NRLF B 14 3m t,ED vir A CONTRIBUTION U THE FLORA OF DERBYSHIRE. BEING AN ACCOUNT OF THE FLOWERING PLANTS, FERNS,, AND CHARACE.E FOUND IN THE COUNTY. BY THE KEY. W. H. PAINTER, u CORRESPONDING MEMBER OF THE BIRMINGHAM NATURAL HISTORY AND MICROSCOPICAL SOCIETY. LONDON : GEORGE BELL & SONS, YOEK STREET, COVENT GARDEN. DERBY : E. CLULOW". JUN. 1889. BIOLOGY "God said, Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself, upon the earth: and it was so." Gen. i., 11. "By Him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible ; . . . . all things were created by Him and for Him." Col. i., 16. PEEFACE. l&TC THIS book is not issued as containing a complete record of the Flora of Derbyshire, but as a pioneer of future efforts towards obtaining full information of the plants growing within its boundaries, since very little has been done in that part of the county where the coal measures occur. It is, therefore, to be hoped that the issue of this publication may have the effect of stirring up the Botanists living in this part of the county to work out the subject of it ; and may the perusal of the following pages have this further result, that those who study the distribution of flowering and other plants in our country may be led by that study into a deeper admiration of God's works, and a more profound reverence for the wisdom of Him who has appointed the variations of climate, the recurrence of the seasons in their order, and the bounds of man's habitation ; and who has displayed in the wondrously adapted organs of the lowliest plants Almighty power and Infinite love ! Studying His wonders in creation, even in that portion of His works included in botanical research, may every reader of this work be led to desire a more intimate acquaintance with the wonders of redeeming love, beside which even creative power is comparatively small ! I shall be glad to receive communications giving informa- tion respecting the plants mentioned in the following pages, or any that may be hereafter discovered in Derbyshire. W. HUNT PAINTEB. KNYPERSLEY HALL, CONGLETON, July, 1889. 277 CONTENTS. INTRODUCTION t ...... Page 1 OEDEBS. PAGE ORDERS. PAGE Ranunculaceae . 11 Ericaceae . 82 Berberaceae 15 Ilicaceae 84 Nymphasaceae 15 Jasminaceae 84 Papaveraceae 16 Apocynaceae 84 Fumariaceae 17 Gentiaiiaceae 84 Cruciferae .... 17 Polemoniaceae . 85 Resedaceae .... 22 Convolvulaceae . 85 Cistaceae .... 22 Solanaceae 86 Violaceae .... 23 Scrophulariacese 86 Droseraceae 24 Orobanchaceae . 90 Polygalaceae 24 Verbenaceae 90 Caryopkyllacese 25 Labiatae 91 Linacese .... 29 Boraginaceae 96 Malvaceae .... 29 Pinguiculaceae . 99 Tiliaceae . . ... 30 Primulaceae 99 Hypericaceae 30 Plantaginaceae . . 100 Aceraceae .... 32 Chenopodiaceae . . 101 Geraniaceae 32 Polygonaceae . 102 Balsaminaceae . 34 ThymelaBaceae . . 104 Oxalidaceae 34 Empetraceae . 104 Celastraceae 34 Euphorbiaceae . . 105 Rhamnaceae . . . 34 Urticaceaa . . 105 Legumiiiiferae . 35 Amentiferae . 106 Rosaceae . . . 40 Coniferae . 110 Onagraceae . 54 Orchidaceae . Ill Haloragiaceae 56 Iridaceae . 113 Lythraceae 57 Amaryllidaceae . . 114 Cucurbitaceae 58 Liliaceae . - . . 114 Portulaceae 58 Dioscoreaceae . 116 Scleranthaceae . 58 Melantbiaceae . . . 116 Grossulariaceaa . . . 58 Hydrocharidaceae . 116 Crassulaceae 59 Alismaceae . . 116 Saxifragaceae 60 Potamaceae . 117 Araliaceae .... 61 Lemnaceae . 119 Coruaceae .... 61 Araceae . . . 119 Umbelliferae 62 Typhaceae . . 119 Loranthaceae 66 Juncaceae . . 120 Caprifoliaceae 66 Cyperaceae . . 122 Rubiaceae .... 67 Gramineae . . . . 129 Valerianaceae 68 Filices . 139 Dipsacese .... Compositae 69 70 Lycopodiaceas . Equisetaceae . 142 . 143 Campanulaceae . 81 Characeae . 144 ADDENDA AND CORRIGENDA 145 INDEX OF SCIENTIFIC NAMES 146 INDEX OF ENGLISH NAMES 151 INTRODUCTION. THE character of the Flora of a District is owing in a great measure to its geological features, and it will be seen that the nature of the Flora of Derbyshire is no exception to this rule. Taking the different geological formations in order, we have first large beds of Drift, which lie in the river valleys and extend over the lower lands of the county. Next in order are the Triassic Rocks, which occur in the southern part of Derbyshire, and which extend from Ash- bourne and Duffield to the borders of Leicestershire, Warwickshire, and Staffordshire. A narrow band of Magne- sian Limestone is found on the extreme east of the county in the neighbourhood of Mansfield. Beneath these lie the Coal Measures, which reach from Sheffield on the north to within six miles of Derby. In the northern part of the county there is a wild moor- land tract of country, where the Millstone Grit Rocks predomi- nate, with Kinder Scout (1,981ft.), Cowburn (1,816ft.), Axe Edge (1,761ft.), and Mam Tor (1,709ft.) as the highest points. These series of rocks extend from Glossop on the north to Duffield on the south. Beneath these series come the Yoredale Rocks, which are composed of beds of impure limestone and shales, and which are exposed in the ravines on the flanks of Kinder Scout, Mam Tor, and other hills. Next in descending order is the Carboniferous Limestone. This series commences on the north near Castleton and Buxton and terminates at Matlock Bath, with outliers at Crich Hill, and Tickenhall on the borders of Leicestershire. 2 THE FLORA OF DERBYSHIRE. The famous dales and caves of Derbyshire occur in this formation with a flora peculiar to themselves and to the other parts of our island where these rocks are found. The rivers of Derbyshire are not for the most part important ones, though there are some within the county which are remarkable for their beauty. In the Peak District are the Etherow, which forms the extreme northern boundary of the county ; the Hope, which runs through the Vale of Edale and Hope Dale, and falls into the Derwent ; the Derwent, which rises on Langsett Moor and falls into the Trent, thus traversing the whole of the county ; the Wye, which rises on Axe Edge and flows through a succession of dales until it falls into the Derwent at Rowsley, receiving on its way the waters of the LathkilL In the centre of the county are the Amber, also a tributary of the Dcrwent ; the Eother, which flows northwards from near Chesterfield ; and the Erewash forms the boundary between Derby- shire and Nottinghamshire. On the B.E. of the county is the Trent, which separates this county from that of Leicester. On the W. and S.W. is the Dove, which rises on one of the flanks of Axe Edge and runs through the beautiful dale to which it gives its name, separating the counties of Derby and Stafford through the whole length of its course from its source to its junction with the Trent ; while on the north-western side of the county are the Goyt and the Dane, which form the boundary between it and Cheshire. The sources of these three last-mentioned rivers are not far distant from each other, and thus Axe Edge is shown to be the chief water- shed, for, whilst the Dove flows into the Trent and so into the North Sea, the Goyt and the Dane flow into the Mersey and so into the Irish Sea. Topographical Divisions. For the sake of convenience the county may be divided into three portions, and the flora arranged accordingly, and in the following pages reference will be made thus : I. The Peak District, in which are the principal hills and dales. II. The Central District, embracing the Coal Measures and the Magnesian Limestone. III. The Southern District, extending over the country south of Duffield and Ashbourne. Names and Species Limit. The sequence, nomenclature, and limitation of the species given in the following pages are the same as those which are found in the " Cybele Britan- nica" and its "Compendium," and in the "Topographical Botany" issued by the late Mr. H. C. Watson, and in Mr. INTRODUCTION. 3 J. G. Baker's books, " North Yorkshire," the " New Flora of Northumberland and Durham," and the " Flora of the English Lake District." In this work I have only numbered the species that have a reasonable claim to be regarded as wild plants in Derbyshire. A break in the regular sequence of the figures consequently indicates that plants that grow wild elsewhere in Britain are not found in this county. The plants whose names are given in italics are considered as ambiguities and doubtful, respecting which further informa- tion is required. Classes of Citizenship. These are to be understood as used in the same sense as in Watson's " Cybele Britannica," where they are fully defined and explained. By a "Native" is meant a plant which, so far as present appearances show, has established itself quite independently of man's interven- tion. By a "Colonist" is meant a well-established weed of corn fields and arable land; by a "Denizen," a plant that now looks quite wild, but may, perhaps, have been originally introduced by human agency; and by an "Alien"*, species established less thoroughly, which, without doubt, has strayed from cultivation. Types of Distribution. The types of distribution, as worked out by Mr. Watson, furnish a ready means of indi- cating the distribution of species through Britain as a whole. The types are as follows, viz.: 1. British Type. Species which are spread at shore-level through the length and breadth of the island. 2. English Type. Species which have their headquarters in the south of England, and become rare and run out in the north of England or south of Scotland. 3. Germanic Type. Species that have their headquarters in the east of England, and become rare and run out altogether in the western counties. 4. Atlantic Type. Species that have their headquarters in Wales and the west of England, and run out eastward. 5. Scottish Type. Species that have their headquarters in Scotland, and run out in the north of England. 6. Highland Type. Species that have their headquarters in the Scotch Highlands, and grow southward only amongst the high mountains of the north of England and Wales. 7. Intermediate Type. Species that have their head- quarters in the north of England. 8. Local Type. Species too local to be classed under any of the preceding types. The following table, therefore, will show at a glance how the plants of Derbyshire are spread through the rest of B2 4 THE FLORA OF DERBYSHIRE. Britain, and how the flora of this county compares with that of the whole island : Britain. Derbyshire. British 532 532 English 409 282 Germanic 127 14 Highland 120 9 Scottish 81 30 Atlantic 70 3 Intermediate ... 37 16 Local 49 3 *Total 1,425 889 Zones of Temperature and Altitude. By "range" is meant range in altitude above sea-level, and by the figures 1-2-3 the zones of altitude in which the plant grows in Derbyshire. For tracing out the vertical range of species Mr. Watson divided the surface of Britain into two "regions" and six "zones" of temperature. The two regions he called "Agrarian" and "Arctic." The Agrarian includes the whole surface of the island at sea- level and as far up the hills as arable cultivation is possible. This is up to about 600 yards above sea-level in the north of England and 400 yards in the Scotch Highlands, whilst all above this belongs to the Arctic region. These two regions he divided each into three zones, Super-agrarian, Mid-agrarian, and Infer-agrarian ; Super- arctic, Mid-arctic, and Infer-arctic. Of these six zones only the Agrarian are represented in Derbyshire, the highest hill being only 1,981 feet high, whilst the lowest land is about 150 feet above the sea-level. I begin to count from below, and my zone 1 corresponds with Watson's Infer-agrarian zone ; my zone 2 to his Mid-agrarian zone ; and my zone 3 to his Super- agrarian zone. Zone 1. Infer-agrarian zone of Watson. This embraces all the low-lying part of Derbyshire, and is marked by the prevalence of Convolvulus sepium, Bryonia dioica, 2'amus communis, Acer campestre, Rhamnus cathartic us, and Cornus sanguinea. Zone 2. Mid-agrarian zone of Watson. This descends, according to Mr. Baker, to 150 yards and ascends to 350 yards in Derbyshire ; is marked by the plants given above occurring in less abundance than in the lower zone, and by the cessation of Ulex and the fruticose Rubi in the open * The above summary of classes of citizenship, &c., is extracted from Mr. Baker's " Flora of the Lake District," pp. 2-4. INTRODUCTION. 5 spaces, of Pyrus Mains and Viburnum Opulus in the woods, and of Alnus ylutinosa and Salix frayilis following up the streams. Zone 3. Super- agrarian zone of Watson. This includes that portion of the county which lies at an elevation of 350 yards, according to Mr. Baker, and is marked by the presence of Rubus Chamamorus, Arbutus Uva Ursi, &c. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE BOTANY OF DERBYSHIRE. 1696. Kay's " Synopsis," 2nd Edition. 1729. Martyn in " Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society," xxxvi., pp. 22-80. 1772. Gibson's Bp. Edition of Camden's "Britannia" includes Bay's List. 1789. Gough's Edition of Camden's "Britannia" includes Bay's List with additions. 1787-96. Withering's " Arrangement of British Plants," 3rd Edition. The habitats for the plants growing in Derbyshire were furnished by Bev. S. Dickenson, LL.D., Kector of Blymhill; Dr. J. E. Smith, F.B.S. ; Mr. Whateley, and Mr. T. J. Woodward, F.L.S., of Bungay. 1789. Pilkington's "Derbyshire: an Account of its Geology, &c.," has a list of plants found in the county and recorded in Witheriug's " Arrangement of British Plants." 1805. Dawson Turner and Dilwyn : " The Botanist's Guide through England and Wales " contains the same information that is given in Pilkington's " Account of Derbyshire " respecting the Botany of the county. 1817 and 1821. " Ptirton's Midland Flora," by Thomas Purton, surgeon, Alcester, which contains lists of plants with their habitats contributed by Mrs. Acland and the Kev. W. T. Bree, Bector of Allesley, Warwickshire. 1823. "The English Flora," by Sir J. E. Smith, M.D., F.R.S., P.L.S. The plants mentioned herein as growing in Derbyshire are mainly those recorded by earlier botanists, with a few additions. 1829. Glover's " History of the County of Derby" contains a much longer list of plants than is to be found in any previous book ; but the names of very few botanists are given in connection with these plants. 6 THE FLORA OF DERBYSHIRE. 1835. Watson, Hewett Cottrell: "New Botanists' Guide to the Localities of the Barer Plants of Britain." Vol. i., England and Wales; vol. ii., Scotland; and Supplement, 1887. This is substantially a new edition of the " Botanists' Guide " of Turner and Dillwyn, with additions by himself, Kev. Churchill Babington, Eev. A. Bloxam, Mr. J. E. Bowman, W. Christy, Harriman, and Mr. G. Howitt. In his other books, " Cybele Britannica" and " Topographical Botany," 1873-4, of which a new edition has been issued, edited by Mr. J. G. Baker, F.B.S., and the Eev. W. W. Newbould, much additional information respecting this county has been given. 1838. " The British Flora," by Sir W. J. Hooker, gives several habitats of the plants growing in this county, chiefly on the authority of D. Turner and Dillwyn's " Botanists' Guide," and of Mr. Watson's works. 1844. Eobert Garner, F.L.S. : " Natural History of the County of Stafford." This gentleman is still living at Stoke-upon-Trent, and has frequently conversed with me about his botanical discoveries in the dales of Derbyshire, he being the first to find Draba incana in Monsal Dale. In the above- mentioned book several interesting Derbyshire plants are mentioned and their habitats given. 1847. Whittaker, Joseph, Ferriby Brook, Morley, con- tributed to the " Phytologist," vol. ii., a " List of the Plants and Ferns " growing at Breadsall, near Derby. Mr. Whittaker has rendered me very valuable assistance at various times, besides furnishing me with specimens of the plants found in his neighbourhood. The information thus derived from him has his name placed against it in the following pages. 1851. " Gem of the Peak," by Thomas Adams. This contains a long list of plants which appears to have been derived from Glover's History, and no authorities are given for the habitats mentioned. 1863. "Natural History of Tutbury," by Sir Oswald Moseley, Bart., D.C.L., F.E.S., together with the " Fauna and Flora of the District surrounding Tutbury and Burton-on-Trent," by Edwin Brown. The contributors to the latter part of this work, so far as the botany is concerned, were the Be vs. A. INTRODUCTION. 7 Bloxam, W. H. Coleman, W. M. Hind, W. H. Purclias, and Churchill Babington ; Dr. Hewgill, Mr. Garner, Mr. J. T. Harris, Mr. Mott, Mr. W. Birch, Mr. Valentine, and Mr. Ford. In this book several additional plants are mentioned and habitats given on the authority of these botanists. 1866. "Wild Flowers of Eepton ; " 2nd Edition, 1881, " Flora and Fauna of Repton." The flora in this work is the result of the labours of W. Wyatt and C. G. Thornton, from notes of collections made in 1859, 1860, and 1861, with additions by W. M. Sinclair, E. Blumhardt, and W. Nanson, to which Dr. Hewgill also rendered much assistance. This was revised by the late Mr. Garneys, of Repton, with the assistance of Mr. Hagger, by whom more species were added to those contained in the first edition. 1877. " The Ferns of Derbyshire," with a preface by the Rev. Gerard Smith, B.A., Ob. December 21st, 1881. This book appears to have been written after Mr. Smith left Osmaston-by-Ashbourne (of which place he was vicar from 1854 to 1871), and had taken up his residence at Ockbrook, near Derby. At this latter place it was my privilege to visit him frequently and converse with him, not only upon botany, but also upon the things of the Gospel. Mr. Smith had amassed during a long life con- siderable stores of scientific knowledge, which he delighted in imparting to others. But it was as a botanist that his scientific attainments were most marked. During his residence in Derbyshire, first at Osmaston and afterwards at Ockbrook, he accurately noted all the plants that he saw, the benefit of which observations I have reaped through the kindness of the Committee of University College, Nottingham, where his collections are preserved, and by whom I was allowed to make copious extracts from his MSS. for this work, all references to which are distinguished thus, " Smith MSS. 11 Further, not only did Mr. Smith give me much valuable information, but my herbarium was considerably enriched by specimens not only of Derbyshire plants, but also by specimens collected by him in various parts of England and Scotland. 8 THE FLORA OF DERBYSHIRE. N. D. Bemrose's "Guide to Derbyshire." Editor unknown. These contain lists both of plants and habitats for which no authorities are given. 1874-87. The reports of the Botanical Locality Eecord Club. 1881-8. " Journal of Botany." Papers by the Eev. W. H. Painter : " Notes upon the Flora of Derbyshire. 1881." " The Upland Flora of Derbyshire," by Mr. J. G. Baker, F.B.S., 1884. "The Upland Botany of Derbyshire," by Mr. W. West, Ib. " Notes on the Flora of Matlock," by Mr. J. G. Baker, F.B.S., and the Eev. W. W. Newbould, M.A., F.L.S., Ib. " Notes on the Flora of Buxton," by the Eev. W. Moyle Eogers, F.L.S., 1885. " Some more Notes on Dove Dale Plants," by the Eev. W. H. Purchas, Ib. " A List of Plants observed in South Derbyshire," by the same author, 1886. " South Derbyshire Plants," by the Eev. W. E. Linton, M.A., 1888. 