33 \Q THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES PATRIOTISM, MOCK-HEROIC. IN FIVE CANTOS. Behold thy Gods, Ifrael I i KINGS. LONDON: Printed for M. HINX^AN, in Pater-nofter-Row. 1763. [Price Two Shillings and Six- pence.] r PATRIOTISM, MOCK-HEROIC. CANTO Ll> cgt Cas : What matter ? fmce Defeat our Joy inspires* And Cqffel loft can light a thoufand Fires. By having pleas'd the Mob, here Cromwell flood, 125 And fliew'd how private thrives by public Good ; And might have fhewn us Gulls, if Gulls could fee, That Slavry tracks th' Abufe of Liberty. Confefs'd at length the Patriot-Tyrant reign'd, And fhapt that Freedom Charles had only ftrain'd. 130 Hampden was here, in his Eidolon here, A would-be Tutor to the Royal Heir, But he himfelf dwells in the Fields of Fame, Wedded to Liberty's immortal Name. B 2 And iz PATRIOTISM, Canto i. And here in Tints more recent might be view'd, 135 Inftruftive Pifture of Court Gratitude ! How round their Sov'reign his great Servants ftand, While fierce Rebellion gores the bleeding Land; Faith, Honour, Duty, Loyalty, the Laws, Urge them, no doubt, to perilh in his Caufe ? 140 No, but to ferve with Granville they refufe; So great a Crime in Monarchs 'tis, to cbufkl A hundred other equal Deeds appear, Nay, half the EngH/h Hiftory was here. While, over all the reft, conspicuous fliines 145 Old Sarah's Legacy in Golden Lines. Around in lefs Compartments were beftowtt Of underling Incendiaries a Crowd,, Such as employ'd the Pulpit or the Prefs,. T* enforce the Doftrines of Licentioufhefs ; 1 50 Here A MQCK-HEROI C r 5 Here Party canoniz'd fuch Denizens, Whofe Ears had paid the Forfeit of their Pens ; And while in all her glaring Daub fhe paints, Villains grow Heroes, Scoundrels turn to Saints. Our Goddefs midft the reft herfelf defcry'd, 155 Mix'd with the Leaders of the other Side ; " And, ah ! fhe faid, the very Walls can trace, " How often we change Principles for Place." ' ^1^A\ a^ mbfioJ iff* rlriw fa/iM CANTO II. //b ^i oft: 1 rfs f faA ij TN the Recefe of fomethiiig like a Tomb, Which Architecture -, (fick of Cr/m* and /?^^^, And copying what never was at all,) Is pleas'd to chriften an Egyptian Hall*, Our Goddefs, whom She fought, at length furvey'd, 5 In anti-kingly Majefty array 'd. Bufy flie found Him in this folemn place, At folemn Sacrifice, with folemn Face. i He A M O C K - H E R O I C 15 He but to Commerce (corn d to pour a Pray'r, No other Deity employ 'd his Care ; i o A ' Q f *!* All other Altars ftodd inconfecrate, For her's no Offering was too pure or great. eirf ihi.v ryv\^WsO ^ n?dw JuS " 2 " Should 4 6 PATRIOTISM, Canto 4. c< Shoul'd e'er my B h for addreffing move, " And honeft A n dare the Peace approve, 70 " In fuch Contempt the Rebels I fhould hold, " I'd tofs them back their dirty Box of Gold I " But ere th' Infeftion fpreads, hafte we to ufe " The Sp'rit we've been fb happy to infufe ; " The Englijh Oak-boy as you bid him crys, 75 " And to roar louder firmly fhuts his Eyes : " He's yours at Pleafure clos'd while they remain " Since FATE determins all Events below ? " On that Tribunal let our Envoy wait> " And who fb fit as FOLLY upon FATE ? " A MOCK-HEROIC. 49 Th' Advice was grateful to the gen'ral Ear, i J 5 All beg'd that great Commiflion fhe would bear, Which, bowing low, fhe (aid fhould be atchiev'd, Tho' trembling at the Honour fhe receiv'd ; The Point thus fettled, from the Board they move, Difpers'd as Pleafure led, or Bus'nefs drove. 120 But FOLLY fought her Library with Speed, For one fhe had for Show, but not to read, There jumbling in her Head what fhe thought, Thought, How beft to find the tracklefs Road fhe fought, She chofe t' efTay the Force of her own Prate, 125 Remembring to how many once 'twas Fate. And now the myftic Gibberifh fhe tried, Something that neither promis'd nor deny'd, G But 5 o PATRIOTISM, Canto 4. But drew one on to hope, Cc it wifli'd Ib well - " And though it doubted, yet it could not tell 130 " O ! my dear Wbafs-your-Name, of me be lure, " I would a Member had not afk'd before " You'll let me lee you loon, by then I'll try" Then feem'd to Iqueeze a Hand, and faid, Good-by. Strange Force of Charms ! By this the Iblid Ground Grew mortal lick with the unmeaning Sound, 136 In ftrong Convulfions rock'd ; at length it cleft, And a wide Opening tow'rds the Center left, To Regions unexplor'd, which, dark and great, Are the Domain of MYSTERY-OF-STATE. 140 PondVing a while Ihe flood, and wilh'd to know The Ctf/tf/V-Paffage to thefe Realms below^ Till Curiofity her Fears Oxpung'd, And fhe intrepid on her Errand plung'd; 2 A MOCK-HEROIC. 51 Now, as flie journey 5 d, faded on her Sight 14^ The feeble Glimmerings of diftant Light, Faint and more faint the intercepted Ray Withdrew itfelf, and died upon her Way. And now, thro' Darknefs, palpable, abhorr'd, Her groping Hands the doubtful Path explor'd, 1 50 'Till nigh the Confines, where the lower Sphere Joins to our World, but yet is ne'er the near, Thin Streaks of budding Day falute her Eye With the firft Dawnings of the nether Sky ; For other Suns they have and Stars than we, i 5 cj By which no Mortal but themfelves can fee. Now the receding Gloom her Sight renew'd, And cloath'd with Form each brightening Objeft flood. The opening Scene with Wonder flie iurveys, Not knowing that flie travelled her own Ways, 160 G z Here 52 PATRIOTISM, Canto 4. Here for the upper Surface fhe difcern'd, How Flatt'ry lay to bubling Lather churn'd, Whofe Bottom form'd a thicker Sediment Of coarfe and clumfy Clergy Compliment. This happy Comport with its fupple Oil 165 Invigorates and opes the fertile Soil, Calls forth each Seed of Dirt to bud and flowV, And trick itfelf in all the Hues of Pow'r ; While from her Urn Partiality fupplies The Stream, to Blood and Merit, fhe denies. 1 70 Hence blooms th' unlearn'd Divine in all the Glow His double-petall'd Mitre can beftow, Hence fpreads the Under Clerk his ample fKoot, And ftrikes in the Revenue deep his Root, Hence high his flourifh'd Head the Valet rears, 1 85 And hence Attornies blofTom into Peers. Still A MOCK-HEROIC. 53 Still lower, in their different Strata fpread, As Levity thought fit to range, were laid Clofe in their Shells involv'd, yet innocent, The unhatch'd Vermin of a Government. i 80 Here Grubs and Maggots Favour's Sua-fhine wait, To get new Shapes, and wing the World in State, Or more induftrious, dug, and warm as Milk, Spin their {oft Nefts, and wrap themfelves in Silk. Here Snails of Office thro' their (limy Tracks 185 Crawl off at laft with Houfes on their Backs* Hence Worms and Earwigs in new Figures fport, And tinge themfelves in ev'ry Dye of Court, 'Till pinch'd with Cold, another Form they try, And dip their varying Films in LIBERTY. 190 Here yet unfang'd, wriggle the Viper Race, Which fond Adminiftration broods in Place, Till 54 PATRIOTISM, Canto 4, Till fatten'd on herfelf, and fit for Strife, They thro' her Bowels gnaw their way to Life. Here public Zeal, the Alligator, hides Ip5 Her felfifh Eggs, and for their Birth provides, Of Incubation in no Need they ftand, But hatch in Popularity's hot Sand ; To prey with open Mouths away they fcour, Yet ieem to mourn the Country they devour. 200 Now lower as fhe went the hoary Deep Diicovers where the Seeds of Metals fleep. She faw, and lik'd to fee, the plodding Head Do the World's Bus'nefs, yet be only Lead ; That Impudence, its Copper Birth forgot, 205 Grows Brafs, and is important on the Spot ; That Talk and Pertnels ftill fucceed by Din, And Ihine and tinkle in the Shape of Tin ; That A MOCK-HEROIC 55 That Ignorance and Meannefs rais'd to Pow'r, Their low Materials quickly filver o'er ; 210 That Whig and Tory Principles unfold Their like Conftituence, and turn to Gold. But Wit, the Quick-filver, efcap'd her View, Or feeing what it was fhe little knew, Laft law, where Party-Gems their Rays refine, 215 How Patriotifm inflames the blazing Mine. \ She now perceiv'd, from this inftruftive Sight, A kind of Reminifcence, all was right. The Soul is never taught, but recollects 220 The Traces of its prior Intellects, Acknowleges the State fhe held before, And owns the beaming Shield at Troy fhe bore* END OF CANTO IV, 5 5 .PATRIOTISM, Canto 5. PATRIOTISM, MOCK-HEROIC . CANTO v.^^^ 01 ^^^^ 1 S~\ F perfeft Diamond a fblid Rock, Far from theTempeft's Beat and Earthquake'sShock, Its maflive Spurs down to the Center fhoots> Where endlefs Permanency binds the Roots; Upon its Summit awefully elate 5 Immoveably is fix'd the Throne of FATE : The wond'rous Pile no Mark of Structure (hews. Unhewn, unbuilt, the living Quarry grows. UK ' ^ : -fe';t dM'a., U P A MOCK-HERO 1C. 57 Up the fteep Height an Iron Caufeway tends, And at the Footftool of the Monarch ends $ i o Here FOLLY pafs'd, and as fhe climb'd the Mound, Hollow and loud her fhuffling Steps refbund. Rais'd on his Seat the hoary Sire appear'd, And fpread profufe his ample Flow of Beard; No Condelcenfion his firm Looks avow, 1 5 Inexorable Sternnefs knits his Brow. Around him bawl, but clam'rous to no End, The fond Addrefles wjiich we Mortals fend ; He to their Purport turns a deafen'd Ear, Or anfwers traverfly the wafted Pray'r j 20 To Spenthrift Sons eternal Fathers gives, And Health untaintable to modern Wives j The Maiden's pious Vows are ftill repaid With Hufbands bad at Board, and worfe abed ; H To 58 PATRIOTISM, Canto 5. To Britain (every Plume of Glory won) 25 Sends News-papers, and all the Work's undone : Or, juft as Party thinks to crown her Pains, Gives Refolution, and the Prince ftill reigns* Before his Feet was plac'd, Slave of his Sway, NECESSITY whom Men and Gods obey, 30 Her ftrong Right-hand a pondVous Hammer held, Her left with Adamantine Nails was fill'd, Clofe to her Side, of Steel an Anvil rofe, (The founding Anvil never feels Repofe) With thefe on this, as faft as FATE affents, 35: She rivets Aftions down to their Events. Millions of Second- caufer claim in vain Their Seat ufurp'd, and urge their Right to reign ; She holds Poffeflion ftill ; while they purfue, For ever, their reje&ed Suit anew. 40, On A MOCK-HEROIC. 59 On ev'ry Side, and fcatter'd ev'ry Way, Her finifh'd Labours in wild Parcels lay Unrang'd by their Importance, equal here The Lofs of Battles, or at Whift appear ; A Statefinan chang'd, or Lodging newly lett, 45 Empires transferr'd, or Fafhions out of Date. The Joys, the Woes, th' Extin&ion of Man's Race Serve but to make the Litter of the Place. Here, trebly clench'd the dire Injunction lay For War t' extend his yet too narrow Sway ; 50 Hunger or Luft the Conteft firft began, Ambition fbon improved upon the Plan ; Religion next inflam'd the fell Debate, And fteel'd our Hearts, and edg'd our Swords with Hate ; Laft, Commerce for an endlefs Quarrel flood, 55 And all before feem'd Penury of Blood. H 2 There 60 PATRIOTISM, Canto 5. There, was ordain'd, Law fhould untie her Noofe, And flip the Dogs of Licence and Abufe; To their own Kennels' Stench familiar grown, But poi^'ning ev'ry Nofe except their own ; 60 They with full Cry the dubious Scent explore, And trail wherever Scandal touch'd before : Still, oh the Shame ! ftill the loud Yelp proceeds, And the firft Head of all the Foreft bleeds. Here, in like Volume, the Decree of FATE 65 Forbids that Madmen fhould divide the State ; They with abfiird, illib'ral, defp'rate Pufh, To fhame ev'n Party, and make Faftion blulh, Strive, but in vain, to alienate the Hearts Of a whole People great in Arms and Arts ; 70 To us, by Nature, Reafbn, Int'reft, Blood, Conjoin'd, and union'd by the circling Flood. I Thro' A MOCK-HEROIC. 61 Thro' thefe as FOLLY pafs'd with tott'ring Gait, From thinking Hurry gave an Air of State, And tripping at the laft unlucky Law, 75 (As Witches ftumble o'er a Crofs of Straw) She chanc'd to kick one Bundle, light it roll'd Into Exiftence ; in it was foretold A Mock-heroic fhould employ the Pains Of venal Quills, and Party-heated Brains. 80 She, on her Knees, with Hands devoutly clos'd, At once her MefTage and herfelf, exposed ; To whom in anlwer FATE : " Thus far to come, " Swell all its Rage, and lafh itfelf to foam, " O'er ev'ry Mound of Decency to ride, 85 " Has been allow'd to Riot's Moon-drawn Tide; " Here its proud Waves ihall flop, the boift'rous Flood ^ On which ye hull'd defert you in the Mud*. "The 62 PATRIOTISM, Canto 5. *' The Mifts that veil the Morning of this Reign, " The Breath of Order fhall difperle again, 90 " Broke they fhall feud before the piercing Ray, " And add new Glories to its Burft of Day. " See the glad Profpeft fhine ! a Briton born, " Whom Virtues, more than you could wifh, adorn, " Gives Luftre to the Throne; whofe Deeds confefs95 " No Thirft of Pow'r, except the Pow'r to blefsj " Who from the Sceptre no Exemption draws, " And is but the firft Subjeft of the Laws ; " Ev'n Monarch reckons in his moral Plan, " But fecond Title to the HONEST MAN. " Him, did the World deferve, Heav'n had defign'd f< The Sov'reign, as the Friend of all Mankind, " Plac J d A MOCK-HEROIC. 63 " Plac'd as it's gentle Delegate he'd flood, " And won them by Example to be good ; " Taught them the fbcial Duties how to blend, 105 " The Son, the Brother, Hufband, Father, Friend. " Rouz'd from their Dream, the Honeft and the Wife " Shall view Confufion with abhorrent Eyes ; " Nay, the mifled fhall fay, while drops the Tear, " How could our Love be feribbled into Fear ? " no " Go, tell your Senders to revere their K g. " And in your private Ear, this only thing " Of which it can be capable, receive; " 5foittS of pour 3lffc Daie neier ions to ifte." Nor more : And FOLLY backward on her Way 1 15- Sullen and filent turn'd her Steps, tow'rds Day. 64 PATRIOTISM, Canto 5. And, oh fair Decency ! to whom we owe That Peace and Order are Things known below, That Man was taught, with better Aim, to pulh Beyond his Acorn Feaft and Bed of Rufh, 120 The rugged Cavern's Shelter to difbwn, And feek Convenience in the peopled Town, There to diftinguifh, in Subje&ion mild, 'Tween reafbnably free and ftaring wild j Do thou forgive, if ftung with honeft Pain, 125 Too far o'er Satire's far too open Plain I urge the fportive Steed, while I purfue Through his own Paths, the blatant Beaft in view, Do thou forgive, if e'er I, unexaft, Of his own Dirt ibme little Specks contraft ; 130 Hard were the Tafk to thrid ib foul a Way, And yet no plafliing of the Soil betray. But A MOCK-HEROIC. 6 But if provok'd to vindicate thy Laws, I-dip my Pen in Truth and Virtue's Caufe, If I, when Scandal fhoots her Load of Shame, 1 3$ Reftore it honeftiy to whence it came ; If my fble Aim is Licence to reftrain* And laugh thy Rebels home to thee again ; If, undefirous of the Wreath of Bays, Nor over ticklifh to the Straw of Praife, 140 Unafk'd, unpromis'd, if thefe Lines I pour, Conviftion-drawn, but from my Soul abhor The Name of Satirift, who to his Share Needs but an Ear to rhime, and Front to dare, To hide his Iplendid Bile in moral Mafk, 1 45 And fet himfelf at once about his Talk ; As a rough Water-Dog, New-England's Breed, Frefh plaifter'd from fbme Pond with Mud and Weed, I Round 66 PATRIOTISM. Canto 5. Round from his Fleece the dirty Puddle (hakes Rejoicing in the Spatter that he makes : 150^ If Thefe my Motives, not alone forgive, But bid this JUST RETALIATION, live ; While Libels, when they've flourifh'd for a Ipirt, Fall like their Brother Leaves, and rot to Dirt* FINIS. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. Form L9-40r-7,'56(C790s4)444 LIBRARY 3313 Patriotism UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY