U.S. Library of Congress List of Works Relating to Political Parties in the United States THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES c'i^. UNIVtRSI LOS LIBRARY OF CONGRESS iLOS ANGELES, CAUir- LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO POLITICAL PARTIES IN THE UNITED STATES COMPILED UNDER THE DIRECTION OF APPLETON PRENTISS CLARK GRIFFIN CHIEF BIBLIOGRAPHER 112817 WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1907 L. C. card, 7-35011 PREFATORY NOTE This List has to do with books and articles on the formation and history of political parties in the United States, but not with those on the general political history of the nation, unless treating of party organization or party action. While the list is not exhaustive, it includes, besides the better known writings, some others which are not yet essential to the special investigator. Party proceedings, and, as a rule, biographical studies, are omitted, nor has an exhibit of source material been attempted, the purpose being rather to note the literature of parties as interpreted by their historians. A. P. C. Griffin Chief Bibliographer Herbert Putnam Librarian of Congress Washington, D. C, December £, 1907 3 A LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO POLITICAL PARTIES IN THE UNITED STATES Adams, Henry, cd. Documents relating to New-England Federal- ism. 1800-1815. Boston: Little^ Brown, and cvriipaiiij, 1877. xi, (i). /^S7 pp. 8°. Ahem, M. L. The great revolution, a history of the rise and prog- ress of the People's party in the city of Chicago and county of Cook, with sketches of the elect in office. Chicago: Lakeside puhlishing and printing company, 187 Jf. 265 pp. 12°. Alexander, De Alva Stanwood. A political history of the state of New York. New York: H. Holt and company, 1906. 2 vols. 8°. Contents.— I. 1774-1832. II. 1833-1801. Allen, Stephen M. The old and new Republican parties: their origin, similitude, and progress from the administration of Washington to that of Chester A. Arthur. With a biographical sketch of James A. Garfield. [2d ed.] Boston: A. G. Getchell, 1881. {4), 376, {15) pp. 8°. Andrews, Neil, jr. The development of the nominating conven- tion in Rhode Island. Reprinted from the Publications of the Rhode Island historical society. Promdence, 1891^. IJ^ pp. 8°. {Papers frotn the Ilixtor- i<'(d, son'iviiry of Bvoirn i/n/rersity, i.) An Appeal (o the whole country, for an union of parties, on the /^ basis of the principles of Washington, Jefferson, Madison, > and Monroe, in favor of Gen. Taylor's administration, by a Republican of the school of 1800. The United States: 1850. 60 pp. 8°. Appleton, William S. The Whigs of Massachusetts. {In Massachusetts historical socioty. Procoodiiiiis. second series, vol. 11. pp. 278-282. lioston. 1807. 8".! 5 15115—07 2 6 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Aubrey, W. H. S. The modern trade of politics. (In Macmillan's magazine, vol. 91, Feb., 1905, pp. 288-300.) " Aimed at political organizations, American methods of elec- tioneering, and state socialism." Sat. rev., Feb. 11, '04 : 184. Baldwin, Joseph G. Party leaders; sketches of Thomas Jefferson, AlexT Hamilton, Andrew Jackson, Henry Clay, John Randolph, of Roanoke, including notices of many other distinguished American statesmen. Nevj York: D. Appleton and company^ 1855. 369 pp. 12°. Bassett, John Spencer. The federalist system, 1789-1801. New York and London: Harper <& brothers^ 1906. xviii^ 327 pp. Frontispiece {portrait). Maps. 8°. {The American nation: a history, ed. hy A. B. Hart. vol. 11.) The Battle of 1900; an official hand-book for every American citi- zen . . . Republican issues by L. W. Busbey, prohibition issues b};^ O. W. Stewart, democratic issues b}^ W. J. Abbot, populist issues by . . . H. S. Taylor. Indorsed by the parties. Chicago c& Philadelphia: Monarch hooh co.., [1900]. 5, (.^), 19-5 If Ji pp. Frontispiece. Portraits. 8°. Becker, Carl. Nominations in colonial New York. (In The American historical review, vol. 6, Jan. 1901, pp. 260-275.) The unit rule in national nominating conventions. (In The American historical x-eview, vol. 5, Oct., 1899, pp. 64r- 82.) Benoist, Charles. Comment on capte le suffrage et le pouvoir: la " machine." (In Revue des deux mondes, 5e periode, tome 21, June 15, 1904, pp. 885-918.) Le suffrage universel et revolution des partis politiques. (In Revue des deux mondes, 5e periode, tome 20, April 1, 1904, pp. 520-542.) Birney, William. James G. Birney and his times; the genesis of the Republican party with some account of abolition move- ments in the South before 1828. New York: D. Apjyleton and company^ 1890. xii, Jf§3 pp. Frontispiece {portrait). 12°. Bishop, Joseph Bucklin. Our political drama; conventions, cam- paigns, candidates. New York: Scott-Thaw co., 190 Jf. 236 pp. Illustrations. 8°. POLITICAL. PARTIES IN THE UNITED STATES 7 Blood, F. G. Handbook and history of tlie National Farmers' alliance and industrial union. Washington, D. C, 1893. 71 pp. Ji.°. Boutwell, George S. Why I am a Republican; a history of the Republican party, a defense of its policy, and the reasons which justify its continuance in power, with biographical sketches of the Republican candidates. Hartford: W. J. Betts (& co., 188 J^. 195, (1), In pp. Por- traits. 12°. Breen, Matthew P. Thirty years of New York politics up-to-date. New York: Published by the author, 1899. xxvi, 8Jf3 pp. Portraits. 8°. Brooks, Noah. Short studies in party politics. Netv York: Charles Scribner^s sons, 1895. vi, (2), 205 pp. Portraits. 12°. Brown, William Garrott. A defense of American parties. {In The Atlantic monthly, vol. 86, Nov. 1900, pp. 577-589.) Brucker, Joseph. The chief political parties in the United States. Their history and teachings. A historical sketch. Milwaukee: Ghas. Webster cS-. co., 1880. 107 pp. 8°. Bryce, James. The American commonwealth. 3d ed. completely revised throughout with additional chapters. New York: Macmillan and co., 1893-1895. 2 vols. 8°. " The party system," vol. 2, pp. 3-246. Byrdsall, F. The history of the locofoco, or equal rights party. New York: Clement di Packard, 1842. 