1888. " The Flora of Ashton-under-Lyne and District," as compiled by the Ashton-under-Lyne Linnsea Botanical Society, with a List of Mosses of the District, by Mr. J. Whitehead. In the "List of Plants observed in South Derbyshire" by Mr. Purchas, mentioned above, are recorded some new plants which were noted by the Eev. A. Bloxam during the time that he lived at Calke, which must have ended in the year 1833. The result of his observations he communicated to the late Mr. H. C. Watson, by whom the rarer plants were published in his " New Botanist's Guide" (1835), and more especially in the Supple- ment. On leaving Calke Abbey he placed in the hands of the then Lady Crewe a collection con- taining a specimen of almost every species observed by him. This collection was carefully preserved by Lady Crewe, and is now in the possession of Mr. Hugo H. Crewe, by whose kindness, as Mr. Purchas says, he was enabled to go carefully through it, and examine at leasure any species of which he was in doubt. The results of this examination Mr. Purchas very kindly allows me to reproduce in the succeeding pages, and they are marked "Bloxam!" This, however, is not the only kindness that I have received from Mr. Purchas. He has at various times assisted me INTRODUCTION. 9 materially by examining critical species submitted to him, and by furnishing me with specimens, and with valuable general information. The like kind- ness I have also received from the other contributors to the "Journal of Botany," who not only allow me to make free use of their papers, but have favoured me with specimens. My warmest thanks are especially due to Professor Babington, F.R.S., and Mr. J. G. Baker for great kindness received from them, and for the counsel and assistance with which they have favoured me. The late Dr. Boswell, Mr. J. E. Bagnall, A.L.S.; Dr. Buchanan- White, Mr. N. E. Brown, of Kew ; Mr. J. Groves, F.L.S. ; and Mr. F. J. Hanbury, F.L.S. , have also assisted me by examining specimens submitted to them, and I seize this opportunity of tendering my thanks to them for their valuable criticisms ; and, further, I have to express my grateful acknowledg- ments to the following friends in addition to those already mentioned, who have kindly furnished me with information and with specimens of the plants gathered by them, whose names are placed against the habitats for which they are responsible : Kev. F. Atkinson, M.A., Rector of Darley. Mr. C. Bailey, F.L.S., Whalley Range, Manchester. Mr. Bland, Duffield. Mr. J. H. Burkill, Caius College, Cambridge. Mr. E. Candler, Repton School. Rev. Canon Carr, M.A., Holbrook Hall, Derby. Mr. J. W. Carr, B.A., Cant., University College, Nottingham. Rev. R. Fielden, Muggington Rectory, Duffield. Dr. Fraser, M.A., Wolverhampton. Mr. C. T. Green, L.R.C.P. Lond., Birkenhead. Mr. J. Hagger, Repton. Mr. Hannan, Ashton-under-Lyne. Mr. J. T. Harris, Burton-on- Trent. Rev. H. C. Hasse", Ockbrook. Mr. Arnold Lees, M.R.C.S. Eng., L.R.C.P. Lond., Leeds. Rev. W. R. Linton, M.A., Vicar of Shirley, Derby. Mr. J. R. B. Masefield, M.A., Cheadle. Rev. H. Milnes, Vicar of Winster, Matlock. Mr. F. G. Playne, Stroud. Mr. Rowland, Matlock Bath. 10 THE FLORA OF DERBYSHIRE. Mr. G. Scrimshaw, Chatsworth. Mr. Searle, Ashton-under-Lyne. Mr. J. E. Sunderland, Hatherlow, Stockport. Eev. J. H. Thompson, B.A., Vicar of Cradley ; deceased April 18th, 1889. Eev. E. Warbreck, B.A., Vicar of Stapenhill. Mr. C. Waterfall. The Hague, Eenishaw, Chesterfield. Mr. W. West, F.L.S., Bradford, Yorks. Mr. J. Whitehead, Oldham. Mr. Whitelegg, Australia. Mr. Wild, Australia. All the plants recorded in " Topographical Botany," 2nd Edition, for Derbyshire are included in the following pages, and in those cases where no information could be obtained respecting habitats, &c., the words " Topographical Botany" have been inserted. I. FLOWEKING PLANTS. CLASS I. DICOTYLEDONS OR EXOGENS. DIVISION I. THALAMIFLOR^E. ORDER RANUNCULACE.E. f Clematis Vitalba, L. (Traveller's Joy). Probably a garden escape. 1. Growing over high limestone wall?, Matlock Bath, Milnes. III. Tickenhall Quarry, Repton, F. and F. 2. Thalictrum minus, L. (Lesser Meadow-Rue). Native. Scottish type. Range 2. I have been allowed through the courtesy of Mr. N. E. Brown, editor of the " Supplement of Syme's English Botany," to see the proof sheets of the same, and conclude that the Thalictrum, which has been usually named T. minus var. montanum, Wallr., is really T. flexuosum, Bernh. Mr. Brown has seen my specimens from Derbyshire, and has verified my determination of them. I. Monsal Dale, Bailey; the Winnatts and Cave Dale, Castleton ; Cressbrook Dale ; Priesfccliffe Lees, near Miller's Dale ! where it was pointed out to me by Mr. Bailey and Rev. W. H. Purchas. Peveril Castle, 400 yards, Baker, J. B. 4. Thalictrum flavum, L. Native. English type. Range 1-2. Watery places. Rare. I. Monk's Dale, Wormhill, 850 yards, West; Castleton, Searle. II. The Hague, Renishaw, Chesterfield, Waterfall. III. Bull's Osier Bed, Repton, Hagger ; near Burton-on- Trent, Harris; near Swarkestone Bridge, Bloxaml Anchor Church ; Thrupton, Hasse. 6. Anemone nemorosa, L. (Wood Anemone). Native. British type. Range 1-2. Common throughout the county in woods, &c. ! 12 THE FLORA OF DERBYSHIRE. Adonis autumnalis, L. (Pheasant's Eye). Alien. Seen once by the Eev. H. Milnes near Chesterfield, but no specimen was gathered. 10. Myosurus minimus, L. (Common or Little Mousetail). Native. Germanic type. Eange 1-2. I. Darley Dale, Rowland. III. Drakelowe and Stapenhill, Harris; Osmaston-by- Ashbourne, Smith MSS. 11. Ranunculus aquatilis, L. (Water Crow-Foot). Native. British type. Eange 1-2-3. Ponds and ditches. 11.* Ranunculus peltatus, Schrank. I. Monyash ; E. Amber, Ashover ; between Grange Mill and Long Cliff, near Cromford ; near Aldwark Grange, Bailey; Chatsworth, Baker, J. B. III. Old bed of the E. Derwent, Derby ! 11.* Ranunculus floribundus, Bab. I. Near Aldwark Grange, Bailey, in Report, B. L. Record Club. III. Pools at Tickenhall, and at the Dimminsdale Lime Yard, Calke. Teste Boswell-Syme, Purchas, J. B. 11.* Ranunculus heterophyllus, Web. ex. p. III. Litchurch, Derby ! Morley ! 11.* Ranunculus Baudotii, Godr. I. Monk's Dale, Wormhill, Searle, fide J. Groves. 11.* Ranunculus pseudo-fluitans, Newb. I. Lathkill Dale ; Monsal Dale ; Ashford-in-the-Water, Bailey ; Dovedale, Ashwood Dale, and Miller's Dale ! III. Brailsford Brook, Linton ? 11.* Ranunculus Drouetii, F. Schultz. I. Via Gellia, Bailey. III. Tramway at Tickenhall. Teste Boswell-Syme, Purchas, J. B. 11.* Ranunculus circinatus, Sibth. Native? English type. Eange 1. I. Matlock Bath, Bailey. III. Eepton, Hagger ; small pond or reservoir at the upper end of Dimminsdale, Calke. "I also think I have seen it in the ornamental water in Melbourne Gardens," Purchas, J. B. ; Osmaston Ponds, Linton. 11.* Ranunculus fluitans, Lam. Native. English type. Range 1. I. E. Derwent, Whatstandwell, Bailey. ORDER RANUNCULACE.E. 18 11. In the E. Bother, Waterfall. III. E. Derwent, Darley Abbey, near Derby ! About Burton-on-Trent, Harris ; Brailsford Brook, Linton? 12. Ranunculus Lenormandi, F. Schultz. Native. English type. Eange 1-2-3. I. Kinder Scout, West; Axe Edge, over 550 yards; in the hollow, west of Buxton, Rogers; Coombe's Moss, Buxton! III. Very rare. It occurred in very small quantity in a roadside ditch between Calke and Melbourne, evidently as a remnant of the ancient vegetation of Melbourne Common, which the road in question there crosses. The drainage of the ground, which slopes downward to the road, had doubt- less brought with it this plant. Unfortunately it was destroyed by the trampling of the animals which used to drink at the spot, and it did not reappear. R. Lenormandi is especially a moorland species, making its appearance where wet and spongy places occur, or in the shallow ditches of the imperfectly reclaimed moors of Derbyshire and Staffordshire. In a mild winter it will often be in full flower in December or January. I have not observed the same thing in E. hederaceus. Purchas, J. B. 13. Ranunculus hederaceus, L. (Ivy Crow-foot). Native. British type. Eange 1-2-3. I. Ashover, Bailey; Matlock Bath; Bonsall, Rowland; swamps up to 500 yards, Baker, J. B. ; near Eobin Hood's Stride, Birchover, J. W. Can: III. Milton, Eepton, Playne ; Eeptou Eocks, Hagger ; Breadsall, near Derby, Whittaker ; common at Burton-on- Trent, Harris ; Tramway, near Tickenhall, Purchas, J. B. ; about Shirley, Linton; Dale; Hilton, Hasse. 14. Ranunculus Ficaria, L. (Lesser Celandine or Pilewort). Native. British type. Eange 1-3. Very common through- out the county ! 15. Ranunculus Flammula, L. (Lesser Spearwort). Native, British type. Eange 1-2-3. I. Ascends up to 500 yards, Baker, J. B. Very common ! II. Common, Waterfall. III. Breadsall and Morley Moors! Common about Calke, Purchas, J. B. ; about Shirley, Linton. 16. Ranunculus Lingua, L. (Greater Spearwort). Native. English type. Ban^e 1. " Topographical Botany " ? Wants confirmation. 18. Ranunculus auricomus, L. (Wood Crow-Foot, Goldi- locks). Native. British type. Eange 1. 14 THE FLORA OF DERBYSHIKE. I. Asbover, Bailey. II. About Chesterfield, Waterfall. III. Common about Derby ! also about Shirley, Linton. 19. Ranunculus acris, L. (Bitter Buttercup). Native. British type. Range 1. Common throughout the county ! 20. Ranunculus repens, L. (Creeping Crow-Foot). Native. British type. Eange 1-2-3. Common throughout the county ! 21. Ranunculus bulbosus, L. (Bulbous Crow-Foot or Buttercup). Native. British type. Range 1-2-3. Very common throughout the county. Both this and the last-named species ascend to 500 yards, Baker, J. B. 22. Ranunculus hirsutus, Curt. (Pale Hairy Buttercup). Native. English type. Range 1. "Topographical Botany." Howitt Cat. Brizlincote. Nat. Hist. Tutbury. 23. Ranunculus sceleratus, L. (Celery-leaved Crow-Foot). Native. British type. Range 1. III. Morley, Whittaker; Borrowash; Tickenhall, Purchas, J. B.; near Shacklecross, Hasse. Ranunculus parviflorus, L. (Small-flowered Crow-Foot). Between Borrowash and Derby, by the Canal. Glover's " History of Derbyshire." Not seen for many years ! 25. Ranunculus arvensis, L. (Corn Crow-Foot). Colonist. English type. Range 1. II. Cornfields about Chesterfield, Waterfall. III. Cornfields about Derby. Rare ! Not seen by Mr. Purchas, but there is a specimen in Mr. Bloxam's collection gathered at the Tickenhall Lime Works, the seed of which may have been brought with fodder for the horses, Purchas, J. B. ; Ockbrook and Spondon, Hasse. 26. Caltha palustris, L. (Marsh Marigold). Native. British type. Range 1-3. I. Common ! Ascends up to 500 yards, Baker, J. B. Rare about Matlock and at Dovedale, B. and N., J. B. II. Common, Waterfall. III. Common by streams ! Boggy plantations at Calke, &c., Purchas, J. B. 27. Trollius europaeus, L. (Globe-Flo wer). Native. Scottish type. Range 1-2-3. I. Chee Torr; Brassington Rocks, Purchas; Miller's Dale, Rogers ; between Miller's Dale and Litton Mill, ORDER NYMPILE ACE JE. 15 Hannan\ Lovers' Leap, Buxton, Green; Monsal Dale and Monk's Dale, Wormhill, 350 yards, West; Via Gellia, Rowland. 29. Helleborus viridis, L. (Green Hellebore). Denizen. English type. Kange 1-2. I. Wormhill, West; near Dove Dale, Searle ; Lathkill Dale, Whitelegg. II. Near Codnor Park, Smith ; Bolsover, Woodhouse, Waterfall. III. Drakelowe, Harris. 30. Helleborus foe tidus, L. (Stinking Hellebore). Denizen. English type. Kange 2. I. Cromford, Whittaker ; Bakewell, Smith. Eranthis hyemalis, Salisb. (Winter Aconite). Alien. III. Stapenhill Vicar-age Grounds. Garden escape. Warbreck. 81. Aquilegia vulgaris, L. (Columbine). Native. English type. Range 1-2. I. Monsal Dale, Whitelegg; Cressbrook Dale and Bake- well, Smith ; Miller's Dale ; Ashwood Dale, Green ; over 350 yards, Rogers', Matlock Bath, perhaps not indigenous, B. and N., J. B. III. Drakelowe, Harris; Willington, Hagger. " Very rare and long extinct ; once met with by Mr. Bloxam at Calke," Purchas, J. B. Delphinium Ajacis, Reich. (Larkspur). Alien. III. Repton, Repton, F. and F. Wants confirmation. Aconitum Napellus, L. (Monkshood). Alien. I. Wormhill, West. ORDER BERBERACE.E. 35. Berberis vulgaris, L. (Barberry). Denizen. English type. Range 1. III. Near the churches at Morley and at Boulton, Whittaker; occasionally near Burton - on - Trent, Ham's; Mr. Bloxam's collection had a specimen but without locality, Purchas, J. B. ; Shirley, Linton. ORDER NYMPH^EACE^. 36. Nymphaea alba, L. (White Water - Lily). Native. British type. Range 1-2. I. Anibergate, Arnold Lees; Wigwell, near Wirksworth, Milnes. III. Calke Park, Hagger ; Weston-upon- Trent, Atkinson. 16 THE FLORA OF DERBYSHIRE. 37. Nymphaea lutea, Smith. (Common Yellow Water-Lily). Native. British type. Kange 1-2. I. Chatsworth, 200 yards, Baker, J. B. II. Renishaw Canal, Waterfall. III. Old Trent, Eepton, Hagger ; Swarkestone Bridge! E. Trent, Burton-on-Trent, Harris. Abounding with the preceding in the ponds in Calke Park, where they have, no doubt, been originally planted, Purchas, J. B. ; Shirley, Linton ; Foremark, Hasse. PAPAVERACE.E. 40. Papaver Argemone, L. (Long Rough-headed Poppy). Colonist. British type. Range 1, Cultivated Fields. III. Morley, Whittaker ; Repton, Piayne ; Linton and Cauldwell, Harris ; fields behind Copse Hill, near Osmaston- by-Ashbourne, Smith MSS. ; Tickenhall Fields, rare, Purchas, J. B. 41. Papaver dubium, L. (Scarlet Poppy). Colonist. British type. Range 1-2. Cultivated fields. Var. Lamottei, Bor. I. Baslow, Bailey ; Monsal Dale, 260 yards ; Matlock, B. and N., J. B. II. About Chesterfield, Waterfall. III. Duffield, Bland; Linton and Cauldwell, Harris; Repton ! Tickenhall Fields, rare, Purchas, J. B. ; Shirley, Linton ; Stanhope Arms Sandpit, Ockbrook, Hasse. Var. Lecoqii, Lamot. I. Matlock, B. and N., J. B. 42. Papaver Rhceas, L. (Common Red or Crimson Poppy). Colonist. British type. Range I. I. Wbatstandwell, only seen once, B. and N., J. B. II. About Chesterfield, Waterfall. III. Linton and Cauldwell, Harris ; about Derby! corn- fields, near Calke, Purchas, J. B. Papaver somniferum, L. (White or Opium Poppy). Alien. I. Near Bakewell, a garden escape, West. Var. hortense, Hussenot. I. Quarry refuse, near Woodseats, Cromford, Bailey. Meconopsis cambrica, Vig. (Yellow Welsh Poppy). Alien. I. One Ash Grange, Youlgreave, the remains of former cultivation ! 45. Chelidonium majus, L. (Greater Celandine). Denizen. English type. Range 1. ORDER CRUCIFER.E. 17 I. Over Haddon, Bailey ; Cromford, B. and N,, J. B.; Matlock Bath ! II. About Chesterfield, Waterfall. III. Morley, Whittaker ; common about Burton- on- Trent, Harris ; Stenson, near Derby ! Milton and Ingleby, Bagger ; Calke Village, doubtless introduced, Purchas, J. B. OKDEE FUMARIACE^. 48. Corydalis claviculata, D. (Climbing or White Fumitory). Native. British type. Range 1. I. Ambergate, Harris ; Birchover, Purchas, J. B. III. Morley Moor ! Shirley Wood, by brook, Smith MSS.; Horsley Castle Wood, Hasse. Corydalis lutea, D. (Yellow Fumitory). Alien. An escape from gardens. I. Wormhill, West', Crich, Whitelegg; near Youlgreave, Green ; Matlock Bath ! Matlock Bridge Station ! 50. Fumaria capreolata, L. (Ramping Fumitory). Colonist. British type. Range 1. Sub. sp. pallidiflora, Jord. III. Breadsall, Whittaker ; Repton, Burldll. 51. Fumaria officinalis, L. (Common Fumitory). Colonist. British type. Range 1-2. I. Matlock, up to 250 yards, B. and N., J. B. ; Haddon, Baker, J. B. II. About Chesterfield, Waterfall. III. Common about Derby ! Cultivated ground at Calke, Purchas, J. B. ; Shirley, Linton. ORDER CRUCIFER^. 57. Coronopus didyma, Sm. (Lesser Wart Cress). Colonist. Atlantic type. Range 1. III. Garden weed at Ockbrook, Smith MSS. 58. Coronopus Ruellii, Gaertn. (Common Wart-Cress). Native. English type. Range 1. III. Ockbrook, Smith ; Burton-on- Trent ; Stapenhill, Harris; Calke, Bloxam! 60. Thlaspi arvense, L. (Penny Cress). Colonist. British type. Range 1. III. Corn fields, Morley, Whittaker. 62. Thlaspi alpestre, L. (Perfoliate Shepherd's Purse, or Small Thorow Cress). Native. Highland type. Range 2. I. Matlock, Smith. 18 THE FLORA OF DERBYSHIRE. Var. virens, Jord. I. Youlgreave, Auqustin Ley; B. L. Record Club Report, 1874; High Tor, Matlock Bath, 150-250 yards, B. and N., J. B. ; Heights of Abraham, Matlock Bath, Harris; Bonsall and Cromford, Rowland; Wirksworth, Whitelegg ; Via Gellia ! 63. Capsella Bursa-pastoris, Gaertn. (Common Shepherd's Purse). Native. British type. Eange 1-3. Ascends to 450 yards, Baker, J. B. Very common throughout the county ! 64. Hutchinsia petraea. Br. (Rock HutchinsiaV Native. Intermediate type. Eange 1-2. I. Miller's Dale, Whitelegg; Ghee Dale, 300 yards, West; Dove Dale, Harris; Lovers' Leap, Buxton, Green; Monsal Dale! 65. Teesdalia nudicaulis, E. Br. (Naked-stalked Tees- dalia). Native. British type. Eange 1. II. About Markland Grips, near Clown, Waterfall. 66. Iberis amara, L. (Bitter Candytuft). Colonist. Ger- manic type. Eange 2. I. Railway embankment, Monsal Dale, Bailey ; probably introduced ! 70. Lepidium campestre, L. (Field Pepperwort). Native. British type. Eange 1. III. Cauldwell, Harris; Calke, Bloxam! Ockbrook, Dale, and Stanton, Hasse. Lepidium ruderale, L. Repton, F. and F. Wants con- firmation. 72. Cochlearia officinalis, L. (Common Scurvy Grass). Native. British type. Eange 1-3. Var. alpina, Wats. I. Wirksworth, Harris; the Winnatts and Peveril Castle, Castleton, 800-400 yards, a form between littoralis and alpina, Baker, J. B.; between Peak Forest and Castleton, West. Armoracia rusticana, Baumg. (Horse Eadish). Alien. I. Via Gellia, an occasional stray from cottage gardens, B. and N., J. B. 77. Draba incana, L. (Twisted-podded Whitlow Grass). Native. Highland type. Eange 2. I. Miller's Dale, Bailey; Monk's Dale, 350 yards, West; Lovers' Leap, and near Harper's Hill, Buxton, Green ; Monsal Dale ! First discovered at the latter place by Mr. E. Garner, F.L.S. ORDER CRUCIFER^. 19 78. Draba muralis, L. (Speedwell-leaved Whitlow Grass). Native. Intermediate type. Eauge 2. I. Ghee Dale, 300 yards, and Miller's Dale, West; near Lathkill Dale, Whitelegg ; Hartington, Purchas ; Matlock Bath, Rowland; Ashwood Dale, and near Haddon Hall, Green ; Via Gellia ! 79. Draba verna, L. (Common Whitlow Grass). Native. British type. Range 1-2. I. Walls and rocks ; frequent. II. Gresswell Crags and Markland Grips, near Clown, Waterfall. III. Walls, Boultou, near Derby ! Shacklecross, Dale, &c., Basse. Var. brachycarpa, Jordan. I. Top of Eaven's Dale, Searle ; near Litton Mill, Bailey ; Monsal Dale ; Miller's Dale, &c., J. W. Carr. Alyssum ineanum, L. Alien. III. Dunn's Hall, near Dale, Basse. Alyssum calycinum, L. Thringston, Nat. Hist. Tutbury. Camelina sativa, Crantz. Alien. Heanor, Howitt in N. Bot. Guide. 84. Cardamine amara, L. (Bitter Ladies' Smock or Large- flowered Bitter Cress). Native. British type. Eange 1. I. Near Ashover, Bailey ; near Bakewell, Green ; Via Gellia ! About Dove Dale, Purchas, J. B. III. Burton-on-Trent, Harris ; Milton, Hagger\ Bread- sail ! Kedleston ! About the margins of ponds in Calke Park, and on the banks of Springwood Brook, Purchas, J. B.\ Banks of E. Derwent, Borrowash, Hasse ; Shirley, Linton. 85. Cardamine pratensis, L. (Meadow Ladies' Smock or Cuckoo Flower). Native. British type. Eange 1-3. Common in damp, grassy places, ascending to 500 yards, Baker, J. B. 86. Cardamine hirsuta, L. (Hairy Ladies' Smock or Bitter Cress). Native. British type. Eange 1-2. I. Frequent up to 350 yards, Baker, J. B. II., III. Common ! 863. Cardamine sylvatica, Link. (Wood Ladies' Smock or Bitter Cress). Native. British type. Eange 1-2. I. Milltown, Ashover, Bailey ; Stirrup Woods, Charles- worth, Whitelegg; Miller's Dale; Chapel-en-le-Frith, up to 350 yards, Rogers; Matlock, B. and iV., J. B. II. Near Eenishaw, Chesterfield, Waterfall. c2 20 THE FLORA OF DERBYSHIRE. III. Burton-on-Trent, Harris', Shirley, Linton; Ock- brook, Smith MS 8. ; Mackworth, Derby ! 87. Cardamine impatiens, L. (Impatient Ladies' Smock or Bitter Cress). Native. Intermediate type. Eange 1-2. I. Ghee Dale, 300 yards, West; Lathkill Dale, Bailey; Matlock Bath, Smith; Cromford Dale, B. and 1ST., J. B. ; Via Gellia ! Dove Dale ! III. Bretby, Harris; Breadsall, Whittaker. 88. Arabis thaliana, L. (Common Wall Cress). Native. British type. Eange 1-2. I. Gritstone Walls at Matlock Bridge, B. and N., J. B.; near Lovers' Leap, Buxton, 350 yards, Rogers. II. Sandiacre, Hasse. III. Common about Derby ! Dry banks on Millstone Grit at Melbourne, Purchas, J. B. ; Spondon, Hasse. 92. Arabis hirsuta, E. Br. (Hairy Eock Cress). Native. British type. Eange 1-2. I. Common on limestone rocks up to 400 yards, Baker, J. B. 94. Turritis glabra, L. (Long-podded or Smooth Tower Mustard). Native. English type. Eange 1. III. Drakelowe, Harris; near Shirley Vicarage, Mr. J. Fitzherbert in Smith MSS. ; banks between Tickenhall and Hartshorne, and between Tickenhall and Milton. These stations, taken in connection with the Eev. C. C. Babington's of " Bretby," N. B. G. (Sup.), show that this plant is thinly scattered over an area of several square miles of the light sandy soils of the New Eed Sandstone. Purchas, J. B. 95. Barbarea vulgaris, E. Br. (Yellow Eocket). Native. British type. Eange 1-2. I. Miller's Dale ; Monsal Dale ; Lovers' Walk, Matlock Bath, ascending to 250 yards, Baker, J. B. III. Common in watery places about Derby ! Side of pond in Gill's Park, Tickenhall, Purchas, J. B.; Shirley, Linton; Borrowash, Hasse. Barbarea prsecox, E. Br. (Winter Cress). Alien. III. Winshill, Harris; Calke, Nat. Hist. Tutbunj. 98. Nasturtium officinale, E. Br. (Water Cress). Native. British type. Eange 1-2-3. I. Abundant up to 350 yards, Baker, J. B.; Wormhill, 400 yards, West. II. About Chesterfield, Waterfall. III. Near Derby! About Calke Abbey, Purchas, J. B.; Shirley, Linton ; Ockbrook, Hasse. ORDER CRUCIFER.ZE. 21 99. Nasturtium terrestre, R. Br. (Rocket). Native. British type. Range 1. I. Near Buxton, 350 yards, Baker, J. B. ; near the stream in Cromford Dale, B. and N., J. B. ; Via Gellia, Bailey. III. Newton Solney, Harris. Bloxam! station not given, Purchas, J. B.', Borrowash, Hasse. 100. Nasturtium sylvestre, R. Br. Native. English type. Range 1. III. Old bed of R. Derwent, Derby ! Breadsall, Whittaker. 101. Nasturtium amphibium, R. Br. (Great Yellow Cress). Native. English type. Range 1. I. Cromford Canal. Whatstandwell, B. and N., J. B. II. R. Trent, Stapenhill, Harris ; Willington ; old bed of R. Derwent, Derby ! Sides of ponds at Calke, Purchas, J. B. ; Thrumpton ; in the R. Trent, Swarkestone, Hasse. 102. Sisymbrium officinale, Scop. (Common Hedge- Mustard). Native. British type. Range 1-2. Ascends up to 800 yards, B. and N., J. B. Common throughout the county ! Sisymbrium Irio, L. Wingfield Manor, Pilkington's History. 104. Sisymbrium Sophia, L. Casual. British type. Range 1. III. Has occurred as a garden weed at Tickenhall, Purchas, J. B. 106. Erysimum cheiranthoides, L. (Treacle- Mustard). Colonist. English type. Range ] . III. Banks of the R. Derwent at Draycott, Hasse. 107. Erysimum Alliaria, L. (Garlic Treacle-Mustard, or Jack-by-the-Hedgej. Native. British type. Range 1-2. Common throughout the county ! Ascends to 350 yards, Rogers. Cheiranthus Cheiri, L. (Wallflower). Alien. Rare. I. Old quarries at Crich ; Haddon Hall ; Wingfield Manor, Milnes. III. Repton, Repton, F. and F. Hesperis matronalis, L. (Scentless Dame's Violet). Alien. I. Ash wood Dale, Green ; Chee Dale ! Miller's Dale, Whitelegg ; near Ashford-in-the-Water, Whittaker ; Wormhill, West, Jun. 114. Brassica campestris, L. Colonist? English type. Range 1. III. Borrowash, Hasse. 22 THE FLORA OF DERBYSHIRE. Brassica rapa, L. (Wild Turnip). Casual. Common at Buxton and Matlock, 450 yards, Baker, J. B. Var. sylvestris, H. C. Watson. 1. Dove Dale ! III. Morley! 116. Sinapis arvensis, L. (Charlock or Wild Mustard). Colonist. British type. Eange 1-2-3. Common throughout the county ! Ascends up to 450 yards, Baker, J. B. 117. Sinapis alba, L. (White Mustard). Colonist. English type. Eange 1. I. Occasional at Matlock, B. and N., J. B. III. Ockbrook, Smith MSS. 118. Sinapis nigra, L. (Black or Common Mustard). Colonist. English type. Kange 1. I. E. Derwent, Matlock Bridge, B. and N., J. B. III. Norbury ; Copse Hill, near Osmaston-by-Ashbourne, Smith MSS. Sinapis muralis, Br. Stapenhill, Nat. Hist. Tutbury. 123. Raphanus Raphanistrum, L. (Wild Eadish or Jointed Charlock). Colonist. British type. Eange 1. I. Charlesworth, Whitelegg ', rare about Matlock; only the form with bright yellow flowers like those of a Sinapis seen, B. and N., J. B. II. About Chesterfield, Waterfall. III. Stapenhill, Harris', Eepton, Hayger. OEDEE EESEDACE^E. 125. Reseda Luteola, L. (Dyer's Weed, Yellow-weed, or Weld). Native. British type. Eange 1. I. Matlock Bath, Hannan. II. About Chesterfield, Waterfall. III. Bretby, Harris; Tickenhall Lime Quarry, Hagger; Old Quarry, Stanton-by-Bridge ! Near Aston, and Bieadsall, Hasse. 126. Reseda lutea, L. (Wild Mignonette or Base Eocket). Denizen. English type. Eange 1. III. Banks of E. Derwent, near Stoney Cross, Hasse. OEDEE OISTAOE^B. 128. Helianthemum vulgare, Gaertn.(KockEose). Native. British type. Eange 1-2-3. Ascends up to 400 yards. Baker, J. B. Common on the limestone clifi's ! ORDER VIOLACE^E. 23 ORDER VIOLACE^E. 132. Viola palustris, L. (Marsh Violet). Native. British type. Range 1-3. I. Axe Edge, West ; near the Reservoir, Buxton, Rogers ; near Coombes Moss ! Burbage Edge ! Tansley Moor, B. and N., J. B. " Moors round Cat and Fiddle Inn," Baker, J. B. ; not in Derbyshire ! III. Allestrey Park, near Derby; Horsley Car, Whittaker', Repton Rocks, Playne; Shirley Wood, Smith MSS. ; sides of Springwood Brook, Calke ; also bog near Foremark Park, Bloxam ! 133. Viola odorata, L. (Sweet Violet). Native. English type. Range 1. I. Once seen at the top of Bonsall, near a farm house, B. and N., J. B.', Miller's Dale, but only near houses, Rogers. II. About Chesterfield, Waterfall. III. Morley, Whittaker ; about Burton-on-Trent, Harris ; Osmaston-by-Ashbourne, Smith MSS.', Breadsall Moor, Hasse. Var. alba, Besser. III. Morley, near Derby, Whittaker', Repton, Hagger; about Burton-on-Trent, Harris. 134. Viola hirta, L. (Hairy Violet). Native. English type. Range 1-2. I. Cromford, Harris ; Chee Dale, Green ; Ashover, Bailey ; Miller's Dale ; Taddington Wood ; Dove Dale ; Via Gellia ; 200-250 yards, B. and N., J. B. ; Monsal Dale ! II. Creswell Crags, Waterfall. III. Rare on hedge banks at Ockbrook, Smith M.SS. Tickenhall. This and Poterium Sanyuisorba, and Reseda Luteola, are almost the only limestone-loving plants which occur at Tickenhall, and these have by no means an exclusive preference for limestone. Purchas, J. B. 135. Viola sylvatica, Fries. (Dog Violet). Native. British type. Range 1-2-3. I. Common up to 500 yards, Baker, J. B. II. About Chesterfield, Waterfall. III. Ockbrook ! Shirley, Linton ; Common at Calke, Purchas, J. B. Var. Reichenbachiana, Bor. First record for the county. Plentifully at Fenny Bentley, extending for perhaps half a mile, and then giving place to R. Riviniana, Reichb., Purchas, J. B. ; Shirley, Linton. 186. Viola tricolor, L. (Field Pansy or Heart's- ease). Native. British type. Range 1-2. 24 THE FLORA OF DERBYSHIRE. I. Cultivated ground, up to 250 yards, near Matlock, B. and N., J. B. II. About Chesterfield, Waterfall. III. Common ! 136.- Viola arvensis, Murr. Native. British type. Eange 1-2. I. Garden weed at Burbage, near Buxton, Baker, J. B. ; with the former at Matlock, B. and N., J. B. II. About Chesterfield, Waterfall. III. Cultivated ground at Calke, Purchas, J. B. ; Shirley, Linton. 137. Viola lutea, Huds. (Yellow Mountain Pansy). Native. Scottish type. Eange 1-3. I. Wardlow Hay Cop ; Appletree Knoll, Ashover, Bailey ; Mam Tor, 450-500 yards ; Bakewell and Peak Forest, West ; N.-E. slope of Corbar Hill, Buxton, Rogers ; Matlock Bath, Smith ; Wirksworth, Harris ; Chelmorton Low and Via Gellia, Matlock Bath ! Between Bradbourne and Winster, Smith MSS. ; Eyam, Carr ; Howarth, com di Var. amoena, Syme. I. Miller's Dale, Whitelegg ; Wirksworth, Harris ; Corbar, near Buxton, Green. ORDER DROSERACE^E. 138. Drosera rotundifolia, L. (Round-leaved Sundew). Native. British type. Range 1-3. I. East Moor, Scrimshaw. III. Hulland, Mr. J. Fitzherbert in Smith MSS., " Bog at Foremark Park," Bloxam \ "by which doubtless is intended the bog at Repton Rocks, which is not far from the farm called ' Foremark Park. ' The Drosera does not seem to have been found there of late years." Purchas, J. B. ORDER POLYGALACE^E. 141. Polygala vulgaris, L. (Milkwort). Native. British type. Range 1-2. I. Ascends up to 350 yards in Dove Dale, B. and N., J. B. ; Ashover, Bailey. III. Common about Calke, Purchas, J. B. P. oxyptera, Reich b. I. Miller's Dale, Whitelegg ; Axe Edge ; top of Corbar Hill, Buxton, 400 yards. To this segregate belongs most of the Polygala in the Limestone Dales about Buxton and on Axe Edge, though some of it, I think, and certainly all that ORDER CARYOPHYLLACEJE. 25 I saw near Chapel-en-le-Frith, must be named P. depressa, Wender. I saw nothing that I should name typical vulgaris. Rogers. 141.* P. depressa, Wender. I. Near the Eeservoir, Buxton, Green ; Chapel-en-le- Frith, Rogers ; between Litton Mill and Cressbrook Dale ! grassy places up to 500 yards, Baker, J. B. ; Via Gellia, Waterfall ; near Miller's Dale ! OEDEE CAEYOPHYLLACE^E. 146. Dianthus Armeria, L. (Deptford Pink). Native. English type. Eange 1. III. Ednaston, Mr. F. B. Wright, Smith MSS. 150. Dianthus deltoides, L. (Maiden Pink). Native. English type. Eange 1. I. Quarry near Newhaven, Bailey, between Cromford and Kniveton ; Chatsworth and Bakewell, Rev. 8. Hey, Smith MSS. Dianthus Caryophyllus, L. Edensor, Pilkington's History. 151. Saponaria officinalis, L. (Soapwort). Denizen. English type. Eange 1. I. Near the Vicarage, Ashbourne, Smith MSS. 152. Silene inflata, Smith. (Bladder Campion or Catchfly). Native. British type. Eange 1-2. I. Frequent in the dales ! Ascends to 300 yards, Rogers. II. About Chesterfield, Waterfall. III. Between Eepton and Hartshorn, &c., Hagger; Tickenhall, Bloxam I Var. puberula, Syme. I. Matlock Bath, Whitelegg; Monsal Dale, Bailey] ascends up to 200 yards, Baker, J. B. 156. Silene nutans, L. (Nottingham Catchfly). Native. English type. Eange 1-2. I. Monsal Dale, Bailey ; Miller's Dale, 300 yards, Baker, J. B. ; Bakewell, Harris ; Dove Dale ! Head of Monk's Dale, 350 yards, which reaches the upper limit of the mid-agrarian zone, West ; Middleton Dale, Carr ; Howarth, com d - 157. Silene noctiflora, L. (Sweet-flowering Catchfly). Colonist. English type. Eange 1. III. Gresley, Linton, and Cauldwell, Harris] Bretby Mill, Hagger; near the Lodge, Osmaston- by- Ashbourne ; Copse Hill, Smith MSS. ; White Lees, Tickenhall, Purchas, J. B. 26 THE FLORA OF DERBYSHIRE. 160. Lychnis Flos-cuculi, L. (Kagged Eobin). Native. British type. Range 1-2-3. Swamps up to 500 yards, Baker, J. B. Common through- out the county ! 163. Lychnis diurna, Sibth. (Red Campion). Native. British type. Range 1-2-3. Ascends up to 400 yards at Peveril Castle, Castleton, Baker, J. B. Common throughout the county ! 164. Lychnis vespertina, Sibth. (White Campion). Native. British type. Range 1-2. Common throughout the county ! 165. Lychnis Githago, Lam. (Corn Lychnis, or Corn Cockle). Colonist. British type. Range 1-2-3. I. Corn fields up to 400 yards, Buxton, Baker, J. B. ; between Bakewell and Hathersage, Milnes. II. About Chesterfield, Waterfall. III. Morley, Whittaker; Repton, Hagger', Ockbrook, Smith ; near Burton-on-Trent, Harris ; Calke, Purchas, J. B. 166. Moenchia erecta, Smith. (Upright Pearlwort). Native. English type. Range 1. "Topographical Botany." Howitt Cat. " Not seen during the last twenty years at Repton," Hagger. Recorded in Repton F. and F. 167. Sagina apetala, L. (Annual Small-flowered Pearl- wort). Native. English type. Range 1-2-3. I. Dove Dale, Purchas ; the " Slopes " at Buxton, Rogers ; Haddon Hall ; between Buxton and Burbage, 350 yards, Baker, J. B.; Wall at Whatstandwell Railway Station, B. and N., J. B.\ Cromford, Bailey. III. Tickenhall, Purchas ; near Knowle Hills, Hagger ; Repton ! 167.* Sagina ciliata, Fries. Native. English type. Range 1-2-3. I. Dove Dale, Purchas ; waste ground near Buxton Public Gardens, Rogers ; Whatstandwell, on walls, Whitelegg. 168. Sagina procumbens, L. (Procumbent Pearlwort). Native. British type. Range 1-2-3. Common throughout the county ! Ascends up 500 yards, Baker, J. B. 171. Sagina nodosa, E.Meyer. (Knotted Spurrey). Native. British type. Range 1-2-3. 1. Mellor, Whitelegg ; Miller's Dale, Rogers ; above Bur- bage, up to 500 yards, Baker, J. B. ; about Buxton on the roadsides ! ORDER CARYOPHYLLACE^E. 27 III. Kepton Kocks, Harms. 172. Spergula arvensis, L. (Corn Spurrey). Native. British type. Range 1-2-3. I. Buxton, Rogers. II. About Chesterfield, Waterfall. III. Cornfields about Derby ! Shirley, I Anton ; Spondon, Hasse. 175. Spergularia rubra, Auct. (Red Sandwort). Native. British type. Range 1-2. I. Baslow, BaiLey ; near the Church, Matlock Bank, 250 yards, B. and N., J. B. III. Repton, Playne ; Foremark Lane, Harris ; near Lodge, Osmaston-by-Ashbourne ; Shirley Bridge ; Ockbrook, Smith MS 8. ; on walls, but very scarce, Milton, near Fore- mark, Purchas, J. B. ; Melbourne, Stanton Moor, and near Dale, Hasse. 178. Arenaria serpyllifolia, L. (Thyme-leaved Sandwort). Native. British type. Range 1-2-3. I. Common on Limestone up to 400 yards, Baker, J. B. III. Common on walls near Derby! Walls, &c., Calke, Purchas, J. B. Var. leptoclados, Guss. I. Frequent up to 300 yards about Matlock, B. and N., J. B. ; Valley of the Wye, between Miller's Dale and Monsal Dale, in two or three places, Rogers. 179. Arenaria tenuifolia, L. (Fine-leaved Sandwort). Native. English type. Range 2. I. Miller's Dale, Whittaker, com d - C. Bailey: This plant used to occur on one of the rocky banks near the pathside in Dove Dale. In the summer of 1879, however, on looking for it as usual when I passed, I found that every one of the plants, which I had noticed not long before, had been taken away by some ruthless and inconsiderate plant collector. There is another station at Brassington, Purchas, J. B. ; near Heights of Abraham, Matlock Bath, Waterfall. 180. Arenaria verna, L. (Vernal Sandwort). Native. Scottish type. Range 1-2-3. I. Peak Forest ; Old Moor, 450 yards, West ; High Cliff, Miller's Dale ; Milltown, near Ashover ; Youlgreave, Bailey ; Cromford and Matlock Bath, Harris ; walls of Peveril Castle, 400 yards ; Baker, J. B. ; Matlock High Tor ; Masson ; Bonsall, B. and N., J. B. ; Lathkill Dale, Rowland ; the Winnatts, and Via Gellia ! Middleton Dale, Carr ; Howarth, 28 THE FLORA OF DERBYSHIRE. 182. Arenaria trinervis, L. (Plantain-leaved Chickweed or Sandwortj. Native. British type. Eange 1-2. I. Miller's Dale ; between Matlock Bath and Bonsall ! Chapel-en-le-Frith, up to 350 yards, Buxton, Rogers. III. Common about Derby ! 184. Stellaria nemorum, L. (Wood Stitchwort). Native. Scottish type. Eange 1-2. I. Wood at Mellor, Wild', Stirrup Wood, Charlesworth, Whitehead. II. River side, near Eckington, Waterfall. 185. Stellaria media, L. (Common Chickweed). Native. British type. Eange 1-2-3. Common throughout the county ! Ascends up to 450 yards, Baker, J. B. Var. neglecta, Weihe. I. Matlock Bath, R. Roberts, com d - J. Whitehead. III. Close to Brailsford Church, Linton. 185.* Stellaria umbrosa, Opitz. I. Hedge Banks, Fenny Bentley, and near the Eailway Station, Ashbourne, Purchas, J. B. 186. Stellaria Holostea, L. (Greater Stitchwort). Native. British type. Eange 1. Common throughout the county ! Ascends up to 350 yards near Buxton, Rogers. 187. Stellaria glauca, With. (Glaucous Marsh Stitch- wort). Native. English type. Eange 1. III. Near Bradley Pond, Mr. F. B. Wright in Smith MSS. " In the meadows below Eepton, Bloxam! The specimen is very poor and unsatisfactory, but it seems rightly named, and is placed side by side with an undoubted one from Grotby, Leicestershire, so that Mr. Bloxam evidently knew the species. It is remarkable, however, that no other botanist should have met with it near Eepton," Purchas, J. B. Near Shirley, Linton. 188. Stellaria graminea, L. (Lesser Stitchwort). Native. British type. Eange 1-2-3. Common throughout the county ! Ascends up to 500 yards, Baker, J. B. 189. Stellaria uliginosa, Murray. (Bog Stitchwort). Native. British type. Eange 1-2-3. Common in wet places ! Ascends up to 550 yards on Axe Edge, Baker, J. B. ORDER MALVACEAE. 29 191. Cerastium aquaticum, L. (Water Chickweed). Native. English type. Range 1. II. Near Eckington, not common, Waterfall. III. Newton Solney, Harris ; Chaddesden and Osmaston- by- Derby ! 192. Cerastium glomeratum, Tlmill. (Broad-leaved Mouse- ear Chickweed), Native. British type. Range 1-2-3. Common throughout the county ! Ascends up to 450 yards in Goyt's Clough, Baker, J. B. 193. Cerastium triviale, Link. ^Narrow-leaved Mouse-ear Chickweed). Native. British type. Range 1-2-3. Common throughout the county ! Ascends up to 500 yards, Baker, J. B. 194. Cerastium semidecandrum, L. (Little Mouse-ear Chickweed). Native. British type. Range 1-2. I. Monsal Dale, Whitelegg ; Matlock Bath, West', Dove Dale, Smith MSS. III. Near Burton-on- Trent, Harris; near Melbourne? Purchas, J. B. 195. Cerastium arvense, L. (Field Chickweed). Native. English type. Range 1. I. Near Long Eaton, A tkinson; Breadsall Moor, Whittaker. II. Between Clowne and Cress well, Waterfall. Ciaytonia alsinoides, Sims. Alien. I. Near Bakewell, West ; near Rowsley, Atkinson. ORDER LINAGES. Linum usitatissimum, L. (Common Flax). Alien. A few plants by the roadside, Matlock, B. and N., J. B. ; Corn Fields, Wormhill, West. 202. Linum catharticum, L. (Purging Flax). Native. British type. Range 1-2-3. Common on heaths throughout the county ! Ascends up to 500 yards, Baker, J. B. Linum angustifolium, Huds. Bepton, F. and F. Wants confirmation. ORDER MALVACEAE. 204. Malva moschata, L. (Musk Mallow). Native. British type. Range 1-2. I. Hassop, Bailey ; Matlock, 200 yards, West ; Lathkill Dale, Rowland; Chatsworth, Scrimshaw ; Via Gellia ; Grom- ford Canal, Whatstandwell, B. and N., J. B. ; Dove Dale ! 80 THE FLORA OF DERBYSHIRE. II. Near Kenishaw, Chesterfield, Waterfall. III. Foremark Fields, Bretby, Bagger ; Morley, Whittdker ; Duffield! Dimminsdale, Calke ; Stanton-by- Bridge, Purchas, J. B. ; Shirley, Linton ; Spondon ; Stanton Moor ; Breadsall, Basse. 205. Malva sylvestris, L. (Common Mallow). Denizen. British type. Range 1-2. I. Crich, Whitelegg ; Matlock Bath, Rowland ; Monsal Dale, 250 yards; Cromford, near houses, perhaps introduced, B. and N., J. B.', summit of Thorpe Cloud, Dove Dale ! III. Stapenhill, Harris ; Swarkestone ! Eepton ! Near Calke, BLoxam ! Ockbrook, Basse. 206. Malva rotundifolia, L. (Dwarf Mallow). Denizen. British type. Range 1-2. I. Miller's Dale, Whitelegy ; Matlock Bath, Rowland ; Cromford, perhaps introduced, B. and N., J. B. III. Willington, Bagger ; near Calke, Bloxam ! Chad- desden, Basse. ORDER TILIACB^E. 211. Tilia parvifolia, Ehrh. (Lime, or Linden Tree). Denizen. English type. Range 1. III. Calke Park, probably planted, Purchas, J. B. 213. Tilia grandifolia, Ehrh. (Large-leaved Lime). Denizen. English type, Range 1-2. I. Roadside at Whatstandwell, and by the R. Derwent at Matlock Bath, B. and N., J. B. III. Dale Abbey Woods, Smith MSS. ; Calke Park, planted, Purchas, J. B. Tilia intermedia, D. C. Alien. I. Matlock Tor, B. and N., J. B. ; Chelmorton, probably planted ! III. Repton Churchyard, planted ! Near Shirley Wood, Linton. There are one or two scrubby bushes of either T. grandifolia or T. intermedia it would not be safe to say which at an elevation of over 1,000 feet, on one of the Cliffs in Dove Dale. It is difficult for them to be other than wild, Purchas, J. B. ORDE R HYPERIC ACE,E . Hypericum Androscemum, L. Matlock Bath. Gem. 215. Hypericum perforation, L. (St. John's Wort). Native. British type. Range 1-2. OKDER HYFEHICACE^. 