UC-NRLF B E fi4B Ebb GIFT OF I 8061*12 "NVriVd !l!)» »! BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FREDERICK WEBB HODGE 1890-1916 COMPILED BY FLORENCE M. POAST OF THE UNXVEKSIT \ v\0 WASHINGTON 1917 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2008 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/dQtails/bibliographyoffrOOpoasrich BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FREDERICK WEBB HODGE 1890-1916 COMPILED BY FLORENCE M. POAST 1/ • « ■ ',• • • • > • WASHINGTON 1917 f PRESS OF THE NEW ERA PRINTING COMPANY Lancaster, pa. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF F. W. HODGE 1890 I. A Zuhi foot-race. American Anthropologist^ vol. iii, no. 3, pp. 227-231, Washington, July 1890. 1891 2. [Review of] A Journal of American Ethnology and Archae- ology. Editor, J. Walter Fewkes. Vol. I. Ibid., vol. iv, no. 3, pp. 289-294, Washington, July 1891. \^ 3. Laguna Indian villages. Ihid., no. 4, pp. 345-346, Wash- ington, Oct. 1 89 1. 4. Plan of Hesh-o-ta-uth-la. In Fewkes, Journal of American Ethnology and Archaeology, vol. i, plate facing p. 132, Boston and New York, 1891. 1892 5. {Review of] A Journal of American Ethnology and Archae- ology. Editor, J. Walter Fewkes. Vol. II. Science, vol. xx, no. 501, pp. 152-153, New York, Sept. 1892. 1893 6. [Review of ] The Land of the Cliff Dwellers, by Frederick H. Chapin. Boston, 1892. American Anthropologist, vol. vi, no. i, pp. loo-ioi, Washington, Jan. 1893. 7. [Review of ] Some Strange Corners of Our Country, by Charles F. Lummis. New York, 1892. Ibid., pp. 106-107. 8. Prehistoric Irrigation in Arizona. Ibid., no. 3, pp. 323-330, Washington, July 1893. 9. [Review of] An Outline of the Documentary History of the Zufii Tribe, by A. F. Bandelier. Somatological Observations on Indians of the Southwest, by Dr. Herman F. C. ten Kate. A Journal of American Ethnology and Archaeology, vol. iii, Boston and New York, 1892. Science, vol. xxi, no. 543, pp. 362-363, New York, June 1893. 1894 10. [Various unsigned articles in Century Cyclopedia of Names, New York, 1894.] 3 36 J 959 >^\^^1 4 F. W. HODGE 11. List of publications of the Bureau of American Ethnology with index to authors and titles. Bulletin No. 24, Bureau of American Ethnology, pp. 1-25, Washington, 1894. (Revised 1897, 1903.) 12. [R&uiew of ] The Land of Poco Tiempo, by Charles F. Lummis, New York, 1893. American Anthropologist, vol. vii, no. I, p. 120, Washington, Jan. 1894. 13. [Review of ] Memoirs of the International Congress of An- , thropology, edited by C. Staniland Wake. Chicago, 1894. Ihid., no. 4, pp. 422-424, Washington, Oct. 1894. 14. Translation of the Rudo Ensayo. Ihid., p. 424. 15. The Hemenway collections. Ihid., p. 425. 1894- 16. [Articles on] Chimakuan, Chimarikan, Chimmesyan, Cope- 1895 han, Costanoan, Esselenian, Kalapooian, Kitunahan, Koluschan, Kulanapan, Mariposan, Moquelumnan, Palaihnihan, Pujunan, Quoratean, Salinan, Sastean, Timuquanan. Johnson's Universal Cyclopcedia, New York, 1894-1895. 1895 17. The first discovered city of Cibola. American Anthropologist^ vol. VIII, no. 2, pp. 142-152, Washington, Apr. 1895. (Reprinted in The Archceologist, vol. iii, nos. 6, 7, Columbus, Ohio, June, July, 1895.) 18. Charles Candee Baldwin. Ibid., p. 180. 19. The early Navajo and Apache. Ibid,, no. 3, pp. 223-240, Washington, July 1895. 