THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES GIFT OF COMMODORE BYRON MCCANDLESS THE NAPOLEON GALLEEY ; ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE LIFE AND TIMES EMPEROR OF FRANCE. ENGRAVED BY REVEIL, AND OTHER EMINENT ARTISTS, FROM ALL THE MOST CELEBRATED PICTURES, ETC. PRODUCED IN FRANCE DURING THE LAST FORTY TEARS. LONDON : HENRY G. BOHN, YORK STREET, COVENT GARDEN. 1846. vc Z.&3.Z ADVERTISEMENT. i HE object of the work now submitted to the public, is to present a collection of accurate, and beautifully etched copies of the various paintings, &c. produced by French artists, which illustrate the life and times of Napoleon Buonaparte. The many remarkable events in his history, and the in- terest which attaches to every circumstance connected with his life, give peculiar value to this series of engravings. For many years Napoleon was the idol of the French nation, and it was natural therefore that the most eminent painters and sculptors of France should make his battles, sieges, public ceremonies, and other incidents, the subjects of their highest efforts in art. Most of these works have been en- graved on a large and expensive scale. They are now pub- lished at an exceedingly moderate price, and uniform in size. They will form a valuable series of illustrations to accom- pany the new edition of Sir Walter Scott's Life of Napoleon, or any other of the numerous memoirs of the Emperor. These last are generally very defective in dates. The plates here given are placed as nearly as possible in chronological order, though the above circumstances, and the many discre- pancies existing in the various statements, have rendered it exceedingly difficult to arrange them to our entire satisfaction. 970103 LIST OF PLATES. Riot of St. Roche . . . Plate 1 ^ Defence of Mount Legino ... .Napoleon entering Milan Napoleon compels 5000 Austrians to surrender . " What a Lesson for Man !" . . Passage of the Bridge of Arcola Battle of Rivoli . . . IV Negotiations at Leoben . . . 8 ]/ Cisalpine Republic . . . . 9 \s Battle of the Pyramids . . . 10 V^ Battle of the Pyramids (Plate 2) . - 11 i/ . " All those I command are my Children" , 12 / j4 Revolt of Cairo . . . 13 - / V /JJ Napoleon pardoning the Rebels at Cairo . 14 - Battle at Benouth . . . . 15 / C Plague at Jafia . . . . W^/ 1 ] " You are the greatest Man in the World !" . 17 ! 4 Battle of Aboukir . . . . 18 ^ / Napoleon Inscribes his Name on Mount Sinai . 19 - / Review of the 18th Brumaire . . . 20vvM v "" VI LIST OF PLATIS. Napoleon at Malmaison . . . Plate 21 Napoleon at Mount St. Bernard . . - 22 M Battle of Marengo . . . . - 23 Death of Desaix . . 24 Coronation of Napoleon (Frontispiece) . . 25 '. Napoleon crowned at Milan . . . 26 French Army crosses the Maine . . 27 Napoleon passes the Rhine at Kehl Rencontre at Donawerth . . . - 29 -.$, c\ Fourth Corps of the Army enters Augsburgh 30 ' Napoleon at Augsburgh . . . 31 Napoleon addresses the Army . . . 32 Capitulation of Ulm . . . - 33 Seventy-sixth Regiment recovers its Ensigns . 34 Napoleon receiving the Keys of Vienna . 35 Night preceding the Battle of Austerlitz . * 36 Morning of the Battle of Austerlitz . < 37 -' Battle of Austerlitz . . . 38 Presentation of Austrian Ensigns to French Senate 39 Interview between Napoleon and Francis II. of Austria 40 Column m the Place Vendome . . . 41 Statues of the Column of the Grand Army . 42 Battle of Jena . . . . 43 Duchess of Weimar and Napoleon . . 44 ~' Taking of the Bridge of Elchingen . . 45 Napoleon at Berlin, receives Deputation from French A f Senate 46 LIST OF PLATES. vii Clemency to Prince Hatzfeld . . Plate 47 "/ Sword of Frederick the Great . . 48 4 O Field of Battle, Eylau . . . -49 ~l{ Battle of Friedland . . 50 5 * Napoleon receives the Queen of Prussia at Tilsit . 51 5"^ Route of the Simplon . . . 52 ~> 3 Passage of Sorao Sierra . . 53 5 1 Battle of Essling and Esperne . . 54 L O Death of Montebello . . . 55 C* ' Napoleon wounded at Ratisbon . . 56 Taking of Ratisbon . . 57 ; Retreat from Moscow . . 58 4 V Napoleon at the Tomb of Frederick the Great 59 H S> Skirmish between French Outposts and Spanish Guerillas 60"^~ f^f Peasant of the Rhine . . . 61 C X, Battle of Moscow . . . 62 -* Redoubt of Kabrunn . . . 63<~ ^? Death of Poniatowski . . . 64 (3 % Scene in the Faubourg St. Antoine, Paris . . 65 " Chacun son metier" . . . 66 (yS~ Napoleon at Lutzen . . . . 67 &>-4 Battle of Hainau . . . 68 ' ' Battle of Montmirail . . . 69 ^/ Napoleon at Arcis-sur-Aube . . . 70 "7"<, Napoleon at Montereau . . . 71 Filial anxiety of a Conscript , . 72 ' V HI LIST OF 1'LATES. Napoleon leaves FontainbleaU . Plate 73 Barriere de Clichy . . . . 74 \t* Return from Elba . . . 75 Champs de Mai, or Mars . . 76 - Napoleon at Charleroi . . 77 \ Napoleon in 1815 ... 78 Napoleon at Waterloo . 79 A Soldier at Waterloo . 80 The Soldier Husbandman . . . 81 ^ Napoleon meeting a party of wounded Soldiers . 82 - The Dying Soldier's Farewell . 83 An Ambulance -X*'.* U/ ' . '- *' ***' .^ ../]."' 84 Triumphal Column . . . . 85 IS* Arc de Triomphe de L'Etoile . . . - 86 Statue of Napoleon by Chaudet . . 87 Death of Napoleon . . . . 83 Apotheosis CORONATION OF NAPOLEON. FRONTISPIECE. THIS imposing ceremony was performed, on the 2nd of December, 1804, in the Cathedral of Notre Dame, in the midst of all that was splendid and illustrious in the capital of France. With a view to shew his power rather than to acknowledge the jurisdiction of the Pope, either temporal or spiritual, Napoleon summoned Pius VII. to be in attendance on the day of his inauguration at Paris. In compliance with this, the unresisting Pope left Rome on the 5th of November, and blessed the Emperor and Empress, and also consecrated the diadems. Napoleon, however, placed the crown on his own head, and then on the head of Josephine, who received it kneeling on a cushion at the foot of the Altar steps. We are told that " throughout the ceremonial his aspect was thoughtful ; it was on a stern and gloomy brow that he with his own hands planted the symbol of successful ambition and un- easy power, and the shouts of the deputies present, sounded faint and hollow amidst the silence of the people." RIOT OF ST. ROCHE. ON the 4th of October, 1795, at six o'clock A. M., Napoleon visited every post, and placed his troops of the line. They were few in number, and might easily be destroyed by the populace. Arms were confided to 500 individuals, called Les Patriotes de quatre-vingt neuf. Three battalions were confided to General Berruyer ; and General Cartaux com- manded 400 men and four pieces of cannon, and was sta- tioned on Pont Neuf. Whilst every thing portended a sanguinary affair, the danger becoming every instant more pressing, the Conven- tion discussed the appearance of things without coming to any decision. Suddenly a column of some battalions of the section Lepelletier, headed by Lafond, an emigrant, ap- peared on Pont Neuf, and obliged Cartaux to fall back un- der the posterns. At three o'clock, Daucian, general of the sections, required the Convention to remove the troops which menaced the people. At about a quarter after four, some rockets were fired from the Hotel de Noailles. This was the signal for the attack. Lafond's column wheeled round, and marched on the Pont Royal, along the Quai Voltaire. This column was routed by the artillery of the Louvre and Pont Royal, after rallying three times under the fire. St. Roche was taken, the Rue St. Honore, la Rue St. Florentin, and every other post occupied by the sec- tionaries, were cleared. At six o'clock, the aifray was over ; and if a few cannon shots were heard during the night, they were discharged to destroy and repress the formation of barricades, which some of the inhabitants etili v ished to maintain. DEFENCE OF MOUNT LEGINO. WHEN Napoleon took the command of the army of Italy, it was in a state of absolute destitution. It consisted of 28,000 infantry, and 3,000 cavalry : warttingalmost every necessary for its equipment. The Directory was only able to furnish 2,000 louis d'or for the service of the campaign. Napoleon arrived at Nice, reviewed the troops, and said, " Soldiers, you are badly furnished; you require many neces- saries, but our government is not able to supply them. Your patience and the courage youhave shewn in the midstofthese rocks, are worthy of admiration ; but here we gain no glory. I will conduct you into the more fertile plains. There, rich provinces and great cities will be in our power, and there yon will have riches, honour, and glory ! Soldiers of Italy! do you want courage ?" This proclamation was received with loud acclamations, and the army moved onward. On the 10th of April, 1796, the central division of the enemy's forces, commanded by General Argentan, had taken its position before the redoubts of Mount Legino, which were defended by Colonel Rampon. The enemy made preparations to raise them on the following da} r . Beaulieu had left the mountains by Genoa, and was prepared to attack Laharpe, at Voltri. During the night the republican troops made some important movements. Laharpe's division joined llampon's at daybreak on the llth. The commander-in-chief marched with the divisions under Augereau and Massena, by the Col de Cadibonne, and defiled behind Montenotte. Thus Argentan was completely surrounded. Rampon, with his regiment, and Laharpe attacked him in front; while Massena and Augereau attacked him in the rear and in the flanks. The rout was complete, and the French made their entry into Piedmont. The splendid defence of the redoubt had facilitated these manoeuvres. Napoleon devised bold and extensive plans, but he also wisely calculated upon the bravery of his troops. Rampon announced his determination to conquer or to die, and his soldiers exhibited the same spirit of devotion. The illustration of this military feat, painted to record the valiant bearing of Rampon, is spirited and full of ani- mation. Berthon was truly inspired by the miraculous achievements of the republican army when he produced this picture, which belongs to the Chamber of Peers. NAPOLEON ENTERING MILAN. ON the 15th of May, 1796, Napoleon made his entry into Milan, amidst the acclamations of an immense populace ; his troops passing under a triumphal arch. From that day the Italians adopted the tri-coloured ensign green, red and white. Napoleon remained only a few days at Milan, where he received d'Este, natural brother of the Duke of Modena. He came to solicit an armistice, and the protection of the French army. Buonaparte treated with the Duke of Modena as he had done with the Duke of Parma. In taking the command of the army in Italy, Napoleon, notwithstanding his extreme youth, inspired the soldiers, and even the old officers themselves, with absolute confidence. The accompanying engraving is copied from a fresco painted by Andrea Appiani, who was charged to portray in the vice-regal palace at Milan the pageants of Napoleon. Thirty-five are there painted in oil, after the manner of Grisaille. This subject has been engraved by the best artists of Milan ; it is rare and much sought after by amateurs. NAPOLEON COMPELS FIVE THOUSAND AUSTRIANS TO SURRENDER. AFTER. Lonato had been taken by the Austrians, and again re-taken by Napoleon, August 1796, from four to five thou- sand of the former deserted ; when learning that there were only 1200 French soldiers at Lonato, they marched towards that place, in the hope of clearing a road to the Nuncio. Arrived near Lonato, they sent to demand the surrender of the city. At that moment, Napoleon arrived from Castiglione, when he ordered the deputation to be brought before him. " Go, tell your general," said Napo- leon, " that he is in the midst of the French army. I give him eight minutes to surrender ; beyond that time he has nothing to hope for !" Harassed and fatigued, not know- ing which way to turn, these 5,000 men laid down their arms at his command. WHAT A LESSON FOR MAN!" IN Italy, after the battle of Bassano, Napoleon, followed by some superior officers, surveyed the place where the battle was contended. The moon shed her light upon that scene of horror, and the profound silence of the night was dis- turbed only by the sad cries of the wounded, and the dis- mal groans of the dying. All at once a dog that had been lying on a dead body, came forward moaning ; he alter- nately advanced and receded, seemingly divided between the desire of avenging the death of his master, and the fear of allowing the body to become cold, which he was de- sirous of reviving. Napoleon stopped ; his soul was moved, and comparing, in spite of himself, the faithful friendship of the animal to the neglect with which the other victims were treated, he remained absorbed in pro- found meditation. " What a lesson for man !'' at last he cried, "it was the first time his heart uttered its sentiments ; his head then forgot the duties of his situation, and the interests of his policy. The impression was so strong, that twenty-five years after, he spoke of it again on the rock of St. Helena ! QUELLE LE9ON POUR L' HOMME ! WHAT A LESSON FOR MAN ! WCUCBE I.K.HKE FOR IJKN MERSCKES 1 CHJZ LZIOKB PAR I.'oGMo! CO ZA lUOKA IJLA CZlOWIFJCi! QUE LECCION PARA XL HOHBRE! PASSAGE OF THE BRIDGE OF ARCOLA. THE marsh of Arcola is traversed by three causeways, each of which was occupied by a French column ; the centre column moving on that which led to the village so named. Alvinzi, learning that all was quiet at Verona, supposed this movement to be made by a few light troops, and there- fore contented himself by ordering two small divisions to disperse them ; these were checked and nearly routed by the strong columns of infantry to which they un- expectedly found themselves opposed. It was necessary that Arcola, which was defended by two battalions of Creates should be taken, in order to gain the bridge of Villeneuve, which was the only retreat of Alvinzi. The fire continuing unabated, Napoleon, determined on making a last effort, seized an ensign and planted it on the bridge with his own hand. He had advanced his column to the centre of the bridge, when a fresh body of Austrians arrived and com- menced a sharp fire on the flank, which compelled those in the rear to retire. The grenadiers at the head of the column, finding themselves abandoned by their comrades, gave way; but not willing to lose their general, they bore him in their arms through the midst of the dead and the dying. In the confusion he was precipitated into the marsh, where he lay surrounded by his enemies, and would probably have been taken prisoners had not the grenadiers, perceiving his danger, raised the cry, " Forward forward save the general !"' At this the troops returned to the charge, and finally drove the Austrians out of the village. Nov. 1796. BATTLE OF RIVOLI. CONQUEROR at Arcole, Napoleon, after having received some small reinforcements, and organizing 1 part of the Italian battalions, placed the new troops under the tricoloured flag upon the frontiers of La Transpadane, to hold in check the troops of the Pope, who had broken the treaty and repaired to Verona, where he arrived during the battle of St. Michael. There Massena had broken in upon the enemy and secured a few prisoners. Napoleon collected all his troops in the night, in order that they might be ready to attack the enemy in the most