81 I. Buxton, Bailey] Matlock Bath, Hannan; common in imestone dales up to 350 yards, Baker, J. B. ; Dove Dale ! II. About Chesterfield, Waterfall. III. Brailsford, Smith MSS. ; about Derby ! About Calke, Purchas, J. B. ; Shirley, Linton. 216. Hypericum dubium, Leers. Native English type. Eange 1-2. " Topographical Botany." 217. Hypericum quadrangulum, L. (Square-stalked St. John's Wort). Native. British type. Eange 1-2. I. Monsal Dale, 200 yards; Via Gellia, Baker, J. B.\ Chapel-en-le-Frith ; Wye Valley, below Miller's Dale, Rogers ; Blackwell Dale ! Dove Dale ! II. Wood near Renishaw, Chesterfield, Waterfall. III. Eepton ! About Calke, Purchas, J. B. ; Shirley, Linton. 218. Hypericum humifusum, L. (Trailing St. John's Wort). Native. British type. Eange 1-2. I. Ashford-in-the- Water, Bailey ; Edensor, Wild ; Hact- field and Glossop, Hannan. III. Burton-on-Trent, Harris ; Morley, Whittaker ; Copse Hill, Osmaston-by -Ashbourne ; about Dale Church, Hey in Smith MSS. ; about Calke, Purchas, J. B. ; Shirley, Linton. 220. Hypericum pulohrum, L. (Slender St. John's Wort). Native. British type. Eange 1-2-3. I. Mellor, Hannan; Gritstone quarry, over Matlock Bank, B. and N., J. B. ; Goyt's Clough, 450 yards, Baker, J. B. ; Dove Dale ! Miller's Dale ! III. Shirley, Linton ; Stanton, Dale ; Spondon, Hasse. About Burton-on-Trent, Harris ; about Calke, Purchas, J. B. 221. Hypericum hirsutum, L. (Hairy St. John's Wort). Native. British type. Eange 1-2. I. Common in all the limestone dales ! Ascends up to 350 yards, Baker. III. Spondon, Hasse ; between Ashbourne and Dove Dale, Linton . 222. Hypericum montanum, L. (Mountain St. John's Wort). Native. English type. Eange 1-2. I. With the preceding, and at the same elevation ! Crich Quarry, Smith MSS. III. Winshill, Harris. 223. Hypericum elodes, L. (Marsh St. John's Wort). Native. Atlantic type. Eange 1-2. I. Tansley Moor, Whittaker', specn. in Mr. H. C. Watson's Herbm. 82 THE FLORA OP DERBYSHIRE. Hypericum calycinum, L. (Large-flowered St. John's Wort). Alien. Introduced. I. Lovers' Walk, Matlock Bath, B. and N., J. B. III. Near Eepton, Repton F. and F. OKDER ACERACE.E. 225. Acer campestre, L. (Common Maple). Native. English type. Range 1-2. I. Ashover, Bailey ; Ashford Dale, Whitelegg ; Miller's Dale, Wild ; Dove Dale ! Common in the limestone dales up to 350 yards, Baker, J. B. II. About Chesterfield, Waterfall. III. About Burton-on-Trent, Harris ; about Derby ! Woods, &c., Calke, Purchas, J. B. ; Shirley, Linton. Acer Pseudo-platanus, L. (Sycamore). Alien. I. One of the commonest trees of the Buxton district up to 450 yards, and often self- sown, Baker, J. B. Common about Matlock in woods ; Dove Dale, B. and N., J. B. III. Common! Planted, Purchas, J. B.', Shirley, Linton, ORDER GBBANIAOEJE. 228. Erodium cicutarium,L'Herit. (Hemlock Stork's Bill). Native. British type. Range 1-2. I. Dove Dale, Rowland-, Thorpe Cloud, Macefield. II. Cresswell Crags, Water/all. III. Foremark, Harris ; Stanton-by-Bridge ! Near Calke Abbey, Bloxam! " Not seen by me, but easily overlooked," Purchas, J. B. ; Weston, Hasse. Erodium moschaturn, Sm. Alfreton. PHMngton's History. Geranium phceum, L. (Dusky Crane's Bill). Alien. I. Matlock Bath, Rowland. III. Morley, near Derby, Whittaker ; Calke, Candler. 230. Geranium sylvaticum, L. (Wood Crane's Bill). Native. Scottish type. Range 1-2. " Topographical Botany." No authority given. II. Near Belper, Smith MSS. ; insufficient data ! 231. Geranium pratense, L. (Great Crane's Bill). Native. British type. Range 1-2-3. I. Common ! Ascends up to 400 yards, West. II. Common about Renishaw, Chesterfield, Waterfall. III. Common about Derby! Shirley, Linton; Calke, Purchas, J. B. ORDER GERANIACE^J. 83 232. Geranium pyrenaicum, L. (Mountain Crane's Bill). Denizen. English type. Range 1. I. Hassop, Bailey. II. Stapenhill, Harris ; apparently wild near Copse Hill Garden, Osmaston-by-Ashbourne, Smith MSS. Geranium rotundifolium, L. Repton, Repton F. and F. Wants confirmation ! 234. Geranium pusillum, L. (Small-flowered Crane's Bill). Native. English type. Range 1. III. Osmaston Park-by-Ashbourne, Smith MSS. ; about Calke, Purchas, J. B. 235. Geranium molle, L. (Common Crane's Bill). Native. British type. Range 1-2. Common throughout the county ! Ascends to 400 yards over Castleton, Baker, J. B. 236. Geranium dissectum. L. (Cut-leaved Crane's Bill). Native. British type. Range 1-2. I. Wye Valley up to Ghee Tor, 250 yards, Baker, J. B. III. Common ! 237 Geranium columbinum, L. (Dove's-foot Crane's Bill). Native. English type. Range 2. I. Miller's Dale, Bailey ; . Wormhiil, West; Taddington Wood ; Chee Dale, Baker, J.~B. ; Dove Dale ! 238. Geranium lucidum, L. (Shining-leaved Crane's Bill). Native. British type. Range 1-2-3. I. Common on limestone ; ascends up to 350 yards, Baker, J. B. III. Breadsall, Whittaker ; Bretby,Hrrw ; rocks at Anchor Church, near Foremark, Bloxaml Also doubtfully wild on the wall of a farm-house at Pistern Hill, Purchas, J. B.; Risley, Hasse. 239. Geranium Robertianum, L. (Herb Robert). Native. British type. Range 1-2. Common throughout the county ! Ascends up to 350 yards, Baker, J. B. 240. Geranium sanguineum, L. (Red Crane's Bill). Native. British type. Range 1-2. I. Miller's Dale, Harris; Monk's Dale, West ; Cressbrook Dale, Whitelegg ; Monsal Dale, Whittaker ; ascends to 800 yards, Rogers. I have seen one weakly root of this on a rock north of Hartington, Purchas, J. B. 84 THE FLORA OF DERBYSHIRE. ORDER BALSAMINACE^E. 242. Impatiens Noli-me-tangere, L. (Wild Balsam or Touch-me-not). Denizen. Local type. Eange 1. " Topographical Botany." Howitt Cat. Impatiens parviflora, D. C. Casual. I. Matlock Bath, Searle ; a few plants in Cromford Dale, B and N,, J. B. III. A garden weed at Ockbrook, Smith. ORDER OXALIDACE^l. 243. Oxalis Acetosella, L. (Wood Sorrel). Native. British type. Range 1-2-3. Common in woods throughout the county. Ascends up to 450 yards, Baker, J. B. DIVISION II. CALYCIFLOR^E. ORDER CELASTRACE^E. 245. Euonymus europaeus, L. (Spindle Tree). Native. English type. Range 1-2. I. Miller's and Cressbrook Dales, Whitelegg ; Wood near Lea, Milnes-, Via Gellia and Matlock Tor, B. and N., J. B. ; ascends up to 400 yards over Castleton, Baker, J. B. ; Dove Dale in very small quantity, Purchas, J. B. III. Winshill, Harris ; hedges at Clifton, Smith MSS. ; Shirley, Linton. ORDER RHAMNACE.E. 246. Khanmus catharticus, L. (Buckthorn). Native. English type. Range 1-2. I. Monk's Dale and Matlock, West ; Miller's Dale, Bailey ; 300 yards, Baker, J. B. ; Cressbrook Dale, Whitelegy ; Dove Dale, Purchas ; Via Gellia and Bonsall, B. and N., J. B. III. Breadsall, Whittaker ; hedges at Ockbrook, Smith MSS., Shirley, Linton. 247. Rhamnus Frangula, L. (Black Alder). Native. English type. Range 1. III. Horsley Car, near Derby, Whittaker ; Drakelowe, Harris ; Bog at Repton Rocks, Purchas, J. B. ORDER LEGUMINIFER^, 85 ORDER LEGUMINIFER.E. 248. Sarothamnus scoparius, Koch. (Broom). Native. British type. Range 1-2. I. Railway banks, Chapel-en-le-Frith, Rogers ; wholly absent from the limestone ; appears on the Millstone Grit at Birchover; about the curious rocks called Robin Hood's Stride, and at Cratcliff Tor, Purchas, J. B. II. About Chesterfield, Water/all. III. Railway banks and other places on the Grit, Belper ! Between Copse Hill and Wyaston Grove, Smith MSS.; Dim- minsdale, Calke ; and Melbourne, Purchas, J. B.; Stanton, Dale and Locko Park, Hasse. 249. TJlex europaeus, L. (Furze, Whin, and Gorse). Native. British type. Range 1-2-3. Common on heaths ! Ascends up to 400 yards above Burbage, Baker, J. B. 250. Ulex Gallii, Planch. (Autumnal Furze). Native. English type. Range 1-2-3. The Ulex nanus of the old authors. I. About Whatstandwell ; up to 300 yards on Tansley Moor, B. and N. t J. B.; Chapel-en-le-Frith; Corbar Hill, Buxton, 400 yards, Rogers; Goyt's Bridge, and near Coomb's Moss, Buxton ! About Dove Dale, Purchas, J. B. III. Gresley, Harris ; rough ground about Calke, Purchas, J. B.; Shirley, &c., Linton. 251. Genista tinctoria, L. (Dyer's Green- Weed). Native. English type. Range 1-2. I. Matlock Bath, 200 yards, West. II. About Chesterfield, Waterfall. III. Ockbrook, Smith ; Burton-on-Trent, Han-is ; Shirley, Linton. 253. Genista anglica, L. (Small Whin). Native. British type. Range 1-2. I. Beeley Moor, near Rowsley, Scrimshaw ; Tansley Moor, B. and N., J. B. III. Formerly on Breadsall Moor, now extinct, Whittaker. 254. Ononis arvensis, L. (Rest-harrow). Native. British type. Range 1-2. I. Matlock Tor, B. and N., J. B.; passing into 0. spinosa, L., Baslow, Bailey; near a quarry on Hollingtou End, near Thorpe ; and also in the Via Gellia, Purchas, J. B. II. About Chesterfield, Waterfall. III. Osmaston-by-Ashbourne ; Ockbrook ; Clifton, Smith MSS. Common about Derby ! D2 36 THE FLORA OF DERBYSHIRE. 255. Ononis spinosa, L. Auct. Native. English type. Eange 1-2-3. I. Wormhill! III. Normanton-by-Derby ! Between Ockbrook and Hop- wood Lodge Field, Smith MSS.', Willington, Haaaer; Ticken- hall, Purchas, J. B.; Dale and near Ockbrook, Hasse\ near Etwall, Burkill. 257. Anthyllis vulneraria, L. (Lady's Finger). Native. British type. Range 1-2. I. Miller's and Monsal Dale, West; Cromford, Rowland', Bonsall and Matlock Bath up to 300 yards, B. and N., J. B.; the Winnatts, Castleton ! Dove Dale! Blackwell Dale ! II. Waste ground at Renishaw Furnaces, Waterfall. III. Measham, Harris; "Very scarce. For several seasons I noticed a solidary plant in an old stone-pit near Tickenhall ; a second plant afterwards appeared, and these two weakly plants were all that I saw in that district," Purchas, J. B.; Dale, Hasse. 260. Medicago lupulina, L. (Black Medick). Native. British type. Range 1-2-3. Common throughout the county ! Ascends up to 400 yards, Baker, J. B. Medicayo macula ta, Sibth. (Spotted Medick). Casual here. Renishaw, near Chesterfield ; found once, Waterfall. Shirley, only one plant observed, Linton. 264. Melilotus officinalis, Willd. (Yellow Melilot). Col- onist. English type. Range 1. II. Renishaw, Waterfall. III. Bretby, Harris ; Nottingham Road Railway Station, Derby ! Chellaston ! Near Osmaston-by-Ashbourne, Smith MSS. ; Aston, Hasse ; by the tramway at Tickenhall, most probably introduced, Purchas, J. B. Melilotus arvensis, Wallr. Alien. III. On the side of the railway between Derby and Borrowash ; Smith MSS. 267. Trifolium repens, L. (Dutch Clover, White Clover). Native. British type. Range 1-3. Common throughout the county ! Ascends up to 500 yards, Baker, J. B. Trifolium subterraneum, L. (Subterranean Clover). Near Sandiacre Church, very scarce, Atkinson. Is this anything more than a colonist here ? ! Trifolium, ochroleucum, L. Repton, Repton F. and F. Wants confirmation. ORDER LKGUMINIFERJE. 87 271. Trifolium pratense, L. (Red Clover). Native. British type. Range 1-2-3. Common throughout the county ! Ascends up to 500 yards, Baker, J. B. Var. sativum, Syme. I. Miller's Dale, Bailey. III. Burton-on-Trent, Harris. 272. Trifolium medium, L. (Zig-zag Trefoil), Native. British type. Range 1-2. I. Buxton, Smith ; Lovers' Leap ! Ashwood Dale ! Matlock Bath, Rowland ; Chapel-en-le-Frith, Rogers', ascends up to 300 yards, Baker, J. B. II. About Chesterfield, Waterfall. III. Ockbrook, Smith ; Bretby, Harris ; " a solitary plant found by me on Pistern Hill ; found also near the Tickenhall Lime Works by me, and by Mr. Bloxam at Calke," Purchas, J. B. ; Shirley, Linton. Trifolium hybridum, L. (Alsyke Clover). Alien. I. Roadsides and forage fields about Matlock, B. and A 7 ., J.B. III. Shirley, Linton. 275. Trifolium arvense, L. (Hare's-foot Clover). Native. British type. Range 1. III. Railway bank near Borrowash Station, Smith MSS. ; Repton ! Breadsall Moor, Whittaker ; near Foremark, Bloxam ! Burton-on-Trent, Harris. 277. Trifolium striatum, L. (Soft- knotted Trefoil). Native. English type. Range 1-2. I. Monsal Dale, Whitelegg ; Miller's Dale, Bailey ; Worm- hill, 850 yards, West. III. Drakelowe, Harris ; near Borrowash Station, Smith MSS. 280. Trifolium fragiferum, L. (Strawberry Clover). Native. English type. Range 1. I. Between Fenny Bentley and Tissington, Purchas. III. Near Stanton-by-Dale formerly, Hasse. 281. Trifolium procumbens, L. (Hop Clover). Native. British type. Range 1-2-3. I. Walls of Peveril Castle, Castleton ; up to 400 yards, Baker, J. B. ; Turnditch ! Dove Dale ! HI. About Calke, Purchas, J. B. ; Shirley, Linton ! 282. Trifolium minus, Relh. (Lesser Yellow Trefoil). Native. British type. Range 1-2-8. 38 THE FLORA OF DERBYSHIRE. I. Frequent up to 450 yards above Burbage, Baker, J. B. ; Lumsdale, near Matlock, B. and N. t J. B.\ Chapel-en-le- Frith, Rogers. III. Frequent in this part of the county ! 282.* Trifolium filiforme, L. Native. English type. Range 1-2. I. Miller's Dale, Wild ; Middleton Dale, Carr ; Howarth, com d - III. About Burton-on-Trent, Harris. 283. Lotus corniculatus. L. (Bird's-foot Trefoil). Native. British type. Range 1-2-3. Common throughout the county ! Ascends up to 500 yards, Baker, J. B. 283s. Lotus tenuis, W. and K. Native. British type. Range 1. III. Cornfields, Osmaston-by-Ashbourne, Smith MSS. 284. Lotus major, Scop. Native. British type. Range 1-2-3. I. Common about Buxton, 450 yards, Baker, J. B. ; Matlock, B. and 2V., J. B. ; Monsal Dale ! Dove Dale ! II. About Chesterfield, Waterfall. III. About Burton-on-Trent, Harris ; Repton ! Shirley, Linton. 291. Ornithopus perpusillus, L. (Bird's-foot). Native. British type. Range 1. III. Cauldwell, Harris ; Repton, Green ; Morley Moor ! Quarndon ! Near Dale ; Locko Park ; Melbourne, Hasse. 293. Hippocrepis comosa, L. (Horse-shoe Vetch). Native. English type. Range 1-2. I. Dove Dale ! 296. Vicia sylvatica, L. (Wood Vetch). Native. Scottish type. Range 1-2. I. Cressbrook Dale ; between Bradbourn and Fenny Bentley, Bailey ; Lathkill Dale, Whitelegg ; Matlock Bath and Ashbourne, Smith ; Deep Dale, Buxton, Green. III. Cauldwell Bridge, Blore in Smith MSS. 297. Vicia Cracca, L. (Blue Vetch). Native. British type. Range 1-2. I. Frequent up to 400 yards at Buxton, Baker, J. B. ; not common about Matlock, B. and N., J. B. II. About Chesterfield, Waterfall. III. Common about Derby ! Shirley, Linton ; Calke, Purchas, J. B. ORDER LEGUMINIFER.E. 89 298. Vicia sativa, L. (Common Vetch). Denizen ? British type. Kange 1-2-3. I. Cornfield weed, up to 540 yards, Baker, J. B. ; on culti- vated ground only at Matlock, B. and AT., J. B. II. About Chesterfield, Waterfall. III. Barely wild ; between Shirley Village and Ednastone ; Ockbrook, Smith. MSS. 298. Vicia angustifolia, Auct. Native. British type. Range 1-2. I. Turnditcli ! Ascends up to 800 yards in Miller's Dale, Rogers. III. Gresley, Harris. Var. Bobartii, Forster. Dimminsdale, Calke, Purchas, J. B. ; Shirley, Linton. Vicia lutea, L., is recorded in " Pilkington's History " as having been found at Pinxton and Derby. 301. Vicia sepium, L. (Hedge Vetch). Native. British type. Range 1-2-3. I. Common ! Ascends to 450 yards on the Burbage Moors, Baker, J. B. III. Common about Derby ! Bushy places about Calke, Purchas, J. B. ; Shirley, Linton. 303. Vicia hirsuta, Koch. (Hairy Tare). Colonist. British type. Range 1-2. I. Miller's Dale, 300 yards, West ; Ashwood Dale J III. Drakelowe, Harris ; Spondon ! Morley ! Near Calke Abbey, Bloxam ! 804. Vicia tetrasperma, Moench. (Smooth Tare). Colonist. English type. Range 1-2. I. Miller's Dale, Wild. III. Drakelowe, Harris; Reptou, liagger ; near Calke Abbey, Purchas, J. B. Vicia lathyroides, L., is recorded in Repton F. and F. on Dr. Hewgill's authority ; very doubtful ! Lathyrus aphaca, L. " Pilkington's History," Pinxton and Derby. 306. Lathyrus Nissolia, L. Native. English type. Range 1. III. Draycott House, Hey in Smith MSS. Lathyrus hirsutus, L. South Normanton. Mr. Coke in " Pilkington's History." 808. Lathyrus pratensis, L. (Meadow Vetchling). Native. British type. Range 1-2-8. 40 THE FLORA OF DERBYSHIRE. I. Common up to 400 yards, Baker, J. B. II. Common about Chesterfield, Waterfall. III. Common in meadows ! Lathyrus pnlustris, L. Pinxton. Mr. Coke in " Pilking- ton's History." 310. Lathyrus sylvestris, L. (Everlasting Pea). Native. English type. Range 1. III. Weston-upon-Trent, Atkinson and Hasse. 312. Orobus tuberosus, L. Native. British type. Eange 1-2. I. Ash wood Dale, Green ; between Bugsworth and R. Goyt, Chapel-en-le- Frith ; Miller's Dale, Rogers ; near Mat- lock, Waterfall. III. Etwall Road, Repton, Hugger; Dale Abbey Woods ! About Burton-on-Trent, Harris; scarce about Calke, Purchas, J. B. ; Shirley and Bradley, Linton. Var. tenuifolius, Roth. I. Stirrup Woods, Charlesworth, Whitelegg. III. Ockbrook, Smith MSS. ORDER ROSACES. 314. Prunus spinosa, L. (Sloe). Native. British type. Range 1-2. I. In limestone dales up to 350 yards, Baker, J. B. ; Dove Dale, B. and N., J. B. II. About Chesterfield, C. Waterfall. III. Repton, Hagger; Burton-on-Trent, Harris; near Bradley Wood and Ednastone, Linton. 314.* Prunus insititia, L. (Bullace). Native. English type. Range 1-2. I. Via Gellia, &c., B. and N., J. B. II. Field at the Hague, Renishaw, Chesterfield, Water/all. III. Ockbrook ! Shirley, Linton ; Hanley, Hasse. Prunus domestica, L. (Wild Plum). Alien. II. Cresswell Crags, Waterfall, III. Ockbrook, Smith MSS. ; an escape from cultivation at Calke Mill, Purchas, J. B. 315. Prunus Padus, L. (Heckberry, Bird Cherry). Native. Scottish type. Range 1-2. I. Via Gellia, Rowland ; Lovers' Leap, Buxton, Green ; ascends to 350 yards, Baker, J. B. ; Monk's Dale, West ; banks of R. Derwent, Whatstandwell ! Upper end of Dove Dale, and at Fenny Bentley, Purchas, J. B. ORDER ROSACES. 41 III. Near Breadsall Priory, Whittaker ; Penthays, Shirley, Linton. 316. Prunus Cerasus, L. Denizen. English type. Range 1. II. Fields near Clowne, Waterfall. III. Osmaston-by-Ashbourne ; Clifton, Smith MSS.', Brailsford, Linton. 316. Prunus avium, L. (Wild Cherry). Denizen. Eng- lish type. Range 1. I. Mellor, Hannan. III. Kedleston ! Breadsall, Whittaker ; Repton Rocks, Burkill. 317. Spiraea Ulmaria, L. (Meadow Sweet). Native. British type. Range 1-2. I. Common up to 300 yards, B. and N., J. B. ; Monk's Dale, 350 yards, West. II. Common about Chesterfield, Waterfall. III. Common about Derby ! Ditches at Calke, Purchas, J. B. ; Shirley, Linton. 318. Spiraea Filipendula, L. (Dropwort). Native. Eng- lish type. Range 1-2. I. Miller's Dale, Whitelegy ; Hartington, Harris ; between Newhaven and Middleton, Purchas. III. Between Chellaston and Weston-on-Trent, in very small quantity in one or two spots about Calke, and in a spot between Tickenhall and Hartshorne, Purchas, J. B. ; between Swarkestone and Ingleby, Hasse. 32] . Geum urbanum, L. (Wood Avens). Native. British type. Range 1-2. I. Common in the limestone woods up to 800 yards, Baker, J. B. II. Common at Chesterfield, Waterfall. III. Common about Derby ! Shirley, Linton ; about Calke, Purchas, J. B. 822. Geum rivale, L. (Water Avens). Native. British type. Range 1-2. I. Cressbrook Dale, Bailey ; Miller's Dale, Whitelegg ; Matlock Bath and Crowford, Rowland ; Wye Valley up to 300 yards, Baker, J. B. ; Ashwood, Blackwell and Lathkill Dales ! III. Repton, Hagger ; Shirley, Linton. 322u. Geum intermedium, Ehrh. Native. British type. Range 1-2. 42 THE FLORA OF DERBYSHIRE. I. Bakewell, Smith ; Ghee Tor, Whitelegg ; Miller's Dale, Bailey ; Dove Dale, Smith M8S. 327. Potentilla anserina, L. (Silver Weed). Native. British type. Range 1-2-3. Common throughout the county ! Ascending to 400 yards, Baker, J. B. Potentilla argentea, L. III. One plant seen near to Sandiacre Church, Atkinson. Kecorded in Glover's History, " Markeaton Eoad, Derby." 829. Potentilla verna, L. Native. British type. Eange 1-2. I. Dove Dale, Purchas ; Lathkill Dale, Smith ; Monsal Dale, Whitelegg ; Miller's Dale. Hannan ; Monk's Dale, 350 yards, and'Tideswell, West. 331. Potentilla reptans, L. (Creeping Cinquefoil). Native. English type. Eange 1. Common in most parts of the county. 832. Potentilla Tormentilla, Schreb. (Common Cinque- foil). Native. British type. Eange 1-2-8. I. Ascends nearly to the summit of Axe Edge, 550 yards, Baker, J. B. II. and III. Common on heaths ! P. mixta, Nolte. Frequent upon heaths about Buxton ! 832." Potentilla procumbens, Sibth. Native. British type. Eange 1-2-8. I. Miller's Dale, Searle ; moor over Burbage, 450 yards, Baker, J. B. ; between Bugsworth and Whaley Bridge, Rogers ; Via Gellia, West. III. Brailsford and Osmaston-by-Ashbourne, Linton. 333. Potentilla Fragariastrum, Ehrh. (Barren Straw- berry). Native. British type. Eange 1-2. Common throughout the county ! Ascends to 300 yards in the limestone dales, Baker, J. B. 334. Comarum palustre, L. (Marsh Cinquefoil). Native. British type. Eange 1-2-3. I. Chrome Hill, near Buxton ! III. Gresley, Harris; between Wyaston and Bodsley, Smith MSS. ; Bradley, Linton. 335. Fragaria vesca, L. (Wood Strawberry). Native. British type. Eange 1-2. ORDER ROSACES. 48 Limestone dales, up to 350 yards, Baker, J. B. ; common throughout the county, in woods and upon banks ! At Heath End occurred a white-fruited variety in some plenty, scarcely to be distinguished from what I have seen grown in gardens as the " Alpine Strawberry," Purchas, J. B. Fragaria elatior, Ehrh. (Hautboy Strawberry). Alien. III. Once seen by the late Rev. G. E. Smith at Ockbrook, now extinct. Kecorded in Repton, F. and F. Wants con- firmation. 337. Rubus Chamaemorus, L. (Noutberry, Cloudberry). Native. Highland type. Range 3. I. Kinder Scout, West ; Axe Edge, especially descending the clough on the north, 550 yards, Baker, J. B. 338. Rubus saxatilis, L. Native. Scottish type. Range 1-2, I. Miller's Dale, Harris- Ghee Dale and Wormhill, West ; Cressbrook Dale, Whitelegg ; Ashford Dale, Bailey ; Dove Dale, Purchas; Lathkill and Monsal Dales, Smith MSS. II. Cresswell Crags, Waterfall. * 339. Rubus Idaeus, L. (Raspberry). Native. British type. Range 1-2-3. Ascends to 450 yards in Goyt's Clough, Baker, J. B. Common in thickets throughout the county ! 340. 4. Rubus fissus, Lindl. III. On the New Red Sandstone at Bradley Wood, east of Ashbourne, Purchas, J. B. ; Shirley Wood ; Osmaston Park, Linton. The habitat given in Smith MSS. for R. suberectus, Anders., in Osmaston Park, clearly belongs to this species, Mr. Smith having mistaken the one for the other ! 840. 5. Rubus plicatus, W. and N. III. Bog at Repton Rocks; probably correctly named, but as I unfortunately did not preserve a specimen from this station, I feel some degree of doubt as to whether it might not rather have been called R. fissus, Purchas, J. B. 840. 6. Rubus affinis, W. and N. III. On Bloxam's authority, at White Lees, and by the side of the Repton Road, Tickenhall. I think also at Repton Rocks, Purchas, J. B. * In arranging the sequence of this difficult geuus I have had the valuable assistance of Professor Babington, to whom I am greatly indebted for valuable counsels and for inspecting specimens. As far as practicable I have followed the arrangement of the last edition of the "London Catalogue." 44 THE FLORA OF DERBYSHIRE. 340. 7. Rubus Lindleianus, Lees. 1. Woods and thickets at Whatstandwell, and quarry at Matlock Bath, B. and N. t J. B. ; quarry refuse at Cromford, Bailey. III. Hedges at Bradley Wood and about Calke, Purchas, J.B. 340. 8. Rubus rhamnifolius, W. and N. I. Bottom of Monsal Dale, 200 yards, Baker, J. B. ; Hill, west of Matlock Bridge Railway Station, B. and N., J. B. III. In hedges about Calke, sometimes approaching the cordifolius form, Purchas, J. B. 340. 9. Rubus incurvatus, Bab. I. Hill above Miller's Dale ; agrees with Welsh incuwatus, Rogers. Rubus ramosus, Bio x am. I. Between Youlgreave and Robin Hood's Stride, named by Mr. Bloxam, Purchas, J. B. Rubus thyrsoideus, Wimm. ? III. Near Stanton- by- Bridge, Purchas, J. B. A specimen of this bramble was sent me by Mr. Hayger from Repton, and named as such by Mr. Purchas, but Professor Babington says this specimen is R. nemoralis, Mull, i.e., Munteri, Marss, which see. 340. 12. Rubus rusticanus, Merc. I. Common about Tissington and DoveDale ; seen only once at Matlock in a lane at the top of Bonsall, B. and N., J. B.; Monsal Dale ! III. Hedges and banks about Calke, Purchas, J. B. ; Shirley, Linton. 340. 13. Rubus pubescens, W. and N. (thyrsoideus, Auct. Ang.) I. Near the railway station at Whatstandwell, B. and N., J. B. III. Between White Lees and Broadstone, Tickenhall (R. macroacanthus, Blox.), Purchas, J. B.', about Yeldersley Rough and Shirley, fide Dr. Focke, Linton. 340. 14. Rubus leucostachys, Sm. I. Monsal Dale, and road above Cressbrook Mill, Baker, J. B. ; Dove Dale and about Matlock, ascending to 300 yards in Masson Wood, B. and N., J. B. ; near " Pig-of-Lead," Cromford, Bailey. III. Hedges between Calke and Pistern Hill, &c. " The petals are there of a deeper pink than in any other bramble known to me. In Herefordshire, where I first became ORDER ROSACE.E. 45 acquainted with this species, the petals are usually white, especially in the wood forms, and hence, until I went to live in Derbyshire, Mr. Borrer's account of their colour in Eng. Bot. Suppl. surprised me. In N, Staffordshire also the petals are white, thus showing how little reliance can be placed on colour as a distinctive mark," Purchas, J. B. 340. 18. Rubus carpinifolius, W. and N. I. Near Cressbrook School Church ! fide Professor Babington. III. Shirley Brook, fide Dr. Focke, Linton. Professor Babington considers the specimen from Bradley Wood named R. Munteri by Dr. Focke, to belong to this species. 340. 19. Rubus villicaulis, Koehl., var. gratus, Focke. ill. Brook near Shirley Wood, Linton. (R. leucandrus. Focke.) " Very near," Dr. Focke, Brailsford, Linton. 340. 17. Rubus Salteri, Bab., var. calvatus, Blox. I. Between New Mills and Bugsworth, indistinguishable from the Bournemouth calvatus, Rogers. III. Bank of the Ashby Koad, over Pistern Hill; also at Dimminsdale, Calke. " It was first pointed out to me by the Kev. W. H. Coleman, and my specimens were verified by Blox am," Purchas, J. B. 340. 20. Rubus nemoralis, Mull. ( = R. Maasii, Focke. R. macrophyllus var. umbro&us, Bab.) I. Monsal Dale and Wye Valley below Chee Tor, 200- 250 yards, Baker, J. B. ; not seen about Matlock, B. and N., J. B. III. Koadside, Osmaston-by-Ashbourne,Lwtow ; between Calke and Melbourne, confirmed by Bloxam ; Bradley Wood. Purchas, J. B. (R. amphichloros, P. J. Mull.) Shirley; Brailsford, Linton. (R. Munteri. Marss.) Repton, Hagger, (see above, R. thyrsoideus). Bradley Wood, fide Dr. Focke, Linton. Professor Babington writes: " I have known this, i.e., B. Munteri, for some time, and place it and Maasii and Bloxam's carpinifolius = nmbrosus under the name of nemoralis, Miill., a much older name (1858) than either of the others. I believe also that my macrophyllus var. glabratus will join it." 340. 20. Rubus macrophyllus, W. and N., var. ampli- ficatus, Lees. I. Thickets at Whatstandwell, B. and N. t J. B. ; north of Ashbourne, rare, Purchas, J. B. 46 THE FLORA OF DERBYSHIRE. Rubus anglosaxonicus, Gelert. I. Above New Bath Hotel, Matlock Bath, Bailey ; named by Dr. Focke and verified by Professor Babington. This plant was sent to the Exchange Club for the British Isles as R. macrophyllus, see Report for 1887. New to Britain. 340. 22. Rubus Sprengelii, Weihe. I. Seen once between Whatstandwell and Wirksworth, B. and N., J. B. III. This and the var. R. Borreri (Bell-Salter) in hedges between Calke and Melbourne, and near to Southwood Farm. Probably most of the plants belong rather to the larger form, R. Borreri, than to the true R. Sprengelii, Purchas, J. B. The variety occurs in a lane by Bradley Wood, Linton. 340. 23. Rubus Bloxamii, Lees. III. Shirley, fide Dr. Focke, Linton; but Professor Babington says it is R. thyrsiyer, Bab. /?, rhenanus, Mull. 340. 25. Rubus rosaceus, W. and N. III. Shirley, Linton. Var. 24. Hystrix, Weihe. III. Woody places about Calke ; seen also between Tickenhall and Stanton-by-Bridge, Purchas, J. B. Under this bramble I place one which Mr. Purchas says " is not uncommon on the borders of Derbyshire and Leicestershire," and which the Rev. W. H. Coleman called R. Hadula, Weihe, var. Bloximianus, Coleman, to distinguish it from true Radula, as I find on referring to J. of B., xxv., pp. 102-3, that Professor Babington considered it to be R. Hystrix. Mr. Purchas has a long note upon this plant in the J. of B., as above, to which the reader is referred. Mr. Hagger sent me a specimen of this bramble from Repton. Rubus echinatus, Lindl. III. Near Brailsford Church, Linton. 340. 28. Rubus rudis, Weihe. III. Rather scarce about Calke, Purchas, J. B. 340. 29. Rubus Radula, Weihe. I. Taddington Wood, Baker, J. B. ; Masson 300 yards ; Dove Dale, B. and N., J. B. ; Miller's Dale ! " Mr. Bloxam did not regard the form which occurs in Dove Dale and in other places in this neighbourhood as typical Radula, but rather as melanoxylon, Mull. ; Professor Babington named it Radula," Purchas, J. B. R. Drejeri, Jens. This, Professor Babington says, is the proper name for the plant which has been known as R. Parchasii, Bloxam. III. Brailsford, fide Dr. Focke, Linton. ORDER ROSACES. 47 Kubus anglosaxonicus, Gelert. See under E. macrophyllus. Rubus melanoxylon, Miill. III. Brailsford, fide Dr. Focke, Linton. See note on E. radula. 340. 30. Rubus Koehleri, Weihe, var. pallidus, Bab., non W. and N. I. Dove Dale ; frequent in the limestone dales ; Heights of Abraham, Matlock Bath, B. and N., J. B. ; Miller's Dale, and above Burbage, 450 yards ! III. Woody places about Calke, Purchas, J. B. 340. 32. Rubus diversifolius, Lindl. III. Shirley, Linton. I place here R. dumetorum, Warren, var. intensus, Warren. I. Hedges between Parwich and Alsop-en-le-Dale, verified by Bloxam, " A slender form with remarkable narrow leaves belonging to this group occurs in Dove Dale, near the rock called "Pickering Tor," Purchas, J. B. III. Eepton, Hagger, named by Mr. Purchas. 340. 35. Rubus flexuosus, M. andL. (R. Gunthen, Weihe.) III. Seal Wood, Knowle Hills, Eev. W. H. Coleman in Nat. Hist. Tutbury. Rubus chloro thyrsus, Focke. III. Shirley, near the main road, Linton. New to Britain. Rubus obscurifrons, M. and W. (R. septorum, Miiller.) Bradley Wood, named by Dr. Focke, Purchas and Linton. Professor Babington writes, " A specimen named septorum by Focke for the Eev. W. E. Linton can hardly be that plant. Authentic specimens in the Herb. Genev. have decidedly felted leaves. I cannot find any trace of felt on Mr. Linton's specimens kindly lent to me. They very closely resemble the R. obscurifrons, M. and W., contained in the Herb. rub. rheu., Ed. 1, 180; Ed. 2, 100, but Focke says that that has the under side of its leaves of the panicle grey and velvety, which is certainly not the case on No. 100. In this respect and most others Linton's and Miiller's plants agree. I therefore adopt obscurifrons as the name I think we had better use the name which clearly belongs to our plant, although it may prove ultimately to be part of an aggregate species, for which possibly the name of R. festivus, W. and N., ought to be accepted." 340. 40. Rubus corylifolius, Sm. Native. British type. Eange 1-2. 48 THE FLORA OF DERBYSHIRE. I. Up the Wye Valley into Ash wood Dale, 300 yards, Baker, J. B.; Dove Dale, B. and N.,J. B.; Cressbrook Dale! Var. sublustris, Lees. I. About Matlock, B. and N., J. B.; Monsal Dale! Miller's Dale ! Near to deltoideus, Blox., Ashwood Dale ! teste Mr. Purchas. III. Hedges about Smisby, Purchas, J. B. ; Shirley, Linton. Var. conjungens, Bab. I. Via Gellia, B. and N., J. B. ; near Tickenhall, Purchas, J. B. Var. Holandrei, Mull. I place here R. dumetorum, Warren, var. concinnus, Warren, one of the commonest brambles in the Matlock district, ascending to 300 yards, B. and N., J. B. ; Miller's Dale ! Barmoor Clough ! fide Mr. Purchas. It also occurs near Derby ! 340. 41. Rubus deltoideus, P. J. Mull. (R. althaifolius, Bab.) III. A form occurred at Broadstone, near Tickenhall, which probably comes under R. althaifolius, Bab., Purchas, J.B. 340. 42. Rubus scabrosus, P. J. Mull. (R. tuberculatus, Bab.) I. Frequent, ascending the Wye Valley to 350 yards, near the Lovers' Leap, Baker, J. B. III. Shirley, Linton. 340. 43. Rubus caesius, L. (Dewberry). Native. English type. Range 1-2. I. Frequent in Miller's Dale, Baker, J. B. ; Dove Dale ; Matlock Bath, B. and N., J. B. ; Ghee Dale; Wormhill, 350 yards. West ; Cressbrook Dale, Whitelegg ; Cromford, Bailey. III. Ockbrook, Smith ; about Derby ! Eoad towards Bodsley, Linton. Var. umbrosus, Reich. I. Monsal and Cressbrook Dales, fide Mr. Purchas ! Var. Pseudo-Idaeus, Lej. I. Near to Monsal Dale, fide Mr. Purchas ! Griff Wood, Via Gellia, Purchas, J. B. Rubus caesius + R. Idaeus, between Hipley Rock and Longcliff Wharf, on the road from Ashbourne to Matlock. Purchas. Var. Doniana, Woods. 1 Monsal Dale ! ORDER ROSACES. 49 841. Rosa spinosissima, L. (Scotch Eose, Burnet Rose). Native. British type. Kange 1-2. I. Cressbrook Dale, W hiteleyy \ Chapel-en-le-Frith, Rogers ; Monsal Dale, Smith ; ascends up to 300 yards, Baker, J. B. II. Chesterfield, Waterfall. III. Dale, HassS. 343. Rosa involuta, Sm. Native. British type. Range 2. Var. Sabini, Woods. I. Middleton Dale, late A. Carr, F. Arnold Lees. Var. Robertson!, Baker, j 344. Rosa mollis, Smith. Native. British type. Range 1-2. I. Wormhill, 350 yards, West', Cressbrook Dale, Wldte- leyg ; Miller's Dale, Taddington Wood, &c., Baker, J. B.\ about Matlock, up to 300 yards, B. and N., J. B. ; Monsal Dale ; Dove Dale ! III. Mickleover, near Derby ! At Heath End. Scarce, and not very characteristic, but recognised by Mr. Baker as this species, Purchas, J. B. ; Shirley and towards Bradley, Linton. Var. caerulea, Woods. I. Matlock, B. and N., J. B. ; Wormhill, West. III. Bradley and Hognaston, Linton. 345. Rosa tomentosa, Smith. Native. British type. Range 1-2. I. Miller's Dale, Baker, J. B. ; Dove Dale ; Matlock, frequently up to 300 yards, in a wide range of forms, of which the most interesting was one with scabriuscula leaves and sepals while the fruit was still green, on the ridge between Bonsall and Matlock Bridge, B. and N., J. B.\ between Cromford and Whatstandwell, Bailey; Chapel-en-le-Frith, Rogers ! III. Stanton - by - Bridge, "characteristic tomentosa" (Baker] ; also a variety which tends towards mollis ; the Scaddows, Tickenhall, Purchas, J. B. ; Spondon and Ock- brook, Hasse. Var. subglobosa, Sm. I. Miller's Dale ! III. Shirley, Linton. Var. scabriuscula, Sm. I. Wye Valley, E. of Miller's Dale, Rogers. III. Mickleover, near Derby ! between Melbourne and Castle Donnington, Purchas, J. B. ; Shirley, Linton. 50 THE FLORA OF DERBYSHIRE. Rosa rubiginosa, L. (Sweet Briar). Alien. III. Between Snelson and Osmaston-by-Ashbourne ; near Edlaston Church ; Spondon Fields, near Derby, Smith MSS. 349. Rosa micrantha, Sm. Native. English type. Range 1. III. Between Clifton and Hill Top, near Ashbourne, Smith MSS. ; Derby Road, Ashbourne, Purchas, J. B. ; Shirley, Linton. 351. Rosa canina, L. (Dog Eose). Native. British type. Kange 1-2. Var. lutetiana, Leman. I. Common in the limestone dales, Baker, J. B. Frequent ! III. Frequent about Derby! Repton, Hagger \ Calke, Purchas, J. B. " In the old coach road at Tickenhall I met with a bush with glandular sepals, which Mr. Baker referred to R. Malmundariensis Lej." (see his "Monograph of British Roses," p. 226), Purchas, J. B. This form has also been found at Yeldersley by the Rev. W. R. Linton. Var. surculosa, Woods. III. Bradley, Linton. Var. sphaerica, Gren. I. Miller's Dale ! Var. dumalis, Bechst. I. With lutetiana, Baker, J. B. ; Barmoor Clough ! Dove Dale ! III. Repton, Hagger ; Breadsall ! Southwood (teste Baker), Purchas, J. B. Var. biserrata, Merat. I. Quarry refuse near Woodseats, Cromford, Bailey ; Miller's and Monsal Dales, Rogers. III. Shirley, Linton. Var. urbica, Leman. I. A form with glandular sepals in Taddington Wood ; with lutetiana, Baker, J. B. ; Wye Valley, between Miller's Dale and Monsal Dale, Rogers. III. Repton , Hagger ; about Derby ! Willington ! A somewhat hairy rose found by me in hedges between " Stanley's Barn " and White Hollows was referred to R. urbica by Mr. Baker, Purchas, J. B. ; Shirley, Linton. Var. frondosa, Steven. I. About Matlock, B. and N., J. B. III. Form between this and coriifolia, near Ashbourne, Linton. Between Calke and ; Shirley, Linton. ORDER ROSACES. 51 Var. arvatica, Baker. I. With the preceding, B. and N., J. B. ; near the top of the hill between Bugsworth and the E. .Goyt ; and Matlock Tor, Rogers. III. Shirley, Lin ton. Var. tomentella, Leman. III. Ockbrook (fide Baker), Smith ; between Heath End and the foot of Pistern Hill; "exactly our Yorkshire tomentella," Baker, Purchas, J. B, ; towards the Ash Cover, Shirley, Brailsford, Linton. Var. andevagensis, Bast. I. About Matlock, B. and N., J. B. ; near Croinford Canal, Bailey. III. Shirley, Linton. Vars. verticillacantha, Herat ; collina, Jacq. ; Koscinciana, Besser. III. Shirley, Linton. Var. caesia, Smith. I. Dove Dale, Purchas, J. B. ; Cressbrook Dale ! III. Shirley, Linton', near Heath End, Calke, Purchas, J. B. Var. decipiens, Dumort. A rose grows in Cressbrook Dale which Mr. Baker thinks is near to this ! Var. glauca, Vill. (Reuteri, Godet). I. Miller's Dale, Baker, J. B. ; about Matlock, B. and N., J. B.; Chapel- en-le-Frith, Rogers ; Cressbrook and Monsal Dales ! III. Shirley and Clifton ; Yeldersley, Linton. Var. transiens, Kern. III. Clifton, Linton. This is glauca. with glandular peduncles. Var. subcristata, Baker. I. Miller's Dale, Baker, J. B. ; Monsal Dale, Rogers ; Matlock, B. and N., J. B. ; banks of Canal between What- standwell and Cromford, Bailey ; Dove Dale ! III. Lane by Bradley Wood, Linton. Var. coriifolia, Fries. I. Miller's Dale, Baker, J. B. ; about Matlock, B. and N., J. B. ; Cressbrook Dale ! Burbage ! III. Lane by Bradley Wood ; Atlow ; a form with setose sepals at Bradley, Linton. Var, Watsoni, Baker. I. Tissington, Baker ; Monsal Dale, Rogers ; Cressbrook Dale! E2 52 THE FLORA OF DERBYSHIRE. Var. marginata, Wallr. I. Near Cressbrook School Church, Baker, J. B. III. Shirley and Bradley, Linton. 353. Rosa arvensis, Huds. (York Kose). Native. English type. Eange 1-2. I. Mellor, Hannan ; Taddington Wood ; below Ghee Tor ; Cressbrook Dale, up to 300 yards, Baker, J. B.\ Dove Dale, B. and N., J. B.; Bugsworth, Rogers ; Miller's and Monsal Dales ! Castleton ! III. Common about Derby ! Shirley, Linton ; Hedges, Calke, Purchas, J. B. Var. bibracteata, Bast. III. Holbrook, near Derby ! Var. g-allicoides, Desegl. (setosa, Bagnall). Stydd; Yeaveley; Brailsford ; between Ednaston and Hollington, Linton. Rosa stylosa, Desv., is stated by Mr. Smith to have been found at Ockbrook, but the specimen preserved at Nottingham is too poor for identification. 354. Agrimonia Eupatoria, L. (Agrimony). Native. British type. Eange 1-2. I. Common in the limestone dales ! Ascends to 350 yards, West. II. Common about Chesterfield, Waterfall. III. Spondon Fields, Smith MSS. ; common about Derby ! about Calke, Purchas, J. B. ; Shirley, Linton. 354.* Agrimonia odorata, Mill. Native. British type. Eange 1-2. I. Miller's Dale, Harris. 354.