20. [Reply to Capt. J. G. Bourke's criticism of "The Early Navajo and Apache."] Ibid., pp. 294-295. 21. Aboriginal use of adobes. The Archceologist, vol. iii, no. 8, p. 265, Columbus, Ohio, Aug. 1895. 22. [Review of] The Man Who Married the Moon, and other Pueblo Indian Folk Stories, by Charles F. Lummis. New York, 1894. Journal of American Folk-Lore, vol. viii, no. 29, pp. 168-169, Boston and New York, 1895. 1896 23. Pueblo snake ceremonials. American Anthropologist, vol. IX, no. 4, pp. 133-136, Washington, Apr. 1896. 24. John Gregory Bourke. Ibid., no. 7, pp. 245-248, Washing- ton, July 1896. BIBLIOGRAPHY 6 25. Pueblo Indian clans. Ihid., no. 10, pp. 345-352, Washing- ton, Oct. 1896. 26. [Review of ] The History of Mankind, by Professor Friedrich Ratzel. Translated from the German edition by A. J. Butler. London and New York, 1896. Ibid., no. 11, pp. 385-386, Washington, Nov. 1896. 27. In Memoriam — John Gregory Bourke. Journal of American Folk-Lore, vol. ix, no. 33, pp. 139-142, Boston and New York, Apr .-June 1896. 28. List of works useful to the student of the Coronado expedi- tion. [With George Parker Winship and Justin Winsor.] Fourteenth Annual Report of the Bureau of American Ethnology ^ i8g2-93, part i, pp. 599-613, Washington, 1896. 1897 29. Katzimo the enchanted. Land of Sunshine, vol. vii, no. 6, pp. 225-236, Los Angeles, Nov. 1897. 30. [Letter to Dr. Elliott Coues regarding the early use of the name Kansas, with comment thereon.] In Brower, J. V., The Mississippi River and its Utmost Source, pp. 165-166, St. Paul, 1897. 31. Bibliographic notes. In Matthews, Washington, Navaho Legends, pp. 276-278, Boston and New York, 1897. 32. The Enchanted mesa. National Geographic Magazine, vol. VIII, no. 10, pp. 273-284, Washington, Oct. 1897. 33 . The Hausa Association of London. A merican A nthropologist, vol. X, no. 7, p. 213, Washington, July 1897. 34. The verification of a tradition. Ibid., no. 9, pp. 299-302, Washington, Sept. 1897. 35. Bandelier's researches in Peru and Bolivia. Ibid., pp. 303- 311. 36. The cairn on the Enchanted mesa. Science, n.s., vol. vi, no. 153, p. 846, New York, Dec. 3, 1897. 37. The Enchanted mesa. Ibid., no. 157, pp. 994-995, New York, Dec. 31, 1897. 1898 38. The Enchanted mesa. Century Magazine, vol. lvi, no. i, PP- 1 5-31* New York, May 1898. ^ 39. The weird snake-dance of the Mokis. The Voice, New York, June 30, 1898. 6 F, W, HODGE 40. [Review of ] The Coronado Expedition, 1 540-1 542, by George Parker Winship. American Historical Review, vol. Ill, pp. 370- 372, New York, 1898. 1899 41. Coronado's march to Quivira. In Brower, J. V., Memoirs of Explorations in the Basin of the Mississippi, vol. 11, "Harahey," pp. 29-73, St. Paul, 1899. 42. Die Erforschung der verzauberten Mesa (La Mesa Encan- tada). Globus, Bd. lxxv, Braunschweig, Marz 11, 1899. 43. Rare Indian books found. American Anthropologist, n.s., vol. I, no. I, pp. 198-199, New York, Jan.-Mar. 1899. 1900 44. [Review of ] Ceremonial Deposits Found in an Ancient Pueblo Estufa in northern New Mexico, U.S.A., by George H. Pepper. New York, 1899. American Anthropologist, n.s., vol. 11, no. i, pp. 169-170, New York, Jan.-Mar. 1900. 45. The International Congresses. Ibid., pp. 180-182. 46. Sir John William Dawson. Ibid., p. 187. 