T C 603 -NRLF EXCHANGE MAY 18 PUBLIC LIBRARY OF \H\V SOUTH WALKS. LIST OF REFERENCES TO [PUBLICATIONS RELATING TO IRRIGATION IN THK PUBLIC LIBRARY OF NEW SOUTH WALES. COMPILED BY GEORGE HARTWELL GIFFORD 'RE PARED UNDER THE DIRECTION OF THE PRINCIPAL LIBRARIAN SYDNEY : WILLIAM APPLEOATE OULLICK, GOVERNMENT PRINTER 51903 A PUBLIC LIBRARY OF NEW SOUTH WALES. LIST OF REFERENCES TO PUBLICATIONS RELATING TO IRRIGATION IN THE PUBLIC LIBRARY OF NEW SOUTH WALES. COMPILED BY GEORGE HARTWELL GIFFORD. PREPARED UNDER THE DIRECTION OF THE PRINCIPAL LIBRARIAN SYDNEY : WILLIAM APPLEGATE GULLICK, GOVERNMENT PRINTER. 51908 A o U INTRODUCTION. This Finding List was compiled somewhat hurriedly for official purposes. Although by no means complete, care has been taken to include in it as many references as possible to irrigation in Australia. In this direction it should prove valuable, not only locally, but also in all countries where irrigation is extensively practised. This is the first printed finding list issued by the Public Library of New South Wales, and it is intended to continue the publication of such lists, especially on Australian subjects and conditions, as occasion may warrant. The student in these States is severely handicapped by the absence of such bibliographical aids. It is easier to inform him of books and articles published in England and the United States than to discover the information on any subject of specially Australian interest. It is hoped, therefore, that other Australian Libraries and [earned Societies will co-operate in removing this difficulty by issuing lists similar to those it is proposed to publish from this Library, including its collection of Australiana in the Mitchell Library. W. H. IFOULD, PRINCIPAL LIBRARIAN. 285979 LIST OF REFERENCES TO PUBLICATIONS RELATING TO IRRIGATION. ABBOTT, W. E. Water Supply in the interior of New South Wales. (Roy. Soc. of N.S.W., Jour., v. 18, 1884, pp. 85-111.) E ACHESOX, F. Essay on the Collection and Storage of Water in Victoria, pp. 49. map. 8vo. Melb., 1861. (Viet. Govt. Prize Essays, 1860.) MJ 2 P 10 ADAMS, F. Delivery of Water to Irrigators. pp. 99. 8vo. Washington, 1910. (U.S. Office of Exper. Stat. Bull. 229.) E Second Progress Report of Co-operative Irriga- tion Investigations in California. pp. 39. 8vo. Washington, 1911. (U.S. Office of Exper. Stat., Cir. 108.) E ADAMS, G. I. Geology and Water Resources of the Patrick and Goshen Hole Quadrangles in Eastern Wyoming and Western Nebraska. 8vo. Washington, 1902. (U.S. Geol. Surv. Water Supply and Irri- gation Papers, 70.) E AIIREXS, W. Irrigation in the Soudan. (Cassier's Mag., r. 42, 1912, pp. 431-438.) E ALLEX. P. The Drought Antidote for the North-west. - Univ. Eny. Soc., Jour., v. 11, 1906.) E ALLEX, P. R. Periyar Tunnel. (Inst. Cir. Eng., Min. of Proc., v. 128, 1897, pp. 164-205.) E ALLEX, W. J. Irrigation [at Pera Bore]. (Agric. Gaz. of y.S.W., v. 14, 1903, pp. 1143-1148.) E Growing Fodder Crops under Irrigation (Pera Bore). (Agric. Gaz. of N.S.W., 1-. 19, 1908, pp. 17- 23.) E - Fruit Growing under Irrigation. (Agric. Gaz. of X.S.W., v. 10, 1900, pp. 1268-1274.) E Irrigation. (Agric. Gaz. of N.S.W., v. 14, 1903, pp. 538-545.) , E 51C93 B 2 ALLEN, W. J. continued. Irrigation. (Agric. Gaz. of N.S.W., v. 17, 1906, pp. 1-13.) Irrigation. (Agric. Gaz. of N.S.W., v. 18, 1907, pp. 14-25.) Yanco Irrigation Farm. (Agric. Gaz. of N.S.W., v. 19, 1908, pp. 927-937.) AMERICAN SOCIETY OF CIVIL ENGINEERS. Report of Committee on the Cause of the Failure of the South Fork Dam. [Plates and maps.] (Amer. Soc. Civ. Eng., Trans., v. 24, 1891, pp. 431-469.) E AMOUNT of Water Needed for Irrigation. (Queen. Agric. Jour., v. 11, 1902, pp. 239-241.) ANDERSON, G. G., and Others. Irrigation : an informal discussion at the Annual Convention, 1908 ; by G. G. Anderson, F. H. Newell, J. P. A. Maigren, and -A. L. Fellows. (Amer. Soc. Civ. Eng., Proc., v. 34, 1908, pp. 689-709.) E ANDERSON, R. L. Irrigation and Drainage. (Foaden and Fletcher's Text-book of Egyptian Agric., v. 1, 1908, pp. 150-185.) 630-76 ASHHURST, F. H. Reconstruction of the Bhim Tal Dam, Kumaon, North-west Provinces, India. (Inst. Civ. Eng., Proc., v. 75, 1884, pp. 202-210.) E ATKINSON, T. R. Irrigation in North Dakota, pp. 39, Svo. Washington, 1909. (U.S. Office of Exper. Stat. Bull, 219.) E BABB, C. C. Hydrography of the Potomac Basin. (Amer. Soc. Civ. Eng., Trans., v. 27, 1891, pp. 21- 38.) E Rainfall and River-flow. (Amer. Soc. Civ. Eng., Trans., v. 28, 1893, pp. 323-347.) E BAKER, B. River Nile. (Inst. Civ. Eng., Nin. of Proc., v. 60, 1880, pp. 367-379.) E BAKEWELL, J. W. Report on Irrigation in India. (S .Aust. Parl, Proc., 1903, v. 3, Rept. of Waterworks Comm., pp. 108-111.) E BALDWIN, A. Practical Irrigation. (Third Conven- tion of the Viet. Chamber of Agriculture. (Viet. Jour. Dept. of Agric., v. 3, 1905, pp. 514-517.) E BARK, D. H. Irrigation in Kansas, pp. 28. Svo. Washington, 1909. (U.S. Office of Exper. Stat. Bull 211.) E BARRACLOrGn. S. IT., and STRICKLAND, T. P. Experimental Investigation of tho Flow of Wat-r in Uniform Channels., (Roy. $oc. A'.N.U'., Jour, of Proc., r. 31, 1897, pp. 356-376.) E HKACII, ('. W., and PRESTON, P. J. Irrigation in Colorado, pp. 48. 8vo. Washington, 1910. (U.S. Office of Exper. Stat. Bull. 218.) E BELL, W. F. Irrigation for Farmers and Engineers. 8vo. Melb., 1890. MA 1 V 63 BENGAL. Papers relative to the Sone Canals, 1867-86. fol. Calcutta, 1890. A 20 R 8f Report of the Special Committee, appointed to examine the project of the Ganges Canal. pp. 21. maps and plans, fol. Calcutta, 1845. (India, Canal Reports.) , E Revenue Report of the Public Works Depart- ment: Irrigation Branch, 1889-90. fol. Calcutta. 1891. E BENSON, J. J. B. The Irrigation-weir across the Bhadar River Kathiawar. (Inst. of Civ. Eng., Proc., v. 153, 1903, pp. 129-141.) E BLANCHARD, C. J. National Reclamation of Arid Lands. (Smith Inst., Rept., 1906, pp. 469-492.) E BLIGH, W. G. Practical Design of Irrigation Works. 111. Roy. 8vo. Lond., 1907. Q626-9 BOMBAY. Report on the Administration of the Bombay Presidency. 1872-99, 1901-2, 1904-5. 27 vols. 8vo. and fol. Bombay, 1873-1905. E BOND, F., and KEENEY, G. H. Irrigation of Rice in the U.S. 8vo. Washington, 1902. (U.S. Office of Exper Stat. Bull 113.) E, BOOTH, R. B. The Rajkot Waterworks, Bombay. (Inst. of Civ. Eng., Proc., v. 119, 1905, pp. 264-270.) E BOULTBEE, J. W. Report on Artesian Boring, and Irrigation in America, pp. 53. fol. Sydney, 1902. (N.S.W.. Parl. V. and P., 1902, v. 2.) E BOWIE, A. J. Irrigation in the North Atlantic States, pp. 50. 8vo. Washington, 1906. (U.S. Office of Exper. Stat. Bull. 167.) E Practical Irrigation: its value and cost. HI. 8vo. New York, 1908. 631-36 BOYD, A. J. Farming by Irrigation at Barcaldine. (Queens. Agric. Jour., v. 12, 1903, pp. 161-172.) E BRETT, E. E. Irrigation in connection with Natural Wealth as exhibited by the means of one of its pro- ducts. (Roy. Geog. Soc. Aust., N.SMt.. Br. } Trans., v. 3, 4, 1886, pp. 189-198.) BROUGH, C. H. Irrigation in Utah. pp. XT, 212. 8vo. Baltimore, 1898. (Johns Hopkins Univ. Studies, ex. v. 19.) B 18 T 19 BROWN, C. F. Drainage of Irrigated Lands, pp. 52. 8vo. Washington, 1909. ( U.S. Dept. of Agric Farmers' Bull., 371.) E BROWN, SIR H. Irrigation in Egypt under British direction. (Jour, of Soc. of Arts, v. 66, 1908, pp. 415- 428.) E Irrigation: its Principles and Practice as a Branch of Engineering. Illust. 8vo. Lond., 1907. 