Ttft 6 1 j 1 j 2| 8~ i > 01 9- ADDRESS OF ONATHAN STONE, MAYOR OF CHARLESTOWN, T<> THE CITY COU NCIL, JANUARY 6, 1873. BOSTON: C. G. M AC KI-: \ZIK. PRIXTKR, 106 WASHINGTON STREET 1874. u n n n T ADDRESS OF JONATHAN STONE, MAYOR OF CHARLESTOWN, TO THE CITY COUNCIL, JANUARY 6, 1873. BOSTON: C. G. MACKENZIE, PRINTER, 106 WASHINGTON STREET. 1874. ADDRESS. GENTLEMEN OF THE CITY COUNCIL : We are here assembled to organize our Municipal Government for 1873. The year just terminated has been one of general prosperity to our citizens ; it has left no monuments of desola- tion within our border like those that now mark our sister city, where but recently stood the business palaces of merchant princ- es the stately warehouses of architectural beauty that were the pride and the ornament of the metropolis of our State. But notwithstanding the outward signs are not here, yet a large number of our citizens were sufferers by that great calamity, and some to the extent of the accumulations of years of toil, industry and frugality. May all such be encouraged to start anew with redoubled energy on the road to prosperity, and may their efforts be crowned with more than ordinary success, and may the close of the year upon which we have just entered find all our constituents in a better, happier and more prosperous condition than at its commencement. This is the twenty-seventh inaugural ceremony in our city. We have this day received the official robes of municipal office and of honor, and have taken an oath to perform faithfully all the duties incumbent upon us ; may we be duly sensible of the importance of this solemn obligation. Pardon me, gentlemen, if I refer to some of our duties and responsibilities. I regret to believe that there is a very general feeling in the community that offices of the present day are often filled with those who seek them, either for the honor of the position, or the profit to be derived therefrom, and that those who seek them for the honor care little for the duties, while those who seek them for profit care for nothing but to fmther their own selfish in- terests. It is under the management of such rulers that our republican form of government is becoming distasteful to many of our best citizens. I beg of you, each and ever}' one, that you will so perform your duties as to dispel all such belief and distrust, and that when our term of service is ended we shall so have discharged them as to meet the approbation of all reasonable citizens, and feel within our hearts an honest conviction of having performed to the best of our ability all the duties and obligations this day assumed. I therefore counsel you to examine carefully all matters that may come before you ; act not hastily in your appropriations, but give to each subject the consideration its importance de- mands, remembering that the prudent, careful man is more certain of success than the reckless ; and, above all, remember that you are disbursing the people's money, of which you should be more careful and prudent than of your own. It may be said that a man has a right to do as he pleases with his own, but when he be- comes a public servant, intrusted with the public treasure, its reckless or extravagant use becomes an abuse of trust, and he is liable to censure if not to penalties. We have a very small, compact city ; our public squares are in good condition, and the condition of our streets, schools, fire department and sewers will compare favorably with other cities in the Commonwealth. Our water works are paying a surplus over running expenses and interest on the cost, and, with good management by our city officials, what is there to prevent the finances of our city from being in a flourishing and prosperous condition. I hope and trust that our debt will not hereafter be increased, except it be for extraordinary expenditures. By annu- ally paying our current expenses, and placing a respectable sum to the credit of the sinking fund, our city's debt would be gradu- ally diminished. I will now call your attention to some of the various depart- ments of the city, one of the most important of which is our SCHOOLS. Education this word opens to the mind a vast field of thought ; upon it depends everything for good or evil all our moral, social, political and religious relations are shaped by the education we receive in early life. Our public schools instruct us in the theoretical, while the practical part is learned outside ; and parents sadly err when they expect their children to receive all the teaching in our schools necessary to fit them for the varied pursuits and vocations of practical life. The duties of parents cannot be transferred to others ; they must themselves, by precept and by example, teach at home the lessons of veneration, love, respect for truth, habits of sobriety, honesty, industry and economy. Thus, and thus alone, can the moral education keep pace with the intellectual, and the heart as well as the head be fitted for the duties of mature years. When education at home and education at school combine, and in the right direction, we may expect to see the rising generation be- come useful citizens, and the appropriations so Uberally made for our schools prove one of our best investments. The appropriation last year, including the amount received from the State, was $128,141. The financial year not terminating until March next, the exact amount that will be expended is not yet known ; but if we ex- amine our official reports, and take the years 1866 and 1871, a five year period, we find these facts and figures, which deserve attention : Expenditures for salaries, fuel and contingencies for our schools for the financial year ending February, 1866 $58,562 Expense for same for the year ending February, 1871 io*>337 Average number of pupils attending schools March i, 1 866 4, 194 " " " " 1871 5,016 Increase of pupils, 20 per cent. " expenditures, 73 per cent. Money for this department must be liberally appropriated, and should be judiciously and economically expended. Our schoolhouses