47. Walter James Hoffman. Ibid., p. 187. 48. Pueblo ruins reserved. Ibid., no. 3, pp. 597-598, New York, July-Sept. 1900. 49. [Review of ] An Old Indian Village, by John August Udden. Rock Island, 111., 1900. Ibid., no. 4, pp. 749-750, New York, Oct. -Dec. 1900. 50. [Review of] The Childhood of Ji-shib, the Ojibwa, and Sixty-four Pen Sketches, by Albert Ernest Jenks. Madison, Wis., 1900. Ibid., pp. 753-754- 51. [Review of ] In & Around the Grand Canyon. The Grand Canyon of the Colorado River in Arizona, by George Wharton James. Boston, 1900. Ibid., pp. 751-753. 52. Pueblo ruins in Kansas. Ibid., pp. 778-779. 53. Pajarito park. Our new national reservation. New York Sunday Herald, Sept. 16, 1900. 54. [Various ethnological and historical notes.] In Coues, Elliott, On the Trail of a Spanish Pioneer. The Diary and Itiner- ary of Francisco Garces {missionary priest) in his travels through Sonora, Arizona, and California, 17^5-1776. 2 vols., New York, 1900. BIBLIOGRAPHY 7 55. [Review of] American Anthropologist, n.s., vol. 11, no. 3, July-Sept. 1900. Science, vol. xii, no. 303, p. 611, New York, Oct. 1900. 1900- 56. [Historical and ethnological notes on the] Memorial which 1901 Fray Juan de Santander . . . presents to . . . King Philip IV. Made by the Father Fray Alonso de Benavides. Madrid, 1630. Land of Sunshine, Los Angeles, vol. xiii, Sept.-Oct. 1900, to vol. XIV, March 1901. 1901 57- Recentes explorations ethnologiques et archeologiques aux Etats-Unis. La Geographic, vol. iii, no. 3, pp. 203-208, Paris, March 1901. 58. Santa Fe. The City of the Holy Faith. In Powell, Lyman P., ed., American Historic Towns: Historic Towns of the Western States, pp. 449-478, New York, 1901. 59. [Review of] Album of Papua Types, H. North New Guinea, Bismarck Archipelago, German Salomon Islands, by Dr. A. B. Meyer and R. Parkinson. Dresden, 1904. American Anthro- pologist, n.s., vol. Ill, no. i, p. 173, New York, Jan.-Mar. 1901. 60. [Review of ] An Old Indian Village, by Johan August Udden. Rock Island, 111., 1900. National Geographic Magazine, vol. xii, no. 4, pp. 165-166, Washington, Apr. 1901. 1902 61. Indians of North America. Encyclopcedia Britannica, Tenth edition, 1902. [The article is devoted to a summary of the history of the tribes north of Mexico during the last quarter century.] 62. [Critical commentary on books relating to the aborigines and the history of America.] In Larned, J. N., ed., The Literature of American History: Edited for the American Library Association, Boston, 1902. {See Nos. 552, 558, 559, 561, 563, 567, 568, 570, 572, 576, 580, 581, 582, 584. 594» 598, 604, 607, 608, 609, 611, 615, 619, 620, 623, 626, 628, 629, 631, 632, 633, 636, 640, 643, 653, 657, 659, 661, 662, 665, 667, 668, 669, 671, 673-677, 679, 686-689, 1192, 1199, 3391, 3394, 3403, 3409, 3415.) 1903 63. [Review of] The Night Chant. A Navaho Ceremony. By Washington Matthews. New York, 1902. American Anthro- pologist, n.s., vol. V, no. i, pp. 130-132, Lancaster, Pa., Jan.- Mar. 1903. 8 F. W. HODGE 64. Mary Louise Duncan Putnam. Ibid., pp. 173-174. 65. Dr. Alfredo Chavero. Ibid., pp. 174-175. 66. [Review of] American Anthropologist, n.s., vol. V, no. i, Jan.-Mar. 1903. Science, vol. xvii, no. 440, pp. 906-907, New York, June 1903. 67. Frank Russell. American Anthropologist, n.s., vol. v, no. 4, pp. 737-738, Lancaster, Pa., Oct.