mt^^ CALIFORNIA LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFOKNIA LIBRARY of the university of CALIFORNIA ^m LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA i LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA ^vs tM^ I HE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA HE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSI LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSI LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA =>•- v:// Vi^ LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSI /■• ^^^^^^:?^.^ - //^ i CATALOGUE OF CHINESE AND MANCHU BOOKS IN THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE London: C. J. CLAY AND SONS, " CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS WAREHOUSE, AVE MARIA LANE. Glasgow: 263 ARGYLE STREET. Leipzig: F. A. BROCKHAUS. New York: THE MACMILLAN COMPANY. Bombay: E. SEYMOUR HALE. A CATALOGUE OF THE WADE COLLECTION OF CHINESE AND MANCHU BOOKS IN THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE BY '-I HERBERT A. GILES M.A.; LL.D. (Aberd.) PROFESSOR OF CHINESE IN THE UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE CAMBRIDGE AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS 1898 [AH Rights reserved] REESE PRINTED BY E. J. BRILL LEYDEN. 7^5^^ PREFATORY NOTE. The following pages contain a "shelf catalogue" of the Chinese and Manchu books presented to the University Library at Cam- bridge by the late Sir Thomas Francis Wade, K.C.B., G.C.M.G., formerly Her Majesty's Minister at Peking, Professor of Chinese in the University from 1888 to his death in 1895, and Fellow of King's College. The following letter addressed to the Vice Chancellor by Sir Thomas Wade contains his own description of the collection. Cambridge, ii October, 1886. SlK, The less formal communications which have earlier passed between us on the subject, will have prepared you for the receipt of a request, in official shape, that I may be allowed to present to the University a collection of Chinese literature brought to- gether during a residence in China extending over many years. Pending its acceptance, I have been enabled by your kind permission to house it in the University Library, and I had hoped by this time so to have redistributed it as to render its inspection possible. Although I have been most liberally dealt with as to space, however, the arrangement of the books, necessarily requiring an acquaintance with the Chinese writ- ten character, and hence devolving on me single-handed, has taken longer than I had anticipated. The collection will in certain departments require to be gradually subsidised. It contains very little, for instance, relating directly to Buddhism; much less to Taoism, or Islamism. There is, on the other part, as will happen in collections unsystematically made, a certain amount of redundancy. Still, when all that is superfluous or imperfect has been deducted, there will be found in the departments of Confucian philosophy, both of the earlier and later schools; of Archaeology; History and reliquice of public men ; Geography, topographical and political ;. Law and Administration ; Poetry and Bel- les Lettres; enough to satisfy the needs of an advanced student of the language. The Legal and Official division, as might be expected in the library of a man whose functions have been so largely those of an official interpreter as mine, is as full as any interpreter could desire. 104452 VI PREFATORY NOTE There are besides the above a considerable number of works to a certain extent encyclopaedic, which, for want of a more descriptive term, we are wont to speak of as Miscellanies. These are often, in effect, sectional libraries, not of original matter, but useful as redeeming useful texts from oblivion. There is likewise a fair proportion of Manchu translations of good Chinese works, and a few Mongolian works. Of the last, very few. I doubt indeed that there are more of these than a dictionary or two in Manchu and Mongolian, or in those two languages and Chinese. Of Chinese Dictionaries arranged according to the rhyme, for the use of poets and composers, which are, in effect, repertories of quotations from the best authors; or in categories of subjects; or under the keys or roots of the several char- acters; or under other systems which I need not here pause to explain, there is a respectable provision. Lastly, I have added some works by foreign hands in English, French, or other lan- guages, of which the University Library may not impossibly contain duplicates ; books of travel or history; grammars and dictionaries of Manchu, Mongolian, or Tibetan; such works in short as I have found it expedient, without pretension to acquaintance with all the languages in which they may be written, to have within reach for occasional reference. The circumstances which have induced me to offer this collection, more particularly at this juncture, to the University of Cambridge, I will detail in a separate letter. It will for the moment suffice to say that, while presenting it as a free gift, I press for but one condition, namely that, for the rest of my life, I be allowed free access to it, and that, so long as my powers of mind and body permit, I be constituted its special curator or guardian. The difficulty considered of finding a man who has not only the inclination but the leisure, to occupy himself with such a charge, this will not I feel sure be regarded an unreasonable prayer, and, assuming it granted, I shall then urge the prescription of very strict regulations in regard to the use of the collection which will have become the property of the University. The destruction of books in China during the twenty years of disorder consequent upon the late rebellion was terrible. Large libraries have since been destroyed by fire, in the capital and elsewhere. That which I am now tendering to the University includes little if anything that it will be absolutely impossible to recover, and both natives and foreigners are at this moment reprinting industriously. Still, replacement of works or volumes, should any be lost or abstracted, would be slow and troublesome, and the cost of some of the works in the collection, for which, after years of waiting, I have been tempted to give almost fancy prices, was when I left China in 1882, still daily rising. These considerations will, I trust, excuse my anxiety, should I appear excessive, to see the integrity of the collection sufficiently guaranteed. I feel that the matter may safely be left in the hands of the University authorities responsible. • I have the honor to be. Sir, Your most obedient Servant, THOMAS FRANCIS WADE. I PREFATORY NOTE VH This collection was formed during a residence of forty years in the East by judicious selection of the best editions of the best works in the most important branches of Chinese literature; and the result is a comprehensive library admirably suited to the needs of any ordinary student. For even although Buddhism, Taoism, some of the fine arts such as music and painting, and several of the sciences such as botany and medicine, can scarcely be said to be adequately represented, still, much may be found on those and kindred subjects in the various great encyclopaedias with which the library is so well supplied. A rough classification, adopted by the donor to suit the room at his disposal, has been allowed to stand, and the books are therefore in the actual order in which he left them. In view however of any difficulties of search likely to arise from such arrangement, alpha- betical lists both of the titles of the works and of the names of the authors have been added as a supplement to the Catalogue. The classification is as follows: A. Chiefly devoted to editions of the Classics and to exegetical works upon various portions of the Confucian Canon, but containing also the writings of Taoist philosophers, various Buddhist sutr as etc. etc. [175 works in 478 vols.] B. Under the heads of History, Biography, and Statutes, this section contains (B 734) a complete and uniform edition of the Twenty-two Dynastic Histories of China in 227 large volumes, the splendid encyclopaedia of Ma Tuan-lin (489), with its prototype (476) and subsequent enlargements (527 and 629), the Mirror of History (961), the Statutes of the present dynasty (261), the Penal Code (134), various collections of reprints, etc. etc. [291 works in 2038 vols.] C. The chief feature of this the Geographical section is the Imperial Geography (85) in 24 large vols. Here is also to be found (114) the oldest printed book in the University Library. [56 works in 263 vols.] VIII PREFATORY NOTE D. This section contains a few of the leading novels, some plays and essays, and a good collection of anthologies, including three volumes (146 — 148) of specimens from the writings of the poetesses of the present dynasty. [85 works in 312 vols.] E. Besides a beautiful and valuable edition of the Imperial Dictionary of K'ang Hsi {225), this section comprises many works of especial value to the general student, such as the great literary Concordance (265), the descriptive Catalogue of the Imperial Library (143), and several important encyclopaedias, [no works in 481 vols.] F. X, and Y. Among the "Miscellaneous" books in these sections may be mentioned a rare collection of pamphlets (F 35) issued by the T'ai-p'ings during their great rebellion, and the first 12 volumes of a military encyclopaedia (F 124) published in 1599. [47 works in 405 vols.] Z. This section contains various translations of religious and scientific works ; among them a facsimile copy of the New Testament in Chinese (40) as presented to the Empress-Dowager of China on her 60th birthday by the missionary body, and a copy of Euclid (41) partly translated by Matteo Ricci In 1607 and finished by A. Wylie in 1857. [32 works in 41 vols.] G. This section is for students of the Manchu and Mongol languages, and contains in addition to translations of the Chinese Classics several useful handbooks for beginners. [87 works in 286 vols.] Total: 883 works in 4304 volumes. The cost of printing the catalogue has been defrayed out of a fund subscribed by some of Sir Thomas Wade's friends. Herbert A. Giles. Cambridge: October, 1898. CATALOGUE OF THE WADE LIBRARY CHINESE A. Classics and Philosophy. Ai. ^ U Wi % -^ Liu ching t'u ting pen A description of the various articles etc. mentioned in the Six Classics, with numerous illustrations, by ^E ^]^ Wang Kao. [Incor- rectly labelled >^C ^ ^ K ^^ ^ hsiang shu, which is the title of § I.] 1740. 28.5cm. A 2-3. H ^ P ^ Tu i k'ou i A work on the Canon of Changes, by ;^ — • ^ Yang I-k*uei (T. ^^), who dated his MS. 1794. 1852. 27.5cm. A 4. ^ m '^ ^ Hsiao wu tang ming A work on the Diagrams, by ^ ^ ^ Li Sui-ch'iu (T. j^ ^ ), first published in 1635. 18 18. 28cm. G. w. I 2 THE WADE LIBRARY As. S M ^ I han hsiieh The Canon of Changes as interpreted under the Han dynasty, by Jl ij^ Hui Tung (T. ^ J^ ), edited by S^ jjt Pi Yuan, who died in 1797. No date. 29cm. A 6-7. ^ « ^ B B » I ching lai chu t'u chieh A commentary on the Canon of Changes, with diagrams, by ^ tt S ^^^ Chii-t'ang. 1598. 23cm. A 8. ^^^^-S-IT Chou i ch'uan i ho ting An exegetical work on the Canon of Changes, published by order of the Emperor Ch'ien Lung, who contributed a preface, under the superintendence of :^ ^ Chu Shih. 1737. 27cm. A Za. Another copy, inferior paper, without title-page. A 9- 1^ ^ M I i shan Explanation of the Canon of Changes, by ^ ;i^ Han Sung (T. ^4^). 1789. 25.5cm. A 10. # i? * g I ching pen i The meaning of the Canon of Changes. [Title-page missing.] No ^t^- 26.5 cm. All. ^ n -k ± -^ m I ching ta ch'iian hui chieh Commentaries on the Canon of Changes, edited by >;|^ ^ -HI Lai Erh- sheng (T. ;;^ £) whose preface is dated 1681. 1719. 27cm. CLASSICS AND PHILOSOPHY 3 A 13. M M m ^ I ching li chii Phrases from the Canon of Changes, explained by ^ ^ Li P'an for the use of teachers. 18 19. 26cm. A 15. ^ j^ S "^ Li shih i chuan A commentary on the Canon of Changes, by ^ ^ ^'^ Li Ting- tsu of the T'ang dynasty, edited by jj[ ^ ^ Lu Chien-tseng. 1756. 24.5cm. A 16. S R III ill * a H Yii kung shan ch'uan ti li t'u Geographical identifications in connection with the engineering labours of the Great Yii who died B.C. 2197, with sketch maps, by 1^^ ^ Ch'eng Ta-ch'ang of the 12th cent. A.D. [MS. copy, without title-page, preceded by extract from the Imperial Catalogue.] 1773. 29 x18cm. A 17-18. US? # * ^ |g ^ Shang sliu ku wen su cheng Verifications of the ancient text of the Canon of History, by H ^ Ji Yen Jo-chu (T. "g ^ ), preceded by ^ ^ -J- ^ ^ ^ Cku tzU ku wen shu z, which gives the views of Chu Hsi, by his son ^ ^< Yen Yung. 1704. 25cm. A 19-20. fSj # 4 * ^ J* ?E Shang shu chin ku wen chu su Commentary on the ancient and modern texts of the Canon of History, by -^ M ffi ^un Hsing-yen. 1815. 24.5cm. A 21. li ^ lii i+ bT 'KE rh nT. Shu ching t'i chu The Canon of History, with a running commentary. Reprint of the work by ^ ^ ^ Fan Tzii-teng. See A 75. 1824. 27cm. 4 THE WADE LIBRARY A 22. ^ J^ ^ H Shih ching ching hua The essence and beauty of the Canon of Poetry, by Hsieh Chia-ying. 1825. 27cm. A 23—24. Shih ku k A 81-82. # H It I Ssti shu pu chu pei chih The Four Books, with commentaries etc., by ^ j^ Tcng Lin (T. jg,:^). Preface by ^i ® Tu Ting, dated 1779. 1818. 26cm. A 83-85. # S » S ^ « ft Ssu shu chang chU chi chu The Four Books, punctuated according to Chu Hsi, with comment- aries and preface by Chu Hsi dated 11 89, edited by |^ ^ ^ Ch'en Hung-mou, 1695 — 1771. [Label inaccurate.] No date. 26cm. A 86. » ^ S M Ssii shu chi chu pu The Four Books, with Chu Hsi's commentary and additions, edited '^y 3E ft M Wang Fu-li. 1819. 27.5 X 20.5cm. A 87-90. ra » ^ * ffl ja «^ Ssu shu Chiang i k'un mien lu The Four Books, explained from various sources by Lu Lung-ch'i (T. 5^§)- 1699. 25.5cm. lO THE WADE LIBRARY A 91—92. H » # ^ Ssu shu k'ao i On the discrepancies in the Four Books, by ^ ^j^ Chai Hao (T. § I&C)> edited by ^ jH; J^ Hang Shih-chiin. 1799. 24cni. A 93—94- P9 Ssii shu k'ou i The Four Books explained, by ^ ^ ^ Fang Jou-ju (T. ^ [ll). 1788. 24cm. A 95-96. H » # « ^ Ssii shu k'ao ch'i yao Important points in the Four Books, discussed by ^ ^ ^ Ch'en Hung-mou. 177 1. 25.5cm. A 97-106. E3 # 3^ tt S^ 18 Ssii shu wan chu hsiang shuo The Four Books explained, with voluminous notes and commentaries, by #|aift Jan Chin-tsu (T. fc 3fe)' ^nd a preface by JJ ^ Chang Ying. 1687. 23.5cm. A 107-108. K ff R tt i& ^ Ssu shu i chu lun wen The Four Books, with commentary and excursus, by ^ ^ |^ Chang Chen-t'ao (T. '^^)- 1746. 23.5cm. A 109—113. R9 Ssii shu pen i hui ts'an The real meaning of the Four Books, with commentaries, by 3E ^ rt Wang Pu-ch'ing. 1745. 25cm. A 114. S -Bt S "7* Su p'i meng tzii Notes on Mencius, by ^ ^ Su Hsiin, father of the famous poet Su Tung-p'o, A.D. 1009 — 1066, edited by ^ ^Ac '^ ^^^o Ta-kuan. 18 1 5. 27 x16cm. CLASSICS AND PHILOSOPHY II A 115. - 16 Jt ^ ?l S Erh lun ch'i yu yin tuan The Discourses of Confucius, explained for beginners, by :^J ^ Liu Chung (T. ^'^). 1820. 23cm. A 116-117. # A # Ssu shu tien lin Phrases in the Four Books, illustrated and explained by passages from the remainder of the Confucian Canon etc., arranged in categories, ^y tL ^ Chiang Yung. 1735. 25cm. Au8. ra » * A * # Ssu shu ku jen tien lin A dictionary of the personages mentioned in the Four Books, by 1^ ^ Chiang Yung. 1749. 22cm. Aug. Pg # A « ff ^ Ssu shu tien chih hui pien A dictionary of the usages and ceremonial in the Four Books, by ^ Id Hu Lun (T. H j^). i732. 24cm. A 120. m w m m m Ssu shu chih yii shuo Essays on the Four Books, by ^ ^ Jp Ts'ao Chih-sheng (T. ^ ;gt.). 1830. 24cm. A 121. it :^ m m 9 m Tz'u mu hsien ssu shu shuo Essays on the Four Books, by 4^ ^ ^ Chiao Yiian-hsi (T. ^^), written between 1689 and 1700. 1744. 24cm. A 122—123. M ^ ^ ^ Chou i che chung The Book of Changes viewed impartially, edited under Imperial instructions, with a preface from the Emperor K'ang Hsi, by ^ ^ ^ Li Kuang-ti. 171 5. 27cm. 12 THE WADE LIBRARY A 124-126. # S # it ^ ^ Shu ching ch'uan shuo hui tsuan The Canon of History, with commentaries and exegetical notes v/ (illustrated), edited under Imperial instructions, with a preface from the Emperor Yung Cheng, by ^ J^ ^ Wang Hsii-ling and other scholars. 1730. 28cm. A 127—131. Sf J^ # ift ^ li Shih ching ch'uan shuo hui pien The Canon of Poetry, with commentaries and exegetical notes (illustrated), edited under Imperial instructions, with a preface from the Emperor Yung Cheng, by ^E ^^ ^ Wang Hung-hsii and other scholars. 1727. 25.5cm. A 132—135- S ^ # ift S ^ Ch'un ch'iu ch'uan shuo hui tsuan The Spring and Autumn Annals, with commentaries and exegetical notes, edited under Imperial instructions, with preface from the Emperor K'ang Hsi, by ^^ Wang Shan. 1721. 28cm. A 136-143. ^ Si ^ ^ I li 1 su The Decorum Ritual explained, with commentary. [Title-page etc. missing.] No date. 29.5 X 20.5 cm. A 144—149. m *^ ^ m* Chou kuan i su The official Ritual of the Chou dynasty, explained with commentary, edited under Imperial instructions, with preface from the Emperor Ch'ien Lung dated 1748, by ^ ^ ^ O-erh-t'ai, JJ ^ 5 Chang T'ing-yii, -^ ^ Chu Shih, and others. 1754. 25.5 X i8cm. A 150—158. flS pE ^ ^ Li chi i su The Book of Rites explained, with commentary, issued by Imperial command. (No title-page.) No date. 25cm. CLASSICS AND PHILOSOPHY 1 3 A 159. # « ;* « Hsiao ching chu chieh The Canon of Filial Piety, with commentary and explanation, the former and preface by the Emperor Ming Huang, A.D. 713 — 756, the latter by ^ j^ -^ Ssii-ma Kuang, 1009 — 1086, together with notes by ^ f§. ^ Fan Tsu-yii. 1847. 27cm. A 160. # « Hsiao ching The Canon of Filial Piety, edited and annotated by ^ ^ Chu Shih, to which is added the ^ ;2JS ^ |^ San pen kuan k'uei, being a collation of the ancient and modern texts etc. 1720. 27cm. A 161-162. = iig ra » jE * San ching ssu shu cheng wen Standard texts of the Confucian Canon, consisting of the Canon of Changes with preface by ?^ ^ Ch'eng I, A.D. 1033 — 1107, and the Canon of History with preface by ^ *^ Ts'ai Ch'en, 1167 — 1230. No date. 34 x23cm. A 163. » S # H Erh ya yin t'u The Erh Ya, or so-called Literary Expositor, with preface and commentary, by ^ ^ Kuo P'o, A.D. 276 — 324. 1801. 35 X 25cm. A 164-165. H # Ssu shu The Four Books, with preface and commentary, by ^ ^ Chu Hsi, the former dated A.D. 11 89. No date. 33 x21cm. A 166. H ^ Kuo yii Historical notes on the feudal period, attributed to 2fe J^ 5I| Tso-ch'iu Ming, with preface and commentary by j^ ^ Wei Chao, 3rd cent. A.D., edited by ^j^ ^ Sung Hsiang, who died in 1064. No date. 30cm. 14 THE WADE LIBRARY A 167. M m Chia yii The Family Sayings, attributed to Confucius but probably the work of ^ ^ Wang Su, who died A.D. 256, edited by ^ j:^ Mao K'un, with preface from 3E Ift ^ Wang Shih-cheng. 1599. 26.5cm. A 168. M >h IE St ;* Hsia hsiao cheng k'ao chu The Calendar of the Hsia dynasty, with commentary by ^^V^ Pi Yiian. See A 224. 1783. 29 x18cm. A 169. m 9 -^ m Ssu shu ho Chiang Harmony of the Four Books, with Chu Hsi's commentary and preface by ^ ^ ^ Weng Fu-k'o. Printed from metal types. See A 298. 1827. 32 x18.5cm. A 170-171. # *i tt » # 1 Ssu shu pu chu fu k'ao pel chih The Four Books, with commentary, etc., by ^ Jj^ Teng Lin (T. ^ ^), whose preface is dated 1736, edited with additions by '^ ^ "^ Ch'iu Ts'ang-chu. No date. 29 X i8cm. A 172—173. Another edition, dated 1832. A 174. «; IS ra s a * P'i tien ssii shu tu pen The Four Books, punctuated and annotated in red, with the com- mentary of Chu Hsi. 1827. 30 X 17.5cm. m^ mi m m A 175—176. Sheng yii hsiang chieh Anecdotes bearing upon the Sacred Edict of the Emperor K'ang Hsi (see A 354), with numerous full-page illustrations, by ^ ^ i^ Liang Yen-nien, whose preface is dated i68i, 1856. 29cm. CLASSICS AND PHILOSOPHY 1 5 A 177-179- Another copy, thick paper. 31 X 19.5cm. A 180-217. + H g Shih san ching The Thirteen Classics, with commentaries by various scholars, edited, with preface from the Emperor Ch'ien Lung, by ^ ^ ^ 0-erh-t'ai and JR ® 3S Chang T'ing-yu. 1747. 28.5cm. A 218. m m s Mi\ Sheng yu kuang hsiin The Sacred Edict of the Emperor K'ang Hsi, with Amplification and Paraphrase. (Mounted.) 1724. 27 X 20cm. A 219—223. "& m 'K Wi Ku lun ta kuan Essays by early writers on philosophy, government, religion, etc., edited by^^fll Ch'en Chi-ju (T. M ^) of the i8th cent. No date. 28cm. A 224. H ^V JiE Hsia hsiao cheng Reprint of works on the Calendar of the Hsia dynasty, a section of the ;;^ ^ |g Ritual of the Elder Tai. See A 168. 1821. 28cm. A 225. * ^ K ^< # * Ku sheng hsien hsiang chuan liieh Portraits and brief biographical notices of ancient worthies, ranging from ^ ^ Ts'ang Chieh, the fabled inventor of writing, 28th cent. B.C., down to the end of the i6th cent. A.D., by i^^^TC Ku Yiian C^- *3fl :i5')- ^^^ -^ 232. 1830. 26.5cm. A 226—230. P M ^ # Ch'{ieh li wen hsien k'ao A work on the family of Confucius, his descendants, disciples, and l6 THE WADE LIBRARY commentators, by ^ j^ ]^ K'ung Chi-fen of the 69th generation, completed in 1697 and edited by ^ flS '^ K'ung Chao-huan of the 71st generation. See A 237. 1762. 26.5cm. A 231. M S M W^ ^ Sheng miao chih chi yao Chief features of the Confucian Temple, with an account of the sacrificial worship, dances, songs, etc. performed there, illustrated, by "^ ^ ^ Kao Wei-yo and others. No date. 25.5cm. A 232. ^ S ^ « H # Sheng miao ssu tien f u k'ao Portraits of Confucius, his disciples, and chief exponents whose tablets stand in the Confucian Temple, by ^^JJX^ Ku Yiian. See A 225. 1826. 26cm. A 233. 31 ^ ^ ^ K'ung tzu chi yti A collection of the utterances of Confucius, from all sources, apo- cryphal and canonical, by ^^ ^ ^^ Sun Hsing-yen. No date. 24cm. A 234. B iS S Sheng chi t'u Scenes connected with the lives of Confucius and Mencius, with illustrations. No date. 26cm. A 235-236. ft -^ iB ;fe Ch'U fu hsien chih Topography of the District of Ch'ii-fu in the ^ ^ Yen-chou Prefecture of Shantung, the site of the ancient State of ^ Lu in which Confucius was brought up, by ]^ j^ P'an Hsiang. 1774. 25cm. A 237. ^ M ^ Ch'tteh li chih An account of Ch'iieh-li, the village in modern Shantung, where Confucius was brought up, with illustrations, by ^ ^Jj J^ K'ung Yen-mei, a descendant of the Sage in the 65th generation. 1694. 24cm. CLASSICS AND PHILOSOPHY 1 7 A 238-255. + H ig Shih san ching The Thirteen Classics, with the commentary of ^ i^j^ Wang Pi, 3rd cent. A.D., edited by ^ ^ Chin P'an. 1640. 25cm. A 256-262. + — « # SH Shih i ching yin hsiin The Eleven Classics, with interlinear commentaries, prefaces by ^ @ t^ Yang Kuo-cheng, ^ ^Ij ^ Lin Tse-hsii (the famous "Commissioner Lin") and others, edited by ^] 010 ^ Liu Shih-lu. 1831. 26cm. A 263-269. » Jl « IE ^ Ssu shu wu ching cheng wen The authorised text of the Four Books and the Five Classics, with the correct sounds given along the headline. No date. 25 X 13cm. A 270—273. % S ^ Mao shih su The Canon of Poetry according to the text of ^ "^ Mao Ch'ang, with notes by ^ ^ Cheng Hsiian, A.D. 127 — 200, and commentary by 51 ^5 ^ K'ung Ying-ta, A.D. 577—648. 1630. 23cm. A 274. -^ u m m u Ku ching chieh kou ch'en The difficulties in the Confucian Canon explained, by ^ ^ ^ Yii Hsiao-k'o. No date. 25cm. A 275-280. « ^ ^ H Ching i shu wen The meaning of the Confucian Canon, by j£ ^| 1^ Wang Yin-chih, whose preface is dated 1797. 18 17. 24cm. G. W. 2 1 8 THE WADE LIBRARY A 281-282. P^ ^ H # Kai yu ts'ung k'ao Miscellaneous essays and notes on classical and historical subjects, by ^ M Chao I, A.D. 1727 — 1814. 1790. 24cm. A 283-284. W ■?* ^ :^ Po tzu chin tan Selections from the writings of various philosophers, arranged under categories, by Jf f$ Kuo Wei (T. i^)- I743- 19.5cm. A 285-287. Q ^ M Jih chih lu Notes, classical and historical, by^ ^Ku Chiang, A.D. 1612 — 1681, edited by j§ ^ P'an Lei. 1695. 24 x17cm. A 288—295. ^ M S Ch'uan chia pao A guide to conduct and morals, for both sexes, by >Q ^ -^ Shih Ch'eng-chin (T. ^ ^. H. ij^ ^) whose preface is dated 1739. [Leaf 2 of the author's biography is missing.] 1843. 24cm. A 296—297. 1m iL IK ^ ^ ^ Fan chi ts'ung shu yii chi Essays and extracts from various scholars of the Ming and Ch'ing dynasties, compiled by ^ '^ Chang Ch'ao and ^ ^1^ Wang Cho, including some of their own, being a supplement to a previous work under the same title which was published in 1659. No date. 26cm. A 298-299. ^ % "^ M Ssti shu ho Chiang Harmony of the Four Books, with Chu Hsi's commentary, printed at Ningpo from metal types. See A 169. 1879. aocm. I CLASSICS AND PHILOSOPHY 19 A 300-301. M \u m m Tung shan ching chieh The Five Classics, with commentary, by ^ ^ known as Tung-shan. i860. A 302—304. k9 w # * IS Ssu shu wei ken lu The Four Books, with commentary. 1837. Chou Feng-lu, 12 X locm. 17 X I2cm. A 305. # « M Ssu shu tien yeh A collection of miscellaneous notes on the Four Books, by an author whose pen-name is ;^^ ^ ^ ^ the Master of the Pine-tree Pavilion. [Vzen for tien on label.] 1873. 12.5 x9cm. A 306-307. + H ® H ^ Shih san ching ts'e an Exegetical notes on the Thirteen Classics, by ^ ^^ Wang Mo (T. ^ B). 1808. 18 x12.5cm. A 308—310. -b ® ^ ^ Ch'i ching ching i The essential meaning of the Seven Classics, by ^ ^ j^ Huang Chin-wei, of which only six appear to have been treated, namely, the Canon of Changes, the Book of Rites, the Canons of Poetry and History, the Spring and Autumn, and the Decorum Ritual. [Vol. II should be vol. I.] 1835. ' 17cm. A 311—324. PI W ^ M i<, ± Ssu shu wu ching ta ch'iian The full text, with commentaries, of the Four Books and Five Classics. 17 II. 26cm. 20 THE WADE LIBRARY A 325. . M M -^ W I ching ch'iian shu Manuscript copy of the Canon of Changes. 1854. 24 X 19cm. A 326. mm Ssu shu Manuscript copy of the Four Books. 22 X i8cm. A 327. >h ^ ^ tt Hsiao hsiieh chi chu The Little Learning, a handbook for the young, by :^ ^ Chu Hsi, A.D. 1 1 30 — 1200, with various commentaries, issued by Imperial command, with a preface from the Emperor Yung Cheng. 1734. 27.5 X 19cm. A 328. :^ ^ i& ^ ^ M Chu wen tuan kung wen chi The collected essays of :^ ^ Chu Shih, A.D. 1666 — 1736. No date. 26cm. A 329. /h ^ ^ ^ Hsiao hsiieh chi chieh The Little Learning, with the explanations of various scholars, edited by ^ ^ :^ Chang Hsing-hsiao, being a reprint of the edition of 1731. 1847. 26cm. A 330. :^ ^ B Ta hsiang t'u Cosmogony, with illustrations, followed by ^ ^ Ku yii, three essays on the value of life and some of its obligations. No date. 27cm. CLASSICS AND PHILOSOPHY 21 A 331—340. :^ -T* ^ # Cho tzu ch'iian shu The complete wor^s of Chu Hsi, published by Imperial command, with a preface from the Emperor K'ang Hsi, and edited by ^ ^ J^ Li Kuang-ti and other scholars. 17 13. 26cm. A 341. * ^ ^ fi ^ Chu kao an hsing shu The career of :^ ^ Chu Shih, A.D. 1666 — 1736, the famous statesman and writer, by his sons. [Kao-an is the name of his birth- place.] No date. 26cm. A 342-343. tt * Hsing li tsung yao Essays on philosophical, historical, and literary subjects, annotated or written by ^^ Chan Huai whose preface is dated 141 5 and is preceded by a preface from the Emperor Yung Lo. Edited by ^iH^ Ch'en Jen-hsi. 1632. 28cm. A 344. ts ^ 1^ W Hsing li i tu. Philosophical essays, with notes, by an author whose pen-name is /Ui> 3E ^ Chih yiian chu j en. 1852. 29 x17cm. A 345. # 3a *l ^ Hsing li ching i Digest of the great philosophical compendium 'f^ 3^ -^ ^ ^ Hsing li ta ch'iian shu, of the Ming dynasty, published by Imperial command, with preface from the Emperor K'ang Hsi, by ^ 3fe ^ Li Kuang-ti and other scholars. 17 17. 25cm. A 346. Another edition, white paper. 1850. 28cm. 22 THE WADE LIBRARY A 347—349- :3c # it ^ ^ Sung hsUeh shih ch'uan chi Complete collection of the miscellaneous writings of ^^ ;^ Sung Lien, A.D. 1310 — 1381, joint author of the History of the Yiian Dynasty, edited by ^ ^ ;^ P'eng Shih-t'uan. 1709. 25cm. A 350—352- "W ^< '^ M Kan ch'iian wen chi The collected writings of ^^ ^ ^ Chan Jo-shui, who was 91 in A.D. 1556, with original prefaces from 1580. 168 r. 26.5cm. A 353- ja <&► « |g Wen kung chia fan Rules for domestic life, by ^ j^ 3c Ssu-ma Kuang the historian, A.D. 1019 — 1086, edited by :^ i^ Chu Shih. 17 19. 27cm. A 354- m m M m m Sheng yii kuang hsun yen The Sacred Edict of the Emperor K'ang Hsi, with preface by the Emperor Yung Cheng. Each maxim is followed by the Amplification of Yung Cheng, and by the Paraphrase of ^E ^ '^ Wang Yu-p*u. [The label has only the last 3 characters.] 1724. 27cm. A 354«. Another copy. [The label has only the last 2 characters.] 26cm. A 354^- Another edition, same date, of the Edict and Amplification, but with a different Paraphrase printed separately at the end. 27cm. CLASSICS AND PHILOSOPHY 23 A 355. # K ^ f l| Yen shih chia hsiin A work on family life and education, by ^ J^ ^ Yen Chih- t'ui, A.D. 531— 595, edited by :^ ^ Chu Shih. [Reprint of the edition of 1574.] 1719. 26.8cm. A 356. Another copy, white paper. 26.8cm. A 358. ^^^^^ Yu hsiieh ku shih hstin yiian hsiang chieh A handbook of historical and mythological allusions, also known as the ^ ^ ^ Ch'eng yil k'ao (see B 36) by ^ j^ Ch'iu Chiin, A.D. 1420 — 1495, edited by ^ ]|§ ^ Yang Ying-hsiang. [The original work is attributed on title-page to 7^ j^ ^ Ch'eng Yiin- sheng.] No date. , - 24.5cm. A 359. Another edition, with supplement and illustrations. [The title-page is slightly varied, and the work is attributed to Ch'eng Yiin-sheng, no mention being made of Ch'iu Chiin.] 1796. • 26cm. A 360. Another edition of A 359. 1796. 26cm. A 361. S # * # I lin hui k'ao A work on Dress and Food, by y^ g ^ Shen Tzu-nan (T. -g >0|). No date. 26cm. A 363—364. :^ ^ tS ^ Ta hsiieh yen i The Great Learning, illustrated from history by ^ ^ ^ Chen 24 THE WADE LIBRARY Te-hsiu whose preface is dated 1234, and edited by ^ j^ ^ Ch'en Jen-hsi in the 17th cent, according to the text of "^ ^ Yang Lien whose introduction is dated 1522. No date. 25cm. A 365-372. :A: ^ ffi ^ # Ta hsiieh yen i pu The same work, published with additions by ^ ^ Ch'iu Chiin in 1488, and edited by Ch'en Jen-hsi. No date. 25cm. A 373-375. -K ^ ' ^ S Wu chu yiin jui A dictionary of phraseology, arranged according to the rhymes, the leading characters being also given in the Lesser Seal script, by ^fi 1^ Ling Chih-lung (T. 13 ^)- 1592- 26cm. A 475-478. ® * # # etc. Ching wen i shu etc. The text of the Five Classics and Four Books, with commentaries, each vol. labelled according to its contents. [Mounted, 4 pages on each leaf.] 1836. 27 x32cm. B. History^ Biography^ Statutes^ etc. B 1—4. t# "ir H Po ku t'u Illustrations of ancient sacrificial vessels, tripods, vases, mirrors, etc., being a reprint of the original work of ^||| Wang Fu, 12th cent. A.D., edited by ^ ^ ll$ Huang Hsiao-feng. 1752. 31cm. B 5. # "Sf ^ K^HI Huang Liu-hung (T. ^ J^). 1694. 23cm. B 41-50. p "% n n Hu pu tse li The Regulations of the Board of Revenue, edited by ^^ ^^ M P'an Shih-en and others. 1838. 26.5cm. B 51-52. fi M M S ^> Ch'ang lu yen fa chih y History of the salt monopoly at Ch'ang-lu in Chihli, by ^ >^ Yen Chien and other high officials. 1805. 28cm. B 53-54 tL M M M ^ ^ Chiang su hai ytin ch'Uan an '^ Record of official documents referring to the sea-transport of tribute rice to Kiangsu, edited by [^v|^ T'ao Chu, 1826. 25.5cm. HISTORY, BIOGRAPHY, STATUTES, ETC. 33 B 55-59. P M ^ M ^ 9 Hu pu ts'ao yiin ch'iian shu The grain-transport system, as organised and carried on under the Board of Revenue, published by Imperial command under the super- intendence of ^ |tt^ J^ P'an Shih-en and others. 1844. 29cm. B 60—63. 'MM Wl M S I's'ao yiin tse li tsuan Regulations for the system of grain-transport to the capital, by ^ ® M Yang Hsi-fu. 1769. 26.5 cm. B 64-72. /H iR w n Li pu tse li The Regulations of the Board of Rites, issued under Imperial order ^y ^ "^ 1^ T'e-teng-e (President) and others. 1844. 27.5cm. B 73-76. fC M M, J{^ Ta ch'ing t'ung li Ceremonial observances under the present dynasty, being a reprint of the work by ^ 'gjj Lai Pao, |^ jft^f^ Ch'en Shih-kuan, and others. 1841. 26cm. B 77-79. ^ i^ ± W Hstteh chgng ch'uan shu Complete record of Imperial Edicts bearing upon the duties and functions of Education Officials under the present dynasty, compiled ^y ^ ^ «fcfit Kung-o-la and others, and based upon the earlier work of il # ^ Wei Chin-hsi. 1812. 24.5cm. B 80-83. f^ m ^ m K'o ch'ang t'iao li Regulations for conducting the great competitive examinations, issued «/ G. w. 3 34 THE WADE LIBRARY by an Imperial Commission which included the well-known names of '^ H SI Tseng Kuo-fan and ^ J^ Jui-Hn. 1852. 27.5 X 19cm. B 84-91. ^ m m Wi u j^ Huang ch'ao li ch'i t'u shih The sacrificial vessels, official dresses, musical instruments, and civil and military paraphernalia, of the present dynasty, with illustrations, issued under an Imperial Commission, with preface by the Emperor Ch'ien Lung, dated 1759. 1766. 28.5cm. B 92-95. ^ "^ m w Ping pu tse li Regulations of the Board of War, issued under an Imperial Com- mission headed by the President 'fj^ |^ Po Lin. 1823. 24.5 x i8cm. B 96-100. ^ M i& ^ A M Chung shu cheng k'ao pa ch'i The organisation and administration of the Manchu forces under the Eight Banners, issued under an Imperial Commission. 1825. 24.5 X 1 8cm. B 101-106. ^ M i& ^ B ^ Chung shu cheng k'ao lii ying V A similar work on the Chinese army. 1825. 24.5 x 28cm. B 107-108. ^ & m m m ^ Ying fa o mei t'iao k'uan / Treaties between China and England, France, Russia, and the United States, i860. 27cm. B 109—111. 3l 5 S^ ^ ^ Wu chGn tao li piao List of places, with their distances from various provincial centres, V HISTORY, BIOGRAPHY, STATUTES, ETC. 35 to which criminals may be banished for military service, issued under an Imperial Commission. 