of nurses appointed pursuant to laws of 1903, chapter 293, is continued. The New York State Nurses' Association at each annual meeting shall nominate for examiners two of their members who have had not less than five years' experience in their profession. Upon the expiration of the term of office of any examiner now in office the Regents of the University of the State of New York shall from the candidates so nominated fill the vacancy for a term of five years and until his or her successor is chosen. An unexpired term of an examiner, caused by death, resignation, or other- wise, shall be filled by the Regents in the same manner as an original appointment is made. The said Regents, with the advice of the board of examiners above provided for, shall make rules for the examination of nurses applying for certifica- tion under this article, and shall charge for examination and for certification a fee of $5.00 to meet the actual expenses, and shall report annually their receipts and expenditures under the provisions of this article to the State Comp- troller, and pay the balance of receipts over expenditures to the State Treasurer. The said Regents may revoke any such certificate for sufficient cause after written notice to the holder thereof and hearing thereon. No person shall thereafter prac- tice as a registered nurse under any such revoked certificate. SEC. 252. Waiver of examinations. The Regents of the University of the State of New York may, upon the recommendation of said board of examiners, waive the examination of any persons possessing the qualifications mentioned in Section 250, who shall have been graduated before, or who were in training on the 24th day of April, 1903, and shall thereafter be graduated. SEC. 253. Violations of this Article. Any violation of this article shall be a misdemeanor. When any prosecution under this article is made on the complaint of the New York State Nurses' Association, the certificate of incorporation of which was filed and recorded in the office of the Secretary of State on the second day of April, 1902, the fines collected shall be paid to said association, and any excess in the amount of fines so paid over the expenses incurred by said association in enforc- ing the provisions of this article shall be paid at the end of each year to the Treasurer of the State of New York. NORTH CAROLINA The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: SECTION i. That any nurse who may present to the clerk of the Superior Court of any county in the State on or before December 31, 1903, a diploma from a repu- table training-school for nurses, conducted in connection with a general hospital, public or private, in which medical, surgical, and obstetrical cases are treated, or in connection with one of the three State Hospitals for the insane, or who shall exhibit a certificate of attendance upon such training-school for a period of not less than two years, or who shall present a certificate, signed by three registered physicians, stat- ing that he or she has pursued as a business the vocation of a trained nurse for not less than two years, and is, in their judgment, competent to practice the same, shall be entitled to registration without examination, and shall be registered by the clerk of the court in the manner hereinafter provided. SEC. 2. That on and after January i, 1904, registration as a trained nurse shall be made by the clerk of the court solely upon the presentation to him a license from the State Board of Examiners of Nurses as created and provided by this Act. SEC. 3. That there shall be established a Board of Examiners of Nurses com- posed of five members, two physicians and three registered nurses, to be elected by the Medical Society of the State of North Carolina and the North Carolina State Nurses' Association, respectively, to be known by the title of "The Board of Ex- aminers of Trained Nurses of North Carolina." Their terms of office shall be three years. Three members, one of whom shall be a physician, shall constitute a quorum, and a majority of those present shall have a deciding vote. They shall each receive FULL TEXT OF LAWS 117 as compensation for his or her services when engaged in the work of the Board four dollars a day and actual traveling and hotel expenses, the same to be paid out of money received for license issued, and in no case to be charged upon the treasury of the State. SEC. 4. That the said Board of Examiners is authorized to elect such officers and frame such by-laws as may be necessary, and upon the occurrence of a vacancy is empowered to fill such vacancy for the unexpired term. SEC. 5. That after January i, 1904, it shall be the duty of said Board of Ex- aminers to meet not less frequently than once in every year, notice of which meeting shall be given in the public press. At such meetings, it shall be their duty to examine all applicants for license as registered nurse, of good moral character, who can prove to the Board that he or she is more than twenty-one years of age, has received the equivalent of a high-school education, and has graduated from a training-school connected with a general hospital or sanitarium, where three years of training, with a systematic course of instruction, is given in the hospital. Examinations will be held in the elements of anatomy, physiology, materia medica, in medical, surgical, obstetrical, and practical nursing, invalid cookery, and household hygiene, and, if on such examination they be found competent, to grant each applicant a license, authorizing him or her to register as hereinafter provided, and to use the title "Registered Nurse," signified by the letters "R. N." The said Board of Examiners may, in its discretion, issue license without ex- amination to such applicants as shall furnish evidence of competency entirely satisfactory to them. Each applicant, before receiving license, shall pay a fee of five dollars, which shall be used for defraying the expenses of the Board. SEC. 6. That the Clerk of the Superior Court of any county, upon presenta- tion to him of a license from the said Board of Examiners, shall register the date of registration with the same and residence of the holder thereof in a book to be kept in his own office for this purpose and marked "Register of Trained Nurses," and shall issue to the applicant a certificate of such registration under the seal of the Superior Court of the county, upon the form furnished him as hereinafter provided, for which registration he shall be paid fifty cents by the applicant. SEC. 7. That it shall be the duty of the North Carolina State Nurses' Associa- tion to prescribe a proper form of the certificate required by this Act, and to fur- nish the same in sufficient quantity, suitably bound in a book and labeled " Register of Trained Nurses," to the clerk of the court of each county in the State. SEC. 8. The said Board of Examiners shall have power after twenty days' notice of the charges preferred and the time and place of meeting, and after a full and fair hearing on the same, by a majority vote of the whole Board, to revoke any license issued by them for gross incompetency, dishonesty, habitual intemper- ance, or any other act hi the judgment of the Board derogatory to the morals or standing of the profession of nursing. Upon the revocation of a license or certifi- cate the name of the holder thereof shall be stricken from the roll of registered nurses in the hands of the Secretary of the Board, and upon notification of such action by said Secretary by the Clerk of the Court from his register. SEC. 9. That any person procuring license under this Act by false representa- tion, or who shall refuse to surrender a license which has been revoked in the manner prescribed in Section 8, or who shall use the title "Registered Nurse" or "R. N." without first having obtained license to do so, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction shall be fined not more than fifty dollars or imprisoned not exceeding thirty days. SEC. 10. That nothing in this Act shall hi any manner whatever curtail or abridge the right and privilege of any person to pursue the vocation of a nurse, whether trained or untrained, registered or not registered. SEC. ii. That this Act shall be in force from and after its ratification. Il8 STATE REGISTRATION FOR NURSES OKLAHOMA Be it enacted by the People of the State of Oklahoma: SECTION i. That upon the taking effect of this Act, the Oklahoma State Association of Graduate Nurses shall nominate for examiners twelve (12) of its members who have had not less than five years' experience in their profession and who shall be residents of the State of Oklahoma. These nominations shall be sub- mitted to the Governor of the State, who shall from said number appoint within sixty days a Board of Examiners to be composed of five (5) members; one of these shaU be designated to hold office for one year, two for two years, and two for three years, and hereafter, upon the expiration of the term of office of the person or persons so appointed, the Governor shall appoint a successor to each person or persons to hold office for three years from a list of nominations submitted to him by the Oklahoma State Association of Graduate Nurses annually. All vacancies occurring on the Board shall be filled by the Governor in the same manner from a list of five to be furnished upon his request for additional names. SEC. 2. That the members of the State Board of Examiners shall, as soon as organized, and annually thereafter, in the month of June, elect from their members a President and a Secretary, who shall be the Treasurer. Three members of this Board shall constitute a quorum, and special meetings of the Board shall be called by the Secretary upon written request of any two members. The said Board of Examiners is authorized to frame such by-laws as may be necessary to govern pro- ceedings. The Secretary shall be required to keep a record of all meetings of the Board, including a register of the names of all nurses duly registered under this Act, and may incur necessary expense in this behalf. The Secretary shall receive a salary, to be fixed by the Board, not to exceed one hundred ($100.00) dollars per annum, also traveling and other expenses necessarily incurred in the discharge of her official duties. The other members of the Board shall receive four ($4.00) dollars for each day actually engaged in this service, and all legitimate and necessary expenses. Said expenses and salaries shall be paid from fees received by the Board under the provisions of this Act, and no part of salaries or other expenses of the Board shall be paid out of the State Treasury. All money received in excess of the said allow- ance and other expenses provided for shall be held by the Treasurer for meeting the expenses of the said Board and the annual report of the Board. SEC. 3. That after January i, 1912, it shall be the duty of the said Board of Examiners to meet at some convenient point within the State not less frequently than once a year, notice of which meeting shall be given to the public press and in one nursing journal one month previous to the meeting. At this meeting it shall be their duty to examine all applicants for registration under this Act, surgical, medical, obstetrical nursing (genito-urinary for male nurses instead of obstetrics), anatomy, physiology, materia medica, hygiene, and dietetics, to determine their fitness and ability to give efficient care to the sick. Upon filing application for examination and registration each applicant shall deposit a fee of five ($5.00) dollars. SEC. 4. The applicant shall furnish satisfactory evidence that he or she is twenty-one years of age, is of good moral character, has received not less than one year of high-school training, or its equivalent, has graduated from a training-school connected with a general hospital where two years of continuous residence training with a systematic course of instruction is given, and shall have passed a successful examination before this Board. SEC. 5. That training-schools shall be required to give such systematic training as will meet the requirements of the State Board of Examiners. SEC. 6. Any registered nurse from any other State, where the laws with refer- ence to professional nursing are up to the standard of the laws of the State of Oklahoma, who shall show to the satisfaction of the Board that he or she is a trained graduate nurse of a hospital or sanitarium, the standard of instruction and training FULL TEXT OF LAWS Up of which shall meet the requirements of the rules prescribed by the State Board, and who shall be otherwise properly qualified, may receive a certificate and be registered as a nurse of this State, without examination, upon the payment of a registration fee of ten ($10.00) dollars. SEC. 7. It shall be unlawful hereafter for any person to practice nursing as a trained, graduate, or registered nurse without a certificate from the State Board of Nurse Examiners. A nurse who has received his or her certificate according to the provisions of this Act shall be styled and known as a registered nurse. No other person shall assume such title, nor use the abbreviation "R. N." or any other letters or characters, to indicate that he or she is a trained, graduate, or registered nurse. SEC. 8. That this Act shall not be construed to affect or apply to the gratuitous nursing of the sick by friends or members of the family; and also it shall not apply to any person nursing the sick for hire, but who does not in any way assume to be a graduate or registered nurse. SEC. 9. Any person violating any of the provisions of this Act, or who shall wilfully make any false representations to the Board of Examiners in applying for certificate shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. SEC. 10. That the State Board of Examiners of Graduate Nurses may revoke any certificate for sufficient cause; but before this is done the holder of said certif- icate shall have thirty days' notice, and after a full and fair hearing of the charge by a majority vote of the whole Board can the certificate be revoked. OREGON Be it enacted by the People of the State of Oregon: Be it enacted by the Legislative Assembly of the State of Oregon: SECTION i. The Governor of the State of Oregon shall appoint, within sixty (60) days after the passage of this Act a State Board of Examination and Registra- tion of Graduate Nurses, composed of three (3) nurses, whose duty it shall be to enforce the provisions of this Act. This Board shall be composed of three (3) members who shall be selected from a list of five (5) names suggested by the Oregon State Association of Graduate Nurses. At the time of appointment, the members of said Board must be actual residents of the State and engaged in nursing work or work pertaining to nursing. They shall have been graduated for a period of at least fi ye (s) years from a reputable training-school for nurses, and, with the exception of those appointed as the first members of the Board, shall have been registered under the provisions of this Act. The members of this Board shall be appointed to hold office as follows: One for one year, one for two years, one for three years, each member holding office from time of appointment until a successor is chosen by the Governor. All appointments shall be made so that the term of office shall ex- pire on the first day of April, one, two, or three years from 191 1 as the term of appointment shall be, and, upon the expiration of the term of office, the Governor shall likewise fill the vacancy for a term of three (3) years from the date of expira- tion of term of office from the list of five (5) names submitted to him each year by the Oregon State Association of Graduate Nurses. An unexpired term of an ex- aminer, caused by death, resignation, or otherwise, shall be filled in the same manner as an original appointment is made. SEC. 2. The members of the Board shall meet in the City of Portland as soon as organized, and shall elect from their number a president, who shall act as Inspec- tor of Training Schools for Nurses, and secretary, who shall also act as treasurer. Two (2) members shall constitute a quorum, and special meetings of the Board shall be called by the secretary upon the written request of any two members. The Board shall adopt a seal, which shall be placed in the care of the secretary. The secretary shall be required to keep a recoM of all meetings of the