-Dec. 1903. 1903- 68. [Articles:] Arizona, Navaho Indians, New Mexico, Pueblo 1905 Indians, Queres Indians, Salishan, Santa Fe, Shawnee, Sho- shonean. Encyclopedia Americana, New York, 1903-1905. 1904 69. Chronological summary of historical events connected with the Zufii, 1539-1800. In Stevenson, M.C., The Zuni Indians, 23d Annual Report of the Bureau of American Ethnology, pp. 283- 286, Washington, 1904. 70. [Review of ] The Navajo and His Blanket, by U. S. Hollister. Denver, 1903. American Anthropologist, vol. vi, no. 3, pp. 541- 545, Lancaster, Pa., July-Sept. 1904. 71. Hopi pottery fired with coal. Ibid., pp. 581-582. 1906 72. Recent progress in American anthropology. Ibid., vol. viii, no. 3, pp. 441-553, Lancaster, Pa., 1906. 1907 73. [Review of] Proceedings and Collections of the Wyoming Historical and Geological Society for the year 1905. Edited by Rev. Horace Edwin Hayden, M.A., Corresponding Secretary and Librarian. Vol. ix. Wilkes-Barre, Pa., 1905. American Anthropologist, n.s., vol. ix, no. i, pp. 200-203, Lancaster, Pa., Jan.-Mar. 1907. 74. [Review of] Columbus, Ramon Pane and the Beginnings of Anthropology, by Edward Gay lord Bourne. Worcester, Mass., 1906. Ibid., pp. 203-204. 75. [Articles:] Abiquiu, Abo, Acochis, Acoma, Adobe, Ahome, Alameda, Alamillo, Alchedoma, Apache, Apaches del Perrillo, Apaches del Quartelejo, Arivaipa, Arizonac, Arizpe, Asa, Ati, Atripuy, Awatobi, Babispe, Bacapa, Bagiopa, Bahacecha, Baquigopa, Baserac, Batequi, Belen, Buquibava, Caborca, Cahita, Cajuenche, Calabazas, Candelaria, Casa Grande, Casa BIBLIOGRAPHY 9 Montezuma, Cebolleta, Cerro Cabezon, Chiataina, Chichilticalli, Chilili, Chiutaiina, Cochiti, Cocopa, Comeya (with H. W. Henshaw), Conchi, Cora, Corodeguachi, Coyoteros, Cubero, Cuercomache, Cuerno Verde, Cuitciabaqui, Cumuripa, Cuneil, Cuquiarachi, Cuyamunque, Dyami, El Morro, El Paso, Encinal, Eudeve, Faraon, Galisteo, Genizaros, Gila Apache, Gipuy, Guatitruti, Guazapar, Guazavas, Guazave, Guevavi, Gyusiwa, Halona, Hapanyi, Harahey, Hatsi, Hawikuh, Heashkowa, Heshota Ayahltona, Heshota Hluptsina, Heshota Uhla, Hlauk- wima, Hlauuma, Huachinera, Imuris, Irrigation, Isleta, Isleta del Sur, Itscheabine, Iza, Jacona, Jemez, Jicarilla, Jocomes, Jova, Jumano, Katzimo, Kechipauan, Kekwaii, Keresan Family, Kiakima, Kiva, Kopiwari, Kowina, Kurts, Laguna, Lipan, Maricopa, Matsaki, Mayo, Mescaleros, Meyo, Mimbreiios, Mishongnovi, Moenkapi, Mogollon, Mohave (with H. W. Henshaw), Mokaich, Movas. In Handbook of American . Indians, Bulletin 30, Bureau of American Ethnology, pt. I, Washington, 1907. 1908 76. Bibliography of anthropology. American Anthropologist, n.s., vol. X, no. i, pp. 175-176, Lancaster, Pa., Jan.-Mar. 1908. (Note.) 77. {Review of ] The Mother of California, by Arthur Walbridge North. San Francisco and New York, 1908. Ihid., no. 3, pp. 459-461, Lancaster, Pa., July-Sept. 1908. 78. Charles Eliot Norton. Ihid., no. 4, pp. 704-705, Lancaster, Pa., Oct.-Dec. 1908. 1909 79. Otis Tufton Mason. Popular Science Monthly, vol. Lxxiv, no. I, pp. 96-100, New York, Jan. 1909. 80. [Introduction to] The language of the Piro, by John Russell Bartlett. American Anthropologist, n.s., vol. xi, no. 3, pp. 426- 433, Lancaster, Pa., July-Sept. 1909. 81. The "Centenary Congress" of Americanists. Ibid., pp. 533-535. 