It V' ill mk imi m ^i%' m mm m^. MM: Wm msm 807. i|2 C7551 • Comi c English AUTHOR grammar 65I4-5 V 107 .42 651+5 / Comic English gramrriar THIS BOOK MUST BE KEPT IN STUDIO DURING WORKING HOURS AVAILABLE FOR CALL. P-618 .atfi. "■ :"RY OF Tf!£ .i UlSMr.Y SlUDIO Aaaiiia TUE COMIC ENGLISH GRAMMAR A NEW AND FACETIOUS INTRODUCTION TO THE ENGLISH TONGUE. BMBKLI.lSHKl) niTII L'PWAKDS OF roRTY-lirE CHARACTERISTIC ILLUSTRATIONS, BY J. LEECU. /I r, ?07 C.13SI ^ V* ^^A^ NEW YORK: DICK vt F I T Z G E 11 A L D , P U B I. I S 11 £ R S 18 AXN STREET. SRlf URL , , PRELIMIMM DISCOURSE. Fashion requires, and like the rest of her sex, requires be- cause she requires, that before a writer begins the business of his book, he should give an account to the world of his reasons for producing it; and therefore, to avoid singularity, we shall proceed with the statement of our own, excepting only a few private ones, which are neither here nor there. To advance the interests of mankind by promoting the cause of Education; to ameliorate the conversation of the masses ; to cultivate Taste, and diffuse Refinement; these are the objects we have in view in submitting a Comic English Grammar to the patronage of a discerning Public. Few persons there are, whose ears are so extremely obtuse, as not to be frequently annoyed at the violations of Grammar by which they are so often assailed. It is really painful to be forced, in walking along the streets, to hear such phrases as, "That 'ere omnibus." "Where've you bin?" " Vot''s the odds ?" and the like. Very dreadful expressions are also used by cartmen and others in addressing their horses. What can possibly induce a human being to say "Gee woot!" "'Mather way!" or "Woal' not to mention the atrocious "Kim aup!" of the barbarous butcher's boy. It is notorious that the above and greater enormities are per- petrated in spite of the number of Grammars already before the world. This fact sufficiently excuses the present addition to the stock ; and as serious English Grammars have hitherto failed to effect the desired reformation, we are induced to at- tempt it by means of a Comic one. With regard to the moral tendency of our labors, we may be here permitted lo remark, that they will tend, if successful, to the suppression of evil speaking; and as tlie Spartans used to exhibit a tipsy slave to their children with a view to disgust them with drunkenness, so we, by giving a few examples here and there, of incorrect phraseology, shall expose, in their naked deformity, the vices of speech to the ingenious reader. iv PRELIMINART DISCOxmSE. The comical mind, like the jaundiced eye, v^ews ever)i;hing through a colored medium. Such a mind is that of the gener- ality of our countrymen. We distinguish even the nearest ties of relationship by facetious names. A father is called "dad," or "poppa;" an uncle, "nunkey ;" and a wife, a " rib," or more pleasantly still, as in the advertisements for situations, " an en- cumbrance." We will not allow a man to give an old woman a dose of rhubarb if he have not acquired at least half a dozen sciences ; but we permit a quack to sell as much poison as he pleases. When one man runs away with another's wife, and, being on that account challenged to fight a duel, shoots the aggrieved party through the head, the latter is said to receive satisfaction. We never take a glass of wiiie at dinner without getting somebody else to do the same, as if we wanted encouragement ; and then, before we venture to drink, we bow to each other across the table, preserving all the while a most wonderful gravity. This, however, it may be said, is the natural result of endeavoring to keep one another in countenance. The way in which we imitate foreign manners and customs is very amusing. Savages stick fish-bones tlu'ough their noses ; our fair countrywomen have hoops of metal poked through their ears. The Caribs flattfen the forehead ; the Chinese compress the foot; and we possess similar contrivances for reducing the figure of a young lady to a resemblance to an hour-glass or a devil-on-two-sticks. There being no other assignable motive for these and the like proceedings, it is reasonable to suppose that they are adopt- ed, as schoolboys say, " for fun." We could go on, were it necessary, adducing facts to an al- most unlimited extent; but we consider that enough has now been said in proof of the comic character of the national mind. And in conclusion, if any other than an English or American author can be produced, equal in point of wit, humor, and drol- lery, to Swift, Sterne, Dickens, or Paulding, we hereby engage to eat him ; albeit we have no pretensions to the character of a "helluo librorum." THE COMIC ENGLISH GRAMMAR. " English Grammar," according to Lindley Murray, "is the art of speaking and writing the English lan- guage with propriety." The English language, written and spoken with pro- priety, is commonly called the King's English. A monarch, who, three or four generations back, occupied the English throne, is reported to have said, "If beebles will be boets, they must sdarve." This was a rather curious specimen of " King's English." It is, however, a maxim of English law, that "the King can do no wrong." Whatever bad English, therefore, may pi'oceed from the royal mouth, is not "King's English," but "Minister's English," for whicli they alone are responsible. King's English (or perhaps, under existing circum- stances it should be called, Queeii's English) is the? current coin of conversation, to mutilate which, and unlawfully to utter the same, is called clipping tlie King's English ; a high crime and misdemeanor. Clipped English, or bad English, is one variety of Q THE COMIC ENGLISH GRAMMAR. Comic English, of which we shall adduce instancea hereafter. Slipslop, or the erroneous substitution of one word for another, as "prodigy" for "protegee," "derange. He's only a little " prodigy" of mine, Doctor. ment" for " arrangement," " exasperate" for " aspi rate," and the like, is another. Slang, which consists in cant words and phrases, as " dodge" for " sly trick," " no go " for " failure," and " Carney" "to flatter," may be considered a third. Latinised English, or Fine English, sometimes as- sumes the character of Comic English, especially when applied to the purposes of common discourse ; ORTHOGKAPHY. 7 as " Extinguish the luminary," " Agitate the commu- nicator," "Are your corporeal functions in a condition of salubrity?" "A sable visual orb," "A sanguinary nasal protuberance." American English is Comic English in a ^^ pretty f articular considerable tai'nation" degree. English Grammar is divided into four parts — Or- thography, Etymology, Syntax, and Prosody; and as these are points that a good grammarian always stands upon, he, particularly when a pedant, and consequently somewhat Jlat, may very properly be compared to a table. PART I. ORTHOGRAPHY. CHAPTER I. OF THE NATURE OF THE LETTERS, AND OF A COMIC ALPHABET. Orthography is like a schoolmaster, or instructor of youth. It teaches us the nature and powers of letters and the right method of spelling words. Comic Orthography teaches us the oddity and ab- surdities of letters, and the wrong method of spelling words. The following is an example of Comic Or- thography : — 8 THE COMIC ENGLISH GRAMMAR. islinton foteenth of my Deer jemes febuary 1844. wen fust i sawed yu doun the middle and up agin att the bawl i maid Up my Mind to skure you for my oan for i Felt at once that my appiness was at Steak, and a sensashun in my Bussum I coudent no ways accompt For. And i said to mary at missis Igginses said i theres the Mann for my money o ses Shee i nose a Sweeter Yung Man than that Air Do you sez i Agin then thei'e we Agree To Differ, and we was sittin by the window and we wos wery Neer fallin Out. my deer gemes Sins that Nite i Havent slept a Wink and Wot is moor to the Porpus i Have quit Lost my Happy tight and am gettin wus and wus witch i Think yu ort to pitty Mee. i am Tolled every Day that ime Gettin Thinner and a Jipsy sed that nothin wood Cure me But a Ring. i wos a Long time makin my Mind Up to rig] it to You for of Coarse i Says jemes will think me too forrad but this bein Leep yere i thout ide Make a Plunge, leastways to all Them as dont Want to Bee old Mades all their blessed lives, so my Deer Jemes if yow want a Pardoner for Better or for wus nows Your Time dont think i Behave despicable for tis my Luv for yu as makes Me take this Stepp. please to Burn this Letter when Red and excuse the scralls and Blotches witch is Caused by my Teers i remain till deth Yure on Happy Vallentine jane you No who. poscrip nex Sunday Is my sunday out And i shall be Att the corner of Wite Street at a quawter pas Sevn. ORTHOGRAPHY. Wen This U. C. remember Mee I 'I ^^t/fre^f Now, to proceed with Orthography, we may remark, that a letter is the least part of a word. Of a comic letter an instance has already been given. Dr. Johnson's letter to Lord Chesterfield is a capital letter. The letters of the Alphabet are the representatives of articulate sounds. The Alphabet is a Republic«of Letters. 10 THE COMIC ENGLISH GRAMMAR. There are many things in this world erroneously as well as vulgarly compared to " bricks." In the case of the letters of the Alphabet, however, the compari- son is just; they constitute the fabric of a language, and grammar is the mortar. The wonder is that there should be so few of them. The English letters are twenty-six in number. There is nothing like begin- ning at the begiiining ; and we shall now therefore enumerate them, with the view also of rendering their insertion subsidiary to mythological instruction, in conformity with the plan on which some account of the Heathen Deities and ancient heroes is prefixed or subjoined to a Dictionary. We present the reader with a form of Alphabet composed in humble imitation of that famous one, which, while appreciable by the dullest taste, and level to the meanest capacity, is nevertheless that by which the greatest minds have been agreeably inducted into knowledge. THE ALPHABET. A was Apollo, the god of the carol, B stood for Bacchus, astride on his barrel ; C for good Ceres, the goddess of grist, D was Diana, that wouldn't be kiss'd; E was nymph Echo, that pined to a sound, F was sweet Flora, with buttercups crown 'd ; G was Jove's pot-boy, young Ganymede hight, H was fair Hebe, his barmaid so tight ; I, little lo, turn'd into a cow, J, jealous Juno, that spiteful old sow ; K was Kitty, more lovely than goddess or muse , L, Lacooon — I wouldn't have been in his shoes ! ORTHOGRAPHY. 11 M was blue-eyed Minerva, with stockings to match, N was Nestor, with grey beard and silvery thatch ; was lofty Olympus, King Jupiter's shop, P, Parnassus, Apollo hung out on its top ; Q stood for Quirites, the Romans, to wit ; R, for rantipole Roscius, that made such a hit ; S, for Sappho, so famous for felo-de-se, T, for Thales the wise, F. R. S. and M. D : U was crafty Ulysses, so artful a dodger, V was hop-a-kick Vulcan, that limping old codger ; Wenus — Venus I mean — with a W begins, (Veil, if I ha7n a Cockney, wot need of your grins ?) X was Xantippe, the scratch-cat and shrew, Y, I don't know what Y was, whack me if I do ! Z was Zeno the Stoic, Zenobia the clever, And Zoilus the critic, whose fame lasts forever. Letters are divided into Vowels and Consonants. The vowels are capable of being perfectly uttered by themselves. They are, as it were, independent mem- bers of the Alphabet, and like independent members elsewhere, form a small minority. The vowels are a, e, i, 0, u, and sometimes w and y. An I. O. U. is a more pleasant thing to have, than it is to give. A blow in the stomach is very likely to W up. W is a consonant when it begins a word, as " Wick- ed Will Wiggins whacked his wife with a whip ;" but in every other place it is a vowel, as crawling, drawl- ing, sawney, screwing, Jew. Y follows the same rule. , A consonant is an articulate sound ; but, like an old bachelor, if it exists alone, it exists to no purpose. 12 THE COMIC ENGLISH GRAMMAR. It cannot be perfectly uttered without the aid of a vowel ; and even then the vowel has the greatest share in the production of the sound. Thus a vowel joined to a consonant becomes, so to speak, a " better half:" or at all events very strongly resembles one. A dipthong is the union of two vowels in one sound, as ea in heavy, eu in Meux, ou in stout. A tripthong is a similar union of three vowels, as eau in the word beau ; a term applied to dandies, and addressed to geese : probably because they are bix'ds of a feather. A proper dipthong is that in which the sound is formed by both the vowels : as, aw in awkward, ou in lout. ORTHOGRAPHY. 13 An improper dipthong is that in which the sound is formed by one of the vowels only, as ea in heartless. oa in hoax. According to our notions there are a great many improper dipthongs in common use. By improper dipthongs we mean vowels unwarrantably dilated into dipthongs, and dipthongs mispronounced, in defiance of good English. For instance, the rustics and dandies say, — " Loor ! whaut a foine gaal ! Moy oy !" " Whaut a precious soight of crows !" " As I was a comin' whoam through the corn fiddles (fields) I met Willum Jones." " I sor (saw) him." " Dror (draw) it out." " Hold your jor (jaw)." "I caun't. You shaun't. How's your Maw and Paw ? Do you like taut (tart) ?" We have heard young ladies remark, — " Oh, my ! What a naice young man !" '• What a bee — eautiful day !" " I'm so fond of dayncing !" Again, dandies fi'equently exclaim, — " I'm postively tiawed (tired)." " What a sweet tempaw ! (temper)." " How daughty (dirty) the streets au !" And they also call, — Literature, " literetchah." Perfectly, " pawfacly." Disgusted, " disgasted." Sky, " ske — eye." Blue, "ble— ew." We might here insert a few remarks on the nature 14 THE COMIC ENGLISH GRAMMAR. of the human voice, and of the mechanism by means of which articulation is performed ; but besides our dislike to prolixity, we are afraid of getting down in the mouth, and thereby going the wrong way to please our readers. We may nevertheless venture to invite attention to a few comical peculiarities in connection with articulate sounds. Ahem ! at the commencement of a speech, is a sound agreeably droll. The vocal comicalities of the infant in arms are exceedingly laughable, but we are unfortunately una- ble to spell them. The articulation of the Jew is peculiarly ridiculous. The " peoplesh " are badly spoken of, and not well spoken. Bawling, croaking, hissing, whistling, and grunting, are elegant vocal accomplishments. Lisping, as, Ihweet, Dthooliur, thawming, kwecchau, is by some considered interesting, by others absurd. But of all the sounds which proceed from the human mouth, by far the funniest are Ha! ha! ha! — Ho! ho! ho ! and He ! he ! he ! mm ORTHOGRAPHY. 15 CHAPTER II. OF SYLLABLES. Syllable is a nice word, it sounds so much like syllabub ! A syllable, whether it constitute a word or part of a word, is a sound, either simple or compound, produced by one effort of the voice, as, " O !, what, a, lavk ! — Here, we, are !" Spelling is the art of putting together the letters which compose a syllable, or the syllables which com- pose a word. Comic spelling is usually the work of imagination. 16 THE COMIC ENGLISH GRAMMAR. The chief rule to be observed in this kind of spelling, is, to spell every word as it is pronounced ; though the rule is not universally observed by comic spellers. The following example, for the genuineness of which we can vouch, is one so singularly apposite, that al- though we have ali'eady submitted a similar specimen of orthography to the reader, we are irresistibly tempt- ed to make a second experiment on his indulgence. The epistolary curiosity, then, which we shall now proceed to transcribe, was addressed by a patient to his medical adviser. "Sir, " My Granmother wos very much trubeld With the Gout and dide with it my father wos also and dide with it when i wos 14 years of age i wos in the habbet of Gettin whet feet Every Night by pumping water out of a Celler Wicn Cas me to have the tipes fever wich Cas my Defness when i was 23 of age i fell in the Water betwen the ice and i have. Bin in the habbel of Gettin wet when traviling i have Bin trubbeld with Gout for seven years " Your most humbel " Servent Among the various kinds of spelling may be enu- merated spelling for a favor ; or giving what is called a broad hint. Certain rules for the division of words mto syllables are laid down in some grammars, and we should be very glad to follow the established usage, but limited as we are by considerations of comicality and space, ORTHOGRAPHY. 17 we cannot afford to give more than two very general directions. If you do not know how to spell a word, look it out in the dictionary, and if you have no dic- tionary by you, write the word in such a way, that, while it may be guessed at, it shall not be legible. CHAPTER III. OF "WORDS IN GENERAL. There is no one question that we are aware of more puzzling than this, " What is your opinion of things in general ?" Words in general are, fortunately for us, a subject on which the formation of an opinion is somewhat more easy. Words stand for things : they are a sort of counters, checks, bank-notes, and some- times, indeed, they are notes for which people get a great deal of money. Such words, however, are, alas ! not generally English words, but Italian. Strange! that so much should be given for a mere song. It is quite clear that the givers, whatever may be their pre- tensions to a refined or literary taste, must be entirely unacquainted with Wordsworth. Fine words are oily en^ough, and he who uses them is vulgarly said to "cut it fat;" but for all that it is well known that they will not butter parsnips. Some say that words are but wind : for this reason, when people are having words, it is often said, that "the wind's up." 2 18 THE COMIC ENGLISH GRAMMAR. Different words please different people. Philoso- phers are fond of hard words; pedants of tough words, long words, and crackjaw words; bullies, of rough words ; boasters, of big words ; the rising generation, of slang words ; fashionable people, of French words ; wits, of sharp words and smart words; and ladies, of nice words, sweet words, soft words, and soothing woids; and, inde3d, of words in general. Words (when spoken) are articulate sounds used by common consent as signs of our ideas. A word of one syllable is called a Monosyllable : as, you, are, a, great, oaf. A word of two syllables is named a Dissyllable ; as, cat-gut, mu-sic. A word of three syllables is termed a Trisyllable ; as, Mag-net-ism, Mum-mer-y. A word of four or more syllables is entitled a Poly- syllable ; as, in-ter-mi-na-ble, cir-cum-lo-cu-ti-on, ex- as-pe-ra-ted, func-ti-o-na-ry, met-ro-po-li-tan, ro-tun- di-ty. Words of more syllables than one are sometimes comically contracted into one syllable ; .as, in s'pose for suppose, b'lieve for believe, and 'seuse for excuse : here, perhaps, 'buss, abbreviated from omnibus, de- serves to be mentioned. In like manner, many long words are elegantly trimmed and shortened ; as, ornary for ordinary, 'strornary for extraordinary, and curosity for curi- osity ; to which mysterus for mysterious may also be added. Polysyllables are an essential element in the sub. lime, both in poetry and in prose ; but especially in OUTHOGKAPHY. 19 that species of the sublime which borders very closely on the ridiculous ; as, " Aldiborontiphoscophormio, Where left's thou Chrononhotonthologos ? All words are either primitive or derivative. A primitive word is that which cannot be reduced to any simpler word in the language; as, brass, York, knave. A derivative word, under the head of which compound words are also included, is that which may be reduced to another and a more simple word in the English lan- guage ; as, brazen, Yorkshire, knavery, mud-lark, lighterman. Broadbrim is a derivative word; but it is one often applied to a. 