Board, including a register of the names of all the nurses and training-schools for nurses registered under this Act. Said register shall, at all reasonable times, be open to public scrutiny, 120 STATE REGISTRATION FOR NURSES and the Board shall cause the prosecution of all persons violating any of the pro- visions of this Act, and may incur necessary expense on this behalf. The inspector shall inspect all training-schools for nurses existing in the State of Oregon, and shall register such schools as fulfil the requirements of this Act. The Board shall pro- vide a schedule of the subjects upon which applicants shall be examined to qualify for the requirements of this Act. The salary of the secretary shall be fixed by the Board, and shall not be less than one hundred ($100.00) dollars nor more than five hundred ($500.00) dollars per annum. The other members of the Board shall receive four ($4.00) dollars per day for each day actually engaged in attendance upon meet- ings of the Board, and in going to and coming from their place of meeting, and inspection of training-school for nurses, and all legitimate and necessary expenses incurred in attending such meetings. All the expenses of the Board, including such salary and compensation, shall be paid from the fees received by the Board. A report of all receipts and expenditures shall be made to the Governor by December iSth of each year, but all moneys and receipts shall be kept in a special fund by and for the use of said Board exclusively. SEC. 3. It shall be the duty of the Board to meet for the purpose of holding examinations not less frequently than once every year, and at such times and places as they may determine. The Board shall, from time to time, adopt rule's for the examination of applicants for registration in accordance with the provisions of this Act. Said examination shall include the subjects of elementary anatomy, physiol- ogy, medicine, obstetrics, gynecology, surgery, and of nursing, dietetics, and home sanitation. Notice of the meetings of the Board shall be given to the public press and to at least one journal devoted to the interest of professional nursing, and by mail to every applicant and to every reputable training-school in Oregon at least thirty (30) days prior to the meeting. At such meetings it shall be the duty of the Board to examine all such applicants for registration under this Act, as are required to be examined, and to issue to each duly qualified applicant, who shall have com- plied with the pertinent provisions of this Act, the certificate provided for hi this Act. Any person to whom a certificate of registration shall be issued shall, within thirty (30) days thereafter, cause the same to be recorded with the county clerk of the county in which such person resided at the time of application. Such persons shall be prepared whenever requested to exhibit such certificate of registration, or a certified copy thereof, to the county clerk within thirty (30) days of the time of establishing new residence. All applicants for registration shall furnish satisfactory evidence that he or she is twenty-one (21) years of age, of good moral character, and has been graduated from a training-school for nurses, connected with a gen- eral hospital approved by the Board, where a systematic course of at least two (2) years' instruction is given. SEC. 4. On compliance with the pertinent provisions of this Act, nurses other- wise qualified shall be entitled, upon the payment of ten ($10.00) dollars, to regis- tration as follows: 1. Without examination, provided they make application prior to July i, 1913. (a) Nurses who have been graduated before said date and after January i, 1890, from a reputable training-school connected with a general hospital, who at the time of the graduation shall have received a course of at least two (2) years in such train- ing-school; (b) Nurses now hi training in a reputable training-school connected with a general hospital, which now gives a course of at least two (2) years' training and who shall graduate therefrom. 2. Nurses who shall make application on or before July i, 1913, and who, at the time of application, shall have graduated from a reputable training-school connected with a general hospital requiring a systematic course of at least two (2) or more years' training. 3. Nurses who shall make application on or before January i, 1914, and who, at the time of application, shall have been graduated from a reputable training-school FULL TEXT OF LAWS 121 connected with a special hospital requiring a systematic course of at least two (2) years' training, and who at the time of application shall have obtained, in a repu- table general hospital, one year's additional training in subjects not adequately taught in the training-school from which they were graduated, and shall pass an examination to determine their fitness and ability to give efficient care to the sick. 4. On and after July i, 1913, all applicants for certificates of registration under the provisions of this Act shall pass the examination as required by the Board be- fore receiving the certificate of registration, providing the applicants fulfil all other requirements specified herein. SEC. 5. It shall be unlawful hereafter for any person to practice, or attempt to practice, in this State, as a registered nurse, without a certificate from the Board. Any person who has received such a certificate shall be styled and known as a registered nurse, and shall be entitled to append the letters "R. N." to the name of such person. No other person shall assume to use such title, or the abbreviation "R. N.," or any other words, letters, or figures to indicate that such person is a registered nurse. SEC. 6. This Act shall not be construed to affect or apply to the gratuitous nursing of the sick by friends or members of the family, nor to any person nursing the sick for hire, who does not in any way assume or pretend to be a registered nurse, and this Act shall not be construed to interfere in any way with members of religious communities or orders which have charge of hospitals, or take care of the sick hi their own homes, provided such members do not in any way assume to be registered nurses. SEC. 7. The Board, upon written application, and upon the receipt of ten ($10.00) dollars as registration fee, may issue a certificate without examination to those who shall have been registered as registered nurses, under the law of another State having the requirements equivalent to those of Oregon; provided, that the Board shall be sole judge of credentials of any nurse admitted to registration with- out examination. SEC. 8. Any person violating any of the provisions of this Act shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall, upon conviction, be fined for the offense not less than ten ($10.00) dollars, nor more than one hundred ($100.00) dollars for the first offense, and not less than one hundred ($100.00) dollars nor more than five hundred ($500.00) dollars for each subsequent offense. Any person who shall wilfully make any false representation to the Board in applying for a license shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction, shall be fined in a sum not less than one hundred ($100.00) dollars nor more than two hundred ($200.00) dollars. All certificates issued by the Board shall be signed by all the members thereof, and shall be attested by the president and secretary. SEC. 9. The Board may revoke any certificate by unanimous vote for dishon- esty, gross incompetence, a habit rendering a nurse unsafe to be entrusted with or unfit for the care of the sick, conduct derogatory to the morals or standing of the profession of nursing, any wilful fraud or misrepresentation practised in procuring such certificates, provided the holder of such certificate shall have been given at least thirty (30) days' notice in writing of the specific charge against such holder, and of the time and place of hearing the charge by the Board, at which time and place the holder shall be entitled to be heard and to be represented by counsel. Upon the revocation of any certificate the same shall be null and void. The holder thereof shall cease to be entitled to any of the privileges conferred by such certifi- cate, and it shall be the duty of the secretary of the Board to strike the name of the holder thereof from the roll of registered nurses, to secure and cancel the cer- tificate, and to give notice of such revocation to the county clerk in whose office such certificate is recorded, and thereupon such county clerk shall note the fact of such revocation upon the record of such certificate. 122 STATE REGISTRATION FOR NURSES PENNSYLVANIA AN ACT To provide for Stale registration of nurses, to establish a State Board of Examiners in connection therewith, and to provide penalties for the violation of certain provisions regarding such registration in the State of Pennsylvania. Whereas, The safety of the public is endangered by insufficiently trained and incompetent nurses, in the absence of a law for the registration of those possessing the proper qualifications; now, therefore, SECTION i. Be it enacted, etc., That within sixty days after the passage of this act, the Governor shall appoint a State Board of Examiners for Registration of Nurses, composed of five members: three of said members shall be physicians, two of whom shall be connected in an official capacity with public hospitals where nurses' training-schools are maintained, and all of whom shall have practised their profession in the State of Pennsylvania for at least five years immediately preceding the time of their appointment; and the remaining two members shall be nurses, graduated from training-schools connected with hospitals where practical and theoretic instruction is given in general surgical and medical nursing, and who shall have been engaged in nursing for at least five years since graduation. SEC. 2. The Governor shall appoint the original members of said board, one for one year, one for two years, one for three years, one for four years, and one for five years; and upon the expiration of the term of office of any member, the Gover- nor shall likewise appoint persons, with the above specified qualifications, to fill the vacancy for a term of five years and until a successor is chosen. The unexpired term of any member, caused by death, resignation, or otherwise, shall be filled by the Governor in the same manner as an original appointment. The Governor may remove any member for neglect of duty, incompetence, or dishonorable or unpro- fessional conduct. SEC. 3. The said board as soon as appointed, and annually thereafter, on a date to be fixed by the by-laws, shall meet for organization, and shall also hold other meetings by call of the secretary, upon written request of two members, or under such circumstances as may be prescribed by the by-laws. Three members shall always constitute a quorum. At such organization meeting the board shall elect from its members a president and a secretary; the secretary shall act as treasurer. The said officers shall be elected for a term of one year and until their successors are duly chosen, and all vacancies arising in said offices shall be filled by the board, in like manner, for the unexpired term. The board shall adopt a seal, and shall establish by-laws and regulations for its own government and for the execution of the provisions of this act. The secretary shall keep a record of all proceedings of the board, and also a register of all nurses registered under this act. which register shall at all reasonable times be open for public inspection. SEC. 4. The secretary, immediately upon the registration of every nurse, shall file in the office of the Secretary of the Commonwealth, under the seal of the said Board of Examiners, an exact counterpart of the certificate issued to the holder thereof, and said counterparts shall be filed and indexed in the office of the Secretary of the Commonwealth, and kept by him for public inspection and information. If the secretary of the board neglect to file said counterpart, as aforesaid, for more than twenty days from the date of issue of the corresponding certificate, unless pre- vented therefrom by sickness or other unavoidable inability, the said secretary shall be held guilty of a breach of duty, and shall forfeit his or her membership and his or her offices in the said Board of Examiners. SEC. 5. The secretary of the board shall receive a salary not to exceed one FULL TEXT OF LAWS 123 hundred dollars ($100.00) a year. All members of the board shall receive five dollars ($5.00) a day for each day actually engaged in the transaction of official business, together with all actual expenses incurred, as aforesaid. All expenditures of the said board shall be paid from the fees received thereby under the provisions of this act, and said expenditures shall hi no case be paid from the State Treasury. The treasurer of the Board shall give bond, in such sum as may be fixed by the by-laws, which bond shall be subject to the approval of the State Treasurer. The said treasurer shall pay the necessary and current expenses of the board, and may retain in the treasury a sum not exceeding one thousand dollars ($1000.00) to defray the ordinary expenditures; but all moneys exceeding the said sum of one thousand dollars ($1000.00) shall be paid by the treasurer of the board to the State Treasury. The said board shall have no power to fix prices, or in any way control the compen- sation received by the registered nurse. SEC. 6. As soon as appointed, in the year 1909, and subsequently at least once every year, at a time and place to be prescribed by said by-laws, the said board shall meet for the purpose of examining applicants for registration under the provisions of this act. Notice of such meetings shall be given in the public press and in one or more nursing journals, at least one month prior to each meeting, hi a manner to be prescribed by said by-laws. At said meetings the board shall examine all ap- plicants for registration, to determine their qualifications for the efficient nursing of the sick; said examination to be conducted in accordance with provisions of this act and with the by-laws and regulations of the board. Any applicant who shall pass said examination to the satisfaction of the board shall receive therefrom a cer- tificate of registration, signed by the president and secretary of the board, or by at least three members thereof. SEC. 7. No application for registration shall be considered unless accompanied by a fee of five dollars ($5.00). Every applicant to be eligible for examination must furnish evidence, satisfactory to the board, that he or she is twenty-one years of age or over, is of good moral character, and has graduated from a training-school for nurses which gives at least a two years' course of instruction, or has received in- struction in different training-schools or hospitals for periods of tune amounting to at least a two years' course, as aforesaid, and then graduated, and that such appli- cant, during said period of at least two years, has received practical and theoretic training in surgical and medical nursing. SEC. 8. Any person, with the above qualifications regarding age and character, applying for registration before June i, 1912, who shall show to the satisfaction of the Board that he or she has graduated from a reputable hospital or sanitarium or training-school, where a systematic course of practical instruction in nursing has been given, or that he or she was, at the passage of this Act, a student in such an institution, and afterward graduated therefrom, shall be entitled to registration without examination upon payment of the fee of five dollars ($5.00). SEC. 9. Every nurse who shall receive a certificate of registration, under the pro- visions of this act, shall be entitled to be styled and known as a "Registered Nurse," and it shall be unlawful for any other person to use said title, or any equivalent thereof. But this act shall not be construed so as to affect hi any way the right of any person to nurse gratuitously or for hire, the purpose of this legislation being to secure the registration to those nurses only who are properly qualified therefor. Nor shall anything herein contained be considered as conferring any authority to practice medicine, or to undertake the treatment and cure of disease in violation of the laws of the Commonwealth. SEC. 