1910 82. [Articles:] Nambe, Nevome, Oshach, Paguate, Palaihnihan, Papago, Patoqua, Payuguan, Pecos, Picuris, Pima, Pinawan, Piros, Pojoaque, Pope, Puaray, Pueblo de los Jumanos, Pueblos, Punames, Qualacu, Quarai, Quartelejo, Querecho, Quigyuma, 10 F. W. HODGE Quivira, Sandia, San Felipe, San Ildefonso, San Juan, San Juan Bautista, San Ldzaro, San Lorenzo, San Marcos, Santa Clara, Santo Domingo, San Xavier del Bac, Senecu, Senecu del Sur, Sevilleta, Shahaka, Shawiti, Shinats, Shipaulovi, Shongopovi, Shruhwi, Shrutsuna, Shufina, Shunaiki, Shuwimi, Sia, Sinaloa, Skurshka, Soba, Sobaipuri, Socorro, Socorro del Sur, Sonoita, Soshka, Suamca, Suma, Tabira, Tajique, Tano, Taos, Tapitsiama, Tarahumare, Tatarrax, Teguayo, Tepehuane, Tesuque, Tewa, Teypana, Tigua, Tome, Trea, Tsawarii, Tsiama, Tsipiakwe, Tubac, Tubutama, Tucson, Tungyaa, Turk, Tutahaco, Tyasoli- wa, Wabakwa, Yaqui, Zufii. In Handbook of American Indians, Bulletin 30, Bureau of American Ethnology, pt. ii, Washington, 1910. 83. The Jumano Indians. Proceedings of The American Anti- quarian Society, pp. 3-22, Worcester, Apr. 1910. 84. Cyrus Thomas. American Anthropologist, n.s., vol. xil, no. 2, pp. 337-343, Lancaster, Pa., Apr.-June 1910. 85. Report on the Bureau of American Ethnology [for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1910]. Report of the Secretary of the Smith- sonian Institution, Pub. no. 2002, pp. 46-56, Washington, 1910. 86. [Letter to Rev. S. D. Peet giving statistics of Indian tribes.] American Antiquarian, vol. xxxii, no. 3, pp. 181-182, Salem, Mass., July-Sept. 19 10. 191 1 87. Report on the Bureau of American Ethnology [for the fiscal year ending June 30, 191 1]. Report of the Secretary of the Smith- sonian Institution, Pub. no. 2065, pp. 31-44, Washington, 191 1. 1912 88. Report on the Bureau of American Ethnology [for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1912]. Report of the Secretary of the Smith- sonian Institution, Pub. no. 2145, pp. 37-57, Washington, 1913. 89. Note on the accompanying papers [Casa Grande, Arizona, by Jesse Walter Fewkes; Antiquities of the Upper Verde River and Walnut Creek Valleys, Arizona, by J. Walter Fewkes]; Prelim- inary Report on the Linguistic Classification of Algonquian Tribes, by Truman Michelson. Twenty-eighth Annual Report of the Bureau of American Ethnology, pp. 21-22, Washington, 1912. 90. [Field work at Inscription Rock and in the Jemez valley in 191 1.] Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections, vol. Lix, no. 11, pp. 29-34, figs. 32-38, Washington, 19 12. BIBLIOGRAPHY 11 91. Dr. Paul Topinard. American Anthropologist, n.s., vol. xiv, no. I, pp. 196-197, Lancaster, Pa., Jan.-Mar. 1912. 92. An important manuscript discovery. Ibid.f no. 3, pp. 582- 583, Lancaster, Pa., July-Sept. 19 12. 93. William John McGee. Ibid., no. 4, pp. 683-687, Lancaster, Pa., Oct.-Dec. 1912. 19 13 94- Report on the Bureau of American Ethnology [for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1913]. Report of the Secretary of the Smith' sonian Institution, Pub. no. 2249, pp. 44-62, Washington, 19 13. 1914 95' Report on the Bureau of American Ethnology [for the fiscal year ending June 30, 19 14]. Report of the Secretary of the Smith- sonian Institution, Pub. no. 2317, pp. 45-66, Washington, 1914. 