* Sanguisorba officinalis, L. (Great Burnet). Native. Intermediate type. Kange 1-2-3. I. Monk's 'Dale, Wormhill, 350 yards ; Matlock, West ; ascends to 400 yards above Buxtou, Baker, J. B. ; What- standwell, B. and N., J. B. ; Lovers' Leap, &c., Buxton ! III. Eepton, Hagger; Barton- on- Trent, Harris; Nor- manton - by - Derby ! Morley, Whittaker ; about Calke, Purchas, J. B. ; Shirley, Linton. 355. Poterium Sanguisorba, L. (Lesser Burnet). Native. English type. Eange 1-2-3. I. Cromford, Harris ; Monk's Dale, Wormhill, West ; common on limestone banks, up to 400 yards, at Buxton, Baker, J. B. ; Dove Dale ! II. College Meadow, the Hague, Chesterfield, Waterfall. ORDER ROSACE^E. 53 III. Ockbrook and Sawley, Smith MSS. ; Breadsall, Whittaker ; Tickenhall and Calke, Purchas, J. B. 356. Alchemilla vulgaris, L. (Lady's Mantle). Native. British type. Range 1-2-3. I. Ascends to 500 yards above Buxton, Baker, J. B. Common in this district ! II. Common about Chesterfield, Waterfall. III. Kepton, Hagger\ about Derby, Morley, Whittaker ; about Calke, Purchas, J. B. ; Shirley, Linton. Var. montana, Willd. I. Fields on the banks of the Wye, in the neighbourhood of Miller's Dale, Bailey. Dr. Boswell did not regard this as a true variety. Plants which he gathered as such in the Orkney Islands and afterwards planted in his garden came up as glabrous vulgaris! 358. Alchemilla arvensis, L. (Parsley Piert). Native. British type. Eange 1-2-3. I. Chapel-en-le-Frith, Rogers; Charlesworth, Whiteltgg; Wye Valley up to 250 yards, Baker, J. B.', the Winnatts, Castleton ! III. Cauldwell, Harris; Littleover ! about Calke, Purchas, J. B. ; Shirley, Linton. 360. Cratsegus Oxyacantha, L. (Hawthorn). Native. British type. Range 1-2-3. Var. oxyacanthoides, Thuill. I. Wardlow Hay Cop, Bailey; Cressbrook Dale, Hannan. III. Burton-on-Trent, Harris. Var. laciniata, Wallr. I. Matlock Tor, &c., B. and N., J. B. Var. monogyna, Jacq. Common everywhere! Ascends to 450 yards, Baker, J. B. 362. Pyrus communis, L. Denizen ? English type. Range 1. II. Chesterfield, Waterfall. III. Repton F. and F. ; doubtful. 363. Pyrus Mains, L. (Crab-tree). Native. English type. Range 1-2. I. Common in woods, ascending up to 300 yards, Baker, J. B. II. Very abundant, Waterfall. III. Common about Derby ! Repton Rocks, Purchas, J. B. Var. mitis, Wallr. III. Repton, Candler. 54 THE FLORA OV DERBYSHIRE. 365. Pyrus Aria, Sin. (White Beam Tree). Native. English type. Eange 1-2-3. I. Ghee Dale; Blackwell Mill; Wormhill, West; between Ashbourne and Newhaven, Purchas; Chelmorton ! Var. rupicola, Syme. I. Miller's Dale, Whitelegg; Ghee Dale; Wormhill, 350- 400 yards, West; Matlock Tor, B. and N., J. B.; Dove Dale, first discovered by Rev. A. Ley, com d - by Rev. W. H. Purchas. Eecorded in Eepton F. and F. as growing at Foremark ; requires confirmation ! 366. Pyrus Aucuparia, Gaertn. (Rowan, Mountain Ash). Native. British type. Range 1-3. I. Ascends up to 500 yards, Baker, J. B. II., III. Common ! Pyrus domestica, Sm. Matlock, &c. Mr. Coke in " Pilkington's History." ORDER ONAGRACE.E. 367. Epilobium angustifolium, L. (Rose-bay Willow Herb). Native. British type. Range 1-2. I. Ashwood Dale, Purchas; Cromford, Harris; Via Gellia, perhaps introduced, jB. and N., J. B.\ Blackwell Dale, Green; Matlock Bath, Rowland; Monsal Dale! Kinder Vale, Hayfield, Hannan. II. Eckington, Waterfall. III. Little Eaton, Canon Carr ; Etwall Road, Repton, Hagger; Shirley, Linton; near Breadsall, Whittaker; Spondon and Dale, Hasse. Var. brachycarpum, Leight. I. Burbage, Buxton ; a garden escape ! III. Bretby, Hagger; Edlaston Coppy, Linton. 368. Epilobium hirsutum, L. (Great Willow Herb). Native. English type. Range 1-2-3. I. Common up to 400 yards, Baker, J. B. ; Lathkill Dale, Rowland ; Miller's Dale ! Monsal Dale ! Dove Dale ! Bar- moor Clough ! Between Bradbourne and Parwich, Smith MSS. II. Common about Chesterfield, Waterfall. III. Burton- on-Trent, Harris; Repton, H agger; common about Calke, Purchas, J. B.; Shirley, Linton. 369. Epilobium parviflorum, Schreb. (Small-flowered Willow Herb). Native. British type. Range 1-2-3. ORDER ONAGRACE.E. 55 I. Hassop, Bailey; Dove Dale ; Wye Valley, abundant, Baker, J. B.; by the canal between Whatstandwell and Ambergate, Bailey; ascends to 400 yards above Buxton ; all the dales near Buxton ! III. Burton-on-Trent, Harris', canal banks, Derby ! about Calke, Purchas, J. B. ; Shirley, Linton. Epilobium parviflorum + obscurum. III. Peathays, Linton. 370. Epilobium montanum, L. (Common Willow Herb). Native. British type. Kange 1-2. I. Common up to 350 yards, Baker, J. B. Two curious forms were noted ; one with several leaves of the main stem arranged in threes, and another tall and much branched, with flowers nearly as large as E. hirsutum, with which it grew near the Via Gellia Colour Works, B. and N., J. B. II. and III. Common throughout these districts ! Epilobium montanum + obscurum. III. Several places about Shirley, Linton. 871. Epilobium roseum, Schreb. Native. English type. Eange 1-2. I. Matlock Bridge, B. and N., J. B.', Fenny Bentley, Purchas ; Thorpe and Cubley, Smith MS 8. III. Wyaston, near Ashbourne ; Borrowash, Smith; Osmaston-by-Ashbourne, Smith MSS.', Calke, Purchas, J. B.\ Shirley and Eodswell, Linton ; Breadsall, Hasse. 372. Epilobium palustre, L. (Bog Willow Herb). Native. British type. Range 1-2-3. I. Swamps up to 450 yards in Goyt's Clough, Baker, J. B. ; near Burbage Edge ! Tansley, B. and N., J. B. ; Chapel- en-le-Frith, Rogers. III. Gresley Common, Harris; pond in Calke Park, and bog at Repton Rocks, Purchas, J. B. ; Bradley, Linton. Epilobium tetragonum, L. The habitat given in Repton P. and F. for this plant is not known to Mr. Hagger, and this plant has not been seen by him. 373.* Epilobium obscurum, Schreb. Native. British type. Range 1-2-3. I. Baslow, Bailey ; up to 500 yards on Axe Edge, Baker, J. B. ; Lumsdale Reservoir, &c., Matlock, B. and N., J. B. ; near Buxton ! Fenny Bentley, Purchas, J. B. III. Newton Solney, Harris ; about Calke, Purchas, J. B. ; Shirley, Linton. 56 THE FLORA OF DERBYSHIRE. Epilobium alpinum, L. Eecorded from Baslow in " Gem of the Peak." 377. Circsea lutetiana, L. (Enchanter's Nightshade). Native. British type. Eange 1-2. I. North of Hassop ; Bakewell ; Matlock. West ; Wye Valley, up to Ghee Tor, Baker, J. B. ; Corbar Wood,Buxton, 350 yards, Rogers ; Thorpe, Rowland ; Dove Dale, B. and N., J. B. ; Miller's Dale ! Monsal Dale ! II. Bank of Eiver Bother, Waterfall. III. Near Burton-on- Trent, Harris ; Horsley Car, near Derby ! Woody places about Calke, Purchas, J. B. ; Wood near Snelston Hall, Linton. Var. intermedia, Lon. Cat. Matlock, J. Whittaker. Specimen in Watson Herbarium. 378. Circsea alpina, L. Native. Scottish type. Kange 1-2. I. Stirrup Wood, Charlesworth, Searle. III. Shirley, Linton. ORDEE HALORAGIACE^E. 379. Hippuris vulgaris, L. (Mare's Tail). Native. British type. Eange 1. I. Via Gellia, Milnes. II. Pond opposite Cresswell Crags, Waterfall. III. Bretby Park, Hagger ; in a small quantity in a pool near White Hollows, Tickenhall, Purchas, J. B. 380. Myriophyllum verticillatum, L. Native. English type. Eange 1. I. Eepton, Hagger ; pond by Swarkestone Bridge, Bloxam ! 381. Myriophyllum spicatum, L. (Millfoil). Native. British type. Eange 1. I. Eeservoirs at Cromford, where my attention was called to it by Mr. Bailey, Purchas, J. B. III. About Burton-on- Trent, Harris', Old Trent, Eepton, Hagger ; Locko Park, near Derby ! Pond in Calke Park, Bloxam ! Shirley Brook, Linton ; in the E. Derwent, Borrowash, Hasse. 382. Myriophyllum alternifolium, D. C. Native. British type. Eange 1. II. Pond opposite Cresswell Craggs, Waterfall. 383. Callitriche verna, Kutz. (Starwort). Native. British type. Eange 1-2. ORDER LtfTHRACE^E. 57 1. River Bradford at Youlgreave. See Report E. C. B. I., 1876, Purchas, J. B. ; Cliapel-en-le-Frith, Rogers. 384. Callitriche platycarpa, Kutz. (C. stagnalis, Scop.) Native. British type. Range 1-2-3. I. Swamps up to 500 yards on the slopes of Axe Edge, Baker, J. B.; Via Gellia, Bailey ; Swamp above Burbage ! III. Calke, Purchas, J. B. ; Shirley, Linton. 385. Callitriche hamulata, Kutz. Var. pedimculata, D. C. I. Middleton Dale, late A. Carr, communicated by F. A. Lees. III. Bradley, Linton. 385.* Callitriche obtusangula, Le Gall. III. The specimen in Mr. Bloxam's herbarium as C. verna is, I think, undoubtedly this species. I have compared it with Messrs. Grove's Hampshire plants and do not question their identity, Purchas, J. B. 386. Callitriche autumnalis, L. Repton F. and F. ; wants confirmation ! 387. Ceratophyllum demersum, L. (Hornwort). Native. English type. Range 1. III. There is a scrap in Mr. Bloxam's collection labelled from " Ponds in the Tickenhall Lime-works," which, although labelled " Chara vulgaris," is evidently this plant. I did not myself meet with it, but it may well have died out, Purchas, J. B. ORDER LYTHRACEJE. Ly thrum hyssopifolia, L. Alien. III. Near Calke, Rev. A. Bloxam, communicated by Mr. Harris. A single plant only was found by the Rev. A. Bloxam! as recorded in N.B. G., p. 637. The spot, however, was not " in Calke Park," but on the side of a pond long since let dry, and was " two fields below the mill at Calke. Mr. Bloxam described the spot to me, and I searched it, but, of course, without surprise that a plant known to be so capricious and uncertain in its appearance was not again to be found there," Purchas, J. B. 390. Lythrum Salicaria, L. (Purple Loose- strife). Native. English type. Range 1. II. Kirk Hallam and Sandiacre, Hasse. III. Burton-on-Trent, Harris', Little Eaton near Derby ! Pond at Calke Mill, Purchas, J. B.; Osmaston-by-Ashbourne, Linton. 58 THE FLORA OF DERBYSHIRE. 391. Peplis Portula, L. Native. British type. Eange 1. III. Brook near Osmaston Church. Ashbourne ; between Eodsley and Yeavely, Smith MSS. ORDER CUCURBITACE^. 398. Bryonia dioica, L. (Bryoiry). Native. English type. Range 1. III. About Derby ! near Calke Abbey, Bloxam I Spondon, HauS. ORDER POBTULACE^l. 394. Montia fontana, L. (Water Blinks). Native. British type. Range 1-2-3. I. Charlesworth Coombs, Hannan ; about Bnxton ! common in swamps up to 500 yards, Baker, J. B. III. Cauldfield, Harris ; Repton Rocks, Hagger ; near Shirley, Linton. Var. rivularis, Gmel. I. Charlesworth Coombs, Whitehead. ORDER SCLERANTHACE^. 399. Scleranthus annuus, L. (Knawell). Native. British type. Range 1-2. I. Dove Dale, Smith, MSS. III. Tickenhall, Harris; Repton Rocks, Hagger; Breadsall Moor near Derby ! near Calke Abbey, Bloxam ! Dale, Hasse. Scleranthus perennis, L. Is recorded in Repton F. and P. ; an error ! ORDER GBOSSULABIACE^E. 403. Ribes nigrom, L. (Black Currant). Denizen. Inter- mediate type. Range 1-2. I. Wormhill, West ; Chee Tor, Hannan ; Blackwell Dale ! Whatstandwell ! III. Repton, probably a garden escape, Hagger ; Edlaston Coppy, Linton. 404. Bibes rubrum, L. (Red Currant). Denizen. Inter- mediate type. Range 1-2. I. Mellor, Hannan ; Monk's Dale and Chee Dale, where it seems a native, but is not R. petraum, which I am familiar with on Yorkshire limestone, West. III. Foremark Bottoms, Hagger. ORDER CRASSULACEJE. 59 405. Ribes alpinum, L. Denizen. Intermediate type. Range 1-2-3. I. Wormhill, 400 yards, West ; Miller's Dale, Whitelegg ; Dove Dale, Purchas. 406. Ribes Grossularia, L. (Gooseberry). Denizen. Inter- mediate type. Eange 1-2. I. Wormhill, West; Buxton,bnt not truly wild, Baker, J. B. Via Gellia, scattered bushes only, B. and N., J. B.\ What- standwell ! II. Not uncommon at Chesterfield, Waterfall. III. Horsley Castle near Derby, Burton-on- Trent, Harris; Heath Wood ; Foremark, Hagger ; apparently an escape about Calke, Purchas, J. B. Var. Uva crispa, L. I. Atlow ; Head of Dove Dale, Linton. ORDER CRASSULACE.E. 409. Sedum Telephium, L. (Great Stonecrop). Native. English type. Range 1-2. I. Monk's Dale, 350 yards ; Cromford, West ; Taddington Wood; Ghee Tor, Baker, J. B.; Lathkill Dale, Green; Dove Dale ! Chrome Hill ! Miller's Dale ! Var. Fabaria, Koch. I. Dove Dale, sparingly, B. and N.; J. B. 412. Sedum anglicum, Huds. (White Stonecrop). Native. Atlantic type. Range 1. I. Near Chatsworth; plentiful on the rocks, Harris; Via Gellia, Waterfall. Sedum album, L. Alien. I. Ashford-iri-the- Water, Harris', MatlockBath, Whitelegg; doubtless a garden escape, B. and N., J. B. III. Milton, Eepton F. and F. 414. Sedum acre, L. (Wall Pepper). Native. British type. Range 1-2-3. I. Limestone cliffs, common up to 400 yards, Baker, J. B. II. and III. Common on walls ! Sedum dasyphyllum, L. Alien. Dethick, Ch. Babington in N. B. G. Sedum reflexum, L. Alien. I. Wall near Errwood Hall, near Buxton, Green. III. Reuton! 60 THE FLORA OF DERBYSHIRE. Sedum rupestre, Huds. Escape. III. Bradley Wood, Smith MSS. Cricket field wall, Repton, Repton F. and F.\ mistaken for the preceding ! Sempervivum tectorum, L. (House Leek). Alien. III. Breadsall, near Derby ! 418. Cotyledon Umbilicus, L. (Navelwort). Native. Atlantic type. Eange 1. III. Anchor Church, near Repton, Playne. " Found by the Rev. A. Bloxam, as recorded in N. B. G., p. 261, and on the authority of the Rev. Churchill Babington, p. 637," Purchas, J. B. ORDER SAXIFRAGACE.E. Saxifraga Geum, L. Alien. I. Lovers' Leap, Buxton ! Saxifraga aizoides, L. Is recorded in Bot. Guide from Derbyshire, Mr. L. Howard. 427. Saxifraga granulata, L. (Meadow Saxifrage). Native. British type. Range 1-2-3. I. Ashover, Bailey; Wormhill (400 yards) and Buxton, West ; dry banks up to 850 yards, Baker, J. B. ; about Dove Dale, Purchas, J. B.; Via Gellia, Waterfall. II. Near Long Eaton, Atkinson. III. Normanton-by- Derby ! Clifton, near Ashbourne ; near Borrowash, Hey in Smith MSS.', Morley, Whittaker; near Melbourne, Purchas, J. B. 430. Saxifraga tridactylites, L. (Wall Rue). Native. British type. Range 1-2. I. Common on walls up to 300 yards, Baker, J. B. III. Common on walls, Boulton, &c. ! Walls at Ticken- hall, Purchas, J. B. 431. Saxifraga hypnoides, L. (Mossy Saxifrage). Native. Scottish type. Range 1-2. I. Wormhill, West ; (S. sponhemica, Gmel.) near Lovers' Leap, Buxton, and upon a hill above Miller's Dale, Rogers ; Thorpe Cloud and Matlock, Rowland-, Ash wood Dale; Win- natts, Castleton, up to 350 yards, Baker, J, B. ; Topley Pike and Dove Dale ! Cressbrook Dale ! Saxifraga caspitosa: Muscosa, Huds. non Linn., Withering. I have variety of this, the S. decipiens of Smith, from Derbyshire, G. Howitt MSS. "Is not S. decipiens of Smith merely a variety of S. hypnoides ? He first joined it, if I mistake not, with S. hirta, which is held to be a variety of ORDER ARALIACE.E. 61 S. hypnoides by Hooker, Wilson, and others." Note in N. B. G., p. 637, by H. Watson. 434. Chrysosplenium oppositifolium, L. (Golden Saxi- frage). Native. British type. Kange 1-2-3. I. Mellor, Hannan ; Miller's Dale, Whitelegg ; up to 450 yards in Goyt's Clough, Baker, J. B.] Via Gellia, B. and N., J. B. ; Lovers' Leap, Buxton ! Dove Dale ! II. About Chesterfield, Waterfall. III. Burton -on -Trent, Harris', Dale Abbey Woods! Morley! About Calke, Purchas, J. B.; Shirley, Linton. 435. Chrysosplenium alternifolium, L. Native. British type. Range 1-2. I. Ashwood and Miller's Dales, Whitelegg ; Dove Dale, and near Ashbourne, Purchas ; Rowsley, Hagger ; Via Gellia, Waterfall', Turnditch, Whittaker. III. Wyaston Brook, Smith ; Knowle Hills, Hagger ; Milton, Purchas, J. B.', near Ockbrook, Smith MSS. ; Copse, Peathays, and towards Clifton, Linton. 436. Parnassia palustris, L. (Grass of Parnassus). Native. Scottish type. Range 1-2-3. I. Ascends up to 400 yards, Baker, J. B.; common throughout the district, especially at Matlock and Buxton ! Hayfield, Hannan ; not so common in Dove Dale, Purchas, J. B. III. Reported to have been found at Milton ; " now extinct," Hagger. ORDER ARALIACE^E. 437. Adoxa Moschatellina, L. (Moschatel). Native. British type. Range 1-2. I. Matlock Bath, Rowland ; Monsal Dale ! II. About Chesterfield, Waterfall. III. Winshili, Harris ; Bretby, Hagger ; Morley ! Between Tickenhall and Ingleby, Bloxam ! Shirley, Linton ; Dale, Hasse. 438. Hedera Helix, L. (Ivy). Native. British type. Range 1-2-3. Common on limestone cliffs up to 400 yards ; a variety with deeply palmatifid leaves on the walls of Peveril Castle, Baker, J. B. ; common throughout the county ! ORDER CORNACE^. 439. Cornus sanguinea, L. (Dogwood). Native. English type. Range 1-2. b'2 THE FLORA OF DERBYSHIRE. I. Miller's Dale ; Matlock, West ; up to 350 yards, Baker ; Cressbrook Dale ; Dove Dale ! II. Koad to Staveley, Waterfall. III. Bretby, Hagger ; Burton-on-Trent, Harris ; Mickle- over ! Between Calke and Springwood, rather scarce in the district, Purchas, J. B. ; Brailsford, Linton. ORDER UMBELLIPER^E. 441. Hydrocotyle vulgaris, L. (Penny Wort). Native. British type. Range 1-2. I. Tansley Moor, B. and N., J. B. ; up to 350 yards just above Buxton, Rogers. III. Near Burton-on-Trent, Harris; Morley Moor ! Marshy places about Calke, Purchas, J. B. ; Shirley. Linton ; near Dale, Hasse. 442. Sanicula europaea, L. (Sanicle). Native. British type. Range 1-2. I. Woods over Matlock Bath, B. and N., J. B. ; Chapel- en-le-Frith ; Corbar Wood, Buxton, 350 yards, Rogers ; Via Gellia. Scarce about Dove Dale ; Biggin Dale, Purchas, J. B. II. Common about Chesterfield, Waterfall. III. Near Burton-on-Trent, Harris ; Repton Shrubs ! Woods, &c., about Calke, Purchas, J. B. ; Shirley, Linton. Apium graveolens, L., Pinxton. Mr. Coke in Pilkington. Cicuta virosa, L. (Water Hemlock). Once seen at Winster, Milnes ; recorded in Repton F. and F., but no authority given. Very doubtful. 446. Conium maculatum, L. (Hemlock). Native. British type. Range 1. I. Via Gellia, B. and N., J. B. ; banks of the brook near the Callow, Ashbourne, Purchas, J. B. II. Common about Chesterfield, Waterfall. III. Foremark ; Stapenhill, Harris; Ockbrook, Breadsall, Whittaker; between Middleton and Foremark; also sparingly at Calke, Purchas, J. B. ; Dale and Chaddesden, Hasse. Petroselinum segetum, Koch. Casual. Cornfields, Winster Moor, Milnes. Petroselinum sativum, Hoffm. Alien. III. Horsley Castle, Hasse. 454. Helosciadum nodiflorum, Koch. Native. English type. Range 1-2-3. ORDER UMBELLIFER^. 63 I. Wye Valley up to Ashwood Dale ; 300 yards, Baker, J. B.; Dove Dale; streams about Matlock, B. and N., J. B. ; Wormhill, West. II. Kenishaw Canal, Chesterfield, Waterfall. III. Gresley, Harris ; common about Derby ! Ockbrook, Smith MSS. ; near Calke, Purchas, J. B. ; Shirley, Linton. (Far. repens, Koch, reported in error from Miller's Dale !) 455. Helosciadum inundatum, Koch. Native. British type. Range 1. II. With the preceding, Waterfall. III. Near Burton-on-Trent, Harris ; Swarkestone Bridge ! " Pond by Swarkestone Bridge," Bloxam ! Doubtless my habitat ! 456. Sison Amomum, L. (Hedge Stonewort). Native. English type. Range 1. III. Lullmgton, Harris ; Spondon ! Borrowash, Hasse. 457. .aSgopodium Podagraria, L. (Goutweed). Denizen. British type. Range 1-2. I. Dove Dale ; Matlock Bank, up to 300 yards, B. and N., J. B.; weed at Buxton, Rogers! Turnditcli ! II. About Chesterfield, Waterfall. III. Burton-on-Trent, Harris; Ockbrook, Smith MSS.; waste places about Calke, Purchas, J. B. ; Shirley, Linton. Carum carui, L. Repton F. and F. ; not seen by Mr. Hagger. Carum Bulbocastanwn, Koch. Derby. Glover's History. 461. Bunium flexuosum, With. (Earth Nut). Native. British type. Range 1-2. Ascends to 350 yards, Rogers ; common throughout the county ! 462. Pimpinella Saxifraga, L. (Burnet Saxifrage). Native. British type. Range 1-2. I. Common on limestone banks ! Ascends to 400 yards, Baker, J. B. ; seen with bright red flowers at Bonsall, B. and N., J. B. II. About Chesterfield, Waterfall. III. About Derby ! Tickenhall Quarries, Purchas, J. B. ; Shirley, Linton. 463. Pimpinella magna, L. (Greater Burnet Saxifrage). Native. English type. Range 1-2. I. Common in all the limestone dales ! Ascends up to 350 yards, West ; Thorpe, Linton. III. Ockbrook ! Between Melbourne and King's Newton. Found also by Bloxam ! In one spot at Calke, Purchas, J. B. 64 THE FLORA OF DERBYSHIRE. Sium latifolium, L. Kepton F. and F., on authority of Dr. Hewgill. Not seen by anyone else ! 465. Sium angustifolium, L. (Water Parsnip). Native. English type. Range 1-2. I. Youlgreave, Bailey ; Dove Dale ! II. Renishaw Canal, Waterfall. III. About Burton-on-Trent, Harris ; Canals, Derby ! Near Calke Abbey, Bloxam ! Not seen by me, Purchas, J. B. 470. (Enanthe fistulosa, L. Native. English type. Range 1. II. Canal banks near Chesterfield, Waterfall. III. Alvaston, Smith ; Burton-on-Trent, Harris ; Swarke- stone Bridge ! Near Calke Abbey, Bloxam ! R. Derwent, near Spondon, Hasse. (Enanthe crocata, L. Repton F. and F., on the authority of Dr. Hewgill ; Swarkestone Bridge, Bloxam in N. B. G. 474. (Enanthe Phellandrium, Lam. (Horsebane). Native. English type. Range 1. III. Swarkestone Bridge ! Burton-on-Trent, Harris. 474.* (Enanthe fluviatilis, Coleman. Native. English type. Range 1. III. Burton-on-Trent, Harris. Mr. Bloxam's specimen marked (E. Phellandrium from the Trent belongs to this, which was not then recognised as a species, Purchas, J. B. 475. -ffithusa Cynapium, L. (Fool's Parsley). Colonist. British type. Range 1-2. I. Cultivated ground at Matlock, up to 300 yards, B. and N., J. B. ; Dove Dale ! II. Common about Chesterfield, Waterfall. III. About Burton-on-Trent, Harris] about Derby! About Calke, Purchas, J. B. ; Shirley, Linton. 479. Silaus pratensis, Bess. (Pepper Saxifrage). Native. English type. Range 1. III. Drakelowe, Harris ; Ockbrook, Smith ; between Mel- bourne and Derby : no note of the exact station, Purchas, J. B.; Bartlewood, Spondon, Hasse. 482. Angelica sylvestris, L. Native. British type. Range 1-2-3. I. Lathkill Dale ; Dove Dale, Rowland ; woods up to 400 yards, Baker, J. B. ; about Buxton and Matlock Bath, frequent ! II. Common about Chesterfield, Waterfall. III. About Burton-on-Trent, Harris-, about Derby! About Stanley's, Calke, Purchas, J. B. ; Shirley, Linton. ORDER UMBELLIFER^]. 65 Peucedanum palustre, Moench. Eepton F. and F. No authority. Not known. Pastinaca sativa, L. (Common Parsnip). Colonist. English type. Kange 1. III. Near Chaddesden Sidings; probably a garden escape! 487. Heracleum Sphondylium, L. (Cow Parsnip). Native. British type. Range 1-2-3. Common throughout the county ! Ascends to 500 yards, Baker, J. B.\ a variety with narrow leaves, Miller's Dale, Whitelegg. Tordylium maximum, L. Dove Dale. Dr. Johnson in Pilkington. 489. Daucus Carota, L. (Wild Carrot). Native. British type. Range 1-2. I. Matlock Bath, Rowland', Dove Dale! II. Common about Chesterfield, Waterfall. III. Calke and Repton, Hagger ; near Burton-on-Trent, Harris. CaucaUs dnucoides, L. Repton F. and F. No authority. Not known ! 493. Torilis Anthriscus, Gaertn. (Hedge Parsley). Native. British type. Range 1-2. I. Dove Dale ; common about Matlock, ascending to 350 yards on Heights of Abraham, B. and N., J. B. III. Common ! 494. Torilis infesta, Spring. Colonist. English Type. Range 1. "Topographical Botany." Howitt Cat. Shipley, Howitt in N. B. 6r. ; recorded from Dove Dale in Nat. Hist, of Tutbury, but not seen by Mr. Purchas. This and the following are recorded in Repton F. and F., but have not been seen by Mr. Hagger. 495 Torilis nodosa, Gaertn. Native. English type. Range 1. " Topographical Botany," Howitt Cat. 496. Scandix Pecten Veneris, L. (Shepherd's Needle). Colonist. British type. Range 1-2. I. Monsal Dale, Whitelegg. II. Frequent about Chesterfield, Waterfall. III. Breadsall, Whittaker ; occasionally about Repton, Hagger ; sparingly found by Bloxam ! Purchas, J. B. 497, Anthriscus vulgaris, Pers. Native. British type. Range 1. 66 THE FLORA OF DERBYSHIRE. II. Common about Chesterfield ; limestone cliffs in Markland Grips, near Clowne, Waterfall. III. St,anton-by-Bridge ; Swarkestone, and sparingly at Tickenhall, Purchas, J. B. 498. Anthriscus sylvestris, Hoffm. (Wild Chervil). Native. British type, Bange 1-2-3. I. Frequent about Matlock, B. and N., J. B. ; ascends to 100 yards at Buxtbn, Baker, J.B. ; common ! III. Common ! 500. Ch8erophyllumtemulum,L. (Bough Chervil). Native. British type. Bange 1-2-3. Common throughout the county! Ascends to 400 yards over Castleton, Baker, J. B. 501. Myrrhis odorata, Scop. (Sweet Cicely). Denizen. Intermediate type. Bange 1-2. I. Tideswell ; Burbage ; and near the Ebbing and Flowing Well ; up to 400 yards, Baker, J. B. ; Matlock Bath, Harris ; Miller's Dale ; Cromford and Whatstandwell ! III. Breadsall, near Derby, Whittaker ; Edlaston, near Ashbourne, Smith MSS. DIVISION III. COBOLLIFLOR.E. ORDER LOBANTHACE^. 503. Viscum album, L. (Mistletoe). Native ? English type. Bange 1. III. Morley, in orchards, Whittaker. OBDEB CAPBIFOLIACE^E. 504. Sambucus nigra, L. (Elder). Native. British type. Bange 1-2. I. Wye Valley, up to 300 yards, Baker, J. B. ; frequent ! II. III. Common ! 505. Sambucus Ebulus, L. (Dwarf Elder). Denizen. English type. Bange 1. I. Alport, Bailey. III. Brailsford, Mr. C. B. Kingdon, com d - Linton. 506. Viburnum Opulus, L. (Guelder Rose). Native. British type. Bange 1-2. I. Charlesworth, Hannan ; Monk's Dale, 350 yards, West ; Wye Valley, up to Chee Tor, Baker, J. B. ; Dove Dale ; Matlock, 300 yards, B. and N., J. B. ; Cressbrook Dale! ORDER RUBIACEJE. 67 II. Chesterfield, Waterfall. III. Morley, Whittaker ; Repton, Hagger; Newton Solney, Green ; Breadsall ! Woody places, Calke, Purchas, J. B. ; Shirley, Linton. Viburnum Lantana, L. Kepton Shrubs, Repton F. and F. Wants confirmation. Measham ; Nat. Hist. Tutbury. 508. Lonicera Periclymenum, L. (Honeysuckle). Native. British type, Range 1-2. Common ! Ascends to 300 yards, Baker, J. B. Lonicera Xylosteum, L. Alien. I. Wormhill, West. III. Calke, Gaudier. ORDER RUBIACE^. 513. Galium verum, L. (Lady's Bedstraw). Native. British type. Range 1-2-3. Common throughout the county ! Ascends up to 400 yards, Baker, J. B. 514. Galium cruciatum, L. (Crosswort). Native. British type. Range 1-2-3. Common throughout the county ! Ascends up to 400 yards, Baker, J. B. 515. Galium palustre, L. (Marsh Bedstraw). Native. British type. Range 1-2-3. I. Common in wet places ! Swamps, 500 yards on Axe Edge, Baker, J. B. II. Common about Chesterfield, Waterfall. III. Wet places about Derby ! Calke and elsewhere, Purchas, J. B. ; Shirley, Linton. 516. Galium uliginosum, L. Native. British type. Range 1. 1. Axe Edge ; an error ! III. Wyaston Brook, Smith MSS. ; bog at Foremark Park, Bloxam ! Repton F. and F.', wants confirmation. 517. Galium saxatile, L. (Mountain Bedstraw). Native. British type. Range 1-2-3. Common on heaths ! Ascends to 550 yards, Baker, J. B. 518. Galium erectum, Huds. Native. English type. Range 1. " Topographical Botany." Howitt Cat. Heanor, Howitt in N. B. a. 68 THE FLORA OF DERBYSHIRE. 519. Galium Mollugo, L. (Hedge Bedstraw). Native. English type. Eange 1. I. Winster, Milnes. III. Copse Hill, Osmaston, Smith MSS.', near Melbourne, on the road by Stanton-by-Bridge, Purchas, J. B.; roadside beyond Yeldersley Common, Eev. W. H. Purchas, com d> Linton. Eepton F. and F.; wants confirmation. 520. Galium sylvestre, Poll. Native. Intermediate type. Eange 1-2-3. I. Wormhill, West ; Ashford Dale, Whitelegg ; ascends to 400 yards at Peveril Castle, Baker, J. B. ; about Matlock, B. and N., J. B.; Ashwood Dale! Winnatts and Cave Dale, Castleton ! Lathkill Dale ; Monsal Dale, Dove Dale, Smith MSS. Var. nitidulum, Thuill. I. Near Castleton, Whitehead. Galium anglicum, Huds. Winshill, Nat. Hist. Tutbury. Galium tricorne. With. Colonist. Cornfields, Smith MSS. 523. Galium Aparine, L. (Goose Grass). Native. British type. Eange 1-2-3. Common in hedges ! Ascends up to 450 yards, Baker, J. B. 526. Sherardia arvensis, L. (Field Madder). Colonist. British type. Eange 1-2. I. Miller's Dale, West- Dove Dale, Rowland- Lathkill Dale ! II. Common about Chesterfield, Waterfall. III. Drakelowe and Linton, Harris; Eepton, Hagger ; near Derby! Ockbrook, Smith MSS. ; Shirley, Linton', Spondon, Dale, Alvaston, Hasse. 527. Asperula odorata, L. (Woodruff). Native. British type. Eange 1-2. I. Moors and Heaths; Chee Tor, 250 yards, Baker, J.B. ; Matlock Bath, Rowland. II. Common about Chesterfield, Waterfall. III. Eepton Shrubs, Harris ; Heath-End, Purchas, J. B ; Shirley, Linton. OEDEE VALEEIANACE^. Centranthus ruber, D. C. (Eed Valerian). Alien. An occasional straggler from gardens. I. Eocks near Litton Mill, Sunderland. ORDER DIPSACE^. 69 531. Valeriana dioica, L. Native. English type. Range 1-2-3. I. Axe Edge, Green ; Via Gellia ! Ashwood Dale ! III. Morley, Whittaker ; Drakelowe, Harris ; Milton near Repton, Hayger ; Dimininsdale, Oalke, Purchas, J. B.\ Shirley, Linton ; Breadsall, Hasse. 532. Valeriana officinalis, L. (Valerian). Native. British type. Range 1-2-3. I. All the dales about Buxton ! Dove Dale ! Frequent about Matlock, B. and A 7 ., J. B. ; ascends up to 350 yards. Baker, J. B. II. Common about Chesterfield, Waterfall. III. Burton-on-Trent, Harris; Ockbrook, Smith MSS.; Shirley, Linton. Var. sambucifolia, Auct. Angl. Woody places, Calke, Purcha-s, J. B. 534. Valerianella olitoria, Moench. (Lamb's Lettuce). Colonist. British type. Range 1-2-3. I. Matlock Bath ! Wormhill, 400 yards, West. II. Common about Chesterfield, Waterfall. III. Cauldwell, Harris ; Stanton-by-Bridge, perhaps an escape, but well established, Purchas, J. B. 536. ValerianeUa Auricula, D. C. Colonist. English type. Range 1-2. I. Monsal Dale, Smith MSS. III. Ockbrook ; Locko Park, Smith MSS. Valerianella carinata, Lois. Casual ; an escape from cultivation. I. Dove Dale, Smith MSS. 537. Valerianella dentata, Koch. Colonist. English type. Range 1. I. Miller's Dale, West. III. Cauldwell, Harris; Repton Waste, Hayger; Morley! Ockbrook ! Fields on the west side of Calke Park, very abundantly, Bloxam \ In a field near Archer's Pool, White Hollows, Purchas, J. B. Valerianella eriocarpa, Desv. Dove Dale, Ch. Babington in N. B. G. ORDER DIPSACE^E. 589. Dipsacus sylvestris, L. (Teazle). Native. British type. Range 1. II. Common about Chesterfield, Waterfall. 70 THE FLORA OF DERBYSHIRE. III. Tickenhall, Hayyer; Chaddesden ! Swarkestone Bridge ! Ockbrook, Hasse. 540. Dipsacus pilosus, L. (Small Teazle). Native. English type. Range 1-2. I. Vir, Gellia, Whitelegg; Cromford Valley, B. and N., J. B. ; Dove Dale, Macefield. III. Newton Solney, Harris. Dipsacus fullonum, Mill. Derby, PilMngton's History. 541. Scabiosa succisa, L. (Devil's-bit Scabious). Native. British type. Eange 1-2-3. I. Matlock Bath ; Bonsall ; Slaley, Rowland ; Miller's Dale ! Wormhill ! Dove Dale ! Ascends up to 400 yards, Baker, J. B. II. Common about Chesterfield, Waterfall, III. Gresley, Harris ; Ockbrook ! Calke fields, rather scarce, Purchas, J. B. 542. Scabiosa columbaria, L. Native. English type. Eange 1-2-3. I. Wormhill, West- Matlock Bath; Slaley; Bonsall, Rowland ; Ashwood Dale ! Dove Dale ! Common up to 400 yards, Baker, J. B. III. Repton F. and F. ; now extinct. 543. Knautia arvensis, Coult. (Field Scabious). Native. British type. Eange 1-2-3. Common on dry banks ! Ascends up to 400 yards, Baker. OEDEE COMPOSITE. 544. Tragopogon pratensis, L. (Goat's Beard). Native. British type. Eange 1-2-3. I. Hillside, Matlock Bridge, B. and N., J. B.\ top of Diamond Hill, 400 yards, Buxton, Rogers ; Eowsley, Hagger. II. About Chesterfield, Waterfall. III. Stapenhill, Harris ; Breadsall ! Ockbrook ! Calke, Bloxaml Shirley, Lin ton ; Spondon, Hasse. Tragopogon porrifolius. L. Matlock Bath and Bonsall. Glover's History and Gem of the Peak. 546. Helminthia echioides, Gaertn. (Ox- tongue). Colonist. English type. Eange 1. I. Near Winster, Milnes. III. Near Swarkestone, Purchas ; I fear now extinct ! Seen here also by Mr. Hasse. ORDER COMPOSITE. 71 547. Picris hieracioides, L. Native. English type. Kange 1-2. I. Ashwood Dale; Taddington Wood, 300 yards, Baker, J. B.; Miller's Dale! Cressbrook Dale! Dove Dale! Between Ashbourue and Thorpe, Linton m t Matlock, B. and N., J. B. III. Newton Solney, Harris', cultivated ground about Derby ! Near the Ashby Lodge, Calke, Bloxam ! Near Ockbrook, Basse. 548. Leontodon hirtus, L. Native. English type. Eange 1-2. I. Charlesworth, Whitehead; hillside, Miller's Dale, Rogers ; Middleton Common, Wirksworth, Milnes. III. Heathy places about Calke, Purchas, J. B. ; not seen about Kepton, Ragger. 549. Leontodon hispidus, L. (Great Hawkbit). Native. English type. Eange 1-2-3. Common on heaths, banks, &c ! Ascends up to 400 yards, Baker, J. B. 550. Leontodon autumnalis, L. (Lesser Hawkbit). Native. British type. Kange 1-2-3. Common on heaths, &c. ! Ascends up to 500 yards on Axe Edge, Baker, J. B. ; not seen by Mr. Bloxam and Mr. Purchas about Calke. 553. Hypochoeris radicata, L. (Cat's Ear). Native. British type. Range 1-2-3. I. Tansley; Eiber; Matlock Bath, Rowland ; Dove Dale, B. and N., J. B. ; ascends to 400 yards at Burbage, Baker, J.B. II. Common at Chesterfield, Waterfall. III. Gresley, Harris ; Ockbrook ; pastures about Calke, Purchas, J. B. ; Shirley, Linton. 554. Lactuca virosa, L. (Wild Lettuce). Native. Germanic type. Range 1. III. Near Stanton-by-Bridge, where it was noticed both by the Rev. Churchill Babington (N. B. G., p. 638), and by the Rev. W. H. Coleman, Purchas, J. B. ; I failed to find it, but Mr. Purchas thinks it may reappear. It was also seen here by Mr. Purchas during several seasons. Formerly between Derby and Borrowash, Hasse. 557. Lactuca muralis, Less. (Rock Lettuce). Native. English type. Range 1-2-3. I. Common on limestone up to 400 yards, Baker, J. B. II. Walls, Bolsover Castle, Waterfall. III. Winshill, Harris ; Morley, Edlaston, Linton. 72 THE FLORA OF DERBYSHIRE. 559. Sonchus arvensis, L. (Corn Sowthistle). Colonist. British type. Range 1-2. I. Dove Dale and Matlock, B. and N., J. B. ; Monsal Dale! II. About Chesterfield, Waterfall. III. Stapenhill, Harris ; Ockbrook ! about Calke, Purchas, J. B.; Shirley, Linton. Var. glabra, L. C. III. Shirley, Linton. 560. Sonchus asper, Hoffm. (Sow Thistle). Native. British type. Eange 1-2. I. Common up to 850 yards, Baker, J. B. II. About Chesterfield, Waterfall. III. Stapenhill, Harris ; Chellaston ! Swarkestone ! About Calke, Purchas, J. B. ; Shirley, Linton. 561. Sonchus oleraceus, L. (Sow Thistle). Native. British type. Eange 1-2. I. Dove Dale, B. and N., J. B. ; common up to 350 yards, Baker, J. B. ; Via Gellia and Cromford, Milnes. II. About Chesterfield, Waterfall. III. Eepton, Hagger ; about Calke, Bloxam ! Shirley, Linton. Crepis setosa, Hall. fil. Willesley, Nat. Hist. Tutbury. Crepis nicsensis, Balb. Alien. III. Shirley, Linton. 563. Crepis virens, L. (Hawk's Beard). Native. British type. Eange 1-2-3. Common everywhere ! Ascends up to 450 yards, Baker, J. B. 567. Crepis paludosa, Moench. (Marsh Hawk's Beard). Native. Scottish type. Eange 1-2. I. Charlesworth, Whitehead\ Wye Valley, 'Baker, J. B. ; Grin Wood, Buxton, over 350 yards, Rogers ; near the source of the Dove, and, I think, on the Derbyshire side of the stream, but ceasing when the limestone is reached, Purchas, J. B. III. Fields, Osmaston - by - Ashbourne, Smith MSS. ; Meadows near Shirley Mill ; and by the Ash Cover, Linton. '568. Hieracium Pilosella, L. (Mouse -ear Hawkweed). Native. British type. Eange 1-3. I. Common up to 500 yards, Baker, J. B. III. Common on heaths ! Dry banks, especially on lime- stone, Purchas, J. B. ORDER COMPOSITE. 73 A form of this plant, tending towards the variety Peleterianum, has been found in Dove Dale by Mr. Purchas, Keport E. C. B. I., 1887, p. 184. Hieracium dubium, Sm. Coxbench Wood, Dr. Johnson in Pilkinyton. H. Stoloniferum, Fr. was found a few years since in Ock- brook Churchyard by the late Kev. G. E. Smith, but Mr. Hasse failed to find it last year. 572. Hieracium murorum, L. pt., (Back). Native. British type. Eange 1-2. I. Miller's Dale, Searle; Priestcliffe Lees, High Field, where it was pointed out to me by Mr. Purchas ; Ashwood Dale ! Ghee Dale ! 572. * Hieracium caesium, Back. var. Smithii, Baker. I. Ashwood Dale, 300-350 yards, Baker, J. B. ; Blackwell Dale and Monsal Dale, Whitelegg ; Castleton, Whitehead ; Dove Dale ! Hieracium flocculosum, Back. A plant similar to this in some respects was gathered by me in Mill Dale above Dove Dale, and is mentioned here in the hope that at some future time the proper place for it may be found in our English Flora. 573.* Hieracium vulgatum, Fries. I. Ascends to 450 yards in Goyt's dough, Baker, J. B. ; Matlock, B. and N., J. B. ; type and form " H. rosulatum," Dove Dale, Purchas, J. B. ; Miller's Dale, West ; Monsal Dale! III. Eepton (H. sylvaticum, Sm.)! Dale and Morley, Hasse ; Anchor Church, Bloxam \ Shirley, Linton. Vars. rubescens, Back, and nemorosum, Back. I. Ashwood Dale ! 575. Hieracium pallidum, Fries. Native. Scottish type. Kange 1-2. I. Cressbrook Dale ! Ashwood Dale ! Dove Dale, Dr. Eraser. Possibly the nomenclature of the plants thus desig- nated, as well as those recorded as H. murorum and H. casium, var., may have to be changed on the publication of Mr. Hanbury's "Monograph," and as our knowledge of this genus increases. 575." Hieracium argenteum, Fries. Native. Scottish type. Kange 2. I. Near Matlock Bath ! fide F. J. Hanbury. 74 THE FLORA OF DERBYSHIRE. 579. Hieracium, Vill. Native. Highland type. Range 2. I. Miller's Dale, Whitetegg. I have found it only in Ghee Dale! 582. Hieracium tridentatum, Fries. Native. English type. Eange 1. I. Ashwood Dale ! 584. Hieracium umbellatum, L. Native. English type. Range ]-2. I. Valley of the Goyt ! Charlesworth Coombs, Hannan ; on the Yoredale Rocks of the upper part of the Dove Valley, Purchas, J. B. III. Eggington, Harris; Willington ! Near Edlaston, Smith MSS. 584.* Hieracium boreale, Fries. Native. British type. Range 1-2. I. Common in woods and on heaths ! Ascends up to 300 yards, Baker, J. B. III. Coxbench Wood, near Derby ! Heath End, Calke, Purchas, J. B.', Shirley ; Bradley, Linton. Hieracium rigidum is entered Smith MSS. as growing at Osmaston, but the specimen preserved at University College, Nottingham, is an abnormal one, and may represent only H. vulgatum, fide F. J. Hanbury. U. subaudum of Repton F. and F. 588. Taraxacum officinale, Wigg. (Dandelion). Native. British type. Range 1-2-3. Var. Dens-leonis, Desf. Common everywhere ! Ascends up to 500 yards, Baker, J. B. Var. erythrospermum, Andrz. III. Shirley, Linton. Var. palustre, D. C. I. Ascends to 500 yards in swamps of Axe Edge, Baker, J. B ; in a swampy part of Dove Dale, Purchas, J. B. III. About Shirley Brook, Linton. Var. udum, Jord. III. Shirley, Linton. 590. Lapsanacommunis,L. (Nipplewort). Native. British type. Range 1-2-8. Common throughout the county ! Ascends up to 400 yards over Castleton, Baker, J. B. ORDER COMPOSITE. 75 591. Cichorium Intybus, L. (Wild Chicory). Colonist. English type. Range 1. III. Repton, a small quantity found only once, H agger ; Sawley, a single plant found, Atkinson ; Clover Fields, Osmas- ton-by-Ashbourne, near Hopwell Hall, Hey. Smith MSS. At the Dimminsdale Lime Yard, Calke, Purchas, J. B. Arctium majus, Schk., Eepton F. and F., doubtful. 592. Arctium minus, L. (Burdock). Native. British type. Range 1-2. I. Miller's Dale, Baker, J. B. ; Dove Dale ; Matlock, B. andN.,J. B.\ Strine's Wood, Cromford, Bailey ; Ashwood (300 yards) and Monsal Dales! the Winnatts, Castleton! Several of these habitats have been assigned in error to A. majusl Lathkill Dale, Searle. II. Common about Chesterfield, Waterfall. III. Woods, Calke, Purchas, J. B. ; Shirley, Linton. 592. ::: Arctium nemorosum, Lej. Arctium intermedium, Lange. Native. British type. Range 1. " Topographical Botany." Queried. 594. Serratula tinctoria, L. (Saw-wort). Native. English type. Range 1-2. I. Buxton, Hannan ; Wormhill, 850 yards; Matlock, West ; Miller's Dale, Rogers ; Bakewell, Miines. III. Repton Shrubs, Harris; Etwall Road, Repton, Hugger-, near Osmaston Church and Ockbrook, Smith MSS.; between Peathays Copse and Rodsley, Linton. 595. Carduus nutans, L. (Musk Thistle). Native. English type. Range 1-2-3. Common everywhere ! Ascends up to 500 yards, Baker, J. B. 596. Carduus crispus, L. Native. British type. Range 1-2-3. Common! Ascends up to 400 yards above Castleton, Baker, J. B. Var. acanthoides, L. I. Ashwood Dale and Castleton ! III. Clifton, Smith MSS.', about Calke, Purchas, J. B.; Weston Cliff, Hasse. 599. Carduus lanceolatus, L. (Spear Thistle). Native. British type. Range 1-2-3. Very common ! Ascends up to 500 yards, Baker, J. B. 600. Carduus eriophorus, L. Native. English type. Range 1. 76 THE FLORA OF DERBYSHIRE. I. Via Gellia, H. W. in N. B. G. III. Stanton Moor, Hasse. 601. Carduus palustris, L. (Marsh Thistle). Native. British type. Range 1-2-3. Common in swampy places! Ascends to 450 yards, Rogers. 602. Carduus arvensis, Curt. (Field Thistle). Native. British type. Range 1-2-3. Common everywhere ! Up to 500 yards, Baker, J. B. Carduus pratensis, Huds. Repton F. and F., not seen, Hagger. 607. Carduus heterophyllus, L. (Great Plume Thistle). Native. Scottish type. Range 1-2-3. I. Monk's Dale, West ; Lovers' Leap, Buxton, Bailey ; Burbage, near Buxton, 400 yards, Baker, J. B. ; Ashwood, Cressbrook and Monsal Dales! Corbar Wood, Buxton ! Dove Dale and Berresford Dale, Purchas, J. B. Onopordum Acanthium (Scotch Thistle). Alien. Repton F. and F. ; wants confirmation. Carduus marianus, L. Garden escape. III. Near Repton, Hagger. 609. Carlina vulgaris, L. Native. English type. Range 1-2-3. I. Blackwell Dale, Bailey ; Wormhill, West; from Monsal Dale to Burbage, 400 yards, Baker, J. B. ; Dove Dale ; Mat- lock Tor, B. and N., J. B. ; Axe Edge ! III. Tickenhall Quarry, Hagger. 611. Centaurea nigra, L. (Knapweed). Native. British type. Range 1-2-3. Ascends to 450 yards in Goyt's Clough, Baker, J. B. ; a form approaching to decipiens is found in dry places near Matlock, B. and N., J. B. ; common throughout the county ! 612. Centaurea Cyanus, L. (Corn Bluebottle). Colonist. British type. Range 1-2. I. Grange Mill, Rowland. II. About Chesterfield, Waterfall. III. Repton, Hagger ; Breadsall Cornfields, Whittaker. 613. Centaurea Scabiosa, L. (Great Knapweed). Native. British type. Range 1-2. I. Wormhill, Matlock, West; Brassington Rocks, Rowland; with white flowers, Purchas, J. B. ; ascends up to 350 yards, Baker, J.B.; Ashwood Dale! Topley Pike ! Cressbrook Dale ! Dove Dale ! ORDEK COMPOSITE. 77 III. Tickenhall Quarry, Bloxam ! Behind Ednaston Lodge, Linton. 617. Bidens cernua, L. Native. English type. Range 1. III. Crew's Pond, Eepton, Hagger ; Locko Park, near Derby ! Ponds at Calke, Purchas, J. B. 618. Bidens tripartita, L. Native. English type. Eange 1. II. Eenishaw Canal, Waterfall. III. Burton-on-Trent, Harris ; Twyford, Hagger ; Canals, Derby ! Calke, Bloxam ! 619. Eupatorium cannabhmm, L. (Hemp Agrimony). Native. British type. Range 1-2. I. Woods about Matlock, up to 300 yards, B. and N., J. B. ; Wye Valley, up to 250 yards, Baker, J. B. ; Ashwood Dale, Green ; Bakewell, West ; Lathkill Dale, Rowland ; Monsal Dale ! Dove Dale ! III. Burton-on-Trent, Harris ; Calke, Purchas, J. B. 625. Artemisia Absinthium, L. (Wormwood). Denizen. English type. Range 1-2. I. Banks of R. Derwent, Cromford, Milnes ; at nearly 350 yards near a farmhouse above the Miller's Dale Station, Rogers. III. Mackworth, Smith MSS. 626. Artemisia vulgaris, L. (Mugwort). Native. British type. Range 1-2. I. Frequent about Matlock, B. and N., J. B. ; Buxton, only in gardens, 350 yards, Rogers; absent from Dove Dale, but occurs on the New Red Sandstone E. of Ashbourne, Purchas, J. B. III. R. Derwent, Derby ! Clifton &o. ; Spondon Station, Smith MSS. ; Burton-on-Trent, Harris. 627. Gnaphalium dioicum, L. (Cat's Foot). Native. Scottish type. Range 2-3. I. Glossop, West] Diamond Valley, Burbage ; Buxton, Green-, Axe Edge, Wild. 630. Gnaphalium sylvaticum. L. Native. British type. Range 1-2. I. Stirrup Wood, Charlesworth, Hannan ; Coombes Moss, Buxton, Green ; Newhaven ! III. Osmaston-by-Ashbourne, Smith MSS. 632. Gnaphalium uliginosum, L. Native. British type. Range 1-2-3. I. Whatstandwell, B. and N., J. B. ; Fairfield Common, Buxton, 400 yards, Baker, J. B. 78 THE FLORA OF DERBYSHIRE. II. About Chesterfield, Waterfall. III. About Burton-on-Trent, Harris ; Chellaston ! Morley Moor ! About Calke, Purchas, J. B. ; Locko ; Elvaston, Hasse. Filago minima, Fries. = Gnaphalium arvense of Kepton F. and F. Not seen. 635. Filago germanica, L. (Cudweed). Native. British type. Eange 1. II. About Chesterfield, Waterfall. III. Repton, Hagger ; fields and dry banks about Calke, Purchas, J. B. 636. Petasites vulgaris, Desf. (Butter-bur). Native. British type. Eange 1-2. Abundant by streams ! Ascends up to 300 yards, Baker, J. B. 637. Tussilago Farfara, L. (Coltsfoot). Native. British type. Eange 1-2-3. Common everywhere ! Ascends up to 500 yards, Baker, J. B. 639. Erigeron acris, L (Fleabane). Native. English type. Eange 1. III. Norbury, Smith MSS. 642. Solidago Virgaurea, L. (Golden Eod). Native. British type. Eange 1-2-3. I. Cliffs up to 450 yards, Baker, J. B ; woods about Buxton and Matlock ! II. Cresswell Crags, &c., Waterfall. III. Gresley, Harris; Dale, Hasse. Var. cambrica, Huds. I. Topley Pike, Green ; teste, Baker. 643. Senecio vulgaris, L. (Groundsel). Native. British type. Eange 1-2-3. Abundant everywhere ! Ascends up to 450 yards, Baker. 644. Senecio sylvaticus, L. Native. British type. Eange 1. I. On coarse Millstone Grit about Birchover and Stanton; notably at Eobin Hood's Stride, Purchas, J. B. II. Common about Chesterfield, Water/all. III. Willington ! Breadsall Moor ! Melbourne and Eepton Eocks, Purchas, J. B. Senecio viscosus, L. Cotmanhay, Howitt in N. B. G. ORDER COMPOSITE. 79 647. Senecio erucifolius, L. Native. English type. Range 1. I. Matlock Bridge, Hannan ; roadside between Tissington and the Peveril Inn, Dove Dale, B. and N., J. B. ; near Darley Moor, Linton. II. Hedgebanks near Chesterfield, Waterfall. III. White Hollows, Tickenhall ; usually shows a preference for limestone, but there it grows on the yellow coal-measures clay soil, Purchas, J. B. 648. Senecio Jacobsea, L. (Ragwort). Native. British type. Range 1-2-8. Common everywhere ! Ascends up to 500 yards, Baker, J. B. 649. Senecio aquaticus, Huds. (Marsh Ragwort). Native. British type. Range 1-2. Abundant by streams and in marshy places ! Senecio saracenicus, L. Chatsworth ; between Chesterfield and Sheffield, N.B.G. Doronicum Pardalianches, L. (Leopard's Bane). Alien. I. Wormhill, West ; Ashover, Bailey. 656. Inula Conyza, D. C. (Ploughman's Spikenard). Native. English type. Range 1-2. I. Miller's Dale, 250 yards, Baker, J. B. ; Via Gellia, Matlock Tor, B. and N., J. B.-, Lovers' Walks, Matlock Bath ! Monsal Dale ! Near Cressbrook Dale ! 658. Pulicaria dysenterica, Gaertn. Native. English type. Range 1-2. I. Wye Valley, up to 250 yards at Ghee Tor, Baker, J. B. ; Tissington; Whatstandwell," B. and N., J. B.\ Matlock Bath; Thorpe, Rowland', about Bugsworth, Rogers. II. Renishaw Canal, &c., Waterfall, III. Common about Derby ! About Calke, Purchas, J. B. 660. Bellis perennis, L. (Daisy). Native. British type. Range 1-2-3. Common everywhere ! Ascends up to 500 yards, Baker, J. B. 661. Chrysanthemum, L. (Corn Marigold). Colonist. British type. Range 1. II. About Chesterfield, Waterfall. III. Milton, near Repton, Hagger ; Drakelowe, Harris ; Normanton-by-Derby ! Near Breadsall, Hey in Smith MSS. ; Near Dale ; Horsley ; Morley, Hasse. 662. Chrysanthemum Leucanthemum, L. (Ox-eye Daisy). Native. British type. Range 1-2-3. 80 THE FLORA OF DERBYSHIRE. Common everywhere ! Ascends to 450 yards, Baker, J. B. ; a form with many heads to a stem, and more deeply- cut leaves, Whatstandwell, B. and N., J. B. 663.* Tanacetum vulgare, L. (Tansy). Native. British type. Eange 1-2. I. Between Matlock Bath and Bonsall, Rowland ; banks of R. Derwent, Matlock, B. and N., J. B. II. Common about Chesterfield, Waterfall. III. Eggington, Harris ; Milton ; Repton, Hagger ; R. Der- went, Derby ! Between Milton and Foremark, possibly an escape, Purchas, J. B. Pyrethrum Parthenium, Sm. (Feverfew). Alien. I. Brambley, Bailey ; Dove Dale ; Matlock ; Tideswell, an escape, B. and N.. J. B. ; Burbage, near Buxton ! III. Newton Solney, Hams ; Swarkestone ! On an old wall at Tickenhall, Purchas, J. B. ; Morley ; Stanton-by- Dale, Hasse. 664. Pyrethrum inodorum, Sm. Native. British type. Range 1-2. I. Baslow, Bailey ; Matlock, cultivated ground up to 300 yards, B. and N., J. B.', Chapel- en-le-Frith, Rogers. II. About Chesterfield, Waterfall. III. Burton-on- Trent, Harris; Morley! Calke, Purchas, J.B. 665. Matricaria Chamomilla, L. (Wild Camomile). Colonist. English type. Range 1. I. Ambergate, and II., Chesterfield, Milnes. III. Repton, Hagger ; Calke, Purchas, J. B. 667. Anthemis nobilis, L. Native. English type. Range 1-2. I. Tansley Moor, Milnes. III. Ockbrook ! Morley Moor ! 668. Anthemis arvensis, L. (Corn Camomile). Colonist. English type. Range 1-2. I. Roadside, Miller's Dale, 250 yards, Baker, J. B. II. About Chesterfield, Waterfall. 669. Anthemis Cotula, L. Colonist. English type. Range 1-2. I. Chapel-en-le-Frith, Whitehead; Miller's Dale, 250 yards, Rogers. III. Cornfields about Calke, Purchas, J. B. 670. Achillea Ptarmica, L. (Sneezewort). Native. British type. Range 1-2-3. ORDER CAMPANULACEJE. 81 I. Goyt's Clough, 450 yards, Baker, J. B. ; Lumsdale, B. and N., J. B ; Cromford ; Winster ; Crich, Milnes. II. About Chesterfield, Waterfall. III. Willington, Hag. Scropbularia, 89. Scutellaria, 96. Sedum, 59. Sempervivum, 60. Senecio, 78, 145. 150 INDEX OF SCIENTIFIC NAMES. Serratula, 75. Sberardia, 68. Silaus, 64. Silene, 25. Sinapis, 22. Sison, 63. Sisymbrium, 21. Slum, 64. Solanaceae, 86. Solanura, 86. Solidago, 78. Sonchus, 72. Sparganium, 119. Spergula, 27. Spergularia, 27. Spiraea, 41. Spirauthes, 111. Stachys, 94. Stellaria, 28. Symphytnm, 97. Tamus, 116. Tanacetum, 80. Taraxacum, 74. Taxus, 110. Teesdalia, 18. Teucriura, 93. Thalictrum, 11. Thlaspi, 17. Thymeleeacese, 101. Thymus, 92. Tilia, 30. Tiliacese, 30. Tordylium, 65. Torilis, 65. Tragopogon, 70. Trifolium, 36. Triglochin, 117. Triodia, 133. Triticum, 138. Trollius, 14. Tulipa, 114. Turritis, 20. Tussilago, 78. Typba, 120. Typhacese, 119. Ulex, 35, 145. Ulmus, 106. UmbelliferEe, 62. Urtica, 105. Urticaceae, 105. Utricularia, 99. Vacciuium, 83. Valeriana, 69. Valerianacese, 68. Valerianella, 69. Verbascum, 86. Verbena, 90. Verbenacese, 90. Veronica, 87. Viburnum, 66. Vicia, 38. Vinca, 84. Viola, 23. Violacese, 23. Viscum, 66. Zanuichellia, 119. INDEX OF ENGLISH NAMES. Aconite, Winter, 15. Adder's Tongue, 142. Agrimony, 52. Hemp, 77. Alder, 107. Black, 34. American Waterweed, 116. Anemone, 11. Archangel, 93. Arrow Grass, Marsh, 117. Head, 117. Ash, 84. Mountain, 54. Aspen, 107. Asphodel, Bog, 115. Autumnal Crocus, 116. Avens, 41. Balsam, 34. Barberry, 15. Barley, Wild, 139. Basil, 92. Beam Tree, White, 54. Bean, Bog, 85. Bearberry, 83. Bedstraw, 67. Beech, 106. Fern, 139. Bellflower, 81. Betony, 94. Bilberry, 83. Bindweed, 85. Black, 103. Birch, 107. Bird Cherry, 40. Bird's-foot, 38. Trefoil, 38. Bird's Nest, 83. Orchis, 111. Bistort, 102. Bitter Candytuft, 18. Cress, 19. Bitter-sweet, 86. Black Alder, 34. Bindweed, 103. Black Bryony, 116. Horehound, 93. Bladder Fern. 140. Bladderwort, 99. Blinks, Water, 58. Blue Bottle, 76. Bog Asphodel, 115. Bean, 85. Rush, 122. Borage, 98. Brake, 142. Bramble, 43. Briar, Sweet, 50. Brooklime, 87. Brook- weed, 100. Broom, 35. Brvony, 58. - Black, 116. Buckthorn, 34. Bugle, 93. Bugloss, 98. Viper's, 98. Bullace, 40. Bulrush, 122. Burdock, 75. Bur Reed, 119. Buruet, Great, 52. Lesser, 52. Saxifrage, 63. Butter-bur, 78. Buttercup, 14. Butterwort, 99. Calamint, 93. Camomile, 80. Wild, 80. Campion, 25. Candytuft, 18. Carrot, 65. Catchfly, 25. Nottingham, 25. Sweet-flowering, 25. Cat's Ear, 71. Foot, 77. Celandine, Greater, 16. 152 INDEX OF ENGLISH NAMES. Celandine, Lesser, 13. Centaury, 85. Charlock, 22. Jointed, 22. Cherry, 41. Bird, 40. Chervil, 66. Chestnut, 107. Chicory, 75. duckweed, 29. Field, 29. Mouse-ear, 29. Plantain-leaved, 28. Water, 29. Chives, 115. Cicely, 66. Ciuquefoil, 42. Cloudberry, 43. Clover, 36. Club Moss, 143. Cockle, 26. Coltsfoot, 78. Columbine, 15. Comfrey,97. Cotton Grass, 123. Cowberry, 83. Cow Parsnip, 65. Wheat, 88. Cowslip, 99. Crab-tree, 53. Cranberry, 83. Crane's Bill, 32. Cress, Bitter, 19. Penny, 17. Hock, 20. . Thorow, 17. Wall, 20. Wart, 17. Water, 20. Winter, 20. Yellow, 21. Crocus, 114. Autumnal, 116. Crosswort, 67. Crowberry, 104. Crow-Foot, 13. Ivy, 13. Water, 12. Wood, 13. Cuckoo Flower, 19. Cuckoo-pint, 119. Cudweed, 78. Currant, 58. Daffodil, 114. Daisy, 79. Ox-eye, 79. Dame's Violet, 21. Dandelion, 74. Darnel, 138. Dead Nettle, 94. Devil's-bit Scabious, 70. Dew Berry, 48. Dock, 103. Dodder, Clover, 85. Dog Hose, 50. Dogwood, 61. Dropwort, 41. Duckweed, 119. Dwarf Elder, 66. Dyer's Green-weed, 35. Weed, 22. Earth Nut, 63. Elder, 66. Dwarf, 66. Elm, 106. Enchanter's Nightshade, 56. Eye-bright, 88. Fern, Adder's Tongue, 14 '2. Beech, 139. Bladder, 140. Flowering, 142. Hard, 142. Hart's-tongue, 141. Lady, 141. Male, 140. Mountain, 140. - Oak, 139. Parsley, 140. Scale, 139. - Shield, 140. Feverfew, 80. Field Madder, 68. Scabious, 70. Figwort, 89. Fir, Scotch, 110. Flax, 29. - Purging, 29. Flowering Fern, 142. Kush, 117. Fly Orchis, 113. Fog, Yorkshire, 132. Fool's Parsley, 64. Forget-me-not, 96. Foxglove, 89. Fumitory, 17. Furze, 35. Garlic, 114. Treacle-Mustard, 21. Gentian, 84. Gipsy Wort, 91. INDEX OF ENGLISH NAMES. 153 Globe Flower, 14. Goat's Beard, 70. Golden Rod, 78. Saxifrage, 61. Goldilocks, 13. Good King Henry, 101. Gooseberry, 59. Goose Corn. 137. foot, 101. Grass, 68. Gorse, 35. Goutweed, 63. Grass, Barley Wild, 131). Bent, 130. - Canary, 129. Cock's Foot, 135. Dog's Tail, 135. Fescue, 136. Flote, 134. Fox-tail, 130. Hair, 130. - Mat, 139. Meadow, 134. Oat-like, 132. Quaking, 135. Reed, 129. Rye, 138. Timothy, 129. - Vernal, '129. Grass of Parnassus, 61. Gromwell, 97. Ground Ivy, 95. Groundsel," 78. Guelder Rose, 66. Hard Fern, 142. Harebell, 81. Hart's Tongue, 141. Hawkbit. 71. Hawk's Beard, 72. Hawkweed, 72. Hawthorn, 53. Hazel, 107. Heart's-ease, 23. Heath, 82. Heckberry, 40. Hedge Mustard, 21. Parsley, 65. Stonewort, 63. Hellebore, 15. Helleborine, 111. Hemlock, 62. Hemp Agrimony, 77. Nettle, 94." Henbane, 86. Herb Paris, 115. Robert, 33. Holly, 84. Honeysuckle, 67. Hop, 106. Horehound, 93. Hornbeam, 107. Hornwort, 57. Horsebane, 64. Horse Radish, 18. Horseshoe Vetch, 38. Horse-tail, 143. Hound's Tongue, 98. House Leek, 60. Hutchinsia. Rock, 18. Hyacinth, Wood, 115. Iris, 113. Ivy, 61. Crow-Foot, 13. Ground, 95. Jack-by-the-Hedge, 21. Jacob's Ladder, 85. Juniper, 110. Knapweed, 76. Knawell, 58. Knot Grass, 103. Ladies' Smock, 19. Tresses, 111. Lady Fern, 141. Lady's Finger, 36. Mantle, 53. Lamb's Lettuce, 69. - Tongue, 100. Larkspur, 15. Laurel Spurge, 104. Leopard's Bane, 79. Lesser Celandine, 13. Lettuce, 71. Lily of the Valley, 115. Lily, Water, 15. Lime, 30. Linden, 30. Ling, 82. Loose-strife, Purple, 57. - Yellow, 99. Lousewort, 89. Lychnis, 26. Madder, Field, 68. Male Fern, 140. Mallow, 29. Maple, 32. Mare's Tail, 56. Marigold, Corn, 79. Marsh, 14. Marjoram, 92. 154 INDEX OF ENGLISH NAMES. Marsh Arrow Grass, 117. Marigold, 10. Violet, 23, Meadow Hue, 11. Sweet, 41. Medick, 36. Melilot, 36. Mercury, 105. Mezereon, 104. Mignonette, Wild, 22, Milfoil, 81. Milkwort, 24. Millfoil, 56. Mint, 91. Mistletoe, 66. Moneywort, 99. Monkey Plant, 90. Monkshood, 15. Monk's Rhubarb, 103. Moonwort, 142. Moschatel, 61. Motherwort, 93. Mountain Ash, 54. Fern, 29. Mouse-ear Chickweed, 29. Mousetail, 12. Mugwort, 77. Mullein, 86. Mustard, 22. Black, 22. Hedge, 21. Tower, 20. Treacle, 21. White, 22. Navelwort, 60. Nettle, 105. Dead, 94. Hemp, 94. Nightshade, Black, 86. Deadly, 86. Enchanter's, 56. Nipplewort, 74. Nottingham Catchfly, 25. Noutberry, 43. Oak, 106. Fern, 139. Oat-like Grass, 132. Orache, 102. Orchis, 112. Bee, 113. Bird's Nest, 111. Butterfly, 112. Fly, 113" Fragrant, 112. Frog, 113. Orchis, Purple Meadow, 112. Wood, 112. Spotted, 112. Osier, 109. Ox-eye Daisy, 79. Ox-tongue, 70. Pansy, 23. Yellow, 24. Paris, Herb, 115. Parnassus, Grass of, 61. Parsley Fern, 140. Fool's, 64. Hedge. 65. Piert, 53. Parsnip, 65. Cow, 65. Water, 64. ' Pea, 40. Pearlwort, 26. Upright, 26. Pellitory, 106. Penny Cress, 17. Royal, 92. Penny Wort, 62. Pepper, Saxifrage, 64. Wall, 59. Water, 103. Pepperwort, 18. Perfoliate Shepherd's Purse, 17. Perriwinkle, 84. Persicaria, 102. Pheasant's Eye, 12. Pilewort, 13. Pimpernel, Bog, 100. Field, 100. Yellow, 99. Pink Deptford, 25. Maiden, 25, Plantain, 100. Water, 116. Ploughman's Spikenard, 79. Plum, 40. Polypody, 139. Poplar, 107. Poppy, 16. Welsh, 16. Primrose, 99. Privet, 84. Purple Loose-strife, 57. Radish, Horse, 18. Wild, 22. Ragged Robin, 25. Ragwort, 79. Ramsous, 115. Raspberry, 43. INDEX OF ENGLISH NAMES. 155 Rattle, lied, 88. Yellow, 88. Reed, 131. Grass, 129. - Mace, 120. Rest-harrow, 35. Rhubarb, Monk's, 103. Ribwort, 101. Rock-Cress, 20. - Hutchinsia, 18. Rock Rose, 22. Rocket, 21. Base, 22. Yellow, 20. Rose, Burnet, 49. - Dog, 50. Scotch, 49. - York, 52. Rowan, 54. Rue, Meadow, 11. Wall, 141. Rush, 120. Bog, 122. Field, 122. Flowering, 117. Toad, 121. Wood, 121. Rusty Back, 139. Sage, Wood, 93. St. John's Wort, 30. Sallow, 110. Sandwort, 27. Thyme-leaved, 27. Sauicle, 62. Saw-wort, 75. Saxifrage, 60. Burnet, 63. Golden, 61. Meadow, 60. Pepper, 64. Scabious, Devil's-bit, 70. Field, 70. Sheep's, 82. Scotch Fir, 110. Scurvy Grass, 18. Sedge, 123. Self-heal, 95. Sheep's Scabious, 82. Shepherd's Needle, 65. Purse, 18. Shield Fern, 140. Silver Weed, 42. Skull-cap, 96. Sloe, 40. Snakeweed, 102. Sneezewort, 80. Snowdrop, 114. Soapwort, 25. Solomon's Seal, 315. Sorrel, 104. Wood, 34. Sowthistle, 72. Spearwort, 13. Speedwell, 87. Spikenard, Ploughman's, 79. Spindle Tree, 34. Spleenwort, 141. Spurge, 105. Laurel, 104. Spurrey, Corn, 27. Knotted, 26. Stag's-horn Moss, 142. Star of Bethlehem, 115. Starwort, 56. Stitchwort, 28. Stonecrop, 59. Stork's Bill, 32. Strawberry, 42. Sundew, 24. Sweet Briar, 50. Sycamore, 32. Tansy, 80. Tare, 39. Teazel, 69. Teesdalia, 18. Thistle, 75. Thorow Cress, 17. Thyme, 92. Toadflax, 89. Toothwort, 90. Touch-me-not, 34. Tower Mustard, 20. Traveller's Joy, 11. Treacle Mustard, 21. Trefoil, 38. Bird's-foot, 38. Turnip, 22. Twayblade, 111. Twitch, 138. Valerian, 69. Red, 68. Vervain, 90. Vetch, 38. Horse-shoe, 38. Vetchling, 39. Violet, 23. Dame's, 21. Dog, 23. Marsh, 23. Sweet, 23. Water, 99. rat ' t> '-> '? fc rag" % 156 INDEX OF ENGLISH NAMES. Viper's Bugloss, 98. Wake Eobin, 119. Wall Cress, 20. Pellitory, 106. Pepper, 59. Rue, 141. Wallflower, 21., j Wart Cress, 17. Water-Cress, 20. Crowfoot, 12. Lily, 15. Parsnip, 64. Pepper, 103. Plantain, "116. * Violet, 99-r Weed, American, 116 Way Bread, 100. Weed, Dyer's, 22. Weld, 22. Welsh Poppy, 16. Wheat, Cow, 88. Whin, 35. - Small, 35. White Beam Tree, 54. Whitlow Grass, 18. Whortleberry, 83. Willow, 108. - Herb, 54. Winter Aconite, 15. Cress, 20. - Green, 83. Wood Anemone, 11. Hyacinth, 115. Bush, 121. - Sage, 93. Sorrel, 34. Woodruff, 68. Wormwood, 77. Woundwort, 95. Yarrow, 81. Yellow Cress, 21. Loose-strife, 99. - Rattle, 88. - -weed, 22. Yew, 110. Yorkshire Fog, 132. V-^- PRINTED AT THE HERALD PRESS, BIRMINGHAM. 14 DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED BIOLOGY LIBRARY TEL. 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