10. After one year from the passage of this act, it shall be unlawful for any person, without said certificate of registration, to profess to be a registered nurse, or assume said title, or to use the abbreviation R. N., or any other letters or figures indicative of his or her being a registered nurse. Every person who shall violate any of the provisions of this section, or who shall wilfully make false repre- sentations to the said Board in applying for registration as aforesaid, shall be guilty 124 STATE REGISTRATION FOR NURSES of a misdemeanor, and, upon conviction thereof, shall be sentenced to pay a fine of not less than fifty dollars ($50.00) nor more than two hundred dollars ($200.00) for each offense, and shall be disqualified for applying for registration for the period of five years from the commission of the offense. The said board may institute and assist in any prosecutions under the provisions of this Act, and may use the funds in the treasury of the board in connection with such proceedings. SEC. n. The said board may revoke any certificate of registration for suffi- cient cause, in accordance with the by-laws and regulations of the board, and the secretary shall cause the name of the holder of such certificate to be stricken from the roll of registered nurses in his or her own possession and in that of the Secretary of the Commonwealth. But such revocation shall only be by unanimous vote of the members of the board, after a full and fair hearing before the board, upon the question of revocation, and after thirty days' notice of the time and place of said hearing, and a copy of the charges preferred have been given to the holder of the certificate. STATE OF RHODE ISLAND AND PROVIDENCE PLANTATIONS AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR STATE REGISTRATION OF NTJRSES // is enacted by the General Assembly as follows: SECTION i. There shall be a board of examiners of trained nurses, consisting of five members, three of whom shall be graduate nurses and two physicians. One of the physicians shall be connected with some approved hospital in this State maintaining a training-school for nurses. At the January session of the General Assembly, A. D. 1912, the governor, with the advice and consent of the senate, shall appoint said five members of said board to hold office, as designated by him, until the first day of February in the first, second, third, fourth, and fifth years after their respective appointments. At the January session of the General Assembly, A. D. 1913, and at each January session thereafter, the governor shall so appoint one member of said board to hold office until the first day of February in the fifth year after the appointment. Any vacancy which may occur or exist in said board while the senate is in session shall be so filled by the governor for the remainder of the term, and any vacancy which may occur in said board while the senate is not in session shall be filled by the governor until the next session thereof, when he shall so appoint some person to fill such vacancy for the remainder of the term. SEC. 2. The members of said board shall, within thirty days after their appoint- ment in 1912 and annually in the month of February thereafter, elect from their number a president and a secretary, who shall also be the treasurer of the board. The president shall certify all bills audited by the board. The secretary shall keep a record of all proceedings of the board, a register, in form to be prescribed by the board, of all nurses registered under this act, which shall be opened at all reasonable times to public inspection; issue certificates of registration to all nurses duly registered and have the custody of the seal of the board. The secretary shall receive a salary to be fixed by the board, which shall not exceed one hundred dollars per annum. The treasurer shall receive all moneys payable to the Board and shall pay over the same to the general treasurer at least once in three months. SEC. 3. Said board may adopt by-laws not inconsistent with this act to govern its proceedings, and rules and regulations for the examination of applicants for registration, and shall cause the same to be printed for distribution to similar boards, state association of nurses, and to such applicants. It shall meet at least twice in each year to examine such applicants, and shall give notice of such meetings by publication in at least two newspapers and in at least one journal devoted to in- terest of professional nursing. Special meetings shall be called at any time by the FULL TEXT OF LAWS 125 secretary upon the request of two members of the board. Three members thereof shall constitute a quorum at all meetings. Said board shall cause the prosecution of all persons violating any of the provisions of this act, and may incur necessary expenses in so doing. It may adopt a design for a pin or badge, having thereon the letters R. N., to be worn by registered nurses, and it shall be unlawful for any other person to wear such pin or badge or a colorable imitation thereof. Said Board shall have an office in the state house; shall adopt a seal, of which its secre- tary shall be the custodian, and which shall be impressed upon all certificates issued to registered nurses, and shall adopt a form of certificate of registration to be issued to nurses. It shall determine what hospitals and what training-schools for nurses furnish a course of instruction sufficient to qualify their pupils for registra- tion under this act without examination, and shall approve such as in its opinion furnish such instruction. The members of said board, excepting the secretary, shall each receive the sum of two dollars for every day employed in the work of the board, and all members shall be paid their necessary traveling and other expenses while so employed. The state auditor shall draw his orders upon the gen- eral treasurer for the payment of all bills authorized to be incurred by said Board out of any moneys in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, upon the receipt of proper vouchers therefor duly certified by its president. SEC. 4. Persons desiring to become registered nurses shall make application in writing to said board for examination and registration, stating their qualifications and the training-school which they attended and the length of their course of tram- ing. Said board shall examine all of such applicants as are required by this act to pass an examination, in the elements of anatomy and physiology, materia medica, in medical, surgical, obstetrical, and practical nursing, invalid cookery, and house- hold hygiene, and shall require of those not obliged to pass such examinations evi- dence satisfactory to it of their possession of the qualifications specified herein. If the result of such examination, or evidence produced, is satisfactory to a majority of said board, the applicant, upon order of said board and payment of a fee of five dollars, shall be registered as herein provided, and shall receive a certificate of such registration signed by the president and secretary, and shall be entitled to practice professional nursing in this state. SEC. 5. Applicants for examination and registration must be residents of this state, or practising their profession in this state, or graduates of approved training- schools in this state or registered in another state which has substantially like requirements for registration as this state, of good moral character, at least twenty- one years of age, and must have received such preliminary education as may be determined by said board. Of such applicants, the following shall be entitled to registration without examination upon application made before January first, 1913: 1. All graduates of approved training-schools connected with any general, private, or special hospital in which at least two years of training is required. 2. All graduates of approved training-schools connected with any general, pri- vate, or special hospital in which previous to 1904 at least fifteen months of training was required. After January first an examination shall be required of every person desiring to practice as a registered nurse, and applicants for examination and registration shall be either: 1. Graduates of approved training-schools, connected with general hospitals in which at least three years of training in systematic courses of instruction is required, or, 2. Graduates of approved training-schools, connected with private or special hospitals in which at least two years of such training and instruction is required and who have received one year of additional training in one or more other hospitals, or an equivalent of nine months of training in an approved general hospital and three months in an approved special hospital. 126 STATE REGISTRATION FOR NURSES SEC. 6. "Approved," as used in this act, shall mean approved by said board. SEC. 7. Any person who is the holder of a certificate in accordance with the provisions of this act shall be known as a registered nurse, and it shall be unlawful after January i, 1913, for any person not holding such a certificate to practice professional nursing of the sick for compensation as a registered nurse, or to adver- tise as, or assume the title of, registered nurse, or to use the letters as R. N., or any words or letters to indicate or cause the public to believe that the person using the same is a registered nurse. SEC. 8. Said board may revoke the certificate and annul the registration of any nurse for gross incompetency, dishonesty, habitual intemperance, or any habit or act derogatory to the morals or standing of the profession of nursing. Before taking such action it shall give at least thirty days' notice to the holder of such certificate of the charges against such nurse and of the time and place at which it will consider and act upon the same, at which said nurse shall be entitled to be present and to be heard. Upon the revocation of any certificate the holder thereof shall surrender the same to the board, and the secretary shall strike the name of the holder from the register of nurses. SEC. 9. This act shall not be construed to affect or apply to or to prevent the gratuitous nursing of the sick by friends or members of the family, or to any per- sons nursing the sick for hire, who does not in any way advertise, assume, or claim to be a registered nurse, or to registered or graduated nurses, residents of other states, who visit this state as companions or nurses for residents of other states temporarily sojourning here, or who are called to attend cases in this state by resi- dent registered physicians. SEC. 10. Any person who shall wilfully make any false representation to said board in applying for registration, or during examination by said board, shall upon conviction thereof be fined not less than one hundred dollars or more than five hundred dollars. SEC. 1 1 . Any person violating any of the provisions of this act shall upon con- viction thereof be fined not less than fifty dollars nor more than two hundred dollars. SEC. 12. All acts and parts of acts inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed, and this act shall take effect upon its passage. SOUTH CAROLINA SECTION i. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of South Carolina: That the State Board of Medical Examiners of this State at their regular annual meetings hereafter, and at such special meetings as the said Board may deem proper and necessary for such purpose, shall, in addition to their present duties, examine all applicants for registration under the provisions of this Act, for the purpose of determining their qualifications and fitness to give efficient care to the sick, and shall award a certificate, duly attested by the secretary of said Board and signed by the chairman thereof, to all applicants who pass in a satisfactory manner the examina- tion required by the said Board and who are registered as herein required. That each applicant for examination under this Act shall forward with his or her appli- cation a fee of Two ($2.00) Dollars, which shall be deposited with the treasurer of said Board and used as now prescribed by law. SEC. 2. That on and after January i, 1911, it shall be unlawful for any person to practice or pursue the calling of a professional nurse in this State for compensation, unless such person shall have furnished to the said State Board of Medical Exam- iners satisfactory evidence, of such nature and in such form and manner as said Board shall require, that he or she is twenty-one years of age, of good moral charac- ter, has received the equivalent of a common school education, and has graduated FULL TEXT OF LAWS 127 from a training-school connected with a general hospital, where at least two years of continuous residence training with a systematic course of instruction is given, and has passed a satisfactory examination before said Board and registered as hereinafter required by the provisions of this Act: Provided, That this Section shall not be construed to apply to those who may be registered prior to January i, 1911, in accordance with the provisions of this Act applicable to such persons as herein- after declared in Sections 3 and 4: Provided, further, That this Section shall not ap- ply, at any time, to the gratuitous nursing of the sick by friends or members of the family thereof, nor to those persons nursing the sick for hire who do not in any way claim or assume to be, or hold themselves out as, registered nurses. Provided, further, That nothing in this Act shall be construed so as to prevent a professional nurse, who does not hold such a certificate from said Board and who resides in another State, from accompanying and attending a person traveling in or through this State, or sojourning therein for his or her health, or any non-resident nurse without such certificate from serving any person in this State in case of necessity or emergency, where such nurse is authorized and empowered to practice his or her profession under the law of the State in which he or she resides, and if there be no such law when such nurse has received the training required in this Act as a pre- requisite to examination and registration by said Board of Examiners after January i, 1911. SEC. 3. That all nurses heretofore graduated, or hereafter graduated before January i, 1911, from such general hospital, and otherwise possessing the qualifi- cations prescribed in this Act, shall be permitted to register and receive a certifi- cate without an examination upon application duly made and upon payment of the prescribed fee, provided that such application be made before January i, 1911. SEC. 4. That all nurses graduating from training-schools in connection with special hospitals whose standing and reputation shall be approved by the said Board, giving a two years' course, who shall obtain six months' additional training in general hospital, shall be entitled to registration and a certificate without exami- nation before January i, 1911, upon payment of required fee; and all nurses gradu- ating from such special hospitals shall be entitled to registration and a certificate prior to said date, upon passing a special examination before the Board of Examin- ers in subjects not adequately taught in the training-school from which they are graduated, upon payment of the required fee. SEC. 5. That a nurse who has received his or her certificate according to the provisions of this Act shall be styled and known as a "Registered Nurse," and no other person without a certificate from the said Board of Examiners shall assume such a title or use the abbreviation "R. N.," or any other letters, figures, or charac- ters to indicate that he or she is a registered nurse. SEC. 6. That said Board of Examiners shall prescribe and have printed appli- cation blanks and such other forms as may be necessary to carry out the provisions of this Act, which shall be furnished to any applicant upon request and free of charge. Said Board shall also keep a register, in which shall be entered the full name, age, residence, source of training, and date of registration of every person to whom a certificate is issued under the provisions of this Act, and said register shall be at all times open to public inspection, and be prima facie evidence of all matters therein contained. It shall also be the duty of the Board to keep the application of each applicant, together with any additional evidence which shall be required by the Board to be offered in support of the qualifications of said applicant, which shall also be open to public inspection. SEC. 7. The said Board of Examiners may revoke any certificate issued under this Act for sufficient cause, of which the Board shall be the judges; but before this is done the holder of said certificate shall have thirty days' notice, and such action shall only be taken after a full and fair hearing of the charge, in which counsel may appear for either or both sides, and only by a majority vote of the whole 128 STATE REGISTRATION FOR NURSES Board : Provided, That from such judgment of revocation of license the person feel- ing himself or herself aggrieved shall have the right to appeal to the Circuit Court of the County in which he or she resides, and to the Supreme Court. SEC. 8. That any person violating any of the provisions of this Act, or who shall wilfully make any false representations to the Board of Examiners in applying for a certificate, or otherwise violating the provisions hereof, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof be punished by a fine not exceeding Two Hundred ($200.00) Dollars or imprisonment not exceeding three (3) months, or both in the discretion of the court. SEC. 9. That all Acts and parts of Acts inconsistent herewith be and the same are hereby repealed. TENNESSEE AN ACT to regulate the practice of trained nursing in this State, to define offenses against the Act, and to prescribe and fix the punishment for such offenses. SECTION i. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Tennessee: That every person who shall comply with the provisions of this Act, to obtain and have recorded as herein prescribed, the certificate authorizing such person to prac- tice the profession of a trained nurse in this State, shall be a registered nurse within the meaning of this Act, and entitled to all its privileges and charged with all of the duties herein imposed upon such nurse. SEC. 2. Be it further enacted: That within thirty (30) days from the passage of this Act the Governor of the State shall appoint a board known as "State Board of Examiners of Nurses," which Board shall consist of five graduate nurses, one of whom shall reside in West Tennessee, one in Middle Tennessee, and one in East Tennessee, and the Governor shall not appoint as a member of such Board a nurse who has not the endorsement of the society of Trained Nurses to which such nurse belongs. State Board of Examiners of Nurses shall within sixty (60) days after it is appointed meet in the City of Nashville and organize by the selection of one of their number as chairman and another as secretary. The members of this Board shall hold their respective positions as such for five years and until their successors are appointed. Upon the expiration of their terms of office, it will be the duty of the Governor to appoint a new Board of like number and qualification, but, in making such ap- pointment, he shall reappoint at least two of the then members of the said Board, it being the intention of this Act that after the first appointment of the said Board there shall always be on the said Board experienced members thereof, and that the membership of said Board shall no.t be often changed. SEC. 3. Be it further enacted: That it shall be the duty of every person in the State desiring to practice the profession of a trained nurse in this State, within sixty (60) days from the organization of the State Board of Examiners of Nurses, to ob- tain from the said Board a certificate as required in the next section, and to have the same recorded by the clerk of the county court of the county in which said nurses shall reside. SEC. 4. Be it further enacted : That it shall be the duty of the State Board of Examiners of Nurses, upon its being made satisfactorily to appear to it that an appli- cant is a person of good moral character, of legal age, and is the holder of a diploma from a training-school of nurses, in good standing, connected with a hospital or sanitarium in this State, which gives at least a two years' course, or training-school of like standing outside of this State, which diploma is in all respects regular, to certify that fact to the clerk of the county court of the residence of the applicant, who shall thereupon receive and record the same and issue to the said applicant a license, as follows: FULL TEXT OF LAWS 129 State of Tennessee County To Whom it May Concern: Greeting. Whereas of has presented to me a certificate issued to by the State Board of Examiners of Nurses, showing that she (or he) has complied with all of the requirements of the law entitling applicants to such Board to their certificate, and demanded that the same be recorded as the law requires. This certifies that the same is so recorded in the book kept by me for that purpose, and that the said is authorized to practice within this State the profession of a registered nurse. Witness my hand and official seal at office in this day of 19 .... Clerk of County Court of County, Tennessee. For issuing this license, recording the same, and doing all the other duties re- quired of him under this Act, the said clerk is entitled to demand and receive of the licensee the sum of fifty cents. The said clerk shall keep, in a well-bound book, a copy of the license issued to each applicant, and shall, in another book, keep a record of the certificates upon which the said license is issued, and shall also preserve the certificate as one of the records of his office. SEC. 5. Be it further enacted: That non-residents of the State may procure a certificate, and have the same recorded, and procure a license from the County Court for the County in which they desire to practice the profession of trained nurs- ing, by producing satisfactory evidence to the State Board of Examiners of Nurses that they, or such applicant, is of lawful age, of good moral character, and that he or she is the holder of a diploma from a recognized training-school for the training of nurses, whose course of training and study is as full and thorough as are such schools in this State, whose diplomas entitle the applicant to be considered by the State Board competent of holding a diploma of course from such an one of the training- schools of the State. The license to be issued to such holders of certificates is to be in like form as for a resident holder, and will authorize the licensee to practice in this State. SEC. 6. Be it further enacted: That vacancies shall be filled in the said Board by the remaining members of the Board, and the members appointed to fill vacancies will hold only until the expiration of the term of the member who is thus succeeded. Vacancies will occur by death, removal from the State, or resignation. SEC. 7. Be it further enaectd : That the Secretary of the Board is directed to keep a record of the proceedings of said Board, and also a record of the names of persons applying for registration hereunder, and of the action of the Board thereon; and also a register of all nurses who have become entitled to certificates under this Act, all of which said records shall at all reasonable times be open to public inspection. The said Record of Registry of Applicants who have applied to and been examined by the Board shall show the full name, age, color, and sex of the applicant, where born, whether married or single, place of residence, and post-office address; where trained or graduated, and when, and the names and residences and post-office addresses of two persons in nowise related to the applicant, who bear testimony to the applicant's good moral character. It shall also contain or make proper refer- ence to the record required to be kept by Section 13 hereof, whenever any such record shall be made with respect to any nurse. Said Board is authorized to have and to use an official seal, which shall bear the words "State Board of Examiners of Nurses for Tennessee." The certificate of the Secretary of said Board, under the seal thereof, counter- signed or attested by the President, as to the action or non-action of the Board, 9 130 STATE REGISTRATION FOR NURSES shall be accepted as evidence in the courts of this State as the best evidence of the Minutes of the said Board; and likewise the certificate of the said Secretary, under the said seal, so countersigned, as to the registration or non-registration of any per- son, shall be accepted as the best evidence as to the registration or non-registration of the said person under the requirements of this Act. The Secretary shall issue to all nurses admitted to registration here under a certificate, under the seal of said Board, and countersigned by the President, showing that fact. SEC. 8. Be it further enacted : That it shall be the duty of said Board to meet for the purpose of examining applicants for registration at least once in each year, in every one of the grand divisions of the State, and oftener, should it be deemed necessary by said Board. Notice shall be given of the time and place of said meetings by written notice posted, postage prepaid, to last known address of each applicant, at least ten days before the time of said meeting, and by one publication in a daily paper of general circulation published at Knoxville, Memphis, and Nashville, Tennessee. Said notice shall be published at least two weeks prior to said meeting. SEC. 9. Be it further enacted: That all persons making application for registra- tion under this Act shall deposit with the secretary of the said Board, at the tune of making such application, the sum of Five ($5.0x3) Dollars. From this fund the expenses of the said Board will be paid. SEC. 10. Be it further enacted: That all nurses who have practised the profession of nursing actively and continuously for five (5) years, and can show, to the satis- faction of the Board their ability morally, mentally, and physically to continue nursing, will be granted a license provided they make application before June ist, 1911; and Be it further enacted : That this shall apply to all senior pupils now in the Training- Schools of the State for Nurses. SEC. 11. Be it further enacted: That this Act shall not be construed to affect or apply to gratuitous nursing of the sick by friends or members of the family, and it shall not apply to any person nursing for hire, who does not in any way assume to be a registered nurse, and who does not use the title Registered Nurse, or the letters "R. N.," or other letters, words, or figures for the purpose of representing that he or she is a registered nurse within the meaning of this Act. SEC. 12. Be it further enacted : That after the expiration of six months from the passage of this Act it shall be unlawful for any person or persons to practice pro- fessional nursing as a trained, graduate, or registered nurse in this State without a certificate from the said Board; and it shall also be unlawful for any unlicensed person or persons, without the certificate in this Act mentioned, to advertise to the public as nurse, or for any drug store proprietor, physician, or other person to ad- vertise or publicly keep a record or list of names, not licensed as herein provided, unless such advertisement, list, or record also state that such nurse or person or persons is "Not Licensed"; and a violation of this Section of this Act shall be a misdemeanor, and subject the person guilty thereof to indictment or presentment, and upon conviction thereof shall be fined not less than Twenty-Five ($25.00) Dollars nor more than Two Hundred and Fifty ($250.00) Dollars. Every nurse who registers and is licensed in accordance with the provisions hereof shall be styled and known as a "Registered Nurse," and no other nurse shall assume or use such title or use the abbreviation " R. N., " or any other letters, words, or figures to indicate that he or she is a registered nurse, and a violation hereof shall be deemed a misdemeanor, and shall upon conviction be punished as herein- before in this Section provided. SEC. 13. And be it further enacted: That any certificate issued by said Board may be revoked by it at any time for drunkenness, or drug addiction, or neglect of patient, or the commission of any act which is a felony under the laws in force in this State, or incompetency or immorality; but no such license or certificate shall be revoked without a hearing, notice of the time and place of which shall be given to FULL TEXT OF LAWS 131 the holder of the certificate by the secretary at least thirty (30) days before the day set for the hearing, which notice shall plainly set forth the charges against the holder of said certificate, and the trial shall be only upon the grounds so specified. Said notice shall be mailed to the said person so accused, at his or her last known ad- dress, postage prepaid, or the same shall be delivered personally to the person so accused. A true and correct record of the hearing and decision in every hearing to de- termine whether a license shall be revoked shall be kept, showing the charge or charges, the date of the notice, how served, and the date and place of hearing, whether the license to be tried appeared, and the decision of the Board. SEC. 14. Be it further enacted: That this Act take effect from and after its passage, the public welfare requiring it. TEXAS Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Texas: SECTION i. That a Board to be known as the Board of Nurse Examiners for the State of Texas is hereby established. Said Board shall be composed of five registered nurses, who shall be trained nurses of at least twenty-three (23) years of age, of good moral character, and graduates of a training-school connected with a general hospital or sanitarium of good standing, presided over by a graduate nurse, where a two years' training with a systematic course of instruction is given in the wards. Two members of said Board must be nurses who have had at least two years' experience in educational work among nurses. Said Board shall be appointed by the Governor of this State within sixty (60) days after this Act shall go into effect, and biennially thereafter within sixty days after his inauguration, and the term of office shall be two years, or until their successors shall be appointed and qualified. Vacan- cies occurring in the Board shall be filled by the Governor. SEC. 2. That the members of the said Board shall, as soon as organized, an- nually in the month of April, elect from their members a president and secretary, who shall also be the treasurer. Three members of this Board shall constitute a quorum, and special meetings of said Board shall be called by the secretary upon the written request of any two members. The Board is authorized to make such by- laws and rules as shall be necessary to govern its proceedings and to carry into effect the purpose of this Act; provided, that said Board shall adopt Roberts' "Rules of Order" to guide it in the transaction of its business. The secretary shall be required to keep a record of all the meetings of said Board, including a register of the names of all nurses registered under this Act, which shall at all reasonable times be open for public scrutiny, and said Board shall cause the prosecution of all persons vio- lating any of the provisions of this Act, and may incur necessary expenses on that behalf; that the president and secretary shall make a biennial report to the Governor on or before the first day of January immediately preceding the convening of the Legislature, together with a statement of the receipts and disbursements of said Board. SEC. 3. That after organization it shall be the duty of said Board to meet regu- larly once in every six (6) months, notice of which meeting shall be given to the public press and in one nursing journal one month previous to the meeting. At every regular meeting namely, every six (6) months it shall be the duty of the Board to examine all applicants for registration under this Act. Applicants must be graduated from a chartered training-school, presided over by a graduate nurse. Upon filing application for examination, each applicant shall pay an examination fee of five ($5.00) dollars, which shall be in no case returned to the applicant, whether the examination be passed or not, but in case the applicant passes the examination, then no further fee shall be required for registration. The examination shall be of such a character as to determine the fitness of the applicant to practice