University of California • Berkeley From the Library of Charles Erskine Scott Wood and his Wife Sara Bard Field Given in Memory of JAMES R.CALDWELL The Committee on Publication of the Grolier Club certifies that this copy of "Two Note Books of Thomas Carlyle " is one of an edition of three hundred and eighty-seven copies on hand-made paper, and three copies on vellum; that the printing was done from types which have been distrib- uted, and that the press work was completed in the month of April, 1898. TWO NOTE BOOKS OF THOMAS CARLYLE TWO NOTE BOOKS OF THOMAS CARLYLE FROM 23d MARCH 1822 TO 16th MAY 1832 EDITED BY CHARLES ELIOT NORTON NEW YORK THE GROLIER CLUB MDCCCXCVIII v^-^ j 976 TWO NOTE BOOKS OF THOMAS CARLYLE FROM 23d MARCH 1822 TO 16th MAY 1832 EDITED BY CHARLES ELIOT NORTON NE\ THE GROLIER MDCCCXCVIU Copyright, 1898, by the Grolier Club INTRODUCTION. The Notebooks of Carlyle printed in this volume contain records of his thought and work from March, 1822, to June, 1832 — ten years which in many respects were the most important of his life : for during their course he was married, and his genius discovered its true quality and bent ; he wrote his Life of Schil- ler, Sartor Resartus, and many of his most characteristic and interesting essays ; he be- came widely known as a new power in litera- ture ; he was in friendly relations with Goethe ; he formed acquaintance with many of the foremost men of letters in England, and en- tered into relations with the life of the world outside of Ecclefechan, Edinburgh, and Had- dington. At the beginning of the books he is a poor student, without definite prospects or decided aims, without knowledge of his own capacities, and little acquainted with the world or known by it. At the end he is still very poor, but with ascertained powers, al- ready exercising a strong influence on the thought of his time, and with a well-planted and rapidly growing reputation. The Notebooks display in their irregular entries and miscellaneous contents the wide INTRODUCTION. range of his interests, the general course of his reading, the increase of his intellectual resources, the gradual maturing of his mind. They contain his reflections upon books and men, the first rough jottings of his thought, and the records of current experience, set down not for the eyes of others, but as pri- vate memoranda for his own use. They ex- hibit his unwearied industry, and his mental ardor, vigor, and independence, while they reveal as well the strength of his moral con- victions and the tenderness of his affections. To one who knows how to fill out the sketch which they afford, the character of their writer stands plain and impressive in its sincerity, integrity, and originality. A considerable part of these books was printed by Mr. Froude in his Life of Carlyle, but, as was generally the case with his tran- scripts from manuscript, with many inaccu- racies. Although Mr. Froude's selections were ju- diciously made, their fragmentary character deprives them of a part of the interest and value which the Notebooks as a whole pos- sess, in their illustration of the disposition and methods of their author. The very triviality of some of the entries which the books con- tain shows that mingling of trifling incidents TWO NOTE BOOKS. and experiences with serious permanent con- cerns which gives to every life a double aspect. The deep, constant current flows steadily on, while its surface is ruffled by the breath of the moment, brightened by the passing gleam, or darkened by the flitting shadow. The picture of life is complete only when the details, each insignificant in itself, have their due part in the composition. To the student of the growth of Carlyle's intellectual powers and the development of his opinions, these books afford material of interest hardly inferior to that contained in his Reminiscences and in his Letters — letters remarkable beyond most others for the full- ness of their exhibition of the character of their writer, for their sincerity and directness, and for the union in them of ease and rapid- ity of composition with excellence of expres- sion. The Notebooks display in like manner, if in less degree, the mastery which Carlyle possessed over his own faculties. He com- plains often of the difficulty he experienced in writing, but his letters and his journal alike re- veal the mental discipline which enabled him to give off-hand an adequate and clear expres- sion to his thought. There is seldom an erasure or defective phrase in his most rapid and in- stant writing. INTRODUCTION. apparently I had been altogether much in luck in this didactic adventure. Which proved abundantly the fact : the two Youths both took to me with unhesitating liking, and I to them; and we never had anything of quarrel, or even of weariness and dreariness, between us : such ' teaching ' as I never did, in any sphere before or since ! Charles, by his qualities, his ingenuous curiosities, his brilliancy of faculty and character, was actu- ally an entertainment to me, rather than a labour; if we walked together (which I re- member sometimes happening) he was the best company I could find in Edinburgh. I had entered him of Dunbar's Third Greek Class in College. In Greek and Latin, in the former in every respect, he was far my superior, and I had to prepare my lessons by way of keeping him to his work at Dunbar's. Keeping him 'to work' was my one diffi- culty, if there was one, and my essential func- tion. I tried to guide him into reading, into solid inquiry and reflection; he got some mathematics from me, and might have had more. He got, in brief, what expansion into wider fields of intellect, and more manful modes of thinking and working, my poor pos- sibilities could yield him; and was always generously grateful to me afterwards ; friends TWO NOTE BOOKS. of mine, in a fine frank way, beyond what I could be thought to merit, he, Arthur, and all the Family, till death parted us." The boys had arrived in Edinburgh about the middle of January, and the charge of them took up the better part of eVery day, "from ten o'clock till about one, and from six till nearly eight." During his free hours one of Carlyle's chief occupations was the translation of Legendre's " Elements of Geometry," a work to which he had been set by Dr. (afterward Sir David) Brewster, who was then editing the "Edinburgh Encyclo- paedia," to which Carlyle had contributed various articles, mainly biographical. 1 But his thoughts were set upon a Book of his own, and he was " riddling Creation " for a subject. Early in 1822 he had well nigh determined to write an Essay on the Civil Wars and the Commonwealth of England; not a history, but a study of the national character as it' was then displayed, and it is with notes made with this intention in mind that the Notebooks begin. l These articles were respectable compilations, ser- viceable enough for their purpose, but of no distinguished merit. They have been reprinted in a volume, as a bookseller's speculation, under the title : Montaigne and other essays, chiefly biographical, now first collected. By Thomas Carlyle. London, 1897. 8vo. INTRODUCTION. The books have been printed in close con- formity with the manuscript. A few correc- tions of the errors of a hasty pen have been made ; a few careless misspellings have been set right, some words in foreign tongues have been italicized, some quotation marks have been supplied. But the integrity of the orig- inal writing has been scrupulously preserved, even at the cost of uniformity in printing. The words in brackets, except a few which supply obvious omissions, are not editorial additions, but are bracketed in the manu- script; a few words abridged in the writing are filled out with bracketed letters in the printed text. Some lines, in two or three places, not amounting to a page in all, have been omit- ted. The manuscript used for the press was a copy of the originals made some years since, but the proof-sheets have been care- fully compared with the original Notebooks by Mr. Alexander Carlyle of Edinburgh, their present possessor. Charles Eliot Norton. Cambridge, Massachusetts, February, 1898. The first Notebook is a volume of one hundred and eighty- eight pages of small duodecimo size. It has been carefully pre- served, but on some of the pages the ink has now somewhat faded, though nowhere so far as to make the writing indistinct. The sec- ond Notebook consisted originally of seventy- six pages of nearly the same size as those of the first, but to its original leaves others were added, of different and somewhat smaller pa- per, sewn into the cover. Of these addi- tional pages forty-four are occupied with the memoir of James Carlyle (printed in Carlyle's Reminiscences), and thirty-four with the en- tries with which this volume closes. LIST OF BOOKS CITED UNDER ABBREVIATED TITLES IN THE NOTES. Reminiscences. Reminiscences by Thomas Carlyle. Edited by Charles Eliot Norton. 2 vols., cr. 8vo, London, 1887. Early Letters. Early Letters of Thomas Carlyle. 1 8 14-1826. Edited by Charles Eliot Norton. 2 vols., cr. 8vo, London, 1881. Letters. Letters of Thomas Carlyle, 1826- 1836. Edited by Charles Eliot Nor- ton. 2 vols., cr. 8vo, London, 1889. Essays. Critical and Miscellaneous Essays by Thomas Carlyle. People's Edition, 7 vols., i2mo, London, 1872. Life. Thomas Carlyle. A history of the first forty Years of his Life, 1795- 1835. By James Anthony Froude. 2 vols., 8vo, London, 1882. Thomas Carlyle. A History of his Life in London. 1 834-1 881. By James Anthony Froude. 2 vols., 8vo, London, 1885. i822. (at Edin 1 } I suppose.) 1 NOTE BOOK. Begun while reading Clarendon's History. 23d March, Quod bonum, faustum, felix, 1 8 2 2 . 2 fortunatum sit / Dr. Burgess and Mr. Mar- shal — who were they ? (page 239). Oliver Cromwell's remark to L? Falkland touching the " Remonstrance " or declaration of grievances voted & printed by the P! — about the date of King's return from Scot- land. Oliver said " they would have a sorry 1 Note by Carlyle made in 1866, when, at the time of writing his Reminiscences, he looked over this volume. 2 At the date of the beginning of this note-book, Car- lyle, twenty-six years old, was engaged in reading for a work he had in mind on the Civil War and the Com- monwealth. On April 27, 1822, he wrote to his brother Alexander: " Within' the last month I have well-nigh fixed upon a topic. My purpose ... is to come out with a kind of Essay on the Civil War and the Commonwealth of England — not to write a history of them — but to ex- hibit, if I can, some features of the national character as it was then displayed, supporting my remarks by mental portraits, drawn with my best ability, of Cromwell, Laud, George Fox, Milton, Hyde, etc., the most distinguished of the actors in that great scene." Early Letters, ii. 56. Before the end of the year the design was relinquished under the pressure of other engagements. Id. p. 171. But the work done now stood him in good stead twenty years later in the preparation of his Cromwell. NOTE BOOK OF debate " — the thing being so plain j and next day when the debate was done and not sor- rily — he said, if the question had failed " he w? have sold his all next morning, and never seen Eng? more " — so near (quoth Claren- don) was the poor Kingdom to its deliver- ance (247). Williams Archbishop of York (formerly Lincoln) seems to have been a very queer man (p. 272). He wrote a book against Laud — what was it ? * The King comes to the H. C. to seize the members accused of Treason, viz. Pym, Hambden, Hollis, Hazelrig & Strode — with Lord Kimbolton — all this by advice of Lord Digby (p. 280). The grant of Londonderry and the adja- cent districts had been wrested from the City of London (together with a fine of ^50,000) by the Star Chamber (first set up in Harry 7th's time) ; afterwards restored — but, as the City tho*, more out of fear of the Par! than a sense of justice. This one cause of their Roundheadism. " Perfunctorily "— "upstart companions." 2 1 How ' ' queer ' ' Archbishop Williams was appears from Bishop Hacket's Life of him, which Coleridge called " a delightful and instructive book," but which Johnson, in his Life of Ambrose Phillips, described not less truly as "written with such depravity of genius, such mixture of the fop and pedant as has not often appeared." 2 Words used by Clarendon. THOMAS CARLYLE. 25th and 26th Read Milton's Defensio March. Pop. Angl. ag* the Def. Peg. of Saumaise. Exhibits some new shades of John's character — his stern detestation of tyranny — his contempt for his enemies — and perhaps the ordinary tone of his intercourse with them in private life. There is a kind of rude wit mixed up with his fierce invective. But what aus- terity — what contempt for the mere pomp and circumstance of things ! He seems to tear the unhappy pedagogue into a thousand shreds, to trample his remains and beat them into perfect mire — and at last he sends his soul to the infernal shades. Furcifer, Bipedum nequissime, etc., etc. — all the terms of indig- nation and contempt which the Latin affords are exhausted in abusing Salmfasius]. His wife too is said to have " worn the breeks " ; & several cuts are made thro' this rent. The whole seems very ill-bred: but John was not a man of breeding. No newspapers then & his work is like the concentration of fifty " Couriers " or " Chronicles." Conceive that all the Radicals had " one neck " and put Gifford to strike it off — what a stroke he would fetch ! So is it with Milton. Besides Carolus II was then getting settled in Scot- land, and M. naturally feared that the good work would be destroyed and with it all that was worth preserving in England. What is NOTE BOOK OF the history of Salmasius ? {Les Daciers, les Saumaises — Volt. Temple du gout 1 — I must see — am very stupid to-night and bilious — nHmporte, I must along with Clarendon second vol. which I trust will suit me better than the first did.) Milton's mode of reasoning has something curious in it : he appeals to no first principles hardly, but wanders in a wilderness of quotations and examples, summoning to his aid all that Jew or Gentile ever did or said on the subject. Still more is this true of Saumaise, who set the example of this species of disceptation first — an example however readily enough followed by his opponent. Are our " first principles " more solid than his ? I doubt if they are so much more, as we often think. Nine tenths of our reasonings are ar- tificial processes, depending not on the real nature of things but on our peculiar mode of viewing things, and therefore varying with all the variations both in the kind and extent of our perceptions. How is this ? Truth immer wird nie ist ? 2 Newspapers did exist in Milton's time : the first, " Mercurius," was set on foot during the Spanish Armada (See Aikin's Memoirs of Q. Elizabeth — a book about the weight of 1" La j'apercus les Daciers, les Saumaises, Gens he'risse's de savantes fadaises." Voltaire, Le Temple du Gotit. 2 " Is truth always relative, never absolute?" THOMAS CARLYLE. McCrie's Knox — which is no immense weight. She * talks of revels, masques, courtly vanities, courtly feuds; he of Masses, sol[emnJ conferences, synods, books of discipline : each in a peculiar solid prosaic vein — hebetia in- genia cum aliquanto doctrinae. 2 ) I read the Defetisio but "perfunctorily." I must read it again, if I persist in this work. And Salm.'s too — which is no light matter. Fleetwood — first a trooper in the Guards sent by Essex to Shrewsbury — with a letter. (See p. 21, notes.) Stanza by Swift or Rochester on Charles II his spouse Katherine of Portugal — Here 's a health to Kate, Our Master's mate, Of the royal house of Lisbon ; And the Devil take Hyde, And the Bishop beside, Who made her bone of his bone ! Such is the power of rhyme, and of one double ending — certainly indeed the happiest possible. (From South ey's travels — the most contemptible, pragmatical — Yet he writes well now : Esperance ! — I read it 2 weeks ago.)— Excellent description of the Battle of Edge- hill — very excellent (pp. 38, 39.) Edgehill 1 Miss Lucy Aikin. 2 " Dull natures, with somewhat of learning." NOTE BOOK OF is near Keinton (Kington) on the east border of Warwickshire. Proposals — osals — osals, all abortive. Second Battle — at Bradock-Down near Liskard in Cornwall ; wherein the Parliament] forces (under Ruthven a Scot) were defeated by Hopton, in the winter of 1642. Indiffer- ently described. Third battle in March 1643 (on a Sunday like the first) at Hopton-heath 2 miles from Stafford. P. beat again. An attempt at treaty in the beginning of 1643 at Oxford; then Reading taken. Wal- ler (the poet) talked & vapoured much and plotted a little for the King — was betrayed by his servant, had Tomkins his brother-in- law hanged with another, and saved his own life by the most abject prostrations, affecting to be " awakened " and listening with great contrition to various ghostly comforters sent to him; then glozing the H. C. with fair speeches (for indeed he had a pleasant wit and could plead very cunningly & moving- ly) he prevailed on the P. to accept a fine of £1 0,000, and banish him to the isle of Bermuda — not hang him as he deserved but for his poetry & pregnant parts. — This was in June — '43. The great Hambden killed at Chalgrove- field, between Thame and Oxford on a Sun- day morning, having ridden forth with many 6 THOMAS CARLYLE. others to punish Prince Rupert for beating up Essex' quarters, an enterprise contrived by one Hurry a Scot, who had served in the Low Countries, and with the P. at Edgehill, but deserted to the K. after — his abilities not being as he tho* sufficiently rewarded. This Hambden was undoubtedly a great char- acter; & his worth has been sufficiently acknowledged by the affection which his country yet bears to him. Hambden & Washington are the two people best loved of any in history. Yet they had few illustrious qualities about them ; only a high degree of shrewd business-like activity, and above all that honest-hearted unaffected fearless probity, which we patriotically name English, in a higher degree than almost any public men commemorated in History. After all " hon- esty is the best policy." Yet to have seen a Caesar, an Alexander, a Napoleon honest — ! What a splendid thing — what a difficult not to say impossible one ! (fudge !). Hambden lingered three weeks — his wound was in the shoulder-bone. He seems to have been the ablest and best man of England. To Caesar, Alex!, Nap. &c. &c. we may pause before assigning any superior- ity even in talent (whatever they had in for- tune) over him — his talents, at least were unrivalled in political management ; and for virtuous conduct he has no fellow. — Claren- NOTE BOOK OF don draws his character well (p. 306). Staid, sober, a keeper of his own counsel, resolute yet meek, generous as the Lion, subtle as the serpent. What a " Protector " he would have made had he lived ! Battle at Stratton hill on the w. side of Cornwall, where the P. forces under Stam- ford are shamefully defeated (16th May 1643). Birch's " historical and critical account of the Life & Writings of Milton." Battles of Landsdown near Bath, and of Roundway — down near Devizes — in both of which Sir W. Waller is beaten. July 1643. Geoffrey Chaucer's house Donnington, within two miles 1 of Newbury — in Wilts. Glo'ster recovered, and the battle of New- bury fought by Essex, both sides claiming the victory. Lord Falkland was killed here. " Of so flowing and obliging a humanity and goodness to mankind, and of that primitive simplicity & integrity of life." Men came to him by his commerce " to examine and refine those grosser propositions, which laziness and consent made current in vulgar conversation." — Beautiful delineation of his character (p. 277) : a finer person, as here shadowed forth, than even Hambden. — But it is wrong to set 1 Clarendon says, *' within a mile." 8 THOMAS CARLYLE. two such men at variance in their posthumous reputation, now when the contests that set them at variance in their conduct have passed away into the vast and ever-increasing, ever- stranger ruin of things that were. How ex- pressive is that " sad and shrill " tone, with which in the Council he would pronounce the words, Peace! Peace! — when there was no peace ! I know few finer specimens of men than H. & F. What would a man not give to be like them ? Vain bargain ! these are the favourites of Nature; we are made of poorer clay. — F. died in Lord Byron's regiment. "The learned & eminent Mr. Chilling- worth" taken at the retaking of Arundel by Sir W. Waller, and so ill-treated that he died within a few days (sic scribit). This C. was a sceptic finally, having been a catholic first. Soon afterwards (29 th March 1644) Sir W. defeated the K's army under Hopton & Brent- ford, at Arlesford — between Winchester & Farnham. Oliver Cromwell was chosen to command the horse, under Manchester head of the five associated counties, Essex, Cambridge] N[orfolk] S[uffolk] Bedf. Hunt. 1 — Year 1644 1 " This winter arise among certain counties ' Associa- tions ' for mutual defense against Royalism and plunder- ous Rupertism." Carlyle's Cromwell, 3d ed. i. 175. Huntingdonshire was not of the association mentioned in the text. NOTE BOOK OF somewhat fertile in military exploits. King eludes Waller very cunningly at Worcester and comes back to Oxford (Essex being gone to the west, whither the Queen — then with child of the future Duchesse d'Orl6ans — see Bossuet's Oraisons fwiebres — had retired) ; goes out to meet him; fights at Cropredy- bridge (on the Cherwell, Northamptonshire) with moderate success (in June) ; follows Es- sex into the West, and forces his foot to ca- pitulate at Lostwithiel, then fights twice within a week at Newbury — the first time, being beaten as it seemed, and the second only showing himself (reinforced) to deliver Don- nington castle in which his old dotard drunk- ard deaf General Brentford (Ruthven) was besieged. He then went to Oxford. Shortly after the skirmish of Cropredy-bridge, the battle of Marston Moor was fought (close to York on the South), Rupert and Newcastle being " on the matter " beaten by Manchester, and chiefly by Cromwell's iron ba?id — as the Scots all ran like collies (fidem detis ? ). New- castle went beyond sea immed. — Rupert rode southward; each in a pet with the other: by which means Charles' affairs in the north were completely ruined. This Rupert seems to have been a very boisterous man — brave and impetuous — but somewhat too head- strong and overbearing. His poor father, the Ex-Elector Palatine, Ex- King of Bohmen, THOMAS CARLYLE. &c. &c. was in the meanwhile come to Lon- don ; had taken the Covenant, and been gifted by a pension. (What became of him at last ?) Goring the Par.'s guardian (and betrayer) of Plymouth (or Portsmouth ?) and after- wards the King's general of the horse ap- pears to have been a very sufficient cozener; there is something very clever in him and very original. The " self denying ordinance " proposed by Cromwell and Sir H. Vane, the object be- ing to get Essex and all Presbyterians ousted from command. Uxbridge-treaty is graphically delineated. I would have gone some distance to see Mr. Henderson pitted against Bishop Steward — the theological democracy of 2xw yfi+r4 t c^ y^ ^ *^_ *" ' ***** 1$2 ^^CwW^^ it ^^r 'frXCjvJtk e«ys*> ^t^u^ ^aj2^ THOMAS CARLYLE. haps the only requisite is that we have judgement enough to apply the sentiment im- planted in us without our effort to the more complex circumstances that will meet us more frequently as we advance in culture, or move in a society more artificial. Poor silly sons of Adam ! you have been prating on these things for 2 or 3000 years, and you have not advanced a single hair's breadth towards the conclusion. Poor fellows! and poorer me! that take the trouble to repeat such insipidities and truisms. But what if I do not prodesse ? Why then terar still, — dum I cannot help it ! This is the end and beginning of all philosophy — known even to Singleton the Blacksmith — " we must just do the best we can, boy ! " Oh most lame and impotent conclusion. Welch eine Lage ! von tausend angstlichen Trieben herumgejagt, von Bediirfnissen, Thatigkeiten, zu wirken gefodert, gefodert, gefodert ; und kann nichts thun ! Armseli- ger Narr! Ich mochte tollwerden — und was denn ? Schweige ! 1 Herder hated the new philosophy and wrote against it bitterly. Wieland did the same, for it shattered into powder the gim-crack 1 " What a condition ! driven by a thousand disquiet- udes, by necessities, by actualities, obliged to work, obliged, obliged, and can do nothing! Poor fool! I am ready to go mad — and what then ? Silence ! " 45 NOTE BOOK OF palace of French rationality which he had been chopping and putting together all his life for Teutschland. Goethe was wiser than either; he was clear for "letting it have its time as everything has." This was right, old Goethe, and I respect thee for the solid judge- ment of this saying. Herder was not de- terred by the terror of novelty, or yet by too strong a rational faculty, too keen a judgement. He believed in & greatly prized the scull- doctrine of Df Gall ! But Gall had borrowed his fundamental ideas from Herder's Ideen zur Phil. — there it lay ! — and the new phil- osophy was driving fiercely butting like a wild Bull against the orthodox creed of Ger- many. The poor divinity-students returned from the prelections of Fichte and Reinhold at Jena full of the most undigestible concep- tions ; and appeared before the Consistoriums in a state approaching to derangement, and like deranged people frequently out-argued the old stagers who believed orthodoxly. Great scandal thereby; and severe repre- hensions. One young divine shot himself at Weimar. Fichte appears actually to have been a metaphysical atheist. I wish I fully understood the philosophy of Kant ! Is it a chapter in the history of human folly or the brightest in the history of h. wisdom ? Or of both mixed ? And in what degree ? That distinction of Coleridge's (which he 46 THOMAS CARLYLE. has borrowed or may have borrowed from Woltmann) about talent and genius is com- pletely blarney, — futile, very futile. — I am tired and stupid and almost red-mud. 1 Farewell my books & pens and papers My studies great and small ! Most pitiful sickly farthing tapers Are the sciences one and all. Oh once your flaring light inspir'd me I certainly thought you moons or suns And I ran to catch what somehow fir'd me As many a crack-brained ninny runs. And when at length nigh broken-winded I approached thro' many a glarry^ way The glim was nearly douced^ or I was blinded I strained my eyes, knew nought to think or say. Forsooth ye are most worthy rare devices How clearly ye tell us all we know ! And where we know not, still your art supplies us With excellent words and terms to come & go- 1 Distracted. 2 Miry. 3 The light was nearly sunk. 47 NOTE BOOK OF Oh that the old one had you to make A kirk and mill of if so inclined ! And this accursed queasy grumbling stomach Would cease to trouble an ignorant mind ! March, 1823. Andrew Macnay. 1 Poet should preach or poetize for his age, should elevate and beautify the ideas which are current in it : be Zeiiburger as well as Staatsbiirger. — [Schiller] Review of Burger. " What went before and what will follow me I look at as at two black imperforable cur- tains, which hang down at the two extremi- ties of human life, and which no living man has yet drawn aside. Many hundreds of generations already stand before them with their torches and guess and guess about what lies behind. Many see their own shadows the forms of their passions enlarged and put in motion on the curtain of futurity; they shrink in terror at their own image. Poets, philosophers and founders of states have painted it with their dreams — more smiling or more dark as the sky above them was gloomy or cheerful; and their pictures de- ceive at a distance. Many jugglers too make profit of this universal curiosity, and by 1 On the margin against the preceding verses the fol- lowing note is written: "At Mrs. Wilkie's, near Pilrig Street, Leith walk; I still dimly remember the night. (May, 1866!)—" 48 THOMAS CARLYLE. their strange disguisings ( Vermummungen) have set the outstretched Fantasy in astonish- ment. (But) a deep silence reigns behind this curtain; none once within it will an- swer those he has left without; all you can hear is a hollow echo of your question, as if you shouted into a chasm. To the other side of this curtain we are all bound, and men catch it with shuddering, uncertain who may stand behind to receive them, quid sit id, quod tantum morituri vident. 1 Some incredu- lous persons there have been who maintained that this curtain but made a fool of men, and that nothing could be seen because nothing was behind it ; but to convince these persons, the rest pushed them hastily behind." Schiller, Geisterseher. [Vierter Brief.] IV. 350. As gentle shepherd in sweet eventide When ruddy Phoebus gins to welk in west High on a hill, his flock to vewen wide, Marks which do bite their hasty supper best. Faery Queen B. 1. c. 1. [st. 23.] A little lowly hermitage it was Down in a dale hard by a forest's side, Far from resort of people that did pass In travel to and fro : a little wyde (distant ?) There was a holy chapel edified, 1 ' What that may be which only those see who are about to die.' 4 49 NOTE BOOK OF Wherein the hermit duly wont to say His holy things each morn and eventide : Thereby a chrystal stream did gently play, Which from a sacred fountain welled forth away. (Do.) [st. 34.] Error (battle with) graphical but beastly — Morpheus' establishment is well done. " Bold bad man " is Spenser's — it might have been anybody's. By this the northern waggoner had set His sevenfold teme behind the stedfast starre That was in ocean waves yet never wet. But firm is fixt, and sendeth light from farre To all that in the wide deep wandring arre: And chearefull chaunticlere with &c. B. i. c. ii. [st. 1.] At last the golden orientall gate Of greatest Heaven gan to open fayre ; And Phcebus fresh as bridegroom to his mate, Came dauncing forth shaking his deawie hayre And hurld his glistring beams thro' gloomy ayre B. i. c. v. [st. 2.] This Spenser pleaseth me well : he is a dainty body as ever I met with. Hactenus in May 1823 : it is now Novem- ber; 1 six weary months have passed away, l 3 Nov 1 ; 1823. (at Kinnaird ! with Bullers.) [T. C. 1866.] Since the spring of 1822 Carlyle had remained in Edinburgh as tutor of Charles and Arthur Buller. In May, 1823, the Buller family removed to Kinnaird House, 50 THOMAS CARLYLE. another portion from my span of being ; and here am I, in a wet dreary night, at Kinnaird, with no recollections or acquisitions to fill up that space with; but the recollection of agonized days and nights, and the acquisition of a state of health worse than it ever was ! My time ! my time ! My peace and activity ! My hopes and purposes ! Where are they ? I could read the curse of Ernulphus, 1 or some- thing twenty-times as fierce, upon myself and all things earthly. What will become of me ? Happiness! Tophet must be happier than this : or they — But basta / It is no use talk- ing. Let me get on with Schiller; then with Goethe. " They that meaned at a gowden gown gat aye the sleeve." I shall not even get the listing. — These remarks are interest- ing to read some months after date: I will continue them . Schiller is in the wrong vein. 2 Laborious, partly affected, meagre, bombastic : too often it strives by lofty words to hide littleness of thought. Would I were done with it! Oh Carlyle if ever thou become happy ', think on these days of pain and dark- ness; and thou wilt join trembling with thy mirth! Forth! Forth! 3 d November 1823. a beautiful place near Dunkeld on the Tay, and here Car- lyle resided with them till, in 1824, they removed to Lon- don. See Life, Vol. i. ; Early Letters, Vol. ii. ISee Tristram Shandy, Book iii. c. 11. 2 The Life of Schiller which he was now engaged in writing. 51 NOTE BOOK OF List of French books — to be read it ever I have leisure and fall in with them. I tran- scribe them from the back of an old Recipe (the Bumming Doctor's — which I recollect well) about three years of age. Some one or two I have read since then, and omit here. I suppose they must originally have been taken from Chenevix' Articles in the Edin r Review ; but I am not certain. Malebranche, Recherche de la verite\ Condillac, La Logique. Bonnet, Psychologic De Gerando, Des Connaissances humaines. De Tracy (on Grammar, Ideology &c.) Garat ? Charron ? La Mothe Le Vayer ? Nicole, Essais de Morale. St Lambert (weak I understand). Principes de morale chez toutes les nations. Servan, Dupaty, Calonne, Sieyes, Lebrun, Roederer, Marbois, Neucours, Gamier, Per- reau, Bexon, Bourguignon, Pastoret, Lacre- telle, De Bonald. These are marked u polit."'m the List: except Sieyes and Lacretelle and Calonne I never before heard their names, and know nothing about them. Lacretelle I have read one work of, the Religious Wars: it is a poor flashy performance, readable because its sub- ject is interesting ; and the author tho' half a puppy has been among thinkers in the 19th century. 52 THOMAS CARLYLE. Cardinal de Retz. M6moires Brantdme. Froissart (this I should like best) Seyssel (who is he ?) Velly, Mezeray. Vertot, D'Orl6ans, Dubos, Anquetil (bad) Rulhiere, Thouret, Royou (short hist, of France) I should also like to have Montaigne ; the vol. of his Essais that I read was very good — at least very curious. — Here are some rhymers: Marivaux, Malherbe, Balzac, Voiture, Scu- deri, Scarron, &c. I have long wished to read Grammont : the parts of it known to me are excellent. What of Mad. de La Fayette, her Princesse de Cleves? Abb6 Prevost his Cleveland ? Laclos ? Louvet ? Pigault-le-Brun ? — These I fear are but of the small deer I have too long been used to. There is something in a weak or dull book very nauseous to me. Reading is a weariness of the Flesh; after reading and studying about two scores of good books, there is no new thing whatever to be met with in the generality of libraries ; repetitions a thousand times repeated of the same general idea; feelings, opinions and events — all is what we might anticipate. No man without Themis- tocles' gift of forgetting can possibly spend his days in reading. 1 Generally about the age l" Vain was the prayer of Themistocles for a talent of Forgetting." Sartor Resartus, Book i. ch. viii. The 53 NOTE BOOK OF of five and twenty he should begin to put the little knowledge he has acquired (it can be but little) from books to some practical use. If I could write y that were my practical use. But alas! alas! Oh! Schiller what secret hadst thou for creating such things as Max and Thekla when thy body was wasting with disease ? I am well nigh done I think. To die is hard enough at this age ; to die by inches is very hard. But I will not, tho' all things human and divine are against me, I will not. Schiller Part II. is off to London three weeks ago : it was very bad. Part III. I am swithering to begin : would it were finished. I spent ten days (wretchedly) in Edinf and Had n ; I was consulting doctors, who made me give up my dear nicotiana and take to mercury. I sometimes think I shall recover. December 14th. I am to write letters and then begin Schil- ler. May God bless all my Friends — my poor Mother at the head of them ! Oh it sometimes comes over me like the shadow of Death — the thought that we are all parting from one another — each moving his several his destined inevitable way, Fate driving us on, inexorable dead relentless Fate ! No de- liverance ? (mil dem Fusse stampfend). 1 No saying of Themistocles is reported by Cicero, De Ora- tore, ii. 74. 1 " Stamping with the foot." 54 THOMAS CARLYLE. help ? Alas poor sons of Adam ! But no more of this. 31st December The year is closing; this 1823. time eight and twenty years I was a child of three weeks old lying sleeping in my mother's bosom. Oh little did my mither think That day she cradled me, The lands that I should travel in The death I was to die. i Another hour and 1823 is with the years beyond the flood. What have I done to mark the course of it ? Suffered the pangs of Tophet almost daily, grown sicker and sicker, alienated by my misery certain of my friends, and worn out from my own mind a few remaining capabilities of enjoyment, re- duced my world a little nearer the condition of a bare haggard desart, where peace and rest for me is none. Hopeful youth Mr. C. ! Another year or two and it will do ; another 1 To this, Carlyle in 1866 appended the words " Ex- tract by Burns —first came to me thro' T. Murray." The stanza is from the beautiful ballad, of much dis- cussed origin, known as " Mary Hamilton," or " The Queen's Marie." See Child's English and Scottish Popular Ballads, Vol. iii. p. 379 and Vol. v. p. 246. " We first hear of the Scottish Ballad," says Professor Child, "in 1790, when a stanza is quoted in a letter of Robert Burns." The letter is to Mrs. Dun lop, 25 th Jan. 1790. See Currie's Works of Burns 1800, ii. 290. 55 NOTE BOOK OF year or two and thou wilt wholly be the caput mortuum of thy former self, a creature igno- rant, stupid, peevish, disappointed, broken- hearted ; the veriest wretch upon the surface of the globe. My curse seems deeper and blacker than that of any man : to be immured in a rotten carcass, every avenue of which is changed into an inlet of pain; till my intellect is obscured and weakened, and my head and heart are alike desolate and dark. How have I deserved this ? Or is it merely a dead in- exorable Fate that orders these things, caring no jot for merit or demerit, crushing our poor mortal interests among its ponderous ma- chinery, and grinding us and them to dust relentlessly ? I know not j shall I ever know ? " Then why don't you kill yourself Sir ? Is there not arsenic ? Is there not ratsbane of various kinds, and hemp and steel ? " Most true, Sathanas, all these things are: but it will be time enough to use them when I have lost the game, which I am as yet but losing. You observe Sir I have still a glimmering of hope; and while my friends {my friends, my Mother, Father, brothers and sisters) live, the duty of not breaking their hearts would still remain to be performed when hope had utterly fled. For which reasons, even if there were no other (which however I be- lieve there are), the benevolent Sathanas will excuse me. I do not design to be a suicide: 56 THOMAS CARLYLE. God in Heaven forbid! That way I was never tempted. 1 But where is the use of going on with this ? I am not writing like a reasonable man : if I am miserable, the more reason there is to gather my faculties together, and see what can be done to help myself. I want health, health, health. On this subject I am becom- ing quite furious: my torments are greater than I am able to bear. If I do not soon re- cover I am miserable for ever and ever. They talk of the benefit of ill-health in a moral point of view. 2 I declare solemnly without exaggeration that I impute nine tenths of my l"From Suicide," says Teufelsdrockh, "a certain aftershine (Nachschein) of Christianity withheld me: perhaps, also, a certain indolence of character ; for was not that a remedy I had at any time within reach ? " Sartor Resartus, Book ii. ch. vii. 2 In later years Carlyle wrote, in recalling this period of his life, " Other things might have made me hopeful and cheerful as beseemed my years, — had not Dyspepsia, with its base and unspeakable miseries, kept such fatal hold of me, which, perhaps, needed only a wise Doctor, too, as I found afterwards, when too late ! Heavy, grind- ing, and continual has that burden lain on me ever since to this hour, and will lie ; but I must not complain of it, either ; it was not wholly a curse, as I can sometimes recognize, but perhaps a thing needed, and partly a blessing, though a stern one, and bitter to flesh and blood." Early Letters, ii. 114, note. See also in regard to his sufferings from dyspepsia, Reminiscences, ii. 107, no. 113, 115, 140. The evil was augmented by unwise doc- tors, who dosed him with active but ineffectual drugs, weakening his health without remedying the specific trouble. 57 NOTE BOOK OF present wretchedness, and rather more than nine tenths of all my faults to this infernal disorder in the stomach. If it were once away I think I could snap my fingers in the face of all the world. The only good of it is the friends it tries for us and endears to us ! Oh ! there is a charm in the true affection that suffering cannot weary, that abides by us in the day of fretfulness and dark calamity — a charm which almost makes amends for misery. Love to my friends — Alas ! I may almost say relations ! — is now almost the sole religion of my mind. In a month we quit this place ; they x with a view to amusement, I in the hope of get- ting Meister printed. 2 I have better hopes of Meister than I had ; tho' still they are very 1 The Bullers. 2 In the spring of 1823 Carlyle had engaged with an Edinburgh bookseller to translate Wilhelm Meister. In a bit of reminiscences, printed in his Early Letters, ii. p. 201, note, Carlyle, describing his life at Kinnaird House, says : " I lodged and slept in the old mansion, a queer, old-fashioned, snug enough, entirely secluded edifice, sunk among trees, about a gunshot from the new big House ; hither I came to smoke about twice or thrice in the daytime ; had a good oak-wood fire at night, and sat in a seclusion, in a silence not to be surpassed above ground. I was writing Schiller, translating Meister ; my health in spite of my diligent riding, grew worse and worse ; thoughts all wrapt in gloom, in weak dispiritment and discontent, wandering mournfully to my loved ones far away ; letters to and from, it may well be supposed, were my most genial solacement. At times, too, there was something of noble in my sorrow, in the great soli- tude among the rocking winds, but not often." 58 THOMAS CARLYLE. faint. Schiller P. III. I began just three nights ago. I absolutely could not sooner. These drugs leave me scarcely the conscious- ness of existence. They take away all am- bition, all wish for aught beyond deep sleep if that might by any means be made to fall upon me. I am scribbling not writing Schil- ler : my mind will not catch hold of it ; I skim it, do as I will, and I am anxious as possible to get it off my hands. It will not do for publishing separately : it is not in my natural vein. I wrote a very little of it to- night, and then went and talked ineptitudes at the house. Also there is mercurial powder in me, and a gnawing pain over all the or- gans of digestion — especially in the pit and left side of the stomach. Let this excuse the wild absurdity above. Half past eleven ! The silly Denovan * is coming down (at least so I interpreted his threat) with punch or wishes ; which curtails the few reflections this mercury might still leave it in my power to make. To make none at all will perhaps be as well. It ex- hibits not an interesting but a true picture of my present mood — stupid, unhappy, by fits wretched, but also dull, dull and very weak. Now fare thee well old twenty-three ! No power, no art can thee retain 1 Probably the butler of the Bullers. 59 NOTE BOOK OF Eternity will roll away — Eternity ! And thou wilt never come again. And welcome thou, young twenty-four, Thou bringer to men of joy and grief! Whate'er thou bringest, in sufferings sore The patient heart in faith will hope relief. — Here thou art by Jove! Denny is not come. Good night! "To whom?" There is a good explanation of the aequo pul- satpede in Swinburne's travels : it seems credit- ors and other aggrieved persons still signify their determined hostility and resolution to be avenged by kicking at the door of the debtor. I have sometimes been reading BoswelPs Life of Johnson lately : Johnson talked well but not more wisely than a common man; at least very little more. Also his conversa- tion is only intellectually felicitous; he has no strange ideas to shew, no curious modes of feelings; he only does well what every one can do in some way. I figure Goethe or even Coleridge to be more curious persons. Poor Goethe is " again dangerously ill " the papers say. Basta / 7th January Such three days I have had [1824]. with the introduction to Schil- ler / — and then to reject it all ! I must insert some of it here to-mor- 60 THOMAS CARLYLE. row, for it cost me labour, and should not be totally lost. To-night I am going to write to Had"* Last Sunday came the Times newspaper with the commencement of Schiller Part II extracted. So Walter 2 thought it on this side zero ! I believe this is about the first com- pliment (most slender as it is) that ever was paid me, by a person who could have no in- terest in hoodwinking me. I am very weak : it kept me cheerful for an hour; even yet I some- times feel it. — Certainly no one ever wrote with such tremendous difficulty as I do. Shall I learn to " write with ease " — ever learn ? I have got half a new idea to-day about history: it is more than I can say for any day the last six months. Confessio TiDKi of Wallensteins Jager {2$) purposed I mean to be quite easy and gay, To see something new on each [new] day, In joys of the sharing To the moment merrily trusting, [On the past or the future] not thinking or caring No thought on the past or the future casting. So, look, to the Kaiser I sold my bacon And by him let the charge of all needful be taken lTo Miss Welsh, at Haddington. 2 The proprietor of the Times. NOTE BOOK OF mid thickest Order me on to the whistling cannon shot Rhine's wild roaring tide Over the red and roaring Rhine, The second man must go to pot, — not minding a jot I mount and ride without loss of time. d'ye see But farther I humbly beg and pray, you'd let me be That in other things I may have my way. Marketenderin. Cousin ! since then I 've been wide and far, To-day we come, to-morrow we go, the rough rude As it happens the besom of war Pleases to shove us Shakes one and sweeps one to and fro Wallenstein. Our life was but a battle and a march, And like the wind's blast, never-resting, homeless, We stormed across the war-convulsed earth. KUrassier — This sword of ours is no plough or spade You cannot delve or reap with the iron blade falls For us there springs no seed, no cornfield grows 62 THOMAS CARLYLE. The soldier no home nor kindred knows, Must wander over the face of the earth, Must warm his hands at another's hearth, From must onward roam To the pomp of towns he bids adieu, In the village green with its cheerful game, laughing times of In the vintage [time] or harvest-home, No part or lot can the soldier claim. In the place of goods of worth or pelf Tell me then what goods or worth he has What has he unless If the soldier cease to honour himself? naught to call Leave him nothing of his own, what wonder fellow The creature should burn and kill and plunder ? VERSES TO MRS. BULLER ON SEEING HER IN A HIGHLAND DRESS— By Dr. John Leyden. [From a copy in Mrs. B.'s handwriting — Jan? 1824.] That bonnet's pride, that tartan's flow, My soul with wild emotion fills ; Methinks I see in fancy's glow A princess from the land of hills. O for a Fairy's hand to trace The rainbow tints that rise to view ! That slender form of sweeter grace Than e'er Malvina's poet drew ! 