96. [Archeological reconnoissance in Cebollita valley in 19 13.] Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections, vol. lxiii, no. 8, pp. 53-58, figs. 54-59, Washington, 19 14. 97. Wyoming Historical and Geological Society. American An- thropologist, U.S., vol. XVI, no. I, p. 141, Lancaster, Pa., Jan.- Mar. 19 14. 98. Adolph Francis Alphonse Bandelier. Ihid., no. 2, pp. 349- 358, Lancaster, Pa., Apr.-June 1914. 99. [Review of] Guide to the Materials for the History of the United States in the Principal Archives of Mexico, by Herbert E. Bolton, Washington, 1913. Art and Archaeology, vol. I, no. I, p. 46, Concord, N.H., and Washington, July 1914. 100. [Review of ] The Spanish Archives of New Mexico, by Ralph Emerson Twitchell. Cedar Rapids, 19 14. Ibid. 19 1 5 loi. Report on the Bureau of American Ethnology [for the fiscal year ending June 30, 19 15]. Report of the Secretary of the Smith- sonian Institution, Pub. no. 2379, pp. 40-59, Washington, 1915. 102. Note on the accompanying papers [Ethnobotany of the Zufii Indians, by Matilda Coxe Stevenson; An Inquiry into the Ani- mism and Folk-lore of the Guiana Indians, by Walter E. Roth]. Thirtieth Annual Report of the Bureau of American Ethnology, pp. 25-28, Washington, 19 15. 103. "Pawnee," "Tatarrax," and "Harahey." American An- thropologist, n.s., vol. XVII, no. i, pp. 215-216, Lancaster, Pa., Jan.-Mar. 1915. 12 F, W. HODGE 19 16 104. Report on the Bureau of American Ethnology [for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1916]. Report of the Secretary of the Smith- sonian Institution, Pub. no. 2431, pp. 49-72, Washington, 19 16. j/^ 105. Note on the accompanying paper [The Ethnogeography of the Tewa Indians, by John Peabody Harrington]. Twenty-ninth Annual Report of the Bureau of American Ethnology, p. 25, Washington, 19 16. 106. Thirty-first report of the [Ethnologist-in-charge of the] Bureau of American Ethnology to the Secretary of the Smith- sonian Institution, i909-'io, pp. 7-26, Washington, 1916. 107. [The Nacoochee Mound in Georgia.] Smithsonian Miscel- laneous Collections, vol. Lxvi, no. 3, pp. 75-82, figs. 90-99, Washington, 1916. 108. [Preface to] The Delight Makers, by Adolf F. Bandelier, 2d edition, pp. vii-ix. New York, 1916. 109. The memorial of Fray Alonso de Benavides, 1630. Trans- lated by Mrs. Edward E. Ayer. Annotated by Frederick Webb Hodge and Charles Fletcher Lummis. Chicago, 1916. (Ethno- logical and historical notes 1-4, 6-40, 43-72.) no. [Review of] Spanish Mission Churches of New Mexico, by L. Bradford Prince. Cedar Rapids, Iowa, 19 15. American Historical Review, vol. xxii, no. i, pp. 162-163, Lancaster, Pa., Oct. 19 16. 111. [Review of] Spanish Exploration in the Southwest, 1542- 1706, edited by Herbert Eugene Bolton. New York, 1916. Ihid., pp. 201-202. 112. The origin and destruction of a national Indian portrait gallery. Holmes Anniversary Volume, pp. 187-193, 2 pi., Washington, Dec. 19 16. 1917 113. What the United States has done for anthropology. Pro- ceedings of the Second Pan-American Scientific Congress, vol. i, pp. — , Washington, 1917. [In press.] 114. A national Indian portrait gallery [Abstract]. Proceedings of the Nineteenth International Congress of Americanists, p. 486, Washington, 191 7. 115. Index to Schoolcraft's "Indian Tribes." [In preparation.] 116. Bibliography of the Pueblo Indians. [In preparation.] BIBLIOGRAPHY 13 EDITORIAL 1899- 117. American Anthropologist, New Series. Organ of the 19 1 5 American Anthropological Association, the Anthropological Society of Washington, and the Ethnological Society of New York, F. W. Hodge, Editor, vols, i-xiii, 1899-1911; vols, xv-xvii, 1913-1915. 1903- 118. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections, Quarterly Issue, 1904 vol. I, 1903-1904; vol. II, nos. 1-2, 1904. 1905- 119. Memoirs of the American Anthropological Association, 191 1 vol. I, 1905-07; vol. II, nos. 1-5, 1907-11. 1906- 120, The North American Indian. Being a series of volumes 19 16 picturing and describing the Indians of the United States and Alaska. Written, illustrated, and published by Edward S. Curtis. Edited by Frederick Webb Hodge. (11 vols, to date.) New York, 1906-1916. ^ 1907 121. The handbook of American Indians north of Mexico. Bulletin 30 of the Bureau of American Ethnology, part i, Wash- ington, 1907. 122. The narrative of Alvar Nunez Cabeza de Vaca. Edited by Frederick Webb Hodge. In Jameson, J. F., ed., Original Nar- ratives of Early American History (Spanish Explorers in the Southern United States), New York, 1907. 123. The narrative of the expedition of Coronado, by Pedro de Castaileda. Edited by Frederick Webb Hodge. Ihid. 1909 124. Putnam anniversary volume: Anthropological essays pre- sented to Frederic Ward Putnam in honor of his seventieth birthday, April 16, 1909. New York, 1909. 19 10 125. The handbook of American Indians north of Mexico. Bulletin 30 of the Bureau of American Ethnology, part il, Washington, 19 10. 1913 126. Handbook of Indians of Canada. Published as an appendix to the Tenth Report of the Geographic Board of Canada. Re- printed by permission of Mr. F. W. Hodge, Ethnologlst-in- 14 F. W. HODGE charge, from Handbook of American Indians North of Mexico, published as Bulletin 30, Bureau of American Ethnology, and edited by Frederick Webb Hodge. Ottawa, 19 13. 1913- 127. Contributions from the Museum of the American Indian 1916 (Heye Foundation). Vols, i-iii, New York, 1913-1916. 1916 128. Holmes anniversary volume: Anthropological essays pre- sented to William Henry Holmes in honor of his seventieth birthday, December i, 19 16. Washington, 19 16. 19 1 7 129. Proceedings of the Nineteenth International Congress of Americanists, held at Washington, December, 1915. Wash- ington, 19 1 7. 130. The Indian tribes of North America, with biographical sketches and anecdotes of the principal chiefs. By Thomas L. M'Kenney and James Hall. A new edition, edited by Frederick Webb Hodge. 3 vols., Edinburgh. [In press.] Bandelier National Monument. Art and Archaeology, \o\, III, no. 4, p. 238, Washington, April, 1916. Archaeology of Tennessee River. Ibid., pp. 238-239. FOURTEEN DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED This book is due on the last date stamped below, or on the date to which renewed. \ Renewed books are subjea to immediate recall. 12Apr'56Gfc 1 APR 2 3 1956 LU m aj983 (IEC.C1B.PI5 "W 1 LIBRARY use ONLY DEC '3 1991' CIRCULATION DEFT P.£C'DP02"^1 - SENT ON ILL . FEB 1 2001 U. C. BERKELEY i 1 ! i '(E^fiAr,T^^' ^"^i^^'^' //6 IUU*iO#C^5^ U.C. BERKELEY LIBRARIES C0D63M2V57 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY