V I INSTRUCTIONS FOR INFANTRY. ^REGULATIONS FOR THE riELD EXERCISE, MANCEUVRES, AND CONDUCT OF THE INFANTRY OP THE UNITED STATES: DRAWN UP AND ADAPTED TO THE ORGANIZATION OF THE MILITIA AND REGULAR TROOPS. BY AN OFFICER OF THE ARMY. ^n)uf(\ f\ |e;<. By order of the Secretary of War. / WITH EXPLANATORY PLATES. PHILADELPHIA: ?Tl?N"TED BY FRY AND KAMMERER 1812. a' vv:^ ERRATA. Page 3, line 12th, strike out " platoon," insert " company.'^ 6, line 6th, take the dash out of the command, " to the right face." 16, line 7th, strike out the comma after " through." 18, line 18th, strike out " load arms," insert " open pan." 31, 34, 35, 51, 52, insert a dash in the command, " Right about — face." 45, line 5th from the bottom, strike out " To,"insert" On." 53, line 17th, strike out " platoons," insert " companies." 61, after the 18th line, insert" Article III." 121, after the 23d line, insert « Article III.", CONTENTS, PART THE FIRST, SECTION I. Page Formation of a regiment in line, - - . - i Places of the officers and non-commissioned officers in line, 2 Places of the commanding officer, major,and adjutant in line, 3 Places of the musicians in line, 3 Guard of the colours, ..,.-. 3 Instruction of regiments, - 3 SECTION II. The Soldier's Drill, _ _ 4 PART I. Lesson I. Position of the soldier, - - - ^ . 5 Lesson II. The facings, 6 Lesson III. Principles of the direct march in ordinary time, 7 Observations on the principles of the step, - - 7 Lesson IV. Principles of the oblique step, - - - g Observations relating to the oblique step, - - 9 General observations on the direct and oblique steps, - 1 PART II. Of Shouldered ylrms, - - -11 Lesson I. Principles of shouldered arms, - - l ] Lesson II. The manual exercise, - - - - 12 Lesson III. On loadings - • - - - 15 Lesson IV. On firing, -----}.'? iviSlOh'oji viii CONTENTS. PART III. Page Lesson I. Of marching; in line, different steps and time, 19 Lesson IL Marching by a flank, - - - - 20 Lesson IIL The principles of dressing into line, - - 21 Lesson IV. Of wheeling and changing the direction, - 22 Wheeling on a fixed pivot, - - - - - 23 Wheeling on a march, - - - ... 23 Change of direction to the side of the guide, - - 24 SECTION IIL Drill of the Company, - - 25 LESSON I. Article I. Opening ranks, - - - - - 25 Article II. Dressing at open order, - . - 26 Article III. Manual exercise, - - - - - 26 Article IV. Closing ranks, ---... 27 Article V. Dressing at close order, - - - - 27 LESSON 11. Article I. Loading in quick time? - - - - 28 Article II. Loading in quickest time, ... 29 Article III. Firing by the company, - - - - 29 Article IV. Firing by file, - - - _ . 30 Article V. Firing to the rear, - - - . . 3Q LKSSON III. Article I. Marching in line, - - - . - 31 Article II. To halt and dress the company, - - 32 Article III. The march oblique, - - - - 33 Article IV. To mark time, march in quick time, and step back. '------ 34 Article V. To march to the rear, ... 34 LESSON IV. Article I. Marching by a flank, - - - - 35 Article II. To change direction by file, - - - 36 Article III. To halt and front the company, marching by a flank, 36 CONTENTS. ix Page Article IV, The company marching by a flank, to form . line by file to the right or left, - - 36 Article V. The company marching by a flank, to form in line or platoons on the march, - - 37 LESSON V. Article I. To form column of platoons from the line, - 38 Article II. To march in column, . - - - 39 Article III. To change direction in column, - 40 Article IV. To halt the column, - . - - 40 Article V. To form in line to the right or left, - 41 LESSON VI. Article I. To break off files to the rear, and bring them again into line, ----- 42 Article II. To march in column by the route step, - 43 Article III. To break into platoons, and form company, 43 Article IV. To countermarch, - - . - 44 Article V. Being in qolumn by platoons, to form line on the right or left, - - - - - 45 SECTION IV. Drill of the Battalion, - - 47 PART I. Article I. To open the ranks, - - - . 43 Article II. Manual exercise, _ - . - - 49 Article III. Loading in the quickest time, and the firings, 50 PART II. Various modes of forming Column from the Line^ - 52 Article I. Wheeling by companies to the right or left into column, - 52 Article II. To form the open column by filing by companies to the rear, ----- 53 Article III. To form close column from the line, - 54 b X CONTENTS. PART III. * Page Article I. To march in column at full distance of companies, 56 Article II. Column of route, 58 To form platoons on the march, - 60 To form companies on the march, - 60 Article III. To change the direction, - - - - 61 Article IV. Change of direction by the prompt manoeuvre, 61 Article V. To halt the column, - - - - 63 Article Vi. To close the column, - - . 63 Article VII. To march in close column, - - - 64 Article VIII. To change direction in columti, at half or platoon distance* - . - - 64 Article IX. To change the direction Of the close column, 65 Article X. To countermarch, . . . . - 65 Article XI. To form divisions from the close column of companies, at the halt, - . - 67 PART IV. Different Modes of forming the Line from Colu?7ins, - 68 Article I. Methods of ascertaining the line to be formed on, 68 Article II. Different methods of forming a column at full distance, right in front, into line, - 69 To form the line by inversion, ■ - - 70 To form the line on the right, - - - 7 1 To form the line to the front, - - 72 To form the line faced to the rear, - - 74 Article III. To form the line by two kinds of movement 75 Article IV. Different methods of forming a column at half ■ distance, right in front, into line, - - 76 Column at half distance, right in front, to the left in line, ----- 76 Column at half distance, right in front, on the right in line, - - - - - 77 Column at half distance, to form to the front in line, ------ 77 Column at half distance, to form facing to the rear in line, 77 Article V. To display the close column into line, - 77 CONTENTS. xi PART V. Page To March in Line, - - - 80 Article I. To march in line to the front, - - - 80 Article II. To pass obstacles when marching in line to the front or rear, ----- 82 Article III. To change direction when marching in line, 84 Article IV. To march in line obliquely, - - - US Article V. To halt the battalion marching to the front, and to dress it, - - - - - 85 Article VI. To march in retreat, - - - - 86 Article VII. To halt the battalion marching in retreat, and face it to the front, - - - - 87 Article VIII. To march in line by a flank, - - 87 Article IX. To form the battalion marching by a flank, into line by file, 88 Article X. Passage of lines, - - - - - 89 Movement of the first line in retreat, - 89 Movement of the second line in passing lines, 90 Article XI. To change front, - - - - 92 Article XII. To pass a defile in retreat by the right or left wing, - - - - - - 94 Article XIII. To form the column of attack, - - 95 To display the column of attack, - - 96 Article XIV. Of rallying when dispersed. - - 97 SECTION V. Evolutions of the Brigade, - - 98 Places of the commander in chief, of brigadier generals, and of colonels in line, ------ 98 General rules for the words of command, - - - 99 Formation of a regiment in line before its quarters, - 99 Formation and order of march of the escort of the colours, 100 Honours paid to the colours, - - - - - 101 PART I. x\rticle I. To open the ranks, - . - - loi Article II. Manual exercise, ... - - 102 Article III. Loading §nd firings, . . . - 102 xii CONTENTS. PART II. Page Various modes of forming Column from the Line^ - 105 Article I. Wheeling by companies to the right or left, 105 Article II. To form the open column by filing by compa- nies to the rear, . - > . 105 Article III. To break into column to the right in order to march towards the left, - . . 106 x\rticle IV. To form the close column from the line, 106 PART III. Article I. To march in column at full distance, • 109 Article II. Column of route, - - - - -110 Article III. Change of direction of an open column at full distance of companies, - - - 111 Article IV. Change of direction by the prompt manoeuvre, 1 1 1 Article V. To halt the column, - - - - 112 Article VI. To close the column to half distance or into close column, - - - - - 114 Article VII. To march in column at half distance, or in close column, - - - - 114 Article VIII. Change of direction of a column at half dis- tance, - - - - - - 115 Article IX. Changing the direction of a close column, 1 15 Article X. To countermarch, - - - - 116 Article XI. Being in column of companies at the halt, to form divisions, - - - - - 1 If PART IV. Different methods of forming in Line from ojicn and close Co- lum7is^ - - - - - - 118 Article I. Methods of determining the line, - - - 118 Article II. Different methods of passing from open co- lumn into line, - - - - 118 Column at full distance, with the right in front, to form to the left in line, - - - 1 18 To form the line by inversion, - - 119 General rules for formations in succession, 1 19 To form the column' at full distance, the right in front, on the right in line, - - 120 CONTENTS. xiil Page To form the column at full distance, to the front in line, - - - - - 121 The column at full distance, with the right in front, to face to the rear in line, - - 123 Article III. To form the line by two kinds of movement, 124 Article IV. Different methods of forming a column at half distance into line, - - . 127 To form the column at half distance, with the right in front, to the left in line, - - 128 To form the column at half distance, with the right in front, on the right in line, - 129 To form the column at half distance, to the front in line, - - - - 129 To form the column at half distance, facing to the rear in line, - - - - 129 Article V. Of close columns, - - - - - 129 To display the close column faced to the front in line, 130 To display the close column faced to the rear in line, - - - - - - 134 To display the close column to the left in line, 1 34 To display the close column to the right in line, - - - - - - 134 PART V. Article I. To march in line, ----- 135 Article II. To change the direction when marching in line, - - - - - - 137 Article lil. To halt and dress the line, - - - 138 Article IV. Firing advancing, - - - - 140 Article V. To march in retreat, - - - - 141 Article VI. To change the direction when marching in retreat, - - - - - 142 Article VII. To fire when retreating in line, - - 143 Article VIII. To pass a defile to the front, <- - 144 Article IX. To pass a defile to the rear, - - - 146 Article X. Changes of front, ----- 147 Change of front by two lines, - - - 143 Changing the front perpendicularly forward, on the extremity of the right wing of the first line, 14'> xiv CONTENTS. Pagg Chill) ge of front perpendicularly to the rear, upon the extremity of the right wing of the first line, - - - - - 149 Changing the front perpendicularly on the centre of the first line, the left wing thrown forward, - - - - - - 150 Changing the front obliquely forward upon the extremity of the right wing of the first line, 151 Akticlk XL Of echellon movements, . - - 153 Article XII. To retreat in chequer, - . - - 15S Article XIII. Passage of lines, - - - - 158 Article XIV. To oppose cavalry, ... - I6O PART THE SECOND. SECTION I. Of the March of an Army^ - - 165 Article I. The order of the march, - - - . 165 Article II. Of the baggage on a march, - - 167 SECTION II. Duties of the Cajnp, - - 16a Article I. Order of encampment, - - . . 168 Article II. Manner of entering a camp, - - 170 Article III. Police of the camp, - - . _ j^j Article IV. Of roll calls, - - . . . 173 Article V. Of the inspection of companies, - - 174 Article VI. Of the different beats of the drum, - 175 SECTION III. Of the Service of the Guards, - - 176 Article I. Of the different guards with their use, - 176 Article II. Of the grand parade, - - . 173 Article III. Of relieving guards and sentinels, - - 180 Article IV. Instructions to officers on guard, - 182 CONTENTS. XV Page Article V. Method of going and receiving the grand rounds, - - - - - -185 Article VI. Honours due from guards to general officers, and others, - - - - - > 87 SECTION IV. Of the Arms and Ammunition^ ivith the Method of preserv- ing thenif ' - - - . - 188 SECTION V. Of Reviews, - - - 189 Article I. Of reviews of parade, - - - - 189 Article II. Of reviews of inspection, - - - 192 SECTION VI. Instructions, ... 193 Article I. Instructions for the commandant of a regiment, 193 Article II. Instructions for the adjutant, - - . 194 Article III. Instructions for the quarter master, - 195 Article IV, Instructions for the captain, - - - 195 Article V. Instructions to an officer commanding a post, 198 Article VI. Instructions for the first sergeant of a com- pany, - - . - - - 199 Article VII. Instructions for the sergeants and corporals, 200 Article VIII. Instructions for the private soldier, - 202 Article IX. Instructions for the drum major, - - 203 SECTION VII. Various Regulations, - - _ 205 Article I. Regulation relative to subordination, - 205 Article II. Regulation respecting roll-calls, - - - 205 Article III. Regulation of the salute with swqrd or colours, 208 ,\rticle IV. Regulation respecting funerals, - - 209 WAR UEPARTMENT, March SOtli, 1812. The annexed regulations are hereby or- dered, for the goyernment of the Infantry of the Army of the United States. Commanding Officers of regiments will report to the Brigadier Generals, Brigadier Generals to the Major Generals, Major Ge- nerals to the Department of War, such altera- tions and improvements as experience may suggest. By command of the President, W. EUSTIS. llSSTRUCTIOlSr FOll INFANTRY. PART THE FIRST. SECTION I. Formation of a Regiment in Line, A REGIMENT of ten companies will be formed as a single battalion. Two of the companies shall be designated as gre- nadiers or light infantry; they will be distinguished as the first and second, and form a division on the right. The eight infantry companies will be placed according to the rank of the officers commanding them, in this order, be- ginning on the right; the first in rank, the fifth, the third, the seventh, the second, the sixth, the fourth, the eighth. But they will be designated by the names of the first, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, and eighth, commencing on the right, and ending on the left of the battalion. The battalion shall be divided into right and left wings. When the battalion of five companies exercises separately, the light company will be on the right, and the other com- panies will be placed, according to the rank of the officer commanding, in this order, beginning on the right; the first in rank, the third, the second, the fourth. In forming the battalion of eight companies, the first and second, counting from the right, will form the first division; the third and fourth companies, the second division; the fifth and sixth companies, the third division; and the se- venth and eighth companies will form the fourth division. Each company will be divided into two equal parts, called platoons; that on the right shall be called the first, and that r»n the left the second platoon. A The men of each company will be arranged in ranks, ac- cording to size; the tallest on the flanks; the shortest in the centre. The distance from rank to rank will be one pace, measur- ed from heel to heel. When regiments are on a peace establishment, and exer- cised in battalion, the companies will be formed two deep, in order to occupy nearly the same extent of ground as if formed three deep, and on a war establishment. The com- panies are always to be equalized by transferring men, if necessary, from one company to another. Places of the Officers and Non-commissioned Officers in Line. The captain will take his post on the right of his company in the first rank. The first lieutenant in the fourth or file closer's rank, two paces in the rear of the centre of the se- cond platoon. The second lieutenant in the same rank, two paces in the rear of the centre of the first platoon. The en- sign in the same rank, behind the left section of the second platoon. The first sergeant in the rear of the captain, and covering him in the third rank. In the evolutions this sergeant will be called the covering sergeant, and will be the guide on the right of his company. The second sergeant in the rear ot the left of the second platoon. This sergeant in the evolutions will be the guide on the left of his company. In the eighth company of the battalion, the second sergeant will be posted on the left of the battalion in the front rank, covered by a corporal in the rear rank. The third sergeant in the rear of the right of the second platoon. The fourth sergeant in the rear of the left of the first platoon. The senior corporal will be one of the guard of the colours. The other corporals will be placed on the right and left of their companies, in the front and rear ranks. The replacing of officers in each company, and also of non-commissioned officers, will be regulated by rank. In the absence of the captain, and of the first lieutenant of a com- pany, the commander of the regiment may order a first lieutenant of another company, to command that, during the drill, whose captain and first lieutenant are absent. Places of the Commanding Officer^ Major y and Adjutant in Line. The colonel and major will be mounted, and the adjutant shall be on foot. The colonel will be posted twenty paces in the rear of the centre of the battalion; the major ten paces in the rear of the centre of the right wing; the adjutant ten paces in the rear of the centre of the left wing. Places of the Musicians in Line. The drums and fifes of the battalion, formed in two ranks, with the drums in front, will be placed fifteen paces in the rear of the fifth platoon of the battalion. If there be a band, it shall be formed in one rank, two paces in the rear of the fifers. Guard of the Colours. The guard of the colours of the battalion will consist of eight senior corporals, from the eight battalion companies. It will be posted on the left of the second platoon of the fourth company, and will constitute a part of that platoon. The first rank of this guard will be composed of the en- sign who carries the colours, and of two corporals, one on his right, the other on his left. The centre and rear ranks shall be formed each of three corporals. These corporals and the sergeants shall carry their arms at the advance. The three corporals who may be distinguished for regu- larity and perfect appearance under arms, and in marching, shall be placed in the centre rank of the colour guard. The colonel, and in his absence the commanding officer of the regiment, shall select in each regiment, the ensign who is to carry the colours. It is of the utmost importance in marching in line, that this ensign should be thoroughly instructed to observe the precise length and exact cadence of step, and able to follow a given direction without deviation. Instruction of Regiments. The colonel, and in his absence, the commanding officer of each regiment, will be responsible for the general instruc- tion of the officers, non-commissioned officers, and soldiers, of his rcgimiMit. The officers will be instructed in the drill of the soldier, that of the company, and that of the battalion; they will be frequently exercised bj^ a superior officer. The instruction of the non-commissioned officers will com- prehend the drill of the soldier, and that of the company. And when they are sufficiently instructed, the instruction of the recruits will be committed to them. Th(^ commanding officer of each company will be respon- sible for the general instruction of his company. The most particular attention will be given to the instruc- tion of the ensigns, to give them the habit of pursuing a given dirt- ction without varving to the righ; or left; and of maintaining, with the utmost precision, the length as well as the cadence of the step. SECTION II. THE SOLDIER'S DRILL, The object of the soldier's drill is the instruction of re- cruits. The first part will comprehend what is to be taught to the soldier before arms are put into his hands. There are two kinds of words of command; to wit; those of caution, and those of execution. In this work they will be distinguished by the type. The first will be distinctly pro- nounced, dwelling a little on the last syllable. The second will be pronounced with a firm quick tone. All words of command shall be animated and loud. PART I. The first part of the soldier's drill shall be taught as often as possible to the recruits singly, or to not more than three at once, unless the number of recruits is so great that the in- structor is compelled to pursue a different course. The recruits will be placed in a single rank, without arms., at such distance as not to touch each other. LESSON I. Positian of the Soldi gr. The heels on the same line, and as close together as the shape of the man will allow; the toes turned out equally; the knees straight, without stiffness; the low<;r part of the back rising erect on the haunches; the upper part of the bo- dy inclined a little forward; the shoulders kept back, and of an equal height; the arms hanging naturally, the elbows close to the bod)'; the palms of the hands a little turned for- ward; the little finger behind and touching the seam of the breeches; the head erect without constraint; the chin drawn inward; the eyes fixed on the ground fifteen paces forward. After having established the position, the instructer will teach the recruits the motions of turning the head to the right, to the left, and to the front. 1 Eyes RIGHT. 2 Steady. At the first command, the soldier will turn the head with an easy motion to the right, so far that the left eye may be in a line with the waistcoat buttons, his eyes fixed on the line of the eyes of the men of the same rank. At the second com- mand, he brings his head to the front; which i*s the habitual position of the soldier. The motion of turning the head to the left, will be execu- ted in the contrary manner. The instructer will take care that the motion of the head does not alter the squareness of the shoulders, which might happen if the motion was too quick. When the instructer wishes to relieve the soldiers from the position of attention, and to allow them to stand at ease, he will command, Rest. At this word, the soldier will bring back his right foot, plant it six inches behind the left, and bend the left knee; bringing his hands together before the body. In this posi- tion, he may turn his head, and move himself; taking care to keep his left heel in its place. When the instructer desires that the soldier shall give his attention, and resume his erect position, he will command, Attention. At this word, the soldier will fix his attention, resume the position described, and stand perfectly still. LESSON II. The Facings. The instructer will command, To the right — face. At the word " face," the recruit will turn on his left heel, a quarter circle to the right, the knees kept straight, raising a little the point of the left foot, and will at the same time carry back the right heel to the side of the left, placing them even. In facing to the left, the right heel will be brought forward. To face to the right about, the instructer will command, Right about — face. At the word " about," make a half face to the right, draw back the right foot, so that the hollow is opposite to, and two inches from the heel of the left, laying hold of the cartridge box with the right hand. At the word " face," the soldier, raising the toes, and keeping the knees straight, will turn on both heels to the rear, bringing back the right heel to the side of the left, quit- ting the cartridge box. When the soldier carries arms, at the first part of the word of command to face to the right about, he shall turn his mus- ket with the left hand, the lock forwards; and he will resume the proper position of shouldered arms, at the moment of placing the right heel even with the left. The instructer will take care that these motions do not derange the position of the body, which ought to remain in- clined a little forward. > LESSON III. Principles of the Direct March in ordinary Time. The length of the ordinary step will be two feet, measuring from heel to heel; and seventy-five such paces will be taken in a minute. The instructer, seeing the recruit confirmed in his position, will explain to him the principles and mechanism of the step, by placing himself facing, and three or four paces in front of the recruit, and by stepping slowly himself, show him how to execute the stepj thus joining precept and example. And he will command, 1 Forward. 2 March. At the first word, the soldier will bear the weight of the body on the right l:g, keeping the left knee straight. At the second u oid, the soldier will step off with the left foot, taking a pace of two feet, the toe lowered, so that the foot may be flat; the knee straight; the toe a little turn- ed outwards. He will bear forward the weight of the body, and plant the foot flat and easily at the prescribed distance from the right foot; the weight of the body borne on the foot which comes to the ground. He will then advance the right foot, passing it near the ground, and bring it down as directed for the left. He will march on in this manner, without throwing his legs across each other, keeping his shoulders square to the front, and his head in the direct po- sition prescribed. When the instructer desires to halt, he will command, 1 Platoon. 2 Halt. At the second command, which will be given as one or the other foot is coming to the ground, the recruit will bring- up the other foot without stamping, and place it at the side of the one already fixed. Observations on the Principles of the Step. To bear the weight of the body on the right leg, at the command " forward;" thereby to enable the recruit to take the step with life, which is very essential in line. s The toe a little lowered, without constraint; this stretches the ham, and the foot is ready to be brought to the grouna flat. The point of the foot turned out only a little; for if it is too much turned out, it will create an unsteadiness in the body. The upper part of the body inclined a little forward; that the weight mav bear on the foot last brought to the ground, that the other may be easily raised, and the step not shor- tened. To march with the ham stretched; for otherwise a line of men cannot march without jostling each other. No two men walk exactly alike; therefore it is necessary to teach re- cruits to march with a uniform cadenced step, without which, connexion and uniformity cannot be preserved. To carry the foot forward near the ground; for raising the foot higher than is necessary, loses time, and produces fa- tigue; and, if there was no fixed principle, the soldiers would raise the foot and bend the knee, some more, and some less; the feet would not come to the ground together; and there would be neither uniformity nor cadence. To place the foot flat on the ground, without stamping; In order to avoid shortening the step, producing unnecessary fatigue, or breaking the cadence of the step. The head elevated, and direct to the front; this position preserves the shoulders in a direction square to the front, and enables the soldier to march directly forward. LESSON IV. Principles of the Oblique Step. This step will be performed in the common time of seven- ty five to a minute; the length will be explained. As soon as the recruit has accurately acquired the habit of marching by the direct step, and of taking steps of the same length in the same time, the instructer will show him the oblique step, in which he will exercise him as follows. The soldier standing firm, the instructer will cause him to step off with the right foot, obliquely forward and to the right, and to place it about two feet from the left, turning the point of the toe a little inwards, to prevent the left shoul- der being advanced. The soldier will rest in this position. When the instructer gives the word " two," the soldier shall carry his left foot by the shortest line, and place it about one foot and a half from, and in front of the right heel; and rest in this position. The soldier shall continue to march in this manner, at the words " one" and " two," stopping at every step, paying the greatest attention to keeping the shoulders square to the front, and the head direct. The oblique step to the left is performed in the same man- ner; the recruit stepping first with the left foot. After a few lessons of this kind, the recruit shall oblique to the right and left, without dwelling on the step, in this manner: The recruit marching to the front by the ordinary step and time, the instructer will command, 1 To the right oblique. 2 March. At the second command, which shall be given at the in- stant the left foot is coming to the ground, the soldier shall commence the oblique step to the right, observing to con- form to the directions given, relating to the formation and length of the steps, and keeping the shoulders square to the front; but without stopping at each step, he will take seventy five paces in a minute. The oblique step to the left shall be performed in the same manner, the instructer giving the word " march" at the instant the right foot is coming to the ground. To resume the march to the front direct, the instructer will command, 1 Forward. 2 March. At the second command, which will be given at the in- stant when either foot is coming to the ground, the soldier shall resume the direct march, and equal step of two feet. Observations relating to the Oblique Step, The instructer will notice, and see that the soldier marches with the ham stretched; that the weight of the body rests on the foot last brought to the ground; that the foot passes by the shortest line to the place where it is brought to the B 10 ground; that the head is elevated, and direct to the front; and that the shoulder does not turn forward. The recruits will be exercised much in marching with this step, which is difficult at first, but very useful in move- ments of the line. It is also an excellent mode of giving to the soldier an erect position, and the habit of keeping his shoulders square to the front. For these purposes, the in- structer will cause the recruits to march fifty or sixty paces obliquely, before the direct step is resumed. When the recruit is perfected in marching the oblique step, the instructer will not be rigorously precise in exacting the observance of the rule laid down for the length of this step; but will require of the recruit that he gain as much ground as possible, both sideways, and to the front, without altering the direction of the shoulders, which must be square to the front. General Observations on the Direct and Oblique Steps. In order to ascertain whether the position of the body con- forms to the principles laid down; whether the step is regu- larly taken; and whether the weight of the body rests wholly upon one foot; the instructer will frequently place himself from six to twelve paces in front, facing the recruit. If then he cannot see the soles of the shoes when the feet are lifted and thrown forward; if he does not observe any motion of the shoulders, or undulating movement of the body; he may rest assured that the principles of marching are well ob- served. When the principles of the step are to be demonstrated to two or three men at a time, accurate dressing need not be required; as that might divide their attention. When they have acquired the habit of taking steps of equal length in equal time, they have acquired the true method of preserv- ing the alignment. The instructer should also observe, where two or three recruits are drilled together, to place them at one pace dis- tance from each other, to prevent their acquiring the bad habit of extending the elbows, or of leaning against the men on either side of them. 11 PART II. Of Shouldered Arms. The instructer will not allow the recruits to commence the second part of the drill of the soldier, until they have be- come perfect in the position of the body, and in the perfor- mance of the direct and oblique steps. The instructer will then place three men in a rank, el- bow to elbow, and instruct them to hold their arms at the shoulder. LESSON I. Principles of Shouldered Arms. The recruit being placed as directed in the first lesson of the first part of this drill, the instructer will cause him to raise up the left hand without bending the wrist, the part ot the arm from the elbow downwards only moving. The in- structer shall then raise the firelock perpendicularly, and place it in the following manner. The firelock in the left hand; the arm a little bent; the elbow back and touching the body, without pressing it; the palm ot the hand placed firm against the exterior side of the butt, its exterior edge on the junction of the fingers with the palm; the heel resting between the fore and middle fingers; the thumb above, in front; the two last fingers under the butt, which will be brought more or less back, according to the form of the soldier; so that the firelock seen from the front may ap- pear always perpendicular, and that the motion of the thigh in marching may not derange its position; the rammer be- fore the point of the shoulder; the right arm hanging natu- rally, as described in the first lesson of the first part of this drill. The instructer will endeavour to correct the natural de- fects in the position of recruits, before he delivers arms into their hands; so that the general appearance of the men may be uniform, without painful constraint. Previous to proceeding with the second lesson, the in- structer will make the recruits, with shouldered arms, practise the motions of turning the head to the right and left, and also the facings, to the right, to the left, and to the right about. 12 LESSON II. The Manual Exercise. It should be taught to three men, placed first in one rank witli their elbows touching, and then placed in a file of three ranks. On pronouncing the last syllable of the command, the first motion is to be performed with life and spirit. The instructer will pronounce *' two" and " three" for the regulation of the other motions. The same time is al- lowed for performing a motion as for making a common pace. When the soldier becomes well acquainted with the posi- tion of the different motions, he will be required to perform them without stopping. Support, ARMS. 1. Bring the right hand smartly across the body, seizing the piece at the small. 2. Quit the butt with the left, throwing the lower part of the arm horizontally across the body, the hand grasping the right arm at the swell. Note. The above will be the position on parade. On a march the soldier may let his right hand fall by his side. Carry, arms. 1. Bring down the left hand strong upon the butt, seizing it with the usual hold. 2. Bring the right hand down by the side. Slope, ARMS. 1. Throw forward the butt so that the upper part of the left arm will be perpendicular, and the lower extend hori- zontally forward. Carry, arms. 1. Bring the butt and left hand to their former position, raising the right hand smartly to the small, stop and steady the piece. Bring the right hand down by the side. 13 Trail, arms. 1. Sink the firelock with the left hand, and with the right seize it at the left, shoulder. 2. Bring down the piece by the right side, the muzzle pointing forward, the butt near the ground. Shoulder, arms. 1. Shift the piece in the right hand, seizing it near the feather spring; bring it to the shouldered position, and seize the butt with the left hand. 2. Bring the right hand down by the side. Order, arms. 1. Sink the firelock with the left hand, and with the right seize it above the left shoulder. 2. Quit the firelock with the left hand, and with the right bring it to the right side, the butt lightly on the ground by the toe of the right foot, or on it if the ground is wet; the thumb and fingers of the right hand enrvbracing the piece^ and extending downwards. Shoulder, arms. 1. Throw up the firelock, catching it again below the tail pipe, bring it to the left shoulder, and seize it with the left hand at the butt. . 2. Bring the right hand down by the side. Secure, firelock. 1. Bring up the right hand briskly, and place it against the piece at the small. 2. Quit the butt with the left hand, and seize the firelock at the swell, bringing the arm close down upon the lock, the right remaining at the small, and the piece upright. 3. Bring the right hand down by the side, throwing for- ward the muzzle, the bayonet point about a foot from the ground, the left arm covering the lock. 14 Shoulder, arms. 1. Bring the piece smartly up to the shoulder with the left hand, stop and steady the piece with the right at the small. 2. Bring the left hand down strong upon the butt. 3. Bring the right hand down by the side. Present, arms. 1. With the left hand turn the piece, the lock to the front, seizing it with the right hand at the small. 2. Bring up the piece with the right hand, quitting the butt with the left, and seizing the piece above the lock as high as the eyes, holding it perpendicular. 3. Draw back the right foot six inches, sink the niece, the butt before the left knee, the fingers of the right hand ex- tended, the ramrod to the front. Shoulder, arms. 1 . Throw the firelock up to the shoulder, bring up the right foot, and seize the butt with the left hand. 2. Bring the right hand down by the side. Charge, bayonet. 1. Make a half face to the right, place the right foot square and close behind the left heel, turn the firelock with the left hand, the lock to the front, seize it with the right hand at the small, take the left hand from the butt. 2. Bring down the piece into the left hand, which seizes it near the tail pipe, the bayonet pointing to the front, the point as high as the eye. Shoulder, arms. 1. Throw the firelock up to the shoulder, seizing it with the left hand at the butt. 2. Bring the right hand down by the side. Advance, arms. 1. 2. The same as the two first motions of " present arms." 3. Throw the piece with the left hand to the right side, the barrel to the rear, the guard between the thumb and fore finger of the right hand, the other fingers of that hand under the cock, the peice perpendicular before the right shoulder. 4-. Bring the left hand down by the side. 15 Shoulder, arms. 1. Throw up the piece, seize it with the left hand at the swell, o.;id with the right at the small. 2. Bring up the piece to the second position of " present arms." .T. and 4. Shoulder, and bring down the right hand. LESSON III. On Loading, The instructer will command. Load by word. Open, PAN. 1. Make a half face to the right, place the right foot square and close behind the left heel, turn the firelock, the lock to the front, seize it with the right hand at the small, take the left hand from the butt. 2. Let fall the firelock the swell in the left hand, the butt under the right arm, the muzzle as high as the eye, the guard a little outwards, the left elbow resting against the side, the thumb of the right hand against the steel, the fingers clenched, the elbow pressing the butt against the body. 3. Open the pan by forcibly pushing the thumb against the steel, the left hand resisting, and keeping the piece steady. Handle, cartridge. 1. Bring the hand quick to the box, open it, take out the first cartridge felt, carry it quickly to the mouth, bite the paper to the powder, bring the hand down as low as the shoulder, the elbow down. Prime. 1. Incline the head that the eye may see the pan, fill it with powder, close the cartridge, bring the three last fingers be- hind the steel. Shut, pan. 1. Resist with the left hand, shut the pan strong with the three last fingers of the right. 16 2. Half face to the left, bring the right foot to the front, the heel against the hollow of the left, turn the piece to the position of the second motion of the secure, nearly, the fire- lock four inches lower, by bearing strong on the butt with the right hand, and bringing the left hand to the left shoulder. 3. Quitting the firelock with the right hand, let it slide through, the left, the butt falling lightly on the ground near the left toe, and bring the right hand up to the muzzle, which is before the middle of the breast, the piece touching the left thigh. Charge, cartridge. 1. Cast the eye on the muzzle, turn up the right hand and elbow, put the cartridge into the barrel, shake in the powder and force in the ball. 2. Turn the stock inwards, bring down the right elbow, and seize the butt of the rammer between the thumb and fore finger of the right hand, the fingers closed. Draw, RAMMER. 1. Draw the rammer by extending briskly the arm, the nails upward, quit and instantly seize it again at the muz- zle, the nails downward. 2. Draw it quite out, turn it between the face and the muzzle, and enter it into the muzzle as far as the hand. Ram, CARTRIDGE. 1. Extend the arm, seize again the rammer, and with two strokes force down the cartridge, draw the rammer half out, seize it backhanded, draw turn and enter it as far as the tail pipe, placing the edge of the hand, the palm downwards, on the butt of the rammer, the fingers extended. Return, rammer. 1. Force the rammer home, raising the piece with the left hand to the shouldering position, placing the right hand against the piece at the small, and bringing the right heel back beside the left. Shoulder, arms. 1. Bring the left hand strong on the butt. 2. Bring the right hand down by the side. 17 LESSON IV. On Firing. The instructer will command, Make, ready. Position of the First Rank, 1. With the left hand turn the firelock, the lock to the front, with the right hand seize it at the small, as in the first motion of loading, turning the point of the left foot to the front. 2. Draw the right foot quickly back, kneel on the right knee, placed one foot to the rear and six inches to the right of the left heel, being careful not to come down too suddenly; at the same time bring down the firelock with the right hand, seize it with the left at the lower pipe, place the butt on the ground lightly, even with the left heel, and in front of the right thigh, seize the cock between the thumb and fore finger of the right hand. 3. Cock the firelock. Position of the Second Rank. 1. The same as the first motion of loading. 2. With the right hand bring the firelock before the middle of the body, place the left hand with its littl-e finger touching the feather spring, the thumb as high as the chia, and point- ing upwards along the stock, the brass counterplate turned towards the body, and the rammer to the front; place the thumb of the right hand on the head of the cock, the fingers on the guard. 3. Bring down briskly the right elbow, cocking the fire- lock, and seize it by the small of the stock. Position of the Third Rank. 1. 2. 3. The same motions as those described for the se- cond rank. Take, aim. Bring down quickly the muzzle of the firelock, sliding the left hand to the lower pipe; place the butt against the right shoulder, the muzzle lower than the eye, the right elbow kept C 18 lowered, without pressing the body; shut the left eye, and look along the barrel with the right, inclining the head for- wards, and placing the fore finger of the right hand on the trigger. The men of the third rank, and they only, will step nine inches to the right, in taking aim. Recover, arms. Come to the position effected by the command " maie ready j^^ and remain. The instructer will again order. Take, aim. Fire. Press the forefinger strongly on the trigger, without low- ering the head, turning it, or moving the piece. Load. Draw back the firelock quickly, and take the position ef- fected by the command " load anns^^ except that the thumb of the right hand, instead of being placed against the steel, seizes with the fore finger bent the top of the cock, the other fingers remaining shut. The men of the front rank, without bending forward, will spring up, keeping back the right shoulder, in order to avoid the firelocks of the second rank; and the men of the rear rank will bring back the right foot, placing the hollow behind the left heel. Should the instructer desire to load, he will command. Half-cock, FIRELOCK. If the instructer does not wish to load, he will command, Shoulder, arms. 1. Draw back the cock to halfcock; taking care not to cock the piece. Shut the pan with the three last fingers of the right hand. 2. Seize the piece at the small, bring it to the shoulder, the left hand on the butt, bringing up the right foot. 3. Bring the right hand down by the side. Every lesson in the drill of the soldier will conclude with :*n exercise in marching. 19 Mark time. March. At the second command which will be given as either foot comes to the ground, the recruit will keep the step, observ- ing cadence, without advancing. Forward. March. TTie soldier will advance with the ordinary step. PART III. LESSON I. Of Marching in Line, different Steps and Time* The instructer will place from five to ten men in a rank to teach them to march to the front to a flank j quick step; step back; changing direction; wheeling on the march, or on a fixed pivot, and dressing in line. Having placed them in line, the instructer will command, Platoon, forward. Guide to the right. March. At the word " march," the rank step off with the left feet. The instructer will have placed a well drilled man two paces before the soldier on the right flank, to give the step and di- rection. The soldier on the right flank will follow his steps, and keep two paces behind him. The soldier will be directed to touch lightly the elbow of the next man on the side of the guide; to resist pressure on the contrary side, and yield to that which comes from the side of the guide; to join the elbow by degrees, if separated; to carrj^ the head upright, the e}es directed to the ground, fifteen paces in front; and to correct any error in his position by degrees. The instructer will explain, that the line cannot be pre- served but by regularity of step, touching the elbows, and keeping the shoulders square to the front. The instructer will exercise them in marching with the guide on the left, also in the oblique march to right and left. 20 When the instructer judges the recruits sufficiently taught to march in common time, he will teach them to march in quick time, and step back. He will command, Quick step. March. At the word " march," which should be given when either foot comes to the ground, the rank will take the quick step; the length is the same as the common step, and one hundred are taken in a minute. The oblique step is not taken in quick time. ^ Common time. March. At the word " march," which will be given when either foot comes to the ground, the rank will take the ordinary- step. Platoon. Halt. The foot up is brought to the ground, and that behind is brought up, without stamping. Step back. March. The rank will step back twelve inches at a step, beginning with the left feet. Platoon. Halt. The foot in front is brought back even with the other. The instructer will require that the soldiers move straight back, and preserve the due position of the body and piece. LESSON IL Marching by a Flank. The soldiers being in a line, elbows touching, the instruc- ter will command, 21 Platoon, by the right flank. To the right, face. March. At the second command, they face; and at the word " march," step off with the left feet, common time. The instructer will place a well drilled man beside him who is on the leading flank, touching his elbow, to regulate his step, and for him to dress on. At every step the foremost foot of each soldier will be placed even with the hindmost foot of the soldier who marches before him. By file to the fight. March. At the second command, the leading man will turn to the right, and march straight on. Each other man when he comes to the same place will turn to the right, and march straight on in the same direction. Platoon. Halt. Front. At the second command, every foot is brought to the ground, and no one stirs, although he has lost his distance. At the third command, they face to the front; to the left, if marching by the right; to the right, if marching by the left. When the men are instructed to march in common time to the flank, they will be so marched in quick time. LESSON III. The Principles of Dressing into Line. The instructer will first exercise the men in forming the line one at a time. He will command the two first men on the right to march two paces in front. He will then dress them, and desire each man successively to form line on the two first. Each soldier commanded will turn his head, look to the right, march two paces ordinary time, so as to be six inches behind the line, and dress forward by degrees, keeping the hams stretched, moving forward gently, without jerking, so that his shoul- 22, dcrs are exactly in line with those of the man on his right, and so as just to feel his elbow without moving his own from his body. The dressing on the left is done in the same manner. When the recruits have learnt to form the line one at a time, without shuffling, the instructer will form the line at once. To the right, dress. The whole will advance in ordinary time, upon the new line marked by the two men on the right, and dress. Steady. The soldier looks to the front, and remains motionless. If the line is not perfect, the instructer having beforehand numbered the men from right to left, will command. Number four, move up. or Number three, step back. and so correct the line. By the right, backward dress. The soldiers will step back a little in rear of the line mark- ed by the two men placed on the right, and then move up into it by degrees. LESSON IV. Of Wheeling, and Changing the Direction^ Wheelings are of two kinds. First, on a fixed pivot. Se- cond, on a march. The first kind are used to form the open column from the line, or the contrary. The second kind are used to change the direction of the open column on the march. In wheeling on a fixed pivot, the pivot man turns on his heels without advancing. In wheeling on a march, the pivot man takes steps of six inches, to keep that flank in motion, which is necessary to avoid obstructing the next platoon. 23 The man on the marching flank will take steps of the usual length. 1. On a fixed pivot. The instructer will place a man well drilled on the march- ing flank, to conduct it. Platoon. To the right, wheel. March. At the word " march," the soldiers step off with the left feet, turning their eyes to the left, in a line with the eyes of the men on their left, conforming to the movement of the marching flank. Each soldier should feel the elbow of the man next him on the pivot side, and resist pressure from the marching flank. The instructer will sometimes cause them to wheel a com- plete circle without stopping; and take care to prevent the centre from breaking off. Wheeling to the left, is performed in the like manner. Platoon. Halt. At the word " halt," no man will stir, until the next word of command is given. The instructer will step to the reverse flank, and place the two outside men in the direction he would give the line, at such distance from the pivot as will admit all the files. To the left, dress. At this command the men will advance, form the line, and the instructer will command. Steady. The whole will look to the front, and stand firm. 2. Wheeling on a march. As soon as the men can perform the wheel on a fixed pivot they are to be exercised in wheeling on a march. The rank being on the march, the instructer will command, if he wishes to wheel from the side of the guide; To the left, wheel. March. The first command is to be given when the rank is two paces from where the wheel is to be made. At the word " march," the pivot man will conform to the movement of the marching flank, will feel the man on his right, and take steps of six inches. The touch of the elbow will be on the side of the guide; that is, here, the right. Forward. March. At the word '* march," the man who conducts the marching flank will take a direction straight forward, and all will take the step of two feet. Change of Direction to the Side of the Guide. The instructer will command. To the right, turn.* March. At the word march, the guidef will take the new direction without altering the length or cadence of the step. All the rest will conform to the new direction, by advancing the shoulders opposite the guide, and taking the quick step until they respectively attain the new direction; when they will take the step from the guide, and face to the front. End of the Soldier's Drill. * The word " turn" is appropriated to wheeling by independent files, ©r, as it is sometimes called, " shoulders forward." f Tlie guide here is only supposed The disciplined man, who marches two puces before the right flank is not in the position of the guide. The guide of a platoon marches even with and six niches from the front rank. 25 SECTION III. Drill of the Company. When the recruits have been sufficiently instructed in the soldier's drill, they will be formed as a company in three ranks, with a captain, covering sergeant, and file closers, as has been directed. The officer who exercises the company will be called the instructer. He will number the files from right to left. He will be clear and concise in his explanations, and calm in his manner. LESSON 1. Article I. Opening Ranks. The company being at ordered arms, the instructer will place the second sergeant on the left of the first rank, cover- ed by a corporal on the third rank, and will command, 1 Attention. 2 Shoulder, arms. 3 Rear ranks, take distance. 4 March. At the word " distance," the captain and the sergeant on the left of the first rank, step back to the line of file closers, and dress by them. The covering sergeant and the corporal placed on the left of the rear rank, step back to the distance of four paces in rear of the line of file closers, judging the distance by the eye. At the word march, the first rank stands fast. The two rear ranks step back in common time, without counting the steps, and place themselves in the line taken for each rank. The captain will dress the second rank, and the covering sergeant will dress the third rank, on the corporal on the left. The file closers step back at the same time, and take their distance of two paces, when the third rank is formed. D 26 Steady. At this command by the instructer, the captain, and the sergeant u ho is on the left of the second rank, regain their posts on the front rank. Article II. Dressing- at Open Order, The instructer will cause three men on the right of each rank to march three paces to the front, and havmg dressed them will command, By file, to the right dress. At this command the soldiers of each rank will form suc- cessively upon the line, each being preceded two paces by the man next him on the right. The line will be formed to the left in the like manner. The instructer will then cause the line to be formed at once by each rank, to the front, and to the rear, and in parallel and oblique directions. To the right, dress. The instructer will attend to the execution of the first rank, the captain to the second, and the covering sergeant to the third. And after every alignment will pass along the ranks, and inspect the position of the men and arms. To the right, backward dress. The soldiers will step back behind the line, and take the true direction by degrees, moving up gently, preserving a proper position, and taking care never to get before the line. There are always to be three men of each rank placed as a basis whereon the line is to be formed. Article III. Manual Exercise. The ranks being at open order, the instructer will place himself before the right flank, and command the manual ex- ercise and motions of loading, in this order: 27 1 Support Arms. 14 Shoulder Arms, 2 Carry Arms. 15 Advance Arms. 3 Slope Arms. 16 Shoulder Arms. 4 Carry Arms. 17 Load bv the word. 5 Trail Arms. 18 Open Pan, 6 Shoulder Arms, 19 Handle Cartridge. 7 Order Arms. 20 Prime, 8 Shoulder Arms. 21 Shut Pan. 9 Secure Firelock, 22 Charge Cartridge, 10 Shoulder Arms. 23 Draw Rammer. 11 Present Arms. 24 Ram Cartridge. 12 Shoulder Arms. 25 Return Rammer. 13 Charge Bayonet. 26 Shoulder Arms. The instructer will observe that the position of the body, firelock, and feet, are exact; and the motions smartly exe- cuted.* Article IV. Closing Ranks. The manual being finished, the instructer will command, 1 Close ranks. 2 March. At the word " march," the two rear ranks will close by the common step, each man covering his file leader. The captain and covering sergeant take their posts in the line. Article V. Dressing at Close Order. The instructer, placing three files to serve as a basis, will cause new parallel and oblique directions to be taken, to the front and rear. As soon as the captain sees the greatest part of the front rank dressed, he will command, • The repealed */ioMWen«^j! in the manual exercise have been objected to; but they are all necessary to be taught, as the firelock is brought to the shoulder from each of tiie other positions; and these shoulderings are va- riously performed by two, three, or four motions. 28 Steady. And afterwards rectify, if necessary, the dressing of the rest. The file closers will always place themselves two paces in rear of the third rank. 1 Order, arms. 2 Rest. This should be observed at the end of every lesson. LESSON II. Article I. Loading in ^ick Time. The instructer will command, 1 Attention. 2 Shoulder, arms. 3 Load in quick time. 4 Load, ARMS. At this last word each soldier will commence loading; he will open pan, take out cartridge, break cartridge, prime. Two. At this word the soldier proceeds to shut pan, charge car- tridge. Three. He draws rammer, rams cartridge, striking twice. Four. He returns rammer, and shoulders arms. 29 Article II. Loading in Quickest Time. The instructer will command. 1 Load at will. 2 Prime and Load. At this word the soldiers will load and shoulder without stopping. This being the mode of loading in battle, the sol- diers must be practised in it until they can charge three rounds in a minute. The instructer will require regularity, without which the soldiers embarras each other. Article III. Fire by the Company, The instructer will command, 1 Fire by company. 2 Commence firing. At the word " company," the captain will step briskly to the rear of the centre of his company, two paces behind the file closers. The covering serjeant will fall back into the line of file closers, opposite his post. At the second command, the captain will order, 1 Company. 2 Ready. 3 Aim. 4 Fire. 5 Prime and Load. At the word " load," the soldiers draw back their pieces from the aiming position, load them, and carry arms. The men of the third rank step nine inches to the right, to be op- posite the interval of the other ranks. The captain will continue the fire by the same commands, until the drum beats the signal for the firing to cease. 1 be ci'.ptain will sometimes command " to the right (or left) oblique," after " ready," and before " aim." He will 30 also sometimes command " recover arms," to accustom the men to coolness and attention to the word of command. Article IV. Firing by File. The instructer will command, 1 Fire by file. 2 Company. 3 Ready. 4 Commence firing. At the first command, the captain will step one pace in the rear of the third rank, opposite his interval; and the covering Serjeant will step into the line of file closers, behind the cap- tain. The fire will commence by file on the right. Each file will fire when the next file on the right has primed. This suc- cession is only necessary during the first round. The third rank is not to fire. The instructer will cause the firing to cease by a short roll of the drum. It will end with a tap, as the signal to the captain and covering serjeant to resume their places in the order of battle; and both " the roll," and "■ the tap," will be commanded by the instructer; the last when the arms are shouldered. Article V. Firing to the Rear. The instructer will command, 1 Fire to the rear. 2 Company. 3 Right about, face. At the word " right about," the captain will step behind the right hand man of the front rank. The covering serjeant and file closers pass through the interval of the captain, and take post in front, now becoming the rear. At the word " face," the chief of platoon will place him- self in the interval on the third rank, now in front, the co- vering serjeant takes post on the first rank, now in the rear. The instructer will command the fire direct, oblique, and by files, as before. u 1 Company. 2 Right about, face. The captain, file closers, and covering serjeant proceed as before, and regain their posts in the line. The captain shall allow sufficient time between the words " aim," and " fire," for the soldiers to aim correctly. The instructer will place himself on the right flank, so as to see the three ranks. The captain and the file closers, who are at ordered arms, will observe those who load badly, or are last in firing; such must be sent to the soldier's drill. Calmness and coolness are to be recommended, but life and spirit are to be preserved in the execution. The instructer will direct them to keep the left heel in its place, to preserve the line. He will see that the soldiers ram down well; charge them to notice the smoke coming out of the touchhole after firing; not to cock instead of halfcocking the piece; and to be very careful not to load thrice without discharging. He will some- times cause them to come to ordered arms, and put the ram- mer in the piece to ascertain whether there be more charges in it than one. If so, they must be drawn. LESSON ill. Article I. Marching' in Line. The company being in line, and correctly dressed, the instructer will step fifteen paces to the front, and place him- self in aline with the captain and covering serjeant, who is behind him on the third rank. Being satisfied that they have their shoulders in the direction of the line, and are cor- rectly dressed one behind the other, and being himself in line with the file of direction, he will command, 1. Company, forward. At this command, one of the file closers previously ap- pointed, will advance six paces in front of the captain, and will be dressed on the line with the directing file. This file closer will take two points on the ground, in a right line pass- ing from him between the heels of the instructer. 32 2 March. The company will step off with life. The file closer charged with the direction will observe the length and cadence of the step, and will take as he advances new points on the same line, at fifteen or twenty paces from each other. The cap- tain will march exactly on his steps, six paces behind him. The man next to the captain will be careful never to get before him. He will therefore keep the line of his shoulders rather in the rear, but in the same direction as those of the captain. The file closers march two paces in the rear of the third rank. If the soldiers lose the step, the instructer will com- mand, The step. At this command the soldiers will cast their eyes on the directing Serjeant, take the step from him, and bring the head to its direct position. The directing sergeant ought to be well disciplined, and remarkable for precision of step, and correctness in keeping the direction. The instructer will march the company some hundred paces, if the ground will admit, in order to fix the soldiers in the length and cadence of the step. In the first exercise, he may march them in open ranks, the covering sergeant being placed on the second rank, behind the captain. The instructer will sometimes come to the flank, to see all the faults; and sometimes he will place himself behind the dire cting file, to see if the sergeant advances on the perpen- dicular line. Article II. To Halt and Dress the Company. The instructer will command, 1 Company. 2 Halt. At the word " halt," the whole will stand fast. The di- recting Serjeant will remain in front until the instructer shall desire him to take his place in the line. The instructer will advance the three right hand files two paces, and on the basis thereby formed dress the line. Or he may command, 33 3 Right, DRESS. The soldiers will turn the head to the right, and dress bv degrees. 4 Steady. The whole look to the front and remain motionless. Article III. The March Oblique. The company being on the direct march, the instructer will command, 1 Oblique to the right. 2 March. At the word " march," which will be pronounced as the left foot comes to the ground, the company will commence the oblique step with the right foot. The directing sergeant will be careful to keep his shoulders square to the front, and to oblique with an equal movement. The captain will con- form ghis march to that of the directing sergeant. The sol- diers will preserve the touch of the elbow on the side of di- rection, keeping the shoulders square to the front, the head erect, and eyes directed straight forward. i 1 Forward. 2 March. At the command " march," which may be pronounced as either foot comes to the ground, the company will take the direct march. The instructer will quickly place himself twenty paces be- fore the directing file, and correct by signs the directing ser- geant, who will take two points of direction as before. The instructer will at length continue the oblique march a long distance, to fix the soldiers in its principles, as it is sometimes important in movements of the line. E 34 Article IV. To Mark Time, March in ^dck Time^ and Step Back, The instructer as the company advances in common time, will command, 1 Mark, time. 2 March. To take the ordinary step again, he will command, 1 Forward. 2 March. To march the quick step, the instructer will command, 1 Quick, TIME. 2 March. The word " march" to be pronounced as either foot comes to the ground. To take again the ordinary step, 1 Common time. 2 March. The company being halted, the instructer will command, 1 Step back. 2 March. The soldiers will step back, twelve inches each step, com- mencing with the left foot. Article V. March to the Rear. The companv being halted, and correctly dressed, the in- structer will command, 1 Company. 2 Right about, face. The company having gone to the right about, the instruc- ter will step quickly twenty paces before the new front, place himself in line with the directing file, and then com- mand. 35 3 Company. 4 Forward. The directing sergeant will come six paces before the di- recting file, and take two objects as before directed. The covering sergeant will place himself on the line of file closers, opposite his place, and the captain will take that place in the third rank, now become the first. 5 March. The whole will advance as in the march to the front. 1 Company. 2 Halt. 3 Right about, face. The captain and covering sergeant regain their places, and the instructer forms or corrects the line as before directed. LESSON IV. Article I. Marching by a Flank, The company being in line and halted, the instructer will command, 1 Company, by the right flank. 2 To the right, face. 3 March. At the first command, the captain faces to the right, and steps to the left, a pace out of the first rank, in which the co- vering sergeant places himself, facing to the right. At the second the company faces. At the word " march," the company steps off briskly. The men of the second and third rank will march, dressing exactly in line with their file leaders; the whole will keep their heads erect; each man placing his left foot even with the right foot of the man he follows. The file closers will march in their places in line. The march to the left will be on the same principles. The sergeant on the left will lead the front rank, the captain marching on his right. 36 Article II. To change Direction by File. The instructer will command, 1 By file to the right. 2 March. At the word " march," the first file will wheel to the right, the man in the third rank taking care not to turn all at once, but to describe a small circle, shortening three or four paces to give time to the man of the first rank to conform to the movement. Each file will wheel on the same ground as the preceding file. There must be no stopping, or hastening of the step. Article III. To Halt and Front the Company, marching by a Flank. 1 Company. 2 Halt. 3 Front. At the word " halt," no one stirs. At the word " front," they face to the left. The captain and covering sergeant will take their places in line, as soon as the company fronts. The instructer may then place three files as a basis, and form the line, or he may correct it only. Article IV. The Company tnarching by Flank^ to form Line by File to Right or Left. The company marching by the right flank, the instructer will command, 1 By files, to the right, form in line. 2 March. At the word " march," the second and third rank mark time. The captain will turn to the right, and march forward, followed by the covering sergeant, and halt when he has passed four paces the line of file closers. The soldier on the S7 right of the first rank will march on, pass in rear of the cover- ing sergeant, turn to the right, and form on his left; the se- cond will do the same, and form on the left of the first; and so on to the last. When three men of the first rank are form- ed, the second rank will begin to form; the men will take their places in like manner; the third rank will do the same when three of the second rank are formed; and each man will be careful to cover his file leader. The captain will place himself to the right of the covering sergeant, and dress the line. If the company marched by the left flank, it might be formed to the left by inverse means. The captain, who would then be on the left, would take his place in line as soon as it should be formed and dressed, by the instructer's order. Article V. The Company marching by Flank to form in Line, or Platoons, on the March. The instructer will order the captain to form the company. He will command, 1 Form company. 2 March. At the command " march," the covering sergeant will march straight forward; the soldiers will advance the right shoulder, take the quick step, and come directly into line, one at a time, without running. When the soldiers arrive in line, they will take the step from the directing sergeant. The men of the second and third rank will conform to the movement of their file leaders. As soon as the movement begins, the captain will face to the company, and when it is formed, command: 3 Guide to the left. He will step to the centre, place himself two paces before the front rank, and take the step. The sergeant nearest the left will come to the left flank on the front rank, to his post as guide.* • In coliiinn by companies the two guides are always on the flanks ofthe front rank; and one of them is charj^cd with the direction. The left, if the riglitis in front; the n>Af, if the left is in front 38 If the company marches by the left flank, it will be formed by similar means. The company marching by a flank, the instructer wishing to form platoons, will command, 1 Form platoons. 2 March. This movement is performed on the same principles as the preceding. The captain steps in front of the first platoon. The next officer steps in front of the second platoon. They will each command, " Guide to the left;" and the guide will step to the left, if not already there. The right guide of the company will serve as guide of the first platoon, and the left guide of the company as guide of the second platoon, either on the right or left. The file closers follow their respective platoons. LESSON V. Article I. To form Column of Platoons from the Line* The company being formed and halted, the instructer will command, 1 Form column of platoons by wheeling to the right. 2 By platoons, right wheel. 3 March. At the first command, the officers commanding platoons will place themselves two paces before the front rank at the centres of their platoons. At the second, the right hand man of the front rank of each platoon faces to the right. At the word " march," the commander of each platoon will step quickly to a point on the outside of that where the left will rest when the wheel is effected, face to the rear, and place himself so that a line drawn from' him to the right hand man of the front rank will be perpendicular to that which the company whs formed on. The platoons will wheel on a fixed pivot. When the marching flank is within two paces of the perpendicular, the commander of each platoon will order. 39 1 Platoon. 2 Halt. The platoon will stand fast. The guide of each will step to the place to which the left of the platoon is to come. The commander of each platoon will command, 3 Left DRESS. Which being observed, he will order, 4 Steady. And step before the centre of his platoon. The right guide of the company will act as guide on the left of the first platoon. Article II. To March in Column, The company having broken into platoons, right in front, the instructer will step fifteen paces to the front, face towards the guides, place himself correctly in their direction, and caution the leading guide to take points of direction on the ground, passing between the instructer's heels. The instructer will then command, 1 Column, forward. 2 Guide to the left. 3 March. The word " march," being quickly repeated by the com- manders of platoons, the whole step off with life together. The soldier will feel the elbow of his neighbour on the side of the guide. The man next the guide shall keep six inches from him, and never get before him. The leading guide will be careful to observe the length and cadence of the step, and to preserve, by selecting new poiiits as he advances, the direction of the march. The following guide will march exactly in his steps. If he loses the direction, he will regain it by degrees. He will preserve a distance equal to the front of his platoon. The commander of each platoon will frequently turn and watch the men that they observe order and regularity. The instructer, on the side of the guides, will observe the whole. 40 Article III. To Change Direction in Column* The instructer will inform the officer of the first platoon of the change, and place himself at the point where it is to be made, his right side next to the head of the column, in line with the guides. The leading guide will march up so that his left arm grazes the breast of the instructer, when the officer of the platoon will command, 1 To the left turn. 2 March. The word " turn," to be pronounced when the guide is within two paces of the wheeling point. At the word " march," the guide turns without altering the step,* and the platoon wheels by echellon of files, or " right shoulders forward," taking the quick step. The guide will take new objects for his direction. To change the direction to the side opposite the guide, the wheel is on a moving pivot, taking steps of six inches; and the touch of the elbow is preserved. The wheel being completed, the officer of the platoon will command, 1 Forward. 2 March. If the left is in front, the change of direction is on the like principles. Article IV. To Halt the Column. The instructer will command, 1 Column. 2 Halt. At the word " halt," quickly repeated by the officers of platoons, they will halt instantly, and no guide will stir. * The guides never alter the length or cadence of their step in wheeling. 41 Article V. To form in Line to the Right or Left. The instructer having halted the column will step to the distance of platoon before the leading guide, to rectify, if necessary, his position. He will then command, 1 To the left in line, wheel. 2 March. At the word " wheel," the man on the left of the front rank will face to the left, and touch with his breast the arm of the guide who stands fast. At the word " march," quickly repeated by the officers of platoons, the platoons wheel on a standing pivot. The offi- cers turn to their platoons, and watch the movement. When the marching flank is within two paces of the line, the officer will command, 1 Platoon. 2 Halt. The officer of the second platoon passes to the line of file closers. The captain takes his place on the right, where the right of the company should rest, and commands, 3 Right DRESS. He will dress the company on the left man of the front rank, and command, 4 Steady. The instructer, seeing the line formed, will order. Guides, to your posts. The covering sergeant will pass behind the captain. The guide on the left will go to the rank of file closers. If the column has the left in front, it will wheel to the right in line, by inverse means. F 42 LESSON vr. Article I. To break off Files to the Rear^ and bring them again int9 Line* The instructer will give orders to the captain, who will command, 1 One file from the right to the rear. 2 March. At the word " march," the first file on the right will mark time, and so soon as the company passes, advancing the right shoulder, will form behind the three outward files, the front rank man outward. Other files are broken off in like manner; they will pre- cede the first, who advance the right shoulder, so as to fol- low, and shorten the step to make room for the additional files. The file closers will march behind the remainder of the company. When the instructer wishes some files to enter the line again, he will order, 1 One file on the right in line. 2 March. At the word " march," the foremost of the files in rear will advance the left shoulder, take the quick step, and form in line. The instructer will break off several files at once. They will mark time, advance the right shoulder, and place them- belves behind the outside files who remain in line. 1 Three first files in line. 2 March. The files directed advance the left shoulder, and step quick into line. If the files break off to the rear on the side of the guide, he will approach the platoon so as to be on the side of the first man marching to the front. He will separate from him to give room for the files who again join the platoon. The files on the left will be broken off and reunited by inverse means. 43 Article II. To march in Column by the Route Step, The company being halted, supposed part of a column, and the instructer desiring to march by the route step, will command, 1 Column, forward. 2 Guide to the left. 3 Route step. 4 March. The captain will repeat the command " march," and the three ranks step off together, opening to the distance of three feet. Arms at ease. On giving this command by the instructer, the soldiers will carry their firelocks on either shoulder, keeping the muzzles elevated; and are not required to step together, or keep silence. They will march at ease, but not confound the ranks. 1 Rear ranks, close order. 2 March. At this command the first rank will take the ordinary time, the ranks close, and the whole carry arms. Article III. To break into Platoons^ and form Company. The company marching in ordinary time, and supposed to be part of a column, the right in front, the instructer hav- ing directed the captain, he will command, 1 Form platoons. and step before the first platoon. The officer of the s"e- cond will step before it, and command, Mark time. The captain commands. 44. 2 March. The first platoon marches straight on, and the covering sergeant steps to its left to act as guide, as soon as it clears the other platoon, passing before the front rank. The second platoon will oblique to the right. The guide of the second platoon being arrived in the di- rection with the guide of the first, the officer of the second will command, Forward, March. The left being in front, they will form platoons by inverse means. The instructer, wishing to form company, will inform the captain, who will command, 1 Form company. 2 First platoon, oblique to the right. 3 March. The first platoon obliques to the right, and when it has uncovered the second platoon, the captain will command, 4 Mark time. 5 March. and when the second arrives even with the first, he will order, 6 Forward, March. The officer of the second platoon retires by the left flank. The covering sergeant will retire, passing the front, to his post on the right of the third rank. In obliquing, when on a march, by the route step, the men turn their shoulders, and oblique by echellon of files. In breaking a company, part of a column, into platoons, it must be so expeditiously done as not to obstruct the fol- lowing company. Article IV. The Countermarch. The company being halted, and supposed part of an open column, the instructer will command, 45 1 Counter march. 2 Company, by the right flank. 3 To the right Face. 4 By file to the left, counter march. 5 March. At the word " face," the platoon faces as ordered; the guide on the left faces to the right about, and stands fast. The first file on the right, conducted by the captain, will wheel half a circle to the left, and pass before the company so as to arrive two paces in rear of the guide on the left, who after facing about stood fast. Each file will wheel on the same ground. The first file having arrived at the left, the captain commands, 1 Company. 2 Halt. 3 Front. 4 Right Dress. He places himself two paces outside of the guide, dresses the company, and then commands, 5 Steady. and comes before the centre of the company. The cover- ing sergeant takes his place as guide on the right of the front rank, and the guide on the left passes to the left of the same rank. If the left of the column be supposed in front, the counter- iparch is performed by inverse means, on the same prin- ciples. The files always pass before the front rank. Article V. Being- in Column by Platoons^ to form Line on the Rig-ht or Left. The column of Platoons being on the march, right in front* the instructer will command, 1 To the right form the line. 2 Guide to the right. The guide of each platoon will repair quickly to the right flank; the soldiers will feel with the elbow the right hand man, and continue the march. The instructer will pass to 46 the point where he wishes the right of the company in line to rest. Each platoon ought to have four paces to make after wheeling, to arrive in line. The heads of the column being nearly up with the in- structer, the officer of the first platoon will command, 1 Turn to the right. And when opposite to the instructer, 2 March. The files turn to the right, and advance by echellon of files. The captain marching two paces before the centre of the first platoon, when he shall come in line with the in- structer, will command, 1 Platoon. 2 Halt. The platoon stands fast, the guide steps to the left, and places himself opposite one of the three left files, facing the instructer, who will dress him on the point of direction to the left. The captain will come to the point where the right is to rest, and command, 3 Right Dress. The platoon dresses, and he commands, 4 Steady. The second platoon moves straight on, until it is even with the left flank of the first, turns by command of its officer, and moves into the line, the guide directing himself by the left file of the first platoon. The guide quickly passes along the direction to the left, and places himself opposite one of the three left files of his platoon, in line with, and facing to the guide of the first platoon and the instructer. The officer of the second platoon will command, 1 Right, Dress. 2 Steady. and will take his post among the file closers. The man in the front rank opposite the guide, will touch with his breast the arm of the guide, the instant the platoon comes into line. 47 The instructer will order, Guides to your posts. At this command the covering sergeant passes behind the captain; the guide of the second platoon passes to the file closers. A column of platoons, left in front, forms the line to the left, upon the same principles, by inverse commands and movements. END OF THE COMPANY DRILL. SECTION IV. Drill of the Battalion. The manner in which the regiment of ten companies will be drawn up, as a single field battalion, has already been explained. If the regiment consists of eighteen companies, divided into two battalions, each composed of eight infantry compa- nies and a flank company, it will be drawn up in two bat- talions, with an interval between them of twenty-four paces. The flank companies being numbered first and second, and the battalion companies designated by numbers from one to sixteen, according to the rank of the officers com- manding them, the first flank company, and the infantry companies designated by odd numbers, will form the first battalion. The second flank company, and the infantry com- panies, designated by even numbers, will form the second battalion. The flank company of the first battalion will be placed on its right; that of the second battalion will be placed on its left. In the first battalion, the companies of infantry are to be placed in the following order, from right to left; the first, ninth, third, eleventh, fifth, thirteenth, seventh, fifteenth. In the second battalion, the companies of infantry, are al- so placed from right to left, in the following order; the se- cond, tenth, fourth, twelfth, sixth, fourteenth, eighth and six- teenth. By this arrangement, senior and junior officers are inter- spersed; the two senior officers are on the right of the two 48 wings of the battalion; and the four senior officers are on the right of the four divisions. The infantry companies of each battalion will be num- bered from right to left. They will form four divisions, which will also be numbered from right to left. The formation by three ranks is deemed the most per- fect, and effective, to oppose disciplined troops. Nevertheless, as two ranks will be a sufficient depth to oppose to undisciplined enemies, who deal chiefly in fire, the commanding officer will always determine whether the formation shall be in two or in three ranks. The colonel will be posted thirty paces in the rear of the interval between the battalions; the lieutenant colonel of each battalion will be posted twenty paces in the rear of the centre of his battalion; the major eight paces in the rear of the centre of the right wing; and the adjutant eight paces in the rear of the centre of the left wing. The term "subdivision" will be used to signify either a company or platoon, indifferently. If the regiment forms but a single field battalion, the words of command prescribed to be given by the lieutenant colonel, will be given by the colonel. PART I. Article I. To open the Ranks, The lieutenant colonel desiring to open the ranks, will command, 1 Rear ranks, take distance. At this command the captains and covering sergeants, as also the sergeant and corporal who are placed on the left flank of the battalion in the first and third rank, step briskly to the rear, to mark the line whereon the two rear ranks are to form. The captain and the sergeant who was on the left of the first rank, dress by the line of file closers. The cover- ing sergeants, and the corporal who was on the left of the third rank, will step four paces in rear of the rank of file closers, and dress by the right. They willjudge the distance by the eye. The lieutenant colonel coming to the right of the line of file closers, will see that the line is correctly taken by the 49 captains; and the adjutant will dress the line of covering sergeants on the corporal on the left, who will raise his fire- lock perpendicularly before his eyes as an object for the adju- tant to see. This being done, the lieutenant colonel will command, 2 March. The two rear ranks will step back in common time, pass- ing a little the lines taken for them, and dress forward by the captains and covering sergeants. The file closers step back at the same time, and form a line two paces in rear of the third rank, and are dressed by the major on the corporal on the left, who Avill raise his firelock perpendicularly before his eyes. The ranks being dressed, the lieutenant colonel will com- mand, 3 Steady. The captains, and the sergeant who was placed on the left of the first rank, regain their posts in the front rank. Article II. Manual Exercise. . • The colonel, lieutenant colonel, or other officer command- ing the battalion, will command so much of the manual ex- ercise as he pleases, and the loading motions. He will attend to the execution of the front rank; the major to the second; and the adjutant to the third. Each captain will make a half face to the right, when the soldiers of his company in the loading motions do the same, and face to the front when the soldier next to him of his own company passes the firelock to the left. The lieutenant colonel desiring to close the ranks, will command, 1 Close ranks. 2 March. The two rear ranks close by the common step, each man covering his file leader. The captains and covering sergeants take their places in the line. G 50 Article III. Loading in the Richest Time, and the Firings. When the ranks are closed, the lieutenant colonel will command, 1 Load at will. 2 Prime and Load. and place himself twenty paces behind the centre. The major and adjutant will place themselves each eight paces behind the centre of his wing. To execute the fire by company, the colonel will command, 1 Fire by company. 2 Commence firing. At the last command, the captains of the first and fifth companies will commence the fire, in this manner. 1 First company. 2 Ready. 3 Aim. 4 Fire. 5 Prime and Load. As soon as the captains of the third and seventh companies hear the captains of the first and fifth pronounce the word "ready," they will commence giving the words of command. The two companies of each division will fire alternately. When the captain of the even company has observed some muskets of the odd companj^ shouldered, he will commence giving the commands for the fire. The lieutenant colonel, to execute the fire by wings, will command, 1 Fire by wings. 2 Right wing. 3 Ready. 4 Aim. 5 Fire. 6 Prime and Load. He will give the word to each wing alternately; giving his first command to one, when some firelocks of the other are shouldered. 51 If the lieutenant colonel chooses to execute the fire by battalion, the words of command are the same, only substi- tuting " battalion" for " wing." If the lieutenant colonel wishes to fire by file, he will com- mand, 1 Fire by files. 2 Battalion. 3 Ready. 4 Commence firing. The fire commences by the right file of each company, and proceeds in succession to the left, but only during the first round. Each file will fire when the file next to the right have primed. The first rank loads, and keeps up the fire; the second hand their empty pieces with the right hand to the rear rank, receive theirs loaded, fire them, load and discharge them a second time, then exchange them for their own pieces loaded by the third rank, and so keep up the fire. The third rank are not to fire. In all the firings, the colour guard draws back, so that its first rank is even with the third rank of the battalion, and remains at carried arms. In the firings, except that by companies, the captains of companies step one pace in rear of the third rank, opposite their intervals, at the first command of the lieutenant colonel; the covering sergeant will step behind the captain into the line of file closers. If the lieutenant colonel chooses to execute the fire to the rear, he will command, 1 Fire to the rear. 2 Battalion. 3 To the right about. Face. The captains, covering sergeants, and file closers, quickly place themselves in the positions they ought to occupy, as described in the drill of the company. The firings will be executed in the same manner as to the front, and b)' the same commands. The wings and companies will preserve their former de- nominations. The firing by file will begin at the proper right of com- panies, now become the left. The firings to front or rear will cease at a short roll, fol- 52 lowed by a tap oi the drumstick, at which the captains, the covering sergeants, and guard for the colours, will take their places in the line. In order to front the battalion, the lieutenant colonel will command, 1 The battalion will face to the front. 2 Battalion. 3 To the right about, Face. The captains and covering sergeants will open the interval at the word "about," and the file closers will pass; and at the word "face," the captains, covering sergeants, and file closers, take their respective posts in the line. PART II. Various Modes of forming Column from the Line. Article I. Wheeling by Companies to the Right or Left into Columti. The lieutenant colonel will command, 1 Form column of companies by wheeling to the right. 2 By companies, right wheel. The captain of each company steps before its centre, at two paces distance. The right hand man of the front rank faces to the right. 3 March. The captain of each company will move quickly and direct to a point outside of that where the left will rest when the wheel is effected, face to the rear, and place himself so that a line passing him and the pivot man, will be perpendicular to that on which the compan}- stoodj the company wheels as direct- ed, at the halt; and when the wheeling flank has arrived within two paces of the perpendicular, he will command, 1 Company. 2 Halt. The company halts. The left guide steps to where the kit flank of the company will rest, and the right guide 55 places himself on the right of the front rank. The captain ol each company will then command, 3 Left Dress. 4 Steady. and place himself before the centre of his company, at two paces distance, facing to the front. When the battalion breaks into column to the right, in order to march towards the left, the right company shall march to the front twice the distance of its front, while the other companies wheel into open column. For this purpose the lieutenant colonel will command, 1 The line will break into column by the right, to march towards the left. 2 By companies, to the right wheel. 3 March. Article II. To form the Open Column hy jHhig by Platoons to the Rear, The lieutenant colonel will command, 1 Form column of companies by filing to the rear. At this command each captain of a company steps before the company and faces it. The lieutenant colonel then com- mands, 2 Battalion, by the right flank. 3 To the right Face. 4 Companies, by files to the right. 5 March. At the second command, the captain will inform the sol- diers that they are to face and disengage to the right. At the third, the company faces to the right, and the cap- tain quickly disengages the three first files to the rear, the first its whole depth, the other two just turning the shoulder. The captain then places himself with his breast touching the left arm of the left front rank man of the company on the right of that he conimands; and the captain who is on the right wing of the battalion will place himself as if there was a company on his right, dressing by the other captains. The covering sergeant places himself before the first man of the 64, first rank, to conduct him. At the word "march,"each leading file wheels to the right, and is conducted by the sergeant per- pen iicularly to the rear. The captain stands fast, and sees his company file by him. At the instant the last file wheels, he commands, 1 Company, 2 Halt. 3 Front. 4 Left Dress. . When the company fronts, the left guide comes to the cap- tain of the company, and places himself with his left arm touching the breast of the captain. At the word " dress," the first company dresses by its left guide, perpendicular to the direction of the line. The captain will step two paces outside of the left guide, to observe the direction. Seeing it right, he will command, 5 Steady. and come before the centre of his company. The battalion breaks to the rear by the left, on the same principles. Article III. To form Close Columyi from the Line. This may be done by companies, or divisions, upon the right or left company, of division, or any other, with either the right or the left in front. Suppose it is intended to form a close column, by division on the second division, the right in front. The lieutenant colonel will command, 1 Close column by division. 2 On the second division, right in front. 3 Battalion, by the right and left flank. 4 To the right and left Face. 5 March. At the second command, each captain commanding a di- vision will place himself before its centre. At the third the captain commanding the second division will caution it to stand fast, and the captains commanding the other divisions will instruct them how they are to face. At the fourth command, the captain commanding each di- 55 vision that has laced to the centre, will cause the three files nearest the centre to disengage to the front or rear, as the di- vision is to march. The guides nearest the centre will place themselves each before the front rank man, to conduct him. The captains commanding divisions will place themselves each on the side of the guide who leads his division. At the word " march," the captain commanding the second division orders "guide to the left." The guide will go quickly, and the file closers close to within one pace of the third rank. The first division will file three paces to the front; and enter squarely into the column. The third will gain three paces to the rear. The fourth will regulate its movement by the third. The first division will be halted the instant before its guide is up with the guide of the second. The guide of the first places himself five paces from the guide of the second, exactly in front of, and facing him. The captain;commanding this division fronts and dresses it; but the guide remains faced to the rear. The captains commanding the third and fourth divisions, which are to form in the rear, halt when opposite the left guide of the second, see their divisions file by them, and as the last file passes, command, 1 Division. 2 Halt. The guides on the left place themselves in the direction of the guides of the first and second, each three paces from the rear rank of the division before him. The captains commanding these divisions then order, 3 Front. 4 Left Dress. 5 Steady. And then the lieutenant colonel commands, Guides to the front. when the guides who are facing to the rear will face to the front. The major will observe the guides in front of the divi- sion of direction, and the adjutant those to the rear. The column with the left in front will be formed in the like manner. 56 When it is desired to form the battalion into close column to the rear upon the right division, the lieutenant colonel will command, 1 Close column by division. 2 In rear of the right division. 3 Battalion, by the right flank. 4 To the right Face. 5 March. The right division stands fast. The captain commanding this division will order, Guide to the left. when the word "march"'is given. If it is desired to form the close column of divisions on the left, and in front, the lieutenant colonel will command, 1 Close column by division. 2 In front of the fourth division. 3 Battalion, by the left flank. 4 To the left Face. 5 March. The fourth division stands fast, and its captain commands "guide to the left," as soon as the movement commences. These instances are deemed sufficient. PART III. Article I. To march in Column at full Distance of Companies. The lieutenant colonel will point out to the first guide two objects in line with him, at some distance from each other; the guide will face thereto, and take them as points of di- rection. The lieutenant colonel will then command, 1 Column, forward. 2 Guide to the left. 3 March. The left guide of the leading company advances towards the objects chosen. The following guides march in his steps. The companies march even with the guides. The major 57 watches that the leading guide preserves the direction, and that the next follows his steps. The adjutant will correct any errors committed by the guides toward the rear of the co- lumn. The lieutenant colonel rides on the directing flank, and attends to the distances, the step, the touch of the elbow, and the positions of men and arms. These means will enable a column to march with a sufficient degree of correctness, where it is to form a line by the suc- cessive movement of subdivisions, or to form a close column. But when the column is to march along a direction on which it is to form the line at once^ by wheeling to the left or right, it is material that the column should pursue the direc- tion, without deviation. To effect this the following means will be pursued. The column, with the right in front, arriving in front of the line, the guide of the leading company will direct his march on the intermediate point, which shall have been placed previously on that line, in order to indicate the spot where the column is to wheel to the left, and pursue the new direc- tion; the captain of the leading company is not to wheel until liis company has passed four paces beyond the line on which the battalion is to form. At the instant when this company has wheeled, Xh.G. general guide of the right shall place him- self on the true direction, opposite to the leading company, facing to the two points of direction to the front, which the major will point out to him, and he will march exactly to- ward those points. At the instant when the company of the colours has wheel- ed, the ensign with the colours shall place himself on this direction, and march on it accurately, keeping the general guide of the right between him and the distant point, and carrying the colours perpendicularly before his body. At the instant v/hen the last company has wheeled, the ge- neral guide of the left will place himself on the direction, and march accurately, in line with t\\t\Q.z.dL\x\^ general guide ^ and the ensign who carries the colours. The guide of the leading company will march even with the general guide^ and about four paces from him; the guides of the following companies will each march in the steps of the guide who immediately precedes him. When a column with the right in front arrives in rear of the line, the commanding officer will conduct the guide of the leading company the distance of a company to the left of the intermediate point; and cause that company to wheel H 58 to the right, so that when the wheel is completed, the left guide will find himbtll lour paces to the rear of the line, and the intermediate point on his left. When the leading company, having wheeled to the right, couimences its march parallel to the Wne^ the general guide of the right will place himself on the line, directing his march on the two points in front; the ensign, carrying the colours, whi;n his company wheels, will place himself on the line also; and lastly the general guide of the left. Should the column arrive on the right or left of the line, the commanding officer would order " Colours and general guide.)! on the line;" they would place themselves on the line, conforming to what has been directed. Two well trained non-commissioned officers, remarkable for marching accurately, will be appointed ^s general guides ^ and placed one behind the right, the other behind the left company of the battalion, in the rank of file closers. Article II. Column of Route. The lieutenant colonel wishing to march by the route step, will command, 1 Column, forward. 2 Guide to the left. 3 Route step. 4 March. 5 Arms at ease. The captains repeat the word " march," and the whole step off together. The ranks open to three feet distance. The men will carry their firelocks as they please, on either shoul- der, the bayonets elevated. They need not observe the step, or keep silence; but will preserve about three feet distance, and not confuse the ranks, or pass the guides. The direction is changed without command, by the cap- tain of the leading company. If a defile is to be passed that will only receive a platoon, the colonel will command, 1 Form platoons. 2 March. And the officers of companies and platoons will proceed as directed to form platoons. 59 If the narrowness of the defile renders it necessary to re- duce the front, the officer of the first platoon will command, 1 One file from the right to the rear. 2 March. The soldiers of this file mark time, they turn forward the right shoulder, and the third rank man places himself be- hind the third file in line; the second rank man, behind the second file, and the first rank man behind the first file. In this manner files will be broken off, altei"nately from either flank. The files already broken off will advance the outward shoulder a little, and gain a file inward. The file closers will march behind the files which remain in line. As the road widens, the officer of the first and each suc- ceeding platoon, will command, 1 One file on the right in line. 2 March. and the first file in the rear will quickly form in line. In like manner three or four files may be broken off at once. The files ordered will mark time, advance the right shoulder, and place themselves behind the three nearest files which remain in line. The road widening, the officer of the first platoon will command, 1 Three first files into line. 2 March. The files directed will step quickly, by the shortest way, into line. The guide will march by the first man in front. This lesson is important, as a column should never occupy, from front to rear, more ground than would be required to form it in line. If a leading subdivision is obstructed by a difficult pass, which occasions it to decrease the rate of its march, the fol- lowing subdivision will not shorten its pace until it arrives at the same place, although it may close up on the leading one. The same rule will be observed to the rear of the column. When the obstacle is passed, the distances will very natu- rally be recovered. When a column meets with a pass admitting only one or 60 two in front, as a log bridge across a deep stream, the com- mander will order one or two files at a time to pass from the same flank; they will follow as close as possible; the first sub- division will form when the files have passed, and march for- ward so far, that between it and the defile a close column may form, containing the whole; it will then halt, and wait until the rear has passed the defile. To form Platoons on the March. The lieutenant colonel will command, 1 Form platoons. at this word of command, the officers of second platoons step before them, and the captains of companies step before the first platoons; the officers of second platoons order, Mark time. The lieutenant colonel orders, 2 March. and as soon as the first platoon clears the second, the officer of the second commands, 1 Oblique to the right. 2 March. The first platoon marches on, and the covering sergeant passing before the front rank, places himself as guide on its left. The second platoon obliques to the right, and when the left guide is nearly in line with the guide of the first platoon, the officer of the second commands, 1 Forward. 2 March. taking care to give the word " march," when the guides are in line. To form Companies on the March. The lieutenant colonel will command, Form companies. 61 and each captain will command, 1 Form company. 2 First platoon, oblique to the right. 3 March. The first platoon obliques to the right. Each second pla- toon continues to march straight on by the guide on the left, and when the first platoon has unmasked the second, the cap- tain will order, 1 First platoon, mark time. 2 March. The covering sergeant passing the front takes his place on the right of the company. The platoons unite, and the cap- tain commands, 1 Forward. 2 March. If the column marches with the left in front, the obliqu- ing of the platoons will be to the left, and the second platoons will lead. To change the Direction- The lieutenant colonel will inform the officer commanding the leading subdivision of the intention, place himself where the change of direction is to take place, and send the major thirty paces forward on the new direction, who will halt and face the lieutenant colonel. The captain of the leading subdivision, when he arrives near the lieutenant colonel, will command, if the change is to the side of the guide, 1 To the left, turn. 2 March. which last command will be given as the guide passes the head of the lieutenant colonel's horse. The wheel is made as prescribed in the drill of the com- pany. Article IV. Change of Direction by the Prompt Manceiivre. When the lieutenant colonel has determined on the change of direction, and pointed out an object in the new direction to 62 the leading guide, the first company wheels as prescribed in the change of direction. When two companies have wheel- ed into the new direction, the lieutenant colonel will com- mand, 1 Prompt manoeuvre by the right flank. 2 Six last companies, quick time. 3 March. The six last companies at the word " march," face to the right on the march, wheel by files to the left, and by the quick step, inclining to the head of the column, enter parallel. The captain of each company stops on the left flank; his com- pany files by him; and when his left guide has arrived even with him, he rapidly commands, 1 Company. 2 Halt. 3 Front. 4 March. 5 Guide to the left. The word " march," is to be given by the captain of each company when it has its distance. In practising this manoeuvre, it will at first be necessary to delay the head of the column, by giving after the word " march" by the lieutenant colonel, the command, Mark time in front. The principal use of this manceuvre seems to be, to prepare to form a line of battle facing to the rear, on the right and left of that whereon the column is advancing. Should the commander give the word " halt" before all the companies have filed into the column, those placed in column only would halt; the companies marching by flank would incline to the rear, enter the column at their proper distances, and halt, front, and dress. If the column should have wheeled up into line, they would also successively wheel into line. 63 Article V. To halt the Column, The lieutenant colonel will command, 1 Column. 2 Halt. The captains will repeat " halt," and no guide will move. The major will place himself at twenty paces before the lead- ing guide, facing him. The second guide will dress by the first, and the major. The lieutenant colonel will then com- mand, 3 Guides in line. At this command, the guides will place themselves on the same line with the major and the two leading guides, at the distance of a company. The lieutenant colonel will command, 4 To the left, dress. Each company will approach its guide. The captains will step two paces outside of the line of guides, and command, 1 Left, DRESS. 2 Steady. and take their places two paces before the centres of their respective companies. Article VI. To close the Column. The battalion being in column of companies at full dis- tance, the lieutenant colonel will command, 1 To the front close the column. 2 March. The captain of each company, except the leading one, will repeat the word " march." The first company will stand fast if halted. If on a march, its captain will command, 64 1 First company. 2 Halt. 3 Left, DRESS. 4 Steady. At the word " march," all the other companies will step off together, and be halted in like manner, when closed. The major and adjutant will see that the left guides are placed correctly in line. The captain of each company will, in dress- ing it, place himself two paces outside of the line of guides, afterwards taking his place two paces before the centre of his company. To form the column at half company distance, the com- mander will substitute the words '' to half distance," in place of " to the front." Article VII. To march in Close Column. The lieutenant colonel will command, 1 Column, forward. 2 Guide to the left. 3 March. In columns, whether close or at half distance, the words *' march," and " halt," are to be repeated by the commanding officers of divisions, companies or platoons, according as the column may be formed of divisions, companies or platoons, as is done in columns at whole distance. Article VIII. To change Direction in Column^ at half or Platoon distance. A column at half distance will change its direction either to or from the side of the guides by the same words of com- mand as are prescribed for a column at whole distance; but if the change is made from the side of the guide the pivot man will take steps of twelve inches, instead of steps of six inches; to avoid stopping the next company. 6& Article IX. To change the Direction of the Close Column. The battalion being halted, and the commander desiring to place it in a new direction facing toward the left, two markers with bannerols will be placed, one of them before the right hand file, the other behind and facing toward him, at company distance, on the new direction. The lieutenant colonel will then command, 1 Change direction by the right flank. 2 Battalion, to the right Face. 3 March. At the second command, the whole face to the right, and the captains place themselves beside their right guides. At the word " march," the whole step off together. The leading file on the right of the first company, will be conducted by the right guide exactly parallel with the two markers, who are placed to ascertain the direction of the new front. The captains will halt on the left of the column; see their companies file by them; and when the left guide of a company is advanced into the line of guides on the left of the column, the captain will command, 1 Compan}'. 2 Halt. 3 Front. 4 Left Dress. 5 Steady. The lieutenant colonel will be on the side the companies march to; the major before the first company; the adjutant behind the last. The direction will be changed from the left flank to face toward the right, in a similar manner; only that the captains will conduct their companies until their left guides are in the proper direction of the left flank of the column. In this manner the column may be established on any di- rection included within half the horizon. By countermarch- ing it may take any direction included within the other half; and thus take any direction required. r (36 Article X. To Countermarch. The countermarch of the open column, will be performed as described in the drill of the company; each company coun- termarching on its own ground. The lieutenant colonel will command, 1 Countermarch. 2 Battalion, by the right flank. 3 To the right Face. 4 B\' file to the left, countermarch. 5 March. At the second command, each captain will go to the side of his guide on the right. At the third command, the left guide faces to the right about. At the fifth command, the left guide stands fast. The com- pany wheeling by file to the left, its right arrives two paces in rear of the left guide, who stood fast. The captain of the first company will command, 1 First company. 8 Halt. 3 Front. He will then place himself two paces outside of the guide who stood fast, and command, 4 Right Dress. 5 Steady. and take his place two paces before the centre of his com- pany. The left guide passes along the front to his post on the left. The covering sergeant takes his post as guide on the right. The other companies are brought to the front in the like manner; each captain designating his company by its number in the battalion. The major and adjutant will exchange places, the head of the column being changed. The close column formed of divisions, the right in front, being to countermarch, the lieutenant colonel will command, 1 Countermarch. 2 Battalion, by the right flank. 3 To the right Face. 4 Even divisions, forward, 5 March. The even divisions march by the right flank. Their leit guides, who faced to the right about, stand fast. So soon as the even divisions unmask the odd divisions, the lieutenant colonel will command, 6 Even and odd divisions. 7 By file to the left, countermarch. 8 March. The countermarch being completed, the divisions will be dressed, as has been explained. Article XI. To form Divisions from the Close Column of Companies^ at the Halt. Supposing that the close column of companies has the right in front, the lieutenant colonel will command, 1 Form divisions. 2 Even companies by the left flank. 3 To the left, Face. 4 March. At the second command, each captain of an even num» bered company will step to the guide on the left. At the third command these companies will face; and the right and left guides of the odd numbered companies will place them- selves, facing to the right, before the flank files of those com- panies, to mark the direction of the divisions. At the fourth command, the even companies will march; their captains will see them file by them; and when they have nearly un covered the odd companies, will command, 1 Company. 2 Halt. 3 Front. 68 The captains will then come beside the left front rank men of the odd companies, and dress on them corrrectly; the left guide of each even company, will place himself before one of the three left files of his company, facing to the right, and in line with the guides of the odd company. The captain will command) 4 Right Dress. The second company of each division will dress into the alignment of the division, the front rank man opposite the left guide just touching with his breast the guide's right arm. The captain will then command, 5 Steady. but he will remain himself in the front rank. The lieutenant colonel will command, Guides to your posts. The guides pass to their places, on the flanks and in the rear; and the captains of the odd numbered companies will take their places, two paces before the centres of the di- visions. In marching to the flank, the even companies should care- fully lock up the files. And great attention should be given to halt those companies at the proper time. PART IV. Different Modes of forming the Line from Columns. Article I. Methods of ascertaining the Line to be formed on. The line may be fixed on, in three different manners. 1. By placing two bannerols in the direction to be given to the line. 2. By fixing on a point where one of the flanks is to rest, and choosing afterwards an object on the opposite flank, to determine the direction of the line. 69 3. By first choosing the points of direction of the two flanks, and then fixing on intermediate points. In the first case, the adjutant will place two markers with bannerols, forty paces from each other, in the direction pointed out to him; the line between them will be the basis of the alignment. In the second case, the point of rest being shown to the adjutant, and the object of direction on the opposite flank, he will fix two markers with bannerols at a distance some what less than the extent of the leading subdivision of the column, one of them at the point of rest, the other on the line towards the object of direction, on the opposite flank. In the third case, where distant objects are given for the direction of the two flanks, the intermediate points are thus found. The major and adjutant will proceed to a point supposed to be in a direct line between the two distant objects, and where the right of the line will rest. The adjutant will pro- ceed directly towards the object on the left, the extent re- quired, and face the major, who will have taken care by moving to the right or left, to keep the adjutant directly be- tween himself and the distant object on the left. Should the adjutant then perceive that the line is to his right or left, he will face and approach to it. The major will move in the same direction, to keep in line with the adjutant and the distant object on the left. When the adjutant perceives that the ma- jor is in line between him and the object on the right, he will make him a signal to halt; and thus the two intermediate points are ascertained. Article II. Different Methods of forming a Column at full distance ^ Right in Front^ into Line. 1 To the left. 2 On the right. 3 To the front. 4 Facing to the rear. 1. Column at full Distance^ right in fronts to the left in Line, The column being halted, and the guides on the left dress- ed, the lieutenant colonel will command. 70 1 To the left in line, wheel. 2 March. At the first command, the left hand man of the front rank of each company will face to the left, his breast touching the guide's right arm; and the right guide of the front company will place himself on a line with the left guides, facing the left guide of that company at nearly the distance of a com- pany from him. The major will attend to this guide. At the word " march," which each captain will quickly repeat, the companies will wheel according to the directions given for wheeling on a standing pivot. When the right of the company has arrived within two paces of the line, the captain will command, 1 Company. 2 Halt. 3 Right Dress. The company will move up between the captain and the man on the left of the front rank, who faced to the left. The man on the right of the leading company will lightly touch his breast against the left arm of the right guide of that com- pany. Each captain having dressed his company, will com- mand, 4 Steady. and take his place in line. The lieutenant colonel will com- mand, Guides to your posts. The captains and covering sergeants will open the interval, by stepping to the left behind their respective ranks, and allow the guides to pass. The file closers will dress correctly two paces from the rear rank. If the column had the left in front, the wheel would be to the right into line, on the same principles. To form the Line by Inversion. A sudden occasion may render it necessary to wheel the companies of the open column into line, on the reverse flank, without taking time to place them in their proper order from rl^ht to left. 71 The lieutenant colonel will command, 1 By inversion. 2 To the right in line. 3 Guide to the right. At the second command, the major places himself in front, in line with, and facing the right guides. At the third com- mand, the right guides are quickly dressed, by the major in front and the adjutant in the rear. The left guide of the lead- ing company, also places himself at nearly the distance of a company before the right guide, facing him, in line with the right guides. 4 Right wheel. 5 March. At the word " march," by the lieutenant colonel, the right guide halts, and the right front rank man of each company faces to the right, and touches his breast against the left arm of the guide. The companies wheel on a fixed pivot, and the battalion forms in line to the right. The lieutenant colonel seeing the line formed, will com- mand, G uides to your posts. 2. To form the Line on the Right, The column marching with the right in front, the lieuten- ant colonel will point out to the major where the right of the line is to rest, and its direction towards the left, who will detach two markers with bannerols, and place one where the right of the line is to rest, the other on the direction in- tended to be taken, where the left of the leading company will extend to. They will each present the right side to the line when formed. When the head of the column is nearly up to the first of them, the lieutenant colonel will command, 1 On the right form the line. 2 Battalion, guide to the right. When the company in front is nearly opposite to the first marker, its captain will commandj 72 1 To the right turn. and when exactly even with the marker, 2 March. The company will wheel to the right by echellon of files, left shoulders forward; the man on the right touching with his breast the right arm of the first marker. The captain will command, 1 Company. 2 Halt. 3 Right Dress. and dress the company by the two markers; he will then command, 4 Steady. The second company will march until it arrives at the left of the first. It will then wheel into line in like manner, by command of its captain. He will dress with the front rank of the first company. The guide of this company on the left, in line with the two markers, will give direction to the line. The captain will command, Right DRESS. The company will move into line, and be dressed on the man of the front rank on the left, whose breast touches the right arm of the guide. The following companies will form in succession in the same manner. The lieutenant colonel will then command, Guides to your posts. The guides will pass through the intervals, and the markers will retire. If the left is in front, the battalion forms on the left in line, by the same principles, and inverse means. 3. To form the Line to the Front* When the leading company is at the distance of a com- pany from the point where the right of the line is to rest, the colum-n will be halted; two markers with bannerols advanc- ed and placed on the line, at nearly the distance of a com- 75 pany from each other, and both presenting the right shoulder to the column. One of them will be at the point where the right is to rest; the other on the direction toward the left. This being done, the lieutenant colonel will command, 1 Form the line to the front. 2 Battalion, guide to the right. 3 By companies, half wheel to the left. 4 March. At the word " march" all the companies, except that in front, make a half wheel, that is wheel one eighth of a circle, to the left. As soon as all have made this half wheel, the lieutenant colonel will command, 1 Forward. 2 March. The leading company forms on the markers. The other companies advance in echellon towards their places in the line. The right guide of the second company advances to the left of the first company. The right guide of each other company follows that file of the company next on the right that is immediately before him, until it wheels to the right, when he marches straightforward. When the right guide advances opposite the left file of the preceding com- pany in lin©, the left guide springs quickly forward, faces the markers on the line, and dresses by them. The captain will command, f 1 To the right turn. 2 March. and the company forms by echellon of files in line. He th^n commands, 1 Company. 2 Halt. 3 Right DRESS. 4 Steady. And when the line is completed, the lieutenant colonel will command. Guides to your posts. When the left is in front, this formation will be efFerted by inverse means. K 74 If the direction taken for the line forms more than a right angle with the direction of the column, the line would form *' on the right in line" by the wheeling of companies in succes- sion, according to the rules prescribed for that formation. 4. To Form the Line faced to the Rear, The open column with the right in front is supposed t© arrive in front and upon the right of the line to be formed on. The lieutenant colonel will point out to the major the point where the right is to rest, and the object of direction on the left. The major will place two markers with bannerols on the line at company distance, one of them at the point of rest for the right, presenting the left side to the column. The head of the column having arrived within about com- pany distance of the line, the lieutenant colonel will halt the column, and command, 1 Form the line faced to the rear. 2 Battalion, by the right flank. 3 To the right face. 4 March. At the third commaad, all the companies face to the rightj and the captains will place themselves beside their right guides. At the word " march," they move off by flank to take their places in the line. The leading company immediately wheels by files to the left, and leaving on its left the marker who stood before the right of the column, crosses the line two paces, wheels round him by file to the left, halts, fronts, and dresses on the markers, faced toward the rear of the column. When arrived within ten paces of the line, the left guide of the second company runs forward, and places himself in line with the markers who are before the first company; the company to which he is guide wheels around him by files, keeping him on its left; and when the captain, who conducts his company parallel to and two paces in rear of the line, ar- rives at the left of the company already formed, he will com- mand, 1 Second company. 2 Halt. 3 Front. 4 Right DRESS. 5 Steady. 75 The other companies come into line in the like manner. And finally the lieutenant colonel, seeing the formation com- pleted, will command, Guides to your posts. When the left is in front, this formation will be executed by inverse means. Article III. To form the Line by two kinds of Movement. A column with the right in front, arriving in rear of the line, if the lieutenant colonel wishes it to form in line extend- ing to the right and left, from the point where the first com- pany wheels to the right, he will halt when so many com- panies have wheeled to march along the line, as he chooses, suppose five, and will command, 1 To the left in line. 2 Three last companies, to the front in line. At the second command, the captain of each of the three last companies will command, 1 Guide to the right. 2 Company, half wheel to the left. The lieutenant colonel then commands, 3 March. The first five companies wheel into line. The captain of each of tht three last companies, when his company has half wheeled, will order, 1 Forward. 2 March. and form it in line, as has been directed for forming " to the front in line." If the column should arrive in front of the line, the lieu- tenant colonel, when the first five companies have wheeled to the left, will halt it, and command, 1 To the left in line. 2 Three last companies, face to the rear in line. 76 The captain of each of the three last companies will com- mand, 1 Company, by the right flank. 2 To the right face. The lieutenant colonel then will command, March. At this word, repeated by the captains of companies, the five first companies form " to the left in line;" the three last companies form "faced to the rear in line," as directed for those formations. Article IV. Different Methods of forming a Column at Half Distance^ Right in Fronts into Line. 1 To the left. 2 On the right. 3 To the front. 4 Facing to the rear. 1. Column at Ha f Distance, Right in Front , to the Left in Line. The column being supposed to be marching along the line to be formed on, when the rear company arrives at the point where the left is to rest, the lieutenant colonel will halt the column, and command. Take distance by the head of column. The captain of the leading company will command, 1 First company, forward. 2 Guide to the left. 3 March. The captain of the second company, when his company has nearly its distance from the first, will give the commands, 1 Second company, forward. 2 Guide to the left. 3 March. The last word of command to be given when his company has exactly its distance. 77 The other companies will march in the like manner; and each company will take the step from that which precedes it. If the line is to be formed, the lieutenant colonel will halt the column at the instant when the rear company has its dis- tance. 2. Column at Half Distance^ Right in Fronts on the Right in Line. This movement will be executed by the means which have been prescribed for a column at full distance. 3. Column at Half Distance^ to form to the Front in Line, This movement cannot be executed as by a column at full distance, for want of space to wheel a quarter of a circle. The companies will take distance by the head of column; or the column may be closed, and displayed into line. 4. Column at Half Distance^ to Form facing to the Rear in Line. This movement will be executed in the same manner as by a column at full distance. Article V. To display the Close Column into Line. The displaying of a close column will always be square. And the first step taken will be to establish the column on a direction perpendicular to the line. A column in close order may form in line, to the front, rear, right, or left. First, by displaying. Second, by coun- termarching and displaying. Third and Fourth, by chang- ing the direction, and displaying. The line being fixed on, the adjutant will establish two markers, distant something less than the extent of one of the divisions of the column, which will be marched up and halted within two paces of them. If the column is not already per- pendicular to the line, it will be so established. Supposing the column is to display on the second division, the lieutenant colonel will command, 1 On the second division, display the column. 2 Battalion, to the right and left face. 3 March. 78 At the first command, the captain commanding the second division will direct it to stand fast. The captains command- ing the other divisions will direct them how they are to face. The captain commanding the first division will go to his guide on the right. 1 he divisions that have faced will step off at th' 'vord "march." The guide of the first division will take cart not to cross the line. The guides on the left of the third and fourth will preserve three paces distance between them. The captains commanding the first and third divisions do not march, but see their divisions file by them. The captain com- manding the fourth, will stop when the word" halt" is given to the third, see his division file by him, and halt it as the last file passes. When -the captain commanding the first di- vision perceives that it has uncovered the second, he will command, 1 First division. 2 Halt. 3 Front. and place himself before the centre. The captain commanding the second division will com- mand, 1 Second division. 2 Forward. 3 Guide to the left. 4 March. The second division will advance to the line designated by the markers. Its commander will order, 5 Second division. 6 Halt. The second division will stand fast, and the covering ser- geant of the fourth company will place himself on the line betAveen the two markers, face to the right, and be correctly established by the major. The captain commanding the se- cond division going to its left, will command, 7 Left DRESS, He will dress the fourth company, and the captain of the fourth will dress the third company, afterwards giving the word, 79 8 Steady. The captain of the grenadiers, who will himself have halt- ed on hearing the word " halt" given to the first division, 80 soon as his division uncovers the first, will command, 1 Grenadiers. 2 Halt. 3 Front. At the word " front," the guide of the right of each com- pany of grenadiers will place himself on the line, facing to the left, and dressing by the two markers established on the line in front of the second division. As soon as the captain commanding the first division shall see it nearly uncovered by the grenadiers, he will command, 1 First division, forward. 2 Guide to the left. 3 March. He shall give this last word at the instant when his divi- sion shall be completely uncovered. This division will majxh up to the line, and when it shall have arrived within two paces, the captain will order, 1 First division. 2 Halt. and place himself beside the right hand front rank man of the second division; the right guide of each company of the first division will place himself on the line, dressing by the two markers in front of the second division; the captain of the first division will then command, 3 Left DRESS. He will dress the second company, while the captain of the second dresses the first company, and each of thenri will command, 4 Steady. The captain of the grenadiers so soon as he has se«;n the first division on the hne, without waiting to hear the word " steady" given to that division, will place himself beside the right front rank man, and give to his division tho com- mand. 80 Left DRESS. And the division of grenadiers will be dressed in the manner prescribed for dressing the first division. The displaying of the divisions which move to the left, is conducted in the same manner. The displaying being completed, the lieutenant colonel will command, Guides to your posts. The captains commanding the first, second, and grenadier divisions, and the guides, take their places in line. The markers retire. The major will superintend and fix the guides on the right, and the adjutant those on the left, when the display is made on a central division. If the display is on either of the flank divisions, the major superintends and fixes the guides of the whole. The display of a close column of companies would be ef- fected by similar means. PART V. The March in Line»^ \ i Article I. To march in Line to the Front. The lieutenant colonel having informed the major of his intention to march the battalion in line to the front, will place himself forty paces in the rear, and facing the colours; the major will place himself forty paces in front of the colours, and face the lieutenant colonel, who by signals with the sword will establish him on a line with the colours, and perpendicular to the line of the battalion, and then will fix on some distinct distant object, if such a one offers, in line with the major and ensign. When the major is established on the perpendicular line, the ensign will take two objects on the ground on a line passing 'between the major's heels, one of them fifteen or twenty paces distant from himself. The lieutenant colonel will command, 1 Battalion, forward. 81 At this command, the front rank of the colour guard will advance six pacts to the front; the centre rank will occupy its place in the line; the two general guides will advance six paces, and place themselves one before the captain on the right, the other before the sergeant on the left of the front rank of the battalion. The major will establish correctly the ensign who carries the colours, between himself and the corporal in the centre of the second rank of the colour guard, and then place himself before the third company. The adjutant will place himself a few paces on the left of the front rank of the colour guard. The lieutenant colonel will then command^ 2 March. The battalion steps off with life. The ensign who is res- ponsible for the direction, and the length and cadence of the step, will exactly pursue the line designated by the points he has taken on the ground, and will carry the colours on the right hip; the corporals on his right and left will preserve the same step with him; the general guides will march by the same step, and dress by the ensign's rank, without re- garding each other. The three corporals of the second rank of the colour guard will march with great accuracy, the corporal in the centre exactly following the ensign, and they will only lengthen or shorten the step by the command of the lieu- tenant colonel. The captain of the fifth company will march with his elbow touching the left hand corporal of this rank. The captains of the fourth and sixth companies, with the captain of the fifth company, and the centre rank of the co- lour guard, will form the basis of the line of the battalion; they will be attentive to keep the head direct, and the shoul- ders square to the front. The soldiers will take care not to get before this basis; and will take the step from the ensign. The lieutenant colonel will ride fifteen or twenty paces in rear of the centre of the battalion. If he perceives that the direction on which the ensign marches is too much to the right, he will command, Point of direction more to the left. The adjutant will move quickly to forty paces before the ensign, and halt, facing the lieutenant colonel, who bv signals I. 82 with the sword will direct him to the proper station. The adjutant will then by signals direct the ensign to the left, until he covers the centre file of the colour guard in line. The ensign and the general guides will conform to the new direction. The major will observe that the captains conform to the direction, and when necessary, order, " captain of such a company, to the line." The soldiers will keep the head direct; preserve the touch of the elbow of the man next towards the centre; resist pres- sure from the flanks; and remain a very little farther back than the line of captains. Should the battalion lose the step, the lieutenant colonel will command, The step. The captains and soldiers will cast a glance at the ensign, and take the step from him. Article II. To pass Obstacles xvhen tnarching- in LinCj to the Front or Rear, A battalion marching to the front in line, it is supposed that an obstacle presents itself before the fourth company; the lieutenant colonel will command, 1 Fourth company. 2 Pass the obstacle. The captain of the fourth company will step before it, and command, 1 Fourth company. 2 By the left flank, by file to the right. 3 March. At the command " march," the company will turn to the left, wheeling by files to the right, and follow the three right hand files of the fifth company; the covering sergeant will lead the front rank, and the captain will march by his side. The left guide of the third company will come to the left of his company, and preserve between himself and the fifth company a space sufficient for the fourth company, when it comes again into line. 83 If the obstacle presents itself before a company in the left wing of the battalion, this duty will be fulfilled by the cap- tain next on the left. The obstacle being passed, the lieutenant colonel will command, Fourth company, into line. The captain will command, 1 Foulth company, into line. 2 March. The files will come successively into line, the soldiers ad- vancing the left shoulder, and taking the quick step. In this manner two companies would pass an obstacle. If more than two are obstructed, they will form in column be- hind the next company toward the centre, by command of the lieutenant colonel, in this manner. Suppose ihat an obstacle presents itself before the four companies on the left, the lieutenant colonel, at company dis- tance from the obstacle, will command, 1 Four companies on the left obstructed. 2 By the right flank to the rear in column. 3 Quick time, march. At the second command, the captains of the four compa- nies on the left step before them, and direct them how to execute the movement. At the word " march," they face to the right in marching; the captains disengage the heads of the companies to the rear, lead them quick in rear of the fourth company, and com- mand, 1 Halt. 2 Front. 3 Common time. 4 March. 5 Guide to the left. The companies then follow at company distance, in column; and when the obstacle is passed, the lieutenant colonel will command, 1 Four left companies. 2 To the front in line. The captains of companies will command, 84 1 Guide to the right.. 2 Company, left wheel. And then the lieutenant colonel will command, 3 Quick time, march. The captains repeat the word " march," and when a halt wheel is made, they will command, 1 Forward. 2 March. And the companies, by the quick step, move up into hne, and form as directed for forming " to the front in line;' the captains respectively commanding, "the step;" when the com- pany will take the step from the ensign, or from the adjutant, if the ensign has not recovered his station. Article III. To change Direction when Marchhig in Line. A battalion advancing in line, to change the direction t» :he right, the lieutenant colonel will command, 1 Battalion, to the right wheel. 2 March. The ensign will direct himself circularly to the right by- steps of one foot in length. The whole battalion wheels on the principles of wheelmg at the halt; the left hand file step- ping two feet, and the captain of the right company acting as a pivot. The soldiers will take care not to get before the captains. The adjutant will place himself before the ensign, and direct his march so that the circle, of which he describes a portion in marching, is neither too large nor too small. To resume the direct march, the lieutenant colonel will command, 1 Forward. 2 M .rch. And the whole will march to t^e front; the lieutenant co- lonel and the adjutant fixing the ensign in a new direction. S5 Article IV. To march in Line Obliquely. The lieutenant colonel will command, 1 Oblique to the right. 2 March. The whole will take the oblique step. The major will take care to preserve the battalion on a direction parallel to the line on which it stood when it took the oblique step. To march directly forward, the lieutenant colonel will command, 1 Forward. 2 March. At the word " march," the battalion will march straight forward, and the lieutenant colonel and the adjutant will give the ensign a new direction. Article V. To halt the Battalion marching to the Fronts and to dress it. The battalion marching to the front, the lieutenant colonel will command, 1 Battalion. 2 Halt. The battalion will stand fast at the second command. If the lieutenant colonel does not mean to take a new direction, he may order " captains, dress the line;" and they will each dress his company. If the lieutenant colonel wishes to take a new direction, he will place himself a few paces from the general guide on either flank, who with the ensign will face towards him, and he will fix them on the direction by signals with the sword; the ensign will hold the colours perpendicularly before his face; the front rank of the colour guard will retire into line. The lieutenant colonel will command, " Guides on the line. 86 At this command, the guide of each company most dis- tant from the centre will place himself on the line, facing to the colours, and leaving a proper space for their companies. The major and adjutant will dress them correctly on the line. The captains of the companies on the right of the co- lours, will go to the left of their respective companies."^ The lieutenant colonel will command, 4 Upon the centre dress. The companies step off at once to their respective guides. Their captains will command, 1 Right (or left) dress. 2 Steady. The lieutenant colonel orders, 5 Colours and guides to your posts. Upon which the ensign, the guides, and the captains of companies on the right of the centre, take their proper places in the line. Article VI. To March in Retreat. The battalion being halted, the lieutenant colonel will command, 1 Battalion, right about — face. The whole face about; the front rank of the colour guard, and the general guides, if they are in front, will take their places in line; the ensign will come into the third rank, now the first. The lieutenant colonel places himself in the rear of the first rank; the major and adjutant place themselves in front of the third rank; the covering sergeants step into the rank of file closers, now in front; and the captains take their places in the third rank. A direction is given to the ensign by the same means as in the march to the front; and the lieutenant colonel will com- mand, • Because the companies are to dress to the centre: and it is a general rtile that they dress toward that point the word comes troni. 87 2 Battalion, forward. The ensign and two corporals take six paces forward, and are replaced by the second rank of the colour guard; the ge- neral guides of the battalion step forward in like manner. 3 March. The whole move, the ensign directing his march by points on the ground. The major corrects the line of file closers. The lieutenant colonel and the adjutant will perform the same duties as when advancing. Article VII. To halt the Battalion marching in Retreat^ and face it to the Front. The commander will order, 1 Battalion, 2 Halt. 3 Rightabout — face. The whole face about; and the ensign, colour guard, cap- tains of companies, and covering sergeants, regain their pro- per places in the line. If necessary, the line will be correctly dressed, as prescri- bed in the direction for halting a battalion marching in line to the front. Article VIII. To March in Line by a Flank. The battalion being in line and halted, the lieutenant colo- nel will command, 1 Battalion, by the right flank. 2 To the right face. 3 Toward. 4 March. The captains in facing will place themselves one pace out of the first rank, so as to march on the left of the covering sergeants, who will conduct the first rank. The battalion at the word " march," steps off briskly, or- 88 ditiary time, heads erect, the file closers marching in their places in line. The major marches even with the first file, the adjutant even with the colours, each six paces from the first rank. They give the step to the battalion. The lieutenant colonel will command, 1 By files, to the left wheel. 2 March. The files will wheel in succession on the same ground, the pivot man making a small circle, and shortening the step. When the battalion marches by files to the left flank, the captains will not go to the Ittft of their companies; the ser- geant and corporal on the left of the battalion will conduct it. Article IX. To form the Battalion marching' by a Flank^ into Line by File. If the battalion is marching by the left flank, the lieute- nant colonel having fixed on the direction of the line, will di- rect the major to place two markers with bannerols, distant from each other near the extent of a company, one of them placed where the left will rest, and both presenting the left shoulder to the battalion as it forms in line. When the leading flank has arrived near to the first marker, the lieutenant colonel will command, 1 To the left by file, form in line. 2 Captains to your leading files. 3 March. At the second command, each captain will quickly place himself beside the front rank man of his left file. At the word " march," the sergeant who leads the left will turn to the left, and place his breast against the left arm of the marker who is fixed on the line; the battalion will form on the line by files, according to the instruction given in the drill of the company; and each captain will post himself on the line, on the left of the left front rank man of his company-. The right guide of each company, except that on the left, will place himself on the line in the direction of the markers, opposite the right file of his company, at the moment when that file arrives in line. 89 When the formation is completed, the lieutenant colonel will command, Guides to your posts. The markers will retire, and the captains and guides will take their places in line. The line will be formed to the right by inverse means. Article X. Passage of Lines. 3Iove7nent ofthejirst Line in Retreat. A battalion of the first line marching in retreat, when ar- rived within twenty paces of the second line, the lieutenant colonel without halting commands, 1 Battalion, by the left flank. 2 By company, by file to the right. 3 March. At the word " march," the battalion faces to the left in marching, the leading file of each company disengages and wheels to the right; the rank of the colours by the left flank fall into their places as part of the fourth company; the co- vering sergeant leads the company, the captain marches be- side him towards the corresponding opening in the second line. The distances between the companies are to be correctly preserved. The battalion having passed the second line one hundred paces, the lieutenant colonel will command, 1 Battalion. 2 Halt. 3 Front. 4 Left DRESS. 5 Left in line wheel. 6 March. At the second command, to be repeated by every captain, the whole halt. At the third command, each captain will come to the cen- tre in front of his company. At the fourth command, which will not be given until the guides are correctly established, the companies will dress by their respective guides; and at the fifth, the left front rank man of each company faces to the left, touching with his M 90 breast the guide's right arm. The wheel is made as prescri- bed in forming- line to the left. On passing the line, the lieutenant colonel will give the captain of the first company an object to direct his march. The captains will dress by the left, on the first company, and preserve the distances, to which the major and adjutant will attend. Movement of the Second Line m passing Lines. The lieutenant colonel of the second line will command, 1 Double platoons. 2 Second platoons, by the right flank. 3 To the right face. 4 March. At the first command, the captains will quickly place them- selves before the centres of their companies. At the second, they instruct the first platoon that it is to stand fast, and the second that it is to face to the right. At the third, the second platoon of each company faces to the right, and the captains disengagf the first file to the rear. At the word " march," the second platoon doubles behind the first at one pace dis- tance from the rear rank, and its officer will command, 1 Platoon. 2 Halt. 3 Front. 4 Left DRESS. 5 Steady. At the last command, the officers and sergeants place them- selves so that there will be two on the flank of each platoon, and four as file closers in rear of the second platoon, thus; the captain on the right of the front rank of the first, the covering sergeant on the right of the rear rank of the second, the se- cond lieutenant on the left of the front rank of the first, the second sergeant on the left of the rear rank of the second, and the first lieutenant, ensign, and the two other sergeants, as file closers behind the second platoon. When the battalion of the first line has passed, the lieu- tenant colonel of the battalion of the second line will com- mand, 1 Form the line. i 2 Second platoons, by the left flank. 91 3 To the left face. 4 March. As soon as the second platoons are unmasked, the officers who command them will respectively order, 1 Platoon. 2 Halt. 3 Front. 4 Right DRESS. 5 Steady. The file closers will regain their places in line. By this manoeuvre a line exhausted may be replaced by fresh troops. The battalion of the second line will advance in line, and the lieutenant colonel, in sufficient time, will command, 1 Double platoons. 2 Second platoons, march. At the second word of command, the second platoon of each company will mark time, and as soon as the first has cleared its flank, shall oblique to the right and double behind the first. The officer commanding the second platoon will give the orders to mark time, and oblique, from the rear. The officers and sergeants will arrange themselves on the flanks of the platoons, as has been prescribed. The ensign will incline to the right, so that the second lieu- tenant on the left of the second platoon, of the fourth com- pany will follow in his steps. The centre and rear ranks of the colour guard double with this platoon. The lieutenant colonel of the battalion of the first line, seeing the second within twenty paces, will command, 1 Battalion, by the right flank. 2 To the right face. 3 By company, by file to the right. 4 March. The battalion of the first line will file through the inter- vals of the second, halting at a hundred paces in its rear, and wheeling into line, as has been explained. As soon as the first line has passed, the lieutenant colonel of the second line will command, 1 Form the line. 3 Second platoons, march. 92 At the word " march," the second platoons oblique to the left, the officers and sergeants resume their places in the line, the first platoons march forward, and as soon as the second platoons are uncovered, the officer commanding each will command, 1 Forward. 2 Quick time, 'march. The second platoons resume their places in the line, dress, and take the step. The passage might be effected by filing from the left of companies, in which case the captains leading the retiring companies would dress by the right, on the eighth company. Article XI. To change Front, The battalion being in line, and the lieutenant colonel de- siring to change front on the right flank, by throwing for- ward the left flank, he will cause the major to place two markers with bannerols on the proposed direction, in the manner which has been explained, presenting the right shoulder to the first company. This being done, the lieu- tenant colonel will command, 1 Change front forward on the right flank. 2 By company half wheel to the right. 3 March. 4 Forward. 5 March. 6 Guide to the right. At the second command, the captains place themselves before the centres of their companies. At the third command, the companies will wheel on a halted pivot; when sufficiently advanced, the captains will order " mark time," unless the fourth command has been given by the lieutenant colonel. The right company forms on the markers. At the fifth command, the companies march straight for- ward. At the sixth command, they preserve the touch with the right elbow. The right guide will march in the steps of that file of the next company to the right, that he observes immediately before him, until that company turns to the right, when he will march straight forward. When the right of the second company has arrived at the left of the first, the captain will command, 1 Turn to the right. 2 March. The company wheels by echellon of files; it will be halted two paces from the line, and dressed by the words of com- mand often prescribed. All the other companies form in line in the same manner; which being completed, the lieutenant colonel will command, Guides to your posts. In order to change the front on the right flank, by throwing the left to the rear, the lieutenant colonel will cause two markers to be placed, one of them before the outside file of the right flank, the other at twenty paces to the right of that flank, on the new direction. The lieutenant colonel will then command, 1 Change front to the rear on the right flank. 2 Battalion, to the right about — face. 3 By company, half wheel to the left. 4 March. 5 Forward. 6 March. 7 Guide to the left. At the second word of command, the companies face about. At the third, the captains place themselves before the centre of the rear rank of their companies, now in front. At the fourth, the companies wheel as ordered. At the sixth, thcv march forward. At the seventh, they preserve the touch witfi the left elbow; the guide pursues the file immediately before him. The first company wheels a little past the new direction and faces about. At the word " face," its guides place them- selves on the new direction, their right sides to the company, and dressing by the two markers; the company dresses on its guides. The second company turns to the left by echellon of files, passes the line a few paces, comes to the right about, and dresses by its guides, who place themselves in line with the 94 markers, and the guides of tht: first company. All the othei' companies will form on the line in the same manner. The formation being completed, the lieutenant colonel will command, Guides to your posts. The battalion will change front forward, or to the rear, on the left flank, on the same principles. The battalion may change front on any central company, so as to take any direction whatever, one wing being thrown forward, the other to the rear, according to the principles which have been explained. Suppose the fifth company is selected as that on which the change of front is to be executed, and that the left wing is to be thrown forward; the lieutenant colonel will order the ad- jutant to place two markers on the new direction, in front ot the fifth company, one of them before its right file, the other at company distance from him. The lieutenant colonel will command, 1 Change front on the fifth company, the left wing thrown forward. 2 Company, on the right, right about — face. 3 By company, half wheel to the right. 4 March. 5 Forward. 6 March. 7 Guide to the right. At the second command, all the companies to the right of the fifth, face to the right about. At the fourth they wheel, and the fifth company forms upon the markers. At the sixth, the other companies proceed and execute the movement ac- cording to the principles laid down. The major will dress the guides of the right wing, the adjutant those of the left. The companies will wheel about half the angle made by the new and old lines. Article XII. To pass a Defile in Retreat^ by the Right or Left Wing. The lieutenant colonel will suppose a defile in rear of the left wing, and command, In rear, by the right wing, pass the defile. i 9S The captain of the first company will command, 1 First company. 2 By the right flank. 3 To the right face. 4 March. The first file will wheel to the right, march to the rear lour paces beyond the file closers, wheel again to the right, and direct itself along the rear; the other files of this com- pany will wheel on the same ground. The other companies will wheel each by comitiand of its captain on the ground occupied by its right hand file, as the last of the preceding company passes it. The leading company when arrived at the left, will wheel to the right to enter the defile. All the others will wheel on the same ground. Oncoming out of the defile, the captain oi the first company will command, 1 Form company. 2 March. The covering sergeant marches straight forward. The men advance the right shoulder, take the quick step, and come into line one at a time, without running. The captain then commands. Guide to the left. ' and steps before the centre of the company, taking the step. The other companies form in the same manner. A defile in rear of the right wing, would be passed from the left, by similar principles. The captains would conduct the leading files. Article XIII. To form the Column of Attack. This movement consists in forming a double column in rear of the two centre companies. The lieutenant colonel will command, 1 Form Column of attack. 2 By company, on the centre in column. 3 Battalion, right and left face. 4 Quick time, March. 96 At the second command, all the captains except those of the fourth and fifth companies will place themselves before the centre of their respective companies, and caution them which way to face. They will face to the centre. The cap- tains of the fourth and fifth w^ill not move. At the third command, the companies, except the fourth and fifth, will face; those on the left to the right, those on the right to the left. The captains of companies, will disengage the three files next the centre to the rear. The right guide of each left company, and the left guide of each right company, vill place himself before the front rank man of the leading file. The captains of companies will place themselves beside the guides, to conduct them. At the word " march," the movement will commence. The captain of the fifth company will step quickly to its left flank. The captain of the fourth will not move. Those two compa- nies stand fast; the others move oflFin quick time, and place themselves at the distance of platoon, or half distance, so that the fourth, third, second, and first companies, form the right half of the column, and the fifth, sixth, seventh, and eighth companies, the left half. The corresponding companies will unite into one division in column. Each captain of a com- pany will command, 1 Company. 2 Halt. 3 Front. 4 Left (or right) dress. 5 Steady. They will dress to the centre, from whence the command comes. The captains having dressed their companies, will place themselves on the outward flanks; the two corresponding companies form one line, the centre of which is marked by the right guide of the left company, who will cover exactly the guide in the centre of the division before him. If there be with the battalion a grenadier or light company, and one only, it will form at half distance in the rear, its centre opposite to the centre of the division. The music will form in the rear. To display the Column of Attack. The lieutenant colonel will cause two markers to be placed before the outward flank files of the two companies at the head of the column, and will command, 97 1 Display the column. 2 Battalion, right and left face. 3 March. At the word march, the column displays on the two leading- companies which stand fast, according to the principles laid down for displaying of close columns. The captain of the fifth company will come to its right. The captain of the fourth will step back to the second rank, until the captain of the third dresses his company. The displaying having been completed, the lieutenant colonel will order, Guides to your posts. The lieutenant colonel may give orders for firing by files while the column is displaying. In that case, the captains of the fourth and fifth would commence giving the words of command for this kind of firing, on hearing the word *' steady" given to the third and sixth companies; and these last would commence giving the words of command for the fire, on hearing the word " steady" given to the second and seventh companies; and so of the rest. Article XIV. ' Of Rallying' when Dispersed. The battalion being in line, the lieutenant colonel will order a signal to disperse to be beat; and the soldiers will break oflF, and scatter themselves. When the lieutenant colonel wishes the battalion to reas- semble, he will place the ensign with the colours, and two markers, at near company distance, on the line he intends the battalion to form on; and will order the assembly to be beat. Each captain will assemble and form his company four paces in the rear of its place in the line. The colonel will establish the company of the colours on the line by the markers, and command, On the centre, dress. Each company will advance by command of its captain, its guide most distant from the centre placing himself on the line, and be dressed according to the manner heretofore prescribed, the captains of the companies on the right coming to the left flank to dress them. N 98 The line being formed, the lieutenant colonel will com- mand, Guides to your posts. END OF THE BATTALION DRILL. SECTION V. Evolutions of the Brigade, The drill of the battalion having explained all the evolu- tions that a single battalion can be required to execute, in any situation, it remains to apply these principles to aline of se- veral battalions. In these instructions we will suppose a brigade of four bat- talions; but the rules prescribed will be equally applicable to a regiment, or to a greater number of battalions. When several brigades are to exercise in line, the battal- ions will be distinguished by numbers according to their places in the line. The battalion on the right will be called the first, the next to it the second, the next the third, and so on to the left of the line. Places of the Commander in Chief of Brigadier Generals , and of Colonels^ in Line. In line, the commander in chief has no fixed situation as- signed to him; he will go wherever his presence is necessary. In column, he will be at its head to direct it. In the evolutions, he will be where he can best superintend and direct the general movements. Nevertheless, he may be wherever else he judges his presence necessary, having his place supplied by one who is charged with his orders. In line of several brigades, the brigadier generals will place themselves fifty paces in the rear of the centres of their bri- gades. In column, they will place themselves upon the direct- ing flank, about twelve paces from the line of guides. The brigadier generals, and colonels, in line, in column, and in going through the various movements, will superin- tend the execution of all that is commanded. For this pur- pose they may go wherever their presence is necessary, within the extent of their brigades or regiments. 99 Central Rules for the Words of Command. When all the battalions in line are to execute the same movement, the commander in chief will give to the battalion nearest him, the general commands relative to the movement, which will be immediately repeated by the lieutenant colonel of that battalion. Each lieutenant colonel will repeat, as quick as possible, all the general commands which he may hear given to the next battalion on his right or left, according to the side from whence the word of command comes; unless the commander in chief has ordered otherwise. The lieutenant colonels having repeated the general com- mand as directed, will then command and cause to be exe- cuted the preparatory movements in their battalions, which are to precede the general movement. When the extent of front, or noise, prevents the words of command from being easily heard from one battalion to an- other, the majors and adjutants will repeat them. When a lieutenant colonel shall see the next battalion exe- cuting a movement, the word of command for which he has not heard, he will cause his battalion to execute the same movement. When the line is to execute a central movement, the com- mander in chief will repair to the spot he has chosen as the centre on which the movement is to take place; and he will give or send to the lieutenant colonel of each of the nearest battalions on the right and left, an order to give the general word of command for the movement which each part of the line is to execute. In column, the same rules for the repetition of the words ©f command, will be observed. Whenever a line breaks into several columns, the senior officer in rank of each will command it, and fulfil, with re- gard to the column, the duties of commander in chief. For7nation of a Regiment in Line before its ^carters. When a regiment is to form in line in front of its quarters, the colonel will order the fourth company of one of the bat- talions forward, establish it on the direction of the line, and place two markers with bannerols close to its front, and fa- cing each other. He will then direct the lieutenant colonel of the other battalion to establish the fourth company ©f his battalion upon the same direction. 100 These two companies being formed, at the distance of a battalion and an interval of twenty four paces, the colonel will direct a short roll to be beat, which being done, the companies of each battalion will, by command of their res- pective captains, move up successively on the line of the fourth company of their respective battalions. The lieuten- ant colonels will see that the company guides of each batta- lion place themselves exactly on the same line. The battalions being formed, if the regiment is to ma- ncEUvre, the colonel will order the adjutants to tell off the battalions, which will be quickly done, beginning on the right of each. The corporals who are to form the guard of the colours of each battalion, will fall in on the left of the fourth company, which on this account is to have three files of men less than the other companies. Fonnation and Order of March of the Escort of the Colours, When the regiment parades under arms, if the colours are required, one of the flank companies, or, if they are de- tached, a battalion company will march to escort the colours, in the following order. The drum major, the music of the battalion which fur- nishes the detachment, followed by the band of the regi- ment; the detachment in column of platoons, with supported arms; the two ensigns appointed to carry the colours, to- gether, side by side, between the two platoons. The detachment will march in this order, without beat of drum, or music. On arriving in front of the commanding officer's quarters, the platoons will wheel into line, the mu- sicians and band formed on the right. The two ensigns, ac- companied by the lieutenant and a sergeant, will proceed to receive the colours. When the ensigns, followed by the lieutenant and ser- geant, bring out the colours, the detachment by command of its officer will present arms; the ensigns will halt; the drums will beat the troops accompanied by the band. The officer will cause the music to cease; order his party to shoulder arms, and wheel into platoons; the ensigns carrying the colours, will place themselves, side by side, be- tween the platoons; and the lieutenant and sergeant will re- sume their places. The party will then march to the ground where the regiment is assembled, with drums beating, and music playing. 101 Honours paid to the Colours. A\'hen the colours arrive, the colonel will order arms to be shouldered; the drums and music will cease; the party in quick time will resume their places in line, passing lor that purpose in rear of the regiment. The lieutenant colonels will place themselves respectively six paces before the centres of their battalions. The ensigns will march in quick time, side by side, at the distance of ten paces before the front, and each will halt op- posite to the centre of his battalion, facing to it. The lieuten- ant colonel will order arms to be presented, and salute with his sword. The ensigns will immediately take their posts in the line, and the lieutenant colonels will order arms to be shouldered. The colours will be escorted back to the quarters of the colonel, in the same order. PART I. Article I. To open the Ranks. The brigadier general will give this command, 1 The rear ranks will take open order. This word of command having been repeated, the lieuten- ant colonels will command their respective battalions, Rear ranks, take distance. The preparatory movements will be made as prescribed in the drill of battalion. The brigadier general will command, 2 March. This command being quickly repeated by each lieutenant colonel, the centre and rear ranks of each battalion step back, and take open order, according to the directions given in the drill of battalion. Each battalion executes this movement as if it were by it- self, and the centre and rear ranks of one battalion need not dress by those of another. 102 Article II. 31anual Exercise, The manual exercise is not to be gone through in line, it there be more than one battalion. Article III. Loading and Firings. Loading at will, or in the quickest time, is the only mode practised in line. The brigadier general having closed the ranks, will com- mand, 1 The line will load arms. This command having been repeated, the brigadier gene- ral will order, 2 Prime and load. This command will be repeated, and executed as has been directed in the drill of battalion. The brigadier general, to cause the line to fire by battalion at the halt, will command, 1 The line will fire by battalion. This order having been repeated, he will command, 2 Commence firing. The odd numbered battalions, or right battalions of each regiment, will begin the firing by battalion. The lieutenant colonel of each of these battalions having repeated the com- mand " commence Jiring^^'' will immediately give the com- mands prescribed in the drill of battalion for the execution of this fire. The lieutenant colonels of the even numbered, or left hand battalions, will not give their first word of command until they perceive that some firelocks in the odd numbered bat- talion next on the right, are shouldered. The lieutenant co- lonels of the odd nuKibered or right hand battalions, will in turn observe the same rule with regard to the even number- ed battalion next on the left. And thus the fire will continue alternately. 103 The fire by wings will be executed in each battalion as has been directed in the drill of battalion: each lieutenant colonel having repeated the command, " commence firing," will im- mediately after, without regarding any other battalion, give the commands prescribed for the execution of this fire. The fire bv companies will be executed as prescribed in the drill of battalion, the captains of the odd numbered com- panies giving their first word of command immediately upon the lieutenant colonel having given the command, "com- mence firing." The fire by files will be thus executed. The brigadier general will command, 1 Fire by files. This having been repeated, the lieutenant colonels will order, 1 Battalion. 2 Ready. The brigadier general will then command, 2 Commence firing. The lieutenant colonels will repeat this command; and the fire by files will commence and be executed as prescribed in the drill of battalion. The brigadier general will cause the firing to cease by a ruffle or short roll of the drum; which will be instantly re- peated by the drums of each battalion, as soon as it is heard from the orderly drum. So soon as the arms of a battalion are loaded, the lieutenr ant colonel will order " the tap of the drumstick," as a signal for the captains and their covering sergeants to take their places in line. To fire to the rear, the brigadier general will command, The line will fire to the rear. This command having been repeated, each lieutenant co- lonel will command, 1 Battalion. 2 Rightabout — face. The brigadier general will then command the various firings, which will be executed as has been prescribed. 104 The brigadier general having caused the firing to cease, will command, The line will face to the front. This command having been repeated, each lieutenant colonel will command, 1 Battalion. 2 Right about — face. The brigadier general, to allow the troops to stand at ease, will order, 1 The line will rest. This command having been repeated, he will command, 2 Order, arms. This command having been repeated and executed, he will command, 3 Rest. This order will be executed as prescribed in the drill of battalion. The brigadier general choosing that the line shall give at- tention, will direct a short roll to be beat, which will be re- peated as soon as heard by the drummers of each battalion. The roll ceasing, each lieutenant colonel will command, Battalion. The soldiers will take the erect position of attention. The brigadier general will then command, Shoulder, arms. This command having been repeated, the line will shoulder arms. 105 PART II. Various Modes of fanning' Column from the Line. Article I. Wheeling by Companies to the Right or Left, The brigadier general will order, 1 Form column of companies by wheeling to the right. This caution having been repeated, he will command, 2 By company, to the right wheel. This command having been repeated, the brigadier general will order, 3 March. At this command, quickly repeated, the line will break into open column, in the manner prescribed in the drill of battalion. No guide is to move after the word " steady" has been given by the captain of his company. If the direction or dis- tance is lost, it must be regained on the march. If the brigadier general thinks proper to form the line again immediately, he will correct the position of the guides as hereafter prescribed, under the article " to halt the co- lumn." Article II. To form the Open Column by filing by Companies to the Rear, The brigadier general will command, 1 Form column of companies the right in front, by filing to the rear. Each lieutenant colonel having repeated this command, will himself give the following, O ia6 1 Battalion, by the right flank. 2 To the right face. 3 Companies, by files to the right. The brigadier general will then command, 2 March. At this command, quickly repeated, each battalion files into open column, as prescribed in the drill of battalion. Article III. To break into Column to the Rights in order to march towards the Left. The brigadier general to effect this will order, The line will break into column by the right, to march towards the left. This command having been repeated, the lieutenant colo- nel of the right battalion will cause the movement to be ex- ecuted, by the commands, and in the manner, prescribed in the drill of battalion. The lieutenant colonel of each other battalion, will, in his turn, cause the movement to be executed. The company on the rightof each battalion, will march for- ward twice the distance of its front, while the other compa- nies of the battalion are wheeling to the right. The lieutenant colonels will judge the moment when they ought to break their respective battalions, and march, so as to leave between their first company, and the last of the pre- ceding battalion, the distance of a company, and twenty four paces. The brigadier general will break the line into column by the left, in order to march towards the right, upon the same principles. Article IV. To form the Close Column from the Line. It is supposed that from the line, a close column of divi- sions is to be formed, with the right in front, on the second division of the second battalion. 107 This example will be sufficient for every other case. The brigadier general will come to the second battalion,, and order, 1 Close column by division. This command having been repeated, he will send an order to the lieutenant colonel of the third battalion, to give the following command, which will be repeated by the lieu- tenant colonel of the battalion on his left: Upon the second battalion, to the rear, in column. The brigadier general will at the same time send an order to the lieutenant colonel of the first battalion, to give the fol- lowing command: Upon the second battalion, to the front, in column. These orders having been given to the commanders of the first and third battalions, the brigadier general will direct the lieutenant colonel of the second, to command, On the second division, right in front, in column. The lieutenant colonel of the second battalion having given the command, will immediately give these following: 1 Battalion, by the right and left flank. 2 To the right and left face. The lieutenant colonels of the third and fourth battalions, having given the command prescribed to be given by them, will proceed to give these which follow: 1 Battalion, by the right flank, 2 To the right face. The three right files of each division of those two bat- talions, will disengage to the rear. The lieutenant colonel of the first battalion having given the command prescribed to be given by him, will proceed to give those which follow: 1 Battalion, by the left flank. 2 To the left face. The three left files of each division of this battalion, will disengage to the front. 108 The lieutenant colonels having given those several words of command, the brigadier general will order, 2 March. This word being repeated, the second battalion will form close column on the second division, as has been directed in the drill of battalion. The third and fourth battalions will proceed in this man- ner. The first division of each, preceded by the major, will march directly to the place it is to occupy in the column. It will march with a step of one foot, until the other divisions of the same battalion come up with it, when it will take the step of two feet. Each of those battalions formed thus into close column, will march by flank to the point where it is to enter into the column. Having arrived within fifteen paces of this point, the first division will enter squarely, at six paces distance from the rear division of the preceding battalion. The captains commanding divisions will stop at the flank of direction, see their divisions file past them, and halt, front, and dress them, as prescribed in the drill of battalion. The first battalion will proceed in a similar manner, its fourth division entering the column six paces in front of the first division of the second battalion. The left guide of each division of this battalion having arrived nearly as far as the line of the guides of the divisions already formed in column, the captain will halt, front and dress the division as prescri- bed in the drill of battalion; the left guides facing to the rear. The lieutenant colonels will see that the battalions march in order, the divisions three paces distant from each other, dressing by that division which is first to enter the column; and that the divisions enter parallel to those already in co- lumn. The majors will preserve the distances between the bat- talions, and place the guides correctly. When the first battalion has taken its place in column, the lieutenant colonel will command. Guides, right about — face. At this word, the left guides of divisions, who had faced to the rear, will face to the front of the column. A close column with the left in front, is formed on similar principles. In the like manner, a greater number of battalions maybe formed in close column, upon any division and battalion, 109 Observation on this Movement. This method of forming a close column from the line, has the advantages of maintaining the battalions in their full strength, each forming a distinct close column, during the movement; and of taking up the least possible time; as each battalion moves by the shortest line to its place in the column. PART III. Article I. To march in Column at full Distance. The brigadier general, when he would put the column in march, will inform the lieutenant colonel of the leading bat- talion what direction the leading guide is to take, and the lieu- tenant colonel will instruct the guide in the means by which he is to regulate the direction of his march, according to the principles prescribed in the drill of battalion. The brigadier general will then command, 1 Column, forward. The lieutenant colonels having repeated this command will order, if the right is in front, Guide to the left. The brigadier general will then order, 2 March. At this command, which will be very quickly repeated by the lieutenant colonels, and officers commanding subdivi- sions, the column will maixh. The guide of the first subdivision will march on the direc- tion pointed out to him, by the means prescribed in the drill of battalion, and the following guides will each march in the steps of the one immediately preceding, without attending to the general direction. The major of the leading battalion will observe that the leading guide does not deviate from the line he ought to ilO inarch on, and the major of each following battalion will ob- serve, that the leading guide preserves between him and the preceding battalion, the distance of a company, and twenty four paces for tlie interval. When the column is to march along a given line, in order to form on it by wheeling to the left, the brigadier general will cause the line to be ascertained by mounted officers, by whom the general guides will direct themselves. Whether the column arrives before or behind the line, the brigadier general will send forward two mounted officers to ascertain two intermediate points, between the distant points of direction, which he has selected on the right and left. One of the officers will post himself where the head of the column is to enter on the line, and the column will so wheel as to march four paces in the rear of the line to be formed on, as prescribed in the drill of battalion. The manner of finding two intermediate points, between two distant and conspicuous objects, has been explained in the drill of battalion. Article II. Column of Route. The column being halted, if the brigadier general would have it to march by the route step, he will command, 1 Column, forward. The lieutenant colonels will repeat the command, and order, Guide to the right. The brigadier general will then command, 2 Route step, march. Which the lieutenant colonels and officers commanding subdivisions will repeat, and the whole will move. If when the column is marching with the cadenced step, the brigadier general should think proper to take the route step, he will command, Route step, march. Ill Which will be repeated, and the soldiers will march and carry their arms at ease. When a column of many battalions meets with a defile, which requires the front to be diminished, it will be execu- ted by the battalions successively, as each arrives at the place where the diminution becomes necessary. Thus a column of companies meeting with a defile which can only admit a pla- toon, the lieutenant colonel of the leading battalion will form it into platoons at once, when the column is close to the de- file; hut the next lieutenant colonel will not repeat the com- mand, until his own battalion shall have arrived close to the defile. Article III. Change of Direction of an Open Column at full Distance of Coynpanies. The brigadier general will give an order to the lieutenant colonel of the battalion to change the direction, and will place an aid-de-camp on the spot where it is to be effected. The change of direction will be executed as directed in the drill of the battalion. In a column of route, the change of direction will be made by an order from the officer of the leading company. Article IV. Change of Direction by the Prompt 3faneeuvre. The column marching with the right in front, the briga- dier general deeming it expedient to change the direction by the prompt manoeuvre, will point out to the lieutenant colonel of the leading battalion the spot where the leading subdivi- sion will change its direction, and the point of view in front, on which the leading guide is afterwards to direct his march; and when at least two subdivisions have wheeled into the new direction, the brigadier general will order, 1 Prompt manoeuvre by the right flank. This command having been repeated by each of the lieu- tenant colonels, the one who commands the leading battalion will immediately order^ 112 Six last platoons, by the right flank. The lieutenant colonels of each of the following battalions will give the word, Battalion, by the right flank. The brigadier general will order, 2 Quick time, march. And the manoeuvre will be effected as explained in the drill of the battalion. The leading company of each battalion will enter the new direction so as to preserve the interval between it and the preceding battalion. Should the word " halt" be given by the brigadier general before the manceuvre has been completed, it will only be re- peated by the lieutenant colonels of those battalions which are in the new direction; the others will continue marching, inclining to the rear, so as to enter, at their proper distances, the column. Article V. To halt the Column, The brigadier general will command, 1 Column. This having been repeated, he will command, 2 Halt. This will be rapidly repeated by commanders of battalions and subdivisions. If the general guides and colours are on the directing flank, the brigadier general will correct the position of those of the battalion at the head of the column, and the colours of the second battalion; the majors of the following battalions will dress the general guides of those battalions by the pre- ceding colours. The brigadier general will then command, 3 Guides on the line. 113 This command having been repeated, the company guides will step on the line; the major of each battalion will fix the position of the guides of the leading wing, and the adjutant will correct the position of those of the rear wing. The guides will dress by the pikes of the colours in front, and take care to preserve their proper distances. The brigadier general will command, if the right is in front, 4 Left DRESS. At this command repeated, the companies will approach to their respective guides. If a company is several paces from its guide, the captain will cause it to face, and march by flank to the guide. If the general guides and the colours are not marching on the flank, the brigadier general will command, 1 Colours and general guides on the line. This command being repeated, the general guides and en- signs with the colours step out on the directing flank, the brigadier general by signals with the sword establishes the general guides and colours of the first battalion on the direc- tion he has chosen, and those of the following battalions will place themselves on the line, the majors and adjutants di- recting them. The brigadier general then will order, 2 Guides on the line. This command having been repeated and executed as has been explained, the brigadier general will command, 3 Left DRESS. If the directing flank is nearly correct, the brigadier gene- ral might, instead of bringing the colours and general guides on the line, order, Guides in line. Which being repeated, the majors and adjutants would correct the positions of the guides, as has been explained. P 114 Article VI. To close the Column to Half Distance^ or into Close Column. If the column is to close to half distance, the brigadier ge- neral will order, 1 To half distance, close the column. This having been repeated, he will command, 2 March. The captain of the leading subdivision will halt it, and the other subdivisions of the column will continue to march un- til they respectivelv arrive within half distance of the prece- ding subdivision halted, when they will be halted by their officers respectively, and dressed as has been explained in the drill of the battalion. The leading subdivisi n of each battalion will halt at companv distance from the rear subdivision of the preceding battalion. If the close column is to be formed, the brigadier general will command, 1 To the front close the column. This having been repeated he will command, 2 March. and the column will close, leaving an interval of six paces bC' tvveeu the battalions, and three paces between subdivisions. Article VII. To inarch in Column at Half Distance^ or in Close Column, The brigadier general, to put in march a close column, or column at half distance, will give the same words of com- mand as to a column at full distance. He will also halt it by the same words of command; and to dress the guides on the directing flank, he will place the two 1'^ading guides, and command, 115 1 Guifles by your file leaders. 2 Lcil DRE.sS. At the first command, which will be repeated, the guides will place- themselves on the line; and on the second com- mand, which will be repeated, the subdivisions will approach and Uress by them. Article VIII. Change of Direction of a Column at Half Distance, A column at half distance will change its direction in the same manner as a column at full distance, with only this dif- ference, that if the change is from the side of the guide, the pivot man of each subdivision takes steps of twelve inches, instead of six. Article IX. Changing the Direction of a Close Column, The changes of direction of a close column, are executed by filing from the flanks, according to the manner prescrib- ed in the drill of battalion. Two markers being established on the new direction, one of them immediately before the right hand file of the leading subdivision of the foremost battalion, the brigadier general will command, Change the direction by the right flank. This command having been repeated, each lieutenant col- onel will immediately order, Battalion, to the right face. The brigadier general then will command, March. This will be rapidly repeated, and the column will file from the right flank into the new direction, according to the prin- ciples prescribed in the drill of battalion. To change direction to the right, the column will file from the left flank. 116 The major of the leading battalion, from the front, will correct the position of the guides of his battalion; and the major of each of the succeeding battalions will perform the same duty from the rear of his battalion, as it arrives on the new direction. Article X. To Countermarch. The column being at full or half distance, to execute the countermarch, the brigadier general will order, 1 The column will countermarch. The lieutenant colonels will repeat this order, and com- mand, 1 Battalion, by the right flank. 2 To the right face. 3 By files to the left, countermarch. The brigadier general then orders, 2 March. And at this word, rapidly repeated, all the companies of the column will countermarch, as directed in the drill of bat- talion. When the close column of divisions, right in front, is to countermarch, the brigadier general will command, 1 The column will countermarch. This command having been repeated by the lieutenant colonels, they will order, 1 Battalion, by the right flank. 2 To the right face. 3 Even divisions, forward. The brigadier general will command, 2 March. At this word, rapidly repeated, the even numbered divi- sions of every battalion will march out of the column by flank; and when they are clear of the column, the lieutenant colo- nels will command, H7 1 Even and odd divisions. 2 By files to the left, countermarch. 3 March. And the countermarch is executed as prescribed in the drill of battalion; in the right battalions the flank company marches with the even divisions, and in the left battalions the flank company will march with the odd divisions. Article XL Being in Column of Companies at the Halt^ to form Divisions. The right being in front, the brigadier general will com- mand, Form divisions. This command having been repeated, the lieutenant co- lonels will command, 1 Even companies, by the left flank. 2 To the left face. The brigadier general will order, March. This command being quickly repeated, the movement is executed in the manner directed in the drill of battalion. When the column of divisions is formed, each lieutenant colonel will command. Guides to your posts. lis PART IV. Different Methods of forming in Line from Open and Close Columns, Article I. Methods of Determining the Line. The different methods of determining the line, have been explained in the drill of battalion. Article II. Different Methods of passing from Open Colum7i into Line. A column at full distance, with the right in front, may be formed into line: 1 To the left. 2 On the right. 3 To the front. 4 Facing to the rear. It only remains to apply the principles, which have been explained in the battalion drill, to a column of several bat- talions. Column at full Distance^ with the Right ifi Front, to form to the Left in Line. It being ascertained that the guides are correctly dressed in line, the brigadier general will command, 1 To the left in line, wheel. This word having been repeated by the lieutenant colonels, the right guide of each leading company quickly places him- self in the line of guides on the left, at company distance from tht left guide of his company, according to the di: eLt.ons in the battalion drill. The brigadier general then commands, 2 March. 119 This command having been rapidly repeated, the line is formed by wheeling the companies to the left. The line being formed, the brigadier general will com- mand, 3 Guides to your posts. To Form the Line by Inversion. Should it become suddenly necessarv to form the line to the right, the column having the right in front, the brigadier general will command, 1 By inversion, to the right in line. This word having been repeated by the lieutenant colonels, they wi 1 then order. Guide to the right. The major and adjutant will quickly dress the guides on the righi of their respective battalions; and the left guide of the leading company will place himself before and facing, at company distance, the right guide of the company, on the line of the right guides. The brigadier general then orders, 2 March. At this word quickly repeated, the line will form by wheeling the companies to the right as has been described in the drill of battalion. The brigadier general then orders, 3 Guides to your posts. The formation by inversion to the left, when the left of the column is in front, is executed on the same principles. General Rules for Formations in succession. Under this head are included all formations wherein the different subdivisions of a column of several battalions, arrive one after the other in line; as forming to the right when the right is in front; to the left when the left is in front; forming line to the front, or facing to the rear; and the display of close columns into line. In each of these cases, the following rules will be observed. 120 The major will precede his battalion on the line, place himself at the point of rest, and allow the interval between his battalion and the next to it. As soon as the subdivision of the colours comes on the line, the ensign carrying the colours will quit his rank, and place himself opposite to his file on the line of the guides al- ready fixed, facing the point of rest, and with the staff of the colours carried perpendicularly before the middle of his body. When two of the colours are placed on the line, the lieu- tenant colonels will command, " Guides to your posts," as soon as the last subdivision is dressed on the line; but the colours will remain until the whole line is formed, when the brigadier general will order, Colours to your posts. The major will place the two leading guides of his bat- talion on the line, by the colours which have been already placed; and afterwards will place the other guides and the cO' lours of the battalion, as they respectively come into line. To form the Column at full Distance^ the Right in Front ^ on the Right in Line. The brigadier general will point out to an aid-de-camp, or to the adjutant of the leading battalion, the point of rest for the right flank, and the point of direction to the left, who will quickly station two markers, one of them at the point of rest, as has been described in the drill of the battalion. The leading division having taken a direction nearly pa- rallel to that on which the line is to form, the brigadier gene- ral will order. On the right form the line. This being repeated by the lieutenant colonels, they will order. Battalion, guide to the right. The leading subdivision having arrived opposite the first marker, will turn to the right; and the formation in line will be executed as has been explained in the drill of battalion. When the head of the second battalion shall have arrived behind the right of the line, the lieutenant colonel will com- mand. Battalion, guide to the right. 121 and each succeeding battalion will receiv^e the same order, when its head arrives at the same ground. When the last subdivision of the preceding battalion has wheeled to the right, in order to form in line, the major of the next battalion will quickly place himself where the right flank of his battalion will rest, allowing an interval of twenty four paces between the battalions. The subdivision at the head of the second battalion having arrived opposite the major, will wheel to the right, and be halted by the officer commanding it at the distance of two paces from the line; the guides of the subdivision will im- mediately place themselves on the line, facing to and dress- ing by the guides of the first battalion; their positions will be fixed by the major; when this is effected, the captain will order, Right DRESS. Steady. The leading subdivision of every succeeding battalion will be established in the same manner. The formation of the line being completed, the brigadier general will order, Colours to your posts. The brigadier general, from the point of rest, will observe that the ensigns and colours of the two battalions on the right, are correctly placed on the direction he means to give to the line. If the column had the left in front, it would form the line on the left by the same principles. To form the Column at Full Distance to the Front in Line. The open column at full distance with the right in front, arriving behind the right of the Ime on which the comman- der intends to form it, he will point out to an aid-de-camp, or to the adjutant of the leading battalion the point of rest on the right, and the distant point of direction on the left; the aid-de-camp or adjutant will place two markers on the line of direction, one of them at the point of rest, in the manner which has been explained in the drill of battalion. The head of the column being arrived within compan}- ■ llstance of the markers, will be halte.d, and the captain of Q 122 the leading subdivision instructed to form it oa the markers. The brigadier general will then order, 1 Form the line to the front. This command having been repeated, the lieutenant co- lonel of the leading battalion will order, 1 Battalion, guide to the right. 2 By companies half wheel to the left. The lieutenant colonel of each other battalion will com- mand, Battalion, head of column to the left. ' The brigadier general will then order, 2 March. At this word, quickly repeated, the battalion at the heai of the column will form the line to the front, by the means explained in the drill of battalion. The other battalions will march diagonally, in separate columns, toward the line. The head of one of these battalions having arrived within the distance of a company of its major, who will have pre- ceded it on the line, the lieutenant colonel will halt it; the two guides of the leading subdivision will instantly move on the line, and be placed by the major. The lieutenant co- lonel will command, 1 Form the line to the front. 2 Guide to the right. 3 By company, half wheel to the left. 4 March. 5 Forward. 6 March. The line being formed, the brigadier general will com- mand, Colours, to your posts. The correctness of this formation will depend on the ex- actness with which the battalions march diagonally to the line; to insure this, the brigadier general before the move- ment commences, will send forward two mounted officers, who will determine the points where the right of each bat- talion will rest. The first of these officers at the distance o* 123 the front of a battalion and twenty four paces, will face the brigadier general, who will by signal fix him on the directioni the second officer will at the distanceof a battalion and twenty four paces further, face about, and dress on the direction, by the first officer and the brigadier general. These officers will be relieved by the majors of the second and third battalionsj and the first of them will, so soon as he is relieved, gallop on, and take up the position for the right of the fourth bat- talion, from which he will be relieved in the like manner, by the major of that battalion. The majors will quit their bat- talions to perform this duty at the distance of one hundred paces. A column with the left in front, arriving in rear of the line, would form thereon by similar principles. It would break off to the right, and the point of rest of each battalion would be on the left. The Column at Full Distance^ with the Right in Fronts to face to the Rear in Line. The column with the right in front, and at full distance, arriving in the front of the right of the line on which the commander means to form in line, he will point out to an aid-de-camp, or the adjutant of the leading battalion, the spot where the I'ight of the line is to rest, and the point of direc- tion on the left; the aid or adjutant will immediately place two markers on the direction, one of them at the point of rest, in the manner explained in the drill of battalion. The head of the column having arrived at about the dis- tance of a company from the markers placed on the line, the brigadier general will halt the column, and immediately di- rect the captain of the leading company that he is to form his company oh the markers, faced to the rear. The brigadier general will then command, 1 Form the line faced to the rear. This command having been repeated, the lieutenant c,c- lonel of the first battalion will order, 1 Battalion, by the right flank. 2 To the right face. The lieutenant colonel of each other battalion will order. Battalion, head of column to the right. 124 The brigadier general will command, 2 March. This command having been repeated, the first battalioti will form the line fronting to the rear, as has been explained in rhe drill of the battalion. The following battalions will move diagonally in separate colu'T.ns toward the line. The major of each battalion will precede it on the line, as has been directed when the formation is to the front; the bat- talion column will halt at companj' distance from the point where the right is to restj the guides of the leading company will be placed on the direction by the major, and dressed cor- rectly with those of the preceding battalion; and the battalion will form on the line by the prescribed words of command from its lieutenant colonel. The line being formed, the brigadier general will com- mand. Colours, to your posts. A column with the left in front, arriving in front of the left of the line, would form in line facing to the rear, by the same principles, by an inverted proceeding; the heads of battalion columns would change direction to the left, and the companies would file by the left flank into line. To Form the Line hy txvo kinds of Movement, It is sometimes necessary to combine two kinds of move- ment in the formation of the line, as will be explained. When a column at full distance is to form a line upon a central subdivision of the column, if the line is to form to the front, all that portion of the column which precedes the subdivision intended for the basis of the alignment, will countermarch, and afterwards form in line facing to the rear upon that subdivision; and all that portion of the column which follows the selected subdivision, Avhich is to be the basis of the alignment, will form to the front in line upon that subdivision. The commander in such a case will always select the rear subdivision of a battalion. The column being composed of companies, at full distance, with the right in front, the brigadier general desiring to form ihe line upon the second battalion, will halt the column, come ■' o the rear subdivision pf the second battalion, and cause two 125 markers with bannerols to be fixed before the right and lefi files of this subdivision, which is to be the basis of the align- ment. The brigadier general will send an order to the lieutenant colonel of the first battalion to countermarch his battalion; the second battalion will also countermarch, by command ot its lieutenant colonel, except the last subdivision. The brigadier general will send an order to the lieutenant colonel of the first battalion to give the following words of command, 1 Form the line faced to the rear. 2 Battalion, head of column to the left. He will also send an order to the lieutenant colonel of the fourth battalion, to give the following words of command, 1 Form the line to the front. 2 Battalion, head of column to the left. He will himself order the lieutenant colonel of the second battalion to give the following words of command, 1 Form the line faced to the rear. 2 Battalion, by the left flank. 3 To the left face. And he will order the lieutenant colonel of the third battalion to give the following words of command, 1 Form the line to the front. 2 Battalion, guide to the right. 3 By company, half wheel to the left. The brigadier general will then order, March. Upon this word of command, quickly repeated, the gene- ral movement will commence, and be executed on the prin- ciples which have been explained, in " forming the line to the front," and " faced to the rear." The third battalion having wheeled into echellons, the first company will march to the point where the major stands; the guides will be speedily placed by him on the line, dressing by the markers; the first company will form on them; the other companies forming in succession on its left. If instead of facing to the front, it was the intention of the commander to form the line on a central subdivision. 126 iaced to the rear, he would select the leading subdivision of the third battalion, which he would countermarch, and form on the markers; and the formation of the whole would be ef- fected on principles similar to those just explained. When a column with the right in front arrives in rear of the line, pursues the direction towards the right, and is to form the line before the whole of the column has entered the new direction, the formation will be executed in this manner. The commander having halted the column at the moment when the fourth company of the second battalion shall have wheeled into the new direction, having corrected the position of the general guides, who ought to be on the flank of so much of the column as has extended along the line, and es- tablished the colours of the second battalion on this direction, as has been described under the article " to halt the column," he will send an order to the lieutenant colonel of the third battalion to direct the head of his battalion column to the left, in order to form " to the front in line." So soon as this order has been delivered, the brigadier general will command, 1 To the left in line wheel. This order will be repeated by the lieutenant colonels of the : econd and first battalions, and the lieutenant colonel of the second will immediately command, Four last companies, to the front in line. The lieutenant colonel of the third battalion will give the following order, which the lieutenant colonel of the fourth battalion will immediately repeat. Battalion, head of column to the left. The brigadier general will then order, 2 March. At this word of command, quickly repeated, the forma- tion will be executed. If the column instead of arriving in the rear of the line to be formed on, should arrive in front thereof, the formation into line would be executed in this manner. The commander having halted the column at the mo- ment when the fourth company of the second battalion shall have wheeled into the new direction, having corrected the position of the general guides, and established the colours of the second battalion on this direction, will send an order to 127 the lieutenant colonel of the third battalion to direct the head of his battalion column to the right, in order to " form the line faced to the rear." So soon as this order has been deliver- ed, the brigadier general will command, 1 To the left in line wheel. This order having been repeated by the lieutenant colonels of the second and first battalions, the lieutenant colonel of the second battalion will immediately afterwards command. Four last companies, form in line faced to the rear. The lieutenant colonel of the third battalion will give the following orders, which will be repeated by the lieutenant colonel of the fourth, 1 Form in line faced to the rear. 2 Battalion head of column to the right. The brigadier general will then order, 2 March. Upon this word, quickly repeated, the formation will be executed. The same movements ivill be executed by a column hav- ing the left in front, upon the same principles, by inverting the manner of proceeding. • A Remark on these Movements. Should the head of the third battalion be within less than fifty paces of the line, when the column is halted, it may form to the front, or facing to the rear in line, without changing the head of the battalion column. Article IV. Different Methods of forming a Column at Half Distance into Line. Columns at half distance, the right in front, as well as those at whole distance, may be formed in line, 1 To the left. ^ On the right. 128 'J To the front, or 4 Facing to the rear. 1. To form the Column at half Distance -with the Right in Fronts to the Left in Line. In order to form into line a column at half distance, the right in front, by wheeling to the left, it is necessary that the subdivisions should take full distance, by marching off the head of the column, as follows. A column at half distance with the right in front being supposed to be pursuing a direction on which the commander thinks proper to form the line by wheeling to the lett, he will halt the column when the last subdivision has arrived where it is to rest, and will command, Take distance, by the head of column. This order having been repeated, the captain commanding the leading subdivision will command, Company, forward. Guide to the left. March. The following subdivisions will step off" successively as they have their distances, by command of their officers, as directed in the drill of the battalion. The lieutenant colonels will take care that their leading subdivisions do not march until the proper interval is allowed, between their battalions and those which precede them. At the instant when the rear subdivision has its distance, the brigadier general will halt the column, ascertain that the guides are exactly on the direction, and then wheel the co- lumn to the left into line. Before the movement commences, the brigadier general will point out to the major of the leading battalion the ob- ject of direction in front, who will take care that the lead- ing guide directs his march thereon without deviation. The close column would take full distance by the same words of command, and the movement would be executed 'ipon the same principles. 129 2. To form the Column at Half Distance^ xvith the Right in Front, on the Right in Line, A column at half distance, with the right in front, will form the line on the right, by the same words of command and mode of procedure as a column at full distance. 3. To Form the Column at Half Distance to the Front in Line. A column at half distance, having arrived in the rear of the line and being to form to the front, the commander will cause the leading battalion to take full distance, and then give the words of command for forming "to the front in line." The other battalions will take wheeling distances, as they march diagonally to their respective places in the line. Or the commander may cause the leading battalion to form close column and display, while the other battalions break off, march diagonally, and take wheeling distances. 4. To Form the Column at Half Distance, facing to the Rear in Line. A column at half distance will form the line faced to the rear, by the same words of command, and means of proceeding, that have been prescribed for a column at full distance; and it will not be necessary to increase the distance between the subdivisions. Article V. Of Close Columns. A close column, consisting of any number of battalions, may be formed in line by displaying, 1 Faced to the front. ^ Faced to the rear. 3 Faced to the left. 4 Faced to the right. R 130 1. To display the Close Column^ faced to the Front in Line. A column of four battalions marching by companies at full distance, with the right in front, the commander desiring to display it into line to the front, will send two mounted officers instructed to ascertain the line to be formed on. One of them will remain at the point where the head of the column will strike the line. When the head of the column approaches near to the line to be formed on, the brigadier general will close the column, an:l halt the leading company at the distance of two paces from the airl-de-camp stationed on the line. Unless particular circumstances induce the brigadier ge- neral to display the column of companies into line, he will form divisions at the halt, and again close the column, placing its directing flank at right angles to the direction of the line. The brigadier general will then cause two markers with bannerols to be placed opposite the right and left hand files of the division at the head of the column, and establish them correctly on the direction. He may then display upon any battalion he pleases. We will suppose that the column is to be displayed on the second battalion j and this example will be sufficient for the various cases of displaying columns. The brigadier general will command, 1 By battalions in close column, on the second bat- talion display the column. " This word of command having been repeated, the lieu- tenant colonel of the second battalion will caution it to stand fast. The lieutenant colonel of the first battalion will com- mand, 1 Battalion, by the right flank. 2 To the right face. The lieutenant colonels of the third and fourth battalions will pass in front of their battalions to the right flank, and command, 1 Battalion, by the left flank. 2 To the left face. As soon as the brigadier general shall have named the battalion on which the column is to display, an aid will pro- 131 ceed to post himself on the direction toward the right, a little beyond the point to which the right will extend; he will dress correctly on the two markers posted before the leading division. The brigadier general will then command, 2 March. At this word, quickly repeated, the movement will com- mence. The battalions march by file to the flank, uncovering each other, and preserving the intervals. The captain commanding the first division of the first bat- talion at the head of the column, placed beside his right guide, will direct his march a little in the rear of the aid-de- camp, stationed on the line toward the right. The major of the third, will precede his battalion, and as- certain the place where it should halt, allowing six paces be- tween the close columns as they stand on the line before they display. As soon as the leading file of this battalion arrives as far as the position of the major, the lieutenant colonel will com- mand, 1 Third battalion. 2 Halt. 3 Front. The fourth battalion will be halted in like manner when it has its distance, which the major will take up in the like manner. The lieutenant colonel of the second battalion, seeing it nearly uncovered, will command, 1 Battalion, forward. 2 Guide to the left. 3 March. At the word " march," which will be given when the bat- talion is altogether uncovered, it will march forward to its place on the line; and when its leading division shall have arrived close to the two markers posted on the line, the lieu- tenant colonel will halt the battalion, the major will place the covering sergeant of the second company on the line, cor- rectly between the two markers; and when this is done the lieutenant colonel will command, Left DRESS. 132 The leading division, and every other, will dress by the left; the guides carefully preserving their distances. The other battalions will march to, and dress on the line in the like manner; the right and left guides, and the cover- ing sergeant in the centre of each division, coming forward on the line, and dressing correctly by the markers. The displaying of the brigade column into battalion close columns, being finished, the brigadier general will order, Guides to your posts. At this command, the guides placed before each battalion close column, will take their places, and the markers will retire. The brigadier general will determine on what battalion and division the line is to display, according as he may deem it expedient to extend the line to the right or left. We will suppose that he has determined to display on the second division of the second battalion. The brigadier general will proceed to'the second battalion, cause two markers to be placed before the right and left files of the front division, and command, 1 On the second division of the second battalion, display the columns. This order having been repeated, the lieutenant colonel of the second battalion will caution the second division to stand fast, and command, 1 Battalion, by the light and left flank. 2 To the right and left face. The lieutenant colonel of the first battalion will command, 1 Battalion, by the right flank. 2 To the right face. The lieutenant colonels of the third and fourth battalions will command, 1 Battalion, by the left flank. 2 To the left face. The battalions having faced to the flanks, each lieutenant colonel will place himself on the right flank of his battalion. 3o soon as the brigadier general names the battalion and division on which the line will display, two mounted oflicers 133 will gallop off, the one to the right, the other to the left, to post themselves a little beyond where the flanks of the line will rest; they will face each other, and establish thf msclves exactly on the line, by the means prescribed in the drill of the battalion. When the brigadier general perceives that those two mounted officers are steadily Rxed on the line, he will com- mand, 2 March. At this command, quickly repeated, the display commen- ces. The captain commanding the front division of the bat- talion which will be on the right of the line, placed beside the right guide, will direct his march by the mounted officer, in such a manner as not to cross the line, but remain rather in rear of it. The captain commanding the first division of the fourth battalion, will in the same manner direct his march by the mounted officer, so as not to cross the line; but remain rather in rear of it. The second battalion will be the first to display, according to the mode prescribed in the drill of the battalion. The lieutenant colonel of the first battalion upon seeing the first division of the second halted, will, as soon as his bat- talion has taken an interval of twenty four paces from the second, command, 1 Fourth division, 2 Halt. The captain commanding this divsion will thencommand^ Front. The third, second, and first divisions, and the grenadiers or light infantry, continue marching on, and will respectively be halted by the captains commanding them, as has been pre- scribed in the drill of battalion. As soon as the fourth division of this battalion shall be uncovered, the captain commanding it will order, 1 Division, forward. 2 Guide to the left. 3 March. At the word " march," the fourth division will advance towards the line; and it will be halted by the captain who 134 commands it, at the distance of two paces from the major, who will have preceded it, and placed himself on the line. As soon as the fourth division is halted, the guides on th^ right and left of the division, and the covering sergeant in its centre, will place themselves on the line, facing towards the guides of the second battalion; the major will dress them correctly on the line; and when this is done, the cap- tain commanding the division will order, Left DRESS. The battalions marching to the left, will respectively dis- play on the same principles. The first division of each of those battalions will be first halted by the lieutenant colonel, and the captain commanding will order it to front. The line having displayed, the brigadier general will com- mand, Colours to your posts. A column with the left in front would display on the same principles, by an inverted procedure. 2. To display the Close Column faced to the Rear in Line. When the commander thinks proper to display the close column into line faced to the rear, he will commence by causing the column to countermarch; after which he will display it into line by the words of command, and means prescribed for displaying to the front. 3. To display the Close Column to the Left in Line. A close column may display into line facing to the left flank. The commander to effect this, will first change the direction of the column to the left, by filing from its right flank into a direction perpendicular to that on which it is in- tended to display into line; and then he will display the column, by the words of command and means already pre- scribed. 4. To display the Close Column to the Right in Li?ie. A close column may also display into line facing to the right flank. For this purpose the commander will cause the column to change its direction to the right, by filing from its left flank, into a direction perpendicular to that on which it 135 is intended to display into linej and then he will display the column, as already directed. If after the close column of the brigade has displayed into battalion close columns, standing on the same line, the briga- dier general should deem it necessary that the whole should advance in this order, he will announce the battalion of di- rection in this manner, The second is the battalion of direction. This order having been repeated, he will command 1 Battalion, forward. Each of the lieutenant colonels will repeat this order, and then command. Guide to the centre. The adjutant of each battalion will place himself six paces immediately in front of the captain in the centre of the lead- ing division. The captains commanding divisions will re- sume their places in the line. The brigadier general will then order, 2 March. This order being quickly repeated, the battalion close columns step off to the front, preserving the touch of the elbow on the side of the centre of each division. The adju- tants direct their march perpendicularly to the front; the leading divisions march by them, and the other divisions exactly in the steps of the leading divisions. The majors on the reverse flank of the leading divisions will regulate the step. The lieutenant colonels from the rear will see that the march is direct to the front. 136 PART V. Article I. To March in Line, We will suppose four battalions drawn up correctly in line, and that the brigadier general would march them in line to the front; for this purpose he will name a directing batta- lion, thus: The second is the battalion of direction. This order having been repeated, the lieutenant colonel and major of each battalion, will post themselves, the former in the rear, and the latter in front of the battalion, in the direction of the file of the colours, as has been prescribed in the drill of battalion. The brigadier general will then command, 1 Battalion, forward. This order having been repeated, the ensign's rank and the general guides will move forward six paces, and dress; the adjutant will correct their position, and place himself six paces from the ensign's rank, on the flank most remote, from the regulating battalion. The brigadier general will then order, 2 March. At this word, rapidly repeated, the line moves at the same instant; and each battalion will particularly attend to the in- structions which have been given for marching in line, in the drill of the battalion. If the direction of the march has not been fixed exactly perpendicular to the line, the error will soon be discovered; as the battalion will slant, and close the interval on one side. The brigadier general will attend particularly to the direct- ing battalion, and repair this fault, if it has been committed, by sending an aid to forty paces in front of the directing bat- talion, going himself as far to the rear, establishing the aid on the true direction, and ordering that it shall be con- formed to. Each battalion is to preserve the interval on the side of 137 the directing battalion; and the lieutenant colonels will at- tend thereto. It is not necessary that the colours of the different bat- talions should be exactly on the same line; therefore the ad- jutant vrill not direct the ensign's rank to alter the step, un- less it appears evidently necessary to maintain a connexion with the line. The general guides of the battalion will march by the en- sign's rank, without regarding each other, or the colours and general guides of the other battalions. Article II. To Chang's the Direction when Marching- in Line. If when the line is on the march to the front, the brigadier general should deem it necessary to alter its direction so as to throw forward a wing, by a wheel on either flank, it will be executed in this manner. We will suppose that the brigadier general determines to advance the left wing; he will come to the right battalion, and establish two markers before it, one of them at the right flank, the other forty paces distant from him on the new di- rection; the brigadier general will direct the lieutenant co- lonel of the right battalion, to establish his battalion on the markers; and then he will command, 1 Change the direction to the right. Each lieutenant colonel wijl repeat this command, and then order, Battalion, to the right wheel. The brigadier general will command, 2 March. This word being quickly repeated, each battalion will commence wheeling, as directed in the drill of battalion; and as soon as it has sufficiently wheeled, its lieutenant colonel will command. Forward, march. At this command, each battalion will march direct to the fro nt, S 138 The battalion on the right, will wheel until its direction is parallel to that of the markers; it will halt four paces from theni) when the lieutenant colonel will order, 1 Colours and general guides on the line. They being established on the new direction, he will order, 2 Guides on the line. 3 On the centre, dress. The lieutenant colonel of the second battalion, will direct its march so that it may arrive parallel to the new direction; and to effect this, he will repeatedly wheel a few paces, as he approaches the line. The major will precede his battalion on the line, and mark the interval, placing himself on the same direction with the markers before the first battalion. The lieutenant colonel will halt the battalion within four paces of the new line, and establish it thereon by the words of command that have just been prescribed to be given by the lieutenant colonel of the first battalion. The third and fourth battalions will conform to the di- rections which have been given relative to the second bat- talion. The brigadier general from the right of the line, will see that the two first colours are correctly placed on the direc- tion; and when the last battalion is established thereon, he will order, Colours, to your posts. Article III. To Halt and Dress the Line, The brigadier general being desirous to halt the line, will command, Battalion. This word having been repeated, he will command, Halt. Which being rapidly repeated, the line will halt; the ge- neral guides and colours will remain in front. 139 The line being halted, if the brigadier general would dress it, he will place himself a few paces to the right of the colours of the regulating battalion, and determine on the new direc- tion to be given to the colours; it should pass before every battalion, unless particular reasons induce the commander to choose a new direction, cutting the old line. The brigadier general will then order the ensign and the general guide on the left of the regulating battalion to face him, and will by signals with the sword establish them on the direction; the general guide on the right will face to and dress by the general guide on the left, and the ensign, who will lower his colours; the major will correct his position, if necessary; the two corporals of the ensign's rank will take their places in the line. The three points on the line, marked by the ensign and the two general guides of this battalion, being established, the brigadier general will direct the ensign to raise his co- lours, and then will command, Colours on the line. This command having been repeated, the ensigns bearing the colours, and the general guides of all the other battalions, will step on the new direction, face to and dress by the co- lours and general guides of the regulating battalion; the major and adjutant of each battalion will correct the position of its colours and general guides; the ensigns will carry the colours perpendicularly before their eyes, and the corporals of the ensign's rank will resume their places on his right and left. The brigadier general seeing all the colours of the line es- tablished on the new direction, will command, Guides on the line. This command having been repeated, the right guides of companies of the right wing, and the left guides of companies of the left wing of each battalion, place themselves on the line, facing to the colours of their respective battalions; the ma- jors and adjutants will correct their positions. So soon as this is done, each lieutenant colonel, without waiting for each other, or for an order, will command, On the centre dress. 140 At this command, each battalion will move up to its guides, and will be dressed as has been directed in the drill of bat- talion. The brigadier general seeing all the battalions inline, will order. Colours and guides, to your posts. This order having been repeated, the ensigns, general guides, guides of companies, and captains of companies in the right wings of battalions, will resume their places in line. If the new direction should cut the old line, so as to throw some of the battalions to the rear, the lieutenant colonels of such battalions, so soon as they perceive this, will face them to the right about, march to the rear, and come to the front on passing the new direction. ACTICLE IV. Firing Adva?icing. Firing advancing will be executed by the odd and even numbered battalions alternately. For this purpose the bri- gadier general will order, 1 Fire by battalion advancing. This command having been repeated, he will order, 2 Odd battalions, commence firing. This order having been repeated, the lieutenant colonels of the right hand battalions, will command, 1 Battalion, quick time. 2 March. On the word " march," the right hand or odd battalions take the quick step, and when they have advanced forty paces, will be halted; each battalion will, by word of command from its lieutenant colonel, fire by battalion, load, and take the quick step, resuming the ordinary time on coming up with the even battalions. During this time, the even battalions will have advanced in ordinary time; the lieutenant colonel of each of these bat- talions, so. soon as the odd battalion next on the right shall have resumed its place in the line, will order his battalion to 141 take the quick step. It will advance forty paces in quick time, halt, execute the fire by battalion by word of command from its lieutenant colonel, load, take the quick step, and resume the ordinary time on rejoining the odd battalions, which have been marching forward in ordinary time. The battalions, odd and even, will advance and fire in this manner, alternately. At the word " halt," given to a battalion when it is to fire, the ensigns' rank will resume its place in the line; the general guides will place themselves on the flanks, on the front rank; as soon as the fire is executed the ensign's rank, and the two general guides, will, without an order, resume their places in front of the battalion; the captains, covering sergeants, and second and rear ranks of the colours, will also resume their places in line. In this case, the lieutenant colonel will not order a roll to be beat, after executing the fire. But when the brigadier general has determined that the firing shall cease, he will order a short roll to be beat, which will instantly be repeated by the drummers of each battalion; upon this signal, all the battalions will dress by the battalion of direction, which will march in ordinary time; the battalions in the rear will advance in quick time, and those before the regulating battalion will mark time. The battalions which have fired will load before they re- sume their places in the line. If there were many battalions in line, the odd battalions would regulate themselves by the nearest odd battalions on the side of direction, as to the time of advancing and halting. The even battalions would observe, with regard to each other, the same rule. Article V. To March in Retreati The ilne being halted, the brigadier general, when he would have it to retreat, will command, 1 Battalion, right about — face. This command having been repeated, the line will face to the right about; the lieutenant colonel, major, adjutant, en- sign's rank, and general guides, will conform to the directions given in the drill of battalion. 142 The brigadier general will then order, 2 Battalion, forward. This order having been repeated, the ensign's rank, the general guides of each battalion, the captains, covering ser- geants, and file closers, will conform to what has been pre- scribed in the drill of battalion. The brigadier general will then order, 3 March. The line will march in retreat by the same principles as if it advanced with the tirst rank in front. Article VI. To change the Direction -when Marching in Retreat, When the line is retreating, if the commander deems it necessary to change the direction, so as to withdraw either wing, the movement is executed upon the same principles as when the line is advancing, and by the same words of com- mand. The battalion on the pivot flank, will march four paces over the new line, and be halted by the lieutenant colonel; he will bring it to the right about, and establish it on the markers by the means prescribed, ordering, 1 Colours and general guides on the line. 2 Guides on the line. 3 On the centre dress. The other battalions will respectively cross the line four paces, come to the right about, and be formed on the line in a similar manner. When the last battalion is formed upon the line, the bri- gadier general will order, Colours to your posts. 143 Article VII. Tojire xvhen Retreating in Line, When the line marching in retreat is to fire, the brigadier general will command, Fire by battalion retreating. This command having been repeated, the brigadier gene- ral will order, Odd battalions, commence firing. This order having been repeated, the lieutenant colonels of the odd battalions only, will halt their battalions, and face them to the right aboutj these battalions will, by command of their respective lieutenant colonels, fire by battalion, load, face to the right about, retire in quick time, join the even battalions, and then march in ordinary time. During this time, the even battalions march in retreat ia ordinary time. The lieutenant colonel of each of these bat- talions will halt, and face it to the right about, so soon as the odd battalion on its proper right (now its left) shall have re- joined it, the even battalions will in their turn, by command of their lieutenant colonels, fire, load, face to the right about, and retire in quick time, to join the odd battalions; when they will resume the step in ordinary time. The battalions odd and even, will halt, face about, and fire alternately in this manner. In firing by battalions retreating, the ensigns rank and general guides will not resume their places, when the word *' halt" is given to their battalions, to stop the retreat pre- vious to firing; nor will they face to the front; but they will wait until the fire is executed. The odd battalions will regulate themselves by the nearest odd battalions on the side of direction, as to the time of halt- ing. The even battalions will observe, with regard to eacli other, the same rule. The brigadier general will cause a roll of the drum to be beat, as a signal to cease firing; and on this signal, the bat- talions which have fired will load, and each will either mark time, or march in quick time, as may be necessary to joia and drQss with the regulating battalion. 144 Article VIII. To pass a Defile to the Front. When the line is marching to the front, and meets with a defile which is to be passed, the movement will be executed in the following manner. The brigadier general will halt the line near the defile, and give the following orders, The line will pass the defile to the front. This order having been repeated, he will come to the bat- talion immediately opposite to the defile, and send an order to the lieutenant colonels of the battalions next to it on the right and left, to wheel their battalions by platoons, that on the right to the left, and that on the left to the right; all the other battalions will wheel by platoons in the like manner. The two platoons immediately opposite to the defile, will, by order of the lieutenant colonel of the battalion, move for- ward to the distance of a company, and the platoons on the right and left will wheel, those on the right to the left, and those on the left to the right; the officer of the right platoon which has moved forward, will order " guide to the left," And the officer of the left platoon will order " guide to the *' right;" the guides will place themselves accordingly. The brigadier general will then order, 1 Column, forward. This command having been repeated, the lieutenant colo- nels of battalions which have wheeled to the left, will order, *' guide to the right;" and those of battalions which have wheeled to the right, will order " guide, to the left." The brigadier general will order, 2 March. Upon this word of command, quickly repeated, the two platoons opposite the defile will advance, dressing by their guides in the centre; the two columns will march towards each other; the corresponding platoons will wheel, one to the right, the other to the left, so as to unite as they enter the defile; the officer commanding the platoon on the right will order, " guide to the left;" the officer commanding the pla- 145 toon on the left will command " guide to the right," and the two platoons will march by their guides in the centre. Thej' will march by the cadenced step, and preserve platoon dis- tance. The officers commanding platoons will march before the centres of their respective platoons. If the defile becomes narrower, the commanding officer of each platoon will break off files from the outward flank; they will themselves take the places of their guides, who will fall back to the second rank, and a file closer of each platoon will place himself on the third rank, in the rear of the officer and guide. They will bring the files to the front again as soon as the ground will admit. As the column clears the defile, each captain of a company will order the rear platoon of his company to move up, and with the front platoon form the company. The companies thus formed, and united two and two into divisions, will con- tinue to march by the guides in the centre. If the brigadier general should deem it necessary to dis- play immediately on coming out of the defile, he will halt the head of the column when he supposes there is a sufficient space between it and the defile to contain the whole of each column, in close column. He will direct the lieutenant colonels that they are to move up into close column. The companies will march up until halted by their respective captains, at three paces distance from each other, two com- panies forming a division, dressing by its centre. When the whole have arrived in close column, the brigadier general will display the line. Should the commander think proper to form the line fronting to the right, so that the right of the line would rest at the defile, he will halt the columns at the instant when the rear platoon of the right column has cleared the defile; the right column will then wheel to the right in line; and the left column will form line on its right, by marching on in the rear of the right wing, wheeling and dressing in succession, by platoons or companies, into line. To form the line fronting to the left flank, the left column would wheel to the left into line, and the right column would form the line on the left, by successive wheeling of platoons, or companies. Should the defile be opposite to the interval between two battalions, those on the right would all wheel by platoons to the left, and those on the left would all wheel by platoons to the right; the two columns would march and meet each T 146 other; and at distance of a company, the leading platoons would wheel, the one to the right, the other to the left, unite, and enter the delile as has been explained. Should the defde be opposite to the right or to the left battalion of the line, the brigadier general will cause the whole to wheel forward by companies to the right or to the left, and put it in march to pass the defile in a single column, with the right or the left in front, and the leading company will march directly to the entrance of the defile. Article IX. To pass a Defile to the Rear. When a line retreating meets with a defile thi"ough which it must pass, the brigadier general will halt it near the defile, face it to the front, and order, By the two wings, pass the defile to the rear. This order having been repeated, the lieutenant colonel of the battalion on the right, will order. By the right wing, pass the defile to the rear. The lieutenant colonel of the battalion on the left, will order. By the left wing, pass the defile to the rear. The two battalions on the flanks immediately commence the movement, conforming to what has been prescribed in the drill of the battalion; and when the leading flank of each of them has arrived opposite to the defMe, they will wheel by files to enter the defile together. The following battalions will execute the same movement. The lieutenant colonel of each battalion, shall give the order in such time that the lead- ing file of his battalion may be six paces in the rear of the last file of the preceding battalion. The leading files of the corresponding battalions of the two wings of the line, shall enter the defile together. If the defile will admit of the nrarch of a company, co- lumns of platoons will be formed from file, on entering the defile; and will march as explained in the preceding article. This movement will commence by the direction of the brigadier general, and be executed successively as the com- panies enter the defile. 147 The head of each column having cleared the defile, the platoons will successively form companies as directed in the preceding article; and if the brigadier general would form the line fronting to the defile, he will direct the left column to change its direction to the left, and the right column to change its direction to the right, halting each at the instant when the last company has wheeled into the direction; the left column will then wheel to the left into line, and the right column to the right into line; or one of them may countermarch, and the whole wheel together into line. Should the defile not be immediately behind the centre of the line, so many battalions on the one wing as exceed the number of the battalions on the other, will first pass the de- file in single column. When the defile is situated behind a battalion on the ex- tremity of one of the wings of the line, it will not be passed from both wings; but only from the wing mosc distant from the defile; the battalion immediately before the passage being always the last to enter it. Article X. Changes of Fro Jit. Changes of front will be effected by the methods prescribed for forming " to the front in line," and for forming " faced *' to the rear in line," as will be explained. We will suppose that the brigadier general desires to change front perpendicularly on the centre of the line, by throwing forward the left wing; he will cause two markers to be placed before the right flank of the third battalion, at company distance; and the captain of the right company of that battalion will be apprised that when the movement com- mences he is to form his company on them. The brigadier general will then command, 1 Change front on the third battalion, the left wing thiown forward. This command having been repeated, he will send an order to the lieutenant colonel of the fourth battalion, to form a column of companies by wheeling to the right; and he will send an order to the lieutenant colonel of the second battalion to form a column of companies by wheeling to the left; this will also be executed bv the first battalion. 148 The third battalion will stand fast. When the brigadier general observes that the battalions have formed columns, he will send an order to the lieutenant colonel of the fourth battalion to command, 1 To the front in line. 2 Battalion, head of column to the left. Also an order to the lieutenant colonel of the first batta- lion to command, 1 Form the line faced to the rear. 2 Battalion, head of column to the left. Also an order to the lieutenant colonel of the second bat- talion to command, 1 Form the line faced to the rear. 2 Battalion, by the left flank. 3 To the left face. And he will direct the lieutenant colonel of the third bat- talion to command, 1 Change front forward on the first company. 2 By company, half wheel to the right. The brigadier general will then command, 2 March. Upon this word, quickly repeated, the general movement commences. The third battalion will execute the " change " of front" as has been explained in the drill of battalion. The second will form " facing to the rear in line." The fourth will march diagonally to the front to its place in the new direction, and form " to the front in line." And the first will march diagonally to the rear to its place in the new di- rection, and form '■'■ facing to the rear in line." A change of front on the centre, by throwing forward the right wing, as also changes of front on either flank of the line, will be executed upon the same principles. Chang'e of Front by txvo Lines. When two lines are formed one in the rear of the other, and are to change front forward or to the rear, perpendicu- larly or obliquely, upon the extremity of the right or left 149 wing, or on any other battalion of the first line, the move- ment will be executed in the following manner. Changing the Front perpendicularly fonvard on the Extre- mity of the Right Wing of the First Line. We will supposfe each line to consist of four battalions, and that the immediate commander of the first line com- mands the whole. The commander in chief will send to the commander of the second line information that the first line is about to change front perpendicularly forward on the extremity of it,s right. Movement of the First Line. The commander in chief will wheel forward to the right, the company on the right of the first line, and establish it on the new direction; he will then cause that line to change front forward on this company, by the words of command and methods of proceeding prescribed in this article. Movetiient of the Second Line. The commander of the second line being informed of the movement about to be executed by the first, will go to the company on the right of the second battalion of his line, and wheel it forward to the right, so as to stand on a line perpen- dicular to its original direction; he will then cause the se- cond line to execute a central change of front on this com- pany, by throwing forward all to the left of it in the original line, and throwing the first battalion to the rear, by the modes of proceeding prescribed in this article. Change of Front perpendicidarly to the Rear, upon the Extre- mity of the Right Wing of the First Line. The commander in chief will send to the commander of the second line information, that the first line is about to change front perpendicularly to the rear, upon the extremity of its right wing. Movement of the First Line. The commander of the first line will establish the com- pany on the right of that line in a direction perpendicular to that on which it stood, to the rear of the line, and facing to the left. He will then cause the line to change front to the 150 rear on this company by the words of command and methods of proceeding already prescribed. Movement of the Second Line* The commander of the second line having been informed of the movement about to be executed by the first, will de- tach an aid-de-camp to the right, who will pursue the direc- tion of the line, and having gone so far as to allow the length of a battalion and an interval from its right flank, will take post to mark the point where the right of the second line is to rest. When this point is ascertained, the commander af the second line will order it to wheel forward to the right into open column of companies, and cause it to form in line parallel to the direction about to be taken by the first line, by the methods of proceeding, and words of command pre- scribed for forming a column faced to the rear in line; with this tliiference, that at the word " march," at the commence- ment of the movement, the leading battalion will march in column directly towards the aid-de-camp, and will be halted at the distance of a company from the spot where he is posted. This battalion will then form " faced to the rear in *' line," by the means prescribed in the drill of the battalion; and all the other battalions will move diagonally in columns toward the rear, to their places in the new direction, and form facing to the rear in line. Changes of front forward, or to the rear, on the extremity of the left wing, will be executed on the same principles. Changing the Front perpendicularly on the Centre of the First LiJie, the Left Wing throxun forward. The commander in chief having caused the commander of the second line to be informed of the movement about to be executed by the first, will himself proceed to the right com- pany of the third battalion. Movement of the First Lifie. The commander in chief will cause the right company of the third battalion to be wheeled to the right, and established on a direction perpendicular to the line. He will then order a central change of front to be executed on this company, by throwing the left wing forward, and the right wing to the lear, by the words of command and means which have been prescribed. 151 Movement of the Second Line. The commander of the second line having been informed of the movement about to be executed by the first line, will proceed to his fourth battalion, and cause the company on its right to be wheeled forward to the right, and established on a direction perpendicular to the line. He will then cause the second line to execute a central change of front on this com- pany, throwing the left wing forward, and the right wing to the rear, by the words of command and means which have been prescribed. Central changes of front, the right wing thrown forward, will be executed on the same principles, upon any battalion of the first line. Changing the Front obliquely forruard upon the Extrejnity of the Right Wing of the First Line. The commander in chief will come to the right flank of the first line, and will select an object in front of the left, which will be a point of direction on the left of the new line. The major will at the same time, by direction of the com- mander in chief, place himself in front of, and close to the right hand file of this battalion, facing to the left; he will march fifty paces along the front, halt, face to the front and march directly forward on a line perpendicular to that on which the battalion stands, in ordinary time, counting the paces, and will be halted by the commander in chief placed on the right at the instant when he covers the object in front of the left which was selected on the point of direction on the left of the new line. The major remains steady in his place, and the commander in chief being informed of the number of paces which the major marched to the front of his battalion will cause the commander of the second line to be informed of the nature of the movement which the first line is about to execute, and also of the number of paces which the major of the battalion on the right has taken to the front. We will suppose the number to be sixty. Movement of the First Line. The commander in chief will cause two markers with bannerols, at the distance of a company, to be placed on the new direction before the right company of the first line, and will cause that company to be wheeled forward to the right, 152 and established on the new direction. He will then cause the whole of the first line to change front forward on that com- pany, by thf words of command and modes of proceeding al- ready prescribed. Movement of the Second Line, The commander of the second line having been informed of the movement to be executed by the first Ime, and of the number of paces taken by the major of the right battalion of that line to the front, will come to the right of the second line, and order the major of the first battalion to place him- self close to and in front of the right hand file of his batta- lion, to march fifty paces along the front, and sixty paces forward on a line perpendicular to that on which the batta- lion stands, to ascertain the direction for the second line, parallel to that of the first line. The major of the battalion on the right of the second line having executed this order, the commander will cause the right company of that line to be wheeled forward and estab- lished on the new direction; and he Avill then cause the whole of the second line to change front forward on the right com- pany, by the commands and means which have been pre- scribed. Changes of front obliquely forward on the extremity of the left wing, or obliquely to the rear on the extremity of either wing, or obliquely on the centre, with either wing thrown for- ward, are all executed on similar principles. Remarks on Changes of Front by two Lines. In all changes of front by two lines, the commander in chief will be careful not to give the word "march," for the execution of the general movement, until he sees the second line quite ready to follow it; and the commander of the second line will commence the movement at the same time that he observes it is commenced by the first line. In changing the front perpendicularly, the basis of the alignment of the second line, should be taken at the distance of battalion and an interval, more to the right or left than that of the first line. In oblique changes of front, the basis of the alignment of the second line should be fixed on the company which ex- actly corresponds with that on which the first line changes front. The commander of the second line will observe the direc<» 153 tion of" the two lines when two battalions of his line are form- ed; and if he perceives that they are not parallel, he will ad- vance or throw back the colours already on the line; and all the battalions will dress accordingly. If after an oblique change of front, the commander in chief should deem it necessary to reestablish the interval be- tween the two lines, he will send an order to the commander of the second line, who will face his line to the right about, march it to the rear, and cause it to resume its proper dis- tance. As the flanks will not correspond after an oblique change of front, the commander in chief may order the second line to form the open column by filing by companies to the rear, and march, to bring the flanks even. Or if circumstances will not admit of this, a battalion may be marched from one flank of the second line to the other. Article XL Of Echellon Movements. Echellons are formed either to advance from a position sup' .posed to be parallel to that of the enemy; or to quit a position supposed to be oblique, and to take one parallel with the po- sition of the enemy. They may be formed from the right or left; and may consist each of a battalion, regiment, or bri^ gade. On the first Supposition. The line being supposed to be parallel to the position of the enemy, the brigadier general intending that the line shall advance in echellons of battalions from the right flank, will command, 1 Echellons by battalion, one hundred paces. This order having been repeated, the brigadier general will command, 2 By the right, to the front, form echellons. This order having been repeated, the lieutenant colonel of the right battalion will command, Battalion, forward. March. 154 At the first word of command, the ensign's rank and ge- neral guides advance six paces. At the second command, the battalion marches to the front. The following echellons toward the left will march in suc- cession, each lieutenant colonel counting the paces of the preceding echellon, and giving the word "■ march," when the number is one hundred. A non-commissioned officer of the right company of each battalion, will be posted perpendicularly behind the left file of the preceding echellon, and shall march exactly in the steps of that file, dressing by his own battalion, in order to preserve the interval, and the parallelism of the march to the front. Echellons are formed from the left flank, on the same principles. When the brigadier general desires to form the line again, he will halt the first echellon, dress the colours and genera! guides, commanding, 1 Colours and general guides on the line. 2 Guides on the line. These orders having been repeated by the lieutenant co- lonel of the first battalion, and executed, the lieutenant co- lonel will then order. On the centre dress. The following echellons will continue to march to the front, and will be halted successively as they arrive within four paces of the line to be formed on. The lieutenant co- lonel of each will dress it on the line correctly, by the words of command which have just been prescribed. Each lieutenant colonel will order, " guides to your posts," as soon as his battalion is dressed on the line; but the ensign with the colours, and the general guides, will remain on the line, until the brigadier general, observing that the last bat- talion is dressed, gives the order, Colours to your posts. Each battalion may commence firing as it arrives on the line, by battalion, wings, companies, or files. In this case the general guides will retire; but the colours will remain on the line until all the battalions are formed. The line may also retreat by direct echellons. To effect this the brigadier general will order. 155 1 Echellons by battalion, one hundred paces. This order having been repeated, he will command, 2 By the right, in retreat, form echellons. This command having been repeated, the lieutenant co- lonel of the first battalion will face it to the right about, and march it off to the rear. When the first battalion has marched sixty paces to the rear, the lieutenant colonel of the second will face it to the right about, and cause it to march at the instant when the preceding battalion shall have marched the required distance. Each of the other battalions will be marched off in the like manner. When the brigadier general desires to form the line again he will direct the lieutenant colonel of the first battalion to halt, front, and dress it in line. The following battalions will be halted successively when they have passed the line about four paces, brought to the right about, and dressed in line. On the Second Supposition. The direction of the line being supposed to be oblique to the position of the enemy, if the brigadier general desires to form echellons parallel to the enemy's line, the movement will be executed in the following manner. If the right flank is nearest to the enemy, the brigadier general will come to that flank, and by the method prescri- bed in the direction for " changing the front obliquely for- ward," under article the tenth of this part, determine a new direction supposed to be parallel with the position of the enemy; and the major will proceed to measure the angle, as has been directed. We will suppose that the number of paces the major has taken to the front, to measure the angle of the old and new direction, is sixty. The brigadier general will send an order to the lieuten- ant colonel of each battalion to change front forward on the right company, to the angle given by sixty paces measured by the major to the front, in the manner prescribed. This order being executed, and the echellons formed, if the brigadier general wishes them to form closer to- 2,ether, he will give an order to that effect, and prescribe the 156 distance. The first echellon will stand fast, and the comman- der of each other echellon will march it forward, halting at the prescribed distance from the next preceding echellon. The commander will immediately dress it, and command, 1 Battalion, forward. The lieutenant colonel of the battalion which constitutes the first echellon, will, by direction of the brigadier general march it off; and the lieutenant colonel of each other battalion, will, as soon as he perceives the battalion immediately pre- ceding in motion, give the word, 2 March. Each battalion will march at the prescribed distance from that preceding it. A non-commissioned officer from this bat- talion will place himself in rear cif the file of the colours of the preceding battalion, and march accurately in the steps of this file, dressing by the front rank of his own battalion, to ensure the parallelism of the march of the echellon to the front. Should the left flank be the nearest to the enemy, echellons may be formed from the left, on the same principles. Observations on this Movemeyit, The greater the angle between the original direction and that of the echellons, the more they will cover each other; and the greater will be the space between them. Although echellons formed in this manner extend behind each other, nevertheless, by several methods which will occur to the officer who has made himself acquainted with this system, the line may be again formed. Article XII. To Retreat in Chequer. The retreat in chequer will be executed by the odd and iven battalions alternately, as will be explained. The brigadier general will order, 1 Retreat in chequer, one hundred paces. 157 This order having been repeated, the brigadier general will command, 2 Odd battalions, commence the movement. This command having been repeated, the lieutenant colo- nels of the odd, or right hand battalions, will command, 1 Battalion, to the right about — face. This command being executed, they will order, 2 Battalion, forward. The brigadier general will order, 3 March. At this word of command, quickly repeated by the lieuten- ant colonels of the battalions which have faced to the rear, they will step off in v^ommon time, and will be halted by their lieutenant colonels when they have retired the requisite num- ber of paces. Each lieutenant colonel having halted his battalion, will face it to the right about, and dress it parallel to the first line, not regarding the other odd battalions. As soon as the odd battalions have fronted, the command- ant of the even battalions will order, 1 Battalion, to the right about — face. 2 Battalion, forward. These orders having been repeated and executed, he will command, 3 March. The line of even battalions will pass through the intervals in the line of odd battalions, march one hundred paces beyond it, halt, front, and dress in line, as has been explained. The lines of odd and even battalions will thus retire through each other alternately. Each ensign will direct his march for the middle of the interval. When the brigadier general would form the line again, he will order a roll of the drum, which will be repeated by the drums of each battalion, when the lieutenant colonels of those battalions which are hindmost, will halt them in the intervals of those which were foremost in retreat, bring them to the front, and dress them in line. If necessary, the brigadier ge- neral will take a new line. 158 If a battalion should evidently be considerably out of the direction of the other battalions of the same line, the lieu- tenant colonel will cause it to move forward, or fall back, to its proper place. The distance between the lines retiring, is never to be less than one hundred paces. Article XIII. Passage of Lines. To execute the passage of lines in retreat, the brigadier general will order the first line to retreatj and when it shall have arrived within fifty paces of the second he will com- mand, 1 By the left flank, pass the line. This order having been repeated, the lieutenant colonels commanding battalions of the first line will order, 1 Battalion, by the left flank. 2 By company, by file to the right. The brigadier general will then order, 2 Quick time, march. Upon this command, quickly repeated, the battalions will ' execute the movement as prescribed in the drill of battalion. The commander of the first line will have informed the commander of the second line of the movement which the first is about to execute. The latter perceiving the approach of the first line, will, in sufficient time not to impede the march of the first line, order, 1 Double platoons. This order having been repeated, the lieutenant colonels of battalions of the second line, will command, 1 Second platoons, by the right flank. 2 To the right face. The commander of the second line will then command, 2 March. 159 At this word, quickly repeated, the second platoons will double behind the first, as directed in the drill of the bat- talion. When the first line has passed, the lieutenant colonels of the second line will, without waiting for an order, bring the second platoons again into line, by the words of command and means prescribed in the drill of battalion. The brigadier general will halt the first line, when it has marched to such a distance in rear of the second as he deems sufficient; the companies will be fronted and dressed; and the commander having arranged the guides, will wheel the column to the left in line. Should the brigadier general prefer that the second line should advance up to the first, rather than that the first should retreat to the second, he will send an order to the command- ant of the second line to advance with his line. The line will advance; and when it arrives at the distance of fifty paces from the first, the commander of tlje second will order, 1 Double platoons. This order having been repeated, the commandant of the second line will command, 2 Second platoons, march. Upon this command, quickly repeated, the second platoons will double behind the first, as directed in the drill of bat- talion. The commander of the first line, upon seeing that the se*- cond line has executed that movement, will order, 1 By the right flank, pass the line. This order having been repeated, the lieutenant colonels of the battalions of the first line will immediately afterwards order, 1 Battalion, by the right flank. 2 To the right face. 3 By company, by file to the right. The commander of the first line will then ordec, 2 Quick time, march. At this command, quickly repeated, the battalions of the first line will pass through the second, as directed in the drill of battalion. 160 When the battalions of the first line shall have passed through the seccnd, they will march with the leading flanks of columns correctly dressed, preserving the proper distances and intervals, to be taken from the left; they will be taken from the right, when the companies file from the left. So soon as the first line has passed through the second, the com - mandant of the second will order, Form the line. This order having been repeated, he will command, Second platoons, march. Upon, this command quickly repeated, the second platoons move up into line, as directed in the drill of battalion. The second platoons having formed up into line, the com- mandant of the second line will halt it, unless he has orders to advance. Article XIV. To oppose Cavalry. We will suppose that a column of four battalions is march- ing by companies with the right in front, and is in danger of being attacked by cavalry. The brigadier general will order the column to close to half distance, halt, and form divisions; he will then command. Form the column against cavalry. When this command has been repeated, the brigadier ge- neral will cause the column a second time to close to platoon distance. The lieutenant colonels of the three rear battalions, will each leave between his battalion and that which precedes it, about thrice platoon distance. The cannon of the batta- lions and their ammunition carts will be placed opposite to those intervals. The column thus prepared vrill be put in march, either by the route step, or cadenced step. Marksmen from the third rank will be sent out on the flanks to fire on the enemy; these marksmen will keep even with the divisions they be- long to. When it is perceived that the cavalry will charge, the marksmen will be called in; the brigadier general will halt the column, and command, 161 Form the square. This order having been repeated, the officer who com mands the second division of the leading battalion, will cause it to close within one pace of the rank of file closers of the preceding division, which will stand fast. The second division from the rear of the column, will be closed up to the third from the rear; and the rear division will be closed up to the second division from the rear of the column. The major and adjutant of the leading battalion will pro- ceed ten paces to the front, and dress the guides on those of the rear division, who will be instructed by the adjutant of the rear battalion, to raise their firelocks perpendicularly be- fore their eyes. The guides being dressed, the brigader general will order. By platoons, to the right and left in line wheel. This order having been repeated, the officers of platoons, except those of the two first and two last divisions, will place themselves in front of their respective platoons, and in- form them how they are to wheel. The brigadier general will then order, March. At this command, quickly repeated by lieutenant colonels, and by the captains commanding divisions, except the two front and two rear divisions, the two platoons on the right of each, will wheel to the right into line; and the two platoons on the left of each division, excepting those mentioned, will wheel to the left into line. The officers of platoons will place themselves on the line; the platoons that wheeled to the right will dress to the left; those that wheeled to the left will dress to the right. The two divisions at the head of the column are to stand fast; the two divisions forming the rear of the square, will, by order of the captains commanding them, face to the right about; the file closers passing behind the first rank, now in the rear. If there is a flank company at the head of the column, and another in the rear, they will be posted in platoons so as to cover the flanks of the two front and two rear divisions. The intervals will be closed up with the carts or waggons, and the guns posted before them. X 162 The square being formed, the brigadier general will order, Guides to your posts. At this word, to be repeated by the lieutenant colonels of battalions, the guides in front of the outward platoons take their proper places in line; the guides of platoons that wheeled to the right into line will post themselves on the right of their respective platoons. The captains of the two outward divisions at the front and rear faces of the square, will take their proper places in line; the captains of the two inward divisions of those faces of the square will take post on their third rank, now in front. The brigadier general, the superior officers, the majors., adjutants, and musicians, will be within the square. The brigadier general will command. Fire by files. This command having been repeated, he will order, Inward platoons, support arms. The inward platoons will support arms, and the lieutenant colonels will order, Outward platoons, ready. The brigadier general will then command. Commence firing. At this command, repeated by the lieutenant colonels, the platoons forming the flank faces of the oblong square will fire by files, the fire commencing from the right of platoons; the outward divisions of the front and rear faces of the ob- long square, will also fire by files, commencing from the right of companies. The inward platoons remain at supported arms. Should the enemy advance to the charge, the brigadier general will command, Inward platoons, close to the front. This command having been repeated by the lieutenant colonels, the file closers of the outward platoons and divisions will come within the inward platoons and divisions. The brigadier general will then order, March. 163 At this word, quickly repeated by the lieutenant colonels, the inward platoons and divisions close to within one foot of the rear rank of the outward platoons and divisions. Should the enemy charge in order to break the square, the outward platoons and divisions keep up the fire until they are very near, then charge bayonets by bringing the right knee and the butt of the musket to the ground; the inward platoons and divisions make ready, and fire, front rank stand- ing, aiming well at the dragoons, and charge bayonet, stand- ing firm. Should the firing repulse the cavalry, the brigadier general will cause it to cease by a roll of the drum; the outward platoons and divisions will load and shoulder. To resume the march, the brigadier general will order, 1 Form divisions. This order having been repeated, the lieutenant colonels will command, 1 Battalion, by the right and left flank. 2 To the right and left face. 3 Platoons, by file to the right and left. At the first command, the officers of platoons of the flank faces of the square, caution their platoons how they are to face. The captains commanding the two divisions forming the front face of the square, will caution them to stand fast; and those commanding the two divisions forming the rear face of the square, will caution them that they are to face to the right about. At the second command, the inward and outward platoons of the right flank face of the square, will face to the left; those of the left flank face, will face to the right; and the two divi- sions of the rear face of the square, will face to the right about. At the third command, the officers of platoons of the two flank faces of the square, will inform them in what manner they are to move. The brigadier general will then command, 2 March. At this word of command, quickly repeated by the lieute- nant colonels, the platoons of the right flank face will wheel by files to the left, and those of the left flank face will wheel by files to the right; the two inward platoons of each division 164' will march towards each other, and will be halted by their officers when they have met; each outward platoon will follow the rear file of the inward platoon of the same division, and will be halted by its officer, as soon as the files cover accu- rately, at proper distance. The captain commanding the di- vision will then order, 1 Division. 2 Front. Meantime the divisions at the head of the column, by order of the captains commanding them, will take platoon distance; those at the rear will take distance when the march com- mences. If platoons of grenadiers flanked the divisions at the front and rear of the column, they will, while the square is reduc- ing, resume their situations in front and rear, at platoon distance. The column being formed, the brigadier general will put it in march. Observations on opposing Cavalry. The angles of the square may be covered by the limbers of the artillery; and grenadiers, light infantry, or marksmen, may be posted behind them. Two or more battalions in line, threatened with being sur- rounded, may form the square in the manner described; first forming column by division, at platoon distance, upon the centre division, the right or left in front. Should a close column of several battalions be attacked by cavalry, the two leading divisions will stand fast, the two rear divisions will face to the right about, and all the others would face outwards to the right and left; the front aad rear divisions, and the three flank files of the other divisions, will fire by files. A column formed of one battalion, threatened with an at- tack by cavalry, will always form the solid square, in this manner. END OF THE EVOLUTIONS OF THE BRIGADE INSTRUCTION FOR INFANTRY. PART THE SECOND. SECTION I. Of the March of an Army. Article I. The Order of the March, J HE order for the inarch of an army being given, the ad- jutant general will appoint the field officers for the advanc- ed and rear guards, and issue orders to the brigade majors to have ready their respective quotas of officers and men for the advanced guard, which will consist of the number necessary for the guards of the new camp. These, together with a pioneer of each company, and a sergeant from the re- giment to conduct them, will be warned the evening before. At the beating of the general, the troops are immediately to strike their tents, and load the waggons, which will then fall into the line of march for the baggage. At this signal also, all guards of general and staff officers, and those of the commissaries, will return to their respective regiments. At the beating of the assembly, the troops will assemble, and be formed in battalion on their respective parades. The guards ordered, will then be conducted by the bri- gade majors, or adjutants of the day, to the rendezvous appointed for the advanced guard, where the field officers warned for that duty, will form them in battalions, or other corps, according to their strength, and divide them regularly into subdivisions and platoons. The officer commanding the advanced guard, will take care to have a guide with him, anr. to get every necessary information of the road. 166 l"he camp guards will at the same time retire to the ren- dezvous appointed for the rear guard, where they will be formed in the same manner. The quarter-masters and pioneers of each battalion will assemble on the ground appointed for the advanced guard, where one of the deputies of the quarter-master general will form them in platoons, in the same order as their respective battalions march in the column. Each detachment will be conducted by its quarter-master, who will be answerable that it marches in the order prescri- bed; and the quarter-masters of brigades will conduct those of their respective brigades, and be answerable for their behaviour. I'he signal for marching being given, the whole will wheel by companies, and begin the march, breaking off as may be necessary. The advanced guard, will march at a distance from the main body proportioned to its strength, having a patrole ad- vanced; and will never enter any defile, wood, &c. without having first examined it, to avoid falling into an ambuscade. The pioneers are to march behind the advanced guard, and will repair the roads, that the column may be obliged to file off as little as possible. The advanced guard, besides its patroles in front, will have a flank guard, composed of a file from each platoon, and commanded by an officer, or non-comissioned officer, to inarch at the distance of one hundred paces on the flank, and keep up with the head of the advanced guard. If it be necessary to have a flank guard on each side, a file will be sent from the other flank of each platoon to com- pose it; and as this service is fatiguing, the men should be relieved every hour. The like flank guards are to be detached from each battalion in the column. When the column meets with a defile, or any obstacle, the commanding officer will stop till the column has passed it, taking care that they pass in as great order and as quick as possible, and when one half have marched through, he will, if necessary, command the front to halt, till the whole have passed and formed, when he will coniinue the inarch. When a column crosses a road that leads to the enemy, the patrolesor guards on the flanks of the first battalion will form on the road, and halt till the patroles of the next bat- talion come up, which will do the same: The others proceed in the same manner, till the whole have passed. 1G7 When the commanding officer thinks proper to halt on the march, the advanced flank and rear guards will form a chain of sentinels, to prevent the soldiers from straggling; and all necessaries, as wood, water, &c. will be brought by detach- ments, as in camp. On the beating the long roll, the whole are to form and continue the march. On the march no orders are to be communicated by calling out, but will be sent by the adjutants from regiment to regi- ment. The signals for halting, marching slower and quicker, will be given by beat of drum. The commanding officer of the advanced guard being in- formed by the quarter-master general, or his deputy, of the ground the troops are to encamp on, will go a-head and re- connoitre it; and immediately on the arrival of the advanced guard, post his guards and sentinels, as directed. Article II. Of the Baggage on a March, The inconveniences arising to an army from having too great a number of waggons, must be evident to every officer^ and it is expected, that each officer will curtail his baggage as much as possible. The order of march for the army will always determine that for the baggage; and whatever place it may occupy in the line of march, the waggons will always follow in the same order as their respective regiments. The quarter-master general, or his deputy, will give the order of march for the baggage; and the commander in chief will order an escort, to be commanded by a field officer, ac- cording to its strength. An officer of each battalion will be appointed to superin- tend the striking of the tents, and loading the waggons; he will see that the tents are properly tied up; that no provi- sions or other articles are packed in them; and that the tent- poles are tied in a bundle by themselves; he will not suffer the waggons to be overloaded, or any thing put into them but what is allowed; and when the waggons are loaded, he will send them with the quarter-master sergeant to the rendez- vous of the brigade. This sergeant is to remain with the 168 baggage of his regiment, to see that the waggons follow in order, and if a waggon breaks down it must be put out of the way, that it may not impede the march of the rest. JEach regiment will furnish a non-commissioned officer to conduct the sick and lame who are not able to march with their regiments. These men are to repair, at the beating of the general, to the rendezvous appointed, where a sufficient number of empty waggons will be ordered to attend for the reception of their knapsacks, and their arms, if necessary. A surgeon of each brigade is to attend the sick belonging to it. The surgeon of each battalion will inspect the sick before they are sent from the battalion, in order that none may be sent but those who are really incapable of marching with their regiments. And the officer commanding the escort will be answerable, that no other soldiers are permitted to march with the baggage on any pretence whatever, except the quarter-master sergeant of each regiment, as before di- rected. No waggons are to be permitted to go between the batta- lions or brigades, except the ammunition waggons. SECTION II. Duties of the Camp. Article I. Order of Encampment. When the quarter-masters arrive on the ground where the troops are to encamp, the quarter-master general having fixed his line of encampment, will conduct them along the line, and give each brigade quarter- master the ground necessary for his brigade. The quarter-masters of regiments will then have their ground given them by the brigade quarter-masters, and will mark out the place for each company and tent, and for the kitchens. The infantry will on all occasions encamp by battalions, t^s they are formed in order of battle. 169 The front of the camp will occupy the same extent oi ground as the troops when formed; and the intervals between the battalions will be twenty-four paces, with an addition of eight paces for every piece of cannon a battalion may have. The quarter-master of each regiment shall be answerable that he demands no more ground than is necessary for the number of men he has actually with the regiment, allowing two feet for each file, and adding sixteen feet for the inter- vals between the companies. He is also to be answerable that no more tents are pitched than are absolutely necessary, al- lowing one tent for the non-commissioned officers of each company, and one for every six men, including the musi- cians. The tents of the non-commissioned officers and privates are to be pitched in two ranks, with an interval of six paces between the ranks, and two feet between each tent; the tents of the non-commissioned officers to be in the front rank, on the right of their companies. Nine feet front are to be al- lowed for each tent with its interval, and twenty feet in the centre of the battalion for the adjutant. The tents of the company officers are to be in one line, twenty feet from the rear of the men's tents; the captain's op- posite to the right of the company, and the subaltern's op- posite to the left. The tents of the field officers are to be in one line, thirty feet from the line of the tents of company officers. The surgeon, pay-master and quarter-master, encamp in one line, with the front of their tents in a line with the rear of the tents of the field officers; the surgeon on the right, pay- master on the left, and quarter-master in the centre. The kitchens are to be dug behind the companies, forty feet from the tents of the field officers. The tents of the sut- tlers are to be between the kitchens. The horses and waggons will be placed in a line, twenty feet behind the kitchens. The drums of each battalion are to be piled six paces in front of the adjutant's tent, and the colours planted before them. The camp.guards are to be three hundred paces in front of the first line, and the same distance in the rear of the se- cond line. The quarter-guard is to be forty feet from the waggons, opposite to the interval between the two battalions who fur- nish it. The sinks of the first line are to be three hundred feet in Y 170 front, and those of the second line the same distance in the rear of the camp. The commanding officers of regiments are to be answer- able that no tents are pitched out of the line of encampment, on any account whatever, except for the regimental hospital. The ground being marked out, the quarter-masters will leave the pioneers, and go to meet their regiments, conduct them to their ground, and inform the colonel where the)^are to go for their necessaries. APvTICLE II. Marnier of entering a Camp. The head of the column arriving at the entrance of the camp, the commanding officer of the first battalion will com- mand, Carry, arms. On which the men carry their arms, and the drums beat a march. The other battalions observe the same directions, and keep their proper distances from each other. The officer commanding will take great care to march the troops in a direct line along the front of the camp, and at such a distance as to give sufficient room for the largest pla- toons to march clear of the line of tents. As the battalions respectively arrive in front of their ground, they halt, form the line, and order or support their arms. The adjutants will immediately turn out the piquets that may have been ordered, form them in front of their respec- tive battalions; and send them to the rendezvous appointed. The piquets being sent off, the commanding officers of bat- talions will command their men to pile their arms, and dis- miss them to pitch their tents. As soon as a company have pitched their tents, the captain parades them, and they bring in their arms. The tents of the battalion being all pitched, the adjutant will form the detachments for necessaries, and send them off. In the mean time, the commanding officer of the battalion, having examined the ground, will, if necessary, order out a party to open the communications on the right and left; in front for the troops, and in the rear for the baggage. Colonels, lieutenant colonels, and other mounted officers of the regiments, will remain on horseback until the camp is 171 established, the sentinels posted, and the men dismissed to their c.uarters. The ensigns will not quit their colours until sentinels are placed over them. Article III. Police of the Camp. When a regiment enters a camp, the field officers will take care that the encampment is pitched regularlyj that the sinks and kitchens are immediately dug in their proper places; and that no tents are pitched in any part of the camp contrary to the order prescribed. At least one officer of a company must remain on the pa- rade to see that the tents are pitched regularly on the ground marked out. The tents should be marked with the number of each re- giment, but not with an officer's name, to prevent their being lost or exchanged, and the tents of each company marked and numbered; and each non-commissioned officer should have a list of the tents, with the men's names belonging to each. The utensils belonging to the tents are to be carried alter- nately by the men; and the non-commissioned officers of the squads are to be answerable that they are not lost or spoiled. Whenever a regiment is to remain more than one night on the same ground, the soldiers shall cut a small trench round their tents, to carry off the rain; but great care must be taken that they do not throw the dirt up against the tents. One officer of a company will every day visit the tents; see that they are kept clean; that every utensil belonging to them is in proper order; and that no bones or other filth is in or near them: and when the weather is fine, will order them to be struck about two hours at noon, and the straw and bed- ding well aired. The soldiers should not be permitted to eat in their tents, except in bad weather; and an officer of a company must often visit the messes; see that the provision is good and well cooked; that the men of one tent mess together; and that the provision is not sold or disposed of for liquor. A subaltern, four non-commissioned officers, and a drum- mer, will every day be appointed for the police of each bat- talion, who are on no account to be absent during the time thev are on dutv. 172 The officer ot the police will make a general inspection into the cleanliness of the camp; not suffer fire to be made any where but in the kitchens; and cause all dirt to be imme- diately removed, and either burnt or burifd. He will be present at all distributions in the regiment, and form and send off all detachments for necessaries. In case the adjutant is obliged to be absent, the officer of the police is to do his duty until his return; and for that pur- pose he will attend at the adjutant's tent, to be ready to re- ceive and distribute any orders that may come for the regi- ment. The drummer of the police will attend constantly at the adjutant's tent, to be ready at all times to communicate the necessary signals; nor must he absent himself on any account during the twenty-four hours, without leaving another drum- mer to supply his place until his return; nor then, without leave from the adjutant. When any of the men want water, they will apply to the officer of the police, who will order the drum to beat the ne- cessary signal; on which all who want Avater will immediately parade with their canteens before the colours, where the offi- cer of the police will form and send them off, under the care of two non-commissioned officers of the police, who are to be answerable that they bring back the whole detachment, and that no excesses are committed whilst they are out. Wood and all other necessaries will be brought in the same manner. Except in case of necessity, not more than one detachment is to be out at a time. The quarter-master will be answerable that the parade and environs of the encampment of a regiment are kept clean; that the sinks are filled up, and new ones dug every four days, and oftcner in warm weather; and if any animal dies near the regiment, he will cause it to be carried at least half a mile from camp, and buried. The place where the cattle are killed must be at least fifty paces in the rear of the waggons; and the entrails and other filth shall be immediately buried; for which the contractors or commissaries are to be answerable. The quarter-master general will take care that all dead animals, and every other nuisance in the environs of the camp, be removed. No non-commibsioned officer or soldier shall be permitted to pass the chain of the centinels round the camp, without permission in writing from the commanding officer of his i-egiment or battalion; which permission shall be dated the same day, and shall, on the return of the person to whom it was granted, be delivered to the adjutant, who is to return it to the colonel or commanding officer, with his report. Every detachment not conducted by a commissioned of- ficer, shall have a written permission from a field officer, or officer commanding a regiment; or from the officer of the po- lice if it be a detachment going for necessaries; without which they are not to be permitted to pass the chain. AH officers whatever are to make it a point of duty to stop every non-commissioned officer or soldier they meet without the chain, and examine his pass; and if he has not a sufficient pass, or having one is committing any excess, the officer will conduct him to the nearest guard, from whence he must be sent, with his crime, to his regiment. The sentinel before the colours will have orders, in case he hears any alarm in camp, or at the advanced posts, to ac- quaint the adjutant with it; who will inform the command- ing officer of the battalion, or order an alarm beat, if the case requires it. Article IV". Of Roll-Calls. The rolls should be called in each battalion at troop and retreat beating, at which times the men are to parade with their arms; and at the beating of the reveille^ and at noon, the commanding officers of companies shall cause the rolls of their respective companies to be called, the men parading for that purpose without arms, and to be detained no longer than is necessary to call the roll. The non-commissioned officers are to visit their respec- tive squads a quarter of an hour after tattoo beating; see that they are all present, and retired to rest; and make their re- port to the first sergeant, wljo will report to the commanding officer of the company. No non-commissioned officer or soldier is to be absent from roll-call, without permission from the commanding of- ficer of the company. No commissioned officer is to be absent from roll-call, without permission from the commanding officer of the re- giment. 174 Article V. Of the Inspection of Companies. The oftener the soldiers are under the inspection of their officers, the betit-r; for which reason, every morning at troop beating, they will inspect into the dress of their menj see that their clothes are whole and put on properly; their hands and faces washed clean; their hair combed; their accoutrements properly fixed, and every article about them in the greatest order. Those who are guilty of repeated neglects in these particulars are to be confined and punished. The field officers must pay attention to this object, taking proper notice of those companies where a visible neglect appears, and publicly ap- plauding those who are remarkable for their good appearance. Every day the commanding officers of companies will examine the men's arms, and see that they are clean and in good order. That the soldiers may always appear clean on parade, and as a means of preserving their health, the non-commissioned officers will see that they wash their hands and faces every morning, and oftener when necessary. And when any river is nigh, and the season favourable, the men shall bathe them- selves as frequently as may be advisable; the commanding officers of each battalion sending them by small detachments successively, under the care of a non-commissioned officer; but on no account must the men be permitted to bathe when just come off a march, at least until they have reposed long enough to get perfectly cool. Every Sunday morning the captains are to make a gener^ inspection of their companies, and examine into the state of the men's necessaries, observing that they agree in quantity with what is specified in the company book; and that every article is the man's who shows it: For which purpose, and to discover theft, every man's things should be marked; if any thing is deficient, strict inquiry is to be made into the cause of it; and should it appear to be lost, pledged, sold or ex- changed, the off'cnder shall be tried and punished. That the men may not be improperly burdened and fa- tigued, the captains are not to suflTer them to carry any thing which is either useless or unnecessarv. 175 Article VI. Of the different Beats of the Drum, The different daily beats shall begin on the right, and be instantly followed by the whole army; to facilitate which, the drummers' call shall be beat by the drums of the police, a quarter of an hour before the time of beating, when the drummers will assemble before the colours of their respec- tive battalions: and as soon as the beat begins on the right, it is to be immediately taken up by the whole army, the drummers beating along the front of their respective bat- talions, from the centre to the right, from thence to the left, and back again to the centre, where they finish. The different beats and signals are to be as follows: The General^ is to be beat only when the whole are to march, and is the signal to strike the tents, and prepare for the march. The Assembly^ is the signal to repair to the colours. The March^ for the whole to move. The Reveille^ is beat at day-break, and is the signal for the soldiers to rise, and the sentries to leave off challenging. The Troops assembles the soldiers together, for the purpose of calling the roll, and inspecting the men for duty. The Retreat^ is beat at sun-set, for calling the roll, warning the men for duty, and reading the orders of the day. The Tattoo^ is for the soldiers to repair to their tents, where they must remain until reveille beating next morning. To Arms^ is the signal for getting under arms, in case of an alarm. The Farleify is to desire a conference with the enemy. The Signals, Adjutant's call. First part of the troop. First sergeant's call. One roll and three flams. All non-commissioned officers' call. Txvo rolls and five flams. To go for wood. Poing stroke and ten-stroke roll. 176 To go for water. Two strokes and a Jl am. To go for provisions. Roast beef. Front to halt. Two Jlains from right to left^ a full drag with the right., a left hand flam and a right hand full drag. - For the front to advance quicker. The long 7narch, For the front to march slower. The taps. For the drummers. The drummers^ call. For a fatigue party. The pioneers^ 7narch. For the church call. The parley. The drummers will practise a hundred paces in front of the battalion, at the hours prescribed; and any drummer found beating at any other time, except when ordered, shall be punished. SECTION III. Of the Service of the Guards. Article I. Of the different Guards with their Use, The different guards of the army will consist of 1st. Out post and piquet guards. 2d. Camp and quarter guards. 3d. General and staff officers' guards. The piquet guards will be formed by detachments from the line, and posted at the avenues of the camp, in such num- bers as the officer commanding may think necessary for the security of the camp. The camp and quarter guards are for the better security of the camp, as well as for preserving good order and disci- pline. Every two battalions will furnish a camp and quarter guard between them, to consist of Subalt. Serg. Corp. Drum. Priv. f For the camp 1 1 1 1 30 I. guard. For the quar- ter guard. { 177 The camp guard of the front line will be posted three hundred paces in front of it, and that of the second line the same distance in the rear of the second line; each opposite to the interval between the two battalions. Each camp guard will post nine sentinels, viz. one before the guard, two on the right and two on the left; these five sentinels, with those from the other battalions, forming a chain in front and rear of the camp; the sixth and seventh sentinels before the colours; and the eighth, ninth and tenth before the tents of the colonel and the commanding officers of the two battalions. In order to complete the chain of sentinels round the camp, the adjutant general will order two flank guards from the line, to consist of a commissioned officer, and as many men as are necessary to form a chain on the flanks. The intention of the camp guards being to form a chain of sentinels round the camp, in order to prevent improper per- sons entering, or the soldiers going out of camp, the com- manding officers of brigades will add to, or diminish them, so as to answer the above purpose. The quarter guard is to be posted twenty paces in the rear of the line of waggons, and will furnish three sentinels; viz. one at the guard, and one behind each battalion. The guards of the general officers will be as follows: Sub. Serg. Corp. Priv. A major general will have 1 1 1 20 A brigadier general O 1 1 12 Others according to circumstances. The different guards will all mount at one hour, to be re- gulated by the commanding officer for the time being. The camp and quarter guards will parade before the inter- val of the battalions, where they will be formed by the adju- tant of the battalion that furnishes the officer, and immedi- ately sent off" to their respective posts. The guard of a major general will be furnished from his own division, each brigade furnishing it by turns; it is to be formed by the major of brigade, and sent from the brigade parade. The guard of a brigadier general will be furnished by his own brigade, and formed and sent from the brigade parade by the major of brigade. The other guards being composed of detachments from the line by brigades, each detachment will be formed on the bri' 7 178 gade parade by the major of brigade, and sent with an adju- tant to the grand parade. All guards, except those which are honorary, should or- dinarily be of force proportioned to the number of sentinels required, allowing three relieves for each post. Article II. Of the Grand Parade, As soon as a detachment arrives on the grand parade, the officer having dressed the ranks, commands. Order arms. and then takes post eight paces in front of his detachment; the non-commissioned officers fall two paces into the rear, except one who remains on the right of every detachment. Each detachment takes post on the left of that preceding it, and is examined by the brigade major of the day, as it arrives. When the whole are assembled, the adjutant of the day dresses the line, counts the files from right to left, and takes post on the right. The brigade major then commands, 1 Attention. 2 Shoulder arms. 3 Support ARMS. 4 Officers and non-commissioned officers. 5 To the centre, march. The officers then march to the centre, and form themselves, according to seniority, in one rank, sixteen paces in front of the guards; the non-commissioned officers advance and form two ranks, four paces in the rear of the officers, and with the same distance between their ranks. The brigade major then appoints the officers and non-com- missioned officers to their posts; the officers in the following manner: Supposing that the guards are divided into four divisions and eight subdivisions, the eight senior officers will be pla- ced on the right of the eight subdivisions, so that the first in rank will be on the right of the whole, the second on the right of the left wing, the third on the right of the second division, the fourth on the right of the fourth division. The 179 officer commanding the left subdivision of each division will be the fourth junior to the officer commanding the division. The other officers and non-commissioned officers will act as file closers, and be distributed and posted as in battalion. Whilst this is doing, the adjutant divides the battalion of guards into eight subdivisions, leaving proper intervals be- tween the subdivisions for the officers who are to command them. The brigade major having appointed the officers to their places, and the battalion being divided, he commands, 1 Officers and non-commissioned officers. 2 To your posts. '^ The officers and non-commissioned officers face outwards from the centre. 3 March. They go directly to their posts in the battalion. The brigade major then advances to the general officer of the day, informs him that the battalion is formed, and takes his directions relative to the exercise. The general officer of the day will usually order the ma- nual exercise to be performed, and some manceuvres, such as he thinks proper; the major of brigade of the day giving the words of command. The exercise being finished, the major of brigade com- mands, Order arms. The drums then beat from right to left of the parade, and passing behind the officers of the day, take post on their left. The major of brigade then orders, 1 Shoulder arms. 2 Support ARMS. 3 Officers and non-commissioned officers. 4 To the centre, march. They advance as before to the centre, and the brigade major appoints them to their respective guards, takes the name of the officer commanding each guard, and gives him the parole and countersign. The adjutant having in the mean time told off the guards, and divided them into platoons, the brigade major then commands. 180 1 Officers and non-commissioned officers* 2 To your posts. 3 March. The officers go to their respective posts^ The brigade major then commands, Present arms. And advancing to the general officer of the day, acquaints him that the guards are formed; and on receiving his orders to "wheel them to the right by platoons, and march them off," he commands, 1 Shoulder arms. 2 By platoons. 3 To the right, wheel. 4 March. 5 Guide to the right. The whole wheel, and march by the general, the officers saluting him as they pass; and when the whole have passed, they wheel off and march to their respective posts. Article III. Of Relieving Guards and Sentinels* The guards in camp will be relieved every twenty-four hours. The guards without the limits of the camp will or- dinarily be relieved in the same manner; but this will depend on their distances from camp, and other circumstances, which may sometimes require their continuing on duty for several days. In this case they must be previously notified to pro- vide themselves accordingly. The guards are to march in the greatest order to their re- spective posts, marching by platoons and the cadenced pace, whenever the roads will permit. When the new guard approaches the post, they carry arms; and the officer of the old guard, having his guard pa- raded with shouldered arms, on the approach of the new guard, commands, Present arms. and his guard present their arms. The new guard marches past the old guard, wheels to the 181 fight, and by successive wheel of platoons, as in the forma- tion " on the right in line," forms three or four paces on its right, and the officer commands, Present arms. and the new guard present their arms. The two officers then approach each other, and the reliev- ing officer takes his orders from the relieved. Both officers then return to their guards, and command, 1 Shoulder arms. 2 Non-commissioned officers. 3 To the front, march. The non-commissioned officers of both guards, who are to relieve the sentinels, advance in front of the new guard. The sergeant of the new guard then tells off as many sen- tinels as are necessary; and the corporal of the new guard, conducted by a corporal of the old guard relieves the senti- nels, beginning with the most distant sentinel. When the sentinel sees the relief approach, he presents arms, and the corporal halting his relief at six paces distance, commands, 1 Present arms. 2 Recover arms. This last command is only for the sentinel relieving, and the one to be relieved; the former immediately approaching with the corporal, and having received his orders from the old sentinel, takes his place; and the sentinel relieved marches into the ranks, placing himself on the left of the rear rank, faced to the rear. Front. Both sentinels face to the front. The corporal then orders, 1 Shoulder arms. 2 Support arms. 3 March. and the relief proceeds in the same manner until the whole are relieved. If the sentinels are numerous, the sergeants are to be em ployed as well as the corporals, in relieving them. When the corporal returns with the old sentinels, he leads them before the old guard, and dismisses them to their ranks. 182 The officer of the old guard then forms his guard in the same manner as when he mounted, and marches it in order to camp. As soon as he arrives in the camp, he halts, forms the men of the different brigades together, and sends them to their respective brigades, conducted by a non-commissioned officer, or careful soldier. When the old guard march off, the new guard present their arms, until they are gone; they then shoulder, face to the left, and take the place of the old guard. The officer then orders a non-commissioned officer to take down the names of the guard. Suppose the guard to consist of twenty-four men, and to furnish eight sentinels, they are divided into three relieves, and the posts being numbered, beginning with the guard- house, each man's name is put down against the number of the pest he will always stand sentry at, during the guard; by which means an officer knows what particular man was at any post during any hour of the day or night. The relief of sentinels is always to be marched in the greatest order, and with supported arms, the corporal often looking back to observe the conduct of the men; and if an officer approaches, he is to order his men to " carry arms," supporting them again when he has passed. The corporals are to be answerable that the sentinels, when relieving, perform their motions with the greatest spirit and exactness. A corporal who is detected in suffering sentinels to relieve each other, without his being present, shall, as well as the sentinel so relieved, be severely punished. Sentinels are to be relieved every two hours, and are on no account to remain longer on that duty. In winter, should the cold be severe, they must be relieved every hour, or even oftener, if necessary. Article IV. Instructions to Oncers on Guard. On the vigilance of the officer depends not only the safety of his guard, but that of the whole army. As it is highly necessary an officer should have some knowledge of his situation, he will immediately after reliev- hig the old guard, visit the sentinels, and examine the ground 183 around his post; and if he thinks the sentinels not sufficient to secure him from a surprise, he is at liberty to place more, acquainting therewith the general or field officer of the day who visits his post; but without their leave he is not to re- move any that are already posted. He will cause the roads leading to the enemy, and to the next posts, to be well recon- noitred by an officer of the guard, or for want of one, by an intelligent non-commissioned officer and some faithful men, inform himself of every thing necessary for his security, and use every possible precaution against a surprise. He will not permit a stranger to enter his post, nor suffer his men to talk with him. If a suspicious person, or a deserter from the ene- my approaches, he will stop him, and send him to head-quar- ters, or to a superior officer. He will on no account suffer the soldiers to pull off their accoutrements, or straggle more than twenty paces from the guard; and if water, or any other ne- cessaries are wanted for the guard, they must be sent for by a non-commissioned officer and some men, with their arms if at an out-post, on no account suffering a soldier to go by himself; but no such party shall be absent whilst the sentinels are relieving. He will examine every relief before it is sent off; see that their arms are loaded and in order, and that the men are acquainted with their duty; and if by any accident a man should get in the least disguised with liquor, he must on no account be suffered to go on post as a sentinel. At every relief the guard will parade, and the roll be call- ed; and the guard must remain under arms till the relief re- turns. During the day, the men may be permitted to rest them- selves as much as consistent with the safety of the guard; but in the night, no man is to be suffered to lie down or sleep on any account; but shall have his arms constantly in his hands; and be ready to fall in on the least alarm. Between every relief, the sentinels must be visitedby a non- commissioned officer and a file of men; and, when more than one officer is on guard, as often as possible by an officer. A patrol also must be frequently sent on the roads leading to the enemy. During the day, the sentinels on the out-posts must stop, every party of men, whether armed or not, till they have been examined by the officer of the guard. At retreat, the countersign will be given to the sentinels of the piquets and advanced posts, after which they are to challenge all that approach them; and if any person, after be- in^ ordered to stand^ should continue to approach, or attemp' 184 to escape, the sentinel, having challenged him three timesy will fire on him. The sentinels of the interior guards of the camp will re- ceive the countersign, and begin to challenge, at such hours as shall be determined in orders, according to circumstances. A sentinel, on perceiving any person approach, will chal- lenge briskly, and never suffer more than one to advance, until he has the countersign given him; if the person challeng- ed has not the countersign, the sentinel will call the sergeant of the guard, and keep the person at a little distance from his post, until the sergeant comes to examine him. Whenever a sentinel on an outpost perceives more than three men approach, he must order them to stand, and im- mediately pass the word for the sergeant of the guard; the officer of the guard will immediately parade his guard, and send a sergeant with a detachment to examine the party. The non-commissioned officer will order the commanding officer of the party to advance, and conduct him to the officer of the guard; who, in cuse he is unacquainted with his per- son, and does not choose to trust either to his clothing, or to his knowledge of the countersign, will demand his pass- port, and examine him strictly; and if convinced of his be- longing to the army, will let him pass. If a sentinel, on challenging a party, is answered reliefs patrol or rouyid^ he will desire the sergeant or corporal to advance with the countersign; and if he is then assured of their being the relief, &c. he may suffer them to advance. A sentinel must take the greatest care not to be surprised; lie must never suffer the person who advances to give the countersign, to approach within reach of his arms, and al- ways charge his bayonet. I'he officers who mount the camp guards, will give orders to their sentinels not to suffer any person to pass in or out of camp, except by one of the guards, nor until the officer of the guard has examined him. In case one of the guard deserts, the officer must imme- diately change the countersign, and send notice thereof to the general of the day; who will communicate the same to the other guards, and the adjutant general. As soon as the officer of a guard discovers the approach of the enemy, he will immediately send notice to the nearest general officer, call in the sentinels, and put himself in the best posture of defence. If attacked on his post, he will de- fend it to the utmost of his power, nor retreat, unless com- 185 pelled, by a superior force; and even then he will retire in the greatest order, keeping a fire on the enemy, whose su- periority, however great, can never justify a guard's retiring in disorder. Should the enemy pursue a guard into camp, the officer will take care to retire through the intervals of the battalions, and forming in the rear of the line, wait for further orders. When an officer is posted at a bridge, defile, or any work, with orders to maintain it, he will defend himself to the last extremity, however superior the force of the enemy maybe, as it is to be supposed that the general who gave those orders will reinforce him, or order him to retire whenever he thinks proper. An officer must never throw in the whole of his fire at once; for which reason every guard is to be divided into two or more platoons, according to its strength; any number of men above eight, and under seventy-eight, forming two pla- toons, formed as a company; the drum is to be on the right of the captain, and the sentinel one pace advanced of the drum. But if the guard consists of no more than twelve men, it forms in one rank. Article V. Method of going and receiving the Grand Rounds. The general and field officers of the day will visit the sci veral guards during the day, as often, and at such hours as they judge proper. When the sentinel before the guard perceives the officer of the day, he will call to the guard to turn out; and the guard being paraded, on the approach of the officer of the day, pre- sent their arms by command of their officer. The officer of the day will direct him to bring the guard to shouldered arms; and then examine it; see that none are absent; that their arms and accoutrements are in order, that the officers and non-commissioned officers are acquaint- ed with their duty; and that the sentinels are properly posted, and have received proper orders. Not only the officer of the day, but all general officers are at liberty to visit the guards, and make the same examination. The officer of the guard shall give the parole to the officer of the day, if demanded. 2 A 186 During the night, the officer of the day will go the grand rounds. When theofficerof the day arrives at the guard from whence he intends to begin his rounds, he will make himself known as such, by giving the officer of the guard the parole. He will then order the guard under arms, and having examined it demand an escort of a sergeant and two men, and proceed to the next post. When the rounds are challenged by a sentinel, the ser- geant will answer. Grand rounds! and the sentinel will reply. Stand ^rand rounds! Adva?7ce sergeant with the countersign! Upon which the sergeant will advance and give the counter- sign. The sentinel will then cry. Advance^ rounds! and allow them to pass, but not present his arms, nor suffer any one to approach in reach of them. When the sentinel before the guard challenges, and is an- swered, Grand rounds! he will reply, Stand^ grand rounds! Turn out the guard! Grand rounds! Upon the sentinel's call- ing, the guard is to be turned out and drawn up in good order, with shouldered arms, the officers taking their posts. The officer commanding the guard will then order a sergeant and two men to advance towards the rounds, and challenge. When the sergeant of the guard comes within ten paces of the rounds, he is to halt and challenge briskly. The sergeant of the rounds will answer. Grand rounds! The sergeant of the guard will reply Starid grand rounds! Advance sergeant xvith the coimtersign! and order his men to present their arms. The sergeant of the rounds advances alone, and giving the countersign, returns to his rounds; and the sergeant of the guard calls to his officer. The countersign is right! On which the officer of the guard calls, Advance grand rounds! The officer of the grand rounds then advances alone, and on his approach the guard present their arms. He will pass along the front of the guard immediately to the officer, who keeps his post on the right, and give him the parole. He will then examine the guard, order back his escort, and demanding a nev,' one. proceed in the same manner to the other guards. 181 Article VI. Honours due from Guards to General Officers and others. To the President as commander in chief: All guards will turn out with presented arms; the drums will beat a march, and the officers salute. To major generals: They will turn out with presented arms, and beat two ruffles. To brigadier generals: They will turn out with presented arms, and beat one ruffle. To officers of the day: They will turn out with presented arms, and beat according to their rank. Exceptfrom these rules the guard of a general officer, which turns out and pays honours only to officers of superior rank to the general whose guard it is. To colonels: Their own quarter guards turn out once a day with presented arms; after which they only turn out with ordered arms. To lieutenant colonels: Their own quarter guards turn out once a day with shouldered arms; after which they only turn out and stand by their arms. To majors: Their own quarter guards turn out once a day with ordered arms; at all other times they stand by their arms. When a lieutenant colonel or major commands a regiment, the quarter guard is to pay him the same honours as are due to a colonel. All sentinels present their arms to general officers, and to the field officers of their own regiments; to all other com- missioned officers they stand with shouldered arms. To all governors in their own states, and governors of territories in their territories, there shall be the same honours paid as to major generals. No honours are to be paid to any officer of the army unless he wears a military dress. When a detachment with arms passes before a guard, the guard shall be under arms, and the drums of both beat a march. When a detachment without arms passes, the guard shall turn out and stand by their arms. After retreat no honours are to be paid; and when near the enemy, no honours are to be paid with the drum. 188 SECTION IV. Of the Arins and Ammunition^ xvith the Method of presermng them. The preservation of the arms and ammunition is an object that requires the greatest attention. An officer of each company must every morning at roll-call inspect minutely into the state of the men's arms, accoutre- ments and ammunition: and if it shall appear that a soldier has sold, or through carelessness lost or damaged anj^ part of them, he must be confined, tried, punished, and stop- pages made of his pay, as hereafter mentioned; for which purpose such officer shall certify to the commanding officer of the regiment the names of the delinquents, and the losses or damages which shall appear of their arms, ammunition and accoutrements; and the commanding officer, after sen- tence, shall order stoppages to be made for whatever shall appear to have been sold, or lost, as aforesaid; and for arms, accoutrements, and ammunition damaged, such sums as the repairs shall cost the government, to be estimated by the court martial; provided that such stoppages shall not exceed one half of the delinquent's pay monthly. It is highly essential to the service that the ammunition should be at all times kept complete; for which purpose, as often as it is necessary, a return is to be made by each com- pany of the number of cartridges deficient, to the quarter- master, that he may make out a general one for the regi- ment, to be signed by the commanding officers of the regi- ment and brigade, and no timelost in supplying the deficiency. The like care is to be taken that all deficiencies of arms and accoutrements are supplied without loss of time. All arms, accoutrements, and ammunition unfit for ser- vice, are to be carefully preserved and sent by the command- ing officer of each company to the regimental quarter-mas- ter, who will deliver the same to the brigade conductor, they respectively giving receipts for what they receive. The arms, accoutrements, and ammunition of the sick and others, when delivered up, are to be taken care of in the same manner. Before the cartridge-boxes are put into the arm-chests, the cartridges must be taken out, to prevent any loss or accident. A conductor of stores shall be appointed to each brigade, who shall have under his immediate care and direction a 189 Lravelling forge and five or six armourers, an ammunition waggon, and a waggon with an arm-chest for each battalion, each chest to hold twenty-five stand of arms, to receive the arms and accoutrements wanting repair, or of the men sick or absent; and when the arms delivered in by a battalion shall exceed the above number, the surplus shall be sent to some arsenal. The conductor shall issue no ammunition but by order of the commanding officer of the brigade; but may receive and deliver the arms and accoutrements of each battalion, by order of its commanding officer. The ammunition waggon shall contain twenty thousand cartridges; and in order to keep the same complete, the con- ductor shall, as deficiencies arise, apply to the brigade quar- ter-master for a supply, or otherwise for the necessary ma- terials of cartridges, and to the brigade inspector for men to make them up under the direction of the conductor; and for this purpose the brigade inspector shall order out a party of the most careful soldiers. The non-commissioned officers of each company will be provided with gun-worms; and every day those men who have returned from duty are to bring their arms and have their charges drawn; the first sergeant to receive the powder and ball, and deliver the same to the quarter-master. SECTION V. Of Revieivs. Article I. Of Revieivs of Parade » When a regiment is to be reviewed, it wrll be drawn up in the following manner. The ranks at open order; the colours advanced six paces before the centres of the battalions; the colonel on foot, twelve paces before the centre of the interval between the battalions; the lieutenant colonels on foot, six paces before the colours; the majors on the right, the adjutants on the left of the bat- talions, in the line of officers; the captains eight paces before their intervals; the other officers on the same line, opposite to their respective places; the covering sergeants in the front 190 rank; the other sergeants in the supernumerary rank, except one on the left of the front rank of each battalion; the musi- cians on the right of the first battalion. The general officer who is to review the regiment will ap- proach the centre. When he arrives within forty paces of the colonel, the latter will order, Battalion. This word will be repeated by the lieutenant colonels, and then the colonel will order, Present arms. This command having been repeated^ the regiment will present arms; the officers will salute with the sword, the last motion of the salute corresponding in time with the last motion of presenting arms; the colours will salute at the same time, and the drums will beat according to the rank of the reviewing general. So soon as he turns to go to the right, the colonel will command, Shoulder arms. This command will be repeated by the lieutenant colonels, and the regiment will shoulder arms, the officers recovering their swords at the same time. The general having arrived at the right, will pass along the front to the left, the whole remaining steady; from the left he will turn off to place himself in front. The colonel and lieutenant colonels will pass to the rear, mount on horse- back, and take their positions, when the colonel will com- mand, Close ranks. This command having been repeated, the officers face to their companies; the colonel will then command, March. At this word repeated, the rear ranks close to the front, and the officers stepping off at the same time, take their posts in the line. The colonel will then form the open column of companies by wheeling to the right, and command. The regiment will pass in review. This caution will be repeated, and the lieutenant colonels 191 will place themselves at the head of their respective batta- lions, each four paces before the captain who commands the leading company; the colonel will place himself on the right of the lieutenant colonel of the leading battalion; the musicians will precede the colonel six paces. The colonel will then command, 1 Support ARMS. 2 Column forward. 3 Guide to the right. 4 March. These words of command will be severally repeated by the lieutenant colonels, the last by the captains commanding com- panies also, and the column will move. It will change direc- tion twice to the left, the companies wheeling on a movable pivot. When the first company arrives within forty paces of the general, the lieutenant colonel will order the battalion to carry arms, and the music to play. As the leading company wheels the second time, the major will give the guide on the right objects to direct his march, and then will pass the head of the column, to six paces on the left of that company. The soldiers and guides will march with the head direct to the front; the officers will look steadily at the general as they pass; when within six paces they will salute with the sword, and recover when they have respectively passed him two paces. The ensign will salute in like manner with his colours. When the colonel has saluted at the head of the regiment, he will advance to the general, and place himself near him until the whole have passed. At the same time the musicians will be wheeled to the left by the drum major, and formed opposite to the general, where they will play until the last company passes, then cease, and follow in its rear. When the head of the column arrives opposite and in front of the ground on which the left of the second battalion stood, it will change direction to the left, march to its original ground, halt, wheel into line, and order arras; the general will then order the performance of such exercise and ma- nceuvres as he thinks proper. 192 ' Article II. Of Reviews of Inspection, For a review of inspection the battalion will not be told off", but remain in companies, at open order; the drums and fifes on the right, and the ensign with the colours in front. The inspector will begin with a general review, passing along the front of the battalion from right to left, accompa- nied by the field and staff officers. The general review being over, the lieutenant colonel will command, 1 Close ranks. 2 March. The rear rank will close to the front, the officers remain- ing in front. 1 By companies, right wheel. 2 March. Each company wheels to the right; the captains will then open the ranks, and order, 1 Nom-commissioned officers. 2 To the front. 3 March. The officers take post four paces, and the non-commission- ed officers two paces, in front of their companies. The whole then order their firelocks by word of command from their captains, except the first company, where the in- spection begins; when the first company has been inspected, they order their firelocks, and the next company shoulders; the others proceed in the same manner till the whole are in- spected. The field and staff officers accompany the inspector while he inspects the companies; and when the inspection is over, the lieutenant colonel will form the battalion, and cause it to perform any exercise or mancsuvres the inspector may think proper to see performed. 19: SECTION VL Instructions. Article I. Instructions for the Commandant of a Regiment. The government having intrusted him with the care of a regiment, his greatest ambition should be to have it at all times and in every respect as complete as possible; to do which he should pay great attention to the following objects. The preservation of the health of the soldiers should be his greatest care; and as that depends in a great measure on their cleanliness and manner of living, he will have a watch- ful eye over the officers of companies, that they pay the ne- cessary attention to their men in those respects. The only means of keeping the soldiers in order is, to have them continually under the eyes of their superiors; for which reason the commandant should use the utmost severity to prevent their straggling from their companies, and never suffer them to leave the regiment without being under the care of a non-commissioned officer, except in cases of ne- cessity. And in order to prevent any man's being absent from the regiment without his knowledge, he will often count the files, and see that they agree with the returns delivered to him, strictly obliging every man returned fit for duty to ap- pear under arms on all occasions; and if any are missing, he will oblige the commanding officer of the company to account for their absence. In a word, the commandant ought to know upon what duty and where every man of his regiment is. To these points the other field officers will also pay attention. The choice of non-commissioned officers is also an object of the greatest importance. The order and discipline of a regiment depends so much on their behaviour, that too much care cannot be taken in preferring none to that trust but those who by their merit and good conduct are entitled to it. Honesty, sobriety, and a remarkable attention to every point of duty, with a neatness in their dress, are indispensable re- quisites; a spirit to command respect and obedience from the men, an expertness in performing every part of the exercise, and an ability to teach it, are also necessary; nor can a ser- geant or corporal be said to be qualified who does not v/rite and read in a tolerable manner. 2 B 194 Once In every month, the colonel should make a general inspection of his regiment; examine into the state of the men, their arms, ammunition, accoutrements, necessaries, camp utensils, and every thing belonging to the regiment, obliging the commanding officers of companies to account strictly for all deficiencies. All returns of the regiment being signed by the command- ing officer, he should examine them with the greatest care before he suffers them to go out of his hands. The colonel will always march and encamp with his regi- ment; nor will he permit any officer to lodge out of camp, or in a house, except in case of sickness. On a march he will keep his regiment together as much as possible, and not suffer the officers to leave their com- panies without his permission; nor permit any of them, on any pretence whatsoever, to mount on horseback. There is no fatigue the soldiers go through that the officers should not share; and on all occasions they should set them examples of patience and perseverance. When a regiment is on a march, the commandant will order a sergeant and six men into the rear, to bring up all stragglers; and the sergeant on his arrival in camp or quar- ters, will make his report to him. In a v/ord, the commanding officer of a regiment will pre- serve the strictest discipline and order in his corps, obliging every officer to perform his duty, without relaxing in the smallest point; punishing impartially the faults that are com- mitted, without distinction of rank or service. Article IT. Instructions for the Adjutant* The adjutant is to be chosen from among the subalterns, the colonel taking care to appoint one of the most intelligent and best acquainted with the service. He will keep an exact detail of the dut}' of the officers and non-commissioned officers of his regiment, taking care to re- gulate his roster in such a manner as not to have too many officers or non-commissioned officers of the same company on duty at the same time. He will keep a book, in which he will every day take the general and other orders, and show them to the commanding officer of the regiment, who having added those he thinks necessary for the regiment, the adjutant will assemble the 195 first sergeants of the companies, make them copy the orders, and give them their details for the next day. He will attend the parade at the turning out of all guards or detachments, inspect their dress, arms, accoutrements and ammunition, form them into platoons or sections, and conduct them to the general or brigade parade. When the regiment parades for duty or exercise, he will count it off, divide it into divisions and companies, and carry the orders of the colonel where necessary. The adjutant is to receive no orders but from the field of- ficers, and officer commanding a battalion. On a march he will ride along the flanks of the regiment, keeping to leeward, if the roads are dusty, to see that regu- larity is observed; and will pay attention to the sergeant in the rear, that he brings up all stragglei-s. On arrival of the regiment in camp, his first care will be to form and send off the guards; and when the tents are pitched, he will immediately order out the necessary number of fatigue men to dig the vaults or sinks, and open communications where necessary. He will then form the detachments for wood, water and other necessaries. He will be constantly with the regiment, ready to receive and execute any orders that may come; nor must he go from his tent without leaving an officer to do his duty, or directions where he may be found. Article III. Instructions for the farter-Master, The quarter-master, being charged with encamping and quartering the regiment, should be at all times acquainted with its strength, that he may require no more ground than is necessary, nor have more tents pitched than the number prescribed; for both which he is responsible. He will inform the regiment where to procure their wood, water and other necessaries, and where to pasture the horses. He will instruct the quarter-master sergeant and pioneers in the manner of laying out the camp, agreeably to the order prescribed in the regulations. He is answerable for the cleanliness of the camp, and that the soldiers make no fire any where but in the kitchens. When the army marches, he will conduct the pioneers to the place appointed, and order the quarter-master sergeant to take charge of the baggage. 196 He will make out all returns for camp equipage, arms, accoutrements, ammunition, provisions and forage, and re- ceive and distribute them to the regiment, taking the neces- sary vouchers for the delivery, and entering all receipts and deliveries in a book, kept by him for that purpose. He will pay particular attention to the preservation of the camp equipage, cause the necessary repairs to be done whea wanting, and return every thing unfit for use to the stores from which he drew them. The preservation of the arms, accoutrements and ammu- nition, is of such essential importance, thathe must be strictly attentive to have those of the sick, of the men on furlough, discharged, or detached on command without arms, taken care of and deposited with the brigade conductor, as directed in the regulations. Article IV. Instructions for the Captain, A captain cannot be too careful of the company the govern- ment has committed to his charge. He will pay the greatest attention to the health of his men, their discipline, arms, ac- coutrements, ammunition, clothes and necessaries. His first object should be, to gain the love of his men, by treating them with every possible kindness and humanity, inquiring into their complaints, and when well founded, see- ing them redressed. He should know every man of his com- pany by name and character. He should often visit those who are sick, speak tenderly to them, see that the public provision, whether of medicine or diet, is truly administered, and procure them besides such comforts and conveniences as are in his power. The attachment that arises from this kind of attention to the sick and wounded, is almost incon- ceivable; it will moreover be the means of preserving the lives of many valuable men. He will divide his company into squads, placing each un- der the particular care of a non-commissioned officer, who is to be answerable for the dress and behaviour of the men of his squad. He will be very particular in the daily and weekly inspec- tion of his men, causing all deficiencies to be immediately supplied; and when he discovers any irregularity in the dress or conduct of any soldier, he will not only confine him, but the non-commissioned officer to whose squad he belongs. 197 He will keep a strict eye over the conduct of the non-com- missioned officers; oblige them to do their duty with the greatest exactness; and use every possible means to keep up a proper subordination between them and the soldiers; for which reason he will never rudely reprimand them in the presence of the men; but at all times treat them with proper respect. He will pay the utmost attention to every thing which con- tributes to the health of the men, and oblige them to keep themselves and every thing belonging to them in the greatest cleanliness and order. He will never suffer a man who has any infectious disorder to remain in the company; but send him immediately to the hospital, or other place provided for the reception of such patients, to prevent the spreading of the infection. And when a man is sick, or otherwise unfit for duty, or absent, he will see that his arms and accoutrements are properly taken care of, agreeably to the regulations pre- scribed. He will keep a book, in which must be entered the name and description of every non-commissioned officer and sol- dier of his company; his trade or occupation; the place of his birth and usual residence; where, when and for what term he enlisted; discharges, furloughs, copies of all returns, and every casualty that happens in the company. He will also keep an account of all arms, accoutrements, ammunition, clothing, necessaries and camp equipage delivered his com- pany, that on inspecting it he may be able to discover any deficiencies. When the company arrive at their quarters after a march, he will not dismiss them till the guards are ordered out; and he will strictly prohibit his men from vexing the inhabitants, and cause to be confined any that offend in that respect. He will acquaint them with the hours of roll-call and going for provisions, with their alarm post, and the hour of march in the morning. If the company make any stay in a place, he will, previous to their marching inspect into their condition, examine their knapsacks, and see that they carry nothing but what is allow- ed, it being a material object to prevent the soldier loading himself with unnecessary baggage. 198 Article V. Instructions to an Officer commandmg- a Post. An officer arriving at a post which he is to occupy, will use every possible exertion to put it in a complete state of de- fence. If the post is situated in a village, where the whole cir- cumference cannot be conveniently defended, the officer will select some strong building, by means of which he can se- cure a place of retreat, after disputing the contiguous ground, and from which he can annoy the enemy in approaching his post. When the enemy appears in force, he will call in his ad- vanced posts and sentinels, and barricade all the avenues. He will communicate the circumstance to his commander, and give intelligence to the nearest post, or body of troops. If the post will not admit of defence, the officer may be justified in retreating, when the enemy appears to intend to attack it with a very superior force. If the post is near the army, or on its flank, and sup- port expected, the officer who commands it will make his arrangements for a determined defence, taking no advice. He will address his troops in a manner indicating his fixed resolution; and is to Ksten to no summons to surrender. He is not to abandon the post but after an obstinate de- fence, and after he has lost hopes of defending it, or of being supported. If a retreat is impossible, and he expects no succour, still he will not capitulate until reduced to one of these extre- mities. 1. Having no ammunition. 2. Having no provisions, and suffering from hunger. 3. Having lost the greater part of the troops under his command. There are but two forms of capitulation, which are not to be deviated from. One of these stipulates for all the honours of war; the other recognizes a surrender as prisoners of war, and is only to be submitted to in the last extremity. Condi- tions not to serve during the war, or in a certain country, or against the present enemy, are inadmissible. An officer is never to capitulate under pretence of sparing the place, the inhabitants, or the troops under his command, unless expressly so instructed. His object must be to defend himself to the last, and ardently to seize every opportunity of distinguishing himself. 199 Article VI. Instructions for the First Sergeant of a Company, The soldier having so far acquired the confidence of his captain as to be appointed first sergeant of the company, should consider the importance of his office; that the disci- pline of the company, the conduct of the men, their exact- ness in obeying orders, and the regularity of their manners, will in a great measure depend on his vigilance. He should be intimately acquainted with the character of every soldier of the company, and will take great pains to impress upon their minds the indispensable necessity of the strictest obedience, as the foundation of order and regularity. He will keep the details of the company, and never warn a man out of his turn, unless particularly ordered so to do. He will take the daily orders in a book kept by him for that purpose, and show them to his officers. He will every morning make a report to the captain of the state of the company, in the form prescribed; and at the same time acquaint him with any thing material that may have happened in the company since the preceding report. He will parade all guards and detachments furnished by his company, examine their arms, ammunition, accoutre- ments and dress, before he carries them to the parade; and if any man appears unfit, he will supply his place with another, and have the defaulter confined: For this purpose he will always warn a man or two more than ordered, to serve as a reserve, who, if not wanted, will return to their companies. He will keep the company book, under the inspection of the captain, in which he will enter the name and description of every non-commissioned officer and soldier; his trade and occupation; the place of his birth and usual residence; where, when and for what term he was inlisted; the bounty paid him; the arms, ammunition, accoutrements, clothing and neces- saries delivered him, with their marks and numbers, and ilie times when delivered; also copies of all returns, furloughs, discharges, and every casualty that happens in the company. When each soldier shall be provided with a small book, the first sergeant is to enter therein the soldier's name, a copy of his inlistment, the bounty paid him, the arms, accoutrements, clothing and necessaries delivered him, with their marks and numbers; for this purpose he will be present at all dis ■ 200 tributions in his company; and as often as arms, clothing, Scc= are delivered, he will enter them in the soldier's as well as the company's book. The first sergeant is not to go on any duty, unless with the whole company; but is to be always in camp or quarters, to answer any call that may be made. He will form the company in the manner following. The soldiers having fallen into one rank, with ordered arms, the first sergeant will command: Shoulder arms. Right FACE. Rank and size. The tallest man will place him- self in front of the single file, and the shortest in the rear. Front. Tell off from right to left. The soldiers will call out "right," "left," alternately. Left files, to the rear double, MARCH. Right DRESS. Rear rank, left face. Form to the front, MARCH. The rear rank will form in succession on the left of the front rank. Count off in threes from right to left. (Or in twos if the formation is to be in two ranks.) The sol- diers will call out, "first," "second," &c. Second and third files, to the rear, march. Right dress. It is not intended that either the smallest men, as in Steu- ben's system, or the tallest men, as in the French system, shall be placed in front. Article VII. Instructions for the Sergeants and Corporals* It being on the non-commissioned officers that the disci- pline and order of a company in a great measure depend, they cannot be too circumspect in their behaviour towards the men, treating them with mildness, and at the same time obliging every one to do his duty. By avoiding too great familiarity with the men, they will not only gain their love and confidence, but be treated with a proper respect; whereas by a contrary conduct they forfeit all regard, and their authority becomes despised. Each sergeant and corporal will be in a particular manner answerable for the squad committed to his care. He will pay particular attention to their conduct in every respect; that they keep themselves and their arms always clean; that they have their effects always ready, and put where they can get them immediately, even in the dark, without confusion; and on every fine day he will oblige them to air their effects. When a man of his squad is warned for duty, he will ex- amine him before he carries him to the parade, obliging him 201 to take all his effects with him, unless when specially or- dered to the contrary. In teaching the recruits, the non-commissioned officers will exercise all their patience; by no means abuse them; but instruct them with coolness, and not expect precision in the first lessons; punishing those only who are wilfully negligent. They will suppress all quarrels and disputes in the com- pany; and when other means fail, will use their authority in confining the offender. They will teach the soldiers of their squads how to dress with a soldier-like air; how to clean their arms and accou- trements; and how to mount or dismount their firelocks; for which purpose, each non-commissioned officer will always be provided with a turn-screw, and will suffer no soldier to take his arms to pieces without his permission. On a march, the non-commissioned officers will preserve order and regularity; and suffer no man to leave his rank, without permission of the officer commanding the platoon. A corporal will teach the sentinels to challenge briskly, and every thing else they are to do in their different situa- tions; and when he relieves them, will hear them deliver the orders distinctly. When a guard is relieved, the non-commissioned officers will take the orders from those whom they relieve; when sent to visit the sentinels, they will instruct them in their duty. They should reconnoitre the roads they are to patrol in the night, that they may not lose their way. They will make their patrol with the greatest silence and attention; and, when necessary, send a faithful soldier forward to look out. If they meet a detachment of the enemy stronger than their own, they will retreat in order to their post. In the night they must stop all strangers that approach. They will not suflFer their men to make the least noise with their arms or accou- trements, and will frequently stop and listen. On their re- turn from patroling, they will report to the officer what they have seen or heard. When a sergeant is a file-closer in action, he will take care to keep the ranks and files properly closed; and when too much crowded, make the soldiers incline from the cen- tre. When the files of his platoon are disordered by the loss of men, he will exert himself to dress it again with the utmost expedition! He will keep the greatest silence in the ranks, see that the men load well and quick, and take good aim. He 2C 202 will do all in his power to encourage the soldiers; and use the most vigorous means to prevent any from leaving the ranks, unless wounded. Article VIII. Instructions for the Private Soldier. The recruit having received his necessaries, will, in the first place, learn to dress himself with a soldier-like air; to place his effects properly in his knapsack, so as to carry them with convenience; to salute his officers when he meets them; to clean his arms, wash his linen, and cook his provisions. He should early accustom himself to dress in the night, and always have his effects in his knapsack, placed where he can put his hand on it in a moment, that in case of an alarm, he may repair with the greatest alertness to the parade. When learning to march, he will take the greatest pains to acquire a firm step, and a proper balance; practising at all his leisure hours. He will accustom himself to the greatest steadiness under arms; pay attention to the com- mands of his officers; and exercise frequently with his fire- lock, in order to acquire vivacity in his motions. He will ac- quaint himself with the usual beats and signals of the drum, and instantly obey them. When in the ranks, he will always learn the names of his right and left hand men, and file leader, that he may be able to find his place readily in case of separation. He must cover his file-leader, and dress well in his rank. Having joined his company, he will no longer consider himself as a recruit, but as a soldier; and whenever he is ordered under arms, will ap- pear well dressed, with his arms and accoutrements clean and in good order, and his knapsack and blanket ready to throw on his back, in case he should be ordered to take them. When warned for guard, he will appear as neat as possible, carry all his effects with him, and even when on post as a sen- tinel, should have them at his back; he will receive the or- ders from the sentinel he relieves; and when placed before the guard-house, he will inform the corporal of all who ap- proach, and suffer no one to enter until examined; if he is posted at a distance from the guard, he will have the orders well explained to him by the corporal; learn which is the nearest post between him and the guard, in case he should 203 fae obliged to retire, or h?ve any thing to communicate; and what he is to do in case of an alarm; or if in a town, in case of fire, or any disturbance. He will never go more than twen- ty paces from his post; and if in a retired place, or in the night, suffer no one to approach within ten paces of him. When on the approach of an officer, a sentinel is to pre- sent or carry arms, he will face to his proper front. A sentinel must never quit or rest upon his arms, read, sing, or talk unnecessarily, but keep walking on his post, and looking about. He must never suffer himself to be relieved but by his corporal; challenge briskly in the night, and stop those who have not the countersign; and if any will not an- swer to the third challenge^ and, having been ordered to stand^ should attempt to advance or escape, he may fire on them. When on patrol, the soldier will observe the strictest si- lence, nor make the least noise with his arms or accoutre- ments. When ordered to march, he must not charge himself with any unnecessary baggage; he will march at his ease, without however leaving his rank or file; he should drink seldom, and never stop but when necessity obliges him; in which case he must ask leave of the commanding officer of the pla- toon, hand his arms to a comrade, and run some distance forward. When arrived at camp or quarters, he will clean his arms, prepare his bed, and go for necessaries, taking nothing with- out leave, nor committing any kind of excess. In action he will pay the greatest attention to the com- mands of his officers; level well, and not throw away his fire; take particular care to keep his rank and file; incline to that side he dresses to; and encourage his comrades to do their dutv. Article IX. Instructions for the Drmn Major. In column of manoeuvre, the musicians will march on the reverse flank, dressing with the front of the fifth company. In column of route, and in passing defiles, they will march at the head of the battalion. They will always wheel in echellon of files, by advancing a shoulder. 204 Signals for the Evolutions of the Musicians. To march to the front. Point the cane directly forward, and then bring it to the position of the carried sword. To march by a flank. Take the cane by the middle, and extend the arm to the right, if they are to march by the right flank; or to the left, if they are to march by the left flank. To break into subdivisions. Extend the left hand at the height of the eyes, and strike the point of the cane into it. To form up into one division. Extend the left hand at the height of the eyes, and strike the butt of the cane into it. To zvheel into a 7iexu direction. Turn round to the musi- cians, and by pointing with the cane, indicate to them the new direction into which they are to wheel. To march oblique. Grasp the cane by the middle, hold it horizontally before the musicians, and move it forward in the oblique direction they are to take. To halt. Face the musicians, bring the heels even, and set the point of the cane on the ground, the right arm stretched out to the right. The drums should be put on the ground, or taken up, by all the drummers at the same instant. To effect this, a signal of three motions will be made. 1 To put up the drumsticks. Grasp the staff at the butt, raise it as high as the eyes, the point down, and extend the arm to the front. 2. To detach the dwns. Draw in the cane to the breast. 0. To ground the drions. Extend again the hand grasping the cane, to the front. 1. To take up drums, 2. To suspend drums. 3. To draw the drumsticks. Make the same three motions with the cane, which have just been described. To commence beating. Flourish the cane, the point held horizontally forward, and strike in the left hand at the height of the waist. To cease beating. Flourish the cane, the point upward., and then bring the point to the ground. 205 SECTION VII. Various Regulations. Article I. Regulation relative to Subordination. It is the intention of the government that there shall be es- tablishtd in every regiment a subordination descending through all ranks, which without losing its force and effi- cacy, shoU exclude oppression, and be maintained on the basis of justice. Soldiers shall be treated with humanity and kindness; they shall never be wronged or injured; their superiors shall be beneficent friends; the punishments, sometimes unavoid- able, shall be strictly conformable to martial law, and the feelings of humanity; and their officers shall direct and pro- tect them, ivith the regard and care due to men, on whose obedience and valour greatly depend their own future repu- tation and glory. The government requires from inferiors a passive obe- dience to those placed over them; and that all orders shall be, at all times, implicitly executed. But it is understood that orders are not to be manifestly against law and reason. And all superiors, of whatever rank, are strictly forbidden to injure those under their command, by harsh, abusive, and unbecoming language, or by overbearing, unjust, and ty- rannical conduct. I Article II. Regulation respecting Roll calls. At the first appearance of day, the officer of the guard will cause the taps to be given on the orderly drum; the mu- sicians will assemble on the parade; and in five minutes after the caps have been given, they will commence the reveille; every officer and soldier will instantly rise; so soon as it is finished, the rolls shall be called. 206 From the 20th of March until the 20th of September, the troop will be beat at nine o'clock in the morning, and the tattoo at nine o'clock at night. During the other half of the year, the troop will be beat at eight o'clock in the morning, and the tattoo at eight o'clock at night. The retreat will always be beat fifteen minutes before sun- setting. At troop and retreat beating, the troops will parade with arms. Should the detachment present consist of various corps, the infantry would take the centre, flanked by the light troopsj the artillery on the right. The senior officer present at the last stroke of the drum, shall command the parade; and for that purpose will post himself thirty paces before the centre. Ten minutes before the hour prescribed for roll call, the orderly drummer will beat the drummer'' s call; the musicians will repair to the grand parade; the soldiers will fall in with arms on their company parade, where the first sergeant will form the company, bring them to an order, and take post on the right. Five minutes after the Jirst call^ the whole of the musi- cians on the parade shall beat the second, or adjutant's call. At this signal, each first sergeant will bring his company to a shoulder, march it to its place on the grand parade, open the ranks, order arms, and take post on the line of file closers, on the right, opposite the interval. The company officers will at the same time take post eight paces in front of their com- panies, opposite to their places in the line, facing toward their companies, and standing at ease. From the beating of the second call until the hour pre- scribed for troop or retreat beating shall arrive, the band will play. The hour of troop or retreat beating having arrived, the adjutant will direct the drum major to " beat oflf." The mu- sicians, on receiving the signal from the drum major, will commence beating at the centre; they will bear to the left, then to the right, and back to the centre, where they will conclude with three rolls and a flourish; at the last of the rolls, the company officers will face to the front, and draw their swords. The musicians will vake post on thf: right. The adjutart will then dra>v his sword, advance a few paces from the right, and command, 207 1 Attention. 2 Shoulder arms. 3 Right DRESS. He will see that the different ranks are dressed, and com- mand, 4 Steady. He will then march along the front to the centre, advance directly to the front twelve paces, face to the right about, and command. Present arms. The detachment or battalion will present arms; the adju- tant will face to the front, and advance to within twelve paces of the commanding officer, halt, salute with the sword, and announce, " Sir, the parade is formed." The commanding of- ficer will reply, " Take vour station." The adjutant will put up his sword, advance, and place himself on the left of the commanding officer, a pace retired. The commanding officer, on giving the order to the adjutant, will draw his sword, and command. Shoulder arms. Eyes right. Eyes left. Stea- dy. Support ARMS. Carry arms. Present arms. Shoulder ARMS. Order arms. Rest. He will then direct the adjutant to " call the rolls." The adjutant will draw his sword, ad- vance twelve paces, and command, 1 First sergeants, to the front. 2 March. They will advance arms, march through the intervals four paces to the front, and halt. The adjutant will order, " Call rolls;" on which the captains and first sergeants will go to the right about, and the first sergeant of each company will call the roll, under the inspection of the captain; which being- done, they will face to the front. The adjutant will com- mand, 1 First sergeants, right and left face. 2 To the centre, march. At the first command, they will face to the centre, and at the second, march until they meet at the centre. The adju- tant will command, 1 Front. 2 Report. 208 At the first command, they front; at the second, each with recovered arms, commencing on the right, reports distinctly, and then advances arms. The adjutant will command, 1 First sergeants, to the right and left face. 2 To your posts, march. At the first command, they will face outwards from the centre; at the second command, they will march to the right of their respective companies, take post in the mterval on the front rank, and order arms. The adjutant will then face to the right about, salute with his sword, and report to the com- manding officer, who will direct him to read the orders of the day, if any; this being done, the adjutant will return his sword, and resume his place near the commanding officer, who will then return his sword, and by a salute with the hat, intimate that th parade is dismissed. Each captain will di- rect his first sergeant to take off his company, who will bring them to shouldered arms, march them to the company pa- rade, face them to the right about, and dismiss them. The company officers at the same time will advance to the com- manding officer, salute with the hat, and retire. Article III. Regulation of the Salute xvitJi Sword or Colours* The sword will be carried with the right hand at the haunch, the blade leaning against the shoulder. The salute, standing or marching, will be performed in four motions. 1. Raise the sword perpendicularly before the eyes, the hand as high as the breast, the flat side of the sword blade next to the face. 2. Bring down the blade, the flat side up, extending the arm so as to form with the sword a straight line, forty-five degrees to the right of a line drawn direct to the front, and as many below a horizontal line, drawn from the shoulder. Let the sword remain in this position, if the salute is given marching, until the officer saluted has been passed two paces. 3. Bring up the sword to the position taken by the first motion. 4. Bring it down to its original position. 209 The colours will be borne with the butt of the stafF at the right haunch. The salute with the colours will be performed by gently lowering them until the point is within six inches of the ground. If the salute is given marching, they will be raised when the officer saluted has been passed two paces. They shall descend on the right, and rise on the left, with a circu- lar sweep, the butt remaining in the rest, at the haunch. Article IV'. Regulatio7i rcspecWig Funerals. On the day of the interment of a commanding general, a gun will be fired every half hour until the procession moves. All the troops of his command will remain under arms during the movement of the funeral procession. The funeral escort at the interment of a major general, will consist of a regiment of infantry, and tvro troops of cav- alry, preceded by two field pieces. On lowering the body into the earth, three rounds will be fired by the artillery, and the troops of the line. The funeral escort at the interment of a brigadier general will consist of a regiment of infantry, and one troop of cav- alry. On lowering the body of a brigadier general into the earth, three rounds will be fired by the line. In either case, the firing will be concluded by the escort of infantry, who will fire three rounds over the grave. The escort at the interment of a colonel, shall consist of a regiment; of a lieutenant colonel, a battalion; of a major, four companies; of a captain, three companies; of a subaltern, two companies; of a sergeant, one company; of a corporal, one platoon; of a private, one squad, commanded by a corporal. The funeral escort shall always be commanded by an of- ficer of the same rank with the deceased; or if none such be present, by one of the next inferior grade. The armed escort shall not exceed the number prescribed in any case. The procession, and the number who may join in it, will be regulated according to circumstances. Officers for funeral parties shall be detailed by the roster kept for regulating the duty of guards of honour. The pall bearers, of whom there shall be six, will be detailed in the like manner. 2D 210 The colouvs of the regiment, if present, will be borne co- vered with crape, at the funeral of a colonel, as will those of the battalion, if present, at the funeral of a lieutenant colonel. The drums shall be muffled, and covered with thin black serge. The escort being formed in line, with shouldered arms, without bayonets, before the tent or quarters where the corpse lies, it will be brought out. On its appearance, the detach- ment will present arms, and the music will play an appro- priate air. The corpse will be borne to, and halted on the right; the detachment will shoulder arms, and form the open column, with the left in front. The commanding officer will then order, 1 Reverse arms. 2 Column forward. 3 Guide to the right. 4 March. At the first command, the soldiers will come to the posi- tion of " secure firelock;" the officers will bring their swords under the right arm, the right hand at the hilt. At the fourth command, the column followed by the mu- sic and procession, will be marched to the grave, taking a direction to leave it on the directing flank of the column. When the centre of the column is opposite to the grave, it will be halted, brought to shouldered arms, and w^heeled into line. The commanding officer will then order. Rest on arms. 1. 2. The same as the two first motions of " present arms." 3. Turn up the butt with the right hand, place the muzzle on the left toe, the barrel to the front, lay the right hand on the butt and the left hand on the right, bend the right knee, incline the head forward, and look downward. The corpse will then be interred; this being done, the com- manding officer will order. Attention. Shoulder arms. Seize the piece with the right hand, thumb downward, at the small, and with the left at the swell, bring it to the shoul- der, the left hand on the butt, and the right down by the side. 211 Prime and load. This command will be executed as has been prescribed; and the detachment will fire three rounds over the grave. This being done, they will be ordered to shoulder arms, wheeled into open column to the right, and marched off in quick time, the music playing a sprightly air. THE END. EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. GENERAL REMARKS. IN all the plates, the strong line represents the front rank. The dotted double lines indicate the position occupied pre- vious to the movement. The parallelogram figures not etched, represent the troops subsequent to the first movement. Those etched, or filled up with small lines, represent the bodies of men after executing the whole movement, or in the last stage of it. The single dotted lines mark the paths, or lines, over which the troops move from one position to another. The arrow on a dotted line, shows the direction in which the guides on the flanks of companies are to march. The letter C represents the captains of companies, and the way in which they are facing. The lieutenant colonels, or commandants of battalions, are in all the plates represented on horseback. The major is represented on foot with a sword, and the adjutant on foot with a cane. The arrow in many of the figures, indicates the direction of the march. PLATE 1. Represents the formation of a regiment in line. The drum major is placed before the musicians of the first battalion, and the second senior musician, or corporal drum- mer, before the musicians of the second battalion; the band two paces in the rear of the fifers of the first battalion. Note. One of the sergeants is omitted, in laying down the line of file closers. 2E 214 PLATE 2. Fig. 1. Position of the soldier under arms, being a front view. Fig. 2. Tiie position of the soldier, represented in profile. Fig. 3. Position of the soldier in marching. Fig, 4, 5, and 6. Positions of the first, second, and third ranks, taken on receiving the word, "• Ready." Fig. 7, 8, and 9. Positions of the first, second, and third ranks, taken on receiving the word, " Aim." Fig. 10. Represents the position of the three ranks, taken on receiving the word, " Charge bayonet." PLATE 3. Fig. 1. Represents a company marching by the right flank, wheeling its head by files to the left, and afterwards to the right. The captain (b) is beside the covering sergeant (a), who leads the company; the instructer (c) is placed at the wheeling point. Fig. 2. Represents a company marching by the right flank, and forming on the right, by files in succession. Fig. 3. Represents a company marching by the right flank, and forming to the front. PLATE 4. Fig. 1. Represents a company wheeling forward from line, into open column of platoons. The right hand man of the front rank of each platoon has faced to the right (c); the officers of platoons (d) have placed themselves to dress the platoons; the guides (e) have taken their stations on the left; finally the officers place themselves before their platoons (f). Fig. 2. Represents a company marching in column of pla- toons, and wheeling on the march into a new direction, on the side of the guide, by echellons of files. The guide (g) has turned to the left, without altering his step; a marker (h) shows the wheeling point; some files (i) ire advancing by the quick step; others (k) have formed, 215 and are advancing in common timejthe instrircter (1) re- mains at the wheeling point, to observe the movement. Fig. 3. Represents a company marching in column of pla- toons, and wheeling on a movable pivot. The guide (e) follows the steps of the guide (d); the pivot man ( f ) takes steps of six inches; a marker (m) shows the point where the wheeling commences; the officers of pla- toons face them while they wheel, and conduct the move- ment. Fig. 4. Represents a company in column of platoons wheeling forward to the left into line. The left hand front rank man (b) faces to the left; the guides (e) stand fast; the platoon is halted when the march- ing flank has arrived within two paces of the line of guides; the officer of the second platoon having given the command " halt," retires to the line of file closers; the captain directs the dressing of the company. PLATE 5. Fig. 1. Represents a company marching as if in column, forming platoons on the march. The two officers who are to command the platoons are marked (a) and (bj. Fig. 2. Represents a company in column of platoons, with the right in front, forming company on the march. Fig. 3. Represents a company, suppesed a part of a co- lumn, with the right in front, executing the countermarch. The guide on the left (a) has faced to the right about; the company wheels by files at (b); and when the leading file arrives at the guide (a) who faced about, and stood fast, the company halts, fronts, and dresses by him. At the word " STEADY," the guide (d), the proper guide of the right, takes the place of the guide (a), who goes along the front to the left; the instructer (f) remains on the flank to observe the movement. PLATE 6. Fig. 1. Represents a battalion in line, wheeling forward by companies from line into open column, the right in front. The letters (a), (f ), and (g), show the positions of tht commandant, major, and adjutant. 216 Fig. 2. Represents a battalion in line, wheeling iorward into open column, the right in front, in order to march to- wards the left. The unetched figures of companies, show their situation when the leading company had marched forward twice the extent of its front, while the other companies wheeled; the companies wheel at the point marked by the marker (b); the major (f ) marches even with the first company; the com- mandant (a) observes the wheeling. Fig. 3. Represents a battalion in line, filing into column from the right of companies to the rear. The figure (a) shows the battalion after it has faced to the right, and the heads of companies have been disengaged to the rear. The figure (b) shows the open column formed. The two lines are laid down to represent the movement dis- tinctly; but the left guides of the column, when formed, are on the original line. PLATE 1. Fig. 1. Represents a battalion forming close column of divisions in rear of the right division. The major and adjutant (d and f,) dress the guides (b) on the directing flank. Fig. 2. Represents a battalion forming a close column of divisions, on a central division, with the right in front. Fig. 3. Represents a battalion forming a close column oT divisions, in front of the left division. PLATE 8. Fig. 1. Represents a battalion close column, with the right in fro • , countermarching. The representation above, shows the movement during itis execution. The representation below, shows the movement com- pleted. i* ig. 2. Shows a battalion close column with the right in front, forming divisions from the halt. Fig. 3. Represents the mode of ascertaining two points for a line to form on, between two distant conspicuous objects. Fig. 4. Represents a battalion in open column with the right in front arriving in front of the line on which it is to 217 form, and marching along that line by means of the general guides, and the colours. Fig. 5. Represents a battalion in open column, with the right in front, arriving behind the line on which it is to form, and pursuing that line by means of the general guides, and the colours. The directing flank has been conducted more to the left by the extent of a company, than the intermediate point (d) pre- viously ascertained on the line; and after wheeling, is four paces in the rear of the line. PLATE 9. Fig. 1. and 2. Represent a battalion marching in open column, at full distance, with the right in front, changing di- rection on the reverse flank, on a movable pivot; and after- wards wheeling to the left, into a new direction. Fig. 3. Represents a battalion marching in open column, at full distance, with the right in front, changing the direc- tion of its march by the prompt manceuvre. PLATE 10. Fig. 1 Represents a battalion marching in open column at half distance, with the right in front, and changing direction on the reverse flank, on a movable pivot. The pivot man takes steps of one foot, instead of six inches. Fig. 2. Represents a battalion (A) in close column, with the right in front, halted, and changing direction to the right or left. The letters (e, d, g, h,) represent markers placed on the new directions; (b) and (f ) are points of direction. PLATE 11. Fig. t. Represents a battalion in open column, at full dis- tance of companies, with the right in front, forming line on the right fl^nk, by the successive wheeling and formation of the companies. The column marching on the direction (d, e,) changed its direction at the point ( I ) to march on a line parallel to that on which it is to form; the adjutant (m) has placed two mar- 218 kers on the line between (a) and (b); the first (k) at the point of rest; the second ( i ) at a little less than company distance. The major (h) corrects the position of the guides; the com- mandant (g) will still be opposite to the company about to form on the line. Fig. 2. Represents a battalion open column at full distance, with the right in front, forming forward to the front of the march into line, on the leading company, by an echellon movement. The column is halted at the distance of a company from the line; two markers (a b) are established on the line by the adjutant (m); the leading company will form on the markers^ the others wheel into echellon, and march to their front; the right guides of companies ( f ) march in the steps of the files before them (d) until the preceding company, arriving at (e), wheels, as at (o), to march up square on the line; the com- mandant of the battalion (g) attends to the successive forma- tion; the major (h) corrects and establishes the position of the guides, as they successively come on the line. PLATE 12. Fig. 1. Represents a battalion open column, at full dis- tance, with the right in front, forming the line faced to the rear. Two markers (c d) have been previously placed on the line; on them the first company forms; the left guide (e) will precede the company ten paces, and place himself on the line at the point where the company will cross it to countermarch into its position. Fig. 2. Represents a battalion close column previous to displaying; and the same column displaying* into line on a central division. PLATE 15. Fig. 1. Represents a battalion which is to advance in line. Fig. 2. Represents a battalion, which, after having ad- vanced in line, is to be dressed on a line parallel, or oblique to its position. • The French word "deployment," is rejected as unnecessary and in- definite; being used to sij^nlty as well the movement from line into columi!- •IS the movement from column into line. 219 PLATE 14. Fig. 1. Represents a subordinate battalion marching in line, and committing the fault of taking a false direction. The figure shows the effects of the error. Fig. 2. Shows the means to be used to bring the battalion parallel to its original position. Fig. 3. Represents the same battalion, which, by obliquing, brings its centre on the original perpendicular line, from which it deviated, and re-establishes the proper interval. PLATE 15. Fig. 1. Represents a battalion advancing in line, and pass- ing an obstacle which presented itself before the second and third battalion companies. Fig. 2. Represents a battalion marching in line to the front, and passing an obstacle which presented itself before the four companies on the left. PLATE 16. Fig. 1. and 2. Represent a battalion advancing in line, and changing direction by wheeling in line forward on its right flank. Fig. 3. Represents the same battalion, after changing front on its right flank a certain number of degrees, marching di- rect to its new front. PLATE ir. Fig. 1. Represents a battalion (a) of the first line, passing through a battalion of the second line. Fig. 2. Represents a battalion after having passed through the second line, and marched one hundred paces to the rear, halted, and wheeled up to the left into line. Fig. 3. Represents a battalion of the second line, that ha? halted, and doubled the left platoon of each company behind the right platoon, in order to open spaces through which the companies of the battalion of the first line may pass by file. (f3* The file-closers are not laid down correctly. 220 PLATE 18. Fig. 1. Represents a battalion in line, changing fronton the first company, throwing forward the other companies by an echellon movement. Two markers (a and b) are represented in front of the first company, on whom it forms. Fig. 2. Represents a battalion in line changing front to the rear, on the first company. Two markers are represented (a and b) in front of the first company. It has been deemed preferable to place the two markers on the right of the battalion, in the new direction. See page 93. PLATE 19. Fig. 1. Represents a battalion in line executing a central change of front on the fifth company, formed on two markers (a and b). The left wing is thrown forward, and the right wing is thrown to the rear. (]^J* In this system, this manoeuvre is performed with more celerity than in that of which it is an imitation. In this system, three proceedings effect the manoeuvre: 1. Placing the markers; 2. Facing the companies on the right, to the right about; 3. The general movement, and formation of all the companies on the new direction. In the system imi- tated, five proceedings effect the manoeuvre: 1. Placing the markers; 2. Forming the fifth company by them; 3. Forming the fourth company by the fifth; 4. Facing the companies on the right to the right about; and 5. The general movement, and formation of the remaining companies on the new di- rection. There are similar variations in other manoeuvres. Fig. 2. Represents a battalion in line, passing a defile in its rear, by filing from the right flank of companies suc- cessively. PLATE 20. Fig. 1. Represents a battalion forming from the line a column of attack. The figure shows that the companies on the right and left of the two centre companies disengaged their inner flanks to the rear, and formed column at platoon distance, on the fourth and fifth companies. ^1 Fig. 2. Represents a column of attack displaying into line. PLATE 21. Fig. 1. Represents a line of four battalions, forming a close column on the second division of the second battalion, with the right in front. The letter (a) represents the division marching in file, after having broke off from the line; (d) shows the battalion close columns formed on the march; (o) represents the ma- jor, who conducts the leading division to the point where it is to enter into the column. Fig. 2. Represents four battalions marching in line, and executing a change of direction to the front, on the right flank, by wheeling each battalion on its right, and marching to the new direction. Fig. 3. Represents a line of four battalions retreating in chequer, and again forming the line. The even battalions have commenced the movement, and retired one hundred paces; the odd battalions have retired in their turn, one hundred paces to the rear gf the even bat- talions; and so alternately. PLATE 22. Represents a column of four battalions at full distance of companies, with the right in front, arriving behind the right of the line to be formed on, and forming in line on the lead- ing company of the first battalion, by an echellon movement of the rear companies of each battalion, on the front com- pany, brought up to, and placed on the line. There are two representations of the line. The brigadier general (k) stationed the two mounted officers (a and b) pre- vious to the commencement of the movement. The third battalion has nearly effected its movement; and the fourth has arrived at its major (d), who has relieved the mounted officer. PLATE 23. Represents a column of four battalions, at full distance of companies, with the right in front, arriving in front of the line to be formed on, and forming the line faced to the rear, on the leading company of the first battalion. The brigadier general (k) is on the right of the line form- 2F 222 cd, from whence he directs the dressing of the colours; the second battalion has nearly effected its formation; the third has arrived at its major (d); the fourth is on the march to its place in the line, marked by its major (d), who has taken the position shown by the aid-de-camp. PLATE 24. Fig. 1. Represents an open column of four battalions, with the right in front, forming line to the front, on the eighth company of the second battalion. The second and third battalions are formed on the line; the first and fourth are effecting their formation. Fig. 2.|Represents an open column of four battalions, with the right in front, arriving behind the line to be formed on, pursuing that line, and halted at the instant when the fourth company of the second battalion has wheeled into the new direction. Two representations of the line are given; the companies that have wheeled, march with the directing flank four paces from the line, and are wheeled up to the left in line; the fourth company of the third battalion, with the colours, have formed on the line; the remaining four companies of the bat- talion are marching in echeilons to the line; the fourth batta- lion is on its march in column. Fig. 3. Represents a similar column, arriving in front of the line to be formed on. The movement is similar to that exhibited in figure 2, except that such companies and batta- lions as have not wheeled into the direction to be formed on, form the line facing to the rear, as is represented in the figure of the third battalion. PLATE 25. Fig. 1 and 2. Represent a close column of four battaliotis, by divisions, displaying into battalion close columns, on the second battalion. The second battalion having been uncovered, has marched up to the markers (e f ), previously placed on the line A B. F.g. 3. Represents the battalion close columns on the same division of the second battalion. Two markers (g and h) have been placed in front of the right and left of the leading division of the second battalion. 223 The battalions have all displayed, except the fourth, which has commenced displaying. The first battalion has displayed on its rear division; the third and fourth have displayed on their front divisions. Fig. 4. Represents the line completely formed* PLATE 26. Fig. 1. Represents a line of four battalions accurately dressed, about to advance in line. The second has been ap- pointed the battalio7i of direction. Fig. 2. Represents the same line on its march to the front. Fig. 3. Represents the same line. The brigadier general, after halting the line, takes the necessary measures for dres- sing it correctly. For this purpose he has placed himself a few paces to the right of the colours of the battalion of di- rection, to establish the basis of the line. Fig. 4. Represents the four battalions in line, after having been correctly dressed, and after the colours, general guides, and guides of companies, have resumed their posts in the line. PLATE 27. Represents a line of five battalions, which on its march ta the front met a defile, which presented itself before the cen- tre; the line is represented passing in double column of pla- toons. The first and second positions of the third battalion, and part of the second and fourth, are exhibited; and the last po- sition of all the five battalions. PLATE 28. Represents five battalions retreating in line, and meeting with a river having a bridge over it, opposite to the interval between the third and fourth battalions. The first battalion has passed the bridge in a single column, by itself, as it was the most remote from the defile. The se- cond and fifth battalions pass the bridge together, in double column, by files, and form companies. 224 PLATE 29. Fig. 1. Represents two lines, each ot four battalion^ drawn up one behind the other, and both changing front per- pendicularly forward to the right, on the right flank of the first line. Fig. 2. Represents two lines, one in rear of the other, con- sisting each of four battalions, executing a change of front, perpendicularly to the rear, on the right flank of the first line. PLATE 30. Represents two lines, each of four battalions, drawn up one behind the other, executing a perpendicular change of front on the right company of the third battalion of the first line, by throwing the left wing forward, and the right wing to the rear. PLATE 31. Fig. 1. Represents two lines, each of four battalions, exe- cuting an oblique change of front, forward, on the extremity of the right flank of the lines. Fig. 2. Represents two lines, each of four battalions, drawn up one behind the other, executing an oblique change of front, to the rear, on the extremity of the right flank of the lines. PLATE 32. Fig. 1. Represents a line of six battalions, marching to the front by direct echellons of regiments, formed from the right. A non-commissioned officer (a) is placed in rear of the left file of the preceding echellon, and marches in the steps of that file, dressing with the front of his own battalion. The full line represents the battalions, which have, from echellon, formed the line again, by moving up successively, halting, and dressing by the first regiment. Fig. 2. Represents a line of four battalions, supposed in a direction oblique to that of the enemy, and forming parallel to the hostile line, by echellons of regiments. A non-commissioned officer marches in the steps of thfe 225 iUe of the colours of the preceding battalion, dressing with the front rank of his own battalion. The echellons after closing to a prescribed distance from each other, move on to the front. PLATE 33* Fig. 1. Represents a column of four battalions, with the right in front, in divisions at platoon distance, covered by marksmen, to keep off cavalry. Fig. e. Represents the same column, after having been halted, and after calling in the marksmen, forming the square, in order to oppose cavalry. Fig. 3. Represents the same oblong square, with the in- ward platoons and divisions closed up to within a foot of the outward platoons and divisions. Fig. 4. Represents the same square, forming a column of divisions at platoon distance, and resuming the order of the march. PLATE 34. Represents four battalions on the left of the first line, sup- posed to be encamped, with the position of their camp and quarter guards, sentinels, and vaults. (a) Camp guards, (b) Quarter guards, (c) Flank guard, (d) Vaults. Ph I . Fen jiBo'fi ODHnK ofisnS nfiEnfi nAsaffi nAnnffi AN EXP LACTATION OF THE FIGXTIES D Thf, hei 2ifaJ<'7- i Z7/<» C-cr-poTol. J)rnnnne7^ I Is. Jiarid vf Tvfi/^ic J^ iani aiaa t oi^nnS aiscS niaoS nrbaoS oAoaS nSooa n6BnS J. A, .^i 4^ FnrimitifH c/'r; Rft/imrti/ in Line AN EXPLANATIOX OF THE FIGTTIES B 77/-e Ensign D Seije TIllJ— 111"! ■■!— ■ ■< ii'iKijm J)ir'<-lphn e crihtFlatorn. ,S tM\^W, N iij\v"vO mmmmm '.^\f figi. lU .-LI.i JLHH ■ ■"" ■ WJ jc^^ ' .-ug. ' aii jjL L mniplin <■ , /•rhfl'liifivn . # ^ — TT-T -! ♦^ ^i bh # ■J. -^ '=^=^ ^ ^/. Lh TJi/ri/i'/iiifoftheFlatrt'ii .izriitcx;;tT:x.:£:xj* :..x:.i;;c;i:x;xni.:x;Enra Kg.3- l),snf)Une I'/lJir BalitUi' HgL bo I d"? h i^41 Itisapliiu- i>/' llli- JlfMi/ir'/i } I yj/.,;-,/,/,,!,- ef l/),£nft„{ ity. _ _gLLLLI_LLL//^ ,^_«jfiiiyBiyBfi^:,. „ lli lv~" c ififiB^**, ,.yffliiiii,i.ii/^ ^ ^eS I ni 11 r«r ::::::::::: 111 iiii h ^ J 11 II fir iiiiiiii:o[:[ic;:. It .■i,tlifi»i| ^,. .I__I_ ^ ■111 msE I Mirifi/w,- oiylifBnlliiJi l^U'ipTmf of the Baffalion. f,Tmm„l, /li, /-r,!,/ m /m , en ' ^d t: VhCfffjhfU i-r flif BfUtnh. I !l ! J .^ DLti/>7im oftheSaffaUon . ^ i' Ufa ^ Vuiiphiir cf' the BnlM/iim . I0!lEi'.:ZiXl!T I illlllilill!!i!llllllllllHI|i|||||l!!l:!ftHii Ti^.i ■H .^JS^'K" I ',:Miii!ii'i:iipi:i'iiii!^,CT Si ISW'' 'im% % ..:^ ... :: JH iig.i. i),y., ,•>,„.■ .1 .■!,.ll.,:i.,l,, Hg. W e ^ '^iiiiuiir m IJisaphiir 11/ till- llnnnnii I I Kfl. ^ Discipline cf the Sattalun. FiSL ^. ^. '^. "Q, ^: '=^:^: "?. "^:. ^. .n ■lis 3 JJIHUk-'l m.r ■ Es.2. AnmiBiS' Bf. Di.icipluij' cf rki Bathilio Chajujvuj Front rig.2. /" / / ^ <^ > ^m'tL :ijj«. // IB-" C2S ^•. li ^^B^-fHi-^ nrfThrT lie.. A I ^ A: 1 £vphfrions ofthmAurad E rcluticfur (^r tifw Line. /v. -i- iinmiiijimi II iiiiiii,ii,iwimMiJiii..i.i„ii!iiiiiiiji,iiiii IB lillllllllllillHIIIIIHI.III.M,l..,1!l .■B.llllll n J-iy.X. !> b i.B? 3.B? ■2 B^ /Jrrliff/c/hr (^r Hw L/nr. f'^-}- i , , ^. l.B? 3.B? i B? £yc/uh.'iu cttlu£iu/,i hhhM^MMAA^hHA. LkH: hk J kllrhr . M' "-vTC-J i: — --~r ri. 'iS. 2.«°." i " i PI. '^8. 2.«' .) "J. — ^ f/if /frff/^^^ ^"■if'jfvf' j_!_l l_ i! I! li l! >rz.3.»f" ng-.fi.-' ■^■ ^Z.3.B1» j.. ; iPZ. 4.B: / // 1 C- cd r f 3 B*:" 4, 1 / IB" ..'*^^ ,.'*% Evolulions of the Line. /'/.3P- in ■zx era rrrit \ \ \ ■.. '■••. \ \ '"■■: ■'■< c:::a \, \. \ ■•■■, /'/.3P- _3 J., \'\ ■••■... • 13 \ \. \ N cm. s KroU/tr^iiU: of tii-c Jdri<',n/.. ■is- 2 IfP \ 3 B""^ ■ 4 4:3". 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