T2»t "■i ( 1 ;-s| o=iB 3 >■ I Testimonials to John Taylor and Company r ^B 1 T ^ 'gesftmonials TO JOHN TAYLOR & Co., ^cli ^tounbcrs, LOUGHBOROUGH, Leicestershire. The New Tenor Bell of St. Patrick's Cathedral, Dublin. Weight 45 cwt 1 qr. 18 lbs. JOHN TAYLOR & Co.. BELL FOUNDERS, ONIALS.*- St. PATRICK'S CATHEDRAL. DUBLIN. A ii«w rinjj of ten liells. Tenor, i'.^ ewts. , ami that of tlie whole |m\i1, 170^ cwts. I liave niueh pleasure in stating that the hells have <, Fob. .•>tli. I.ili'.P. llKAR Sii:s, riie chime of bells that you lixed in the Tower of N'ewry Cathedral some short time ago. continue to give the utmost .satisfaction to nil wli.> Ileal- lliciii. To hear thciii cliiniing is very pleasant. THOS. MctilVKKN. liishop. lO'WA STATE AGRICaLTURAL COLLEGE, AMES, IOWA, U.S.A. A new chime of ten. Tenor, ;i2 cwts [Co]iy of letter to S. C. McFarland, Esi|., United States Consul, Nottingham.] CaSTI.E liATK. XoTTINtllAM, Sept. 20tli, IS'.I'.I. Keak Sir, I liave mucli pleasure in reporting to you the result of my visit to the Bell Foundry of Messrs. Taylor & Co., Loughborough, on behalf of the authorities of the Iowa State Agricultural College, as authorised liy you. The bells arc in my opiuion of (piite unusual excellence : the tone is resonant, full and mellow, Even when quite close to them there is no element of harshness, while from a little distance they are very I>urc and sympathetic. I tested them fully in many ways ; — single notes, intervals of thirds (major and minor i, fifths, etc., and testify that they are in perfect tunc. The proportion of copi)erand tin adopted by Messrs. Taylor & Co. is practically that specified by Lord Lirimthorpe, the greatest authority on the subject. In this instance it is i:! to 4. For chiming, the Ellacombe Apparatus is to be ado]>tcd. It was fully explained to me and seems admirable. In coiichuling this re))ort I must not omit mention of the courtesy and attention shewn me by Messrs. Taylor it Co., who were most anxious that I should test the bells in everr possible way as regards tune ; which I did to tlie full, and I have no hesitation in .saying that these bells are among the finest I have ever li.stened to. (Signed), ARTHUR P.VGE, F.R.C.O., Examiner to tlie Incorporated Society of Musicians; Hon. General Treasurer and Member of the General Council ; Local Examiner for the Royal College of Music ; Organist and Choir Waster of St Mary's Church, Xottiugham. LOUGHBOROUGH, LEICE.STERSHIRE 12:' t JOHN TAYLOR & Co., BELL FOUNDERS, St. PAUL'S CHURCH, BEDFORD. A new ring of ten (except the Htli;. Wei^lii (,,f leiioi-, 'J><^ ewts. St. Pail's Ciiuki ii, Beuf<>iii>, K.I.. 17tli, ISW. We have jjieat pleasuin in testifying to the very great success attendin|< the recent re-castintf of tlic oW peal of eight hells, and the adding of lwi> new trebles, tlins making a nna of ten f'H- the tower of St. Paul's Church. Bctlford. The wor'K was undertaken and success- fully carried out hy .Messrs. ,T. Taylor & Co., of Loughluirough. The hells are much admired for their sweetness any,\K Siii. The ]K'al was run^ most successfully at the I icili. atiou SiMvhi'. on Friday evening, and at its couclusinn fur two Iinurs. and they gavi- till" mi»st complete satisfaction to every one whu heard them, //u'n and since. \\\ arc satLslied and delighted with the r dear note of eaili hell, and of the wdiole when performed upon in change ringing, causing a tiniversal jdeasure and delight to the Parishioners. The ringers were .selected from three sets. viz.. St. Sidwcll's. St. l)avid's and St. Kdmuiid's (Kxeti-r) Chunhes. and they rang again yesterday (Xuras ni'irning), and this evening 1^ looirs