professional nursing as contemplated by this Act; provided, said Board shall prepare questions 132 STATE REGISTRATION FOR NURSES for examinations and shall examine applicants on the following subjects: Practical nursing, surgical nursing, obstetrical nursing, materia medica, anatomy, physiology, hygiene, dietetics, and gynecology. If the result of the examination shall be satis- factory to the majority of the Board, the Board shall sign and issue a certificate to the applicant to that effect, which certificate shall be attested by the secretary, whereupon the person named in the certificate shall be duly qualified to practice professional nursing in this State. Any registered nurse from any other State, where the laws with reference to professional nursing are up to the standard of the laws of the State of Texas, who shall show to the satisfaction of the Board that he or she is a trained graduate nurse of a hospital or sanitarium, the standard of instruction and training of which shall meet the requirements of the rules prescribed by said Board, and who shall be otherwise properly qualified, may receive a certificate and be registered as a nurse of this State without examination. SEC. 4. That all nurses who are engaged in nursing at the tune of the passage of this Act, and who shall show to the satisfaction of the said Board that they are of good moral character and were graduated prior to April, 1909, from a training-school connected with a hospital or sanitarium giving two years general training, or, prior to the year 1901, having given eighteen months' general training and who maintains hi other respects proper standards, shall be entitled to registration without examina- tion, provided they register prior to January ist, 1912. All persons who have hereto- fore received registration certificates in compliance with an Act of the Regular Session of the Thirty-first Legislature, being "An Act to define and regulate the practice of professional nursing, to create a Board of Nurse Examiners for the exam- ination and licensing of nurses, and to prescribe their qualifications, to provide for their proper registration and for the revocation of certificates, and to fix suitable penalties for the violation of this Act," shall not be required to obtain new registration certificates, but such certificates heretofore secured under said Act of the Thirty-first Legislature shall be hi all things valid and binding and of full force and effect. All persons who are in training in the wards of a general hospital or sanitarium in this State, where a two years' training with a systematic course of instruction is given at the tune of the passage of this Act, and shall graduate here- after, and possess the above qualifications, shall be entitled to registration without examination. Provided application for registration certificate shall be made to the Board herein provided for, who shall issue proper certificate of registration without examination, it the applicant be found entitled thereto under the provisions of this Act. All nurses who have served in the army or navy of the United States, and have been honorably discharged, shall be entitled to registration without examination. It shall be unlawful hereafter for any person to practice nursing as a registered nurse without a certificate from the State Board of Nurse Examiners. A nurse who has received his or her certificate according to the provisions of this Act shall be styled and known as a "Registered Nurse." No other person shall assume such title or use the abbreviation " R. N., " or any other letters to indicate that he or she is a registered nurse. The Board in each instance shall require a registration fee of five ($5.00) dollars. SEC. 5. The State Board of Nurse Examiners shall have the power to revoke any certificate, issued in accordance with this Act by a unanimous vote of said Board, for gross incompetency, dishonesty, habitual intemperance, or any act derogatory to the morals or standing of the profession of nursing, as may be determined by the Board, but before any certificate shall be revoked the holder thereof shall be entitled to at least thirty days' notice in writing of the charge against him or her, and of the time and place of hearing and determining of such charges, at which tune and place he or she shall be entitled to be heard, and in the event said certificate shall be re- voked by said Board, the holder of such certificate shall have right of action within thirty days thereafter in the district court of the county of the residence of any member of the Board, and said certificate shall remain in force until the question is finally decided by the courts. Upon revocation of any certificate it shall be the FULL TEXT OF LAWS 133 duty of the secretary of the Board to strike the name of the holder thereof from the roll of registered nurses. SEC. 6. All fees received by the State Board of Nurse Examiners under this Act shall be paid to the treasurer of said Board, who shall pay the same out on vouchers issued and signed by the president and secretary of said Board upon war- rants drawn by the president of the State Board of Examiners. All money so received and placed in said fund may be used by the State Board of Nurse Exam- iners in defraying its expenses in carrying out the provisions of this Act. SEC. 7. This Act shall not be construed to affect or apply to the gratuitous nursing of the sick by friends or members of the family, or to any person nursing the sick for hire who does not in any way assume the practice as a trained, graduate, or registered nurse. SEC. 8. That any person violating the provisions of this Act, or who shall make any false representations to said Board in applying for a certificate, shall be guilty of misdemeanor, and upon conviction be punished by a fine of not more than three hundred ($300.00) dollars. SEC. 9. The crowded condition of the calendar and the near approach of the end of the session creates an emergency and imperative public necessity that the constitutional rule requiring bills to be read on three several days be suspended, and the same is hereby suspended, and that this shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage, and it is so enacted. VERMONT It is hereby enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Vermont: SECTION i. A board of registration for nurses is hereby established to consist of three members, to be appointed by the governor within thirty days after the passage of this act. Two members of said board shall be physicians in active prac- tice on the attending staff of any hospital of the state having a training-school for nurses. The third member shall be a graduate nurse holding a diploma from a hos- pital training-school for nurses, giving at least a two years' course in the theory and practice of nursing; he or she shall have had three years' experience in nursing the sick. The members of said board shall be appointed as follows: One for two years, one for four years, and one for six years from the first day of March, 1911, and until their respective successors are appointed; and thereafter the governor shall bien- nially, before the first day of March, appoint one person, qualified as aforesaid, to hold office for six years from the first day of March next ensuing. Vacancies in said board shall be filled for the unexpired term in the manner of the original appointment. Any member of said board may be removed for cause by the governor. SEC. 2. The members of said board shall meet the second Tuesday in March, and annually thereafter, and proceed to organize by choosing a president, secretary, and treasurer, who shall hold office for one year, or until their successors are elected. They shall adopt a seal and such by-laws and regulations as are needed for the trans- acting of business, but said board shall not in any way control the prices or com- pensation paid to nurses. The said board shall hold two meetings regularly each year, the time and place to be fixed by the board, and they may hold additional meetings at such times and places as may be deemed necessary. SEC. 3. It shall be the duty of said board, immediately upon its organization, to notify all persons engaged in the practice of nursing the sick in the state of the times and places of the examinations for registration, by publishing in one or more newspapers hi the state, and by a written notice to the superintendents of all training-schools and nurses' registry bureaus in the state. Application for registration shall be made upon blanks to be furnished by the board and shall be signed and sworn to by the applicant. Any person, a resident of this state, who shall furnish satisfactory evidence that he or she is at least twenty- 134 STATE REGISTRATION FOR NURSES one years of age, of good moral character, and who holds a diploma from a training- school for nurses connected with some hospital requiring at least a two years' course, shall, upon payment of a fee of five dollars, be examined by said board and if found to be qualified shall be registered with the right to use the title of Registered Nurse, and shall receive a certificate thereof from the board signed and sealed by the president and secretary. Within sixty days from date of issue this certificate must be recorded in the office of the secretary of state, with an affidavit of identity and residence of the person to whom granted. An applicant who fails to pass an examination satisfactory to the board, and is therefore refused registration, shall be entitled, within one year after such refusal, to a re-examination at a meeting of the board called for the examination of appli- cants, without payment of additional fee. The said board may after a hearing, by a vote of a majority of its members, annul the registration and cancel the certificate of any nurse, without hearing, if such nurse has been found guilty of a crime or misdemeanor. All fees received by the board shall be paid annually into the state treasury. SEC. 4. Examinations shall be partly in writing in the English language and partly in practical work, and shall include the principles of nursing. Due credit shall be given for examinations in special branches. SEC. 5. The board shall have the power to register in like manner without examination, upon payment of the usual fee, any person who has been registered as a professional nurse in another state under laws which, in the opinion of the board, maintain a standard substantially similar to that of this act, and which extends a similar courtesy to nurses registered in this state. Graduate nurses, residents of this state, who hold diplomas from an accredited nurses' training-school, bearing date not later than January ist, 191 1 , may become registered as herein provided with- out examination upon payment of the usual fee. SEC. 6. Each member of the board shall receive four dollars for every day actually spent in the performance of his or her duties; provided, however, that in no event shall the total sum paid to any one member exceed one hundred ($100.00) dollars in any one year, and the necessary traveling expenses actually incurred in attending meetings of the board, not exceeding three cents per mile each way. The said compensation and traveling expenses, together with any incidental expenses necessarily incurred by the board or any member thereof, shall if approved by the board be paid from the treasury of the state, but only from the fees paid into the said treasury by the board. SEC. 7. The board shall keep a record of all names of persons registered here- under, and of all money received and disbursed by it, and a duplicate thereof shall be open to inspection in the office of the secretary of state. Said board shall annually, on or before the first day of January, make a report to the governor of the condition of professional nursing in the state, of all its acts during the preceding year, and of its receipts and disbursements. SEC. 8. Whoever, not being authorized to practice as a registered nurse within this State, practices or attempts to practice as a Registered Nurse, or uses the ab- breviation R. N. or any other words or letters or figures to indicate that the per- son using the same is a registered nurse, shall for each offense be punished by a fine of not more than one hundred dollars. Whoever becomes registered or attempts to become registered, or whoever practices or attempts, to practice as a registered nurse under a false or assumed name shall for each offense be punished by a fine of not less than one hundred dollars nor more than five hundred dollars, or by im- prisonment for three months, or by both fine and imprisonment. SEC. 9. The board shall investigate all complaints of violations of the pro- visions of this act, and report the same to the proper prosecuting officer. SEC. 10. This act shall not apply to gratuitous nursing of the sick by friends or members of the family, or to the acts of any person nursing the sick for hire who does not assume to be a registered nurse. FULL TEXT OF LAWS 135 SEC. n. The board may make such rules and regulations with reference to procedure hereunder as it may deem expedient, provided that the same are not inconsistent with this act or with any other law of the state. SEC. 12. For the purpose of the appointment of said board and of registration of persons by it hereunder, this act shall take effect upon its passage. VIRGINIA AN ACT TO REGULATE THE PROFESSIONAL NURSING OF THE SICK IN THE STATE OF VIRGINIA SECTION i. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Virginia: That within sixty days after the passage of this Act the Governor of this State shall appoint a State Board of Examiners of Graduate Nurses, to be composed of five (5) members, to be selected by the Governor from twelve (12) nominations submitted to him by the Virginia State Association of Graduate Nurses. One of the members of this board shall be designated to hold office one year, one for two years, one for three years, one for four years, one for five years, and thereafter, upon the expiration of the term of office of the person so appointed, the Governor of the State shall appoint a successor to each person whose term of office shall expire to hold office for five years, and the person so appointed shall be selected by the Governor from a list of seven nominations submitted to him by the Virginia State Association of Graduate Nurses. In case appointment of a successor is not made before the expiration of the term of any member, such member shall hold office until a successor is appointed and duly qualified. Any vacancy occurring in membership of the board shall be filled by the Governor of this State for the unexpired term of such membership. SEC. 2. The members of the State Board of Examiners of Registered Nurses shall, before entering on the discharge of their duties, make and file with the Secre- tary of the Commonwealth the constitutional oath of office. They shall as soon as organized, and annually thereafter in the month of January, elect from their number a president and a secretary, who shall be the treasurer. The treasurer, before enter- ing upon his or her duties, shall file a bond with the Secretary of the Commonwealth for such sum as shall be required of him or her by said Secretary of Commonwealth. The board shall adopt rules and regulations not inconsistent with this act to govern its proceedings, and also a seal, and the secretary shall have the care and custody thereof, and he or she shall keep a record of all proceedings of the board, including a register of the names of all nurses duly registered under this act, which shall be open at all reasonable times to public scrutiny, and the board shall cause the prosecution of all persons violating any of the provisions of this act and may incur necessary expense on that behalf. The secretary of the board may receive a salary, which may be fixed by the board, and which shall not exceed one hundred dollars ($100.00) per annum; heor she shall also receive traveling and other expenses incurred in the performance of his or her official duties. The other members of the Board shall receive the sum of one dollar ($1.00) for each day actually engaged hi this service, and all legitimate and necessary expenses incurred in attending the meetings of said board. Said expenses and salaries shall be paid from the fees received by the board under the provisions of this act, and no part of the salary or other expenses of the