192 pp. 12°. Cabeen, Francis von A. The Society of the sons of Saint Tammany of Philadelphia. ' {In The Pennsylvania magazine of histoi-y and biography, vol. 25, Jan., 1902, pp. 433-451; vol. 26, April, 1902, pp. 7-24; July, 1902, pp. 207-223; Oct., 1902, pp. 335-347; Dec, 1902, pp. 443-463; vol. 27, Jan., 1903, pp. 29-^8.) Carrington, Henry B. Early history of the Republican party in Ohio. {In Ohio archaeological and historical quarterly, vol. 2, Sept., 1888, pp. 327-331.) Catlin, W. W. Party allegiance. {In Sunset club of Chicago. Echoes, pp. 60-62. Chicago, 1891. 8°.) 8 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Chevalierj Michael. Society, manners, and politics in the United States ; being a series of letters on North America. Trans- lated from the third Paris edition. Boston: Weeks, Jordan and company^ 1839. iv^ 1^.67 pp. 8°. Movement of parties. — Bank question, pp. 55-68. Clark, Charles C. P. The " Machine " abolished and the people restored to power by the organization of all the people on the lines of party organization. New York d- London: O. P. Putnam's sons, WOO. {4), 196 pp. 12°. Clarkson, J. S. The politician and the Pharisee. (In Tlie North American review, vol. 152, May, 1891, pp. 613-623.) Cluskey, Michael W. ed. The political text-book, or Encyclopedia. . Containing everything necessary for the reference of the r politicians and statesmen of the United States. 12th ed. Philadelphia: J. B. Smith di CO., 1860. iv, 5-794 pp. S"''. Cooper, Thomas V., and Hector T. Fenton. American politics. (Non-partisan.) From the beginning to date. Embody- ing a history of all the political parties, with their views, and records on all important questions. New and rev. ed. Philadelphia: Fireside puhlishing company, 1883. xii, 1072 VV- J^°^ Curtis, Francis. The birth of the Republican party. (7;/, Munsey's magazine, vol. 30, Mar., 1904, pp. 801-808.) • The Republican party; a history of its fifty years' existence and a record of its measures and leaders, 1854r-1904:. With a foreword by President Roosevelt, and introduc- tions by William P. Frye . . . and J. G. Cannon. New York, London: G. P. Putnam'' s sons, 1904. ^ vols. Frontispieces. 8°. Curtis, George William. The Independent in politics. , (In Patton, Jacob Harris. The history and government of the ^ United States, vol. 4, pp. 275-278. New York, 1903. 8°.) Machine politics and the remedy. An address to the Inde- pendent RexDublicans, delivered in Chickering Hall, New York, May 20, 1880. (In his Orations and addresses, vol. 2, pp. 143-170. New York, 1894. 8°.) POLITICAL PARTIES IN THE UNITED STATES 9 Cutts, James Madison. A brief treatise upon constitutional and party questions, and the history of political parties, as I received it orally from the late Senator Stephen A. Douglas, of Illinois. New York: D. Appleton and company^ 1866. 221 pp. 8°. Dalling-er, Frederick William. Nominations for elective office in the United States. New York, London [etc.] : Longmans, Green and cc, 1897. xiv, 290 pp. 8°. {Harvard historical studies, vol. If) Bibliography: pp. 221-224. Davis, John McCan. The breaking of the deadlock; being an accurate and authentic account of the contest of 1903^ for the Republican nomination for governor of Illinois; in- cluding the story of the long and remarkable campaign, the proceedings of the state convention, May 12 to June 3, 1904, and much of the " inner happenings " of the dead- lock; with 181 illustrations . . . [Special limited ed.] Springfield, III., 1904. 441 pp. Frontispiece. Illustrations. Portraits. 8°. Democratic congressional committee, 1901-1903. Democratic cam- paign book, congressional election 1902 . . . Issued by authority of the Democratic congressional committee. Baltimore : The Sun hook and job printing office, 1902. 38 If pp. Illustrations. Diagrams. 8°. Desmond, Humphrey Joseph. The Know-Nothing party. A sketch. Washington: The New century press, 1905. 169 pp. 8°. Doehn, Rudolph. Die politischen Parteien in den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika. Leipzig: Verlag von Otto Wigand, 1868. xv, {1), 310, (/) pp. 12°. Dunning, N. A. ed. The Farmers' alliance history and agricultural digest. Written by a board of editors. Washington, D. C: The Alliance publishing company, 1891. via, (2) , 742 pp. Plates. Portraits. 8°. Eaton, Dorman B. The government of municipalities. New York: The Macmillan company, 1899. x, 498, I4, 14 pp. 8°. " The relation of political parties to Plome Rule and municipal administration," pp. 57-58 ; " Municipal government by party as illustrated by the Tammany Democracy," pp. 89-357. 15115—07 3 10 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Eaton, Dorm an B. Parties and independents. {In The North American review, vol. 144, June, 1887, pp. 549-564.) Errett, Russell. The Republican nominating conventions of 1856 and 1860. {In Magazine of western history, vol. 10, July, 1889, pp. 257-265; August, 1889, pp. 360-365.) Fairbanks, Charles W. American political policies. (In La Follette, Robert M. ed. The making of America, vol. 2, pp. 392-396. Chicago, 1906. 8°.) Fallows, Samuel. The American manual and patriot's handbook. Chicago: T. S. Denison, 1888. 423 pp. Frontispiece. Illustrations. Plates. Portrait. 8°. Fess, Simeon D. The history of political theory and party organi- zation in the United States. Dansville, N. Y.: WorWs events puhlisMng co.., [iP^7]. {6), 609 pp. 12°. Fiske, John. American political ideas viewed from the standpoint of universal history : New York: Harper <& brothers., 1885. 158 pp. 12°. Flower, Frank A. History of the Republican party, embracing its origin, growth, and mission. Springfield^ III.: Union publishing company., 1884. a^^'^S ^~ 623 pp. Portraits. 8°. Ford, Henry Jones. The rise and growth of American politics. A sketch of constitutional development. New York: The Macmillan company., 1898. viii, 409 pp. 12°. " Party organization," pp. 294-310 ; " Party subsistence," pp. 311-324 ; " Party efficiency," pp. 325-333. Fox, Dorus M. History of political parties, national reminiscen- ces, and the Tippecanoe movement. Des Moines: The author., 1895. 