should be durably and conveniently con- structed, avoiding all those " extras " which add largely to the (fccpense, without adding to the convenience or comfort. During the last year the Harvard grammer schoolhouse was completed at a total cost of $130,285.60 ; cost of building, $92,000. Cam- bridge has recently built a new schoolhouse, also called the Har- vard, a very fine, substantial, good looking building, and which will seat more scholars, and is in every way as good a building as ours, at a cost of $56,000, showing there might have been saved about $36,000 on this one building. We shall soon require a new grammar schoolhouse in Ward Two, and when this is built, and the old Winthrop remodelled into primary and intermediate schools, I think we shall have all the large school buildings re- quired for our limited territory. THE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Our public library is a source of pleasure to the reading com- munity, and I trust it is also of profit, by imparting to the mind valuable information and knowledge. Its usefulness depends much upon the character of its books. An annual appropriation for this institution has become a necessity, and, as it is in charge of competent trustees, I do not doubt your appropriation will be wisely expended. FIRE DEPARTMENT. Last year the fire department was changed from a volunteer, or partially paid, to a paid department, so called. A large amount of money was expended in the change, and an extra an- nual appropriation of over $10,000 will be required to support it. There is a doubt in the minds of many whether we shall ever receive benefits equal to the additional cost. We had a very effi- cient department under the old system, and it remains to be seen whether it is to be improved under the new. Total number of alarms last year 49 " amount of loss by fire $76,965 " insurance 61,735 Net loss $i 5,230 The apparatus used consists of two steam fire engines, four hose carriages, one hook and ladder truck, all in good order. The department consists of steamer's company, 15 men ; 4 hose companies, 13 men each, 52 men ; hook and ladder com- pany, 23 men ; chief and 4 assistant engineers and i spare dri- ver 96 men in all. For further information concerning the de- partment I refer you to the engineers' annual report. HEALTH. Few cities in this Commonwealth can claim a more healthy locality or a less percentage of mortality than ours. The whole number of deaths during the past year was 769 ; of these 17 were at the State Prison, 8 were accidental, and 39 died of small pox. SMALL POX. This loathsome disease is making us a visit it reaches all localities and all classes. The highest number of cases at any one time during the year was 70, at the present time 36, showing it to be on the decrease. It may be necessary to procure a com- fortable building in some place remote from other dwellings, where the worst cases may be carried and comfortably cared for without the exposure of others. I hope you will give the mat- ter such attention as its importance demands, not in any way creating excitement or undue alarm, but by studying the best mode of treating it, and then pursue the course your judgment dictates. I am fully satisfied that the most effectual remedy is thorough vaccination, and I consider any one who neglects or refuses to be vaccinated guilty of great injustice to himself and to the community in which he resides. POLICE. Our police department is represented to be in good condition, and its force efficient, all of which I have no reason to doubt The increase in the expenses of this department for the last six years has been very great. It cost for the year ending February. 1866 $15,100 <8?i 4L733 1872 42,063 8 It will be your duty to look into the condition of this depart- ment and see if there cannot be made some retrenchment, with- out impairing the force required for the preservation of order and the protection of our citizens. The whole force now consists of one chief, one captain, one lieutenant, two truant officers and 31 policemen -36 in all. The whole number of committals to the station the last year was 1956 ; of these 379 were for lodgings only, 810 for drunkenness, and 767 for other offences; 619 were before the Police Court and fined or imprisoned, 241 committed to the House of Correction, and 24 to the State Asylum at Wor- cester. The Chief of Police suggest the appointment of two more day officers, making seven in all, and making them all truant officers, thereby dispensing with the two specials. This change would make the force more efficient, by having the services of all the men full time, while the present specials are only on duty about two-thirds of the time. The suggestion is worthy of con- sideration. ALMSHOUSE. The inmates of the almshouse on the first of January, 1872, numbered 48 ; admitted during the year 46, 36 as lodgers, 3 under sentence, and 2 births, making a total for the year of 135. Discharged 76, died 9, leaving the present number 50, of whom 14 are chargeable to other cities and towns, 9 serving out sen- tence or at work for their board, and 27 a legal charge upon the city. The general health for persons of this class has been good. The deaths were of those far advanced in age, or of impaired health when admitted. The superintendent and matron have fully sustained their reputation in making this house a Home for its inmates, so far as any institution of this kind can be made a home. The whole number of families receiving outside assist- ance was 553 ; of this number 177 are chargeable to other cities and towns ; 237 have no legal settlement in the State, leaving 139 entitled to support from this city. Up to October i, 1872, we have paid $2,172.71 for support of 21 persons in the insane hospitals ; 3 died during the year, leaving the present number 1 8. The appropriation for the support of the poor for 1872 was $12,000, of which $6,057.48 is unexpended, probably sufficient for the present financial year. As the law now stands, any soldier who served one year or more in the late war, as part of the quota of any city or town, has a legal claim on that city or town for support in case of des- titution or want. I am informed that we have no accurate list of those who filled our quota. I think such a list should be pre- pared that could be used for either practical or historical pur- poses, as necessity or convenience may require. STREETS. To judge from the amount of money expended upon our streets for the last three years they should be in a most perfect condition. Reports show that there was paid on street accounts for paving, grading, cleaning and repairing, after deducting credits for sidewalk assessments, the following amounts : For the year ending February, 1870 $61,433 59 1871 141,818 58 1872 "9.IS7 59 The financial year ending 1871 shows an expenditure upon our streets of $141,818, or a much larger amount than the entire appropriation for municipal expenses for the year 1861 ; and for the year 1872 of $119,157. These amounts do not include one dollar which was expended on laying out and widening streets, expenditures which were in about the same ratio ; but to deter- mine the amount from the printed reports, with awards, credits for betterments, abatements, &c., &c., carried along from year to year, would require the skill of a very competent accountant I therefore confine my illustrations and comparisons to such items as are apparent to any one making the examination. Suppose we go back ten years and make some examination for precisely the same items of expense for streets, and what is the result : For the year ending February, 1862, they cost $10,751 1863, 1864, 1865, 1866, 1867, 1868, 1869, 11,489 15,221 13.549 10,902 19,032 29.953 35.993 Total $146,890 10 It thus appears that for the eight years from 1862 to 1869 in- clusive it cost but $5,072 more than for the single year of 1871 ! Has the city had a fair equivalent for this large expenditure since 1870, and if not, who is accountable for the waste? It would seem that a reform in this department is imperatively de- manded, and should be commenced without delay. I suggest that a suitable place be prepared on the city's lot at the junction of Elm with Medford street, and that the city purchase and de- posit upon it all paving material required, and have the work of paving done by men employed by the day, until such time as sufficient competition for this kind of work appears in the mar- ket to give assurance that the city can contract for it at fair paying prices. In this item a large saving ought to be made. *The present method of carting and paying for gravel used upon our streets has proved very expensive, as well as discredit- able to any party having control of the business, and should at once be corrected. It is estimated that the cost for removal of ashes and rubbish from the streets in 1872 was about $7,000. If this estimate be correct, has this work been economically per- formed? I find that in 1862 the same work was done by contract, and that the amount paid was $850 ; in 1863, $900 ; in 1864, $1,- ooo ; while in 1870 it cost over $7,000, without including what was done by the city's teams. Under proper management there is but little doubt that a large saving in this item can be made. Medford street has become one of our most important business streets ; a portion of it was paved last year, and an equal extent should be paved each year until the whole is completed. Bun- ker Hill street from Green down is unsafe for travel, owing to its having too much crown. I would recommend that the sidewalk and gutters be raised. School street from High to Main street is in an unfinished state, and will require attention. Recent ex- perience in the laying out of new and the widening of old streets has been sufficiently expensive to teach us a lesson not easily forgotten. Some of the new streets have been laid out over vacant land that required the streets in order to use the land to advantage, and were therefore purely of a private nature, and yet the city paid the full value for the land taken. Such was the case in the IT extension of Monument street ; a street of only about 400 feet in length costing for the land and grading over $12,000. Other cases might be cited. There are grave doubts whether this and similar streets, that have been laid out and paid for by the city, are such as public necessity and convenience require. The " betterment law " as it has been applied has been yery expensive. There are but few instances where an attempt should be made to enforce it, and in all such its provisions should be strictly observed, so as to realize all anticipated benefits. Thus far the law has proved a very expensive machine, as managed by our authorities. OUR BRIDGES. We seem to be unequally and unjustly burdened with expen- sive bridges, which are five in number. We are required to pay one half for the maintenance of the Charles River and Warren bridges connecting us with Boston. For this charge the com- missioners' requisition upon our treasury for the present financial year amounted to $39,000, which was mainly expended on Warren bridge [in widening and constructing a draw and piers, bulk- heads, paving and general repairs, and its condition should now be such as to require no further outlay upon it for many years to come. Charles River bridge is reported to be in good condition, except the draw, which has been a constant source of annoyance and expense ever since it was built, as an experiment by inex- perienced and unskilful hands. Of the 3100 feet of Chelsea bridge it has been decreed that Charlestown shall support 1921, or more than three-fifths. This bridge is old and in a dilapidated condition, and will soon re- quire rebuilding. The charter of the Mystic River Corporation requires it to fill in and make solid the territory now enclosed by its walls, within the next six years. Perhaps some equitable arrangement can be made with the parties interested to have that part under the bridge which includes about 1300 lineal feet made solid by filling at an earlier day. A new draw and piers have recently been constructed for Maiden bridge. This bridge also requires very general repairs, and it should be properly lighted. For its support this city pays 25 per cent, of the cost under the apportionment and order of the County Commissioners. 12 A part of Prison Point bridge, so called, is a charge upon this city, but I am not informed of any important repairs required upon it. WATER WORKS. Within the last two years there have been added to the con- struction account of the water works the following items : For a new engine and boilers $73,345 36 " enlargement of engine house and extension of grounds . . . 33,727 43 " new force main pipe 9,874 1 7 Total $i 16,947 96 The total cost of constructing water works to the present time is $1,460,397.67. During the year a 16 inch main has been laid in Canal street, from Mill to Richmond street, also mains in other streets of this city and in the town of Everett, where 200 service pipes are already entered. The present pumping capac- ity is equal to 18,000,000 gallons each twenty-four hours ; daily consumption 6,000,000, showing ample pumping capacity until the consumption is more than double the quantity at present used. Amount of water rates for the year 1872 $202,000 Cost of maintenance $57,000 Interest to Dec. ist, 1872 74,453 $131,453 Surplus $70,547 The increase derived from water rates over the cost of main- tenance, improvement and interest on the debt must be applied to the reduction of the debt, and cannot legally be used for any other purpose. It thus appears that the surplus receipts for the year 1872 amount to about $70,000, and these are likely to be increased from year to year, and must be added to the sinking fund for the extinguishment of the debt. As the works are re- ported to be in excellent condition, with these surplus receipts, that can be used for any extension or improvement necessaiy, I cannot see why the construction account may not now be closed. I understand the subject of drainage, to protect Mystic Pond from any impurities, is under consideration by the water board, and will receive that attention its importance demands. An ex- amination of the report of the Mystic Water Board will give in detail all the information desired in regard to the works. I recommend for your consideration, and as a saving to the city, that a building suitable for a carpenter's shop be erected on the lot of land at the corner of Tufts and Medford streets, now occupied in part by the water board, and that a carpenter, with assistants if required, be employed to do the repairing and job- bing on the city's buildings, also for the water board, or in any department where such services are required. I find that for the year ending February, 1872, over $6,000 was paid for labor and stock used in repairs, not including any payments on the water account, which would add largely to this amount, and not including $447 paid for cesspool covers. By purchasing the material, and employing a competent workman to use it to the best advantage, I think a respectable saving of the city's money would be the result. FINANCE. It is as important to a city as to an individual to have a good financial record. Ours is such that I have deferred it to the last, and would now willingly pass over it unnoticed did I not consider it incumbent upon me to call your attention to its magnitude. Reports show that on March i, 1872, our water debt was $1,357,- ooo. This amount has been increased the past year $103,000, but, as has been previously shown, this debt, with our surplus water receipts, is in a fair way to take care of itself. By the estimate of the City Treasurer I find that the munici- pal debt, so called because it does not include the water debt, was, January I, 1873 $1,205,547 05 Deduct amount standing to credit of sinking fund 99.789 71 And we find the present municipal debt to be $1,105,757 34 Net municipal debt March i, 1870 668,353 47 Net increase in two years and ten months $437,403 87 It thus appears that in the last thirty-four months there has been a net increase in our municipal debt of $437,403.87, or equal to an increase of sixty-five per cent, on the entire accumu- lations of all our municipal indebtedness from the day of the set- tlement of this ancient town up to March ist, 1870, with all our war expenses included. During this thirty-four months period, has there been any diminution in favor of our citizens in the amount of tax assessed ? Let us examine. It is said that the valuation of property has been increased to nearly or quite its full market value, and the rate of taxation has been as fol- lows: For the year 1870, rate $16.00 on $1000 " " 1871, " 15,20 " " " " 1872, " 15,40 " " While for twenty years prior to 1864, a period including three years of the War of the Rebellion, when our extraordinary ex- penses were large, the rate, with one year's exception, neveV exceeded $10.00, and the average was but $9.00. The amount raised by taxation during this thirty-four months period was as follows : For the year 1870, amount raised $463,495 " " 1871, " " 500,915 " " 1872, " " 556,213 Add increase of debt 437,403 Which makes $1,958,026 Deduct for 3 years State and County Tax 190,365 And we have an expenditure for municipal purposes only of $1,767,661 Do not the above figures show a very liberal assessment, and has this amount been judiciously and economically expended ? The recent emphatic verdict of the people in condemnation of this record was decidedly in the negative. I have presented you with the figures in gross, trusting that your committees will take the different items of expense up in detail, and find wherein there has been waste, extravagance or expenditures not warranted, that such abuses may be hereafter avoided and REFORM com- menced, that the financial account to be closed in February, 1874, may exhibit a more satisfactory result. In our city charter may be found this provision of law : " No board or committee of the city council, or of either branch thereof, shall make