board shall be paid out of the State treasury. All money received in excess of the said per diem allowance and other expenses provided for shall be held by the treasurer as a special fund for meeting the expenses of said board and the cost of (annual) reports of the proceedings of said board. SEC. 3. Three members of the board shall constitute a quorum. Special meetings of the board shall be called by the secretary upon written request of any two members. The board shall adopt rules and regulations for the examination of applicants for licenses, certificates, or to practice professional nursing of the sick in accordance with the provisions of this act, and may amend, modify, and repeal 136 STATE REGISTRATION FOR NURSES such rules and regulations from time to time. The board shall immediately upon the election of the officers thereof, and upon the adoption of its rules of government, or its rules and regulations for examination of applicants for registration, file with the Secretary of the Commonwealth and publish in at least one journal devoted to the interest of professional nursing and one daily newspaper published in the State of Virginia at least twice, the name and address of each officer, and a copy of such rules and regulations, or the amendment or modification thereof. SEC. 4. Provision shall be made by the board hereby constituted for holding examinations at least twice in each year. All examinations shall be made directly by said board or a committee of two (2) members delegated by the board, and due notice of the time and place of holding such examinations as hi the case provided for the publication of the rules and regulations of said board. The examination shall be of such character as to determine the fitness of the applicant to practice professional nursing of the sick. If the result of the examination of any applicant shall be satisfactory to a majority of the board, the secretary shall, upon an order of the board, issue to the applicant a certificate to that effect upon payment to the secretary by the candidate of a fee of five dollars ($5.00), whereupon the person named on the certificate shall be declared duly licensed to practice professional nursing in this State. Any persons from other States who shall show to the satis- faction of the board that he or she is properly and duly registered for the practice of professional nursing in such States, upon payment of usual fees for certificate is entitled to a license to practice professional nursing in this State without an exam- ination. SEC. 5. The applicant who desires to practice professional nursing shall fur- nish satisfactory evidence that he or she is more than twenty-one (21) years of age, is of good moral character, has received a sufficient preliminary education as may be determined by the board, and has graduated from a training-school of a general hospital of good standing, as may be determined by the board, and where at least two years' training in the hospital and systematic courses of instruction are given. SEC. 6. Any person who shall show to the satisfaction of the board that he or she graduated from a training-school of a general hospital of good standing prior to the first day of January, 1904, or that he or she was engaged in the practice of pro- fessional nursing of the sick on the date of the passage of this act, shall be entitled to a license without passing an examination, provided such application shall be made within twelve months after the passage of this act. SEC. 7. All persons who have duly received licenses or certificates in accord- ance with the provisions of this Act shall be known and styled a registered nurse, and it shall be unlawful after one year from the passage of this act for any person to practice professional nursing of the sick as such for compensation without a license or certificate in this State, or to advertise as or assume the title of trained nurse or graduate nurse, or to use the abbreviation of "T. N. " or "G. N.," or any other words, letters, or figures to indicate that the person using the same is a trained, registered, or graduate nurse. SEC. 8. Any person violating any of the provisions of this Act shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, punishable by a fine of not less than fifty dollars ($50.00) nor more than two hundred dollars ($200.00) for the first offense, and not less than one hundred dollars ($100.00) nor more than five hundred dollars ($500.00) for each sub- sequent offense. SEC. 9. This act shall not be construed to affect or apply to the gratuitous nursing of the sick by friends or members of the family, and also it shall not apply to any person nursing the sick for hire, but who does not in any way assume to be a registered or graduate nurse. SEC. 10. Any person who shall wilfully make any false representation to the board of examiners in applying for a license shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction be punished by a fine of not less than five hundred dollars ($500.00) nor more than one thousand dollars ($1000.00). FULL TEXT OF LAWS 137 SEC. ii. The State Board of Examiners of Graduate Nurses shall have the power to revoke any certificate or license issued in accordance with this act, by unanimous vote of said board, for gross incompetency, dishonesty, habitual intem- perance, or any act derogatory to the morals or standing of the profession of nursing, as may be determined by the board, but before any license or certificate shall be revoked the holder thereof shall be entitled to at least thirty days' notice of the charge against him or her, and of the time and place of hearing and determining of such charges, at which time and place he or she shall be entitled to be heard. Upon the revocation of any certificate or license, it shall be the duty of the secretary of the board to strike the name of the holder thereof from the roll of registered nurses. SEC. 12. This act shall be in force from its passage. WASHINGTON Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Washington: SECTION i. That from and after the expiration of the ninety days immediately following the passage of this act, no person shall in the State of Washington, in any manner whatsoever, represent herself to be a registered nurse, or allow herself to be so represented, unless she has been and is registered by the nurses' examining board in accordance with the provisions of this act. SEC. 2. That within thirty days after the taking effect of this act the Governor of the State of Washington shall appoint a nurses' examining board to be composed of five graduate nurses, all of whom are eligible for registration according to the provisions of this act, and who have had at least three years' experience in the profession after graduation. All appointments shall be so made that the term of one member shall expire on the thirtieth day of June of each year, and upon the expiration of the term of office of any examiner the Governor shall appoint a regis- tered nurse to fill the vacancy. No member of said board shall enter upon the dis- charge of her duties until she has taken oath to faithfully and impartially perform the same; and the Governor may remove any member of said board for neglect of duty, or for any other just cause. SEC. 3. That the nurses' examining board shall meet in the State of Washing- ton within ninety days after their appointment and organize the board, and annually thereafter shall elect from its members a president, secretary, and treasurer. It shall adopt such by-laws as it shall deem necessary for carrying into effect the provisions of this act, and may amend the same from time to time at the discretion of said board. The secretary shall be required to keep a record of all meetings of the board, and also a register of the names of all nurses duly registered under this act, which register shall be open to the public at all reasonable times, and to furnish a certificate of registration to all such nurses, said certificate to be renewed at end of five years upon payment of one dollar to the examining board, at least three months' notice having been given, by registered letter, of expiration of said certifi- cate. The said board shall hold examinations at least once a year, and the notice of such examination shall be given in one daily newspaper published in three first- class cities of the State of Washington, and in a nursing journal published on the Pacific Coast at least thirty days prior to said examination. SEC. 4. That every nurse desiring to style herself a registered nurse in the State of Washington shall make application to the nurses' examining board for examination for registration, such examination to consist of questions in surgical nursing, contagious, materia medica, dietetics, medical nursing, obstetrics and gynecology, anatomy, physiology, and hygiene, and at the tune of making such application applicant shall pay to the treasurer of said board five dollars, no portion of said fee to be returned. Said applicant must furnish satisfactory evidence that she is over twenty years of age, of good moral character, and free from habits liable to interfere with her services as a nurse, and further, that she holds a diploma from a training-school for nurses of a reputable hospital: Provided, That 138 STATE REGISTRATION FOR NURSES training-school shall give not less than two years' training in a general hospital, or instruction of same kind and to at least the same extent as that given in the general hospital, all of which shall be determined by the nurses' examining board. SEC. 5. That any person possessing the qualifications required in section 4 of this act who is engaged in nursing in the State of Washington at the time of the passage of this act, or shall graduate from a reputable training-school of a general hospital within three years of passage of this act, shall be entitled to registration without examination upon payment of registration fee. SEC. 6. That the registration of any person as a nurse in the State of Washing- ton may be revoked and the certificate of such person cancelled if it should be found to have been obtained by fraud, or if she be found guilty by the nurses' examining board of any act derogatory to the standing and morals of the profes- sion of nursing. But before any certificate shall be revoked the holder thereof shall be entitled to thirty days' notice of the charges against her, and after a full and fair hearing the certificate can be revoked by a majority vote of the whole board. SEC. 7. Each member of the nurses' examining board shall receive a compen- sation of five dollars per day for each day in which she is actually and neces- sarily in attendance upon the meetings of the board, and in going to and re- turning from the place of meeting, and all necessary expenses incurred in attend- ing such meetings; all such compensation and expenses to be paid by the state treasurer by warrants drawn by the state auditor upon presentation of proper vouchers to be approved by a majority of said Board, as in the case of state officers. The secretary and treasurer of said board shall receive a compensation to be deter- mined by said Board and not to exceed one hundred dollars per annum. All money received or collected by said board or any officer or any member thereof during any month shall be turned over to the state treasurer before the tenth day of the succeeding month, together with a verified statement showing the sources from which such money was derived. SEC. 8. That any person who shall violate any of the provisions of this act shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. SEC. 9. That the nurses' examining board shall have power to register in like manner, without examination, any person who has been registered as a graduate nurse in another state or territory under laws which in the opinion of said board maintains a standard substantially equivalent to that provided for by this act. SEC. 10. That nothing in this act shall be construed to prevent any person from nursing any other person in the State of Washington either gratuitously or for hire: Provided, That such person so nursing shall not represent herself as being a regis- tered nurse. Nothing in this act shall be construed as authorizing any person to practice medicine or surgery or midwifery in said state. SEC. 1 1 . That the word " she " and the derivatives thereof, wherever they occur in this act, shall be construed so as to include the word "he" and derivatives. WEST VIRGINIA AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR THE APPOINTMENT OF A STATE BOARD OF EXAMINERS, AND FOR THE EXAMINATION AND REGISTRATION OF NURSES Be it enacted by the Legislature of West Virginia: SECTION i. Upon the taking effect of this act the governor, within sixty days, shall appoint a board of examiners to be composed of five members, two of whom may be women; one of these members shall be designated by the governor to hold office one year, two for two years, and two for three years; and hereafter, upon the expiration of the term of office of the person or persons so appointed, the governor shall appoint a successor or successors to hold office for three years. All vacancies occurring in the board shall be filled by the governor. SEC. 2. And be it further enacted: That the members of this state board of FULL TEXT OF LAWS 139 examiners shall as soon as organized, and annually thereafter in the month of June, elect from their members a president and a secretary, who shall be the treasurer; three members of this board shall constitute a quorum, and special meetings of the board shall be called by the secretary upon written request of any two members; the said board of examiners is authorized to frame such by-laws as may be neces- sary to govern its proceedings, and said board shall make a biennial report of all its receipts and disbursements to the governor for transmission to the legislature; the secretary shall be required to keep a record of all meetings of the board, includ- ing a register of the names of all nurses duly registered under this Act, which shall at all reasonable times be open to public scrutiny, and the board shall cause the prosecution of all persons violating any of the provisions of this act, and may incur necessary expenses on this behalf; the secretary shall receive a salary, to be fixed by the board, not to exceed one hundred ($100.00) dollars per annum, also traveling and other expenses necessarily incurred hi the discharge of her official duties; the other members of the board shall receive four ($4.00) dollars for each day actually engaged in this service, and all legitimate and necessary expenses; said expenses and salaries shall be paid from fees received by the board under the provisions of this act, and no part of salaries or other expenses of the board shall be paid out of the State treasury; all money received in excess of said allowance and other expenses provided for shall be held by the treasurer for meeting the expenses of the said board and the cost of annual report of the board. SEC. 3. That after January first, one thousand nine hundred and eight, it shall be the duty of said board of examiners to meet at some convenient point within the state not less frequently than once a year, notice of which meeting shall be given to the public press and in one nursing journal one month previous to the meeting; at this meeting it shall be their duty to examine all applicants for registration under this act, to determine their fitness and ability to give efficient care to the sick. Upon filing application for examination and registration each applicant shall deposit a fee of five ($5.00) dollars. SEC. 4. That the applicant shall furnish satisfactory evidence that he or she is twenty-one (21) years of age, of good moral character, has received the equivalent of a high-school education, and has graduated from a training-school connected with a general hospital where two years of continuous residence training with a system- atic course of instruction is given. SEC. 5. That all nurses possessing the above qualifications or furnishing satis- factory evidence that applicant has an equivalent to a high-school education and has been continuously and successfully engaged in general nursing for ten years (these facts certified to by three reputable physicians shall be deemed satisfactory evi- dence) shall be permitted to register before January first, one thousand nine hun- dred and eight, without examination, upon payment of registration fee. And all nurses, having been continuously and successfully engaged in nursing for five years and who maintain the proper standard, shall, upon passing an examination, be entitled to registration; provided such application be made before January first, one thousand nine hundred and eight. Graduates of training-schools in connec- tion with special hospitals giving a two years' course, who shall obtain one year's additional training in an approved general hospital, shall be eligible for registration without examination before June first, one thousand nine hundred and seven; or said graduates from special hospitals shall be eligible for registration prior to said date, upon passing special examination before the board of examiners in subjects not adequately taught in the training-schools from which they have been gradu- ated; and it shall be unlawful after the expiration of that time for any person to practice professional nursing as a registered nurse without a certificate in this state. A nurse who has received his or her certificate according to the provisions of this act shall be styled and known as a "Registered Nurse." No other person shall assume such a title or use the abbreviation "R. N.," or any other letters or figures to indicate that he or she is a registered nurse. 140 STATE REGISTRATION FOR NURSES SEC. 6. That this act shall not be construed to affect or apply to the gratuitous nursing of the sick by friends or members of the family; and also it shall not apply to any person nursing the sick for hire, but who does not in any way assume to be a registered nurse. SEC. 7. That any person violating any of the provisions of this act, or who shall wilfully make any false representations to the board of examiners in applying for a certificate, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction be punished by a fine of not more than five hundred ($500.00) dollars. SEC. 8. That the state board of examiners of graduate nurses may revoke any certificate for sufficient cause; but before this is done the holder of said certificate shall have thirty days' notice, and after a full and fair hearing of the charge, by a majority vote of the whole board, the certificate can be revoked. WISCONSIN The people of the State of Wisconsin, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows: SECTION i. There are added to the statutes seven new sections to read: Section i4O9a 5. Any resident of this state, being over twenty-one years of age, of good moral character, who shall make application to the state board of health for regis- tration as a registered nurse, upon compliance with the provisions of this act, shall be entitled to registration as follows: First. Without examination, provided the application be made prior to Sep- tember i, 1914, and provided the applicant shall have graduated before said date from a reputable training-school, connected with a general or special hospital, who at the time of graduation shall have received a course of at least two years' training in such training-school. Second. If application be made prior to September i, 1914, and the applicant at the time of such application shall have been engaged in the actual practice of nursing for three years, and shall pass an examination to determine the fitness and ability of the applicant to give efficient care to the sick. Third. If application be made on or after September i, 1914, and the applicant at the time of application shall have graduated from a reputable training-school, and shall pass an examination to determine the fitness and ability of the applicant to give efficient care to the sick. Such training-school within the meaning of this sub- division must be connected with a general hospital, and from and after September i, 1911, must require an adequate and systematic course of instruction of three or more years. The first two years of such course shall be spent in such training- school or hospital, and not to exceed three months of the senior year shall be devoted to outside nursing. Such instruction shall be both theoretic and prac- tical in the following branches: Nursing, ethics, anatomy, physiology, hygiene, dietetics, materia medica, elementary urinalysis, medical, surgical, and gynecological nursing, obstetrical nurs- ing, including the care of infants, and a thorough course of theoretical instruction and, when possible, practical experience in contagious nursing and the nursing of sick children. Fourth. If application be made on or after September i, 1914, and the appli- cant at the time of application shall have graduated from a reputable training-school, connected with a special hospital, requiring a systematic course of theoretical and practical training of at least two years, and who at the time of application shall have obtained in a reputable general hospital one year's additional training in the subjects above enumerated in the third subdivision of this section, not adequately taught in said training-school, and shall pass an examination to determine the fit- ness and ability of the applicant to give efficient care to the sick. Fifth. Without examination, provided the applicant shall have been registered as a registered nurse, under the laws of another state having requirements deter- FULL TEXT OF LAWS 141 mined by the state board of health of this state, to be equivalent to the require- ments of this state. SEC. i4OQa 6. The state board of health shall, on or before September i, IQII, appoint five graduate nurses, to be known as the committee of examiners of registered nurses. At the tune of their appointment they must be actual residents of the state. They shall be selected from nurses engaged in active work, who shall have been graduated for at least a period of three years from a reputable training-school, and who, during their course of training, shall have served for two years in a general hospital, and who (except those appointed as first members of the committee) shall have been registered under the provisions of this act. Two members of the committee shall be selected from nurses who have had at least two years' experience in educational work among nurses. The members of the commit- tee shall be appointed to hold office as follows: One for one year, two for two years, and two for three years from September i, 1911. Upon the expiration of the term of office of a member, the state board of health shall appoint a successor, whose term of office shall be three years, and shall fill each vacancy for the unexpired term. The board shall have power to remove any member of the committee. Each member of the committee shall hold office until a successor is duly appointed and qualified. SEC. i4ooa 7. i. The members of the committee of examiners shall, as soon as organized, and annually thereafter, elect from their number a chairman, who shall preside over the meetings of the committee, and a secretary, who shall keep a record of its proceedings. The committee shall immediately, upon the election of such officers, file with the secretary of the state board of health a certificate thereof, giving the name and address of such officers. Three members of the committee shall constitute a quorum. Special meetings of the committee shall be called by the secretary, upon written request of any two members or upon the request of the secretary of the state board of health. 2. The committee shall, from time to time, adopt rules not inconsistent with this act to govern its proceedings, also for the examination of applicants for regis- tration, may amend or repeal such rules, may recommend courses of instruction for the guidance of training-schools, subject to the approval of the state board of health. Immediately upon the adoption of any rule or recommendation the committee shall file with the secretary of the state board of health a certificate thereof, setting out therein a copy of such rule or recommendation, or in case of the amendment or repeal of a rule, setting out fully such fact. The secretary of the state board of health shall immediately publish such certificate in at least one journal devoted to the interests of professional nursing. 3. Each member of the committee shall receive a compensation of five dollars and expenses for each day in which such member is actually engaged in attendance upon the meetings of the committee, but not exceeding in all fifteen days in any one year, to be audited by the secretary of the state board of health and paid out of the fund hereinafter provided for. SEC. i4oga 8. It shall be the duty of the committee of examiners to meet for the purpose of holding examinations of applicants for registration, not less frequently than twice every year. Notice of the tune and place of such meetings shall be given to the public press, and to at least one journal devoted to the interests of professional nursing, and by mail to every applicant, and to every known train- ing-school in Wisconsin, at least thirty days prior to the meeting. The com- mittee shall frame its own questions and conduct its own examinations. The writ- ten questions and answers shall be filed with the secretary of the state board of health. The applicants shall be known to the members of the examining com- mittee by numbers, so that no members of the board shall be able to identify the papers of any applicant until they have been graded and the case passed upon, and all questions and answers with a grade attached shall be delivered to the secretary of the state board of health, and by him preserved for at least one year. Before 142 STATE REGISTRATION FOR NURSES any applicant shall be permitted to take such examination she shall pay to the secretary of the state board of health an examination fee of ten dollars. No person shall be granted a license, except as herein provided, to practice nursing until she has passed a satisfactory examination before the examining committee, ap- pointed for the purpose by the state board of health, nor until she has filed with said board a certificate signed by at least three members of the Examining Com- mittee, stating that they have found her qualified to practice. Before the appli- cant is granted a license, she shall also file with the secretary of the state board of health, on blanks furnished by said board, a statement, giving her name, place of birth, and present residence. All written questions for the examination of nurses shall be approved by the executive committee of the state board of health, and the license to practice nursing shall be issued by the secretary of the state board of health and countersigned by the president and secretary of the examining committee. Any person to whom a certificate of registration shall be issued shall, within thirty days thereafter, cause the same to be recorded with the county clerk of the county in which such person presided at the time of the application. The state board of health may revoke the license of any nurse who has been convicted of unprofessional or dishonorable conduct. Said state board of health shall have power to revoke any certificate of registration granted by them if said certificate was obtained through error or fraud, or if the recipient thereof is shown to be grossly incompetent in the practice of nursing; and provided, further, that before any cer- tificate shall be revoked, the holder thereof shall have notice in writing, enumerating the charges against her, and at a specified date named therein, not less than five days after the service of such notice, be given a hearing by said board and have an opportunity to produce testimony in her own behalf and to confront the witnesses testifying in said matter. Any person whose certificate has been revoked for gross incompetency, may, after the expiration of one year, apply to have the same re- granted, and the same shall be regranted her if in the discretion of said board they deem it proper. SEC. i4O9a 9. It shall be unlawful hereafter for any person to practice, or attempt to practice, in the state as a registered nurse without a certificate from the state board of health. Any person who has received such certificate shall be styled and known as a "registered nurse," and shall be entitled to append the letters "R. N." to the name of such person. No other person shall assume or use such title, or the abbreviation "R. N.," or any other words, letters, or figures to indicate that such person is a registered nurse. SEC. i4OQa 10. This act shall not be construed to affect or apply to the gra- tuitous nursing of the sick by friends or members of the family, nor to any person nursing the sick for hire who does not in any way assume or pretend to be a registered nurse, and this Act shall not be construed to interfere in any way with members of religious communities or orders which have charge of hospitals or take care of the sick in their own homes, provided such members do not in any way assume to be registered nurses. SEC. i4OQa ii. The state board of health shall enforce the provisions of this Act, and cause the prosecution of all persons violating any of the provisions thereof, and may incur necessary expenses in that behalf. The secretary of the state board of health shall keep a register of the names and addresses of all nurses duly registered under this act, which shall be open at all reasbnable times to public inspection. He shall also keep a record of all applications for registration and a detailed account of all moneys received and disbursed. All moneys shall be kept as a special fund to meet the expenses of carrying out and enforcing this act and of prosecuting violations thereof, and all expenses and compensations under this act shall be paid from such fund, and no part thereof shall be paid out of the state treasury. The secretary of the board shall make a semi-annual report of its pro- ceedings under this act to the governor, and such report shall contain a true and itemized account of all moneys received and disbursed under this act. Any person FULL TEXT OF LAWS 143 violating any of the provisions of this act shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall upon conviction be fined for each offense in the sum of not less than ten dollars nor more than fifty dollars. SEC. 2. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication. WYOMING AN ACT TO PROVIDE AND REGULATE THE EXAMINATION AND REGISTRATION OF NURSES AND THE PRACTICE OF NURSING Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Wyoming: EXAMINER. SECTION i. Upon the taking effect of this Act, the Wyoming State Nurses' Association shall nominate for examiners five of their members, who shall have had not less than three years' experience in their profession, as candidates, and at each annual meeting thereafter shall nominate two other candidates. The Governor shall appoint a Board of three examiners from such list. When the first appoint- ment is made, one member of said Board shall be appointed for one year, one for two years, and one for three years, and thereafter all appointments shall be made for a term of three years, except an appointment for an unexpired term, which shall be made for only such unexpired term. All vacancies in said Board, caused by death, resignation, or otherwise, shall be filled by the Governor, in the same manner as an original appointment and for the time herein mentioned. MEET AND ORGANIZE. SEC. 2. The members of the said Board of Examiners shall meet and organize as soon as practicable after their appointment, by taking an oath faithfully to dis- charge the duties of their office, which oath shall be filed with the Secretary of State, and by the election of a president, vice-president, and secretary. Said Board of Examiners may, from time to time, adopt such rules and regulations as shall be deemed necessary in the performance of their duties, consistent with the require- ments of this Act. It may adopt a seal, and the secretary shall have the care and custody thereof. The secretary shall keep a record of all the proceedings of the Board of Examiners, including a register of the names and addresses of all nurses duly registered under this Act, which shall be open at all times to public inspection. The Board shall cause the prosecution of any person violating this Act, and may incur necessary expenses in that behalf. Each member of the Board shall receive a compensation of five ($5.00) dollars per day or for each fraction of a day in which each member is actually engaged in the attendance upon the meetings of the Board, and in going to and coming from the place of meeting, and all the legitimate and necessary expenses incurred in attending such meetings; all such compensation and expenses to be paid out of the " Nurses' Fund," by warrants drawn by the State Audi- tor upon there being filed with the State Auditor a certificate to be signed by the president, or vice-president, and secretary of the Board, with the seal of the Board attached, showing the amount itemized to which each member is entitled. FEES. SEC. 3. The fees received by the Board of Examiners herein specified, from examination or otherwise, shall be paid to the State Treasurer, and shall be kept in a fund known as the "Nurses' Fund," and shall be subject at all times to the warrant of the State Auditor drawn upon written requisition of the president or vice-presi- dent and attested by the secretary of said Board of Examiners, with seal attached, for the payment of any expenses made by said Board. The secretary shall make, on or before January ist of each year, a report to the Governor of the State, con- taining a true and correct account of all moneys received and ordered disbursed by 144 STATE REGISTRATION FOR NURSES the Board. Any expense incurred in making said report and any other necessary expenses of the said Board shall be paid out of the said fund. QUORUM. SEC. 4. Two members of the Board shall constitute a quorum. Special meet- ings of the Board shall be called by the secretary upon written request of any other member. The Board shall from time to time adopt rules for the examination of applicants for registration in accordance with the provisions of this Act, and shall from time to tune adopt rules by which to establish a uniform and reasonable standard of instruction and training to be observed by training-schools, and shall determine the reputability of such schools by reference to their compliance with such rules, and in like manner may from time to time amend, modify, and repeal such rules. The Board shall immediately upon the election of an officer file with the Secretary of State a certificate thereof, giving the name and address of such officer, and im- mediately, upon the adoption of any rule, shall file with the Secretary of State a certificate thereof, setting out therein a copy of such rule, or in case of the repeal of a rule setting out fully such fact, and shall immediately publish such certificate in at least one journal devoted to the interests of professional nursing and mail a copy of such certificate to every applicant at the address appearing upon the records of the Board and to every reputable training-school hi the State of Wyoming. DUTY OF BOARD. SEC. 5. It shall be the duty of the Board to meet for the purpose of holding examinations once hi every year. Notice of such meetings shall be given to the public press and to at least one journal devoted to the interests of professional nursing and by mail to every applicant, and to every reputable training-school in Wyoming at least thirty days prior to the meeting. At such meetings it shall be the duty of the Board to examine all such applicants for registration under this Act as are required to be examined, and to issue to each duly qualified applicant who shall have complied with the pertinent provisions of this Act the certificate provided for in this Act. Any person to whom a certificate of registration shall be issued shall within ninety (90) days thereafter cause the same to be recorded with the County Clerk of the county in which such person resided at the time of application. Such person shall be prepared whenever requested to exhibit such certificate of registra- tion or a certified copy thereof. AGE. SEC. 6. Every applicant for registration shall be at least twenty-one (21) years old, of good moral character, and shall possess such further qualifications as may be prescribed from tune to tune by the Board by rule: provided, that no such rule shall be inconsistent with the provisions of this Act relating to those who shall make application prior to July i, 1910. Every applicant shall make such proof of the necessary qualifications as shall satisfy the Board thereof. Every application shall be made in writing in the true name of the applicant, in such form as may from time to tune be prescribed by the Board, and shall state the place of residence of and be signed by the applicant. The fee for acting on an application shall be ten ($10.00) dollars and shall accompany the application, but every subsequent appli- cation of the same person shall be acted on without fee. ENTITLED TO REGISTRATION. SEC. 7. Upon compliance with the pertinent provisions of this Act, nurses otherwise qualified shall be entitled to registration as follows: First, without ex- amination, provided they make application prior to July i, 1910; (a) nurses who shall have graduated before said date from a training-school which is connected with a general hospital and which shall be registered by the Examining Board, provided, FULL TEXT OF LAWS 145 such nurses so applying shall have received a course of at least two years' training in such training-schools, and provided further , That no training-school shall be regis- tered by said Examining Board unless such school maintains proper educational standards, and unless it gives not less than two years' training in a general hospital, or its equivalent; (b) nurses who shall have graduated on or prior to January i , 1 897, from a reputable training-school connected with a general hospital, who at the tune of graduation shall have received a course of one year's training in such training- school, and who at the time of application shall have been engaged in nursing five years since their graduation; (c) nurses now in training in a training-school, regis- tered hereafter by the Examining Board and connected with a general hospital, which now gives a course of at least two years' training; provided, the applicants graduate therefrom. Second, nurses who shall make application on or after July i, 1910, and who at the time of application shall have graduated from a training- school, connected with a general hospital, registered by said Examining Board and requiring a systematic course of at least two years' training; provided, such appli- cants shall pass an examination to be prescribed by said Board, to determine their fitness and ability to give efficient care to the sick. Third, nurses who shall make application on or after July i, 1910, and who at the time of application shall have graduated from a reputable training-school connected with a special hospital, requiring a systematic course of at least two years' training, and who at the time of application shall have obtained in a reputable general hospital one (i) year's additional training in subjects not adequately taught in the training-school from which they graduated, and shall pass an examination to determine their fitness and ability to give efficient care to the sick. UNLAWFUL. SEC. 8. It shall be unlawful hereafter for any person to practice or attempt to practice in this State as a graduate, trained, or registered nurse without a certificate from the Board. Any person who has received such a certificate shall be styled and known as a Registered Nurse, and shall be entitled to append the letters "R. N." to the name of such person. No other persons shall assume or use such title or the abbreviation "R. N." or any other words, letters, or figures to indicate that such person is a Registered, Trained, or Graduate Nurse. NOT CONSTRUED. SEC. 9. This Act shall not be construed to affect or apply to the gratuitous nursing of the sick by friends or members of the family, nor to any person nursing the sick for hire who does not in any way assume or pretend to be a registered or graduate nurse, and this Act shall not be construed to interfere in any way with members of religious communities or orders which have charge of hospitals or take care of the sick in their own homes; provided, such members do not in any way as- sume to be Registered Nurses. UPON PAYMENT. SEC. 10. The Board, upon written application and upon the payment of ten ($10.00) dollars as a registration fee, may issue a certificate without examination to those who shall have been registered as registered nurses under the law of another State having requirements equivalent to those of Wyoming. MISDEMEANOR. SEC. n. Any person violating any of the provisions of this Act shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and shall upon conviction be fined for each offense, in a sum not less than ten ($10.00) dollars nor more than two hundred ($200.00) dollars for the first offense, and not less than one hundred ($100.00) dollars nor more than five hundred ($500.00) dollars for each subsequent offense. Any person who shall 10 146 STATE REGISTRATION FOR NURSES wilfully make any false representation to the Board in applying for a license shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction shall be fined in a sum not less than one hundred ($100.00) dollars nor more than two hundred ($200.00) dollars. ATTESTED BY. SEC. 12. All certificates issued by the Board shall be signed by all members thereof, and shall be attested by the president and secretary. MAY REVOKE. SEC. 13. The Board may revoke any certificate by a unanimous vote for dis- honesty, gross incompetency, a habit rendering a nurse unsafe to be entrusted with or unfit for the care of the sick, conduct derogatory to the morals or standing of the profession of nursing, or any wilful fraud or misrepresentation practised in procuring such certificate; Pro-aided, the holder of such certificate shall have been given at least thirty (30) days' notice in writing of the specific charges against such holder, and of the time and place of hearing the charge by the Board, at which time and place the holder shall be entitled to be heard and to be represented by counsel. Upon the revocation of any certificate the same shall be null and void; the holder thereof shall cease to be entitled to any of the privileges conferred by such certifi- cate, and it shall be the duty of the secretary of the Board to strike the name of the holder thereof from the roll of registered nurses, and to give notice of such revoca- tion to the county clerk in whose office such certificate is recorded, and thereupon such county clerk shall note the fact of such revocation upon the record of such certificate. No AUTHORITY. SEC. 14. Nothing contained in this Act shall be considered as conferring any authority to practice medicine or undertake the treatment or cure of disease in vio- lation of the laws relating to the-practice of medicine of this State. SEC. 15. This Act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. INDEX PAGES ALABAMA 3, 17, 36, 52, 54 APPOINTIVE POWER OF BOARDS 3-16 ARKANSAS 3, 17, 36, 41, 42, 46, 51, 54-58 BOARD OF NURSE EXAMINERS, STATE STATE, APPOINTIVE POWER, TERM, MEETINGS, NOTICE OF MEETINGS, OFFICERS, DUTIES OF BOARD, MIS- CELLANEOUS 3-16 CALIFORNIA 4, 17, 36, 41, 42, 46, 51, 52, 58-60 CAUSES AND RESULTS OF REVOCATION 46-50 CERTIFICATES, RECORDING 52 COLORADO 4, 18, 36, 41, 42, 46, 51, 52, 60, 61 COMMON TO BOTH, REGISTRATION REQUIREMENTS 17-36 COMPULSORY LAWS 51, 52 CONNECTICUT 4, 18, 36, 41, 42, 46, 51, 52, 62-64 DELAWARE 4, 19, 37, 41, 42, 46, 51, 52, 64, 65 DISPOSITION OF REGISTRATION FEE 36-40 DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA 5, 19, 37, 41, 42, 46, 51, 65-67 DUTIES OF BOARD 3-16 EXAMINERS, STATE BOARD OF NURSE STATE, APPOINTIVE POWER, TERM, MEETINGS, NOTICE OF MEETINGS, OFFICERS, DUTIES OF BOARD, MISCEL- LANEOUS 3-16 EXEMPTIONS AND RESTRICTIONS 41 FEE FOR REGISTRATION 36-40 FEES AND THEIR DISPOSITION 36-40 FINE FOR VIOLATION . 42-45 FLORIDA 5, 19, 37, 41, 42, 46, 51, 53, 6*7-69 FULL TEXT OF LAWS 54-146 GEORGIA 5, 20, 37, 41, 42, 46, 51, 69-71 IDAHO 6, 21, 37, 41, 42, 46, 51, 71-74 ILLINOIS 6, 21, 37, 41, 42, 47, 51, 53, 74-79 147 148 INDEX PAGES IMPRISONMENT FOR VIOLATION 42-45 INDIANA 6, 22, 37, 41, 42, 47, 51, 52, 79-81 INTRODUCTION i, 2 IowA 7, 23, 37, 41, 42, 47, 51, 52, 82, 83 KANSAS...... . 7, 23, 37, 41, 42, 47, 51, 53, 83-86 KENTUCKY... . 7, 24, 38, 41, 43, 47, 51, 53, 86-89 LAWS, COMPULSORY 51, 52 LAWS, FULL TEXT OF 54-146 LOUISIANA. . . .8, 25, 38, 41, 43, 47, 51, 89-91 MARYLAND. ... 8, 25, 38, 41, 43, 47, 51, 91-93 MASSACHUSETTS. . . 8, 26, 38, 41, 43, 47, 51, 93-95 MEETINGS OF BOARD 3-16 MICHIGAN . 9, 26, 38, 41, 43, 48, 53, 95-98 MINNESOTA. ... 9, 27, 38, 41, 43, 48, 51, 98-100 MISCELLANEOUS 52, 53 MISCELLANEOUS, STATE BOARD OF NURSE EXAMINERS 3-16 MISCELLANEOUS VIOLATIONS 42-45 MISSISSIPPI 9, 27, 38, 41, 43, 48, 51, 53, 100-103 MISSOURI 10, 28, 39, 41, 43, 48, 51, 103-105 MONTANA 10, 28, 39, 41, 43, 48, 51, 53, 106-109 NATURE OF CRIME, VIOLATIONS 42-45 NEBRASKA 10, 29, 39, 41, 43, 48, 51, 109-111 NEW HAMPSHIRE n, 29, 39, 41, 44, 48, 51, in, 112 NEW JERSEY u, 30, 39, 41, 44, 48, 51, 113-115 NEW YORK 12, 30, 39, 41, 44, 49, 51, 115, 116 NORTH CAROLINA 12, 30, 39, 41, 44, 49, 51, 116, 117 NOTICE FOR REVOCATION 46-50 NURSE EXAMINERS, STATE BOARD OF STATE, APPOINTIVE POWER, TERM, MEETINGS, NOTICE OF MEETINGS, OFFICERS, DUTIES OF BOARD, MIS- CELLANEOUS 3-16 OFFICERS OF BOARD 3-16 OKLAHOMA 12, 31, 39, 41, 44, 49, 51, 53, 118, 119 OREGON 12, 31, 39, 41, 44, 49, 51, 53, 119-121 PENNSYLVANIA 13, 32, 39, 41, 44, 49, 51, 122-124 PROVIDENCE PLANTATIONS 124-126 RECIPROCITY 51 RECORDING CERTIFICATES 52 INDEX 149 PAGES REGISTRATION REQUIREMENTS WITHOUT EXAMINATION, WITH EXAMINA- TION, COMMON TO BOTH 17-36 RESTRICTIONS, EXEMPTIONS AND 41 REVOCATION STATE, NOTICE, VOTE OF BOARD, CAUSES AND RESULTS .... 46-50 RHODE ISLAND 13, 32, 40, 41, 44, 49, 51, 53, 124-126 SOUTH CAROLINA 14, 32, 40, 41, 44, 49, 51, 53, 126-128 STATE BOARD OF NURSE EXAMINERS STATE, APPOINTIVE POWER, TERM, MEETINGS, NOTICE OF MEETINGS, OFFICERS, DUTIES OF BOARD, MIS- CELLANEOUS 3-16 TENNESSEE 14, 32, 40, 41, 44, 49, 51, 128-131 TERM OF BOARD MEMBERS 3-16 TEXAS . 14, 33, 40, 41, 45, 50, 51, 131-133 TEXT OF LAWS, FULL 54-146 VERMONT 15, 33, 40, 41, 45, 50, 51, 133-135 VIOLATIONS STATE, NATURE OF CRIME, FINE, IMPRISONMENT, MISCEL- LANEOUS 42-45 VIRGINIA 15, 34, 40, 41, 45, 50, 51, 135-137 VOTE OF BOARD FOR REVOCATION 46-50 WASHINGTON 15, 34, 40, 41, 45, 50, 51, 137, 138 WEST VIRGINIA 16, 34, 40, 41, 45, 50, 51, 138-140 WISCONSIN 16, 35, 40, 41, 45, 50, 51, 53, 140-143 WITH EXAMINATION FOR REGISTRATION 17-36 WITHOUT EXAMINATION FOR REGISTRATION 17-36 WYOMING 16, 35, 40, 41, 45, 50, 51, 143-146 PUBLISHED BY W. B. SAUNDERS COMPANY West Washington Square Philadelphia London : 9, Henrietta Street, Covent Garden Sanders' Nursing Miss Sanders' new book is undoubtedly the most complete and most practical work on nursing ever published. Every thing about every subject with which the nurse should be familiar is detailed in a clean cut, definite way. There is no other nursing book so full of good, practical informa- tion information you need. Modern Methods in Nursing. By GEORGIANA J. SANDERS, formerly Superintendent of Nurses at Massachusetts Gen- eral Hospital. i2ino of 881 pages, with 227 illustrations. Cloth, $2.50 net. Aikens' Home Nurse's Handbook PRACTICAL The point about this work is this: It tells you, and shows you just how to do those little but none the less important things entirely omitted from other nursing books, or at best only inci- dentally treated. The chapters on "Home Treat- ments" and "Every-Day Care of the Baby," stand out as particularly practical. Then the " Points to be Remembered" terse, crisp re- minders is a feature of great value. Home Nurse's Handbook. By CHARLOTTE A. AIKENS. formerly Director of the Sibley Memorial Hospital, Wash- ington, D.C. 12010 of 276 pages, illustrated. Cloth, $1.50 net Stoney's Nursing NEW (4th) EDITION Of this work the American fournal of Nursing says: "It is the fullest and most complete and may well be recommended as being of great general usefulness. The best chapter is the one on observation of symptoms which is very thorough." There are directions how to improvise everything. Practical Points in Nursing. By EMILY M. A. STONEY, formerly Super- intendent of the Training School for Nurses in the Carney Hospital, South Boston, Mass. lamo, 495 pages, illustrated. Cloth, $1.75 net. NE w &> EDITION Stoney's Materia Medica Stoney's Materia Medica was written by a head nurse who knows just what the nurse needs. 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