541 pp. Plates. Por- traits. 8°. Frederick, James Mack Henry, comp. National party platforms of the United States; presidential candidates; electoral and popular votes. Akron, 0.: [The Werner co.], 1896. 98, (2) pp. 8°. POLITICAL PARTIES IN THE UNITED STATES H Fulton, Chandos. The history of the Democratic party from Thomas Jefferson to Grover Cleveland. New York: P. F. Collier, 1892. 608 pp. Portraits, k" - Gannaway, John W. The development of party organization in Iowa. (/n Iowa journal of history and politics, vol. 1, Oct., 1^6, pp. 493-524.) Gibbs, George. Memoirs of the administrations of Washington and John Adams, edited from the papers of Oliver Wol- cott, secretary of the treasury. New York: Printed for the subscribers, 1846. 2 vols. Frontispieces. 8 ° . Giddings, Franklin Henry. The nature and conduct of political majorities. {hi Ms Democracy and empire, pp. 179-196. New York, 1900. 8°.) Gillet, Ransom H. Democracy in the United States. What it has done, what it is doing, and what it will do. New York: D. Appleton and company, 1868. xiv, l^lh pp. Portraits. 12°. Gladden, Washington. The use and abuse of parties. {In The Century magazine, vol. 28, June, 18S4, pp. 270-275.) Goodnow, Frank J. Political parties and city government under the proposed municipal program. (In National municipal league. Proceedings, fifth annual meeting, pp. 63-79. Philadelphia, 1899. 8°.) Reprinted in National municipal league. A municipal program, pp. 129-141. New. York, 1900. 8°. Politics and administration; a study in government. New York: The Macmillan company, 1900. xiii, (i), 270 pp. 12°. Gordy, John Pancoast. A history of political parties in the / United States. In four volumes. Vol. 1, 2. 2d ed. thor- V oughly rev. New York: Henry Holt and company, 1900-1902. 2 vols. 12°. With vol. 2 the title changes to "Political history of the United States; with special reference to the growth of political parties." 12 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Green, George Walton. The ethics of party loyalty. (In The Forum, vol. 20, Dec, 1895, pp. 419^28.) Hall, Benjamin F. The Kepublican party and its presidential candidates. New York and Auburn: Miller, Orton c& Mulligan, 1856. 512 pp. Portraits. 12°. Halstead, Murat. Caucuses of 1860. A history of the national political conventions of the current presidential cam- paign . . . Compiled from the correspondence of the Cincinnati commercial, written " On the circuit of the conventions," and the official reports. Columbus: Follett, Foster and CO., 1860. {If), 232 pp. 8°. Victorious republicanism and lives of the standard-bearers, McKinley and Roosevelt . . . with introduction by C. M. Depew, and special chapters by ... J. Sher- man, and . . . C. H. Grosvenor. [Chicago f] Republican national pub co., [1900]. 562 pp. Frontispiece. Plates. Portraits. 8°. Hammond, Jabez D. The history of political parties in the state of New York, from the ratification of the federal consti- tution to December, 1840. 4th ed., corrected and enlarged. Cooperstown: Published by H. c& E. Phinney, 181^6. 2 vols. 8°. Same. Vol. 3. Political history of the state of New York, from Jan. 1, 1841, to Jan. 1, 1847. Syracuse: L.W. Hall, 1852. 758 pp. Portraits. 8°. Harding, Samuel B. Party struggles over the first Pennsylvania constitution. {In American historical association. Annual report for the year 1894, pp. 371-402. Washington, 1895. 8°.) Hart, Albert Bushnell. Actual government as applied under American conditions. New York: Longmans, Green and co., 1903. xliv, 599 pp. Plates. Maps. 8°. {American citizen series.) " Select bibliography of American government," pp. xiii-xxxiv. " The party and the machine," pp. 86-112. Hartiijan, Charles S. Republican platform of 1900, proposed by . . . Chas. S. Hartman ... in the House of Representa- tives, April 12, 1898. Washingtojis [Government printing office], 1898. 16 pp. 8°. POLITICAL PARTIES IN THE UNITED STATES 13 Hastings, Hugh J. Ancient American politics. By Hugh J. Hastings. Edited and revised by his nephew, Hugh XT {vstriri ^s« New York: Harper <& Irothers, 11866-]. H6 pp. V- {Harper's Franklin square library, no. 543.) Haworth, Paul Leland. The Hayes-Tilden disputed .presidential election of 1876. . , Cleveland: The Burrows brothers company, 1906. xi, Jbo pp. 8°. Haynes, George H. The causes of Know-nothing success in Massa- chusetts. , o r».*- 1807 nn {1,1 The American historical review, vol. o, Oct., 1^3 i, PP. 67-82.) A Know-nothing legislature. (7», American historical association. Annual report for the year 1896, vol. 1, pp. 175-187. Washington, 1897. 8°.) Massachusetts legislature, 1855. Henry, William Elmer, comp. State platforms of the two domi- nant political parties in Indiana, 18dO-1900. Indianapolis: [Press of W. B. Burford], 1902. m pp. 8 . Privately printed. Hoar, George Frisbie. Party government in the United States. The importance of government by the Republican party. {In International monthly, vol. 2, Oct., 1900, pp. 418-436.) Hogan, John F. ed. The history of the National Republican League of the United States. IDetriot, Mich., 1898.-] J,39 pp. Illustrations. Portraits. Holmes, Arthur. Parties and their principles: A manual of polit- ical intelligence, exhibiting the origin, growth, and char- acter of national parties. New York: D. Appleton and company, 18o9. 394 pp- ^^ • Hopkins, James Herron. A history of political parties in the United States; being an account of the political parties ^ince the foundation of the government; together with a consideration of the conditions attending their formation and development, and with a reprint of the several party platforms. New York & London : G. P. Putnam? s sons, 1900. r, /,, 7 pp. 8°. 15115—07 1 14 LIBEARY OF CONGRESS Horton, E. G. The history of Tammany Society, or, Colmnbian order. {In Valentine, D. T. Manual of the corporation of the city of New York, 1865, pp. 849-879, New York, 1865, 12°.) Houghton, Walter R. History of American politics (non-parti- san), embracing a history of the federal government and of political parties in the Colonies and United States from 1607 to 1882. Indianapolis: F. T. Neely & co., 1883. a?, 550 pp. Plates {colored^ partly folded) . 8°. Ivins, William M. Machine politics and money in elections in New York city. New York: Harper di brothers, 1887. 150 pp. 12°. Cover-title. [Jameson, J. Franklin, comp.'] Proceedings, etc., of early party conventions. (In American historical review, vol. 1, July, 1896, pp. 760- 771.) Bibliography, 1795-1832. Jenkins, John S. History of political parties in the state of New York. 2d ed. Auburn: Published by Alden c& Parsons, 1849. 580 pp. 12°. Jernegan, Marcus Wilson. The Tammany societies of Rhode Island. Providence: Preston and Rounds, 1897. 39 pp. 8°. (Papers from the Histoncal seminary of Brown university, viii.) Johnston, Alexander. American political history, 1763-1876; ed. and supplemented by James Albert Woodburn. New York: E. Holt and company, {1907^. xviii, (1), ^37 pp. 16°. History of American politics. New York and London: G. P. Putnam^ s sons, 1905. 2 vols. 8°. "These volumes have been prepared to present in more con- venient form for present reference the series of articles on 'American political history,' contributed to Lalor's Cyclopae- dia of political science, political economy, and political his- tory by the late Professor Alexander Johnston." — Pref. Julian, George W. The first Republican national convention. (In The American historical review, vol. 4, Jan., 1899 pp 313- 322.) POLITICAL PAETIES IN THE UNITED STATES 15 Kanegsberg, Henry, ed. Addresses at the Eepublican National convention 1904, nominating for President, Hon. Theo- ' dore Eoosevelt, of New York; for Vice-President, Hon. Charles Warren Fairbanks, of Indiana. New York: Isaac H. Blanchard go., 190k. ^U VV- Por- traits. 8°. Kebbel, T. E. The spirit of party. (In The Nineteenth century, vol. 11, March, 1882, pp. 378-388.) Keith, Elbridge G. A paper on the national republican conven- tion of 1860, read ... at the University of Illinois, June 19, 1904. [Urhana, 1904.] 19 pp. 8°. {University of Illinois. Bul- letin. Vol. 1, no. 16.) Knox, Thomas W. The Eepublican party and its leaders; a his- tory of the party from its beginning to the present time. Men and measures that have controlled the country's des- tiny. Lives of Harrison and Eeid. New York: P. F. Collier, 1892. 608 pp. Portraits. 4°. Learnard, O. E. Organization of the Eepublican party. {In Kansas state historical society. Transactions, vol. 6, pp. 312-316. Topelia, 1900. 8°.) Lee, Francis Bagley. New Jersey as a colony and as a state. New York: The Publishing society of New Jersey, 1902. k vols. Frontispiece. Illustrations. Plates. Portraits. Maps. 8°. " The formation of political parties," vol. 3, pp. 23-41 ; " The new democracy," vol. 3, pp. 43-55 ; " Politics and the war of 1812," vol. 3, pp. 79-91 ; "A quarter century of politics," vol. 3, pp. 149-163 ; " Three decades of politics," vol. 3, pp. 375-400; "A state battle of ballots, 1862-1885," vol. 4, pp. 159-178; "A state battle of ballots, 1886-1902," vol. 4, pp. 179-202. Lee, John Hancock. The origin and progress of the American party in politics: embracing a complete history of the Philadelphia riots in May and July, 1844, with a full description of the great American procession of July fourth, and a refutation of the arguments founded on the charges of religious proscription and secret combinations. Philadelphia: Elliott <& Gihon, 1855. 26 4 pp. 12°. Levermore, Charles H. The Whigs of colonial New York. {In The American historical review, vol. 1, Jan. 1896, pp. 238- 250.) 16 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Livingstone, William. Livingstone's history of the Eepublican party. A history of the Eepublican party from its foundation to the close of the campaign of 1900, includ- ing incidents of Michigan campaigns and biographical sketches. Detroit^ Michigan: Wm. Limngstone^ [19001. 2 vols. Plate. Portraits. Ji.°. Lodge, Henry Cabot. Party allegiance. (In his Historical and political essays, pp. 198-213. Boston and New York, 1892. 12°.) Long, John Davis, ed. The Republican party: its history, princi- ples, and policies. New York: The M. 17. Hazen co., 1900. U7 pp. Plates. Portraits. 8°. j^ Contents. — Political parties : 1789 to 1856, John D. Long, pp. 11-35 ; Rise and progress of the Republican party, 1856-88, Edward McPherson, pp. 36-114; Public lands, L. E. Payson, pp. 115-123 ; Pensions, E. N. Morrill, pp. 124-143 ; Our fish- eries, William P. Frye, pp. 144^164; The American Na\'y, William C. Chandler, pp. 165-181; Our coast defenses, Joseph R. Hawley, pp. 182-206; The American merchant marine. Nelson Dingley, jr., pp. 207-218 ; Our foreign trade, Julius C. Burrows, pp. 219-230; Internal revenue, Green B. Raum, pp. 231-240 ; A protective tariff, William McKinley, pp. 241-256 ; Internal development, Benjamin Butterworth and F. D. Mussey, pp. 257-293 ; The civil service, Henry Cabot Lodge, pp. 294-306; The new south, John S. Wise, pp. 307-322 ; A fair vote and an honest count, John J. In- galls, pp 323-338 ; The future mission of the party, George F. Hoar, pp. 339-343 ; Rise and progress of the Republican party, 1884 to date, J. Harris Pattou, pp. 344-447. Lowell, A. Lawrence. The influence of party upon legislation in England and America. {In American historical association. Annual report for the year 1901, vol. 1, pp. 319-542. Diagrams. Washington, 1902. 8^) Les partis politiques aux Etats-Unis. {In Revue du droit public et de la science politique, vol. 9, Jan.-June, 1898, pp. 1-30, 193-214.) Lowell, James Russell. Literary and political addresses. Cambridge: Printed at the Riverside press^ 1890. 8°. {Writings, vol. 6.) " The place of the independent in politics, an address delivered before the Reform club of New York, at Steinway Hall, April 13, 1888," pp. 190-221. POLITICAL PARTIES IN THE UNITED STATES 17 Luetscher, George D. Early political machinery in the United States, Philadelphia, 1903. 160 pp. 8°. Deals primarily with the methods of nomination practiced up to 1825. McBain, Howard Lee. De Witt Clinton and the origin of the spoils system in New York. New York: The Columbia university press, 1907. 161 pp. 8°. {Columbia university. Faculty of political science. Studies in history, economics and public law.) McCarthy, Charles. The Antimasonic party: a study of political antimasonry in the United States, 1827-1840. (From the Annual report of the American historical association for 1902, vol. 1, pp. 365-574.) Washington: Government printing office, 1903. {2), 365- 574 pp. Illustrations. 8°. Bibliography: pp. 560-574. McClure, A. K. Our Presidents and how we make them. New York and London: Harper & brothers, 1900. ix, {3), 417, {1) pp. Portraits. 8°. McKee, Thomas Hudson. The national conventions and platforms of all parties, 1789-1901; convention, popular, and elec- toral vote. Also the political complexion of both Houses of Congress at each biennial period. 4th ed., revised & enlarged. Baltimore : The Friedemoald co., 1901. (6) , 381, (2) , 33 pp. Frontispiece. Portrait. 12°. The national conventions and platforms of all political par- ties, 1789 to 1904 ; convention, popular, and electoral vote. Also the political complexion of both houses of Congress at each biennial period. 5th ed., revised & enlarged. Baltimore, Md.; The Friedenwald co., 1901^. {6), 414, (2), 33 pp. 12°. McLean County historical society, Bloomington, III. Meeting of May 29, 1900, commemorative of the convention of May 29, 1856, that organized the Republican party in the state of Illinois; ed. by Ezra M. Prince. Bloomington: Pantagraph printing co., 1900. 184 VV- Frontispiece. Illustrations. Portraits. 8°. (McLean County historical society. Ti'ansactions . . . vol. Hi.) Running title: Anti-Nebraska Republican convention May 29, 1856. 18 LIBRABY OF CONGRESS McMaster, John Bach. American political parties, popularly ex- plained. I. The Federalists, AVhigs, and Republicans. (J II. The Native American (Know-nothing), Labor, and Democratic parties in the United States. {In Self culture, vol. 4, Dec, 1896, pp. 193-198; Feb., 1897, pp. 393^00.) A history of the people of the United States from the revolu- tion to the civil war. New York: D. Appleton cfi co., 1883-1906. 6 vols. Maps. 8°. r\ Vol. 6 comes down to 1842. ( The scope of these volumes includes political parties and party » activities. See index to each volume under party names. Chapter XLIII (vol. 5) is on " Socialistic and labor re- . forms" and in it attention is paid to the Free Enquirers, Workingmen's party, and the Antimasonic movement. McPherson, Edward. A hand book of politics for 1868 [-1894]. Washington: Philp c& Solomons, [etc.], 1868-1894-. 14 ^'ols. 8°. Published biennially. The political history of the United States of America during the great rebellion . . . 4th ed. Washington, D. G. : J. J. Chapman, 1882. viii, 653 pp. 8°. The political history of the United States of America during the period of reconstruction (from April 15, 1865, to July 15, 18T0) . . . 2d ed. Washington: Solomons (& Chapman, 1875. v, 6-648 pp. 8°. " This volume is a reprint of my Political manuals, issued in 1866, 1867, 1868, 1869, and 1870, with revision and corrections to date, and with some additions." — Pref. A political manual for 1866 [-1870]. Washington, D. C: Philp c& Solomons, 1866-1870. 5 vols. MacVeagh, Franklin. Party allegiance. {In Sunset Club of Chicago. Echoes, pp. 55-59. Chicago, 1891. 8°.) McVey, Frank Le Rond. The Populist movement. New York: Pub. for the American economic association hy the Macmillan company; London: S. Sonnenscliein <& go.. 1896. {2),[131]-W9 pp. 8°. (American eco7wmic asso- ciation. Economic studies, vol. 1, no. 3.) POLITICAL PAETIES IN THE UNITED STATES 19 Macy, Jesse. Party organization and machinery. New York: The Century CO., WOJf. xvii,W9 pp. i^°. {The American state series.) Political parties in the United States, 1846-1861. New York & London: The Macmillan co.., 1900. viii, (^), 333 pp. 12°. {The citizen'' s library of economics., politics., and sociology.) Bibliography : pp. 319-326. Meigs, William M. Pennsylvania politics early in this century. {In The Pennsylvania magazine of history and biography, vol. 17, Jan., 1894, pp. 462-490.) Meyer, Ernest Christopher. IS'ominating systems : direct primaries versus conventions in the United States. Madison., Wis.: Published by the author., 1902. xx., {2), 501 pp. 8°. Considers party organization in nominating conventions. Miller, James Martin, ed. Leaders and issues of the campaign of 1904, containing the biographies of all the presidential candidates . . . the great questions of the hour discussed by Joseph G. Cannon, Chauncey M. Depew . . . Champ Clark, and others. [Philadelphia, 1904.] 383, {1) pp. Plates. Portraits. 8°. At head of title : The official handbook for all voters. Moore, RoUand Bryant, comp. 1900 campaign manual; contain- ing the constitution of the United States, a review of the administrations from Washington to McKinley. New Britain, Conn.: R. B. Moore, [1900']. 179 pp. 16°. Morse, Anson D. Causes and consequences of the party revolution of 1800. {In American historical association. Annual report for the year 1894, pp. 531-539. Washington, 1895. 8°.) The place of party in the political system. {In American academy of political and social science. Annals, vol. 2, Nov.. 1891, pp. 12-20.) The politics of John Adams. {In The American historical review, vol. 4, Jan., 1899, pp. 292-312.) The significance of the Democratic party in American politics. {In The International monthly, vol. 2, Oct., 1900, p. 437-456.) 20 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Morse, Anson D. What is a party ? {In Political science quarterly, vol. 11, March, 1896, pp. 68-81.) Mowry, Arthur May. Tammany Hall and the Dorr rebellion. {In The American historical review, vol. 3, Jan., 1898, pp. 292-301.) MUnsterberg, Hugo. Die Amerikaner. Erste bis dritte Auflage. Berlin: Ernst Siegfried Mittler und jSohn, 1904. 