E 357 A 4 m eP IP IC-NRLF SB 53fi b!3 m u en AN ADDRESS TO THE OF THE OFWEW-YOEK, BY THE Republican Members of the Legislature, ALBANY, PRINTED BY J. BUEL, 1814, At an adjourned meeting of the Republican Members of both Homes of the Legislature, in the Senate Cham ber, on the llth day of April, 1814, JAMES W. WILKIN, Esq. Chairman, SAMUEL YOUNG, Esq. Secretary. The committee appointed, at a former meeting, to .draft an Address to the Electors of this State, report ed the folio wing, vvhleh was unanimously adopted: ADDRESS. FELLOW-CITIZEXS, AT a time when our country is engaged in wr.i with one of the most powerful nations on earth, in de fence of our national rights and sovereignty ; when op position has reared her hydra form, and put at defiance the constituted authorities ; when treason walks forth at noon day, and, under the specious garb of patriot ism, sounds the tocsin of alarm, and invites you to marshal yourselves under her standard ; at such a. time, and under such circumstances, we, your Repre sentatives, appeal to your justice, your good sense, and your patriotism. \Ve hold it to be the first duty of every American, to love and serve his country. Is her territory inva ded ? it is his duty to repel the invader: Is her hon or assailed ? it is his duty to support and maintain that honor: Is she insulted ? it is his duly to avenge the insult: Are her rights, as an independent nation, dis regarded, and trampled upon ? it is his duty to cau^ those rights to be respected. Armed withthe&e sim ple axioms, we boldly enter the field of argument \vitli those who array themselves in hostility to the gov- ernmen of their country. Engaged in war, we are i-alled upon to support, with vnror, this second &tui- M5854G9 gle for freedom and Independence, to exert the ener gies of the nation ; thus to produce a successful war or an honorable peace. Many of you* refuse, aint jus- tiiy yourselves by saying the war is unjust. Protest ing against this principle, particularly in the present situation of our country, we ask, if war can ever be justifiable at any time, or under any circumstances, is not this war just on our part ? Has not Great-Bri tain, without even a specious pretext, plundered us of huniireds of our ships and millions of our property ? lias she not forcibly taken thousands of our fellow- citizens, and reduced them to slavery ? Arid has she not, by her emissaries, endeavored to excite rebellion and civil war? > hen the A Igerines enslaved our brethren, the sen sibilities of the nation were awakened, and ransoms were soon provided ; but when the .British commit tlv same enormities, the tidings pass by like the idle wind. Whence arises this wonderful apathy ? Is oppres sion more tolerable, because your oppressor calls himself a Christian ? Is servitude more acceptable, be cause your master calls himself your brother ? Are chains less galling when put on you by an Englishman, than when by a Turk ? Are scourgings and hunger rendered innocent and harmless upon you, because you were mistaken for an Englishman ? Is it any al leviation of human suffering, that it is in licted by t4 the bulwark of our Religion ?" Is the American Heaman, when incarcerated by Great-Britain, consoled for the loss of his liberty, because she may thereby be the better able to "tight for the liberties of the world"? "Oh slavery ! disguise thyself as thou wilt, still thou art a bitter draught." But, admitting, or the sake of argument, (and for no other puipose can we admit i : ) that the \var is in- " i-dient, we deny that it is your duly to oppose and embarrass t! e government in its p:osecuhon we are at war, and the great desideratum is an honorable v 5 ) peace ; we mu=t cither fight or submit to the terms of the enemy ; we ask, emphatically, is an honorable peace t(/be attained by submission ? What were die doctrines and practice o f the fathers of our liberties? When their rights could not bo peaceably obtained; when they were driven to an appeal to arms; when they were struggling for Independence, and the en-" joyment of that liberty which was their birthright, did they think of obtaining their object by submis sion ? Did they, when fighting against British oppres sion, hesitate about crossing the boundary line of the Candidas to annoy their enemies? Did they think it " unbecoming a moral and religious people" to attack the t unoffending Canadians" when they invaded that province, and carried their conquests to the walls of (iufibec ? Reflect, we beseech you, for a moment, upon the ef fects of the opposition to our government, in its pre sent circumstances. Opposition unnerves the ami of government whet, it most neds strength ; it creates dis union, when union is not only desirable but necessary ; it creates animosity, when harmony is most essential ; it creates distrust when confidence is required ; and if not seasonably controlled by reason and patriotism, will finally end in anarchy and rebellion. W hile such are the effects of this opposition upon ourselves, it essentially aids the enemy. In our weak ness consists their strength ; on our divisions, distrust? an animosities, depend all their hopes of success. Do you doubt that such are the effects of such virulent opposition? The history of every nation furnishes proof: Division is the rock upon which all the an cient republics have split. During the days of French prosperity and conquest, their favorite motto was " Divide and conquer ;" and at this moment we see the allied powers of (Europe, of which our enemy is one, alt -mpting to conquer France, relying upon the divi sions created by the Bourbon interest. YVe need not go abroad for evidence on this subject : Look at the ( 6 ) history of our foreign relations for seven rears past., anil there you have it. Listen to the declarations made in Congress by a leading fe eral member, that " if the federal party had joined in supporting the war, Canada might have been taken in thirty days." Look at the conduct of those who create this opposi tion, and you have demonstration. In Massachusetts, where this opposition has always been most violent, you have marked its progress from newspaper discus sion up to legislative threats of rebellion. You have seen her senate gravely resolving, that it was unbeco ming a moral and religious people to rejoice at the suc cess of their country s arms, unless in their own de fence : You now see her legislature discharging the prisoners of war confined there by the general go vernment, and deliberating upon the propriety of dis solving the union of these United States. But a few years ago, when we charged a section of the federal party with an intention to dissolve the union, the whole party declared us to be the propagators of detraction and falsehood ; they disavowed any such intention, proclaimed their attachment to the union, and their determination ever to support it : Now they openly avow their intention to separate if the war continues, " peaceably if they can forcibly if they must." But why need we turn your attention to a sister state, when we have full an i conclusive evidence at home ? "Within the. walls of our own capitol, we have heard it proclaimed, arid repeated, that " if the war continues, the union is dissolved," that "the eastern states will not submit, and that we ought to let Massachusetts .know that we think with her on this subject;" that " the constitution of the United States Is no longer obliga tory on any individual state, than that state conceives the object of it to have been effected* and that" the responsibility of a separation will rest upon the ma jority and the government." TTbese, fellovv-fitizens, are the sentiments and de : durations of men calling Ihernselves disciples or Washington. Compare them with the legacy of that great and good man, and you will look in vain for the resemblance. Fe-deralistsofthe State of New-York, we call upon you to pause and reflect : Are these your sentiments? Are you prepared to submit to the will of I he majori ty, or to imbrue your hands in the blood of your breth ren ? Here let us call your attention to the probable consequence of such opposition. Can such declara tions and such conduct aid us in procuring an honora ble peace ? Could the authors of such sentiments aid the enemy so effectually in any other way, even by enlisting in her armies ? But it is not by declarations only, that the federalists of this state have shewn their hostility. They have in your legislature, refused to relieve the burthens of the people, by refusing to as sume this state s quota of the direct tax, and byrefus- ing to organize a volunteer corps of mi itm, except under such restrictions as would completely defeat the object, and be in the highest degree disgraceful to a free people. Who but the ingenious federalists of the House of Assembly, could have proved that a saving of near $6. f ),UOO was an actual loss ? That the true mode of defending our frontier is to recall and disband your troops ? And that the best mode of obtaining a speedy and