'v ery priinitive kind of person. 20 THE COMIC ENGLISH GRAMMAR. PART II. ETYMOLOGY. CHAPTER I. A COMICAL VIEW OF THE PARTS OF SPEECH. Etymology teaches the varieties, modifications, and derivation of words. The derivation of words means that which they come from as toards j for what they come from as sounds, is another matter. Some words come from the heart, and then they are pathetic ; others from the nose, in which case they are ludicrous. The funniest place, however, from which words can come is the stomach. By the way, the Mayor would do well to keep a ventriloquist, from whom, at a moment's notice, he might ascertain the voice of the corporation. Comic Etymology teaches us the varieties, modifica- tions, and derivation, of words invested with a comic character. Grammatically speaking, we say that there are, in English, as many sorts of words as a cat is said to have lives, nine ; namely, the Article, the Substantive or Noun, the Adjective, the Pronoun, the Verb, the Ad- verb, the Preposition, the Conjunction, and the Inter- jection. Comically speaking, there are a great many sorts of words which we have not room enough to particularise individually. We can therefore only afford to classify them. For instance ; there are words which are spoken ETYMOLOGY. 21 in the Low Countries, and are High Dutch to persons of quality. Words in use amongst all those who have to do with horses. Words that pass between rival cab-men. Words spoken in a state of intoxication. Words uttered under excitement. Words of endearment, addressed by parents to chil- dren in arms. Similar words, sometimes called burning, tender, soft, and broken words, addressed to young ladies, and "Hvhispered, lisped, sighed, or drawled, accoi'ding to cir- cumstances. Words of honor ; as, tailors' words and shoemakers' words ; which, like the above-mentioned, or lovers' words, are very often broken. With many other sorts of words, which will be readily suggested by the reader's fancy. But now let us go on with the parts of speech. 1. An Article is a word prefixed to substantives to point them out, and to show the extent of their meaning ; as, a dandy, an ape, the simpleton. One kind of comic article is otherwise denominated an oddity, or queer article. Another kind of comic article is often to be met with in some of our monthly magazines. 2. A Substantive or Noun is the name of anything that exists, or of which we have any notion ; as, tinker, tailor, soldier, sailor, apothecary, ploughhoy, thief. Now the above definition of a substantive is Lindley Murray's, not ours. We mention this, because we have an objection, though, not, perhaps, a serious one, 22 THE COMIC ENGLISH GRAMMAR. to urge against it ; for, in the first place, we have " n« notion" of Impudence, and yet impudence is a substan- tive ; and, in the second, we invite attention to the fol- lowing piece of Logic, A substantive is something, But nothing is a substantive ; Therefore, nothing is something. A substantive i.'>.ay generally be known by its taking an article before it, and by its making sense of itself; as, a treat, the muIUgruls, an ache. 3. An Adjective is a word joined to a substantive to denote its quality ; as a ragged regiment, an odd set. You may distinguish an adjective by its making sense with the word thing : as, a poor thing, a su-cet thing, a cool thing ; or with any particular substantive, as a ticklish position, an awkward mistake, a strange step. 4. A Pronoun is a word used in lieu of a noun, in order to avoid tautology ; as, " The man wants calves; he is a lath ; he is a walking-stick." 5. A Verb is a word which signifies to be, to do, or to suffer : as, I am ; I calculate; I am fixed. A verb may usually be distinguished by its making sense with a personal pronoun, j3r with the word to before it : as I yell, he grins, they caper ; or to drink, to smoke, to cheio. Fashionable accomplishments ! Certain substantives are, with peculiar elegance, and by persons wlio call themselves genteel, converted into "verbs : as, " Do you wine?" " Will you liquor ?" 6. An Adverb is a part of speech which, joined to a verb, an adjective, or another adverb, serves to express 5"rre quality or circumstance concerning it : as, " Sho ETYMOLOGY. 23 swears dreadfully ; she is incorrigibly lazy ; and she is almost continually in liquor." 7. An Adverb is generally characterised by answer- ing to the question, How ? how much ? wlien ? or where ? as in the verse, " Merrily danced the Quaker's wife," the answer to the question. How did she dance? is, merrily. 8. Prepositions serve to connect words together, and to show the relation between them : as, " Off with his head, so muchybr Buckingham!" 9. A Conjunction is used to connect not only words, but sentences also : as. Smith and Jones are happy be- cause they are single. A miss is a^rgood ae a mile- EIKCLE BLESSEDNESS 24 THE COMIC ENGLISH GRAMMAR. 10. An Interjection is a short word denoting passion or emotion: as, ' Oh, Sophonisba T Sophonisba, oh!" Pshaw! Pish! Pooh! Bah! Ah! Au ! Eughph ! Yaw! Hum! Ha! Lauk! La! Lor! Heigho! Well! There! &c. Oh ! Sir, stop that do; Among the foregoing intoijections there may, per- haps, be some unhonored by the adoption of genius, and unknown in the domains of literature. For the present notice of them some apology may be required, but little will be given ; their insertion may excite astonishment, but their omission would have provoked complaint : though unprovided with a Johnsonian title to a place in the English vocabulary, they have long been recognised by the popular voice ; and let it be remembered, that as custom supplies the defects of legislation, so that which is not sanctioned by magisterial authority may nevertheless be justified by vernacular usage. ETYMOLOGY. 25 CHAPTER II. OF THE ARTICLES. The Articles in English are two, a and tJie j a be- comes an before a vowel, and before an h which is no* sounded : as, an exquisite, an hour-glass. But if the k be pronounced, the a only is used : as, a homicide, a homoepathist, a hum. A or an is called the indefinite article, because it is used, in a vague sense, to point out some one thing be- longing to a certain kind, but in other respects indetei*- minate ; as, " A horse, a horse, my kingdom for a horse !" So say grammarians. Eating-house keepers tell a different story. A cheese, in common discourse, means an object of a certain shape, size, weight, and so on, entire and perfect; so that to call half a cheese a cheese, would constitute a flaw in an indictment against a thief who had stolen one. But a waiter will term a fraction, or a modicum of cheese, a cheese ; a plate- full of pudding, a pudding ; and a stick of celery, a salary. Here we are reminded of the famous excla- mation of one of these gentry : — "Sir ! there's two teas and a brandy-and-water just sloped without paying !" The is termed the definite article, inasmuch as it de- notes what particular thing or things are meant as, " The miller he stole corn. The weaver he stole yarn, And the little tailor he stole broad-cloth To keep the three rogues warm." A substantive to which no article is prefixed is taken OQ THE COMIC ENGLISH GRAMMAR. in a general sense; as, "Apple sauce is proper for goose ;" that is, for all geese. APPLE-SAUCE. A few additional remarks may advantageously be made with respect to the articles. The mere substitu- tion of the definite for the indefinite article is capable of changing entirely the meaning of a sentence. " That is a ticket" is the assertion of a certain fact ; but " That is the ticket !" means something which is quite different. The article is not prefixed to a proper name ; as, Stubbs, Wiggins, Brown or Hobson, except for the sake of distinguishing a particular family, or description of persons ; as. He is a Burke ; that is, one of the Burkes, or a person resembling Burke. ETYMOLOGY. 87 The definite article is frequently used with adverbs in the comparative and superlative degree : as, " The longer I live, the taller, I grow ;" or, as we have all heard the showman say, " This here, gentlemen and OJ(J'o(. 28 THE COMIC ENGLISH GRAMMAR. ladies, is the vonderful heagle of the sun ; the 'otterer it grows, the higherer he flies !" CHAPTER III. SECTION I. OF SUBSTANTIVES IN GENERAL. Substantives are either proper or common. Proper names, or substantives, are the names be- longing to individuals : as William, Birmingham. These are sometimes converted into nicknames, or improper names : as Bill, Brummagem. Common names, or substantive?, denote kinds con taining many sorts, or sorts containing many individuals under them • as brute, beast, bumpkin, cherub, infant, goblin, &;c. Proper names, when an article is prefixed to them, are employed as connnon names : as, " They thought him a perfect Chesterfield ; he quite astonished the Broivjis." Common names, on the other hand, are made to de- note individuals, by the addition of ai'ticles or pro- nouns : as, " There was a little man, and he had a little gun." " That boy will be the death of me!" Substantives are considered according to gender, Eumber, and case ; they are all of the third person when spoken of, and of the second when spoken to : as, Matilda, fairest maid, who art In countless bumoers toasted, ETl^MOLOGrf. O let thy pity baste the heart Thy fatal charms have roasted ! 29 ||j^l!(i' -Iv;!!!;], SECTION II. OF GENDER. The distinction between noui/s with regard to sex is called Gender. There are three genders : the Mascu- line, the Feminine, and the Neuter, The masculine gender belongs to animals of the male kind: as, a fop, a jackass, a boar, a poet, a lion. The feminine gender is peculiar to animals of the fe- male kind : as, a poetess, a lioness, a goose. 30 THE COMIC ENGLISH GRAMMAR. The neuter gender is that of objects which are neither male^ nor females : as, a toast, a tankard, a pot, a pipe, a pudding, a pie, a sausage, &c. &c. &c. We might go on to enumerate an infinity of objects of the neuter gender, of all sorts and kinds ; but in the se- lection of the foregoing examples we have been guided by two considerations : — 1. The desire of exciting agreeable emotions in the mind of the reader. 2, The wish to illustrate the following proposition, *' That almost everything nice is also neuter." Except, however, a nice young lady, a nice duck, and one or two other nice things, which we do not at present remember. Some neuter substantives are by a figure of speech converted into the masculine or feminine gender : thus we say of the sun, that when he shines upon a Socialist, he shines upon a thief; and of the moon, that she affects the minds of lovers. ETYMOLOGY. 31 There are certain nouns with which notions of strength, vigor, and the lilve qualities, are more par- ticularly connected ; and these are the neuter substan- tives which are figuratively rendered masculine. On the other hand, beauty, amiability, and so forth, are held to invest words with a feminine character. Thus the sun is said to be masculine, and the moon feminine. But for our own part, and our view is confirmed by the discoveries of astronomy, we believe that the sun is called masculine from his supporting and sustaining the " Shan't I Bhiae to-uight, doai V S2 THE COMIC ENGLISH GRAMMAR. moon, and finding her the wherewithal to shine away as she does of a night, when all quiet people are in bed; and from his being obliged to keep such a family of stars besides. The moon, we think, is accounted feminine, because she is thus maintained and kept up in her splen- dor, like a fine lady, by her husband the sun. Further, more, the moon is continually changing ; on which ac- count alone she might be referred to the feminine gen- der. The earth is feminine, tricked out, as she is, with gems and flowers. Cities and towns are likewise fem- inine, because there are as many windings, turnings, and little odd corners in them as there are in the female mind, A ship is feminine, inasmuch as she is blown about by every wind. Virtue is feminihe by courtesy. Fortune and 7nishrtune, like mother and daughter, are both feminine. The Church is feminine, because she is married to the state ; or married to the state because she is feminine — we do not know which. Time is mascu- line, because he is so trifled with by the ladies. The English language distinguishes the sex in three manners ; namely, 1. By different words; as, MALE. FEMALE. Bachelor Maid. Brother Sister. Wizard Witch. Father Mother, &c. And several other Words we don't mention, (Pray pardon the crime,) ^ Worth your attention. But wanting in rhyme. ETYMOLOGY. 38 2. By a difTerence of termination ; as, MALE, FEMALE. Poet Poetess. Lion Lioness, &c. 3. By a noun, pronoun, or adjective being prefixed to the substantive j as, MALE. FEMALE. A cock-lobster A hen-lobster. A jack-ass A jenny-ass (vernacular.) A man-servant, A maid-servant, or flunkey. or Abigail. A male flirt (a A female flirt (a rare animal.) common animal.) We have heard it said, that every Jack has his Jill. That may be ; but it is by no means true that every cock has his hen ; for there is a Cock-swain, but no Hen-swain. Cock-eye, but no Hen-eye. Cock-ade, but no Hen-ade. Cock-atrice, but no Hen-atrice. Cock-horse, but no Hen-horse. Cock-ney, but no Hen-ney. Then we have a weather-cock, but no weather-hen , a turn-cock, but no turn-hen ; and many a jolly cock, but not one jolly hen ; unless we except some of those by whom their mates are pecked. Some words ; as, parent, child, cousin, friend, neigh- bour, servant and several others, are either male or fe- male, according to circumstances. It is a great pity that our language is so poor in the terminations thai denote gender. Were we to say of a 3 94 THE COMIC ENGLISH GRAMMAR. woman that she is a rogue, a knave, a scamp, or a vagabond, we feel that we should use, not only strong but improper expressions. Yet we have no correspon- ding terms to apply, in case of necessity, to the female. Why is this ? Doubtless because we never want them. For the same reason, our forefathers transmitted to us the words, philosopher, astronomer, philologer, and so forth, without any feminine equivalent. Alas ! for the wisdom of our ancestors ! They never calculated on the March of Intellect. SECTION III. OF NUMBER. Number is the consideration of an object as one or more ; as, one poet, two, three, four, five poets ; and so on, ad infinitum. The singular number expresses one object onlj , as a towel, a viper. The plural signifies more objects than one; as, towels, vipers. Some nouns are used only in the singular nurnber; dirt, pitch, tallow, grease, filth, butter, asparagus, &c.; others only in the plural ; as, galligaskins, breeches, &c , Some words are the same in both numbers; a& sheep, swine, and some others. The plural number of nouns is usually formed b]- adding s to the singular; as, dove, doves, love, love.>, &;c. Julia, dove returns to dove, Quid pro quo, and love for love ; Happy in our mutual loves, Let us live like turtle doves ! ETYMOLOGY. When, however, the substantive singular ends la x, ch soft, sh, ss, or s, we add es in the plural. But remember, though box In the plural makes boxes. That the plural of ox Should be oxen, not oxes. -, SECTION IV. OF CASE. There is nearly as much difference between Latin and English substantives, with respect to the number of cases pertaining to each, as there is between a 36 THE COMIC ENGLISH GRAMMAR. quack-doctor and a physician ; for while in Latin sub- stantives have six cases, in English they have but three. But the analogy should not be strained too far ; for the fools in the world (who furnish the quack with his cases) more than double the number of the wise. A VERY BAD CASE. The cases of substantives are these : the Nominative, the Possessive or Genitive, and the Objective or Accu- sative. The Nominative Case merely expresses the name of a thing, or the subject of the verb : as, " The doc- tors differ ;" — "The patient dies !'k Possession, which is nine points of the law, is what is signified by the Possessive Case. This case is dis- tinguished by an apostrophe, with the letter s subjoined to it : as, "My souPs idol !" — " A pudding's end." ETYMOLOGY. 87 But when the plural ends in s, the apostrophe only is retained, and the other s is omitted: as, ''The Minis- ters' Step;" — "The Rogues' March;" — "Crocodiles' tears ;" — "Butchers' mourning." When the singular terminates in ss, the letter s is sometimes, in like manner, dispensed with: as, "For goodness' sake !" — "For righteousness' sake !" Nev- ertheless, we have no objection to " Burgess's" Stout. The Objective Case follows a verb active, and ex- presses the object of an action, or of a relation : as "Spring beat Bill ;" that is, Bill or "William JVeaie." Hence, perhaps, the phrase, "I'll lick you elegant.'^ The Objective Case is also used with a preposition : as, "You are in a mess." English substantives may be declined in the follow- ing manner : SINGULAR. What IS the nominative case Of her who used to wash your face. Your hair to comb, your boots to lace ? A mother/ What the possessive? Whose the slap That taught you not to spill your pap. Or to avoid a like mishap ? A mother'' s ! And shall I the objective show ? What do I hear where'er I go? How is your ? — whom they mean I know. My mother ! PLURAL. Who are the anxious watchers o'er The slumbers of a little bore, 88i THE COMIC ENGLISH GRAMMAR. That screams whene'er it doesn't snore ? Why, mothers ! Whose pity wipes its piping eyes, And stills maturer childhood's cries. Stopping its mouth with cakes and pies ? Oh ! mother's ! And whom, when master, fierce and fell, Dusts truant varlets' jackets well. Whom do they, roaring, run and tell ? Their mothers t CHAPTER IV. OF ADJECTIVES. SECTION I. OF THE NATURE OF ADJECTIVES AND THE DEGREES OF COMPARISON. An English Adjective, whatever may be its gender, number, or case, like a rusty weathercock, never varies. Thus we say, "A certain cabinet; certain rogues." But as a rusty weathercock may vary in being more or less rusty, so an adjective varies in the degrees of comparison. The degrees of comparison, like the Genders, the Graces, the Fates, the Kings of Cologne, the Weird Sisters, and many other things, are three ; the Positive, the Comparative, and the Superlative. The Positive state simply expresses the quality of an object ; as, fat, ugly, foolish. The Comparative degree increases or lessens the ETYMOLOGY. 59 signification of the positive ; as fatter, uglier, more foolish, less foolish. The Superlative decree increases or lessens the posi- tive to the highest or lowest degree ; as fattest, ugliest, most foolish, least foolish. Amongst the ancients, Ulysses must have been the fattest, because nobody could compass him. Aristides the Just was the ugliest, because he was so very plain. The most foolish, undoubtedly, was Homer ; for who was more natural than he ? The positive becomes the comparative by the addi- tion of r or er ; and the superlative by the addition of St or est to the end of it ; as, brown, browner, brown- est ; stout, stouter, stoutest ; heavy, heavier, heaviest ; wet, wetter, wettest. The adverbs more, and ynost, pre- fixed to the adjective, also form the superlative degree ; as, heavy, more heavy, most heavy. Monosyllables are usually compared by er and est, and dissyllables hj more and most; except dissyllables ending in y or in le before a mute, or those which are accented on the last syllable ; for these, like monosyl- lables, easily admit of er and est. But these termina- tions are scarcely ever used in comparing words of more than two syllables. We have some words, which, from custom, are ir- regular in respect of comparison ; as, good, better, best; bad, worse, worst, &c.; but the Yankee's "no- tion" of comparison was decidedly funny ; " My uncle's a tarnation rogue ; but I'm a tarnationer." 40 THE COMIC ENGLISH GRAMMAR. SECTION II. A FEW REMARKS ON THE SUBJECT OF COMPARISON. LiN'DLEY Murray judiciously observes, that "if we consider the subject of comparison attentively, we shall perceive that the degrees of it are infinite in number, or at least indefinite:" and he proceeds to say, '-'A mountain is largei than a mite ; by how many degrees ? How much bigger is the earth than a grain of sand ? By how many degrees was Socrates wiser than Alei- biades? or by how many is snow whiter than this paper? It is plain," quoth Lindley, "that to these and the like questions no definite answers can be re- turned." No; but an impertinent one may. Ask the first news-boy you meet, any one of these questions, and see if he does not immediately respond, " Ax my eye ;" or, " As much again as half." But when quantity can be exactly measured, the degrees of excess may be exactly ascertained. A foot is just twelve times as long as an inch; a tailor is nine times less than a man. Moreover, to compensate for the indefinitencss of the degrees of comparison, we use certain adverbs and words of like import, whereby we render our meaning tolerably intelligible ; as, " Byron was a imich greater poet than Muggins." " Honey is a great deal sweeter than wax." " Sugar is considerably more pleasant than the cane." " Maria says, that Dick the butcher is by far the most killing young man she knows." The words very, exceedingly, and the like, placed before the positive, give it the force of the superlative ; ETYMOLOGY. 41 and this is called by some the superlative of eminence, as distinguished from the superlative of comparison. Thus, Very Reverend is termed the superlative of eminence, although it is the title of a dean, not of a cardinal; and Most Reverend, the appellation of an Archbishop, is called the superlative of comparison. A Bishop, in our opinion, is Most Excellent. The comparative is sometimes so employed as to express the same pre-eminence or inferiority as the siiperlative. For instance ; the sentence, " Of all the cultivators of science, the botanist is the most crafty," has the same meaning as the following: "The botan- ist is more crafty than any other cultivator of science." Why ? some of our readers will ask — Because he is acquainted with all sorts of plants. CHAPTER V. OF PRONOUNS. Pronouns or proxy-nouns are of three kinds; name- ly, the Personal, the Relative, and the Adjective Pro- nouns. Note. — That when we said, some few pages back, that a pronoun was a word used instead of a noun, v/e did not mean to call such words as thingumibob, what- siname, what-d'ye-call-it, and the like, pronouns. And that, although we shall proceed to treat of the pronouns in the English language, we shall have ncth- ing to do, at present, with what some people please to call pronoun-czai«07i. 43 THE COMIC ENGLISH GRAMMAR. SECTION [. OF THE PERSONAL PRONOUNS. " Mr. Addams, don't be personal, Sir !" " I'm not, Sir." "You am. Sir !" " What did I say, Sir? — tell me that." " You reflected on my perfession, Sir ; you said, as there was some people as always stuck up for the cloth; and you insinnivated that certain parties dined off goose by means of cabhaging from their customers. 1 ask any gentleman in the room, if that an't personal. I MEETING OF SELECTMEN ETYMOLOGY. 43 •'Veil, Sir, vot 1 says I'll stick to." "Yes, Sir, like vax, as the saying is." « Wot d'ye mean by that. Sir ?" "Wot I say, Sir!" "You 're a individual. Sir !" "You 're another, Sir!" " You 're no gentleman. Sir !" " You 're a humbug, Sir !" "You 're a knave, Sir!" "You 're a rogue. Sir !" "You 're a wagabond, Sir!" "You 're a willain. Sir!" "You 're a tailor. Sir!" "You 're a cobler, Sir!" (Order! order I chair! chair ! &c. The above is what is called personal language. How many different things one word serves to express ; in English ! A pronoun may be as personal as possi- ' ble, and yet nobody will take offence at it. There are five Personal Pronouns ; name-ly, 1, thou, f he, she, it ; with their plurals, we, ye or you, they. Personal Pronouns admit of person, number, gender, and case. Pronouns have three persons in each number. In the Singular; I, is the first person. Thou, is the second person. He, she, or it, is the third person. In the plural ; We, is the first person. Ye or you, is the second person. They, is the third person. 44 THE COMIC ENGLISH GRAMMAR. This account of persons will be very intelligible when the following Pastoral Fragment is reflected on : HE. /love thee, Susan, on my life : Thou art the maiden for a wife. He who lives single is an ass ; She who ne'er weds a luckless lass. Ifs tixesome work to live alone ; So come with me, and be my own. SHE. We maids are oft by men deceived ; Ye don't deserve to be believed; You don't — but there's my hand — heigho ! They tell us, women can't say no ! The speaker or speakers are of the first person ; those spoken to, of the second ; and those spoken of, of the. third. Of the three persons, the first is the most universally admired. The second is the object of much adulation and flattery, and now and then of a little abuse. The third person is generally made small account of; and, amongst other grievances, suffers a great deal from being frequently bitten about the back. The Numbers of pronouns, like those of substan- tives, are, as we have already seen, two ; the singular and the plural. In addressing yourself to anybody, it is customary to use the second person plural instead of the singular. This practice most probably arose from a notion, that to be thought twice the man that the speaker was, gratified the vanity of the person addressed. Thus, ETYMOLOGY. 45 the French put a double Monsieur on the backs of their letters. Editors say " We," instead of " I," out of modesty. The Quakers continue to say "thee" and "thou," in the use of which pronouns, as well as in the wear- ing of broad-brimmed hats and of stand-up collars, they perceive a peculiar sanctity. Gender has to do only with the third person singular of the pronouns, he, she, it. He is masculine ; she is feminine ; it is neuter. Pronouns have the like cases with substantives ; the nominative, the possessive, and the objective. Would that they were the hardest cases to be met with in this country ! The personal pronouns are thus declined : — CASE. FIRST PERSON SINGULAR. FIRST PERSON PLURAL. Nom. 1 We. Poss. Mine Ours. Obj. Me Us. CASE. SECOND PERSON. SECOND PERSON. Nom. Thou Ye or you. Poss. Thine Youi's. Obj. Thee You. Now the third person singular, as we before observ- ed, has genders ; andwe shall therefore decline it in a different M^ay. Variety is charming. THIRD PERSON SINGULAR. CASE. MASC. FEM. NEUT. Nom. He She It. Poss. His Hers Its Obj. Him Her It. CASE. PLURAL. Nom. They. 46 THE COMIC ENGLISH GRAMBIAR. CASE. PLURAL. Poss. Theirs. Obj. Them. Reader, Mem. We beg to inform thee, that the third person plural has no distinction of gender. SECTION IL OF THE RELATIVE PRONOUNS. The Pronouns called Relative are such as relate, for the most part, to some word or phrase, called the ante- cedent, on account of its going before : they are, whOf which, and that : as, " The man tvho does not drink enough when he can get it, is a fool : but he that drinks too much is a beast." What is usually equivalent to tJutt which, and is, there- fore, a kind of compound relative, containing both the antecedent and the relative ; as, *' You want what you'll very soon have !" that is to say, the thing which you will very soon have. Who is applied to persons, which to animals and things without life ; as, "■ He is a gentleman who keeps a hoi'se and lives respectably." To the dog which pinned the old woman, they cried, ' Ccesar !' " That, as a relative, is used to prevent the too frequent repetition of loho and which, and is applied both to per- sons and things ; as, He that stops the bottle is a Cork man." " This is the hoiise that Jack built." Who is of both numbers ; and so is an Editor ; for, according to what we observed just now, he is both singular and plural. Who, we repeat, is of both num bers, and is thus declined : — ETYMOLOGY. 47 SINGULAR AND PLURAL. Nominative. Who Is the maiden to woo ? Genitive. Whose Hand shall I choose ? Accusative. Whom To despair shall I doom ? Which, that and what are indeclinable ; except that whose is sometimes used as the possessive case of which ; as, • " The roe, poor dear, laments amain, Whose sweet hart was by hunter slain." Who, ivhich, and what, when they are used in asking questions, are called Interrogati.ves ; as, " Who is Mr. Walker ?" " Which is the left side of a round plum- pudding ?"' " What is the damage ?" Those who have made popular phraseology their study, will have found thai which is sometimes used for whereas, and words of like signification ; as in Dean Swift's " Mary the Cookmaid's Letter to Dr. Sheridan :" " And now 1 know whereby you would fain make an excuse, Because my master one day in anger call'd you a goose ; Which, and I am sure I have been his servant since October, And he never called me worse than sweetheart, drunk or sober." Wliat, or, to speak more improperly, wot, is generally substituted by cabmen and hack-drivers for who ; as, " The donkey wo^ wouldn't go." " The girl wot sweeps the crossing." That, likewise, is very frequently rejected by the 48 THE COMIC ENGLISH GRAMMAR. vulgar, who use as in its place ; as, " Them as aska shan't have any ; and them as don't ask don't want any." SECTION III. OF THE ADJECTIVE PRONOUNS. Adjective pronouns partake of the nature of both pronouns and a>5jectives. They may be subdivided into four sorts : the possessive, the distributive, the demon- strative, and the indefinite. The possessive pronouns are those which imply pos- session or property. Of these there are seven; namely, my, thy, his, her, our, your, their. The word self is added to possessives ; as, myself, yourself, " Says I to myself, says I." Self is also SELF-ESTEEM. ETYMOLOGY- 49 sometimes used with personal pronouns; as, himself, itself, themselves- His self is a common, but not a proper expression. 'The distributive are thi*ee ; each, every, either; they denote the individual persons or things separately, which, when taken together, make up a number. m Each is used when two or more persons or things are mentioned singly; as, ^' each of the Catos;" " each ot the Browns." Every relates to one out of several ; as, " Every mare is a horse, but every horse is not a mare." Eiilier refers to one out of two ; as, " When I between two jockeys ride, I have a knave on either side." Neither signifies "not either;" as, ^^ Neither of the Bacons was related to Hogg." The demonstrative pronouns precisely point out the subjects to which they relate ; such are this and that, with their plurals these and those ; as, " This is a Hoo- sier lad; that is a Yankee school-master." This refers to the nearest person or thing, and to the latter or last mentioned ; that to the most distant, and to the former or first mentioned ; as, " This is a man ; that is a nondescript." " At the period of the Refor- mation in Scotland, a curious contrast between the ancient and modern ecclesiastical systems was observ- ed ; for while that had been always maintained by a Bull, this was now supported by a Knox." The indefinite are those which express their subjects in an indefinite or general manner ; as, some, other, any, one, all, such, &c. When the definite article the comes before the word 4 50 THE COMIC ENGLISH GRAMMAR. oilier, those who do not know better, are accustomed to strike out the he in the, and to say, t'other. The same persons also use other in the comparative degree ; for sometimes, instead of saying quite the re- verse, or perhaps re2<;erse, they avail themselves of the expression 7nore t'other. So much for the pronuons. CHAPTER VI. OF VERBS. SECTION I. OF THE HATUKE OF VERBS IN GENERAL. The nature of Verbs in general, and that in all lan- guages, is, that they are the most difficult things in the Grammar. Verbs are divided into Active, Passive, and Neuter ; and also into Regular, Irregular, and Defective. To these divisions we beg to add another ; Verbs Comic. A Verb Active implies an agent, and an object acted upon; as, to love; "I love Wilhelmina Stubbs." Here, I am the agent ; that is, the lover ; and Wilhel- mina Stubbs is the object acted upon, or the beloved object. A Verb Passive expresses the suffering, feeling, or undergoing of something; and therefore implies an ob- ject acted upon, and an agent by which it is acted upon ; as, to be loved ; " Wilhelmina Stubbs is loved by me." ETYMOLOGY. 51 A Verb Neuter expresses neither action nor passion, but a state of being ; as, I bounce, I lie. " F.irt, Madam I" " Gracious, Major !'' Of Verbs Regular, Irregular, and Defective, we shall have somewhat to say hereafter. Verbs Comic are, for the most part, verbs which cannot be found in the dictionary, and are used to ex- press ordinary actions in a jocular manner ; as, to "bolt," to "mizzle," which signify to go or to depart; to "bone," to "prig," that is to say, to steal ; to "col- tar," which means to seize, an expression probably 52 THE COMIC ENGLISH GRAMMAR. derived from the mode of prehension, or rather appre- hension characteristic of the New Police, as it is one very much in the mouths of those who most frequently come in contact with that body: to "liquor," or drink; to " grub," or eat ; to " sell," or deceive, &c. Under the head of Verbs Comic, the Yankeeisms, I ■' calculate," I " reckon," I " realise," I " guess," and the like, may also be properly enumerated. Auxiliary, or helping Verbs (by the way vve marvel that the New Englanders do not call their servants auxiliaries instead of helps) are those, by the help of which we are chiefly enabled to conjugate our verbs in English. They are, do, be, have, shall, will, may, can, with their variations; and let and must, which have no variation. Let, however, when it is anything but a helping verb, as, for instance, when it signifies to hinder, makes let- test and letteth. The phrase, " This House to Let," generally used instead of " to be let," meaning in fact, the reverse of what is intended to convey, is really a piece of comic English. To verbs belong Number, Person, Mood, and Tense. These may be called the properties of a verb ; and like those of opium, they are soporiferous properties. There are two very important objects which the writer of every book has, or ought to have in view, to get a reader who is wide awake, and to keep him so : — the latter of which, when Number, Person, Mood, and Tense are to be treated of, is no such easy matter ; seeing that the said writer is then in some danger of going to sleep himself. Never mind. If we nod, let the reader wink. What can't be cured must be endured. I I ETYMOLOGY. 53 SECTION II. OF NUMBER AND PKRSO.V. Verbs have two numbers, the Singular and the Plural : as, " I fiddle, we fiddle, "*&c. In ' ach number there are three presons ; as, SINGULAR. PLURAL. First Person I love We love. Second Person Thou lovest Ye or you love. Third Person He loves They love. What a deal there is in every Grammar about love ! Here the following Lines, by a Young Lady, (now no more,) addressed to Lindley Murray, deserve to be re- corded : — " Oh, Murray ! fatal name to me. Thy burning page with tears is wet , Since first 'to love' I learned of thee. Teach me, ah ! teach me ' to forget !' " SECTION III. OF MOODS AND PARTICIPLES. Mood or .Mode is a particular form of the verb, or a certain variation which it undergoes, showing the man- ner in which the being, action, or passion, is repre- sented. ■ The moods of verbs are five, the Indicative, the Im- perative, the Potential, the Subjunctive, and lhe Infini- tive. The Indicative Mood simply points out or declares a thing: as, "He teaches, he is taugh*;" or it asks a question : as, "■ Does he teach ? Is he taught ?" 54 THE COMIC ENGLISH GRAMMAR. Q. Why is old age the best teacher ? A. Because he gives you the most lorinkles. Q. Why docs a rope support a rope-dancer? A. Because it is taught. The Imperative Itfood commands, exhorts, entreats or permits : as, " Vanish thou ; trot ye ; let us hop ; be off'!" The Potential Mood implies possibility or liberty, power, will, or obligation : as, " A waiter may be hon- est. You may stand upon truth or lie. I can filch. He would cozen. They should learn." The Subjunctive Mood is used to represent a thing as done conditionally ; and is preceded by a conjunc- tion, expressed or understood, and accompanied by another verb : as, " If the skies should fall, larks would be caught." " Were I to punch your head, I should serve you right:" that is, "//* I wei:e to punch your head." The Infinitive Mood expresses a thing generally, without limitation, and without any distinction of num- ber or person: as, "to quarrel, to fight, to be licked." The Participle is a peculiar form of the verb, and is so called, because it participates in the properties both of a verb and of an adjective: as, "May I have the pleasure of dancing with you ?" '■^Mounted on a tub he addressed the bystanders." " Having uplifted a stave, they departed." The Participles are three; the Present or Active, the Perfect or Passive, and the Compound Perfect: as, " I felt nervous at the thought of popping the question, but that once popped, I was not sorry for having pop- fed it." I ETYMOLOGY. 55 The worst of popping the question is, that the report is always sure to get abroad. SECTION IV. OF THE TENSES. Tense is the distinction of time, and consists of eix divisions, namely, the Present, the Imperfect, the Perfect, the Pluperfect, and the Fii'st and Second Fu- 'ure Tenses. Time is also distinguished by a fore-lock, scythe, and hour-glass ; but the youthful reader must bear in mind, that these things are not to be confounded with tenses. ^^^^S^^~',>=w;^:?^ v*.>.i= 56 THE COMIC ENGLISH GRAMMAR The Present Tense, as its name implies, represenii an action or event occurring at the present time : as "I lament; rogues prosper ; the mob rules/' The Imperfect Tense represents a past action oi event, but which, like a mutton chop, may be either thoroughly done, or not thoroughly done ; wort it meet, we should say, under-done : as, " When 1 loas a little boy some fifteen years ago, My mammy doted on me — Lork ! she made me quite a show." " When our reporter left, the Honorable Gentleman was still on his legs." The legs of most " Honorable Gentlemen" must be tolerably stout ones ; for the " majority" do not stand on trifles. However, we are not going to commit ourselves, like some folks, nor to get committed, like other folks ; so we will leave " Honorable Gentlemen" to manage matters their own way. The Perfect Tense declares a thing to have been done at some time, though an indefinite one, antece- dent to the present time. That, however, which the Perfect Tense represents as done, is completely, or, as we say of a green one, when he is humbugged by the thimble-rig people, regularly done ; as, " I Juive heen out on the river." "I have caught a crab." Catching a crab is a thing regularly (in another sense than completely) done, when civic swains pull young ladies up to Richmond. We beg to inform persons unacquainted wil-h aquatic phraseology, that '■'• pullinp- up" young ladies, or others, is a very different thing from "pulling up" an omnibus conductor or a cabman. What an equivocal language is ours ! How much k^s ETYMOLOGY. 57 agreeable to be " pulled up" at the Police office than to be " pulled up" in a row-boat ! how wide the discre- pancy between " pulling up" radishes and " pulling up" horses ! The Pluperfect Tense represents a thing as doubly past ; that is, as past previously to some other point of time also past ; as, " I fell in love before I had arrived at years of discretion." The First Future Tense represents the action as yet 10 come, either at a certain or an uncertain time ; as " The tailor 7mll send my coat home to-morrow ; and when I find it perfectly convenient, I shall pay him.'' The Second Future intimates that the action will be 68 THE COMIC ENGLISH GRAMBIAR. completed at or before the time of another future action or event ; as, " I wonder how many conquests I shall have made by to-morrow morning." N. B. One ball is often the means of killing a great many people. The consideration of the tenses suggests various moral i-eflectiors to the thinking mind. A couple of examples will perhaps suffice ; — 1. Present, though moderate fruition, is preferable to splendid, but contingent futurity ; i. e. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. 2. Imperfect nutrhion is less to be deprecated than privation of aliment ; — a new way of putting an old proverb, which we need not again insert, respecting half a loaf. SECTION V. THE CONJUGATION OF THE AUXILIARY VERBS To HaVE AND To Be. We have observed that boys, in conjugating verbs, give no indications of delight, except that which an in- genious disposition always feels in the acquisition of knowledge. Now, having arrived at that part of the Grammar in which it becomes necessary that these same verbs should be considered, we feel ourselves in an awkward dilemma. The omission of the conjuga- tions is a serious omission — which, of course, is objec- tionable in a comic work — and the insertion of them would be equally serious, and therefore quite as im- proper. What shall we do ? We will adopt a middle, course ; referring the reader to Murray and other< talented authors for full information on these matters; and requesting him to be content with our confining ETYMOLOGY. 59 ourselves to what is more especially suitable to these pages — a glance at the Comicalities of verbs. If being a youngster I had not been smitten, Of having leen jilted I should not complain, Take warning from me all ye lads who are bitten, When this part of Grammar occurs to your brain. As there is a certain intensity of feeling abroad, which renders people indisposed to trouble themselves with verbal matters, we shall take the liberty of making very short work of the Regular Verbs. Even Murray can only afford to conjugate one example, — To Love. The learner must amplify this part of the Grammar for himself: and we recommend him to substitute for " to love," some word less harrowing to a sensitive mind: as, "to fleece, to tax," verbs which excite disa- greeable emotions only in a sordid one ; and which also, by association of ideas, conduct us to useful re- flections on Political Economy. We advise all whom it may concern, however, to pay the greatest attention to this part of the Grammar, and before they come to the Verbs Regular, to make a particular study of the Auxiliary Verbs : not only for the excellent reasons set forth in " Tristram Shandy," but also to avoid those awkward mistakes in which the Comicalities of the Verbs, or Verbal Comicalities, chiefly consist. " Did it rain to-morrow ?" asked Monsieur Gre- nouille. "Yes it was !" replied Monsieur Crapaud. We propose the following as an auxiliary mode of conjugating verbs : — " I love to roam on the crested foam. Thou lovest to roam on the crested foam. He loves to roam on tho crested foam, We love to roam on 60 THE COMIC ENGLISH GRAMMAR. the crested foam, Ye or you love to roam on the crested foam, They love to roam on the crested foam," &;c. The Auxiliary Verbs, too, are very useful when a peculiar emphasis is required : as, " I shall give you a drubbing!" "Will you?" "I know a trick worth two of that." " Do you, though ?" " It might," as the Quaker said to the Yankee, who wanted to know what his name might be ; "it mighthe Beelzebub, but it is not." Now we may as well say what we have to say about the conjugation of regular verbs active. SECTION VI. THK CONJUGATION OF REGULAR VERBS ACTIVE. Regular Verbs Active are known by their forming their imperfect tense of the indicative mood, and their perfect participle, by adding to ihe verb cd, or d only when the verb ends in e : as, ETYMOLOGY. 61 PRESENT IMPERFECT. PERF. PARTICIP. I reckon I reckoned. Reckoned. I realise. I realised. Realised. Here should follow the conjugation of the regular active verb, To Love ; but we have already assigned a good reason for omitting it ; besides which we have to say, that we think it a verb highly unfit for conju- gation by youth, as it tends to put ideas into their heads which they would otherwise never have thought of; and it is moreover out opinion, that several of our most gifted poets may, with reason, have attributed the seun- fortunate attachments which, though formed in early youth, served to embitter their whole lives, to the poison which they thus sucked in with the milk, so to speak, of \heir Mother Tongue, the Grammar. We shall thei fore dismiss Cupid, and he must look for I OTHER LODGINGS. 62 THE COMIC ENGLISH GRAMMAR. PASSIVE. Verbs Passive are said to be regular, when thei» perfect participle is formed by the addition of d, or ed to the verb : as, from the verb " To bless," is formed the passive, "I am blessed, I was blessed, I shall be blessed," &c. The conjugation of a passive verb is nothing more than the repetition of that of the auxiliary To Be, the perfect participle being added. And now, having cut the regular verbs (as Alexan- der did the Gordian knot) instead of conjugating them, let us proceed to consider the. IRREGULAR VERBS. SECTIOX VII. Irregular Verbs are those of which the imperfect tense and the perfect participle are not formed by adding d or ed to the verb : as, PRESENT. IMPERFECT. PERFECT PART I blow. I blew. blown. To say I am blown, is, under certain circumstan- ces, such as windy and tempestuous weather, proper enough ; but I am blowed, it will at once be perceived, is not only an ungrammatical, but also a vulgar ex- pression. Great liberties are taken with the Irregular Verbs, insomuch that in the mouths of some persons, divers of them become doubly irregular in the formation of their participles. Among such Irregular Verbs we may enumerate the following : — PRESENT. I.M PERFECT. PERF. OR PASS. PART, Am Avur bin. Burst bust busted. !<" ETYMOLOGY. 03 PRESENT. IMPERFECT. PERF. OR PASS. PART. Catch cotch cotched. Come kirn corned. Drive druv driv. Freeze friz froze. Give guv giv. SECTION VIII. OF DEFECTIVE VERBS. Most men have five senses, Most verbs have six tenses ; But as there are some folks Who are blind, deaf, or dumb folks, Just so there are somQ^ verbs Defective, or rum verbs, vhich are used only in some of their moods and tenses. The principal of them are these : — IMPERF. PERF. OR PASS. PART Can could nix. May might — Shall should — Will would — Must must — Ought ought — — quoth — There is not, perhaps, anything in the defective verbs peculiarly valuable in a comic point of view. However, it should not be forgotten, that Can is one of the signs of the pox-ential Mood ; Ought, ought, with 1 before it, stands, (in school-boy phrase) for 100. 'Tis naught, so to speak, says Murray. 64 THE COMIC ENGLISH GKAMMAR. CHAPTER VII. OF ADVERBS. Having as great a dislike as the youngest jf our readers can have to repetitions, we shall not say what an adverb is over again. It is, nevertheless, right to observe, that some adverbs are compared : as, far, far- ther, farthest ; near, nearer, nearest. In comparing those which end in ly, we use more and most : as, slowly, more slowly, most slowly. There are a great many adverbs in the English Lan- guage : their number is probably even greater than that of abusive epithets. They are divisible into cer-' lain classes ; the chief of which are Number, Order, Place, Time, Quantity, Manner or Quality, Doubt, Affirmation, Negation, Interrogation, and Comparison. A nice little list, truly ! and perhaps some of our readers may suppose that we are going to exemplify it at length : if so, all we can say with regard to their ex- pectation is, that we wish they may get it gratified. In the meantime, we will not turn our Grammar into a dictionary, to please anybody. However, we have no objection to a brief illustration of the uses and proper- ties of adverbs, as contained in the following passage : — " Formerly, when first I began to preach and to teach, whithersoever I went, the little boys followed me, and now and then pelted me with brick-bats, as heretofore they pelted Ebenezer Grimes. And ifhensoever I opened my mouth, straightimys the ungodly began to crow. Oftentimes was I hit in the mouth with an orange : yea, and once, moreover, with a rotten egg : ETYMOLOGY. W v.^tv^eaf. there was much laughter, which, notwithstand- ing, I took in good part, and wiped my face and looked pleasantly. For peradventure I said, they will listen to my sermon ; yea, and after that we may have a collec- tion. So I was nowise discomfited ; wherefore I advise Ihee, Brother Habakkuk, to take no heed of thy perse- cutors, seeing that I, whereas I was once little better off than thyself, have now a chapel of mine own. And herein let thy mind be comforted, that, preach as much as thou wilt against the Bishop, thou wilt not, therefore, in these days, be in danger of the pillory. Howbeit," &c. Vide Life of the late pious and Rev. Samuel Simcox Hetter to Habakkuk Brown.) CHAPTER VIII. OF PREPOSITIONS. Prepositions are, for the most part, put before nouns and pronouns : as, " out of the frying-pan into the fire." The preposition of is sometimes used as a part of speech of peculiar signification, and one to which no name has as yet been applied : as, " What you been doing of?" At and tip are not rarely used as verbs, but we should scarcely have been justified in so classing them by the authority of any polite writer ; such use of them being confined to the vulgar : as, " Now then. Bill, at him again." " So she upped with her fists, and fetched him a whop." After is improperly pronounced arter, and against, 5 06 THE COMIC ENGLISH GRAMMAH . agin: as, " Hallo ! .Tim. vot are you arter) uon t )»ui* know that ere's agin the Law 'V^ CHAPTER IX. OF CONJUNCTIONS A Conjunction means literally, a union or meeting together. An ill-assoi'ted marriage is ^/.■:k>i A COMICAL CONJUNCTION. ETYMOLOGY. 67 But our conjunctions are used to connect words and sentences, and have nothing to do wi'„h the joining of hands. They are chiefly of two sorts, the Copulative and Disjunctive. The Copulative Conjunction is employed for the con- nection or continuation of a sentence : as, " Jack a?id "Gill went up the Hill," "I will sing a song if Gub- bins will." " A thirsty man is like a Giant because he is a Gog for drink." The Conjunction Disjunctive is used not only for purposes of connection, but also to express opposition of meaning in different degrees : as, " We pay less for our letters, but shall have to pay more for our coats : they have lightened our postage, but they will increase our taxes. Conjunctions are the hooks and eyes of Language, in which, as well as in dress, it is very possible to make an awkward use of them: as, " For if the year con- sist of 365 days 6 hours, a7id January have 31 days, then the relation between the corpuscular theory of light and the new views of Mr. Owen is at once subvert- ed : for, ' When Ignorance is bliss, 'tis folly to be wise :' because 1760 yards make a mile ; and it is uni- versally acknowledged that ' war Is the madness of many for the gain of a (ew :' therefore Sir Isaac Newton was right in supposing the diamond to be combustible." The Siamese twins, it must be admitted, form a singular conjunction. A tin pot fastened to a dog's tail is a disagreeable conjunction to the unfortunate animal. A happy pair may be regarded as an uncommon conjunction. 68 THE COMIC ENGLISH RRAMMAR. The word as, so often used in this and other Gram. mars, is a conjunction : as, " Mrs. A. is as well as caa be expected." ¥y:'M;: CHAPTER X. OF DERIVATION. Those who know Latin, Greek, Saxon, and the other languages from which our own is formed, do not require I ETYMOLOGY. 69 to be instructed in philological derivation ; and on those who do not understand the said tongues, such instruc-^ tion would be thrown away. In what manner English words are derived, one from another, the generality of persons know very well : there are, however, a few words and phrases, which it is expedient to trace to their respective sources; not only because such an ex- ercise is of itself delightful to the inquiring mind ; but because we shall thereby be furnished (as we hope to show) with a test by means of which, on hearing an expression for the first time, we shall be able, in most instances, to decide at once respecting its nature and quality. These words, of which many have but recently come into vogue, which, though by no means improper or immoral, are absolutely unutterable in any polite as- sembly. It is not, at first, very easy to see what can "be the objection to their use ; but derivation explains it for us in the most satisfactory manner. The truth is, that the expressions in question take their origin from various trades and occupations, in which they have for the most part, a literal meaning ; and we now perceive what horrible suspicions respecting one's birth, habits, and education, their figurative employment would be likely to excite. To make the matter indisputably clear, we will explain our position by a few examples. WORDS AND PHRASES. WHAT DERIVED FROM. Bone (to steal,) Butchers. Chisel (to cheat,) Carpenters. To cut it fat. Cooks. To come it strong. Publicans. To drop off the hooks. Butchers. 70 THE COMIC ENGLISH GRAMMAR. WORDS AND PHRASES. WHAT DERIVED FROM. To be done, Cooks. To be done brown, Ditto. A sell, (a cheat,) Jews. To lather (to beat,) Barbers. To strap (ditto,) Cobblers. To hide (dit*o,) Curriers. Spicy (showy,) Grocers. To hang out (to dwell,) Publicans. Swamped (ruined,) Watermen. To put one's oar in (to interfere,) Ditto. Mahogany (for table,) Upholsterers. Dodge (trick,) Pickpockets. To bung up an eye, Brewers. To chalk down, Publicans. A close shaver (a miser,) Barbers. To be off your feed. Ostlers. Hold hard (stop,) Omnibus-men. Numerous examples, similar to the foregoing, will, no doubt, present themselves, in addition, to the mind of the enlightened student. We have not, however, quite done yet with our remarks on this division of our sub- ject. The intrinsic vulgarity of all modes of speech •which may be traced to mean or disreputable persons, will, of course, not be questioned. But — and as we have got hold of a nice bone, we may as well get all the marrow vv^e can out of it — the principle which is now under consideration has a much wider range than is apparent at first sight. Now we will suppose a red-hot lover addressing the goddess of liis idolatry — by the way, how strange it is, that these goddesses should be always having their ETYMOLOGY. 71 temples on fire, that a Queeen of Hearts should ever be seated on a burning throne ! — but to return to the lover: he was to say something. Well, then, let A. B. be the lover. He expresses himself thus : "Mary, my earthly hopes are centred in you. You need not doubt me ; my heart is true as the dial to the sun. Words cannot express how much I love you. Nor is my affection an ordinary feeling : it is a more exalted and a more enduring sentiment than that which bears it name. I have done. I am not eloquent : I can say no more, than that I deeply and sincerely love you." This, perhaps, will be regarded by connoisseurs as tolerably pathetic, and for the kind of thing not very ridiculous. Now, let A. S. S. be the lover: and let us have his version of the same story : — " Mary, my capital in life is invested in you. You need not stick at giving me credit ; my heart is as safe as the batik. The sum total of my love for you defies calculation. Nor is my attachment anything in the common way. It is a superior and more durable article than that in general wear. My stock of words is ex- hausted, I am no wholesale dealer in that line. All I can say is, that I have a vast fund of unadulterated affection for you." In this effusion the Stock Exchange, the multiplica- tion table, and the dry goods and grocer's shops have been drawn upon for a clothing to the suitor's ideas ; and by an unhappy choice of words, the most delightful and amiable feelings of our nature, without which life would be a desert and man a bear, are invested with a ridiculous disguise. We would willingly enlarge upon the topic which we 72 THE COMIC ENGLISH GRAMMAR. have thus slightly handled, but that we feel that we should by so doing, intrench too far on the boundaries of Rhetoric, to which science, more particularly than to Grammar, the consideration of Metaphor belongs ; besides which, it is high time to have done with Ety- mology. PART III. SYNTAX. " Now then, reader, if you are quite ready, we are. —All right !****" The asterisks are intended to stand for a word used in speaking to horses. Don't blush, young ladies; there's not a shadow of harm in it : but as to spelling it, we are as unable to do so as the ostler's boy was, who v/as thrashed for his ignorance by his fatiier. " Where are we now, coachman ?" SYNTAX. " The third part of Grammar, Sir, wot treats of the agreement and construction of words in a sentence." " Does a coachman say wot for which because he has a licence ?" "Can't say. Ma'am?" " Drive on, coachman." And we must drive on, or loil on, or whatever it is the fashion to call getting on in these times. SYNTAX. 73 A sentence is an aggregate of words forming a complete sense. Sentences are of two kinds, simple and compound. A simple sentence has in it but one subject and one finite verb ; that is, a verb to which number and per- son belong : as, " A joke is a joke." A compound sentence consists of two or more simple sentences connected together : as, " A joke is a joke, but a ducking is no joke. Corpulence is the attribute of swine, mayors, and oxen." Simple sentences may be divided (if we choose to take the trouble) into the Explicative or explaining ; the Interrogative, or asking ; the imperative, or com- manding. An explicative sentence is, in other words, a direct assertion : as, " Sir, you are impertinent." — Johnson. An interrogative sentence "merely asks a question :" as, "Are you a policeman? How's your Inspector?" An imperative sentence is expressive of command, exhortation, or entreaty; as, " Shoulder arms !" " Turn out your toes !" " Charge bayonets !" A phrase is two or more words properly put together, making either a sentence or part of a sentence : as, *' Good moi-ning !" " Your most obedient !" Some phrases consist of two or more words improp- erly put together : these are improper phrases : as, " Now then, old stupid !" " Stand out of the sunshine !" Other phrases consist of words put together by ladies : as, " A duck of a man," " A love of a shawl," "so nice," " quite refreshing," " sweetly pretty." " Did you ever ?" " No I never !" Other phrases again consist of French and English words put together by people of quality, because their 74 THE COMIC ENGLISH GRAMMAR. ' What a (luck of a man I knowledge of both languages is pretty nearly equal : as, " I am au desespoir," " mis hors de combat,'" "quite ennuye," or rather in nine cases out of ten, " ennuyee," — " I have a great envie" to do so and so. These constitute an important variety of comic English. If you want to know what subjects and objects are, you should go to the Morgue at Paris. But in Gram- mar — The subject is the thing chiefly spoken of; the attri- bute is that which is affirmed or denied of it ; and the object is the thing affected by such action. -j SYNTAX. 75 The nominative denotes the subject, and usually goes before the verb or attribute ; and the word or phrase, denoting the object, follows the verb ; as, " The flirt torments her lover." Here, a flirt is the subject ; torments, the attribute or thing affirmed ; and her lover, the object. It strikes us, though, that we are somewhat digress- ing from our subject, namely Syntax, which, ~6 THE COMIC ENGLISH GRAMMAR. Principally consists of two parts (which the flirJ does not, for she is all body and no soul) Concord ano Government. Concord is the agreement which one word has with another, in gender, number, case or person. Note. — That a want of agreement between words does not invalit^ate deeds. We apprehend that such an engagement as the following, properly authenticated, would hold good in law. I ose Jon stubs too hunder dollar for valley reseved an promis to pay Him Nex Sattaday Signed Willum Gibs is X Mark March 18, 1844. Also that a friend of ours, to whom the following bill was sent, could not have refused to discharge it on the score of its incorrect grammar. 1835 Mr. ■ Jenery 10 To J. Burton. $ cts. Reparing of Towo Tables & Muex Stand 1 00 Aultern of 2 Blines & Toulroler . , , 50 {et cetera) Newpot board Barers & scirtin &c. stapel . 1 50 Locks to Cubard dowrs & Esing do layinw down flour cloth & fiting up Top of Butt Fixing Lether to i & Cuting of sheters in Dowrs in parlor \ first flour Fixing webbin to Stand and fixing Legs to washing stule 38 Fiting up front of Dustbin & Cubbard on Landing altern lock of seler dowr 50 $6 83 1 75 1 20 SYNTAX. 77 Government is that power which one part of speech has over another, in directing its mood, tense, or case. Government is also that power, of which, if the Agrarians have their way, we shall soon see very little in this- country. Hurrah ! No taxes ! No army ! (No navy ! No parsons ! No lawyers ! No (Congress ! No Legislature ! No anything ! No nothing! To produce the agreement and right disposition of words in a sentence, the following rules (and observa- tions ?) should be carefully studied. RULE I. A verb must agree with its nominative case in number and person : as " I perceive." " Thou hast been to Boston." " Apes chatter." " Frenchmen gabble." Certain liberties are sometimes taken with this rule : as, " I own I likes good beer." You'm a fine fellow, aint yer?" Such modes of speaking are adopted by those who neither know nor care anything about gram- matical correctness ; but there are other persons who tare a great deal about it, but unfortunately do not know what it consists in. Such folks are very fond of saying, " How it rain !" " It fit you very well." " He say he think it very unbecoming." " I were gone before 78 THE COMIC ENGLISH GRAMMAR. you was come," and so forth, in which fornns of speech they perceive a peculiar elegance. The infinitive mood, or part of a sentence, is som( times used as the nominative case to the verb: as, " to be good is to be happy:" which is as grammatical an assertion as " Toby Good is Toby Happy ;" and rather surpasses it in respect of sense. *' That two pippins! are a pair, is a proposition which no man in his senses will deny." " To be a connoisseur in boots, To hate all rational pursuits, To make your money fly, as though Gold would as fast as mushrooms grow ; To haunt the Opera, save whene'er There's anything worth hearing there; To smirk, to smile, to bow, to dance, To talk of what they eat in France, To languish, simper, sue, and sigh. And stuff her head with flattery ; Are means to gain that worthless part, A fashionable lady's heart." Here are examples enough, in all conscience, of in- finitive moods serving as nominative cases. All verbs, save only in the infinitive mood or parti- ciple, require a nominative ease either expressed or understood : as, " Row with me down the river," that is "Row thou, or do thou row." "Come where the aspens quiver," "come thou, or do thou come." "Fly not yet;" "fly not thou, or do not thou fly." "Pass the ruby;" "pass thou, or do thou pass the ruby" (not the RubicoM\ i SYNTAX. 79 A well known popular song affords an example of the violation of this rule. " Ven as the Captain corned for to hear on't, Wery much applauded vot she'd done." The verb applauded has here no nominative case, whereas it ought to have been governed by the pronoun he. " He very much applauded,"' &c. Every nominative case, except when made absolute, or used, like the Latin Vocative, in addressing a per- son, should belong to some verb, implied if not ex- pressed. A beautiful example of this grammatical 80 THE COMIC ENGLISH GRAMMAR. maxim, and one, too, that explains itself, is impressed upon the mind very soon after its first introduction to Utters : as, " Who kiU'd Cock Robin ? I said the sparrow. With my bow and arrow j / kiird Cock Robin." Of the neglect of this rule also, the ballad lately mentioned presents an instance : as, " Four-and-twenty brisk young fellows Clad in jackets, blue array, — And they took poor Billy Taylor From his true love all avay." The only verb in these four lines is the verb iookj which is governed by the pronoun they. The four-and- twenty brisk young fellows, therefore, though undenia- bly in the nominative, have no verb to belong to : while, at the same time, whatever may be thought of their behavior to Mr. William Taylor, they are certainly not absolute in point of ease. When a verb comes between two nouns, either of which may be taken as the subject of the affirmation, it may agree with either of them : as, " Two-and-six- pence is half-a-crown." Due regard, however, should be paid to that noun which is most naturally the sub- ject of the verb : it would be clearly wrong to say, *>' Ducks and green peas is a delicacy." " Fleas is n nuisance." A nominative case, standing without a personal tense of a verb, and being put before a participle, indepen- dently of the rest of the sentence, is called a case abso- Jute : as, " My brethren, to-morrow being Sunday, I SYNTAX. 81 shall preach a sermon in John street ; after which we shall join in a hymn, and that having been sung, Brother Biggs will address you." The objective case is sometimes incorrectly made absolute by showmen and others : as, " Here, gentle- men and ladies, you will see that great warrior Na- poleon Bonaparte, standing agin a tree with his hands in his breeches pockets, him taking good care to keep out of harm's vay. And there, on the extreme right, you will observe the Duky Vellington a valking about amidst the red-hot cannon balls, him not caring von St"S.W." RULE IT. Two or more singular nouns, joined together by a «c mlative conjunction, expressed, or understood, are 6 82 THE COMIC ENGLISH GRAMMAR. equivalent to a plural noun, and therefore require verbs, nouns, and pronouns, agreeing with them in the plural number : as, " Veal, wine, and vinegar are very good victuals I vow." " Burke and Hare were nice men." *■' A hat without a crown, a tattered coat, threadbare and out at elbows, a pair of breeches which looked like a piece of dirty ;)atchvvork diversified by various holes, and of boots which a Jew would hardly have raked from a kennel, at once proclaimed him a man who had seen better days." This rule is not always adhered to in discourse quite so closely as a fastidious ear would require it to be : as, " And so, you know, Mary, and I, and Jane was a dusting the chairs, and in comes Missus." KULE III. When the conjunction disjunctive comes between. iwp nouns, the verb, noun, or pronoun, is of the singu- lar number, because it refers to each of such nouns taken separately : as, " A cold in the head, or a sore eye is a great disadvantage to a lover." If singular pronouns, or a noun and pronoun of dif- ferent persons, be disjunctively connected, the verb must agree with the person which stands nearest to it : as, " I. or thou art." " Thou or I a/n." " I, thou, or he is," &c. But as this way of writing or speaking is very inelegant, and as saying, " Either I am, or thou art," and so on, will always render having recourse to it unnecessary, the rule just laid down is almost use- K less, except inasmuch as it suggests a moral maxim, w namely, " Always be on good terms witli your next |.' door neighbor." i ,' It also forcibly reminds us of some beautiful lines by \i I SYNTAX. 83 Moore, in which the lieart, like a tendril, is said to twine round the " nearest and loveliest thing." Now the person which is placed nearest the verb is the ob- ject of choice ; ergo, the most agreeable person — ergo, the loveliest person or thing. Should a conjunction disjunctive occur between a singular noun or pronoun, and a plural one, the verb agrees with the plural noun or pronoun : as, " Neither a king nor his courtiers are averse to butter :" (partic- ularly when thickly spread.) " Darius or the Persians were hostile to Greece." RULE IV. A noun or multitude, that is, one which signifies many, can have a verb or Pronoun to agree with it either in the singular or plural number ; according to the import of such noun, as conveying unity or plurali- ty of idea : as, "The nation Z5 humbugged." "The multitude have to pay many taxes." " The city Coun- cil are at a loss to know what to do." " The people is a many headed monster." RULE V. Pronouns agree with their antecedents, and with the nouns to which they belong, in gender and number : as, « This is the blow which killed Ned." " England was once governed by a celebrated King, icho was called Rufus the Red, but whose name was by no means so illustrious as that of Alfred." " General M. and the Lieutenant had put on their boots." " The lady ap- peared, and she smiled, but the smile belied her feel- ings." The relative being of the same person with the ante- 84 THE COMIC ENGLISH GRAMMAR. cedent, the verb always agrees with it : as, " Thou wJio learnest Syntax." " I who enlighten thy mind." The objective case of the personal pronouns is by some, for want of better information, employed in the place of these and those : as, " Let the?)i things alone." " Now then, Jemes, make haste with them chops." The adverb there, is .-sometimes, with additional impropriety, joined to the pronoun the?n : as, " Look after them there sheep." The objective case of a pronoun in the first pei'son is put after the interjections Oh ! and Ah ! as, " Oh ! dear me," &c. The second person, however, requires a nominative case : as, " Oh ! you good-for.nothing man !" " Ah ! thou gay Lothario !" "Oh! you good-for-nothing man.' SYNTAX. 85 RULE VI. When there is no nominative case between the rel- ative and the verb, the relative itself is the nominative to the verb : as, " The master who flogged us." " The rods which were used." But when the nominative comes between the relative and the verb, the relative exchanges, as it were, the character of sire for that of sou, and becomes the gov- erned instead of the governor ; depending for its case on some word in its own member of the sentence : as, '' He who is now at the head oi' affairs, whom the people delight to honor, and to whom is intrusted the helm of state — is a Polk. RULE VII. The relative and the verb, when the former is pre- ceded by two nominatives of different persons, may agree in person with either, according to the sense : as, " I am the young gentleman who do the lovers at the Chatham;" or, ^^ toho does." Let this maxim be borne constantly in mind. "A murderer of good characters should always be made an example of." RULE VIII, Every adjective, and every adjective pronoun, re- lates to a substantive, expressed or implied : as, "Dan- do was an unprincipled, as well as a voracious man." "Few quarrel with their bread and butter;" that is, " few persons." " This is the wonderful eagle of the sun." That is, " This eagle," &c. Adjective pronouns agree in number with their sub- stantives : " This muff, these muffs ; that booby, these boobies ; another numscuU, other numsculls."^ m THE CCMIC ENGLISH GRAMMAB. The young Gentleman what does tlic Lovers. Some people say, " Those kind of things," or, " This four-and-twenty year," neither of which expressions they have any business to use. Adjectives are sometimes improperly used as ad- verbs : as, " He behaved very bad." " He insulted me most gross.'' " He eat and drank uncommon." " He wur beat very severe." " It hailed tremendous," or, more commonly, '^tremenjus." RULE IX. The article a or an agrees with nouns in the singular number oaly : as, " A fool, an ass, a simpleton, a nin- SYNTAX. 87 ny, & lout — I would not give a farthing for a thousand such." The definite article ihe may agree with nouns in the singular and plural number : as, " The toast, the ladies, the ducks." The articles are often properly omitted ; when used, they serve to determine or limit the thing spoken of: as, "Variety is charming." " Familiarity doth breed contempt." " A stitch in time saves nine." " The. heart that has truly loved never forgets." RULE X. One substantive, in the possessive or genitive case, is governed by another, of a different meaning : as, " A fiddle-stick's end." "Monkey's allowance." "Vir- tue's reward." RULE XL Active verbs govern the objective case : as, " I kiss- ed her." "She scratched me." "Virtue rewards her followers." 88 THE COMIC ENGLISH GRAMMAR. For which reason she is like a cook. Verbs neuter do not govern an objective case. Ob- serve, therefore, that such phrases : as, " She cried a good one" " He came the old soldier over me," and so forth, are highly improper in a grammatical point of view, to say nothing of other objections to them. These verbs, however, are capable of governing words of a meaning similar to their own : as, in the affecting ballad of Giles Scroggins — "I wont, she cried, and screamed a scream." The verb To Be has the same case after it as that which goes before it : as, "//! was i," not " It was me" " The Grubhs were they who eat so much tripe at our last party;" not "The Gruhhses were them." RULE xir. One verb governs another that depends upon it, in the infinitive mood: as, "Cease to smoke pipes." "Begin io wear collars." "I advise you io ^/lare." "I recom- mend you to go to church." " I resolved to visit the Carolinas." " And there I learned to wheel about And jump Jim Crow." In general the preposition to is used before the latter of two verbs; but sometimes it is more properly omit- ted : as, " I saw you take it, young feWow ; come along with me." "Let me get hold of you, that's all!" " Did I hear you speak .?" " I'll let you know /" " You dare not hit me." "Bid me discourse." "You need not sing." The proposition for is sometimes unnecessarily in- truded into a sentence, in addition to the preposition to, before an infinitive mood : as. How came you for to 89 think, ybr to go, for to do such a thing '^" Do you want me for to punch your head?" Adjectives, substantives, and participles, often govern the infinitive mood : as, *' Miss Hopkins, I shall be happy to dance the next set with you." " Oh ! Sir, it is impossible to refuse you." " Have you an inclina- tion to waltz ?" " I shall be delighted in endeavoring to do so." The infinitive mood is frequently made absolute, that is, independent of the rest of the sentence : as, " To say the truth, I was rather the worse for liquor." " Not to mince matters, Miss, I love you," s^^: 90 THE COMIC ENGLISH GRAMMAR. RULE XIII. The relation which words and phrases bear to each other in point of time, should always be duly marked : instead of saying, " Last night I intended to have made strong love to her," we should say, " Last night I intend- ed to make strong love to her;" because, although the intention of making strong love may have been aban- doned (on reflection) this morning, and is now, there- fore, a thing which is past, yet it is undoubtedly, when last night and the thoughts connected with it are brought back, again present to the mind. RULE XIV. Participles have the same power of government with that of the verbs from which they are derived : as, " Oh, what an exquisite singer Rubini is ! I am so fond of hearing him." " Look at that horrid man ; I declare he is quizzing us!" "No, he is only taking snuff." " See, how that thing opposite keeps making mouths." " How fond they all are of wearing mustaches ! Don't you like it 1" " Oh, yes ! there is no resisting them." " Heigho ! I am dying to have an ice — " Young man for a husband. Miss ? For shame. Sir ! don't be rude ! Participles are sometimes used as substantives : as, " The French mouth is adapted to the making of grim aces." "The cobbler is like the parson; he lives by the mending of soles." " The tailor reaps a good harvest from the sewing of cloth." "Did you ever see a shoot- ing of the moon ?" Is this what the witches mean when they sing, in llie acting play of Macbeth, SYNTAX. 91 " We /^ by night?" If'they " shoot the moon," they are shooting stars. There is a mode of using the indefinite article a be- fore a participle, for which there is no occasion, as it does not convert the participle into a substantive, and makes no alteration in the sense of what is said ; in this case the article, therefore, is like a wart, a wen, oi^ a knob at the end of the nose, neither useful nor orna- mental: as, "Going out a shooting." "Are you a comins: to-morrow?" "I was a thinking about what Jem said." "Here you are, a going of it, as usual!" A liberty not unfrequently taken with the English Language, is the substitution of the perfect participle for the imperfect tense, and of the imperfect tense for the perfect participle : as, " He run like mad, with the great dog after him." " Maria come and told us all about it." " When I had wrote the Valentine, I sealed it with my thimble." " He has rose to (be) a common- councilman." "I was c^o^e Lord Mayor." "Vve eat (or a eat) lots of vension in my time." "I should have spoke if you hadn't put in your oar." "You were mistook." " He sent her an affecting copy of verses, which was wrote with a Perryian pen." RULE XV. Adverbs are generally placed in a sentence before adjectives, after verbs active or neuter, and frequently between the auxiliary and the verb : as, " He came. Sir, and he ioas most exceedingly drunk ; he could hardly stand upon his legs ; he made a very lame discourse ; he spoke incoherently and ridiculously ; and was impa- tiently heard by the whole assembly." " He is fashiona- bly dressed." "She is conspicuously iigly-" " The eye 92 THE COMIC ENGLISH GRAMMAR. of jealousy is proverUally sliarp, and yet it w indispu- tally green." " The French Marquis was a very cliarm- ing man ; he danced exquisitely and nimbly, and was greatly admired by all the ladies." Several adverbs have been coined of late ; and some of them are very remarkable for a "particular" ele- gance : as, " I reckon you're catawampously chawed up." In the example just given there is to be found, be- sides tlie new adverb, a word which, if not also new to SYNTAX. 93 the English student, is rendered so both by its orthog- raphy and pronunciation ; namely, chawed. This term is no other than "chewed," modified. "Chawed up" is a very strong expression, and is employed to signify the most complete state of discomfiture and defeat, when a man is as m.uch crushed, mashed, and com- minuted, morally speaking, as if he had literally and corporeally undergone the process of mastication. " Catawampously" is a concentration of " hopelessly," "tremendously," "thoroughly," and "irrevocably;" so that " catawampously chawed up," means, brought as nearly to a state of utter annihilation as anything consistently with the laws of nature can possibly be. For the metaphorical use of the word " chawed," three several reasons have been given: 1. Familiarity with the manner in which the alligator disposes of his vic- tims. 2. The cannibalism of the Aborigines. 3. The delicate practice of chewing tobacco. Each of these is supported by numerous arguments, on the considera- tion of which it would be quite out of the question to enter in this place. RULE XVI. Two English negatives (like French lovers) destroy one another, — and become equivalent to an affirmative : as, " The question befox'e the House was 7iot an unini' portant one ;" that is, " it was an important one." " Mr. Brown was free to confess that he did not undertake to say that he would not, on some future occasion give a satisfactory answer to the honorable gentleman." Thus, at one and the same time, we teach our read- ers Syntax and secretiveness. It is probable that small boys are often unacquainted 94 THE COMIC ENGLISH GKAMMAK. with this rule ; for many of them, while undergoing personal chastisement, exclaim, for the purpose, as it would appear, of causing its duration to be shortened — "Oh pray. Sir, oh pray. Sir, oh pray, Sir! I won't do so no more !" RULE XVII. Prepositions govern Ihe objective case : as, " What did the butcher say of her?" " He said that she would never do for him ; that she was too tliin for a wfe, and he was not fond if a spare rib." The delicate ear is much offended by any deviation from this rule : as, in a shocking and vulgar song which it was once our misfortune to hear : — " There I found the faithless she Frying sausages ybr he." . We had occasion, in the Etymology, to remark on a certain misuse of the preposition, of. This, perhaps, is best explained by stating that of, in the instances cited, is made to usurp the government of cases which are already under a rightful jurisdiction : as, " What are you got a eating of?" " He had been a beating of his wife." RULE XVIIL Conjunctions connect similar moods and tenses of verbs, and cases of nouns and pronouns : as, " A coat of arms suspended on a wall is like an executed traitor; it is hanged, drawn, and quartered." " If you continue thus to drink brandy and water and to smoke cigars, you will be like Boreas the North wind, who takes ' cold without' wherever he goes, and always '. blows a cloud' when it comes in his way." "Do you think there is SYNTAX. 95 any thing between him and her .?" " Yes ; he and she are engaged ones." Note. — To ask whether there is any thing between two persons of opposite sexes, is one way of inquiring whether they are in love with each other. It is not, however, in our opinion, a very happy phrase, inas- much as whatever intervenes between a couple of fond liearts, must tend to prevent them from coming together. RULE XIX. Some conjunotions govern the indicative ; some the tjubjunctive mood. In general, it is right to use the 06 THE COMIC ENGLISH GRAMMAR. subjunctive, when contingency or doubt is implied : as, '^ If I were to say that the moon is made of green cheese." '' If I were a wiseacre." " If I toere a Wilt- shire-man." "A lady, unless she be toasted, is never drunk." And when she is toasted, those who are drunk, are generally the gentlemen. " The Liidics ! I ■ Those conjunctions which have a positive and abso. lute signification, require the indicative mood: as, "Hi who fasts may be compared to a horse : for as the ani mal eats not a bit, so neither does the man partake of- a morsel." "The rustic is deluded by false hopes, ybr his daily food is gammon." Every philosopher has his weak points, and in the Sylva Sylvarum may be found some gammon of Bacon. RULE XX. I , When a comparison is made between two or more things, the latter noun or pronoun is not governed by. SYNTAX. 97 the conjunction than or as, but agrees with the verb, or is governed by the verb or preposition, expressed or understood : as, " The Fi'ench ai-e a lighter people than we," (that is " than we are,") " and yet we are not so dark as they," that is, "as they are." " I should think that they admire me more than them," that is, "than they admire them." " It is a shame, Martha ! you were thinking more of that young officer than me," that is, "of me." Sufficient attention is not always paid, in discourse, to this rule. Thus, a schoolboy may be often heard to exclaim, " What did you hit me for, you great fool ? vou're bigger than me. Hit some one of your own siae!" " Not fling farther than him? just can't I, that's all !" "You and I have got more marbles than the/n." 7 98 THE COMIC e:nglish grammar. RULE XXI. An ellipsis, or omission of certain words, is frequent- ly allowed, for the sake of avoiding disagreeable repeti- tions, and of expressing our ideas in a few words. In- stead of saying, " She was a little woman, she was a round woman, and she was an old woman," we say, making use of the figure Ellipsis, " She was a little, round, and old woman." When, however, the omission of words is productive of obscurity, weakens the sentence, or involves a viola- tion of some grammatical principle, the ellipsis must not be used. It is improper to say, "Puddings fill who fill them ;" we should supply the word tliose. " A beauti- ful leg of mutton and turnips" is not good language : those who would deserve what they are talking about ought to say, "A beautiful leg of mutton and fine turnips." In common discourse, in which the meaning can be eked out by gestures, signs, and inarticulate sounds variously modified, the ellipsis is much more liberally and more extensively employed than in written com- position. " May I have the pleasure of — hum ? ha V' may constitute an invitation to take wine. " I shall be quite — a — a — " may serve as an answer in the affir- mative. " So then you see he was — eh ! — you see — ," is perhaps an intimation that a man has been hanged. " Well, of all the — I never !" is often tantamount to three times as many words expressive of surprise, ap- probation, or disapprobation, according to the tone in i, which it is uttered. " Will j^ou ? — ah ! — will you ? — | ah! — ah! — ah!" will do either for "Will you be so !' impertinent, } ou scoundrel? will vou dare to do so SYNTAX. 99 another time ?" or, " Will you, dearest, loveliest, most adorable of your sex, will you consent to make me happy ; will you be mine ? speak ! answer, I entreat you ! One word from those sweet lips will make me the most fortunate man in existence !" There is, however, a kind of ellipsis which those who indulge in that style of epistolary writing, wherein sentiments of a tender nature are conveyed, will do well to avoid with the greatest care. The ellipsis al- luded to, is that of the first person singular of the per- sonal pronoun, as instanced in the following model of a billet-doux : — Camberwell, April 1, 1844. MY DEAKEST FANNY, Have not enjoyed the balm of sleep all the live- long night. Encountered, last night, at the ball, the beau ideal of my heart. Never knew what love was till then. Derided the sentiment often ; jested at scars, because had never felt a wound. Feel at last the power of beauty — Write with a tremulous hand ; waver between hope and fear. Hope to be thougiit not alto- gether unworthy of regard : fear to be rejected as having no pretensions to the affections of such unparall- eled loveliness. Know not in what terms to declare my feelings. Adore you, worship you, dote on you, am wrapt up in you ! think but on you, live but for you, would willingly die for you ! — in short, love you ! and imploring you to have some compassion on one who is distracted for your sake Remain Devotedly yours T. Tout, 100 THE COMIC ENGLISH GKAMMAE- RULE XXII. A Regular and dependent construction should be care- fully preserved throughout the whole of a sentence, and all its parts should correspond to each other. There is, therefore, an inaccuracy in the following sentence ; " Greenacre was more admired, but not so much lament- ed, as Burke." It should be, "Greenacre was more admired than Burke, but not so much lamented." Of these two worthies there will be a notice of the following kind in a biographical dictionary, to be pub- lished a thousand years hence in America. Greenacre. — A celebrated critic who so cut up a blue-stocking lady of the name of Brown, that he did not leave her a leg to stand upon. Burke. — A famous orator, whose power of stopping people's mouths was said to be prodigious. It is farther reported of him that he was only once hung up, and that on the occasion of the last speech he ever made. Perhaps it may be said that the rule last stated com- prehends all preceding rules and requires exemplifica- tion accordingly. We therefore call the attention of the reader to the following paragraph, requesting him to consider what, and how many, violations of the maxims* of Syntax it contains. j " We teaches, that is, my son and me teaches, thef boys English Grammar. Tom or Dick have learned^ something every day but Harry what is idler, whom I am sure will never come to no good, for he is always a miching and doing those kind of things (he was catch but yesterday in a skittle grounds) he only makes his book all dog's ears. I beat he, too, pretty smartish, asj I ought, you will say, for to have did. I going tOi I WALT DiSN: SYNTAX. *-—-»- :^-*^-„iaL,.»^, have sent him away last week but he somehow got o\ er me as he do always. I have had so much trouble with he, that between you and I, if I was not paid for it, I wouldn't have no more to do with such a boy. There never wasn't a monkey more mischicvious than him ; and a donkey isn't more stupider and not half so obstinate as that youngster." The Syntax of the Interjection has been sufficiently stated under Rule V. Interjections afford more matter for consideration in a Treatise on Elocution than they do in a work on Grammar ; but there is one observa- tion which we are desirous of making respecting thcni, and which will not, it is hoped, be thought altogether foreign to our present subject. Almost every interjec- tion has a great variety of meanings, adapted to par- ticular occasions and circumstances, and indicated chiefly by the tone of the voice. Of this proposition wc shall now give a i^ew illustrations, which we would en- deavor to render still clearer by the addition of musical uotes, but that these would hardly express, with adequate exactness, the modulations of sound to which we allude; and besides, we hope to be sufficiently understood with- out such help. This part of the Grammar should be read aloud by the student; or, which is better still, the interjection, where it is possible, should be repeated with the proper intonation by a class ; the sentence which gives occasion to it being read by the preceptor. We will select the interjection Oh ! as the source from which our examples are to be drawn. " I'll give it to you, you idle dog : I will !" " Oh, pray. Sir! Oh, pray. Sir ! Oh ! Oh ! Ob I" " I shall ever have the highest esteem for yo-j, Sir ; but as to love, that is out of the question." 102 THE COMIC ENGLISH GRAMMAR. " Oh, Matilda !" " I say, Jim, look at that chaffinch : there's a shy !" « Oh, Crikey !" " Miss Timms, do you admire Lord Byron ?" " Oh, yes !" " What do you think of Rubini's singing ?" " Oh !" " So then, you see, we popped round the corner, and caught them just in the nick of time." "Oh!" " Sir, your behavior has done you great credit." "Oh!" "Oats are looking up." "Oh!" " Honorable Members might say what they pleased ; but he was convinced, for liis part, tliat the New Poor Law had given great general satisfaction." " Oh ! oh !" There being now no reason (or rule) to detain us in the Syntax, we shall forthwith advance into Prosody, where we shall have something to say, not only aboui rules, but also of measures. PROSODY. 103 PART I Y. PROSODY. Prosody consists of two parts ; wherefore, although it may be a topic, a head, or subject for discussion, it can never be a point ; for a point is that which hath no parts. Besides, tliere are a great many Unes to be con- sidered in the second part of Prosody, which treats of Versification. The first division teaches the true Pro- nunciation of Words, including Accent, Quantity, Em- phasis, Pause, and Tone. Lord Chestei-field's book about manners, which is in- tended to teach us the proper tone to be adopted in So- ciety, may be termed an Ethical Prosody. Lord Chesterfield may have been a polished gentle- man, but Dr. Tohnson was of the two the more shining character. CHAPTER L OF PRONUNCIATION. SECTION I. OF ACCENT. Tkovgb. penetrated ourselves by the desire of impart- ing instruction, we are far from wishing to bore our readers ; and therefore we shall endeavor to repeat nothing here that we have said before. 104 THE COMIC ENGLISH GRABIMAR. Accent is the marking with a peculiar stress of the voice a particular letter or syllable in a word, in such a manner as to render it more distinct or audible than the rest. Thus, in the word theatre, the stress of the voice should be on the letter e and first syllable the ; and in contrary, on the first syllable con. How shock- ing it is to hear people say con-trdry, ihe-dtre ! The friends of education-will be reminded with regret, that an error in the pronunciation of the first of these words is very early impressed on the human mind. " Mary, Mary, Quite contrary, How does your garden grow ?" How many evils, alas ! arise from juvenile associa- tions ! Words of two syllables never have more than one of them accented, except for the sake of peculiar em- phasis. Gentlemen, however, whose profession it is to drive certain public vehicles called cabs, are much accustomed to disregard this rule, and to say, " po-lite" (or "pur-lite"), "gen-teel," "c6n-cern," " p6-lice," and so on : nay, they go so far as to convert a word of one syllable into two, for the sake of indulging in this stvle of pronunciation; and thus the word "queer" is pro- nounced by them as " ke-veer." The word " a-men," when standing alone, should be pronounced with two accents. The accents in which it usually is pronounced are very inelegant. Clerks, now-a-days, alas ! are no scholars. Dissyllables, formed by adding a termination, usually have the former syllable accented : as, " Foolish, block- head," &c. 1 PROSODY. 105 The accent in dissyllables, formed by prefixing a syllable to the radical word, is commonly on the latter syllable: as, "I protest, I declare, I entreat, I adoie, I expire." ALL FOR LOVE. Protestations, declarations, entreaties, and adorations, proclaim a swain to be simply tender; but expiration (for love) proves him to be decidedly soft. A man who turns lover becomes a protest-ant; and his conduct at the same time generally undergoes a reforination, especially if he has previously been a rake. The zeal, however, of a reformed rake, like that of Jack in Dean Swift's "Tale of a Tub," is sometimes apt to outrun his discretion. When the same word, being a dissyllable, is both a 106 THE COMIC ENGLISH GRAMMAR. noun and a verb, the verb has mostly the accent on the latter, and the noun on the former syllable : as, " Molly, let Hymen's gentle hand Cement our hearts together. With such a cement as shall stand In spite of wind and weather. " I do pres'ige — and oft a fact A presage doth foretoken — Our mutual love shall ne'er contract. Our contract ne'er be broken." There are many exceptions to the rule just enunciat- ed (so that, correctly as well as familiarly speaking, it is perhaps no rule;) for though verbs seldom have an accent on the former, yet nouns frequently have it on the latter syllable : as, "Mary Anne is my delight Both by day and eke by night ; For by day her soft control Soothes my heart and calms my soul ; And her image while I doze Comes to sweeten my repose ; Fortune favoring my design. Please the pigs she shall be mine !" The former syllable of most dissyllables ending in y, our, ow, le, ish, ck, ter, age, en, et, is accented : as, "Granny, noodle," &;c. Except allow, avow, endow, bestow, below. " Sir I cannot allow You your flame to avow ; ,End6w yourself first with the rhino : My hand to bestow On a fellow bel6w PROSODY. 107 Me! — I'd rather be — never mind — /know." " Music," in the language of the Gods, is sometimes pronounced " mu-sic !" Nouns of two syllables ending in er, have the accent on the former syllable: as, "Butcher, bilker." It is, perhaps, a singular thing, that persons who pursue the callings denoted by the two words selected as examples, should always indicate their presence at m area by crying out, in direct defiance of Prosody, "But-cher, ba-ker;" the latter syllable being of the two the more strongly accented. Dissyllabic verbs ending in a consonant and e final, as " Disclose," " repine," or having a dipthong in the last syllable, as, "Believe," "deceive," or ending in two consonants, as " Intend," are accented on the latv^r syllable. " Matilda's eyes a light disclose. Which with the star of Eve might vie ; Oh ! that such lovely orbs as those Should sparkle at an apple-pie ! "Thy love I thought was wholly mine, Thy heart I fondly hoped to rule; Its throne I cannot but repine At sharing with a goosb'ry fool ! " Thou swear'st no flatterer can deceive Thy mind, — thy breast no coxcomb r>Qe ; Thou art no trifler, I believe. But why so plaguy fond of trifle ? "Why, when we're wed — T don't intend To joke, Matilda, or be funny ; 108 THE COMIC ENGLISH GRAMMAR. I really fear that you will spend The Honey Moon in eating honey !" Most dissyllabic nouns, having a diplhong in the latter syllable, have the accent also on that syllable : as, " A Hamlet that draws Is sure of applause." A Hamlet that draws ? There are not many '.viio C3.n give even an outline of the character. In a kw words ending in ain the accent is placed on the former syllable : as, "Villain," which is pronoun- ced as the natives of Whitechapel pronounce " willing.'' Those dissyllables, the vowels of which are separat- ed in pronunciation, always have the accent on the first syllable : as, lion, scion, 6z,c. When is a young and tender shoot Like a fond swain ? When 'tis a scion. What's the most gentlemanly brute Like, of all flow'rs ? A dandy lion.' Trisyllables, formed by adding a termination or pre- fixing a syllable, retain the accent of the radical word: as, " L6veliness, sheepishness, knavery, assurance." The first syllable of trisyllables ending in ons, al, ion, is accented in the generality of cases: as in the words " serious, capital," &c. "Dr. Johnson declared, with a serious face, That he reckoned a punster a villain : W xiat would he have thought of the horrible case Of a man who makes jokes that are killing ? " In his diction to speak 'tis not easy for one Who must furnish both reason and rhyme : PROSODY. 109 "Sir, the rogue who has uttcr'd a capital pun, Has committed a capital crime.' Trisyllables ending in ce, ent, ate, y, re, Ze, and ude, commonly accent the first syllable. Many of those, however, which are derived from words having the accent on the last syllable and of those of which the middle syllable has a vowel between two consonants, are excepted. They who would elegantly speak Should not say "impudence," but "cheek;" Should all things eatable call " prog;" Eyes "ogles," countenance " phisog." A coach should nominate a " drag," And specify as " moke," a nag : For excellent, use " prime" or "bang up," Or "out and out;" and " scrag," for hang up. The theatre was wont to teach The public rectitude of speech. But we who live in modern age Consult the gallery, not the stage. Trisyllables ending in ator have the accent placed on the middle syllable; as, " Spectatoi", narrator," &c. except orator, senator, and a few other words. Take care that you never pronounce the common name of the vegetable sometimes called Irish fruit, " purtator." A dipthong in the middle syllable of a trisyllable is accented : as also, in general, is a vowel before two consonants: as, "Domestic," "endeavor." An endeavor to appear domesticated, or in common phraseology, to "do" the domestic, is sometimes made by young gentlemen, and generally with but an ill 110 THE COMIC ENGLISH GRAMMAR. grace. Avoid such attempts, reader, on all occasions: and in particular never adventure eitlier to nurse babies, or (when you shall have "gone up to the ladies") to pour water into the tea-pot from the kettle. A legal or medical student sometimes thinks proper, from a desire of appearing at once gallant and facetious, to usurp the office of pouring out the tea itself, on which occasions he is yery apt to betray his uncivilised habits by an unconscious but very unequivocal manipulation used in giving malt liquor what is technically termed a "head." Many polysyllables are regulated as to accent by the words from which they are derived : as, " Inex- pressibles, Substituted, Unobjectionably, Designated, Transatlantic, Delicacy, Decidedly, Unquestionable." Words ending in ator are commonly accented on the last syllable but one, let them be as long as they may : as, respirator, regulator, renovator, indicator, and ail the other ators shat we see in the newspapers. Many words ending in ion, ous, iy, ia, io, and cal, have their accent on the last syllable but two: as, "Con-si- de-ra-ti-on, pro-di-gi-ous, im-pe-ne-tra-bil-i-ty, en-cy- clo-poe'-di-a, brag-ga-d6-ci-o, an-ti-mo-narch-i-cal," all of which words we have divided into syllables, by way of a hint that they are to be pronounced (comically speaking) after the manner of Dominie Sampson. Words that end in le usually have the accent on the first syllable: as, "A'micable, despicable," cStc: al- though we have heard people say "despicable." "I never see such a despicable fellow, not in all my born days." Words of this class, however, the second syllable of which has a vowel before two consonants, are often PROSODY. Ill differently accented : as in " Respectable, contemp- uble." "A respectable Man.'" Having, in compliance with grammatical usage, laid down certain rules with regai-d to accent, we have to inform the reader that there are so many exceptions to almost all of them, that perhaps there is scarcely one which it is worth while to attend to. We hope we have in some measure amused him ; but as to instruction, we fear that, in this part of our subject, we have given 112 THE COMIC ENGLISH GRABIMAR. him very little of that. Those who would acquire a correct accent had better attend particularly to the mode of speaking adopted in good society ; avoid de- bating clubs ; and go to church. For farther satisfac- tion and information we refer them, and we beg to say that we are not joking — to Walker. SECTION II. OF QUANTITY. The quantitj^ of a syllable means the time taken up in pronouncing it. As there is in Arithmetic a long division and a short division, so in Prosody is Quantity considered as long or short. A syllable is said to be long, when the accent is on the vowel, causing it to be slowly joined in pronuncia- tion to the next letter: as, "Flea, small, creature." A syllable is called short, when the accent lies on the consonant, so that the vowel is quickly joined to the succeeding letter: as "Crack, little, devil." The pronunciation of a long syllable commonly oc- cupies double the time of a short one : thus, " Pate," and "Broke," must be pronounced as slowly again as " Pat," and " Knock." We have remarked a curious tendency in the more youthful students of Grammar to regard the quantity of words (in their lessons) more as being "small" or "great" than as coming under the head of " long" or " short." Their predilection for small quantities of words is very striking and peculiar; food for the mind they seem to look upon as physic ; and all physic, in their estimation, is most agreeably taken in infinitesi- mal doses. The Homoeopathic system of acquiring PROSODY. IVS knowledge is more to their taste than even the Hamil- tonian. It is quite impossible to give any rules as to quantity worth reading. The Romans may have submitted to them, but that is no reason why we should. We will pronounce our words as we please : and if foreigners want to know why, we will tell them that, wlicn there is no law to the contrary, we always does as we likes with our own. 114 THE COMIC ENGLISH GRAMMAE. SECTION III. OF EMPHASIS. Emphasis is the distinguishing of some word or words in a sentence, on which we wish to lay particular stress, by a stronger and fuller sound, and sometimes by a particular tone of the voice. A few illustrations of the importance of emphasis will be, perhaps, both agreeable and useful. When a young lady says to a young gentlemen, " You are a nice fellow ; you are V — she means one thing. When a young gentleman, addressing one of his own sex, remarks, " You're a nice fellow ; you are ;" — he means another thing. " Your friend is a gentlemen," pronounced without any particular emphasis, is the simple assertion of a fact. " Your friend is a gentleman,'' '' with the emphasis on the words " friend" and " gentleman," conveys an in- sinuation besides. So simple a question as " Do you like pine-apple rum ?" is susceptible of as many meanings as there are words in it ; according to the position of the em- phasis. " Bo you like pine-apple rum ?" is as much as to say, " Do you, though, really like pine-apple rum ?" " Do you like pine-apple rum ?" is tantamount to, " Can it be that a young gentleman (or lady) like you, can like pine-apple rum ?" " Do you like pine-apple rum ?" means, " Is it pos- sible that instead of disliking, you are fond of pine-apple rum ?" PROSODY. 115 " Do you like pine-apple rum ?" is an enquiry as to whether you like that kind of rum in particular. And lastly, " Do you like pine-apple rum V is equiv- alent to asking if you think that the flavor of the pine- apple improves that especial form of alcohol. A well-known instance of an emphasis improperly placed was furnished by a certain Parson, who read a passage in the Old Testament in the following unlucky manner : " And he said unto his sons, Saddle me the ass ; and they saddled him." Young ladies are usually very emphatic in ordinary discourse. " What a little dear ! Oh ! how sweetly pretty ! Well ! I never did, I declare ! So nice, and so innocent, and so good-tempered, and so affectionate, and such a color ! And oh ! such lovely eyes ! and such hair ! He loas a little duck ! he was, he was, he was. Tzig a tzig, tzig, tzig, tzig, tzig !" &c. &c. &c. This emphatic way of speaking is indicative of two very amiable feelings implanted by nature in the fe- male occiput, and called by the Phrenologists Adhe- siveness and Philoprogenitivenes. Those who attempt to imitate it will be conscious, while forcing out their words, of a peculiar mental motion, which we cannot explain otherwise than by saying, that it is analogous to that which attends the act of pressing or squeezing ; as when, with the thumb of the right hand, we knead one lump of putty to another, in the palm of the left. Perhaps we might also instance, sucking an orange- In all these cases, the organ of Weigiit, according to PI Phrenology, is also active ; ana this, perhaps, is one of the faculties which induce young ladies to lay a stress upon their words. Nevertheless, we fear that a dam- 116 THE COMIC ENGLISH GRAMMAR. sel would hardly be pleased by being told that her weight was considerable, though it would, at the same time, grievously offend her to accuse her of lightness. Here we need scarcely observe, that we refer to light- ness, not of complexion, but of sentiment, which is al- ways regarded as a dark shade in the character. This defect, we think, we may safely assert, will never be observed in emphatic fair ones. But we have not quite yet exhausted the subject ot emphasis, considered in relation to young ladies. Their letters are as emphatic as tlieir language is, almost every third word being underlined. Such epistles, inasmuch as they are addressed to the heart, ought not to be submitted to the ear; nevertheless we must say that we have occasionally been wicked and waggish enough to read them aloud — to ourselves alone, of course. The reader may, if he choose, follow our ex- ample. We subjoin a specimen of female correspond- ence, endeared to us by many tender recollections, and admirably adapted to our present purpose. My dear Paid, When we left Town on Wednesday last the weather was so very rainy that we were obliged to have the coach windows up. I was terribly afraid that Matilda and I would have caught our Death of cold ; but thank Good- ness no such nnloicard event took place. It was very uncomfortable and I so wished you had been there. When m we got home who do you think was there ? Mr. Sims ; and he said he thought that I was so \\i\\(j\\ grown. Only think. And so then you know we took some refresh-^ ment, for I assure you, what with the journey and alto- gether we were very nearly famished ; and we were all ar PROSODY. ■ 117 invited to go to the Chubls'' that Evening to a small Tea Party, for which I inxist own I thought Mr. Chuhh a nice man. After tea we had a carpet tvaltz, and although I was very tired I enjoyed it much. There were some very pretty girls there, and one or two agreeable young men ; but oh! &ic. The remainder of this letter being of a nature person- ally interesting to ourselves only, and likely, in the opinion of some readers, to render its insertion attributa- ble to motives of vanity, we shall not ^e found fault with for objecting to transcribe any morp of it. SECTION IV. OF PAUSES. A Pause, otherwise called a rest, is an absolute ces- sation of the voice, in speaking or reading, during a perceptible interval, longer or shorter, of time. Comic Pauses often occur in Oratory. '' Unaccus- tomed as I am to public speaking," is usually followed by a pause of this sort. A young gentleman, his health having been drunk at a party, atforded, in endeavoring to return thanks, a signal illustration of the Pause Comic. " Gentlemen," he began, " the Ancient Ron^ans," — (A pause,) — "gentlemen, the Ancient Romans," — (Hear!) — "The Ancient Romans, Gentlemen," — (Bravo! hear! hear!) — "Gentlemen — that is — the An- cient Romans" — "were very fine fellows. Jack, 1 dare say," added a friend, pulling the speaker down by the coat-tail. That notable Ancient Roman, Brutus, is represented by Shakspeare as making a glorious pause : as " WIk '« 118 THE COMie ENGLISH GRAMMAR. here so vile that would not love his country ? If any, speak, for him have I offended. I pause for a reply." Here of course, Brutus pauses, folds his arms, and looks magnanimous. We have heard, though, of an idle and impudent schoolboy, who, at a public recita- tion, when he had uttered the words "I pause for a PROSODY. 119 reply," gravely took out his penknife and began paring his nails. This wa? minding his faics with a vengeance. SECTION V. OF TONES. Tones consist of the modulations of the voice, or the notes or variations of sound which we use in speak- ing : thus differing materially both from emphasis, and pauses. An interesting diversity of U}nes is exhibited by the popular voice at an election. Also by charcoal-men, milk-men, and chimney, sweeps; and by fruit-sellers, and news-boys. We cannot exactly write tones (though it is easy enough to wiyte notes,) but we shall nevertheless en- deavor to give some idea of their utility. Observe, that two doves billing resemble two magis- trates bowing; — because they are beak to beak. 120 THE COMIC ENGLISH GRAMMAR. A lover and a police-magistrate (unless the two characters should chance to be combined, which some- times happens, that is, when the latter is a lover of justice) would say, "Answer me," in very difFerent tones. A lover again would utter the words " For ever and ever," in a very ditierent tone from that in which a minister would repeat them. A young lady, on her first introduction to you, says, "Sir," in a tone very unlike that in which she some- time afterwards delivers herself of the same mono- syllable when she is addressing you under the influ- ence of jealousy. As to the word " Sir," the number of constructions which, according to the tone in which it is spoken, it may be made to bear, are incalculable. We may adduce a few instances. "Please, Sir, let me off." "No, Sir!" "Waiter! you. Sir." "Yes, Sir! yes. Sir!" "Sir, I am greatly obliged to you." "Sir, you are quite welcome." "Your servant. Sir" (by a man who brings you a challenge.) " 'Servant, Sir" (by a tailor bowing you to the door.) " Sir, you are a gentleman !" " Sir, you are a scoundrel !" We need not go on with examples ad infinitum. If after what we have said anybody does not understand the nature of Tone, all we shall say of him is, that he is a Tony Lumpkin. PROSODY. 121 CHAPTER II. OF VBRSIFICATXON. It is with peculiar pleasure that we approach this part of Prosody. We belong to a class of persons to whom a celebrated phrenological manipulator ascribes "some poetical feeling, if studied or called forth;" and, to borrow another expression from the same quar- ter, we sometimes "versify a little;" that is to say, we diversify our literary occupations by an occasional flirtation with the muses. We have a great respect for the memory of our old schoolmaster ; notwithstanding which, we think we can beat him (which, we shall be told by the wags, would be tit for tat) at poet-making, though, indeed, he was a magician in his way. " I'll make thee a poet, my boy," he used to say, " or the rod shall." Let us try what we can do. A verse consists of a certain number and variety of syllables, put together and arranged according to cer- tain laws. Verses being also called dulcet strains, harmonious numbers, tuneful lays, and so forth, it is clear that such .combination and arrangement must be so made as to please the ear. Versification is the making of verses. This seems such a truism as to be not worth stating; but it is necessary to define what Versification is, because many people suppose it to be the same ihing with poetry. We will prove that it is not. " Much business in the Funds has lately been Transacted various monied men between ; Though speculation early in the week 122 THE COMIC ENGLISH GRAMMAR. Went slowly ; nought was done whereof to speak. The largest operations, it was found, Were twenty-five and fifty thousand pownd." We might proceed in the same strain, but we have already done half a dozen lines without a particle of poetry in them ; and we do not wish to overwhelm people with proof: of what a great many will take upon trust. Every fool knows what Rhyme is ; so we need not say anything about that. OF POETICAL FEET. Poetical feet! Why, Fanny Elsler's feet and Tag- lioni's feet are poetical feet — are they not? or else what is meant by calling dancing the poetry of Motion ? And cannot each of those artistes boast of a toe which is the very essence of all poetry — a TO' KAAO'N ? No. You may make verses on Taglioni's feet, (though if she be a poetess, she can do that better than you, standing, too, on one leg, like the man that Horace speaks of;) but you cannot make them of her feet. Feet of which verses are composed are made of sylla* bles, not of bones, muscles, and ligaments. Feet and pauses are the constituent parts of a verse. We have heard one boy ask of another, who was singing, " How much is that a yard ?" still the yard is not a poetical measure. The feet which are used in poetry consist either of two or three syllables. There are four kinds of feet of two, and an equal number of three syllables. Four and four are eight : therefore Pegasus is an octoped j and if our readers do not understand this logic, we are sorry for it. But as touching the feet — we have PROSODY. 123 1. The Trochee, which has the first syllable accent- ed, and the last unaccented : as, "Yankee doodle." 2. The Iambus, which has the first syllable unac- cented, and the last accented : as, " The maid herself with rouge, alas ! bedaubs." 3. The Spondee, which has both the words or sylla- bles accented : as, " all hail, great king, Tom Thumb, all hail !" 4. The Pyrrhic, which has both the words or sylla- bles unaccented : as, "on the tree-top." 5. The Dactyl, which has the first syllable accented and the two latter unaccented: as, "Jonathan, Jeffer- son." 6. The Amphibrach has the first and last syllables unaccented and the middle one accented : as, " Oe'r- whelmlng, transported, ecstatic, delightful, accepted, addresses." 7. The Anapaest (or as we used to say, Nasty-least) has the two first syllables unaccented and the last ac- cented : as, " overgrown grenadier." 8. The Tribrach has all its syllables unaccented : as, "Matrimony, exquTsiteness." These feet are divided into principal feet, out of which pieces of poetry may be wholly or chiefly formed ; and secondary feet, the use of which is to diversify the num- ber and improve the verse. We shall now proceed to explain the nature of the principal feet. Iambic verses are of several kinds, each kind con- sisting of a certain number of feet or syllables. 1. The shortest form of the English Iambic consists of an Iambus, with an additional short syllable thus coinciding with the Amphibrach : as. 124 THE COMIC ENGLISH GRAMBIAR. « What Susan, My beauty! Refuse one So true t' ye ? This ditty Of sadness Begs pity For madness." 2. Tlie second form of the English Iambic consists of two Iambuses, and sometimes takes an additional short syllable : as, '' My eye, what fun. With dog and gun, And song and shout, To roam about ! And shoot our snipes ! And smoke our pipes ! Or eat at ease. Beneath the trees, Our bread and cheese ! To rouse the hare From gloomy lair ; To scale the mountain ^ And ford the fountain, While rustics wonder To hear our thunder." 3. The thii'd form consists of three lamouses : as in the following morceau, the author of which is, we regret to say, unknown to us ; though we did once hear some- body say that it was Mr. Anon. " Jack Spratt cat all the fat, His wife eat all the lean, PROSODY. 125 And so between them both, They lick'd the platter clean."' In this verse an additional short syllable is also admitted : as, " Alexis youthful plough-b5y, A Shepherdess adored, Who loved fat Hodge, the cow-boy, - So t'other chap was floored." 4. The fourth form is made up of four Iambuses : as, " Adieu my boots, companions old. New footed twice, and four times soled ; My footsteps ye have guarded long, Life's brambles, thorns, and flints among; And now you're past the cobbler's art, And fate declares that we must part. Ah me ! what cordial can restore The gaping patch repatch'd before ? What healing art renew the weal Of subject so infirm of heel ? What potion, pill, or draught conti'ol So deep an ulcer of the sole ? 5. The fifth species of English Iambic consists of Jive Iambuses : as, "Come, Tragic Muse, in tatter'd vest arnly'd. And while through blood, and mud, and crimes I wade. Support my steps, and this, my strain, inspire With Horror's blackest thoughts and bluest fire !" The Epic of which the above example is the opening, will perhaps appear hereafter. This kind of Iambic constitutes what is called the heroic measure : — of which we shall have more to say by and by ; but shall 126 THE COMIC ENGLISH GRAMMAR. only remark at present that it, in common with most of the ordinary English measures, is susceptible of many varieties, by the admission of other feet, as Trochees, Dactyls, Anapaests, &c. 6. Our Iambic in its sixth form, is commonly called the Alexandrine measure. It consists of six Iambuses : as, "His worship gave the word, and Snooks was borne away." The Alexandrine is sometimes introduced into heroic ' rhyme, and when used, as the late Mr. John Reeve was wont to say, " with a little moderation," occasions an agreeable variety. Thus the example quoted is pre- ceded by the following lines: — "What! found at midnight with a darkey, lit, A bull-dog, jemmy, screwj-and centre-bit And tongueless of his aim ? It cannot be But he was bent, at least, on felony ; He stands remanded. ' Ho ! Policeman A !' His worship gave the word, and Snooks- was borne away." 7. The seventh and last form of our Iambic measure is made up of seven Iambuses. This species of verse has been immortalised by the adoption of those eminent hands, Messrs. Sternhold and Hopkins. It runs thus : — Good people all, I pray draw nt3ar, for you I needs must tell, That William Brown is dead and gone ; the man you knew full well. A broad-brimm"d hat, black breeches, and an old Welch wig he wore : PKOSODY. 127 And now and then a long brown coat all button'd up before." The present measure is as admirably adapted for the Platform as for the Conventicle. *' My name it is Bill ScrogginSj and my fate it is to die, For I was at the Sessions tried and cast for felony. My friends, to these my dying words I pray attention lend, ' Th(5 public-house has brought me unto this untimely end." Verses of this kind are now usually broken into two lines, with four feet in the first line, and three in the second : as, " I wish I were a little pig To wallow in the mire, To eat, and drink, and sleep at ease Is all that I desire." Trochaic verse is of several kinds. 1. The shortest Trochaic verse in the English Ian- Iguage consists of one Trochee and a long syllable : as, "Billy Black Got the sack." Lindley Murray asserts that this measure is defec- Itive in dignity, and can seldom be used on serious oc- basions. Yet it is Pope who thus sings : "Dreadful screams. Dismal gleams. Fires that glow, Shrieks of woe," &c. And for our own poor part, let us see what we can Inake out of a storm. 128 THE COMIC ENGLISH GRAMMAR. " See the clouds Like to shrouds All so dun, Hide the Sun : Daylight dies ; Winds arise ; Songsters quake, 'Midst the brake ; Shepherds beat Swift retreat : Thunder rolls Save our souls ! — Welkin glares — Liglitaing flares, While it splits Oak to bits — Hail comes down — Oh, my crown ! Patter crack ! Clatter whack ! " Lq you there ! High in air Whirlwinds snatch Tiles and thatch ! Steeple nods ! Oh ! ye Gods ! Hark ! — that bang ! — Brazen clang ! There the bell Thund'ring fell ! How it pours ! Ocean roars, Earth replies — Mind your eyes — Here's a cave — Oh ! that's brave ! Gracious Powers Safety's ours !" 2. The second English form of the Trochaic consists of two feet : as, "Vermicelli, Currant jelly." It sometimes contains two feet, or trochees, with an additional long syllable: as, "Youth inclined to wed' Go and shave thy head." 3. The third species consists of three trochees : as, "Sing a song of sixpence. Or of three trochees, with an additional long syllable; as, ( PROSODY. 1 28 ** Thrice my coat, have o'er thee roll'd, Summer hot and winter cold, Since the Snip's creative art Into being bade thee start; Now like works the most sublime, Thou display'st the power of time. Broad grey patches plainly trace, Right and left ea6h blade-bone's place ; When thy shining collcir's scann'd, Punsters think on classic land : Thread-bare sleeves thine age proclaim, Elbows worn announce the same ; Elbows mouldy-black of hue, Save where white a crack shines through ; While thy parting seams declare Thou'rt unfit for farther weai- — Then, farewell ! " What ! Moses ! ho !" "Clo', Sir? clo', Sir? clo', Sir? clo'?" 4. The fourth Trochaic species consists of four trcr chees, as : " Ugh ! you little lump of blubber, Sleep, oh ! sleep in quiet, do ! Cease awhile your bib to slobber — Cease your bottle mouth to screw. "How I wish your eyelids never Would unclose again at all ; For I know as soon as ever You're awake, you're sure to squaL. ** Dad and Mammy's darling honey. Tomb-stone cherub, stuff'd with slops, Let each noodle, dolt, and spooney Smack, who will, your pudding chop*. 130 THE COMIC ENGLISH GRAMMAR. " As for me, as soon I'd smother. As I'd drown a sucking cat. You, you cub, or any other, Nasty little squalling brat." "Would you, you disagreeable old Bachelor'!'' This form may take an additional long syllable, but this measure is very uncommon. Example : " Chrononhotonthologos the Great, Godlike in a barrow kept his state. * 5. The fifth Trochaic species is likewise uncommon ; and, as a Bowbellian would say, " uncommon" ugly. It contains five trochees : as, " Here lies Mary, wife of Thomas Carter, Who to typhus fever proved a martyr." These are a specimen of the " uncouth rhymes" so touchingly alluded to by Gray. 6. The sixth form of the English Trochaic is a line of six trochees : as, " Most bewitching damsel, charming Arabella, Prithee, cast an eye of pity on a fellow." The Dactylic measure is extremely uncommon. The PROSODY. 131 following may be considered an example of one species of it: " Celia the cruel, resolv'd not to marry soon, Boasts of a heart like a fortified garrison, Bulwarlcs and battlements keeping the beaux all off, Shot from within knocking lovers like foes all off." Anapaestic verses are of various kinds. 1. The shortest anapaestic verse is a single anapaest : as, " In the glass There's an ass." This measure, after all, is ambiguous ; for if the stress of the voice be laid on the first and third sylla. bles, it becomes trochaic. Perhaps, therefore, it is best to consider the first form of our Anapaestic verse, as made up of two anapaests: as, " Set a schoolboy at work , With a knife and a fork." And hei'e if you like, you may have another short syllable : as, " And how soon the yoQng glutton Will astonish your mutton !" 2. The second species consists of three anapaests : as, " .Amaryllis was slcnder and tall, Colin Clodpole was dumpy and fat ; And tho' she did'n't like him at all, Yet he doted on her for all that." This metre is sometimes denominated sing-song. 3. The third kind of English Anapcestics may be rery well exemplified by an Irish song : • Have you e'er had the luck t6 see Donnybrook Fair V* 132 THE COMIC ENGLISH GRAMMAR. It consists, as will have been observed, of four ana- psBsts. Sometimes it admits of a short syllable at the end of the verse: as, In the dead of the night, when with dire caterwauling Of grimalkins in chorus the house-tops resound : All insensibly drunk, and unconsciously sprawling In the kennel, how pleasant it is to be found !" The various specimens of versification of which ex- amples have been given, may be improved and varied by the admission of secondary feet into their compo- sition ; but as we are not writing an Art of Poetry, we cannot afford to show how: particularly as the only way, after all, of acquiring a real knowledge of the structure of English verse, is by extensive readinj^. j Besides, there yet remain a few Directions for Poetical Beginners, which we feel ourselves called upon to give, and for which, if we do not take care, we shall not have room. The commencement of a poet's career is usually the writing of nonsense verses. The nonsense of these compositions is very often unintentional ; but some- times words are put together avowedly without regard | to sense, and with no other view than that of acquiring a familiarity with metrical arrangement : as, "Approach, disdain, involuntary, tell." But this is dry work. It may be necessary to com- pose in this way just at first, but in our opinion, there is a good and a bad taste to be displayed even in writing nonsense verses ; that is, verses which really deserve that name. We recommend the young poet to make it his aim to render his nonsense as perfect as possible. I L PEOSODV. 133 It were manifestly culpable to make no mention, in a work of this sort, of certain measures which are especially and essentially, of a comic nature. Some of these have l)een already adverted to, but two prin- cipal varieties yet remain to be considered. 1. Measures taken from the Latin, in which the structure of the ancient V^erse, as far as the number and arrangement of the feet are concerned, is preseiw- ed, but the quantity of which is regulated in accor- dance with the spirit of our own language. The char- acter of such verses will be best displayed by employ- ing them on sentimental or serious subjects. Take, for example. Long and Short, or Hexameter and Pentame- ter verses. " Julia, girl of my heart, is than jessamine sweeter, or fresh meads Hay-cover'd ; what rose tints those on her cheeks, that flourish, Approach ? those bright eyes, what stars, what glitter- ing dew-drops ? And oh ! what Parian marble, or snow, that bosom ? If she my love return, what bliss will be greater than mine ; but What more deep sadness if she reprove my passion ? Either a bridegroom proud yon ivy-clad church shall receive me Soon ; or the cold church-yard me with its turf shall cover." Or the Sapphic metre of which the late Mr. Can- ning's " Knife-Grinder" is so brilliant an example. Sappho, fair reader, was a poetess, who made love- verses which could be actually scanned. History re- 134 THE COMIC ENGLISH GRABIMAR. lates that, for the sake of some unprincipled or unfeel- ing fellow, she committedyeZo de se. " ' I can endure this cruel pain no longer ; Fare ye well, blue skies, rivers, fields, and song-birds!' Thus the youth spoke ; and adding, ' Oh, Jemima !' Plunsed in the billow !" 2. Measures reducible to no rule, or Doggrel. Sternhold and Hopkins were illustrious as Doggrel writers. PROSODY. 135 Doggrel IS commonly used by anonymous poets to: the purpose of embodying the moral reflections which a homicide or an execution excites in tlie sensitive mind. May we hope that our remarks on Prosody will in some little degree -tend to facilitate, perhaps to im- prove, the future treatment of those two deeply inter- esting subjects — Love and Murder? 130 THE COMIC ENGLISH GRAMMAR* CHAPTER III. PUrJCTUATION. " Mind your stops." This is one of the earliest maxims inculcated by the instructors of youth. Hence it is clear that the subject of Punctuation is an impor- tant one : but inasmuch as the reader, who has arrived at the present page, has either not understood a word that he has been reading, or else knows as much about the matter as we can tell him, we fear that a long dis- sertation concerning periods, commas, and so on, would only serve to embarrass his progress in learning with useless stops. We shall, therefore, confine ourselves to that notice of Punctuation, and that only, which the peculiar nature of our work may require. First, it may be remarked, that the notes of admira- tion which we so often hear in theatres, may be called notes of hand. Secondly, that notes of interrogation are not at all like lank notes ; although they are largely uttered in Banco Regince. Let us now proceed with our subject. Punctuation is the soul of Grammar, as Punctuality is that of business. Perhaps somebody or other may take advantage of what we have said, to prove both Punctuation and Punctuality immaterial. No matter. PROSODY. 137 It is both absurd and inconvenient to stand upon points. Of how much consequence, however, Punctuation is, the student may form some idea, by considering the different effects which a piece of poetry, for instance, which he has been accustomed to regard as sublime or beautiful, will have, when liberties are taken with it in that respect. Imagine an actor commencing Hamlet's famous so- liloquy, thus : "To be ; or not to be that is. The question," dzc. 138 THE COMIC ENGLISH GRAMMAR. Or saying, in the person of Duncan, in Macbeth " This castle hath a pleasant seat, the air." Or as the usurper himself, exclaiming, " The devil damn thee black, thou cream-faced loon ! Where got'st thou that goose ? Look !" Crying, as Romeo, " It is my lady O ! It is my love !" Or in the character of Nerval, in the tragedy of Douglas, giving this account of himself and his origni : " My name is Nerval. On the Grampian hills My father feeds." ADDRESS TO YOUNG STtJDENTS. 139 We have now said as much as we think it necessary to say on the head of English Grammar. We shall conclude our labors with an " Address to Young Stu- dents ;" and as to the question, what that has to do with our subject, we shall leave it to be settled by Lindley Murray, whose example, in this respect, we follow. All we shall observe is, that in our opinion, advice con- cerning manners stand in the same relation to a Comic English Grammar, as instruction in morals does to a Serious one. For the remarks which it will now be our business to make, we bespeak the indulgence of our elder readers, and the attention of such as are of tender age. ADDRESS TO YOUNG STUDENTS. Young Gentlemen, Having attentively perused the foregoing pages, you will be desirous, it is to be presumed, of carrying still farther those comical pursuits in which, with both pleasure and profit to yourselves, you have been lately engaged. Should such be your laudable intention, you will learn, with feelings of lively satisfaction, that it is one, in the accomplishment of which, thanks to Modern Taste, you will find encouragement at every step. The literature of the day is professedly comic, and of the few works which are not made ludicrous by the de- sign of their authors, the majority are rendered so in 140 ' ADDRESS TO spite of it. In the course of your reading, however, you will be frequently brought into contact with hack- ney-coachmen, cabmen, lackeys, turnkeys, thieves, lawyers' clerks, medical students, and other people of that description, who are all very amusing when pro- perly viewed, as the monkeys and such like animals at the Zoological .Gaidens are, when you look at them through the bars of their cage. But too great familiar- ity with persons of this class is sure to breed contempt, not for them and their manners, but for the usages and modes of expression adopted in parlors and drawing- rooms, that is to say, in good society. Nay, it is very likely to cause those who indulge in it to learn various tricks and eccentricities, both of behavior and speech, for " It is certain, that either wise bearing or ignorant carriage is caught, as men take diseases, one of anoth- er." Shakspere. Beset thus, as you will necessarily be, by perils and dangers in your wanderings amid the fields of Comical- ity, you will derive great advantage from knowing be- fore-hand what you are likely to meet with, and what it will be incumbent on you to avoid. It is to furnish you with this information that the following hints and instructions are intended. Be careful, when you hear yourself called by name, to reply "Here I am," and not "Here you are," an error into which you are very likely to be led by the perusal of existing authors. When you partake, if it be your habit to do so, of the beverage called porter, drink it as you would wa- ter, or any other liquid. Do not wink your eye, or nod sideways to your companion ; such actions, especially when preceded by blowing away the foam which col- YOU^G STUDENTS. 141 lects on the top of the vessel, being exceedingly inele- gant : in order that you may not be incommoded by this foam or froth, always pour the fluid gently mto a tumbler, instead of drinking it out of the metallic tank- ard in which it is usually brought to you. In asking for malt liquor generally, never request the waiter to " draw it mild ;" and do not, on any oc- casion, be guilty of using the same phrase in a meta- phorical sense, that is to say, as a substitute for " Do it quietly," " Be gentle," and the like. Never exhort young ladies, duiing a quadrille, to " fake away," or to " flare up," for they, being unac- quainted with the meaning of such terms, will natural- ly conclude that it is an improper one. Avoid inquiries after the health of another person's mother, using that word synonymously with Mamma, to denote a female parent. Though you may be real- ly innocent of any intention to be rude, your motives may very possibly be misconstrued. Remember also on no account to put questions, either to friends or strangers, respecting the quantity of soap in their pos- session. Should it be necessary for you to speak of some one smoking tobacco, do not call that substance a weed, or the act of using it " blowing a cloud." When an acquaintance pays you a visit, take care, in rising to receive him, not to appear to be washing your hands, and, should you be engaged in writing at the time, place your pen on the table, or in the ink- stand, and not behind your ear. Observe, when your tailor comes to measure you, the way in which he wears his hair, and should your 142 ADDRESS TO own style in this particular unfortunate resemble his, be sure to alter it immediately. Never dance d la cuisinUre, that is to say, do not cut capers. Eschew large shirt pins. Never say " Ma'am " or " Miss," in addressing a young lady. If you cannot contrive to speak to her without doing so, say nothing. Never, under any circumstances, let the abbrevia- tion "gent." for gentleman, escape the enclosure of your teeth. Above all things, for the sake of whatever you hold most dear, never say "me and another gent." When you receive a coin of any kind, deposit it at once in your pocket, without the needless preliminary of furling it in the air. Never ask a gentleman how much he has a-year. In speaking of a person of your own age, or of an elderly gentleman, do not say. Old So-and-so, but So- and-so, or Mr. So-and-so, as the case may be : and have no nicknames for each other. We were much hor- rified not long since, by hearing a great coarse fellow, in a leathern hat and fustian jacket, exclaim, turning round to his companion, "Now, then, come along, old Blokey !" When you have got a cold in the head and weak eyes, do not go and call on young ladies. Do not eat gravy with a knife, for fear those about you should suppose you to be going to commit suicide. In offering to help a person at dinner, do not say, " Allow me to assist you." When you ask people what wine they will take, never say, " What'll you have ?" or, " What'll you do it in .?" YOUNG STUDENTS. 143 If you are talking to a clergyman about another member of the clerical profession, adopt some other method of describing his avocation than that of saying, " I believe he is in your line." Do not recommend an omelet to a lady, as a good article. Be cautious not to use the initial letter of a person's surname, in mentioning or in addressing him. For instance, never think of saying, " Mrs. Hobbs, pray, how is Mr. H. ?" Call all articles of dress by their proper names. What delight can be found by a thinking mind in de- signating a hat as a tile, trousers, kickseys, a necker- chief, a fogle, or a choker ; or a great coat, an upper Benjamin ? And never speak of clothes, collectively, as toggs or toggery. We here approach the conclusion of our labors. Young gentlemen, once more it is earnestly requested that you will give your careful attention to the rules and admonitions which have been above laid down for your guidance. We might have given a great many more ; but we hope that the spirit of our instructions will enable the diligent youth to supply, by observation and reflection, that which, for obvious reasons, we have necessarily left unsaid. And now we bid you farewell. That you may never have the misfortune of entering, with splashed boots, a drawing-room full of ladies ; that you may never, having been engaged in a brawl on the previous evening, meet, with a black eye, the object of your affections the next morning ; that you may never, in a moment of agitation, omit the aspirate, ',r use it when you ought not j that your laundress may 144 ADDRESS TO YOUNG STUDENTS. always do justice to your linen ; and your tailor make your clothes well, and send them home in due time ; that your braces may never give way during a waltz ; that you may never, sitting in a strong light at a large dinner-party, suddenly remember that you have not shaved for two days ; that your hands and face may ever be free from tan, chaps, freckles, pimples, brandy- blossoms, and all other disfigurements ; that you may never be either inelegantly fat, or ridiculously lean ; and finally, that you may always have plenty to eat, plenty to drink, and plenty to laugh at, we earnestly and sincerely wish. And should your lot in life be other than fortunate, we can only say, that we advise you to bear it with patience ; to cultivate Comic Phil- osophy ; and to look upon your troubles as a joke. / ^'^-.^ r r.~ -■- < V/Air rv- -~>«.J r ' ^ -? _, Contents of Dick & Fitzflferald's Dime Song Books. 1 | THE FLORENCES' IRISH BOY AND YANKEE GIRL SONGSTER. CONTENTS : Away Down East. Molly of the Mead. Bachelor's Uall. My Boyhood's Happy Home. BallygaiTon. My He'aitis Sad. Barney O'Neil. My Son, Mickey. Billy O'Kouvke. Norah McShane. Bobbins Around. Och, Blood and 'Ounds. Bold Privateer. Oh ! Come With Me. Boy with the Auburn Hair. Ould Ireland ! You're My Darlin'. I Cafatain Fitzeasy. Our Miirv Ann. Emma, Lee. Paddy O'Fiiuiu.igan. Evening Star. I'addy's Weddmg. Ever of Thee. Peter Gray. Flaming O'Flannagan. Riddle Cum Dinky Doo. Homeward Bound. Kim, Tom ! Tramp ! Iffy, Iffy, If. Sal Sling. I have 110 Mother Now. The Cavalier. Independence Day. The Emerald Isle. Isle of Beauty. 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