2 vols. S°. .Vol. 1 : Das politische und veirtschaftliche Leben. Vol. 2 : Das geistige und soziale Leben. Die Parteien, vol. 1, pp. 92-130. The Americans . . . tr. by Edwin B. Holt. New York: McClure, Phillips c& co., 1904-. i-^), [im]-xiv. 619 pp. 8°. Political parties, pp. 35-62. Murdock, John S. The first National nominating convention. {In The American historical review, vol. 1, July, 1896, pp. 680-683.) Myers, Gustavus. The history of Tammany Hall. New York: The author, 1901. xxi, 357 pp. 12°. Wiles' weekly register, containing political, historical, geographical, scientifical, statistical, economical, and biographical docu- ments, essays, and facts ; together with notices of the arts and manufactures, and a record of the events of the times. Baltimore, [etc., 1811-49]. 76 vols. 8° and F°. General index to the first twelve volumes, or first series . . ,, being a period of six years: — from September, 1811, to September, 1817 — by which every article and fact noted, with most of the opinions or ideas advanced in this very extensive work, may be immediately referred to. Baltimore: Printed and pub. hy the editor, at the Frank- lin press, 1818. {2) , 232, 22 pp. 8°. [Ogden, John Cosins.] A view of the New-England illuminati: who are indefatigably engaged in destroying the religion and government of the United States: under a feigned regard for their safety — and under an impious abuse of true religion. Philadelphia: J. Carey, 1799. 20 pp. 12°. Ogden, Eollo. New powers of the national committee. {In The Atlantic monthly, vol. 89, Jan., 1902, pp. 76-81.) POLITICAL. PARTIES IN THE UNITED STATES 21 Origin of the Democratic convention. {In The American hitorical magazine and Tennessee historical society quarterly, vol. 7, July, 1902, pp. 267-273.) Ormsby, R. McKinley. A history of the Whig party, or some of its main features ; with a hurried glance at the formation of parties in the United States and the outlines of the history of the principal parties of the country to the pres- ent time, etc., etc. 2d ed. Boston: Croshy^ Nichols <& company, 1860. xvii, (1), 13- 377 pp. 12°. Orth, Samuel Peter. Five - American politicians ; a study in the evolution of American politics. I. Aaron Burr, father of the political machine. 11. De Witt Clinton, father of the spoils system. III. Martin Van Buren, nationalizer of the machine. V[!]. Henry Clay, master and victim of compromise and coalition. VI. Stephen A. Douglas, defender of state's rights and of nationalism. Cleveland : The Burrows brothers company, 1906. 4Ji7 pp. Portraits. 12°. Osgoodby, William Gardner, comp. The Republican national con- vention, 1904 ; with portraits of many of the distinguished members of the party, a concise history of the Republican party from its birth, extracts from its first and last plat- forms, convention speeches and other historical and polit- ical information. New York and Washington: Illustrated publishing com.pany of America, [1904-^. 272 pp. Frontispiece. Portraits. r. Ostrogorskii, Moisei lakovlevich. Democracy and the organiza- tion of political parties. Translated from the French by Frederick Clarke, With a preface by James Bryce. Neio York: The Macmillan company, 1902. 2 vols. 8°. The rise and fall of the nominating caucus, legislative and congressional. {In The American historical review, vol. 5, Jan., 1900, pp. 253- 283.) Partisan recognition of the independent voter. O {In The Century magazine, vol. 40, Oct., 1890, pp. 950-953.) Patten, Jacob Harris. The Democratic party: its political history and influence. New York: Fords, Howard <& Hulbert, 188^. J^, 31^9 pp. . 16°. (^American questions, vol. 1.) 7 /^ 22 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Patton, Jacob Harris. Political parties of the United States ; tlieir history and influence. New York: New Amsterdam hook co.^ 1896. ix, 387 pp. 12°. History of political parties. {In his The History and government of the United States, ^' vol. 4, pp. 367-409. New York, 1903. 8°.) Political parties in the United States; their history and in- fluence, from the adoption of the Constitution to the acces- sion of Theodore Roosevelt to the presidency, and the close r/" of the LVIIth congress, July 2, 1902. New and revised ^ ed. New York: New Amsterdam hook company^ 1902. ix, J^ll pp. 12°. Piatt, George Washington. A history of the Republican party. Cincinnati, 0.: G. J. Krehhiel & co., 1904.. {4)-, xi-xii, (i), 326 pp. Plates. Porti^aits. Facsimile. 8°. Raum, Green Berry. History of Illinois republicanism, embracing a history of the Republican party in the state to the pres- ent time . . . with biographies of its founders and sup- porters . . . also a chronological statement of important political events since 1774. Chicago: Rollins puhlishing co.., 1900. 815 pp. Portraits. Frontispiece. J^.°. ^ Reemelin, Charles. A critical review of American politics. Cincinnati: Rohert Clarke & co., 1881. xxiv, 630 pp. 8°. Remsen, Daniel S. Primarj^ elections; a study of methods for improving the basis of party organization. New York: G. P. Putnam's sons, 1894. 121 pp. 8°. (Ques- tions of the day, 77.) Republican club book, 1904. Pennsylvania ed. The story of the clubs . . . together with the story of the Republican party . . . comp. by Addison B. Burk. Philadelphia, Pa.: Dunlap printing company, [1904-]. 109, (3) pp. Portraits. 8°. Republican congressional committee, 1901-1903. Republican text book for the campaign of 1902; published by authority of the Republican congressional committee. Philadelphia, Pa.: Dunlap printing co., 1902. 380, iv pp. 12°. POLITICAL PAKTIES IN THE UNITED STATES 23 Republican national convention. The reconstruction epoch : 1868- Grant and Colfax. 1872— Grant and Wilson. 1876— Hayes and Wheeler. 1880 — Garfield and Arthur. Official proceedings of the National Republican conventions of 1868, 1872, 1876 and 1880. Reprinted by authority of the resolution of the Republican national convention of 1900, at Philadelphia. Minneapolis^ Minn.: C. W. Johnson^ 1903. 682 fp. 8°. Republican party of Porto Rico. Platform of the Porto Rican republican party, 1899. Constitucion del Partido republi- cano puertorriqueno, 1899. [^Puerto Rico:'] Printing of Boletin mercantil., 1899. (.^), 6 pp. 8°. English and Spanish. Richardson, Charles. Party government. <^ (In American academy of political and social science. Annals, vol. 2, Jan., 1892, pp. 51cS-521 ; Mar., 1892, pp. 653-665.) Root, Elihu. The record of the Republican party, 1901-1904. From the speech delivered by the Hon. Elihu Root, at Chicago, June 21, 1904. {In The American monthly review of revievFS, vol. 30, July, 1904, pp. 43^8.) Sargent, Nathan. Public men and events from the commencement of Mr. Monroe's administration, in 1817, to the close of Mr. Fillmore's administration, in 1853. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott <& co., 1875. % vols. 8°. Schmeckebier, Laurence -Frederick. History of the Know-nothing party in Maryland. Baltimore: The John HopkinyS press ^ 1899. 125 pp. 8°. {Johns Hopkins university studies in historical and polit- ical science, ser. xvii, nos. Jf-5.) Schmitt, Alfred C. Entstehiung der nation al-politischen Parteien in den Vereinigten Staaten von Nord-Amerika. Rosswein i. S.: Druch von A. Hauhold, 1902. 86, [2) pp. 8°. Schouler, James. Eighty years of union, being a short history of the United States, 1783-1865. New York: Dodd, Mead <& company, 1903. xiv, Jt.16 pp. 8°. Political parties, pp. 9, 11, 12, 36, 70, 79, 143, etc., etc. 24 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Scisco, Louis Dow. Political nativism in New York state. New York: Columbia university press ^ 1901. 259 pp. 8°. (Columbia university, New York. Faculty of political science. Studies in history, economics, and public law. vol. xiii, no. 2.) " Sources " : pp. 255-259. Seilhamer, George Overcash. History of the Republican party. New York: Judge publishing co., [1899?'\ 2 vols. Illus- trations. Portraits. F°. Contents. — v. 1. Narrative and critical hiistory, 1856-1898. Ttie creative period : 1. Genesis of the Republican party. 2. The campaign of 1856. 3. Development and growth of the party. 4. The second Republican convention. 5. The Lincoln and Hamlin campaign. Documentary history of the epoch. The war period : 1. Secession. 2. Republican lead- ers of 1861. 3. The war for the union. 4. The third Re- publican convention. 5. The Lincoln and Johnson campaign. Documentary history of the epoch. The period of recon- struction : 1. The thirteenth amendment. 2. Peace. 3. President Johnson's policy. 4. The Congress and the Presi- dent. 5. Impeachment. Documentary history of the epoch. The period of restoration : 1. The Grant and Colfax cam- paign. 2. The public credit. 3. Diplomatic relations of the United States. 4. The South — First decade after the war. 5. The Grant and Wilson campaign. 6. Six years of Congress. Documentary history of the epoch. The period of reaction : 1. Revolution in the House of Representatives. 2. The Hayes and Wheeler campaign. 3. The electoral count. 4. Administration of President Hayes. 5. The Garfield and Arthur campaign. Documentary history of the epoch. The period of aefeat and recovery : 1. The Republican feuds ot 1881-2. 2. President Arthur's administration. 3. The cam- paign of 1884. 4. President Cleveland's administration. 5. The campaign of 1888. Documentary history of the epoch. The period of discontent: 1. President Harrison's adminis- tration. 2. The campaign of 1892. 3. President Cleveland's second administration. 4. The campaign of 1896. 5. Open- ing of a new epoch. Documentary history of the epoch. V. 2. Biographical. Shaler, Nathaniel Southgate. The citizen; a study of the indivi- dual and the government. New York: A. S. Barnes and company, 190 Jf. viii, [2), 346 pp. 12°. " Citizenship and party allegiance," pp. 85-102. Shaw, Albert. Political problems of American development. New York: The Columbia university press, 1907. vii, 268 pp. 8°. {Columbia university lectures . . . George Blu- menthal foundation. 1907.) Pp. 145-165 contain " Party machinery and democratic ex- pression." POLITICAL PARTIES IN THE UNITED STATES 25 Shepard, Edward M. The relation of political parties to civil serv- ice reform. (In National civil service reform league. Proceedings, Balti- more, Md., Dec. 10 and 11, 1903, pp. 180-189. New York, 1903. 12°.) Smalley, Eugene V. A brief history of the Republican party from its organization to the presidential campaign of 1888. [3d ed.] New York : J. B. Alden, 1888. (4) , 156 pp. 12°. Smith, Joseph P. ed. History of the Eepublican party in Ohio. Chicago: The Lewis puUishing company, 1898. 2 vols. Portraits. It°. Smith, Theodore Clarke. The Liberty and Free soil parties in the Northwest. Toppan prize essay of 1896. New York, London, [etc.'] : Longmans, Green and co., 1897. Qsi, 351 pp. Maps. 8°. (Harvard historical studies, vol. 6.) Bibliography : pp. 309-317. Parties and slavery, 1850-1859. New York and London: Harper c& hr others, 1906. xvi, 31^1 pp. Frontispiece {portrait). Maps. 8°. {The Ameri- can nation: a history ... ed.hy A. B. Hart, vol. 18.) " Critical essay on authorities " : pp. 305-324. Smyth, Nathan A. Evolutions from radicalism to conservatism in the history of American political parties, {In Yale law journal, vol. 9, Oct., 1899, pp. 31-61.) Stanwood, Edward. A history of Presidential elections. 4th ed., rev. Boston and New York: Houghton, Mifflin and company, [1896]. {6), 533 pp. 12°. Contains numerous references to party platforms and history of political parties. A history of the Presidency. Boston and New York: Houghton, Mifflin and company, 1898. iv, {2), 586 pp. 8°. Contains incidental material on the origin and principles of political parties and their influence in Presidential cam- paigns. 26 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Stearns, Frank Preston. True republicanism: or The real and ideal in politics. Philadelphia and London: J. B. Lippincott company^ 190 Jt. 26 Jf pp. Frontispiece. 12°. Contents. — Rational republicanism. — Alexander Hamilton. — Abraham Lincoln. — The winter of 1861. — Southern recon- struction. — The ethics of war. — Appendix. Stickney, Albert. Organized democracy. Boston and New York: Houghton, Mifflin and company, 1906. {8), 268, {2) pp. 12°. Contents. — Machine politics ; Organized democracy ; The cost of machine politics ; The necessity of reorganization ; General considerations. The political problem. Neiv York: Harper & brothers, 1890. [6) , 189 pp. 8°. Contents. — Introductory. 1. The theory of our political sys- tem ; 2. The practical results ; 3. The changes needed ; Some general considerations. [Stickney, Charles.] Know-nothingism in Rhode Island. (In Rhode Island historical society. Studies in colonial his- tory, no. 1. Providence, 1894. 8°.) Also in Rhode Island historical society. Publications, 1893-94. New series, vol. 1, pp. 243-257. Stocking, AYilliam, ed. Under the oaks; commemorating the fifti- eth anniversary of the founding of the Republican part}', at Jackson, Michigan, July G, 1854; comprising a his- tory of the party in Michigan; the proceedings of the anniversary celebration, and portraits of leading Mich- igan Republicans. Detroit, Mich.: The Detroit tribune, 190 Jf. (6), [9]-336, via pp. Frontispiece. Hlustrations. Plates. Portraits. Sullivan, William. The public men of the revolution. Including events from the peace of 1783 to the peace of 1815. In a series of letters. With a biographical sketch of the au- thor, and additional notes and references by his son, John T. S. Sullivan. Philadelphia: Carey and Hart, 181^7. J^63 pp. Frontis- piece. 8°. A vindication of the Federal party, inspired by the published animadversions of Thomas Jefferson. POLITICAL PARTIES IN THE UNITED STATES 27 Thompson, Daniel Greenleaf. Politics in a democracy. An essay. Neiv York: Longmans^ Green and co.^ 1893. xiv, 176 fp. 12". Thompson, J. M. The Farmers' alliance in Nebraska. Something of its origin, growth, and influence. {In Nebraska State historical society. Proceedings and collec- tions, second series, vol. 5, pp. 199-206. Lincoln, 1902. 8°.) Thomson, A. M. A political history of Wisconsin. 2d ed. Milwaukee^ ^yis.: C. N. Caspar company^ 1902. 1^52 pp. Portraits. 4°- Townsend, Malcolm, comp. Handbook of the United States polit- ical history for readers and students. Boston: Lothroj)^ Lee <& Shepard co.^ ["19051. 11, 44^ VV- Illustrations. Maps. 8°. {Referenee index series.) Tuttle, Alonzo H. Limitations upon the power of the legislature to control political parties and their primaries. {In Michigan law review, vol. 1, March, 1903, pp. 466^95. > Tuttle, Herbert. The despotism of party. {In The Atlantic monthly, vol. 54, Sept., 1884, pp. 374^384.) Tyler, Lyon Gardiner. Parties and patronage in the United States, New York: G. P. Putnam's sons, 1891. m, (/), 133 pp. 12°. {Questions of the day, 68.) Van Buren, Martin. Inquiry into the origin and course of politi- K cal parties in the United States. New York: Hurd <& Houghton, 1867. ix, 436 pp. Por- trait. 8°. Vickers, George, The fall of bossism. A history of the Commit- tee of one hundred, and the reform movement in Phila- delphia and Pennsjdvania. Vol. 1. Philadelphia: From the press of A. C. Bi-yson, 1883. x, 232, xxxii pp. 12°. Ward, Elijah. Speeches on commercial, financial, and other subjects. New York: G. W. Garleton & co., 1877. 320 pp. Portrait. 8°. " Nationality of the Democratic party and its importance to the Union. House of Representatives, March 31, 1858," pp. 236-255, / x/ 28 LIBKARY OF CONGRESS Watkins, Albert. The failure of the two-party system. {In The Forum, vol. 31, Aug., 1901, pp. 643-653.) Wheeler, Edward J. The national Prohibition party and its can- didates. {In The American monthly review of reviews, vol. 22, Sept., 1900, pp. 327-332.) The Whig almanac, and United States register for 1838, 1841, 1843-1855. New York: H. Greeley, \etc.\ 1838-55. U vols. 12°. Title varies : 1838, Tiie Whig almanac and politician's register. 1839-1841, The politician's register. 184.3-18.55, The "Whig almanac and United States register. Continued as the Tribune almanac. 1844, a supplement issued with title : The Politician's register, being a supplement to the Whig almanac for 1844. Williams, Albert. The Republican party. — The true history of its birth. {In Michigan Pioneer and historical society. Historical collec- tions, vol. 28, pp. 478-481. Lansing, 1900. 8°.) Williams, Talcott. Party government in the United States. {In Lalor, J. J. ed. Cyclopaedia of political science, political economy, and of the political history of the United States, vol. 3, pp. 112-122. New York, 1899. S°.) Wilson, "William L. The national Democratic party: its history, principles, achievements, and aims. Baltimore: H. L. Harvey & co.., {1888']. 639 pp. Frontis- piece. Portraits. 8°. Contains also " Special treatment of the position of the party in the living issues of to-day," by J. G. Carlisle, Jefferson Chandler, and others. Wilson, Woodrow, i. c. Thomas Woodrow. Congressional govern- ment; a study in American politics ... 2d ed. Boston., New York: Houghton, Mifjfin and company, 1886. ri, (2), 333 pp. 12°. Woodburn, James Albert. Political parties and party problems in the United States. A sketch of American party history \^ and of the develoi:)ment and operations of party machi- nery, together with a consideration of certain party prob- lems in their relations to political morality. New York and London: G. P. Putnam? s sons, 1903. ix, (1), 3U VV- <5°. POLITICAL PARTIES IN THE UNITED STATES 29 Contents.— 1. Political parties before the Constitution ; 2. Tbe Hamiltonian federalists and the JefCersonian republicans; 3. The period of personal politics; 4. The Whigs and the Jacksouiau Democrats; 5. The Abolitionists and the Liberty party ; G. The Free-soilers ; 7. The early Republicans ; S. Re- cent party history ; 9^Jdiuor_parties; 10. The composition of the National convention ; H. The rise of the convention sys- tem ; 12. The National convention of to-day; 13. The con- duct of the campaign; 14. Our political morality; 15. An honest ballot ; 16. Rings and bosses ; 17. The spoils system ; 18. Party assessments; 19. The Gerrymander; 20. Primary election reform ; 21. Independence and party loyalty. Woolsey, Theodore Dwight. Political science; or, The State theo- retically and practically considered. New York: Scrihner, Armstrong c& company, 1878. 2 vols. 8°. " Political parties," vol. 2, pp. 542-567. o 11281 9 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. DIKHARSE- FEB24" Rl Form L9-30w-4,'61(B8994s4)444 3 1158 00205 3220 UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRj D 001 050 80;