hefore evening service, in the most faultless manner, hriuging out the sweet melodious tones of the hells in occ-asional volume and rich cadenee of music, alternately. To me it has Iiccn an ins])iration of gladness antl joy to have heard everycuie so delighted and full of praise of them, after my nine months of sili-nt anxiousness and toil, and for all to have come to such a splendiil and gratifying success. Wishing V'lU the enjnplinients of the present season, and that the coming year may he a hright and prosperous tine, I remain, vours sinecrelv. ALFRKli I'.UouKIM;. ;•. SaI.I lAIll Mill NT. llKA\iri!KK. F,.\KTKI1. llecemlier '^'\\\. 1XI7. llKAIl Sills, As the li.inor of one of the hells. I must write and thank you for the very line and most hcautiful hells which you have put up for us. 1 never heard any so hcautiful and midodious for their weight ; they certainly reflect the highest credit on your.sclvi's. .\ Band of sonic of the Kxeler guilds rang a (piart<^r |H>al of (Jraiidsire Triples on I hem yesterday in .'lU minutes, and it was a great treat. Wishing you a happy and prosperous N.w V.-ar. Yours truly, R". (i. BAKKR. HOLY TRINITY CHURCH, HDLL, YORKSHIRE. .\ new ring of ten. Tcuor, 25^ cwts. YOBKSHISE Baskiso Cojipasv, Ld , York, Jan. 22nd, 1901. fiKAR Sirs, During the time I held the position of Warden of Holy Trinity Church. Hull, I have the pleasure of saying that the old bells were re- cast and .1 new |>cal of ten hung in their place. The work was eii- trust^'d to .Messrs. .1. Taylor * Co., the well-known firm of Bell l-'oundcrs, at Loughltorough. 1 am glad to say that for purity of tone I fed sure they cannot !«; surpassed. I have heard a largo number of bells and have given con- siderable attention to all matters connected with them, but none, in my oiiinion, are to be compared to the 2o4 cwt. tenor boll of this peal. C. R. MOXOX. TODMORDEN, LANCASHIRE. .\ new ring of ciglit, also three extra half-tones. Weight of tenor, •S.\\ cwts. FiKiM THE RKV. CAXOX RUSSELL, Thk A'icabagk, Tod.mokdex, October 21st, IROf. Mkssks. Tavuii;, (iKNTI.KMKX, I shall always be pleased to siwak most highly of llio excellent work you ilid in the belfry of onr Parish Chnreli here. The hell.s and their liftings continue to give us all every satisfaction. It is not merely the ease with which even the heaviest of the jM-al is swung, but the sweetness ami fulness of the tone of them all, that ringers and their friends all alike admire. I do not think that wo could possibly have had the work bettor done than it was done hy you, and I have no hesitation in saying so. or in allowing you to make use of my testimony. Yours faithfullv, EUW.VKl) J. Rl'SSKLI. ARKLOW, Co. WICKLO"W, IRELAND. A new ring of eight. Tenor, 22.^ cwts. From the Rr. Uox. riiK Eaui. of Carv.sfokt. Ei.Tox Hall, PlTKRIioRorull, Jan. Itnh, I '.101. IlKMl Sins, The peal of eight bells which you made for me for SI. Saviour's Church, -Vrklow. has given the greatest siitisfuction. They have an excellent lone, which I think rather improves with use. I am, deal- Sir, Yours faithfullv. CARYSFOKT. HALLO'W, 'WORCESTERSHIHE. .\ new ring of eight. Tenor, 2JJ cwts. Parkfiki.h, Hallow, WoRCf-STEK, Fpuii .Mrs. C. Wiikelkv-Lka. Jan. 20rd, I'.iOI. To Messrs. J. Tavlor & Co. liEAR Sirs, It gives me very groat pleasure to aibl my testimony to the ex- ecllenl work which has been done for Hallow Church by you. The peal "f eight bells is satisfactnry in every ivspect, and I hear on all sides .if the vicinity iinlimitod praise of the lino sweet tone of the bells : while the interest ;tud pleasure they give to the Hallow parishioners, the Cathedral ringers, and many others, proves to me that 1 could not have done lictter than entnist the work to you. Yours faithfullv, AMY M. \\"HEELEY-LEA. LOUGHBOROUGH, LEICESTERSHIRE. '718979 JOHN TAYLOR & Co.. BELL FOUNDERS, SAMLESBUKT, LANCASHIRE. A new ring uf rijfht. l.-imr, lli^ r\vt>. StaXI.KV UHAN;ht liells wliieh slie gave to S.">nilcsburv Church, and it is rciuarked liy many jieiijilc that thcv are the hest for miles uruunil. MITFORD, NORTHUMBERLAND. .\ now chiiuo of eit;lil. Tenur, 17f{ I'wts. JlnioKIl Vll AliAtiK, MoHrKTII, .Ian. 2UU. IHOI. UESTLKJfKN. Mr.s. J. P. (>. Mitford has sent uie your letter and asks uie to i'.\- press the o]>iuion of the parish on llie new peal of hells. I think that we all value the ])eal extremely, finding it a very great iui]irovoniont on the old hells, possessing greater richness of tone and carrying much further. Yours faithfullv, K. C. MACLEOD. MALVERN LINK, WORCESTERSHIRE. A now ring oi cigiii. i'l lli.i c«ls The VuAHAi.K, .Mai.vkkx Lixk. Oct. a2nd. i;ioo. Deajj .\Ir. Tayi-ok, Now that our helfry seems to he comjdcte with dock, chimes, and striker, it seeius convenient that I should write to you to say how en- tirely pleased we are with tlu' ring of eight hells you liavc made us. They have heen rung twice in my hearing, ami the tone and tune is very .sound and sweet, csjjceially. 1 think, the smaller hells deserving of liigh commendation. The trehlc and Xo. 2 sjieak out very fair and clear. Yours faithfully, ARCimi.M.li liAV. HUGGLESCOTE. LEICESTERSHIRE. A ring of eight. Tenor, ir>j cwI^. 111 lil.l.fcsi oTK Vll AKAl.K. Leu KsTKK, Jan. L'ord, I'.PUl. In .\ugust last year our ])eal of eight hells was dedicated. One hell had been previously placed in the tower hy Mr Taylor: the .seven were new. The hells are very beautiful, and are very much admired .\s honourable men of business Jlessrs. Taylor are most ]>leasant to deal with. HK.XHY K. HKOl'tillTOX, Vicar of ilugglescote anil Uural Dean. NORTON, Nr. SHEFFIELD. .\ new ring of eight. Tenor. 1.")^ ewts IJEXTI.EMEN XoRTox VicAKAi^K, Xr. SiiEirrEi.i), Kebruary 2nd, is;i7. EXTI.EMKX, I have ]>leasure in .sending you che7. Dkak Sins. The l)clls :n-c vcrv s;iiisi;irtory and give great pleasiire. Yours faithfully, DOL'GLAS S. Gl'Y. BOLSOVER, DERBYSHIRE. .V new ring of six. Tenor. 14;{ cwts. TlIK VlLAKAGE, Bol.SOVEK. ClIESTEKllKMl. Kebruary stir, l.s'.i'.i. liKMI.K.llKX, The new ]«*al of six Sells that you fixed in the belfry of Bolsover Churih hist .\ugust give uni|UaliHcd approval. They are sweet in tout' anrl admired by everyone who hears thcui. Tlie steel frame and all belonging to it are simply iwrfoct. .Mthough it was only twenty years before that you fixed a similar jical in the Church which was destroyed by lire in .January, l*<97, still these new bells and all relating to them are considered much sujKM'ior, as you have made i-apid advancement in the jM-rfccting of the manufaetnrc and fixing since then. The Xorth Kast Dcrhy.shirc and the South Yorkshire llellringers .\ssoeiation have rung several peals on these new bells, and they are .simidy enchanted with them. I shall be happy to be a reference to any intending agiplicant for the supply of your work. You send obliging and reliable men to lix vuur work. Yours faithfully. THOMAS CllAULKS HILLS. Vicar BURGESS HILL, SUSSEX. A new ring of five Ti'noi-. II-,' rwis. WooDltOl KXK. BiKliESS llll.l.. SrssK.V. Jan. (dh, \W\. Dkai; Siijs. You will be pleased to learn that our new bells at St. Jcdni's Church have been heard with great pleasure by the wbiile of the in- habitants, and that they are in every way perfectly satisfact-iry. Yours faithfully, A. K. IIAUnWTCK WERRINGION CHURCH, DEVONSHIRE. .V new ring of eight. Teuor, I4i ewt-. FlTTI.EHOKni Uk< Toin, Sussex. July IMli, IHilS. Dear Sirs, I cannot let my visit to your I'oundry, on Tuesday last, |iass without a written word to you expressive of the great satisfaction and pleasure which I cx)x;rienced. It is no small thing to have witnessed the realisation of an idea which has oieupied no inconsiderable jiart of my time and attention for above 20 years. For this I have uow to thank you. The i)eal of eight bells which yon invited me to test scientifically, is simply perfect. Yon may have made others as good ; but, as far as my experience goes, this is the first and only peal in England of which I could say this much — LOUGHBOROUGH, LEICESTERSHIRE. JOHN TAYLOR & Co.. BELL FOUNDERS E;i<:li hell has its several tones in AiMOi.bTE harmouy. And the several bells are in i-KKFtxr tune with each other. The PLKiTv of tone is not only remarkable as compared with the ordinary run of bells. It is i-ekfkct Habit and ))rejudicc are powerful hindranecs to the apjireciation of a novel exi-cllenee. Hut I am certain that no one who has once cxiMirienceil thir musical satisfaction of such a peal a< this could ever be content with the very incomjdctc tuning which has liillicrto passed muster. I will nr.t enlarge here on the share which I have taken in pm- dncinx this result. Ycm will. I am sure, acknowleds;e this to your- selves, ami to others. I woulil rather siicak of my admiration of the intelligence, skill and ]ierseverance, im your part, which has enabled you to carry out these ideas to a so eminently successful practical result. I heartily wish you all the coumicrcial success which you deserve : .ind it shall not be my fault if you do not attain it. I am. Dear Sirs, Yours faithfully. .V U. SIMPSON, Rector of l-'ittleniirtli, and Canon and Prebendary "f Oiiclicster. P.S. — Plea.se to nuikc any uso you can of this letter. BRIERLEY HILL, S TAFFORDSHIEE. A new ring of eight. Tenor, Hi cwts. TiiK Kk< roin . nuiKui.KV Him., Jan. l"Jth, I'JOI. I)K.VK SlUS. I have had our new peal of eight bells thoroughly tested, and have much pleasure in sending you the enclosed, which is the testimonial of two good men who thoroughly understand bells ami music, I sign it with jilcasure and perfect approbation. Yours sinccrelv, Il'KKIiKKT II, DIBBKX. We liavi' tlioroughly and most practically tested the liells of St. Michael's Parish Church, and tind them very well in tunc. Their tone is most mid"ilious, their fittings and hangings arc on the best ami most modern principle, and tliey are in fact all that lan be desired. We do not hesitate to say that we have one of the finest j>eals of bells within a radius of many miles. The ringers sjieak most highly of thciii, and one remarkable fact is that they jmll otV from the back stroke more easily than they do from the salley, proving that they arc so nicely hung that the weight of the ropi^s abmc makes this ditVcremc Fortunately to-day (.Ian. 26tli, IHOI) there were between lifty and sixty members ..f various Associations of Hell Ringers from Worcester- shire and tlic surrounding districts i)resent. who spoke most highly in their praise, w-hich is in itself a very goi>d testimonial. HERBERT H. DIBBEX, Rector. K. B. (il'EST. HEN'RY M. JACKSOX, Organist of the Parish Church, WoUastou, Stourluidge, MARALIN, Co. DOWN, IRELAND. A new chime of eiglit. Tenor, 14.^ cwt>. ThK KfXTOKV, -Makamn, Co. Udwn, Ikki.am), :;ith April, 1S98. tiKNTI.KMKN, The bells arc a great success and cvcrv'.nc wa^ pleased when they were rung after the Dedication Service on Easter Tuesday. Their b'Uc is very sweet ami they are in perfect tune. Faithfully yoirs, T. WILLIAM CLAREXDtlX. DEVYNOCK, Co., BRECON. A new ring of six. Tenor, Hi cwts. Aber.sen.\v, Sennv I'kmm.k, bKh;< ijv, Feb. 4th, '.s'J'J. Dear Sik.s, In reply to your letter I have nnich pleasure in stating that the work (consisting of re-easting f'lur bells with old inscriptions, adding two new bells to form a peal of six, ami rc-hanging the same in new framework in the tower of Devynoek Church) which your firm executed fur us last year, has given entire salisfacli'.n. Yours faithfully, MOROAX TIIO.MAS. Chui-ehwardcn. EAST TYTHERLEY, HAMPSHIRE. A new ring of eight. Tenor 14} cwts. East TvritKKi.KV Vn ai;a<.k. Sai.isiii Itl, Feb. tilh, IfiU'J. Deak Siks, I write to .say llial 1 am very plca-cd with lli.- |»-al of eight ludls you have placed in our new tower ; ami though that was a pretty jieal you hung for me in L.nkerlcy Church souu> nine years ag.> I think your remark when I consulted you about a jieal for this parish, that you had made a vast improvement in the art of bell-ca.sting since then, fully justified: for every one in the neighbourhocid who hears the l)resent jwal, says : '• What a very pretty-toueil peal of liells you have at Tytherlcy." The hanging is all that couhl be desired. Yours truly, STAFFORD F. HOL'RDILLoX. THRAPSTON. NORTHAMPTONSHIRE, A uew ring of eight. Tenor, 14 cwts. UMON DaMv, TlIKAfsTO.V, Feb. 4tli, l(j;ty. Dkak Sirs, The |ieal of eight bcll.s recently lixed by your lirm in Thrajiston Parish Church has given great satisfaction to every one eoueemed, being both tuneful ami mcloili.ius. The work of erection was carried out with great cxiicdit ion and in a manner creditable to your lirm. The ipiality of the liells is perhaps liest shown by the fact that bell- ringers in the ncighbourh'iod have been most anxious to come ami rin" them, and the univers:il opinion cxpivsscd has been one of umiualitied approval. I ivmaiu. Yours faithfully, JOHX IJRAXT. AMFTHILL, BEDFORDSHIRE. A uew ring of six. Teuor, 13J cwts. The Kkhokv, .Vmithiii., F.li. 4th, 18y'.», Deak Siks, I have much ]ileasurc in testifying to the excellent work done by Messrs. Taybo- last year, in re-casting the Jn-al of live bolls in the Palish Church of .\mpthill and i-e-hauging them in a new iron frauie. The bells are very sweet in tone and the whole work was done cxiieditiously and well, .(. (^. SCRYMSOUR VICHOLL. Rector of .Vmpthill LOUGHBOROUGH. L E I C E S f E R S H I R E . JOHN TAYLOR & Co., BELL FOUNDERS. NEW MILLS, DERBYSHIRE. A new ring <freat satis- faction anil pleasure which the hells have ;^iven to the whole Parish, and to tiianv outside residents in the distance We do not hesitate to say that thoy are ])rononnced to ho the hest |K'al of liells for hcautiful tone and sound in the neiithhcoirhood. Liking a circuit of ten to lifteen uiiles from the Clnirch as a centre. Wc liave much jileasure in in- forming you that such a delij.jhtful )>e;il in our uiidst hears testimony til the liij,'h character ami esteem t" which ymi as a Kirm have raised yourselves, and wo consider that the whole woik will prove a lasting sueccss Wc remain, Yours very truly, .lAMES HIISBEKT, .1.1' (Donor). I-RKDKRICK W. XEWMAX. M.A.. Vicar of Xcw Mills. IIKNKY liAUliKi;. .1 P.; thurehwardon.s. '/:i>o smaller bells lo coiiipleic Ihc octave ate noiv being added. Easlei , I go I. St. IGNATIUS" CHURCH. SUNDEKLAND, Co. DURHAM .\ new ring of six. Tenor. i:i[ iwt>. + . TlIK l).\KS. WksT. Si MiKltl.VMi. Apl. Mill, l.s'.i.'^. Ml Iik.m; Sihs. The hells you supplieil to us were run;; on Kaster Day. and linve j^iven us great .satisfaction. Their tone is most sweet and pleasant, and all the mechanism seems to work in a most admirahle way. I am. Yours very faithf\illy. KIh; \K ll(ilUiI\(iT(lX. BUCKLAND BBEWEB, N. DEVON. .\ new ring of six. Tenor, lo cwts. TlIK Vll AKAliK, Hll KI..\Mi liUKHKK, ItiiiKioiiii. X'. Dkvos, .luly nth. I'.iOd Dear Mr. Taylor, The hells give us every satisfaction. Wc liavc. and »e receive, nnthing hut good words :ihout them : thoy are verv tuneful and ring well i am. Yours sineerely, J. HKYWOOD-WADlUXliTOX. CHaiST CHURCH, WIMBLEDON, SURBEF. .V new chime of six. Tenor, lo cwts Coi.fcni I if.i.ii, WiMlll.KIMjN. .Jan 2:ird, lltOl. .Mkssk«. .Ioiin Ta^i.ok a Co. The six hells which you have recently supjdied to Christ I'hureh, Wiuihlediiu. on fixed bearings, as necessitated hy the nature of the lower, are very sweet in tone, and, when skilfully idaycd, arc very Harmonious. Yours faithfully, F. 0. PEXROSE. DEQANWT, CABNAKVONSHIBE. A chime of six and an huur hell "f \2\ cwts. 10. Kim. Stukkt, Wi-^sr, Manhikster, .Ian. Wrd, mOI. liKXTI.KMKN. 1 have genuine pleasure in ;idding my testimony to that of many, so easy to imagine, in ninpialiticd praise of the Chime of Six Hells and the Hour llell iilaccil Iiy your lii'iii in De^anwy Church Tower, near Llandiidii". Xnrlli Wales, now m"ic than a year ago. Indeed after the unsliiiled pcrsoiiiil allenlinn "f Mr. Taylor himself ,'ind his worthy men the entirely .satisfactory result is a natural and delightful consei|UCUce, Truslin;; thai the heail and memhurs of so deserving and time- h"iiciiiicd a III 111 may enjoy coiitinneil and extended vitality ami renown. I remain. (Jentlemen, Yours siucerelv, CokXEUrS SEVKK. aOSSCABBERY OATHEDBAL. Co. CORK. .\ new riug "f livr Tcii.ir, IL'V owl,... lil.AMMilJK lldlsK, Co. CoKK. Fob. l:!lh, ISOn. Dkak Sik, I am much pleased w-ith the jM'al of live bells you have put up for meat Rosscarhery ill llie old Catliedral of St. Faughnan's, as also are my Vestry and Parishioners. Their tone is sweet and they are heard at a considciahle distance. Yours trulv. .1. M. liKKVKS. Dean St. ELISABETHS CHURCH. REDDISH, LANCASHIRE. A new ring of ciglil. Tenor, 12 cwt.s. St. Ei.isahkth's Hki roitv. Ukmiiimi. Stih ki-okt. Feb. 4tli. IMl'.i. The Rev. Edmund Oldlield. Recl..r of St, Eli.saheth's Church. Reddish, Lancashire, is vi'ry mneli jjleased with the s})lcndid and tuneful jx'al of cij;hl bells recently placed in the tower nf St. Elisabeth's by Messrs. Taylor »&<''■ . of Li'iighl>or,iugIi. The hells are a delight to the whole neighbourhood : and Ihc guomptness and courtesy of the Messrs. Taylor and their workmen arc beyond all juaise. HARTFORD, CHESHIRE. A iii'w ri "K of Tcni.r. 12 c-wt.,. ilAKIIIiltli Vll MCAi.K. ( HKsllllil'.. .\ugnsl 4th. is: 1 7 Ml Dkai! Si us. You will be pleased !■■ hear thai your bells are highly rcconmiendcil by our nci;,(libouring bell-ringers, who have all had a ring on Ihcni. and they all agree Dial they are the sweetest and best tuned bills mIm.uI. and thev give great satisfaction to all the iiaiishioners Yours faitlifnllv. E. KlUinWKS TUSHINQHAM. CHESHiaE. A new ring of si.\. iennr. 11 j iwls. MaI.I-As. CllKslllUK. 1-cl,. bill, l.s'.lll. *'^;^ ri.K>iK>. 11 alTords nic miicli pleasure to ci.nvcy In yon the thanks of Ihc Committee f"r the cxcellcnl and satisfactory manner in which yon have made and erecicil the beautiful ]ieal nf bidls at St. Chad's Church. Tushingham. in memory of llii' late Hon. Edward Kenyon of Maeefen. and to say how |ileased both iMis. Kenyon anil the Com- millcc arc with the bells and the work generally. I am. lientlemen. Yours trulv, THOMAS G. WYCHERLEY. Hon. Sec LOUGHBOROUGH, LEICESTERSHIRE. JOHN TAYLOR & Co., BELL FOUNDERS, GBEAT ADDINQTOir, NORTHAMPTONSHIRE. A new ring of six. Tenoi-. 10 cwis. M-4NOR HOCSK, fJKE.lT ADDIXGTOS, TllR.ll'.STOX, .\piil .ird, 18'.l!». Gextlemes, L:idy Downe is qnite deliglitoil with Ilio |)oal "f liclls wlii""li were well mna yesterday for tlie lirst time. Tlie jwal is full of melody and poetry and pathos, and I tliiiik the whole parish feel that it is a trreat enjoyment for themselves aneak Sirs, The recast hells ;r. I'J ewls. Samihh.i. 1'auk, Taixtox. .fan. L'oi-.l. I'.iOl. Dear Sirs, I have great pleasure in stating that your work in recasting the si.\ bells of Ash Priors Chuich was, so far as I can judge, most jwr- fectly done, antl the tone and tunefulness of the peal leave nothing to be desired. Yours truly, W. PROCTdR BAKKH. 'WYKEHAM, YORKSHIRE A new ring of five. Tenor, It^ cwts. Wvkkiiam. U.S.O., YllRKKIIIBE, Keb. Kith. lOOO. Deab Sib.*!, I should like to send you a few lines to tell you what satisfaction and delight your live Im'IIs (Lady Downe's generons gift to oar Church) have given to the Parish generally. The bells have been set in the tower in a very skilful and work- manlike way, and I should like, on my own account, to say a word of commendation of your two men, who did what they haare no |>ains. Thanking you for the prompt way in which y"ur order has lieen carried out. I am. Dear Sir, Yours faithfully, \V." H. SAVILE. SHARESHILL, STAFFORDSHIRE. A new rini; "i >i\. l- 11' 'V. ;» cwi-. SiiAKEsiiii.i, Vicarage, WoLytRJIAJII-TOX, .Jan. :!Oth, I'JOO. Dear Sirs, The bells which you have made and hung in the tower of our Church to the order of H. L. Vernon, Esf|. , of Uilton Park, weiv o]x?ned anil dedicated cpn Saturday. I lie 27th. Even-thing works well. The chiming apparatus is simijlicity itself. The |>cal, six l>ells, is full of music and is much admired by all who hear them. Y'oui's faithfully, E." RUSS. NEWBOROUGH, STAFFORDSHIRE A new ring of live Tenn •, 7i cwts. Xewborolch Vicarage, Burtox-ox-Teext, .fan. .-JOth. lltOl. Messrs. J. Taylor * Co. have erected a line peal of live bells in our uew Church. The whole of the work is excel'entlj' well done. The timing of the haruuinics is well-nigh perfect, and gives a ricliness and wonderful charm to their musical elTect. I consider Messrs. Taylor as modei-ate moreover in their prices as they are thorough in their workmanship. T HERBERT SPIXXEY, M.A., Oxou. Fellow Royal College of Organists. Late Organist of Exeter College in the University of Oxford. Vicar of X'ewborough. Staffs. LOUGHBOROUGH, LEICESTERSHIRE. JOHN TAYLOR & Co., BELL FOUNDERS, STOCKPOBT PARISH CHUKCH, CHESHIKE. Tlip ti'iiui licll iv-c:i^t :iiiil Iwc. new triO>les mldeil t" ii'inpli'to llie ring of ton. The wlmlo |h"ii1 IiuhnI ami rt'-hmiK in nn inm framp. Weight of tenor, 24 cwts. •12. MriiDI.K Hll.I. tlATK. STOC K I'OliT, Deoouilier littli, 1807. Tlio f\iU )ieal was rnnj; "n Satnrilay afternoon Inst, nnd is a kic"* suocesK. Yoiir.leli' llie octave. The whole jieal tttnec! anil reliuii<; in an iron frame. Weisfht of tenor. 22 <'\vts. 1! u \ iis-Mi riimrsTiiN. XciRTIHMI ToNMIIRK. .Tune i;th. ^HSK Dear Sirs. I have pleasure in forwardint; you iheiim- in jiayment of the en<-l()se(l a/e. fm- the two new hells whieh UincUy reieijit and return in ilue eourse. I am jileaseil to say that the whole of your work thus far has i;iven universal satisfaition ami I shall he plea.sed to jjive you a full testimonial at any time you may wish or ask for same. Yours faithfully, .TOIIX KTNTiSMITH. MABGATE PARISH CHURCH, S. JOHN, KENT. The thiril lu-ll re-cast ami the rins; "I ei>;lit re-huMi; with new littin>/s in an iron frame. Tenor, 2li ents. TiiK VirAKA<;K. ^Iaki;atk, Kel.ruary 2.-ith. I'.lOfl. |Ii-;aii Silt, 1 hey to aekuottledge the rei eipt of your a C. I think that the Committee will inform you of their i-oui))lete satisfaetion with the way ill vTliieh the work has hetMi done. I inueh regret that wo did not ask you to take the matter in hand at the heKiimiiiK. I: xpt'i ientia docet. Yours very truly, W. 11. TliET>A\V\Y ASirn lX-r;\VATKT\. WALTHAM ABBEY. ESSEX. The riuff of eight tuned and le-hunK with new fittings in an iron twelve-hell frame. Tenor, 17 cwts, WaI.TIIAM .\I!I!KV, Ksse.x, May 24tli, I'.ifPO. Mv Pear Mr. Tavi.or, I am very much ]deased with the way the work has heen carried out. I thou^jht the castiuKS of the frame were heautifully clear and well-done. The men ilid their work very (juietly ami vi'iy nuickly. The hells move extremely well and eaii he rung with the greatest ease. They are greatly iuiproved in tone, ami are much clearer and more hrilliaut than tliey were. Kveryone says how mm li Letter they are. and our organi.st was greatly struck with the inii>rovement when he first heard them. Yours very sincerely. (REV.) F. ]',. JOHNSTOX PORTISHEAD, SOMEBSET. Two new trehles to eom)dete the octave. I'cuor, 1(1 cwts. PoRTISIIEAD, 8th .January, 181I.S Gentlemen, Herewith I have much jileasure in sending you clie(|ue in settle ment of your aeeount. The new hells are everything to he desirci and rclleet great eredit upon th(> niaunfacturers. .Vs one of th. ringers we shall he jdeased to aild our testimony to the satisfactioi yitu have given us and thanking yon for the aide manner in whici you have served us. Believe me, Yonrs res)x>ctfully. WTLIJAM GILLINGHAM STONET STANTON, LEICESTERSHIRE. .\ new trehle, fifth and tenor to comjdcte the "octave. The whole pea tuned and re-liung in an iron frame. Weight of tenor. 14 cwts. Sto!?et Stanton Rkctorv. Hinckley. Xovemher 12th, l.S'J.s I have miudi plea.siir( .same time I desire ti GENTLE.MEN, In rej^ly to your letter daleil the 4th insi in .sending you the enclo.sed cliei|ne. At the exjin'ss to you my satisfaction, shared hy my I'liurchwardens. at tto way in which your work lias heen executed. Yours very truly, A. I'.. D. liISXKV PULBOROUOH, SUSSEX. Tliree new trehh's to complete the octave. Tenor, 14 cwts PrMHiKoroH, January 8th, 1898, Gentlemen, I have great pleasure in enclosing checine. We are delightei with the excellent way that you have carried out the work The ne\' hells are heautifully toned and harmonise splendidly with the old live' ami the whole peal is now very sweet sounding I hi'ar nothing hu; praise of thi'm from all our ueighhours round. I must thank you to. , fi'r the excellent new frame We had no idea it would he so good. Yours faithfully, i. r,. \. f'ORDF.X. :' WASHINGBOBOUGH, Near LINCOLN. Two new smaller hells added to eomplete the octave, and the whol. peal re-tuned ami hung with new fittiugs Tenor, 12:f ewts. 4, Ventnor Terrace, Lincoln, Septemher 22nd, l,S9r,-: WASITIN(;I!OUOt"f;lI ciiircii. Hear Sirs, 1 have much pleasure in sending to you the enclosed Baiil:-r Ih-aft for the amount of your account for the two hells presented I. me. I heard the entire set of hells, last Saturday, when our Cathedra. Ringers wont down to Washinghorougli and rang them for two or threi . hours to the great ilelight of the inhahitants. I have since seen onj of the hodv and he told me that they all spoke in the highest prai.se ol the hells generally, hut partiiularly of the two new ones. I stood ii,. the outskirts of the village, and was really charmed with the musi^ from the (dinn h tower, and I heg tliat you will aceejit my thanks fuj executing my ordi'r in a way that gives general .satisfaction. i' i remain, dear Sirs. j; Yours very faithfully, j J. N. whaley;^ Ii