advan- tageous situation. The intelligence he had received led him to oelieve that this would be on the Montebello side, and that the greatest danger was in that quarter. All the French troops then commenced their march to Rivoli, with the exception of the division under Augereau, which was sent to dispute the passage of the Bas-Adige with General Provera. Napoleon arrived at Rivoli about two o'clock in the morning of the 14th of January, 1797, where he was able to observe the line of the enemy's fires ; who appeared to have made five divisions, with a view of commencing the attack at different points. Joubert immediately received orders to act on the offensive ; and the Fusileers engaged with one of the enemy's columns, and repulsed it by day break. Another Austrian column then marched upon the battery at Rivoli ; in less than an hour this was defeated and driven back by Massena, when a third came to its aid, and would have thrown itself upon the battery, but the French artillery slaughtered all who came within gun-shot. The cavalry then charged with daring intrepidity, and the enemy were driven to the edge of the precipice, and rolled into the ravine below. Whilst this took place a fourth column arrived at the place to which it had been directed, in the heights of Pipoto, hoping to turn the French army ; but it was too late ; it came just in time to see the destruction of the other divisions, and to foresee the fate which awaited itself. Seven thousand prisoners were taken, with twelve pieces of cannon, and a few ensigns. In the course of th< j day Napoleon was frequently surrounded by the enemy, and had several horses killed under him. In consideration of services performed on this occasion, Massena had the title of Due de Rivoli conferred upon him. NEGOTIATION OF PRELIMINARIES OF PEACE AT LEOBEN. SOME hours after receiving despatches from the Directory, Napoleon wrote to the Archduke Charles to make overtures of peace to him ; the Archduke immediately answered that he would learn the opinion of his Court, having 1 no power to treat alone. At last, on the 7th of April, 1797, the head-quarters were fixed at Leoben, when Generals Bellegarde and Merfeld presented themselves to demand an armistice of ten days, previous to making a definitive peace. The armistice was signed the same evening, but the French agreed to five days only. The Austrian plenipotentiaries arrived at Leo- ben on the 13th of April, and the preliminaries were signed on the 18th. The scene in the picture is in a pavilion of the Bishop's palace in the midst of a garden. The French general seems to be saying to the Austrian envoys : " If we are not agreed upon that point, I continue my march, and behold the road to victory !" The picture contains some historical portraits ; among others, Lavalette, aide-de-camp to Napoleon, who wrote under the dictation of his general ; to the left of Lavalette are Louis Buonaparte, and Eugene Beauharnais, leaning his head on the future king of Holland. There are also portraits of Berthier, Massena, Augereau, and Murat, then inseparable associates of Napoleon. THE CISALPINE REPUBLIC. THE independence of the Cisalpine Republic was declared on the 29th of June, 1797. A general federation of the national guards and of the authorities of the new Republic was held in the Lazaretto of Milan. On the 14th of July, thirty thousand of the national guard and deputies from the departments swore fealty to the new Commonwealth. The Cisalpine Directory named its own ministers, the administrative authorities, and governed the Republic as an independent State. The keys of Milan, and of all the fortified places were duly remitted by the French to the Cisalpine officers, and the army quitted the States of the Republic, and cantoned upon the Venetian territory. Napoleon, after the treaty of Campo Formio, returned to Milan to complete the organization of this new State, and the administrative measures of its army. He bade adieu to the Italian people by an address, wherein he told them, that they were the first who had ever acquired liberty without a revolution. " We have given liberty to you ; know how to keep it. You are, after France, the most po- pulous and the richest republic. Prove yourselves worthy of your destiny, by enacting wise and moderate laws, and by enforcing them with energy." He told them that they had not a sufficient sense of the dignity which attaches to a free people. He also promised them the protection of the French nation should they be attacked by neighbouring States. " Wheresoever," he concluded, " the interests of my country shall require my services, I shall ever feel a lively solicitude in the happiness and glory of your Re- public." REPUBLigUE CISALPINE THE fTSAIJ'LNK RRPUBUC. I/.RCZPOSHOI .JTA c BATTLE OF THE PYRAMIDS. "0-v the 21st of July the army came within sight of the Pyra- mids, which, but for the regularity of the outline might have been taken for a distant ridge of rocky mountains. While every eye was fixed on these hoary monuments of the past, they gained the brow of a gentle eminence, and saw at length spread out before them the vast army of the Beys, its right posted on an intrenched camp by the Nile, its cen- tre and left composed of that brilliant cavalry with which they were by this time acquainted. Napoleon, riding for- wards to reconnoitre, perceived (what escaped the observa- tion of all his staff") that the guns on the intrenched camp were not provided with carriages ; and instantly decided on his plan of attack. He prepared to throw his force on the left, where the guns could not be available. Mourad Bey, who commanded in chief, speedily penetrated his de- sign : and the Mamelukes advanced gallantly to the encoun- ter. ' Soldiers,' said Napoleon, ' from the summit of yonder pyramid forty ages behold you;' and the battle began. " The French formed into separate squares, and awaited the assault of the Mamelukes. These came on with impe- tuous speed, and wild cries, and practised every means to force their passage into the serried ranks of their new op- ponents. They rushed on the line of bayonets, backed their horses upon them, and at last, maddened by the firmness they could not shake, dashed their pistols and carbines into the faces of the men. They who had fallen wounded from their seats, would crawl along the sand, and hew at the legs of their enemies with their scymitars. Nothing could move the French : the bayonet and the continued roll of musketry by degrees thinned the host around them ; and Buonaparte at last advanced. Such were the confusion and terror of the enemy when he came near the camp, that they aban- doned their works, and flung themselves by hundreds into the Nile. The carnage was prodigious. Multitudes more were drowned. Mourad and a remnant of his Mamelukes retreated on Upper Egypt. Cairo surrendered, and Lower Egypt was entirely conquered." 1798 History of Napo- leon Buonaparte, vol. 1, p. 134. 10, HARANGUE AUX FYRAMIDES. BATTLE OF THE PYRAMIDS. [PLATE II.] THE subject of the accompanying engraving is derived from the account given of the Battle of the Pyramids, at the moment when Napoleon, pointing to those remains of antiquity, and addressing his soldiers, exclaimed, "Soldats ! du haut de ces pyramides, quarante si&cle vous contemplcnt." The results of this battle are well known. They were very profitable to the soldiery ; " the name of Buonaparte, now spread panic through the East ; and the Sultan Kebir (or King of Fire, as he was called from the deadly effects of the musketry in this engagement) was considered as thedestined scourge of God, whom it was hopeless to resist." REVOLT OF CAIRO. WHILE the French were masters of Cairo, a conspiracy was formed against them, which exploded on the 21st of Octo- ber, 1798. The populace, at the instigation of the Sheiks, had sworn by Mahomet to exterminate the French. At the commencement of the insurrection, General Dupuy was mortally wounded, and several others were killed ; when the drums were heard beating- to arms, the Turks repaired to the Grand Mosque, where they assembled to the number of about 8,000. Here they were required to surrender, but refused, and seemed determined to defend themselves to the last, when Napoleon commanded bombs to be thrown from the citadel ; this spread dismay and terror amongst the besieged, which was greatly increased by the French burst- ing open the doors. In a few moments the carnage became dreadful. The fanaticism of the revolters prevented their perceiving the impossibility of successful resistance to the French, who had been infuriated by observing Brigadier- General Sulkowski slain by the multitude. Girodet has produced a very animated picture of the scene. The most remarkable group is that where a man completely naked sup- ports a young Turk, richly habited, who is about to receive his death-wound. Near to him is a negro, equally naked, aiming to ward off the fatal blow, and holding the head of a young Frenchman. On the left is an Hussar of a very extraordinary stature, whose weapon seems to bear death to the unfortunate Turk. BUONAPARTE PARDONING THE REBELS AT CAIRO. BUONAPATTE had great difficulty in subduing the tumults at Cairo, and that subjugation was effected by an immense sacrifice of human life. He succeeded in forcing the re- bels to take refuge in the mosque of Eleazar in the Isle of Ronda, whose avenues they secured with strong barricades. Here Napoleon summoned them to surrender; and by his order the divan, the principal sheikhs and doctors of the law presented themselves at the barricades, to induce them if possible to comply with his summons. They were re- ceived by a fusilade, when, at a given signal, General Dommartin opened a batter}" upon the mosque. This bat- tery was kept in constant and fearful play, and produced such consternation and terror among the rebels, that they cried loudly and lamentably for permission to capitu- late : " You refused mercy when I offered it," replied the General, " the hour of vengeance has arrived; you com- menced this tumult, it is for me to finish it." Reduced to despair, they attempted a sortie, but were met by the French grenadiers. At length they threw down their arms and surrendered at discretion ; imploring mercy, and uttering their cry of distress, Amman ! Buonaparte relented. On the 24th of October, a pro- clamation from the doctors of the law announced that the revolution was overcome and appeased. " By our inter- cession/' said they, " the destruction which must have otherwise followed the revolt has been arrested ; Napoleon has prevented the troops from burning and pillaging the city, for he is full of goodness, benevolence, and mercy towards the Mussulman; he is the protector peculiarly of the poor, and without him the inhabitants of Cairo should exist no longer." October 24, 1798. ALL THOSE I COMMAND ARE MY CHILDREN." WE may easily form an idea of the condition of the Egyptians, subject to the oppression of the Mamelukes on the one hand, and the rapacity of the Arabs on the other, when the French entered their territory under Napoleon, announcing 1 them- selves as avengers and liberators, as we find by the follow- ing occurrence, which has furnished the subject of M. De- lonne's composition : " One day when Buonaparte was surrounded by the grand Sheiks, some one told him that the Arabs of the tribe of Osnadis had entered with an armed band into a village, driven off the herds, and killed an unfortunate fellah, who endeavoured to make some resistance. Full of indignation, he ordered 200 dromedaries and 300 horsemen to take the field in pursuit of the guilty party. The Sheiks, surprised at the animated tone in which this command was given, looked at each other, for to them the life of a poor fellah was of no consequence. One of them observed to him that he had better not embroil himself with the Arabs, a people always dangerous, and who could retaliate more than the evil he could inflict on them. "Wherefore," added the Sheik Elmodi, " all this stir ? Because they have killed a fellah ! Was he then thy cousin ?" " More than that !" cried Napoleon with energy, " all those whom I command are my children !" And his gesture, more weighty than his words, sufficiently indicated that he took under his protection the unfortunate who came to plead for vengeance or justice. " Taib .'" cried the astonished Sheik, " thou speakest like a prophet." 1798. .S TKUX yUC JK COMMANUK .SONT MES KNFANP. NAPOLEON INSCRIBES HIS NAME AT MOUNT SINAI. N APOLEON, havingcrossed the Red Sea, at the shallows, was met on the opposite shore, by a d eputation of Cenobites from Mount Sinai. These monks threw themselves at his feet, imploring 1 his protection : and after having 1 invoked the blessings of heaven on his head, they presented for his signature the ancient register of their privileges. Napoleon smiled at their request ; he took the pen, and no doubt nattered by an homage so extraordinary, signed his name, already immortal, beside those of Ali ; of Saladin, and of Ibrahim. BONAPARTE INS CHIT ?ON NOM AU SINAI. IIOBAFAHTE INSCRIBING HIS NAME ON MOUNT SINAI BONAPARTK SCHRHIHT SKIITKn nAMKN AUK DKM SINAI. BATTLE AT BENOUTH. GENERAL BELLIARD learnedat Coptos, that2000 Mekkains and more than 1000 Arabs, conducted by Hassan, had at- tacked the flotilla at Benouth, which was overcome, notwith- standing an active resistance. Although he had withhim no more than 600 men of the 21stlight dragoons, he passed the Nile, and sought the enemy, whose force was now strength- ened by the arrival of 400 Mamelukes. The fight was long and obstinate. The enemy lost their cannon, and fledin alarm ; part upon the boats, where the French soldiery, in their fury, soon reached them ; but the greatest number into Benouth, and into the castle, which they had previously fortified, There they defended themselves fiercely, and repulsed several attacks. The order was then given to burn the village and the castle ; when Hassan, invoking Mahomet, excited the Mekkains to delirious fanaticism. They were now soon sur- rounded with flames, which they were unableto extinguish, and which closed up every means of egress; their only chance of escape was to cut their way through the French soldiers, which they attempted as a forlorn hope, when they were repulsed by a body of riflemen, whilst a column rushing upon a breach made in the wall, kept them within the castle, where they all perished. March, 1799. The original painting of this scene, by M. Langlois, is in the Orleans Gallery, at the Palais Royal. THE PLAGUE AT JAFFA. ON the 7th of May, 1799, Buonaparte summoned the com- mandant of the garrison of Jaffa to surrender, who replied to the demand by very unceremoniously decapitating 1 the messenger who carried the summons. The French com- menced the attack on the city, and soon hecame masters of it ; they put the garrison to the sword, and abandoned the city to be pillaged by the soldiers. This horrible scene lasted for six and thirty hours ; and to the disgrace of the French be it said, they massacred their prisoners without mercy. " This conduct on the part of the French," says one of their own historians, " conquerors so generous in Egypt, no motive to vengeance could justify, but it became no less calamitous to them than it was to their victims. The plague, that terrible scourge of the East, began its ravages among 1 the French soldiery the very day after the taking of Jaffa." The frightful cry, " It is the plague !" spread itself amongst the soldiers, and struck terror into the hearts of the most courageous. On his return to Jaffa, on the 24th May, Buonaparte repaired to the hospital, where there were some amputated, some wounded, many of the soldiers afflicted with ophthal- mia, uttering most lamentable cries. The painter has attempted to convey an idea of this scene, and represents Buonaparte as touching the bubo of a patient under the influence of the plague. We are told that Desegnettes. the doctor, dared, in order to reanimate the troops, to ino- culate himself with the plague. This we must confess we doubt. There is no evidence that the plague was ever subdued by the aid of medicine, and had it been so in this case, we apprehend that the means by which it was sub- dued would have been communicated to the world at large. BATTLE OF AliOUKlR. "THE Turkish outposts were assaulted early on the morn ing of the 24th July, 1799, and driven in with great slaughter ; but the French, when they advanced, came within the range of the batteries and also of the shipping that lay close by the shore, and were checked. Their re- treat might have ended in a rout, but for the undisciplined eagerness with which the Turks engaged in the task of spoiling and maiming those that fell before them thus giving to Murat the opportunity of charging their main body in flank with his cavalry, at the moment when the French infantry, profiting by their disordered and scat- tered condition, and rallying under the eye of Napoleon, forced a passage to the intrenchments. From that mo- ment, the battle was a massacre. The Turks, attacked on all sides, were panic- struck ; and the sea was covered with the turbans of men who flung themselves headlong into the waves, rather than await the fury of Le Beau Sabrcur, or the steady rolling lire of the Sultan Kebir. Six thousand surrendered at discretion ; twelve thousand perished on the field, or in the sea." Hist, of Napoleon Buonaparte, vol. I. p. 155. YOU ARE THE GREATEST MAN IN THE WORLD." BUONAPARTE reached Alexandria on the evening of the 24th of July, 1799, when he found his army already posted in the neighbourhood of Aboukir, and prepared to anticipate the attack of the Turks on the morrow. Survey ing their entrenched camp from the heights above with Murat, he said, " Go how it may, the battle of to- morrow will decide the fate of the world." " Of this army, at least," answered Murat ; " but the Turks have no ca- valry, and, if ever infantry were charged to the teeth by horse, they shall be so by mine.''* On the 25th the attack was commenced by the French, when for a considerable time the Turks maintained the battle with success. Murat, at length, was enabled to charge their main body in flank, when the Turks became panic-struck, and the battle was changed into a massacre ; and numerous Turks, to escape the swords of the French, precipitated themselves into the sea, where they were nearly all drowned. This eventful day crowned the labours of Buonaparte in Egypt with glory and honour ; and after the victory, Kleber, in a transport of admiration, pressed Napoleon in his arms, saying, " General ! you are the greatest man in the world !" * History of Napoleon Buonaparte, vol. i. VOI SIETZ GRiNDH, COMB II, MON JKSTKS WIKI.KJ JAK swrvr! SOIS CRANM COKO EL HUNUO NAPOLEON AT MALMAISON. TOWARDS the close of the year 1799, Napoleon occupied the palace of Luxembourg 1 . Several courtiers thought that a palace in the country equally worthy should be allotted to his use. He had been resident at Malmaison, but this was considered unsuitable for the abode of the chief of a great republic. It was decided that St. Cloud should be offered for nis acceptance. This he chose to decline. In August, 1802, Napoleon was chosen consul for life. The court then became such as it had been at Versailles under the Bourbons. A French writer says, that when at the Tuileries, " he found it a tiresome abode ; there he had no retirement no liberty. His happiest days were spent at Malmaison. Great in himself, he appeared still greater in that sweet retreat." Having formerly refused St. Cloud at the hands of the people, he now took it on his own authority. There he had less leisure than at Malmaison, as etiquette was augmented in proportion to the grandeur of his establishment. Josephine suffered more from this new state of things than any other individual. She was much attached to Malmaison ; it was there she had spent many happy hours with her dearest friends. She was often heard to saj-, " How all this excitement fatigues and wearies me ! I have not a moment to myself ! I ought to have been the wife of an humble cottager." Napoleon occasionally condescended to join in the coun- try dance with the peasantry of Malmaison. In this amuse- ment it is said he was somewhat awkward, always calling for the monaco, as being most easy of performance. BOVAPARTK A M.ALMAIS ON. BONAPAK-rt A MAI.MAISON HOMAKAKIT! W MAI.MAISON. BONAPARTK r.K WLMAISON NAPOLEON AT MOUNT ST. BERNARD. THE original picture from which this engraving is copied, ornaments the library at the Hotel dcs Invalides. It was painted at the express command of Napoleon. The first consul left Paris for Dijon, on the Gth of May, 1800, where the reserve army was organized. At Geneva, he had an interview with the engineer, for the purpose of ascertaining the particulars of the intended route ; espe- cially directing his inquiries to the difficult passage across St. Bernard. At the close of the interview, Napoleon said, " Do you believe, then, that the army will be able to brave this passage?" "Yes, General/' replied the intrepid engineer, " it is possible to French soldiers.'' " Ah well !" said Napoleon, " let us attempt it then." And the orders were immediately given for the army to commence its march. On the 15th, at the head of 30,000 of his troops, Napo- leon commenced the ascent of St. Bernard. From St. Pierre to the summit of the mount the passage was so narrow that they were obliged to move in single files. General Marmont ordered the cannon to be placed in the hollow trunks of trees, and thus had them raised to the most elevated points by the narrowest path. In the course of a few days he performed what General Suvaroif had not dared to undertake in the preceding year: and thus the name of Napoleon was placed on the list with Hannibal and Charlemagne. BATTLE OF MARENGO. ON the 11 tli of June, 1800, and in the evening after the battle of Montebello, General Desaix arrived at head quarters. Of this man, Napoleon has said that, " of all the generals he ever had under him, Desaix possessed the greatest talents. He loved glory for itself." The two generals conversed with each other nearly the whole night. Desaix had much to tell of Egypt, since Napoleon had quitted it ; and he now burned to signalize himself in the Italian campaign. Napoleon immediately gave him the command of a division. Napoleon was surprised at the inaction of Melas, and began to fear that the Austrian had fallen back on Genoa, overwhelming Suchet, and taken up a position where he might be supplied with provisions by the British fleet. Napoleon, thus perplexed, at length descended into the plain of Marengo, where he spent the night in doubt and anxiety. On the 13th he was at Marengo; but found no trace of the enemy there, save a scanty outpost which retired before him. Early in the morning of the 14th of June, the Austrians com- menced a furious attack on the village above named. The First Consul found it necessary to command the return of Desaix, who was now half aday's journey distant from head quarters, where he had been sent to watch the road to Genoa. Napoleon arrived on the field at ten o'clock, when the enemy was in possession of Marengo, and the div/sion under Victor was completely routed. He sent his guard to Victor's aid, and assisted himself to support Lannes, directing the division of Carra-Saint-Cyr upon the extreme right, in order to take in flank the whole left wing of the enemy. At the moment when the Austrian horse were about to rush on Lannes' retreating .corps, the reserve under Desaix appeared on the outskirts of the field. Desaix himself, riding up to the First Consul, said, " I think this is a battle lost. 1 ' " 1 think it is a battle won," answered Napoleon, "do you push on, and I will speedily rally the line behind you." And in effect the timely arrival of this reserve turned the fortune of the day. At three o'clock in the afternoon, Napoleon took up his position on the road of San Juliano. " Soldiers !" he cried, '' we have retired far enough, now let us advance ! You know it is my cus- tom to sleep on the battle field !" Desaix was ordered to throw himself with his fresh troops upon the 6000 grenadiers of Colonel Zach. Desaix prepared to act on the offensive, but was shot dead at the first fire. " Alas ! it is not permitted to me to weep," said Napoleon ; and the loss of this esteemed general, redoubled the fury of the troops. Boudet took the command, Zach himself was taken prisoner ; and the next day Melas entered into a nego- tiation, offering to abandon Genoa, and all the strong places in Piedmont, Lombardy, and the Legations, provided Napoleon would allow him to march the remains of his army unmolested to the rear of Mantua ; this offer Napoleon accepted, and was thus DEATH OF DESAIX. DESAIX was born in 1768, at St. Ililaire d'Ayat, in Auvergne, of noble parents, whose family had been devoted for several generations to the profession of arms. Brought up at the military college of Effiat, he entered as a sub- lieutenant in the regiment of Bretagne at the age of fifteen. He was, even at that age, of a very grave and studious character; and in the revolutionary wars he was remark- able for valour and discretion : prompt in his measures, his success was almost unvaried. He received the rank of General of Brigade for his conduct at Weissenberg. At Luttenberg, a musket ball passed through both his cheeks ; but he never quitted the field of battle, nor suffered his wounds to be dressed, until he had rallied the disordered battalions. On this occasion the soldiers conferred upon him the honourable surname of " Lc gucrricr sans peur et sans reproche. In 1796 he served under Moreau. He commanded the left wing at the battle of Rastadt, and was entrusted with the defence of Kehl. After performing many very important services to the French army, he was shot in the breast at the battle of Marengo, llth June, 1800, and died on the field. His body was removed to Milan, where, by Napoleon's direc- tions, it was embalmed, and then conveyed to the Hospice of St. Bernard, where a monument was erected to the me- morv of the fallen hero. Rogers refers to this in his " Italy." " Desaix, who turned the scale, Leaving his life-blood in that famous field, ( Where the clouds break, we may discern the spot, In the blue haze) sleeps as thou saw'st at dawn, Just where we entered, in the Hospital church." " Desaix preserved through life great simplicity in his exterior appearance and manners. In stature he was shorter than Buonaparte by an inch. His physiognomy was pensive, and his complexion pale. 'The talent of Desaix,' said Napoleon at St. Helena. ' was always in full activity. He loved glory for glory's sake, and France above everything 1 .' Luxury he despised, and even comfort. He preferred sleeping under a gun in the open air to the softest couch. He was of an unsophisticated, active, pleasing character, and possessed extensive information. The victor of Marengo shed tears for his death."* * Napoleon Memoirs'. CHAMP DE MARS. AFTER the distribution of the eagles at the Champ de Mars, Napoleon administered the following oath to the army : "Soldiers! beholdyourbanners! These eagles shall always serve you for rallying points. They shall be ever where your Emperor shall judge itnecessary for the defence of his throne and of his people. You swear to sacrifice your life in their defence, and constantly to maintain them by your courage in the way of victory. Do you swear it ?'' All the army answered by acclamation : " We swear it ! Long live the Emperor !" CORONATION OF NAPOLEON AT MILAN, AS KING OF ITALY. NAPOLEON had now become Emperor of France ; and to render the ceremony more imposing 1 to the Catholic com- munity, he brought the obedient Pope from Rome, to join in the pageant. The imperial organization was completed in France ; a new nobility was created, and all things were restored to the brilliancy of the ancient monarchy. Amid the great events which were then being enacted' one not the least in importance awaited the Emperor of France in the capital of the Cisalpine Republic, now be- come the kingdom of Italy. The Italians decided to offer the crown to the conqueror of Arcola and Marengo, and in pursuance of that decision they dispatched a deputation to Paris. Accepting that offer, Napoleon and the Empress Josephine repaired to Milan, where they were crowned on the 26th of May, 1805, with unusual splendour. On this occasion, as at Paris, Napoleon himself placed the crown upon his own head ; and, when taking it from the altar, he exclaimed aloud, " God gives it to me ; beware mho touches it!" On the 8th of June, Prince Eugene, the adopted son of Napoleon, was proclaimed Viceroy of Italy; and the French Emperor returned to his army, to make prepara- tions for the memorable campaign of Austerlitz. THE FRENCH ARMY CROSSES THE MAINE. ADMIRAL VILLENEUVE in engaging- in the disastrous battle of Trafalgar, compromised the grand project for descending upon England. The illustrious Pitt took means to avert the storm which menaced the British isles. A treaty of union was signed by Russia and Austria, and the third coalition against France was formed. Napoleon gave orders for breaking up the camp at Boulogne; and presenting himself before the senate, spake as follows : '' SENATORS, " I quit my capital to put myself at the head of the army, to give prompt succour to our allies, and defend the best interests of my people. " The vows of the eternal enemies of the continent are fulfilled. War has commenced in the midst of Germany ; Austria and Russia are united with England, and we are again dragged into a calamitous war. But a few days ago, I hoped that peace might still be preserved : now their threats and outrages I can no longer suffer. The Austrians have passed the Inn Munich is invaded the Elector of Bavaria is driven from his capital ; and all my hopes of peace are fled ! " Senators ! when at j'our wish, and at the call of the French nation, I placed the imperial crown upon my head ; I received it from you, and from the citizens with an engagement to maintain it pure and withoutblemish. " Magistrates ! Soldiers ! Citizens ! all will preserve their country from the influence of England, who, if she prevails, will yield only an ignominious and hateful peace ; tne chief conditions of which will be, the sacrifice of our navy, the destruction of our ports, and the annihilation of our industry. " Frenchmen ! your Emperor will do his duty ! my soldiers will do theirs ! and you will do yours !" Whilst a portion of the army commenced their march towards Strasburg, Marshal Bernadotte received orders to occupy the fortresses of Hameln and Nienburgh, with the 19th regiment of the line, under the command of Bastoul, general of division. He also received a superior command in Hanover, with directions to collect his troops upon the frontier of Hesse Cassel, in orderto bear down upon Frank- fort. General Marunno was at the same time ordered to break up his camp at Zeist, to quit Holland and ascend the Rhine, arriving upon the Maine with his corps of the army, to take part in any ulterior operations. September 17, 1805. NAPOLEON PASSES THE RHINE AT KEHL. B ERNADOTTE with his corps of the army, traversed the Elec- torate of Hesse, with all the order and discipline for which it was remarkable. The French troops detiled before the guard, and a part of the Elector's troops, which were under arms at Cassel. On the 21st September, 1805, the three divisions under Bernadotte, took their position at Butzbach, in the province of Gros-Herzogth ; and on the 30th of the same month, the whole army was united before W urtzburg. General Marmont arrived at Mayence with his corps, joining 1 himself to Bernadotte and the Bavarians. The different columns of the army arrived successively upon the Rhine from the 20th to th 26th of September ; these corps were commanded by Marshals Soult, Davoust, Ney, and Lannes; Murat commanding the reserve of ca- valry. They formed a line, of which the right extremity was at Strasburg, the centre at Spire, and the left at Mayence. The reserve of cavalry, composed of five divisions, passed the Rhine on the 25th of September, at Kehl, and took its position in front of the entrance to the Black Forest. Lannes and his corps, consisting of the grenadiers under Oudinot, and of a division under Suchet, passed the Rhine at the same place ; and the corps under marshal Ney, with his divisions, Dupont, Loison, and Malher, and the dragoons of Baragay d'Hilliers, followed on the 20th. Soult, with the divisions, Vandamme, Legrand, and St. Hilaire, effected his passage at Spire ; and Davoust at Man- heim at the head of the divisions, Friant, Gudin, and Bouvrier. Napoleon requested the court of Bavaria to place its army at his disposal ; and Generals Deroi and Wrede, at the head of the Bavarian troops, joined themselves to Bernadotte. While these movements were taking place, Napoleon arrived at Strasburg on the 27th of September, and remained there until the 1st of October. Before passing the Rhine, he harangued the troops, ex- citing the Bavarians by the following passage in his procla- mation : "I know your bravery; and flatter myself, that after the first battle,*! shall be able to tell your prince and my people, that you are worthy to light iu the ranks of the grand army." THE FOURTH CORPS OF THE ARMY MEETS THE ENEMY AT DONAWEHTH. NAPOLEON had passed the Rhine, and disposed of his army. The left wing, composed of the corps under Marshal Bernadotte, and of that under General Marmont, with the Bavarian army, were set on the march on the 1st and 2d of October, to Weissenburg. Marshal Davoust, leaving 1 Neckarels, pursued the route of Meikumhl, Ingelfrugen, Chreilsheim, Drinkelspuhl, Fremb- dingen, GEttingen, and Haarburg 1 . Marshal Soult advanced upon the Danube. Ney, leaving 1 Stuttgard, followed the route of Esslingen to Nattheim. Marshal Lannes quitted Ludwisburg, and directed his steps towards Nordeingen. On the Cth of October the army held the following posi- tions : Bernadotte at "Weissenburg-. Davoust at Altingenupon the Wernitz. Soult, master of the bridge of Munster, was at the gates of Donawerth. Ney at Kossingen. Lannes at Neresheim. And the cavalry, under Murat, covered the Danube. The second division of that portion of the army under Marshal Soult, commanded by General Vandamme, having arrived at Donawerth on the evening of the Gth, had the honour of commencing the attack on the Austrian army. Si! K Oi 5 h g E THE FOURTH CORPS OF THE ARMY ENTERS AUGSBURGH. GENERAL VANDAMME had the honour of commencing- the attack on the Austrian army in the rencontre at Dona- werth : he routed the regiment of Colloredo, who defended the bridge of that town : killed about GO men, and took 150 prisoners. Marshal Soult repaired to the bridge, and bore down upon Augsburgh with the divisions under Van- damme and Legrand ; whilst St. Hilaire conducted his troops up the left bank of the Danube, to observe the movements of the army collected round" Ulm, and after- wards followed the two divisions we have just named. Murat arrived at Donawerth on the morning of the 7th of October, 1805, with the dragoons commanded by General Walter, where he passed the river to bear down rapidly upon the Lech. Colonel Wathier, at the head of 200 dragoons of the Fourth Regiment, crossed that river by swimming, to occupy the bridge on the route of Rain. A regiment of Austrian cuirassiers made some efforts at resistance, but were charged with impetuosity by Wathier and his small handful of men, and the bridge remained in the power of the French column. On the morrow, Murat marched to cut off the route from Ulm to Augsburgh. At Wirtingen, he had to sustain a com- bat of two hours against a division of the enemy, composed of twelve battalions of grenadiers, supported by another squadron of Albert's regiment. The cuirassiers being de- feated, the enemy's square was broken, sabred, and cut to pieces, and completely routed. Napoleon, who accompanied the corps under Lannes, took up his general quarters at Zusmershausen, where he reviewed the cavalry under Murat, as well as the two divi- sions under Oudinot and Suchet. Marshal Soult, after having manoeuvred with Legrand's division on the 7th and 8th of October, rejoined that of Van- damme, to make for Augsburgh by the right bank of the Lech ; whilst St. HiVaire pursued the same course on the left. Soult met with the debris of the Austrian column, beaten and dispersed, at Wertingen ; from which village ne chased them, and entered Augsburgh on the 9th. NAPOLEON AT AUGSBURGH. NAPOLEON exhibited to his officers and soldiers an example of indefatigable activity. On horseback, night and day, he was continually in the midst of his troops, and chiefly where he thought his presence most necessary to excite the energy of his soldiers. He did not forget that similar con- duct had mainly contributed to his success in Italy ; and he was wise enough to see the importance of inducing those under his command, by constantly observing their actions, to expect that he would appreciate their services, and reward them with liberality. Ney had received orders to bear down upon Ulm. Murat advanced upon Burgau, and sought to cut off the retreat of the enemy. The French army, since its passage over the Danube, had succeeded in cutting off the communication between some portions of the enemy's army ; and Napoleon, arriving at; Augsburgh on the evening of the 10th of October, 1805, made preparations to destroy those remaining. Napoleon met the troops under General Marmont, at the bridge of Lech, on the day just named, as he was effecting his passage. Here he had the regimeut formed into a circle, and harangued them in the manner of the Roman Emperors. M. Gautherot has endeavoured to portray this scene, of which an engraving and description will be found in another part of this work. CAPITULATION OF ULM. ON the 29th of October, 1805, the Austrians surrendered Ulm to Napoleon. In execution of the articles of capitulation, the Austrian troops passed in defile before the Emperor, with all the honours of war. This ceremony commenced at two o'clock in the afternoon, and continued until seven o'clock in the evening. Their number was estimated at 30,000 2000 of which were cavalry. Sixty pieces of cannon and forty ensigns were delivered into the hands of the conquerors, who were encamped on the hills above the city. The emperor, surrounded by his guard, caused the Aus- trian Generals to be brought before him ; these were, Ge- neral Mack, Commander-in-Chief ; eight Lieutenant-Gene- rals, and eight Major-Generals. Napoleon treated them with considerable respect, and said, " Gentlemen, the Em- peror, your master, maintains an unjust war against me. I tell you with candour, I know not wherefore he contends with me; I know not what is required of me." Then di- recting their attention to the French troops ranged upon the hills in battle array, he added " It is not in this army alone that my strength consists ; were it so indeed, I would endeavour to force my way with that ; but 1 refer you to the reports which your soldiers, whom I now send prisoners to France, shall furnish ; they will see the spirit which animates my people, and with what zeal they will rally round my standard. I seek for nothing on the continent : ships, colonies, and commerce are what I wish for, and these are as advantageous to you as to us." General Mack replied, that the Emperor of Austria had not willingly engaged in the war, but had been forced into it by Russia. " Then," said Napoleon, " you no longer exist as an independent power." Mack was subsequently committed to a state prison in a remote part of the Austrian dominions, as a punishment for alleged treachery and defection of duty in his important office. NAPOLEON MEETING A PARTY OF WOUNDED SOLDIERS. " Honneur au courage malheurcux /'' said Napoleon, in passing a party of wounded enemies. Debret has made a rather agreeable picture from a disagreeable subject ; though it is certainly gratifying to find the leader of an army rendering due respect to those who, in their coura- geous efforts to overcome an opposing force, have unfortu nately received wounds and injuries which, perhaps, dis- able them for life. The admirers of Napoleon maintain that the above incident did actually occur, while others assert that he was by nature cruel and unmerciful. We take upon ourselves to support neither the one nor the other ; amid the mass of conflicting evidence we cannot see how it is possible to arrive at a probable conclusion. That Na- poleon was a great man, none can deny ; that he was a good man, few will be hardy enough to maintain. THE 76 T H REGIMENT RECOVERS ITS ENSIGNS. A Trench regiment, the 76th of the line, had lost its ensigns in the Orisons ; it knew that Europe had not forgotten its misfortune, which was not occasioned by a want of courage. After the taking of forts Charnitz and Neustark, the 9th of November, 1805, this regiment entered Inspruck ; an officer of the guard recognized in the arsenal the long lost ensigns, and announced it to his com r ades. The soldiers crowded together, when their chief, Marshal Ney, standing in the midst of them, exhibited these ensigns, the subjects of so many regrets. " I return them to you," said he, " assured that you will never lose them again." On the right of the engraving, a young soldier, raised upon the arms of his comrades, is seen tracing these words upon the wall ; " Le 76 retouvb scs drapeaux dans I' arsenal d' Inspruck, 1805." This picture formed part of the exhibition in 1808, when the committee deemed it worthy of honourable mention. In painting it, the artist, M. Meynier, had a great difficulty to overcome, that of so many clad in regimentals of the same colour ; this, however, he has contended against with all pos- sible success. By order of the Bourbons, the head of the General has been changed ; they were not willing that aught of Ney should be seen, to remind his judges and executioners of the part they acted in his political murder. NAPOLEON RECEIVING THE KEYS OF VIENNA. ON the 10th of November, 1805, Mortier met with the rear- guard of the Russians, which consisted of 25,000 strong ; with these he advantageously sustained a combat for seve- ral hours, having with him only 5000 French troops. On the following morning, the inhabitants of Vienna, whom the Austrian emperor had abandoned, opened the gates of that capital to the French emperor. Let us see what was said in one of the bulletins of this magical campaign ! " The emperor has not yet received any of the authori- ties of Vienna, except a deputation from the different bodies of the city, who, on the day of his arrival, met him at Sig- arts-Kirchen. They were composed of the Prince of Seu- zendorf, the prelate of Scidenstetten, the Count of Veterani, the Baron de Kees, the Burgomaster of the city, M. de Wohebben, and General Burgeois. " His majesty received them with much condescension, and told them that they might assure the people of Vienna of his protection. " General Clarke is named Governor-General of Lower Austria ; Darn is appointed Intendant General." Girodet has chosen his subject from this fragment of the bulletin. On the side of the Emperor are the Princes Murat and Neufchatel, Marshal Bessieres, and other officers of different ranks. The back ground of the picture indicates the place where the scene occurred ; it is a view of the entrance to Schoenbrunn. In the extreme distance, we see a splendid building which is called Gloriette. Since the death of Gi- rodet, the painting has been concealed from the public view, until the revolution of July replaced it in the midst of our national treasures ; and it now occupies a place in the gal- lery of the Louvre. THE NIGHT PRECEDING THE BATTLE OF AUSTERLITZ. IT is said that Napoleon, after having ascertained the exact position of his army, on the night previous to the battle of Austerlitz. fell asleep in the midst of his general officers. This was about midnight, when he snatched an hour from his high and important duties to restore the energies of his wearied frame. The power of his genius was ignorant of anything beyond the power of man to achieve. Ingratitude and treason were alone able to conquer that will and that power, which were to astonish future ages, and to be felt, though not acknowledged. MORNING OF THE BATTLE OF AUSTERLITZ. AT one o'clock in the morning 1 of the 2nd December, 1805, the Emperor mounted his horse, to take a survey of his position, and to ascertain from the main guards what they had observed of the movements of the Russians. " He wished to do so without being recognized, but the soldiery penetrated the secret, and, lighting great fires of straw all along the line, received him from post to post with en- thusiasm. They reminded him that this was the anniversary of his coronation, and assured him they would celebrate the day in a manner worthy of its glory: "only promise us," cried an old grenadier, " that you will keep yourself out of the fire." " I will do so/' answered Napoleon. " I shall be with the reserve until you need us." This pledge, which so completely ascertains the mutual confidence of the leader and his soldiers, he repeated in a proclamation issued at day break. The sun rose with unusual splendour ; and was the harbinger of one of the most lovely days in autumn. This engagement, which the soldiers persist in calling the battle of the three emperors, will be ever memorable in the calendar of the " ffreat" nation. The emperor surrounded by his marshals, gave his last orders at dawn of light. As the first rays of the sun became visible above the horizon, the orders were given, and each marshal hastened to rejoin his corps. In passing before the line of the several regiments, formed abreast, Napoleon said. " Soldiers ! let us finish this campaign by a thunder-shock which shall confound the pride of our enemies !" BATTLE OF AUSTERLITZ. " THE Russian General-in-Chief, Kutusoff, fell into the snare Napoleon had laid for him, and sent a large division of his army to turn the right of the French. The troops detached for this purpose met with unexpected resistance from Davoust, and were held in check at Ray-gem. Napo- leon immediately seized the opportunity : they had left a deep gap in the line, and upon that space Soult forthwith poured a force which entirely destroyed the communication between the Russian centre and left. The Czar perceived the fatal consequences of this movement, and his guards rushed to beat back Soult. It was on an eminence, called the hill of Pratzen, that the encounter took place. The Russians drove the French infantry before them. Napoleon ordered Bessieres to hurry with the imperial guard to their rescue. The Russians were in some disorder from the im- patience of victory. They resisted sternly, but were finally broken, and fled. The Grand Duke Constantine, who had led them gallantly, escaped by the fleetness of his horse. " The French centre now advanced, and the charges of its cavalry were decisive. The Emperors of Russia and Germany beheld from the heights ( their right wing, which had hitherto well contested against the impetuosity of Lannes, forced down into a hollow under the incessant fire of artillery from above/ where some small frozen lakes offered the only means of escape from the closing cannon- ade. The French broke the ice about them by a storm of shot, and nearly 20,000 men died on the spot; some swept away by artillery, the greater part drowned. Buonaparte, in his bulletin, compares the horrid spectacle of this ruin, to the catastrophe of the Turks at Aboukir, when ' the sea was covered with Turbans.' It was with great difficulty that the two Emperors rallied some fragments of their armies around them, and effected their retreat : 20.000 pri- soners, forty pieces of artillery, and all the standards of the imperial guard of Russia, remained with the conqueror. Such was the battle of Austerlitz ; or, as the French sol- diery delighted to call it, ' the battle of the Emperors.'" History of Napoleon Buonaparte, Vol. 1. p. 323. INTERVIEW BETWEEN NAPOLEON AND FRANCIS II. OF AUSTRIA. THE entire discomfiture of the allied army at tlie battle of Austerlitz induced the Emperor of Austria to seek an inter- view with Napoleon, in order, if possible, to conclude a treaty of peace. With this view he commissioned Prince Jean de Lichtenstein to ascertain whether this would be agreeable to the conqueror or not : Napoleon agreed, and appointed to receive Francis II. at his bivouac, on the 4th of December, 1805. On that day the haughty Emperor went to the French head-quarters : Napoleon said, tl I receive you in the only palace I have inhabited for the last two months." To which the humiliated Sovereign replied, " You have made so good a use of them, that you ought not to complain of their accom- modation." The two Princes soon concluded an armistice, and the principal conditions of peace were promptly nego- tiated. Francis demanded that the Czar might be permitted to pass to his own states in safety. Napoleon agreed to this, provided the Russians would evacuate Germany and Poland, both Austrian and Prussian. The Austrian Emperor assured him that such was the intention of the Czar, but desired that an officer might be sent to learn the sentiments of the Rus- sian Emperor on that point ; and General Savary was dis- patched to ascertainif Alexander wouldadhere to this armis- tice. When the Emperor of Austria had left Napoleon, he appeared to regret for an instant the condescension he had shewn him ; and remarked to his officers, " That man has led me to commit an error, for I should have been able to follow up my victory, and take or destroy the whole of the Russian and Austrian army ; but it is well, less tears will be shed ! " PRESENTATION OF AUSTRIAN ENSIGNS TO THE FRENCH SENATE. AFTER the battle of Austerlitz, where the Austrian power was so nearly destroyed, the French conqueror sent a. of ensigns to the tribunes, to be presented to the Senate which had seconded by its decrees the organization of the army. It was in the hall where the sittings were held it was before the marble statues of all the great men of ancient days that the tribunes, bearing the Austrian eagles came in a body to offer them to the first dignitaries in France. The tribunes entered, clothed in their rich and elegant blue cos- tumes, which contrasted well with the colour of the warlike trophies they bore. On the left of the picture, the President is seated to receive the deputation, surrounded by his secretaries. The Duke of Dantzic appears by his gesture to direct the proceedings of the tribunes. On the same side we observe the Chancellor of the Legion of Honour, and two other senators. On the right, some other members of the Senate seem to congratulate themselves on participating in such an honourable event. These are portraits. Their sumptuous vestments, and their, hats ornamented with plumes, which the artist has intro- duced with much ingenuity, contribute to render the fore- ground of the picture very effective. THE DUCHESS OF WEIMAR, AND NAPOLEON. AFTER the battle of Jena, Napoleon took up his abode at Weimar; the royal family of Prussia, resident there a few days before, having fled on the approach of the conqueror. The Duchess, however, did not abandon her capital, though her lord was at the head of 25,000 men in the Prussian army. She retired with her attendants into one wing of the palace, and prepared the best apartments for the reception of the French Emperor. On his arrival she placed herself-at the head of the principal staircase to receive him; when on see- ing her, he abruptly demanded, " Qni ties vous Madame ?" to which she replied, " Jc suis la Duchesse de Weimar,' 1 " Then I pity you,'' said Napoleon, " for your husband has lost his duchy, and ceased to reign." He paid her no fur- ther attention, but retired into his apartments. In the morning, the Duchess was informed that the city had been pillaged, and was still in confusion. She sent one of her chamberlains to inquire after the health of the Em- peror and demand an audience. Napoleon was pleased, and expressed a wish that she should breakfast with him. Scarcely had the Duchess arrived, when, according to his usual custom, he began to question her respecting her hus- band, and enquired why he was foolish enough to make war with him ; to which she replied, that Napoleon would have despised him if he had acted otherwise. " Where- fore ?" asked Napoleon. " My husband/' said the Duchess, " has been thirty years in the service of Prussia. The Duke could not quit the King's service with honour at the moment when he had to contend against an enemy so power- ful as your majesty." This answer seemed to appease the Emperor, who inquired how the Duke became attached to Prussia. The Duchess explained that the younger branches of the house of Saxe had always followed the example of the Elector ; and the politics of that prince having led him to ally himself with Prussia rather than with Austria, the Duke had not been able to excuse himself from the same course. After the conversation had continued for some time on the same subject, she rose to retire, when Napoleon said, " Madame, you are the most venerable woman I ever knew ; you have saved your husband. I pardon him ; but he owes the pardon to you." At the same time, he gave strict orders that no exactions should be tolerated ; and sub- sequently, he signed a treaty which secured the existence of the duchy of Weimar. From that time, Napoleon never ceased to regard the princess with the respect due to a noble character. COLUMN OF THE GRAND ARMY, PALACE VENDOME. Tms column, which was completed in 1833, by a statue of Napoleon being 1 placed at its summit, was originally raised as a memorial or the campaign of 1805. When the first stone was laid, on the site formerly occupied by the statue of Louis XIV., it was intended to record the adherence of the French people to the establishment of the empire ; but after the battle of Austerlitz, M. Denon proposed to Napo- leon, to alter the destination of the departmental column, and to consecrate it to the memory of the various triumphs of the French army. This project was agreed to, and ex- ecuted in less than four years. The foundations of Louis's statue, built upon piles of about thirty feetin length, being judged sufficiently solid to sup- port this enormous mass, the column was accordingly raised thereon. Its height is so lofty that the summit may be seen in all the environs and nearly in every part of Paris. The south front is, as the three others, divided in to two com- partments ; in the centre is the door leading to the interior staircase, which consists of one hundred and seventy-six steps. The door is of massy bronze, and seven feet in height, above which we read the following inscription, composed by Visconti : NEAPOLIO. IMP. AVG. MONUMENTUM. BELLI. GERMANICI ANNO BI.DCCCV. TRIMESTRI. SPATIO. DCVTV SVO PROFLIGATI. EX: AERE CAPTO GLORIJE. EXERCITVS. MAXIMVS. DICAVIT.* The has reliefs of the column have been executed from the designs of M . Bergeret. The inscription on the plinth of the capital is as follows : " Monument eleve a la gloire de la grand arniee, par Napoleon le Grand, commence le xxv. Aout 1806 ; sous la direction de D. V. Denon, M. M. J. B. Lepere, et L. Gon- doin architectes." * " This monument was dedicated to the glory of the Grand Army, by the august Emperor Napoleon. It is formed of the brass taken from the enemy during the German campaign, which, under his direction, was terminated in 1805, in the space of three months." BATTLE OF JENA. NAPOLEON arrived at Jena on the 13th of October, 1806, and soon perceived that it was the intention of the Prus- sians to fight on the morrow. Giving- orders to Davoust and Bernadotte, and waiting for the heavy cavalry, not reckoning on the aid of the gnard, which were at the distance of thirty hours' march, he determined on commencing the attack on the enemy. Lannes ranged his corps on a plateau in front of Jena, which the Prussians had unwisely neglected. Lefebvre and the imperial guard formed in square upon the summit, and Napoleon bivouacked in the midst of his troops. He offered money for every piece that was dragged on to the plateau, and reminded his men that the Prussians were fighting for safety and not for honour ; and that if sternly resisted, they were sure to be entirely routed. Such was the result ; 20,000 Prussians were either killed or taken, among whom were twenty generals ; 300 guns, and sixty standards, were part of the spoil. NAPOLEON AT THE TOMB OF FREDERIC THE GREAT. THE Court of Berlin had fled from Potsdam so precipitately that all the treasures, &c. which it contained were left for Napoleon and his army, who took possession on the 26th of October 1809. Buonaparte visited Frederic's tomb ; where he found his sword, sash, and the badges of several orders of knighthood. These he took, saying that he preferred them to all the treasures of the King of Prussia ; that he would send them to the old soldiers who had served in the Hanove- rian campaign, and direct that they should be placed in the hospital, as memorials of the victories achieved by the grand army, and as evidence of the vengeance it had taken for the disasters of Rosbach. THE SWORD OF FREDERICK THE GREAT. MARSHAL DAVOUST, and the third division entered Berlin. This honourable mission was the recompense for the glorious part which these brave troops had taken at the battle of Jena. A favour so simple, rivalling in that respect the oaken chaplet of the Romans, intoxicated the soldiers who received it, and they swore to be to the Emperor, what the tenth legion was to Csesar. He visited, with religious awe, the vault where the remains of Frederick were deposited in a coffin of cedar-wood, encased in another of brass, without ornament orpompousinscription. Napoleon forbid the passage of the colours, eagles, and cannon taken from the Prussians, over the place where the ashes of the illustrious monarch reposed ; he might think it would distress his shade, or be an insult to his tomb! The memorable spoils of which we have spoken in giving an account of Napoleon's visit to Frederick's grave, were received in Paris with transport, and deposited with much pomp in the Hotel of Invalids, under guard of his mutilated veterans. Amongst those were yet remaining 900 who had borne arms against Frederick, and they received with grati- tude, presents, which renewed in their old age remembrances of the army and its immortal chief. Like the warriors of Sparta, they were proud of being surpassed by their children. NAPOLEON RECEIVING, AT BERLIN, THE DEPUTATION FROM THE FRENCH SENATE. THE almost total annihilation of the Prussian army at the battle of Jena, opened to Napoleon the gates of Berlin. On the 25th of October, 1800, he was at Potsdam, and visited the royal castle, Sans Souci. The Prussian Court had abandoned Potsdam and Berlin so precipitately, that nothing- had been removed from the king's palace. Napoleon made his solemn entry into Berlin on the 27th. The war with Prussia was thus terminated. Of the 150,000 men who formed the grand body of the Prussian army, seven- eighths had been killed or made prisoners ; and the army of Frederic-William now consisted only of about 20,000 men, infantry and cavalry. The king, the queen, and some of his generals who had sought an asylum in Koenigsberg, seemed to be reduced to a situation so deplorable that they had no other resource than to throw themselves on the generosity of the conqueror, and to sue for peace. This was granted. The French senate complimented the Emperor on his success ; and received in exchange the ensigns won from the enemy in that splendid campaign. Three hundred and forty banners and standards taken at Jena, as well as the sword, scarf, collar, and ribbon of Frederic the Great, were sent to the deputies to be placed under their care in the Hopital des Invalides. NAPOLEON'S CLEMENCY TO PRINCE HATZFELD. PRINCE HATZFELD, the Prussian Governor of Berlin, at the time that city was taken by the French, imprudently conveyed to Prince Hohenloe, by letter, certain information respecting the movements and condition of the French army. This letter was intercepted ; upon which Napoleon directed the appointment of a military commission to try the Prince on the charge of treason and espionage. Previous to the execution of the commission, however, the Princess Hatzfeld sought and gained admittance to the presence of the Emperor, by the aid of Duroc. She was enceinte ; Napoleon appeared touched by her situation ; and directed his aid-de-camp to write to Marshal Davoust, who was at the head of the commission, to suspend judg- ment. The Princess protested the innocence of her husband. Napoleon said with kindness, " Your husband has placed himself in an awkward situation ; according to our laws ne merits death." Then taking his letter, he requested her to read it. The Princess trembled with fear. Napoleon took the letter again, and threw it into the fire ; saying " Now, Madam, I have no proof of your husband's crime he is pardoned !" It is said that the family O f the Prince remember this instance of clemency with lively gratitude, and have taken great interest in the misfortunes of Napoleon, and honour his memory now that he is no more. Oct. 29, 1806. ROUTE OF THE SIMPLON. " THE early history of the Pass of the Simplon is involved in much obscurity, and nothing certain is known even of the origin of its name. Its future importance will be re- ferred to Napoleon only, under whose orders the present road was constructed. " The new route of the Simplon was, in its intention and execution, a military work. It was determined upon imme- diately after the battle of Marengo, whilst the difficulties of the passage of the Great St. Bernard, and the almost fatal check of Fort Bard were fresh in the recollection of Napo- leon. It was executed between 1800 and 1807, under the direction of M. Ceard, the engineer-in-chief of the depart- ment of Leman, by whom the route was carried on and completed. It now exhibits one of the most extraordinary and daring achievements of man." Brockedorfs Appendix. HOGA HH7.KZ S1M^ CAM [> UEI. SIMI'L THE FIELD OF BATTLE EYLAU. THE battle of Eylau, fought on the 8th of February, 1807 was a scene of carnage which lasted from morning until night, and the result presented a most horrible scene. Let any one imagine to himself, upon the space of a square league, nine or ten thousand dead bodies, four or five thou- sand horses killed, whole lines of Russian knapsacks, bro- ken pieces of muskets and sabres, the ground covered with cannon balls, howitzer shells, and ammunition, twenty-four pieces of cannon, near which were lying the bodies of their drivers, killed at the moment when they were striving to carry them off 1 and all this was the more conspicuous, as the ground was covered with snow. About noon on the 9th, Napoleon rode over the field. The Emperor stopped continually to question the wounded, to console and succour as many as possible. The Russians, instead of the death they expected, found a generous con- queror, and prostrating themselves before him, held up their hands in token of their gratitude. The Emperor, mounted upon a light bay horse, was ac- companied by Princes Murat and Berthier, Marshals Soult, Davoust, Bessieres, and General Caulaincourt, Mouton, Gardaune, and Le Brun. The original painting of this subject, by M. Gros, is now in the Luxembourg, and measures 10 feet by 4. BATTLE OF FRIEDLAND. ON the 14th of June, 1807, the Russian General was com- pelled to accept the battle. " This is a day of good fortune," said the French Emperor ; " it is the anniversary of the battle of MarengoP Believing 1 that they had 15,000 men opposed to them, the Russians continued to march upon Kcenigsberg : but at five o'clock in the evening the diffe- rent bodies of troops were in their place. Napoleon recon- noitred their positions, and decided to raze the city of Friedland ; and Ney commenced operations. A battery of thirty cannon, placed in the centre, was the cause of severe loss to the Russians. The imperial Russian guard lying in ambush in a ravine, intrepidly advanced, and charged the left wing of Ney's division, which was for a moment broken ; but Dupont's division marched upon them and committed a most horrible carnage among them. He would have made an attack upon their centre, but Lannes received them at the point of the bayonet. The field of battle at the conclusion was dreadful to behold ; the Rus- sians lost 18,000 men, while the French were minus only from 4 to 5000; 120 pieces of cannon, 20,000 prisoners, and an immense number of ensigns remained in the hands of the French. NAPOLEON RECEIVING THE QUEEN OF PRUSSIA AT TILSIT. NAPOLEON has been accused of having hastened the death of this beautiful Princess by his treatment of her at Tilsit. It is said he admitted, that if she had been present at the commencement of the negotiations for peace, she would have had considerable influence upon their result. Napoleon ob- served that she received him in true tragic style demand- ing, crying for justice, &c. The Prussians were blind to Buonaparte's power. They had dared to combat with a hero ! to oppose themselves to the destinies of France, and reject the friendship of Napo- leon. The Queen solicited, supplicated, and implored ; but in vain. Magdeburg, above all, was the object shesoughtfor. The Emperor asked the Queen to dinner. Before they were seated, he took a very beautiful rose, and presented it to the Queen. The motion of her hand seemed to express a refusal ; but rousing herself she said, " Oui, inais au mains avec Magdeburg." On this, the cruel Emperor replied, " I should observe to your Majesty, that it is I who give, and you who are to receive it." The dinner passed off in conversation indicative of similar temper. On the morrow the Queen was not more happy ; and was much enraged on learning that the treaty deprived her of Magdeburg. She appears to have parted from the French Emperor with a feeling of perfect hatred. PASSAGE OF SOMO SIERRA. ON the 29th of November, 1808, the French head-quarters were at the village of Bocequilas. They found the pass of Somo Sierra, forming 1 part of the chain of mountains named Caiyetanos, and which traverses the main road to Castile, taken possession of by the enemy. The Spaniards could not have chosen a stronger position " the defile was nar- row, and excessively steep ; and the road completely swept by sixteen pieces of artillery." At day-break, on the 1st of December, the French endeavoured to turn the flanks of St. Juan. Whilst the infantry were vainly attempting to ascend the heights in every direction, sustaining a double fire from the artillery and the Spanish musketry, Napoleon came up, attended by his Polish lancers. The emperor stood in the entrance of the pass, and attentively examined the enemy's position. While thus occupied, the Spanish fire was redoubled in intensity numerous bullets falling around the emperor, or passing over his head. Sensible 01 the disadvantages under which the troops laboured, he de- cided on taking a most bold and daring course : he ordered his own squadron of Polish lancers to charge right up the pass, in face of the battery. This brave troop, conducted by Kozietulski, threw itself into columns of four and four, the way not admitting more at once. The columns were driven back by the violent fire from the battery and of the Spanish marksmen ; but Count Krasinski, and Colonel Dautancourt, who followed him at the head of the other squadrons of the regiment, rallied them by their presence, and they precipitated themselves anew into the pass. As- cending the mountain at a gallop, notwithstanding a shower of shot and a most frightful cross-fire of musquetry, they overthrew every obstacle, and at length carried the appa- rently inaccessible position of the enemy. The Spanish in- fantry threw down their arms, abandoned their entrench- ments, and fled. The Poles speared the gunners, and took possession of the cannon, and the Spaniards continued their flight in such disorder, that they were at last fain to quit the road to Madrid, and escape in the direction, some of Segovia, others of Talaveyra. This brilliant charge is considered by the French to be the most astonishing and most daring feat which cavalry ever achieved, and won so much glory for the regiment which performed it, that it has ever since been associated with the dlite of the old French soldiery NAPOLEON WOUNDED BEFORE RATISBON. IN the space of five days, Napoleon frustrated the efforts of the Austrians, with whom were allied, perhaps, the greater Dart of Germany ; and a defensive war upon their own territory seemed now to be their only resource. At the battle of Eckmulh, the French took 1500 prisoners, and sixteen pieces of cannon ; and the Austrian army lost nearly 5000 men, killed or wounded ; while the loss of the French and their allies amounted to about 2000 men, killed and wounded, of nearly equal proportions. Napoleon was wounded in the right foot, at Ratisbon. He expressed his surprise at the dexterous management of the enemy's gun, which had reached him, though seated upon a little hillock beyond the range of their fire. Too impatient to allow sufficient time for the dressing of the wound, he mounted his horse in haste, and restored the confidence of the army, which had been somewhat staggered at this dis- aster, by riding among the lines. April 23, 1809. TAKING OF RATISBON. ON the 24th of April 1809, Napoleon compelled the Austrians to fall back to Ratisbon. The Archduke Charles gave orders that the city should hold out till night, when the general and his troops were to retire. Being surrounded by a wall, with the additional protection of a moat and counterscarp, the town was suffitiently fortified to maintain its defence until that time, had not an accidental discovery favoured the enemy. Scarcely had they arrived at the edge of the moat when some French officers observed a breach in the wall, and communicated their discovery to Marshal Lannes, who, with his usual impetuosity, seized a ladder and descended into the ditch, exclaiming to the battalion under his command, " I will shew you that your general is still a grenadier." NVith these words, he rushed through the breach into the city, followed by his soldiers, who threw open one of the gates. The French poured in at this opening, and ultimately drove the Austrians out of Ratisbon, taking much cannon, baggage, and prisoners which were left in their hands. 5 I' . I n & BATTLE OF ESSLING AND ASPERNE. ON the 19th of May, 1809, Napoleon took possession of the villages of Asperne and Essling, with so little apparent opposition, that it was evident the Archduke wished the unavoidable battle to take place with the river between his enemy and Vienna. On the 21st of May, at day-break, the Archduke Charles appeared on a rising ground, separated by a considerable tract of land from the French, whose army consisted of 20,000 men. The Austrians commenced by a furious assault on the village of Asperne, which was taken and re-taken several times. Essling was also attacked three times ; but there the French retained entire possession. Night interrupted the action ; the Austrians exulting in their partial success. On the re- commencement of the battle on the following morning the French recovered the church of Asperne. The right wing of the Austrians re- newed their assaults with increased energy on that point. Napoleon seeing them in such numbers, judged that the centre and left had been reduced, in order to strengthen the right wing, and instantly moved an immense body on the Austrian centre, so as to shake the Archduke's line, and for a few minutes victory seemed secure. From this time the battle continued with varied success ; the Austrians at length succeeded in destroying the bridge connecting the island of Lobau with the right bank. On this Napoleon fell back on Lobau : when the Austrians perceiving their backward movement, recovered their order and zeal, charged in turn, and finally made themselves masters of Asperne. Napoleon, driven back, and cooped up in Lobau, took advantage of the cessation of warfare to prepare for a future engagement. In this sanguinary battle perished two heroes, the best friends of Napoleon, Lannes and St. Hilaire. REVIEW OF THE 18-rii BRUMAIRE. Ox the 17th Brumaire (9th November, 1799), Napoleon in- timated to the officers of the army, that he would receive them on the morrow at six o'clock, and to the regiments that he would review them the same morning at seven o' clock ; he at the same time reminded all the generals who had been with him in Egypt, and whose sentiments he knew, that he would be glad to see them at an early hour. On the 10th November, the Council of the Ancients as- sembled at seven o'clock in the morning ; when it was pro- posed to remove their sitting to St. Cloud, and that Napoleon might be invested with the command of the 17th military division, and charged with the execution of that order. The motion passed into a decree, though not without a strong opposition. An hour after, Napoleon, surrounded by a great number of generals and officers, of every grade, attended at the bar of the assembly to return thanks for the confidence they had placed in him ; and then returned to the Tuileries to review the troops. It was soon reported throughout the capital that Napo- leon was at the Tuileries, and that the chief power was now vested in him. The people ran to the Tuileries in crowds. A proclamation was addressed to the people, and another to the soldiers. SKIRMISH BETWEEN FRENCH OUTPOSTS AND A SPANISH GUERILLA. THE French army, spread over all the provinces of the Peninsula, was surrounded by enemies ; but could encoun- ter none. The guerillas shewed themselves on every side, they could not be come at any where. Invisible foes, pro- teus-like, hydras ceaselessly renewed, they dispersed or rallied at the voice of their chiefs. Well-informed on all points, our most trivial movements were signaled to them, and prompt and faithful reports reached them by the care and address of the peasants. Was a weak garrison left in a small village, it was next day swept away by a guerilla ! Was any considerable force of troops led against these free- booters, not a soul was to be met. At the order of the chiefs the soldiers concealed their arms, and dispersed, but only to unite at a totally opposite point ! Arrived at the rendezvous, they find other arms, and cause us fresh losses. Mark well the Spanish guerilla, the fjuerillcro of the Penin- sula, the kleft of the Greeks, and the bandit of Italy, such as are known to be men of spirit, and think not that this insurgent is looked on with an unfavourable eye in his country ; far otherwise, he renders them too many services, and performs his business with too much conscience, not to be occasionally visited with notions of valour and glory. He assassinates, martyrs, and mutilates ; but thinks no offering more acceptable to one of the old saints he invokes, or to his guardian patron. Men of great ability have been guerilla chiefs, Mina and Zumalacarregui commanded bands of them. Against such men, and with bands such as are formed in Spain, you may present armies admirably organized and disci- plined ; and you will see them decimated by degrees, and finally annihilated. The guerilla ! it is the man of the people, the citizen, and the patriot who will not bear a foreign yoke, nor ac- cept a party who has nothing in common with them. These; men are brave, they are cruel also ; and the same atrocities committed on the French, were exercised towards their fellow citizens. Look at the Christines and the Carlist guerillas ; it is a war to the death between two champions, each having African blood in their veins, whom civilization will one day render less energetic, less brave, and it is true, less cruel also. Who knows but that they may become slaves of a foreign despot. * * He sheds his blood, and sacrifices his life, and rarely does the object aimed at promise him permanent happiness, or that period arrive which his heated imagination had incessantly pictured to him. This picture is from the Orleans Gallery. THE WOUNDED SOLDIERS. THE devotion shewn to the memory of Napoleon, by the spirited painter of the original picture from which this is copied, has been profitable to that talented artist. Few of his contemporaries have succeeded better than M. Bel- lange, in depicting 1 subjects which illustrate the " Grand Imperial Epoch."* This picture is well conceived, free and natural. It is a scene which occurred repeatedly on the battle-field in Na- poleon's campaigns. " Vive I'Empereur" let the wound be slight or mortal ; " Vive I'Empereur .'" was the wounded soldier's cry, though scarcely able to see his Captain as he passed. " With such devotion as this, what had not the ' Grand Hommc' to hope for ! These were not the soldiers to abandon him. Honour, rank, riches, were not able to corrupt them. And if they had not been so patriotic ; if they had not been models of military discipline ; what would they not have undertaken for the person of their General, for him who had led them to victory and glory. Poor fellows ! humble labourers in the vast plain of a great architect, you assisted in raising the great monument ; your task should not have been without recompense. " You, and your old parents, should have found your em- peror ; he had not forgotten you. Soldiers of Egypt ! you know it, and are able to tell us, has he left you without the necessaries of life ? All the old veterans would have had their reward. Vive TEmpercur ! would have been repeated by thousands of recognising voices. The Grand Homme would not have been sent to die upon the desert rock of St. Helena, if he had always been surrounded by his brave soldiers." * This celebrated artist has produced a variety of lithographic illustrations- of Napoleon's extraordinary career, equally remarkable for the felicity of their conception and iheir spirited execution. DEATH OF MONTEBELLO. LANNES was born at Lectour, in 1769, of a poor and obscure family. He joined the Republican army, and made his first campaign in the Eastern Pyrenees. " // etait alors un pig- mee, ildcvint un geant plus tard." Napoleon so said of the hero who was attached to him alike in his good and in his adverse fortune. A Colonel in 1795, he followed Buonaparte in Italy, where he distinguished himself in the battles of Millesimo, Lodi, and Arcola. He was Brigadier-General at Pavia, where he took two of the enemy's flags. He was opposed to the Papal troops, which he beat at Immola. He then accom- panied Napoleon into Egypt, where he was named General of a division. At Aboukir, he exhibited uncommon intre- pidity. He returned with him to France, and took an active part in the occurrences of the 18th Brumaire. He again signalized hinself at Marengo, and at the battle of Monte- bello, in 1804 ; where he was created a Peer by the title of Duke of Montebello, having already received a Marshal's baton. From that time he continued to take an active part in various campaigns, and commanded at the siege of Saragoza, in 1809. His last campaign was not the least glorious of his mili- tary career. At the battle of Essling, 22nd of May, 1809, he was mortally wounded at the very moment he was shew- ing to the troops a wonderful example of firmness and heroic courage. Napoleon sent his body to Paris, where the greatest funeral honours were paid to the remains of this faithful and unfortunate companion of his glory. THE PEASANT OF THE RHINE. SOME time after his alliance with the house of Austria, Napoleon, with the view perhaps of making the new em- press known and popular, accompanied her in several ex- cursions. One day whilst walking on the banks of the Rhine, he took a fancy to dine on one of its islands. They sat down to table. A little farm was in the neighbourhood. Napoleon desired to see the farmer, and despatched a mes- senger to summon him. Full of surprise, and doubtful, the poor peasant hesitated to approach the emperor ; he ad- vanced awkwardly, and his countenance fully expressed the embarrassment he suffered, and was unable to overcome. Napoleon questioned him respecting his farm, his family, and his necessities. The poor fellow could scarce find words to reply. The emperor kindly encouraged him, and offered him something to drink, when the farmer, abashed by so much honour, hardly dared carry the glass to his lips ; he attempted several times, and as often failed. At length he overcame his fear, and not only did he give every infor- mation that was required of him, but ventured to point out changes which he would be glad to see. 1810. LE PAYSAN DU RH1N . THE PKASANT Of THE HH3NT. . DEH KHEmi.iNUISCHF. bADKK. CTTLOP /. NAh KKNU. EL PAISiSO DEL RIS BATTLE OF MOSCOW. NEAR the end of August, 1812, Napoleon arrived on an elevated plain, called Borodino, which the Russians had previously secured with lines and batteries. The Emperor passed the night before the battle in giving orders. At day-break he was on foot, and summoned Caulaincourt (Auguste) to his presence. Throwing aside the curtains of his tent, he advanced towards his officers, who had already assembled in great numbers. " It is somewhat cold,'' said he, " but behold a splendid sun ! It is the sun of Austerlitz !" Each one answered in the same spirit, by some allusions to this happy presage. Previous to this engagement, September 6th, Napoleon issued the following address : " Soldiers ! This is the conflict which you have so much desired. The victory depends upon you. Victory is ne- cessary to us it will yield us plenty good quarters and ensure a speedy return to France. Act as you did at Aus- terlitz, at Friedland, at Vitepsk, and at Smolensk ; and the most remote posterity shall refer with pride to your conduct on this occasion. It shall be said of each of you, ' He was in the great battle fought on the plains of Moscow !' " The battle raged with much fury, both on the part of the Russians and the French ; but at four o'clock in the after- noon the latter had driven Koutaisoff from the ground he originally occupied, and remained master of the field. " This battle," says the French historian, " opened to Napoleon the gates of Moscow ! Alas ! that this new vic- tory should have been so fatal to us!" RETREAT FROM MOSCOW. ON the 24th of October, 1809, Napoleon, in effecting his retreat from Moscow, rose early in the morning to recon- noitre. While occupied in this hazardous duty, a party of Cossacks was observed rapidly approaching, when Rapp said to the Emperor, at the same time seizing the reins of his bridle, " It is the Cossacks ; you must turn back." Napoleon refused to retreat, and placed himself, with his attendants, on the highway side. The Cossacks, being more intent on plunder than prisoners, passed within lance's length, and failing to observe the inestimable prey which was within their grasp, threw themselves upon some car- riages, which were more attractive. This retreat is well known to have been most disastrous to the French army the cold and privations were extreme. The men sank under the heavy sufferings they were compelled to endure their route was marked by dead bodies ; and the whole presented a scene of greater misery than can possibly be conceived. CHACUN SON METIER. ONE day Napoleon, followed by three or four officers, passed through the market on his return to the Tuileries. The customary acclamations were not wanting. A greengrocer cried out that he ought to make peace : " Good woman," answered the Emperor, smiling, " continue selling your cabbages, and leave me to do that which concerns me, every man to his own business." At this the crowd laughed and shouted, " Vive VEmpereur!" 1813. , fe; > NAPOLEON AT LUTZEN. THE misfortunes at Moscow had disappointed the French nation ; the 29th bulletin was published at Paris when Na- poleon arrived at the Tuileries ; he alone could save the country, he only could repair the disasters of the grand army ! France was not indifferent to the voice of her chief ; she knew well how to value his ardent patriotism. The Emperor opened a new campaign, in which he com- manded 250,000 men. He did not deceive himself on the crisis which menaced France ; he therefore decided to at- tempt everything, and, if needful, to make political sacri- fices in his comprehensive policy, if the chances of war were against him. Napoleon opened the campaign on the 2d May, 1813, by gaining the battle of Lutzen ; a surprising victory, and one that acquired for him immortal honour. General Ma- rengo had not lost his genius; and the valorous youth whom he commanded understood him well, performing actions which astonished the old soldiers of Italy and Egypt. Without cavalry, you might have seen masses of infantry, advancing in squadrons, flanked by heavy ar- tillery, and seeming like moveable fortresses. 81,000 foot and 4000 horsemen combatting 107,000 Russians or Prus- sians, of which more than 20,000 were cavalry. Alexander and the King of Prussia were there in person ; and their old guards, so vain and so proud, were not able to contend against French conscripts. For a moment the centre of some battalions of young soldiers were disbanding, when Napoleon throwing himself in the midst of them, harangued them thus : " It is no- thing, my children : stand firm, your country beholds you ! Know how to die for her ! When death is not feared, we make our entrance into the enemy's ranks." At these words, they resumed their ranks, and made a last effort, which was crowned with victory. THE REDOUBT OF KABRUNN. THE brave Captain Chambure commanded a very select troop called the Compagnie Franche, or Lcs Efans pedus. On the attack of the advanced guard, Frioul, whom the enemy secured, Chambure flew to his assistance, threw him- self into the redoubt, and cut the Russians in pieces, not one escaped, for those who avoided the bayonet fell under the fire of the battalions conducted by Clamon and Du- bowski. A lieutenant, Connard, shewed extraordinary coolness on this occasion ; a ball having shattered his shoulder he con- tinued to fight, throwing himself into the hottest of the battle. Chambure observing this, said, " You are wounded, your place is not here ; go, and tell the General we are in the redoubt." " Captain," answered the lieutenant, " I. have still my right arm ; you have only the left !" And with this he re-entered the battle. Chambure, at the head of his intrepid company, and in the middle of a foggy night, glided from tree to tree along the avenue of Langfuhr, and approached the Rus- sians without being perceived. He leaped at once in their works, killed numbers of the enemy, and pursued the re- mainder even to Kabrunn. At this place he wrote as follows to the Prince of Wur- temberg : " Prince, your bombs have disturbed my sleep. I have resolved to make a sortie and spike the mortars which threw them. Experience shall teach you, Prince, that it is dangerous to rouse the sleeping lion. " AUG. DE CHAMBURE." " Minuit. Nov. 6. 1813." r DEATH OF PONIATOWSKI. IN escaping from the field of Leipzig 1 , Poniatowski at- tempted to cross the Elster by swimming, but unfortunately was drowned. Vernet has given us an admirable scene, and has conveyed in lines not to be mistaken, the courage and fearlessness of the General in his daring attempt. Previous to the battle of Leipzig, which occurred on the 19th November, 1813, Poniatowski had received his orders from Napoleon, and on leaving him observed " we are all ready to die for your majesty." Nan 8 FILIAL ANXIETY OF A CONSCRIPT. DURING the campaign of 1814, the services of every French soldier were required for the defence of that empire, then invaded in all quarters. On one occasion, as Napoleon was passing along the front of the line on horseback, a soldier stepped out of the ranks, and presented his arms ; " Sire," said he, in offering a petition to the emperor's notice, " my mother is old and infirm, and is dependent solely on my labpurs for subsistence." Napoleon was forcibly struck with these words, uttered with timidity, as though the man had felt the want of an excuse. He took the petition and proceeded ; and on arriving at head-quarters, his first care was to read the petition, which stated that the soldier's poor mother was in great necessity ; that her only son, who supported her, was called upon to fight for his country : and that he now sought permission to return and perform his first and most important duty. On this, Napoleon issued an order to the sub-prefect of the arrondissement where the old woman resided, to seek her out, and to tell her that the emperor would take her under his protection, and give her 1200 francs with a pension. At the same time the poor fellow's colonel was directed to tell him to be at ease on his mother's account, as the emperor would provide for her, but his services could not be dispensed with, as soldiers were required to oppose the enemies of his country. SIKK MA MERE KST VIEILI.P. ET INKIRMK. E. Mr .V'/rtCKR IS AS OLJD ASD LBfTKM WOMAN. BATTLE OF HANAU. THE Austro-Bavarians bad taken up their position amidst the woods near Hanau before the Emperor approached the Mayne. He came up with them in the morning of the 30th, and his troops charged on the instant with the fury of desperation. Buonaparte cut his way through ere night- fall ; and Marmont, with the rear, had equal success on the 31st. In these actions there fell 6000 of the French ; while the enemy had 10,000 killed or wounded, and lost 4000 prisoners ; and these losses would have heen far greater, but for the ready wit of a patriotic miller, who, watching the tide of battle, suddenly let the water into a mill-stream, and thus interposed a seasonable obstacle between the French cavalry and some German infantry, whom they had been driving before them ; a service which was munificently rewarded by the King of Prussia at an after period. " The pursuit on the road which Napoleon adopted had been entrusted to the Austrians, who urged it with far less vigour than the Prussians, under the fiery guidance of Blucher, would probably have exerted. No considerable annoyance, therefore, succeeded the battle of Hanau. The relics of the French host at length passed the Rhine ; and the Emperor having quitted them at Mentz, arrived in Paris on the 9th of November." Thus terminated the campaign in Saxony. The moment the artist has chosen to represent, is when General Dourot would have been killed by a light-horse Bavarian, if, at the instant the French general was about to receive the blow, a cannonier had not cut the Bavarian's horse-reins by a stroke with his levicr depointage. BATTLE OF MONTMIRAIL. ON the llth of February, 1814, Napoleon arrived before Montmirail. At eleven o'clock the Allies formed them- selves in battle array. The French divisions arrived suc- cessively, and Napoleon was willing to have waited for the whole, but at three o'clock (night approaching), he directed the Duke of Treviso to bear down on Montmirail. General Friant, with four battalions of the old guard, received orders to attack the Farm of 1'Epine- au-Bois, a position on which depended the success of the day, and which was de- fended by the Allies with forty pieces of cannon. To ren- der this attack more easy, Napoleon ordered General Nansouty to extend his troops upon the right, to oblige the Allies to thin their centre. At the same time, Napo- leon directed that part of the village of Marchais should be yielded, when the Russian and Prussian troops were charged briskly in the centre by the old guard, which were commanded by Marshal Ney. The tirailleurs fled in dis- may ; and the artillery could no longer be used with effect ; but the fusillade became dreadful. This success, however, was counterbalanced when the lancers, the old dragoons and the grenadiers of the guard arrived in the rear of the infantry, and breaking their lines, threw them into disorder, and killed or made prisoners the whole body. The Duke of Treviso seized upon the village of Fontenelle, that of Marchais was attacked on both sides, and all the inhabi- tants were either killed or taken prisoners. In less than a quarter of an hour the most profound silence succeeded to the fusillade. The Allies sought refuge in flight ; this con- flict cost them 8000 men killed or made prisoners, while the loss of the French was comparatively trifling. NAPOLEON AT AUCIS-SUR-AUBE. IN the night between the 16th and 17th of February, 1814, Napoleon, accompanied by a small escort of Polish lancers, reconnoitred the enemy's line, when, on leaving Arcis, he was attacked by a corps of Russian cuirassiers, and Cos- sacks. The Poles, commanded by Skrzinecki, their captain, rapidly formed into square about the emperor ; and, though the enemy in their front were supposed to be six times their number, they succeeded in repulsing them, and rescued Napoleon from his imminent danger. NAPOLEON AT MONTE RE AU. THE Emperor is here seen pointing- a cannon. This was not the first occasion on which he had served a piece of artillery. It has been asserted by some that he was an admirable marksman, while others have maintained the contrary. At Montereau all the ardour of youth seemed to revive within him, and his military genius appeared as vigorous as in his early engagements. On the 18th February, 1814, General Briancks had taken his position with two divisions of Austrians, and two of Wirtembergians, upon the heights before Montereau, covering the bridges of the city. General Chateau at- tacked him in vain, and was obliged to retire. The troops commanded by General Gerard sustained the combat all the morning. Napoleon arrived at the field of battle, and immediately attacked the platform. General Pajol charged the Allied army, and drove the troops into the Siene and Yonne. The effect of these successive charges was to drive General Bianchi, who lost 9,000 men, in every direction. The French filed over the bridges which the Allies had not been able to destroy. This series of unexpected triumphs revived the hopes of Napoleon. Instead of the doubtful battle which he would willingly have avoided, he had to recount four memorable victories : namely those of Mormant, Valjouan, Montmi- rail, and Montereau. At the close of the last decisive combat, Napoleon ob- served " My heart is satisfied. I will return to preserve the capital of my empire." SKIRMISH BARRIERE DE CLICHY. PREVIOUS to Napoleon's abdication of the French throne, the Allied army had approached and even entered Paris, and taking 1 possession of the Faubourg des Batiffnolles, compelled the National Guard to repair to the Barriere de Clichy, where some slight skirmishing occurred, until it was announced that an armistice would forthwith be made. This armistice was the precursor of those treaties in which Napoleon gave in his unconditional abdication, and retired on a pension, to the Isle of Elba, whence shortly after he succeeded in making his escape, and once more, though fortunately for the last time, disturbed the peace of Europe. NAPOLEON LEAVES FONTAINBLEAU. ON the 20th April, 1814, every thing was in readiness for Buonaparte to quit Fontainbleau. He desired that the guard should be summoned. Napoleon advancing- towards them, signified that he would speak to them, when uni- versal silence immediately prevailed. " Soldiers ! my old guard !" said he, " I bid you adieu ! For twenty-eight years I have found you constantly in the way of honour and glory. In these latter times, as in the days of our prosperity, you have not ceased to be models of bravery and fidelity. With such men as you, our cause need not be lost, but the war would be interminable ; it would be a civil war, and France would be more than ever unhappy ! I have, then, sacrificed all our interests to those of our country ; I leave you ; you, my friends, continue to serve France. Her happiness has been my only wish ; it will always be the object of my prayers ! Regret me not. If I am willing to live , it is only to advance your glory farther. I wish to record with my pen the great things we have done together ! Farewell, my children ! I would wish to embrace you all I embrace your general!'' General Petit brought forward the Eagle : Napoleon took him in his arms and kissed the standard. " Farewell, once more, my brave companions --farewell!" NAPOLEON'S RETURN FROM ELBA. IT was about five o'clock in the afternoon of the 1st of March, 1815, that Napoleon landed at Cannes, in Gulf Juan. From thence he proceeded towards Paris with his little army, then consisting only of 500 grenadiers of the guard, 200 dragoons, and 100 Polish lancers ; these last being without horses, were obliged to carry their saddles on their backs. When between Mure and Vizele, Cambronne, who com- manded the advance guard of 40 grenadiers, met a batta- lion which had been sent from Grenoble to arrest their march. Colonel La Badoyere, who headed the battalion, refused to parley with Cambronne ; upon which the Em- peror, without hesitation, advanced alone ; followed at some distance by 100 grenadiers with their arms reversed. There was profound silence until Napoleon had approached within a few paces, when he halted, and throwing open his surtout exclaimed, " If there be amongst you a soldier who would kill his general his emperor let him do it now ! Here I am !'' The cry of Vive HEmpereur burst instanta- neously from every lip. Napoleon threw himself among them, and taking a veteran private, covered with cheverons and medals, by the whisker, said, " Speak honestly, old moustache, couldst thou have had the heart to kill thy em- peror?" The man dropped his ramrod into his piece to shew that it was uncharged, and answered, " Judge if I could have done thee much harm, all the rest are the same." ' * NAPOLEON AT CHARLEROI. HORACE VERNET has attempted to present us with a portrait of Napoleon, such as he might be supposed to appear almost on the eve of his great conflict with the Allied army. Buonaparte arrived at Charleroi about 11 o'clock, on the 15th cf June, 1815, which place was evacuated by th Prussians, under Genera Ziethen, in great haste. Napo- leon ordered Marshal Ney to repair to Gosselin, and take the command of the whole of the left wing of the army, occupying a position beyond Quatre-Bras with 40,000 men. The Prussians retired upon Fleurus. On the 18th of June the battle of Waterloo took place ! NAPOLEON AT WATERLOO. THE battle of Waterloo is an occurrence with which all England is so well acquainted, that it were superfluous to give an account of it here. We may, however, mention, that the destruction of the French army on that important occasion, is considered by French historians to be entirely the consequence of General Bourmont's desertion. The project of Napoleon, we learn, was to concentrate his forces upon the Allied army suddenly, and which ought to have been done in the night, when the Duke of Wellington and the English officers were at the ball at Brussels. On this sanguinary field the French lost 19,000 men, while the Allied army sustained a loss of 33,000 men ; nearly double the number of the former. - 3 2 1 A SOLDIER AT WATERLOO. " The glory of our arms set in tne same fields, where twenty-three years before it began to increase." MS.fron St. Helena. M. JAZET has here attempted to produce a picture which shall revive all the recollections of that remarkable period, when the extraordinary career of Napoleon spread terror wherever his name and deeds were heard of. He has re- presented an old soldier fatigued and careworn, and has made nature itself to sympathize with his feelings. The sun is setting in the west, his crimson rays dimmed hy in- tervening clouds, while the scene around is all desolation and barrenness. The picture was placed in the gallery of the Palais Royal ; those who visited it readily entered into its spirit, seeing there depicted the end of a grand epoch in the his- tory of France. NAPOLEON IN 1815. FORT des grands souvenirs de cinquante batailles, D'un genie atteste par tant de funerailles, De ce coup d' ceil si sur au milieu des combats, De cette voix si chere aux coeurs de nos soldats, Tu te trompes pourtant comrne un esprit vulgaire, Toi 1'arbitre du monde et le dieu de la guerre ! Eh ! qui fit echouer ta sublime raison ? Le fantasque hasard,l'obscure trahison ! WATERLOO, Chronique des cent jours. HORACE VERNET has admirably conveyed in the counte- nance of Napoleon all the sentiments which animated the soul of " le grande homme" in the last moments of his mili- tary glory. Those who saw Napoleon at Waterloo have not failed to admire this painting, as well as the beautiful lithographic copy of it by M. Marin Levinge. Reveil has well translated it in the accompanying engraving. THE SOLDIER HUSBANDMAN. HORACE VEBNET has here presented us with a touching- picture. It is 1815 ; the conscript army is disbanded, and the wretched victims of Napoleon's ambition are thrown upon the hospitality of their countrymen. Many of these were entirely dependent upon the bounty of others friends were dead, and home they had none No circumstances exempted the Frenchman from the operation of the infamous conscription law. It might be the only son of a widowed parent, or the young husband and father, it mattered not ; all were alike compelled to abandon home, and every tie and hope of life, at a moment's notice. Eighty thousand youths under the age of twenty-one were the victims of the first ballot under the law of 1798. When this supply was found insufficient for Napoleon's purpose, the lists of those aged twenty-two, twenty-three, twenty- four, and twenty-five, were successively resorted to. " There is nothing in the history of modern Europe so remarkable," says an intelligent English writer, " as that the French people should have submitted, during sixteen years, to the constant operation of a despotic law, which sapped all the foundations of social happiness, and con- demned the rising hopes of the nation to bleed and die by millions in distant wars, undertaken solely for the gratifi- cation of one man's insatiable ambition." DEATH OF NAPOLEON. " FROM the 15th to the 25th of April, Napoleon occupied himself with drawing- up his last will, in which he be- queathed his orders, and a specimen of every article in his wardrobe, to his son. On the 18th, he gave directions for opening his body after death, expressing 1 a special desire that his stomach should be scrutinized, and its appearances communicated to his son. ' The vomiting's/ he said, ' which succeed one another without interruption, seem to show that of all my organs the stomach is the most diseased. I am inclined to believe it is attacked with the disorder that killed my father a scirrhus in the pylorus the physcians of Montpellier prophesied it would be hereditary in our family.' " On the third of May, it became evident that the scene was near its close. The attendants would fain have called in more medical men ; but they durst not, knowing his feelings on this head : ' even had he been speechless,' said one of them, ' we would not have brooked his eye.' The last sacraments of the church were now administered by Vignali. He lingered on thenceforth in a delirious stupor. On the 4th, the island was swept by a tremendous storm, which tore up almost all the trees about Longwood by the roots. The 5th was another day of tempests ; and about six in the evening, Napoleon having pronounced the words ' tete d'armee,' passed for ever from the dreams of battle." History of Napoleon. APOTHEOSIS. THE conclusion of Napoleon's remarkable history is here well conceived. The mound of earth surmounted by his cap and sword, points out the last earthly tenement of the ex-emperor ; the group upon that point of the rock which juts into the sea adds considerably to the interest of the scene; few have forgotten the faithful companions of Na- poleon when prisoner at St. Helena. The artist, Horace Vernet, has called poetry to his aid, and introduced the shades of several of the departed comrades of Napoleon, who assisted him in gaining that fame which will ever attach to his character in the future history of European nations. Two aged minstrels placed on the right of the engravings, are supposed to be recounting the history of his various exploits. CHAUDET'S STATUE OF NAPOLEON. NAPOLEON was anxious to place his name on the list of those Emperors of old, whose names are rendered immortal, not so much by their own heroic or noble deeds as by the flattering 1 notices of them in the deathless writings of poets and historians. On occasion of his statue being 1 first re- quired for the Column which now stands in the Place Vendome, he directed that it might be attired as a senator of ancient Rome, and Chaudet produced that, of which the accompanying engraving is a faithful representative. It lias since been removed for one in military uniform. NAPOLEON. NAPOUSO* TRIUMPHAL COLUMN. THE canal de VOurcq was constructed for the purpose of procuring an abundance of water for the French capital, from whence, also, the various fountains were easily sup- plied. The Fontaine de la Victoire, built upon the Place du ('hdtelet, in front of the Pont au Cliange, was one of the first established. It was also one of the first monuments raised to record the glory of French arms. The architect Brasle superin- tended its erection, as well as that of others of the same nature, placed in different parts of Paris, as much for utility as for ornament. The conception of this is simple, and its execution leaves nothing to be desired. It is full of remembrances : we have seen it subdue the Russian and Prussian soldiers who have been encamped around it. How many times have we feared that the lever, or the petard, would be ap- plied to its destruction ! But the charm of the French eagle, and of Victory distributing her crowns, were there as safe- guards, and served to awe the vandal conqueror. The glorious deeds of the five years were there recorded as so many talismans. When the famous names of Rivoli ! Lodi ! Arcole! Mont-Thabor ! Pi/ramidcs! Marengo ! Austerlitz ! Vim I Ei/lau! Friedland! and Dantzick! were inscribed upon the column, who dare lay their sacrilegious hands upon it ? SCENE IN THE FAUBOURG ST. ANTOINE, PARIS. IN the latter part of the year 1813, Napoleon rode through the Faubourg St. Antoinc, accompanied by only two of his aid-de- camps. He was soon recognized, and surrounded by a crowd so dense as to impede his progress, and oblige him to stop frequently. The features of all the people seemed to express an interrogation ; as their great reverse of fortune had caused general inquietude in French affairs, at length one of the crowd, bolder than the rest, questioned the emperor, " Is it true that affairs are so bad as they are represented to be ?" To which Napoleon replied, " I regret I am not able to say they go very well." " What will be the end of it ?" said another. " Mafoi I God knows !" replied the emperor coolly. " Will our enemies be able to enter France ?" said a third. " That they may easily do, and come even to Paris, if none will help me: I have not a thousand arms, and cannot prevent them by myself," said Napoleon.