63 NOTE BOOK OF Her brilliant eye, her streaming hair, Her skin's soft splendour to display The finest pencil must despair Till it can paint the solar ray. Calcutta, 1 8 1 1. It must be night ere Friedland's star will beam. " 21st September, Hoddam Hill. 1 A hiatus 1825. valde deflendus / Since the last line was written, what a wandering to and fro, how many sad vicissitudes of despicable suffering and inaction have I undergone ! This little book and the desk that carries it have passed a summer and winter in London, since I last opened it; and I their foolish owner have roamed about the brick-built Babylon, the sooty Brummagem, and Paris the Vanity-fair of our modern world! My mood of mind is changed : is it improved ? Weiss nicht. 2 This stagnation is not peace, or it is the peace of Galgacus' Romans : ubi 1 A little Farm, not far from Ecclefechan, with a cot- tage for dwelling-house where " at noon-day (26th May, 1825) I established myself, set up my Books, and bits of implements and Lares ; and took to doing German Ro- mance as my daily work." " This year at Hoddam Hill . . . lies now like a not ignoble russet-coated Idyll in my memory ; one of the quietest on the whole, and per- haps the most triumphantly important of my life." Reminiscences , ii. 178. 2 " I know not." 64 THOMAS CARLYLE. solihidinem faciimt pacem appellatit. 1 How difficult it is to free one's mind from cant ; how very seldom are the principles we act on clear to our own reason ! Of the great nos- trums " forgetfulness of self " and "humbling of vanity," it were better therefore to say nothing: in my speech concerning them I overcharge the impression they have made on me, for my Conscience like my sense of Pain or Pleasure has grown dull, and I secretly desire to compensate for laxity of feeling by intenseness of describing. How much of these great nostrums is the product of necessity ? Am I like a sorry hack con- tent \.o feed on heather while rich clover seems to lie around it at a little distance, because in struggling to break the tether it has almost hanged itself? O that I could " go out of the body to philosophize ! " That I could even feel as of old the glory and magnificence of things till my own little me {mein kleifies Ich) were swallowed up and lost in them ! (partly cant ! ) But I cannot, I cannot ! Shall I ever more ? Gott weiss. At present I am but an abgerissenes Glied t a limb torn off from the family of Man, excluded from activity, with Pain for my companion, and Hope that comes to all rarely visiting me, and what is stranger rarely desired with vehemence! 1" Where they make a solitude they call it peace." Tacitus, Life of Agricola, c. 30. 5 6 S NOTE BOOK OF Unhappy man in whom the body has gained mastery over the soul ! Inverse Sensualist, not drawn into the rank of beasts by pleasure, but driven into it by pain ! Hush ! Hush ! Per- haps this is the Truce which weary Nature has conquered for herself to re-collect her scat- tered strength! Perhaps like an Eagle (or a Goose) she will " mew her mighty youth " and fly against the sun, or at least fish pad- docks with equanimity, like other birds of a similar feather; and no more lie among the pots, winged, maimed and plucked, doing nothing but chirp like a chicken in the coop for the livelong day. " Jook and let the jaw gae by," 1 my pretty Sir: when this soli- tude becomes intolerable to you, it will be time enough to quit it for the dreary blank which society and the bitterest activity have hitherto afforded you. You deserve consid- erable pity Mr. C. j and likewise considerable contempt. Heaven be your comforter my worthy Sir, you are in a promising condition at this present; sinking to the bottom, yet laid down to sleep ; Destruction brandishing his sword above you, and you quietly desir- ing him to take your life but spare your rest ! Gott hilf Ihnen / — Now for Tieck and his Runenberg : but first one whiff of generous narcotic ! How gladly " we love to wander on the plain with the summit in our eye ! " l " Duck, and let the wave go by." 66 THOMAS CARLYLE. Ach Du meine Einzige, die Du mich liebst und Dich an mir anschmiegst, warum bin Ich Dir wie ein gebrochenes Rohr ! — Sollst Du niemals glucklich werden ! Wo bist Du heute Nacht? Mogen Friede und Liebe und Hoffnung deine Gefahrten seyn ! Leb' wohl ! 1 3d December Comley Bank. Married! 1826. Married! — Aber still da- von! 2 — and of a thousand other things. I am for business. 3 Read Sir T. Browne's Religio Medici and Urne Burial lately ; his Vulgar Errors I had already seen at Kew. The Urne Burial I think (with little C. Lamb) the best; tho' much of it is little edifying at this time of day, or perhaps rather to this sort of reader. Disquisitions on all imaginable modes of sepulture; of mummies, bones, cremation, inhumation, &c, &c, not without here and there a straggling tone of pathetic feeling, or a gleam of philosophic thought. But the conclusion of the Essay is absolutely beauti- ful. A still, elegiac mood ; so soft, so deep, 1 "Ah, mine only one, thou that lovest me and clingest to me, why am I but as a broken reed for thee. Art thou never to be happy ! Where art thou to-night ? May Peace and Love and Hope be with thee ! Farewell ! ' ' 2 " But of that no words." 3 Carlyle's marriage had taken place on October 17 ; and he and his wife were established at Comley Bank, a house in the northwestern suburbs of Edinburgh, where they lived till they went to Craigenputtock, in 1828. 67 NOTE BOOK OF so solemn and tender, like the song of some departed Saint flitting faint under the ever- lasting canopy of Night ! An echo of deep- est meaning from "the great and famous nations of the Dead." Browne must have been a good man. What was his history ? What the real form of his character? for as yet I see him only thro' a glass darkly. " Abiit ad p lures, he hath gone to the greater num- ber." Life of him by Dr. Johnson. Qiialis? Two infants reasoning in the womb about the nature of this life might be no " unhand- some " type of two men reasoning here about the life that is to come. 1 Lux Jovi, tenebrae Oreo, 2 one stroke up, the other stroke down. These bones have slept quietly " beneath the drums and trampling of three conquests." 3 The Quincunx I like worst : full of learn- ing, but of a kind little to my taste, tho' I blame not the taste of it in him. The last chapter is better than all the rest. " The hunters are up in Persia " 4 has been quoted 1 "A dialogue between two infants in the womb con- cerning the state of this world, might handsomely illus- trate our ignorance of the next." Urn Burial, ch. 4. 2 " Light unto Pluto is darkness unto Jupiter." Gar- den of Cyrus, or the Quincuncial Lozenge, ch. 4. " Lux Oreo, tenebrae Jovi ; tenebrae Oreo, lux Jovi." Hippo- crates de Dieta ; S. Hevelii Selenographia. These refer- ences are from Wilkin's note on the passage in his edi- tion of Browne's Works, iii. 436. 3 Urn Burial, ch. 5. 4 " To keep our eyes open longer were but to act our 68 THOMAS CARLYLE. already in some Magazine. Browne stands midway between a poet and an orator. His Religio Medici is most readable of any, and indeed contains many true and praise- worthy things; only he gives himself fax too good and orthodox a character, thereby leav- ing us no refuge but to envy him in despair of doing so likewise ; or, what will be a more common resource, to disbelieve in and reject him as a moral dandy. I should like to know more of him ; but I ought to understand his time better also. What are we to make of this old English Lit- erature ? Touches of true beauty are thickly scattered over these works; great learning, solidity of thought ; but much, much that now cannot avail any longer. Certainly the spirit of that age was far better than that of ours ; is the form of our literature an improvement intrinsically, or only a form better adapted to our actual condition? I often think, the latter. Difficulty of speaking on these points without affectation. We know not what to think, and would gladly think something very striking and pretty. Sir W. Raleigh's Advice to his Son; worldly- wise, solid, sharp, farseen — The motto : " No- thing like getting on / " — Of Burleigh's Ad- vice the motto is the same ; the execution, if Antipodes. The huntsmen are up in America, and they are already past their first sleep in Persia." Garden of Cyrus, ad fin. 69 NOTE BOOK OF I rightly remember, is in a gentler and more loving spirit. Walsingham's Manual^ I did not read. These men of Elizabeth's are like so many Romans or Greeks. Were we to seek for the Caesars, the Ciceros, the Pericles', Alcibiades' &c. of England, we should find them nowhere if not in that era. Wherefore are these things hid ? Or worse than hid, presented in false tinsel colours, originating in affected ignorance and producing affected ignorance ? Would I knew rightly about it, and could present it rightly to others ! For hear alas ! this mournful truth, nor hear it with a frown : 2 There, in that old age, lies the o?ily true poetical literature of England. The poets of the last age took to pedagogy (see Pope and his School) and shrewd men they were; those of the present age to ground and lofty tumbling, and it will really do your heart good to see how they vault ! 1 A book attributed to Elizabeth's crafty and unscru- pulous minister, Sir Francis Walsingham, entitled Ar- cana Aulica or Walsingham's Manual of Prudential Maxims. It was not published till long after Walsing- ham's death. 2 Dr. Johnson's impromptu while Miss Reynolds was pouring tea : " Yet hear, alas ! this mournful truth, Nor hear it with a frown, Thou can' st not make the tea so fast As I can gulp it down." Hawkins' Life of Johnson (1787), p. 345, and Dr. Birk- beck Hill's Johnsonian Miscellanies (1897), ii. 315. 70 THOMAS CARLYLE. It is a damnable heresy in criticism to maintain either expressly or implicately that the ultimate object of Poetry is sensation. 1 That of Cookery is such, but not that of Poetry. Sir W. Scott is the great Restaurateur of Europe: he might have been numbered among their Conscript Fathers ; he has chosen the worser part, and is only a huge Publicanus. What is his novel, any of them ? A bout of champagne, claret, port or even ale drinking. Are we wiser, better, holier, stronger ? No : we have been — amused. O Sir Walter, thou knowest too well, that Virtus laudatur et alget. 2 Byron, good, generous, hapless Byron! And yet when he died he was only a Kraft- mann, Power-man as the Germans call them. Had he lived he would have been a Poet. 3 I have read Shaftesbury's Characteristics (same date), but found it wofully difficult to keep my attention fixed on him. He is not at all a man according to my heart ; yet I would not deny him the credit of being a 1" Sensation, even of the finest and most rapturous sort, is not the end but the means." " State of German Literature" (1827), Essays, i. 47, where the true nature of Poetry is discussed. 2 " For Virtue is but drily prais'd and starves." Dry- den, Translation of Juvenal's Satires, i. 113. 3 " With longer life all things were to have been hoped for from Byron." " State of German Literature," Essays, i- 59- 7i NOTE BOOK OF man, that is a person conscious of himself and his actions, fixed and determined on all sides, not walking in darkness as others lead him, but in light as he leads himself. He is a Ciceronian sceptic, a philosopher of the eclec- tic school ; the child of Culture not of Nature; except to the men of his own age, therefore, or to the historian of them, he has little to say. Scarce a thought of his dwells with me, I am sorry to say ; for which tho' I and my circum- stances are partly, we are not wholly to blame. " Pinch " for strait ; " anything worth " ; " for good and all " &c. &c. — What shall I say of Herder's Ideen zur Philosophie der Geschichte der Menschheit? 1 An extraordinary Book, yet one which by no means wholly pleaseth me. If Herder were not known as a devout man and clerk, his book would be reckoned atheistical. Every- thing is the effect of circumstances and or- ganisation : Er war was er seyn konnte / 2 The breath of life is but a higher intensa- tion of Light and Electricity ! This is surely very dubious, to say no worse of it. Theo- ries of this and kindred sorts deform his whole work here and there. — Immortality not shewn us, but left us to be hoped for, and be- lieved by Faith. Yet this world, as he thinks, 1 " Ideas on the Philosophy of the History of Mankind." 2 " He was what it was possible for him to be." 72 THOMAS CARLYLE. sufficiently explainable without reference to another : Humanitat the great object of Na- ture in all her arrangements of society; from the Troglodytes to the wits of Paris and Weimar. How true is this ? At least this ought to be our object. On the whole Herder shews much of it himself. If any thing he has a leaning to the East. But indeed he loves all men and all things: his very de- scriptions of animals and inanimate agencies are animated, cordial, affectionate; much more so those of men in their varied Thun und Treiben^ tho' perhaps the former are not less poetical. Strange ideas about the Bible and Reli- gion; passing strange we think them for a clergyman. Must see more of Herder : he is a new species in some degree ; a sort of Browne redivivus? — O Athens, modern Athens ! An- drew Thomson versus J. Gottfried Herder; the "Apocryphal Controversy" versus the Philosophy of Man ! Certainly we are the most intellectual people in nature at pre- sent. — Tieck's Genoveva is a poetical play. Golo, 2 I think, is best. Grimoald even has some touch of beauty. Genoveva second best. Martel one of the worst; and all the Saracens. 1 " Doing and dealing." 2 Golo, Grimoald, and the rest are characters in the play. 73 NOTE BOOK OF Plan of it imitated from Gb'tz von Berlichin- gen ? Too much beautiful description of na- ture. Fine scene with the witch in Strasburg. Benno's death, &c, &c. Good Marchen, Melusine, in his own style follows. — Tieck is next to Goethe — now that Richter is gone. Hans Sachs is a curious fellow; both in age and character; full of humour, reading, honesty, good nature ; of the quickest obser- vation, three hundred years old, and — a shoemaker, what a strange medley may we not expect ! i Is his way of treating Heaven, Christus, &c. like that of our old Mysteries ? See the Tailor with the flag; St. Peter and the Landsknechts, &c. — Story of the water-doctor which I have heard applied to Habbie Bell of, Shortrig/ 2 In like manner the Monk and Miller's wife: so stories travel. — The Nar- renschneiden I think the best of his pieces : the Holen-Krapferi* is curious but more local in its interest. — What of these poetical Zunfts?^ Where are they to be learned of? S. Ranisch life of Hans Sachs (Altenb. 1765); Reformationsalmanach, 1821, by Chr. Niemeyer. Busching has edited Sachs. — 1 See Carlyle's essay on the " State of German Litera- ture" (1827), Essays, Vol. i. 2 Shortrig is the name of a farm in Dumfriesshire ; Habbie Bell most likely the tenant of it. A. C. 3 Das Krappfen-holn. 4 " Guilds." 74 THOMAS CARLYLE. Books recommended in Herder. Beausobre, Mosheim, Brucker, W.alch, Jab- lonski, Semler (writers on the Church opin- ions ; the three last unknown to me). Caylus, St. Palaye — their writings col- lected from the Acad, des Inscriptions. Pfeiffer (on Church matters). Koch's Table des revolutions (trivial ?) Fischer, Sibirische Geschichte Whiston (What are his hist. & theological works?) Rosler's Bibl. der Kirchenvater. Praise of Gibbon, p. 340 note. Gatterer's Abriss der Universalgeschichte (Gottingen 1773). Mascou's Geschichte der Deutschen (Leipz. 1727). Lucan, Mela, Columella, two Senecas, Quintilian, Martial, Florus, Columella — Spaniards. Velasquez, History of Spanish poetry — in German also (Gottingen 1769). ■ Ferrara's Hist, of Spain. Mannert's Geographie der Griechen und Romer (much praised). F. C. J. Fischer, Sitten und Gebrauche der Europaer im 5 und 6 Jahrhundert (1784). Fischer's Geschichte des deutschen Han- dels (The same Fischer ?) Le Bret's History of Venice. 75 NOTE BOOK OF Moser's Osnabriickische Geschichte. Curne de Ste. Palaye, Chivalry of the Mid- dle Ages (in various treatises). ( Reiske (orientalist), zum Thograi. ( Cardonne (do) Poiret, Arnold (writers on Mystik). Fiissli, Geschichte (Ketzer- und Kirchen-) of the middle age. Middleton's Life of Cicero praised p. 203. Grellmann, Historisch Versuch iiber die Zigeuner. Historical materials for the Slavonians, p. 290. Miiller, Sulzer only known to me. Meierotto iiber die Sitten und Lebensart der Romer. Berlin, 1776. Paruta (who was he ? Wrote on the Ro- mans like Machiavel). Winckelmann, Geschichte der Kunst. (Must see that work). Heyne, Demster, Buonarroti on the Etrus- cans — also Paralipom. Passerii (!) Florence 1723-67. Spon, Stuart, Chandler, Riedesel's Travels in Greece. Heyne, Opuscula Academ. Meiners, Geschichte der Wissenschaften in Griechenland und Rom. Gillies has translated Lysias and Isocrates. Parrhasius painted the Demon Athenien- sium (strange mixture), Pliny. The Chest of Cypselus (Heyne's Essay on) 76 THOMAS CARLYLE. — his mother hid him in a xu^s'Xrj (chest) & saved him from the Bacchiadae. Eichhorn, Ges. des Ostindischen Handels. Anquetil du Perron (orientalist). Pallas, Nordische Beitrage. Maillac, Hist, generate de la Chine. Camper, Dutch comparative anatomist — facial angle. Forster, Zimmermann, Geographers. Chardin, Voyages en Perse. Reimarus (a naturalist. Triebe der Thiere (are there two R's ?) Blumenbach de varietate gen. hum. Linnaei Amoenitates Academ. 5th Dp r To-morrow I write out a Pros- pectus for a " Literary Annual Register." Not at all likely that the Biblio- polists will undertake such a thing at pres- ent; however we will try. To-day I have done, thought, said or seen — nothing. Sofliehen meine Tage/ 1 Why are the homines domes so happy ? Or is their happiness rather cause than effect? Willie Bell of Newfield 2 is not happy ; yet he is Mm- ited enough. Few men have the secret of being at once determinate (besHtnmt) and open ; of know- 1 " Thus my days fly." 2 Newfield, a farm near Ecclefechan and Hoddam Hill. A. C. 77 NOTE BOOK OF ing what they do know, and yet lying ready for farther knowledge. Coleridge says, " Many men live all their days without ever having an idea; and some of them with thousands of things they call ideas; but an Idea is not a Perception or Image, it cannot be painted, it is infinite." Such was his meaning (not his words) : I half or three-fourths seem to understand him. Literary Annual Register might be the title of a work performing, for the intelligent part of the reading world, some such service as our many Forget-me-nots, Souvenirs &c seem to perform for the idle part of it. A work which should exhibit by such means as the Author found most attainable a compressed view of the actual progress of Mind in its various manifestations during the bygone year. It might consist : i. Of Biographical portraits of distinguished persons lately deceased; the year 1827 might contain Byron, Parr, Jean Paul, Talma &c. ; delineated with some degree of care and mi- nuteness, in the style of the German Romance (ein sehr unbekanntes Werk *) only at greater length, and with a more flowing, popular and anecdotic aspect. Not a dead detail of this or that man's actions and writings chrono- logically arranged, and backed with pieces 1 " A very obscure work." 78 THOMAS CARLYLE. justificatives ; but an attempt, at least, to bring a likeness of him before the reader ; for which purpose it would naturally be neces- sary first to have a likeness of him before oneself. 2. Of Essays, Sketches, Miscellanies, of various sorts, but all tending to exhibit the distinctive phases of our existing style of Lit- erature, Morals and Manners, to point out its merits, and not hide its short-comings and perversions ; on which points several things might be adduced not a little surprising and perhaps unpalatable to the optimists and mob of gentlemen, that write with ease. Mechanics' Institutes], Doctrine of Utility &c. &c. 3. Of Critiques, accompanied with consid- erable extracts, of the few really good books (or rather of the most considerable books) produced lately in England, Germany, France, Italy. This might be an interesting but ought not to become too extensive a department of the work. By right it should be an " Es- sence of Reviewing," a spirit of the literary produce of the year. 4. If there was any one (such might per- haps be found) to give a similar account of the works of Art for the year; the chief stat- ues, pictures, engravings, a sheet or two might very profitably be allotted to that purpose. 5. In case no better might be, I myself would undertake to say something about 79 NOTE BOOK OF Science ; to gather from Journals foreign and domestic, something like a view of its actual condition and progress within the year. On this point to obtain help were no difficult matter. 6. Tho' we propose to waive the consider- ation of political and civil history, restricting ourselves purely to what is intellectual & moral; yet any such incidents, misfortunes, delusions, crimes, heroic actions as seemed strongly to illustrate the spiritual condition of man in our time, it would be well to col- lect, to sift, and preserve with as much accu- racy as might be. The Prince Hohenlohe, the Genevese Persecution ,the CommercialJoint Stock Mania, the Catholic Association &c. (pro- vided correct information could be obtained regarding them) were well worth a few words. Such are the leading elements of which this work might consist. These ought not to be arranged in distinct sections (at least not all of them), so much depends upon the particu- lar details of each individual year ; but min- gled together in such manner as the Author might judge most artist-like, and best calcu- lated to fulfil his object, that of conveying to the reader the truest impression he can give him of the general progress of intellect during the past year. Poetry would not be excluded here and there could such be come at; but from all 80 THOMAS CARLYLE. " Odes written at — " " Lines to — " " Verses on — " &c. &c. and the whole genus of" Songs by a Person of Quality," good Lord deliver hooz / * If the Bookseller liked he might add a register of Patents &c. &c. and so recom- mend his work to " practical men." (N. B. Not do. Essayons /) 2 7th December. " My whole life has been a continued night-mare; and my awakening will be in Hell." — Tieck. " There is just one man unhappy; he who is possessed by some idea which he cannot convert into an action, or still more which restrains and withdraws him from action." — Goethe. Wie wahr / 3 "The end of man is an Action not a Thoughts — Aristotle. 4 How many eulogies of Activity, and No- thing acted ! Adam is fabled by the Talmudists to have 1 Vulgar Scotch pronunciation of "us." A. C. 2 The project of this Annual Register came to nothing. 3" How true ! " 4 " Hadst thou not Greek enough to understand thus much : The end of Man is an Action, and not a Thought, though it were the noblest?" Sartor Resartus, Book ii. ch. vi. In his " Wotton Reinfred," — his unfinished story, written in 1827, — Carlyle again cites this saying, calling it "the wisest thing he [Aristotle] ever said." The doctrine was one of the permanent articles of Car- lyle's creed. The original is in the Ethics, x. 9. 1. 6 81 NOTE BOOK OF had a wife before Eve : she was called Lilis (see Faust — Goldne Hochzeit); and their progeny was all manner of terrestrial, aquatic and aerial — Devils ! — Burton. 1 Read Zacharias Werner's Life by Hitzig, 2 and his Mutter der Makkabaer, a Judaico- Christian Tragedy, attempting very unsuc- cessfully to represent the spirit of religious martyrdom. The play is surely bad in most respects. No character exhibited in the slight- est degree probable; no incident grounded on reality, no interest grounded on anything. Some half score of ghosts figure in the piece : Salome and her seven sons have no more life than the wooden characters in the well-known popular drama of Punch, Jason the renegate Highpriest, Antiochus, Nicanor (in a less de- gree) &c. &c. could have been tolerated by no true Artist. This is the only work of Werner's known to me ; and surely it has not increased my desire of becoming farther ac- quainted with him. I doubt much if he was a Poet. But what of his history ? A cloudy, vague, mystic existence it was; the true secret of which I am not sure that I can unravel. To 1 Cited in Sartor Resartus, Book i., ch. v. 2 In 1827 Carlyle published a long article on Werner. See Essays, Vol. i. He expresses in it a similar opinion on the Mutter der Makkabaer to that which he formed on first reading it. 82 THOMAS CARLYLE. say that he was mad is saying little : the way in which fools unravel difficulties of that sort. His mother was mad ; for she believed herself to be the Virgin Mary, and that her son was the Shiloh promised to the Gentiles : but there is no such fatuity recorded of her son. He had been extremely dissolute, it would appear, in early life ; so much so that his character was utterly broken, and his sen- tient principles (strong at first) had got com- plete mastery over his intellectual. There is no knowing, in this case, what we may be brought to believe. On the whole he was no good man, this Werner: a sensualist, vain, truckling, greedy, bent from first to last not on being wise and good but on being gratified and what he called happy. Chateaubriand, Schlegel (Friedrich), Werner and that class of men among ourselves, are one of the dis- tinctive features of this time, when Babylon the Great is about to be destroyed (her doom is inevitably appointed) by Infidelity; and Religion (too much interwoven with that same Babylon) has not yet risen on her ruins, but seems rather (only seems) as if about to perish with her. — A curious Essay might be written on the customary " Grounds of hu- man Belief." — Yes, it is true! the decisions of Reason ( Vernunft) are superior to those of Understanding ( Verstand) : the latter vary in every age (by what laws?), while the former 83 NOTE BOOK OF last forever, and are the same in all forms of manhood. — O Parson Alison, what an Essay on Taste is that of thine! 1 O most intellectual Athenians, what accounts are those you give us of Morality and Faith, and all that really makes a man a man! Can you be- lieve that the Beautiful and Good have no deeper root in us than "Association," " Sym- pathy," " Calculation ? " Then if so, whence in Heaven's name, comes this sympathy, the pleasure of this Association, the obbligante of this Utility ? You strive, like the witch of the Seethor (in Hoffmann) " to work from the outside inward," and two inches below the surface you will never get. Sir William Temple's works, I read several weeks ago; but for facts or opinions I scarcely find that I have drawn any from him, or indeed aught at all but the elevated, calm, accomplished, mildly sceptical, yet on the whole wise and benignant figure of the man himself. Indeed he was no Artist or speculative Philosopher, but a man of action ; almost the beau ideal of an English gentle- 1 Essays on the Nature and Principles of Taste, by the Rev. Archibald Alison, Edinburgh, 1790. A second edition in 1811 was reviewed with high praise by Jeffrey in the "Edinburgh Review." Alison's Theory of Taste was based on the principle of " association." Dust lies heavy on the book now. 84 THOMAS CARLYLE. man in the era of Queen Anne. He is not the best of conceivable characters, but I doubt greatly if we have improved. Apud se, " his own man." Burton (strange book that of his, yet full of amusement). 1 " Conclusum est contra Manichaeos," 2 cried Thomas Aquinas smiting the table with his fist, and forgetful that he was at supper with — King Louis. "Ad haras aptius quam ad aras." 3 — "Mould-warps." " A gripe." " Pullus Jovis et gallinae filius albae." 4 "To overshoot himself" — go beyond his means. " Crambem bis coctam reponere," set out cabbage twice boiled — a nasty enough dish. The philosophy of Voltaire and his tribe exhilarates and fills us with glorying for a season; the comfort of the Indian who warmed himself at the flames of his — bed. 1 This and the next entries are derived from The Anat- omy of Melancholy. 2 " It is settled against the Manichaeans." 3 " Fitter for styes than for altars." 4 "Jove's chick, and the son of a white hen." Festus, in his de Significatione Verborum, says, "The ancients were wont to call the boy whom anyone loved his chick (pullum)," and gives a curious instance of one Q. Fabius, nicknamed ' ' Ivory ' ' because of the whiteness of his skin, who was called pullus Jovis, because scarred on the rump and not otherwise hurt by a thunderbolt. It appears from Juvenal, Satire xiii. 141, that the phrase gallinae filius albae was used proverbially for a favorite of fortune. 85 NOTE BOOK OF " Deliquium." " Eating his own heart," Homer of Bellerophon. II. 3. (6 ?) A clown that killed his ass for drinking up the moon, ut Lunam mundo redderet 1 — In Ludfovicus] Vives. True of many critics of sceptics: the latter have not drunk up the moon but the reflexion of it in their own dirty puddle; therefore need not be slain. 2 — (Who was Lud. Viv. ? Should have a mod- ern Biographical Dictionary.) " Inter pontem et fontem, inter gladium et jugulum," 3 mercy may come to suicides. An asse and a mule went laden over a brook — the former with wool, the latter with salt; which being wetted was much lightened. u He told the Asse, who thinking to speed as well wet his packe likewise at the next water, but it was much the heavier, hee quite tired " — (Camerarius Emb.) Burton. 230 — A fool or a physician at forty ? Tiberius thought at thirty. Tacit. Annal. 6. 4 1 " That he might restore the Moon to the world." 2 Carlyle repeated this story at the end of his essay on Voltaire (1829). Essays, Vol. ii. 3 "Between the bridge and the stream, Between the sword and the throat, — " with which compare the distich ' ' Between the saddle and the ground, He mercy sought and mercy found." 4 " He was accustomed to scoff at the arts of physi- cians, and at those who after they were thirty years old required advice as to what was serviceable or hurtful to their health." Annals, vi., 46. 86 THOMAS CARLYLE. " Mosses " (for bogs) "and Marishes." " Nequaquam nos homines sumus, sed par- tes hominis; ex omnibus aliquid fieri potest, idque non magnum, ex singulis fere nihil." * (Scaliger.) Not men but man. " Sutton Coldfield in Warwickshire (where I was once a grammar Scholar) " — Burton. " Oldbury in the confines of Warwickshire, where I have looked about me with great delight, at the foot of which hill I was born." — And in a note — " At Lindley in Leices- tershire the possession and dwelling-house of Ralfe Burton Esquire my late deceased Father." " Aganella a faire maid of Corcyra " held by some to be the inventor of Tennis; "for shee presented the first ball that ever was made to Nausicaa the daughter of King Alcinous, and taught her how to use it." " Carew's Survey of Cornwall," sometimes quoted by Johnson. — Ascham. — Domitian delighted to catch flies; Augustus to play with nuts amongst children; Alex- ander Severus was often pleased to play with whelps and young pigs. Glucupicron. Nocumentum Documentum. 1 " In no wise are we men, but parts of man ; out of all something, at best no great thing, may be made ; out of individuals, scarce anything." 87 NOTE BOOK OF Julius Caesar Scaliger was born at Ripa near Verona in 1484. His parentage was much contested in his lifetime: he himself (and his son) pretended a descent from the Princes of Verona ; but on this matter their assertions were " strongly doubted." Julius led a wandering life; first a page at some Court or other ; more than once in the army, then as physician at Agen in France and Paris where he died. He began to study in his 30 th year : his first publication was in [his] 47* A man of vehement parts and temper; malleus scienliae, who amassed knowledge (of the kind then to be had) without stint; but seems to have been in regard to wisdom very scantily endowed even to the last. There is no life of him that I know except some details by his son Joseph Justus Scaliger, a man also of huge erudition, who removed from Paris to a Professorship at Leyden (with, ac- cording to Menage, a most contemptuous conge from Henry IV.) where he wrote An- notations, (Equations of the Calendar ?) and Letters concerning the Antiquity and Splen- dour of the Scaliger family ; and after a fair space "deed and did nocht ava\" * Has Bayle any Life of him or his father ? Roger Ascham's Life has been written by 1 " Sandy Blackadder, factor at Hoddam (long ago), a heavy, baggy, big, long-winded man, was overheard 88 THOMAS CARLYLE. Dr. Johnson; Edward Grant, the tutor of his son Giles, has likewise printed an Oratio de Vita et Obitu Rogeri Aschami. Chief work is his Schoolmaster (which I must see); his loxophilus ; Letters ; Letter on the State of Germany. Born 15 15 (at Kirby Wiske near Northallerton): died 1568. Was Queen Elizabeth's Tutor ; a Protestant, yet tolerated even favoured by Queen Mary. He seems to have liked good living; and is reported to have been very fond of " dice and cockfight- ing " ! Yet undoubtedly a good sort of man, and one well worth my study, which accord- ingly by Heaven's grace he shall not fail to have. (18 th December.) Accipite cives veneti quod est optimum in rebus humanis : res humanas contemnere. 1 — Sebastian Foscarini, Doge of Venice, made this be engraved on his tomb. 2 one day, in a funeral company which had not yet risen, discoursing largely in monotonous undertones to some neighbors about the doings, intentions, and manifold in- significant proceedings of some anonymous fellow-man ; but at length wound up with ' and then he deed and did nought ava.' " Letters and Memorials of Jane Welsh Carlyle, i. 315, note. 1 " Hear, citizens of Venice, what is best in human af- fairs : to hold them in low esteem." 2 This inscription may have been engraved on the tomb of a Doge, but no Sebastian Foscarini was ever Doge of Venice. Marco Foscarini was Doge in 1762, but the words cited seem of earlier date. 89 NOTE BOOK OF Ludovicus Vives was a Spaniard, at one time Tutor to Queen Mary, but obliged to leave England on occasion of Queen Cather- ine his patroness' divorce, which he disap- proved. He is buried at Bruges. His works are in two folios (it seems), analogous to those of les Daciers, les Saumaises. 1 Sir T. Browne was born in 1605 at London ; father a merchant : he died on his birthday 1682 at Norwich. Knighted by Charles II. The Religio Medici made a mighty noise at its first appearance, over all Europe. Alex- ander Ross opposed Browne on this as on all occasions. Whitefoot, a contemporary, has written a life of Browne (prefixed I suppose to some edition of his works): so also has Dr. Johnson (do.). Browne had travelled over Europe; been at Padua uni- versity &c. Of Burton the Anatomiser of Melancholy little is to be learned. Materials for a life of him were collected by Peck. (Who were these Pecks, Birches, &c. ?) He was a younger brother; was born 1576; obtained some little ecclesiastical preferment at Oxford and in the neighborhood ; was a melancholic man himself; the saddest in his dark fits and one of the gayest and brightest in his lucid intervals. A firm believer in astrology ; and 1 See ante, p. 4. 90 THOMAS CARLYLE. dying at the very time his horoscope calcu- lated by himself, some people suspected he " had assisted Nature." His book under- taken for his own cure did not cure him : in his black mood he used to go down to the river side (at Oxford?) and listen to the ribaldry of the boatmen, which made him laugh till his sides ached again. Credat Apella / If the man had been rightly melan- choly, all the ribaldry in nature would have failed to win a smile from him. His Brother (elder) wrote a history of Leicestershire (their native county) for which he is thought worthy of the main article in the Biog. Britan. FABLE.* Once upon a time a man, somewhat in drink belike, raised a dreadful outcry at the corner of the market place, " that the world was all turned topsy-turvy, that the men and cattle were all walking with their feet upper- most, that the houses and earth in general (if they did not mind it) would fall into the sky; in short that unless the most prompt means were taken, things in general were on the high road to the Devil." As the people only laughed at him, he cried the more vehe- mently, nay at last began to objure to foam and imprecate, when a goodnatured auditor 1 " This and the following fables are reprinted, slightly altered, in Carlyle's Essays," Vol. i, Appendix. 91 NOTE BOOK OF going up took the Orator by the haunches, and softly inverting his position, set him down — on his feet. The which upon perceiving his mind was staggered not a little. " Ha ? Deuce take it ! " said he, rubbing his eyes : " so it was not the world that was hanging by its feet, but I that was standing on my head ! " Public Censor, Castigator Morum, Radical Reformer, by whatever name thou art called ! Have a care ! Especially if thou art getting loud, look to it ! _,.. T . Pilpay Junior. The instruction communicated by Fable is in its nature chiefly prohibitive ; therefore not the highest species, which latter belongs to the Province of Poetry. (?) Nothing harder than to form a true judge- ment of foreign minds and forms of charac- ter, especially if they are separated from us by diversity of language, institution, date and place. A Bond-street Tailor can pronounce with extreme readiness and certainty about the beauty or deformity of foreign costumes, and his judgement will be satisfactory to other Bond-street Tailors; a Winckelmann with far less readiness and certainty, and other Artists and Critics may dispute or deny his decision after all. For the one only asks himself: Does this differ from the fash- ion of Lord Petersham ? but the other : Does 92 THOMAS CARLYLE. this differ from the fashion of God Almighty ? — You Travellers, Moores, Clarkes, Russels, Morgans ! Ye should think of this. What a fine thing a Life of Cromwell, like the Vie de Charles XII would be ! The wily fanatic himself, in his own most singular fea- tures, at once a hero and a blackguard petti- fogging scrub; and the wild image of his Times reflected from his accompaniment ! I would travel ten miles on foot to see his soul represented as I once saw his body in the Castle of Warwick. — " Nave ferar magna an parva, ferar unus et idem." 1 " Durum et durum non faciunt murum." 2 Two railers elicit no truth? — "Self-do, self- have." ("His ain wand '11 whip him."). — Helena's Nepenthe? supposed by some to be Borage, by others to be Opium, by others (me among them) to be — nothing. FABLE II. " Gentlemen," said a Conjuror, one fine starry evening, "these Heavens are a deceptio 1 " Whether borne on a great ship or a small, let me be borne one and the same man." — Horace, Epist. II. ii. 200. 2 " Hard and hard make not a wall." 3 A drug "which lulls sorrow and strife, and brings forgetfulness of every ill." Odyssey, iv. 221. 93 NOTE BOOK OF visus, what you call stars are nothing but fiery motes in the air: wait a little I will clear them off, and shew you how the matter really is." Whereupon the Artist produced a long syringe of great force; and stooping over the neighbouring puddle rilled it with dirty water, which he then squirted with might and main towards the zenith. The wiser of the party unfurled their umbrellas ; but most part looking up in triumph, cried : " Aha, my little stars ! are ye out at last ? I always thought you cheats: we have long been — " Here the dirty water fell; and be- spattered and beblotched these simple per- sons ; and even put out the eyes of several, so that they never saw the stars any more. Critic ! Truth, Beauty, Goodness is the Heaven and the Stars : These, the very meanest of them, no effort of thy syringe is likely to reach : and the higher thy puddle- jet, the weightier and dirtier will be its re- turn! Qui spuit in coelum in se spuit (P) 1 January, Read Mendelssohn's Phadon, a 1827. half translation, half imitation of Plato's Phaedon, or last thoughts of Socrates on the Immortality of the Soul. Plato's work I have never seen but must see. Mendelssohn's is certainly written with great beauty and simplicity : the intro- 1 " He who spits at heaven spits on himself." 94 THOMAS CARLYLE. ductory part concerning the character of Socrates is almost a model of graceful modest narrative ; what follows is in a more difficult style but scarcely less perfect. The work is divided into three Dialogues : the First (so far as I can remember) treats of the highest good of man, namely wisdom, and proves that it is a blessing to get out of the body to philoso- phize. The Second, in answer to some objec- tions from two of the interlocutors, endeav- ours to prove the immateriality of the Soul, a necessary condition of its indivisibility and immortality. It is an answer to the Free- thinkers' scheme in Martinus Scriblerus : "The Jack has a meat-roasting quality ; so likewise, &C." 1 Socrates' arguments turn on this principle : all those qualities, indeed all unity of any sort perceived in an object, be- longs not to the object but to the mind that sees it; hence this subject (the mind) from which all qualities originate cannot itself be a quality. (?) It cannot be a composite power; because there is in reality no change of power produced by a mixture of simple powers, but 1 " In every jack there is a meat-roasting quality, which neither resides in the fly, nor in the weight, nor in any particular wheel of the jack, but is the result of the whole combination : so in an animal, the self-consciousness is not a real quality inherent in one being (any more than meat-roasting in a jack) but the result of several modes or qualities in the same subject." Memoirs of the ex- traordinary Life, Works, and Discoveries of Martinus Scriblerus, Book i, ch. 12. 95 NOTE BOOK OF only a modification, the secret of which escap- ing our sense, we call it a new power, but falsely. An acid and an alkali produce a neutral salt : what then ? Tho' to our eyes, taste, touch &c, the properties of this new substance seem entirely different from those of its component parts, the truth is not so ; there is nothing in it, but some virtues of the acid obstructed, forwarded, cancelled, diver- ted &c, by the virtues of the alkali; and so in #// corporeal compositions: the newness oi the power is only in our way of viewing it. Hence the component parts of the soul would be all souls ; hence the soul is one; hence indestructible, indivisible, immortal. The Third Dialogue meets the objection of Cebes : How do we know that the soul is not to fall into sleep (if not death) forever ? It is chiefly Mendelssohn's own; talks of Perfectibility (not of man alone but of the whole universe ) ; Unhappiness of disbelief in these truths, &c. &c; much less scientific and more rhetorical than the foregoing. On the whole, it is a good book; — and con- vincing ? Ay de mi! These things, I fear, are not to [be] proved, but believed; not seized by the Understanding but by Faith. However, it is something to remove errors, if not introduce truth ; and to shew us that our analogies drawn from corporeal things are entirely inapplicable to the case. 96 THOMAS CARLYLE. For the present, I will confess it, I scarce see how we can reason with absolute cer- tainty on the nature or fate of attiring; for it seems to me we only see our own perceptions and their relations; that is to say, our soul sees only its own partial re- flex and manner of existing and conceiv- ing. I should have this cleared up : How does Kant manage it ? — (" White men know nothing.") " A weeping woman is as much to be pitied as a goose going barefoot." — Burton. "Done to his hand." — South. (What a fierce, dogmatical, sarcastic, unchristian priest is South !) " Sleeveless errand." — Burton. " Looks out at window." — B. " all out " — quite. Mali corvi malum ovum ; } Cat to her kind. " Non qua eundum, sed qua itur." 2 It was Petronius that wrote that hemistich : — Primus in orbe deos fecit Timor. (Was he the author of the sentiment 7 3 it is now trite enough.) l'*The bad egg of a bad crow." The origin and significance of this proverb are discussed by Erasmus, Adagiorum Chil. i. Cent. ix. Prov. 25. 2 " Not where one should go, but where one is going." 3 " Fear first made the gods in the world." The words form part of the first verse of a fragment ascribed to Pe- tronius, but they are also part of a verse by Statius, 7 97 NOTE BOOK OF C'est nos craintes qui ont forme les cieux; a line at which I once in the Theatre Francais heard all the people standing up raise a vehe- ment shout of approval. Unhappy France ! Talma was then acting, CEdipe : he is now dead ; one by one the stars go out. " As common as a Barber's chair." 7 Jany After a considerable struggle, and 1827. not without many interruptions, I have this morning finished Burton's Anatomy of Melancholy. What to say of the Book parum constat)- Dr. Johnson was in the habit of commending it; 2 but chiefly, I should think, from its subject, which with the Doctor was constitutionally interesting. Burton doubt- less had " a pleasant wit," a taste also for the Beautiful (especially if it was the Comfortable at the same time) and still more for the Cu- rious ; but his mind looks as if he had sur- veyed the world chiefly from the observatory of his Library in an Oxford College ; and found the gratification of these his tastes not so much in actual inspection of things with Thebaid, iii. 661. It is impossible, in the uncertainty concerning the date of Petronius, to say to which poet they actually belong. 1 " Is hardly clear." 2 " Burton's 'Anatomy of Melancholy ' he said, was the only book that ever took him out of bed two hours sooner than he wished to rise." Reported by the Rev. Dr. Maxwell in his Collectanea : printed by Boswell in his Life of Johnson. 9 S THOMAS CARLYLE. his simple vision, as with armed vision, armed by all the reading that it ever entered into the head of lazy Bookworm to engage with. He is a singular, a thinking, observing, character- voile man ; but of no admirable gifts (except memory), and of little or no wisdom but what distinguishes the greater part of English country Parsons; a cleanly, comfort-loving, Greek-and-Latin-reading, but often too sec- tarian and self-conceited, and withal shallow and ill-informed race of persons. As a sci- entific treatise his Book is worth absolutely nothing : I may say there is no conclusion in it in which anything is concluded. Dunce neutralizes Dunce, and one quack prescrip- tion stands (like bane and antidote) fronting with hostile visage another as quackish. The work is an olla podrida ; you cannot eat the cursed dish as it stands cooked before you; and tho' you pick many a most dainty morsel from it, you wish with your whole soul the man had been contented with purveying, and never tried to cook the viands at all. (Schlechles Bild/ 1 ) Burton however is over, and I do not purpose soon to trouble him again. Sapientia prima est stultitid caruisse 2 " The prime wisdom is to have got rid of folly;" fully l" A bad image." 2 — sapientia prima Stultitia caruisse. Horace, Epist. i. i. 41. 99 NOTE BOOK OF as well thus: Stultitia prima est sapientid ca- ruisse; the case of all material metaphysicians, most utilitarian moralists, and generally of all negative Philosophers, by whatever name they call themselves. It was God that said Yes : it is the Devil that forever says No. 1 Leibnitz and Descartes found all Truth to rest in our seeing and believing in God : we English have found our seeing and believing in God to rest on all Truth j and pretty work we have made of it ! Why dost thou despise that ignorant and ill-mannered man, while thou pitiest and help- est that poor and ragged one ? — I give the pauper sixpence and my blessing; but if his rags offend the nostril, I contrive to make him go his ways. Is not Political Economy useful; and ought not Joseph Hume and MacCulloch to be honoured of all men ? — My cow is useful, and I keep her in the stall, and feed her with oil -cake and " draff-and-dreg," and esteem her truly: but shall she live in my 1 " The Everlasting No had said : ' Behold, thou art fatherless, outcast, and the Universe is mine [the Devil's].'" Sartor Resartus, Book ii. ch. vii. ioo THOMAS CARLYLE. parlour? No, by the Fates, she shall live in the stall! — FABLE III. " It is I that support this household," said a Hen one day to herself: "The master can- not breakfast without an egg, for he is dys- peptical and would die, and it is I that lay it. And here is this lazy Poodle doing no- thing earthly, and gets thrice the meat I do, and is caressed all day ! By the Cock of Minerva, they shall give me a double portion of corn, or I will strike ! " But much as she cackled and creaked, the scullion would not give her an extra grain. Whereupon in dud- geon, she hid her egg in the dunghill, and did nothing but cackle and creak all day. The scullion suffered her for a week; then (by order) drew her neck; and purchased other eggs at six-pence the dozen ! Man ! why frettest and whinest thou ? This blockhead is happier than thou, and still but a blockhead ? So thy services are not ade- quately repaid ? But art thou sure thou dost not overrate them? 1 At all rates it is vain for thee to strike work with Providence : He is no Manchester manufacturer; Him thou canst not force to thy terms. Believe it he l Cf. Sartor Resartus, Book ii. ch. ix., where these re- flections are developed. IOI NOTE BOOK OF will do without thee. 77 rty a point d'hofnme necessaire. 1 6th J anuary , Qui spuit in coelum in se spuit. x 1827. (perhaps wrong arranged, for I write from memory.) Who was Gassendi ? and what were his Me- taphysics ? I have seen his Commentaries on Newton ; but know nothing more of him j yet he is said (by Reinhold) to be the father of the existing French Philosophy. Locke, Hume, Reid &c. &c. are Empirics; Descartes, Leibnitz, Kant &c. are Rational- ists. Which is right ? I begin to see some light thro' the clouds in Kantism ; tho' Rein- hold is somewhat of a Will-o'-wisp guide, I fear. Empiricism, if consistent, they say, leads direct to Atheism! — I am afraid it does. Yes, Virtue is its own reward; but in a very different sense than you suppose, Dr. Gowkthrapple ! 2 " The pleasure it brings " ? — Had you ever a diseased liver ? I will main- 1 " Who spits at the sky spits on himself." 2 "That chosen vessel, Maister Gowkthrapple." Waverley, ch. xxix. In his Essay on Diderot Carlyle speaks of Naigeon, Diderot's biographer, " as a man with the vehemence of some pulpit-drumming Gowkthrapple." THOMAS CARLYLE. tain, and appeal to all competent judges, that no evil conscience with a good nervous sys- tem ever caused tenth part of the misery that a bad nervous system tho' conjoined with the best conscience in nature will always produce. What follows then ? Pay off your moralist, and hire two Apothecaries and two Cooks. Socrates is inferior to Captain Barclay, and the Enchiridion of Epictetus must hide its head before Kitchener's Peptic Precepts. Heed not the Immortality of the Soul, so long as you have Beefsteak, Port, and — Blue Pills ! — Das hole der Teufel / — Virtue is its own reward because it needs no reward. The Hildebrands, the Philips and the Borgias Where are they now ? Behind the scene ; mute as The millions whom they butchered in their rage. Hard task they had, poor men : what was their wage? From God, we know not, but may dread the worst ; From man, a grave and memory forever curst : Who worships self a foolish thought has ween'd, Must offer all, and find his God — a Fiend. (Our cousin Swift has no turn for poetry.) To prove the existence of God as Paley has attempted to do (a Kantean would say) is like lighting a lantern to seek for the Sun : if you look hard by your lantern, you may even miss your search. 103 NOTE BOOK OF " My dear Sir," said Captain Esbie, "there is nothing like getting on" Ay de mil "The artist," it has been said, "collects beauties and combines them; a bright eye from this, a fair round chin from that, a taper form from the other, and so makes up his Venus." Ah no ! In this way he will form a bed-quilt or a hearth-rug, but no poem. A Poem springs, like Minerva from the head of Jove, full armed and complete, if it is to live and give life. Do we think sometimes, as Schlegel says, without thoughts ? Or what wind is it that will rend asunder the thick clouds, and shew us the fair golden landscape lying full perfect and ready-formed without our having shaped it, otherwise than in the dark ? Yet was not Praxiteles' Jove created in this fashion, when the evening song of the maidens coming from the well revealed it to the struggling and long- baffled statuary ? There is more in the poet's heart than Mr Alison or Mr Stewart dreams of. Bring it out then an' be hanged ! — Eheu! — FABLE. [IV] " What is the use of thee, thou gnarled sap- ling ? " said a young larch-tree to a young oak. "I grow three feet in the year, thou scarcely half as many inches ; I am straight 104 THOMAS CARLYLE. and taper as a reed, thou weak and twisted as loosened withe": — "And thy duration," answered the Oak, " is some third part of man's life; and I flourish for a thousand years. Thou art felled, and sawed into paling, where thou rottest and art burnt after a single sum- mer: of me are fashioned battleships, and I carry mariners and heroes into unknown seas." The richer a character, the harder and slower in general is its development. Two boys were once of the same class in our Edin- burgh school; John ever trim precise and dux, Walter ever slovenly confused and dolt : in due time John became Baillie Waugh, and Walter became Sir Walter Scott. The quickest and completest of all vegeta- bles is — the Cabbage. The fraction of life will increase equally by diminishing the denominator as by augment- ing the numerator. 1 [March, 1827.] Eschenburg'sDenkma/eratideufsc/ierDic/it- kunst. A popular delusion is like smoke : it is vain 1 " So true it is, what I then said, that the Fraction of Life can be increased in value not so much by increasing your Numerator as by lessening your Denominator. Nay, unless my Algebra deceive me, Unity itself divided by Zero will give Infinity." Sartor Resartus, Book ii. ch. ix. 105 NOTE BOOK OF to cut into it with swords and maces; leave it alone, and the air will absorb it by degrees. If it is in small quantity, &fan may sometimes help you ; not if it is in great ; but there is always hope in the air. " Lieber ware mir's, wenn ich plotzlich sttirbe." 1 Winckelmann [letter to Berends] 12 July, 1751. " Marco Barbarigo and Franc. Trevisano, 2 two Nobilidi Venetia, whose memory has been preserved in a rare piece of writing," are the only two modern Friends, thinks Winckel- mann. Where is the Schrift?* Friendship not once mentioned in the whole New Testament (so also says Hume) ; und es ist vielleicht ein Gliick vor die Freundschaft ; denn sonst bliebe gar kein Platz vor den Uneigennutz; 4 all virtues hav- ing there some temporal or eternal recom- 1 " I should be glad if I could die suddenly." 2 Carlyle cites the baptismal names incorrectly ; see the following note. 3 Letter to Berends, 17 Sept., 1754. The "rare piece of writing" referred to is entitled Breve racconto dell' amicizia mostruosa in perfezione tra Niccolb Barbarigo e Marco Trivisano. In Venezia, 1627, in 8vo. A Latin translation seems to have been published the next year. 4 "And this is perhaps fortunate for friendship, for otherwise there would have been no place for unselfish- ness." Id. 106 THOMAS CARLYLE. pense promised them. — No wonder Goethe calls him a Heide. x i Mein Gott ich wollte sehr gerne sterben, mit grosser Wohllust meiner Seele: so weit habe ich es in der That und Wahrheit gebracht. — Winckel. — 2 Ich habe nunmehro bald sechs Jahre in Sachsen gelebet, und kann mich nicht entsin- nen dass ich recht gelacht habe. 3 Allein : Erkenntlichkeit verlangen, heisst beynahe — Undank verdienen. 4 Dr. Ebel best traveller in Switzerland. Villemain, an able writer of Melanges. Comte de Lacepede — general Hist, of Europe, in 18 vol. — last — 1827. Consider- ably praised ; apparently (from the extract) a bagpipe. Cicognara's History of Sculpture. Spanish writers (from an article in the Revue encyclopedique). h 1 " Him," that is, Winckelmann, " a heathen." 2 «« My God I would very willingly die, with entire de- light of my soul: so far have I attained in deed and truth." Letter to Berends, 17 Sept., 1754. 3 " I shall soon have lived six years in Saxony, and I cannot recall having once honestly laughed." Id., 6 July, 1754. 4 " But to require gratitude comes very near deserving unthankfulness." Id., 10 March, 1755. 5 Tome XXXIII, Feb. 1827. The article is by Muriel. 107 NOTE BOOK OF Leandro-Fernandez de Moratin (the younger) regarded here as the restorer of the dramatic art in Spain. Has written five or six Comedies (indifferent apparently and in the style of the French) ; first in 1788 : he seems to be still living. 1 Barthelemy Torres Naharro — a play-writer of the 1 6th century. Pinciano Philosophy of ancient Poesy. 1596. Luzan {Poetics, Saragossa 1737) insists on the French principles of taste. Followed up by : Mayans (Rhetoric); Nasarre (prefacer of Cervantes & comedies); Montiano y Luy- ando (who wrote a comedia of his own). Nicolas-Fernandez de Moratin (the father) put forth three tragedies — moderates. Cadahalso, Ayala, Huerta, Palacios wrote plays also about the same time. The best seemingly of only moderate merit; and in imitation of the French. Sempere (Best writers under the reign of Charles III. In Spanish I presume tho' it is not so stated). "The muses of [Lope de Vega] Montal- van, Calderon, Moreto, Rojas, Soils, Zamora and Caiiizares; those of Bazo, Regnard (French ? ) Laviato, Corneille, Moncin, Me- tastasio, Cornelia, Moliere,Valladares, Racine, Zabala, Goldoni, Nifo and Voltaire were aston- ished at seeing themselves in company" [p. 469]. 1 He died in 1828. 108 THOMAS CARLYLE. D. Gaspar Melchior de Jovellanos wrote the Delinquenie Honrado in 1770; a drame, full of honest sentiments, if not of great poetry. Genre mixte. Trigueros, Melendez Valdes, Cristophe- Maria Cortes, had three prizes for plays in 1784. Indifferent. Tomas Iriarte ; sl satirist and sensible man, but of no divine fire. Juan de Iriarte — another of the same. The period between 1780 and 1790 the last years of the reign of Charles III. have been most illustrious ; the government anxious to forward improvement in any way, and tho' arbitrary, enlightened and energetic. Here " Jovellanos, Campomanes, Tavira, Roda and Llaguno were at once the pride and the support of philosophy and sound literature." Boscan and Garcilaso were named Petrar- quistes, as their modern successors are called Gallicistes. Hurtado de Mendoza, Saa de Miranda, Montemayor, Herrera (surnamed the Divine), Father Louis de Leon, Gil Polo were all Petrarquists, yet " the glory of Spanish Lit- erature." Abbe Quadrio Sioria poetica (Italian ? ) Capmany, Marchena — men of mould ? What is the present state of Literature in Spain ? How deep and total is our ignor- ance on that point at present! Is there such 109 NOTE BOOK OF a thing as a Madrid Review ? A Spanish newspaper would shew to us almost like a Herculaneum one. This should be altered. N. B. The Revue Encydopedique a review of merit, and worthy to be imitated and improved upon in Britain. Nearly 14 millions of volumes are printed annually in France ; of these 400,000 by F. Didot. 665 printing offices in all France; 82 at Paris: in 1825, there were 1550 presses in activity, in Paris 850 of these. At Paris there are 480 Booksellers, and 84 Boothkeepers ; elsewhere 922. The whole money annually gained in the producing of those 14 to 13 millions of volumes, the Count Daru estimates at 33,- 750,000 francs; comprehending all from the wages of the ragman to those of the Author. Authors, it seems, come in for a very poor share 500,000 francs being their whole in- come in France. 1 In this the newspapers seem not to be comprised, at least not the daily ones, the feuilles quotidiennes. Grassi, Niccolini, Pezzana, Gherardini, Abbe Romani, Monti, Italian Grammarians of some note. 1 See Revue encyclope'digtie, xxxiii. 562. no THOMAS CARLYLE. Foscolo, Rossetti, Troya, etc., etc. Com- mentators of Dante, who is at present lit- erally the idol of Italians. Champollion's system of Phonetic char- acters has been well received in Italy : Mai, Peyron, Orioli, Valeriani " savans les plus re- commendables " do justice to him. The Biblioteca Italiana of Milan and the Antologia of Florence contend the first for the Romantics, the second for the Classics ; a dispute which seems at present to be spreading over most part of Europe. The Arcadic Journal of Rome is a classicist, but often with more zeal than judgement. The Anthology seems to be the best of these three. Gherardini, the translator and impugner of SchlegePs Dramaturgic lectures. Manzoni, a poet and romanticist, but who has failed in exemplifying his new theories as applied to the practice of writing tragedies — The Count of Carmagnola and Adelghis are their titles. Thomas Grossi a young poet, praised for his Ildegonda, has written a new Epic entitled : The Lombards in the first Crusade ; which some have said, surpasses Jerusalem Delivered. The pamphlets on the subject have been numerous and loud : our French critic asserts modestly that it is neither so good nor so bad as it has been called. Grossi is a Romantic. in NOTE BOOK OF The town of Milan alone publishes about a score of Journals. Wagner, Weiller, Hegel, Krug, are testators, opposers or commentators of Kant. Eschen- mayer also. Bardili's Rational Realism, is it not like the doctrine of Malebranche ? Bouterwek, System of Virtuality : " the sub- jective and objective are nothing without each other." Annihilation of the Subject — Spinosism and materialism. Fichte's Transcendental Idealism, " elimi- nation of the object ; " that is deducing the not-me from the me ? Schelling's Ideal Realism, Philosophy of Na- ture, but usually called the System of Identity ; " because it represents the subject and the object as absolutely identical and comming- ling and compounding themselves in intellec- tual intuition." — To this I can attach next to no meaning. Fichte pretended to have deduced his sys- tem from Kant, which Kant eagerly denied. Kant's system of morality is universal in Ger- many; his metaphysics are disfigured, mis- represented, no longer studied in his own writings, but (says this critic) well worthy of being studied. Kant reminded me of father Boscovich : 112 THOMAS CARLYLE. but alas ! I have only read ioo pages of his works. How difficult it is to live! How many things to do, how little strength, how little time to do them ! T. C. There is an Historical Sketch of Indus- trialism by one Dunoyer; 1 a political theory this Industrialism of which I have hitherto never heard, and which seems to mean very little if anything. According to the Indus- triels (the chief of whom was one Saint-Simon, reputed mad) the proper object of legislation is not this or that form of political govern- ment, but the means of forwarding useful ac- tivity which is or ought to be the ultimate aim of all existing nations. — God help us! has not this been understood and admitted in all systems of political philosophy for the last century. St. Simon was for wonders upon wonders; a sort of priesthood of Savans, and what not. " II se maria pour faire des hommes de genie, et n'eut pas mSme des enfants." — poor soul ! — He said he was de- scended from Charlemagne. I understand, he is dead. Thierry, Maignien, Auguste Comte are more sensible men, who wrote for him, and allowed themselves to be called his pupils. Mem. To read the Golden Ass of Apuleius. Burney's Life of Metastasio. lln the Revue encyclopidique, Feb., 1827. 8 113 NOTE BOOK OF Of the world, for us, is made a world- edifice ; of the Aether a Gas ; of God a Power; and of the second world a Coffin. — Jean Paul, Levana. Intellectual Individuality to be respected and maintained; moral Individuality to be modified, but only by strengthening antagonist qualities, not weakening those that appear originally in excess. "Thus let Frederick the Only (der Einzige) take his Flute, and Napoleon his Ossian." " Our present time is indeed a criticising and critical one ; hovering betwixt the wish and the inability to believe, a chaos of conflicting times: but even a chaotic world must have some Point, and Revolution round that Point, and Aether too; there is no pure entire Confusion and Discord, but all such presupposes its Contrary, before it can begin." " But from of old, among nations the Head has outrun and got before the Heart ; often by centuries, as in the Negro trade ; nay by tens of centuries, as perhaps in war." Light goes quicker than warmth: hence every new intellectual revolution, seems at first destructive to morality. " When in your last hour (think of this) all within the broken spirit shall fade away, and die into inanity, Imagining, Thinking, En- deavouring, Enjoying — then at last blooms 114 THOMAS CARLYLE. on the night-flower of Belief alone, and re- freshes with its perfume in the last darkness." Heyne's Virgil, Leipzig, 1803,4 vol. 8vo., the best edition (the London ones were mis- managed); there is also a " Hand edition" of 1803 in 2 vol.; but whether it does not want something I know not. This Book I must have. 1 Tibullus, Pindar, Homer (8 vol. Leipz. & London. 1822) Sammlung antiquarischer Aussatze. 1778- 1779; about the Laocoon, Venus, Pliny's Au- thorities, &c &c ; the Chest of Cypselus among the rest. An immensity of papers in the Gottingen Society. Chiefly upon Art (Etruscan &c.) and the philosophy of Fables and My thuses. Some- thing of Sparta. Of the influence of sudden increase of wealth in ancient states. Of Baby- lonian women annually at the Temple of Venus. On Winckelmann's history of Art. &c. &c. filoges &c. Michaelis, Miiller, Gmelin, Kattner, Gatterer, &c. Prolusiones Academicae (at London. 1790 no table of contents; but I suppose all in- cluded in the) Opuscula Academica. Gotting. 1785- 1812. Chiefly on Aesthetical Antiquity. De 1 The following paragraphs contain a list of Heyne's works. 115 NOTE BOOK OF morum vi ad sensum pulchritudinis. De Genio Saeculi Ptolemaeorum. The Doctrine of the most ancient poets. Physical causes of Myths. Use of History. Invention of Bread. Some ancient beginnings of Greek Legislation. Fifteen Prolusions on the states of Magna Graecia and Sicily. On the Arca- dians more ancient than the Moon. Life of the most ancient Greeks. Leo the Pope and Attila. Epidemic Fever of Rome called plagues. Rise, decline and fall of Mace- donia. Athenian liberty as seen in Aris- tophanes. Natural History in prodigies. Disease of Proselytising. Critique or Char- acteristic of Symmachus; of Ausonius; of Ammianus Marcellinus; of six writers of Augustus' history (historiae Augustae?); of panegyric-writers &c. Alexander Severus. Heyne was born at Chemnitz (the birth- place of Puffendorf) in 1729; his father was the poorest of weavers. The history of the man was a series of misery (he at one time lived on pease-cods and had no bed), till towards the middle of it; and all along of most wonderful diligence. He died in 181 2. Little representation of his character comes of this Biography by Heeren his son-in-law, who seems to be no very deep person. Heyne it appears was a sharp-tempered, but good- hearted, peaceable, methodical and well- 116 THOMAS CARLYLE. beloved man. Not great but large. I know only his Virgil, which certainly appeared to me to leave all other commentaries of the sort I had seen very far behind it. The Homer I long to see. — O that I could read it! 1 Schlozer, Spittler, Gatterer, Martens, Wolt- mann, — mostly men of mould, — are com- memorated in the same vol. with Heyne. They were all Gottingen Professors; for a time at least, for in Germany that class of men is essentially wandering. Spittler's little book on Church history is highly praised. Martens wrote on trade; and collected a body of Fcedera from 1761 to 1819, which must be very useful. Schlozer was a Jour- nalist ; the first public whig in Germany : he writes of Russia, where he once lived. Gat- terer, a strange old virtuoso, wrote various chronologies, universal-history essays or com- pendiums; it seems on a greatly improved plan. He is said to have been in the habit of getting all the newspapers of the year col- lected sometime in December, and then read- ing them at one fell swoop. Ex uno. Muller is also sketched here ; not well. Is it not singular that so many men of note 1 In 1828 Carlyle wrote an admirable account of Heyne, mainly derived from Heeren's Life of him. It appeared in the " Foreign Review," No. 4. See Essays, Vol. i. 117 NOTE BOOK OF should have been produced or gathered at Gottingen? Mosheim — Blumenbach. These Germans put us to shame! We have lost our old honesty ; even in literature we are eye-servants. Go thou, and do otherwise / Michaud Histoire des Croisades (recom- mended — 4 me edit.) Beck's Repertorium is unspeakably stupid. Der liebste Bube den wir han Der liegt in unserm Keller, Er hat ein holzin Rocklein an, Und heisst der Muskateller. 1 From "Ballhorn" golden A. B. C. Horn i. p. 88 Erasmus belongs to that species of writers who with all their heart would build the good God a most sumptuous church ; at the same time however, not giving the Devil any of- fence; to whom accordingly they set up a neat little chapel close by, where you can offer him some touch of sacrifice by a time, and practice a quiet household devotion for him without disturbance. Leser wie gefall ich Dir ? Leser wie gefallst du mir ? Reader, how lik'st thou me ? Reader, how like I thee? T. von Logau. 1 See p. (177) for translation of this quatrain. Il8 THOMAS CARLYLE. Der Mai. Dieser Monat ist ein Kuss, den der Himmel giebt der Erde, Dass sie, jetzo eine Braut, kunftig eine Mutter werde ' 1 The same. Andreas Gryph died of apoplexy in the Council where he was syndic at Glogau. Mem. Must read Mignet's French Revol. The Palm is said to make saws and hatchets blunt: hence came it to be a symbol of Peace. Wolff's most characteristic writing is said to be: Vernunftige Gedanken von Gott, der Welt und der Seele des Menschen. Halle. 1720. Picinelli Mundus Symbolicus j a book of mottoes. Works which I could like to see written : 1. A Biography and History of Luther; a picture of the great man himself, and of the great scenes and age he lived in. 2. A History of English Literature ; from the times of Chaucer! Warton's Hist, of Eng. Poet, would do something in the way 1 "May. ' ' This month is a kiss, which Heaven gives to the Earth, That she, now a Bride, may in time become a Mother." 119 NOTE BOOK OF of help, but nothing as a model. The men ought to be judged, not prated of; and the whole environment of their talent, as well as their talent itself, set fairly before the reader. 3. Failing which, I reckon one of the fin- est Essays of an aesthetic sort that could be written, were an intelligible account of Shakespeare. How did that wonderful being live and think and write ? We treat him commonly as a miracle, and launch out into vague admiration of him, out of which comes nothing. A miracle he was not, ex- cept as genius is always a miracle ; but a man that was born and bred as other men, and lived in a strange shrivelled little brick-house, which I have seen at Stratford on Avon ; the one end of which, repaired and new-bediz- ened was then (1825) inhabited by a — Butcher. Would I saw the Poet and knew him, and could then fully understand him ! Luther's Werke, herausgegeben von Walch, 1724. Mascov's Geschichte der Deutschen; Biinau's Teutsche Kaiser-und-Reichshis- torie ; best books of that sort (says Horn) at their time. Should see Moser : why have I not cata- logue ? Dr. Althofs Life of Burger. THOMAS CARLYLE. On the silk-worm : — Arte mea pereo, tumulum mihi fabricor ipse : Fila mei fati duco, necemque neo. 1 Miller (of Gottingen's ?) Siegwart the be- ginning of the sentimental period. The two Stolbergs — F. Leopold became a Catholic. Jung (Stilling's) Selbstbiogra- phie. Matt. Claudius; the Wandsbecker Bote. — Lichtenberg's writings — Johann Christian Brandes, Autobiography; said to be interesting. Die Tugend ist das hochste Gut, Das Laster Weh dem Menschen thut. 2 Puppenspieler Jahrm arktfest. i. Weisheit auf der Strasse, a Book of Proverbs, relating many of them to the time of the Reformation. 2. Moser, Osnabricckische Geschichtej a very good history. Fantasiefistucke, by the same. 3. Raumer, Geschichte der Hohenstauffen ; said to be very good. 4. Ritter a writer on statistics, of great merit; professor at Berlin. These four recommended by Mr. Aitken. 1 " By my own art I die, for myself I make my tomb ; I spin the thread of my own fate, and weave my own death." 2 " Virtue is the highest good, While Vice does harm to man." 121 NOTE BOOK OF With regard to the right and left bank of a river, you keep your face down the stream. Genus hominum, quod in civitate nostra semper et retinebitur et vetabitur. — Tacitus. 1 A countryman [Bauer) one morning knocked at Gellert's door, and asked if " he was the man that wrote those fine Fables ? " Being answered in the affirmative, the Bauer added that " here was a cartload of wood which he had brought to warm him thro' winter, as an acknowledgement for the pleas- ure he (the B.) had got from those writings; " and so saying, he tumbled up his cargo of billets, and with best compliments, took his leave. This was worth a dozen Reviews. Quicunque solitudine delectatur aut fera aut deus est. 2 1 Mathematici ' ' genus hominum . . . quod in civitate nostra et vetabitur semper, et retinebitur." Hist. i. 22. " Astrologers, a class of men which will always be pro- hibited in our city and always maintained." 2 Bacon begins his essay "Of Friendship" with the words : "It had been hard for him that spake it to have put more truth and untruth together in few words, than in that speech, Whosoever is delighted in solitude is either a wild beast or a god." The adages which follow are cited in the same essay. Bacon's reference was undoubtedly to the well-known passage in Aristotle, Politics, i. 2, which is to the effect that "he who is unable to live in 122 THOMAS CARLYLE. Magna civitas, magna solitude 1 Cor ne edito (eat not your heart), Pythag. (These are from Bacon.) Stag-heads in Fontainebleau under which stood inscribed ; " Louis so-and-so did me the honour to shoot me." Richter, Levana. Turba medicorum perdidit Caesarem. 2 Hadrian's epitaph. Anton, Geschichte der Deutsche Nation. Schmidt's " Levesque, Moralistes anciens. (Somebody's) " " Francais. Suard, Melanges Litteraires. Duval, Memoires surle royaume de Naples. Varillas, Histoire secrete de la Maison de Medicis. Tasso's Essay Del Poema Eroico. 3 society, or who has no need because he is sufficient for himself, must be either a beast or a god," — but Bacon gives the words a false turn, and then proceeds to argue, on the basis of his own error, against the position which he ascribes to Aristotle. Carlyle had obviously been reading the essay in the Latin translation published by Dr. Rawley in 1638. 1 " A great town is a great solitude." 2 " The crowd of doctors killed Caesar." 3 In a letter to his brother John, Oct. 25, 1827, Car- lyle wrote : " Meanwhile I am beginning (purpose seri- ously beginning to-morrow) an article on Zacharias Werner ... I design afterwards, if Jeffrey is willing, to 123 NOTE BOOK OF Ultimate object of the Poet is to profit (prodesse as superordma.te to delectare). p. 350. — very clear and logical, giovar dilet- tando. (An Historian must write (so to speak) in lines ; but every event is a superficies / nay if we search out its causes, a solid : hence a primary and almost incurable defect in the art of Narration; which only the very best can so much as approximately remedy. — N. B. I understand this myself. I have known it for years; and written it now, with the purpose perhaps of writing it at large else- where.) 1 Curious (p. 367) division of Theology. The mistico much the same as Vernunft? 2 Instar omnium Plato, said Antimachus Clarius, when only this one vote went in his favour; " Plato is worth them all." 3 give a Discourse on Tasso." Letters, i. 90. The arti- cle on Werner was written, and is to be found in Car- lyle's Essays ; the proposed discourse on Tasso seems not to have been accomplished. IThis purpose was fulfilled in his paper "On His- tory" published in Fraser's Magazine, in 1830. See Essays, ii. 258. 2 For the definition of Vernunft "Reason," as used by the Kantists, and its relation to Mysticism, see " State of German Literature" (1827), Essays, i. 69. 3 — " dixisse Antimachum, Clarium poetam, ferunt, qui quum convocatis auditoribus legeret eis magnum illud, quod novistis, volumen suum, et eum legentem omnes, praeter Platonem, reliquissent, ' Legam ' inquit ' nihilo minus; Plato enim mihi unus instar est omnium mil- Hum.' " Cicero, Brutus, 51. 124 THOMAS CARLYLE. Convien cWuom poggt ; man should ascend. I have gone over (not regularly read) the Essay Del Poema Eroico. Must not say that I have derived any benefit from it generally ; or even specially any great insight into the individuality of Tasso himself. It is unspeak- ably diffuse, and appeals to no principles of a scientific sort; the main source of his light being Aristotle and the practice of ancient poets. One gathers only that he was a seri- ous man, and had high views of the dignity and moment of Epic poetry; tho' how from so complicated and generally so barren a system of rules he modulated so harmonious a whole as the Gerusalemme seems nowise clear. — On the whole I have not strength to study Tasso at present, nor even to express what I have studied concerning him. Tasso was a mystic, as we should call him : Must not every true poet be so ? That is to- say, must he not have a sense of the Invisible Existences of Nature, and be enabled as it were to read the symbols of these in the vis- ible ? Can any man delineate with life the figure even of a Trinculo or Caliban other- wise ? For is not the poorest nature a mys- tery ; the most grovelling street-porter, the most arid Kanzlerverwandte a type in some obscurer sense and an emanation from the Land of wonders ? Is he not an individual; and who shall explain all the significance of 125 NOTE BOOK OF that one word ? — Not one of Scott's Fair- services or Deanses &c. is alive. As far as prose could go, he has gone ; and we have fair out- sides ; but within all is rather hollow, nicht wahr ? — Alas! I do not see into this, and must talk rather falsely of it, or " altogether hold my peace," which perhaps were better. — Jan y 8 th 1828.— La Bruyere I have found, for the second time, strive as I might, exceedingly shallow. " He has point and brilliancy ; but so has a brass pin." — Yet I do not know the French : what do I know ? — The courtesies of polished life too often amount to little more than this: "Sir, you and I care not two brass farthings the one for the other, we have and can have no friendship for each other or for aught else in nature ; nevertheless let us enact it, if we can- not practise it ; do you tell so many lies, and I shall tell so many, and depend on it the result will be of great service to both. For is not this December weather very cold? And tho' our grates are full of ice, yet if you keep a picture of fire before yours, and I another before mine, will not this be next to a real coal-and-wood affair ? Goethe has been called ill-bred, a low and vulgar man by certain British Critics. He is 126 THOMAS CARLYLE. of all past and present writers the farthest from this. Except himself, I might say, there is no man of books known to me, who can delineate a Gentleman, or even so much as conceive him. Scott goes as far as the Up- holsterer and Gentleman-Usher go; but little farther : his highest gentleman (at all events) might be a writer to the Signet : Bonaparte himself becomes a sort of Parliamenteering, game-preserving, Road-commissioning Coun- try-Squire in his hands. Put together a Gen- tleman as e.g. Burns can put together a Peasant ! They give us a sort of shell of one ; but the kernel is not there. What is the unhappiest quality in man ? For his moral worth, malignity (excess of em- ulation corrupted)) for his civic prosperity, irresolution. How long halt ye between two opinions ? To be read : Mill's History of Chivalry. " " Crusades. i( Theodore Ducas ? Sharon Turner's Anglo-Saxons. " " England. " Henry VIII. Works of Ritson (never seen by me) Percy's Relicks (almost forgotten) Ellis I have read and partly esteemed. 127 NOTE BOOK OF What of all these Memoirs by Lucy Aikin, Miss Benger, and Mrs. Thomson ? I will take down their names. Lucy A's Queen Elizabeth. " " King James I. Miss B's Queen of Bohemia (Eliz. Stuart) " " Mary Q. of Scots " " Anne Boleyn. " « Henri IV. [II. ?] " " Mrs. Hamilton. " " Mr. Tobin. Mrs. TVs Henry VIII. The Saxon Chronicle (translated) by J. Ingram. Coxe's Memoirs of Duke Marlborough. " " " Sir R. Walpole. Goethe (Dichtung und Wahrheit II. 14) asserts that the sublime is natural to all young persons and peoples ; but that day-light (of reason) destroys it, unless it can unite itself with the Beautiful, in which case it remains indestructible. — A fine obs. p. 39. Grotius said he read Terence other- wise than Boys do. " Happy limitedness of youth ! nay of men in general, that at all mo- ments of their existence they can look upon themselves as complete; and ask neither for the True nor the False, the High nor the Deep, but simply what is suitable to them." 128 THOMAS CARLYLE. — Alles was daher von mir bekannt ge- worden sind nur Bruchstiicke einer grossen Confession, welche vollstandig zu machen dieses Buchlein ein gewagter Versuch ist. p. 109. — x Banier's Mythology. Finished a Paper on Burns. September 16, 1828; at this Devil's Den, Craigenput- tock. Ersch his Handbuch der deutschen Liter- atur seit der Mitte des i8 ten Jahrh. bis auf die neueste Zeit. 2 Bde. Amsterdam & Leip- zig. 1812-14. There has been a second and better Edition. 1 Das Kind mit dem Bade ausgeschiittet ! ' — Killed instead of curing ? [" Fling out not the dirty water only but y r washed child/" A very pretty proverb.] 2 Der Deutsche Improvisator ? Two Books of him published at Gera. The man Goethe speaks of? F. SchlegePs Philosophy of Life. Literat. Zeit. Marz, 462. rather sensible. 1 " All my pieces which have thus become known are only fragments of a great confession which this little book is a venturesome attempt to make complete." 2 " The Germans say, You must empty out the bath- ing-tub, but not the baby along with it." ' Nigger Ques- tion,' 1849. Essays, vii. 97. 9 129 NOTE BOOK OF Camillo Ugoni Hist, of Italian Literature — goodish? 175-1800 is its Spielraum. 1 Corniani has also written a Secoli della Let. It. in nine volumes. Giuseppe Tartini Italian Fiddler dreamed one night that he had made a paction with the Devil, who ' did, nay surpassed ' all his bidding. In particular he (the Devil) played (by request) such a Sonata as for beauty was never played before; the ravishments of which indeed woke poor Tartini, who clutching his fiddle tried at least to retain some tones of this Devil's Sonata; but almost in vain, so unearthly was it. However he did what he could j and his best is still called the Devil's Sonata. Beppo died at Padua 1770. Boscovich died mad! 1787. Passeroni cooked for himself — in Milan; an old woman made his bed : he himself was to be seen with cap and apron. He wrote a Poem [//] Cicerone in six volumes, containing 11,047 stanzas (octave). This great and very good humoured Author died — perhaps about 1800. Baretti was born at Turin (1719). Would not be an Architect, and so ran off from home at the age of 16. London (1757) — from Venice. — He travelled thro' Spain and Por- tugal home (1760); but came back to Lon- l "Area." 130 THOMAS CARLYLE. don, where he died (1789). Three fellows, (robbers seemingly) attacked him on the street (of L.) and he killed one of them with a silver knife (!) Burke, Reynolds, Johnson, Fitzherbert (quotha) got him off. His works are Frusta Litteraria (Literary Scourge). The Italians. Travels. Discorso on Shakesp. &c. partly in Italian, partly in English. He is a rugged hard keen man — as his Diet, it- self shows. 1 Galiani, a Neapolitan Abb6 — See Grimm. Gries has translated Tasso, Ariosto, Cal- deron — the latter as I partly know well. Palestrina, Scarlatti. Italian (earliest) musicians. Handel, Bach, Hasse. Darstellungen aus der Geschichte der Mu- sik, by Krause — Gottingen. Millot, Histoire Litt6raire des Trouba- dours. Raynouard, Choix des Poesies des Tr. Geschichte der Jungfrau von Orleans by Fouque" — 1826. Berlin, 2 vol. 1 Boswell has conferred immortality on Baretti, by the frequent mention of him in his Life of Johnson. 131 NOTE BOOK OF Et sibi res non se rebus submittere tentat. (Hor.) 1 Piece a iiroir ; a Play of detached scenes. Has the mind its cycles and seasons like Na- ture, varying from the fermentation oiwerden 2 to the clearness of seyny 3 and this again and again ; so that the history of a man is like the history of the world he lives in ? In my own case, I have traced two or three such vicissi- tudes : at present if I mistake not, there is some such thing at hand for me. Feb y 1829. Above all things, I should like to know England, the essence of social life in this same little Island of ours. But how ? No one that I speak to can throw light on it; not he that has worked and lived in the midst of it for half a century. The blind following the blind! Yet each cries out: What a glorious sunshine we have ! The 1 old Literature ' only half contents me : it is ore and not metal. I have not even a history of the country, half precise enough. With Scotland, it is little better. To me there is 1 The verse in Horace runs : Et mihi res, non me rebus, subjungere conor. Epist., i. i. 19. " I strive to master things, not let them master me." Compare Emerson's " Things are in the saddle, and ride mankind." 2 " Becoming." 3 " Being." 132 THOMAS CARLYLE. nothing poetical in Scotland, but its Religion. Perhaps because I know nothing else so well. England with its old Chivalry, Art and ' creature comfort ' looks beautiful, but only as a cloud-country, the distinctive features of which are all melted into one gay sunny mass of hues. After all, we are a world 'within ourselves'; a 'self-contained house.' The English have never had an Artist, ex- cept in Poetry ; no Musician, no Painter; Pur- cell (was he a native? 1 ) and Hogarth are not exceptions, or only such as confirm the rule. He who would understand England must understand her Church, for that is half of the whole matter. Am I not conscious of a prejudice on that side ? Does not the very sight of a shovel-hat in some degree indis- pose me to the wearer thereof? shut up my heart against him ? This must be looked in- to : without love there is no knowledge. 2 Do I not also partly despise partly hate the Aristocracy of Scotland ? I fear, I do, tho' under cover. This too should be rem- edied. — On the whole, I know little of the Scottish Gentleman ; and more than enough 1 Purcell was born in Westminster. 2 This thought is more fully written out in ' Biography ' (1832). Essays, iv. 62. 133 NOTE BOOK OF of the Scottish Gigman. — All are not mere rent- gatherers and game-preservers. Have the Scottish Gentry lost their na- tional character of late years, and become mere danglers in the train of the wealthier English ? Scott has seen certain characters among them ; of which I hitherto have not heard of any existing specimen. Is the true Scotchman the Peasant and Yeo- an ; chiefly the former ? Shall we actually go and ride thro' England to see it ? Mail-coaches are a mere mockery. A national character, that is, the descrip- tion of one, tends to realize itself, as some pro- phecies have produced their own fulfilment. Tell a man that he is brave, and you help him to become so. The ' national charac- ter ' hangs like a pattern in every head ; each sensibly or insensibly shapes himself thereby, and feels pleased when he can in any meas- ure realize it. Is the characteristic strength of England its Love of Justice, its deep-seated, univer- sally-active sense of Fair Play? — On many points it seems to be a very stupid people; i34 THOMAS CARLYLE. but seldom a hide-bound, bigoted, altogether unmanageable and unaddressable people. The Scotch have more enthusiasm and more consideration; that is, at once, more sail and ballast : they seem to have a deeper and richer character as a nation. — The old Scottish music, our Songs &c., are a highly- distinctive feature. Must see Southey's Book of the Church & Tytler's History of Scotland. Also Sir W. Scott's Tales of a Grandfather. Read Novalis Schriften for the second time some weeks ago, and wrote a Review of them. A strange, mystic, unfathomable Book ; but full of matter for most earnest meditation. What is to become (next) of the world and the sciences thereof? Rather, what is to be- come of thee and thy science ? Thou longest to act among thy fellow men, and canst (yet) scarcely breathe among them. Friedrich Schlegel dead at Dresden on the 9 th of January! — Poor Schlegel what toilsome seeking was thine: thou knowest now whether thou hadst found — or thou carest not for knowing ! What am I to say of Voltaire ? (His name i35 NOTE BOOK OF has stood at the top of a sheet for three days, and no other word !) Writing is a dreadful Labour; yet not so dreadful as Idleness. Every living man is a visible mystery : he walks between two Eternities and two Infini- tudes (said already I) 1 — Were we not blind as moles we should value our Humanity at x, and our Rank, Influence &c. (the trappings of our Humanity), at o. Say, I am a man; and you say all : whether King or Tinker is a mere appendix. — (" very true, Mr. Carlyle, but then " — we must believe Truth and prac- tise Error ?)— 2 — Pray that your eyes be opened, that you may see what is before them ! The whole world is built as it were, on Light and Glory; only that our spiritual eye must discern it : to the bodily eye Self is as a perpetual blinder, and we see nothing but darkness and contradic- tion. Luther, says Melanchthon, would often, tho' in robust health, go about ioxfour days eating and drinking — nothing! — "Vidi continuis quatuor diebus, cum quidem recte valeret, 1 " In any point of Space, in any section of Time, let there be a living man ; and there is an infinitude above him and beneath him, and an Eternity encompasses him on this hand and on that." ' State of German Literature,' Essays, i, 73. 2 In this paragraph lies the germ of Sartor Resartus. 1 36 THOMAS CARLYLE. prorsus nihil edentem aut bibentem. Vidi saepe alias multis diebus quotidie exiguo pane et halece contentum esse" — content for many days with a little piece of bread and herring. O tempora ! O mores ! Luther's last words : " ' Mein himmlischer Vater, ewiger barm- herziger Gott, du hast mir deinen lieben Sohn, unsern Herrn Jhesum Christum offenbaret; den hab ich geleret, den hab ich bekandt, den liebe ich und den ehre ich fur meinen lieben Heiland und Erloser, welchen die Gottlosen verfolgen, schenden und schelten. Nim meine Seele zu dir.' Then he repeated thrice : ' In manus tuas commendo Spiritum meum; redemisti me, Deus veritatis. Also hat Gott die Welt geliebet ' x &c. repeating these prayers several times, he was called away by God into his eternal school, and eternal bless- edness; where he enjoys the presence of the Father, Son, Holy Ghost; of all the Prophets and Apostles. Ah! the chariot and chari- l"My heavenly Father, eternal and merciful God, Thou hast revealed to me thy dear Son, whom I have followed and known, and whom I love and honor as my beloved Saviour and Redeemer, whom the godless per- secute, revile and abuse. Take Thou my soul to Thy- self" " Into thine hand I commit my spirit; Thou hast re- deemed me, O Lord God of truth." (Psalm xxxi. 5.) " God so loved the world." (John hi. 16.) 137 NOTE BOOK OF oteer of Israel is departed; he who guided the church in this last old age of the world." — Melanchthonis (p. 33.) de vita Martini Lu- theri Narratio — a very brief, meagre, and unsatisfactory performance. I must try to see Seckendorf Historia Luth. (a large Latin book, but said to be authentic). — Keil's Leben der Aeltern Luther's. KeiFs M. Luther's merkw. Lebensum- stdnde. " Ich bin eines Bauern Sohn," says Luther. " Mein Vater, Grossvater, Ahnherr sind rechte Bauern gewest. Darnach ist mein Vater gen Mansfeld gezogen, und daselbst ein Berghauer geworden." 1 Luther used to say, in miner fashion, to the last: wohlauf 1 instead of wohlan / Mathesii Histor. Luth. (ed. 1576). Motschmanus in his Erfordia literata (Lit- erary Erfurt) has diligently narrated Luther's proceedings while in that town — as student and monk. Luther was a monk for fifteen years : " Ein frommer Munch bin ich gewesen, und habe so theure meinen Orden gehalten dass ich sagen darf, ist jemahls ein Munch gen Him- mel gekommen durch Miincherey, so wollte l " I am a peasant's son. My father, grandfather, and forefather were mere peasants. After a time my father went to Mansfeld, and there became a miner." 138 THOMAS CARLYLE. ich auch hinein gekommen seyn. Dies wer- den mir zeugen alle meine Kloster-Gesellen de mich gekennet haben. Denn ich hatte mich, wo es langer gewahret hatte, zu Tode gemar- tert mit Wachen, Beten, Lesen und anderer Arbeit." 1 Luther was born Nov. io*. 11 1483; he died Feb. 18* 1546 — aged 63: his disease was Cardiaca (the last fit, apparently some sort of Colic.) Tetzel's business came on 15 17 — when L. was 34 years old. Worms Diet 38. Luther's character appears to me the most worth discussing of all modern men's. He is, to say it in a word, a great man in every sense; has the soul at once of a Conqueror and a Poet. His attachment to Music is to me a very interesting circumstance: it was the channel for many of his finest emotions ; for which words, even words of prayer, were but an ineffectual exponent. Is it true that he did leave Wittenberg for Worms 'with nothing but his Bible and his Flute ' ? There is no scene in European History so splendid 1 " I was a pious Monk, and held my Rule so dear that I venture to say that if ever a monk got to Heaven through monkery, I ought to have got there. All my cloister companions who have known me will testify this of me. For I should have tormented myself to death, if it had lasted much longer, with vigils, prayers, read- ings, and other labor." 139 NOTE BOOK OF and significant. — I have long had a sort of notion to write some life or characteristic of Luther. A picture of the public Thought in those days, and of this strong lofty mind over- turning and new-moulding it, would be a fine affair in many senses. It would require im- mense research. — Alas ! alas ! — When are we to have another Luther ? Such men are needed from century to century : there seldom has been more need of one than now. Wrote a Paper on Voltaire for the Foreign Review (sometime in March & April 1829). It appears to have given some (very slight) satisfaction : pieces of it breathe afar off the right spirit of composition. When shall I attain to write wholly in that spirit ? Paper on Novalis for F. R. just published ; written last January amid the frosts. Gener- ally poor. Novalis is an Anti-Mechanist; a deep man; the most perfect of modern spirit-seers. I thank him for somewhat. Also just finished an Article on the Signs of the Times, for the Edf Review; as Jeffrey's last speech. 1 Bad in general ; but the best I could make it under such incubus influences. 1 Jeffrey was on the point of giving up the editorship of the Edinburgh Review. 140 THOMAS CARLYLE. (August 5. To see Jeffrey at Dumfries the day after to-morrow). Every age appears surprising and full of vicissitudes to those that live therein ; as in- deed it is and must be: vicissitudes from Nothingness to Existence ; and from the tu- multuous wonders of Existence forward to the still wonders of Death. Politics are not our Life (which is the prac- tice and contemplation of Goodness), but only the house wherein that Life is led. Sad duty that lies on us to parget and continually repair our houses: saddest of all when it becomes our sole duty. An Institution (a Law of any kind) may become a deserted edifice; the walls stand- ing, no life going on within, but that of bats, owls and unclean creatures. It will then be pulled down if it stand interrupting any thor- oughfare ; if it do not so stand, people may leave it alone till a grove of .natural wood grow round it, and no eye but that of the ad- venturous antiquarian may know of its exist- ence, such a tangle of brush is to be struggled thro' before it can be come at and viewed. All Language but that concerning sensual 141 NOTE BOOK OF objects is or has been figurative. 1 Prodigious influence of metaphors ! Never saw into it till lately. A truly useful and philosophical work would be a good Essay on Metaphors. Some day I will write one ! Begin to think more seriously of discussing Martin Luther. The only Inspiration I know of is that of Genius : it was, is, and will always be of a divine character. Wonderful Universe ! Were our eyes but opened, what a ' secret' were it that we daily see and handle, without heed ! Understanding is to Reason as the talent of a Beaver (which can build houses, and uses its tail for a trowel) to the genius of a Prophet and Poet. Reason is all but extinct in this age : it can never be altogether extinguished. 2 Books : Must see Thomas a Kempis. 1 " Examine Language ; what, if you except some few primitive elements (of natural sound), what is it all but Metaphors, recognized as such, or no longer recog- nized: still fluid and florid, or now solid-grown and colourless ? " Sartor Resartus, Book i. ch. xi. Sartor itself may be regarded as the fulfilment of the intention one day to write ' a good Essay on Metaphors. ' 2 Cf. "State of German Literature." (1827.) Essays, i. 86. 142 THOMAS CARLYLE. Webster's Dramatic Works. Marston's do. (Never heard of him.) Life of Sir T. More. Thorns' Collection of Ancient English fictions. (One Nicholas Harris Nicolas seems to be a determined English Antiquarian.) (These Books are all in Pickering's List.) What a strange thing is that Quarterly- Review ! How insular, how lawn-sleeved ! What will the world come to ? Das Seligseyn ist um eine Ewigkeit alter als das Verdammtseyn. 1 — Jean Paul. " The mixture of those things by speech which by nature are divided is the mother of all error." — Hooker, p. 61. — Error of Political Economists about im- proving waste lands as compared with manu- facturing : the manufacture is worn and done (the machine itself dies) ; the improved land remains an addition to the Earth forever. What is the amount of this error ? I see not ; but reckon it something considerable. Is it true that of all quacks that ever quacked (boasting themselves to be somebody) in any l " Salvation is by an Eternity older than Damnation." 143 NOTE BOOK OF age of the world, the Political Economists of this age are, for their intrinsic size, the loudest ? Mercy on us what a quack-quacking; and their egg (even if not a wind one) is of value simply one half-penny ! — Their whole Philosophy (!) is an Arithmeti- cal Computation — performed in words ; re- quires therefore the intellect not of Socrates or Shakespear but of Cocker or Dil worth. Even if it were right ! which it scarcely ever is, for they miss this or the other item, do as they will, and must return to practice and take the low posteriori road after all. The question of money-making, even of National Money-making, is not a high but a low one : as they treat it, among the lowest. Could they tell us how wealth is and should be distributed, it were something; but they do not attempt it. Political Philosophy ! Pol. Ph. should be a scientific revelation of the whole secret mechanism whereby men cohere together in society; should tell us what is meant by "country" {patria), by what causes men are happy, moral, religious, or the con- trary : instead of all which, it tells us how "flannel jackets" are exchanged for "pork hams," and speak much about the "land last taken into cultivation." They are the hod- men of the intellectual edifice, who have got upon the wall, and will insist on building, as if they were masons. 144 THOMAS CARLYLE. The Utilitarians are the " crowning mercy " of this age : the summit (now first appearing to view) of a mass of tendencies which stretch downwards and spread sidewards over the whole intellect and moral of the time. By and by, the clouds will disperse, and we shall see it all, in dead nakedness and brutishness ; and Utilitaria will pass away with a great noise. You think not ? — Can the Reason of man be trodden under foot forever by his sense; can the Brute in us prevail forever over the angel ! — x The Devil has his Elect. 2 Pero digan lo que quisieren (los historia- dores) que desnudo naci, desnudo me hallo, ni pierdo ni gano, aunque por verme puesto in libros y andar por ese mundo de mano en mano, no se me da un higo que digan de mi todo lo que quisieren. — says Sancho — Quixote 4. 117. 3 1 Compare with this passage, Sartor Resartus , Book iii. ch. vi. I " Let us offer sweet incense to the Devil, and live at ease on the fat things he has provided for his Elect." Sartor Resartus, Book ii. ch. vii. 3 " But let them [the historians] say what they will, for naked was I born, naked I am, I neither lose nor gain, and though I find myself put into books, and passing from hand to hand through the world, I care not a fig, let them say of me what they will." Don Quixote, Part ii, ch. 8. 10 145 NOTE BOOK OF What is the Censura Literaria ? Granger's Biographical History of England. "The wishers and woulders were never good householders." — Greene (in Drake 1 ). " Hell is paved with good resolutions." This is the only way to make a woman dum : To sit and smile and laugh her out and not a word but mum. L[eonard] Wright (from D[rake].) 2 Capel LoffVs Aphorisms of Shakespeare. Beloe's Anecdotes of Literature (and) Scarce Books. Oldys' British Librarian. Brady's Clavis Calendaria. Brand (or Bourne's) Popular Antiquities. Burnett's Specim. Eng. Prose writers. Orford's Royal & Noble Authors. Die Moncherei oder geschichtliche Dar- 1 " Drake " refers to the well-known " Shakespeare and his Times," by Nathan Drake, London, 1817. 2 vols., 4to. The saying here cited (vol. i, p. 490) is from Greene's tract, entitled " Never Too Late," 1590. Greene says " thinking this old sentence to be true The wishes, etc." He writes it as prose, but it must originally have been a couplet, "woulders" written and pro- nounced after the 16th century fashion " wolders, " rhym- ing with "holders." 2 Id., p. 513. The couplet is from Wright's " Display of Dutie," 1589. 146 THOMAS CARLYLE. stellung des Klosterwelt (Stuttgard, 1820, 3 Bde.) See also Hermes no. 15. for a Review of it. Dr. Berkenhout (the English son of a Dutch Leeds merchant) has published a 4 to vol. which treats of the Lit. Hist, of Eng- land, prior to Elizabeth; with what merit I know not. It is the sharpest (black) Frost I have seen for some years. 14? 1 Jan? 1830. — I am quite idle. Eheu ! My worthy Uncle " Sandy " is dead, and to be buried to-morrow " The heaviest-laden wayfarer at length lays down his load." Un- cle Sandy's widow survived him but a week ; their eldest son lay sick of fever, and at the time insensible. 1 The week following died my Aunt Mary (Stewart), after eight years of ill health and weary dreary Death-in-Life. March I am occupied writing a (perhaps 1st.) History of German Litera- ture (save the mark!) which will nowise fashion itself into any shape in my hands. 2 Few men have attempted a 1 [Now (1866) J as Aitken, Husband of his cousin, my sister Jean.] 2 In October, 1829, the proposal had come to Carlyle, already known, by his Life of Sqhiller and by articles in H7 NOTE BOOK OF compilation under such circumstances: no Books, continual disappointments from Book- agents, etc., etc. But what boots complain- ing? Bear a hand, and let us do our best; the strongest can do no better. Does it seem hard to thee that thou shouldst toil, in dullness, sickness, isolation ? Whose lot is not even this ? Toil, then, et tais-toi. Either I am degenerating into a caput moriuum, and shall never think another rea- sonable thought; or some new and deeper view of the world is about to arise in me. Pray Heaven, the latter ! It is dreadful to live without vision: where there is no light the people perish. — With considerable sincerity I can pray at this moment : Grant me, O Father, enough of wisdom to live well ; prosperity to live happily (easily) grant me or not, as Thou the Foreign and Foreign Quarterly Review, to be compe- tent for the task, to write a History of German Litera- ture, for publication in the series of volumes of the Cabinet Cyclopcedia. His plan for it is set forth at length in a letter to Goethe of May 23, 1830. The first volume was then complete. But on August 31, he writes that the plan had fallen through, after he had brought down the narrative, in the space of a volume and a half, to the Reformation. See Correspondence between Goethe and Carlyle, pp. 159, 187, 207. The book was never com- pleted. Some parts were made into independent articles and printed in the Reviews ; of these were the essays on " The Nibelungen Lied," and on " Early German Liter- ature," which are now to be found in Carlyle's Essays. 148 THOMAS CARLYLE. seest best. — A poor faint prayer, as such, yet surely a kind of wish ; as indeed it has gen- erally been with me : and now a kind of comfort to feel it still in my otherwise too withered heart. — I am a ' dismembered limb • ; and feel it again too deeply. 1 Was I ever other? Stand to it tightly, man; and do thy utmost. Thou hast little or no hold on the world; promo- tion will never reach thee; nor true fellow- ship with any active body of men : but hast thou not still a hold on Thyself? Ja, beym Himmel! — Religion, as Novalis hints, is a, social thing. Without a Church there can be lit- tle or no Religion. The action of mind on mind is mystical, infinite ; Religion, worship can hardly (perhaps not at all) support itself without this aid. The derivation of Schwdr- merey indicates some notion of this in the Germans. To schwdrmen (to be enthusias- tic) means, says Coleridge, to swarm, to crowd together, and excite one another. — What is the English of all quarrels that have been are or can be between man and man ? Simply this : Sir you are taking more l " For thee the Family of Man has no use ; it rejects thee ; thou art wholly as a dissevered limb ; so be it ; perhaps it is better so ! " Sartor Resartus, Book ii. ch. viii. 149 NOTE BOOK OF than your share of Pleasure in this world, something from my share ; and by the gods, you shall not; nay I will fight you rather. Alas ! and the whole lot to be divided is such a beggarly account of empty boxes; truly a 'feast of shells,' not eggs, for the yolks have all been blown out of them ! Not enough to fill half a stomach, and the whole human species famishing to be at them ! Bet- ter we should say to our Brother : Take it, poor fellow, take that larger share, which I reckon mine, and which thou so wantest : take it with a blessing : would to Heaven I had but enough for thee! 1 — This is the Moral of the Christian Religion : how easy to write, how hard to practice ! (Suggested itself one wet evening, on the Trailtrow moss, 2 as I came from Annan, in 1825 ; or perhaps I only mentioned it to Jack then, as a thing I had lately seen. — I love to be particular.) I have now almost done with the Ger- mans. Having seized their opinions, I must turn me to inquire how true are they ? That truth is in them, no lover of Truth will doubt : but how much ? And after all, one needs an intellectual Scheme (or ground plan l The foregoing paragraph appears, with some verbal changes, in Sartor Resartus, Book ii. ch. ix. Near Ecclefechan. A. C. 150 THOMAS CARLYLE. of the Universe) drawn with one's own in- struments. — I think I have got rid of Materialism: Matter no longer seems to me so ancient, so unsubduable, so certain and palpable as Mind. / am Mind : whether matter or not I know not — and care not. — Mighty glimpses into the spiritual Universe I have sometimes had (about the true nature of Religion, the pos- sibility, after all, of ' supernatural' (really natu- ral) influences &c. &c.) : would they could but stay with me, and ripen into a perfect view ! — Miracle? What is a Miracle? 1 Can there be a thing more miraculous than any other thing ? I myself am a standing won- der. It is 'the inspiration of the Almighty that giveth us understanding.' — What is Poetry? Do I really love Po- etry ? I sometimes fancy almost, not. The jingle of maudlin persons, with their mere (even genuine) ' sensibility ' is unspeakably fatiguing to me. My greatly most delightful reading is, where some Goethe musically teaches me. Nay, any fact, relating especi- ally to man, is still valuable and pleasing. — My Memory, which was one of the best, has failed sadly of late years, (principally the last two) : yet not so much by defect in the faculty, I should say, as by want of earnest- 1 Cf. Sartor Resartus, Book iii. ch. viii. " What spe- cially is a' Miracle ? " 151 t NOTE BOOK OF ness in using it. I attend to few things as I was wont : few things have any interest for me; I live in a sort of waking dream. Doubtful it is in the highest degree, whether ever I shall make men hear my voice to any purpose or not. Certain only that I shall be a failure if I do not, and unhappy: nay un- happy enough (that is with suffering enough) even if I do. My own talent I cannot in the remotest attempt at estimating. Something su- perior often does seem to be in me, and hitherto the world has been very kind ; but many things inferior also; so that I can strike no balance. — Hang it, try ; and leave this Grubeln / % What we have done is the only mirror that can show us what we are. One great desideratum in every society is a man to hold his peace. O Time, how thou fliest, False heart, how thou liest ; Leave chattering and fretting, Betake thee to doing and getting ! I must have a whiff of tobacco, first ! God help me ! Wer vom treuen stirbt, dem soil man mit Furtzen zum Grab lauten (Epist. obs. viror. l " Speculating." 152 THOMAS CARLYLE. 449). Wer vom Drauen stirbt, dem &c. mit Fiirzen . . . lauten! ! ! — 1 Wrote a Letter to the Dumfries Courier, about poor Tom Bell's Massacre at Knock- hill, and the Public Prosecutor's neglect to indict his Slayer. 2 Can say that I did it from a feeling that it was necessary. Whether the man will print it or not I shall know to-mor- row; in the negative case, I must send it to the Journal; and then have done with it. The word is spoken, if they see good to shut the public ear against it; a la bonne heure / I have other work to follow. 1 These words may be found in Boecking's edition of Hutten, Op. Suppl. i. 278, 11. 26 sqq. The context is as follows : " Item Bilibaldus nescio quis, qui debet esse in Nurmberga : ipse fecit multas minas dicens quod realiter vult expedire Theologos scriptis suis. Tunc ego dixi : ' Qui moritur minis, Ille compulsabiturbombis,' few&w/V*, Wer von trewen stirbt, den sol man mit furtzen zum grab leutten." I owe this reference to my friend Professor von Jagemann, who says : " The Latin context makes it clear that Carlyle's second version was intended only as a modernization of the first ; but even the first version is in a form quite modern as compared with the original." The words are too coarse to translate. 2 This letter is printed by Froude, Life, ii. ch. 3: " The young man [Tom Bell] it appeared had been en- gaged in some courtship with one of the maid servants of the house ; had come that night to see her in the fashion common, or indeed universal, with men of his station in that quarter, was overheard by the butler, was challenged, pursued, and, refusing to answer any interrogatory, but hastening to escape, was shot dead by him on the spot." Knockhill was near Ecclefechan. 153 NOTE BOOK OF Got dreadfully ill on with a most tremen- dous speculation on History, intended first as an introduction to my German work ; then found at last that it would not do there ; so cut it out (after finishing it) and gave it to my Wife. I carry less weight now, and skim more smoothly along (April 12): why cannot I write books (of that kind) as I write letters ? They are and will be of only temporary use. A man writes me out of Kent (the Rev? G. R. Gleig the " Subaltern" 1 ) wanting a Life of Goethe ; then still more anxious for one of 1 The Subaltern, published in 1825, is a story founded on incidents in the Peninsular War, in which Gleig had served. The book was a good one of its kind, and brought reputation to its author, who had left the army and taken orders. In 1846 he became Chaplain-general of the army. He died in 1885. The Lives which he wanted were for some " Library of General Knowledge " of which he was editor. In a letter to Eckermann of March 20, 1830, Carlyle wrote: "The other day there came a letter to me . . . earnestly requesting a ' Life of Goethe.' Knowing my correspondent as a man of some weight and respectability in literature, I have just answered him that the making of Goethe known to Eng- land was a task which any Englishman might be proud of; but that, as for his Biography, the only rational plan, as matters stood, was to take what he himself had seen fit to impart on the subject ; and by proper commentary and adaptation, above all, by a suitable version, and not perversion of what was to be translated, enable an Englishman to read it with the eye of a German." Cor- respondence between Goethe and Carlyle, p. 170. 154 THOMAS CARLYLE. Luther ; — which I have refused. If I write Luther, it must be more than a Biographic chronicle or less. Shall we go to Weimar then in winter, and prepare all the documents for that end? — Manos a la obra\ — Take the task which is nearest thee ! Francis Jeffrey the other week offered me a hundred a year; 1 having learned that this sum met my yearly wants : he did it neatly enough, and I had no doubt of his sincerity. What a state of society is this; in which a man would rather be shot thro' the heart, twenty-times, than do both himself and his neighbour a real ease / How separate Pride from the natural necessary feeling of Self? It is ill to do ; yet may be done. On the whole, I have been somewhat in 1 In his Reminiscences, ii, 254, Carlyle, writing thirty- six years later, says : ' ' Jeffrey about this time gener- ously offered to confer on me an annuity of ^"ioo ; — which annual sum, had it fallen on me from the clouds, would have been of very high convenience at that time, but which I could not, for a moment, have dreamt of accepting as gift or subventionary help from any fellow mortal." He goes on to set forth his motives for refusing the offer in a passage of acute analysis of his own and Jeffrey's feelings in the matter, in which he perhaps hardly does justice to the simplicity of Jeffrey's kind in- tention. The whole transaction was creditable to both. It reminds one of the Wedgwoods' annuity to Coleridge. The contrast between Coleridge and Carlyle in their re- spective dealing with a similar matter is striking. 155 NOTE BOOK OF the wrong about ' independence ' ; man is not independent of his brother. Twenty men united in love can accomplish much that to two thousand isolated men were impossible. Know this ; and know also that thou hast a power of thy own, and standest with a Heaven above even thee. — And so, im TenfeVs Namen, get to thy work then ! — Quid mortui viventium legitis epitaphia ? 1 /-Hart-man v. Kirch- I berg's Epitaph on Hutteni opera I. 234 J himself: he was Abbot of Fulda V about 1500. 8 th June. Am about beginning the Second Volume of that Germ. Lit. Hist. : dreadfully lazy to start. I know and feel that it will be a trivial insignificant Book, do what I can : yet the writing of it sickens me and inflames my nerves, as if it were a Poem / Were I done with this, I will endeavour to compile no more. 30 th June. On the 22 nd of June 1830, my Sister Margaret died at Dumfries, whither she had been removed exactly a week before for medical help. It was on a Tuesday night, about 20 minutes past ten. Alick and l •« Why do ye dead read the epitaphs of the living? " 156 THOMAS CARLYLE. I were roused by express about midnight, and we arrived there about four. That sol- stice night with its singing birds and sad thoughts I shall never forget. She was in- terred next Saturday at Ecclefechan. I reck- oned her the best of all my sisters, — in some respects the best woman I had ever seen. Fain would I have saved her, but it was not to be. — " Whom bring ye us to the still dwelling?" " Tis a tired playmate whom we bring you: let her rest in your still dwelling, till the songs of her heavenly sisters awaken her." 1 spirit Thy quiet goodness, [heart so] pure & brave now with tears [With tears] what boots it [here] to tell ? Peace [Rest] The path to [God] is thro' the grave; take our long Thou loved one, for a while, farewell ! 2 And so this morning (Wednesday), let me 1 These words are from Wilhelm Meister's Appren- ticeship, Book viii. ch. 8. [What a tragedy was this to us; how vivid still in all its details to me! (1866.)], is written on the margin of the Note-book. In his Reminis- cences, ii. 193-195, Carlyle gives a touching account of his sister's illness and death. It shows the depth and per- manence of his affection. It should be read in connec- tion with a letter to his brother John, of June 29, 1830 — a most affecting contemporary narrative. Life, ii. 109. 2 The bracketed words of this stanza are erased in the manuscript. 157 NOTE BOOK OF betake myself again, with what energy I can, to the commencement of my task. Work is for the living, Rest is for the dead. Is not the Christian Religion, is not every truly vital interest of mankind (?) a thing that grotvs ? Like some Nile ' whose springs are indeed hidden, but whose full flood bring- ing gladness and fertility from its mysterious mountains is seen and welcomed by all.' (from myself!) — Received • about four weeks ago a strange letter from some Saint- Simoniens at Paris, grounded on my little Signs of the Times. 1 These people have strange notions, not with- out a large spicing of truth, and are them- selves among the Signs. I shall feel curious to know what becomes of them. La classe la plus pauvre is evidently in the way of rising from its present deepest abasement : in time, it is likely, the world will be better divided, and he that has the toil of ploughing will have the first cut at the reaping. — I answered these St. Ss. and partly expect to hear from them again. 2 l Published a few months before in the Edinburgh Review. The thought contained in the preceding para- graph is treated at large in it. 2" I forget whether I mentioned last week," writes Carlyle to his mother, "that we had a parcel from Goethe, with pictures of his House, etc. ; and a still stranger parcel from Paris addressed to the Author of the Signs I 5 8 THOMAS CARLYLE. A man with ^200,000 a year eats the whole fruit of 6,666 men's labour thro' a year ; for you can get a stout spademan to work and maintain himself for that sum of ^30. Thus we have private individuals whose wages are equal to the wages of 7 or 8 thousand other individuals : what do those highly bene- ficed individuals do to society for their wages ? of the Times. The people there seem to think me a very promising man, and that some good will come of me. Thus a prophet is not without honor save in his own country. Poor prophet! However, in my present soli- tude, I am very glad of these small encouragements." Letters, i. 226. In a letter of the 31 August, 1830, to Goethe, Carlyle tells of the letter and books sent to him by La Sociiti Saint Simonienne and adds : " If you have chanced to notice that Saint Simonian affair, which long turned on Political Economy, and but lately became Artistic and Religious, I should like much to hear your thoughts on it." Correspondence of Goethe and Carlyle, p. 215. In his reply on the 17th October, Goethe merely says: "Von der Socie'te' St. Simonienne bitte Sich fern zu halten." " From the St. Simonian Society pray hold yourself aloof." Id. p. 226.. Writing again to Goethe, on the 22d June, 1831, Carlyle tells of another gift of documents from the Saint-Simonians, and says : "They seem to me to be earnest, zealous and nowise ignorant men, but wandering in strange paths. I should say they have discovered and laid to heart this momen- tous and now almost forgotten truth, Man is still Man, and are already beginning to make false applications of it. I have every disposition to follow your advice, and stand apart from them ; looking on their Society and its progress nevertheless as a true and remarkable Sign of the Times." Id. p. 258. In Sartor Resartus, Book iii. ch. xii, Carlyle repeats his opinion of the Saint Simo- nians in almost the same words as those he had used concerning them to Goethe. 159 NOTE BOOK OF Kill Partridges! Can this last ? No, by the soul that is in man, it cannot and will not and shall not ! — Our Political Economists should collect statistical facts / such as, What is the lowest sum a man can live on in various countrie's ; what is the highest he gets to live on ; How many people work with their hands, How many with their heads, How many not at all; — and innumerable such. What all want to know is the condition of our fellow men, and strange to say, it is the thing least of all un- derstood, or to be understood as matters go. — The present ' Science ' of Political Econo- my requires far less intellect than successful Bellows-mending; and perhaps does less good, if we deduct all the evil it brings us. 1 Tho' young it already carries marks of de- crepitude ' : a speedy and soft death to it ! You see two men fronting each other ; one sits dressed in red cloth, the other stands dressed in threadbare blue ; the first says to the other: Be hanged and anatomised! — and it is forthwith put in execution, and the matter rests not till Number Two is a skele- ton ! Whence comes it ? These men have 1 Readers of Sartor Resartus will recall that one of the particulars in the famous epitaph of Count Zahdarm is : Dum sub Luna agebat, quinquies mille Perdrices plumbo confecit. 160 THOMAS CARLYLE. no physical hold of each other, they are not in contact ; each of the Bailiffs &c. is included within his own skin, and not hooked to any other. The Reason is: Man is a spirit ; in- visible influences run thro' Society, and make it a mysterious whole, full of Life and inscrut- able activities and capabilities. Our individ- ual existence is mystery; our social still more.- Nothing can act but where it is ? True, if you will; only where is it? Is not the Distant, the Dead, whom I love and sorrow for, Here, in the genuine spiritual sense, as really as the Table I now write on ? Space is a mode of our Sense ; so is Time (this I only half understand) : we are — we know not what ; light-sparkles floating in the Aether of the Divinity ! — So that this solid world, after all, is but an air-image ; our Me is the only reality, ' and all is Godlike or God.' — 2 Thou wilt have no Mystery and Mysticism ; wilt live in the daylight (rushlight ?) of Truth, and see thy world and understand it ? Nay thou wilt laugh at all that believe in a Mys- tery ; to whom the Universe is an Oracle and Temple as well as a Kitchen and Cattle-stall ? Armer Teufel 7 Doth not thy Cow calve, doth not thy Bull gender? Nay (peradventure) IThis paragraph, in fuller development, is embodied in Sartor Res artus, Book i. ch. ix. 2 Cf. Sartor Resartus, Book i. ch. vii. ii 161 NOTE BOOK OF dost not thou thyself gender ? Explain me that ; or do one of two things : Retire into private places with thy foolish cackle; or, what were better, give it up, and weep, not that the world is mean and disenchanted and prosaic, but that thou art vain and blind. — 1 Is anything more wonderful than another, if you consider it maturely ? / have seen no men rise from the Dead; I have seen some thousands rise from Nothing: I have not force to fly into the Sun, but I have force to lift my hand ; which is equally strange. 2 Wonder is the basis of worship : the reign of Wonder is perennial, indestructible ; only at certain stages (as the present) it is (for some short season) in partibus infidelium? What is a man if you look at him with the 1 Cf. Sartor Resartus, Book i. ch. x, where this para- graph appears with some enlargement. 2 " Thus were it not miraculous, could I stretch forth my hand and clutch the Sun ? Yet thou seest me daily stretch forth my hand and therewith clutch many a thing, and swing it hither and thither. Art thou a grown baby, then, to fancy that the Miracle lies in miles of distance, or in pounds avoirdupois of weight ; and not to see that the true inexplicable God-revealing Miracle lies in this, that I stretch forth my hand at all ; that I have free force to clutch aught therewith ? " Sartor Resartus ; Book iii. ch. viii. 3 This sentence appears in Sartor Resartus, Book i. ch. x. 162 THOMAS CARLYLE. mere Logical sense, with the Understanding ? A pitiful hungry biped that wears breeches. Often when I read of pompous ceremonials, drawing-room levees and coronations, on a sudden the clothes fly off the whole party in my fancy, and they stand there straddling, in a half-ludicrous, half-horrid condition! — August 1830. 1 September 7^ Yesterday I received tid- ings that my project of cutting up that thrice-wretched Hist. G. Literature into Review Articles, and so realizing something for my Year's work, will not take effect. The ' Course of Provi- dence ' (nay sometimes I almost feel that there is such a thing even for me) seems guiding my steps into new regions ; the ques- tion is coming more and more towards a decision : Canst thou, there as thou art, ac- complish aught good and true, or art thou to die miserably as a vain Pretender ? It is above a year since I wrote one sentence that came from the right place ; since I did one action that seemed to be really worthy. The want of money is a comparatively insignifi- cant affair : 2 were I doing well otherwise, I 1 Here is the first formal expression of the thought that grew into Sartor Resartus. Cf. Book i. chs. ix, x, in which the special fancies of this paragraph have their full play. 2 "We are very poor at present; but that is all, and 163 NOTE BOOK OF could most readily consent to go destitute and suffer all sorts of things. On the whole I am a — But tush! — The Moral Nature of a man is not a com- posite factitious concern, but lies in the very heart of his being, as his very Self of Selves. The first alleviation to irremediable Pain is some conviction that it has been merited; that it comes from the All-just, from God. — What am I but a sort of Ghost? Men rise as Apparitions from the bosom of Night, and after grinning, squeaking, gibbering some space, return thither. The earth they stand on is Bottomless; the vault of their sky is Infinitude; the Life- Time is encompassed with Eternity. O wonder! And they buy cattle or seats in Parliament, and drink coarser or finer fermented liquours, as if all this were a City that had foundations. 1 I have strange glimpses of the power of spiritual Union, of Association among men of like object. Therein lies the true Element of Religion : it is a truly supernatural cli- mate. All wondrous things, from a Pennen- den Heath, or Penny-a-week Purgatory So- we will get over that. Fear nothing: we mean nothing but honest things, and must and will prosper in them, seeing the very effort is success." Carlyle to his brother John, Aug. 6, 1830. Letters, i. 230. l Cf. Sartor Resartus, Book i. ch. iii. 164 THOMAS CARLYLE. ciety, to the foundation of a Christianity, or the (now obsolete) exercise of magic, take their rise here. Men work godlike miracles thereby, and the horridest abominations. Society is a wonder of wonders ; x and Politics (in the right sense, far, very far from the common one) is the noblest Science. Cor ne edito ! 2 Up and be doing ! Hast thou not the strangest grandest of all talents com- mitted to thee; namely Life itself? O Heaven ! And it is momently rusting and wasting, if thou use it not. Up and be do- ing; and pray (if thou but can) to the Un- seen Author of all thy Strength to guide thee 1 Cf. Sartor Resartus, Book iii. ch. ii. 2 See ante, p. 131. This injunction is among the say- ings ascribed to Pythagoras by Diogenes Laertius in his Life of the philosopher, § 18. Plutarch cites it in his essay 'Of the Training of Children.' "Eat not thy heart ; which forbids to afflict our souls, and waste them with vexatious cares." But, as was long since pointed out, the conception of eating one's own heart is to be found in Homer, in the pathetic verses describing Bellerophon : — olog dXutOf Ov &Vfiov xatidoiv, ndtov dv&QOJrttav aXsshcov. " He wandered solitary, eating his own heart, avoiding the path of men." Iliad, vi. 201-2; and again in the ninth book of the Odyssey, vv. 74, 75, "There," says Ulysses, "for two nights and days we lay, eating our hearts because of toil and trouble." Carlyle had expe- rienced the bitterness of this diet. "It was my own heart . . . that I kept devouring," says Teufelsdrockh, Sartor Resartus , Book ii. ch. viii. And in Wotton Rein/red, Carlyle wrote, "He hurried into the country, not to possess his soul in peace as he had hoped, but, in truth, like Homer's Bellerophon, to eat his own heart." P. 43. 165 NOTE / BOOK OF and aid thee; to give thee if not Victory and Possession, unwearied Activity and Entsagen. — Is not every Thought properly an Inspira- tion ? Or how is one thing more inspired than another ? Much is in this. — Why should Politeness be the peculiar characteristic of the Rich and Well-born ? Is not every man alive ; is not every man infinitely venerable to every other ? ' There is but one Temple in the Universe ' says No- valis, ' and that is the body of man.' 1 — Franz von Sickingen was one of the no- blest men of the Reformation Period. He defended Ulrich von Hutten j warred against perfidious Wiirtemberg; was the terror of evil doers the praise of whoso did well. Hutten and he read Luther together : Light rising in Darkness! He also stood by Gotz von Berlichingen, and now walks in Poetry. But why I mention him here is his transcendent good-breeding. He was at feud with his superior the Bishop of Triers, and besieged by him, and valiantly defend- ing himself against injustice, at the moment when he received his death-wound. His Castle was surrendered; Triers and others 1 Novalis Schriften, ii. 126. Berlin, 1826. The pre- ceding entry is developed in Sartor Resartus, Book iii. ch. iv. 166 THOMAS CARLYLE. approached the brave man over whose coun- tenance the last paleness was already spread- ing. He took off his cap to Triers, there as he lay in that stern agony. What a picture ! — "He had feud with the Archbishop of Trier, whom the Elector Palatine, the Land- graf of Hessen, and a large portion of the German Nobles were assisting. His castle Landstein was besieged by these Allies in 1523; the hero defended it night and day with unflinching steadfastness and valour. At last he was struck on the roof [Dach- mauer) by a musket ball, and fell. He lived four and twenty hours; spoke kindly with the Princes who had conquered him; and tho' already todtschwach 1 took off his cap (Muzze) to the Archbishop whose vassal he was. Even his Enemies wept at the lordly obsequies that in the Church at Landstein were rendered him." Ulrich von Hutien by Wagenseil (page already lost in turning to the Title!) — Lands tuhl the Conv. Lexicon calls the Castle. Munch, F. von Sickingen's Plane, Thaten, Freunde und Ausgang is in two volumes. Should like to see it. — Nulla dies sine lineal — Eheu! Eheu ! Yesterday (Monday) accordingly I wrote a thing in dactyls, entitled the Wandering Spirits, which now fills and then filled me 1 " Faint with death." 167 NOTE BOOK OF ' with detestation and abhorrence.' No mat- ter: to day I must do the like. Nulla dies sine lineal To the persevering, they say, all things are possible. Possible or impossi- ble, I have no other implement for trying. Last night I sat up very late reading Scott's History of Scotland. An amusing Narrative, clear, precise and I suppose accu- rate j but no more a History of Scotland than I am Pope of Rome. A series of Palace intrigues, and butcheries and battles little more important than those of Donnybrook Fair; all the while that Scotland, quite un- noticed, is holding on her course in Industry, in Arts, in Culture, as if Langside and Clean-the- Causeway had remained unfought. Strange that a man should think he was writing the History of a Nation, while he is chronicling the amours of a wanton young woman called Queen, and a sulky booby recommended to Kingship for his fine limbs, and then blown up with gunpowder for ill- behaviour. Good Heaven ! let them fondle and pout and bicker ad libitum : what has God's fair Creation, and man's immortal Des- tiny to do with them and their trade ?— One inference I have drawn from Scott: that the people in those old days had a singu- lar talent for nicknames : King Toom-Tabard, Bell the Cat (less meritorious), the Foul Raid, the Roundabout 'Raid, Clean-the- Causeway , the 1 68 THOMAS CARLYLE. lulchan Prelates, 1 &c. &c. Apparently there was more Humour in the national mind then than now. For the rest, the Scottish History looks like that of a Gypsey encampment : industry of the rudest, largely broken by sheer indolence ; smoke, sluttishness, hunger, scab and — blood. Happily, as hinted, Scotland herself was not there. Lastly it is noteworthy that the Nobles of the country have maintained a quite despi- cable behaviour, from the times of Wallace downwards. A selfish, ferocious, famishing, unprincipled set of hyaenas, from whom at no time and in no way has the country de- rived any benefit. The day is coming when these our modern hyaenas (tho' toothless, still mischievous, and greedy beyond limit) will (quickly I hope) be paid off. " Canaille fain- e'ante, que faites-vous la ? Down with your double-barrels ; take spades, if ye can do no better, and work or die ! " The quantity of Pain thou feelest is indica- tion of the quantity of Life, of Talen t, thou hast : a stone feels no Pain. — (' Is that a fact ? ') 1 A tulchane is, according to Jaraieson, Dictionary of the Scottish Language, " a calf's skin stuffed with straw, and set beside a cow, to make her give milk;" and a Tul- chane Bishop, "one who received the episcopate on condition of assigning the temporalities to a secular person." 169 NOTE BOOK OF Thursday, Wrote a fractionlet of verse 9 th September entitled The Beetle 1 (a real incident on Glaisters Moor), which alas ! must stand for the Linea both of Tuesday and Wednesday. To day I am to try I know not what. Greater clearness will arrive ; I make far most progress when I walk, on solitary roads — of which there are enough here. Last night came a whole Bundle of Fraser Magazines &c. : two little Papers by my Brother in them; some (small-beer) Fables by me ; and on the whole such a hurlyburly of rhodomontade, punch, loyalty, and Saturna- lian Toryism as eye hath not seen. This out- Blackwoods Blackwood. Nevertheless the thing has its meaning : a kind of wild popu- lar Lower-Comedy; of which John Wilson is the Inventor: it may perhaps, for it seems well adapted to the age, carry down his name to other times, as his most remarkable achieve- ment. All the Magazines (except the New Monthly) seem to aim at it : a certain quick- ness, fluency of banter, not excluding sharp insight, and Merry- Andrew Drollery, and even Humour, are available here ; however, the grand requisite seems to be Impudence, and a fearless committing of yourself to talk in your Drink. — Literature has nothing to do with this, but Printing has; and Printing is l See Essays, i., Appendix, for these verses. 170 THOMAS CARLYLE. now no more the peculiar symbol and livery of Literature than writing was in Gutenberg's day. — Great actions are sometimes historically barren; smallest actions have taken root (in the moral soil) and grown like banana-forests to cover whole quarters of the world. Aris- totle's Philosophy and the Sermon on the Mount (and both too had fair trial) ; the Mecanique Celeste and the Sorrows of Wer- ter ; Alexander's Expedition, and that of Paul an Apostle of the Gentiles ! Of these, however, Werter is half a gourd, and only by its huge decidua (to be used as manure) will fertilize the Future. So too with the rest ; all are deciduous, and must at last make manure ; only at longer dates. Yet of some the root also (?) seems to be undying. What are Schiller and Goethe, if you try them in that way ? As yet it is too soon to try them. No true effort can be lost. One thing we see: the moral nature of man is deeper than his intellectual ; things planted down into the former may grow as if forever ; the latter as a kind of drift mould produces only annuals. What is J esus Christ's significance ? Altogether moral. What is Jeremy Bentham's significance ? Altogether intellectual, logical. I name him as the representative of a class, important only for their numbers; intrinsically weari- 171 NOTE BOOK OF some, almost pitiable and pitiful. Logic is their sole foundation, no other even recog- nized as possible : wherefore their system is a Machine, and cannot grow or endure ; but after thrashing for a little (and doing good service that way) must thrash itself to pieces, and be made fuel. — Alas poor England, stupid, purblind, pudding-eating England ! Bentham with his Mills grinding thee out Morality; and some Macaulay, also be- aproned and a grinder, testing it and decry- ing it, because it is not his own Whig-estab- lished Quern-morality ! I mean that the Utilitarians have Logical Machinery, and do grind fiercely and potently, on their own foundation; whereas the Whigs have no foundation but must stick up their handmills, or even pepper-mills, on what fixture they can come at, and there grind as it pleases Heaven. The Whigs are Amateurs, the Radicals are Guild-brethren. The Sin of this age is Dilettantism; the Whigs, and all 'moderate Tories,' are the grand Dilettanti : I begin to feel less and less patience for them. This is no world where a man should stand trimming his whiskers, looking on at work, or touching it with the point of a gloved finger. Man sollte greifen zu ! 1 There is more hope of an Atheist Utilita- rian, of a Superstitious Ultra, than of such a 1 " One must grip hold." 172 THOMAS CARLYLE. lukewarm, withered mongrel. He would not believe tho' one rose from the dead. He is wedded to his idols, let him alone. September Rain! Rain! Rain! The (about the 28th). crops all lying tattered, scattered and unripe j the winter's bread still under the soaking clouds ! God pity the poor ! The Jeffreys were here for about a week. 1 Very good and interesting beyond wont was our worthy Dean. He is growing old, and seems dispirited and partly unhappy. — The fairest cloak has its wrong side, where the seams and straggling stitches afflict the eye ! Envy no man ; nescis quo urit, thou knowest not where the shoe pinches. Jeffrey's essential talent sometimes seems to me to have been that of a Goldoni ; some comic Dramatist not without a touch of true lyrical pathos. He is the best mimic (in the lowest and highest senses) I ever saw. All matters that have come before him he has taken up in little dainty comprehensible forms ; chiefly logical (for he is a Scotchman and Lawyer) and encircled with sparkles of con- versational wit ox persiflage ; yet with deeper ISee Reminiscences, "Lord Jeffrey," ii. 245, sqq. for Carlyle's recollections of this visit, and his final estimate of his friend. 173 NOTE BOOK OF study he would have found poetical forms for them, and his persiflage might have incor- porated itself gracefully with the Love and pure humane feeling that dwells deeply in him. This last is his highest strength, tho' he himself hardly knows the significance of it : he is one of the most loving men alive ; has a true kindness, not of blood and habit only, but of soul and spirit. He cannot do without being loved. He is in the highest degree social ; and in defect of this, gregar- ious ; which last condition he (in these bad times) has for most part had to content him- self withal. Every way indeed he has fallen on evil days : the prose spirit of the world (to which world his kindliness draws him so strongly and closely) has choked up and all but withered the better poetic spirit he de- rived from nature. Whatever is highest, he entertains (like other Whigs) only as an orna- ment, as an appendage. The great business of Man he (intellectually) considers as a worldling does : To be happy. I have heard him say : ? If Folly were the happiest, I would be a fool.' Yet his daily Life belies this doctrine, and says : \ Tho' Goodness were the most wretched I would be Good.' In conversation he is brilliant (or rather sparkling), lively, kind, willing either to speak or listen, and above all men I have ever seen, ready and copious. On the whole exceed- i74 THOMAS CARLYLE. ingly pleasant in light talk. Yet alas light, light, too light! He will talk of nothing earnestly, tho' his look sometimes betrays an earnest feeling. He starts contradiction in such cases, and argues, argues. Neither is his arguing like that of a Thinker, but of an Advocate ; Victory not Truth. A right Terrae Filius would feel irresistibly disposed to ' wash him away.' He is not a strong man in any shape ; but nimble and tough. He stands midway between God and Mammon ; and his preaching thro' Life has been an attempt to reconcile these. Hence his popularity; a thing easily accountable when one looks at the world and at him ; but little honourable to either. Literature ! Poetry ! Except by a dim indestructible Instinct, which he has never dared to avow, yet being a true Poet (in his way) could never eradicate — he knows not what they mean. A true Newspaper Critic, on the great scale; no Priest, but a Concionator ! Yet on the whole, he is about the best man I ever saw. Sometimes I think he will ab- jure the Devil (if he live), and become a pure Light. Already he is a most tricksy dainty beautiful little Spirit : I have seen gleams on the face and eyes of the man that let you look into a higher country. God bless him ! And I will blab no more. These jottings are as sincere as I could write them, yet too dim i75 NOTE BOOK OF and inaccurately compacted. I see the nail, but have not here hit it on the head. Basta / I am going to write — Nonsense. It is on " Clothes." * Heaven be my comforter ! — It was a wise regulation, which ordained that certain days and times should be set apart for Seclusion and Meditation; whether as Fasts or not may reasonably admit of doubt, the business being * to get out of the Body to philosophize.' But, on the whole, there is a deep significance in Silence. Were a man forced for a length of time but to hold his peace, it were in most cases an in- calculable benefit to his insight. Thought works in Silence ; so does Virtue. One might erect statues to Silence. I sometimes think it were good for me, who after all cannot err much in loquacity here, did I impose on my- self at set times, the duty — of not speaking for a day. What folly would one avoid, did the tongue lie quiet till the mind had fin- ished, and were calling for utterance. Not only our good Thoughts but our good Pur- poses also are frittered asunder and dissipated by unseasonable speaking of them. Words, the strangest product of our nature, are also the most potent. Beware of speaking. Speech 1 Sartor Resartus ; begun at this time, the book was completed in July, 1831. See Letters, i. 235, 300. 176 THOMAS CARLYLE. is human, Silence is divine : yet also brutish and dead ; therefore we must learn both arts, they are both difficult. Flower-roots hidden under soil; Bees working in Darkness, &c. The soul too in Silence. — Let not thy left hand know what thy right hand doeth. In- deed, Secrecy is the element of all Goodness j every Virtue, every Beauty is mysterious. I hardly understand even the surface of this. — * Written a strange piece " On clothes " : know not what will come of it. October 28^ 1830- See in Goethe's Werke B[and] 31, about page 220, for the possible material of an Article. Our loveliest dear doth sit down stairs Seek well and the gay sweetheart you'll find A timber gown is the suit she wears, And her name is the Muscadine. 2 Seb. Brandt. Gutes Pferd Ist's Hafers werth. 3 (Myself! November 24th) Received the ■ ornamented Schiller ' from 1 Cf. Sartor Resartus, Book iii. ch. iii, where the sub- stance of this entry is reworked. 2 See ante (page 118). 3 "A good horse is worth his oats." 12 177 NOTE BOOK OF Goethe, and wondered not a little to see poor old Craigenputtock engraved at Frankfort on the Meyn. If I become anything it will look well; if I become nothing, a piece of kind dotage (on his part). 1 — Sent away the Clothes ;^ of which I could make a kind of Book ; but cannot afford it. Have still the Book in petto (?) but in the most chaotic shape. The Whigs in office, and Baron Brougham Lord Chancellor ! Hay-stacks and corn- stacks burning over all the South and Middle of England ! Where will it end ? Revolution on the back of Revolution for a 1 On the sixth of June, 1830, Goethe wrote to Carlyle : " Further you will find in the little box the last sheets of the translation of your Life of Schiller. The publication has been delayed, and I wished to make the little work especially pretty, for the sake of the publisher, as well as for its own. I have certainly pleased the public, so may you excuse it. The frontispiece represents your house from a near point of view, the vignette on the title-page, the same from a distance. . . . Outside, on the front cover is a view of Schiller's house in Weimar ; and on the cover at the back, a little garden-house [at Jena] which he himself built in order that he might withdraw from his family and all the world." , Correspondence be- tween Goethe and Carlyle, p. 203. To this volume, which has now become scarce, Goethe prefixed a long preface of much interest, a translation of which forms the first appendix to the above-cited Correspondence, occupying pp. 299-323. 2 It was Carlyle's first intention to make two magazine articles of what became the book Sartor. This paper which he sent to Fraser's Magazine was entitled " Thoughts on Clothes." See Letters, i. 238, 249. 178 THOMAS CARLYLE. century yet ? Religion, the cement of Society ■, is not here: we can have no permanent beneficent arrangement of affairs. Not that we want no Aristocracy, but that we want a true one. While the many work with their hands, let the few work with their heads and hearts, honestly, and not with a shameless villainy only pretend to work, or even openly steal — Were the Landlords all hanged, and their estates given to the poor, we should be (economically) much happier perhaps for the space of thirty years j but the Population would be doubled then, and again the Hunger of the unthrifty would burn the granary of the industrious. Alas! that there is no Church ; and as yet no apparent possi- bility of one ! The divine right of Squires is equal to the right divine of Kings, and not superior ? A word has made them, and a word can un- make. I have no Property in anything whatsoever ; except perhaps (if I am a virtuous man) in my own Free-will : of my Body I have only a life-rent; of all that is without my Skin only an accidental Possession — so long as I can keep it. Vain man ! are the stars thine because thou lookest on them ; is that piece of Earth thine because thou hast eaten of its 179 NOTE BOOK OF fruits ? Thy proudest Palace, what is it but a Tent; pitched not indeed for days, yet for years ? The earth is the Lord's. Remember this, and seek other Duties than game-pre- serving, wouldest thou not be an interloper, sturdy beggar, and even thief : — Faules Pferd Keins Hafers werth.i The Labourer is worthy of his Hire; and the Idler of his also, — namely of Starvation. What is Art and Poetry ? Is the Beautiful really higher than the Good ? A higher form thereof ? Thus were a Poet not only a Priest but a High- Priest. Examine by Logic the import of thy Life, and of all lives : What is it ? A making of Meal into Manure; and of Manure into Meal. 2 To the Cui-bono there is no answer from Logic. Clara gives a kiss, is it much for her to do ? When she gives one don't she take one too ? Canst keep thy own secret No other will break it. 1 " The idle horse not worth his oats." 2 Compare the humorous development of this thought in the epitaph on Count Zahdarm, Sartor Resartus \ Book ii. ch. iv. 180 THOMAS CARLYLE. These two from Logaiu A Latin transla- tion of Mai in Jordens B[and] 6. (Written here to get rid of a rag of Paper — it is a sorting day — Ach !) 29th December The old year just expiring ; 1 830. one of the most worthless years I have spent for a long time. Durch eignes und andrer Schuld! * But words are worse than nothing. To thy Review' 1 (Taylor's Hist. Survey.) Is it the most despicable of work ? Yet is it not too good for thee ? O, I care not for Poverty, lit- tle even for Disgrace, nothing at all for want of Renown : but the horrible feeling is when I cease my own struggle, lose the conscious- ness of my own strength, and become posi- tively quite worldly and wicked. — In the paths of Fortune (Fortune ! ) I have made no advancement, since last year; but on the contrary (owing chiefly to that German Literary History, one way and another) con- siderably retrograded. No matter; had I but progressed in the other better path ! But alas ! alas ! — Howsoever, pocas palabras I I am still here. Bist Du glucklich, Du Gute, dass Du unter die Erde bist ? — Wo stehst Du ? Liebst Du 1 " Through my own and others' fault." 2 Historic Survey of German Poetry. By W. Taylor of Norwich, 3 vols., 8vo. London, 1830. 181 NOTE BOOK OF mich noch ? I — God is the God of the Dead as well as of the living: the Dead, as the Living, are where — He wills. Kehret ins Leben zuruck t ■• — Jack 3 writes miserably hurried letters : I fear he is un- happy j there is no doubt he is a little unwise ; yet I think him gathering wisdom. This Taylor is a wretched Atheist and Philistine : it is my duty (perhaps) to put the flock, whom he professes to lead, on their guard. Let me do it well I In a purse from my wife, yesterday (De- cember 30th 1830); written with pencil on a slip of paper, which I now burn : Fortunatus' Purse was a mighty fine thing, Yet a pest, nothing else, to its owner ; For me, neither guineas nor troubles I bring, My whole worth is the Love of my donor. Feby7*M831. Finished the Review of Taylor some three weeks ago, and sent it off: no tidings about it yet. It is worth little, and only partially in a right spirit. — l " Art thou fortunate, thou Good One, in being under the earth ? Where art thou ? Still lovest thou me?" 2 " Let us come back to life." 3 Dr. John Carlyle, then in London. 182 THOMAS CARLYLE. Sent to Jack to liberate my Teufelsdreck 1 from Editorial durance in London, and am seri- ously thinking to make a Book of it. 2 The thing is not right, not Art j yet perhaps a nearer approach to Art than I have yet made. We ought to try. I want to get it done ; and then translate Faust, as I have partially prom- ised to Goethe. Thro' Teufelsdreck I am yet far from seeing my way ; nevertheless mate- rials are partly forthcoming. — Goethe has lost his son, and been on the point of death himself. Venerable old man ! Shall I never see thee with these eyes ? — A letter of mine will be about this time in his hands. No sense from the Foreign Quarterly Re- view ; have nearly determined on opening a correspondence on the matter of that ' ever- lasting MS ' with Bowring of the Westminster. Could write also a Paper on the Saint-Simo- nians. One too on Dr. Johnson — for Napier. Such are the financial aspects. N. B. I have some ^5 to front the world with; and ex- pect no more for months. Jack too is in the neap tide. — Hand to the oar ! — All Europe is in a state of disturbance, of 1 See Letters, i. 249. " Teufelsdreck, that is the title of my present Schrift." Id. 237. 2 Had gone to Fraset first, then ? [T. C. 1866.] 183 NOTE BOOK OF Revolution. About this very time they may be debating the question of British 'Reform,' in London : the Parliament opened last week, our news of it expected on Wednesday. The times are big with change. Will one century of constant fluctuation serve us, or shall we need two ? Their Pari. Reforms, and all that, are of small moment ; a beginning (of good & evil) nothing more. The whole frame of Society is rotten and must go for fuel-wood, and where is the new frame to come from ? I know not, and no man knows. The only Sovereigns of the world in these days are the Literary men (were there any such in Britain), the Prophets. It is always a Theocracy; the King has to be anointed by the Priest, and now the Priest (the Goethe for example) will not cannot consecrate the existing King, who therefore is a usurper, and reigns only by sufferance. What were the bet that King William were the last of that Profession in Britain, and Queen Victoria never troubled with the sceptre at all ? Mighty odds ; yet nevertheless not infinite ; for what thing is certain now ? No mortal cares two- pence for any King, or obeys any King ex- cept thro' compulsion: and Society is not a Ship of war, its Government cannot always be a Pressgang. What are the Episcopal Dignitaries saying 184 THOMAS CARLYLE. to it ? Who knows but Edward Irving may yet be a Bishop! They will clutch round them for help, and unmuzzle all manner of Bulldogs when the thief is at the gate : Bull- dogs with teeth ; the generality have no teeth in that Kennel. Kings do reign by divine right, or not at all. The King that were God-appointed, would be an emblem of God, and could de- mand all obedience from us. But where is that King ? The Best Man, could we find him, were he. Tell us, tell us, O ye Codifiers and Statists and Economists, how we shall find him and raise him to the throne : — or else admit that the science of Polity is worse than unknown to you. Earl {Jarl, Yirl), Count, Duke, Knight, &c. &c. are all titles derived ixom. fighling : the honour-titles, in a future time, will derive themselves from knowing and well-doing. They will also be conferred with more deli- beration, and by better judges. This is a prophecy of mine. 1 God is above us ! Else the figure of the world were well nigh desperate. ' Go where we may the deep Heaven will be round us.' Jeffrey is Lord Advocate and M. P. Sobbed and shrieked at taking office, like a bride going l Cf. Sartor Resartus, Book iii. ch. vii. I8 5 NOTE BOOK OF to be married. I wish him altogether well j but reckon that he is on the wrong course : Whiggism, I believe, is all but forever dofie. Away with Dilettantism and Machiavelism, tho' we should get Atheism and Sanscullotism in their room ! The latter are at least sub- stantial things, and do not build on a con- tinued wilful falsehood. — But oh ! But oh ! Where is Teufelsdreck all this while ? — The Southwest is busy thaw- ing off that horrible snow-storm ; Time rests not : thou only art idle. To pen ! to pen ! (I shall have Benvenuto Cellini at night.) — Feb? 14*!? Ay de mil Another week gone, painfully and lazily and no work done ! — Benvenuto Cellini a very worthy Book, gives more insight into Italy than fifty Leo- Tenths would do. 1 A remarkable man Ben- venuto and in a remarkable scene. Religion and Art with Ferocity and Sensuality ; pol- ished Respect with stormful Independence; faithfully obedient subjected to Popes who are not Hierarchs but plain scoundrels ! Life was far sunnier and richer then; but a time of change (loudly called for) was advancing, — and but lately has reached its crisis. — Goethe's Essay on Benvenuto quite excellent. — 1 The Autobiography of Benvenuto Cellini, compared with Roscoe's Life of Leo X. 186 THOMAS CARLYLE. Pope's Homer's Odyssey, surely a very- false and tho' ingenious and talented yet bad translation. The old Epics are great because they (musically) show us the whole world of those old days : a modern Epic that did the like would be equally admired, and for us far more admirable. But where is the genius that can write it ? Patience ! Patience ! he will be here one of these centuries. Is Homer or Shakespeare the greater ge- nius? Were hard to say. Shakespeare's world is the more complex, the more spir- itual, and perhaps his mastery over it was equally complete. 'We are such stuff as Dreams are made on ' : there is the basis of a whole Poetic universe; to that mind all forms, and figures of men and things, would become ideal. — What is a Whole ? Or how, specially, does a Poem differ from Prose ? Ask not a defini- tion of it in words, which can hardly express common Logic correctly; study to create in thyself a feeling of it : like so much else, it cannot be made clear, hardly even to thy thought (?) — Alas, 'white men know no- thing.' I see some vague outline of what a Whole is : also how an individual Delineation may be ' informed with the Infinite ' ; may appear hanging in the universe of Time & Space 187 NOTE BOOK OF (partly) : in which case is it a Poem and a Whole ? Therefore, are the true Heroic Poems of these times to be written with the ink of Science I Were a correct philosophic Biog- raphy of a Man (meaning by philosophic all that the name can include) the only method of celebrating him ? The true History (had we any such, or even generally any dream of such) the true Epic Poem? — I partly begin to surmise so. — What after all is the true pro- portion of St. Matthew to Homer, of the Crucifixion to the Fall of Troy! On the whole I wish I could define to myself the true relation of moral genius to poetic genius; of Religion to Poetry. Are they one and the same, different forms of the same ; and if so which is to stand higher, the Beautiful or the Good ? Schiller and Goethe seem to say the former, as if it included the latter and might supersede it : how truly I can never well see. — Meanwhile that the fac- ulties always go together seems clear. It is a gross calumny on human nature to say that there ever was a mind of surpassing talent that did not also surpass in capability of virtue; and vice versa ; nevertheless in both cases there are ' female geniuses" too, minds that admire and receive, but can hardly create; I have observed in these also the taste for Religion and for Poetry go to- THOMAS CARLYLE. gether. The most wonderful words that I ever heard of being uttered by man are those in the four Evangelists, by Jesus of Nazareth. Their intellectual talent is hardly inferior to their moral. On this subject, if I live, I hope to have much to say. And so ends my first Notebook, after nigh eight years, — here at Craigenputtock, at my own hearth, and tho' amid trouble and dispir- itment enough, yet with better outlooks than I had then. My outward world is not much better (yes it is, though I have far less money), but my inward is ; and I can prom- ise myself never to be so miserable again. Farewell ye that have fallen asleep since then; farewell, tho' distant perhaps near me ! Welcome the Good and Evil that is to come, thro' which God assist me to struggle wisely ! What have I to look back on ? Little or nothing. What forward to ? My own small sickly force amid wild enough whirlpools! The more diligently apply it then. NOg 1 M The night cometh." John ix. 4. [89 SECOND NOTE BOOK. Begun in London. August 4* Left Craigenputtock, 1 and my 1831. kind little wife, Alick 2 driving me, at 2 o'clock in the morn- ing. Shipped at Glencaple 3 : hazy day : saw Esbie 4 in the steerage ; talked mysticism with him during six weary hours we had to stay at Whitehaven. Reimbarkment there, amid bellowing and tumult and fiddling unutter- able : all like a spectral vision — ' she is [not] there.' St. Bees Head. Man with the Nose. Sleep in the steamboat cabin: confusion worse confounded. Morning : views of Chesh- ire, the Rock, Liverpool and steamboats. Boy — Man. 1 For a long contemplated visit to London in the hope of finding a publisher for Sartor Resartus, which had just been completed. 2 His brother. 3 Five miles beyond Dumfries. * An old acquaintance, described in a letter of 27 Nov., 1818, to Mr. Robert Mitchell, asa" double-refined trav- elling tutor. "—Early Letters, i. 191. I 9 I NOTE BOOK OF 5* 7^ in the morning. Land at Liver- pool : all abed at Maryland street. 1 Boy Alick 2 accompanies me over Liverpool. Ex- change-Dome : dim view there. Dust, toil ; cotton-bags, hampers, repairing ships, dis- loading stones. Carson 3 a hash. Melancholy body of the name of Sloan. Wifekin's assi- duity in caring for me. 4 6^ (Saturday) taken to one Johnstone a Frenchified Lockerby man, who leads me to 'Change; place in 'the In- dependent Tallyho, Sir! ' — See George John- stone, Surgeon, whom I had unearthed the night before. Patient of his. He dines with us. Walk on the Terrace near the Cemetery. Have seen the Steam-coaches 5 in the morn- ing. Liverpool a dismembered aggregate of streets and sandpits. Market-hubbub. 1 Home of Mrs. Carlyle's uncle, Mr. John Welsh, "a most munificent, affectionate and nobly honorable kind of man." Reminiscences i. 156; see also pp. 166-168. 2 Son of Mr. John Welsh. 3 A Liverpool doctor. See Letters, ii. 367. 4 "Delightful it was" Carlyle writes to his wife on August 11, "on opening my trunk to find everywhere traces of my good 'coagitor's' [coadjutor's] care and love. Heaven reward thee, my clear-headed, warm- hearted, dearest little Screamikin ! " Life, ii. 165. 5 The Steam-coaches were still novelties ; the first ex- perimental trip with a steam engine was on the Liverpool & Manchester railway in October, 1829. The celebra- tion of the opening of the road for regular steam travel and traffic was on Sept. 15, 1830, a memorable event made tragic by the death of Mr. Huskisson. 192 THOMAS CARLYLE. 8*! 1 x Oleum ricini. Go out to find Esbie : he calls on me. Confused family din- ner; do. tea. G. Johnstone again. Talk: to bed. 9th Off on Monday morning. Shipped thro' the Mersey; coached thro' East- ham, Chester, Overton (in Wales) Ellesmere, Shrewsbury, Wolverhampton, Birmingham : attempt at tea there. Discover (not without laughter) the villainy of the Liverpool Coach- Bookers. Henley in Arden; Stratford on Avon (horses lost there); get in to sleep. Oxford at 3 in the morning. Out again there : chill but pleasant. Henley, Maidenhead &c. Arrive full of sulphur at the Whfite] Horse Cel- lar, Piccadilly: dismount at the Regent Circus, and am wheeled (not whirled) hither, 2 about half past 10; poor Jack waiting all the while at the Angel, Islington. Talk together when he returns; dine at an Eatinghouse among Frenchmen, one of whom ceases eating to hear me talk of the St. Simonians. Leave my card at the Lord Advocate's, 3 with promise to call next morning. Sulphurous enough. 1 The dates from the 8th to the 14th inclusive are wrong by a day in advance. 2 To 6 Woburn Buildings, Tavistock Square, the dwelling of Edward Irving's brother George, where Dr. John Carlyle lodged. 3 Jeffrey. 13 193 NOTE BOOK OF 11th (Wednesday) Go to the Advocate's: am kindly received, the A. looking better than I expected : a Dr. Baron there (whom I knew not as such till after he was gone). Napier's Letter in the hands of the Postman. 1 Am advised to try Murray with my MS. rather ; get a letter to him j see him with difficulty ; send over my Papers, to have the answer affirmative or negative next Wednesday. A tall squinting man; not of the wisest aspect; seems to know me, and smiles on my description of Breck 2 (the dog! I fear he will make me greet on it yet) : the favour of the Ministry, through Jeffrey's interest, buoys me up with him. See the Badamses that evening (B. had already called on me very shortly after my arrival) : poor B. seemed flushed and to have been drinking; his Wife a true soul, talented, true, but girlish; her mother a gigantic French-woman, now Wife of one Kenny a Playwright. Look in upon the Montagues as I return : Procter standing at the door; 3 Mrs. M. in the dusk, colder 1 Napier was Jeffrey's successor as editor of the Edin- burgh Review. His letter enclosed one of introduction of Carlyle to Mr. Rees, of the publishing house of Long- man & Co. 2 " Dreck," that is, Teufelsdreck. 3 The Basil Montagus ; Procter, the poet who wrote under the pseudonym of Barry Cornwall, was their son- in-law. Carlyle's relations with the Montagus had be- gun during his visit to London with the Bullers in 1824. See Life, i. 120; Reminiscences, ii. 112, 127-130. 194 THOMAS CARLYLE. than might have been expected, yet with professions enough. 1 1 2th (Thursday) Go out to see about a Seal- cutter at Mrs. M.'s; am by her detained with a most vituperative his- tory of the Badams Bankrupt, or a cheat dis- covered. Seems to me all overcharged; at best common-place, vindictive, nowise mag- nanimous. Speaking of John, almost get provoked, yet do not. Alas ! \ all things go round and round ' there : old friends utterly gone there; I too am no longer necessary. The people to be pitied ; the ' noble lady ' is alone, with her so shewy Iety? Can say no- thing of the Seal; and now I have hardly 1 See for the filling out of this and the preceding en- tries the letter to Mrs. Carlyle of that date. Life ii. 164. Carlyle had become acquainted with Mr. Badams, a friend of Irving, in 1824, and had spent two months with him in that year at Birmingham. " This man, one of the most sensible, clear-headed persons I have ever met with, seems also one of the kindest," is what he writes of him to his mother. Life, i. 229. "A most inventive, light-hearted, and genially gallant kind of man ; sadly eclipsed within the last five years, ill-married, plunged amid grand mining speculations, which were and showed themselves sound, but not till they had driven him to drink brandy instead of water, and next year to die mis- erably overwhelmed." Reminiscences, i. 93. 2 The ' Noble Lady ' was Edward Irving's epithet for Mrs. Montagu. Irving had introduced Carlyle to the Montagus in 1824, and in his " Reminiscences of Ir- ving" Carlyle gives a vivid description of the Montagu household. Reminiscences, ii. 123-134. 195 NOTE BOOK OF time remaining to write a most confused Let- ter to my Own, which I do in all sorrow at such loss of time, and the sight of such havoc and dismemberment as 6 years have brought. The Montagues are wicnderliche Menschen j 1 worth what? 13t. h (Friday) Out to Longman's with my Napier Letter. State to them my German Lit. History : they " decline the article," civilly enough. Shall I try them with Dreck if Murray fail ? Schwerlich. 2 On to the India House : see Strachey 3 and talk con- sentaneous Politics: invited to Sh[ooter's] Hill for Saturday. Returning call on Bowring, 4 he is in the country, but coming and going. Steer over to Allan Cunningham's 5 at night. (Have a Letter from my little Hermitess which makes me glad and sad.) Allan as of old : full of honesty and loud talk; I promised l ' Strange people.' 2 Hardly. 3 The Stracheys were old acquaintances. Mrs. Strachey was the sister of Mrs. Buller. Mr. Strachey was a Somersetshire gentleman, ex-Indian, an exam- iner in the India House. See Reminiscences, ii. 49, 102, 124 et al. Often mentioned in Life. 4 Dr., afterward Sir John, Bowring, a well-known radi- cal and man of letters ; described in a letter to Mrs. Carlyle, Life, ii. 172. 5 At this date more or less a London celebrity, "a genuine, interesting man." "Solid Dumfries mason, with a surface polish," and a touch of native genius. For description of him, see Reminiscences, i. 175 ; ii. 169. See also Life, i. 220. 196 THOMAS CARLYLE. something of dining there next week. Have bought this Book in the mg. 14th Write to Goethe, to Buller, to Fraser. Off to Shooter's Hill. See Mrs. Ba- dams by the way. She has engaged Godwin to meet us at tea ; and countermanded him, and again talks of countermanding him for still a new night. Shooter's Hill looks as well as ever * : Strachey as talkative and full of vivacity as ever : his wife has an unhealthy, faded air; looks rather afraid of me, yet friendly and earnest. Kitty 2 is Mrs Phillips, a mother, and almost a widow (as I hear). Foolish Miss whom the Unregene- rate demolishes with a shovel-hat. 3 Awake in the country with rooks (on the 15 th or Sun- day), beautiful morning ; views of the Thames and Essex; talk, dinner; return (forgetting my umbrella) by Woolwich, Greenwich and the river to Tower Stairs ; thence home, where a Letter lies from Bowring ' to breakfast on Tuesday.' Shave, wash, drink tea ; argue on the everlasting ' spirit of the time ' with Jack ; 1 " I have seldom seen a pleasanter place, a panorama of green, flowery, clean, and decorated country all round ; an umbrageous little Park, with roses, gardens ; a modest- ly excellent House." Reminiscences, ii. 124. 2 Kitty Kirkpatrick, cousin of Mrs. Strachey, with whom she had been living at the time of Carlyle's visit to London in 1824. She is described charmingly in Reminiscences, ii. 117, 125. 3 Cf. letter to Mrs. Carlyle, Life, ii, 170. 197 NOTE BOOK OF bolt off, and write thus far: will now read my Goody's Letter again, and therewith Gute nachtf (15 th 10 24 o'clock at night — up stairs.) — 15 th (believe I misdated on Sunday, and that Monday was the i5 l . h ) Went to breakfast with the Jeffreys : all very kind. The Adv. entered in his yellow night-gown, with his greyish face, clear roguish eyes, and said : " Why Charly * I've got cholera I be- lieve." Nichts welter passim, except that I got a frank for Goody. Empson 3 not at home. The Seal-cutter not to be found (in Warwick Court). Write to my Jeannie and my Mother : barely in time for the Post. Go to Irving's to tea; talk of St. Simonism, etc. ; Irving at heart the old friend. To dine with Drummond 4 (Banker) in his company on Friday. Off for Southampton Row to meet Godwin. Eheu ! find there the French woman with Mrs. God- win, presently afterwards the Badamses. Then a multifarious collection of Dilettanti, Play- l His wife Charlotte. 2 " Nothing further occurred." 3 Jeffrey's son-in-law. See Reminiscences, ii. 269; and Correspondence of Goethe and Carlyle, p. 282. 4 Henry Drummond, a worldly mystic, the most im- portant figure in the sect that grew up around Irving, and the chief of the Apostles of the Catholic Apostolic Church, which still (1898) survives with a faint and what seems like an expiring life in America and in Germany, as well as in England. See Reminiscences, ii. 187, 198 ; Life, ii. 177. 198 THOMAS CARLYLE. wrights and Nondescripts : G. has in the meanwhile arrived. A little thickset man, with bushy eyebrows (white), grey open eyes, large coarse nose and chin ; bald, hoary, yet brisk, and hearty of aspect, tho' old. He speaks little: what he says has a certain epigrammatic effect-character. Ask him, after some skirmishing about the bush, what he thinks of Literary London now as compared with the same object of old. He answers that old men always prefer the bygone time; that many of his friends are now gone ; but that on the whole the old was the best. ' Deeper questions were mooted.' I des- cribe to him somewhat of my notions about cooperation, proselytism and so forth: he looks gratified, seems beginning to talk, when they force him up to — play whist, and I only see him for the rest of the night ! A furious jingle of pianos ensues ; Rossini's operatic me- lodies almost driving me deaf; and so from amid the chaotic jargoning, I glide off, seeing symptoms of a Supper m. the other room. God- win has not impressed me with very high no- tions of him : yet I still see him with his quick short laugh (in the end of which lies a chirl, as there did in Gilbert Burns's), parson's black coat, firm position in his chair, and general handfest 1 appearance. Will try to see him again under better circumstances. — He drinks l" Sturdy." 199 NOTE BOOK OF * strong green tea ' by himself.— After ten at night, John brings up a certain young Mr. Glen, of whom much might be made : a figura- tive mind, eager for insight ; self-helping: but very talkative and confused ; hovering as yet between light and darkness. 1 Bed at twelve. 16th (whereon I now write). Awoke some time before seven ; sickish, unslept ; must have drugs: am for breakfasting with Bowring. Not very well. 27 th Have some time ago discontinued this Journal-writing; my Wife's Let- ters 2 being properly a Journal. This afternoon I am just returned from Enfield. 3 Bibliopolic speculation languid enough : i nothing mov- ing upon wheels ' : ach Nichis / Is all Education properly an unfolding: does all Knowledge already exist in the mind, and Education only uncover it? There is something in this: but not what is here (so ill) expressed. 1 " Glen was a young graduate of Glasgow, studying law in London, of very considerable though utterly con- fused talent. Ultimately went mad, and was boarded in a farmhouse near Craigenputtock, within reach of us, where in seven or eight years he died." Life, ii. 200, n. See also pp. 225, 278, 403, and Letters, i. 336. 2 His letters to his wife. 3 Where the Badams's lived. 20O THOMAS CARLYLE. Vision of all the suits of " Clothes " you have ever worn ! — October Wife arrived ten days ago ; we here 1 th quietly enough (in 4 Ampton Street) , and the world jogging on at the old rate. 1 Jack must be by this time in Paris. Teufelsdreck, after various perplexed destinies, returned to me, and now lying safe in his box. There must he continue, till the Book-trade revive a little ; if forever, what matter ? The Book contents me little ; yet perhaps there is material in it : in any case I did my best. — To see Gustave d'Eichthal 2 the St. Simonian this night ! l"The beggarly history of poor Sartor among the Blockheadisms is not worth my recording ... In short, finding that whereas I had got ^100 (if memory serve) for Schiller six or seven years before, and for Sartor * at least thrice as good,' I could not only not get ^200, but even get no ' Murray ' or the like to publish it on ' half profits,' . . . I said, 'We will make it No then ; wrap up our MS. ; wait till this ' Reform Bill ' uproar abate; and see, and give our brave little Jeannie a sight of this big Ba- bel, which is so altered since I saw it last (in 1824-25) ! ' —She came right willingly ; and had, in spite of her ill- health, which did not abate but the contrary, an interest- ing, cheery, and, in spite of our poor arrangements, a really pleasant winter here. We lodged in Ampton Street, Gray's Inn Lane, clean and decent pair of rooms, and quiet decent people . . . reduced from wealth to keeping lodgings, and prettily resigned to it; really good people." Reminiscences, i. 92. 2 ' ' The most interestin g acquaintances we have m ade, wrote Mrs. Carlyle in December, 1831, " are the St. Si- monians . . . Gustave d'Eichthal is a creature to 201 NOTE BOOK OF Their Reform Bill lost (on Saturday morn- ing at six o'clock) by a majority of 41. 1 The Politicians will have it, the people must rise. The People will do nothing half so foolish — for the present. London seems altogether quiet (however, I will go out and see) ; here they are afraid of Scotland, in Scotland of us. ' Spanish banditti ' — the sign of a general apprehensiveness. — Poor Jeffrey very ill, but not dangerously. On Saturday saw Sir J. Macintosh (at Jef- frey's), and looked at and listened to him tho' without speech. A broadish, middle-sized, gray-headed man; well dressed and with a plain courteous bearing; grey intelligent (un- healthy yellow-whited) eyes, in which plays a love at first sight — so gentle and trustful and earnest- looking, ready to do and suffer all for his faith." Life, ii. 224. Gustave d'Eichthal had a friendly acquaintance with Emerson as well as with the Carlyles. See Letters, ii. 113. On Emerson's first visit to Carlyle, at Craigenputtock, in 1833, he brought to him from Rome a letter from d'Eichthal. See Emerson 's English Traits, p. 18, where, however, the name of d'Eichthal is not mentioned. 1 It was between seven and eight o'clock, in the morn- ing of Saturday, the 8th of October, after an exciting debate for five successive nights, that the House of Lords rejected the Reform Bill, which had passed the Commons on the 21st of September, by a majority of one hundred and nine. Carlyle's lack of interest in a matter of such grave concern to the nation, and one which was stirring the people more deeply than they had been stirred for many years, is noticeable as an illustra- tion of his engrossment with things of still deeper import. 202 THOMAS CARLYLE. dash of cautions vivacity (uncertain whether Fear or latent Ire ; remember old Dr. Flem- ing's 1 ) ; triangular unmeaning nose; business mouth and chin : on the whole, a sensible, official air, not without a due spicing of hy- pocrisy and something of Pedantry — both no doubt involuntary. The man is a whig Philo- sopher and Politician, such as the time yields, our best of that sort, — which will soon be ex- tinct. — He was talking mysteriously with with other " Hon. Members," about " what was to be done." — Something a la Dogberry the thing looked to me ; tho' I deny not that it is a serious conjuncture ; only believe that any change has some chance to be for the better, and so see it all with composure. Meanwhile what were the true duty of a man; were it to stand utterly aloof from Poli- tics (not ephemeral only, for that of course, but generally from all speculation about so- cial systems &c. &c.) ; or is not perhaps the very want of this time, an infinite want of Governors, of Knowledge how to govern it- self? — Canst thou in any measure spread abroad Reverence over the hearts of men ? That were a far higher task than any other. Is it to be done by Art ; or are men's minds as yet shut to Art, and open only at best to ora- 1" A good old Dr. Fleming, 'a clergyman of mark* informer years in Edinburgh." Reminiscences, ii. 103. 203 NOTE BOOK OF tory; not fit for a Meister, but only for a better and better Teufelsdreck / Dentt und schweig 1 1 The stupidity I labour under is extreme. All dislocated, prostrated, obfuscated ; cannot even speak, much less write. What a dogged piece of toil lies before me, before I get afoot again! Set doggedly to it then. When Goethe and Schiller say or insinuate that Art is higher than Religion, do they mean perhaps this: That whereas Religion represents (what is the essence of Truth for men) the Good as infinitely (the word is em- phatic) different from the Evil, but sets them in a state of hostility (as in Heaven and Hell), — Art likewise admits and inculcates this quite infinite difference ; but without hos- tility, with peacefulness ; like the difference of two Poles which ca?inot coalesce, yet do not quarrel, nay should not quarrel for both are essential to the whole ? In this way is Goethe's morality to be considered as a higher (apart from its comprehensiveness, nay uni- versality) than has hitherto been promul- gated ? — Sehr einseitig / 2 Yet perhaps there is a glimpse of the truth here. Mary Wollstonecraft's Life by Godwin : 1 ** Think and be silent." 2 " Very one-sided," or "partial " view. 204 THOMAS CARLYLE. an Ariel imprisoned in a brickbat ! It is a real tragedy, and of the deepest: sublimely virtuous endowment ; in practice misfortune, suffering, death, — by Destiny and also by Desert. — An English Mignon; Godwin an honest Boor that loves her, but cannot guide or save her. — Ever wondrous is the pilgrim- age of man ! — Shalll write about Milliner? — Gott weiss. 1 1 Uh October. Last night, saw Mill and d'Eichthal (Brother of Gus- tave the St. Simonian), and discoursed largely upon men and things. M. continues to please me. — Strange tendency everywhere noticeable to speculate on Men not on Man. Another branch of the Mechanical Temper. Vain hope to make mankind happy by Politics! You cannot drill a regiment of knaves into a regiment of honest men, enregiment and or- ganise them as cunningly as you will. Give us the honest men, and the well-ordered regi- ment comes of itself. Reform one man (re- l " God knows." Carlyle had already, in his article on " German Playwrights," 1829, written at considerable length about Milliner, of whom he had said, "no Play- wright of this age makes such a noise as Miillner" . . . but " we must take liberty to believe . . . that he ' is no dramatist. ' " 205 NOTE BOOK OF form thy own inner man), it is more than scheming out reforms for a nation. 1 Hear talk of a " Convention of Delegates " about to assemble from all the four winds here at London, to expedite the Reform Bill. — Some noises in the streets last night ; but as yet no reports of rioting : general or serious rioting for the present I do not expect. Now to Milliner; not to write upon him ; he is not worth that : but to scrawl upon him and get him off my hands. Allons 7 — Eheu! 22 nd October. The principle of Laissez-faire fast verging, as I read the symptoms, to a consummation. Let people go on, each without guidance, each striving only to gain advantage for himself, the result will be this : Each, endeavouring by " com- petition " to outstrip the others, will en- deavour by all arts to manufacture an article (not better) only cheaper and showier than his neighbour. As we see in all things ! A newly built house is more like a tent than a house ; no Table that I fall in with here can 1 " To reform a world, to reform a nation, no wise man will undertake, and all but foolish men know that the only solid, though a far slower reformation, is what each begins and perfects on himself." With these words Carlyle had ended his paper on " Signs of the Times," in 1829. 206 THOMAS CARLYLE. stand on its legs; a pair of good Shoes is what I have not been able to procure for the last ten years. The Tradesman, in every de- partment, has become an eye-servant ; and could not help it, without being a martyr, — as indeed all men should be. Hence too comes the so incessant fluctua- tion in the modes of things. Is the taste of the article better ? Its durableness increased ? Its end more completely answered? Its utility in any way extended ? No : generally altogether the reverse. The childishness of men (often it is their bad passions) must be ministered to; that is the surest course for getting payment : so the workman turns his whole effort in that direction. But if such is the condition of things in regard to the Useful which is said to promote itself what will it be in regard to the Beauti- ful, the Moral, which is of no value till once it be had posse ssion of! Look round on all hands and see — in the Church, in the Arts, in Literature. {This last part due to Mill.) Expect not a pair of tolerable "shoes" (even tolerably made ones) here ! x They are 1 Even in later life Carlyle used to complain humor- ously that no tolerable shoes could be found in London ; and to declare that his only pair of well-made shoes came from an old shoemaker in Dumfries, that he had worn them for years, ' had them upper-leathered and under- leathered,' and they would last a long while yet. 207 NOTE BOOK OF all made incalculably too wide in the instep : thou puttest them on (and payest for them) easily ; they pinch and becorn thy toes all the time thou wearest them ; and daily thou growlest over the " Competition Principle," exemplified here, as in all other provinces lowest and highest. — Important remark! One problem lies before man in all ages and places; Ascertain what thou canst do, and do it. Here in London, lies a second problem often harder than the first : having done thy work, convince the world that thou hast done it. John told me of having seen in Holborn a man walking steadily along with some six Baskets all piled above each other, his Name and Address written in large characters on each, so that he exhibited a stature of some twelve feet, and so by the six separate an- nouncements had his existence sufficiently proclaimed. The trade of this man was Basket-making ; but he had found it needful to study a quite new Trade, that of walking with six (or twelve) baskets on his head in a crowded street. In like manner : Colburn and Bentley the Booksellers are known to expend Ten thou- sand pounds annually (I had this from Dilke, 1 l Editor and proprietor of the Athenceum, father of Sir Charles Dilke. 208 THOMAS CARLYLE. who had it from their man of business) on what they call " advertising," more commonly called puffing. Puffing (which is simply the second trade, that of Basket-carrying) flourishes in all coun- tries ; but London is the true scene of it ; having this one quality beyond all other cities : a quite immeasurable size. It is rich also, stupid and ignorant, beyond example ; thus, in all respects, the true Goshen of Quacks. Every man I meet with mourns over this state of matters ; no one thinks it remediable ; you must do as the others do, or they will get the start of you, or tread you under foot. " All true, Mr. Carlyle ; but "— I say: " All true, Mr. Carlyle; and" — The first begin- ning of a remedy is that some one believe a remedy possible; believe that if he cannot live by truth, then he can die by it. Dost thou believe it ? Then is the new Era begun I 1 In a better time this huge monster of a city will contract itself into some third part of its 1 Of Dilke " I have little to say, except that the man is very tolerant, hospitable ; not without a sense for the good, but with little power to follow it, and defy the evil. That is the temper in which I find many here ; they deplore the prevalence of dishonesty, quackery, and stupidity; many do it (like Dilke) with apparent heartiness and sorrow ; but to believe that it can be resisted, that it will and shall be resisted, herein poor Teufelsdreck is well-nigh singular." Letters, i. 319. 