University of California Berkeley 7 *" ^ (~* . [ ^ii > PORTRAITS OF American Protestant Missionaries to Hawaii Published by the Hawaiian Mission Children's Society ENGRAVED AND PRINTED BY THE HAWAIIAN GAZETTE CO. HONOLULU 1901 Copyright, 1901, by Lyle Alexander Dickey. GIFT . ABBREVIATIONS. In the personal records of the missionaries the following abbreviations have been used : b. born, m. married, d. died, rel. released, ret. returned. arr. arrived, ord. ordained, stat. stationed, vis. visited. In reading these, "at," "to," etc., may be supplied as the sense requires. Coll. College. Sem. Seminary. A dash ( ) before a year date may be read "until" or "till." . 387 I . = .():): GAZETTEER. While the "Sandwich Islands" were missionary ground, eighteen missionary stations were successively chosen and occu- pied. There were many other preaching stations some of great importance which were not the residences of missionaries. The following enumeration of stations begins at the north-west end of the group, and gives some characteristics of each place. KAUAI Waimea, S. W. capital city, at the mouth of Waimea river; warm, dry, and sheltered from the trade wind. Koloa, S. E. waterbrooks ; trade wind; soil, rocky but fertile. Waioli, N. on Waioli river and Hanalei bay; abundant rains; perennially verdant. OAHU Honolulu, S. capital city and commercial center; trade wind; dry at shore. Punahou site of boarding school for missionaries' children, 2 miles E. of Honolulu. Ewa, C. 12 miles from Honolulu; a dry district but rich in food. Waialua, N. W. at mouth of river ; the port of a large grazing and farming district. Kaneohe, N. E. well watered and rich; only 10 miles from Honolulu, but separated by the barrier of the "Pali." MOLOKAI Kaluaaha, S. E. strong trade winds ; no running water. MAUI Lahaina, W. capital city, 88 miles from Honolulu ; sheltered and warm ; water brooks, though a dry district. Lahainahma site of Boys' High School and Seminary ; 2 miles E. of Lahaina. Wailuku, C. trade wind; abundant water; a rich food district. Makawao, C. 7 miles from the sea ; elevated and cool ; a rich farming and grazing district. Hana, E. an isolated district : strong trade winds ; rainy. HAWAII Kailua, W. capital city : sheltered, warm, rocky, dry ; having good fishing privileges ; rich upland. Kaawaloa, W. the scene of Capt. Cook's death; 12 miles S. of Kailua, and having the same characteristics. Napoopoo, on the opposite or S. side of Kealakekua bay, was, later, a missionary residence and church site. Waimea, C. 12 miles from the sea and 2600 ft. above it; having a breezy and bracing climate. Kohala, N. 7 miles from X. W. point of the island ; trade wind and abundant water. Hilo, E. the center of a well watered and fertile district of great extent. Waiohinu, S. possesses the only living stream of the S. W. half of the island. IV. ^ KAUAI MAUI HAWAII v. v. Brig Thadcleus, Capt. Blanchard, (James Hunne\vell, first officer,) sailed from Boston Oct. 23, 1819; sighted Mauna Kea Mar. 30, 1820; sailed around the nortli side of Hawaii; at Kawaihae heard of the overthrow of idolatry, and received a number of chiefs as passengers for Kailua; and anchored at Kailua, Hawaii, Apr. 4, 1820. 164 days. The Am. Board paid $2500. for the passage of the missionaries, besides provisioning them for the long voyage. King Kaumualii of Kauai, during May, 1820, handsomely repaid Capt. Blanchard, for bringing back his son, George, who also was a passenger from Boston free provisions for the brig, and sandal- wood valued at $1000. PIONEER COMPANY. Rev. Hiram Bingham and wife. Ordained at Goshen, Ct., Sep. 28, 1819. Daniel Chamberlain, wife and five children. Farmer. Thomas Holman, M.D. and wife. Physician. Elisha Loomis and wife. Printer. Samuel Ruggles and wife. Teacher and catechist. Rev. Asa Thurston and wife. Ordained at Goshen, Ct., Sep. 28, 1819. Samuel Whitney and wife. Teacher and mechanic. Thomas Hopu, William Kanui, and John Honolii, Hawaiian helpers from Cornwall (Ct.) school. 17 Dag. 1852. Rev. Hiram Bingham, h. Bennington, Vt., Oct. 30, 1789; Mid- dlebury Coll. 1816; Andover Sem. 1819; arr. Honolulu Apr. 19, 1820; was pastor of the first church (Kawaiahao) ; was prom- inent in the creation of a written language, and translation of the Bible and school books ; and was a trusted adviser of King and chiefs in their complications with foreigners : ret. to U. S. 1841 ; d. New Haven, Ct, Nov. u, 1869. In 1852 -Mr. Bingham married Miss N. E. Morse, of New Haven, Ct. She died Aug. 31, 1873. Painting by S. F. B. Morse, N. Y., 1819. Mrs. (Sybil Moseley) Bingham, of Canadaigua, N. Y., b. Westfield, Ms., Sep. 14, 1792; m. Hartford, Ct., Oct. n, 1819; lived 21 yrs. at H. Is.; d. Easthampton, Ms., Feb. 27, 1848. 7 children. Aug. 3, 1840, Barque Flora sailed from Honolulu for X. Y., arriving Feb. 4, 1841, with H. Bingham, wife and 3 children, Mrs. Thurston and 5 children, and a daughter of the Armstrongs. Photo about 1860. Daniel Chamberlain, Farmer, of Brookfielcl, Ms. ; arr. Hono- lulu, Apr. 19, 1820; labored at Honolulu and Waimea, Kauai ; ret. with family to U. S. with Capt. Chandler, Mar. 21, 1823; d. 1881. JERUSHA CHAMBERLAIN. Mrs. Jerusha Chamberlain of Brookfield, Ms.; lived at H. Is. three years; ret. to U. S. Mar. 21, 1823, with husband and six children ; d. 1879. 6 children. From a Painting by S. F. K. Morse, N. Y., 1819. Thomas Holman, M.D. of Cooperstown, N. Y. ; arr. Kailua, Apr. 12, 1820; withdrew July 30, 1820; ret. to U. S. with wife, and one child, Lucia Kamamalu, in 1821 ; dismissed May 12, 1822; d. Mar. 20, 1826. Photo. 1866. Mrs. (Lucia Ruggles) Holman, of Brook-field, Ct. ; b. Oct. 12, 1793; m. to Dr. Holman Sep. 26, 1819; lived 2 yrs. at H. Is.; as a widow, m. Hon. Danl. Tomlinson of Ct. ; d. June 20, 1886. 4 Children. Dr. Holman and family accepted free passage home in a whaleship via China and Cape of Good Hope; and Mrs. Holman is believed to be the first American lady to circumnavigate the globe. I ELISHA LOOMIS. MARIA THERESA SARTWELL LOOMIS Elisha Loomis, Printer, b. Middlesex, Yates Co., N. Y., Dec. , 1799; arr. Honolulu Apr. 19, 1820; first printing, Jan. 7, 1822; ret. to U. S. with family, Jan. 6, 1827; in 1828, at Roches- ter, N. Y., he printed and issued the first, second, and fourth gospels in Hawaiian, these being the first books of the Bible com- pletely translated ; for 2 years was missionary to the Indians at Mackinaw; d. 1837. Mrs. (Maria Theresa Sartwell) Loomis of Utica. X. Y., b. Hartford, Oneida Co., N. Y., Aug. 25, 1796; m. Sep 27, 1819; lived 7 years at H. Is. ; d. . 2 children. Photo 1868. Samuel Ruggles, Teacher, b. Brookfield, Ct., Mar. 9, 1795; arr. Honolulu, Apr. 19, 1820; Waimea, Kauai, July 25, 1820; Hilo, Jan. 24, 1822; Kaawaloa, July, 1828; Waimea, Hawaii, 1831 ; ret. to U. S. Jan. 6, 1834; rel. Nov. 29, 1836; d. at Ft. At- kinson, Wisconsin, Sep. , 1871. Photo 1868. Mrs. (Nancy Wells) Ruggles, b. E. Windsor, Ct., Apr. 18, 1791 ; m. Sep. 22, 1819; lived at H. Is. 14 yrs. ; d. at Ft. Atkinson, Wisconsin, Feb. 26, 1873. 6 children. Mr. Ruggles, wife and 4 children, also a daughter of Mr. Bingham and a daughter of Mr. Whitney arr. at Sag Harbor, L. I., June 19, 1834, in ship Telegraph, Capt. Sayre. Free passage and courteous treatment by the captain. o >> Photo 1864. Rev. Asa Thurston, b. Fitchburg, Ms., Oct. 12, 1787; Yale Coll., 1816; Andover Sent., 1819; arr. Kailua, Apr. 12, 1820, and there for 40 years he lived and labored ; his share in the trans- lation of the Bible is equal to 18 hooks 14 singly and 8 jointly; in 1863 made a brief visit to California; d. Honolulu, Mar. n, 1868. Mrs. (Lucy Goodale) Thurston, b. Marlb&rough, Ms., Oct. 29, 1795; m. Oct. 12, 1819; lived at H. Is. 56 years, making two visits to U. S. for health; d. Honolulu, Oct. 13, 1876. 5 children. From an oil painting by S. F. B. Morse, N. Y., 1819. Rev. Samuel Whitney, Teacher and Mechanic, of New Haven, b. Branford, Ct, Apr. 28, 1793; Yale Coll. 1819; arr. Hono- lulu, Apr. 19, and Waimea, Kauai, July 25, 1820; ordained at Kailua, Nov. 30, 1825: moved to Lahaina, 1827; to Waimea, Kauai, 1829; d. Lahainaluna, Dec. 15, 1845. Mrs. (Mercy Partridge) Whitney, b. Pittsfield, Ms.. Aug. 14, 1795; m. Oct. 4, 1819; visited U. S. in 1860; lived at H. Is. 52 years; d. Waimea, Kauai, Dec. 26, 1872. 4 children. Schooner Mermaid, Capt. Kent, arrived at Honolulu from Tahiti, Apr. 16, 1822, bringing an English missionary deputa- tion, which comprised Messrs. Tyerman, Bennett, and Ellis, and Auna and Matatore, Tahitian chiefs and teachers. These men did good service, and returned to Tahiti in the same schooner, Aug. 27, 1822, having given up their original plan of visiting the Marquesas Islands. Capt. Kent brought also, on this voyage, the schooner Prince Regent, as a gift from the British Government to King Liholiho. She was a neat craft of 70 tons, built in New South Wales, mounting six brass guns, and in all respects suited to the tastes of the recipient. Schooner Active, Capt. Richard Charlton, arrived from Tahiti, Feb. 4, 1823, bring Rev. William Ellis and wife, and Taua and Tute, Tahitian teachers. Mr. Ellis remained, at this time, eighteen months, and returned to England, with his family, i 'iii Cape Horn and New England ports. '* Portrait from Hist. Lon. Miss. Soc., Oxford. Rev. William Ellis, b. Charles St., Longacre, London, Aug. 29, 1794; London Miss. Soc. training school, Gosport, and Hamerton Coll. (now New Coll.) S. Hampstead. Missionary in the South Seas eight years, Jan. 23, i8i6-Sep. 18, 1824; and in Madagascar three years, 1862-1865; Pastor of Cong. Ch., Hoddesdon, Herts. His contributions to missionary literature were large. His Ha- waiian hymns are still used in the native churches. Married a second time, May 23, 1837. Died at Hoddesdon, June 9, 1872, and his wife died one week later. Engraved portrait from Memoir, Boston, 1836. Mrs. (Mary Mercy Moor) Ellis, b. St. Mary's Hill, London, England, Oct. 16, 1793; m. Nov. 9, 1815; d. Islington, England, Jan. ii, 1835. 4 children. IO Ship Thames, Capt. Clasby, sailed from New Haven, Ct., Nov. 19, 1822 ; sighted Hawaii, Apr. 24, 3 p. M V and arrived at Honolulu, Apr. 27, 1823. 158 days. The passengers testify to "Great harmony many unsolicited favors from the captain." SECOND COMPANY. Rev. Artemas Bishop and wife. Ord. New Haven, Sep. 12, 1822. Abraham Blatchley, M. D. and wife. Physician. Levi Chamberlain. Superintendent of Secular Affairs. James Ely and wife. Licensed preacher. Joseph Goodrich and wife. Licensed preacher. Rev. William Richards and wife. Ord. New Haven, Sep. 12, 1822. Rev. Charles S. Stewart and wife. Ord. New Haven, Xov. 19, 1822. Miss Betsey Stockton. Teacher. Four young men from the mission school at Cornwall, Ct.. viz.: Stephen Popohe (Tahitian), William Kamooula, Richard Kalaioulu, and Kupelii, (Hawaiians). 18 1 1 .....B>.Mt.ttt.......*......ft...***....C...<^ .........,.......... .....--... ..-.-......- 9 Photo 1857. Rev. Artemas Bishop, b. Pompey, \ T . Y., Oct. 30, 1795; Union Coll., -- 1819; Princeton Sem. - 1822; arr. Honolulu, Apr. 27, 1823; Kailua, Mar. n, 1824; Ewa, 1836; Honolulu, 1855; d. Honolulu, Dec. 18, 1872. During Mr. Bishop's stay at Kailua, he translated portions of the Bible into Hawaiian, equal to 9^ books. ELIZABETH EDWARDS BISHOP. Mrs. (Elizabeth Edwards) Bishop, of Boston, b. Marl- borough, Ms., June 17, 1796; m. Nov., 1822; lived 5 yrs. at H. Is. ; d. Kailua, Feb. 28, 1828. 2 children. Photo 1854. Mrs. (Delia Stone) Bishop, of Rochester, b. Bloomfield, X. Y., May 26, 1800; arr. Hono- lulu, Mar. 30. 1828 (third company) ; m. Kailua, Dec. i, 1828: d. Honolulu, Apr. 13, 1875. 12 ABRAHAM BLATCHLEY. JEMIMA MARVIN BLATCHLEY. Abraham Blatchley, M. D., b. East Guilford, (now Madison), Ct.. Oct. 13, 1787; Yale Coll., - 1816; arr. Honolulu, Apr. 27, 1823; stat. Kailua, 1823, Honolulu, 1826; ret. to U. S. 1826; rel. Oct. 16, 1827: in 1858 Dr. Blatchley m. Mrs. Ware; d. in Illinois, 1860. Mrs. (Jemima Marvin) Blatchley, b. Lyme, Ct., Mar. 28, 1791 m. Nov. , 1822 ; lived at H. Is. 3^ yrs. ; d. Oct. 26, 1856. Portrait 184^. Levi Chamberlain, of Boston, Expert Accountant, b. Dover, Vt., Aug. 28, 1792; arr. Honolulu, Apr. 27, 1823; was Supt. Secu- lar Affairs ; as missionary teacher, made three early tours of Oahu, afoot; d. Honolulu, July 29, 1849. Photo 1865 Mrs. (Maria Patron) Chamberlain, of Pequa, Pa., b. Mar. 3, 1803; arr. Honolulu, Mar. 30, 1828, (third company.) m. La- haina, Sep. I, 1828; d. Honolulu, Jan. 19, 1880. 8 children. ..*... """*""*" *- JAMES ELY. LOUISA EVEREST. ELY. Rev. James Ely, Licensed preacher ; b. Lyme, Ct., Oct. 22, 1798; studied at Foreign Mission School, Cornwall, Ct. ; arr. Ho- nolulu, Apr. 27, 1823 ; stat. at Waimea, Kauai, afterward at Ka- awaloa, Hawaii, 1824, and at Honolulu, 1825 ; ord. at Honolulu, June 4, 1825; ret. to U. S. 1828; rel. Mar. 24, 1830; d. Hartford, Ct., Jan. 20, 1890. Mrs. (Louisa Everest) Ely, b. Cornwall, Ct., Sep 8, 1792; m. to James Ely; lived at H. Is. 5^ yrs. ; d. 1849. 2 children. Rev. Mr. Ely, wife and 2 children and eldest daughter of Mr. Bingham, took homeward passage in ship Enterprise, Capt. Swain, leaving Honolulu Oct 15, 1828, arriving at Edgartown, Mass., Mar. 17, 1829. 144 days. ^^ *....... JOSEPH GOODRICH. Rev. Joseph Goodrich, Licensed preacher, of Wethersfield, Ct. ; Yale Coll., 1819: arr. Honolulu Apr. 27, 1823; stat. Hilo Jan. 24, 1824 till Jan. 25, 1836; ord. Kailua, Sep. 29, 1826; ret. to U. S. May 23, and rel. Oct. n, 1836; d. 1852. MARTHA BARNES GOODRICH. ^ Mrs. (Martha Barnes) Goodrich, b. Connecticut: m. Joseph Goodrich, 1822; lived 13 yrs. at H. Is.; d in U. S. 6 children. Mr. Goodrich was the missionary from Hilo who met Princess Kapiolani and her retinue at Kilauea, Dec. 1824, on the occasion of her defiance of Pele. 16 ................*............."....*....................".""""""" .'''"'..** Portrait, N. Y., about 1843. Rev. William Richards, b. Plainfielcl, Ms., Aug. 22, 1793; Wil- liams Coll., - 1819; Andover Sem., - 1822; arr. Honolulu, Apr. 27, and stat. Lahaina, May 31, 1823; rel. July 3, 1838, to serve the King; Ambassador to England, 1842; Minister of Pub- lic Instruction till 1846; d. Honolulu, Nov. 7, 1847. Photo about 1849. Mrs. (Clarissa Lyman) Richards, b. Northampton, Ms., Jan. 10, 1794; m. Oct. 30, 1822; lived at H. Is. 24 years; ret. to U. S., Nov.. 1849; d- New Haven, Ct., Oct. 3, 1861. 8 children. Prior to 1838. Mr. Richards translated 17 books of the Bible 14 singly and 6 jointly. *""" Photo about 1863. Rev. Charles Samuel Stewart, b. Flemington, X. J , Oct. 16, 1798; Princeton Coll., - 1815; Princeton Sem., - 1821; arr. Honolulu, Apr. 27, 1823: stat. Lahaina, May 31, 1823; ret. to U. S. with wife, Oct. 15, 1825; rel. Aug. 12, 1830; revis. H. Is. in 1829, as chaplain of U. S. Sloop Vincennes ; cl. Cooperstown, N. Y., Dec. 14, 1870. Portrait painted in 1822, New York. Mrs. (Harriet Bradford Tiffany) Stewart of Cooperstown, N. Y., b. Stamford, Ct., June 24, 1798: m. - , and lived at H. Is. 2 yrs ; cl. Cooperstown, N. Y., Sep. 6, 1830. 3 children. i8 <'..*.... 1 """""""">""""" """"""""""-I Photo about 1863. Miss Betsey Stockton, b. Princeton, N. J. (in slavery,) about 1798; arr. Honolulu, Apr. 27, 1823; stat. Lahaina, May 31, 1823, where her school was commended for its proficiency ; ret. to U. S. Oct. 15, 1825; labored in Canada, Princeton, N. ]., and Phila- delphia; d. Princeton, Oct. 24, 1865, but was buried at Coopers- town, N. Y., with the family of Rev. C. S. Stewart. The eight years during which the first and second companies of American missionaries were making essays in the intellectual and spiritual enlightenment of the natives, cover an important section in the history of the transition of a nation. Before this time, indeed, Commerce, that is, a ruinous waste of the country's sandal wood, had taught the chiefs the power of money to buy luxuries ; and they assumed an appearance of civilization, but the people were unchanged. The teaching of the missionaries was stimulating to a nature which was slow to respond : it was repressive to instincts and habits which could not be readily changed, and which sometimes exploded with danger to the missionaries : and it was directly antagonistic to the teaching of other white men, who preferred lawlessness or their ideal South Sea liberty, and whose power reached its high tide in 1826; yet the Gospel truth did reach cer- tain hearts, and the fallow ground was broken up in those years. I Ship Parthian, Capt. Richard D. Blinn, sailed from Boston Nov. 3, 1827, and arrived at Honolulu Mar. 30, 1828. 148 days. The missionary party were not well treated by the captain and steward. For this company the Am. Board paid for passage of sixteen missionaries, $100 each; of four Hawaiians, $50 each; freightage, $700 total, $2500, and also furnished all of their provisions, and one-half the cost of water casks. THIRD COMPANY. Rev. Lorrin Andrews and wife. Ord. Washington, Ky., Sep. 21, 1827. Rev. Ephraim W. Clark and wife. Ord. Brandon, Yt., Oct. 3, 1827. Rev. Jonathan S. Green and wife. Ord. Brandon, Vt, Oct. 3, 1827. Rev. Peter J. Gulick and wife. Ord. Freehold, N. J., Oct. 3, 1827. Gerrit P. Judd, M. D. and wife. Physician Miss Maria Ogden. Assistant and Teacher. Miss Maria Patton. Assistant and Teacher. Stephen Shepard and wife. Printer. Miss Delia Stone. Assistant and Teacher. Miss Mary Ward. Assistant and Teacher. Four Hawaiian young men, viz.: Henry Tahiti (who became assistant to Mr. Shep- ard,) Tyler, (a shoemaker,) Mills, (a school-teacher.) and Phelps, (who became assistant to Dr. Judd). 20-- Photo about 1865. Rev. Lorrin Andrews, Maysville, Ky., b. E. Windsor (now Vernon), Ct., Apr. 29, 1/95; Jefferson Coll., Pa.; Princeton Sem., - 1825; arr. Honolulu, Mar. 30, 1828; stat. Lahaina, 1828-1831; Prin. Lahainaluna Seminary, 1831-1842; Seamen's Chaplain, La- haina, -- 1845; Govt. service, Honolulu; d. Honolulu, Sep. 29, 1868. Photo about 1870. Mrs. (Mary Ann Wilson) Andrews, b. Washington, Mason Co., Ky., Mar. 13, 1804; m. Aug. 16, 1827; d. Honolulu, Mar. 10, 1879. ' 7 children. Mr. Andrews was author of a Hawaiian Dictionary and a Grammar, and assisted in the early translation of the Bible. 21 Photo 1857. Mrs. (Mary Kittredge) Clark, b. Mt. Yernon, N. H., Dec. 7, 1803; m. Sep. 27, 1827; visited U. S. with her husband, May 22, 1857; d. Honolulu, Aug. 14, 1857. 8 children. Photo 1857. Rev. Ephraim Weston Clark, Peacham, Vt., b. Haverhill, N. H., Apr. 25, 1799; Dartmouth Coll., - 1824; Andover Sem., 1827; arr. Honolulu, Mar. 30, 1828; stat. Honolulu, 1828-1835, laboring, in part among seamen ; Lahainaluna, 1843 > Wailuku, 1848; pastor of Kawaiahao Ch. 15 yrs., 1848-1863; 2 visits to U. S. and one to Micronesia ; d. Chicago, July 16, 1878. Photo about 1875. Mrs. (Sarah Helen Richards) [Hall] Clark, Norwich, Vt. ; m. St. Jonsbury, Vt., Sep. 13, 1859; lived at H. Is. 5 yrs.; while living at Portland, Ct, 1864-1872, assisted Mr. Clark in revision of Hawaiian Bible ; d. Chicago, 1887. 22 'iv.v.v.v;v.v.v. %.*.%% g 8 I ** 8 8 THEODOSIA ARNOLD GREEN. Si Photo about 1863. Rev. Jonathan Smith Green, Pavvlet, Yt., b. Lebanon, Ct., Dec. 20, 1796; Andover Sem. Sep. 1827; arr. Honolulu, Mar. 30, 1828; made a mis- sionary prospecting trip along the N. W. Am. Coast, Feb. 13-Nov. 9, 1829; stat. Lahaina, - 1831; Hilo, - 1832; Wailuku, - 1842; Ma- kawao (independent Pastor;) d. Makawao, Jan. 5, 1878. Mr. Green translated 4 books of the Bible. He was the pioneer wheat farmer of the Islands Makawao, about 1854. Mrs. (Theodosia Arnold) Green, b. East Haddam, Ct., Apr. 3, 1792; m. Sep. 20, 1827; d. Makawao, Oct. 5, 1859. 4 children. Photo about 1875. Mrs. (Asenath Cargill Spring) Green, ' b. Brimfield, Ms., Mar. 23, 1820: m. Providence. R. I., 1863, and came with her heusband to H. Is. ; and after Mr. Green's death, devoted herself to maintaining the native church of Makawao ; d. Makawao, Feb. 4, 1894. 2 children. ,,.....................>*""" >>"" .-..-- .......".................eV Photo about 1876. Photo about 1876. Rev. Peter Johnson Gulick, b. Freehold, N. J., Mar. 12, 1796; Princeton Coll., - - 1825 : Princeton Sem., - - 1827 ; arr. Hono- lulu, Mar. 30, 1828; stat. Waimea. Kauai, 1828-1835; Koloa, - 1843; Kaluaaha. 1847: Waialua. 1857: Honolulu, 1874; thence to Kobe, Japan, \vhere he died, Dec. 8, 1877. Mrs. (Fanny Hinckley Thomas) Gnlick, Westfield, Ms., b. Lebanon, Ct., Apr. 16, 1798: m. Sep. 5, 1827; cl. at Kobe, Japan, May 24, 1883. 8 children. 24 Dag. about 1857. Gerrit Parmelee Jiulcl. M. D., b. Paris, X. Y., Apr. 23, 1803; Medical Coll. Fairfield, X. Y. ; arr. Honolulu, Alar. 30. 1828, and stat. there ; rel. 1842, and was Minister of Finance and adviser to the King until Sep. 5, 1853; m '849 he went, accompanied by the Princes Alexander and Lot, on an important political mis- sion to France, Great Britain, and the United States ; d. Hono- lulu, July T2, 1873. Photo about 1857. Mrs. (Laura Fish) Judd, Clinton. X. Y., b. Plaintield, Otsego Co., N. Y., Apr. 2, 1804; m. Sep. 20, 1827; d. Honolulu, Oct. 2, 1872. 9 children. ......*....-.. Photo about 1870. Miss Maria Ogden, b. Philadelphia, Feb. 17, 1792; arr. Honolulu, Mar. 30, 1828; stat. Waimea, Kauai, July 15, 1828; Lahaina, 1829; Wailuku Fern. Seminary, June, 1838; where she taught 15 years; matron at Pu- nahou school, 5 yrs ; Makiki Girls' School, Honolulu, 1859-1868; d. Honolulu, Apr. 3, 1874. She maintained and educated four adopted children, two being daughters of Rev. James H. Kekela, missionary at Marquesas Is. 26 STEPHEN SHEPARD. MARGARET CAROLINE SLOW SHEPARD. Stephen Shepard, Printer, b. Kingsborough, Fulton Co., N. Y., July 26, 1800; arr. Honolulu, Mar. 30, 1828, and stat. there; d. Honolulu, July 6, 1834. Mrs. (Margaret Caroline Slow) Shepard, Champion, Jeffer- son Co., N. Y., b. Mar. 6, 1801 ; m. at Pompey, N. Y., Oct. 24, 1827; lived at Honolulu 7 yrs. ; ret. to U. S. arriving there June 30, 1835 ; d. - . 4 children. ........--.."..........."...".""""""""-""""-*""-- """-""""- > Ship New England, Capt. Parker, sailed from New Bedford, Dee. 28, 1830, and arrived at Honolulu, June 7. 1831. "A very comfortable passage of 161 days." FOURTH COMPANY. Rev. Dwight Baldwin and wife. Ord. Utica, N. Y., Oct. 6, 1830. Rev. Sheldon Dibble and wife. Ord. Utica, N. Y., Oct. 6, 1830. Andrew Johnstone and wife. Assistant Superintendent of Secular Affairs. Rev. Reuben Tinker and wife. Ord. Chester, Ms., Nov. 3, 1830. 28 Engr. Portrait, 1860. Dag. about 1860. Rev. Dwight Baldwin, M. D, Durham, N. Y., b. Durham, Ct., Sep. 29, 1/98; Yale Coll., 1821 ; Auburn Sem., -- 1829; arr. Honolulu, June 7, 1831 ; stat. Waimea, Hawaii, 1831 ; Lahaina, 1835-71 ; was Govt. physician for Maui, Molokai and Lanai dur- ing the small pox, 1853, an< l by personal vigilance kept it away; with Rev. B. W. Parker taught Theol. School, Honolulu, 1872- 1877; d. Honolulu. Jan. 3, 1886. Mrs. (Charlotte Fowler) Baldwin, b. Northford, Ct., Nov. 7, 1805; m. Dec. 3, 1830; vis. U. S. with her husband, 1856-57; d. at Punahou, Oahu, Oct. 2, 1873. ' 8 children. 2 9 5j%'.8V.v.v.v.v.v.v.v.v.v;f MARIA M. TOMLINSON DIBBLE. ANTOINETTE TOMLINSON DIBBLE. r.v.v.v.v.v Portrait 1838. Mrs. (Maria M. Tomlinson) Dibble, b. Troy, N. Y., Apr. , 1808; m. 1830; d. Lahainaluna. Feb. 20, 1837. 3 children. Rev. Sheldon Dibble, b. Skaneateles, N. Y., Jan. 26, 1809; Hamilton Coll., -- 1827; Auburn Sem., 1830; arr. Honolulu, June 7, 1831 ; stat. Hilo, 1831; Lahainaluna, 1836; vis. U. S. Nov. 24, 1837-1840; d. Lahainaluna, Jan. 22, 1845. Mr. Dibble assisted in the translation of the Bible. Mrs. (Antoinette Tomlinson) Dibble, b. Brooklyn, N. Y., 1809; sailed from New York with her husband, Oct. 9, 1839; ret. to U. S. Apr. 2, 1849; d. Washington, D. C, July, 1897. 3 children. : j : i : 1 : i : i ! : i : i i i i : i : i : i : i : i I ANDREW JOHNSTONE. REBECCA WORTH JOHNSTONE. Andrew Johnstone, b. Dundee, Scotland, 1794; came to U. S. in 1813; lived 6 yrs. in W. Indies, and i yr. in Mexico; arr. Ho- nolulu, June 7, 1831 ; stat. Honolulu as asst. supt. secular affairs, 1831-36; rel. and became Principal of Oahu Free School, at Hono- lulu, where he taught 12 years ; cl. Honolulu, July 10, 1859. Mrs. (Rebecca Worth) Johnstone, b. Nantucket, Ms., 1792; m. and arr. at Honolulu with husband, June 7, 1831 ; asst. teacher in Oahu Free School; d. Honolulu, Oct. 5, 1879. Portrait, 1830. Rev. Reuben Tinker, b. Chester, Ms., Aug. 6, 1799 ; Amherst Coll., -- 1827; Auburn Sem., -- 1830; arr. Honolulu, June 7, 1831; visited Washington Is. (Marquesas) with Messrs. Whit- ney and Alexander, July i8-Nov. 17, 1832; stat. Wailuku, 1835; ret. to U. S. and rel. 1840; d. Oct. 25, 1854. Portrait, 1830. Mrs. (Mary Throop Wood) Tinker, Madison, O., b. Chester, Ms., Aug. 24, 1809; m. Chester, Ms., Nov. 14, 1830; lived at H. Is. 10 yrs. ; revisited the Islands in 1870, at the Jubilee celebra- tion; d. Mar. 7, 1895. 6 children. --** Whaleship Averick, Capt. Swain, sailed from New Bedford, Nov. 26, 1831, and arrived at Honolulu, May 17, 1832. 172 days. ''Great kindness shown to passengers by captain and officers." FIFTH COMPANY. Rev. William P. Alexander and wife. Ord. Cincinnati, O., (Jet. 13, 1831. Rev. Richard Armstrong and wife. Ord. Baltimore, Md., Oct. 27, 1831. Alonzo Chapin, M. D. and wife. Physician. Rev. John S. Emerson and wife. Ord. Meredith Bridge, N. H., May 19, 1831. Rev. Cochran Forbes and wife. Ord. Baltimore, Md.. Oct. 27, 1831. Rev. Harvey R. Hitchcock and wife. Ord. Auburn, N. Y., Sep. 20, 1831. Rev. David T>. Lyman and wife. Ord. Hanover, N. H., Oct. 12, 1831. Rev. Lorenzo Lyons and wife. Ord. Auburn, N. Y., Sep. 20, 1831. Edmund H. Rogers. Printer. Rev. Ephraim Spaulding and wife. Ord. New Bedford, Ms., Nov. 21, 1831. 19 33 Portrait 1880. Rev. William Patterson Alexander, b. Paris, Ky., July 25, 1805; Centre Coll., Ky. ; Princeton Sem., -- 1831; arr. Hono- lulu, May 17, 1832; visited the Washington Is. (Marquesas) with Messrs. Whitney and Tinker in 1832, and with Armstrong and Parker in 1833; stat. Waioli, 1834-1843; Lahainaluna, -- 1857; Wailuku, 1882; d. Oakland, Cal., Aug. 13, 1884. Photo about 1880 Mrs. (Mary Ann McKinney) Alexander, Harrisburg, Pa., b. Wilmington, Del, Jan. 5, 1810; m. Oct. 25, 1831 ; visited U. S. with her husband, 1859-60; lived at H. Is. 51 yrs. ; d. Haiku, Maui, June 29, 1888. 9 children. 34 Photo about 1858. Rev. Richard Armstrong, D.D., b. Turbotville, Pa., Apr. 13, 1805; Dickinson Coll., -- 1827; Princeton Sem., -- 1831; arr. Honolulu, May 17, 1832; stat. Marquesas Is., with Alexander and Parker, July 2, i833-May 12, 1834; at Wailuku, July 1835; at Honolulu as pastor of Kawaiahao church, 1840; app. Min. Pub. Instruction, June 10, 1848; d. Honolulu, Sep. 23, 1860. Photo about 1885. Mrs. (Clarissa Chapman) Armstrong, Bridgeport, Ct., b. Rus- sell, Ms., May 15, 1805; m. Bridgeport, Sep. 25, 1831; lived at H. Is. 48 yrs., taking up her residence in California in 1880; d. San Francisco, July 20, 1891. 10 children. 35 Photo about 1860. Alonzo Chapin, M.D., b. West Springfield, Ms., Feb. 24, 1805; Amherst Coll., -- 1826; Univ. of Pennsylvania, - - 1831; arr. Honolulu, May 17, 1832; stat. Lahaina, 1832; ret. to U. S. Nov. 28, 1835; rel. Mar. 14, 1837; lived at Winchester, Ms.; d. Dec. 25, 1876. Photo about 1860. Mrs. (Mary Ann Tenney) Chapin, Boston, b. Newburyport, Ms., May 9, 1804; m. Boston, Oct. 26, 1831 ; lived at H. Is. 3^ yrs. and ret. to U. S. with her husband; d. Winchester. Ms., Oct. 26, 1885. i child. Dag. about 1860. Rev. John S. Emerson, b. Chester, N. H., Dec. 28, 1800; Dart- mouth Coll., -- 1826; Andover Sem.. -- 1830; arr. Honolulu, May 17, 1832; stat. Waialua, 1832-1842; at Lahainaluna Sem- inary, 1846; at Waialua until his death, except a visit to U. S. in 1860; d. Waialua, Mar. 26, 1867. Dag. about 1854. Mrs. (Ursula Sophia Newell) Emerson, h. Xelson, N. H., Sep. 27, 1806; m. Oct. 25, 1831 ; d. at Waialua, Nov. 24, 1888. 8 children. 37 Photo about 1863. Rev. Cochran Forbes, b. Goshen, Chester Co., Pa., July 21, 1805; Princeton Sem., -- 1831; arr. Honolulu, May 17, 1832; stat. Kaawaloa, July 10, 1832; Labaina, 1846 ; ret. to U. S. Apr. 2, 1848; rel. Aug. 10, 1849; lived at Kendallville, Ind. ; d. Philadelphia, Nov. 5, 1880. Photo about 1863. Mrs. (Rebecca Duncan Smith) Forbes, Newark, N. J., h. Springfield, N. J., June 21, 1805; m. at Newark, Oct. 9, 1831 ; lived at H. Is. 16 yrs., returning to U. S. with her husband ; d. Philadelphia, Jan. 16, 1878. 5 children. Photo about 1855. Photo about 1889. Rev. Harvey Rexford Hitchcock, b. Gt. Barrington, Ms., Mar. 13, 1800; Williams Coll., -- 1828; Auburn Sem., -- 1831; arr. Honolulu, May 17, 1832; stat. Kaluaaha, 1832 ; visited U. S. 1853-1855; d. Kaluaaha, Molokai, Aug. 29, 1855. Mrs. (Rebecca Howard) Hitchcock, b. Chvasco, Cayuga Co., N. Y., Dec. 2, 1808: m. Aug. 26, 1831 ; lived at Kaluaaha, and visited U. S. with her husband; after 1855 lived at Hilo, where she d. Apr. 10, 1890. 4 children. 39 Photo about 1875. Rev. David Belden Lyman, b. New Hartford, Ct., July 29, 1803; Williams Coll., '1828; Andover Sem., 1831 : arr. Ho- nolulu, May 17, 1832; stat. Hilo, where he labored until his death : in 1836, established the Hilo Boys' Boarding School, and was Principal of it until 1874: d. Hilo, Oct. 4, 1884. Photo 1881. Mrs. (Sarah Joiner) Lyman, b. Royalton, Vt, Nov. 29, 1806; m. Nov. 2, 1831 ; was associated with Mr. Lyman in the care of the Boys' School; d. Hilo, Dec. 7, 1885. 8 children. BETSEY CURTIS LYONS. Photo about 1880. Rev. Lorenzo Lyons, b. Coleraine, Franklin Co., Ms., Apr. 1 8, 1807; Union Coll., -- 1827; Auburn Sem., -- 1831; arr. Honolulu, May 17. 1832 ; stat. Waimea, Hawaii, where he labored until his death ; was preeminently the lyric poet of Hawaii ; d. Waimea. Oct. 6, 1886. Photo about 1890. Mrs. (Betsey Curtis) Lyons, Mrs. (Lucia Garratt Smith) Lyons. Truxton, b. Elbridge, Onondaga Co., X. N. Y., b. Butternuts, Otsego Co., N. Y., Apr. 17, Y., Jan. 10, 1813; m. Sep. 4, 1808; was teacher on the Tuscarora Reservation, 1831; d. at Honolulu, May 14, N. Y., - 1836; arr. Honolulu in the eighth 1837. company, Apr. 9, 1837 ; m. July 14, 1838 : d. at 2 children. Waimea, Hawaii, Apr. 27, 1892. 3 children. ....*...._.< ,..............""""""*""** """"""*""*""" ss 8 MARY WARD ROGERS. ..v.v.v.v.v.v.v.'.v.* Dag. about 1852. Dag. about 1856. Edmund Horton Rogers, Printer, b. Newton, Mrs. (Mary Ward) Rogers, Mrs. (Elizabeth Hitchcock) Rogers, b. Gt. Ms., 1806; arr. Honolulu, May 17, 1832; stat. Whitesborough, N. Y., b. Mid- Barrington, Ms., Oct. 4, 1802; arr. Honolulu, Honolulu, and appointed to sole charge of Mi's- dlebury, N. Y., 1799; arr. Hono- June 6, 1835, in ship Hellespont; m. at Kalua- sion printing office, Apr. 16, 1833; at Lahaina- lulu, Mar. 30, 1828, in ship Par- aha, July 12, 1836; cl. Honolulu, Aug. 2, 1857. luna, 1835-1839; Honolulu, 1840, where he d. thian ; m. Lahaina, 1833 ; d. Ho- 4 children. Dec. i, 1853. nolulu, May 23, 1834. 42 EPHRAIM SPAULDING. JULIA BROOKS SPAULDING. Rev. Ephraim Spaulding, b. Ludlow, Vt., Dec. 10, 1802; Mid- dlebury Coll., -- 1828; Andover Sem., -- 1831; arr. Honolulu, May 17, 1832; stat. Lahaina; ret. to U. S. on account of ill health, Dec. 26, 1836; d. Westborough, Ms., June 28, 1840. Mrs. (Julia Brooks) Spaulding, b. Buckland, Ms., Apr. 7, 1810; m. Nov. n, 1831 ; lived at H. Is. 4^ yrs. ; arr. at Boston on re- turn to U. S. with her family, June 28, 1837; d. Evanston, 111., May, 1898. 4 children. 43 Ship Mentor, Capt. Rice, sailed from New London, Nov. 21, 1832, and arrived at Honolulu, May I, 1833. 161 days. SIXTH COMPANY. Rev. John Diell and wife. Chaplain Am. Seamen's Friend Society. Lemuel Fuller. Printer. Rev. Benjamin W. Parker and wife. Ord. Reading, Ms., Sep. 13, 1832. Rev. Lowell Smith and wife. Ord. Heath, Ms., Sep. 26, 1832. 7 The captain's wife was also a passenger. The brigantine Dhaulie, Captain Bancroft, sailed from Honolulu, July 2, 1833, for Marquesas Is. via Tahiti, and arrived at Nuuhiva, Aug. 10, having as passengers Messrs. Alexander, Armstrong, and Parker, with their wives, and also three Hawai- ian men-servants, whose help proved invaluable. For sufficient reasons this mission was given up, and the missionaries returned in the whaleship Benjamin Rush, Capt. Coffin, arriving at Honolulu, May 12, 1834. A milch cow presented by Mr. Bicknell, while they were at Tahiti, was an honored attache of the company, and came with them on the return, and passed her remaining years in the pastures of Kaneohe. 44 r JOHN DIELL. Rev. John Diell, Chaplain of the Am. Seamen's Friend Society, 1). Cherry Valley, N. Y., Aug., 1808; Hamilton Coll., 1827; An- dover Sem., 1832 ; arr. Honolulu, May i, 1833 ; here he labored about 5 years, after which he took an extended sea voyage for his health ; ret. to U. S. Dec. 3, 1840; d. at sea, Jan. 18, 1841, and was buried in Pacific Ocean, Lat. 40 S. Photo 1887. Mrs. (Caroline Platt) Diell, b. Plattsburg, N. Y., 1807; m. Rev. John Diell, ; lived in Honolulu about 8 yrs. ; ret. to U. S. in ship Lausanne, in 1841, with 4 children; lived in Plattsburg, N. Y., and later in Richmond, Va. ; d. Adriance, Va., Jan. 16, 1901. 4 children. 45 The materials for a frame building for Seamen's Chapel were contributed by several ship owners of Norwich and New London, Ct, and were brought out in their whale ships, free of charge, early in 1833. Kinau, the premier, gave, as a site for its erection, the lot at the west corner of King and Bethel streets, and also a residence site for the chaplain, now the Damon premises, Chap- lain Lane. The chapel was, at first, 48 by 30 feet, seating 200 ; it was built over a stone basement story, which accommodated a read- ing room, book depository, marine museum, &c. It was afterward much enlarged by increasing the length and taking in the base- ment. The chapel was dedicated Nov. 24, 1833. On June 11, 1835, a bell was presented to it, by the foreign residents of Ho- nolulu, and shipmasters then in port. In May, 1837, the Oahu Bethel Church was organized, having eight members. The builder of the "Bethel" was Mr. Burnham, specimens of whose skillful joinery are still to be seen in the old mission houses. The Bethel was destroyed in the great fire, Apr. 18, 1886. LEMUEL FULLER. Lemuel Fuller, Printer, b. Attleborough, Ms., Apr. 2, 1810; arr. Honolulu, May i, 1833; ret. to U. S. with impaired health, Dec. i, 1833; arr. N. Bedford, June, 1834. 46 Photo 1876. Photo 1889. Rev. Benjamin Wyman Parker, b. Reading, Ms., Oct. 13, 1803; Amherst Coll., -- 1829; Andover Sem., -- 1832; arr. Honolulu, May i, 1833; detached for the Marquesan mission, 1833-34; stat. Kaneohe. 1834 ; accompanied the Hawaiian Mission to Marquesas Is. as a delegate, Dec. 1853; in his later years, associated with Rev. D. Baldwin, was engaged in training native theological students ; d. Honolulu, Mar. 23, 1877. Mrs. (Mary Elizabeth Barker) Parker, Guilford. Ct., b. Bran- ford, Ct., Dec. 9, 1805; m. Guilford, Sep. 24, 1832: after the Marquesan experience, lived at Kaneohe until 1869; still lives in Honolulu. 4 children. 47 Photo 1885. Photo, 1880. Rev. Lowell Smith, D.D., b. Heath, Ms., Nov. 27, 1802 ; Wil- liams Coll., 1829; Auburn Sem., 1832; arr. Honolulu, May i, 1833; stat. Kaluaaha, June 1833; Ewa, Nov. 1834; Honolulu, July 1836, first as Supt. of Kawaiahao schools, then for 30 years pastor of the Second Church, (Kaumakapili) ; vis. U. S. with family, 1865; d. Honolulu, May 8, 1891. Mrs. (Abba Willis Tenney) Smith, Brandon, Vt, b. Barre, Ms., Dec. 4, 1809 ; m. Oct. 2, 1832 ; visited U. S. with family in 1865 ; was Pres. of the Woman's Bd. of Missions for Pac. Is. for 12 years, until her death; d. Honolulu, Jan. 31, 1885. 5 children. 48 Ship Hellespont, Capt. Henry, sailed from Boston Dec. 5, 1834, and arrived at Honolulu, June 6, 1835. 183 days. SEVENTH COMPANY. Miss Lydia Brown. Teacher. Rev. Titus Coan and wife. Ord. Boston, Aug. 4, 1833. Henry Dimond and wife. Bookbinder. Edwin O. Hall and wife. Printer. Miss Elizabeth M. Hitchcock. Teacher. 8 Mr. Coan and Mr. Arms embarked in the schooner Mary Jane, at New York, Aug. 16. 1833, on a voyage of exploration to Patagonia. They spent over two months on the coast, near the strait of Magellan, but found it a very unpromising mis- sionary field. Returning, they arrived at New London, May 14, 1834. Mr. E. O. Hall, visiting Oregon in 1839, for the sake of his wife's health, was made the bearer of a gift from the First Church of Honolulu to the Oregon Mission a printing press, with furniture, type, and paper, valued at $450. The press did good service for years, and is now in the Museum at Portland, Or. 49 LYDIA BROWN. Miss Lydia Brown, Teacher, b. Wilton, N. H., 1780; arr. Ho- nolulu, June 6, 1835; stat. Wailuku, 1835-1840; Kaluaaha, - 1857; lived at Lahaina; d. Honolulu, Nov. 20, 1865. The special department of this lady was the instruction of native girls in carding, spinning, weaving, and knitting Hawaiian-grown cotton and wool. Photo 1870. Photo 1870. Photo 1866. Mrs. (Fidelia Church) (Joan, b. Riga, Monroe Co., N. Y., Feb. 17, 1810; m. Churchville, N. Y., Nov. 3, 1834; from 1838 until 1864 she taught a manual labor boarding school for native girls ; d. Hilo, Sep. 29, 1872. 4 children. Rev. Titus Coan, D. D., b. Killingworth, Ct, Feb. i, 1801; Auburn Sem., -- 1833; arr. Honolulu, June 6, 1835 ; stat. Hilo, and labored continuously in that district and Puna, excepting a visit to U. S. with his wife, 1870-71 ; made also 2 trips as dele- gate to the Hawn. Mission in Marquesas Is., 1860 and 1867; d. Hilo, Dec. i, 1882. Mrs. (Lyclia Bingham) Coan, b. Hono- lulu, Dec. 25, 1834; educ. in U. S. ; for 2 yrs. was Lady Principal of the Ohio Female Coll., (Cincinnati;) ret. to H. Is. 1867; Principal of Kawaiahao Fern. Sem., Ho., for 6 yrs. ; m. Rev. T. Coan, Oct. 13, 1873 ; since 1883, nas lived in Honolulu. 5 1 Dag. 1858. Henry Dimond, Bookbinder, b. Fairfield, Ct., Sept. 17, 1808; arr. Honolulu, June 6, 1835, and stat. there; rel. 1850, and en- gaged in mercantile business ; d. Honolulu, Jan. 3, 1895. During Mr. Dimond's missionary service a large array of pub- lications in attractive form were put forth from the Mission Press and Bindery. First edition of the Bible completed. May 10, 1839, pp. 2331. T2 mo. Mrs. (Ann Maria Anner) Dimond, b. New York City, May 19, 1808; m. N. Y. City, Nov. 3, 1834: d. Honolulu, Nov. 20, 1893. 7 children. Photo 1873. Mrs. (Sarah Lyons Williams) Hall, Brooklyn, N. Y., b. Elizabeth, N. J., Oct. 27, 1812; m. N. Y. City, Nov. 3, 1834; d. Honolulu, Aug. 15, 1876. 4 children. Photo 1873. Edwin Oscar Hall, Printer and Assist- ant Secular Agent, Rochester, N. Y., b. Walpole, N. H., Oct. 21, 1810; arr. Hono- lulu, June 6, 1835, and stat. there; rel. 1850; editor of "The Polynesian'' and man- ager of Govt. printing office, 1850-52 ; en- gaged in mercantile business ; d. Falmouth. Me., Sept. 19, 1883, but is buried in Ho- nolulu. Photo about 1896. Mrs. (Mary Lyon Dame) Hall, b. Fai- mouth, Me., Oct. 6, 1848; educ. Mt. Holy- oke Fern. Sem. ; taught at Punahou, 1876- 77; m. to E. O. Hall at Sharon, Pa., 1878; has been prominent in Women's Club work, X. Y. City ; lives in Detroit, Mich. Barque Mary Frazier, Capt. Charles Stunner, sailed from Boston, Dec. 14, 1836, and arrived at Honolulu, Apr 9, 1837. 116 days. EIGHTH COMPANY. Seth L. Andrews, M. D. and wife. Physician. Edward Bailey and wife. Teacher. Rev. Isaac Bliss and wife. Ord. Victor, N. Y., Oct. 5, 1831. Samuel N. Castle and wife. Assistant Secular Superintendent. Rev. Daniel T. Conde and wife. Ord. Fredonia, N. Y., Sep. 7, 1836. Amos S. Cooke and wife. Teacher. Rev. Mark Ives and wife. Ord. Sharon, Ct, 1836. Edward Johnson and wife. Teacher. Horton O. Knapp and wife. Teacher. Rev. Thomas Lafon, M. D. and wife. Physician. Ord. Marion Coll., Mo., Sep., 1835. Edwin Locke and wife. Teacher. Charles MacDonald and wife Teacher. Bethuel Munn and wife. Teacher. Miss Marcia M. Smith. Teacher. Miss Lucia G. Smith. Teacher. William S. Van Dttzee and wife. Teacher. Abner Wilcox and wife. Teacher. 32 Two Hawaiian seamen, Joseph and Levi, were permitted, by the captain, to help the missionaries in their daily language lessons. 54 Photo about 1890. About 1840 Seth Lathrop Andrews, M. D., Pittsford, N. Y., b. Putney, Vt., June 24, 1809; Dartmouth Coll., 1831; Medical Coll., Fair- field, N. Y. ; arr. Honolulu, Apr. 9, 1837; stat. Kailua ; ret. to U. S. May n, 1849; re l- '852; m. Amelia T. Dike of Pittsford, N. Y. : d.'Feb. 17, 1892. Mrs. (Parnelly Pierce) Andrews, b. Woodbury, Ct., Jan. 12, 1807 ;m. Pittsford, N. Y., Nov. n, 1836; d. Kailua, Sep. 29, 1846. 4 children. Photo 1895. Edward Bailey, Teacher, b. Holden, Ms., Feb. 24, 1814; arr. Honolulu, Apr. 9, 1837; stat. Kohala - 1840; Lahainaluna - 1841; Wailuku Fern. Seminary, 1841-49; since that in other school work and in sugar culture ; since 1885 has lived part of the time in California, where he now is. Photo 1880. Mrs. (Caroline Hubbard) Bailey, b. Holden, Ms., Aug. 13, 1814; m. Nov. 28, 1836; d. Oakland, Cal., June n, 1894. 5 children. .. ...*. '-*-* - * - <........*..*.. *..*..*...... . . H9"9"9"9"9"t"^*-t'*t EMILY CURTIS BLISS. Rev. Isaac Bliss, Virgil, N. Y., b. Warren, Ms., Aug 28, 1804; Amherst Coll., - 1828; Auburn Sem., - 1831 ; arr. Honolulu, Apr. 9, 1837; stat. Kohala for four years; ret. to U. S. with family, arriving Apr. 20, 1842; d. Aug. 8, 1851. Mrs. (Emily Curtis) Bliss, b. Elbridge, Onondaga Co.. N. Y., July 25, 1811 ; m. Aug. 14, 1832; lived at H. Is. about 4^ years, leaving Dec. 2, 1841 ; d. Moline, 111., Dec. 20, 1865. 2 children. 57 <>">>""" ................""""* Photo 1878. 1840. Photo 1898. Samuel Xorthrup Castle, Asst. Supt. Secular Mrs. (Angelina Lorraine Ten- Affairs, b. Cazenovia, N. Y., Aug. 12, 1808; arr. ney) Castle, b. Sudbury, Vt., Honolulu, Apr. 9, 1837; at first was associated with Mr. Chamberlain, then with Mr. Cooke ; entered mercantile business as Castle & Cooke in 1851 ; d. Honolulu, July 14, 1894. Oct. 25, 1810; m. Plainfield, N. Y., Nov. 10, 1836; d. Honolulu, Mar. 5, 1841. i child. Mrs. (Mary Tenney) Castle, b. Plainfield, N. Y., Oct. 26, 1819; m. Oct. 13, 1842; arr. Hono- lulu, Mar. 17, 1843; v ' s - U. S. 1877-79; among her many benefactions she has devoted and en- dowed the Castle homestead, Honolulu, as an Orphan's Home and Kindergarten. 9 children. -.."..*. Photo 1887. Dag. 1855. Rev. Daniel Toll Conde, b. Charlton, Saratoga Co., N. Y., Feb. 3, 1807; Union Coll., -- 1831; Auburn Sem., -- 1834; arr. Ho- nolulu, Apr. 9, 1837; stat. Hana, June 1848; Wailuku, 1855; ret. to U. S. with children, arr. there Mar. 18, 1857; rel. 1858; d. Beloit, Wis., Mar. 1897. In 1863, Mr. Conde m. Mrs. Hannah Rice Williams, of Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio, who still lives in Beloit, Wis. Mrs. (Andelucia Lee) Conde, b. Jericho, Vt., June 17, 1810; teacher of Seneca Indians, N. Y., 1835-1836; m. Sep. 13, 1836; d. Wailuku, Mar. 30, 1855. 7 children. 59 Dag. 1859. Photo 1876. Amos Starr Cooke, Teacher, b. Danbury, Ct., Dec. i, 1810; arr. Honolulu, Apr. 9, 1837; in June, 1839, w ' tn Mrs. Cooke, took charge of the boarding school for young chiefs; in 1849 became Asst. Supt. Secular Affairs; rel. 1851, and entered mer- cantile business with S. N. Castle ; Deacon of 2cl Foreign Church for 15 years; d. Honolulu, Mar. 20, 1871. Mrs. (Juliette Montague) Cooke, b. Sunderland, Ms., Mar. 10, 1812; m. Danbury, Ct., Nov. 24, 1836; took active share for ten years in teaching and training the young chiefs ; d. Honolulu, Aug. n, 1896. 7 children. 60 MARK IVES. 1 Photo 1870. Rev. Mark Ives, b. Goshen, Ct., Feb. 10, 1809; Union Coll., - 1833; E. Windsor Sem., - - 1836; arr. Honolulu, Apr. 9, 1837; stat. Hana, -- 1840; Kaawaloa, -- 1845; Kealia (S. Ko- na, Hawaii,) -- 1850; ret. to U. S. 1851; rel. 1854; d. Mar. 21, 1885. Mrs. (Mary Ann Brainerd) Ives, b. Haddam, Ct., Nov. 18, 1810; m. Nov. 25, 1836; lived at H. Is. 14 yrs. ; ret. to U. S. with children, arriving there May i, 1854; d. Cornwall, Ct., Mar. 2, 1882. 4 children. 6l Photo 1855. Photo 1891. Rev. Edward Johnson, Teacher, b. Hollis, N. H., Oct. 1813; arr. Honolulu, Apr. 9, 1837; stat. Waioli, 1837; ord. as a preacher, Honolulu, May 29, 1848; visited U. S. 1855-56; visited Micro- nesia as a delegate to the mission, and d. on the Morning Star, Sep. i, 1867, and was buried on the island of Ebon. Mrs. (Lois S. Hoyt) Johnson, Warner, N. H., b. Salisbury, N. H., 1809; m. Nov. 1836; d. Honolulu, Jan. 17, 1891. 7 children. 62 MORTON OWEN KNAPP Photo about 1874. Horton Owen Knapp, Teacher, b. Greenwich, Ct., Mar. 21, 1813; arr. Honolulu, Apr. 9, 1837; stat. Waimea, Hawaii, 1837- 1838; at Honolulu, 1845 ; d. Honolulu, Mar. 28, 1845. Mrs. (Charlotte Close) Knapp, b. Greenwich, Ct., May 26, 1813; m. Nov. 24, 1836; after Mr. Knapp's death, m. Rev. Daniel Dole, June 22, 1846. SOPHIA LOUISA PARKER LAFON. Rev. Thomas Lafon, M. D., b. Chesterfield Co., Va.. Dec. 17, 1801; studied medicine at Transylvania Univ., Ky. ; arr. Hono- lulu, Apr. 9, 1837; stat. Koloa, 1841; rel. June 22, 1841, and ret. to U. S. : after his wife's death m. Ruth A. Atwell, and lived in Xewark, X. J. ; d. 1876. Mrs. (Sophia Louisa Parker) Lafon., b. New Bedford, Ms., June 30, 1812; m. New Bedford, Nov. 14, 1836; lived at Koloa 4 yrs. ; ret. to U. S. with her husband, 1841 ; d. 1844. 64 EDWIN LOCKE. Portrait. 1836. Edwin Locke, Teacher, b. Fitzwilliam, N. H., June 18, 1813; arr. Honolulu, Apr. g, 1837; stat. Waialua, where he instituted a successful manual labor school ; d. Punahou, Oct. 28, 1843. Mrs. (Martha Laurens Rowell) Locke, b. Cornish, X. H.. Xov. 9, 1812; m. Sep. 2, 1836; d. Waialua, Oct. 9, 1842. 4 children. ,..............>->...><""""*"" I ..* ...*.....* I : i : I CHARLES MCDONALD. Photo 1 900. Charles McDonald, Teacher, Holnieshurg, Pa., b. Eastern, Pa., Dec. 24, 1812; 2 yrs. at Marion Coll., Mo.; arr. Honolulu, Apr. 9, 1837: stat. Lahaina, where he el. Sep. 7, 1839. Mrs. (Harriet Treachvell Halstead ) McDonald, b. Xew York City, Dec. 6, 1810; m. New York, Aug. 25, 1836; after the death of Mr. McDonald, m. to Capt. John Stetson, Sep. 24, 1840; later residence, Xew Haven, Ct., and Rahway, N. J. 2 children. McDonald. 6 children, Stetson. Capt. Stetson d. Rahway, May 8, 1881. 66 BETHUEL MUNN. LOUISA CLARK MUNN. Bethuel Munn, Teacher, Benton, X. Y., b. Orange, N. J., Aug. 28, 1803; arr. Honolulu, Apr. 9, 1837; stat. Kaluaaha, for 4 yrs. ; ret. to U. S., Apr. 1842, with his children; m. Miss Bacon, of Clyde, N. Y. ; d. 1849. Mrs. (Louisa Clark) Munn, b. Skaneateles, N. Y., Mar. 3. 1810; m. Nov. 21, 1836; d. Honolulu, Aug. 25, 1841. 2 children. 6 7 Photo about 1890. Miss Marcia M. Smith, Teacher, b. Burlington, X. Y., Sep. 20, 1806; arr. Honolulu, Apr. 9, 1837; stat. Kaneohe, 1837-40; Koloa, 1841-42; matron in the Punahou School, 1842-53; ret. to U. S., 1853: d. Princeton, 111., June 27, 1896. The education of their children was a problem very early forced upon the attention of the missionaries. During the first 21 years, no fewer than 33 children were either taken back to the father- land by their parents, or were sent, with many heartbreakings at separation, and to their lasting detriment, in some cases. The site of Punahou School now Oahu College was given to Rev. H. Bingham, by Gov. Boki, in 1829; and by Mr Bingham, on his return to the U. S. in Aug., 1840, was left to the American Board for the very purpose to which it has since been devoted. In 1840 the school was organized by the appointment of a Board of Trustees, and July n, 1842, it was opened for business with 15 pupils in attendance. Rev. D. Dole and wife and Miss M. Smith were the first teachers ; and two years after, Mr. W. H. Rice and his wife were added to the teaching force. "Plain living and high thinking" were the rule of the establishment; and by common consent, in retrospect from the present time, the work of those early teachers was nobly done. 68 ORAL HOBART W.LL.AM SANFORD VAN DUZEE. VAN William Sanford Van Duzee, Teacher, b. Hartford, N. Y., Jan. Mrs. (Oral Hobart) Van Duzee, b. Homer, N. Y.. Feb. 3, 12, 1811 ; one year at University of Vt. ; arr. Honolulu, Apr. 9, 1814; m. at Gouverneur, N. Y., Aug. 9, 1836; lived at H. Is. 3^ and stat. Kaavvaloa, July 10, 1837; ret. to U. S. 1840; missionary yrs. ; returning to U. S. with her husband, 1840; d. among the Seneca Indians, Buffalo Reservation, 1840-41 ; d. 1883. 5 children. ,....*............".."".'*'*"""*'**""'*'***' 69 Photo 1869. Photo 1869. Abner Wilcox, Teacher, 1). Hanvinton, Ct., Apr. 19, 1808; arr. Honolulu, Apr. y, 1837; stat. Hilo, 1845; Waialua, 1847; Waioli, 1869, where he taught a Boys' manual labor school for many years; vis. I'. S. in 1851 and 1869; d. Colebrook, Ct., Aug. 20, 1869. Mrs. (Lucy Eliza Hart) Wilcox, Norfolk, Ct., b Cairo, N. Y., Nov. 17, 1814; m. Nov. 23, 1836; vis. U. S. with her husband, 1869; d. Colebrook, Ct., Aug. 13, 1869. 8 children. 70 Ship Gloucester. Capt. Eastabrook, sailed from Boston, Nov. 14, 1840, and arrived at Honolulu, May 21, 1841. 188 days. "The captain was kind and attentive." While the ship was detained at Rio de Janeiro, the company were hospitably en- tertained by Rev. Mr. Spaulding, Methodist missionary. They were detained also at Valparaiso. NINTH COMPANY. Rev. Elias Bond and wife. Ord. Hallowell, Me., Sep. 30, 1840. Rev. Daniel Dole and wife. Orel. Bloomfielcl, Me., 1840. Rev. John D. Paris and wife. Ord. Bangor, Me., Aug. 29, 1839. \Yilliam H. Rice and wife. Teacher. 8 ELLEN MARINER HOWELL. BOND. Photo about 1883. Rev. Elias Bond, b. Hallowell, Me., Aug. 19, 1813; Bowdoin Coll., 1837; Bangor Sem., 1840; arr. Honolulu, May 21, 1841 ; stat. at Kohala, where he labored unremittingly while he lived; d. Kohala, July 24, 1896. Mr. Bond founded the Kohala (Mauna Oliva) Girls' School, 1875. Mrs. (Ellen Mariner Howell) Bond, b. Portland. Me., Dec. 29, 1817; m. Portland, Me., Sep. 29, 1840; d. Kohala, May 12, 1881. 9 children. EMILY HATHAWAY BALLARD DOLE. '. V.'. '.V. V.V.V.!8S8SS?S?8SS?SSSSSSi CHARLOTTE CLOSE KNAPP DOLE. Mrs. (Emily Hathaway Bal- lard) Dole, Gardiner, Me., b. Hallowell, Me., June n, 1808; m. Gardiner, Oct. 2, 1840; d. Honolulu, Apr. 27, 1844. 2 children. Photo 1874. Rev. Daniel Dole, b. Bloomfield (now Skowhegan), Me., Sep. 9, 1808; Bowdoin Coll., 1836; Bangor Sem., 1839; arr. Ho- nolulu, May 21, 1841 ; stat. Punahou, Oahu, to be principal of a school ; after the death of his wife m. Mrs. Charlotte C. Knapp ; at Koloa, pastor of a foreign congregation and teacher, 1855 ; d. Kapaa, Kauai, Aug. 26, 1878. 73 Mrs. (Charlotte Close Knapp) Dole, (for portrait see p. 63,) m. to Rev. D. Dole, June 22, 1846; d. Honolulu, July 5, 1874. MARY GRANT PARIS. Photo about 1856. Rev. John Davis Paris, b. Staunton, Augusta Co., Va., Sep. 2, 1809; Hanover Coll. (IncL), 2 yrs.; Bangor Sem., 1839; arr. Honolulu, May 21, 1841; stat. Waiohinu, 1842; vis. U. S. 1850- 51 ; stat. So. Kona (near Kaawaloa) 1852; where he d. July 28, 1892. Mrs. (Mary Grant) Paris, N. York City, b. Albany, N. Y., Apr. 27, 1807; m. New York, Oct. 25, 1840; labored 5 yrs. in the isolated district of Kau, Ha- waii : d. Hilo, Feb. 18, 1847. Her burial place was in the cup of Halai Hill, Hilo. 2 children. Photo about 1856. Mrs. (Mary Carpenter) Paris, b. New York City, Jan. 21, 1815; m. Boston, Nov. 9, 1851; arr. H. Is. Mar. 28, 1852 ; d. Kaawaloa, Aug. 18, 1896. 2 children. 74 Dag. about 1856. Photo about 1890. William Harrison Rice, Teacher, b. Oswego, N. Y., Oct. 12, 1813; arr. Honolulu, May 21, 1841 ; stat. Hana, 1845: Punahou School, 1854; became sugar plantation manager, Lihue, Kauai, where he d. May 27. 1863. Mrs. (Mary Sophia Hyde) Rice, Wales, X. Y., b. Seneca Vil- lage, Erie Co., N. Y., Oct. n, 1816; m. Sep. 28, 1840; in her later years she has lived both in California and at the Islands, and is still engaged, personally and through her liberal gifts, in the labor of elevating the Hawaiian race. 5 children. 75 Brig Sarah Abigail, Capt. Doane, sailed from Boston, May 2, 1842, and arrived at Honolulu, Sep. 21, 1842. 142 days. TENTH COMPANY. Rev. George B. Rowell and wife. Ord. Oct. 22, 1841. James W. Smith, M. D. and wife. 4- Ship Victoria, Capt. Spring, sailed from New York, Mar. 10, 1842, for Honolulu, having among her passengers Rev. Samuel C. Damon and wife, sent by the Am. Seamen's Friend Society to be Chaplain at Honolulu, and Airs. Thurston and two children, returning to the Islands. Was detained nearly two months at Valparaiso and Callao. Arrived Oct. 19, 1842. Rev. Asa P>. Smith and wife left Boston, Mar. 2, 1838, for the Oregon missionary field, traveling overland ; were detached and sent to this field, arriving in Honolulu, Sep. 21. 1843. 7 6 Photo about 1882 Photo about 1890. Rev. George Berkeley Rowell, b. Cornish, N. H., Jan. 22, 1815; Amherst Coll., 1837 ; Andover Sem., 1841 ; arr. Honolulu, Sep. 21, 1842; stat. Waioli, 1846, and Waimea, Kauai, 1865; d. Waimea, June 15, 1884. Mrs. (Malvina J. Chapin) Rowell, b. Newport, N. H., April 30, 1816; educ. at Mt. Holyoke Seminary; m. Apr. 1842; since Jan. 1893, has lived in Southern California. 7 children. 77 ...*.... Photo 1880. Photo 1880. Rev. James William Smith, M. D., b. Stamford, Ct., July 8, 1810; educ. Stamford, and N. Y. Coll. of Physicians and Sur- geons ; arr. Honolulu, Sep. 21, 1842 ; stat. Koloa, where he labored the rest of his life; orcl. to the ministry, 1857; brief visit to U. S. 1880; d. Xov. 30. 1887. Mrs. ( Melicent Knapp) Smith, b. Greenwich, Ct., Oct. 15, 1816; m. Greenwich, 1841 ; established the Koloa Boarding School for Girls, in 1861, and maintained it for 10 years; d. Koloa, Sep. 24, 1891. 8 children. c . 78 Photo about 1870 Photo about 1870. Rev. Samuel Chenery Damon, D. D., b. Holden, Ms., Feb. 15, 1815; Amherst Coll., 1838; Andover Sem., 1841 ; ord. chap- lain of the Am. Seamen's Friend Soc. Sep. 15, 1841, and stat. Honolulu, 1842; pastor of Bethel Union Church; editor and pub- lisher of "The Friend," commencing May, 1843; cl - Honolulu, Feb. 7, 1885. Mrs. (Julia Sherman Mills) Damon, Xatick, Ms., b. Torring- ford, Ct., Aug. 20, 1817; m. Oct. 6, 1841 ; first president of the Stranger's Friend Society, Honolulu ; d. Cheyenne City, Wyom- . ing, June 19, 1890. 5 children. 79 ASA BOWEN SMITH SARAH GILBERT WHITE SMITH Rev. Asa Bowen Smith, b. Williamstown, Vt., July 16, 1809; Micldlebury, Coll., 1834; Anclover and New Haven Sem. ; ord. Williamstown, Vt., Nov. i, 1837^ four months overland journey to Oregon, where labored 5 years; arr. Honolulu, Sep. 21, 1843; stat. Waialua. Oct. 1843-1846, when he ret. to U. S. ; rel. Aug. n, 1846, and engaged in pastoral work in Mass, and Conn.; d. Sherwood. Tenn., Feb. 10, 1886. Mrs. (Sarah Gilbert White) Smith, b. West Brookfield, Ms., Sep. 14, 1813; m. Mar. 15, 1838; at Waialua, Oahu, adopted the three orphan daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Locke ; ret. to U. S. with family, 1846; d. Buckland, Ms., May 1855. 3 adopted children. 80 Brig Globe, Capt. Doane. sailed from Boston, Dec. 4, 1843; arrived at Honolulu, via Tahiti, July 15, 1844. 224 days ELEVENTH COMPANY. Rev. Claudius B. Andrews. Rev. Timothy Dwight Hunt and wife. Ord. 1843. Rev. John F. Pogue. Miss Maria K. Whitney. Rev. Eliphalet Whittlesey and wife. Ord. Salisbury, Ct, Sep. 26, 1843. Si I ANNA SEWARD GILSON S ANDREWS 88S8SSSSSSS8SSSSS8S8S8 ?SS2S8SSSSS?2^g Photo 1876 Rev. Claudius Buchanan Andrews, b. Kins- man, O., July 14, 1818; Western Reserve Coll., 1840; Lane Sem., 1843; arr - Honolulu, July 15, 1844; stat. Kaluaaha, 1847; Lahainaluna, 1850; vis. U. S. and married ; on return, labor- ed at Kaluaaha, Makawao, and Lahainaluna ; cl. at sea Apr. 4, 1877, but was buried at Honolulu. Mrs. (Anna Seward Gilson) Andrews, b. Reading, Vt, Nov. 18, 1823; m. Aug. 7, 1850; with her husband, emb. at Boston for H. Is. Nov. 18, 1851 ; labored in establishing the first Maka- wao Female (now Maunaolu) Seminary ; d. at Makawao, Jan. 27, 1862'. 7 children. Photo 1876. Mrs. (Samantha Gilson) Andrews, b. Ver- mont, 1828 ; arr. Honolulu, 1853 ; m. C. B. An- drews, 1865; taught in Makawao Fern. Sem.; ret. to U. S. 1878; m. B. B. Bowman at Ann Arbor, Mich.. Aug. 6, 1887, and lives in Kala- mazoo, Mich. 82 MARY HEDGES HUNT Photo 1855 Rev. Timothy Dwight Hunt, b. Rochester, N. Y. ; Yale Coll., 1840; Auburn Sem., 1843; arr - Honolulu, July 15, 1844; stat. Waiohinu, Sep. 1845; T.ahainaluna, July 1846: Honolulu, 1847, as preacher to a foreign congregation; went to California, 1848; pastor of First Cong. Ch. of S. F.. 1848-1855 : later, lived in Nimda, N. Y. ; d. 1895. Twice married in later life; names unknown. Mrs. (Mary Hedges) Hunt, b. Newark, N. J., d. 1857. 6 children. Photo about 1875. Rev. John Fawcett Pogue, b. Wilmington, Del., Dec. 29, 1814; Marietta Coll., O., 1840; Lane Sem., 1843; arr Honolulu, July 15, 1844; stat. Koloa, July 1847; Kaawaloa, 1850: La- hainaluna, 1851-1866; Waiohinu, 1870; Honolulu, as Sec. Ha\vn. Board, 1870-77; cl. Laramie, Wy., Dec. 4, 1877, but was later interred at San Jose, Cal. Photo about 1875. Mrs. (Maria Kapule Whitney) Pogue, h. Waimea, Kauai, Oct. 19, 1820: educated in U. S., and returned to her parents Dec. 4, 1843, in ' )r 'g Globe ; m. Rev. J. F. Pogue, Honolulu, May 29, 1848; vis. U. S. 1866-67; has lived in California since 1882; d. Santa Clara, Apr. 20, 1900. 4 children. 8 4 ""*" I ELIPHALET WHITTLESEY ELIZABETH KEANE BALDWIN WHITTLESEY Rev. Eliphalet Whittlesey, b. Salisbury, Ct., July 13, 1816; Williams Coll., 1840: Union Sem.. 1843; arr. Honolulu, July 15, 1844; stat. Hana. and for i year at Kaupo, Maui, 1844-1854; ret. to U. S. 1854: rel. Mar. 1864: cl. Elmwood. X. I., Sep. I, Mrs. (Elizabeth Keane Baldwin) Whittlesey, Newark, N. J., b. Frankfort. X. J., Aug. 29. 1821 ; Mt. Holyoke Fem Sem.; m. Newark, Nov. 16. 1843: lived 10 years at H. Is.; d. 1876. i adopted child. Ship Samoset, Capt. Hollis, sailed from Boston, Oct. 23, 1847, ar >d arrived at Honolulu, Feb. 26, 1848. 126 days. TWELFTH COMPANY. Rev. Samuel G. Dvvight. Ord New York, Oct. 17, 1847. Rev. Henry Kinney and wife. Ord. La Grange, N. Y., 1847. 3 86 ANNA MAHOE DWIGHT. Dag. 1847. Rev. Samuel Gelston Dwight, b. Northampton, Ms., Jan. 18, 1815; Union Sem., 1847; arr - Honolulu, Feb. 26, 1848; stat. Kaluaaha ; connection with Am. Bd. ceased Sep. 26, 1854; d. Honolulu, Aug. 20, 1880. Mrs. (Anna Mahoe) Dwight, b. Molokai, H. Is., 1839; d. Ho- nolulu, Dec. 17, 1879. 4 children. Photo 1847. Rev. Henry Kinney, b. Amenia, Dutchess Co., N. Y., Oct. i, 1816; Yale Coll., 1844; Union Sem., 1847; arr. Honolulu, Feb. 26, 1848; stat. Waiohinu, where he labored until his health failed ; d. Sonora, Cal., Sep. 24, 1854. Photo 1857. Mrs. (Maria Louisa Walsworth) Kinney, W. Bloomfield, N. Y., b. Cleveland, Ohio, May 20, 1822; in. to Rev. H. Kinney, Sep. 6, 1847; after his death she m. Benjamin Pitman, at Hono- lulu, Aug. 5, 1856; d. Hilo, Mar. 6, 1858. 4 children. 88 Photo about 1857. Photo about 1859. Rev. Townsend Elijah Taylor, b. La Grange, N. Y., July 18, 1818; Middlebury Coll., 1844; Union Sem., 1847; sent out by the Am. Seamen's Friend Soc. as Chaplain at Lahaina, 1848; pastor of Second For. Church of Honolulu, (afterward Fort St. Ch.) 2 yrs. (1852-54;) removed to California for his health, and labored in various parts of the state, and in Virginia City, Nev. ; d. Ojai Valley, Cal., Feb. 12, 1883. Mrs. (Persis Goodale Thurston) Taylor, b. Kailua, Hawaii, Sep. 28, 1821 ; went to U. S. 1841 ; educ. at Mt. Holyoke Semin- ary; m. Aug. 12, 1847; is now living in Honolulu. 6 children. Mr. and Mrs. Taylor came to the Islands in Sh. Matilda, Capt. Lewis; arr. Honolulu, May, 1848. 8 9 Photo 1896. Photo about 1875. Charles Hinckley Wetmorc, M. 13., b. Lebanon, Ct., Feb. 8, 1820; Berkshire Medical Institute, Mass., arr. Honolulu, Mar. n, 1849; stat; - Hilo, where he labored continuously, as Mis- sionary and Govt. Physician ; promoter and deacon of the Hilo For. Ch. since 1867; two trips to U. S., 1871 and 1887, and one to Micronesia, 1885; d. Hilo, May 20, 1898. Mrs. (Lucy Sheldon Taylor) Wetmore, b. Pittsfield, Ms., Aug. 22, 1819; m. Pittsfield, Sep. 25, 1848; d. Hilo, July 23, 1883. Dr. and Mrs. Wetmore came to the Islands in the ship Leland, Capt. Eldridge, which sailed from Bos- ton, Oct. 16, 1848, and arr. at Honolulu, Mar n, 1849. 1 4& days. 9 Photo 1888. Photo 1895. Rev. Sereno Edwards Bishop, D.D., b. at Kaawaloa, Hawaii, Feb. 7, 1827; went to U. S. at an early age; Amherst Coll., - 1846; Auburn Sem., 1851: ord. N. Y. June 1852; Seamen's Chaplain, Lahaina, 1853-54: stat. Hana, 1865; Prin. Lahaina- luna Sem. 1865-1877; since then has lived in Honolulu; editor of "The Friend" since 1887. Mrs. (Cornelia A. Sessions) Bishop, b. Adams, N. Y., Jan. 12, 1826: m. Albany, N. Y., May 31, 1852; has lived at H. Is. 48 years. 5 children. Mr. and Mrs. Bishop came from N. Y. to S. F., leaving on the ship Defiance, June 25, 1852 ; from S. F. to Honolulu on Sh. Sovereign of the Seas, arr. in Honolulu, Jan. 15, 1853. ....*......>*- Photo 1871. Rev. Luther Halsey Gulick, M.D., D.D., b. Honolulu, June 10, 1828; educ. in U. S. ; grad. from N. Y. Univ., Mar. 1850; ord. N. Y., Oct. 1851; arr. Ponape via H. Is., Sep. ii, 1852; removed to Ebon, Dec. 1859; vis. U. S. 1862; Sec. of Hawn. Board till 1870; labored in Spain and Italy, 1871-1874; Agt. Am. Bible Soc. in Japan and China, 1876-1890; d. Springfield, Ms., Apr. 8, 1891. Photo 1871. Mrs. (Louisa Lewis) Gulick, b. X. Y. City, Xov. 10, 1830; m. Oct. 29, 1850: accompanied Dr. Gulick in all his migrations; d. in Japan, June 14, 1894. 8 children and I adopted child. Rev. B. G. Snow and wife and Rev. Dr. Gulick and wife, Pioneer missionaries for Micronesia, sailed from Boston, Nov. 18, 1851, in sh. Esther May, Capt. Howes. Other passengers were Mrs. L. G. Thurston, Rev. J. D. Paris and wife, and Rev. C. B. Andrews and wife, missionaries returning to H. Is. Arr. Honolulu, Mar. 28, 1852. 92 Photo about 1860. Rev. William Cornelius Shipman, b. Wethersfield, Ct., May 19, 1824; Mission Institute, Quincy, 111., 1850; New Haven Sem., 1853; ord. N. Haven, May 14, 1854; arr. Lahaina, Oct. 20, 1854; stat. at Waiohinu from June 18, 1855 until his death, Dec. 21, 1861. Photo about Mrs. (Jane Stobie) Shipman, b. Aberdour, Fifeshire, Scot- land, Dec. 20, 1827; m. Waverly, 111., July 31, 1853; after the death of Mr. Shipman, she m. Wm. H. Reed, of Hilo. 3 children. Mr. and Mrs. Shipman and Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Doane, missionaries for Micronesia, embarked in the ship Chasca, Capt. Merrill, at Boston, June 4, 1854, and arrived at Lahaina Oct. 20, 1854. 138 days. By action of the Hawaiian Mission, Mr. Shipman and wife were retained here for duty; the others went on, and occupied Ponape and Ebon. 93 * *''"........ WILLIAM OTIS BALDWIN MARY PROCTOR BALDWIN Rev. William Otis Baldwin, b. Greenfield, N. H.. Aug. 25, 1821; Amherst Coll., 1851; Bangor Sem., 1854; ord. Am- herst, N. H., Oct. 4, 1854; arr. Honolulu Mar. 31, 1855; stat. Hana ; ret. to U. S. Apr. 26, 1860, and rel. ; lived in Summer Hill, N. Y., 1885, and in Groton, N. Y., 1899. Mrs. (Mary Proctor) Baldwin, h. Linienhurg. Ms., Mar. 14. 1822; m. Amherst, N. H., Oct. 4, 1854; lived at H. Is. about 5 yrs. ; ret. to U. S. with her husband, 1860; d. in U. S. 2 children. Rev. W. O. Baldwin and wife sailed from Boston in the ship Ocean Pearl, Capt. Sears, Nov. 28, 1854, and arr. Honolulu, Mar. 31, 1855. I2 3 days. 94 Photo 1887 Rev. Hiram Bingham, D.D., b. Honolulu, Oahu, Aug. 16, 1831 ; educ. in U. S. ; Yale Coll., 1853; Andover Sem., 1856; prcl. Nov. 9, 1856; stat. Apaiang, Gilbert Is., Nov. 18, i857-Sep. 8, 1865, and in the next 10 yrs. made several annual and two stop- over visits from Honolulu to those islands ; since 1875 has labored in Honolulu for the Gilbertese nation and the colony in Hawaii : Xew Test, translation finished, Apr. i i, 1873: Old test. fin. Apr. ii, 1890; revision and printing of the complete P>ible fin. (N. Y.) Apr. ir, 1893; numerous other books translated, and a Gil- bertese dictionary not yet printed. Mr. and Mrs. Bingham sailed from Boston in the first brig Morning Star, Capt. Moore, Dec. 2, 1856; arr. Honolulu, Apr. 24, 1857; arr. Gilbert Is., Nov. 1857. Mr. Bingham commanded the second Morning Star for one year ( 1867). Mrs. (Minerva Clarissa Brewster) Bingham, b. Northampton, Ms.. Oct. 19, 1834; in. Nov. 18, 1856; still lives in Honolulu. 2 children. 95 Photo about 1880. Photo 1800. Rev. Anderson Oliver Forbes, b. Kaawaloa, Hawaii, Apr. 14, 1833; educ. in part at Punahou ; Washington Coll., Pa., 1853; Princeton Sem., 1858; ord. Philadelphia, May 5, 1858, and ret. to H. Is.; stat. Kaluaaha, 1868; pastor Kaumakapili Ch., Ho., 1870; Prof. Lahainaluna Sem. 1874; pastor Foreign Ch., Hilo. 1880; Sec. Havvn. I'.d. 1888; d. Colorado Springs, Col., July 8, 1888. Mrs. (Maria Jane Chamberlain) Forbes, b. Honolulu, Oahu, Apr. 25, 1832; educ. Punahou School and Mt. Holyoke Sem., Mass.; m. Honolulu, Dec. 21, 18^8: since 1889 has been Manager of the Lunalilo Home for aged Hawaiians, Honolulu. 4 children. 96 -""A"* I Photo 1900. Photo 1900 Rev. Orramel Hinckley Gulick, b. Honolulu, Oct. 7, 1830; ecluc. at Punahou, being one of the foundation scholars ; was 2d mate of the Morning Star, 1857, and ist mate, 1858; ord. 1862; stat. Waiohinu, 1862-65 ; Prin. Waialua Girls' Bdg. School, 1865- 69; missionary of A. B. C. F. M. stat. in Kobe, Japan, 1870-1892, and in H. Is. in the Japanese work, 1893 till the present time. Mrs. (Ann Eliza Clark) Gulick, b. Honolulu, Aug. 8, 1833; educ. at home, at Punahou school, and at Mt. Holyoke Sem. ; m. Honolulu, May 19, 1855 ; has actively shared in all the mis- sionary labors of her husband, and is now in Honolulu, working for the Japanese in H. Is. 5 adopted children. 97 The "Old Stone Church" of Kawaia- hao is the fifth in succession of houses of worship built near the same spot. All the others were frames of poles, in the native style, thatched with grass. The first was 54x21 ft. in size, and had plain doors, a pulpit window, a decent pulpit, and astral lamps. It was built by subscription which was opened June 25, 1821, chiefs and foreigners contributing; and it was dedicated Sep. 15, the same year, Mr. Thurston preaching the dedica- tion sermon. This house was burned, Mar. 30, 1824. By command of Kalanimoku a second church was quickly built, from materials contributed by certain chiefs. It was 72x25 ft., and' seated 600 people ; but it proved too small for the congregation : and, in 1825, a third church was built by Queen Kaahumanu and , Kalanimoku. at a place which ; is now the south corner of the Executive Building yard, the an- gle of King and Likelike 'streets. The fourth was built, also by royal authority, in 1829, seaward as to its site and at right angles as to its position, from the present stone church. It was 196x63 ft., and seated 4000 people. The pulpit, neatly built of native wood, was at the middle of the east side. It rose from a low platform 24x12 ft., behind which was a vertical sounding-board of the same size, broken only by the central pulpit window. Some settees for the privileged ones faced the platform," litjt the great audience seated themselves on mats which covered the rush-strewn earth floor. Entrance was through two large doors at each end, and numerous smaller ones at the sides. The dedica- tion of this church was held July 3. 1829. All the dignitaries of the State were present. The young King and the HENRY HODGES PARKER ...-* - - - ' Rev. Henry Hodges Parker, b. Xuuhiva, Mar- quesas Is., Alar. 2, 1834; educ. at Honolulu; ord. pastor of Kawaiahao Church, June 28, 1863, and has labored there until this time ; has made a brief visit to California, and another to U. S. and Europe. 98 Princess, his sister, made addresses to the people, and the King made a volun- tary dedicatory prayer] A trained choir of men and women rendered the hymns, and a bass-viol represented the orchestra. The building of the fifth church took its impulse from a desire of the young King for three things a ship of war, a palace, and a new church. Kinau, his Premier, thought it well to secure the church first ; and at a public called meet- ing, early in 1836, plans were shown and explained, and a subscription started, the King leading off with $3,000. Gov. Ke r kuanaoa was master workman. The male church members were divided into five bands, and each band wrought one day in the week as volunteers. Coral blocks for the walls were cut from the reef near the harbor. The heavy tim- bers for floor and roof were native wood, hewed to size. Quantities of lime mortar were made from home materials. The basement was excavated to coral bed rock, and basement walls and piers start- ed from that foundation. The building is 144x78 ft., and has basement, main floor, and galleries, and a vestibule and tower. It was six years in building, and cost $33,000 ; and was opened July 2 1 , 1842. In 1893 the wood work .had to be renovated, and the interior is, in every sense, modern. The organization of this church, that is. the date when the first Hawaiian members were received into the Mission church, was Dec. 5, 1825 ; and the "Dia- riiond Jubilee" was celebrated Dec. 2nd. '1900, and through the week following. ( H. Bingham, 1825-1840. R. Armstrong, 1840-1848. E. W. Clark. 1848-1863. H. H. Parker, 1863 Pastors Photo 1890 Photo 1893 Rev. Charles McEwen Hyde, D.D., b. N. Y. City, June 8, 1832; Williams Coll., 1852 ; Union and Princeton Sems. ; orcl. Brim- field, Ms., 1862 ; was pastor there and in Haverhill until 1876 : arr. Honolulu, June i, 1877; reorganized the Theol. School as the North Pacific Missionary Institute, and was Principal; Sec, Bd. Hawn. Evangel. Assn. :" promoter of the Chinese, Japanese, and Portuguese Mission Churches ; Trustee of five important educational trusts, involving the expenditure of much money ; d. Honolulu, Oct. 13, 1899. Mrs. (Mary T. Knight) Hyde, b. Brimfield, Ma., Aug. 6, 1840; m. Brimfield, Oct. 10, 1865; at Honolulu, Pres. Woman's Board of Missions for Pac. Is.. Pres. Free Kindergarten and Children's Aid Association, and Vice-Pres. Portuguese Charitable Asso- ciation. 2 children. 99 --I Photo IQOO Photo 1900. Rev. Oliver Pomeroy Emerson, b. Lahainaluna, Maui, July 27, 1845; ccluc - Punahou School, 1857-1865; Williams Coll., 1868; Andover Sem., 1871 : settled at Lynnfield Center, Ms., Alle- gheny, Pa., and Peace Dale, R. I.; ret. to H. Is. and in 1887 l ie " came Corr. Sec. of the Hawaiian Hoard, Honolulu. Mrs. (Eugenie Homer) Emerson, b. Roxbury, Boston, Ms., Apr. 17, 1854; educ. Boston and Radcliffe Coll., Cambridge; m. Roxbury, Feb. 13, 1896; lives in Honolulu. 100 Photo 1900 Rev. John Leadingham, b. Arbroath, Scotland, Dec. 18, 1853 ; Oberlin Coll., (Ohio) 1883; Oberlin bem. 1887; Prof, in Oberlin Seminary. 1887-1893; arr. Honolulu, Nov. 3, 1894; As- sociate with Dr. Hyde in the North Pacific Missionary Institute, 1894-99 ; Principal of N. P. M. Inst, 1900. Photo 1900. Mrs. (Anna Mayo Rich) Leadingham of Elyria, O., b. Milo, Me., Apr. 24, 1857; Oberlin Coll., 1886; m. Elyria, O., June 15, 1887. 6 children. 101 At the "General Meeting" of the missionaries held at Honolulu, June; 1837, it was decided to divide the mission work in Hono- lulu, and establish a new station at Kaumakapili and place Rev. Lowell Smith in charge of the same. It was exceed- ingly difficult to secure land suitable for family, for school, and church purposes, as in those days the King and high chiefs had nominal possession of all lands. This particular neighbor- hood belonged to Paki, one of the principal chiefs, but in time he arranged with several Hawaiian families to vacate their dwellings, giving them other homes in exchange, and thus about half an acre of ground was obtained and consecrated to the new work. Building materials being very scarce, the walls of the dwelling and school houses were of adobe bricks, the roof of native grass. On the i gth of December, 1837, missionary work at the new station was opened in the school house, which was 65 by 30 feet. A rush covered lanai of equal proportions was added, the door- way being used as the speaker's platform. About 1,000 people could be comfortably accommodated, as all sat upon the rush- strewn floors. On the ist of January, 1838, commenced the remarkable re- ligious awakening which continued over the entire group of Isl- ands for about three years. On the ist day of April of the same year, Rev. Hiram I'ingham assisted Rev. Lowell Smith in or- ganizing a church at Kaumakapili, at which time 22 persons were received by letter from Kawaiahao Church, two from Ewa, one from Kauai, forty-nine on profession of their faith in Christ. The accommodations were insufficient from the first for the throngs that assembled daily to listen to the preaching of the gospel, and steps were taken to prepare for a larger place of worship. It is recorded under date of February 8, 1838, "Some 70 or 80 men have commenced cultivating patches of ground for the Lord, to purchase a bell, and build a meeting-house. The Lord grant us his blessing." It was one year and four months from the time the founda- tions were laid, ere the first Kaumakapili Church was dedicated to the Lord. This was done August 29, 1839. The walls of adobe brick, were three feet thick and twelve feet high ; the building sixty feet wide and one hundred and twenty-five feet long. There were eight large doors and sixteen large windows, and a seven foot veranda surrounded the whole building. The covering was an immense hip roof, very steep and thatched with grass. 2500 to 3000 persons could get within hearing of the preacher, and the accoustic properties of the great room were perfect. For thirty years Mr. Smith preached in this church, and ful- filled the complex duties of the station and pastorate. Over 3000 names were enrolled as members during this period. At the request of the American Board, he then resigned in favor of Rev. A. (). Forbes. Rev. G. W. Pilipo, and Rev. M. Kuaea succeeded him in turn ; and during the incumbency of the latter, with large assistance from King Kalakaua, the old church was removed, and the foundations laid of the brick structure that was destroyed by fire, January 20, 1900. This second building was of two stories, with large handsome windows. It was equipped with electric lights, a fine organ, folding seats, and chime of bells. Rev. W. Waiamau was for years the pastor, till, stricken with paralysis, his place was filled by Rev. E. S. Timoteo. The organization is worshipping temporarily in a district chapel in Palama, awaiting the time when the Fire Claims shall be settled, and definite steps can be taken for rebuilding' on or near the old site. 102 ...... INDEX. Alexander, Rev. W. P. and Mrs. M. A 34 Andrews, Rev. L. and Mrs. M. W 21 Andrews, Dr. S. L. and Mrs. P. P 55 Andrews, Rev. C. !>., Mrs. A. S. and Mrs. S. G 82 Armstrong, Rev. R. and Mrs. C. C 35 I >ailey, E. and Mrs. C. H 56 Baldwin, Rev. D. and Mrs. C. F 29 Baldwin, Rev. W. O. and Mrs. M. P 94 Bethel Church 46 Bingham, Rev. H. and Mrs. S. M 2 Bingham, Rev. H. and Mrs. C. B 95 Bishop, Rev. A., Mrs. E. E. and Mrs. D. S 12 Bishop, Rev. S. E. and Mrs. C. S 91 Blatchley, Dr. A. and Mrs. J. M 13 Bliss, Rev. I. and Mrs. E. C 57 Bond, Rev. E. and Mrs. E. H 72 Brown, M.iss L 50 Castle, S. N., Mrs. A. T. and Mrs. M. T 58 Chamberlain, D. and Mrs. J 3 Chamberlain, L. and Mrs. M. P 14 Chapin, Dr. A. and Mrs. M. T 36 Clark, Rev. E. W., Mrs. M. K. and Mrs. S. R 22 Coan, Rev. T., Mrs. F. C. and Mrs. L. l'> 51 Company i , Thaddeus i 2, Thames 1 1 3, Parthian '. . . . 20 4, New England 28 5, Averick 33 6, Mentor 44 7, Hellespont 49 8, Alary Erazier 54 9, Gloucester 71 10, Sarah Abigail 76 11, Globe 81 12, Samoset 86 I0 3 INDEX Continued. Conde, Rev. D. T. and Mrs. A. L 59 Cooke, A. S. and Mrs. J. M 60 Damon, Rev. S. C. and Mrs. J. M 79 Dibble, Rev. S., Mrs. M. T. and Mrs. A. T 30 Diell, Rev. J. and Mrs. C. P 45 Dimond, H. and Mrs. A. M 52 Dole, Rev. D., Mrs. E. B. and Mrs. C. C 73 Dwight, Rev. S. G. and Mrs. A. M 87 Ellis, Rev. W. and Mrs. M. M 10 Ely, Rev. J. and Mrs. L. E 15 Emerson, Rev. J. S. and Mrs. U. S. N 37 Emerson, Rev. O. P. and Mrs. E. H 100 English Missionary Deputation 9 Forbes, Rev. C. and Mrs. R. S 38 Forbes, Rev. A. O. and Mrs. M. C 96 Fuller, L 46 Goodrich, Rev. J. and Mrs. M. 1! 16 Green, Rev. J. S., Mrs. T. A. and Mrs. A. S 23 Gulick, Rev. P. J. and Mrs. F. T 24 Gulick, Rev. L. H. and Mrs. L. L 92 Gulick, Rev. O. H. and Mrs. A. C 97 Hall, E. O., Mrs. S. W. and Mrs. M. D 53 Hitchcock, Rev. H. R. and Mrs. R. H 39 Holman, Dr. T. and Mrs. L. R 4 Hunt, Rev. T. D. and Mrs. M. H 83 Hyde, Rev. C. M. and Mrs. M. K 99 Ives, Rev. M. and Mrs. M. B 61 Johnson, Rev. E. and Mrs. L. H 62 Johnstone, A. and Mrs. R. W 31 Judd, Dr. G. P. and Mrs. L. F 25 Kaumakapili Church 102 Kawaiahao Church 98 Kinney, Rev. H. and Mrs. M. W 88 Knapp, H. O. and Mrs. C. C 63 Lafon. Dr. 1 T. and Mrs. S. P 64 Leadingham, Rev. J. and Mrs. A. R 101 Locke, E. and Mrs. M. R 65 Loomis, E. and Mrs. M. S 5 ..>* * >*****< 104 ***"*.*.. INDEX Concluded. Lyman, Rev. D. B. and Mrs. S. J 40 Lyons, Rev. L., Mrs. B. C. and Mrs. L. S 41 MacDonald, C. and Mrs. H. H 66 Marquesan Mission, First 44 Munn, B. and Mrs. L. C 67 Ogden, Miss M. . . >. 26 Paris, Rev. J. D., Mrs. M. G. and Mrs. M. C 74 Parker, Rev. P,. W. and Mrs. M. E 47 Parker, Rev. H. H 98 Pogue, Rev. J. F. and Mrs. M. W 84 Punahou School 68 Rice, W. H. and Mrs. M. H 75 Richards, Rev. W. and Mrs. C. L 17 Rogers, E. H., Mrs. M. W.. and Mrs. E. II 42 Rowell, Rev. G. B. and Mrs. M. C 77 Ruggles, S. and Mrs. N. W 6 Shepard, S. and Mrs. M. S 27 Shipman, Rev. \Y. C. and Mrs. J. S 93 Smith, Rev. L. and Mrs. A. W 48 Smith, Miss M 68 Smith, Dr. J. W. and Mrs. M. K 78 Smith, Rev. A. B. and Mrs. S. G. W 80 Spaulding, Rev. E. and Mrs. J. B 43 Stewart, Rev. C. S. and Mrs. H. 15. T 18 Stockton, Miss B 19 Taylor, Rev. T. E. and Mrs. P. G 89 Thurston, Rev. A. and Mrs. L. G 7 Tinker, Rev. R. and Mrs. M. W 32 Van Duzee, W. S. and Mrs. O. H 69 \Yetmore, Dr. C. H. and Mrs. L. S. T 90 \Yhitney, Rev. S. and Mrs. M. P 8 Whittlesey, Rev. E. and Mrs. E. B 85 Wilcox, A. and Mrs. L. H 70 '05 7 16 39 GENERAL LIBRARY - U.C. BERKELEY