1809. 24 x18cm. B 112. =1 ffi ^ 3l ^ San liu tao li piao List of places, with their distances from various provincial centres, to which criminals may be banished for life. 181 1. 24cm. B113. ^ & ^ m Ming fa chih chang An easy guide to the administration of justice, by )^ ^ PQ Shen Hsin-t'ien. 1743. 22.5cm. B 114—133. M ^ B R Hsing an hui Ian A collection of leading criminal cases, compiled by ^^ ^ ^ Pao Shu-yiin, followed by a supplement in 4 vols. 1834. 25cm. B 134-147. i^ M ^ n ^ m Ta ch'ing lu li an yti The Penal Code, consisting of the fundamental criminal laws of the present dynasty together with such by-laws, subject to alteration, as have been added from time to time, edited with notes by ^ ^^ Huang En-t'ung. 1847. 23.5cm. B 148-155. # K ^ ^ *? H Yueh tung ch'eng an ch'u pien Record of criminal cases, to be used as precedents, tried in the province of Kuangtung, edited by :^ ^ Chu Yun (T. ^^ yj^ ). 1828. 23cm. 2,6 THE WADE LIBRARY B156. i» M ^ n wi m Ytieh tung sheng li hsin tsuan The by-laws of the province of Kuangtung, edited by ^ ^ ^ Huang En-t'ung, with a preface by the famous Viceroy ^ ^ Ki- ying. 1846. 26.5 cm. B 157-158. X u m m Kutig pu tse li The Regulations of the Board of Works, edited by :^ ^ Sung- yiin and other high officials. 1798. 24.5cm. B159. s t a %' m Chu kuan jih hsing lu A work on the duties and obligations of officials, by a Red Girdle, or member of a collateral branch of the Imperial family, named 1 ^©Rft Wu-erh-t'ung (T. JPI^). 1873. 25cm. B 160. s '^ if # ^ M Tzu. chih hsin shu ch'iian chi A work on the various departments of the administration and the details connected with each, for the use of officials. 1663. 25cm. B 161—164. M iA i W Nung cheng ch'iian shu An agricultural encyclopaedia, by the famous statesman and Jesuit convert, ^ ^^ >'^ Hsii Kuang-ch'i, A.D. 1562 — 1634, first published by Imperial command in 1640. 1843. 28cm. B 165-166. W $ ^ ?;; IS Wu hsiieh lu ch'u pien A guide to the duties of officials on a variety of subjects connected with the administration, by ^ ^ 7^ Wu Jung-kuang, Viceroy of the Two Hu. 1832. 26cm. HISTORY, BIOGRAPHY, STATUTES, ETC. 37 B 167. ^ '^ "m M "It ^ w Chin fang chieh chu shih erh ch'ou A work on the organisation of military forces, arranged under twelve sections, such as Readiness, Drill, Commissariat, Arms, etc., by ^ j^ Li P'an (T. >J^ '^) of the Ming dynasty. No date. 28.5cm. B 168-170. 1$ 11 *ll Wu pei chih sheng A work on the art of war by land and sea, with diagrams, by ^ TC '^ ^'A.o Yiian-i of the 17th cent. [In manuscript.] 1843. 27cm. B 171—172. W, m m ^ Tung ban hui yao A history of the institutions of the Eastern Han dynasty, A.D. 25 — 220, by 1^ ^ j^ Hsii T'ien-lin, whose preface is dated 1226. 1822. 24cm. B 173—174. ® M # S Hsi ban hui yao A history of the institutions of the Western Han dynasty, B.C. 206 — A.D. 25, by ^ ^ 1^ Hsii T'ien-lin of the 13th cent. No date. 28cm. B 175—180. S # S T'ang hui yao A history of the institutions of the T'ang dynasty, A.D. 618 — 906, by ^ *^ Wang P'u, whose preface is dated 961. 1774. 28cm. B 181-182. ^ 1^ # S Wu tai hui yao A history of the institutions of the Five Dynasties, A.D. 907 — 960, by 3E y^ Wang P'u. [In manuscript ; no preface.] No date. 27.5cm. 38 THE WADE LIBRARY B 183-192. it m m m m n Yiian ch'ao tien chang kang mu The Institutes of the Yiian or Mongol dynasty, founded A.D. 1 206. [In manuscript; preface wanting.] No date. 28cm. B 193-226. :;^ M # * Ta ming hui tien The Institutes of the Ming dynasty, founded A.D. 1368, with Imperial prefaces dated 1503, 1509, and 1576, compiled by a Commission under the presidency of ^ ^ ^ Shen Shih-hsing. 1576. 25.5cm. B 227—230. Another edition, with the same prefaces, issued under the super- intendence of ^ ^ -j^ Chang Ching-yiian. 1621. 27cm. B 231—235. ^ ~F ' ?^ /ui» T'ien hsia i t'ung chih A geography of the empire, first published in 1461, with preface of that date from the Emperor ^ ^ Ying Tsung of the Ming dynasty. 1 849. 28cm. B 236—243. S 19 ^ ^ Kuang po wu chih A compendium of information on a variety of subjects, arranged under categories, with preface dated 1608, by ^ ^ ^ Tung Ssii- chang (T. ^ ^)> being an extension of the work attributed to ^ ^ Chang Hua of the 3rd cent. A.D. 1761. 25cm. B 244. # "ir M li K'ao ku lei pien A dictionary of literary and political institutions, arranged under categories, by J^ |g j^ Ch'ai Shao-ping (T. %%) and ^g ^ Yao T'ing-hsien (T. ^ pj). 1726. 26cm. HISTORY, BIOGRAPHY, STATUTES, ETC. 39 B 245-254. M Vii m m ^ m Li tai chi shih nien piao A chronology of the Chinese dynasties from the reign of the mythical Emperor Yao, B.C. 2356, down to the close of the Yiian dynasty in the 14th cent. A.D. 17 15. 26cm. B 255. IE 7C |§ Chi yiian pien A handbook of chronology, from about B.C. 200 to the 17th cent. A.D., with list of year-titles assumed by usurpers, and a chapter on the chronologies of Cochin China, Japan, and Central Asian king- doms, by ^ ^ ^ Liu Ch'eng-ju. [With it is bound up the ^ ^ p^ ^ ^^' ^^^^^ ^^^ /«V^, being notes on the study of history, by ;(!t^J^ Tu Tzii-lun, 1875.] 1831. 26cm. B 256. Manuscript Index to the Statutes of the Ming and Ch'ing dynasties. 32cm. B 257-260. i<: M ^ ^ Ta cli'ing hui tien The Institutes of the Ch'ing or Manchu-Tartar dynasty, issued by Imperial command. [Preface etc. wanting; will be found in B 2013 — 2038.] No date. 33cm. B 261-341. :^ SI # A ♦ W Ta ch'ing hui tien shih li The Statutes of the Ch'ing or Manchu-Tartar dynasty, supplemented by the various edicts which have been published in connection with the general working of the system, issued under an Imperial Commission, with preface from the Emperor Chia Ch'ing. 1818. 32cm. B342. -k 'M "^ 9k & ^ Ta ch'ing hui tien po wen Manuscript copy of the text of the Institutes of the present dynasty. See B 257. 30 cm. J 40 THE WADE LIBRARY B 343. ft ^ ^ K Chtieh chih cht% Hsu Lien. 1834. 16.5 X 12.5cm. B 386-390. i9: WS ^ l§ Shuo t'ieh lei pien A magistrate's handbook, with recorded decisions and illustrative cases, by ^ Ji^TC Tai Tun-yuan (T. ^ j^). 1835. 18.5cm. B 391-392. M '1^ M ^ Li chih hsiian ching A guide-book for those entering upon official duties, arranged under eight sections, by ^ ^ 51^ Hsii Wen-pi, edited by ^ jj^ '(ll Shih Yen-fu and others. No date. i7-5 X 12cm. B 393-397. ffi W ^ A Lu chou ch'Uan chi The complete works of ^ ^ jC Lan Ting-yiian, with portrait and preface to edition of 172 1. 1730. 17 X 12cm. B 398—399. $ Vp ^ # TzU chih hsin shu A guide to correct administration by officials, by ^ j^^ Li Yii (T- ^ ^)> fij'st published in 1663. No date. 17.5cm. • 42 THE WADE LIBRARY B 400—401. ^ ^ -^ W Chin shen ch'iian shu List of (vol. I) civil and (vol. II) military officials in active service in the empire of China, arranged under the posts occupied. [Popularly known as the "Red Book," from the colour of the original wrapper.] 1891. 19.5cm. B 402. -ff^ # ® M I yang hu lu A guide to the composition of official letters, petitions, etc., by a writer whose pen-name was -^ ^ li| ^ the Hermit of Wei-lei. 1813. 17cm. B 403. R Hi M M Ch'ih tu lei hsiian Specimens of elegantly written letters, to serve as models, selected by ^-18:!?^ Ch'en Shih-hsi. 18 12. 20cm. B 404—405. M M -^ 9 Fu hui ch'iian shu A general guide to official duties and ceremonial etiquette, by ^ A^^ Huang Liu-hung. [One leaf of Index misplaced in binding.] 1694. 22cm. B 406— 406^. 41 JR Chien ts'o An epitome of history from the earliest ages down to the accession of the Emperor Tao Kuang in 1821, by ^^^ K'uang Min-mu. 1839. 22.5cm. B 407-415. ffi 1^ ?t W S Li tai chih kuan piao A chronological record of the various official posts for the adminis- HISTORY, BIOGRAPHY, STATUTES, ETC. 43 tration of the empire, with their names and some account of the duties attached to them under previous dynasties, edited by |>i^ ;f$ 0-kuei and other high officials, with a poetical preface by the Em- peror Ch'ien Lung. 1780. 26cm. B 416. A ^ Shih ch'ttan Explanations of the ^ fg Skik Chi or Historical Record of IJ ^ iBIS Ssu-ma Ch'ien, by jg — ;|^ Ch'eng I-chih (T. %%)• [|5 for ife o" label.] 1579. 27.5cm. B 417—418. ® M # ♦ Hsi hsia shu shih A history of the Western Hsia State from A.D. 881 to 1232, by ^ ^ J|g Wu Kuang-ch'eng (T. |§ ^). 1825. 25.5cm. B 419. ^ 4* ^ 5 IE Kuan chung chin shih chi A collection of inscriptions on tiles, stone tablets, and bronzes, dating from about B.C. 220, found in the province of ||^ ^ Shensi, by ^^0t. Pi Yiian. 1781. 27.5cm. B 420. fl' ^ ^ 5 IE Chung chou chin shih chi A collection of inscriptions (see B 419) found in Honan, by Pi Yiian. 1786. 29cm. B421. w » * « *> Chin shu ti li chih Notes on the geography of the History of the Chin dynasty, by j ^VTC Pi Yiian. 1784. 29cm. 44 THE WADE LIBRARY B422. + A H ffl ^ * Shih liu kuo chiang yii chih The frontiers of the Sixteen States, by *^ ^ "^ Hung Liang-chi. 1798. 25cm. B 423. M m- M ^ M Tung chin chiang yii chih The frontier under the Eastern Chin dynasty, A.D. 317 — 420, by ^^ ^ ^ Hung Liang-chi. 1796. 25cm. B 424. H H H ^ ^ San kuo chiang yii chih The frontier under the Three Kingdoms, A.D. 220 — 265, by *^ ^ ^ Hung Liang-chi. 178 1. 25cm. i B 425. =. 7C ^ ^ M ^ 9 San yiian chia tzu wan nien shu An official calendar from A.D. 1626 to 1855. No date. 25cm. B 426. S ^ tf Wan nien shu An astrological almanac, printed in black and red. No date. 28cm. B427. ^ ffi # IE S Wen hsien t'ung k'ao chi yao Extracts from the Wen hsien t'ung k'ao by ^1^ j^ ^ Ma Tuan- lin, see B 489. [Title-page and preface wanting.] No date. 27cm. B428. ^ it * # |{f * Wen hsien t'ung k'ao chieh kuei Articles from the Wen hsien t'ung k'ao of ffl # ?i 'ft I chou shu pu chu The institutions of the Chou dynasty, 12th to 3rd cent. B.C., with commentary by ^ ^ K'ung Ch'ao of the ^ Chin dynasty, 4th cent. A.D. and additional commentary by |^ ^ -^ Ch'en Feng- heng. 1825. 24cm. B 1083. An earlier edition of the above, without the additional commentary. 1786. 24.5 cm. B 1084—1089. 3t i^ ^ IE ft Wu tai shih chi chu The New History of the Five Dynasties, A.D. 907 — 959, by ^ 1^ i^ Ou-yang Hsiu, who died in 1072, with commentary by ^7C3® P'eng Yuan-jui. 181 5. 29cm. B 1090-1097. H IB :(t ffl #• |g San ch'ao pel meng hui pien History of the period between A.D. 11 17 and 1163, with special reference to the invasion of the ^ Chin Tartars, by ^ ^ ^ Hsii Meng-hsin. [Manuscript.] No date. 25cm. B 1098-1101. M ^ Ming chien A history of the Ming dynasty, A.D. 1368 — 1644, compiled by an Imperial Commission. 18 18. 27.5cm. s/ v/ 54. THE WADE LIBRARY B 1102-1105. ^ ^ 4t m Ming chi pei liieh An account of the fall of the Ming dynasty, by g^ ^ -^ Chi Liu-ch'i, whose preface is dated 1671. No date. 27cm. B 1106-1109. M ^ ?^ J& * IS Ming chi pai shih hui pien An account of the last struggles of the representatives of the Ming •^ dynasty, by j^ /|$ Ku Chiang, who died 1681, ahd others. No date. 27cm. B 1110. i^m ^^ '^ ^ % m Ta ming wen wu Icuan ping feng hsiang The salaries of civil and military officials under the Ming dynasty, A.D. 1368 — 1644. [Manuscript] No date. 29.5cm. B 1111—1126. M ^ ^ Ming shih kao A history of the Ming dynasty, with Edict of the Emperor K'ang Hsi ordering its preparation, printed in red ink and dated 1697, by 3£ '^ 1^ Wang Hung-hsu. 1714. 28cm. B 1127-1130. smm%\'^m^m Pa ch'i man chou shih tsu t'ung p'u An account of the Manchu-Tartar tribes, originated by the Emperor Yung Cheng, and completed under the Emperor Ch'ien Lung who furnished a preface. 1734. 27.5cm. B 1131. ^ S + ^ ± It Hsien feng shih nien shang yti Imperial Edicts on foreign affairs during the year i860. [Manuscript; marked "Shih Lu" on label.] 25.5cm. HISTORY, BIOGRAPHY, STATUTES, ETC. 55 B 1132—1133. M ^ M^ Tung hua la A history of the present dynasty down to the year 1735, by ^ ^ |g Chiang Liang-ch'i (T. ^ J^). 1765. 25cm. B 1134—1135. M ^ pi Sheng wu chi An account of the military operations of the present dynasty, by ^ "3^ W^i Yiian who died in 1856. 1844. 25.5cm. B 1136. sK ll ♦ It Chen fu shih i A collection of pamphlets on keeping frontier nations, such as Russia and Tibet, in peaceful subordination, by >j^ ^ Sung-yiin who died in 1835. 1823. 27cm. B 1137-1141. ^ ® it E ^ § P'ing ting chiao fei chl lUeh An account of the ^ 3@ ^ T'ien li hui rebellion in 18 13 and its final suppression in 18 16, published by order of the Emperor Chia Ch'ing. No date. 28cm. B 1142. Jl Wt A M Shang yu pa ch'i Imperial Edicts addressed to the Eight Manchu Banners between 1723 and 1736 by the Emperor Yung Cheng. No date. 25.5cm. B1143. ± isr a ^ ai s Shang yii ch'i wu i fu Reports by the Boards on Edicts referring to the Eight Manchu Banners. No date. 25.5cm. 56 THE WADE LIBRARY B 1144-1147. ^ ^ W <& M M Wu wen chieh kung i chi The State papers, letters, and poems, of ^ ^ ^ Wu Wen-jung, ^ who committed suicide in 1854 when as Viceroy of Hu-Kuang he was overwhelmed by the T'ai-p'ing rebels. 1857. 25cm. . B 1148. ^ ^ IE ^ ^ ^ Tseng wen cheng kung wen ch'ao Essays by the famous Viceroy Tseng Kuo-fan, who died in 1872, edited by ^ J[^ |^ Li Shu-ch'ang, his secretary and later on Minister in Madrid and Tokio; with portrait. 1873. 24.5cm. B 1149. Wt ^ W. n YU ch'iu chih yen An Edict calling for plain-spoken advice, issued by the Emperor Tao Kuang, with replies from Kiying, Tseng Kuo-fan, and other high officials. [The «Chao" on label should be "Yu".] 1850. 26cm. B 1150. Another copy. [The ^ on label should be ^.] B 1151. M ^ & M M. Su wen chung tsou i Memorials to the Throne on various subjects, by ^^ ^ Su Shih, who died A.D. iioi. 1813. 29cm. B 1152. ^ m ^ Ti^ Yiieh tung tsou kao Memorials to the Throne from Kuangtung, 1847 — 1850, by % ^ Kiying, ^^^ Yeh Ming-shen, known as "Governor Yeh," and others. [Manuscript.] 24cm. HISTORY, BIOGRAPHY, STATUTES, ETC. 57 B 1153—1156. IE #- IE 5& Chi fen chi liieh Memorials relating to the T'ai-p'ing rebellion, A.D. 1850 — 1862. [Manuscript.] 25cm. B 1157. # S li She chi pien The official reports of *^ i^ S Shen Ch'u-kao during the years / 1853 — 1854, on military operations against the T'ai-p'ing rebels. 1859. 22.5cm. B1158. t; © # ^ Ch'i liu ko tsou Memorials to the Throne in i860, by f^ '^ >^ fH^ Seng-ko-lin- sin and others. [Manuscript.] 22 x12cm. B 1159—1170. ffi M IE ♦ 4^ tIc T'ung chien chi shih pen mo A rearrangement of the Mirror of History of ^ j|| 3fe Ssii-ma Kuang (see B 961), by ;^ ^^ Yiian Shu who died A.D. 1205, edited by ^ y^ Chang P'u who died in 1641, with the old prefaces, the earliest being dated 1258. 1685. 25cm. B 1171-1176. asv&fi^a*** Hsii tzu chih t'ung chien chi shih pen mo A continuation of the above work down to the end of the Mongol ^ dynasty in the 14th cent, with supplement. [Manuscript.] No date. 23cm. B 1177—1180. m, ^ M Tu shih kang A guide to the study of history, from the earliest ages down to the 13th cent. A.D., by ^ ^ Tso Ch'ien, edited by his son :^ ^ ' Tso Hao. 1691. • 22.5cm. $8 THE WADE LIBRARY B 1181—1185. :3c 7t ^ ^ $ tIc Sung yiian chi shih pen mo A history of the Sung and Mongol dynasties on the plan adopted by Yuan Shu (see B 11 59), by }^ ^ Feng Ch'i, edited by Jg '^ Chang P'u, who died in 1641. No date. 25.5cm. B 1186-1191. IB ^ ^ ♦ * ^ Ming chien chi shih pen mo A history of the Ming dynasty, in continuation of the above, by ^ iS S Ku Ying-t'ai. 1658. 25.5cm. B 1192—1197. ^ ^ §1 w Hsii hou han shu A continuation of the History of the Later Han dynasty, in which the Minor Han, A.D. 221 — 265, is considered as the legitimately ruling House of the three rival kingdoms, by ^ '^ Hsiao Ch'ang of the Sung dynasty. [Omit ^ on label.] 1841. 24cm. B 1198—1199. m m ^ -n Liang han tsun yen A dictionary of ancient phraseology, arranged under categorical headings, by ^ ^ Lin Yiieh (T. ^ ) of the Sung dynasty, edited by 1^ ^ ^ Ling Ti-chih. 1576. 25cm. B 1200—1204. ^ A lo fi Liao shih shih i A history of the Liao dynasty or Kitan Tartars, A.D. 907 — 1125, supplemented by notices from over 300 writers whose works had not been previously used, by ^ ^ Li O who graduated in 1720. 1821. 24cm. HISTORY, BIOGRAPHY, STATUTES, ETC. 59' A 1205—1212. W ^ I shih A history of China from the earliest ages down to the end of the Ch'in dynasty, B.C. 206, with illustrations, by ,^ ^ Ma Su. 1670. 26 X 19 cm. B 1213—1216. ^ J& Shang shih Ancient history, covering a period from about B.C. 2700 to B.C. 200, by ^ ^ Li Ch'ieh, whose preface is dated 1745. 1805. 24.5cm. B 1218—1229. ^ ^ m^ I chih III An epitome of Chu Hsi's revision of the Mirror of History, by ^ f^ ^ Wu Sheng-ch'iian. [Sections i and 2 are missing. The figures on labels refer to the number of Chinese vols bound up together. For a complete edition down to the Yiian dynasty, see B 731^2 — 737a. In vols 1228, 1229, is included part of the work catalogued as B 1025 — 1028, dealing with the Ming dynasty.] 171 1. 25cm. B 1230—1231. S ^ it itr 1^ Tu shih ching ku pien Lessons from history, by ||^ -{tf^ J^ P'an Shih-en who died in 1854. 1824. 25.5cm. B 1232. ffi ^ ^ ^ # Li tai ming ju chuan Biographies of eminent Confucianists, by :^ ^ Chu Shih and ^ ift j^ Ts'ai Shih-yiian. 1729. 27cm. Bl232^. ffi ^ « IS # Li tai hsiin li chuan Biographies of virtuous officials, by the same authors. 1729. 26.5cm. 6o THE WADE LIBRARY B1233. ^ § PI * # Chien Itleh ssii tzii shu Historical memoranda, arranged in verses of 4 characters by ^E 'fX. '^ Wang Shih-yiin, whose preface is dated 1663, No date. 27cm. B 1234. — + ^ A Ji IB ^ Erh shih erh shih kan ying lu Illustrations of the doctrine of retribution, drawn from the 22 Dynastic Histories, by ^ ^V^l^ P'eng Hsi-su. [^ for ^ on label.] 1846. 24cm. B 1235—1236. zl + zi i ^1 IE Erh shih erh shih cha chi Notes on the 22 Dynastic Histories, by ^ ^ Chao I who died in 18 14. 1800. 24cm. B 1237-1238. — + — A ,^ H Erh shih i shih yo pien Notes on the 21 Dynastic Histories, by ^ 7^ ^ Cheng Yiian- ch'ing (T. Jin f^), "covering a period," as stated on the title-page, "from the creation to A.D. 1644, and dealing with astronomy, geo- "graphy, government, rites, music, literature, poUtical economy, "officials, foreign nations, military and judicial matters, Buddhism, "and Taoism." 1698. 24cm. B 1239. + -b A ^ * Shih ch'i shih meng ch'iu Allusions to the 17 Dynastic Histories, arranged in verses of four characters and accompanied by a commentary, for the use of boys, by ^ '^ Wang Ling (T. ^ j^ ), with a preface by § ^ Lii Hui, dated iioi, in which he says that he recovered only 10 of the original 16 sections. 1829. 22.5cm. \ HISTORY, BIOGRAPHY, STATUTES, ETC. 6l B 1240—1271. ^ \h ^ M 9 Shou shan ko ts'ung shu A collection of in miscellaneous works, reprinted in uniform edition by ^ (|ft ||[i. Ch'ien Hsi-tsu , with a preface by ^ 7C Yiian Yiian. The blocks of this work were destroyed during the T'ai-p'ing rebellion. [Author's name appears on label instead of title.] 1844. 28cm. B 1272—1278. © R IS W Huang shih ts'ung shu A collection of works, reprinted uniformly by ^ ^ ^{| Huang P'ei-lieh, consisting of the ^ ^ Chou li, |^ @ ^ Chan kuo ts'e, g ^ Kuo yu, 1^ iift ^ sE Y^ ti kuang chi, ^ ^ / Un, ^ 1^ ^ ^ ^ Shang han tsung ping tun, and several small works labelled "Miscellaneous." 18 18. • 28cm. B 1279-1298. W M ^ M W "^ I hai chu ch'en chia chi A collection of 165 works, reprinted by ^ -^ ]^ Wu Hsing-lan (T. ^ ^) in 1809, and edited by his nephew ^ [5^, ^ Ch'ien Hsi-fu with a supplement of 42 other works. 1850. 24.5cm. B 1299—1302. The Supplement only of the above work. [Subdivided on labels into 2 sets of 2 vols each.] 24cm. B1303. ffif^#miEa?iJif«# Li tai hsiin liang neng li lieh chuan hui ch'ao Biographies of virtuous and able officials of all times, by ^ ^ ^ Ch'iao Yung-ch'ien. 1844. 23cm, • J 62 THE WADE LIBRARY B 1304. M. Wl ^ Chien ts'o A short history of China from the earliest ages down to A.D. 1644, '^y R St 2|S K'uang Min-pen. No date. 20 x13.5cm. B 1305—1306. it w Shuo ling A collection of reprints of short works by various authors, compiled by ^ ^ ~^ Wu Chen-fang whose preface is dated 1702. 1800. 17.5 X 13 cm. B 1307—1310. S A ift '^ T'ang jen shuo wei A reprint of miscellaneous writings by authors of the T'ang dynasty, A.D. 618—907, compiled by |^ iB: ER Ch'en Shih-hsi (T. ^%). [The title was afterwards changed to ^ ^ i^ ^ , as on label, but the work is better known as above.] 1843. ^7 X 12cm. B 1311. Another copy of B 1136. 27.5cm. B 1312. T # ^ M P'lng fan tsou i Memorials to the Throne on the pacification of the aborigines in Kansuh, 1822 — 1823. No date. 30cm. B 1313-1318. A -ft H » S ^ Pa hsUn wan shou sh6ng tien A memorial of the 80th year of the Emperor Ch'ien Lung and the 55th year of his reign, compiled by ISl" ;f$ 0-kuei and other high officials. 1792. 29.5cm. HISTORY, BIOGRAPHY, STATUTES, ETC. 63 B 1319—1322. H IE Ji M^ Yung cheng shang ytt The Edicts of the Emperor Yung Cheng, A.D. 1723 — 1735. 1736. 28cm. B 1323-1350. ?^ tt H M Chu p'i yii chih Memorials to the Throne during the years A.D. 1723 — 1733 of the reign of Yung Cheng, with the Imperial interlinear annotations ("Vermilion Pencil") printed as written in red ink, and also a preface by the Emperor. 1733. 30cm. B 1351—1362. :fc T fi IE T'ai p'ing kuang chi An encyclopaedia of information drawn from the lighter literature of China, originally designed as a supplement to the T'ai p'ing yii Ian (B 1385) but often regarded as an independent work, by ^ ^ Li Fang and others who presented it to the Throne in A.D. 978, edited by Jli^ »(§; T'an K'ai. 1566. 26cm. B 1363—1378. IS 4^ ==S E ^ ^ Li tai ming ch'en tsou i Advice to the Throne, by eminent officials of all ages, from Con- fucius, 5th cent. B.C., down to ^ ^ §05 Chao Liang-pi, 13th cent. A.D., who after over a year's residence in Japan advised Kublai Khan not to attack that country, compiled by ^^ ^ Chang P'u. 1635. 25cm. B 1379. ^ jfiL ^ Pi hstieh lu A Record of Blood, being notices of eminent statesmen and others who met violent deaths, with portraits illustrating each scene, from J the 2nd cent. B.C. to the 17th cent. A.D., by ^ "(4* >^ Chuang Chung-fang, edited by ^|5 ^ J^ Shao I-ch'en. 1856. 26cm. y 64 THE WADE LIBRARY B 1380—1384. ^ & M M Ming ch'en tsou i Selected Memorials by officials under the Ming dynasty, A.D. 1368 — 1644. 178 1. 26cm. B 1385-1417. is: ^ W W T'ai p'ing yu Ian An encyclopaedia of general information, compiled under Imperial instructions issued in A.D. 977 to ^ ^ Li Fang and others, who presented it to the Throne in 983 with the title of j^ ^ ^ ^ T'ai P'ing' pien lei which was afterwards changed by the Emperor as above; edited by ^ 7C Yiian Yiian. 1812. 26.5cm. B 1418—1424. ?L R IS w K'ung shih ts'ung shu A collection of reprints, not uniform in typography, of classical works by various authors. [Title-page and preface wanting.] No date. 27cm. B 1425. m ^ Ts'e lUeh Notes on philosophy, the classics, history, astronomy, geography, military matters, and political economy, by '^ ^^ Wang Fu (T. ^3fe)- 1828. 24.5cm. B 1426-1452. ® Ul :fe ^ Hsi shan ch'iian chi The complete works of ^ ^ f^ Chen Te-hsiu, A.D. 1178 — 1235, with portrait, edited under Imperial command by ^ ^ Yang O and others; with introductory poem and preface by the Emperor Ch'ien Lung, printed in red ink. 1737. 25cm. B 1454—1470. H :^ B # San ts'ai t'u hui An encyclopaedia of geography, ethnology, language, the arts and HISTORY, BIOGRAPHY, STATUTES, ETC. 6$ sciences, etc. etc., with numerous illustrations, compiled by ^ ^f Wang Ch'i of the i6th cent. A.D. [Vols I, XVI, and XIX are missing.] No date. 26.5cm. ^ B 1471-1476. i# i^ ^ fS il¥ fS I P'ei yiian t'ang ou ts'un kao The official writings of ^ ;^ ^ Ch'en Hung-mou, A.D. 1695 — 1771, edited by a son and grandson. No date. 25cm. B1477. ^ *L l!f ^ Shou cha chieh yao Selections from the private letters of Ch'en Hung-mou; see B 147 1. 1837. 23.5cm. B1478. K PI ^ ^ Huang men tsou su The Memorials to the Throne of ^ ||| ^ Yang Hsiung-chien (T. g ^ and J[^ ^) whose preface is dated 1663. 1845. 25.5cm. B 1479—1481. ^ ^ ^ ^ SI Kung shou t'ang tsou i The Memorials to the Throne of ^ ^ J^ Han Wen-ch'i, who died in 1 84 1. No date. 25.5cm. B 1482-1483. 1^ S ^?T :5t 4 ^ IS T'ao yiin ting hsien sheng tsou su The Memorials to the Throne of (^V^ T'ao Chu, who died in 1839, with portrait. 1828. 25.5cm. B 1484—1495. M M ^ M M No yen ch'eng tsou i The Memorials to the Throne of No-yen-ch'eng, who died in 1833 G. W. 5 66 THE WADE LIBRARY and whose preface is dated 1820, preceded by a funeral address from the Emperor Tao Kuang dated 1833. 1834. 24.5cm. B 1496-1505. M IS «? ifi: * li Huang ch'ao ching shih wen pien A collection of essays by writers of the present dynasty on literary, military, and economic subjects, compiled by ^ -j^ ^ Ho Ch'ang- ling(T. 1^^). 1826. 28cm. B 1506-1508. ^ ^ H <& ^ H Li wen hsiang kung tsou i The Memorials to the Throne of ^ ^ ^ Li Chih-fang, who died in 1694, preceded by two introductory notes from the Emperor K'ang Hsi, dated 1687. No date. 28cm. B 1509-1512. M ^ ^ & M M Yeh wen chuang kung tsou i The Memorials to the Throne of ^ ^ Yeh Sheng, with preface dated 1452. No date. 28cm. B 1513-1517. M ^ Wu ^ ^ ^ O wen ch'eng kung nien p'u A record of the life of the famous general 0-kuei, who died in 1797. 1813. 28.5cm. B 1518-1519. ^ m m m Ch'in han shu su Memorials to the Throne by eminent statesmen under the Ch'in State (and dynasty) and Han dynasty, from the 4th cent. B.C. to the end of the 2nd cent. A.D., compiled by ^ '^ ;^ Feng Shuang- chiang. 1798. 29.5cm. HISTORY, BIOGRAPHY, STATUTES, ETC. ^ B 1520—1529. to '@| yffi ChHen han chi The History of the Western Han dynasty, B.C. 206 — A.D. 24, by ^ ^ Pan Ku, with commentary by ^ 0J5 "j^ Yen Shih-ku who died in 645, edited by ^ iH Yu Ching whose preface is dated 1035. 1537. 28.5cm. B 1530—1536. # M ^ Hou han chi The History of the Eastern Han dynasty, A.D. 25 — 220, by ^ ^ Fan Yeh who died in 445, with commentary by ^ "^ ~)^ Chang Huai-t'ai, edited by ^ ^^ Yii Ching whose preface is dated 1034. 1537. 28.5cm. B 1537—1540. -X ^ % Ta ch'en chuan Biographies of eminent civil and military officials, from the 2nd cent. B.C. to the nth cent. A.D. [The label carries the title of Section I only.] No date. 27cm. B 1541—1543. H ^ ^ E # Li tai ming ch'en chuan Biographies of eminent officials from the 2nd cent. B.C. to the 13th cent. A.D., by :^ ^ Chu Shih and ^ tft jlS ^^'^^ ^hih- yiian. 1729. 27cm. B 1544-1545- IS ^ =« E # IS i^ Li tai ming ch'en chuan chieh lu Short biographies of 177 eminent officials from the 2nd cent. B.C. to the close of the Ming dynasty in A.D. 1644, compiled by ^ j^ Ch'ung-hou, Superintendent of Trade at Tientsin. 1870. 27.5cm. 68 THE WADE LIBRARY B1546. ffi <^ « £ # Li tai hsiin li chuan Biographies of virtuous ofificials from the 2nd cent. B.C. to the 13th cent. A.D., by :^ ^ Chu Shih and ^ ift ^ Ts'ai Shih- yiian. 1729. 26.5cm. B 1547—1550. Zl + H ^ W tf 0& Erh shih erh shih yen hsing liieh The whole duty of man, illustrated by the lives of famous men from the Twenty-two Dynastic Histories, compiled by jj^ jj^ fl^ Kuo Yiian-min, and followed by two supplementary volumes in manuscript {no date) referring to the Ming dynasty and labelled accordingly. 1799. 28cm. B 1551-1558. ® f^ ^ E # fJ ^ Li tai ming ch'eti yen hsing lu Biographies of eminent officials, from the 3rd cent. B.C. to the 17th cent. A.D., by ^ ^ Chu Huan, whose first edition was dated 1758. 1797- 24.5cm. B 1559. M ^ ^ H # Li tai ming ju chuan Biographies of eminent Confucianists, from the 2nd cent. B.C. to the 13th cent. A.D., by :^ ^ Chu Shih and ^^^ Ts'ai Shih-yiian. 1729. 26.5cm. B1560. H ® * ^ E ^ Han fang sung ming ch'en lu Biographies of eminent statesmen under the Han, T'ang, and Sung dynasties, about B.C. 200 — A.D. 1200, by ^^^ Li T'ing-chi. 1606. 27cm. HISTORY, BIOGRAPHY, STATUTES, ETC. 69 B 1561-1562. ^ 15 ^ W H # * Wu chiin ming hsien t'u chuan tsan Notices of eminent worthies of Soochow in Kiangsu, from the 6th cent. B.C. down to the present dynasty, with portraits, by ^ jji^ Ku Yuan {T. Jl^g 3^ ). 1827. 27cm. B 1563—1610. flU* iff 7C ffi Ts'e fu yuan kuei An encyclopaedia of constitutional history, compiled under Imperial command and completed in A.D. 1013, by J ^ ^ Wang Ch'in-jo and others, edited by ^ ^ ^ Li Ssu-ching. 1642. 26cm. B 1611—1613. IE ^ i)c M # ® Cheng wen hsien t'ung k'ao tsuan The encyclopaedia of Ma Tuan-lin (see B 489), edited in an abridged form by ^ ^ ^ Yeh Ta-wei and others. 1664. 25 cm. B 1614. ^ * ft # S Hstt wen hsien t^ung k'ao tsuan Supplement to the encyclopaedia of Ma Tuan-lin (see B 489), by zE ^ Wang Ch'i, first issued in 1586, by the same editors as the above. 1664. 25 cm. B 1615-1650. ^ & ^ 9 An ch'i ch'iian shu The complete works of ^ 3t ilfe Li Kuang-ti, who died A.D. 17 18, consisting chiefly of annotated editions of the Classics. 1802. 25.5cm. kJ b 1651—1658. M. M M M Huang ch'ing tsou i Memorials to the Throne by eminent statesmen of the present dynasty. No date. 24cm. 70 THE WADE LIBRARY B 1659—1660. M ^ ^ 9 M Ch'ien hou shou pao lu The official correspondence of ^ |^ K'uei-lien, while acting as Prefect at ^ ^ jj^ Pao-ch'ing Fu. 1853. 23cm. B 1661-1662. M ^ & ^ M M Hu wen chung kung i chi The literary remains of "^ ^ ^ Hu Lin-i, who distinguished himself as a general against the T'ai-p'ing rebels and died in 1861. 1 866. 24.5 cm. B 1663. ^7/ ^ ^ ® IE ^ Ch'u shih t'ai hsi chi An account of the first mission to foreign nations, in 1867, being that of .^ ^ ^ Sun Chia-ku (a clerk in the Tsung-li Yamen) associated with Mr. Anson Burlingame, then United States' Minister at Peking, by a writer whose pen-name is ^ ^ ^E >\ Pi-je-chu- jen. See B i860. 1877. 23cm. \J B 1664. S 19 ^ ^ & Huang ch'ao kung chi sheng An account of the wars of the present dynasty, by ^ ^ Chao I who died in 18 14. 1792. 24cm. B 1665-1666. ^ ii i^ ^ An ch'ien su ts'ao Memorials on the province of Kueichou, presented to the Throne between A.D. 1621 — 1628 by a Censor. (In manuscript.) No date. 23.5cm. B1667. IS. m ^ ^ Tung ch'ai chi liieh Notes on the administration of the island of Formosa, by ^ ^ Yao Jung. 1832. 25cm. HISTORY, BIOGRAPHY, STATUTES, ETC. fl B 1668. ^ ® H IE Yen pao tsa chi Miscellaneous essays, by ^ ^ Chao I who died in 18 14. No date. 24.5 cm. B1169. n "^ it Ss % m. Tsou Chung chieh kung tsou su Memorials to the Throne, by ^|$ 7^ ^^ Tsou Yiian-p'iao. 1641. 26cm. B1670. ft !^ JE ^ IS # Chih pu tsu chai ts'ung shu A collection of works to the number of 289, reprinted in a uniform edition by j|^ ^ -[^ Pao T'ing-po (T. i :^ ) and approved by the Emperor Ch'ien Lung in 1774. 1776. 18.5cm. B 1739-1793. # H ^ H # Yiieh ya t'ang ts'ung shu A collection of works to the number of 127, reprinted in a uniform edition by '^ ^ ^ Wu Ch'ung-yao. See B 1849. 1853. 18.5cm. B 1794-1815. !^ Ul fllj H # Hai shan hsien ts'ung shu A collection of works to the number of 46, reprinted in a uniform edition by ^ ^ |^ Yeh Chih-shen. [Label inaccurate.] 1848. 19cm. 74 THE WADE LIBRARY B 1816-1828. * ^ ^ ^ H Shih lei fu t'ung pien A reprint, with much additional matter, of the original work of ■^ Wi ^" ^^" ^^° ^^^^ A.D. 1002, being a handbook of reference to literary allusions arranged under categories, edited by |^ ^ ^ P'an Kuo-chen. 1869. i8cm. B 1829—1848. fl iS # # Lung wei pi shu A collection of works to the number of 19, reprinted in a uniform edition by <^ ^ ^ Ma Chiin-liang. 1794. 17cm. B 1849—1850. M M ^ ^ Hui k'o shu mu An index to classical, historical, and general literature, including many well-known collections of reprints, etc. etc., compiled by i^ ^ Ku Hsiu (T. ^ H). 1799- 19cm." B 1851—1854. S yp W # Tzu chih kuan shu The writings, chiefly official, of ^ ^ ^ Chao Shen-ch'iao who died in 1720, edited by a grandson. 1724. 25 cm. B 1855. M W M ^ Hu nan tsou su Memorials to the Throne, by J^ Jr^ Lu K'un and others, referring to the rising of the Hunan aborigines in 1832. [In manuscript.] No date. 25 cm. B 1856. Bl R ^ ft Liang kuang tsou i Memorials to the Throne from various high officials referring to the disturbances in Kuangtung and Kuangsi during 1832. [In manuscript.] No date. 25.5cm. HISTORY, BIOGRAPHY, STATUTES, ETC. 75 B1857. m m m m M Kuo ch'ao hua cheng lu Notes on eminent painters of the present dynasty, by ^ ^ Chang Keng (T. ^ \U). 1739- 25.5cm. B 1858. # 5C -f- # Mu t4en tzu chuan A narrative of the adventures of i^ ^E ^^ Wang, fifth sovereign of the Chou dynasty who died B.C. 946, first published in the 3rd cent. A.D. with preface by ^ ^ Hsiin Hsii, stating that the work had been found in an old tomb in A.D. 281, but now regarded as a forgery of that date. 1840. 24cm. B1859. ^ m n m ^ m Tzu cha p'i po ch'eng tz'u A collection of official dispatches to subordinates, etc. [In manuscript.] No date. 25cm. B1860. % ^ u ^ % T'ien wai kuei fan ts'ao Reminiscences of a journey to foreign countries, in verse, by J|(^ -/ 1^ Pin Ch'un (T. ^ ^ ) associate Envoy with Mr. Anson Burlingame in the mission of 1867. See B 1663. 1868. 26cm. Bi86t. m m m 1&. % Hai kuo sheng yu ts'ao Notes on a visit to foreign countries, in verse, by the same author. 1 868. 26cm. B 1862. * S ^ iE Ch'eng ch'a pi chi Notes on the mission to foreign countries in 1867, by the same author. 1869. 26cm. / f6 THE WADE LIBRARY B 1863. © $ ii ^ Yao chii tsa lu Miscellaneous State papers, by :^ ^ Chu Shih who died in 1736, including specimen of a prayer for rain. No date. 26cm. B 1864. A manuscript copy of B 131 2. 26cm. B 1865-1866. % % R W. Fu 80 ch'ih tu Letters on the pacification of Kansuh. [In manuscript ; anonymous.] No date. 24cm. BX867. «Jt®»«±il^^ Ch'in ting kuang tung shang yii tsou che State papers referring to Kuangtung for the year 1832. [In manuscript. f^ for 1^ on label.] No date. 25cm. B1868. «fc®J«m±ll^^ Ch'in ting hu nan shang y{i tsou che State papers referring to Hunan for the year 1832. [In manuscript.] 25cm. B 1870-1876. *8^ :^ if ^ Hung wu shih lu Official record of the founder of the Ming dynasty, who reigned as Hung Wu, A.D. 1368 — 1399. [In manuscript; vol. I missing.] No date. 29cm. B 1877—1880. % % "U ^ Yung lo shih lu Official record of the third Emperor of the Ming dynasty, who reigned as Yung Lo, A.D. 1403 — 1424. [In manuscript.] No date. 29cm. HISTORY, BIOGRAPHY, STATUTES, ETC. 7^ B 1881—1886. S S W ^ Hstian te shih lu Official record of the fifth Emperor of the Ming dynasty, who reigned as Hsuan Te, A.D. 1426— 1435. [In manuscript.] No date. 29cm. B 1887—1902. jE 7^ M ® Cheng t'ung shih lu Official record of the sixth Emperor of the Ming dynasty, who reigned as Cheng T'ung, A.D. 1436 — 1449. [In manuscript.] No date. 29cm. B 1903—1912. Wu ^ % ^ Ch'eng hua shih lu Official record of the ninth Emperor of the Ming dynasty, who reigned as Ch'eng Hua, A.D. 1465 — 1487. [In manuscript.] No date. 29cm. _ p# »VA ^ ^SU B 1913—1919. 5^ /p M ^ Hung chih shih lu Official record of the tenth Emperor of the Ming dynasty, who reigned as Hung Chih, A.D. 1488 — 1505. [In manuscript.] No date. 29cm. B 1920-1928. je ii if ^ Cheng te shih lu Official record of the eleventh Emperor of the Ming dynasty, who reigned as Cheng Te, A.D. 1506 — 1521. [In manuscript.] No date. 29cm. B 1929—1949. ^ BW H. 3^ Chia ching shih lu Official record of the twelfth Emperor of the Ming dynasty, who reigned as Chia Ching, A.D. 1522 — 1566. [In manuscript.] No date. 29cm. u J J J 78 THE WADE LIBRARY B 1950—1954. ^ S K M Lung ch'ing shih lu Official record of the thirteenth Emperor of the Ming dynasty, who reigned as Lung Ch'ing, A.D. 1567 — 1572. [In manuscript.] No date. 29cm. B 1955—1970. :^ M "t ^ # M 1& f il Ta ch'ing jen tsung jui huang ti hs{in Edictsby the EmperChia Ch'ing, A.D. 1796 — 1820. 1824. 32cm. B 1971—1973. ^ % Shih liieh An epitome of history, from the earliest ages down to the foundation of the Ming dynasty in 1 368, by ^ -^ J^ Tseng Hsien-chih, with a note by :^ 5^ Liu Chi who died in 1375. [^ iox ^ on label.] No date. 33cm. B 1974—1977. M ^ IP S T'ung chien chieh yao An epitome of the Mirror of History (see B 961). No date. 33cm. B 1978—1997. 1^ JR ^ Kao li shih A history of Korea, by ^ i^ lljgj Weng Shu-k'un. [In manuscript.] 1 8 14. 29cm. B 1998—2002. M ^ Tung chien A history of eastern nations, being an account of the three States which now form modern Korea, by ^ ^ j£ Hsii Chii-cheng and others who presented it to the Throne in A.D. 1485. No date. 33.5cm. HISTORY, BIOGRAPHY, STATUTES, ETC. 79 B 2003—2004. ffi JR ^ E # Kao li ming ch'en chuan Biographies of eminent Korean officials, by ^ ^ Kung-ch'e. 1822. 32cm. B 2005—2012. H 19 ^ ^ Kuo ch'ao tsou su Memorials to the Throne on various subjects, from officials of the present dynasty, edited by ^ |§ Chu Yiin (T. ^ 7)^ ). [In manuscript.] 1829. 28.5cm. B 2013-2038. :^ M # A Ta ch'ing hul tien The Institutes of the Ch'ing or present Manchu-Tartar dynasty, issued by Imperial command, with a preface from the Emperor Chia Ch'ing. See B 261 — 341. i8i8. 30.5cm. y C. Geography^ Travels^ etc. C 1. M. "^ M % Ying huan chih liieh A geography of the world, with maps, by ^^ J^ ^ Hsii Chi-yii. ^ 1848. 29.5 cm. C 2. Another edition. [Issued by the Tsung-li Yamen or Board for ^ Foreign Affairs at Peking.] 1866. 31cm. C 3—8. jft H ffl ^ Hai kuo t'u chih Geographical and general notes on foreign countries, with maps. 80 THE WADE LIBRARY based upon translations from foreign works collected by the famous Commissioner Lin, by ^ 7]^ Wei Yiian, whose first edition with preface dated 1842 was issued in 1847 ^^^ consisted of sixty books, forty more being added in the present edition. 1852. 28cm. C9-10. "^^jftM^mmM Ch'ien lung fu t'ing chou hsien t'u chih A topographical description of the empire during the reign of Ch'ien Lung, by "^ ^ "^ Hung Liang-chi who died in 1809. 1788. 25cm. c«-i2. ^ m m u Fang hai chi yao The essentials of maritime defence, by -^ ^ 1^ Yii Ch'ang-hui. 1842. 25.5cm. c 13-16. * H ^ ^ ffi S Fang yii chi yao chien Ian A geography of the Eighteen Provinces, by |^ ^ P'an To. 1858. 26.5cm. c 17-18. R ^ ^ IE Hsia k'o yu chi The travels in various provinces of ^ ^ J^ Hsii Hung-tsu (T. ^^), edited by his son. 1808. 24cm. c 19. >R m IE Tu lung chi Across the province of Shensi, being notes on the official journey of jjfjj '^ ^ ^^'^ Chien-tsao, by |||; ^ Tung Shun. 185 1. 25.5cm. C 20. "fr ^ >J^ M Kan fang hsiao chih An account of ^jj ^^ Shao-po and its environs in Kiangsu, where GEOGRAPHY, TRAVELS, ETC. 8 1 the Duke of Shao administered justice under the famous pear-tree in the i ith cent. B.C., with maps, by H ^ Tung Shun. 1855. 26cm. C21. = ^ m ^ m n San sheng pien fang pel Ian The frontier defences of Ssiich'uan, Shensi, and Hupeh, by J^ ^ jl:g Yen Ju-i. 1822. 30cm. c 22-23. i¥ ESf H ^ Yang fang chi yao The essentials in coast defences, by J^ ^ j^^ Yen Ju-i. No date. 30cm. ca4. ® Eir « R Miao fang pei Ian Frontier defences against the wild tribes on the borders of Kueichou, with maps, by J^ ^ ^3^ Yen Ju-i whose preface to first edition is dated 1820. 1843. 30cm. C25- Wi m m M Sui yao t'ing chih An account of the aborigines in the ^ ^ Lien-chou peninsula, Kuangtung, with maps, by ^ ^ ^ Yao Chien-chih. 1837. 27cm. c 26-27. S :^ ff IS- Kuang tung hsin yii A description of the province of Kuangtung, and of the manners and customs of its people, by ^ ^ ^ Ch'ii Ta-chiin (T. ^ jij). 1700. 27cm. C 28-32. ^ 1$. % W % % Kuang tung hai fang hui Ian The coast defences of the province of Kuangtung, with maps, by J^ J:^ Lii K'un, who died in A.D. 16 18, and others. No date. 26cm. G. W. 6 v/ 82 THE WADE LIBRARY c 33-36. ^ M M M Yiieh hai kuan chih An account of the Custom-houses in Kuangtung and Kuangsi. [In manuscript.] No date. 30cm. c 37-42. ^ iW ifiP ^ Ch'iung chou fu chih The Topography of the Prefecture of Ch'iung-chou, which includes the island of Hainan, by ^ ]^ :|j| Hsiao Ying-chih. 1774. 25.5cm. c 43-47. a ^B 3l © Chiang pei yvin ch'eng The inland water-route, north of the river Yang-tsze, for the transport of rice to the capital, with maps, by ^ ^^ Tung Hsiin. i860. 27cm. c 48-55. % % M ^- Su chou fu chih The Topography of the Su-chou (Soochow) Prefecture in Kiangsu, with maps, by y^fe ^^ ^ Shen Shih-i and others. [Label inaccurate.] 1691. 26cm. c 56-58. }l % % M Shang hai hsien chih The Topography of the Shanghai District in Kiangsu, with map, illustrations, bibliographical notes, and preface to the first edition dated A.D. 1504, by ^ ^ ^ Li Wen-yao and others. 1750. 27cm. C 59-68. ^ ^ ^ * Nan hsiin sheng tien An account of four Imperial progresses between A.D. 175 1 and 1765, with the poems and essays written by the way, edited by 1^ ^ Kao Chin and others, with a preface from the Emperor Ch'ien Lung. 1771. 28cm. GEOGRAPHY, TRAVELS, ETC. 83 c 69—84. tL W M M Chiang hsi t'ung chih A topographical account of the province of Kiangsi, with maps and illustrations, by ^ § Hsieh Min. 1730. 28.5cm. c 85-108. fc W — M M Ta ch'ing i t'ung chih A complete geographical and general description of the empire of China, compiled under Imperial instructions by ^ ^ ^ Chiang T'ing-hsi and others, with a preface from the Emperor Ch'ien Lung. 1745. 30cm. C109. i^ n ^ m m @ K'un yii ch'ien tsao tu t'u An atlas of the Eighteen Provinces, edited by 1^ j^ ^ Ku Ping-chang, with prefaces by earlier editors dated 1805 and 1846. [Bound upside down.] 1854. 31x22cm. C 110—113. ft M H Chih kung t'u The costumes and customs of tributary countries, including the British, French, Spanish, and other western nations, with full-page illustrations, compiled under Imperial command by ^ j|J| Yung Hsiian and others, with an introductory poem from the Emperor Ch'ien Lung. 1761. 28cm. c 114. M ^ M M I yii kuo chih The costumes of strange nations, including Koreans, Huns, Per- sians, Arabs, and many Central Asian tribes, with brief notes and illustrations, followed by 16 illustrations of birds and animals. [This work was originally referred to the nth or 12th century, but a manuscript note on fly-leaf, dated 1796, based upon the entry in the 84 THE WADE LIBRARY Imperial Catalogue (E 143), shows that it must belong to the period ^^ ^ Hung Wu, A.D. 1368— 1398.] No date. 31x21.5cm. J C115. ^\ m M. m Wai fan chi lueh Notices of feudatory countries in Central Asia, with map, by i^ ^ "Ch'un-yiian." 1777. 24cm. J c 116-117. Wf ^ ^ ^ Fan pu yao liieh An account of the feudatory tribes of Mongolia, etc., by jj{|J §^ J: Ch'i Yun-shih. 1846. 25.5cm. ^ C U8-119. ff ffl ^ § Hsin Chiang shih liieh An account of Chinese Turkestan, by :^ ^ Sung-yun, the well- known Mongol statesman who escorted Lord Macartney's embassy to Peking in 1816 and served as Resident in Tibet. 1821. 30 X 19.5cm. ^ C120. a «*= Hui Chiang chih An account of Mahomedan countries in Central Asia, with illustrations of the costumes and map, issued in A.D. 1768 by ^ ^ ^ Su-erh-t6 and jj|§ ^ ^ Fu-sen-pu. [In manuscript, with stamped border and facsimile drawings.] No date. 25cm. C 121-122. ffi ^ ^ i^ Hsi y^ so t*an Notes on Central Asian countries, by ;|§ ^ "Ch'un-yiian," issued in 1777. [In manuscript, each leaf being folded over a leaf from a collection of poems entitled ^ ^ fj ^ ^ Yii chih shih san chi, from the pen of the Emperor Ch'ien Lung who reigned A.D. 1756— 1796.] No date. 22.5 cm. GEOGRAPHY, TRAVELS, ETC. 85 C123. m m m 'i^ * s§- Hsi ch'ui tsung t'ung shih liieh Notes on the administration of Chinese Turkestan, by j:^\^ Sung-yiin (see C 118 — 119.) 1809. 30cm. c 124-135. M $. -^ M Tu shih fang yii The geography of the empire from the earHest ages down to ^ modern times, by ^ 3|§^ ^ Ku Tsu-yii, first published in A.D. 1667 with preface by ^ j^ Wei Hsi. 1831. 26cm. c 136—137. ::^ M "^ ifc 'E* Ta ch'ing i t'ung chih piao A chronological geography of the empire, arranged in tabular form, by 1^ ^ Hsii Wu. 1794. 27.5cm. C 138—149. ^ M & ^- Chi fu t'ung chih A history of Peking and its environs, with maps, based upon the work published in 1682, by ^ ^ Li Wei and others. 1732. 27cm. ciso. ^ 19 ^ « @ Chi fu i ts'ang t'u On the establishment of public granaries for the storage of gifts of grain against times of famine in the province of Chihli, with maps, by ;:fr ® ^ Fang Kuan-ch'eng. 1753. 29.5cm. c 151-158. T S M # Jih hsia chiu wen Ic'ao An edition, with notes, of the archaeological description of Peking and its environs published by :^ ^ ^ Chu I-tsun who died in 1709, issued by command of the Emperor Ch'ien Lung. 1774. 28cm, 86 THE WADE LIBRARY c 159—160. i^ S ft #^ § Ti ching ching wu lUeh The sights of Peking, by ^ ^ ^ Fang Feng-nien whose preface is dated 1637. ^^ date. 25cm. c 161. S # Ul ^ IE Pi shu shan chuang chi Poems from a summer retreat, by the Emperor K'ang Hsi, with prefatory note dated 171 1, edited with commentary by ^^^ O-erh-t'ai and others by command of the Emperor Ch'ien Lung. 1741. 26.5cm. c 162-173. 55 T SB B *( ^ # T'ien hsia chiin kuo li ping shu An historical geography of the empire, its border States, and some Central Asian countries, with maps, by ^ ^^ Ku Chiang whose preface is dated 1662. 183 1. 26cm. C174. UBS* Yfl t'u yao Ian I, A concise geography of the empire, with maps, and notices of Korea, Annam, and barbarian nations. No date. 25.5cm. Ci75. M I? « 1* § Huang ch'ao yii ti liieh A concise geography of the empire under the present dynasty, with index arranged under the rhymes and maps, by y^ j^ ^ Liu Ch'eng-ju. [Wrongly bound. The first 10 leaves should follow leaf 45.] 1831. 2icm. C. 176. Another copy. 22cm. GEOGRAPHY, TRAVELS, ETC. 8/ c 177-178. i^ M — U M M Ta ch'ing i t'ung yfi t'u An atlas of the empire, by j^ ^ ^ Yen Shu-sen. [Section 20 missing.] 1863. ' 28cm. c 179—180. ^ ^ lU ^ Wu i shan chih An account of the famous hills in the province of Fuhkien which produce Bohea tea, and the numerous antiquities of the neighbourhood, with portraits of local celebrities, by ^ ^ Jl Tung T'ien-kung (T. ^ ^) who issued the first edition in 1754, edited by ^ ^ J^ Lo Liang-sung. 1846. 26.5 cm. c 181—200. M M M. M Fu chien t'ung chih An historical and topographical description of the province of Fuh- kien, with maps and illustrations, prepared under Imperial instructions by I^I^BSI^ Hao Yii-Hn and others. [Tung for T'ung on label.] 1737. 27cm. C 201. i^ 5 lil ^ Wu shih shan chih A description of the sights and monuments of Wu-shih-shan, a famous hill within the city of Foochow, the occupation of which by local missionaries was the subject of a serious dispute with the Chinese authorities in 1879, by 0j| f^ ^^ Liu Yung-sung. [Four vols in cloth case.] 1842. 27cm. C 202. H S$ pE Min tu chi An historical account of the capital of the Fuhkien province, known as Foochow, with six maps showing its development from the year 202 B.C., by ^ ]^ IJ4 Wang Ying-shan. 1831. 26.5cm. 88 THE WADE LIBRARY c 203—215. & ^ & M Sheng ching t'ung chih An historical account of Shing-king, one of the Manchurian pro- vinces, with its capital at Moukden, prepared under Imperial instructions by P^ ^ 0-kuei and others. 1778. 29cm. C 216-239. ^ W & *> Yiin nan t'ung chih An historical account of the province of Yunnan, based upon the work A.D. 1691, issued under Imperial instructions by ^ 7^ Yiian Yiian and others, with a preface from '^ Jl. 'jfj I-li-pu. 1831. 26cm. c 240—242. # ^ ii ii ^ Yiin nan pei cheng chih A history of the administration of Yunnan, by ^ ^ Wang Sung. 1831. 25.5cm. C 243—248. ^ I© /fip ^ Ch'eng te fu chih An historical account of the Prefecture of Ch*eng-te in Chihli, also known as ^ j^ Je-ho (Jehol), issued under Imperial instructions by JB ^ J^ No-yen-ch'eng and others. 1831. 27cm, C 249—250. ^ '^ ifiP ^ T'ien ching fu chih An historical account of the Tientsin Prefecture, issued under Im- perial instructions by ^ ^ Li Wei and others, with a preface from ^ ^ ^ Ch'en Hung-mou. 1739. 24cm. c 251-255. ^ '^ M M T'ien ching hsien chih An historical account of the District of Tientsin, by the same authors and with preface as above. 1739. 23.5cm. GEOGRAPHY, TRAVELS, ETC. 89 c 256—258. & ^ M M Sheng ching t'ung chih An historical account of Shing-king (see C 203 — 215), prepared by tIc ^ Sung-yiin and others from the edition of 1736. No date. 23.5cm. c 259—263. ;R" :m ft ^ Kuei chou t'ung chih An historical account of the province of Kueichou, based upon an earlier work and edited by ^ ^ Hjf Fan Ch'eng-hsun and others. 1792. 36cm. D. Poetry^ Novels^ Plays, etc. D 1-4. IS. M M W M Tung chou lieh kuo chih An historical novel dealing with the feudal age of China, 8th to 3rd cent. B.C., with map and illustrations, edited in 1736 by ^ ^ Ts'ai Hao (T. TC ^)- ^^77- 20cm. D 5-8. H H ^^ J^ ^ San kuo chih yen i An historical novel dealing with the period of the Three King- doms, A.D. 168 — 265, with illustrations, attributed to ^ ^ Pp Lo Kuan-chung of the 12th cent., reprinted from the edition of 1644 which was issued by ]^ ^ 1^ Jui Sheng-t'an with critical com- mentary by ^ ^ ^ Mao Tsung-kang. [Label inaccurate.] 1877. 20cm. D 9—12. Another edition of the same reprint, with many more illustrations. 1889. 20cm. 90 THE WADE LIBRARY D 13-14. ^ ?!l # (or # ^ ^ 1®) Ying lieh chuan (or Yfln ho ch'i tsung) An historical novel dealing with the fall of the Mongols and establishment of the Ming dynasty from A.D. 1 368, with illustrations, by ^ ^ ^ Hsii Wen-ch'ang who lived under the latter dynasty. No date. 18.5cm. D15. » ffi t: H Yii shih jen feng Historical episodes exemplifying the virtue or wisdom of ancient rulers, with full-page illustration to each, by ;^ j^ Chin Chung (T. iit^). 1620. 32.5cm. D 16-17. M ^ ^ M. I yiian ssu tsung Four collections of short plays, entitled 3l i^ wE ^^ ^"^ ^^^» ^ 1ft iE ^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^"' P3 ^ rB ^^^ y^^ ^^^^' ^^^ '^ ^ rB Shuang t'u chi, by ^ ^ Yao Nai. 1776. 26.5cm. D 18-25. 7C ffl S il JW YQan ch*ii hsiian tsa chi One hundred selected plays of the Yiian or Mongol dynasty, A.D. 1280 — 1368, with an illustration to each, edited by ^ J^ ^ Wu Hsing-tsang. 161 5. 25 cm. D 26—29. S # ^ ■& ^ Shen yin chien ku lu A collection of 66 short plays, each with coloured full-leaf illustration, edited by ^ ^ ^ the Old Lute-Recluse. No date. 29.5cm. D 30-41. A> + M. ^ Liu shih tsung ch'fl A collection of plays arranged under 60 headings, edited by ^ POETRY, NOVELS, PLAYS, ETC. 9I • jif^ ^ ^ a Philosopher who has seen the world. [Chii for ch*u on label.] 1845. 25cm. D 42-43. 3S is Si Y\i chiao li A novel of social life, known to foreigners as "The Two Cousins," by ^ ^ Good-for-Nothing of |^ ^ the Reedy Bank, with illustrations, and critical commentary by ^ ^ ^ Chin Sheng-t'an who was exe- cuted about A.D. 1662. No date. 19cm. D 44—49. iff ^ ^ Hung lou meng A novel of social life, known to foreigners as "The Dream of the Red Chamber," attributed to ^ ^ j^ Ts'ao Hsueh-ch'in of the 17th cent., with illustrations, and critical commentary by ^E ^ ^ Wang Hsi-lien. 1832. 19cm. D 50—52. M ^ M- ^ Liao chai chih i A collection of stories, chiefly dealing with supernatural agencies, '^y ^ '^ 1^ ^'^ Sung-ling who was born in A.D. 1622, with com- mentary and exegetical notes. 1884. 20cm. D 53—55- :^ JK tt Chin p'ing mei A novel of social life dealing with the early years of the 1 2th cent. A.D., attributed to ^ ^^ ^ Wang Shih-cheng who died in 1593, with illustrations, and critical commentary by ^ ^ j^ Chang Chu- p*o. 1695. 22.5cm. D 56-59. Another edition, without illustrations. 1695. 24cm. 92 THE WADE LIBRAB-Y D 60—69. M 'ffe W S Li tai fu hui A collection of the masterpieces of all ages in the poetical-prose style known as /«, issued under Imperial instructions by j^ 7^ ^ Ch'en Yiian-lung, with a preface from the Emperor K'ang Hsi. 1706. 27.5cm. D 70—73- Supplement to the above. 27.5cm. D74. W ^ 9 & ^ ^ Ti fen shu wu fu kao The poetical-prose compositions (fu) of |^ ^ Tung Shun. 1859. 25cm. D75. m ^ m m Li ch'ao fu k'ai Models of poetical-prose (fti), selected and edited by 3E fl^ 3£ Wang Hsiu-yii. 1786. 22cm. D 76—81. Another edition of D i — 4, edited by Ts'ai Hao. 1736. 25.5cm. D 82. A manuscript copy of D 42 — 43. 1855. 21.5 X i8cm. D 83-86. Another edition of D 44 — 49. No date. 19cm. D 87. i? * # Hao ch'iu chuan A novel of social life, known to foreigners as "The Fortunate Union." Anonymous. 1863. 26.5cm. POETRY, NOVELS, PLAYS, ETC. 93 D 88. A tall copy of the above, on white paper. 28.5cm. D 89-91. "fr ^ iP ^ ® Ku wen tz'ii lei tsuan A classified collection of elegant extracts from authors of all ages, ^y iSiMi ^^° ^^^- ^779' 25cm. D 92-93. » IT * ^ fp it Hsiang ting ku wen p'ing cliu A collection of elegant extracts from authors of all ages, with commentaries critical and exegetical, by jj^J^ Kuo Kung whose preface is dated 1703. 1840. 23.5cm. D 94—97. "ir ^ ^5S ^ Ku wen lisi i A collection of elegant extracts from authors of all ages, with the meaning explained, by ^ ^ ^ Lin Yiin-ming (T, ^ 'fjjl ) whose preface is dated 1687. [^ for ^ on label.] 1830. 22.5cm. D98. * ^ ® Jt Ku wen kuan chih A collection of elegant extracts from authors of all ages, with explanatory notes, by ^ ^ ;^ Wu Sheng-ch'iian (T. ^ ^), and preface to first edition dated 1695. [Leaf i of Index is missing.] 1868. 24.5 cm. D 99—102. is '^ M & Ku wen mei ch'iian A collection of elegant extracts from authors of all ages down to the 13th cent. A.D., by yjf ^ f| P'u Ch'i-lung (T. H 03 )• 1744. 27.5cm. 94^ THE WADE LIBRARY D 103—109. "fi* >C /^ M Ku wen yo hsiian A collection of elegant extracts from authors between B.C. 200 and A.D. iioo, by ^ Kuo, Prince of the ist order. 1733. 27.5cm. D 110-116. "^ ^ M ^ Ku wen yiian chien A collection of elegant extracts from authors of all ages down to the end of the 12th cent. A.D., compiled under Imperial instructions by ^ ^ ^ Hsii Ch'ien-hsiieh and others, with a preface from the Emperor K'ang Hsi, and printed in black, red, yellow, and green. 1685. 30cm. D 117-119. flS W ^ S Chao ming wen hsiian A collection of elegant extracts originally compiled by ^ ]^ Hsiao T'ung, A.D. 501 — 531, eldest son of the founder of the ^ Liang dynasty, with commentary by ^ ^ Li Shan whose intro- duction is dated 658, and punctuation and critical notes by 'j^ ^^ Ho Ch'uo, 1660 — 1722, edited by ^ ;^ ^ Yeh Shu-fan, and printed in black and red. 1762. 30cm. D 120-121. M # M ± M Ch'ing jung chii shih chi The miscellaneous writings of ^ J^ ^ Chiang Shih-ch'iian, a distinguished literary official who died in 1784, edited by 7|Q ^ ^ Yiian Yiian-chiieh. 1840. 24.5 cm. D 122-123. H HB ^ ^ ^ Ssu chao fang wen chi The miscellaneous writings of j^ ^ y^ Lu Hung-yiian (T. ^ ^ ). 1663. 27cm. POETRY, NOVELS, PLAYS, ETC. 95 D 124—126. :5ft P# ^ K Wu shih chi Ian The poetical works of i^ ^ H Wu Wei-yeh (T. |^ ^) who lived A.D. 1609 — 1671, edited by |/f ^ ^ Chin Jung-fan. 1781. 25.5cm. D 127. ffi :|B iF # Ou pel shih ch'ao Poems by ^ ^ Chao I, who lived A.D. 1727 — 18 14. 1791. 24cni. D 128. R :|t: |# if Ou pei shih hua Critiques on poetry, by Chao I (see above). 1802. 24cm. D 129. Yo fu san ko Three collections of old songs, edited by ^ ^ j^ Ch'en Pen-li (T. ^]^), with commentary. 181 1. 24cm. D 130. B # ^ TC Hsieh lii kou yuan A collection of old songs, edited by Ch'en Pen-li (see above). No date. 24cm. D 131. JB ^ >^ ^ Ch'ii tz'u ching i The poems of ^ |§ Ch'ii Yiian, B.C. 332 — 295, edited and ex- plained by Ch'en Pen-li (see above). No date. 24cm. D132. m m n Yen yiian chi The literary remains of ^ ^ JC Tai Piao-yiian (T. |||l ^ and g6 THE WADE LIBRARY 'M* iH) ^^^ flourished at the close of the 13th cent, and beginning of the 14th cent. A.D., with original preface. 1840. 24.5cm. D 133—134. R ^lj ^ Ou pei chi A collection of the poems of Chao I (see D 127), with original preface dated 1757. 1812. 23.5cm. D 135. W M W M Yii tz'u shih chang Poems by the Emperor Yung Cheng, A.D. 1723 — 1736, addressed to his trusted counsellor :^ ^ Chu Shih, with which is bound up the ^ 3^ -^ Cheng nil chuan, or life of the eldest daughter of Chu Shih, by ^ 1^; 1^ Ts'ai Shih-yiian, and also the ^ ^ |l^ Kuang hui pien, a treatise on benevolence, by Chu Shih, dated 172 1. No date. 26cm. D 136. S ® ffi # ^7/ ^ Tu sao lou shih ch'u chi The poems of ^ ^ ^ Ch'en Feng-heng, whose preface is dated 1829. 1833. 24cm. D 137. A ^ # S Pa chia shih hsiian Selected poems from the works of ^j^^^ Sung Yiian, ^ ]^ ;^ Ts'ao Erh-k'an, S|i |§ 3 Shih Jun-chang, jjfc ^ Shen Ch'uan, S±# Wang Shih-lu, @ Pfflll Ch'eng K'o-tse, 3E ± M Wang Shih-cheng, and ^ ^ ^^ Ch'en T'ing-ching, representing the rival schools of the 17th cent. A.D., edited by ^ ^ ;^ Wu Chih-chen. 1672. 26.5cm. D 138-139. ^ W ^ Sf ^ ;!± Kao ch'ing ch'iu shih chi chu The poetical works of ^ J^ Kao Ch'i (T. ^ j^ ), who flourished POETRY, NOVELS, PLAYS, ETC. 97 A.D. 1336 — 1374, with preface to the first edition dated 1478, edited by ^^ Chin T'an. 1728. 28cm. D140. >h # * ^ » fS ^ Hsiao shu ch'ao shih k'o ou ts'un The poetical remains of |^ J[^ ^ Lu I-chuang (T. ^ ^) who died in 1827, with funeral address and epitaph by the Emperor Tao Kuang, followed by a supplement to the above and also by a col- lection of his ^ fu poetical-prose compositions. 1847. 29.5cm. D141. 1t * W Sf # Chu hsiao hsien shih ch'ao The poetical works of 'jj^ ^ "^ Shen Te-ch'ien, A.D. 1673 — 1770, edited by ^E t^ ^ Wang Ju-hsiang. 1784. 28cm. D 142. U i. + ^ W ^ Chiang tso shih tzii shih ch'ao The poetical works of ten poets of Kiangnan, namely, :^J ^^ Liu Huang, S ^ ^ Ku Tsung-t'ai, Sfi §5 $^ Shih Ch'ao-kan, ^ ^ H Fan Yun-p'eng, ^M^ Hsu Hsiang-p'o, i^-^^ Jen Ta-ch'un, ^ fg ^ Yeh Pao-sung, ^^^ Chu T'ing-huai, J ^ 0^ Wang T'ing-o, and 3E 7C ^ Wang Yuan-hsiin, edited by i R^ ^ Wang Ming-sheng. 1764. 27cm. D 143—145. S 1^ Sf M Li tai shih hua Critiques of poetry ancient and modern, edited by ^ ^ ^ Ho Wen-huan. 1770. 19.5cm. D 146-147. H ^ jE *& ^ Kuei hsiu cheng shih chi Selections from the works of the poetesses of the past two hundred G. w. 7 98 THE WADE LIBRARY years, with biographical notes, by -^ ^ '['^ 3^ Wan-yen Yiin-chu (T. 3^Y^), whose preface to first edition of 1831 is dated 1829. 1861. 19cm. D 148. Supplement to the above, first pubhshed in 1836. 1861. 19cm. D 149-153. ^ ^^ ^ ^ M Tu shao ling ch'tian chi The complete poetical works of ^ "^ Tu Fu, A.D. 712 — 770, edited with exegetical notes by ^{j ^J£ ^ Ch'iu Chao-ao. 1693. 24cm. D 154-157. $ * e ^ * Li t'ai po wen chi The writings of Li Po, the famous poet, who Hved A.D. 705 — 762, edited with exegetical notes by 3E ^ Wang Ch'i (T. ^ jH ). 1758. 24.5cm. D158. B M ^ ^ m, Su tung p'o wen hsiian Selections from the writings of ^ ^ Su Shih or Su Tung-p'o, statesman, philosopher, and poet, who flourished A.D. 1036 — iioi, edited with exegetical notes by ^ ^ ^ Min Erh-jung and printed in black and red with punctuation in red and blue. [^ for j|| on label.] No date. 27cm. D 159-161. Jffi tt H # Shih chu su shih The poems of |^ ^ Su Shih (see D 158), with commentary by J^ tJ; Shih Yiian of the Sung dynasty, edited by J^ ;^ i^ Chang Jung-tuan and others. 1700. 26cm. D 162—171. W Sf ^ ^ Ku shih lei wan Ancient poems, from the earliest ages down to the end of the POETRY, NOVELS, PLAYS, ETC. 99 6th cent. A.D., classified and arranged under subject-headings, by SR 'S ^ Chang Chih-hsiang (T. ife ^) who flourished in the i6th cent., edited by '^ ^ J^ Yii Hsien-ch'ing. No date. 27.5cm. D 172. W ^ w Ku shih kuei Ancient poems, from the earliest ages down to the end of the 6th cent. A.D., chronologically arranged, by ^ 1^ Chung Hsing and ^ tC ^ T'an Yiian-ch'un. [A few pages missing at end.] 1617. 26cm. D 173. * S # ^ ^ Ku t'ang shih ho chieh Selections from the poetry of the T'ang dynasty, 7th, 8th, and 9th cent. A.D., with commentary by ^ ^ |^ Wang Yao-ch'ii (T. ^^)- V^ omitted on label. Preface and Index missing, for which see D 276.] No date. 25.5cm. D 174. ^ Wi Ch'u sao The poems of ^ |^ Ch'ii Yiian, B.C. 332 — 295, in the ancient script known as the Lesser Seal character with the modern characters underneath, by ^ ^'^ ^ Wang Chih-teng. 1601. 27cm. D175. ^ m m Ch'u tz'u teng The poems of Ch'ii Yiian (see D 174), explained by ^ ^ ^ Lin Yiin-ming (T. ® ^ ). 1697. 25cm. D176. ^ S! -b + - fl © Yii chih ch'i shih erh hou shih Poems for four seasons, by his Majesty (?) Ch'ien Lung, with a eulogistic note by IgQ ^ ^ Hu Kao-wang. No date. 17cm. 100 THE WADE LIBRARY D 177—180. S ^ ^ T'ang sung shih shun Selections from the poets of the T'ang and Sung dynasties, 7th to 13th cent. A.D., with critical notes, by the Emperor Ch'ien Lung whose preface to first edition is dated 1750, edited by jj^ i^ ^ Ch'en Hung-mou and others. 1760. 17.5cm. D 181-193. M ^ U M Lieh ch'ao shih chi Extracts from the poets of all dynasties, from B.C. 200 to date, '^y ^^^ Ch'ien Ch'ien-i. 1652. 25cm. D. 194. ' Manuscript of vol. XIII of the above. No date. 26.5cm. D 195—200. ^ ^ Mf ® Ming chia shih kuan A collection of the works of famous contemporary poets, by ^ ]^ "^ Teng Han-i (T. ^^). 1672. 26.5cm. D 201—202. S "pT Shih ku wei Critiques on poetical composition, by ^ ^ Wei Yiian who died in 1856. 1840. 25cm. D 203. "^ % M^ Ku shih yiian A collection of ancient poems, edited with notes, by ]^ ^ ^ Shen Te-ch'ien whose preface to first edition is dated 17 19. 1833. 23cm. D204. # * * 4 # Ch'ao pen ku chin shih A manuscript collection of extracts from ancient and modern poets. No date. 23.5cm. POETRY, NOVELS, PLAYS, ETC. 10 1 D 205—209. ^ M S ^ Yii hsiian fang shih Specimens of the poetry of the T'ang dynasty, 7th, 8th, and 9th cent. A.D., selected by the Emperor Ch'ien Lung, and edited by a commission of scholars. See D 246. 1787. 24.5cm. D 210—211. A continuation of the above for the ^ Chin dynasty of j^ ^ Nii-chen Tartars, 12th and 13th cent. 24.5cm. D. 212—217. A continuation of the above for the ^^j^ Sung dynasty, A.D. 960 — 1280. 24.5 cm. D 218—225. A continuation of the above for the jf^ Yiian or Mongol dynasty, A.D. 1280 — 1368. [Vol. IV missing.] 24.5 cm. D 226—236. A continuation of the above for the Ming dynasty, A.D. 1368 — 1644. 24.5cm. D 237. 7C ^ >S Yiian shih hsiian A selection from the poetry of the Yiian dynasty (see D 218), by ® ^ 3fe -^^ K'uei-kuang. 175 1. 26cm. D 238-245. ^ Sf # Sung shih ch'ao The poetry of the Sung dynasty, being ^ collections of the poems of the most eminent writers, arranged chronologically with biographical notices by -^ ^ ^ Wu Chih-chen. [|^ for |^ on every label.] 1671. 26cm. 102 THE WADE LIBRARY D 246—275. ^ M W Ch'tian fang shih A complete collection of the poetry of the T'ang dynasty (see D 205), issued under instructions from the Emperor K'ang Hsi, with preface from his Majesty, by ^ ^ Ts'ao Yin and others. 1707. 23cm. D 276. -^ B W ^ M Ku fang shih ho chieh Reprint of D 173, with preface by Wang Yao-ch'ii dated 1732. [■^ omitted on label] 1821. 25cm. D 277—280. M ^ ^ ^ T'ang shih kuan chu Choice specimens from the poetry of the T'ang dynasty, 7th, 8th, and 9th cent. A.D., arranged under subject-headings with commentary by "SB iSt '^ Hu I-mei (T. '^^)- 1715- 23.5cm. D 281-283. B U M M M T'ang shih pieh ts'ai chi Extracts from the poets of the T'ang dynasty (see D 246), with notes by Jjt ffi ® Shen Te-ch'ien whose preface is dated 17 17, edited with additional notes by-^ j;Jf g Yii Ju-ch'ang. 1838. 25.5cm. D 284—285. B W M T'ang shih kuei A selection from the poetry of the T'ang dynasty (see D 246), by g»|g Chung Hsing (T. >fg |g;) and ^jt^ T'an Yuan-ch'un (T. ^5)' ^^ ^^^^' ^^^^' D 286—290. ^ Sf IE ♦ Sung shih chi shih The poetry of the Sung dynasty, A.D. 960 — 1260, in its historical POETRY, NOVELS, PLAYS, ETC. bearings, with notes and criticisms by ^ ^ 1746. 103 Li O (T. jki^)- 24cm. D 291—299. ^ W m^ Ming shih tsung The poetry of the Ming dynasty, A.D. 1368 — 1644, including extracts from over 3400 writers arranged chronologically by ;^ ^p W Chu I-tsun who died in 1709. No date, 25cm. D 300. ^ m ys\ m "^ Ming shih pieh ts'ai chi Extracts from the poets of the Ming dynasty (see D 226), edited with notes by ^^ ^ |^ Shen Te-ch'ien and another. 1739. 27cm. D 301-308. B IS IE H ^ Kuo ch'ao Cheng ya chi The poetry of the present dynasty, comprising specimens from about 2000 poets, with biographical notices and exegetical notes by ^^^ Fu Pao-sen (T. ^ tl)- 1857. 20cm. D 309-312. H ^ # S»J ii ^ Kuo ch'ao shih pieh ts'ai chi Extracts from the poets of the present dynasty, with notes by ij!>fc IS ® ^^^" Te-ch'ien. 1759. 24.5cm. E. Dictionaries^ Works of Reference^ etc. E 1—7. B M aS ^ Tu li t'ung k'ao A critical examination of the Book of Rites, by ^ ^ ^ Hsii Ch'ien-hsiieh who published the first edition in 1670, edited by a son ^ with preface from -y^ ^ ]^ Chu I-tsun. 1696. 27cm. I04 THE WADE LIBRARY E 8—28. 3^ H fi ^ Wu li t'ung k'ao A critical examination of the ceremonial observances in connection with (i) Worship and thanksgiving, (2) Marriage and festive occasions, (3) State Hospitality, (4) War, and (5) Death and mourning, by •^ ^^ Chin Kuei-ch'in. 175 1. 27cm. E 29-30. W ^ tfe # Yin hsiieh ch'iian shu A comprehensive work on the sounds and rhymes, compiled from various sources by ^ |^ ^ Wang Tseng-fang (T. ^ ^)' 1827. 27cm. E 31—32. H # ^ ^ T'ung yin tzu chien A phonetic dictionary of the Chinese language, homophonous characters being grouped together under the headings of the -^ ■^ ^ Ck'ien tzU wen Thousand Character Essay, by :^ ^ Chu Tzu (T. %1^)- 1811. 26cm. E33. M ^ :A s; Ming t'ang ta tao An account of the ancestral temple of the Imperial family, by ^^^ Hui Tung-hsueh. No date. 28cm. E 34-36. ft 31 T'ung ya Notes on a variety of subjects, chiefly classical and archaeological, without any specific classification, hy "^ ]^ "^ Fang I-chih (T. ^ ^ ) who completed the work in 1639 and dated his introduction 1643. 1666. 28cm. E 37-52. » m ^ n Fen lei tzii chin A thesaurus of phraseology, consisting of sets oftwo, three, and four DICTIONARIES, WORKS OF REFERENCE, ETC. I05 characters, arranged under categories, issued under Imperial instructions ^y 5^ ^ 3E Chang T'ing-yii and others, with preface from the Em- peror K'ang Hsi. 1722. 27cm. E 53-62. Hr S H Yeh huo pien A collection of essays and notes upon points connected with the Court and the administration, classified under various headings, by ^0L vm ^ Shen Te-fu (T. ;^ ^ ) whose preface is dated 1606, edited by ^ i^ Ch'ien Fang in 1700. 1827. 26.5cm. E 63-66. B ^ M "^ M Jih chih lu chi shih Notes and essays on a variety of subjects, some of which were issued to friends in 1670, by ;^ )^ Ku Chiang, also known as j^ j^ "^ Ku Yen-wu, edited by ^ j[^ J|J^ Huang Ju-ch'eng in 1695. 1834. 26cm. E 67-71. S ^ ft # Shou shih t'ung k*ao An encyclopaedia of agriculture, issued under Imperial instructions ^y W 5t K Ch'en Hung-mou, ^ ^ ^ 0-erh-t'ai, and others, with preface from the Emperor Ch'ien Lung dated 1742. 1826. 26cm. E 72. ,m ^ m. ^ Li tai shuo yo Notes on the Emperors of each dynasty from the "First Emperor," B.C. 259 — 210, to the establishment of the present dynasty in A.D. 1644, with special reference to the right of succession, by SlJ^^jJi Liu Ts'eng-ao (T. ^ ^). 1832. 24 x18cm. E 73. ^ 3$l Ift S Chao ch*iu chih yen Reprint of Edicts and Memorials from the "Peking Gazette," v 1850— 185 1. 1864. 25cm. • I06 THE WADE LIBRARY E 74—76. # $ ^ # Yin hsiieh wu shu Five works on the Rhymes, namely, the -^ |^ Yin lun, the ^ $ § 'S'^^'^ /\ ^^^ P^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^ J^^ (^ P^" name), whose preface to first edition is dated 1842. 1846. 12 X locm. E 124. IE # S H Cheng yin hui pien Exercises in colloquial Mandarin, for the use of southerners, edited by 5^ 3S Jllc Chang Yii-ch'eng and first published in 1785. 1820. 17cm. E 125. $ ^ # ^ Li shih yin chien A work on the Rhymes, Tones, and spelling system of the Chinese language, by ^ j^ 3# Li Ju-chen (T. ;^ 5), edited by ^ H ^ Yii Ch'iu-shih. 18 10, 17 x13cm. E 126. S # ft ^ ii Tu shu tso wen p'u On the proper methods of study and the art of composition, by H ^ T'ang Piao (T. g ), edited by % ^ ^ Mao Ch'i-ling, @ 3| Han T'an, and another, the preface of the first being dated 1709. 18 16. i6cni. E 127—142. ^ ^ ft ti Ching chi chuan ku A dictionary of characters found in classical writings, arranged according to the rhymes, by ^ 7C Yiian Yiian. 18 12. 17.5cm. E 143-168. m 9-±WMnm^ Ssii k'u ch'iian shu tsung mu f i yao A descriptive catalogue of the Imperial Library at Peking, compiled no THE WADE LIBRARY under instructions from the Emperor Ch'ien Lung, dated 1772, by an Imperial commission and finished in 1782, edited by ^ 71Q Yiian Yiian. 1795. 19cm. E 169-171. mm^mmm s m Ssu k'u ch'iian shu chien ming mu lu ^ An abridgement of the above, issued under Imperial instructions dated 1774. ^0 date. 19cm. E 172. ® S S ^ ^ il Chung ting i ch'i k'uan < hih c h < ^ Inscriptions of various styles on ancient bells, tripods, and sacrificial vessels, by ^ jiS^ '^ Hsieh Shang-kung, edited by ^ 7C Yiian Yiian whose preface is dated 1797. \Chih for shih on label.] 1882. 19cm. E173. '^ n 'k K \t Liu ytian an ch'ih tu The letters of J^ ^ Yen Lu (T. i ^). 1856. 17cm. E174. @ H ff * Liu ch4ng hsin chi A collection of essays and miscellaneous writings by various authors, compiled by ^ ;^ Ch'en Mei {T. If '^)- 1708. 19cm. E 175. ^ it S f il Sheng yii kuang hsiin The Sacred Edict of the Emperor K'ang Hsi, with the Amplification by Yung Cheng and the Paraphrase. See A 354. 18 18. 17cm. E179. if IB /i ii Fu so ch^ih tu Odd volume of letters on the pacification of Kansuh. [In manuscript ; anonymous.] No date. 23.5cm. DICTIONARIES, WORKS OF REFERENCE, ETC. Ill E 180. tt ^ H S Ts'an sang chi yao On the management of silkworms and mulberry-trees, with numerous illustrations, by '^ ^ J^ Shen Ping-ch'eng. 1871. 25cm. E 181. H m Kuo yii Historical notes on the period of the Feudal States, by ^ ^ U^ Tso-ch'iu Ming, with the commentary of j^ ^ Wei Chao and pronunciation by ^ ^ Sung Hsiang who died in A.D. 1064, edited ^y 5^ — ' ^ Chang I-k'un. 1806. 25cm. E 182. Another copy. [Title-page missing.] 24.5cm. E 183-189. ^ $, W ^ Tzu shih ching hua An encyclopaedia of quotations from historical and philosophical literature, arranged under categories, compiled under instructions from the Emperor K'ang Hsi by a commission of scholars, including 5^ ^ 3E Chang T'ing-yii, and published in the following reign. [^ for ^ on all the labels.] 1727. 25cm. E 190—191. M M 9 ^ Hui k'o shu mu An index to standard works in Chinese literature, with authors' names, numbers of chapters or sections, etc. etc., by i^ j^ Ku Hsiu (T. w jH), whose preface is dated 1799. 1870. 22cm. E 192. tOC 7C H Chuang yiian f u A complete list of the Chuang yiian, or Senior Classics, between the years A.D. 1371 — 1876, with portraits and biographical notices y 112 THE WADE LIBRARY of all down to the year 1607, by *^ — • "^ Shen I-kuan whose first edition was published in 1609, edited to date by ^ 3£ J^ Jao Yii-ch'eng. [The examination is now held every third year; it was irregular under the Ming dynasty and in the early years of the present dynasty.] 1875. 20cm. E 193-194. B ^ M Hs(i ch'a ching A treatise on tea and its preparation, by |^ ^ Lu Yii who died A.D. 804, followed by a supplementary work on the same subject ^y V^&M Lu T'ing-ts'an (T. ig :^). 1734. 24.5cm. E 195-200. ^ Hi ^ M Ko chih ching yiian An encyclopaedia of the arts, sciences, and handicrafts, in the form of quotations from the standard literature, arranged under categories by |i$ 7C fi Ch'en Yiian-lung. 1735. 23.5cm. E201. « « S IrI Ching chuan shih tz'u Explanations of characters in the Confucian Canon, by ^ i^j ^ Wang Yin-chih whose preface is dated 1798, edited by ^ JQ Yiian Yiian. 18 19. 26cm. E202. U ^ M H Ching tzii i t'ung The variants in the Confucian Canon, arranged according to their occurrence in the various books, by ^^ ^ ^ Chang Wei-p'ing. 1839. 25cm. E203. li ^ H T'ung 8U pien A thesaurus of phraseology, chiefly referring to manners and DICTIONARIES, WORKS OF REFERENCE, ETC. II3 customs, superstitions, natural phenomena, etc., arranged under cate- gories, by S ^1 Chai Hao. 175 1. 23.5cm. E 204—206. B w ^ §5 Ch'ijn ching tzu ku A dictionary of the words in the Confucian Canon, not including the Four Books, with exegetical notes from all the best authorities, compiled by Jg ^ g Tuan 0-t'ing and edited by ^ 2|j |P Huang Pen-chi. 1849. 24cm. E207. m ^ m Ching chti shuo Essays on sentences drawn from the Confucian Canon, by ^ ^ Wu Ying (T. 'I^ 5^)- [Page 2 of Preface missing.] No date. 25cm. E 208-211. ^ ^ M ^ 'fi. Shuo wen chieh tzii chu A dictionary of the Chinese language as it appeared at the close of the ist century A.D., comprising 10,600 characters in the Lesser Seal script, with meanings and etymological notes, by ^ ^ Hsii Shen who died about A.D. 120, edited with commentary by J^ -H ^ Tuan Yii-ts'ai. 1808. 29cm. E 212. A^ B i^ Liu shu chun Illustrations of the Six Scripts or classes into which the Chinese written characters have been divided, arranged under the Tones, by 'i^ tPt W^ Feng Ting-tiao whose preface is dated 1660, posthumously edited by his son. No date. 28.5cm. E 213-214. m ^ m ^ m. m Shuo wen chieh tzu t'ung shih The dictionary of Hsii Shen (see E 208), edited with explanations G. W. 8 114 THE WADE LIBRARY by ^ ^ Hsu Ch'ieh and spelling by :^ ^ Chu Ao, followed by a reprint of the ^ ^ Hsi chuan, a work on the same lines by an unknown author, whose explanations have special reference to the Confucian Canon. 1839. 27.5cm. E 215—217. I^ ^ # # T'ung wen pei k'ao A dictionary of the script known as the Lesser Seal, based upon the work of Hsu Shen (see E 208), with additions and notes by 3E iS W W^J^g Ying-lei whose prefatory remarks are dated 1539 and 1557. ^^ ^^^^- 28.5cm. E 218-219. S * S ^ Ching tien shih wen The phraseology of the Confucian Canon and Taoist Classics ex- plained, with pronunciation, by j^ 71;^ ^ Lu Yiian-lang (T. ^ 59 )' A.D. 550 — 625, edited by ^ ^ §§ Lu Wen-ch'ao from the edition of the Sung dynasty. 1791. 26cm. PR E220. A^ $ g| Hsiao hsfieh yiin yU Moral and social lessons for the young, in rhymed lines of 4 characters, by ^ ^ ^ Lo Tse-nan who was killed in the T'ai- p'ing rebellion, and whose preface is dated 1856. 1886. 28.5cm. E221. 5£ ^ ^ ^ Wu ching wen tzii A lexicographical work on the orthography and meaning of characters in the Five Classics, based upon the original stone tablets of ^ ^ Ts'ai Yung, 2nd cent. A.D., arranged under 36 Radicals, by ^ ^ Chang Ts'an whose preface is dated A.D. yy6, first published in 876, followed by a supplementary work embracing the Nine Classics, by ^ ^ 1^ T'ang Hsiian-tu whose preface is dated 837. No date. 30cm. DICTIONARIES, WORKS OF REFERENCE, ETC, II5 E222. JE # Bl * Cheng yin chii hua Lessons in colloquial Mandarin, for the use of Manchus and southerners, by ^^^ So-i-tsun. 1853. 26.5cm. 'iib/ E223. IE # 1^ Cheng yin pien wei A vocabulary of words and phrases in colloquial Mandarin, for the use of Manchus and southerners, by ^ ^ ^ So-i-tsun. 1837. 24cm. E224- « » * B- P S Ching shu tzii yin pien yao A work on the orthography and sounds of the characters in the Confucian Canon, by ^ ^ J^ Yang Ming-yang whose preface is dated 1830, edited by ^ ^ Ch'ung Lun. 1847. 30cm. E 225—237. M ^> ^ ^ K'ang hsi tzu tien The "Palace" edition, on white paper, of the Imperial Dictionary, containing over 40,000 characters, issued under the instructions and the personal superintendence of the Emperor K'ang Hsi by a com- mission of scholars, including ^ 3S ^ Chang Yii-shu, j^ ^ ^ Ch'en T'ing-ching, ^ ^ ^ Chiang T'ing-hsi, and others, with pre- face from his Majesty. 17 16. 26cm. E 238-243. ft ^ tt K I wen t'ung Ian A dictionary of the script known as the Lesser Seal, with the various forms in which each character has appeared, arranged under the modern script, according to the Radicals, and commentary by *M? >tC Sha Mu whose preface is dated 1787. 1806. 27.5cm. \ Il6 THE WADE LIBRARY E244. » * ^ Ji Shih wu chi yuan Notes on 1841 different subjects of literary, archaeological, and popular interest, with special reference to origin of manners, customs, superstitions, etc., by ^ ^ Yen Ching whose preface is dated A.D. 1448. No date. 26.5cm. E 245. ♦ M ® Shih lei fu An encyclopaedia dealing with natural phenomena, mineralogy, botany, natural history, etc., arranged under categories and written in the poetical-prose style, by ^ J^ Wu Shu who died A.D. 1002, with preface to the edition of 1146 upon which this issue is based, edited by ^ J|^ jj^ Hua Lin-hsiang. 1532. 26.5cm. E 246-247. R ♦ ^ ^ Kuang shih lei fu An enlarged edition of the above, by ^ ^^ |^ Hua Hsi-min (T. iUi). 1699. 26.5cm. E 248—249. ffl ^ ^ H K'un hsiieh chi wen Notes on classical and poetical literature, natural philosophy, etc. etc., by 3E i@ 1^ Wang Ying-lin who died A.D. 1296, edited by ^ ^ ^ ^^" Ch'ien-ch'iu and others. 1813. 26cm. E 250—251. Another edition, by ^ j^J J^ Weng Yiian-ch'i (T. J^ jQ). 185 1. 20cm. E 252—254. H # Li shu An account of the ceremonial usages of ancient times, including DICTIONARIES, WORKS OF REFERENCE, ETC. II7 music, archery, official robes and paraphernalia, etc. etc., with numerous illustrations, by ^ jj^ ^ Ch'en Hsiang-tao of the Sung dynasty, A.D. 960 — 1260. 1804. 2 1 cm. E 255—257. ^ /iff ^ # Yfln fu ts'ui yin A concise dictionary, arranged under the Rhymes and giving the sounds and principal meanings, with leading characters printed in red, by fj 'f fl Lung Po (H. ^ ^^). 1810. 21.5cm. E 258. ^ 5 ^ # K'uei chang ch'iian yin An officially-authorised dictionary of the Rhymes, containing 13,345 characters in all, issued by the Grand Secretariat. No date. 22.5cm. E259. H i^ « * YOn tsung chi tzii A vocabulary of words arranged under their Rhymes according to the Radicals, by ^ g^ J^ Ch'en I-hou. [Label inaccurate.] No date. 24cm. E260. ^S * if SI P'ci w6n shih yttn A handbook of about 10,000 characters arranged in rhyming groups under 106 finals, with sounds and meanings. No date. 19.5cm. E 261-262. li K ^ W Su shih yiin chi A vocabulary of words arranged under the Rhymes and Tones, based upon the work of yU^ ^"'j Shen Yo, A.D. 441 — 513, and of J ;^ Hsia Sung, A.D. 985—1051, edited by ^ ^ >B Su Mao- hsiang of the Ming dynasty. [Yiian for yiin on label.] No date. 26 X 20.5cm. Il8 THE WADE LIBRARY E 263. Another edition of E 85. [:^ for ;^ on label.] 1833. 26cm. E 264. ^ M ^ ^ Tzii lei piao y(in A guide to the Rhymes, arranged under the Radicals, by ^ j^ Hua Kang (T. 3^ ^) whose preface is dated 1756. See E 310. 1804. 22cm. E 265-304. / >/ 124 THE WADE LIBRARY whose preface is dated 1703, and another, and edited by ^ ^ Tseng Huang and another. 1880. 22cm. F 27-34. fli # ^F ^ Ju lin wai shih A novel dealing with the history of the middle of the 14th cent. A. D., by Pj| ^ ^^ ^ Hsien chai lao jen (a pen name) whose preface is dated 1736. 1874. 21cm. F 35-71. Thirty-four printed pamphlets of various sizes, issued by the T'ai- p'ing Rebels between 1850 and 1864, including adaptations of the well- known school primers ^ ^ f^ San tziX ching and -^ ^ ^ Ch'ien tzU wen, national hymns, prayers, etc. etc. [3 duplicates.] F 72—79. Odd documents in manuscript referring to the T'ai-p'ing Rebellion. F 80-88. Copies of dispatches received from the Chinese authorities between 1 84 1 — 1850. [In manuscript.] F 89—119. Copies of Memorials from the Six Boards to the Throne in the 17th and 1 8th centuries. [In manuscript.] F 120—123. "b IE Ch4 k*o The Seven Capital Sins, by ^ ^ ^ P'ang Ti-wo (Didacus Pantoja) whose preface is dated 16 14, although 1643 is given on back of title- page, edited by Bishop ^ 3^ il T'ang Ya-li (?). 1798. 27cm. MISCELLANEOUS 1 25 F 124-125. ^ m 'M' ^ Teng fan pi chiu An encyclopaedia devoted to military matters, including tactics, commissariat, munition of war, etc. etc., by 3E Rft 9| Wang Ming- • hao. [12 vols in 2 cloth cases, containing only § i — 17 out of § 40 in all.] 1599. 26cm. F 126—129. -fc ^^ ff it Ch'i ch'iao hsin p*u Four odd vols of the Chinese geometrical puzzle or tangram, forming two complete sets, dated (i) 1823, (2) no date, (3) 1826, and (4) 1815. 17cm. F 130-133. M & ^ M- Ts'ao lu ching Itieh Outlines of the art of war, by an anonymous writer of the Ming dynasty, the first two characters referring to the great general Chu-ko Liang, A.D. 181—234, edited by -^ ^ g Wu Ch'ung-yao. 1850. 20cm. F 134-138. S S H She chi pien The official letters of J/)i f| Shen Ch'u, 1853— 1854, at the out- ^ break of the T'ai-p'ing Rebellion. 1859. 22cm. F 139. @ ffi ^ # Ch'ing shih chin shu A translation of the Imitation of Christ, by :^ J§ ^ Yang Ma-no (Emmanuel Diaz), published in 1640, edited by Bishop ^ ES JJL T'ang Ya-li(?). 1800. 23.5cm. F140. ff 1^ ^ # Hsin yo ch'tian shu Translation of the Four Gospels and The Acts, printed at Shanghai. 1852. 13.5 x10 cm. 126 THE WADE LIBRARY F 141-142. ^ jE ^ M fl HM Yu cheng wei chai ch'ih tu A collection of letters, by ^ ^ |^ Wu Hsi-ch'i. 187,5. 17cm. F 143. :fc -t JS iS S T'ai shang kan ying p'ien A Taoist tract on the retribution which follows evil deeds, usually assigned to the nth cent. A.D., author unknown, printed in red and edited together with a collection of medical recipes for family use by ^ 3£ JlE Liang Yii-ch'eng. 1829. 17.5cm. F 144. m ^ ^ Wan tzu tien A vocabulary of Chinese characters arranged under the usual Radicals, with a sub-arrangement under the Radicals of the remaining phonetic portions, together with sounds and leading meanings, by ifsM^ Poletti (P.). No date. 19.5cm. F145. ^7J ^ M ^ Ch'u hsiieh shih tzii A student's guide to orthography, giving the standard forms of doubtful characters as accepted at the public examinations, etc. etc., t»y 1^ ^ P'an Lung. 1894. 16 x13cm. F146. H ^ « te ^ San tzil ching chu shih A Christian tract, arranged in the form of the well-known Trimet- rical Classic or Child's Guide to Knowledge. 1847. 17.5cm. F 147. w ^ Ying chtian A method of gambling upon the results of the public examinations, arranged upon the ^ ^ ^ Ch'ien tzH wen or Thousand-Character Essay. 1874. 17cm. MISCELLANEOUS \2^ F148. it # Pi chiian A similar work from another establishment. No date. 17cm. F149. ^ * *4 a T'ien wen ti li Notes on astronomy and physical geography, followed by Christian evidences drawn from nature, translated extracts from the Bible, etc. etc., by J^ ^ ^ Mu Wei-lien. 1893. 20cm. F 150. H fi "S^ # Chung tou ch'i shu A treatise on vaccination, originally printed at Canton in 1805 and lithographed in London. 1828. 22cm, F151. « # # W S Fu ch'uan lu li shu The Book of Deuteronomy, being Section V of a translation of the Bible, printed at Ningpo. 1846. 25cm. F152. |!i W ff » Chih fu hsin shu A tract on Political Economy from a Christian standpoint, by ^^^ Pao Liu-yiin. 1827. 24.5cm. F153. M * Hui hui yiian lai The Mahomedans in China, being an account of the alleged intro- duction of Mahomedanism in consequence of a dream by the Emperor T'ai Tsung of the T'ang dynasty in A.D. 628. 1754. 26cm. F154. Mmm^^m.m.^ Yeh su sheng chiao hsi li kuei shih Rules for the Baptism of Adults, printed at Hongkong. 185 1. 25cm. 128 THE WADE LIBRARY F155. m ^ ^ z m Lun fu hsin chih li The doctrine of Regeneration by Baptism, anonymous. No date. 26cm. F 156. H g t: -# ^ San pao jen hui lun An account of the London Missionary, the ReHgious Tract, and British and Foreign Bible Societies, by -j-^ ^ ^ (?) a Philanthropist. 18 19. 20cm. F 157. :^ lil SE ^ Chin ling shu liieh A manifesto on the approach of the T'ai-p'ing rebels to Nanking, anonymous. 1853. 25cm. F158. ^ ^ ^ w Ying wen chii ytt English for beginners, by '^ ^ j^ Wang Chih-fang, with a preface from the Marquis Tseng. 1879. 25cm. F159. If S ^ ^ Ch'iian tu sheng lu A Protestant tract, advising earnest study of the Scriptures. No date. 24cm. F 160 and i6o«. # ^ H 1^ ^ Yiieh tung t'ung kuan lu Names, parentage, ages, etc., of the officials in the province of Kuangtung. [i6o« is undated. As it contains the name of "Governor Yeh," it must have appeared between 1848 and 1857.] 1842. 28cm. F161. BP » a; « M ir Yeh su tao li tsung lun Christian Tracts, N°. 3, — that there is only One God; printed at Malacca, anonymous. 1841. 25cm. MISCELLANEOUS 1 29 F162. m m m m 1^ m Chiian shu hsiian pu t'iao li Regulations for the sale of official rank and selection for employ- ment. 1843. 24.5cm. F 163. M # SB 13 Sheng hui tao tz'ii The Book of Common Prayer, with the stamp of St. Paul's College, Hongkong, on the cover. No date. 26.5 cm. F164. til ^ B # e » Ch'u mai hsi chuan chu shih Exodus, with notes, translated by ^ '(H ^ Wei Jen Che (W. Dean). 185 1. 26cm. Fi64«. rasattit^-ii Ssii shu pu chu fu k'ao pei chih Vol. I only of this work, containing the Great Learning and the Doctrine of the Mean, by ^^ 7^ Teng Lin of the Ming dynasty. [Book-plate at end.] 1740. 27cm. F165. s ^ s s ® ^ Huang ti teng chi en chao Act of Grace by the Emperor Kuang Hsii upon his accession to the throne. 1875. 40cm. X and Y. Miscellaneous. X 1—120. M ^ ^ T'ung chih t'ang A collection of the most famous commentaries on the Confucian Canon, edited by ^ ^ ^ Hsii Ch'ien-hsiieh (see Y i — 102.) 1675. 25cm. G. W. 9 130 THE WADE LIBRARY X 121. Wi ^ ii M Shu shu chiu chang A work on mathematics, originally written and published by ^ ^ 1^ Ch'in Chiu-shao in 1247, and noticeable as containing the first treatise on ^ yi} the Chinese system of algebra. An edition was published in 16 16 by a Buddhist priest, called ]^ ^ Ch'ing Ch'ang. 1842. 24cm. X 122. Wi 9 it M Mj S& Shu shu chiu chang cha chi A critical examination, by ^^ ^ ^ Sung Ching-ch'ang, of the algebra of Ch'in Chiu-shao (see X 121). 1842. 24cm. X 123-125. 1t S ?ffi # * S Chu shu chi nien chi cheng The Bamboo Annals, with Verifications, first published in 181 3, by ^ ^ ^ Ch'en Feng-heng. 1842. 24cm. X 126-133. M i^ ^ M Wan hsing t'ung p'u A Biographical Dictionary, arranged under the Rhymes, by }f^ ^ ^ Ling Ti-chih. 1579. 25cm. X 134-136. 59J ff ^ Chih hsin lu A Miscellany of general information on a variety of subjects, by zE^ Wang T'ang (T. ^ H ). 1717. 25cra. X 137-138. • — ^ Jih tsuan erh chi Twenty philosophical essays, by J|5 J^ Cheng Hsiian (T. ^ ^ ), popularly known as ^ ^ ^ J;; the Hermit of Tso-fei. (?) 1755. 25cm. MISCELLANEOUS 131 Y 1-102. ^ m m m Huang ch'ing ching chieh Explanations of the Confucian Canon by writers of the present or Manchu-Tartar dynasty, edited by J^ ^ Yen Chieh, and intended to be a continuation of the T^ung chiht^ang, X i — 120. 1829. 25cm. Z. Religion^ Science^ etc. Z1-5. Jt S< ^ ift K'ang hsi tzii tien A i2mo edition of the Imperial Dictionary (see Z 23 — 29 and E 225 — 237) mounted on foreign paper, 2 sheets to each page. 1715- 36 X 24cm. Z 6 » )^ * » Chiu yo ch'iian shu The Old Testament in Chinese. Printed at the office, Shanghai. 1858. Mo-hai 20cm. Z7. * a: A PI Ch6n tao ju mgn Christian Manual and Sacred, Chronology, by William Dean, Hong- kong. 1849. 27 X 14cm. Z8. ft ^ *f S& Nei k'o hsin shuo A new treatise on the medical art, by Benjamin Hobson, assisted ^y ^ jSI ^ Kuan Mao-ts'ai, to which is added a medical voca- bulary in English and Chinese, by the same author, who was a member of the London Missionary Society. 1858. 25cm. 132 THE WADE LIBRARY zg. m ^ ^ w. T'o ying ch'i kuan A treatise on photography, with diagrams, based upon Dudgeon's l^^MM ^'^ y^^S ^««« ^i^' and a preface by ^ Jg Ch'ung- hou. 1873. 27 X i6cm. Z 10. W (or Wi)% T'an t'ien Herschel's Outlines of Astronomy, printed at Shanghai, with a preface by A. Wylie. 1859. 30.5cm. Z 10a. Second edition of the above. 1874. 30.5cm. z 11. ® W EJg- ifir Hsi i laeh lun A treatise on the medical science of western nations, by Benjamin Hobson. 1857. 25cm. z 12. S H <^ & Wan kuo kung fa A translation of Wheaton's International Law, by W. A, P. Martin, D.D. 1864. 29.5 cm. Z I2a, Another copy. Z 12b. Another copy. Z 12c. Another copy. RELIGION, SCIENCE, ETC. 1 33 z 13-14. -ft ^ =11 m Hua hsiieh chih nan A work on chemistry, by ^ ^ ^ Billequin, of the Imperial College, Peking; with diagrams. 1873. 29.5cm. Z 15. fi $ Chung hstieh A translation of Whewell's Elementary Mechanics, by the Rev. J. Edkins and ^ ^ ]^ Li Shan-Ian; with diagrams and a preface by A. Wylie. 1867. 27 X 20cm. Z16. «f «) A PI Ko wu ju men Elements of Natural Philosophy and Chemistry, by W. A. P. Martin, D.D. 1868. 29cm. Z17. Another copy. Z19. * ^ ^ # Chiu yo ch'iian shu A translation of the Old Testament in colloquial. 1874. 28cm. Z20. -f^ '# « 'm TO JK% Tai wei chi shih chi A translation of Loomis' Analytical Geometry and Differential and Integral Calculus, with list of technical terms and preface by A. Wylie. [3 vols in cloth case.] 1859. 30cm. Z21. v^ m m Tai shu hsiieh A translation of de Morgan's Algebra, with preface by A. Wylie. [2 vols in cloth case.] 1859. 23cm. 134 THE WADE LIBRARY Z 22. A compendium of the Book of Common Prayer, translated into Chinese by Dr. Morrison, 5th edition 1845 (ist edit. 1829); a Chinese and Enghsh Vocabulary, by Robert Thom, 1843; ^^^ The Chinese Speaker, by Robert Thom, 1846. [3 vols, in cloth case.] 25.5cm. z 23—29. M ^ ^ ^ K'ang hsi tzii tien The Imperial Dictionary of the Emperor K'ang Hsi, arranged according to 214 Radicals (see E 225 — 237 and Z i — 5), 171 5. 30cm. Z30. S <^ * I ^ « Li tai ti wang nien piao A Chronology, compiled and first published by ^^^ ^ Ch'i Chao-nan in 1777, with additions by ^ g|§ Yiian Fu. 1824. 26cm. Z31. m m. ^ ^ m m Ching ytin chi tzii hsi chieh A dictionary of the rhymes in the Confucian Canon, with explan- ations by ^ ^ ^ Hsiung Shou-ch'ien. 1822. 29.5 X 17.5cm. z 32. M, it W^ Chi yiian pien A chronological list of the Emperors of China from the beginning of the Han dynasty, B.C. 206, to the end of the Ming dynasty, A.D. 1644, with comparative tables of Annamite, Japanese, and other foreign chronologies, by ^ ^|< 'JS:^ Li Chao-lo. 1831. 23cm. z 33-34. S §1 ^ S Shih yiin ho pi A work on the Rhymes, to aid in poetical composition, by j^ ^ »^ T'ang Wen-lu, first published in 1857. 1878. 21 X iicm. RELIGION, SCIENCE, ETC. 135 Z35. it^ w ^ m Hsin suan chih ming A guide to Mental Arithmetic, by '(n|' ^ ^ Ho T'ien-chio (Chester Holcombe). 1874. i8cm. Z 36. m m m W Hsin i chao shu The New Testament, translated by the Rev. Dr. Morrison. [8 vols in cloth case.] 1813. 28 x16cm. Z37. A cheap edition of the above. [8 vols in cloth case.] 17 X 12cm. Z38. «f )^ * » Hsin yo ch'iian shu Translation of the New Testament, issued from the Presbyterian Mission Press, Shanghai. 1864. iS-Scni- Z39. ff J^ * # Hsin yo ch'iian shu The New Testament, translated into a simple style, by ^ ^ ^ Yang Ko-fei (the Rev. G. John). i886. 20cm. Z 40. ^ Jii& :^ S Hsin yo ch'tlan shu Facsimile copy of the New Testament presented by the Missionary body to the Empress-Dowager of China on her 60th birthday. 1894. 31 X 24cm. z 41. M "H B ^ Chi ho yiian pen The Elements of Euclid, translated (Bks I — VI) into Chinese by V 136 THE WADE LIBRARY M^9 Li Ma-tou (Matteo Ricci) and ^^^ Hsu Kuang- ch'i, the preface of the former being dated 1607, and (Bks VII — XV) by Alexander Wylie, whose preface is dated 1857, edited by ^ S ^ Tseng Kuo-fan. 1865. 30cm. MANCHU and MONGOL. G. Miscellaneous. G 1—21. A translation of Chu Hsi's revision of the Mirror of History, see B 1029 — 1053. [Volumes i and 2 contain the "^ )|j^ ChHen pien, vols. 3 — 14 the IE |§ Cheng pien, and vols. 15 — 21 the j^ |l^ Hsil pien, the last seven being labelled accordingly.] 30cm. G 22. A translation of the Gospel of St. Matthew, with interlinear Chinese version. 30.5cm. G 23. A translation of the ^ ^ ^ / yil lu, a work on the nations of Central Asia by ^ ^11 ^ T'u Li-shen, with map. 30cm. G24. jfe ,?R jS; i^ Li pu ch'eng yU Terms and phrases used in the Board of Civil Office, with inter- linear Chinese version. 28cm. G25. M % & % "^ Ytt chih sheng ching fu A Eulogium, in the poetical-prose style, on the city of Moukden, ./ MANCHU AND MONGOL 137 by the Emperor Ch'ien Lung, with commentary by ^ ^ ^ 0-erh- t'ai, 5^ ^ 35 Chang T'ing-yii, and other high officials. [Chinese and Manchu versions,] 25cm. G 26—27. Cheo Gurun I Jijungge Nomun, a translation of the ^ i^ Canon of Changes, with interlinear Chinese text. [Mounted.] 1765. 28cm. G 28—29. Another edition, Manchu text only. [MS. Chinese text to Preface.] 29cm. G 30-33- ^ * -^ ^ « Meng ku ch'ing wen chien A Manchu-Mongol edition of G 118 — 153. 28.5cm. G3t-37- w u ^ -^ m ^ m Ytt chih san ho ch'ing wen chien The above work in Manchu, Mongol, and Chinese, in parallel columns. 1780. 29cm. G 38-39. ffl * * • Ch'ing wen hui shu A Manchu-Chinese Dictionary, by ^ ^ ^ Li Yen-chi. 27cm. G 40—43- Memorials and Decrees relating to the Eight Manchu Banners, ^ A.D. 1723— 1733. 24.5cm. G 44—49. The military organisation of the /V j^ Pa-chH Eight Manchu y Banners. 25cm. <■ 138 ^ THE WADE LIBRARY G 50-55. Penalties for maladministration etc., exacted by the Board of Civil Office. 27cm. G 56—64. The organisation of the plementary volume. Lit ying Chinese army, with sup- 25cm. G 65-74. Translation of the 3£ 1^ ^^ ching Five Classics, with Chinese interlinear text. 25 cm. G75. Translation of the ^j^ ^ Ss'O, shu Four Books, with Chinese inter- linear text. 27cm. G 76—77. The above work, with commentary. 27cm. G78. A translation of the ^ "^ ^^ Chu tzii chieh yao, being im- portant essays selected from the writings of Chu Hsi, first published in 1602. 1675. . 26cm. G79. A translation of the 1728. Hsiao ching or Classic of Filial Piety. 27cm. G 80—81. A translation of the *^ 311 7^ ^ Hsing li ching i, being a com- pendium of mental philosophy compiled by ^ 3fe ^ ^^ Kuang-ti and others under instructions from the Emperor K'ang Hsi, and first issued in 171 5. 28cm. MANCHU AND RTONGOL 139 G82. A translation of the ^ ^ ^ 0|j Sheng yii kuang hsiin or Sacred Edict of the Emperor K'ang Hsi, with Amplification and Chinese interlinear text. See A 354. 29cm. G83. M. $. U M Liao shih yii chieh A list of the Manchu and Mongol terms in the History of the ^ Liao or Kitan Dynasty, A.D. 907 — 1125, with explanations. 28.5cm. G 84. Another copy, on white paper. 28cm. G85. ^ ^ m m Chin shih yii chieh A list of the Mongol terms in the History of the Chin or Nii-chen Dynasty, A.D. 11 15 — 1234, arranged under categories, with explana- ^ tions. 28cm. G85«. It ^ Wi M Yiian shih yii chieh A list of the Manchu and Mongol terms in the History of the Yiian Dynasty, A.D. 1260 — 1368, arranged under categories, with explanations. 28cm. G 86—88. A translation of the Four Books, with commentary and Chinese interlinear text; see G 162 — 167. [Imperfect.] 27cm. G89. >^ nR J^ ^ Liu pu ch'eng yii Terms and phrases used in the Six Boards, with interlinear Chinese version. 18 16. 24cm. I40 THE WADE LIBRARY G 90-93. ^ fr M ^ M. Ts'eng ting ch'ing wen chien An edition of G 118 — 153, with supplement and Chinese interlinear translation. [Vol. 4, the binding of which is not uniform, contains Supplement.] 1771. 27cm. G 94—98. Another copy of the above. 28.5cm. G99. Another copy of G 38 — 39. [Mounted.] 37.5 X 20.5cm. G 100. SI >C S S Ch'ing wen pu hui A supplement to the above. [Mounted.] 1786. 27.5 X 20.5cm. Gioi. — ^ H 1^ I hsiieh san kuan A text-book in Manchu and Chinese, arranged under categories, for the use of beginners. 1746. 29cm. G 102—103. Another copy of G 38 — 39. 27.5cm. G 104—107. Another copy of G 90 — 93. 1771. 29cm. G 108—109. Another copy of the above. 29cm. G 110—111. §1 i® ^ :W Han man tzu tien An Index to all the Chinese words and phrases in the Imperiaj MANCHU AND MONGOL I4I Dictionary, arranged according to the 214 Radicals and forming with the Imperial Dictionary a complete Chinese-Manchu lexicon. [Ma- nuscript.] 29.5cm. G 112. M ^ ^ M Ch'ing w6n ch4 meng A Manchu phrase-book for beginners, with interlinear Chinese version. [Mounted.] No date. 29 X 23.5cm. G 113—114. Section III of the above work, labelled "Manchu Particles," with manuscript index. [Mounted.] No date. 29 X 23.5cm. G 115. ^ A i& § Tu shih lun liieh A translation of Desultory Notes on the study of History. 1730. 28cm. G 116—117. A collection of Imperial Homilies delivered by the Emperor Hung Wu of the Ming dynasty, who reigned A.D. 1368 — 1399. 34cm. G 118-153. ^ U "^ '^ ^ Man chou ch'ing wen chien An encyclopaedia of general information, arranged under categories, published by order of the Emperor K'ang Hsi. 35cm. G 154-157. ^**Fii**0^i*# Hsii tsuan wai fan meng ku hui pu wang kung chuan Biographical notices of the nobles of the Feudatory States and the Mongol tribes, in Chinese and Manchu, including B 13, 14. No date. 37cm. 142 THE WADE LIBRARY G 158—161. Translation of the ^ ^j^ Shu eking Ca.non of History; see G 65 — 74. 35cm. G 162—167. Translation of the ^ ^ ^ !^ik chiang j^ii shu Four Books as edited for daily use by ^ ^ ^ Ch'en T'ing-ching and others in 1677. See G 75. 35cm. G 168—173. ^ Another copy of the above. 35cm. G 174—181. Translation of the ^ §| ^ San kuo chih History of the Three Kingdoms, A.D. 220 — 280, by ^ ^ Ch'en Shou, with Chinese interlinear text. [The first seventy leaves have been supplied in manuscript.] 27cm. G 182-184. H -g^ iK R San ho pien Ian A phrase-book in Manchu, Chinese, and Mongol, with the Mongol sounds written in Manchu, by ^ |^ Fang Hsien, edited with ad- ditions by his son. 1780. 27cm. G 185—190. Translation of the -^ ^ i^ Chin pHng mei, see D 53 — 55, with Chinese interlinear text. 1708. 25cm. G 191. Translation of the ^ ^ ^ 0f| Sheng yii kuang hsUn, see G 82, with Chinese interlinear text. 27cm. G 192—203. Translation of the "jJT ^ *^ ^ Ku wen yiian chien, a collection of elegant extracts from various authors. 30.5cm. MANCHU AND MONGOL I43 G 204. Top Be 'Huashabure Nirokan. 29.5cm. G 205—207. Translation of selected stories from the ^ ^ ^ ^ Liao chai chih i, see D 50 — 52, with interlinear Chinese version. 25cm. G 208—210. A manuscript copy of G 100. 24cm. G 211. A translation of the ^ ^ fS Hsi hsiang chi, a dramatic novel of the 14th century A.D., author unknown. 17 10. 23cm. G 212. Another copy of the above. 22cm. G 213— 2i3«. M ^ ^ ^ Ch'ing wen ch'i meng A guide to the study of the Manchu language, for beginners, by IS ^ ^" ^°' ^7^9" 25cm. G 214. A manuscript copy of G 38 — 39. 22cm. G215. ^ ^ ffl <& ® ^ Hsieh wen ch'ing kung yao yvi Translation of two homiHes by ^^J^ Hsieh Hsiian, who died in 1464, with Chinese interlinear text, edited by i^ Fp j^ Ku Chung- hsii. 1564. 27cm. G 216. Another copy of G 100. 26cm. 144 THE WADE LIBRARY G 217. Another edition of the above. [Imperfect.] 25001. G 218. JH ^ + Wl Chieh tu shih tse Ten objections to the vice of gambling, with Chinese interlinear text. No date. . 25.5cm. G 219. A guide to the study of Manchu, with interlinear notes. No date. 25cm. G 220. iS ^ ^t ^ Ch'ing wen chih yao A reading-book with Chinese interlinear translation, followed by supplement. [Title-page and preface missing; see G 245.] 22cm. G 221. ra * ffi ^ Ssu pen chien yao A collection of forty homilies translated into Manchu with Chinese interlinear text, with prefaces from ^ V^ ^ Fu-ming-liang and W '^ ^ Fu-ming-an, sons of the author, dated 171 2 and 1746, respectively. 22.5cm. G 222. Manuscript copy of G 237. 23.5 X 13cm. G 223. ^ % Li chih chi yao Translation of a Guide to the duties of an official, with Chinese interlinear text, by ^ 3^ T'ung-jui and others. 1844. 25cm. G 224. H ^ |g Ji& fl ^ San ho li chih chi yao The above work in Manchu, Mongol, and Chinese. 1857. 26cm. MANCHU AND MONGOL G 225—234. Another copy of G 185 — 190. 1708. 145 24.5cm. G 235, m m ^ m m Man han chu wen ch'eng yii Selected phrases from the Canons of Changes, History, and Poetry. [Imperfect.] 24cm. G 236. Another copy of G 100. [With MS. marginal corrections.] 1786. 24cm. G 237. J^ M Man han ch'eng yii tui tai A Manchu-Chinese phrase-book for the use of students. 25cm. G 238—244. M ^ M Ch'ing han wen hai A repertory of phrases in Manchu and Chinese, arranged under the Rhymes, by .^ 3£ J^ Sun Yii-t'ing. 1821. 24cm. G 245. A complete copy of G 220. 1709. 23cm. G 246. Manuscript copy of the above. [No title-page.] ^ # H ^ « K 24cm. G 247. m 1 Man han ho pi san tzti ching chu chieh The Trimetrical Classic in Manchu and Chinese, with commentary. 1795- 24cm. G. W. 146 THE WADE LIBRARY G 248—249. # il M ^ ^ Yin han ch'ing wen chien Phraseology from the Manchu encyclopgedia, G 118 — 153, with the Chinese translation in parallel columns, by ^ ^ Tung Chia, whose preface is dated 1735. 1757- 23.5cm. G 250—251. A translation of the /J\ ^ Hsiao hsiieh of Chu Hsi. [Imperfect.] 23cm. G 252—253. Manuscript copy of G 38 — 39. [Sections i — /\. missing.] 22.5cm G 254-275. A ffi i= ^ "» M 'il' H ill Ta ch'ing jen tsung jui huang ti sheng hstin Homilies by the Emperor Chia Ch'ing, A.D. 1796 — 1821. 30.5cm. G 276. Preface to G 1 18 — 153, with Chinese interlinear text. 1771. 27.5cm. G277. M ^ ^ M Ch'ing wen tzii hui A Manchu-Chinese vocabulary. [In manuscript ; imperfect.] 26.5cm. G 278. Index to G 118 — 153, with syllabic arrangement and reference to categories. 28cm. G 279. The Old Testament translated into the Mongol tongue, with a note in Russian, dated St. Petersburg, 1840, certifying that "it cor- responds with the translation of these books acknowledged and used by those who profess the Protestant faith." 26.5 X 22cm. MANCHU AND MONGOL I47 G 280—283. ^ >K i& Ts'ao mu t'u shuo A new edition of the So Mokou Zoussets, an illustrated Japanese Herbarium, with native names and European identifications in Roman type, by ^i^ f^ ^ ^ linouma Yokoussai, first published in 1856. 1874. 27cm. G 284. S ^ I tzu A vocabulary of words to illustrate different scripts, Arabic, Manchu, Sanskrit, Tibetan, Siamese, and Burmese, arranged under categories. [Manuscript.] 1798. 28cm. :;.--^ Ei> CALIFORNIA LIBRARY c "^ ^—i < w "j^ "J} m m SITY OF CALIFORII i ^ '^ ^ r— ••-i-^ ^^^X>v^ CALIFORNIA LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA A^ - ..^> LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORN y^i 'CALIFORNIA i LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORMIA -^ &o LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORt e=^:'fe=^