1 4 209 NOTE BOOK OF present bulk. The Landed People have almost no business here except incidentally ; they should be governing in their respective districts; not here flaunting and flirting. Were the quite superfluous population of London shipped off, it would shrink to the third part of its bulk, and be still large enough. Potatoes (one penny per lb.) are exactly ten times the price they are in Annandale. (Of their quality I say nothing.) So is it in all things, in a less or greater ratio : so many mortals living together hamper and hinder one another in innumerable ways. How men are hurried here ; how they are haunted and terrifically chased into double quick speed; so that in self-defence they must not stay to look at one another ! Miser- able is the scandal mongery and evil idle speaking of the country population : more frightful still the total ignorance and mutual heedlessness of these poor souls in populous city pent. " Each passes on, quick transient ; regarding not the other or his woes." Each must button himself together, and take no thought (not even for evil) of his neighbour. There in their little cells divided by partitions of brick or board, they sit strangers, unknow- ing, unknown ; like Passengers in some huge 210 THOMAS CARLYLE. Ship, each within his own cabin : Alas ! and the Ship is Life, and the voyage is from Eter- nity to Eternity ! Everywhere there is the most crying want of Government, a true all-ruining anarchy : no one has any knowledge of Lon- don in which he lives; it is a huge aggre- gate of little systems, each of which is again a small Anarchy, the members of which do not work together but scramble against each other. The Soul, what can properly be called the Soul, lies dead in the bosom of man ; starting out only in mad ghastly Nightwalkings (e. g. " the gift of tongues x ") : Ignorance eclipses all things with its owlet wings; man walks he knows not whither; walks and wanders till he walk into the jaws of Death, and is there devoured. — Nevertheless, God is in it : here, even here, is the Revelation of the In- finite in the Finite; a majestic Poem (tragic, comic or epic), couldst thou but read it and recite it ! Watch it then ; study it, catch the secret of it, and proclaim the same in such accent as is given thee. — Alas ! the spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak. Milliner is not written or perhaps worth writing; however the rude materials of it are 1 " In the course of the winter, sad things had occurred in Irving's history. His enthusiastic studies and preach- 211 NOTE BOOK OF on paper, and lie tied up with packthread, abiding their time. — I am now to write something {what thing ?) for the Edin r Review. Two subjects I have; both distant, both vague. Sad struggle I shall have! "On man," " On Authors " : which ? Or neither ? Serious thoughts are rising in me about the possibility of attempting a Course of Lectures here. 3 The subject should be " Things in general " (under some more dignified title) : but as yet the ground is quite unknown to me ; the whole process towards the cathedra, even much of the process there lies hidden. Let me look and study. — What are the uses, what is the special pro- vince of oral teaching at present ? Wherein superior to the written or printed mode, and when? — For one thing, as I can see, Lon- don is fit for no higher Art than that of Ora- tory: they understand nothing of Art; scarcely one of them anything at all. — But hast thou any Eloquence ? Ja wokl, ein klein ings were passing into the practically 'miraculous'; and to me the most doleful of all phenomena, the ' Gift of Tongues ' had fairly broken out among the crazed weakliest of his wholly rather dim and weakly flock." Reminiscences, ii. 204. 1 It was not till the spring of 1837, nearly six years after the date of the entry, that Carlyle gave his first Course of Lectures in London. His "Things in Gen- eral "had dwindled to ' ' German Literature. ' ' See Life, iii. 97-105. THOMAS CARLYLE. weniges, 1 were my tongue once untacked. Ach, dass es so ware 1 2 — Have been reading in Hazlitt's Table Talk: an incessant chew-chewing, the Nut never cracked, nothing but teeth broken and bleeding gums. The man has thought much ; even intently and with vigor : but he has discovered nothing; been able to believe nothing. One other sacrifice to the Time ! 3 — Ritson's Fairy Tales and Old Ballads worth almost nothing: thickheaded discourteous boor of an Editor, and almost nothing of the smallest moment to edit. — — On Thursday night last (this is Monday, the 24 th Oct! 1 831) dined with Fonblanque Editor of the Examiner. An honourable Rad- ical; might be something better: London- bred; limited, by education more than by nature. — Something metallic in the tone of his voice (like that of the Professor Austin) : for the rest, a tall, loose, lankhaired, wrinkly, wintry, vehement looking flail of a man. I 1 " Perhaps so, a little bit." 2 " Ah, would it were so ! " 3 " How many a poor Hazlitt must wander on God's verdant earth, like the Unblest on burning deserts : pas- sionately dig wells, and draw up only the dry quicksand ; believe that he is seeking Truth, yet only wrestle among endless Sophisms, doing desperate battle as with spectre- hosts ; and die and make no sign." ' Characteristics.' Essays, iv. 28. 213 NOTE BOOK OF reckon him the best of the Fourth Estate now extant in Britain. — Shall see him again. 1 Allan Cunningham with us, last night. Jane calls him a genuine Dumfriesshire ma- son still ; and adds that it is delightful to see a genuine man of any sort. Allan was, as usual, full of Scottish-anecdotic talk. Right by instinct j has no principles or creed that I can see : but excellent old Scottish habits of character : an interesting man. — — Walter Scott left Town yesterday on his way to Naples. He is to proceed from Ply- mouth in a Frigate, which the Government have given him a place in. Much run after here (it seems) ; but he is old and sick and cannot enjoy it : has had two shocks of Palsy, and seems altogether in a precarious way. — To me he is and has been an object of very minor interest for many many years ; the Nov- el-wright of his time, its favourite child, and therefore an almost worthless one. Yet is there something in his deep recognition of the worth of the Past, perhaps better than any- thing he has expressed about it : into which I 1 Cf. Letters, ii. 359. Albany Fonblanque was editor of The Examiner from 1830 to 1847. He was in the main a disciple of Bentham ; and by his wit and vigorous in- telligence he secured a wide hearing. His England un- der Seven Administrations (3 vols. 1837), a selection of his editorial articles, is a good record of current opinion during the reign of William IV. 214 THOMAS CARLYLE. do not yet fully see. — Have never spoken with him (tho' I might sometimes, without great effort) ; and now probably never shall. What an advantage has the Pulpit, where you address men already arranged to hear you, and in a vehicle which long use has rendered easy : how infinitely harder when you have all to create, not the ideas only and the sentiments, but the symbols and the mood of mind ! Nevertheless in all cases, where man addresses man, on his spiritual interests especially, there is a sacredness, could we but evolve it, and think and speak in it. — Consider better what it is thou mean- est by a symbol; how far thou hast insight into the nature thereof. — — Is Art in the old Greek sense possible for man at this late era ? Or were not (per- haps) the Founder of a Religion our true Homer at present? — The whole Soul must be illuminated, made harmonious: Shake- speare seems to have had no religion, but his Poetry. — — Where is Tomorrow resident even now ? Somewhere, or somehow, it is, doubt not of that. On the common theory thou mayest think thyself into madness on this question. Society I have for some years been wont to divide into four classes : Noblemen, Gen- 215 NOTE BOOK OF tlemen, Gigmen, and Men. When is the De- fensio Gigmanica to make its appearance ? 1 Priest-ridden, wife-ridden, plague-ridden, Who escapes his lot ? Bearing, forbearing, paying, obeying, Will ye, will ye not. Child-ridden, tremble at my Doll's pouting : Fortune, spare me that ! Richard Brothers (1798); a most wonder- ful madman; believes himself to be the prom- ised Deliverer of the Jews ; writes a " Letter to Miss Cott the recorded Daughter of King David and Future Queen of the Hebrews." (which I see to-day in the Brit. Museum.) — Deals exceedingly in study of the Scriptures. — "Dated from Islington Madhouse March the 18* 1798." — What became of him ultimately? 2 1 The notion of the gigman, " one who kept a gig," as the type of British Respectability and Philistinism had struck Carlyle's sense of humour, and recurs often about this time in his writing. The source of it is given in a note in his essay on Richter (1830). " In Thurtell's trial (says the Quarterly Review) occurred the following colloquy : ' Q. What sort of person was Mr. Weare. A. He was always a respectable person. Q. What do you mean by respectable ? A. He kept a gig.' Since then we have seen a ' Defensio Gigmanica, or apology for the Gigmen of Great Britain ' composed not without elo- quence, and which we hope one day to prevail on our friend, a man of some whims, to give to the public." Essays, iii. 32 ; cf. id. iv. 150. 2 Brothers was born in 1757, and lived, maintaining 216 THOMAS CARLYLE. November 2«d- How few people speak for Truth's sake, even in its humblest modes! I return from Enfield, where I have seen Lamb &c &c. Not one of that class will tell you a straightfor- ward story, or even a credible one, about any matter under the sun. All must be perked up into epigrammatic contrasts, star- tling exaggerations, claptraps that will get a plaudit from the galleries ! I have heard a hundred anecdotes about W. Hazlitt (for ex- ample) ; yet cannot, by never so much cross- questioning even, form to myself the smallest notion of how it really stood with him. — Wearisome, inexpressibly wearisome to me is that sort of clatter : it is not walking (to the end of time you would never advance, for these persons indeed have no whither); it is not bounding and frisking in graceful natural joy; it is dancing — a St. Vitus dance. Heighho ! — Charles Lamb I sincerely believe to be in some considerable degree insane. A more pitiful, ricketty, gasping, staggering, stam- mering Tom fool I do not know. 1 He is his character as madman, enthusiast, and prophet, till 1824. According to the Dictionary of National Biog- raphy (1886), "the believers in Brothers are not yet ex- tinct." 1 Time did not change Carlyle's judgment of Lamb (see Reminiscences, i. 94), but added to it, "yet something too of humane, ingenuous, pathetic, sportfully much- enduring." 217 NOTE BOOK OF witty by denying truisms, and abjuring good manners. His speech wriggles hither and thither with an incessant painful fluctuation ; not an opinion in it or a fact or even a phrase that you can thank him for : more like a con- vulsion fit than natural systole and diastole. — Besides he is now a confirmed shameless drunkard ; asks vehemently for gin-and-water in strangers' houses ; tipples till he is utterly mad, and is only not thrown out of doors because he is too much despised for taking such trouble with him. 1 Poor Lamb ! Poor 1 Knowing what we now know of Lamb's life this judgment appears unsympathetic and hard. But it was not unjust to Lamb as he displayed himself to Carlyle. In October of this year, 1831, Carlyle and his wife went to stay for three or four days with Mr. and Mrs. Badams at Enfield. Mr. Alexander Carlyle narrates in a letter to me an incident which took place during this visit : " Lamb was present one evening at supper. The Car- lyles were supping on oat-meal porridge, their usual dish. Lamb began to quiz Mrs. Carlyle about her queer dish, and ended by dipping his spoon into her bowl, saying ' Let us taste the stuff anyhow.' Mrs. Carlyle, greatly annoyed at such ill-breeding and familiarity on the part of a person she had not met before, gave him a cutting retort to the effect that, ' your astonishment at my por- ridge cannot exceed my surprise at your manners,' and had her bowl removed." In writing to her mother soon afterward, she said, ' ' Some of them [London literary men], C. Lamb for instance, would not be tolerated in any society out of England." Carlyle, too, referred to the incident in a letter to his brother, Dr. Carlyle, 13 Nov., 1831, " He [Lamb] also loudly criticized our Scotch por- ridge that evening, and being swept away, as a trouble- some insect should, got more and more obstreperous." 218 THOMAS CARLYLE. England where such a despicable abortion is named genius! — He said: There are just two things I regret in English History ; first that Guy Faux's Plot did not take effect (there would have been so glorious an explo- sion); second, that the Royalists did not hang Milton (then we might have laughed at them) : &c. &c. Armer Teufel! 1 News of wild riots from Bristol : many lives lost, much mischief much scandal per- petrated. The Noodles, if they mind not, will have an old house about their ears. Sir C. Wetherell affirmed and re-affirmed that " there was a reaction, that the people had ceased to care for reform " &c. &c: argu- ment, evidence, was of no use; the man's brain was not to be reached that way; so the Rascality took another : that of knock- in a letter now in my possession, undated, but written probably not far from this time, from Mrs. Procter to Mrs. Jameson, is the following narrative: "Charles Lamb dined here on Monday at five, and by seven was so tipsy he could not stand. Martin Burney carried him from one room to the other like a sack of coals, he insisting upon singing ' diddle, diddle, diddle dumpty, my son John.' He slept until ten and then awoke more tipsy than before, and between his fits of beating Mar- tin Burney kept saying, ' please God I never enter this cursed house again.' He wrote a note the next day beg- ging pardon, and asking when he may come again. — Poor Miss Lamb is ill." 1 " Poor devil." 219 NOTE BOOK OF ing it in with clubs. 1 — O the wondrous wild ways of this world : how knaves and noodles rise to the summit, and huge movements of society must depend on their good pleasure, on their best insight! — Parvd sapientid, 2 in- deed ! Why it is Dementia; even with that it will go on. Dull, Dull ! yet have a " striking Article " to write ! I mean to try if I can write a true one, let it strike or not : would I were able. The fight must be unspeakable first. Gott hilfmirf All the world is in apprehension about the 1 Sir Charles Wetherell, Recorder of Bristol, had been a determined opponent of the Reform Bill in the House of Commons. This had made him unpopular in Bristol, where on the 29th of October he opened the City Ses- sions. The Mansion House where he took up his resi- dence was attacked by a mob. Dealt with too timidly at first, the violence of the mob increased, and for two days Bristol was given over to arson and plunder. 2 These words are from Chancellor Oxenstiern's famous saying to his son, as it is usually cited, /, mi fili, vide quamparva sapientia mundus regitur, " Go, my son, see with how little wisdom the world is governed." The correct form of the saying seems to be, An nescis, mi fili, quantilla prudentia mundus regatur ? ' ' Do you not know, my son, with how little good sense the world may be governed? " The son was hesitating, on account of his inexperience, to accept a mission to which he had been appointed. Buchmann, Gefiugelte Wb'rte, 1884, S. 310. 4 Thou little thinkest,' said Selden, ' what a little foolery governs the world.' 220 THOMAS CARLYLE. Cholera Pestilence ; * which indeed seems ad- vancing towards us with a frightful, slow, unswerving constancy. For myself I cannot say that- it costs me great suffering: we are all appointed once to die ; Death is the grand sum-total of it all. — Generally now it seems to me as if this Life were but the inconsiderable portico of man's Existence, which afterwards in new, mysterious environment were to be con- tinued without end. I say, ' seems to me; * for the proof of it were hard to state by Logic; it is the fruit of Faith ; begins to show itself with more and more decisiveness, the instant you have dared to say : Be it either way ! The ho he Bedeutung des Entsagen! 1 — But on 1 This was the last great visitation of cholera to Eng- land. It was a blessing in disguise, for it compelled at- tention to the public health, which led to the sanitary measures that have gradually made England the best protected country in the world against pestilence and epidemic disease. For the wisdom by which these mea- sures were devised and carried out, England is mainly in- debted to the venerable, still living, Sir John Simon, K.C.B., who had charge of them as the Medical Officer of the Privy Council. 2 "The deep significance of renunciation." ' The great doctrine of Entsagen,' as Carlyle calls it in his essay on Novalis (1829) was one that he had learned for himself from life, but for which Goethe had given him the word. " Well did the wisest of our time write : ' It is only with Renunciation (Entsagen) that Life, properly speaking, can be said to begin." Sartor Resartus, Book ii. ch. ix. This word Entsagen Carlyle had cut upon a seal, which he and his wife frequently used. An engraving of the 221 NOTE BOOK OF the whole, our conception of Immortality (as Dreck too has it) 1 depends on that of Time ; which latter is the deepest belonging to Philosophy, and the one perhaps wherein modern Philosophy has earned its best tri- umph. Believe that there properly is no Space and no Time, how many contradic- tions become reconciled ! — 2 " Sports " are all gone from among men : there is now no holiday either for rich or poor. Hard toiling, then hard drinking, or hard fox-hunting : this is not the era of sport, but of martyrdom and persecution. Will the new morning never dawn? — It requires a certain vigour of the imagination, and of the social faculties before Amusement, popular Sport, can exist; which vigour at this era is all but total inanimation. Nay, you have to argue and redargue (with most men) before they will admit that it is not total. — Do but think of the Christmas Carols and Games ; the Abbots of Unreason, the Maypoles &c &c! Then look at your Manchesters on Saturday ; and on Sunday ! — " Education " is beyond being so much as seal is in Early Letters of Jane Welsh Carlyle, etc. Ed- ited by David G. Ritchie, London, 1889. 1 In Book iii. ch. viii of Sartor. 2 " Time and Space are but quiddities, not entities." Essays, i. 143. 222 THOMAS CARLYLE. despised : we must praise it when it is not Zteducation, or an utter annihilation of what it professes to foster. The best-educated man you will often find to be the Artizan, at all rates the man of Business. For why ? He has put forth his hand, and operated on Na- ture ; must actually attain some true insight or he cannot live. — The worst-educated man is usually your man of Fortune. He has not put forth his hand upon anything, except upon his Bell-rope. Your scholar proper, generally too your so-called man of Letters, is a thing with clearer vision — thro' the hun- dredth part of an eye. A Burns is infinitely better educated than a Byron. — 1 Authors must unite; must form themselves into a Corporation, into a Church. It is one of my prophecies that they one day will. In this present race there is not virtue enough to form a Drinking Club. But what then? Other races and innumerable centuries are coming. — A common persuasion among serious ill- informed persons that the end of the world is at hand : Henry Drummond, E. Irving, and all that class. — So was it at the beginning of the Christian era ; say rather, at the termina- tion of the Pagan one. 1 The thoughts in the preceding paragraph are devel- oped in a passage near the beginning of Carlyle's article on " Corn-Law Rhymes," which appeared in the Edin- burgh Review in 1832. 223 NOTE BOOK OF Which is the most ignorant creature of his class even in Britain ? Generally speaking, the Cockney, the London-bred man; and for reasons. He has no Libraries, no schools, no clergy : nothing but a workshop, where indeed he is the expertest of men. — In literature, think of Heraud, Lamb, P., 1 &c. &c. — What does the Cockney boy know of the muffin he eats ? Simply that a hawker brings it to the door, and charges a penny for it. The country youth sees it grow in the fields, in the mill, in the Bake house. Thus of all things, pertain- ing to the Life of man. November 4t. h Yesterday reading Strutt's 1831. Games and Brand's Popular A?itiquities in the British Mu- seum. Both good solid serviceable Books. — Playing-cards commonly said to have been introduced in the time of Charles VI. (the mad Dauphin & King) of France ; to appear- ance erroneously ; for they are mentioned by some court-officer of his predecessor. The first law against them is in Spain. Primero a Spanish name; spades was originally espada, and had the figure of a sword. Probably came from the East in the Crusade times ; as Chess then or earlier did. — Strange old in- ventions ! who was the author of them ? — Merelles called also (in Shakespeare for 1 The initial probably stands for Procter. 224 THOMAS CARLYLE. instance) nine men's morrice is the game I have played at fifty times in boyhood under the title of Corsicrown (cross i' the crown) ; or rather our poor Corsicrown played with only three men, was but the first portion of the game. — Vauxhall was once Spring Gar- dens (in the Spectator's time) ; Ranelagh was the Earl of R's House; Sadler's Well (in London ?) was once a sacred Holywell ; then walled in at the Reformation, and subsequently discovered by the successor of one Sadler. 1 Could any Well or Rock, or other natural Product, but relate its history! — Will look at Brand today, when my work (strenuous no- work !) is done here. Meanwhile to it thou Taugenichts ! 2 Gird thyself, stir, struggle, for- ward ! forward ! Thou art bundled up here, and tied as in a sack ? On then, as in a sack- race. " Running not raging." Gott sey mir gnadig / — 3 12 November. Have been two days as good as idle! Am far from any approximation to health; hampered, disturbed, quite out of sorts. As it were quite stranded ; no tackle left, no tools but my ten fingers, 1 Peter Cunningham, in his " Handbook of London " says : " Discovered by one Sadler, in 1683, in the garden of a house which he had newly opened as a public music- room." 2 " Do-nothing." 3 " God be gracious to me." 15 225 NOTE BOOK OF nothing but accidental drift-wood to build even a raft of. " This is no my ain house." — Art thou aware still that no man and no thing but simply thy own self can permanently keep thee down ? Act thou on that convic- tion. — How sad and stern is all Life to me ! Home- less, Homeless ! Would my Task were done : I think I should not care to die ; in real earn- estness should care very little : this earthly Sun has shown me only roads full of mire and thorns. Why cannot I be a kind of Artist ! Politics are angry, agitating, for the present little productive business: what have I to do with it ? Will any Parliamentary Reform ever reform me ? — On the ioth, the beginning of my Idleness, breakfasted with a Mr. Taylor, 1 and various parliamentary diplomatic young men in Gros- venor street. Men of pleasant, easy manners; a rather pleasant party. Hyde Villiers gave me a frank, and I wrote a long stupid letter to my mother 2 ; accompanying John's (from Turin). — Yesterday, sick enough, and was visited by Glen: a perfect refining furnace, chaotically melting and weltering, in which 1 Henry, later Sir Henry, Taylor, " author of Artevelde and various similar things." In his Reminiscences, ii. 278, Carlyle records the " early regard, constant esteem, and readiness to be helpful and friendly" of this "solid, sound-headed, faithful" man. 2 See Letters, i. 360. 226 THOMAS CARLYLE. there is yet nothing cast, nor any mould to cast in. Advised him to establish forthwith a few " great Possibles" — as poor Davie Halliday, when mad, had established cer- tain " great Impossibles," and was wont in hunting down his theological chimeras, from proposition out of proposition, to exclaim at length: "that is one of the great Im- possibles!" and so terminate the chase. — Poor Glen's Life, as I told him, has been a soliloquy ; he has not yet acquired the gift of communicating, and chiefly there- fore, not of practically understanding — Was wird von ihm werden ? Weiss nicht j hoff 1 dock. — Was wird von Dir ? Ach GottJ * This I begin to see, that Evil and Good are everywhere like Shadow and Substance : inseparable (for man) ; yet not hostile, only opposed. 2 There is considerable signifi- cance in this fact — perhaps the new moral principle of our Era. {How?) — It was fa- miliar to Goethe's mind. — Everywhere and Everywhen lie the ma- terials of Art : these waggons and Drivers in l " What will become of him ? I know not, but have hope. What will become of thyself? Ah, God ! " 2" Evil . . is precisely the dark, disordered material out of which man's Freewill has to create an edifice of order and Good." " Characteristics," (1831). Essays, iv. 25. 227 NOTE BOOK OF Holborn are a Dance of Death, — also of Life. Man and his ways reach always from Heaven to Hell. But where, O where is the Artist that can again body this forth ! — Not yet born ? — Cholera Morbus arrived at Sunderland. — If men are united no other way, contagion and pestilence unite them. — Poor Ricker is dead of it at Berlin; poor Dickenson dead (also of infection) at Edinburgh. Death's thousand doors stand open. Eheu / But now, to thy Sheet ! Complain not, still more, ziirrf not. As the saints say: " Pray to the Lord," rather (in such dialect as thou canst) ; also handsomely and heartily set thy shoulder to the wheel ! Heave-oh ! The nobleness of Silence. The highest melody dwells only in silence (the Sphere me- lody, the melody of Health) ; the eye cannot see Shadow, cannot see Light, but only the two combined. General Law of Being. (Think farther of this. NovT 17*). — As it is but a small portion of our Thinking that we can articulate into Thoughts, so again it is but a small portion, properly only the outer surface of our morality that we can shape into Action, or into express Rules of Action. Remark farther that it is but the correct cohe- rent shaping of this outer surface, or the in- 228 THOMAS CARLYLE. correct incoherent monstrous shaping of it, and nowise the moral Force which shaped it, which lies under it, vague, indefinite, unseen, that constitutes what in common speech we call a moral conduct or an immoral. Hence too the necessity of tolerance, of insight, in judging of men. For the correctness of that same outer surface may be out of all propor- tion to the inward depth and quantity; nay often enough they are in inverse proportion ; only in some highly favoured individuals can the great endowment utter itself without ir- regularity. Thus in great men, with whom inward and as it were latent morality must ever be the root and beginning of greatness, how often do we find a conduct defaced by many a moral impropriety ; and have to love them with sorrow! Thus too poor Burns must record that almost the only noble- minded men he had ever met with were among the class named Blackguards. 1 Extremes meet. Perfect Morality were no more an object of consciousness than perfect Immorality, as pure Light cannot any more be seen than pure Darkness. — l " I have often courted the acquaintance of that part of mankind, commonly known by the ordinary phrase of blackguards ... I have yet found among them, in not a few instances, some of the noblest virtues." Burns, " Common Place Book," March, 1784. In Cromek's Reliques of Burns, 1817, p. 323. 229 NOTE BOOK OF The healthy moral nature loves virtue; the unhealthy at best makes love to it. 1 Friday Finished th e Characteristics, 23 d December, about a week ago; bad- dish, with a certain begin- ning of deeper insight in it. Reading the Corn Law Rhymes? " Balaam's Ass has not only stopt,but begins to speak ! " Witness Detrosier too. — 3 Byron we call " a Dandy of Sorrows, and acquainted with grief." That is a brief defi- nition of him. 13t h January London still. — Have spent 1832. nearly three weeks in reading Croker's BoswelFs Johnson; on which I have now (and had) some pur- pose of writing an Essay. I mean to try whether I cannot get into a more currente calamo style of writing; for magazines and the like, it were far more suitable : whether also for me and my objects ? The Charac- 1 The thought in this and the preceding entry is worked out in the " Characteristics." 2 By Ebenezer Elliott. These poems furnished the text of the article with the same title. 3 Detrosier was a " Manchester Lecturer to the Work- ing Classes," brought by John Mill to Carlyle. " The Saint Simonians, Manchester, Detrosier, etc., were stir- ring and conspicuous objects in that epoch, but have now fallen all dark and silent again." T. C. 1866. Life, ii. 224, n. 230 THOMAS CARLYLE. teristics was written with almost intolerable difficulty, and is ill written, I fear no one will understand it. We shall see in a week or two, for it is coming out. — Have made a kind of engagement with Lardner of the Cabinet Cyclopedia to furnish him a Zur Geschichte 1 of German Literature; incorporating my Papers in the Foreign Re- view &c, 170 pages of original writing: do not yet above three-fourths see my way thro' it ; am to have it ready next November. No list of "Books wanted" yet made out; this should be my first task. The work will serve me perhaps pretty tolerably thro' the sum- mer ; I shall get done with German Litera- ture; a little money too (^300) for my two volumes, and pay off that ^60^ my only debt which sometimes grieves me a little. — I have been sick of a kind of cold; and am still in rather uncomfortable health ; but do not mind it very much. Plenty of Magazine Editors applying to me; indeed sometimes pestering me. Do not like to break with any; yet must not close with any. Strange state of Literature, periodical and other ! A man must just lay out his manufacture in one of those Old- 1 A book ' ' on the history " of German Literature. See Letters, i. 389. 2 Money lent by Jeffrey to Carlyle's brother John. See Letters, i. 314. It was paid in August, 1832. See Id., ii. 64. 231 NOTE BOOK OF Clothes shops, and see whether any one will buy it. The Editor has little to do with the matter, except as Commercial Broker; he sells it and pays you for it. — Lytton Bulwer * has not yet come into sight of me : is there aught more in him than a Dandiacal Philoso- phist? Fear, not. — Tait the Bookseller about beginning a new Magazine, on the Radical side of things : my feeling is that the chances are greatly against him ; for my own share I have nothing to do with him or it as yet, my hands full otherwise. Then of the infatuated Fraser, with his Dog's-meat Cart of a magazine, what? His pay is certain, and he means honestly ; but is a goose. It was he that sent me Croker's Boswell : am I bound to offer him the (future) Article? — Or were this thy Rule in such cases : " Write thy best and the Truth; then publish it where thou canst best " ? An indubitable rule ; but is it rule enough ? — Last Friday, saw my name in large letters at the Athenaeum Office in Catherine street Strand; hurried on with downcast eyes, as if I had seen myself in the Pillory. Dilke (to whom I had entrusted Dreck to read it, and see if he could help me with it) asked me for a scrap of writing with my name : I could not quite clearly see my way thro' the business (for he had twice or thrice been civil l Then editor of the New Monthly Magazine. 232 THOMAS CARLYLE. to me, and I did reckon his Athenaeum to be the bad best of literary Newspaper syllabubs, and tho* I might harmlessly say so much) ; gave him Fausfs Curse, which hung printed there. Incline now to believe that I did wrong; at least imprudently. Why yield even half a hair's-breadth to Puffing ? Abhor it, utterly divorce it, and kick it to the Devil ! — This little adventure, however, hat nichts zu bedeuten ; l so trouble not thyself with it. On Tuesday last (10 th Jan y ) wrote to John in Rome ; 2 from whom I am getting impatient for a Letter. Have an Article in prospect (still within myself) on the Radical plebeian who writes Cornlaw Rhymes. Wish to do the poor soul a justice and a kindness. Singular how little wisdom or light of any kind I have met with in London. Do not find a single creature that has communicated an idea to me ; at best one or two that can understand an idea. Yet the sight of Lon- don works on me strongly ; I have not per- haps lost my journey hither. 3 Dreck unpublished, to all appearance un- punishable. One Tilt of Fleet-street (a triv- iality) " glanced over it," then " regretted" 1 " Is really insignificant." 2 See Letters, i. 382. 3 See Id., i. 391. 233 NOTE BOOK OF &c. Dilke had no light to throw on the business, and I think will have none : the MS at this moment in the hands of Charles Buller. Glen, Mill and he have all read it ; apparently, not without result : it was intended for such, therefore seems not wholly verfehlt. 1 As for the publication of it, I grow indifferent about that matter ; indeed the whole concern is becoming unimportant to me. What is true today will be true tomorrow and next day. — We can wait, — forever. 2 Hay ward, of the Temple, 3 a small but ac- tive and vivacious ' man of the time,' by a strange impetus, takes to me ; the first time, they say, he ever did such a thing, being one that lives in a chiaro-scuro element of which goodhumoured contempt is the basis. I met him at Mr Gray's, where also was one Dr. Bach, a German zealously kind to me : Hay- ward started this scheme of the Germ. Lit. Hist., and made it all ready for me. 4 Singu- lar enough. (Lardner ein Langohriger)? Dined 1 " A failure." 2 See Letters, i. 391. 3 Mr. Abraham Hayward, translator of the first part of Faust, editor of Autobiography », Letters, etc. of Mrs. Pi- ozzi, 1861, writer of a multitude of gossiping papers. He died in 1884. 4 Cf. Letters, i. 389. 5-Dr. Dionysius Lardner, " a long-eared" man of sci- ence, of some transient repute, editor of the Cabinet Cy- clopaedia, in which this History was to appear. He after- ward became sadly notorious. He died in 1859. 234 THOMAS CARLYLE. in his rooms (once Dunning's 1 !) with a set of Oxonian Templars : stupid (in part), limited (wholly), conceited, obscene. A dirty even- ing; I at last sunk utterly silent. Bernays (a German Professor — in the "King's Col- lege " here) understood what I was saying : but could say little, tho' in many words. Am to go thither today, and meet a certain Sir Alexander Johnston : small things expected of him. He has been in China, and knew Schiller.— 2 I have never again seen Bowring or Fon- blanque. Mean to see at least the latter. None of the great personages of Letters have come in my way here ; and except as sights, they are of little moment to me. Jeffrey says he "praised me to Rogers," who, &c. &c : it sometimes rather surprises me that his Lordship does not think it would be kind to show me the faces of those people : some- thing discourages or hinders him ; what it is I know not, and indeed care not. — The Aus- tins, at least the {la) Austin I like j 3 eine 1 " The great lawyer," as Johnson called him in aletter to Boswell, July 22, 1777 ; afterward the first Lord Ash- burton. 2 Sir Alexander Johnston had as a young man, near the beginning of the century, studied at Gottingen, and probably then saw Schiller. A large part of his life was passed in Ceylon, where in the organization and admin- istration of the government he did excellent service. 3 The John Austins were living at Hampstead. " Mrs. Austin is described by Carlyle, after first seeing her, as 235 NOTE BOOK OF verstandige, herzhafte Frau. 1 Empson a di- luted, goodnatured, languid Anemfifindler. 2 The strongest young man, one Macaulay (now in Parliament, as I from the first pre- dicted), an emphatic, hottish, really forcible person; but unhappily without divine idea? Perhaps he could play the part of a Canning; were the scene now the same, which however it is not. Rogers (an elegant, politely malig- nant old lady, I think 4 ) is in Town (and prob- ably I might see him) : Moore is I know not where, — a lascivious triviality, of great name. Bentham is said to have become a driveller, and garrulous old man : perhaps I will try for a look of him ; he is or was a forcible product. — I have much to see, and many things to ' the most enthusiastic of German Mystics I have ever met with : an exceedingly vivid person, not without insight, but enthusiastic, as it were astonished, rapt to ecstasy with the German apocalypse, and as she says herself verdeutscht " (Germanised). Letters, i. 320. Author of Characteristics of Goethe, 3 vols., 1833. The friendly ac- quaintance begun at this time continued through later years. 1 "An intelligent, resolute woman." 2 " Adopter of the sentiments of another." 3 Macaulay had distinguished himself greatly in the debate in the House of Commons on the Reform Bill. One of his speeches was said by Jeffrey to put him ' ' clearly at the head of the great speakers, if not the de- baters of the House." Cockburn, Life of Lord Jeffrey, i. 324- 4 " Rogers was a kindly old man, excepting when he was bilious." Tennyson reported by Mr. Locker- Lampson. Life of 'Tennyson, ii. 72. 236 THOMAS CARLYLE. wind up in London, before we leave it — in March. I went one morning searching for John- son's places of abode. Found, with difficulty, the house in Gough (Goff ) Square where the Dictionary was composed : * the landlord, whom Glen and I incidentally inquired of, was just scraping his feet at the door; invited us to walk in; showed us the garret rooms &c. (of which he seemed to have the obscu- rest traditions ; taking Johnson for a school- master!); interested us much; but at length (dog of a fellow !) began to hint that he had all these rooms to let as lodgings ! — I saw also Savage's Birthplace (Foxcourt, Brook st. & Gray's Inn Lane) one of the horridest holes in London. — Must speak with old Smith of the Museum, on the subject. — London is of all the places I ever walked and inquired in, that where you oftenest have the answer : " Don't know." A quite anarchic place in all respects. The men that could tell you, exist, but where ? You cannot even find a Library to borrow Books from. 2 Were 1 Cf. article on Johnson. Essays, iv. 112. 2 After Carlyle settled in London, and especially when he was at work on Cromwell, this want of a lending li- brary in London was pressed home upon him, and he set earnestly at work to supply the need. He interested people of influence in the matter, and mainly through his efforts the invaluable London Library was estab- 237 NOTE BOOK OF it not for the Museum one where you have a certain help, the obstruction were total. Biography is the only History : * Political History, as now written and hitherto, with its Kings and changes of Taxgatherers, is little (very little) more than a mockery of our want. This I see more and more. The world grows to* me evermore as a Magic Picture, a true Supernatural Revelation ; infi- nitely stern, but also infinitely grand. Shall I ever succeed in copying a little therefrom. " What I gave I have ; what I spent I had, what I left I lost." Epitaph at Doncaster (?) from Johnson's Letters. 2 The first, and only lished. He wrote to Emerson, 8 Feb., 1839, " We have no Library here, from which we can borrow books home ; and are only in these weeks striving to get one : think of that!" In the course of the year the Library was opened. Carlyle was for many years its President. See Life, iii. 152, 188. 1 Cf. ' Biography,' Essays, iv. 53. 2 Carlyle cites this epitaph in his fine essay on John- son. The epitaph varying slightly in form is found on several tombs. Gibbon in his History cites from Cleave- land's Genealogical History of the Family of Courtenay, 1735. P- 142, the epitaph of Edward, the blind Earl of Devon of the 15th century, which is in the words given by Carlyle, except for having ! we ' in the place of ' I.' The epitaph at Doncaster which Johnson cited was on the tomb of one Robyn of Doncaster and ran : "That I spent, that I had ; That I gave, that I have ; That I left, that I lost." 238 THOMAS CARLYLE. true, clause of it was long ago a perception of my own. Dies irae, dies ilia : where shall I find that old chant? Must investigate. (Now en- ough for one morning ! ) — Dies irae, dies ilia Solvet saeclum in favilla : Teste David cum Sybilla. 2. Quantus tremor est futurus Quando Judex est venturus, Cuncta stricte discussurus ! The tomb perished in the fire that destroyed the church in 1853. See Letters of Johnson, edited by G. Birkbeck Hill, 1892, i. 224, n. In the church of St. Peter at Veru- lam (St. Alban's), Bedfordshire, there is, or was at the beginning of the century, a brass plate engraved with a similar epitaph in Latin, with an English translation, the two in concentric circles, the outer circle being formed of the English words, the inner of the Latin. The English, modernized, ran thus : Lo all that ere I spent, that sometime had I ; All that I gave in good intent, that now have I ; That I neither gave nor lent, that now abie I ; That I kepte till I went, that lost I. The Latin was as follows : Quod expendi habui, Quod donavi habeo, Quod negavi punior, Quod servavi perdidi. See Beauties of 'England and Wales, 1808, vii. ioo, where is an engraving of this curious plate. 239 NOTE BOOK OF 3- Tuba, mirum spargens sonum Per sepulchra regionum, Coget omnes ante thronum. 4- Mors stupebit et natura, Cum resurget creatura, Judicanti responsura. 5- Liber scriptus proferetur, In quo totum continetur, Unde mundus judicetur. 6. Judex ergo cum sedebit, Quidquid latet, apparebit : Nil inultum remanebit. 7. Quid sum miser tunc dicturus, Quern patronum rogaturus, Cum vix Justus sit securus? 8. Rex tremendae majestatis, Qui salvandos salvas gratis, Salva me, fons pietatis. 9- Recordare Jesu pie, Quod sum causa tuas viae ; Ne me perdas ilia die. 240 THOMAS CARLYLE, Quaerens me, sedisti lassus ; Redemisti crucem passus : Tantus labor non sit cassus. Juste Judex ultionis, Donum fac remissionis, Ante diem rationis. 12. Ingemisco tanquam reus, Culpa rubet vultus meus, Supplicanti parce, Deus. 13- Qui Mariam absolvisti, Et latronem exaudisti, Mihi quoque spem dedisti. 14. Preces meae non sunt dignae Sed Tu bonus fac benigne Ne perenni cremer igne. 15. Inter oves locum praesta, Et ab haedis me sequestra, Statuens in parte dextra. 16. Confutatis maledictis, Flammis acribus addictis, Voca me cum benedictis. 16 241 NOTE BOOK OF 17- Oro supplex et acclinis, Cor contritum quasi cinis : Gere curam mei finis. 18. Lachrymosa dies ilia Qua resurget ex favilla. Judicandus homo reus. Huic ergo parce, Deus. Pie Jesu Domine dona eis requiem. — Amen. [Copied from the " Mass for the Dead on the Day of decease or burial " in the Romish Missal (London, 1806 p. 512) this 14 th Jan?: long sought for; found by Jane, last night ac- cidentally.] — Did not see the Sir A. J. yesterday; and cared less than nothing. — Invited to see Hogg (the Ettrick Shepherd) for Friday next. Books to be looked after. Grose's Olio. — The Foundling Hospital of Wit. Arnold on Insanity. Carleton's Memoirs (of the Duke of Ormond ? — 17th century. Republished 1808). Psalmanazar's Memoirs. Wool's Life of War ton. Moore's Life of Smollett (worth anything?) 242 THOMAS CARLYLE. Hardy's Life of Charlemont. Pennant's London. Cradock's Memoirs (when? who?) Spence's Anecdotes. Davies's Life of Gar- rick. Life of Goldsmith (by Sir Joseph Mawbey ?) Maty's Life of Chesterfield. Leland's, Itin- erary. Seward's Anecdotes of Eminent Persons. Nichols's Anecdotes. — Miss Hawkins's Memoirs. These works are noted down from Croker's edition of Boswell's Johnson; which work I have just been earnestly reading; and now propose writing some kind of Essay upon. — January 18*, 1832. — Parson Hackman (Narrative of) in " Love & Madness ; " a foolish, partially indecent, altogether frothy Book. He killed M's 1 mother (Lord Sandwich's mistress, a Miss Ray) at the door of the Theatre, and was executed at Ty- burn in 1779 ( ms Trial was 16* April). 2 — What stuff men are made of! It is very true that a madman lies within every sane man ; is the ma- terial whereof the sane man fashions himself. Hazlitt's Liber Amoris read for the first 1 Basil Montagu, born 1770, died 1851, husband of the 'Noble Lady' (see ante, p. 195), and not without other claims to remembrance. 2 Cf. Reminiscences, ii. 126 ; and see Boswell's Johnson, edited by Dr. Birkbeck Hill, iii. 383. 243 NOTE BOOK OF time : quite an enchantment, like one of those in the Midsummer Nighfs Dream; a most hairy-faced, long-eared Bottom the weaver ! No ' Confession ' perhaps ever exhibited a a man in more despicably pitiable, ludicrously abominable light, since confessions first came into fashion. II volto sciolto, i pensieri stretti. ( This is Wotton's word.) 1 Campbell's Hermippus Redivivus (gives ac- count of the Hermetic Philosophy). — Lives of the Admirals by the same. This was he who " always pulled his hat off when passing a church." 2 Came upon Shepherd, the Unitarian Par- son of Liverpool, yesterday for the first time, at Mrs. Austin's. A very large purply flabby 1 " At Siena I was tabled in the house of one Alberto Scipioni, an old Roman Courtier in dangerous times . . . and at my departure toward Rome ... I had won confidence enough to beg his advice how I might carry myself securely there, without offence of others, or of mine own conscience. Signor Arrigo mio (sayes he) / Pensieri stretti, e il viso sciolto: That is, Your thoughts close, and your countenance loose, will go safely over the whole World." Letter to Master Reliquice Wot- tonuzna, 1651, p. 434. The letter was to Milton; see Notes and Queries, July, 1852, p. 5. 2 See Bos well's Johnson (ed. Hill), ii. 418. Dr. Camp- bell was but the translator of the Hermippus Redivivu, the author was Dr. J. H. Cohausen of Coblentz, See Id., iii. 427, note, for an account of the book. 244 THOMAS CARLYLE. man ; massive head with long thin grey hair; eyes both squinting, both overlapped at the corners by a little roof of brow; giving him (with his ill-shut mouth) a kind of lazy, eat- ing, goodhumoured aspect. For the rest, a Unitarian Radical ; clear, steadfast, but every way limited. . . : He said Jeffrey did not strike him as " a very taking man." Lanca- shire accent, or some provincial one. — Have long known the Unitarians intus et in cute ; and never got any good of them ; or any ill. Was the building of St. Paul's or the writ- ing of Paradise Lost more necessary to Eng- land ? The one cost us ;£i 50,000, the other ^15. — Literature cannot be rewarded in money : it is priceless. — Have an Essay " on Authors " in my eye. Franklin, I find twice or thrice in Boswell, defines man as "a Tool-making Animal." Teufelsdreck therefore has so far been antici- pated. 1 Vivant qui ante nos nostra dixerunt ! Saturday 21?t Yesterday sat scribbling January. some stuff, close on the bor- ders of nonsense, about Bi- ography, as a kind of introduction to " John- 1 " ' But on the whole,' continues our eloquent Pro- fessor, ' Man is a Tool-using Animal.' " Sartor, Book i. ch. v. See Boswell's Johnson (ed. Hill), iii. 245 for the citation of Franklin's definition. 245 NOTE BOOK OF son." 1 How is it to be ? I see not well ; know only that it should be light, and written (by way of experiment) currente calamo. I am sickly, not dispirited, yet sad. As is my wont : when did I laugh last ? Alas, ' light laughter, like heavy money, has altogether fled from us.' The reason is we have no com- munion j company enough, but no fellow- ship. Time brings roses. Meanwhile, the grand perennial Communion of Saints is ever open to us : enter, and worthily com- port thyself there ! Nothing in this world is to me more mourn- ful, distressing and in the end intolerable, than mirth not based on Earnestness (for it is false mirth) ; than wit, pretending to be wit, and yet not based on wisdom. Two objects would reduce me to gravity had I the spirits of a Merry Andrew : a Death's Head and a modern London Wit. The besom of destruc- tion should be swept over these people; or else perpetual silence (except when they needed victuals or the like) imposed on them. In the afternoon, Jeffrey, as he is often wont, called in on us : very lively, quick and — light. Chatted about " cholera ; " a sub- ject far more interesting to him than it is to us. Walked with him to Regent street; in 1 It was printed as an independent paper in Fraser's Magazine. 246 THOMAS CARLYLE. hurried assiduous talk. Shiel (the Irish ora- tor) had been once, he said, convicted of a lie : it was some story he had told, of Police tor- tures or such like, in the Catholic Associa- tion; having been that very day convinced that it was not true. O'Connell I called a real specimen of the almost obsolete species Demagogue. (Why should it be obsolete, this being the very scene for it ? Chiefly because we are all Dilettantes, and have no heart of Faith, even for the coarsest of beliefs.) His " cunning " the sign, as cunning ever is, of a weak intellect, as of a weak character. — Very few Irish Appeals come to the House of Lords; a far greater proportion of Scotch. Why? The Irish Courts are identical with the English; their decisions little apt to be reversed : in any Scotch case, from the Chan- cellor's ignorance, there is a chance (like the throwing of dice) that he may decide either way. Eldon often decided palpably wrong. Nevertheless not above i case in 70, even of those decided in the Scotch Inner House, is appealed from. Of those that stop in the Outer House, " perhaps not one in 500." All causes that go from the Outer to the Inner House go thither in the shape of appeal. Scotch law, Jeffrey agrees, is much better than English. He tells, what so few here can do, an intelligible tale about what he is work- ing in. Seemed to admit with me that the 247 NOTE BOOK OF whole system of English Law has provoked not unjustly a fixed spirit of revolt in the minds of all men, and that it must be totally new-made. ' In my younger days, it was said if you had a contention about ^30, let it go either way, do not enter Court at all : now the ^30 has become ^80, and the ad- vice is repeated with that variation. Very bad.' — I have an immense appetite for statistics; but can get no proviant of that kind. At my return home, whom should I find standing but Gustave d'Eichthal the Saint- Simonian ! A little, tight, cleanly pure lov- able Geschopfchen .- 1 a pure martyr and apos- tle, as it seems to me ; almost the only one (not ' belonging to the Past ') whom I have met with in my pilgrimage. Mill goes so far as to think there might and should be mar- tyrs : this is one. He spoke French and English. His ideas narrow, and sore dis- torted ; but his mind open, his heart noble. I have pleasure in the prospect of meeting him again. — Soon after, Arthur Buller called with a "mein bester Freund!" A goodish youth; affectionate, at least attached : not so hand- some as I had expected, tho' more so than enough. He walked with me to Fraser's Dinner in Regent street; or rather to the 1 ' Little creature.' 248 THOMAS CARLYLE. door of Fraser's house, & there took leave with stipulation of speedy re-meeting. 1 Enter thro' Fraser's Bookshop into a back- room, where sit Allan Cunningham, W. Fra- ser 2 (the only two known to me personally), James Hogg (in the easy-chair of honour), Gait, and one or two nameless persons ; pa- tiently waiting for dinner. Locjdiart (whom I did not know) requested to be introduced to me. A precise brief active person, of con- siderable faculty, which however had shaped itself gigmanically only. Fond of quizzing, yet not very maliciously. Has a broad black brow indicating force and penetration, but a lower half of face dwindling into the char- acter at best of distinctness, almost of trivial- ity. Rather liked the man, and shall like to meet him again. 3 — Gait looks old, is deafish ; has the air of a sedate Greenock Burgher; 1 In a letter to his mother, 22 Jan., Carlyle said, " The Bullers are here, both parents and sons all in the friend- liest relation to me . . . The two boys are promising fellows and may one day be heard of in the world" (as, indeed, they were). Letters, ii. 10. 2 James Fraser was the proprietor of the Bookshop, and publisher of Fraser s Magazine. William Fraser was for some time editor of the Foreign Review, to which Carlyle was the most important contributor. 3 In 1839 Carlyle's acquaintance with Lockhart was renewed, and he wrote to his brother, ' Had a long interview with the man [Lockhart] yesterday, found him a person of sense, good breeding, even kindness.' Life, iii. 163. After this their relations continued on terms of mutual respect and friendliness. 249 NOTE BOOK OF mouth indicating sly humour, and self-satis- faction; the eyes old and without lashes, gave me a sort of wae interest for him. He wears spectacles, and is hard of hearing : a very large man; and eats and drinks with a certain west-country gusto and research. Said little; but that little peaceable, clear and gutmuthig. 1 Wish to see him also again. 2 — Hogg 3 is a little, red-skinned, stiff, sack of a body, with quite the common air of an Et- trick shepherd ; except that he has a highish tho' sloping brow (among his yellow-grizzled hair), and two clear little beads of blue or grey eyes, that sparkle if not with thought yet with animation. Behaves himself quite easily and well. Speaks Scotch, and mostly narrative absurdity (or even obscenity) there- with. Appears in the mingled character of Zany and raree-show : all bent on bantering him, especially Lockhart; Hogg walking thro' it, as if unconscious, or almost flattered. His vanity seems to be immense, but also his 1 ' Good-natured.' 2 John Gait, 1779-1839, a busy and prolific man of letters, whose ' Annals of the Parish ' are still worth reading as a true picture of rustic Scotch life ; liked and praised by Scott. 3 The ' Ettrick Shepherd,' eternized not so much by his own works, as by Scott's goodness to him, and Wordsworth's verses upon his death. "He was un- doubtedly," wrote Wordsworth, in the note prefixed to his 'Extempore Effusion,' "a man of original genius, but of coarse manners and low and offensive opinions." 250 THOMAS CARLYLE. goodnature: I felt interest for the poor ' Herd Body ' ; wondered to see him blown hither from his sheepfolds, and how, quite friendless as he was, he went along cheerful, mirthful and musical. I do not well under- stand the man : his significance is perhaps considerable. His poetic talent is authentic, yet his intellect seems of the weakest, his morality also limits itself to the precept : Be not angry. Is the charm of this poor man chiefly to be found herein, That he is a real product of Nature, and able to speak natur- ally — which not one in the thousand is? An ' unconscious talent/ tho' of the small- est 5 emphatically naive. Once or twice in singing (for he sung of his own) there was an emphasis in poor Hogg's look, expressive of feeling, almost of enthusiasm. The man is a very curious specimen : Alas he is a Man ; yet how few will so much as treat him like a specimen, and not like a mere wooden Punch or Judy 1 / — For the rest our talk was utterly despicable. Stupidity, insipidity, even not a little obscenity (in which all save Gait, Fra- ser and myself seemed to join) was the only outcome of the night. 2 Literary men / They are not worthy to be valets of such. Was a 1 Cf. Letters, ii. 9. 2 ' The conversation was about the basest I ever as- sisted in," wrote Carlyle to his brother John, 18 Febr. Life, ii. 263. 251 NOTE BOOK OF thing. said that did not even solicit in mercy to be forgotten ? Not so much as the at- tempt or wish to speak profitably. Trivi- alitas trivialitatum ; omnia trivia Mas / — I went to see, and I saw ; and have now said, and mean to be silent, or try if I can speak elsewhere. — Enough for once. #1 [What follows was written under another binding; and is now slit out, and sewed in here, another better Note book having come to hand. 15* May.] 2 March (about 8*) 1832 — Finished a has- tened Paper on Johnson; which now (i5 l . h ) lies at Press. Perhaps not wholly without 1 On the 22 January Carlyle's Father died, and the re- maining pages of the original Note Book (pp. 52-76), and an addition sewed into it of forty-two pages, are occupied with Carlyle's Reminiscences of his Father. They be- gin : " On Tuesday, January the 24th 1832, I received tidings that my dear and worthy Father had departed out of this world." And a few pages further on Carlyle writes : ' I purpose now, while the impression is more pure and clear within me, to mark down the main things I can recollect of my Father.' This record of his Fa- ther's life, one of the most impressive biographical sketches in the language, is printed in Reminiscences, i. 1-52. The date at its close is ' Sunday night, 29th Janu- ary 1832.' • 2 " What follows " occupies an addition to the Note- book, of which the pages are numbered 1 19-152. 252 THOMAS CARLYLE. worth : we shall see. — [Have been interrupted, and no time is left at present.] — British Museum (Saturday, St Patrick's day for I saw Irishmen with shillelahs!) Came hither to look after Diderot, whereof here is what lies in the Biog. Universelle : He translated Stanyan's History of Greece (1743). Diet. deMedecine (1746). Essaisurle Merite et laVertu (1745) half-translated out of Shaftesbury — Pensees Philosophiques (1746) made much noise — Lettre sur les aveugles for the use of those that see (1749) : sent to Vincennes in consequence. Encycloped. (1751) the two first vol. — and excited atten- tion — 1752 it was suspended (de par le roi) for 18 months. Stopt again in 1759 when d'Alemb. retired : Dider. exerted himself (honour of the nation, advantage to trade, &c.) ; the Direct, de la librairie (who ? what ? ) and due de Choiseul granted a protection (7 vol. already out); and the rest of the work' was published with the entirest freedom, each striv- ing who should emit the most " philosophical idea" : hastily got up too : Diderot was alone in it ; took such workmen as he could get. — In the fidelite conjugale ne voit qu'un entetement et un supplice. Supplem. to the voyage of Bougainville. — Obscene novels (vols. 10, 11, 12 of Naigeon 1 ) very obscene it l Naigeon was the editor of the Works of Diderot, in 253 NOTE BOOK OF is said. — Eleutheromanes (Liberty-mad), these two lines (qu'on lui a tant reproch£) Et ses mains ourdiraient les entrailles du pretre, A defaut d'un cordon, pour etrangler les rois. 1 — Vol. 4. contains his pieces de theatre. Bishop Douglas 2 (Dr Johnson's) came from Pittenweem in Fife ! The son of a ' mer- chant ' [fiegociant] there : wrote against Hume and on Politics. Home? (This appears to be the 17 th of March). Have just finished with Lardner about the Lit. Hist, of Germany; and am off with him, eitimal und immertnehr.^ 'Tis as well, perhaps better. A History will grow 15 volumes, published in 1798, and reprinted often after- wards. He inserted in the text passages of an atheistic character, without indication that they were his own, and not Diderot's. See Sainte-Beuve, Causeries du Lundi (1851), Tome iii. p. 227. 1 Carlyle cites and comments on these verses "sur- passing all yet uttered or utterable in the Tyrtaean way ' ' in his article on Diderot. Essays, v. 43. 2 Dr. John Douglas, Bishop of Salisbury, 1721-1807 ; a member of the Literary Club, noted for his exposure of Lauder's forgeries, commemorated by Goldsmith in Retaliation, — " Here Douglas retires from his toils to relax, The scourge of impostors, the terror of quacks." 3 'Home,' that is, the lodgings in Ampton Street; the last entry having been made at the British Museum. 4 * Once and forever.' 254 THOMAS CARLYLE. among my hands (by Review Articles) into a fitter shape; and may, one day, be pub- lished on its own foundation, — if the world require it; if not, not. Meanwhile, I have other work to seek for myself: The Sheffield Radical, 1 Diderot, Authors, Lessing, Thoma- sius, Fichte ; plenty of them ! Settled yesterday, with Fraser, about the dividing of Johnson? A foolish vehicle his scavenger-cart of a Magazine is : but what then ? We must speak ; if not by one organ, then by another. — Make not so much of those pitiful lucubrations of thine : cast them forth ; wirfsie schweigend in die ewige Zeit / 3 They are but rubbish, — as all Time-things are : do thy best with them ; then let the world do its. Bookselling (as I told Lardner, much to his surprise) is in the state of ' delirium be- fore death ': the more needful is it that thou walk wisely thro' the middle of it. We are both (Weibchen and I) considera- bly hurt in health, and longing to be home ; which we expect soon. The climate of this 1 Ebenezer Elliott. 2 By the separation of the introductory pages on Bi- ography in general, to form an independent article. 3 " Cast them silently away for ever." 255 NOTE BOOK OF place is among the most detestable on Earth : otherwise, the place has been wholly agree- able to us. Yesternight I saw Sir Nicholas Harris Nic- olas Knight of the Guelphic Order, Antiqua- rian and what not j a good-natured, rattling, small rather than thick-headed mortal : he said (coming home with me thro' Chancery Lane), " I believe I have ruined (or done more to ruin) more Booksellers than any man living: no Book of mine ever paid its expenses." The evening before (at W. Fraser's), I had seen this Knight, and another of the same, 1 Sir David Brewster! B. is still full of pro- jects and purveyor-activity : for the rest, has become a Whig and Reformer, and speaks about this Chancellor 2 exactly as about the Chancellor; whose sublime mind (he took pains to say) had included even me in its contemplations. A tough, vivacious man! Not without kindness, at least great sociality, of disposition ; and for his practical opinions : O wonder, O wonder ! enter and see : A weathercock's head where his tail sh d be. Leigh Hunt and I have come into contact by occasion of the Characteristics : he sought me out, and has been twice here; I once with 1 ' Another of the same ' is a phrase from the Scotch version of the Psalms, in frequent use in Scotland. A. C. 2 Lord Brougham. 256 THOMAS CARLYLE. him. A pleasant, innocent, ingenious man ; filled with Epicurean Philosophy, and steeped in it to the very heart. He has suffered more than most men; is even now bankrupt (in purse and repute), sick, and enslaved to daily- toil : yet will nothing persuade him that Man is born for another object here than to be happy. Honour to tenacity of conviction ! Credo quia impossibile. — A man copious and cheerfully sparkling in conversation ; of grave aspect, never laughs, hardly smiles; black hair shaded to each side ; hazel eyes, with a certain lifting up of the eyebrows that has no archness in it, rather sentient, well- satisfied self-consciousness. He is a real lover of Nature, and even singer thereof; and, for the rest, belongs to London in the opening of the igth century. — x The ' Cockney School ' will one day be historically significant ; in a small way. Its chief character is even this Epicurism ; half- vision it had, but then only half. . . . Not Stare super antiquas vias, thencefrom to look out for new ways, and walk thereon ; but sim- ply to leap the hedges, and so sink in quag- mires: this has been their method. They knew the wrong, not the right : worst of all, they did not care properly to know it, but 1 The acquaintance with Hunt was renewed when Carlyle settled in London in 1834. See Reminiscences, i. 104, 174 ; Letters, ii. 150, 701, et al. 17 257 NOTE BOOK OF sought only self. We shall see them all bet- ter one day. Wrote to John at Rome (a double Letter, which would go off yesterday). — Schlegel is here : I left my card ; and hope not, and care not, to see the old fool. His usual wig is blond; his face he paints ! Ach ! Finally, he is a literary Gigman. They are to give him a dinner at the " Literary Union " to-day: who? One Hay ward (the "cleverest of the second-rate men," who has been much here), and Dionysius Lardner! — The day of small things. — " Dr. Maginn "was at Fraser's with the two Sirs. 1 A rattling Irishman, full of quizzicality and drollery, without ill-nature, without earn- estness, certainty of conviction or purpose in regard to any subject, except this one : Punch is Punch. A shortish thickset man (looks up- wards of forty) with a fine (almost genial) gray eye ; wears a wig. Is the proper Palinurus and originator of Fraser's Magazine; wherein, and in the Standard Newspaper, he finds his chief threshing-floor at present. I understand he " works mostly for the dead horse." 1 William Maginn (1794 — 1842) was one of the most prolific and versatile magazine-writers of his time ; he had cleverness, wit, and a store of miscellaneous learn- ing. But he wrote little or nothing of permanent value. 258 THOMAS CARLYLE. Fraser's Magazine took being first in the head of William Fraser ; has, or had no Editor, Aim, or Principle: a chaotic, fermenting, dung- hill heap of compost (as all these things are) ; of which I have at last succeeded in forming to myself some comprehensible notion. Its circulation only is still obscure to me; the methods of circulating it. One day I will jot down what I know: such things will rather soon, I think, be strange. The Bookseller is no knave : that is perhaps the only merit of the whole. What have I to do now, before quitting London ? Let me consider well, and have a plan of it, for next week, and attain something. — For once, enough ! 1 [Times.] London, Monday, April 2, 1832. " These papers announce a death which may almost be considered an event in politics as well as in literature, — the celebrated Goethe died at Weimar on the 2 2d ult. He expired, without any apparent suffering, in his arm- chair, having a few minutes previously called for paper for the purpose of writing, and ex- pressed his delight at the arrival of spring. He had, however, for the last two years en- l The Carlyles left London on the 25th March, and after a few days in Liverpool and Dumfries returned to Craigenputtock in the middle of April. 259 NOTE BOOK OF joyed little of his usual health, and had fallen off greatly in personal appearance. We believe that he had passed his 82d year. All Europe knows the literary era of Germany which com- menced with this distinguished man, which ends with him, and which may be considered as identified with his personal history." This came to me at Dumfries, on my first return thither. I had written to Weimar, asking for a Letter to welcome me home j and this was it. My Letter 1 would never reach its address ; the great and good Friend was no longer there ; had departed some seven days before. — Craigenputtock, 19th April, 1832. Tribula was a kind of threshing-machine ; a chest roughened with wood-bars, or iron or flint notches on the bottom, and so trailed by cattle back and forward over the ears of corn till the grain was hustled out of them. The driver sat on it; and (as among the modern Turks) might have a ladle wherein to catch the dung / Tribulatio is from this word; and so origin- ally signifies something like what we Scotch mean by a Heckelling ( Hatch elling) : use has made it honourable. The Fuller's was a great craft among the 1 In regard to this letter see Correspondence of Goethe and Carlyle, p. 298, n. 260 THOMAS CARLYLE. Romans, for they had no shirts (?), and on gala-days dressed all in white woolen. The smell of the Fullones was not the pleasantest : they were sent to work, therefore, in fields, remote from the nostrils of men. Their use of a certain Liquor was great : they had pots or jars set at street-corners to tempt the Public to produce it, at least to yield it freely. Thus instead of " Whitbread's Entire" might there be a sign-post of quite inverse quality : Somebody's " Effete." — Consider also the Chinese ; and sniff not at the wants and the ingenuity of poor man. It is proof of the height to which Anti- quity also had carried the art of Taxation, that Vespasian laid a Duty on these same Fuller's Pots ; so that whoso was pleased to set forth his urinal to the world must pay the Prince for it. — It was on occasion of Titus' reproaching him with this meanness, that old V. bid him smell a piece of the money pro- duced thereby, and said : Dulcis odor lucri ex requalibet. 1 — Works of the Learned (or rather Repub. of Letters), v. I. (150 &c) where lies some curious matter. Caxton printed in the Almonry of West- l Vespasian's words, according to Suetonius, in his Life of the Emperor, c. xxiii, were Atqui e lotio est. It is Juvenal who wrote : . . . Lucri bonus est odor ex re Qualibet. Sat. xiv. 204. 261 NOTE BOOK OF minster Abbey (why there specially is not known) : hence, say some, our English Printers still call their workshop a Chapel. — (do. elsewhere) — I squelched my finger-nail (curing smoke in company with Pate Easton, at Scotsbrig ; audi effectually, I believe!): the nail is quite black, but sticks there until a new white one be formed under it ; the old black nail dead and worthless, yet performing a worthy sort of service : how like many a Social Institution of these days ! But, indeed, so it is ever ; as I have often enough remarked. A sneering, jeering Review of Hume's Essay on Human Nature in Repub. Lett. 1 for November 1739: to be farther looked into. The poor Reviewer no doubt imagined he had done a feat. How the Tables turn ! Saturday, Have now been here for a week : April 22 n <* 2 quite sickly, lazy, lost, stranded in a Juan Fernandez ; do not remember that I have passed many more l"The present State of the Republick of Letters," London, 1723-1736, was the chief literary journal of its time. In 1736 it was united with the " Literary Mag- azine," and published as "The History of the Works of the Learned." This ran from Jan., 1737, to Dec., 1743, and it. was in it that the review of Hume's Essay ap- peared. 2 In 1832 Saturday was the 21st of April. 262 THOMAS CARLYLE. despicable or unjoyful or unprofitable weeks in my life. No work will forward with me. What a week ! — A day of it, this day, yet remains for thee : To work ! To work ! — Repent not uselessly ; only amend. — I have fasted (from bread) this breakfast time : may that be the beginning of better things. — Now for the " Sheffield Radical." Sunday Yesterday quite down-pressed, morning, over-powered (with bodily ob- struction chiefly) and worthless, or next to that. Did no work, that can be shown ; tho' I rather zealously attempted it. Again endeavour ! Times will mend. The whole thing I want to write seems lying in my mind; but I cannot get my eye on it. The Machine is lazy, languid; the motive Principle cannot conquer the inertia. A question arises, whether there ought to be, in a perfect society, any class of purely speculative men ? Whether all men should not be of active employment and habitude ; their speculation only growing out of their activity, and incidental thereto ? — The grand Pulpit is now the Press; the true Church (as I have said twenty times of late) is the Guild of Authors. How these two Churches and Pulpits (the velvet-cushion one and the metal-type one) are to adjust 263 NOTE BOOK OF their mutual relations and cognate workings : this is a problem which some centuries may be taken up in solving. It is the deepest thing to be solved in these days. Every man that writes is writing a new Bible; or a new Apocrypha; to last for a week, or for a thousand years : he that con- vinces a man and sets him working is the doer of a miracle. [Strange language this : but it is as in the immigration of the North- men, or any other great world-revolution, two languages must get jumbled together, and old words get new meanings ; all things for a time being confused enough.] Ought any writing to be transacted with such intense difficulty ? Does not the True always flow lightly from the lips and pen ? I am not clear in this matter; which is a deeply practical one with me. Consider the following also : The True indeed flows lightly ; but how stands it with the mixture of True and Un- true (or Unknown), wherein the latter ele- ment has to be continually eliminated, and elaborated, or rejected ? — One thing, at all events, is plain: Take not too much care about thy writing, or about aught else that belongs to thee. Know that it is intrinsically trivial (as thyself ait) and 264 THOMAS CARLYLE. will soon perish, — let vanity whisper what she may. Quick, then ; thro' with it ! Learn to do it honestly (learn what that means) ; perfectly thou wilt never do it. Time flies; while thou balancest a sen- tence, thou art nearer the final Period. Cast thy thought forth (so soon as thou hast thought it) with some fearlessness : let it sink into the great mass of Action (under which rolls Eternity !) : let it sink there, since such was its allotment. Dissolved (what we call Dead), the Life of it will still go on work- ing there. Deny thyself; whatsoever is thyself, consider it as nothing. This, however, I must say for myself: It is seldom or never the Phraseology, but al- ways the Insight, that fails me, and retards me. On, then; on! why stand describing how thou shouldst move ; forward, and move, in any way. April 28t. h (Saturday). Finished the day be- fore yesterday a Leichenrede on Goethe. 1 Stiff and starched, and a poor expression of my feelings. Yesterday wrote to John, &c. To-day am for these villainous " Corn Law Rhymes " again : a task that is beginning to get hate- 1 " Funeral discourse," ' Death of Goethe,' published in the ' New Monthly Magazine ' ; Essays, iv. 265 NOTE BOOK OF ful to me; so small, so unmanageable — in the way I have taken it up. N. B. Be very cautious how you take up anything. I have a strange reluctance to re- nounce the road I have entered on, how stony soever, how roundabout soever. You do not like to turn back : On then ! Thus does a Time pass, and with the time its man. The man who can live and work thro' two Times, and welcome a Palingenesia after mourning for a Death, is rarely to be met with — T[iec\k. When the State Cauldron leaks, there is nothing but a hissing, and foul ashy steaming and sputtering; the social Cookery can no longer be carried on. It must be mended, then ; let it be mended. Easy to say, difficult to do ! There are Tinkers that in mending one hole make a couple. But especially, if your whole Cauldron has ceased to be metal at all, and become one thick laminated mass of rust and corrugation, without heart or soli- dity anywhere, how then is the soldering-iron to be applied ; what Tinker so cunning as to operate with effect there. They do it in this way : mend with putty. Each mending lasts for a week, and the outbreaks get more and more frequent. At last when the mending has become a daily and hourly matter, and per- 266 THOMAS CARLYLE. petually there is a puttying and never an end of leakage, but ever as the puttying proceeds on the one hand, the dripping and hissing proceeds on the other, — some indignant State- Tinker says, Putty will no longer do, but they must have metal cloutings ; and so sets him to rivet and to solder, and smites resolutely with hammer and punch on the old rust cauldron : what is the issue then ? Ask Earl Grey with his Reform Bill 1 Gotf? Sauerteig. 1 Sometime about the 4 th of May, finished, rapidly enough, a Paper on the Corn Law Rhymer, very little to my mind. It still lies here ; intended for Napier, who however may well be excused for rejecting it, so intensely " speculative-radical " is the whole strain of it. Perhaps times may have a little changed with him, even during the last fortnight. — Purposed next to draw up an Encyclopedia 1 Gottfried Sauerteig (" Leaven," "Yeast") is one of the names, like Teufelsdrockh, invented by Carlyle, as a transparent symbolic cloak for his own individuality. In his Essay on Biography, he thus introduces this person- age. 4 Here, however, ... we may as well insert some singular sentences on the importance and significance of Reality, as they stand written for us in Professor Gott- fried Sauerteig's ALsthetische Springwiirzel [Aesthetic Cas- tor-oilplant]; a work, perhaps, as yet new to most Eng- lish readers. The Professor and Doctor is not a man whom we can praise without reservation. . . Neverthe- less in his crabbed, one-sided way he sometimes hits masses of the truth.' Essays, iv. 55. 267 NOTE BOOK OF memoir of Lord Byron (for N. and purely in compliance with his request) ; had accordingly jotted down some pages of it : but now an uncertainty arises whether my service (as I explained the possibility of rendering it) is wanted ; which uncertainty will soon become a certainty that said service cannot be had. I had no manner of call to speak there about Lord Byron ; and had much rather eschew it. — I am now for a long Essay on Goethe to be printed in the Foreign Quarterly Review : do not in the least see any way thro' it ; feel only that there is much to be said, or repeated. Have been idle (from xhepen) for twelve days, and must alter very soon. — Bulwer Lytton l writes me, euphuistically announcing that the Leichenrede, on ' our Greatest that has de- parted ' is at press, and will be forwarded as Proofsheet soon: I partly expect it to-night. Very unsatisfactory was the whole to me. On, however, taking small heed of it! — Went down to Scotsbrig on Thursday to settle about family affairs there. All was already clear for settlement, by the wise pru- dence of him who had left us. His last Will I read over, with a sad and obstructed feel- ing, yet as a necessary task. All was meth- odical, just, decisive. He divides his property equally among the five children who had helped by their toil to earn it. At first, I l Bulwer was editor of the New Monthly Magazine. 268 THOMAS CARLYLE. can remember he was for introducing John and me also ; but I dissuaded him, inasmuch as our share was already received, I having been educated, and John thro' me. A sad and earnest look was the answer to this pro- posal: but I now found, for the first time, that it had been complied with. — All the im- movable property (some Houses in Eccle- fechan, yielding between twenty and thirty Pounds annually) are left in life-rent to my Mother; reverting finally to the other five. — My two Brothers valued what was at Scotsbrig, I acting as Umpire and Father on the occasion; the whole was managed last Saturday, not without some study and dis- cussion, yet in a spirit which ought to satisfy me; without covetousness or ill-nature ap- pearing on any side, which in such cases I understand usually do appear violently enough. The valuation was somewhere near the verge of ^600 : James and his two Sisters made an arrangement, which is to last on trial for a year ; our good Mother, who how- ever is independent, will stay with them, and keep them together. They are not foolish, far from it, as people go ; but they are young ; and no community can subsist without a gov- ernor. — Scotsbrig is much changed for me; yet the place where of all others I feel among my loved ones. At home here, I am with my loved one, and among my tools : other- 269 NOTE BOOK OF wise it has never yet become homelike to. me. Let us be content ; let us hope. Der Mensch ist eigentlich auf Hoffnung gestellt. This is the 'Place of Hope.'— 1 On Sunday evening I went over with Alick and Jamie to see our " Aunt Fanny." Found her in a miserable hut (named Knowehead, or some such thing) ; a vehement, fiercely- assiduous and fiercely- thrifty old woman; very dirty in apparel and environment ; not without a touch of antique courtesy; and much flattered by the visit. She is now in her eightieth year; the last survivor of the past Time. Her memory seemed excellent, but she would not talk to questions. A nat- ural garrulity had become heightened to end- less copiousness by old age. She described to me when and where she first saw her Hus- band; stepping Middlebie Burn, with a blue jacket and doe-skin breeches, a proper man to look upon. 2 Also, with infinite minute- ness, her journey to Peebles, rencontres and adventures at the Crook Inn; all which stood perfect in her memory as things of yesterday. It was in 1773 that she was wedded. The beginning of the apprentice- 1 " ' Man is properly speaking based upon Hope,' he has no other possession but Hope; this world of his is emphatically the Place of Hope." Sartor Resartus, Book ii. ch. vii. 2 Her husband's name was William Brown. See Reminiscences, i. 32. 270 THOMAS CARLYLE. ships she could not date with accuracy. She was six years older than my Father. In such a scene and with so many auditors there was little to be gathered from her. I partly cal- culate on seeing her again, when her son and she have removed to their Farm. He (" Wull," a strange, half-inspired, half-idiotic character, miserly, rich, to be wondered at and laughed at) stands in the strictest subjection to her ; is not without awe of her, as of a really su- perior mind. In all points spiritual, the withered old woman is clearly stronger than the lumpish, pausing, prosing man. On Monday morning I came off hither. Vague rumours of the loss of the Reform Bill had been circulating in our remote cir- cle ; these at Dumfries were made clear cer- tainties. 1 The people have been burning (in effigy) their Patriot King ; a Butcher at An- nan had been put in jail for beheading him. All the things were in a flutter and fluster at Dumfries, politically speaking ; one of those tout est perdu's, which occur often enough in 1 On the 7th of May the new Reform Bill was before the House of Lords, and the Ministry were defeated on an amendment. On the 9th Lord Grey and his col- leagues resigned. Then followed the Duke of Welling- ton's ineffectual attempt to form a ministry. On the 15th Lord Grey resumed office, and on the 4th of June the Bill was finally carried in the House of Lords by a majority of eighty-four. 271 NOTE BOOK OF men's affairs. Rien rf est perdu ; il n'y avait rien a gagner. Poor M'Diarmid 1 amused me with his soap-bubble frothing. A wild little man; dark in the face; anger and vehemence, trepidation, indignation, in determination ; a look too as if he still were not angry enough : wholly as if a posse of sheriff's officers had come upon him, and were selling his bed. Three times, tho' sad enough in heart under the chill May moonshine, in driving home, I laughed outright to remember him. The foolish Editor that he is! A snuff drop hanging at his nose, smoke (not fire) in his eye, distraction in his aspect: and all for what? Because a batch of Incapables had been turned to the street, and a batch of Capables, perhaps a shade more knavish than the other had been substituted in their room. — Our withers are unwrung. The question now arises which no one is prepared to answer : what will follow next ; what is to be done next ? I comforted poor Mac that " King Arthur " (so he would name poor Wellington) would not try governing by the bayonet; would study to seat himself firmly on the coachbox, and then drive — whither the people forced him : at all events would drive ; not sit flourishing the whip and 1 Editor of The Dumfries Courier. 272 THOMAS CARLYLE. stirring no hair's breadth, as the others had done for eighteen months long. To me (who know nothing whatever of these latest doings) it seems not unlikely that Arthur will pass a Bill, perhaps very like the other, perhaps better. Let him take his own mind : me or mine he cannot help much or hinder much. One great comfort I shall have : talk will be changed into actions the country will not die of starvation, but at worst by grapeshot and gunshot. — So then our " Friends " are all on the pavement ; ousted in one short week ! One Tuesday M'Diarmid crows stout defiance, triumphant note of victory; next Tuesday, the crow has become a screaming cackle; a kite has pounced down and eaten up the sun. Lord Chancellor Brougham, that vir- tuous man Viscount Althorp, the incompara- ble Earl Grey, Lord Advocate and all the rest — must take the road in such weather as chances to be blowing. — For Jeffrey (to whom alone the slightest interest attaches me) I rather esteem it a happiness. Brougham but "bides his time;" and, if he live, will come again, not whig but radical. Earl Grey deserves his fate : he set the interests of Eng- land and those of his own small fractional (unjustifiable) part of England on the same level; would in his own way save both or neither; has in consequence lost only him- 18 273 NOTE BOOK OF self. Can the man not see that Lordhood is becoming obsolete, that Manhood is hence- forth the only order ? Be he reputed honest (I believe him to be so, whiggishly speaking) : and with that character let him retire from the public scene forever and a day. Or is this the state of it ? Granting the King to be an Imbecile and Nonentity, has he changed so much for the worse ? He gets a professed Dugald Dalgetty or Soldier of Fortune, able to fight, ready to fight on any side, for his pay : he parts with a ' Soldier of Principle,' but who unhappily did not know what his principle was, or who had two in- compatible principles, and so stood ready to fight on some side, could he have seen which; but unable to fight on any. — Poor " Patriot King"! I never cheered him or heeded him; only once laughed at him (as I witnessed his Coronation proces- sion); and now do not upbraid him. The wisest man in the world might pause in that situation : what shall the foolishest do ? The only Reform is in thyself. Know this O Politician, and be moderately political. For me I have never yet done any one po- litical act; not so much as the signing of a 274 THOMAS CARLYLE. petition. My case is this : I comport myself wholly like an alien ; like a man who is not in his own country ; whose own country lies perhaps a century or two distant. When the time comes, should it ever come, that I can do any good in such coming forward, then let me not hang back. Meanwhile pay thy taxes to his Majesty and the rest, so long as they can force thee ; the instant they cannot force thee, that instant cease to pay. This has been my political principle for many a year. The passing or the failing of innumerable Re- form Bills might not alter it much : money is paid to him who does a service worth money; obedience is due to him who governs : to him who wears the governor's mask, the mask of obedience, — as to the ass in lion's skin (who in any case could kick) — while you are near him. — And now a truce to Politics. All this I have written down, this Wednesday, May 16th, 1832 years: knowing that it is trivial; also that some day even these transitory phrases will have meaning. Reminiscence. Two nights before leaving London I went down to the House of Com- mons with W. Fraser, who however could not get admittance for himself and me ; a thing I partly rejoiced at. We went to a Club house in S* James's, the first and only one I was 275 NOTE BOOK OF ever in. Waited also afterwards a while in the Lobby of the " House " : while here saw Macaulay (Thomas Babington) come out, and buy two oranges; a sign, Fraser said, that he was going to speak; which accord- ingly next day showed that he had done. Macaulay, whom I noted strictly, is a short squat thickset man of vulgar but resolute en- ergetic appearance. Fair-complexioned, keen gray eyes, a large cylindrical head set close down between two strong round shoulders; the brow broad and fast-receding, the crown flat — perhaps it was baldish. Inclines al- ready to corpulence, tho' I suppose he is not five-and-thirty, of which age or a somewhat higher he wore the air. The globular will one day be his shape, if he continue. I likened him, in my own mind, to a managing Iron- master (I know not well why); with vigorous talent for that or some such business (on what scale fortune may order) ; with little look of talent for anything higher. He is the young man of most force at present before the world. Successful he may be to great lengths, or not at all, according as the times turn: mean- while, the limits of his worth are discernible enough. Great things lie not in him. It is a fatal circumstance that he rests satisfied with being a Critic, feels not the want of any force belonging to himself, wherewith he might do somewhat ; has yet attained to no belief, and 276 Q THOMAS CARLYLE. apparently is not wretched for not having any. The moral nature of the man I take to be in- trinsically common ; hence, if no otherwise, were his intellectual nature marked as com- mon also. He is the only young man of any gift, at this period, who is a whig; another characteristic. He may be heard of, and loudly; but what is being heard of? Who- soever beats a drum is heard of. Let us hope too that M. will gain better insight, a clear, manly foundation, and be what he might be : "a man among clothes-screens." As for Fraser's Clubhouse, it was a splen- did mansion, with dining-rooms (where whiskered hungry people, Irishmen mostly, sat devouring viands and drinking cham- pagne), drawing-rooms full of sofas, pier glasses, periodicals &c &c. We went and lounged in one for a quarter of an hour. It is called the Windham Club, I think. The house had belonged to some dissipated dis- tracted Irish Nobleman, who had married a woman of infamous character, still living, and sinning, her husband having made the world rid of him some years before. The Clubs are a curious feature of Lon- don : the principle of Sociality being quite gone, that of Gregariousness is there in full action. Men combine together, professing no other object than that they may have 277 THOMAS CARLYLE. cheaper food and drink and accommodation than separately could be come at. They have all grown up since I was in London before. A more significant phenomenon than is usually recognized in them. But here, my paper being done, let me close. Joy and sorrow ; irreparable losses ; toils fruitless or fruitful : a share of all lies noted in this little Tome. Onwards are we going, ever onwards: Eternity alone can give back what Time daily takes away. I am Fatherless now, (thank God, not yet Motherless) : be all that remains the dearer. Improve, cherish, laudably work with what- ever Time gives and leaves. Gedenke zu leben ! 1 Farewell ye loved ones ! I have still zu leben. l " Resolve to live! " 278 Autograph Letter. Cl^^ \ lSjL-ffr. J^J^i te^ ,^7 fc^* j *-k '<— ^f! 7 ? ")o ^ fy^ ^"fc W °^\p\J *£< °V«~^. *- ^w*CTi KL^-y, /V- ^~o-, \> lc^ 1 J*% w^ ^v^T Vfi [vAL^ i*~ wU • ^ ; <0 i m Chelsea, 25 June, 1862. 11 Seekest thou great things, seek them not /» / could do no good with your ' ' Tragedy, " after never so much endeavour, it depends on Playhouse Managers, etc. etc.; — and is, I must say, likely to have been an unreasonable, tho" 1 innocent attempt, on the part of a young man, inexperienced in Life, much more in the suitable ways of Delineating and Expounding what Life is and should be. Forgive my plainness of Speech. But it is my standing advice to all young persons who trace in themselves a superior capacity of mind, to select, beyond all other conditions, a silent course of ac- tivity ; — and to disbelieve totally the babble of re- views and newspapers, and loud clamour of Non- sense everywhere prevalent, that " Literature" (even if one were qualified) is the truly noble hu- man career. Far other, very far ! since you ask my opinion. The greatest minds I have known, or have authentically heard of, have not been the speaking ones at all, — much less in these loud times ; raging with palaver, and with so little else, from sea to sea! — In very great haste (wishing you well, not ill), T Carlyle. INDEX INDEX. Action and Morality, 228 Actions, great, sometimes histori- cally barren, 171; smallest, some- times very fruitful, 171 Adam, fable concerning, 81, 82 Advertising, Carlyle upon, 208, 209 ; amount spent by two book- sellers annually in, 208 Aikin, Lucy, " Memoirs of Queen Elizabeth," 4 Air, always hope in the, 106 Age, every, full of vicissitudes to its people, 141 Alexander, remark by Carlyle con- cerning, 7; compared with Hambden, 7 ; expedition of, compared with St. Paul's mis- sion, 171 Alfieri, on genius, 30 Alison, Rev. Archibald, " Essay on Taste," 84; criticism of, 84 "Anatomy of Melancholy," ex- tracts from, 85; anecdote con- cerning, 98 Antimachus Clarius, on Plato, 124 Areopagitica, Milton's, Carlyle on, 2 9> 3° Aristocracy, a true, wanted, 179 Aristotle, as to Action andThought, 81; upon solitude, 122 {note 2) ; "Philosophy" of, contrasted with " Sermon on the Mount," 171 Arlesford, Battle of, defeat of Roy- alists at, 9 ; location of, 9 Art, is, higher than Religion ? 204 ; possibility of, at this era, 215; materials of, everywhere, 227, 228 Ascham, Roger, birth and death, 89; tutor to Queen Elizabeth, 89; his chief and other works, 89; life of, by Dr. Johnson, 89; "a good sort of man and well worth study," 89 Bacon, on solitude, 122, 123 Badams, friend of Irving, calls on Carlyle, 194 ; described by Mrs. Montagu 195 (see note 1) Ballhorn, stanza from Golden A B C, 118 (for trans, see p. 177) Barclay, John, 25 (see note) Bardili, his "Rational Realism," 112; similar to Malebranche ? 112 Baretti, short account of, 130, 131 ; adventure of, in London, 131 ; his works and character, 131 (see also note) Beaumont (and Fletcher), drama- tists, disappointing to Carlyle, 31; criticism of 31, 32 Bentham, Jeremy, significance of, 171; senility of, 236 "Benvenuto Cellini," criticism upon, 186 Berkenhout, Dr., his "Literary History of England," 147 Biography, the only history, 238 Bohmen, ex-king of, comes to Lon- don, takes Covenant, and re- ceives pension, n Book, by Carlyle, description of projected, 29 Books (French), to be read, 52, 53; where met with, 52; (Ger- man) recommended in Herder, 75» 7°> 77; recommended by Mr. Aitken, 121 ; more, to be read, 123, 127; more, to be seen, 142, 143 ; list of English, 146 ; list of, copied from Croker's Bos- well's Johnson, 242, 243 Boscovich, Kant reminds Carlyle of, 112; died mad, 130 Bossuet, " Oraisons funebres," 10 Bouterwek, his "System of Vir- tuality," 112 Bo wring, Sir John, meets Carlyle, 196 (see note 4) Bradock-Down, Battle of, 6 ; loca- tion of, 6; defeat of the Par- liament at, 6; indifferently de- scribed, 6 Brandes, Johann Christian, " Au- tobiography," 121 Brentford, Royalist general, de- feated at Arlesford by Waller, 9 ; rescued from Donnington, 10 289 INDEX. Brerewood, what of? 25 Brewster, Sir David, meets Car- lyle, 256; Carlyle's opinion of, 256 Brothers, Richard, 216 (see also note 2) Brougham, Lord, Carlyle prophe- sies concerning, 273 Browne, Sir T., his " Religio Me- dici," "Urne Burial," and "Vulgar Errors," 67; Carlyle's opinion of, 68 ; midway between poetand orator, 69 ; his '* Religio Medici" most readable, 69 ; errs in giving himself too good a character, 69; account of, 90; knighted by Charles II, 90 Bruyere, La, characterization of, of, 126 Buller, Mrs., verses to, by Dr. Leyden, 65 Burgess, Dr. , who was ? 1 Burns, contrasted with Scott, 127; Carlyle finishes a paper on, 129 Burrow, Sir J., 29 Burton, quotations from, 85, 86; little to be learned about him, 90 ; short account of 90 ; firm believer in Astrology, 90 ; anec- dote of his life at Oxford, 01 ; quotations from, 97; Carlyle's characterization of, 99 Byron, a "kraftmann," at his death, 17; Carlyle's opinion of him, 71 (see also note) ; a brief definition of, 230 Cabbage, the, characterization of, 105 Caesar, remark by Carlyle concern- ing, 7 ; compared with Hambden, 7; Hadrian's epitaph on, 123 Capel, Lord, 17 Carisbrook Casde, Charles I con- fined in, 15; treaty with Scots signed by Charles in, 15 Carlyle (Mrs.), Jane Welsh, arrives in London, 21 (see note 1) Carlyle, Thomas, begins first note- book while reading Clarendon's History, 1 ; invokes fortune, 1 ; finishes third volume of Claren- don, 19; ill health of, 54; despondency of, 55; rejection of suicide by, 56 (see note, p. 57) ; Carlyle, Thomas — continued. estimate of true affection, 58; to leave Kinnaird, 58; hopes of Wilhelm Meister (translation), 58; Schiller, Part II, sent to Lon- don, 54; Schiller, Part III, be- gun, 59; effect of drugs on, 59 ; scribbling, not writing Schiller, 59; anxiety about Schiller (the book), 59; farewell to 1823, 59, 60; has trouble with the intro- duction to Schiller, 60; at Hod- dam Hill, 64; despondency of, 64, 65, 66 ; marries, 67 ; finishes " Anatomy of Melancholy," 98 ; doubtful what to say concerning it, 98; sums up Burton and his book, 98, 99 ; on a diseased liver, and virtue as its own reward, 103; finishes article for "Edin- burgh Review," 140; to see Jef- frey at Dumfries, 141 ; thinks seriously of discussing Martin Luther, 142 ; proposes to write an essay on Metaphors, 142 ; criticizes Political Economists, 144; is occupied writing a " His- tory of German Literature," 147 (see note) ; comments on his difficulties in doing so, 148 ; re- bukes himself, 148, 149; on the origin of quarrels, 149, 150; has "done with the Germans,'' 150; inquires how much truth is in them, 150; gets rid of Material- ism, 151 ; inquires into the na- ture of a miracle, 151 ; asks what is poetry, 151 ; laments his lack of memory, 151 ; doubts if he shall succeed, 152, cannot judge of his own talent, 152; writes letter to Dumfries "Courier," 153 (see note) ; gets on badly with a speculation on History, 154 ; is asked to write a life of Goethe, 154 (see note) ; also of Luther, x 54> J 55; his sentiment as re- gards a life of Luther, 155; is offered an annuity by Jeffrey, but refuses, 155 (see note) ; com- ments upon this, 155 ; confesses his error about independence, 156; begins second volume of " German Literary History," 156; his impression concerning 290 INDEX. Carlyle, Thomas — continued. it, 156; on the death of his sister Margaret, 157 ; on the Saint- Simonians, 158 (see also note 2) ; failure of project as to " His- tory of German Literature," 163 ; reproaches himself, 163 (see note 2) ; has glimpses of the power of spiritual union, 164; exhorts himself to be up and doing, 165, 166; writes "The Beetle," 170; undefined aim of, 170; criticizes " Fraser's Maga- zine," 170; refers to John Wil- son ("Christopher North"), 170; declares printing not to be the symbol of literature, 170, 171 ; compares great and small actions, 171 ; quotes examples, 171; compares moral and in- tellectual nature of man, 171; defines the significance of Christ, 171 ; defines the place of Jeremy Bentham, 171; pities England, 172; contrasts Utilitarians and Whigs, 182; has no patience with Dilettanti, 172 ; defines the Sin of the age, 172; condemns the idle, 172; visit of the Jeffreys to, 173 (see note) ; criticizes Jeffrey at length, 173, 174, 175; begins "Sartor Resartus," 176; on Seclusion and Meditation, 176; on Silence, 176; as to Words, 176; as to Silence and Speech, 177; as to Secrecy, 177; "On Clothes," 177; receives the ornamented " Schiller" from Goethe, 177 (see note i,p. 178) ; sends the "Clothes "to Fraser, 178 (see note 2) ; comments on political state of England, 178, 179; divine right of squires equal to that of kings, 179; as to prop- erty, 179; as to Art and Poetry, 180; the logical import of life, 180; analyzes his condition, 181; hears from his brother John, 182; criticizes Taylor, 182; on a stanza by Mrs. Carlyle, 182; trouble with " Teufelsdreck," 183 (see notes 1, 2) ; refers to Goethe, 183; literary prospects of, 183 ; on the state of Europe, 183; on the state of England, Carlyle, Thomas — continued. 184 ; on the frame of society, 184 ; as to the only sovereigns of the world, 184 ; as to divine right in kings, 184, 185; the derivation of honor-titles, past and future, 185; reliance on God, 185; comment on Jeffrey, 185; criticizes Benvenuto Cellini, 186; on Pope's "Odyssey of Homer," 187; Homer or Shakes- peare the greater ? 187; inquires as to constitution of a Whole, 187 ; as to the true Heroic Poems, 188 ; seeks the true relation of moral to poetic genius, 188; characterizes the words of Jesus, 189; ends the first Note-book at Craigenputtock, 189; exhorts himself, 189; leaves Craigen- puttock for London, 191 (see note 1) ; account of journey, 191, 192, 193 ; calls on the Lord Advocate, 193; is advised to try Murray with " Sartor " and sees him, 194; comment on the meeting, 194 ; meets the Badamses, 194 ; renews acquaintance with the Montagues, 194 (see note 3) ; calls on Mrs. Montagu, 195 (see notes 1 and 2) ; calls on Long- man's with Napier's letter, 196; meets with refusal of "German Literary History," 196; renews acquaintance with the Stracheys and Bowring, 196; sees Allan Cunningham, 196 ; writes to Goethe, 197; visits Shooter's Hill, 197 (see note 1) ; breakfasts with the Jeffreys, 198 ; sees Edward Irving, 198; appoints to dine with Drummond, 198 (see note 4) ; meets Godwin, 198 ; characterization of Godwin, 199; ill health of, 200; journal writing discontinued by, 200; in- quiry as to education, 200 ; notes the arrival of Mrs. Carlyle, 201 ; comments on " Sartor Re- sartus," 201 (see note 1) ; meets Gustave d'Eichthal, the Saint- Simonian, 201 ; notes loss of Re- form Bill, 202; notes illness of Jeffrey, 202 ; meets Sir J. Macin- tosh and describes him, 202, 2 9 ] INDEX. Carlyle, Thomas — continued. 203; refers to Dr. Fleming, 203 (see note 1) ; inquires as to the true duty of a man, 203 , as to Reverence the need of men, 203 ; complains of stupidity, 204; inquiry into dictum by Goethe and Schiller that art is higher than religion, 204; notes tendency to speculate on men, not man, 205 ; comments on the general condition of things, 206, 207: complains that good shoes cannot be had in London, 207 (see note) ; states the universal problem of man, 208; notes a harder problem, to be found in London, 208; upon advertising ox puffing, 208,209; caus Lon- don the Goshen of quacks, 209 ; on how to remedy things, 209 ; on the size of London, 209, 210; notes extravagant price of po- tatoes, 210; comments on the hurry of life in London, 210; notes the isolation of life in Lon- don, 210; on the want of Gov- ernment in, 211 ; on the torpidity of the Soul, 211 (see note 1) ; to write for the "Edinburgh Re- view," 212; as to a course of lec- tures in London, 212 {note 1) ; inquires as to province of oral teaching, 212; avers London to be ignorant of art, 212 ; as to eloquence in himself, 212; upon Hazlitt's "Table Talk," 213 (see note 3) ; dines with Fon- blanque, 213; describes him, 213 ; receives Allan Cunning- ham, 214 ; analyzes him, 214 ; as to Sir Walter Scott, 214 ; upon the advantage of the pulpit, 215 ; as to the meaning of symbol, 215; on the possibility of Art at this era, 215; "where is to- morrow?" 215; classifies so- ciety, 215, 216; note on Richard Brothers, 216; meets Charles Lamb at Enfield, 217; opinion of Lamb, 217, 218, 219 (see note 1, p. 217, and note 1, p. 218) ; on the difficulty of obtain- ing the truth, 217; notes wild riots in Bristol, 219 (see notes 1, Carlyle, Thomas — continued. 2, p. 220) ; has a " striking ar- ticle " to write, but finds it " un- speakably " difficult, 220 ; gen- eral apprehension of cholera unshared by, 221 (see note 1) ; as to "Life "and "Existence," 221; the "hohe Bedeutung des Entsagen," 221 (see note 2) ; conception of Immortality de- pends on that of Time, 222 ; laments the absence of" Sports," 222; upon education, 222, 223; upon the best and the worst educated man, 223 ; prophesies the union of authors, 223 ; as to the end of the world, 223; the Cockney the most ignorant creature of his class, 224; on the date and origin of playing cards, 224; on "Merelles," 224, 225; idle and out of sorts, 225 ; relates origin of Sadler's Well, 225; finds life sad and stern, 226; longs for the end, 226 ; meets Mr. (later Sir Henry) Taylor, 226; visited by Glen, 226 ; characteri- zation of, and advice, to Glen, 226, 227; inseparability (for man) of evil and good, 226, 227; finds materials of Art everywhere, but not the artist to embody them, 227, 228; notes arrival of cholera at Sunderland 228 ; urges him- self to work, 228; "the noble- ness of Silence," 228 ; as to Thinking and Thoughts, 228 ; as to Morality and Action, 228, 229 ; perfect morality not an ob- ject of consciousness, 229 ; fin- ishes the " Characteristics," 230; his opinion of it, 230; de- fines Byron, 230; reads Croker's Boswell's Johnson, 230; pur- poses an essay on it, 230 ; diffi- culty in writing the "Character- istics," 230, 231 ; engages with Lardner to furnish a " History of German Literature," 231 ; difficulty concerning it, 231 ; pestered by magazine editors, 231 ; comments on the strange state of literature, 231, 232 ; as to Bulwer Lytton, 232; feeling as to Tait and his new Radical 292 INDEX. Carlyle, Thomas — continued. magazine, 232 ; as to Fraser and his magazine, 232 ; a rule for writ- ing, 232 ; writes for the " Athen- aeum," 232; dislikes being ad- vertised, 232 ; blames himself for writing for Dilke, 233 ; writes to his brother John in Rome, 233 ; proposes article on the author of the Corn Law Rhymes, 233 ; remarks scarcity of ideas in Lon- don, 233 ; " Sartor" still unpub- lished, 233 ; indifferent as to the publication of it, 234; meets Abraham Hayward, 234; Hay- ward's service to, 234 ; dines with Hayward, 235 ; describes the evening, 235 ; meets Sir Alexander Johnston, 235 ; char- acterizes Macaulay, 236; epito- mizes Rogers, 236 ; opinion of Moore, 236; on Bentham, 236; seeks to visit Dr. Johnson's places of abode, 237 ; difficulty of finding places in London, 237 ; notes the need of a lending library in London, 237 (see note 2) ; sees that biography is the only history, 238; the aspect of the world to, 238 ; quotes epitaph from Johnson, 238 (see note 2); quotes "Dies Irae," 239 et seq. ; comments on Parson Hackman, 243 ; reads Hazlitt's " Liber Amoris," 243, 244 ; ridicules it, 244 ; as to Dr. Camp- bell, 244 ; meets Mr. Shepherd (Unitarian parson), 244 ; de- scribes him, 245; characterizes Unitarians, 245 ; St. Paul's or " Paradise Lost " the more neces- sary? 245; finds Franklin's defi- nition of man in Boswell, 245; avers literature to be priceless, 245 ; writes unsatisfactory intro- duction to essay on Johnson, 245, 246 ; sadness of mirth not based on earnestness, 246 ; receives Jef- rey, 246; as to 0'Connell,247; as to the Scotch, English, and Irish courts, 247; convinced that English law must be re-made, 248; meets Gustave d'Eichthal again, 248 ; opinion of him, 248 ; sees Arthur Buller, 248 ; dines Carlyle, Thomas — continued. with Fraser in Regent Street, 248; meets Allan Cunningham, James Hogg, and Lockhart, 248; describes Lockhart, 249; describes Gait, 249 ; describes Hogg (the "Ettrick Shep- herd"), 250; condemns the evening spent with Fraser, 251, 252 ; chronicles death of his fa- ther, 252 (see note 1) ; finishes paper on Johnson, "not wholly without worth," 252; investi- gates Diderot, 253 ; quotes con- cerning Diderot from the " Biog- raphie Universelle," 253; as to Bishop Douglas, 254; breaks with Lardner, 254 ; settles with Fraser about essay on Johnson, 255 ; criticizes " Fraser's Magazine," 255 ; as to the state of book- selling, 255; longs (with Mrs. Carlyle) to be home, 255; likes London, but not the climate, 256 ; quotes remark of Sir N. H. Nicholas as to booksellers, 256 ; describes Sir David Brewster, 256; meets Leigh Hunt through "Characteristics," 256; de- scribes him, 257 ; writes to John Carlyle at Rome, 258; calls on Schlegel, but hopes not to see him, 258 ; terms Schlegel a liter- ary Gigman, 258; meets William Maginn, 258 ; describes him, 258 (see also note) ; as to the origin of " Fraser's Magazine," 259 ; leaves London, 259 (see note) ; hears of the death of Goethe, 259 ; realizes his last letter to Goethe would arrive too late, 260 ; describes the Tribula, 260 ; comments on the fuller's craft among the Romans, 260, 261 ; as to Vespasian and the fuller's craft, 261; " squelches " his fin- ger-nail, 262 ; philosophizes on it, 263 ; complains of ill health, 262, 263 ; as to the true pulpit and true Church, 263; upon the right of speculative men to exist, 263; on writers, 264; should writing be difficult ? 264 ; cautions himself as to writing, 264 ; exhorts himself to honesty 293 INDEX, Carlyle, Thomas — continued. in writing, 265 ; defines his diffi- culty in writing, 265; finishes funeral discourse on Goethe, 265 (see note 1) ; takes up Corn Law Rhymes, 265 ; his reluctance to renounce a road once entered on, 266; reflects on the tinkering of the State, 266, 267 (see note, p. 267) ; finishes a paper on the Corn Law Rhymer, 267; pur- poses memoir of Lord Byron for "New Monthly Magazine," 268; projects essay on Goethe for "Foreign Quarterly Re- view," 268 ; is idle for twelve days, 268; hears from Lytton about the Goethe funeral dis- course, 268 ; goes down to Scots- brig to settle family affairs, 268 ; gives an account of the settle- ment of his father's will, 268, 269 ; as to his Aunt Fanny and her son, 270, 271 ; hears rumors of loss of New Reform Bill, 271,* on the political situation, 272, 2 73> 274 ; on the only Reform, 274 ; his alienation from politics, 274 ; his political principle, 275 ; goes with Fraser to House of Commons, but fails to get in, 275; sees Macaulay in lobby of House, 276; describes Macau- lay, 276, 277; visits Windham Club with Fraser, 277 ; describes Windham Club, 277 ; on clubs in general, 277; farewell reflec- tions, 278 Carnwath, Earl of, anecdote of, at Naseby, 12 Chalgrove-field, skirmish at, be- tween Thame and Oxford, 6 Champollion, inventor of phonetic characters, in ; well received in Italy, in Chapel, origin of the word, as used by printers, 261, 262 Character, national, the description of a, tends to realize itself, 154 Characters, phonetic, well received in Italy, in Charles I, seizes members of Com- mons "accused of Treason," 2; eludes Waller at Worcester, 10 ; rejoins Queen at Oxford, 10; Charles I — continued. fights at Cropredy-bridge, 10; follows Essex into the West, 10 ; defeats him at Lostwithiel, 10 ; is beaten at Newbury, 10; retires to Oxford, 10; retires to Chep- stow after Naseby, 13; thence to Cardiff, etc., 13; inclines to join Montrose, 13 ; sends Lord Digby north to Dumfries, 13; at Ox- ford in 1646, 14; surrenders to Scotch army at Newark, 14; seized at Holmby by Cornet Joyce, 14 ; brought to Newmar- ket, 15 ; Henderson attempts to convert, to Presbyterianism, 15 ; signs treaty with Scots in Caris- brooke, 15; beheaded, 16; Car- lyle's opinion of, 16 Charles II, "getting settled in Scotland," 3 ; Milton's fear con- cerning, 3; stanza on, 5 ; goes to Stilly in 1646, 14 ; at the Hague, 16 Charles III, of Spain, last years of, most illustrious, 109 Chaucer, Godfrey, his house Don- nington, near Newbury in Wilts,8 Chillingworth, Mr., taken at Arun- del, 9 ; illtreatment of, 9 Cholera,apprehensionof,not shared by Carlyle, 221 Christ, Jesus, the significance of, 171 ; the words of, characterized, 189 Christianity,, introduced into Eng- land about A. d. 180, 23 Church, the true, 263 Cicero, anecdote of Antimachus Clarius, 124 Cockney, the, the most ignorant man of his class, 224 Coleridge, on talent and genius, 46; on ideas, 78 Comley Bank, 67 (see note) Conduct, 31, note Confessio fidei (of Wallensteins Jager), translation of, 61, 62,63 Cookery, the ultimate object of, 71 Cor ne edito, 165 (see note) Corniani, "Secoli della Let. It," 130 Cote, 31, note Courtesies, of polished life, Carlyle on the, 126 294 INDEX. Craft, the fuller's, among the Romans, 260, 261 Critics, German, curious people, 33 ; comparison of, with English and Scotch, 33; favorable to Germans, 33 Cromwell, Oliver, remark to Lord Falkland touching The Remon- strance, 1; chosen to command force under Manchester, 9; his " iron band " at Marston Moor, 10; proposes "self denying ordi- nance," 1 1 ; general in the West, 14 ; orders Joyce to seize Charles I, 14; secretly doomed to the Tower, but escapes to the army, 15 ; defeats Scotch under Duke of Hamilton, 16 ; Carlyle com- ments upon, 17; dissolves the Parliament by force, 18; sum- mons Barebone's Parliament, 18 ; declared Protector, 18 ; prose- cutes Lilburn, 18; death, 19; Carlyle to ascertain more clearly the aims of, 31 ; a life of, desira- ble, 93 Cunningham, Allan, meets Car- lyle in London, 196; visits the Carlyles, 214; meets Carlyle at Fraser's, 249 Dante, commentators on, in " Defensio Gigmanica," the, 216 (see note 1) D'Eichthal, Gustave, the Saint- Simonian, meets Carlyle (see note 2) ; acquainted with Emer- son, 201 (see note 2) Delegates, Convention of, to ex- pedite Reform Bill, 206 Delusion, popular, as to, 105, 106 Denovan, Denny, 59 Descartes, founds all truth on God, 100; differs from the English, who found God on truth, 100 Desideratum, the great, in society, 152 Didot, F. , French printer, number of volumes produced annually by, no Digby, Lord, advises king to seize members of the House of Com- mons, 2; despatched north by Charles I, 13; deserts his army at Dumfries, 13 Dilettantism, the Sin of the age, 172 Dilke, C. W., 208, 209 (see notes) " Dumfries Courier," the, Carlyle writes letter to, 153 (see also note 2) Dunoyer, writer on Industrialism, 113 Drake, various quotations from, 146 (see also note 2) Ebel, Dr., 107 Economists, Political, error of, 143 ; Carlyle's query as to, 143, 144; the whole phdosophy of, 144 ; uselessness of, 144; should col- lect statistical facts, 160 Economy, Political, as to, 100; present science of, requires little intellect, 160; though young, is decrepit, 160 Edgehill, Battle of, 5 ; location of, 6 Education, Carlyle upon, 222, 223 (see note 1, p. 223) Elizabeth, Queen, men of her time the Romans or Greeks of English history, 70; her literature the only true poetical literature of England, 70 Ellwood, reader of Latin to Milton, 21 ; his life of himself, 21 ; Car- lyle's opinion of, 21 ; life of, why read by Carlyle, 21 ; description of, 21 ; compared with Alfieri, Goethe, Voltaire, 22 Emperors, Roman, anecdotes of 8 7 . . . Empiricism, does it lead to Athe- ism? 102 Empirics, the, 102 England, Carlyle desires to know, 132; no precise history of, 132; the old literature of, 132 ; to un- derstand her, one must under- stand her Church, 133; dearth of artists in, 133; dearth of mu- sicians and painters in, 133 ; the characteristic strength of, 134 ; character of the people of, 134 English, the, found all truth on God, 100 Entsagen (Renunciation), 221 (see note 2) Erasmus, characterization of, 118 295 INDEX. Esbie, Captain, "there is nothing like getting on," 104 Evil, inseparable (for man) from good, 227 (see note 2) Existence, individual, a mystery, 161; social, still more, 161 (see note); speculations on, 161, 162; life only the portico of man's, 221 Eye, the spiritual and bodily, 136 Fable, 91 ; instruction communi- cated by, chiefly prohibitive, 92 ; the Conjurer (II), 93; as to the necessity of any man (III), 101; as to development of character (IV), 105 Fairfax, Lord, defeats Royalists at Naseby, 12; general in the West, 14 ; seizes Colchester, 16 Falkland, Lord, Cromwell's remark to, concerning The Remon- strance, 1 ; killed at Battle of Newbury, 8; Clarendon's opin- ion of, 8; Carlyle on, 8, 9; be- longed to Lord Byron's regi- ment, 9 Fichte, a metaphysical atheist, 46; his "Transcendental Idealism," 112 ; pretended to have deduced his system from Kant, 112 Fleetwood, a trooper in the Guards, 5; sent by Essex to Shrewsbury, 5 ; son of Sir Miles Fleetwood, 19 Fletcher (and Beaumont), drama- tists, disappointing to Carlyle, 31; criticism of, 31, 32 Fonblanque (editor of "Exam- iner"), entertains Carlyle, 213, 214 (see note 1, p. 214) Foreign minds and characters hard to judge truly, 92 ; exemplifica- tion, 92 Foscarini, Sebastian, Doge of Venice, inscription on tomb of, 89 (see also note 2) France, printers, booksellers and authors in, 1 10 ; number of vol- umes printed annually in, no; number of printing offices in, no; number of active presses in, no; amount spent annually in printing in, no; number of book- sellers in, no; amount earned by authors annually in, no Franklin, definition of man by, 245; anticipates " Teufelsdreck " in it, 245 Fraser, James (publisher of " Fraser's Magazine"), enter- tains Carlyle at dinner, 249; set- tles with Carlyle about essay on Johnson, 255 "Fraser's Magazine," criticized by Carlyle, 170; characterized by Carlyle, 232; described by Carlyle, 259 Fraser, W. (brother to James Fraser), editor of " Foreign Re- view," 249 (see note) ; entertains Carlyle, 256; is denied admit- tance to the House of Commons with Carlyle, 275 ; takes Carlyle to the Windham Club, 275 ; sees Macaulay in lobby of House, 276 ; remark concerning Macau- lay, 276 Friendship, not mentioned in New Testament, 106 Fuller, craft of the, among the Romans, 260, 261 Gall, borrows from Herder, 46 Gallicistes, the, 109 Gait, John, meets Carlyle at Fra- ser's, 249 ; described by Carlyle, 249, 250 Gassendi, as to the metaphysics of? 102; "the father of existing French Philosophy," 102 Gellert, anecdote of, 122 Genius, Alfieri on, 30; Coleridge's distinction between talent and, 46; the true relation of moral to poetic, inquired into, 188 " Genoveva," Tieck's, considera- tion of characters in, 73 Gherardini, translator and im- pugner of Schlegel, in Gleig, G. R., Rev., writes to Car- lyle concerning Goethe and Luther, 154 (see note) Glen, , 200 (see note 1) Godwin, William, meets Carlyle, 198; characterized by Carlyle, 199 ; his life of Mary Wollstone- craft, 204; epitomized by Car- lyle, 205 Goethe, on the spending of time, 31; Carlyle's query as to, 32 296 INDEX. Goethe — continued. effect of " Wilhelm Meister " on Carlyle, 32; his comprehension of Carlyle, 32; "a wise and great man," 32; last volume of life of, 32; meets Schiller, 36; wiser than Herder or Wieland, 46; Carlyle's approval of, 46; "again dangerously ill," 60; on idea and action, 81; called ill- bred by British critics, 126 ; Car- lyle's opinion of, 127 ; on the sublime, 128; on his work, 129 (see note) ; death of, 259 Good, inseparable (for man) from Evil, 227 (see note 2) Goring, Lord, the Parliament's guardian and betrayer, 1 1 ; after- ward Royalist general of Horse, 11 ; "a very sufficient cozener," but "clever" and "very origi- nal," 11; "the dog," 13; mis- behaves, 13 ; goes to France, 13 Gottingen, professors at, account of, 117; many men of note pro- duced at, 117 Gowkthrapple, Dr., 102 (see note 2) Grammarians, Italian, no " Grammont," Carlyle's desire to read, 53 Greenvil, Sir Dick, the Nabal, 13 ; levies enormous contributions, 13; is imprisoned, but escapes, r 3 Grey, Earl, Carlyle on, 273, 274 Gries, translations by, 131 Grossi, Thomas, poet and Ro- mantic, in; said to surpass Tasso, in Grotius, his method of reading "Terence," 128 Gryph, Andreas, death of, 119 Guards, troopers of the, all gentle- men's sons, 19 Hacket, Bishop, Life of Abp. Wil- liams, 2, note Hackman, Parson, comment on, 243. Hadrian, epitaph on Csesar, 123 Hambden, accused of treason, 2 ; killed at Chalgrove-field, 6 ; Car- lyle's estimate of, 7; coupled with Washington by Carlyle, 7 ; portrait of, by Clarendon, 8 Hamilton, Duke of, defeated by Cromwell, 1 6 ; taken prisoner at Uttoxeter, 16; beheaded, 17 Harrison, conducts Charles I to Westminster, 16 ; origin of, 16 Hazelrig, accused of treason, 2 Hazlitt, Carlyle's opinion of, 213 Honor-titles, derivation of, past and future, 185 Heeren, biographer of Heyne, 116 Henderson, Mr., pitted against Bishop Steward, 11 ; " why does not McCrie write a life of? " 12 ; tries to convert Charles I, 15; dies of a broken heart, 15 Herder, Carlyle has good hopes of, 33; his "Nemesis," 33; account of and quotation from, 33, 34; compared to Hervey, 34 ; his essay about the decay of taste used by Madame de Stael, 34; quotation from Herder, 35, 36 ; hates the " new philosophy," 45 ; his " Ideen," 72 ; Carlyle's criti- cism of it, 72 ; Carlyle's desire to see more of, 73 ; a sort of "Browne redivivus," 73 Heyne, list of works of, 115, 116; birthplace of, 116; short account of, 116; "not great, but large," "7 . Historian, the, disadvantage of, . I2 4. Histrio-Mastix, Prynne's, 29 Hoddam Hill, 64 (see note) Hogg, James (the"Ettrick Shep- herd") , meets Carlyle at Fraser's, 249; described by Carlyle, 250, 251 Holland, Lord, 17 Hollis, accused of treason, 2 ; quar- rels with Ireton, 15; pulls Ire- ton by the nose, 15 Homer, greater than Shakespeare ? 187 Hooker, as to the " Mother of Error," 143 Hopton, defeats Parliament at Bradock-Down, 6; defeated at Arlesford by Waller, 9; fails to save Royalist cause after Naseby, 14 Hopton-heath, Battle of, 6; loca- tion of, 6; Parliament beaten at, 6 297 INDEX, Horace, on mastering things, 132 (see also note) Hume, " Essay on Human Na- ture," 262 (see note) Hunt, Leigh, seeks out Carlyle, 256; Carlyle's opinion of, 257 Hurry (a Scot), account of, 7 Individuality, as to intellectual, 114 ; as to moral, 114 Industrialism, historical sketch of, XI 3 Industrials, the, 113 ; Saint-Simon the chief of the, 113; political theories of the, 113 Institutions (or Laws), as to, 141 Immortality, conception of, de- pends on that of Time, 222 Ireton, Henry, quarrels with Hol- lis, 15 ; refuses to fight him, 15 ; dies of plague at Limerick, 1 8 ; Iriarte, Tomas, Spanish writer, 109; Carlyle's opinion, 109 Irving, Edward, "may be yet a Bishop," 185 Jeffrey, resigns editorship of" Ed- inburgh Review," 140 (see note); to see Carlyle at Dumfries, 141 ; offers Carlyle an annuity, 155 ; visits Carlyle at Craigenputtock, 173; as viewed by Carlyle, 173, 174, 175 ; Lord Advocate and M. P., 185; emotion on taking of- fice, 185 ; receives Carlyle in London, 193, 194 Johnson, Dr., Carlyle on, 60 Joyce, Cornet, seizes Charles I at Holmby, 14 ; his authority for doing so, 14, 15 Kant, Carlyle on, 41, 46 ; writers on, 112; his system of morality universal in Germany, 112; de- nies that Fichte made use of his system, 112; reminds Carlyle of Father Boscovich, 112 Katherine of Portugal (and Charles II), stanza on, by Swift or Roch- ester, s Kimbolton, Lord, 2 Kings, divine right of, 184, 185 Kinnaird, Carlyle at (1823), 50, 51 Kirchberg, Hartman von, his epi- taph on himself, 156 Know, how to, what we are, 152 " Knox," McCries', of no im- mense weight, 5 Lacepede, Comte de, history of Europe by, 107; Carlyle's opinion of it, 107 Lacr6telle, a superficial historian, 32 ; estimate of, 32 ; his " Re- ligious Wars," 52; Carlyle's opinion of it, 52 Landsdown, Battle of, near Bath, 8 ; Parliament beaten at, 8 Language, all, except concerning sensual objects, figurative, 141, 142 (see note, p. 142) Lardner, Dr. Dionysius (of the Cabinet Cyclopedia), seeks Car- lyle's aid, 231 (see notes, P» 2 34): a "Langohriger,"234 (see note); loses Carlyle, 254 Leibnitz, locates truth, 100; re- verse view by the English, 100 Lesly, David, defeats Montrose at Philipshaugh, 14 Leyden, Dr. John, verses to Mrs. Buller, 63 Life, logical import of, 180; the portico of man's Existence, 221 Lilburn, persecuted by Star Cham- ber, 18; taken at Brentford, 18; attacks Cromwell, 18; is prose- cuted by Cromwell,but acquitted, 18; the Cobbett of those days, 18 Lilis, first wife of Adam, 82 Literature, the old English, spirit of better than that of ours, 69 ; touched with true beauty, 69; Elizabethan, the only truly poeti- cal, of England, 70 ; printing not the symbol of, 170, 171 Literary men, the only sovereigns of the world, 184 Logau, T. von, couplet by, 118; couplet by, 119 London, as to the size of, 209, 210; hurry of life in, 210; Carlyle on the want of Government in, 211 ; description of, 211 ; difficulty of finding places in, 237; no lend- ing library in London, 237 (see note 2) Londonderry, wrested from the City of London by Star Chamber, afterwards restored, 2 298 INDEX. Longman & Co., Carlyle presents letter of introduction to, 196; re- fuse Carlyle's "German Lit. History," 106 Lostwithiel, Essex's foot capitu- lates at, 10 Ludlow, succeeds Ireton, 18 ; at Battle of Edgehill, 191a trooper of the Guards, 19; his "Mem- oirs," 19; Carlyle's opinion of his U Memoirs," 19 Luther, asceticism of, 136; last words of, 137; Melanchthon's life of, 138; Seckendorf's history of, 138; other works concerning, 138; ancestry 0^138; monastic life of, 138; Motschmanus on, at Erfurt, 138; character of, as a monk, 138, 139 (see note, p. 139) ; chronology of life of, 139; char- acter of, 139; attachment to music of, 139 ; Carlyle desires to write a life of, 140; such men as, needed in each century, 140; Carlyle thinks seriously of dis- cussing, 142. McCrie, his " Knox," no immense weight, 5 McDiarmid (editor of " Dumfries Courier "), Carlyle describes, 272 Macaulay, T. B., Carlyle on, 236 (see note 3), 276; bought oranges before speaking in House of Commons, 276 Machiavel, comment on, 15 Maginn, William, meets Carlyle at Fraser's, 258; described by Carlyle, 258 ; the real originator of " Fraser's Magazine," 258 Man, history of a, like that of his world, 132; Carlyle's own ex- perience as to the history of a, 132; a visible mystery, 136; is a spirit, 161; viewed in a mere logical sense, 163; the moral na- ture of, 164; is an apparition, 164; infinitely venerable to every other man, 166; Novalis on the body of, 166 Manchester, Earl of, defeats Ru- pert and Newcastle at Marston Moor, 10 Manzoni, poet and romanticist, hi; failure as a tragedian, 11 1 Massinger (dramatist), disappoint- ing to Carlyle, 31; criticism of, 3i» 3 2 Marshall, Mr., who was? 1 Marston Moor, Battle of, 10; Royalists defeated by Manches- ter at, "chiefly by Cromwell's iron band," 10; location of, 10 Meditation and Seclusion, Carlyle on, 176 Memoirs, various, list of, 128 Mendelssohn, the "Phadon " of, a half imitation of Plato's "Phae- don," 94; possesses beauty and simplicity, 94 ; divided into three dialogues, 95 ; summary of them, 95,96 . "Mercunus, newspaper, set on foot during Spanish Armada, 4 Merelles, same as Corsicrown, 224, 225; also called "nine men's morrice," 225 Metaphors, prodigious influence of, 142 ; essay on, needed, 142 ; Carlyle determines to write essay on, 142 ; " Sartor Resartus " to be regarded as the essay on, 142 (see note 1) Michaud, "Histoire des Croi- sades," 118 Milan, number of journals in, 112 Mill, J. S., sees Carlyle, 205; pleases Carlyle, 205 Millot, work on the Troubadours, Milton, Defensio Pop. Angl. ag 1 . the Def. Reg. of Saumaise, 3, 5 ; Carlyle's analysis of, 3 ; "not a man of breeding," 3; wife of, said to "have worn the breeks," 3; life and writings of, by Birch, 8 ; adjt-gen'l. to Wal- ler, 19; his history of Britain, 22 ; criticism of, by Carlyle, 22 ; some " agates " picked from it, 23 ; his first publication, " Of Reformation," 23 ; praise of it, by Carlyle, 24; examination of it, 24, 25 ; his second pamphlet, "Of Prelatical Episcopacy, 25; characterization of it, 25; his third pamphlet, "The Reason of Church Government," 26; examination of it, 26 ; praise of it, 27 ; Carlyle only beginning to 299 INDEX. Milton — continued. understand Milton, 27; Sym- mons' life of, and Hayley's life of, characterized, 27 ; '* Axle of Discipline," 27; account of the "Axle," 28; Carlyle's criticism of himself as a critic of, 28 ; last two pamphlets of 1641, "Anim- adversions on the Remonstrant's defense of Smectymnuus" and "Apology for Sm.," 28; criti- cism of both, 28; the "Areopa- gitica" of, 29; account and criti- cism of it, 29, 30 ; Brougham in comparison with, 29 ; Carlyle to ascertain more clearly the aims of, 31 Mind, compared with nature, 132 Montaigne, Carlyle's opinion of "Essais" of, 53 Montrose, secret history of, 12; defeated at Philipshaugh by Lesly, 14; execution of, a dis- grace to Scottish Kirk, 17 ; char- acter of, 17 Montrevil, a French agent, 14; negotiates surrender of Charles I to the Scotch, 14 Moore, Thomas, Carlyle's opinion of, 236 Morality, and action, 228 ; perfect, not an object of consciousness, 229 Moratm, L.-F. de, restorer of dra- matic art in Spain, 108 Moratin, N-F. de, father of L-F. de M., writer of tragedy, 108 Miillner, German playwright, 205 (see note 1), 206, 211 Murray, offered "Sartor Resar- tus" by Carlyle, 194; described by Carlyle, 194 Musicians, earliest Italian, 13T ; German, 131 Mystery, every living man a vis- ible, 136 Naharro, B. T., playwright of 1 6th century, 108 Napier, succeeds Jeffrey on the " Edinburgh Review" and gives Carlyle letter to Longman's, 194 (see note 1) Napoleon, remark by Carlyle on, 7 ; compared with Hambden, 7 Narration, primary defect in the art of, 124 ; this understood by Carlyle, 124 Naseby, Battle of, King defeated at, 12 ; good description of, by Clarendon, 12; ruin of Royalist cause after, 13 Navigation, Act of, passed in an- ger at the Dutch, 17, its intent, 17 ; attributed by Raynal to King James, 17 ; was the beginning of the Dutch-English'quarrel, 17 Nepenthe, Helena's, supposition concerning, 93 Newbury, battle of, both sides claim victory, 8 ; Lord Falkland killed at, 8 Newcastle, Duke of, beaten by Manchester at Marston Moor, 10; flies beyond the sea, 10 Newspapers, in Milton's time, 4 Nicolas, Sir Nicholas Harris, 143 ; remark of, to Carlyle, concerning booksellers, 256 "No day without writing a line," 167 Note book (No. 1) begun while reading Clarendon's History (Edin. 1822), 1, note Novalis, "Schriften" of, review of the, 135; review published, 140; Carlyle's opinion of, 140; upon religion, 149 ; on the body of man, 166 O'Connell, a real demagogue, 247 " Oceana," 29 Oxford, attempted treaty in 1643 at, 6 Pain, irremediable, alleviation to, 164 ; the measure of life and of talent, 169 ; a stone feels no, 169 Paley, Carlyle's criticism of, 103 Palm, the, legend of, 119 Paris, number of booksellers in, no; number of printing houses in, no; number of active presses in, no Passeroni, anecdote of, 130; his "Cicerone," 130; death of, 130 Peers, House of, abolished soon after King's death, 17 Petrarquistes, the, 109; "the glo- rious Spanish Literature," 109 3OO INDEX, Petronius, quotation from, 97 "Phadon," the, of Mendelssohn (see Mendelssohn) Philosophy, Political, what it should be, 144; what it is, 144 Phonetic characters well received in Italy, 111 Plato, Antimachus Clarius on, 124 Playing cards, on the date and origin of, 224 Poem, does a, differ from prose? 187 Poems that live, birth of, 103; he- roic, as to the true, 188 Poet, what a, should be, 48; the ultimate object of a, 124 Poetry, the ultimate object of, 71 Politeness, peculiar to the rich and well-born, 166 Politics, not Life but the house wherein Life is lead, 141 ; the noblest science, 165; Carlyle's alienation from, 274 Pope, and his school, pedagogical poets, 70 Potatoes, in London, exorbitant price of, 210 Principle, Carlyle's political, 275 Printing, not the symbol of litera- ture, 170, 171 Problem, the eternal, of man, 208; a further and harder, found in London, 208 ; the deepest, in these days, 264 Profane, the, proportion of, to the sacred, 188 Prose, does it differ from a poem ? 187 Proverb, German, a, 129 (see also note 2) Pullus Jovis, etc., 85 (see note) Pulpit, the, advantage of, 215 ; the true, 263 Pym, accused of treason, 2 Quincunx, the, 68 ; Carlyle on, 68. Quixote, Don, philosophical indif- ference of Sancho Panza in, 145 Qualities, in man, the unhappiest, 127 Quarrels, origin of all, 149, 150 " Quarterly Review," the, Car- lyle's opinion of, 143 Raleigh, Sir Walter, advice of, to his son, 69 Ranelagh, formerly the Earl of R.'s house, 225 Rationalists, 102 Reading (town), taken 1643, 6 Reading, a weariness of the flesh, 53 Reason, decisions of, superior to those of understanding, 83; re- lation of, to Understanding, 142 ; can never be extinguished, 142 Reform Bill, lost, 202 (see note 1) ; the New, carried, 271 (see note) "Register, Literary Annual," prospectus for, 77-81 Reinhold (coupled with Fichte), 46 "Religio Medici," the, Carlyle's opinion of, 69 ; " made a mighty noise at its first appearance," 90 Religion, moral of the Christian, 150; easy to write, hard to prac- tice, 150; the Christian, like some Nile, 158; the true element of, 164; the cement of Society, 179; is Art higher than? 204 Reluctance, to turn back, Carlyle's, 266 Remedy, the beginning of a, 209 Remonstrance, The, 1 " Revue Encyclopedique" (French magazine) worthy of imitation in Britain, no Richter, Jean Paul, quotation from the " Levana" of, 114 ; anecdote from the "Levana," 123; on salvation, 143 Ritson, "Fairy Tales" and "Old Ballads," 213 River, a, as to the right and left bank of, 122 Rochester (or Swift), stanza on Charles II and Katherine of Portugal, 5 Rogers, Samuel, characterization of, by Carlyle, 236 (see note 4) Romantics versus Classics, 111 Roundway, Battle of, near Devizes, 8 ; Parliament beaten at, 8 Rupert, Prince, beaten by Man- chester at Marston Moor, 10; goes southward, 10; son of ex- king of Bohmen, 10; Carlyle's estimate of, 10 ; defeated at Naseby by Fairfax, 12; "a fiery ettercap, a fractious chiel," 12; in command in Ireland, 16 3OI INDEX. Ruthven ("a Scot"), defeated by Hopton at Bradock-Down, 6 ; afterward General Brentford, "dotard, drunkard, deaf," 10 Sachs, Hans, Carlyle on, 74 Sacred, the, to the profane, pro- portions of, 18S Sadler's Well, origin of, 225 (see note 1) St. Paul's or " Paradise Lost " the greater necessity? 245 Saint-Simon, chief of the Indus- triels, 113; reputed to be mad, 113; descended from Charle- magne, 113 Saint-Simonians, write to Carlyle, 158 ; have strange notions, with a large spicing of truth, 158 ; are among the Signs of the Times, 158; answered by Carlyle, 158 (see note 2) " Sandy," Uncle, death of, 147 "Sartor Resartus," the germ of, 136 (see note 2) Saumaise, Defensio Reg., 3, 5; Milton's abuse of, 3; Voltaire's reference to, 4, note; his mode of reasoning, 4 Scaliger, Joseph Justus, professor at Leyden, 88 ; his works, 88 Scaliger, Julius Csesar, quotation from, 87 ; his birth and paren- tage, 88; life and character of, 88 Schelling, his " System of Iden- tity," 112 Schiller, birth and origin, 36 ; ob- ligation to Madame von Woll- zogen, 36 ; visit to Weimar, 36 ; sees Herder and Wieland, 36 ; joins "Teutsches Mercur," 36; visits Rudolstadt and meets his future wife, 36 ; sees Goethe, 36 ; various remarks on, 36, 37; de- scription of, 37, 38 ; not inclined to noisy pleasures, 38 ; close con- nection with the theatre of, 38 ; strict demands upon the per- formers of his plays, 39 ; his benevolence and kindliness, 39 ; his upright conduct in business, 39 ; delineation of himself by, 40 ; Carlyle's summing up of, 40, 41 ; quotation from, 48, 49 Schlegel, A., called on by Carlyle, 258; dined by Hayward and Lardner, 258 ; a literary Gig- man, 258 Schlegel, F., Carlyle on, 42; as to thought, 104: his "Philosophy of Life," 129; death of, 135; comment on, by Carlyle, 135 Scotland, nothing poetical in, but its religion, 133 ; Carlyle's atti- tude toward, 133 ; Carlyle's un- equal knowledge of, 133; have the gentry of, lost their national character ? 134 ; is the peasant of, the true Scotchman ? 134; people of, compared with people of Eng- land, 135 ; music and songs of, 135 ; books on, to be consulted, 135 ; Scott's history of, not a his- tory, 168; what history of, is like, 169; herself not there, 169; be- havior of the nobles of, 169 ; pro- gressed independent of her his- tory, 169 Scots, "ran like collies (fidem detis?) " at Marston Moor, 10 Scott, Sir Walter, " the great Res- taurateur of Europe," 71 ; what he might have been, and what he is, 71; his novels character- ized, 71 ; Carlyle on some char- acters in, 126 ; the " gentlemen " of, Carlyle on, 127; as to his "Bonaparte," 127; his charac- ter-building contrasted with Burns's, 127 ; Carlyle on his " History of Scotland," 168; in- ference drawn from, by Carlyle, 168; leaves England for Naples on a Government ship, 214; in precarious health, 214; estimate of, by Carlyle, 214 Seclusion, and Meditation, Carlyle on, 176 Secrecy, the element of all Good- ness, 177 " Self denying ordinance," pro- posed by Cromwell and Vane, 11; object of, 11 Shaftesbury, Earl of, his " Charac- teristics," 71; criticism of, 72 Shakespeare, how to prize, 32 ; re- vision of above as to Carlyle, 32 (see also p. 121) ; greater than Homer? 187 302 INDEX. Shepherd (Unitarian parson), Car- lyle's meeting with and opinion of, 244, 245 Shiel (Irish orator), convicted of lying, 247 Shoes, good, not to be had in London, 207 Sickingen, Franz von, one of the noblest men of the Reformation period, 166 ; defended Ulrich von Hutten, 166; fought against Wiirtemberg, 166 ; the terror of evil-doers, 166 ; read Luther with Hutten, 166; good breeding of, 166 ; is killed fighting against the Bishop of Triers, 166; anec- dote concerning death of, 166, 167; enemies weep at the fune- ral of, 167 " Siegwart," Miller's, the begin- ning of the sentimental period, 120 Silence, Carlyle on, 176; contrasted with Speech, 177; the nobleness of, 228 "Sister Margaret," death of, 156 ; Society, a wonder of wonders, 165 ; division of, by Carlyle, 215 Sonata, Devil's, the, 130 South, quotation from, 97 ; Car- lyle's opinion of, 97 Southey, Carlyle on the " Travels " of > 5 . Spain, literature in, English igno- rance of, 109 Speech and Silence, Carlyle on, 177 Spenser, quotation from, 49, 50 ; pleases Carlyle, 50 ; a dainty body, 50 Spirits, Wandering, the, 167 " Sports," Carlyle laments the ab- sence of, 222 Stamford, defeated by Royalists at Stratton Hill, 8 Stanza (by Swift or Rochester), on Charles II and Katherine of Por- tugal, 5 Star Chamber, date of institution, 2 Steward, Bishop, "pitted against Mr. Henderson," 11 Stewart, " Aunt Mary," death of, i47 Strahan, defeats Montrose, 17 Stratton hill, Batde of, 8 ; Parlia- ment defeated at, 8 ; location of, 8 Strode, accused of treason, 2 Swift (or Rochester), stanza on Charles II and Katherine of Portugal, 5 ; quotation from, 103 ; Carlyle's comment on, 103 Swinburne, travels of, explanation of the aequo pulsat pede in, 60 Tacitus, as to physicians, 86; as to astrologers, 122 Tait (bookseller), to start a new Radical magazine, 232 Talent, Coleridge's distinction be- tween genius and, 46 Talma, seen in role of CEdipe, 98 Tartini, Giuseppe, anecdote of, 130 Tasso, Carlyle proposes a discourse on, 123 (note 3); his "Del Poema Eroico," Carlyle on, 125; his " Gerusalemme," 125; a mystic, 125 Teaching, is oral superior to the written mode of? 212 Temple, Sir William, Carlyle's opinion of, 84 ; no artist or phi- losopher, but man of action, 84; "Terence," how Grotius read, 128 Themistocles, his gift of forgetting, 53 (see note) Theology, curious division of, 124 Thinking and Thoughts, 228 Thought, is every, an inspiration, 166 Thoughts and Thinking, 228 Tieck, Runenberg, 66; his "Ge- noveva," 73; consideration of characters in it, 73 ; next to Goethe, Richter being dead, 74; quotation from, 81 Time, Goethe on the spending o», 31 ; conception of, determines the meaning of Immortality, 222 " Times," the, criticism of Schil- ler, Part II, by, 61 ; Carlyle's comment on, 6i Titus, reproaches Vespasian for imposing tax on fullers, 261 Tribula, described by Carlyle, 260 Tribulation, derivation of the word, 200 Truth, difficult to obtain the, 217 Ugoni, Camillo, his " History of Italian Literature," 130; its scope, 130 3°3 INDEX. Understanding, decisions of, in- ferior to those of Reason, 83 ; re- lation of, to Reason, 142 Union, spiritual, power of, 164, 165 Unitarians, Carlyle and the, 245 Universe, wonder of the, 142 " Upstart companions," Claren- don's epithet, 2 " Urne Burial," the best of Sir T. Browne's books, 67; Carlyle's criticism of, 67 Utilitarians, the crowning mercy of the age, 145 ; trend of, 145 ; contrasted with Whigs, 172 Uxbridge-treaty, graphically de- lineated, 11 Vane, Sir H., proposes "self-de- nying ordinance," 11 Vauxhall,formerly Spring Gardens, 225 Vespasian, lays a tax on fullers, 261; reproached by Titus for doing so, 261 Villemain, writer of "Melanges," 107 Virtue, its own reward, why ? 103 ; as regarded by a healthy or an unhealthy moral nature, 230 Vives, Ludovicus, comment on, 86 ; history of, 90 Voltaire, his philosophy character- ized, 85; Carlyle finds difficulty in writing on, 135; Carlyle's paper on, 140 Wages, disparity of, 159 Waller, SirW., Parliamentary gen- eral, beaten at Landsdown and Roundway, 8 ; retakes Arundel, 9 ; defeats Royalists at Arlesford, 9 ; loses king at Worcester, 10 Waller (the poet), betrayed to the Parliament, 6; arraigned by Parliament and banished to Ber- muda, 6 Washington, coupled with Hamb- den by Carlyle, 7 Werner, Zacharias, life by Hitzig, 82; his "Mutter der Makka- baer," 82; his history, 82; Car- lyle's opinion of, 83 Whigs, contrasted with Utilitarians, 172 ; the grand " Dilettanti," 172 Whole, as to the constitution of a, * 8 7 Wieland, meets Schiller, 36; in- duces Schiller to join the " Teut- sches Mercur," 36; opposes the " new philosophy," 45 ; his reason for doing so, 45, 46 Williams, Archbishop of York, "a very queer man," 2 Winckelmann, quotation from, 106; "the only two modern Friends, 106; Goethe's opinion of, 107; quotations from, 107 Wolff, most characteristic writing of, 119 Wollstonecraft, Mary, life by God- win, 204 ; epitomized by Carlyle, 205 Wonder, the basis of worship, 162; the reign of, 162 Worcester, Scots defeated at, 17 Words, the strangest and most po- tent product of our nature, 176 Works Carlyle would like to see written, 119, 120 Writers, Spanish, 108, 109 Writing, Carlyle on, 136 "Youth, happy limitedness of," 128 304 n V