any contract on behalf of and binding upon the city, the amount of which contract shall exceed the specific appropria- tion of the city council previously made therefor." There is also a general provision of law as follows : " No member of the city council of any city, or either branch thereof, or any officer chosen or appointed by the Mayor, city council or either branch thereof, or by the legal voters, shall be interested in a private 15 capacity, either directly or indirectly, in any contract or agree- ment for labor, or any materials, goods, wares or merchandise, furnished to such city, wherein said city is a party interested." These provisions were enacted as safeguards to your treasury, and had they been duly observed I cannot doubt that the debt of our city would have been more than a quarter of a million dollars less than it is to-day. CONCLUSION. Gentlemen of the City Council: We are now about to separate, each Board to its allotted chamber, there to commence the administration of municipal affairs for the current year. Let us study to make ourselves thoroughly ac- quainted with the laws and ordinances under which we are to act, and let them be our guide, notwithstanding there may be those endowed with more than ordinary wisdom, combined with supe- rior legal acquirements, who may think they are unconstitutional. Yet until so decreed by the proper tribunal, let them be consci- entiously observed, as any other course would establish a very dangerous precedent for a community desirous that law and order should be the rule. Once more I call your attention to the importance of giving due consideration to all questions that may come before you, especially to the requisite appropriations for necessary expenses ; they should be liberal but not extravagant, and when the amount is finally determined, should not be exceeded. Pardon me if I also suggest to those who are to constitute the committee on accounts, the necessity of having all the provisions of law and ordinance complied with, before any claim against the city re- ceives approval, as I shall withhold my signature from all drafts for money from the treasury for bills contracted or contracts made in violation of city ordinances or statute law. We are here to-day not from our choice, but by the votes of the people irrespective of personal regard, political preferences, or clique influence, and they demand an honest administration of municipal affairs. To secure this paramount object they ex- pect, in the appointment of your subordinates, selections to be made only from men known to be competent, faithful, energetic, and above all honest. CHARLESTOWN CITY GOVERNMENT, 1873. MA YOR. JONATHAN STONE WARD I. PHILANDER S. BRIGGS. NELSON BARTLETT. RICHARD POWER. ALDERMEN. WARD 2. GEORGE M. STARBIRD. JOHN B. NORTON. ALFRED D. HOITT. WARD 3. EDWARD T. RAND. JASPER STONE. WILLIAM E. JARVIS. COMMON COUNCIL. ETHAN N. COB URN, President. WARD I. JAMES F. DACEY. FRANCIS E. DOWNER. EUGENE SULLIVAN. THADDEUS RICHARDSON. EZRA J. TRULL. WM. S. HARRIS. WARD 2. ETHAN N. COBURN. JAMES WHITE. SAMPSON WARREN. JOHN H. GIBBS. JOHN F. FINLEY. THOMAS PARKER. WARD 3. ENOS VARNEY. CHARLES CURTIS. SAM'L R. BRINTNALL. CHARLES C. PERKINS. JAMES H. VIVIAN. * RICHARD Geeee. ~G?a~>+&- DELIVERED JAN. 2, 1874. Alderman BRIGGS offered the following Resolve : CITY OF CH ARLESTOWN. In Board of Mayor and Aldermen. JANUARY 2d, 1874. WHEREAS, our official labors are now brought to a close, this seems to be a proper occasion for members of this Board to express the high opinion which they entertain of the ability, fidelity and unremitting labors which His Honor the Mayor has displayed in the discharge of the various duties appertaining to his office : therefore Resolved, That the thanks of this Board be presented to His Honor JONATHAN STONE for the eminent services he has rendered to the city, for his uniform devotion to its interests, and for the promptness which has marked the performance of his numerous and perplexing duties whereby the deliberations of the Board have been greatly assisted, and the labors of its individual members have been very much relieved. The Resolve was passed by the unanimous vote of the Board of Alder- men as follows : PHILANDER S. BRIGGS, NELSON BARTLETT, RICHARD POWER, GEORGE M. STARBIRD, JOHN B. NORTON, ALFRED D. HOITT, WM. E. JARVIS, EDWARD T. RAND, JASPER STONE. VALEDICTORY ADDRESS. GENTLEMEN OF THE BOARD OF ALDERMEN: I thank you for the kind expressions embodied in the re- solve which you have unanimously passed, and the very flattering remarks of the members of the Board. This night closes the year of our official duties, and I have reason to be very thankful to you for the kind and courteous bearing towards me through the year we have been associated together, and if I have said or done anything that was unkind or harsh while presiding over your deliberations I hope you will pardon me, for I assure you it was not my intention to say or do anything to injure any one's feelings, but to promote what I believed to be the best interests of the city. If you will bear with me a few moments I wish to review and touch upon some of our official doings the past year. The year just closed has been one of general prosperity to our citizens ; no great calamity has befallen us ; we have been wonderfully for- tunate with regard to fires, and there have been very few burglar- ies or robberies. When we entered upon our duties one year ago the small pox was prevailing to an alarming extent An appropriation of $7,000 had been made about two months previous, and placed in the hands of the committee on health. I found that about $4,000 had been spent and very little accomplished. Accounts had been opened with most of the stores in the city, and charity was being dispensed through a new channel (the Chief of Police). Very large bills were coming in from apothecaries for articles which should have been bought by the quantity at 90 per cent, less than was being paid. Numerous doctors were being employed to do the work of the City Physician ; two men were employed at $10 a day to burn furniture, bedding, &c., in- fected ; a large force of special police was employed to watch houses and distribute charity, and, in fact, a great deal was being done in the way of spending money, and very little accomplish- ed in stopping the spread of the disease. I commenced reform by discharging the two furniture destroyers and bed burners who were receiving $10 a day, and employed one at $3 per day, with orders to destroy no goods unless by consent and order of the owner, or by order of the Board of Health. I stopped the purchasing of sulphur and acid in small quantities, and bought in large ; I discharged the special police, stopped the dispensing of charity except through the proper departments, stopped the employing of extra doctors, told the City Physician he must do his duty according to the ordinance^ and brought the whole mat- ter down to a business transaction. The next thing to be done was to procure a place for a hospi- tal; Fortunately, while we were looking around for a situation, the burial ground flats, which certain parties had sought to filch from the city, had been restored by order of the Supreme Court. This was selected, and we commenced the-, erection of a hospi- tal, which was finished, furnished and ready for occupancy on the i3th day of February, nine days after it was commenced. The entire cost of the building and furnishing was $2,980.30. This used up the balance of the $7,000 previously appropriated, which amount would have been used up in the same length of time without building a hospital had there been no change in the management of affairs. The worst cases of small pox, and those which could not be properly cared for at their own homes, were removed to the hospital; and on the ist day of April, 1873, there was not a single case outside of the hospital, and only three cases in the hospital. Our appropriations were made for the financial year ending Feb'y 28th, 1874, amounting to $497,275. This includes $30,- ooo for paving Medford street, and $15,000 paid into the sinking fund ; and I am happy to state that our appropriations were ample to have carried us through the year ending February 28th, 1874, if we had retained our independence, something that has 5 not happened for a great many years, if ever before in the his- tory of this city. On the contrary, we have raised $15,000 and placed it to the credit of the sinking fund, and received from Water Works, over all expenditures, the amount of $41,241.95, also interest from money belonging to sinking funds to the amount of $6,692.73, making in all $62,938.68 actual reduction of city debt. Our taxes are also 20 cents per $1,000 less than in 1872, when our debt was increased $139,000, which sum, if added to the appropriation of that year, and assessed, would have made the tax about four dollars per $1,000 higher than in the year 1873 just closed. There was an item of $10,000 in our last appropriation bill for laying out streets. We have spent only about $2,000 for work laid out the last year; the balance, about $8,000, has been spent in settling old claims for land damage caused by the work of previous years, where the parties who received this money were benefitted by laying out the streets, and would have given the land or flats, and perhaps paid money to have had the streets laid out, if the business had been properly done. When the streets were laid out, the owners were asked if they would give the land. This they consented to ; but no release was taken, and after the streets were finished they demanded pay, commenced suits against the city, and recovered large amounts. There are more claims of the same class now in court. Medford street has been paved from Walnut to Cook street, at a cost of $3.40 per square yard. Last year it cost $3.90 for the same kind of work, a saving of 50 cents a yard, or about $4,000, on the work performed this year. The following streets have been covered with the top dressing or macadamize from Medford street, viz. : Canal, Richmond, Alford, Gray, Henley, School, Adams, Maiden bridge, and a portion of several other streets. Monument street, from Bunker Hill to Medford street, has been cut down and properly graded. Edgestones have been set, and gutters paved, in Monument, Henley, School and several other streets. School street has also been graded and put in good condition. A very important straightening (at a small cost) has been made on High street. A beginning has been made to widen Bow street, which I hope will be carried out by the city of Bos- ton at the earliest period. Several sewers have been built our public buildings have been kept in good order and repair, at a very much less cost than in previous years, by employing one man steadily to do the work our streets have been kept in good repair a portion of Maiden bridge has been refloored with timber, and it has been lighted. I believe in most of the departments the money has been wise- ly and economically expended. I have brought to your notice several matters showing clearly where frauds have been committed, in previous years, upon the city, and the careless way in which the city's business had been done. And there were more cases of similar character which I intended to investigate, but I found a disposition on the part of certain members in the Common Council to throw all the obsta- cles they could in the way of ferreting out and showing up such frauds ; and such was the disposition shown by certain members in the board to screen men who had agreed to fulfil their obli- gations, and indemnify the city for money which they had unlaw- fully received, that they now refuse to fulfil their agreements, and the only way the city can indemnify itself is by litigation. On the i3th of August, 1873, the harbor commissioners pre- sented the city with a bill of $24,298.50, for displacement of tide water in Prison point bay. I met them three times upon the matter, and so far convinced them that it was an unjust and ex- orbitant demand that they reduced it to $5,85 1.87^. On the ad of December, 1873, they sent a note stating that they should proceed to make the above assessment if the city did not appear and object. Consequently on the 3d of December I did appear and objected, and they reduced the amount $1,311.75 more, leaving the amount at $4,540.12!-, which amount they have asses- sed, and the city of Boston will pay, or contest, as they see fit. My opinion is, that they cannot collect a dollar of it if properly contested. An act was passed by the legislature of 1872 to appoint a com- mission to consider and report on the matter of draining Miller's river basin, so called. The commissioners reported in favor of draining through Charlestown, by way of Cambridge street, emptying out in Tufts' dock at the Neck. When the matter came before the committee of the legislature of 1873 I appeared and opposed the project of draining through Charlestown, stat- ing that it would be a great injury to property in the vicinity where it emptied, and that they had no right to divert the water from its natural drainage course, bring it through Charlestown, and empty it upon our shores, and if they should report a bill in favor of so doing I should do what I could to' defeat it in the legislature, and failing there I should appeal to the Supreme Court to protect us. The question was asked where I thought the sewer ought to go. I answered that it should go through Bridge street and empty into the swift current of Charles river. The bill was subsequently passed to lay the sewer through Bridge street. Had it been laid through Charlestown, emptying into the Mystic, at the Neck, it would have rendered uninhabit- able all the territory in that vicinity. The appointment of the day police as truant officers has worked very satisfactorily. It has brought the day police in con- tact with boys, whereby they learn their names and residences, which has had a salutary effect upon them while out of school conscious that the police know who they are. The police are also led to inquire about boys who do not attend school. It also gives them more active duties to perform, which I believe is beneficial. But it is impossible to stop all the mischief and prevent all the depredations of boys ; a force of four times the number of day police could not do it. I believe our police as a body are as good as the like number in any place. There are some of them who are not so active as they ought to be. But when we consider the small amount of property that has been stolen and not recovered, we must con- clude that the police are tolerably efficient or that the communi- ty is very honest. The whole amount of property stolen that has not been found and restored in Charlestown for the year will not amount to four hundred dollars. An order passed the City Council June i6th, 1873, to have a survey and plan made of the Old Burying Ground (so called), 8 locating the principal paths, tombs, &c., ascertaining and regis- tering the names of persons owning tombs ; also, for the city to take charge and have the custody of all tombs where there was no owner known. The plan and work has been partly completed under the direction of the committee on burial grounds. I hope the city of Boston will see that this order is fully carried out, for there is an interesting history connected with this ancient bury- ing place that should be fully written out and preserved. Great credit is due Mr. Coburn (President of the Common Council) for the time he has spent in looTdng after and keeping the ground in good condition. He has also taken the inscriptions on all the tombs and gravestones in the ground. The change made in bridge commissioner I believe was a very judicious change, securing a man who is capable and faithful. His first act was to stop the leakage of gas which has been going on for years. This item alone will save twice the amount of his yearly salary. It is estimated that $100 will be saved on gas in the month of January. It is my opinion if Mr. Rice had been one of the commissioners, and had charge of the rebuilding of Warren bridge, he would have saved this city more than $10,- ooo, or $20,000 on the whole work. The estimate was $78,000 ; they actually spent over $100,000 ! An order passed the Board of Aldermen April 28th, and the Council May sth, 1873, appropriating a sum not exceeding $1,000 to subscribe for 400 copies of the Hon. Richard Frothing- ham's History of Charlestown, for the use of the public schools and public library, and for increasing, by exchange, the histories of other cities and towns in the library. I hope the work will be finished up -to the time Charlestown ceased to exist as an in- dependent municipality. It will be an important and valuable history one that will be eagerly sought and perused by future generations. An order passed the City Council September 25th, 1873, appropriating $r,ooo to print and publish a manuscript of. valu- able collections of original matter, embracing genealogies of all the families of the old town of Charlestown, inscriptions upon the gravestones of the old burial ground, abstracts of records of courts, registry of deeds and probate ; abstracts of conveyances of land in Charlestown, &c. It is a collection of matter which our esteemed fellow citizen, Thomas B. Wyman, Esq., has spent a great amount of time in collecting together, and now gener- ously makes a present of it to the city to be published. It will be a very interesting and valuable historical work. The thanks of the city are due him for his generous gift. Our poor have been well cared for. The board of overseers of the poor have properly provided for all cases of destitution and want that .have come under their observation or knowledge. The almshouse can truly be called a Home. The inmates have an abundance of food of good quality and well prepared, and Colonel Carnes and his estimable wife do everything to make the inmates of the home comfortable and happy. I hope the house will be allowed to remain as it now is till the city of Boston can provide as good a home elsewhere for the unfortunate poor. I have merely touched upon some of the many duties which have devolved upon you, and glanced at the work that has been accomplished. It is all recorded in the history of the past The citizens, no doubt, are divided in opinion as to the course you have pursued, but future generations, in looking over the records of the year's doings, may glean a leaf from the book that they may think worth while to copy; and those who condemn this year perhaps from some selfish motive may be willing in the future to accord to you honesty of purpose. I believe I am justified in saying there never has been a board of aldermen in this city who have acted more conscientiously than this, the last board of aldermen of the city of Charlestown. Although you have differed with me sometimes, yet I believe it has been an honest difference of opinion, and I respect it I have an opinion upon most matters which come before me, and when I have formed an opinion there must be convincing arguments adduced to change it ; yet I like to hear, and respect the opinions of others, if they appear to be honestly formed and expressed. When I assumed the duties of Mayor I took an oath to faithfully discharge and perform all the duties incumbent upon me as Mayor of the City of Charlestown. That oath I have endeavored to keep, and in no instance have I knowingly violated it. I have conducted the affairs of the city as I should IO if they had been my own, and, so far as I could, have kept a supervision over all the affairs of the city, and when I saw any- thing that was wrong I did not hesitate to speak of it, and put it right if possible. I have pursued no man with malice ; but when it was necessary I have pursued men to obtain justice for the city of Charlestown. There is a growing disposition on the part of those having the disbursing of the people's money to deal with a liberal hand and there are -various reasons for it. It is a very cheap way of trying to establish their generosity ; they buy votes for a re-elec- tion to office, and they are always praised by those who share in their beneficence. It is often done to screen their own hands, which are being thrust into the treasury to draw out their share. Often to cover their own meanness, they being willing to be liberal with other people's money, but never parting with a cent of their own, not even for the most worthy object of charity. I could go on naming the various motives which induce this liberality in disbursing the people's money, raised by taxation, and which the constitution and laws clearly define for what pur- poses it shall be used which laws are often wholly disregarded by many who are elected and entrusted with the disbursement. Have I not said enough to cause honest people to scrutinize the motives of very liberal public servants ? But I believe this city government is not charged with being liberal with the people's money, and I am happy that we are not. I believe the course we have pursued is commended by all honest, sensible citizens, and I here assert, that no man of in- telligence can be found who knows how the business of the city has been conducted this year that will accuse us of meanness, unless it is those who have either had their hands in the city treasury, or who want to put them there. Monday, the first Monday in January, 1874, terminates the cor- porate municipal independence of the city of Charlestown. "FOUNDED ANNO DOMINI, 1628. " ESTABLISHED A CITY A. D. 1847." On the city seal these words are also inscribed : It " LIBERTY, A TRUST TO BE TRANSMITTED TO POSTERITY." But on the 7th of October, 1873, 100 years after the destruc- tion of the tea in Boston harbor, the first overt act in favor of independence, the people of this ancient and historic municipal- ity virtually said we are not capable of governing ourselves, and bowed to the God of Mammon, and yielded up, with their inde- pendence forever, that trust which was bequeathed to them to transmit to posterity. It is an act over which monarchs will have reason to re- joice, but at which republics will weep with tears of bitterness and despair. Better far if those brave men had never left their farms, work shops and professions, sacrificing their lives, for- tunes, comfort and all, to assemble on yonder hill on the i7th of June, 1775, to strike the first decisive blow for liberty and in- dependence. Better if the declaration of independence had not been made on the 4th of July, 1776, if in less. than 100 years their degenerate sons were to yield up that trust, bequeathed to them by their patriotic fathers, and strike a more decisive blow to undermine and break down the republican form of govern- ment than they struck on yonder hill, and in the streets of Lex- ington and Concord, to establish it. But, thank God, my hands are clear of their accursed desecra- tion. For more than thirty years have I fought this abominable scheme to undermine this republican form of government, and not till the last appeal to the highest tribunal had been invoked, and they had rendered their verdict in favor of the unjust act, did I give up the ship. But as much as I deplore the situation, I never lose sight of that bright star of hope, which has ever buoyed me up under all the dark shades of adversity which have crossed my path. But now that the act is consummated, let us hope for the best, and make the best of it we can. Now that we are about to separate, and our connection as the last board of aldermen of the city of Charlestown is about to be dissolved, I hope that each and all of us will have the satisfaction of knowing that the year we have been associated together has 12 been spent to promote the best interests of the city of Charles- town ; and when the books are opened on the last great day of accounts, and all our acts and doings are revealed, I trust you will be greeted with the pleasing words : Well and faithfully were performed the duties that devolved on the last city govern- ment of the city of Charlestown, in the year of our Lord 1873.