honorable peace, is, to throw down youv arms, and in the attitude of humble suppliants, ask C. Britain to be graciously pleased to grant you peace? Such, we aver is the language of their conduct, and their declarations are nearly the same. They say, tc ask for and obtain an armistice, and then in sinceri ty ask Great Britain for peace on terms consistent -with her maritime rights, and she will grant it." With out stopping now to enquire what maritime rights G. Britain has more than every other independent nation* we appeal to your own observation and knowledge. Has not our government both before and since the de- C , daration o{ war, honcpll y sought for pence? For six years \\e have borne, \\itha patience unparalleled in the history of nations, the destruction and plunder of our property. During that period the federalists called aloud for war, and abused the government for not declaring it ; but now, v. hen these depredations have greatly accumulated, your are told the war is un just ! Ever since we have had a political existence, the British have impressed our seamen, till the number has swelled to 6/257 ; and yet the federalists, who were willing to go to war for the murder of Pierce alone in 1800, now tell you, and they publish it in your le- gisJature, that the impressment of your seamen is not a justifiable anise of war I Do we look abroad for the opinion of neutral na tions on the justice of our cause, the Emperor Alex ander, although the friend and ally of Great Britain, furnishes authority : " The Emperor," says his Min ister, Mr. Dash koif, c < takes pleasure in doing justice to the wisdom of the government of the United States. He is satisfied it has done all it i ould do to avoid the present contest." While we speak of that illustrious personage, let us turn your attention to the mediation proposed by him. When report first published the ac count of the proffered r riendship of fiussia, the fede ralists abused the government for not accepting it ; when ministers were appointed, the government \\ere abused for sending ministers, 4t begging for a peace," before it was known whether Great Britain would ac cede to it. Such is federal consist t ncy ! Great Bri tain declined the mediation of Hussia, because, as she said, she did not wish to mingle the dispute vith us with the affairs of the continent, and even peisisUd in this pretext alerour minister there had given the most solemn assurances that nothing of that kind was int. nd- cd, nor would be attempted. Great Britain knew too well what vou VI be tie decision of the emperor, and she knew that that decision would silence for ever her ( 9 5 friends in ibis country. The conduct of the l j nnc< Regent on this occasion-, in dec! in ing the friendship of Russia, but offering to treat directly at London or (.lot- tenburgh, lias been deemed cause of congratulation by the federalists in our Assembly, while they stigma tise our own government for accepting the proposal, Such, we repeat it, is federal consistency ! We have alluded to the conduct of our political op ponents, in refusing to assume the payment of the di rect tax. Remember, fellow citizens, that the repub licans wished to have relieved you from that burthen, but the federalists would not permit it to be done ; on them rests the awful responsibility of oppressing you for electioneering purposes. The state is abundantly able to pay ; there is due from its own citizens, for money loaned, Sl,037,7b2 41. Nothing could have- been easier than to have made the application ; but H it must have been raised by tax, besides the deduc tion of 15 per cent, other advantages would have re sulted, the business would have hcen done by your own town offices, the tax would have been rmut; equal, executive patronage would have been diminish ed, and the collection rendered more certain. The disasters which have befallen our troops during the preceding campaigns, afford a fruitful source of gratification to our opponents, and will be urged to you as a reason why you should abandon the repub lican standard. That our armies have in some in stances been unfortunate we admit: that our gvweni- inertt has in some instances beer, unfortunate, in the selection of its agents, is notorious: but how would these evil be remedied by abandoning the cause, and putting its enemies in power? If they are sincere, and \veare bound to believe trie in so, they would make peace with Great Britain on her own terms; they would give up the point in dispute; the consequence of which must necessarily be, that American sea-n;>n must always be subject to British impressment, a<: I 10 ) they always have been. The government is censured for not prosecuting the war vigorously, and }et you are called upon to elect men who would not prosecute it at all. To what causes can we impute the failure of our arms? In a great measure to the want of troops, and a want of unanimity among what troops we had. "Whence have these obstacles to our success originat ed? Who have dissuaded men from enlisting? \V ho have sown the seeds of discord in your ranks? Who have prevented your militia from rendering efficient aid to the armies of the United States? Who have uni formly withheld pecuniary assistance uhen it might have been granted ? We ans\ver, federalists have done it. But, although our armies have been unfortunate in some instances, they have uniformly exhibited marks of personal courage, honorable to the American char acter; and in other instances have triumphed glori ously over the skill arid experience of veterans. Turn your eyes to the water, and you will seek in vain for one solitary instance of want of skill or couiage. A- merican tars have added laurels to their own brows; and given to the American character a pre-eminent standing among the nations of the earth. They have lauglt Great Britain that, on equal terms, she is no longer mistress of the ocean. And you are told, that a war to protect these men is unjust. Fellow-Citizens, placed as watchmen upon the walls of your political citadel, we have warned you of ap proaching danger. Choose you now in whom you will place confidence. Republicans advocate "the cause of our country ; federalists that of the enemy - which of them will he most likely to procure an hon orable peace? Republican! approve the war and sup port it ; federalists condemn it, and by every mean in their power prevent its vigorous prose cut ion. Which of them will conduct it to the most favoraht*- issue ! If you are willing to abandon the war, and with ( 11 ) it your right to protect your own citi/ens on the ocean, go to the polls and vote for federal! ts: If you wish to support your government when fighting for those rights, support those who support the cause of our country, We congratulate you upon the prospect of a com plete triumph at the approaching election. Many of those who have heretofore been foremost in the ranks of opposition, have abandoned the standard of party for t!;at of their country. Nothing but union in the republican party is necessary to insure the victory. The election of Governor Tompkins, at the last elec tion, has proved that there is a decided majority of re- pu licans am< ng the freeholders of the state ; to what cause, then, can it be attributed, but our own schisms, that the federalists now have a majority in the assem bly. Republicans, remember that on. our success depends the success of our country in the present war; we be seech you, therefore, to lay asid* all minor considera tions and distinctions, rally und^r the na ne and in the cause of republicanism, and success will certainly crown your efforts. SENATORS. , Southern District. Jo : <fithan Nathan Sanford, Lucas Elmendorf, JM organ Lewis, M. Van / wrr//, J 1 i/ mm 1 abor* Sanuel I. Verbryck, 1-ra^tus James W. Henry i ates, Jan. > Middle District; Eastern District. C - /> 1* i (inci* A.Bloodgood, /Jenn/ Kioom, Archibald X. Chirk, Henry Hagcr, Phildus tim/** Casper J/. Farrantl Stranahan, Perlcy Kcycs, MEMBERS Thomas S Lcslcr, Nathaniel Potter, .Jonnth in 8. Concklin, Abraham Miller, Joshua Barauw, Jm William Ross, lienjamin Jtstout Sayre, Peter S. Van&rden, John Kitrsled, Green Miller, Conrad Bener, Daniel Clark, John T. t; ore, John Savage, Paul Dennis, Charles Starbwkf Sawutl Gordon, Samuel Young, Jlvery Starkweather, John Dunning, 1\ illiam C. Bouc WMiam Dictz. ;. Western District, ASSEMBLY. > Suffolk. Westchester. Putnam. Orange. Rockland. Ulster and Sullivan. | Delaware. N Waslwgton N SaraSfflW, > Schoharie. ( 13 ) Aaron ffacklcv,jun. > Jonas dcland, > Herkimer. Christoph. P. Bellinger, ) ffasvill hansfonl, ) James Houg/ilelingy > Chenango, John Noyes, ) Barent Mooney, ) Qnondaga. Moses Nask, } Silas Porvfcer 9 ) William Sailer lee, > Cayuga. William C. ttcnnett, ) William Mattery, Cortland. Chillis Doli/y Lewis. James Ganson, Genessee. James M Call, Seneca. Caleb Baker, Tioga. David Southerland, Asahd Warner , ^ Joshua Van Fleet, Ontano - Stephen Phelps, Crugers ,7. Reuben & AHegany*. 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