626-3 BRYANT, O. W. Progress Report on Experiments in Supplemental Irrigation with small water supplies at Cheyenne and Newcastle, Wyoming, 1905-1908. pp. 51. 8vo. Washington, 1910. (U.S. Office of Exper. Stat. Cir. 92.) E BUCKLEY, R. B. Facts, Figures and Formulas for Irri- gation Engineers. Imp. 8vo. Lond., 1908. Q 626-10 Irrigation Works in India arid Esrypt. R. 8vo. Lond., 1893. A 22 V 15 Irrigation W T orks of India and their Financial Results. 8vo. Lond., 1880. F 10 R 20 BUFFUM, B. C. Irrigation and duty of Water. 8vo. Laramie, 1892. (Wyoming Exp. Stat. Bull. 8, 1892.) E BYRNE, H. Irrigation in Ceylon. (Inst. of Civ. Eng., Proc. } v. 57, 1879, pp. 231-238.) E CANADA. General Report on Irrigation and Canadian Irrigation Surveys. 1894-96. 8vo. Ottawa, 1895-98. E Ottawa River Storage: Progress Report, 1909-10. pp. 348. Illust. R. 8vo. Ottawa, 1911. (Canada Parl., Sess. Papers, 1911, v. 11.) E CAPE OF GOOD HOPE. Report of Irrigation Commis- sion, 1883. fol. Cape Town, 1883. (C.G.H. Parl., V. and P., 1883, app. 1, v. 2.) Report of Select Committee on Irrigation, fol. Cape Town, 1892. (C.G.H. Parl, V. and P., 1892, v app. 2.) E CAPE OF GOOD HOPE continued. Report of Thebus Irrigation Commission, 1899. fol. Cape Town, 1899. (C.G.H. Parl, V. and P., 1*99, app. 1, v. 2). E Reports of Steynsberg Irrigation Commission, 1897. fol. Cape Town, 1897. (C.G.H. Parl., V. and P., 1897, app. 1, r. 1.) CARMAN, E. A. [Report on Irrigation and Land Recla- mation within the United States.] (Viet. Parl. Papers, 1885. v. 2. Roy. Comm. on Water Supply, app. to First Progress Rept., pp. 79-88.) E CARPENTER, L. G. The Artesian Wells of Colorado, and their relation to Irrigation, pp. 28. 8vo. Fort Collins, 1891. (Col. Agric. Exper. Stat. Bull. 16.) E On the Measurement and Division of Water, pp. 42. Svo. Fort. Collins, Col., 1894. (Co?. Agric. Exper. Stat. Bull. 27.) A 38 R 5 - Seepage or Return Waters from Irrigation, pp. 63. SYO. Fort Collins, Col., 1896. (Col. Agric. Exper. Stat. Bull. 33.) A 38 R 5 CASTELLA, F. DE. Irrigation in Eastern Spain. (Jour. Dept. of Agric. Viet., v. 7, 1909, pp. 176-189.) E CAUTLEY, SIR P. T. Notes and Memoranda on the Eastern Jumna, or Doab Canal, North- Western Pro- vinces, pp. 161. maps and plans, fol. Calcutta, 1845. (India, Canal Reports.) E Notes and Memoranda on ihe Watercourses of the Deyra Dooii, North- We? tern Provinces, pp. 40. fol. Calcutta, 1845. A 11 W 5f [Another copy.] (India, Canal Reports.) E Plans and Maps to Illustrate the Report on the Ganges Canal. fol. Lond., 1846. (India, Canal Reports.) E Report, Ganges Canal from Kunkhul to Roorkee. pp. 27. [With two appendices, pp. 14, and 7.] fol. Allahabad, 1840. (India, Canal Reports.) E Report on the Central Doab Canal, pp. vi. fol. Allahabad, 1840. (India, Canal Reports.) E Report on the Ganges Canal from Hurdwar to Cawnpore and Allahabad. pp. 125 [and Estimates, pp. 86.] fol. Calcutta, 1845. (India, Canal Reports.) E Report on the Ganges Canal, prolongation down the Doab. pp. 23 [with three appendices]. fol. Allahabad, 1840. (India, Canal Reports.) ' E CAUTLEY, SIR P. T. continued. Report 011 the Ganges Canal from their com- mencement until the opening of the Canal in 1854. 2 vols. 8vo. Lond., 1860. A 22 S 30,31 CHITTENDEN, H. M. Reservoir System of the Great Lakes of St. Lawrence Basin, with a Mathematical Analysis of the Influence of Reservoirs upon Stream Flow. (Amer. Soc. Civ. Eng., Proc., i\ 24, 1898, pp. 526-598.) E CHOMLEY, F. G. Irrigation: a few hints on the pre- paration of the Land, and the practical application of Water. (Agric. Gaz. of N.S.W., v. 16, 1905, pp. 1003- 1010.) CHRISTY, F. C. Water Supply and Irrigation. (Roy. Soc. of Viet., Trans., v. 6, 1861-64, pp. 104-106.) E CLAPP, W. B. The Surface Water Supply of California, 1906. pp. 219. 8vo. Washington, 1907. (U.S. Geol. Sur. Water Supply and Irrigation, Paper 213.) E CLEMENTS, W. C. Essay on the supply of Water to the interior of the Australasian Colonies. (Agric. Soc. N.S.W., Jour., 3rd series, 1876, pp. 367-394.) E CLEVELAND, T., Junr. A Primer of Conservation. pp. 24. 8vo. Washington, 1908. (U.S. Agric. Dept. Forest Service Cir. 157.) E COGLAN, T. A. The Possibilities and Prospects of Irri- gation in Australia. (Roy. Col. Inst.. Jour., v. 39, 1907-8, pp. 298-327.) E COLLINS, M. R. Irrigation in the Transvaal. (Inst. of Civ. Eng., Proc., v. 165, 1906, pp. 265-281.) E COLORADO. Report of the State Engineer for 1897-98. 8vo. Denver, 1899. E CONE, V. M. Irrigation in the San Joaquin Valley, California, pp. 62. 8vo. Washington, 1911. {U.S. Office of Exper. Stat. Bull. 239.) E CONLEY, J. D. The Artesian Wells of Southern Wyoming, pp. 34. 8vo. Laramie, 1894. ( Wyoming Exper. Stat. Bull. 20.) A 38 R 5 CONNOR, J. M. B. Pioneer Maize Crop in Wimmera. (Jour. Dept. Agric., Viet., v. 8, 1910, pp. 299-302.) E COTTON, SIR A. T. His Life and Work ; by his daughter, Lady Hope. pp. 579. 8vo. Lond., 1900. C 25 T 19 i'TOX. SIK A. T. continued. - Irrigation in Ta-numui. (Tas. Jour, of Xnf. Science, v. 1, 1841, pp. 81-93.) MA5R4 COTTON, H. C. Irrigation, Reports and Estimates, fol. Hobart, 1879. (Tas. Leg. Coun., Jour., v. 28, 1879- M>. E - Irrigation, Report and Estimate, fol. Hobart, 1886. (Tas. Parl., Jour., v. 9, 1886.) E - Irrigation, Reports with Estimates. (Tas. Ley. Coun., Jour., v. 5, 1860.) E COX, W. G. Artesian Wells as a means of Water Supply. 8vo. Brisbane, 1895. MA 3 S 65 - Irrigation and Land Drainage. (Agric. Gaz. of N.S.W., v. 15, 1904, pp. 723-732.) E CRAWFORD, J. C. On Irrigation as applied to the growth of Xew Zealand Flax. (N.Z. Inst., Trans., v. 2, 1869, pp. 129-131.) E CULCHETH, W. W. Irrigation Works in Australia, how they may be made remunerative. (Aust. Ass. for Adv. of ScL, Report, 1890, pp. 728-729.) E - Quantity of Water consumed in Irrigation. (Roy. Soc. of Viet., Trans., v. 19, 1882, pp. 25-48.) E CrX"XIXGHAM, P. Hints for Australian Emigrants, with engravings and explanatory descriptions of the water-raising wheels and modes of Irrigating land in Egypt, Syria, South America, &c. Lond., 1841. MA 1 P 34 CZARLIXSKI, V. Report on the district between the Lachlan, Bogan, and Darling Rivers. (N.S.W. Roy. Comm., Conservation of Water, app. to third Report, pp. 17-27.) MAlOP33f DARTOX, X. H. Xew developments in Well-boring and Irrigation in Eastern South Dakota, 1896. (U.S. Geol. Sur., Report, 1896-7, pt. 4, pp. 561-615.) E Preliminary Description of the Geology and Water Resources of the southern half of the Black Hills and adjoining regions in South Dakota and Wyoming. (U.S. Geol Sur., Kept., 1899-1900, pt. 4, pp. 489-599.) E - Preliminary Report on Artesian Waters of a portion of the Dakotas. (U.S. Geol. Sur.. liept., 1895- 6, v. 4, pt. 2, pp. 603-694.) E DARVALL, A. E. Irrigation of Crops with Artesian Water at Moree Experiment Farm. (Agric. Gaz. of N.8.W., v. 21, 1910, pp. 165-172.) E Moree Irrigation Farm. (Opened Sept., 1899, dosed May, 1910.) (Agric. Gaz. of N.S.W., v. 21, 1910, pp. 802-809.) E DAVIS, A. P. Water Storage on Salt River, Arizona. 8vo. Washington, 1903. (U.S. Geol Surv. Water Supply and Irrigation Paper 73.) E DAVIS, J. History of Water Conservation and Irriga- tion in New South Wales. (N.S.W. Parl. Papers, 1906, v. 5. Report relating to the proposed Barren Jack Storage Reservoir, pp. 1-13.) E [Reports on Irrigation in Ceylon, Egypt, and India.] (N.S.W. Parl. Papers, 1906, v. 5. Report relating to the proposed Barren Jack Storage Reser- voir, pp. 414-422.) E DEAKIN, A. Irrigated India: an Australian view of India and Ceylon: their Irrigation and Agriculture. 8vo. Lond., 1893. MA 1 R 40 Irrigation in Australia. (Year Book of Aust., 1892, pp. 81-96.) E Irrigation in Western America so far as it has relation to the circumstances of Victoria. Roy. Comm. on Water Supply: First Progress Report. (Viet. Parl. Papers, 1885, v. 2.) E Report on some of the Engineering Features of American Irrigation. Roy. Comm. on Water Supply : Further Progress Report. (Viet. Parl. Papers, 1885, v. 2.) E Water Supply and Irrigation, pp. 65. Svo. Melb., 1886. MA 3 T 14 DE BURGH, E. M. The Practical Work of Starting a Great Engineering Enterprise [Barren Jack Reser- voir]. (Syd. Univ. Eng. Soc., Jour., v. 13, 1908, pp. 29-46.) E DELHI. Report on projected Canals in the Delhi terri- tory, pp. 130. maps. fol. Allahabad, 1842. A 11 W 5f DENISON, SIR W- T. Construction of Dams with a view to Irrigation. (Roy. Soc. of Tas., Papers. 1 . 1848-51, pp. 257-264.) DEKKY, J. D. Report on some of the Engineering Features of American Irrigation. maps. (Viet. Parl. Papers, 1885, v. 2. Roy. Comm. on Water Supply. Further Progress Report.") E DESIGN and Construction of Oakley Dam. (Eng. Rec., v. 67, 1913, pp. 32-34.) E DESPEISSIS, A. Irrigation on the Upper Swan. (W.A. Jour. Department of Agric., v. 11, 1905, pp. 215-218.) E DINGELSTEDT, V. Irrigation, Natural and Artificial, in Samarkand and Bokhara. (Scot. Geog. Mag., v. 4, 1888, pp. 642-654.) E DIXON, W. A. On Artesian Water in connection with Irrigation. (Roy. Soc. of N.S.W., Jour., v. 27, 1893, pp. 466-468.) E DONKIN, J. B. Report on the proposal to divert Water from the Snowy River into the Murrumbidgee and Lake George. (Roy. Comm. Conservation of Water, 1885-87, app. to third report.) MA 10 P 35f DURAND, LIEUT. II. M. Reports and Surveys regarding the Drainage of the Nujjufgurh Jheel, near Delhi, and of the adjacent tract of country in Zillah Goor- gaon. pp. 53. maps. fol. Bengal, 1838. A 11 W 5f ELLIOTT, M. Irrigation and Irrigation Works of Egypt. (Viet. Inst. of Eng., Trans., v. 5, 1904, pp. 152-172, v. 6, 1905, pp. 21-26.) E FAHEY, C. S. The River Indus as a source of supply for Irrigation-Canals in Sind. (Inst. of Civ. Eng., Proc., v. 71, 1882, pp. 279-297.) E FAILYER, G. H. Management of Soils to Conserve Moisture, with special reference to Semiarid Condi- tions, 8vo. Washington, 1906. (U.S. Dept. of Agri. Farmers' Bull. 266.) E FELLOWS, A. L. Water Resources of the State of Colo- rado. 8vo. Washington, 1902. (U.S. Geol. Surv. Water Supply and Irrigation Paper 74.) E FIELD, J. E. Irrigation from Big Thompson River. 8vo. Washington, 1907. (U.S. Office of Exper Stat. Bull. 118.) E FITZMAURICE. M. The Nile Reservoir, Assuan. (Inst. Civ. Eng., Proc,. v. 152, 1903, pp. 71-107.) E 51U03 c FLEMING, B. P. Duty of Water, pp. 20. Svo. Lar- amie, 1905. (Wyoming Exper. Stat. Bull 67.) E Seepage Investigations in the Valley of the Laramie River. pp. 32. Svo. Laramie, 1904. (Wyoming Exper. Stat. Bull 61.) E FLYNN, P. J. Irrigation Canals and other Irrigation Works. Roy. Svo. San Francisco, 1892. A 22 V 24 FOLLETT, W. W., and Others. Irrigation : an informal discussion at the Annual Conference, 190S; by W. W. Follett, G. S. Williams, and F. C. Finkler. (Amer. Soc. Civ. Eng., Proc., v. 34, 1908, pp. 1017-1035.) E FOLWELL, A. P. Water Supply Engineering: Design- ing, Construction and Maintenance of Water-Supply Systems, both City and Irrigation. Svo. New York, 1900. A 38 S 24 FORBES, R. H. Irrigation in Arizona, pp. 83. Svo. Washington, 1911. (U.S. Office of Exper. Stat. Bull 235.) E FORTIER, S. Carrying Capacities of Irrigation Canals. pp. 55. .Svo. Logan, 1900. (Utah Agric. Coll. Ex- per. Stat. Bull. 71.) E Earthen Dams. pp. 56. Svo. Logan, 1896. (Utah Agric. Coll Exper. Stat. Bull. 46.) A 38 R 5 Evaporation Losses in Irrigation and Water Re- quirements of Crops, pp. 64. Svo. Washington, 1907. (U.8. Office of Exper. Stat. Bull 177.) E Irrigation in. Montana, pp. 108. Svo. Washing- ton, 1906. (U.S. Office of Exper. Stat. Bull 172.) E Irrigation in the Sacramento Valley, California, pp. 99. map. Svo. Washington, 1909. (U.S. Office of Exper. Stat. Bull 207.) E Irrigation of Alfalfa, pp. 48. Svo. Washington, 1909. (U.S. Dept. of Agric. Farmers Bull 373.) E Irrigation of Orchards, pp. 36. Svo. Washing- ton. 1910. (U.S. Dept. of Agric. Farmers Bull 404.) E Practical Information for Beginners in Irriga- tion, pp. 40. Svo. Washington, 1906. (U.S. Dept. of Agric. Farmers' Bull 263.) E Preliminary Report on Seepage Water and the Underflow of Rivers, pp. 35. Svo. Salt Lake, 1895. (Utah Agric. Coll Exper. Stat. Bull 38.) A 38 R 5 11 FORTIER, S., and COXE, V. M. Drainage of Irrigated Lands in the San Joaquin Valley, California, pp. 58. 8vo., Washington, 1909. (U.S. Office of Exper. Stat. Bull. 217.) E FOWLER, C. E. Irrigation Surveying in California. (Eng. Mac/., u. y. 1895, pp. 4->l-444.) FOX, W. Irrigation in Southern California, with special reference to the Artesian Wells in San Ber- nardino Country. (Inst. of Civ. Eng., Proc., v. 105, 1890-1, pp. 238-248.) E FRAXKLIX, F. A. The Ganges Canal, Upper India. (Eng. Ass. of N.S.W., Proc., v. 7, 1892, pp. 163-180.) E FRY. W. R. Artesian Irrigation. (Agric. Gaz. of .U'.. c. IT, 1906, pp. 581-588, 683-695, 780-789.) E Small Irrigation Areas. (Agric. Gaz. of N.S.W., v. 19, 1908, pp. 291-295.) E FULLER, P. E. The use of Windmills in Irrigation in the Semiarid West. pp. 44. 8vo. Washington, 1910. (U.S. Dept. of Agric. Farmers' Butt. 394.) E , J. G. Water-Supply in the Cape Colony. (Inst. of Civ. Eng., Proc., v. 90, 1887, pp. 255-294.) E <;ATEXBY. X. A. Irrigation. (Past. Rev., v. 18, 1908-9, Special Roy. Show Supp., pp. 33-34.) E GIPPS, F. B. Importance of a comprehensive scheme of Water Storage and Canalization for the future welfare of the Colony. (Roy Soc. of NSW., Jour., r. 15, 1881, pp. 309-329.) E Our Lakes and their uses. (Roy. Soc. of N.S.W., Jour., v. 20, 1886, pp. 143-155.) E Report on an Irrigation Project for the Segen- hoe Estate, Upper Hunter River, X.S.W., with map. [App. to Segenhoe Estate Irrig. Bill., Rept. of Select Comm.] (N.S.W. Parl, V. and P., 1891-2, v. 7.) E GORDOX, G. American and Australian Irrigation. ( Viet. Eng. Assoc., Trans., v. 1, 1883-85, pp. 107-153.) E [A criticism of Deakin's Report on Irrigation in Western America.] [Another copy.] 620-7 - Discussion on Mr. G. Gordon's Paper on Australian and American Irrigation, pp. 29. 8vo. Melb., 1885. 620-7 12 GORDON, J. H. Experiments in Supplemental Irriga- tion with small water supplies at Cheyenne, \Vyo., in 1909. pp. 11. 8vo. Washington, 1910. (U.S. Office of Exper. Stat. dr. 95.) E GORMAN, C. H. Cultivation and Irrigation in the Western District. (Agric. Gaz. of N.S.W., v. 11, 1900, pp. 632-634.) E Cultivation under Artesian Irrigation. (Agric. Gaz. of N.S.W., v. 9, 1898, pp. 535-537.) E Irrigation. (Agric. Gaz. of N.S.W., v. 12, 1901, pp. 543-546.) E GOSS, A. The value of Rio Grande water for the pur- pose of Irrigation, pp. 58. 8vo. L$is Graces, New Mex., 1893. (N.M. Agric. Exper. Stat. Bull. 12.) A 38 R 5 GOYDER, G. W. [Report on] Water Conservation and Development, pp. 7. fol. Adelaide, 1883. (8. Aust. Parl., Proc., 1883-84, v. 4.) E GRANT, C. J. Irrigation in Mildura. (Viet. Inst. of Eng., Proc., v. 6, 1905, pp. 44-77.) E GREAT BRITAIN. Papers regarding the Famine and the relief operations in India during 1900-02. Vol. 2. fol. Loiid., 1902. Q 338-3 Report of the Indian Irrigation Commission, 1901-3. maps. sm. fol. Lond., 1903. Q 631-2 GREEN, W. J., and E. C. Sub-irrigation in the Green- house, pp. 22. Svo. Columbus, 1895. (Ohio Agric. Exper. Stat. Bull 61.) E GREENE, J. S Acquirement of Water Rights in the Arkansas Vallev in Colorado. 8vo. Washington, 1903. (U.S. Office of Exper. Stat. Bull. 140.) E GREGORY, W. B. Cost of Pumping from Wells for the Irrigation of Rice in Louisiana and Arkansas, pp. 39. Svo. Washington, 1908. (U.S. Office of Exper. Stat. Bull. 201.) E Mechanical Tests of Pumps and Pumping Plants. pp. 72. Svo. Washington, 1907. (U.S. Office of Exper. Stat. Bull. 183.) E GRUNSKY, C. E. The Lower Colorado River and the Sal ton Basin. (Amer. Soc. Civ. Eng.., Proc., v. 33, 1907, pp. 102-152, 402-405.) E GTJLLEY, F. A. Experimental Work at Willcox. pp. 16. Svo. Tucson, 1893. (Arizona Agric. Exper. Stat. 'Bull 10.) A38R5 13 GULLEY, F. A., and COLLINGWOOD, C. B. Agricul- tural Development in South-western Arizona: Pump- ing Water for Irrigation, pp. 10. 8vo. Tucson, Col., 1893. (Arizona Agric. Exper. Stat. Bull. 11.) A38R5 GUTHRIE, F. B. Chemical Nature of the Soils of New South Wales, with special reference to Irrigation. (Roy. Soc. N.S.W., Jour., v. 37, 1903, pp. LI-LXV.) E [Reprint of the above.] (Agric. Gaz. of N.S.W., v. 14, 1904, pp. 1078-1087.) E Notes on the Soil occurring in the area served by the Barren Jack Irrigation Scheme. (Agric. Gaz. of N.S.W., v. 21, 1910, pp. 663-666.) E HALL, W. H. Irrigation Development. 8vo. Sacra- mento, 1886. A 22 T 27 Irrigation in California (Southern). 8vo. Sac- ramento, 1888. A 22 T 28 HALSTED, B. D., and KELSEY, J. A. Irrigation of Garden Crops, pp. 16. 8vo. [New Brunswick.] 1895. (New Jersey Agric. Coll. Exper. Stat. Bull. 115.) A38R 5 HANNA, F. W. Seasonable Duty of Irrigation Water: Conclusions based on observations made in the Boise Valley, Idaho. (Eng. Eec., v. 67, 1913, pp. 90-91.) E HEADDEN, W. P. Irrigation Waters and their effects, pp. 16. 8vo. Fort Collins, 1903. (Colorado .Agric. Exp. Stat. Bull. 83.) E HEINLY, B. A. A Combined Water-supply, Irrigation, and Power Project. (Eng. Mag., v. 38, 1909, pp. 161- 174.) E HEN SON, J. B. Remarks on the Hawkesbury-Nepean Alluvial Deposits and Irrigation. (Eng. Ass. of N.S.W., Proc., v. 6, 1888-89, pp. 70-73.) E HERRMANN, F. C. Small Reservoirs in Wyoming, Montana, and South Dakota. 8vo. Washington, 1907. (U.S. Office of Exper. Stat. Bull. 179.) E HILL, A. The Jamrao Canal. (Inst. of Civ. Eng., Proc., v. 157, 1904, pp. 278-302.) * E HOME, F. J. Report on the Prospects of Irrigation and Water Conservation. fol. Sydney, 1897. (N.S.W. Parl., V. and P., 1897, v. 5.) E HOPE, ELIZABETH REID, LADY. General Sir A. Cotton, his life and Work. pp. 599. 8vo. Lond., 1900. C 25 T 19 14 HUMBY, A. J. Irrigation in the Native Keserves of the Colony of Natal. (Inst. of Civ. Eng., Proc., v. 157, 1904, pp. 319-328.) E IRRIGATION United States National Scheme. (Agric. Gaz. of N.S.W., v. 17, 1906, pp. 489-495.) E IRRIGATION in Arizona, pp. 14. 8vo. Tucson, 1891. (Arizona Agric. Exper. Stat. Bull 3.) A 38 R 5 IRRIGATION and Water Conservation. (Queen. Agric. Jour., v. 16, 1905-06, pp. 312-314.) E IRRIGATION at Bundaberg. (Queen. Agric. Jour., v. 10, 1902, pp. 470-475; v. 12, 1903, pp. .373-384.) E IRRIGATION for South Africa : a lesson for Queensland. (Queen. Agric. Jour., v. 10, 1902, pp. 321-325.) E IRRIGATION from Limited Sources of Water Supply. (Agric. Gaz. of N.S.W., v. 15, 1904, pp. 807-810.) IRRIGATION on the Burdekin Delta. (Queen. Agric. Jour., v. 12, 1903, pp. 49-59.) E IRRIGATION Project on the Price River in Eastern Utah. (Eng. Rec., v. 66, 1912, pp. 724-725.) E IRRIGATION RECORD. V. 1, No. 1. Feb. 15, 1913. Illust. 4to. Leetoii, N.S.W., 1913. E JAYNE, S. O. Irrigation in the Yakima Valley, Wash- ington, pp. 89. 8vo. Washington, 1907. (U.S. Office of Exper. Stat. Bull 188). E JOBSON, C. Beetaloo Water-works, South Australia. (Inst. of Civ. Eng., Proc., v. 113, 1893, pp. 151-167.) E JOHNSON, A. A. The Reclamation of Arid Lands: the Harvey water motor. (Wyoming Exper. Stat, Bull 18, 1894.) E JOHNSON, F. R. South African Irrigation. (Amer. Soc. Civ. Eng., Proc., v. 29, 1903, pp. 589-614.) E JOHNSON, W. D. The High Plains and their utiliza- tion. (U.S. Geol. Sur., Rept., 1899-1&00, pt. 4, pp. 601- f 741.) E JOHNSTON, C. T. Egyptian Irrigation: a study of Irrigation methods and administration in Egypt, pp. 100. 8vo. Washington, 1903. (U.S. Office of Exper. Stat. Bull 130.) E Irrigation in Wyoming, pp. 60. 8vo. Wash- ington, 1909. (U.S. Office, of Exper. Stat. Bull 205.) E 15 JOHNSTON, C. T., and STANNARD, J. D. How to Build Small Irrigation Ditches. pp. 28. 8vo. Washington, 1902. (U.S. Dept. of Agric. Farmers' Bull. 155.) E - Practical Irrigation. (U.S. Dept. of Agric., Year-look, 1900 pp. 491-512.) E JONES, D. Methods of Irrigation of Fruit Trees in Orchards in Victoria. (Agric. Conference at Too- woomba, 1902.) (Queens. Agric. Jour., v. 11, 1902, pp. 77-81.) E JONES, J. W. Report on the proposed Irrigation scheme at Lake Bonney. pp. 2. sin. fol. Adelaide, 1889. . Parl., Proc. and Papers, v. 3, 1889.) E KEARNEY, C.H. Construction Methods on the Medina Valley Irrigation Project, Texas. (Eng. Rec., v. 66, 1912, pp. 632-634.) . E KELLERMAN, K. F., and ALLEN, E. R. Bacterio- logical Studies of the Soils of the Truckee-Carson Irrigation Project, pp. 36. 8vo. Washington, 1911. (U.S. Agric. Dept., Bur. of Plant. Ind., Bull. 211.) E KENNEDY, R. G. The Prevention of Silting in Irriga- tion Canals. (Inst. of Civ. Eng., Proc., v. 119, 1895, pp. 281-290.) E : KENT, F. L. Irrigation in Klamath County, pp. 16. 8vo. Corvallis, 1905. (Oregon Agric. Exp. Stat., Butt. 86.) E KENYON, A. S. Closer Settlement Studies. (Viet. Jour, of Dept. of Agric., v. 4, 1906, pp. 201-207.) E -4 - Drainage and Irrigation. (Viet. Jour, of Dept. of Agric., v. 5, 1907, pp. 206-209.) E E - Experimental Farms: the work at Wyuna. (Viet. Jour, of Dept. of Agric., v. 5, 1907, pp. 449-462.) E - Irrigation in the early days. (Jour, of Dept. of Agric., Viet., r. 10, 1912, pp. 659-661.) E - Irrigation Methods. (Viet. Jour, of Dept. of Agric., v. 6, 1908, pp. 31-34.) E - Irrigation on the Farm. (Viet. Jour of Dept. of Agric., v. 3, 1905, pp. 681-692.) E - Irrigation on the Farm. (Viet. Agric. Dept., Year-book, 1905, pp. 73-88.) E 16 KING, F. H. Irrigation and Drainage. Illust. 8vo. New York, 1899. (Kural Science Series.) A 33 Q 40 [Another copy.] 7th ed. 8vo. New York, 1911. 631 Irrigation in Humid Climates, pp. 26. 8vo. Washington, 1896. (U.S. Agric. Dept. Farmers' Bull 46.) E KINNEY, C. S. Treatise on the Law of Irrigation. 8vo. Washington, 1894. E 13 W 8 LEA, S. H. Irrigation in South Dakota, pp. 69. 8vo. Washington, 1909. (U.S. Office of Exper. Stat. Bull. 210.) E LEARMONTH, P. Water Supply and Irrigation in the Wimmera. (Third Convention of the Viet. Chamber of Agriculture.) (Viet. Jour, of Dept. of Agric., v. 3, 1905, pp. 517-520.). E LE CONTE, J. N., and TAIT, C. E. Mechanical Tests of Pumping Plants in California. pp. 72. 8vo. Washington, 1907. (U.S. Office of Exper. Stat. Bull 181.) E LEIGHTON, M. O., HALL, M. R., and ' BOLSTER, R. H. The Relation of the Southern Appalachian Mountains to the Development of Water Power, pp. 54. 8vo. Washington, 1908. (U.S. Agric. Dept. Forest Service dr. 144.) E LEWIS, J. H. Irrigation in Oregon. pp. 67. 8vo. Washington, 1909. (U.S. Office of Exper. Stat. Bull 209.) E L.INDGREN, W. The Water Resources of Molokai, Hawaiian Islands. Svo. Washington, 1903. (U.S. Geol. Surv. Water Supply and Irrigation Paper 77?) E LIPPINCOTT, J. B. Califorijian Hydrography. Svo. Washington, 1903. (U.S. Geol. Surv. Water Supply and Irrigation Paper 81.) E The Yuma Reclamation Project. (Smith. lust., Kept., 1904, pp. 383-388.) E LOGIN, T. Irrigation [in India.] (Jour, of Soc. of Arts, v. 18, 1869-70, pp. 37-43.) E LOUGHRIDGE, R. H. Distribution of Water in the Soil in Furrow Irrigation, pp. 63. Svo. Washington, 1908. (U.S. Office of Exper. Stat., Bull. 203.) E 17 LYALL, SIR J. B. Punjab Irrigation '. ancient and modern. (Jour, of Soc. of Arts, v. 44, 1895-6, pp. 286-304.) E McCLATCHIE, A. J. Crops under Irrigation. (Viet. Jour, of Dept. of Agric., v. 2, 1903-4, pp. 15-17.) E McDOWELL, R. H. Irrigation, pp. 55. 8vo. Reno, Nevada, 1894. (Nevada Exper. Stat. Bull 25.) A38R5 MAcGEORGE, G. W. Ways and Works in India, pp. viii, 365. maps. 8vo. Westminster, 1894. A 22 R 24 McKAY, R. T. The Murray River: Irrigation and Navi- gation. (Syd. Univ. Eng. Soc., Jour., v. 8, 1903, pp. 99-168.) E The Murray Waters and Irrigation. (Agric. Gaz. of N.S.W., v. 14, 1894, pp. 289-309, 611-626, 1088- 1101.) E McKINNEY, H. G. Irrigation. 8vo. Sydney, 1893. (Dept. of Agric., N.S.W. The National Prize Com- petition, 1892.) MA 1 Q 64 Irrigation and Water Conservation in Riverina. (N.S.W. Roy. Comm. Conservation of Water. Third and final report, 1887, pp. 188-223.) MA 10 P 33f Irrigation in the Riverina District. (N.S.W. Parl. Papers, 1906, v. 5, Kept, relating to the proposed Barren Jack Storage Reservoir, pp. 469-472.) E Progress and Position of Irrigation in New South Wales. (Roy. Soc. of N.S.W., Jour. v. 27, 1893, pp. 384-400.) E Projects for Water Conservation, Irrigation, and Drainage in New South Wales. (Roy. Soc. of N.S.W., Jour. v. 35, 1901, pp. 223-242.) E Report on the Gunbower and other Works. (N.S.W. Conservation of Water. Rept. of Roy. Comm. App. to Sec. Rept. pp. 17-26.) MA 10 P 32f Water Conservation and Irrigation. (Rich, E., and Co. Our Quarterly Magazine, Oct., 1902, pp. 21-25 ; Nov., 1902,. pp. 29-34 ; Feb., 1903, pp. 30-33 ; May, 1903, pp. 32-35; Aug., 1903, pp. 55-57.) E Water Conservation and the equitable distribu- tion of Water for Irrigation and other purposes. (Roy. Soc. of N.S.W., Jour. v. 37, 1903, pp. v-xiv.) E McKINNEY, H. G., and WARD, F. W. Report on the utilization of the River Darling. pp. 24. map?, fol. Sydnev. ISO- - MA 10 P 50f 18 MCLAUGHLIN, W. W. Irrigation of Grain, pp. 23. 8vo. Washington, 1910. (U.8. Dept. of Agric. Farmers' Bull 399.) E McMASTEE, J. B. High Masonry Dams. pp. 132. 12mo. New York, 1876. A 22 P 14 MADRAS. [Records of the] Irrigation Branch. (Manual of the Admin, of the Madras Pres., v. 1} 1885, pp. 387-420.) E Report on the Administration of the Madras Presidency, 1875-1911. 34 vols. 8vo., and fol. Madras, 1875-1911. E MAHON, J. Irrigating Lucerne. (Queens. Agric. Jour., v. 12, 1903, pp. 319-321.) E MAWSON, E. O. Pioneer Irrigation: a manual of in- formation for farmers in the colonies. Illust. pp. 260. 8vo. Lond., 1904. 626-1 MAXWELL, W. Irrigation in Hawaii. 8vo. Wash- ington, 1900. (U.S. Office of Exper. Stat. Bull. 90.) E Soil, Cultivation and Irrigation. (Queens. Agric. Jour., v. 12, 1903, pp. 384-393.) E MEAD, E. Abstract of Laws for acquiring Titles to Water from the Missouri River and its tributaries with the legal forms in use. 8vo. Washington, 1899. (U.S. Office of Exper. Stat. Bull. 60.) E Improvement in Irrigation Practice. (Viet. Jour, of Dept. of Agric., v. 6, 1908, pp. 119-121.) E Irrigated Agriculture in the Goulbum Valley. (Viet. Jour, of Dept. of Agric., v. 6, 1908, pp. 259- 263.) E Irrigation in Northern Italy. Part. I. pp. 100. 8vo. Washington, 1904. U.S. Office of Exper. Stat. Bull 144.) E Irrigation in Northern Italy. Part II. pp. 86. 8vo. Washington, 1907. (U.S. Office of Exper. Stat. Bull. 190.) E Irrigation in the United States. Svo. Washing- ton, 1901. (U.S. Office of Exper. Stat. Bull. 105.) Irrigation of Lucerne. (Viet. Jour, of Dept. of Agric., v. 8, 1910, pp. 182-186.) E Irrigation Institutions. Svo. New York, 1903. (Citizens' Lib. of Economics.) 631-8 19 MEAD, E. -continued. Irrigation Studies. (Amer. Soc. Civ. Eng., Proc., u. 26, 1900, pp. 505-501.) E Plans of Structures in use on. Irrigation Canals in the United States. 22 plates. 4to. Washington, 1903. (U.8. Office of Exper. Stat. Bull. 131.) E Preparing Land for Irrigation. (Viet. Jour, of De-pi, of Agri., v. 6, 1908, pp. 110-118.) E Preparing Land for Irrigation and Methods of Applying Water. 8vo. Washington, 1904. (['..^. Office of Exper. Stat. Bull. 145.) E Problems in Irrigation Development. (Viet. Jour, of Dept. of Agric., v. 7, 1909, pp. 490-494.) E Relation of Irrigation to Dry Farming. (U.S. Agri. Dept. Year-book, 1905, pp. 423-438.) E Report of Irrigation Investigations for 1900: including Reports by W. M. Reed, W. H. Code, A. J. McClatchie, W. Irving, J. M. Wilson, R. C. Gemmell, G. L. Swendson, O. V. P. Stout, W. H. Fairfield, D. W. Ross, O. L. Waller, S. Fortier, and J. C. Xaple. 8vo. Washington, 1902. (U.S. Office of Exper. Stat. Bull. 104.) Report of Irrigation Investigations for 1902. pp. 266. 8vo. Washington, 1903. (U.S. Office of Exper. Stat. BulL 133.) E Report of Irrigation Investigations in Utah. Illust. pp. 330. 4to. Washington, 1903. (U.S. Office of Exper. Stat. Bull. 124.) E Report on the Control, Conservation, and Use of the Water Resources of Queensland, pp. 8. illust. fol. Brisbane, 1910. (Queens. ParL, Papers, 1910, v. 3.) E Rise and Future of Irrigation in the L'nited States. (U.S. A gric.- Dept. Year-book, 1899, pp. 591-612.) E Some Typical Reecrvwrs in the Rocky Mountain State-. ( T.X. Afiric. Dept. Year-book, 1901, pp. 415-430.) E Water Rights on the Missouri River and its Tributaries. 8vo. Washington, 1899. (U.S. Office of Exper. Stat. Bull. 58.) E MEAD. E., and ETCHEVERRY, B. A. Lining of Ditches and Reservoirs to prevent seepage losses, pp. 86. Svo. Sacramento, 1907. (Cal A>iri<\ Exper. Stat. Bull 188.) E 20 MEAD, E., and Others. Irrigation Works: Should the National Government undertake the construction and operation of Irrigation Works? By E. Mead, T. M. Eipley, F. H. Newell, G. H. Maxwell, J. J. R. Croes, L. M. Haupt, and C. G. Darrach. (Amer. Soc. Civ. Eng., Proc., v. 28, 1902, pp. 582-602.) E MILLS, A. A., and RICHMAN, E. S. Farm Irrigation, [by] A. A. Mills; Orchard Irrigation, [by] E. S. Richman. pp. 76. 8vo. Salt Lake, 1895. (Utah Agric. Coll Exper. Stat. Bull 39.) A 38 R 5 MINGAYE, J. C. H. Analysis of Artesian Waters of New South Wales, and their value for Irrigation and other purposes. (Agric. Gaz. of N.S.W., v. 7, 1896, pp. 316-327.) E [A continuation of the paper contributed to the Jour, of the Roy. Soc. of N.S.W., v. 26, 1892, pp. 73-132.] Analysis of some of the Well, Spring, Mineral, and Artesian Waters of New South Wales and their probable value for Irigatioii and other purposes. (Roy. Soc. of N.S.W., Jour., v. 26, 1892, pp. 73-132.) E MONCRIFF, A. B. Report on Lake Bonney Irrigation Scheme, pp. 2. sm. fol. Adelaide, 1893. (S.A. Parl., Proc. and Papers, v. 3, 1893.) E MURRAY, S. [Report on the Barren Jack Scheme.] (N.S.W. Parl. Papers, 1906, v. 5, Report relating to the proposed Barren Jack Storage Reservoir, pp. 571- 575.) E MYERS, F. Irrigation, or the New Australia. 8vo. Melb., 1891. MA1U66 NAGLE, J. C. Irrigation in Texas, pp. 92. Svo. Wash- ington, 1910. (U.S. Office of Exper. Stat. Bull. 222.) E NEW SOUTH WALES. Papers in connection with Irri- gation Lease of Albert Stafford, of Narrabri. fol. Sydney, 1890. (N.S.W. Parl, V. and P., 1890, v. 4.) E Report from the Select Committee on the Men- indie Irrigation Bill. pp. 28. plan. fol. Sydney, 1893. (N.8.W. Parl., V. and P., 1892-3, v. 8.) E . Report from the Select Committee on the Mur- rumbidgee Northern Water Supply and Irrigation Bill. pp. 52. maps. fol. Sydney, 1905. (N.S.W. Parl., V. and P., 1905, v. 1.) E Report from the Select Committee on the Segenhoe Estate Irrigation Bill. fol. Sydney, 1891. (N.S.W. Parl, V. and P., 1891-2, v. 7.) E 2i NEW SOUTH WALES continued. Keport of Water Conservation and Irrigation Conference, containing minutes of proceedings and debates, maps and appendices. 8vo. Sydney, 1905. 631-10 Report, together with Minutes of Evidence, Photographs, and Plans relating to the proposed Barren Jack Storage Reservoir and Northern Mur- rumbidgee Irrigation Scheme. fol. Sydney, 1906. (N.S. If. Parl. V. and P., 1906, v. 5.) Roy. Comm. Conservation of Water: Reports 1 to 3. fol. Sydney, 1885-87. MA 10 P 31-33f NEWELL, F. H. Hydrography of the Arid Regions. (U.S. Geol Surv., Rept. 1890-91, pt. 2, pp. 213-361.) E Irrigation in the United States. 8vo. New York, 1902. (Lib. of Economics and Politics.} 626-2 Means to ameliorate the conditions of Arid regions. [An analysis of Newell, F.H., Irrigation in^the United States.] (Agric. Gaz. of N.S.W., v. 14, 1903, pp. 97-110.) E The Reclamation of the West. (Smith. Inst. Rept., 1903, pp. 827-841.) E Report of Progress of Stream Measurements for 1899. (UJS. Geol. Surv. Rept., 1899-1900, pt. 4, pp. 25-488.) E Report of Progress of Stream Measurements for 1901. 8vo. Washington, 1903. (U.S. Geol. Surv. Water Supply and Irrigation Paper 75.) E Report of Progress of Stream Measurements for the Calendar Year, 1902. Parts 1-3. 3 vols. 8vo. Washington, 1903. (U.S. Geol Surv. Water Supply and Irrigation Paper 82-84.) E Water Supply for Irrigation. (U.S. Geol. Surr.. Rept., 1891-92, pp. 1-99.) E The Work of the Reclamation Service. (Smith. Inst., Rept., 1904, pp. 373-381.) E [Continuation of a paper printed in the Smith. Rept. for 1903, pp. 827-841.] NOWELL, H. T. Duty of Water on Field Pease, 1906. pp. 16. 8vo. Laramie, 1907. (Wyoming Exper. Stat. Bull. 72.) Im"p"tion of Barley. pp. 20. Svo. Laramie, . 1908. (Wyoming Exper. Stat. Bull. 77.) E 22 O'MEARA, P. The Introduction of Irrigation into New Countries, as illustrated in North-Eastern Colorado. (Inst. Civ. Eng., Proc., v. 73, 1883, pp. 178-272.) E ORME, DR. II. S. Irrigation, its Influence on Health, Etc. (Viet. Parl Papers, 1885, v. 2. Boy. Comm. on Water Supply, app. to First Progress Rept., pp. 72-78.) E PAGAN, G. Practical Irrigation. (Viet. Jour, of Dept. of Agric., v. 1, 1902, pp. 853-855.) E PARKER, T. Report on Riparian Rights in California, pp. 3. fol. Adelaide, 1888. (8JL. Parl, Proc. and Papers, v. 3, 1888.) E PAYNE, J. E. Investigations of the Great Plains, un- irrigated lands of Eastern Colorado; seven years' studies, pp. 16. Svo. Fort Collins, 1903. (Colorado Agric. Exper. Stat. Bull. 77.) E PENFIELD, E. C. Present-Day Egypt. Illust. Svo. Lond., 1899. D 13 Q 3 PERKINS, A. J. Irrigation on the Murray: Utilisation of Swamp Lands. (Queens. Agric. Jour., v. 12, 1903, pp. 309-12.) E PHELPS, C. S., and VOORHEES, E. B. Notes on Irri- gation in Connecticut and New Jersey. Svo. Wash- ington, 1897. (U.8. Office of Exper. Stat. Bull. 36.) E PITTMAN, E. F., and DAVID, T. W. E. Irrigation geologically considered, with special reference to the Artesian Area of New South Wales. [With list of papers on the Cretaceous systems of Australia, com- piled by W. S. Dun.] (Roy. Soc. of N.8.W. Jour., v. 37, 1903, pp. ciii.-cliii.) E POLLITZER, S. Water Conservation and Irrigation. (8yd. Quart. Mag., v. 6, 1889, pp. 6-19.) MJ 2 V 15 POOLE, W., Junr. Notes on River Discharge Obser- vations. (Syd. Univ. Eng. Soc.,, Jour., v. 4.) E PRESSEY, H. A. Observations on the Flow of Rivers in the vicinity of New York City. Svo. Washing- ton, 1903. (U.8. Geol Surv. Water Supply and Irrigation Paper 76.) E Water Powers of the State of Maine. Svo. Washington, 1902. (U.S. Geol. Surv. Water Supply and Irrigation Paper 69.) E PRESTON. S. Recent Development in Punjab Irriga- .. (Jour, of tioc. of Arts, v. 50, 1901-2, />/>. r.io.) E - Recent Irrigation on the Punjab. (Inst. of C'tV. .. 7Vor.. r. 'j:>::. L808j /^. 142-213.) E Pl'N.JAB. Report on the Administration of the Punjab and its DciK-n.tciicics, 1S75-6, 1902-3. 2 vols. 8vo., and tol. Lahore, 1876-1904. K QIT ric-ultimil Conference, 1905, Irriga- tion. (Queens, Agric. Jour., r. 16, 1905-6, pp. 111- 118.) E ( ri-".-pi>ndence relating to the establishment of Irrigation Colonies in Queensland, and Report of the Minister for Lands on the Irrigation Colonies of Mild ura and Reninark. pp. 23. maps. fol. Brisbane, -0. ^jueens. Parl, V. and P., 1889, r. 4.) E Irrigation and Conservation of Water, Reports. pp. 20. maps. fol. Brisbane, 1890. (Queens. Parl, r. and P., 1390, v. 3.) E Irrigation of the Johnstone, Herbert, Mackay, nd Oxley Districts. p T >. 12. maps. fol. Brisbane", 1890. (Queens. Parl., V. and P., 1890, v. 3.) E Report [sj of the Hydraulic Engineer, 1881-1910. fol. Brisbane, 1883-1910. (Queens. Parl, V. and P., 1880-1910.) E RAFTER, G. W. The Relation of Rainfall to Run-off.' 8vo. Washington, 1903. (U.S. Geol Surv. Water Supply and Irrigation Paper 80.) E RANK, I r . W. Sub-Irrigation in the Greenhouse, pp. 18. 8vo. Charleston, 1893. (West Virginia Agric. Exp. 8 tat. Bull 33.) E RASCHBACHER, II. (I. Irrigation from Snake River, Idaho. pp. 16. 8vo. Washington, 1906. (U.8. Agric. Dept. Office of Exper. Stat. Cir. 65.) E RIDDOCK, G. Report on Dairying Industry and Irri- gation Schemes in Great Britain [and America], pp. 5. fol. Adelaide, 1903.) (8. Aust. Parl, Proc., 1903, r. 3.) E Report upon the Irrigation Schemes of Egypt. fol. Adelaide, 1905. (S.A. Parl, Proc. and Papers, 1905, v. 3.) E RIGBY, A. Reports on Irrigation and Conservation of Water, fol. Brisbane, 1890. (Queens. Parl, V. and Proc., 1890, v. 3.) ^^. '*' E RIGBY, A. continued. Keports on Irrigation of the Johnstone, Herbert, Mackay, and Oxley Districts, fol. Brisbane, 1890. (Queens. Parl, V. and P., 1890, v. 3.) EITSO, G. F. Water Supply and Irrigation of the Can- terbury Plains, New Zealand. (Inst. of Civ. Eng., Proc., v. 74, 1883, pp. 238-245.) E EGBERTS, I. P. The Fertility of the Land. 12mo. New York, 1897. (Rural Science Series.) A 18 P 33 ROBERTSON, L. Irrigation Colonies in India. (Jour, of Soc. of Arts, v. 55, 1906-7, pp. 774-794.) E ROEDING, F. W. Irrigation in California. pp. 62. 8vo. Washington, 1911. (U.S. Office of Exper. 8 tat. Bull. 237.) E Irrigation of Sugar Beets, pp. 52. 8vo. Wash- ington, 1910. (U.8. Dept. of Agric. Farmers' Butt. 392.) E ROHILKHAND Rohilcund Canals. [Reports and Cor- respondence.] pp. 120. maps. fol. (Np. nd.) A 11 W 5f ROOKE, T. Relation of Electricity to Irrigation; works and land development. (Roy. Soc. of N.S.W., Jour., v. 37, 1903, pp. xcii-cii.) E ROSS, J. C. Irrigation and Agriculture in Egypt. (Scot. Geog. Mag., v. 9, 1893, pp. 169-193.) E ROTH, H. L. Notes on Continental Irrigation. With plates. 8vo. Lond., 1882. A 1 T 7 RUSSELL, II. C. Some Facts bearing upon Irrigation. (Roy. Soc. of N.S.W.,Jour.,v.I7, 1883, pp. 129-131.) E RUSSELL, I. C. Preliminary Report on Artesian Basins in South-western Idaho and South-eastern Oregon. 8vo. Washington, 1903. (U.S. Geol. Surv. Water Supply and Irrigation Paper 78.) E SANBORN, J. W. Amount of Water to be used in Irri- gation, pp. 13. 8vo. Salt Lake, 1894. (Utah Agric. Coll. Exper. Stat. Bull. 29.) A 38 R 5 Irrigation, pp. 8. 8vo. Salt Lake, 1893. (Utah Agric. Coll. Exper. Stat., Bull 24.) A 38 R 5 Irrigation, early, late, and usual, pp. 8. 8vo. Salt ake, 1894. (Utah Agric. Exper. Stat., Bull. 27.) A 38 R 5 25 SANBORN, J. W., and FORTIER, S. Sub-Irrigation versus Surface Irrigation, by J. W. Sanborn; Water for Irrigation, by S. Fortier. pp. 28. 8vo. Salt Lake v 1893. (Utah Agric. Coll. Exper. Stat. Bull. 26.) A38R5 SCIIUYLER, J. D. Reservoirs for Irrigation. (U.8. Geol. Surv. Kept., 189C-97, pt. 4, pp. 617-740.) K SCOTT, J. Irrigation and Water Supply. 12mo. Lond., 1883. A 17 Q 73 SEAVER, T. W. Some Notes on Irrigation. (Agric. Gaz. of X.S.W., p. 15, 1904, pp. 629-638.) E SHAKE SPEAR, R. H. Engineering Surveying Water Supply. (Viet. Inst. of Surv., Trans., v. 1, 1874-80, pp. 72-80.) E SHEPARD, J. H. The Artesian Waters of South Dakota, pp. 76. Svo. Huron, S.D., 1895. (S. Dakota Exper. Stat. Bull. 41.) A 38 R 5 Shallow Artesian Wells of South Dakota, pp. 24. Svo. Brookings, "S.D., 1896. (S.D. Exper. Stat. Bull. 49.) A 38 R 5 [A continuation of investigations described in Bull. 41 of the S.D. Station.] SHEPARD, J. H., and CHILCOTT, E. C. Irrigation in South Dakota, pp. 32. Svo. Brookings, S.D., 1897. (8.D. Exper. Stat. Bull. 52.) A 38 R 5 SLIGHTER, C. S. The Motions of Underground Water. Svo. Washington, 1902. (U.8. Geol. Surv. Water Supply and Irigation Paper 67.) E SLOSSON, E. E. Water Analysis, pp. 141. 8vo. Lar- amie, 1895. (Wyoming Exper. Stat. Bull. 24.) A38R5 SMITH, P. C. Irrigation for Queensland, practically and professionally considered, pp. 78. Svo. Brisbane, 18S9. MA 1 R 41 SMYTHE, W. E. Conquest of Arid America. Illust. pp. 326. Svo. New York, 1900. A 19 R 17 SOUTH AUSTRALIA. Correspondence re Navigation of and Irrigation from the River Murray, pp. 4. fol. Adelaide, 1886. (8. Aust. Parl., Proc., 1886, v. 3.) E Further Correspondence re Murray River Waters. pp. 2. fol. Adelaide, 1886. (S. Aust. Parl., Proc., 1886, v. 3.) E ,26 SOUTH AUSTRALIA. continued. Plan, etc., of Lake Bonney Irrigation Scheme. fol. Adelaide, 1892. (8. Aust. Parl., Proc. and Papers, 1892, v. 3.) E -Plans, etc., of proposed Gawler Plains Irrigation Scheme, pp. 3. maps. fol. Adelaide, 1896. (8. Aust. Parl, Proc., 1896, v. 3.) E Renmark and Murray River Royal Commission. Final Report. fol. Adelaide, 1900. (8. A. Parl., Proc. and Papers, 1900, v. 3.) E Report, etc., re Irrigation froni the Murray, pp. 6. plan. fol. Adelaide, 1885. (8.A. Parl, Proc., 1885, v. 3.) . E Report, etc., on the Lake Bonney Irrigation Scheme, fol. Adelaide, 1889. (8. Aust. Parl, Proc. and Papers, 1889, v. 3.) E Report of Select Committee of the House of Assembly on Renmark Irrigation Trust Bill. fol. Adelaide, 1896. (8. Aust. Parl, Proc. and Papers, 1896, v . 2.) E Report of Royal Commission on the Beetaloo Waterworks, pp. 256. illust. fol. Adelaide, 1896. (8. Aust. Parl, Proc., 1896, *;. 3.) E Report of the Select Committee of the Legisla- tive Council on Waterworks, fol. ' Adelaide, 1902. '(8.A. Parl, Proc. and Papers, 1902, v. 2.) E Report of Waterworks Commission, pp. xxiii, 120. maps. fol. Adelaide, 1903. (8. Aust. Parl, Proc., 1903, v. 3.) E Report re Willochra Flood Water, pp. 6. plan, fol. Adelaide, 1891. (8. Aust. Parl, Proc. and Papers, 1891, v. 4.) E Reports, etc., re Lake Bonney Irrigation Scheme. pp. 9. fol. Adelaide, 1894. (8. Aust. Parl, Proc. and Papers, 1894, v. 3.) E Reports on Irrigation from the River Murray. pp. 5. fol. Adelaide, 1885. (S. Aust. Parl, Proc.. 1885, v. 3.) E STEPHENSON, J. Irrigation in Idaho, pp. 59. 8vo. Washington, 1909. -(U.8. Office of Exper. Stat., Bull 216.) E STEVENS, J. C. Hydrography as an aid to the success- ful operation of an Irrigation scheme. (Am. Soc. of Civ. Eng., Proc., v. 36. 1910, pp. 1320-1347.)- B STEVENS. J. C., FOLLAXSDHK. K.. an.l LA III K. E.G. Surface Water Supply of the North Pacific Coast Drainage, 1906. 8vo. Washington, 1907. (U.S. Geol. tiun\ Water Supply and Irrigation Paper 214.) E STEWART, H. The amount of Water needed for Irri- gation. (Agric. Soc., X.S^Y., Jour.. 1877, pt. 1. pp. 49-:-:. pp. 187-200.) MJ 2 R 14 Irrigation for the Farm, Garden and Orchard. 8vo. New York, 1892. A 18 Q 44 STEWART, R., and GREAVES, J. E Study of the production and movement of Nitric Nitrogen in an irrigated soil. pp. 96. 8vo. Salt Lake, 1909. (Utah Agric. Col Exp. Stat., Bull. 106.) E STOKES, F. W. S. Sluices and Lock-Gates of the Nile Reservoir, Assuan. (Inst. of Civ. Eng., Proc., v. 152, 1903, pp. 108-123.) E STOTHERD, C. E. Irrigation Works in the Jeypore State, Rajputana. India. (Inst. of Civ. Eng., Proc., v. 138, 1899, pp. 332-343.) E STOVER, A. P. Investigations of Irrigation Practice in Oregon, pp. 30. 8vo. Washington, 1906. (U.S. Agric. Dept. Office of Exper. Stat. Cir. 67.) Irrigation Experiments and Investigations in Western Oregon, pp. 68. 8vo. Washington, 1910. (U.S. Office of Exper. Stat. Bull. 226.) E Progress Report on Irrigation Experiments in Williamette Valley, Oregon, pp. 25. 8vo. Washing- ton, 1908. (U.S. Agric. Dept. Office of Exper. Stat. Cir. 78.) E STYLES, J. [Essay on the Storage and Application of Water.] (Agric. Soc., X.S.W., Jour., v. 3, 1872, pp. 195-209.) E SULLIVAN, V. L Irrigation in N-\v Mexico, pp. 42. 8vo. Washington, 1909. (U.S. Office of Exper. Stat. Bull. 215.) E SWAPLING, J. Irrigation. (Queens. Dept. of Agric. Bull. 25, 1893, pp. 129-132.) E TAIT, C. E. Storage of Water on Cache la Poudre and Big Thompson Rivers, pp. 100. Svo. Washington, 1903. (U.S. Office of Exper. Stat. Bull. 134.) E The Use of Underground Water for Irrigation at Pomona. Cal. pp. 99. Svo. Washington, 1911. (U.S. Office of Exper. Stat. Bull 236.) E '.28 TANABE, S. The Lake Biwa-Kioto Canal. (Inst. of Civ. Eng., Proc., v. 117, 1893-4, pp. 353-359.) E TAYLOE, L. H. Water Storage in the Truckee Basin, California, Nevada, 8vo. Washington, 1902. (U.S. Geol. Surv. Water Supply and Irrigation Papers 68.) E TAYLOR, T. U. Irrigation Systems of Texas. 8vo. Washington, 1902. (U.S. Geol. Surv. Water Supply and Irrigation Papers 71.) E TAYLOR, W. F. Report on Water Supply. and Sewerage Disposal, fol. Brisbane, 1885. (Queens. Parl., V. and Proc., 1885, v. 3.) E TEELE, R. P. Irrigation and Drainage Investigations of the Office of Experiment Stations, pp. 23. 8vo. Washington, 1904. (U.S. Office, of Exper. Stat.) 631-33 Irrigation and Drainage Laws of Italy, pp. 100. 8vo. Washington, 1907. (U.S. Office of Exper. Stat., Bull. 192.) E Recent Irrigation Legislation. pp. 16. 8vo. Washington, 1909. (U.S. Office of Exper. Stat., Bull. 168.) E The State Engineer and his relation to Irriga- tion, pp. 99. 8vo. Washington, 1906. (U.S. Office of Exper. Stat. Bull. 168.) E TEELE, R. P., and MEAD, E. Water Rights 011 Inter- state Streams: the Platte River and Tributaries. 8vo. Washington, 1905. (U.S. Office of Exper. Stat. Bull 157.) E TEN YEARS OF GOVERNMENT IRRIGATION WORK. (Eng. Rec., v. 67, 1913, pp. 128-130.) E I THOMPSON, A. H. Report upon the location and sur- vey of Reservoir Sites during the fiscal year ended June 30, 1891. (U.S. Gccl Surv., Rept., 1890-91, pi. 2, pp. 1-212.) E THOMPSON, J. L. Irrigation in Australia. (Agric. Gaz. of N.S.W., v. 10, 1899, pp. 797-804.) E THOMSON, J. P. The Murrumbidgee Water Conserva- tion and Irrigation Schemes. (Scot. Geog. Mag., v. 24, 1908, pp. 393-415.) E THORNTON, T. H. The Evils of Canal Irrigation in India, and their Prevention. (Jour, of Soc. of Arts, . ." v. 36, 1887-8, pp. 512-522.) E 29 TIKTKIXS, W. H. An Artificially Watered Stock-route through Central Australia. (Aust. Assoc. for tin' Adv. of Sci., Report, 1901, pp. 105-108.) K TOLLEY, G. H. Irrigation. (Viet. Jour, of Dept. of Agric., v. 8, 1910, pp. 677-689, 762-768.) E TRASK, F. E. The Irrigation System of Ontario, Cali- fornia; its development and cost. (Amer. Soc. Cir. Eng., Proc. v. 31, 1905, pp. 264-270.) E ULRICH, J. C. Irrigation in the Rocky Mountains States. 8vo. Washington, 1899. (U.S. Office of Expcr. Stat. Bull. 73.) E UNITED STATES. Canals and Irrigation in Foreign Countries. pp. v, 501. 8vo. Washington, 1891. (U.S. Special Consular Repts., r. 5.) E Geological Survey Report, 1893. Pt. 1 : Geology. Pt. 2: Irrigation. 2 vols. 8vo. Washington, 1893. E Irrigation, historical and descriptive. (U.S. Census Repts., 1900, r. 6, pp. 802-880.) E Operations at River Stations, 1901. Pt. 1 (East of Mississippi River). Pt. 2 (West of Mississippi River). 2 vols. 8vo. Washington, 1902. (U.S. Geol. Sur. Water Supply and Irrigation Paper 65, 66.) E VAX BRUSSEL, J. B. Mechanical Irrigation Stations on the River Nile. (Eng. Mag., v. 36, 1909, pp. 749- 764.) E VICTORIA. Agreement between the Government of the Colony of Victoria and George Chaffey and William Benjamin Chaffey, to secure the application of private capital to the construction of Irrigation Works. (Viet. Parl, Papers, 1886, r. 3.) E Interstate Royal Commission on the River Murrav: Report of the Commissioners, pp. 359. maps. fol. Melb., 1902. (Viet. Parl, Papers, 1902-3. r. 3.) E Irrigation Report prepared at the instance of the Royal Commission on Water Supply, Avoca Valley, pp. 9. fol. Melb., 1887. (Viet. Parl, Papers, 1887, v. 3.) K Proposed Swan Hill Irrigation and Water Trust. pp. 15. fol. Melb., 1887. (Viet. Parl, Papers, 1887, v. 3.) E Report of the Mildura Royal Commission, pp. 308. fol. Melb.. 1896. (Viet. Parl, Papers, 1896, r. 3.) E 30 VICTOEIA continued. Royal Commission on Water Supply, 1884: First Progress Report, pp. 88. fol. Melb., 1885. (Viet, ParL, Papers, 1885, v. 2.) E Royal Commission on Water Supply: Further Progress Report, pp. 46. maps. fol. Melb., 1885. (Viet. ParL, Papers, 1885, v. 2.) E Royal Commission on Water Supply, 1884: Further Progress Report, with . appendices, pp. xl, 302. fol. Melb., 1885. (Viet. ParL, Papers, 1885, v. 3.) E Royal Commission on Water Supply: Report, pp. 206. fol. Melb., 1896. (Viet. ParL, V. and P., 1896, v. 3.) E Royal Commission on Water Supply: Minutes of Evidence, pp. 533. fol. Melb., 1896. (Viet. Far/., V. and P., 1896, v. 3.) E State Rivers and Water Supply Commission: Annual Reports, 1906-11. 6 vols. fol. Melb., 1906- 11. (Viet. ParL, V. and P., 1906-11.) E Supply of Water to the Northern Plains: Report of Board. Part. 1. pp. 35. fol. Melb., 1881. (Viet. ParL, Papers, 1881, v. 2.) E Supply of Water to the Northern Plains, Irriga- tion: First Report [by G. Gordon and A. Black], pp. 11. fol. Melb., 1882. (Viet. ParL, Papers, 1882, v. 3.) E VINCENT, J. E. M. Colonization of Greater Britain: Viticulture, Fruit-farming, &c., in Australia. Irri- gation Colonies in Victoria and South Australia. pp. 60, xxxiv. 8vo. Melb., 1887. MA 1 Q 14 VOORTREES, E. B. Irrigation in New Jersey. 8vo. Washington, 1900. (U.S. Office of Exper. 3 tat. Bull. 87.) E WADE, L. A. B. Irrigation from the Murrumbidgee River, New South Wales. (8yd. Univ. Eng. Soc., Jour., v. 14, 1909, pp. 115-183.) E Proposed Northern Murmmbidgee Irrigation Scheme and Barren Jack Storage Reservoir. (N.8.W. ParL, Papers, 1906, v. 5, Report relating to the pro- posed Barren Jack Storage Reservoir, pp. 66-74.) E Report of the Chief Engineer for Irrigation and Drainage, 1908-11. (N.8.W., Report of the Dept. of Pul. Works, 1909-1912.) E 31 WADK, L. A. B. continued. of Arid Lands. (Rich, E., and Co. Our Quarterly Magazine, Sou. 190:5, pp. j:j-97) K - [Tables showing total cost of Barren Jack me.] (A'.S.ir. I'arL, Poj rrlatiny to the proponed Barren Jack Storage Reser- voir, pp. 609-C37.) PI WALLER, O. L. Irrigation in the State of Washington. pp. 64. 8vo. Washington, 1909. (U.S. Office of Expcr. Stat. Bull. 214.) E WEXTWORTH IRRIGATION AREA. Maps. (Agric. Gaz. of X.X.W., v. 10, 1899, pp. 1107-1120.) E WICKSOX, E. J. Irrigation in Field and Garden, pp. 40. 8vo. Washington, 1901. (U.S. Agric. Dept. Farmers Bull. 138.) E - Irrigation in Fruit-growing, pp. 48. 8vo. Wash- ington, 1900. (U.S. Agric. Dept. Farmers' Bull. 116.) E WIDTSOE, J. A. Irrigation Investigations; factors in- fluencing evaporation and transpiration. pp. 64. 8vo. Logan, 1909. (Utah Agric. Coll Exper. Stat. Bull. 105.) E - The production of Dry Matter with different quantities of Irrigation Water, pp. 64. 8vo. Salt Lake, 1912.) (Utah Agric. Coll Exper. Stat. Bull 116.) E WIDTSOE, J. A., and MERRILL, L. A. Methods for increasing the crop-producing power of Irrigation Water, pp. 44. 8vo. Salt Lake, 1912. (Utah Agric. Coll. Exper. Stat. Bull. 118.) , E - - The yields of Crops with different quan- tities of Irrigation Water, pp. 55. 8vo. Salt Lake, 1912. (Utah Agric. Coll. Exper. Stat. Bull. 117.) E WIDTSOE, J. A., and STEWART, R. The Chemical Composition of Crops as affected by different quan- tities of Irrigation Water, pp. 30. 8vo. Salt Lake, 1912. (Utah Agric. Coll. Exper. Stat. Bull. 120.) E - - The effect of Irrigation on the growth and composition of Plants at different periods of development, pp. 36. 8vo. Salt Lake, 1912. (Utah 'Agric. Coll. Exper. Stat. Bull. 119.) E WILCOX, L. Irrigation Farming: handbook for the practical application of water in the production of crops, pp. 311. Svo. New York, 1895. A 19 P 8 32 WILLCOCKS, SIR W. The Assuan Keservoir and Lake Moeris. ill. imp. Svo. Lond., 1904. Q 626-5 Egyptian Irrigation, roy. 8vo. New York, 1889. A 22 V 22 Irrigation in Lower Egypt. (Inst. of Civ. Eng., Proc., v. 88, 1886-87, pp. 300-358.) E Irrigation in Lower Egypt: Keply of Mr. W. Willcocks to the discussions and correspondence. (Inst. of Civ. Eng., Proc., v. 90, 1887, pp. 240-247.) E irrigation in the Nile Valley and its future. (Inters Eng. Cong., Proc., 1301, pp. 39-52.) Q 620-5 WILSON, E. T. Modern Conveniences for the Earm Home. 8vo. Washington, 1906. (U.S. Dept. of Agric. Farmers' Bull. 270.) E WILSON, H. M. American Irrigation Engineering. (U.S. Geol. Surv., Kept., 1892, v. 4, pt. 3, pp. 101-349.) American Irrigation Engineering. (Amcr. Soc. Civ. Eng., Trans., v. 25, 1891, pp. 161- 222.) E Engineering Results of Irrigation Survey. (U.S. Geol Surv. Rept., 1892, r. 4, pt. 3, pp. 351-427.) E Irrigation in India. (U.S. Geol. Surv. Rept., 1890-91, pt. 2, pp. 363-561.) E Manual of Irrigation Engineering, pp. xx, 351. Svo. New York, 1893. A 6 U 24 WINSOR, L. M. Measurement and Distribution of Irri- gated Water, pp. 38. Svo. Salt Lake, 1912. (Utah Agric. Coll. Expcr. Slat. Cir. 6.) E WOOD, A. P. Tanks and Wells of N.S.W., Water Supply and Irigation. (Roy. Soc of N.S.W. Jour., v. 17, 1883, pp. 149-186.) E [Reprint of the above.] (Roy. Comm. Conserv. of Water, 1885, app. to first Report, pp. 24-33.) MA 10 P Sit WRIGHT, J". Irrigation in the Western Division. (Agri. Gaz. of N.S.W., v. 13, 1902, pp. 1109-1112, v. 14, 1903, pp. 51-54.) E Wiiter Conservation; Paper read before the Eng. Assoc. of N.S.W., 23rd March, 1882. (Roy. Comm. Conservation of Water, app. to -first Report. , 1885, pp. 19-23.) MAlOPSlt 285979 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY