3 UC-NRLF $B 25 MSb O ,"' z No. 451-1912 CATALOGUE OF A Miscellaneous Collection of Books INCLUDING Angling and Sporting, Fisheries, Duelling, Bibliography, etc., with interesting items by H. W. Herbert (Frank Forrester), Henry Van Dyke and others. TOGETHER WITH A FEW Books Plates, Postage Stamps, Scrap Books, etc., etc. TO BE SOLD AT AUCTION Wednesday, April 3rd, 1912 COMMENCING AT 2.30 P. M. BY ®hp iHpruiin-OIIaQtnn #aipa Olompantj 20-24 EAST 20TH STREET NEW YORK the ted his all ich !ch lot tiis en, an g« of ;n- ids all Idi- the sale contract and collect the anTount due without such resale at its own option. Accounts remaining unsettled after thirty days from date of sale will be charged interest at the rate of six per cent from date .^f sale. 6. All goods are sold as catalogued, and are assumed to be in good second-hand condition. If material defects are found, not mentioned in the catalogue, the lot may be returned. Notice of such defects must be given promptly and the goods returned within ten days from the date of the sale. This condition will be strictly enforced. 7. All manuscripts and autograghs, all magazines and reviews, all books in lots and all pamphlets in lots or volumes will be sold with all faults, imperfections and errors of description. 8. Bids. We make no charge for executing orders for our cus- tomers. All bids being used competitively. To The Merwin-Clayton Sales Company, 20-24 East 20th Street, New York. Please buy for me at your Auction Sale on 191 the following lots at not exceeding the prices named, which are SO MUCI PER LOT. l^ame — — Address BIDS PER LOT. LOT NUMBER r t FIRST WORD OF TITLE h future all bids to be Per Lot, aad not per volume or piece. BIO PER LOT LOT NUMBER FIRST WORD OF TITLE The payment of $3.00 will assure the mailing of ail our catalo§:ues for one yea .OT MBER FIRST WORD OF TITLE BiD>eR Lot NUMBER FIRST WORD OF TITLE BID PER LOT CATALOGUE. NOTE: Bids should be PER LOT. IMPORTANT NOTICE. We beg to call the attention of our patrons to the pact THAT IN FUTURE ALL BIDS SHOULD BE MADE PER LOT and not per volume OR PIECE AS HERETOFORE. In future all sets, bundles and aggregated parcels of whatever kind WILL BE SOLD AS ONE LOT and all bids therefore SHOULD READ ACCORDINGLY. Wednesday, April 3, 1912. Commencing at 2.30 P.M. 1. A DAMS (ANDY). The Outlet. Illustrated by E. Boyd il Smith. First Edition. i2mo, cloth. Boston and New York: Houghton, 1905 2. AINSWORTH (W. HARRISON). Windsor Castle. An Historical Romance. New Edition. Illustrated by Geo. Cniikshank and Tony Johannot. With designs on wood, by Alfred Delamotte. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London: Routledge et al., 1859 3. ALLEN (GARDNER W.). Our Navy and the Barbary Cor- sairs. First Edition. 1905; — Jacob Faithful (Captain Marryat). 1895. 2 vols. i2mo, cloth. London and New York. 4. AMERICAN COUNTRY LIFE. A Descriptive List of Novels and Tales dealing with American Country Life, by W. M. Griswold; — Directory of Writers for the Literary Press (Do); — Seventy Years of Book Auctions in New York; etc. i2mo, paper. (5) 5. AMERICAN PORTRAITS, ETC. By Early Am-erican En- gravers. Darley, Yeager, A. L. Dick and F. Halpin. 8vo. (12) Including " Grant Thorbum." Silas Wright, Jr., O. A. Bowman, Wm. R. King, Thomas Benton. Washington Alston, C. F. Hoffman, etc.. with ei- cerpts from U. S. Magazine, etc. ANGLING. 6. ANGLER. The Angler's Note-Book and Naturalist's Record: A Repertory of Fact, Inquiry and Discussion on Fish, Fishing, and Subjects of Natural History. The " Yellow Series " complete. With illustrations. Small 4to, cloth. London: Elliot Stock, 1888 7. ANGLING. Catalogues. Bosgoed (D. Mulder). Bibliotheca Ichthyologica et Piscatoria. Catalogue de livres et d'ecrits sur I'histoire naturelle des poissons et des cetaces. la pisciculture, les p^ches. la legislation des peches, etc. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. Haarlem, 1874 [A very admirable catalogue. The Bibliotheca of Mr. Westwood (1861) has been incorporated with it in extenso-l S'/<3 M844792 -^' ^y^ h^. 1 i 0/^vV^' Angling. ^ 8. Catalogues. Foster (D. and W. H.)- Catalogue of the Renowned Specialties in Fishing Tackle. Illustrated. 8vo, paper covers. London: Bemrose & Sons, 1833; — Mills & Son (Wil- liam). Catalogue of Fishing Tackle. 4to, paper. New York, 1894. 2 vols. O 9. Catalogues. Chubb (Thos. H.). Retail Catalogue for 1889. Fishing Rods andt Angler's Supplies. 8vo, emblematic en- graved covers. Post Mills, Vt., 1889 10. Catalogues. The Heckschcr Angling and Sporting Catalogues, including the Duplicates, (Priced with pencil.) 4 pieces. 8vo, paper. New York, 1906-09 Very useful to collectors for reference. ^^ II. Catalogue of the Library of Thomas Westwood. y^ Small 4to, paper covers (back cover missing), nnciit. New York: J. W. Ronton, 1873 The First Five Editions of Walton's Complete Angler published during the life of Walton was offered in this catalogue for $400.00. . , 12. Complete Set of Henry Thorpe's Catalogues of Books / on Angling, Sporting, First Editions, etc., 1879-1910. 8vo. (14) 13. — Herbert (Henry William). Plates of Fish, etc., on wood, by H. W. Herbert, from Frank- Forester's Fish and Fishing. 34 pieces. 8vo (soni'e duplicates). Q 14. BEECHER (HENRY WARD). Star Papers; or. Experi- ^ cnces of Art and Nature. New York: J. C. Derby, 1855 Collation : pp. 359. 12mo, cloth. [Chap. VII., "Trouting; " Chap. XIX., "The Morals of Fishing.'] 15. BICKNELL (W. L). Natural History of the Holy Scrip- tures, and Guide to General Zoology. Illustrated by upwards of 300 colored engravings. 2 vols. Square i6mo, half morocco. London: John Tallis (n. d.] Q 16. BLANCHERE (H. DE LA). La Peche et les Poissons Nouveau Dictionnaire General des Peches publee sous les Auspices ^. jde LL. HE. MM. Precede D'Une preface par Aug. Dumerie. 1,100 ^ 6 illustrations Dessinees et Coloriees par A. Mesnel d'Apres les / . Photographies faites sur Nature par L. Auteur. Thick imperial 8vo, morocco back, gilt. Paris, 1868 17. BLAKEY (ROBERT). The Angler's Song Book. First ^ ^^ Edition. i6mo, half morocco (binding warped by damp), gilt top, ' uncut. London: Geo. Cox, 1855 %^ o 18. [BROWN (JOHN J.).] American Angler's Guide. Fourth ^Edition, with a Second Part. Illustrated by 20 full-page engravings J of Fish and other illustrations. i2mo, cloth. r-jO New York: D. App^leton & Co., 1857 The preceding title is also called the " Fourth Edition, " a much inferior book, but is quite rare. ig. CRAWHALL (JOSEPH). A Collection of Right Merrie Garlands .for North Country Anglers. Edited by Joseph Crawhall ,--; and continued to this present year. Pretty head- and tail-pieces by Bewick, etc., and music. Crown 8vo, roxburg*he binding. Newcastle-on-Tyne. George Rutland, 1864 [This is a republication of the celebrated " Newcastle Fishers Gar- lands." with a continuation up to 1864.] fO 30. DAWSON (GEORGE). Pleasures of Angling with Rod and Reel for Trout and Salmon. Illustrated. First Edition. Scarce. i2mo, cloth. New York: Sheldon & Co., 1876 21. DAX (LE VICOMTE LOUIS DE). Souvenirs de mes Chasses et de la Peches dans le Midi de la France. i2mo, morocco back. Paris: Castel. 1858 Book-plate J. G. H. 22. Nouveaux Souvenirs de Chasse et de Peche, dans le Midi de la France. [Woodcuts.] i2mo, picture paper covers, uncut. Book-plate J. G. H. Paris: Dentu, i860 23. Nouveaux Souvenirs de Chasse et de Peche dans le Midi de la France. Illustration. i2mo, .morocco back. Book-plate J. G. H. Paris: E. Dentu, i860 24. DODD (ANNA BOWMAN). On the Broads. lUustrated by Joseph Pennell. 8vo, decorated buckram, gilt top, uncut. London and New York: Macmillan, 1896 25. ETCHINGS. Angling: The Angler's Song: The Milkmaid's Song; The Bridge; Piscator's Lesson; Hawking; Portrait of Charles Cotton; Landing the Grayling. Engraved by Ben Damman after A. H. Tourrier. 7 pieces. Crown 8vo. 26. FARRAR (CAPT. CHAS. A. J.). Illustrated Guide Book to Moosehead Lake. First Edition. Square i2mo, cloth. Host 1889 27. FISHERIES. Fisheries and Fishermen. By Bertram, Adams, etc. Illustrations. 8vo, green cloth. London: W. Clowes & Sons, 1883 [Pamphlets issued by the International Fisheries Exhibition Commis- sion, London, 1883.] Two book-plates J. G. H. 28. FRIIS (JENS ANDREAS). Tilfjelds i Ferierne eller Jaeger-og Fiskerliv i Hoifjeldene. Med et Kart og 12 illustrationer. Christiania Alb. Cammermeyer, 1887. Engraved title, printed title. 16mo, pictured paper cover uncut. 29. GESNERUS (D. C). Gesnerus redivivus auctors et emen- datus, Oder Allgemeines Thierbuch (das ist eigentlische und lebendige abbildung aller vierfussigen) so wohl zahmen als wilder Thieren welche in alien vier Theilender lebt, etc. 6 vols, in one. Franfurt am Main, Wilhelm Serlius, 1669 Collation : Vol. I, engraved title, rubricated title, 3 unnumbered leaves pp. 392-IV. (index). XVII. {register) ; Vol. II., engraved title, printed title, pp. IV.-380-VII., register; Vol. III., title, pp. II.-212-XIV. (register); Vol. IV., engraved title, printed titl^. pp. II.-199-V. (register) ; Vol. V. title, pp. VI. -98; Vol. VI. (1662). title, pp. VI.-116. Folio, half brown crushed levant morocco, gilt back (joints worn). Two book-plates J. G. H. ^ $> + JK /A-ti" trated by Herbert E. Butler. Square 8vo, cloth. New York, 1892 First Edition. >j^ 34. McLELLAN (ISAAC). Poems of the Rod and Gun. Crown ^ j Tj 8vo, cloth, entirely uncut. New York: Henry Thorpe, 1886 \ y^i One of thirty copies left in uncut condition, being a half-inch taller I * than the rest of the edition of one thousand copies printed from the type. y First and only Edition, a unique angling and sporting book. CS sJf^ 35- Poems of the Rod and Gun. Another copy of the .^ . above in sheets, folded. !> 36. OPPIANL De Venatione Lib. IV et de Piscatione Lib. V. _^ »' [Gr. and Lat.] Curavit J. G. Schneider. 8vo, full calf (worn), marbled edges. Argentorati: Konig, 1776 [Bound with the above: " Cynegetica et Halieutica Emendavit Schnei- der." Lipsiae, Weigel, 1813, pp. XVI. -98, and two other Greek publica- tions.] Book-plate J. G. H. ^^ 37. Oppiano della Pesca e della Caccia Tradotto del Greco -^ cd Illustrato con Varie Annotazioni da Antonmaria Salvini. Nuova Edizione Coll' Aggiunta delle Notizie Sulla Vita dell' Autore per Giglielmo Alessandro Greenhill. i8mo, original paper cover, uncut. Book-plate J. G. H. Milano: G. Daelli E. C. Edition. 1864 >;' 38. OYSTER. The Oyster; Where, How and When to Find, Breed, Cook and Eat it. Second edition, with a new chapter. The Oyster-Seeker in London, i8mo, pictured boards. London: Triibner & Co., 1863 Vignette &v G. Cruikshank on title and two othi:ks. Book-plate of J. G. H. y ._. 39. PEARD (W.). A Year of Liberty; or, Salmon Angling in ^ "^ Ireland from February ist to November ist. First Edition. i2mo, I '^ cloth, uncut. London: Horace Cox, 1867 40. PETIT (JULES). Du Tir du Gibier Pourquoi Ion Mauque ^ \j Comment on tue Education d'un Jeune Chasseur. D^uxieme Edi- ."^ tion. i8mo, paper, uncut. Paris: E. Plon, Nourrit et Cie, 1885 Book-plate J. G. H. /jt) 41. PISCARIUS. The Artificial Production of Fi.sh. By Pis- '^> carius. Third edition. i6mo, boards, cloth back. London: Reeve & Co., 1852 ^0 U ^ t>' •J (^ 43. RENNIE (JAMES). Alphabet of Scientific Angling for the ' Use of Beginners. Illustrated. First Edition. i8mo. cloth, uncut. London: Wm. Orr, 1833 >^ 43. REYNOLDS (J., M. D.). Peter Gott. the Cape Ann Fisher- man. Frontispiece, view of Dartmoor Prison. Fourth Thousand. i2mo, cloth. Boston, etc., 1856 44. SANDYS (EDWYN). Sporting Sketches. Illustrated. First Edition. Fine copy. i2mo, cloth. N. Y.: Macmillan, 1905 45. SCHREINER'S (WM. H.) Sporting Manual. A Complete I" Treatise on Fishing, Fowling, and Hunting. Illustrated. i8mo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1841 Veby rare. Some leaves torn, and blank part of last leaf cut off. Text is complete. k1> 46. SHIRLEY (THOMAS). The Angler's Museum. The Third Edition. i8mo, full calf antique (worn). London: John Fielding (n. d.) Prefixed is a portrait of Mr. .John Kirby, the celebrated angler. He was Keeper of Newgate, and died in 1804, aged 80. 47. SPECIAL CATALOGUES of Angling Books. W. W. Sabin, Nos. IV and VII; Dodd, Mead & Co. [No. 9]; Scribner and Wel- ford; Leggat Bros.; A. L. Luyster, 1885; Henry Miller; Frank Hol- lings [No. 17]; and Albert Sutton's Walton Tercentenary, 1593-1893, 48. [SMITH (JOHN).] The True Art of Angling, [n. p., n. d.] All missing to sig. A3, " To the Lovers of Angling." Last leaf lacks most of the margin (some leaves mended, as is). Extremely rare. (158 pp.) 49. [SQUIER (E. GEORGE).] Waikna; or, Adventures on the Mosquito Shore. By Samuel A. Bard. 60 illustrations. i2mo, cloth. New York: Harper's, 1855 FntST Edition. Fine Copy. [Contains " Fire-light Fishing," etc.] ^j 50. SQUIRES (HENRY C). Descriptive Catalogue and Price ^ List of Sportsman's Supplies. Including . . . Fishing Tackle . . . and everything for Forest, Field and Stream. Illustrations. Royal 4to, decorative white boards, gilt top, uncut. Book-plate J. G. H. New York: Knickerbocker Press, 1890 . 51. TAYLOR (JOHN). The Canadian Handbook and Tourist's ^ " Guide. . . . With the Best Spots for Fishing and Shooting. ' Photo-illustrations. First Edition. i2mo, cloth. Montreal: Longmore & Co., 1867 ;^ 52. THOMSON (JAMES). The Seasons. With th« Life of the ^ ^Author. London: Printed for J. Creswick & Co., 1794 '^ Collation: pp. XIX. -196. Portrait of the author, and four plates ^ AFTER J. Cruiksha.nk ( One of which is an Angling Scene). 24mo, mot- tled calf, with the Coat of Arms of Dublin College stamped in gold on \ each cover, and the book-plate of the College inserted. [In " Spring " there occurs a passage of 49 lines on angling, in which the cunning of the practiced angler is as evident as the skill of the poet. It commences : " When with his lively ray, the potent sun Has pierc'd the streams and rous'd the finny race. Then, issuing cheerful, to thy sport repair," etc.] v5^ ^ 1^ 5 ^1^ h H< \p 4 53. WARREN (T. ROBINSON). Shooting, Boating and Fishing for Young Sportsmen. Illustrations. i2mo maroon cloth, gilt. New York: Charles Scribner & Co., 187E [Chap. X., " Fishing." pp. 139-165.] Book-plate J. G. H. 5^ 54. WHITE (REV. GILBERT). The Natural History and %' Antiquities of Selborne and a Garden Kalendar. Edited by E. -^ Bowdler Sharpe, with an Introduction to the Garden Kalendar by ^ the Very Rev. S. Reynolds Hole, Dean of Rochester, and numerous illustrations by J. G. Keulemans, Herbert Railton and Edmund J. Sullivan. 2 vols. London: S. T. Freemantle, 1900 Collation : Vol. I., pp. XXIII. -427 ; Vol. II., pp. XV.-4.33. Illustrated WITH 99 FULL-PAGE PLATES AND 68 SMALLER ILLUSTRATIONS. ALL PROOFS ON India paper. 4to, vellum, with G. White's coat of arms in gold and colors stamped on covers, gilt top, uncut. [Large Paper Edition, limited to 160 copies, of which 150 only are for sale. Each copy is signed by the editor and artists. No. 17.] Facsimile autograph letter of the Author inserted. List of plates : Vol. II calls for a facsimile letter of Hon. Daines Bar- rington, which is lacking, there is no evidence that it was ever inserted. Two book-plates J. G. H. /a ^J0 55- WIDEGREN (HJALMAR). Bidrag till Kannedomen oni Sveriges Salmonider; Akademisk af handling. . . . Stockholm: Norstdt & Soner, 1863 Collation : pp. 78. Ten plates, num^yered from IV. to XIII. ( some folded). 8vo, stitched, uncut. Book-plate J. G. H. 56. WILSON (JOHN). The Isle of Palms, and other Poems. 8vo, calf (joints cracked). Edinburgh, 1812 First Edition. Scarce. With "Angler's Tent" (p. 18). and "The Nameless Stream" (p. 380). Fine clean copy. 57. YOUNG (ANDREW). The Angler's Guide to the Rivers and Lakes in the North of Scotland. Nev*^ Edition, with the by- laws as to boundaries and close times. Edinburgh.: A. & C. Black, 1865 Collation: pp. V.-131. Map. 18mo, green cloth. J^ 58. YOUNG (ARCHIBALD). The Anglers and Sketcher's Q Guide to Sutherland. Second Edition. i8mo, original blue cloth. Book-plate J. G. H. Edinburgh: Wm. Paterson, 188 1 ^ 59- D ALZAC'S CONTES DROLATIQUES. Droll Stories Col- 3 . D lected from the Abbeys of Touraine. Translated into English, Complete and Unabridged. Illustrated with 425 designs by Gustave Dore. Crown 8vo, crimson cloth gilt, gilt top, uncut. -^ London: J. C. Hotten [1874] 60. Droll Stories Collected from the Abbeys of Touraine. Illustrated with designs by Gustave Dore and decorative borders by Camden. Crown 8vo, crimson cloth, gilt tops, uncut. Printed for the Bibliophilist's Library, 1907 \^ 61. BALZAC (HONORfi DE). Droll Stories Collected from the Abbeys of Touraine. IlUustrated with designs by Gustave Dore and decorative borders by Camden. With Life and Sketch of " Balzac and His Critics." Crown 8vo, cloth, paper label, gilt top, uncut. Printed for the Bibliopbilist Library, 1907 ■rvv 1/ 62. BANGS (JOHN KENDRICK). Cobwebs from a Library Corner. Frontispiece. Narrow i8mo, cloth. New York, 1899 FiHST Edition. J 63. BARHAM (R. H.). Th€ Ingoldsby Legends; or, Mirth and Marvels, by Thomas Ingoldsby, Esq. Edited with Notes Intro- ductory and Illustrative, by R. H. Dalton Barham. 2 vols. 8vo. London: R. Bentley, 1870 64. [BECKFORD (WILLIAM).] [Vathek.] An Arabian Tale. Portrait of W. Beckford from European Magazine inserted. i2mo, half calf (one joint cracked), gilt back. London, 1786 Two book-plates J. G. H. (Front cover loose.) 65. BEECHER (HENRY WARD). A. L. S., Brooklyn, Sept. 9, 1862 [and] Edward Beecher, his Brother, Galesburg, July 24, 1862. Both written to Philip Snyder, Esq.. commending his lecture on the Nile. 2 pieces. i2mo and i8mo. 66. A. L. S., fixing a lecture date, Oct, 22, '61; — A. L. S. to Samuel E. Belcher, of Brooklyn, by Spencer W. Cone, 2 pp.; — A. N, S., Chas. Gould, on 3d page of the Cone note, and the 4th page an endorsement of the son of Samuel E. Belch-er by Henry Ward Beecher. 2 pieces. i2mo. 67. BEECHER-TILTON JURY. (The Last Man on,) [Ex- ^ ij tract from the New York " Morning Journal," A. D. 1925.] Etched "^ by D'Aguillc, inv. by Geo. Cruikshank. Portrait of Theo. TiltOn, India paper proof ;— Autograph Letters of Carroll Tilton, one men- tions oil portrait of A. Lincoln, (5) ^ 68, BELL (J. J.). Jess & Co. First Edition. i6mo, art linen. '' New York: Harpers, 1904 / 69. BELMONT (A.). Letters, Speeches and Addresses. Pri- vately printed. Royal 8vo, cloth. New York, 189O Author's autograph presentation copy to Mrs. Mary M. Travers from her old friend August Belmont, May, 1890. Book-plate J. G. H. 70. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Catalogue of the Entire Collection of the Late Mr. John Allan, of Choice, Scarce, Curious and Unique Books, Drawings, Engravings, Coins, etc., etc. 8vo, paper, uncut. New York: Bangs, Merwin & Co., 1864 Named and priced in ink. 71- A Catalogue of Old and Rare Books (5,836 lots). i2mo, cloth. London: Pickering & Chatto, 1896 72. An Extraordinary Collection of Books, Part Two, of Gems from the Library of a Bibliomaniac. (By order of the SheriflF, sale postponed), N. Y.: Leavitt, 1878;— Library of a Bibliomaniac, N, Y.: G. A. Leavitt & Co., 1880. 2 vols 8vo, paper. 73- Catalogue of the Library of Edward Hale Bierstadt, ^ Parts I and 2, 1897; — Catalogue of the Stock of Geo. H. Richmond ' . ^ & Co. (6 parts); — Frank R. Burbank's Books and Autographs; — 7^ Library of John R. Reid', 2 parts. (11) / ^ .1 Bibliography. 74. Catalogue of the Collection of Autographs belonging /j ^ to Lewis J. Cist, Esq. 3 parts (ist part priced and named). 3 vols, ^ 8vo, paper. New York, 1886-1887 1^ 75* Catalogue of the Library collected by Peter Hastie I 4} aiid: Edward H. Tracy, January, 1877, Sold at Leavitts'; — Ellis and Elveys' General Catalogue, Books and MSS. (4); — Trivulzio Col- lection, Part 2. N. Y. 1888. (7) 76. Catalogue of the Library of Thomas J. McKee. 7 parts. 8vo. New York, Nov., 1900-1903 77. The Perkins Library. A Catalogue of the Very Valu- able and Important Library formed by the late Henry Perkins. Splendid Illuminated MSS., Ancient Bibles, the Four Folio Editions of Shakespeare, etc., etc. Imperial 8vo, half crimson levant mo- rocco, top edge gilt. London [1873] Ruled and priced, also the printed prices bound in. The grand total of the sale was £25,954.4.0. Two copies of the Mazarine Bible were sold. "^ One on vellum brought £3,400. Paper copy £2.690. \^ 78. BIDDLE (HORACE P.). A Few Poems. First Edition. i2mo, cloth. Cincinnati, 1858 On fly-leaf autograph of " Horace P. Biddle. Logansport, Indiana." ^^ Q 79. BOKER (GEORGE H.). Poems of the War. First Edition. "^' i2mo, cloth. Boston, 1864 80. BLACKBURN (H.). Randolph Caldecott. 172 illustrations. 8va, cloth, gilt edges. London, 1886 Book-plate J. G. H. 81. BOOK-PLATES. Barrett (William Phillips). [Lady Angle- ^^ sea.] Cupid standing on a vas€ looking into a lily blossom, three ^ flying hearts above, within a wreath of ivy and ribbon, with names of authors, meadow and woods in the background, (Inv. W. P. B., 1900.) i8mo. 82. Barrett (William Phillips). Juana Constance Barrow. O Library interior (Fox Terrier in possession). Motto over book- shelves, " If you will not rise to us, we cannot stoop to you." (Inv. W. P. B., 1904.) 4ta. PINE PROOF. I^V 83. Barrett (William Phillips). Raphaeli Mauritii Bauer. Library Interior. (Inv. W. P. B., 1903-) 24mo. ^ ^ 84. Barrett (William Phillips). Frank Bibby. Motto: " Vi Jf^ Et Vertute." Armorial. (Inv. W. P. B., 1902.) 24mo. ^ 85. Barrett (William Phillips). John Hunter Blair. /Jv^ Motto: "Vigilantia Robur Voluptas." (Not signed or dated.) / 24m o. h) 86. Barrett (William Phillips). Mildred Boynton. Ar- ^ morial. (Inv. W. P. B., 1904.) 24mo. Ij 87. Barrett (William Phillips). Archibald Charles Camp- bell. Armorial, with motto: "Arma Parata Fero." (Not signed or dated.) 32mo. ^D ^ Book-plates. 88. Barrett (William Phillips). Margie Chandos-Pole, Her Book. Name interwoven with a ribbon and rose scroll, in- cluding four cupids. (Inv. W. P. B., 1905.) 24nio, / 89. Barrett (William Phillips). Arthur Davidson. Ar- y^ morial. Motto: *' Sapienter Si Sincere." (Inv. W. P. B., 1903.) 32mo. 90. Barrett (William Phillips.) Feodorovna, with Mono- gram, F. A., on top, three cupids within wreath of lilies and roses in a frame. (Inv. W. P. B., 1904.) S^mo. 91. Barrett (William Phillips). Bernard and Mary Lew- ; \J ton Firth (conjoint plate). Armorial and Marine, with full-rigged ^' ship. Motto: "The wicked borroweth and payeth not agfain." (Inv. W. P. B., 1903.) 4to. Pine proof impression. , - 92. Barrett (William Phillips). Ethel (Hon. Ethel Gerard). Two Angels and white Lily, flag with black cross on a white ground, in floral frame. (Inv. W. P. B., 1903.) Royal 8vo. Proof. The first book-plate, designed by Mr. Barrett, was executed for this lady In 1896. 93. Barrett (William Phillips). Ethel (Lady Gerard). Same as above. 24rao (1903), on smaller paper. ;' 94- Barrett (William Phillips). J. A. Henderson. Motto: ,L -' " Sola Nobilatat Virtus." (Inv. W. P. B., 1904.) 32mo. / 95- Barrett (William Phillips). William Hillier, 4th Earl of Onslow. Library Interior. Armorial design at top, (Inv. W. P. B., 1903.) 24mo (dup.). / 96. Barrett (William Phillips). [Sidney Humphries.) Ex -^ Libris. Two monograms in center. Ex Libris on Valance. Two Cupids surmounting the design. (Inv. W. P. B., 1903.) 4to. Fine proof impression. 97. Barrett (William Phillips). [Sidney Humphries.] Same as above on smaller paper. 24mo. (1903.) 98. Barrett (William Phillips). Siball Levett. fx Libris.. Dog in center, surrounded with carnations and roses. (Inv. W. P. B., 1903.) 24mo. jy 99. Barrett (William Phillips). Violet Donaldson Hud- son. Palatial Residence in a conventional scroll. (Inv. W. P. B., 1903.) 24mo. r 100. Barrett (William Phillips). Ex Libris. Robert Hall, Y- 1902. Library Interior (bust of Dickens upper right-hand corner). (Inv. W. P. B., 1902.) Square i8mo. 101. Barrett (William Phillips). Virginia Otis. Moon- light scene, within a frame draped with vines. Rifle and elk horn and tiger in foreground, two elephants in th-e distance. Artist's proof, signed. (Inv. W. P. B., 1904.) K ''/ W ^^ Book-plates. 102. Barrett (William Phillips). Sir Weetman Dickinson Pearson, Baronet. Armorial. Motto: " Do It with Thy Might." (Inv. W. P. B., 1904.) 4to. Japan proof. «i ^^ 103. Barrett (William Phillips). Lionel Phillips. Ar- morial. Motto: "Veritas Vincet." (Inv. W. P. B., 1905.) Royal 8vo. Very fine proof. /^ 104. Barrett (William Phillips). Lucy Cecilia Scarbrough, / with Motto: " Murus Aeneus conscientia Sana." Heron on nest, feeding young, in center of ribbon and floral wreath. (Inv. W. P. B., 1904.) 32mo. y U 105. Barrett (William Phillips). Elizabeth Steele. Gar- ^ dien scene, with motto: " L'Abeille Sait La Fleur qui Recele Le Miel. (Inv. W. P. B., 1902.) i6mo. u^ 106. Barrett (William Phillips). Charles Trevelyan, Ex M^ Libris. Man ploughing, open book under a tree. (Inv. W. P. B., 1903.) 24mo. f\ X 107. Barrett (William Phillips). Reginald Clifton /- Vaughan. Fine armorial. 4 heads, with snakes twined loosely around the necks. (Not signed' or dated.) 32mo. 108. Barrett (William Phillips). Helen Venetia Vincent. Garden scene, within a wreath. (Inv. W. P. B., 1903.) i8mo. .^ 109. Barrett (William Phillips). Prince Albert of Wales. M Ornamental capital A within a wreath of roses, thistles and sham- rock, surrounded by a crown. (Inv. W. P. B., 1904.) 32mo. A no. Barrett (William Phillips). Prince Edward of Wales. ^1 ^ (The same as Prince Albert of Wales except the initial is an E in- stead of an A.) (Inv. W. P. B., 1904.) 32mo. )j III. Barrett (William Phillips). Charlotte C. Williamson, ^ with nine lines of sentiment, " Books are our friends, etc.," within i a wreath of roses done in sepia. (Not signed or dated.) ^^ . 112." Barrett (William' Phillips). Edith A. Wolverton /- [Ladty Wolverton]. With monogram in center of ribbon and floral wreath. (Inv. W. P. B., 1905.) Royal 8vo. /^ Fine proof, signed by W. P. Barrett, 1905. 113- — Barrett (Wm. P.). A. L. S., Lond., Aug. 26, 1905. Relates to women's book-plates, pp. 3, i2mo (mended). . /^ 114. French (Edwin Davis). 1903. Rev. William Augus- ^**''^ tus Brewer. Beautiful design, with church and parsonage. (2.) 32mo. 115. Tiffany & Co. Angling Book-plate of John Gerard A) Heckscher. No. 11 of twelve proofs. Signed by Tiffany & Co., b ' 1899. Mounted on a small 4to passe-partout. ^ ^-o (^■- 10 ' ii6. BRADY (CYRUS T.). Under Tops'Is and Tents. Illus- trated. First Edition. 1901; — The Christmas Wreck and other Stories. fFrank R. Stockton.] 1887. 2 vols. Cloth. N. Y. 117. BRIDGES (ROBERT). Eden. An Oratorio set to Music, by C. V. Stanford. i8mo, blue paper covers. London: G. Bell & Sons, 1891 118. BROWN. The Public Life of Capt. John Brown. By James Redpath, with an Autobiography of his Childhood and Youth. Portrait. i2mo, cloth. Boston: Thayer & Eldridge, i860 119. [BROWNE (HABLOT K.).] Sketches of Young Ladies. By " Quiz." With six illustrations by " Phiz." Third Edition. i8mo, three-quarter green levant morocco, gilt top, uncut, with the original pictorial paper cover preserved. Two book-plates J. Q. H. London: Chapman & Hall, 1837 120. BURNABY: The Life of Colonel Fred. Burnaby. By Thomas Wright. With fifty-nine plates. 8vo, cloth, gilt top, un- cut. London: Everett & Co., 1908 121. BUTTERFIELD (DANIEL— Maj.-Genl. U. S. A., etc.). A. L. S., to the Hon. the Secretary of War, Washington, D. C, Feby, 19, 1894, 4 pp., i6mo. " I earnestly recommend and request that the Medal of Honor be granted Lieut. John G. Heckscher — as being within the spirit and purpose of the law, a proper recogni- tion and reward for special gallantry and service in that battk (Gaines Mills, June, 1862)." 122. /CATALOGUE OF BOOKS IN THE LIBRARY OF . . . V-^ 4to, half morocco, gilt edges. ^ New York: R. G. Hutchinson [n. d.] Printed headings : Author, no title, publisher and date of publication, number of vols., size, style of binding, remarks. Indexed, gilt letters on black. Space for 2,144 titles. 123. CATALOGUES. Library catalogue. 236 pages, 25 lines to a page. With printed headings, under title, shelf or mark, author or translator, vols., size, date, remarks, ruled- in red and blue, on ledger paper, recording 5,900 titles. Oblong 4to, full scarlet mo- rocco, gilt edges. (Cost 35s. sterling.) London: Published by Houghton & Gunn [n. d.] 124. CHURCHES, ETC. 151 Engravings of Churches, Cathe- drals, etc. Principally taken from books about old London. Very early engravings. 125. CIVIL WAR. A Catalogue of Books and Pamphlets be- longing to Daniel M. Tredwell relating to the Great Civil War between the North and the South, etc. Together with about 500 portraits of participators in the civil strife. 8vo, paper, uncut. SCABCB printed on thick paper with large type. Brooklyn, 1874 126. Spirit of The Fair: Numbers 1-12, April 5-18, 1864. 4to. New York. With original contributions by Jas. Fenfmore Cooper, R. H. Dana, C. P. Cranch, E. C. Stedman, Bayard Taylor, J. R. Lowell. Geo. W. Curtis, W. C. Bryant, Washington Irving, D. G. Mitchell, R. W. Raymond, etc. Now very scarce. II 127. CLARKE (McDONALD). Poems. Portrait drawn by H. Inman, engraved by Peter Maverick. i6mo, calf back. New York: J. W. Bell, 1836 First Edition. Rare. Book-plate of Henry B. Anthony. 128. [CLINTON (DeWITT).] Letters on the Natural History and Internal Resources of th-e State of New York. By Hiberni- cus. i6mo, calf (worn). New York, 1822 Other titles bound in same cover. The Code of 1650, Hartford : 1825, etc. 129. CLUB CAMEOS: Portraits of the Day. With 62 illustra- tions by Rupert Browne. 8vo, half blue morocco, gilt back and top, uncut. London: Sampson Low, 1879 Two book-plates J. G. H. 130. COLLIS (MRS. C. H. T.). A Woman's War Record. Illustrated. First Edition. i6mo, cloth, gilt top, uncut. N. Y. 1889 Presentation copy from the Authoress. Book-plate J. G. H. 131. COTTON (CHARLES). The Essays of Michael. Seigneur de Montaigne. With Notes and Quotations, and some Account of Q . the Author's Life. Translated from the French by Charles Cotton. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth, gilt top, uncut. London and New York: Ward, Lock & Co. [n. d.] Two book-plates J. G. H. 132. [CRONIN.] The Evolution of a Life, described in the Me- moirs of Major Seth Eyland [i. e., David Edward Cronin]. i2mo, cloth. New York, 1884 Mr. Cronin was an officer in the Civil War, and a correspondent for Harper's Weekly. 133. T'VARLEY (F. O. C). Illustrations to Hawthorne's Scar- mJ let Letter, Oblong 4to, imitation alligator skin. Book-plate J. G. H. Boston, 1884 134. DICKENS (CHARLES). A Christmas Carol in Prose. Being a Ghost Story of Yule-Tide. 8vo, boards, ooze calf back, uncut. East Aurora, N. Y.: The Roycroft Book Shop, 1902 135. DOLLY MADISON. Memoirs and Letters of. Wife of James Madison, President of the United States. Edited by her Grand-Niece. First Edition. i6mo, cloth. Boston, 1886 136. DOYLE (A. CONAN). The Captain of the Polestar, and other Tales. i2mo, cloth. London: Longmans, 1890 137. DOYLE (RICHARD). Manners and Cvstoms of the Eng- lyshe. Drawn from ye Quick by Richard Doyle. To which he added some extracts from Mr. Pips hys Diary, contrybuted by Percival Leigh. Oblong 4to, half red morocco, gilt edges. Two book-plates J. G. H. London: Bradbury & Evans (1849) 138. DUELLING. Beecher (Lymian). The Remedy for Duel- ling. A Sermon, delivered before the Presbytery of Long Island at the Opening of their Session at Aquebogue, April 16, 1806. By Lyman Beecher, Pastor of the Church in East-Hampton. 8vo, half crimson morocco, gilt top, uncut. New York: Williams & Whiting, 1809 Scarce. Book-plate J. G. H. 12 y Duelling. 139. Cauchjr (M. Eugene). Du Duel considere dans ses Origines et dans L'Etat Actual des Moeurs. 2 vols. 8vo, half crimson morocco, emblematic tooling, gilt top's, uncut, by Zaehns- dorf. Paris: Guillaunim et Cie, 1863 Two book-plates J. G. H. 140. Colombey (Emile). Histoire Anecdotique Du Duel Dans Tous Les Temps et Dans Tous Les Pays. i6mo, paper, un- cut. Paris: M. Levy [n. d.]. Book-plate J. G. H. 141. D'Almbert (Alfred). Phj^siologie du Duel. 8vo, half crimson morocco, emblematic tooling, gilt top, uncut, by Zaehnsdorf. Paris: Anyot. 1867 Book-plate J. G. H. 142. Gandon (Antoine). Les 32 Duels dte Jean Gigon. Histoire D'Un Enfant Trouve. Par Antoine Gandon. Nouvelle Edition. Portrait. i2mo, half crimson morocco, emblematic tool- ing, gilt top, uncut, by Zaehnsdorf. Paris: Calmann Levy, 1887 Book-plate J. G. H. 143. Grave (Theodore de). Les Duellistes. Preface par Jules Claretie. i2mo. half crimson morocco, emblematic tooling, gilt top, uncut, by Zaehnsdorf. Paris: Georges Barber, i868 Book-plate J. G. H. 144. Grissier (A.). Les Armes et le Duel par A. Grissier. Ouvrage Agree par S. M. L'Empereur de Russie. Preface Anec- dotique par Alexandre Dumas, etc. Dessins par E. de Beaumont. Deuxieme Edition. Royal 8vo, half crimson morocco, emblematic tooling on back, gilt top. uncut, by Zaehnsdorf. (Library stamp on title.) Paris: Gamier Freres, 1847 Book-plate J. G. H. 145. Hamilton (General Alexander). A Letter to Aaron Burr. Vice-President of the United States of America, on the bar- barous Origin, the Criminal Nature and the baneful effects of Duels; Occasioned by his late fatal Interview with the Deceased and Much Lamented General Alexander Hamilton. By Philan- thropos. i2mo, half crushed crimson levant morocco, emblematic tooling, gilt top. New York: Printed for the Author, and sold by John Low, etc., 1804. Book-plate J. G. H. 146. Hey (Richard). A Dissertation on Duelling. Pub- lished by Appointment as having gained a prize (May, 1784) in the University of Cambridge. 8vo, mottled calf, antique (worn). Cambridge: J. Archdeacon; London: T. Cadell. etc.. 1784 [In same cover: "A Dissertation on Suicide," Cambridge: 1785: and "A Dissertation on the Pernicious Effects of Gaming," etc. Second Editio.v. Cambridge: 1784. Both by the same author.] From the library of Dr. Wm. R. Williams, pastor Amity Baptist Church of N. Y.. with a neatly written note about the Author in Dr. Williams' autograph. Book-plate .T. G. H. 147. Leroy (Charles). Guide du Duelliste Indelicat. Illustrations. T2mo. half crimson morocco, gilt back and top, un- cut. Paris: Tresse, 1884 Book-plate J. G. H. 13 Duelling. 148. Mackay (Charles, LL. O.). Memoirs of Extraordi- nary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds. Second Edi- tion. Engravings. 2 vols. i2mo, embossed cloth. London: National Illustrated Library, 1852 [Under the heading, " Duels and Ordeals," there is an account of " The Origin of the Duello"] Two book-plates J. G. H. 149. Mendez (Theodiore-Auguste). Le Duel depuis les temps les plus recules jusqu'a nos jours. Deuxieme Edition. 8vQ^ half crimson morocco, emblematic tooling on back, gilt top, uncut, by Zaehnsdorf. Paris: Appart et Vavasseur, 1854. Book-plate J. G. H. 150. Saint-Albin (A. de). Les Salles d'Armes De Paris. Par A. de Saint-Albin. Etched portraits. Royal 8vo, half crimson morocco, emblematic tooling on back, gilt top, uncut, by Zaehns- dorf, Paris: Glady Freres, 187s [Only 550 copies printed, 500 on Van Gelder paper, 30 on Whatman, 20 on China.] Book-plate J. G. H. 151. Steinmetz (Andrew). The Romance of Duelling in All Times and Countries. 2 vols. 8va, half crimson morocco, gilt backs and tops, uncut. London: Chapman & Hall, 1868 Two book-plates J. G. H. 152. Tavernier (Adolphe). Amateurs et Salles D'Armes De Paris. Illustrations de Genilloud. Square 8vo, pictorial paper covers, uncut. Paris: C. Morpon [n. d.] Book-plate J. G. H. 153. Thimm (Carl A.). A Complete Bibliography of Fencing and Duelling as practised by All European Nations from the Middle Ages to the Present Time, with a Classical Index, etc. Illustrated. Royal 8vo, art linen, red cloth back, red top, uncut. London and New York: John Lane, 1896 154- Thomas (M. L'Abbe Alexandre). Le Duel L'Eglise Catholique et L'Armee. Dieuxieme Edition. Royal 8vo, half red morocco, emblematic tooling on back, gilt top, uncut, by Zaehns- -- dorf. Versailles: Paul Oswold, 1871 Book-plate J. G. H. 155. DU MAURIER (GEORGE). Social Pictorial Satire. Reminiscences and Appreciations of English Illustrators of the Past Generation. With illustrations. i2mo, art linen, gilt top, uncut. New York and London: Harper's, 1898 ^. 156. pGERTON (GEORGE). Key Notes. i6mo, brown cloth. . L> Boston: Roberts Bros.; London: Elkin Mathews and John Lane, 1894. Book-plate J. G. H. 157. ELLARD (HARRY). Ranch Tales of the Rockies. Au- thor's edition. Portrait and illustrations. Square 8vo, cloth, gilt top, uncut. Canon City, Colorado, 1899 Letter signed by the Author laid in. 158. [EMERSON (R^ W.).l Memoirs of Margaret Fuller Os- soli. First Edition. 2 vols. i2mo, cloth. Boston, 1852 with notices of her life and chapters on Concord and Boston, by R. W. Emerson. i^g. Sanborn (F. B.). The Personality of Emerson. Portrait engraved by S. L. Smith after David Scott, pinx, and fac- simile letter of Chas. C. Emerson. First Edition. 8vo, boards, paper label, uncut. Boston: Chas. E. Goodspeed, 1903 160. ENGRAVINGS. Bartolozzi. Two Women and a Nude Child. Engraved by F. Bartolozzi, Guercino da Cento fecit, in white and gold frame (glazed). Outside measure of frame I ft. 6^ X I ft. 9J^ inches. 161. Bartolozzi. Virgin and Child and the Three Wise Men. Ex Collectione Comitis Antonii M. Zanetti qm Hieron F. Engraved by F. Bartolozzi, Guercino da Cento, inv. Framed and glazed in white and gold. Outside measure of frame, i ft. jVz inches x i ft. i^Yz inches. 162. Bartolozzi. Woman and two Nude Children. " Ecce Agua " on scroll. Ex Collectione Joannis Baptistae Tiepolo. Cele- bris Pitoris Veneti. Engraved by F. Bartolozzi, scolpt; Guercino da Cento, inv. Framed in white and gold, size outside frame, i ft. 75^ X I ft. wVz inches (glazed). 163. Cruikshank (Geo.). Sir Isaac Newton's Courtship; — Nell Gwyn (W. G. Jackman); — Another (Woodbury type); — Efiie Deane; — Hon. Mrs. Norton. (5 pieces. 4to.) 164. Portraits of Wm. Penn; Kuhner, Sc; Chapman, Sc, and another from a small ivory mould in the possession of Paul Bevan, a contemporary of Wm. Penn (3); — Richard Peters, and residence of John Morton. 5 pieces. Crown 8vo. Scarce. 165. ETCHINGS. Portrait of William Gowans, old New York Bookseller. Etched by H. B. Hall, and 6 etchings by J. F. Sabin. (7) 166. CAIRFIELD (FRANCIS GERRY). The Clubs of New 1 York. With an Account of the Origin, Progress, Present Condition and Membership of the Leading Clubs. i2mo, green cloth, gilt top, uncut. New York: H. L. Hinton, 1873 Two book-plates J. G. H., and newspaper clippings pasted in. 167. [FAWCETT (EDGAR).] The Buntling Ball. Illustrated. First Edition. Small 4to, cloth gilt. New York, 1884 Book-plate J. G. H. 168. FICTION. Jess & Co. [J. J. Bell] ;— Maria [Jorge Isaacs]; — The Captain of the Polestar [A. Conan Doyle]. First Editions. 3 vols. i2mo, cloth. [v. d., v. p.] 169. FISHERIES. Reports of the United States Fish Commis- sion. Illustrated with colored and plain plates. 8vo and royal 8vo. (40 pieces.) Washington [v. d.] IS 170. FITCH (EUGENE). Some of the Rhymes of Ironquill. Eleventh edition. Crown 8vo, gilt top. New York, 1902 With 125 more rhymes than in the first edition. Ex libris of Elwyn B. Gould. 171. FLAGG (WILSON). A Year with the Birds; or, The Birds and Seasons of New England. i2mo, cloth. Boston: Estes & Lauriat, i88r First Edition. Book-plate J. G. H. 172. FLOYD-JONES (DE LANCEY). Letters from the Far East. Illustrations. First Edition. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1887 Autograph note from the Author, inserted, presenting the book to John Gerard Heckscher. Book-plate J. G. H. 173. FORESTER (FRANK). Albert Simmons: The Midship- man's Revenge. A Tale of Land and Sea. 8vo, stitched. Boston: F. Gleason, 1845 Name and spots on title and elsewhere. The author of this story evi- dently pirated Henry William Herbert's pseudonym, as he confesses in the preface to having been born in Boston, Herbert never signed Frank Forester to any but Sporting Articles, or books. 174. FREDERICKSON (CHAS. N.). Old New York Cotton Broker and Collector of Books, mainly about Shelley, Keats, Byron, Shakespeare, etc., bought under the name of " Fred." This is his address book, showing his wide acquaintance with book- buyers and the trade. i2mo, old boards (much used). A curiosity. 175. f^ AVARNI. Le Diable A Paris. Paris et les Parisiens. v-J Moeurs et Costumes, Caracteres et Portraits des habitants de Paris, Tableau Complet de leur vie Privee, Publique, Politique, Artistique, Litteraire, Industrielle, etc., etc. Text par MM. George Sand, P. J. Stahl, etc., precede d'une Histoire de Paris Par Theophile Lavallie. Illustrations les gens de Paris. Series de Gravures Avec Legendes par Gavarni. 2 vols. Imperial 8vo, half red morocco (rubbed), gilt top, uncut. Two book-plates J. G. H. Paris: J. Hetzel, 1845, '6 176. Les Joyaux Fantaisie Par Gavarni. Texte par Mery. Mineralogie des Dames par le Cte Foelix. Imperial 8vo, half green morocco (rubbed), gilt back and top, uncut. Paris: G. de Gonet [n. d.] Two book-plates J. G. H. 177. Les Parures Fantaisie Par Gavarni. Texte par Mery. Histoire de la Mode par Le Cte Foelix. Imperial 8vo, half green morocco (rubbed), gilt back and top, uncut. Paris: G. de Gonet [n. d.] Two book-plates J. G. H. 178. GERMAN POPULAR TALES AND HOUSEHOLD STORIES. Collected by the Brothers Grimm. Newly translated. With illustrations by Edward H. Wehnert. First and Second Series. 2 vols. i2mo, cloth. Boston: Crosby & Nichols, 1862 Frontispiece and binding loose ot Vol. II., not uniform. 179. GOSPEL OF PEACE (THE). According to St. Benjamin. First Edition. i6mo, paper. (Two copies.) New York: Sinclair Tousey (1863) Scarce. By Richard Grant White, paraphrased by Sabin " Richard Can't write." j6 i8o. GRANT (GENERAL U. S.). Two Silk Woven Portraits^ dated '• Richmond, 1865," and " Richmond, 1865, Vicksburg, Fort Donelson." Woven by Stevens at Coventry, England. 181. GRAZIER. Complete Grazier; or, Farmers' and Cattle Breeders' and Dealers' Assistant ... By A Lincolnshire Grazier. Sixth edition. Illustrated by numerous engravings. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London: Baldwin & Cradock, 1833 182. GREEDY (A. W.). A. L. S., Aug. 24th, 1884. To Dr. T. Sterry Hunt, accepting an invitation to attend a meeting of the B. A. A. S. at Montreal, i page, i2mo, 183. GRIERSON (CAPT. J. M.). The Armed Strength of the German Empire. Map. (Parts I and II in i vol.) Royal 8vo, half crimson morocco, gilt top, uncut. London, 1888 Book-plate J. G. H. 184. TTAGEMAN (MILLER). Liberty, as delivered by The il Goddess at Her Unveiling in the Harbor of New York, 1886. First Edition; Silence, third edition. 2 vols. 4to and l6mo. Brooklyn, L. I., 1876 185. HALE (EDWARD E.). If, Yes, and Perhaps. Four Pos- sibilities and Six Exaggerations, with Some Bits of Fact. First Edition. i2mo, cloth. Boston, 1868 186. HALLECK (FITZ-GREENE). Young America: a Poem. (Frontispiece by E. Whitney.) First Edition. i8mo, picture boards. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1865 187. HAWTHORNE (N.). The Scarlet Letter. lUustratcd. Crown 8vo, cloth, gilt edges. Boston, 1878 Book-plate J. G. H. Autograph of Mary M. Travers. 188. HARE (A. J. C). Walks in Rome. Map. 2 vols. i2mo, cloth, uncut. London, 1887 Book-plates J. G. H. Mrs. Travers' autograph on half-title and fly leaf. 189. HEPTAMERON (THE); or. Tales and Novels of Margue- rate. Queen of Navarre. Now first completely done into English prose and verse from the original French by Arthur Machen. Crown 8vo, red cloth, uncut. Privately printed. 190. [HERBERT (HENRY WILLIAM).] The Brothers: a Tale of the Fronde. 2 vols. i2mo, original cloth, paper labels. First Edition. Very rare. New York: Harper & Bros., 1835 191. Marmaduke Wyvil; or. The Maid's Revenge. A His- torical Romance. 3 vols. i2mo, original boards, paper labels, uncut. London: Henry Colburn, 1843 Very rare. The only copy the compiler has ever seen. The binding is much worn. The back of one vol., with label, is missing. The text is fresh and clean. 192. Biographical Notice of. With portrait and illustra- tions, taken from the International Magazine, New York, June i, 1851. Vol. III. No. in. 3 pp. 8vo. We doubt whether the wood engravers of this country have ever pro- duced a finer portrait than the above of the author of " The Brothers," etc. 17 [Herbert (Henry William).] 193. History of the French Protestant Refugees from the Revocation of the Edict of Nantes to our own days. By Chas. M. Weiss. Translated from the French by Henry William Herbert. Frontispiece, portrait of St. Pius the Fifth. 2 vols. i2mo, cloth. New York: Stringer & Townsend, 1854 194. Editor. The Magnolia for 1836. Edited by Henry W. Herbert. Illustrated with 13 steel engravings. i2mo, full em- bossed morocco, gilt back, sides and edges. Very Scarce. New York: Monson Bancroft (1836) 195' The Magnolia for 1837. Edited by Henry William Herbert. Illustrated with 23 steel plates, including one of the Astor House. i2mo, full morocco, gilt edges. New York (1837) Very Scarce. 196' Old Forest Ranger. Edited by Frank Forester. Engraved title and 5 plates to illustrate above, 6 plates to illus- trate Mr. Sponges sporting tour. Edition edited by Frank Forester. 8vo. (12) 197- The Chevaliers of England; or, The Times of the Revolutions of 1642 and 1688. First Edition. i2mo, cloth. New York: Redfield. 1852 198. Original Contributions to Magazines: "The Quorn- don Hounds" (last installment missing [Grahams]; 'The Sol- diers Dream;" " Ellenore " (a Poem); "The Earl's Death Bed," etc. 8vo. (10) 199. " Ringvvood, the Rover." A Tale of Florida. By the Author of " Cromwell," " The Brothers," etc. 8vo, paper, uncut. New York, 1839 This is Chap. I, pp. 59-68, from " Cohnan's Monthly Miscellany" (Vol. 1, No. 1.). The only portion in this shape I have ever seen. 200. Portrait of. Etched by Bobbett & Edmonds. Proof before letters. Small 4to. Scarce. It was from this portrait that Mr. S. Hallyer copied his excellent pic- ture of Herbert, which I think is the most pleasing of any other that I have seen. 201. Portrait of, etched by S. Hollyer. 4to. 202. Portrait of. Etched by S. Hollyer. Japan proof. 4to. 203. Portrait of. Engraved by Bobbett & Edmonds, with his facsimile autograph. i2mo. Scarce. 204. Portrait of. By Zimmermann, St. Paul, Minn. Photo, considered one of the best ever dione. Cabinet size. Very Scarce. 205. — Portrait of the late H. W. Herbert, the Celebrated " Frank Forester," from a photograph by Meade Brothers. Wood- cut. 24mo. [1858.] Scarce; — Another in Shooting Costume. 32mo. (2 pieces.) 1IB [Herbert (Henry William).] 206. Woodcut Portrait of Henry William Herbert, drawn by C. Barry for Ballou's Pictorial from a fine daguerreotype by Meade Bros., of New York, with a biographical notice, mentioning his " Field Sports " and " Fishes and Fishing of North America." 4to. 8CABCE POBTHAIT. 207. Memoir of (in manuscript, written with pencil by " Walton "). 63 pp., i2mo. ao8. Sue (Eugene). Matilda; or, The Memoirs of a Young Woman. Translated from the French by Henry William Herbert. Complete in Two Parts. (Part i only.) First Edition. 8vo, original paper covers. New York, 1843 209. The Last Desmonds; or, The Graves of a House- hold. By the Author of " The Brothers," " Cromwell," " Ringwood the Rover," etc. 8vo, stitched. Jan., 1843 210. (?) Fernande; or. The Fallen Angel. By Alex- ander Dumas. 2 vols, in one. 8vo, paper, uncut. New York: Stringer & Townsend, 1849 Probably translated by H. W. Herbert. Piece torn from lower right- hand comer of title and foxed in places. 211. Various Articles about Henry William Herbert (Frank Forester). "The Cedars," the Residence of Frank For- ester; the Herbert Monument; A Reminiscence of Frank For- ester, by Barnes McGoffin; In Memoriam, Frank Forester; A. L. S., F. F. (copy), Aug., 1840; The Last of The Cedars; The Cedars, poem by Will Wildwood; Memories of Herbert; Three papers by Witch-Hazel Bud; [ Budd]; The Lonely Grave of a famous Author; [H. W. Herbert]; Frank Forester's Poems, destroyed in The Century Building, July 14th, 1888, with Interesting Clippings on Fish, Indaans of Long Island, Sporting, William T. Porter, Thos. Bangs. Thorpe, Birds of Long Island, Names on Long Island, etc., etc., mounted in a scrap book. pp. 71, 4to, cloth, la- beled " Choice Selections." (Indexed). 213. HICHENS (ROBERT). The Prophet of Berkeley Square. First Edition. i2mo, cloth. N. Y.: Dodd, Mead & Co., 1901 214. HOLDSWIRTH (EDMUND W. H.). The Sea Fisheries of Great Britain and Ireland. . . . With illustrations and de- scriptions of the boats, nets and other gear in use. Square i6mo, blue cloth. London: Edward Stanford, 1883 Book-plate J. G. H. 215. HOLMES (OLIVER W.). Elsie Venner: A Romance of Destiny. 2 vols. i2mo, cloth. Boston, 1861 Fine copy of the Ftrst Edition. Three or four leaves torn at edges in opening. The Arnold copy $8.50. 216. Mechanism in Thought and Morals. An Address de- livered before the Phi Beta Kappa Society of Harvard Univ€rsity, June 29, 1870, with Notes and Afterthoughts. i6mo, original cloth. FiKST editio.v. Boston: J. R. Osgood & Co., 1871 19 217. HOWELLS (W. D.). The Undiscovered Country, 1880;— Confidence (Henry James, Jr.), 1880. First Editions. 2 vols. i2mo, cloth. Boston. 218. The Garroters. Farce. First Edition. 24mo, cloth. New York, 1886 219. TiNDIANS. "The Sunflower." A true tale of the N. W., 1 8 pp. [Major Richardson] ; — " St. Paul and its Environs " [E. D. W.], 1855; 15 pp., illustrated;— " The Haunted Rock" (''A Legend of the Senecas ") [W, H. C. Hosmer], i page; — "Indian Traditions," Fort Point [D. M. Elwood], 5 pp.; — " The Pampas Fired by the Indians," from Bentley's Miscellany, 6 pp. 220. IRELAND (ALEXANDER). The Book-Lover's Enchi- \j< ridion. With three illustrations. Third Edition. Crown 8vo, rox- ^' burghe, gilt top, uncut. London, 1883 Two book-plates J. G. H. [Facsimile letter of Carlyle is inserted at page 470 written to Leigh Hunt after reading Hunt's "Autobiography." June 17, 1850. Expressing his admiration of the work. A letter more overflowing with loving kindness and hearty recognition and sympathy, is not to be found in the whole range of literary correspondence.] ,, 221. IRVING. Irvingiana: A Memorial of Washington Irving. ^ Portrait and facsimile. Small 4to, cloth. New York: Chas. E. Richardson, i860 222. Bracebridge Hall. Illustrated by R. Caldecott. i2mo, original gilt cloth, gilt edges. Lond.: Macmillan & Co., 1882 Fine copy. Mr. Heckscher's copy, with his book-plate. 223. Tales of a Traveller. Parts one and two. First Edi- tion. (Inscription on half-title). Svo, original covers, uncut. Philadelphia, 1824 224. fERROLD (DOUGLAS). Shilling Magazine. (Nos. i to J 18, inclusive.) Seventeen etchings by John Leech. 3 vols. i6mo, original wrappers, uncut. London, 1845-1846 Fine set. Scarce. 225. U EENE (JOHN HARRINGTON). A. L. S., April i, 1\ 1904. Inquiring for two of his books which are out of '^ print, " Practical Fisherman " and " Fishing Tackle." i page, 4to. 9 226. I A DeESSE. An. Elssler-Atic Romance. By the Author L of Straws. i2mo, cloth. N. Y.: Carvill & Co., 1841 First Edition. Scarce. ^ 227. LANG (ANDREW). The Library. First Edition. i2mo, half crimson morocco extra, gilt back, gilt top, uncut. ' Book-plate J. G. H. London: Macmillan, 1881 228. — Old Friends. Large paper. Only 150 copies (on i Japan paper) printed, No. 93. 8vo, boards, gilt top, uncut. First Edition. Rare. Two book-plates J. G. H. London, 1890 229. LANMAN (CHARLES). Essays for Summer Hours. i8mo, clotb, uncut. Boston: Jas. Monroe & Co., 1843 (Frontispiece missing.) 20 230. LONGFELLOW (H. W.). The Divine Tragedy;— The New England Tragedies. 2 vols. i2mo, green cloth. Fine copies of the First Editions. Boston, 1868-1871 231. Kavanagh; A Tale. First Edition. i2mo, cloth, un- cut. Boston, 1849 The last end paper contains, in minute, though clear character?, forty- four lines of criticism of the book unsigned. 232. Tales of a Waysidie Inn. i3mo. cloth, gilt top. First Edition. i2mo, cloth, gilt top. Boston, 1863 Nice copy, with the engraved title-page. 233. The Song of Hiawatha. First Edition. i2mo. cloth, uncut. Boston, 1855 Very fine copy. Mr. Montgomery's copy, gilt edged, sold for $4.25. 234. LOUISY (M. p.). L'Ancienne France, Le Livre et les Arts Qui s'y Raltachent. Illustrated. Royal 8vo, cTim>son, gilt paper, uncut, enclosed in half morocco slip case. Paris, 1880 Book-plate J. G. H. 235. ILfcLELLAN (ISAAC). Original Manuscript Poem, "In iVl Memoriam, the Late Pastor of Plymouth Church." Nine Stanzas, 2 pp., 4to. Greenport, L, I., Mch. 22nd [1887] Eighth stanza — " Nearer to Thee, my God, He stands, " 'Mid worshippers of Ancient lands, " The Kings, the Martyred Saints of old, " Safe gather'd in the Saviour's fold." [with two A. L. S. relating to the above] . 236. Journal of a Residence in Scotland, and a Tour through England. France, Germany, Switzerland and Italy, with a Memoir of the Author, and Compiled from the Manuscript of the late Henry B. McLellan. First Edition. i6mo, cloth. Bost. 1834 237. A. L. S., Greenport, L. I., Oct. 26, 1895 (in his 89th year), asking that a copy of " Poems of the Rod and Gun " be sent to Wm. Dean Howells. i page, i2mo, in original envelope. 238. McVICKAR (H. W.). Our Amateur Circus. Colored illus- trations. Oblong i2mo, watered silk, carmine edges. N. Y. 1892 Two book-plates J. G. H. 239. The Evolution of Woman. Colored illustrations. 4to, cloth, gilt top. New York, 1896 Book-plate J. G. H. 240. MAXWELL (W. H.). Life of Field Marshal His Grace the Duke of Wellington. Illustrated with 51 engravings on steel and 77 on wood by the best artists. Sixth Edition. 3 vols. 8vo, half calf, gilt backs, gilt tops, uncut. Lond.: H. G. Bohn, 1862 Very Fine Copy. Scarce. 241. MELVILLE (HERMAN). Battle-Pieces and Aspects of the War. i2mo, cloth. New York: Harpers, 1866 First Edition. Very fine copy. Rare. 242. Mardi: and A voyage Thither. First Edition. 2 vols. i2mo, cloth. N«w York: Harper's, 1849 Book-label of H. W. Vincent and his autograph at the beginning of each volume. 21 > 243- MONTRESOR (C. A.). Some Hobby Horses. Illustrated. i6mo, cloth. London, 1890 Book-plate J. G. H. 244. MERRY ORDER OF ST. BRIDGET (THE). Personal Recollections of the Use of the Rod. By Margaret Anson. Crown i 8vo, roxburghe, gilt top, uncut. York: Printed for the Author's Friends, 1857 245. [MITCHELL (DONALD G.).] Fresh Gleanings, 1847;— Seven Stories, with Basement and Attic. 1864. 2 vols. i2mo. First Editions. Original cloth. New York, v, d. 246. Seven Stories, with Basement and Attic. By the Author of " My Farm at Edgewood." First Edition. i2mo, cloth. New York: Charles Scribner, 1864 5^ 247. — - — Same. Another copy. !First Edition. 248. MORRIS (JOHN). Wanderings of a Vagabond. i2mo, cloth. New York (1873) Book-plate J. G. H. 249. MOTHER GOOSE'S MELODIES. With colored plates. 4to, green cloth gilt. Phila.: Porter & Coates, n. d. The drawings of this series of chromo illustrations of " Dear Old Mother Goose " were designed for a birthday gift from a loving daughter to her father, and were not intended for publication. 250. MURRAY (E. C. G.). Side-Lights on English Society, etc. Illustrated. First Edition. 2 vols. 8vo, half morocco, gilt tops. London: Vizetelly & Co., 1881 Four book-plates J. G. H. Newspaper clippings pasted in. 251. jtrATURAL HISTORY. The Swiss Cross. A Monthly i\ Magazine of the Agassiz Association. Illustrated. Royal 8vo. New York, April, 1887; February, 1889 15 nos. (no duplicates). Information about Fish, etc. 252. [NEALE (W. J. N.).] Paul Periwinkle: or, The Pressgang. In three books. By the Author of " Cavendish," " Flying Dutch- man," " Will Watch." With embellishments on steel, drawn and engraved by " Phiz." Crown 8vo, original cloth, uncut. London [n. d.] 253. NELSON (LORD) AND HAMILTON (LADY). Letters of Lord Nelson to Lady Hamilton. With a Supplement of Inter- esting Letters by Distinguished Characters. 2 vols. 8vo, half calf, gilt backs and tops, uncut. London, 1814 Fine copy, with a long article clipped from The Daily Telegraph, Lon- don, March 18, 1881, about Lord Nelson and Lady Hamilton. Two book- plates J. G. H. 254. NORDHOFF (CHARLES). Cape Cod and All Along Shore: Stories. First Edition. i2mo, cloth. N. Y.: Harper's, 1868 Author's Autograph Copy presented to "Alvah W. Brown, Esq., with Charles Nordhoff's friendly regards, June, 1896." 255. NOVELS. Kane (Capt. Jas. J.). Ilian (author's autograph presentation copy), 1888; — Harlan, The Lady Paramount, 1902; — Parker, Donavan Pasha, 1902; — Gerard, A Queen of Curds and Cream, 1892; — Wales, Cynthia in the Wilderness, 1908; — Whiteing, No. 5 John St., 1899. 6 vols, i2mo, cloth (as new). Ferst Editions. 22 256. NEW YORK YACHT CLUB. Report of the Special Com- mittee on Certain Charges Made by the Earl of Dunraven concern- ing the Recent Match for the America's Cup. 8vo, paper, uncut. [Newspaper clippings inserted.] N. Y.: Printed for the Club, 1896 Book-plate J. G. H. 257. pARKER (GILBERT). The Seats of the Mighty;— A 1 Guardian of the Poor (Russell); — Lady Rose's Daugh- ter (Ward);— A Desperate Chance (Kelley). All First Editions. 4 vols. i2mo, cloth. [v. p., v. d.] 258. PERRY (BLISS). The Broughton House. First Edition. i2mo, cloth. New York: Scribner, 1890 259. [PINDAR (PETER).] A Poetical Supplicating, Modest and Affecting Epistle to those Literary Collossuses. the Reviewers. Carmine, Di Super placanter, Carmine, Manes. i8mo, half calf. [n. p., n. d.] Autograph of Susan Moale, 1808, on title ; also lettered in gold on the back. Probably a descendant of Ellen North, the first white child born in Baltimore, who was married to John Moale 25th day of May, 1758. Two book-plates of J. G. H. 260. PIRATES. Caspar: The Pirate of the Indian Seas; Butchers of Ghent; Lights and Shadows of Factory Life in New England. (Brother Jonathan Extras, etc.) (6 pieces as they are.) 261. POSTAGE STAMPS. 988 Stamps, some very rare, mounted in the International Album, Ninth Edition. New York: The Scott Stamp and Coin Co. [n. d.J This collection is the result of just a hobby, extending through a busi- ness career of over fifty years, and gathered one by one as the chance offered. Many have become scarce while in possession of the owner. 262. 488 Stamps, mainly duplicates of the above-described lot. A long run of English penny stamps, all different; fine lot of British, Canadian and French stamps, many scarce; United States Postage and Revenue, some unused. Mounted in a small 4to gilt cloth album. (Oppen's 23rd edition.) [n. d.] 263. 415 Postage and Revenue Stamps, a good percentage of which are unused or lightly cancelled; quite a number are dupli- cated, but are desirable for filling in; at end of album is specimens of the first Brooklyn Bridge Tickets, etc. Mounted in a 4to em- bossed cloth album. [n. p., n. d.j On the third page is a fine specimen of the unperforated $1.00 internal revenue stamp. 264. 3,194 Stamps of All Nations, assorted according to countries. Duplicate stock, some unused or lightly cancelled. The bulk is English and American, in envelopes and in packages, en- closed in a pasteboard box. Fine lot. 265. 5 cent, brown; issued 1861-62. Enclosed in a metal disk, front covered with isinglass. Patented Aug. 12, 1862, by I. Gault. Used as currency during the Civil War, when small change was scarce. 266. POSTAGE STAMP ALBUM. 1895. New York: The Scott Stamp and Coin Co. 55th edition. i8mo, cloth. 23 a67. POSTAGE STAMPS AND COINS. E. B. Sterling's Priced Catalogue of Revenue Stamps of the United States; the collection of Coins and Medals of Mr. L. F. Montanye, 1881, and four others. Paper. (6) 268. POE'S (EDGAR ALLAN) WORKS, with Memoir by R. W. Griswold. (Vol. IV of his collected works.) i2mo, orig- inal cloth. New York, 1856 PiKST Edition, Scarce. [Contains "Arthur Gordon Pym " and " Mis- cellanies."] 269. PRIME (WILLIAM C). Boat Life in Egypt and Nubia. Illustrated. First Edition. i2mo, cloth. N. Y.: Harper's, 1857 270. PUBLIC PARKS. First Annual Report of the Board of Commissioners of the Department of Public Parks for the year ending May i, 1871. Illustrated with photographs, maps, plain and colored plates. Thick 8vo, paper. (2) New York: W. C. Bryant & Co., 187 1 I 271. p EES (J. R.). Pleasures of a Book-Worm. Printed on ' • 1\ Whatman paper. i6mo, roxburghe, gilt top, uncut. Book-plate J. G. H. London: E. Stock, 1886 272. REYNOLDS (CHAS. B.). Old St. Augustine. A Story of Three Centuries [1565-1885]. Illustrated. i2mo, boards. St. Augustine, Florida, 1886 Auto presentation copy, " Mrs. M. M. Travers, with much love from Mary E. Rumsey, St. Augustine, Mch. 2nd, 1886." Book-plate J. G. H. 273. REYNOLDS (GEO. W. M.). Pickwick Abroad; or, The Tour in France. Illustrated with forty steel engravings by Crow- quill and thirty-three woodcuts. Thick 8vo, cloth, uncut. London: H. G. Bohn, 1864 Scarce. (Binding loose and a small defect on title.) 274. RIVES (AMfiLIE). Barbara Bering;— Stronger Than Love (Mrs. Alexander); — The Tribulations of a Princess. First Editions. 3 vols. Cloth (as new). v. d., v. y. 275. ROBERTS (CHAS. G. D.). Earth's Enigmas, 1903;— The Watchers of the Trails. Illustrations by Charles L. Bull. 2 vols. Crown 8vo, gilt cloth, uncut. Boston: L. C. Page & Co., 1904 Two book-plates J. G. H. 276. ROCHESTER (JOHN, LATE EARL OF). Poems, etc., on several occasions; with Valentinian, a Tragedy. i2mo, con- temporary calf. London: Printed for Jacob Tonson, 1691 277. ROGERS (SAMUEL). Recollections of the Table Talk of Samuel Rogers. To which is added Porsoniana. i2mo, half morocco, gilt top. London: E. Moxon, 1856 Book-plate J. G. H. 278. QALA (G. A.). Lady Chesterfield's Letters to Her Daugh- O ter. First Edition. Square i6mo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. London: Houlston & Wright, i860 279. SAPPHO AND ERINNA. Poems of. Complete Frag- ments. i2mo, paper, uncut. Boston, n. d. a8o. [SCOVILLE (J. A.).] Old Merchants of New York City. By Walter Barrett, Clerk. First Series. i2mo, cloth. N. Y. 1863 Book-plate and autograph of J. G. H. 281. SCRAP BOOK. Commenced in the Early Sixties. Con- tains numerous clippings about the Civil War. First piece is George B. McClellan's "A Peace Candidate's Platform." and his Letter of Acceptance of the Nomination for President. Many of the articles relate to Lincoln, etc., etc. no pp. Small 4to, cloth. 282. Newspaper clippings about N. Y. People, Obituary Notices, some Sporting. Very interesting. Covering period of 1874-1897. 4to, cloth. From the Library of John G. Heckscher. (Indexed.) 283. Many interesting clippings, covering the years 1875 to 1878, inclusive. 4to, cloth (loose). Indexed. From the Library of John G. Heckscher. 284. SHAKESPEARE HEROINES. The Girlhoo